WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 You 01:00.000 --> 01:20.160 Can you give me a sound check please I 01:20.960 --> 01:25.200 Should be okay, but I just want to make sure I don't start out too quickly 01:25.200 --> 01:31.880 And respect the fact I haven't been on in a little while. I apologize for being away 01:55.200 --> 02:13.520 The latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario 02:13.520 --> 02:18.520 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario 02:25.200 --> 02:35.280 Good to see you Mark. Good to see you Pamela. I am Katniss and 02:35.840 --> 02:43.560 Suitspider first in according to my little rank here. That means you get the big money today. Well done 02:44.480 --> 02:47.360 Just send me your address and the check will be in the mail 02:49.760 --> 02:52.640 Don't let the iPad fall in the watermark. I 02:53.640 --> 02:59.520 Think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth no more in this society 02:59.920 --> 03:04.240 We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is 03:06.680 --> 03:10.280 There is a very real difference between the people 03:11.720 --> 03:13.720 the people who are 03:13.720 --> 03:20.720 Raised in a world where they trust people they trust others and because they trust others they have a built-in vulnerability 03:21.680 --> 03:23.840 a built-in deficiency of 03:24.720 --> 03:29.960 Compared to the people who are raised in a world where they don't trust others because when you're raised in a world where you don't trust 03:29.960 --> 03:34.240 You can always learn to trust but when you're raised in a world where you trust first 03:34.240 --> 03:38.000 It's very difficult to train that person to know when to not trust someone else 03:39.680 --> 03:44.000 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 03:44.000 --> 03:50.240 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie. You know, I don't think I'm a liar 03:50.240 --> 03:55.600 I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important not to be a liar 04:14.000 --> 04:16.000 I 04:18.000 --> 04:24.440 Protect yourself at all times follow my instruction. Keep it clean touch gloves if you wish. Let's do it 04:25.560 --> 04:28.040 Sweaty bombs. This is so crazy 04:28.800 --> 04:35.360 Like these bumps. This is so crazy. I feel so nervous like what in the world man 04:44.000 --> 04:46.000 You 04:54.800 --> 05:01.360 Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 05:02.840 --> 05:04.840 This is king of biological 05:04.840 --> 05:13.680 If you have been following me for a while you are here at the top of the wave we are 05:14.200 --> 05:16.200 staying focused on the biology 05:16.400 --> 05:21.720 Don't take the beta on television or on social media and we try to love our neighbor as best we can 05:22.880 --> 05:31.040 This is how it works people contribute to my work, and that's all we're doing here. It's a viewer funded show 05:32.280 --> 05:34.280 It's a one-man band 05:34.840 --> 05:41.560 I've got a website or two a place to talk soon. There's gonna be a place where this stream will be instead of twitch 05:41.560 --> 05:48.760 I don't want to promise too much yet, but I think in a couple three weeks or less. We should be able to get there 05:51.240 --> 05:56.400 Mike Vandenberg mixed date. I'm not really sure I think maybe even in maybe two weeks 05:58.520 --> 06:04.280 But we'll see in the meantime subscribe if you can share if at all possible 06:05.400 --> 06:09.920 This work right now is being made exclusively possible by these people 06:12.040 --> 06:14.040 Greg James has been absolutely 06:15.760 --> 06:19.840 instrumental in making this happen for you and for me and 06:20.800 --> 06:23.480 It's without without Greg's belief in me 06:23.480 --> 06:28.000 I definitely wouldn't be here without the support and belief of many of these other people here 06:28.600 --> 06:33.760 None of them are small and stature in terms of what they've contributed to me and my family 06:33.760 --> 06:38.920 And I think them all very very much if you think your name's supposed to be on there probably will be if it's not already 06:45.840 --> 06:50.960 Yeah, so we'll update it about once a week we can't do it much more than that 06:55.960 --> 07:02.760 Free occupation and to try and do something at the very end ladies and gentlemen illusion is sustained only through your active participation 07:03.760 --> 07:09.200 What that basically means is that they scared you into a corner and you didn't really know what to do 07:09.200 --> 07:12.120 but but it starts with non compliance and 07:13.240 --> 07:18.400 Yes, I'm talking about those things too. You gotta just stop gotta stop completely 07:19.920 --> 07:21.920 Scott 07:21.920 --> 07:28.120 Shara actually suggested we had to drop our insurance because that's that's already playing in 07:28.600 --> 07:30.280 to the system 07:30.280 --> 07:32.280 I'm not sure if I can I can 07:32.840 --> 07:37.600 In good conscious recommend that to everybody because some people have decent insurance and a good 07:38.160 --> 07:43.160 doctor within that insurance, but you do definitely need to do your due diligence and 07:44.240 --> 07:46.240 Do what you can for your family 07:47.120 --> 07:53.080 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Kingo and biological high resistance low noise information great brought to you by biologist 07:53.200 --> 07:56.960 My name is Jonathan Cooley. This is the back of my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 07:57.600 --> 08:01.200 It is 634. I wanted to be out of 18 18 08:02.280 --> 08:05.320 But I didn't make it. I'm human just like you 08:12.200 --> 08:20.760 We are still working hard to try and free ourselves from what has turned out to be almost exclusively an exercise 08:21.960 --> 08:27.040 And it is an exercise that seems to have been brought out and brought upon us 08:27.720 --> 08:32.000 by the conscious and intelligent manipulation of our habits and 08:32.280 --> 08:39.000 Of our opinions and this is not just to refer to what we would now call as the pandemic 08:39.000 --> 08:44.800 but we're talking about the beginning of the planet of the apes remake we're talking about the 08:46.000 --> 08:48.000 the way that they have 08:48.000 --> 08:52.720 intricately woven this idea of a pandemic into different tabletop 08:53.280 --> 08:59.480 Exercises and this kind of thing and so we have been manipulated for a long time to believe that public health is a thing 08:59.720 --> 09:06.480 That vaccines are things that that diseases and global global pandemics are a thing 09:07.280 --> 09:11.320 And and this is something that hasn't been 09:13.960 --> 09:15.960 It wasn't started just in 09:15.960 --> 09:21.560 2020 and you need to really understand that if you really want to understand the full breadth and depth of what we're what we're up against 09:21.560 --> 09:25.360 and that's what I think the combination of the biology that I 09:26.360 --> 09:35.280 Sort of helped bring to the fore and the history and the people that mark you satanika and mark Gulak has done so well 09:37.280 --> 09:43.640 Archiving on his website in a way that everyone can simply look at the people and look at the connections and see 09:43.800 --> 09:49.760 Who worked with who and who taught who and where these ideas originated and then see how how? 09:50.760 --> 09:59.000 Desecrated the the sacred biology is becoming very very rapidly as we move move through the pandemic into the next phase of whatever this is 10:00.800 --> 10:06.000 I'm gonna shift down here to the bottom one of the things that again, I like to bring up a lot is that 10:06.840 --> 10:14.320 the intellectual dark web was a group of people that was placed before the pandemic positioned before the pandemic it was like a 10:15.040 --> 10:19.160 Sort of test run of how if we yell in this tube over here 10:19.160 --> 10:21.120 You know, can we hear it in that tube over there? 10:21.120 --> 10:23.120 Or can we hear it in those tubes over there? 10:23.120 --> 10:30.360 And so they had already begun playing before the pandemic with people like Joe Rogan to see if we you know 10:30.360 --> 10:34.960 subtly drop a hint about this pasta in in the back of his video 10:34.960 --> 10:39.960 how many people buy it if he you know talks about the benefits of 10:40.520 --> 10:43.840 X Y and Z combination of nutrients, you know 10:43.840 --> 10:49.560 How many people seek those out as he as they're watching the podcast and can we keep track of those metrics? 10:49.560 --> 10:51.560 And of course all of those 10:51.880 --> 10:58.040 Algorithms and all of those data pipes were set in place before the pandemic on Facebook Twitter 10:58.320 --> 11:01.360 You name it and then even more cleverly 11:01.760 --> 11:09.440 Through the censorship of the pandemic they drove people to even more alternative places like like signal and telegram 11:09.440 --> 11:11.440 And who knows who has the backdoor to those? 11:12.560 --> 11:14.560 platforms, but you can almost 11:15.200 --> 11:19.960 It's almost without a doubt that each one of those platforms has a backdoor. Otherwise they may 11:20.400 --> 11:32.200 You could argue not even be allowed to exist because of this because of the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses being an important element of democratic society 11:32.200 --> 11:40.960 In fact, I would argue that in the pandemic it has been the single most important part of the execution of the pandemic the controlling of 11:41.800 --> 11:49.960 People's minds and people's attention and more importantly what questions they were asking did not allow anyone to exercise 11:50.160 --> 11:53.200 Informed consent because we were arguing about the wrong things 11:53.280 --> 12:00.040 We were curious about the wrong things we wanted the answers to the wrong questions and therefore even when we got our answers 12:00.120 --> 12:05.200 we were bamboozled into believing we were exercising informed consent when we were not and 12:06.160 --> 12:13.440 At the very base of this is the idea that there was a novel pathogen that no one had any 12:13.600 --> 12:20.720 Previous immunity to and therefore we all needed to worry, you know, is it gonna be me that has the bad reaction? 12:20.720 --> 12:22.720 Is it gonna be me? 12:23.760 --> 12:25.760 The worst case scenario 12:26.080 --> 12:30.000 That there is a very real difference between the people 12:31.440 --> 12:36.920 The people who are raised in a world where they trust people they trust others and 12:37.720 --> 12:43.520 Because they trust others they have a built-in vulnerability a built-in deficiency of 12:44.480 --> 12:49.680 Compared to the people who are raised in a world where they don't trust others because when you're raised in a world where you don't trust 12:49.680 --> 12:53.960 You can always learn to trust but when you're raised in a world where you trust first 12:54.000 --> 12:57.680 It's very difficult to train that person to know when to not trust someone else 12:58.240 --> 13:03.720 Now there's two things here that I want to point out the first one is is to give him a little bit of credit 13:04.360 --> 13:12.240 The whole context of this discussion is that he didn't have a perfect relationship with his parents and therefore he grew up not trusting adults 13:12.960 --> 13:14.960 now in some 13:15.360 --> 13:20.480 Broad sense I have something in common with him other people probably have something in common with him 13:20.480 --> 13:26.760 If you had a parent or parents that were either abusive or left early or you know 13:26.760 --> 13:28.760 whatever disappointed in some way that 13:29.640 --> 13:37.920 Somehow is sitting in your psyche as evidence that not all adults are trustworthy and you were especially unable to find an 13:38.160 --> 13:42.000 Alternative trustworthy adult you could be pretty messed up 13:42.160 --> 13:49.360 But if you had bad parents, but you found a history teacher or a biology teacher or an older brother or something like that or a grandma 13:50.000 --> 13:55.640 That could explain to you why these people were flawed how they were flawed and despite their flaws you could trust them 13:56.200 --> 14:00.720 Then you could develop a a system and understanding for how do you? 14:01.320 --> 14:06.880 Tell when somebody is trustworthy. How do you see you you understand that people all people lie? 14:07.600 --> 14:10.800 that's the that's what he's really talking about here and 14:12.240 --> 14:15.600 The idea that some children can grow up 14:16.160 --> 14:22.840 With the idea that nobody lies is a is a that he's misleading the young with this statement right here 14:24.000 --> 14:31.080 Because the only way the only way in my imagination that someone can grow up thinking that 14:31.480 --> 14:39.920 The vast majority of people telling the truth are all around the world is if you believe that you must respect everyone's lived experience 14:40.920 --> 14:47.880 That you believe that everybody's story is worth telling everybody's opinion is worth listening to every every 14:48.600 --> 14:51.760 Every stance or or angle is a right 14:54.120 --> 15:01.600 Kind of like when somebody says that you know what about the parental rights of parents who are parents of trans kids 15:02.160 --> 15:04.160 don't they have any rights and 15:05.160 --> 15:07.160 So in this scenario 15:07.480 --> 15:15.960 Where everybody's opinion matters and where where we have to respect people's lived experience now you get in a situation where trust doesn't matter 15:16.680 --> 15:20.800 Because you're forced to take people's word. You're almost not allowed to 15:21.560 --> 15:25.880 Distrust or doubt stories or hey man, are you really being all totally honest here? 15:27.360 --> 15:29.360 That's offensive 15:29.360 --> 15:34.680 And so this is misleading the young because again, he's on a podcast here trying to be all cool 15:35.240 --> 15:39.320 You know, he's the everyday spy. He's supposed to work for the CIA 15:39.320 --> 15:46.080 And now he's revealing this on all the bros with shows about how it works and how liars work. No, he's not 15:46.880 --> 15:50.960 Because the fundamental truth is is that there are adults that are paid to lie 15:52.440 --> 15:58.360 The fundamental truth is is that our government uses lies in misdirection in order to govern us and most of us 15:58.360 --> 16:02.720 We're not aware the breadth and the depth of this the use of this technique and 16:03.680 --> 16:07.680 Most of us underestimated how much of biosecurity and 16:08.800 --> 16:15.520 Defense and in general might be ghosts and hoaxes and and mythologies to make sure 16:15.760 --> 16:20.360 That the dollars and the incentives keep flowing in the same directions for decades 16:21.560 --> 16:27.440 So that they have command over where these initiatives and attentions are placed 16:27.920 --> 16:33.520 And so he's misleading people right here. This is not being honest even though it sounds like, you know 16:33.520 --> 16:38.680 If people grow up trusting people then they're vulnerable and if they grow up not trusting people then they're not vulnerable 16:38.920 --> 16:42.360 That is ridiculously oversimplifying how this works 16:46.160 --> 16:50.760 But it's also missing this huge point of you know how the culture is now 16:51.400 --> 16:56.000 Pivoting especially with people in university and people in high school where you know 16:56.000 --> 17:02.320 The whole idea of having a debate where you can take a position that you don't necessarily believe and this is almost a lost art now 17:04.080 --> 17:08.800 And so I'm just saying it sounds simple. It sounds cool. It's totally misleading 17:10.000 --> 17:14.920 And it's everywhere on the internet, but sometimes you get moments of brilliance 17:15.600 --> 17:19.920 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 17:19.920 --> 17:26.160 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie. You know, I don't think I'm a liar 17:26.160 --> 17:31.520 I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important not to be a liar 17:33.000 --> 17:36.560 He thinks it's really important not to be a liar. This is the guy who 17:37.040 --> 17:40.520 Just said that drastic was started by what? 17:41.320 --> 17:43.320 Metzel is that his name? 17:44.280 --> 17:50.520 I mean, he lies regularly on purpose because he's paid to do it. Some of the stuff 17:50.520 --> 17:57.240 He says is perfectly on target and others of it is just lies. He's lied before he'll lie again 17:57.240 --> 18:00.320 He thinks it's important not to be a liar, but he is a liar 18:01.160 --> 18:04.200 He has lied. He will lie again 18:05.960 --> 18:08.920 So none of those things that he said are lies except 18:09.640 --> 18:11.240 that 18:11.480 --> 18:13.480 That means that he's a liar 18:15.080 --> 18:21.640 And I'm getting really tired of people that are spectacularly committed to lies when they know they don't need to be 18:23.720 --> 18:27.720 People that are spectacularly committed to lies when they could just ignore me 18:29.560 --> 18:34.360 There are telegram groups with aerial photos of my old house 18:34.360 --> 18:41.280 There are signal chats that are talking about my various 18:42.280 --> 18:44.280 psychoses 18:47.560 --> 18:49.560 And for what? 18:49.960 --> 18:55.080 We're talking about those things because they don't want us to acknowledge that this is the truth 18:55.880 --> 18:57.880 That we are surrounded by liars 18:58.200 --> 19:04.680 And it only takes a spectacular commitment to this lie in order for us to get across the finish line 19:04.680 --> 19:06.680 All the other stuff is extemporaneous 19:08.280 --> 19:11.240 If they hurt some guy who's renting his house in Pittsburgh 19:12.760 --> 19:15.400 With 3,000 followers who's even going to notice 19:19.640 --> 19:27.400 And so it's they're happy to be spectacularly committed to lies about me and lies about my family lies about people who 19:28.200 --> 19:32.280 I've collaborated with like mark kulak or jessica hockett 19:33.800 --> 19:35.800 They're happy to 19:36.920 --> 19:42.600 Because they know that the algorithm and this is something that has really become obvious to me now in the past couple weeks 19:42.600 --> 19:44.520 They know that the algorithm 19:44.520 --> 19:51.480 Will allow me to see their their snide tweets and allow me to see the the snide remarks 19:51.720 --> 19:53.400 But the entire 19:53.400 --> 20:00.200 Rest of the web sees what the rest of the algorithm wants them to see eventually all of us are going to just see 20:00.840 --> 20:03.320 our own little mirror image of 20:04.120 --> 20:10.520 Whatever reality actually is and so we'll get almost nothing of the actual reality that other people see 20:13.320 --> 20:15.320 To a large extent it's already there 20:17.160 --> 20:19.560 And so with a with a wave of his hand 20:20.200 --> 20:22.200 And the tap of the magic wand 20:22.440 --> 20:28.920 Somebody takes over an already well-developed military algorithm that was running a short microblog 20:30.520 --> 20:32.520 application 20:32.600 --> 20:35.000 Proports to buy it for billions of dollars 20:35.720 --> 20:41.400 Changes nothing but now has access to it and control over it. So it was well worth the money 20:42.600 --> 20:45.960 But in reality, it's still probably being run by the people above him 20:46.760 --> 20:48.760 Because 20:48.760 --> 20:53.960 Because it's always been a tool of control. They're all liars. You see it's not it's not a 20:55.320 --> 21:01.400 It's not good enough to think that most of these people don't know what's going on. That's that's just not acceptable anymore 21:02.360 --> 21:08.120 It's not acceptable to think that that Tucker Carlson might be a patriot if we're just lucky 21:08.520 --> 21:13.240 He might actually be a patriot that's actually just fighting for our grandchildren 21:16.760 --> 21:23.640 That's absolutely positively wrong and we need to be aware of it. It's not a it's not a something or a possibility. They're not 21:24.520 --> 21:29.000 Alex Jones is not fighting for our grandkids. He's he's just not 21:30.120 --> 21:33.720 A long time ago in a galaxy far far away 21:34.200 --> 21:39.480 Before he made the footage from the golf cart with the with the owl on the side 21:39.880 --> 21:42.520 It's possible that Alex Jones was a good guy 21:43.720 --> 21:45.720 But not anymore 21:45.800 --> 21:47.800 A long long time ago not anymore 21:52.200 --> 21:54.200 Same with this one 21:54.840 --> 21:57.560 It's just one big it's one big show 21:59.640 --> 22:01.640 And and if we don't start to see 22:02.200 --> 22:06.200 That it's one big show pretty soon if we don't see how it was done 22:06.680 --> 22:08.920 We're not going to be able to get our kids to see it 22:08.920 --> 22:14.600 We're not going to be able to get college kids to see it because in a couple more years maybe even after this election 22:16.120 --> 22:19.640 Everybody's already going to be done and moved on and they're not going to want to talk about it anymore 22:19.640 --> 22:22.440 You know like a divorce or a or a bad girlfriend 22:25.000 --> 22:28.760 And therefore we do really have a limited time and that's really what they all know 22:29.320 --> 22:34.840 We they it felt like this about six months already. We described it as they're running out the clock 22:36.040 --> 22:42.280 That's all they're doing is running out the clock team worst case scenario is running out the clock with this stuff about dna 22:42.280 --> 22:47.400 And you know getting in front of the senate and saying the same thing over and over again like we said before 22:54.920 --> 22:56.520 I won't go through this right now 22:56.520 --> 23:02.840 But teamwork case scenario was really important people in the beginning of the pandemic to get us to believe in this mystery 23:02.840 --> 23:06.520 That needed to be solved and we're still solving now today 23:07.480 --> 23:11.720 That's what this is. That's how they got us. That's how they got most of the tv watching public 23:13.240 --> 23:17.000 If you want to shock your family and friends and get them out of this 23:17.000 --> 23:24.280 These are the kinds of statements you need to say intramuscular injection in many combinations of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 23:24.680 --> 23:26.520 And then try to explain it 23:26.520 --> 23:29.240 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent because 23:29.800 --> 23:34.040 There are hundreds of thousands of doctors and biologists that should have known the 23:34.440 --> 23:37.960 Transfection in healthy animals who was a dumb idea 23:38.920 --> 23:41.880 Would not be able to use fully augment the immune system 23:41.880 --> 23:46.760 They should have known and because they didn't say anything or didn't speak up or even worse 23:47.320 --> 23:49.320 Told people to do it anyway 23:49.320 --> 23:55.000 These people are all culpable and they had very very least oh everybody in their lives in apology 23:57.400 --> 24:01.640 And viruses are not patterned integrity is there something all of us are going to learn in the next couple years 24:01.640 --> 24:06.280 I mean, that's just inevitable. Why are they doing this? Let's think very carefully 24:06.280 --> 24:08.280 They have inverted 24:09.480 --> 24:16.600 How we think of ourselves in terms of our sovereignty and therefore they are on the cusp of being able to tell our teenagers 24:17.000 --> 24:19.960 And our college kids that have surrendering your dna 24:20.760 --> 24:22.760 surrendering your medical data 24:24.360 --> 24:30.760 To the nih is just that's what you do that the how are you gonna the way to help is to give it all up 24:31.640 --> 24:33.160 And 24:33.160 --> 24:40.040 The argument that the human genome project has been making since its inception is that we have if we had enough copies 24:40.600 --> 24:45.640 If we had enough games of gold if we had enough games of chess if we had enough 24:46.200 --> 24:50.280 Examples of the human genome and the medical data that goes along with it 24:50.280 --> 24:54.600 We could feed that to an AI and the AI could learn to play chess 24:55.160 --> 25:00.040 The AI could learn to play go and the AI could learn to rearrange and fix 25:00.760 --> 25:02.760 the human genome 25:03.960 --> 25:09.400 That's the story that's the that's the game right there. All the other stuff is probably related to it 25:09.400 --> 25:11.800 But essentially that's where we are they've been trying to 25:12.440 --> 25:17.880 Transform the way we think about ourselves for the last 30 years so that they're when they decide 25:18.280 --> 25:22.760 To eventually flip the switch on this transhuman agenda this futurist agenda 25:23.000 --> 25:29.320 Which they've already kind of flipped the switch on it will be something that you can no longer resist your kids can't resist because the iD 25:29.480 --> 25:37.000 Already in place because the censorship on the internet is already in place because the the digital currencies are already in place 25:37.000 --> 25:40.440 And so when they decide to actually do it, it's already over 25:42.120 --> 25:46.440 And I don't think we have that long to stop it. I don't I don't 25:47.480 --> 25:52.040 I don't think we have that long to teach these college kids what actually happened 25:52.520 --> 25:58.200 And to apologize to them for letting them go back to college letting them take part in a year of testing 25:58.200 --> 26:00.520 letting them take shots 26:00.520 --> 26:02.520 Instead of just keeping them home 26:02.920 --> 26:05.960 Letting them get a part-time job and smoke some weed in the garage 26:07.320 --> 26:09.480 With their friends, you know 26:12.120 --> 26:17.560 Because that's what that's what we should have done with our college kids not necessarily the smoking in the garage part 26:17.560 --> 26:20.920 But we should have kept them home. We should have let them get a part-time job 26:21.480 --> 26:23.480 We should have let them take a 26:23.880 --> 26:25.880 Leadership course 26:25.960 --> 26:26.920 In Wyoming 26:26.920 --> 26:29.720 We should have sent them on an internship somewhere. We should have 26:30.520 --> 26:31.960 Done anything 26:31.960 --> 26:36.360 But sent them back into the arms of people who could change their mind about stuff 26:37.880 --> 26:41.400 That could change the rules at any time that could recommend 26:41.960 --> 26:45.560 Medical procedures at any time and change their mind about them later 26:47.880 --> 26:53.400 All of these things with financial incentives behind them. Why did we let our children go back into that mouth? 26:54.360 --> 26:56.520 That the monster. Why? 26:58.920 --> 27:04.040 These are the kinds of things that we need to talk about these are the kinds of things we need to focus on none of the other 27:04.600 --> 27:10.840 None of this other social media garbage matters at this stage because they murdered Americans to get this to happen 27:11.320 --> 27:13.800 That's the real truth of it that I want to get out today 27:14.200 --> 27:19.000 Is that they murdered Americans and they some I think they probably murdered other people other places as well 27:19.400 --> 27:22.760 But in America there was especially a lot of murder in order to make sure 27:23.240 --> 27:27.400 That the worst case scenario was believed that there would be numbers to put on the news 27:27.640 --> 27:32.840 And so the spread of bad ideas was much scarier and more dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule 27:34.680 --> 27:39.960 And all the people that participated in the spread of these ideas and haven't rained it in yet 27:41.160 --> 27:43.480 Haven't put the brakes on yet 27:43.480 --> 27:49.240 Haven't gotten out of the car and said i'm done with this these people are becoming more and more culpable 27:50.120 --> 27:56.520 There is becoming less there's less and less excuse to say that I didn't know that there was I was just so fooled 28:03.640 --> 28:06.440 But our neighbors and our friends 28:07.320 --> 28:14.440 And our co-workers are being fooled right now about the pandemic potential and badcaves about the pandemic potential that's accessible in laboratories 28:14.440 --> 28:18.360 Either through serial passage or even through genetic engineering 28:20.200 --> 28:25.480 And they are already aware that the who is interested in changing the way that we think about our democracy 28:25.480 --> 28:29.720 But they believe it's under the pretense that worst case scenario is possible 28:30.840 --> 28:34.040 That we just dodged the bullet of worst case scenario this time 28:35.320 --> 28:40.120 That's why they're not totally on board would let's just get out of the un and forget this nonsense 28:40.200 --> 28:41.640 Let's forget about it 28:41.640 --> 28:45.960 They can't because the worst case scenario is still in the back of their head 28:49.720 --> 28:53.560 And it's still knocking on social media it's still knocking on pbs news hour 28:55.720 --> 29:00.680 And so we're trapped in this little paradigm right now that that badcave viruses are a danger 29:02.760 --> 29:04.360 And that you know 29:04.360 --> 29:09.080 There are people like paul off it and tony fauci telling us that millions of people were saved 29:09.720 --> 29:11.720 That would have otherwise died 29:13.000 --> 29:17.560 If we hadn't transfected billions of people and they're still not calling in a transfection 29:17.640 --> 29:23.240 No one has using the word transfection to describe the transfections 29:26.840 --> 29:30.520 And I think we can keep going on about you know, what are these people doing? 29:30.600 --> 29:34.920 But they're not they're not using the word transfection correctly. They're just not 29:36.760 --> 29:41.000 And so I think it would be instructive to just see where the state of the thing is where 29:41.560 --> 29:44.520 Where's the best place to look? You know, if you get rid of all these people 29:44.520 --> 29:48.680 You just reveal the illusion of consensus is behind it all the time. It's just there 29:50.360 --> 29:53.480 It's just there in the background. You look at social media. Oh, there they are 29:54.040 --> 29:56.840 Cool. What do they got to say? You wipe that all away 29:58.040 --> 30:02.760 And it's just an illusion of consensus. It's all those people agreeing on very specific things 30:02.840 --> 30:05.240 Even the way that they're said and when to talk about them 30:07.240 --> 30:10.360 And then amplifying each other and oh, this guy's really smart 30:10.760 --> 30:13.880 That girl knows what she's talking about. Oh, thank goodness for her 30:15.160 --> 30:16.120 I 30:16.120 --> 30:18.840 Can't wait until somebody finally listens to him 30:22.120 --> 30:25.480 And Brett Weinstein can get 50,000 followers a month 30:26.680 --> 30:29.400 And marcoolac gets like 140 30:32.440 --> 30:38.120 Jessica hockett might lose 200 followers a month. I might lose 200 followers a month sometimes 30:39.000 --> 30:41.000 That's how my stuff goes 30:41.960 --> 30:44.360 And i'm not worried about it. I'm not whining about it 30:44.360 --> 30:49.160 I'm saying that there is a mechanism out there that creates this illusion of consensus 30:49.160 --> 30:51.560 That's not just a bunch of people agreeing 30:52.120 --> 30:56.440 Okay, that's the thing that I would really like people to start to contemplate 30:58.920 --> 31:01.400 It's not just people agreeing 31:02.280 --> 31:07.000 It's also an algorithm that puts certain messages in front of you 31:07.880 --> 31:15.160 And makes it appear as though other people are seeing the messages that you throw out the replies that you throw out the kinds of 31:15.800 --> 31:19.400 Arguments that you see are almost neutered or invisible 31:20.600 --> 31:22.600 to many other people 31:22.760 --> 31:27.720 Hidden behind see more replies or you know offensive replies or whatever it is 31:28.760 --> 31:35.000 Multiple clicks sometimes and sometimes they're just not there people like myself Jessica hockett marcoolac 31:37.000 --> 31:38.680 There are people 31:38.680 --> 31:44.440 Whose posts on the other hand come right where they're supposed to go maybe they can even click on who they want to see it 31:45.320 --> 31:47.320 Guarantee to see it 31:48.040 --> 31:53.160 They also use bots to do it so bots will follow you and then people who want you to see things 31:53.160 --> 31:56.760 Even if you don't follow them can use those bots that follow you 31:57.320 --> 32:02.360 And then when those bots retweet what they say that shows up in your feed, but you can't really connect for how it is 32:02.760 --> 32:04.760 But it's because they've got bots 32:05.480 --> 32:11.240 And so twitter is being gained and it can only be gained by the people number one who understand it and number two 32:11.640 --> 32:17.640 Who are not suppressed by the algorithm? And so those people are necessarily connected to something bigger 32:18.920 --> 32:26.680 And that's what his most revealing about twitter is that you can see the network on twitter and I think that they have overextended 32:29.240 --> 32:34.440 And I think it's they're like a read but they they're not a read they're supposed to bend like a read 32:34.440 --> 32:38.200 But they're not bending like a read they're like a piece of bamboo and they're really going to snap quick 32:42.920 --> 32:45.880 And that is really this teamwork case scenario illusion 32:45.960 --> 32:51.000 That's this idea that there was a gain of function virus the gain of function is real that they knew at the whole time 32:51.000 --> 32:55.240 That it was probably a lab leak and that's why there's so much of this variance out there 32:55.240 --> 32:59.880 And that's why it continues to evolve because of the fear and cleavage site and yada yada yada 32:59.880 --> 33:03.080 All the stories that we heard about the spike and the dangers of it 33:03.960 --> 33:06.360 It's all teamwork case scenario 33:08.760 --> 33:12.840 And I want to take another shot at explaining it because I really think it's important to 33:13.880 --> 33:18.840 To get this right and uh, it's a it's a jazz show, you know, it's a jazz show 33:19.240 --> 33:23.960 But we've got to understand the limited spectrum of debate that we are being held in 33:25.000 --> 33:28.600 We've got to be able to feel all the sides of it so that we can break free of it 33:28.920 --> 33:30.920 And 33:30.920 --> 33:34.120 So I thought chd tv might be a good place to see 33:36.600 --> 33:40.600 The sort of state of the art of where we are and and this is uh post 33:41.560 --> 33:43.400 post senate 33:43.400 --> 33:48.600 Interviews with mary holland so we're going to look at a few of these interviews and we're going to talk about them 33:48.600 --> 33:53.080 I'm going to take a little notes and we're going to see where we are with regard to the narrative 33:53.560 --> 33:55.560 So 33:55.560 --> 33:59.800 Good morning children's health defense today is monday march 4th 33:59.960 --> 34:02.200 And i'm very excited to share with you 34:02.840 --> 34:10.360 Interviews that I was able to do last monday at the briefing that senator ron johnson organized in washington dc 34:10.760 --> 34:16.520 I was able to meet with several of the people who spoke and some who did not know I do need these 34:17.320 --> 34:19.320 And I think you can find this really interesting 34:20.040 --> 34:21.960 Sorry about that 34:21.960 --> 34:26.280 Good morning children's health defense mary holland here president of chd 34:26.280 --> 34:32.360 And i'm delighted to be here with frank gaffney who will tell us about why he's here and why this is important 34:32.440 --> 34:34.440 Frank tell us who you are i'm here 34:35.000 --> 34:41.400 As the executive chairman of the center for security policy and the co-founder of what we call the sovereignty coalition of which 34:41.400 --> 34:44.520 They're very proud that your outfit is a member 34:45.240 --> 34:50.280 Uh, because you've put on a program that is of surpassing importance 34:50.520 --> 34:53.480 Uh, i'm a huge fan of senator johnson of course 34:54.280 --> 34:59.960 But also of children's health and and work that you all are doing 35:01.080 --> 35:04.920 specifically to make sure that we now compound 35:05.640 --> 35:09.640 the mistakes that were made in the pandemic 1.0 35:10.440 --> 35:13.640 specifically by that i mean that the 35:14.440 --> 35:21.080 The entity that i believe was really a driving force behind most of the mistakes about 35:21.880 --> 35:23.880 the origins the mistakes about the 35:24.440 --> 35:25.400 nature 35:25.400 --> 35:30.760 The stakes about the transmissibility the mistakes about what we should do about the cobit 35:31.960 --> 35:33.960 pandemic virus what we would call it 35:34.680 --> 35:40.600 namely the world's health organization i'm very proud to see that you're sporting the vietnamar sovereignty coalition on iron 35:40.600 --> 35:42.600 And 35:42.840 --> 35:47.320 I think that we are parallelously called simply indeed three months away 35:48.120 --> 35:49.560 from having 35:49.560 --> 35:51.560 that organization 35:52.440 --> 35:53.800 Rewarded 35:53.800 --> 35:57.160 For its malfeasance not just incompetence. I believe malfeasance 35:57.640 --> 36:00.520 Personally, I think at the direction of the chinese communist party 36:01.560 --> 36:02.680 with 36:02.680 --> 36:04.120 uneventionably 36:04.200 --> 36:06.840 Hidden power, but frank, let me let me let me push back 36:06.920 --> 36:12.440 It's so clearly unconstitutional for the united states federal government to give up power 36:13.000 --> 36:19.880 To over health to a foreign organization or an international body when health has been historically at the state level 36:20.280 --> 36:27.160 Why is this so threatening because it's it clearly at some point would be found unconstitutional assuming the constitution for mates 36:27.400 --> 36:28.280 but 36:28.280 --> 36:34.600 Well, that's an assumption and what we've been watching of course including in the pandemic what boy doe 36:35.320 --> 36:39.160 Or huge erm roaches in our constitutional frame. It was as you know 36:40.200 --> 36:43.080 And more to the point what is in prospect now? 36:43.400 --> 36:46.680 I think is this idea that well, yes 36:46.680 --> 36:51.880 It may be unconstitutional but by the time some court gets around to saying so, you know 36:51.960 --> 36:56.280 And in joining it or otherwise sweet, you know blocking all of this 36:57.000 --> 37:00.040 An enormous amount of dent just where they died and then mary you 37:00.600 --> 37:05.800 Were very close to all of this so I know you were up where I'm sure most of your members are as well that 37:08.200 --> 37:10.200 What went down 37:10.520 --> 37:12.520 back in the course of 37:12.520 --> 37:14.520 2020 and 2021 to 37:15.640 --> 37:17.240 was 37:17.240 --> 37:18.520 at the 37:18.520 --> 37:25.000 Instigation I would argue certainly with the advice of the world real football sensation and what 37:25.800 --> 37:28.280 you know that translated it into was 37:30.360 --> 37:32.360 medical practitioners 37:33.000 --> 37:35.560 First nurses medical institutions 37:36.120 --> 37:40.520 The health and the system industry research centers universities 37:41.480 --> 37:46.440 The governments all decided that they had to do daisery water ghee 37:46.920 --> 37:49.080 Goldville fleas I should make of the heist 37:50.040 --> 37:53.720 Well in the years the world health organization actually has the authority 37:53.720 --> 37:57.560 Heaven to it buy all of these nations to not only 37:58.680 --> 38:02.760 Tell us when we have a public health emergency of international concern 38:02.760 --> 38:06.680 But what we must do about it, right and that is with a compulsory 38:07.240 --> 38:09.320 quality to it not just an advisory one 38:10.280 --> 38:14.920 And so I'm just very concerned that that alone plus 38:15.720 --> 38:17.720 you know the surveillance 38:17.960 --> 38:21.640 Apparatuses that they're going to be putting into place plus the censorship 38:22.040 --> 38:24.520 Apparatuses, they're going to be putting in place plus the 38:25.080 --> 38:26.840 biological 38:26.840 --> 38:28.840 weapons proliferation 38:28.840 --> 38:30.680 Apparatuses, they're going to be putting into place 38:32.280 --> 38:37.240 If we don't have any time to to waste so what can our viewers do Frank? 38:37.320 --> 38:43.640 How can they support this effort to have this be off the table? 38:44.520 --> 38:52.200 It's the right question and I'm hoping that today's event will be a catalyst for both answering it and impelling it 38:52.920 --> 38:59.080 I just you know, there's a lot of details here, but just at the top line level. I've got a three-part 39:00.040 --> 39:02.200 Approach that I think would make all the difference 39:03.080 --> 39:04.440 one is 39:04.440 --> 39:06.440 for us to depart 39:06.440 --> 39:08.440 the world health organization, right 39:09.000 --> 39:10.760 secondly 39:10.840 --> 39:15.880 We should we not we must I think defund the world health organization, right? 39:16.520 --> 39:18.120 and third 39:18.120 --> 39:24.360 We must defang the world health organization. Harsh defund defanged or I like it the 3d 39:24.760 --> 39:26.760 and once you got those 39:27.320 --> 39:30.840 underway, I think everything becomes a lot more tractable 39:31.800 --> 39:34.600 Now can we do that without the support of the Biden administration? 39:34.600 --> 39:39.320 Which is in fact, as you know prime clover behind all of this it remains to be seen 39:39.320 --> 39:42.600 but I just have to say, Mary, in the space of just the past few days 39:44.120 --> 39:46.120 capped by this particular event 39:46.680 --> 39:53.560 I think there's a new impetus behind all of this people are becoming aware and people are becoming engaged super 39:53.800 --> 39:55.960 Thank you so much, Mr. Gaffney. Oh, bless her 39:57.400 --> 40:00.680 Okay, hold on. Let me get this camera running and see if I can get this this 40:02.440 --> 40:04.440 This up here 40:05.560 --> 40:07.560 Yes, great 40:07.640 --> 40:10.040 So senator ron johnson's little meeting here 40:10.040 --> 40:14.200 The first one we're talking about is a guy by the name of frank working for the center of security 40:14.680 --> 40:16.680 Center for security policy 40:16.680 --> 40:18.680 CHD is a member of their coalition 40:18.760 --> 40:22.520 They oppose the who the who caused these entities to behave incorrectly 40:23.080 --> 40:30.120 So he seemed to state that other governments and whatever behaved the way they behaved because the who declared a pandemic and so 40:30.840 --> 40:32.840 It is the who's fault 40:33.320 --> 40:35.800 To a certain extent, I don't think he's wrong. I just 40:36.760 --> 40:42.920 I don't think we should absolve any of these people in leadership positions from having not pulled the plug on this 40:43.240 --> 40:44.360 Operation 40:44.360 --> 40:46.840 Any of these people could have stopped it 40:47.240 --> 40:50.360 But none of them did and I think that means that they are all 40:50.920 --> 40:55.800 disqualified from leading in the future if you really believe that what we did was incorrect 40:55.800 --> 41:03.800 So he says depart the who defund the who defang the who why don't we just leave the un 41:04.760 --> 41:07.480 Because the un is actually the who 41:08.600 --> 41:10.600 And so why don't we leave the un? 41:11.160 --> 41:13.160 No one wants to say that 41:13.640 --> 41:17.320 I find it strange. Maybe it's because it's unrealistic. I don't know 41:18.040 --> 41:19.560 But to me 41:19.560 --> 41:22.280 I agree with the this whole business here 41:22.280 --> 41:28.120 But again after all that talk that guy was an american and we didn't talk about the prep act being 41:28.600 --> 41:34.440 Struck and we didn't talk about the back scene act from 1986, you know being 41:35.400 --> 41:38.920 Restored to its original status. We didn't talk about any 41:39.560 --> 41:41.800 Real solutions in america, right? 41:41.800 --> 41:49.640 We're talking about dealing with an international organization run by you know international people that we have very little control over other 41:49.640 --> 41:53.880 Than writing checks and he already got through saying that we don't even write the biggest check 41:53.880 --> 41:58.680 And even if we stop it doesn't seem to matter they'll get out there get their money from other places 41:58.760 --> 42:00.840 And if we still go along with it, then who cares? 42:02.120 --> 42:04.120 And so this is really 42:04.440 --> 42:10.520 It feels disingenuous. I guess I also saw in the chat that he's been on the ban in war room quite a few times 42:10.600 --> 42:15.960 So that's a for me. That's a pretty big red flag. I don't know what to say about that. Okay. Let's uh 42:16.600 --> 42:18.840 Let's do the next guest. Here we go 42:19.000 --> 42:21.000 So 42:21.000 --> 42:26.120 Tell us a little bit about what you're going to be saying to this briefing that senator johnson's put together 42:26.360 --> 42:30.520 So we'll be discussing the dna contamination that what you found inside the m&r 42:30.760 --> 42:37.800 Vaccines and what implications that may have for the quality of the vaccines and any sort of clinical side effects that they may present 42:38.920 --> 42:41.560 What are you finding in your research on the vaccine? 42:42.120 --> 42:45.560 The dna contamination is actually quite varied lot to lot 42:45.640 --> 42:51.240 We have seen some that have ct scores, which is a pcr score people may be familiar with from covet testing 42:51.720 --> 42:53.720 Um that are as low as 12 and 13 42:54.280 --> 43:00.120 Covet testing you may have been deemed positive at 35, which is a a million fold less rna 43:00.120 --> 43:03.240 Then what they're finding in the shot says as a contaminant that's injected 43:03.960 --> 43:10.280 Uh, we're also finding that there are fragments of dna in there that are active inside of a million cells very recently 43:10.360 --> 43:17.880 We have we have transfected these things into the million cells and we can see some evidence that the dna is getting replicated in the cell 43:18.520 --> 43:24.280 Um, so that's a big deal because in the past we thought, well, maybe the dna it'll get destroyed as it goes into the cell 43:24.440 --> 43:30.280 What we're seeing now is there's evidence that actually it's it's growing in number when it gets into the cell for brief periods of time 43:30.840 --> 43:37.080 Uh, and it is surviving several passages of cells. So we take cells and transfect them with the vaccines 43:37.400 --> 43:39.240 Um, this is work that will least done over in germany 43:39.640 --> 43:43.240 Um, the cells express spike protein. We can see that with the amino histochemistry 43:43.720 --> 43:48.280 You then take a portion of those cells and regrow them in another flask for like another three to six days 43:48.840 --> 43:52.920 And uh and measure again and we can see rna and dna from the vaccines still 43:53.560 --> 43:58.200 Now correct me if i'm wrong, but we were all told that there could be no dna integration. Isn't that right? 43:58.440 --> 44:04.680 We're told several things we were told. Um, it wouldn't last long. We were told this dna contamination wouldn't get into the cells 44:04.680 --> 44:08.920 That's wrong. We were told if it did get into cells it would disappear and never get into the nucleus 44:09.560 --> 44:11.400 Now we're finding all of those things were wrong 44:11.800 --> 44:15.480 Uh, now we're beginning to look at whether it's getting into the nucleus right now 44:15.800 --> 44:17.640 By looking for dna integration 44:17.640 --> 44:21.080 We have some very preliminary evidence that needs to be verified with longer reads 44:21.080 --> 44:26.520 But we can find pieces of dna from the spike sequence in the vaccine that is fused with chromosome 12 44:26.920 --> 44:28.280 And chromosome nine 44:28.280 --> 44:34.440 What we don't know is whether it is actually in the chromosome or whether this is some type of extra chromosomal thing going on 44:34.600 --> 44:38.120 And we did this all with cancer cell lines and the this is a key part 44:38.120 --> 44:41.240 So listen to this carefully. They did this all with cancer cell lines 44:41.240 --> 44:44.600 So he's going to tell you why that's a problem problem with cancer cell lines 44:45.000 --> 44:49.240 Is they go through a process known as chromophrypsis, which is like the genome shatters a little bit 44:49.640 --> 44:53.000 Some pieces of dna don't get carried on to the next generation 44:53.480 --> 44:58.840 Uh, and it so we we don't know whether our dna is integrated to the actual chromosome or whether it is something that's a 44:59.480 --> 45:03.080 An extra chromosomal mess that might get eliminated. So 45:03.720 --> 45:10.200 So so that's a pretty big deal. I'm not saying that I'm going to argue about it now what that means for the signal 45:12.600 --> 45:14.600 But if we go to the tape 45:15.240 --> 45:18.600 What we basically have is there are dna in the vaccines 45:20.040 --> 45:27.240 She used the phrase. What did you find in your research on the vaccines? I guess this should be one stroke here 45:28.120 --> 45:31.800 Um, so like two or three or four or five times 45:31.880 --> 45:36.200 They repeated the word vaccines here and the only time he used the word 45:36.660 --> 45:40.200 Transfection was when he said we transfected these into cell culture 45:42.200 --> 45:47.000 All the other times that they refer to it in this interview, they're going to talk about it as a vaccine 45:47.000 --> 45:51.400 They're not going to call it transfection unless it's in a cell culture now. I would 45:53.000 --> 45:55.000 I would argue that's not helping 45:55.560 --> 46:00.440 I would argue that we're missing a huge opportunity here for somebody like kevin mccurn and somebody with 46:01.000 --> 46:05.960 The the pedigree and the background and the authority to say you know what? 46:06.360 --> 46:09.960 These are just transfections and transfection was a very common 46:10.760 --> 46:15.400 A common methodology used on the academic bench for at least the last decade and a half 46:15.400 --> 46:18.520 And it's really become ubiquitous in the last decade 46:19.480 --> 46:22.600 We're almost every laboratory no matter what experiment they're doing 46:23.000 --> 46:27.240 In vitro or in vivo somewhere along the line they're going to transfect something with something 46:31.000 --> 46:33.000 And so why not open with that? 46:33.000 --> 46:39.480 Because then we would get to the truth and with the justice much faster because we would be plain and and simple 46:40.040 --> 46:44.600 There's a term that they could have told you in 2020 46:45.080 --> 46:50.360 Which would have led all of us to probably make a very different decision at least have a very different impression 46:51.000 --> 46:54.360 On the unknown nature of transfection in healthy humans 46:55.320 --> 47:01.160 And yet somehow or another we only are using the word transfected in cell culture to 47:01.720 --> 47:09.880 Somehow imply that the word transfection is really specific for a laboratory preparation or for for in vitro work. It's not 47:11.400 --> 47:15.960 When you use RNA to express a protein in a living animal, it's called 47:16.920 --> 47:20.440 Transfection if you put it in a lipid nanoparticle, it's called 47:20.520 --> 47:25.080 Transfection if you wrap it around gold particles, it's called transfection 47:26.840 --> 47:30.760 If you use electricity, it's called electroporation, but still transfection 47:35.000 --> 47:42.200 And so another thing that got reinforced here was that PCR testing and the PCR testing values were of a certain cycle 47:43.160 --> 47:47.720 And so lower cycles being a higher signal was reinforced here 47:48.520 --> 47:54.360 Which also kind of got everybody's wheels going from 2020. Oh, yeah, that's right. They cycle to like 45 47:54.680 --> 47:56.840 And that's why there were so many false positives 47:58.680 --> 48:00.680 That's by design 48:01.160 --> 48:04.520 That's why they dropped that comment in there. That's why that comment is there 48:07.240 --> 48:14.760 And so this is very important to listen to critically and to hear it well because yes kevin mccurnan appears to be on our team 48:15.160 --> 48:17.320 Yes, mary holland appears to be on our team 48:17.320 --> 48:23.400 But there's still an illusion that needs breaking and whether they're wittingly or unwittingly caught in the illusion 48:23.480 --> 48:25.480 We've got to point it out 48:29.000 --> 48:33.000 And in this case we can be pretty confident it wouldn't matter who is holding the microphone 48:33.560 --> 48:37.880 The odds of them being bamboozled by kevin mccurnan if he wants to is 48:38.600 --> 48:40.600 nearly a hundred percent 48:41.560 --> 48:47.640 I consider myself a fairly well-read biologist. I know quite a bit about basic molecular biology 48:47.640 --> 48:53.240 But if he wanted to take me to school on on the the state of the art of these things 48:53.240 --> 48:55.880 I'm quite certain that at some point I would just have to yield 48:56.920 --> 49:00.840 I don't know what that is and what that is. What that is. I don't know what that means. I don't know what you just said 49:00.840 --> 49:03.000 There it is you've done you win 49:03.000 --> 49:04.840 I get it 49:04.840 --> 49:10.440 But when we're talking about fidelity of RNA copying when we're talking about looking at the previous literature of coronavirus 49:10.680 --> 49:12.760 When we're talking about basic immunology 49:13.320 --> 49:17.800 That's not a place where he can necessarily bowl anybody over 49:22.280 --> 49:25.480 And in fact I would argue that somebody who's well-read 49:25.960 --> 49:31.560 Really well-read in immunology and knows how to argue the the pathogen or sorry 49:32.680 --> 49:39.080 The damage associated molecular patterns versus pathogen associated molecular patterns can argue linked recognition 49:39.800 --> 49:46.520 Can argue the difference between tolerance and T cells and the payer's patches and intolerance of 49:47.000 --> 49:52.520 T helper cells and and effector cells in in circulation from the lymph nodes 49:53.640 --> 49:55.640 Then that that's beyond him 49:58.200 --> 50:02.840 And so that's why we're here right now. It's fine. There is DNA in there. It's garbage 50:02.840 --> 50:06.600 That's great, but transfection and its best form and its purest form 50:07.000 --> 50:10.200 Would have been wholly inappropriate for humans and my argument is 50:10.680 --> 50:17.480 Because he started he cut his teeth on the human genome project then made a a fortune making companies and selling them 50:17.480 --> 50:19.720 patenting things and selling those patents 50:21.400 --> 50:23.080 That he definitely knew better 50:23.080 --> 50:29.160 He definitely knew that the odds of them removing the DNA from the RNA after using a process like 50:29.560 --> 50:36.520 He coli to double that DNA to copy that DNA to make recombinant DNA in a sufficient quantity to produce enough 50:36.600 --> 50:38.600 RNA to put it in billions of shots 50:39.000 --> 50:44.040 He would have known already very early on in the process that they uh 50:44.840 --> 50:46.840 That's not going to go so well 50:47.320 --> 50:55.400 They've got to be full of baloney. They can't possibly be doing it that that that didn't need this experiment to happen 50:58.280 --> 51:01.800 That's why I was confident in objecting to transfecting 51:02.360 --> 51:06.520 Healthy humans back in 2020 and 2021. That's why I was confident 51:07.800 --> 51:09.800 Because you don't need data to know that 51:10.440 --> 51:15.240 Transfection in healthy humans who was absurd. We've got mountains 51:15.720 --> 51:20.040 Infinite data from all the mice all the hamsters 51:20.920 --> 51:27.000 All the monkeys all the marmosets all the everybody that's been transfected in a laboratory. We've got the data 51:27.880 --> 51:33.880 There's not one animal model. There's not one experimental preparation where this is used 51:34.840 --> 51:37.160 As a as a you know just go on 51:38.120 --> 51:41.400 Let the animal live and keep doing experiments. That's not how it works 51:44.520 --> 51:47.320 And they know that I knew that 51:50.520 --> 51:54.120 And anyone that worked as an academic biologist in almost 51:55.080 --> 51:58.840 Any capacity should have known that 52:04.040 --> 52:08.200 All right, this is going to keep going because I think there's two people on this this interview, but this is pretty good 52:08.280 --> 52:10.280 Need longer reads to sort that out 52:10.600 --> 52:15.240 Um, but it's very concerning in that this was found. Uh, really the first time we looked 52:15.640 --> 52:18.520 Uh, which didn't so it didn't take a whole lot of effort to do this the 52:19.320 --> 52:21.160 Our collaborator sent us cells 52:21.160 --> 52:27.640 We we looked at them with qpcr throughout pastaging found some that were still positive after the second passage and sequenced and then now 52:28.280 --> 52:30.280 I'm just going to be a 52:31.000 --> 52:33.000 Because I didn't sign 52:33.080 --> 52:38.600 A non-disclosure agreement and I didn't take the $8,000 that was offered to me as I left CHD 52:38.600 --> 52:40.040 I don't have any 52:40.040 --> 52:45.720 Obligation not to say anything about what I know the experiment that he's describing here was set up by me 52:46.680 --> 52:49.880 The cells he got are from germany where they were 52:50.440 --> 52:58.920 Transfecting using the transfection, which is the investigational vaccine the lipid nanoparticle the Pfizer product 52:59.800 --> 53:08.120 They were transfecting cell cultures so that they would have control tissue that expressed the spike protein that they could stain and then also 53:08.760 --> 53:10.760 compare to 53:10.760 --> 53:12.520 the tissue of 53:12.520 --> 53:14.040 dead people 53:14.040 --> 53:19.080 to see what the spike protein staining looks like in people who died of 53:19.720 --> 53:21.640 the transfection 53:21.640 --> 53:27.880 And so this material being available was the perfect place to check and see if there was integration 53:29.400 --> 53:31.400 That was my idea 53:33.800 --> 53:35.800 And i'm glad it happened 53:36.920 --> 53:42.040 But we're still kind of in no man's land because it's cancer cells because as he explained the cancer 53:42.920 --> 53:47.080 The the the actual genes of these cells often shatters he says 53:48.120 --> 53:54.840 And so then if there is any nuclear transport of the lipid nanoparticle and the DNA in it or the RNA in it 53:55.400 --> 54:03.240 Then in a cancer cell the integration that occurs might not necessarily be equivalent to any integration that would occur in a healthy cell in your body 54:03.320 --> 54:05.320 That's not dividing 54:05.880 --> 54:07.880 That's not immortal 54:08.680 --> 54:12.840 And so he did say that and he admits that that's a caveat, but it's not 54:16.200 --> 54:21.000 He's definitely using it as evidence for the the possibility, but we already knew 54:22.280 --> 54:28.120 That's the thing we already knew that that possibility was there and we knew there were a whole other host of possibilities 54:28.680 --> 54:30.680 That make it just as bad or worse 54:30.680 --> 54:32.680 And 54:33.720 --> 54:38.440 And so I really believe I really arguing this that this is just a red herring 54:38.440 --> 54:40.440 It's great to call attention to 54:40.920 --> 54:42.120 It's exciting 54:42.120 --> 54:47.560 But the bottom line is is that if you believe that there's DNA in the shot and that that has some significant 54:48.040 --> 54:51.960 Sway and what the outcome was then you believe that if you get rid of it that you can 54:52.440 --> 54:56.040 Adjust the significantly the outcome of a mass 54:57.080 --> 54:59.080 transfection like this 54:59.560 --> 55:01.080 And that may be 55:01.080 --> 55:08.840 Possibly a significant number of adverse events and deaths due to the transfection were actually due to the DNA and that 55:10.680 --> 55:14.200 What I believe is almost certainly a misconception that even if it is 55:14.600 --> 55:17.880 It is a small fraction of what actually hurts everybody 55:18.360 --> 55:25.800 Which could anywhere be from the endotoxin to the spike protein to the to the immune system attacking where the spike protein is two 55:26.760 --> 55:31.400 Antibodies that are formed to the spike protein two antibodies that are formed to who knows what 55:33.960 --> 55:37.000 Anticell memory that's formed to those who knows what's 55:38.600 --> 55:40.600 Self antigens are not 55:40.920 --> 55:42.920 auto antigens 55:42.920 --> 55:48.840 Auto antilipid antigens we are antibodies. We don't know all the possibilities that could occur 55:49.400 --> 55:53.720 With this lipid nanoparticle mRNA transfection technology 55:54.360 --> 55:57.960 Now if it's got DNA in it, that's that's another thing 55:59.240 --> 56:01.240 But it isn't the thing 56:01.400 --> 56:05.400 The thing was at the very beginning when they murdered a bunch of people in America 56:05.800 --> 56:13.880 To make us believe that we had a weird choice to make between a very deadly virus with a fear and cleavage site that was spreading faster than any virus in history 56:14.600 --> 56:17.320 And making people drop dead on the street and in Wuhan 56:17.800 --> 56:22.680 We had to choose between that and an experimental technology that lots of people are telling us are going to be just fine 56:22.680 --> 56:26.440 And it's really, you know, you have RNA and lipids and sugars in your body 56:26.440 --> 56:29.080 So this is nothing that you don't already have it won't hurt you at all 56:35.400 --> 56:38.680 Bang there was a first time we looked we found two integration events 56:38.920 --> 56:45.160 But this doesn't really speak to the due diligence of those that put out these shots doesn't it is astonishing that 56:45.800 --> 56:51.560 We don't have this type of surveillance given how cheap DNA sequencing is now. I mean there are sequencers now on space stations 56:51.640 --> 56:53.640 They're so cheap and portable 56:53.960 --> 56:58.040 That it it's mind-blowing that this isn't getting done in every single lot 56:58.520 --> 57:02.200 You get a loan it didn't get that at all and the genotoxicity studies were 57:02.840 --> 57:05.240 weren't done because they claimed this pure mRNA 57:05.800 --> 57:11.880 Um now that's that's really concerning because if you go through modernist own patents, you can find that they knew about this 57:12.520 --> 57:16.840 They knew that DNA was an ocogenic risk through insertional mutagesis 57:16.840 --> 57:21.720 And they worked hard to invent new techniques to try and get rid of this and then they do have less DNA than Pfizer 57:22.440 --> 57:27.800 Um, so when you start seeing that the the companies have patents that speak to these problems yet the regulators 57:27.800 --> 57:31.320 Won't read those patents to know vin, they'll deny that these things are a problem 57:31.560 --> 57:37.000 There's a massive disconnect going so let's talk about sv 40 because you and I talked about that on chd tv 57:37.080 --> 57:41.720 You found sv 40 in these shots simian virus 40, which I liked what he said there 57:41.720 --> 57:45.400 I liked the fact that he said sequencing is so cheap 57:45.880 --> 57:50.760 I like the fact that he said that because that's a little bit true and a little bit not true 57:51.560 --> 57:52.920 um 57:52.920 --> 57:56.840 You still have to design primers correctly. You still have to run the reaction correctly 57:56.840 --> 58:01.880 You still have to do controls and so they're it's cheap, but it still requires some mastery 58:02.920 --> 58:05.560 It still requires some due diligence and so 58:06.360 --> 58:12.600 Just like with the pcr testing it's very easy to assume that all pcr testing was the same everywhere it definitely wasn't 58:13.240 --> 58:20.120 It's very safe to us. It's very easy to assume rather that all the sequencing and all the different countries is the same and it definitely wasn't 58:22.680 --> 58:27.480 We can't even be sure that the pcr testing occurring in the same city was that was equivalent 58:28.120 --> 58:32.120 If different firms using different products or different machines or different people 58:32.760 --> 58:35.000 And different collection techniques were being used 58:37.160 --> 58:42.280 And so one of the illusions that I think is being protected here when we focus on the dna 58:42.840 --> 58:46.120 Is the illusion that was created by the 250 odd 58:47.000 --> 58:52.120 PCR tests that were rolled out at the beginning of the pandemic to create this illusion of a huge ramp up 58:52.840 --> 58:54.840 of cases 58:54.920 --> 59:00.280 The idea that we had drive up testing and that we were using that as evidence of spread was absurd and 59:00.840 --> 59:04.760 People like kevin mccernan actually should have known that but instead 59:05.400 --> 59:11.320 They published papers which kind of supported the idea of of of pcr just 59:12.280 --> 59:15.720 Objected to the pcr primers that were being used 59:16.680 --> 59:19.320 Suggested that a better protocol could be designed 59:20.040 --> 59:22.280 And here in this interview as I pointed out 59:22.680 --> 59:28.520 He reinforced that pcr was working and that overcycling pcr could give you false positives 59:28.920 --> 59:31.000 When I have been arguing a very different thing 59:32.360 --> 59:34.200 That the background is already hot 59:35.160 --> 59:39.480 And for many of these short amplicons that they say were specific for this 59:40.040 --> 59:46.920 Virus the chances are very good that there were lots of false positives there because the background was hot because these signals were not as unique 59:47.400 --> 59:52.120 As they said they were and that we have no data zero data absolutely 59:53.480 --> 59:58.920 Zero data from before the pandemic about how any of these 250 odd tests would have looked 59:59.320 --> 01:00:03.240 How many false positives they would get and the only testing we really have 01:00:03.720 --> 01:00:07.880 To say that they work is done in perfect laboratory conditions with only one 01:00:08.360 --> 01:00:10.360 Pure product to detect 01:00:10.600 --> 01:00:14.920 And so sure the primers work in that scenario and sure the primers are specific in that scenario 01:00:15.320 --> 01:00:22.360 But that's very different than trying to amplify all of the rna reverse transcribed from a nasal swab 01:00:24.680 --> 01:00:27.320 And so these are the kinds of things that I believe 01:00:28.120 --> 01:00:33.240 With my whole heart and mind if kevin mccernan wanted to bring this down these are 01:00:33.960 --> 01:00:36.360 He would be the only person you'd need to have talk 01:00:37.320 --> 01:00:43.000 Because he could summarize across the whole pandemic from the very start what was done wrong 01:00:43.480 --> 01:00:47.560 And why these technologies and the fidelity of them was exaggerated 01:00:48.600 --> 01:00:54.680 The fidelity of the PCR tests were exaggerated the quality controlling of the PCR tests with non-existent 01:00:54.680 --> 01:00:58.040 The lateral flow tests were almost all coming from china. I mean give me a break 01:00:58.600 --> 01:00:59.880 None of these 01:00:59.880 --> 01:01:03.480 Technologies were adequately quality controlled proven to be 01:01:04.120 --> 01:01:07.560 Testing for a new virus and never compared to one another 01:01:07.560 --> 01:01:14.520 So the idea that somehow we have real data about how many cases there were from 2020 going forward is absurd 01:01:16.200 --> 01:01:18.360 And yet none of that narrative is being tested 01:01:18.760 --> 01:01:24.040 Not in that narratives being questioned none of those methodologies are being questioned and the guy who could reveal 01:01:25.160 --> 01:01:31.960 The limitations of these methodologies the overextended nature of the biosecurity narrative that we're currently engaged in 01:01:32.360 --> 01:01:34.360 This guy's not testing it at all 01:01:34.920 --> 01:01:41.080 And he's focused very exclusively on telling mary all about the consequences of the dna in the shot 01:01:44.760 --> 01:01:46.760 Darn it 01:01:48.520 --> 01:01:51.800 Is known to be associated with cancer, right? Oh, this is 01:01:51.800 --> 01:01:54.440 We didn't find the whole virus. The whole virus is about 5,000 bases long 01:01:54.520 --> 01:01:57.080 This is as long as the sp40 origin of 01:01:57.080 --> 01:01:59.800 40 because you and I talked about that on chdtv 01:01:59.800 --> 01:02:05.800 You found sp40 in these shots simian virus 40, which is known to be associated with cancer, right? 01:02:06.040 --> 01:02:09.080 So we didn't find the whole virus. The whole virus is about 5,000 bases long 01:02:09.160 --> 01:02:15.400 We did find the sp40 origin of replication, which is important. I'll touch on that the sp40 promoter 01:02:15.880 --> 01:02:19.240 And the sp40 enhancer and one other piece of it that 01:02:19.960 --> 01:02:22.360 Part of the polyase signal those four pieces 01:02:22.440 --> 01:02:26.760 But the sp40 enhancer has been published by david dean to be a nuclear targeting sequence 01:02:26.760 --> 01:02:29.960 So all the people who are claiming this will never get to the nucleus are really aware that no 01:02:29.960 --> 01:02:32.360 There's the sequence in this plasma drives it straight there 01:02:33.000 --> 01:02:35.960 The other piece of the operation there is sp40 origin replication 01:02:35.960 --> 01:02:41.320 That's a million origin of replication what that means is when that gets into a million cell it starts making more of itself 01:02:41.880 --> 01:02:43.960 Uh, so that's I think that's a very important 01:02:44.440 --> 01:02:49.720 Risk that the regulators need to consider they have these regulations speaking to nanograms of dna 01:02:49.800 --> 01:02:51.640 And they treat all dna is equal 01:02:51.640 --> 01:02:54.920 And you can't do that because some dna can amplify when it gets inside of a cell 01:02:55.000 --> 01:03:00.120 Therefore the limit that you could allow should be arguably lower for anything that can self amplify 01:03:00.600 --> 01:03:03.160 Um, the the regulations are too blind to this 01:03:03.800 --> 01:03:06.520 Um now that we have sequencing tools that we have today 01:03:07.080 --> 01:03:09.080 That we shouldn't have this 01:03:09.240 --> 01:03:13.720 Any any any dna is fine like we have the capacity to read exactly everything that's in there 01:03:13.720 --> 01:03:16.760 And we should be a hell of a lot more intelligent about what we allow in the vaccines 01:03:17.320 --> 01:03:21.720 And so we should be a hell of a lot more intelligent about what we allow in the vaccine 01:03:21.800 --> 01:03:26.520 So another one after another opportunity to say they're just transfections 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:31.240 This is an old technology and we should have done known better to use this in healthy humans 01:03:31.640 --> 01:03:36.280 They're not saying that at all. They're saying they're contaminated. They're adulterated. This could have been better 01:03:36.360 --> 01:03:44.760 This could have been fixed and a large amount of the downside can be attributed perhaps to the dna in the shots 01:03:46.200 --> 01:03:48.200 It's not good. It's it's 01:03:48.200 --> 01:03:51.320 We really have got to try and bring more people to understand that 01:03:51.800 --> 01:03:54.520 The brood beer perfect version of 01:03:54.920 --> 01:04:00.360 Transfection would not be appropriate for your kids and if you're if your grandmother is healthy 01:04:01.400 --> 01:04:03.800 Then no transfection is good for her 01:04:04.760 --> 01:04:11.240 If your grandmother is working in the garden every day and gets up at five in the morning and reads and then eats two eggs and bacon for 01:04:11.480 --> 01:04:15.800 Breakfast and then you know hasn't smoked since she was 18 and 01:04:16.440 --> 01:04:21.960 I don't know goes for a walk every morning and and and where's uh tennis shoes that that look 01:04:22.520 --> 01:04:24.280 It looks silly because they're bright pink 01:04:25.240 --> 01:04:28.200 Well goodness sakes you don't give her a transfection either 01:04:29.800 --> 01:04:36.600 And yet that's right now the prevailing narrative that's right now the prevailing target that's right now where these are most appropriate for 01:04:40.120 --> 01:04:43.160 The vulnerable the vulnerable 01:04:46.040 --> 01:04:51.720 We got to be careful ladies and gentlemen. This is not over yet if we can get some of these people on our team it would be great 01:04:52.920 --> 01:04:54.920 So given what you've learned so far 01:04:55.400 --> 01:04:59.560 What's next and and do you think that we need to have any immediate changes in policy? 01:05:00.600 --> 01:05:05.080 Independent of our findings. I think we need changes of the policy, but in terms of what we have found 01:05:05.640 --> 01:05:08.120 Um, I think we have to be screening 01:05:09.000 --> 01:05:11.240 Vaccinated biopsies cancer biopsies 01:05:11.880 --> 01:05:17.400 Uh, perhaps blood banks like there is concern over okay. We we now have the the blood supply contaminated with this 01:05:17.400 --> 01:05:19.960 There's quantitative PCR. We could be using for screening that 01:05:20.760 --> 01:05:27.400 Um, there's there's lactating mothers that are concerned that this is in the breast milk shortly after um, I mean think about how the the 01:05:28.200 --> 01:05:32.440 Donated blood supply would collapse if if suddenly there was a story where 01:05:33.080 --> 01:05:39.320 People who are having cancer if you looked at the cancerous tissue, you could find integration of the spike protein 01:05:40.280 --> 01:05:41.480 Uh 01:05:41.480 --> 01:05:47.320 RNA sequence in it or maybe sv40 or something. I don't know what we're gonna find. I don't know what he's gonna find 01:05:48.120 --> 01:05:50.360 Maybe he'll find nothing and declare it. It's okay 01:05:51.320 --> 01:05:53.320 All's well. I don't know 01:05:54.280 --> 01:06:00.040 But I want you to see the potential downsides here that go all the way back to the beginning 01:06:00.120 --> 01:06:04.200 They murdered americans so that people would take this seriously. They murdered americans 01:06:04.680 --> 01:06:06.680 So that people would would comply 01:06:07.640 --> 01:06:11.480 So that people would go along with it and take their shot when it was their turn 01:06:12.360 --> 01:06:19.560 They murdered americans to do that with protocols with lies and with social changes that allowed all kinds of 01:06:20.360 --> 01:06:22.360 causes of death to skyrocket 01:06:23.640 --> 01:06:25.800 And then they blamed it all on the novel virus 01:06:26.840 --> 01:06:30.360 And it doesn't seem like mary holland and kevin mccurnan are aware 01:06:31.960 --> 01:06:33.320 of the 01:06:33.320 --> 01:06:39.560 proportion of people and deaths that can't really be attributed to a spreading pathogen 01:06:40.680 --> 01:06:45.480 Even though people like denny rancor have been on chd tv a couple times 01:06:46.440 --> 01:06:52.200 Even though i'm sure kevin mccurnan knows who he is because i've been talking about denny rancor for at least two years 01:06:54.600 --> 01:06:58.200 The first time i put any slides of his in my slide deck was in 2021 01:06:58.680 --> 01:07:01.320 So i don't know. I mean everybody should know already 01:07:02.280 --> 01:07:05.320 But it seems like nobody can seem to get over that hump 01:07:06.440 --> 01:07:12.280 There is a novel virus if killed millions of people millions more were saved it probably came from gain of function and it will come again 01:07:13.160 --> 01:07:15.160 There's dna in the shot 01:07:22.280 --> 01:07:25.800 After vaccination we had a paper out last week that showed it was in the placenta 01:07:25.880 --> 01:07:30.440 So all types of questions are showing up now the crossing paper showed it in heart tissue 01:07:30.920 --> 01:07:31.800 So 01:07:31.800 --> 01:07:36.600 It's by the bio distribution of these ellen peas are everywhere and it's bringing with it all of this payload 01:07:37.480 --> 01:07:43.800 That isn't being well monitored yet. We have we've never been in a better position to be able to sequence all the rna and dna in a vaccine 01:07:43.880 --> 01:07:45.880 If we're going to use these platforms, so 01:07:46.360 --> 01:07:49.800 I think they do need to have far better transparency on the on the qc 01:07:50.600 --> 01:07:55.400 And then what you'll see today in this in this meeting is independent of the dna contamination issues 01:07:55.480 --> 01:08:00.360 There is a host of other problems with these vaccines that they should be pulled from the market immediately just over those alone 01:08:00.840 --> 01:08:06.520 I think I think the dna contamination is more of a signature a forensic signature of absolute and competent 01:08:06.920 --> 01:08:09.880 Think about how easy it would have been to say right there 01:08:09.960 --> 01:08:13.960 There's a whole host of other problems that stem from the fact that these are just 01:08:14.360 --> 01:08:20.920 Transfections and we knew already a long time ago that transfecting your healthy grandmother or transfecting your healthy child 01:08:21.320 --> 01:08:27.640 Or allowing your college aged kid to be transfected multiple times was absurd 01:08:28.600 --> 01:08:30.600 But did he say it? 01:08:30.920 --> 01:08:32.920 No, he didn't 01:08:35.640 --> 01:08:37.560 Listen again, please 01:08:37.560 --> 01:08:42.520 It's damning to be able to sequence all the rna and dna in a vaccine if we're going to use these platforms 01:08:42.600 --> 01:08:43.560 So 01:08:43.560 --> 01:08:46.920 I think they do need to have far better transparency on the on the qc 01:08:47.640 --> 01:08:52.600 And then what you'll see today in this in this meeting is independent of the dna contamination issues 01:08:52.600 --> 01:08:57.560 There is a host of other problems with these vaccines that they should be pulled from the market immediately just over those alone 01:08:58.040 --> 01:09:03.640 I think I think the dna contamination is more of a signature a forensic signature of absolute incompetence 01:09:03.640 --> 01:09:08.760 That's going on in the regulatory system now that I like and that just shows itself because it's a very traceable molecule 01:09:09.960 --> 01:09:12.680 Thank no, I like I like what he said there. I like that part 01:09:12.680 --> 01:09:18.680 That was very nice that the dna signature is really just a sign of their incompetence a sign of what they did 01:09:19.160 --> 01:09:22.040 But it's a shortcut that people like kevin mccernan 01:09:23.160 --> 01:09:26.040 Who have been in the bio technology space 01:09:26.760 --> 01:09:28.120 the bio 01:09:28.120 --> 01:09:30.120 pharmaceutical space for decades 01:09:31.000 --> 01:09:36.840 Have been making things with plasmid since this inception of the human genome project and understands 01:09:37.800 --> 01:09:44.520 How difficult it is to clean those projects up those those products up understands how monoclonal antibodies are made 01:09:44.920 --> 01:09:46.920 Is a molecular biological 01:09:47.800 --> 01:09:54.840 Methodological genius knows already knew that transfection would be wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 01:09:56.200 --> 01:10:00.760 Robert Malone knew that transfection would be wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 01:10:01.720 --> 01:10:08.760 Harvey rice should have known that transfection would be wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 01:10:10.760 --> 01:10:17.400 And so the fact that these people are complaining that they didn't understand that their biological knowledge was not sufficient that they 01:10:17.960 --> 01:10:23.480 Didn't really get the big picture of the immune system well enough to understand that transfection in its greatest best 01:10:24.040 --> 01:10:28.920 Purest form wouldn't be appropriate for healthy humans. That's their problem 01:10:31.080 --> 01:10:34.040 They have to repent for that they need to atone for that 01:10:36.840 --> 01:10:38.840 You can't let them off the hook 01:10:40.200 --> 01:10:42.840 They should have known they've been touring the world 01:10:44.680 --> 01:10:51.880 They've been going on podcast saying what they know but when why didn't they just say no from the very beginning 01:10:53.080 --> 01:10:57.160 These don't belong in healthy humans. Why is it so hard to say that 01:10:57.480 --> 01:11:05.880 Unequivocally without caveats or butts or what ifs 01:11:09.640 --> 01:11:11.640 Just know 01:11:13.640 --> 01:11:15.640 Harvey rice can't say it either 01:11:16.680 --> 01:11:18.680 Do so much dr. McCurnan 01:11:19.560 --> 01:11:20.840 Dr. McCurnan 01:11:20.840 --> 01:11:22.360 Dr. Harvey wish 01:11:22.440 --> 01:11:27.640 Professor emeritus of the Yale school of public health. Harvey welcome. Thank you. Great to be with you 01:11:27.800 --> 01:11:32.840 So talk to us about what you're going to be saying at this briefing that senator ron johnson's convened 01:11:33.320 --> 01:11:35.320 Well, i'm talking about my 01:11:35.880 --> 01:11:40.600 Hypothesis about why the vaccines were forced on everybody all over the world 01:11:40.920 --> 01:11:47.960 Mostly unnecessary if not all unnecessarily and the reasons why I think uh, we've been through this and a lot of this comes 01:11:48.520 --> 01:11:49.560 from 01:11:49.560 --> 01:11:52.680 Bobby's book the the Wuhan cover-up book where he 01:11:53.560 --> 01:11:57.800 In great detail explained all of the factors that led to the generation of the virus 01:11:58.200 --> 01:12:05.320 And and the cover-up over its leakage and but there's more to it that he hasn't gotten to but other people have talked about like Mike bens on tucker 01:12:05.320 --> 01:12:10.520 Carlson and others have been talking about this and this is a very important topic right now 01:12:11.400 --> 01:12:17.960 So you're going to be focused on why it happened as well as the epidemiology is that right? Well 01:12:18.760 --> 01:12:23.480 In my opinion, the vaccines were forced on the population because 01:12:24.040 --> 01:12:28.120 Making the virus virus of that bioengineer. There's no questions a man made virus 01:12:28.840 --> 01:12:32.680 And the problem with that is that offensive bio weapon development violates the 01:12:33.480 --> 01:12:38.200 1975 bio weapons treaty. So all bio weapons research has to be dual use 01:12:38.840 --> 01:12:44.520 That means the the virus has to be generated for dual use purposes and the research itself has to be dual use 01:12:45.320 --> 01:12:52.600 Now here for the and one of those dual uses could be to establish the illusion of pandemic potential 01:12:52.680 --> 01:12:59.800 So that the government could use the illusion the threat of pandemic potential to change the way we were governed 01:13:00.520 --> 01:13:03.000 to invert our sovereignty to permissions 01:13:04.280 --> 01:13:06.280 to restrict our movement 01:13:06.840 --> 01:13:08.840 and to transfect us to use 01:13:09.480 --> 01:13:10.680 use 01:13:10.680 --> 01:13:17.480 Transfection on the population so that it could be rolled out as a methodology tested and eventually used en masse 01:13:18.760 --> 01:13:21.320 Bill Gates is in transfecting his kids and himself 01:13:22.520 --> 01:13:25.320 Benjamin Netanyahu is in transfecting his family 01:13:27.080 --> 01:13:34.360 Come on ladies and gentlemen, this is a national security priority a national security operation and the people inside of the operation aren't participating 01:13:35.400 --> 01:13:37.400 They're watching it happen 01:13:38.280 --> 01:13:41.320 They are the ones who are actually in the audience 01:13:44.440 --> 01:13:46.440 We are stuck on stage 01:13:47.560 --> 01:13:53.960 And we don't know it we think we're out in the street living real life on the internet 01:13:55.800 --> 01:13:57.880 Real life on social media and we're not 01:13:59.000 --> 01:14:03.240 We're on stage surrounded by scenery and actors 01:14:04.280 --> 01:14:06.440 Liars and illusions 01:14:08.200 --> 01:14:10.600 And this is nothing more than that 01:14:11.720 --> 01:14:16.680 Wittingly or unwittingly these people are participating in this biosecurity illusion 01:14:17.480 --> 01:14:19.480 of gain of function viruses 01:14:20.520 --> 01:14:26.440 The effectiveness of vaccines the need for vaccines without being able to explain what's really going on 01:14:27.480 --> 01:14:31.800 the decades of biological history that underpin this movement 01:14:33.000 --> 01:14:34.920 the decades of 01:14:35.400 --> 01:14:38.200 Intellectual history that underpin this movement 01:14:40.040 --> 01:14:48.280 That have distorted the way that we think about RNA and DNA distorted the way we think about our immune response to any of these challenges 01:14:48.760 --> 01:14:50.760 to our environment 01:14:53.320 --> 01:14:56.200 It's absolutely atrocious where we are right now 01:14:58.040 --> 01:15:01.240 And if I didn't think I would get sued by this person 01:15:01.880 --> 01:15:04.360 I would play a recording that I have of him 01:15:05.160 --> 01:15:07.160 An absolute fool of himself 01:15:07.960 --> 01:15:09.400 He didn't know the word 01:15:09.400 --> 01:15:14.760 Transfection when I spoke to him and he told me that covid is still a very serious virus because 01:15:15.320 --> 01:15:20.360 Despite being double vaccinated and using hydroxychloroquine in a prophylactic way 01:15:20.680 --> 01:15:26.360 He still got infected by covid for a third time and it was two weeks of terrible illness 01:15:26.760 --> 01:15:30.360 So you better darn well respect the virus says harvey rice 01:15:32.200 --> 01:15:37.320 Oh, yeah, he took ivermectin too after he got infected and it still was two weeks of horrible 01:15:39.960 --> 01:15:41.960 It's the most comical 01:15:42.840 --> 01:15:45.320 Recording of this man i've ever found 01:15:46.120 --> 01:15:49.240 So insistent and you know what my response was well, wow, I guess 01:15:49.720 --> 01:15:54.440 hydroxychloroquine the two shots and ivermectin don't do anything for you 01:15:55.800 --> 01:15:57.800 So what do you really know? 01:15:58.680 --> 01:16:03.880 What do you really understand about what's going on if everything that you believe was proved wrong in the story 01:16:03.880 --> 01:16:07.400 You just told i guess hydroxychloroquine doesn't work prophylactically 01:16:07.800 --> 01:16:11.480 I guess ivermectin doesn't really shorten the duration of the disease 01:16:11.800 --> 01:16:17.080 I guess two shots doesn't stop you from getting infected either because this is your third infection 01:16:20.760 --> 01:16:23.880 And now he wants you to believe that it was forced on you for some 01:16:24.200 --> 01:16:27.720 Biosecurity reason but not not lied about 01:16:31.320 --> 01:16:35.320 And so here we have again a little twist and turn and bait and switch 01:16:37.160 --> 01:16:42.200 Making it much more complicated that it needs to be ockham's razor is not in anybody's pocket here 01:16:42.200 --> 01:16:48.280 i'll tell you that much right now complicated stories with lots of moving parts that involve lots more 01:16:48.920 --> 01:16:55.640 Crazy mythologies nutty biology crazy possibilities instead of just liars 01:16:58.920 --> 01:17:04.440 See that's the whole thing it's just liars if you just see that it's liars then we don't need any of this magic 01:17:04.440 --> 01:17:06.760 We don't need any of this mythology stop lying 01:17:07.640 --> 01:17:09.640 That's the whole point 01:17:10.120 --> 01:17:11.640 It's a 01:17:11.640 --> 01:17:15.240 Bioweapon virus gets out of the lab and it's not dual use 01:17:15.240 --> 01:17:18.920 It proves that all that research was was fraud that it was violating the law 01:17:19.160 --> 01:17:23.480 So in order to offset that problem it has to be shown to be dual use 01:17:23.480 --> 01:17:27.400 The only way you can show something to be dual use is if there's a vaccine 01:17:27.880 --> 01:17:32.680 So the vaccine had to come out even though it what the research was shoddy 01:17:33.000 --> 01:17:37.880 It was done, you know in a very rapid fashion a year later a year too late 01:17:38.280 --> 01:17:42.600 Yeah, you can understand a vaccine for for a pandemic has to be out before the pandemic 01:17:43.160 --> 01:17:45.640 Right not a year into it that that's absurd 01:17:46.040 --> 01:17:47.640 So but in any event 01:17:47.640 --> 01:17:53.160 So the vaccine had to be out for the public theater to show that there was a dual use in the first place 01:17:53.160 --> 01:17:58.600 So so the vaccine then becomes part of the cover up of the bioweapons league is that accurate exactly? 01:17:59.080 --> 01:18:01.320 Wow, I mean 01:18:01.320 --> 01:18:06.440 Mary's got it. Well done. She's smarter than me. I don't understand harvey 01:18:06.440 --> 01:18:10.600 I don't get what he means the vaccine came too late. It's got to come before the pandemic 01:18:12.360 --> 01:18:19.640 But I mean we have video after video of them saying that they wanted an am monoclonal antibody cocktail within 60 days 01:18:19.720 --> 01:18:26.200 They wanted a vaccine within 60 days a vaccine with an that I don't I don't see that 01:18:27.080 --> 01:18:30.040 It doesn't have to come before the pandemic. They showed the time frame 01:18:30.440 --> 01:18:33.640 The virus can be detected before the pandemic even kicks off 01:18:34.040 --> 01:18:37.400 Lockdowns can slow down the peak of the pandemic 01:18:39.400 --> 01:18:41.400 What is he talking about? 01:18:43.160 --> 01:18:47.160 And so the epidemiologist is not going to talk at all about epidemiology 01:18:48.680 --> 01:18:51.720 He's just going to wax intellectual about his theory that 01:18:52.600 --> 01:18:58.200 Biosecurity state had to cover up a bioweapon by rolling out a vaccine that didn't work or something like that 01:18:58.280 --> 01:19:00.680 What in the hell is going on here? 01:19:01.640 --> 01:19:04.440 How is this person speaking in front of the senate? 01:19:06.520 --> 01:19:08.520 Why was this person in romania 01:19:09.800 --> 01:19:11.800 in november of 2023 01:19:13.800 --> 01:19:19.720 I mean seriously we got nothing better than professor of emeritus of yale school of public health 01:19:19.720 --> 01:19:21.720 I 01:19:27.080 --> 01:19:32.040 Man, oh man, I'm just I'm just I can't believe it. I know it's hard to believe it 01:19:32.120 --> 01:19:34.520 But it's for me. It's really hard to believe that we are here 01:19:35.400 --> 01:19:37.400 It really is 01:19:41.560 --> 01:19:43.560 Hi 01:19:43.880 --> 01:19:50.760 I just have been watching the the tucker karlson michael ben's interview, which I think is profound about what's really been happening 01:19:50.920 --> 01:19:52.920 That's two tucker karlson's in a row 01:19:53.400 --> 01:19:56.680 All of these forces going on outside of public awareness 01:19:57.240 --> 01:20:01.640 Is is nefarious. That's tucker karlson. I've plugged again 01:20:01.720 --> 01:20:08.600 So now we're talking about censorship and and and government controlling the narrative on social media yada yada yada yada 01:20:08.680 --> 01:20:11.400 They're plugging tucker karlson again the liar 01:20:11.640 --> 01:20:13.400 Tucker 01:20:13.400 --> 01:20:19.080 Tucker karlson the liar. I don't know what else to say. I know lots of people like him, but he's a liar 01:20:21.080 --> 01:20:25.720 And he does the bidding of the state he moved to twitter because that's what they needed him to do 01:20:28.280 --> 01:20:35.000 Because they needed more narrative control on twitter because they needed to get him off box because he was starting it 01:20:35.000 --> 01:20:37.000 It was too much for there 01:20:37.240 --> 01:20:39.240 Something like that. I don't know what their deal is 01:20:41.720 --> 01:20:43.560 But he's definitely a liar 01:20:43.560 --> 01:20:46.040 If i'm invited to be on tucker's show, I won't go 01:20:46.920 --> 01:20:50.120 If I was invited on alix jones's podcast, I wouldn't go 01:20:52.440 --> 01:20:58.520 And if I went on joe rogan's podcast there wouldn't be a podcast because I would start out by saying you know all these people are liars 01:20:58.520 --> 01:20:59.400 Right 01:20:59.400 --> 01:21:05.240 Wait, dude. We can't have this podcast. This isn't gonna work. All right. Well roll one up then because this is all I got to say 01:21:05.720 --> 01:21:08.680 That's how long the joe rogan podcast would be with me 01:21:09.640 --> 01:21:16.040 Because I would want to start out with the obvious part that they murdered people in order to get this to work 01:21:16.840 --> 01:21:19.320 And they lied about it and they continue to lie about it 01:21:19.320 --> 01:21:27.720 It is a spectacular commitment to lies that allows the professor emeritus harvey rice the epidemiologist to not mention at all 01:21:27.720 --> 01:21:30.760 There's no epidemiological data evidence of spread 01:21:32.680 --> 01:21:37.000 For him to go in front of the senate and not talk at all about all cause mortality 01:21:39.560 --> 01:21:41.080 I 01:21:41.080 --> 01:21:45.560 Mean that's that's when you see it clearly. What are we doing here? 01:21:46.600 --> 01:21:48.600 What kind of clown show is this? 01:21:52.680 --> 01:21:56.200 We're gonna go to the next slide need harvey. We've been back 01:21:59.640 --> 01:22:06.680 I loved in your in your remarks. You said that that that that bringing home to people 01:22:07.240 --> 01:22:14.120 Really how serious and grave and outrageous the situation is particularly in the vaccine adverse event reporting system 01:22:14.360 --> 01:22:16.360 Would you tell us more about that? 01:22:16.680 --> 01:22:18.680 Yeah, well the two things 01:22:19.480 --> 01:22:24.280 It's it's been three or four years. Oh, so I hope that it's already clear 01:22:24.360 --> 01:22:31.000 She started out Jessica rose fact fact fact and that in her presentations. She said fact fact tech 01:22:31.240 --> 01:22:35.320 This is dr. Jessica rose. I see she's only got one of her four monikers here 01:22:36.280 --> 01:22:42.120 She's an immunologist a computational biologist a molecular biologist and also a virologist 01:22:42.680 --> 01:22:44.680 Sometimes she also says 01:22:45.560 --> 01:22:46.760 um 01:22:46.760 --> 01:22:52.040 Like applied mathematician too. So there's lots of hats that she can wear today. She's wearing immunologist 01:22:52.520 --> 01:22:56.520 And she said fact fact fact now interestingly enough 01:22:56.840 --> 01:22:58.840 Jessica rose was also in 01:22:59.560 --> 01:23:01.560 Romania in November of 01:23:01.880 --> 01:23:05.080 2023 where she also saw the presentation of 01:23:05.640 --> 01:23:07.400 Denny Rancor and also 01:23:08.200 --> 01:23:16.200 Took a selfie with Denny Rancor, but in her list of fact fact fact fact she never said that there is no 01:23:17.240 --> 01:23:19.240 Epidemiological evidence of spread 01:23:20.120 --> 01:23:26.200 Fact there's no there are many borders that that the virus apparently couldn't cross fact 01:23:26.680 --> 01:23:31.400 the viral deaths were correlated with with things like poverty instead of 01:23:31.960 --> 01:23:37.240 You know where it should have been maybe with age or something like that these facts 01:23:38.040 --> 01:23:39.560 from the data 01:23:39.560 --> 01:23:41.560 which were first sort of 01:23:42.440 --> 01:23:48.440 Illuminated by by Denny Rancor as early as 2020. We're not part of her list of facts 01:23:49.480 --> 01:23:51.480 It's an important thing to note 01:23:52.440 --> 01:23:54.440 I 01:23:55.960 --> 01:24:01.880 Looking into this data and it's pretty irrefutable what it's showing and this is CDC data. It's their own data 01:24:02.440 --> 01:24:03.880 um 01:24:03.880 --> 01:24:11.160 And it's time to stop trying to prove like to convince people of what's going on because it's so evident 01:24:11.240 --> 01:24:13.400 It's time to just start stating it is fact 01:24:13.960 --> 01:24:17.320 And I I can't remember who remarked on it today, but um 01:24:17.880 --> 01:24:19.880 It's absolutely true. I think it was Brett 01:24:20.360 --> 01:24:25.160 That we as scientists don't talk like that unless some things kind of 01:24:25.800 --> 01:24:28.920 Up like we don't say this is a fact in science 01:24:29.320 --> 01:24:34.280 But you can be more comfortable doing that in data, but I've never done that before but 01:24:35.240 --> 01:24:42.840 It's repeats for years of today. What are the key facts that our viewers may know, but need to know well 01:24:44.520 --> 01:24:48.040 Two things off the top of my head the magnitude of the 01:24:49.000 --> 01:24:58.360 The input into theirs, which is the vaccine adverse event recording system in the context of the covid shots is off the scales in comparison to the last 30 years 01:24:58.840 --> 01:25:01.720 And it's not only the magnitude of the reports 01:25:01.800 --> 01:25:09.400 It's the range of pipes of adverse events which speaks to the comprehensiveness of the damages that we're seeing clinically 01:25:10.200 --> 01:25:15.160 And what she should if she wanted to integrate across this jessica if you're watching 01:25:15.720 --> 01:25:20.360 What you should say here is that these this huge bouquet 01:25:21.640 --> 01:25:22.440 this 01:25:22.440 --> 01:25:24.440 swath of 01:25:24.440 --> 01:25:27.240 Of effects from the virus. I'm sorry 01:25:28.840 --> 01:25:36.120 The effects from the transfection that are codified in the bears system that you have been investigating for the last three years 01:25:36.760 --> 01:25:41.080 Speaks to the danger of transfection 01:25:42.040 --> 01:25:45.320 It speaks to the wide ranging 01:25:46.040 --> 01:25:50.600 Possibilities that are all downsides of transfecting healthy people 01:25:52.280 --> 01:25:56.600 And jessica has talked to me on my stream. She's talked to me on other streams 01:25:57.080 --> 01:26:01.560 We used to be in steve kersha steering committee together. We've had lots of zoom meetings 01:26:02.200 --> 01:26:08.040 She knows this she should know this if she's an immunologist computational biologist virologist 01:26:08.360 --> 01:26:12.920 Applied mathematician and molecular biologist. She should know this 01:26:15.000 --> 01:26:17.400 And it should be exactly what she says here 01:26:19.000 --> 01:26:23.960 Not just that these are evidence that people are getting heard, but they're evidence that all of this stuff 01:26:24.440 --> 01:26:32.360 Was already known it was going to happen. They knew that because transfection is inappropriate in healthy humans. How long? 01:26:33.400 --> 01:26:35.240 three seconds 01:26:35.240 --> 01:26:42.200 three seconds would it take to say the reason why there are so many is because people like michael yeden and 01:26:43.080 --> 01:26:45.080 Jonathan cooey and 01:26:45.080 --> 01:26:52.840 And and and peter makala all said very early on that this was going to cause a whole host of problems because you can't express 01:26:53.320 --> 01:26:56.920 Foreign protein in a healthy human and expect it not to go wrong 01:27:01.480 --> 01:27:03.480 Why not say that 01:27:04.360 --> 01:27:10.760 Why make it so difficult why make it so detailed, you know that they don't those don't matter anymore 01:27:11.720 --> 01:27:13.720 it's extraordinary 01:27:13.720 --> 01:27:15.720 gonna go back a little bit 01:27:16.120 --> 01:27:17.640 of the 01:27:17.640 --> 01:27:26.840 The input into veers, which is the vaccine adverse event recording system in the context of the covid shots is off the scales in comparison to the last 30 years 01:27:27.320 --> 01:27:30.200 And it's not only the magnitude of the reports 01:27:30.360 --> 01:27:33.080 It's the range of pipes of adverse events 01:27:33.400 --> 01:27:37.800 Which speaks to the comprehensiveness of the damages that we're seeing clinically 01:27:38.280 --> 01:27:40.280 So it's leaves rustling in the wind 01:27:41.080 --> 01:27:46.760 Yeah, it's leaves rustling in the wind that say that it was criminally negligent to ever transfect anyone 01:27:48.040 --> 01:27:50.040 And that needs to be said 01:27:51.000 --> 01:27:54.440 That everybody with a biology degree should have known 01:27:55.400 --> 01:28:03.560 And it seems so inconsistent as you're saying with anything that we've ever called a vaccine before it seems much more consistent with what we've always called a poison 01:28:04.040 --> 01:28:05.800 Yeah, well, um 01:28:05.800 --> 01:28:12.760 They're not vaccines by any stretch of the imagination say it or definition say it's our lipid nanoparticles carrying 01:28:13.320 --> 01:28:20.280 Genetic material. They're transfections. You know probably more recently. We've discovered it doesn't just contain modified mRNA 01:28:20.600 --> 01:28:24.760 Tanes DNA, which comes with an entire boatload of additional problems 01:28:25.640 --> 01:28:27.880 And it's been written off as not a problem 01:28:29.480 --> 01:28:31.480 Yeah 01:28:32.360 --> 01:28:37.240 So what what what to head for you in in doing research on this Jessica 01:28:38.600 --> 01:28:40.600 backing up 01:28:40.600 --> 01:28:42.600 Anybody who wants me to 01:28:43.320 --> 01:28:46.440 From any point of view that I can immunologically 01:28:47.000 --> 01:28:50.760 Iochemically molecular biology math stats, whatever 01:28:50.840 --> 01:28:57.240 I'm just going to be a support system as I have been I don't plan on launching any new things myself at the time 01:28:57.800 --> 01:28:59.160 um 01:28:59.160 --> 01:29:02.360 And hopefully I'm going to catch some more words soon 01:29:04.440 --> 01:29:06.440 Is there anything else you want to tell us 01:29:07.080 --> 01:29:11.400 Just thanks for everything that you do the diligence. Thanks for being here 01:29:11.960 --> 01:29:15.720 Not not just witnessing risk for reporting on it. I I have a 01:29:16.760 --> 01:29:19.160 I haven't been to one of these ever in my life 01:29:19.240 --> 01:29:20.120 and 01:29:20.120 --> 01:29:26.280 I just feel that this one is different from the other one somehow like we've we've reached a 01:29:26.920 --> 01:29:28.920 boiling point 01:29:29.160 --> 01:29:34.440 I think that's right. It was quite uh, it was four hours that was action-packed to be well 01:29:34.440 --> 01:29:40.200 I think there were 27 speakers and senator johnson and it was every dimension of this and 01:29:40.680 --> 01:29:44.200 The people who are speaking who are really speaking out of 01:29:45.000 --> 01:29:51.000 Outrage and immediacy. We we have to turn this around now. There's not a lot of waiting time 01:29:51.320 --> 01:29:55.000 There's no doubt about that. I I think we are at a critical point and 01:29:55.720 --> 01:30:01.160 one thing I would have liked to have said if I had any general closing remarks, I I can say them here is 01:30:02.040 --> 01:30:08.440 To anyone who thinks that you should underestimate the seriousness of the problem we have right now globally 01:30:09.000 --> 01:30:15.000 Um rethink because we're we're in the sh it like we really are and we 01:30:15.800 --> 01:30:17.800 For anyone who watched this hearing today 01:30:18.440 --> 01:30:22.760 We had belgium israel canada united states germany 01:30:23.320 --> 01:30:30.040 Romania forgive me for who i'm missing we're coming together because we have to we have a shared problem and we need to 01:30:30.760 --> 01:30:38.360 We need to give anything. Uh, we may be underestimating the scope of the horror. Yeah, we're we're we can't it's hard to overstate it 01:30:38.360 --> 01:30:43.400 But that's okay because uh, you know, there's still some optimism now. There there was this thing 01:30:44.120 --> 01:30:46.120 Um, that happened 01:30:46.120 --> 01:30:47.960 I'm gonna switch back here quick 01:30:47.960 --> 01:30:52.520 And there was this uh thing that happened at some point in that four-hour stream that I did 01:30:52.840 --> 01:30:57.720 About the senate hearing where I said why are we having so many foreigners speak? 01:30:58.600 --> 01:31:04.440 Why are all these white people speaking? We went around the world to bring white men to speak in front of the senate 01:31:05.400 --> 01:31:10.680 And and some people didn't really appreciate that remark. It was like three hours in and i'm not 01:31:11.160 --> 01:31:15.400 I'm not here to apologize for that remark that remark was meant to provoke something 01:31:16.520 --> 01:31:17.560 because 01:31:17.560 --> 01:31:19.320 in the senate 01:31:19.320 --> 01:31:23.640 Where american laws are written and where american laws can be changed 01:31:24.440 --> 01:31:27.400 Where the voting american public is represented 01:31:30.440 --> 01:31:37.800 I think we have a very limited need for foreigners to be present and to testify as to what happened around the world 01:31:38.440 --> 01:31:41.160 Although it's fine if you think that those people were valuable 01:31:42.440 --> 01:31:51.320 But I would suggest to you it's just as strange that we've had groups of americans the same more or less group of americans touring the world 01:31:51.880 --> 01:31:53.400 Old 01:31:53.400 --> 01:31:54.680 Stockholm 01:31:54.680 --> 01:31:56.040 Italy 01:31:56.040 --> 01:31:59.320 Costa Rica. I don't know where they all go. Maybe it wasn't Costa Rica 01:32:00.760 --> 01:32:03.240 You know cruises off the coast of turkey 01:32:04.200 --> 01:32:06.200 These things all happened 01:32:06.680 --> 01:32:12.280 And why are these americans these same americans spending so much time courting 01:32:12.840 --> 01:32:18.600 The narrative in other countries controlling the narrative leading the charge in other countries 01:32:21.560 --> 01:32:26.920 Aren't you at least kind of suspicious why these americans are on world tours and it's all the same americans 01:32:28.120 --> 01:32:32.200 The ones with deep long connections to the thing we're supposed to be fighting 01:32:32.840 --> 01:32:37.560 I don't know if anybody who's given a presentation in front of the who should be trusted 01:32:39.400 --> 01:32:41.400 Is that crazy? 01:32:41.880 --> 01:32:43.880 And yet here we are 01:32:44.440 --> 01:32:46.440 A 01:32:46.440 --> 01:32:53.240 Whole senate presentation organized by the presentations selected by a person who gave a presentations in front of the who 01:32:55.080 --> 01:32:57.400 And nobody's batting an eyelash at it 01:32:59.640 --> 01:33:04.040 A guy who is as deeply connected as to be best buddies with david home 01:33:05.080 --> 01:33:07.400 I mean how much more connected can you be than that? 01:33:08.520 --> 01:33:10.520 That he's claimed in an interview 01:33:11.320 --> 01:33:17.080 Side-by-side with with steven hat fill that he was vetted for possibly heading up science 01:33:17.880 --> 01:33:19.880 at us amort 01:33:20.120 --> 01:33:23.640 and now he's allowed to organize a 01:33:24.360 --> 01:33:26.360 COVID discussion 01:33:26.680 --> 01:33:28.680 That's supposed to be meaningful 01:33:29.160 --> 01:33:35.880 That's supposed to have some value for our grandchildren. I'm sorry, but that's that's not what happened here 01:33:40.520 --> 01:33:42.520 I 01:33:51.800 --> 01:33:54.760 I'm delighted to introduce dr. Brett Weinstein 01:33:55.560 --> 01:34:00.840 With the dark horse podcast evolutionary biologist now a fellow at the brownstone institute 01:34:01.160 --> 01:34:06.600 Just here participating in the briefing that senator johnson convene welcome. Thank you 01:34:07.160 --> 01:34:08.600 So 01:34:08.600 --> 01:34:13.400 So you uh the the tagline for this briefing was what are they hiding? 01:34:13.400 --> 01:34:15.400 And I believe you started your remarks with 01:34:15.400 --> 01:34:23.000 They're hiding everything we know i'm pretty sure that during the course of my stay at the at children's health defense more than once 01:34:23.960 --> 01:34:27.800 either a donor connected to Brett Weinstein or 01:34:29.320 --> 01:34:31.480 Yeah as something like that 01:34:31.480 --> 01:34:38.520 Contacted chd to say that jonathan cooey is saying bad things about Brett Weinstein and you should make him stop 01:34:40.120 --> 01:34:42.120 Can't make those things up 01:34:42.120 --> 01:34:43.480 That happened 01:34:43.480 --> 01:34:48.920 Christine grace actually also sent a couple letters or emails to mary holland saying that jay was 01:34:49.400 --> 01:34:53.400 Slandering her and disparaging her online and that he should be rained in and stopped 01:34:55.320 --> 01:34:57.000 And there were others 01:34:57.080 --> 01:35:00.920 But Brett's one in particular that I remember very well because I find it funny now 01:35:01.400 --> 01:35:07.800 That just like that after I was laid off my my position was ended in on january 4th 01:35:07.800 --> 01:35:11.080 And I was offered eight thousand dollars and a non-disclosure agreement 01:35:12.040 --> 01:35:17.000 Here we have Brett Weinstein being interviewed by the president of children's health defense at the senate 01:35:20.600 --> 01:35:22.200 It's fun. It's fun times 01:35:22.280 --> 01:35:31.080 It's really really fun times and i'm sure that everybody that really understands what's going on is also going to label me now as an obvious medler 01:35:32.040 --> 01:35:35.160 Obviously right from the back of my garage with a green screen 01:35:36.040 --> 01:35:41.000 And a computer and 3,000 followers on twitch. I'm the medler 01:35:42.200 --> 01:35:44.440 It couldn't possibly be any of these people 01:35:46.520 --> 01:35:49.400 It couldn't possibly be any of these people 01:35:52.760 --> 01:35:54.760 So 01:35:56.280 --> 01:35:59.960 I wonder if she's going to ask him why she didn't play why he didn't play bobby's 01:36:00.440 --> 01:36:01.720 interview from 01:36:01.720 --> 01:36:04.680 November of 2021 until February of 01:36:05.320 --> 01:36:06.520 2023 01:36:06.520 --> 01:36:08.520 I wonder if she'll ask him that 01:36:08.840 --> 01:36:10.840 I wonder if she'll ask him about his dad 01:36:11.400 --> 01:36:13.000 and uh 01:36:13.000 --> 01:36:14.360 And 01:36:14.360 --> 01:36:16.520 His dad's relationship with bobby's dad 01:36:17.880 --> 01:36:20.760 Was it good? Was it long? Did you have a barbecue with him? 01:36:20.760 --> 01:36:23.800 You know, are they going to ask any of that? Nah, probably not either 01:36:25.560 --> 01:36:28.280 This is pretty much just a promotion of him 01:36:29.080 --> 01:36:32.360 profession of professor of evolutionary biology where 01:36:33.160 --> 01:36:36.680 At what university does he hold this prestigious title 01:36:39.720 --> 01:36:44.840 At least you could just put phd or something but professor of evolutionary biology. I don't think so 01:36:45.480 --> 01:36:49.800 Say a little bit more about that. Well, um, yeah, I they are hiding everything 01:36:51.640 --> 01:36:52.360 And 01:36:52.360 --> 01:36:59.160 What I mean by that is that they are sabotaging all of the mechanisms that we would normally use to figure out what's true 01:36:59.320 --> 01:37:06.520 And that sounds like a wild exaggeration, but it isn't the fact is it's not even just a an attack on the university system 01:37:06.520 --> 01:37:11.560 It's an attack on every single university. The research done there is low quality 01:37:11.880 --> 01:37:16.840 Not repeatable and so what he wants you to believe is that the university system is twisted but him 01:37:17.640 --> 01:37:20.680 He's fine and actually he's the one you should turn to 01:37:21.240 --> 01:37:24.280 The university of Austin is somebody you should turn to 01:37:24.760 --> 01:37:31.000 The brownstone institute is somebody you should turn to and now they've made him a fellow. I wonder how much money they give him 01:37:31.880 --> 01:37:34.360 Do they give him any money? Gosh, I hope they don't 01:37:35.880 --> 01:37:41.240 I mean seriously if the brownstone institute gives out fellowships and the fellowships have any money at all 01:37:41.560 --> 01:37:43.560 I 01:37:45.000 --> 01:37:47.800 Mean man. Oh man. Why give it to this guy 01:37:51.240 --> 01:37:53.480 How can this possibly be? 01:37:56.920 --> 01:37:58.920 I think you know the answer 01:37:59.800 --> 01:38:01.800 I think you know the answer 01:38:02.760 --> 01:38:08.760 There is a controlled limited spectrum of debate. These people are being placed to control it 01:38:08.840 --> 01:38:10.520 They have been placed 01:38:10.520 --> 01:38:17.400 To control it. They will continue to control it and anybody that happens to jump in the boat and rock the boat a little bit 01:38:17.400 --> 01:38:19.880 Will get thrown immediately out. It doesn't matter 01:38:20.440 --> 01:38:26.120 What kind of integrity you have what books you help with what citations you you contribute 01:38:26.120 --> 01:38:30.680 It doesn't matter what you do if you rock this boat of the novel virus 01:38:32.920 --> 01:38:37.480 If you rock this boat where nobody's talking about the childhood vaccine schedule 01:38:37.480 --> 01:38:43.080 All these people are saying wow children's health defense is so great. We love what you guys do 01:38:43.080 --> 01:38:45.080 What exactly do you do? 01:38:47.160 --> 01:38:50.520 What exactly does children health defense do? Why can't anybody say it? 01:38:52.120 --> 01:38:53.960 Children's health defense 01:38:53.960 --> 01:38:58.040 What do they do? Do they oppose the childhood vaccine schedule? 01:38:58.040 --> 01:39:05.560 Do they believe that all intramuscular injection of combinations of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb or not? 01:39:06.360 --> 01:39:08.360 What are they actually doing? 01:39:14.760 --> 01:39:16.760 Why aren't they praising 01:39:17.000 --> 01:39:22.040 The green book the vax unvax book. Why don't they say that wow children's health defense 01:39:22.040 --> 01:39:27.000 You sure put out a whopper with that book that thing is fantastic brian hooker is a hero 01:39:29.240 --> 01:39:33.560 Why is it just always we love what you guys are doing support the organization you guys are great 01:39:33.560 --> 01:39:39.160 Wow, you're just you're just awesome calling attention to all these things what things 01:39:41.480 --> 01:39:48.200 The childhood vaccine schedule should we stop it? Should we pause the childhood vaccine schedule until it's evaluated? 01:39:49.000 --> 01:39:50.520 Objectively 01:39:50.520 --> 01:39:57.080 Should we impose strict liability on pharmaceutical products? Is that something that children's health defense advocates for? 01:39:57.880 --> 01:40:00.280 I can't tell what's going on here 01:40:00.280 --> 01:40:05.000 But it doesn't seem to be a very good representation of children's health defense and what they're doing 01:40:06.600 --> 01:40:10.440 She opened by plugging another nonprofit called the center for 01:40:11.080 --> 01:40:14.120 security studies or security policy 01:40:15.880 --> 01:40:21.080 And then that guy plugged maryll nasa's new anti who doors to freedom 01:40:21.960 --> 01:40:23.960 non-profit 01:40:24.840 --> 01:40:26.920 There's a lot of weird 01:40:26.920 --> 01:40:28.600 conflicts of interest 01:40:28.600 --> 01:40:31.320 Coming from the president of children's health defense here 01:40:31.640 --> 01:40:37.320 And we're not being very clear taking this opportunity to say what children's health defense does and why they do it 01:40:39.400 --> 01:40:44.120 Or is it now really transforming into this amorphous health freedom 01:40:45.080 --> 01:40:48.120 And just some kind of big top 10 where everybody can have a booth 01:40:48.200 --> 01:40:51.560 But we don't really take any particular stance on anything 01:40:51.880 --> 01:40:56.680 We just want to be health freedom and we want everybody to be able to say what they want to say 01:40:57.320 --> 01:40:59.320 That is a disaster 01:41:02.680 --> 01:41:07.160 We need children's health defense to step up right now and take firm stances on things 01:41:07.480 --> 01:41:15.640 We need children's health defense to stand on firm ground and say things that people can understand and restate and digest 01:41:16.600 --> 01:41:20.600 We need people who can speak clearly not people like Brett Weinstein 01:41:22.600 --> 01:41:27.880 And yet here they are promoting the liar Tucker Carlson promoting the intellectual dark web 01:41:28.440 --> 01:41:31.400 Member and founding member maybe Brett Weinstein 01:41:34.600 --> 01:41:37.240 And we're going to overlook the fact that the president of 01:41:37.720 --> 01:41:43.320 children's health defense came to Brett Weinstein's podcast in the 21 of November to give a 01:41:43.640 --> 01:41:49.480 Brilliant three-hour interview in Brett's own house and Brett didn't release it until February of 23 01:41:52.920 --> 01:41:55.880 We're going to ignore the fact that Brett Weinstein was not 01:41:57.240 --> 01:42:05.080 For Bobby when Bobby spoke in front of of the streets or the the square in Berlin in October of 2020 01:42:06.040 --> 01:42:11.240 He did not support that he was pro mask. He was pro lockdown. He was pro hard lockdown 01:42:12.200 --> 01:42:15.880 And Bobby was saying ignore all of it. You see the problem here 01:42:17.080 --> 01:42:19.720 Did we forget that that happened? Apparently we did 01:42:21.800 --> 01:42:25.000 We don't have much time to wake up ladies and gentlemen 01:42:26.440 --> 01:42:32.920 We don't have much time to wake up. We are being given false false saviors 01:42:33.640 --> 01:42:35.640 fake 01:42:36.040 --> 01:42:38.040 Resistance 01:42:38.360 --> 01:42:45.880 This is not really questioning the foundation of public health. It's not really questioning the foundation of of alipathic medicine 01:42:45.880 --> 01:42:48.760 This is just this is just mealy mouth 01:42:50.280 --> 01:42:53.160 Limited spectrum of debate gnome Chomsky style 01:42:54.600 --> 01:43:01.720 Well, the lessons taught there are actually in large measure not even true anymore things that are verifiably false are taught as if they are true 01:43:02.280 --> 01:43:06.600 Um our regulatory agencies work exactly in reverse 01:43:06.600 --> 01:43:10.360 They protect regulators from from citizens not the other way around 01:43:10.760 --> 01:43:14.840 So something is attacking all of the mechanisms in civilization 01:43:15.480 --> 01:43:19.640 That are supposed to seek the truth and act upon it and that's not a coincidence 01:43:20.600 --> 01:43:26.680 So I think you also concluded your mark saying we need to save the west which is a pretty profound statement 01:43:26.680 --> 01:43:28.360 Tell us what you mean by that 01:43:28.360 --> 01:43:32.440 Well, so I defined the west a little differently than other people. I define it in a way that I think 01:43:32.760 --> 01:43:37.320 Uh is maybe a lesson to it but more natural. I would say the west is 01:43:38.040 --> 01:43:40.360 the agreement what aside our 01:43:41.080 --> 01:43:45.560 lineage level differences and to collaborate with anybody who 01:43:46.200 --> 01:43:53.880 Has something that they bring do you understand how unhelpful this is when we are standing in the american senate where american laws are written 01:43:53.880 --> 01:43:58.120 And american laws can be changed where the votes of american people are supposed to be 01:43:58.760 --> 01:44:01.880 Sort of influencing how we move forward as a country 01:44:01.960 --> 01:44:08.760 Do you know how ridiculous it is for him to be talking in these very unspecific terms about the west and saving it? 01:44:12.200 --> 01:44:15.800 We are in the midst of a car crash. There is an oak tree coming 01:44:19.160 --> 01:44:21.880 And he's talking about car crashes in general 01:44:24.200 --> 01:44:28.040 And how in general you can avoid car crashes. We're in one right now 01:44:28.920 --> 01:44:32.280 We need to hit the brakes and turn the steering wheel right now 01:44:32.920 --> 01:44:39.080 You're sitting in the driver's seat the senate of the us government and you have decided to talk about other car crashes 01:44:39.560 --> 01:44:42.920 And car crashes in general hypothetical car crashes 01:44:45.640 --> 01:44:52.840 That's what we're dealing with here. We are being bamboozled. We are being actively bamboozled and we're supposed to watch this through our screens 01:44:53.320 --> 01:44:58.600 Through our phones and think something meaningful is happening when it's not and we've got to put actual 01:44:59.160 --> 01:45:01.160 We've got to call it what it is 01:45:01.320 --> 01:45:04.360 These people are performing they've been performing for four years 01:45:04.840 --> 01:45:08.040 And so far none of the people that I see here are people that I trust 01:45:08.760 --> 01:45:11.400 And it's because they have not earned it 01:45:12.600 --> 01:45:14.600 Because they're unable to 01:45:14.680 --> 01:45:19.240 Tell the whole story because they've been focused on the same damn thing for four years 01:45:19.640 --> 01:45:26.680 How is it possible that somebody who claims to have a degree in immunology computational biology applied mathematics 01:45:27.080 --> 01:45:32.280 Immunology molecular biology and and and and biochemistry 01:45:34.440 --> 01:45:39.400 Is so hyper focused on veers and still can't seem to call transfection what it is 01:45:39.960 --> 01:45:47.640 Kill still hasn't taught a basic immunology done in a basic immunology lecture or a basic immunology series on sub stack 01:45:47.720 --> 01:45:49.480 What's going on? 01:45:49.480 --> 01:45:51.480 How can you not see it? 01:45:53.560 --> 01:45:56.040 Joking around about about surfing 01:45:57.240 --> 01:46:01.880 This is a person who apparently is an israeli citizen and a canadian citizen 01:46:02.360 --> 01:46:10.920 And has spent about half of her time in these two places boy suffering a lot. I wonder what job she lost speaking out against veers 01:46:11.000 --> 01:46:12.520 Oh wait, nothing 01:46:12.600 --> 01:46:18.360 She's never had a tenure track position. She's never been at a university and tried to make it as a scientist 01:46:18.360 --> 01:46:22.600 I don't know what she's doing, but she's got nato on her funding list 01:46:25.000 --> 01:46:28.120 And her first few papers are virology papers 01:46:34.600 --> 01:46:39.960 That's why she's not usefully questioning anything if she has the background to do it because 01:46:40.600 --> 01:46:42.600 It's not her job 01:46:45.240 --> 01:46:48.520 It's also not her job to call out these childhood vaccines 01:46:50.280 --> 01:46:53.240 That the whole vaccine schedule in america is bunk 01:46:53.320 --> 01:46:55.960 It's not her job to say that so she's definitely not going to do it 01:46:56.520 --> 01:46:59.240 Even though she's got a show on chd she's not going to do it 01:46:59.880 --> 01:47:01.880 Just like mary doesn't do it 01:47:02.760 --> 01:47:04.280 I 01:47:04.280 --> 01:47:07.960 One time she could say yeah, the primary focus is the vaccine schedule 01:47:08.360 --> 01:47:10.200 We're trying to call attention to it 01:47:10.200 --> 01:47:18.520 And the the covid vaccine is just the latest iteration in this and we've got to be very careful as we move forward nothing zero zip 01:47:19.240 --> 01:47:20.600 Stop lying 01:47:20.600 --> 01:47:22.840 Come on guys. You got to see it for what it is 01:47:23.560 --> 01:47:27.800 The table is worth collaborating with so that is such a powerful idea 01:47:27.880 --> 01:47:34.200 It is so productive that it has created an incredibly vibrant society 01:47:34.760 --> 01:47:35.560 Here in the u.s 01:47:35.560 --> 01:47:43.480 But it has also become contagious and it has spread throughout the world because once people see how dynamic and productive a system that is 01:47:44.120 --> 01:47:45.960 They want to participate 01:47:45.960 --> 01:47:49.480 And that system is now in grave jeopardy 01:47:49.880 --> 01:47:53.320 It is falling apart because we've become obsessed with 01:47:54.120 --> 01:47:56.680 Ways in which it is imperfect which is a terrible mistake 01:47:56.680 --> 01:47:58.680 but even worse because the 01:47:59.720 --> 01:48:00.760 the 01:48:00.760 --> 01:48:08.520 Democratic structure at the heart of it consent of the governed is under attack by something that is uncomfortable with the idea that we should have 01:48:09.000 --> 01:48:11.000 power over our own future 01:48:11.400 --> 01:48:14.360 Why not just say liars? 01:48:15.240 --> 01:48:20.760 Because people are spectacularly committed to a lie or a series of lies 01:48:21.400 --> 01:48:25.480 They're not saying it because this is a limited spectrum of debate that's not supposed to free us 01:48:25.880 --> 01:48:30.360 So another term that you used and i've heard you use is called the cartesian crisis 01:48:30.440 --> 01:48:32.200 Would you explain to us what you mean by that? 01:48:32.200 --> 01:48:34.280 Sure, it's a little a little arcane, but 01:48:35.160 --> 01:48:37.160 I use it because rene decarp 01:48:38.280 --> 01:48:44.520 Had a kind of crisis when he realized that there were a great many things that he understood to be factually true 01:48:44.760 --> 01:48:47.880 But that he had established essentially none of them itself 01:48:48.040 --> 01:48:53.080 And that meant that there was reason to doubt that he where he thought he was somebody who was based in fact 01:48:53.160 --> 01:48:55.320 He was really taking a lot on authority 01:48:55.800 --> 01:49:01.160 And this resulted in him ultimately trying to establish that he could say anything was factual 01:49:01.240 --> 01:49:05.400 And that's where we get the famous proof cardido ergo soon. I think therefore I am 01:49:06.040 --> 01:49:09.800 Right now. I don't think that's a very good proof of anything because um, but nonetheless 01:49:09.880 --> 01:49:10.760 It's a very important 01:49:10.760 --> 01:49:13.160 Yeah, because it allows us to go on and do important things 01:49:13.240 --> 01:49:18.520 But the reason I say cartesian crisis is because we are now in the nightmare 01:49:18.760 --> 01:49:25.560 That rene decarp feared he might be in where all of the things that he thought were factual might not even be correct and 01:49:26.360 --> 01:49:28.360 Because our 01:49:28.360 --> 01:49:31.720 Our truth seeking apparatus has been under such intense attack 01:49:32.360 --> 01:49:34.360 We don't know what's true 01:49:34.360 --> 01:49:40.520 Some things that are very easy to establish this amount of difficult scientific question to figure out whether or not 01:49:41.000 --> 01:49:43.400 mRNA vaccines cause turbo cancers 01:49:43.480 --> 01:49:45.720 That's a very straightforward scientific problem 01:49:45.720 --> 01:49:51.720 But we are nonetheless left to grapple with anecdote because to the extent that there are studies they're likely to be 01:49:52.440 --> 01:49:54.440 set up to sail and 01:49:54.440 --> 01:50:03.640 The rest is anecdote. So we are left to make sense of the world without the most obvious basic tools without 01:50:03.720 --> 01:50:10.760 Anything that flows to us from the enlightenment and that is indeed a very dangerous predicament 01:50:11.480 --> 01:50:18.040 Uh, rather than of course characterizing it as we are up against and arguing with people who are our liars 01:50:19.000 --> 01:50:21.000 Are spectacularly committed to a lie 01:50:22.760 --> 01:50:29.480 And so by obfuscating that simple fact it makes it very difficult for people to engage in useful resistance 01:50:29.480 --> 01:50:31.320 That's that's what this guy does 01:50:31.880 --> 01:50:33.880 in a nutshell 01:50:34.280 --> 01:50:39.800 It's exactly what what arthur asked in the chat like what what what in the f is he saying? 01:50:40.760 --> 01:50:44.040 He's saying way more than he needs to say when you could just say that 01:50:44.040 --> 01:50:47.400 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and these people are 01:50:47.960 --> 01:50:49.960 Spectacularly committed to the lie 01:50:50.440 --> 01:50:53.640 Done zero zip none of that is here 01:50:53.960 --> 01:50:57.640 We don't do anything simple because it's not the point the point is to have 01:50:58.120 --> 01:51:03.480 The illusion of a very vigorous debate inside of this limited spectrum of understanding 01:51:03.880 --> 01:51:07.720 It's got to be a very vigorous debate. That's why he's got to talk like that 01:51:08.520 --> 01:51:10.520 It's an illusion 01:51:12.600 --> 01:51:17.000 So anything else you'd like any other hopeful notes you like to say to the chd audience? 01:51:17.000 --> 01:51:20.520 Well, yeah, okay. I'll end on a hopeful note, and I truly believe this 01:51:22.760 --> 01:51:24.280 And 01:51:24.280 --> 01:51:27.480 In evolution we talk about something called the adaptive landscape 01:51:27.480 --> 01:51:32.120 It's a metaphor that helps us understand some subtle processes and evolution and the idea is 01:51:32.680 --> 01:51:34.680 that opportunities are 01:51:35.240 --> 01:51:41.480 Peaks on this adaptive landscape and there are valleys that keep you from going from a low peak to a higher one 01:51:42.600 --> 01:51:45.160 Now that the important thing to realize is that 01:51:45.800 --> 01:51:49.800 We have to leave the peak. We're on this is not a sustainable place 01:51:49.800 --> 01:51:54.200 We can't run a society this way which means that we will have to go through an adaptive valley 01:51:54.200 --> 01:51:58.600 So to the extent that people see things is very very dark. They're not imagining it 01:51:59.160 --> 01:52:03.000 But that's inevitable. There's no guarantee that we get through the adaptive valley 01:52:03.160 --> 01:52:05.480 Please understand that this is a complete reveal 01:52:06.440 --> 01:52:08.440 This is a jackpot right here 01:52:09.000 --> 01:52:11.000 My argument has been that since 01:52:12.040 --> 01:52:17.400 2017 already Brett Weinstein was being placed with this evergreen thing 01:52:18.280 --> 01:52:20.440 placed on social media to have some 01:52:20.840 --> 01:52:25.480 Alternative stance on things to have some alternative presence on things 01:52:25.800 --> 01:52:30.680 And then him and his brother and joe rogan a bunch of other people started coordinating bros with shows 01:52:31.160 --> 01:52:35.640 Until they had a little presence and in 2019 they had a presence 01:52:36.840 --> 01:52:38.840 And on his eighth podcast 01:52:38.840 --> 01:52:44.920 He agreed with sam heres that when the real pandemic comes when 70 percent of the people are being killed by a virus 01:52:45.320 --> 01:52:47.720 That we won't have time for these anti-vaxxers 01:52:49.400 --> 01:52:51.400 And that was by design 01:52:52.120 --> 01:52:57.320 Because Brett Weinstein is keen on the fact that we can't run the planet like this 01:52:58.040 --> 01:53:01.400 Brett Weinstein is keen on the fact that there are too many people 01:53:01.960 --> 01:53:06.600 And so we're going to have to do something the ruling class is going to have to make some decisions 01:53:07.000 --> 01:53:10.520 He sounds like the club of roamed guy right here 01:53:12.360 --> 01:53:13.880 Make no mistake about it 01:53:13.880 --> 01:53:19.960 He's using this opportunity to reveal that he essentially is absolutely and totally on board 01:53:20.360 --> 01:53:23.720 With whatever peter teal elon musk and all the other 01:53:24.360 --> 01:53:29.880 Billionaires in the world have in store for us as they slowly ramp the population down 01:53:30.440 --> 01:53:33.240 To whatever they think the carrying capacity is of the earth 01:53:34.200 --> 01:53:38.360 And meanwhile try to take all the generational wealth they can away from us 01:53:39.320 --> 01:53:44.520 And convert our children to medical experiments as we are 01:53:45.080 --> 01:53:49.400 Slowly ramped down over a couple generations 01:53:49.880 --> 01:53:53.400 That's what's happening here and his family is probably in on it 01:53:53.880 --> 01:53:57.720 He's probably part of that elite group or sure as hell wants to be 01:54:00.040 --> 01:54:02.920 And he's admitting it right here because we are at a peak 01:54:03.720 --> 01:54:10.440 In civilization in the adaptive landscape and we can't stay on this peak forever. We're going to have to go through a valley 01:54:12.920 --> 01:54:16.120 Which I guess will be the civil war that starts 01:54:17.400 --> 01:54:18.600 after the 01:54:18.600 --> 01:54:20.600 election goes south and the 01:54:21.160 --> 01:54:27.160 Immigrants on every street corner in our big cities are are are given the signal to burn everything 01:54:27.560 --> 01:54:31.400 Then I guess that's where we'll be and he will be on this internet 01:54:32.040 --> 01:54:36.920 Thing trying to calm us down and be part of whatever the ruling class wants him to do 01:54:37.400 --> 01:54:41.400 Listen to this so carefully so that you can hear what I just heard 01:54:45.000 --> 01:54:50.520 Something called the adaptive landscape. It's a metaphor that helps us understand some subtle processes and evolutions 01:54:50.600 --> 01:54:52.600 And the idea is that 01:54:52.840 --> 01:55:00.840 Opportunities are peaks on this adaptive landscape and there are valleys that keep you from going from a low peak to a higher one 01:55:01.960 --> 01:55:04.520 Now that the important thing to realize is that 01:55:05.160 --> 01:55:09.160 We have to leave the peak. We're on this is not a sustainable place 01:55:09.160 --> 01:55:13.560 We can't run a society this way which means that we will have to go through an adaptive valley 01:55:13.560 --> 01:55:18.040 So to the extent that people see things is very very dark. They're not imagining it 01:55:18.520 --> 01:55:20.040 But that's inevitable 01:55:20.040 --> 01:55:22.360 There's no guarantee that we get through the adaptive valley 01:55:22.360 --> 01:55:27.000 But the fact that it's dark is not evidence that we should turn around and go back up the hell we came from we can't 01:55:27.240 --> 01:55:29.240 That's not a long-term plan. We can't 01:55:30.120 --> 01:55:32.120 Yeah, the the wonderful thing is 01:55:33.400 --> 01:55:38.040 All of the there's no going back to letter jackets and and prom dates 01:55:38.680 --> 01:55:40.840 There's no going back to 01:55:40.840 --> 01:55:45.960 Not sleeping with anybody until you're married. There's no going back to they're just being 01:55:46.600 --> 01:55:51.320 Gay and straight and everything else is you know, maybe you should talk to your doctor about it 01:55:51.880 --> 01:55:57.800 There's not going back to you know private lives and public lives. We're going back 01:55:58.360 --> 01:56:03.160 Sexuality is never going back. These things are never going backwards according to him 01:56:06.760 --> 01:56:09.400 So how much what conservative values does he have 01:56:13.080 --> 01:56:15.080 Because I would like to go back 01:56:16.200 --> 01:56:19.080 I'd like to go back to high school basketball games 01:56:19.960 --> 01:56:26.040 I'd like to go back to high school dances. I would like to go back to raising our children with teachers that teach subjects 01:56:29.000 --> 01:56:34.680 And that are afraid to have relationships with their students beyond that subject because it's inappropriate 01:56:34.680 --> 01:56:36.680 And 01:56:40.280 --> 01:56:47.880 Instead we are moving at a at light speed from whatever peak we are on to whatever valley 01:56:47.880 --> 01:56:50.040 We are being led to by these people 01:56:52.040 --> 01:56:56.680 A valley of confusion and doubt and fear and uncertainty 01:57:01.240 --> 01:57:03.240 And we don't have to go there 01:57:04.040 --> 01:57:09.000 We can all log off of twitter right now. We can all log off of facebook right now. We can all 01:57:11.080 --> 01:57:13.080 Just stop 01:57:13.960 --> 01:57:15.800 But we can't 01:57:15.800 --> 01:57:17.080 We could 01:57:17.080 --> 01:57:19.080 but we can't 01:57:19.480 --> 01:57:23.560 And so we need places to go. We need to get through this critical mass where we are 01:57:24.680 --> 01:57:26.680 decentralized 01:57:27.480 --> 01:57:31.400 Get rid of these people and these apps these these networks 01:57:33.240 --> 01:57:37.560 We've got to face it. We can't look for someone to save us. We're going to have to save ourselves 01:57:39.800 --> 01:57:46.120 And even if you think about saving yourself what you're really doing is is is saving yourself spiritually 01:57:47.960 --> 01:57:49.960 We need to reawaken that 01:57:51.480 --> 01:57:53.480 We need to reawaken that 01:57:54.520 --> 01:57:56.520 That understanding in all of us 01:57:57.400 --> 01:58:01.960 The reverence for for the natural world the reverence for the sacred 01:58:03.480 --> 01:58:05.480 respect for privacy 01:58:07.880 --> 01:58:09.880 The definition of what class is 01:58:10.680 --> 01:58:17.560 Like not class like like upper class and lower class but class like having class 01:58:20.920 --> 01:58:27.400 I don't even know how many kids at my kids school would be able to define it like my kids could define what class is 01:58:28.200 --> 01:58:35.880 For my basketball team having class is when you get a foul called on you you don't go what you raise your hand 01:58:37.560 --> 01:58:39.560 That's having class 01:58:40.920 --> 01:58:48.280 You knock somebody down on the court you pick them up if you block somebody's shot you don't flex in front of them you walk 01:58:50.680 --> 01:58:52.680 That's having class 01:58:53.400 --> 01:58:56.280 Nobody's got that anymore. Nobody cares about that anymore 01:58:56.360 --> 01:58:58.360 It's fine to lie 01:58:58.520 --> 01:58:59.880 In order to get ahead 01:58:59.880 --> 01:59:02.840 It's fine to fake it until you make it on social media 01:59:02.840 --> 01:59:07.160 How many people that we follow right now are faking it until they make it 01:59:09.400 --> 01:59:11.720 Because none of my papers on pub met or fake 01:59:13.320 --> 01:59:16.040 My job at the University of Pittsburgh wasn't fake 01:59:17.640 --> 01:59:19.080 My 01:59:19.080 --> 01:59:20.440 My 01:59:20.440 --> 01:59:22.440 Captain in the us Navy boss 01:59:23.320 --> 01:59:25.560 At the University of Pittsburgh isn't fake 01:59:26.120 --> 01:59:29.160 My bike ride to where Binglu died wasn't fake 01:59:30.520 --> 01:59:34.600 My belief that there was a a a lab leak wasn't fake 01:59:34.600 --> 01:59:41.240 But my also my belief that natural immunity to previous RNA signals of this nature previous 01:59:42.280 --> 01:59:48.200 Pathogen associated molecular patterns or damage associated molecular patterns was going to be more than sufficient 01:59:48.760 --> 01:59:51.720 To protect us from whatever they claimed this was 01:59:52.600 --> 01:59:54.600 In 01:59:55.160 --> 02:00:01.480 2020 the fact of the matter is I was ahead of almost everybody I knew except for Mike Eden 02:00:02.120 --> 02:00:06.040 Knut with Kowski and and and Wolfgang Wodach 02:00:06.040 --> 02:00:10.440 And those are the people that pulled me forward to where I was basically if I wasn't already there 02:00:10.840 --> 02:00:16.600 I believed much more after I saw what they were saying and heard how they said it 02:00:17.560 --> 02:00:19.560 But 02:00:19.560 --> 02:00:21.560 Like it or not I had the requisite 02:00:22.040 --> 02:00:28.760 Biology and the requisite reading skills to read myself in to figure that out on my own by May of 2020 02:00:29.560 --> 02:00:34.440 And I said it very clearly to members of the worst case scenario team 02:00:35.800 --> 02:00:38.040 That I was streaming with for five weeks straight 02:00:39.320 --> 02:00:42.920 What if we're just mistreating people with protocols that killed 02:00:43.720 --> 02:00:45.240 And 02:00:45.240 --> 02:00:50.920 We're testing on a hot background. So there's actually nothing there. We're just engaged in a great big 02:00:51.800 --> 02:00:54.760 great big confusing ridiculous 02:00:57.160 --> 02:01:01.000 Psychological operation more than anything else and that's really where we are 02:01:03.800 --> 02:01:10.600 That's still being denied here not being debunked here by by professor of evolutionary biology 02:01:10.760 --> 02:01:16.200 People with integrity and capacity have all been antagonized by the same enemy 02:01:16.600 --> 02:01:21.320 We're all on the same team at this point and being on the same team with all of those people 02:01:21.880 --> 02:01:25.080 With who have all of this insight and courage and integrity 02:01:25.640 --> 02:01:27.000 That's exactly the team you want 02:01:27.080 --> 02:01:33.560 It's the right team for us to head into the adaptive valley and find the peak on the other side because frankly the futures depending 02:01:34.200 --> 02:01:37.800 The adaptive valley and the future on the other side. I love it. Thank you so much 02:01:38.040 --> 02:01:40.040 I 02:01:40.040 --> 02:01:47.880 Here we go senator ron johnson will he at least say something my distinct honor to introduce senator johnson who just held this remarkable 02:01:48.840 --> 02:01:55.560 Briefing with 26 27 experts and people speaking about what's been going on in covet talk to us about that 02:01:56.120 --> 02:01:59.240 Well, this is an interesting event because in the past we've really focused on 02:01:59.960 --> 02:02:02.680 The medicine and the medical research and then the you know 02:02:03.320 --> 02:02:06.760 What the what the vaccines are how they are supposed to work 02:02:07.320 --> 02:02:10.600 How we relied to about them how they can cause harm that type of thing 02:02:11.080 --> 02:02:16.600 And we had an opportunity here with the international crisis summit coming here to seepak and bring you a lot of people so 02:02:17.240 --> 02:02:19.080 um, organ with dr. Malone we we 02:02:20.360 --> 02:02:23.080 Got a panel of people to talk about more of the wine 02:02:23.960 --> 02:02:25.960 And how how did this happen? 02:02:26.120 --> 02:02:30.600 And really the consensus is there is an elite group of people operating 02:02:31.080 --> 02:02:33.720 Within governments within non-governmental organizations 02:02:34.440 --> 02:02:40.920 That are controlling the narrative. Nobody can really point to exactly who's running it who's controlling it, but it's happening 02:02:41.560 --> 02:02:45.480 And the censorship is profound. It's damaging 02:02:45.880 --> 02:02:53.160 It's destructive. It's being orchestrated by the vice administration now if we're having a using the analogy of a a tug of war here 02:02:53.240 --> 02:02:58.440 Or we're using the analogy of the train being started and stopped by people pretending to do so 02:02:59.400 --> 02:03:02.520 It really appears as though ron johnson is just fooled 02:03:03.880 --> 02:03:06.680 He thinks that that robert malone has 02:03:07.880 --> 02:03:09.480 There's no conflicts of interest there 02:03:09.480 --> 02:03:16.600 There's no reason to believe that that guy might be playing for the other team the team that he says we can't identify that we can't figure out 02:03:17.000 --> 02:03:19.000 There is someone out there 02:03:21.160 --> 02:03:27.640 There's someone some entity out there that's in different governments. It's working against us that that brought this upon us 02:03:28.760 --> 02:03:33.400 But he doesn't seem to be able to consider the possibility that those people were in the room with him 02:03:34.600 --> 02:03:40.760 Some of them were wittingly or unwittingly on that other team that he's describing that I would say is like 02:03:41.640 --> 02:03:46.440 Peter teal and elon musk and bill gates and all of the other rich people in the world 02:03:47.720 --> 02:03:51.960 The billionaires are faking rivalries between each other 02:03:52.520 --> 02:03:54.520 That 02:03:54.520 --> 02:03:57.080 That's the main thing that occurs here 02:03:57.160 --> 02:04:04.600 I don't doubt that billionaires call ron johnson and and say things into his ear that make ron johnson believe that they're fighting when they're not 02:04:08.920 --> 02:04:10.520 And so it's not 02:04:10.520 --> 02:04:17.080 Surprising that in the end we have somebody like robert malone still able to organize the entire list of 02:04:17.960 --> 02:04:19.960 speakers at a senate event 02:04:22.920 --> 02:04:26.440 But it shows you that we are not going to get free until we change that 02:04:27.560 --> 02:04:35.000 We're not going to get free until somebody like senator ron johnson understands the the breadth and the depth of the theater that's going on here 02:04:35.000 --> 02:04:40.040 It's not it's it's somewhere between the sabotaging of a large tug of war 02:04:41.000 --> 02:04:43.000 with a few people pretending to pull 02:04:44.040 --> 02:04:47.800 It's somewhere between that and a full on train stopping theater 02:04:47.800 --> 02:04:53.080 Like i've used a lot of times where people are pretending to do things and they're not necessary at all 02:04:54.680 --> 02:05:00.600 And ron johnson doesn't appear to be aware of the fact that the biosecurity state 02:05:02.280 --> 02:05:06.920 And the billions if not trillions of dollars that it represents would be very willing 02:05:07.720 --> 02:05:13.560 To lie about pandemic potential in order to gain the control over the whole 02:05:14.200 --> 02:05:21.560 Of the globe for the next foreseeable future multiple generations even so of course they would lie about it 02:05:22.200 --> 02:05:28.840 We we owe that we got that okay, uh, and we also know that people are really spreading disinformation misinformation 02:05:30.680 --> 02:05:35.400 Is the government and the cold and cartel? Yeah, um, not not the people that we 02:05:35.960 --> 02:05:39.720 Have had in our panels that are just providing a different perspective and you have different 02:05:40.360 --> 02:05:42.360 Uh a different narrative. Yeah 02:05:43.080 --> 02:05:45.080 And second opinion and that's 02:05:45.400 --> 02:05:49.720 I think so what i'm arguing is and I think that this is a very valid argument is that we don't 02:05:49.880 --> 02:05:55.480 I don't know who in that room is part of it, but people in that room are definitely part of it as 02:05:56.200 --> 02:06:00.040 As I heard, um malcom x say one time at the start of a speech 02:06:00.840 --> 02:06:02.600 inevitably 02:06:02.600 --> 02:06:07.640 Um, there are friends and there are also enemies in every big crowd 02:06:08.600 --> 02:06:12.520 And in this room that's group of people that was assembled by robert melon 02:06:12.520 --> 02:06:15.960 There are almost certainly people who are working against america 02:06:16.520 --> 02:06:23.320 To make sure that our children are indeed successfully converted into experimental subjects 02:06:24.360 --> 02:06:29.880 And so our children cannot be allowed to understand that the vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise 02:06:30.200 --> 02:06:32.700 They cannot be allowed to understand that that 02:06:32.700 --> 02:06:37.820 Transfection being rolled out in the way that it was was criminally negligent and that doctors 02:06:38.780 --> 02:06:45.900 Thousands and thousands of doctors and thousands and thousands of academic biologists did or should have known better 02:06:47.020 --> 02:06:50.380 We're not there. We're not even close because this is 02:06:51.180 --> 02:06:52.700 a completely 02:06:52.700 --> 02:06:58.300 Controlled debate it is a limited spectrum of debate with lots of fireworks inside of it 02:06:58.300 --> 02:07:06.220 But nothing actually happening with regard to speaking to the fact that americans were murdered for this to happen 02:07:07.580 --> 02:07:12.220 Nobody's saying it not even senator ron johnson will say it mary's not going to say it one thing 02:07:12.220 --> 02:07:14.620 I I pointed out that i've learned during combatives 02:07:15.340 --> 02:07:20.460 It is amazing how much mankind has learned the knowledge we've acquired over the millennia 02:07:21.980 --> 02:07:24.540 But keeping that in mind what we don't know 02:07:25.420 --> 02:07:28.620 Vastly I mean vastly exceeds what we do know 02:07:29.580 --> 02:07:31.580 So as we pursue the truth 02:07:31.580 --> 02:07:33.580 We need to pursue with that 02:07:33.580 --> 02:07:38.220 Humility in mind. I mean of that reality. I love that at the very beginning of the briefing 02:07:38.220 --> 02:07:40.380 You said we have to pursue all of this with humility 02:07:40.380 --> 02:07:46.220 We we don't know the one thing that we are not pursuing is the possibility. Oh, sorry. This is ron johnson again 02:07:46.940 --> 02:07:52.140 So one of the things that we are not pursuing is the possibility that the gain of function 02:07:52.540 --> 02:07:54.540 Mythology that we have been 02:07:54.540 --> 02:07:59.580 Tricked into absorbing as a result of the mystery of the novel virus 02:08:01.100 --> 02:08:04.060 And all of the drama associated with that cover up 02:08:06.940 --> 02:08:12.780 That we're not questioning the foundations of this anymore and we're not questioning the foundations of public health 02:08:12.780 --> 02:08:14.780 Which is the horrible 02:08:14.780 --> 02:08:20.380 Criminal vaccine schedule in america the one that when compared to all other vaccine schedules 02:08:20.380 --> 02:08:23.500 It becomes very very obvious that it's ridiculous 02:08:24.860 --> 02:08:26.860 And it cannot be real 02:08:27.980 --> 02:08:31.740 And so how is it that the president of children's health defense that knows that 02:08:32.540 --> 02:08:37.740 Should know that better than anyone is not saying it in any of these opportunities 02:08:40.780 --> 02:08:45.660 When they can characterize the the work of children's health defense, they're bringing awareness 02:08:46.620 --> 02:08:53.740 They have a big top tent of of health freedom, but they have no specific goals or message anymore 02:08:56.380 --> 02:09:02.380 Now do you know why I was laid off from chd because they don't like to have me in a meeting 02:09:04.220 --> 02:09:07.500 Saying this like why aren't we going for the throat yet 02:09:09.100 --> 02:09:15.580 Why wasn't chd having a conference in georgia saying that look the vaccine schedule's criminal 02:09:15.980 --> 02:09:20.060 That's how we're going to start with it. Now. We're going to have these other people speak and they're going to 02:09:20.540 --> 02:09:24.140 Support that idea. No, it was much more confused than that 02:09:26.380 --> 02:09:31.180 Put together by somebody with their own nonprofit who then booked everybody in that conference 02:09:32.540 --> 02:09:34.540 From her nonprofit 02:09:35.740 --> 02:09:41.500 And so that's chd and all of those beautiful people and all of that beautiful energy being undermined 02:09:42.300 --> 02:09:44.940 By the organizers of their own conference 02:09:45.900 --> 02:09:47.660 And 02:09:47.660 --> 02:09:54.140 Now I don't think I have to fill in any blanks for who those organizers were or who they were hired by it wasn't it wasn't brian hooker 02:09:58.700 --> 02:10:02.300 Brian hooker didn't pick any of those speakers as far as I understand it 02:10:03.580 --> 02:10:07.900 Think about that the chief scientific officer of children's health defense 02:10:08.380 --> 02:10:12.620 Has not consulted about who should speak at a children's health defense conference 02:10:13.580 --> 02:10:16.220 During a critical time point in the pandemic 02:10:18.620 --> 02:10:26.620 And instead the organizer decided to have all of the members of her own steering committee of her own nonprofit be the speakers 02:10:28.300 --> 02:10:33.740 And she was paid to organize that conference which is crazy because she was paid to organize that conference by chd 02:10:34.140 --> 02:10:37.740 And then all those people came there and raised money for themselves instead of chd 02:10:37.980 --> 02:10:42.140 And there wasn't even a message about what chd stands for like the a you know 02:10:42.620 --> 02:10:44.620 criminal vaccine schedule 02:10:48.780 --> 02:10:50.780 That's chd being undermined 02:10:52.940 --> 02:10:58.940 And all the good energy and all the people in chd being essentially hamstrained 02:11:00.140 --> 02:11:05.420 Because the good that they want to do the message that they want to send isn't being sent 02:11:05.980 --> 02:11:07.980 And 02:11:07.980 --> 02:11:13.900 The bold stance that they should and want to take that many and most of the people that actually have 02:11:14.300 --> 02:11:19.340 Any skin in the game like an injured child want chd to take they're not going to take that stance 02:11:21.900 --> 02:11:23.900 Why 02:11:23.980 --> 02:11:26.140 Because brian hooker is not in charge 02:11:27.820 --> 02:11:34.140 Because brian hooker didn't even get to pick one speaker for the chd conference in georgia last year not one 02:11:35.420 --> 02:11:37.420 And 02:11:38.540 --> 02:11:41.180 There are people who's responsible for that 02:11:45.580 --> 02:11:48.460 That's how this works ladies and gentlemen, that's why 02:11:49.420 --> 02:11:56.620 Chd is where they are and not farther along because there are people that are actively undermining their progress 02:11:57.900 --> 02:12:00.060 And keeping us locked in 02:12:00.060 --> 02:12:04.620 On things that actually are very supportive of the current status quo 02:12:05.100 --> 02:12:07.740 the current crisis the current confusion 02:12:09.100 --> 02:12:11.100 And the current new paradigm 02:12:12.540 --> 02:12:16.940 Or what I want is high morbidity. I want people to complain read what I do 02:12:17.580 --> 02:12:18.860 I go to demoy 02:12:18.860 --> 02:12:22.140 Ladies and gentlemen of people on the screen. I have nothing against demoy and I live there for four years 02:12:22.300 --> 02:12:25.980 I go to demoy. I infect a couple of sentinel cases in demoy 02:12:26.620 --> 02:12:29.740 I go to seattle. I infect a couple of cases there 02:12:30.300 --> 02:12:32.220 I go to north carolina 02:12:32.300 --> 02:12:34.060 I go to wisconsin 02:12:34.060 --> 02:12:40.940 What i'm doing is i'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases with a highly morbid condition 02:12:41.260 --> 02:12:44.540 These individuals complain again. This is a central nervous system condition 02:12:44.620 --> 02:12:46.700 So they're complaining of whatever the bug may do 02:12:47.260 --> 02:12:52.140 It'll produce some cascade of neurological and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms 02:12:52.700 --> 02:12:55.260 And then what I do the real bug that I use 02:12:55.980 --> 02:12:57.340 Is the internet 02:12:57.340 --> 02:12:59.900 I take attribution for that. Yes. I'm a terrorist group 02:13:00.540 --> 02:13:07.020 And I have done this by infecting with a highly little agent and the first signs and symptoms of lethality are x y and z 02:13:07.340 --> 02:13:09.340 These people are really sick with this 02:13:09.340 --> 02:13:13.260 But then I say others who are also infected will show subdromal 02:13:13.500 --> 02:13:17.820 predrome signs of lethality and what that will be is anxiety 02:13:18.540 --> 02:13:20.140 sleeplessness 02:13:20.140 --> 02:13:21.580 agitation 02:13:21.580 --> 02:13:25.900 What i've now done is i've got every individual who is diagnostically hypochondriacal 02:13:26.060 --> 02:13:30.780 And i've got every individual who's the worried well flooding the public health system banging on the door 02:13:31.340 --> 02:13:37.740 The cdc comes back and says nonsense. That's not real. I come back and say that's fake news 02:13:38.780 --> 02:13:41.740 And as a consequence of doing that what I do is I create a schism 02:13:42.140 --> 02:13:44.540 Between the polis and the public health system 02:13:45.180 --> 02:13:50.940 I fracture the integrity of trust and reliance upon the population and its government 02:13:51.740 --> 02:13:56.140 Now I would suggest that this list is updated better now 02:13:56.140 --> 02:13:57.420 So i'm going to read it really quick 02:13:57.420 --> 02:14:01.180 I have military response with the ability to drive local mass casualty events 02:14:01.180 --> 02:14:03.740 This is really what jessica hocket has been working on 02:14:04.300 --> 02:14:07.980 And other people from panda have been zeroing in on in italy and elsewhere 02:14:08.460 --> 02:14:14.380 And I think it's very important to understand that it looks more like mass casualty events that didn't spread 02:14:14.780 --> 02:14:16.620 They happened very rapidly 02:14:16.620 --> 02:14:21.740 As many as 20,000 people are supposed to die between three weeks and four weeks in new york city 02:14:21.740 --> 02:14:24.380 We don't know where these bodies are. We don't know these names 02:14:24.780 --> 02:14:31.900 We never saw any full trucks or anything like that. So this is just all nonsense right now and unsubstantiated yet 02:14:31.900 --> 02:14:36.060 These numbers were used to extrapolate the worst case scenario and predict it 02:14:38.380 --> 02:14:43.100 They co-opted and pre-selected a group of narrative controllers on media social media 02:14:43.580 --> 02:14:47.340 People like Brett Weinstein and sam heris were pre positioned 02:14:48.140 --> 02:14:50.700 They didn't have to know that a pandemic was coming 02:14:50.700 --> 02:14:59.100 But why on earth would sam heris say anything like that so fortuitously in december of 2019 02:15:00.140 --> 02:15:06.780 That when the next pandemic comes and 70 percent of the people are dying that we won't be able to tolerate anti-vaxxers anymore 02:15:07.980 --> 02:15:11.260 That wasn't random and you can't see it as random 02:15:12.060 --> 02:15:15.500 A combination of background signal and nonspecific test is spread 02:15:15.900 --> 02:15:22.460 This is something that the panda summary that they recently put out jumps on top of this is the something that I said first 02:15:23.260 --> 02:15:25.260 In may of 2020 02:15:25.500 --> 02:15:27.660 Not because I figured it out all by myself 02:15:27.660 --> 02:15:35.580 But because this was what made sense given the biology that we were experiencing that we were told and that was previously recorded before the pandemic 02:15:36.460 --> 02:15:40.060 They use the island nations to demonstrate that lockdowns work 02:15:40.700 --> 02:15:45.900 Because they also didn't roll out testing there that was a specific and now people are going to argue 02:15:46.300 --> 02:15:51.500 That no, they were testing and there was no virus in australia. Well, then they used a test that worked 02:15:53.900 --> 02:15:59.180 And the idea that the testing was the same everywhere around the world is just an absurd 02:15:59.900 --> 02:16:01.260 Assumption 02:16:01.260 --> 02:16:06.460 That no one should be making because in america alone there were 250 different tests 02:16:06.860 --> 02:16:08.140 Come on guys 02:16:08.140 --> 02:16:13.260 We've got to wake up and when people push dumb ideas like that when people say oh, yeah 02:16:13.260 --> 02:16:16.700 But they were testing in australia and there was no positive tests 02:16:17.100 --> 02:16:25.100 You just have to slap those people down as being ridiculous because you are taking the data from the state and accepting it at face value 02:16:25.660 --> 02:16:29.340 When we have already established that they will lie to win 02:16:30.220 --> 02:16:32.220 They will lie to govern us 02:16:33.020 --> 02:16:39.420 In fact lies are part of the standard modus of veranda at veranda when they do these kinds of operations 02:16:40.060 --> 02:16:42.060 He just told you 02:16:43.980 --> 02:16:47.740 The financial and legal incentive to call covid complicated things 02:16:48.060 --> 02:16:55.740 The coordinated propaganda campaign to drill the worst case scenario was extremely important and most of these people were involved in it in one way or another 02:16:56.700 --> 02:16:58.700 The 02:16:58.700 --> 02:17:06.860 Once you started orchestrating the acceptance of the transfection to come by blaming these crazy things 02:17:07.500 --> 02:17:12.060 On the s1 or on the furin cleavage site or on the hib inserts 02:17:13.740 --> 02:17:17.980 You started to confound and to confuse people to 02:17:18.540 --> 02:17:23.580 Think that the virus was capable of amazing things that in reality those amazing things 02:17:23.980 --> 02:17:25.980 the jessica rose talked about this 02:17:26.060 --> 02:17:34.220 Huge list of side effects of of adverse effects that come from these things was expected because that's how awful of an idea 02:17:34.620 --> 02:17:37.660 Transpecting healthy humans was and remains 02:17:39.980 --> 02:17:43.820 And a lot of these people should have known that in 2020 like I did 02:17:46.860 --> 02:17:52.460 And so you increase the all-cause mortality that's happening by changing all these things under the 02:17:53.340 --> 02:17:57.500 pretense of fear and uncertainty and doubt about the worst case scenario to come 02:17:58.060 --> 02:18:05.340 And then you blame it all on the novel virus and you continue to do it by having senate meetings where you don't acknowledge that protocols killed people 02:18:05.820 --> 02:18:11.900 Hardly at all. You don't say that that opioid deaths have skyrocketed over the last five years 02:18:11.900 --> 02:18:18.220 But over the last 10 years have been rising very consistently and shouldn't be called all cause mortality 02:18:18.620 --> 02:18:24.300 But should be caused excess deaths all the time because nobody should be dying from opioid overdose 02:18:27.580 --> 02:18:32.780 Nobody should be dying from from drunk driving those are all excess deaths 02:18:32.860 --> 02:18:39.500 And if you calculate excess deaths based on how many people died last year of all those causes you are missing murders 02:18:39.820 --> 02:18:41.820 And 02:18:43.260 --> 02:18:48.540 Now if you can process that if you can hold that thought in your head understand that with intention 02:18:49.740 --> 02:18:51.740 Understand with good planning 02:18:51.980 --> 02:18:55.100 Understand with a spectacular commitment to lying 02:18:55.660 --> 02:19:00.540 You can accomplish a hell of a lot more than has ever been accomplished before 02:19:01.980 --> 02:19:05.660 Now combine that with censorship on the internet and and false 02:19:05.980 --> 02:19:13.260 amplification of other peoples and false amplification of limited spectrums of debate and making them seem like they're really important 02:19:15.100 --> 02:19:21.980 Can fool a whole globe into thinking that there's a cover up of a lab leak happening and fool a whole globe into thinking that they witnessed 02:19:22.460 --> 02:19:25.660 The spread of a gain of function virus and that's what these people did 02:19:27.740 --> 02:19:33.500 And that's why solving the mystery of the gain of function lab leak cover up gets the public to accept the entire paradigm 02:19:33.980 --> 02:19:36.860 And then more importantly it gets us to teach it to our kids 02:19:45.020 --> 02:19:47.020 And it's hidden behind this 02:19:50.860 --> 02:19:52.860 It's hidden behind that fate 02:19:54.380 --> 02:19:56.860 I'm going to escape from this and start it up again 02:19:59.340 --> 02:20:01.580 Because sometimes it just gets tired 02:20:04.060 --> 02:20:05.580 Oh 02:20:05.580 --> 02:20:07.580 My goodness, what's happening here 02:20:08.060 --> 02:20:10.060 It's very tired 02:20:10.140 --> 02:20:15.100 And so here we are I got the the the the narrative as I summarized it back here 02:20:15.260 --> 02:20:19.500 And then I've got some of these other positions here, you know, nature's scary enough 02:20:20.140 --> 02:20:23.340 Um, the faith is basically right here, right? This is the 02:20:24.620 --> 02:20:26.460 The main faith of the show right here 02:20:26.860 --> 02:20:31.180 Um gain of function lab leak is the worst case scenario or a lot of these people over here 02:20:31.660 --> 02:20:36.060 Viruses are real but they lied about covid you might characterize a lot of these people like this 02:20:36.140 --> 02:20:39.980 And then as you move over here, there are no viruses and all of these are just 02:20:40.620 --> 02:20:42.300 I'm not arguing or 02:20:42.300 --> 02:20:44.300 Selecting any of these. I'm just showing you 02:20:44.780 --> 02:20:51.100 Where we are and what we're talking about and then they added some more stuff recently like israel has the right to defend itself or 02:20:51.660 --> 02:20:58.940 Vaccines are contaminated or the dod is responsible or the vaccine saved millions and then we got more arguing about that stuff 02:21:01.660 --> 02:21:03.660 But what you don't see 02:21:04.940 --> 02:21:09.820 And what you can see very very plain as day if you just open your eyes 02:21:11.900 --> 02:21:14.220 Is that they murdered americans to take over the world? 02:21:15.900 --> 02:21:17.900 New york city 02:21:18.780 --> 02:21:24.780 And the story of new york city that jessica hocket is telling and comparing into chicago for example 02:21:25.340 --> 02:21:27.660 That story was sufficient 02:21:28.620 --> 02:21:38.060 And if they indeed if there really was 26,000 people that were killed by a combination of protocols and lack of antibiotics and whatever else they did 02:21:38.700 --> 02:21:43.340 Remdesivir whatever. I don't know they didn't use remdesivir right away. I don't think in new york city 02:21:43.820 --> 02:21:48.140 And they murdered americans in order to sustain the illusion 02:21:48.940 --> 02:21:53.100 Of a pandemic and to sustain the fear of worst case scenario 02:21:53.900 --> 02:22:00.620 And we're not talking about it. Then all of these people are in trouble. All of these people are against america 02:22:03.020 --> 02:22:06.300 Now it's very strange that almost all the no virus people 02:22:07.020 --> 02:22:09.500 Except for the one that had a grant to do 02:22:10.620 --> 02:22:12.620 biometrics in prisons 02:22:12.940 --> 02:22:13.900 and 02:22:13.900 --> 02:22:20.460 A picture of him shaking hands with andrew quomo is the only american in that group up there of no virus people 02:22:20.460 --> 02:22:23.340 Everybody else is actually five ice countries 02:22:29.580 --> 02:22:34.620 And so you can see very clearly they needed to they need to have the world 02:22:35.660 --> 02:22:38.380 Turn against america. So what what what 02:22:40.940 --> 02:22:43.340 James giordano is talking about. I think 02:22:44.060 --> 02:22:47.580 Yes, he's telling the story about how one country could attack another country 02:22:47.580 --> 02:22:52.220 But what we're seeing here is actually a fracturing of the western world 02:22:52.700 --> 02:22:56.460 Against america and the only way for america to 02:22:57.340 --> 02:23:01.580 Only way for us to fix it is for america to pull up its big boy pants 02:23:02.380 --> 02:23:08.300 Admit that we have to admit that we lost control of our government and take control back again 02:23:09.900 --> 02:23:16.940 We have to advocate for national sovereignty around the world. We have to advocate for global cooperation and diplomacy 02:23:18.460 --> 02:23:26.300 And we have to fight against as nick hudson said so so well anything that is advocated as a global problem 02:23:27.260 --> 02:23:31.660 Anything that is advocated as a global solution must be rejected 02:23:32.780 --> 02:23:35.020 Because they murdered people to take over the world 02:23:36.300 --> 02:23:38.380 They have lied to people to take over the world 02:23:39.420 --> 02:23:42.860 And more importantly they have murdered americans because it is the 02:23:43.420 --> 02:23:50.540 The trust in america's leadership it is the ability for america to lead based on its legislative 02:23:51.820 --> 02:23:53.500 system 02:23:53.500 --> 02:23:55.500 And the rights codified within it 02:23:56.780 --> 02:23:58.780 That they needed to take down 02:23:58.860 --> 02:24:03.020 And so this is an operation against america. That's why we are in the most danger 02:24:03.020 --> 02:24:07.900 That's why they're that we need to pull our pants up and take take control 02:24:08.620 --> 02:24:11.660 And that's why they want us to fight the who and not 02:24:12.300 --> 02:24:13.260 Congress 02:24:13.260 --> 02:24:21.020 That's why they want us to advocate for congress to do an investigation because then it will be the system investigating itself 02:24:26.540 --> 02:24:31.020 We need to get our spiritual and moral closets in order 02:24:32.300 --> 02:24:37.740 We need to apologize to the young people for abdicating the responsibility of understanding 02:24:38.700 --> 02:24:45.260 And for allowing this to have resulted in the murder of hundreds of thousands of americans 02:24:46.700 --> 02:24:50.780 And as long as we're not talking about the murder of hundreds of thousands of americans 02:24:50.780 --> 02:24:52.700 Then as far as i'm concerned 02:24:52.700 --> 02:24:56.220 These people aren't doing their job they're arguing about you know 02:24:56.780 --> 02:25:00.540 Who's misrepresenting who's work or who is first on whatever 02:25:00.540 --> 02:25:08.700 If you're not talking about the murder of americans in order to get the world to buy in 02:25:10.620 --> 02:25:12.620 I don't think you're trying to win 02:25:12.620 --> 02:25:17.020 If you're not talking about the vaccine schedule in america as being a criminally 02:25:17.580 --> 02:25:21.980 A criminal enterprise you're not trying to win if you're not saying the transfection 02:25:21.980 --> 02:25:27.180 We should have known better. It was criminally negligent in 2020 to have anybody advocated for it 02:25:27.820 --> 02:25:33.020 Then you're not really trying to win and that's why i'm thinking that a lot of these people aren't trying to win 02:25:33.100 --> 02:25:37.100 They're no better than paul off it who says that if we know one thing for sure 02:25:37.420 --> 02:25:39.420 transfection works 02:25:40.060 --> 02:25:44.140 They're no better than anybody else who equates the mystery virus to excess deaths 02:25:44.460 --> 02:25:46.620 They're no better than anybody else who 02:25:46.620 --> 02:25:51.260 ignores the fear and uncertainty and doubt ignores the do not resuscitate orders in new york city 02:25:51.740 --> 02:25:55.820 That led to this mass casualty events ignores the confounding of these things 02:25:56.220 --> 02:26:00.940 like lack of antibiotic use with the virus ignores the poor use of steroids ignores 02:26:01.500 --> 02:26:04.780 Remdesivir and medazolam ignores the opioid deaths 02:26:04.780 --> 02:26:11.100 They're all doing it. It doesn't matter if you're paul off it or jessica rose or or or harvey 02:26:11.820 --> 02:26:13.340 Harvey rice 02:26:13.340 --> 02:26:16.140 They all should know by now. It's four years in 02:26:17.100 --> 02:26:20.780 The math has been done by dennis rancor the math has been done by 02:26:21.340 --> 02:26:28.460 Mark kulak the math has been done by jessica hockett and by jonathan angler and by martin kneel and other people 02:26:30.460 --> 02:26:36.300 And yet they ignored the financial incentives they ignored the track and trace they ignored the masks 02:26:36.300 --> 02:26:39.100 They ignored all these things that perpetuated the idea 02:26:39.660 --> 02:26:45.900 Of a worst-case scenario and they ignored the pcr fraud the lateral testing fraud and the ridiculous sequencing fraud 02:26:45.900 --> 02:26:47.900 They didn't address any of it at all 02:26:48.380 --> 02:26:50.220 none of it at all 02:26:50.220 --> 02:26:52.220 In fact, they reinforced it 02:26:52.860 --> 02:26:59.500 Kevin mccurnan didn't say that at the start of the pandemic i was objecting to the pcr test because their primers were crap 02:27:01.900 --> 02:27:03.900 He just explained how pcr works 02:27:10.140 --> 02:27:17.420 And so again, you know the the the lawyer for chd that does all the interviews with the jd after her name is she gonna 02:27:17.980 --> 02:27:26.140 Say anything about strict liability is she gonna talk about how the cicp and the vicp are violations of our seventh amendment rights 02:27:27.420 --> 02:27:31.900 And that we should advocate for that is she gonna say that that's chd's position no 02:27:39.740 --> 02:27:46.540 And so the all the epidemiologists in the room no evidence of spread didn't notice it at all didn't bother to invite denny rancor 02:27:47.820 --> 02:27:52.380 I don't know the limited spectrum of debate seems pretty pretty intact to me 02:27:55.420 --> 02:27:57.420 Seems like it was pretty intact 02:27:58.460 --> 02:28:05.100 Seems like we're still on this road where the novel virus happened and gain a function happens and it'll happen again 02:28:08.140 --> 02:28:11.100 We're still in the car with these people the same people that were in 02:28:12.940 --> 02:28:14.940 So many of these other shows 02:28:15.900 --> 02:28:17.900 I'm pushing all the same ideas 02:28:23.740 --> 02:28:28.940 Some of the people you trust are responsible for seeding guiding and maintaining the pandemic confusion 02:28:28.940 --> 02:28:32.380 They're doing it right now. They did it in front of the senate last week 02:28:34.860 --> 02:28:36.860 Some of them know some of them don't 02:28:39.340 --> 02:28:43.100 But at some point we're gonna have to wake up that none of these people are trying to save us 02:28:43.180 --> 02:28:45.180 They are either broken 02:28:45.580 --> 02:28:46.780 coerced 02:28:46.780 --> 02:28:49.420 Or participating because they know 02:28:50.060 --> 02:28:52.060 What Brett Weinstein said is true 02:28:52.300 --> 02:28:57.740 That we can't stay on this peak that there's a valley coming and that we have to try and survive the valley 02:28:59.740 --> 02:29:04.700 Everybody in the ruling class is of course going to survive the valley, but you know us regular people 02:29:05.420 --> 02:29:07.660 Who weren't our houses we're going to have trouble 02:29:09.500 --> 02:29:11.660 Better get some chickens 02:29:11.660 --> 02:29:17.820 You can afford a plot of land, you know, like at the foot of a national park or if you can afford a winery 02:29:20.220 --> 02:29:22.220 Otherwise you're going to be pretty much SOL 02:29:25.180 --> 02:29:30.140 And this is how they did it and they're still doing it what happened in front of the senate was a lot of this 02:29:31.340 --> 02:29:38.620 People doing what they have been practicing for the last four years and enacting it out Jessica rose. Oh my goodness the VAERS data 02:29:39.100 --> 02:29:43.260 Brett Weinstein. Oh my goodness the censorship 02:29:46.380 --> 02:29:51.900 Pierre Corey. Oh my goodness. I vermectin was was really given a bad name 02:29:54.380 --> 02:29:58.460 And kevin mccurnan. Oh my goodness. There's adulteration in the shots 02:29:59.660 --> 02:30:01.660 It's all part of this 02:30:02.460 --> 02:30:09.500 It's all part of this limited spectrum of debate getting you to ask the wrong questions so that you never escape 02:30:10.140 --> 02:30:15.900 And getting you to think that these people are leading the way and so you don't have to do anything just wait for them to stop 02:30:17.660 --> 02:30:21.660 I vermectin and hydroxychloroquine were likely semi safe 02:30:22.780 --> 02:30:26.540 Medications, but I vermectin is probably not something you want to take all the time 02:30:27.500 --> 02:30:31.020 Hydroxychloroquine is probably not something you want to take all the time although people do 02:30:31.820 --> 02:30:33.820 when they have lupus or you know 02:30:35.020 --> 02:30:38.540 Nobody takes ivermectin all the time though to cure river blindness 02:30:40.860 --> 02:30:48.780 And so we are being bamboozled these are part of the bamboozlement to distract you to make you think that there was a novel virus that needed some novel solutions 02:30:49.660 --> 02:30:51.660 And that's not true 02:30:52.540 --> 02:30:58.540 The double stranded contamination is being used to justify that the transfection kind of worked it could have worked better 02:30:58.540 --> 02:31:02.460 But they rushed it, you know because of all this other stuff. It's nonsense 02:31:03.900 --> 02:31:09.420 The diffuse proposal is part of this limited spectrum of debate where it's supposed to get you to solve the the mystery and 02:31:09.820 --> 02:31:14.540 Be further evidence that the mystery is solved and in their deed there was a cover up. This is all a lie 02:31:18.060 --> 02:31:21.340 They created the pandemic with previous scientific papers 02:31:21.900 --> 02:31:24.060 That created the illusion of pandemic potential 02:31:24.460 --> 02:31:26.460 They created the pandemic by 02:31:26.460 --> 02:31:33.740 Doing tabletop exercises for the last 20 years to brainwash these people to convince these people in the bureaucracy that this was the way 02:31:34.460 --> 02:31:36.460 And that this was the plan 02:31:36.860 --> 02:31:43.660 And then they created a illusion of spread using mash casualty events and testing and then they fueled the narrative with worst case scenario 02:31:44.300 --> 02:31:46.300 for months if not years 02:31:47.020 --> 02:31:51.660 And twisted around in there all the expected complications of the transfection to come 02:31:52.220 --> 02:31:56.860 So that when we transfected people we could confound that with the spike of the virus 02:31:59.340 --> 02:32:05.420 And people who knew about the the fear and cleavage site very early and zeroed in on the spike very early 02:32:05.420 --> 02:32:09.340 They're almost certainly a part of this wittingly or unwittingly. They were given a tip 02:32:10.860 --> 02:32:15.980 And told that it would do well for them if they if they if they you know followed instructions 02:32:15.980 --> 02:32:20.140 And so they did and it's a secure national security operation. So they felt cool about it 02:32:20.140 --> 02:32:24.140 They probably were given a lanyard or a or it had to sign somewhere 02:32:24.700 --> 02:32:28.460 And so they felt extra special to be part of the governing structure of america 02:32:30.140 --> 02:32:33.980 And that's certainly what they think they are now part of the governing structure of america 02:32:33.980 --> 02:32:34.940 He's 02:32:34.940 --> 02:32:39.660 Brett Weinstein considers himself part of the ruling elite it wouldn't wouldn't surprise me if 02:32:40.060 --> 02:32:44.780 Mary holland considers herself part of the ruling elite or that guy for the center of 02:32:45.180 --> 02:32:48.620 Security policy he considers himself part of the ruling elite 02:32:50.300 --> 02:32:52.060 Robert Malone 02:32:52.060 --> 02:32:55.180 considers himself part of the ruling elite 02:32:57.100 --> 02:33:00.780 And together they have taken on the task of convincing us that the 02:33:01.180 --> 02:33:04.300 Transfection and the and the virus can be confusing 02:33:05.660 --> 02:33:07.660 They both have overlapping effects 02:33:09.020 --> 02:33:13.100 Because it's convenient for the governing elite to like this 02:33:14.780 --> 02:33:17.580 It's convenient for the governing elite to believe this 02:33:17.580 --> 02:33:21.340 And so Robert Malone is serving 02:33:22.220 --> 02:33:25.820 the elite by perpetuating this narrative by by 02:33:26.940 --> 02:33:32.380 In fact, he could have a special place inside of the the ruling elite because of his ability to 02:33:33.020 --> 02:33:38.140 sustain this illusion of the biology of viruses the biology of 02:33:38.860 --> 02:33:43.340 Of transfection the biology of pharmaceutical products in general this illusion 02:33:44.140 --> 02:33:52.060 It's been hammered into us for decades now that antibodies equal immunity and vaccine antibodies are great 02:33:53.740 --> 02:33:57.900 Look at that spike protein variant go on into the future and change color like that 02:33:58.700 --> 02:34:00.780 Isn't it such a perfect cartoon for 02:34:01.340 --> 02:34:06.780 Francis Collins to have used repeatedly on his blog during 2020 to make sure that we understood 02:34:07.340 --> 02:34:12.140 The immunology and depth that we could exercise informed consent as we decided whether or not to 02:34:12.220 --> 02:34:16.060 Transfect our grandkids or transfect our grandparents 02:34:21.740 --> 02:34:23.900 We are trapped right now in a new world order 02:34:24.700 --> 02:34:30.540 Defined by pandemic potential and if you want to get out of it, you cannot let this lie become the truth 02:34:32.060 --> 02:34:38.060 That senate hearing was about the lie becoming the truth about making sure that you didn't ask the right questions 02:34:38.700 --> 02:34:41.900 So that the lie could become truth if you want to avoid this 02:34:42.300 --> 02:34:48.620 You're going to have to dispel the worst case scenario. You're going to have to actively fight against these people who don't care 02:34:49.980 --> 02:34:53.820 If the cultural cultural fabric of america is ripped in half 02:34:53.820 --> 02:34:59.340 They don't care if there is chaos that's created as we move from this peak to this valley 02:34:59.740 --> 02:35:06.380 And reorganize the way we are governed because they know that they are on the team of those people that intend to be governing on the other side 02:35:06.380 --> 02:35:08.380 of that valley 02:35:09.180 --> 02:35:13.980 And they are perfectly happy with enslaving your children and enslaving the next generation 02:35:14.060 --> 02:35:19.660 They're perfectly happy with it because has bret Weinstein said this is no way to run a civilization 02:35:19.740 --> 02:35:23.020 We can't do this. This is no way to do it. This is not sustainable 02:35:25.820 --> 02:35:29.740 Make no mistake about it bret Weinstein knows what this is all about 02:35:29.740 --> 02:35:33.020 He knows that they have to invert the way that we think about ourselves 02:35:33.500 --> 02:35:37.980 So that we don't think of ourselves our biology is sacred our genetics is sacred 02:35:38.300 --> 02:35:43.820 Has something that is an irreducible complexity that shouldn't be messed with we have to surrender 02:35:46.380 --> 02:35:49.420 We have to move from this peak to a valley 02:35:53.580 --> 02:35:58.700 We have to not allow our children to get on this train where there's a faith in a novel virus 02:35:58.700 --> 02:36:01.580 And we have defeated epidemics in the past with vaccines 02:36:01.980 --> 02:36:05.740 Bret still thinks vaccines in general are the best idea we've ever had 02:36:07.500 --> 02:36:13.740 Novel coronaviruses cannot jump from species and then perpetually circulate the globe for five years. That doesn't happen 02:36:15.820 --> 02:36:18.220 There are no PCR false positives 02:36:19.340 --> 02:36:25.500 If the amplicon gets amplified it gets amplified you have to sequence it to find out what got amplified and then still you don't prove 02:36:25.900 --> 02:36:29.260 That anything else exists besides that amplicon 02:36:32.300 --> 02:36:36.860 And the variants are not evidence of spread they're not continuing evolution 02:36:36.940 --> 02:36:42.220 They could either be a background that has been characterized and and formulated into a 02:36:43.180 --> 02:36:45.180 phylogenetic tree that never existed 02:36:46.620 --> 02:36:50.140 It could be that we are tracing continued release of different variants 02:36:50.860 --> 02:36:52.060 Because they're testing 02:36:52.060 --> 02:36:53.420 Transfection 02:36:53.420 --> 02:36:58.460 It could be any number of things because this is a crime scene because RNA doesn't do pandemics 02:36:59.820 --> 02:37:02.780 Because the only thing that they could do this with is a clone 02:37:03.260 --> 02:37:07.180 Because they've been using cloning technologies to study viruses for decades 02:37:08.860 --> 02:37:11.420 So there's no ongoing RNA pandemic 02:37:13.260 --> 02:37:18.140 This illusion of consensus is wrong. We are in the fifth year of this illusion and it must be broken 02:37:18.460 --> 02:37:20.940 We don't need some kind of Cartesian blah blah blah 02:37:21.340 --> 02:37:28.540 The illusion is the consensus that Brett Weinstein and other people have agreed on in front of the senate that there was a novel pathogen 02:37:29.580 --> 02:37:32.460 That it killed millions of people that millions more were saved from 02:37:34.380 --> 02:37:40.060 Thank heaven transfection works better than expected, but it is contaminated. So we do have to fix it. We got to admit that 02:37:42.540 --> 02:37:46.140 The faith in the novel virus is completely and totally intact 02:37:46.940 --> 02:37:48.940 And it's a lie 02:37:51.900 --> 02:37:55.500 It's almost certainly a conflated background signal. It's almost certainly 02:37:56.700 --> 02:38:01.420 RNA and DNA noise in the background that can be conflated into whatever they wanted to be conflated with 02:38:01.900 --> 02:38:05.100 because they did not ever try to be 02:38:06.380 --> 02:38:08.380 highly specific 02:38:08.380 --> 02:38:10.140 highly precise 02:38:10.140 --> 02:38:11.900 They tried to use 02:38:11.900 --> 02:38:13.740 a broad strokes 02:38:13.820 --> 02:38:20.380 Because it was worst case scenario. They were trying to avoid so a few false positives even a lot of false positives is better than false negatives 02:38:22.220 --> 02:38:24.620 They lied ladies and gentlemen, it's just a lie 02:38:27.340 --> 02:38:30.860 We have to advocate for a pause in the all childhood vaccines in america 02:38:30.940 --> 02:38:34.300 We have to advocate for strict liability in all pharmaceutical products 02:38:34.940 --> 02:38:38.700 We have to investigate the use of deadly protocols to cause mass casualty events 02:38:38.700 --> 02:38:42.620 We have to investigate the use of transfection to create the illusion of a pandemic 02:38:43.100 --> 02:38:45.260 However, many different ways that is possible 02:38:46.300 --> 02:38:48.540 We have to take back sovereignty over our children 02:38:49.260 --> 02:38:54.220 And we have to leave the un entirely and that would include the who of course because the who is part of the un 02:38:54.780 --> 02:38:59.340 You can see these people are not trying to get us out because they don't advocate for a pause 02:38:59.740 --> 02:39:05.660 In the vaccine schedule and an investigation of it in america. They don't advocate for strict liability even though they're lawyers 02:39:07.580 --> 02:39:12.380 They don't mention the deadly protocols at all when they're recapping what happened 02:39:12.620 --> 02:39:16.940 With the pandemic. What are they hiding? They're hiding the deadly deadly protocols 02:39:17.740 --> 02:39:20.540 They're hiding the misuse of antibiotics and steroids 02:39:21.820 --> 02:39:23.820 They're hiding the misuse of ventilators 02:39:24.940 --> 02:39:30.460 They're hiding the the obfuscation of the word transfection and how everybody should have done known better 02:39:30.860 --> 02:39:38.060 They're they're they're obfuscating the use of cloning technology to actually perpetuate rna virology to begin with 02:39:38.940 --> 02:39:43.100 And they don't seem to be able to summarize across the entire show 02:39:44.620 --> 02:39:52.380 And most of these people when they do argue they argue about people and motives rather than the biology that I talk about they argue about my motives 02:39:53.020 --> 02:39:54.700 They argue about who i'm 02:39:54.700 --> 02:40:01.100 Controlled opposition working for instead of just talking about the points that i'm making here the biology that I talk about 02:40:02.940 --> 02:40:06.700 And that's how you know the gig ombiological needs your support 02:40:07.660 --> 02:40:10.780 Because I don't have any other support other than you my viewers 02:40:11.500 --> 02:40:14.140 You are the ones that decide whether this show goes on 02:40:15.340 --> 02:40:20.220 Maybe my sub stack subscribers as well, which I don't have very many of but I do thank you all for doing it 02:40:20.620 --> 02:40:26.140 We are at a time point where they need our children. They want our grandchildren. They don't want us 02:40:27.020 --> 02:40:31.740 That's why they're lying to us so that we will lie to our grandchildren so that we can't figure it out 02:40:32.220 --> 02:40:37.100 Ladies and gentlemen, the AI can't do it, but they have bamboozled rich people into believing it can 02:40:37.740 --> 02:40:40.620 If we just had more data, that's the promise 02:40:41.180 --> 02:40:45.020 That's the new world order that we're in and the reality is very simple 02:40:45.900 --> 02:40:49.900 It's codified in the book do and it's so ironic that doing has come out this week 02:40:52.060 --> 02:40:54.060 A world where they completely got rid of 02:40:54.860 --> 02:40:56.860 artificial intelligence because 02:40:57.420 --> 02:40:59.820 When you turn your thinking over to machines 02:41:00.700 --> 02:41:07.580 In hopes that you will be free what you end up doing is you turn over your thinking to the people with the machines 02:41:08.860 --> 02:41:14.620 They want you to think that AI in the future is dangerous. AI is already bamboozled you 02:41:15.020 --> 02:41:18.860 AI is already tricking you into believing that your message is getting out 02:41:18.940 --> 02:41:22.380 AI has already fooled me into believing that my message is getting out 02:41:23.660 --> 02:41:25.180 And it's not 02:41:25.180 --> 02:41:30.700 Not if you're using their their formats not if you're using their forms not if you're using their applications 02:41:30.780 --> 02:41:33.740 That's why we are moving to peer tube 02:41:34.300 --> 02:41:40.460 And we're never going to look back at twitch again. That's why we are going to move to soapbox and we're not going to look back 02:41:41.340 --> 02:41:44.540 At tweeting again except to bring people where we are off 02:41:45.740 --> 02:41:50.460 We're not going to go to gab. We're not going to go to locals. We're not going to run to rumble 02:41:51.340 --> 02:41:54.860 We're going to build our own website. We're going to host our own server 02:41:56.940 --> 02:41:58.940 And we're going to do it right 02:42:00.700 --> 02:42:07.420 Now you might point out that other people are doing this there's a peer tube france. There's a peer tube chdeu 02:42:09.660 --> 02:42:11.660 But it's got to be a small 02:42:11.740 --> 02:42:13.900 Start and when we're going to grow 02:42:14.780 --> 02:42:17.500 And we're going to network and we're going to expand 02:42:18.220 --> 02:42:21.260 Until we stop them from being able to enslave our children 02:42:23.260 --> 02:42:29.740 Police ladies and gentlemen stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary 02:42:31.820 --> 02:42:37.020 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 02:42:37.660 --> 02:42:41.260 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned 02:42:47.900 --> 02:42:49.900 You 02:42:51.340 --> 02:42:55.580 Ladies and gentlemen, you can support me at giggle and biological.com you can find 02:42:56.540 --> 02:42:59.420 Our little soap box at giga ohm dot bio 02:43:00.060 --> 02:43:02.060 and soon we're going to have a 02:43:02.780 --> 02:43:07.180 A streaming platform at stream dot giga ohm dot bio 02:43:07.980 --> 02:43:11.100 You can support me at that one time link there. You can also scroll down 02:43:11.580 --> 02:43:16.620 You can find a PO box. You can find a phone number and you can find links to subscribe 02:43:17.500 --> 02:43:24.380 And the subscribers are what keep this going. I thank you all very very much for doing so you can also contact me there at that link 02:43:25.900 --> 02:43:30.140 Thank you very much for joining me. These are the people that support my work. These are the subscribers 02:43:30.780 --> 02:43:36.700 I owe them really my life at this stage. My family owes them a great great great 02:43:38.220 --> 02:43:40.620 You know a battleship of gratitude 02:43:41.500 --> 02:43:43.980 If you can't afford to subscribe, please 02:43:44.700 --> 02:43:49.500 Take the time to share my work on twitter and elsewhere as we move away from those places 02:43:49.980 --> 02:43:54.220 You can still help us throw the information out there and try to get it as far as we can 02:43:54.620 --> 02:43:59.180 I think um next weekend is going to be the first weekend where we might be on peertube if we're lucky 02:43:59.580 --> 02:44:03.900 And next weekend will also be the following not this coming weekend, but next weekend 02:44:04.460 --> 02:44:07.660 Um, we'll be the the the premiere of the new star trek 02:44:08.300 --> 02:44:09.420 Um 02:44:09.420 --> 02:44:12.540 I have to tell you that this week we're going to be on today tomorrow 02:44:12.780 --> 02:44:17.740 Thursday, uh, wednesday and thursday and then I will be off for four days because I will be traveling to a 02:44:18.540 --> 02:44:19.740 uh in 02:44:19.740 --> 02:44:21.500 a broken science 02:44:21.500 --> 02:44:23.020 um gathering 02:44:23.020 --> 02:44:24.860 uh over the weekend coming up 02:44:25.340 --> 02:44:29.180 Um, and that will be it's like a critical thinking bootcamp 02:44:29.820 --> 02:44:32.060 I'm really excited about it. I think it'll be really fun 02:44:32.140 --> 02:44:36.300 I'm very privileged to have been invited to it and I hope that's going to be very exciting 02:44:36.300 --> 02:44:37.900 So this week we'll be on 02:44:37.980 --> 02:44:44.140 Tomorrow wednesday and thursday and then we'll have probably four days off and i'll be back on tuesday again just to keep everything 02:44:44.780 --> 02:44:48.700 Going don't forget that the truth is not available on television 02:44:49.340 --> 02:44:53.100 Um, you're going to have to find um alternative sources for your news 02:44:53.900 --> 02:44:58.700 And I hope that giga ohm biological for science news for biology for common sense 02:44:59.260 --> 02:45:02.700 Um giga ohm biological might be the place that you will come 02:45:02.940 --> 02:45:10.460 Um, we've come a long ways and it's all thanks to people like greg and steve and and rodney 02:45:10.460 --> 02:45:13.020 And uh, I just can't thank you all 02:45:13.980 --> 02:45:19.420 Enough for all of the help that you've given it my family and I will see you again tomorrow 02:45:26.380 --> 02:45:29.580 That was hilary wasn't supposed to be hilary that was hilary 02:45:29.580 --> 02:45:36.300 Good night ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me lovely lovely lovely to see you all