WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 You 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 Oh 00:33.480 --> 00:37.800 Look JC on the bike was timed out by Risa. Oh timeout JC on the bike 00:38.760 --> 00:40.260 JC on the bike 00:40.260 --> 00:42.260 It's JC on the bike 00:42.260 --> 00:44.260 It's JC on the bike. Yeah 00:45.120 --> 00:51.240 Well, I'm wise enough to know when a chomp needs banning and I know just the one 00:52.200 --> 00:57.600 Look at round. It's JC on the bike. Who says Vader didn't study music in college? 01:00.000 --> 01:02.000 You 01:17.720 --> 01:21.720 That is the great Z-Dog MD in the Vader mask Z-Dog 01:21.720 --> 01:23.720 It's getting over 60 minutes next 01:24.480 --> 01:27.620 It's going on French British Italian 01:27.620 --> 01:35.140 Japanese television people everywhere are starting to listen to him it's embarrassing 01:58.400 --> 02:00.400 Well 02:14.740 --> 02:17.940 Well, we are back again here with another episode 02:19.020 --> 02:23.220 Trying to dispel the faith in a novel virus. He knows it is a lie 02:23.220 --> 02:31.120 And we're trying to stick to these three points and the biology that underpin them 02:31.580 --> 02:37.680 That's the strategy we're trying to use at big old biologicals the 11th of December, 2023 02:37.680 --> 02:55.080 Remember, this is the faith we are trying to dispel 02:59.000 --> 03:02.080 And this is the show you are watching 03:08.520 --> 03:12.080 We made it to a stream he says 03:14.600 --> 03:17.880 Let me see if I can do this correctly sometimes I can 03:19.240 --> 03:26.440 Thank you very much for joining me. This is Giga Ohm biological a high-resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist 03:26.440 --> 03:30.640 I'm yelling more in the gym and my voice keeps going down. I don't know if I'm 03:31.600 --> 03:39.040 Rupturing more tumors in my throat or if it's just a natural progression of the strengthening of my vocal cords renewed 03:40.080 --> 03:46.560 But anyway, here we are. My name is Jonathan Cooey. I'm coming to you live from the back of my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 03:47.200 --> 03:53.480 It is 10 o 2 p.m. Local time wherever you are. Thank you for joining me 03:54.600 --> 03:59.120 Sorry for that abrupt sound change. We are still trying to solve the mystery of the 03:59.120 --> 04:07.200 The novel coronavirus and who set us on this mystery. We're trying to figure out who really set us up 04:08.000 --> 04:15.040 Who really laid down these these narratives and these mythologies about these sources of gain of function and 04:15.520 --> 04:20.380 That this one was possibly a gain of function virus. Maybe a two-part 04:21.320 --> 04:22.720 Bioweapon 04:22.760 --> 04:26.560 Maybe even a three-part bioweapon a multi-stage bioweapon 04:27.080 --> 04:33.400 Maybe a bioweapon that de attenuated and then needed to be augmented by a third bioweapon something like that 04:33.760 --> 04:36.840 Who set us up for these narratives? 04:38.920 --> 04:44.040 What's the difference between any of these books and why is it that? 04:45.720 --> 04:49.560 There are so many of these books the exact same books 04:50.160 --> 04:56.080 Told by people who've had shootouts with the FBI in their backyards in upper, Michigan 04:56.880 --> 05:00.160 told by people who are suing other people and 05:01.560 --> 05:03.560 Are being sued by other people 05:04.960 --> 05:07.440 told by senators and 05:10.160 --> 05:14.200 Sons of and and and nephews of presidents 05:17.000 --> 05:19.000 Strange company here 05:19.880 --> 05:21.880 All the same story 05:23.800 --> 05:31.600 Ensure I put some biology in that Wuhan cover-up, but it's 450 pages of lab leak bioweapon 05:35.880 --> 05:43.200 So where are we with dispelling this this narrative where are we with really coming to terms with this? 05:45.120 --> 05:48.400 Are we really gonna make any more progress or is this just the end? 05:48.400 --> 05:54.080 This is as far as we get now and everybody who has managed to get this far as you know 05:54.080 --> 05:58.200 Couldn't get a tattoo or something and and pretend like we're all I 05:59.320 --> 06:05.760 Don't know some kind of consolation prize and when we all go swimming at the local pool and see the 06:06.520 --> 06:13.080 See the special symbol will all know that all you are one of those truth or guys how you know what happened, right? Yeah, cool 06:15.120 --> 06:17.120 Building seven, you know 06:17.360 --> 06:23.320 You just either get it or you don't then that's it. It's just gonna fade off into history. You're never gonna address it again 06:23.960 --> 06:29.840 What would what would you bother bringing that up for anymore, right? That was that was so many years ago? 06:29.840 --> 06:31.840 Why would you want to argue about that again? 06:34.600 --> 06:36.600 That's how this ends 06:37.160 --> 06:45.080 Is when people decide that the work ain't worth it anymore that the argument isn't worth it anymore and other people are being 06:45.960 --> 06:48.160 Well encourage you not to stop 06:49.680 --> 06:53.440 Because of course, that's how they want to govern us by this story 06:55.600 --> 07:01.160 And so they've got to double down and triple down and they've got to pay everybody to keep doing it 07:05.480 --> 07:10.680 So that we keep being lost on this on this road 07:15.320 --> 07:19.240 Keep being lost on this road where we're we're arguing inevitably 07:19.680 --> 07:24.160 Forever about the novel virus and what it did what we should have done 07:25.160 --> 07:26.680 and 07:26.680 --> 07:30.160 Talking about how you know, we need to take care of the stuff that's coming in the future 07:31.800 --> 07:32.640 and 07:32.640 --> 07:37.320 all of these people ladies and gentlemen all of these people have have 07:38.160 --> 07:43.560 Actually shown us the border of this cave shown us the very borders of this 07:45.480 --> 07:47.480 this consensus and 07:49.240 --> 07:51.240 Never crossed it 07:51.960 --> 07:56.440 About a worst-case scenario either now or in the future it could have happened now 07:56.640 --> 07:59.800 But it definitely could happen in the future. It becomes more 08:00.920 --> 08:07.760 Probable as we move into the future and these technologies become ever more available right now according to Robert Malone 08:08.120 --> 08:12.120 They're accessible to someone with a bachelor's degree in biology in a garage 08:13.080 --> 08:16.120 Soon they'll be accessible to your toddler in a kit 08:22.800 --> 08:25.640 And so I really want to delve into this little 08:26.640 --> 08:34.240 analogy that I've been working on for a while because I want to try and get people to really be able to explain exactly how this is done 08:35.600 --> 08:40.600 But I want you to imagine you're in a car and you've been kidnapped by the people that are in the car with you 08:42.120 --> 08:50.120 And you're trying to figure out if any of those people in the car have been kidnapped like you've been kidnapped or if all of them are against you or what's going on 08:53.160 --> 08:55.160 And in the perfect scenario 08:57.240 --> 09:00.840 Where you're being kidnapped by psychologically clever people 09:03.080 --> 09:05.080 At least one of the people in the car 09:06.360 --> 09:11.800 According to the bad scary movie script will actually be your friend pretend to be your friend even 09:12.120 --> 09:15.440 let's say for example while the driver is really mean and 09:16.280 --> 09:22.040 The person that's sitting in the passenger seat in the front seat is really mean the person that's sitting in the back seat 09:23.480 --> 09:27.440 That pushed you into the car and then came around to the other side and got in 09:28.840 --> 09:30.840 Might hand you a cigarette 09:31.200 --> 09:38.360 Or maybe in this movie in your dreams they he gives you a candy bar or something to chill you out 09:39.360 --> 09:41.360 It makes you feel at ease 09:42.800 --> 09:46.440 whispers to you while the other two are talking mean to each other and 09:47.160 --> 09:50.480 Tries to confuse you about who their allegiance is with 09:51.680 --> 09:56.640 And then they could even argue and have a staged argument in front of you 09:58.520 --> 10:04.000 And one of them could say now we can't we can't hurt him now. We should just let him out and 10:04.840 --> 10:08.000 advocate for your your safety and 10:09.880 --> 10:13.840 Then when they stop at a certain place and the two guys get out and walk out 10:13.840 --> 10:18.000 Then you're gonna be more apt to say something to this guy in the backseat next to you like hey man 10:18.000 --> 10:20.000 What's up with these guys man? What's going on? 10:20.720 --> 10:24.280 And then when he asks you a question you tell him what you know 10:25.760 --> 10:32.160 They get what they want they fooled you into believing that you can trust the person in the backseat and this this 10:32.160 --> 10:35.080 Ruse can go on for for miles and miles 10:35.920 --> 10:37.920 gas station after gas station 10:39.200 --> 10:45.120 Until at some point they may have fooled you that actually the two people that aren't driving are good guys 10:46.000 --> 10:51.680 Trying to take control of the situation from the bad guy and get you to join them 10:54.320 --> 10:59.360 And before you know it you've completely accepted the situation as a 11:00.360 --> 11:06.080 Kidnapping sort of kind of but you're gonna help these guys get rid of this guy 11:10.280 --> 11:16.840 And they've completely manipulated you because all the while these three guys are all laughing because they're all in on it together 11:16.840 --> 11:18.840 Just trying to fool you 11:20.600 --> 11:22.600 Just trying to mess with you so that at the end 11:23.640 --> 11:27.480 When you when you find out that actually no it's over for you 11:28.120 --> 11:30.120 It hurts even more 11:30.560 --> 11:32.560 It's even more confusing 11:32.960 --> 11:37.160 And even better you didn't resist at all you just sat in the car and ate the food and 11:37.440 --> 11:42.400 We're quiet because you thought these two were working with you are gonna protect you 11:43.200 --> 11:45.200 And so you didn't resist 11:45.400 --> 11:47.480 You didn't cry you didn't scream 11:49.000 --> 11:52.360 They could leave you in the car and not worry about you running away 11:53.720 --> 11:56.280 Because the whole time while you were in this 11:56.800 --> 11:59.960 Kidnapping situation you didn't understand it 12:01.760 --> 12:03.920 And I want you to imagine what this 12:05.640 --> 12:12.880 Illusion of consensus does to you over the past three years you've been lured into believing that these people in the car with you are on your team 12:14.120 --> 12:16.120 That they're helping you 12:16.440 --> 12:22.840 They're giving them your your best interpretation of the situation is actually going to help everybody 12:22.840 --> 12:28.840 If you just keep telling everybody in this signal chat what you know about 12:29.080 --> 12:33.560 Immunology eventually it's going to get out because these guys have a farther reach than you do Jay 12:42.000 --> 12:44.000 And that's how they did this 12:44.400 --> 12:48.200 That's how they tricked me into thinking that this had to be a lab leak 12:48.880 --> 12:51.240 That they were lying about that they covered up 12:52.840 --> 12:54.840 And 12:55.960 --> 13:03.680 It took me a long time to get where I am right now a long time and a lot of pain and a lot of a lot of 13:07.040 --> 13:09.040 Of being lied to 13:10.040 --> 13:16.360 And and having to figure out that people that you trust are lying to you and this isn't fun 13:17.240 --> 13:19.240 Especially when they don't confess 13:20.080 --> 13:22.080 Especially when they double down 13:23.840 --> 13:27.600 And that's what I've experienced in this car ride 13:29.560 --> 13:35.040 Liars that continue to lie liars that are willing to lie on top of lies 13:44.680 --> 13:47.480 I'm frustrated I guess because I don't really 13:47.480 --> 13:49.480 I 13:51.160 --> 13:56.200 Don't really have a good plan for how to go forward other than to keep 13:57.800 --> 13:59.800 Plugging away at the 14:00.760 --> 14:04.600 At the brick wall that they've managed to assemble around us 14:05.240 --> 14:13.400 The illusion of consensus about this novel virus that killed millions of people that we don't really need to look back and think about anymore 14:13.880 --> 14:17.280 That we can kind of we want to put behind us 14:17.720 --> 14:25.720 Nobody wants you at the funeral man because we don't want to talk about what might have happened because you know 14:26.840 --> 14:30.480 We wouldn't want to know the truth. We wouldn't want any justice for our friend 14:40.680 --> 14:46.000 We got here because all of these people were a combination of confused or lacking of courage 14:47.480 --> 14:49.480 We 14:50.680 --> 14:54.200 Got here because it was a very sophisticated operation a 14:55.120 --> 15:01.800 very sophisticated operation of people pretending to antagonize one another pretending to 15:02.600 --> 15:04.600 to fight and to 15:05.600 --> 15:07.840 leave each other's signal groups and 15:08.840 --> 15:13.240 Join other people's signal groups and invite you into a special signal group or 15:14.120 --> 15:18.080 A special telegram group with all these really great doctors 15:19.120 --> 15:25.640 Man, you should join this gab. This thing is great. Oh, we've got this discord group where we really solve everything 15:25.640 --> 15:27.640 It's called error-free asylum 15:33.640 --> 15:35.640 That's how this was done 15:37.280 --> 15:41.480 That's how this was done in the foreground and in the background 15:41.560 --> 15:49.080 You don't think that journalists are in those same kind of groups. You don't think that that people working in in in all sorts of 15:49.240 --> 15:51.760 intelligence agencies all sorts of of 15:54.640 --> 15:58.560 Private kinds of intelligence firms and this kind of thing. They're not all 15:59.320 --> 16:02.560 Trying to read these social medias in just the same way 16:03.720 --> 16:05.720 Getting sucked into the same 16:05.880 --> 16:10.960 Sort of pseudo espionage cloak and dagger crap that ended up to be this Scooby-Doo 16:11.480 --> 16:17.320 The only difference is that right now after three years of pushing back this hard 16:17.320 --> 16:22.760 We're starting to bump into the very people that are responsible for it. Not like two layers in between 16:25.520 --> 16:30.880 We aren't experiencing the Veritas part we actually get blocked by the people who are doing it 16:32.360 --> 16:36.280 The people that were supposed to be the people behind the people that we're doing it 16:37.120 --> 16:42.480 But we're now all the way to the only people who can hold the narrative right on camera all the time 16:44.280 --> 16:46.280 and 16:46.760 --> 16:54.080 Either understand it or are kept purposefully ignorant so that they can't make a mistake and stumble over it 16:58.840 --> 17:03.000 And over the next you know a few weeks before the end of the year before 17:03.640 --> 17:05.880 Before Christmas before New Year's 17:08.480 --> 17:15.440 We're just gonna have to come to terms with this long list of lies including Ivermectin and I proxy chloroquine and how 17:16.480 --> 17:18.480 Clever those lies were 17:21.080 --> 17:24.560 We're just gonna have to come to terms with them and people aren't gonna like it 17:26.560 --> 17:31.440 We're gonna have to come to terms with these these narratives that were laid down 17:33.000 --> 17:38.680 And we're gonna have to identify the people that were involved in laying them down and then those people are gonna have to be 17:38.920 --> 17:41.480 just outed as well as what they are and 17:42.600 --> 17:44.600 Then they can say they're sorry 17:46.360 --> 17:50.360 Or they can you know admit that they they made a mistake 17:52.320 --> 17:54.320 And I'll show you how you do it 17:56.560 --> 17:58.560 Just put it on your website 17:58.960 --> 18:00.560 Where it says 18:00.560 --> 18:03.960 gig ombiological.com and it says scooby 18:05.160 --> 18:09.080 And it says this review was written with the intent of stopping 18:09.280 --> 18:15.320 Transfection rollout you will notice the conspicuous absence of any discussion regarding the protocols that led to the massive 18:16.240 --> 18:20.000 Iatrogenic casualty events that were used to define the crisis for the world 18:20.000 --> 18:23.360 And then you can go down here and you can see this review that I was so proud of in 18:23.880 --> 18:28.840 2021 because it's so succinctly described the biology that I thought was at play and 18:31.280 --> 18:36.320 I've now come to understand RNA virology as almost exclusively a mythology 18:37.600 --> 18:43.400 Coronavirus RNA virology in particular make no mistake. I was part of the illusion of consensus 18:44.080 --> 18:48.880 That there was that was used to compel millions of healthy humans to submit to transfection 18:48.880 --> 18:52.360 I was guilty of falling for the theater and pushing a mythology of 18:52.840 --> 18:58.520 a novel circulating RNA coronavirus. I mean I did it on my bicycle, right? 19:01.320 --> 19:03.840 The review I wrote then now 19:04.040 --> 19:07.680 stands as a record of where I was and what I was thinking at the end of 19:08.280 --> 19:11.680 2020 and how I had not yet realized the full extent of the theater 19:12.000 --> 19:18.640 This is an account of the lab leak good guy narrative where drastic and other slu's have solved the mystery of their novel coronavirus 19:18.800 --> 19:21.720 It even includes the bonus mythology of an effect 19:22.840 --> 19:24.200 effective 19:24.200 --> 19:30.040 Transfection technology. They can influence the evolution of the novel circulating RNA virus. I 19:31.360 --> 19:36.440 Leave this document available for everyone so as not to hide my history, but instead to own it 19:37.280 --> 19:40.400 Everyone that pushed the mystery of the novel coronavirus was whitting 19:40.880 --> 19:48.080 Wittingly or unwittingly involved in enabling the murder of thousands if not millions of humans myself included 19:49.200 --> 19:51.200 And I have changed the 19:52.200 --> 19:56.000 That the videos down here to indicate 19:58.000 --> 20:00.000 Oh, that's not 20:00.320 --> 20:03.800 Did I not publish those? Oh, I did switch those I'll change them again 20:04.280 --> 20:09.480 To make them a little bit more sarcastic in terms of what I was thinking and there's a couple videos down here 20:09.480 --> 20:13.040 The one about measles I still need to look up. I think there's gonna we're gonna find 20:13.600 --> 20:19.400 Some things are not as simple as there's no viruses at all measles is possibly one of those things 20:20.400 --> 20:25.280 And I think that's going forward what I want to be most careful about is 20:26.240 --> 20:32.400 not allowing anybody anyone to push us down this slippery slope of there's nothing anywhere of 20:33.680 --> 20:38.320 Value and no observations at this size scale are of value we 20:38.880 --> 20:44.320 the chances of that being true are pretty slim in my humble opinion, but I think this is already a pretty far and 20:46.000 --> 20:48.000 And reaching 20:48.720 --> 20:53.240 Sort of status of where I am it's I don't I don't know what I would call this, but I'm 20:53.960 --> 20:55.960 it's a long time coming right because 20:57.240 --> 21:00.000 it's really important for everybody to 21:00.640 --> 21:05.240 Come to this place on their own and it's very different than coming to the place where 21:05.640 --> 21:13.440 There just aren't any viruses and then stop because I would really like to hone in on the fact 21:14.160 --> 21:15.720 that for 21:15.720 --> 21:17.720 nearly three years now 21:17.720 --> 21:19.720 they have been killing people and 21:20.760 --> 21:28.360 the no virus people haven't given a darn about that haven't said anything about that and and I think 21:30.040 --> 21:32.040 Whether all of them are 21:32.680 --> 21:34.680 are necessarily 21:36.120 --> 21:42.040 Culpable, I don't really think that's up to me to decide but I know from my own personal perspective 21:42.040 --> 21:45.720 they did not help my friend Nathan in any way at all and 21:48.080 --> 21:54.440 And I tried really hard to help Nathan I tried really hard to explain what what the 21:54.720 --> 21:59.800 Transfections shouldn't be able to do can't do and are likely actually doing 21:59.800 --> 22:01.800 I 22:01.840 --> 22:07.200 Don't think he took me very seriously back in 2020. In fact, I would like to share that with you right now 22:08.760 --> 22:16.480 Because it is a little moving I had a look at it and I was I was actually pretty moved 22:18.400 --> 22:20.400 Why is my phone not working 22:22.440 --> 22:24.960 Come on now, oh, I just unplugged it. That's why 22:24.960 --> 22:26.960 I 22:28.720 --> 22:32.080 Just want to show you this email that I got from 22:33.560 --> 22:35.560 My friend Nate so 22:36.360 --> 22:38.360 What I would like to say is 22:39.480 --> 22:41.480 the the last time 22:42.360 --> 22:44.360 Why can't I find it now? 22:44.360 --> 22:46.360 I guess I got a look and just search 22:54.960 --> 22:56.960 Oh 22:59.200 --> 23:01.200 Wait what oh 23:06.040 --> 23:08.040 No wait what oh 23:17.560 --> 23:23.400 Wow that sucks is that really true no way 23:24.960 --> 23:26.960 I 23:27.320 --> 23:32.640 Can't believe it I should have did I did I oh my gosh 23:34.840 --> 23:36.840 Darn it I 23:37.560 --> 23:39.480 Didn't do it 23:39.480 --> 23:41.480 Okay, so that's a little weird 23:41.760 --> 23:43.760 apparently if 23:44.080 --> 23:46.080 if somebody dies and 23:48.000 --> 23:50.000 And they 23:50.640 --> 23:52.640 Disconnected their iPhone 23:53.640 --> 24:02.560 Then you lose all the messages with you and that person because all of my messages from Nathan are not on my phone anymore 24:02.560 --> 24:04.560 Which is very bizarre 24:05.360 --> 24:07.880 Hold on. Let me see if I can find him in my contacts 24:07.880 --> 24:09.880 Oh 24:19.240 --> 24:24.640 Here we go, okay, whoo, that's not what was weird. I could not get him back. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna go back 24:25.520 --> 24:27.520 What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to 24:27.960 --> 24:32.960 2020 and they're not that many messages right because we were in touch but not really in touch 24:33.840 --> 24:35.840 Um 24:35.840 --> 24:41.920 The last time we got in touch actually was about the North Face logo because I was asking if I could use the North Face logo 24:45.680 --> 24:47.680 Oh, that's 20, okay, here we go 24:48.600 --> 24:50.600 So the reason why we got in touch 24:53.440 --> 25:01.040 May and then okay, we got in touch about the North Face logo in May of 2020 because I was gonna make this this 25:02.000 --> 25:06.440 North Face, let me go to the front. I was gonna make this North Face logo 25:08.560 --> 25:15.640 That I have on my hat and that kind of thing and and then we had been going through 25:19.240 --> 25:21.240 We had been going through 25:21.880 --> 25:23.880 Chicago for 25:24.480 --> 25:31.000 Christmas so since we had gotten back in 2016 we would go home to my parents in northern Wisconsin 25:31.040 --> 25:37.520 Go through Chicago and spend the night there with some of my friends and it was just a blast. It was becoming this regular thing. I 25:38.120 --> 25:44.640 Don't know if we stopped in 2016 because I think my parents came for that Christmas, but it could be wrong and then 25:45.160 --> 25:46.760 and 25:46.760 --> 25:48.760 then in 2017 25:49.000 --> 25:50.680 2018 25:50.680 --> 25:52.960 But in 2019 they didn't want to 25:53.760 --> 25:56.920 Yeah in 2019 we did it and then in 2020 25:57.160 --> 26:00.840 December we didn't they didn't want to do it. My friends didn't want us to stay 26:01.400 --> 26:05.680 They didn't think it was very cool that we were even asking if we could stop 26:06.640 --> 26:09.080 And so I sent a message to Nate 26:10.080 --> 26:13.880 Check this out. I sent a message to Nate 26:19.360 --> 26:21.360 What do I got to do this 26:21.960 --> 26:23.960 this sorry I 26:24.360 --> 26:27.880 Sent a message to Nate that little light's gonna get in the way. I guess 26:28.720 --> 26:30.720 Maybe I have to turn it off 26:31.760 --> 26:36.200 There so I sent a message to Nate on December 4th 2020 26:36.200 --> 26:40.520 So are you guys also blown out by COVID no visit over Christmas? 26:40.520 --> 26:43.640 Just wondering as Amy won't see us unless we are vaccinated 26:43.960 --> 26:49.200 So we won't be seeing her again. Ah the irony of losing my job because of this and now my friends to 26:49.680 --> 26:55.560 Oh well someday of sweet apology or I'll be dead in prison. Let me know how you all doing hugs from Pittsburgh 26:56.480 --> 27:01.720 Nate says I'm trying to sort this out. So just to confirm you're a staunch anti-vaxxer 27:02.480 --> 27:06.680 Shoulder shrug and then you know the tooth smile thing and I said no 27:06.680 --> 27:09.880 But that's a loaded term my kids have their shots and so does my dog 27:09.880 --> 27:15.160 I don't do Facebook so I'm less misinformed about the biology I'd say but with regard to a vaccine from Gates 27:16.120 --> 27:22.200 Software magnet. Yes staunch anti-billionaire products tonight's live stream will be a message to my friends in Chicago 27:22.200 --> 27:25.520 I feel very bad for you all to be so terrorized your mayor are 27:26.480 --> 27:28.480 And so I sent him a link to my live stream 27:29.640 --> 27:35.560 He says his stepfather is currently grappling with COVID pneumonia. So terrorized would be an appropriate 27:36.600 --> 27:42.040 characterization so his father stepfather in law is having about with 27:43.000 --> 27:45.000 COVID pneumonia 27:45.000 --> 27:51.160 What is COVID pneumonia, right? The COVID pneumonia is just it's just it's just pneumonia. I mean 27:51.800 --> 27:53.000 whoops 27:53.000 --> 27:55.000 so it's really 27:56.920 --> 28:03.440 It's really kind of unfortunate if you think about where we are because I could have probably 28:04.480 --> 28:08.080 Not saved him had I gone full no virus without 28:08.560 --> 28:12.760 The subtleties that I have now and if I had the subtleties that I have now 28:15.120 --> 28:20.640 Could I have saved him I don't know could I have convinced him that I was right? I don't know 28:23.840 --> 28:32.680 But I I do know that that all these people telling this story about a virus killing millions of people all these people telling a story about a 28:33.600 --> 28:35.600 Transfection working on some people 28:38.320 --> 28:45.680 Or or that natural immunity is not good enough. I mean these people these worst case scenario people they they are responsible 28:47.120 --> 28:52.800 Because they enabled the newscasts they enabled the blogs they enabled the facebook they enabled at all 29:00.800 --> 29:02.240 I would like you 29:02.240 --> 29:04.240 excuse me 29:04.240 --> 29:06.240 I apologize for that. I 29:06.240 --> 29:10.880 Would like you to watch this movie in your spare time. I'm not going to waste your time with it, but it is a 29:11.920 --> 29:13.920 a david e Martin movie 29:14.640 --> 29:16.480 where he 29:16.480 --> 29:18.480 is giving a speech in 29:18.880 --> 29:25.280 In switzerland and he gives basically the same cookie cutter speech that he gives in a lot of other places with the same 29:26.400 --> 29:27.760 Slides 29:27.760 --> 29:35.040 And the same basic spiel, but it's really quite slowly done and he does very specifically the 29:36.800 --> 29:40.560 Infectious replication defective clones 29:41.680 --> 29:47.440 And I think I've kind of figured out what he does. I think I kind of figured out what his shtick is. I'm not really sure i'm ready to fully 29:48.720 --> 29:52.480 Rip into it anymore because I know people are getting a little bit tired of david e Martin 29:52.480 --> 29:56.640 But I think his main shtick is is that he's very imprecise 29:57.760 --> 29:59.760 about describing the 30:00.560 --> 30:05.040 significance of the term infectious replication defective clone 30:05.760 --> 30:07.760 Because what it suggests 30:08.000 --> 30:10.000 And what the psychology 30:10.080 --> 30:13.920 I think the game that he's playing here is what it suggests is is that 30:14.480 --> 30:18.080 In order to make an infectious replication defective clone 30:21.360 --> 30:23.120 You need to have 30:23.120 --> 30:25.280 the infectious 30:25.280 --> 30:26.880 clone 30:26.880 --> 30:32.960 Right the one that is infectious and replication competent that can spread itself all over the world 30:34.320 --> 30:39.520 And even though he doesn't explicitly say that even though he doesn't explicitly say that they made one of those 30:40.000 --> 30:43.360 He also doesn't explicitly say that they can't make one of those 30:44.640 --> 30:47.440 He doesn't say that RNA can't pandemic 30:48.960 --> 30:53.040 He says that they have a patent for an infectious RNA defective clone 30:53.760 --> 30:55.760 And that means they made a bioweapon 30:57.520 --> 30:59.040 Well 30:59.040 --> 31:01.040 Explain how the bioweapon works 31:01.680 --> 31:03.840 Explain like jr. Giordano does 31:04.480 --> 31:10.640 That you only need to put a few cases in a few places with a clone to allow a perfect sequencing reaction 31:11.440 --> 31:18.320 And allow the simultaneous detection of the same virus in multiple places to give the illusion of a pandemic 31:19.600 --> 31:22.000 If that's the kind of bioweapon you mean absolutely 31:22.960 --> 31:29.200 But it's not a bioweapon that can spread around the world and he's very imprecise as he pretends to be very 31:29.760 --> 31:31.760 precise about the biology 31:32.240 --> 31:37.680 And you can see him do the same stick over and over again the talks are about an hour and 40 minutes long 31:37.680 --> 31:41.360 They cover all the same slides that cover all the same spots. It's uncanny 31:52.960 --> 31:55.520 It's almost become a holiday tradition 31:56.000 --> 32:02.160 Temperatures go down decorations go up and so do covet cases for a look at the current state of affairs 32:02.240 --> 32:05.440 Not just with covet but also with rsv and seasonal flu 32:05.840 --> 32:11.440 We turn again to kaitlyn jennelina publisher of the popular newsletter your local epidemiologist 32:11.760 --> 32:19.680 Caitlin, what is the situation right now with these three respiratory conditions or diseases and how does it compare to previous years? 32:20.400 --> 32:21.680 Yeah, it's a good question 32:21.680 --> 32:22.560 So 32:22.560 --> 32:32.240 Unfortunately, we are in this mac middle of respiratory season and that means that rsv flu and covet 19 are exponentially increasing 32:32.720 --> 32:38.480 Really across the nation right now. We hope that rsv may be peaking soon in the south 32:38.560 --> 32:43.440 But uh, I would not be surprised if a lot of your family and friends are 32:43.920 --> 32:45.920 Feeling a lot of different symptoms right now 32:46.320 --> 32:50.240 The last time we talked it was just before the the federal health emergency ended 32:50.560 --> 32:54.720 And the government was getting out of the business of buying the vaccines and distributing them 32:55.120 --> 32:58.160 Has there been any any change or any effect of that change? 32:58.720 --> 33:06.080 There's actually then a very dramatic effect particularly around vaccine disparities like you said the funding is gone 33:06.320 --> 33:12.400 Um, which means campaigns education pop-up clinics partnerships incentives as they're all gone as well 33:12.960 --> 33:18.560 And there's additional layer of barriers to access due to cost or just availability 33:18.960 --> 33:24.320 For example, that's a lot of layers, right? I mean if you go back to just list them off again 33:24.320 --> 33:32.480 It's like you said the funding is gone. Um, which means campaigns education pop-up clinics partnerships incentives as they're all gone as well 33:32.640 --> 33:38.720 That's a lot and there's additional layer of barriers to access due to cost or just availability 33:39.120 --> 33:45.360 For example, some local health clinics the vaccine costs more than they can afford or are willing to risk 33:45.760 --> 33:50.640 Financially so for example the gap between latina x and white residents 33:51.120 --> 33:56.240 Is more than twice what it was last year in coven 19 vaccination coverage 33:56.720 --> 34:00.400 Same with african-american black residents same with residents of low income 34:00.560 --> 34:04.640 So unfortunately we are seeing that the marketplace 34:05.120 --> 34:10.560 Uh in our regular health care system regular public health system not during an emergency 34:11.040 --> 34:14.640 Is really not fairly distributed to those who need it the most 34:15.200 --> 34:20.320 Family friends and co-workers. This is the time of year. There are a lot of office parties a lot of people are traveling 34:20.400 --> 34:22.400 They'll be gathering with their families 34:22.560 --> 34:24.400 Uh for holiday celebrations 34:24.880 --> 34:26.720 What advice do you have 34:26.720 --> 34:32.880 For these people that they don't take away from these celebrations a case of covid or rsv or the flu 34:33.280 --> 34:38.800 Yeah, I think the most important thing at least what i'm laser focused on is I don't want to miss that party 34:38.800 --> 34:42.000 I do not want you to have disruptions because i'm sick 34:42.480 --> 34:48.320 And so uh what i'm doing is i'm wearing a mask in very crowded areas like traveling for example 34:48.640 --> 34:51.680 And then of course keeping up to date with those vaccines 34:52.400 --> 34:55.360 Even though we are in the middle of respiratory season 34:55.520 --> 34:58.160 It's still not too late to get your coven 19 34:58.480 --> 35:02.720 Vaccine your flu vaccine or even your rsv vaccine if you're over 60 35:02.800 --> 35:08.400 So there's a lot of measures we can put in place to maximize our fun for these holidays 35:08.800 --> 35:11.200 And ensure that we minimize our sickness 35:11.600 --> 35:16.720 We asked viewers what was on their mind what they wanted to know about and there's a lot about what we're talking about here 35:16.880 --> 35:20.880 Canton north carolina asked does the booster shot cover all variants 35:21.520 --> 35:26.640 Yeah, so the importance of this fall vaccine is that it is updated with xbb 35:26.800 --> 35:30.800 Which is the newest variant that has been circulating around this fall 35:31.280 --> 35:32.800 There are other variants coming 35:32.800 --> 35:34.800 Yeah, this is yesterday 35:34.800 --> 35:36.720 viruses do and we are 35:36.720 --> 35:38.080 And day before maybe 35:38.080 --> 35:44.160 But the latest data from the lab shows that you know this updated vaccine is still a great match 35:44.640 --> 35:49.280 um particularly against severe disease and death a lot of interest about long covid 35:49.760 --> 35:53.200 Prakash asked what are the latest statistics on long covid 35:53.920 --> 35:59.360 Yeah long covid is certainly a thing there are millions of people suffering right now 35:59.920 --> 36:05.280 And we are working very hard in public health to try to figure out the patterns and the treatments for it 36:05.840 --> 36:10.480 Thankfully though that the risk of long covid is declining over time 36:10.960 --> 36:14.000 Thanks to immunity. Thanks to vaccines 36:14.640 --> 36:17.600 And thanks to also the virus just changing 36:17.920 --> 36:24.480 Um on macron for example is less prevalent with long covid than delta was um a few years ago 36:24.560 --> 36:26.560 So it is still a risk 36:27.120 --> 36:33.840 And it is I think here to stay as long as the virus is here to stay and we need to figure out solutions for it 36:34.160 --> 36:37.360 We also got a question about the rsv vaccine and its availability 36:37.760 --> 36:44.320 Sylvia in pennsylvania asked when will the rsv vaccine be available for those under the age of 65 36:44.640 --> 36:47.600 And for those who are young with chronic lung disease 36:49.200 --> 36:55.600 That's a really great question. So right now the rsv vaccine is available for those over 60 36:56.240 --> 37:02.240 Um as well as pregnant people we also have a monoclonal antibody, which is basically um 37:02.800 --> 37:08.160 A shot of antibodies for very young kids the rest are 37:14.320 --> 37:20.560 Done the pipeline but at least right now we know that the highest of highest risk for rsv 37:20.560 --> 37:24.720 Are somewhat protected um through these prevention strategies 37:25.040 --> 37:30.080 We were talking earlier about the price now that the government has gotten out of uh the business of buying and distributing 37:30.480 --> 37:37.040 Uh the covid vaccine lisley in main asks if there's a program for free or reduced cost vaccine shots 37:37.280 --> 37:39.280 For someone who is unemployed 37:39.360 --> 37:43.360 So there is a unique and very new program by the federal government 37:43.360 --> 37:47.840 It's called the bridge program and it's just for covid 19 vaccines 37:47.920 --> 37:51.920 But it provides free shots this fall to under an uninsured people 37:52.400 --> 37:58.080 And there's three places you can really kind of find these free shots is one health care providers 37:58.560 --> 38:05.120 Two local health centers and three and probably most popular as pharmacies like cvs and walgreens 38:05.680 --> 38:11.680 Um, but the really the best place to look where you can find this bridge program is at vaccines dot gov 38:12.160 --> 38:15.280 Because partners participating in this program are 38:23.040 --> 38:25.840 Caitlin jennelina thank you very much for that 38:28.080 --> 38:30.080 Thanks for having me 38:30.640 --> 38:32.640 You can read more 38:35.760 --> 38:41.040 Okay, so now this is the other one that I thought was really funny. This is from the next day. So I think this one is from 38:42.000 --> 38:48.320 Yesterday and the one I just showed you is from the day before but pbs news hour is watched by so many old people 38:49.120 --> 38:51.120 so many old boomers 38:51.120 --> 38:52.960 um 38:52.960 --> 38:54.960 And so it's a really important 38:57.360 --> 39:00.400 I really feel like it's one of the best ways to see what the 39:01.360 --> 39:06.400 What the borg would like you to think or the the the system would like you to think 39:06.960 --> 39:08.960 um in other words 39:09.360 --> 39:10.880 if you would 39:10.880 --> 39:12.880 look at the pbs news hour 39:14.000 --> 39:16.000 and get 39:16.880 --> 39:21.920 Exactly as riled up as they are about what they are riled up about 39:22.880 --> 39:24.880 Did I just say that very silly? 39:25.760 --> 39:28.080 Then then it would be perfect for the government 39:29.040 --> 39:31.040 So if you got exactly 39:31.040 --> 39:37.040 Interested in the things that they're interested in and exactly with the amount of vigor that they're interested in 39:37.040 --> 39:40.080 You would be completely neutralized and a perfect voter 39:41.200 --> 39:43.200 For for the status quo 39:43.440 --> 39:46.800 So what are they gonna tell us about climate and health? This is gonna be good 39:47.360 --> 39:52.480 For whether countries can or will meet their prior pledges to hold down global temperatures 39:52.800 --> 39:57.280 If temperatures continue to climb the impact on human health could be profound 39:57.520 --> 40:00.320 And some doctors say their profession is not prepared 40:00.880 --> 40:06.480 William Branham has the story in collaboration with the global health reporting center with support from the Pulitzer Center 40:06.560 --> 40:10.560 Pulitzer. Oh boy. He's on a chilly fall day in Cambridge, Massachusetts 40:10.880 --> 40:14.240 The conversation here at harvard is about extreme heat 40:14.960 --> 40:19.600 And how in south asia alone it kills tens of thousands of people every year 40:20.080 --> 40:23.360 Water the water becomes so hot that they can't drink it 40:23.600 --> 40:29.600 Dr. Sat sheet balsari is an ER doctor and co-director of the crisis ready initiative at harvard 40:30.000 --> 40:38.720 He's part of a movement to get doctors focused on how climate change impacts human health and how to respond you're an emergency room physician 40:39.840 --> 40:46.560 How is it that you are talking so much about climate change? I mean there is a direct impact on health 40:47.520 --> 40:53.040 Heatwaves will lead to heat illness and heat exhaustion and heat stroke people present to the emergency room 40:53.040 --> 40:57.280 When there are wildfires and there is smoke and there's more particulate matter in the air 40:57.280 --> 41:05.200 And but there is also a persistent tale of morbidity and mortality that these extreme weather events are resulting in in this day and age 41:06.080 --> 41:12.080 Even in the developed world the rickshapulurs are the first big team of temperature in case 41:12.560 --> 41:18.080 Today he and his colleagues are working on a project to try and understand and hopefully mitigate 41:18.560 --> 41:25.040 Some of the impacts of extreme heat in places where millions of the world's poorest people live and work 41:26.240 --> 41:34.400 In india balsari's team partnered with the self-employed women's association a union that represents small scale independent workers 41:34.720 --> 41:37.200 Who make up the vast bulk of india's population 41:37.920 --> 41:40.960 By giving them tiny wearable temperature sensors 41:41.520 --> 41:47.680 They found the women were often experiencing heat extremes well beyond what was officially recorded 41:48.160 --> 41:53.360 So this is madu ben's house madu ben works from home. She's a weaver. I'll just show you a couple of graphs 41:53.440 --> 41:55.440 This one for example 41:55.440 --> 42:00.000 The green dots are the satellite observation. So that's nasa power data 42:00.320 --> 42:04.320 But the gold shows the readings from the sensors in the women's homes 42:04.640 --> 42:08.400 That's the range of lived experience between the temperature of our time 42:09.360 --> 42:10.960 So that's nasa power data 42:10.960 --> 42:12.320 But the gold shows 42:12.320 --> 42:19.120 Thoughts are the satellite observation. So that's nasa power nasa, but the gold shows the readings from the senate 42:23.280 --> 42:29.680 Answers in the women's homes and there is a 10 degree difference, but do you see what i'm seeing here? 42:30.560 --> 42:32.640 range of lived experience i'm 42:33.600 --> 42:37.360 i'm confused as to what that means is that when they're awake or 42:38.080 --> 42:39.920 Or 42:39.920 --> 42:41.920 Anyway, the satellite data 42:42.320 --> 42:49.280 Is how it's matching up with the range of lived experience. I guess what's that's the temperature they record on their body versus what nasa 42:50.240 --> 42:55.440 And so nasa is not accurately tracking their body temperature or something like that. I mean this is some 42:57.040 --> 43:00.240 Are the satellite observation? So that's nasa power data 43:00.480 --> 43:04.560 But the gold shows the readings from the sensors in the women's homes 43:04.960 --> 43:09.600 And there is a 10 degree difference between the temperature outside and the temperature at home 43:09.920 --> 43:15.040 So the cruder temperature data might tell you oh, it's actually not so bad because it's cooling at night 43:15.120 --> 43:19.360 Yes, but when you actually look at what her lived experience is it's much more it has complete 43:19.520 --> 43:22.320 it could also be that they've changed the the 43:24.080 --> 43:29.200 Place where they're drawing the temperature from i thought i heard something about that that they used to draw it from 43:30.240 --> 43:31.440 a certain 43:31.440 --> 43:37.600 You know ground level and now they're doing it from somewhere else so all the temperatures went up somehow or they're used to do it above ground 43:37.600 --> 43:41.120 And now they're doing it. It's something. I don't know whatever. It's just all nonsense 43:41.600 --> 43:46.400 Any different ramifications right living and working in 45 degrees celsius 43:46.560 --> 43:51.760 That's 113 degrees fahrenheit is more than unpleasant. It's dangerous 43:52.160 --> 43:57.920 This is massive ramifications for workplace safety as well to be able to say that when it is 43:58.240 --> 44:05.200 Only 40 degrees outside. We know that these kinds of workshops actually are at 45 or 48 degrees 44:05.680 --> 44:12.400 This kind of fine grain data points to problems and solutions which are barely on people's radar now 44:12.880 --> 44:14.400 If we had better information 44:14.400 --> 44:18.960 I bet those people that worked in those places already knew that it was hotter inside than outside 44:19.360 --> 44:23.120 Even before they got all these fancy thermometers. I bet you could have interviewed them 44:23.120 --> 44:26.640 They all they would all say the same thing. Oh in there. Oh, it's hotter than hell 44:28.240 --> 44:31.440 I bet they would have all said it in about local climates 44:32.800 --> 44:37.120 You could change school timings for example there were a bunch of 44:37.600 --> 44:42.800 But we would have never been able to figure that out without all these thermometers and satellites. I mean, oh my goodness 44:43.840 --> 44:45.840 So great all this data 44:46.400 --> 44:49.200 Of workers that we were working with who 44:50.000 --> 44:53.520 Stopped going to school because it would get so hot in the afternoon 44:54.080 --> 44:58.640 That their feet would burn when they would step on the asphalt and so they just stop going to school 44:59.040 --> 45:02.240 and unless you're on the field studying this it wouldn't 45:03.440 --> 45:04.320 really 45:04.320 --> 45:07.040 occur to any of us that that 45:08.080 --> 45:12.000 School dropouts is because you know, it's too hard to walk back from school 45:12.400 --> 45:15.680 Trying to do better models using microclimate variation 45:15.920 --> 45:21.040 While sari's partner in this work is dr. Caroline bucky a harvard professor variation 45:21.360 --> 45:23.200 Walkback from school 45:23.200 --> 45:26.080 Trying to do better models using microclimate variation 45:26.400 --> 45:34.000 She's trying to do better models with microclimate variation. So it's the same fallacy that a lot of other modeling 45:36.080 --> 45:42.800 Research lines fall into where they think that okay if I had just enough thermometers are all around the world 45:43.440 --> 45:47.520 And I they were accurate enough in their measurements in real time 45:48.240 --> 45:52.800 Then I could make an accurate model of the weather that could accurately predict the future 45:52.800 --> 45:58.560 And the only reason why our models right now don't work is because we don't have enough data points from enough places 45:59.200 --> 46:03.600 With enough fidelity in order to feed the model enough data for it to give us the good 46:04.560 --> 46:06.560 prediction out 46:07.760 --> 46:13.360 And so with climate they're going to do the same crap where they think well if we could just measure it better 46:13.360 --> 46:19.840 We measure it more often in more places around the world than we would get a better idea of how exponentially it is 46:20.720 --> 46:22.720 careening out of control 46:23.040 --> 46:25.040 Because our models will show us 46:26.320 --> 46:32.880 Anytime anyone at this stage starts out with we're going to study a natural phenomenon by making better models 46:34.240 --> 46:42.000 You should already just say whoa, okay, that's not science. That's not science. That's not science. So just stop 46:42.960 --> 46:45.760 But they're not going to stop because that's where all the money goes 46:45.760 --> 46:47.440 That's where all these 46:47.440 --> 46:51.280 Headlines can be made. That's how they generated the pandemic because they took 46:52.000 --> 46:57.520 The mash casualty event of New York City. They put those numbers into a model and the model said 46:58.720 --> 47:00.720 worst case scenario is coming 47:01.680 --> 47:06.640 The slope of the deaths in New York indicate the worst case scenario is coming 47:07.280 --> 47:14.160 And then a bunch of clowns on the internet all over the place started saying that oh my gosh the worst case scenario is coming 47:18.080 --> 47:22.960 And a very very very large proportion of us were not sophisticated enough to see it 47:23.520 --> 47:29.360 Not sophisticated enough to know or to know enough to know until it was too late 47:31.600 --> 47:35.040 Until our family and friends have been bibed a whole year 47:35.920 --> 47:41.600 of isolation and Brett Weinstein and PBS NewsHour 47:43.600 --> 47:48.880 That's why my friend Annie Worshing is probably dead. That's why my friend Nate is probably dead 47:50.160 --> 48:00.880 That's why lots and lots of people are probably dead because this narrative was seated on purpose on PBS NewsHour and in the back corners of the internet 48:01.520 --> 48:04.000 And in our own social media circles 48:05.840 --> 48:09.760 That unbeknownst to us probably assembled not spontaneously 48:12.480 --> 48:14.480 But because they needed to 48:16.400 --> 48:21.840 To control us to control our narratives to control us as people as outspoken 48:22.640 --> 48:28.160 Leaders of a dissident movement everybody needed controlling and everybody that needed controlling met friends 48:29.440 --> 48:31.440 Found an influencer a handler 48:35.840 --> 48:37.840 You 48:40.320 --> 48:44.800 Some of us just climbed higher on the hand on the handling ladder than others did 48:48.400 --> 48:51.120 But in the end if you have been handled 48:51.840 --> 48:58.160 And chances are you haven't come to the point where you've said that the no virus people are wrong and there's no virus 49:00.240 --> 49:02.240 Very few people have gotten that far 49:03.200 --> 49:05.200 Mark Gulak's gotten that far 49:06.240 --> 49:09.440 Jessica Hawkins gotten that far Nick Hudson's gotten that far 49:10.000 --> 49:15.600 Jonathan Engler's gotten that far, but not very many other people. I think Amad Malik's gotten that far 49:17.280 --> 49:24.000 But not many or any other people really understand exactly how subtle and contradictory and incongruent 49:25.200 --> 49:27.200 And deceptive 49:27.440 --> 49:33.760 This narrative has been how many people have been lying behind each other's back about whether or not they know or talk to one another 49:37.840 --> 49:41.440 How many fake rivalries have you been witnessed to 49:42.560 --> 49:47.920 How many fake fights have you seen how many fake arguments on social media have you watched how many 49:48.640 --> 49:56.080 How many times have you watched somebody leave a telegram group in a in a in a big drama or leave a social media group 49:56.080 --> 49:58.480 Like a signal chat group in a sub big drama 50:00.000 --> 50:06.320 How many times have you seen that happen and thought to yourself? Oh, wow, that means something when actually you were wrong 50:08.720 --> 50:14.320 How many times have you seen two people fighting on twitter two people blocking each other on twitter and thing for sure 50:14.480 --> 50:17.200 It must be something very significant instead of a 50:18.960 --> 50:20.960 Two people doing an act 50:21.840 --> 50:27.440 Maybe three people doing an act maybe two teams of 50 doing an act 50:29.440 --> 50:36.000 That's what you need to start seeing now because that's what's happening if the pbs news hour is all holy and captured 50:36.720 --> 50:39.120 encapsulated theater of the absurd 50:40.720 --> 50:45.440 Then I assure you these people with these giant piles of weaponized money have taken to the streets 50:46.000 --> 50:48.000 They have taken to social media 50:48.160 --> 50:50.160 I 50:50.160 --> 50:56.400 Don't think it would be very expensive at all from the perspective of their budget size to create a whole group of 50:58.160 --> 51:02.320 Take a whole group of unemployed people and make them into something really powerful 51:03.360 --> 51:05.520 Especially if your only goal was chaos 51:07.360 --> 51:10.080 Fear uncertainty and doubt about a worst-case scenario 51:12.720 --> 51:14.400 Get a few ringers 51:14.400 --> 51:18.880 Let those ringers recruit a few people based on who you have to control 51:19.520 --> 51:22.480 How many people did they need to control mike eden 51:24.960 --> 51:26.960 Wolf gang woda 51:27.920 --> 51:29.920 Sukhred bhakti 51:31.440 --> 51:33.440 Bobby kennedy 51:34.560 --> 51:39.520 A lot of people think Bobby kennedy was already long controlled a long time ago. Oh my goodness 51:40.400 --> 51:42.560 So then who'd they really need to control? 51:43.520 --> 51:47.200 Who really spoke out pure quarry nurse erin 51:48.480 --> 51:50.480 Trump 51:51.440 --> 51:55.040 Once you start to ask these questions and think about it there weren't very many 51:56.960 --> 51:59.520 There weren't very many people that need you controlling at all 52:02.160 --> 52:04.640 And that should stun you quite a bit actually 52:05.600 --> 52:12.000 Because it should start to make you realize that even the control that you thought you saw the censorship that you thought you saw was all 52:12.560 --> 52:14.560 a staged act 52:17.200 --> 52:18.960 All of it 52:18.960 --> 52:21.600 Alex baronson got to sue twitter 52:22.800 --> 52:28.320 Now he's back out saying that the frame shift is actually a big deal. Come on 52:29.680 --> 52:31.680 Come on 52:32.480 --> 52:36.560 These people have been playing us for a long long long time 52:38.880 --> 52:41.680 Coronavirus is all basically based on models 52:42.960 --> 52:47.600 Models of how sure short sequences can be assembled into full genomes 52:51.280 --> 52:56.960 While sorry's partner in this work is dr. Caroline bucky a harvard professor of epidemiology 52:57.200 --> 53:03.200 A lot of the ways that we are conceiving of the issues of climate change are from large global models 53:03.680 --> 53:08.960 Remote sensing data from satellites and things like this and the scale on which we're talking about 53:08.960 --> 53:15.360 I don't understand how frame shift leads to ADE ADE is antibody dependent enhancement where the antibodies 53:16.000 --> 53:23.280 That are made to a previous antigen are somehow beneficial to a future version 53:24.240 --> 53:26.240 of the same antigen 53:27.120 --> 53:32.560 So if you apply it to coronaviruses and you think that the cartoon of coronaviruses is real 53:33.440 --> 53:35.440 How does it lead to ADE? 53:36.240 --> 53:38.240 It leads to ADE, I guess because 53:38.960 --> 53:43.760 non neutralizing antibodies for the spike protein now help the virus by 53:44.880 --> 53:51.200 Leaving it in the open fear and cleavage site position. I mean it's it's ADE is part of their 53:52.080 --> 53:58.960 It's part of their narrative. It's their way of explaining what happens when vaccination goes wrong 53:59.760 --> 54:02.160 I'm not even really sure that ADE is a 54:04.240 --> 54:09.440 Is a mechanism that we need to recognize in the way that they want us to recognize it should we investigate 54:10.160 --> 54:13.840 The idea that there could be pathological antibodies absolutely 54:14.960 --> 54:16.960 absolutely we should 54:17.840 --> 54:22.880 And I would be willing to bet that if we did that in earnest and with an objectivity that mattered 54:23.600 --> 54:26.560 We would actually reach the conclusion that in vaccination 54:27.680 --> 54:31.920 Many of the antibodies we make are useless many of them have the potential to be 54:32.560 --> 54:35.440 disease enhancing and most of them are ridiculous 54:36.880 --> 54:40.560 Because of the way that we stimulate our immune system and where are we stimulated 54:41.280 --> 54:43.280 But 54:44.800 --> 54:52.560 Let's be precise here and make sure that we're not always jumping back to their cartoon mythologies always jumping back to their 54:53.520 --> 55:00.240 Immuno mythology models of how things work ADE is their model of what happens when vaccination goes wrong 55:00.960 --> 55:02.960 We need to revisit it 55:03.200 --> 55:08.640 because the mechanisms that are portrayed in it are portrayed in such a way as to 55:09.520 --> 55:11.680 make vaccination still a viable 55:14.080 --> 55:16.080 A viable goal 55:16.560 --> 55:23.040 as a as a therapeutic and as a a methodology to optimize and it's not 55:28.640 --> 55:34.640 There are human-scale data to understand the impacts of climate change getting better data is critical 55:35.040 --> 55:38.640 Knowing who is most affected could trigger insurance payments 55:39.120 --> 55:43.840 Disaster declarations and more it doesn't need to be weirder proteins though 55:43.840 --> 55:49.360 You see if you what you need to realize I think consider not realize but consider 55:50.240 --> 55:55.840 Is that if the original narrative that was told to us for how many years three 55:57.600 --> 56:02.640 Three years by Walter chestnut and kevin mccain and charles ricksey and 56:03.520 --> 56:10.560 Um stephanie sineff and all these other people who told us that the spike protein is toxic and it had all these very special 56:11.520 --> 56:15.040 Mimicking sequences on it that are overlapping with human 56:15.840 --> 56:24.240 Human genes and if all of these things are true about the spike protein then a frame shift mutation will inevitably reduce that homology 56:25.120 --> 56:32.240 There's no way that an engineered protein that's designed to have all this stuff and it like luke montanier said 56:32.640 --> 56:34.800 It was designed by a clock maker 56:36.560 --> 56:44.720 Don't forget that right I believe it's much more likely. It's a lab leak. It was made like a clock by a watchmaker 56:45.840 --> 56:49.600 So if you do a frame shift mutation on that it doesn't become a better watch 56:51.360 --> 56:58.640 It doesn't become a more dangerous toxin. It doesn't get closer to mimicking human proteins. Don't be ridiculous. You must know that 56:59.600 --> 57:01.600 It will become a nonsense protein 57:03.120 --> 57:08.480 It will not become more immunogenic if it's designed that's like saying, okay, this is a beautiful book 57:08.800 --> 57:13.360 It's like the best book ever and i've got all the chapters in exactly the right order 57:13.840 --> 57:17.680 Now we're going to shift all the words by one letter and it's still going to read just fine 57:18.880 --> 57:20.880 Come on 57:21.840 --> 57:23.840 This was a known 57:23.840 --> 57:28.400 Consequence of transfection a known consequence of the chemical alteration of the RNA 57:28.800 --> 57:34.880 But let's think logically about the biology that we're supposed to be that's supposed to be at play here 57:36.240 --> 57:41.920 The only way frame shift mutation on this antigen is going to cause problems that aren't worse 57:42.720 --> 57:45.840 That are worse than the transfection itself 57:46.240 --> 57:48.240 Is 57:48.240 --> 57:56.000 If the frame mutation makes it a more antigenic protein and that's just not very likely if this what everybody's been telling us 57:56.560 --> 58:01.840 Since the beginning of the pandemic every single one of these suckers has been saying that luke montagney 58:02.000 --> 58:07.440 Said that this is a design like a watchmaker with all these special things in it like from hiv 58:08.160 --> 58:10.160 and all these, you know 58:10.960 --> 58:12.960 Super antigens 58:13.920 --> 58:19.200 Then if you frame shift the super antigen it doesn't become a super duper antigen it becomes nonsense 58:22.080 --> 58:28.080 They know how it's frame shifting they can see it they can predict all the outcomes what what what 58:33.120 --> 58:38.880 It's not a surprise that this happens. It's not a surprise. It's an additional randomness. It's not good 58:39.840 --> 58:45.840 It's not great for anybody that's been transfected, but let's make one thing absolutely certain 58:47.360 --> 58:49.360 You can't make fun of the Nobel Prize 58:50.800 --> 58:53.280 Make fun of the people who got the Nobel Prize 58:54.160 --> 58:59.600 And say well, it's the n-methyl pseudo uridine that was a big mistake. Wow, I guess we shouldn't have hyped that 58:59.680 --> 59:05.920 I guess if we go back to just codon optimizing and you know, there's going to be a little more immune response 59:06.160 --> 59:13.840 Maybe that'll be okay. Maybe we can come up with some other solution besides that that will that will be read through the ribosomes better 59:15.440 --> 59:17.440 Maybe we can fix it 59:18.480 --> 59:20.480 That's where this goes 59:20.880 --> 59:22.880 That's where this goes 59:27.360 --> 59:29.360 They knew they knew this 59:30.880 --> 59:33.680 They knew it would happen. There's no question. They knew it would happen 59:34.640 --> 59:38.000 And so the only deal is is that they're slow rolling this out 59:38.880 --> 59:42.160 if anything you should take credit we should take credit for it because 59:42.800 --> 59:43.920 the only 59:43.920 --> 59:45.920 the only 59:45.920 --> 59:50.080 People are people following us that are listing the whole list 59:52.080 --> 59:56.000 The whole list, you know, not not some of the list, but the whole list 59:58.160 --> 01:00:01.360 The whole list of all the things that can go wrong in the 01:00:04.320 --> 01:00:05.840 The 01:00:05.840 --> 01:00:08.480 Whole list where is that? Do I have the whole list here? 01:00:09.520 --> 01:00:12.480 Darn it. My computer's running slow again 01:00:14.160 --> 01:00:17.840 It's very angry at me. I don't know what's wrong. I think it's because 01:00:19.120 --> 01:00:22.400 There's a bug on the computer from the NSA or something like that when they 01:00:24.880 --> 01:00:28.720 Yeah, they don't like me streaming right now is my am my timing is still okay though 01:00:29.520 --> 01:00:30.720 I 01:00:30.720 --> 01:00:36.240 Think that that's really the way you need to realize that they are been fooling us fooling us fooling us 01:00:36.240 --> 01:00:38.640 And they're going to keep fooling us as long as they can 01:00:44.160 --> 01:00:50.640 And they're this is the list that they're they're we're just not going to ever have anybody else assemble this list 01:00:50.640 --> 01:00:52.640 They're not going to assemble it 01:00:53.520 --> 01:00:58.320 Because they don't want you to think about this whole list because the whole list starts with 01:00:58.320 --> 01:01:03.280 Transfection is wholly inappropriate for healthy humans and then all the other reasons why 01:01:04.400 --> 01:01:08.320 They're slow rolling this list out because we made this list 01:01:09.680 --> 01:01:13.280 And I'm happy to give credit to Kevin McCurnan for helping me make this list 01:01:13.280 --> 01:01:16.880 But he's not making this list anymore. He's not listing this list anymore 01:01:18.960 --> 01:01:21.280 He's focused very much on two things here 01:01:23.280 --> 01:01:25.760 And not very well 01:01:28.960 --> 01:01:30.960 And not very 01:01:32.080 --> 01:01:34.160 Whole focused or wholeheartedly 01:01:35.200 --> 01:01:41.200 While having spent almost a half a year trying to burn me inside and out of chd. It's very strange 01:01:42.480 --> 01:01:44.240 Sending emails complaining 01:01:45.120 --> 01:01:49.680 Sending tweets complaining blocking me and then still tweeting about me 01:01:50.080 --> 01:01:52.080 And 01:01:52.080 --> 01:01:57.280 He did spend a better part of a year trying to I guess convince me of certain things 01:01:58.240 --> 01:02:00.240 that he was the master of 01:02:00.800 --> 01:02:07.680 Of sequencing reactions and the authority on the dissonance side for all the molecular things to the point where I just didn't know what I was 01:02:07.680 --> 01:02:11.680 Talking about with clones and that clones were the same as natural viruses because 01:02:12.320 --> 01:02:14.320 They both have error rates 01:02:14.320 --> 01:02:16.320 Cooley doesn't know what he's talking about 01:02:16.800 --> 01:02:18.800 Nanopore nanopore 01:02:19.840 --> 01:02:21.840 I 01:02:22.800 --> 01:02:25.520 We are at the precipice of this damn breaking 01:02:26.080 --> 01:02:31.520 That's why I don't really have a good organized show tonight because I'm not really sure where to push because I know it's just all 01:02:31.520 --> 01:02:34.160 Gonna collapse and I kind of don't want to be in front of it 01:02:35.760 --> 01:02:38.240 And I think that was part of the whole idea of the book 01:02:39.440 --> 01:02:42.080 Was to have me kind of in front of the dam while it went 01:02:43.600 --> 01:02:45.600 But I'm not standing in front of the dam 01:02:46.480 --> 01:02:48.480 I 01:02:48.480 --> 01:02:51.040 Told everybody from the very very beginning 01:02:52.720 --> 01:02:58.080 The book was written before I started I tried to put my biology in it and the biology that I put in it is in it 01:03:00.080 --> 01:03:03.440 I'm not going to go back to this physician's climate change stuff anymore. Am I 01:03:04.000 --> 01:03:05.200 For balsari 01:03:05.200 --> 01:03:09.760 Hurricane Maria the storm which devastated Puerto Rico in we know what they're going to say 01:03:10.720 --> 01:03:13.840 Um, we know what they're going to talk about. We know what they're going to say 01:03:14.560 --> 01:03:16.560 It's the same stuff 01:03:16.800 --> 01:03:18.800 um 01:03:20.080 --> 01:03:25.920 I'm not sure how to get us out of this other than to keep pushing hard on the the core of 01:03:27.520 --> 01:03:29.520 the goof ballery 01:03:30.080 --> 01:03:33.120 And I do think the core of the goof ballery is this right here 01:03:34.480 --> 01:03:36.480 um 01:03:37.680 --> 01:03:40.720 I do really think that the core of the goof ballery is right here 01:03:41.200 --> 01:03:42.720 and 01:03:42.720 --> 01:03:43.920 This 01:03:43.920 --> 01:03:48.320 Graph you can see deaths behind my head at 5000 per week 01:03:49.360 --> 01:03:51.360 in blue you can see 01:03:51.920 --> 01:03:53.440 the 01:03:53.440 --> 01:04:00.640 The deaths due to pneumonia in the yellow you can see the identified deaths due to influenza and in red you can see the 01:04:01.200 --> 01:04:03.200 purported covid deaths 01:04:03.520 --> 01:04:06.000 And the idea is is that these excess deaths 01:04:06.800 --> 01:04:08.480 above the 01:04:08.560 --> 01:04:12.240 Basically the blue repeated pattern from 2014 01:04:15.040 --> 01:04:18.160 Is the this repeated pattern here 01:04:19.120 --> 01:04:21.120 the excess from it is 01:04:21.680 --> 01:04:23.680 the covid mystery virus 01:04:24.080 --> 01:04:27.200 And of course we know the reason why this is not true is because 01:04:27.520 --> 01:04:32.240 Although they showed us this all the time on pbs news hour. It actually they should have shown this 01:04:33.120 --> 01:04:33.920 and 01:04:33.920 --> 01:04:42.000 They should have done all of the math to subtract all of the things that contributed to these excess deaths that had nothing to do 01:04:43.200 --> 01:04:45.200 with the super deadly novel virus 01:04:47.680 --> 01:04:50.480 But they didn't do that and they're still not doing that 01:04:51.600 --> 01:04:56.880 Three and a half four years were almost into the fifth year and they are not doing this 01:04:57.680 --> 01:05:00.560 Only a handful of people on the internet are doing this 01:05:01.440 --> 01:05:06.560 Everybody else is exquisitely ignoring it talking about super prions 01:05:15.520 --> 01:05:20.800 Not talking about restoring strict liability to these products not talking about 01:05:22.000 --> 01:05:29.600 Specific ways to solve the problem like challenging the the seventh amendment violation of our rights none of these things are discussed 01:05:30.720 --> 01:05:33.760 By anyone on our side with any real vigor 01:05:35.760 --> 01:05:39.040 To the average person it just needs to hear that you know what we need to do 01:05:39.040 --> 01:05:44.320 We need to restore strict liability to the vaccines on the childhood schedule and this problem will go away 01:05:45.040 --> 01:05:47.040 What do you mean by that Earl 01:05:48.080 --> 01:05:54.800 Well, you better ask your smart lawyer friend that because I heard somebody on the news say we just need to restore strict liability 01:05:54.800 --> 01:05:58.000 And I think that Kennedy guy's pretty smart. Wouldn't that be brilliant 01:06:01.360 --> 01:06:03.360 You 01:06:07.840 --> 01:06:13.680 There's zero epidemiological evidence of spread now that we know this why doesn't somebody say it 01:06:15.280 --> 01:06:19.120 They all had a big gathering. They all got to meet him in person in Romania 01:06:19.120 --> 01:06:24.160 They flew him all the way around the world. They flew all those people all the way around the world 01:06:24.960 --> 01:06:31.120 His talk made enough impression on Robert Malone that Robert Malone did a tweet and a sub stack about it 01:06:31.120 --> 01:06:37.840 And never once mentioned that there was no epidemiological evidence of spread across borders anywhere in their data set 01:06:40.400 --> 01:06:45.840 And that they had a data set for counties in the United States didn't even set anybody on fire 01:06:46.640 --> 01:06:53.040 Nobody's tweeting about it. Jessica Rose took a selfie with him and wrote a sub stack about the breakfast 01:06:54.320 --> 01:06:56.320 And 01:06:57.760 --> 01:07:02.000 She's preparing a sub stack about the frame shift mutation and I'm sure 01:07:02.560 --> 01:07:04.560 Mutations and I'm sure it's going to be terrifying 01:07:05.680 --> 01:07:09.280 But there's no sub stack about zero epidemiological evidence of spread 01:07:09.760 --> 01:07:16.880 There's no sub stack about the long list of reasons why the mystery virus is not equal to excess deaths 01:07:17.840 --> 01:07:19.840 But 01:07:21.360 --> 01:07:24.320 I'm glad to hear that the hotel breakfast was great 01:07:24.720 --> 01:07:31.360 The projected Medicare costs in the coming years after 2020 and 21 have almost been completely avoided 01:07:32.000 --> 01:07:36.000 The Medicare costs that all kinds of different government agencies were 01:07:36.560 --> 01:07:42.960 Complaining about that it costs $500,000 to keep one of these old people alive on Medicare for half a year 01:07:43.920 --> 01:07:48.960 That these costs were going to balloon in the coming years. It might even bankrupt the United States 01:07:50.720 --> 01:07:53.600 They were talking about that as late as 1995 01:07:55.680 --> 01:08:01.360 How convenient that they found a new way to get all these people that are costing a lot of money on Medicare to be 01:08:02.720 --> 01:08:04.720 Ventilated out 01:08:05.760 --> 01:08:10.880 And how curious it is that so many people in this excess death group died and are on Medicaid 01:08:11.440 --> 01:08:13.680 I wonder how much Jessica Hockett has looked into that 01:08:13.680 --> 01:08:17.760 I bet she could if she could get any death certificates and any data on who these 01:08:18.560 --> 01:08:23.760 20,000 plus people that died at the beginning of this event this mass casualty event in New York City 01:08:23.760 --> 01:08:26.960 I bet she could find out that a lot of them were on Medicare 01:08:28.000 --> 01:08:34.400 And that perhaps years of medical costs were avoided having these people accidentally get COVID 01:08:35.200 --> 01:08:46.000 Where are all the sleuths on these numbers? Where are all the sleuths finding out about these numbers in America and about what 01:08:47.120 --> 01:08:49.120 costs were avoided 01:08:50.720 --> 01:08:56.720 How come all the sleuths are going into the exobiology of super pre-owned zoonosis 01:09:00.160 --> 01:09:02.160 But nobody cares about 01:09:02.880 --> 01:09:06.640 How we lied to create the illusion 01:09:08.480 --> 01:09:11.040 Nobody cares to find out the extent of the lies 01:09:12.720 --> 01:09:14.720 Everybody is just annoyed 01:09:16.320 --> 01:09:18.320 That we've come to the point where 01:09:18.720 --> 01:09:24.480 We're almost no virus people except curiously. I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna get a phone call anytime soon 01:09:24.480 --> 01:09:28.240 Like with my with my no virus hat and my jacket 01:09:28.240 --> 01:09:33.280 I'm sure I'm still not doing something right 01:09:36.400 --> 01:09:41.840 Or I'm sure that my name inside of the cover of that book will be sufficient to disqualify me from ever 01:09:42.400 --> 01:09:44.400 and being able to be 01:09:45.120 --> 01:09:48.960 Accepted as a fellow dissident against this nonsense 01:09:51.200 --> 01:09:53.520 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best chance we've got 01:09:54.560 --> 01:09:57.280 Of bringing significant change to our world 01:09:58.400 --> 01:10:04.800 Is to try and just be honest about what happened be honest about how naive we were be honest about how taken we were 01:10:05.760 --> 01:10:10.080 And i'll be the first to admit it. I didn't learn this fast enough in order to save my friends 01:10:11.280 --> 01:10:14.320 I didn't figure it out fast enough in order to save my friends 01:10:16.880 --> 01:10:19.840 And I blame a lot of these people because they confused me 01:10:20.560 --> 01:10:22.560 on signal chats 01:10:22.560 --> 01:10:26.880 They confused me in telegram groups. They confused me in discord chats 01:10:26.880 --> 01:10:32.080 They confused me with private messages. They confused me in slack groups 01:10:34.320 --> 01:10:39.520 And I think a lot of them did it on purpose because I was one of these people that needed controlling 01:10:41.200 --> 01:10:43.200 Couldn't be bought 01:10:45.120 --> 01:10:47.120 Couldn't give me to cheat 01:10:47.680 --> 01:10:49.680 Couldn't give me to lie 01:10:49.680 --> 01:10:51.680 So 01:10:54.480 --> 01:10:56.480 So you had to lie to me 01:10:56.800 --> 01:10:58.800 with multiple people 01:10:58.800 --> 01:11:00.720 Lying about each other 01:11:00.720 --> 01:11:04.720 Lying about knowing each other to try and fool me into trusting one of them 01:11:07.760 --> 01:11:10.800 In order to influence my thinking in order to delay 01:11:11.520 --> 01:11:13.760 my pronouncements in order to delay my 01:11:14.560 --> 01:11:16.560 eventual realization 01:11:17.120 --> 01:11:21.760 That there was never any real virus in circulation 01:11:24.240 --> 01:11:29.200 That it was all an elaborate hoax to get people to solve the mystery and think they were winning 01:11:35.360 --> 01:11:38.800 And I got taken by it hook line and sinker 01:11:40.160 --> 01:11:42.160 Cottrell mccairn 01:11:42.800 --> 01:11:44.800 Rixie drastic 01:11:45.760 --> 01:11:49.040 All of these people hook line and sinker 01:11:52.800 --> 01:11:55.360 And i'm sure there are still people now who are fooling me 01:11:56.480 --> 01:11:58.480 I don't doubt it 01:11:59.040 --> 01:12:05.920 And so I go into every day assuming that there are going to be lies told right to my face over zoom right to my ear through my phone 01:12:08.080 --> 01:12:10.080 Right to my eyes in the text 01:12:12.400 --> 01:12:14.400 Every day i'm lied to 01:12:14.800 --> 01:12:16.800 Every day you are lied to 01:12:18.720 --> 01:12:22.960 And the moment you get tired and you decide it's all over the lie will become the truth 01:12:24.160 --> 01:12:29.600 The moment that you get tired and decide that it's not worth trying to explain to your kids the lie becomes the truth 01:12:30.080 --> 01:12:35.440 The moment that you decide that you can't you don't have the balls to go home to a funeral and stand up for this 01:12:35.520 --> 01:12:37.520 The lie becomes the truth 01:12:39.680 --> 01:12:42.720 And yeah, I don't know where I stand anymore. I'm a little bit 01:12:42.800 --> 01:12:44.320 I 01:12:44.320 --> 01:12:49.680 I'm a little bit broken from this past weekend. I don't know if I missed an opportunity 01:12:51.120 --> 01:12:53.120 If I did the right thing 01:12:54.560 --> 01:12:57.440 But i've definitely come to the realization that i'm part of this 01:12:57.440 --> 01:13:04.160 I made the mistake of listening to people who said that there might be a billion people dead that this might be a bioweapon 01:13:04.800 --> 01:13:06.800 That I might not know 01:13:06.800 --> 01:13:11.920 Enough about immunology to know that we're going to be okay. I had doubts because of these people 01:13:13.360 --> 01:13:15.360 I 01:13:16.800 --> 01:13:18.800 Because they were good at their job 01:13:20.240 --> 01:13:22.720 Because the social media was good at fooling 01:13:25.360 --> 01:13:30.160 Because they were riding in the car with me and lying to my face 01:13:31.520 --> 01:13:34.880 In coordination with each other. That's how they did this 01:13:40.160 --> 01:13:42.160 Oh boy 01:13:43.680 --> 01:13:47.040 I think I'm gonna I'm gonna skip this part. I've been putting together a new 01:13:48.400 --> 01:13:52.880 Slide deck, but I don't think it's ready to roll out. And so I'm just gonna keep doing study halls 01:13:53.920 --> 01:13:58.640 And keep assembling the slide deck. We've got a few things planned for the holidays 01:13:59.440 --> 01:14:01.280 Lots of stuff coming 01:14:01.280 --> 01:14:06.720 I'm gonna try and be on most nights again. I had to take the weekend off though. I was I was pretty 01:14:07.680 --> 01:14:09.680 exhausted emotionally and 01:14:13.520 --> 01:14:15.520 I 01:14:16.000 --> 01:14:20.160 Was pretty exhausted emotionally and both of my sons had a lot of basketball 01:14:22.160 --> 01:14:25.440 And I just I couldn't push the button 01:14:26.400 --> 01:14:28.400 And tonight I didn't really have a plan 01:14:28.400 --> 01:14:32.160 And so you know the the pbs news hour was kind of a impromptu thing 01:14:32.160 --> 01:14:35.600 So I apologize for that also. I'm usually a little bit more organized than this 01:14:36.480 --> 01:14:38.480 so 01:14:38.640 --> 01:14:42.320 I think I'll just leave it there and I will promise to see you tomorrow 01:14:42.320 --> 01:14:45.920 I have so many things that I want to get done this week for my regular day job 01:14:48.240 --> 01:14:50.240 And uh, I have some 01:14:51.360 --> 01:14:52.560 Wonderful 01:14:52.560 --> 01:14:58.960 Family changes coming for the holidays. We have some visitors and stuff. So there's going to be a lot of joy in the house 01:14:59.840 --> 01:15:01.840 So I think there's going to be a lot of 01:15:03.040 --> 01:15:06.880 Energy and possibility for me to share that energy with you guys. So I hope that 01:15:07.680 --> 01:15:08.560 Um 01:15:08.560 --> 01:15:10.880 December is going to be a really fun month for us 01:15:11.760 --> 01:15:14.880 Into january and that we're going to really be able to end 01:15:15.680 --> 01:15:20.160 2023 on an extremely positive note a series of really positive streams 01:15:20.960 --> 01:15:21.920 um 01:15:21.920 --> 01:15:26.960 uh a couple star trek streams, I think and also um enter 2020 01:15:27.520 --> 01:15:28.640 for 01:15:28.640 --> 01:15:31.440 On a very positive note as we push the ball forward 01:15:32.400 --> 01:15:35.040 So many people are using our lingo 01:15:36.000 --> 01:15:37.520 Taking our 01:15:37.520 --> 01:15:43.440 Our ideas and running with them in different directions to try and distract people from their impact 01:15:44.160 --> 01:15:48.640 And I don't think we really need to worry about it because what they're really doing is 01:15:49.440 --> 01:15:51.680 Plugging holes in a dam that's beyond repair 01:15:52.160 --> 01:15:58.560 And so all we need to do is just keep tapping and keep tapping and keep tapping and eventually it's going to happen 01:15:59.360 --> 01:16:02.240 And the warm waters will flood over us all 01:16:02.720 --> 01:16:06.160 The warm waters of the truth, which I'm really excited about 01:16:06.880 --> 01:16:11.040 Um, and I'm really happy that a lot of you have been here for so long with me 01:16:11.840 --> 01:16:13.680 Supporting my work 01:16:13.680 --> 01:16:18.000 It's just been really cool. And I feel really good about where we're going and uh 01:16:19.280 --> 01:16:22.000 And and how we're going to get there together. So thanks very much 01:16:22.960 --> 01:16:25.440 Um, stop all transfections and humans 01:16:26.880 --> 01:16:29.760 Don't let them eliminate the control group. They really did try 01:16:30.240 --> 01:16:31.760 Um 01:16:31.760 --> 01:16:36.880 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 01:16:37.680 --> 01:16:42.320 Transfection helping humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned integrity 01:16:42.960 --> 01:16:46.240 When I get that slide deck done, we're going to make it the first one available 01:16:48.640 --> 01:16:52.880 I guess it'll probably be done on thursday and we'll be able to vote for it together 01:16:53.680 --> 01:16:55.040 um 01:16:55.120 --> 01:17:00.560 It's basically a slide deck that will reflect what I tried to do with the doctors for covid ethics a few days ago 01:17:01.200 --> 01:17:03.600 with some better graphics with regard to 01:17:04.240 --> 01:17:06.240 the clones 01:17:06.800 --> 01:17:10.960 You might remember we had a graphic that looked something like this 01:17:12.000 --> 01:17:19.440 And it was better because you could see the the whole flow of everything just a wee bit better 01:17:20.400 --> 01:17:23.120 And if it was told right it would flow better 01:17:23.120 --> 01:17:28.960 So I'm trying to get these all assembled in the slide deck that we can use and you can use 01:17:29.760 --> 01:17:32.960 Because I haven't loaded up on in a while, but anyway, thank you very much for joining me 01:17:33.520 --> 01:17:35.760 And I will see you again tomorrow night. Thank you 01:17:49.760 --> 01:17:51.760 You 01:18:00.640 --> 01:18:03.040 Good to see everybody tonight. Good night Pamela