00:00.000 --> 00:18.160
The schedule for 60 minutes next is going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.

00:18.160 --> 00:22.000
People everywhere are starting to listen to him, it's embarrassing.

01:30.000 --> 01:57.280
Test 1-2, testing 1-2, test 1-2, I got a heater on in the background, that'll be

01:57.280 --> 02:21.280
off in a few, test 1-2, testing 1-2, test, testing, oh, blowing, blowing, blowing.

02:21.280 --> 02:41.400
Test 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test,

02:41.400 --> 03:01.520
testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test,

03:01.520 --> 03:21.640
testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test,

03:21.640 --> 03:41.280
testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2, test, testing 1-2,

03:41.280 --> 03:43.160
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show.

03:43.160 --> 03:46.160
This is Gigel, biological, a high resistance, low noise,

03:46.160 --> 03:48.680
information brief brought to you by a biologist.

03:48.680 --> 03:51.420
It's the 25th of November, 2023,

03:51.420 --> 03:54.700
coming to you live from the back of my garage in Pittsburgh.

03:55.640 --> 03:58.940
My name is Jonathan Cooey in case I didn't just say that.

04:00.040 --> 04:02.840
I was a patch clamp physiologist back in the day

04:02.840 --> 04:06.040
of my academic career that is in vitro work,

04:06.040 --> 04:08.960
but it combined a lot of in vivo manipulations

04:09.000 --> 04:11.720
of the animals to get the microcircuit

04:11.720 --> 04:14.640
to maybe make a change before we measured it.

04:14.640 --> 04:16.240
I did it with multiple electrodes.

04:16.240 --> 04:19.800
I used transfection to use optogenetics

04:19.800 --> 04:23.240
as a way of manipulating and controlling neuronal behavior

04:23.240 --> 04:27.480
and even genetically selected subgroups of neurons.

04:27.480 --> 04:32.480
You can find that work under COUI-JJ on PubMed,

04:33.560 --> 04:36.640
and that's where this GigaOM biological comes from

04:36.640 --> 04:40.720
is the seal, the electrical seal that we use

04:40.720 --> 04:45.560
to make these recordings is of the GigaOM level of resistance

04:45.560 --> 04:47.960
and that gives it a very high resistance,

04:47.960 --> 04:50.480
but also a very, very low noise recording,

04:50.480 --> 04:53.440
and that's what allows you to get these really pretty

04:53.440 --> 04:55.720
little signals here where you can see

04:55.720 --> 05:00.240
the individual connections between individual neurons

05:00.240 --> 05:03.360
where one is firing off action potentials

05:03.360 --> 05:08.360
and releasing neurotransmitter onto the receiving neuron.

05:09.880 --> 05:12.480
Anyway, we're trying to break this illusion of consensus,

05:12.480 --> 05:14.960
this Scooby-Doo where we've been led to believe

05:14.960 --> 05:17.200
that we've got to solve the mystery of the novel virus

05:17.200 --> 05:19.880
that killed millions of people and that millions more

05:19.880 --> 05:20.720
were saved from.

05:20.720 --> 05:23.160
We've got to solve the mystery of gain of function

05:23.160 --> 05:25.680
and whether that was the source of this virus.

05:25.680 --> 05:27.960
And certainly by solving that mystery,

05:27.960 --> 05:30.440
we've also convinced ourselves that a gain of function virus

05:30.440 --> 05:32.600
could definitely come in the future.

05:32.600 --> 05:35.520
And so by being tricked into solving their mystery,

05:35.520 --> 05:39.560
we've also assumed and accepted the existence

05:39.560 --> 05:40.720
of all of their monsters.

05:40.720 --> 05:43.800
That's really the pretense here.

05:43.800 --> 05:46.760
We've accepted the possibility of pandemics

05:46.760 --> 05:51.680
coming from bad caves, coming from passage in cell culture,

05:51.680 --> 05:55.400
passage in animals, especially those that are humanized.

05:55.400 --> 05:57.200
And then we've also accepted the idea

05:57.200 --> 05:58.920
that they can stitch these things together

05:58.920 --> 06:02.280
and get lucky and create a nuclear bomb in a dish.

06:03.200 --> 06:05.160
And the reason why they're trying to teach us

06:05.160 --> 06:08.760
this immunology so, so desperately want us

06:08.760 --> 06:13.200
to believe this immunology, immunomythology,

06:13.200 --> 06:15.240
is that they want us to surrender

06:15.240 --> 06:19.020
our individual sovereignty and invert human rights

06:19.020 --> 06:20.360
to permissions.

06:21.600 --> 06:23.920
They want to do it with this illusion of consensus

06:23.920 --> 06:26.880
that the worst case scenario of a global laboratory,

06:26.880 --> 06:29.800
sorry, a gain of function laboratory bio-weapon,

06:29.800 --> 06:31.880
is something that's much more dangerous

06:31.880 --> 06:33.000
than a nuclear weapon.

06:34.200 --> 06:36.600
And we've heard that theme and not repeated a number

06:36.600 --> 06:38.480
of times over the last couple years

06:38.480 --> 06:42.320
as the slow role of this scooby-doo has gone on

06:42.320 --> 06:44.680
and the mystery has slowly been solved

06:44.680 --> 06:48.800
by the skilled TV watchers and by the ladies on the view.

06:51.760 --> 06:54.040
And that's what this new world order is, right?

06:54.040 --> 06:55.760
It's tricking people into believing

06:55.800 --> 06:57.320
that they're experiencing something

06:57.320 --> 06:59.560
and therefore they can't even see the cage they're in

06:59.560 --> 07:02.840
because they actually walk themselves right into it.

07:02.840 --> 07:04.480
They convince themselves that, wow,

07:04.480 --> 07:06.480
I really caught Fauci and a Lyle.

07:06.480 --> 07:09.240
Oh, I really caught Rand Paul exaggerating.

07:09.240 --> 07:10.960
Oh, I really caught them trying

07:10.960 --> 07:13.820
to turn good science into bad lies.

07:15.560 --> 07:17.640
And depending on what side of the aisle you're on,

07:17.640 --> 07:21.000
you just have this certainty of the opinion that you have

07:21.000 --> 07:24.280
and it has all been bamboozled into them.

07:25.100 --> 07:28.600
But it's much harder to convince people

07:28.600 --> 07:31.640
that they've been fooled than to fool them in the first place.

07:33.080 --> 07:37.480
And that's why this illusion of consensus is so damning to us,

07:37.480 --> 07:39.440
why it's so hard for people to get out.

07:41.680 --> 07:44.400
And that's what also I think is the reason why I'm starting

07:44.400 --> 07:46.440
to harp on these different ideas,

07:46.440 --> 07:48.600
trying to think of it as a card game

07:48.600 --> 07:51.280
and that there's a fine line between an announcement

07:51.280 --> 07:52.080
and a warning.

07:54.520 --> 07:56.720
And I'm starting to see a theme in a lot

07:56.720 --> 08:00.200
of our dissidents on our side

08:00.200 --> 08:02.960
where it feels as though they're already trying

08:02.960 --> 08:04.160
to get us to give up,

08:04.160 --> 08:07.400
already trying to say don't fight for America anymore.

08:07.400 --> 08:11.560
Don't think that you can turn this train around.

08:11.560 --> 08:14.560
You're just gonna have to jump off before it's too late.

08:15.520 --> 08:17.800
Get ready to bug out, you know,

08:17.800 --> 08:20.520
buy a farm in the country if you can afford it.

08:21.520 --> 08:24.880
And otherwise, you know, what can you really do?

08:24.880 --> 08:26.440
Maybe make a network of people

08:26.440 --> 08:29.000
that trades in pharmaceuticals

08:29.000 --> 08:30.760
in the black market or something, I guess?

08:30.760 --> 08:31.600
I don't know.

08:31.600 --> 08:32.440
I mean, what's their real plan?

08:32.440 --> 08:33.720
What's the real solution?

08:34.640 --> 08:36.080
I don't really hear any.

08:36.080 --> 08:37.720
I just hear people saying, well, you know,

08:37.720 --> 08:38.760
everything's screwed up.

08:38.760 --> 08:41.960
So it's okay if it all falls apart, we'll be all right.

08:46.600 --> 08:47.880
We have a lousy society.

08:47.880 --> 08:50.040
Our children have been taught all the wrong values.

08:50.080 --> 08:52.280
It's gonna be okay that it all comes apart.

08:55.360 --> 08:58.360
Imagine that that's one of the leaders on our side right now,

08:58.360 --> 09:03.200
one of the spokespersons of our dissident movement.

09:03.200 --> 09:06.000
I don't think that's really mischaracterizing

09:06.000 --> 09:07.840
what she's, what was said.

09:07.840 --> 09:09.840
I mean, that is exactly what was said

09:11.880 --> 09:14.920
and not in the context of lament or like, you know,

09:14.920 --> 09:17.160
this is just the way it is.

09:17.160 --> 09:18.760
I'm not prepared to give up yet.

09:20.680 --> 09:24.520
And so then we look back in time to 1985 on Phil Donahue

09:24.520 --> 09:27.480
where they were fighting this exact fight right now,

09:27.480 --> 09:32.080
exactly as we are now, one year before the Vaccine Act was passed.

09:33.840 --> 09:38.840
We fast forward to 2021 and we saw Zeb Zalenko

09:39.360 --> 09:42.640
succinctly describe how the immune response

09:42.640 --> 09:46.040
to all single-stranded RNA viruses is united

09:46.040 --> 09:47.520
by common mechanisms,

09:48.400 --> 09:53.560
which in a way are the first line of defense,

09:53.560 --> 09:57.040
cellular defense against general vaccine,

09:57.040 --> 10:00.880
general viral infection, whatever it is,

10:00.880 --> 10:04.280
general RNA contamination, whatever it is.

10:07.040 --> 10:08.640
And so you don't have to take a side

10:08.640 --> 10:11.800
on exactly what virology is and is not,

10:11.800 --> 10:14.400
what papers are actually real and not real.

10:15.400 --> 10:19.400
It is well known that we have a variety of cellular

10:19.400 --> 10:22.400
and extracellular mechanisms that are designed to cope

10:22.400 --> 10:25.400
with this idea that there's genetic noise out there.

10:25.400 --> 10:27.400
And I assure you that those systems,

10:27.400 --> 10:29.400
even if they're not very well characterized,

10:29.400 --> 10:31.400
are very robust.

10:33.400 --> 10:35.400
And so the story that they've told us

10:35.400 --> 10:39.400
of this extreme vulnerability that we have to RNAs

10:39.400 --> 10:41.400
that are coded in lipoprotein

10:41.400 --> 10:43.400
that are floating around in our environment

10:43.400 --> 10:46.400
is really, it is absurd.

10:50.080 --> 10:53.320
And that's why there are so many common ways

10:53.320 --> 10:58.320
with which to sort of optimize or fortify

10:59.520 --> 11:02.280
your body's immune response to these signals,

11:02.280 --> 11:05.520
whatever they are, they're not patterned integrities.

11:07.080 --> 11:08.520
They're not life forms.

11:09.680 --> 11:11.920
So you wanna argue about whether there are viruses

11:11.920 --> 11:14.000
or not, let's just have some common agreement here.

11:14.000 --> 11:17.040
They're not, they don't qualify as species.

11:17.040 --> 11:20.320
They don't exhibit homeostasis.

11:20.320 --> 11:22.800
They don't do these things.

11:22.800 --> 11:25.480
So to call them a pathogen or anything else

11:25.480 --> 11:30.320
is just, it's attributing and using concepts

11:30.320 --> 11:32.920
that only apply to patterned integrities

11:32.920 --> 11:35.560
and their interaction with one another and the environment.

11:35.560 --> 11:39.920
Then you can't apply it to a chemical surrounded

11:39.920 --> 11:43.680
in other chemicals, because that's not the sum of us.

11:43.680 --> 11:46.160
We're not just chemicals surrounded by other chemicals

11:46.160 --> 11:48.120
or we wouldn't be what we are.

11:48.120 --> 11:50.440
We don't really understand fully how it is

11:50.440 --> 11:53.280
that we manifest as patterned integrities as we do.

11:54.400 --> 11:55.640
That's the issue here.

11:58.120 --> 12:00.120
People think that just because they haven't read

12:00.120 --> 12:01.960
enough biology books, they're not aware

12:01.960 --> 12:03.320
of exactly how everything works.

12:03.320 --> 12:06.520
But everybody knows, or somebody knows how everything works.

12:06.560 --> 12:08.040
That's not true at all.

12:08.040 --> 12:11.720
Not even remotely close in any system.

12:18.080 --> 12:20.280
And so we told this story yesterday.

12:20.280 --> 12:22.160
People really wanted me to hone on this again

12:22.160 --> 12:23.880
and try to be a little bit more precise.

12:23.880 --> 12:27.320
And so I first tried to let Mike Eden speak

12:27.320 --> 12:29.600
by giving him, giving you a recording

12:29.600 --> 12:32.560
from a previous time where he definitively stated,

12:32.560 --> 12:35.120
clearly stated that he thinks

12:35.120 --> 12:36.880
that this was definitely planned,

12:36.880 --> 12:39.000
that the shots are nasty

12:39.000 --> 12:42.440
and they've got a number of nasty things built into them

12:42.440 --> 12:45.680
and that he doesn't see anything coming that's good,

12:45.680 --> 12:47.880
including these IDs and including

12:47.880 --> 12:51.160
these central bank digital currencies.

12:51.160 --> 12:53.960
And these are all gonna be things for ultimate control.

12:53.960 --> 12:56.320
And so he thinks that we all have to check out

12:56.320 --> 12:58.360
and definitely not go along with it.

12:58.360 --> 12:59.600
Do not comply.

13:02.000 --> 13:04.960
And in general, I agree with these sentiments.

13:04.960 --> 13:06.840
I'm not really sure there are so many people

13:06.840 --> 13:10.160
who could necessarily just check out to an island

13:10.160 --> 13:13.480
or put a bunch of gold in a box in a few different houses

13:13.480 --> 13:16.280
and then hope that they can fly one last time

13:16.280 --> 13:18.080
and wait out the apocalypse

13:18.080 --> 13:20.320
or wait out the zombies or whatever.

13:21.800 --> 13:24.160
And so for those of us who are renting our house

13:24.160 --> 13:26.120
and are in a semi-urban area,

13:26.120 --> 13:28.200
I think the only thing to do

13:28.200 --> 13:30.720
at some point is going to be to organize.

13:31.560 --> 13:35.240
Very locally and then more locally,

13:35.240 --> 13:39.200
but I think you gotta know your neighbors again,

13:39.200 --> 13:40.200
ladies and gentlemen.

13:42.040 --> 13:44.400
I think you gotta start to approach it from the ground up

13:44.400 --> 13:47.080
because when the electricity goes off,

13:47.080 --> 13:48.800
when the cell phone towers go down

13:48.800 --> 13:51.640
because there was some big solar storm

13:51.640 --> 13:54.080
or whatever it is, the poles are reversing.

13:55.600 --> 13:57.680
And you're gonna wanna know who lives in those houses

13:57.680 --> 13:59.280
and you're already gonna wanna know

13:59.280 --> 14:01.800
that you don't have to knock on the door and terrify them,

14:03.680 --> 14:04.720
that if you knock on the door,

14:04.720 --> 14:06.880
it's gonna open, they're gonna pull you in.

14:09.800 --> 14:12.200
And so I wanna be very clear what I said here

14:12.200 --> 14:13.000
about what happened.

14:13.000 --> 14:15.520
First, we looked at this video and we pointed out

14:15.520 --> 14:19.240
that this is indeed Dr. Mike Eden here that's on the screen.

14:19.240 --> 14:21.160
We went back and forth through this video

14:21.160 --> 14:24.000
and we really couldn't find any place where he was.

14:24.000 --> 14:26.680
There was no really super clear edit,

14:26.680 --> 14:28.720
but we listened to this, whoops.

14:29.520 --> 14:31.120
We listened to this video.

14:35.560 --> 14:36.400

14:39.960 --> 14:42.040
I don't speak German.

14:42.040 --> 14:43.480
My wife doesn't speak German.

14:43.480 --> 14:46.400
As best we can tell, we can't really decide.

14:47.920 --> 14:50.760
And it's pretty obvious that he's not talking

14:50.760 --> 14:52.520
to Mike Eden in general.

14:52.520 --> 14:55.360
He didn't say that Mike Eden's wrong or anything like that.

14:55.360 --> 14:58.080
And I didn't say that yesterday either.

14:58.080 --> 15:01.480
But what he does say is that this is a spontaneous phenomenon

15:01.480 --> 15:04.240
and that it doesn't have to be planned.

15:06.480 --> 15:09.000
And that's not necessarily anything

15:09.000 --> 15:13.360
that we need to argue about right now with respect to Sukhrit.

15:14.400 --> 15:16.920
Sukhrit was almost put in jail and accused of treason.

15:16.920 --> 15:19.920
I'm not really sure that he's the guy

15:19.920 --> 15:22.880
who necessarily needs to be standing up in front of everybody

15:22.880 --> 15:27.320
at a political meeting saying the absolute

15:28.320 --> 15:30.960
I mean, he's already brought this political party

15:30.960 --> 15:32.120
quite far forward.

15:32.120 --> 15:34.280
I'm not making any excuses for him.

15:36.480 --> 15:41.080
I'm more suggesting that from the perspective of free speech

15:41.080 --> 15:44.440
and what AFD should be standing for over there in Germany

15:44.440 --> 15:47.280
as it's far right, conservative, whatever,

15:47.280 --> 15:51.080
I would suspect that on many other issues,

15:51.080 --> 15:53.520
free speech would be something that they would use.

15:55.080 --> 15:56.720
I think it was Christine Anderson

15:56.720 --> 15:59.200
who stood in front of the cameras

15:59.200 --> 16:01.800
that were supposedly at the European Parliament

16:01.800 --> 16:03.640
and said that she was born free.

16:03.640 --> 16:06.160
I don't need anybody to tell me that I'm free.

16:06.160 --> 16:07.440
I was born free.

16:09.680 --> 16:14.240
And so it's, I would really, really like it

16:14.240 --> 16:19.240
if Michael Eden's words were not removed from this video.

16:20.480 --> 16:23.960
But I'm not really sure that we should use it as a way

16:23.960 --> 16:28.960
of judging who, well, for sure not judging who Sucred is

16:29.120 --> 16:34.120
because Sucred was speaking out about how the clot shot,

16:34.360 --> 16:37.960
how the antibodies, how the neutrophils,

16:37.960 --> 16:41.640
how the endothelial cells are gonna be broken down

16:41.640 --> 16:43.320
when they get transfected

16:43.320 --> 16:45.360
and what are the possible calamities

16:45.360 --> 16:48.560
that occur upon second transfection and third transfection.

16:50.440 --> 16:53.800
And he's some kind of virologist,

16:53.800 --> 16:55.560
some kind of molecular biologist.

16:55.560 --> 17:00.560
So he's also kind of intellectually embedded in the dogma.

17:04.320 --> 17:08.760
And so for him to, he is going to be very sensitive

17:08.760 --> 17:11.440
to the idea that there's no virus

17:11.440 --> 17:13.040
and that he's been already attacked

17:13.040 --> 17:15.080
by the no virus people several times.

17:15.080 --> 17:16.840
And what does that do?

17:16.840 --> 17:21.400
This is the home run that I would like to hit tonight

17:21.400 --> 17:22.440
and then go to bed.

17:23.440 --> 17:25.200
This is the perfect example

17:25.200 --> 17:28.840
of what the no virus people have accomplished in their

17:28.840 --> 17:33.440
relentless badgering of people behind the scenes.

17:33.440 --> 17:36.720
They did the same thing to Bobby and CHD

17:36.720 --> 17:39.920
by sending emails to everybody that they could,

17:39.920 --> 17:44.920
Mary Holland, Bobby, Merrill, I guess Brian Hooker,

17:46.760 --> 17:48.760
when I joined and they found out

17:48.760 --> 17:50.960
that I had written some kind of response

17:50.960 --> 17:53.640
or helped them write a response to the no virus people,

17:53.640 --> 17:57.960
then they started sending all kinds of emails about me.

18:01.640 --> 18:04.160
And what it does is that it drives people

18:04.160 --> 18:09.160
into this very non-intellectual defensive position

18:10.160 --> 18:11.240
where they're just like, man,

18:11.240 --> 18:13.600
just go away with your no virus thing.

18:15.440 --> 18:19.200
And so all of a sudden, over the last, all of a sudden,

18:19.240 --> 18:21.080
over the last two years,

18:22.640 --> 18:27.000
with a combination of those people sticking right to that line

18:27.000 --> 18:29.440
of do you believe in the purification

18:29.440 --> 18:33.160
and isolation of coronaviruses or viruses in general

18:34.200 --> 18:37.480
and always forcing people to open with that,

18:39.600 --> 18:42.640
always forcing people to open with that.

18:43.600 --> 18:44.880
Not how did you get here?

18:44.880 --> 18:46.040
Why were you afraid?

18:46.040 --> 18:47.200
Why didn't you believe?

18:47.200 --> 18:49.160
Why do you think this is a bad thing?

18:49.160 --> 18:50.920
What do we have in common?

18:50.920 --> 18:51.760
No, no, no.

18:54.000 --> 18:56.360
There's only one question to cross this bridge

18:56.360 --> 18:58.280
and the little troll underneath says,

18:58.280 --> 18:59.760
do you believe in viruses?

19:02.920 --> 19:07.480
And so what that created was this intellectual block,

19:07.480 --> 19:11.240
this intellectual sort of third rail

19:11.240 --> 19:14.080
where anybody ever gets this whiff of,

19:14.080 --> 19:15.880
oh, is this a no virus person?

19:15.880 --> 19:18.800
Do you hear me saying it?

19:18.800 --> 19:23.200
That's how effective this whole operation was

19:23.200 --> 19:26.360
because they've created this whole little intellectual

19:26.360 --> 19:29.920
sort of no-go zone, which unfortunately,

19:29.920 --> 19:32.880
because of the way it has been executed

19:32.880 --> 19:36.320
over the last three years,

19:36.320 --> 19:41.320
it has spill over into what I would call very fair play

19:44.000 --> 19:46.720
intellectual areas, intellectual spaces

19:46.720 --> 19:49.040
that include infectious clones,

19:49.040 --> 19:50.480
whether they spread or not,

19:51.360 --> 19:53.000
that include transfection,

19:53.000 --> 19:55.240
that include transfectious agents,

19:55.240 --> 20:00.240
that include all of these sort of biologics

20:00.880 --> 20:04.200
that don't necessarily have to be self-replicating,

20:04.200 --> 20:09.200
self-obligated self-replicating pathogens,

20:10.280 --> 20:15.280
which is of course what I'm trying to get more precise with

20:16.120 --> 20:18.960
when I say that viruses are not patterned integrities,

20:20.880 --> 20:23.560
but even that's what they're saying

20:23.560 --> 20:27.000
when they say that our viruses are supposed to be

20:27.000 --> 20:32.000
obligate pathogens that can't replicate on their own.

20:35.640 --> 20:38.560
And so they are questioning the same thing,

20:38.560 --> 20:42.400
but they aren't questioning in a precise way

20:42.400 --> 20:44.720
that allows this conversation to go forward.

20:44.720 --> 20:49.120
It's always isolation, it's always purification.

20:50.400 --> 20:52.720
And then it's like, yeah, and we have all these foyas

20:52.720 --> 20:55.440
where we ask people for isolation and purification,

20:55.440 --> 20:57.520
they say they don't have any proof of it.

20:57.520 --> 21:00.080
And so it's around in circles all the time.

21:02.880 --> 21:05.600
And so then when somebody like Sucret

21:05.600 --> 21:08.680
has encountered that four or five times,

21:09.640 --> 21:13.320
then when you hear it from another perspective

21:13.320 --> 21:15.280
like there's no evidence of spread,

21:17.040 --> 21:19.320
it's almost like you can't hear it correctly

21:19.320 --> 21:23.560
because you are allergic to the idea

21:23.560 --> 21:26.360
that there was no virus, no spread.

21:26.360 --> 21:27.480
That sounds like no virus.

21:27.480 --> 21:29.800
Whoa, I'm not one of those guys.

21:31.120 --> 21:35.360
And that's indeed what they tried to do to those of us

21:35.360 --> 21:38.120
who were legitimately trying to understand

21:38.120 --> 21:39.520
what infectious clones were

21:39.520 --> 21:43.200
and how this revelation of understanding

21:43.200 --> 21:46.000
what infectious clones were to the whole study

21:47.000 --> 21:50.960
of coronavirus, what does that mean

21:50.960 --> 21:55.960
from the perspective of a natural RNA phenomenon

21:56.400 --> 21:58.040
being able to pandemic?

21:58.040 --> 22:01.080
Essentially a natural RNA phenomenon

22:01.080 --> 22:04.320
being able to a pandemic is attributing

22:04.320 --> 22:09.320
a property of high fidelity replication

22:10.200 --> 22:15.200
and homeostasis despite not being able to do it itself,

22:15.440 --> 22:18.240
despite not having any of its own enzymes,

22:18.240 --> 22:22.040
despite it just being a molecule

22:22.040 --> 22:25.240
inside of a few other molecules.

22:26.120 --> 22:30.600
No energy, no, you see?

22:32.200 --> 22:36.400
And so we just were tricked into attributing

22:37.400 --> 22:40.400
what is most certainly a phenomenon

22:40.400 --> 22:45.400
that would only be possible with a pattern integrity

22:45.840 --> 22:50.840
and then limited by the biological attributes

22:51.320 --> 22:52.640
of that pattern integrity.

22:52.640 --> 22:54.780
But instead we've been told this story

22:54.780 --> 22:59.780
that this combination of molecules is capable of a feat

22:59.780 --> 23:04.780
of biological fidelity that no other pattern integrity

23:08.300 --> 23:09.980
on earth would be capable of.

23:13.060 --> 23:15.420
I mean, think about an insect, for example,

23:15.420 --> 23:18.380
being able to travel around the world in three years

23:18.380 --> 23:21.380
and be in every place in the world.

23:21.380 --> 23:23.140
How would that be possible?

23:23.140 --> 23:24.860
What insect could do that?

23:27.700 --> 23:29.380
Even if it was an indoor insect

23:29.380 --> 23:32.060
and it got in in your shoes and in your socks

23:33.420 --> 23:36.100
and every, and it was super contagious,

23:36.100 --> 23:38.740
how in the world would it,

23:38.740 --> 23:42.940
would an insect manage to go from even on an airplane?

23:45.420 --> 23:48.100
But now we're talking about a molecule

23:48.100 --> 23:51.260
that can't copy itself, has none of its own enzymes,

23:51.260 --> 23:52.620
has no energy,

23:55.220 --> 23:56.620
no reserves,

23:59.620 --> 24:01.300
but it's just like a dead leaf

24:01.300 --> 24:03.020
that it rolls into your door

24:03.020 --> 24:06.780
and then outroles bags and bags of leaves

24:07.980 --> 24:12.020
and those leaves if they roll into other people's houses

24:12.020 --> 24:14.980
then they roll right out with more bags and bags of leaves

24:14.980 --> 24:16.420
and somehow those bags of leaves

24:16.420 --> 24:17.780
have blown all over the world

24:17.780 --> 24:19.980
and everybody's got leaves in their house now.

24:22.500 --> 24:27.100
What pattern integrity is it possible to do that with?

24:27.980 --> 24:30.460
Ladies and gentlemen, think about that.

24:32.220 --> 24:34.100
Talk about unprecedented.

24:36.380 --> 24:38.060
This is where we need to get,

24:38.060 --> 24:39.740
this is where we need to get

24:41.420 --> 24:43.940
because this is where, again, people like Sukhrit

24:43.940 --> 24:45.820
can just keep walking.

24:45.820 --> 24:47.820
Nope, sorry Sukhrit,

24:47.820 --> 24:50.420
you're just not out of the cave yet.

24:50.420 --> 24:52.980
You just gotta keep coming, follow my voice.

24:52.980 --> 24:54.580
That's all we are.

24:54.580 --> 24:57.700
These people have been so deep, we,

24:57.700 --> 24:59.460
we're so deep in the cave

25:00.580 --> 25:03.620
that when you get closer to the final anti-chambers,

25:03.620 --> 25:05.740
there's already so much light there

25:06.740 --> 25:09.140
that it feels like they're already almost outside,

25:09.140 --> 25:12.700
they can't believe it, they're like shocked, wow.

25:14.380 --> 25:16.580
I can't believe I thought that way back there,

25:16.580 --> 25:19.740
miles deep was reality.

25:21.260 --> 25:23.700
Now it smells different up here

25:23.700 --> 25:28.500
and there's water dripping and I think that's light up there.

25:29.380 --> 25:30.740
I feel a breeze.

25:33.580 --> 25:34.780
That's all this is.

25:36.580 --> 25:38.580
And we can get through this.

25:38.580 --> 25:40.740
We definitely can get through this.

25:43.580 --> 25:48.580
Oh my gosh, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.

25:50.060 --> 25:51.340
Wow, what is that?

25:52.220 --> 25:54.780
That's the ball of sea, that ball of sea.

25:54.780 --> 25:56.940
That ball of sea is broken.

25:58.380 --> 26:00.700
And there, that's terrible.

26:00.700 --> 26:02.460
I wanna just switch over here.

26:02.460 --> 26:03.740
Why did it do that?

26:04.620 --> 26:06.140
Is that really gonna do it again?

26:06.140 --> 26:07.420
Please tell me it's not.

26:16.860 --> 26:18.340
Yeah, everybody's awake now.

26:18.340 --> 26:19.940
Sorry about that.

26:19.980 --> 26:21.700
That was really my bad.

26:21.700 --> 26:29.380
So this is a letter that was posted on Michael Yedens Telegram a day ago.

26:29.380 --> 26:32.300
And so it wasn't an email to me,

26:32.300 --> 26:35.820
it was an email to all of his fans or all of his telegram, I believe.

26:35.820 --> 26:38.300
I have mentioned that I have been invited to address

26:38.300 --> 26:41.700
a sizable gathering in the German Parliament a couple of weekends ago.

26:42.260 --> 26:47.980
A lengthy session arranged by the party of the admirably feisty MEP,

26:47.980 --> 26:50.580
Christine Anderson of the AFD.

26:50.580 --> 26:53.100
They have something like 82 members of Parliament,

26:53.100 --> 26:54.860
mostly in the former East.

26:55.700 --> 26:58.220
And nine MEPs, not too shabby.

26:58.220 --> 27:00.820
I was promised an audience of 90 elected representatives

27:00.820 --> 27:06.020
and 200 EGLE officials, together possessing a veritable alternative network

27:06.020 --> 27:08.740
that does not rely on mainstream media for its communication.

27:08.740 --> 27:12.580
They realized early that they were never going to get a fair shake by their media,

27:12.580 --> 27:16.460
so they decided not to try and pretend to be like the other parties

27:16.460 --> 27:19.100
and simply represent with those with no voice.

27:19.100 --> 27:20.100
Admirable stuff.

27:20.100 --> 27:22.460
So persuaded it was worth a shot.

27:22.460 --> 27:23.700
I prepared a short talk.

27:23.700 --> 27:26.580
I was surprised to find that I had the last slot.

27:26.580 --> 27:28.540
And looking at the people and topics, I thought,

27:28.540 --> 27:31.820
wow, I've got a chance to really get an impact.

27:31.820 --> 27:34.860
I simplified and focused on the alleged vaccines,

27:34.860 --> 27:39.260
how there could never have been sufficient time to have done what was claimed.

27:39.260 --> 27:42.820
That even if the narrative was true, virtually nobody would benefit from it

27:42.820 --> 27:44.820
because they're not at risk.

27:44.820 --> 27:49.020
That pregnant women have for 60 years never been exposed to new medicines,

27:49.020 --> 27:51.220
not even once fully approved.

27:51.220 --> 27:55.060
Then I described rational drug design in my career using it.

27:55.060 --> 27:58.700
The off a conclusion that toxicity was built into these agents,

27:58.700 --> 28:01.180
five discrete mechanisms of toxicity.

28:01.180 --> 28:06.420
By the way, our molecular biology experts find an additional handful of mechanisms

28:06.420 --> 28:09.020
of harm to do with nuclear entry.

28:09.020 --> 28:15.700
All superfluous, excuse me, to the notional purpose.

28:15.700 --> 28:19.260
So what he means there, as far as I can understand,

28:19.260 --> 28:25.220
is that the latest list of or the latest alarm about certain contaminants

28:25.220 --> 28:30.420
in the vaccines having to do with nuclear entry and nuclear transport

28:30.420 --> 28:35.700
are superfluous to the notional purpose, the idea of, again,

28:35.700 --> 28:37.660
what they were originally designed to do,

28:37.660 --> 28:40.620
how they were originally designed, is already nasty,

28:40.620 --> 28:45.300
which is exactly what I've also been saying here on GIGO and biological

28:45.300 --> 28:49.380
for quite some time, so high five to Mr. Sparkle.

28:49.380 --> 28:51.940
The conclusion is that we are under intense attack,

28:51.940 --> 28:56.380
that we can repel these evil people by sufficient of us simply refusing

28:56.380 --> 28:59.580
to comply with the campaign of fear.

28:59.580 --> 29:02.980
The economy may be decimated in whatever is coming,

29:02.980 --> 29:06.900
but that we can recover as free individuals.

29:06.900 --> 29:09.660
After I'd finished, there was a strange noise.

29:09.660 --> 29:13.540
It was the usual polite applause, but a roar that simply,

29:13.540 --> 29:18.700
OK, I think he meant it wasn't the usual polite applause,

29:18.700 --> 29:25.500
but a roar that simply, whoops, what's that, that did not stop.

29:25.500 --> 29:27.660
I switched the camera view on my screen.

29:27.660 --> 29:29.100
The whole place was on its feet.

29:29.100 --> 29:33.020
They were clapping like mad and went on for an embarrassing two to three minutes.

29:33.100 --> 29:36.620
And gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them

29:36.620 --> 29:37.340
and end of the link.

29:37.340 --> 29:43.500
I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AFD had decided my opinions were too extreme,

29:43.500 --> 29:45.460
and they've excised my presentation.

29:45.460 --> 29:48.820
So here you go.

29:48.820 --> 29:51.420
If anyone knows, connected, whatever's going on there,

29:51.420 --> 29:54.180
we'd love to hear a perspective from the inside best wishes.

29:54.180 --> 29:57.420
Mike, someone a legend that there had been a problem with the sound.

29:57.420 --> 29:58.740
I don't believe that for a moment.

29:58.740 --> 30:03.660
So this really, I think, is a good way to summarize also

30:03.660 --> 30:07.220
what I've been trying to point out within this stream.

30:07.220 --> 30:11.580
And that is that I don't think by any stretch of the imagination

30:11.580 --> 30:14.060
that this is secret.

30:14.060 --> 30:15.940
This is definitely not secret.

30:15.940 --> 30:21.020
What this is, is a political party and operatives within it,

30:21.020 --> 30:23.980
controlling a narrative.

30:23.980 --> 30:26.980
And it might not even, if I'm sure it's not all that party,

30:26.980 --> 30:30.780
I'm sure there are lots of people who were clapping and cheering.

30:30.780 --> 30:34.900
And that round of applause, I'm sure, was real.

30:34.900 --> 30:37.900
But how many people really need to be in there to call attention to this,

30:37.900 --> 30:42.180
to say that they don't want this, they don't want attention for this,

30:42.180 --> 30:47.740
that they're already making, I mean, Germany went off the deep end.

30:47.740 --> 30:49.340
These people lost their mind there.

30:49.340 --> 30:52.980
So if they've got some kind of foothold, they were making some progress,

30:52.980 --> 30:54.220
maybe they have to be careful.

30:54.220 --> 30:55.860
I don't know.

30:55.860 --> 30:57.380
Like I said, I don't speak German.

30:57.380 --> 31:02.380
I'm not following what's going on over there, but that was a mad house.

31:02.380 --> 31:08.180
I mean, they have some kind of special interest in Vera Sharav right now for some reason.

31:08.180 --> 31:17.020
So the Germans are in deep trouble from a democratic crisis perspective.

31:17.020 --> 31:20.100
You know, their government is very heavy-handed,

31:20.100 --> 31:24.420
and you would have thought that their history might have left them

31:24.420 --> 31:29.500
with more trepidation with regards to this type of governance,

31:29.500 --> 31:34.620
but apparently not.

31:34.620 --> 31:42.500
So that's really what I wanted to clear up from yesterday.

31:42.500 --> 31:48.500
I just want to be sure that it's clear that I'm still just trying to sort this out.

31:48.540 --> 31:54.260
And I don't, I don't, I am not going to stop sorting this out

31:54.260 --> 31:58.180
because I think it's really vital work.

31:58.180 --> 32:03.500
I know that not everybody likes it when I'm doing it and gets tired of me doing it.

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But I think it's really important and a number of these people,

32:08.700 --> 32:14.540
if we just look at this idea of what I believe we're trying to break,

32:14.540 --> 32:20.060
what I believe we're trying to break is this spontaneous,

32:20.060 --> 32:25.900
whitting and unwittingly generated consensus

32:25.900 --> 32:30.500
that everybody just doesn't speak all the time, that there was a novel virus,

32:30.500 --> 32:33.140
the consensus that a millions of people died from it,

32:33.140 --> 32:36.780
the consensus that millions more were saved from it.

32:36.780 --> 32:41.100
And whether you believe that it was Ibermectin and hydroxychloroquine

32:41.100 --> 32:44.700
that saved people or whether you believe that it was the lockdowns and masks

32:44.700 --> 32:50.100
and social distancing and closing down schools that saved people,

32:50.100 --> 32:53.900
whether you think the vaccine saved people

32:53.900 --> 32:59.100
or whether you think that speaking out against the vaccines has saved people.

32:59.100 --> 33:07.900
This is all part of the show because in the end, the debate is right here.

33:07.900 --> 33:11.820
And I'm frustrated at how many people that are on our side

33:11.820 --> 33:15.820
say that they are on our side fighting for the average Joe

33:15.820 --> 33:22.060
are not questioning these things and definitely not questioning that this will happen again.

33:22.060 --> 33:26.620
And it's usually the existence of gain of function

33:26.620 --> 33:35.660
that is used to tell the story, used to manifest that the virus will come again.

33:35.740 --> 33:42.860
And that's what frustrate that's the most crucial thread to understand about all of these people

33:44.380 --> 33:50.380
is that what they really share in common is this belief that nasty gain of function,

33:51.500 --> 33:57.500
nuclear weapon plus viruses can be created in laboratories.

33:57.500 --> 34:00.700
Even if this wasn't one of them, they definitely can do it.

34:00.700 --> 34:04.860
And there's nobody on this on this circle that would disagree with them.

34:04.860 --> 34:09.820
Nobody. And that to me is the big one.

34:11.740 --> 34:18.700
That's the one that arguing about the conflated background signal

34:18.700 --> 34:24.300
could allow for there to be viruses going around or signals going around.

34:24.300 --> 34:26.460
And so there could a lot of be gray areas there,

34:26.460 --> 34:30.700
but there's no gray area about gain of function in coronaviruses.

34:30.700 --> 34:31.740
There's no gray area.

34:35.420 --> 34:41.900
And so I really find it intriguing who these people are in the middle there.

34:41.900 --> 34:50.060
Mark Koolack, Nick Hudson, Denny Rancor, Thomas Binder, Peter McCullough, Jonathan Engler,

34:51.260 --> 34:53.260
Jessica Hockett, and Martin Neal.

34:55.420 --> 35:00.140
I don't have too many more people to put in the middle because there aren't very many other people with the

35:05.100 --> 35:09.660
stance that they are questioning that central faith, especially the dogma of gain of function

35:09.660 --> 35:19.340
research and the idea that an RNA molecule coated in lipoprotein is capable of doing something

35:19.340 --> 35:28.300
that heretofore we thought only a pattern integrity could do and then not nearly as fast and as

35:29.180 --> 35:35.980
encompassing as this RNA molecule in a lipid lipoprotein coat seems to have done.

35:40.940 --> 35:47.820
Now the goal was to convert this graph, this many multi-year pattern of seasonal

35:48.860 --> 35:55.260
death, this multi-year pattern, this is just from 2014, it goes much farther back than that.

35:55.980 --> 36:02.700
This multi-year pattern here of pneumonia deaths where so many thousand people died

36:02.700 --> 36:06.540
every year until BABAM in 2020 that all changed.

36:10.780 --> 36:15.980
And then they want to explain it and everybody that believes in the mystery virus and the gain

36:15.980 --> 36:22.540
of function virus believes that this is the mystery virus, these excess deaths.

36:22.540 --> 36:33.580
And for some reason, all of these people are just not interested in the do not resuscitate

36:33.580 --> 36:40.700
orders in New York City. The 20,000 people that died in about three and a half weeks in New York

36:40.700 --> 36:47.260
City ventilators all around the world and in the United States, especially to stop the spread of

36:47.340 --> 36:55.500
a virus. The absolute disuse of antibiotics because viral pneumonia doesn't respond to it,

36:55.500 --> 37:03.180
it's just absurd. The poor use of steroids, the introduction of remdesivir as a standard

37:03.180 --> 37:11.820
treatment, many places including Canada may still be using it, homodazolam in the UK.

37:12.700 --> 37:19.100
Opioid deaths in America are a source of extra deaths in all age groups, especially those middle

37:19.100 --> 37:29.020
age groups and young age groups and these under financial incentives were definitely roped in.

37:30.060 --> 37:36.620
And more importantly, if you show this graph with the light blue, you can't, you don't see

37:37.420 --> 37:44.460
a 40% rise in opioid deaths. You don't see a hundred thousand opioid deaths a year and a hundred

37:44.460 --> 37:52.460
thousand opioid deaths here, you don't see them. And so they can shuffle those numbers around,

37:52.460 --> 38:01.420
you can't shuffle numbers around that aren't extra. If no more people are dying from car accidents

38:01.500 --> 38:07.980
then shuffling them around and calling them COVID is not going to make this graph go up

38:08.620 --> 38:13.740
and have excess deaths like this ventilators do not resuscitate orders that will make

38:14.380 --> 38:18.060
the excess deaths go up. Lack of antibiotics use will make the excess

38:18.060 --> 38:24.540
desk go up remdesivir. These will make the excess desk go up. Opioid deaths will make the excess

38:24.620 --> 38:33.420
deaths go up and that certificate fraud. And so that consensus of deciding not to talk about

38:33.420 --> 38:43.900
that stuff, but instead to do exhaustive analysis of VAERS, instead do exhaustive analysis of the

38:43.900 --> 38:49.900
spike protein and all of the magical properties that it has depending on how you analyze it and

38:49.980 --> 38:58.220
what you propose that that analysis reveals endless discussion about the toxicity of the spike protein

38:59.580 --> 39:04.540
and not in respect to the transfection, but in respect to the virus that's still going around

39:04.540 --> 39:15.420
the world now, of course. And all that talk does is the train dance. The pulling and the pushing of

39:15.420 --> 39:20.940
the train is that very thing. Let's argue about the spike protein for two years.

39:24.220 --> 39:30.620
Oops. Did two years go by already? Did all those people take a transfection to that spike protein?

39:30.620 --> 39:35.500
Darn it. I didn't, I didn't know that they would all, they would all just rush and take it because

39:35.500 --> 39:42.220
we were, we just had to figure out how toxic the spike protein to the virus was. We had to,

39:42.220 --> 39:47.740
we had to figure that out because the virus was again a function by a weapon.

39:49.340 --> 39:53.500
But we didn't say that because we didn't, we wanted to scare people, we wanted to warn them.

39:55.980 --> 40:00.300
But none of them talked about the therapeutic that was also putting the spike in.

40:02.620 --> 40:05.340
And the ones that did talked about it too late,

40:05.980 --> 40:12.860
came out too late, like a year too late.

40:14.940 --> 40:22.540
If the vaccine, i.e. the transfection was rolled out in the beginning of 21, and you didn't speak

40:22.540 --> 40:33.980
out until the September, October of 21, he came out too late. And especially, and this is the thing,

40:34.700 --> 40:41.500
if you were talking, and that's the whole point, they were talking, they were talking about all

40:41.500 --> 40:51.340
this stuff. So if you were talking about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and, and prophylactic use

40:51.340 --> 41:00.700
of Ivermectin, and how many shots that people have had, and you weren't just telling people

41:00.700 --> 41:05.340
don't do it, because it's not appropriate for healthy humans, then you came out, you were,

41:05.340 --> 41:06.780
you were doing the push and pull.

41:11.100 --> 41:17.500
That's why we need to do this, because those people are still doing it. Those people are still

41:17.500 --> 41:25.340
doing it. Those people are traveling the world, still doing it. The train pulling and pushing exercise,

41:25.820 --> 41:32.220
because none of them, none of them are saying that there's no evidence of spread. None of them are

41:32.220 --> 41:41.020
saying that there's no evidence of spread. They're ignoring that part. They're ignoring that part,

41:41.020 --> 41:51.420
and they kind of have to, because that means that the toxic spike protein wasn't really spreading

41:51.500 --> 41:57.580
all over the world, because the test said it was. Do you see why that's a great big?

42:00.620 --> 42:03.260
Do you see why they can't really broach this subject?

42:05.020 --> 42:10.060
Because we were talking about a toxic spike protein for almost two years straight.

42:10.060 --> 42:22.220
I got lots of my viewers to support the work of somebody who was talking about only the spike

42:22.220 --> 42:30.700
protein for almost two years straight. But for some reason needed to be prodded all the time and

42:30.700 --> 42:36.860
remind it that dude, that spike protein might not be around anymore except in the shot. You do know

42:36.860 --> 42:47.420
that, right? It should all be coming clearer and clearer every day as we repeat this exercise.

42:49.420 --> 42:53.660
And we're going to keep doing it. Whether anybody likes it or not, I guess just don't subscribe,

42:53.660 --> 43:00.460
don't, don't show up anymore. Because this is the work that needs to be done.

43:01.340 --> 43:06.940
And we're going to keep doing it. I know this wasn't the best study hall, but I really wanted to

43:06.940 --> 43:19.740
clear up the idea that that in 2018, 2019, the earth wasn't clean. There was a background signal

43:19.740 --> 43:26.060
that we had no measurements on. No measurements on because we had no commercial products for,

43:26.140 --> 43:31.420
there was no market demand. Nobody cared, couldn't get a grant for it.

43:32.140 --> 43:38.300
Grant money wasn't even around from the NIH to get large scale surveys of human coronaviruses.

43:39.980 --> 43:46.140
Some people, some niche labs were able to get some money to study coronaviruses in badcaves,

43:46.140 --> 43:52.220
but not everybody could do it. Just a very select few people that got money through

43:52.220 --> 43:54.620
weird channels and weird grant calls.

43:59.020 --> 44:06.460
So it wasn't really a big public health priority. So much so that we had zero surveillance.

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And then in 2020, we were told that our surveillance reveals that we're having a pandemic,

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that millions of people are being killed, millions of people need saving.

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But we have no idea what to do. So we almost crashed and burned,

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but it's turned out that this is some kind of gain of function virus likely. And if it wasn't,

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well, holy man, we got lucky then and it probably will be next time.

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And in this faith, we've defeated epidemics and diseases in the past by using vaccines,

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not with nutrition or health or better medicine or antibiotics or sanitation.

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None of those things matter. Novel coronaviruses can jump from other species and can pandemic

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because that's what RNA wrapped in lipoprotein can do apparently. PCR false positives are rare.

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It's really easy to make a product that uses PCR as a diagnostic. That's easy.

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It's really easy to make lateral flow tests that work really well and are very specific.

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It's easy to make millions of those. Those are, that's no problem.

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Millions of some product. It's easy to make millions of some product.

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Variants are evidence of both spread and continuing evolution of a single SARS virus.

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Can't possibly be a background signal that was always there that they're now just measuring

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and then arguing about what order they following. No, no, no, it couldn't be that.

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We spend money studying viruses and get a function research. We need it. These are all lies.

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These are all lies. These are all mythologies.

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Because we don't take flu seriously enough, apparently. They want our children. That's what

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they want. They want our children. When do they want them? Now. That's why that's right.

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A spectacular commitment to lies, my friends. A spectacular commitment to lies. They do want

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to eliminate the control group. So please pay attention to that. I'm going to have some new

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programming for you tomorrow. I think I'm not going to rehash like I did tonight, but I just wanted

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to hit that quick and get off. It's 45 minutes. 99 people watching. Thank you very much.

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Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting

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the immune system is dumb. Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are

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not patterned integrity. I'm going to be doing, I don't know how many lectures on the idea that

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viruses aren't patterned integrity and what it means as a way of kind of

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buttressing or edifying the farewell to virology of Mark Bailey and also kind of extending it into

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what I would consider where it should go instead of just kind of ending with a shoulder shrug.

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I still believe that even if that in and of itself is a decent scholarly work without too much

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hand waving and it's just a scholarly work that then stops without solving the mystery. So we're

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going to solve the real mystery or at least we're going to try and define where that edge of knowledge

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really is and then work from there. I really think biology is the way forward and so this has been

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very much. I mean it is, viruses don't have a metabolism, viruses can't replicate on their own

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viruses, can't heal themselves, viruses can't correct errors and all of these things would

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in theory be things that a pattern integrity could do and so they don't take in energy and use it

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to make more of themselves and so the idea that something that has no properties of a pattern

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integrity but can then hijack other pattern integrity to make high fidelity copies of itself

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for three years straight is just not happening. I'm going to have a lot of fun with these lectures

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because there are papers and that's the sad part. It just doesn't seem like anybody wants to do

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the work so we'll do it. See you guys soon. Thanks for joining me. Bye-bye.