00:31.300 --> 00:34.444
Now, Dr. Gallo and Dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification.

00:34.924 --> 00:36.726
Can you tell me what the difference is between the two?

00:38.748 --> 00:39.489
Isolation, what was it?

00:39.649 --> 00:40.831
Isolation and purification.

00:42.613 --> 00:43.314
Of the virus?

00:43.394 --> 00:43.594

00:44.855 --> 00:46.637
Well, you isolate a virus by

00:53.419 --> 00:55.901
finding the virus which causes a disease.

00:56.562 --> 01:01.426
You purify a virus by making a lot of, I mean, just by purifying it so you get a pure virus.

01:02.227 --> 01:04.569
I don't understand what the issue.

01:04.749 --> 01:09.813
They interchanged the two and I wasn't sure if it was the same thing or if it was two totally different.

01:10.914 --> 01:12.055
No, it depends on how they used it.

01:12.496 --> 01:13.797

01:13.937 --> 01:16.339
Can you explain the process of HIV isolation?

01:18.865 --> 01:20.826
Well, didn't Dr. Gallo do that?

01:20.906 --> 01:22.747
I mean, he actually isolated it.

01:23.007 --> 01:26.929
So, I mean, why should I do all of this?

01:27.009 --> 01:29.091
This is all textbook stuff you're asking me.

01:34.834 --> 01:40.437
It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones.

01:41.118 --> 01:53.349
you know, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone, you know, and, you know, it's not, it's, you know, measles plus, you know, okay, I can tolerate what you think about measles because, you know, not that many people die from it.

01:53.649 --> 01:55.611
It's just a big hassle in the end.

01:57.617 --> 02:11.943
No, when we have this new pandemic that is, you know, got 75% mortality and it's not, it's, there'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of these beliefs.

02:12.003 --> 02:14.504
It'll be a moral emergency because it has to be.

02:21.055 --> 02:23.598
just it's literally turning into a worst case scenario.

02:23.618 --> 02:27.262
I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario.

02:27.383 --> 02:32.349
I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario.

02:35.336 --> 02:53.908
Jonathan, who's going to talk about his latest distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity.

02:55.009 --> 03:03.455
And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is going to get a chance to comment

03:05.652 --> 03:07.213
I think truth is good for kids.

03:07.633 --> 03:11.435
We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in this society.

03:11.936 --> 03:13.577
We want everybody to feel good.

03:13.717 --> 03:15.958
That's not, that's not the way life is.

03:18.460 --> 03:22.362
But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.

03:24.163 --> 03:24.883
And I have lied.

03:25.064 --> 03:25.944
I'm sure I'll lie again.

03:25.964 --> 03:26.885
I don't want to lie.

03:27.365 --> 03:28.726
You know, I don't think I'm a liar.

03:28.826 --> 03:29.866
I try not to be a liar.

03:29.886 --> 03:30.747
I don't want to be a liar.

03:31.307 --> 03:34.029
I think it's like really important not to be a liar.

03:36.144 --> 03:38.926
I don't care how you get there.

03:39.046 --> 03:42.028
I don't care what you do to get there.

03:42.088 --> 03:44.450
The goal is to win.

04:38.066 --> 04:40.328
All kinds of balance problems there.

04:40.408 --> 04:41.869
Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen.

04:41.909 --> 04:43.290
We were missing the right channel.

04:43.350 --> 04:44.050
It came back.

04:44.310 --> 04:44.991
It came back.

04:45.591 --> 04:46.371
Welcome to the show.

06:49.358 --> 06:50.980
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

06:51.000 --> 06:51.760
Good afternoon.

06:51.860 --> 06:53.922
Actually, it is 1216.

06:54.022 --> 06:55.423
I'm very, very late.

06:56.404 --> 07:05.332
But I had this audio problem that I want to demonstrate to you so that you understand what I've been dealing with for a long time.

07:05.372 --> 07:08.595
It's a little bit like this monster that's been sitting in the background.

07:09.780 --> 07:12.623
For a very long time that I haven't been able to get my head around.

07:12.663 --> 07:19.848
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show This is giga ohm biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.

07:19.929 --> 07:29.736
It is the 19th of December 2024 and I have a 16 channel soundboard that I got off of Craigslist it is a

07:32.344 --> 07:33.625
some kind of Behringer thing.

07:34.586 --> 07:46.156
A lot of people actually use it to mic a drum set as like a sub, you know, use a soundboard that you would feed out and balance your drum set and then send that signal out to the main board.

07:46.537 --> 07:48.579
Sometimes this is like what they use in a studio.

07:49.219 --> 07:54.260
And I don't remember how I got it, but I remember I paid $150 for it, and it's been perfect.

07:55.841 --> 08:08.524
But now it has developed this thing where when I turn it on in the morning, sometimes it has this hum for the first 15 minutes it's on, and I've just attributed that to, you know, whatever the

08:10.592 --> 08:18.722
Analog solid-state electronics needing to warm up or you know oxidized, you know connections or something that need to warm up I don't know.

08:19.283 --> 08:20.104
It's in the garage.

08:20.144 --> 08:28.754
So maybe that make it's worse in the winter These are all things we need to check over time but there's 16 channels and I think the first seven

08:30.507 --> 08:37.411
And the last eight or, you know, whenever they kind of don't match up perfectly because a couple of them are double channels.

08:37.471 --> 08:38.631
I don't want to explain how it works.

08:38.792 --> 08:59.943
Anyway, I was using the first two channels for my mics and then the last two for the computers and the soundboard, these kind of media inputs only because of the nature of their plugs up above and only to keep the two separate in my brain so that I would always know that, you know, my mic is way over there and then these other things are over here.

09:01.804 --> 09:10.349
And so anyway, this channel that I've been using for the mic has always had a buzz in my noise in the monitor here.

09:10.370 --> 09:12.351
And if I can you hear it?

09:15.453 --> 09:16.233
Now it's gone again.

09:16.313 --> 09:16.794
Can you hear it?

09:17.794 --> 09:19.755
And so for me, that's loud.

09:20.136 --> 09:20.216

09:21.320 --> 09:24.242
And if I turn off some of these other ones, it gets louder.

09:24.342 --> 09:25.162
And so it's bizarre.

09:25.182 --> 09:26.643
I think it's actually going down.

09:26.703 --> 09:28.083
So it could be just a warmup.

09:28.304 --> 09:37.128
Anyway, long story short, I've been goofing around with that for 25 minutes and finally figured out that I could just move it to channel eight and put it next to these other ones.

09:37.188 --> 09:43.411
And now there's, I can't hear any noise at all, which is actually, this is, this is heaven.

09:43.931 --> 09:48.994
Um, I feel like I've, I've moved up a whole level in terms of tech here.

09:49.034 --> 09:49.154

09:51.002 --> 09:51.802
Uh, sorry about that.

09:51.862 --> 10:05.526
I just, you know, it's a, it's a Craigslist machine and apparently I, I've been trying to troubleshoot something that I could have very easily fixed many, many, many months ago by just moving the XLR input to a different place.

10:05.786 --> 10:10.108
And I've been trying to troubleshoot the noise as like, you know, it's coming in through the power or.

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Ah, anyway, long story short, healthy people don't get sick.

10:15.872 --> 10:27.640
And you should put a priority in clean water, clean food, having a clean environment, exercising regularly, and surrounding yourself with the love of as many, you know, family and friends as possible.

10:30.566 --> 10:38.451
I think that in order for us to get ourselves out of this, we need to have a longer time horizon on how we get out and what the escape actually is.

10:38.511 --> 10:46.517
The escape is not for us to just get off of social media or to just start the right nonprofit or to just give the right stream.

10:47.237 --> 10:49.339
These are way too narrow time horizons.

10:49.379 --> 10:57.945
What we need to do is to understand that we need our children to grow up with a sense of ownership and responsibility to the world

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to preserve individual sovereignty, to preserve individual responsibility, to preserve the divinity and the sanctity and the sacredness of the individual and their personal relationship with their creator.

11:17.065 --> 11:18.245
and we need to promote this.

11:19.606 --> 11:36.392
Because I do think that a proper humility for the irreducible complexity of biology outside of our window, for our gardens, for our farms, for our animals, for our plants, and for, of course, most importantly, those family and friends that we are blessed with.

11:38.813 --> 11:42.854
Once we have humility for what that is and for what it is,

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what it represents.

11:46.638 --> 11:56.786
I don't think we will be fooled by this idea that evolution because DNA and therefore we are insignificant, we are nothing, we have no free will.

11:57.586 --> 12:05.993
We might as well think of ourselves as part of a million year project and so stop being so selfish.

12:07.273 --> 12:16.899
At the same time, these same people are giving you screens and telling you that your kids on screens don't matter and that, you know, cursive writing, who needs that anymore?

12:18.470 --> 12:37.218
So yeah, we're in a very interesting place right now, ladies and gentlemen, I am shocked to come to the to the conclusion myself, that it is actually one of the main ways that they have managed this to to accomplish this is through teaching us a bad form of biology 101.

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And so I'm looking for ways to express the hilarity that I think I've discovered, the absolute absurdity that I think I've discovered.

12:50.838 --> 13:02.981
And I'm trying to find ways to bring people who are very, very much all the way in and committed, even lifelong committed to the pursuit of bad biology to see the light.

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And I don't think it's that hard simply because for me, it wasn't that hard.

13:09.065 --> 13:32.493
And the reason why it wasn't that hard is because the pandemic provides this once-in-a-lifetime, maybe once-in-many-generations chance for us to see how we are governed, how the mythologies by which we are governed are constructed, and more importantly, how potentially they will be even more malevolently maintained

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because of our acquiescence to social media.

13:35.996 --> 13:52.645
This is the last generation that's gonna have an opportunity to maybe opt out or to open source or to decentralize and federalize, however you want it, whatever the right term is, for making whatever the internet is as free as possible.

13:53.865 --> 14:02.130
And then of course, there's always gonna be people that are gonna try and make that freedom something that we feel threatened by.

14:03.058 --> 14:07.099
And so there's always going to be, you know, Oh, anonymous accounts are bad and whatever.

14:07.119 --> 14:09.319
And you know, I think about anonymous accounts.

14:09.539 --> 14:11.300
I know how they were used against us.

14:11.360 --> 14:25.182
And I think if we all become aware of how anonymity on the internet could be weaponized against us, can be, has been, and will be again, then we don't need to worry about whether we're anonymous or not, or whether anybody else is anonymous or not.

14:25.563 --> 14:32.284
And we will put anonymous accounts, anonymous opinions, anonymous information into different categories and treat it differently.

14:33.134 --> 14:34.474
which is how we should do it.

14:35.895 --> 14:50.100
Just because people choose the right words or use the right colloquialisms on the internet as anonymous accounts doesn't mean that we should treat them as suddenly people that must be like soulmates in another country.

14:50.620 --> 14:53.721
But that is the enticing trap of social media.

14:54.471 --> 15:13.992
Instead of surrounding ourselves with live family, live friends, and communicating with live friends and live family, we can become very easily enticed and our social needs can become satiated, at least in the short term, by interaction on social media.

15:14.032 --> 15:15.133
This is very dangerous.

15:15.948 --> 15:34.336
Nobody's saying that, just like nobody's saying intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin, that your pediatrician never explained this to you as being the central reason why you might delay or even abstain from taking a vaccine in the first place.

15:35.457 --> 15:42.180
And think about what a different world that would be if there were doctors around the world that could explain it in that way.

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Not that vaccines hurt people and also save lives.

15:48.180 --> 15:57.685
But the reason why that is even remotely possible as a real outcome is because intramuscular injection is stupid.

15:58.766 --> 16:10.153
That's why you can have people being hurt by these things and also some semblance of a useful immune response that has correlated with some decrease in something.

16:12.691 --> 16:38.726
But I assure you, because we've never made the effort to take away, to subtract from the effects of water treatment and better food storage and higher nutrition and better, all these things that we changed in the 40s, the 50s and the 60s to clean things up, to take care of our water better, to clean up our air,

16:39.807 --> 16:48.724
understanding what pesticides were and how they would move through the environment into our food or into our water and better appreciating that danger.

16:49.325 --> 16:50.767
All of those advances

16:54.178 --> 16:58.761
correlate very highly temporally with the onset of the vaccine schedule.

16:58.781 --> 17:09.710
And so there is a very, very strong signal here, but it is a signal that only has temporal correlation and no real biological basis other than that.

17:11.571 --> 17:13.393
And that's the really frightening part.

17:14.266 --> 17:31.116
is that because there has been a purposeful obfuscation of that fact, and the only people that have ever really somewhat adequately explained that in my very limited reading in the last two years is this book.

17:31.176 --> 17:36.259
This is one of the few books that really explicitly says that until you

17:37.495 --> 17:51.375
until you do the math correctly and take away the advances in sewage treatment and water treatment and air pollution and insecticide knowledge and ecosystems and nutrition.

17:52.793 --> 18:02.602
then you're not gonna be able to understand why it is that measles, death from measles was already collapsed and death from polio and polio cases had already collapsed.

18:03.202 --> 18:18.156
You wouldn't be able to understand all of those things unless you understood that there were all kinds of changes happening at the same time that was causing a great drop off in all cause mortality among younger people.

18:19.830 --> 18:26.355
And so this is exactly when this technology was rolled out in mass for some of these things.

18:26.395 --> 18:28.156
And so we need to do this math.

18:28.336 --> 18:39.524
Other people have tried to do this math before the pandemic, but some reason or another, all those people that are doing that math still haven't really gotten to the stage where they could just say it in one sentence.

18:40.505 --> 18:46.669
Like RNA cannot pandemic or intramuscular injection to augment the immune system of a healthy child is dumb.

18:48.001 --> 18:51.626
or transfection is something that we did before the pandemic.

18:51.686 --> 18:54.189
None of these people have been able to say things simply.

18:54.229 --> 18:56.432
They've been able to write lots and lots of books.

18:58.254 --> 19:02.800
It's surprise, surprise, not very many people have read because, you know, not very many people read books.

19:04.741 --> 19:09.285
And it's interesting because these messages don't seem to be very difficult to me anymore.

19:09.345 --> 19:25.318
You know, like the one that Aaron Seery can never say that, you know, we should always make sure that our laws hold the government to strict scrutiny whenever the laws that we have enable the government to suspend fundamental rights.

19:28.416 --> 19:28.896
funny, right?

19:29.817 --> 19:41.581
Like you can just search all all of the recordings and all of the writings of Aaron Siri and I can you'll never find them approach anything remotely close to a message as succinct as that.

19:42.942 --> 19:43.842
And I'm not a lawyer.

19:45.643 --> 19:48.864
You'll never find an MD with a message as succinct as this one.

19:48.984 --> 19:49.945
And I'm not an MD.

19:53.396 --> 19:58.139
And it might be because we don't need MDs for this particular task.

19:58.199 --> 20:00.801
And we don't need them.

20:00.841 --> 20:04.003
What we need are teachers.

20:04.043 --> 20:10.027
What we need is a biology coach, somebody that can tell us the right direction and what exercises to do.

20:10.087 --> 20:22.015
But there's nothing that's going to get our kids out of this trap unless adults actually teach them, actively learn this, and then teach their kids this.

20:24.147 --> 20:35.511
Otherwise they're going to absorb from social media and the mainstream media this general narrative of DNA and evolution.

20:38.031 --> 20:39.992
And genes can be blamed for everything.

20:42.113 --> 20:42.793
And it's happening.

20:42.833 --> 20:45.014
You can see it all around on the news.

20:45.054 --> 20:46.234
You can see it everywhere.

20:46.414 --> 20:49.635
I'll talk about it more on the hardwood, I think.

20:52.586 --> 20:58.247
It's a very happy place that I'm at when I have so much basketball to play after all these years.

21:00.268 --> 21:08.150
I just still can't believe that I'm coaching my middle son and that my oldest is playing high school basketball.

21:08.170 --> 21:13.631
I mean, it's just of all the things that I could have imagined and look forward to,

21:15.055 --> 21:22.400
It's weird how this one came out of nowhere last year and then still really didn't become what it is now until over the summer.

21:22.500 --> 21:26.863
And it's just, I'm so very, very happy that this is all working out too.

21:26.903 --> 21:28.124
I'm really excited about it.

21:28.164 --> 21:31.906
I've got lots of ideas on how this can go forward.

21:31.946 --> 21:33.487
And so I'm just gonna keep plugging this.

21:33.547 --> 21:41.612
And when we get, it'll probably be in February by the time I get enough episodes to where I think we can start editing them for YouTube.

21:41.672 --> 21:43.734
And then that's really where it'll get very exciting.

21:45.091 --> 21:52.513
We can do other things on YouTube as well that I think we've been keeping in the hopper for a while.

21:55.154 --> 21:59.916
I don't know, it just all feels like it might be the right time now for all of this and it wouldn't have been ready

22:00.638 --> 22:09.785
in the summer or even in the spring when when the basic idea was there, but all the the content and the message wouldn't have been as finely tuned as it is now.

22:09.885 --> 22:21.134
So it's very exciting to be to be at this stage, I think, and everybody should, I hope, find some some real positive direction, outlook and hope.

22:21.194 --> 22:25.317
Again, I'm going to repeat myself, but I hope that everybody finds hope in this.

22:28.635 --> 22:31.077
It's, it's been, it's been much worse in 2022.

22:31.878 --> 22:34.680
And in 2023, I thought we were really in big trouble.

22:34.820 --> 22:41.686
Even when, when I started working for Bobby at some point, it stopped feeling like we were going to get anywhere.

22:42.206 --> 22:48.672
If only because it felt like I just joined the losing team because CHD has already been losing for three or four years.

22:48.752 --> 22:50.874
Everybody's been ignoring them for three or four years.

22:50.914 --> 22:53.036
So if I join their team, will they listen to me?

22:53.096 --> 22:55.298
Well, not if they, I guess not.

22:55.958 --> 22:56.859
That's what it felt like.

22:59.557 --> 23:07.121
And certainly at the end of the writing of the book, when I tried to get some of these ideas down into the book and they wouldn't get in there because it's not the right book for this or whatever.

23:09.923 --> 23:10.723
It's crazy.

23:10.783 --> 23:11.664
We're about to go into 2025.

23:15.386 --> 23:19.168
So yesterday, I really wanted to go way back Wednesday.

23:19.188 --> 23:22.730
And I hope that

23:24.661 --> 23:27.483
I'm starting to make the point now that there's a lot of work to be done.

23:27.523 --> 23:28.663
I don't want to do all this work.

23:28.723 --> 23:31.325
I want other people to figure out that we can do this work.

23:31.705 --> 23:33.426
Come see us doing live.

23:33.846 --> 23:42.471
We're circling in this hamster wheel where Jimmy Dore and Whitney Webb keep bringing up the same stuff over and over again.

23:43.171 --> 23:51.736
Michael Callahan in Wuhan, Epstein, Bill Barr, Promise, la, la, la, la, la, la.

23:53.317 --> 23:55.459
There's certain things that they're just allowed to say.

23:55.519 --> 23:57.401
They say those things and nothing else.

23:58.923 --> 24:04.248
And I don't want to become a super sleuth here.

24:04.288 --> 24:11.455
I want to focus more on the moving forward and on the biology curriculum and this kind of thing.

24:11.535 --> 24:14.318
But I can't drop this.

24:15.325 --> 24:24.196
I can't drop it because I do feel as though there is a window of opportunity here to see this before there is going to be enough distraction from enough other things.

24:24.256 --> 24:26.038
I don't know what those other things are going to be.

24:26.078 --> 24:27.219
I don't think it's drones.

24:28.300 --> 24:28.961
But whatever it is...

24:30.646 --> 24:36.409
We need to be very, very aware of the fact that they want us to move on.

24:36.469 --> 24:38.150
They want us to forget about this.

24:38.210 --> 24:43.332
They want us to sort of even everything out, spread things out.

24:43.393 --> 24:49.936
I don't know what the right word combination is to describe what they want us to do, but they want to kind of clean this history up.

24:52.188 --> 24:57.389
And in the end, both sides will clean this history up and it's most likely not a lab leak.

24:57.489 --> 24:59.270
It most likely is a lab leak.

24:59.310 --> 25:00.110
That'll be the end.

25:00.130 --> 25:01.470
That'll be the end cleanup.

25:02.951 --> 25:06.412
And the old vaccines weren't nearly as good, but neither are drugs.

25:06.492 --> 25:07.852
Drugs don't work for everybody.

25:07.892 --> 25:09.492
Vaccines don't work for everybody.

25:09.552 --> 25:12.913
So even the mRNA couldn't have really worked for everybody.

25:13.973 --> 25:16.014
That's where everybody's kind of going.

25:17.611 --> 25:23.656
Isn't that also where the alternative medicine goes that everybody should be able to get whatever their doctor recommends.

25:23.736 --> 25:32.704
And if their doctor recommends something for them and not for other, I mean, it's all kind of part of the same argument where, you know, safe and effective.

25:32.744 --> 25:34.045
What does that really mean?

25:34.065 --> 25:41.652
And in the meantime, these guys are talking about event two zero one again.

25:43.632 --> 25:48.587
and trying to make us correct her about how it's called or who was there or what was done.

25:49.932 --> 25:55.355
and then we're right back into it again, where they released it, or it was their plan, or they meant to do this all along.

25:55.415 --> 26:09.103
But no one seems to see that if they planned to do it all along, and it was going to be something that needed to be safe for everybody who was in on it, the easiest way to do it would be to characterize a background signal.

26:09.223 --> 26:13.486
Oh, I don't know, you know, put some biosensors in place and then just let them run.

26:15.765 --> 26:25.909
and record all the bacteriophage background in the air in a city over a year or two years or 10, and see if there are any patterns.

26:25.989 --> 26:30.611
And goodness sakes, if you find any patterns, then just announce it when you're ready.

26:34.767 --> 26:36.388
Nobody's ever gonna get there.

26:36.528 --> 26:37.429
It's crazy, right?

26:37.469 --> 26:38.990
They're they're super sleuths.

26:39.050 --> 26:40.371
They're thinking about everything.

26:40.411 --> 26:42.252
They consider all these people liars.

26:42.312 --> 26:43.333
They lie all the time.

26:43.814 --> 26:54.381
It's got to be Palantir or Teal or or Epstein or the people that went to Epstein Island are still lying about the fact that they went to Epstein Island and ate babies with Tom Hanks.

26:55.762 --> 26:57.744
Shout out to Housatonic Live there.

26:59.064 --> 27:00.946
But in reality, what are we talking about?

27:02.520 --> 27:09.782
We're talking about the same narrative, the narrative of the biolab leak coverup, biolab leak coverup, bad guys cover up the lab leak.

27:10.763 --> 27:12.343
America funded the lab leak.

27:13.163 --> 27:14.524
America funds Israel.

27:14.604 --> 27:15.424
Israel's bad.

27:15.924 --> 27:17.745
And I'm not saying Israel's not bad.

27:17.805 --> 27:26.808
I'm saying that you got to be very careful about how these narratives are very easy to accept, easy to understand, simple explanations for

27:30.424 --> 27:33.129
When in reality, there's a lot of nuance here.

27:34.972 --> 27:42.326
And there are traps inside of traps and all of these very short through the corner conclusions we need to be very careful of.

27:45.635 --> 27:52.001
And short-through-the-corner conclusions are exactly where Jimmy Dore is with the COVID shots are bad, don't talk about 2020.

27:52.401 --> 27:55.985
We don't want ourselves to be allowed to be put there.

27:56.425 --> 28:00.449
I reminded you already that this Scooby-Doo mystery was declared solved in July of 2023.

28:00.829 --> 28:02.230
We are at the end of 2024.

28:03.832 --> 28:07.996
Don't let social media fool you into thinking that this much time hasn't passed.

28:08.516 --> 28:11.279
We are about to cross into the sixth year.

28:11.299 --> 28:15.043
I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.

28:15.164 --> 28:16.285
The sixth year.

28:16.305 --> 28:21.771
I have.

28:24.434 --> 28:25.155
The sixth year.

28:27.498 --> 28:35.962
And already a year and a half ago, the Department of Energy and Vivek Swamy and other people declared it.

28:36.002 --> 28:41.925
Then we go yesterday, we looked at this video with these dudes in it.

28:43.326 --> 28:45.967
And one of them was Erso, right?

28:47.287 --> 28:50.309
And he is a drug development

28:51.232 --> 28:55.854
tissue culture, repurpose drugs for Delta was one of his slides.

28:56.415 --> 29:02.338
He actually had a slide that he said, with this list of drugs, I can cure anything.

29:02.398 --> 29:03.919
I can cure every disease.

29:05.700 --> 29:13.804
That's a pretty bold statement from a guy who has years of tissue culture experience and working on a few drugs.

29:16.966 --> 29:19.407
It's a weird statement to make.

29:21.474 --> 29:32.581
in America with the most expensive, least effective health care on the planet with so many people suffering from so many chronic diseases.

29:32.641 --> 29:36.323
But he says that with this list, I could cure almost any disease, every disease.

29:36.383 --> 29:37.804
I can't remember what the words he used.

29:37.844 --> 29:38.685
I think every disease.

29:40.714 --> 30:00.185
And of course, his lecture reinforced the disease course, the different stages, the many multi-organ inflammatory system type stuff, the virus, the late stage and early stage effectiveness of remdesivir, all discussed precisely by Dr. Urso.

30:00.906 --> 30:03.027
Then we went to Ryan Cole.

30:04.848 --> 30:07.650
I think that's also, you can see that here, look.

30:08.663 --> 30:10.645
just to make sure you know what I'm talking about.

30:10.665 --> 30:15.329
Here's Urso and then Cole.

30:15.349 --> 30:21.654
I think this is Cole.

30:26.027 --> 30:26.848
Yeah, this is Cole.

30:26.888 --> 30:31.350
So Cole was actually doing a declaration, right?

30:31.390 --> 30:37.774
And it was a super long whereas, whereas, whereas declaration.

30:37.834 --> 30:42.137
And then at the end, he was talking about T cell immunity and how he needed T cell responses.

30:42.197 --> 30:51.663
Don't forget that he also started out with saying that he has a small interest in a lateral flow test or something that an antigen test, a small interest.

30:51.703 --> 30:52.383
What does that mean?

30:52.663 --> 30:54.985
That he made a million dollars from an antigen test?

31:00.168 --> 31:06.412
What does it mean if Kevin McKernan and Philip Buckhalter have a couple tests?

31:09.314 --> 31:14.657
What does it mean if Robert Malone was a consultant for a couple of tests?

31:17.577 --> 31:31.170
And so that one of the primary reasons why these people had to be out there was to make sure that no one doubted that there was something spreading that might actually have, let's say, laboratory-induced or laboratory-introduced properties.

31:33.692 --> 31:40.919
Because that's what's implied by all of these guys in 2021 in October when they go on stage and talk about how the virus and the spike

31:41.972 --> 31:59.618
is the toxin and so the toxic properties of the late versus early stages of the disease are due to the spike protein just like this toxic effects of the of the transfection are to be blamed on the toxic spike.

32:00.618 --> 32:02.859
That's why there's so many parallels.

32:05.380 --> 32:06.040
Stop lying!

32:06.943 --> 32:09.108
That's the problem we have here, ladies and gentlemen.

32:09.128 --> 32:16.122
That's the problem I think that I'm trying to emphasize we need to understand as we

32:18.163 --> 32:25.110
as we embark on this new sort of theater that's coming in January and whether or not these people get confirmed or not.

32:25.290 --> 32:38.764
I can almost guarantee you they won't get confirmed because that is exactly the same reason why they've stuck to seed oils and processed foods and this kind of crap instead of going right for the throat

32:41.112 --> 32:50.216
and saying that the CDC is bad, the PrEP Act is bad, and the vaccine schedule is free of liability and therefore obviously bad.

32:50.696 --> 33:04.382
They could have started there, and if they go there between now and January, it will only be because we made them go there, because they were not going there, that Cali Means and his sister were not going there, and they're still not going there.

33:06.411 --> 33:13.514
And there's lots of people on the internet now who are rising like stars, rising like, like meteors because why?

33:14.015 --> 33:18.517
Because they are into nutrition and doctors know nothing about nutrition.

33:19.117 --> 33:21.258
And you know what else is interesting about nutrition?

33:21.318 --> 33:22.819
Nutrition is kind of personal.

33:24.560 --> 33:26.541
Nutrition is kind of personal.

33:28.042 --> 33:28.622
Do you hear it?

33:32.304 --> 34:00.576
So this whole argument that the FDA doesn't do something, you see, they can start to undermine the FDA's argument right now, because I argued yesterday, and I think it's very important to argue it again, that the idea of the FDA, of having a government agency or bureaucracy that regulates the safety and effectiveness of products, especially with regard to what they put on their label, what they say it can do, is not a bad idea.

34:03.390 --> 34:14.100
But what these people are arguing is that somehow or another, the twisted manifestation of that in the American system is a reason to get rid of it altogether.

34:16.082 --> 34:25.071
And a side excuse for that is that these things never worked that well anyway, that there is no safe and effective for everyone.

34:25.151 --> 34:26.913
That's going to be their answer.

34:28.257 --> 34:39.763
And so they're going to kind of defend the FDA in a way, because what they'll say is, well, you know what, the FDA had a mandate that was actually ridiculous anyway, now that we know so much more about ourselves.

34:40.844 --> 34:51.990
And we know so much more about the genome and about biology, and about evolution, because DNA, now we can tell you that, generally speaking, a vaccine was never going to be safe for everyone.

34:52.030 --> 34:54.792
And James Lyons Weiler was right, we need to know your genome.

34:57.699 --> 35:04.582
And really, nutrition is not the same for everyone, because everybody's got a different complement of genes and a different complement of bacteria.

35:04.983 --> 35:09.885
And so it is this, you know, complex interaction that we can only understand by sequencing you all.

35:12.014 --> 35:17.320
And then we can make a personalized medicine and personalized recommendations for nutrition.

35:17.720 --> 35:31.555
And these recommendations will come from an AI program, they could never come from a human, because the complexities that are involved in making these decisions are beyond that of the training of a typical general practitioner.

35:32.296 --> 35:36.478
and not nearly as efficient as what an AI can do across all of these numbers.

35:36.518 --> 35:40.079
You see, that's what all of us, the NIH program, is about.

35:40.379 --> 35:51.324
Just give us your information freely so that we can use it to provide you with a personalized understanding of why your health sucks.

35:52.864 --> 36:00.989
and some nutritional recommendations to get around it, not just generally speaking, clean water and unprocessed healthy food with some exercise every day.

36:01.449 --> 36:04.631
But we're going to need a computer to tell you more details about that.

36:06.492 --> 36:09.214
And so here they are using a very bad

36:10.856 --> 36:26.199
iteration of what could otherwise be a very good analogy for why PCR is very difficult to execute properly as a diagnostic, and why we should be skeptical that it has been, but instead they presented it as a very well executed diagnostic.

36:26.699 --> 36:30.680
You just need to understand the nuts and bolts of so you can make sure you don't get taken by it.

36:31.340 --> 36:32.100
Stop lying!

36:33.940 --> 36:36.281
And so let's watch the second half of that, shall we?

36:38.759 --> 36:47.662
at UC Davis School of Medicine and did fellowship research and post-doc studies in Global Clinical Scholars Program honors at Harvard.

36:48.403 --> 37:00.987
Dr. Malone has become known as one of the inventors of mRNA and DNA strategies and a worldwide expert on mRNA and DNA technologies and its relevance in biodefense and outbreaks.

37:01.288 --> 37:02.328
And now, Dr. Malone.

37:09.910 --> 37:12.175
I think it'll get louder.

37:12.195 --> 37:15.642
I would like to use the spacebar, okay.

37:17.921 --> 37:31.424
Hi I'm Robert Malone I'm a physician scientist and I am also clearly labeled as a disinformation specialist because I don't know anything about vaccines and by defense.

37:32.604 --> 37:35.625
This is I don't know number five or six outbreak for me.

37:35.985 --> 37:37.305
I'm kind of an outbreak junkie.

37:38.445 --> 37:40.686
I work closely with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

37:41.186 --> 37:42.466
I am a vaccinologist.

37:43.226 --> 37:45.887
So this is my moment.

37:48.676 --> 38:12.824
seeking absolution You know, this is this is This is an AAPS meeting by the way American Association of Physicians and Surgeons It's actually kind of a conservative medical group I think and it is very very interesting that he starts this way and how he will continue here It's not an emergency.

38:12.884 --> 38:13.784
This is kind of fun.

38:13.804 --> 38:13.824

38:16.357 --> 38:17.778
It's not a serious thing here.

38:17.818 --> 38:19.459
This is just, you know, this is cool.

38:19.599 --> 38:20.099
I'm happy.

38:20.119 --> 38:21.240
I've been here lots of times.

38:21.280 --> 38:22.421
I mean, come on, this is my fifth.

38:23.221 --> 38:25.243
You know, I've given talks like this lots of times.

38:25.283 --> 38:27.524
This is not different than what I've done before.

38:28.565 --> 38:29.665
Or do you see it otherwise?

38:29.685 --> 38:30.206
Because I don't.

38:31.626 --> 38:34.888
He's very comfortable with what he's about to do.

38:34.949 --> 38:37.010
This isn't like all the other times.

38:38.211 --> 38:38.591
Or is it?

38:39.211 --> 38:39.912
Seems like it is.

38:40.805 --> 38:42.767
It shouldn't be like all the other times.

38:42.807 --> 38:43.527
That's my point.

38:43.607 --> 38:46.129
It shouldn't be like all the other talks he's given.

38:46.630 --> 38:57.819
This should feel like an urgently different thing because he is at the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons and about to tell them that America is in big trouble, right?

38:57.879 --> 38:58.179
I mean.

39:03.323 --> 39:04.925
My disclosure, so

39:06.328 --> 39:13.994
And I was very involved in bringing forth the, just one example, the Ebola vaccine during the West Africa outbreak.

39:14.034 --> 39:19.118
I was actually the guy that got Mark involved in that on behalf of Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

39:21.420 --> 39:25.283
So this is the obligatory what are your bona fides slide.

39:25.303 --> 39:26.865
I think we already had enough of that.

39:29.927 --> 39:36.130
I'd like to, and I very much appreciate that you already read the declaration, so I don't have to do it.

39:37.030 --> 39:40.832
I'm kind of coming hot off of a little bit of an international tour.

39:41.352 --> 39:57.601
Hot off a little bit of an international tour that included Italy when he went there with Stephen Hatfill, and according to Stephen Hatfill on the Tommy podcast, Robert Malone didn't have a vaccine card.

40:01.616 --> 40:13.280
But this is after he was on the Brett Weinstein podcast in June of 2021, saying that he already had two shots of Moderna because he had to travel.

40:13.921 --> 40:18.682
And also because he heard on the internet that it might work for long COVID.

40:21.584 --> 40:25.085
Just keeping track of everything here, making sure you're keeping track of everything.

40:28.083 --> 40:31.324
which included the International COVID Summit in Rome.

40:32.225 --> 40:32.765
What did he say?

40:32.845 --> 40:33.285

40:33.545 --> 40:35.586
The International COVID Summit in Rome?

40:35.626 --> 40:40.969
Again, I cannot urge you enough to understand that the only person that that connects you to is him.

40:41.849 --> 40:45.931
No one else was saying COVID except for people that have worked with Robert Malone.

40:46.431 --> 41:08.559
And I think that's the reason why you can rest assured that James Lyons Weiler, the guy that CHD promotes, is also one of these people, which may also connect them directly to Merrill Nass and explain why all of these people have been in previous meetings and phone calls and hearings all the way back to 2011 with the anthrax vaccines.

41:09.841 --> 41:12.583
because there's always been a stunt going on here.

41:12.643 --> 41:20.947
And it may very well be that the stunt that they wanted to pull off was being rehearsed, was being tested, and people were being put in place to get ready for this.

41:21.548 --> 41:37.957
Remember, my argument is, is that on the population pyramid data, they could see the all-cause mortality increase coming, which could also be translated in a different set of words to say they could see the bankruptcy of their national systems coming.

41:39.656 --> 41:44.099
And so they knew they had to have a way to manage these old people.

41:44.639 --> 41:54.425
Even if that meant just letting them die of natural causes more easily than they normally did, then we could have prevented more deaths than we did.

41:54.545 --> 42:01.469
Even that already would need to have some justification in the system, some explanation in the system, some cover.

42:05.819 --> 42:22.266
Never mind the fact that there has been a plan for a long, long time since the completion of the Human Genome Project to finally find a way somehow to convince people that, you know, the only way we're going to solve this puzzle while we still have the opportunity, what's the opportunity?

42:22.346 --> 42:26.768
The 10 billion people on the planet is the opportunity that aren't going to be there forever.

42:27.827 --> 42:34.030
that they would like to, and probably will mathematically with almost certainty go down to 5 or 2 billion people.

42:34.450 --> 42:43.755
And at that stage, there will never again, ever again be the opportunity to collect 10 billion genomes over the course of say 100 years.

42:45.296 --> 42:53.040
But over the next 100 years, or the next 50 years, or even the next 30 years, there might be the opportunity to collect a few billion genomes.

42:54.091 --> 43:04.697
easily and mass and have them classified well, and with a lot of basic medical data and put it on a storage drive somewhere, put it on a database somewhere.

43:04.718 --> 43:23.629
And once that database is uniform and accessible, and somewhat compatible, and the measurements have all kind of been made the same with the same equipment over the same time periods, whatever, you have a data set, a data set that Craig Ventner could never have dreamed of, that Mark Lander would have never dreamed of.

43:27.099 --> 43:30.482
The only way you can get it is if this sovereign individual is gone.

43:31.383 --> 43:37.068
The only way you can get it is if you get people to believe that there is this gain of function danger out there.

43:39.530 --> 43:48.058
And that there is a, you know, there's just a continuum from free range RNA molecules all the way up to the finest examples of pattern integrities.

43:48.118 --> 43:50.521
It's just one big, big mess of life.

43:52.898 --> 44:03.563
And that nowhere in between there are there any lies told by NIH or CDC or Gavi or the WHO about the details of that biology.

44:03.623 --> 44:03.943

44:04.023 --> 44:04.983
No, nothing at all.

44:05.224 --> 44:06.604
It's just PCR tests work.

44:06.684 --> 44:07.405
That's the way it is.

44:08.885 --> 44:11.046
And that's basically what these people are telling you.

44:11.726 --> 44:14.108
PCR tests, lateral flow tests, these things work.

44:14.148 --> 44:17.149
Don't mind that I have interest in these tests.

44:18.826 --> 44:20.406
which we know are wrong.

44:20.466 --> 44:25.188
You heard Ryan Cole say he has an interest in those tests.

44:27.849 --> 44:32.530
You've heard all these people actually say it, if you were careful and listening.

44:35.711 --> 44:37.311
And that's the real frightening part of it.

44:38.151 --> 44:39.872
The moneymaking may already be over.

44:39.912 --> 44:41.012
The money may have dried up.

44:41.072 --> 44:43.793
That may be why everybody's acting a little squirrely now.

44:46.331 --> 45:03.755
In 2020, 21, and 22, the testing, the track and trace, just the distribution of free tests, this all contributed to there being money sloshing around in the background that could be used to influence people, to sustain people, to keep hamster wheels running.

45:05.075 --> 45:08.816
And those money sources may be drying up right now.

45:10.009 --> 45:16.112
And if that's the case, these people all may be panicking, trying to get on each other's boats, trying to find a seat at the table.

45:17.773 --> 45:19.794
And that table may be folded up very soon.

45:21.114 --> 45:29.498
And the thing that may be left, I believe, and I hope, are people with integrity that have always had integrity that never sat at those tables in the first place.

45:31.699 --> 45:35.921
Like Mark Kulak, like myself, like Joe Marshall, like Scott Shara.

45:39.244 --> 45:44.125
Let's listen to Robert Malone basically admit that he's a part of this.

45:44.585 --> 45:49.166
This brought together physicians and scientists from all over the world, both in person and virtually.

45:49.826 --> 46:05.309
Just to give you a little taste of that, it's available online for streaming and Dr. Cole has already identified the site where a lot of the clips are being rolled out as well as the declaration, that being globalcovidsummit.org.

46:06.291 --> 46:06.892
please visit.

46:07.432 --> 46:10.595
I hope all of you consider signing the declaration.

46:12.797 --> 46:14.959
It's part of a very targeted strategy.

46:14.999 --> 46:21.125
So my talk is not going to be so science rich, it's going to be a little bit more public policy rich.

46:22.567 --> 46:27.350
I defer to Dr. Cole and Dr. Urso, who've done a fantastic job.

46:28.751 --> 46:34.555
This is a... So he's a vaccinologist and this is not his first rodeo.

46:34.615 --> 46:37.878
This is his like fifth outbreak, but it's not going to be very science.

46:37.918 --> 46:39.399
It's going to be public policy.

46:39.419 --> 46:42.461
In 2021, in October,

46:48.524 --> 46:55.048
The focus of that international summit in Rome, Italy, was restricted to drug therapies and protocols.

46:55.088 --> 47:00.092
Vaccines, vaccine effectiveness, and vaccine side effects were not discussed.

47:00.112 --> 47:10.259
In 2021, in September,

47:14.611 --> 47:22.417
In September of 2021, there was an international COVID summit in Rome, Italy, attended by many of these people.

47:22.717 --> 47:39.749
I would bet dollars to donuts, Merrill Nass, Robert Malone, Corey, McCullough, Rose, Hatfield, any number of those people were there.

47:41.230 --> 47:41.310

47:42.679 --> 47:45.139
Any of the people in the hot tub picture, they could have been there.

47:45.259 --> 47:48.980
Any of the people that have their, their shoes in those pictures, they could have been there.

47:49.000 --> 47:50.440
It's, it's all the same crew.

47:52.341 --> 47:55.561
And now the extraordinary part is that's fabulous.

47:55.941 --> 47:56.321
Thank you.

47:56.341 --> 47:56.602
Thank you.

47:56.622 --> 47:56.842
Thank you.

47:56.862 --> 47:57.802
Are you giving me two cups?

47:59.002 --> 48:00.102
Holy cow.

48:00.902 --> 48:01.622
It's not too hot.

48:03.403 --> 48:03.703

48:04.123 --> 48:04.463
Thank you.

48:06.683 --> 48:06.883

48:06.903 --> 48:07.063

48:09.044 --> 48:10.064
So it's a,

48:12.113 --> 48:14.814
It's a weird thing, right, to see this in retrospect.

48:14.834 --> 48:17.175
Don't you think, is this not enlightening for anyone?

48:17.255 --> 48:19.936
Is this not like, whoa, dude, I can't believe it.

48:20.016 --> 48:20.616
Wait, what?

48:21.477 --> 48:35.842
In September of 2021, they had a COVID summit in Rome, Italy, where these same people, the International COVID Summit, the fourth one happened, or the fifth one happened in Romania, the sixth one happened in Japan this year.

48:35.923 --> 48:38.704
Like, this is an ongoing, rolling,

48:39.804 --> 48:41.125
traveling circus here.

48:41.925 --> 48:49.989
And in the iteration that happened in September of 2021, vaccines, vaccine effectiveness, vaccine side effects were not discussed.

48:50.009 --> 48:53.670
I guess that means they didn't talk about transformation and transfection then, right?

49:07.256 --> 49:07.836
I guess not.

49:08.076 --> 49:08.957
I guess not.

49:09.878 --> 49:18.740
The brief summary slide of what went on during that three-day meeting in which we met on day one as a group and discussed treatment protocols.

49:18.860 --> 49:22.802
On day two, we actually gave testimony in the Senate in Rome.

49:22.822 --> 49:24.182
It's on the bucket list.

49:24.242 --> 49:26.383
If you ever get a chance to do that, worth doing.

49:27.683 --> 49:31.044
And then day three was a large public session.

49:31.744 --> 49:40.217
He sounds like he's having an awful lot of fun with these international COVID summits, speaking out, losing his career, risking his life, whatever he thinks he's doing.

49:41.278 --> 49:42.159
Sounds like a lot of fun.

49:46.238 --> 49:48.300
two and three, just to give you a sense of things.

49:49.161 --> 49:55.106
Those were both streamed live and through a distributed network all across the world.

49:55.166 --> 49:59.590
We had over 100 million connections on both days.

50:00.431 --> 50:01.672
So a lot of interest.

50:03.233 --> 50:05.315
100 million connections on both days.

50:05.375 --> 50:07.597
Wow, you actually said that already in the chat.

50:07.637 --> 50:08.558
That's pretty impressive.

50:08.598 --> 50:10.119
Did you already watch this video?

50:10.159 --> 50:11.580
Are you doing your homework?

50:12.261 --> 50:12.982
Shame on you.

50:14.011 --> 50:17.636
Man, I just, I can't stand it when viewers do their homework.

50:32.714 --> 50:36.599
I'm sorry, is my friend Mark Hulak in the chat there?

50:36.659 --> 50:38.881
Did you just hear what he just said?

50:38.921 --> 50:41.804
Did he just say that he met with some colonel in the Vatican?

50:42.385 --> 50:43.706
I swear he just said that.

50:44.187 --> 50:45.488
I'm not even, this...

50:46.678 --> 50:50.159
Okay, I'm sorry if I'm freaking out about that a little bit, but I find that.

50:50.880 --> 50:55.221
And I don't have to read the physician's connections on both days.

50:56.082 --> 51:00.723
So a lot of interest in Brazil, Latin America, Africa, all over the place.

51:01.163 --> 51:11.367
While I was there, I also met with Cardinal Turkson in the Vatican to discuss the strategy that I'll mention in a moment.

51:11.948 --> 51:12.348
Let's see.

51:14.269 --> 51:24.058
And I don't have to read the physician's declaration because it's already been read and so thank you for that but I hope that you will consider joining us.

51:26.340 --> 51:38.330
Just to say something about that, this new globalcovidsummit.org site is part of a very conscious strategy

51:39.335 --> 51:50.127
As you know, we're up against an amazingly integrated, well-financed juggernaut of, I'm sorry, it's disinformation.

51:50.907 --> 51:54.031
And it truly is disinformation that we're up against.

51:54.691 --> 51:56.373
It is carefully coordinated.

51:56.393 --> 51:57.895
It's propaganda.

51:58.402 --> 52:05.147
It's backed by swarms of fact checkers that have no training in biology.

52:06.668 --> 52:08.790
Many of them don't even have a bachelor's degree.

52:08.830 --> 52:10.431
They're not trained in journalism.

52:10.972 --> 52:24.122
And they're hired by organizations that have been set up that are funded by Zuckerberg, Chan, Facebook, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is one of the major shareholders of J&J, if not the largest shareholder, good to know.

52:24.742 --> 52:26.183
Follow the money, okay?

52:26.283 --> 52:35.686
And these organizations, if you scroll through, many of them specifically say, hey, if you want a hit job on somebody, this is... Cardinal Turkson.

52:35.886 --> 52:38.347
I thought he said Colonel Turkson.

52:38.847 --> 52:39.647
That's pretty funny.

52:39.707 --> 52:40.107
Nice one.

52:40.147 --> 52:40.507
Thank you.

52:40.847 --> 52:41.708
I'm paraphrasing.

52:42.148 --> 52:43.708
Call us up, you know, fund us.

52:44.009 --> 52:45.349
That's what they do, okay?

52:45.389 --> 52:47.550
This is not about checking facts.

52:48.150 --> 52:50.711
This is about reinforcing the dominant narrative.

52:51.531 --> 53:00.319
I can tell you from personal experience, and the thing that has amazed me in traveling through Europe over the last month, is it's not just the docks here.

53:01.394 --> 53:03.595
that are getting hit with this same script.

53:03.955 --> 53:05.536
It's all over the world.

53:06.136 --> 53:07.817
They're even using the same words.

53:07.977 --> 53:13.340
I'm now part of the Dirty Dozen in Rome, in the Roman press.

53:14.601 --> 53:16.422
The Dirty Dozen in 2021?

53:16.942 --> 53:24.566
I'm not even sure they had the Dirty Dozen in America already, but that's an interesting thing to say, that he's part of the Dirty Dozen in the Italian press.

53:24.606 --> 53:25.466
Wow, what a claim.

53:26.066 --> 53:27.507
And that's all censorship.

53:27.627 --> 53:28.648
I'm so censored.

53:29.986 --> 53:32.088
It's so weird, isn't it, when you hear it now?

53:33.129 --> 53:38.694
He's describing exactly what he's doing out loud, right to these people.

53:38.754 --> 53:41.457
And that's what makes it so hard for them to see that he's doing it.

53:42.077 --> 53:48.543
Because he even says it on the stage when he was on stage, on the same stage in the first month of 2023 with Meryl Nass.

53:51.105 --> 53:56.367
and Mike Palmer and Sasha Latipova and Asim Malhotra.

53:56.847 --> 54:02.070
He says that, you know, this fifth generation warfare is so sophisticated that you'll never figure it out.

54:02.190 --> 54:04.050
You can try, but you'll never figure it out.

54:04.110 --> 54:10.113
He actually told the Swedish audience that they would never figure it out.

54:14.876 --> 54:17.038
which is noted for its corruption.

54:17.698 --> 54:26.104
Now, they identified me as part of the Dirty Dozen, a term that was used by our POTUS, you may recall, and applied to Dr. McColl and others, including Mr. Kennedy.

54:28.399 --> 54:30.240
Dr. McColl, is that what he said?

54:30.300 --> 54:33.101
That might have been a slip.

54:33.361 --> 54:34.681
As Dirty Dozen number two.

54:35.222 --> 54:39.063
In the Italian press, they use the words, but they only identified 10 of us, fascinating.

54:40.183 --> 54:48.947
And I was also identified as a terrorist, I'm now a terrorist, because I advocated for early treatment to save patients.

54:50.327 --> 54:54.410
All of us that were participating in the conference were labeled as a bunch of crazies.

54:54.870 --> 55:05.577
And here in the American press, they're doing a push, I don't know if you saw, I think it was Medpage, that basically they're trying to say we're all a bunch of proud boys, right-wing crazies.

55:06.377 --> 55:10.100
This is how propaganda works, okay?

55:10.700 --> 55:12.961
And now I deal with the intelligence community quite a bit.

55:14.482 --> 55:14.703

55:16.195 --> 55:16.896
We are.

55:17.076 --> 55:26.632
How propaganda works is that they publish bad guys in the press so that everybody sees them and then they solve the mystery and those are the mysteries that get solved.

55:29.474 --> 55:37.638
It's exactly the reason why when Robert Malone says that there are bad guys on the internet, he doesn't say Mark Kulak and Jonathan Cui.

55:38.559 --> 55:48.244
He says Sasha Latupova and George Webb, and then gives you handy links to their substacks and to their CBS 60 Minutes appearances.

55:51.960 --> 56:04.190
And when he tries to provoke us, he actually shares the videos from the people that are working with him, the anonymous accounts that he is helping to coordinate the content of.

56:06.932 --> 56:10.175
And these hamster wheels can really feel like progress.

56:10.835 --> 56:13.337
You can run really fast for a while in them.

56:16.300 --> 56:18.822
For four or five years, if you run with the right people.

56:21.774 --> 56:22.434

56:22.634 --> 56:24.515
Our patients are being manipulated.

56:24.595 --> 56:26.356
There's no ifs, ands, or buts.

56:26.976 --> 56:28.856
Our patients are being manipulated.

56:28.896 --> 56:30.537
So patients are not being murdered.

56:31.797 --> 56:33.998
Patients are being manipulated.

56:35.238 --> 56:36.579
Careful choices of words.

56:38.134 --> 56:42.636
Because if it was murder in 2021, boy, would we be in a different place now, wouldn't we?

56:43.196 --> 56:59.584
If this guy who claims to be blowing the whistle on his previous career were to say that the deep state, the globalists that are interested in the trillions of dollars available to the spigots of public health, those people are willing to murder people and lie about it.

57:02.921 --> 57:07.345
If he could use language like that in 2021, we might've saved a lot of college kids.

57:07.405 --> 57:08.126
Well, maybe not.

57:08.146 --> 57:10.768
It might've still been too late to save college kids.

57:14.091 --> 57:14.591
Too bad.

57:15.572 --> 57:20.716
And it's unprecedented, the scale and the coordination that's happening globally.

57:20.976 --> 57:22.177
I've never seen anything like this.

57:22.658 --> 57:28.503
I've been through so many pandemics, never seen anything like the information control that we're seeing now.

57:30.410 --> 57:33.972
Carrying on, see if I can make the computer work.

57:34.392 --> 57:35.813
I'm not a millennial, so forgive me.

57:38.594 --> 57:39.595
I just have raised some.

57:40.035 --> 57:47.419
Yes, so in terms of my bona fides, yes, in fact, I did make these discoveries between 1987 and 19.

57:47.819 --> 57:57.884
It's interesting that he includes in his bona fides this picture right here, which I guess means something about the tumtotal of who he is and what he has become.

57:59.220 --> 58:00.541
I guess he's in this photo.

58:00.621 --> 58:02.482
I guess he's that guy in that photo.

58:03.143 --> 58:05.104
I guess he's this guy in that photo.

58:06.084 --> 58:07.825
And I guess he's this guy in that photo.

58:07.845 --> 58:11.107
Boy, he was a, he's a bushy guy back then, that's nice.

58:11.587 --> 58:13.829
My dad was also like that.

58:13.849 --> 58:17.291
1889, and there was a series of patents issued.

58:18.571 --> 58:20.232
I am an inventor on those patents.

58:20.372 --> 58:27.797
The fact checkers all, they've gone, it's fascinating, over the last couple of months, oh my good heavens, look who has arrived.

58:30.757 --> 58:31.417
I'm in awe.

58:32.018 --> 58:33.078
I really am.

58:33.518 --> 58:35.979
What an amazing job he has done.

58:35.999 --> 58:39.441
I think a round of applause for Peter.

58:40.521 --> 58:43.182
The man is a monster.

58:43.242 --> 58:45.063
He's a powerhouse of information.

58:45.103 --> 58:47.324
He knows the literature up one side and down the other.

58:47.344 --> 58:51.265
I'm worn out just watching him.

58:52.086 --> 58:53.226
You know who he's talking about?

58:54.667 --> 58:55.347
Peter McCullough.

58:57.011 --> 59:03.034
I want you to think about this very carefully because that, what I see and hear right there is an ego attack.

59:04.595 --> 59:11.739
That is how an intelligence agent posing as an ally would flatter you in front of other people.

59:12.979 --> 59:16.221
Incidentally, I can tell you a few stories about when people did that to me.

59:17.602 --> 59:24.845
I can think of one in particular where I realized that Mark Kulak was going to be an hour from my house in some place

59:26.801 --> 59:31.103
near Wimber, Pennsylvania, and he was going to meet George Webb and all these people there.

59:31.143 --> 59:31.984
And I thought, what the hell?

59:32.024 --> 59:34.225
Why wouldn't I drive there and meet all these people too?

59:35.886 --> 59:36.026

59:36.528 --> 59:42.614
Not only were there a few people there that were incredibly uncomfortable with meeting me, but one of those people included George Webb.

59:42.634 --> 59:50.741
And when he introduced me to all the people at the table, he made this really weird, you know, ladies and gentlemen, I want to, can I have your attention, please?

59:50.801 --> 59:59.449
I want to introduce you to the magnificent, super smart, you know, whatever the great Jonathan Cooey, can we give him a round of applause or something like that?

01:00:01.591 --> 01:00:02.792
Seems so dumb.

01:00:05.026 --> 01:00:28.915
It seems so ridiculous until you look at the beginning of this stream and listen to Bobby, what he said about me when he introduced me at the, at the, on his defender podcast, what he said about me and my latest distillation of what the pandemic means to society and democracy and to democracy and free speech and yada, yada, yada.

01:00:30.714 --> 01:00:38.541
And first he's going to do that, and then this illustrious, gifted, beautiful panel of super smart people will comment on it.

01:00:40.783 --> 01:00:46.788
This is the same nonsense as this right here, where you're supposed to be spellbound.

01:00:46.828 --> 01:00:48.630
You're supposed to feel so good.

01:00:50.677 --> 01:01:02.163
that you don't notice that these people are influencing you into thinking that what your ideas you're currently stuck on, the things you're currently saying are so awesome, they're so great, don't stop saying them.

01:01:05.168 --> 01:01:08.411
And I've had this feeling for a long time about Peter McCullough.

01:01:08.431 --> 01:01:09.452
He's been on my stream.

01:01:09.492 --> 01:01:10.913
I've talked to him a lot in private.

01:01:11.353 --> 01:01:14.776
I have a lot of supporters who try to talk to him on my behalf in private.

01:01:15.217 --> 01:01:22.143
And I've always had the feeling when he was on my stream that he just didn't say things that he knew he couldn't say.

01:01:27.133 --> 01:01:34.876
If anybody feels like they are under duress, got way in over their head, had no idea what they were signing up for, it is Peter McCullough.

01:01:34.916 --> 01:01:45.361
And oh my goodness, I pray every day that Peter McCullough will have the courage to say that these people fooled him, tricked him, manipulated him, threatened him.

01:01:45.401 --> 01:01:46.301
I don't know what they did.

01:01:47.247 --> 01:01:48.368
but they also fooled him.

01:01:49.208 --> 01:01:49.849
Listen to it.

01:01:50.369 --> 01:01:51.090
Listen to it.

01:01:51.630 --> 01:01:52.751
This is in September of 2021.

01:01:52.951 --> 01:01:58.335
Do you hear Robert Malone saying this about Peter McCullough anymore?

01:01:59.595 --> 01:02:10.543
Does he ever go on Tommy's podcast and say, Tommy, you should really, you know, I defer to people like Erso and Cole and I mean, McCullough, he knows the literature.

01:02:10.623 --> 01:02:12.044
That guy is the man.

01:02:15.356 --> 01:02:17.578
Why wasn't Peter McCullough in front of the Senate?

01:02:19.379 --> 01:02:24.062
Why did, why did Robert Malone choose Jessica Rose instead of Peter McCullough?

01:02:27.164 --> 01:02:28.365
You see what's happening here.

01:02:28.405 --> 01:02:31.007
You can start to see the cracks in this facade.

01:02:31.047 --> 01:02:38.252
If you, if you start paying attention and if you keep looking back, you got to turn the hamster wheel against them.

01:02:39.192 --> 01:02:40.333
You got to run the other way.

01:02:41.574 --> 01:02:41.714

01:02:43.390 --> 01:02:44.330
We've got a plan here.

01:02:46.251 --> 01:02:47.351
So what an honor.

01:02:48.832 --> 01:02:53.774
But yeah, so the fact checkers have decided that I'm not an inventor of RNA vaccine.

01:02:53.874 --> 01:02:55.574
Amazing job he has done.

01:02:55.594 --> 01:02:59.016
I think a round of applause for the fact checkers.

01:02:59.136 --> 01:03:05.698
It's fascinating, over the last couple of months, oh my good heavens, look who has arrived.

01:03:08.641 --> 01:03:09.321
I'm in awe.

01:03:09.921 --> 01:03:10.981
I really am.

01:03:11.402 --> 01:03:13.902
What an amazing job he has done.

01:03:13.922 --> 01:03:18.823
I think a round of applause for Peter.

01:03:19.063 --> 01:03:20.923
The man is a monster.

01:03:20.983 --> 01:03:22.784
He's a powerhouse of information.

01:03:22.824 --> 01:03:25.044
He knows the literature up one side and down the other.

01:03:25.064 --> 01:03:29.005
I'm worn out just watching him.

01:03:29.945 --> 01:03:30.285

01:03:30.385 --> 01:03:34.706
So I got a take on this one, and it's a hot take because I'm just having it right now.

01:03:34.786 --> 01:03:38.267
But he spoke out about hydroxychloroquine.

01:03:39.508 --> 01:03:42.010
Zev Zelenko spoke out about hydroxychloroquine.

01:03:42.030 --> 01:03:44.152
Maybe hydroxychloroquine is good for something.

01:03:44.233 --> 01:03:46.355
Maybe hydroxychloroquine won't hurt anybody.

01:03:46.395 --> 01:03:48.416
Maybe hydroxychloroquine is good for something.

01:03:50.839 --> 01:03:53.862
This guy didn't really speak out about that on Joe Rogan.

01:03:55.924 --> 01:04:03.631
Peter McCullough also spoke about how the idea that hydroxychloroquine enlarged people's hearts or was dangerous or was causing heart attacks was absurd.

01:04:05.680 --> 01:04:11.423
The confusion with chloroquine or whatever is used to clean aquariums was ridiculous.

01:04:13.324 --> 01:04:22.728
And so Peter McCullough may have been one of these people who rushed out and knew what needed to be said, said what needed to be said, didn't understand that there was no novel virus.

01:04:22.868 --> 01:04:29.071
And I don't blame him for not understanding that, but spoke out about what was right very early and needed control.

01:04:29.091 --> 01:04:31.512
He needed direction.

01:04:33.200 --> 01:04:37.042
needed somebody that could potentially step in front of him that he would defer to.

01:04:37.142 --> 01:04:38.523
You see, that's the trick here.

01:04:39.523 --> 01:04:41.765
Who would Peter McCullough defer to?

01:04:43.285 --> 01:04:51.570
Given his seniority in the position that he had, his authority, his respect from his staff and everybody that worked with him, who would he defer to?

01:04:54.551 --> 01:04:55.872
Somebody who deferred to him.

01:05:00.444 --> 01:05:04.205
And as long as possible, this guy controlled Peter McCullough.

01:05:04.225 --> 01:05:05.005
That's what I see.

01:05:05.085 --> 01:05:06.066
That's what I think here.

01:05:07.986 --> 01:05:16.108
Peter McCullough was the first one to come out and just say, quite frankly, if I was to do it all over again, I don't think I would vaccinate my children against anything.

01:05:16.868 --> 01:05:20.149
None of these other people have ever had the courage to say that.

01:05:21.330 --> 01:05:25.211
Peter McCullough came out years ago and said that already, at least two years ago.

01:05:25.631 --> 01:05:27.171
It was the first time he dared say it.

01:05:27.591 --> 01:05:29.412
I'm not saying he said it on Fox News.

01:05:30.472 --> 01:05:32.355
But he said it on a camera, and it was recorded.

01:05:35.719 --> 01:05:42.669
And Pierre Cory, the only time he will say it is when he's promoting this anonymous Midwestern doctor substack, and only in 2024.

01:05:47.407 --> 01:06:01.877
Again, I cannot emphasize enough how none of these people, none of these people, none of these people, even when they were speaking in front of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, never saved any college kids, never even tried to save any college kids.

01:06:02.257 --> 01:06:16.427
He just had a slide on the screen that said that they were just in Italy and they didn't discuss anything about the vaccines, which means certainly they didn't correct the error and define them as transformations and transfections like they should have been from the beginning.

01:06:20.379 --> 01:06:22.040
Harden the paint, ladies and gentlemen.

01:06:22.080 --> 01:06:22.821
Harden the paint.

01:06:22.861 --> 01:06:23.922
That's all I know how to do.

01:06:24.022 --> 01:06:25.583
Full court press, harden the paint.

01:06:26.223 --> 01:06:27.624
Defense wins ball games.

01:06:27.644 --> 01:06:32.408
You need to rebound, and you need to rebound, and you need to box out, and you need to rebound.

01:06:33.969 --> 01:06:35.830
I'm getting the rebounds here, ladies and gentlemen.

01:06:36.371 --> 01:06:37.031
They're everywhere.

01:06:40.093 --> 01:06:41.154
So what an honor.

01:06:42.677 --> 01:06:52.459
But yeah, so the fact checkers have decided that I'm not an inventor of RNA vaccines, even though I'm on nine different patents and I have all the patent disclosures and all the original data.

01:06:53.459 --> 01:07:00.901
So that's, rather than belabor this point, just this is the team from the Salk Institute back in the day.

01:07:00.961 --> 01:07:02.141
That's Inder Verma there.

01:07:03.281 --> 01:07:07.302
Just to let you know, that's Mark Kindy who signed off on the invention disclosure.

01:07:08.843 --> 01:07:09.083
in 1988.

01:07:09.143 --> 01:07:12.887
I just wanted to, I see a thing in the chat there.

01:07:12.927 --> 01:07:16.690
Why was McCullough preaching early treatment for something imaginary?

01:07:16.750 --> 01:07:24.817
Now, I just want to make the argument that we have to leave, we have to leave space for people like me.

01:07:26.218 --> 01:07:30.222
Peter McCullough was influenced by people like me, who in 2020

01:07:31.997 --> 01:07:38.161
as a faculty member of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine was absolutely convinced that they were covering up a lab leak.

01:07:40.022 --> 01:07:45.185
I mean, I was convinced to my toenails and that I needed to tell people about this.

01:07:45.245 --> 01:07:47.386
And that meant, you know, this is a pretty serious thing.

01:07:48.247 --> 01:07:49.928
You need to consider what's going on here.

01:07:49.988 --> 01:07:51.129
You need to be very careful.

01:07:52.249 --> 01:07:53.150
Think carefully.

01:07:55.100 --> 01:08:05.742
before there was any talk of transfection, before there was any, you know, talk about how long these lockdowns might be or that they might lock down the next school year or whatever, I was thinking lab leak.

01:08:07.042 --> 01:08:19.845
And so there's no reason on earth why, with the help of James Lyons Wyler and, and, and Dan Sirotkin and his dad, and a few other bloggers that were going bananas, that there wouldn't be this general

01:08:21.650 --> 01:08:26.453
place on the internet for people to understand that the worst case scenario is really bad.

01:08:27.654 --> 01:08:33.857
Like, maybe you don't want to get this yet, because the one that comes out of the laboratory might be really nasty.

01:08:33.897 --> 01:08:35.278
Maybe you should wait for a while.

01:08:36.479 --> 01:08:40.081
They scared people into thinking that you might want to wait a while.

01:08:42.662 --> 01:08:43.443
And I helped.

01:08:44.457 --> 01:08:47.419
I believed it with all my heart and soul.

01:08:47.600 --> 01:08:51.323
I thought I was solving the problem in direct messaging on Twitter.

01:08:51.843 --> 01:09:00.370
I thought Drastic was a motley crew of heroes from all over the world that had all come to the conclusion that we needed to work together to solve this mystery.

01:09:02.752 --> 01:09:04.653
I was hook, line, and sinker in.

01:09:09.417 --> 01:09:13.500
And so Peter McCullough could have been hook, line, and sinker in too, and still here.

01:09:15.779 --> 01:09:17.240
Hook, line, and sinker in.

01:09:18.040 --> 01:09:25.064
And now they're setting the hook even deeper with this flattery and this, wow, you're so smart and I'm such an honor.

01:09:26.926 --> 01:09:28.486
How many times have I heard that?

01:09:31.008 --> 01:09:32.329
Such an honor to meet you.

01:09:32.469 --> 01:09:34.370
Oh my gosh, I've learned so much from you.

01:09:35.939 --> 01:09:47.105
If I made a list of the people that have said that to my face, but then gone on never to tweet, never to promote, never to do a sub stack, never to take my ideas and just say, you know, these are great.

01:09:48.005 --> 01:09:48.386

01:09:49.486 --> 01:09:50.527
The list is long.

01:09:55.990 --> 01:10:00.212
It's an operation, ladies and gentlemen, and they're witting and unwitting participants, but in the end.

01:10:01.550 --> 01:10:07.276
The people that we are left with in 2024 going into 2025 are winning participants.

01:10:07.396 --> 01:10:09.518
They know they are part of an operation.

01:10:09.558 --> 01:10:13.903
They don't know, have to know how bad it is because a lot of times these operations operate like that.

01:10:14.483 --> 01:10:15.805
Don't ask any questions.

01:10:15.865 --> 01:10:17.366
Just accept the money and fame.

01:10:18.688 --> 01:10:19.929
It's pretty easy life, right?

01:10:19.969 --> 01:10:20.750
Then shut up.

01:10:24.983 --> 01:10:25.483

01:10:26.403 --> 01:10:30.144
This is me laying out the whole technology profile at Vykal.

01:10:30.665 --> 01:10:32.005
This is the team that I work with.

01:10:32.025 --> 01:10:38.547
Yuri was just on a podcast with a guy that Brett had a fake argument with last year.

01:10:39.347 --> 01:10:53.431
So a podcaster who was trying to launch a podcast and trying to be kind of controversially contradictory or critical of the way Brett Weinstein talks about things

01:10:54.717 --> 01:11:04.121
And Bret Weinstein actually took this guy's criticism seriously enough to stage a debate with him on the Dark Horse podcast.

01:11:04.581 --> 01:11:07.402
And now that guy's podcast just had Yuri on.

01:11:08.162 --> 01:11:18.406
Nevermind that Yuri was on Bret Weinstein's podcast in 2020 before I knew who Bret Weinstein was, before Piper Stover ever connected me to Bret Weinstein.

01:11:19.619 --> 01:11:23.642
the drastic guy was already on Bret Weinstein's podcast.

01:11:23.782 --> 01:11:29.827
Now the drastic guy is on a podcast that had a fake fight with Bret Weinstein about a year ago.

01:11:31.448 --> 01:11:33.490
It is a hamster wheel.

01:11:33.570 --> 01:11:36.612
That's why the same bullshit comes up again.

01:11:37.713 --> 01:11:43.898
That's why when you grab onto the bars and you pull down and spin, eventually you come back to the same bar.

01:11:46.397 --> 01:11:50.658
covered in the same crap but, you know, slightly different because it went around once.

01:11:55.799 --> 01:12:08.981
This is my team at UC Davis that carried on and was responsible for the fundamental patents on mucosal polynucleotide vaccination to elicit IGA.

01:12:09.061 --> 01:12:09.341

01:12:10.662 --> 01:12:11.262
What a concept.

01:12:14.321 --> 01:12:23.187
And so if you were listening and you understood what he was talking about, this was the debate about whether mucosal immunity was important for a respiratory disease.

01:12:23.267 --> 01:12:36.836
Again, it's another detail, another hamster wheel detail that we ran around in for a few months, that I did lots of streams about trying to teach the difference and why IGA antibodies might be more important.

01:12:36.856 --> 01:12:40.579
Now I'm not saying that this biology isn't interesting or isn't real.

01:12:42.793 --> 01:12:58.981
But when you argue about whether or not mucosal immunity or humoral immunity is important for COVID-19, you have solved their mystery and accepted their monsters.

01:13:02.062 --> 01:13:03.743
So getting into the politics a little bit more.

01:13:04.634 --> 01:13:09.976
In public policy, this is a series of positions that I've worked up with Peter Navarro.

01:13:10.136 --> 01:13:14.478
You may recall Peter was in the Bush, oh, sorry, excuse me, Trump administration.

01:13:16.199 --> 01:13:22.541
Vaccines for elders, morbidly obese, and other high risk individuals.

01:13:22.601 --> 01:13:27.203
That sounds like people who would be a pain in the ass for Medicare and Medicaid.

01:13:28.323 --> 01:13:28.723
Doesn't it?

01:13:31.785 --> 01:13:32.265

01:13:34.795 --> 01:13:50.402
convenient, right, that this guy with all of his, you know, experience and all these doctors with all their experience, they have no idea that there was a increase in all cause mortality that was going to double or triple the amount of old people that would be dying every year at a certain point.

01:13:51.622 --> 01:13:56.084
And if we weren't careful, it could bankrupt many, many Western countries.

01:13:56.144 --> 01:13:57.545
So interesting.

01:13:57.825 --> 01:14:01.647
So, so interesting that they all are unaware of that.

01:14:01.727 --> 01:14:01.947

01:14:03.508 --> 01:14:03.648

01:14:04.850 --> 01:14:08.652
And I've had the pleasure of interacting with him.

01:14:08.692 --> 01:14:12.573
We put out two op-eds, the first one in the Washington Times.

01:14:13.274 --> 01:14:30.841
Peter Navarro, of course, being one of the guys that was supposedly in the meeting with Jared Kushner and Rick Bright and Janet Woodcock, where they decided what they were going to do with Remdesivir and with hydroxychloroquine and all these other things.

01:14:32.416 --> 01:14:42.485
how they were going to use EUAs for them to make it hard for people to use these drugs and how that was a really big deal because they were trying to prevent people from using early treatments.

01:14:43.486 --> 01:14:48.050
It was of course fact-checked by Facebook and so the Washington Times got quite upset about that.

01:14:48.470 --> 01:14:58.659
I spent a day writing the retort and documenting all the things and they sent it in to the fact-checkers and Facebook and Facebook basically said we don't care what you say.

01:14:59.539 --> 01:15:01.421
We don't care what facts you document.

01:15:02.201 --> 01:15:03.462
You're still on the blacklist.

01:15:04.183 --> 01:15:05.564
So that's how it works with these guys.

01:15:05.584 --> 01:15:06.885
This is not about facts.

01:15:06.965 --> 01:15:08.305
This is about the narrative.

01:15:08.366 --> 01:15:09.086
They don't care.

01:15:09.146 --> 01:15:10.827
You can document that they've got it wrong.

01:15:11.187 --> 01:15:12.108
They don't care.

01:15:12.148 --> 01:15:12.528
They won't.

01:15:12.688 --> 01:15:19.954
So this, you know, minding his own business, horse breeder, emu breeder, farmer, wannabe homesteader,

01:15:20.774 --> 01:15:24.498
working hard with his hands in the dirt every day, out in the rain.

01:15:26.119 --> 01:15:32.085
This guy, despite that very lowly existence, has decided to try to save the world.

01:15:32.146 --> 01:15:34.928
And first he tried to do it on Facebook, but they censored him.

01:15:34.968 --> 01:15:36.950
And so it only got on all those websites.

01:15:37.991 --> 01:15:45.978
Um, and then, uh, yeah, he decided to start running international COVID summits and who knows where all the money comes from, but it's good.

01:15:46.038 --> 01:15:46.478
It's cool.

01:15:46.538 --> 01:15:53.083
We don't need to promote, we don't need to tell you where all this money comes from or who's paying for us because we have some lateral flow tests and that kind of stuff.

01:15:53.143 --> 01:15:53.804
It's, it's cool.

01:15:54.384 --> 01:15:54.765
It's cool.

01:15:54.805 --> 01:15:55.886
There's a pandemic, right?

01:15:56.046 --> 01:15:57.767
I mean, everybody's got to get some.

01:15:58.167 --> 01:15:58.968
Changed the story.

01:15:59.388 --> 01:16:01.270
I had the same experience with Atlantic Monthly.

01:16:02.546 --> 01:16:06.290
So our recommendations for policy are based on a four-pronged approach.

01:16:06.451 --> 01:16:10.115
Vaccines for the elderly, morbidly obese, and other high-risk individuals.

01:16:10.175 --> 01:16:11.556
Now, which vaccine?

01:16:11.576 --> 01:16:12.477
That's a good question.

01:16:12.537 --> 01:16:13.979
And which are the ones that are most safe?

01:16:14.019 --> 01:16:15.261
And are these the best right now?

01:16:15.861 --> 01:16:19.445
And I think that is an interesting question that I don't have time to go into.

01:16:20.406 --> 01:16:33.074
An interesting question that he doesn't have time to go into in September of 2021, where there might be a pretty significant portion of Americans college kids that aren't yet vaccinated because they haven't been coerced.

01:16:34.034 --> 01:16:34.715
But it was coming.

01:16:35.655 --> 01:16:36.736
I guess this is October.

01:16:36.776 --> 01:16:38.577
They're being coerced right then, right then.

01:16:41.198 --> 01:16:44.080
Ladies and gentlemen, please see it for what it is.

01:16:44.320 --> 01:16:46.942
This guy was not trying to warn us about anything.

01:16:49.042 --> 01:16:52.863
This guy was not trying to warn us about anything.

01:16:53.823 --> 01:16:54.183

01:16:54.383 --> 01:16:55.783
Listen carefully to what he just said.

01:16:55.803 --> 01:16:58.284
I think that we need to monitor the safety data and may need to adjust.

01:16:58.984 --> 01:17:02.745
So, our recommendations for policy are based on a four-pronged approach.

01:17:02.885 --> 01:17:06.546
Vaccines for the elderly, morbidly obese, and other high-risk individuals.

01:17:06.626 --> 01:17:07.986
Now, which vaccine?

01:17:08.006 --> 01:17:08.926
That's a good question.

01:17:08.986 --> 01:17:10.407
And which are the ones that are most safe?

01:17:10.467 --> 01:17:11.707
And are these the best right now?

01:17:12.287 --> 01:17:15.868
And I think that is an interesting question that I don't have time to go into.

01:17:16.468 --> 01:17:25.772
Now, at this time in October of 2021, I actually amended the review that I put out in May of 2021.

01:17:28.253 --> 01:17:39.177
And in that amendment, I stated that a lot of it was kind of, you know, wrong that we just need to stop because these are going to cause autoimmunity and the whole idea of transfection is dumb.

01:17:41.235 --> 01:17:54.369
Still wrong, but much better than it was in May when I was still fully on board with Geert van den Bosch's idea and Luigi Warren's idea that, you know, the Marek's disease and chickens is going to be just like COVID.

01:17:54.390 --> 01:18:00.096
COVID is going to get worse and worse because it's a leaky vaccine, just like Marek's disease and chickens.

01:18:03.820 --> 01:18:12.402
That's where I was at that stage before this part of 2021, when actually in 2021 in October was when my contract officially ended.

01:18:12.442 --> 01:18:19.124
This is October of 2021 is when I really went started on fumes and I have been running on fumes ever since.

01:18:20.265 --> 01:18:26.747
Before October of 2021, I still had a contract with Pitt, even though they weren't letting me come in, they paid out the contract.

01:18:26.787 --> 01:18:31.768
So essentially they could say I wasn't fired and I wouldn't get

01:18:33.173 --> 01:18:34.595

01:18:35.857 --> 01:18:39.461
And so that's, that was one good time there in 2021.

01:18:39.521 --> 01:18:45.389
But it got scary in October, because that's when we went full on and just tried to do it on our own.

01:18:45.469 --> 01:18:47.852
But then again, remember, in January of 2022,

01:18:49.942 --> 01:18:51.243
Rixey would come to my house.

01:18:52.403 --> 01:19:01.467
And then in April of 2022, Senator Ron Johnson would call me and say that Robert Malone recommended my stream and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

01:19:01.507 --> 01:19:06.149
would call me and say that that Robert Malone recommended my stream and actually also hire me.

01:19:06.649 --> 01:19:13.572
So there was only going to be a few months here where we would be struggling and pretty unsure of ourselves.

01:19:13.592 --> 01:19:16.913
And then in 2022, I would already think that, oh, my gosh, we're about to win.

01:19:18.723 --> 01:19:21.645
And now we're at the end of 2024 and we're running on fumes again.

01:19:22.105 --> 01:19:27.409
So it's a very interesting little place that really a little weird, strange trip it's been.

01:19:28.129 --> 01:19:33.973
I think that we need to monitor the safety data and may need to adjust that logic as new data arrives.

01:19:34.253 --> 01:19:37.896
Early interventions with supplements, we've heard great examples of those supplements.

01:19:39.376 --> 01:19:40.037
ready access.

01:19:40.697 --> 01:19:42.658
Great examples of those supplements.

01:19:42.718 --> 01:19:55.123
The doctor before the doctor that came up named Ryan Cole was named Erso and he put a list of supplements and list of drugs that he said with this list you can pretty much treat every disease.

01:19:56.670 --> 01:20:05.073
to self-diagnostics, knowing that they will be high false positive rates, and you can do secondary tests, as we did with AIDS, as we do with everything.

01:20:05.953 --> 01:20:08.494
Oh, so it's just like AIDS and everything else.

01:20:08.594 --> 01:20:11.895
Some tests are kind of shitty, and other tests are better.

01:20:11.995 --> 01:20:13.635
This sounds a lot like Crair Craig.

01:20:13.995 --> 01:20:17.096
If you pay enough money, you can get the specificity you need.

01:20:17.116 --> 01:20:18.577
But none of these things are perfect.

01:20:18.957 --> 01:20:24.659
You know, it's like thinking you're going to get the perfect meal at a fast food restaurant, despite the fact that it's cheap and fast.

01:20:24.699 --> 01:20:25.559
That's ridiculous.

01:20:27.847 --> 01:20:40.657
He's not questioning the narrative in front of an audience of people that has what we would hope would be the technical level of expertise and understanding of basic biology to be told what the narrative is.

01:20:44.360 --> 01:20:46.101
You need to see this for what it is.

01:20:46.161 --> 01:20:50.564
This is a direct admission that we were never being saved by this guy.

01:20:52.366 --> 01:20:57.610
This isn't even the same message that he gave months before this on the Brett Weinstein podcast.

01:21:00.407 --> 01:21:03.609
He's not even gonna talk about the vaccines here.

01:21:06.231 --> 01:21:11.295
Ryan Cole wants autopsies from COVID and from the vaccines.

01:21:11.335 --> 01:21:17.819
Where's the billions of dollars invested in the COVID autopsies?

01:21:18.600 --> 01:21:19.941
What are we doing, he says?

01:21:20.401 --> 01:21:23.043
How can we understand something if we don't look for it?

01:21:26.263 --> 01:21:32.087
Delta is real is something that COVID, that Dr. Ryan Cole said then.

01:21:38.971 --> 01:21:45.516
Set the initial screening tests for high pulse positives and then do confirmatory tests that are more specific, duh.

01:21:46.456 --> 01:21:48.898
You know, I was trained in pathology a little bit, but not as.

01:21:49.258 --> 01:21:51.640
Duh, he says duh.

01:21:55.902 --> 01:21:57.362
as well as some.

01:21:58.363 --> 01:22:01.703
Apps and other tools for self-assessment of true risk of severe disease and death.

01:22:02.144 --> 01:22:11.286
What has amazed me is how effective the press and the HHS monster has been in promoting the idea of fear.

01:22:11.686 --> 01:22:12.606
How much fear?

01:22:12.686 --> 01:22:20.408
I mean the recent survey that something like a large fraction of the population believes that their probability if they get... Do you hear it now?

01:22:22.196 --> 01:22:23.657
He's telling you there's fear.

01:22:24.337 --> 01:22:26.178
He's telling you people are afraid.

01:22:26.998 --> 01:22:30.040
He's telling you people are promoting the fear, but it's not him.

01:22:30.780 --> 01:22:34.262
Nothing that he or any of these other people are saying is fearful.

01:22:34.282 --> 01:22:36.503
It doesn't make anybody afraid.

01:22:36.663 --> 01:22:39.524
It's HHS that's making people afraid.

01:22:44.670 --> 01:22:47.792
get infected of going to the hospital or dying is something like 40 to 50%.

01:22:47.992 --> 01:22:50.054
This is crazy talk.

01:22:50.374 --> 01:23:00.842
We all know that except for that high risk group, the probability of your patients going to the hospital, having severe disease or dying is a fraction of a fraction of percent and even lower for the children.

01:23:01.482 --> 01:23:22.459
Okay so it's all clustered in certain age groups and high risk cohorts and the rest of us are just getting scared to death by the news press and it serves their interest and sells newspapers I guess and maybe other things but we advocate for apps and other tools for self-assessment of risk.

01:23:27.147 --> 01:23:30.269
So why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?

01:23:30.349 --> 01:23:31.649
I'm not gonna belabor this.

01:23:31.749 --> 01:23:53.537
This is a already converted audience for the most part, but this is a fascinating recent paper if you haven't seen it right now because it goes into a deep analysis of what the true morbidity and mortality is here from the VAERS system as corrected for known VAERS underreporting.

01:23:54.077 --> 01:24:22.994
And you may have seen the recent video out that is based on the data coming from CMMS and I've known of numerous other groups including Dr. Breidel and his group and Steve Kirsch that are diving into the CMMS data and it's consistent with these projections based on the inadequate VAERS system.

01:24:24.992 --> 01:24:29.333
Inadequate VAERS system is part of the same EpiGirl operation.

01:24:30.373 --> 01:24:50.958
EpiGirl and Kevin McKernan and Matt Crawford and Jessica Rose, that's EpiGirl, Mark Giraudeau, Peter McCullough, John Bodwin were all part of the steering committee and Stephanie Seneff.

01:24:52.149 --> 01:25:00.777
We're all part of the steering committee of Steve Kirsch, which I think was just a group of people that bamboozled the members that didn't understand what was going on there.

01:25:01.458 --> 01:25:02.499
And that would include me.

01:25:03.788 --> 01:25:22.906
And maybe John Baldwin and if and not very many others because I do think that Kevin McKernan and likely Steve Kirsch likely Jessica Rose and likely Stephanie Seneff are all read in they know that they are part of this illusion of consensus about the existence of the virus and prions and amyloidosis and and

01:25:23.366 --> 01:25:25.386
and all these things being super important.

01:25:25.406 --> 01:25:33.048
And that's why after all these years of pseudo crusading against glyphosate, you know, SNF doesn't say anything about that anymore.

01:25:33.088 --> 01:25:49.791
There's nothing is really that, that urgent, you know, if you were, if you were somebody who'd been crusading against something as malevolent as the childhood vaccine schedule in earnest for years already, you would be angry and done and frustrated, or you would have quit and stepped away.

01:25:51.972 --> 01:26:10.797
Anybody that's still in it and smiling into the camera and saying, here we go for health freedom another day, welcome, and plays a chicken noise and exciting music without ever getting upset or being sad or expressing any emotion or saying that it's an emergency is full of it.

01:26:13.278 --> 01:26:18.299
The people that are in the original Vax movie that you don't see anymore, those people were fighting.

01:26:21.533 --> 01:26:28.260
And they realized several years ago that the fight was in vain because the people that were leading the fight were not really fighting for them.

01:26:28.980 --> 01:26:32.664
That they'd been used or that their time in the spotlight was all they were going to get.

01:26:34.406 --> 01:26:39.410
There are some really hardcore people in the original Vax movie that you don't see anymore at all.

01:26:40.532 --> 01:26:40.752

01:26:42.441 --> 01:26:46.845
And if you watch that movie again, and I urge you to do it, watch the original Vaxxed again.

01:26:47.185 --> 01:26:49.267
See where those people, find those people.

01:26:49.347 --> 01:26:53.250
Why aren't those people still the ones that are leading this charge?

01:26:53.290 --> 01:26:57.314
The reason why is because the system didn't want real heroes.

01:27:01.127 --> 01:27:04.988
The mythology cannot be controlled and curated by real heroes.

01:27:05.048 --> 01:27:15.590
It must be controlled and curated by acolytes who understand exactly where the limits of that spectrum of debate are and how to dance along them.

01:27:17.750 --> 01:27:21.110
That's the art that these people are engaged in.

01:27:21.170 --> 01:27:24.811
That's the magic trick.

01:27:26.351 --> 01:27:27.752
They know how to talk around it.

01:27:28.172 --> 01:27:29.672
They know how to think around it.

01:27:31.317 --> 01:27:35.521
And they know the concepts that can be used to disguise it.

01:27:35.541 --> 01:27:39.604
They know how to put a funny tablecloth over the table so you can't see what's under the table.

01:27:40.765 --> 01:27:52.316
They know how to distract you from what's under the table by putting interesting things on the table, or playing interesting music, or playing interesting scents in the room, when all the while the important stuff is under the table.

01:27:52.970 --> 01:27:59.814
And then you have people on the other side of the table who are also in on it, who also help by saying, oh, wow, look at these flowers.

01:27:59.914 --> 01:28:01.174
Or isn't that a nice smell?

01:28:01.214 --> 01:28:02.295
Or what are you guys baking?

01:28:06.237 --> 01:28:09.919
And people like Robert Malone are recruiting people.

01:28:10.359 --> 01:28:13.141
Maybe even just these people are already recruited.

01:28:13.161 --> 01:28:20.585
And you're seeing the operation in its fledgling stages before it had ever developed and sharpened into what it is now.

01:28:22.210 --> 01:28:25.051
And that's why, in retrospect, it's so easy to see through it.

01:28:27.992 --> 01:28:28.832
Moving forward.

01:28:30.272 --> 01:28:38.695
Oh, this is, I really don't like to leave people in talks without hope.

01:28:40.225 --> 01:28:41.926
and without something forward-looking.

01:28:42.686 --> 01:28:49.710
And this particular couple of slides also serves my personal purpose since I'm labeled as an anti-vaxxer.

01:28:50.330 --> 01:28:51.811
I just haven't been able to disclose.

01:28:52.291 --> 01:28:58.495
A well-characterized adjuvant system composed of alum and CPG.

01:28:58.775 --> 01:28:59.956
Okay, right on.

01:29:00.276 --> 01:29:00.576

01:29:02.534 --> 01:29:10.200
You may or may not be aware that I've been at the forefront of advancing the combination of high-dose famonidine and celicoxib as a treatment.

01:29:10.260 --> 01:29:16.904
We have three studies, large, randomized, adequately powered clinical trials, quite sophisticated about to begin, one in India,

01:29:17.885 --> 01:29:28.454
One is an inpatient study here in the United States, and the other one is a sophisticated virtual outpatient trial here in the United States with multiple sites.

01:29:28.494 --> 01:29:33.619
I think we're still looking for site networks, and we're still looking for at least one more hospital for the inpatient group.

01:29:33.679 --> 01:29:39.103
And then it's also being done in parallel inpatient in India, with high-dose Fomodanine and Celecoxib.

01:29:39.123 --> 01:29:40.445
All those studies are about to start.

01:29:40.505 --> 01:29:40.885
The U.S.

01:29:40.905 --> 01:29:44.088
studies are funded by Department of Defense.

01:29:44.708 --> 01:30:03.633
Okay, so this is not a crazy marginal group that is just doing... So in some ways, you could see that just his participation in those studies, just those being an advisor on those things, being around those things would mean that he's taken money from the existence of COVID.

01:30:04.571 --> 01:30:13.034
from the existence of the pandemic, from the potential for more pandemics, from the existence of the gain of function mythology, he's taking a direct profit.

01:30:13.534 --> 01:30:27.380
And so is Ryan Cole, so is McKernan, so is Philip Buckhalter, so are all these people, just maybe not from the vaccine, maybe not from transfection or transformation, because it's my patent, but these guys don't give me any money or credit.

01:30:29.240 --> 01:30:30.661
So he's getting it other ways.

01:30:32.557 --> 01:30:33.759
And it's the same spigot.

01:30:34.079 --> 01:30:36.642
It's not a spigot where a few thousand dollars come out of.

01:30:37.403 --> 01:30:39.786
We are talking about world health money.

01:30:40.467 --> 01:30:41.348

01:30:41.428 --> 01:30:41.729

01:30:43.311 --> 01:30:44.412
That's the good kind of money.

01:30:45.013 --> 01:30:46.375
I need to get me some D.O.D.

01:30:46.415 --> 01:30:46.675

01:30:48.798 --> 01:30:50.079
Whack-a-doodle right wing science.

01:30:51.246 --> 01:30:57.910
In addition, I've been supporting a company, I just haven't been able to talk about it, called Reliance and Reliance Healthcare.

01:30:57.990 --> 01:31:03.794
Reliance happens to be the largest commercial conglomerate in India, run by one of the wealthiest men in the world.

01:31:04.374 --> 01:31:05.955
And I work for him.

01:31:06.056 --> 01:31:19.024
I'm proud to work for one of the wealthiest men in the world, one of the largest companies in the world, but I, you know, I'm just a horse breeder and an emu guy who would rather be home on his farm, you know,

01:31:20.205 --> 01:31:21.125
doing that stuff.

01:31:23.686 --> 01:31:34.548
They have a fund that they're obligated from the Indian government to set up it's like tithing of about a billion dollars currently and they're very focused on building a vaccine for the poor.

01:31:35.228 --> 01:31:44.290
There's about you know something like a billion poor in India and to vaccinate all those is going to require a product that has a very low price point is very safe because the Indian

01:31:44.990 --> 01:31:54.985
government is quite sensitized to vaccine safety consequent to prior experiences with the company Merck and the philanthropic organization Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

01:31:56.736 --> 01:32:10.463
And so Mr. Ambani and Reliance has launched quite a while ago, about a year ago, a very rigorous development path for a traditional vaccine.

01:32:10.723 --> 01:32:12.544
I know people have talked about Novavax.

01:32:12.584 --> 01:32:13.545
I'm not here to pump it.

01:32:13.985 --> 01:32:16.366
I just want the public to be aware.

01:32:16.946 --> 01:32:24.030
I haven't been talking about my vaccine work because I've been bound through confidentiality with my client, Reliance.

01:32:24.710 --> 01:32:26.772
But that's now disclosed.

01:32:26.832 --> 01:32:31.515
I presented this a couple weeks ago at a major international vaccine conference.

01:32:31.895 --> 01:32:34.057
So this is a traditional product.

01:32:35.078 --> 01:32:45.025
It combines two different proteins, the receptor-binding domain of spike, not the whole spike, and the nucleocapsid, a well-characterized adjuvant system composed of alum and CPG.

01:32:45.666 --> 01:32:49.709
And it has been rigorously assessed in terms

01:32:49.969 --> 01:32:51.571
Hey, Mark, good to see you in the chat.

01:32:51.611 --> 01:33:04.205
Did you see the part earlier where we heard Robert Malone say that while he was in Italy, he also met with Cardinal Turksman or something like that and discussed the strategy that he's about to explain with the Vatican as well?

01:33:04.805 --> 01:33:05.847
It's a really great clip.

01:33:05.887 --> 01:33:06.768
I thought you might like it.

01:33:07.895 --> 01:33:12.739
terms of preclinical toxicology and like the RNA vaccines and the adenovirus vaccine.

01:33:14.520 --> 01:33:17.562
The non-clinical safety data are very encouraging.

01:33:18.483 --> 01:33:31.393
The animal studies are currently in progress and we have clearance to begin a three arm dose escalation safety and immunogenicity study that should be starting in the next few weeks in India.

01:33:31.733 --> 01:33:32.193
Yeah he did.

01:33:32.233 --> 01:33:38.157
So there is another product and Reliance is very interested in bringing that product into the United States as well.

01:33:38.177 --> 01:33:40.879
He said alum, which might not be aluminum.

01:33:41.119 --> 01:33:43.120
A-L-U-M adjuvant.

01:33:43.140 --> 01:33:45.662
So I don't know if that's, it could be something else.

01:33:45.862 --> 01:33:46.983
It could be like the plant.

01:33:47.123 --> 01:33:47.543
I don't know.

01:33:47.563 --> 01:33:48.844
It's Latin America.

01:33:51.482 --> 01:33:53.924
And looking for partners on that.

01:33:54.344 --> 01:34:01.768
I'd like to close with a noble lie So this is something I've I've I've Advanced he's gonna close.

01:34:01.928 --> 01:34:03.589
It's now entered the poppy.

01:34:03.729 --> 01:34:05.130
He's not gonna say anything else.

01:34:05.170 --> 01:34:06.571
Do you understand what this is?

01:34:06.651 --> 01:34:09.353
This is him saying that these guys already covered everything.

01:34:09.413 --> 01:34:10.713
These guys are actually great.

01:34:10.774 --> 01:34:16.437
I don't need my work is oh My gosh, my work is done here.

01:34:16.457 --> 01:34:16.477

01:34:17.662 --> 01:34:22.048
Dr. Erso and Dr. Cole and the magnificent Dr. McCullough.

01:34:22.669 --> 01:34:25.332
These guys basically hit all the notes.

01:34:26.354 --> 01:34:32.342
So he's only got to talk for like 15 minutes and he's going to end with the noble lie.

01:34:37.050 --> 01:34:51.080
I was fascinated to hear the governor of Florida the other day talking about the noble lie and how he believes strongly that the noble lie should not be used in public health.

01:34:52.121 --> 01:34:53.662
What I wanted to bring to your attention

01:34:55.060 --> 01:35:02.102
is these five elements of the noble lie that we've seen rolled out by health and human service leadership, including Mr. Fauci.

01:35:03.162 --> 01:35:06.903
And it really underpins what we have been experiencing.

01:35:07.084 --> 01:35:08.924
The noble lie includes these five elements.

01:35:08.984 --> 01:35:10.164
Herd immunity is required.

01:35:10.344 --> 01:35:20.888
Here is him using a slide to outline exactly what he thinks are the most important things that have been lied about in the pandemic.

01:35:20.928 --> 01:35:22.308
And you will not find murder,

01:35:23.527 --> 01:35:26.349
You will not find the opioid epidemic.

01:35:26.429 --> 01:35:29.091
You will not find the population pyramid.

01:35:29.812 --> 01:35:31.613
You will not find ventilation.

01:35:32.534 --> 01:35:35.116
You will not find supplementary oxygen.

01:35:40.080 --> 01:35:40.460

01:35:40.500 --> 01:35:42.041
You will find herd immunity.

01:35:42.912 --> 01:35:46.273
You will find vaccines are not the only route to herd immunity.

01:35:46.753 --> 01:35:49.654
COVID-19 vaccines aren't perfectly safe.

01:35:50.455 --> 01:35:53.916
COVID-19 vaccines provide protective, durable immunity.

01:35:54.256 --> 01:35:56.277
Is that really a question that we care about?

01:35:56.757 --> 01:35:58.058
No, of course it's not.

01:35:58.658 --> 01:36:03.920
But all of these questions don't usefully question the existence of the trap in the first place.

01:36:03.980 --> 01:36:04.920
They accept it.

01:36:05.380 --> 01:36:06.060
We're stuck.

01:36:06.681 --> 01:36:08.241
We're stuck with this COVID thing.

01:36:09.262 --> 01:36:09.562

01:36:10.766 --> 01:36:11.407

01:36:12.108 --> 01:36:12.949

01:36:14.751 --> 01:36:18.074
The noble lie is that RNA can pandemic.

01:36:18.515 --> 01:36:24.021
The noble lie is that intramuscular injection is a useful way to give medicine to healthy people.

01:36:25.503 --> 01:36:28.406
The noble lie is that we didn't expect these people to die.

01:36:30.492 --> 01:36:34.334
We meant to save them, but we couldn't because there was a novel virus.

01:36:35.374 --> 01:36:36.935
That's the noble lie.

01:36:37.555 --> 01:36:42.357
The noble lie is that AIDS was a epidemic in the gay men.

01:36:43.558 --> 01:36:47.159
The noble lie is none of this.

01:36:49.460 --> 01:36:55.923
And you're never gonna figure it out if you think that Robert Malone is part of the Calvary riding in to save you on white horses.

01:37:00.529 --> 01:37:05.437
And what I'm concerned about is, is that maybe somebody like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

01:37:05.477 --> 01:37:10.465
has been erroneously convinced that these people are heroes.

01:37:13.649 --> 01:37:30.738
while their intention all along was to just use him to infiltrate this other side, to convert the libertarian movement in America, the independent movement in America that's largely conservative and convert them to follow Trump in a way that is different or weird or with an end around.

01:37:30.758 --> 01:37:31.959
I don't know, I don't wanna.

01:37:33.086 --> 01:37:50.131
I don't want to spend too much energy on that other than to know that something very shady is happening and the evidence for it is still available on the internet if you can waste your time enough on the internet to watch a movie or two and just not let the algorithm pick it for you.

01:37:51.932 --> 01:38:02.635
But put in a few search terms that get you to this time when these people were saying this stuff and realize that only people who were told to say it would say it.

01:38:04.372 --> 01:38:13.477
and only people that were being recruited to assist with saying it would be complimented like Robert Malone just complimented Peter McCullough when he walked in.

01:38:17.179 --> 01:38:20.761
Only people that were in on this would be invited to the Vatican?

01:38:22.042 --> 01:38:27.485
Why would Robert Malone, a lowly horse farmer and emu breeder,

01:38:29.389 --> 01:38:36.815
be coordinating an international summit in Rome and also be meeting with someone at the Vatican, a cardinal at the Vatican.

01:38:36.875 --> 01:38:42.099
How in the world, why in the world would Robert Malone be briefing him on that stuff?

01:38:48.925 --> 01:38:55.110
It is just too ridiculous at this point to think that all of these videos are freely available on the internet and is only

01:38:56.704 --> 01:39:05.048
The only requirement for understanding is to orient yourself in the right direction and then ask the right questions and all the answers will just go pow.

01:39:05.829 --> 01:39:06.709
They just appear.

01:39:08.010 --> 01:39:14.774
Because once you ask the right questions, then all these things that don't seem to be lined up, you know, they're just all weirdly organized.

01:39:14.834 --> 01:39:16.555
Whoops, there they are all lined up.

01:39:16.855 --> 01:39:17.175

01:39:18.561 --> 01:39:23.424
And so social media gets all these things to be twisted around and you think, wow, we're gonna solve it.

01:39:23.444 --> 01:39:25.526
But none of these things really fit together at all.

01:39:25.566 --> 01:39:27.127
They don't seem to work.

01:39:27.167 --> 01:39:28.868
They're like mirror images of each other.

01:39:28.888 --> 01:39:29.909
Oops, there it is.

01:39:33.131 --> 01:39:38.835
And that's kind of what the slide is in the beginning where they have the cylinder and then it's being shown a light from two different directions.

01:39:38.895 --> 01:39:43.759
In one way it looks like a circle and the other way it looks like a square, but the truth is it's a cylinder.

01:39:48.376 --> 01:40:08.597
Virology, immunology, and genetics in biology have all been treated and used against us in that way so that we have a shadow of the truth in our mind and that shadow is not enough knowledge, not enough useful knowledge to really understand the implications of the shadow.

01:40:12.239 --> 01:40:37.125
And this guy is part of a group of people that I believe was put in place and is working to sustain those shadows as being the primary focus of our attention, instead of understanding that those shadows are produced by combinations of light on something else, which is essentially interpretations of biological data, biological observations and exaggerations

01:40:37.865 --> 01:40:42.651
of what those things mean and don't mean, exaggerations of what was accomplished and not accomplished.

01:40:43.112 --> 01:40:51.964
And some of the ways that those things are done is by giving Nobel Prizes to things that aren't actually discoveries, Nobel Prizes to things that aren't actually settled science.

01:40:54.417 --> 01:41:08.551
And we're fine, we're absolutely fine with accepting the fact that they give Nobel Peace Prizes out to people who don't deserve it, but it never crosses our mind that they might give out a Nobel Prize every once in a while to people and scientists and discoveries who don't deserve it.

01:41:11.734 --> 01:41:16.419
Like, you know, solving the folding, the protein folding problem.

01:41:19.691 --> 01:41:26.739
Nobody that got the Nobel Prize in 2014 thinks that they solved any problem.

01:41:26.899 --> 01:41:34.168
They didn't think that they now understand how space is encoded in the brain, or memories are encoded in the brain.

01:41:34.688 --> 01:41:38.653
None of those scientists, Moser, Moser, or O'Keefe think that.

01:41:39.906 --> 01:41:48.352
But curiously enough, the guys that got the Nobel Prize this year are happy to go on podcasts and say that, yeah, we solved the protein folding problem.

01:41:48.872 --> 01:41:49.973
Kind of, sort of, almost.

01:41:50.013 --> 01:41:53.595
Well, it's faster now than it was before, but kind of sort of done the same way anyway, whatever.

01:41:55.196 --> 01:41:56.037
That's where we are.

01:41:56.817 --> 01:41:57.978
Fake it until you make it.

01:41:59.279 --> 01:42:00.680
That's what everybody's doing now.

01:42:00.740 --> 01:42:01.820
That's what science is.

01:42:01.981 --> 01:42:04.482
That's what medicine is.

01:42:04.542 --> 01:42:05.003
That's what...

01:42:06.925 --> 01:42:07.506
It's awful.

01:42:07.926 --> 01:42:11.087
The noble lie is not on this slide.

01:42:11.147 --> 01:42:13.688
The noble lie is absolutely not on this slide.

01:42:14.128 --> 01:42:33.716
And in fact, what is on this slide should reveal Robert Malone as being part of this military psychological operation on the internet that was designed to round up any of the cats that might be skeptical, that won't listen to commands, that won't follow the whistles,

01:42:37.714 --> 01:42:41.797
And to get them in many little hamster wheels, little arguments as possible.

01:42:41.837 --> 01:42:43.337
You want to argue about there's no virus?

01:42:43.397 --> 01:42:43.678

01:42:43.698 --> 01:42:47.260
Here's some dudes to fight with and to fight for and to promote.

01:42:47.740 --> 01:42:50.802
You want to argue that the vaccine schedule in America is dangerous?

01:42:50.842 --> 01:42:56.365
Here's some people that will stand in front of you and get you to argue about that and all the adjuvants and stuff like that.

01:42:56.385 --> 01:42:57.306
You want to argue about

01:42:57.826 --> 01:43:00.988
PCR and statistics of overcycling.

01:43:01.028 --> 01:43:02.708
Here's some bunch of people who know all about that.

01:43:02.728 --> 01:43:07.891
You want to argue about the spike protein and amyloidosis, here's Stephanie Seneff.

01:43:07.931 --> 01:43:08.851
She'll be on your stream.

01:43:09.231 --> 01:43:11.332
Here's Mary the virologist.

01:43:11.352 --> 01:43:13.534
She'll go on Kevin McCarran's stream.

01:43:13.654 --> 01:43:15.995
Kevin McCarran will go talk about it on Vajon Health.

01:43:16.035 --> 01:43:17.836
Vajon Health will believe anything you tell them.

01:43:18.156 --> 01:43:23.118
You can also go on the Doc Malek podcast and say whatever you want to, because he's just all about health freedom.

01:43:23.558 --> 01:43:24.979
And so that's how this is done.

01:43:26.604 --> 01:43:28.546
It's a fire hose of these people.

01:43:30.909 --> 01:43:36.175
And they're all basically reading from the same bullshit script where herd immunity is important in 2021.

01:43:37.196 --> 01:43:38.657
Herd immunity.

01:43:39.078 --> 01:43:39.739
Stop lying.

01:43:43.737 --> 01:43:45.678
to enable economic and social recovery.

01:43:47.098 --> 01:43:49.800
Vaccines are the only route to achieving herd immunity.

01:43:50.680 --> 01:43:53.001
COVID-19 vaccines are perfectly safe.

01:43:53.701 --> 01:43:57.823
The COVID-19 vaccines provide durable protection and immunity.

01:43:58.610 --> 01:44:01.171
And natural immunity is short-lived, narrow, and ineffective.

01:44:01.592 --> 01:44:02.992
We all know these to be false.

01:44:03.072 --> 01:44:11.277
When I first started talking about this about four months ago, this is highly controversial, but it's now abundantly clear that these are all misrepresentations.

01:44:11.817 --> 01:44:12.938
Why would they do this?

01:44:13.078 --> 01:44:16.260
So this is a fascinating, particularly because of the date, 1984.

01:44:16.440 --> 01:44:19.161
This is from the Federal Register.

01:44:19.201 --> 01:44:24.584
The Federal Register basically is the logbook that captures federal policy and laws.

01:44:27.378 --> 01:44:44.718
And looking back on June 1, 1984, they published that any possible doubts whether or not well-founded about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure the vaccine will continue to be used with a maximum extent consistent with the nation's public health objectives.

01:44:45.279 --> 01:44:55.562
Accordingly, because of the importance of the vaccine and of maintaining public confidence in the immunization program that depends on it, good cause exists to issue these amendments as the final rule effective immediately.

01:44:55.962 --> 01:44:59.544
So this has been federal policy since the prior century.

01:45:00.704 --> 01:45:06.626
What we are experiencing now is the federal government and the world health community

01:45:07.537 --> 01:45:14.402
has the ability to enforce this through propaganda and information control like we have never seen it before.

01:45:15.403 --> 01:45:17.564
But don't be surprised that this is happening.

01:45:17.644 --> 01:45:19.626
They've told us that this is what they do.

01:45:19.686 --> 01:45:21.868
They've been doing it for a very long time.

01:45:22.448 --> 01:45:25.570
This is not a unique novel conspiracy.

01:45:25.630 --> 01:45:29.893
This has been the policy of our government for decades.

01:45:30.814 --> 01:45:35.257
It's just that now they have enormously powerful tools to reinforce it.

01:45:36.218 --> 01:45:38.921
And with that, I close, and thank you for your attention.

01:45:38.941 --> 01:45:39.721
I hope that was helpful.

01:45:41.983 --> 01:45:43.605
I mean, that's pretty extraordinary, right?

01:45:43.645 --> 01:45:45.407
There's not really a clear message there.

01:45:45.447 --> 01:45:47.288
He's not really trying to save anybody.

01:45:47.709 --> 01:45:53.254
I mean, you could give that talk for five years, and it sounds great, but it's not saying anything.

01:45:53.674 --> 01:45:58.258
And now, prior to questions, we have a special guest surprise.

01:45:59.659 --> 01:46:02.221
Fortunately she was able to be with us today.

01:46:02.641 --> 01:46:12.786
I think she's going to give you some information that's going to help you put all of the pieces together of the pandemic and everybody's response to it.

01:46:13.786 --> 01:46:16.308
We have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Li-Ming Yan.

01:46:17.088 --> 01:46:28.050
She's an MD from the seven-year program at the Xi'an, assuming I'm pronouncing that correctly, my apologies if I hadn't, Medical College, one of the top medical schools in China.

01:46:28.850 --> 01:46:34.771
She has a PhD in ophthalmology from China, from the Central Southern Medical University.

01:46:35.251 --> 01:46:37.972
She did post-doc fellowship with the WHO.

01:46:38.652 --> 01:46:43.373
She was in the H5 Reference Lab, the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong.

01:46:44.153 --> 01:46:52.961
Dr. Yan spent five years researching influenza vaccines, when in January 2020, she investigated Wuhan pneumonia.

01:46:54.342 --> 01:47:04.871
At that point, consequently, she had to escape Hong Kong in April 2020, and has been in the United States as an independent virologist, immunologist, and COVID-19 expert.

01:47:05.251 --> 01:47:07.493
The very courageous Dr. Li Mingyan,

01:47:10.954 --> 01:47:27.983
very courageous don't forget that we watched a video a long time ago where she's on stage and steve bannon also calls her courageous and she's rallying against something to do with you know the people's republican free china or something something something something and and and steve bannon gives her a hug

01:47:28.834 --> 01:47:34.016
There's a picture of her and Giuliani and Bannon and some Chinese guy all in the same room.

01:47:34.496 --> 01:47:47.301
It's hilarious that these cloak and dagger things went on in the background and yet five years later, we still haven't looked back and to see that we were played, that this was just one big sting.

01:47:48.922 --> 01:47:53.564
That's right, if you haven't seen the movie Sting, oh my gosh, I'm so excited that I remembered that.

01:47:54.084 --> 01:47:56.905
I think my family and I are gonna watch the Sting this weekend.

01:48:03.920 --> 01:48:04.621
Thank you.

01:48:08.185 --> 01:48:10.327
Saving the world is so fun.

01:48:10.347 --> 01:48:12.890
I mean, you can get international travel.

01:48:13.670 --> 01:48:14.852
You can get surfing.

01:48:16.113 --> 01:48:18.595
You can get hot tubs, nice shoes.

01:48:19.937 --> 01:48:20.517
It's crazy.

01:48:21.893 --> 01:48:28.454
You get to see great places like Rome and Bucharest, Romania, or whatever that Budapest, Romania.

01:48:28.494 --> 01:48:28.894
I don't know.

01:48:28.934 --> 01:48:29.254
What is it?

01:48:29.314 --> 01:48:29.714
Which one?

01:48:31.015 --> 01:48:32.815
You know, you get, they went to Iceland.

01:48:33.535 --> 01:48:39.116
I think they went to Finland or Sweden, or, I mean, it's an amazing, you know, it's amazing.

01:48:39.196 --> 01:48:43.797
It was an amazing time in 2021 and 2022 to be a hero like these people.

01:48:43.837 --> 01:48:44.577
I'm so jealous.

01:48:46.357 --> 01:48:47.298
Thank you, everyone.

01:48:49.790 --> 01:48:51.591
Good afternoon, dear doctors.

01:48:52.791 --> 01:49:00.775
It's my honor to be invited and give a speech at the AAPS 78th annual meetings.

01:49:01.536 --> 01:49:11.721
Actually, I want to tell that it's the first time I prepared the draft for the speech because I really want to show a special speech to all the doctors here.

01:49:13.238 --> 01:49:20.664
And the title of my speech today is Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Mandates and Communisms.

01:49:21.585 --> 01:49:24.527
We are always in the front lines, doctors.

01:49:26.610 --> 01:49:40.304
I am a medical doctor and an independent virologist with over five years of experience working in the WHO H5 reference lab at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health.

01:49:41.004 --> 01:49:47.431
My research expertise include SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and vaccine development.

01:49:48.920 --> 01:49:54.382
One of the well-known identity of mine is that I am a whistleblower.

01:49:55.203 --> 01:49:56.503
From December 31st, 2019 to mid-January,

01:50:01.352 --> 01:50:19.599
2020, as a behest of the WHO reference laboratory, I conducted... Is it possible, if Mark Kulak is still in the audience, is it possible that this could have been the voice that Paul Cottrell said was like calling from Taiwan or something to tell him that remdesivir was working?

01:50:19.739 --> 01:50:24.100
Is it possible that we could listen to that and listen to this and compare the two?

01:50:24.220 --> 01:50:26.101
I don't think that's a crazy thing to do.

01:50:27.717 --> 01:50:31.860
And that would really close a loop very tightly there.

01:50:31.920 --> 01:50:34.982
I gotta find that video in the off time and try that.

01:50:35.379 --> 01:50:39.401
a confidential investigation of the outbreak in Wuhan.

01:50:40.842 --> 01:50:49.166
I used my personal connections inside China's research and hospital systems, as well as the Chinese CDC.

01:50:49.787 --> 01:51:00.992
The firsthand information I obtained, plus my expertise allowed me to understand not only the severity and the transmission potential of the COVID-19 disease,

01:51:02.113 --> 01:51:06.979
but also the non-nature origin of its responsible pathogen.

01:51:07.800 --> 01:51:15.810
I also learned that the Chinese government was hiding information which was deeply worsening the situation.

01:51:17.375 --> 01:51:34.720
Aizen decided to expose a formation, hoping the pressure from the international community, which could result from this exposure, may force the Chinese government to take responsible actions and prevent a global health crisis.

01:51:35.921 --> 01:51:46.404
On January 19th, 2020, Su Mu... And so her entire talk is gonna be based on the idea that there was a virus, it was released, it's from China, and they're lying about it.

01:51:47.842 --> 01:51:55.988
She is the ultimate Scooby-Doo character in this, as a whistleblower since 2019.

01:51:57.089 --> 01:52:01.332
Remember, on stage with Steve Bannon, giving him a hug.

01:52:04.494 --> 01:52:04.974
I'm not sure.

01:52:05.014 --> 01:52:06.275
We don't need to play the rest of this.

01:52:06.315 --> 01:52:07.196
There is a lot, though.

01:52:07.216 --> 01:52:09.437
They have a lot of questions or something at the end.

01:52:09.517 --> 01:52:14.061
It's very... The media on YouTube in Chinese security.

01:52:14.541 --> 01:52:15.101

01:52:15.922 --> 01:52:17.183
Adjuvants can be secret.

01:52:24.082 --> 01:52:25.083
So it's interesting, right?

01:52:25.123 --> 01:52:27.124
Here's where you see it.

01:52:27.224 --> 01:52:42.995
This is no different than in the January 2023 stage performance of Meryl Ness, Robert Malone, Mike Palmer, Asim Malhotra, and Sasha Latupova, the mom of Soph.

01:52:44.897 --> 01:52:46.338
It's exactly the same show.

01:52:47.691 --> 01:52:51.792
These two, for sure, on the far right, are exactly the same show.

01:52:51.832 --> 01:52:53.553
These two guys might be auditioning.

01:52:54.293 --> 01:52:57.394
You know, we need a dude to do the disease course.

01:52:57.434 --> 01:53:01.235
We need a dude who can do disease course and repurpose drugs.

01:53:01.275 --> 01:53:02.055
Oh, I can do that.

01:53:02.815 --> 01:53:03.395
I do drugs.

01:53:03.855 --> 01:53:04.936
I'm the drug guy.

01:53:05.056 --> 01:53:05.676
Oh, OK, cool.

01:53:05.736 --> 01:53:06.296
You can do that.

01:53:06.696 --> 01:53:08.477
And we need a guy who can do the immunology.

01:53:08.517 --> 01:53:09.137
Oh, I can do that.

01:53:09.197 --> 01:53:09.917
OK, you do that.

01:53:15.592 --> 01:53:18.754
And then we'll do a question and answer afterward and we'll sit on stage.

01:53:18.794 --> 01:53:34.381
And now if you see what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen, how it is absolutely preposterous on a planet of 8 billion people from a country of 350 million people that the same two or three or five people would have to be at every international COVID summit.

01:53:36.922 --> 01:53:41.144
And are also at Brownstone meetings and also at CHD conferences.

01:53:41.264 --> 01:53:42.225
Come on, guys.

01:53:51.188 --> 01:53:57.371
So, you know, we have the studies underway, at least in my lab, and I've been collaborating with doctors in other countries as well.

01:53:57.451 --> 01:53:59.732
So the short answer is, we don't know.

01:53:59.752 --> 01:54:03.633
I think it's an excellent mechanistic explanation.

01:54:03.693 --> 01:54:10.056
In addition, you have to look at the CD147 receptor, which is ubiquitous in the body and endothelial cells.

01:54:10.496 --> 01:54:11.736
platelets, red cells.

01:54:11.796 --> 01:54:22.440
That's why ivermectin works so well is because ivermectin displaces viral subunit off of the CD147 receptor causing disaggregation of clotting.

01:54:22.700 --> 01:54:27.161
Wow, that's the first time I've ever heard anyone have any mechanism.

01:54:27.221 --> 01:54:30.922
Remember the last times I've asked doctors how does ivermectin work, they don't know.

01:54:31.923 --> 01:54:33.523
They only have clinical experience.

01:54:33.603 --> 01:54:37.104
No mechanistic example or mechanistic theory at all.

01:54:37.144 --> 01:54:38.585
This is an interesting one.

01:54:38.645 --> 01:54:38.865

01:54:41.451 --> 01:54:48.977
is the receptor is displaced by the ivermectin displaces the spike protein from what?

01:54:49.438 --> 01:54:51.900
It's a study we will continue to do and look at.

01:54:52.340 --> 01:54:57.344
That's we can stain for actual virus itself versus just the spike subunits.

01:54:57.905 --> 01:55:04.050
So you know we have the studies underway at least in my lab and I've been collaborating with doctors in other countries as well.

01:55:04.710 --> 01:55:06.450
The short answer is we don't know.

01:55:06.470 --> 01:55:10.331
I think it's an excellent mechanistic explanation.

01:55:10.411 --> 01:55:18.453
In addition, you have to look at the CD147 receptor, which is ubiquitous in the body and endothelial cells, platelets, red cells.

01:55:18.513 --> 01:55:29.175
That's why ivermectin works so well is because ivermectin displaces viral subunit off of the CD147 receptor, causing disaggregation of clotting.

01:55:29.395 --> 01:55:32.616
So that's a study we will continue to do and look at.

01:55:33.001 --> 01:55:34.142
All right, thank you, Dr. Cole.

01:55:34.162 --> 01:55:36.604
Is there another question for Dr. Malone?

01:55:36.624 --> 01:55:38.126
That is amazing.

01:55:38.146 --> 01:55:38.846
Hi, Dr. Malone.

01:55:38.946 --> 01:55:51.238
I wondered, since you had research with DoD and DARPA in the past, your thoughts on the current vaccine research utilizing self-amplifying RNA or that based on the VEEV backbone?

01:55:52.384 --> 01:55:56.167
Wow, that is way too fast in this narrative.

01:55:56.207 --> 01:56:01.591
You are actually, according to my clock, three years ahead of schedule with this question.

01:56:01.631 --> 01:56:02.952
Who the hell set you up?

01:56:04.252 --> 01:56:05.774
Wow, I wonder what his response will be.

01:56:06.673 --> 01:56:14.419
So actually, we were out front on that in the early 90s, and that was... We were out front!

01:56:14.579 --> 01:56:16.141
He's out front on all of this.

01:56:16.181 --> 01:56:18.022
I mean, all of these things are his.

01:56:18.082 --> 01:56:19.643
We were actually out front on that.

01:56:20.184 --> 01:56:21.385
I mean, that is awesome.

01:56:21.465 --> 01:56:21.765

01:56:22.225 --> 01:56:34.155
Research that led to the patent on mucosal vaccines with Peter Bergland, who had trained with Peter Lilliestrom at the Karolinska and was a postdoc in our lab.

01:56:34.755 --> 01:56:35.156
So the...

01:56:35.916 --> 01:56:40.583
The problem, so the alpha virus vaccines, which is really what you're talking about.

01:56:44.025 --> 01:56:49.348
They have had a spotty track record in terms of toxicity, particularly neurotoxicity.

01:56:51.029 --> 01:57:01.755
I don't wish to cast shade on my good colleague from the Karolinska, who is, I think, on the member of a committee that's going to make an announcement on Monday, so just have some forbearance.

01:57:02.496 --> 01:57:06.278
Oh, he's so excited because they're going to announce the Nobel Prize.

01:57:08.168 --> 01:57:09.568
It's so gross.

01:57:10.068 --> 01:57:36.494
It has been Peter Liljestrom's leading position in developing that tech, and alpha viruses and alpha virus vectors for sure have a chronic history of neuropathology that has compromised their utility for gene therapy in the past, and I can't predict what may come in the future.

01:57:36.554 --> 01:57:37.554
Have I answered your question?

01:57:39.155 --> 01:57:40.376
Kind of.

01:57:40.396 --> 01:57:41.437
Okay to some degree.

01:57:41.858 --> 01:57:42.779
Next question please.

01:57:43.199 --> 01:57:45.601
Brief please Dr. Thomas.

01:57:46.662 --> 01:57:47.183

01:57:48.024 --> 01:57:49.305
Adjuvants can be secret.

01:57:51.127 --> 01:57:56.152
Matrix M used by Novavax can have secret ingredients.

01:57:56.232 --> 01:58:00.096
The intelligence community hasn't weighed in on what they've put in and what they haven't put in.

01:58:01.291 --> 01:58:07.115
There's one company that doesn't use adjuvants, but uses electroporation instead.

01:58:07.495 --> 01:58:08.716
Yeah, I helped found that company.

01:58:08.756 --> 01:58:09.996
It's based on my technology.

01:58:10.297 --> 01:58:12.578
It's got to be a planted guy in the audience.

01:58:12.698 --> 01:58:13.519
It's absurd.

01:58:13.539 --> 01:58:15.560
You've got to be kidding me that he would ask that.

01:58:15.840 --> 01:58:17.301
Oh my gosh, Mark.

01:58:20.054 --> 01:58:27.245
Wouldn't that be better where they couldn't put in these... You're talking about Inovio and there's actually another electric operation company also in San Diego.

01:58:28.487 --> 01:58:34.897
So the pulse electrical field work I think has fascinating indications for

01:58:36.118 --> 01:59:04.649
rapid response in small populations so that there's no way there's no way that's spontaneous I'm sorry there's no way that's spontaneous these last two questions especially this one there is no way that that is spontaneous we are a day before they're gonna announce the Nobel Prize he has one person in the audience ask a question about self-amplifying RNA so that he can say that they were ahead on that too and then the very next question is what about this company that uses electroporation oh I didn't know that you used

01:59:05.149 --> 01:59:07.110
I didn't know that you founded that company.

01:59:07.890 --> 01:59:10.031
Oh my shit.

01:59:10.732 --> 01:59:11.892
You gotta be kidding me.

01:59:13.433 --> 01:59:15.914
Special Ops Command type applications.

01:59:16.595 --> 01:59:17.255

01:59:18.075 --> 01:59:19.376
Adjuvants can be secret.

01:59:21.197 --> 01:59:26.219
Matrix-M, used by Novavax, can have secret ingredients.

01:59:26.279 --> 01:59:30.161
The intelligence community hasn't weighed in on what they've put in and what they haven't put in.

01:59:31.360 --> 01:59:37.185
There's one company that doesn't use adjuvants but uses electroporation instead.

01:59:37.545 --> 01:59:38.766
Yeah, I helped found that company.

01:59:38.826 --> 01:59:40.047
It's based on my technology.

01:59:42.469 --> 01:59:46.172
Wouldn't that be better where they couldn't put in these secrets?

01:59:46.192 --> 01:59:49.674
You're talking about Inovio and there's actually another electroporation company also in San Diego.

01:59:50.895 --> 01:59:57.300
So the pulse electrical fieldwork I think has fascinating indications for

01:59:58.521 --> 02:00:00.843
rapid response in small populations.

02:00:00.943 --> 02:00:06.926
So the DOD is a big fan of this for special ops command type applications.

02:00:07.587 --> 02:00:11.169
But for global deployment not so much.

02:00:11.189 --> 02:00:22.776
I don't know if you've ever electroporated yourself or participated in a clinical trial using pulsed electrical fields for gene delivery and vaccination, but it causes muscle contractions and that's a general way of putting it.

02:00:23.776 --> 02:00:30.458
So the patient's satisfaction has been rather low with the technology.

02:00:31.199 --> 02:00:33.920
That's the first time I've ever had anybody say that before.

02:00:34.000 --> 02:00:38.261
I just thought you had electroporated in the skin, so it would be kind of a local phenomenon.

02:00:38.381 --> 02:00:40.462
Interesting, interesting, interesting.

02:00:41.362 --> 02:00:51.746
There are ways to circumvent this, but the efficacy of the Inovio product was championed by Francis Collins during the Zika outbreak.

02:00:52.546 --> 02:01:17.385
and those vaccines uh so francis collins was championing the inovio vaccine so i guess that means that francis collins who also knows tony fauci and mark lander and kevin mckernan because they all know each other from the famous human genome project also knows robert malone because because why again what excuse me what

02:01:18.266 --> 02:01:30.194
It turned out in practice to not be very good at this for special ops command type applications but for global deployment not so much.

02:01:30.214 --> 02:01:41.803
I don't know if you've ever electroporated yourself or participated in a clinical trial using post electrical fields for gene delivery and vaccination but it causes muscle contractions and that's a general way of putting it.

02:01:42.823 --> 02:02:06.168
So the patient's satisfaction has been rather low with the technology and there are ways to circumvent this but the efficacy of the Inovio product was championed by Francis Collins during the Zika outbreak and those vaccines turned out in practice to

02:02:07.208 --> 02:02:09.229
That has to be a significant admission.

02:02:09.609 --> 02:02:16.112
I've never heard that before, that Francis Collins championed his vaccine for the Zika outbreak.

02:02:16.892 --> 02:02:24.375
This is an admission of a connection that cannot be dismissed, and it was never said on any podcast with Tommy.

02:02:25.696 --> 02:02:29.077
I never heard him say it in any lecture that I've ever listened to before.

02:02:32.608 --> 02:02:40.360
This is a direct connection to the very people that supposedly say it's a natural virus that funded these.

02:02:40.440 --> 02:02:41.181
That's crazy.

02:02:41.562 --> 02:02:42.644
Not be very effective.

02:02:42.664 --> 02:02:47.832
You'll recall also that Inovio tried very hard to and actually met in the White House.

02:02:48.424 --> 02:02:53.928
to advance their own product for this outbreak and that has not been as successful.

02:02:53.988 --> 02:03:01.553
In contrast, there is a DNA vaccine, a traditional DNA vaccine by needle injection that is currently authorized in India.

02:03:02.613 --> 02:03:07.857
So the DNA vaccines are moving forward and they don't necessarily need to have the pulsed electrical field.

02:03:08.417 --> 02:03:27.487
I hope, if you wish to discuss that further, you can look at my papers or others, but I had high hopes for post-electrical field-based vaccines, because they do get the polynucleotide and dendritic cells, but that doesn't seem to have panned out, and I don't think it's going to be very practical for mass deployment.

02:03:27.587 --> 02:03:28.568
Thank you, Dr. Malone.

02:03:29.128 --> 02:03:33.691
If you need to catch your plane, we'll continue, but thank you kindly.

02:03:33.711 --> 02:03:35.752
Another hand for Dr. Malone.

02:03:38.189 --> 02:03:42.030
Look how much fun they have saving the world in 2021.

02:03:42.650 --> 02:03:43.651
It's not that urgent.

02:03:43.691 --> 02:03:44.831
Nobody's in danger.

02:03:45.871 --> 02:03:46.491
It's fine.

02:03:48.172 --> 02:03:49.472
We're just a year into it.

02:03:49.912 --> 02:03:51.413
A year and a half into it.

02:03:51.553 --> 02:03:52.293
It's October of 2021.

02:03:52.353 --> 02:03:53.353
There was an October of 2020.

02:03:53.393 --> 02:03:55.974
And in October of 2020, we were already six months in.

02:03:59.733 --> 02:04:09.025
six months into this list of lies and this beginning of the managing of this population pyramid problem with murder and lies.

02:04:09.266 --> 02:04:09.966
Look at this.

02:04:22.964 --> 02:04:24.704
Biology is the way, ladies and gentlemen.

02:04:24.744 --> 02:04:26.645
We've got to fight for this for our kids.

02:04:26.805 --> 02:04:33.006
We need to get out of this illusion of consensus, this limited spectrum of debate that is being curated by these grifters.

02:04:35.167 --> 02:04:38.868
They are making sure that we don't see through the intellectual property illusion.

02:04:38.888 --> 02:04:45.349
They're making sure that we don't ever acknowledge that we had a population pyramid problem that needed managing with murder.

02:04:47.739 --> 02:04:55.923
They don't want you to know that we are slowly having our sovereignty eroded to the point where our children will grow up as experimental animals or maybe our grandkids.

02:04:56.723 --> 02:05:02.506
Maybe we just need to have a slightly longer time horizon than social media in order to see what these people have done.

02:05:04.627 --> 02:05:06.668
That's why it's so hard to look at tweet history.

02:05:07.928 --> 02:05:09.949
That's why it's so hard to scroll backwards.

02:05:10.189 --> 02:05:13.671
That's definitely what they don't want you to do is have a memory.

02:05:15.302 --> 02:05:24.591
Because if you have a memory, then you'll be able to add up what these people did in the past and see that we have been inside of a limited spectrum of debate curated by these acolytes.

02:05:25.692 --> 02:05:33.279
That limited spectrum of debate was about free-range RNA molecules, or natural RNA viruses, or the fact that there are none of those things.

02:05:33.679 --> 02:05:35.781
And molecular biology itself is a lie.

02:05:39.281 --> 02:05:56.085
And now the two sides of the coin have come to surrender to the fact that, well, we don't agree on those things, but at least we can agree on processed foods being bad and seed oils being bad, fast food being bad, high fructose corn syrup being bad, or fluoride in the water being crazy.

02:05:58.151 --> 02:06:00.471
And we're gonna have all kinds of debates about this stuff.

02:06:00.512 --> 02:06:02.332
And maybe even Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

02:06:02.352 --> 02:06:06.113
will be successful in testing the vaccines and making them safe.

02:06:06.173 --> 02:06:09.293
In a couple years, that's what Brett Weinstein said on his podcast.

02:06:11.574 --> 02:06:15.255
That's what Brett Weinstein said on his podcast yesterday.

02:06:16.535 --> 02:06:21.216
That's what Steve Kirsch said on Stu Peters' podcast two months ago.

02:06:23.806 --> 02:06:34.398
is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with the help of Donald Trump, is going to get the data on the vaccines, is going to make sure that our vaccine schedule is safe by testing them, finally, against placebo.

02:06:36.801 --> 02:06:38.583
That's what Bret Weinstein said yesterday.

02:06:40.765 --> 02:06:46.928
And we're not talking about GMO plants, GMO insects, stem cell research and how might it be used.

02:06:47.409 --> 02:06:52.151
We're not talking about intramuscular injection to augment healthy people as being dumb.

02:06:52.691 --> 02:06:58.915
We're not talking about the growing, ever growing and expanding remnant sales that are generated by the testing.

02:07:00.973 --> 02:07:11.517
nevermind the remnant sales that were already there a long time ago with the encouraged use of cesarean sections and the encouraged and facilitation of abortion.

02:07:16.859 --> 02:07:24.042
Ladies and gentlemen, we must break our children out of this limited spectrum of debate by dismissing the people who curate it.

02:07:25.302 --> 02:07:34.992
by identifying the people who aren't ready to move on to a new biology 101, where we don't talk about evolution all the time as being the explanation for everything.

02:07:36.193 --> 02:07:42.259
We don't talk about genes as being the evolution explanation for everything, the currency of it.

02:07:43.601 --> 02:07:48.306
We don't talk about intramuscular injection as being a great idea or obvious.

02:07:49.625 --> 02:08:00.849
And instead, we have doctors that finally understand the irreducible complexity of our own biology to know that intramuscular injection on its face, just draw the cartoon, it's dumb.

02:08:03.110 --> 02:08:13.173
And we should have lawyers that are arguing that the government needs to be held to strict scrutiny whenever we have laws that enable the government to suspend fundamental rights.

02:08:14.565 --> 02:08:19.006
We should have law professors teaching this as a fundamental principle.

02:08:19.086 --> 02:08:28.749
We should have congressmen that understand it and passing laws that have this principle embedded within them and striking laws.

02:08:29.509 --> 02:08:33.350
The courts should be striking laws that don't have this embedded within them.

02:08:35.185 --> 02:08:38.847
And if we were actually fighting our way out, we would have lawyers like that.

02:08:38.907 --> 02:08:40.368
We would have doctors like that.

02:08:40.468 --> 02:08:41.969
We would have teachers like that.

02:08:42.069 --> 02:08:43.290
And that's why we need it.

02:08:43.910 --> 02:08:44.611
We need to fight.

02:08:44.671 --> 02:08:47.112
That's why we need GigaOM Biological.

02:08:47.192 --> 02:08:48.974
We need Housatonic ITS.

02:08:49.014 --> 02:08:50.334
We need the Liberty Perspective.

02:08:50.354 --> 02:08:51.435
We need Grace's dad.

02:08:51.495 --> 02:08:52.776
Thank you very much for joining me.

02:08:53.216 --> 02:08:56.978
If you liked what you saw, please go to GigaOM Biological and find a way to support the work.

02:08:57.399 --> 02:09:02.122
And if you want to share it, please share it from stream.gigaom.bio because that's paid for by my own money.

02:09:02.722 --> 02:09:03.282
Thanks very much.

02:09:03.302 --> 02:09:03.983
See you again soon.