WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 . 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 . 00:32.000 --> 00:37.000 . 00:37.000 --> 00:40.000 . 00:40.000 --> 00:43.000 . 00:43.000 --> 00:45.000 . 00:45.000 --> 00:48.280 Good evening everybody welcome to Giga Home Biological. 00:48.280 --> 00:51.380 You can find me at gigaombiological.com or Gigaome.cia. 00:51.380 --> 00:56.220 All of this stuff is on the same website. 00:56.220 --> 01:02.300 able to download the stream deck every Friday. It used to be free. It used to come by email. 01:02.300 --> 01:08.460 It's going to start again. The broadcast schedule is usually pretty up to date, although it's 01:08.460 --> 01:13.100 going to be hard for me to promise any given start time, although I will try very hard. 01:13.100 --> 01:19.020 At the email link, you can also find a voicemail that you can call in. Leave a question. I leave 01:19.020 --> 01:24.300 a comment. You can also subscribe there if you'd like to become part of this officially. 01:26.300 --> 01:30.940 Thanks very much, guys, for being here. Good to see all of you here again. And yeah, 01:31.740 --> 01:37.740 happy Thanksgiving weekend. Let's keep this thing going. 01:49.020 --> 02:19.020 Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, 02:19.020 --> 02:49.020 Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, good, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go 02:49.020 --> 02:54.020 his many, many pages on many, many people. 02:54.420 --> 02:56.100 Don't be afraid to do it. 02:56.100 --> 02:57.260 If you're bored, it's a great place. 02:57.260 --> 02:58.100 It's getting place. 02:58.100 --> 02:59.980 Sixteen minutes next. 02:59.980 --> 03:03.340 He's going on French, British, Italian, 03:03.340 --> 03:04.900 Japanese television. 03:06.100 --> 03:08.140 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 03:09.500 --> 03:10.420 It's embarrassing. 03:10.420 --> 03:13.880 But not again. 03:40.420 --> 04:10.420 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 04:10.420 --> 04:40.420 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 04:40.420 --> 04:48.100 my ears in today so I won't have this too bad. No it's not a replay. I'm here. Whoa and I'm not 04:48.100 --> 05:00.580 pushing the buttons. Happy Friday Diva song. Happy Friday. Happy Friday it is indeed the faith 05:00.580 --> 05:06.020 in the novel virus is still there and the faith is still alive. We've got to get this message out 05:06.020 --> 05:11.780 ladies and gentlemen good to see you Idaho garden girl. I just saw a recent little documentary 05:11.780 --> 05:18.420 about how Idaho people don't want anymore. Idahoans that's pretty cute. I can imagine that that's 05:18.420 --> 05:30.980 the case. It feels like that in Pittsburgh too actually. Don't forget what these people are 05:30.980 --> 05:35.780 defending is this faith in a novel virus. This is what we've got to dispel over the holidays if we 05:35.780 --> 05:40.180 can for even one person. We've got to bring them to the light. We've got to get them out of the cave 05:40.180 --> 05:52.260 ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for joining me. Oh now see that every once in a while the timing 05:52.260 --> 05:58.820 is right. Every once in a while the timing is right. Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome 05:58.820 --> 06:03.140 to the show. This is King of home biological high resistance low noise information brief brought 06:03.140 --> 06:08.500 to you by a biologist in the back of his garage in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. It is the 24th of 06:08.500 --> 06:18.100 November 2023 and we are still battling against this this illusion of consensus about a dangerous 06:18.100 --> 06:23.860 novel virus. We are still battling this mystery we got tricked into solving about whether or not 06:23.860 --> 06:30.900 they were covering up a lab leak and who was responsible for it and this slow role of a narrative 06:30.900 --> 06:36.900 to make us believe that we actually figured out what happened and it indeed was a pandemic. 06:38.020 --> 06:44.740 This is the trick that they played on us. And not everybody was participating willingly. 06:45.380 --> 06:55.460 I went along with it for a very long time 2020. I was mostly bamboozled. 2021 still not quite there 06:55.460 --> 06:59.940 yet seeing the whole picture for what it was still thinking there was something to figure out. 07:01.860 --> 07:07.540 And so I participated as much as many others did. I just want to switch over to this really quick 07:07.540 --> 07:13.860 because I think it's an interesting thing to cut about. I didn't point out all the people yesterday 07:13.860 --> 07:19.220 because I wasn't so good at it. So I'm going to transform the picture now and try to point out 07:19.220 --> 07:25.060 some of these people that I think are really important. First of all the people that we have 07:25.140 --> 07:30.900 up on our diagram already Robert Malone, Nick Hudson, Brett Weinstein, and Denny Rancor. 07:31.860 --> 07:35.220 I don't think I need to explain to you why their colors are different because 07:35.940 --> 07:41.620 I have some suspicions that Brett Weinstein is an entirely on our team. I also have these 07:41.620 --> 07:46.900 sneaky suspicion that Robert Malone is an entirely on our team. Does that mean that they're bad guys? 07:46.900 --> 07:53.700 Not necessarily. It could just mean for any number of reasons they've chosen to work for the large 07:53.700 --> 08:01.380 weaponized piles of money that in reality control our societies. And we have to be pretty honest 08:01.380 --> 08:06.260 about it using pretty broad terms but we can, I think we can think about it this way, that there 08:06.260 --> 08:12.740 are weaponized piles of money, piles of money that are large enough so that they can effectively be 08:12.740 --> 08:21.220 used to control people, even set up a combination of different social media apps that can be used 08:21.220 --> 08:28.820 to control people. Even use those apps to amplify people artificially to make it seem like certain 08:28.820 --> 08:37.700 people are rising to the top and then use those people to limit the spectrum of debate, create a 08:37.700 --> 08:44.740 very lively debate within that spectrum and make sure that the real presuppositions that are being 08:44.740 --> 08:51.620 used to govern the people are never questioned. And so think very carefully about why it would be 08:51.620 --> 08:57.460 that Steven Hatfield would be standing right there in the middle of that old picture. 09:00.260 --> 09:02.900 What in the world is that guy doing there? 09:05.620 --> 09:13.060 Harvard professor Harvey Reich, not really much to say about the dangerous novel virus 09:13.060 --> 09:18.740 and millions of people died. The last time I talked to him, he said he had had his second case 09:18.740 --> 09:24.500 of COVID, I believe, and it was really, really bad despite the fact that he had had all the shots 09:24.500 --> 09:31.620 that he was supposed to have and was using hydroxychloroquine. And so basically everything that he thought he 09:31.620 --> 09:37.460 understood about whatever this is, apparently he doesn't understand it. But that's okay. 09:37.460 --> 09:50.260 There's Jill, Robert's wife, there's Meryl Nasse, long-time friend of the movement and 09:50.260 --> 10:01.220 a long-time activist on behalf of the older anthrax vaccines was when she first came on the scene 10:01.300 --> 10:06.580 speaking out against their deployment in the in the military. 10:09.380 --> 10:15.700 So it's a really, really curious photo, especially with this guy right there in the middle. He is a 10:15.700 --> 10:24.180 very strange fella. I don't exactly understand his role, but I can guarantee you that he is not 10:24.180 --> 10:30.420 just some property owner with a wood shop in his garage who would just as soon have everybody 10:30.420 --> 10:35.780 leave him alone so that he can make cabinets. I guarantee you that that's not the case. 10:36.500 --> 10:42.180 He is in Romania for a reason. I don't know what it is, but every one of these people is there 10:42.820 --> 10:49.540 for a reason. That's Byron Brittle, a very good guy, I believe. The guy that actually was breaking 10:49.540 --> 10:57.700 the the story of the distribution of the RNA or sorry, I apologize, the lipid nanoparticle 10:57.700 --> 11:03.540 from the Japanese data. And it was around that time, actually, that Robert Malone came out on 11:03.540 --> 11:09.460 Brett Weinstein's podcast. I don't know exactly the timing there, but about the same time they 11:09.460 --> 11:15.540 were burning Byron Brittle. I hope I'm not saying that wrong. I think it's Brittle, not Brittle. But 11:15.540 --> 11:21.780 anyway, that's when Robert Malone started to become prominent. So it's an interesting 11:22.580 --> 11:35.540 wall of people, especially in this social media space of Twitter, GAB, getter, telegram, signal, 11:36.260 --> 11:43.220 discord, locals. All of these people tend to kind of operate on that level, except for those 11:43.220 --> 11:49.700 that are more mainstream and can still do it on YouTube. And many, many, many of these people 11:49.780 --> 11:54.660 are capable of, you know, they have staff and whatever that are capable of number one, 11:55.860 --> 12:03.540 populating a channel of shorts, number two, populating multiple channels on multiple platforms. 12:04.500 --> 12:09.700 So there's a lot of things that these people all share in common with regard to how their message 12:09.700 --> 12:16.820 gets out there and how it is perceived to be amplified or censored and how they use that story 12:16.820 --> 12:21.140 to say that, you know, you have to pay attention to me. Most of the time you have to pay attention 12:21.140 --> 12:27.540 to them because they were censored and because they say they suffered so much from it. And if 12:27.540 --> 12:32.980 you look around this circle, you can actually see quite a few people whose whose primary shtick 12:32.980 --> 12:39.780 is that Stephen Kersch claims to be the number one misinformation spreader. Brett Weinstein 12:39.780 --> 12:44.660 claims to have lost over half of his family's income when his YouTube channel was demonetized 12:44.660 --> 12:51.460 because he put Robert Malone on who was is risking a whole lifetime career of of money and lives a 12:51.460 --> 12:59.380 very meager life on a horse farm. All of these people have the same sort of kind of story here. I 12:59.380 --> 13:07.620 mean, if you think about it, not necessarily all being censored, but all having some kind of reason 13:08.580 --> 13:14.260 to speak out. But then none of these people are are streaming from a garage that they rent. 13:17.060 --> 13:21.540 None of these people can claim to have been fired from a medical school because they spoke out 13:21.540 --> 13:27.540 against testing and they spoke out against taking temperature at the door and they spoke out against 13:27.540 --> 13:34.020 transfection. None of them can say that. There are people like that in the world. There are lots of 13:34.100 --> 13:40.180 people like that in the world that gave up their career. They burnt their they lost their lifelong 13:40.180 --> 13:47.700 business because they stood up for something. But for whatever reason, none of those people 13:47.700 --> 13:52.500 seem to have risen to the cream of the crop in terms of the the dissident narrative and in 13:52.500 --> 13:58.660 terms of the people that seem to get to travel from the United States to Romania and from the 13:58.740 --> 14:05.940 United States to Sweden and from the United States to Brussels, from the United States to Italy and 14:05.940 --> 14:14.740 from the United States to San Juan and from the mainland United States to Hawaii. I mean, 14:14.740 --> 14:21.620 this this same group of people plus or minus has been a lot of places over the last three years. 14:21.940 --> 14:29.860 And none of them are streaming from their garage. None of them have lost everything. None of them 14:29.860 --> 14:37.540 have. I mean, you can lose everything and not lose everything, right? And then you can lose 14:37.540 --> 14:43.540 everything. Like if you have Brett Weinstein says that he lost everything in 2017 despite the fact 14:43.540 --> 14:48.340 that he got a half a million dollar settlement. I'm not really sure that's being completely 14:49.300 --> 14:54.900 genuine. If if you say that you lost everything when your YouTube channel got demonetized, but 14:54.900 --> 15:00.740 you replaced it with a whole host of other income that got even better and you sold a book 15:01.700 --> 15:06.340 at the end, I mean, I don't know if you really lost everything 15:08.980 --> 15:14.020 or did getting your YouTube channel sell twice as many books as would have sold if you didn't get 15:14.260 --> 15:22.100 you know what I mean? I'm not really sure this math is being done as as genuinely as it could be. 15:24.260 --> 15:28.340 And again, it has to do with protecting this narrative. That's the bottom line. Anybody 15:28.340 --> 15:34.660 who's not explaining it at this point is being disingenuous, including the people who met 15:34.660 --> 15:41.140 Denny Rancor in person in Romania, then came back and still haven't tweeted that Denny Rancor's 15:41.140 --> 15:49.140 data shows that there's no spread. None of them have tweeted it. Robert Malone has very 15:49.140 --> 15:54.740 conspicuously tweeted twice at least and done one sub stack, which is just the transcript of 15:54.740 --> 16:04.340 Denny's talk and titled it 17 million people dead from the shot. So unless you read Denny's 16:04.340 --> 16:10.260 transcript, which I guess most people aren't going to do because Robert puts out so many 16:10.340 --> 16:18.020 sub stack articles, but unless you read it and you read that one line, you're actually not 16:18.020 --> 16:23.380 going to read it. It's not going to really hit you like it should hit you because he's got other 16:23.380 --> 16:28.900 papers, not just this one. That's about the shot, but he's got other papers that show that there's 16:28.900 --> 16:37.460 no evidence of spread across counties in America. And so that's just, I mean, you know, they talk 16:37.460 --> 16:42.740 to each other in person. They questioned each other. There's no doubt in my mind you've had, 16:42.740 --> 16:50.580 you've seen Denny on our on our stream. If he took a selfie with Jessica Rose and Jessica Rose 16:50.580 --> 16:57.300 saw his talk and she had any questions, he would have answered them. So she's aware that not only 16:57.940 --> 17:03.140 does it show that millions of people perhaps have been killed by the shot, but it definitely 17:03.140 --> 17:06.340 more importantly shows that there was no real evidence of spread. 17:08.980 --> 17:14.820 And that should that should be on everybody's top priority list. I know it's on a mixed priority 17:14.820 --> 17:23.940 list. He was there. But somehow the impression that was left on everybody at that place is not 17:23.940 --> 17:29.540 strong enough for any of those prominent people in that picture to have tweeted anything about 17:29.540 --> 17:37.780 there being no spread. Nobody did. And that should tell you all you need to know. 17:39.380 --> 17:44.580 So why was Denny there? Well, it's to me. I'm sorry, but it's the same reason why I've been 17:44.580 --> 17:49.300 invited to places, I'm afraid. It's to make you feel like you're making progress. It's make to 17:49.300 --> 17:57.300 make you feel like people are hearing you. If they flew Denny Rancor into the Senate 17:58.180 --> 18:04.580 or flew him into the parliament and and wherever it is in Canada, is it in Toronto? I don't know where it is. 18:09.140 --> 18:10.980 But they're not they flew him to Romania. 18:14.020 --> 18:18.500 I just don't I don't buy it. I don't think we're moving fast enough. I think we're being held back 18:18.500 --> 18:23.300 by the same mythology. I think we're being held back because this mythology is not being questioned. 18:24.020 --> 18:27.940 This illusion of consensus about a worst case scenario is not being questioned at all. 18:29.060 --> 18:33.780 And nobody wants us to. Nobody will is allowed to question it. Otherwise, everybody would be 18:33.780 --> 18:42.500 pouncing on this. It's very conspicuous that this is the border of the new world order. We are seeing 18:42.500 --> 18:49.700 the bricks. We just ran into the wall here. And if nothing progresses from this point on when 18:49.780 --> 18:55.540 they've all met him in person, when they've all seen his talk. And if all we're going to get out 18:55.540 --> 19:00.660 of Robert Malone is that wow, 15 million, I mean, 17 million people have been killed by the RNA. 19:01.940 --> 19:05.860 If that's all we're going to get out of it, we're not going to get a whole sub stack about how 19:05.860 --> 19:08.740 striking it is that there's no evidence of spread. 19:13.940 --> 19:17.780 That's pretty biologically striking. Is it not? Is that not remarkable? 19:19.700 --> 19:32.820 I mean, I would love it if if mathematicians and statisticians would ask Denny for the data 19:32.820 --> 19:38.180 and then go and verify it and people would put in the due diligence to prove him wrong. 19:39.460 --> 19:40.820 To find a different signal. 19:43.940 --> 19:47.860 You know, maybe we could put somebody on it. Maybe somebody like Steve Kirsch could put somebody 19:47.860 --> 19:52.260 on it. Pair him up with with Denny and make sure that we're not screwing this up. But you 19:52.260 --> 19:57.780 know, Denny's already publishing with a guy at Harvard. What more do you want? By the way, 19:57.780 --> 20:04.900 single strand or small interfering RNAs indeed double stranded. I can explain it a little bit 20:04.900 --> 20:12.660 now and I understand it a little bit better. But apparently, there is a protein complex that gets 20:13.300 --> 20:20.020 formed with small interfering RNAs that allows the double stranded RNA to unfold and one side 20:20.020 --> 20:26.820 stays in this complex and one side is then able to interact with complementary RNAs and 20:29.780 --> 20:35.860 that's how it gets down regulates the the RNA that it's so it is this it is the mechanism that I 20:35.860 --> 20:44.820 described but I was wrong and the lady did have the correct cartoon for the double stranded RNA 20:44.820 --> 20:51.780 as being the small inhibitory RNA. My bad. I never claimed to be a high level molecular 20:51.780 --> 20:56.820 biologist. I hope you realize that. I've taught myself all the molecular molecular biology I know 20:56.820 --> 21:01.860 and everything that I knew before the start of the pandemic was because I needed to do in a specific 21:01.940 --> 21:09.540 experiment and there's a fine line between announcement and warning and that's really 21:09.540 --> 21:12.820 something that I want you to think about a lot as we move forward in this card game. 21:15.540 --> 21:20.020 We have a lousy society. Our children have been taught all the wrong values and it's going to be 21:20.020 --> 21:25.140 okay that it all comes apart. It's not something that that's not a giga ohm biological message 21:25.300 --> 21:32.180 and anybody that tells you that it's okay if America falls apart is not being truthful. 21:33.060 --> 21:42.900 It's not okay and in fact that may be the only way that we can save the future for our children 21:42.900 --> 21:51.860 is to save what's left of the American republic and rebuild it. Not to allow chaos to develop 21:51.940 --> 21:56.180 not to allow a full societal breakdown which is not okay 21:58.740 --> 22:03.380 and yet there seems to be a message system happening right now on our side that says you 22:03.380 --> 22:07.460 know get your bug out bag ready make sure you're ready to load your car up and drive out of the 22:07.460 --> 22:11.060 city make sure you got enough guns for the zombie apocalypse. 22:14.660 --> 22:19.780 What if we just didn't have a zombie apocalypse? What if we just took over our school boards? What 22:19.780 --> 22:25.540 if we just made our neighborhoods the place that we want it to be? What if we just 22:26.740 --> 22:32.100 taught this biology to everybody in the United States or enough people in the United States so 22:32.100 --> 22:39.700 that we could avoid this calamity? Don't be lured into we're going to just let this happen. 22:39.700 --> 22:45.300 It's just that I think the public needs to be informed we need to be told the benefits versus 22:45.380 --> 22:50.500 the risk. We need to know what we're facing. Well the darker side of a polio vaccine and what 22:50.500 --> 22:55.780 nobody knows is that Jonas Salk has pointed out that in the last 10 years in this country 22:55.780 --> 23:00.980 two-thirds of all the cases of polio have been vaccinated. How many days is this on top and 23:02.020 --> 23:06.260 there's nothing I can do about this sound it's an extremely old video but what we're talking 23:06.260 --> 23:13.700 about here is 1985 on the Donahue show that's on television they're discussing whether or not 23:13.700 --> 23:16.020 people are being injured by the polio vaccine. 23:21.220 --> 23:27.060 Would you not interrupt me for a second? I know that doctors are used to interrupting patients 23:27.060 --> 23:39.700 but not another doctor. I think but let's get he does make a point that we should also say 23:39.700 --> 23:46.500 Sabin is live and the live vaccine in Salk is inactive as we say in the laboratory aren't 23:47.060 --> 23:54.260 how many was it they asked? Well how many people know that the European epidemic of polio there 23:54.260 --> 23:59.860 were about 20 or 30 cases in this country now of course the American doctors will argue that the 23:59.860 --> 24:08.340 reason why polio disappeared in this country was because of the vaccine but then why did it disappear 24:08.420 --> 24:15.220 in Europe in the 1940s and the 1950s without mass vaccination and I doesn't occur in the third world 24:15.220 --> 24:19.540 where only 10% of the people have never been immunized against polio or anything else. So in 24:19.540 --> 24:24.500 other words we may be fighting a tiger that died. That's quite correct. Ask the people in Great 24:24.500 --> 24:32.020 Britain. Ask the people in Japan who are all over. Back here. Gentlemen if you please I've got 24:32.100 --> 24:39.060 probably the smartest audience we've ever had. I have a question how long a delayed action 24:39.060 --> 24:41.620 if any would you connect this with like MS? 24:44.500 --> 24:50.740 MS a possibility. Would multiple sclerosis be one of the possible results? As a matter of fact 24:50.740 --> 24:55.540 there's a new publication that just came out from John Hoffman the closest associate of Tony 24:56.500 --> 25:03.780 that gives the references linking MS in later life to the early introduction of live virus 25:03.780 --> 25:10.020 vaccines like measles and like some of the others in the live viruses. Now at the present time 25:10.020 --> 25:18.260 I would recommend that anybody who has MS or amiotrophic lateral sclerosis or any of those 25:18.260 --> 25:23.940 degenerative neurologic conditions of later life carefully review their vaccine histories. 25:23.940 --> 25:28.820 I would also like to comment to that because in connection with my case I've been doing some 25:28.820 --> 25:32.900 research. Let me tell them once again Ms. Gundy that you're a Guillain-Barre victim 25:33.700 --> 25:38.580 contracted following the following year receipt of the swine flu vaccination. 25:38.580 --> 25:43.540 Yes and I am in the process of writing a book about my experience and in the process I've done 25:43.540 --> 25:49.220 considerable research and from what I have learned it looks as if immunizations frequently caught 25:49.220 --> 25:54.740 out of immune diseases not only on the race syndrome but lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, 25:54.740 --> 25:58.580 multiple sclerosis and other types of things. Now I have no data at this point. 25:58.580 --> 26:03.540 We should also say that there's a good deal of evidence suggesting that multiple sclerosis may 26:03.540 --> 26:08.660 be the result of a distemper in an animal that the victim received during childhood. 26:10.180 --> 26:15.460 None of this is absolutely nailed to the wall but that's the problem with this. How's 26:15.460 --> 26:21.540 what's a mother to do with all of these balls in the air and nobody really certain. 26:21.540 --> 26:27.540 I would just like to also comment that we had 46 million people vaccinated at the swine flu shot 26:27.540 --> 26:32.020 and I have written to Ralph Nader's organization. I have written to some of the other organizations 26:32.020 --> 26:38.260 claim to get them to do a survey, a long-going survey to see if these vaccinations do cause 26:38.260 --> 26:42.980 all the immune diseases or not the reactions are. I can't even get a response because I'm not a 26:42.980 --> 26:47.060 doctor. I have no clout. I'm a nobody. Mrs. Graham, why were you shaking your head? 26:47.060 --> 26:51.460 Well, it is known with that vaccine. It's a law vaccine. They are not interested in the 26:51.460 --> 26:55.940 adverse reactions. As a matter of fact, if I may, I'd like to invite anyone to write to me if they'd 26:55.940 --> 26:59.700 have an adverse reaction. I'd like to help the government because they don't want to know but 26:59.700 --> 27:04.020 I would like to know. I am a mother of three children and I have been informed and I've read 27:04.020 --> 27:08.980 up on these things and I chose not to vaccinate my children but when they get to school, why is 27:09.060 --> 27:12.660 it that I have to fight for my rights as a mother and a choice I can make? 27:12.660 --> 27:17.140 Just quickly, we're along but that's a very important question. Here are the states 27:18.260 --> 27:25.060 in which you either have the totally free decision about whether or not to vaccinate or there's, 27:25.060 --> 27:30.180 we're calling them loophole states, states where they're not going to send your child to 27:30.820 --> 27:37.860 solitary if you don't have a scar. All right, California, not all children must be immunized 27:37.860 --> 27:42.340 in these states. Some require religious reasons. Some places there is a bureaucratic 27:42.340 --> 27:48.580 find this Colorado, Toronto, Vermont, Washington. You see that this is Phil Donahue in 1985. What 27:48.580 --> 27:57.380 happens one year later? The vaccine act is passed and the discussion is ended and you will never 27:57.380 --> 28:04.260 have a state or federal court case about it because again, the vaccine act established this thing 28:04.260 --> 28:09.700 where there's a court with a special master that's not even really a court. 28:13.620 --> 28:19.380 And the crazy thing is my new friend Ralph Hazelhurst is actually one of the guys whose kid is in the 28:19.380 --> 28:27.300 one of the original autism omnibus cases is one of the lawyers at CHD 28:27.700 --> 28:38.180 been fighting for years. Just running around in circles with these people saying that nobody's 28:38.180 --> 28:42.420 ever been injured. Nobody gets injured. The people that have been injured have been compensated. 28:44.180 --> 28:51.860 We've got nothing to complain about. There's nothing to see here. 1985 28:52.180 --> 29:01.220 All you college kids out there who are too young to know, too young to be aware of this, 29:01.220 --> 29:08.500 you have to understand that this history is there. It's still barely findable, but it's there. 29:10.740 --> 29:14.180 And this is the history you need to understand. This is where it started. 29:14.500 --> 29:17.780 It hasn't always been this way. 29:20.420 --> 29:25.300 People didn't always lie. America wasn't always about fake until you make it. 29:27.220 --> 29:36.260 America actually used to be about being honest and working hard to get where you needed to go 29:37.460 --> 29:40.260 to achieve your goals if that's the way you want to phrase it. 29:40.740 --> 29:46.420 We need to get back there, ladies and gentlemen, and don't let them tell you that we can't. 29:48.020 --> 29:50.180 Don't let them tell you that we can't. 29:53.060 --> 30:02.980 Even in the process of trying to remember how it used to be, we will improve ourselves infinitely. 30:04.820 --> 30:09.700 If we let these people keep leading us by our nose, we're going to be stuck in this trap forever. 30:10.820 --> 30:21.460 Anyone who fortunately took the vaccine is a much higher risk for blood clots. 30:22.260 --> 30:28.740 So there's over the counter substance called enacetylcysteine, or NAC. 30:29.620 --> 30:33.700 And it's a powerful substance that prevents blood clots, 30:34.660 --> 30:37.700 inhibited sulfide bonds, whatever, but it prevents blood clots. 30:38.900 --> 30:42.900 It's also it makes glutathione, which is a very powerful antioxidant. 30:43.540 --> 30:49.460 And when human cells are attacked, they get what's called oxidative stress. 30:49.460 --> 30:53.780 So it's like an extra layer of protection against assault. 30:54.820 --> 30:59.540 So that's for people that have been vaccinated or at high risk for the blood clots. 31:00.260 --> 31:02.420 Then I recommend a zinc ionophore. 31:02.980 --> 31:07.460 In other words, if you get enough zinc into your cell, you'll be protected from single-stranded RNA 31:07.460 --> 31:10.100 viruses. What are single-stranded RNA viruses? 31:10.740 --> 31:16.740 All the strains of COVID, I'm going to say to you, call the strains of COVID. 31:16.740 --> 31:20.660 I don't care which variant is, all variants are treated the same way by me. 31:22.420 --> 31:25.140 It also inhibits influenza virus. 31:25.140 --> 31:31.300 I'm sure the pharmaceutical industry is very happy that I'm 31:33.140 --> 31:38.180 basically disseminating information that the flu shot is no longer 31:39.540 --> 31:43.060 really necessary at best. It works around 38% a year. 31:43.060 --> 31:49.060 And even with the flu shot from 2015 to 2020, each year we had 40 million cases 31:49.060 --> 31:52.740 of the flu in America and around 40,000 dead, half of which were kids. 31:53.700 --> 31:58.020 So the influenza shot and the treatment approaches that we have aren't very good. 31:59.220 --> 31:59.940 No, they're not. 31:59.940 --> 32:01.060 That's trusted zinc. 32:02.900 --> 32:06.180 Yeah, but you need to get zinc in the right place, but you need a zinc ionophore. 32:07.540 --> 32:09.460 And those are the over-the-counter options. 32:10.340 --> 32:15.620 You have a corsetin, q-u-e-r-c-e-t-i-n, 32:16.180 --> 32:20.180 so biflavinoid derivative of onions and apple peels. 32:22.580 --> 32:23.620 Go to the counter. 32:23.620 --> 32:26.820 And then there's another one called EGCG, which is even more powerful. 32:27.380 --> 32:29.540 EGCG is a green tea extract. 32:30.740 --> 32:34.660 The point is there's peer-reviewed papers on the NIH that all document 32:34.660 --> 32:37.620 that these substances are very powerful zinc ionophores. 32:38.660 --> 32:39.700 Then obviously you need zinc. 32:41.860 --> 32:44.260 Vitamin D3 is absolutely essential. 32:45.220 --> 32:47.700 And you should have levels between 15 and 70. 32:48.420 --> 32:54.980 Because all the data shows, every few papers that people have high normal levels of vitamin D, 32:55.940 --> 32:59.460 they're virtually assured not to get admitted in the intensive care use. 32:59.460 --> 33:04.340 Otherwise your immune response is upregulated, it's very robust, 33:04.340 --> 33:09.620 and it protects you and helps you overcome any infection or most infections. 33:10.340 --> 33:15.860 And vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important cofactor in many processes. 33:15.860 --> 33:16.980 It's a three-year immune system. 33:17.700 --> 33:22.820 And so those substances, which are all available over the counter, 33:23.700 --> 33:28.340 they're affordable, should be within grasp of every single entity. 33:31.460 --> 33:38.020 And so of course we know how that message was elevated and how quickly that went viral 33:38.020 --> 33:42.580 on the internet and how quickly everybody around the world had high respect for 33:43.460 --> 33:49.940 Dr. Zebzalenko and his insight into how all single-stranded RNA viruses could potentially be 33:50.820 --> 33:51.860 fortified against. 33:52.740 --> 33:56.820 I know that we saw this on the front page of most magazines and newspapers, 33:57.620 --> 33:59.140 and some even had a fold out. 34:01.140 --> 34:04.420 Now in a real world, in a real good world, in a real, 34:05.220 --> 34:09.780 if that really is what was necessary, and that was really the answer, 34:09.780 --> 34:13.780 because it was an RNA virus spreading around the world, that knowledge 34:15.700 --> 34:17.300 should have gone somewhere, but it didn't. 34:18.180 --> 34:19.540 Maybe it got where it needed to go. 34:22.820 --> 34:26.020 But I'll tell you what got where it needed to go actually. 34:26.020 --> 34:27.380 I think we're in the middle of it. 34:27.380 --> 34:34.260 Excuse me, is you can find this on Ube Alshner's 34:35.540 --> 34:40.740 substack and on his Twitter. 34:42.340 --> 34:49.540 There was a second corona supposium put on by the alternative for Germany party. 34:50.260 --> 34:55.620 And if you're not familiar with the AFD, that is the party that Christine 34:56.580 --> 35:01.220 Anderson is a part of, a quite prominent spokesman, 35:01.220 --> 35:07.620 a spokeswoman in the European Parliament and a very outspoken person about certain things 35:07.620 --> 35:11.700 with regard to the pandemic and lockdowns and this kind of thing. 35:14.260 --> 35:16.820 It was a five hour or so symposium. 35:16.820 --> 35:18.500 The link is here. 35:18.500 --> 35:20.340 I can probably, I think we're in the middle of it. 35:20.340 --> 35:22.100 I can probably give that to you. 35:22.180 --> 35:27.700 I'm going to go back here and maybe I have it, maybe I have it here. 35:29.460 --> 35:33.060 So this, this movie is pretty long, 35:35.140 --> 35:40.020 but you can grab that link and then it's at three hours and 28 minutes that Michael 35:40.020 --> 35:41.060 Yeden has mentioned. 35:41.780 --> 35:45.300 And so I'm going to play this video first so I can kind of remind you of the kind of 35:45.300 --> 35:46.900 things that Michael Yeden says. 35:46.900 --> 35:51.460 And then hopefully I'm just queuing you up right now, 86 people in the chat. 35:51.460 --> 35:57.220 If anybody speaks German, go get your Q-tips and clean your ears or go get your earbuds 35:57.220 --> 36:01.860 and put them on because after this, I'm going to play a couple clips from that, 36:02.820 --> 36:07.540 that section where I think we can glean some information about what was said 36:08.260 --> 36:12.340 with regard to Mike and then what was said at the edit. 36:13.780 --> 36:17.860 And Sukhred Bhakti actually says something that I've included in here and I hope we can 36:17.860 --> 36:18.660 watch it together. 36:19.140 --> 36:20.340 And then I'm going to go to bed. 36:20.820 --> 36:23.460 So let's listen, see if we can get this to go. 36:25.380 --> 36:27.860 I think we're in the middle of an ongoing crime. 36:27.860 --> 36:29.860 I've no idea how long it's going to last. 36:29.860 --> 36:34.740 I think it's, I'm convinced that it will be the biggest crime in history. 36:34.740 --> 36:39.460 It's global, it has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom. 36:39.460 --> 36:44.020 And I personally think we'll involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. 36:44.020 --> 36:48.020 That makes it a pretty big competitor for the title, World's Crime and History. 36:48.020 --> 36:49.300 It is long plans. 36:49.940 --> 36:54.340 I went boy with the details, but I've definitely come across information that shows that the 36:54.340 --> 37:02.100 components of the deceit that they've used, PCR, exaggerated PCR testing, the use of fear-based 37:02.100 --> 37:07.780 messaging through the media, this stuff's been rehearsed by militaries and the people we might 37:07.780 --> 37:12.180 think of as the spooks for at least 25 years and possibly longer. 37:12.180 --> 37:14.340 So it's long plan, very serious. 37:14.420 --> 37:16.580 Here's the thing why I'm calling you to arm. 37:16.580 --> 37:19.700 It's not going to return to the old normal. 37:19.700 --> 37:21.380 One, that's never their intention. 37:21.940 --> 37:25.220 So it's not going to happen passively because it's not, there isn't an actual 37:25.220 --> 37:26.500 phenomenon that's going to wear off. 37:26.500 --> 37:28.820 They're not going to allow it to return to normal. 37:28.820 --> 37:35.220 So if you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your liberty and probably your 37:35.220 --> 37:41.380 life. The supply chains that move materials, raw materials and finished goods around the world 37:41.460 --> 37:44.100 are being sawn through on a global scale. 37:44.100 --> 37:47.540 You only got to look at where the shipping is, where it should be and where it actually is. 37:48.020 --> 37:54.500 And, terrifyingly, the same is happening to food production, worldwide food and fertiliser production. 37:54.500 --> 37:55.460 It's in the wrong place. 37:55.460 --> 37:56.180 It's deliberate. 37:56.180 --> 38:02.420 They're smashing the means of manufacturing enough calories to keep 7.8 billion people alive. 38:03.220 --> 38:05.220 And, you know, where do you think that's going to end? 38:05.220 --> 38:11.060 Well, the answer is mass starvation or a global migration. 38:11.060 --> 38:16.420 That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all. 38:17.540 --> 38:20.740 Also, economic instruction, we can see happening around us. 38:20.740 --> 38:26.260 Interest rates will rise on the back of huge debts that will just cause mass bankruptcies, 38:26.260 --> 38:29.700 rolling, recessions, depressions, things like that. 38:29.700 --> 38:34.340 And I would also imagine loss of confidence in the very thing called money. 38:34.340 --> 38:37.460 So any savings you've got, I think they'll just vanish. 38:37.460 --> 38:40.180 Literally, people will just say, I no longer trust sterling. 38:40.180 --> 38:41.540 I don't want to accept it. 38:41.540 --> 38:43.860 And so all your savings are worth nothing. 38:43.860 --> 38:46.420 So if you wait, I believe it will be too late. 38:46.420 --> 38:51.380 I think you already know that I'm broadly telling you something that's closer to the 38:51.380 --> 38:53.380 reality than what government's telling me. 38:53.380 --> 39:00.020 But I believe that we can head off the worst crimes in history by actively withdrawing our 39:00.020 --> 39:06.500 consent and definitely not accepting these digital ID for any reason, any reason. 39:06.500 --> 39:09.060 If you accept it, they will sweep over us. 39:10.020 --> 39:13.860 And so just in the last few words, I implore you to get involved, 39:13.860 --> 39:18.100 to use some of what I and others are saying to you, be brave actually. 39:18.100 --> 39:20.180 You have to be brave now and risk embarrassment. 39:21.300 --> 39:26.500 So let's presume that he basically said the same thing at this thing, right? 39:26.500 --> 39:27.540 We can presume that. 39:28.500 --> 39:33.620 So the first thing that I will point out is that this guy got introduced. 39:34.100 --> 39:37.540 I'm going to put the video forward in a second because the clip is too long. 39:37.540 --> 39:38.260 There's a suit. 39:38.260 --> 39:39.540 Can you see my arrow? 39:39.540 --> 39:41.220 Succard Bockty sitting right here. 39:42.420 --> 39:47.540 And this guy is speaking, who I think is Dr. Hawkert's here that's listed. 39:48.500 --> 39:52.260 And then right here, it says DY, but that's actually Michael Eden. 39:53.220 --> 39:54.180 And you can see it here. 39:54.180 --> 39:55.780 It says Dr. Mike Eden. 39:55.780 --> 39:58.340 So this is Dr. Mike Eden, DY. 39:58.340 --> 40:00.660 So he's waiting on zoom and he's going to speak. 40:00.740 --> 40:05.300 But when we go forward to this three minutes here, and then we watch it from here, 40:05.300 --> 40:06.820 I'm going to search from the beginning. 40:11.620 --> 40:15.380 See, so he's going to introduce him Dr. Michael Eden, 40:15.380 --> 40:18.500 is to show us how it is. 40:18.500 --> 40:22.900 There's a secret to Professor Hawkert. 40:23.260 --> 40:46.000 I'll start now where he's going to come from from this 40:46.000 --> 40:47.420 good keeps going. 40:49.180 --> 40:51.940 And then there's a cut last month prescription. 40:51.940 --> 40:58.900 international and interdisciplinary and now some other people are speaking. So there was no 40:58.900 --> 41:09.860 my own and so now I'm gonna go back again and I'm gonna try and find more. I just wanted to make 41:09.860 --> 41:35.940 sure that he was actually saying it, but he is, we've confirmed it multiple ways. So this is not 41:35.940 --> 41:41.380 my work. This is actually Uve's work. So don't don't think that I've done this. This is a German 41:41.380 --> 41:47.860 friend of mine. Long story about how he met, but he's one of the real freedom fighters over there. 41:47.860 --> 41:56.900 And yeah, it's he's become a very fast friend of mine. And so this has really worried me a lot. 41:57.620 --> 42:03.060 I'm really happy that he brought it to my attention. I think everybody that has any 42:03.060 --> 42:10.260 possibility of acting on behalf of this, because think about this. I want you to see it very 42:10.260 --> 42:20.180 carefully. Christine Anderson's party put on a corona symposium at which Michael Yeadon spoke 42:20.180 --> 42:27.300 and then their archive of it doesn't have the Michael Yeadon speech in it. That would be like 42:27.300 --> 42:36.100 Donald Trump's party. Donald Trump throws a coronavirus party and then everybody that speaks 42:36.100 --> 42:43.860 and then you know, I don't know who do you want it to be? Michael Yeadon speaks and they edited it out. 42:46.500 --> 42:53.780 Would that be okay with you? If Donald Trump did that, would it be okay with you in the Netherlands? 42:53.780 --> 43:00.420 If Wilders did that, the Netherlands just elected a guy who thinks that Gaza should be a parking lot. 43:01.860 --> 43:08.420 The Netherlands just elected a guy who is ultra right, but also totally in photographs with 43:09.060 --> 43:11.300 WEF people and with Bill Gates. 43:11.300 --> 43:25.220 It is absolutely shocking that the skilled TV watchers are lemming themselves off the cliff 43:25.220 --> 43:31.940 right now and we must wake them up because their the state is not playing around anymore. 43:31.940 --> 43:34.580 Germany's not even faking it. They're not even pretending. 43:34.980 --> 43:41.060 Their own right-wing parties are controlled. 43:44.900 --> 43:50.500 I'm going to have Uve on my show in the next week or so and we're going to talk all about Germany 43:50.500 --> 43:54.500 and about well, we need to talk about a lot of things. 43:59.060 --> 44:03.700 But this is unacceptable, but this is where we are. Germany is not playing. 44:04.820 --> 44:09.460 But what's strange about it is is that remember that Sucred Bakhti was also under threat of 44:10.340 --> 44:13.220 jail or something. He was accused of trees and I thought. 44:15.460 --> 44:20.420 But now here he is at this far right party, far right party in Germany. 44:23.060 --> 44:28.340 Did you know that there was a real far right party in Germany that the German government tried to ban? 44:29.220 --> 44:32.420 And then the Supreme Court of Germany said no, we're not going to ban it. 44:32.500 --> 44:36.660 Well, why aren't you going to ban it? Well, because you already have it infiltrated to the highest levels. 44:38.580 --> 44:44.820 So why would we ban a party that's actually run by the government? That's in court documents in Germany. 44:46.180 --> 44:51.780 Here we are a decade later and they seem to more or less be doing it the same way but with more sophistication. 44:54.420 --> 44:58.980 But think about how important it is that they threw a party for the dissidents. 44:58.980 --> 45:05.060 They had five hours of lectures and of all the lectures that they decided to edit out. Let's not have mics in there. 45:07.700 --> 45:09.700 Wouldn't want mics in there. 45:11.620 --> 45:14.580 Where he likely said what he said in that previous video. 45:16.340 --> 45:21.060 Which is as Tony said in the chat, it's pretty big downer when he's so bang on the money. 45:24.260 --> 45:26.900 Because withdrawing our consent is a big move. 45:27.860 --> 45:31.940 And the first few people who do it are going to feel really alone. 45:34.740 --> 45:36.340 Maybe for a really long time. 45:38.420 --> 45:41.540 But we've got to do it, ladies and gentlemen. I think we've got to start doing it. 45:41.540 --> 45:44.180 We've got to find ways for us to start doing it. 45:47.620 --> 45:50.980 So listen, what does he say here? 45:56.900 --> 45:57.700 Yeah. 46:01.620 --> 46:07.060 It's, it's hard, decent, tight, spontan, fuhoiter, 46:08.020 --> 46:09.780 eing about it for four guests then. 46:11.940 --> 46:21.140 That's why I can't understand German. But I swear he just said that this was not planned. 46:21.140 --> 46:25.700 I swear he said it. 46:27.780 --> 46:30.580 Did he not say it? Did anybody hear it? 46:32.100 --> 46:37.140 He said that it's not planned. He said it was a spontaneous something something, but it was not planned. 46:37.140 --> 46:37.780 It's planned. 46:46.340 --> 46:46.740 Hurry up. 46:46.740 --> 46:47.540 Would you hear it? 46:48.260 --> 46:48.660 Listen. 46:52.260 --> 46:56.740 It's hard, decent, tight, spontan, fuhoiter, 46:57.620 --> 46:59.380 eing about it for four guests then. 47:01.540 --> 47:02.900 That's why I can't understand. 47:02.900 --> 47:03.540 Did you hear it? 47:03.940 --> 47:07.140 This one needs to be planned. 47:07.140 --> 47:16.980 And I understand that Dutch and German are not the same language, so I could be a retard, 47:16.980 --> 47:20.100 but I'm telling you, I'm sorry, Jackie, I could be an idiot. 47:21.300 --> 47:26.260 But this sure sounds like he's saying this was spontaneous, this was not planned. 47:26.260 --> 47:27.620 It's not done yet. 47:32.660 --> 47:39.780 It's hard, decent, tight, spontan, fuhoiter, eing about it for four guests then. 47:41.940 --> 47:43.140 The sponger needs to be planned. 47:46.340 --> 47:51.220 So they probably took him out because he said that and probably 47:52.180 --> 47:53.700 the secret doesn't mind. 47:57.540 --> 48:01.700 The guy who oh my gosh, I can't even believe I I want to say this, 48:02.500 --> 48:04.500 but do you see what I where we're going here? 48:04.500 --> 48:06.180 Do you see how scary it is? 48:06.740 --> 48:08.580 Who's going to say it if I don't say it? 48:10.260 --> 48:13.620 Who else is going to dare look at this and just add this up? 48:17.300 --> 48:18.820 Who's going to do it? 48:18.820 --> 48:22.100 I'm dividing everybody now, secret's a hero. 48:22.100 --> 48:25.220 Yes, secret is a hero, absolutely. 48:31.460 --> 48:34.340 But why don't we put it all the way to the goal line? 48:35.780 --> 48:38.740 Does he really believe that this wasn't planned? 48:41.460 --> 48:42.660 I guess it's possible. 48:44.420 --> 48:46.820 I guess it's possible that it wasn't planned. 48:49.060 --> 49:00.660 But then why does it hurt to have that idea out there? 49:03.620 --> 49:12.740 Wouldn't a spontaneous disaster be different from a planned event 49:13.460 --> 49:16.900 and stand the scrutiny that a planned event wouldn't? 49:19.060 --> 49:24.180 Are we so afraid of a narrative that's untrue that we can't talk about it? 49:26.740 --> 49:29.620 I thought that's what we were fighting about for the first two years. 49:33.380 --> 49:35.060 It's not like he's just nobody. 49:36.420 --> 49:37.300 He's Mike Eden. 49:38.500 --> 49:40.500 He's been speaking out as long as anyone. 49:41.860 --> 49:44.180 I find this to be a problem. 49:45.220 --> 49:46.660 I don't know who the problem is. 49:46.740 --> 49:49.140 It could be that the party is the problem. 49:49.140 --> 49:52.340 And we don't even know the name of the people who decided to take that out. 49:53.780 --> 49:55.620 Maybe Sukhid Bhakti complained. 49:55.620 --> 49:56.500 Maybe he was mad. 49:56.500 --> 49:58.180 Maybe he was never even consulted. 49:58.180 --> 49:59.940 And once he finds out, he'll say something. 49:59.940 --> 50:03.140 I don't know, but I hope that's for sure. 50:04.900 --> 50:09.220 Because if this just fizzles out into the wind and nobody says anything to anyone 50:09.220 --> 50:13.460 and nobody asks Christine Anderson, what the hell's going on with the AFD party? 50:16.660 --> 50:20.260 Wouldn't this be a wonderful time for Christine Anderson to come forward and say, 50:20.260 --> 50:25.220 hey, somebody in my party took down Mike Eden's video. 50:26.740 --> 50:30.900 All Mike Eden says is that they're going to do digital ID and digital currencies in 50:30.900 --> 50:31.940 order to control us. 50:32.980 --> 50:35.380 Is Christine Anderson afraid to say that? 50:37.620 --> 50:41.460 Because if she's worried about our freedom, she should be a hell of a lot more worried about that 50:41.460 --> 50:42.500 than the WHO. 50:42.500 --> 50:47.060 Holy balls. 50:47.060 --> 50:50.500 This is some serious, serious stuff here, ladies and gentlemen. 50:50.500 --> 50:52.340 This is absolutely serious. 50:53.220 --> 50:54.740 Red alert, serious. 50:54.740 --> 50:55.940 I don't have that one anywhere. 50:56.900 --> 50:57.860 I need a red alert. 51:01.060 --> 51:04.900 Whole ladies and gentlemen, this train pulling and pushing exercise has been going 51:04.900 --> 51:06.180 along for a while. 51:06.180 --> 51:10.420 And they fooled us because they all did it together in coordinated action. 51:10.420 --> 51:14.340 They pretended that they were doing something useful to augment a natural 51:14.340 --> 51:17.380 phenomenon, a conflated background signal. 51:17.380 --> 51:21.540 They all participated in this theater at some point, wittingly or unwittingly. 51:21.540 --> 51:23.460 And now they're still participating in it. 51:25.300 --> 51:30.180 Making these stories last longer and longer and people keep asking this question when they 51:30.180 --> 51:32.420 should be asking, is there evidence of spread? 51:37.460 --> 51:39.220 Is this evidence of spread? 51:40.020 --> 51:42.100 Is this evidence of a novel virus? 51:44.180 --> 51:46.580 It's not because the math isn't done. 51:46.580 --> 51:50.260 You've got to subtract all the people that you didn't resuscitate because you were afraid to 51:50.260 --> 51:52.660 bring them into the hospital in New York City. 51:52.660 --> 51:55.460 You got to separate all the subtract all the people that you've 51:55.460 --> 51:58.340 ventilated with extra pressure so that the virus wouldn't get out. 52:00.980 --> 52:07.220 You got to all the people that you sent back to old folks homes without antibiotics and steroids. 52:08.020 --> 52:13.940 All the people that you put on Remdesivir in the hospitals over 2020 and 2021 and 2022. 52:13.940 --> 52:19.940 And oh my gosh, can you believe it's still 2023 and almost 2024. 52:19.940 --> 52:24.100 Hopioi deaths, ladies and gentlemen, are just continuing to rise. 52:24.100 --> 52:25.380 Nobody cares. 52:27.940 --> 52:29.780 And the accounting is really great, right? 52:29.780 --> 52:36.020 Because the death certificate fraud is wide and crazy and there is a financial reason to do it. 52:37.940 --> 52:44.340 They lied to us about this with a consensus and the consensus still exists. 52:45.380 --> 52:46.740 It's not gone. 52:46.740 --> 52:47.620 It's there. 52:47.620 --> 52:49.300 It was there in Romania. 52:49.300 --> 52:51.940 In that picture, the consensus was there. 52:51.940 --> 52:53.380 That there was a novel virus. 52:53.380 --> 52:58.660 Even if there was a new star of the show named Denny Rancor, 52:58.660 --> 53:04.980 the faith in the novel virus escaped Romania unscathed, unchallenged. 53:08.020 --> 53:13.700 And that faith is a lie because that has to be a conflated background signal. 53:13.700 --> 53:14.500 It has to be. 53:15.220 --> 53:23.140 It is the only possible biological explanation that does not involve further human intervention 53:23.140 --> 53:27.220 and malfeasance on top of a conflated background signal. 53:30.260 --> 53:36.100 In other words, I am also certain that if you subtract whatever man-made nonsense 53:36.260 --> 53:38.820 was added to that conflated background signal, 53:38.820 --> 53:41.700 the conflated background signal is still pretty dominant. 53:46.180 --> 53:51.380 I think they're doing this because they need to invert our children's sovereignty to permission 53:51.380 --> 53:55.140 so that they can start to require that all of their data is collected. 53:56.180 --> 53:57.140 They don't need everybody. 53:57.140 --> 54:00.020 They just need most of us and they don't need us. 54:00.020 --> 54:01.140 They need our children. 54:01.140 --> 54:01.940 We're too old. 54:03.460 --> 54:05.220 They need our DNA from the start. 54:05.220 --> 54:06.980 They need our medical data from the start. 54:06.980 --> 54:08.340 The more they can get, the better. 54:09.860 --> 54:12.660 Who knows where they're going to store it or how they're going to store it long enough 54:12.660 --> 54:14.180 until they can feed it into their AI. 54:14.180 --> 54:16.340 But I'm sure they got lots of plans on how to do it. 54:16.340 --> 54:16.740 It's great. 54:16.740 --> 54:18.580 It's probably just an infrastructure problem. 54:20.100 --> 54:23.940 Please stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group 54:23.940 --> 54:25.140 by any means necessary. 54:25.140 --> 54:27.940 Share Mr. Sparkles videos wherever you find them. 54:28.580 --> 54:30.980 The more you know, the better will be. 54:31.860 --> 54:35.300 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances 54:35.300 --> 54:38.100 with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 54:38.100 --> 54:45.140 Transfection in healthy animals is criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned in tegrities. 54:48.100 --> 54:51.300 I am going to sound like a broken record with regard to these statements, 54:51.300 --> 54:54.820 ladies and gentlemen, because these are the core message of giga-ol biological 54:54.820 --> 54:58.500 a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 54:59.060 --> 55:03.060 Thank you very much for joining me and I will see you again tomorrow because 55:03.060 --> 55:06.660 tomorrow is another day and we do it every day here at Gigo and Biological. 55:07.460 --> 55:13.140 The independent bright web, the interdisciplinary bright web, the invisible bright web. 55:13.140 --> 55:21.940 We're here now and add some people every week and every month and until we have something 55:21.940 --> 55:31.060 that encounter the governance mythology and its various means of deployment. 55:32.260 --> 55:36.340 The mythology is being deployed and we have to work against it. 55:36.340 --> 55:38.420 That's what the independent bright web is going to be. 55:39.460 --> 55:40.420 Maybe it'll catch on. 55:40.420 --> 55:40.820 I don't know. 55:42.180 --> 55:42.900 I hope it does. 55:44.660 --> 55:45.700 See you guys again tomorrow. 55:46.340 --> 55:51.780 Have a good night. 56:22.820 --> 56:25.940 Thanks ladies and gentlemen again. 56:25.940 --> 56:29.060 I will see you tomorrow as Streak will stay alive. 56:29.060 --> 56:30.180 I can promise you that. 56:30.180 --> 56:34.100 I feel great and thank you very much for joining me.