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Good morning Renee
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Don't let them trick your kids.
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Don't let them trick your grandparents.
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And they've done it for a long time.
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It might not be fractional reserve banking anymore.
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Fractional reserve banking assumes reserves.
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Fractional reserve banking assumes that you have something of value that you are fractionating.
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We've been using a series of fiat currencies for decades now so fractional reserve banking doesn't mean a whole lot anymore.
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And I do think that the people that have been calling me out on that little mistake are very correct.
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I do not claim to be an economist.
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I'm just letting you know that your kids don't know and we didn't know that mortgages are pulled out of there.
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Well, places where sun doesn't shine and nothing more.
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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture.
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You just got to get people to stop reading them.
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That's where we are right now, ladies and gentlemen.
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We are effectively misleading the young in order to enslave them.
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And the people that are solving this Scooby-Doo mystery, like it or not, willing or unwilling, they are a part of it.
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Because either they can't see, they can't see when they're shown, or they're actually choosing not to see.
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Because they want to be a part of this ruling elite.
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They want to work for the slavers.
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The slavers that believe that their God of artificial intelligence is going to solve all of humanity's problems if we just feed it enough data.
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If we just worship it enough and long enough, it might just solve and make us gods.
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That's what they tell us.
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And that is the heart of this abomination and is the heart of the blasphemy that's here.
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It is the heart of all of this nastiness.
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The brick wall at the back of the theater is most definitely visible.
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And I hope you can see it.
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I do hope you can see it.
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So we're trying to learn some biology.
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You know, I got lots of books about prions now, and I'm absolutely, absolutely shocked at how much work has been done on prions under the presumption that it's actually viral.
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It's books worth of work was done, assuming that whatever these diseases were and these animal models were supposedly recapitulating.
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Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, don't forget what they did to us.
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Don't forget that they murdered old people alone.
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They starved them.
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They let them die of thirst.
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They let them die of painful urinary tract infections.
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They let them die of painful pneumonia brought on by pure oxygen as the only offered solution.
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We are fighting a battle against evil, ladies and gentlemen, against spiritual evil in very high places.
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That have lied to us about the immunology of viruses for decades and probably lied to us about the way that our immune system works and how we should think about it in order for us to be oriented outward.
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And to think that all of these things are outside of our body and not part of our biology, but something that we have to exist in spite of.
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And now we are raising our children to believe this as well, that Mother Nature is out to get us.
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And the only way that we can save ourselves from Mother Nature is to divorce ourselves from her and to turn over all of our data to these people so that they can track it.
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And there are people who are learning the biology.
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This wave is starting to build and these people who knew better from the very beginning that have been posing as people that are coming to our rescue.
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These people are some of the most malevolent players in this theater because these are, you know, there's Peter Desak, you know, he's a bad guy.
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He's been playing the role of a Scooby-Doo villain since he was on 60 minutes ago, a 60 minutes, two decades ago.
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He's been the running Scooby-Doo villain on television for the last two decades, so it's not surprising that in their censorship it was completely okay to say that Peter Desak and Tony Fauci were bad guys.
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That wasn't censored. Those kinds of opinions were censored very early.
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Ladies and gentlemen, is it hard to imagine that Twitter and Facebook and the rest of the Internet are influenced by rooms that look like this?
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Is it hard to believe, ladies and gentlemen, that the Internet might be influenced by people who met in rooms that look like this?
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Is it any coincidence that some weird podcast might be called the Dark Horse podcast when there's actually a airborne army group psychological operations group called the Dark Horse?
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Yeah, that's fine. It's all fine. Those ladies sitting back there with their hair pulled back, none of them would have gotten a YouTube channel, none of them would have become influencers, none of these people, they're all good guys.
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They're all good guys. They all mean well. They are all good guys. We don't need to learn our history. We could just let them erase it.
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No, ladies and gentlemen, there's a lot of hope, though.
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There's a lot of hope in the history, and that's why I really like the work of Mark Koolack at Mark Hewson-Tonic ITS.
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Mark Koolack is on Hewson-Tonic Live 2 and 3 on YouTube, and he's got a really nice website which catalogs a lot of this history, a lot of the newspaper articles which kind of outline this history, and more importantly the connections between these ideas,
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these fluid connections between AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome and retroviruses and cancer and T cell lymphomas and all this other stuff.
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These illusions have been created over many decades.
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I think that was a repeat. I apologize.
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And so we're trying to get through these people that these charlatans have had power over us since our parents.
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It's not that we surrendered power to these charlatans in 2020.
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We surrendered power to these charlatans already back in the 80s, already back in the 90s, already back after 9-11.
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That was each an incremental submission to this power, an incremental loss of sovereignty over us and our future and our children.
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And so the way to get out of this is the biology.
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The way to get out of this is to learn the history and to understand that the history has been co-opted.
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You've been told very special stories about Dr. Mary's monkey and this kind of thing.
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And all of these things have a little truth and a little lie with the idea of you never being able to figure it out.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga Home Biological.
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It is a stream that's brought to you by a patch clamp physiologist.
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Giga Home Biological is actually derived from Giga Home Seal, which is what you make when you want to make one of these very high fidelity recordings in the brain slice or alive mouse.
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That was my specialty as a neurobiologist for about 80-16 years or so.
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I was an academic biologist trying very hard to climb the ladder of tenure.
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And now I am a biologist on the internet at Giga Home Biological.
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If you've been here for a while, you are here at the top of the wave where we stay focused on the biology.
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We don't take the bait on TV or social media and we love our neighbors.
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And if you've been here for a while, then you are very familiar with how this works.
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This is just a bunch of people sending me checks at a P.O. box and subscribing for as much as $10 a month or some people even have the courage to go to Giga Home Biological and offer to give me something like $270 a year.
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I just pulled that number out of the air and people said that that was good.
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But there's also a way at Giga Home Biological for you to choose whatever you want to give.
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There's also a link there that's called Scooby, which is basically a confession to how much of an idiot I was in 2020 and 2021.
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When I was running around excited about solving the lab leak, Scooby-Doo mystery, and I was sure that I was driving the mystery machine.
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This is all part of the way that this was done. They got us to argue about three scenarios on TV that included laboratory or bad cave virus zonosis.
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And that this ongoing viral pandemic was likely a gain of function laboratory relief, a release.
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We heard Meryl Nast repeat the same story three years after Robert Malone said it in four years after I said it.
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Without strict regulation says all of these people, future pandemics will be worse.
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And if we don't learn to do intramuscular injection correctly, vaccines are going to continue to hurt people.
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This was the nonsense that we heard yesterday from a guy by the name of Marc Girodo in combination or in harmony with John Campbell and Brett Weinstein,
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two of the worst actors in this mythology.
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This faith in a novel virus has been sustained for five ongoing five years.
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If you can see that there, ladies and gentlemen, it's important for you to understand five years.
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They have been slow rolling this conclusion that I guess it was a lab leak.
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I guess we do make them. I guess we better make some laws about this stuff.
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Oh my gosh, they censored us. They mandated things. They should have never mandated.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this whole faith.
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This whole faith in a novel virus that circulated the globe is a lie and it precludes the idea that there was a conflated background signal.
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A whole mess of DNA and RNA that we have been involved with and messing around with and exposed to for millennia,
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that we are occasionally seroprevalent to for millennia.
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And these people have really, really, really twisted this sacred biology around and made it seem like we're really simple, surrounded by really dangerous stuff.
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And that's not the case at all. I'm pretty sure we should not teach this nonsense to our children.
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This is the nonsense they want us to teach our children. This is the nonsense that they want to teach our children.
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And instead, we should be concentrating on the fact that there was no spread in New York City infectious clones are the only real threat.
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You can look at PubMed and find that out.
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Placebo batches were likely distributed not different lots with different strengths or different periods,
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but full on placebo batches would have been the best way to do it.
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Transfection and healthy mammals is dumb and they knew that from the very beginning.
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The protocols were definitely murder and we found lots of details in these protocols that actually seemed like make it a lot worse.
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The Scooby-Doo is real.
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The spectacular commitment to lies is all that's really required to sustain it.
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And if you are over the target like we are now, yeah, you're going to get some flak. That's what's going to happen.
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And so here we are, GIGO and biological.
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We're going to do a study hall today with Shannon Joy and Mary Holland as they solve the Scooby-Doo in real time.
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This actually happened yesterday.
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I think we're going to get a good insight into the problems that I have with the message that these people are putting out under the pretense that they are indeed anti-vaxxing freedom fighters,
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patriots, as Mark Coolak says, like bald eagle, red, white and blue, libertarian, whatever they are.
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I got a problem.
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I have verified Moderna Lot number with zero reports and bears.
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Now, that's a placebo. That's what I'm talking about.
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So as we transition out of this mythology, we need to make focus.
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We have a strong focus on making gentle the life of this world, of transitioning into a world of peace, a world of cooperation, and a world of love.
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And this illusion that we are sustaining through our active participation can only be broken if we understand how it was laid down, how it was given to us, and who gave it to us.
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And it is a very complicated little thing to pull your head out of because the illusion was created by many people and coordinated actors, liars, if you will.
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And United noncompliance is only real. It's only real if you know the lie.
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If you don't know what the lie is that they told you that actually you could engage in noncompliance and not really be doing anything.
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You know, like if you think not wearing a mask is standing up to the fact that you have natural immunity to viruses, you're already playing their game.
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And I think that's where we're going to see with this show today.
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it is 246 on the 17th of May, 2024.
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Welcome to the show. As usual, I'm coming to you from the back of my garage. It is a rainy Friday.
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And I wish you a happy Friday from Pittsburgh. This is Giga on biological. It's a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
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And I usually will do a study hall or something like that during the week where I look at watch people talking their way out of the trap and point out how they're actually part of a limited spectrum of debate, even if they don't know it.
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And I'm trying to throw these people lifelines. I'm going to try to be as positive and objective as possible. But as you know, I have my suspicions about Mary Holland and I definitely have my suspicions about Shannon Joy.
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And so I will try to express those things as succinctly as possible as we watch this video.
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I am a human just like you. I'm actually a peasant, just like you. I'm actually a person who came to Pittsburgh in 2016 after being away for a long time.
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I brought a Dutch wife back with a couple kids that were born in Norway. I had a third child in America. And that experience with the difference between the vaccine schedule in Norway and the vaccine schedule in America was quite shocking, but not enough to wake my wife and I up until 2022.
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And we finally sat down and watched the movie vaxxed and found ourselves just absolutely floored by the idea that we hadn't protected our daughter from this criminal vaccine schedule.
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And so for me, one of the things that has been most frustrating since having worked for Bobby Kennedy for a year on the Wuhan cover up book and then following that, working for CHD for about six months as a staff scientist, have been really frustrated in the end by the message
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and the sort of platform and what they do with it at CHD. And I wasn't able to, while I was working for Bobby or while I was working for CHD, I wasn't able to influence them in a meaningful way to get them to see my point of view
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because they had already had a very well developed position that basically is health freedom and bodily autonomy. It's something it is not anything specific, but that nonspecific objection is often from the perspective of those supporting CHD and those people that work for CHD.
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That is a safe way of saying that they oppose the vaccine schedule, but I want to make the argument that actually those people at the top that are being encouraged by, I don't know who, to adopt that particular position are actually adopting a position that doesn't
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forward the idea that the vaccine schedule in America is criminal and therefore actually doesn't make any meaningful progress into spreading that message. Is the message that the CHD, the Children's Health Defense Organization wants to spread
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is that we should all have the freedom to choose whether to be poisoned and that it's okay if the government poisons people under the pretense of public health. I just want and we should fight for the ability not to participate in that system
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or should we be fighting against the system which poisons people under the pretense of public health. And that's the point where I think I can and CHD may, if you look carefully, they may have bamboozled the people that have supported them and the people that are in there
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and the people that are working hard to use those as portals for action. Those people may have been sabotaged. They may be pulling on a rope with other people and half those people may not actually be pulling.
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And that's what I find very frightful about and terrifying about the idea that I can or CHD might be sabotaged from the inside in their leadership structure and therefore putting out a message that's ineffective, asking questions
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that are ineffective, spending money in an ineffective way, like wasting money trying to start a CHD EU that's never gone anywhere.
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Like fighting mandates instead of finding a vaccine schedule, fighting censorship instead of fighting the prep act, standing up for certain individuals instead of standing up for certain rights.
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So I'm not being extremely precise right here, but I want to give you a general idea of what I want you to listen to and listen for as you listen to Mary Holland in this interview because from my perspective, we can, and I've already been saying this
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and I was a staff scientist at CHD, we can be more precise. I do think that it's worth the risk to say that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is done.
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That statement is so spectacularly on point that no one will ever address it.
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Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent, meaning that academic biologists that have used transfection in any form on their bench and have used transformation in any form on their bench should have known better and should have known from a biological perspective
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from a methodological perspective but also from an irreducible complexity perspective that using transfection in healthy humans was absolutely absurd.
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And because almost to a letter no one has spoken out but me from an academic perspective, who else do you know of that's lost a medical school faculty position and a 15 plus year career in a particular field as a result of speaking out against
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transfection, you can't name one. You can't name one person with that fame claim to fame, not one except for me. And that should be striking to you because there are actually hundreds of thousands of people with my qualifications just in the United States alone
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that also had an equivalent faculty position in the United States alone. And it seems as though absolutely none of them have been able to realize that transfection in healthy humans was criminally negligent from 2020 and people like Robert Malone knew that.
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Now RNA cannot pandemic is a bit more difficult for people that are really stuck in the narrative to get their head around, but it is an unbelievably nice way for people that already have their head in that space to express the idea.
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And I challenge people to admit and see anybody who says that I'm not saying these messages but instead self emulating or destroying myself or shooting myself in the foot or making a fool of myself because that's what the deep state operatives want me to do.
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This is the message. This is the only message that matters. If you want to stop the stream right now and cut a clip of this and only put this up everywhere for the rest of my existence, I'll be totally okay with that.
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Because if these three things become common knowledge and college kids and biological PhDs and faculty members at medical schools can understand why these three statements are pretty dead on balls accurate
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then we will have already we will already be free.
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And our children will already be free of these slavers these slavers will already be discredited so that's how powerful I believe this this one slide is.
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And I believe that's why everybody is attributing bad motives to mark bad motives to me and not addressing these fundamental things you can just stop right here.
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Because Meryl Nast won't say this.
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Meryl Nast has never said it. Meryl Nast won't say I don't like the way Jay does it but boy is he good on biology. None of them will say it.
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And that is the obvious thing here because they've all been on my stream. They've all called me. They've called my phone. They've wanted to talk to me and talk me out of the tree I'm in.
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They've all done it.
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I'm not just talking about people that I watch on and when I watch this video to come I'm talking about dangerous ideas that have been spread by people that have meddled in my life.
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They've called my phone they've been on signal chats with me and many of these people have been to Pittsburgh specifically for me.
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Oh, I'm sorry. That was a that was a little pouchy there.
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I think I got this right. Do I not have this right? I don't have this right. Wow, I don't have it right. Sorry about that. I gotta do this quick.
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I'll do it like that.
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So yeah, that's the deal. I want to watch this video because I want to get an idea of of what we're we're up against.
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And and what it is that that these.
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That these people I guess I would call them people that you know that's the way to refer to them.
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What these people really think is.
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Is happening here. And so I want to I want to make sure that we.
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And we get this right and I want to make sure that everybody understands what's going on here so let's let's try to get a little better understanding of how the illusion was created by watching this share and enjoy show.
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Yes, so Shannon joined Mary Holland solve the Scooby Doo live trying to build understanding of the illusion.
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So this is an ongoing project right and we're going to watch as these people struggle against the the invisible cognitive barriers that they don't seem to be able to penetrate.
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And those include a novel virus that killed millions and millions more were saved from that likely came from gain of function and therefore will come again.
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And notice how absent the general message that the American vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise and I can.
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I think it's very important for you to hear the exact message I'm trying to express there the American schedule when compared to other countries becomes obviously criminal.
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It's not that while we have even less disease in America and we have even healthier people in America because we give so many vaccines.
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Of course that's the opposite of course you can walk around in the United States.
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You can grow up and live your whole life in the United States and know if you travel the world that something's not right in this country.
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And if you have children in another country and then come back to this one and see these vaccine schedule differences and the fervor with which American nurses and doctors want to insist that this must be applied at this schedule at this time.
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Whereas in Norway it's like hey if you want to wait a couple years go ahead if you're going to breastfeed till four just wait till then.
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They don't care. It's not a it's not a oh my gosh you got to get this in there right now.
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But in America it is.
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And so what I want you to understand is that all the people that work in the heart of CHD they get it.
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All the people that work at the heart of a CHD understand that the vaccine schedule is criminal.
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They understand it because they work at CHD because of people like Brian Hooker.
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They work at CHD because their kid is damaged and they watched it happen in real time.
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And so what I'm my first question is is what will be the main takeaway message from Mary Holland's appearance on Shannon Joy.
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Will it be that there was no pandemic?
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Will it be that they murdered people and lied about it?
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Will it be that they murdered people and lied about it to protect the vaccine schedule?
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Will it be that they called a transfection a vaccine when they never should have called it that?
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Would it be will it be any of these messages would start to clarify the fact the breadth and the depth to which we've been lied to?
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Or will it be more or less the TV narrative distilled down into a Scooby-Doo mystery?
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That's the question I got.
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And I think that's what we'll see very quickly is the case, but let's see where we go.
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Here we are.
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Just pushing play here.
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I thought I saw my phone flash, but that might not be anything.
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Hey, cheddar.
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Hey, uh, Lee Zand.
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Is that you Lee Zand?
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What do you think about them apples?
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What do you think about them apples?
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Hello world and welcome to the Shannon Joy show.
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We're broadcasting live from the Joy Virtual Studio right here in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York state.
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It is so good to be with all of you today.
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It is Thursday, May 16th.
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Big guest with us today on the Shannon Joy show.
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Mary Holland.
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She is the CEO of Children's Health Defense.
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One of the original gangsters.
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Massive winds over the past two weeks, but that is only emboldening the enemy of liberty and things are moving very, very fast.
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We're going to talk to Mary exclusively today on the Shannon Joy show about a whole host of issues, including the stunning assassination attempt on prime the prime minister of Slovakia as we fight for liberty in 2024.
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We are nowhere near the end of this and there's much to do, but Mary is one of the leaders of one of the most important movements in the 21st century.
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And that is bodily autonomy, medical freedom.
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It is the issue that will define the 21st century, whether we will be free or slaves and she understands every bit of this.
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You guys must watch through to the very, very end.
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So good to see all of you on the live chat with me today.
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We have Bill Benz, Merle M, Artemesian, Zen woman is with us today.
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Of course, Madonna is joining with us today.
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So good to see all of you.
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I'm going to try to get to some of your comments, some of your questions, but I want to give as much time as possible to Mary as we only have her till noon today.
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So if you have a question or comment, please put it in all caps so that I can see it on the live chat.
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We are live on Rumble, live on Twitter, live on Spreeley TV, that is Roku TV and Apple TV.
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Of course, it's absolutely important.
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Kim Traveler is totally right.
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And this is the illusion of consensus that spans the Internet that we were just not sophisticated.
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Some people were, but I wasn't not sophisticated enough to see at the beginning of the pandemic that all of these people that just appeared out of nowhere to be speaking out were actually mostly planted.
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And certainly the ones that rose that were, that were fake censored and put people on gab and all these other places, those were all just elaborate hoaxes.
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Designed to incrementally elevate these voices that were already in place to be elevated.
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Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, these people.
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These people are all working against us.
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And I don't think that everybody sees that as a as a dividing message. It's not a dividing message. It's a message of hope.
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Because all we need to do is identify these actors and stop listening to them in order for us to reorient and start to pull ourselves and our children out of this illusion.
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And unfortunately, some of the sabotage occurs at the organizations that people consider the most important and the most significant and that's that's really what I've learned being a part of this movement for the last four years.
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I'm coming into it very naively thinking that now is the time we're all going to rush the castle right.
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And that hasn't happened. And there's a very there's a very deep seated set of reasons why that hasn't happened and it has to do with the way that we are governed.
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And it doesn't necessarily need to be that Shannon Joy is sophisticated enough to know she could just be someone who's trying to climb the ladder in front of her and sees this, this as an ongoing battle and not sophisticated enough to understand that this whole biological
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reality is a lie. That takes a lot of work.
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And so you can't blame Shannon Joy necessarily for not knowing that they they are coordinatedly lying about a the pandemic potential that exists in nature and in laboratories.
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And that people like Merrill Nasse and Mary Holland might also be wittingly or unwittingly willingly or unwillingly perpetuating this harmonious narrative with Tony Fauci's narrative, which is an and Ed Young's narrative from a couple of days ago, which is that over
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population and pollution and people cause climate change and climate change causes viral viral pandemics.
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That's no different than saying that well they've been studying these things and since they can go around the world and they've been making them more more capable of going around the world and occasionally they'll leak.
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And so this Scooby-Doo mystery this argument is at the heart of it and so if that's all they engage in is the juggling of the Scooby-Doo balls.
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For an hour, we have a very big problem on our hands because the goal shouldn't be to juggle the Scooby-Doo balls for an hour.
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The goal should be to say, hey, look, they have been using this pandemic as a way of distracting us from the fact that CHD was already wrecking the the public health and and illusion of the vaccine scheduled before the pandemic.
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We were crushing it with Vax and Vax to and we were making progress on a measles case.
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Is she going to mention any of this that this all stopped at the beginning of the pandemic?
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Or is she just going to start with the pandemic narrative and the mandates and the censorship and never start out with the what everybody at CHD, including Brian Hooker believes is the message, which is
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the vaccine schedule is criminally negligent. It's a criminal enterprise encoded in legislative law in America and we need to change that.
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And here is the scientific evidence for it.
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Let's see if she sells this book.
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Let's see which books she sells because that's one of the things they do, right?
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They sell books.
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All on all podcast platforms. We are also on studio 8424. And of course, our flagship AM radio station, the 50,000 watt blowtorch clear channel news radio wham 1180.
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Wow, she's an AM.
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That's cool.
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That's cool.
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The Shannon Joy Network now reaching upwards over 100,000 eyes and ears every single week, which is amazing.
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You could not do it without all of you and all of your support.
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So she has an AM broadcaster that puts her out every day. Think about that.
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Think about that. That doesn't happen to me. It doesn't happen to Mark. It happens to Shannon Joy.
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Is it because her teeth are still white?
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It's AM radio. Is it her voice?
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Is it her intense insight or her ability to use sound bites?
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I do it without the support of our sponsors today. You're going to hear from our amazing friends at colonial medals group can set up a safe and secure IRA or 401k with a company where we can all platforms go down or this show gets the platform.
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This is the one surprise she's talking about gold and stuff that you guys can go.
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That is where you're going to go. So we're not. We're hoping that doesn't happen, but this is a way that we can stay connected.
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Very close to having the Shannon Joy show broadcast live from the website every single day, adding that to all of our other platforms.
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So she's trying to do what I've already done not to not to pad me a self on the back because it's actually my friend Ted, but she wants to broadcast live on her own website.
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Well, in case you're not aware, we're also doing that right now on peer tube, which is stream dot bio, sorry, stream dot giga ohm dot bio, which is also a pretty cool little web page address.
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Very easy to read, very easy to remember, and also there will never be any censorship at that website.
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So you'll always be able to hear all the music and everything that I say.
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And if we are ever dropped from Twitch or YouTube or rumble, probably not rumble, there will always be this peer tube archive.
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And I do think that thanks to Ted, we have something that's really starting to build into some real big, you know, when you show up there and you find that there's 40 or 50 videos and we're doing pretty well.
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It really represents what we've done this year, at least in 2024. Never mind what we've done since 2020.
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Anyway, I think it's cute. She wants to broadcast on her own platform so that she can't be censored. We are already there.
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And we also have our own soapbox. So that's basically like a Twitter clone instance where we can communicate with one another but also federated so that you can see it all around the world.
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It's a slow build, ladies and gentlemen. It's a slow build, but we are trying to make ourselves as indefatigable as possible.
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And that's been the strategy here. It's the buckshot strategy to be on every possible platform that we can be so that they can never take us out at once.
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And that's what you need to do when you're battling for Liberty. We're up against very, very powerful entities.
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And this is why we have to stick together. And this is why I am so pleased.
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So what are those powerful entities? I wonder if she's ever said anything like that. I like to say weaponized piles of money because that's really the best way to throw in my mind.
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The best way to throw a big net over all of these things. They are interests. They are organized piles of money that are more powerful than disorganized piles of money.
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And there's a really good video on YouTube that you should watch by regular guy where he remembers a good guy. And when you listen to that video, I think you'll actually be shocked how interesting it is.
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Just a random recommendation on YouTube. Here we go.
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A woman that I have so much admiration for and so much respect for. I've known about Mary Holland for almost 10 years. I've been using her work.
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Her diligent work, the building her platforms over at Children's Health Defense and other entities back in the days when I was doing my deep dive on informed consent bodily autonomy and the issue of vaccines.
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She came into this because she loves her children because she was protecting her children and she has continued this fight even as her children are adults and out of school.
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She is a tireless warrior for truth and I am so pleased and so proud. I cannot believe, Mary, that you have not been on this platform before, but you are an original gangster and OG in this battle. She is the CEO of Children's Health Defense.
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Welcome to the Shannon Joy Show.
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Thank you so much. It's such a pleasure and honor to be here.
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This is a long battle for you. And let's start here. I mean, as we are witnessing over the past two and a half weeks in a week in acceleration in the admission of the one truth that you've been fighting for for decades and everything in the form consent movement in the
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freedom movement for the powers that the mainstream news media, government officials, pharmaceutical corporations to admit that yes, indeed, vaccines do and can cause harm. How do you feel as this is just accelerating these admissions?
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You know, today as we begin this discussion.
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Yeah, so there's no question that vaccines cause harm and they cause death and it's been a long fight in working on the childhood vaccine schedule up until COVID. This was really only being subjected on children subjected to children and to also like frontline
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workers, kindergarten teachers, healthcare workers for hepatitis B shots, flu shots, but it was it was a selected group of adults, you know, COVID was the whole world, absolutely everybody, all at once, which was extraordinary.
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So I think it's cause for for satisfaction, but it's not cause for celebration joy. You know, Shannon, sorry, it's, it's really that this is a limited hangout, right? The government is basically coming around on COVID to where they have always been on childhood
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because it's very rare. It's one in a million. And yeah, people were harmed and the twist in COVID that is so, so astonishing to me is really part of the narrative is, but you did it yourselves. It was all voluntary.
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We didn't force you to take these. You don't have to keep that job. You don't have to go to restaurants. You don't have to go to the theater. You decided this.
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Okay, so I'm sorry. I just want to nitpick here, but is calling for health freedom and bodily autonomy and freedom of choice or whatever it is.
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Is that is that the same as telling people that the government is engaged in criminal activity that amounts to poisoning our children.
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So the vaccine schedule is in law. The 1984 law already says that injuries are unavoidable in the vaccine schedule. That's why that law exists.
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So if you're out there trying to tell everybody that vaccines hurt people in rare occasions that that now we're in the hamster wheel already, right?
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Because our vaccine injuries are rare or not rare or deaths rare or not rare. Is it really always correlated or not correlated?
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Is all part of that hamster wheel. The way to score a touchdown here, in my opinion, is to just say the American vaccine schedule.
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The American vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise. And there are many ways to reveal that truth. You can compare the vaccine schedule to itself.
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In previous decades, or you can care and compare the current vaccine schedule to that of any other nation that you have some respect for.
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Pick Germany, pick the Netherlands, pick Norway, pick Sweden, pick whatever one you want and inform yourself that there's a difference.
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Ask yourself what that difference means.
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Now, I can't give you the benefit of raising children in a different country like I've had that experience to experience the different way that midwives and nurses approach the sacredness of birth and the sacredness of the bond between mother and child and see the contrast
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between how beautiful it is. And it was in Norway and Trump time when we had our boys and how absolutely awful it was here in the United States at the University of Pittsburgh's Women's Hospital.
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Not saying they were mean. I'm saying that the whole process of it was much more mechanical and much more industrial and much more it was not sacred.
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And I think that this is part of the reason why I feel so motivated to do what I do because I've had this very unique insight into what could be said, what could be shown, how you could make the argument.
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And I have become very frustrated over these past couple of years that so few people are capable of making the argument in a succinct enough way for it to mean anything to someone who's heard it for the first time.
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Now so far we're just talking about juggling the Scooby-Doo balls of the COVID and we're talking about what they insisted or didn't insist on.
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And so just keep that in mind as I'll just roll it back so we know where we were.
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You know, Shannon, sorry, it's really that this is a limited hangout, right?
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The government is basically coming around on COVID to where they have always been on childhood vaccines, which is, it's very rare.
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It's one in a million and yeah, people were harmed and the twist in COVID that is so, so astonishing to me is really part of the narrative is, but you did it yourselves.
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It was all voluntary. We didn't force you to take these. You don't have to keep that job. You don't have to go to restaurants. You don't have to go to the theater.
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You decided this. And that is, so this is, this was, you know, while Andrew Cuomo is talking about his vaccine injury. Sorry.
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Well, we're talking about his vaccine injury. Andrew Cuomo has the audacity in an interview with Lena Wen of all people, another nightmare during COVID to say, Oh, you know, I didn't have the power to to to subject people to mask mandates.
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I didn't have the power to lock people down. And so it was all voluntary. So this is the narrative, which is in some ways even more aggressive than the narrative for childhood vaccines, because there's a recognition that it's compulsory.
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Right. All 50 states have compulsory vaccine mandates for children. And in 45 now, you know, in almost all states, there's still religious exemptions and there's in theory medical exemptions.
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So I'm happy that important, you know, sort of mainstream people are saying, Oh, my God, there's a problem. And there's going to be some level of inquiry.
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But is it going to be a limited hangout? Is it going to be a whitewash? That's the question. And right now, I am absolutely not confident it's going to be a real thorough going transparent investigation.
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Oh, I am. I am very close to 99% sure that this.
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So what would the investigation be? You see the problem here is the investigation to find out where the injuries came from.
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Is it to pin it on the double stranded DNA contamination? I mean, she interviewed Kevin McCurnan with with with Brian Hooker and seemed to imply that that was the direction they wanted to take things.
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So she wants to pursue malfeasance within the context of their being a pandemic, their being the nest, the potential need for vaccines, the potential vaccines do work, but also hurt people.
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There's no clear message here about the fact that the vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise because it is a combination of untested substances being given intramuscularly to augment an immune system of a normally healthy child.
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And so we are already not really being very concise. And in fact, this is an absolute mess of an interview so far because the message of these freedom fighters is not very clear to me.
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Are they really opposed to the vaccine schedule? Do they give vaccines to their kids or just a few of them? Do they want to give vaccines to certain people like they want to lock down certain people?
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I mean, it's not clear to me. They just want to fight against the mandates or what it is. I'm going to go back a little bit. I'm going to try and figure that out.
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So this is the narrative, which is in some ways even more aggressive than the narrative for childhood vaccines because there's a recognition that it's compulsory, right? All 50 states have compulsory vaccine mandates for children.
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And in 45, now, you know, in almost all states, there's still religious exemptions and there's in theory medical exemptions in a big way.
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So I'm happy that important, you know, sort of mainstream people are saying, Oh, my God, there's a problem. And there's going to be some level of inquiry, but is it going to be a limited hangout? Is it going to be a whitewash?
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And right now, I am absolutely not confident that it's going to be a real thorough going transparent investigation.
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Oh, I am. I am very close to 99% sure that this is indeed 100% a limited hangout. And I can tell you as a medical freedom warrior in New York state, when Andrew Cuomo comes out and says that the mask mandates and the back mandates were voluntary.
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We just, it makes my blood boil. It makes my blood boil. We brought lawsuits against these mask minutes. These lockdowns. I worked with the lawyers on, you know, CHD brought these lawsuits on masks.
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We worked with the lawyers who did the lockdowns. These were anything but voluntary. That's an outrageous thing. He had emergency powers that he, that the legislature actually gave him in New York.
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And he did implement these things. And he did have statutory authority. I think it was unconstitutional, but he had authority to do those things. There's a public health emergency state act that he was acting under. And so it's outrageous.
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And that is a very important part of what they're going to try to say is, Oh, we didn't make you do it. You know, Oh, yeah. Well, you lost your job. Well, you know, that's voluntary.
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It's, it's shocking. When I was being stuffed into a cop car handcuffed and hauled out of a school board meeting for the crime of my mask falling below my nose for half a second, Mary Holland, it didn't feel voluntary to me.
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So, Shannon Joy was made a public spectacle of because she didn't wear a mask.
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Well, did you know that? Did you know that that's how she got elevated? Interesting, right?
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I think that's very interesting.
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I'll bet it didn't, Shannon. I'll bet it didn't.
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I mean, outrageous. So, yeah, this is a, you know, what is a limited hangout? I mean, it's a term I didn't really know before COVID, but it's like when, when the government or the corporation, you know, the power that the has to let some level of truth out because it's just so
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transparently ridiculous not to let any of it out. They let out a little bit with the hope that that's enough, right? They satisfy people's appetite and then they sort of really keep 90% hidden.
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Well, we can't let that happen and it's not going to happen. It's so obvious in the COVID context that it wasn't rare and it wasn't, you know, one in a million as they love to say about the childhood injuries.
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And in fact, you know, there were extraordinary levels of death and what we're now finding is even, you know, the shedding phenomenon is very real, the turbo cancers, the heart issues, the neurological issues.
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I mean, these were, in my opinion, the evidence strongly suggests that these were bio weapons. These were gain of function souped up viruses.
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And I know there's controversy within the health freedom movement. Was it just, was it just false PCR tests? Was it just, you know, fake pandemic?
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I think that's, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that the whole thing was a fraud and that it was just recategorized flu.
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I think that's a really interesting hypothesis, but I'm not, I'm not prepared to take a position on that yet. I actually had COVID had to say it felt very different to me.
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Why do all these people feel the necessity to testify that they've had COVID?
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What it really means is that you were sick in the last four years. And in your limited spectrum of memory of the last time you were sick, it felt different.
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And so on the basis of this alone, Mary Holland is not willing to say the words. I think they could have murdered people in light about it.
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Just like on the basis of the fact that Meryl Nast says she was sick three times with COVID, even though she didn't test.
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And so there's no use talking about the fact that there was no real pandemic.
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So after writing a book and publishing a book about five decades of bio weapons work, bio weapons research, and reading those papers and helping to do it, they actually believe that all of those things are real, even after I've talked to them for hours about why they're not real.
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Why that does not represent pandemic potential that represents people making synthetic sequences and transfecting or transforming cell cultures and claiming that's the same thing and it's not.
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Yet she is very convinced in her in her extreme expertise, apparently, that these are definitely gain of function viruses.
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She said gain of function viruses.
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So she's wholly unaware of the fact that she had a staff scientist working for her organization for six months, who worked on this book as the first listed expert in this book, who says that a lot of this is a mythology.
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That they have grossly exaggerated their fidelity of understanding of RNA virology, both retroviruses and things like coronaviruses. It's all.
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It's all smoke and mirrors and they will not listen. They will not listen. They will not listen, just like the no virus people will not hear that I have come this far will not hear that this is a unifying theory because they can make DNA and spray it
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and then test for it and get a reaction. They can spray RNA in places and get proteins to show up. I know that for sure because I've done it in mice.
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I've expressed algal proteins in mouse neurons that when I shine blue light on them, they allow a sodium conductance to cause the neuron to spike.
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So, a transfection can definitely be used to express proteins and those proteins when expressed will be functional.
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The real issue is is that transforming and transfecting a healthy human in order to augment their future health is frickin ridiculous.
01:00:12.000 --> 01:00:26.000
And instead of being precise about exactly how malevolent it was to trick everyone with fear, uncertainty and doubt into believing there was a pandemic so that everyone would accept transfection as vaccination.
01:00:26.000 --> 01:00:32.000
They're not even close to explaining that yet.
01:00:32.000 --> 01:00:35.000
I think I never had before, which is weird.
01:00:35.000 --> 01:00:37.000
And that.
01:00:37.000 --> 01:00:46.000
Percy within the health freedom movement was it just was it just false PCR tests was it just, you know, fake pandemic.
01:00:46.000 --> 01:00:54.000
I think that's there's a lot of evidence to suggest that the whole thing was a fraud and that it was just recategorized flu.
01:00:55.000 --> 01:01:04.000
I'm not, I'm not prepared to take a position on that yet. I actually had coven had to say it felt very different to me than anything I've ever had.
01:01:04.000 --> 01:01:06.000
Which is weird.
01:01:06.000 --> 01:01:14.000
And that is, that is definitely a discourse that's occurring within the medical freedom movement. I think it's a very, very, very fair discourse.
01:01:15.000 --> 01:01:27.000
But I, what I, what I sometimes am saddened by is the lack of kind of discourse on it. You know, people are entrenched in their positions. There was no pandemic.
01:01:27.000 --> 01:01:36.000
It was totally a fraud. And then yes, there was, you know, a virus or yes, it was a bio weapon. I feel like we just have to, we don't know enough.
01:01:37.000 --> 01:01:41.000
Is that not satisfied that we've gotten most of what needs.
01:01:41.000 --> 01:01:50.000
Does that not sound exactly like Robert Malone in 2021? Do I need to get that slide out and play it for you?
01:01:50.000 --> 01:01:54.000
That we may never be able to figure this out.
01:01:54.000 --> 01:02:03.000
And Robert Malone suggested that maybe we released it in China thinking that China had an infrastructure that wouldn't allow it to pull back on us.
01:02:04.000 --> 01:02:06.000
He said that was one of the more plausible ideas.
01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:19.000
And now she's saying we don't know enough. We don't know enough. We don't, we don't rely on people like Kevin McCurnan to tell us more because they're the only people who know anything.
01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:25.000
We've got to promote people like Robert Malone because if these whistleblowers are silenced, we'll never figure out what happened.
01:02:26.000 --> 01:02:35.000
How long are we going on? The less happy I am. This is really awful.
01:02:35.000 --> 01:02:48.000
It's really, really awful. And it's impossible for me to believe that Mary Holland doesn't understand that there is a subtle place where the no virus stands can be explained.
01:02:49.000 --> 01:03:07.000
And the existence of a virus or a sequence can be explained because I wrote a letter on behalf of CHD in early 2023 to try and bring those two sides together to have the dialogue that she claims that everybody won't have right now.
01:03:08.000 --> 01:03:18.000
And what happened? The no virus people said, no, no, no, we don't want to talk about that with you guys and actually the CHD people didn't mind that at all.
01:03:18.000 --> 01:03:27.000
They didn't try to push forward or say, no, no, no, please come have a meeting with us. We won't record it. We'll just talk. They didn't do any of that.
01:03:28.000 --> 01:03:29.000
It just ended.
01:03:32.000 --> 01:03:43.000
And now she is repeating the same thing that Meryl Nast said on the Kim Iverson show a few days ago, which is the same thing that Robert Malone said to Paul Cottrell in 2021.
01:03:44.000 --> 01:03:48.000
A month after being on Brett Weinstein's podcast and not quite saying it.
01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:59.000
That's why we are here in 2024. That's why Brian Hooker is not the CEO of Children's Health Defense.
01:04:00.000 --> 01:04:11.000
That's why somebody with an autistic kid like Laura Bono, who was actually the one who went to Bobby Kennedy's house with a box full of papers to try and convince him to help.
01:04:12.000 --> 01:04:20.000
This is not the CEO. That's why a Columbia professor took over CHD right before the pandemic.
01:04:25.000 --> 01:04:32.000
That's why she went to work for Bobby Kennedy's campaign and came back to CHD the month I was hired.
01:04:33.000 --> 01:04:42.000
That's right, ladies and gentlemen. She was working for Bobby Kennedy's campaign until the month I was hired and then she decided to come back and work for CHD again.
01:04:43.000 --> 01:04:45.000
And five months later, I was fired.
01:04:47.000 --> 01:04:53.000
And the interview that I did about my contribution to the Wuhan cover up book hasn't been released because they said it wouldn't sell the book.
01:04:55.000 --> 01:04:57.000
And here's Mary Holland.
01:04:58.000 --> 01:05:05.000
Is she telling you that Brian Hooker wrote a book that describes why the vaccine schedule in America is a criminal enterprise? No, she has not.
01:05:06.000 --> 01:05:09.000
She is selling the Wuhan cover up.
01:05:10.000 --> 01:05:17.000
No, because, you know, it's stuff is being hidden and it's been hidden for years already.
01:05:18.000 --> 01:05:22.000
If there's one thing I've learned, you have to have grace throughout this period of certain hours.
01:05:23.000 --> 01:05:24.000
It's been hidden or they've been lying about it.
01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:32.000
You see the difference and how insane it is that after being given this as a possibility three years ago, by yours truly, all of these people still don't seem to be able to do it.
01:05:40.000 --> 01:05:47.000
They could have just told us that there was pandemic potential because the people that told us were not sophisticated.
01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:50.000
They were fat guys from England.
01:05:51.000 --> 01:06:02.000
You know, Peter Desak was on 60 minutes telling us a decade ago that pandemics were real and that 1.7 million viruses were jumping zoonautically every year.
01:06:03.000 --> 01:06:23.000
And she believes that, I guess, Peter Desak and Shelly are gain a function and they are gain a function potential. They are pandemics. That's all you need is a fat English guy to give some talks about 7 million viruses or whatever. And then she believes it.
01:06:23.000 --> 01:06:34.000
Do you think it's possible that she's done the due diligence on virology?
01:06:35.000 --> 01:06:41.000
Do you think it's possible that Meryl Nast has done the due diligence on virology?
01:06:44.000 --> 01:06:45.000
I don't.
01:06:46.000 --> 01:06:59.000
Do you think it's possible that the story that Mary Holland and Meryl Nast spent two days at the Malone farm in order to vet him for CHD? Do you think that's a real story?
01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:01.000
Because I don't.
01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:12.000
I think that was all part of an elaborate ruse to make sure that everybody at CHD would accept that Robert Malone was a good guy and that publishing his book was okay.
01:07:13.000 --> 01:07:19.000
I don't know if they gave him any money or not, but it would be sad if they did, wouldn't it?
01:07:22.000 --> 01:07:28.000
Meryl Nast told me a story that Robert Malone didn't even know what the WEF was until she told him.
01:07:29.000 --> 01:07:41.000
That's how dumb these people think they are, that they think that they can sit across the table and tell you a story like that and lie to your face and that you won't see through it.
01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:52.000
That's what they're counting on. They've been counting on it for years because they've been seeding this narrative for years.
01:07:53.000 --> 01:08:08.000
That's why there's been no real meaningful pain that Meryl Nast has suffered for being a lifelong outspoken bio-weapons expert about the INFRAx vaccine because even that was probably just her role. She was already playing for them.
01:08:12.000 --> 01:08:14.000
Otherwise, it's really hard to explain it.
01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:29.000
I think it's really easy to explain once you realize that this deep state operation has been going on for decades and that it just got thrown in your face in 2020 because they really thought they had it.
01:08:30.000 --> 01:08:32.000
That the theater was impenetrable.
01:08:33.000 --> 01:08:45.000
That the production, after many tabletop exercises from Dark Winter to event 201, they had finally figured out all the avenues and all the angles and they had all the people in place.
01:08:45.000 --> 01:08:55.000
Brett Weinstein was ready to go, Rogan was ready to go, Ulster Home was ready to do his podcast tour and Robert Malone was geared up.
01:08:56.000 --> 01:09:07.000
And who knows where they went off script, but they're definitely off script now. They're off script now because you can see there's a still slow rolling it.
01:09:08.000 --> 01:09:16.000
The pandemic has given the CHD the opportunity to say, don't you see how bad they were willing to lie to you?
01:09:17.000 --> 01:09:31.000
We were trying to tell you this before the pandemic. Now that the pandemic has come around, you have to see how we were right before the pandemic, but this is not happening and this will not happen.
01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:49.000
Of grace for people as they're coming to knowledge, they're being introduced with new information, their change. I'm seeing so many people. I mean, really very intelligent individuals having to kind of relearn their history and I'll take that.
01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:59.000
I'll take that criticism. I do think we're pretty on point for the spars pandemic document. So I'll take that criticism. We may be right on script.
01:09:59.000 --> 01:10:07.000
And in some ways that makes it even more malevolent, right? And that only came to that realization a couple weeks ago that holy crap.
01:10:07.000 --> 01:10:13.000
The spars pandemic document even sort of scripted out the idea of an epigirl.
01:10:13.000 --> 01:10:20.000
Some kind of internet phenomenon being part of the releasing the information that people are actually being hurt from the vaccine.
01:10:22.000 --> 01:10:40.000
And I've been making the parallel with epigirl with all these people. It's not just one epigirl. That was the, that was the brochure, the public facing brochure document of a much more complicated and malevolent military exercise designed to bamboozle an entire population into believing there was a pandemic.
01:10:41.000 --> 01:10:52.000
And so there wasn't just one epigirl named Jessica Rose. There was also an epi guy named Peter, Peter McCullough, an epi guy named Pierre Corey and an epi guy named.
01:10:53.000 --> 01:10:58.000
Pierre, sorry, Ryan Cole and Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone and Steve Kersch.
01:10:58.000 --> 01:11:07.000
These are all people that can appeal to different demographics that have a slightly different message delivery system or delivery stick.
01:11:07.000 --> 01:11:15.000
And so all of these things could be rolled out, tested out and using the programming power of social media.
01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:26.000
These people could be put in front of more people than the spontaneously acting freedom fighting truth seekers.
01:11:26.000 --> 01:11:38.000
And instead, these people have assumed the roles of leader when they don't deserve it, when their track record doesn't belie it.
01:11:38.000 --> 01:11:41.000
Why in the world wouldn't Brian Hooker be the head of this organization?
01:11:41.000 --> 01:11:49.000
Why in the world wouldn't Laura be the head of this organization? Why would it be a lawyer with no trial experience?
01:11:49.000 --> 01:12:05.000
Why would it be a lawyer who was at Columbia University, one of the worst, worst and most twisted faculties in America that currently has some foreign royal as their university president?
01:12:06.000 --> 01:12:17.000
Please tell me that you at least understand that if I was coming to you as a former Columbia faculty, you would have a very good reason not to believe me.
01:12:17.000 --> 01:12:29.000
Especially if I wasn't obviously advocating for things that everybody is ignoring and doesn't want to talk about and getting fired and all this other stuff that's happening to me.
01:12:30.000 --> 01:12:33.000
So this is a person with a very cush job.
01:12:33.000 --> 01:12:46.000
This is a person who asks for millions of dollars of years in donations and then his part of doing good things with that money.
01:12:46.000 --> 01:12:48.000
And what do they do?
01:12:48.000 --> 01:12:51.000
They put on very expensive conferences.
01:12:51.000 --> 01:12:58.000
They've wasted a lot of money trying to start a CHD EU, which didn't go anywhere.
01:12:59.000 --> 01:13:20.000
And they have a lot of chapters that they have no control over but act with the same name, which makes it also very difficult for there to be a real unified message that is actually going to make progress with saving future children from the vaccine schedule in America.
01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:34.000
It's this lack of message. It's this lack of a goal line that makes me believe that I can and CHD are being sabotaged by their leadership.
01:13:35.000 --> 01:13:38.000
And I think the process is certainly tricky.
01:13:38.000 --> 01:13:44.000
And I do think that discourse, I certainly think that something happened, right?
01:13:44.000 --> 01:13:54.000
And it would make sense if there was some type of aerosolized toxin or a virus introduced that it could harm certain people.
01:13:54.000 --> 01:13:57.000
I don't know why you can't look at both of those theories.
01:13:57.000 --> 01:14:08.000
But I mean, I certainly think it's possible that it was maybe it was a very limited outbreak, Wuhan, and then maybe there were intentional rules in New York and in Lumberty.
01:14:08.000 --> 01:14:15.000
And then it was just a fraud, right? We know the PCR tests really were, you know, put it for these cycles, which was going to make everything a positive.
01:14:15.000 --> 01:14:18.000
And we know that they would in the hospitals do the lumberty.
01:14:18.000 --> 01:14:20.000
It'll and then it was just a fraud, right?
01:14:21.000 --> 01:14:30.000
That's a lie. That is a misconception. And that will make her sound like an idiot to anybody that is an academic biologist.
01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:47.000
Because academic biologists understand that if a PCR reaction with its primers is designed correctly, overcycling, it's not going to get you false positives.
01:14:48.000 --> 01:15:00.000
Academic biologists understand that if you use nested primers, then you can almost completely eliminate the possibility of a false positive irrespective of how often you cycle or how long.
01:15:01.000 --> 01:15:17.000
And this limited spectrum of debate about cycle count about cycle threshold and about whether primer dimers are made or not was actually an carefully orchestrated narrative that was started by Kevin McCurnan.
01:15:18.000 --> 01:15:30.000
And a couple foreigners who put together a group of dissidents from around the world that included Thomas Binder and Mike Eden and Claire Craig and Peter Borger.
01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:46.000
And a lot of these people are foreigners and they were put on a paper with Kevin McCurnan, objecting to the who's WHO's PCR protocol, not to the use of PCR in general as a test.
01:15:46.000 --> 01:16:09.000
Not to objecting to the lack of controls, not objecting to the lack of nested primers, but making a very specific, very neutered argument about primer dimers and about the inappropriateness of the primers they chose and about how unfair it was that the paper was published in peer reviewed in 24 hours.
01:16:10.000 --> 01:16:25.000
And so here's Mary Holland, literally four and a half years later, saying exactly the same bullshit, which is that PCR was made to give us false positives by overcycling.
01:16:26.000 --> 01:16:44.000
It has it has nothing to do with the fact that there may have been a signal in the background all the time that they are confounding with lies as a spreading pathogen, even though I told her that more than two years ago already now through Bobby and everybody else that I've yelled at about this.
01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:47.000
You have to consider the possibility.
01:16:47.000 --> 01:16:57.000
And she said out loud five minutes ago in this video that she's not willing to consider that possibility.
01:16:57.000 --> 01:17:03.000
And she's not sophisticated enough to understand how the molecular biology could be a lie.
01:17:03.000 --> 01:17:08.000
The fidelity of the tests doesn't necessarily have to be the lie.
01:17:09.000 --> 01:17:21.000
She doesn't understand that when you call the cops and it's a 911 call, you don't have to explain the motivations of the criminal and you definitely don't have to explain what actually happened. You just have to call the cops and ask for help.
01:17:21.000 --> 01:17:36.000
If this is a crime and this biosecurity state or these global interests, these weaponized piles of money that they don't seem to be able to describe or just against very dark forces.
01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:44.000
Murdering people and lying about it in the in the childhood vaccine schedule in the old people's vaccine schedule in the flu vaccine schedule.
01:17:44.000 --> 01:18:01.000
And in in in terms of gain of function, then there's a very different message than what they're giving right here, which is, it feels like a lot of fear uncertainty and doubt still just filtered through these two liberty seekers.
01:18:01.000 --> 01:18:14.000
Three times before they would get a positive. We know that they recharacterized anybody with the flu is having COVID. If you had, you know, if you died in a motorcycle accident, but you tested positive after you possibly say it was a COVID death.
01:18:14.000 --> 01:18:24.000
We know that the deaths and the treatments were incentivized. So we know that it was just laced with lies from start to finish on a global level, which is pretty incredible.
01:18:24.000 --> 01:18:36.000
But, but we also know they were doing bio weapons research and we know that the US government was funding it. We know that gain of function. So gain of function, which is really a euphemism for bio weapons. Yes.
01:18:36.000 --> 01:18:43.000
And we know, and I really want to recommend to people the book that CHD put out that Bobby Kennedy most recently wrote.
01:18:43.000 --> 01:18:55.000
That we want to cover up the terrifying bio weapons arms race. It's really important that people understand that vaccines have always, always been connected to bio weapons research.
01:18:55.000 --> 01:19:04.000
The way to sort of have a dual use and cover up bio weapons research is to call it vaccine research, because they're inextricable. You would never release a bio weapon.
01:19:04.000 --> 01:19:14.000
If you couldn't protect your own troops or your own people with the vaccine. And we know that's something that Robert Malone also said when he first came out.
01:19:14.000 --> 01:19:22.000
He said it in a lot of different interviews. That's why monoclonal antibodies are cludgy, but they work.
01:19:22.000 --> 01:19:31.000
You would never make a bio weapon without making the countermeasure is something that so many of these Scooby Doo mystery solvers have said over the years.
01:19:32.000 --> 01:19:35.000
So many of them have said it.
01:19:35.000 --> 01:19:49.000
And this is again part of the illusion. It's part of the illusion that Ralph barracks work has created. It's part of the illusion that that all of this stuff has done with regard to correlates of immunity being antibodies. It's an illusion.
01:19:50.000 --> 01:20:00.000
And she knows it because I've told it to her. I've explained it to her. I explained it to Bobby Kennedy. I explained it to their entire their entire editorial team. They all get it.
01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:13.000
And most of the people that have worked on the book like really checked the citations and worked on the language and the way they all know that's my opinion. They all know it because they've asked me questions.
01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:18.000
They've talked about it. They've sent me more questions and we've talked about it.
01:20:18.000 --> 01:20:22.000
And they've all agreed to do. I will just sell the book.
01:20:22.000 --> 01:20:26.000
Maybe Jay's book will be the next book.
01:20:26.000 --> 01:20:29.000
And they're doing it right now.
01:20:29.000 --> 01:20:37.000
And the worst part about it is is that whether they like it or not, whether they're waiting or unwittingly doing it, whether they're willingly or unwillingly doing it.
01:20:37.000 --> 01:20:47.000
They are misleading our young adults, these kids that we let go back to college four years ago without protecting them from this shit.
01:20:47.000 --> 01:20:53.000
Did CHD take a position in 2020 that everybody that's going back to college should not test.
01:20:53.000 --> 01:21:01.000
Don't wear masks. And for the love of God, don't take any of these vaccines.
01:21:01.000 --> 01:21:06.000
Did they take a position?
01:21:06.000 --> 01:21:10.000
01:21:10.000 --> 01:21:15.000
Vaccines are hardly, you know, a hundred percent of action.
01:21:15.000 --> 01:21:16.000
01:21:16.000 --> 01:21:26.000
This has been the paradigm and this was being done in Nazi Germany. This is being done in, you know, in Japan pre World War two bio weapons research is pretty pervasive.
01:21:26.000 --> 01:21:28.000
And one of the things I know we want to know.
01:21:28.000 --> 01:21:37.000
I would, I would spin this a little bit. Mark Koolak made me think about this the other day.
01:21:37.000 --> 01:21:44.000
Bio weapons research was being done by Nazi Germany. We should be very specific about that.
01:21:44.000 --> 01:21:50.000
Human research was being done in Nazi Germany.
01:21:50.000 --> 01:22:02.000
Mark made the point yesterday that it's really interesting that all these big institutions in the United States with these big primate labs, they spend millions of dollars on monkey research.
01:22:02.000 --> 01:22:12.000
And we know from Robert Malone and lots of other people that that really that research is not going to have direct impact on us because our genome is so different, our immune system is so unique.
01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:23.000
And the way that each of these species works is sufficiently different because of the sacred biology that defines us because of the irreducible complexity that defines us.
01:22:23.000 --> 01:22:27.000
So we can learn a lot about monkeys with with and learn something about ourselves.
01:22:27.000 --> 01:22:39.000
But oftentimes the mechanisms or the details will not be the same and certainly not be compatible with augmenting our system with this with the understanding that we may or may not think we've developed in a monkey.
01:22:39.000 --> 01:22:49.000
And we spend millions of dollars on monkeys and millions and millions and millions of dollars on monkeys but I think Mark is very right. This is the end.
01:22:49.000 --> 01:22:55.000
The amount of progress that we can make in understanding ourselves by studying mice and monkeys has come to an end.
01:22:55.000 --> 01:23:08.000
And of course there are academic questions that can always be asked in those models and indeed like the University of Chicago president from the 90s said the pursuit of knowledge in and of itself is morally justifiable so understanding mice is okay.
01:23:08.000 --> 01:23:15.000
Understanding how insects work would be totally okay and worth spending time on if you're a biologist and that's your interest.
01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:29.000
As long as you're pursuing it from the perspective of understanding and appreciating the sacred irreducible complexity represented in that be in that pattern integrity.
01:23:29.000 --> 01:23:43.000
I'm just very, very frustrated, ladies and gentlemen, because I don't hear anything that couldn't have been said in 2020. I don't hear any sophistication that reflects the idea that I worked for CHD and Bobby Kennedy for almost a year and a half.
01:23:43.000 --> 01:23:53.000
It doesn't reflect any of the understanding of the biology that I managed to sneak in or put in or force into the Wuhan cover up book.
01:23:53.000 --> 01:24:08.000
And instead just goes on and on and on with a narrative that justifies the work of eco health alliance just also blames them justifies the work of Ralph Barrick but also blames him.
01:24:09.000 --> 01:24:25.000
And so we are running in the exact hamster wheel that I've described as a Scooby Doo mystery that everybody in the earth has solved and as a result has accepted the presuppositions of the mystery which is gain a function viruses.
01:24:25.000 --> 01:24:40.000
And now the only argument that I can make that might disappoint some people is that I don't think that Mary Holland is an unsophisticated naive player that's just trying to do her best to get the message out. And this is where she and Shannon Joy are.
01:24:41.000 --> 01:25:05.000
I think Shannon Joy is only interested in her fame and her comfort and her continued notoriety and is probably naive to the fact that Robert Malone and Mary Holland and Meryl Nast might all actually be coordinatedly lying about pandemic potential and what happened over the last four years to not make any useful challenge to the changes that are coming.
01:25:06.000 --> 01:25:25.000
I know it's a bold statement ladies and gentlemen I know a lot of people think that this is me being a deep state operative and self emulating but I think this is me taking a once in a lifetime maybe a once in a generation opportunity to try and succinctly describe what I think is going on.
01:25:26.000 --> 01:25:29.000
And consequences be damned.
01:25:30.000 --> 01:25:36.000
What's the worst case scenario if I get it wrong I include a few people that didn't mean to lie.
01:25:36.000 --> 01:25:43.000
I include a few people that had a gun to their head earlier I include a few people who are just doing what they think is right.
01:25:43.000 --> 01:25:45.000
And then they wake up.
01:25:45.000 --> 01:25:51.000
What's the worst case scenario that could happen here other than people attributing really bad motives to what I'm doing.
01:25:52.000 --> 01:25:54.000
I don't see any downsides.
01:25:54.000 --> 01:25:59.000
I think I'm challenging Mary to and challenging CHD to figure it out.
01:25:59.000 --> 01:26:11.000
I think I'm challenging people inside of CHD to point out to Mary that hey you know maybe we could be a little more precise maybe we should have a little bit you know focus on what.
01:26:13.000 --> 01:26:19.000
How many people have you heard about the I don't even want to go there it doesn't matter.
01:26:19.000 --> 01:26:21.000
A little bit about the World Health Organization.
01:26:21.000 --> 01:26:36.000
The treaty and the health regulations that they have on offer are absolutely going to make pandemics much more likely because there's a sharing of gain of function and there's like creating these biosecurity labs around the world.
01:26:37.000 --> 01:26:56.000
So remember two days ago Meryl Nasse was on on on Kim Iverson and she said the same thing that she wasn't even convinced that it was just one laboratory that it might have been several laboratories that contributed to the dozen or so things that were changed in the genome of SARS-CoV-2 to cause specific disease symptoms.
01:26:56.000 --> 01:27:25.000
Can you hear it now this is days apart these are even like one day apart and these two people that are from CHD from the very beginning have been meddling I believe and sabotaging CHD from the very beginning by not getting them to ask reasonable interesting forward moving questions are even worse to get them to fight for irrelevant ideas like a big top tent of health freedom.
01:27:27.000 --> 01:27:48.000
You can you can you can you can pretend that you're so disturbed at how crazy all these people are but if you are thinking that all these left bioweapon laboratories represent a real bona fide threat to our children.
01:27:48.000 --> 01:27:53.000
But you're not willing to acknowledge that all they got to do is make.
01:27:53.000 --> 01:28:08.000
RNA or DNA and put it in places and they can make a signal look like it's spreading all they need to do is transfect people to a toxic protein and they can get all of the symptoms that they want to and then not only that they can test for the presence of that RNA and claim it's a virus.
01:28:09.000 --> 01:28:20.000
And they can do it with what they call infectious clones which are really just synthetically made pure molecules of these self replicating RNAs or DNAs that represent them.
01:28:20.000 --> 01:28:27.000
That's how RNA virology is done and she knows that because I used to work for it.
01:28:27.000 --> 01:28:32.000
01:28:32.000 --> 01:28:34.000
Do you see it now?
01:28:34.000 --> 01:28:36.000
I'm not trying to be vindictive.
01:28:36.000 --> 01:28:43.000
I'm just trying to point out that these people are saying and selling the exact same mythology that Tony Fauci sells.
01:28:43.000 --> 01:29:03.000
The exact same mythology that Peter Desak sells the exact same mythology that that Kevin McCarran sells the exact same mythology that Kevin McCarran sells the exact same mythology that Robert Malone told the Paul Catrell in August of 2021 and beyond.
01:29:03.000 --> 01:29:18.000
And so the only way for me to see the absolute consensus between Robert Malone 2021 and Merrill Nasse and and Mary Holland in 2024 is that this was all part of the same theater.
01:29:18.000 --> 01:29:22.000
These people haven't figured anything out.
01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:27.000
Because there's been no progression in their understanding.
01:29:27.000 --> 01:29:35.000
And they haven't seen this as a way to move the previous balls forward the previous fights that they were engaged in.
01:29:35.000 --> 01:29:49.000
They're not even talking about them anymore even though they are in theory very related to the illusion of a pandemic and the illusion that mandates might be necessary in a very emergency scenario.
01:29:49.000 --> 01:29:55.000
They are not saving children from this mythology they are reinforcing it.
01:29:56.000 --> 01:30:01.000
It's insane what the world isn't saying. Yes.
01:30:01.000 --> 01:30:16.000
It really is and you are right in the epicenter of this today we're talking to Mary Holland she is the CEO of Children's Health Defense please go to Children's Health Defense Defense dot org to support them if you scroll down in the description of the show you'll find all of the
01:30:16.000 --> 01:30:24.000
links today. They are having tonight actually a WHO World Health Organization virtual round table tonight.
01:30:24.000 --> 01:30:28.000
Yeah, and tell everyone a little bit about that so that they can.
01:30:28.000 --> 01:30:40.000
Yeah, thank you Shannon so yes tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern 5 p.m. Pacific we have a round table with Senator Ron Johnson who's been at the forefront in Congress saying no.
01:30:40.000 --> 01:30:44.000
I should not go along with this treaty or health regulations.
01:30:44.000 --> 01:30:48.000
Dr. Merrill Nass who's also become a true expert on these issues.
01:30:48.000 --> 01:30:52.000
Dr. David Dell who used to work in the World Health Organization.
01:30:52.000 --> 01:31:00.000
And Jan Yokelek who is a senior editor at Epic Times all of these people will be on this round table with with me.
01:31:00.000 --> 01:31:11.000
And the guy from Epic Times the one that made the multi episode series with Robert Malone on his farm. Holy.
01:31:11.000 --> 01:31:24.000
I didn't even bother to watch that because I didn't want to have to subscribe to Epic Times but I bet you that multi part series with Robert Malone on his farm with that guy is absolutely over the top hilarious.
01:31:24.000 --> 01:31:32.000
I'm super excited the world. This isn't really important and relatively easy thing to push back on in the great reset.
01:31:32.000 --> 01:31:44.000
And essentially this would be ratifying or kind of legislating on a global level what happened during COVID only making it more enforceable at least in theory.
01:31:44.000 --> 01:31:52.000
So why don't you as a lawyer enforce explain to us how in theory that works.
01:31:52.000 --> 01:32:08.000
Is she about to break into how treaties become part of our constitution or how, you know, we could break it with the prep act or I'm a lawyer so I can explain to you that strict liability is what we should just be putting on all these products and this, this problem would go away.
01:32:08.000 --> 01:32:17.000
Is she talking about how the prep act and the emergency declaration that's embedded in the prep act is actually a violation of our seventh amendment right.
01:32:17.000 --> 01:32:30.000
Because you know I'm a lawyer from from from from Columbia so I can explain some of these overarching, you know, things that we should be fighting.
01:32:30.000 --> 01:32:42.000
That the Secretary General of the World Health Organization could declare a pandemic anywhere whenever he so chooses, which would force people to take certain medicines to lock down.
01:32:42.000 --> 01:32:53.000
You know it's extraordinary power because essentially like you're saying, Janet it deprives people of control over their own bodies. Right. We have control over our own bodies.
01:32:53.000 --> 01:33:01.000
Unless the prep act emergency is declared then you don't.
01:33:01.000 --> 01:33:23.000
Unless people go on TV and lie about what happened in New York City, unless people go on TV and lie about what happened in Italy unless people go on TV and lie about the dangers and the impending doom and say that a billion people might die.
01:33:23.000 --> 01:33:39.000
So we're not getting to the heart of the matter which is that these people murdered people and lied about it in order to coerce people with fear, uncertainty and doubt into accepting transformation and transfection as a new version of vaccination.
01:33:39.000 --> 01:33:47.000
And we are not getting anywhere near stating this fact with these two mystery solvers.
01:33:48.000 --> 01:34:02.000
Dates we do have at the state level control over public health matters. It's not at the federal government level. So it's it's impossible legally for the federal government to give this power to the World Health Organization.
01:34:02.000 --> 01:34:16.000
And yet this is what the Biden administration's been doing. This is what many other countries have been contemplating. But the good news is, is that there've been dissident countries and dissident prime ministers and bad to say one of the most outspoken prime ministers of Slovakia was recently
01:34:16.000 --> 01:34:31.000
shot many times and I understand he's still alive. But how horrific it's hard not to see a connection between the fact that he said no to the World Health Organization, which is effectively a front organization for big pharma let's be really
01:34:32.000 --> 01:34:47.000
clear that the World Health Organization has become controlled by Bill Gates by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by creations that he's made Gavi Sephi and by the pharmaceutical industry they they basically pay the bills.
01:34:48.000 --> 01:35:04.000
It's interesting the timing of this assassination. We're going to talk briefly about that. But yes, a stunning attempt on prime ministers of Slovakia, Robert FICO, who is fighting for his life at this point. I think that he is he is alive.
01:35:04.000 --> 01:35:20.000
So just yesterday, about 10 hours later, Malachi Steenson of the European Union, an MEP of Ireland, an attempted stabbing that he went to his constituents with a with a video.
01:35:20.000 --> 01:35:38.000
And so it's interesting, Mary, I did, we're going to go to break in a minute, but let's let's end on this. I did an independent documentary about a year ago, filmed in New Orleans, New Orleans about three months before assassination of JFK.
01:35:38.000 --> 01:35:55.000
And then this was gain of function research was bio it was the attempted creation of a bio weapon in New Orleans in a major hospital system with connections to a major hospital system Lee Harvey Oswald was involved and and this led to him.
01:35:55.000 --> 01:36:05.000
It really helps people understand that it's not about how it's not about vaccines. This is the medical industrial complex and this is why the stakes are very high. Go ahead.
01:36:05.000 --> 01:36:23.000
Say I think that I read the book by Lee Harvey Oswald's, you know, lover, and it was called Lee and me and she details in great detail this bio weapons research going on in Louisiana in New Orleans and elsewhere.
01:36:23.000 --> 01:36:34.000
And they were basically working on viruses that would cause turbo cancer. This is exactly what they were really researching and they were and they were also researching radiation that looks like.
01:36:34.000 --> 01:36:44.000
And it was very much under the radar, but this was from the night they were so smart they were thinking that they could use radiation to accelerate mutation and get, you know, improve people.
01:36:44.000 --> 01:36:52.000
That's how stupid they were. So let's tell the whole story, you know, not just try to make it seem like it's all bad guys and monsters.
01:36:52.000 --> 01:36:56.000
It's actually it's actually dumbasses and idiots.
01:36:56.000 --> 01:37:04.000
In 60s. So this work has been going on globally for 100 years. I think we just weren't very aware of it. Now they've rolled this out.
01:37:04.000 --> 01:37:22.000
Whether, you know, how you think of what happened in COVID again, you know, there's reasonable points of view on this but, but bio weapons are at the forefront of the paradigm and most 99% of people just want to have a nice life and live in peace and prosperity.
01:37:22.000 --> 01:37:30.000
So there is no evidence for bio weapons, none at all, except for the meetings, except for the lanyards.
01:37:30.000 --> 01:37:35.000
It is just absolutely extraordinary to me.
01:37:35.000 --> 01:37:54.000
They don't have any evidence. Their evidence is is is shadows of RNA and DNA in the wild that they make a lot of pure copies of and then play with in a laboratory and claim that whatever happens in the laboratory means that what they found out there is is pandemic
01:37:54.000 --> 01:38:11.000
and there is no way for Mary Holland not to be sophisticated enough to understand this. There's no way for Meryl Nass not to be sophisticated enough to understand that James Giordano represents a public facing version of a public facing
01:38:11.000 --> 01:38:30.000
aspect of a machine designed to deceive, deceive the American public and the world about the potential dangers that that that assault us that are out there so that we do not act intelligently.
01:38:30.000 --> 01:38:35.000
And we do not oppose our the way that we are governed.
01:38:35.000 --> 01:38:49.000
We probably don't know anything for real anymore. The real politic that has been played on us over the last 40 years has probably resulted in us not under even understanding basic world history.
01:38:49.000 --> 01:39:07.000
The stories that we understand as world history are at best they are neutered narratives at worst they are outright falsifications created by the people who've been in control of the narrative for more than 100 years,
01:39:07.000 --> 01:39:20.000
and a very interesting thing to say that they've been doing this for 100 years but nothing's happened. They've been playing with these ideas for 100 years it goes all the way back to the special cancer virus program.
01:39:20.000 --> 01:39:35.000
It goes all the way back to AIDS and then through through chronic fatigue syndrome and the attempts to try and convince people that there are latent viruses that could be responsible for vaccines causing autism.
01:39:35.000 --> 01:39:46.000
We need to discount that idea set emerging from risquetty and mikovits as being accidental.
01:39:46.000 --> 01:40:04.000
There's no way to divorce the fact that if you look at the mentor chain that leads back to where these people started it's almost certain that mikovits and and Robert Malone have known each other for years and in fact it's striking to me that neither one of them addresses the other
01:40:04.000 --> 01:40:17.000
either a fellow dissident or a a snake oil salesman and instead they stay very clear of one another and in fact I've never heard either of them comment about the other one.
01:40:17.000 --> 01:40:20.000
That's by design.
01:40:20.000 --> 01:40:29.000
That's because we are being played by a limited spectrum of debate we can never get out of and whenever we listen to they're always going to put us back in the hamster wheel.
01:40:29.000 --> 01:40:38.000
And this is an example it could be that Mary Holland is putting Shannon Joy and keeping Shannon Joy in the hamster wheel.
01:40:38.000 --> 01:40:44.000
And that Shannon Joy is not sophisticated enough to know and that's fine with me.
01:40:44.000 --> 01:40:53.000
That's how they do it that's why she's so happy to be on am radio she just wants to be a star and that's you know fault anybody for that.
01:40:53.000 --> 01:40:55.000
I want to be a teacher.
01:40:56.000 --> 01:41:03.000
Obviously there are others who who seek to control through these methods and they seek great profits through them.
01:41:03.000 --> 01:41:14.000
Mary Holland has dedicated much of her life to exposing the the truth and all of these topics and more through her work at the Children's Health at Children's Health Defense you can follow them on Twitter there.
01:41:14.000 --> 01:41:22.000
That's a great point you know we could call all of the vaccine schedule bio weapons if they wanted to really bring it all down that's what they would be doing already right but she's not.
01:41:23.000 --> 01:41:36.000
She's telling the bio weapons story that that justifies the existence of equal health alliance. She's telling the bio weapons story that justifies the existence of all of the CDC and the FDA.
01:41:36.000 --> 01:41:49.000
She's justifying the the biology that supposedly edifies the the need for a vaccine schedule at all. And if you see it that way you realize how malevolent this whole machine has been.
01:41:50.000 --> 01:41:57.000
At Children's HD you can also follow Mary on Twitter as well she's at Mary Holland and YC.
01:41:57.000 --> 01:42:06.000
And again in the links below there is a direct link to donate to Children's Health Defense again they've been doing this work for decades for decades.
01:42:06.000 --> 01:42:17.000
And this is a big decades and they haven't really made a lot of progress it's not decades by the way but they're not making a lot of progress for having worked so hard are they.
01:42:17.000 --> 01:42:31.000
What can they point to what what shot have they eliminated did they get rid of the hip shot yet did they get rid of hepatitis V for for teenage girls yet.
01:42:31.000 --> 01:42:40.000
Have they managed to at least tell people that you can do less damage to a developing child the longer you wait in development have they even said that.
01:42:41.000 --> 01:42:55.000
Big moment where people are beginning to realize that vaccines are the bio weapons and the bio weapons are the vaccines and everything we've learned about vaccines everything that we've known about vaccines it's no wonder they have
01:42:56.000 --> 01:43:08.000
such an enormous amount of propaganda some of the most sophisticated propaganda I've ever seen in my life and I'm in marketing and they haven't been doing it for just the past four years they've been doing it for decades.
01:43:08.000 --> 01:43:20.000
But you can't see that it's all lie then you actually think that the monsters and the dangers that this whole system exists for wouldn't be created by them.
01:43:20.000 --> 01:43:34.000
You can't see how that would give them even more power than if this biology was real. Imagine how much power you would have over your children if if what they thought was reality had nothing to do with reality.
01:43:34.000 --> 01:43:40.000
Imagine how easy it would be to govern a a country or even a world.
01:43:40.000 --> 01:43:50.000
They didn't understand the basic biology of their everyday lives.
01:43:50.000 --> 01:43:57.000
They have been infiltrating hospital systems institutions education systems politicians buying off agents.
01:43:57.000 --> 01:44:06.000
Why would they need to do that if bio weapons are real why would they need to do that if pandemics was real there would be no reason to control the narrative.
01:44:06.000 --> 01:44:14.000
If those sequences were all real and that spreading pathogens were actually happening there would be no reason for all of this.
01:44:14.000 --> 01:44:27.000
Don't you see there'd be no reason to set up all these tabletop exercises that prepare for this stuff because it would be happening all the time who would be part of our it would be part of reality.
01:44:28.000 --> 01:44:36.000
But instead it exists exclusively in the stories that these people tell about I got sick with COVID.
01:44:36.000 --> 01:44:48.000
It exists exclusively in the stories that these people tell like Peter Dasek like brick bright like Robert Malone who's been responding to these outbreaks for decades.
01:44:49.000 --> 01:45:05.000
Are they responding to outbreaks are they participating in an ongoing biological security state theater which over the last 20 years has been establishing the existence of pandemic potential and establishing the existence of bio terrorism potential
01:45:05.000 --> 01:45:09.000
so that they could govern us by these mythologies for the coming generations.
01:45:09.000 --> 01:45:20.000
These people have to be working for these slavers otherwise they would have gotten to this conclusion by now that not only are there a lot of lies but that's all you would need.
01:45:20.000 --> 01:45:26.000
But instead despite being able to see the decades long effort to create this.
01:45:27.000 --> 01:45:48.000
In everyones mind instead of seeing the decades long loading of movies and TV shows about this potential as being part of an illusion because again if pandemics and viruses were real why would you need to tell stories about them in planet of the apes.
01:45:48.000 --> 01:45:54.000
Why would you need to tell stories about them in X files because they'd be real.
01:45:54.000 --> 01:46:01.000
It wouldn't need to be on X files are in some other science science fiction movie it could be on law and order.
01:46:01.000 --> 01:46:07.000
It could be on ER.
01:46:07.000 --> 01:46:11.000
Oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen it's just so easy to see it now.
01:46:11.000 --> 01:46:22.000
Please help your family and friends to see this for what it is they are enslaving our children with a horrible mythology.
01:46:22.000 --> 01:46:34.000
It is everything but the kitchen sink this is this is the issue of the 21st century and I said it years ago I said to my audience I think that vaccines might be the defining issue.
01:46:34.000 --> 01:46:38.000
The 21st century whether we are free or slaves go ahead.
01:46:38.000 --> 01:46:50.000
Well I was just going to say you know when Bill Gates announced quite a while ago the decade of vaccines and when the World Health Organization considered not being vaccinated or vaccine misinformation is one of the top 10 threats to global
01:46:50.000 --> 01:46:57.000
health you had to step back and go hot like what are they talking about right right where are they talking about.
01:46:57.000 --> 01:47:11.000
We'll be back in a moment to continue this discussion we're going to go to a quick break then we're going to go back continue this conversation with Mary Holland really a true warrior wanting to encourage all of you guys to support their
01:47:11.000 --> 01:47:12.000
01:47:12.000 --> 01:47:15.000
He'd to restore peace prosperity and integrity.
01:47:15.000 --> 01:47:19.000
She has a commercial for the brownstone and try it all again.
01:47:19.000 --> 01:47:24.000
Brownstone Institute is seeking answers undertaking important research and public.
01:47:24.000 --> 01:47:31.000
I'm sure that the Brownstone Institute is is not a good place they might have some good people because that's how it works.
01:47:31.000 --> 01:47:40.000
But the Brownstone Institute has ignored me all the people there have ignored me and it's for a good reason because they are they are a controlled thing.
01:47:40.000 --> 01:47:44.000
The Brownstone Institute is for sure a controlled thing.
01:47:44.000 --> 01:47:52.000
And most of the people that show go there could not sit at a table with me because I could make them look like absolutely clueless.
01:47:52.000 --> 01:48:02.000
And that that quite frankly includes J about a charia there up on the top it includes that guy over there and I would love to have two hours with this dude.
01:48:02.000 --> 01:48:07.000
I would not be afraid at all to have two hours with this dude.
01:48:08.000 --> 01:48:20.000
Because none of these people are biologically sophisticated enough to make a cogent argument about the use of intra muscular injection to augment the immune system of a healthy human.
01:48:20.000 --> 01:48:33.000
None of these people are articulate enough and have never been articulate enough to talk about how the broad pattern of organization in the immune system suggests that intra muscular injection is about a stupid.
01:48:33.000 --> 01:48:42.000
A way of augmenting the immune system as anybody could have ever come up with.
01:48:42.000 --> 01:48:59.000
These are some of the most awful people in the world because they aren't sophisticated enough to know that they're being plagued by a national security state they're not sophisticated enough to understand that why am I so comfortable right now.
01:48:59.000 --> 01:49:02.000
Why am I so comfortable right now?
01:49:02.000 --> 01:49:08.000
I spoke up against the big monster machine. Why am I so comfortable right now?
01:49:08.000 --> 01:49:12.000
Why does my family have so much money? Why do I own two houses?
01:49:12.000 --> 01:49:16.000
Why am I not having any problems because my sub stack pays so much?
01:49:16.000 --> 01:49:20.000
Why am I getting so much money from locals?
01:49:20.000 --> 01:49:30.000
This absolutely disgusting organization that if you look at who's behind locals, how can you not see it for the patent joke that it is?
01:49:30.000 --> 01:49:44.000
And everybody that was really hip on trying to get locals to take off, whoa, once you start to see who those people are, holy man.
01:49:44.000 --> 01:49:54.000
Ladies and gentlemen, it is an illusion. Some people are participating wittingly unwittingly. Some people were said, look, someone else was going to take the money.
01:49:54.000 --> 01:49:58.000
So I took it because my family needs money too.
01:49:58.000 --> 01:50:02.000
The only difference between all of these people and me is that I never took the money.
01:50:02.000 --> 01:50:13.000
Yes, I got a salary for working on the book, but I also have been actively since the book was released promoting it as a tomb of mythology.
01:50:13.000 --> 01:50:18.000
A accurate record of the mythology that these people have been trying to lay down for 20 years.
01:50:18.000 --> 01:50:32.000
And my contribution to that to this book is to try and put a little sunshine on that mythology.
01:50:32.000 --> 01:50:37.000
It's amazing that she's got a paid advertisement for the Brownstone Institute here.
01:50:37.000 --> 01:50:41.000
That means that they're giving Shen enjoy money.
01:50:41.000 --> 01:50:45.000
The Brownstone Institute gives Shen enjoy money.
01:50:45.000 --> 01:50:49.000
Results while providing fellowships for dissident scholars.
01:50:49.000 --> 01:50:56.000
Do you see there's there's the guy from from epic times right there in the top picture.
01:50:56.000 --> 01:51:00.000
Been professionally displaced. It's not about this one crisis.
01:51:00.000 --> 01:51:06.000
We urgently need to restore peace, prosperity and integrity in science and journalism.
01:51:06.000 --> 01:51:12.000
Visit brownstone.org for more. We may never get to the truth, but we can get closer to the truth.
01:51:12.000 --> 01:51:18.000
There will be no stopping the efforts.
01:51:18.000 --> 01:51:24.000
After a lifetime of hard work and smart investing, the last thing.
01:51:24.000 --> 01:51:25.000
Buy some gold.
01:51:25.000 --> 01:51:28.000
You will find all the links to colonial metals group.
01:51:28.000 --> 01:51:31.000
You guys have met Paul Stone on the Shen enjoy show.
01:51:31.000 --> 01:51:38.000
He is featured banking digital strategy and to consider investing in physical gold and silver.
01:51:38.000 --> 01:51:45.000
You know, in your safety deposit box or in your home and also physical gold and silver through a Roth IRA.
01:51:45.000 --> 01:51:49.000
They get next few into diverse to decent.
01:51:49.000 --> 01:51:55.000
That's colonial Medicaid Mary and it really seems as if COVID was the catalyst.
01:51:55.000 --> 01:51:58.000
That's when you knew you knew they're playing for keeps there.
01:51:58.000 --> 01:52:00.000
They're going for it, right?
01:52:00.000 --> 01:52:05.000
They're going to move us into this new medical tyranny and then all the financial things will follow.
01:52:05.000 --> 01:52:12.000
The global government will be installed and, you know, all of this kind of centers around vaccines.
01:52:12.000 --> 01:52:17.000
And this is why when these leaders, I mean, this is Prime Minister Robert Feiko of Slovakia.
01:52:17.000 --> 01:52:26.000
Just, you know, a few months before being shot, as you know, he has publicly stated that he plans to exit the World Health Organization.
01:52:26.000 --> 01:52:29.000
He will not sign on to that pandemic treaty.
01:52:29.000 --> 01:52:41.000
And in December of 2023, he called out the World Health Organization as nonsense invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies.
01:52:41.000 --> 01:52:52.000
He also said one study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines and he pledged to investigate that in Slovakia.
01:52:52.000 --> 01:52:56.000
He was recently shot. So big political ramifications here.
01:52:56.000 --> 01:53:01.000
What do you think the impact of that is going to have on the medical freedom movement in your.
01:53:01.000 --> 01:53:06.000
You know, the worst part about this Shannon is that it's not the first time this has happened.
01:53:06.000 --> 01:53:19.000
So the president of Tanzania essentially mocked the PCR tests and COVID and gave the test to a goat and to a papaya and he died suddenly.
01:53:19.000 --> 01:53:27.000
And other leaders in Africa who were not going along with the WHO program died under suspicious circumstances similarly.
01:53:27.000 --> 01:53:45.000
So again, I asked this question that they are they really so naive as to not see that if there was a real pandemic and a spreading risk additive pathogen that there'd be no reason to kill these, these, these presidents in Africa and in Haiti.
01:53:45.000 --> 01:54:04.000
There'd be no reason to kill them because the pandemic is spreading and we don't have time for this shit and opposing the vaccine won't do any good because the pandemic is spreading and there would be no reason for them to have died.
01:54:04.000 --> 01:54:10.000
But if they die and then you talk about it like oh they were resisting the who.
01:54:10.000 --> 01:54:19.000
Now you see right now it becomes this Scooby-Doo mystery that you have to solve wow it's this the who has really got bad guys wow that's crazy that's impressive.
01:54:19.000 --> 01:54:34.000
Interesting, but you're not questioning the idea why would they need to do this if there was a real pandemic do you think that the worse the potential of the pandemic that's on the horizon the more likely they are to assassinate world leaders.
01:54:34.000 --> 01:54:51.000
Is that the argument that Mary and Shannon have come to the conclusion after four years that okay so there was a pandemic and they were worried that nobody would take it seriously and so they were so worried that they decided to kill leaders that wouldn't go along with the narrative.
01:54:51.000 --> 01:55:06.000
And so potentially then the worst the worst the worst that their projection would be the more likely they would be to assassinate people right because we can't have any of this I mean if it's a if we're not sure whether it's going to be a bad flu year or not.
01:55:06.000 --> 01:55:18.000
There's no reason to assassinate people but when we're sure that a billion people might die in the next year then we can't have any vaccine hesitancy at all so we're going to kill some world leaders.
01:55:18.000 --> 01:55:27.000
It's an interesting model of reality that they don't seem really interested in playing it out in their head to where this logically leads.
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A former prime minister in Japan a leader in Haiti.
01:55:31.000 --> 01:55:45.000
So this is very serious I the New York Times which reported on this I guess yesterday made no connection with what's going on with the World Health Organization so it's on us to help make that connection.
01:55:46.000 --> 01:55:51.000
Why was he assassinated why was he shot several times what is the message that's being conveyed.
01:55:51.000 --> 01:55:57.000
Is this just sort of random thuggery or is was this very purposeful thuggery.
01:55:57.000 --> 01:56:01.000
You know it's it liked all terrorism this is terrorism.
01:56:01.000 --> 01:56:08.000
It's meant to convey a message and it's meant to tell other people don't do what he did.
01:56:09.000 --> 01:56:22.000
I can't really read it any other way I pray that he survives and I pray that he will be able to tell people this is what this is about this is who these people are really about.
01:56:22.000 --> 01:56:36.000
I mean the idea and we don't have all the connections and I don't want to overstate but if in fact people behind the pharmaceutical industry who are behind the World Health Organization are killing people who don't go along with the agenda.
01:56:36.000 --> 01:56:40.000
That really should help us understand this is zero to do with health.
01:56:40.000 --> 01:56:48.000
It's the converse and it has zero to do with a real risk additive spreading pathogen you.
01:56:48.000 --> 01:56:54.000
That you won't take a stand on because some people are really are there are lots of points on both sides.
01:56:54.000 --> 01:57:00.000
Wow, it is just spectacular to see it so clearly isn't it.
01:57:00.000 --> 01:57:16.000
It's just absolutely spectacular and I hope that people inside of CHD will see it for what this is I hope that people inside of CHD who are really fighting for our children who already knew that this was a scam and already knew that this was a criminal enterprise before the
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pandemic are able to take control of the cruise ship that is CHD and get this.
01:57:24.000 --> 01:57:38.000
This these half measure statements out of their mouths to get these half measure sort of rubrics like you know help the big top tent of health freedom get this shit out of here.
01:57:38.000 --> 01:57:58.000
Let's start scoring touchdowns. The pharmaceutical companies have been enabled through legislation to poison our children and there is no check on this ability to poison our children because of the mandates that have also tied to it.
01:57:59.000 --> 01:58:10.000
So it's not about health freedom it is about reporting a crime and prosecuting the people who have committed the crime.
01:58:10.000 --> 01:58:17.000
And we are nowhere near this language we are we aren't even in the same ballpark we're not even playing the same sport as that language right now.
01:58:17.000 --> 01:58:24.000
And it's frustrating because I think CHD is being sabotaged from the top.
01:58:24.000 --> 01:58:30.000
This is about ill health this is about harm and it really is about control.
01:58:30.000 --> 01:58:34.000
So it's it's dark what's just happened is very dark.
01:58:34.000 --> 01:58:41.000
I wanted to point out that it's not coincidental that this head of state is in Eastern Europe.
01:58:41.000 --> 01:58:48.000
People in Eastern Europe have a visceral recent memory of living under totalitarian regimes.
01:58:48.000 --> 01:59:00.000
Whether it's in Albania which sort of different or in Hungary or in Slovakia or in Croatia people and they've also in Croatia survey they have recent memory of living through a war.
01:59:01.000 --> 01:59:13.000
People get the price of freedom in a more visceral way in Eastern Europe than is often the case in Western Europe or the United States they have a recent law.
01:59:13.000 --> 01:59:28.000
So if we heard anything about how the FDA needs raining in that we heard anything about how the CDC should be abolished have we heard anything about how we should just step out of the who have we heard anything about the prep act and how that's really the central way that this was that
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institution is being wrecked.
01:59:31.000 --> 01:59:38.000
So far nothing and we are 30 minutes in.
01:59:38.000 --> 01:59:48.000
If memory of 30 years ago having lived with essentially totalitarian control rate surveillance repression you can't speak freely.
01:59:48.000 --> 01:59:57.000
And so what we saw during COVID is many people a much bigger group of people in Eastern Europe were onto the regime and a much bigger group.
01:59:58.000 --> 02:00:02.000
Resisted and probably got fake certificates of vaccination and so on.
02:00:02.000 --> 02:00:17.000
Right. Well and I think many of us I know for myself within the medical freedom movement during the dark days of COVID-19 when I understood what was going on and I think a lot of us who had been reporting on vaccines and informed consent for years prior had a very clear understanding
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right from the very beginning that something was very wrong with the lockdowns the masking the social distancing and really the the the coordinated rollout of this campaign that you could see every Western democracy.
02:00:30.000 --> 02:00:44.000
Yeah, the rollout you know there's no way that this was sort of not planned it's impossible it would have been impossible is the same narrative it was the same text is the same testing kits but there have to be risk spreading a risk additive spreading pathogens
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there have to be gain of function viruses there have to be labs around the world that are making these gain of function by that's all got to be real.
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Even though they're convinced that they lie all the time and lie about everything.
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It's a complete contradictory set of thoughts to hold in your head and pretend that a cogent.
02:01:06.000 --> 02:01:22.000
The same drugs it was the same shots everywhere in the world of minor variation there was a sign of acts there were a few different the sputnik in Russia but it was the same program in Russia in China the the enemies Western Europe Eastern Europe the United States
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were all on the same regime.
02:01:24.000 --> 02:01:39.000
Yeah, well and I and I think that that it you know that's evidence that that you know we this is it I mean this is that we are in the midst of a war I believe the the the weapons are different.
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It's no longer tanks and guns and munitions and hopefully won't get there but it's more a battle for hearts and minds it's propaganda war and information war.
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There are casualties we saw casualties in the nursing homes and the COVID-19 floors during the dark days of COVID-19 and then also the you know the the almost 2 million reports of vaccine injury and death to the VAERS reporting system from the be the be safe data we're now
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beginning to see more and more from back to vaccine victims.
02:02:08.000 --> 02:02:21.000
It's great to see Brian Drassen now linking up with Aaron Syria I can to sue AstraZeneca for her vaccine injury but these are just as as we win and move forward with the narrative Mary that you you begin to
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sue for that vaccine injury in the VICP or the CICP using the the kangaroo court that the prep act provides because if they are then and then Siri Aaron series not helping us.
02:02:39.000 --> 02:02:43.000
I don't think I can say it anymore succinctly than that.
02:02:44.000 --> 02:02:56.000
We're seeing here in New York state particularly the the witch hunt of practitioners we're seeing what happens to Dr. Mary Kelly Bowden in Texas a red state.
02:02:56.000 --> 02:03:11.000
They're continuing they're not backing Mary Talley Bowden is a person who fought for the use of Ivermectin and now has her own business and she's doing fine so they made a they made a public thing about her losing her job
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in Texas method is something around her but she's doing fine and her main story is Ivermectin which I have a problem with because Ivermectin can't care cancer and also be good for healthy people that's not how that's not how pharma pharmaceuticals work
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medical establishment is has become totally vicious so we are representing many doctors across the country who lost their licenses because they prescribed Ivermectin or they even just told their patients part of we're representing one doctor in Washington state
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physician who wrote an op ed in favor of Ivermectin and they took away his medical license so they're they're defending a doctor who is retired and lost his medical license for writing an editorial.
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That's what she thinks that they should spend CHD's money on and pay lawyers to work on.
02:04:09.000 --> 02:04:11.000
Free speech.
02:04:11.000 --> 02:04:18.000
Merrill NASA's medical license.
02:04:18.000 --> 02:04:20.000
Are they fighting for children?
02:04:20.000 --> 02:04:25.000
Children's health defense. Is that what they're doing?
02:04:25.000 --> 02:04:28.000
Stop lying.
02:04:29.000 --> 02:04:37.000
It's that insane. They are so fearful of not being able to have absolute dominance over the medical narrative.
02:04:37.000 --> 02:04:46.000
I don't think they'll succeed. Thankfully Shannon there's programs like yours and you have on people like Peter McCullough and Dr. Malone and Merrill Mass and so on.
02:04:46.000 --> 02:04:53.000
It's very very important that those voices are out there and continue because we will.
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Op ed in favor of Ivermectin and they took away his medical license as a retired physician.
02:04:59.000 --> 02:05:08.000
It's that insane. They are so fearful of not being able to have absolute dominance over the medical narrative.
02:05:09.000 --> 02:05:18.000
I don't think they'll succeed. Thankfully Shannon there's programs like yours and you have on people like Peter McCullough and Dr. Malone and Merrill Mass and so on.
02:05:18.000 --> 02:05:30.000
It's very very important that those voices are out there and continue because we will be slaves if we cannot access truthful information about caring for ourselves.
02:05:30.000 --> 02:05:34.000
We will be slaves.
02:05:34.000 --> 02:05:38.000
Steel in my steel in my lines.
02:05:38.000 --> 02:05:55.000
Steel in my lines. She is. We will be slaves. She works for the slavers, ladies and gentlemen. She works for the slavers and anybody that sabotaging CHD's ability to stop the criminal enterprise that is the vaccine schedule in America is playing for the slavers.
02:05:55.000 --> 02:06:00.000
Understand that without a doubt they are playing for the slavers.
02:06:00.000 --> 02:06:08.000
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Giga Home Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
02:06:08.000 --> 02:06:17.000
This has been the Scooby-Doo mystery solved by Shannon Joy and Mary Holland.
02:06:17.000 --> 02:06:21.000
Good thing they're on it, right? Ladies and gentlemen, they lied to us about this graph.
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They didn't even show us the light blue part of this graph for almost three years.
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And instead there is a coordinated effort that includes saboteurs in the organizations that we thought were good that are reinforcing this idea of a risk additive spreading pathogen that I had.
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It felt strange. I had it three times, but I never tested.
02:06:42.000 --> 02:06:51.000
These people are part of the sustaining of this narrative that we are designed encouraging to teach to our children.
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And if we want to save our children from enslavement, we want to save ourselves from enslavement, we need to learn the biology that reveals this story as a lie.
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And I think there are people who know.
02:07:07.000 --> 02:07:11.000
I do. I really think there are people who know.
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Because their track record says that they know.
02:07:15.000 --> 02:07:19.000
And even though they know, they didn't say shit.
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And they're still not saying it.
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Ladies and gentlemen, they are lying to you about what happened here so that you accept these two ideas.
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I want you to know the truth so that you accept these two ideas.
02:07:34.000 --> 02:07:39.000
They lied to us about the novel virus and the excess deaths in books.
02:07:39.000 --> 02:07:43.000
They lied to us.
02:07:43.000 --> 02:07:46.000
They lied to us.
02:07:46.000 --> 02:07:50.000
They lied to us, ladies and gentlemen. It was all one big script.
02:07:50.000 --> 02:07:54.000
I love you very much. I probably will not see you tomorrow because it's Saturday.
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I got mixed up and thought today was Saturday.
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That's why I'm here.
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I may not be here tomorrow because like I said, I do have to work on the presentation for South Dakota and I do have to make a video for them. And I also have some consulting work to do today. So thank goodness we're going to be able to make ends meet this month again.
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Thank you very much for everybody that supports the stream.
02:08:16.000 --> 02:08:18.000
Thank you very much. And I will see you.
02:08:18.000 --> 02:08:22.000
If not tomorrow, definitely Sunday as scheduled. Thank you.
02:08:28.000 --> 02:08:33.000
Thank you very much.