WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 You 00:30.000 --> 00:52.160 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're feeling with essentially a worst-case 00:52.160 --> 00:56.160 scenario. I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case 01:22.160 --> 01:42.160 I think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth no more than society. We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is. 01:42.160 --> 02:01.160 But you can tell if someone's lying. You know you can sort of feel it in people. And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie. I don't think I'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 02:12.160 --> 02:34.160 I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. 02:43.160 --> 02:54.160 I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. We don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. 02:54.160 --> 02:56.160 I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. 02:56.160 --> 02:58.160 I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. 02:58.160 --> 02:59.160 I just want to be a liar. 02:59.160 --> 03:02.160 I just want to be a liar. 03:02.160 --> 03:03.160 Lilian. 03:03.160 --> 03:04.160 I just want to be a liar. 03:04.160 --> 03:05.160 Lilian. 03:05.160 --> 03:06.160 Lilian we're so busy. 03:06.160 --> 03:07.160 Lilian. 03:07.160 --> 03:08.160 Lilian. 03:08.160 --> 03:09.160 Lilian. 03:09.160 --> 03:10.160 Lilian. 03:10.160 --> 03:11.160 It's also great. 03:11.160 --> 03:11.660 Lilian. 03:11.660 --> 03:13.660 It's like, what in the world, man? 03:13.660 --> 03:24.660 MUSIC 03:24.660 --> 03:26.660 Well, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 03:26.660 --> 03:29.660 I'm really excited to be here this afternoon. 03:29.660 --> 03:32.660 It's hard to say that this is some kind of work. 03:32.660 --> 03:35.660 When you get the opportunity to talk to someone like Thomas 03:35.660 --> 03:38.660 Binder, M.D., from Switzerland, 03:38.660 --> 03:42.660 it is a rare opportunity to talk to someone who wasn't enchanted 03:42.660 --> 03:44.660 by this elaborate theater. 03:44.660 --> 03:47.660 It wasn't trapped inside of it. 03:47.660 --> 03:51.660 Thomas Binder is somebody that, since the very beginning 03:51.660 --> 03:54.660 of my knowing who he was, 03:54.660 --> 03:57.660 he was at the top of the wave up here. 03:57.660 --> 03:59.660 He has been staying focused on the biology. 03:59.660 --> 04:01.660 He hasn't taken the bait on television, 04:01.660 --> 04:03.660 and he's loved his neighbors. 04:03.660 --> 04:05.660 That's how we get through this, 04:05.660 --> 04:08.660 and I think more than almost anyone, 04:08.660 --> 04:10.660 except for maybe Mike Eden or somebody else, 04:10.660 --> 04:12.660 I really have been following Thomas for a long time, 04:12.660 --> 04:16.660 and it is a great privilege to be able to talk to him today. 04:16.660 --> 04:20.660 You can find all of the stuff that I do at giggleandbiological.com. 04:20.660 --> 04:22.660 I'm not going to waste time running through that too long. 04:22.660 --> 04:25.660 Thank you very much to the people that subscribe. 04:25.660 --> 04:28.660 I am going to go rather quick, and I'll put that up at the end. 04:28.660 --> 04:32.660 This is a production of the Independent Bright Web, 04:32.660 --> 04:34.660 not to be confused with the Intellectual Dark Web. 04:34.660 --> 04:38.660 We are a group of people that's just trying to get the truth out, 04:38.660 --> 04:42.660 and the truth is that this is an illusion that is sustained 04:42.660 --> 04:44.660 only through your active participation, 04:44.660 --> 04:47.660 and so we've all got to help each other to drop our hands 04:47.660 --> 04:51.660 from our faces and to engage in united non-compliance. 04:51.660 --> 04:54.660 I'm hoping that our guest is going to be able to give us 04:54.660 --> 04:59.660 a unique insight into what he saw in Switzerland 04:59.660 --> 05:01.660 and looking outward toward the rest of Europe 05:01.660 --> 05:03.660 and toward the rest of the world. 05:03.660 --> 05:05.660 What he saw on TV, what he saw on social media 05:05.660 --> 05:08.660 that would have led people in Switzerland to believe 05:08.660 --> 05:10.660 that a pandemic was even occurring. 05:10.660 --> 05:13.660 You guys are very familiar with the fact that 05:13.660 --> 05:16.660 we more or less were told 05:16.660 --> 05:19.660 that hello, this is giggleandbiological, 05:19.660 --> 05:21.660 a high-resistance low-noise information brief 05:21.660 --> 05:22.660 brought to you by a biologist. 05:22.660 --> 05:25.660 We were told in the United States that something terrible was happening 05:25.660 --> 05:29.660 in New York City, and if we didn't lock down for 15 or 30 days 05:29.660 --> 05:32.660 of close schools, that what happened in New York City 05:32.660 --> 05:34.660 was going to spread all around the United States 05:34.660 --> 05:37.660 and luckily, despite all of the resistance 05:37.660 --> 05:39.660 and all of the conservative idiocy 05:39.660 --> 05:41.660 and all of Trump's missteps, 05:41.660 --> 05:43.660 we were able to somehow avoid what happened 05:43.660 --> 05:46.660 in New York City happening everywhere else in America, 05:46.660 --> 05:48.660 and we haven't been able to really get 05:48.660 --> 05:50.660 a good explanation for that, 05:50.660 --> 05:52.660 and I'm wondering what they saw in Switzerland. 05:52.660 --> 05:55.660 I'm wondering what they used as a worst-case scenario 05:55.660 --> 05:58.660 over there, and without further introduction, 05:58.660 --> 05:59.660 I'm just going to slide this window. 05:59.660 --> 06:01.660 I've got to push you over here. 06:01.660 --> 06:04.660 That means I need to pull this window up over there 06:04.660 --> 06:06.660 and make it big. 06:06.660 --> 06:07.660 Hello, Thomas. 06:07.660 --> 06:09.660 I'm going to switch over to this side. 06:09.660 --> 06:11.660 I'll put myself on the bottom down here, 06:11.660 --> 06:14.660 and if you could just introduce yourself, 06:14.660 --> 06:16.660 a lot of people on the watch of my stream 06:16.660 --> 06:18.660 would already know who you are, 06:18.660 --> 06:20.660 and then just kind of, you know, 06:20.660 --> 06:22.660 tell us where you're at 06:22.660 --> 06:24.660 and what you think is the best way out 06:24.660 --> 06:27.660 because I think that's where we need to go as quick as possible. 06:27.660 --> 06:29.660 We only have you for, like, an hour, 06:29.660 --> 06:32.660 and I want to talk about forward-thinking solutions 06:32.660 --> 06:33.660 to the problem that we're in, 06:33.660 --> 06:34.660 but welcome. 06:34.660 --> 06:36.660 Thank you very much for being here. 06:36.660 --> 06:38.660 Hi, Jay. 06:38.660 --> 06:42.660 Thank you for having me and for your more-than-kind introduction, 06:42.660 --> 06:44.660 of course. 06:44.660 --> 06:48.660 Yeah, well, I study medicine in Zurich, Switzerland, 06:48.660 --> 06:51.660 and I was not sure whether I should go into research 06:51.660 --> 06:54.660 or into clinics, so I spent a year in the department 06:54.660 --> 06:57.660 for immunology and virology, 06:57.660 --> 06:59.660 and I wrote my thesis there, 06:59.660 --> 07:02.660 so I have the background in that area as well. 07:02.660 --> 07:04.660 But then I decided, 07:04.660 --> 07:06.660 I should become a clinician, 07:06.660 --> 07:08.660 so I specialized person in internal medicine 07:08.660 --> 07:10.660 and then in cardiology. 07:10.660 --> 07:11.660 During that time, 07:11.660 --> 07:14.660 I worked in hospitals for about 10 years, 07:14.660 --> 07:19.660 and then I was always the kind to question the authority. 07:19.660 --> 07:23.660 This is not a good idea if you want to make 07:23.660 --> 07:25.660 an academic career, 07:25.660 --> 07:28.660 so I decided very early 07:28.660 --> 07:32.660 that I would get a broad education 07:32.660 --> 07:34.660 as broad as possible, 07:34.660 --> 07:36.660 but then I should become, 07:36.660 --> 07:39.660 should I open my private practice, 07:39.660 --> 07:43.660 and I did this 26 years ago. 07:43.660 --> 07:45.660 I'm working in my cardiology practice 07:45.660 --> 07:47.660 where I'm sitting now here in Beijing 07:47.660 --> 07:50.660 that's also close to Zurich in Switzerland, 07:50.660 --> 07:55.660 and I'm also somewhat an internist at GP 07:55.660 --> 07:59.660 for some of my cardiology patients. 07:59.660 --> 08:03.660 Yeah, well, it was the same everywhere, of course. 08:03.660 --> 08:10.660 I mean, the first confrontation with these alleged pandemic, 08:10.660 --> 08:12.660 also in Switzerland, of course, 08:12.660 --> 08:16.660 were these pictures, these videos from Wuhan, 08:16.660 --> 08:20.660 but they found immediately, instantly, they are strange. 08:20.660 --> 08:24.660 I mean, they were, that was really too much. 08:24.660 --> 08:28.660 I mean, these hordes running around in penguin suits, 08:28.660 --> 08:31.660 they were cannon, they showed us cannons mounted on lorries 08:31.660 --> 08:34.660 that sprayed something in the air, 08:34.660 --> 08:36.660 allegedly disinfectants, 08:36.660 --> 08:40.660 and people that allegedly died suddenly in the streets, 08:40.660 --> 08:42.660 but if you looked at these YouTube videos, 08:42.660 --> 08:45.660 you saw, you realized that they are always landing on their hands, 08:45.660 --> 08:47.660 but this was all fake. 08:47.660 --> 08:49.660 This I realized instantly, 08:49.660 --> 08:54.660 that these are not measures against the virus, 08:54.660 --> 08:59.660 these are pictures that are directed against the people, 08:59.660 --> 09:00.660 propaganda. 09:00.660 --> 09:05.660 At that time, of course, I didn't know whether these propaganda 09:05.660 --> 09:08.660 was directed against the Chinese populace 09:08.660 --> 09:12.660 and just spread around the world or against the whole, 09:12.660 --> 09:14.660 populace of the whole world, 09:14.660 --> 09:18.660 but I smelled, there is something wrong going on, 09:18.660 --> 09:22.660 and of course, it reminded me of the last alleged pandemic, 09:22.660 --> 09:26.660 the scam, that was the swine flu scam in 2009, 09:26.660 --> 09:30.660 but then there was rather silence here in Switzerland 09:30.660 --> 09:31.660 for about a month, 09:31.660 --> 09:35.660 and then suddenly, some time in February, 09:35.660 --> 09:40.660 I woke up with the news, now the virus is in Berger. 09:41.660 --> 09:43.660 Berger is in northern Italy, 09:43.660 --> 09:48.660 about 15 kilometers from the Swiss border where I live, 09:48.660 --> 09:51.660 so the Swiss were terrified, of course, 09:51.660 --> 09:56.660 and at the same time, we got information from Wuhan 09:56.660 --> 10:02.660 that they were successful in their heroic war against the virus. 10:02.660 --> 10:08.660 So I was amazed how obviously almost everybody here in Switzerland 10:08.660 --> 10:13.660 thought, well, then we have to do the same as the Chinese state, 10:13.660 --> 10:18.660 we have to install the same unscientific insane measures 10:18.660 --> 10:23.660 against the virus that I couldn't understand the world, 10:23.660 --> 10:28.660 because in everything I had learned in medical school, 10:28.660 --> 10:30.660 during my scientific education, 10:30.660 --> 10:34.660 in my practical medical efforts turned upside down overnight. 10:34.660 --> 10:39.660 So I instantly realized, probably because I have these combined scientific 10:39.660 --> 10:42.660 and practical background, the broad education, 10:42.660 --> 10:47.660 and of course, I took the red pill years ago, not so. 10:47.660 --> 10:53.660 I guess in about 2007, I saw the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, 10:53.660 --> 10:59.660 and then I realized that the official conspiracy about 9-11, 10:59.660 --> 11:04.660 that the 9-11, 20 Muslims on with box cultures overcame the whole USA 11:04.660 --> 11:10.660 and the laws of nature is nonsense, then I checked the climate story, 11:10.660 --> 11:15.660 and there also, you need to have three unwashed grains, 11:15.660 --> 11:20.660 connected grain cells to realize also this is a scam. 11:20.660 --> 11:22.660 Yeah, and so on and so forth. 11:22.660 --> 11:24.660 So I was, of course, prepared. 11:24.660 --> 11:28.660 I knew that if something big like this happens, 11:28.660 --> 11:32.660 this is wrong until proven otherwise. 11:32.660 --> 11:39.660 And the first thing I realized was the wrong indication to test. 11:39.660 --> 11:42.660 How did we treat the flu or the cold? 11:42.660 --> 11:46.660 Before 2020, these are usually self-limiting diseases, 11:46.660 --> 11:51.660 so we treat ourselves, we stay a term, and after seven days it's old. 11:51.660 --> 11:56.660 And only in severe cases, if it gets worse, maybe after five days or so, 11:56.660 --> 12:04.660 we went to GP and then he maybe diagnosed the secondary complicating bacteria of pneumonia 12:04.660 --> 12:10.660 that could still be treated with antibiotics on an outpatient basis. 12:10.660 --> 12:14.660 And only if you really got sick, life-threatening sick, 12:14.660 --> 12:17.660 the GP sent us to the hospital at only at that stage, 12:17.660 --> 12:20.660 we tested for a causative virus. 12:20.660 --> 12:24.660 Because before this, it's absolutely not important 12:24.660 --> 12:30.660 that we are suffering from influenza, Corona, B19, SARS-CoV-2, or whatever, 12:30.660 --> 12:34.660 because it has no therapeutic and no prognostic consequences. 12:34.660 --> 12:39.660 So only at that stage we tested, because if there's really the risk to die, 12:39.660 --> 12:44.660 then we want to treat specifically, and then we have to know the causative virus. 12:44.660 --> 12:50.660 Wow, that has never been so succinctly stated for me. 12:50.660 --> 12:51.660 That's fantastic. 12:51.660 --> 12:52.660 Wow. 12:52.660 --> 12:54.660 Yes, I always was amazed. 12:54.660 --> 12:58.660 I mean, when you're talking about the nonsense PCR test, 12:58.660 --> 13:02.660 but even before this comes the wrong indication to test. 13:02.660 --> 13:07.660 And I could not understand why not every clinician realized this. 13:07.660 --> 13:12.660 I mean, now everybody who only failed the sore throat, 13:12.660 --> 13:17.660 run to the hospital, please, please, have me test me, test me. 13:17.660 --> 13:21.660 Maybe I have to die, and not only to die, but to suffer chemiscerably. 13:22.660 --> 13:23.660 This never happened. 13:23.660 --> 13:25.660 My practice was almost empty. 13:25.660 --> 13:30.660 I saw almost no flu patients in that season, because everybody with the sore throat 13:30.660 --> 13:32.660 run to the hospital. 13:32.660 --> 13:37.660 And then of course, some places say that the emergency departments, 13:37.660 --> 13:41.660 at least, were overcrowded with people suffering from a cold. 13:41.660 --> 13:43.660 Yeah. 13:43.660 --> 13:48.660 And then the next, of course, already in March, I tweeted, 13:48.660 --> 13:51.660 the test is the disease, not the virus. 13:51.660 --> 13:57.660 I mean, the proof of usually, if you wanted to test for an infection, 13:57.660 --> 13:59.660 we measured the antibody. 13:59.660 --> 14:06.660 But GIGM subclass for acute infections, IGG for chronic infections, 14:06.660 --> 14:13.660 because only these tests prove that the body struggled with the virus. 14:13.660 --> 14:15.660 So the so created antibodies. 14:15.660 --> 14:17.660 So this is a proof for infection. 14:17.660 --> 14:20.660 Either acute or chronic. 14:20.660 --> 14:22.660 But here they used the PCR test. 14:22.660 --> 14:26.660 And already about 20 years ago, I didn't like these tests. 14:26.660 --> 14:32.660 When I was young, when I was an intern, that the diagnosis was viral pneumonia. 14:32.660 --> 14:35.660 Usually we had no idea what was the causative term. 14:35.660 --> 14:39.660 And then about 20 years ago, I think they started to taste. 14:39.660 --> 14:43.660 So when you, when you are hospitalized with a viral pneumonia, 14:43.660 --> 14:47.660 they do a PCR on some, on some viruses, not the fall. 14:47.660 --> 14:52.660 And usually they choose the one with the lowest CT to be the causative term. 14:52.660 --> 14:54.660 But this can never be approved. 14:54.660 --> 14:56.660 The PCR test is no test for infection. 14:56.660 --> 15:01.660 The PCR PCR or the hardy PCR, if you want to look for RNA. 15:01.660 --> 15:04.660 These are tests for these tests. 15:04.660 --> 15:12.660 It's a test for the presence of a certain amount of a certain part of the genome of a, of a, of a term. 15:12.660 --> 15:17.660 So this, the wrong, this was also the wrong testing method. 15:17.660 --> 15:22.660 I mean, even, even if it was a 100% sensitive and specific test, 15:22.660 --> 15:26.660 these tests alone would never prove an infection. 15:26.660 --> 15:29.660 Of course, if there is a high amount of virus, for example, 15:29.660 --> 15:37.660 a CT, a PCR, or the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 would get a result of CT 17 15:37.660 --> 15:40.660 and the worm against the influence of 30. 15:40.660 --> 15:45.660 Then, and then if the symptoms are consistent with, with, with, with this diagnosis, 15:45.660 --> 15:50.660 then highly likely SARS-CoV-2 would be the causative term, 15:50.660 --> 15:52.660 but it could never be approved. 15:52.660 --> 15:56.660 And here they didn't absolutely consider the clinical conditions, 15:56.660 --> 15:59.660 the symptoms of the patients or the clinical findings. 15:59.660 --> 16:06.660 There is no single clinical radiologic or whatever proof of a, of a, of a, of a SARS-CoV-2. 16:06.660 --> 16:11.660 The SARS-CoV-2 infection with SARS-CoV-2 called COVID-19. 16:11.660 --> 16:16.660 The PCR test, even if it's a good one, is only a, a, a piece of the parts of the, 16:16.660 --> 16:19.660 in the diagnostic puzzle. 16:19.660 --> 16:22.660 And then I went deeper into these PCR tests. 16:22.660 --> 16:25.660 And the area I found is corn and drowson protocol. 16:25.660 --> 16:28.660 I published in the journal Euro Surveillance. 16:28.660 --> 16:33.660 I guess in about January 20th, on January 21st, 2020. 16:33.660 --> 16:41.660 And I mean, you must say, this is the worst possible RTPCR test for SARS-CoV-2. 16:41.660 --> 16:45.660 How did, how did all the people on that paper end up coming together? 16:45.660 --> 16:50.660 Like who, who was the impetus between like, hey, calling up, I mean, 16:50.660 --> 16:53.660 that, that list of people on there is quite, I don't know. 16:53.660 --> 16:55.660 It's a motley crew of people. 16:55.660 --> 16:57.660 It's not just a bunch of guys from Switzerland. 16:57.660 --> 17:01.660 How did, how did that author list get assembled? 17:01.660 --> 17:04.660 You mean the, the corn and drosson? 17:04.660 --> 17:05.660 Yeah. 17:05.660 --> 17:06.660 Paper. 17:06.660 --> 17:07.660 Yeah. 17:07.660 --> 17:10.660 Well, the, the, the drosson, drosson is an important figure. 17:10.660 --> 17:16.660 You guys in the USA must realize there is not only four C, drosson is much worse. 17:16.660 --> 17:18.660 Because drosson is the inventor. 17:18.660 --> 17:22.660 I mean, we took it with corman, corman, drosson, et al. 17:22.660 --> 17:28.660 But today invented this nonsense, RTPCR testing protocol. 17:28.660 --> 17:31.660 And he's also an inventor of drosson. 17:31.660 --> 17:34.660 It earlier wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine. 17:34.660 --> 17:39.660 It was published on January 30th, I think, 2020. 17:39.660 --> 17:45.660 And there they propagated the myth of epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic 17:45.660 --> 17:46.660 transmission. 17:46.660 --> 17:49.660 So drosson is really at the core of this whole scam. 17:49.660 --> 17:50.660 Oh, no. 17:50.660 --> 17:51.660 No, I get the. 17:51.660 --> 17:52.660 Absolutely. 17:52.660 --> 17:53.660 I get that. 17:53.660 --> 17:54.660 I get that. 17:54.660 --> 17:55.660 Absolutely get that. 17:55.660 --> 17:59.660 He actually was the one who first defined also the PCR test for the original 17:59.660 --> 18:02.660 virus and saw in 2002. 18:02.660 --> 18:07.660 I'm just curious how the, the opposition paper that you were on about the, 18:07.660 --> 18:09.660 the primer dimers and that kind of thing. 18:09.660 --> 18:12.660 How did you and Mike Eden get together on that paper? 18:12.660 --> 18:13.660 Did you know each other previously? 18:13.660 --> 18:14.660 Yeah. 18:14.660 --> 18:19.660 I was asked by, but this was somewhat later, we published the external peer 18:19.660 --> 18:24.660 review of the common drosson protocol in November, 2020. 18:24.660 --> 18:30.660 I was asked by Peter Borger from the Netherlands to join. 18:30.660 --> 18:35.660 Well, I mean, I must state, of course, I'm not a PCR guy. 18:35.660 --> 18:36.660 No, it's okay. 18:36.660 --> 18:38.660 That's exactly what I was asking. 18:38.660 --> 18:39.660 I know the method. 18:39.660 --> 18:41.660 I know the indication. 18:41.660 --> 18:44.660 I know what he can and what he does, what he does. 18:44.660 --> 18:45.660 Okay. 18:45.660 --> 18:47.660 For this, we had great PCR guys. 18:47.660 --> 18:52.660 We had to read a camera from Germany and then, uh, Kevin McKernan, who became 18:52.660 --> 18:53.660 famous again. 18:53.660 --> 18:59.660 The recently when he was the first who discovered the contamination with 18:59.660 --> 19:01.660 past media and I from the manufacturing process. 19:01.660 --> 19:07.660 So I was, I was mainly asked as one of the earliest in light tuners to join 19:07.660 --> 19:08.660 this. 19:08.660 --> 19:13.660 I see my contribution was mainly in the event of two or three months later, 19:13.660 --> 19:17.660 I was published in the tandem and that there is a clinical section or 19:17.660 --> 19:18.660 section E. 19:18.660 --> 19:20.660 That is about clinical aspect. 19:20.660 --> 19:21.660 I see. 19:21.660 --> 19:22.660 And that this is main. 19:22.660 --> 19:23.660 This is mostly written by me. 19:23.660 --> 19:26.660 So this is about the wrong indication to test and the wrong test. 19:26.660 --> 19:30.660 So I, I, my contribution was in the event. 19:30.660 --> 19:33.660 In the, in the first, in the external period, we played. 19:33.660 --> 19:35.660 I honestly, I just proved we're right. 19:35.660 --> 19:36.660 It's. 19:36.660 --> 19:37.660 No, no, I get it. 19:37.660 --> 19:38.660 Yep. 19:38.660 --> 19:39.660 I was just. 19:40.660 --> 19:44.660 When I look back on that paper, it's, it's remarkable to me how many, 19:44.660 --> 19:48.660 how many people are on that paper that went on to, you know, 19:48.660 --> 19:51.660 fight various aspects of this for a long time. 19:51.660 --> 19:52.660 It was a gathering. 19:52.660 --> 19:57.660 It was a gathering of, of, of early people who went public early, 19:57.660 --> 19:58.660 mainly. 19:58.660 --> 20:01.660 And of course some PCR tracks. 20:01.660 --> 20:02.660 Right. 20:02.660 --> 20:03.660 Right. 20:03.660 --> 20:04.660 Very cool. 20:05.660 --> 20:09.660 Well, in the meantime, maybe, maybe if there's not everybody knows this, 20:09.660 --> 20:10.660 there was a slander. 20:10.660 --> 20:12.660 I mean, I published in the rocks. 20:12.660 --> 20:14.660 Of course, I could not reach out to journalists. 20:14.660 --> 20:18.660 I mean, at the start, I thought, yeah, well, we have to publish, 20:18.660 --> 20:19.660 make this public. 20:19.660 --> 20:23.660 And then the course out is prevailing corona, corona nonsense narrative 20:23.660 --> 20:24.660 field. 20:24.660 --> 20:25.660 Fresh. 20:25.660 --> 20:29.660 But, but I never got an answer when I sent email to journalists to 20:29.660 --> 20:33.660 fellow doctors, even not to them to, to politicians. 20:33.660 --> 20:37.660 And I never got even an answer like Thomas, you're crazy or so, 20:37.660 --> 20:38.660 just no answer. 20:38.660 --> 20:39.660 This was, this was spooky, spooky. 20:39.660 --> 20:40.660 Interesting. 20:40.660 --> 20:44.660 And so I intensified my activities in the social media. 20:44.660 --> 20:48.660 I wrote box and the first day before Easter 2020, I wrote a huge 20:48.660 --> 20:52.660 book where I once again explained the wrong indication to taste, 20:52.660 --> 20:53.660 wrong taste. 20:53.660 --> 20:56.660 I did like, you know, epidemiological, relevant, asymptomatic 20:56.660 --> 20:57.660 transmission. 20:57.660 --> 21:02.660 Also, these piece that the CFR nonsense side, they sold at that 21:02.660 --> 21:03.660 point. 21:03.660 --> 21:06.660 And they told us the CFR, the case fatality rate in Switzerland is 21:06.660 --> 21:07.660 about 2%. 21:07.660 --> 21:12.660 My, my, of course, every pupil understands that important is not 21:12.660 --> 21:16.660 the CFR, but the IFR, the infection fatality rate that highly likely 21:16.660 --> 21:21.660 is 100 times or so long, not lower because of the great many 21:21.660 --> 21:24.660 number of, um, undetected cases. 21:24.660 --> 21:28.660 So I already at that time, I stated this virus is not more dangerous 21:28.660 --> 21:29.660 than in France. 21:29.660 --> 21:33.660 I highly like even less dangerous in the range of other, you know, 21:33.660 --> 21:38.660 of his brothers and cis brother and sisters coronaviruses about 21:38.660 --> 21:39.660 0.02%. 21:39.660 --> 21:42.660 I stated already in March 2020. 21:42.660 --> 21:44.660 Yeah, I was right. 21:44.660 --> 21:49.660 But then a good acquaintance of mine. 21:49.660 --> 21:55.660 Whom I have also, whom I wrote sent these emails as well who I tried 21:55.660 --> 21:56.660 to inform. 21:57.660 --> 22:02.660 In these, in the things I wrote, he projected threats, threats to 22:02.660 --> 22:04.660 the government, threats to the society. 22:04.660 --> 22:05.660 I stayed here. 22:05.660 --> 22:09.660 For example, this virus is not so dangerous, et cetera. 22:09.660 --> 22:13.660 And so he called another good acquaintance of mine. 22:13.660 --> 22:16.660 Actually, the prime minister of the Comton Arc. 22:16.660 --> 22:20.660 This is the province in Switzerland where I live and on the phone. 22:20.660 --> 22:22.660 And he made three allegations. 22:22.660 --> 22:25.660 Allegation one was I was a threat for the government for the 22:25.660 --> 22:26.660 society. 22:26.660 --> 22:30.660 I was armed and I had a psychiatric history. 22:30.660 --> 22:33.660 And then on the phone, on the phone, they decided they do not want 22:33.660 --> 22:34.660 to call me. 22:34.660 --> 22:38.660 Hey Thomas, we do not understand what you want to explain us. 22:38.660 --> 22:43.660 Please could we meet for a corona and we can ask you and you can 22:43.660 --> 22:44.660 explain it just now. 22:44.660 --> 22:49.660 They decided to call the chief of the state police and he started 22:49.660 --> 22:53.660 an operation on Saturday evening. 22:54.660 --> 22:57.660 I did some final work in my practice here in Switzerland and 22:57.660 --> 22:58.660 I'm sitting here. 22:58.660 --> 22:59.660 So that's sad today. 22:59.660 --> 23:00.660 It's four years ago. 23:00.660 --> 23:02.660 I'm used to sad today. 23:02.660 --> 23:08.660 And before I want to go on holiday, I had some final work to do. 23:08.660 --> 23:11.660 And at about 10 o'clock in the evening, I was arrested here in 23:11.660 --> 23:15.660 my practice by an anti terrorist unit about 20 policemen were 23:15.660 --> 23:17.660 involved in the whole operation. 23:17.660 --> 23:21.660 60 policemen were involved because at the same time, they 23:22.660 --> 23:24.660 had to go check it all five minutes. 23:24.660 --> 23:25.660 So far. 23:25.660 --> 23:29.660 Provincial government and they even close the train station. 23:29.660 --> 23:34.660 That is opposite to my practice for some hours because of the 23:34.660 --> 23:35.660 bail known, but. 23:35.660 --> 23:39.660 Fundamentalist terrorist doctor Thomas Binder. 23:39.660 --> 23:40.660 Yeah, it was ridiculous. 23:40.660 --> 23:44.660 Now, can I interrupt here and just say that in America, it feels 23:44.660 --> 23:47.660 like this would be easy to do because America is so fractured 23:48.660 --> 23:52.660 and the cities are so big, but I did a postdoc in Lausanne and 23:52.660 --> 23:57.660 I have the feeling just the size of the communities in Switzerland 23:57.660 --> 24:00.660 and the language, the way the language works there and how 24:00.660 --> 24:02.660 everybody is so tightly knit. 24:02.660 --> 24:04.660 How could they get away with this? 24:04.660 --> 24:07.660 You must have had a reputation of not being crazy, right? 24:07.660 --> 24:08.660 You would live there your whole life. 24:08.660 --> 24:12.660 I mean, how could this not have huge ramifications for the 24:12.660 --> 24:13.660 truth or did it? 24:13.660 --> 24:14.660 I mean. 24:15.660 --> 24:17.660 Maybe I have to continue just a little bit. 24:17.660 --> 24:18.660 Okay. 24:18.660 --> 24:19.660 Yes. 24:19.660 --> 24:20.660 Sorry. 24:20.660 --> 24:22.660 After an hour after an hour, they realized all these three 24:22.660 --> 24:23.660 allegations were wrong. 24:23.660 --> 24:25.660 I had no gun at all. 24:25.660 --> 24:28.660 I had the gun at home, but these were stored at home. 24:28.660 --> 24:30.660 This was the gun I got in 1980. 24:30.660 --> 24:33.660 Then I entered the Swiss military service and then I left 24:33.660 --> 24:36.660 military about 15 years ago. 24:36.660 --> 24:40.660 As a prime lieutenant at that time, I stored the weapon at home 24:40.660 --> 24:41.660 without ammunition. 24:41.660 --> 24:43.660 This is legal and absolutely no in Switzerland. 24:43.660 --> 24:45.660 But I didn't carry a gun on me. 24:45.660 --> 24:49.660 And I had no psychiatric history and they could not show me 24:49.660 --> 24:52.660 any single threat in all I had to read. 24:52.660 --> 24:56.660 There were there are 100 pages or 200 pages, 24:56.660 --> 25:01.660 Twitter, Twitter and all of all these stuff all around. 25:01.660 --> 25:02.660 Yeah. 25:02.660 --> 25:03.660 But then they did not send me home. 25:03.660 --> 25:05.660 They did not apologize. 25:05.660 --> 25:07.660 They obviously there is. 25:07.660 --> 25:08.660 Oh, my God. 25:08.660 --> 25:09.660 False alarm. 25:09.660 --> 25:10.660 60 policemen. 25:10.660 --> 25:17.660 This will go public because I I sent the message when I realized 25:17.660 --> 25:21.660 the police is there and I sent the message in Twitter. 25:21.660 --> 25:26.660 The country the police is is is arresting me is coming 25:26.660 --> 25:27.660 off to me. 25:27.660 --> 25:32.660 And this created some huge interest. 25:32.660 --> 25:35.660 So I created quite a good quite huge interest. 25:35.660 --> 25:39.660 And so probably they have to think of how could we get 25:39.660 --> 25:43.660 out there and they sent a fellow doctor to me and emergency 25:43.660 --> 25:49.660 doctor and she had to check whether I was able to be arrested 25:49.660 --> 25:51.660 or physically able. 25:51.660 --> 25:54.660 Although they could not even arrest me, shouldn't arrest 25:54.660 --> 25:55.660 warrant. 25:55.660 --> 25:57.660 They could not put me in prison because I did nothing unlawful. 25:57.660 --> 26:00.660 After now they had realized that I did nothing unlawful. 26:00.660 --> 26:04.660 And she decided I was Corona insane. 26:04.660 --> 26:05.660 Yeah. 26:05.660 --> 26:07.660 But I mean, you must imagine at that time, 26:07.660 --> 26:10.660 she was such a FFP, hard to hardcore mosque. 26:10.660 --> 26:14.660 And when I entered her room, she shouted out, put on the mosque, 26:14.660 --> 26:16.660 put on the master virus, the virus. 26:16.660 --> 26:21.660 So these fellow doctor had to check my mental status. 26:21.660 --> 26:25.660 I had in the normal world, I would have had to check her mental 26:25.660 --> 26:26.660 status. 26:26.660 --> 26:29.660 I mean, I did such examinations for involuntary commitment 26:29.660 --> 26:30.660 myself. 26:30.660 --> 26:32.660 Maybe one hundred times in my life or so. 26:32.660 --> 26:33.660 Yeah. 26:33.660 --> 26:36.660 But the first question was what is the date? 26:36.660 --> 26:37.660 Yes. 26:37.660 --> 26:40.660 It answered April 11, 2020. 26:40.660 --> 26:42.660 It may be the first question or so. 26:42.660 --> 26:44.660 What is the current year? 26:44.660 --> 26:49.660 And this was not very intelligent, of course. 26:49.660 --> 26:51.660 But it was a kind of silent protest. 26:51.660 --> 26:53.660 Then I answered 1984. 26:53.660 --> 26:56.660 No, really. 26:56.660 --> 26:58.660 That's no joke. 26:58.660 --> 27:00.660 I believe that it's fantastic. 27:00.660 --> 27:02.660 And she, yeah. 27:02.660 --> 27:05.660 And she decided, yes, I am Corona insane. 27:05.660 --> 27:08.660 So she didn't enter the new diagnosis, Corona insanity. 27:08.660 --> 27:12.660 And to be insane, if you are insane, you can still be kind people. 27:12.660 --> 27:17.660 For involuntary commitment, you must also endangering others or be 27:17.660 --> 27:19.660 self-intangling. 27:19.660 --> 27:22.660 So as I know, I was not in danger in others. 27:22.660 --> 27:24.660 She said I was self-intangling. 27:24.660 --> 27:28.660 Although two days or so before I tweeted something like, 27:28.660 --> 27:31.660 I'm 58 years old sports and no medication. 27:31.660 --> 27:33.660 I would never have a commit suicide. 27:33.660 --> 27:36.660 Because I realized, of course, this was very spooky. 27:36.660 --> 27:41.660 And that I could go some risk if I go public. 27:41.660 --> 27:43.660 That could be some risk if I go public. 27:43.660 --> 27:44.660 Yeah. 27:44.660 --> 27:46.660 Then they put me into close psychiatry for six days. 27:46.660 --> 27:49.660 The 36 hours in the padded cell. 27:49.660 --> 27:52.660 They had a psychiatrist diagnosed mania. 27:52.660 --> 27:54.660 I appealed and called and I was released. 27:54.660 --> 27:58.660 But they, because I had mania, they said, well, you're a doctor. 27:58.660 --> 27:59.660 You want to work. 28:00.660 --> 28:04.660 Who stay in the psychiatric hospital for six weeks to have treated 28:04.660 --> 28:06.660 your mania or you may leave. 28:06.660 --> 28:08.660 But you must need to believe you're neurolaptic. 28:08.660 --> 28:15.660 And whether you take it or not is checked every week by a bot level 28:15.660 --> 28:16.660 check. 28:16.660 --> 28:19.660 So I chose the second decision. 28:19.660 --> 28:22.660 After I left, I restarted to work. 28:22.660 --> 28:26.660 They could never really do me harm because I never did anything 28:27.660 --> 28:28.660 like that. 28:28.660 --> 28:31.660 And I never said something that was not 100% scientific 28:31.660 --> 28:32.660 or evidence based. 28:32.660 --> 28:34.660 At least not evidence based in the current. 28:34.660 --> 28:37.660 Currently accepted scientific belief system. 28:37.660 --> 28:41.660 So number two, number two was go home and take medicine or go. 28:41.660 --> 28:42.660 I didn't understand. 28:42.660 --> 28:43.660 Yes. 28:43.660 --> 28:44.660 Yeah. 28:44.660 --> 28:45.660 Yeah. 28:45.660 --> 28:46.660 I did this. 28:46.660 --> 28:47.660 Yeah. 28:47.660 --> 28:48.660 Yeah. 28:48.660 --> 28:49.660 Yeah. 28:49.660 --> 28:52.660 Of course, I mean, I took two tablets of ability by the day before they 28:52.660 --> 28:54.660 did the blood check. 28:55.660 --> 28:56.660 And so this. 28:56.660 --> 29:00.660 And then after three weeks, I checked my liver and enzymes and 29:00.660 --> 29:03.660 happily my liver and times went up about three times. 29:03.660 --> 29:04.660 So I could stop it. 29:04.660 --> 29:07.660 And at the same time, I could release me from this state 29:07.660 --> 29:12.660 psychiatry change to a private to the psychiatrist because, of 29:12.660 --> 29:14.660 course, also the health authorities. 29:14.660 --> 29:18.660 They wanted to the psychiatry report every about six weeks by 29:18.660 --> 29:23.660 a psychiatrist that I'm mentally able to treat to see and treat 29:23.660 --> 29:24.660 patients. 29:24.660 --> 29:25.660 Yeah. 29:25.660 --> 29:26.660 Yeah. 29:26.660 --> 29:29.660 I mean, my case shows nicely what's going on. 29:29.660 --> 29:34.660 Obviously, the society is divided like we had never seen before. 29:34.660 --> 29:37.660 And this never happens by accident. 29:37.660 --> 29:40.660 This means that the part, the huge part of society is living in 29:40.660 --> 29:43.660 the context of delusion in a coat or in a sec. 29:43.660 --> 29:47.660 And of course, everybody says, no, I have the real least you are 29:47.660 --> 29:49.660 living in a coat. 29:49.660 --> 29:52.660 So in this situation, we must always question ourselves and 29:52.660 --> 29:55.660 I did this, of course, 100 times before I went public. 29:55.660 --> 29:58.660 Am I absolutely sure that I'm the real least and not to the 29:58.660 --> 29:59.660 root? 29:59.660 --> 30:03.660 And to answer, you can only answer these questions. 30:03.660 --> 30:06.660 Am I the real least or the deluded by looking at the reality as 30:06.660 --> 30:09.660 possibly as possible that these worlds is what I need. 30:09.660 --> 30:12.660 I informed the public about the reality. 30:12.660 --> 30:17.660 From my, I, my view on the reality so that the public could 30:17.660 --> 30:21.660 decide who is right and who is wrong or at least to his close 30:21.660 --> 30:24.660 to the reality and then to not. 30:24.660 --> 30:27.660 I mean, this is, this is what was amazing, but what everybody 30:27.660 --> 30:29.660 should have realized also. 30:29.660 --> 30:33.660 I mean, we had never been in the climate scam. 30:33.660 --> 30:35.660 It is about the same, right? 30:35.660 --> 30:40.660 We had never any public call, public scientific debate. 30:40.660 --> 30:44.660 And then usually, I mean, for example, especially the public 30:44.660 --> 30:48.660 broadcasters are the problems that that some yellow press is 30:48.660 --> 30:50.660 lying, the people can understand. 30:50.660 --> 30:53.660 But especially here in Europe, in almost every country, 30:53.660 --> 30:56.660 there are public broadcasters that are paid by us. 30:56.660 --> 30:57.660 We are obliged to pay them. 30:57.660 --> 31:01.660 And so it's, for example, one Swiss franc per day so that they 31:01.660 --> 31:04.660 are independent and they have the duty. 31:04.660 --> 31:08.660 This is even written in the law to inform us objectively as 31:08.660 --> 31:10.660 objectively as possible. 31:10.660 --> 31:15.660 And they never presented our view on this. 31:16.660 --> 31:18.660 A life pandemic, never ever. 31:18.660 --> 31:21.660 And there was never a scientific debate. 31:21.660 --> 31:25.660 Or if he asked the other side, nobody, nobody, not a single 31:25.660 --> 31:28.660 one was ever ready for a public scientific debate. 31:28.660 --> 31:33.660 Strange as hell, I mean, if you are sure to have to be right, 31:33.660 --> 31:37.660 why not engage in such a public debate? 31:37.660 --> 31:39.660 You can, you can crush the other side. 31:39.660 --> 31:40.660 Huh? 31:40.660 --> 31:41.660 If you're right. 31:41.660 --> 31:45.660 If you're wrong, maybe you risk to be destroyed. 31:45.660 --> 31:46.660 Yeah. 31:46.660 --> 31:51.660 Then, of course, I realized, yeah, you cannot fight alone. 31:51.660 --> 31:54.660 Maybe I have to state as well. 31:54.660 --> 31:58.660 Before I went to public, I mean, I was sure I was right. 31:58.660 --> 32:02.660 But I could not be only 99% sure as a doctor when I went 32:02.660 --> 32:05.660 public because if I was wrong and the tsunami had arrived, 32:05.660 --> 32:08.660 I would have been destroyed as a doctor. 32:08.660 --> 32:12.660 And at that time, I was looking for other doctors who did the 32:12.660 --> 32:13.660 same. 32:13.660 --> 32:15.660 And I found Souchari Bock. 32:15.660 --> 32:20.660 I found his video, YouTube video, where he speaks to the 32:20.660 --> 32:22.660 Chancellor Merkel of Germany. 32:22.660 --> 32:26.660 And he also Souchari, at that time, he was rather naive. 32:26.660 --> 32:28.660 It's not true. 32:28.660 --> 32:32.660 I don't want to be unkind, but he states it as well. 32:32.660 --> 32:35.660 Of course, he thought, yeah, well, I have to spread this 32:35.660 --> 32:36.660 information. 32:36.660 --> 32:39.660 And Chancellor Merkel, we don't understand it. 32:39.660 --> 32:42.660 This nonsense will be over. 32:42.660 --> 32:45.660 So we all were somewhat naive, some a little bit more, 32:45.660 --> 32:46.660 some a little bit less. 32:46.660 --> 32:50.660 For example, my kid in all my states, I was a normie until 32:50.660 --> 32:51.660 2020. 32:51.660 --> 32:55.660 So he didn't take the red pill before him. 32:55.660 --> 32:58.660 So, of course, if you didn't take the red pill before, 32:58.660 --> 33:04.660 it usually takes longer to accept, I mean, in the end, 33:04.660 --> 33:08.660 we have to accept that, obviously, our own government, 33:08.660 --> 33:12.660 even the Swiss government, here in Heidi Land, that even the 33:12.660 --> 33:19.660 Swiss government is waging war against its own populace. 33:19.660 --> 33:23.660 This is hard to believe and even harder to swallow. 33:23.660 --> 33:25.660 Yeah. 33:25.660 --> 33:30.660 And I realize, of course, that there is, for example, stage 33:30.660 --> 33:31.660 terrorism, etc. 33:31.660 --> 33:33.660 But this never happened in Switzerland. 33:33.660 --> 33:38.660 I mean, the Swiss government also corrodes into the CO2 scam, 33:38.660 --> 33:41.660 but there was never ever stage terrorism in Switzerland. 33:41.660 --> 33:44.660 So I always thought, yeah, the Swiss government, they have some 33:44.660 --> 33:45.660 limits. 33:45.660 --> 33:47.660 They won't do anything, everything. 33:47.660 --> 33:53.660 But in this COVID pandemic, they followed the orders of the 33:53.660 --> 33:56.660 powers that he has as in every other country. 33:56.660 --> 33:59.660 A lot of those powers that be are actually in your country, 33:59.660 --> 34:01.660 which kind of, I mean, how does that feel? 34:01.660 --> 34:04.660 That is exactly what I wanted to say now. 34:04.660 --> 34:05.660 Look at Switzerland. 34:05.660 --> 34:09.660 Switzerland is actually at the core of evil. 34:09.660 --> 34:14.660 I mean, all these evil organizations are located in Switzerland. 34:14.660 --> 34:20.660 And they are all granted immunity by our criminal government. 34:20.660 --> 34:24.660 So, I mean, just think about this. 34:24.660 --> 34:27.660 I should have an organization have immunity in an organization 34:27.660 --> 34:31.660 like the WHO, the World Economic Forum, the Army, etc. 34:31.660 --> 34:35.660 Why should they have immunity if they were not criminal? 34:35.660 --> 34:39.660 Why should the person that is not criminal or an organization that 34:39.660 --> 34:43.660 is not criminal, want to have immunity? 34:43.660 --> 34:45.660 Yeah. 34:45.660 --> 34:46.660 Yeah. 34:46.660 --> 34:47.660 Yeah. 34:47.660 --> 34:48.660 Yeah. 34:48.660 --> 34:49.660 Yeah. 34:49.660 --> 34:50.660 Yeah. 34:50.660 --> 34:51.660 Yeah. 34:51.660 --> 34:52.660 So no, go ahead. 34:52.660 --> 34:53.660 No. 34:53.660 --> 34:54.660 I was writing something down. 34:54.660 --> 34:56.660 I realized I cannot fight alone. 34:56.660 --> 34:58.660 I met her during Switzerland. 34:58.660 --> 35:02.660 I joined the network of doctors and scientists. 35:02.660 --> 35:07.660 Of course, I was a member of the board for sometimes there. 35:07.660 --> 35:09.660 It's called Alethea. 35:09.660 --> 35:12.660 After the Greek goddess of truth. 35:12.660 --> 35:16.660 I joined doctors for COVID ethics. 35:16.660 --> 35:21.660 And we've already mentioned was a part of this external period 35:21.660 --> 35:24.660 of the German, of the Carmen Drossman Review Report. 35:24.660 --> 35:29.660 I always also joined the German network of doctors and scientists. 35:29.660 --> 35:32.660 And to you, a great friend of mine is now, of course, 35:32.660 --> 35:34.660 Sücheri Bakhti. 35:34.660 --> 35:36.660 Actually, we had the same teacher. 35:36.660 --> 35:38.660 This is quite interesting. 35:38.660 --> 35:43.660 Sücheri is about 15 or so years older than me. 35:43.660 --> 35:45.660 He started in Bonn. 35:45.660 --> 35:50.660 And at that time, his teacher in internal medicine was the Swiss professor 35:50.660 --> 35:52.660 Walter Seagenthal. 35:52.660 --> 35:56.660 And this was absolutely the track of the differential diagnosis. 35:56.660 --> 35:58.660 This is his book in German. 35:58.660 --> 35:59.660 He wrote this book. 35:59.660 --> 36:03.660 He was in Europe, especially in German, speaking countries, 36:03.660 --> 36:08.660 but in the whole Europe, he was the crack in differential diagnosis 36:08.660 --> 36:10.660 in internal medicine. 36:10.660 --> 36:15.660 And I actually had 15 years later, the same professor. 36:15.660 --> 36:17.660 I started in Zurich. 36:17.660 --> 36:21.660 This is Dr. Seagenthal, Professor Seagenthal, the Swiss professor, 36:21.660 --> 36:27.660 that came back to Zurich because this is even a larger university than Bonn. 36:27.660 --> 36:29.660 And there also, I started. 36:29.660 --> 36:37.660 And Sücheri was one of his assistants I liked, and I was later in Zurich. 36:37.660 --> 36:39.660 This was quite interesting. 36:39.660 --> 36:42.660 He asked Sücheri whether he would join him into Switzerland, 36:42.660 --> 36:46.660 but Sücheri at that time decided to go into research. 36:46.660 --> 36:48.660 He became a microbiologist. 36:48.660 --> 36:53.660 And he asked me also to stay there, but I decided to specialize in cardiology. 36:53.660 --> 36:56.660 But this is an interesting coincidence. 36:56.660 --> 36:59.660 And this is especially what was staying out at that time. 36:59.660 --> 37:01.660 The differential diagnosis. 37:01.660 --> 37:06.660 There was no longer any differential diagnosis of acute respiratory infections. 37:06.660 --> 37:08.660 It was just COVID. 37:08.660 --> 37:13.660 Everything was COVID, especially acute respiratory infections. 37:14.660 --> 37:20.660 But then, of course, all other other other diagnoses were mislabeled as as 37:20.660 --> 37:23.660 COVID by these nonsense RTPs. 37:23.660 --> 37:31.660 Because theoretically, if you have one virus, if you run it at city 35 to 45, 37:31.660 --> 37:33.660 that was done. 37:33.660 --> 37:40.660 And there were studies that above 25 or 26 or so, they could not cultivate virus. 37:40.660 --> 37:45.660 It could be above 25, 26 or so. 37:45.660 --> 37:48.660 There is no even cultivable virus around. 37:48.660 --> 37:51.660 So they cannot be an infection at that city. 37:51.660 --> 37:56.660 In that city or an infection, they have maybe 15 to 20 or so city. 37:56.660 --> 38:03.660 Have you considered the possibility that with bad, let's say, 38:03.660 --> 38:09.660 over general targeting of certain motifs or, you know, certain epitopes, 38:09.660 --> 38:11.660 whatever, whatever amplicon they choose. 38:11.660 --> 38:15.660 If they didn't choose, choose an amplicon that was specific enough, 38:15.660 --> 38:20.660 they could be confounding a background signal that was always there with spread of 38:20.660 --> 38:22.660 something new. 38:22.660 --> 38:24.660 Okay. 38:24.660 --> 38:25.660 Exactly. 38:25.660 --> 38:26.660 This was the big point. 38:26.660 --> 38:32.660 As I stated, there might be a good PCR test with almost 100% specificity. 38:32.660 --> 38:38.660 But in Germany, there was a laboratory laboratory survey already in summer. 38:38.660 --> 38:39.660 2020. 38:39.660 --> 38:45.660 And that is the specificity of the common drought and RTPCR test was 98.6%. 38:45.660 --> 38:46.660 98.6%. 38:46.660 --> 38:53.660 But the specificity went down exactly as you said in the presence of other corona 38:53.660 --> 38:54.660 viruses. 38:54.660 --> 38:57.660 It went down to 92.4%. 38:57.660 --> 39:00.660 So of course, during the summer. 39:00.660 --> 39:06.660 And I think this also even I treated it again yesterday or two days ago. 39:06.660 --> 39:11.660 Even nowadays, even people who call themselves experts. 39:11.660 --> 39:17.660 Do not realize what the specificity, for example, of 99% means. 39:17.660 --> 39:19.660 What is the meaning of this? 39:19.660 --> 39:25.660 That the meaning of the specificity is highly dependent on the prevalence of the 39:25.660 --> 39:26.660 virus. 39:26.660 --> 39:31.660 So if the prevalence of the virus is zero or close to zero. 39:32.660 --> 39:37.660 All positive RTPCR tests are almost all are. 39:37.660 --> 39:39.660 A false positive. 39:39.660 --> 39:42.660 I explain it to lay people like this. 39:42.660 --> 39:50.660 If you do an RTPCR test in 10,000 males, that is 99% specifically get 100 positive 39:50.660 --> 39:51.660 tests. 39:51.660 --> 39:57.660 And because the pregnancy of prevalence in men is zero, like the prevalence of 39:58.660 --> 40:05.660 coronaviruses, beta, corona, common cold viruses in the summer is zero or close to zero. 40:05.660 --> 40:12.660 All those 100 tests, 100% of the positive test of all positives. 40:12.660 --> 40:15.660 So we saw this. 40:15.660 --> 40:17.660 May I share my screen? 40:17.660 --> 40:19.660 I have to set it. 40:19.660 --> 40:20.660 But yes, you definitely can. 40:20.660 --> 40:22.660 Let me just give a click here. 40:22.660 --> 40:26.660 Because there is really there is something. 40:26.660 --> 40:27.660 Yeah. 40:27.660 --> 40:28.660 Yeah. 40:28.660 --> 40:29.660 Yeah. 40:29.660 --> 40:30.660 Yeah. 40:30.660 --> 40:31.660 Yeah. 40:31.660 --> 40:33.660 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, maybe. 40:33.660 --> 40:36.660 I think in three to, oh, J.J. 40:36.660 --> 40:38.660 Look, our correspondent. 40:38.660 --> 40:40.660 Yeah, I think it's there. 40:40.660 --> 40:41.660 Yeah. 40:41.660 --> 40:47.660 I like this because a picture paints a thousand birds. 40:47.660 --> 40:54.660 Because if you only look at this graph, you understand that it was mainly at least an 40:55.660 --> 40:56.660 RTPCR testing pandemic. 40:56.660 --> 41:01.660 This is actually the ICU bed monitoring in Switzerland. 41:01.660 --> 41:06.660 It was done by the ETH, one of the most famous universities in Switzerland, 41:06.660 --> 41:10.660 even all over the world, especially famous also in the climate scam. 41:10.660 --> 41:14.660 There you see the ICU bed occupancy and you see the dates. 41:14.660 --> 41:18.660 And there is a black curve that is the total ICU bed occupants. 41:18.660 --> 41:22.660 I'm so around here between about 600 and 900. 41:22.660 --> 41:29.660 We always had a hump in the winter in the ICU because these are, of course, the acute 41:29.660 --> 41:37.660 respiratory infections whose worst cases must be ventilated mechanical and intensive care 41:37.660 --> 41:38.660 units. 41:38.660 --> 41:47.660 So we always had to have spare beds of about 20% to manage this hump we have in the winter. 41:47.660 --> 41:49.660 And then you see a green curve. 41:49.660 --> 41:53.660 These are the non-COVID patients and the orange curve. 41:53.660 --> 41:57.660 These are the orange, the COVID patients. 41:57.660 --> 42:01.660 And now look what happens there for example, in the summer of 2020. 42:01.660 --> 42:07.660 You had this pulse positivity rate of about 1%, about 1% of all tests were false positives 42:07.660 --> 42:12.660 corresponding to the about 99% specificity like I explained before. 42:12.660 --> 42:16.660 And then suddenly here it was in October. 42:16.660 --> 42:19.660 COVID patients arrive in the ICU. 42:19.660 --> 42:22.660 This curve goes up very steeply. 42:22.660 --> 42:24.660 And then what would you expect? 42:24.660 --> 42:31.660 So of course if COVID patients arrive, the number of myocardial infarction, strokes, victims 42:31.660 --> 42:34.660 of severe car accidents, et cetera. 42:34.660 --> 42:42.660 So the green line will continue straight like this and maybe at some time it would go down 42:42.660 --> 42:48.660 a little bit because if you postpone for example operations because you have no more 42:48.660 --> 42:50.660 ICU capacity. 42:50.660 --> 42:53.660 But we see also this curve here, the dotted line. 42:53.660 --> 42:55.660 These are the total ICU beds. 42:55.660 --> 43:02.660 They increased it at the start to 1500 beds and during the alleged pandemic of the century 43:02.660 --> 43:04.660 they already decreased it. 43:04.660 --> 43:08.660 And you see that the difference between these two curves, the dotted line at the back curve, 43:09.660 --> 43:14.660 from this you see there's never been any overcrowding of the ICUs in Switzerland of course. 43:14.660 --> 43:17.660 There has always been local overcrowding of an ICU. 43:17.660 --> 43:24.660 Of course if we have certainly 10 patients that must be ventilated due to bacterial pneumonia 43:24.660 --> 43:30.660 or if there is a car accident with 10 severely injured then of course a local ICU is overcrowded. 43:30.660 --> 43:37.660 But already as a resident I sometimes had to call for an hour to find an ICU bed for a patient. 43:37.660 --> 43:40.660 This has never always been like this. 43:40.660 --> 43:47.660 But you see what you see that at the very same moment that the orange curve goes down, the 43:47.660 --> 43:52.660 green curve goes up, the green curve goes down and it's a versa. 43:52.660 --> 43:57.660 These two curves are almost complete in mirror images. 43:57.660 --> 44:03.660 And the total number of ICU beds are part of this hump. 44:04.660 --> 44:07.660 Inlet is not unchanged. 44:07.660 --> 44:11.660 So how can you possibly explain this? 44:11.660 --> 44:21.660 So is there if this patient, the new patient arrives in the ICU, a super natural instance, 44:21.660 --> 44:24.660 probably got a lot more to call it God. 44:24.660 --> 44:29.660 He decides to postpone my car to any function, pulmonary embolism, the car accident, 44:30.660 --> 44:33.660 or is the solution not that simple? 44:33.660 --> 44:36.660 That everybody who enters the hospital is tested. 44:36.660 --> 44:43.660 If this nonsense or TPCR test I always state rolling a dice is cheaper and less invasive. 44:43.660 --> 44:48.660 And then if you are in the hospital because of my carding and fortune, 44:48.660 --> 44:52.660 after one day the test results comes in, test results comes in positive, 44:52.660 --> 44:55.660 positive, talking switch in the orange curve. 44:55.660 --> 44:56.660 This is up. 44:56.660 --> 45:03.660 This alone is 100% proof that this was mainly an RTPCR test in pandemic. 45:03.660 --> 45:11.660 I stated this since October when I saw this at that stage already. 45:11.660 --> 45:13.660 I stated this. 45:13.660 --> 45:14.660 Look at this. 45:14.660 --> 45:16.660 This alone is the proof. 45:17.660 --> 45:20.660 But at least nobody ever there to come to take me. 45:20.660 --> 45:22.660 I never got, I never lost it. 45:22.660 --> 45:26.660 I want to ask in the overtime, it became even more obvious. 45:26.660 --> 45:28.660 I mean, look at this. 45:28.660 --> 45:34.660 I want to ask a big question here because I just a hypothetical, you as a doctor, 45:34.660 --> 45:38.660 if at this stage in the pandemic, I don't know if you can see my arrow or not, 45:38.660 --> 45:43.660 but at this stage in the pandemic where you're saying that all these COVID patients show up, 45:43.660 --> 45:48.660 but then the actual number of adults that are non-COVID in the ICU plummets 45:48.660 --> 45:51.660 and that sort of mirror image all the way around here, 45:51.660 --> 45:56.660 can you imagine a sense, what would happen if all of these people who came into a hospital, 45:56.660 --> 46:02.660 diagnosed for COVID were measured in their pulse with a pulse oximeter 46:02.660 --> 46:04.660 and given supplementary oxygen? 46:04.660 --> 46:09.660 Would that do good for most of those patients or would that be a dangerous thing to do 46:09.660 --> 46:14.660 for anybody that comes in and tests positive, give them oxygen? 46:14.660 --> 46:16.660 Yes, of course. 46:16.660 --> 46:21.660 Oxygen is toxic, but in higher amounts, of course, if you're not integrated, 46:21.660 --> 46:26.660 you may not inhale that much oxygen that becomes toxic. 46:26.660 --> 46:29.660 Because we found people in America that were brought in 46:29.660 --> 46:32.660 and because there was a shortage of ventilators or whatever excuse they gave, 46:32.660 --> 46:36.660 they gave them like 10 liters of oxygen a minute through these nasal things. 46:37.660 --> 46:41.660 And then it was that that these people seemed to have dried out, 46:41.660 --> 46:46.660 and then now we need to put you on a ventilator because it's so painful. 46:46.660 --> 46:50.660 Yes, and I heard that below, if the saturation went below 90, 46:50.660 --> 46:53.660 they just as a reflex intubated them. 46:53.660 --> 46:57.660 I mean, this again is this belief in figures. 46:57.660 --> 47:02.660 You have to watch the patient, how is the patient? 47:03.660 --> 47:09.660 Maybe 85 or even lower is terrible for quite a long time or even lower. 47:09.660 --> 47:13.660 I mean, you cannot just treat the patients according to a figure, 47:13.660 --> 47:15.660 but maybe one thing I have to state. 47:15.660 --> 47:16.660 Okay. 47:16.660 --> 47:25.660 I mean, in the ICU, of course, not everybody on this orange curve 47:25.660 --> 47:27.660 at the diagnosis COVID. 47:27.660 --> 47:32.660 The problem is there was direct reporting and highly like in every country 47:32.660 --> 47:37.660 of the PCR positive PCR test results to the authorities. 47:37.660 --> 47:45.660 So the laboratories told send all positive test results to the authorities. 47:45.660 --> 47:53.660 And then they sent the results to the legacy media and they published these case numbers. 47:54.660 --> 47:59.660 The physicians, the treating physicians were not asked in this. 47:59.660 --> 48:03.660 Is these three are these patients really suffering from COVID? 48:03.660 --> 48:07.660 So this was always a huge, although a huge mistake. 48:07.660 --> 48:09.660 Also a huge mistake. 48:09.660 --> 48:14.660 Of course, the doctor must decide what to do with the diagnosis. 48:14.660 --> 48:19.660 And then he must inform the health authorities about the diagnosis. 48:19.660 --> 48:27.660 But they bypassed this by the laboratory, sending the testing results directly to the authorities. 48:27.660 --> 48:33.660 So not everybody working in the ICU was a criminal. 48:33.660 --> 48:41.660 I think they realized that not they have not that many patients, but suffering from COVID. 48:41.660 --> 48:45.660 But obviously nobody looked at this curve at this graph. 48:45.660 --> 48:46.660 I don't know. 48:46.660 --> 48:47.660 It's hard to say. 48:47.660 --> 48:54.660 But as you say, I'm sure there were people killed in the hospitals. 48:54.660 --> 48:58.660 There was mistreat, but there was also too late diagnosis. 48:58.660 --> 49:02.660 I mean, many say about we saw so many people before I clones. 49:02.660 --> 49:04.660 Well, I answered. 49:04.660 --> 49:08.660 We always had some patients with my clones always. 49:08.660 --> 49:11.660 But maybe one or much or two. 49:12.660 --> 49:14.660 Now they maybe had 10 or 20. 49:14.660 --> 49:19.660 But could the explanation not simply be what I stated before? 49:19.660 --> 49:25.660 The patients who got worse, who got bacteria, pneumonia, they didn't go to the cheap. 49:25.660 --> 49:27.660 They were told, I'll stay at home. 49:27.660 --> 49:28.660 You have COVID. 49:28.660 --> 49:30.660 We cannot help you. 49:30.660 --> 49:37.660 Go to the hospital and you are really, really close to the end of life when you have blue lips. 49:38.660 --> 49:44.660 So maybe at only at that time, maybe at the 10th, 14 or even more days. 49:44.660 --> 49:48.660 Severe bacteria, pneumonia was diagnosed too late. 49:48.660 --> 49:53.660 Maybe already with Sears, with multi organ failure and all that. 49:53.660 --> 49:59.660 So I'm quite sure that many of the alleged severe COVID patients were. 49:59.660 --> 50:04.660 It's pulmonary bacteria, pneumonia or trombo. 50:04.660 --> 50:09.660 I mean, in America, Dr. Binder, it's not treated too late. 50:09.660 --> 50:10.660 Sorry. 50:10.660 --> 50:14.660 No, Dr. Binder, in America, they said it for years on television. 50:14.660 --> 50:18.660 There are still people saying it on social media now that viral pneumonia. 50:18.660 --> 50:22.660 Viral pneumonia can't be treated with antibiotics. 50:22.660 --> 50:27.660 So these doctors have been led to believe that if the PCR dings positive, 50:27.660 --> 50:31.660 then it's a viral pneumonia, which can't respond to antibiotics. 50:31.660 --> 50:36.660 And so the whole possibility is actually off the table, which is an extraordinary. 50:36.660 --> 50:43.660 It's almost like, how can you be so incompetent as a professional to not see that shell game? 50:43.660 --> 50:45.660 I mean, but they did. 50:45.660 --> 50:47.660 This is what I stated before. 50:47.660 --> 50:50.660 It was always a duty in cases that got worse. 50:50.660 --> 50:54.660 Too different to try to differentiate as good as possible. 50:54.660 --> 50:58.660 For example, CPR is one is one of the factor. 50:58.660 --> 51:03.660 If the CPR is CPR. 51:03.660 --> 51:06.660 It's okay. 51:06.660 --> 51:13.660 If PCR is 56 years old, probably it's a viral infection. 51:13.660 --> 51:20.660 But if it's 200, 300, 400, the likelihood for a bacterial infection is always great. 51:20.660 --> 51:26.660 So it was always a duty to differentiate viral from bacterial infection, 51:26.660 --> 51:32.660 because, yeah, as your viral infections, we cannot treat only supportive risks. 51:32.660 --> 51:37.660 There are some antivirals, but this was also always amazing. 51:37.660 --> 51:40.660 They never worked really. 51:40.660 --> 51:41.660 Antibiotics work. 51:41.660 --> 51:43.660 They work really good. 51:43.660 --> 51:47.660 You can cultivate bacteria on an auger plate. 51:47.660 --> 51:52.660 You can put some antibiotics on it and you see how the bacteria are killed. 51:52.660 --> 51:55.660 This we cannot see, of course, with viruses. 51:55.660 --> 51:58.660 And all these antivirals, they do not really work. 51:58.660 --> 52:00.660 They work only the first day. 52:00.660 --> 52:10.660 These also, I mean, they applied them after 10, 14 days or so when there is usually no more viral replication, 52:10.660 --> 52:13.660 so that they cannot at that stage, they cannot work. 52:14.660 --> 52:16.660 But they gave a friend a severe, highly toxic. 52:16.660 --> 52:17.660 And there it's severe. 52:17.660 --> 52:20.660 They could not work at that stage at all. 52:20.660 --> 52:22.660 And detoxify KTP. 52:22.660 --> 52:27.660 This differential diagnosis mainly between viral and bacterial infection. 52:27.660 --> 52:30.660 Do we have to choose antibiotics or not? 52:30.660 --> 52:33.660 This usually did no longer happen. 52:33.660 --> 52:35.660 This did not happen. 52:35.660 --> 52:39.660 But it's also interesting was in the first protocols. 52:40.660 --> 52:43.660 Often there was included eritromycin. 52:43.660 --> 52:50.660 Eritromycin is a good antibiotic against community diet in pneumonia. 52:50.660 --> 52:56.660 For some years, it was the first line drug in Switzerland against community type pneumonia 52:56.660 --> 52:59.660 because it covers also my completions, for example. 52:59.660 --> 53:05.660 Nowadays, it's a moxysylin post-covalain acid. 53:06.660 --> 53:13.660 But yeah, it was also amazed that these included antibiotics and they were said to work. 53:13.660 --> 53:19.660 So maybe in the only many patients, they worked because they included an antibiotic. 53:19.660 --> 53:29.660 And the bernirocure told me that in the states, in some regions, the antibiotic prescriptions at that time, 53:29.660 --> 53:31.660 plummeted by 50%. 53:31.660 --> 53:32.660 Oh, yeah. 53:32.660 --> 53:34.660 Some places even approved. 53:35.660 --> 53:38.660 So why should there be less bacterial pneumonia than before? 53:38.660 --> 53:42.660 I didn't like it ever even more because they were diagnosed too late. 53:42.660 --> 53:43.660 Exactly. 53:43.660 --> 53:45.660 The opposite should have happened. 53:45.660 --> 53:48.660 The antibiotic prescriptions should have increased. 53:48.660 --> 53:50.660 This is not the proof for this. 53:50.660 --> 53:51.660 Yeah, absolutely. 53:51.660 --> 53:52.660 Wow. 53:52.660 --> 53:53.660 Well done. 53:53.660 --> 53:54.660 Yeah. 53:54.660 --> 54:00.660 I mean, what was also obvious very early was that there were, I mean, 54:00.660 --> 54:07.660 all I always say that during these times of total disease, that disease, 54:07.660 --> 54:12.660 the seed we have to check the only heart data and heart data is mortality, 54:12.660 --> 54:13.660 mortality. 54:13.660 --> 54:20.660 So why was there excess mortality in spring 2020 in some countries? 54:20.660 --> 54:27.660 And the very unusual shape, huge short spikes by the neighboring countries, 54:27.660 --> 54:28.660 even in neighboring countries. 54:28.660 --> 54:30.660 There was no, that's the virus. 54:30.660 --> 54:32.660 If it was reported, this may not answer. 54:32.660 --> 54:37.660 I mean, even if there is a wall between the, for example, in Canada and Canada, 54:37.660 --> 54:42.660 there was no excess mortality in spring 2020 in the USA, there was. 54:42.660 --> 54:47.660 Although there is a 8,000 or so kilometer border between those two countries. 54:47.660 --> 54:50.660 I mean, these alone also proves that the killer. 54:50.660 --> 54:56.660 That the virus may not be the killer, but the killer is our paradoxical reaction to the virus. 54:56.660 --> 55:03.660 I mean, in New York City, in New York City, we're supposed to believe in New York City that in four weeks, 55:03.660 --> 55:07.660 almost 25,000 people died. 55:07.660 --> 55:11.660 That's an extraordinary pile of bodies. 55:11.660 --> 55:13.660 And we have no evidence for it. 55:13.660 --> 55:14.660 We don't have names. 55:14.660 --> 55:16.660 We don't have graves. 55:16.660 --> 55:24.660 It's extraordinary because that story was the, the inclined plane that they used to project what was going to happen in the future. 55:24.660 --> 55:27.660 If we didn't absolutely lock down. 55:27.660 --> 55:33.660 And I think that New York City is one of these stories that was told around the world as a warning, 55:33.660 --> 55:36.660 not much different than blowing up two buildings and saying, 55:36.660 --> 55:42.660 everybody's got to take their shoes off when they get on airplanes now because terrorism in New York. 55:42.660 --> 55:49.660 I think New York City is almost, it's almost the people that have lived their long term. 55:49.660 --> 55:55.660 I've really been victimized by these repeated exercises. 55:55.660 --> 56:02.660 I think, I think in New York, New York was the, was the Bergamo of the United States. 56:02.660 --> 56:05.660 I mean, Europe had Bergamo even nowadays. 56:05.660 --> 56:09.660 If I explain all that stuff for an hour or so, what is the answer? 56:09.660 --> 56:11.660 Hey, but what is with Bergamo? 56:11.660 --> 56:12.660 Look at Bergamo. 56:12.660 --> 56:14.660 What happened in Bergamo? 56:15.660 --> 56:26.660 Well, in Bergamo, they showed, they showed videos of military lorries that transported bodies to the crematories. 56:26.660 --> 56:30.660 Is this correct in the crematory? 56:30.660 --> 56:32.660 How did this happen? 56:32.660 --> 56:38.660 Yeah, well, the Italian government in Italy, most people are Catholic. 56:38.660 --> 56:43.660 These Catholics do not want to be cremated. 56:44.660 --> 56:51.660 And so they do not have as many crematories as we have in Switzerland or probably you in the States or so. 56:51.660 --> 56:54.660 So the majority was not cremated. 56:54.660 --> 56:57.660 So they had a shortage of crematories. 56:57.660 --> 57:06.660 So they put all these coffins in a, in a, in a gym hall, in a huge gym hall. 57:06.660 --> 57:10.660 Maybe, and then of course that there were some hundred coffins or so. 57:10.660 --> 57:18.660 Then they, they filmed all this and they transported it in crematories far away. 57:18.660 --> 57:22.660 And they did not use lorries or whatever. 57:22.660 --> 57:25.660 They choose military lorries. 57:25.660 --> 57:34.660 So that they could make the people believe, I got very such a crisis that even the civil authorities cannot match in it. 57:34.660 --> 57:37.660 The military must be mobilized to do this. 57:37.660 --> 57:39.660 This is, is most of the story of Bergham. 57:39.660 --> 57:40.660 Wow. 57:40.660 --> 57:45.660 Bergham also, so, in Bergham also also found something else. 57:45.660 --> 57:58.660 In January 2020, they vaccinated 36,000 elderly people against mening or cocaine. 57:58.660 --> 57:59.660 You can Google this. 57:59.660 --> 58:00.660 It's in Italy. 58:00.660 --> 58:01.660 You found it. 58:01.660 --> 58:04.660 There are articles. 58:04.660 --> 58:13.660 And I mean, they did this at the time and there was trends around where SARS-CoV-2 was around. 58:13.660 --> 58:23.660 And maybe it was not a good idea at the time to, when, if you want to make, have a flu shot and you have a cold, the cheapy sends you home. 58:23.660 --> 58:24.660 It says come back in a week. 58:24.660 --> 58:30.660 It's not a good idea to, to vaccinate into people, vaccinate people who are already infected. 58:30.660 --> 58:39.660 So this might, and the meningococcal, the vaccine against meningococcal is rather a dangerous vaccine anyway. 58:39.660 --> 58:43.660 So maybe this could also have played a role. 58:43.660 --> 58:44.660 I don't know. 58:44.660 --> 58:46.660 But I need what I would do. 58:46.660 --> 58:55.660 I would, I would examine the more people die in Bergham or who were vaccinated that were, then were unvaccinated, for example, against meningococcal. 58:56.660 --> 59:01.660 There are, there were some hotspots where I'm not absolutely sure what happened. 59:01.660 --> 59:06.660 It is also possible that in some hotspots, they released some pathogen. 59:06.660 --> 59:12.660 Maybe even they turned on five chin and other specification or so. 59:12.660 --> 59:13.660 I don't know. 59:13.660 --> 59:18.660 EMF, EM radiation radiation is, of course, unhealthy. 59:19.660 --> 59:32.660 I mean, what was interesting, I was never attacked as strongly as when I mentioned already in April 2020, that there was a huge correlation between severe COVID cases and 5G density. 59:32.660 --> 59:38.660 But this correlation, of course, must not be causation, but it may be a hint for possible causation. 59:38.660 --> 59:43.660 There was a Spanish study in Barcelona who actually showed this correlation as well. 59:43.660 --> 59:50.660 But of course, that the cost could be that, of course, this 5G expansion is also part of the agenda. 59:50.660 --> 59:58.660 They need to brought the bandwidth to install this whole control and surveillance surveillance and control agenda. 59:58.660 --> 01:00:04.660 So this, this may be, of course, correlation without just be a coincidence. 01:00:04.660 --> 01:00:10.660 But, but yeah, I don't know what happened in some hotspots, maybe, but. 01:00:11.660 --> 01:00:12.660 I keep encouraging. 01:00:12.660 --> 01:00:17.660 Also, in spring 2020, we had no excess mortality in Switzerland. 01:00:17.660 --> 01:00:23.660 In Germany, they didn't have the Switzerland. This is the border to Italy. 01:00:23.660 --> 01:00:24.660 Yeah. 01:00:24.660 --> 01:00:39.660 I keep people, I keep encouraging people to not try to to explain what happened with one story, because if they were doing this on purpose, then they would have used lots of different means and told us it was all the same thing and when it made it even harder to figure out. 01:00:40.660 --> 01:00:45.660 A poignant question that we didn't get to yet at what stage in your. 01:00:45.660 --> 01:00:57.660 Because I tell the story on my stream that I feel like one of the big tricks of the pandemic was to fool all of us into arguing about whether this was a natural virus or a lab leak. 01:00:57.660 --> 01:01:03.660 So that we would all accept the idea that something very dangerous is possible and it could come again. 01:01:03.660 --> 01:01:12.660 And I think this was a ruse. I don't think we should have ever argued about where it came from and that whole argument wasted years and so much of our energy and time. 01:01:12.660 --> 01:01:20.660 And now we have children running around thinking that laboratory viruses are especially dangerous and I think that's a horrible myth to perpetuate. 01:01:20.660 --> 01:01:26.660 When did that come to Switzerland and what's the state of that debate now there? 01:01:26.660 --> 01:01:32.660 Yes, it came immediately to Switzerland as well when it came and when it was the debate in the USA. 01:01:32.660 --> 01:01:36.660 I fully agree with you, of course, Jay, I fully agree with you. 01:01:36.660 --> 01:01:41.660 I mean, obviously, and proof, proof and again by the Nirokur. 01:01:41.660 --> 01:01:46.660 Obviously, there was no pandemic of a killer virus. 01:01:46.660 --> 01:01:50.660 And also this I stated early. 01:01:50.660 --> 01:01:54.660 If you want to understand your enemy, go in his shoes. 01:01:54.660 --> 01:02:02.660 If I was a psychopath who had the duty to plan such a pandemic of a killer virus. 01:02:02.660 --> 01:02:11.660 If I was not suicide, I would certainly not release a killer virus that could hurt or even kill me as well. 01:02:11.660 --> 01:02:14.660 Well, it is that simple. 01:02:14.660 --> 01:02:19.660 I would choose a comparatively harmless or even no virus. 01:02:19.660 --> 01:02:28.660 I must say, I'm not sure whether it was an RT-PCR testing pandemic by 95, 99 or even 100%. 01:02:28.660 --> 01:02:30.660 I'm open to this. 01:02:30.660 --> 01:02:37.660 I always take to 100% evidence and for the moment, the evidence for me is not enough to decide. 01:02:37.660 --> 01:02:42.660 But that's why I say the majority was an RT-PCR testing pandemic. 01:02:42.660 --> 01:02:50.660 But they're not completely sure whether what they're also disease called COVID produced by virus called SARS-CoV-2. 01:02:50.660 --> 01:02:53.660 I'm not 100% sure yet. 01:02:53.660 --> 01:02:58.660 I can tell you I can give you an interesting option to add to this idea. 01:02:58.660 --> 01:03:05.660 Think about the possibility that we know for sure 100% sure that if they made the DNA fragment. 01:03:05.660 --> 01:03:08.660 That they knew the PCR test was specific for. 01:03:08.660 --> 01:03:10.660 They could put that DNA fragment anywhere. 01:03:10.660 --> 01:03:15.660 They could put it in sewers and then they could test for it and they could definitely find it. 01:03:15.660 --> 01:03:17.660 And we know we can make DNA. 01:03:17.660 --> 01:03:25.660 And we know that PCR when the DNA that the PCR primers are specific for is present, it will amplify it. 01:03:25.660 --> 01:03:37.660 So the whole signal that we're told they found could have been put there and found using the very techniques that they claim find a random pathogen going around the world. 01:03:37.660 --> 01:03:44.660 And I think a lot of people are unaware of how easily that actual molecular illusion could be created. 01:03:44.660 --> 01:03:46.660 I mean, it's not crazy technology. 01:03:46.660 --> 01:03:48.660 It's very straightforward molecular biology. 01:03:48.660 --> 01:03:54.660 If we took the spike protein DNA and spilled it on the floor in your office, it would sit there for months. 01:03:54.660 --> 01:04:01.660 If not years and be detectable by a PCR test years later, depending on how well you cleaned your floor. 01:04:01.660 --> 01:04:04.660 I mean, that's how durable DNA would be in that context. 01:04:04.660 --> 01:04:05.660 There's even a paper. 01:04:05.660 --> 01:04:13.660 If there was no virus, even if there was no virus, if the PCR test alone, you can create 100% of all cases. 01:04:13.660 --> 01:04:15.660 In the summer, in the summer. 01:04:15.660 --> 01:04:17.660 98% score. 01:04:17.660 --> 01:04:22.660 It's basically the specificity 1.6% false positives. 01:04:22.660 --> 01:04:28.660 And as I mentioned before, 100% of all these 1.6% positives are false positives. 01:04:28.660 --> 01:04:37.660 And this goes went up goes up in the in the corona season that corresponds with the flu season in our northern hemisphere from November to April. 01:04:37.660 --> 01:04:43.660 It went down to 92.4. So, the 7.6% false positives. 01:04:43.660 --> 01:04:49.660 So this alone, even if there was absolutely no virus, if this test tested for nothing at all. 01:04:49.660 --> 01:05:00.660 We got this seasonal curve with the high case high case numbers in the flu season and the corona season and lower case numbers in the summer. 01:05:00.660 --> 01:05:05.660 This was also this was also something I realized early. 01:05:05.660 --> 01:05:10.660 And what were the alleged risk factors to die from COVID? 01:05:10.660 --> 01:05:14.660 It turned mainly the risk factors to die. 01:05:14.660 --> 01:05:19.660 And what was the average age of the people who deceased from COVID? 01:05:19.660 --> 01:05:27.660 It was the risk factor of all people who at least the median age of the people today. 01:05:27.660 --> 01:05:30.660 So this is an also another hint. 01:05:30.660 --> 01:05:35.660 I mean, for example, in influenza, of course, influenza is more dangerous with age as well. 01:05:35.660 --> 01:05:40.660 But it is also dangerous for the very small children. 01:05:40.660 --> 01:05:46.660 If the curve goes like this, small children, it goes down and then the elderly goes off. 01:05:46.660 --> 01:05:50.660 But there it went, it went like just like this. 01:05:50.660 --> 01:05:54.660 It was not more dangerous for the young people, for the babies. 01:05:55.660 --> 01:05:57.660 Yeah. 01:05:57.660 --> 01:06:00.660 As I said, this picture paints a thousand words. 01:06:00.660 --> 01:06:06.660 And this understands any scientist and even any, any, every labor person. 01:06:06.660 --> 01:06:11.660 I mean, anybody should show give me an explanation for this mirror image of the two curves. 01:06:11.660 --> 01:06:13.660 Nobody could ever do it. 01:06:13.660 --> 01:06:20.660 Okay, so now it makes sense to me that Switzerland must already have pulled their head out and everybody realizes that you're right, right? 01:06:20.660 --> 01:06:23.660 Or are you guys still absolutely? 01:06:24.660 --> 01:06:30.660 Unfortunately, it's the same in Switzerland as well as, as in the US, of course, we cannot get into the legacy media. 01:06:30.660 --> 01:06:35.660 We will be here in new media, we are here in another new media. 01:06:35.660 --> 01:06:42.660 This evening, after this, actually, there will be a discussion about the RKI files. 01:06:42.660 --> 01:06:44.660 This is an important message. 01:06:44.660 --> 01:06:48.660 I think that many Americans have not yet heard of this. 01:06:48.660 --> 01:06:54.660 The RKI, the Robert Koch Institute, is the German equivalent of the CDC. 01:06:54.660 --> 01:07:01.660 And there, a group of journalists around Pauschreier is also in Twitter. 01:07:01.660 --> 01:07:05.660 They sued, they made an FOI request. 01:07:05.660 --> 01:07:15.660 And they struggled two years in court to get the documents of the task force who was responsible, mainly the RKI, this Robert Koch Institute, 01:07:15.660 --> 01:07:21.660 who led the government and the people through these alleged crisis of the century. 01:07:21.660 --> 01:07:24.660 And what they found was amazing. 01:07:24.660 --> 01:07:30.660 What is published now here is amazing and it even enters legacy media in Germany. 01:07:30.660 --> 01:07:32.660 It starts to enter the legacy media. 01:07:32.660 --> 01:07:34.660 I think this is really important. 01:07:34.660 --> 01:07:39.660 There is a tweet that my last tweet is pinned up in English. 01:07:39.660 --> 01:07:47.660 It's very important that this information spreads also because it was the same, of course, in each and every country. 01:07:47.660 --> 01:07:57.660 For example, in spring, that the RKI found that this is not a specially dangerous virus. 01:07:57.660 --> 01:08:02.660 And then there is written that person that is redacted. 01:08:03.660 --> 01:08:10.660 This FOI, this release, these are more than 1000 pages, but they are heavily still, heavily, heavily redacted. 01:08:10.660 --> 01:08:18.660 And then a person from the outside decided we have to upgrade the dangerousness of the virus. We have to upgrade it. 01:08:18.660 --> 01:08:19.660 Yeah. 01:08:19.660 --> 01:08:24.660 This is just another example there in tune. 01:08:25.660 --> 01:08:34.660 The case numbers, even those those fake case numbers went down because in tune, there is no corona viruses around. 01:08:34.660 --> 01:08:40.660 So in tune, even in tune, they sold us and I guess to you in the States as well. 01:08:40.660 --> 01:08:41.660 They sold this. 01:08:41.660 --> 01:08:46.660 They still stated it's highly dangerous. There is a highly dangerous virus around. 01:08:46.660 --> 01:08:53.660 It's high still high risk. They made the people believe they gaslighted the people into believing that even in the summer. 01:08:53.660 --> 01:08:58.660 They have to bear mosques at 50 degrees, 40 degrees Celsius. 01:08:58.660 --> 01:09:06.660 And then there is no corona virus when there is only these 1% for positive taste. 01:09:06.660 --> 01:09:17.660 And there is written in these files, but they decided not to downgrade the level of dangerousness. 01:09:18.660 --> 01:09:29.660 And that this was, this was prescribed by the, this was by the federal ministry of health, the German federal ministry of health. 01:09:29.660 --> 01:09:41.660 There you see exactly how the politicians told scientists, the federal, the health authorities, what to do and what to release. 01:09:42.660 --> 01:09:56.660 For example, there is written yet that the case numbers go down. We cannot write. So person X, Y, redacted has the duty to find another formulation for these that the case numbers go down. 01:09:56.660 --> 01:10:06.660 This is really, this is amazing. And I think this, at least in Germany, it gets traction in the, in the legacy media. 01:10:06.660 --> 01:10:15.660 And yeah, I think it's important that we also inform the people in the English speaking countries and all over the world about this. 01:10:15.660 --> 01:10:23.660 Absolutely. And the flip side of that or the mirror of that in America. And I think it was October and November of 2020. 01:10:24.660 --> 01:10:31.660 Rochelle Walensky and a couple other people went on TV with a zoom with like three windows in it. 01:10:31.660 --> 01:10:39.660 And they told us that for the unvaccinated, we could look forward to a winter of severe disease and death. 01:10:39.660 --> 01:10:49.660 They actually said those words for the unvaccinated. You can expect a winter of severe disease and death. That's spectacular. 01:10:50.660 --> 01:10:59.660 Oh, yeah, it's okay. They pulled no punches. They said, and they pulled absolutely no punches at all. 01:10:59.660 --> 01:11:14.660 So do you have a sort of closing thing like what are your plans? What are you doing? How are you, I mean, have you kind of resigned to wait until people wake up? I mean, are we still fighting? What do we do now? I don't, I don't know other than I'm trying to 01:11:14.660 --> 01:11:19.660 teach the biology and spend time with people that want to learn it. 01:11:19.660 --> 01:11:23.660 Stuff that I was teaching already a few years ago, I'm starting to teach again. 01:11:23.660 --> 01:11:31.660 But I still feel like an awful lot of people are running around convincing us that this is something that happened and that's going to happen again. 01:11:31.660 --> 01:11:40.660 And so we need to elect the right people and enact the right laws. And I'm having the feeling that none of these things are the right thing to do. 01:11:41.660 --> 01:11:50.660 So, I don't know how to encourage people other than one person at a time to try and like pull people out of this. 01:11:51.660 --> 01:11:57.660 But where are you at with that? What's your plans going forward? What are you doing now? 01:11:57.660 --> 01:12:06.660 I'm somewhat tired of the four years, of course, gathering always the same again and again, and I tried to explain it as short as possible. 01:12:06.660 --> 01:12:12.660 For example, years ago, I treated the test is the past and all these stuff like this and stuff. 01:12:12.660 --> 01:12:18.660 Yeah, I mean, I think the people have to realize two basic things first. 01:12:18.660 --> 01:12:23.660 It was an RTP CR testing pandemic, or mainly it was. 01:12:24.660 --> 01:12:38.660 Because, and I also tell the people, I guess you know this, but look, if you do not believe me, read the New York Times article under the title Faith in Quick Test leads to epidemic that was that wasn't. 01:12:38.660 --> 01:12:58.660 That was published in 2007, Faith in Quick Test leads to pandemic epidemic, that wasn't that they described another edge to be of pandemic in New Hampshire in 2006, where they tasted 142 people positive for produces with a PCR test. 01:12:58.660 --> 01:13:05.660 And then in bacterial culture, none of them, none of them, not a single one was positive in the bacterial culture. 01:13:05.660 --> 01:13:13.660 So this was a 100% PCR testing epidemic. But this, this, this is exactly what they did here. 01:13:13.660 --> 01:13:21.660 And I think, I mean, people who say, Oh, well, conspiracy theories, this was this appeared in the New York Times, New York Times. 01:13:21.660 --> 01:13:25.660 In 2007, I can recommend it. 01:13:25.660 --> 01:13:26.660 Did you know it? 01:13:27.660 --> 01:13:34.660 One of my viewers already had the link in the chat before I could find it. I just found it now. That's really extraordinary. 01:13:34.660 --> 01:13:36.660 It's really extraordinary. 01:13:36.660 --> 01:13:52.660 And there are quotes, they quote, in fact, geologists and epidemiologists. And for example, one quote was something like this, that the most amazing for him was that he said that everything we did was so sensible at the time. 01:13:53.660 --> 01:14:05.660 Everything is written there. Everything that the people are living in this belief system. If you are in the belief system, obviously, it looks somewhat consistent. I have hard to. 01:14:05.660 --> 01:14:15.660 I have problems to believe it, but for them, it looks somewhat consistent. And they believe it like the climate scientists who are living in this climate scan, of course, they live in the belief. 01:14:15.660 --> 01:14:24.660 If you are both in this context of the illusion, you cannot see or if you are part of the system, you cannot see. 01:14:24.660 --> 01:14:41.660 You must also always take the outside perspective. These, for example, is important that the Westerners must, of course, watch Russia today, for example, to become an outside perspective on us. 01:14:41.660 --> 01:15:01.660 I mean, there is the US Empire was first British Empire, then it became the US Empire. And honestly, I mean, the current, the currently ruling Empire is always the most evil party, because if not, it would not be the Empire. 01:15:01.660 --> 01:15:17.660 Also, this we Westerners must realize, hey, we were not always the good guys, or rather the contrary. It is not these alleged Muslims who brought the World Trade Centers up in the air. It's rather us the problem. 01:15:17.660 --> 01:15:34.660 These are the such insights, really, they hurt. They hurt, of course, you turn into you. When you when you have these insights, you talk about, yeah, after some times, after some times you advance. 01:15:34.660 --> 01:15:48.660 And we have to overcome ideology, ideology, let's forget, try to forget ideology, just look at the reality as soberly as possible, whether we like the result or not, whether it is like it. 01:15:48.660 --> 01:16:01.660 And I think I think you and me, we are curious by nature, we became scientists, we are interested in the reality, but even even if you don't like it, we must accept it is the reality. 01:16:01.660 --> 01:16:06.660 And I always use the nature of both those caves. I think this is really good. 01:16:06.660 --> 01:16:16.660 Most people are living in Plato's cave, and on the walls, they are is no longer that the shadow of the science projected on the walls. 01:16:16.660 --> 01:16:35.660 But there is a huge flat screen, the legacy media project, different virtual realities on this flat screen, and 11 reality, the CO2 reality, the Ukraine reality, the pandemic reality, virtual reality, and the people are sitting there and they believe it. 01:16:35.660 --> 01:16:48.660 And it causes our duty once we have realized there is an exit that leads to the sun, right, that we have to go back in this cave, whether we like it or not, and try to explain those people. 01:16:48.660 --> 01:16:55.660 Hey, guys, there is an exit outside. There is the sun and 98 of the people outside are good, great people, nice people. 01:16:56.660 --> 01:17:09.660 It's only 2% psychopaths, or I prefer to call them malignant severe narcissists, then you have not the debate or the sociopath psychopaths, whatever, they are evil people without conscience, without knowing, without empathy, without the most. 01:17:10.660 --> 01:17:18.660 Those are the guys who are always through the empathetic humanity, they are wearing crowns in ancient times. 01:17:18.660 --> 01:17:29.660 Nowadays, they have billions in their pockets, and there is even a multi-trillion layer level above them that is not even known publicly. 01:17:29.660 --> 01:17:33.660 I mean, who is the richest guy? Currently, I guess it's Elon Musk. 01:17:33.660 --> 01:17:37.660 Now, what is with the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller family? 01:17:37.660 --> 01:17:45.660 They were the richest families for centuries, and they suddenly disappeared, did they suddenly published? 01:17:45.660 --> 01:17:53.660 Oh, these are, of course, there is a multi-billionaire level, and these are on the multi-trillionaire level, and the multi-billionaires are the front men. 01:17:54.660 --> 01:17:58.660 For example, Elon Musk is the front man for the whole technical aspect of a chain. 01:17:58.660 --> 01:18:12.660 The 2030 or great resets or one health that is basically all the same, and then Gates is the front man for the pandemic myths, and they play a search and all. 01:18:12.660 --> 01:18:20.660 These are the front men, these are the leading personnel of the ruling trillionaire psychopaths. 01:18:21.660 --> 01:18:23.660 And yeah, we have to try that. 01:18:23.660 --> 01:18:30.660 But someday I become quite desperate, but there is also hope. 01:18:30.660 --> 01:18:37.660 For example, in Switzerland, we could vote three times that there was a referendum about the COVID law. 01:18:37.660 --> 01:18:41.660 The COVID law gave the executive branch. 01:18:41.660 --> 01:18:47.660 These powers, these executive powers were in an authoritarian regime. 01:18:47.660 --> 01:18:49.660 The parliament was all of us. 01:18:49.660 --> 01:18:56.660 For silent state, they took them out themselves by running away and putting on Musk and telling it's too dangerous when we meet. 01:18:56.660 --> 01:18:59.660 And so, and this happened also in every country. 01:18:59.660 --> 01:19:02.660 So, oh, now I lost. 01:19:02.660 --> 01:19:04.660 I'm blathering a little bit. 01:19:04.660 --> 01:19:05.660 No, no, not at all. 01:19:05.660 --> 01:19:06.660 What did I want to say? 01:19:06.660 --> 01:19:08.660 What did I try to say? 01:19:08.660 --> 01:19:11.660 You were telling a story, but you just started it. 01:19:11.660 --> 01:19:14.660 He had three referendums. 01:19:15.660 --> 01:19:25.660 And although the maturity voted for the COVID law, so for these insane measures, by about 64%. 01:19:25.660 --> 01:19:34.660 The youngest people, between 18 and 35, they rejected the COVID law by 56 or so percent. 01:19:34.660 --> 01:19:36.660 This gives me hope. 01:19:36.660 --> 01:19:37.660 Yes. 01:19:37.660 --> 01:19:41.660 Well, we old guys, I'm a dinosaur, almost. 01:19:41.660 --> 01:19:45.660 Sometimes we say, oh, the young people, it's not the same as it was. 01:19:45.660 --> 01:19:50.660 No, this is, this is one hope of the young people, because, yeah, well, it's clear. 01:19:50.660 --> 01:19:56.660 The young people, they informed themselves in other sources in the internet. 01:19:56.660 --> 01:19:58.660 They do not longer longer. 01:19:58.660 --> 01:20:00.660 Let people bought it by a new state. 01:20:00.660 --> 01:20:02.660 They are not interested. 01:20:03.660 --> 01:20:08.660 They do it with active search for, for, to get the wrong chances they want to have. 01:20:08.660 --> 01:20:19.660 And another hope is that although everybody was, was propagating these chaps that, of course, are unnecessary, negative, effective, and life-threatening. 01:20:19.660 --> 01:20:25.660 But I think everybody who is listening here knows this, so we have no two to repeat it. 01:20:25.660 --> 01:20:29.660 But almost nobody takes these chaps now in Switzerland. 01:20:29.660 --> 01:20:32.660 The vaccination rate now is close to zero. 01:20:32.660 --> 01:20:41.660 And I think even in the USA, where the CDC still recommends chaps to even, even to children and even to pregnant women. 01:20:41.660 --> 01:20:49.660 I mean, to recommend these to pregnant women, this was the first crime in this, in this insanity, in this genocide. 01:20:50.660 --> 01:20:55.660 But this, this means that the people still realize, even if they do not agree. 01:20:55.660 --> 01:20:59.660 And so still, they do not no longer take the last step. 01:20:59.660 --> 01:21:00.660 I think they have realized it. 01:21:00.660 --> 01:21:04.660 And that important things are, first, it was a testing pandemic. 01:21:04.660 --> 01:21:15.660 This is the recipe for the, for the WHO to fabricate any testing pandemic against any disease X at will. 01:21:15.660 --> 01:21:20.660 According to the same recipe with a nonsense RTP, PCR or RTP statistics. 01:21:20.660 --> 01:21:35.660 And this, of course, is important now that David, that WHO wants to have global power that is above the constitution of every country with the new international health regulations and the pandemic agreement. 01:21:35.660 --> 01:21:44.660 And the second important message is that it is not mainly the spike and the lipid normal particles that makes the toxicity of this. 01:21:45.660 --> 01:21:47.660 My RNA vaccine platform. 01:21:47.660 --> 01:21:50.660 Of course, those two are toxic as well. 01:21:50.660 --> 01:21:57.660 But it is mainly the basic sin that every medical student learns in immunology. 01:21:57.660 --> 01:22:03.660 In the first lecture, maybe in the second, what is the basic duty of our immune system? 01:22:03.660 --> 01:22:05.660 It is to recognize nonsense. 01:22:05.660 --> 01:22:09.660 So this was the basic sin. 01:22:09.660 --> 01:22:19.660 If we, if we do achieve therapy, for example, for proper people that I don't know, do not produce enough insulin or so. 01:22:19.660 --> 01:22:23.660 Then this is a protein of our own body. 01:22:23.660 --> 01:22:24.660 This may work. 01:22:24.660 --> 01:22:31.660 But if we inject the construction plan for a protein foreign to the body. 01:22:32.660 --> 01:22:39.660 And this enters any body cell, even transfers is the blood brain barrier in the presentable area. 01:22:39.660 --> 01:22:43.660 And there it produces the foreign protein. 01:22:43.660 --> 01:22:51.660 It is a sales express and then present the foreign body protein and fragments of it on their surface. 01:22:51.660 --> 01:22:53.660 They are recognized as known cells. 01:22:53.660 --> 01:22:55.660 The white blood cells are policing around. 01:22:55.660 --> 01:22:58.660 They see these cells carrying a foreign protein. 01:22:58.660 --> 01:23:00.660 They think this is an aid. 01:23:00.660 --> 01:23:01.660 We attack it. 01:23:01.660 --> 01:23:09.660 And I think this is all also clear because what if the leaping on the part because made the main toxicity. 01:23:09.660 --> 01:23:11.660 I think it would be very sharp. 01:23:11.660 --> 01:23:14.660 The toxicity would rise more or less linearly. 01:23:14.660 --> 01:23:22.660 If it was the spike, the toxicity should even go down with any every shot because there are more and more neutralizing antibodies. 01:23:23.660 --> 01:23:30.660 But if it is dissolved immune attack, of course, the immune system is trained ever more by egg shot. 01:23:30.660 --> 01:23:41.660 So that also did the dangerousness of the of the of the of this platform increases exponentially with every shot. 01:23:41.660 --> 01:23:44.660 This was also shown by the neural curve. 01:23:45.660 --> 01:23:52.660 The dangerousness increases exponentially with age about twice every five years. 01:23:52.660 --> 01:23:54.660 And with those if every dose. 01:23:54.660 --> 01:24:00.660 And he made this case in the book that was made not that hero, mainly Michael Palmer wrote it. 01:24:00.660 --> 01:24:04.660 You know, it's DNA of mRNA toxicity. 01:24:04.660 --> 01:24:12.660 You can download it for free or from our website doctors for COVID ethics.org. 01:24:13.660 --> 01:24:21.660 And I think that there we also presented the book of the report card for the first pathologies to examine the job to victims and all this. 01:24:21.660 --> 01:24:41.660 So the people must realize that the problem is not only these vaccines, but that the whole modified RNA vaccine platform must be forbidden must be banned because this basic toxicity will be the same. 01:24:41.660 --> 01:24:50.660 Whether we produce a foreign antigen that is part of influence of source coffee to Corona whatsoever. 01:24:50.660 --> 01:24:56.660 This basic toxicity will is to expect from a whole platform. 01:24:56.660 --> 01:25:00.660 So do never ever accept not all. 01:25:01.660 --> 01:25:18.660 There's a really good story that goes along with this that the mirror of what you said with regard to self and non self somebody who has low amounts of insulin is still producing insulin. 01:25:18.660 --> 01:25:21.660 So it's still a protein that is a self protein. 01:25:21.660 --> 01:25:29.660 The original example of this technology rolled out with a denovirus is this guy Jesse Gelsinger in the early 2000s. 01:25:29.660 --> 01:25:33.660 He was missing a protein and enzyme in his liver. 01:25:33.660 --> 01:25:45.660 And so it was not a self protein they put that enzyme back in his liver and for about three weeks he was fine until the autoimmune response hit and then his had catastrophic liver failure and died. 01:25:45.660 --> 01:25:51.660 And so it is exactly the same thing here. It doesn't matter what protein you choose. I've been saying it for a while too. 01:25:51.660 --> 01:26:05.660 I'm really happy that you zeroed in on that because the circular DNA that's been found in the shots is an added toxicity and an added danger that doesn't in any way preclude the already dumb idea of transfecting people. 01:26:06.660 --> 01:26:08.660 So I'm really happy that you mentioned that. 01:26:08.660 --> 01:26:19.660 How can you explain me? Can you explain me? How did scientists not all scientists like you? Not all doctors like me, not immediately realized this. 01:26:19.660 --> 01:26:22.660 I mean, I stated this before. 01:26:23.660 --> 01:26:29.660 I was interested in how can it stay in the muscle? 01:26:29.660 --> 01:26:46.660 How can it only transfect the muscle? So I was looking for a receptor, obviously, for non-particles that makes them only enter the skeletal muscle cell. 01:26:46.660 --> 01:26:51.660 And in December 2020, I must head to state that there is not, there is not. 01:26:51.660 --> 01:27:00.660 So these three non-particles are deliberately chosen to enter any body cell, even the brain and the embryos embryonic cells. 01:27:00.660 --> 01:27:14.660 This is absolute proof of intention to harm. I mean, there are many stupid guys around, of course, but some people in some key positions must have known exactly what they do. 01:27:14.660 --> 01:27:24.660 I mean, not everybody who was involved in the production of the research, then in the production can be solved, so dumb. I mean, so, yeah. 01:27:24.660 --> 01:27:30.660 Oh, you said it. I'm so happy you said it. I mean, I almost want to end it there because that's really how I feel. 01:27:30.660 --> 01:27:42.660 This was criminally negligent. There were people who knew they knew because they've been using it. They've been rolling it out on cancer patients. They've been using it in very strict contexts and they've always known. 01:27:42.660 --> 01:27:53.660 We've been using it. This is my argument. We've been using it in mice for years and years and years and all of those mice need to be sacrificed because if you let the transfection go, the immune response is devastating. 01:27:53.660 --> 01:28:04.660 We always knew that. And it was shocking to me when I talked to my colleagues and they just didn't understand that we were about to transfect our grandparents and then our children. 01:28:04.660 --> 01:28:13.660 Can I, I'm going to let you go because I know you have another show coming up and you probably need a break and I've already taken an hour and a half, maybe five or ten minutes, that is just one thing. 01:28:13.660 --> 01:28:15.660 Yes, please go ahead, of course. 01:28:15.660 --> 01:28:18.660 But also every lay person can understand. 01:28:18.660 --> 01:28:27.660 As I said, we inject the construction plan for the production of a forum, a protein to the body. 01:28:27.660 --> 01:28:37.660 This is a pro drug without having any control over which cells will express it in what amount and for how long. 01:28:37.660 --> 01:28:50.660 People were out there. In the 16th century, they leave the guy called parazelsus and already he knew in the 16th century, it's the dose that makes something a poison or not the poisoned. 01:28:50.660 --> 01:28:59.660 So already, because the individual effective dose, the little produced expressed excess effective dose was unknown. 01:28:59.660 --> 01:29:09.660 It would be reason that this vaccine platform should never have been approved this alone, even if you have no idea about anything. 01:29:09.660 --> 01:29:19.660 I mean, would anybody take a sleeping pill where you don't know if it's it's a physiological dose or 100 times more. 01:29:19.660 --> 01:29:32.660 I'm playing Russian roulette with such a sleeping pill. No, and we play you play Russian roulette with this. And another thing is, I explain it like a shotgun. 01:29:32.660 --> 01:29:36.660 It just destroys a certain amount of sales. 01:29:36.660 --> 01:29:46.660 Maybe in some people, only in 100% in another one, one in 1000 in some people, mainly the sales of one or in another one more diffusely. 01:29:46.660 --> 01:29:51.660 And the problem is the diagnostic problem is, for example, in the heart. 01:29:51.660 --> 01:30:03.660 We can see myocarditis in MRI, if about one gram of heart muscle is affected. The heart is a base about 300 grams about one gram, we can see. 01:30:04.660 --> 01:30:09.660 But this is a localized damage. Problem is, this damage is diffused. 01:30:09.660 --> 01:30:19.660 So if you do not destroy this one 300 parts, it localized, but diffusing the heart won't see anything in MRS. 01:30:20.660 --> 01:30:30.660 This, we can only diagnose if you have a sensitive specific marker for myocardial cell damage and this, luckily, we have a bit of a sculpture pony in T&I. 01:30:30.660 --> 01:30:35.660 But why can we diagnose so many myocarditis close chopped? 01:30:35.660 --> 01:30:39.660 Yeah, we have this marker for myocardial damage. 01:30:39.660 --> 01:30:46.660 I'm absolutely sure if you had the same sensitive and specific markers for grain damage, liver cell damage, etc. 01:30:46.660 --> 01:30:55.660 You would find about the same amount of subclinical or damages of those organs as well. 01:30:55.660 --> 01:31:00.660 It's mostly the myocarditis can be most easily diagnosed. You can diagnose it. 01:31:00.660 --> 01:31:04.660 To a pony, you can measure within 15 minutes in your practice. 01:31:04.660 --> 01:31:11.660 You have to resolve what we have, not such a marker for diffuse damage in an organ, but it is this shotgun. 01:31:11.660 --> 01:31:15.660 It kills a cell here, a cell here, a cell here. It's not localized damage. 01:31:15.660 --> 01:31:25.660 Localized damage, you can see in the imaging, with imaging techniques, pulmonary embolies and myocardial infarction, myocarditis, things like this, 01:31:25.660 --> 01:31:38.660 but diffuse damage is difficult. The same is if this dual diffuse activation of agglutination thrombosis, the activation of blood clotting in the smaller vessels. 01:31:38.660 --> 01:31:47.660 We cannot see it with imaging techniques. We can only measure it, and then also we have not that specific, but quite specific, 01:31:47.660 --> 01:31:52.660 and quite sensitive test to measure blood clotting, which is called D-dimer. 01:31:52.660 --> 01:31:59.660 This is one of the first things we realized. We have to measure D-dimer in the people suffering from vaccine injury, 01:31:59.660 --> 01:32:04.660 and I found many patients with diffuse symptoms that had elevated D-dimer. 01:32:04.660 --> 01:32:11.660 This is not in every patient, but this is something that many do not realize. 01:32:11.660 --> 01:32:22.660 It's probably got something to do with the fact that a long time ago, these lipid nanoparticle people already knew that platelets and the liver were the two primary places that it went. 01:32:22.660 --> 01:32:40.660 I can only thank Heaven that you and maybe as crazy as it is, the guy who more or less discovered the complement system, had he not been on our team. 01:32:40.660 --> 01:32:45.660 It's crazy to me how many doctors I talk to have no idea what the complement system is. 01:32:45.660 --> 01:32:49.660 Never mind understand how that cascade might go wrong in this context. 01:32:49.660 --> 01:32:59.660 Having sukred on our team was really, it's a miracle. If he wouldn't have been there, I don't know of anybody else who would have come to that conclusion on their own. 01:32:59.660 --> 01:33:07.660 I would not have, and it's a really, I consider it really one of the main diamonds in our crown right now. 01:33:07.660 --> 01:33:10.660 Had we not had him, boy, we would have been lost. 01:33:11.660 --> 01:33:20.660 And had you guys not had the same teacher, maybe you guys wouldn't have found each other. I mean, it's all very, it's very much a network of people that we need to amplify. 01:33:20.660 --> 01:33:25.660 He actually told us, he actually told us, you have to care for the patient. 01:33:25.660 --> 01:33:32.660 You have to follow the interest of the patient, not the interest of someone else or of yourself. 01:33:32.660 --> 01:33:37.660 You have to follow, you have to serve to the patient. 01:33:37.660 --> 01:33:51.660 This also happened to me, have not to serve to have an authority to totally insane politician who has no idea, not the slightest idea what he's talking about tells us positions. 01:33:51.660 --> 01:33:53.660 How we have to treat the flu. 01:33:53.660 --> 01:33:56.660 I mean, how insane is this? 01:33:56.660 --> 01:33:57.660 So this is good. 01:33:57.660 --> 01:34:01.660 This good teacher was named Walter Segan Hallers. 01:34:02.660 --> 01:34:04.660 Walter, Walter, Segan Teller. 01:34:04.660 --> 01:34:05.660 Awesome. 01:34:05.660 --> 01:34:06.660 Segan Teller. 01:34:06.660 --> 01:34:07.660 This is his book. 01:34:07.660 --> 01:34:08.660 Perferential Diagnosis. 01:34:08.660 --> 01:34:16.660 This is from when I studied from 1993, actually, but yeah. 01:34:16.660 --> 01:34:17.660 Very good. 01:34:17.660 --> 01:34:18.660 Well, let's dedicate this. 01:34:18.660 --> 01:34:21.660 We very learned something, and I always liked it. 01:34:21.660 --> 01:34:23.660 I was always, as I said, curious. 01:34:23.660 --> 01:34:27.660 I was always that I liked to the work of a detective. 01:34:27.660 --> 01:34:28.660 I like Colombo. 01:34:28.660 --> 01:34:30.660 Colombo was a great detective. 01:34:30.660 --> 01:34:32.660 And he was a narcissist post. 01:34:32.660 --> 01:34:33.660 Can you remember? 01:34:33.660 --> 01:34:53.660 Always these blown up narcissists with their arrogance and ignorance and they thought, oh, well, this little inspector, if he's an old coder, he could never do we any harm. 01:34:54.660 --> 01:35:01.660 And this is the same nowadays at the height of an age of narcissism that started in the 1970s. 01:35:01.660 --> 01:35:06.660 Of course, all positions of powers are occupied by severe narcissists. 01:35:06.660 --> 01:35:08.660 And above them, the severe memory of the narcissist. 01:35:08.660 --> 01:35:11.660 I mean, look like look at these politicians. 01:35:11.660 --> 01:35:12.660 The Boris Johnson or so. 01:35:12.660 --> 01:35:13.660 He even looks like it. 01:35:13.660 --> 01:35:14.660 Like he's not the only clan. 01:35:14.660 --> 01:35:18.660 He looks like a clown and then me. 01:35:18.660 --> 01:35:19.660 Yeah. 01:35:20.660 --> 01:35:28.660 This is, we are living in crazy times, but I quite sure we are at the end of this age of narcissism. 01:35:28.660 --> 01:35:31.660 And we have to return into the age of authenticity. 01:35:31.660 --> 01:35:34.660 This is the most important people hate most of you. 01:35:34.660 --> 01:35:36.660 We are great people. 01:35:36.660 --> 01:35:42.660 We are kind people and pathetic people come down to empathy to authenticity. 01:35:42.660 --> 01:35:44.660 We must live in reality. 01:35:44.660 --> 01:35:48.660 We live in Plato's cave in virtual reality someday. 01:35:48.660 --> 01:35:50.660 We will collide with reality for sure. 01:35:50.660 --> 01:35:53.660 And this might be the end of the whole humanity. 01:35:53.660 --> 01:35:56.660 This might be in the end in a nuclear war or so. 01:35:56.660 --> 01:36:02.660 I mean, the French president, Macron, they are seriously talking about French soldiers. 01:36:02.660 --> 01:36:12.660 There are already some, but they are openly debating about the possibility of a war of 01:36:12.660 --> 01:36:17.660 the NATO between us, NATO and Russia that would end in a nuclear war. 01:36:17.660 --> 01:36:22.660 I mean, when I was young, you could not even imagine that there could be a nuclear war 01:36:22.660 --> 01:36:24.660 if it was not an act by accident. 01:36:24.660 --> 01:36:30.660 But nowadays they are even talking about the possibility of a nuclear war. 01:36:30.660 --> 01:36:33.660 I mean, how insane and evil are those people? 01:36:33.660 --> 01:36:34.660 Yeah. 01:36:34.660 --> 01:36:35.660 Yeah. 01:36:35.660 --> 01:36:41.660 Just and as you say, you stated in the very beginning, you stated as almost over everybody 01:36:41.660 --> 01:36:44.660 called it, there will be no savior, of course. 01:36:44.660 --> 01:36:47.660 We must all realize the savior is in us all. 01:36:47.660 --> 01:36:51.660 And the only thing, the only remedy for this is civil disobedience. 01:36:51.660 --> 01:36:56.660 If they come up and put on the mask saying no, they can do a job saying no. 01:36:56.660 --> 01:36:58.660 Just saying no. 01:36:58.660 --> 01:37:02.660 If enough people say no, this is their end. 01:37:02.660 --> 01:37:03.660 This is their end. 01:37:03.660 --> 01:37:08.660 So it's, as you said, we can spread the information and make us immediate. 01:37:08.660 --> 01:37:12.660 But of course, we're in the new media, but we stay in this bubble. 01:37:12.660 --> 01:37:17.660 And I also think in the personal context, we must try to educate the people. 01:37:17.660 --> 01:37:28.660 And one thing we have to consider always, we must make our information suits, the information state of the people. 01:37:28.660 --> 01:37:36.660 There are people around to still believe every word they see on here in the news is right. 01:37:36.660 --> 01:37:42.660 This is like a child that is believing in the Christ child, the Easter Bunny and the Santa Claus. 01:37:42.660 --> 01:37:49.660 And those in those, if you come from those people, if the whole reality as we have perceived it by now, 01:37:49.660 --> 01:37:53.660 I would never dare to say, I know the reality or the reality. 01:37:53.660 --> 01:37:56.660 I know that I do not know the most important thing. 01:37:56.660 --> 01:38:04.660 But if you come from them with all these, they refuse, they refuse, I often hear, I can try to educate someone for an hour. 01:38:04.660 --> 01:38:09.660 And at the end of this hour, he says, well, it sounds somewhat reasonable. 01:38:09.660 --> 01:38:12.660 But I simply refuse to believe this. 01:38:12.660 --> 01:38:17.660 I simply refuse to believe that such evil people even can exist. 01:38:17.660 --> 01:38:18.660 Hey, come on. 01:38:18.660 --> 01:38:21.660 There was heat, that there was more, or there was darling. 01:38:21.660 --> 01:38:25.660 Do you seriously believe they have all died that nowadays? 01:38:25.660 --> 01:38:27.660 They call gates the force. 01:38:27.660 --> 01:38:31.660 Yeah, you have to realize this. 01:38:32.660 --> 01:38:37.660 And for those people, it's a good idea just to start with spreading some birds. 01:38:37.660 --> 01:38:39.660 We cannot educate them. 01:38:39.660 --> 01:38:41.660 They have to educate themselves. 01:38:41.660 --> 01:38:51.660 For example, one thing I will always remember when my son was young, when the Santa Claus had left one time, 01:38:51.660 --> 01:38:55.660 he told me, hey, Papa, beat the Santa Claus. 01:38:56.660 --> 01:39:03.660 Not where the same shoes, like uncle, horse, horse is Swiss. 01:39:03.660 --> 01:39:13.660 Well, who left before Santa Claus came in and came in after Santa Claus had left? 01:39:13.660 --> 01:39:14.660 Stop. 01:39:14.660 --> 01:39:17.660 This is how enlightenment works. 01:39:17.660 --> 01:39:18.660 Yes. 01:39:18.660 --> 01:39:22.660 Also, you and me, I saw a bird train center building seven collapse. 01:39:22.660 --> 01:39:24.660 I thought, oh, my God. 01:39:24.660 --> 01:39:27.660 I thought he's wrong in his story as well. 01:39:27.660 --> 01:39:29.660 And then I became curious. 01:39:29.660 --> 01:39:31.660 And I was not afraid. 01:39:31.660 --> 01:39:38.660 I went down the rabbit hole and this everybody must do on his current level of information or another possibilities. 01:39:38.660 --> 01:39:40.660 For example, you can spread that. 01:39:40.660 --> 01:39:48.660 For example, in Switzerland, there was the papers wrote that is overcrowding of the Swiss ice use. 01:39:48.660 --> 01:39:54.660 But if you look at the same date that these curve of the official curve of the federal office of public. 01:39:54.660 --> 01:39:56.660 So there is no overcrowding. 01:39:56.660 --> 01:40:01.660 The occupancy of the ice use is 75% and the same papers. 01:40:01.660 --> 01:40:04.660 Five years ago wrote an article. 01:40:04.660 --> 01:40:06.660 It's occupancy in Switzerland. 01:40:06.660 --> 01:40:09.660 I see occupancy only 80%. 01:40:09.660 --> 01:40:11.660 This is an economic. 01:40:11.660 --> 01:40:12.660 This is too low. 01:40:12.660 --> 01:40:15.660 So if you show them something like this. 01:40:16.660 --> 01:40:21.660 Sometimes you can spread some doubt that maybe then people start to think. 01:40:21.660 --> 01:40:26.660 I'll show that I really believe the yellow press or that this is the federal office of public health. 01:40:26.660 --> 01:40:28.660 Something like this. 01:40:28.660 --> 01:40:29.660 It must work like this. 01:40:29.660 --> 01:40:35.660 So we have also if you meet some people, they must always realize first, 01:40:35.660 --> 01:40:40.660 find out what is the current state of information and then. 01:40:40.660 --> 01:40:44.660 A child started the kind of education to the level of it. 01:40:44.660 --> 01:40:45.660 I think that's great advice. 01:40:45.660 --> 01:40:47.660 Find out where people are and meet them there. 01:40:47.660 --> 01:40:50.660 I think is really a great way to try and meet more people. 01:40:50.660 --> 01:40:51.660 I think it's great. 01:40:51.660 --> 01:40:54.660 I can't thank you enough for spending time with me this afternoon. 01:40:54.660 --> 01:40:58.660 And I hope we can stay in touch and I can have you on again because I think. 01:40:58.660 --> 01:41:01.660 I think this network needs to vibrate. 01:41:01.660 --> 01:41:07.660 We need to keep promoting one another and keeping it and my stream is just starting to grow now. 01:41:08.660 --> 01:41:13.660 So I have a feeling there will be more ways for me to connect you with other people. 01:41:13.660 --> 01:41:15.660 So I'm going to promote your. 01:41:15.660 --> 01:41:16.660 You don't have a sub stack. 01:41:16.660 --> 01:41:19.660 Do you just have a Twitter and you do your thing? 01:41:19.660 --> 01:41:21.660 I have Twitter and homepage. 01:41:21.660 --> 01:41:23.660 It's a lousy homepage. 01:41:23.660 --> 01:41:25.660 I have to create it once overnight. 01:41:25.660 --> 01:41:28.660 And then everybody was vanished. 01:41:28.660 --> 01:41:31.660 But it's called Thomas Binder in wonder. 01:41:31.660 --> 01:41:34.660 Thomas Binder dot CHCH is for Switzerland. 01:41:35.660 --> 01:41:37.660 Thank you, Jay. 01:41:37.660 --> 01:41:42.660 You do a famous fantastic work as well. 01:41:42.660 --> 01:41:45.660 I mean, you are amazing, of course. 01:41:45.660 --> 01:41:48.660 I mean, it was an honor that you invite me here. 01:41:48.660 --> 01:41:49.660 So please. 01:41:49.660 --> 01:41:50.660 Yeah. 01:41:50.660 --> 01:41:51.660 Well, thanks. 01:41:51.660 --> 01:41:52.660 I really appreciate it. 01:41:52.660 --> 01:41:53.660 Continue like this. 01:41:53.660 --> 01:41:54.660 Yeah. 01:41:54.660 --> 01:41:58.660 It's everybody does what he and she can and. 01:41:58.660 --> 01:42:02.660 I always state people, please. 01:42:02.660 --> 01:42:05.660 Do not only wake up to also stand up. 01:42:05.660 --> 01:42:07.660 Give your spine a booster. 01:42:07.660 --> 01:42:09.660 I told ones, give your spine a booster. 01:42:09.660 --> 01:42:15.660 And if you do it, not if you resist, not for yourself, please do it for. 01:42:15.660 --> 01:42:20.660 Life worth living for your children and grandchildren. 01:42:20.660 --> 01:42:26.660 I mean, I had the good life after war in the western world, of course, almost everybody 01:42:26.660 --> 01:42:28.660 had quite the good life. 01:42:29.660 --> 01:42:32.660 But what is the future for the younger generations? 01:42:32.660 --> 01:42:36.660 I mean, I'll show there would be slaves. 01:42:36.660 --> 01:42:40.660 I prefer to be dead than to be a slave. 01:42:40.660 --> 01:42:43.660 What about they want to have in 2013? 01:42:43.660 --> 01:42:46.660 They always say, I was never afraid. 01:42:46.660 --> 01:42:47.660 I sometimes dated. 01:42:47.660 --> 01:42:53.660 Well, if you want to shoot me, just shoot me still from the front that I can look into your eyes. 01:42:53.660 --> 01:42:55.660 And this is what they are afraid of. 01:42:55.660 --> 01:42:58.660 If you are not afraid, they have a problem. 01:42:58.660 --> 01:43:04.660 Because they're gaslighting mainly those over panicking the popular servers. 01:43:04.660 --> 01:43:05.660 By panicking the pockets. 01:43:05.660 --> 01:43:09.660 If you are not afraid, it's a large progress. 01:43:09.660 --> 01:43:12.660 And also in this COVID scam. 01:43:12.660 --> 01:43:17.660 I'm absolutely convinced that people sometimes died from from panic alone, 01:43:17.660 --> 01:43:20.660 or at least it exaggerated the state. 01:43:21.660 --> 01:43:25.660 I have a friend who told me he has a friend. 01:43:25.660 --> 01:43:27.660 He had a sore throat. 01:43:27.660 --> 01:43:29.660 He got the PCR test result. 01:43:29.660 --> 01:43:31.660 And he suddenly turned pale. 01:43:31.660 --> 01:43:33.660 Trembles started to tremble. 01:43:33.660 --> 01:43:35.660 And he got these results. 01:43:35.660 --> 01:43:39.660 And three months, three weeks later, he died in the ICU. 01:43:39.660 --> 01:43:44.660 I see many people who have such experience, made such experience. 01:43:44.660 --> 01:43:47.660 Panic is not good for your health. 01:43:48.660 --> 01:43:53.660 Not especially when you see the whole world panicking and everyone around you. 01:43:53.660 --> 01:43:54.660 This was terrifying. 01:43:54.660 --> 01:43:55.660 And they did it. 01:43:55.660 --> 01:43:57.660 They really did it to us. 01:43:57.660 --> 01:43:58.660 We got to wake that up. 01:43:58.660 --> 01:44:00.660 We got to wake young people up. 01:44:00.660 --> 01:44:03.660 I think that's the people we want to get at. 01:44:03.660 --> 01:44:06.660 Because if we turn to them as older adults and say, 01:44:06.660 --> 01:44:10.660 hey, by the way, we blew it a little bit and something we should have spoke up. 01:44:10.660 --> 01:44:12.660 We should have stood up for you. 01:44:12.660 --> 01:44:15.660 There's a possibility we can still pull them out of the cave. 01:44:16.660 --> 01:44:17.660 You're still young. 01:44:17.660 --> 01:44:18.660 I'm old. 01:44:18.660 --> 01:44:19.660 You're young. 01:44:19.660 --> 01:44:20.660 Okay. 01:44:20.660 --> 01:44:21.660 Well, I'm still young and I got lots of work to do that. 01:44:21.660 --> 01:44:22.660 Thank you very much. 01:44:22.660 --> 01:44:23.660 Enjoy your. 01:44:23.660 --> 01:44:24.660 I hope you have a great presentation tonight. 01:44:24.660 --> 01:44:25.660 Thank you very much. 01:44:25.660 --> 01:44:26.660 And I will see you again soon. 01:44:26.660 --> 01:44:27.660 I promise. 01:44:27.660 --> 01:44:28.660 Thank you. 01:44:28.660 --> 01:44:29.660 Have a good time. 01:44:29.660 --> 01:44:30.660 Happy Easter. 01:44:30.660 --> 01:44:31.660 Bye bye. 01:44:31.660 --> 01:44:32.660 Happy Easter. 01:44:32.660 --> 01:44:33.660 Wow. 01:44:33.660 --> 01:44:34.660 Fantastic. 01:44:34.660 --> 01:44:36.660 That is just absolutely fantastic. 01:44:36.660 --> 01:44:39.660 I don't know what to say other than that. 01:44:40.660 --> 01:44:46.660 This has been giga ohm biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 01:44:46.660 --> 01:44:50.660 And I'm going to wrap it up right there because I don't need to do anything else. 01:44:50.660 --> 01:44:52.660 Thank you to Thomas Binder for being on the show. 01:44:52.660 --> 01:44:53.660 Thank you guys for joining me. 01:44:53.660 --> 01:44:54.660 Please share the stream. 01:44:54.660 --> 01:44:56.660 I'm going to leave it up on YouTube. 01:44:56.660 --> 01:44:59.660 If they give me a strike, I've got I've got an extra one. 01:44:59.660 --> 01:45:02.660 And I don't know. 01:45:02.660 --> 01:45:04.660 Let's see what they do. 01:45:04.660 --> 01:45:06.660 I love you guys all very much. 01:45:06.660 --> 01:45:07.660 Thank you very much for joining me. 01:45:07.660 --> 01:45:08.660 If you want to share this work. 01:45:08.660 --> 01:45:09.660 It's a lot of different places. 01:45:09.660 --> 01:45:10.660 And if you want to support it, it's giga ohmbiological.com. 01:45:10.660 --> 01:45:11.660 Giga ohmbiological.com. 01:45:11.660 --> 01:45:12.660 Thank you very much for joining me. 01:45:12.660 --> 01:45:13.660 I'll see you again soon. 01:45:39.660 --> 01:45:42.660 I just did an interview with Thomas Binder. 01:45:42.660 --> 01:45:45.660 I'm telling you things are happening. 01:45:45.660 --> 01:45:47.660 They're in a panic. 01:45:47.660 --> 01:45:50.660 They don't know what to do if we ignore them. 01:45:50.660 --> 01:45:52.660 So let's just keep moving forward. 01:45:52.660 --> 01:45:54.660 Keep our arms straight. 01:45:54.660 --> 01:45:56.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:08.660 --> 01:46:10.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:10.660 --> 01:46:11.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:11.660 --> 01:46:12.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:12.660 --> 01:46:13.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:13.660 --> 01:46:14.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:14.660 --> 01:46:15.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:15.660 --> 01:46:16.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:16.660 --> 01:46:17.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:17.660 --> 01:46:18.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:18.660 --> 01:46:19.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:19.660 --> 01:46:20.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:20.660 --> 01:46:21.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:21.660 --> 01:46:22.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:22.660 --> 01:46:23.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:23.660 --> 01:46:24.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:24.660 --> 01:46:25.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:25.660 --> 01:46:26.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:26.660 --> 01:46:27.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:27.660 --> 01:46:28.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:28.660 --> 01:46:29.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:29.660 --> 01:46:30.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:30.660 --> 01:46:31.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:31.660 --> 01:46:32.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:32.660 --> 01:46:33.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:33.660 --> 01:46:34.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:34.660 --> 01:46:35.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:35.660 --> 01:46:36.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:36.660 --> 01:46:37.660 Keep in those arms straight. 01:46:38.660 --> 01:46:40.660 Keep in those arms straight.