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I think I hear some choppers, I got some choppers over my house, I don't know what to say but
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Andrew Huff said choppers, other people have had choppers, I got choppers over my house
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every night, I must be over the target.
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I found the mummy!
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Well, gang, I guess that wraps up the mystery, and the mummy too!
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We will win!
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Are we doing the city of the A's?
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Are we doing the city of the A's?
04:46.800 --> 04:47.800
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Two days ago.
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What sites did you see?
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Think of a bear and a tummy.
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You don't understand Mr. Brown.
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The bomb is a holy weapon of peace.
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Are we doing the stand on the city of the A's?
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
05:22.800 --> 05:24.800
This is KIGO, oh, biological, high-resistance, low-noise,
05:24.800 --> 05:30.800
information brief brought to you by a biologist at 7th of October, 2023.
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The Nobel Prize has recently been awarded for the extraordinary
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extraordinary vaccines that have saved almost 14 million lives.
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They're misleading the young ladies and gentlemen.
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We've got to put a stop to it.
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They are misleading the young.
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And we've got to put a stop to it.
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We've got to teach them the history before it's erased forever.
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The next generations are being set up with lies.
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We cannot hand over our children to these charlatans.
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It's going to require everyone to stand up.
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Even if you can see the brick wall at the back of the theater,
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there are other people who can't.
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We've got to show them.
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We've got to show them.
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There was no spread in New York City infectious clones,
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and the only real threat to placebo batches were likely
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distributed, and transfection in healthy mammals is dumb.
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Protocols were murdered, gained a function in mythology.
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The Scooby-Doo mystery is a real thing,
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and the players are spectacularly committed to lies.
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That's all we got here.
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
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This is Giga Home Biological High Resistance Low Noise
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Information Brief brought to you by a biologist.
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My name is Jonathan Cooey.
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I'm coming to you from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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Like I said, it's the 7th of October, 2023,
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and we've got so much work to do.
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It's kind of absurd.
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So we just have to keep working,
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and that's why, once again, I'm here to tell you
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not to take the debate on social media,
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not to take the debate on television,
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but keep learning the biology,
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keep trying to learn the real history,
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keep trying to learn how money really works,
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and take measures to save your family from this nonsense,
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but definitely, please definitely disengage
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from solving this mystery.
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It's not a mystery that needs solving,
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and that's the reason why we're here at Giga Home Biological,
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because it is not a matter of what is true that counts,
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but a matter of what is perceived to be true,
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and they've known that for a very long time,
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much longer than a few years.
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Chatty GTP is an illusion compared to the amount of control
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that they've had over us through this very mechanism
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of controlling the spectrum of debate
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and having a very lively debate within that controlled spectrum
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to make it seem like everybody's free.
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When in reality, the very perceived reality
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is defined by that debate itself,
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and that's what the intellectual dark web has done to us.
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That's why we keep making these people map discussions,
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because we need to figure out what these people did in 2019
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and 2020 and 21,
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so that we can see if there's a consistent pattern of behavior
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fighting for sovereignty and fighting for the sacred,
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and if not, then we need to disengage from them.
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And so we've talked many times,
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but the essential illusion, the essential faith,
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is the idea that there was a novel virus
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that everyone was vulnerable to.
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The idea that we had to do something,
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and that's why we took the extreme measures
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of giving little kids iPads at home
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and shutting down schools,
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shutting down small businesses,
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masking children,
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separating people from their elderly family members,
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the whole nine yards.
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And if you want to really see through it,
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the easy way to do it is to find people
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who are telling you that this transfection is not immunization.
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Try to find people that are telling you
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that intramuscular injection
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of any combination of substances,
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the augment the immune system is a pretty dumb idea.
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And then you'll be able to whittle it down really fast,
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because most people are talking about bioweapons,
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most people are talking about amyloidosis,
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most people are talking about crazy lipid nanoparticle,
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poor quality control,
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and people are talking about DNA contamination.
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And so we're almost there.
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But as long as we stay focused on their little spectrum of debate
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where maybe the mRNA was done or rushed wrong incorrectly,
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Nobel Prize was given to the wrong person for the wrong reason,
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then we're not arguing about what we should be arguing about.
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And we're not asking the right questions.
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I think that's another way to think about it if that helps you better.
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These people have tricked us into asking the wrong questions.
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These people have tricked us into chasing the wrong villains.
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These people have tricked us into trying to solve the wrong mystery.
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And they've given us this illusion of consensus about what that mystery is,
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the illusion of consensus about what the obvious conclusion is,
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the illusion of consensus that we have all come to agree about this
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when we haven't.
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We have discussed recently with Denny Rancour and Peter McCullough on my stream
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about the all-cause mortality being quite unrevealing with regard to
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a novel cause of death sweeping the world like a plague.
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The math doesn't support the idea of a novel cause of death
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sweeping the world like a plague.
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And that's a problem because if you say to somebody that there's a new cause of death on Earth
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and that everybody's equally vulnerable to it,
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and then there isn't an increase in all cause mortality across age groups
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that's detectable in temporal relationship to this declaration,
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you have a problem.
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If where there is an outbreak in one geographic location,
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there isn't an outbreak in subsequent nearby geographic locations,
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then you have a problem.
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And that's what seems to have happened in a lot of places in the United States
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and in fact around the world.
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And Denny Rancour's data seems to show a sharp increase
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in all cause mortality as the countermeasures were rolled out
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and specifically the mRNA shot around the world.
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And as would be expected,
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serial exposure to this kind of a reagent
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is going to result in possible cascading effects or avalanche type effects
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in the immune system as the reactivity of the immune system builds.
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Now there's some people that are arguing that IgG4 is showing up
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and so that means that we're building a tolerance to this spike protein
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and that is possible.
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It's possible.
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It's one possible mechanism, one possible outcome,
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but they have no, they can't guarantee that because they don't understand
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the mechanism by which in some people that's occurring
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and in some people it's not.
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In some people they just keep getting repeated respiratory disease
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and repeated somehow become COVID positive again
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or not COVID positive but still sick.
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Long term lack of energy, all the other things that people have
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around this thing called POTS or whatever other description it's had.
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So we're really dealing with something very spectacular because
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even Peter McCullough, a guy who was surrounded from the very beginning
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by people whispering in his ear,
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assuring him with high level national security phone calls
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that this was a national security issue that we needed to be afraid
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of whether we were under attack or whether this was a release.
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We don't know where this is going to go.
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It could be a worst case scenario.
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So you got to be really careful what you say there, Mr. Peter.
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And so for him to be very impressed
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with Denny Rancor's ability to explain,
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yeah, but despite what you think,
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I've cleaned this data up, I've looked at the dates,
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we've only looked at the data that we can trust and we look at many,
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many countries and many, many places we see the same signal.
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Peter needed to hear it from Denny and he did hear it and it was really
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impactual because this was around the same time that Peter had just recently
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come out like I have with the idea that just the whole vaccine schedule in America
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needs some serious reconsideration.
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Then we ran into this character.
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We did a video about him.
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He tweeted some nonsense about how in the hands of,
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in the hands of a competent scientist, PCR is highly accurate, well, duh.
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And then he blocked me.
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And of course that's not surprising, right?
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Because he was involved in the testing and he's involved in perpetuating this idea
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that we have nothing to question about the faith.
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The novel virus is defined specifically by sequencing reactions,
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which are all driven by PCR.
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And that's his wheelhouse.
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And he wants you to believe, just like Kevin McKernan,
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that he has no conflicts of interest with regard to telling you
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that the fidelity of these, these diagnostics and the fidelity of these
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sequencing reactions is beyond, beyond question.
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You can't question the accuracy of these things.
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Even though there are articles where they talk about
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viruses raining down from the sky on the order of 800 million viruses per
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square meter per day.
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Some absurd number like this giant amount of RNA is floating around
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in the world.
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But you know, we can find all these little pieces and put them together
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and convince you that what we're finding is real.
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I think there's a lot of shenanigans going on and I think the behavior
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of these people reveals that it is indeed shenanigans.
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It's not people genuinely fighting for the truth, trying to organize
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around health, freedom and sovereignty over ourselves and our children.
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You know that Kevin McKernan is not fighting for that.
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He's fighting for something to do with personalized weed
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and genetically modified pot plants.
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Philip Buckholtz is making money as a sequencer and as a test maker
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and as an advisor to all the companies that would ever want to take advantage
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of any of this mythology in the future.
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He's asserted himself as a guy who does that for a licks.
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We're really good at that.
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Me and my lab are really good at that.
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100% on board with the idea of a novel virus for which we have to do something
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which we could keep tracking and we should keep sequencing
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and keep making better sequencing technologies and sequencing products for.
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We've looked at these four guys because there's some game being played here
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because it's just really short through the corner.
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George Webb's favorite biological advice comes from Dr. Paul Catrell
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who's not even a doctor even though George Webb says over and over and over
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and over again for three years that Paul Catrell is going to med school
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and was going to med school at the beginning of the pandemic when he wasn't.
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Every once in a while he says it wasn't med school.
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It was something you do before med school.
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So then he's not Dr. Paul Catrell but he is because he has a PhD
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from Walden University in finance where he did chaos theory and bond trading.
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So he's kind of like that guy that does pizza reviews from New York City
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but then this guy is more like the Jurassic Park character
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who did chaos theory so he's like a combination of the guy in Jurassic Park
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with that pizza delivery or the pizza review guy that also traded,
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day traded and made a lot of money like I don't know it's just such a joke to me
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and what becomes more of a joke is that somebody like Robert Malone
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wants us to believe that in his quest to save the world
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he came out on the bread wine steam podcast in the way that he did in June
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and then also he came out on Paul Catrell
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with Paul Catrell and some other radio network enlightenment radio network
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because he's just trying to get the word out there.
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You know because he's got all these connections in government that just ignore him
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so you know what does he got to do he's got to stream with these kinds of people
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even though he used to work with carrot funded bullshit
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carrot funded bullshit has already been on the web all over the place
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for six months before June 21
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Robert Malone comes out and pretends he doesn't even know
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or doesn't even mention that he knows carrot funded bullshit until June of 21
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now all of a sudden yeah okay I'm on Paul Catrell and I know carrot
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it's not good ladies and gentlemen because
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Malone also says that George Webb's a bad guy right but
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but tells you where to find him and Paul Catrell
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was streaming many many many times with Kevin McCarron
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and you know that we followed Charles Rixie and Kevin McCarron
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not too recently or not too long ago
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April 26th on this Vay John health conference which occurred on a Saturday
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and it was Christine Grace followed by Charles Rixie
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and Kevin McCarron
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and these were really quite
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let's say low level poorly organized talks all three of them
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Christine Grace may be very smart and she may have a lot of information
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about how lipid nanoparticles work she may have a lot of information
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about the kinds of things that they can do when they interact with DNA and RNA
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she may have a lot of information about the polarity
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different particles and how that figures into how they cross membranes and that kind of thing
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but the talk that she gave had slides
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that had too much gibberish and
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readable material on it with not a lot of obvious
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messaging and she she skipped a few slides
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every once in a while and she talked very nervous and very fast so
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wasn't pretty difficult to get much from her talk
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then Charles Rixie gave a talk about censorship
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and used a bunch of slides you couldn't read or see what they were but you were supposed to
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take your word for it that that was his
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sub stack or this is a multicolored spreadsheet
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with all the papers that he's read and then Kevin McCarron
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came on and did a I don't know what
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would you call that like if you were a master student giving a
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presentation about amyloid that that's the level it would be at
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it definitely wasn't at the level of somebody who studies it
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or at the level of somebody who's got an idea of the next project he wants to do
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or how he's going to do experiments to prove that this is happening
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he never once really made the argument about why
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this particular virus as opposed to any other virus with a fusion protein
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or any other transfection of any other fusion
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protein would be any less toxic than this one
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he never made an argument about why the
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the virus would be particularly dangerous and the
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transfection would be particularly dangerous or which one would be more dangerous
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when I'm clearly arguing that the transfection is much more dangerous
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than whatever is floating around as the virus even if it's an
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infectious clone and that's what I've been trying to argue from the beginning
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if you're unlucky enough to be sprayed with an infectious clone
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or made to inhale an infectious clone then things bad things will probably happen
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but if you transfect yourself with a
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foreign protein most assuredly you're playing the same game if not
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much much worse with many many many more tissue in
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your body than just the mucosal of your lungs
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and gut and so we're in a big trouble here
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because interestingly enough these stars
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have all crossed again and this illusion of consensus
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seems to have really really strong connections between
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all of these pieces the
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laying down of this worst case scenario
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which was done by people like Paul Catrell
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people like George Webb people like Kevin
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care people like Charles Ricksey people like all
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the people in drastic like me there were screaming very early on
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that this could be a lab leak and unable
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to get the message out that that doesn't mean it's danger as it just means that it's probably more likely
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a man-made thing than it ever is something coming out of a bat cave
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the worst case scenario a billion
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people going to die was something that needed to be seeded
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it had to be something that was whispered in every water cooler
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it was whispered at every coffee room
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it was talked about on every talk show
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behind the scenes and that's what this is about now
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to give you this continued illusion that everything's okay
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that it all worked out people on the TV say look they gave them the Nobel Prize
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you can even point to it for a judge
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Pfizer's guilty of nothing you know because I mean we just used the Nobel Prize
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winning technique I mean what could we have possibly done wrong
25:00.800 --> 25:04.800
so curiously enough today
25:04.800 --> 25:08.800
at six o'clock UK time which was around
25:08.800 --> 25:12.800
one o'clock our time someone sent me a link
25:12.800 --> 25:16.800
thanks Cara of reflections on the Nobel Prize
25:16.800 --> 25:20.800
from the mRNA originator
25:20.800 --> 25:24.800
the mRNA originator
25:24.800 --> 25:28.800
and who is he talking with Dr. Philip
25:28.800 --> 25:32.800
Macmillan where do we recognize Dr. Philip
25:32.800 --> 25:36.800
Macmillan and Vay John Health from well we recognize them of course
25:36.800 --> 25:40.800
from the Vay John Health Conference just a month ago
25:40.800 --> 25:44.800
August 26th
25:44.800 --> 25:48.800
where he hosted
25:48.800 --> 25:52.800
Kevin McCarron and Charles Ricksey
25:52.800 --> 25:56.800
the people that are connected to George Webb
25:56.800 --> 26:00.800
via Paul Cottrell
26:00.800 --> 26:04.800
people that Robert Malone has streamed
26:04.800 --> 26:08.800
with like Paul Cottrell and
26:08.800 --> 26:12.800
incidentally you're going to hear in this interview that
26:12.800 --> 26:16.800
Robert Malone came first time on Dr. Philip
26:16.800 --> 26:20.800
Macmillan's Vay John Health stream in June
26:20.800 --> 26:24.800
of 2021
26:24.800 --> 26:28.800
the same month that he made his debut
26:28.800 --> 26:32.800
on Brett Weinstein I just can't believe
26:32.800 --> 26:36.800
that this happened today and more importantly I can't believe
26:36.800 --> 26:40.800
the kinds of things that he says unfortunately it's already
26:40.800 --> 26:44.800
950 so it looks like I'm going to be up a little later
26:44.800 --> 26:48.800
than I wanted to be up on this Saturday but I am going to be up because it is
26:48.800 --> 26:52.800
a video that needs to be wrestled with
26:52.800 --> 26:56.800
it's extraordinary
26:56.800 --> 27:00.800
hello good evening good afternoon to everyone
27:00.800 --> 27:04.800
here thank you for joining me for this really really
27:04.800 --> 27:08.800
fascinating discussion with regards to Robert
27:08.800 --> 27:12.800
Malone no it's important for people to realize
27:12.800 --> 27:16.800
that actually I had the first video
27:16.800 --> 27:20.800
interview with him all the way in June 2021
27:20.800 --> 27:24.800
and at that time it was just purely by chance
27:24.800 --> 27:28.800
that I realized subsequently that he was actually
27:28.800 --> 27:32.800
the inventor the creator of the mRNA
27:32.800 --> 27:36.800
technology that in itself was a fascinating insight for me
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and since then I have watched him grow from strength
27:40.800 --> 27:44.800
to strength going across the world and
27:44.800 --> 27:48.800
effectively impacting the scientific perspective
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and across the world now today is actually
27:52.800 --> 27:56.800
my birthday and the biggest gift that I've had
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is the fact that we have here Robert Malone with me
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to discuss ideas about mRNA technology
28:04.800 --> 28:08.800
his history how he felt about the Nobel Prize
28:08.800 --> 28:12.800
and all these issues together should in truth
28:12.800 --> 28:16.800
be a remarkable discussion so the first thing that I'm going to do
28:16.800 --> 28:20.800
is bring Robert in as opposed to just have a quick introduction
28:20.800 --> 28:24.800
hi Robert how are you? Hi Phillip thanks a lot for having me back
28:24.800 --> 28:28.800
it's been a long time and a lot of water in the bridge
28:28.800 --> 28:32.800
absolutely grateful for you asking me to come back onto your broadcast
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well yes as I said it's a tremendous honor for me to actually have you
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because these days you're literally one of the biggest
28:40.800 --> 28:44.800
voices out there depending on which side of the fence you're on it can be a
28:44.800 --> 28:48.800
bit of a problem but in truth everybody does hear what you say
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whether they like it or not so with that in view
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can you just give us an introduction of yourself
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Robert let us
29:00.800 --> 29:04.800
did you just hear that please tell me you heard that without me
29:04.800 --> 29:08.800
having to reel it back and then I'm going to reel it back and we're all going to enjoy it together like an
29:08.800 --> 29:12.800
extra potato chip that we didn't know we had
29:12.800 --> 29:16.800
it does hear what you say whether they like it
29:16.800 --> 29:20.800
or the biggest voices out there depending on which side
29:20.800 --> 29:24.800
of the fence you're on it can be a bit of a problem but in truth everybody
29:24.800 --> 29:28.800
does hear what you say whether they like it or not
29:28.800 --> 29:32.800
everybody hears what you say
29:32.800 --> 29:36.800
whether they like it or not it doesn't matter what side of the fence you're on
29:36.800 --> 29:40.800
isn't that an interesting phenomenon boy I wish I could get my
29:40.800 --> 29:44.800
message out like that I wish I
29:44.800 --> 29:48.800
I don't know how he does it despite the censorship
29:48.800 --> 29:52.800
on either side of the aisle it doesn't matter what side of the issue
29:52.800 --> 29:56.800
you're on you're gonna hear Robert Malone boy that censorship
29:56.800 --> 30:00.800
is rough huh I mean that's that's an impressive statement
30:00.800 --> 30:04.800
so with that in view
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can you just give us an introduction of yourself
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Robert let us let us know a little bit more about you and your background
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here we go so the
30:16.800 --> 30:20.800
truth of the matter is that I actually live
30:20.800 --> 30:24.800
and enjoy living a simple life I live on a 54 horse farm in Northern Virginia
30:24.800 --> 30:28.800
that I homestead it together with my wife Dr. Joel
30:28.800 --> 30:32.800
Glassville Malone from just being atheists
30:32.800 --> 30:36.800
I was born in Palo Alto California
30:36.800 --> 30:40.800
at the Old Stanford Hospital and grew up in the Central Coast California
30:40.800 --> 30:44.800
moving frequently the son of a
30:44.800 --> 30:48.800
Mills University train or college train teacher
30:48.800 --> 30:52.800
and a Stanford trained electrical engineer who was very
30:52.800 --> 30:56.800
involved in the defense industry and high voltage
30:56.800 --> 31:00.800
systems I landed in
31:00.800 --> 31:04.800
high voltage systems is that like high voltage weapons
31:04.800 --> 31:08.800
I mean what does that mean I he's in the defense
31:08.800 --> 31:12.800
high voltage systems it's just so silly
31:12.800 --> 31:16.800
it's gonna get much worse you're gonna gonna believe the kinds of things that he says
31:16.800 --> 31:20.800
here and as you're listening I want you to try and follow
31:20.800 --> 31:24.800
along and see if you
31:24.800 --> 31:28.800
if you hear that bell what I'm indicating is
31:28.800 --> 31:32.800
I'm saying something that he probably said because
31:32.800 --> 31:36.800
he was made to say it because somebody
31:36.800 --> 31:40.800
brought it out somebody reported on it somebody
31:40.800 --> 31:44.800
said something about it it was never intended to have to be talked about
31:44.800 --> 31:48.800
but this is the updated list this is this
31:48.800 --> 31:52.800
October 7th updated who is
31:52.800 --> 31:56.800
Robert Malone speech and it is spectacular sorry
31:56.800 --> 32:00.800
yeah and in my youth
32:00.800 --> 32:04.800
and pretty much grew up in the Santa Barbara metropolitan area
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and then went to university at
32:08.800 --> 32:12.800
Santa Barbara City College, UC Davis
32:12.800 --> 32:16.800
Northwestern University, UC San Diego
32:16.800 --> 32:20.800
in the Salk Institute and
32:20.800 --> 32:24.800
Northwestern and Harvard Medical School for my final fellowship
32:24.800 --> 32:28.800
in global clinical research. I'm trained in pathology
32:28.800 --> 32:32.800
I've also in virology
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immunology molecular biology and was very active
32:36.800 --> 32:40.800
as a bench researcher really
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beginning about 83 84 kind of cut my teeth with
32:44.800 --> 32:48.800
HIV and mouse mammary tumor virus which is
32:48.800 --> 32:52.800
a retrovirus model of breast cancer in mice and then
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through my work in gene transfer first at the
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Salk Institute focusing on retroviral vectors then
33:00.800 --> 33:04.800
as a assistant professor at UC Davis I grew a
33:04.800 --> 33:08.800
medium sized non-viral gene
33:08.800 --> 33:12.800
therapy program was recruited to University of Maryland
33:12.800 --> 33:16.800
Baltimore where I had additional discoveries that led to
33:16.800 --> 33:20.800
a whole other field of gene delivery that nobody talks about these days
33:20.800 --> 33:24.800
having to use to do with pulse electrical fields
33:24.800 --> 33:28.800
and the founding of a company called Anovio that's still running in San Diego
33:28.800 --> 33:32.800
using that technology and then
33:32.800 --> 33:36.800
to the uniform services university of the health sciences
33:36.800 --> 33:40.800
where I helped create a breast cancer research program
33:40.800 --> 33:44.800
and issue banking laboratory and research laboratory at Western
33:44.800 --> 33:48.800
Pennsylvania and then joined
33:48.800 --> 33:52.800
a company that had just obtained
33:52.800 --> 33:56.800
the what's called the prime systems contract for
33:56.800 --> 34:00.800
bio-defense products for the Department of Defense called Dimeport vaccine company
34:00.800 --> 34:04.800
up in Frederick, Maryland almost across the street from
34:04.800 --> 34:08.800
Fort Dietrich which is where the United States Army
34:08.800 --> 34:12.800
medical research group is that used to be the bio warfare
34:12.800 --> 34:16.800
group but now is the bio-defense group and at that
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in that job in that position I had
34:20.800 --> 34:24.800
experience with virtually all the major
34:24.800 --> 34:28.800
well really end minor vaccines that are in development for
34:28.800 --> 34:32.800
bio-defense for the U.S. Army and defense complex
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which is where I was brought into connection with a lot of
34:36.800 --> 34:40.800
people that are called you know referred to as deep state
34:40.800 --> 34:44.800
many people who have CIA connections
34:44.800 --> 34:48.800
I'm not CIA I've never been CIA I've never been approached by the CIA to the best of
34:48.800 --> 34:52.800
my knowledge but you can't work in bio-defense and not work with CIA people
34:52.800 --> 34:56.800
I've also worked for Gates funded nonprofit
34:56.800 --> 35:00.800
one of the first called the Harris Global TV Vaccine Foundation
35:00.800 --> 35:04.800
it's defunct now but I know that world pretty well
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I've consulted for PATH which is one of the core gates
35:08.800 --> 35:12.800
companies and I've worked for a
35:12.800 --> 35:16.800
for-profit regulatory
35:16.800 --> 35:20.800
fair sweatshop in Rockville supporting
35:20.800 --> 35:24.800
FDA related work I've written many
35:24.800 --> 35:28.800
INDs presented
35:28.800 --> 35:32.800
to the FDA multiple times written many clinical protocols
35:32.800 --> 35:36.800
and managed phase one and two and some phase three
35:36.800 --> 35:40.800
protocols either as a principal investigator
35:40.800 --> 35:44.800
or as a support person like a clinical
35:44.800 --> 35:48.800
investigator or safety committee member
35:48.800 --> 35:52.800
I've was at the tip of the spear
35:52.800 --> 35:56.800
in bringing forward the vaccine candidate from NewLink
35:56.800 --> 36:00.800
originally from public health agency Canada and getting
36:00.800 --> 36:04.800
it sold to a company called Merck that's now the
36:04.800 --> 36:08.800
only licensed Ebola candidate or Ebola vaccine
36:08.800 --> 36:12.800
and have been very
36:12.800 --> 36:16.800
involved in advancing many different bio-defense products
36:16.800 --> 36:20.800
I've kind of been at the forefront of I think five different outbreaks
36:20.800 --> 36:24.800
did a lot of drug repurposing
36:24.800 --> 36:28.800
work with Zika after I determined
36:28.800 --> 36:32.800
that building a Zika vaccine was not going to be very practical
36:32.800 --> 36:36.800
and many influenza vaccines I have deep experience
36:36.800 --> 36:40.800
in influenza and influenza vaccine development
36:40.800 --> 36:44.800
I'm very familiar with the Novavax
36:44.800 --> 36:48.800
platform and worked for a long time for a company that uses
36:48.800 --> 36:52.800
Baccalaureate virus to express proteins in caterpillars
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and I've won over my lifetime well over $10 billion
36:56.800 --> 37:00.800
in grants and contracts for a variety of companies
37:00.800 --> 37:04.800
including companies that are
37:04.800 --> 37:08.800
you know very much beltway bandits
37:08.800 --> 37:12.800
basically inside DC defense contractors
37:12.800 --> 37:16.800
I've been granted a secret clearance but my passion
37:16.800 --> 37:20.800
remains in small farming and my 44 year marriage with
37:20.800 --> 37:24.800
my wife Dr. Joe Glaspel Malone where high school sweethearts
37:24.800 --> 37:28.800
and these days we produce Lucetano horses
37:28.800 --> 37:32.800
here in our farm in Virginia up against the Shenandoah Mountains
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so there's a kind of a broad brush stroke
37:36.800 --> 37:40.800
of who I am and what I do excellent listen I think
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as I listen to you there I remember
37:42.800 --> 37:46.800
holy cow that was crazy
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so let me just see
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let me just see if we can do this here
37:54.800 --> 37:58.800
so he did mouse tumor virus
37:58.800 --> 38:02.800
he called himself
38:02.800 --> 38:06.800
he's trained in pathology, virology, immunology, megalactic and molecular biology
38:06.800 --> 38:10.800
cut his teeth in mouse tumor viruses which was a mouse
38:10.800 --> 38:14.800
model for breast cancer then he did retroviral vectors
38:14.800 --> 38:18.800
when he speaks of vectors he's talking about using them to carry DNA
38:18.800 --> 38:22.800
they're talking about transforming things then
38:22.800 --> 38:26.800
so like transfection would be with our mRNA but then with DNA
38:26.800 --> 38:30.800
UC Davis, University of Baltimore
38:30.800 --> 38:34.800
I missed a lot of stuff in there because there was also
38:34.800 --> 38:38.800
the part about windber and the breast cancer institute that had
38:38.800 --> 38:42.800
the really high speed internet pipeline and had access
38:42.800 --> 38:46.800
to all of the military cancer data
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and he put the husband
38:50.800 --> 38:54.800
of a postdoc that he had and as a director of
38:54.800 --> 38:58.800
that institute that's a married couple from Nigeria
38:58.800 --> 39:02.800
it's just all very strange
39:02.800 --> 39:06.800
kind of happening there and then that put him in real close proximity to where
39:06.800 --> 39:10.800
the plane went down in 2001 so that's
39:10.800 --> 39:14.800
a little strange he's worked for the Gates Foundation and he's worked for a company
39:14.800 --> 39:18.800
called PAF which was one of the primary guest companies in the Gates Foundation
39:18.800 --> 39:22.800
or funded by them he also worked for a regulatory
39:22.800 --> 39:26.800
affairs sweatshop which I don't really know what that is
39:26.800 --> 39:30.800
he worked with some phase one two and some three trials
39:30.800 --> 39:34.800
he was tip of the spear of the Ebola vaccine where he brokered the sale
39:34.800 --> 39:38.800
of the Ebola vaccine candidate from a company called Newlink in Canada
39:38.800 --> 39:42.800
to Merck. He was involved in a
39:42.800 --> 39:46.800
under a lot of biodefense products I apologize you can't read that
39:46.800 --> 39:51.800
drug repurposing for Zika influenza vaccine development
39:51.800 --> 39:54.800
baculovirus and caterpillars
39:54.800 --> 39:58.800
and he's got what is this
39:58.800 --> 40:02.800
he got 10 billion I thought it was like
40:02.800 --> 40:06.800
2 billion now he says it's 10 billion for
40:06.800 --> 40:10.800
beltway banded companies so he sounds like a really great guy
40:10.800 --> 40:14.800
but really right now he's into his 44 year
40:14.800 --> 40:18.800
marriage with his college or his high school sweetheart
40:18.800 --> 40:22.800
and raising Lucetano horses so
40:22.800 --> 40:26.800
holy crap that's interesting I would say
40:26.800 --> 40:30.800
there's quite a bit in that narrative that wouldn't be there
40:30.800 --> 40:34.800
hadn't been for the work of some of the people that you
40:34.800 --> 40:38.800
follow some of the people that we trust
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so thanks to all those people especially Mark Gulag
40:45.800 --> 40:49.800
well the first time that I had an interview with Gert
40:49.800 --> 40:53.800
and he went through his background and I thought oh my goodness
40:53.800 --> 40:56.800
no wonder it is a worry
40:56.800 --> 41:00.800
when you say something that is counter to the narrative
41:00.800 --> 41:03.800
and we're going to be coming into that in a moment
41:03.800 --> 41:07.800
but I think it's very important to start with
41:07.800 --> 41:11.800
that question of mRNA technology
41:11.800 --> 41:16.800
now in all of the background that you have listed
41:16.800 --> 41:19.800
I don't hear a lot about
41:19.800 --> 41:23.800
the work or that original work with
41:23.800 --> 41:27.800
mRNA why did you not continue
41:27.800 --> 41:31.800
after you had that experience of the breakthrough
41:31.800 --> 41:35.800
in thinking so you would have been at that cutting edge
41:35.800 --> 41:39.800
as you said in Salk Institute you had that moment where you
41:39.800 --> 41:44.800
envisioned it why did it not continue
41:44.800 --> 41:49.800
well not only envisioned it but I left the Salk
41:49.800 --> 41:53.800
because of the politics that were going on over the patents
41:53.800 --> 41:57.800
with a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder
41:57.800 --> 42:02.800
my mentor is now out
42:02.800 --> 42:06.800
and basically is being a very abusive person
42:06.800 --> 42:11.800
but I continued that work at a small startup
42:11.800 --> 42:15.800
across the street called Vaikal and it's at Vaikal
42:15.800 --> 42:18.800
that we had the additional discovery of naked DNA
42:18.800 --> 42:21.800
and RNA delivery into mouse muscle
42:21.800 --> 42:23.800
and the reduction of practice of all of this
42:23.800 --> 42:26.800
for the purpose of vaccination
42:26.800 --> 42:30.800
so we demonstrated there that you could inoculate
42:30.800 --> 42:34.800
mice with the messenger RNA that I had synthesized
42:34.800 --> 42:39.800
and caused them to mount an immune response against the encoded protein
42:39.800 --> 42:43.800
and so is that where the patents come from
42:43.800 --> 42:46.800
because yeah looking behind you
42:46.800 --> 42:49.800
there was a number of patent filed
42:49.800 --> 42:54.800
so the original patent disclosure was made at the Salk in 1987 or 88
42:54.800 --> 42:58.800
and then a patent was filed from the Salk
42:58.800 --> 43:02.800
and I never got a straight answer
43:02.800 --> 43:05.800
when I left the Salk it was still pending
43:05.800 --> 43:08.800
they had first determined that I was a sole inventor
43:08.800 --> 43:11.800
and then they put my mentor on it
43:11.800 --> 43:14.800
and then I left and went to Vaikal
43:14.800 --> 43:17.800
and I asked the Salk a few years later
43:17.800 --> 43:20.800
what happened to that patent because they're supposed to just
43:20.800 --> 43:24.800
they're supposed to notify the inventors of any actions they take under
43:24.800 --> 43:27.800
the Baidole Act in the United States
43:27.800 --> 43:30.800
and they had unilaterally decided to abandon the patent
43:30.800 --> 43:33.800
at the time when my mentor, Interverma,
43:33.800 --> 43:37.800
had been a consultant to the company Vaikal
43:37.800 --> 43:40.800
so the Salk patent would have interfered with the Vaikal patents
43:40.800 --> 43:42.800
and it was dropped
43:42.800 --> 43:44.800
Can I just ask the chat?
43:44.800 --> 43:48.800
Did they flash to the second camera yet?
43:48.800 --> 43:51.800
Is that why you're saying why did he put patents on the wall
43:51.800 --> 43:53.800
or did they flash to a second camera yet?
43:53.800 --> 43:55.800
Yes or no?
43:55.800 --> 43:59.800
Anybody in the chat did because there's a second camera coming up soon
44:00.800 --> 44:04.800
and then the Vaikal patents there was nine of them
44:04.800 --> 44:06.800
that came out of their original filings
44:06.800 --> 44:07.800
Watch your cover
44:07.800 --> 44:09.800
kind of 1990-1991
44:09.800 --> 44:10.800
He's going to trigger it himself
44:10.800 --> 44:11.800
They issued
44:11.800 --> 44:15.800
and then we had, Jill and I had a subsequent patent
44:15.800 --> 44:17.800
actually multiple patents
44:17.800 --> 44:19.800
you know that's
44:19.800 --> 44:21.800
as shown behind me
44:21.800 --> 44:22.800
44:22.800 --> 44:25.800
and they cover the formulations
44:26.800 --> 44:29.800
You see he's got a button he triggers it with
44:29.800 --> 44:31.800
he's got to look down to see which button he pushes
44:31.800 --> 44:32.800
on his little streamer thing
44:32.800 --> 44:35.800
so he can get that patent wall side shot
44:35.800 --> 44:39.800
That was brilliant
44:39.800 --> 44:41.800
Okay, so one was
44:41.800 --> 44:43.800
purchased by the army
44:43.800 --> 44:45.800
use of various
44:45.800 --> 44:46.800
candidate lipids
44:46.800 --> 44:49.800
we were the first ones to put cholesterol into the formulations
44:49.800 --> 44:52.800
we came up with solutions to the endotoxin problem
44:52.800 --> 44:53.800
et cetera et cetera
44:54.800 --> 44:56.800
but we were way ahead of our time
44:56.800 --> 44:59.800
and Vaikal when I left
44:59.800 --> 45:03.800
I had signed an employment agreement
45:03.800 --> 45:05.800
that among other things
45:05.800 --> 45:08.800
resulted in my getting compensated for the patents
45:08.800 --> 45:10.800
with one US dollar
45:10.800 --> 45:14.800
but I also
45:14.800 --> 45:17.800
signed away any rights to work in that field
45:17.800 --> 45:18.800
45:18.800 --> 45:21.800
and at one point I got a
45:21.800 --> 45:25.800
cease and desist letter from the CEO of Vaikal
45:25.800 --> 45:28.800
BJ Simone who used to be at Merck
45:28.800 --> 45:31.800
that I should not do any research
45:31.800 --> 45:33.800
as an academic
45:33.800 --> 45:35.800
directly relating to what I had done
45:35.800 --> 45:37.800
when I was at Vaikal
45:37.800 --> 45:38.800
45:38.800 --> 45:41.800
Vaikal was very aggressive about the intellectual property
45:41.800 --> 45:43.800
they sold it to Merck
45:43.800 --> 45:45.800
Merck tried to make DNA vaccines work
45:45.800 --> 45:47.800
they thought RNA wasn't going to be
45:47.800 --> 45:49.800
feasible to manufacture
45:49.800 --> 45:51.800
they failed
45:51.800 --> 45:53.800
they spent over two billion
45:53.800 --> 45:55.800
they turned the IP back to
45:55.800 --> 45:57.800
to Vaikal
45:57.800 --> 45:59.800
and Vaikal burned about a billion
45:59.800 --> 46:01.800
or a billion and a half
46:01.800 --> 46:03.800
and they failed
46:03.800 --> 46:05.800
but what they did do through that whole time
46:05.800 --> 46:07.800
is very aggressively block anybody
46:07.800 --> 46:09.800
that would work on DNA
46:09.800 --> 46:11.800
or RNA vaccines
46:11.800 --> 46:13.800
until the patents expired
46:13.800 --> 46:15.800
and then after the patents expired
46:15.800 --> 46:17.800
the market cap for Vaikal
46:17.800 --> 46:19.800
basically crashed
46:19.800 --> 46:21.800
and the company
46:21.800 --> 46:23.800
was basically merged
46:23.800 --> 46:25.800
for less than cash value
46:25.800 --> 46:27.800
so it's
46:27.800 --> 46:29.800
I don't think the patents
46:29.800 --> 46:31.800
expired in 2001 though
46:31.800 --> 46:33.800
and I think Mark has shown
46:33.800 --> 46:35.800
46:35.800 --> 46:37.800
the patent or rather the stock
46:37.800 --> 46:39.800
of Vaikal crashed or ended
46:39.800 --> 46:41.800
pretty much in September or October
46:41.800 --> 46:43.800
of 2001 right?
46:43.800 --> 46:45.800
isn't that right?
46:45.800 --> 46:47.800
so that's weird
46:47.800 --> 46:49.800
yeah the line glows
46:49.800 --> 46:51.800
that's for sure
46:51.800 --> 46:53.800
not where you then start
46:53.800 --> 46:55.800
to speak about your work
46:55.800 --> 46:57.800
because before that you
46:57.800 --> 46:59.800
couldn't I really couldn't
46:59.800 --> 47:01.800
yeah well no at that point
47:01.800 --> 47:03.800
in all this work that we did
47:03.800 --> 47:05.800
mostly at UC Davis
47:05.800 --> 47:07.800
with the different positively charged
47:07.800 --> 47:09.800
fats and the pharmacology
47:09.800 --> 47:11.800
and biology and mechanism
47:11.800 --> 47:13.800
of action work
47:13.800 --> 47:17.800
we had done a lot of work
47:17.800 --> 47:19.800
on trying to develop gene therapy
47:19.800 --> 47:21.800
for cystic fibrosis
47:21.800 --> 47:25.800
involving pulmonary
47:25.800 --> 47:27.800
or intratricular inoculation
47:27.800 --> 47:29.800
of these formulations in mice
47:29.800 --> 47:31.800
and in monkeys in non-human
47:31.800 --> 47:33.800
47:33.800 --> 47:35.800
and also the basics
47:35.800 --> 47:37.800
of delivery and equipment
47:37.800 --> 47:39.800
but he said that the patents
47:39.800 --> 47:41.800
expired and Vaikal
47:41.800 --> 47:43.800
prevented anybody from using the
47:43.800 --> 47:45.800
mRNA technology until the
47:45.800 --> 47:47.800
patents expired and then in the
47:47.800 --> 47:49.800
patents expired
47:49.800 --> 47:51.800
their stock crashed
47:51.800 --> 47:53.800
but I don't think the patents
47:53.800 --> 47:55.800
that he had would have expired in
47:55.800 --> 47:57.800
2001 correct me if I'm wrong
47:57.800 --> 47:59.800
someone in the chat
47:59.800 --> 48:01.800
that's weird
48:01.800 --> 48:03.800
putting jet injection and post-electural
48:03.800 --> 48:05.800
field we were starting with some
48:05.800 --> 48:07.800
in gold particle delivery
48:07.800 --> 48:09.800
which is another technology in this mix
48:09.800 --> 48:11.800
that is gone by the wayside
48:11.800 --> 48:13.800
and with the
48:13.800 --> 48:15.800
positively charged fat formulations
48:15.800 --> 48:17.800
we could never overcome the toxicity
48:17.800 --> 48:19.800
they're highly highly inflammatory
48:19.800 --> 48:23.800
and so we moved on to other
48:23.800 --> 48:25.800
delivery technologies that were more
48:25.800 --> 48:27.800
efficient including post-electrical
48:27.800 --> 48:29.800
fields that didn't have the
48:29.800 --> 48:31.800
48:31.800 --> 48:33.800
and primarily focused on the DNA
48:33.800 --> 48:35.800
delivery not the RNA although we
48:35.800 --> 48:37.800
did get a very broad patent
48:37.800 --> 48:39.800
on mucosal vaccines
48:39.800 --> 48:41.800
that covered virtually any gene therapy
48:41.800 --> 48:45.800
48:45.800 --> 48:47.800
but I couldn't get any of that funded
48:47.800 --> 48:49.800
I got recruited to
48:49.800 --> 48:51.800
48:51.800 --> 48:53.800
and we did the electroporation work
48:53.800 --> 48:55.800
and I wrote what I think was
48:55.800 --> 48:57.800
probably one of my best
48:57.800 --> 48:59.800
personal proposals ever
48:59.800 --> 49:01.800
and it went into
49:01.800 --> 49:03.800
the NIH for review and it was
49:03.800 --> 49:05.800
rejected based on
49:05.800 --> 49:07.800
the fat. So he said this a
49:07.800 --> 49:09.800
couple times and it's just dawned
49:09.800 --> 49:11.800
on me
49:11.800 --> 49:13.800
49:13.800 --> 49:15.800
any of that funded
49:15.800 --> 49:17.800
you know
49:17.800 --> 49:19.800
it covered virtually any
49:19.800 --> 49:21.800
gene therapy very broad patent
49:21.800 --> 49:23.800
just on the DNA delivery
49:23.800 --> 49:25.800
not the RNA already did get
49:25.800 --> 49:27.800
a very broad patent on mucosal
49:27.800 --> 49:29.800
vaccines that covered virtually
49:29.800 --> 49:31.800
any gene therapy vector
49:31.800 --> 49:33.800
just on the DNA delivery
49:33.800 --> 49:35.800
not the RNA although we did get a
49:35.800 --> 49:37.800
very broad patent on
49:37.800 --> 49:39.800
mucosal vaccines that covered
49:39.800 --> 49:41.800
virtually any gene therapy
49:41.800 --> 49:43.800
vector. I want you to think about
49:43.800 --> 49:45.800
this video that I've seen on
49:45.800 --> 49:49.800
the internet for a second
49:49.800 --> 49:51.800
I've seen this video on the internet
49:51.800 --> 49:53.800
about patent trolls
49:53.800 --> 49:55.800
and patent trolls are these people
49:55.800 --> 49:57.800
that have a patent
49:57.800 --> 49:59.800
that seems to apply to a broad
49:59.800 --> 50:01.800
you know like I don't know
50:01.800 --> 50:03.800
one of the kinds of patent trolls
50:03.800 --> 50:05.800
that I understand
50:05.800 --> 50:07.800
that's out there is somebody
50:07.800 --> 50:09.800
has a patent
50:09.800 --> 50:11.800
on website
50:11.800 --> 50:13.800
50:13.800 --> 50:15.800
website product reviews
50:15.800 --> 50:17.800
on a website
50:17.800 --> 50:19.800
and so they go around
50:19.800 --> 50:21.800
suing medium to small sized
50:21.800 --> 50:23.800
web based
50:23.800 --> 50:25.800
50:25.800 --> 50:27.800
that have reviews on their website
50:27.800 --> 50:29.800
and sue them for
50:29.800 --> 50:31.800
patent infringement
50:31.800 --> 50:33.800
and this is called
50:33.800 --> 50:35.800
patent trolling
50:35.800 --> 50:37.800
and it only happens in certain
50:37.800 --> 50:39.800
jurisdictions in America
50:39.800 --> 50:41.800
but it's a real thing
50:41.800 --> 50:43.800
now what Robert Malone just said
50:43.800 --> 50:45.800
50:45.800 --> 50:47.800
50:47.800 --> 50:49.800
what he said there
50:49.800 --> 50:51.800
50:51.800 --> 50:53.800
that he had a broad patent
50:53.800 --> 50:57.800
on mucosal genetic vaccines
50:57.800 --> 50:59.800
can you imagine the possibility
50:59.800 --> 51:01.800
that if this patent
51:01.800 --> 51:03.800
exists right now
51:03.800 --> 51:05.800
that he could potentially
51:05.800 --> 51:07.800
patent troll
51:07.800 --> 51:09.800
any company
51:09.800 --> 51:11.800
that violates his patent
51:11.800 --> 51:15.800
and especially now that he's
51:15.800 --> 51:17.800
motivated by
51:17.800 --> 51:19.800
this PTSD
51:19.800 --> 51:21.800
that he got diagnosed with
51:21.800 --> 51:23.800
as a result of
51:23.800 --> 51:25.800
his interaction with this VICO company
51:25.800 --> 51:27.800
and his terribly abusive
51:27.800 --> 51:29.800
ender verma
51:29.800 --> 51:31.800
whose career also seems to have
51:31.800 --> 51:33.800
been kind of ruined by these patents
51:33.800 --> 51:35.800
one of which was purchased by
51:35.800 --> 51:37.800
the army. He casually
51:37.800 --> 51:39.800
mentions the endotoxin problem
51:39.800 --> 51:41.800
which is also a new
51:41.800 --> 51:43.800
game piece on the board along with
51:43.800 --> 51:45.800
the DNA
51:45.800 --> 51:47.800
and the endotoxin problem was
51:47.800 --> 51:49.800
especially just added
51:49.800 --> 51:51.800
to the game board
51:51.800 --> 51:53.800
by another than Josh
51:53.800 --> 51:55.800
Getsko, a guy who's been
51:55.800 --> 51:57.800
on my program before
51:57.800 --> 51:59.800
and who was on John Campbell's
51:59.800 --> 52:01.800
stream on YouTube a couple of days ago
52:01.800 --> 52:03.800
talking about the DNA
52:03.800 --> 52:05.800
contamination but also
52:05.800 --> 52:07.800
the endotoxin, the cell wall
52:07.800 --> 52:09.800
of the bacteria that's used
52:09.800 --> 52:11.800
to generate the DNA that
52:11.800 --> 52:13.800
generates the RNA
52:13.800 --> 52:15.800
VICO sold patents to Merck,
52:15.800 --> 52:17.800
sold them back to VICO,
52:17.800 --> 52:19.800
then we have this incongruency between
52:19.800 --> 52:21.800
when those patents expired and when
52:21.800 --> 52:23.800
VICO's stock crashed in
52:23.800 --> 52:25.800
2021 or
52:25.800 --> 52:27.800
52:27.800 --> 52:29.800
He mentions pulse electric
52:29.800 --> 52:31.800
fields twice. He also talks about
52:31.800 --> 52:33.800
gold particles. We've talked about all of
52:33.800 --> 52:35.800
those as ways to
52:35.800 --> 52:37.800
transfect and to transform
52:37.800 --> 52:39.800
animals and tissues and cell
52:39.800 --> 52:41.800
cultures and we've
52:41.800 --> 52:43.800
stated over and over again that you
52:43.800 --> 52:45.800
were depending on whether you use
52:45.800 --> 52:47.800
mRNA or DNA you would call it
52:47.800 --> 52:49.800
transfection or
52:49.800 --> 52:51.800
transfection respectively.
52:51.800 --> 52:53.800
DNA versus RNA decided
52:53.800 --> 52:55.800
to stick with DNA
52:55.800 --> 52:57.800
and pulse electric fields so that
52:57.800 --> 52:59.800
he mentions again
52:59.800 --> 53:01.800
remember this is key
53:01.800 --> 53:03.800
that we were granted a broad
53:03.800 --> 53:05.800
patent on mucosal genetic
53:05.800 --> 53:07.800
vaccines and that's very
53:07.800 --> 53:09.800
interesting because going
53:09.800 --> 53:11.800
forward there's going to be a lot of
53:11.800 --> 53:13.800
those because as I've
53:13.800 --> 53:15.800
stated at the beginning we are
53:15.800 --> 53:17.800
going to transition away from
53:17.800 --> 53:19.800
vascular injection because we are going
53:19.800 --> 53:21.800
to come to the realization in the coming
53:21.800 --> 53:23.800
years I guarantee it
53:23.800 --> 53:25.800
that rejecting
53:25.800 --> 53:27.800
the American
53:27.800 --> 53:29.800
way too early
53:29.800 --> 53:31.800
way too aggressive
53:31.800 --> 53:33.800
way too often
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way too many targets
53:35.800 --> 53:37.800
immunization schedule
53:37.800 --> 53:39.800
was the right idea
53:39.800 --> 53:41.800
and it could be that
53:41.800 --> 53:43.800
20 years from now there are a couple
53:43.800 --> 53:45.800
vaccines that are accepted as
53:45.800 --> 53:47.800
53:47.800 --> 53:49.800
a subcutaneous
53:49.800 --> 53:51.800
vaccines that can work
53:51.800 --> 53:53.800
there could be some that you take
53:53.800 --> 53:55.800
orally but we're going to be getting
53:55.800 --> 53:57.800
rid of most are all
53:57.800 --> 53:59.800
intramuscular vaccines I am
53:59.800 --> 54:01.800
sure of it because we are
54:01.800 --> 54:03.800
we are just not augmenting the
54:03.800 --> 54:05.800
immune system the way that we think we
54:05.800 --> 54:07.800
are and it's curious if he's
54:07.800 --> 54:09.800
positioning himself
54:09.800 --> 54:11.800
as a patent troll just letting
54:11.800 --> 54:13.800
everybody know
54:13.800 --> 54:15.800
every time I go out on one of these
54:15.800 --> 54:17.800
little podcasts I'm just going to drop
54:17.800 --> 54:19.800
that there you know that whole wall
54:19.800 --> 54:21.800
of patents back there some of them still
54:21.800 --> 54:23.800
exist one of them
54:23.800 --> 54:25.800
is for a very broad patent
54:25.800 --> 54:27.800
on mucosal
54:27.800 --> 54:29.800
genetic base back scenes
54:29.800 --> 54:31.800
that's pretty impressive
54:35.800 --> 54:37.800
54:37.800 --> 54:39.800
I couldn't get any of that funded
54:39.800 --> 54:41.800
I got recruited to
54:41.800 --> 54:43.800
U Maryland
54:43.800 --> 54:45.800
and we did the
54:45.800 --> 54:47.800
electroporation work and I wrote
54:47.800 --> 54:49.800
what I think was probably one of my
54:49.800 --> 54:51.800
best personal proposals ever
54:51.800 --> 54:53.800
and it went into
54:53.800 --> 54:55.800
the NIH for review and it was
54:55.800 --> 54:57.800
rejected based on
54:57.800 --> 54:59.800
the fact
54:59.800 --> 55:01.800
quote-unquote that Merck had already
55:01.800 --> 55:03.800
solved the delivery problem which
55:03.800 --> 55:05.800
of course they hadn't but
55:05.800 --> 55:07.800
this is the way things are and when
55:07.800 --> 55:09.800
you're a soft money
55:09.800 --> 55:11.800
young investigator
55:11.800 --> 55:13.800
you you don't have
55:13.800 --> 55:15.800
too many times it back
55:15.800 --> 55:17.800
that doesn't really sound like a
55:17.800 --> 55:19.800
jiving story to me and I'm
55:19.800 --> 55:21.800
going to tell you why
55:21.800 --> 55:23.800
because I don't think
55:23.800 --> 55:25.800
the NIH would
55:25.800 --> 55:27.800
solve the delivery problem which
55:27.800 --> 55:29.800
of course they hadn't
55:29.800 --> 55:31.800
but this is the way things are
55:31.800 --> 55:33.800
and when you're a soft money
55:33.800 --> 55:35.800
young investigator
55:35.800 --> 55:37.800
you don't have too many
55:37.800 --> 55:39.800
questions about why because I don't
55:39.800 --> 55:41.800
think the NIH would cite
55:41.800 --> 55:43.800
Merck as a reason
55:43.800 --> 55:45.800
why you would reject someone's
55:45.800 --> 55:47.800
55:47.800 --> 55:49.800
unless Merck published it in a
55:49.800 --> 55:51.800
nature article or unless Merck
55:51.800 --> 55:53.800
published it in a journal
55:53.800 --> 55:55.800
like you wouldn't just say no
55:55.800 --> 55:57.800
Merck's already solved that
55:57.800 --> 55:59.800
that's not how grants get
55:59.800 --> 56:01.800
56:01.800 --> 56:03.800
and a pharmaceutical company would
56:03.800 --> 56:05.800
be a very odd
56:05.800 --> 56:07.800
use as a rejection
56:07.800 --> 56:09.800
as a basis for rejection
56:09.800 --> 56:11.800
and in fact I would think
56:11.800 --> 56:13.800
it would be pretty easy to file
56:13.800 --> 56:15.800
an appeal in that scenario
56:15.800 --> 56:17.800
it smells
56:17.800 --> 56:19.800
fishy to me
56:19.800 --> 56:21.800
it's just another way of making
56:21.800 --> 56:23.800
him seem like he's like the victim
56:23.800 --> 56:25.800
and he's been
56:25.800 --> 56:27.800
fighting big pharma for a long time
56:27.800 --> 56:29.800
or something like that and I don't
56:29.800 --> 56:31.800
think that at all
56:31.800 --> 56:33.800
I think he's been trying to
56:33.800 --> 56:35.800
catch on to the freight train
56:35.800 --> 56:37.800
of money that is
56:37.800 --> 56:39.800
the speeding
56:39.800 --> 56:41.800
global pharmaceutical industry
56:41.800 --> 56:43.800
and occasionally when you try to grab onto a moving
56:43.800 --> 56:45.800
freight train you can get hurt
56:45.800 --> 56:47.800
or it doesn't work out the way you think
56:47.800 --> 56:49.800
or when you jump off
56:49.800 --> 56:51.800
you know it's not perfect you land somewhere
56:51.800 --> 56:53.800
you didn't mean to land but I mean come on
56:53.800 --> 56:55.800
let's be real here
56:55.800 --> 56:57.800
I guess cricket
56:57.800 --> 56:59.800
would have to be the metaphor for you
56:59.800 --> 57:01.800
for me it's baseball
57:01.800 --> 57:03.800
but you know if you don't hit it out of the park
57:03.800 --> 57:05.800
as a
57:05.800 --> 57:07.800
soft money investigator
57:07.800 --> 57:09.800
you're out
57:09.800 --> 57:11.800
that's true
57:11.800 --> 57:13.800
that's true I think that's true now too
57:13.800 --> 57:15.800
I mean young investigators
57:15.800 --> 57:17.800
57:17.800 --> 57:19.800
young white
57:19.800 --> 57:21.800
male investigators
57:21.800 --> 57:23.800
really really really need to
57:23.800 --> 57:25.800
hit it out of the park
57:25.800 --> 57:27.800
or you can be assured that
57:27.800 --> 57:29.800
the last job you're going to have
57:29.800 --> 57:31.800
in academic biology is going to be your postdoc
57:31.800 --> 57:33.800
I mean there are
57:33.800 --> 57:35.800
no positions for
57:35.800 --> 57:37.800
for people
57:37.800 --> 57:39.800
of unrepressed
57:39.800 --> 57:41.800
57:41.800 --> 57:43.800
it's just gotten out of control
57:43.800 --> 57:45.800
the content of your work
57:45.800 --> 57:47.800
the content of your character
57:47.800 --> 57:49.800
your work ethic
57:49.800 --> 57:51.800
it doesn't matter at all
57:51.800 --> 57:53.800
it's all secondary to your
57:53.800 --> 57:55.800
perceived station in the hierarchy
57:55.800 --> 57:57.800
it's pretty scary
57:57.800 --> 57:59.800
and I had a wife that
57:59.800 --> 58:01.800
but I doubt he experienced that
58:01.800 --> 58:03.800
when he was in academia
58:03.800 --> 58:05.800
thank you very much
58:05.800 --> 58:07.800
sorry if I was implying
58:07.800 --> 58:09.800
that any of those current
58:09.800 --> 58:11.800
58:11.800 --> 58:13.800
were in existence at the time
58:13.800 --> 58:15.800
when he was hopping around from
58:15.800 --> 58:17.800
retroviral lab to retroviral lab
58:17.800 --> 58:19.800
where people were stealing
58:19.800 --> 58:21.800
retroviruses from france
58:21.800 --> 58:23.800
and bringing them back and
58:23.800 --> 58:25.800
claiming that they had cured them
58:25.800 --> 58:27.800
they were running around
58:27.800 --> 58:29.800
58:29.800 --> 58:31.800
writing grants about how
58:31.800 --> 58:33.800
retroviruses were going to be curing cancer in 10 years
58:33.800 --> 58:35.800
come on
58:35.800 --> 58:37.800
a child
58:37.800 --> 58:39.800
two children at that point in time
58:39.800 --> 58:41.800
58:41.800 --> 58:43.800
I really I couldn't tolerate
58:43.800 --> 58:45.800
58:45.800 --> 58:47.800
the environment
58:47.800 --> 58:49.800
of modern academe for
58:49.800 --> 58:51.800
a soft money funded
58:51.800 --> 58:53.800
58:53.800 --> 58:55.800
and this is why I
58:55.800 --> 58:57.800
went to industry
58:57.800 --> 58:59.800
again and then to government
58:59.800 --> 59:01.800
59:01.800 --> 59:03.800
so let me ask you then
59:03.800 --> 59:05.800
so from a personal point of view
59:05.800 --> 59:07.800
you had to almost
59:07.800 --> 59:09.800
so he was forced to go work for
59:09.800 --> 59:11.800
government contractors
59:11.800 --> 59:13.800
he was forced to go work
59:13.800 --> 59:15.800
for DITRA and DOD
59:15.800 --> 59:17.800
because academia is just so
59:17.800 --> 59:19.800
59:19.800 --> 59:21.800
I mean he's not going to give
59:21.800 --> 59:23.800
any credit to anybody that does make
59:23.800 --> 59:25.800
it in academia you know like
59:25.800 --> 59:27.800
J about a chariot or something like that
59:27.800 --> 59:29.800
like those guys aren't great
59:29.800 --> 59:31.800
or I admire everybody who made
59:31.800 --> 59:33.800
tenure nothing like that
59:33.800 --> 59:35.800
he got
59:35.800 --> 59:37.800
the raw end of the deal he got
59:37.800 --> 59:39.800
PTSD he was treated terribly
59:39.800 --> 59:41.800
they stole his ideas he got the
59:41.800 --> 59:43.800
short end of the stick
59:45.800 --> 59:47.800
woke away from
59:47.800 --> 59:49.800
your baby
59:49.800 --> 59:51.800
I was
59:51.800 --> 59:53.800
I was
59:53.800 --> 59:55.800
I was
59:55.800 --> 59:57.800
one of the lead
59:57.800 --> 59:59.800
individuals speaking to the press
59:59.800 --> 01:00:01.800
about what I knew concerning the
01:00:01.800 --> 01:00:03.800
death of Jesse Gelsinger
01:00:03.800 --> 01:00:05.800
at the hands of Jim Wilson
01:00:05.800 --> 01:00:07.800
and you pen
01:00:07.800 --> 01:00:09.800
from overdosing going off
01:00:09.800 --> 01:00:11.800
protocol with
01:00:11.800 --> 01:00:15.800
01:00:15.800 --> 01:00:33.800
01:00:33.800 --> 01:00:37.800
I'm afraid that
01:00:37.800 --> 01:00:39.800
I don't think he would have set a
01:00:39.800 --> 01:00:41.800
dang word about this
01:00:41.800 --> 01:00:43.800
had somebody not founded
01:00:43.800 --> 01:00:47.500
already known about it. And we not already talked about it lots of times. I don't think
01:00:47.500 --> 01:00:55.840
he would have said a word about this. Because I don't think his, I don't think his I say
01:00:55.840 --> 01:01:03.120
it again. I do not think that his career was ruined. He claimed in an earlier interview
01:01:03.120 --> 01:01:08.680
that he made the career of the New York Times reporter that covered this story and quoted
01:01:08.680 --> 01:01:18.840
him. And again, if he's suffering, if he's losing his career, then what happened to him?
01:01:18.840 --> 01:01:27.120
Did he go off to the farm? No. He went and got another job at a government funded health
01:01:27.120 --> 01:01:34.920
university setting up a breast cancer institute and handing it off to a Nigerian couple who's
01:01:34.920 --> 01:01:41.840
the woman of which was a postdoc of his. It doesn't sound like it really cramped his
01:01:41.840 --> 01:01:46.640
style at all. He was just moved up the ladder.
01:01:46.640 --> 01:01:59.240
I knew what basically what happened there was I was taking training in bioethics from
01:01:59.240 --> 01:02:04.880
a prominent bioethicist. We heard this story before him and his wife were taking a bioethics
01:02:05.040 --> 01:02:14.320
course and that he really admired this bioethicist. Mr. E. Maryland, as was my wife. And I went to
01:02:14.320 --> 01:02:20.000
him and said, this has happened and I know these things about this. They're not being discussed.
01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:25.640
They're not available in the press. And he told me he thought I had a moral obligation to go to
01:02:25.640 --> 01:02:31.520
the press and share what I knew. And so I did it knowing that it would probably destroy my
01:02:31.520 --> 01:02:39.880
academic career. And it did. But I was able to recover, survive. I got the appointment at the
01:02:39.880 --> 01:02:47.440
Uniform Services University Health Sciences and was able to kind of rebuild a whole new career.
01:02:47.440 --> 01:02:59.400
But yeah, I made a conscious choice there to speak out about things that I thought were unethical.
01:03:00.360 --> 01:03:11.720
And you could also say that he said just enough to appease and quiet the intense ethical debate
01:03:11.720 --> 01:03:19.160
around what happened with Jesse. You could say that he kind of, you know, basically again, what are
01:03:19.160 --> 01:03:23.480
we talking about here? We're talking about a carefully controlled narrative where both sides
01:03:23.480 --> 01:03:32.440
of the argument are actually on the same team. And I'm positing now, like I think other people
01:03:32.440 --> 01:03:39.880
have posited earlier, that maybe he's not the, you know, the savior, the guy in the white horse
01:03:39.880 --> 01:03:47.240
that we think he is, because he keeps kind of being this mediocre guy on a white horse an awful lot.
01:03:48.200 --> 01:03:53.880
In fact, very curiously around the first time that they ever tried to use transformation to fix a
01:03:53.880 --> 01:04:03.560
genetic disease. And look who's right there to, to again, just like he's doing right now, be that guy
01:04:03.560 --> 01:04:13.480
who's got to bring the bad news. Just enough bad news, just enough. So that everybody keeps believing
01:04:13.560 --> 01:04:18.280
the main story, which is that, you know, in this case, the denovirus is will work. It's just that
01:04:18.280 --> 01:04:23.480
they tweaked the doses. And they didn't tell everybody that they were tweaking the dosage.
01:04:25.320 --> 01:04:29.880
And so it seems as though he whistled blue on the fact that they changed the dosage without ever
01:04:29.880 --> 01:04:37.800
reviewing the protocol again. And he would have never done that. So it's not questioning the
01:04:38.440 --> 01:04:44.920
mythology. It's not questioning the intention. It's not it's questioning what? It's not questioning
01:04:44.920 --> 01:04:50.520
the biology. It's not questioning the possibility of augmenting the perfect pattern integrity that
01:04:50.520 --> 01:04:59.320
is a person. I hope you can see this, ladies and gentlemen, because we've got him now,
01:05:00.440 --> 01:05:06.360
not like we can do anything about it. But we can see him for who he is. The sunlight is shining.
01:05:06.360 --> 01:05:13.480
There's no shadows anymore. There's no doubt in my mind that we're being played. It's just a
01:05:13.480 --> 01:05:18.600
question of who he's playing for. But he's not playing on the side of America. He's not playing
01:05:18.600 --> 01:05:25.080
on the side of your family or mine. He's getting it while the getting's good, just like a lot of
01:05:25.080 --> 01:05:28.920
these other people are getting it while the getting's good. And maybe it's because somebody
01:05:28.920 --> 01:05:33.880
was going to get it no matter what. If Robert Malone didn't take this job, maybe they'd have
01:05:33.880 --> 01:05:37.560
given it to carrot-funded bullshit. He would have moved over here to America and done it.
01:05:38.920 --> 01:05:41.080
Maybe they'd have found somebody else. I don't know.
01:05:44.440 --> 01:05:53.160
What the bottom line is, is that the novel virus faith is intact. If you listen to Robert Malone,
01:05:53.160 --> 01:05:58.520
argue about who should have gotten the Nobel Prize. The faith of the novel virus is intact.
01:05:59.640 --> 01:06:03.560
If you listen to people talk about whether the lipid nanoparticle should have been more positive
01:06:03.560 --> 01:06:09.960
or negative, or we listen to people talking about misfolding proteins leading to amyloidosis
01:06:09.960 --> 01:06:19.880
or pre-odd disease. Without any mechanistic explanations, without any thorough science,
01:06:19.880 --> 01:06:26.280
just in vitro garbage to try and tell you more stories about the ghosts out there,
01:06:27.000 --> 01:06:31.640
more stories about whose masks should be taken off, and more stories about what villains we
01:06:31.640 --> 01:06:39.720
should be chasing. The only mystery to solve is, is how in the world are all these people
01:06:39.720 --> 01:06:47.640
connected like this? Why is he streaming with this person? Are you telling me that he can't get on
01:06:47.640 --> 01:06:57.320
Tucker Carlson? Or are we being governed? And if we're being governed, then it's not time for Robert
01:06:57.320 --> 01:07:01.240
Malone to be on Tucker Carlson anymore, because there's too many people that are awake.
01:07:03.320 --> 01:07:09.640
And we don't dare want to wake any of those TV watchers up anymore. We don't dare want to
01:07:09.640 --> 01:07:15.080
wake any of those TV watchers up anymore. Those people are the last trapped people.
01:07:17.560 --> 01:07:22.840
And so his job now is to talk to you and me and all the people that are already awake and know
01:07:22.840 --> 01:07:28.760
something's wrong and are never going to take another shot and make sure that they don't question
01:07:28.760 --> 01:07:32.760
the novel virus narrative. They don't question the gain of function narrative. They don't question
01:07:32.760 --> 01:07:38.440
anything going forward because their next one, they're going to bring out another one of these
01:07:38.440 --> 01:07:46.040
shots and say it's better. And so you got to accept a novel virus and you got to accept
01:07:46.040 --> 01:07:50.360
the contamination and you got to accept the quality control narrative so that the next one
01:07:51.000 --> 01:07:58.600
can be better. Maybe they'll use electricity and DNA and again, and Novio will get a contract
01:07:58.600 --> 01:08:03.480
and then you'll be taking the vaccine from trusted Robert Malone, the most interesting man in the
01:08:03.480 --> 01:08:13.080
world, to save you from Marburg virus. We're being played, ladies and gentlemen, by somebody who calls
01:08:13.080 --> 01:08:19.320
himself a molecular biologist, virologist, pathologist, immunologist, bioethicist,
01:08:21.160 --> 01:08:25.960
and horse trader had to live with the consequences. But what I learned from that was that
01:08:27.640 --> 01:08:37.320
if you maintain good friendships and good relations with colleagues, you can survive a blow like that.
01:08:37.320 --> 01:08:44.600
They'll help you. I use the metaphor of a rock and roller throwing himself onto a mosh pit.
01:08:45.400 --> 01:08:51.800
You know the image that I'm talking about and finding that people would catch me and hold me
01:08:52.760 --> 01:09:01.480
and allow me to carry on. And with that comes a huge sense of security that you can act
01:09:02.360 --> 01:09:09.560
in accordance with your morals even though it will often have major consequences
01:09:10.760 --> 01:09:17.720
and still survive. But the thing about it is that you come through that and you still own your soul.
01:09:19.000 --> 01:09:26.200
I think we're worth it. So here's an important piece of the puzzle that I'm trying to unveil,
01:09:27.000 --> 01:09:33.480
and it's to do the fact that you would not have been able to get through that period
01:09:33.480 --> 01:09:43.560
without the support of Jill. And secondly, I know that Jill was a primary factor in you speaking
01:09:43.560 --> 01:09:49.560
out about your work with mRNA because you could have kept silent. You could have just let it ride.
01:09:50.520 --> 01:09:58.040
Why did Jill insist that? Listen, you need to share this. You need to talk about this. Why was
01:09:58.040 --> 01:10:03.720
because there was a no bell rise at so remember that when I left the salt, I left with a diagnosis
01:10:03.720 --> 01:10:08.600
of PTSD because they were saying that people were being saved by the millions and they weren't
01:10:08.600 --> 01:10:15.480
given any credit to my husband. That's why Jill urged him to speak up. It certainly wasn't to save
01:10:15.480 --> 01:10:22.120
people. It certainly wasn't to tell everybody not to take it. They were advocating for every
01:10:22.120 --> 01:10:28.680
old person to get this shot. Apparently, he took it himself after he had COVID as if that makes any
01:10:28.680 --> 01:10:34.920
sense to an immunologist, a molecular biologist, virologist, not a very smart one of those.
01:10:37.800 --> 01:10:43.880
And that's not a trivial thing. I don't just say that. I was a hot mess. And that's something that
01:10:43.960 --> 01:10:53.160
doesn't go away throughout much of my professional life to find myself in highly competitive environments
01:10:53.960 --> 01:11:04.040
where the same kinds of behaviors are common. And I had also since those early discoveries
01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:16.120
really had a heck of a lot of gaslighting and ridicule from people who benefited by positioning
01:11:16.120 --> 01:11:23.640
themselves as more important than they were in the story and building companies off of that,
01:11:24.600 --> 01:11:34.200
and so I had learned a survival strategy of basically staying quiet and laying low
01:11:35.480 --> 01:11:46.280
being not readily visible. I certainly would speak at conferences but didn't make much of.
01:11:47.080 --> 01:11:53.240
I basically set aside that early trauma and the events associated with it and just went on with
01:11:53.240 --> 01:12:04.280
my life and built other skill sets and other research focus. And so when this started to heat
01:12:04.280 --> 01:12:13.320
up and frankly, particularly, I was triggered by a comedian in Canada who posts videos under the
01:12:14.040 --> 01:12:21.080
pseudonym What's Her Face that did a video that really went through and dissected what happened
01:12:21.160 --> 01:12:28.120
to my Wikipedia page after I was on the Dark Horse podcast and all the wicked editing that
01:12:28.120 --> 01:12:36.760
happened with that to write me out of history. And at the time, there was a clear marketing
01:12:36.760 --> 01:12:45.240
campaign to get Currico and Weisman the Nobel. This is two and a half years ago now. And my wife
01:12:46.200 --> 01:12:52.200
who has lived through all of this experience at first hand, Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone.
01:12:53.560 --> 01:12:59.880
Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, it's a little shitty because certain doctorate is not in
01:13:00.920 --> 01:13:08.600
something like biology or molecular biology or virology or pathology or anything related to
01:13:08.600 --> 01:13:18.280
medicine except it's psychology. So, you know, doctor, it's just lame. I don't ever call myself
01:13:18.280 --> 01:13:23.000
Dr. Jonathan Cooley because I think it's kind of lame. If you're not a medical doctor, you should
01:13:23.000 --> 01:13:32.680
say Mr. Mrs. And you can say PhD if you want, you know, but I just don't see the point of saying
01:13:32.680 --> 01:13:40.200
Dr. Jill Malone, unless you're really, you know, you mean something with it. Like, and here,
01:13:40.200 --> 01:13:47.960
you can only mean to mislead people. And it's annoying. I find it really annoying. Just when
01:13:47.960 --> 01:13:56.120
you say Dr. Paul control, you know, you say Dr. Kevin McCann. Everybody introduces me as JJ.
01:13:56.120 --> 01:14:00.200
And then everybody says, yeah, but that's all diminutive and everything. What it is is humble.
01:14:02.840 --> 01:14:08.920
Because I understand that I'm just a reader. I understand that I have a lot of bench experience
01:14:08.920 --> 01:14:14.440
with a very limited aspect of molecular biology, a very limited aspect of neurobiology, a very
01:14:14.440 --> 01:14:21.800
limited aspect of animal behavior, a very limited aspect of small animal surgery, a very limited
01:14:21.800 --> 01:14:32.040
aspect of of animal breeding, and an absolute mountain of expertise on electrophysiology and
01:14:32.040 --> 01:14:42.760
brain slices. And with that, extremely weird, but varied background in biology that includes
01:14:42.760 --> 01:14:49.000
an enthusiasm of birds since I was a kid, collecting reptiles since I was a kid, a love of all kinds
01:14:49.080 --> 01:14:57.640
of animals since I was a child. I come at this with a firm and beautiful respect for nature
01:14:58.200 --> 01:15:06.840
and how complex it is. And a real firm understanding that the real appreciation that you need to have
01:15:06.840 --> 01:15:11.480
as a biologist is that there's so much that we're never going to be able to figure out because it is
01:15:11.480 --> 01:15:16.040
this complex interaction of complex interactions with complex interactions
01:15:17.000 --> 01:15:18.840
with pattern integrities.
01:15:27.000 --> 01:15:33.080
I just don't feel the sacred here. We're being sold down the river by people who've already
01:15:33.080 --> 01:15:37.720
given up on the sacred who already believe all of the keys are in our hands. They believe that
01:15:38.600 --> 01:15:43.480
it's just a matter of time before all these mysteries are going to be solved and all these
01:15:43.640 --> 01:15:49.080
nuts are going to be cracked. Robert Malone is exactly one of these people
01:15:50.600 --> 01:15:54.920
who probably thinks there's too many people on the planet and certainly too many mouth breathers
01:15:57.160 --> 01:16:01.480
and that we need to use the medical data that we can to make this go forward because otherwise
01:16:01.480 --> 01:16:10.040
it will never go forward. And I think he's positioning himself for whatever changes are to come,
01:16:10.040 --> 01:16:14.280
just like a lot of these people are, just like I am and just like you should be.
01:16:15.880 --> 01:16:22.840
Said no, Robert, this time I insist you have to stand up and fight what's being done to you.
01:16:23.960 --> 01:16:30.760
And I really, you know, I'd partitioned all of that in my mind and set it aside and
01:16:32.520 --> 01:16:38.280
really didn't look at it, didn't try not to think about it as a defense mechanism.
01:16:39.080 --> 01:16:45.240
And she hauled out, we had carried the old data to the extent that we were able to extract it from
01:16:45.240 --> 01:16:51.080
by Cal and the salt. We carried it with us in a great big box through all the moves and academic
01:16:51.080 --> 01:16:58.440
appointments and everything. And she hauled it out and went through it and pulled out key documents
01:16:58.440 --> 01:17:05.160
and assembled them and wrote an essay in which she described from her point of view what had
01:17:05.240 --> 01:17:12.440
transpired. You see, and that essay is something that Mark has captured images of and she had
01:17:12.440 --> 01:17:17.640
posted this essay on Facebook. So even though that essay doesn't really exist anymore on the
01:17:17.640 --> 01:17:23.080
internet, it's still there in some places. I think you can still have a, there's still a link and
01:17:23.080 --> 01:17:31.000
included the receipts, the documents and the patent disclosures, etc. And, and sent that off
01:17:31.960 --> 01:17:45.000
to UC San Diego, faculty and leadership, Salk Institute, people at Moderna, an old colleague
01:17:45.000 --> 01:17:51.160
that had invited us to the Carolinska years and years ago, that was-
01:17:51.160 --> 01:17:55.640
So she sent a letter to Moderna, the Salk Institute, the University of San
01:17:56.600 --> 01:18:03.640
San Diego, or wherever that was. She sent that letter to all those places. That's pretty bold.
01:18:07.080 --> 01:18:13.080
A letter about PTSD, a letter about his, his, his ideas getting stolen from him,
01:18:13.800 --> 01:18:18.760
idea about how millions of people's lives are being saved by his technology and nobody's giving
01:18:18.840 --> 01:18:23.800
him any credit for it. She sent that letter to Moderna and the Salk Institute.
01:18:27.960 --> 01:18:35.480
Volved in RNA delivery and became a collaborator and was often asked to the Carolinska years and
01:18:35.480 --> 01:18:47.160
years ago, that was involved in Canada, Salk Institute, people at Moderna, an old colleague
01:18:47.160 --> 01:18:54.920
that had invited us to the Carolinska years and years ago, that was involved in RNA delivery
01:18:54.920 --> 01:19:01.160
and became a collaborator and was on the Nobel selection committee a couple years ago.
01:19:02.280 --> 01:19:11.320
And, and basically said, no, this is what's happened. And, so that's, that kind of set that
01:19:11.400 --> 01:19:19.880
all in motion, the process of objecting to being written out of history and having my
01:19:19.880 --> 01:19:25.800
own contributions overlooked. And, of course, there was massive backlash from corporate media,
01:19:25.800 --> 01:19:33.080
notably a very ugly piece, poorly written in the Atlantic Monthly. It has a graphic with two
01:19:33.080 --> 01:19:40.200
syringes crossing over my face like skull and crossbones with my image in red. It's very striking.
01:19:40.840 --> 01:19:45.160
Somebody wrote the other day that it was basically an invitation for assassination as far as they
01:19:45.160 --> 01:19:58.200
were concerned. But I took a lot of arrows over that. And, you know, the Atlantic Monthly,
01:19:58.200 --> 01:20:04.360
the Washington Post, the New York Times, Business Insider, Forbes Magazine, all of these entities,
01:20:05.160 --> 01:20:12.520
as well as my haters in academia, particularly at the Scripps Institute of Research.
01:20:14.680 --> 01:20:21.800
There's one that I don't want to amplify. They all focused just on the published manuscripts.
01:20:21.800 --> 01:20:28.440
None of them will acknowledge the patents. So, because I was at, at a company, all of that stuff
01:20:28.440 --> 01:20:35.480
had to go into patents, not into papers. And so, it's weaponized that, well, I didn't really do
01:20:35.480 --> 01:20:42.200
what I did because I don't have the peer-reviewed publications. Seriously, I had a whole girl,
01:20:42.200 --> 01:20:47.880
poor Robert, written out of history. Only have a few. They happen to be among the most highly
01:20:47.880 --> 01:20:56.200
cited in this area. But that's all whitewashed over as if that... I want to understand, Robert.
01:20:56.200 --> 01:21:00.360
Now, this is an interesting question. As you were talking, I thought about it.
01:21:00.360 --> 01:21:06.600
Just imagine that you had stayed silent as you had typically done. You said nothing.
01:21:07.400 --> 01:21:15.880
And what happened still happened? How would you have felt? Would you have felt the same? Better?
01:21:15.880 --> 01:21:23.640
Worse? What do you think? I think it's good in... It's been particularly therapeutic starting with
01:21:23.640 --> 01:21:28.840
your broadcast, but so many others where I've been asked to tell the story of what transpired
01:21:28.840 --> 01:21:36.280
at the soul and at Vycal. And there's a school of thought that when you have a traumatic event,
01:21:36.280 --> 01:21:42.280
you need to talk about it many times before you can heal from that event.
01:21:43.080 --> 01:21:49.960
And I'm a much better person, even though it's been rough. I'm certainly healthier
01:21:49.960 --> 01:21:57.960
psychologically because I have gone through this process of sharing and expressing
01:21:58.840 --> 01:22:04.440
what I've experienced. And I've had feedback from so many people, particularly graduate students
01:22:04.440 --> 01:22:11.560
that have in postdocs that have had to live in this really rather twisted modern academic environment
01:22:12.120 --> 01:22:18.120
express to me, you know, I so much appreciate what you said. I had similar experiences.
01:22:19.080 --> 01:22:24.360
These are what happened to me. And I think the whole thing, not to sound too touchy-feely,
01:22:25.160 --> 01:22:32.440
has been very therapeutic. I know when he tells the story of his PTSD that he experienced with his
01:22:32.440 --> 01:22:38.040
patent dispute with Vycal and the Salk Institute, I think to myself, man, I just want to call
01:22:38.680 --> 01:22:44.280
and tell Robert Malone how happy I am that somebody's finally speaking out about the way
01:22:44.280 --> 01:22:54.120
that us postdocs suffer. Just for me, but for a whole cohort of people that have also experienced
01:22:55.320 --> 01:23:02.760
these types of rather average behavior from high profile academics. I'm going to share
01:23:02.760 --> 01:23:09.480
something here now. So this is the Nobel Prize. This is the second of October. So this is the
01:23:09.560 --> 01:23:15.720
PDF from the Nobel Institute. And they have here, Catalina, Kariko, and Drew Weisman.
01:23:16.600 --> 01:23:25.240
I want you because you knew this was coming. And I want to understand because I'm thinking
01:23:25.240 --> 01:23:30.920
about it from a scientific point of view. When you've done work and you've created ideas
01:23:31.560 --> 01:23:39.080
and then not be credited for it, it does hurt. Did this hurt? Even though you knew it was coming.
01:23:39.080 --> 01:23:48.040
Did it hurt? To reel back, when Steve Kirsch and I went on the Brett Weinstein Dark Horse podcast,
01:23:49.080 --> 01:23:54.360
three of us sat around for about 20 minutes before we started the broadcast and discussed
01:23:55.080 --> 01:24:02.280
the potential consequences of what we were about to do. Oh my gosh, the consequences could be
01:24:02.280 --> 01:24:12.200
drastic. Brett, you could lose the Google payouts that you get from YouTube and the ads that run
01:24:12.200 --> 01:24:20.520
on your extraordinary podcast. Robert Malone could lose all of his illustrious career as a
01:24:20.520 --> 01:24:28.760
vaccine broker and horse salesman. And Steve Kirsch, he's got his own company. So he'll be fine. Oh no,
01:24:28.760 --> 01:24:32.040
wait a minute. He was asked to step down from his company.
01:24:35.400 --> 01:24:44.360
So they took the risk anyway, and they titled the podcast three easy steps to end the pandemic.
01:24:45.480 --> 01:24:50.200
And then in the first 10 minutes of the podcast, Brett proceeded to tell everybody how they were
01:24:50.280 --> 01:24:59.400
an example of how strangers could hang out without masks, because infection and injection on the
01:24:59.400 --> 01:25:05.880
right, double injection on the left, and master of prophylactic ivermectin in the middle.
01:25:09.000 --> 01:25:16.040
We haven't forgotten he would like us to have forgotten that he never came out against anything.
01:25:20.920 --> 01:25:28.200
And you could call it speaking against the narrative of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.
01:25:29.320 --> 01:25:36.200
And we thought at the time, Steve was the one that was most bomb proof because he had his own company.
01:25:37.080 --> 01:25:41.960
It caused him to lose his company. His board of directors basically asked for his resignation.
01:25:41.960 --> 01:25:52.920
And Brett, certainly he got demonetized. That was a huge impact for him. My understanding is he was
01:25:52.920 --> 01:25:58.840
quite depressed for a while. And as you would well imagine, if that's your main source of income,
01:25:58.840 --> 01:26:06.440
getting demonetized from YouTube. And for me, the discussion was that the Nobel was in play
01:26:07.160 --> 01:26:16.600
at that time, and that this would jinx my ability to prevail in that or be included in it. And so
01:26:16.600 --> 01:26:25.640
it was a conscious decision that that was a risk, consciously taken, but that it was the right thing
01:26:25.640 --> 01:26:34.120
to speak at that time. And so when this dropped, I was in one sense surprised, in another sense,
01:26:34.120 --> 01:26:39.800
not surprised. I was surprised in that my colleague from the Carolinska that I mentioned, who's a
01:26:39.800 --> 01:26:46.840
full professor and works on RNA delivery and self-replicating RNAs, had assured me that the
01:26:46.840 --> 01:26:54.040
committee two years ago had reviewed the contributions of Currico and Weismann and had determined that
01:26:54.040 --> 01:27:03.080
they were not sufficiently meritorious to warrant the price. And the committee at the time apparently
01:27:03.160 --> 01:27:11.480
was surprised because they had not been aware that I had done that original work. And as apparently
01:27:11.480 --> 01:27:16.360
Moderna and Pfizer were not aware because they didn't cite the patents, and that's another story
01:27:16.360 --> 01:27:21.640
right now. They're busy in a patent battle. And now Pfizer paradoxically is citing those old patents
01:27:21.640 --> 01:27:31.720
in their attacks against Mert, I mean, against Moderna. So I had been told that the committee had
01:27:31.720 --> 01:27:38.120
reviewed this and found that it was not sufficiently meritorious. And my expectation was that the
01:27:38.120 --> 01:27:44.520
committee was just going to stay away from this topic, you know, certainly for many years until it
01:27:44.520 --> 01:27:54.040
had declared itself, let's say, in terms of what were the real issues with this product,
01:27:54.040 --> 01:28:01.400
these mRNA vaccines for COVID and the technology platform, et cetera. But clearly,
01:28:01.400 --> 01:28:08.520
they decided not to. They decided to take it up and they voted to grant this in a very odd way.
01:28:10.360 --> 01:28:16.040
It is, it is, and you've got it highlighted there. Basically, they did a carve out
01:28:16.280 --> 01:28:27.480
just for this to make this award. And the wording is crucial there, as is the press release that
01:28:27.480 --> 01:28:38.920
corresponds to this. The, it's the carve out is restricted to just mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.
01:28:38.920 --> 01:28:48.040
So this is a Nobel award for enabling the rapid development of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19,
01:28:48.040 --> 01:28:54.120
not for the development of the core technology platform or anything else. So as Jill and I were
01:28:54.120 --> 01:29:00.680
pondering this and, you know, mRNA just read it there through their groundbreaking findings,
01:29:00.680 --> 01:29:08.760
which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system.
01:29:09.880 --> 01:29:17.960
That's the key. So by chemically altering the mRNA, we have learned a little bit more about how
01:29:17.960 --> 01:29:23.160
mRNA interacts with our immune system or interacts with the intracellular machinery,
01:29:24.040 --> 01:29:30.280
which processes mRNA and foreign mRNA in particular. We've learned a little bit more
01:29:30.920 --> 01:29:41.000
enough to use it as an excuse that contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development.
01:29:41.000 --> 01:29:48.200
So during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times. So
01:29:51.080 --> 01:29:56.200
what's important to see here in my, from my perspective, is that Robert is now still having
01:29:56.280 --> 01:30:00.840
a debate about what role he played in the development of the mRNA technology
01:30:02.360 --> 01:30:08.760
and what things are going to contribute ultimately to the enablement of these development,
01:30:08.760 --> 01:30:15.240
the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. So what part of this is he not going to challenge?
01:30:16.120 --> 01:30:23.320
He's not going to challenge that this was one of the greatest threats to human health in modern
01:30:23.320 --> 01:30:34.120
times. If he was trying to free us like like Jessica Hockett and Nick Hudson and Thomas Binder
01:30:34.120 --> 01:30:44.760
and Peter McCullough and Bobby and a lot of other people, I think, are trying to free us.
01:30:45.240 --> 01:30:55.160
Excuse me. We've really got to get it into our heads that one of the things that we needed to
01:30:55.160 --> 01:31:01.080
spell is this mythology that it was one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times.
01:31:02.680 --> 01:31:06.520
Bobby's not there yet. Peter McCullough is not there yet, but we're trying.
01:31:08.360 --> 01:31:13.080
And you saw that Peter McCullough had the first time at a sparkle in his eye about this idea
01:31:13.160 --> 01:31:19.240
when he was talking to Daddy Rancour. So we're going to get there, but we've got to keep pushing
01:31:19.240 --> 01:31:25.160
and we can't let people put it on the screen and then not talk about it. Distract us with
01:31:25.720 --> 01:31:32.280
you know, the precise wording of enabled the development of or no, we are now
01:31:33.640 --> 01:31:39.080
putting into the Nobel Prize record that they saved us from one of the greatest threats in
01:31:39.160 --> 01:31:44.280
modern history. So the lie is not the biology of the mRNA vaccine. The lie is that.
01:31:47.480 --> 01:31:52.040
That's the lie. That's what makes it okay for it to have been rushed. That's what makes it okay
01:31:52.040 --> 01:32:00.840
for it to have contaminants and still get the award because otherwise it wouldn't get a reward,
01:32:00.840 --> 01:32:05.000
right? It wouldn't get an award if it hadn't saved anybody's lives. Then it would have been
01:32:05.000 --> 01:32:11.800
a rushed product that hurt a lot of people. I hope you can see how important it is
01:32:12.600 --> 01:32:19.640
that that's in there, that they're saying it, that it is the justification for awarding them
01:32:21.000 --> 01:32:27.720
the prize and talking about the biology of that is accepting the fact that the greatest threat
01:32:27.720 --> 01:32:30.680
to human health in modern times just passed us by.
01:32:31.160 --> 01:32:37.800
Or anything else. So as Jill and I were pondering this and you know, how do we process this and deal
01:32:37.800 --> 01:32:44.040
with it? Her point immediately was, well, actually this is kind of indicating because the committee
01:32:44.040 --> 01:32:53.880
has not, has explicitly not made the award for the invention of the technology, which was what was
01:32:54.200 --> 01:33:02.600
being advanced in the press in stat news in Boston and others, CNN originally, before I started
01:33:02.600 --> 01:33:08.840
objecting, was that Kariko and Weissman were the ones that had created this technology. When in
01:33:08.840 --> 01:33:15.640
fact, they came, they didn't even start doing any of this stuff until 15 years after what I did.
01:33:15.800 --> 01:33:27.560
So, so in a way, it was okay. Now, the assertions that are made by the committee
01:33:29.560 --> 01:33:37.160
are largely false and fairly transparently false. The assertion that Kariko and Weissman
01:33:37.720 --> 01:33:44.920
produced these four papers that involved the use of a a pseudo-uridine modified base
01:33:45.480 --> 01:33:54.680
incorporated into synthetic RNA, reducing inflammatory responses relative to non-modified RNA.
01:33:55.880 --> 01:34:02.520
They hold the patent on that from you, Penn. And that patent is fascinating because it says nothing
01:34:02.520 --> 01:34:09.960
about vaccines. And Kariko and Weissman originally did not intend to work on vaccines, but rather
01:34:09.960 --> 01:34:19.880
were focused on cancer when they did these discoveries. So, there it's absolutely true
01:34:19.880 --> 01:34:27.160
as the committee asserts that Kariko and Weissman made these discoveries and they made them after I
01:34:27.240 --> 01:34:36.040
had left. And I've congratulated them on that achievement of the Nobel Prize for their discovery.
01:34:36.760 --> 01:34:45.320
The next statement that's made there in that clause that justifies the product and in the
01:34:45.320 --> 01:34:54.200
press releases, they talk about effective vaccines. That's highly debatable. And they also assert
01:34:54.200 --> 01:35:01.240
in the press release, the vaccines have saved millions of lives and greatly reduced disease.
01:35:02.040 --> 01:35:10.200
That's also really in flux right now, that that thesis. But you notice they speak of effective,
01:35:10.200 --> 01:35:15.560
they don't say safe and effective, which has become the mantra. So, they dropped a safe part.
01:35:17.240 --> 01:35:23.000
And then in their press release, they talked about that what was really important here was that
01:35:23.000 --> 01:35:29.320
the pseudo-uridine invention was what was enabling for the rapid development of these products. And
01:35:29.320 --> 01:35:37.880
that's also a false statement. The discovery phase and development of the, let's say, composition
01:35:37.880 --> 01:35:45.880
of matter, that's technical patent talk for a vaccine is usually, and in this case also, a very
01:35:45.880 --> 01:35:55.160
small fraction of the overall, the discovery phase and development of the, let's say, composition
01:35:55.160 --> 01:36:01.800
of matter, that's technical patent talk for a vaccine is usually in, in this technical
01:36:01.800 --> 01:36:09.000
in development of the, let's say, composition of matter, that's technical patent talk for a vaccine
01:36:09.000 --> 01:36:15.640
is usually in, and in this case also, a very small fraction of the overall time necessary for
01:36:15.640 --> 01:36:20.840
development. The reason why these vaccines were developed so quickly had nothing to do with mRNA,
01:36:21.880 --> 01:36:30.200
but largely had to do with dropping the normal processes for assessing pharmacology, toxicology,
01:36:30.200 --> 01:36:35.560
biodeistribution. No, there is not wrong. It's really interesting to say that their,
01:36:36.520 --> 01:36:43.800
that their new idea of chemically altering uracils was an enabling technology that allowed
01:36:43.800 --> 01:36:48.440
these vaccines to develop so quickly. But in reality, the only thing that needed to be done was
01:36:48.440 --> 01:36:54.440
we needed to shorten and get rid of all this regulatory procedure and declare an emergency under the
01:36:54.440 --> 01:37:02.280
prep act, which is really what he should say here, right? Which is really what he should say here.
01:37:02.280 --> 01:37:08.360
He should say it explicitly declaring an emergency under the prep act is what allowed this to happen.
01:37:08.440 --> 01:37:14.040
He should say that explicitly. If he was trying to save us, will he say it?
01:37:16.600 --> 01:37:23.880
Pharmacokinetics in phase one, two, three clinical trials, pharmacosis for assessing
01:37:23.880 --> 01:37:31.880
pharmacology, toxicology, biodeistribution, pharmacokinetics, in phase one, two, three clinical trials.
01:37:32.520 --> 01:37:37.800
That was a pretty stupid, complicated way of saying that they declared an emergency under the prep act
01:37:37.800 --> 01:37:42.840
and then that meant they didn't have to do anything. You could keep it real simple, but instead,
01:37:42.840 --> 01:37:50.200
it's often stupid, complicated. And you don't say what needs to be said. That's how the narrative
01:37:50.200 --> 01:37:54.120
is being controlled. Ladies and gentlemen, that's why we have to listen to Robert Malone, because
01:37:54.120 --> 01:38:01.160
then we can hear the barriers. We can hear the boundaries. We can hear the boundaries of the
01:38:01.160 --> 01:38:05.720
debate on this side when we listen to Robert Malone. We can hear the boundaries of the debate on the
01:38:05.800 --> 01:38:12.840
other side when we watch PBS NewsHour. And once we can see where the boundaries of the debate are,
01:38:12.840 --> 01:38:20.920
we can start pushing there. Because otherwise, we're pushing on their practice dummies.
01:38:23.560 --> 01:38:31.160
And we're running in their little wheels. So we got to listen carefully. We got to find out
01:38:31.160 --> 01:38:37.240
where the edge of this narrative is and that we need to push hard on it. And so some of the
01:38:37.240 --> 01:38:44.520
places he's pushing are real. It didn't save millions of lives. It didn't enable the technology.
01:38:44.520 --> 01:38:51.800
The prep act enabled it. But then as he says it correctly, he stops short of giving you the truth.
01:38:53.000 --> 01:38:56.680
And that's exactly the magic. That's exactly the enchantment.
01:38:57.560 --> 01:39:03.400
He should have done said the prep act and emergency here. And he should have done
01:39:03.400 --> 01:39:08.120
said that we need to stop the government from being able to declare an emergency again. And then
01:39:08.120 --> 01:39:17.480
all this goes away. But he's not saying it. Including dose escalation. And not to mention the
01:39:17.480 --> 01:39:25.320
nonclinical and clinical toxicology. So it was it was the dropping of the regulatory norms that
01:39:25.320 --> 01:39:29.480
resulted in this being done so quickly. It wasn't really anything to do with pseudoridine.
01:39:30.200 --> 01:39:35.560
Well, it raises a good point because I was asking about this as I was doing my research.
01:39:36.520 --> 01:39:43.320
I realized that actually they even modified the pseudoridine even further by creating an N1
01:39:43.320 --> 01:39:50.120
methyl serodeuridine, which is what they've used in the vaccines, which is quite remarkable. I guess
01:39:50.120 --> 01:39:57.560
what they're saying is just the concept of create using this pseudoridine is the innovation. It
01:39:57.560 --> 01:40:04.760
doesn't matter how you then subsequently adjust it. Yeah, that that could be the logic. It's it's
01:40:04.760 --> 01:40:10.120
I'm not aware. And remember what I said, the salt, I think there was six or eight Nobel laureates
01:40:10.120 --> 01:40:18.920
there, including Francis Crick. I'm not aware in the history of the Nobel Prize for medicine
01:40:18.920 --> 01:40:24.440
or physiology, that those that originated the technology were not included in the final
01:40:24.440 --> 01:40:36.040
award. That's very unusual. And the the point that all of these, let's say irregularities or
01:40:38.680 --> 01:40:46.920
untruths that are used to justify this award, really, in my mind, speak of a
01:40:47.880 --> 01:40:55.560
the logic underneath this, not really being grounded in rigorous science and medicine.
01:40:56.200 --> 01:41:01.240
I think it has more to do with politics. That's a controversial statement on it. Really don't
01:41:01.240 --> 01:41:10.600
want to come across as sour grapes or or denying in any way, or casting shade or disparaging the
01:41:11.080 --> 01:41:17.960
achievement of this, or or to second guess the Nobel Committee, it made their decision.
01:41:19.000 --> 01:41:26.360
But I do note that Pfizer is a major donor to the Carolinska Institute. So whatever happened
01:41:26.360 --> 01:41:37.320
here, it happened. I was surprised you asked about my emotions. I was surprised. What what
01:41:37.400 --> 01:41:45.800
was more hurtful for me than the actual award was the rekindling of the box trolls and social
01:41:45.800 --> 01:41:54.200
media scientists attacks on me, asserting that this demonstrated that I didn't actually do what I did.
01:41:55.240 --> 01:42:02.200
That's that's just hurtful. And it's not it's not based in in fact,
01:42:03.000 --> 01:42:11.000
and it's, you know, it's, it's, you know, what's hurtful is when doctors are told they have to
01:42:11.000 --> 01:42:16.120
follow a protocol and then those doctors follow the protocol and then lie to the patients about
01:42:17.160 --> 01:42:22.040
following the protocol and the fact that it's going to help them. You know what sucks is when
01:42:22.040 --> 01:42:27.800
people are lied to about why they have to stay away from their grandmother while she's dying.
01:42:27.800 --> 01:42:33.720
You know, it sucks is when people are lied to about why they're being treated the way they're
01:42:33.720 --> 01:42:41.160
treated or how they're being treated or what they're being given. I don't know if he suffered
01:42:41.160 --> 01:42:47.720
that much during the pandemic. I don't know if he's really in a position to whine about just him all
01:42:47.720 --> 01:42:54.840
the time. When lots of other people lost their businesses, lost their jobs, lost their livelihoods,
01:42:54.840 --> 01:43:03.720
lost family members, lost children, lost parents, lost use of their hands.
01:43:09.240 --> 01:43:14.120
I just think it's a little disingenuous for him to be singing for an hour and 15 minutes about
01:43:14.120 --> 01:43:24.360
how much pain he suffered as the hurtful internet. The hurtful, unwritten history that is his
01:43:25.720 --> 01:43:33.720
when he just wants to be a humble horse farmer, famous for saving the world, I guess.
01:43:35.800 --> 01:43:44.360
Tearing off the the scab over the psychological pain, frankly, I don't want to sound like a
01:43:44.360 --> 01:43:56.680
whiner. Do psychological scars have scabs? Of what was deployed against me by corporate media
01:43:57.880 --> 01:44:08.840
two years ago, two and a half years ago, but that's the modern ecosystem in social media is this kind
01:44:08.920 --> 01:44:16.360
of really rather wicked behavior. The way that they brought out the truth was somewhat very similar
01:44:16.360 --> 01:44:23.160
to how they brought it out all the other times in the Scooby-Doo. Robert Malone got to be on Tucker
01:44:23.160 --> 01:44:31.080
Carlson. Robert Malone was on Rogan. Robert Malone was on every podcast.
01:44:31.320 --> 01:44:45.160
And while he was out there, he was telling the story of viruses, telling the story of his technology
01:44:45.160 --> 01:44:52.280
being stolen from him. Telling a broken story about it might be working, it might not be working,
01:44:52.280 --> 01:44:58.840
it should be working. We don't know if it's working. Controlling the narrative, being the star of the
01:44:58.840 --> 01:45:08.120
show, touring the world, touring the world. He's just a humble horse farmer. But in order to save
01:45:08.120 --> 01:45:13.080
the world, he's definitely willing to do a week long cruise off of the coast of Turkey with a bunch
01:45:13.080 --> 01:45:24.040
of dissidents. He's definitely willing to go to the EU three times a year. Sometimes he's doing nine
01:45:24.840 --> 01:45:35.400
hits a day, nine podcasts a day. Sometimes he puts out 21 single space pages of text every day.
01:45:37.720 --> 01:45:45.640
And he's got horses and emus. Ladies and gentlemen, something is incongruent here.
01:45:46.440 --> 01:45:53.240
Something is very, very incongruent here. And if we follow this to the end, I think we're
01:45:53.320 --> 01:45:57.160
going to figure out what's going on. I think you're going to see the Scooby Doo for what it is. I
01:45:57.160 --> 01:46:05.240
think we can expose these people because they're all connected. There's no possible way that George
01:46:05.240 --> 01:46:15.960
Webb, Paul Catrell, Robert Malone, Charles Ricksey, Kevin McCann, Dr. Philip McMillan,
01:46:16.760 --> 01:46:24.200
a carrot fund in Bosch, and Dr. Paul Catrell, if I didn't say that already, are not all connected.
01:46:24.200 --> 01:46:30.600
There's just no way. They're definitely all connected. They seem to be all part of the same
01:46:30.600 --> 01:46:38.200
sideshow, pushing the worst case scenario, pushing rumors of the worst case scenario of the shot,
01:46:39.320 --> 01:46:44.200
the worst case scenario of all the different ways the transfection went wrong.
01:46:45.160 --> 01:46:54.040
Instead of all the ways the transfection is wrong. See the difference? All these people are pushing
01:46:54.040 --> 01:47:00.360
the ways the transfection went wrong instead of the ways the transfection is wrong. And they're
01:47:00.360 --> 01:47:06.760
all related. They've all been on each other's shows. Robert Malone has been on this guy's show
01:47:06.760 --> 01:47:11.400
in the same month that he was on Bret Weinstein a month before he went on Joe Rogan and broke the internet.
01:47:14.520 --> 01:47:21.000
And Robert Malone is streamed with Kevin or with Paul Catrell while at the same time talking
01:47:21.000 --> 01:47:25.480
out of the other side of his mouth about how one of his arch nemesis is on the internet is
01:47:25.480 --> 01:47:31.880
none other than George Webb, who says the biggest hero in the medical community speaking out since
01:47:31.880 --> 01:47:38.520
2020 is Paul Catrell, fake doctor, bus rider MD,
01:47:43.720 --> 01:47:50.760
who supposedly his arch em is in arch one of his arch and nemesis in 2020 was none other than
01:47:50.760 --> 01:47:56.840
Kevin McCarid, who convinced me that I should fight with him against the silver salesman.
01:48:02.360 --> 01:48:09.000
Ladies and gentlemen, this is breaking very fast. The illusion is breaking because all of these
01:48:09.000 --> 01:48:15.240
people have underestimated our ability to look back on the internet itself and see the videos
01:48:15.240 --> 01:48:24.520
that they did and see a pattern that's incongruent. But it's very incongruent when you're liars
01:48:25.320 --> 01:48:29.960
and you have to keep track of all the lies that you told it's really hard.
01:48:33.000 --> 01:48:37.720
Especially when there's videos of all the previous lies that you told and anyone can go look at
01:48:37.720 --> 01:48:46.360
them and if they spend enough time, if they waste enough time on the drama, then all kinds of stuff
01:48:46.360 --> 01:48:54.600
seems to fall out. Of people that just want to hate and there's nothing to be done about it.
01:48:54.600 --> 01:48:58.680
You just kind of have to suck it up. Snowflake and deal with it.
01:49:02.920 --> 01:49:07.880
That was the one that was more hurtful than the decision by the committee. I could have used the
01:49:07.880 --> 01:49:16.840
money. But Kariko and Weisman have already scooped up the Lasker award, the similar award from the
01:49:16.840 --> 01:49:21.880
Israeli government. When they got the Lasker award, they wore masks for the photo.
01:49:22.600 --> 01:49:31.720
Her award from the Spanish government. There was clearly a big push here and this is big science
01:49:32.680 --> 01:49:39.720
and that's just the way big science goes. If you don't, one of the things early in my career
01:49:40.440 --> 01:49:49.080
at the Salk, one of the competitors to ender verma was Tony Hunter, who also ran Nobel Laureate.
01:49:49.080 --> 01:49:57.320
I guess I'm now an also ran. For some of his key work, Brilliant Man. Mine like a trap.
01:49:58.200 --> 01:50:05.880
And he once said to me, if you think this is the last major discovery you're ever going to make,
01:50:05.880 --> 01:50:12.200
then you should get out of science right now. This is basically a bucket up
01:50:14.360 --> 01:50:21.320
and don't line. And this is just the way things are. Science is a hard ball game.
01:50:22.280 --> 01:50:28.120
And so, and the other thing about this, you're asking about the emotional state.
01:50:29.400 --> 01:50:36.680
My entire professional career, I've had to deal psychologically with the gaslighting and
01:50:37.960 --> 01:50:46.760
denialism and all of this wire line. And this is just the way things are. Science is going to make,
01:50:46.920 --> 01:50:55.000
then you should to me and for some of his key work, Brilliant Man. It's all one of the competitors
01:50:55.000 --> 01:51:02.680
to ender verma was Tony Hunter, who was also ran Nobel Laureate. I guess I'm now an also ran.
01:51:04.600 --> 01:51:09.240
And for some of his key work, Brilliant Man. Mine like a trap.
01:51:10.200 --> 01:51:17.880
And he once said to me, if you think this is the last major discovery you're ever going to make,
01:51:17.880 --> 01:51:24.120
then you should get out of science right now. This is basically a bucket up
01:51:26.280 --> 01:51:33.240
and don't line. And this is just the way things are. Science is a hard ball game.
01:51:33.880 --> 01:51:40.040
And so, and the other thing about this, you're asking about the emotional state.
01:51:41.400 --> 01:51:48.600
My entire professional career, I've had to deal psychologically with the gaslighting and
01:51:49.880 --> 01:51:56.280
denialism and all of this. And so, I kind of almost had a lot of that, that emotional
01:51:58.120 --> 01:51:59.320
baggage burned out of me.
01:52:00.280 --> 01:52:06.840
You know, I'm going to say something now, and I had responded to a few comments on social
01:52:06.840 --> 01:52:14.280
media as well. And I, as I wrote something, I reflected on it. And my feeling is that the
01:52:14.280 --> 01:52:25.080
technology has some limitations. But my honest instinct is that they did it with the wrong disease
01:52:25.800 --> 01:52:35.560
at too big a scale. Meaning that if they had done what the intention was, which was to focus on the
01:52:35.560 --> 01:52:44.760
high risk cohort and try to protect them with the technology, I think the risk or the potential
01:52:44.760 --> 01:52:51.480
exposure of the technology would have been significantly lower. But the exposure of the
01:52:51.480 --> 01:52:57.240
technology would have been significantly lower. Exactly. You would not have been able to see
01:52:57.240 --> 01:53:02.840
that the technology sucked because it would have just killed old and vulnerable people with
01:53:02.840 --> 01:53:10.040
comorbidities. That's what they should have done. If they were really just intending to get rid of
01:53:10.040 --> 01:53:19.160
the get rid of as much chaff as they could. And he just said it right there. The technology
01:53:19.160 --> 01:53:23.560
would not have been as exposed if they had just used it on the weak and vulnerable.
01:53:25.880 --> 01:53:31.160
But they used it on all kinds of healthy people. And now we've got a problem. Did you hear it?
01:53:33.160 --> 01:53:42.680
The technology for your scale, meaning that if they had done what the intention was, which was
01:53:42.680 --> 01:53:51.240
to focus on the high risk cohort and try to protect them with the technology, I think the
01:53:51.240 --> 01:53:59.320
risk or the potential exposure of the technology would have been significantly lower. And I said
01:53:59.320 --> 01:54:06.600
something here. I'll finish with this statement. I said that no matter what the political situation
01:54:06.600 --> 01:54:15.800
is, the people who have been hurt in one way or the other by the technology will never
01:54:16.360 --> 01:54:25.000
be silent. And that's in effect the thing that is unstoppable. And so the platform, even though
01:54:25.000 --> 01:54:32.360
it could have more modifications, more benefits, could be destroyed at this altar. Any thoughts on
01:54:32.360 --> 01:54:39.800
that? So I had warned about this, and not just the platform, but the entire vaccine enterprise
01:54:39.800 --> 01:54:46.840
has been compromised. And public faith in public health, the reputation of the CDC,
01:54:46.840 --> 01:54:53.480
the reputation of the FDA, I speak about this from time to time. I was speaking to a Portuguese
01:54:53.480 --> 01:55:00.040
audience about a year and a half or two years ago. And an older woman asked me a question and
01:55:00.120 --> 01:55:06.920
prefaced it with a preamble. And she made the point that throughout Europe, the FDA had always
01:55:06.920 --> 01:55:15.960
been believed to be the gold standard for integrity and rigor in regulation of drugs and
01:55:15.960 --> 01:55:22.040
biological products. And that she had come to now understand that the FDA was corrupt
01:55:23.000 --> 01:55:29.080
and could not be relied on. And when she said that, I had not allowed that thought to come
01:55:29.160 --> 01:55:36.200
into my mind up until that point, he didn't think the FDA was corrupt, even though he was
01:55:36.200 --> 01:55:43.160
involved in getting $10 billion worth of grant money from the United States government. And it
01:55:43.160 --> 01:55:51.960
involved in bringing lots of different technologies to market via the FDA. In fact, what did he say?
01:55:52.600 --> 01:56:00.520
Holy shit. He said he worked for a regulatory affairs sweatshop, which had to do with FDA
01:56:00.520 --> 01:56:11.080
regulations. He didn't know that the FDA was not to be trusted until then, even though he was
01:56:11.080 --> 01:56:16.280
in the business for 20 years of taking advantage of gaming that system.
01:56:17.160 --> 01:56:26.360
I mean, can you believe it? Can you believe that he's even got the gall to talk these words,
01:56:26.360 --> 01:56:35.160
to speak these words in this order? But of course he is. He's woozy on with right now. He's on with
01:56:35.160 --> 01:56:47.480
somebody who's on his team. And it was not and rigor in regulation of drugs and biological
01:56:47.480 --> 01:56:55.960
products. And that she had come to now understand that the FDA was corrupt and could not be relied
01:56:55.960 --> 01:57:02.040
on. And when she said that, I had not allowed that thought to come into my mind up until that
01:57:02.040 --> 01:57:09.000
point. And it literally hit me like a brick to the head. That's absurd. That's as absurd as his
01:57:09.000 --> 01:57:19.400
story that he didn't know what the w w w w w w e f or seppy and all these other things people
01:57:19.400 --> 01:57:27.320
were up to before he was told about it at the start of the pandemic. That's the story. That's
01:57:27.400 --> 01:57:33.720
the story that we are told that Robert Malone didn't know about the w f until someone else told
01:57:33.720 --> 01:57:40.920
him during the pandemic. He just woke up. He didn't even know that the FDA was corrupt until someone
01:57:40.920 --> 01:57:53.880
in Portugal told him. Um, in this rush, this Operation Warp Speed, and all of the profit rush
01:57:53.880 --> 01:58:00.680
Operation Warp Speed. Uh oh, I wonder who he's who he's thrown under the bus here. Again, uh,
01:58:00.680 --> 01:58:10.120
in Miss wouldn't that be convenient? Just in time. Coming to the rescue of the blue side.
01:58:10.120 --> 01:58:15.000
Information and disinformation that was propagated by the government and the withholding of
01:58:15.000 --> 01:58:22.600
information about adverse events, for instance, myocarditis in particular. Uh, what we had done
01:58:22.680 --> 01:58:26.440
as a United States health and human services and, uh,
01:58:27.320 --> 01:58:35.880
by defense infrastructure and and really biomedical pharmaceutical complex is we had destroyed or
01:58:35.880 --> 01:58:44.760
severely damaged our competitive position in the world as the preeminent, uh, developer and
01:58:44.760 --> 01:58:51.480
manufacturer of these types of products. And my prediction had been then, and I think we're seeing
01:58:51.480 --> 01:58:59.880
it accelerate that what would be the logical consequence would be that the United States would
01:58:59.880 --> 01:59:09.800
continue to lose its its dominant position in biopharmaceuticals to India and China, one of which
01:59:09.800 --> 01:59:16.120
is considered a hostile nation. And the other one is at best a frenemy, uh, certainly a strong
01:59:16.120 --> 01:59:22.920
competitor. And that's, that's what's happened. The United States now has to import not only final
01:59:22.920 --> 01:59:29.560
drug product, but, uh, drug precursors, if they're going to do that. And the reputation of the FDA
01:59:29.560 --> 01:59:38.360
is trashed globally and, uh, within the States. I, the damage that's been done here, uh, through,
01:59:39.320 --> 01:59:47.800
uh, the logic of emergency use authorization of, uh, products that are proven to be neither safe nor
01:59:47.800 --> 02:00:00.360
effective. Uh, in response to what was, uh, basically marketed or propagandized as a highly lethal
02:00:00.440 --> 02:00:08.600
respiratory virus with a 3.4% case fatality rate. When it based on Ferguson's modeling largely,
02:00:09.400 --> 02:00:17.080
uh, in Imperial college and his group, uh, and has proven to be paradoxically, Mr. Trump got this
02:00:17.080 --> 02:00:24.920
right. Early on, he, there's multiple video clips of him saying that the fatality rate here, I think
02:00:25.000 --> 02:00:32.520
he calls it mortality rate is well less than 1%. That turns out to be the case. Uh, and the whole
02:00:33.080 --> 02:00:38.360
logic that did, and so why won't he explain that they did something in New York City, which Jessica
02:00:38.360 --> 02:00:45.640
Hockett has identified as like a bomb going off and then using those numbers out of context
02:00:48.680 --> 02:00:53.320
and spreading that out throughout the United States in certain places where the protocols could
02:00:53.400 --> 02:01:04.280
be enacted, they were able to create a brief pulse of increase in all cause mortality that they then
02:01:04.280 --> 02:01:15.560
extrapolated from. It's not just the models. It's the models plus this little tiny start blip
02:01:16.360 --> 02:01:20.840
that was required so that everybody could say, but do you see it? It's right here. It's starting.
02:01:21.400 --> 02:01:27.960
It's about to go to a billion people dead. And then of course, as Jessica Hockett showed,
02:01:27.960 --> 02:01:34.440
it just went up. And three weeks later, it went down and it never went up again for the rest of the
02:01:34.440 --> 02:01:43.880
year. And so is he going to point that out? Is he going to explain that it wasn't just the
02:01:43.880 --> 02:01:51.080
exaggeration of the danger of the virus, but it was actually the inversion of the protocols,
02:01:51.080 --> 02:02:00.680
the imposition of the protocols, the complete reduction of the use of antibiotics to treat
02:02:00.680 --> 02:02:11.160
secondary pneumonia? And do you know that a lot of these EUA PCR tests, when those results came back,
02:02:12.040 --> 02:02:19.000
they said under the results that this PCR test cannot rule out effects from secondary
02:02:19.000 --> 02:02:24.920
pneumonia and secondary bacterial infection. Almost all of them say that. Look it up.
02:02:25.960 --> 02:02:34.840
Interpreting these results positive cannot rule out the effects of secondary bacterial infection.
02:02:35.000 --> 02:02:48.360
This was a highly lethal virus that would overwhelm our hospitals, cause us to need to have mass
02:02:48.360 --> 02:02:56.920
graves and pre-servants full of dead bodies and et cetera, et cetera. That's all turned out to be
02:02:56.920 --> 02:03:06.280
false propaganda. But that is what has been used to justify these breaches of what are really
02:03:06.280 --> 02:03:12.040
international norms of ethics and product development that have been developed over decades. And so
02:03:12.680 --> 02:03:21.480
we're now left. I discredited Fauci hotels and Collins since 2020. Collins and his
02:03:21.480 --> 02:03:29.320
immunomethology was in my stream for the first year and a half of my work. Those children have
02:03:29.320 --> 02:03:34.600
been dismissed a long time ago. So I'm sorry you missed it, but I won't go backwards to them. Those
02:03:34.600 --> 02:03:42.920
guys are stooges. Francis Collins is not a genius. Even Tony Fauci is not a genius. These are stooges.
02:03:44.120 --> 02:03:46.120
I could tell you my colleagues in the
02:03:46.440 --> 02:03:51.560
clinical development and earlier phase pharmaceutical development space
02:03:52.520 --> 02:04:05.400
are perplexed now. What's happened in the states with regulatory affairs in the FDA
02:04:06.040 --> 02:04:13.720
is that what had previously been a fairly rigorous and highly structured process.
02:04:14.600 --> 02:04:21.000
We all knew the rules. We knew what the process was. We could project how much it costs. We could
02:04:21.000 --> 02:04:28.200
project the timelines and grind away for a decade to get the product developed and safe and effective.
02:04:29.240 --> 02:04:37.160
And now it's kind of anything goes if they want it to go. And if they want to hold you to
02:04:38.120 --> 02:04:44.360
higher standards, they will and you can't predict what it's going to be. People are left with,
02:04:44.360 --> 02:04:52.680
well, who do I have to pay off? What do I have to do? The whole system is now compromised.
02:04:52.680 --> 02:04:59.080
Its integrity is compromised. And he just figured it out recently because some
02:04:59.640 --> 02:05:05.640
woman at a talk that he was giving in Portugal pointed it out to him. Before that, he didn't
02:05:05.640 --> 02:05:09.400
realize that the FDA was corrupt. All kinds of implications.
02:05:10.200 --> 02:05:14.520
I want to ask you a part of the question because another piece of the puzzle, even though we speak
02:05:14.520 --> 02:05:22.200
of mRNA, the delivery system with regards to lipid nanoparticles. And I heard you speaking about
02:05:22.200 --> 02:05:30.680
this recently. And I also had a recent conference and someone, Christy Grace, had made some very
02:05:30.680 --> 02:05:37.480
important comments about this. And I just brought up here one of the paper that shows major delivery
02:05:37.480 --> 02:05:48.760
systems for these mRNA. Those graphics are grossly naive. Oh, are they? Yes. So all I want to know
02:05:48.760 --> 02:05:58.280
is that when you see the different strategies for delivering the mRNA, have we ever at this scale
02:05:58.280 --> 02:06:08.440
used the LNP in this kind of way? Are there any risks with that? Separate apart from the mRNA?
02:06:09.480 --> 02:06:18.360
Yes, is the answer. And we know this because of data that was shared by Moderna about their phase
02:06:18.360 --> 02:06:23.400
one dose escalation trials with their influenza vaccine candidate was shared to their
02:06:23.960 --> 02:06:31.960
sock holders. It wasn't made public, which shows that at the 100 mic level with the flu expression
02:06:31.960 --> 02:06:42.520
vectors, RNA, they had an enormously high adverse event rate. Something like 30 or 40 percent of
02:06:42.520 --> 02:06:48.920
the patients enrolled at 100 mics had developed serious adverse events over a fairly short period
02:06:48.920 --> 02:06:58.600
of time. So only because a lot of this work is not being done rigorously and by basically treaty
02:06:59.320 --> 02:07:04.760
based on a meeting that was held chaired by Margaret Liu at the World Health Organization
02:07:05.320 --> 02:07:12.040
little over a year ago, the decision has been made within Western regulatory authorities
02:07:12.760 --> 02:07:19.800
that the candidate lipid formulation that you were just referring to that, by the way,
02:07:20.520 --> 02:07:29.800
if somebody in my opinion, if you're going to give the Nobel for the enabling technology.
02:07:31.800 --> 02:07:36.440
The people that should have got it was Peter Collas at University of British Columbia and his
02:07:36.440 --> 02:07:41.880
colleagues because that is the enabling technology. And that technology is licensed to
02:07:41.880 --> 02:07:48.280
a company that I think Justin Trudeau's family owns a lot of, but I could be wrong.
02:07:48.280 --> 02:07:56.120
Is that the lipids in formulation structure in the East of Pegg that is used by all
02:07:56.760 --> 02:08:05.800
Keraback Moderna and Biointech, Pfizer, that's who really made the breakthroughs
02:08:06.440 --> 02:08:13.800
after decades and decades of hard work. And I've known Peter Collas throughout my career as one of
02:08:13.800 --> 02:08:22.360
the top lipid formulation specialists in the world. And if I can just thanks for joining Janet
02:08:22.360 --> 02:08:28.360
horse a little further, there were three companies in the running originally. The third one was
02:08:28.360 --> 02:08:34.200
called Keraback and he was they were funded by an obscure investor that you've never heard of
02:08:34.200 --> 02:08:43.640
before called Elon Musk. And they ran a more conservative phase one trial with antibody
02:08:43.640 --> 02:08:51.720
titers as endpoints in humans in which they used a significantly lower dose than even Pfizer did.
02:08:51.720 --> 02:08:58.920
Member of Moderna's three times Pfizer. Are you hearing that Elon Musk's RNA company used
02:08:58.920 --> 02:09:04.760
a similar mRNA but without pseudo-uridine and they still got a robust response? Not as robust
02:09:04.760 --> 02:09:11.560
as the high dosage of Moderna or of the pseudo-uridine treated high dosage of Pfizer,
02:09:12.840 --> 02:09:18.200
but they got a good reaction. They got of antibody response and they didn't have to use pseudo-uridine.
02:09:19.960 --> 02:09:28.120
Is Keraback the company of Elon Musk being set up as the next best mRNA production line?
02:09:29.320 --> 02:09:36.440
Interesting. And Keraback was a fraction of the Pfizer dose but Keraback did not use pseudo-uridine
02:09:37.560 --> 02:09:43.720
and it got a robust body response but not as high as those that had used the higher doses.
02:09:44.600 --> 02:09:48.600
And they couldn't get funding to carry forward with the product development and it was dropped.
02:09:49.480 --> 02:09:55.160
But those data demonstrate that you don't have to have the pseudo-uridine. It works just fine
02:09:55.160 --> 02:10:00.120
without it. And Moderna didn't use to use the pseudo-uridine. It made a decision kind of the
02:10:00.120 --> 02:10:08.760
last minute to license the enzyme. But the cationic lipid formulations are intrinsically toxic.
02:10:09.960 --> 02:10:16.920
The mRNA and its immunosuppressive characteristics because this isn't really mRNA. This is a chemically
02:10:16.920 --> 02:10:24.360
synthesized molecule that has pseudo-uridine of whichever form throughout its backbone. That's
02:10:24.360 --> 02:10:31.000
not a normal characteristic of RNA. The placement of pseudo-uridine in normal RNA is very strategic
02:10:31.720 --> 02:10:36.040
and specific in where it's placed, not all the way through the molecule.
02:10:37.640 --> 02:10:43.000
And it is absolutely immunosuppressive. That was the intention but that's a double-edged sword,
02:10:43.960 --> 02:10:48.920
especially when you do them with immune responses. And then there's the spike protein.
02:10:49.640 --> 02:10:56.200
And if we compare, for instance, by the FDA and CDC's own admission,
02:10:58.440 --> 02:11:07.160
the Novavax product, which is caterpillar cell produced and caterpillar virus produced spike
02:11:07.160 --> 02:11:15.400
protein, the adenoviral-vectored products, one of which the J&J had been sold in the United States
02:11:15.400 --> 02:11:22.600
until recently. And the two RNA products that also express the spike, they all have the common
02:11:22.600 --> 02:11:31.320
feature of cardiotoxicity, the myocarditis and pericarditis, and yet their core platforms
02:11:31.320 --> 02:11:38.360
when used for other purposes do not show that characteristic. So major problems with myocarditis
02:11:38.360 --> 02:11:44.760
and pericarditis in coagulopathy were not problems with prior adenovctored vaccine candidates.
02:11:45.720 --> 02:11:51.880
They haven't been problems with prior Novavax technology candidates. So I think it's reasonable
02:11:51.880 --> 02:12:01.960
to conclude, you're a scientist, that this is basic Sesame Street stuff. We have these different
02:12:01.960 --> 02:12:07.720
products, they have one common characteristic, they cause this spike protein to be present in
02:12:07.720 --> 02:12:12.920
the body at very high levels in a very abrupt kinetic, very different from the natural infection.
02:12:13.720 --> 02:12:20.040
And systemically, rather than mucosally, so very different, again, from natural infection,
02:12:20.600 --> 02:12:26.040
and they all have this common feature of cardiotoxicity and coagulopathy and stroke and everything.
02:12:26.680 --> 02:12:35.640
And so my thesis is that we have a cluster of toxicities that are attributable to the formulation
02:12:35.640 --> 02:12:40.520
itself in the presence of a polynucleotide, because you can't make these particles, the
02:12:40.520 --> 02:12:45.960
peter colus particles in the absence of a polynucleotide. They have to have a polymer,
02:12:45.960 --> 02:12:52.680
an anionic polymer to self-assemble, you know, based on ionic interactions.
02:12:54.600 --> 02:13:00.600
So the lipid particle is toxic, the mRNA is immunosuppressive, that's a toxicity,
02:13:00.600 --> 02:13:10.360
and the spike protein is toxic. Those toxicities overlap, and the vector sum of those are particles
02:13:11.240 --> 02:13:19.480
in a process that has been very, is very complex from a pharmaceutical standpoint,
02:13:20.120 --> 02:13:26.200
and involves multiple active new chemical entities.
02:13:27.400 --> 02:13:34.760
So I want to ask you a question, Robert, and I wanted to think about from a scientific perspective
02:13:34.760 --> 02:13:45.000
as a scientist. I am baffled why the scientific community as a whole, you know, the public seems
02:13:45.000 --> 02:13:52.280
to have clued in a lot of the public that something isn't quite right. Why is there this almost
02:13:53.000 --> 02:14:00.440
ideological perspective? It's because the narrative has been curated. It's because the
02:14:00.440 --> 02:14:06.760
narrative has been curated by people like Robert Malone, being on streams with Dr. Philip McMillan,
02:14:07.480 --> 02:14:13.960
curating a narrative about an investigational vaccine and about a novel virus that we needed
02:14:13.960 --> 02:14:20.280
to do something for. That's the reason why we're here. That's the answer. There's about 30 or 40
02:14:20.280 --> 02:14:26.040
more minutes of this interview, but like Kim Traveler, I'm also getting tired. I think I'm
02:14:26.120 --> 02:14:31.240
going to cut it short right here. I hope you don't mind. Watch the rest of this and see if
02:14:31.240 --> 02:14:36.680
there's anything interesting for me to pull out a drop in the next couple of streams. Someone dropped
02:14:36.680 --> 02:14:45.240
a little thread in here about data sciences and Vivek and Kushner, and it's interesting,
02:14:45.240 --> 02:14:50.840
so they didn't check it out. Click on it. Thanks very much for joining me, guys. This has been
02:14:50.840 --> 02:14:55.960
Giga Home Biological, a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
02:14:56.760 --> 02:15:00.440
Don't forget the Ninja Mouse Killer injection of any combination of substances with the
02:15:00.440 --> 02:15:05.240
intent of augmenting the immune system. It's dumb, and if that's too complicated for you,
02:15:05.240 --> 02:15:11.400
just say the Transfections for non-immunizations and stop them. Stop them and everybody.
02:15:12.360 --> 02:15:16.760
They're trying to eliminate the control you're planning means necessary. This has been Giga Home
02:15:16.760 --> 02:15:23.720
Biological. Don't forget about the broken science movement, the initiative, a great place to find
02:15:24.440 --> 02:15:29.880
interesting videos to share with your friends. Also a great place to talk about the big
02:15:29.880 --> 02:15:45.800
lards of science that are broken. It's been Giga Home Biological. Thank you very much.