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Okay, so we're going to need some help here because we need to see if we are on, I didn't
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change that title, so we got to see if that title went to all the other streams.
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How am I going to check that?
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If you are in the chat in Twitch, please talk to me, hey, Fletch, how are you?
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Can you, you can hear me okay?
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Now we need to go to, you got to try this one, and you got to try YouTube.
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Let me get that link for you, is this the right one, no, I want this one, oh that's here,
01:06.040 --> 01:14.720
oh it's working, I see, and it looks like I'm on live in YouTube as well, YouTube is here,
01:14.720 --> 01:18.720
can you hear me?
01:18.720 --> 01:23.720
I think we can hear on YouTube also, all right, all right.
01:23.720 --> 01:29.040
Good sound says not now, all right, what about, what about this one?
01:29.040 --> 01:39.960
Okay, I think the peer tube is going to be the slowest, oh yeah, mute, yes, so peer tube
01:39.960 --> 01:48.360
is going to be the slowest, that's going to be the farthest behind, but it's okay because
01:48.360 --> 01:53.640
I can see that it's working, peer tube's a little chokey, it looks like, every once
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in a while it's stalling, maybe, yeah, peer tube looks slow, YouTube looks good, peer tube
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looks a little slow, see it freezes every once in a while, I wonder if that's just me,
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no it's definitely lagging on peer tube, it might be the people watching, we have eight
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viewers, maybe that's too many, I don't know, maybe it's also resolution, we might have
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to check that, it was okay before though, so maybe we want to try just streaming to peer
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tube, although I bet YouTube is doing fine, I wonder if I have to stop one of those, what do you
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think, how's everybody doing? It's freezing just on peer tube, right, is everybody saying just on
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peer tube freezing, it's not freezing on Twitch, is it? Broken Science was fantastic, I am Katniss,
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I have lots to report, it's actually going to change the direction of the whole stream, I'm actually
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really excited about it, Twitch good, okay, and YouTube is good, so that's actually pretty
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excellent, I'm not really sure what to think about this one, I'm going to close that, maybe I
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had too many windows open there, hold on one second here, where's my other one, here, that one's still
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frozen, so peer tube's not perfect yet, I don't see a lot of peer tubing there, that's not really
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working very well at all actually, okay, while we tried, I do really think it's working very well on,
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I do think that this is working very well on YouTube though, which is good, but oh, here tube
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does work every once in a while and then it freezes again, so I'm not sure what to do about that,
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okay, but we're trying it, right, we had to try it, I really do think we're doing well on still here a
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little bit of fuzzy noise in the background, alright, well let me see if I can fix that,
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that might help a little bit, will you be multi-stripping to both platforms, yes I'm gonna try and stream to
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twitch YouTube and peer tube simultaneously, but peer tube was the one I was trying to work on tonight
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getting running and figuring out how close we are to having that working and it looks like we're
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close, I mean it's it's not not working and I wonder if there's something to do with how it could be
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something to do with how this thing, because peer tube says it's getting just as good of a signal as
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YouTube, but somehow peer tube is not dealing with it as well, so we might have to open, you might have
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to open that up a little bit, somehow see how much bandwidth we have and what we've been doing, okay, so
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this is a good first test, I'm very very happy to be back, peer tube is choppy, but there is a way to
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tune it, I'm not very worried about this test at all, having having YouTube and and twitch going
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simultaneously is already a really big deal, so I'm excited about that, smooth as cheese on YouTube,
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okay, so this is really good because we're gonna be able to do this live on both then, and we're not
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gonna have to fool around with that, and then in the meantime, we can get this really running,
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and then we'll have, yeah it's too bad this one is not working, darn it darn it darn it, I wonder if
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I just don't have it set up right, but we will figure it out, because you know, guess who got us
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back to this point already, of course you know who that is, that's that's Ted, and Ted got us
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this far, Ted will get us farther, I'm not worried about it at all, yeah, so hey Pamela, good to see
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you, I did not plan on doing a stream because I wanted to stop in between here and see if I could
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go back to peer tube, and see some of the basic settings, and see if there's anything that I can see
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that would work to fix this, and then I'll come back in about 15 minutes, I know this isn't the
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perfect way to come back, but Ted worked really hard to get the peer tube up and running, and so I
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wanted to be sure I could pull that trigger, more importantly I'm really happy that we've got it
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running on YouTube, because that's exciting, I know that my multi-stream plugin is going to work,
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so I'm really excited about that, I'm really excited
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let's see testing, oh I see I didn't have very much volume here
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test one two, testing one two, test
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okay so we got that we got that laugh track you need a laugh track I got one for you
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I really do think that YouTube is doing really well and so this peer tube thing is just something
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I've got to fix because it's getting exactly the same signal as far as I can see on my
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multiple output they're both throwing 5.6 6.8 I mean there's throwing 60 frames a second and
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they have the exact same speed so peer tube is getting what YouTube is getting so something is
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not quite right. Well peer tube is not going to get me cancelled if I don't leave the things up
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and if I keep my language right I'm not too worried about YouTube I just wanted to see if I can
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I can get it up there and I'm not going to leave any videos up so every time I go live and then go
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off there won't be a video there for anybody to watch but at least you can see me live on YouTube
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find me live on YouTube and we're just going to drop everything from YouTube when we when we're
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done with it that's my plan and we'll keep using Twitch as a repository for early streams and then
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we will yeah it's buffering on on on peer tube so we've just got to open that
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we've got to open that somehow maybe the maybe the pipe can be opened somehow I don't know what
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that means but let me see configuration plugin themes system
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we are going live though that's kind of nice I can see that now in the videos and the live ones to
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show up all the time so I can rename that that's good
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yeah let me see
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live streaming
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maximum live live resolutions to generate
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also transcode original resolution
11:41.360 --> 11:47.200
live transcoding threads what do I need for that for enable remote runners for lives
11:47.200 --> 11:52.240
use remote runners to process live transcoding remote runners has to register on your first
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11:56.080 --> 12:01.360
we'll claim at least three threads with VOC decoding what is this
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does that help anything does anybody know what that means can I do that does that help
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where are my where are my chat people's
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peer tube user might yeah I don't know it's all up to us how big that server is so Ted and I can
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make the bit the server bigger pretty quick and if it's not working
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for example I wonder if it's generating this other live resolution it's supposed to generate
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this other live resolution of 480p and if it does that then it might be transcoding the original
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resolution I think the original resolution is very big hold on one second let me check what my
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original resolution is because if my original settings for the video output yeah 1920 1080 is
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pretty big so it's going to be it's going to be doing that one so I wonder if I could make this
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like this
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and then maybe it'll work
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what do you think
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okay now I turned off the other resolution and now it's not encoding the 480 anymore
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see it's smooth I got it peer tube is running now check it out go check out peer tube
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oh it just started to buffer right now dang and I thought I fixed it
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but it might be better oh no now I'd buffered again darn darn darn
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okay let me see if I can change that again though because that configuration might be what it is
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that might be what it is I might have to set
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what if I just do this update configuration now videos here okay now I changed it to one
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video resolution just HD
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are we still good on YouTube still good on YouTube look at peer tube though I think peer tube is better now
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it's cool that I can change that live check it out it's not doing it anymore it's buffered now
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it's it's working I think it's working where'd the chat go I don't see the chat anymore
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or am I not watching shit I'm not watching the live one am I
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here's the live one
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how's that is the live one going now this is live this is good see I got it
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talk to me goose
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do we got this we got three we got three going check it out
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yes oh it just buffered oh dang it I was about ready to turn on the sound and then it buffered
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hmm I thought I had it
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yeah I have a feeling it's the pipe we just have to fix the pipe that's all we're just going to
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fix the pipe it's something to do with the pipe maximum live transcoding enabled for live streams
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live transcoding threads can we go eight
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update configuration does that help
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this one's live who am I looking at am I staring at something no it froze again
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no it's freezing again
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peer tube settings enable hls playback instead of web torrent if available
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having more trans coded resolutions can improve playback what really
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hmm I'm not sure about that let me go back configuration live streaming I'm going to put
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480p only try that
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now this one says up that's not the right one dang it
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and that's not it where's the live one
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this should be 480 now why isn't it 480
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is this live or not
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I don't think you can do that I think what it does is that it trans codes my my stream
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I think it reco it does original resolution anyway and so I don't think
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What happens when I do that update?
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Does it change to a new video for you or does it quit and start again?
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I have the feeling that there's something funny happening there.
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So, it's getting there. I still have this I can put up.
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Yeah, I'm really happy with this though. I got a lot farther with it than I
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thought. It's still freezing up on the T or 2. Yeah, I know. But it's a it's a
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work in progress and we will figure it out. If we have to pay a little more
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money or something like that, then we'll figure that out. But I do like the
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fact that we're gonna be on YouTube. I do like the fact that we can get that on
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there. And maybe we'll do rumble at the same time too. I don't know. Maybe maybe
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we'll do rumble at the same time. I guess we could. I mean, we could definitely do
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rumble at the same time.
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Oh, you shit.
24:21.760 --> 24:48.480
So, let's see. Go live. Create a new live stream. Or a I want to create one that's
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going to go up all the time. How do we do that?
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This is not what I want. I want to set up a live streaming leave. Set up a new
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live stream. Static key. That's what I want. Okay. Copy. All right, we're gonna
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just add it right now. Why don't we just add right now? Because we're that good.
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Add a new target.
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rumble, baby. And I need that other number.
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Where did that go? Here. Copy. And then over here to OBS. Paste it right there.
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Sync start with OBS. Okay.
26:04.040 --> 26:09.360
I'm just gonna start it. Failed to connect stream.
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rumble live. Stream key.
26:16.920 --> 26:22.880
That's fine. What's wrong with that? That's what I did. There's this thing.
26:23.880 --> 26:25.880
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Maybe I had to do that. Copy.
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Here. Paste. Okay. Start.
26:42.640 --> 26:50.600
Oh, check it out. Go see if I'm on rumble. I think I just got on rumble.
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Ah, funny. That's pretty easy. Am I on rumble?
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I haven't created any channels yet.
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My content. Paul Offit.
27:11.400 --> 27:24.800
Look, I'm live on rumble. Twitch is down. Yes, I'm on rumble.
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Is Twitch really down or not down?
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Twitch is up. Who said Twitch was down? Pamela, you said Twitch was down.
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I'm live on Twitch. I'm live on rumble. I'm live on YouTube.
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And my peer tube is running slowly. What do you think about them?
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Apples, Mark. Peer tube is jammed up. I admit that, but I'm live streaming on YouTube.
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I'm live streaming on rumble. Yes.
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That's cool. Hey, I like that.
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And it should be a little delay from Twitch because Twitch is the one that I stream out first.
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And these are all concurrent streams that come off of that one.
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So all I got to do is create a new template and then create that and then my live stream will come up.
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So we are crushing now.
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Oh, if I could get peer tube working. If I could get peer tube working. Oh, my gosh.
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Yes, on Twitch and on rumble. They'll be there on rumble too now that I'm doing it on rumble like this.
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So we'll have a stream on rumble that will be archived and we'll have a stream on.
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Yeah, this is great. This is working really well. I'm very excited.
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I can change resolution on streaming software to peer tube to 480 and lowest bitrate.
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I can't change it to 480. It won't let me do that on here.
29:38.800 --> 29:47.800
Yeah, Twitch is working. YouTube is working. Rumble is working.
29:47.800 --> 29:59.800
Holy ships. I'm very excited about that.
29:59.800 --> 30:04.800
Yeah, I know. Now the chats are all over the place. That's true. But there are ways to bring them together.
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So I might be able to do that. Pamela does a little troll and I don't think she's trolling us.
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Yeah, I know. I had to use that. I had to use that template on rumble just because that was the one that was there. But I will fix that.
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I can make a new template.
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And then that template will just probably be the.
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Oh, isn't this great? I can't believe it works so well.
30:47.800 --> 30:58.800
It's crazy. It's a free plugin. Like, and it works really, really well. I mean, for the.
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It looks really good on rumble. It looks really good on Twitch. It looks really good on YouTube.
31:05.800 --> 31:16.800
I don't know what to say.
31:16.800 --> 31:20.800
PeerTube is going to need some work. We're going to have to probably open up the.
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We're going to have to open up some more bandwidth on the server. That's what we're going to have to do. We're going to have to pay a little more money.
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And it will run just fine. That's what's going to have to happen.
31:36.800 --> 31:42.800
And there is a way to combine the chats. There's a couple different ways we can use a Chrome extension.
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And pop all the chats out and then that Chrome extension will put them all together. I just downloaded that today and I.
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It's going to take me a little while to figure out how that.
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That functionality works, but you can do it. At least people have.
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Have said that you can do it. I'm probably more than one solution, but.
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Keep in mind that that my.
32:05.800 --> 32:11.800
My Ted of Bill and Ted's excellent. Excellent adventure. Ted is on the other side of the planet, so.
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It's very rare that we can have a talk. It's best like if I get up early in the morning and call him.
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And other than that, it works great because he's a genius and he knows how this all works and if he doesn't, he can figure it out very quick.
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I do think the most important thing is how much money we are going to spend every month.
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On the server space and the processor, which.
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Works on our peer tube, so the processor that we're using on the peer tube right now.
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Might just be insufficient for.
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Live streaming it the way that we want to live stream it and it might just be that we have to up it from what we're paying now a month to 10 more a month.
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Something like that will get us a faster processor and that might already work.
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So yeah, we just have to figure out how much if we can spend enough money to make it work, we will otherwise we might just have to leave it at YouTube Twitch and rumble because this is already a very big.
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Step up and then we could take the recording.
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That I'm always making here and I can still put that on peer tube and have peer to be a place to.
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Check audio bit rate to peer tube and out of peer tube as well. Yeah, I've got.
33:31.800 --> 33:34.800
It's identical according to my.
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OBS they sending out all the same all the time.
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Well, that's how Ted is serving us Ted.
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You know, there's different ways to support actually Ted pays for the soapbox and Ted and his friend are trying to start a business where they do some of this stuff for corporate clients and so it was.
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He says that it was worth his time to try and set up this peer tube instance and learn how to do it so that he could do it for somebody else.
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So I take his word for it, but he is definitely donating talent to giga home biological and all of us in this household and all of us that that are part of this little group really Oh, Ted, a big thank you because
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without him I wouldn't be fooling around with this peer tube right now I wouldn't be fooling around with all of this.
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I'm going to get this streaming to go as well as it's going. And I did work for Markram.
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I did work for Markram and you're not a big fan. I'm going to click on that and see what you watch.
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Perceptual bubble. Oh no, he's a monkey. He's a really not a.
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He's not somebody that I enjoy. I completely.
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He's a bit of a charlatan.
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Yeah, he's a bit of a charlatan and he talks a lot of big game. That's why the EU gave him a billion dollars to do the human human brain project or whatever the blue brain project it was a.
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It was a tremendous amount of talk that got him there.
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Yes, thanks Ted. Oh my goodness.
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We did this really well. We got rumble running, which I didn't think we were going to get. So we got rumble rumble seems to be working fine YouTube's working fine and Twitch.
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So that really means that peer tube is just a question of figuring out the rates.
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And I'm committed to that. I really want peer tube to work.
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And in that sense, I'm very willing to put 20 extra bucks a month into a slightly.
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Beefier server and beefier processor to get peer to running equally well as these other platforms are apparently running so well done Ted.
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And well done Jay for figuring out your OBS.
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OBS is a little bit of a beast, but once you get it and learn its little quirks, you can do an awful lot with OBS and I am achieving everything that I'm achieving right now, including this chat over here.
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And I didn't have the little people where all the little people. It's not loading all the people.
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I thought there were little avatars here. Those little little peer tube.
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Peer tube octopuses. Where are they?
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So tomorrow morning. After my second cup of coffee, I think I'll do this beyond the noise number 33 with Paul Offit as kind of a test run.
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Again, all streams running. Hopefully by my second cup of coffee, I will even be able to talk to Ted.
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RFK calling an audible with an Aaron Rodgers VP. I actually suggested Aaron Rodgers be his VP already a year ago when I saw a picture of him and Aaron Rodgers on Twitter.
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So who wouldn't surprise me involved. They tried to do that.
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Yeah, so that is the ball game, I think.
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I hope you are too disappointed that I didn't have a really a really good show ready for you, but I am.
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I am building that content now, so we are almost there. We're almost fully back. I had a really productive weekend.
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I met a lot of really wonderful people again, and I also met some really new wonderful people.
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Most importantly, I will tell you, I really connected with Greg Glassman.
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I finally understood what him and Emily Kaplan are up to and why their work from a philosophical perspective is so central to my own work and how I am going to move forward.
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I've heard lots of people ask me and ask my wife, but how does Jay think that he can do this going forward? How can you just keep doing this?
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And we are going to keep doing this, GIGO and biological, but we're not going to keep chasing the same clowns that we have been chasing and we're not going to keep chasing the same running from the same clown cars that we've been running from.
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In fact, I think it's time for GIGO and biological, and for Jessica Hockett, and for Mark Koolack of Heucetonic Live, and a few others who are key in this space to now start to really take leadership roles in waking people up and moving the ball forward in the right direction and not being distracted any longer.
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And if you haven't seen it, Marcus, a couple short videos up. He's got a long video with Jessica Hockett. He has a new one coming up in the next day or two.
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And he had a short one from today, which details the long in the short, the very simple fact of the matter that putting someone on oxygen isn't as simple as putting someone on oxygen.
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And because of the pandemic and during COVID, we may have through silliness on TV, tricked people into believing that a small device that you put over your finger, if it reads a certain number, that that could be indication that you are near death.
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And that one of the ways to combat that reading would be to put someone on supplemental oxygen and putting someone on supplemental oxygen that doesn't need it.
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At too high of a concentration for too long is an absolutely certain way to do permanent damage to someone's lungs.
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And a lot of this damage, as it progresses, seems to resemble what you might think of as a progression of a respiratory disease in a hospital.
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And so it is very, very possible that one of the things that we have been overlooking from the very beginning is the idea that people that are put on supplemental oxygen that they don't need can be damaged by it.
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And if that damage is not taken as being caused by the oxygen, but instead being the body's inability to cope with a respiratory pathogen of known known origin, you can have a very serious problem on your hands.
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So yeah, we have some things to do. We have a lot of work to do. We have a lot of teaching to do. And we have a lot of broken science to fix.
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So how are we going to keep this going? We're going to keep it going forever. This is what we do now.
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This is a resource that not only do we need GIGO and biological and the broken science initiative and he was a tonic live and people like Jessica Hockett, but we need more.
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And so I'm going to get up and make the donuts every day. I hope you will start finding the ways that you can contribute to making the donuts.
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And I hope that all of us collectively.
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Yeah, I'm very optimistic. I'm very optimistic because I came home from that conference with four books.
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And those four books include probability theory and the logic of science by E. T. Janes.
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And although I don't, I'm not a probability guy. I'm not a math guy.
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I think it's time that I at least become competent. And so I'm not suggesting by any stretch of the imagination that I'm going to start teaching statistics.
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I am going to start to use ideas from this book and ideas from the stovebook to make sure that what I am learning from broken science is not lost on any of you.
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Because I have finally understood how important the ideas in this book are and how well they are often expressed in this book.
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And so I'm very excited because understanding how science is broken will start to teach us better.
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How to evaluate scientific papers, how to see a journal club in the correct way and how to analyze what a scientific paper did or didn't do.
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And what to expect from a scientific paper. And I think once we start to explore journal clubs from the perspective of broken science, from the perspective of what type of model are they proposing?
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What methods are they using to validate the model? What measurements are they making? And what scales are those measurements on?
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And, and what predictions have, has their model made that has been validated by future measurements?
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These kinds of terminologies and discussion points are going to become landmarks that we look for in every scientific paper that we respect and admire as something that has pushed our knowledge forward.
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And what we look for and miss in papers that aren't challenging the prevailing model, that aren't really challenging a model at all, that aren't even testing anything.
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And once we start to do this paper by paper, you know, publication by publication, observation by observation, I think all of us collectively are going to come together to understand how science was broken.
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How preparing falsification of hypotheses is actually not the scientific method that we've been looking for.
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It's not the scientific method that, that it was sold to be. And actually this guy stove is the dude that really, that really was able to figure it out. This is not a long book.
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And you can get through the first 15 pages of this book and pretty much already understand what Popper and these guys did.
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This books and its rights are owned by broken science and they are going to publish a much more handsome small copy of this very soon.
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And the PDF I think they actually already have on their website for free distribution. So if you're interested in it, look up the broken science initiative.
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It's Greg Glassman, it's Emily Kaplan, and it's a bunch of other people that they've brought together to try and reteach the philosophy of science correctly to our young people so that maybe over a single generation we can change back to something that resembles, you know, real modern science
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instead of this postmodern stuff where we're doing preparing and reiterative falsification and null hypotheses and this kind of thing.
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We're going to talk about all of this and I'm really, really excited about it. And Jay Kelly Kay, if you taught stats and research methodology for 30 years, well then I would be more than happy
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to collaborate with you on a beginner's stats ideas course, because again, I'm not looking to teach math.
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What I'm looking to do is teach people the logic of the scientific method and how we should be thinking about its wielding and how we are not thinking about it right now.
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And honestly, I've been to a few of these broken science meetings and they up until this one have been very intimidating.
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It's a lot of very accomplished people, independently wealthy people, independently don't give a hoot about anybody else people, because the world moves around them.
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You put all these people in a room together, at a dinner together with nice wine, and then you put me there.
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It took me a long time to feel comfortable in my own skin among these people.
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Even Matt Briggs, if you know this guy from Twitter, William Briggs, the celebrity of the stars or the statistician to the stars, he's a very, very down-to-earth guy, but from the perspective of intelligent wit and this kind of thing.
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He holds his own with anyone and he's comfortable there.
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But boy, I feel a lot like a privileged fly on the wall and I learn a lot by just keeping my mouth shut.
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But it's been a real privilege to be able to hang out with those people and to discuss my ideas and their ideas together.
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And I finally feel like this last visit was just such a crucial, I think I've been given a gift.
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And so I wanted to do all the technical stuff today.
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I wanted to see how many of these streams I could get working in OBS and I wanted to see how well peer to but work on first poll.
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And like I said, I'm going to send a message to Ted.
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We were, I mean, this is a 95% fully successful.
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I see rumble working perfect.
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I see YouTube is still perfect.
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And I don't even know if I, if someone is here on YouTube, it would be really great.
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I don't think I need to keep this open.
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Do I need to keep this open?
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I don't know if I need to keep the stream even open and it'll probably still stream.
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Trying to match the settings.
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That's possible.
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It's possible that I have to match the settings.
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I'm not sure it's supposed to be transcoding in the original settings.
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So if it's not doing that.
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I think it should just be doing that.
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So I don't know if you are running a virtual or you leave two cores to run OS dedicate all.
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Yeah. So see, it's on a server.
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So the peer tube server might just have two cores and it might only have four cores and it needs eight.
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And so instead of spending, you know, 17 bucks a month, maybe I have to spend 24 or something like that.
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We are going to figure this out.
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It is going to work.
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And we are, we are just a matter of, of, of tweaking.
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So I'm going to bed.
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Thank you very much for joining me.
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This has been giga ohm biological.
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I should play the song because we, we don't get to, we don't get to hang out very much lately.
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And I want to hang out more.
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We're going to hang out every day soon.
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My friends, every day very soon.
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I promise.
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I'm so excited.
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I don't know what to tell you, Annie.
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But I've got so many more handholds to share with you.
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So you too can start climbing on your own.
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And I am really excited to finally believe that I can use the Broken Science Initiative's ideas to enhance giga ohm biological.
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I used to think of them as a parallel but not, you know, really related outfit.
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And now I send them a central to it instructing how I go about identifying the problems
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and how I've been doing it.
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But I haven't had the crisp semantics and I haven't had the backing of the, of the philosophy.
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You know, who's, who's philosophy?
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And that's the trick.
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I met a, a professor from Germany who's going to be on the show to talk about this stuff as well.
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He describes P values as the way that we do science right now.
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It's a bit of a ritual.
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I'm also going to have a guy by the name of Malcolm Kendrick on who's an expert on statins and a class for all.
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And on the face of blood science.
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And I've got a few other people lined up as well.
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But I'm also really excited.
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I'm super excited.
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I'll see you guys really soon.
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Really, really excited.
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Check this out once.
51:26.800 --> 51:33.800
Okay, that works.
51:33.800 --> 51:44.800
Yeah, I think this is going to be just fine.
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I'll see you guys later.
51:46.800 --> 51:51.800
Thank you.