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They actually colored that

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building blue to honor Pfizer's new new booster shot that's not that's not a

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joke that's really why that's up on the screen ladies and gentlemen just in case

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you were wondering that blue building is really to celebrate Pfizer's new

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booster shot.

00:47.440 --> 00:51.840
And all the time it was Wiggles who made that black knight come to life and

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there was no legend. Positively not Wiggles just used the story to cover up

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my mysterious disappearance somehow he managed to get into the armor down at

01:03.240 --> 01:08.840
the train station and like on the way to the museum he made you disappear.

01:08.960 --> 01:15.220
Mhm Mhm Mhm Whoa Sexy's bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat

01:21.680 --> 01:24.800
That screw before you.

01:38.840 --> 01:58.200
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga Home Biological and High-Resistance

01:58.200 --> 02:07.480
Low Noise Information Brief brought to you by a biologist the 19th of September, 2023.

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We are still trying to break through this, this controlled spectrum of debate around

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gain of function viruses and pandemics and public health and data.

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There was no spread in New York City, there was no real threat except for infectious clones,

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placebo batches have made everything much more confusing and transfection and healthy

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animals is dumb, I gotta get the timing of this song down a little bit, the song is

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a little bit harder to time than the ABC Monday Night Football because I have 14 more seconds

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in that one and it enables me to get here faster.

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As you can hear, I'm a little bit short of breath sometimes, I'm not really sure why

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that is, it's a combination of not riding my bike and other bad habits I'm sure, but we're working

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on that, we're working on a little more exercise and a little more movement, it's working at home

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is not necessarily the ideal thing, you can move from one floor to the next floor and that can be

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your existence for the entire week, so you gotta be careful as they've locked us in our houses

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with this new normal, not to get trapped in that, don't take the bait on social media, on TV of

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course is our evening message always, if you forgot or missed it, last night we covered a Twiv episode,

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I thought it was a very very nice episode, they covered some things about antibodies which allowed

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me to segue nicely into talking about how antibodies aren't as simple as the linear aspect of the

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protein that you're making immune memory to and that really makes for an interesting discussion

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because again, they're working all the time to simplify it as much as they can and in reality,

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that's exactly the illusion that we're trying to break. They also talked about CRISPR engineering

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and RNA viruses and they glossed over the fact that in all of these experiments they're

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generating a pure RNA sequence that they then edit and that pure sequence has to be

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some kind of clone, it's using recombinant DNA technology to generate a pure RNA molecule that

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they can then edit under the pretense that they can edit RNA viruses but again the point is

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is that that's the only way they can work on RNA viruses and so adapting CRISPR to RNA viruses

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still hasn't changed the fact that in order to work on them you've got to go back to DNA and make

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large quantities of them and so I've been trying to convince you over the last year or so and

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this finally dawned on me that these people have changed the way that we think about certain

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aspects of biology especially our response to a respiratory virus the way our immune system works

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in response to a virus versus vaccination and why transfection could not be vaccination.

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They've also made it very hard or at least made no effort to help people to understand the

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cycle of life as it works in America. The real reality of it is that everybody that's watching

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this stream is going to be dead in a hundred years and so there's some math that goes along

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with a country of 340 odd million people and that math is that about three million people die every

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year and so when they started telling us about thousands of people dying every week of COVID

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if they would have put it in the correct context they would have first told you how many people

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die on average every week of different causes and they didn't do that because the motivation

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was to confuse you about these things so that they could institute all kinds of changes in our

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society and in the short term they really institute changes in the way that we treated these people

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so that what was normally a pretty fixed survival rate of secondary pneumonia

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was doubled and tripled in terms of not surviving rather the the kill rate of pneumonia was doubled

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or tripled in many of these places because the protocols were wholly inappropriate based on the

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idea that this novel virus left us clueless as to how to treat these symptomologies that we were

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seeing and so that's that's the trick right that was the trick about controlling the narrative

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that was the trick about you know this is a national security priority so we can't have anybody

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off narrative we've got to make sure everybody stays on message but that created a combination

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of political and socioeconomic and whatever other words you want to use to describe the incentives

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which drove doctors to behave in a sort of group safe sort of way well if they're gonna all go

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along with it then I have to go along with her I'm gonna lose my job and so that's how the scooby

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do was then portrayed or dropped upon us right we have this situation where we have been duped

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into thinking that this elaborate cover-up occurred and that everybody is now slowly coming

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to realize that that America was involved that America funded it that it was a gain of function

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virus and they knew it all along and now we find out that the CIA knew it all along

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and so I've told you this many times they've lied to us about this pandemic potential in order

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to invert our rights I've also told you many times that the people in the yellow stripe here are the

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people that people mostly ignore because these people are questioning specifically the protocols

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spread and the variants and everybody else who accepts that there was a virus and accepts that it

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could be a gain of function accepts that it was allowed it could have been a lab leak and accepts

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that it could come again tend to rise very well in their book sales and in their sub-stack

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subscribers and they tend to stay away from questioning things like well how many people

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did the protocols really kill how many opioid deaths are really roped into this every year

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what does the disappearing flu really account for or not account for how many heart attacks were

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rolled into this and what do the variants really mean so these questions are the ones

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that Michael Eden and myself and Nick Hudson and others have posed as evidence for if you

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don't have answers to these questions then maybe you've got to reevaluate you've got to back the

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truck up and reevaluate what you think happened in these last three years and so we've been trying

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to make a map of all the people that are involved and we've been trying to you know just sort of see

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who is more or less on faith faith is includes the novel virus we had to do something the mRNA

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was rushed and it could come again because it's a gain of function virus

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recently i had a little run-in with a guy by the name of robin matunati he's a man

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manati he's an architect from Italy and he's a an acquaintance of Michael Eden

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and he ended up blocking me i can tell you from conversations and private messages and

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everything that it's fine to put him down here it turns out he may have been a medler for a while

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and actually keeping more or less as a gatekeeper of Michael Eden on telegram and other places

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and so we have slowly but surely been hammering through trying to find good people like

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professor martin niel i think this guy's got his head in the right place and he's trying to

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put put numbers in the right place and so he's another person i think you can start to follow

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um so let's keep thinking about this and and keep pushing forward about the fact that they told

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us a story and then they that was supposed to be a slide there with robert malone i don't know why

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that wasn't there i think it's because it crashed okay so anyway then they rolled out all these people

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on that screen or those screens back there and keep in mind i just want to say this before i

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bring in my guest there is a possibility that a lot of these people meant well like pere cori for

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example went to new york really wanted to help and then got you know sort of like met in a private

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room and said okay dude here's the thing and now you know pere cori is is not going to question the

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major tenements of the faith because he was told very early on that this is a national security

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thing and there's no screwing around here and there's lots of people that may have been told

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that and so you can't think of these you can't think of and i want to prevent you from jumping to

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the conclusion that i'm saying that all these people are in on it and they're all having a

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you know hot tub parties and steak dinners in the background um i do think that there are a lot of

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people who've meant well who've been co-opted who've been threatened who've been

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you know lost everything and so this is this is all they've got left

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um so a transfection is not immunization intra-uscular injection it's not a valid means of the

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immunization and tonight i have a guest um his name is mark koolack and he has a website

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hisatonicids.com and he has been a good friend of mine for quite some time now actually since the

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start not since the start of the pandemic but since we first got here and actually i just

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wanted to say that um tomorrow mark um turns 50 and so i thought that you know instead of instead

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of interviewing him i would have a little surprise birthday party for mark um and so i guess it

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looks like our first guest is already here um hi vira how are you great to be here hey that's so

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nice to be enjoying i mean we talked on the phone but we haven't yet connected really uh but i'm

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offering to people who have open minds i'm not a scientist hey no but i connect docs

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it's sort of something i do and it's it's especially useful in these times people need to look

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out of the box not in the box and the problem is that most of seeing the world through the box

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now i live in new york city so i can tell you that more people are now back in the masks than they

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were in june hmm voila it's like here we go again not many but enough to make me nervous you know

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vira it's an honor uh thank you for joining wow what a what a cool little birthday gift

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johnson thank you uh-huh it was it was a little idea between me and a friend that lives in your

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house oh wow oh wow thank you sherry wow um wow well uh now i'm i'm especially thrilled that i didn't

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why i didn't prepare anything specific because it would have been probably uh wouldn't have gone

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down those paths anyways so yes fair we've had i think one or two great conversations

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and um i mean given your background your experiences your losses and things would you've helped

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bring light to i find you to be also open-minded to revisiting very challenging things and i that is

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a very admirable skill i think that's actually not a skill we are born with um i remember um

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my first two or three years i was working as a professional

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uh one of the managers had some very it would in retrospect useful constructive criticism of

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some stuff that i've been doing and i was so mad i got so snappy you know i was like what 26 or 27

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at the time is i still i'm still embarrassed about it um it just takes time there's no

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college program to learn how to be an analyst uh to uh you know to apply logical thinking skills

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this is just something you find you learn and then you realize that boy the only person you really

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need to prove wrong i'm not talking to you but just in general we need to prove wrong

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ourselves because if you can prove yourself wrong first you will always be in front of everyone else

15:35.400 --> 15:45.720
of course um so uh and anyways it's i'm sure that you probably share a lot of these lessons as well

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and uh it's it's an honor thank you thank you for joining and thank you Jonathan thank you Cheryl

15:50.840 --> 15:59.800
so what's uh what's the status of uh of your uh your manuscript beer can you update us at all on

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that i mean how far halfway are we done you're waiting for me and then the whole thing's done

16:08.840 --> 16:15.800
well you know i mean uh for those who know about the documentary never again is now global

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um what's interesting about that really is that more and more are we allowed to use it can we

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re-stream it if i re absolutely absolutely we're not out to make money on this i want i really want

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billions to see if the truth be told i don't know if we can get there then i have to put it on the

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stuff oh i think it's uh the reason that it's important is because most people who know a little

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bit you know about World War II and all that they think they know but they really don't know

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what they don't know is the pattern that's been going along since you know very long time

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and that today really what the way in the the same people the same mindset the same dynasties

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the same corporations the same banks they're all the same it's a it's an ongoing thread

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and what people don't really what they cannot comprehend today is the sadism the pre-planned

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going along by the way they cannot believe that and what's so those who do start to realize it

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recognize that what happened then was planned and and you know i mean really one c was you know

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now we do the final solution before that that wasn't on the table and we have that now we've got

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you know the children the children of your own nation see they it's spread further it's metastasized

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and there are some people who are awake who actually recognize hey this is like you're it's in the

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air there are some people who are beginning to really realize that there are parallels i don't

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have to tell them that in the beginning i did and i can tell you that in 2020 when i first started

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to say hey this these murderous protocols and hospitals were just like t4 i mean really people

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in sort of our uh million they said oh well you don't mean that they just you know they didn't know

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i said no like governor Cuomo said precisely this virus in nursing homes will be like fire

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through dry grass so i guess he knew what he was doing because he only issued the order after he

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said that you know but people didn't want to believe that that kind of evil exists now and

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this is what i think is the hardest thing to bring across that yes that Nazi mindset is alive

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and thriving and it it's it's in a much larger venue now it's global now they don't want just

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Europe they want the entire global human population this is very hard for people to

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grass they really don't want to know that we use the word evil and i mean i would agree but

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could you could you comment a little bit more on that because when you know what we have a

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Hollywood you know caricature of what it's like to be evil you know to just you just want to

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torture puppies just just intentionally do awful things but evil is is is is the dehumanization

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of people by people who might themselves not see it as evil they they must you know i believe

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many many sleep at night thinking they must have done the right thing or

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i don't know do many people in these machines who are behind this do they just not recognize

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it i mean how do they talk themselves into participating i would say to you just look at the

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children what they're doing to children the trafficking of children the transgendering of

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children now they've gone further than the Nazis and because this is now all you know all

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children are at risk and think about it they're now actually i don't know if they'll really get

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to do it because they they have a lot of delusions about what they can and can't do

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but now that they're toying around with birthing outside of the womb so this is a slave

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you know a slave labor in the making oh man both sex slaves and worker slaves i mean

21:20.040 --> 21:28.200
you can't get worse than that really and so that cannot be like oh it happened chance we didn't

21:28.200 --> 21:35.960
know it would go that far no they really have been working at it i'm shocked i'm shocked i mean

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really to go that far to change the human species that's what they want they want to eliminate

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unpredictability and individuals are unpredictable crowds they know how to take care of how to

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control but it's people like us that that really are bothering them look we're the control group

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as far as the shots go they got rid of it finally got rid of the control group right away because

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they realized oh this isn't going to look good but we're there so we're in the crosshairs

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this is evil incarnate i don't think there's ever been anything more evil in a planned way really

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you know a real cabal sitting down every so often on this and that i mean they're not intense but

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you know but just as you know the vatican for vatican too you know they went into the catacombs

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to talk about that to plan it because again they knew that anywhere else it wasn't safe but they

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could be listened to but the catacombs that's where they cooked it up so they are very aware that

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they're doing evil that's what i'm trying to say they're not they might speak to us in terms that

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oh well we're trying our best you know this is for humanity and all that but by themselves

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they really know what they're doing it is really hard though verifor you've you said it correctly

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it's really hard for people to accept that level of malevolence that's right and the idea

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that people can go on tv and lie like that they just don't believe it i know well there is that

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meme that says you know the devil is so happy that the one thing he was able to pull the wool

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over everybody is that he doesn't exist it's really subtle truth people cannot believe that other

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human beings are truly evil they can't because they're not evil you know they do things to skirt

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you know a uh law or or this or that and they they know how to cheat a little bit and not tell

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their you know the irs and whatever but those are small things they cannot accept that people

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actually plan evil you know to turn the world around and all that but that's a fact and unless

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we recognize it and fight it with you know the kind of ammunition that we need to they would win

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and if they win that's the end of the human species life wouldn't be worth living under those really

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well we can end the show right now thank you very much for joining us everybody that was

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the message for the night for me but you know i it's still a birthday party so we got to keep it

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going yep let's keep it's light no it isn't it's hard to be light mark and i together it's hard to be

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light um because we've been working together now for a little while behind the scenes with regard

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to just checking one another's work and and making sure that we're not going crazy and uh

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and um i have a lot to be thankful for with mark so i'm really um i really want this to be uh

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a time when at least i'm testifying to the idea that this is a good guy and i'm really uh

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i'm really thankful he's on our team so happy birthday mark tomorrow and i think who is that

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down there is that rebecca i i don't know if i can hear you yet or not

25:29.880 --> 25:35.240
uh-huh happy birthday mark thank you rebecca wow wow

25:37.400 --> 25:45.880
oh uh this is the uh the new uh the florida uh with the horse ranch yeah

25:46.840 --> 25:54.200
wow what thank you for joining thank you this is wonderful uh we uh talk about your story

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a lot it's a very important story it's always in our in our minds and i i'm sure i'm speaking for

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you uh as well jonathan how have you been we actually that's a crazy question because we were emailing

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today yeah uh you're the best i can i have my moments um nice meeting you vira

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vira we i sorry this is kind of an off subject thing but are you going to the chd conference in

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in georgia do you know savannah yeah you are okay okay actually actually the secret is out there

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sort of honoring me and i don't know what i'm supposed to do but you know uh but you know they

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need a poll to get people to come and all that um yeah no and i haven't been to savannah i always

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wanted to actually you know the south i like stuff early on i we used to go to the south quite

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often when my husband was a an accountant at that time and uh what i discovered early on and this

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is relevant to today is that the south and this is in the sixties um when the supreme court came

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down with some rulings such as interstate highways cannot have uh segregation in like motels and

27:25.880 --> 27:34.120
things like that they just like that they law about it this was at the same time where all kinds of

27:34.120 --> 27:41.080
riots were going on in boston about school integration and i came back from the south and

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said you know what in the south when a law is becomes down they abide by the law

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here in the north it's a whole different ball game they don't abide they they riot they

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i mean somebody like tribe who was a liberal liberal you know it was supposed to be a little

28:04.360 --> 28:13.480
a school for a few little black boys 11 years old next to him oh no he was part of the community

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that oh no this will be a traffic jams and all kinds of things hey uh-uh i realized

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that southerners somehow or other i mean you know they're more law abiding when the law came down

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they abide it one of the things that i think and i don't think many people have thought about

28:34.920 --> 28:42.680
that at all which is that in the south especially you know middle and upper class they had nannies

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children were brought up by nannies black nannies it was the nanny who kissed your knee when you fell

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and scraped it it was a nanny who fed you it was a nanny they had human interaction in the north

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you never did human interaction one-on-one you know embrace physical all that is very important

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for people for little people and older people and you know and i think we need to sort of think

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about that when we make all these different plans you know because the plans just like

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Stalin's plans you know the 10-year plan the 20-year plan they were total disasters

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all centralized plans are disasters it's the one-on-one that either makes it or breaks

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and that's really something that i think we should all kind of try to emphasize because it gets back

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to the human the individual just as the hypocritical this it's a one-on-one

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it's not public health it's not the greater good it's the individual

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and they've managed to you know really move away from that as if that's more scientific

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oh you should hear the latest paul off it where he's talking about how he doesn't think it's a very

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religious idea to go without vaccination because that's not protecting your neighbor and uh there

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we go again so like you know real twisting of a of a of a christian ideal or whatever ideal it

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is but i mean it was really bad it was really bad oh my goodness but they have convinced young

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people that this is sort of a a logical way of thinking which

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they they don't understand what they're what they're surrendering when they do that and that

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individualism doesn't mean that you don't love your neighbor it means that

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you have a sense of what's sacred and it's it's a different thing it's very very

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I've minded there now and they're taking advantage of uh the the good nature i believe of most

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people i mean that the old the analogy you know if you're in a boat in middle of the ocean you

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only got so much food you have to make tough choices and most people have compassion and can

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make tough decisions and and then you present people with these hypothetical situations of wow

31:24.840 --> 31:34.680
everyone's going to die unless this medical procedure is done which if that was absolutely true

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you know we could have a discussion but you're taking advantage of people's you know uh

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willingness or just you know to uh to make you know to work with the greater good i think most

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people have that capacity but it's being taken advantage of and it's such a slippery slope and

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that's with all the what the science says always air quoted the science um it's it's it's it's too

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bad and i i still remember being a child seeing uh you know my grandparents subscribing to the

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national geographic hall it's like every few years it went between you know it was going to be a

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everything's going to be a desert then it's everything's going to be freezing everything's

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going to be underwater you know of course you're growing up as a kid like well i don't want that

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i'll do whatever i need to do here we are and then we had a muggy summer what does that mean

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by the way i don't know about the rest of the country but in new york this summer has been

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the coolest ever august was totally cool wow yeah that's global warming

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you know i mean really it's it's amazing september has been warmer than august that's not

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usual really but you know but it happens things go up down up down up down

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the weather is changing on every planet yeah in the entire universe it would actually be odd if

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there was one planet that never had a change in temperature anymore that would actually be

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unusual well question is is it risk is it all caused by uh people's desire in the brassica

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to drive pickup trucks or not that's really what it comes down to it's not that dissimilar to what

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they did with the pandemic though where where you have this list of of reasons why people died

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and with the television and social media they convinced you that the number one reason why people

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died was a virus and all these other things are minor contributors and with global warming

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they've convinced you that carbon dioxide from burning things is the major cause of global warming

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and it has nothing to do with geothermal activity in the ocean or the ocean releasing co2 from ph change

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or from changes in in annual solar energy or for the amount of water vapor in the air the

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all these things that matter so much more than the co2 and yet somehow they've convinced us that

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this signal is the one that shows the whole story very much similar to the the variant map

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of of covid-19 shows the whole story of the pandemic it's it's it's a very very

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much mythology based kind of governance at this stage

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so who else is here now Rebecca's here who is galaxy a 11 is that Marie

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oh my goodness i thought that was that was that Marie is that you

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you got to come online though you're muted i also just sent an out to all my subscribers so

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there could be just some people that want to come and say happy birthday to so i don't know

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who else will be here Marie are still muted tech problems

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there we go is that better can you hear me yes yes i can well happy birthday mark

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happy long conversation thank you i i don't i don't want to reiterate but

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i really do hope you have a wonderful day you are

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one of the good men in this fight and

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you guys are killing me here well you are and and it's very important

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um i vira i'm also from originally from new york so i understand exactly what you're saying

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um about the sixties yep remember it well and um it is you know the seed that you and i plant

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right now that are extremely important because these folks are going to really carry the burden

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yep so Jonathan and i have these debates where

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since we work together really well we've developed more and more trust of you know for each other

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and there were quite a few people that worked worked enthusiastically to get us to not trust

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each other and i mean we have differences opinions on things but you know whatever

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that's healthy um and we wonder if because i've i've hypothesized that the internet

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can segment people it can partition things in a way where there could be another very productive

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pocket of people maybe over here that somehow our little networks just haven't connected so

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um that could be the case or i don't know maybe it is just Jonathan and me

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but working with you guys as well um and you know we try to stay positive even though there's a

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lot of negative stuff going on right now and boy you're this is this is the group you guys are

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the people that i think about all day in this particular fight

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um and uh i guess i guess we're here i guess we're here john to you know guess i guess we're

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going to distance a i think we are that's it yep that's it it's time to i think you have to think

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of us more of like the the first few people in the lawn seats of a summer concert that stand up

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and start dancing and just a few more people need to stand up and then and then it will become

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um contagious that's my that's what i hope and pray

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i hope so because there's a lot of intellectual horsepower out there that is either just doesn't

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know it's still in the machine or it's just afraid to stand up and yeah you're gonna you're gonna

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have a few tomatoes thrown at you it's gonna it's gonna sting a little bit um but you can get

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through it uh boy i have so much more confidence in myself now than i did several years ago

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i'm sure you feel the same way john you know even though you've taken a lot of hits for it

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and i never thought we it would you know what i'm in my fifth year doing this full time basically

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i wasn't the plan i just i just started doing some twitter searches you know a few years ago

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i i didn't really have a particular plan and here we are i i don't think any one of us did

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i don't think anyone here well perhaps you've been working at this a long time bureau but

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you know five six years ago would have expected to make this much of a

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uh dedicate this much of their lives to this particular cause or any cause like

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speak to that vira tell me i mean a little bit about that because that's something that i think

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about all the time i only woke up two years ago so you were speaking out about this nonsense for

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much longer and and and at that time already i guess you were pretty convinced that that this was

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this was highly incorrect um highly unethical um and so have you uh if from your perspective is

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there a momentum that's building or are we just kidding ourselves well i'll tell you you know

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i okay i mean some of you know my background but that wasn't i i did not appear most of my life

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as holocaust survive that's really now in the last three years that was my background but

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this was not something that i was advertising uh i bumped into the uh horror of

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medicine you know uh pharma medicine kind of thing and pharma government medicine let's put it that

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way uh when my son got sick when my son you know got schizophrenia and i had to deal with the mental

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health system i had to learn it i had it and yeah i mean i was being trained by the advocacy

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group alliance for mentally ill which was a parent organization but they really were totally

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co-opted uh by the pharmaceutical and government it was a you cannot then array

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and you know one of the things i remember one of the things for example which i know you're

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gonna laugh but when i learned the phrase controlled clinical trial i said oh well that makes sense

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companies control the clinical trials but i was all known on ovira that's not what it oh and i

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was being taught you know the the line and all the different things and all that you know i was

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going along because i was looking for help for my son but then when i and and and i have to say my

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husband at eulogy of our son said we were his executioners because i was pushing i was helping

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uh the psychiatry route to push the drug that wound up killing him

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so that you know totally that just shattered everything and then i really realized i've got a

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you know uh and most of the parents were all hoodwins that way and we have to understand that

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all advocacy groups for specific illnesses are lobbyists they're being trained to be lobbyists

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to go to congress and get more money for their particular illness that that's how they get the

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parent groups but i did start to open my eyes to some of this

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and i realized yeah this is this is you know i we're being we're being the executioners i mean

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this is outrageous so i had to kind of leave you know that whole illusion which you know what it was

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and and it was very very difficult i mean this is a terrible thing you can imagine i mean just as

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parents now who have pushed their children to get the jabs when some of those children are going to

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be hurt and some die whatever the some parents will go insane i absolutely am sure of it

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they won't be able to cope with the guilt

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uh but i guess i was in some way made you know something about me was strong and i am channeling

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yet i'm trying to you know in a positive way to try to wake other people up to what is really

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going on and you know and this thing with covid is just so overwhelming totally i mean the whole

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globe is is in lockstep

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this is the part that i wish we could bring across to people to just think how is it i mean

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for example dr zebzalenko who features prominently in the documentary that i made

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he said how is it that you could imagine that seven and a half billion people are all going

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to march the same way i mean people don't agree with each other and the normal thing is you squabble

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you fight you argue what the heck and yet though particularly the educated layer has put blinders

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that they do not allow you to go near and this is brought home to me every single day about

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the working class the minority groups they get it

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they say oh you're talking about the fraud you know they they know

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there's one thing for example the black community

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you know Tuskegee is in their DNA and they have learned to not trust government and public

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health just it's so fact though they don't trust it that's the smart whenever i address any group

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like that i always tell them hold on to it don't ever lose that that's your best defense

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and unfortunately most other groups particularly the more educated are completely they don't want

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to believe it i have on my floor is a sale in new york city i have on my floor a neurologist

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columbia university he's still wearing a mask okay think about it it means that he has never

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touched a real piece of scientific evidence it's just amazing you know and there are others

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like that for me why you were for a mathematician from cutie same thing she's wearing a mask

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this tells you that i mean the dumbing down or the blockade of thinking is particularly has been

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i think really it's been focused on the educators

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the ones that educate others educated doesn't necessarily you would think it would translate

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into having to perform at a very high intellectual level but it means that you have been

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you've had the verses read to you repetitively and you should be proud that you believe and

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support the verses whatever they are that's educated because i'll tell you what i mean if you

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people who are working in a lot of the trades these days uh these these are not easy trades

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anymore there's more computers involved in being an automotive technician or working HVAC these

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days than there was working a mainframe 40 years ago and these trades very hard work and you tend

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to have people that are more just more critical thinking and more skeptical there's other thing

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the tradespeople every day have to make decisions all by themselves without a protocol that's pre

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ordained that's true doctors and professors have it all given to them this is what you teach this

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is what you do they don't have to think and so they've stopped even exercising that kind of

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thinking all by themselves they trust authority actually i uh before uh think we have another

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answer i've been all given to them this is what you teach this is what you do you know oh we got

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a muter there she goes who's that i don't know who that is who who but that's the sad thing that

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the longer you've been conditioned in a university the less you're likely to think independently

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because you've learned because if i can fill in that blank a little bit from my own experience

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because you've learned that it's safe to stay within your little tiny corner of expertise

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and as long as covid wasn't your expertise you just assume that the experts whose expertise that

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is are doing their job correctly and it's uh i really think that that's what they learn that's

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what we were taught is you know how to find a little it's not not any different than what you

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were mentioning a little while ago where people are are taught to advocate for their own little

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disease and their own little cures for it and their own little uh investigative grants and this

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kind of thing and it creates people who aren't actually thinking anymore it really does um

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as they're not integrating across the whole anymore and so they don't see patterns of

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incongruity they don't see these the ways that the system is gained

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they're dependent on the system too remember the system rewards obedience

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i have a question for uh just for Rebecca uh speaking of uh getting into the fight um

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uh you had to fight a long time for your daughter Danielle and i learned today from our mutual

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friend Marie that you actually were involved i think it was 15 or 20 years ago in New York City

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in getting um uh i don't know if it was related to their education or their

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some of the support program is that anything you could share just to show that

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uh i mean unlike myself i've not really been a

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uh you know an activist of sorts or involved in social causes but you have Rebecca in the past

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yeah um well Danielle her birth she was delayed during delivery so she came out with oxygen

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deprivation um and the doctors didn't tell me anything they all belong to the same group

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so i never knew even though i kept asking what's wrong you know she's not doing as all the other

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kids so just say oh no it's your baby and you know being a young mom and a trusting person to the

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white coats i trusted the white coats um i believed it until she was two and a half it was getting

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separated from my husband and i went to church and one of the women there said that does that mom

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know that her baby has a form of CP and i didn't even know the that word lingo i knew nothing

51:06.280 --> 51:13.000
and i just delved right into going in to get in tested and learning as much as i could and you

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know always believe in she's gonna get better because that's i would never give up on her um

51:19.800 --> 51:26.520
and then she started special ed and Schneider's at uh three years old at five years old when she

51:26.520 --> 51:31.640
went into the special ed school right away it was drugs you know the one that rammed the severe

51:31.640 --> 51:39.000
i mean got ritalin ritalin ritalin ritalin ritalin um then from ritalin it was ritalin

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at a roll then it was another drug and i'm after the psychiatrist is this safe to do you keep

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changing the medication put it up more and lessening and and um i i just you know being a healthy

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person all the vitamins it was very strange we i never saw kids being on drugs in my life i

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never saw that and um i always listen to gary knolls in the afternoon and coming home and this is

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with the wake-up call for me when he said ritalin is a class two drugs if injected you would it would

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give you a highest cocaine i was like that's where the doctor was given my daughter and i came home i

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look at the pill and i said i couldn't take it i never took drugs and if i can't take it i can't

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give it to my daughter and that's where my fight started so i started with a school you know

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demanding that she don't take this drugs demanding that she has an aid with her to do whatever she

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needs um she always got all her home cooked meals she never we never ate junk food so she's always

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healthy and when i pulled her out of school i i took it to the institute of achievement

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whether work with special eds and people at strokes in pennsylvania and they showed me that

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she could change she could get better with special nutrition supplements um probiotics for the gods

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and all these things um i decided that my daughter was not getting education in new york no she was

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not so i pulled out the school and i demanded that she got trained at home you know the specialists

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come home and they sent cps for me because now they're losing their money they're losing child

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protection services for those who don't know yes a single mom with a daughter now and you know

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one of the case managers said you know she said i could testify to this mom who would do anything

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for a child and i never knew how bad cps was in fact i opened the door and let them in you know

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not knowing how bad and and daniel was at that time she was eight and it was 2004 i started a

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non-for-profit called child it child's hope for independence learning and development

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and started training and bringing them from pennsylvania and trying to teach parents that

54:05.640 --> 54:11.560
these children and to legal drug addicts and that's the first time i ever understood that

54:11.560 --> 54:19.400
the pharmaceutical companies was given these short drugs keeping them subdued my daughter was

54:19.400 --> 54:24.680
the best she ever been once i got her off of it she was herself she wasn't this you know

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drugged up kid not knowing what to do and she has such a beautiful personality so um my fight

54:31.880 --> 54:37.000
began there yeah yeah and i went to the school boards and i was having meetings with the

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because they wanted to take me to court they didn't want to give me what i wanted and i went all

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the way up you know to say okay now we're going to start a charter school called child they will

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be able to get organic food no dairy and sugar and junk and they'll have all the exercise i'll

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bring in you know the institute from pennsylvania to train the teachers i was going you know i

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i believe in what is the right and i believe that children should never have to fall into

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the cracks they are our future and i still have the non-for-profit

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and be right just left new york last november i lived in york for 37 years i love new york until

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it's not the same no not the same and what you say is absolutely i mean really the whole

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covid thing it follows the playbook of the psychiatric stuff you really need to study the

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psychiatric stuff in order to see what they're doing because with psychiatry first of all

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psychiatrists never looked at their patients as human beings it's broken as damaged it damaged

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goods you know really and so anything you do to them it really doesn't matter that's their

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attitude it's really really true it's you know that's the nazi attitude these are you know throw

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away mm-hmm let's face it your daughter my son that's the same thing once you realize that then

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you realize this is the enemy because these are not doctors yeah he's in no way do they want to

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you know fix things to help anyone they want to essentially ticker and see what you know

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you touch this you you do a little a brain thing here i mean they're and they're doing they've

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been doing all this not just in the united states in sweden for example this you know people go in

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to the hospital to the carolinska and they come out with uh you know with something you know a

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hole in their head because they've got all kinds of things put in there the children too

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so there there are no holds barred when it comes to the psychiatric

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patients and of course the children they're making them into psychiatric patients

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by those drugs and drug cocktails it's gotten worse and worse and worse

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it was a case in boston where you know the psychiatrist from harvard was prescribing all

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these cocktails the child eventually died and the mother was blamed for murder

57:30.120 --> 57:36.680
yeah that's how you do it you disqualify the mother and you just and the child doesn't matter

57:37.160 --> 57:46.840
and nothing ever happened to the doctor yeah very very evil system and

57:49.160 --> 57:55.080
people don't want to really realize it but it is and it's backed by universities

57:55.640 --> 58:03.320
yep that's what gives it the cache yeah i truly believe the universities are just spit in

58:03.320 --> 58:08.760
out natural born killers by the time they come out to university i mean they could rip a baby

58:08.760 --> 58:13.800
out of the womb and suffocate it and kill it i mean they there's a psychopath that's uh i don't

58:13.800 --> 58:19.000
care if you went to school you're a psychopath so it was very easy for them to kill our loved ones

58:19.000 --> 58:26.680
in the hospital because they were training from the very young yeah they've divided you know the

58:26.760 --> 58:33.400
human species into the valuable and disqualified that's exactly what the Nazis did

58:34.920 --> 58:40.520
it really is exactly the same thing and you know the Nazis they began it wasn't

58:41.320 --> 58:48.920
they didn't begin this with the jews they actually began it with german disabled the disabled babies

58:48.920 --> 58:58.440
with the first but medically murdered victims anywhere and it you know they went up the

59:00.040 --> 59:07.560
age group and and then then it was the elderly in nursing homes and so when in 2020 when i

59:08.360 --> 59:14.920
realized how they were murdering the elderly in nursing you know all over the western

59:14.920 --> 59:22.440
europe united states canada i immediately said oh that's t4 that was what it was called in germany

59:24.120 --> 59:32.680
it was exactly not so i'm sorry uh jonathan i have talked a lot about this of how there's just a

59:32.680 --> 59:41.640
an unquenchable thirst for people for sub test subjects there's never going to be

59:42.440 --> 59:52.840
enough and it no one thought it would repeat but through this uh creation of larger-than-life

59:52.840 --> 01:00:04.520
fears effectively everyone is now able to be accessed and harvested and used and it sounds

01:00:04.520 --> 01:00:09.800
unbelievable and if some people want to participate in volunteering their data by all means it's a

01:00:09.800 --> 01:00:16.120
free world just this haven't be above board that's all that's all we ask but john and i and i

01:00:16.120 --> 01:00:22.840
john i does a good job at reminding the audience every night about the the demographic issue and

01:00:22.840 --> 01:00:29.960
about how this is uh it's a long-term thing this isn't just a oh what did this one shot do oh no no

01:00:29.960 --> 01:00:39.400
no no that is just one one pinprick of one platform for one test i mean there's a long series of

01:00:39.400 --> 01:00:46.280
things which are who knows how long that chain is to do to extract more and more

01:00:47.160 --> 01:00:54.040
data and to again i think they must have it they must believe that it's the right thing to do

01:00:55.080 --> 01:01:03.080
um but uh as a movie that i've often quoted i know it's a crazy stupid movie but uh death

01:01:03.080 --> 01:01:08.600
becomes there no matter what you do even if you can slow down the aging process there's a tree limb

01:01:08.600 --> 01:01:17.720
or a slippery set of stairs out there for everyone so uh and and i guess they don't see it that way

01:01:17.720 --> 01:01:21.800
i don't i don't know and it's amazing how it just brings out the worst in people and the worst of

01:01:21.800 --> 01:01:30.120
people is to not see other people as the other as your siblings of god they're just they're just

01:01:30.760 --> 01:01:36.840
data things they're it's that's the that's the evil the evil is the dehumanization

01:01:39.720 --> 01:01:45.880
i see a no offense to the other wonderful women if i see one lovely woman there who is that Jonathan

01:01:51.480 --> 01:01:56.120
um yeah i'm jumping in here because i have to jump back out i'm kind of crashing the party just

01:01:56.120 --> 01:02:00.840
really quickly because i just wanted to say happy birthday to my wonderful husband

01:02:00.840 --> 01:02:05.240
and i thought these lovely ladies and jay might like to see and i hope you can see this picture

01:02:06.280 --> 01:02:09.240
this is mark and i on our very first christmas together

01:02:11.000 --> 01:02:21.960
1998 mark was i think 24 and i was 32 yes i did rob the cradle as they say at the time i thought

01:02:21.960 --> 01:02:29.480
i was out of my mind but um maybe i am i don't know but anyways i'm so proud of you

01:02:30.280 --> 01:02:38.520
babe and um Vera and Maria and Rebecca i hear your stories around the dinner table often i feel

01:02:38.520 --> 01:02:45.800
like i know all of you very well and i'm honored that my husband is spending his time and his energy

01:02:45.800 --> 01:02:53.560
in this fight he is so dedicated to this and he thanks me all the time as if i need to be thanked

01:02:53.560 --> 01:03:02.120
i mean this is such an incredible mission that he's on and i'm so um overwhelmed with respect

01:03:02.120 --> 01:03:08.200
and admiration for what he's doing and i'm behind you every step of the way babe i love you so much

01:03:09.160 --> 01:03:13.560
and um this is your he kept saying please tell me you're not having a party please tell me you're

01:03:13.560 --> 01:03:17.560
not having a party with everything we have going on i wanted to have a big party

01:03:18.120 --> 01:03:23.400
but this is it you can relax no one's gonna sneak out from behind hate surprises

01:03:25.720 --> 01:03:30.520
thank you i love you jay has been my partner in crime and marie helped me in the background here

01:03:30.520 --> 01:03:36.520
too and um happy birthday i love you i'm gonna go get toddler stuff together for tomorrow and

01:03:37.480 --> 01:03:38.600
let you enjoy your guess

01:03:40.280 --> 01:03:44.040
love you honey see you soon hi everybody hi charles

01:03:47.400 --> 01:03:54.120
best smile of best smile of her soon first day i saw her in person i like wow that is the best

01:03:54.120 --> 01:04:04.280
smile i've ever seen oh lucky thank you Jonathan yeah you're welcome man i'm glad this uh worked out

01:04:04.360 --> 01:04:10.280
i uh i wasn't sure who would uh who would take the invitation and i didn't want to give everybody

01:04:10.280 --> 01:04:17.720
everybody else's email so it was a little weird to invite everybody but um i'm extremely happy with

01:04:17.720 --> 01:04:24.760
who came it's a very nice little group and uh most importantly i'm really happy that that

01:04:24.760 --> 01:04:31.800
Vera you've been so on point for so long now um you know you it it's refreshing to hear

01:04:32.760 --> 01:04:38.600
someone who can speak about the elephant from a different angle so eloquently um i i sort of

01:04:38.600 --> 01:04:43.880
am always talking about it from the biology maybe that's the bottom end or something like that and

01:04:44.920 --> 01:04:51.480
the experience i'll give you just a really short story the reason why Rodney Mullen the

01:04:52.200 --> 01:04:57.720
great escape order of all time became my friend was because he was often opening

01:04:58.680 --> 01:05:05.320
for these food conferences and for these TED Talks where these people were talking about

01:05:05.320 --> 01:05:13.320
transhumanism and augmenting people and and using AI to find the flow state for for people to become

01:05:13.320 --> 01:05:20.120
skillful you know and whatever and Rodney really wanted me to understand that these people really

01:05:20.120 --> 01:05:27.400
believe in what they're doing and that you know as much as they present in public um they present

01:05:27.480 --> 01:05:34.600
even more in private um what they have planned and why there's an abundance of resource that is

01:05:34.600 --> 01:05:42.120
humans that might as well be used while they're there matrix is something like that yeah oh boy

01:05:42.120 --> 01:05:49.880
yeah building on that uh there's a one-minute clip that i've shared so many times um of uh from

01:05:49.960 --> 01:05:58.280
2016 it was in September it was Anthony Fauci who was picked to do a job he's not really the

01:05:58.280 --> 01:06:04.600
criminal mastermind okay he's definitely in the position but he was picked you know before he

01:06:04.600 --> 01:06:09.080
even knew what he was gonna have to do for a life living nonetheless he's totally complicit but

01:06:09.640 --> 01:06:17.320
in Georgetown and they and they were having an event talking about Zika virus which as you may

01:06:17.320 --> 01:06:27.240
remember was alleged to cause a particular um birth birth effect birth challenge i don't know

01:06:27.240 --> 01:06:35.080
what the best word to use is of microcephaly uh if a pregnant woman were to be bit by a mosquito

01:06:35.080 --> 01:06:40.760
carrying a Zika virus at a particular point during the pregnancy now putting aside the fact that

01:06:40.840 --> 01:06:48.760
Zika virus is named after the Zika forest in Africa which is actually uh behind i believe a

01:06:48.760 --> 01:06:54.920
Cumberland farms and is across the street from a school and no one in this entire village has

01:06:54.920 --> 01:07:01.560
had any of these symptoms for the last hundred years aside from that okay and it going to Africa

01:07:01.560 --> 01:07:08.920
and that then traveling across going to South America Fauci made a statement that

01:07:09.560 --> 01:07:16.120
look uh because this uh virus was asymptomatic and everyone else okay it was just causing these

01:07:16.120 --> 01:07:24.760
birth defects allegedly um and as a uh um what's his name uh was a uh Bach last name

01:07:25.320 --> 01:07:31.080
Kent the Randy Bach has shown statistically it's been shown that there was there was almost no

01:07:31.080 --> 01:07:36.600
actual elevated microcephaly in South America it was done done through statistics but what Fauci

01:07:36.600 --> 01:07:47.400
said was the target of the Zika vaccine was not um pregnant women at all it was women of child

01:07:47.400 --> 01:07:58.120
bearing age and what they're looking to do there is a belief that if you can call if you want to

01:07:58.120 --> 01:08:06.520
protect again whatever uh the unborn against Zika virus you have to do it when the human is

01:08:07.480 --> 01:08:17.160
one cell one cell in size so that the DNA modification ripples through and now this is the same

01:08:17.160 --> 01:08:24.760
technology that the thinking of doing for RSV and it's like wow this is this is the modification

01:08:25.400 --> 01:08:33.560
part and when I hear about the uh look there are certainly some miracles which can happen because

01:08:33.560 --> 01:08:40.600
of the ability to have some children carried at certain times using machinery I think it's uh

01:08:40.600 --> 01:08:48.680
it's an amazing investment that has helped some people uh however I fear that what they will look

01:08:48.680 --> 01:08:54.520
at is like look there's only eight billion people in the world Americans are only having

01:08:54.520 --> 01:09:00.200
three million children a year wouldn't it be just fantastic if we could have machines

01:09:02.200 --> 01:09:07.880
fertilize a hundred thousand eggs at a time make a whole bunch of changes see what happens after a

01:09:07.880 --> 01:09:13.560
few weeks and then flush it down the toilet and then and do it again and again and again and again

01:09:14.200 --> 01:09:19.800
you don't need this you don't need this slave labor you just need more and more and more

01:09:20.680 --> 01:09:28.520
humans to to to to collect the data from that is my particular spin on the the nightmarish

01:09:28.520 --> 01:09:35.320
matrix scenario of again once you dehumanize all of this and it's like wow I could see something

01:09:35.320 --> 01:09:45.720
like that and currently there's this I believe it's uh well incorrect misinformation if you will

01:09:45.720 --> 01:09:53.560
of the the new vaccines causing a DNA change which I'm sure it could happen on a few cells but

01:09:53.560 --> 01:10:01.240
one's entire body does not change it's DNA if some cells are augmented there can be cancers

01:10:01.240 --> 01:10:07.560
there can be all kinds of other horrible things we don't know but the the language is very overly

01:10:07.560 --> 01:10:13.240
simplified and getting people completely freaked out perhaps intentionally so they don't have

01:10:14.040 --> 01:10:22.680
scientifically well grounded conversations Jonathan highlights this all the time uh the oversimplification

01:10:22.680 --> 01:10:29.240
and you have to simplify so people can understand it but it's being done intentionally um so I know it's

01:10:29.240 --> 01:10:34.280
um so I know it's a if I if I just if I just ask you one question uh and I know it's a little bit a little

01:10:34.280 --> 01:10:39.240
bit a little bit of rabbit hole maybe it's just the answers yes or no since you're working on a book

01:10:39.240 --> 01:10:45.240
you're working on a book called never again have you ever worked with collaborated with or have us

01:10:45.240 --> 01:10:53.160
and or even just a story of dr David Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg David Hamburg who ran the

01:10:53.720 --> 01:10:59.800
uh supposedly was one of the biggest uh fighters against genocide he was the president of the

01:10:59.800 --> 01:11:07.640
Carnegie Institute for 15 years he's the father of Margaret Hamburg the FDA director um oh really

01:11:08.200 --> 01:11:14.920
yeah and uh he saw he was a combination psychologist and geneticist uh kind of a big hitter but

01:11:15.720 --> 01:11:21.400
he claims to have been a big fighter he got noble prizes for fighting against genocide and

01:11:21.400 --> 01:11:27.960
I just don't really I can't measure but since in your line of work and research is that a name that

01:11:27.960 --> 01:11:33.080
has come up as wow he's done a lot of good things or you just your response is saying that you're

01:11:33.080 --> 01:11:41.880
not familiar which is amazing yeah it's interesting look I mean the people who are touted as the

01:11:41.880 --> 01:11:50.200
you know authorities in very they not necessarily really the real movers and shakers those who um

01:11:52.120 --> 01:11:58.120
look I mean the Holocaust is very politicized yes

01:11:59.000 --> 01:12:05.800
the Holocaust has been very weaponized I mean the best examples is Germany you know in Germany

01:12:05.800 --> 01:12:15.240
there are actually laws that criminalize anyone who mentions the Holocaust vis-a-vis anything

01:12:15.240 --> 01:12:23.640
today or you know contemporary you're just not allowed to can I just interject here about Germany

01:12:24.600 --> 01:12:31.160
when we were when I moved over there from my PhD and met my wife um and she lives in the south

01:12:31.160 --> 01:12:35.560
of the Netherlands so it's really close to the German border and I don't remember what year it

01:12:35.560 --> 01:12:41.960
was but I think it was it would have been like 2002 maybe that the World Cup was in Germany

01:12:42.520 --> 01:12:48.360
and everybody in the Netherlands was commenting that it's the first time they had seen Germans

01:12:48.360 --> 01:12:56.280
wave the German flag in years well what's your speaking about though it's the shame that they

01:12:56.280 --> 01:13:06.040
have and the kind of you know long-term effect that that it just had it I don't know it anyway

01:13:06.040 --> 01:13:13.320
sorry I didn't mean to interrupt no no but you see it's a quixotic thing at the same time they're

01:13:13.320 --> 01:13:23.080
also full of the Ukrainian flags with the Nazi symbol I mean Bandera I visited the great one

01:13:23.640 --> 01:13:33.640
I was in Germany for the first time in 2022 for the Nuremberg the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg

01:13:33.640 --> 01:13:43.000
code and I visited a few things and one of the things was also went to Munich and visited the

01:13:43.000 --> 01:13:52.840
grave of Bandera and of Sophie Scholl it's the same different cemetery but in the same city and

01:13:52.840 --> 01:13:59.640
what was really shocking was that Bandera has this whole where people are you know are

01:13:59.640 --> 01:14:05.720
agulating I mean this is a place to go and worship it's full of regalia full of all sorts of things

01:14:05.800 --> 01:14:13.880
that I'm saying to myself why is Germany hosting and probably paying for this I thought they're

01:14:13.880 --> 01:14:26.920
anti-Nazi you see wow nothing is what it's stated to be and the point about the Holocaust being

01:14:26.920 --> 01:14:36.440
weaponized is that it's being used to shut conversations about reality and about current or

01:14:36.440 --> 01:14:48.760
anything under the umbrella of Holocaust so essentially a lot of institutions including Jewish

01:14:48.840 --> 01:14:55.720
institutions have made the Holocaust irrelevant to history and that's the crime

01:14:57.560 --> 01:15:05.640
the whole point of all these memorials and all of that is never going to remember to warn never

01:15:05.640 --> 01:15:12.840
again you know but now it's never again is now and I call it global it's again it's

01:15:13.800 --> 01:15:19.880
you know it's really ever only become clear to me right now that that message so you're really

01:15:19.880 --> 01:15:26.280
saying that by making the Holocaust so special essentially you can never accuse it of occurring

01:15:26.280 --> 01:15:32.040
again they've sort of made it impossible for us to say oh no it's really happening now no no it

01:15:32.680 --> 01:15:40.040
it can't happen again or something yes it is and the point is that when more survivors were alive

01:15:40.840 --> 01:15:49.880
and Ellie Bazel who was you know he was really the spokesman for the victims and he was a

01:15:51.080 --> 01:16:00.040
Auschwitz survivor and a Nobel laureate and he chaired the president's commission for the

01:16:00.600 --> 01:16:08.200
Holocaust was under Carter and they wrote a this is in 79 they wrote a

01:16:09.800 --> 01:16:15.320
report to the president and the main thing was that they warned that the Nazi

01:16:18.440 --> 01:16:25.240
threat is real now still and now you're not allowed to say that

01:16:26.120 --> 01:16:32.120
and it's not the threat it's not the German threat if you watch a big modern video games

01:16:32.120 --> 01:16:40.520
it's nothing but thousands of Aryan Germans just going around being awful people when we are finding

01:16:40.520 --> 01:16:48.840
a lot of evidence of a lot of nations participating absolutely in in these events so it's all it's

01:16:48.920 --> 01:16:56.680
wanted to be described as I mean that look the tragedy happened that's not what's up for debate

01:16:57.320 --> 01:17:05.160
what's up for debate is how who participated was it you know blue collar factory workers in Germany

01:17:05.160 --> 01:17:11.560
wasn't really their idea meanwhile we see we have finding receipts of the Rockefeller Institute

01:17:12.360 --> 01:17:15.480
sending scientists in 1938-39 to Germany

01:17:17.960 --> 01:17:25.800
that is the stuff that no one wants to talk about that it's ongoing it's in a continuous threat

01:17:26.680 --> 01:17:34.520
and I say today it's the Nazi it's the heirs to the Nazis

01:17:35.160 --> 01:17:43.880
Nazi is a culture it's a mindset it's an ideology it's not a you know German or this or that no

01:17:43.880 --> 01:17:53.640
that's nonsense and really eugenics which is the foundation of Nazi is guess what British

01:17:55.320 --> 01:18:02.280
it's the British until again so that came up with the theory the whole thing you know

01:18:03.080 --> 01:18:10.760
applying the you know the animal Darwinism to people it's really the welcome trust

01:18:10.760 --> 01:18:16.840
it's the welcome trust the welcome library the university college london and it's

01:18:18.360 --> 01:18:23.320
I mean chadam house chadam house yep Rockefeller Foundation the Carnegie institution I can't

01:18:23.320 --> 01:18:29.720
recommend enough this book called war against the weak it's eugenics in america's campaign to

01:18:29.800 --> 01:18:37.720
create a master race it's unbelievable yeah well this is just it I mean Americans don't want to

01:18:38.440 --> 01:18:45.560
know and neither do the British but yeah they're very complicit they were very complicit from

01:18:45.560 --> 01:18:56.760
A to Z and the fact is that in 1938 a in avian there was a conference of 32 countries

01:18:57.480 --> 01:19:02.840
the jewish problem and the question was whether they would take in

01:19:04.200 --> 01:19:12.200
jews who tried to flee Germany and every one of those 32 country delegates said they couldn't take

01:19:12.200 --> 01:19:22.600
a single Jew that's when Hitler said okay that's it they closed the gates no more exit

01:19:23.000 --> 01:19:31.080
and then eventually you know the final solution but Hitler didn't dare do things

01:19:31.880 --> 01:19:35.320
until he realized no one was going to object

01:19:39.560 --> 01:19:48.440
the irony is that there are you know there is a resurrection of some you know

01:19:49.000 --> 01:19:56.120
uh fascist in Germany you know and it's unfortunate that that's the strongest party

01:19:56.120 --> 01:20:03.560
against the sitting government that's you know here we go again it's like either or and that

01:20:03.560 --> 01:20:11.480
is how Hitler came to power too um that's really really unfortunate because the fact that there

01:20:11.480 --> 01:20:17.240
isn't really a middle ground in other words there's a corruption of those who are in power and the

01:20:17.320 --> 01:20:19.000
ones who want to get in are fascist

01:20:22.040 --> 01:20:29.640
what do you do the fact is though the reality is that Germany right was not the only ones who

01:20:30.680 --> 01:20:39.960
put this together they were totally financed and helped with the war machinery that they didn't have

01:20:41.080 --> 01:20:45.960
Germany didn't have they didn't have the money and they didn't have the armament that was all

01:20:45.960 --> 01:20:55.480
provided by the west this is this history no one wants to revisit that's right

01:20:57.080 --> 01:21:03.640
so i'm the skunk at the tea party wherever i call it has to you know i mean

01:21:05.080 --> 01:21:10.920
i'm hoping to meet you at the uh at the conference this year that would be uh that would be a blessing

01:21:11.400 --> 01:21:18.440
um we're still all working our travel plans and stuff out but that would be fantastic

01:21:18.440 --> 01:21:25.480
and i don't want to speak for anyone else here who may or may not be going i'll let you to self-identify

01:21:28.440 --> 01:21:35.880
no i mean uh you know as uh JJ is saying you know we're working in a book which is never again

01:21:35.960 --> 01:21:43.000
is now global genocide because that's what it is we've got to really understand that and

01:21:43.000 --> 01:21:47.400
get people to realize it's that serious this is about genocide today

01:21:48.280 --> 01:21:57.160
and i've and not some other time now if i could just say one thing i have watched so many Holocaust

01:21:57.160 --> 01:22:02.120
movies and so many documentaries and i kind of believe that this is happening right now

01:22:02.680 --> 01:22:05.800
and people are not believing it the same strategy

01:22:06.760 --> 01:22:13.960
same same things happening i mean my my husband right now his grandmother was a Holocaust survivor

01:22:13.960 --> 01:22:19.960
they hid in the you know from Germany through Poland left his mom in Poland with a farmer

01:22:19.960 --> 01:22:25.240
you know they hid on the ground and just before the war ended they shot his grandfather

01:22:25.320 --> 01:22:32.680
his mom survived his grandma survived i mean she died of one or two but i mean they had stories

01:22:32.680 --> 01:22:37.560
to tell and the young people don't want to believe that this is happening this is really

01:22:37.560 --> 01:22:45.800
genocide it is and the tragedy is that in israel they haven't learned the history yeah that's the

01:22:45.800 --> 01:22:57.880
tragedy and um i just i just wanted to mention that in 1970 i was i was at dakau and i can remember

01:22:57.880 --> 01:23:08.040
walking through the gates and you could no one spoke it was the most reverent hallowed ground

01:23:08.440 --> 01:23:17.960
that you could walk on and i saw a video not long ago and i saw all these people walking

01:23:17.960 --> 01:23:27.480
through laughing carrying on and and i actually it actually brought me to tears the stark difference

01:23:27.560 --> 01:23:38.840
between 50 years ago basically and today yeah like veer is right we we you know the

01:23:40.280 --> 01:23:45.960
we have we can't stop we just sometimes sometimes down to the same families

01:23:46.920 --> 01:23:51.720
and this is the uh some of the work that i've been doing and other people i collaborate with the same

01:23:52.600 --> 01:24:01.800
uh you know a polish scientist hillary kabrowski who i i'm not sure was a genuinely a refugee because there weren't many

01:24:03.480 --> 01:24:12.040
i would just say escapees from poland in 1939 that we're able to move directly to

01:24:13.000 --> 01:24:19.240
south america and start working for the rockafeller institute this is a couple questions there

01:24:20.040 --> 01:24:27.720
but it was him in philadelphia as a senior person at the wister institute he was one of the three

01:24:27.720 --> 01:24:34.360
people who's involved in the polio vaccines one of his versus salt and then years later he's a

01:24:34.360 --> 01:24:38.840
co-founder i you don't have to remember these details but a company called centricore which was

01:24:38.840 --> 01:24:44.280
one of the first companies to make monoclonal antibodies and then you follow that up and we

01:24:44.360 --> 01:24:50.360
have people in our research today who are involved with these particular patent disputes of these

01:24:50.360 --> 01:24:57.480
people i mean like one generation removed this isn't just uh you know just a particular theme i

01:24:57.480 --> 01:25:05.800
mean this is this is a machine that's been ongoing and and yes i've seen the the prank photos of

01:25:05.880 --> 01:25:13.800
people at the uh you know posing in particular ways ouch watson i i don't know it's just

01:25:15.400 --> 01:25:22.040
disrespectful is not the right word you know i really that you have to do that for a laugh

01:25:23.800 --> 01:25:29.000
i don't know i don't know what to say i don't know what to say i think that if you circle back to

01:25:29.000 --> 01:25:37.160
what you just said before that it is really important to summarize that big bad big picture

01:25:37.160 --> 01:25:42.920
idea that one of the the tricks to understanding what's going on here is that the people that are

01:25:42.920 --> 01:25:52.920
involved in this have played a a multi-generational game that we don't we don't play i'm not playing

01:25:52.920 --> 01:25:59.400
a game about my grandchildren right now i'm not positioning pieces on the board to make sure

01:25:59.400 --> 01:26:06.760
that my grandchildren have is more wealth than i have now because i can't and so my game has played

01:26:06.760 --> 01:26:14.840
you know weeks and and maybe months in the future whereas we are up against family dynasties that

01:26:14.840 --> 01:26:22.200
have been playing multi-generational games for more than a few decades and so we can't underestimate

01:26:22.200 --> 01:26:27.560
that that that's another reason why they don't mind lying to us because we're not part of that

01:26:27.560 --> 01:26:36.680
group so it's not like lying to your family members it's uh i really think that that is a big part of

01:26:36.680 --> 01:26:43.000
understanding this that we are not in that group you know not to keep quoting george carlin but

01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:47.880
we're we're really not in that group we want to be but yes exactly yeah

01:26:48.040 --> 01:26:53.160
well thank you well we made progress there's been more shown there's been more revealed

01:26:53.800 --> 01:27:02.040
in the last uh well a couple of years um you know i i have to in spite of uh uh uh uh how

01:27:03.720 --> 01:27:15.800
you know serious it's the the the costs have been uh you know globally and and what the situation

01:27:15.800 --> 01:27:23.560
the world is in and to your point Vera's right but much has been acknowledged and it's going to be

01:27:23.560 --> 01:27:31.960
a battle there's going to be a continuous battle to uh to clamp down uh the analysis the information

01:27:31.960 --> 01:27:37.240
and we're just going to keep fighting to stay ahead of it to what point i don't know i don't know

01:27:37.240 --> 01:27:44.440
how this ends maybe it never ends but all i know is we have to do our particular part the best we can

01:27:44.440 --> 01:27:48.920
and hopefully you know you get the ball you carry it far enough and someone else will pick

01:27:48.920 --> 01:27:56.760
it up at some point and uh uh if thank goodness jonathan's been in this there's so few people

01:27:57.320 --> 01:28:06.760
in of his caliber that have you know and he's had a family that has been willing to go through

01:28:06.760 --> 01:28:13.240
this with him boy it's uh because it's people are enforced like in the tech industry people are in

01:28:13.960 --> 01:28:19.240
the whole system is designed to make you feel comfortable enough with your insurance and

01:28:19.240 --> 01:28:23.720
your whatever your your your your salary and of course everyone's got a mortgage right

01:28:24.520 --> 01:28:31.080
uh it's really um it's really hard to step out of it so i appreciate everything you do jonathan

01:28:32.360 --> 01:28:39.560
and for taking an awful lot of punches thrown your way lately man though and i think we all see it

01:28:39.560 --> 01:28:43.320
and we appreciate it but the punches are something that you know i think

01:28:44.680 --> 01:28:51.800
um the allegory of the cave is often a story that isn't finished because they tell the story of the

01:28:51.800 --> 01:28:55.880
people in the cave and they tell the story of the shadows and they tell the story of somebody

01:28:55.880 --> 01:29:01.800
getting out of the cave and then realizing that they're in the cave but the story actually goes on

01:29:01.800 --> 01:29:09.000
in that book because the guy goes back into the cave to try and tell the people in the cave what he

01:29:09.000 --> 01:29:15.240
saw and when he comes back into the cave his eyes are now adjusted to the outside and so he can't

01:29:15.240 --> 01:29:20.280
see the shadows on the wall anymore and so the people that are still in the cave think he's lost

01:29:20.280 --> 01:29:27.640
his mind because what he used to be able to see on the wall and agree on he can't see it anymore

01:29:27.640 --> 01:29:36.680
and so there is a time in every sort of philosopher or leader's life where this arc of a hero you have

01:29:36.680 --> 01:29:42.360
to go through this pain of going back into the cave and having people reject the truth

01:29:43.640 --> 01:29:48.840
and so vira maybe more than anybody can tell us that that's what we're going through right now

01:29:48.840 --> 01:29:53.320
that people have to reject the truth before they're gonna they're gonna pull themselves out of the

01:29:53.320 --> 01:30:01.480
cave but you know bobby kennedy said something which is true uh we have to do what sisyphus did

01:30:01.560 --> 01:30:09.480
even though it's totally frustrating keep lugging that rock up and then it rolls down and over and

01:30:09.480 --> 01:30:18.200
over you have to do what you have to do we cannot tell we cannot foresee what may actually change

01:30:18.200 --> 01:30:25.560
things what will cause you know what will ignite something we cannot predict that so all we can do

01:30:25.560 --> 01:30:33.240
is what we can do and if we don't it's you know i mean then we can't blame anyone

01:30:34.040 --> 01:30:41.800
for the bad turnout if we participate if we do what we think is right to do what we can

01:30:42.600 --> 01:30:47.160
and you really i don't think anybody can foretell which

01:30:47.320 --> 01:30:58.200
which action which pullback which anything will change the equation we can't predict that you

01:30:58.200 --> 01:31:08.680
really can't but if enough of us do it something is going to work and we we saw that actually that

01:31:08.760 --> 01:31:18.520
i think the turning point in this covid thing was when the fda said yeah it's okay to inject the

01:31:18.520 --> 01:31:28.200
six-month-olds the mamas woke up all of a sudden the mamas woke up they had to close clinics in

01:31:28.200 --> 01:31:36.360
new york and not only that but as a result of this whole thing the mamas aren't bringing the

01:31:36.360 --> 01:31:44.600
children for their childhood schedule either maybe they're realizing hey maybe we shouldn't do

01:31:44.600 --> 01:31:54.120
this either they overplayed their cards i don't think we've taken as much advantage of this thing

01:31:54.120 --> 01:32:03.240
as we should but we need to understand this is their weak spot the mamas so while they're trying

01:32:03.240 --> 01:32:07.000
to eliminate you know i don't know if any of you saw you know this thing about

01:32:07.720 --> 01:32:12.440
i i don't know a whole hour he goes around all over the world what's the definition of a woman

01:32:12.440 --> 01:32:19.640
and nobody can tell him what you're talking about it's great you know suddenly you know kindergarten

01:32:19.640 --> 01:32:25.080
stuff then nobody can you're not allowed to that's why they they know you know they're being restricted

01:32:25.960 --> 01:32:31.320
from saying what's the difference between a man and woman all right one of the things i could

01:32:31.320 --> 01:32:39.240
tell you somebody who is doing a chapter in my book kenzi was the beginning of this stuff kenzi

01:32:39.240 --> 01:32:47.000
the revolution in sex is so-called scientific revolution it was all fraud are you surprised of

01:32:47.000 --> 01:32:54.520
course not of course not but that's the truth it was all fraud and kenzi had one chapter there that

01:32:54.520 --> 01:33:03.480
nobody paid attention to and that was that he relied on a nazi a nazi pedophile i mean one of the

01:33:03.480 --> 01:33:19.160
worst for claiming the that the infant is sexual they tortured little children infants masturbating

01:33:19.160 --> 01:33:24.840
them all night and hours and hours and hours in you know rooms that were

01:33:26.840 --> 01:33:32.040
uh what do you call them what they use in psych wards and stuff you know where they're

01:33:32.040 --> 01:33:37.320
pattering you can't hear the noise but you can imagine and just think about it and and this is all

01:33:40.680 --> 01:33:49.080
very carefully documented how many children which how long it took and all this kind of

01:33:49.560 --> 01:33:57.880
it's horrific it's not and he was a nazi and kenzi traveled to him to get the data and that's what

01:33:57.880 --> 01:34:07.480
he used in his book to start the ball rolling the children infants are sexual see it laid the

01:34:07.480 --> 01:34:15.560
groundwork for what's going on now with the transgender and all this this is no it's it's

01:34:15.640 --> 01:34:24.440
really the degradation of the human being just unbelievable it's a long game though and that's

01:34:24.440 --> 01:34:29.800
the part that a lot of people have a hard time believing that it's such a long game but it really

01:34:29.800 --> 01:34:38.520
has been it has been a long game it's unbelievable and i know i have gay friends and they're horrified

01:34:38.600 --> 01:34:47.400
by this whole thing absolutely horrible what children dry queens children i mean it just

01:34:48.280 --> 01:34:52.920
i mean the few gay friends that i have that are my age are all convinced that if they would have

01:34:52.920 --> 01:34:58.520
been young in this time somebody would have cut them because they were so

01:34:59.240 --> 01:35:04.040
influenceable and if that was an option that was drilled into them you know

01:35:04.840 --> 01:35:08.680
with Facebook and whatever else who knows what have happened to them

01:35:09.560 --> 01:35:15.080
and you know it's already a struggle to to find yourself as a homosexual never mind

01:35:16.440 --> 01:35:21.000
when the society is telling you that there's this infinite spectrum and you might be lost on it

01:35:24.280 --> 01:35:32.600
it's look i mean this is really uh the demolition of the human species but it's both morally and

01:35:32.600 --> 01:35:40.440
actually physically yeah and spiritually really that's the worst it's a complete take down yeah

01:35:43.640 --> 01:35:50.360
and you know we read just you to prevent it i mean who else right i know it seems like we're a

01:35:50.360 --> 01:36:01.880
raggedy tag but you know um as i said you know the mamas and i do think that i think the united

01:36:01.880 --> 01:36:10.920
states those those um silent majority what we used to call that's what we have to look to

01:36:12.200 --> 01:36:15.720
they're also armed by the way no one else in the world is

01:36:18.040 --> 01:36:24.520
never until now did i come to realize how important that second amendment is

01:36:25.080 --> 01:36:34.360
because the way in which the media tries to paint the armed is as if they're all psychopaths

01:36:34.360 --> 01:36:38.760
and they're going around shooting up with schools and all that that's not true it's not true at all

01:36:40.760 --> 01:36:45.080
that second amendment is to protect you against government

01:36:46.440 --> 01:36:52.840
it is that's right government and that's where we're up against now

01:36:55.160 --> 01:37:01.560
so i really you know you're everyone looks really to the united states to get us out of

01:37:01.560 --> 01:37:07.480
this and it behooves us because we've got us into this i mean whether we're on or whatever

01:37:07.480 --> 01:37:14.600
we did it we launched this thing and now we've got to get us out of it i so agree

01:37:14.600 --> 01:37:29.960
shall we uh shall we say it um say happy birthday to mark and uh call in a show yep is that okay

01:37:30.680 --> 01:37:37.320
vira thank you very much for joining me rebecca marie um jeff we didn't get to say hi to you but

01:37:37.320 --> 01:37:43.880
you're welcome to say hi right now if you want hi jeff i care uh hey guys those are two of my

01:37:43.960 --> 01:37:48.600
best supporters up in canada and i probably just probably want to tell you that they're

01:37:48.600 --> 01:37:55.640
also very good fans of yours hi guys oh thank you thank you it's great to meet you all and

01:37:55.640 --> 01:38:02.520
we've just been hunker and yeah just wonderful conversation the battle up there oh yeah we got

01:38:02.520 --> 01:38:09.080
the one million march thing tomorrow we we discussed that this is probably just more division because

01:38:09.160 --> 01:38:16.280
people are just they don't want to come together they exaggerate both sides they misinterpret

01:38:16.280 --> 01:38:23.960
it's just brutal and uh but luckily luckily we had uh a divine connection to jonathan or kara did

01:38:23.960 --> 01:38:28.680
a couple years ago that's kept our heads just kind of bobbing over the social of madness

01:38:29.800 --> 01:38:37.000
and you know it's just don't get wrapped up in the in the hubbub too much you know just try and keep

01:38:37.080 --> 01:38:42.440
and even keel you know because you need to conserve your energy it's been said tonight

01:38:42.440 --> 01:38:50.680
already it just this is a long game and you just can't spend it all in one one shot but uh anyway

01:38:50.680 --> 01:38:56.040
yeah thanks for thanks for the shout out thanks for the invite happy birthday mark and happy birthday

01:38:56.040 --> 01:39:02.040
mark thank you thank you thank you guys thank you for being there and enriching my life and

01:39:02.760 --> 01:39:07.240
and uh this is why i'm doing it for all of you thank you i love all you guys

01:39:09.640 --> 01:39:14.120
i work close some more longer with you guys and i've been closer to you than any co-worker's i've

01:39:14.120 --> 01:39:25.320
ever had in my life so thank you thank you jonathan you're very welcome mark thank you all for joining me

01:39:26.280 --> 01:39:30.600
i'm gonna cut this show you guys can stay if you want to talk with mark afterward

01:39:31.160 --> 01:39:35.560
um thanks very much for joining me everybody happy birthday to mark tomorrow and i'll see you

01:39:35.560 --> 01:39:41.400
guys live tomorrow as well because every day we're on thanks very much good night everyone

01:39:44.440 --> 01:39:52.680
good night hi mark hey hello still hanging on there how are you doing i'm doing okay

01:40:00.600 --> 01:40:17.800