01:30.000 --> 01:54.000
He is scheduled for 16 minutes next.

01:54.000 --> 01:59.000
It's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.

01:59.000 --> 02:03.000
People everywhere are starting to listen to him.

02:03.000 --> 02:08.000
It's embarrassing.

02:08.000 --> 02:11.000
Well, I can't thank you kids enough.

02:11.000 --> 02:14.000
Shaggy should get most of the credit.

02:14.000 --> 02:17.000
Where is Shaggy?

02:17.000 --> 02:21.000
Oh no, not again.

02:21.000 --> 02:25.000
Looks like Shaggy wants to try for the eight-man role in the picture.

02:25.000 --> 02:27.000
Where are you?

02:27.000 --> 02:31.000
But there's Scooby doing the other chair.

02:31.000 --> 02:38.000
Surprise! It's the Scooby hat the eight-man was wearing.

02:38.000 --> 02:43.000
Now there's real talent.

02:43.000 --> 02:45.000
We sure fooled him Scooby.

02:45.000 --> 02:47.000
We ought to be in the movies.

02:47.000 --> 02:51.000
Scooby doo doo doo!

03:17.000 --> 03:20.000
Why would you understand that you were in the city of the A's?

03:20.000 --> 03:22.000
Yes, two days ago.

03:22.000 --> 03:25.000
What sites did you see?

03:38.000 --> 03:40.000
You think you're a bear and a tommy?

03:40.000 --> 03:41.000
A bomb?

03:41.000 --> 03:43.000
A gun?

03:43.000 --> 03:45.000
You don't understand Mr. Brown.

03:45.000 --> 03:48.000
A bomb is a holy weapon, please.

03:52.000 --> 03:54.000
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

03:54.000 --> 03:56.000
It's the 15th of October, 2023.

03:56.000 --> 03:59.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:15.000 --> 04:17.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:17.000 --> 04:19.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:19.000 --> 04:21.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:21.000 --> 04:23.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:23.000 --> 04:25.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:25.000 --> 04:27.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:27.000 --> 04:29.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:29.000 --> 04:31.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:31.000 --> 04:33.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:33.000 --> 04:35.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:35.000 --> 04:37.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:37.000 --> 04:39.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:39.000 --> 04:41.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:41.000 --> 04:43.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:43.000 --> 04:45.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:45.000 --> 04:47.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:47.000 --> 04:49.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:49.000 --> 04:51.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:51.000 --> 04:53.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:53.000 --> 04:55.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:55.000 --> 04:57.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:57.000 --> 04:59.000
This is Kigong Biology.

04:59.000 --> 05:01.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:01.000 --> 05:03.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:03.000 --> 05:05.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:05.000 --> 05:07.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:07.000 --> 05:09.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:09.000 --> 05:11.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:11.000 --> 05:13.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:13.000 --> 05:15.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:15.000 --> 05:17.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:17.000 --> 05:19.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:19.000 --> 05:21.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:21.000 --> 05:23.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:23.000 --> 05:25.000
This is Kigong Biology.

05:25.000 --> 05:27.000
This is Kigong Judges.

05:31.000 --> 05:33.000
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!

05:33.000 --> 05:36.540
go on biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a

05:36.540 --> 05:44.420
biologist since the 15th of October 2023. As you can see my voice is less than

05:44.420 --> 05:48.780
optimal this evening. I'm not gonna make it a long show but I'm not gonna miss my

05:48.780 --> 05:56.540
show. I apologize if anyone was watching Mark's dream and got cut short. You can

05:56.540 --> 06:01.060
always come back here and watch this later. Don't take the bait on TV and

06:01.060 --> 06:07.220
social media and obviously it's getting a little hot in here now. Don't get me

06:07.220 --> 06:14.300
wrong it's not that I didn't expect them to to up the stakes and I think that a

06:14.300 --> 06:18.460
significant number of people will be put in harm's way in order for these

06:18.460 --> 06:24.100
people to get what they want and that is very independent of the mystery of the

06:24.100 --> 06:30.540
of the dangerous gain of function virus. So this is for all the marbles I've

06:30.580 --> 06:34.500
said this for a long time and that's why these people were put in the positions

06:34.500 --> 06:40.220
that they were put in earlier than the pandemic. I'm gonna make reference to

06:40.220 --> 06:49.980
someone tonight by the name of of Shapiro this guy here and this guy here and is he

06:49.980 --> 06:55.620
in this picture? No he's not in that picture. But he was at the original

06:55.620 --> 07:04.740
meeting with with Joe and Sam and Jordan and Rogan and Shapiro and I can't

07:04.740 --> 07:10.380
remember that guy's name. And so Shapiro of course has a pretty predictable

07:10.380 --> 07:18.060
position on the on the calamity that's occurring in the Middle East and I have

07:18.060 --> 07:23.460
no doubt in my mind that as with all of the things in modern history it's not a

07:23.500 --> 07:26.700
matter what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true

07:26.700 --> 07:33.940
and we are again being sucked into choosing a side oftentimes it's choosing

07:33.940 --> 07:40.540
a side but to form an opinion on something that is purely based on images

07:40.540 --> 07:49.260
on your phone hearsay on television and whatever performance art is on your

07:49.260 --> 07:56.180
cable TV but yet we're all being urged to form an opinion about and it's

07:56.180 --> 08:02.140
extraordinary because we were never urged to form an opinion about whether or not

08:02.140 --> 08:05.700
we should lock down or whether we not thought masks for kids were okay or

08:05.700 --> 08:10.500
whether we not thought shutting down schools were alright or whether we thought

08:10.500 --> 08:16.740
old people should get transfected or not but now we're being urged to make an

08:16.740 --> 08:23.860
opinion about this it's pretty extraordinary how many of the people in

08:23.860 --> 08:33.900
this diagram have also taken a pretty interestingly I said that up yet an

08:33.900 --> 08:53.260
interestingly this working or did I oh maybe I did I did I did it's amazing on

08:53.260 --> 09:00.660
many people in this picture have taken a stance a relatively polarized stance on

09:00.660 --> 09:06.220
whether or not we should help or not help or support or not support or which

09:06.220 --> 09:18.100
flag we should fly these people that at the beginning of the pandemic pretty

09:18.100 --> 09:22.700
much kept their head down for a year and a half had an opinion about what happened

09:22.700 --> 09:33.700
over there within ten hours and we're certain about it it's frustrating

09:33.700 --> 09:39.420
because this illusion of consensus about so many things on television

09:39.420 --> 09:55.820
extraordinary it's extraordinarily powerful and we've been moving pieces

09:55.820 --> 10:03.500
around on this board for a while now one piece that I'm hoping to add this

10:03.500 --> 10:08.420
week to the board is dr. Jolie hope I'm gonna get him on my stream this week I

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don't know if I'm gonna have him out of my voice is this bad but we have a

10:12.700 --> 10:19.020
pre-arrange agreement for him to come on this week so I'm excited about that of

10:19.020 --> 10:23.900
course you remember the main objective here is to get this message out we're

10:23.900 --> 10:28.140
not trying to win the race to the opening of the cave or just trying to keep

10:28.140 --> 10:33.500
making progress and not being distracted by these people and I think one of the

10:33.500 --> 10:38.420
ways to separate ourselves from these people is this statement right here and

10:38.420 --> 10:46.780
a lot of the individuals that will say that we're just a distraction or that

10:46.780 --> 10:52.420
I'm running in circles or repeating myself won't address this slide right

10:52.420 --> 10:58.380
here there's a reason because it's part of the faith it's part of the faith that

10:58.380 --> 11:02.740
vaccination is a good idea that we know how to do it that it's worked all the

11:02.740 --> 11:08.180
time and that there are viruses in the future we're for sure gonna need to

11:08.180 --> 11:11.020
vaccinate for

11:19.820 --> 11:27.660
excuse me and so I wanted to look at a couple videos that I found that really

11:28.660 --> 11:36.820
how spectacular this is first one is this one it's a video that I found I

11:36.820 --> 11:42.860
think on Twitter and it's a speech that Steve Kirsch gave at some rally and I

11:42.860 --> 11:48.500
think it's in California and a lot of what Steve Kirsch is is outwardly

11:48.500 --> 11:54.980
supporting and advocating for seems on its face to be quite valid but my

11:55.020 --> 12:06.780
experience with him is there's something incongruent with his actions and I guess

12:06.780 --> 12:12.180
the best anecdote that I can tell you that should convince you that something's

12:12.180 --> 12:17.380
weird about him is that I was invited to be on this group of people that met on

12:17.380 --> 12:24.300
zoom called Steve's steering committee and I don't need to say who's in that

12:24.300 --> 12:27.260
steering committee it doesn't really matter but it's kind of like an advisory

12:27.260 --> 12:35.340
committee where he gets together and you know talks with people and I don't think

12:35.340 --> 12:38.540
I was on that steering committee for that long when I happened to run into

12:38.540 --> 12:50.500
Steve accidentally at a party at someone's house in California and I don't I know

12:50.500 --> 12:57.180
that he didn't expect me to be there and when he saw me it wasn't like oh my

12:57.180 --> 13:01.260
gosh I'm so happy to meet you in person how lucky is this or you know anything

13:01.260 --> 13:06.900
like that which is what you would expect if a person genuinely wanted your

13:06.900 --> 13:12.500
advice and genuinely sought it out and really appreciated you using your time

13:12.500 --> 13:16.620
once a week to be on his steering committee and listen to his ideas about

13:16.620 --> 13:25.500
what to write sub-stacks about but instead it was an incredulous look of

13:25.500 --> 13:31.020
wow you're bigger than I thought you were and that's exactly what words came out

13:31.020 --> 13:40.540
of his mouth he wasn't interested in my kids in my wife and in me and in fact it

13:40.540 --> 13:44.740
was almost as if it was an inconvenience that I was there rather than a wonderful

13:44.740 --> 13:49.660
serendipitous moment where two people that would love to meet each other in

13:49.660 --> 13:59.660
person I was excited when I saw him but very quickly that excitement faded as I

13:59.660 --> 14:04.340
realized that he would be there for the whole party and never talked to me again

14:04.340 --> 14:12.220
it's a real strange dude because we were at the same event for the weekend then

14:14.740 --> 14:21.100
meeting serendipitously at the pre-party and even at the meeting at the

14:21.100 --> 14:30.660
event there's minimal contact and it's just strange it's not what one would

14:30.660 --> 14:40.580
expect and this pattern of behavior has repeated quite often I'm pretty sure

14:40.580 --> 14:44.780
that like many of the signal groups that I've been invited to join being

14:44.780 --> 14:52.020
invited to Steve's steering committee is more like being invited to tell me all

14:52.020 --> 15:03.060
you know so I can use it kind of meeting and flattery and ego massage is used to

15:03.060 --> 15:07.340
get everybody to put down their guard and tell everybody their intimate thoughts

15:07.420 --> 15:13.300
and whatever and that's how they got us that's how they got all the people on

15:13.300 --> 15:19.140
the dissident side with intimate phone calls and intimate meetings and hotel

15:19.140 --> 15:25.900
meetings and watching a husband and wife argue and now suddenly the husband and

15:25.900 --> 15:31.180
wife have to be real now you can't doubt them anymore because they fight you know

15:31.180 --> 15:35.860
and when you watch them fight now you know they're not liars as if that is

15:35.900 --> 15:43.340
not a stick but that's how all of this magic is done and that's how all of these

15:43.340 --> 15:48.940
people have been put in their roles and if you I think if you listen to Steve

15:48.940 --> 15:55.180
Kirsch's speech very well here you will hear a very enticing what sounds like a

15:55.180 --> 16:01.220
guy who's just shooting from his cuff shooting from the hip whatever this

16:01.220 --> 16:06.940
phrase is trying to tell you what he's fighting for but you'll hear the

16:06.940 --> 16:11.500
thoughts you'll hear the faith there was a novel virus it's changing all the time

16:11.500 --> 16:19.220
the variants are there we had to do something what we did was rushed and they

16:19.220 --> 16:22.180
were covering it up because it was a gain of function virus you probably hear

16:22.180 --> 16:26.500
all of it I don't know how long this is I don't know if I'm gonna listen to the

16:26.500 --> 16:31.580
whole thing but it'll give me a break force to get it regular families were

16:31.580 --> 16:34.900
forced to get it with peer pressure and with and there was also the

16:34.900 --> 16:38.780
bribery's there was the donuts the pizzas the money with medicine there

16:38.780 --> 16:43.860
should never be bribery those two should never be mixed whatsoever so I

16:43.860 --> 16:48.940
would like to introduce you to a true hero this is a man who is behind our

16:48.940 --> 16:53.300
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation we have put on to defeat the mandates we

16:53.300 --> 16:58.660
have overcome all kinds of obstacles we continue to fight we have amazing

16:58.660 --> 17:02.820
events planned for next year we will not stop we are not going anywhere we're

17:02.820 --> 17:06.580
here for all of you even all of you that are going in there to see Dr. Anthony

17:06.580 --> 17:11.180
Fauci but Mr. Steve Kersch he is one of our true heroes he's a Bay Area

17:11.180 --> 17:18.500
entrepreneur he is the number one misinformation spreader super spreader

17:18.500 --> 17:23.620
I think we need to change his title though to number one information spreader

17:23.620 --> 17:27.620
I don't think he likes that one quite as much but it is true he is the number

17:27.620 --> 17:35.020
one information spreader and he is a true hero he is a man that is driven by truth

17:35.020 --> 17:38.940
and by science and what I mean science I'm not talking about Anthony Fauci

17:38.940 --> 17:43.860
bought big pharma science he is driven by true science and so thank you Steve

17:43.860 --> 17:46.140

17:50.060 --> 17:55.940
and thank you all for coming today it's great to see you out here and and

17:55.940 --> 18:01.180
protesting this you know I tried I don't have a ticket to get into the talk

18:01.180 --> 18:05.180
today and I figured that if I submitted a question you know because they always

18:05.260 --> 18:08.980
have this thing where you can write down a question and submit it and then if

18:08.980 --> 18:14.900
it's from you for me like them they're never gonna ask about I mean is this

18:14.900 --> 18:21.380
any different than then George Webb getting kicked out of the conference in

18:21.380 --> 18:27.700
Atlanta he went to some freedom lawyers conference in Atlanta and pretended or

18:27.700 --> 18:32.980
kind of got kicked out for not having a press pass or something whatever is this

18:33.060 --> 18:35.980
any different now he's gonna say that he tried to submit a question and they

18:35.980 --> 18:42.460
wouldn't answer it the guy at the desk said no come on these are the kinds of

18:42.460 --> 18:46.980
things that don't really make any sense to me why would you even tell these

18:46.980 --> 18:54.780
stories these stories are only being told because it's all it's all a stick

18:54.780 --> 19:02.780
this guy's really really rich why does he need to raise money on a 501 you know

19:02.780 --> 19:12.420
on a nonprofit organization why does that need to happen because I don't get

19:12.420 --> 19:18.220
where all these people become heroes then he paid a bunch of lawyers to make a

19:18.220 --> 19:26.100
501 what is it a 503 501 3 C3 so that people can donate big dollars you know

19:26.100 --> 19:31.580
like the same foundations that's that fund the PBS NewsHour are donating to

19:31.580 --> 19:39.580
his vaccine safety research foundation must be real sketchy on real real edgy

19:39.580 --> 19:48.220
stuff the skull foundation is funding it I mean this is where we are because this

19:48.220 --> 19:53.380
is the guy that Robert Malone supposedly came out with on the Brett Weinstein

19:53.380 --> 19:58.100
podcast and Robert Malone is kind of pretending to be a Republican but his

19:58.100 --> 20:03.620
best friend is the biggest single donor to the Democratic Party and he comes

20:03.620 --> 20:12.700
out on Brent Weinstein's podcast I mean I think we're seeing something here

20:12.700 --> 20:20.340
really important that they've decided to just kind of ignore it and pretend

20:20.340 --> 20:24.660
that people are not seeing through them and they're just going to keep going

20:24.660 --> 20:34.940
forward and hope that the tide doesn't turn but the tide needs to turn people

20:34.940 --> 20:38.700
were killed by protocols and if he doesn't mention protocols even once here

20:38.700 --> 20:44.740
we have a problem so listen he better mention them actually the question so

20:44.740 --> 20:50.540
it's almost useless to go in and so but I went up there anyway and I said hey

20:50.540 --> 20:55.100
look I'm I'm pretty famous I'm the number one misinformation super spreader

20:55.100 --> 21:00.140
in the world and I just want to ask Fauci one question on stage you know

21:00.140 --> 21:03.820
can I can I do that the answer is no we don't have anyone who could talk to you

21:03.820 --> 21:11.580
about that so I tell you I didn't come here with high expectations and I was

21:11.580 --> 21:17.700
not disappointed by that response you know the other I'm pretty famous and I'd

21:17.700 --> 21:23.260
like to talk to Tony Fauci that's like going to an Eric Clapton show and saying

21:23.260 --> 21:28.260
I'm pretty famous I'd like to go backstage it's just stupid it's just

21:28.260 --> 21:35.180
stupid the thing that I noticed is that a lot of people who believe what Fauci

21:35.180 --> 21:41.620
says and what their doctor says is they are basically trusting authority and when

21:41.620 --> 21:46.180
I came out and I said hey you know it looks like the data actually shows that

21:46.180 --> 21:51.300
these shots are not safe and effective people didn't believe me because I'm

21:51.300 --> 21:56.620
not a doctor I'm not an expert I'm not an epidemiologist and I'm just a

21:56.620 --> 22:02.100
regular you know engineer with a couple of degrees from MIT that knows how to

22:02.100 --> 22:08.980
analyze data but apparently that doesn't count right so I tried to make it very

22:08.980 --> 22:13.820
clear to people who can't tell the difference between what science says

22:13.820 --> 22:18.700
and what the experts say and so what I did is I offered a million dollars to

22:18.700 --> 22:25.860
anybody in the world who would bet me and my bet was the vaccine has killed

22:25.860 --> 22:31.080
more people than it's safe now that's a that's a very safe bet and I was

22:31.080 --> 22:35.900
prepared to go to ten million dollars or even more if anybody wanted to take

22:35.900 --> 22:45.380
me up on it can you believe that nobody in the entire world would take my bet

22:45.380 --> 22:50.900
easy money for someone right because we all know we all trust the authorities

22:50.900 --> 22:55.340
that the vaccines are safe and effective and they save lives so I should be

22:55.340 --> 23:00.700
inundated like I should be bankrupt because everyone's gonna take my million

23:00.700 --> 23:08.540
dollars from me and but nobody took me up on it but there's one guy one guy in

23:08.540 --> 23:14.220
the entire world he's in Israel his name is Sarwulf he's a tech entrepreneur

23:14.220 --> 23:20.580
and a poker player he's not a doctor he's not an epidemiologist and he he said

23:20.580 --> 23:27.300
I'll take your bet for half a million and I say you're on so we have an escrow

23:27.300 --> 23:32.020
agent we have an agreement we're in the process of picking judges which of

23:32.020 --> 23:35.580
course is the hard part because you have to find judges who actually can

23:35.580 --> 23:42.060
interpret the data but the point is that if the vaccines really worked and we're

23:42.060 --> 23:48.500
saving lives and everybody would be wanting to take my money and there's

23:48.500 --> 23:54.940
only one guy and he wasn't even in the United States who accepted my bet what

23:54.940 --> 24:01.060
does that tell you it tells you that nobody has any conviction in their

24:01.060 --> 24:07.020
beliefs it says that every health authority in the entire world is happy

24:07.020 --> 24:13.420
to risk your life on the vaccine but they will not risk their money they will not

24:13.420 --> 24:20.140
risk a dime abetting their money that they're right and so when you look at

24:20.140 --> 24:23.540
this is the vaccine safe and effective and I've been looking at this problem

24:23.540 --> 24:28.260
for a couple of years now and you know at first I was posting on Twitter and

24:28.260 --> 24:31.700
then I got two lifetime bands on Twitter and ended up starting a

24:31.700 --> 24:42.100
sub-stack in October two years ago and 1500 articles later it's it's even worse

24:42.100 --> 24:50.700
than I thought and I just found about a month ago I found what I considered to

24:50.700 --> 24:55.420
be the holy grail you know and how many people saw the Monty Python and the

24:55.420 --> 25:00.900
search for the holy grail okay so you know it's like crossing the bridge you

25:00.900 --> 25:05.900
know where the troll asked the three questions and you know and then you got

25:05.900 --> 25:09.380
the what's the and what's the and then you know told the troll what's the

25:09.380 --> 25:13.580
labian airspeed of it or what's what's the airspeed of a laden swallow and then

25:13.580 --> 25:17.420
the right answer is African or European I don't know people remember that but

25:17.500 --> 25:23.700
anyway I digress so I finally found the mother load and the

25:23.700 --> 25:27.420
technically that wasn't the right answer it was a question that went asked the

25:27.420 --> 25:30.860
person who was asking the questions to cross the bridge didn't know the answer

25:30.860 --> 25:38.300
and so then he got to go across other load is it's CMS data it is the Medicare

25:38.300 --> 25:43.260
data so it so CMS is Medicare and what happened is that for the last two

25:43.260 --> 25:56.820
years for the last two years they have been collecting data from over 15,000

25:56.820 --> 26:02.620
nursing homes on a weekly basis they've they've tracked the number of COVID

26:02.620 --> 26:08.740
cases number of infections and the number of COVID does and they've been

26:08.740 --> 26:16.220
publishing that for the last two years now has anyone ever seen an analysis of

26:16.220 --> 26:22.180
that data that says look look at this data it shows the vaccines worked on the

26:22.180 --> 26:27.660
elderly which was the number one demographic for where the vaccine was

26:27.660 --> 26:33.300
supposed to work now has anyone ever seen a paper referencing that Medicare data

26:33.300 --> 26:38.500
that's the gold standard Medicare data this is it this is you don't get any

26:38.540 --> 26:42.380
better than this data this is the best data in the world for showing that it

26:42.380 --> 26:48.180
worked did you ever see a paper anywhere that analyze the data and so this data

26:48.180 --> 26:55.340
shows that it worked no it's a good point and you got a given points on that but

26:55.340 --> 26:59.620
so far we're started with the shot we haven't talked about the fact that the

26:59.620 --> 27:05.740
danger of the virus was grossly exaggerated by the lockdowns and the

27:05.740 --> 27:11.700
imposition of protocols based on a financial incentive and the huge changes

27:11.700 --> 27:16.260
that took place in New York City that were used as a precedence around the

27:16.260 --> 27:23.380
world and around the globe used as a prelude let's say those numbers that

27:23.380 --> 27:27.900
were generated in New York State were used as a prelude of what was gonna

27:27.900 --> 27:33.260
happen around the world and all the governments took it that way there's

27:33.300 --> 27:39.500
no bones about it that is what happened and we are already in he started his

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story in 2021 because that's when the two inspections were rolled out or if

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you want to look at the UK's perspective late 2020 was when asked

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through Zeneca I think hit the streets so that's why I decided to look at the

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data because they weren't looking at the data now why wouldn't they look at the

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data if it showed that the vaccines work and the answer is it shows the

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vaccines did the opposite it shows the vaccines made old people more oh sorry

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likely to die from Covid and then the effect wore off and they're the same as

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they were before which means the vaccine actually killed a bunch of people so

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the vaccine made them more likely to die of Covid the novel virus did you hear

28:33.820 --> 28:39.460
it because that's what this is about to me this is it this is you don't get any

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better than this data this is the best data in the world for showing that it

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worked did you ever see a paper anywhere that analyzed the data and said this

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data shows that it worked no so that's why I decided to look at the data because

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they weren't looking at the data now why wouldn't they look at the data if it

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showed that the vaccines work and the answer is it shows the vaccines did the

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opposite it shows the vaccines made old people more likely to die from Covid

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and then the effect wore off and they're the same as they were before which means

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the vaccine actually killed a bunch of people and then sort of didn't and then

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then what happened is omicron hit so the the virus changed it it changed to a

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less lethal variant and you know what happened the infection fatality rate

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which is the number of deaths versus the number of infections okay and so that

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went down meaning something worked to protect you against Covid and what it

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was is the omicron variant because the omicron variant is less deadly than the

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the variants before by a factor of seven and you can see that in the Medicare

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data you can see the effect of omicron in the Medicare data and it lowers the

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infection fatality rate by a factor of around seven but the vaccine increased

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it by one point six so in other words their own data shows that the vaccine

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actually accelerated death because it increased your risk of dying from Covid

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this is very important for people to know and I'll be writing a sub-stack on it

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I was gonna try to finish it today but it'll probably be either later tonight

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or tomorrow I will have all of this out and I want to thank there was a there

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were a couple of people standing here that I showed this data to and they said

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no this shows that it the vaccines work they said no and and so they actually

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helped me by talking to people who you know aren't familiar with data analysis

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it was super helpful because now I can present the data in a way that the

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average person can understand and so you have to sort of partial it out but

31:10.140 --> 31:16.540
that's the key is really is getting people to look at the data and say look

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nobody can challenge nobody's able to challenge this guy on it and in fact I

31:20.500 --> 31:25.500
raised over $50,000 from my followers for people who are willing to sponsor a

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debate between you know either me or other experts on on various topics and

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so the point is that if we offer $10,000 we say hey you can donate to the

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maturity of your choice just for engaging in a conversation to show me

31:40.380 --> 31:45.900
the right path and nobody shows up it's an indictment on them because we're

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using their data and it's very clear it shows that the vaccines not only did

31:53.140 --> 31:59.340
nothing they actually made you more likely to die from covid and so this

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data is not been you know the CDC never talks did you ever heard the CDC talk

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about this this nursing home data no of course not if the vaccine worked they

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be it'd be like every week they'd be referring to that data and so it just

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shows you just how corrupt this whole system is and you know two years ago I

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mean I took the vaccine because I trusted the FDA I thought everything was on a

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level like a lot of people thinking like oh well they're experts and you must

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don't know what they're they're talking about and I'm you know doing my thing is

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it so isn't it clear this is completely and totally on faith there's a novel

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virus we had to do something the mRNA killed a bunch of people no doubt I mean

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I wonder I'm I'm scared to let it play because we might get to the stage where

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the EC is gonna say that they were contaminated and then it's completely

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the whole narrative and it's it's very difficult for me at this stage to

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believe that they didn't have this whole narrative ready to go and already

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planned even if it's a if it's a permutation of the original one because

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they had to go a little farther than they intended they thought more people

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would be on board it would be easier they wouldn't have to turn up to eat so

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much on the narrative but they've they're fine with it I'm not really sure

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who these people are and who they all work for but they do not work for us they

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are not grassroots salt of the earth people fighting for their next-door

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neighbors like I humbly submit that I am I humbly submit that I am fighting for

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everybody in Pittsburgh everybody in Wisconsin everybody in Chicago everybody

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in Amsterdam and in Rotterdam and everywhere where I've ever lived and

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anywhere that I know somebody that I care about because who else do you fight

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for you can't care for every person on the planet and you can't let your heart

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break for every person on the planet and if you do that then you can't go on

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your phone or watch television ever again because that's not the way that's

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not the way your brain is supposed to function you're not supposed to have

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empathy for all 8 billion people on the planet

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and so if they are directing your empathy around the world if they are

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directing your emotions around the world you got a wonder and you got to ask

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yourself why let's try to know maybe I'll just listen what time is it 10 15

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I'll listen tech entrepreneur and so I ended up getting two shots of Moderna

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but right after that I started hearing about deaths or near deaths from people

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that were close to me I in fact I heard from one person that three of her

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relatives took the vaccine and they died within a week after they got the

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vaccine and they were perfectly and of course that's the story that he told

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out of Brad Weinstein podcast it's his house gleeber his house geeber is the

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one that had three people die healthy before that I said look there's no way

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that that could possibly be happening so either you're lying to me or the

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government's lying to me and I found out pretty quick that it was the government

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lying to me and so you know and it's not just by the way it's not just for this

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vaccine that they're lying to you it's to get our vaccines as well you know I

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talked to Alex about hey Alex is there actually a safe vaccine right is

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there is a vaccine I should get and the answer is no that if you look at all the

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vaccine it's dawned I mean just now that you know if you say this as what are you

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really doing them well you're either setting people up for a real pain

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because anybody who's recently converted to the the you doubt everything team

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knows that it's a pretty painful conversion and secondly you're almost

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suggesting that we need vaccines just the old ones don't work either and so I'm

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very skeptical of his particular stance although you know what I'm happy about

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it for now because this is the right message we need to say this as I said in

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my slides intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the

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intent of augmenting the immune system is probably dumb and so he's right but

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he's not saying that he's saying that the old vaccines and these new ones

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they're both kind of sketch but let's listen to the details of why things they're

37:05.900 --> 37:11.900
aren't safety studies that show that demonstrate that the benefits outweigh

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the risk because they never do these aftermarket safety studies with the

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large numbers required to show them and so you're flying blind but what we do

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know is that in every study that's published in the peer reviewed that's

37:27.100 --> 37:29.980
an interesting I'm gonna go back to let you listen to it again that's an

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interesting and different thing than what Aaron Siri argues and what I believe

37:35.780 --> 37:40.100
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. argues which is that they haven't done placebo studies

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for the vaccines Steve seems to be arguing that we have a lot more data now

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and we can go into these medical databases and look at the temporal

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correlation between different ICD-10 codes and the application of these

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products and you can see whether or not there's a difference and I think he's

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right about that so again saying something relatively smart here is Steve

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Kirsch mixed in with 100% narrative town Omicron saved us not the vaccine the

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whole nine yards Omicron saved us according to Steve Kirsch gave us the

38:23.340 --> 38:28.460
immunity and to me and so you know and it's not just by the way it's not just

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for this vaccine that they're lying to you is to get our vaccines as well you

38:32.460 --> 38:39.140
know I talked to Alex about hey Alex is there actually a safe vaccine right is

38:39.140 --> 38:44.340
there is there a vaccine I should get and the answer is no that if you look at

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all the vaccines there aren't safety studies that show that demonstrate that

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the benefits outweigh the risk because they never do these aftermarket safety

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studies with the large numbers required to show that and so you're flying blind

39:01.740 --> 39:07.060
but what we do know is that in every study that's published in the peer

39:07.060 --> 39:12.740
reviewed medical journal we do know that in every single case when they compare

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the fully vaccinated with the fully unvaccinated that the fully unvaccinated

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kids do better on virtually every metric and you know so whether you're looking

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autism ADHD food allergies the list goes on and on but it's effectively auto

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immune disease is the big thing you know as a factor of 25 odds ratio which

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means virtually all autoimmune diseases if you have like a food allergy or

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anything that is you know type one diabetes that these things are being

39:46.580 --> 39:52.220
triggered by the vaccines and we know that not just from from the studies

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that have been done from my independent study but there's also a clinic that's

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located in the United States I won't say where they've been doing this for 25

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years and they counsel the parents do if parents says I want a vaccine for my

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kid they will give them full informed consent they will tell them here's the

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downside and all the parents refuse to have their kids vaccinated so for the

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past 25 years for all these kids in the practice there's not been a single case

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of autism in 25 years and they're in a community where autism is through the

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roof you can't explain that if it wasn't the vaccines causing it and I know

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another I know a doctor who has a lot of autism patients and I asked him you

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know sometimes kids go autistic they're normal and then they suddenly go

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autistic just like that for normal one day and they wake up the next day or you

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know hours later they're autistic and they're autistic for the rest of their

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lives what triggers that well it turns out I asked him I said so in how many

41:00.780 --> 41:07.020
cases did that happen where it happened within two weeks after a vaccine he said

41:07.100 --> 41:12.340
44 how many cases where that happened and it was two weeks just before their

41:12.340 --> 41:19.740
vaccine vaccine shot zero okay so you can do the math on that and it turns out

41:19.740 --> 41:26.620
that it'll never happen if the vaccine wasn't causing the autism what I just

41:26.620 --> 41:32.660
told you from one doctor it's just 44 cases but they're all post-vaccine you

41:32.660 --> 41:38.140
can't get that that's like flipping a coin 44 times and getting all heads okay

41:38.140 --> 41:42.340
it's not a fair coin okay if it was a fair coin have to be halped heads have

41:42.340 --> 41:47.580
tails right so this is they're all happening after the vaccine so this

41:47.580 --> 41:51.500
thing where they all these doctors will say oh you know it's been you know there's

41:51.500 --> 41:58.940
no link between vaccines and autism that's bullshit you know virtually all of

41:58.980 --> 42:05.580
these autism cases are being caused by vaccines and I'm not talking about

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and I'm including the case shot and the mother getting a vaccine beforehand and

42:11.060 --> 42:19.740
so forth so the bottom line is that if there's a safe vaccine I will let you

42:19.740 --> 42:24.420
know on my substack don't hold your breath but for now the list of safe

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vaccines is my favorite it's my favorite slide in the deck and it's a

42:29.060 --> 42:36.260
blank slide that is your list of safe vaccines so keep that in mind so thank

42:36.260 --> 42:40.460
you thank you for coming out today thank you very much

42:41.300 --> 42:51.300
thank you everybody it's pretty easy for him to basically not give any credit to

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anyone take all credit for himself and more importantly I would say that what's

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striking about this is that he goes farther than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or

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Meryl Nast has ever gone I've never heard Meryl Nast say that there are no

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safe vaccines I've never heard Robert F. Kennedy say there are no

43:17.340 --> 43:22.860
same vaccines in fact I've heard him say often that he's pro vaccine he just

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wants them tested and I think I've also heard him hint that if there was a safe

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vaccine that he would be fine with mandating it we are not out of the woods

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yet ladies and gentlemen and don't think for one second that I have any pre

43:40.700 --> 43:46.900
misconceptions about what's going on here how everyone is still being used in

43:46.900 --> 43:56.420
puppeteered and played and it's a multi-layer theater here some people don't

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know that they're part of it some people don't know what part they're playing

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and to a certain extent it has to be the same with me it's not possible for me to

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know exactly what happened and it's not possible for me to know exactly what's

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happening and so to the extent to which I'm unable to escape from the traps that

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are inevitably everywhere I too am still scumbly dude by something almost

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assuredly but it's just a question of where do you put your energy in time I've

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got three kids and a wife who I never didn't see all day today almost and

44:41.500 --> 44:51.860
don't see on most days I can't expand into politics I want to get back to

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teaching biology but this illusion that they are casting on us this cognitive

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enchantment it must be broken it must be broken or our children will never

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escape it I can hear it from my boys when they come home from school their

45:13.020 --> 45:23.500
entire faculty is trapped the entire school is trapped in it we are very far

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from out of this mess and I think a lot of us have been fooled into believing

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that we've made more progress than we have because of the way that social

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media echoes inside of the cave I just want to be careful and I want to be

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vigilant and I want to be humble this shirt that I'm wearing here is from three

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years ago when Aaron Rodgers was still playing on the Packers and was sort of

45:56.340 --> 46:00.220
kind of lying about whether he'd been immunized or not but he was immunized he

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was immunized by infection and for a while during my stream I was wearing a

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yellow wristband I mean we're really in a mess here and this illusion of the

46:17.780 --> 46:24.700
of the narrative that the mystery that we've been tricked into solving and the

46:24.700 --> 46:28.300
people who have tricked us to believe that they are the heroes that are

46:28.300 --> 46:33.980
solving the mystery we've got to break this in chimp

46:41.060 --> 46:48.060
this one is especially brutal but it's important to see there's a number of

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aspects of this that I want to point out as we go through it the first one is

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that what we have here is the Jimmy Dor show it's a relatively well-watched

47:01.100 --> 47:16.300
show on YouTube with millions of subscribers and followers and they they're

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pretty good about seeing through lies in certain context but they are like many

47:22.180 --> 47:27.020
other people incapable of seeing that if they'll lie about all this other stuff

47:27.020 --> 47:31.740
why wouldn't they lie about a virus why wouldn't they lie about the

47:31.740 --> 47:38.140
specificity of a test why wouldn't they lie about a few sequences why wouldn't

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they lie about this stuff do you really believe that they would lie about terrorist

47:46.940 --> 47:52.580
events lie about how buildings would fall down lie about where bombs come from

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lie about who kills world leaders and not lie about a virus

48:09.260 --> 48:12.300
it's pretty naive

48:12.300 --> 48:14.300

48:16.300 --> 48:21.120
explicit was near the old con child actor Ben Shapiro has promoted an AI

48:21.120 --> 48:25.260
generated image he claims showed an Israeli baby burnt by Hamas militants

48:25.260 --> 48:29.940
didn't it in Yahoo's office shows similar fabricated images to Joe Biden and Tony

48:29.940 --> 48:34.260
but they didn't have to because Joe Biden went and repeated the lie he's

48:34.260 --> 48:46.400
gonna wait chicken wings chicken wings chicken wings chicken legs breaking

48:46.400 --> 48:50.080
Israeli is used white before we get that let's go let's stick with the chicken

48:50.080 --> 48:54.220
legs guys let me let you get first stab at this because I think this is part of

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a bigger picture right here it's not just Ben Shapiro who is doing this and

48:57.660 --> 49:03.100
this is once again this mentality that if you keep repeating the lie it becomes

49:03.100 --> 49:07.180
a truth you have to stay on narrative you keep yelling and screaming about it

49:07.180 --> 49:10.780
and at the end of the day a lot of people don't do their research don't look down

49:10.780 --> 49:14.980
the rabbit hole don't try to understand it just becomes automatic truth so did

49:14.980 --> 49:26.140
you hear what he just said how precise he said it just think if he would apply

49:26.140 --> 49:35.980
that to covid and to the pandemic just think how precisely he said that now

49:35.980 --> 49:39.740
what they're debating is that Ben Shapiro may or may not have perpetuated the

49:39.740 --> 49:48.740
sharing of an AI generated image of a burnt baby from Israel it's still up for

49:48.740 --> 49:54.220
grabs is whether it's an AI image but think about how how fifth generation

49:54.220 --> 50:00.180
warfare that crap is or you've got a guy who's part of the early intellectual

50:00.180 --> 50:10.340
dark web an influencer placed on purpose by the teal group by the musk and teal

50:10.340 --> 50:22.940
group under the Joe Rogan pyramid is in a is in full view saying crazy things and

50:23.420 --> 50:28.820
then we can argue with him by showing that it was an AI thing boy this AI is

50:28.820 --> 50:35.900
trouble isn't it and at the same time we're also talking about this listen to how

50:35.900 --> 50:42.180
he describes it and then marvel and revel in the idea that he's not talking

50:42.180 --> 50:49.620
about how protocols were used to exaggerate a novel pathogen or even to

50:49.620 --> 50:55.340
create the illusion of a novel pathogen he's not talking about that at all he's

50:55.340 --> 51:00.260
not even talking about the fact that that same illusion was used to justify

51:00.260 --> 51:08.660
giving millions of people including the main host of this show permanent damage

51:08.660 --> 51:16.140
from transfection and instead they're talking about this as if this is the

51:16.140 --> 51:23.340
why this is the new Scooby-Doo to solve obviously they let it happen

51:23.340 --> 51:32.220
obviously they're exaggerating obviously it's polarizing again right on the same

51:32.220 --> 51:41.460
darn fault line how weird is that huh they are trying to fraction us fraction

51:41.460 --> 51:46.660
made us badly they want us to fight about this they hope that people will

51:46.660 --> 51:54.180
take action don't take the bait ladies and gentlemen don't take the bait like

51:54.180 --> 51:59.060
these people are we don't need to get worked up over this we don't need to get

51:59.060 --> 52:02.700
worked up over this because we were just attacked for three years and we're still

52:02.700 --> 52:12.140
under attack now we got our own problems and the Israelis you know

52:16.660 --> 52:20.340
if we're gonna step out on this one if we're gonna step out on this one we

52:20.340 --> 52:25.500
got to step out on the side of peace you got to step out on the side of love and

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you got to step out on the side of turn your other cheek I'm sorry you don't

52:31.660 --> 52:36.980
like that that's the way it is I'm not saying that if somebody comes into my

52:36.980 --> 52:46.540
house they're not gonna get shot but I'm saying that you can't use bombs on a

52:46.540 --> 52:50.260
population that can't go anywhere

52:54.580 --> 53:00.740
it's just ridiculous but again I don't want to talk about it and they want you

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to talk about it that's what my point is they want everybody to argue about it

53:05.260 --> 53:09.380
they want you to debate about it they want you to think about what does this

53:09.380 --> 53:15.140
mean doesn't this mean the United States is really bad because they're

53:15.140 --> 53:19.780
unwavering support for Israel shouldn't the whole world hate the United States

53:19.780 --> 53:26.780
shouldn't the United States tear itself down just from shame that's what they

53:26.780 --> 53:34.460
want us to do that much is very clear because the other side is also crying

53:34.460 --> 53:41.340
both sides are crying in the United States people both on both sides that

53:41.340 --> 53:46.220
have nobody no skin in the game just hypothetical skin in the game like you

53:46.220 --> 53:51.900
know I watch it on my phone I see it on TV I've been following it my whole life

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I've been to Israel before and so they think they have skin in the game but

54:00.620 --> 54:04.260
these same people didn't have any skin in the game when we were using Remdesivir

54:04.260 --> 54:08.180
on people in hospitals for a year and a half these people don't have any skin

54:08.180 --> 54:13.180
in the game when people are dying of opioids on the street these people don't

54:13.180 --> 54:16.140
have any skin in the game when crack cocaine was spreading through the inner

54:16.140 --> 54:23.100
cities for the whole of the 90s people don't give a shit

54:25.140 --> 54:32.460
but we're supposed to get all riled up now and it is an atrocity it is awful

54:32.460 --> 54:36.980
there's a lot of awful things happening in Africa too I think there are some

54:36.980 --> 54:42.460
awful things happening in Asia too and there's an ongoing awful thing

54:42.460 --> 54:45.940
happening over here where we've been lied to they're lying to our children and

54:45.940 --> 54:50.500
they're governing us with mythologies

54:53.140 --> 54:57.180
don't get caught up in this but listen very carefully to how they describe it

54:57.180 --> 55:01.020
because it's important they get it right they're really close if they could just

55:01.020 --> 55:07.460
apply this to everything instead of just what the TV tells them to apply it to

55:07.620 --> 55:14.420
this would all be great and that's the trick the TV is telling them that this

55:14.420 --> 55:21.300
is the thing to argue about and these are the two sides these are the two

55:21.300 --> 55:23.980

55:27.060 --> 55:33.220
and so they're arguing about it and they've forgotten already about what they

55:33.220 --> 55:38.780
should be arguing about which is that people violated our rights our sovereignty

55:38.780 --> 55:45.780
on a worldwide scale lied to us on a worldwide scale stole trillions of

55:45.780 --> 55:53.740
dollars and murdered many innocent people

55:57.740 --> 56:02.260
we get that let's go let's stick with the chicken legs guys let me let you get

56:02.260 --> 56:05.180
the first stab at this because I think this is part of a bigger picture right

56:05.180 --> 56:10.140
here it's not just Ben Shapiro who is doing this and this is once again this

56:10.140 --> 56:14.780
mentality that if you keep repeating the lie it becomes a truth you have to stay

56:14.780 --> 56:18.060
on narrative you keep yelling and screaming about it and at the end of the

56:18.060 --> 56:21.580
day a lot of people don't do their research don't look down the rabbit hole

56:21.580 --> 56:26.540
don't try to understand it just becomes automatic truth Hamas is barbaric and

56:26.540 --> 56:31.980
what they're doing to the Jewish citizens is awful due dissonance boys and instead

56:32.020 --> 56:36.900
you could have so substituted in there there's a novel virus we had to do

56:36.900 --> 56:41.180
something the mRNA is great it's probably gain function so it could come

56:41.180 --> 56:48.180
again and keep screaming it over and over or just don't question it question

56:48.180 --> 56:55.620
everything else vigorously that's the trick

56:55.620 --> 57:01.700
I don't know if I have to play any more of this but I'm gonna let it go just for

57:01.700 --> 57:06.980
a second to see why I recorded it for so long take a shot at it whenever you

57:06.980 --> 57:13.860
hear very over-the-top stories like this they're almost never true and the real

57:13.860 --> 57:20.980
problem is that is it an over-the-top story to say that a RNA molecule that was

57:20.980 --> 57:25.300
found in a bat cave has circulated the goal for three and a half years is that

57:25.300 --> 57:30.700
an over-the-top story is it an over-the-top story to say that we had to close

57:30.700 --> 57:36.940
down a planet for an RNA molecule is that an over-the-top story at all that

57:36.940 --> 57:46.580
doesn't come across as a little odd they can see it with this over-the-top story

57:46.580 --> 57:55.220
bodies burned doesn't seem that over-the-top to me but okay sure do you see my

57:55.220 --> 58:01.980
point you're these people that watch social media and try to extract truth

58:01.980 --> 58:07.660
from it without seeing the people for the bamboozled people that they are I'm

58:07.660 --> 58:10.620
not saying these guys are bad guys they don't know any better they're trying to

58:10.620 --> 58:17.860
help but they're traumatized it's not post-traumatic stress disorder this is

58:17.860 --> 58:23.340
just stress disorder and they're trying desperately to keep up with the

58:23.380 --> 58:28.820
contradictions and the incongruities and they're trying to keep up with this

58:28.820 --> 58:34.700
this fake maze that's coming at us in the background here and solve all the

58:34.700 --> 58:40.420
moving parts and duck out of the way and they think they're doing a good job but

58:40.420 --> 58:46.740
that's actually the dance that the controllers want them to do we got to say

58:46.740 --> 58:52.860
that this is bullshit and stand still while this illusion passes us by that's

58:52.940 --> 58:58.380
what we need to do and then determine how it is that we're going to take

58:58.380 --> 59:01.740
control back of our country it's not going to be by electing anybody that I

59:01.740 --> 59:08.260
know right now I'll listen to a little more at look government's gonna

59:08.260 --> 59:14.220
government propaganda department's gonna propaganda is it's the job of the

59:14.220 --> 59:18.700
media to tell the truth and we have a media that not only doesn't tell the

59:18.700 --> 59:25.100
truth but amplifies these kinds of lives and they do it every time as soon as

59:25.100 --> 59:31.340
you know whether it's Gulf of Tonkin whether it's it's Viagra the kadafi

59:31.340 --> 59:36.100
giving his soldiers Viagra when whenever you hear these stories that are just

59:36.100 --> 59:43.540
really incredible nine times out of ten they're either completely fabricated or

59:43.580 --> 59:48.900
grossly exaggerated but they have to imagine if we could get these people to

59:48.900 --> 59:53.940
consider the possibility that there's biological reason to believe that the

59:53.940 --> 01:00:02.380
pandemic was just such an operation gosh we're close yet so damn far we're so

01:00:02.380 --> 01:00:08.180
close but we're so damn far it's unbelievable

01:00:09.060 --> 01:00:14.700
to present this because it's part of maintaining the narrative of worthy and

01:00:14.700 --> 01:00:20.380
unworthy victims as Chomsky calls it right because they the underlying message

01:00:20.380 --> 01:00:26.020
is that these people are savages these people are barbaric these people have

01:00:26.020 --> 01:00:30.460
invited the treatment that they get from Israel because look at how they behave

01:00:30.460 --> 01:00:35.540
right they're savages they can't be trusted outside of the concentration

01:00:35.540 --> 01:00:39.780
camp that's been built for them because I'm gonna leave it I don't know how far

01:00:39.780 --> 01:00:46.280
it's gonna go but I don't want to cover that too much it was my intention just

01:00:46.280 --> 01:00:52.220
to show you that they are very easily able to process the idea that we've been

01:00:52.220 --> 01:00:56.620
lied to on certain fronts but not on other fronts and that's a little

01:00:56.620 --> 01:00:59.540
frustrating to me

01:01:06.540 --> 01:01:13.460
every liar is a murderer did you know that

01:01:14.100 --> 01:01:29.540
every liar because when you lie you kill the spirit of life in the mind of the

01:01:29.540 --> 01:01:38.860
person who believes the lie you are ill-affecting somebody when you're

01:01:38.860 --> 01:01:49.660
lying and you're ill-affecting yourself so you become Shaitan Shaitan in Arabic

01:01:49.660 --> 01:01:56.300
is one whose evil is not just limited to oneself but he is

01:01:56.300 --> 01:02:02.420
spread to others and once you start lying you're lying to somebody about

01:02:02.420 --> 01:02:10.820
something or someone so now in lying the evil of yourself is being spread to

01:02:10.820 --> 01:02:19.420
somebody else you becoming becoming not yet a devil but you're on your way

01:02:19.980 --> 01:02:28.180
Jesus said I know you you are of your father who the devil now let's go look

01:02:28.180 --> 01:02:31.260
deeper into that

01:02:34.860 --> 01:02:40.220
so I really do believe that they lied to us about a dangerous novel virus and

01:02:40.220 --> 01:02:46.380
that they had a plan to use a nonspecific test and financial incentives to

01:02:46.420 --> 01:02:52.100
employ that test in order to convert a much larger portion of all cause

01:02:52.100 --> 01:02:58.300
mortality to a new disease other than flu and pneumonia and to make that new

01:02:58.300 --> 01:03:05.940
disease a national security priority and I believe that this likely was

01:03:05.940 --> 01:03:11.820
facilitated by the dissemination of an RNA infectious clone which is the only

01:03:11.860 --> 01:03:20.980
real version of a RNA molecule that's of any danger to anybody a self-replicating

01:03:20.980 --> 01:03:26.700
RNA molecule that can be dispersed a pure version of this so that it could be

01:03:26.700 --> 01:03:31.980
tracked by its sequence there is a distinct biological possibility that if

01:03:31.980 --> 01:03:37.420
it was distributed in quantity and in purity that it might even limitedly

01:03:37.460 --> 01:03:44.140
spread similar to how these clones can be shown to spread between cell cultures

01:03:44.140 --> 01:03:49.660
and animals in the laboratory but the spread is limited and the lifespan is

01:03:49.660 --> 01:03:57.780
limited because of the infidelity of RNA replication and we got here by three

01:03:57.780 --> 01:04:03.940
years of studying the swarm swarm dynamics and studying the idea that

01:04:03.940 --> 01:04:10.660
there are these huge portions of an RNA swarm during replication which are

01:04:10.660 --> 01:04:15.900
incompetent RNA noise that's created by these molecules when they're put into

01:04:15.900 --> 01:04:22.360
culture or put into an animal and that RNA noise can be cleaned up with

01:04:22.360 --> 01:04:28.940
sequencing reactions it can be made into a consensus sequence but the biology of

01:04:28.940 --> 01:04:32.100
that noise and the biology of that swarm has never been adequately

01:04:32.140 --> 01:04:38.060
represented here because the biology of that swarm belies the fact that it

01:04:38.060 --> 01:04:42.900
cannot sustain a pandemic and it certainly can't sustain a pandemic with

01:04:42.900 --> 01:04:49.500
pure sequences that are trackable around the world for years where an

01:04:49.500 --> 01:04:55.620
omicron variant in its transmissibility but relatively a virulence can immunize

01:04:55.700 --> 01:05:02.220
the world these are mythologies that have been laid down by a sophisticated

01:05:02.220 --> 01:05:09.620
group of actors in front and behind the scenes to make sure that everybody

01:05:09.620 --> 01:05:14.820
believes the gain of function is real and that pandemic potential is real so

01:05:14.820 --> 01:05:20.420
that they can slowly but surely invert the sovereignty of our children into a

01:05:20.460 --> 01:05:27.380
permission system that's based on digital ID and the illusion of consensus

01:05:27.380 --> 01:05:32.180
that we've been under for the last three years was wittingly and unwittingly

01:05:32.180 --> 01:05:38.700
created by many of the people that we considered heroes that's the truth

01:05:38.700 --> 01:05:44.460
almost nobody that we really considered a hero is in fact that they have been

01:05:44.460 --> 01:05:49.620
wittingly or unwittingly co-opted many of them may have been forced to be

01:05:49.620 --> 01:05:55.060
co-opted men forced to accept the fate of you push this narrative you don't

01:05:55.060 --> 01:06:05.100
cross these third rails and you'll be okay if you do not so much I've met a lot

01:06:05.100 --> 01:06:12.460
of people who were scared I've gotten a sense that a lot of people are scared so

01:06:12.460 --> 01:06:16.340
I have no doubt in my mind that not everybody is having a good time being

01:06:16.340 --> 01:06:24.140
a dissident but the hot tubs look fun but these people have laid down this

01:06:24.140 --> 01:06:27.660
consensus of the fact that there is pandemic potential and bad caves that

01:06:27.660 --> 01:06:33.540
can be accessed through cell culture and also through animal passage and

01:06:33.540 --> 01:06:39.500
enhanced through genetic methods and that is the same illusion of consensus

01:06:39.500 --> 01:06:45.380
that has us trapped that as us as I have characterized a Scooby-Doo trying to

01:06:45.380 --> 01:06:50.300
solve the mystery of where it came from and once you try to solve that mystery

01:06:50.300 --> 01:06:55.820
you accept that it's there and you're bamboozled that's the enchantment that

01:06:55.820 --> 01:07:01.420
allowed us to think that we needed to reformulate how we think about respiratory

01:07:01.420 --> 01:07:09.180
disease that we need to reformulate how we think about all cause mortality that

01:07:09.180 --> 01:07:12.660
there's a new way of responding to a respiratory virus with great big

01:07:12.660 --> 01:07:19.100
antibodies that can't even cross that barrier and they needed to reinforce

01:07:19.100 --> 01:07:23.700
this mythology of vaccination which has been under attack for much longer than

01:07:23.700 --> 01:07:30.060
2020 and in fact was quite rigorously under assault for the five years

01:07:30.060 --> 01:07:36.780
preceding the pandemic I was blissfully unaware as many of you were not all of

01:07:36.820 --> 01:07:42.540
you I know and this misleading that's now above my head allowed them to

01:07:42.540 --> 01:07:48.460
ventilate people to stop the spread it allowed them to use Remdesivir for more

01:07:48.460 --> 01:07:55.140
than three years now in some places medazolam in the UK and not treat

01:07:55.140 --> 01:08:00.820
bacterial pneumonia for almost two years in certain places as Denny

01:08:00.820 --> 01:08:05.900
Rankor has so eloquently shown us but then they did a bunch of other things to

01:08:05.900 --> 01:08:10.260
make sure that all of us were affected and all of us were forced to choose

01:08:10.260 --> 01:08:16.540
whether to conform or not and so when the vast majority of us conform it's

01:08:16.540 --> 01:08:20.740
another illusion of consensus when you walked around and you saw everybody in

01:08:20.740 --> 01:08:29.420
their cars with masks on that's an illusion of consensus and that's how they

01:08:29.420 --> 01:08:41.380
got us hey everyone I know there's a lot going on right now in Israel and believe

01:08:41.380 --> 01:08:47.060
me I don't think any innocent civilians should die but let's face it this shit's

01:08:47.060 --> 01:08:54.260
been going on for 90 years and when I go on acts which used to be Twitter and

01:08:54.700 --> 01:09:02.620
look at the spaces tonight every space is about Israel except one every single

01:09:02.620 --> 01:09:10.820
space Mario has a space right now with 17,000 people in it talking about Israel

01:09:10.820 --> 01:09:17.620
now unless you know someone over there unless it's family or a friend there's

01:09:17.660 --> 01:09:24.580
nothing we can do about that and I'll say it again I don't want to see any

01:09:24.580 --> 01:09:37.140
innocent civilians die on either side but this innocent civilian is dead and he

01:09:37.140 --> 01:09:48.820
wasn't killed by a bomb he was killed by lies and I want people to know I've

01:09:48.820 --> 01:09:55.220
always been honest with all of you I'm about ready to give up that's how I feel

01:09:55.220 --> 01:10:00.500
the last two weeks have been fucking horrible but when the whole world just

01:10:00.500 --> 01:10:07.740
wants to talk about Israel now are you fucking kidding me this vaccine has

01:10:07.740 --> 01:10:17.220
killed ten times more than bombs in Israel or Hamas or Hezbollah and you know

01:10:17.220 --> 01:10:22.140
what honestly I don't give a fuck about that that's no offense to anybody but I

01:10:22.140 --> 01:10:28.060
don't I don't feel fuck about it I don't look at it I don't watch it CNN had this

01:10:28.060 --> 01:10:32.180
story on that I was just flipping through channels today and CNN said oh

01:10:32.180 --> 01:10:42.380
there's children sleeping without blankets oh is there Sean is dead okay

01:10:42.380 --> 01:10:47.140
more people have died from the vaccine than what's going on over there and it

01:10:47.140 --> 01:10:51.900
seems to me like a lot of people aren't talking about it anymore and believe me

01:10:51.900 --> 01:10:56.580
I'm not talking about my followers you are all the greatest people on earth you

01:10:56.580 --> 01:11:01.620
know what's going on but the rest of the world isn't fighting about it I sent

01:11:01.620 --> 01:11:08.980
Mary our message begging him please we do a space about Sean he always has

01:11:08.980 --> 01:11:14.940
thousands of people in this space I have two lawsuits launched one against Pfizer

01:11:14.940 --> 01:11:19.940
and one against the Canadian government is anyone else doing a lawsuit right now

01:11:19.940 --> 01:11:26.100
not that I know of are we just gonna forget about this and move on because

01:11:26.100 --> 01:11:30.620
the second you do that that's when it all goes away that's what they're

01:11:30.620 --> 01:11:37.460
hoping you do I'm not saying that this Israel things a distraction but it sure

01:11:37.460 --> 01:11:44.940
is distracting a lot of you where it's the only thing that matters right now the

01:11:44.940 --> 01:11:51.740
only thing that matters to me right now is my son is gone this Thanksgiving that

01:11:51.740 --> 01:11:57.100
just went by for Canadians I said to myself okay Dan you've got this it's

01:11:57.100 --> 01:12:02.860
just a fucking meal it's not that big a deal but then I look over at John's empty

01:12:02.860 --> 01:12:08.500
seat where he was there with me for everything's giving and I was fucked up

01:12:08.500 --> 01:12:15.740
yet again daily pain every day from morning till night there's only one way

01:12:15.740 --> 01:12:22.220
for us to get justice if it's I win this lawsuit it will open the doors for

01:12:22.220 --> 01:12:29.300
many other people to win lawsuits I mean hey if you if if you want to talk

01:12:29.300 --> 01:12:34.940
about Israel all fucking day then have matter I don't know anyone over there

01:12:34.940 --> 01:12:45.260
on both sides none I want Sean to get justice everyone in Canada

01:12:45.420 --> 01:12:51.060
should be behind this boy right now it should be the only thing you're talking

01:12:51.060 --> 01:12:55.540
about as a fellow Canadian

01:12:58.140 --> 01:13:09.940
justice must come for Sean it's more important to me than anything else I pray

01:13:09.940 --> 01:13:16.620
you will all continue the fight and do what's right

01:13:21.380 --> 01:13:30.340
so rest in peace Sean there were a lot of other people killed in Canada by the

01:13:30.340 --> 01:13:37.300
shot not just Sean and that list needs to be populated and justice needs to be

01:13:37.300 --> 01:13:41.780
brought for every one of them a lot of people in America and around the world

01:13:41.780 --> 01:13:48.580
are convinced that there was a laboratory leak of a bad cave zone oasis and that

01:13:48.580 --> 01:13:52.420
something had to be done and that these shots probably saved a lot of people's

01:13:52.420 --> 01:13:57.500
lives and that's a lie that's an illusion of consensus that has even been

01:13:57.500 --> 01:14:06.940
reinforced by a Nobel Prize and that my friends that that crime and the

01:14:06.940 --> 01:14:11.740
crime the part of that crime that was that was committed in Israel is also

01:14:11.740 --> 01:14:16.220
being covered up by what's going on in Israel right now

01:14:19.860 --> 01:14:28.060
the illusion of consensus must be broken it doesn't matter whether they're lying

01:14:28.060 --> 01:14:34.860
about a lab leak or lying about a release or lying about a bad cave or a

01:14:34.900 --> 01:14:40.700
market they're lying they're lying about the fidelity of the tests the

01:14:40.700 --> 01:14:48.260
fidelity of the sequencing the value of certain early treatments and not others

01:14:49.900 --> 01:14:58.620
they're lying about spread and it doesn't matter whether it's an endemic

01:14:58.620 --> 01:15:01.180
background that they're lying about the protocols were murder and

01:15:01.180 --> 01:15:04.020
transfections not medicine it doesn't matter whether it was an infectious

01:15:04.020 --> 01:15:08.380
clone release which is what I think it was

01:15:09.420 --> 01:15:13.060
that's the one that ties the most things together and has the most

01:15:13.060 --> 01:15:18.580
flexibility you want three cases that are real and the rest is lies infectious

01:15:18.580 --> 01:15:23.700
clones you want hundreds of thousands of cases that are real and the rest are

01:15:23.700 --> 01:15:30.780
lies infectious clones have added but it's not a leak and it's not a point

01:15:30.780 --> 01:15:38.260
release in Wuhan that's spread by airplane that's not possible that's not

01:15:38.260 --> 01:15:47.220
possible understand that it had to be moved around the world it had to be

01:15:47.220 --> 01:15:54.020
placed there otherwise the sequences are lies if the sequences are real clones

01:15:54.020 --> 01:15:59.900
were used everywhere where the sequences were the same done that's how this works

01:15:59.900 --> 01:16:11.900
you want to call that a transfection agent that would be the same thing but

01:16:11.900 --> 01:16:15.980
the trap has always been one of the other traps has always been the no virus

01:16:15.980 --> 01:16:21.900
position why because the no virus position is very very close to the truth

01:16:21.900 --> 01:16:29.780
but completely wrong which is perfect you got this fake debate over here about

01:16:29.780 --> 01:16:35.180
lab leak or natural virus and everybody covering up and arguing about it you got

01:16:35.180 --> 01:16:39.140
all the way over here people saying that there was nothing they're lying about

01:16:39.140 --> 01:16:42.700
everything but then those people that say that they're lying about everything

01:16:42.700 --> 01:16:45.860
really don't care about the protocols that much they care a lot more about

01:16:45.860 --> 01:16:52.740
foyer requests they don't really care much about explaining

01:16:52.740 --> 01:16:57.980
transfection they care more about the electromagnetic properties of water at

01:16:57.980 --> 01:17:03.660
microscopic scale not that that's not important

01:17:03.660 --> 01:17:12.300
now that we can see this trap we need to start helping people move closer to the

01:17:12.300 --> 01:17:18.220
door of the cave I don't think that's the door of the cave obviously the recent

01:17:18.220 --> 01:17:21.980
events in the past few days have shown us that that's not the door of the cave

01:17:21.980 --> 01:17:26.020
yet we might not be anywhere near the door of the cave we might have to swim

01:17:26.020 --> 01:17:33.300
yet before we get out it was a conflated background signal that means

01:17:33.300 --> 01:17:39.380
anything anything that that test could pick up that they knew it could pick up

01:17:39.380 --> 01:17:45.500
and lied about and told us that if we would have basically they imply that if

01:17:45.500 --> 01:17:48.580
they would have rolled this test out in 2019 there wouldn't have been anything

01:17:48.580 --> 01:17:53.820
anywhere except for maybe in Wuhan where it first leaked or Mike Callahan was

01:17:53.860 --> 01:17:58.260
first tracking it and we wouldn't have found anything anywhere else that's the

01:17:58.260 --> 01:18:07.300
lie they're telling you and they're telling you that lie because they want

01:18:07.300 --> 01:18:11.700
to invert your children's sovereignty so that they can take their data and so

01:18:11.700 --> 01:18:16.260
that they can control them and monitor them with digital ID and with digital

01:18:16.260 --> 01:18:23.820
monitoring devices like an advanced Apple Watch it might not solve the

01:18:23.820 --> 01:18:29.300
problem that they think it's going to solve but they believe it will and this

01:18:29.300 --> 01:18:34.140
same group of people also believes that it's important for all of the mouth

01:18:34.140 --> 01:18:39.720
breathers on the planet to believe in vaccines these people also believe it's

01:18:39.720 --> 01:18:42.660
really important for all the mouth breathers on the planet to believe in

01:18:42.660 --> 01:18:53.460
disease and vaccines and gain a function and pandemics when we know that the

01:18:53.460 --> 01:18:58.300
biology isn't there the biology doesn't support it that we know that they don't

01:18:58.300 --> 01:19:01.500
understand the immune system with that fidelity that we know that they can't

01:19:01.500 --> 01:19:10.020
track RNA and DNA at that size scale with that fidelity and they know that we

01:19:10.920 --> 01:19:14.840
know but they're going forward anyway because they think that they can get away

01:19:14.840 --> 01:19:21.200
with it that we can't teach this biology in time to save our children but I think

01:19:21.200 --> 01:19:27.760
we can I really do and that's why despite the fact that it actually hurts for me

01:19:27.760 --> 01:19:33.360
to talk right now I did not break the streak tonight intramuscular injection

01:19:33.360 --> 01:19:36.560
of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune

01:19:36.560 --> 01:19:42.340
system is dumb according to me transfection is not immunization please stop

01:19:42.340 --> 01:19:48.880
all transfections in humans mike van denberg mixed-day

01:19:50.540 --> 01:19:55.880
please please stop all transfection everything you do has already bent up

01:19:55.880 --> 01:19:59.540
mike van denberg mixed-day

01:19:59.540 --> 01:20:08.780
they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary that I know

01:20:08.780 --> 01:20:14.980
for sure and I always get it wrong you guys like

01:20:29.540 --> 01:20:59.540
I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do

01:20:59.540 --> 01:21:29.540
That's my boss I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that

01:21:29.540 --> 01:21:31.540
Let's just start till November.