WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:49.000 know, I'm going to try and make it a quickie, but you know how that always goes. Sorry about that, guys. 00:49.000 --> 00:55.000 For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. 00:55.000 --> 01:01.000 For yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. 01:01.000 --> 01:07.000 For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. 01:07.000 --> 01:13.000 For yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. 01:13.000 --> 01:19.000 For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. 01:19.000 --> 01:25.000 For yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. 01:25.000 --> 01:31.000 For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. 01:31.000 --> 01:36.000 For yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. 01:43.000 --> 02:02.640 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to GIGO and Biological, where we're learning 02:02.640 --> 02:10.160 biology right now, and trusting the science, right, seems legit. 02:10.160 --> 02:15.600 These aren't new graphics, actually, these are graphics from 2021, surprise, surprise. 02:15.600 --> 02:20.720 We've been so hip that what looks like new graphics are actually almost three years old 02:20.720 --> 02:23.440 now, well, two years old. 02:23.440 --> 02:28.560 We got Galileo flying in from the left and GIGO and biological from the upper right. 02:28.560 --> 02:38.760 We got Big Bird, this is 2021, baby. 02:38.760 --> 02:45.800 Wow Chief, or Christmas, you know, action figures with real masks so you can, I mean, 02:45.800 --> 02:50.560 once they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities, has that 02:50.560 --> 02:57.880 ever been said before that just seems crazy to me. 02:57.880 --> 03:02.440 Look at these old slides still looking right. 03:03.440 --> 03:10.320 I mean, are you kidding, at the heart of this are people who have convinced us to 03:10.320 --> 03:13.520 fight each other instead of fighting them. 03:13.520 --> 03:15.480 Who makes this stuff? 03:15.480 --> 03:17.240 Wow, that must have been some... 03:17.240 --> 03:22.800 Look at these slides, I mean, seriously. 03:22.800 --> 03:36.040 Oh, there's a new one, I stuck a new one in there, look at that shout-out, do you remember 03:36.040 --> 03:37.040 when I did that? 03:37.040 --> 03:43.440 Did you know that I was already shouting out the real shout-out, covering my eyes, that 03:43.440 --> 03:52.640 raccoon, that rascally raccoon, but we are doing just fine now. 03:52.640 --> 03:58.000 If you go in biological, the high resistance, low noise information brief, the only one 03:58.000 --> 04:06.800 on the internet, the illusion requires your participation to sustain, thank you very much 04:06.800 --> 04:15.440 to that person on the right there, my best friend and wife, thank you Fairlucks. 04:15.440 --> 04:18.720 If you have been following me for a while, you're here at the top of the wave, and if 04:18.720 --> 04:23.320 you're a skilled TV watcher, well, here's your life raft, here's your life preserver, 04:23.320 --> 04:26.920 your lifeguards are on duty. 04:26.920 --> 04:33.240 The Baywatch Biology, Gigal Biological, holy cow, where'd that come from? 04:33.240 --> 04:39.880 The Baywatch Biology, I'm gonna get some shit for that one. 04:39.880 --> 04:41.960 So this is how it works. 04:41.960 --> 04:48.640 I've been financially supported for a couple of years by my supporters, now I'm working 04:48.640 --> 04:56.360 full-time for children's health defense, I was about to say Chicago's health defense, 04:56.360 --> 05:02.120 I don't know what that was all about, children's health defense. 05:02.120 --> 05:09.680 And I still actually am partially supported by subscribers and donations, because I do 05:09.680 --> 05:11.800 put a lot of work into these evenings. 05:11.800 --> 05:18.440 I am a real life biologist you could find with Google, under the name Jonathan J. Cooley, 05:18.440 --> 05:24.120 I'm not hiding, I've had my full, full identity on the internet for quite some time, 05:24.120 --> 05:27.520 not hiding behind anything. 05:27.520 --> 05:30.000 Lovely to see you all again as well. 05:30.000 --> 05:39.160 43 viewers, that was my high school basketball number, the best number is 43. 05:39.160 --> 05:40.640 That's pretty funny. 05:40.640 --> 05:44.560 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Gigal and Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief, 05:44.560 --> 05:46.160 brought to you by a biologist. 05:46.160 --> 05:57.520 It's the 18th of November, 2023, and we are still trying to break down the narrative 05:57.520 --> 05:59.600 that we've been dealt. 05:59.600 --> 06:07.360 Look at this slide from 2021 with the nice card, it's almost like an old game show from 06:07.360 --> 06:08.360 the 80s. 06:08.360 --> 06:15.760 Our common narrative was the biological bifurcation of America, maybe of Earth. 06:15.840 --> 06:23.880 We talked a lot about this, we talked about the life before social media and how our brains 06:23.880 --> 06:27.400 were pretty much oriented around our family, and there was a common narrative that was 06:27.400 --> 06:33.800 not only in our house on the wall there, you see, but it was also not only on the wall 06:33.800 --> 06:37.720 there, you see, but it was also on the television. 06:37.720 --> 06:45.080 And then at some point in the pandemic, these people started to become a little disgruntled 06:45.080 --> 06:52.360 with what was on TV because nothing that they believed in was on TV anymore. 06:52.360 --> 06:57.840 And the kids, the young people that have grown up with modern TV and social media, you know, 06:57.840 --> 07:04.000 I grew up in a time when you had to get up and push buttons on the TV and then there 07:04.000 --> 07:08.000 was this remote that made clicking noises. 07:08.000 --> 07:13.440 We didn't upgrade a lot, most people who had televisions didn't upgrade a lot. 07:13.480 --> 07:19.600 I can remember that my godmother and father, their basement had a television with three 07:19.600 --> 07:22.120 giant light colors coming out of the front. 07:22.120 --> 07:27.000 You couldn't walk between the television projector and the screen, or there would be 07:27.000 --> 07:34.280 this three colored, anyway, long story short, we grew up in a different time. 07:34.280 --> 07:41.240 And now our common narrative is almost lost in this noise of social media and instant 07:41.240 --> 07:47.280 access from work and instant access from our friends and all this media at our fingertips 07:47.280 --> 07:53.920 that allows us to become fractionated and distracted from one another, even in our own homes. 07:53.920 --> 08:01.760 And so as this has progressed, people have become almost programmed, chosen, choosing 08:01.760 --> 08:06.960 places on the internet to hide that feel safe, choosing places in this imaginary network 08:06.960 --> 08:10.160 to hide where it feels safe. 08:10.160 --> 08:14.680 And so at the start of the pandemic, I've often posited that there were basically four 08:14.680 --> 08:19.720 kinds of people, people that could see that really, they've picked some kind of independent 08:19.720 --> 08:24.880 position, but it was really a false one, a blue position, but it's a false one, a red 08:24.880 --> 08:28.520 one, it's a false one, or you just know that all the positions are false and you're just 08:28.520 --> 08:30.280 angry. 08:30.280 --> 08:36.080 But these four people are the basis for where we are right now. 08:37.080 --> 08:43.240 And this is the fractionization that now we're supposed to choose sides about after 08:43.240 --> 08:47.320 our common narrative has been destroyed, we're supposed to choose sides about this biological 08:47.320 --> 08:50.000 scooby-doo, this trap. 08:50.000 --> 08:52.720 And if you don't understand this trap, then you're never going to get out. 08:52.720 --> 08:57.000 You've got to understand why the cheese has been free for three years. 08:57.000 --> 09:03.240 And I think that's, it's a really apt thing to talk about, you know, not to bring up, 09:03.240 --> 09:07.400 you know, fancy quotes and everything, but Mark Twain is a very smart fella. 09:07.400 --> 09:13.040 And he, he pointed out that, you know, it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince 09:13.040 --> 09:15.960 someone that they have been fooled. 09:15.960 --> 09:17.440 And so that's the task ahead of us. 09:17.440 --> 09:22.240 We have to convince our family and friends that we were fooled to answer the question, 09:22.240 --> 09:25.880 was it natural or was it a lab leak? 09:25.880 --> 09:29.240 And that's really, that's really something special. 09:29.240 --> 09:35.360 Like you really got a, got a task at your hand if you're, if you're going to try to 09:35.360 --> 09:40.360 tell them that the last three years was largely a performance. 09:40.360 --> 09:44.400 But you've got even more cards to play because you can remind them that we were told from 09:44.400 --> 09:49.920 the very, very beginning of the pandemic before the vaccine was even close to out. 09:49.920 --> 09:55.120 We were already being told that other vaccines, old vaccines are obviously safe and effective. 09:55.120 --> 10:00.280 This is how we got rid of diseases for our entire modern history. 10:00.280 --> 10:06.600 And so we should expect a new vaccine for this novel virus that may have come from a lab, 10:06.600 --> 10:10.720 but probably it's a natural virus either way. 10:10.720 --> 10:13.320 I mean, that, that was the, that was the narrative, right? 10:13.320 --> 10:16.840 I mean, that, that's the whole idea behind this. 10:16.840 --> 10:18.000 Wait, what's going on here? 10:18.000 --> 10:19.000 Wait. 10:19.000 --> 10:20.000 Oh yeah, I had to do this. 10:20.000 --> 10:21.000 I can do that. 10:21.000 --> 10:22.000 There we go. 10:22.000 --> 10:23.000 I'm sorry. 10:23.000 --> 10:24.000 But anyway, that was the narrative. 10:24.000 --> 10:31.120 I believe it's much more likely that it's a lab leak. 10:31.120 --> 10:36.520 And so this bifurcation of Earth continued with transfection is better than infection 10:36.520 --> 10:39.360 because the viral spike is toxic. 10:39.360 --> 10:45.200 I bet you can't even remember that these, this, this was actually a talking point. 10:45.200 --> 10:51.320 Transfection is better than infection because the viral spike is toxic. 10:51.320 --> 10:56.840 That was a real talking point for almost four or five months in 2021. 10:56.840 --> 10:59.960 And so this bifurcation just keeps continuing. 10:59.960 --> 11:04.080 Every card is new and now we're all the way up to the DNA is in the transfections, but 11:04.080 --> 11:09.240 otherwise they were perfect. 11:09.240 --> 11:13.080 And of course that's what I'm calling this, that's what I'm calling the Scooby Doo. 11:13.080 --> 11:15.000 Am I, am I able to put myself here? 11:15.000 --> 11:16.000 Oh yeah. 11:16.000 --> 11:17.000 Sorry. 11:17.000 --> 11:18.000 Hi. 11:18.000 --> 11:19.000 Good evening. 11:19.000 --> 11:20.000 Welcome to the show. 11:20.000 --> 11:21.000 I'm Cuyin. 11:21.000 --> 11:23.800 I'm coming at you from Pittsburgh. 11:23.800 --> 11:30.920 This illusion of consensus about a laboratory leak, a novel virus, the millions killed and 11:30.920 --> 11:34.880 millions more were saved from the gain of function is probably real and maybe even the source 11:34.880 --> 11:39.960 of this virus and that means that a virus will come again is what Rand Paul and everyone 11:39.960 --> 11:44.040 has been trying to sustain for, for many, many years now. 11:44.040 --> 11:51.880 It was laid from very early on and you can't underestimate how little of what we thought 11:51.880 --> 11:59.560 was a legitimate experience was actually a theater and the deeper you dig, the harder 11:59.560 --> 12:09.320 you push, the more you realize that surrounding a central core that I like to term the independent 12:09.320 --> 12:16.040 bright web is surrounded by what is effectively an expanded intellectual dark web. 12:16.040 --> 12:21.240 And that expanded intellectual dark web is keeping alive this, this faith in a novel 12:21.240 --> 12:25.040 virus, this faith that millions of people were killed by it, this faith that millions 12:25.040 --> 12:27.640 more were saved from it. 12:27.640 --> 12:32.480 The idea that gain of function might be a general, the general source of it. 12:32.480 --> 12:34.280 And therefore a virus will come again. 12:34.280 --> 12:41.000 This intellectual dark web that surrounds the inner independent bright web is basically 12:41.000 --> 12:44.080 what the battle ground were on. 12:44.080 --> 12:49.000 And so we need to start to organize this independent bright web against this intellectual dark 12:49.000 --> 12:55.960 web and we need to do it now before censorship and digital ideas used to effectively close 12:55.960 --> 13:00.720 these gaps with no mistake, with no escape. 13:00.720 --> 13:06.080 And so I've been trying to use this Scooby-Doo analogy for you and our viewers and people 13:06.080 --> 13:11.360 that are following GigaOM for the first time to catch up as fast as possible because we 13:11.360 --> 13:16.040 have been led to believe that there is a mystery to solve and that we have solved it by catching 13:16.040 --> 13:24.080 them in their lies, by seeing these as bioweapons and that they covered it up in Wuhan or that 13:24.080 --> 13:27.280 the US government lies to us. 13:27.280 --> 13:33.880 And of course they even argued and a senator can write about the argument and soon a presidential 13:33.880 --> 13:35.480 candidate is going to release a book. 13:35.480 --> 13:39.680 That book's in my hand right now. 13:39.680 --> 13:46.720 And this narrative is what they have sustained over the last three years to prevent us from 13:46.720 --> 13:52.720 asking the right questions about where these things originate, how they originate. 13:52.720 --> 13:58.480 This whole thing is an illusion of consensus about a worst-case scenario, biological, 13:58.480 --> 14:03.000 laboratory, bioweapon. 14:03.000 --> 14:06.720 I apologize, this is probably too much motion here. 14:06.720 --> 14:10.920 We don't need that tunnel analogy too much more. 14:10.920 --> 14:15.760 I think it's starting to struggle with the memory there. 14:15.760 --> 14:20.160 But the tunnel analogy is very good because it is an illusion, even that picture that 14:20.160 --> 14:24.520 was moving there, it looks like you're moving through a tunnel, but it's an illusion and 14:24.520 --> 14:29.640 that's really what they've done to us with regard to the pandemic, not only by locking 14:29.640 --> 14:34.600 us down and forcing us to interpret the world through our phones and screens, but more importantly 14:34.600 --> 14:40.240 locking us down with an illusion of consensus with even people that we thought were independent 14:40.240 --> 14:43.240 actors. 14:43.240 --> 14:48.480 And we have been in this glass cube just looking out thinking that we are somehow interacting 14:48.480 --> 14:53.640 with the real world or that these people or that these people are interacting with 14:53.640 --> 14:57.280 that real world on our behalf. 14:57.280 --> 15:02.200 And that's really where the trap lies, that we think because somebody like Robert Malone 15:02.200 --> 15:07.480 is fighting for his intellectual property and our rights, that why in the world would 15:07.480 --> 15:08.480 we have to do anything? 15:08.480 --> 15:15.160 I mean, that's a dude on a white horse literally, and that is the new world order that they've 15:15.160 --> 15:16.160 cast us in. 15:16.160 --> 15:20.000 And that's what I want you to see just a glimpse of here before I go to bed. 15:20.000 --> 15:21.000 I watch this video. 15:21.000 --> 15:24.000 I don't know when I'm going to have time to do it again because tomorrow I'm presenting 15:24.000 --> 15:26.040 to the UK doctors. 15:26.040 --> 15:28.000 And then Monday I have two interviews in a row. 15:28.000 --> 15:34.600 I have Jay Bhattacharya and then Peter McCullough, so it's going to be a busy day on Monday. 15:34.600 --> 15:37.560 And so I'm not going to stay up very late tonight, but I just wanted to show you this 15:37.560 --> 15:41.480 video because it's really extraordinary the kinds of things that they said on this clinical 15:41.480 --> 15:42.720 update today. 15:42.720 --> 15:53.240 So I'm going to escape out of here, I'm going to bring this up and scoot it over here and 15:53.240 --> 15:56.640 then pop this out and away we go. 15:56.640 --> 15:59.000 Oh, that's not there. 15:59.000 --> 16:00.920 Pop this out and away we go. 16:00.920 --> 16:04.160 Do I need to do a control Z here? 16:04.160 --> 16:06.160 No, I don't think so. 16:06.160 --> 16:16.280 The podcast about viruses, the kind that make you sick from micro TV. 16:16.280 --> 16:20.040 This is I'm going to have to stop it really quick because they go a million miles a minute 16:20.040 --> 16:21.040 with this crash. 16:21.040 --> 16:27.200 It's a real crash course in September 16th, 2020, idolatry and everything else and you're 16:27.200 --> 16:30.240 listening to the podcast all about viruses. 16:30.240 --> 16:31.240 You're not going to believe it. 16:31.240 --> 16:36.160 Joining me today here at the incubator in New York City, Daniel Griffin. 16:36.160 --> 16:37.560 Hello, everyone. 16:37.560 --> 16:38.560 Okay. 16:38.560 --> 16:41.120 So first of all, keep in mind what he just said there. 16:41.120 --> 16:42.720 This is at the incubator. 16:42.720 --> 16:44.120 This is their studio. 16:44.120 --> 16:46.040 The studio is in Manhattan. 16:46.040 --> 16:47.120 It is funded. 16:47.120 --> 16:51.080 It has people that work for it. 16:51.080 --> 16:56.400 It is a fully funded 501c3 or whatever that is. 16:56.400 --> 17:02.240 That's a major thing to understand here because this is also faculty members. 17:02.240 --> 17:06.800 They are taking charitable donations from everything from pharmaceutical corporations 17:06.800 --> 17:09.840 to large donors, et cetera. 17:09.840 --> 17:14.960 So the conflicts of interest here, although they might not now be on paper very big, the 17:14.960 --> 17:21.000 potential for conflicts of interest here are almost infinite. 17:21.000 --> 17:29.880 The incubator and their best solution is these chairs, that background and laptops 17:29.880 --> 17:36.160 on their lap, like impressive, I can't wait until the first glass of water is spilled 17:36.160 --> 17:37.160 on the laptop. 17:37.160 --> 17:39.800 Yeah, it's nice to be spending some time. 17:39.800 --> 17:42.600 After this, we're going to go to the Dixon de Pumier book signings. 17:42.600 --> 17:43.600 That's very exciting. 17:43.600 --> 17:45.800 Dixon should be in his element, right? 17:45.800 --> 17:47.240 He will be in his element. 17:47.240 --> 17:51.560 If you recall, Dixon is the guy who completely blew them out of the water, blew them out 17:51.560 --> 17:56.680 of the water the other day during that interview, it was really spectacular how he just simply 17:56.680 --> 18:02.280 was incredulous with their discussion of the HPV vaccine modeling paper. 18:02.280 --> 18:03.960 It was a really good one to watch. 18:03.960 --> 18:06.600 If he hadn't missed it, it's a couple of days ago. 18:06.600 --> 18:08.760 What's on your tie today, Daniel? 18:08.760 --> 18:14.720 This is a virus, notice a nice symmetry, almost like a corona of spikes around the outside 18:14.720 --> 18:15.720 there. 18:15.720 --> 18:16.720 The coronavirus? 18:17.720 --> 18:18.720 How do they sell it? 18:18.720 --> 18:19.720 It starts over two or coronavirus. 18:19.720 --> 18:21.440 Actually, they sell this as HIV. 18:21.440 --> 18:22.440 You're serious? 18:22.440 --> 18:23.440 Yeah. 18:23.440 --> 18:24.440 Yeah. 18:24.440 --> 18:26.440 I'm going with coronavirus, right? 18:26.440 --> 18:28.080 Maybe that's cheap. 18:28.080 --> 18:32.600 Do you understand what this is representing? 18:32.600 --> 18:38.440 It shows you exactly what kind of cartoon joke virology really is. 18:38.440 --> 18:48.000 They feign this superiority in fidelity and molecular accuracy and that they understand 18:48.000 --> 18:55.560 all these fine details at this very fine scale of molecular and chemical interaction, 18:55.560 --> 19:05.320 electrostatic charges that interact in three-dimensional space and aqueous and hydrophobic environments. 19:05.320 --> 19:08.000 It's spectacular. 19:08.000 --> 19:13.680 And here they are making fun of the joke cartoons that they know, they have to know, 19:13.680 --> 19:20.400 have been used to mislead the young all around the world for decades and now during the pandemic 19:20.400 --> 19:29.800 around the globe with an almost, well, definitely a malevolent level of just disregard for truth. 19:29.800 --> 19:33.000 Listen carefully to these two charlatans. 19:34.000 --> 19:38.320 Yeah, it's nice to be spending some time. 19:38.320 --> 19:41.120 After this, we're going to go to the Dixon de Pumier book signings. 19:41.120 --> 19:42.120 That's very exciting. 19:42.120 --> 19:44.280 Dixon should be in his element, right? 19:44.280 --> 19:45.880 He will be in his elements. 19:45.880 --> 19:47.960 What's on your tie today, Daniel? 19:47.960 --> 19:49.360 This is a virus. 19:49.360 --> 19:54.400 Notice a nice symmetry, almost like a corona of spikes around the outside there. 19:54.400 --> 19:55.400 Coronavirus? 19:55.400 --> 19:56.400 Sure. 19:56.400 --> 19:57.400 How do they sell it? 19:57.400 --> 19:58.840 It starts over two or coronavirus. 19:58.840 --> 20:00.800 Actually, they sell this as HIV. 20:00.800 --> 20:01.800 You're serious? 20:01.800 --> 20:02.800 Yeah. 20:02.880 --> 20:05.560 I'm going with coronavirus, right? 20:05.560 --> 20:07.560 Maybe that's GP160 or something. 20:07.560 --> 20:11.200 Well, it has the conical cords, and that just doesn't. 20:11.200 --> 20:12.200 Yeah. 20:12.200 --> 20:14.760 That's a problem when you get artists doing the viruses, right? 20:14.760 --> 20:15.960 It depends what they start with. 20:15.960 --> 20:16.960 Anyway, it's a nice tie. 20:16.960 --> 20:18.960 Blackened tan, I guess. 20:18.960 --> 20:19.960 Yeah, it's my fancy. 20:19.960 --> 20:21.520 You got a drink? 20:21.520 --> 20:22.520 Blackened tan. 20:22.520 --> 20:24.760 Yeah, it's a, yeah. 20:24.760 --> 20:26.320 You take Guinness and mix them. 20:26.320 --> 20:28.640 Yeah, you mix like a light beer and then you... 20:28.640 --> 20:30.480 That seems like heresy, doesn't it? 20:30.480 --> 20:31.480 Yes. 20:31.480 --> 20:32.480 Yes. 20:32.480 --> 20:33.480 All right. 20:33.480 --> 20:34.480 Enough beer. 20:34.480 --> 20:38.880 All right, so let us start with a Jack Kerouac quotation. 20:38.880 --> 20:46.400 Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion. 20:46.400 --> 20:51.360 So there's a real interesting pattern that I have yet to point out simply because I haven't 20:51.360 --> 20:55.920 wasted a lot of your time with this particular version of Twiv, the clinical update because 20:55.920 --> 20:58.480 it's so absurd. 20:58.480 --> 21:06.840 But one thing that I think is a really interesting aspect of this almost obvious scyop is that 21:06.840 --> 21:13.160 when he chooses a quote, it is almost always a quote that is ridiculously on point for 21:13.160 --> 21:16.960 what these two clowns are actually up to, whether they know it or not. 21:16.960 --> 21:19.160 Listen again, it's hysterical. 21:19.160 --> 21:20.160 Okay. 21:20.160 --> 21:22.360 All right, enough beer. 21:22.360 --> 21:23.360 All right. 21:23.360 --> 21:26.560 So let us start with a Jack Kerouac quotation. 21:26.920 --> 21:32.560 Out of focus are not accomplished by those who eat Kerouac quotation. 21:32.560 --> 21:39.840 Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion. 21:39.840 --> 21:44.600 So let's start off with, apparently, the fad these days is to not... 21:44.600 --> 21:49.600 Now that's a very different thing than to state that great things are not accomplished 21:49.600 --> 21:55.240 by people who control those things, right? 21:55.240 --> 22:00.080 Let's listen to that quote one more time because I think it's almost so apt to say 22:00.080 --> 22:07.000 that the people who control those things can achieve great things, atrocities, even. 22:07.000 --> 22:13.120 With a Jack Kerouac quotation, great things are not accomplished by those who yield to 22:13.120 --> 22:16.880 trends and fads and popular opinion. 22:16.880 --> 22:18.760 Trends, fads, and popular opinion. 22:18.760 --> 22:22.600 If you can control those three things, though, you can do lots of nasty stuff. 22:25.720 --> 22:30.040 So it's always the quote is always some kind of double edged sword that cuts him right 22:30.040 --> 22:34.280 through the middle and cuts the narrative right through the middle. 22:34.280 --> 22:38.360 You can almost tell that they know what they're doing or the person that's choosing these 22:38.360 --> 22:41.360 quotes knows what they're doing. 22:41.360 --> 22:46.800 So let's start off with, apparently, the fad these days is to not protect our children 22:46.800 --> 22:48.920 with vaccines, Vincent. 22:48.920 --> 22:51.240 So I will start off with that disturbing news. 22:51.240 --> 22:57.520 So the MMWR coverage with selected vaccines and exemption from school vaccine requirements 22:57.520 --> 23:03.360 among children in kindergarten, United States, 2022, 23 school year. 23:03.360 --> 23:08.400 So this is basically the last year, 2022 through 2023 school year. 23:08.400 --> 23:15.040 The exemption, the exemption rate increased to 3% across this country. 23:15.040 --> 23:21.840 Vins increased in 41 states, exceeding 5% in 10 states. 23:21.840 --> 23:26.640 And this is available, CDC.gov, we'll leave in a link. 23:26.640 --> 23:29.440 But you can go through and you can find your state. 23:29.440 --> 23:36.760 And I, Vincent, I pulled a few out for you just to sort of highlight who's the winner 23:36.760 --> 23:41.000 when it comes to losing Idaho at 12.1%. 23:42.000 --> 23:49.000 Idaho, what kind of crazy and so we're talking about philosophical objections here, not necessarily 23:49.000 --> 23:54.280 religious objections to getting vaccines to go to school. 23:54.280 --> 23:58.440 And up 12% from the year before, I'm not really sure what that means. 23:58.440 --> 24:03.800 If they were very low, it might not be that big of an increase. 24:03.800 --> 24:09.800 And keep in mind that these guys are obviously wants to make it seem as though the increases 24:09.800 --> 24:11.240 are really disturbing. 24:11.240 --> 24:17.800 And obviously, giggle and biological takes the stance that, you know, intramuscular injection 24:17.800 --> 24:21.760 of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 24:21.760 --> 24:28.840 And these guys are clearly pro vaccine as one of the top three best inventions of humankind 24:28.840 --> 24:32.760 right up there with the wheel and the space shuttle. 24:33.760 --> 24:43.160 You know, Arizona, 7.4 Wisconsin, 7.2, Washington, you know, they're a great Pacific state. 24:43.160 --> 24:49.680 We got 4% who's winning when it comes to winning New York, 0.1. 24:49.680 --> 24:51.880 Hey, we're in New York right now. 24:51.880 --> 24:52.880 I'm proud of it. 24:52.880 --> 24:53.880 I'm proud of you. 24:53.880 --> 24:54.880 Okay. 24:54.880 --> 24:58.880 And Joe Manchin country, West Virginia, less than 0.1. 24:58.880 --> 24:59.880 So. 25:00.880 --> 25:02.080 And these are. 25:02.080 --> 25:05.520 I would guess that that's there's something weird about that in West Virginia. 25:05.520 --> 25:07.280 It might not be that anybody cares. 25:07.280 --> 25:11.960 And if you don't need to get an exemption and the state never reports it or never checks 25:11.960 --> 25:21.400 or whatever, it's not clear to me how this is really reinforced in Pennsylvania. 25:21.400 --> 25:28.160 Now that I know, you can just print out a form and sign it and it's done like you have 25:28.160 --> 25:31.360 a philosophical objection to this, this kind of medicine. 25:31.360 --> 25:32.560 It's done. 25:32.560 --> 25:33.680 And that's the way it should be. 25:33.680 --> 25:38.200 Of course, if we were a free country and we were dealing with real biologists and we 25:38.200 --> 25:44.080 were talking about real immunology, but we're not. 25:44.080 --> 25:47.800 Exemptions that have been granted to children to not be vaccinated to go to school. 25:47.800 --> 25:48.800 Yeah. 25:48.800 --> 25:51.440 They medical exemptions most no philosophical. 25:51.440 --> 25:52.440 That's this new thing. 25:52.440 --> 25:53.440 Philosophically, philosophic. 25:53.440 --> 25:57.440 I just don't sort of believe in protecting my children against these vaccine. 25:57.440 --> 26:01.920 You know, I think that's in order to know philosophical. 26:01.920 --> 26:02.920 That's this new thing. 26:02.920 --> 26:05.040 So this is going to get disturbing right now. 26:05.040 --> 26:09.160 He's going to characterize the philosophical objection as a new thing, but it's really 26:09.160 --> 26:10.160 not a new thing. 26:10.160 --> 26:12.440 It's an expansion of the religious objection. 26:12.440 --> 26:17.480 It's a more generalized way of expressing the religious objection. 26:17.480 --> 26:25.480 If you have to go so far as to say that you, your particular version of a deity forbids 26:25.480 --> 26:32.240 you from participating in a vow or taking a vaccination. 26:32.240 --> 26:33.800 You should be able to have better. 26:33.800 --> 26:39.640 And I'm not saying that's not a great reason, but you should have better, more, more concrete 26:39.640 --> 26:40.640 reasons. 26:40.640 --> 26:45.000 I mean, even saying that there's an irreducible complexity to the immune system and to our 26:45.000 --> 26:53.560 physiology that I believe far exceeds the, the claimed expertise of those that would 26:53.560 --> 26:59.160 push the vaccines on us as a requirement. 26:59.160 --> 27:09.320 And I am very, very skeptical of anybody that says that they want the vaccines tested unless 27:09.320 --> 27:14.680 they explicitly say that that is a strategy in order for everybody to learn that these 27:14.680 --> 27:19.800 are, these are wholly inappropriate for augmenting the immune system. 27:19.800 --> 27:24.320 The trouble is, is that if you're asking for them to be tested, then somebody's got 27:24.320 --> 27:30.440 to be injected intramuscularly to augment their immune system which I'm arguing is dumb. 27:30.440 --> 27:32.320 So I don't like that argument. 27:32.320 --> 27:38.120 I think it's just easier to argue the biology as it is and let these people kind of flounder 27:38.120 --> 27:42.840 around the very simple statement that the immune system is organized from the inside 27:42.840 --> 27:45.600 out and toward barriers. 27:45.600 --> 27:50.560 And so any attempt to augment the immune system should occur at that barrier and not 27:50.560 --> 27:52.880 behind it. 27:52.880 --> 27:54.960 And they won't be able to make an argument against that. 27:54.960 --> 27:58.720 They can say, oh, it's not really all the images to work because the immune system is 27:58.720 --> 28:02.600 all over your body or something like they could say that, but it doesn't make any biological 28:02.600 --> 28:04.100 sense. 28:04.100 --> 28:05.360 They can't expand on it. 28:05.360 --> 28:09.720 They can't, they can't continue to make this argument with yabbats. 28:09.720 --> 28:12.760 They have to have a kind of coherent story. 28:12.760 --> 28:16.440 I can go on about this for three hours straight. 28:16.440 --> 28:22.200 I think that in order to have a philosophical, I don't believe in protecting my children 28:22.200 --> 28:27.200 against these vaccine, you know, I think that in order to have a philosophical, I don't 28:27.200 --> 28:34.080 believe in protecting my children against these vaccine preventable diseases. 28:34.080 --> 28:39.920 That's their best characterization of someone who would rather forego the vaccination schedule 28:39.920 --> 28:50.720 or God forbid have some of the live attenuated vaccines after age five. 28:50.720 --> 29:00.360 I mean, I don't want to tell people what they can and cannot do. 29:00.360 --> 29:05.080 And to a certain extent, I don't know. 29:05.080 --> 29:09.480 I think we have to make some choices sometimes when we talk to people and we have to decide 29:09.480 --> 29:14.280 whether we're fighting for freedom or whether we're fighting for that particular philosophy, 29:14.280 --> 29:20.560 which is ultimately this is the ultimately the biology, the fundamental biology is that 29:20.560 --> 29:26.800 augmenting the immune system from an intramuscular injection doesn't really make sense. 29:26.800 --> 29:33.080 But do we really want that to be our goal with everybody or do we want to take a more 29:33.080 --> 29:38.840 general idea that by telling them that we don't understand this biology enough for 29:38.840 --> 29:49.160 them to act so arrogant as to force people to use their proposed solution? 29:49.160 --> 29:54.400 Do we want to even go more general and say that it's freedom and what freedom is is 29:54.400 --> 30:01.320 our right to choose and more importantly, our right to inform consent and to say no. 30:01.320 --> 30:04.320 And so each one of these angles is a little bit different. 30:04.320 --> 30:07.200 One of them appeals more to your critical thinker. 30:07.200 --> 30:13.680 One of them appeals more to your to your libertarian or to your to your patriot. 30:13.680 --> 30:20.040 And at the dinner table at Thanksgiving, we're going to have to decide with some people which 30:20.040 --> 30:22.520 one of those is the angle to take. 30:22.520 --> 30:26.920 Some of them are going to be open to the biological angle, but they might be very well very well 30:26.920 --> 30:32.520 open to the freedom angle, the sovereignty angle. 30:32.520 --> 30:35.720 And if they're open to the sovereignty angle, then they might even be open to the idea that 30:35.720 --> 30:40.880 people would lie to you in order to get that sovereignty away from your children. 30:40.880 --> 30:44.840 People like these people might lie to you and your children and to college age kids 30:44.840 --> 30:52.000 in order to steal that sovereignty for the for the team that they play for because make 30:52.000 --> 30:57.640 no mistake about it, there are teams on the field right now and they want nothing more 30:57.640 --> 31:02.240 than for us never to form our own team. 31:02.240 --> 31:07.680 The independent bright web would be their worst nightmare. 31:07.680 --> 31:11.560 People that call each other out, people that talk regularly, people that debate with each 31:11.560 --> 31:15.960 other and collectively elevate and promote one another. 31:15.960 --> 31:22.840 That could be so dangerous. 31:22.840 --> 31:26.320 And that's what they don't want right now because the intellectual dark web was exactly 31:26.320 --> 31:33.520 that kind of pyramid with people like Joe Rogan and the Weinstein boys on the top and 31:33.520 --> 31:39.840 then underneath our Lex and all those other guys that get element sponsorships and then 31:39.840 --> 31:45.840 under them is Tim Poole and all these other clowns that look up to one half of the pyramid 31:46.840 --> 31:53.440 and the whole narrative and argument structure is controlled from the top. 31:53.440 --> 31:58.080 A independent bright web would be controlled from the bottom and we would be elevating 31:58.080 --> 32:06.960 one another and that's what I think would work really well here. 32:06.960 --> 32:12.080 That's what would defeat these kinds of people who have all this artificial elevated algorithmic 32:12.080 --> 32:20.720 help, financial comfort come from weaponized piles of money all around the world. 32:20.720 --> 32:28.360 We've got to give ourselves a chance to overcome the handicap of having to fight against weaponized 32:28.360 --> 32:31.120 piles of money. 32:31.120 --> 32:32.120 Independent bright web. 32:32.120 --> 32:36.880 I don't know if that's going to stick or not, but I think it's a really good idea. 32:36.880 --> 32:37.880 Objection. 32:37.880 --> 32:43.640 You should have to answer a 20 question test on vaccines when you need to pass and I'll 32:43.640 --> 32:46.800 bet none of them would pass because I'm going to make up the test you and I will make up 32:46.800 --> 32:47.800 the test. 32:47.800 --> 32:48.800 All right. 32:48.800 --> 32:49.800 Yeah. 32:49.800 --> 32:50.800 All right. 32:50.800 --> 32:51.800 Sounds good. 32:51.800 --> 32:52.800 Yeah. 32:52.800 --> 32:53.800 I'm on vaccines. 32:53.800 --> 32:56.240 You need to pass and I'll bet none of them would pass because I'm going to make up the 32:56.240 --> 32:57.240 test. 32:57.240 --> 32:58.240 You and I will make up the test. 32:58.240 --> 32:59.240 All right. 32:59.240 --> 33:00.240 Yeah. 33:00.240 --> 33:01.240 Yeah. 33:01.240 --> 33:02.240 I would like to take that test. 33:02.240 --> 33:03.240 This is really disturbing. 33:03.240 --> 33:07.280 We're discussing this on the last urgent care call this week. 33:07.280 --> 33:10.720 And you know, just prepare to start seeing stuff that we thought we weren't going to 33:10.720 --> 33:11.720 see so much anymore. 33:11.720 --> 33:15.440 Well, the good news is if you have a child and you vaccinate them, they'll be protected 33:15.440 --> 33:16.440 from disease. 33:16.440 --> 33:17.440 Yeah. 33:17.440 --> 33:18.440 Yeah. 33:18.440 --> 33:20.640 But unfortunately, the kids don't have a say in this matter and they'll get sick and 33:20.640 --> 33:23.480 they may have lifelong disabilities as a consequence. 33:23.480 --> 33:24.480 Wow. 33:24.480 --> 33:28.320 Lifelong disabilities as a consequence of not getting vaccinated. 33:28.320 --> 33:31.120 That's a weird flip of things, isn't it? 33:31.120 --> 33:38.800 Where the lifelong disability is going to come from measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, 33:38.800 --> 33:46.840 RSV, the flu, coronavirus, which one of those is going to give you lifelong chronic illness? 33:46.840 --> 33:52.680 Boy, that's a, that's a, that's a inversion right there. 33:52.680 --> 33:53.680 That is an inversion. 33:53.680 --> 34:00.320 I got to like blow a whistle and say inversion, foul. 34:00.320 --> 34:02.920 I mean, that's, that's, I don't know what to say. 34:02.920 --> 34:04.200 That's, that's pretty funny. 34:04.200 --> 34:06.360 I mean, the parents, they're not bad people. 34:06.360 --> 34:11.560 They're just, they're the victims of this massive misinformation campaign that is not 34:11.560 --> 34:15.200 benefiting them, but is benefiting certain people who are filling their coffers. 34:15.200 --> 34:16.200 Wow. 34:16.200 --> 34:21.200 Camping them, but is benefiting certain people who are filling their coffers. 34:21.200 --> 34:22.960 Filling their coffers. 34:22.960 --> 34:26.160 Flue looks like a little bit of a rise. 34:27.160 --> 34:28.160 Flue is coming. 34:28.160 --> 34:29.160 Flue is coming. 34:29.160 --> 34:30.160 Flue is coming. 34:30.160 --> 34:31.160 Flue is coming. 34:31.160 --> 34:39.160 This is six times the number of cases compared to this time last year. 34:39.160 --> 34:40.160 Wow. 34:40.160 --> 34:42.160 Six times the number of cases. 34:42.160 --> 34:43.920 Mostly hitting kids. 34:43.920 --> 34:45.400 So 19 and younger. 34:45.400 --> 34:47.000 Yeah, they're reading from a teleprompter. 34:47.000 --> 34:48.800 My guess is they got the equipment. 34:48.800 --> 34:52.160 I mean, you know, the spare no expense. 34:52.160 --> 34:54.800 This is the Jurassic Park of propaganda here. 34:55.800 --> 35:02.640 Most of the U.S. not really seeing much of a rise, but, you know, we've got New Mexico, 35:02.640 --> 35:08.440 we've got Alaska, Florida's is jumping in with high levels. 35:08.440 --> 35:14.000 So we're, we're starting to see an increase, you know, particularly in those, those little 35:14.000 --> 35:16.160 kids for and under. 35:16.160 --> 35:22.320 And I'll mention so far of the isolates, it's looking like 90% are H1 viruses. 35:22.320 --> 35:26.880 That's good because those are less virulent than the H3 viruses, right? 35:26.880 --> 35:27.880 So we'll see. 35:27.880 --> 35:29.680 We'll see how it goes. 35:29.680 --> 35:35.200 I don't know, six, six times the number of cases in Puerto Rico, a lot of predictions 35:35.200 --> 35:39.360 that this might be a challenging winter ahead of us. 35:39.360 --> 35:40.360 All right. 35:40.360 --> 35:41.360 Puerto Rico. 35:41.360 --> 35:42.360 Puerto Rico. 35:42.360 --> 35:49.240 So I can't skip when I hear something about Canada or us, a total of 1313 cases have been 35:49.240 --> 35:52.120 reported in Nevada so far. 35:52.120 --> 35:57.800 This year of those, we're talking about a fungus, clinical cases, actual infections, 35:57.800 --> 35:59.720 not just colonization. 35:59.720 --> 36:05.960 At this time last year, Nevada had a total of 774, we're almost double that. 36:05.960 --> 36:06.960 There were cases. 36:06.960 --> 36:11.080 You will recall that there was one paper from vodkaing in the Netherlands that looked 36:11.080 --> 36:17.120 at the activation of the immune system or the response of immune system in some assay. 36:18.120 --> 36:22.360 I don't know if it was a T cell assay or just a lymphocyte assay. 36:22.360 --> 36:30.640 And looking at a battery of bacterial antigens and a battery of fungal antigens after Moderna 36:30.640 --> 36:33.960 vaccination and they showed a change. 36:33.960 --> 36:43.520 And so I think it was hypersensitivity to bacteria and hypo sensitivity to fungus, but it could 36:43.520 --> 36:44.520 have been the other way around. 36:44.520 --> 36:45.520 It doesn't matter. 36:45.560 --> 36:51.760 There's going to be a whole host of potential mechanisms for immune compromise that could 36:51.760 --> 36:58.000 be dysregulation, that could be some kind of lymphocyte opinion. 36:58.000 --> 37:01.800 There's lots of different reports and lots of different descriptions about what happens. 37:01.800 --> 37:09.760 But generally speaking, the immune system becoming compromised because of this kind of 37:09.760 --> 37:14.000 misguided augmentation attempt is not unusual. 37:14.000 --> 37:19.200 And so it's interesting that, of course, they're going to try to make a story about 37:19.200 --> 37:26.680 this rising fungal cases of infection in people, but never make any connection or never even 37:26.680 --> 37:27.680 ask the question. 37:27.680 --> 37:30.800 I wonder if these people have had all their COVID shots and if they have it, it's made 37:30.800 --> 37:31.800 it more vulnerable. 37:31.800 --> 37:35.320 Of course, it probably has. 37:35.320 --> 37:36.560 It is 11 o'clock. 37:36.560 --> 37:40.520 I've been on for 36 minutes and I'm going to try and cut it a little bit short. 37:40.600 --> 37:46.680 I really wanted you to just see the tie and to hear the immediate report about the decrease 37:46.680 --> 37:49.520 in vaccination rate and the way that they discussed it. 37:49.520 --> 37:55.040 The rest of the show just goes on with the mythology, talking about COVID, talking about 37:55.040 --> 38:00.040 different variants, talking about whether or not certain drugs that are given to old 38:00.040 --> 38:07.080 people when they have COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, I guess, by PCR or something like that, whether 38:07.080 --> 38:08.840 or not their variant changes. 38:09.840 --> 38:11.360 It's all a bunch of bogus bogus. 38:11.360 --> 38:16.080 I don't really think it's worth our time, but I did want you to see that and then I just 38:16.080 --> 38:20.920 did want to test this out a little bit to see if this makes sense and if you remember 38:20.920 --> 38:29.120 this at all, I want you to think about how easy it would be for them to take what was 38:29.120 --> 38:37.960 a background signal, an RNA-DNA background signal, and that's represented by the train. 38:37.960 --> 38:43.640 And then they can take and use PCR testing and lateral flow testing that confounds that 38:43.640 --> 38:49.600 background signal with seroprevalence to other things and with the presence of other RNA 38:49.600 --> 38:57.440 and DNA, be it endogenous or exogenous, and confounds that with the idea that there is 38:57.440 --> 38:59.200 a novel virus. 38:59.200 --> 39:04.920 And so in this case, he is confounding the train moving and stopping and letting people 39:04.920 --> 39:10.140 out with him being able to stop it and him needing to start it. 39:10.140 --> 39:14.280 And they can actually, you can actually use this analogy to describe almost the entire 39:14.280 --> 39:20.320 Scooby-Doo because while we are meant to believe that this guy is stopping and starting the 39:20.320 --> 39:26.280 train, what I want you to understand is that the illusion of consensus is not one guy. 39:26.280 --> 39:30.360 Imagine if there were, if you're a little kid standing on the wall, because that's 39:30.360 --> 39:34.440 what you were when you had your phone or you're watching TV, you're a little kid standing 39:34.480 --> 39:40.160 on the wall and that train comes into the station and not one guy in shorts, but 40 39:40.160 --> 39:49.600 guys in big work outfits with greasy gloves on and work protective gear. 39:49.600 --> 39:55.920 And those 40 guys do the same thing that this guy is doing and they grunt as it stops and 39:55.920 --> 39:59.680 they push and they grunt as they get the train going again. 39:59.680 --> 40:07.080 Now the illusion of consensus is a lot easier to believe or it's a lot harder to dismiss 40:07.080 --> 40:11.840 than if it's just one guy and he's chalking up his hands and you can hear that the train 40:11.840 --> 40:15.640 is making all these other noises. 40:15.640 --> 40:20.840 But if you got 40 guys out there or 400 guys out there and they pretended to stop the train 40:20.840 --> 40:28.520 and they pretended to start the train, well, holy cow, now you've got an illusion going. 40:28.520 --> 40:32.320 And if you get people on the left and on the right, you get people on the lab leak 40:32.320 --> 40:37.440 side and on the natural virus side, if you get the people on the early treatment side 40:37.440 --> 40:41.920 and the antibiotic side, if you get the people on the hydroxychloroquine side and the ivermectin 40:41.920 --> 40:53.280 side to all participate in this illusion, we've got a serious problem on our hands. 40:53.280 --> 40:58.240 Do you understand what I'm saying here, ladies and gentlemen, do you get why the Scooby-Doo? 40:58.240 --> 41:03.420 It doesn't have to be the Scooby-Doo, it can be the train pusher. 41:03.420 --> 41:09.560 These people have all pretended to be part of the train pushing crew. 41:09.560 --> 41:15.280 Some of them sold an ivermectin book or a hydroxychloroquine book or a bioweapon book 41:15.280 --> 41:26.860 or a lies book or a Wuhan lie book or a horror or a no virus story and they all end up pushing 41:26.860 --> 41:34.740 the same faith in a novel virus, they all push the same silly illusion of consensus 41:34.740 --> 41:41.620 that somehow a combination of our actions and our fumbling, we were able to stop a virus 41:41.620 --> 41:48.020 and stop a pandemic and saved people that millions of other people got killed. 41:48.020 --> 41:52.700 This illusion of consensus has to be broken, I don't know what analogies to use other 41:52.700 --> 41:57.500 than the faith in a novel virus, that's what it is, it's a faith and it's a faith 41:57.500 --> 42:02.520 that was sustained by a bunch of people pretending to stop that train or knowing how it stopped 42:02.520 --> 42:11.100 or participating in it, they sustained the illusion and that faith is a lie and all you 42:11.100 --> 42:14.820 need is that background train running on schedule. 42:14.820 --> 42:20.940 All you need is that background train running on schedule and this all works fine. 42:20.940 --> 42:27.580 PCR tests, yeah sure, here they go, here they are, hydroxychloroquine, oh boy that saves 42:27.580 --> 42:32.380 everybody, oh Ivermectin, oh slow down, we need some new stuff because there's a new 42:32.380 --> 42:38.660 thing out there. 42:38.660 --> 42:45.100 They pretended to stop the train and the train was an endemic background, the train was the 42:45.100 --> 42:50.220 protocols being murder and the transfection not being medicine but none of these people 42:50.220 --> 42:56.060 told you that but that's what the train is, the protocols are murder, transfection is 42:56.060 --> 43:02.340 not medicine and there was a background signal that they confounded with a pandemic idea 43:02.340 --> 43:07.020 and none of these people have told you that the train is actually going all by itself 43:07.020 --> 43:12.060 and it doesn't matter what these people did, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't 43:12.060 --> 43:17.900 matter, it was always there, the train just runs on schedule, protocols were murder and 43:17.900 --> 43:23.860 the transfection is not medicine and that's why this no virus thing is, there's no trains 43:23.860 --> 43:32.820 at all, that train's not even there. 43:32.820 --> 43:37.300 I don't know what to say, I'm just trying to find ways to teach it better, ways for 43:37.300 --> 43:40.420 people to understand it easier. 43:40.420 --> 43:46.860 An active theater is required for that train gag to work and the more people that participate 43:46.860 --> 43:53.340 in that theater besides that one dude in shorts, the better that theater becomes. 43:53.340 --> 43:57.660 The more varied they are in their response, some of them could even get dragged by the 43:57.660 --> 44:09.580 train, you know, some of them could scream or let their shoes drag or they could stumble, 44:09.580 --> 44:15.340 make it look even cooler, some of them could have ropes, you know what I mean? 44:15.340 --> 44:24.500 That's what they did, just a great big impromptu train stopping show and that impromptu train 44:24.500 --> 44:28.980 stopping show is on this slide right here because they don't talk about what the train 44:28.980 --> 44:35.460 really is which is just PCR fraud and variant sequencing fraud, death certificate fraud, 44:35.460 --> 44:40.780 a fraud about how an RNA virus in a small quantity in a market could become a planet 44:40.780 --> 44:47.180 covering RNA virus in a few weeks. 44:47.180 --> 44:52.660 Transfection being useful, come on, natural immunity, has anyone taught you that? 44:52.660 --> 44:58.140 How many people do you know that actively call themselves on social media immunologists 44:58.140 --> 45:06.580 and have never taught single podcast immunology 101 lecture with pictures? 45:06.580 --> 45:12.660 I'll think of a few off the top of my head, immunologist, I'm pretty sure Jessica Rose 45:12.660 --> 45:19.540 has immunologist in the top of her, in the top of her Twitter thing and she might even 45:19.540 --> 45:22.980 say that she has a postdoctoral degree in immunology. 45:22.980 --> 45:29.780 I think that the disambiguation wizard named Robert Malone also calls himself an immunologist 45:29.780 --> 45:38.140 but he's never bothered to explain it and I'm sure there are many more immunologists 45:38.140 --> 45:42.900 that haven't bothered to teach immunology 101 with respect to the background signal, 45:42.900 --> 45:51.500 with respect to the response to RNA viruses in general and the reason why they're doing 45:51.500 --> 45:57.660 this is because this is not about a pandemic, this is about digital ID, digital currency, 45:57.660 --> 46:02.860 the collapse of the dollar, the inversion of the sovereignty of your children. 46:02.860 --> 46:09.300 This is about enslavement, this is about a multi-generational plan and they want you 46:09.300 --> 46:14.380 to be thinking about next year in the election, they're thinking about their kids' kids and 46:14.380 --> 46:19.740 what their kids' kids will own and what their kids' kids will know that our kids won't 46:19.740 --> 46:23.420 know and that's why they will be the rulers. 46:23.420 --> 46:26.940 They want to govern the whole world with this mythology ladies and gentlemen, that's the 46:26.940 --> 46:27.940 plan. 46:27.940 --> 46:35.140 Please stop all transfections in humans, please stop transfections in humans, please stop them 46:35.140 --> 46:39.900 because they're trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 46:39.900 --> 46:44.540 This has been GIGO and biological where we say intramuscular injection by any combination 46:44.540 --> 46:49.900 of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb, transfection and 46:49.900 --> 46:53.700 healthy humans is criminally negligent. 46:53.700 --> 46:57.380 Ladies and gentlemen, this has been GIGO, biological to high-resistance, low-noise 46:57.380 --> 47:00.820 information brief brought to you by a biologist. 47:00.820 --> 47:11.300 Thank you very much for joining me and I'll see you again tomorrow night. 47:11.300 --> 47:16.580 Sunday is at 3 o'clock Eastern, 3 o'clock Eastern I will be presenting live to the UK 47:16.580 --> 47:23.580 Doctors 3 o'clock tomorrow and then I think it's on my schedule the afternoon 47:23.580 --> 47:30.380 and early evening for J by Vicharya and Peter McCullough on Monday. 47:30.380 --> 47:34.780 Thank you very much again for joining me, I'm sorry I was so late. 47:34.780 --> 47:39.620 I almost let the streak go and then I thought you know what, maybe I should try to keep 47:39.620 --> 47:44.020 the streak going at least until the book is available or something like that anyway. 47:44.020 --> 47:46.020 Thanks everybody for being here, see you again tomorrow.