WEBVTT 01:40.000 --> 01:44.000 I think I'm going to give my voice just a little bit of a break tonight. 01:44.000 --> 01:48.000 I've got a long video to watch. I know how long it's going to take us to watch it. 01:48.000 --> 01:52.000 But this is Gigaohm Biological. 01:54.000 --> 02:18.320 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. 02:18.320 --> 02:22.520 This is Gigaohm Biological. A High Resistance, Low Noise Information Brief, brought to you 02:22.520 --> 02:28.120 by a biologist, I've been in the gym yelling for about a half an hour and I feel like 02:28.120 --> 02:34.280 I may have done some minor damage to the instrument so I'm just gonna try and keep my voice down 02:34.280 --> 02:35.280 as much as possible. 02:35.280 --> 02:42.940 It is December 1st, 2023, we are one month away from 2024 when really there can be no 02:42.940 --> 02:49.520 doubt that we have been at this way too long for something very, very wrong not to be happening 02:49.520 --> 02:50.520 at this stage. 02:50.520 --> 02:54.760 There's no other conclusion to come to ladies and gentlemen, I mean if this was just an 02:54.760 --> 03:02.240 accident, if this was just a snafu, this would have ended years ago. 03:02.240 --> 03:08.640 That's the harsh reality of where we are at and Giga Ohm Biological doesn't want to 03:08.640 --> 03:12.840 pull any punches about that, just in case you are joining me for the first time, I used 03:12.840 --> 03:17.640 to be a patch clamp physiologist where I made electrical recordings from neurons and brain 03:17.640 --> 03:24.640 slices and in those recordings, the recordings are made with electrodes which make seals, 03:24.640 --> 03:29.720 electrical seals which are of the Giga Ohm resistance range and so we called the stream 03:29.720 --> 03:36.560 Giga Ohm Biological at High Resistance, Low Noise Information Brief after this methodology. 03:36.560 --> 03:41.680 We are trying to solve a mystery that we've actually been tricked into solving by the 03:41.680 --> 03:47.400 government or by whoever is running this show and I say the government, I mean the 03:47.400 --> 03:53.480 government as in world governments or the who or Gavi or Bill Gates or whatever you 03:53.480 --> 04:00.040 want to call this amorphous, you know, bad guy set that we're supposed to unmask but 04:00.040 --> 04:06.920 in reality, we have been tricked into unmasking the people who are responsible for the virus 04:06.920 --> 04:08.720 and that's the Scooby-Doo. 04:08.720 --> 04:11.720 We're not trying to figure out who's rigged our currency, we're not trying to figure 04:11.720 --> 04:16.680 out who's been ripping us off for the last generation, we're not trying to figure out 04:16.680 --> 04:22.640 where all the money went, we're not trying to figure out anything of value, we're trying 04:22.640 --> 04:27.960 to figure out where the virus came from and who's responsible for it and our entire society 04:27.960 --> 04:36.440 seems bent on it and that is the problem because we don't really have ourselves focused where 04:36.440 --> 04:41.880 we need to be and of course the way that they've done this is with this consensus about what 04:41.880 --> 04:44.640 the worst case scenario is. 04:44.640 --> 04:49.800 Probably my favorite example of how this worst case scenario conversation went was a Twitter 04:49.800 --> 04:57.080 spaces that was hosted by Kim.com where I think it was Andrew Huff actually who was 04:57.080 --> 05:06.040 having an exchange with Kim.com and Kim.com suddenly came to the realization that with 05:06.040 --> 05:10.760 a bioweapon you could kill many more people than you could with a nuclear bomb and it 05:10.760 --> 05:15.040 was much, much, much better than a nuclear bomb or something like that, you know, much 05:15.040 --> 05:19.000 more dangerous, whatever and that's what this is really all about. 05:19.000 --> 05:27.960 That's what took almost three years to really settle into people on our side and understand 05:27.960 --> 05:36.120 what really was at stake, what really kind of had been lined up to go and then whether 05:36.120 --> 05:41.040 or not they would leave it up to Mother Nature to trigger that plan or whether they 05:41.040 --> 05:48.800 would kind of, you know, give her a nudge and in this case I think they would just outright 05:48.800 --> 05:53.800 lie about it as well and that's what we really have to consider because again we're playing 05:53.800 --> 05:55.160 for all the marbles here. 05:55.160 --> 05:59.560 We're talking about a complete rearrangement of the economic system, we're talking about 05:59.560 --> 06:09.200 a complete rearrangement of the international order, we're talking about probably a drastic 06:09.200 --> 06:17.000 reorganization of the American system, certainly of the financial system in America and so 06:17.000 --> 06:26.440 this coming fiasco is something that I think probably and I'm not, this is not my idea 06:26.440 --> 06:32.760 but I think probably needed some cover, probably needed some story, probably needed 06:32.760 --> 06:38.040 something to get all the machinery and motion and moving in the direction that they wanted 06:38.040 --> 06:43.600 it to move in under their control and I do think that it's possible that a pandemic 06:43.600 --> 06:49.280 narrative as nice it is is to believe that it's just a bunch of virologists who are 06:49.280 --> 06:53.280 lying and trying to make money, I think it's much more complicated than that, this is a 06:53.280 --> 07:03.080 multi-generational plan and among the steps in this plan are a fundamental inversion 07:03.080 --> 07:10.080 of our rights on the basis of this mythology and so we are really trying to understand 07:10.080 --> 07:15.960 who is genuinely fighting against this idea, against this concept that we have to be afraid 07:15.960 --> 07:19.800 of Mother Nature, that Mother Nature has this pandemic potential in store for us that we've 07:19.800 --> 07:27.720 just experienced it but it might be a fraction of what she's capable of and we've got a really 07:27.720 --> 07:35.280 break this faith because that's all it is, it's a faith in this idea and as nice of a 07:35.280 --> 07:42.440 picture as it is, as beautiful as they can tell the story, it's still basically the push 07:42.440 --> 07:47.720 pull of the train story as long as these people continue to agree and not step on each other's 07:47.760 --> 07:55.760 toes and not write contradicting books, then pretty much everything's gonna be okay and in 07:55.760 --> 08:01.120 this scenario we will continue to have defeated disease and epidemics using vaccination including 08:01.120 --> 08:07.160 this time and novel coronaviruses will continue to be a threat to jump from other species and 08:07.160 --> 08:14.040 definitely can pandemic because they just did, PCR false positives will continue to remain rare 08:14.120 --> 08:21.080 and asymptomatic spread will continue to be real and the variants will continue to be a story that 08:21.080 --> 08:27.880 they tell us to motivate us to do the next big thing like take a booster or get a test and so we 08:27.880 --> 08:33.480 also believe the gain of function virus is real and we talk about it all the time they are definitely 08:33.480 --> 08:40.360 we're hiding it right and this must be dispelled this faith in this story it must be dispelled this 08:40.360 --> 08:49.160 Christmas is the time I can feel it and if we don't start dispelling this essentially we 08:49.160 --> 08:55.960 don't escape because this is the trap everything else hinges on our, on our complying with the 08:55.960 --> 09:02.360 World Health Organization and our complying with our own governments as they, as they pretend to 09:02.360 --> 09:11.080 conform to the new rules and edicts pretend to have no choice to pretend that there's no others 09:11.080 --> 09:16.920 there's no other choice here I mean with climate change and everything else we need to be awake 09:16.920 --> 09:23.720 to the fact that this is the plan we are on that cosmic train everything outside of the train is 09:23.720 --> 09:31.000 out of our control they're just showing us movies and they don't care because they know what's coming 09:31.080 --> 09:35.880 they know that there's a fundamental reorganization of the world order coming very soon 09:37.240 --> 09:42.840 where world superpowers are going to change where maybe even the meaning of national borders 09:43.640 --> 09:48.520 will change fundamentally and certainly the way that the world deals with each other 09:49.400 --> 09:53.080 on an economic basis has to fundamentally change at some point this 09:53.880 --> 10:03.000 is the math of the dollar doesn't work anymore and I'm not an economist but this is beyond 10:03.000 --> 10:08.520 needing to be an economist to know that this is a train going nowhere it's only a question of when 10:08.520 --> 10:15.800 does the do the people who are running this show decide that that show is over and so we need to 10:15.800 --> 10:20.120 have control of our system before they decide to do that that's the point we need to have 10:21.000 --> 10:26.680 control of our freedom before they decide to pull the plug because once the 10:30.120 --> 10:33.480 I don't even know really how to say it because I'm so worried about it sometimes 10:34.120 --> 10:38.120 and I'm coming home from basketball practice and the only thing I can think of is wow we're really 10:38.840 --> 10:41.560 we're really not pushing the ball very far I mean the best 10:42.920 --> 10:49.000 the best thing that's happened to us on this side of the equation really and has been in the last 10:49.080 --> 10:51.800 few months maybe even the last couple weeks 10:53.640 --> 10:57.480 with a number of people in the center of this picture starting to come together 10:57.480 --> 11:03.240 and start to understand what the primary message is what the what the way home is 11:07.720 --> 11:11.720 and before that we were still pretty much just wandering around the cave in different 11:11.720 --> 11:14.600 directions you know thinking we were all doing something 11:15.160 --> 11:22.920 and until it became very obvious that there was something else going on that there was some 11:22.920 --> 11:27.880 faith happening and then when it became very easy to understand the faith based on math 11:28.520 --> 11:39.640 from people like Denny Rancor or from Martin Neil and and Jonathan Engler who did that stuff in 11:39.640 --> 11:45.960 Italy and Jessica Hockett now in New York making these really poignant observations 11:45.960 --> 11:49.320 about what's there and what's not there what the data supports and doesn't support 11:51.480 --> 11:55.720 and so you can talk about bio-weapons all you want but there was no spread so it's not that kind 11:55.720 --> 12:01.400 of bio-weapon and so then we're back to clones and we're back to purposeful release and we're 12:01.400 --> 12:08.040 back to making large quantities of it or making small quantities of it and the rest is noise 12:09.720 --> 12:17.000 but we're not talking about a worst-case scenario of a spreading pathogen of a bio-weapon that you 12:17.000 --> 12:24.120 can stitch together and make a small quantity of in a little bottle and if it gets on the wrong 12:24.120 --> 12:35.080 person it's over one particle as they say with prions and it's over all of this hyper terrifying 12:35.160 --> 12:40.600 biology is antithetical to the fact that there's been life on earth for a very long time 12:44.280 --> 12:48.440 and it's very unfortunate that what we're really dealing with here is people trying to cover up 12:48.440 --> 12:55.960 for the biological facts that transfection was going to produce all kinds of unknown side effects 12:55.960 --> 13:00.440 unknown consequences unknown short-term and long-term consequences 13:01.320 --> 13:09.720 and so what better way to take care of that what better way to take care of that than to spend 13:09.720 --> 13:15.320 almost three years telling everybody that the spike protein is some kind of special toxin 13:15.320 --> 13:21.560 with all kinds of wizard sequences in it 20 amino acids of this and 20 amino acids of that and 20 13:21.560 --> 13:29.720 amino acids of this and 20 amino acids of that so that oh my gosh the Swiss army knife of toxins 13:29.800 --> 13:34.280 the spike protein is responsible for all of the myocarditis in the world 13:36.360 --> 13:42.200 all of the Alzheimer's disease and my amyloidosis and everything that's never been detected before 13:42.200 --> 13:47.400 is now all responsible for this magic protein never mind the fact that we're transfecting 13:47.400 --> 13:53.000 everybody to that protein or purport to be focus on the virus 13:53.480 --> 14:00.600 do you know how many people on this on this page right here we're doing that for almost three years 14:02.040 --> 14:07.560 chasing around spike protein toxicity talking about amyloid and prion way too early 14:11.480 --> 14:15.560 and they have been consistent about it from the very beginning but for some reason after four 14:15.560 --> 14:21.480 years of the virus spread and after five billion spike protein shots i don't see anybody dropping 14:21.480 --> 14:27.560 dead from prion disease yet oh you just wait kui you just wait it's all going to happen it's 14:27.560 --> 14:37.960 coming really soon kui i don't know i think it's much more likely that there's a lot of people that 14:37.960 --> 14:45.160 are lying and a lot more people have been misled and if you've been misled by the fundamental 14:46.040 --> 14:53.480 principle that a small puddle of RNA can perpetuate itself and and high fidelity copy itself for four 14:53.480 --> 14:56.360 and a half years well then i guess you're you've got a big problem 15:01.160 --> 15:05.480 so today we're going to listen to david martin speak um and he's going to be interviewed by 15:06.040 --> 15:13.160 alicek alicek is uh kind of the one of the the team captains of of the 15:14.280 --> 15:22.040 um the virus hasn't been isolated or purified group i don't want to say no virus because i think 15:22.040 --> 15:27.320 they're a little bit more specific than that actually they don't believe that the virus has 15:27.400 --> 15:36.520 either been isolated nor purified and therefore there is no virus and until it is isolated and 15:36.520 --> 15:45.000 purified there is no virus and it is a stance that one can take um but i think if one takes that 15:45.000 --> 15:52.440 stance and then leaves it there which is what they do if one takes the stance that foyer requests 15:52.520 --> 15:58.920 sent to police departments are evidence that there is no virus and you leave it there 16:01.800 --> 16:07.160 and then you use that as a basis to attack everybody on this side of the ball 16:08.120 --> 16:16.760 irrespective of your intentions it just doesn't seem logistically or strategically sound rather 16:17.560 --> 16:25.080 because you try not to make friends you try not to listen to anyone and you pigeonhole the 16:25.080 --> 16:34.600 debate into this one thing where you know either let's just say it like this and i i hope that this 16:34.600 --> 16:41.000 is going to be a very good example of why this argument is so dumb and it is dumb and i shouldn't 16:41.000 --> 16:47.560 use the word dumb i really should use the word it's dubious because it dumb implies that they 16:47.560 --> 16:52.760 don't know better dumb implies that they can't they don't understand what they're doing but it's 16:52.760 --> 17:00.040 hard very very hard for me to believe that they don't understand what they're doing and the reason 17:00.040 --> 17:06.440 why um i believe that is because i've experienced a lot of their interpersonal communication and 17:06.840 --> 17:13.640 and their direct communication by email i've experienced the the language that they use and 17:13.640 --> 17:23.320 the language is not diplomatic it's not friendly it's not cordial it's aggressive it's insulting 17:24.120 --> 17:35.400 and their their tactics are just they don't suggest that ultimately they want to win 17:36.120 --> 17:43.480 in terms of like people being free and the new world order ending it feels a lot more like they 17:43.480 --> 17:51.480 just want to dunk on people like chd and bobby which is fine i mean that's great but the amount of focus 17:52.760 --> 17:57.720 that they put on people on our side um and then the amount of 17:58.040 --> 18:07.160 of nuance that they lack so i want to play a video first um that i think will kind of speak to what 18:07.160 --> 18:15.880 i'm trying to express here better than i'm expressing it um this video is from doctors for 18:16.200 --> 18:19.000 ethics with mary holland and i'm actually not sure 18:23.800 --> 18:29.800 if this video really should be up because it's from the question and answer session 18:30.760 --> 18:35.240 which i think generally speaking isn't recorded and but it it's up here 18:36.200 --> 18:40.840 um and it was posted by uh welcome the eagle i think that's welcome the eagle 88 18:41.800 --> 18:50.120 um and so you know people are allowed to record i guess um and so mary had spoke at medical 18:50.120 --> 18:59.560 doctors for covid ethics and um and then these two people uh william herst huston and christine 18:59.560 --> 19:06.120 massy will ask her questions and i just want to prepare you it's not necessarily very comfortable 19:07.080 --> 19:15.400 um and it's pretty aggressive toward um chd as an organization and because mary's there then 19:15.400 --> 19:20.920 mary is taking the brunt of this so it's uh i'm gonna stop it in the middle of course and and 19:20.920 --> 19:28.520 give my objective opinion if i can um and i think maybe i'll just leave it here you know you know uh 19:29.720 --> 19:35.640 uh charles i believe check check check hello yes that works yep very good hi mary 19:37.000 --> 19:43.640 i don't know um so i i i'm not sure where to start i'm not trying to uh get through this i have 19:43.640 --> 19:49.400 some notes here um i don't know if you know this but i i used to kind of work i was a paralegal and 19:49.400 --> 19:55.160 i kind of worked within uh the network and i won't say the attorney that i worked for but it was 19:55.160 --> 20:04.280 somebody that i really uh value and appreciate i think she's a fabulous attorney um but so just 20:04.280 --> 20:09.400 to start off um i just have a couple of questions here maybe i can get to the list and just turn 20:09.400 --> 20:17.240 it over to you for your feedback so number one why does children's health defense promote 20:17.240 --> 20:25.000 the core fraud of covid in the courts and in the pages of the defender and on chd tv 20:25.960 --> 20:30.920 which is the very basis for all the countermeasures which you claim to be fighting 20:31.880 --> 20:39.080 and i don't i do mean the virus issue but it's much more than just the virus because 20:40.360 --> 20:49.480 there's really a two dozen ways the official narrative which you promote uh at chd is clearly 20:49.480 --> 20:58.840 false uh like let's begin with step zero um to begin saying that you have a new disease you first 20:58.920 --> 21:07.000 have to identify a new unique and defining syndrome there's no such thing for covid there's no test 21:07.000 --> 21:16.120 there's no isolated pathogen there's no proof that the phantom cgi pathogen causes the 21:16.120 --> 21:24.200 non distinguishing syndrome the whole thing is a joke but and i found it funny when you uh interviewed 21:24.200 --> 21:32.600 dave rasnick and mike wallock will will will ask will i don't do it in these speeches this is 21:32.600 --> 21:37.880 you've got to see here's a question i stress i said one question why does chd promote the 21:37.880 --> 21:45.800 core fraud in the courts and everywhere why do chd attorneys accept the boundaries of the crime 21:45.880 --> 21:55.480 scene a priori as defined by the perpetrator why does why does chd censor the no virus position 21:55.480 --> 22:03.240 from your website for example the uh the the the paramount example is if you search for the name 22:03.240 --> 22:10.360 christine massy what you did is no record found and why is that ironic because that is the answer 22:10.440 --> 22:18.280 that christine got to from 212 institutions and 40 nations when asks were proof that sars 22:18.280 --> 22:27.320 cov 2 exists no record found why is chd censoring this extremely important work uh by christine 22:27.320 --> 22:33.880 massy and worse why does children's health defense apparently hire a team of consultants 22:34.600 --> 22:41.800 like jakie and uh james lion's wiler and uh uh jeremy hammond and a bunch of others 22:42.920 --> 22:49.160 maryll nass to attack and malign the people that are calling out the core fraud 22:50.360 --> 22:55.320 okay all right all right all right will let's assume the questions we've got the intent of 22:55.320 --> 23:01.560 the question so mary's got an opportunity to mail answer sure and i said christine massy 23:01.560 --> 23:08.440 your questions yeah so um just to clarify what he the the things that he said he's saying that the 23:09.560 --> 23:13.800 my notes aren't very good but he i won't show you them but he says that um they're promoting 23:13.800 --> 23:19.800 the core fraud at at chd and it's much more than the virus that they're promoting of course there's 23:19.800 --> 23:25.400 at least two dozen ways that the main story is a fraud and then he goes on to list like one 23:26.120 --> 23:32.040 which is that the new disease needs a new syndrome so i'm not necessarily saying that that's an 23:32.680 --> 23:38.360 uh not a valid objection to the pandemic as a whole um but i think that 23:39.800 --> 23:45.320 the pretty easy answer would be that the cdc and all these other people would say that 23:45.320 --> 23:49.880 the virus doesn't always cause blah you know they have a mealy mouth way of doing it and so 23:50.840 --> 23:57.240 this argument all by itself the way that they portray it as a dunk right you know 23:58.040 --> 24:01.880 obviously a new disease has to have a new syndrome and they didn't even have a new 24:01.880 --> 24:09.880 syndrome and it was like cgi and phantom cgi you know they don't make a very skilled argument 24:09.880 --> 24:15.960 i mean why not just list the two dozen ways that the narrative doesn't work and just be 24:16.040 --> 24:21.000 succinct about it and start with a new disease needs a new syndrome and they never really 24:21.000 --> 24:25.880 outlined that there's no difference between this and the flu and other syndromes next point 24:27.800 --> 24:35.080 but see they can never do that because i don't really feel this guy's necessarily on the paid 24:35.080 --> 24:41.880 squad or anything like that but he has the same sort of overzealous commitment to 24:42.840 --> 24:47.800 these people are the bad guys and so because of that he gets very flustered and he's not 24:47.800 --> 24:55.720 able to articulate and so instead of listing succinctly two dozen ways that chd is blowing it 24:55.720 --> 25:00.200 he starts by saying something that maybe is the least impressive of all the things 25:01.160 --> 25:08.360 um and then what he calls it fandom cgi then he goes right to foyas 25:09.240 --> 25:16.280 and the foyas are apparently to 212 institutions and 40 nations a lot of those institutions are 25:16.280 --> 25:23.400 police like police stations or you know local counties or this kind of thing which you can't 25:23.400 --> 25:30.760 really have expected Pittsburgh Township to have an isolated a virus and so when you send a foyer 25:30.760 --> 25:37.480 to the city of Pittsburgh and they don't have any evidence of of a pure purified sample of 25:37.560 --> 25:42.360 SARS-CoV-2 it's not really that surprising so a lot of this is also kind of like silly 25:43.320 --> 25:48.600 which is also frustrating but more importantly okay so how many of these foyas did you need to 25:48.600 --> 25:54.920 send out before now you could move on to the next the next point the next way to fight the narrative 25:55.480 --> 26:01.480 instead they they get those foyas and then the first thing they do is turn around and attack 26:01.480 --> 26:08.680 Mary and CHD and Bobby the only organization in America that's been fighting against the 26:08.680 --> 26:13.320 vaccine schedule since before the pandemic which you'd think they would also be aware of 26:14.440 --> 26:20.520 and so if an organization fighting that important fight before the pandemic is now getting the 26:20.520 --> 26:29.400 pandemic wrong there are a lot closer to getting it right than deserving of this kind of vitriol 26:30.040 --> 26:34.840 you think you would continue to approach them with a little bit of respect 26:36.280 --> 26:41.160 and say but you know maybe you can have a son for a weekly show then because we really think 26:41.160 --> 26:47.640 that we're not getting enough you know airtime and why not be positive and constructive and come 26:47.640 --> 26:53.080 with solutions instead of immediately going to attacking the organization trying to discredit 26:53.160 --> 27:00.760 the organization and trying to make CHD part of the NIH CDC control mechanism 27:02.600 --> 27:07.400 even if there are people working at CHD that are part of it which I guess there probably are 27:08.920 --> 27:14.760 and if there aren't then CHD has been darn good at keeping them out because I'm sure they've tried 27:16.280 --> 27:22.760 so it's confusing to me why this tactic is always the same it's no not friendly at all 27:23.320 --> 27:32.520 I would I would never presume to act like this and they're going to say yeah you were that way 27:32.520 --> 27:37.800 but I was that way because of the way they behave in private the emails that they send and the way 27:37.800 --> 27:44.280 that they do it and so let's you're not going to it's not going to be any more fun the rest of 27:44.280 --> 27:50.520 this video but but I think it's important to listen to it because I mean Mary is a samurai here 27:51.400 --> 27:58.920 so yeah so I don't believe that we're promoting a core fraud I don't believe that we are censoring 27:58.920 --> 28:04.920 the no virus point of view I don't believe that we are hiring people to attack people without 28:04.920 --> 28:10.680 viewpoint I think it's a very important viewpoint I've had Andy Kaufmann I've had Tom Cowan 28:10.680 --> 28:17.320 Dave Raznick Michael Wallach on CHD platforms to discuss this I've had long correspondence with 28:17.320 --> 28:24.840 Ms. Massey and with others on this topic we are still hopeful to do a debate a bit further down the 28:24.840 --> 28:30.360 line Tom Cowan is very insistent that he wants to involve Bobby Kennedy in this himself Bobby 28:30.360 --> 28:35.720 is not able to do that in the foreseeable next couple months but we're we think it's a very 28:35.720 --> 28:47.080 interesting hypothesis it's often brought with such sort of kind of emotion that it's it seems 28:47.080 --> 28:54.280 difficult to respond to in a kind of deliberative way but I definitely think there are very serious 28:54.280 --> 29:00.280 methodological problems with the way that COVID has been established I think it's a very serious 29:00.280 --> 29:05.640 point of view that there is no such thing as COVID I absolutely we just had a Nick Panda Nick 29:06.520 --> 29:12.760 Hudson on to talk about that last week I think it's a very defensible position but it's often 29:12.760 --> 29:19.640 expressed with such venom that it makes it very hard to really sort of have a civil dialogue 29:19.640 --> 29:25.800 about it I would really and Bobby Kennedy are very interested in having a civil dialogue about 29:25.800 --> 29:32.440 this position that there is no virus I think it's an important point of discussion and we're certainly 29:32.440 --> 29:38.440 not trying to censor that viewpoint thank you thank you Mary and now Christine 29:40.680 --> 29:48.440 Mary um first of all the no virus people are not we're not we don't have a hypothesis we're 29:48.440 --> 29:57.560 refuting a hypothesis so there is the key there is the key that they seem to think is like a dunk 29:57.560 --> 30:04.760 or it's like a it's like them slamming the case shut that we're you know we don't have a hypothesis 30:04.760 --> 30:16.440 we're refuting a hypothesis see that's the problem is that there may be no data being interpreted 30:16.440 --> 30:25.160 correctly but there's data there may be no observations being interpreted correctly but there are 30:25.240 --> 30:31.800 observations there may be no deaths that are being recorded correctly but there are deaths 30:34.360 --> 30:40.760 and so it is not sufficient and I will say this very very clearly it is not sufficient 30:42.200 --> 30:51.320 for you to come to this playing field of this level of sophistication and pretend to be engaging 30:51.320 --> 30:58.440 in the discussion by starting out with the words we don't have a hypothesis we are refuting one 31:03.160 --> 31:04.680 it is just so weak 31:06.920 --> 31:14.040 and it is just so disingenuous because if you have a hypothesis or rather if you think you can 31:14.040 --> 31:18.920 refute a hypothesis then there is a no 31:22.440 --> 31:28.840 maybe someone with a better understanding of the scientific method will argue that I'm flipping 31:28.840 --> 31:35.960 those two around but you if you refute if you're refuting a hypothesis then you're going back to 31:35.960 --> 31:44.360 the previous understanding what's the previous understanding here what's the biology after you 31:44.360 --> 31:53.240 refute this hypothesis about what about SARS-CoV-2 about a pandemic virus or about viruses in general 31:56.920 --> 32:03.720 because Christine Massey is arguing about SARS-CoV-2 right now and that's where it's also a little 32:03.800 --> 32:11.320 bit like shaky and a little bit sketchy because they flip flop back and forth between farewell 32:11.320 --> 32:20.280 to virology and foyas about SARS-CoV-2 and discussions about whether or not the virus has been isolated 32:20.280 --> 32:30.920 or or purified and whether they're talking about any virus ever being purified or SARS-CoV-2 being 32:30.920 --> 32:41.240 purified it's frustrating because I know I know in my heart of hearts that 32:43.720 --> 32:53.800 if they wanted to they could have already joined up and had sufficient influence to have shifted the 32:53.880 --> 33:03.560 whole the whole dissident group toward the general acceptance that there was no spreading pathogen 33:03.560 --> 33:09.160 and that they didn't ever isolate it and that it was probably made up and if there was one it might 33:09.160 --> 33:16.120 have been some other molecular explanation but because of the way they went about it for three 33:16.120 --> 33:21.400 years what they did was fractionate the resistance what they did was confuse the resistance what they 33:21.480 --> 33:29.720 did was create confusion and so instead of first coming together under the idea that we are under 33:29.720 --> 33:35.000 attack or that we are being fooled or that we are being misled and then let's figure our way out 33:35.000 --> 33:42.280 of it let's discuss it together it became immediately the intent was to fractionate they won't even 33:42.280 --> 33:49.800 talk to people the bailies won't even really interview with anyone they'll cancel interviews 33:49.800 --> 33:54.280 if they think that you're somebody who is too virusy 33:58.040 --> 34:05.400 and so it's super sketchy because this is not about winning this is about their own personal 34:05.400 --> 34:10.680 something and not not all of them maybe maybe Christine really means well but when you listen 34:11.800 --> 34:17.800 and you think about the fact that all they did was write letters many of them to police departments 34:17.880 --> 34:19.960 I don't care if it's 40 nations 34:23.240 --> 34:29.080 so then what do we have to dissect whether or not you wrote your foyer correctly 34:31.240 --> 34:37.080 do we have to dissect the language that you got as a response and and decide whether or not you 34:37.080 --> 34:45.080 asked the right question and is it plausible that a lot of the countries that you sent these 34:45.080 --> 34:53.160 letters to wouldn't be expected to have a pure sample of the virus is it does it count if you 34:53.160 --> 34:59.880 can mail one away and if the male ones are fake then why don't you order some and show that they're 34:59.880 --> 35:11.640 fake like it seems really quite possible to push this further it would seem quite possible to make 35:11.640 --> 35:19.320 allies and push this further but very few people on that side really actually set out 35:20.280 --> 35:25.240 to make allies and push it further you got to fully get on board with them without any 35:26.280 --> 35:32.520 without any reservations or they will attack you viciously until you ignore them for like half a 35:32.520 --> 35:39.720 year it's impressive it's really an impressive game they've played 35:40.680 --> 35:44.840 so obviously my question for you is related to what Bill was just saying 35:45.400 --> 35:51.480 I want to know what is children's children's health defense is a current position on the issue 35:51.480 --> 35:57.720 does the virus exist or does it not and the reason I have to ask this is because in April of last 35:57.720 --> 36:04.760 year eric cappolino question Robert F Kennedy junior at an event it was recorded it's on eric's 36:04.760 --> 36:13.160 website he asked so eric cappolino also did a pretty crappy interview attack with me right 36:13.160 --> 36:19.080 he interviewed me for three hours we talked very very very frankly about it I think we had a really 36:19.080 --> 36:23.640 good discussion and then he wrote a really really negative sub stack to promote it 36:26.040 --> 36:33.480 and there's no question in my mind that what he wrote in his sub stack reflected a preconceived 36:33.480 --> 36:38.600 notion about who I was and the fact that I was helping Bobby Kennedy meant I was already 36:39.560 --> 36:42.760 corrupted in some way or bamboozled or even worse 36:45.320 --> 36:50.520 and I kind of went into that whole situation pretty naive I didn't really know who eric was and I 36:50.520 --> 36:56.440 didn't really look it up and it didn't really matter to me and he seemed like a pretty nice guy and 36:56.440 --> 37:00.520 he's you know I've got all these radio shows and I've been doing it for years and that's great 37:00.600 --> 37:07.080 but I felt bad afterward because I should have probably looked into it better and should have 37:07.080 --> 37:13.160 realized that he was going to attack Bobby using me no matter what I said or how I said it 37:14.440 --> 37:18.600 and it's it's tough because these people don't want to acknowledge that 37:20.120 --> 37:27.960 what I'm saying is so nuanced that it's it's almost comical to me because when I first figured out 37:28.040 --> 37:34.120 the clones or what I what I thought was the clones when I've come to the hypothesis that 37:34.120 --> 37:39.800 I'm currently working with I reached out to these people and tried to explain how I think wow listen 37:39.800 --> 37:44.120 to this you might be right and we might be right and like we're both right but not right and so 37:44.120 --> 37:52.840 let's talk about it no no no no no no no no no and in fact that's really what the response is that 37:52.840 --> 37:57.960 she's going to complain about here that I wrote to them and didn't supply any 37:59.320 --> 38:07.400 I didn't supply any papers with it no citations at all because you can go on PubMed and search 38:07.400 --> 38:14.280 for infectious clones and start reading and you can understand what these virologists think 38:16.760 --> 38:22.600 and so if you understand what the virologists think then you can understand where perhaps 38:22.680 --> 38:30.280 that whole field is thinking incorrectly and then Christine Massey and me and the virology 38:30.280 --> 38:36.680 or the no virus people are all pretty much on the same page but what's very curious is that they 38:36.680 --> 38:44.520 don't seem to want to discuss the possibility that a small tank of semi-pure infectious RNA 38:44.520 --> 38:49.880 could be made and they don't want to think about what that might do to a cell culture or what that 38:49.880 --> 38:55.640 might do if you put it in a vaporizer they don't want to think about what they would that would do 38:55.640 --> 39:03.240 if you put it into a lipid nanoparticle and then released it aerosolized they don't want to think 39:03.240 --> 39:08.680 about what would happen if you tried to culture somebody who had been transfected with that agent 39:08.680 --> 39:15.160 they don't want to think about transfection agents even though it's all out there that 39:15.160 --> 39:19.800 Peter Cullis has said it that you know we can pretty much put any size DNA or RNA inside 39:20.360 --> 39:22.680 of a lipid nanoparticle that's very easy 39:26.760 --> 39:31.800 and we know already that these things can be aerosolized because there's countless countless 39:32.600 --> 39:39.800 grants for this stuff I mean so what are we talking about here we're talking about the fact 39:39.800 --> 39:44.680 that you need to be a bit more nuanced when you talk about bioweapons and how they might be used 39:45.240 --> 39:50.360 you need to be a little bit more nuanced when you talk about okay if there are no viruses 39:50.360 --> 39:57.880 what do you mean by that because what they want you to say that what they want to say is that what 39:57.880 --> 40:04.200 what the foy is show and what their debunking of those paper shows is that there's no nothing 40:04.200 --> 40:11.800 there that's the bad conclusion of course there's something there every time you spin down that 40:12.600 --> 40:19.400 that range of size of particles you spin it down you find RNA in DNA and you find it oftentimes 40:19.400 --> 40:24.360 coded in lipids are those viruses I don't know are they pathogenic I don't know are they self 40:24.360 --> 40:30.120 replicating pathogens I don't know maybe a small fraction of them are maybe none of them are 40:31.320 --> 40:37.800 maybe all of them are just RNA signals that every mammals immune system produces and sometimes those 40:38.760 --> 40:43.800 those travel or that they produce symptoms that we call the common cold that we call 40:43.800 --> 40:48.680 respiratory disease which is essentially inflammation caused by the interaction of two immune systems 40:50.360 --> 40:55.080 the point is is that if you come to this with no hypothesis then how do you explain all of this 40:55.800 --> 41:04.520 this anecdotal data over the last 50 years of spreading illness and of immune of immune activation 41:08.520 --> 41:15.720 it could be very possible that our understanding is wrong our understanding is not as as perfect 41:15.720 --> 41:24.120 as we thought it could be that all the cartoons are wrong but there are RNA and DNA signals at this 41:24.120 --> 41:33.400 size scale that are occur in nature that occur within our own bodies and that can be artificially 41:33.480 --> 41:40.040 created if none of these things are obligate pathogens that replicate themselves and go around 41:40.040 --> 41:48.840 the earth then I'm completely on your page but that there was no virus that there are no viruses 41:48.840 --> 41:54.920 that there are no exosomes that can cause immune activation that there are no extracellular 41:54.920 --> 42:00.920 vesicles that can get released that there are no exosomes with with proteins from your own body 42:00.920 --> 42:07.560 or from your own immune system or from that of mammals around you in the air I think is a pretty 42:07.560 --> 42:14.200 big statement to make so have these signals been confounded as viruses maybe possibly that's what 42:14.200 --> 42:20.040 I'm trying to argue that's what I'm trying to understand that's that that's I'm trying to come 42:20.040 --> 42:28.440 up with a hypothesis to explain the last 50 years of biology is not all phantoms that some of these 42:28.440 --> 42:35.480 biologists have been making making measurements the measurements have been repeatable but we have 42:35.480 --> 42:43.880 misunderstood what those measurements mean because of things like virology and this hyping up of this 42:44.760 --> 42:51.400 size scale is containing obligate pathogens that we have to be afraid of it's very possible 42:52.120 --> 42:58.360 but then you're not going to get there with this attitude where I've written more foyas than you 43:00.520 --> 43:05.160 and and that's it we don't have a hypothesis we're refuting one 43:11.080 --> 43:14.360 we don't have a hypothesis we are refuting one 43:15.160 --> 43:23.560 I don't know I just I I don't really know 43:25.960 --> 43:30.920 Robert to comment on the hundreds of freedom of information responses that my colleagues 43:30.920 --> 43:36.680 and I have collected from around the world showing that no one has a sample of the alleged virus 43:36.680 --> 43:41.960 no one has any record of anyone on earth obtaining a sample of the alleged virus 43:42.040 --> 43:48.520 okay so what does that mean then what does it mean does that mean that we've all used PCR 43:48.520 --> 43:56.520 incorrectly does it mean that you see no one has a sample of the virus so it's really not 43:57.240 --> 44:03.240 the argument that they're really making that this is like a little disingenuous performance 44:03.640 --> 44:08.600 because Mark Bailey is making the argument that there are no viruses 44:12.360 --> 44:16.360 Sam Bailey's making the argument that there are no viruses measles was a hoax 44:24.760 --> 44:30.760 and this is a problem it's a problem because I don't think it's sophisticated enough to count 44:30.840 --> 44:37.880 for what we know and don't know and I don't think that going back to the first papers about measles 44:37.880 --> 44:43.640 disproves the more recent papers about those particles and about their immunogenic properties 44:43.640 --> 44:49.640 and about our responses our immune system responses to that it just doesn't 44:51.720 --> 44:57.240 if you want to say the coronavirus research is weak I already did that that's why I tried to 44:57.320 --> 45:05.160 get in contact with them because I wanted them to understand that I was coming on to their side 45:05.160 --> 45:10.360 that I think they might have something here but understand that these people that are finding 45:10.360 --> 45:15.880 these little signals in the wild whether it's through metagenomic sequencing or through weird 45:15.880 --> 45:23.080 PCR fishing expeditions they are making infectious clones of these sequences and if you make infectious 45:23.080 --> 45:27.240 clones it's only a question of quantity if you want to make enough 45:31.720 --> 45:38.200 then you can put it everywhere and I don't think they've considered the possibility that if you 45:38.200 --> 45:43.240 could put a few trillion RNA molecules in somebody's lungs that you might be able to get a positive 45:43.240 --> 45:50.120 PCR test that they might get sick and that it might be limited contagion that the exhaling and 45:50.120 --> 45:56.520 the shedding of exosomes caused by a transfection like that if the if the shedding is a spike protein 45:58.680 --> 46:01.320 and the spike protein is an irritant 46:03.960 --> 46:07.240 is an immunogen then what do you have 46:09.640 --> 46:15.000 but that wasn't there that wasn't something that jumped out of a laboratory and ran around the 46:15.080 --> 46:21.240 world that would be something that they would have to make and make in quantity and put it where 46:21.240 --> 46:28.200 it needed to be and then purposely find it and wave about it which is very different than there 46:28.200 --> 46:35.240 was no virus and while they waste all their time on this they'd never talk about anything else 46:35.240 --> 46:40.680 they're not talking about remdesivir madazalam or the protocols killing people or ventilators 46:40.760 --> 46:44.840 they're just talking about isolation isolation isolation isolation there are other ways 46:45.880 --> 46:50.440 there are other methods and there are other questions to ask in order to prove that there 46:50.440 --> 46:57.560 wasn't a pandemic and that's the best refutation of these people that there is 46:58.920 --> 47:04.920 that if they wanted they really wanted to win and they really wanted us to win as in us as in human 47:04.920 --> 47:10.440 kind to win against this tyranny then they wouldn't stop at isolation and purification 47:10.440 --> 47:13.560 they'd also talk about PCR and sequencing and all this other stuff 47:16.120 --> 47:19.400 and they would talk about protocols and how many people were killed 47:21.800 --> 47:26.120 and they would talk about how dumb transfection is and how many people were killed 47:29.480 --> 47:33.160 and before that they would have talked about how many people are going to be killed 47:35.480 --> 47:41.400 but for some reason they never have they've never wasted a minute on that 47:43.240 --> 47:49.880 they've wasted hours writing and compiling foyer reports but almost no time at all on the 47:49.880 --> 47:58.440 people that were murdered to create the illusion of a pandemic no time at all on Jessica Hockett 47:58.760 --> 48:07.240 no time at all on Denny Rancour because Denny won't say there's no virus so we don't want to talk to him 48:07.240 --> 48:09.480 even if he has evidence that there was no virus 48:12.120 --> 48:16.360 Jay won't say there's no virus so we don't want to talk to him even though if he says that there was 48:16.360 --> 48:25.000 no virus you see it's it's a thing it's ridiculous it was a game and even if they stop playing it now 48:25.000 --> 48:34.440 understand how much damage they did understand how how dangerous the game that they played because 48:34.440 --> 48:38.920 it really it really took interesting thinking people out of the fight 48:41.320 --> 48:46.280 it really did and it saved them that's one good thing maybe they didn't take the shot 48:48.120 --> 48:52.600 but now they're not useful allies now they've been completely disarmed 48:55.000 --> 49:00.280 and now they are not critically thinking at all instead of considering the possibility of how 49:00.280 --> 49:05.800 evil these people actually are how far would they actually go to get what they want when it's 49:05.800 --> 49:07.320 all the marbles that they want 49:11.480 --> 49:14.600 and these people spend time attacking CHD 49:16.680 --> 49:23.320 the organization that was the only one legitimately fighting the the vaccine schedule in America 49:23.320 --> 49:29.800 before this and of course if you don't have a sample of the alleged virus you can't have any 49:29.800 --> 49:36.040 science whatsoever and you can't have a validated test you can't have any any COVID-19 science whatsoever 49:36.760 --> 49:43.800 and Robert's response basically he became very tongue tied tried to laugh it off and in the 49:43.800 --> 49:48.040 end said he wished he had just shut up from the beginning and said that he was not going to answer 49:48.040 --> 49:54.120 the question and then later in 2020 there was a private email from robert of kennedy jr to 49:54.120 --> 50:00.680 a prominent person in the no virus movement who had been asking robert to help us because we've 50:00.680 --> 50:06.920 been busting our asses since early yes she is about to start crying which is also fake i'm telling 50:06.920 --> 50:14.840 you this is ridiculous and it is a purposeful dramatic attack on chd to try and make it seem like 50:14.840 --> 50:23.400 chd is this evil organization that won't talk to them won't give them a platform when they 50:23.400 --> 50:29.640 totally had a platform and they totally blew it they were allowed to talk they were allowed to 50:29.640 --> 50:38.120 present and they set the the the parameters of the debate and it didn't have the results that 50:38.120 --> 50:48.440 they wanted so then chd's band and i've told you many times on on the on the show that this book 50:49.240 --> 50:55.160 is another book about again a function virus it's another book about the narrative that we are 50:55.160 --> 51:02.200 trying to break the scooby-doo but i also told you that bobby wanted to write the book about the 51:02.200 --> 51:06.280 scooby-doo about the narrative about what everybody said what all the people said 51:08.840 --> 51:13.960 because one of the things that the no virus people ask you to do and more importantly ask 51:13.960 --> 51:22.280 anyone who's not yet taken a side to do is to really accept is really to accept the maximum 51:23.080 --> 51:32.280 inversion of reality all at once there was no virus there is no virus is a complete 51:32.280 --> 51:37.080 inversion of the reality that everyone has experienced on tv and with their friends and family and 51:37.080 --> 51:44.680 with social media and with their whole life because they have been prepared for this for 20 years by 51:45.480 --> 51:52.920 the messaging of this same system and the reason why i took until 2022 to wake up was because of 51:52.920 --> 52:00.120 this same system and so without compassion without understanding without empathy 52:01.720 --> 52:06.040 they approach you with ultimatums and and tell you that you have to accept 52:06.520 --> 52:16.040 the hardest thing to accept instead of seeking ways to bring people closer to accepting it 52:16.600 --> 52:21.720 which is what i tried to do several times with them trying to explain to them that 52:23.000 --> 52:30.760 the use of recombinant DNA to make large quantities of what people call infectious RNA but an 52:31.400 --> 52:33.880 RNA that can be transfected into cells 52:37.880 --> 52:44.760 we don't know but i think it's a very likely possibility that what happens is that RNA 52:44.760 --> 52:49.560 translates it copies because that's what it does that's what they've designed it to do 52:50.520 --> 52:53.960 and it produces exosomes that are are immunogenic 52:53.960 --> 53:00.360 that's it it's real simple 53:03.320 --> 53:11.400 and so all of virology is based on this principle and virologists accepted as evidence of viruses 53:11.400 --> 53:19.480 and anybody who understands it to the sophistication level that i think we have come to understand it 53:20.440 --> 53:25.080 understands it as a as an illusion that they they choose not to break 53:26.520 --> 53:31.800 when they nanopore sequence the results of transfecting a clone into a cell culture 53:31.800 --> 53:37.240 they just ignore the fact that they can't find full genomes they make excuses that the nanopore 53:37.800 --> 53:42.840 you know it can read those really long things and when we're selling it for grant proposals 53:42.840 --> 53:48.520 we say it can read two million bases at once but when it comes to finding full genomes of 53:48.520 --> 53:56.200 coronavirus as well hand wave hand wave excuse excuse even though you find 600 000 copies of the 53:56.200 --> 54:02.920 subgenomic RNAs of some of these structural proteins and so we know the the immunogenic proteins are 54:02.920 --> 54:08.600 made and if they're made in sufficient quantity then we know they're shed as exosomes and so the 54:08.600 --> 54:15.800 only real debate is how many times does it get a fully infectious RNA inside of it as it's released 54:15.800 --> 54:19.960 probably not very often if ever but that doesn't matter for virology 54:23.320 --> 54:28.520 and so they're a hundred percent right as far as i can tell they're a hundred percent right 54:28.520 --> 54:37.560 especially when it comes to coronaviruses it is really spectacular how little good evidence 54:37.560 --> 54:43.640 there is for the fidelity that they're now claiming in the virus literature previous to the pandemic 54:44.520 --> 54:51.080 if you look at how they found coronaviruses how they cultured them and how they characterized them 54:53.080 --> 54:58.280 they just simply did not have the fidelity that they claim to have now they just don't have the 54:58.280 --> 55:04.200 accuracy that they claim to have now it now they claim to be able to sequence them on a whim 55:04.840 --> 55:09.880 from beginning to end and before the pandemic that was just unheard of it was very difficult 55:09.880 --> 55:17.000 to do so much so that Ralph Barrick had invented a way of creating and substituting 55:17.640 --> 55:24.680 the sequences that you probably most likely would not find when you find hints of coronavirus 55:26.600 --> 55:33.400 and so the most likely hypothesis i think a valid hypothesis would be to explain what these 55:33.480 --> 55:40.200 particles are and explain what these RNA signals are in the wild are they really just noise 55:42.040 --> 55:48.760 or are there RNA signals which are released by these animals produced in these animals either 55:48.760 --> 55:53.400 by their own machinery or by a pathogen but i think it's more likely to be their own machinery 55:54.680 --> 55:59.000 their own their own immune system or their own and epithelial cells 55:59.560 --> 56:05.880 but if it is their own immune system or their own cells producing RNA signals and those RNA signals 56:05.880 --> 56:13.400 because of some kind of receptor overlap can occasionally activate our own immune system 56:13.400 --> 56:23.960 that that's not surprising to me and the fact that if the NIH and the NIAID found this signal range 56:24.040 --> 56:30.840 signal range by accident when they made a hepatitis v vaccine in the 70s 56:32.120 --> 56:37.160 in a primate cell culture that also had exosomes of immune origin in it 56:39.480 --> 56:45.880 and then they realized that wow this is crazy the immune system communicates with retroviruses 56:45.880 --> 56:53.560 and with with exosomes that can have RNA in it and we didn't ever know it and now we made vaccines 56:54.440 --> 57:03.400 and we contaminated humans with with another species exosomes 57:07.560 --> 57:13.160 now that's a lot better than coming to the table with no hypothesis and only refuting one 57:16.280 --> 57:22.680 that's a lot better than coming to the table and insisting that people accept your premises 57:22.680 --> 57:27.480 of debate and stay within it rather than having a broad spectrum debate about why 57:28.200 --> 57:29.960 a lot of this biology is weak 57:32.520 --> 57:38.040 and i am telling you folks with almost 100% certainty the reason why they did this for three 57:38.040 --> 57:42.600 years is exactly to get us here where we're still talking about this 57:44.520 --> 57:50.280 where people are still debating it as if i haven't said it already for a year and a half 57:50.280 --> 57:57.240 almost two years that there is a way for both sides to basically be right there's a way for 57:57.240 --> 58:03.080 all the molecular biologists to be right all the the they did this to us people be right 58:03.080 --> 58:07.560 and that there's no virus people all of them can be right if you accept the fact 58:08.520 --> 58:15.720 that infectious clones can be used to seed the narrative anywhere they wanted to safely and effectively 58:15.880 --> 58:21.560 so that molecular biologists would get their proof that cultures would work 58:22.200 --> 58:29.720 that sequences would be robust and they would be high fidelity matched across these locations 58:31.080 --> 58:34.600 i think they could do it for under a hundred thousand dollars and that's paying everybody 58:34.600 --> 58:40.280 that's doing it very well that's how easy i think it would be and yet for some reason or 58:40.280 --> 58:45.080 another by bringing up this idea that means i believe that there are viruses 58:45.080 --> 58:48.120 that means that chd believes that there are viruses 58:53.080 --> 58:59.800 wow 2020 to get this truth out with no help whatsoever from children's health 58:59.800 --> 59:04.840 defense and like those saying you guys are just underlining rubber stamping the cord 59:04.840 --> 59:11.800 live the cord fraud and uh robert's response was i'm grateful for your courage and intellectual 59:11.800 --> 59:17.240 integrity i have an open mind on this issue i admire and i encourage you but i must take off 59:17.240 --> 59:22.520 on this war for the time being i'm more likely to join you if you get it near the goal line where 59:22.520 --> 59:28.920 the cost returns ratio improves and so now we think about how arrogant it is that she says it that way 59:28.920 --> 59:36.600 to robert f Kennedy jr who has you know i've been putting his whatever reputation on the line 59:36.600 --> 59:45.000 to defend the vaccine injured in america for five seven years before this and marry as well 59:46.520 --> 59:53.720 and so now this is how grateful they are they've already put their life and their liberty and their 59:53.720 --> 59:58.680 professional reputations on the line before the covid pandemic ever brought you out of your little 59:58.680 --> 01:00:06.200 house way before the pandemic ever made you more than a fluoride activist 01:00:08.520 --> 01:00:16.040 think about this very carefully what could possibly motivate you to to behave this way unless you've 01:00:16.120 --> 01:00:27.000 been encouraged to do so it's not smart how do you win people over like this you think that's how i 01:00:27.000 --> 01:00:40.120 got my job at chd just bullied my way in it's an organization of people that have all got skin 01:00:40.120 --> 01:00:45.560 in the game except for like three of us like real skin in the game 01:00:48.120 --> 01:00:54.040 like they've got a kid at home or a teenager at home or a young adult at home that is still 01:00:55.080 --> 01:01:01.800 completely devastated by quick onset vaccine induced autism 01:01:03.800 --> 01:01:07.000 and these people have been fighting before anyone cared to listen 01:01:07.880 --> 01:01:14.440 Mary's been fighting long before anyone cared to listen about covid 01:01:16.120 --> 01:01:20.120 and they opened their doors wide and they listened to all these people who just woke up 01:01:20.120 --> 01:01:25.000 because of covid mandates wow man i can't believe how screwed up this state is 01:01:26.440 --> 01:01:30.200 boy chd should listen to me because i've really figured it out 01:01:31.480 --> 01:01:36.520 if there's one thing i've learned since joining chd is that you didn't figure it out very early 01:01:36.600 --> 01:01:42.600 if you're just figuring it out now you've been asleep for many many years while people were fighting 01:01:44.440 --> 01:01:51.240 and that's me that's me included that's why i'm saying it because i've never ever ever felt like 01:01:51.240 --> 01:01:59.160 this i've never felt like this no matter how disappointed i am in the stance they take or who 01:01:59.160 --> 01:02:02.040 they have on or or who they talk to 01:02:07.400 --> 01:02:12.520 i have never felt like that i've never ever felt like that because then what 01:02:13.880 --> 01:02:20.120 if chd is bad who you're going to i can network you're going to mickey willis he's going to make 01:02:20.120 --> 01:02:28.360 you a movie like i can network is not the same people 01:02:30.120 --> 01:02:34.360 like i can network doesn't have its own i mean i don't know who you would go to honestly i don't 01:02:34.360 --> 01:02:40.120 know why you would attack these people i don't know why you would not try to win them over and 01:02:40.120 --> 01:02:45.800 then change their mind as opposed to bully your way to the to the goal which you're never going to get 01:02:45.800 --> 01:02:53.400 to i i am upset and i'm breaking it up because it's going to get much worse and then in late 01:02:53.400 --> 01:03:01.560 last year we i contacted you and robert f Kennedy jr and i asked you what science or you rely 01:03:01.560 --> 01:03:08.600 relying on your website is full of content about a virus a pandemic um all sorts of things relating 01:03:08.600 --> 01:03:14.440 to the alleged virus i asked you what science you related uh relying on you gave me no answers 01:03:14.440 --> 01:03:21.480 whatsoever and then you put me in touch with jay cooey you're the who you and jay both told me 01:03:21.480 --> 01:03:29.960 that jay was um chd science consultant jay cooey also was not able to cite a shred of science 01:03:30.520 --> 01:03:39.640 and then um on one of his videos about two months ago he admitted that in for the last 20 years 01:03:39.720 --> 01:03:45.800 virology has been been based on indirect observations of things that virologists see now what's wrong 01:03:45.800 --> 01:03:57.640 with this what's wrong with this he admitted so what does that mean that i was lying before 01:03:59.720 --> 01:04:02.840 i was covering something up before you see this is an attack 01:04:04.680 --> 01:04:08.760 rather than saying that it seems like you guys are changing your mind it seems like that he 01:04:08.760 --> 01:04:13.080 understands that i'm very encouraged by it and i hope that you will realize maybe maybe we can 01:04:13.080 --> 01:04:17.400 meet common ground and maybe we need to have another meeting maybe we should have Andy 01:04:17.400 --> 01:04:25.960 Kaufman on again and have him talk to jay instead they take exactly the opposite move accuse me of 01:04:25.960 --> 01:04:34.600 lying rather than finally figuring it out and if you don't see how obvious this is 01:04:35.560 --> 01:04:40.040 i'm not sure i can help you but this is how the game is played this is what the joke is 01:04:41.880 --> 01:04:45.240 you want to see fifth generation warfare i'm afraid 01:04:46.520 --> 01:04:51.480 willing or unwilling that's what you're watching right here i don't think christine is 01:04:52.840 --> 01:04:58.920 necessarily a waiting participant in this so she might just really think that this is the 01:04:59.000 --> 01:05:04.360 there are one chance to take it to that whole organization that she's become convinced is 01:05:04.360 --> 01:05:10.280 just a bunch of of well it's like a second government she's gonna say 01:05:11.720 --> 01:05:13.720 as she almost breaks down in tears 01:05:18.280 --> 01:05:24.040 i'm sorry but we need to beat this and the way we're going to beat it is when we start to call 01:05:24.040 --> 01:05:30.840 people out for the charlatans that they are either you you pick up the pieces every time 01:05:30.840 --> 01:05:35.960 they fall apart a little bit and you keep walking you you drop all your stuff or you trip and fall 01:05:35.960 --> 01:05:41.560 and you keep going or you trip and fall and then you sit there and you complain and complain and 01:05:41.560 --> 01:05:44.360 complain and complain you trip to me you trip to me 01:05:48.040 --> 01:05:53.560 they've given them plenty of time on their on their forum they've given them articles they've 01:05:53.560 --> 01:05:57.880 shown their opinion they've they've represented it quite well 01:06:01.000 --> 01:06:07.000 and in the end the reason why the argument doesn't succeed is because exactly what she started out 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:13.480 with which is that we don't have a hypothesis we're refuting one so then you can't really have a 01:06:13.480 --> 01:06:21.880 discussion with them about what really happened because as she's trying to say here he admits that 01:06:21.880 --> 01:06:28.280 virology is based on a lot of indirect measurements yeah and so let's make a bridge 01:06:29.400 --> 01:06:36.200 not let's burn one and not even prove exist this is your science consultant saying this 01:06:36.760 --> 01:06:44.040 so my question what is chd's crimp position on the alleged virus does it exist yes or no and if yes 01:06:44.040 --> 01:06:51.240 then what science are you relating on 01:06:51.240 --> 01:06:56.600 i don't know that i can answer that in a way that you will find satisfying i think we're open to 01:06:57.880 --> 01:07:03.080 the idea that there's not a virus we're open to the idea that there is a virus we i'm sorry but 01:07:03.080 --> 01:07:11.400 refuting there's there's always two hypotheses there's the null hypothesis right that's what the 01:07:11.400 --> 01:07:17.240 truth is if your hypothesis isn't right i think that's how they talk about it i don't really care 01:07:17.240 --> 01:07:23.880 what the exact and the exact discussion point is if if the theory is 01:07:33.000 --> 01:07:36.840 i don't know i don't have a good i don't i don't have a good analogy for it because it's such a 01:07:36.840 --> 01:07:45.320 simple proposition the floor is wet in my office my hypothesis is that somebody left the door open 01:07:45.320 --> 01:07:53.880 and then the rain came in and you refute the hypothesis you say that well no the door was locked 01:07:55.080 --> 01:08:01.720 so there's no there's no way the rain could have gotten in here so you refuted the hypothesis so 01:08:01.800 --> 01:08:06.680 then what's your hypothesis what do you think happened again no i just want you to admit that 01:08:06.680 --> 01:08:12.200 the door was locked and therefore the rain couldn't come in anymore okay well i i kind of agree that 01:08:12.200 --> 01:08:16.520 that's a really good point so then what do you where do you think the water came from no don't 01:08:16.520 --> 01:08:28.200 you see there's no water well okay so then if it's not water what is it there's no pathogen there's 01:08:28.280 --> 01:08:32.600 no spreading there's no sickness there's no signals there's monomolecular biology 01:08:36.200 --> 01:08:43.880 it's all made up because we have foyas and the foyas say that they don't have any purified virus 01:08:43.880 --> 01:08:51.000 they didn't isolate anything and so it's kind of this circle thing like this circling circling 01:08:51.000 --> 01:08:55.880 circling and they never seem to get to the point where oh yeah they murdered people 01:08:56.840 --> 01:09:00.600 they killed a bunch of people in hospitals they should have never ventilated those people 01:09:00.600 --> 01:09:03.880 i think they lied about protocols maybe they shouldn't have used remdesivir 01:09:04.520 --> 01:09:08.280 i think they should have told people to take care of better care of themselves i think the lockdowns 01:09:08.280 --> 01:09:12.840 killed a lot of people foyas foyas foyas foyas foyas 01:09:17.560 --> 01:09:23.560 they were part of the reason why humankind is still trapped in the scooby-doo 01:09:25.960 --> 01:09:33.240 they are the reason because the only alternative to the scooby-doo was a refutation of a hypothesis 01:09:33.240 --> 01:09:37.000 with no alternative no alternative explanation 01:09:39.720 --> 01:09:43.480 how easy would it be to go across the street to your neighbor's house and say hey did you know 01:09:43.480 --> 01:09:48.920 that there was no pandemic because there is no SARS-CoV-2 and then they would just put all their 01:09:48.920 --> 01:09:55.160 stuff to oh wow jeez i took this man wow i'm so glad you told me i'll never listen to everybody 01:09:55.160 --> 01:10:02.440 else on the planet again that's what you get when you don't have an alternative hypothesis 01:10:04.200 --> 01:10:08.520 you get nothing you have nothing to offer then you have nothing to teach 01:10:10.040 --> 01:10:15.720 you have no clarity or peace to offer if you have no hypothesis but only a refutation 01:10:18.760 --> 01:10:25.000 what is the way forward not that way it's not that way i don't know what we should do but 01:10:25.000 --> 01:10:28.760 we shouldn't go that way okay great 01:10:32.200 --> 01:10:41.800 so once we agree as as she says once i admit that virology is based on a lot of smoke and mirrors 01:10:41.800 --> 01:10:50.920 now what i guess nothing you write about both dimensions to that uh jay kui is somebody who 01:10:51.000 --> 01:10:58.120 has studied virology and so i think he is and has been delving more deeply in that i don't 01:10:59.400 --> 01:11:05.880 we're trying to cover the issue i don't think we've stated that there is the virus we haven't 01:11:05.880 --> 01:11:12.440 stated that there's not a virus we're exploring what the reality is and we clearly agree with you 01:11:12.440 --> 01:11:20.280 that there are very serious problems with the narrative i don't think we have definitive answers 01:11:20.280 --> 01:11:25.480 on a lot of this bobby's writing a book with all of your stats your your website is full of 01:11:25.480 --> 01:11:31.320 content about a virus gain of function see so now she's going to go on a rant 01:11:33.080 --> 01:11:43.320 because her job is to attack chd her job is not to win people over or to teach or to build bridges 01:11:44.120 --> 01:11:54.680 or to change chd's mind her goal is to paint everybody at chd is a liar by saying words like jay 01:11:54.680 --> 01:12:04.040 admitted and your website is full of and Robert of kennedy jr has a whole book coming out about the 01:12:04.040 --> 01:12:10.680 origin of so-called covid you have not been dealing with this an imbalanced way interesting 01:12:10.760 --> 01:12:18.440 because there's a line in here interesting isn't it wow it's really cool that this book is out now 01:12:19.480 --> 01:12:26.600 in like a day or two because there's an index and in the index you can go and find out all the 01:12:26.600 --> 01:12:32.120 places where i'm quoted and you can go to the last one on page 441 01:12:32.120 --> 01:12:43.240 and you can read the words as jonathan cooey said no actual virus would even be necessary 01:12:48.280 --> 01:12:56.120 interesting choice of words on page 441 of this book about the origins of the pandemic 01:12:56.440 --> 01:13:04.840 this book is going to bring the rain whether they like it or not 01:13:07.880 --> 01:13:10.280 i guarantee you this book is going to bring the rain 01:13:12.920 --> 01:13:17.240 and it could have brought the rain a lot sooner and they could have been a part of it they could have 01:13:17.240 --> 01:13:21.000 occurred it helped it could have been a bigger part of the book 01:13:21.800 --> 01:13:25.000 it could have been a more important part of the book had they 01:13:27.080 --> 01:13:30.760 genuinely pushed their argument from the very beginning 01:13:33.240 --> 01:13:39.800 but actually it was an extremely coordinated dance because if you will remember there were a 01:13:39.800 --> 01:13:48.840 couple really really early opponents of the andrew koffman and no virus crowd really early 01:13:48.920 --> 01:13:57.880 opponents in the ring they showed up in february of 2020 already adamantly opposed to two things 01:13:57.880 --> 01:14:07.560 the 5g people and the no virus people and so they already had courageous opponents 01:14:09.320 --> 01:14:18.200 planted in the internet from the very start like from the very very start the no virus people 01:14:19.240 --> 01:14:26.920 and the anti no virus people were seated and they're still going they're still going 01:14:28.600 --> 01:14:33.080 those people are still going right now the no virus people stick into the same story that they've 01:14:33.080 --> 01:14:42.680 been saying basically since 2020 and the crazy part is is the anti no virus people that started 01:14:42.680 --> 01:14:50.360 also in february of 2020 opposing the no virus narrative and opposing 5g are still there 01:14:52.520 --> 01:14:57.880 and the funny thing is is that those people those people were pushing the spike protein 01:14:57.880 --> 01:15:03.960 and amyloidosis and prion disease also extremely early in 2020 and they're still pushing it now 01:15:03.960 --> 01:15:12.840 and so what's this all about it's about seeing these groups these little teams 01:15:14.280 --> 01:15:20.760 that were feigning opposition to one another way too early in the pandemic for it to be 01:15:20.760 --> 01:15:27.320 grassroots oh i heard about these people i'm gonna be sure to start on them early yeah right 01:15:27.880 --> 01:15:33.480 how come i'd never heard of any of these people at the beginning of 2020 how come none of these 01:15:33.480 --> 01:15:39.960 people had heard of any of these other people in 2020 except for these two groups the worst case scenario 01:15:39.960 --> 01:15:56.000 group who was getting tips from the c cdc and phone calls from taiwan saying that remdesivir would be the only thing that could save us and speculating about a billion people dead were also anti no virus. 01:15:56.000 --> 01:16:06.360 anti-no virus. As early as February 2020, already knew Andy Kaufman's name. Andy 01:16:06.360 --> 01:16:11.640 Kaufman, who I have pictures of with Andrew Cuomo because he got a contract 01:16:11.640 --> 01:16:17.120 for a biometric device in prisons right before the pandemic. Oh, you didn't know 01:16:17.120 --> 01:16:29.500 that. We're coming strong now. This is not, this is, this is for all the 01:16:29.500 --> 01:16:34.520 marbles. We, we are saving our children here. You don't think this is a some kind 01:16:34.520 --> 01:16:41.520 of stream for fun. I've never seen this video. I had no idea that Mary Holland 01:16:41.520 --> 01:16:45.520 went to bat for me like this. And I had no idea that they attacked CHD like this. 01:16:45.520 --> 01:16:53.520 And in my name, basically, I don't know what I had done back in when this video 01:16:53.520 --> 01:16:57.480 was made. I might have overreacted. I might have blown it. It's really good that I 01:16:57.480 --> 01:17:07.380 didn't see it. But this is just blatant because she's not critiquing me. She's 01:17:07.380 --> 01:17:12.780 critiquing CHD. And she's critiquing CHD despite the fact that CHD does not 01:17:12.780 --> 01:17:20.060 have a blemished record of bungling, you know, stances on things. They have 01:17:20.060 --> 01:17:24.660 Brian Hooker working for them. 01:17:27.460 --> 01:17:33.060 You gave, or you had David Raznik and Michael Wallach on one time. And I 01:17:33.060 --> 01:17:36.660 think there's one presentation with Alex Zach or one other, one other 01:17:36.660 --> 01:17:39.660 something on your website compared to what hundreds and hundreds, maybe 01:17:39.660 --> 01:17:46.540 thousands of articles, interviews, conversations about COVID-19, as if it's a 01:17:46.540 --> 01:17:53.100 real phenomenon. So no, with all due respect, you have. So it's all up to CHD to 01:17:53.100 --> 01:17:59.260 ignore all the doctors, all the CDC, all the TV, all the, it's up to CHD to do 01:17:59.260 --> 01:18:05.900 that. An organization that is opposing childhood vaccination, trying to advocate 01:18:05.900 --> 01:18:11.460 for vaccine injured people before the pandemic. Now, it's all on the shoulders 01:18:11.460 --> 01:18:16.100 of CHD to figure this out. And to be on the right side, as opposed to just 01:18:16.100 --> 01:18:21.100 giving a voice to everybody in hopes that it'll sort itself out, giving a 01:18:21.100 --> 01:18:26.620 voice to these people, where they can't get a voice anywhere else, except for 01:18:26.620 --> 01:18:29.300 in really fringe places. 01:18:29.300 --> 01:18:36.340 And so instead of saying, thank you, but you're still making a mistake, being 01:18:36.340 --> 01:18:39.940 respectful and saying, hey, we should have another argument because one of your 01:18:39.940 --> 01:18:44.180 science advisors seems to really be coming around to understanding the flaws 01:18:44.180 --> 01:18:49.100 of this argument. And maybe we can come to a new understanding, it is immediately 01:18:49.100 --> 01:18:56.780 crap. And that's how you know this is not real. And if you combined it with 01:18:56.860 --> 01:19:03.820 their, their behavior in 2020, and the way that exosomal communication just 01:19:03.820 --> 01:19:10.500 slowly disappeared from all their talks, starting in February and March when they 01:19:10.500 --> 01:19:18.220 still had it in. And then Andrew Kaufman never talked about it again. There is a 01:19:18.220 --> 01:19:21.940 game being played here, ladies and gentlemen, and the Scooby-Doo is a lot 01:19:21.980 --> 01:19:28.060 more complicated than most people ever dreamed it was. And I think this video 01:19:28.060 --> 01:19:32.060 is one of the best examples of how you can really see through this. And I'm, I 01:19:32.060 --> 01:19:37.220 think it's unfortunate. I think it's very possible that Christine is unwittingly 01:19:37.220 --> 01:19:42.820 participating in this and very much convinced by other people that CHD is 01:19:43.380 --> 01:19:45.700 the proper target for this kind of hire. 01:19:45.700 --> 01:19:54.780 And she's happy to do it. But I don't know, I'm super skeptical. It gets worse. 01:19:55.060 --> 01:19:58.860 It's not been, you have been, you have not been helping at all. You've been 01:19:58.860 --> 01:20:04.420 extremely one sided, which to me is just blatantly unethical, unlawful, you're 01:20:04.420 --> 01:20:09.620 misleading your, your people rely on you guys for accurate information. And they 01:20:09.620 --> 01:20:14.620 think for God's sake, if there was no virus for all people's children's health 01:20:14.660 --> 01:20:19.700 defense would be warning us. It's what it's been like for the last three years. 01:20:19.900 --> 01:20:23.460 It's been like having another layer of government to have to deal with, to 01:20:23.460 --> 01:20:27.620 dispel the all the nonsense coming out of your organization. 01:20:28.340 --> 01:20:33.860 Because there's like, I'm sorry, I just I 01:20:34.180 --> 01:20:39.060 know I appreciate that. With all due respect, I brought on, you know, Andy 01:20:39.060 --> 01:20:42.740 Kaufman and Tom Cowan to debate this with some of the other scientists who 01:20:42.740 --> 01:20:48.380 are on this call. And it wasn't as fruitful as I would have helped. And like 01:20:48.380 --> 01:20:52.380 I say, this is still something that we want to hear. I'm sorry, it's disappointing to 01:20:52.380 --> 01:20:52.580 you. 01:20:54.140 --> 01:20:59.980 Now, now, can I just say for this issue, you know, this, I've been thinking, 01:20:59.980 --> 01:21:04.180 you know, I'd love to see a debate. We've had presenters, we've had Andy 01:21:04.180 --> 01:21:09.980 Kaufman here, Mary. And we've got people on this group who absolutely buying 01:21:10.060 --> 01:21:15.860 Christine, you know, with no, the no virus, they're very, very well, Mark Bailey 01:21:15.860 --> 01:21:19.620 here. And you've shared the perspective, we're not going to have a big debate here. 01:21:19.620 --> 01:21:23.940 But Mary, you've raised it with Mary fairly. Will has raised it. And Mary is 01:21:23.940 --> 01:21:27.980 just going to have to go, okay, that's the, that's the criticism and the valid 01:21:27.980 --> 01:21:34.060 comment. And I would love to have that Mary, that that CHD debate. I really, 01:21:34.060 --> 01:21:38.180 you know, it would be fantastic to have, you know, three hour tongs and all 01:21:38.180 --> 01:21:43.140 because we've got people on this call, highly qualified doctors who say there 01:21:43.140 --> 01:21:47.220 is no virus. And then we've got doctors who believe in the virus, who are 01:21:47.220 --> 01:21:52.340 criticizing Christine and anybody who questions the virus. Like, you know, 01:21:52.340 --> 01:21:58.140 Stephen gets it. I get it. We get criticized. How can you have anybody on 01:21:58.140 --> 01:22:03.440 this call who questions the virus? So everybody free speech. Will has 01:22:03.440 --> 01:22:08.280 it better? Christine's expressed it. Mary's heard it. We go to the next comment. 01:22:08.280 --> 01:22:12.680 And we don't, you know, that that it's, it's a, it's an issue for Mary to go, 01:22:12.680 --> 01:22:17.360 okay, from a CHD with all the great work that CHD is doing. I have not been 01:22:17.360 --> 01:22:21.560 able to work through as a lawyer in my mind, you go, right, oh, are we going to 01:22:21.560 --> 01:22:25.840 go back to this? What handling judges and all of these issues? It's a big 01:22:25.840 --> 01:22:29.920 strategic question. I would love a big debate. And Christine, I totally 01:22:29.920 --> 01:22:35.920 honor your work and your passion for this and Mark Barry and Alex Kaufman 01:22:35.920 --> 01:22:42.560 and Tom Cowling. All right. So in my opinion, it would help enormously if 01:22:42.560 --> 01:22:48.800 the no virus people took away the emotion and the recriminations and the hard 01:22:48.800 --> 01:22:54.560 done by, yeah, we've all been hard done by in the last three years. And it's not 01:22:54.560 --> 01:23:02.400 attractive to hear all the emotion. Mary has answered very fairly. Let her do her 01:23:02.400 --> 01:23:08.600 thing. Yeah, I love it. I think Mary did really well there. I probably made more 01:23:08.600 --> 01:23:12.040 of it than I should have because it was an hour and 22 minutes, but it felt, it 01:23:12.040 --> 01:23:19.240 felt like it needed to be wrung out. Because again, just the FOIA request thing 01:23:19.240 --> 01:23:24.560 alone is really a joke to me because I have only been working for CHD for 01:23:24.560 --> 01:23:28.440 like three months and I've already helped with a few Foyas. I was already 01:23:28.440 --> 01:23:33.360 busy with it with another friend of mine before. But a Foya is a real art 01:23:33.360 --> 01:23:40.400 thing. It's like a and and it's also a bit of a cat and mouse game that has not 01:23:40.400 --> 01:23:46.000 simply played by making a form letter and then sending it to a lot of offices 01:23:46.000 --> 01:23:50.240 and waiting for the letters to come back. It's a it's much more nuanced than 01:23:50.240 --> 01:23:57.160 that. And it is possible that if you request records that don't exist, it 01:23:57.160 --> 01:24:02.520 doesn't necessarily mean that the things don't exist. If there's no record at 01:24:02.520 --> 01:24:06.000 that police station because they didn't make a piece of paper, there was no 01:24:06.000 --> 01:24:10.360 communication about it, it doesn't provide evidence of something. And it's 01:24:10.400 --> 01:24:18.600 very, very disingenuous. As I said, a few key Foyas to a few key places, it was 01:24:18.600 --> 01:24:23.920 all that was required, not 212 institutions in 40 different countries, 01:24:23.920 --> 01:24:29.280 where most of those would probably already you could have known you were 01:24:29.280 --> 01:24:34.120 going to get a negative. But that's again, that's why this is obviously a 01:24:34.160 --> 01:24:41.600 stunt. You would never waste that much time doing that many Foyas if your goal 01:24:41.600 --> 01:24:46.760 was to win. Like you would have already established your point with the first 01:24:46.760 --> 01:24:54.600 30 or 15. And then you would put your energy into something else. And instead, 01:24:54.600 --> 01:25:01.760 you know, it's always an attempt to attack. And so it's it's not good. I'm 01:25:01.800 --> 01:25:08.040 going to see how far I get with this. What time is it 1143? Maybe I should 01:25:08.040 --> 01:25:11.800 just end it here and do this. Alex Zec thing tomorrow. What do you think? I 01:25:11.800 --> 01:25:16.920 think that might be a better idea. I'm gonna have to change the title of this 01:25:16.920 --> 01:25:25.560 one then. Yeah, I think I should I should rest my voice. I'm gonna I'm gonna 01:25:25.560 --> 01:25:35.480 leave it here. I really want to be sure that everybody is is happy with 01:25:35.480 --> 01:25:42.760 things and understands that we are about to it's about to get really rocky. And 01:25:42.760 --> 01:25:48.760 so we've got to be very, very good about being succinct. And so we don't we 01:25:48.760 --> 01:25:52.680 don't we don't play the game of we don't have a hypothesis, right? That's not our 01:25:52.720 --> 01:25:58.080 game. We definitely have a hypothesis. We have a hypothesis and the hypothesis 01:25:58.080 --> 01:26:02.440 is infectious clones. That's the hypothesis. And the hypothesis is that 01:26:02.440 --> 01:26:07.720 there was no spread. But rather there was limited release enough for sequencing 01:26:07.720 --> 01:26:13.560 to work and enough to augment a probably already existing background with that 01:26:13.560 --> 01:26:21.720 infectious clone release. So again, let's be very clear. I think that this slide is 01:26:21.760 --> 01:26:26.880 pretty good. But you know, I've been using it for a while. So I get the fact 01:26:26.880 --> 01:26:32.760 that not everybody likes it. But in 2018, the good the idea is that in 2018, the 01:26:32.760 --> 01:26:39.480 earth was clear. And in the end of 2019, something leaked. And that leak resulted 01:26:39.480 --> 01:26:47.920 in the vast majority of the human population being covered in a replicating 01:26:47.920 --> 01:26:55.400 RNA pathogen, an RNA molecule that's coated in a lipoprotein coat. And despite 01:26:55.400 --> 01:27:02.160 that, that entity not being a pattern integrity, not needing energy to sustain 01:27:02.160 --> 01:27:10.840 itself, not undergoing homeostasis, not being able to replicate on its own. We 01:27:10.840 --> 01:27:18.600 attribute a lot of biological concepts that should only apply to pattern 01:27:18.600 --> 01:27:24.960 integrities to this idea. And that illusion of consensus about the fact that 01:27:24.960 --> 01:27:31.760 these concepts are applicable in this stage, have allowed us to be bamboozled 01:27:31.760 --> 01:27:37.440 into the idea that there is pandemic potential. Because they've convinced us 01:27:37.480 --> 01:27:43.400 quite frankly that viruses are all for all practical purposes alive and capable 01:27:43.400 --> 01:27:51.960 of the same fidelity as other living things. That's how they got us to believe 01:27:51.960 --> 01:27:57.920 there's a pandemic. Once you realize that an RNA molecule coded in a lipoprotein 01:27:57.920 --> 01:28:06.120 is not capable of the kinds of behavior, let's say that a living organism is, and 01:28:06.160 --> 01:28:15.120 that behavior includes expanding across the planet. RNA molecules cannot do that. 01:28:15.120 --> 01:28:29.800 No matter what all the stories they tell us. And that faith involves all of these 01:28:29.800 --> 01:28:35.880 things from PCR being effective to asymptomatic spread being real and gain a 01:28:35.920 --> 01:28:39.840 function virus is being real. And vaccines working great in the past and 01:28:39.840 --> 01:28:46.400 working great this time too. And I'm telling you this is their train. This is 01:28:46.400 --> 01:28:57.000 their train. They are performing an act. And that act is a lie. Because there is a 01:28:57.000 --> 01:29:03.600 conflated background signal, I am sure of it. Because when they spin down these 01:29:03.760 --> 01:29:08.520 samples to look for exosomes they find exosomes when they spin these samples 01:29:08.520 --> 01:29:13.200 down and look for viruses they find viruses when they spin these samples down 01:29:13.200 --> 01:29:18.640 and look for things they find them because when they spin these samples down they 01:29:18.640 --> 01:29:24.520 get RNA and DNA. They get cellular debris they get everything at that size scale 01:29:24.520 --> 01:29:32.280 and everything at that size scale is a lot of things. And so if they tell you 01:29:32.320 --> 01:29:39.640 that they found something in there based on some partial signals it's very easy 01:29:39.640 --> 01:29:46.960 for that to be a lie or a confounded background signal. Hey I think we found 01:29:46.960 --> 01:29:52.200 something. Well what is it? It's a page of a book. I guess that means that the 01:29:52.200 --> 01:29:57.640 whole book is in your backyard. Well it doesn't have to be. Yeah but I mean 01:29:57.640 --> 01:30:01.560 there's newspapers back there and there's papers blowing all over the place so I 01:30:01.600 --> 01:30:06.640 mean I found one book one page of the book so I imagine the whole books back 01:30:06.640 --> 01:30:18.320 there. Okay perfect. All kinds of conflation. And why? Because they really 01:30:18.320 --> 01:30:26.280 want us to be completely confused, completely fooled, completely unmoored 01:30:26.280 --> 01:30:32.760 to reality. So that we just shrug our shoulders and say okay give me a digital 01:30:32.760 --> 01:30:41.880 ID, give me digital currency, take my genetic data, take my medical data. Maybe 01:30:41.880 --> 01:30:47.160 you can give me a little bit of a universal income for it in exchange. 01:30:47.560 --> 01:30:54.120 HUHA. I don't know what this show was. I guess it's a shout out to Mary Hall and 01:30:54.120 --> 01:31:00.560 for coming to my to have in my back and to taking the shells from Christine 01:31:00.560 --> 01:31:06.760 Massey for all of CHD. Here's to you Mary. Well done. This is GIGO and 01:31:06.760 --> 01:31:11.720 biological stop all transfections in humans because they want to eliminate 01:31:11.720 --> 01:31:18.480 the control group by any means necessary. Kind of a mediocre stream tonight 01:31:18.480 --> 01:31:24.760 I apologize. I had planned to do the Alex Zek video and not watch the the no 01:31:24.760 --> 01:31:29.040 virus video for very long and then I don't know. I might have to take this one 01:31:29.040 --> 01:31:33.360 down. I don't know how I feel about it. But thanks for joining me. I'm sorry I 01:31:33.360 --> 01:31:37.760 was so late. Best of all practice tonight. Saturday and Sunday coming up 01:31:37.760 --> 01:31:42.720 long December. I'm probably not gonna miss a day so I'll see you tomorrow. Unless 01:31:42.720 --> 01:31:46.800 something crazy happens. I'll be here in some capacity or another state for 01:31:46.800 --> 01:31:52.120 taking these things. Intramuscular injection and many combination of 01:31:52.120 --> 01:31:55.640 substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 01:31:55.640 --> 01:31:59.840 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not 01:31:59.840 --> 01:32:02.920 patterned integrities.