WEBVTT 03:21.560 --> 03:24.560 Looks like Shaggy wants to try it for the eight-man role in the picture. 03:25.560 --> 03:26.560 Arise! 03:27.560 --> 03:29.560 But there's Scooby doing the other chair. 03:31.560 --> 03:34.560 Surprise! It's the Scooby head the eight-man was wearing. 03:38.560 --> 03:40.560 Now there's real talent. 03:43.560 --> 03:46.560 We sure fooled him Scooby. We ought to be in the movies. 03:47.560 --> 03:48.560 Spare! 03:48.560 --> 03:49.560 Show me who we go! 04:17.560 --> 04:23.560 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga Home Biological. 04:24.560 --> 04:28.560 It's a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 04:29.560 --> 04:33.560 It is Friday the 13th of October, 2023. 04:34.560 --> 04:35.560 Lots of threes today. 04:36.560 --> 04:37.560 What to say about that? 04:42.560 --> 04:43.560 Not the wrong with free. 04:46.560 --> 04:47.560 Let's go! 05:01.560 --> 05:03.560 Trying to figure out a way to get Joey in the door. 05:04.560 --> 05:05.560 You see that? That was nice. 05:06.560 --> 05:07.560 That was nice. 05:17.560 --> 05:19.560 Oh, I ran out of music. What happened there? 05:19.560 --> 05:20.560 It was a little weird. 05:21.560 --> 05:23.560 I might just... 05:25.560 --> 05:27.560 Might just do something like this. 05:30.560 --> 05:32.560 Because it's just funny, I don't know. 05:34.560 --> 05:36.560 There was no spread in New York. 05:36.560 --> 05:38.560 Infectious clones are the only real threat. 05:39.560 --> 05:42.560 Placebo batches were likely distributed and 05:43.560 --> 05:45.560 in healthy mammals is dumb. 05:46.560 --> 05:50.560 To put it another way, protocols were murdered, gain of function is a mythology. 05:51.560 --> 05:54.560 The Scooby-Doo mystery that you are fooled into solving is real. 05:55.560 --> 05:58.560 And the players are committed to the lies. 06:01.560 --> 06:03.560 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga Home Biological. 06:05.560 --> 06:07.560 And we are here every night trying to 06:08.560 --> 06:11.560 excavate ourselves from the cave. 06:13.560 --> 06:15.560 And so we're keeping our flashlights forward. 06:15.560 --> 06:17.560 We're keeping our arms straight. 06:18.560 --> 06:23.560 And we are not surrendering to the fear and confusion and doubt. 06:26.560 --> 06:29.560 And that's where we are. 06:31.560 --> 06:33.560 Good evening ladies and gentlemen. 06:33.560 --> 06:38.560 Welcome to the show coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dropping zero frames. 06:39.560 --> 06:45.560 I assume that my lips and the picture are roughly or the lips of my sound are roughly locked. 06:47.560 --> 06:48.560 That could be good. 06:50.560 --> 06:53.560 I paid this out before I get a copyright strike there. 06:54.560 --> 06:59.560 As usual, you know, not a lot of any different frames or different slides set tonight. 07:00.560 --> 07:01.560 Just get right to the show. 07:02.560 --> 07:05.560 Thanks to everybody for supporting the stream for these last three years. 07:05.560 --> 07:07.560 Thank you very much for sharing it. 07:07.560 --> 07:12.560 And if you can do so with this one as well, don't take the bait on TV and social media 07:12.560 --> 07:14.560 because there's a lot of it right now. 07:15.560 --> 07:16.560 The mystery is still being solved. 07:17.560 --> 07:18.560 We are still unmasking the bad guys. 07:19.560 --> 07:24.560 And we keep circling the block all the time, coming back to Berwick and EcoHealth Alliance 07:24.560 --> 07:30.560 and Tony Fauci and America and lying and USAID and the CIA. 07:31.960 --> 07:33.560 And we've got to wake up from this. 07:34.560 --> 07:36.560 We've got to wake up from it, and we're not going to wake up from it 07:36.560 --> 07:39.560 if you keep listening to the same storytellers. 07:40.560 --> 07:41.560 We're not going to wake up from it. 07:41.560 --> 07:44.560 If we keep listening to the same storytellers, it's not going to happen. 07:46.560 --> 07:49.560 But the same storytellers are telling stories to the other people 07:49.560 --> 07:51.560 and then the other people and then the other people. 07:51.560 --> 07:52.560 And this is where we are. 07:52.560 --> 08:03.080 where we are. And so we've been trying to figure out this map of people you're gonna 08:03.080 --> 08:10.920 have to apologize, I have to apologize, my hoodies a little magic on the green screen. 08:10.920 --> 08:15.280 But this illusion of consensus can be broken if we see it, if we can start to show it to 08:15.280 --> 08:20.920 people that this agreement doesn't make any sense between these people. 08:20.920 --> 08:26.080 And if we are honest, there aren't that many people that have been very consistent throughout 08:26.080 --> 08:31.320 the pandemic. But one of them is definitely Nick Hudson. And he just gave a talk a couple 08:31.320 --> 08:36.880 days ago, which I have been recommended to watch. I'm not, I have not watched it yet. 08:36.880 --> 08:41.440 My plan is to take notes and stop it as minimally as possible to make this about an eight on 08:41.520 --> 08:47.520 hour long show. So let's roll the dice and see how long I can keep my mouth shut. By the 08:47.520 --> 08:51.560 way, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting 08:51.560 --> 08:56.800 the immune system is likely silly. And for sure, transmission is not immunization. So 08:56.800 --> 09:04.560 we can stop all of those. We'll talk about that later. This show is about the perception 09:04.560 --> 09:09.760 of what is true, the lights that are going by your head right now. If I scoot out of the 09:09.760 --> 09:14.320 way a little bit, those lights that make it seem like that you're going through a tunnel, 09:14.320 --> 09:18.080 obviously, you know, you're really not going through a tunnel with other side tunnels that 09:18.080 --> 09:24.720 are lit by other lights. But it looks like you are. And if this goes fast enough, and there's 09:24.720 --> 09:33.920 enough physical stimulation or or distraction, for example, a lockdown or economic pain or 09:33.920 --> 09:41.600 TV fear or social media hype, then a pandemic can seem very, very real, just like this tunnel 09:41.600 --> 09:48.960 can seem really real, especially if the only window to the outside world is a two dimensional 09:48.960 --> 09:55.600 screen. These people are spectacularly committed to the lies. And Nick Hudson brings his a game 09:55.600 --> 10:00.240 as he presents the data as we know it. And I think it's going to be a pretty good talk. Although, 10:00.240 --> 10:05.760 I haven't seen it. It's title actuarial and statistical problems around the COVID phenomenon. 10:06.320 --> 10:13.440 I have very high hopes. I consider Nick a pandemic friend. I met him through Panda, 10:13.440 --> 10:21.520 obviously, and I feel like although Panda is an organization full of a variety of individuals, 10:22.480 --> 10:30.720 I believe Nick to be a man of good faith and a man of seeking the truth. I do really feel like 10:30.720 --> 10:35.760 he's one of these few. And that's why he's one of those green squares in my current people map. 10:36.480 --> 10:41.600 So let's get this on. I'll string my head as soon as I hit play. 10:44.400 --> 10:49.920 Didn't I hit play? Well, come back. We continue now with our 50th annual convention and the 75th 10:50.000 --> 10:53.840 birthday celebration of the actuarial society of South Africa. If we're just meeting for the first 10:53.840 --> 10:56.960 time, my name is Inkramila Andrew. I'm going to be your host for the rest of the day. 10:57.680 --> 11:00.640 So it's been just over three years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 11:00.640 --> 11:03.680 And so allowing us time to reflect and analyze and review different perspectives, to better 11:03.680 --> 11:07.440 understand things, and hopefully learn lessons from past events in order to improve for the future. 11:07.440 --> 11:10.960 In these next two separate presentations that follow, we'll hear from presenters who will 11:10.960 --> 11:14.400 highlight the importance of actually in such a pandemic event, as well as sharing processes 11:14.400 --> 11:19.840 and technical research. Can we do the South African accent on 1.5? Is that okay with everybody? 11:19.840 --> 11:23.120 If you have to, if I have to slow it down one more now, just tell me. 11:23.120 --> 11:26.160 Findings when analyzing the COVID-19 pandemic. I think it'll be easier. 11:26.160 --> 11:28.880 You're able to engage with the technical context and research findings of the 11:28.880 --> 11:32.560 presentations during the Q&A session at the end of each presentation. In this first session, 11:32.560 --> 11:36.240 we have Nikaxanja to deliver his presentation entitled actuarial and statistical problems 11:36.240 --> 11:40.960 around the COVID-19 phenomenon. Thank you very much. I'm going to start by claiming 11:40.960 --> 11:45.680 a first. My sister, who's much more interesting than I am, is on stage next door at the same time 11:45.680 --> 11:50.560 that I'm on stage here. She's not an actuary. She's a radio presenter, but there you have it. 11:50.560 --> 11:56.000 How often does that happen at the convention? Family affair, really. Most of us are old enough 11:56.000 --> 12:01.920 to remember how bad COVID, sorry, bad models were so implicated in the 2008 financial crisis. 12:03.120 --> 12:07.600 The dawn of the COVID phenomenon was greeted by a plethora of models predicting doom 12:07.600 --> 12:12.720 of strikingly similar scale. And without exception, I'd be failing to bear even a vague 12:12.800 --> 12:17.280 resemblance to its reality. Those models generally assumed that there was a deadly virus and that 12:17.280 --> 12:22.000 lockdowns would slow the spread of it, resulting in less dying. One would call the results 12:22.000 --> 12:27.680 comical if their impact on society had not been so tragic. When Sweden famously rejected the 12:27.680 --> 12:32.000 lockdown idea, the models who facilitated the locking down of the world rejected that it would 12:32.000 --> 12:36.240 experience in a few short weeks a whole year's worth of extra death, translating into a weekly 12:36.240 --> 12:40.800 mortality rate some six times normal levels. That would leave them at the end of the year 12:40.800 --> 12:45.680 with twice the level of normal deaths. What actually emerged was that Sweden had a year of 12:45.680 --> 12:52.640 mortality in line with its tenure average. Now, in our actuarial studies, we learn about a little 12:52.640 --> 12:57.920 thing called the actuarial control cycle, which amongst others entails testing our models against 12:57.920 --> 13:03.440 emergent evidence in commercial settings failing to employ the control cycle after a signal as 13:03.440 --> 13:08.800 loud as this one. I think he's saying too much important to go so fast. 13:09.760 --> 13:14.160 Just going to slow it down one tick so everybody catches it a little bit. He's a very smart guy. 13:14.160 --> 13:19.440 He speaks very well. There's nothing to do with him. It has to do with my desire for you to hear 13:19.440 --> 13:26.640 Nick and what he's got to say. He's going to roll it back. The impact on society had not been so 13:26.640 --> 13:34.000 tragic. When Sweden famously rejected the lockdown idea, the models who facilitated the locking down 13:34.000 --> 13:38.240 of the world projected that it would experience in a few short weeks a whole year's worth of 13:38.240 --> 13:43.920 extra death, translating into a weak immortality rate some six times normal levels. That would leave 13:43.920 --> 13:50.800 them at the end of the year with twice the level of normal deaths. What actually emerged was that 13:50.800 --> 13:59.280 Sweden had a year of mortality in line with its tenure average. Now, in our actuarial studies, 13:59.280 --> 14:05.360 we learn about a little thing called the actuarial control cycle, which amongst others entails testing 14:05.360 --> 14:11.760 our models against emergent evidence. In commercial settings failing to employ the control cycle 14:11.760 --> 14:16.880 after a signal as loud as this one would likely result in the responsible actuary 14:16.880 --> 14:23.920 facing some very difficult questions, if not being fired. Now, the evidence that those models 14:23.920 --> 14:29.440 called SIR models or susceptible infected recovered models were not merely incorrectly calibrated, 14:29.440 --> 14:34.880 but wholly inappropriate for application to the COVID phenomenon and that the ensuing policy 14:34.880 --> 14:41.760 recommendations was wrong, was available abundantly and available decisively within weeks of the 14:41.760 --> 14:48.800 onset of the COVID hysteria, but it was all ignored. It was as if the actuarial control cycle had never 14:48.800 --> 14:55.280 been invented. At Panda, the organisation I co-founded along with a group of multidisciplinary 14:55.280 --> 15:01.200 professionals to push back against the catastrophic hysteria, we could see, for example, that completely 15:01.280 --> 15:06.320 different places with similar population characteristics experienced completely different mortality 15:06.320 --> 15:12.080 outcomes, and that these differences could not be explained by viral dynamics, something else was 15:12.080 --> 15:18.240 at work. This observation led us to adopt an empirical modeling approach capable of subsuming 15:18.240 --> 15:24.720 all factors, not merely the theory of a novel daily virus. And despite not being perfect, 15:24.720 --> 15:34.240 that model was very accurate. As the South African coronavirus modding consortium and the 15:34.240 --> 15:40.160 actuarial society continued to deploy SIR models, we uttered their inaccuracy by making various 15:40.160 --> 15:47.440 predictions that were strongly validated by emergent evidence. For example, at the time of release of 15:47.440 --> 15:52.000 SACMA's revised model, we predicted that it would breach the lower bound of its 15:52.000 --> 15:59.280 comically broad confidence intervals in 10 weeks. We were out by one day. Similarly, 15:59.280 --> 16:04.160 we predicted that hospital bed demand would be just 5% of what they projected, and again, 16:04.160 --> 16:08.960 correctly, in the Western Cape, our model predicted peak utilization of hospital beds to the digit. 16:10.560 --> 16:15.840 In December of 2020, we engaged with the premier of the Western Cape. We asked him what had made 16:15.840 --> 16:21.200 him spend hundreds of millions building two field hospitals. He said that was what the models 16:21.200 --> 16:25.920 told them they would need. We described the inaccuracy of the SACMA models to him, 16:25.920 --> 16:30.000 and he said he wasn't using them. He mistakenly, as it turns out, said that he was using the 16:30.000 --> 16:34.640 NASA model. He then astonished us by saying that he was investing in a third facility. 16:35.200 --> 16:39.360 Now, as it turns out, it seems it was not NASA who was advising him, but a consulting firm 16:39.920 --> 16:43.760 using one of the varied but consistently wrong scenarios from the second iteration of the 16:43.760 --> 16:48.800 NASA model. I hope that his claim about this will be investigated and that the failure of, 16:48.800 --> 16:52.240 you know, by whatever consulting firm that was to comply with the normal 16:52.240 --> 16:56.640 arterial control cycle will have some consequences because the public interest was definitely not 16:56.640 --> 17:04.640 protected in that scenario. But building pointless facilities was the least of the travesties, 17:04.640 --> 17:08.800 unleashed upon the public by woefully advised and highly pressurized governments. 17:08.800 --> 17:12.480 The financial and humanitarian consequences of lockdowns have been quite staggering. 17:13.920 --> 17:18.400 The established NGO, Action Against Hunger, finds as follows. Before COVID lockdowns, 17:18.400 --> 17:24.080 the number of people at risk of starvation was 135 million worldwide. By the end of 2021, 17:24.080 --> 17:29.360 that had increased by another 135 million people, and in 2022, it then increased by a further 67 17:29.360 --> 17:34.880 million people. The result is that we currently experience about 10 million new deaths a year 17:34.880 --> 17:39.200 from starvation, three million of them among children. It's a staggering, staggering 17:39.200 --> 17:45.840 consequence of lockdown. On top of that, about $4 trillion of wealth has been siphoned off 17:45.920 --> 17:50.160 from the middle classes to the benefit of a coterie of billionaires, the number of whom 17:50.160 --> 17:56.800 swelled by a quarter over the lockdown period. Now, numbers take time to be updated, but charts 17:56.800 --> 18:02.080 like this one tell a story of the haves benefiting at the expense of the have-nots. 18:04.400 --> 18:09.680 And this is precisely the kind of outcome that Panda had warned of in our first paper, 18:09.680 --> 18:14.480 which stirred up so much breastfeeding range and anxiety amid people swept up by the false 18:14.560 --> 18:17.920 narrative of the COVID phenomenon. If you're not, 18:19.360 --> 18:25.280 May 2020, Panda's contention that the COVID policy response would trigger 30 times as much 18:25.280 --> 18:31.520 loss of life as COVID stood stood to was a dramatic underestimate. 18:36.160 --> 18:43.520 May 2020. That's that's some impressive, impressive stuff. 18:45.120 --> 18:49.680 Convinced that such people were engaged in acts of immense folly, we have an interesting tidbit 18:49.680 --> 18:57.600 for you. Let's, for a moment, suspend judgment on that whole suite of SIR models. Let's assume 18:57.600 --> 19:02.320 for a minute that they were actually appropriate. And we ask the question, what happens when you 19:02.320 --> 19:06.640 deploy such models reflecting one of the clearest and earliest available empirical results under 19:06.640 --> 19:13.600 the COVID phenomenon, namely that COVID exhibited intense age-graduated mortality with deaths, 19:14.560 --> 19:19.920 among even vaguely healthy under-70s being negligible? What happens if you incorporate 19:19.920 --> 19:26.720 differential mobility for the at-risk elderly? Now, at this website, we have a model you can 19:26.720 --> 19:32.000 play with showing that reducing the mobility of the non-vulnerable by locking down causes her 19:32.000 --> 19:37.600 immunity to be attained with higher prevalence among the vulnerable. Let that sink in for a minute. 19:37.600 --> 19:42.960 What it means is that in terms of the very logic of SIR models themselves, 19:43.680 --> 19:48.480 lockdowns can clearly be predicted to shift disease burden onto the people most likely to die, 19:48.480 --> 19:52.880 causing total deaths to increase. This is a stunning reality and I invite you to look at 19:52.880 --> 20:00.240 this website and verify it for yourself. Okay, having argued that the application of SIR models 20:00.240 --> 20:05.440 is invalid. I think what's important to note here, I'm not sure if this is the model, 20:05.440 --> 20:11.280 it would have been one of the models, but there are a couple old guys in Panda that are old 20:11.840 --> 20:20.240 ecologists. Believe it or not, ecologists are really good at making models. A lot of their stuff 20:20.240 --> 20:24.640 is based on, you know, you make a sample across an ecosystem and then you make a sample across 20:24.640 --> 20:28.560 an ecosystem and then you make a sample across an ecosystem and then you make a model of what's 20:28.640 --> 20:37.200 happening based on those repeated samples over seasons. And so making a model of people getting 20:37.200 --> 20:42.160 infected and it's spreading and so that's easy for them. Maybe they can do that and it's the same 20:42.160 --> 20:48.800 kind of map, it's the same programming. And so Panda's website had a number of these models 20:48.800 --> 20:55.040 at one point that you could play with, which I think is pretty extraordinary. It's not something 20:55.040 --> 21:03.200 that the American or the Dutch or the your any European CDC had where scroll up and down on the 21:03.200 --> 21:08.080 R knot. So you can see what it does or scroll up and down on our predictions. So you can see what 21:08.080 --> 21:15.280 they do. So you can see how absurd our predictions are. Or you can see what our predictions will look 21:15.280 --> 21:23.600 like over years and why these models aren't right because they don't really. And you can play around 21:23.680 --> 21:31.760 with this, the idea of changing the age dependency of the of the potential for lethality 21:32.960 --> 21:41.120 and changing the way that that affects, you know, there are ways to do it. And there are ways that 21:41.120 --> 21:44.880 they could have brought us to understand these models better. But if they would have done that, 21:44.880 --> 21:48.880 they wouldn't have been able to make the claims that they wanted to make. We would understand the 21:48.880 --> 21:55.200 limits of their model. And the whole charade would have been over. We would have seen the two-dimensional 21:56.880 --> 22:01.520 scenery trees for what they were, because we would have turned them on their side like this and go 22:01.520 --> 22:08.240 wait, that's not a real tree. And that's what these models are. From the front, they're painted 22:08.240 --> 22:12.320 beautiful and they look like a great thing like, wow, we really understand this biology. Look, 22:12.320 --> 22:22.160 we can even adjust some parameters and the biology responds. Ooh. But even Nick will admit 22:22.160 --> 22:27.920 that this is a model that is dumb because it's still just these real basic epidemiology models 22:27.920 --> 22:35.120 based on infection and immunity and blah, blah, blah, like three variables. But if they're going to 22:35.120 --> 22:40.320 use it, then at least we might as well show them how they're not using it very well. Because if you 22:40.320 --> 22:47.920 add one more variable like age dependence, your model makes some pretty dark predictions. 22:48.880 --> 22:55.920 It's gorgeous, Nick. Congratulations, keep going. We need to get back to some reliable findings. 22:56.480 --> 23:01.760 We now have hundreds of studies validating this one from Panda's paper in mid 2020. 23:02.400 --> 23:06.080 This will be familiar to a great number of you who have ever done numerical and technical work, 23:06.080 --> 23:09.600 which I imagine will be quite a few. Lockdown students, he was entirely uncorrelated with 23:09.600 --> 23:13.760 official mortality data. On the x-axis, we have lockdown, stringency, on the y-axis, 23:13.760 --> 23:18.960 official COVID mortality. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a pain splat. No correlation. 23:22.960 --> 23:28.320 Now, we can return to the point I mentioned earlier, that one of our first and earliest 23:28.320 --> 23:34.400 conclusions was that something else was going on other than viral spread and that it had to do 23:34.960 --> 23:40.720 with where you were. Before exploring what that something is, let's explore the theoretical 23:40.720 --> 23:47.040 framework for this. A syndemic is the aggregation of two epidemics that exacerbate disease burden, 23:48.000 --> 23:52.880 where two processes are present, statistical methods can be used to assess which is the 23:52.880 --> 23:59.040 more important and how much it contributes. And one of those methods is a type of Bayesian analysis. 23:59.600 --> 24:07.120 You look at which of these two factors elicits a differentiation in the objective population. 24:08.160 --> 24:12.400 And we get some very clear and for some people quite startling findings when we do that. 24:13.680 --> 24:20.400 When the presence of COVID or a PCR test, for example, is used as a flag, what we find is that 24:20.400 --> 24:25.760 the characteristics of COVID deaths are identical to the characteristics of non-COVID deaths among 24:25.760 --> 24:31.840 multiple dimensions. So age, gender, income, and comorbidity prevalence. And this strongly 24:31.840 --> 24:37.040 suggests, very strongly suggests that COVID is not a cause of age. See what I mean by starting 24:37.040 --> 24:43.120 outcome. But if you flag people for where they were, when they died, the proportion of deaths 24:43.120 --> 24:50.800 varies spectacularly by that flag. The virus would seem to obey political borders at a very 24:50.800 --> 24:57.360 granular level, which is, of course, impossible. Death attributed to COVID emerged to be very 24:57.360 --> 25:02.000 heavily determined by political boundaries at multiple levels of granularity. The combination 25:02.000 --> 25:06.320 of those two results, the failure of COVID to divide deaths into differential populations 25:06.320 --> 25:10.960 and the very strong tendency of geographic flags to divide them very strongly suggests that 25:11.680 --> 25:16.560 variation in clinical and public health practices is a major culprit where excess mortality is 25:16.640 --> 25:24.480 involved. So does everybody understand that? If it was a disease, it should, it should separate 25:24.480 --> 25:30.480 on age, it should separate on the same morbidity, prevalences, 25:35.280 --> 25:43.760 sorry, and it doesn't. So in other words, it's not sorting by what you would expect it to sort 25:43.760 --> 25:49.840 if it was a respiratory disease with a certain set of of vulnerabilities in a certain vulnerable 25:49.840 --> 25:58.320 population. Instead, instead, as Denny has told us a couple days in a row now and even told Kim 25:58.320 --> 26:09.680 Iverson, it respects municipalities, it respects hospital regions, and it, it respects the protocols 26:09.680 --> 26:17.520 that were present. And so if the deaths don't cross borders, then they have something to do 26:18.880 --> 26:25.040 with what the people are doing inside of those borders rather than the biology, which, of course, 26:25.040 --> 26:31.120 crosses borders, and the biology that affects certain people more than other people, 26:31.920 --> 26:37.760 certain vulnerable people more than certain healthy people. But we actually didn't see that, 26:37.760 --> 26:45.520 which is really in some ways pretty striking. I think we should listen to him say it again 26:45.520 --> 26:50.240 because he says it better himself. Two results, the failure of COVID to divide deaths into 26:50.240 --> 26:54.720 differential populations and the very strong tendency of geographic flags to divide them very 26:54.720 --> 27:00.320 strongly suggests that variation in clinical and public health practices is a major culprit 27:00.320 --> 27:08.720 where excess mortality is involved. A second syndemic phenomenon was indeed operating in the 27:08.720 --> 27:14.640 background beyond the reach of media attention. Now, if this strikes you as something that's 27:14.640 --> 27:20.560 difficult to digest, I invite you to indulge in something of a thought experiment. Imagine that 27:20.560 --> 27:26.080 one day when no particular virus or bacterium or fungus was in circulation, you woke up to find 27:26.160 --> 27:30.720 that your local hospital administrator was announcing on television that certain changes 27:30.720 --> 27:36.720 would be made to his hospital's policies. Henceforth, patients with flu-like symptoms 27:38.240 --> 27:43.360 would be isolated. They would receive massively reduced attendance by healthcare workers. 27:43.360 --> 27:47.360 They would no longer receive antibiotics to suppress secondary infections. 27:47.360 --> 27:51.760 Crucial patient advocacy provided by the hospital visitation system would be terminated. 27:52.320 --> 27:56.960 The hospital's would administer a new drug called remdesivir, a drug of no demonstrated 27:56.960 --> 28:01.200 efficacy and associated with multiple organ failure. The patients would be put on ventilators. 28:01.760 --> 28:06.160 Even when they had no kinetic difficulty breathing, party to prevent the suspected 28:06.160 --> 28:10.320 aerosolization of viral particles that might endanger hospital staff and even though the 28:10.320 --> 28:17.360 ventilator mortality rate was running at well above 90%. Now, I put it to you that if that 28:17.440 --> 28:22.000 announcement happened under normal circumstances, there would be an immediate public outcry. 28:22.960 --> 28:28.480 And everybody would be abundantly, it would be abundantly clear to everybody 28:28.480 --> 28:35.120 that such moves would result in countless deaths. And there is your syndemic because that is exactly 28:35.120 --> 28:39.360 what transpired under COVID. There you go. In a nutshell, 28:39.360 --> 28:47.840 I want to hear it again because it's just so damn good. I'm going to turn it up. 28:48.960 --> 28:54.960 That was impressive. That's impressive. This is the thought experiment that I tried to get Peter 28:54.960 --> 29:05.920 to do that actually, actually, I think Danny Rancor helped me make Peter do this thought experiment 29:06.000 --> 29:12.720 in his hand. Listen to the thought experiment that Nick describes this, this, this syndemic, 29:12.720 --> 29:21.440 it's a systemic epidemic of behavior. And if you changed all the behavior and across the board, 29:21.440 --> 29:27.920 the policy change of how we're going to treat respiratory disease and the changes weren't good. 29:28.720 --> 29:31.200 That's what happens. 29:38.400 --> 29:43.280 Now, if this strikes you as something that's difficult to digest, I invite you to indulge 29:43.280 --> 29:48.160 in something of a thought experiment. Imagine that one day when no particular virus or 29:48.160 --> 29:53.280 bacteria or fungus was in circulation, you woke up to find that your local hospital 29:53.280 --> 29:58.240 administrator was announcing on television that certain changes would be made to his hospital's 29:58.240 --> 30:06.720 policies. Henceforth, patients with flu-like symptoms would be isolated. They would receive 30:06.720 --> 30:11.120 massively reduced attendance by healthcare workers. They would no longer receive antibiotics to 30:11.120 --> 30:16.560 suppress secondary infections. Crucial patient advocacy provided by the hospital visitation 30:16.560 --> 30:21.760 system would be terminated. The hospital's would administer a new drug called Remdesivir, 30:21.760 --> 30:24.800 a drug of no demonstrated efficacy, and associated with multiple organ failure. 30:25.440 --> 30:29.680 The patients would be put on ventilators. Even when they had no kinetic difficulty breathing, 30:30.240 --> 30:34.880 partly to prevent the suspected aerosolization of viral particles that might endanger hospital 30:34.880 --> 30:38.880 staff, and even though the ventilator mortality rate was running at well above 90%. 30:40.400 --> 30:46.320 Now, I'd put it to you that if that announcement happened under normal circumstances, there would 30:46.400 --> 30:54.160 be an immediate public outcry. And everybody would be abundantly clear to everybody 30:54.160 --> 31:00.880 that such moves would result in countless deaths. And there is your syndemic because that is exactly 31:00.880 --> 31:06.240 what transpired under COVID. Such practices were taken up more enthusiastically in certain hospitals 31:06.240 --> 31:10.800 than in others and in certain districts than in others, explaining the stock geospatial 31:10.800 --> 31:16.800 differentials among other deaths. And that also why it correlated with the lockdowns, 31:16.800 --> 31:23.440 because essentially either you had a top down administration from the governor to the state 31:23.440 --> 31:29.520 health administrator or whatever the hell they're called in your state down to the school boards 31:29.520 --> 31:35.360 and the county and whatever. In Pennsylvania, that's the way it was. You just had somebody at 31:35.360 --> 31:40.640 the top saying we're going to follow all the rules. And once that person says that, it's all the way 31:40.640 --> 31:46.000 down the chain. And if you have that, then you also have more likely hospital administrators 31:46.000 --> 31:52.400 that are just going to say no holds barred, follow the protocols. And there were other places 31:52.400 --> 31:56.320 where they just weren't that strict. And when you weren't that strict, then doctors did what 31:56.320 --> 32:01.440 they should have done done and just treated like they treat all the time the symptoms said they 32:01.440 --> 32:10.400 see in front of them. And that's why there was no spread of the deaths. The mortality didn't 32:10.400 --> 32:17.280 spread. It respected borders. And that's why it respected borders because it was human behavior. 32:19.040 --> 32:26.480 Top down orchestrated human behavior. Just like this thought experiment that Nick just described, 32:26.480 --> 32:33.920 Nick is killing it. We're going to have to come up with a good name for him. If Mike Eden is 32:34.000 --> 32:40.160 Mr. Sparkle, then who's this? Can we call him Mr. Clean? Because I don't want to, 32:40.160 --> 32:43.520 it could be Mr. Clean, but Mr. Clean's bald, so I don't want to say that. 32:45.200 --> 32:48.880 In terms of the hypothesis known as the healthcare fragility hypothesis, which has 32:48.880 --> 32:53.360 a rapidly increasing number of adherence due to the multiple data points supporting it, 32:53.360 --> 32:58.880 the COVID phenomenon is best viewed as a mass casualty event rather than as a viral pandemic. 32:59.280 --> 33:06.720 Right. So far, the contents of this presentation have been quite bland and controversial. 33:07.360 --> 33:11.760 He's a little bit like a Sean Connery from South Africa, though. What would that, what could we 33:11.760 --> 33:16.560 call him then? Is there a, if you use Sean Connery, is that a clue for a new nickname? 33:18.480 --> 33:23.440 So before I turn to the hot button of the injections, I'd like to have an opportunity to 33:23.520 --> 33:29.360 loosen you up with some salient facts. The following statements are all true and presented 33:29.360 --> 33:35.520 in approximately temporal order. Number one, governance signed draconian contracts, 33:35.520 --> 33:39.920 committing them to acquiring billions of injection doses prior to the dissemination of any evidence 33:39.920 --> 33:46.000 regarding their safety and efficacy. Number two, the results of randomized trials run by 33:46.000 --> 33:50.560 the manufacturers of those injections were released. These trials were underpowered, 33:50.560 --> 33:55.200 were not double blinded, and groups vulnerable to severe COVID outcomes were underrepresented. 33:56.320 --> 34:01.920 Analysis of those trials demonstrated using the trial data that the intervention arm of the study 34:01.920 --> 34:07.280 exhibited worse all cause experience and that all relevant clinical outcomes. 34:08.880 --> 34:13.760 Worse all cause experience under all relevant clinical outcomes than the placebo arm. 34:15.120 --> 34:19.920 The intervention arm suffered higher all cause deaths, higher all cause hospitalization rates, 34:20.720 --> 34:28.320 more serious adverse events, and higher all cause severe morbidity, and many people are 34:28.320 --> 34:35.600 astonished to find out. Even higher occurrence of COVID symptoms as defined by the study itself. 34:38.880 --> 34:45.200 Media claims of 95% efficacy for these products were premised on one non-clinical finding from 34:45.200 --> 34:50.560 the study that of higher incidence of COVID symptoms in conjunction with a positive PCR test. 34:50.560 --> 34:56.080 It's a non-clinical finding. It's of no use to man or beast. Analysts found that the propensity to 34:56.080 --> 35:00.960 apply PCR tests to those with COVID symptoms in the placebo arm was multiple higher than the 35:00.960 --> 35:05.280 similar propensity for the intervention arm suggesting profound crossing of the blind and 35:05.280 --> 35:14.240 invalidating that sole non-clinical result. So start. Number three, a legal case was brought 35:14.240 --> 35:20.240 by a whistleblower from a company called Ventavia citing multiple serious irregularities at labs 35:20.240 --> 35:25.440 to whom administration of the Pfizer trial had been outsourced. Quite astonishingly Pfizer's 35:25.440 --> 35:29.760 defense in that case was not that no fraud had been committed but essentially that it had served 35:29.760 --> 35:36.160 up the fraud demanded of it by the US military. The Fifth Circuit judge did not accept this 35:36.160 --> 35:41.040 defense but ruled that while those irregularities were problematic they were not evidence of commercial 35:41.120 --> 35:45.200 fraud because the contracts had been signed prior to commission of the scientific fraud 35:46.160 --> 35:49.440 and that the fact that the FDA hadn't done its job in that it authorized rather than 35:49.440 --> 35:55.440 approved the vaccines left the matter out of the court's hands. Number four and perhaps most 35:55.440 --> 36:00.320 significantly of all Pfizer then performed a bait and switch. It distributed to the world a 36:00.320 --> 36:05.200 product fundamentally different from the one that had fraudulently tested in crucial regards. 36:06.000 --> 36:12.240 Number five, it's this list is long. Pfizer and the FDA went to court in an attempt to prevent 36:12.240 --> 36:19.200 the exchange of data between them from becoming public for 75 years. Now it's important to note 36:19.200 --> 36:22.560 that Pfizer never responded to the allegations regarding the clinical findings of the trials 36:22.560 --> 36:26.960 even though a central and early voice and primary author in the whole fracar was a respected and 36:26.960 --> 36:31.760 long-serving editor of the British medical journal itself. This is stunning because the 36:31.840 --> 36:37.440 implication is that anyone who has ever recommended that anybody be vaccinated with the Pfizer 36:37.440 --> 36:42.320 product is wittingly or unwittingly arguing that even though the product is expected to make you 36:42.320 --> 36:46.320 more likely to become sick, to experience severe illness, to be hospitalized or to die, 36:47.280 --> 36:54.480 you should take it so that we can have fewer positive PCOS and that quite clearly is a ridiculous 36:54.560 --> 37:01.440 proposition. With these facts in mind, that was all preamble, I invite you to put aside 37:01.440 --> 37:07.920 your judgments to forget about what the man on the TV may have told you and to consider some data 37:07.920 --> 37:14.800 about these injections. Much of the evidence presented in favor of the injections outside of 37:14.800 --> 37:21.920 the fraudulent Pfizer Phase 3 trials is classed as observational, as distinct from arising from 37:21.920 --> 37:27.200 a randomized control trial. Now this is sketchy at best because of the very large difficulty in 37:27.200 --> 37:32.080 designing observational studies so as to eliminate confounding factors and because of the extremely 37:32.080 --> 37:38.320 low fatality rate of COVID. The single most relied upon analysis regarding these injections is 37:38.320 --> 37:44.400 arguably that emanating from the UK's ONS or Office for National Statistics. Based on aggregate data, 37:44.400 --> 37:50.160 it claimed that the vaccines had high efficacy going even beyond the all-cause result arising 37:50.160 --> 37:56.480 from the Pfizer trial. After much, much foot dragging, the underlying data was released, 37:56.480 --> 38:01.040 this took for your requests and constant harassment and badgering and researchers immediately 38:01.040 --> 38:05.520 demonstrated significant problems visible in the underlying data. For example, if you look at this 38:05.520 --> 38:13.120 chart, this analysis of age classified non-COVID mortality comes from that data. The gray line 38:13.120 --> 38:18.640 superimposes injection uptake on this rather strange non-COVID mortality line for the unvaccinated, 38:18.640 --> 38:24.000 which is depicted in orange. And once you've seen that, all credibility you may ever took to 38:24.000 --> 38:32.080 that study should evaporate immediately. Absent a coherent explanation for how the act of injecting 38:32.080 --> 38:39.120 grandpa over here causes a grandpa over there to drop dead. It's actually unfortunate that this 38:40.160 --> 38:44.960 graph is in a little better because this gray line telling you how many doses were taken up, 38:45.600 --> 38:53.600 it's on a scale from 0 to 100%. Now, if it was a numbers and you have deaths per thousand, 38:53.600 --> 38:58.800 you might even get a better idea of how related they are. I understand that this still shows you 38:58.800 --> 39:04.320 something temporally, but it would be interesting to know at what scale we're at because it looks to 39:04.320 --> 39:10.160 me, you know, you'd hope that it would happen within two weeks and then that would be the two 39:10.240 --> 39:15.840 week shift, right? Because everybody's unvaccinated for two weeks. And so if it just shifted all the 39:15.840 --> 39:22.160 people that were taking the shot to a more likely attesting positive and getting whatever, 39:23.280 --> 39:28.960 then this rise here should be related to these shots, but then it'll be farther in time. 39:31.040 --> 39:36.000 And then they would have been vaccinated. So it's interesting. It's interesting to think that 39:36.000 --> 39:39.840 maybe that these people that were vaccinated are giving it to the unvaccinated people, 39:39.840 --> 39:43.920 but I don't, I'm not saying that. I'm just, I wonder what Nick will say. 39:44.480 --> 39:52.000 So spend all credibility to this analysis. It's, there's clearly something going 39:52.000 --> 39:56.720 deeply wrong with the methodology of the study. This is just one of multiple problems from the 39:56.720 --> 40:02.640 study. And it's a distinct issue, for example, from the canard of categorizing people as unvaccinated 40:02.720 --> 40:06.480 for the first however many weeks after their vaccination. Now, no act, you should have any 40:06.480 --> 40:11.600 problem spotting the immediate problem with that canard because, and it's very easy to demonstrate 40:11.600 --> 40:16.720 this, this will mathematically artificially induce almost arbitrarily high efficacy signals, 40:17.360 --> 40:22.560 even if an observational study is unwittingly structured to compare one placebo with another. 40:23.120 --> 40:29.440 Doesn't require a live medication. Just a placebo versus placebo study with that methodology will 40:29.440 --> 40:34.160 give a false, obviously a false efficacy signal. This is what it looks like. 40:35.200 --> 40:40.320 On a, obviously if there's exactly the same methodology for the two arms, no, no exclusion 40:40.320 --> 40:42.720 period in either of the arms, then the results are going to be the same because we've got a 40:42.720 --> 40:48.000 placebo versus a placebo. But if you introduce just a two week exclusion period, you get an 40:48.000 --> 40:53.920 artificial efficacy for placebo versus placebo of 60%. And if you extend it to three weeks, 40:54.800 --> 40:58.320 that boosts the signal to around 80%. Remember, this is entirely of the artificial structure, 40:58.320 --> 41:03.200 manufactured example. And they were studies that have gone as far as seven weeks of exclusion. 41:05.120 --> 41:10.240 It's fraud. It's scientific fraud. And of course, the other thing that happens here is after so many 41:10.240 --> 41:15.520 weeks, 10, 12 weeks, whatever, what happens? Trials terminated before this effect can disappear. 41:16.880 --> 41:21.040 And yet this scam, because that's what it is, is an almost uniform feature of investigations 41:21.040 --> 41:23.200 into injection consequences. Pointing out that. 41:24.000 --> 41:27.760 So you want me to explain this one, Ali Maria or the one before this? 41:33.760 --> 41:35.840 Otherwise, I'll just keep going the one before it. 41:42.400 --> 41:47.840 So this is unvaccinated mortality. This is vaccinated mortality. He's saying that it's not 41:48.400 --> 42:00.480 it's not consistent with the idea that this dose uptake here. And this rise in unvaccinated 42:00.480 --> 42:08.480 mortality shouldn't be so temporarily related to one another. Vaccinated should be higher or equal, 42:08.480 --> 42:13.920 but this plot is consistently below life table rate. So I think he's here talking about 42:14.480 --> 42:21.200 these people aren't even dying at the normal rate that their age group should die. So that's 42:21.200 --> 42:26.960 also weird. There's a number of things that he's pointing out here. I'm going to go forward a 42:26.960 --> 42:31.360 little bit. So this one is just showing you that when you use that two week exclusion for a brief 42:31.360 --> 42:38.640 window of six or eight weeks, it's really an amazing false impression that you have efficacy. 42:39.600 --> 42:44.960 And Crawford actually showed those two on three months. It's very easy to think about it. 42:44.960 --> 42:48.560 It's very easy to think about it just from the perspective of measuring the number of days. 42:49.280 --> 42:53.440 So if you just do the imaginary study where 43:00.000 --> 43:07.680 the stuff that I spray on my feet keeps my keeps me from getting from getting bug bites on my feet. 43:08.320 --> 43:15.440 But it's only effective after 14 days of use. So before I've used it for 14 days, I still have 43:15.440 --> 43:22.800 unsprayed feet. So if you compare my sprayed feet to a bunch of people that don't spray their feet 43:22.800 --> 43:29.200 for 28 days, and actually there's only 14 days of that 28 days where you're going to be looking at 43:29.200 --> 43:34.640 me and whether I get my bug bites, because before that, I'm actually contributing to the other group. 43:35.600 --> 43:40.800 And if anybody gets bit in the first 14 days of their before the 14th day of their spraying, 43:41.760 --> 43:47.520 then you're going to move them to the unvaccinated group. That's what they did in all these studies. 43:49.600 --> 43:56.160 And so by the end of the study, when you've moved anybody in the first 14 days that got bit 43:56.160 --> 44:00.160 by a bug over to the other side, and then you said, see the people that sprayed their feet 44:01.040 --> 44:05.440 didn't get bit. It's very deceptive because you've actually 44:06.320 --> 44:10.960 excluded half of the time period of the 28 days and put it in the other group. 44:12.720 --> 44:18.720 And even though they extended this out, if you think of the vulnerability as being an exponentially 44:18.720 --> 44:22.960 decreasing curve, then they're shifting a lot of things over to the other group. 44:23.040 --> 44:31.200 And then you get this slight but solid signal of effectiveness that they could parade around 44:31.200 --> 44:40.240 with relative risk. It's extraordinary. It's fraud. It's scientific fraud. It's fraud. 44:41.200 --> 44:44.960 And of course, the other thing that happens here is after so many weeks, 10, 12 weeks, whatever, 44:44.960 --> 44:48.160 what happens? Trials terminated before this effect can disappear. 44:49.040 --> 44:53.680 And yet, this scam, because that's what it is, is an almost uniform feature of investigations 44:53.680 --> 44:58.320 into injection consequences, pointing out that creator scare hospital was deploying it, 44:58.320 --> 45:01.920 elicited what was perhaps the greatest and most coordinated media smear campaign that 45:01.920 --> 45:06.560 I faced since I started speaking out against the madness. All of it, of course, based on complete 45:06.560 --> 45:12.560 fabrications. Now, as a rule of thumb, categorical studies relying on accurate placement and 45:12.640 --> 45:16.880 control for all material confounding variables are as scarce as hence teeth. 45:17.520 --> 45:20.160 And you have to ask the question, what can we do about that? 45:22.000 --> 45:28.320 For our money, the most reliable form of investigation plausible is to conduct 45:28.320 --> 45:32.320 temporal correlation assessments for causality of all cause mortality. 45:33.280 --> 45:36.640 It's not something we study in the actual syllabus, the Bradford Hill criteria for assessing 45:36.640 --> 45:41.360 temporal causation are well known in public else. Lots of people now need to utilize them. 45:41.440 --> 45:43.920 They're not, they're well within the capacity of most actors to understand. 45:45.680 --> 45:49.040 And you can apply it to data like this. This is data from the Netherlands. 45:49.600 --> 45:54.320 And that data is crucially important because, and uniquely valuable, because that country 45:54.320 --> 45:58.800 conducted its vaccine rollout in a strictly age-based fashion. Each and every age group 45:58.800 --> 46:06.800 produces a chart like this. Now, just, I just want, oh, sorry, skip the page, there we go. 46:06.800 --> 46:10.080 I just want to, you know, maybe just make sure you're reading the lines correctly. 46:10.080 --> 46:13.840 The blue is the summer and spring vaccination program, number of doses. 46:13.840 --> 46:17.920 And the gray on the right there that's, that hump is the autumn vaccination process. 46:18.480 --> 46:21.040 Red is excess mortality for this age group. 46:22.640 --> 46:26.080 Yeah, no challenge. Bradford Hill, tick, tick, tick, all the way to the bank. 46:26.960 --> 46:32.400 The vaccinologist, doctor, Theo, Theo Chittis, who did this work, 46:32.480 --> 46:37.520 infers from this work, an accrued vaccine dose fatality rate of about 2,000 per million doses, 46:38.160 --> 46:42.640 making it even more fatal than the purported fatality rate of SARS-CoV-2. 46:43.440 --> 46:46.720 It's very serious stuff and very hard to look at without scratching your head. 46:48.960 --> 46:52.960 Other analyses are beginning to emerge. This one I have not time had time to study. 46:52.960 --> 46:56.720 It was the degree of rigor I'd like. I know the author, he's a reliable guy. 46:57.680 --> 47:04.160 And he deploys a methodologically sophisticated approach to test for what's going on. 47:06.320 --> 47:09.200 This is Danny Rancor's work. You can see his name right there. 47:12.560 --> 47:18.000 For temporal regime change and to assess data from near tropical countries where mortality 47:18.000 --> 47:21.680 exhibits very weak seasonality, so it doesn't produce a big noisy effect in your data. 47:21.680 --> 47:28.800 It estimates a crude vaccine dose fatality rate of 1,260 per million doses, so a little bit low, 47:28.800 --> 47:33.040 but pretty much in line from an order of magnitude perspective with Theo Chittis' work. 47:34.000 --> 47:36.160 Notably, in this analysis, South Africa produces... 47:36.160 --> 47:38.960 Theo Skitters is what he should be saying. 47:38.960 --> 47:44.080 Theo Skitters, he's saying it a bit funny because he's South African and they speak Dutch too. 47:44.080 --> 47:47.840 The worst estimate I've come, so perhaps we should be grateful that the vast majority 47:47.840 --> 47:50.160 of our population declined the opportunity to be vaccinated. 47:51.040 --> 47:56.160 Despite the fact that attempts to coerce them, we're in clear violations of multiple 47:56.160 --> 48:02.480 codes of public health and human rights. An important note with regards to both these investigations is 48:02.480 --> 48:09.840 that... That's a nice way of saying it in violation of multiple codes of human rights. 48:11.920 --> 48:17.600 That's a pretty good way of saying it. Vaccine dose fatality rate exhibits a very strong 48:17.600 --> 48:22.640 age graduation, so it's a feature which ought to be explored for the same reasons I outlined 48:22.640 --> 48:27.040 earlier with respect to COVID mortality in the discussion on syndemicity. 48:28.880 --> 48:32.560 Now, it takes a while for research like this to come to light, not least of all, 48:32.560 --> 48:36.800 because it's clearly funded and because we often have to undertake the costly step of deploying 48:36.800 --> 48:40.800 freedom of information requests to obtain data that should never have been out of the public domain 48:40.800 --> 48:45.680 in the first place. But there were early warning systems in place and they had been, 48:45.680 --> 48:48.880 for a couple of years, sounding an unprecedented alarm. Look at this. 48:49.520 --> 48:53.360 This is the VAERS system in the US. It's a signaling system for adverse events, 48:53.360 --> 48:59.360 which the FDA is justly very proud of, not to mention legally obliged to maintain 48:59.360 --> 49:04.000 a good working order, and in respect of which it is a felony to input false records. 49:04.640 --> 49:09.920 And that VAERS system, vaccine adverse event reporting system, was signing out a signal orders 49:09.920 --> 49:13.680 of magnitude higher than any ever seen for any product ever before. 49:15.040 --> 49:23.360 And what the response was after this absolutely flawed because I began hearing people spectacularly 49:23.360 --> 49:28.080 committed to lying, trying to make up that these vaccine records were input by anti-vaxx 49:28.080 --> 49:33.600 mainly comes was after this absolutely flawed because I began hearing people spectacularly 49:33.600 --> 49:38.240 committed to lying trying to make up that these vaccine records were input by anti-vaxx 49:38.240 --> 50:02.640 members of the general public. It's a claim which doesn't even stand up to very modest 50:02.640 --> 50:06.640 scrutiny. That's just an impossibility. Even worse is the claims that these injuries were 50:06.640 --> 50:12.000 really long COVID. Of course, that's obviously long COVID. A condition for which there is no 50:12.000 --> 50:17.520 sound clinical definition and which has failed to evidence of existence in any sound statistical 50:17.520 --> 50:24.080 test. They claim this even to explain the massively elevated rates of cancer and heart 50:24.080 --> 50:29.280 deaths being witnessed the world over. And the worst thing is that they know that we know that 50:29.280 --> 50:36.080 they're lying. When it comes to claims regarding the impact of the vaccines on COVID transmission, 50:36.080 --> 50:41.440 the warning signs came far earlier than this by decades, in fact. Research into the question 50:41.440 --> 50:45.520 of whether serum antibodies are sufficient to elicit mucosal immune response necessary to 50:45.520 --> 50:50.400 prevent infection and transmission has been consistent and clear. There was no sign of such an effect. 50:51.120 --> 50:54.720 And when it came to the COVID injections, among the earliest findings admitted to even by the 50:54.720 --> 50:59.920 sanctity faulty himself was that there was no difference in viral titers between infected vaccinated 50:59.920 --> 51:05.600 and infected unvaccinated people. Yet, despite the non-existence of any plausible mechanism for 51:05.600 --> 51:09.840 transmission suppression and interface of abundant evidence that there actually wasn't any, 51:09.840 --> 51:13.120 the lie of transmission reduction pulled forth from the miles not just a faulty, 51:14.000 --> 51:19.680 but of diverse characters such as Rachel Maddow and Albert Boula, the CEO of Pfizer and Bill Gates. 51:21.040 --> 51:26.720 Given that transmission reduction was the prime and virtually the sole motive behind vaccine 51:26.720 --> 51:33.120 mandates, this was for me a particularly disgusting turn of events. A somewhat depressing reality to 51:33.200 --> 51:40.000 acknowledge is the sheer lack of commerciality entailed in accepting the received narrative 51:40.000 --> 51:46.000 around the COVID phenomenon. By day, I run a successful private equity fund. Private equity 51:46.000 --> 51:51.120 management firms suffer one of the highest mortality rates in the world, principally because 51:51.120 --> 51:55.760 very few people are able to sustain the degree of skepticism that is necessary in an environment 51:55.760 --> 52:01.600 that's characterized by very intense information asymmetries. The lesson that every would be private 52:01.600 --> 52:07.440 equity transactor has to learn in order to avoid obliteration is that claims made by people 52:07.440 --> 52:12.560 whose financial well-being entails making those claims are to be assigned very low 52:12.560 --> 52:19.280 credibility. Simple little principle. Sorry, wait a second. 52:26.400 --> 52:31.360 The uncomfortable reality is that all of our media, our universities, our institutions of 52:31.440 --> 52:36.320 public health and all relevant regulators are deeply in the pockets of pharmaceutical stakeholders 52:36.880 --> 52:40.720 very deeply. This chart just shows the funding from the largest family foundation that happens 52:40.720 --> 52:46.160 to be also one of the largest investors in vaccines. Funding just for South Africa and I would just 52:46.160 --> 52:49.440 point out that there are some aggregations that need to be done there to work out the true scale 52:49.440 --> 52:53.040 of the funding at some of these institutions. They're neatly pocketed them into different divisions 52:53.040 --> 52:57.600 and mark them as if they're going to different places. But officers of these institutions, 52:57.600 --> 53:02.480 all of them, are able to speak out only if they are willing to see their careers destroyed. 53:03.120 --> 53:07.520 Therefore, anything they do say about the COVID narrative must logically be ignored. 53:08.400 --> 53:13.120 Victims such as follow the science and appeals to authority of such creatures 53:13.120 --> 53:18.560 should bring hollow to anybody who hears them. In a similar vein, common sense dictates that 53:18.560 --> 53:23.680 under such conditions it is wise to look at who is trying to censor whom. Throughout history, 53:24.320 --> 53:30.080 censorship has never been the objective of the good guys. I've been reminded so many times 53:30.880 --> 53:37.360 during this saga of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's great work, the Gulag Archipelago. His notions 53:37.360 --> 53:42.160 of the banality of evil and how the line between good and evil runs through every human heart 53:42.720 --> 53:48.720 have never rung to her for me than in the last few years. It is the rule, not the exception, 53:49.360 --> 53:54.480 that people who commit evil acts are generally sincerely convinced of their own good intentions. 53:55.200 --> 54:01.600 And an episode of evil that I would say surpasses any event in world history has befallen us 54:02.560 --> 54:10.720 these past few years. And it continues to befall us. Wait, what I mean continues to befall us. 54:11.840 --> 54:16.800 As we speak, South Africa and many other nations are set to sign up to a World Health Organization, 54:16.880 --> 54:20.880 a court and a subsidiary set of international health regulations that make the outrages of the 54:20.880 --> 54:26.320 COVID period pale into complete insignificance. In terms of these agreements, countries agree 54:26.320 --> 54:31.360 whenever a public health emergency has been declared to regard all the whose health recommendations 54:31.360 --> 54:37.120 as compulsory, including but not limited to mass mandated vaccination, mandated medical 54:37.120 --> 54:42.480 examinations, boarded closures, incarceration or quarantine of the unvaccinated and mandatory 54:42.480 --> 54:47.680 censorship regimes. In short, whenever a health emergency is declared, the sovereignty of any 54:47.680 --> 54:51.680 nation and all civil liberties would be suspended for as long as the World Health Organization demands 54:51.680 --> 54:57.840 it to be. No condition is imposed on this other than the declaration of a threat, regardless of 54:57.840 --> 55:04.560 whether there is any demonstrated harm or mortality rate. And it can be imposed at the 55:04.560 --> 55:10.560 sole behest of the Director General with no obligation upon him to follow any sort of democratic or 55:10.560 --> 55:14.480 consultative process. And I'll remind you that the person sitting in that chair right now 55:15.040 --> 55:18.480 is a former terrorist with a long history of human rights abuses. 55:20.480 --> 55:24.640 Now, agreeing to do this may well be contrary to our Constitution and there's a legal 55:24.640 --> 55:29.360 fight to be had there. But what the Bretton Woods organizations did throughout COVID and clearly 55:29.360 --> 55:34.880 signaled they were enthusiastic to do some more, is that non-compliance with World Health Organization 55:34.880 --> 55:39.920 dictates resulted in exclusion from the global financing system. And there are only a handful 55:39.920 --> 55:43.840 of nations on the whole planet who are sufficiently autarkic to survive that. 55:45.360 --> 55:49.920 The accord also expands the scope of the very perverse One Health System. It's a creepy philosophy 55:49.920 --> 55:55.440 that extends the definition of health outcomes to include all sorts of non-human priorities. 55:56.480 --> 56:00.400 If you haven't heard of it before, I really suggest you read up on it. Both of these documents 56:00.400 --> 56:06.880 set up a requirement as well for a very intensive and continuous surveillance for viruses and 56:06.960 --> 56:12.320 their so-called variants. Now, they will definitely find some of these as they exist in nature all 56:12.320 --> 56:18.720 the time, all the time, always around us. And next time, they will not have to fabricate a story 56:18.720 --> 56:25.440 about a pangolin and a bat in the bar. And this can then be used, the discovery of any kind of 56:25.440 --> 56:31.440 novel sequence for the inception of further lockdowns of populations potentially all over the planet. 56:32.240 --> 56:36.240 And what waits in the wings is the thing called the CEPI 100 Day Vax Initiative, 56:36.240 --> 56:41.280 which is then anticipated to deliver a new mRNA vaccine which will be profit as the only path out 56:41.280 --> 56:47.600 of lockdown, under peril of financial isolation. To make matters worse, taxpayers will fund all 56:47.600 --> 56:52.640 of this nonsense, but the profits will go to the pharmaceutical industry. The surveillance 56:52.640 --> 56:57.360 set up and the bureaucracy behind it make it inevitable that we will have recurrent threats 56:57.360 --> 57:03.360 declared and acted upon. The funding involved here is nose bleeding, far higher than for any 57:03.360 --> 57:09.920 endemic disease on the planet. The World Bank says about $3.1.5 billion a year. But that's 57:09.920 --> 57:13.040 a small fraction of the profits that stand to be made by the pharmaceutical industry in this 57:13.040 --> 57:18.400 process. And all of this is true despite the fact that no broad recirculating virus has produced 57:18.400 --> 57:22.880 even a miniscule fraction of the disease burden of major infectious and non-communicable diseases. 57:23.760 --> 57:28.560 It's all perfectly bananas. And unless you're entirely brainwashed, a recipe for disaster for 57:28.560 --> 57:33.520 everyone except the soon-to-be-minted trillionaires who sit at the top of this epic food chain. 57:34.880 --> 57:44.480 It should worry you. That is so brilliant. This epic food chain. I mean, what he just said there 57:44.480 --> 57:49.280 was just genius. It produced even a miniscule fraction of the disease burden of major infectious 57:49.360 --> 57:54.960 and non-communicable diseases. It's all perfectly bananas. And unless you're entirely brainwashed, 57:54.960 --> 58:00.160 a recipe for disaster for everyone except the soon-to-be-minted trillionaires who sit at the top 58:00.160 --> 58:07.520 of this epic food chain. It's perfectly bananas. Perfectly bananas. There's two words that I would 58:07.520 --> 58:17.120 never put together myself in Nick's accent from his tongue. It is the sharpest of sharp knives. 58:17.120 --> 58:23.200 It is perfectly bananas what we've done. It's perfectly bananas that we've let them do it. 58:23.200 --> 58:27.680 And it's perfectly bananas that we aren't already having heads on pikes. 58:29.600 --> 58:34.880 It should worry you that not have worded this has been spoken in our parliament or any parliament 58:34.880 --> 58:38.640 anywhere in the world and that the mainstream media have been completely mute on any of the 58:38.640 --> 58:46.960 significant aspects of this whole arrangement. You will appreciate why I am choosing to end 58:47.120 --> 58:52.000 by saying that I hope that this period during which we have accepted the refusal of people 58:52.000 --> 58:56.160 promoting the most damaging and extreme actions the world has ever encountered to submit their 58:56.160 --> 59:00.480 ideas to the scrutiny of their peers and to engage with their critics in public forums 59:00.480 --> 59:05.920 will come to an end very soon. Maybe our discussions together now can signal the beginning of the 59:05.920 --> 59:12.960 end of that blind acceptance. A sign of this would be one of the injection promoters accepting our 59:12.960 --> 59:17.280 long-standing invitation to submit their sanitized data and methodology to us full of you. It's 59:17.280 --> 59:24.880 perfectly standard scientific process. And above all as the fog of the COVID hysteria lifts it's my 59:24.880 --> 59:31.600 hope that many more members of this profession will recover the common sense and the commerciality 59:31.600 --> 59:39.200 that should be their pride and joy and see the evil for what it has been that they will recover 59:39.280 --> 59:44.320 their courage and take a firm stand alongside me against the spectacular commitment to line 59:45.200 --> 59:54.240 and say no more of this abject nonsense. Thank you. He said it twice, baby. He said it twice, baby. 59:56.960 --> 59:59.040 Thank you, Nick. Are there any questions from the floor? 01:00:00.640 --> 01:00:05.520 No, I know he's quoting me because he sent me a message about five days ago saying he thinks that's 01:00:06.080 --> 01:00:09.840 his new favorite phrase of mine is the spectacular commitment to lie. 01:00:12.560 --> 01:00:18.800 It's great. I don't see anybody with microphones. Why did you just stand up and shout out on 01:00:28.880 --> 01:00:34.400 Yes, he said it twice. One of the four papers that we obtained was the work of the behavioral 01:00:34.400 --> 01:00:39.760 science teams in the UK, the nudge units. If we run out of questions, I'm going to talk to you a 01:00:39.760 --> 01:00:46.640 little bit about that because it's fascinating. Carry on, Nick. Your base data, the presentation 01:00:46.640 --> 01:00:52.400 you showed. Have you, okay, first of all, we have to acknowledge that there were a lot of vaccines 01:00:52.400 --> 01:00:59.760 that were administered during the pandemic. So have you adjusted your slide with the actual 01:00:59.760 --> 01:01:04.800 vaccines at minister to people? Because obviously, if you look at the absolute number of address 01:01:04.800 --> 01:01:08.800 events, it would look great. Yeah, surprisingly, it doesn't make much difference. I mean, 01:01:08.800 --> 01:01:11.840 I've heard this quote as I actually made that quote as in months before, but what I was shocked 01:01:11.840 --> 01:01:15.120 to find out is how many vaccines I administered in America. It makes no difference to the broad 01:01:15.120 --> 01:01:19.600 findings. So the incidence rate here is orders of magnitude higher. You just think through it, 01:01:19.600 --> 01:01:23.680 you have 26 vaccines administered to every child born in America and a very high percentage of 01:01:23.680 --> 01:01:27.360 the population take flu vaccines every year. So there's billions of doses being handed out. 01:01:27.440 --> 01:01:32.640 It doesn't take away this money. I think it's actually helpful to show those stats because 01:01:33.440 --> 01:01:38.880 when you present a slide like that without the exposure, it is not helpful at all. It is not 01:01:39.680 --> 01:01:43.840 objective. And when you say it like that, how are we supposed to know that there is a real 01:01:43.840 --> 01:01:48.320 difference? There are all sorts of things going on in that data. They're changing attention rates, 01:01:48.320 --> 01:01:51.840 changing age groups and everything. It's a signaling system, not an observational study, 01:01:51.840 --> 01:01:57.120 so it's not meant to infer a death rate. Only somewhere between 1% and 10% of vaccine injuries 01:01:57.120 --> 01:02:01.600 and deaths respectively end up on the system. They know that. That's been documented. 01:02:01.600 --> 01:02:06.480 So it's an early warning signal, and I'm not making a claim that this is something that you 01:02:06.480 --> 01:02:10.560 can infer a mortality rate from. Nobody can make that claim. But the point is that that signal, 01:02:10.560 --> 01:02:14.960 which is designed to be reacted to immediately as you get something like that, was completely 01:02:14.960 --> 01:02:22.240 ignored. That's the problem now. Well done. Nick, two just quick things. So you started 01:02:22.240 --> 01:02:26.160 commenting on the Sweden mortality and the 10-year average. So I just went into a quick 01:02:26.160 --> 01:02:30.400 check on a couple of sites. And the numbers don't seem to tie up with what I heard you say. 01:02:30.400 --> 01:02:33.920 So perhaps I got that wrong. If you would follow that up with a written confirmation, 01:02:33.920 --> 01:02:40.320 that would be great. And the second thing was you had attributed the source to www.sars2acir.org, 01:02:40.320 --> 01:02:44.000 which is a website that doesn't exist. So again, if you could just provide some of the source 01:02:44.000 --> 01:02:48.320 material there, because I was worried that some of the comments you made about things being 01:02:48.400 --> 01:02:52.240 fantastical and all the rest of it might be well applied here, too. 01:02:52.240 --> 01:02:56.240 Yeah, that's no problem. I must have made a typo in the reference there. So I was just 01:02:56.240 --> 01:03:00.800 seeing it. Yeah, there should be an S on the end of that. Sorry. Yeah, what I will do for 01:03:00.800 --> 01:03:05.120 everybody's benefit is interested. I'm going to assemble a list of all the sources in this 01:03:05.120 --> 01:03:08.320 presentation, and just so you can kind of click and read two hearts content. I promise you, I'm not 01:03:08.320 --> 01:03:13.840 making anything up. I didn't quite hear the rest of your question. I'm sorry. It's very 01:03:13.920 --> 01:03:18.480 boomy. The sound up here was something that's unanswered there. No. Okay. 01:03:20.960 --> 01:03:22.720 Further questions? There we go. 01:03:25.760 --> 01:03:29.920 Hi. It's Rosanna Harris. Mine is not so much a question as a comment. 01:03:31.280 --> 01:03:39.200 So I guess I feel quite sad, actually, listening to this in a platform here and quite 01:03:39.760 --> 01:03:45.600 professionally disheartened. While some may have been locked away in their ivory towers trawling 01:03:45.600 --> 01:03:51.840 three secondary data and evidence, trying to desperately support an ill-conceived initial 01:03:51.840 --> 01:03:58.960 stance, I've been fortunate enough to be working with dedicated teams who have approached this 01:03:58.960 --> 01:04:05.360 problem with integrity and rigor and scientific curiosity to unpack the evidence and contribute 01:04:05.360 --> 01:04:10.960 to saving lives and saving the economy. I work for Discovery Health, and we administered just 01:04:10.960 --> 01:04:16.640 over six, just under six percent of the population on the schemes that we are under our administration. 01:04:16.640 --> 01:04:24.480 And for us, COVID was real. Our team was dealing with real world primary data. People who were sick, 01:04:24.480 --> 01:04:30.560 people who died, people who lost loved ones. There were 16,500 confirmed COVID deaths in our 01:04:30.560 --> 01:04:34.160 population, and we recorded a case fatality of two and a half percent, just under two and a half 01:04:34.160 --> 01:04:39.360 percent, and a hospital mortality rate of 15 and a half percent. That's one death for every six 01:04:39.360 --> 01:04:45.680 and a half admissions. Just under 82,000 of our members were admitted to hospital during COVID, 01:04:45.680 --> 01:04:52.240 and I assure you that there was not a conspiracy of doctors. There is no evidence in our data to 01:04:52.240 --> 01:04:56.560 support any conclusion that vaccines did more harm than good, quite the opposite, in fact. 01:04:57.200 --> 01:05:02.400 And transmission reduction was a valuable side effect of a program that was intended to protect 01:05:02.480 --> 01:05:07.840 people from severe illness and death. These are real numbers, and I can't help but feel the need 01:05:07.840 --> 01:05:13.360 to apologise to the many health professionals and everyone who worked tirelessly and selflessly 01:05:13.360 --> 01:05:18.320 during COVID, and to everyone who was affected themselves or their loved ones. Oh, he's getting 01:05:18.320 --> 01:05:28.080 ready. Oh, and there's clapping. Get him, Nick. Needless to say, this is not the first time I've 01:05:28.080 --> 01:05:35.280 heard such a speech, prepared, never responding to any of the analysis performed. Just to stop, 01:05:35.280 --> 01:05:39.840 apply your minds to the data. That is what actually is meant to do. How do we explain that in multiple 01:05:39.840 --> 01:05:44.720 regions around the planet, 2020 ended with very high zero positivity and no excess mortality? 01:05:45.680 --> 01:05:50.960 How can you explain that if we have a deadly virus on the loose and not an epidemic of catastrophic 01:05:50.960 --> 01:05:59.200 iterating standards of care? It's very hard. Germany ends up with 10 or 20% upwards in some areas 01:05:59.200 --> 01:06:06.560 and zero excess mortality at the end of 2020. Zero. And there are entire swathes of the planet 01:06:06.560 --> 01:06:10.880 that had exactly this outcome. And I take incredible exception to the idea that some are a volunteer 01:06:10.880 --> 01:06:16.000 organisation of academics who are forced to work in private because the cancel culture led by 01:06:16.000 --> 01:06:23.440 organisations such as Discovery is so intense that they cannot do honest work in their own 01:06:23.440 --> 01:06:28.720 organisations. Those people are working for no pay and tirelessly and putting themselves at 01:06:28.720 --> 01:06:32.400 great risk. There is no question in my mind. And this is not about a conspiracy theory, 01:06:32.400 --> 01:06:36.400 an immature approach to take towards a person who sits there presenting statistics. It's not 01:06:36.400 --> 01:06:42.640 a conspiracy theory. It's an alternative view. And we can engage. I'd love to engage on your data 01:06:42.640 --> 01:06:47.280 methodology, but you don't share it. An alternative view. Thank you so much, Nick. A wonderful 01:06:47.280 --> 01:06:52.800 plus for our presenters. It looks like this is all the time we have. Thank you so much, Nick. 01:06:54.560 --> 01:06:59.280 I think that's pretty good. I think Nick did really, really well. 01:07:02.320 --> 01:07:09.920 Congratulations to Nick Hudson, aka Mr. Spectacular. And I had tipped to Nick for using my phrase. 01:07:10.400 --> 01:07:16.160 Um, you know, just, I'll just show you because, you know, I can do that, I think. 01:07:21.680 --> 01:07:32.160 Just pull this out over here. I'll see if I can find, uh, messages. Nick. 01:07:32.880 --> 01:07:39.280 It's a spectacular commitment to lying. May turn out to be your best contribution to this saga so far. 01:07:39.280 --> 01:07:45.520 And you should not find that disappointing. It's a great phrase. That's what Nick said to me on 01:07:45.520 --> 01:07:51.680 October 3rd. And then he gave this talk, I think, on October 12th. So there you go. Um, there's no 01:07:51.680 --> 01:07:56.880 question that it's, that it's, uh, that it's, uh, that it's a, that it's a hat tip. And that's 01:07:57.440 --> 01:08:01.440 that it's, uh, that it's a hat tip. And that's really nice of him. And it's really, 01:08:02.400 --> 01:08:07.680 again, what are we talking about here? I put it on the bottom. I gave it the title, subtitle. 01:08:07.680 --> 01:08:14.080 And Nick Hudson brought his A game dog on it. Mr. Spectacular. I mean, he didn't let me down 01:08:14.080 --> 01:08:21.760 at all. Way to go, Nick. So this illusion of consensus is starting to break. That's what I think. 01:08:22.720 --> 01:08:29.520 I think this illusion of consensus is starting to break. And even though the illusion of consensus 01:08:29.520 --> 01:08:35.280 was about this mystery disease down here in red, we're starting to understand that with bad 01:08:35.280 --> 01:08:43.760 protocols and with bad tests, you can rope in, you can create the bursts of excess mortality, 01:08:43.760 --> 01:08:49.520 the appearance of excess mortality that you need in order to tell the story that you want to tell. 01:08:50.240 --> 01:08:56.560 And smeared around the map a little bit. And now nobody notices until Denny or Nick or anybody 01:08:56.560 --> 01:09:02.400 else crunches the numbers and realizes that the death and the disease didn't spread across borders 01:09:03.280 --> 01:09:09.840 that it had more to do with people's income had more to do with so many other things other than 01:09:09.840 --> 01:09:16.480 their symptomology. And that's really the problem because they declared the who declared a dangerous 01:09:16.480 --> 01:09:24.800 novel virus pandemic that everybody was vulnerable to. A guy that he said was guilty of human rights 01:09:24.800 --> 01:09:30.640 violations. I got to look that up that I just recorded an old video of him today for a future 01:09:30.640 --> 01:09:37.360 show in my archive. I didn't know he was a bad guy like that. Anyway, a clone could have been used. 01:09:38.000 --> 01:09:45.680 I see Jiki still on the clone kick. He's still figuring out that really all RNA virology is cloning 01:09:45.680 --> 01:09:53.920 and all RNA virology would collapse if we didn't have recombinant DNA to use to make RNA infectious 01:09:53.920 --> 01:09:59.280 clones of all these things. It's really a standard methodology and the only source 01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:05.600 of a pandemic that is blamed on a single sequence. The surrender of individual sovereignty and the 01:10:05.600 --> 01:10:10.640 enforcement of an inversion from basic human rights to basic granted permissions is the goal 01:10:10.640 --> 01:10:16.240 of this little charade. The way that they're going to do it is they fooled you, of course, 01:10:16.240 --> 01:10:20.800 about the pandemic potential that's in nature. And there's a consensus that we could even, 01:10:20.800 --> 01:10:25.760 you know, sew things together and make more pandemic potential than Mother Nature can herself. 01:10:25.760 --> 01:10:32.720 Again, it's to invert your kid's minds. Invert the way that your kids think about their role 01:10:33.360 --> 01:10:40.080 in nature, their place in nature. It is to invert the way that their your kids should think about 01:10:40.160 --> 01:10:46.560 their immune system and should think about the temple that is their body. It doesn't need augmenting 01:10:46.560 --> 01:10:52.880 willy-nilly. We tell our kids that they shouldn't smoke marijuana or they shouldn't, you know, 01:10:53.600 --> 01:11:00.560 drink beer, but it's fine to inject a random combination of substances made by a pharmaceutical 01:11:00.560 --> 01:11:04.000 company into your muscle to augment your immune system. That'll be fine. 01:11:04.000 --> 01:11:16.080 And this illusion of consensus spread to the point where they created this orchestrated 01:11:16.080 --> 01:11:25.200 argument across nations and across languages and across cultures about who's responsible for 01:11:25.200 --> 01:11:30.560 leaking this virus. Who's responsible for lying? Who funded it? Where did it come from? Was it 01:11:30.560 --> 01:11:35.840 leaked in Ukraine? Or did it leak in China? Or did somebody spread it all around the earth? 01:11:36.640 --> 01:11:39.920 What a crazy thing we've had to solve for the last three years. 01:11:42.320 --> 01:11:47.840 And while we were solving that, we didn't realize that they changed the way we fundamentally thought 01:11:47.840 --> 01:11:57.520 about our immune system, disease, how it spreads, the potential for pandemic, what vaccination means, 01:11:57.520 --> 01:12:04.640 what it should do. And they just glossed over everything with either stupid, complicated, 01:12:04.640 --> 01:12:11.360 or dumb, simple. And in so doing, this enchantment of this Scooby-Doo allowed people to be killed by 01:12:11.360 --> 01:12:17.760 ventilators, medazolam, remdesivir, all the things that Nick talked about perfectly. Way to go, 01:12:17.760 --> 01:12:27.120 Mr. Spectacular. And so the general gist of the Scooby-Doo is that you're supposed to be thinking about a 01:12:27.120 --> 01:12:33.840 laboratory leak or a laboratory leak that was originally from a bad cave or a bad cave virus 01:12:33.840 --> 01:12:39.840 that had the potential for a pandemic all by itself, or the possibility that a lab leak of a virus 01:12:39.840 --> 01:12:45.920 that was sewn together could have even more pandemic potential than a bad virus would. You're 01:12:45.920 --> 01:12:51.360 just not supposed to think about the fact that they could make a lot of a clone and spread it around 01:12:51.360 --> 01:12:57.280 the world. And that'd be a real easy way for this to happen, especially if there was a background 01:12:57.280 --> 01:13:05.840 signal of RNA all over the place that this PCR test would be confused by. I think that's what 01:13:05.840 --> 01:13:11.520 they did. It's mostly lying. It's a background signal and lying. And that's why the protocols 01:13:11.520 --> 01:13:15.920 are murder and transfection is in medicine, you can call it an infectious clone release, 01:13:15.920 --> 01:13:21.920 you can call it a transfection agent, you can call whatever you want to. Just don't say that 01:13:21.920 --> 01:13:28.720 there are no viruses because that's ridiculous. There are definitely infectious clones. And so 01:13:28.720 --> 01:13:36.240 called a conflated background signal that was confounded by a infectious clone release. And now 01:13:36.240 --> 01:13:41.920 you have the perfect scenario where all the molecular biology lines up, all the PCR can be 01:13:42.000 --> 01:13:47.520 explained, all the symptomology goes away, and all of the deaths are murder. 01:13:50.160 --> 01:13:54.640 And the reason why we're here is because they really want to in birth the way that our kids think 01:13:54.640 --> 01:14:07.440 about their, their, what is the right word? What they owe to society, I can't think of their, 01:14:08.080 --> 01:14:16.000 their, why is my brain blank on that? But we are trying to change the way that our children think 01:14:16.000 --> 01:14:25.520 about our obligations to society. And the idea that we should feel obligated to be clean, 01:14:25.520 --> 01:14:32.480 the obligated to follow public health measures that keep everybody else safe, and that our 01:14:32.480 --> 01:14:40.400 safety is dependent on one another. That's a fundamental inversion of how we usually would think 01:14:40.400 --> 01:14:48.640 about disease and health in a free society. It's a fundamental inversion of what freedom means, 01:14:48.640 --> 01:14:53.600 because essentially it means that even if the technocrats get it wrong, you have to follow the 01:14:53.600 --> 01:15:02.000 rules until we get it right. That's not freedom. And we cannot lie to our children, we cannot let 01:15:02.000 --> 01:15:07.680 these TV people lie to our children about what's at stake, because this is the last 50 years, 01:15:08.880 --> 01:15:17.680 or last 70 years of 10 billion humans. And then it's going to start going down pretty fast. 01:15:19.120 --> 01:15:23.280 And it's going to be pretty rough ride, because there's going to be a lot of old people and not 01:15:23.280 --> 01:15:29.920 enough young people to support them all. So a lot of these countries that have an inverted population 01:15:29.920 --> 01:15:35.600 pyramid are in big trouble over the next 50 years, and they kind of know it. And so they need to 01:15:35.600 --> 01:15:39.920 take advantage of the crisis that's coming, they need to take advantage of the shift that's coming, 01:15:39.920 --> 01:15:48.560 and the crisis is also financial. As JC in the woods said so eloquently March 11th 2020, 01:15:49.600 --> 01:15:56.240 we watched that yesterday. Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances, 01:15:56.240 --> 01:16:02.560 as I said, transfection is not immunization. Please stop all transfections in humans. And that's 01:16:02.560 --> 01:16:12.560 really full stop. Now I'm going to try and eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 01:16:17.280 --> 01:16:21.840 Still, I'm trying to plug the broken science initiative. I want to get a few of them on. I'm 01:16:21.920 --> 01:16:27.440 going to have map rigs on, and I'm going to have a few. Maybe I can get great to come on. Who knows? 01:16:29.760 --> 01:16:33.840 Yeah, this has been good going biological. It's a weird ending, I guess. But you know, it's 01:16:35.920 --> 01:16:39.680 I'm not going to lie to you. I'm getting tired. I don't know how many days in a row this is. We're 01:16:39.680 --> 01:16:48.080 approaching 35 or 36. I'm getting a little tired. So I'm hoping that moving the streams earlier 01:16:48.080 --> 01:16:54.080 in the night so that I can get in bed and get to sleep and then get up earlier was going to help. 01:16:54.080 --> 01:16:59.840 I hope that playing basketball more is going to help my voice. I don't know, we're just going 01:16:59.840 --> 01:17:02.880 to keep working. I'm going to keep trying to come every day because this is really 01:17:03.680 --> 01:17:10.080 I think good for me and good for you guys. But thanks for joining me. And like I said, I'll see you tomorrow.