WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:45.280 I'm not sure. 00:45.280 --> 00:47.200 Jeffrey how are you? 00:47.200 --> 00:49.120 You are unfortunately number two. 00:49.120 --> 00:51.600 How are the duck wins the cash today? 00:51.600 --> 00:55.440 Unfortunately, Jeff, I can't help you there. 00:55.440 --> 01:02.440 My harder next time. 01:26.440 --> 01:29.440 How are the duck was first according to my screen? 01:29.440 --> 01:32.440 How are the duck? 01:45.440 --> 01:47.440 I'm trying to get the latest note. 01:47.440 --> 01:50.440 I'm trying to get the latest note. 01:50.440 --> 01:52.440 I'm trying to get the latest note. 01:52.440 --> 01:53.440 I'm trying to get the latest note. 01:53.440 --> 01:55.440 This is essentially a worst-case scenario. 01:55.440 --> 01:57.440 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us 01:57.440 --> 01:59.440 that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 01:59.440 --> 02:01.440 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us 02:01.440 --> 02:03.440 that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 02:13.440 --> 02:14.440 Mark had another good one. 02:14.440 --> 02:16.440 Make sure you're following this guy. 02:16.440 --> 02:17.440 He's got a lot of channels. 02:17.440 --> 02:20.440 You've got to be studious. 02:20.440 --> 02:26.440 Maybe just go to his website, you know, bookmarked that. 02:26.440 --> 02:35.440 There is no hate in this stream, my friend. 02:35.440 --> 02:37.440 Welcome from San Diego. 02:37.440 --> 02:39.440 There is no hate in this stream. 02:39.440 --> 02:40.440 I think it's good for kids. 02:40.440 --> 02:41.440 We're so busy lying. 02:41.440 --> 02:44.440 We don't even recognize the truth no more in this society. 02:44.440 --> 02:46.440 We want everybody to feel good. 02:46.440 --> 02:49.440 That's not the way life is. 02:57.440 --> 03:00.440 This episode is sponsored by Moink. 03:00.440 --> 03:02.440 That's Mo plus Moink. 03:06.440 --> 03:12.440 My point is that if we were able to, just like we're trying to get everybody to take the vaccine, 03:12.440 --> 03:19.440 if we had put that into getting everybody to take hypermectin and fluvoxamine for a month, 03:19.440 --> 03:23.440 and if we could accomplish that, then COVID would be wiped out. 03:23.440 --> 03:24.440 We could do it. 03:24.440 --> 03:30.440 Actually any municipality that could regulate its borders could clear the disease if you could accomplish that goal. 03:30.440 --> 03:31.440 I believe. 03:31.440 --> 03:36.440 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 03:36.440 --> 03:38.440 And I have lied. 03:38.440 --> 03:39.440 I'm sure I'll lie again. 03:39.440 --> 03:41.440 I don't want to lie, you know. 03:41.440 --> 03:42.440 I don't think I'm a liar. 03:42.440 --> 03:43.440 I try not to be a liar. 03:43.440 --> 03:44.440 I don't want to be a liar. 03:44.440 --> 03:47.440 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 04:09.440 --> 04:16.440 Not really much outside today for birds. 04:16.440 --> 04:19.440 It's the middle of the afternoon, so it's a little hot. 04:19.440 --> 04:20.440 Missed the morning. 04:20.440 --> 04:24.440 I want to try and do a morning show, but I don't know. 04:24.440 --> 04:28.440 It's a big commitment. 04:28.440 --> 04:33.440 Once I say I'm going to do a morning show, I better be doing a morning show. 04:33.440 --> 04:36.440 Dr. Salk was really our friend. 04:36.440 --> 04:37.440 He definitely was. 04:37.440 --> 04:40.440 Dr. Salk's a great guy. 04:40.440 --> 04:41.440 Seems like a great guy. 04:41.440 --> 04:43.440 Whatever Mark found, you know, what's her name? 04:43.440 --> 04:44.440 That more lady? 04:44.440 --> 04:48.440 I think she was a housekeeper for Kissinger. 04:48.440 --> 04:55.440 I think she had like houses next door to him or houses down the street from him all over the place. 04:55.440 --> 04:59.440 I think it's because he was, that was his housekeeper or something. 04:59.440 --> 05:04.440 I guess you got to see Mark stream to know what Alice Moore actually did. 05:04.440 --> 05:06.440 I think she was Kissinger's housekeeper. 05:06.440 --> 05:09.440 You have to check it out. 05:09.440 --> 05:10.440 The rules. 05:10.440 --> 05:12.440 Protect yourself at all times. 05:12.440 --> 05:13.440 Follow my instructions. 05:13.440 --> 05:14.440 Keep it clean. 05:14.440 --> 05:15.440 Touch gloves if you wish. 05:15.440 --> 05:17.440 Let's do it. 05:17.440 --> 05:18.440 Sweaty bombs. 05:18.440 --> 05:20.440 This is so crazy. 05:20.440 --> 05:22.440 Like these bombs. 05:22.440 --> 05:24.440 This is so crazy. 05:24.440 --> 05:25.440 I feel so nervous. 05:25.440 --> 05:29.440 Like what in the world, man? 05:29.440 --> 05:31.440 Hey, Albert. 05:31.440 --> 05:35.440 Please make sure you watch Mark's Salk History episode from this morning. 05:35.440 --> 05:40.440 It is definitely worth your time. 05:40.440 --> 05:48.440 I wanted to do a short video stream or a short broadcast about a couple videos I found. 05:48.440 --> 06:00.440 Number one, I wanted to substantiate the small print that I'm using on one of my slides with regard to Medicare and Medicaid costs being saved 06:00.440 --> 06:03.440 as a result of the pandemic. 06:03.440 --> 06:05.440 And so I want to address that. 06:05.440 --> 06:12.440 And then staying focused on the biology, not taking the bait on social media and loving your neighbor. 06:12.440 --> 06:22.440 I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at this guy named Alex Berenson, who I think was kind of, you know, he was elevated through censorship. 06:22.440 --> 06:32.440 He was elevated by being allowed to complain about censorship, whereas people like Mark and myself are censored and we're not allowed to complain. 06:32.440 --> 06:34.440 We're not asked to complain about it. 06:34.440 --> 06:39.440 In fact, nobody considers any of the sacrifices that we've made, even worth mentioning. 06:39.440 --> 06:51.440 And so it's really quite striking that our growth is so linear and it comes down to every one of you taking the time to after you watch this stream to actually grab the link. 06:51.440 --> 06:58.440 Share it and put it on Twitter or put it on Facebook or put it wherever you put things because that's how this works. 06:58.440 --> 07:05.440 It's the only way that this can work is by actual human overriding the algorithm. 07:05.440 --> 07:07.440 Otherwise, no one will ever see me. 07:07.440 --> 07:18.440 And no matter how many loyal supporters I have that make this possible that put the sandwiches in my kids lunchbox, it doesn't matter because the word won't get around. 07:18.440 --> 07:20.440 The biology needs to find new folks. 07:20.440 --> 07:33.440 And so besides sharing the stream, you can also share giggleembiological.com because it's kind of a little hub of ways to find out what I did and what I'm doing and what we're doing, what we're trying to accomplish, where we're putting this stuff. 07:33.440 --> 07:40.440 We shouldn't be on YouTube right now, but we are definitely on peer tube and we are definitely on rumble. 07:40.440 --> 08:01.440 This is an independent bright web presentation and it is funded by viewers like you, unlike the PBS NewsHour, which is funded by large corporations and other weaponized piles of money that do not have our grandchildren's best interest in mind. 08:01.440 --> 08:07.440 They have enslavement of our grandchildren in mind. 08:08.440 --> 08:13.440 And so this is giggleembiological. It's a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by biologists. 08:13.440 --> 08:16.440 Noncompliance is the only way out as we move forward. 08:16.440 --> 08:23.440 We need to take back the United States, take back control of our local governments, our state governments and our federal government. 08:23.440 --> 08:26.440 And that's not going to be done easily. It's not going to happen overnight. 08:26.440 --> 08:27.440 I understand that. 08:27.440 --> 08:29.440 But the first thing to do, everybody has to wake up. 08:29.440 --> 08:34.440 We have to wake up to the fact, probably should have this in a different place. 08:35.440 --> 08:39.440 We are going to talk about biology today and the bigger picture of biology. 08:39.440 --> 09:02.440 But what we're really trying to talk about on giggleembiological is this conscious and intelligent manipulation of our organized habits and opinions and very specifically about health, well-being, mother nature, and what we have control over and what we should think of as being under our control. 09:03.440 --> 09:25.440 And so undermining our young people's understanding of what they have control over in their lives spans all aspects of our society to include socio-economic manipulation, to include manipulation based on race, but very few manipulations are based on class because that's really where the divide is. 09:26.440 --> 09:37.440 We are those people that are in this group and those people who are out, the vast majority of us being out, manipulated by this invisible force, this invisible intention. 09:37.440 --> 09:40.440 And this invisible intention has been there for quite some time. 09:40.440 --> 09:48.440 And for those people who are skilled television watchers and trusters of social media, this is kind of a slow baptism by fire. 09:48.440 --> 09:50.440 You're just going to have to face it. 09:50.440 --> 09:54.440 You were wrong about so many things because people lied to you about them. 09:54.440 --> 10:11.440 And so in trying to approach this from a biological perspective, I like to use this Chicago Tribune cartoon that I recently found in somebody's sub-stack where in 1934 already somebody's drawing a cartoon that says spend, spend, spend under the guise of recovery, 10:11.440 --> 10:20.440 recovery from a pandemic perhaps, bust the government, blame the capitalists, capitalists, you mean like people who wanted to make a profit from a pandemic, 10:21.440 --> 10:26.440 blame the capitalists for the failure, junk the constitution and declare a dictatorship. 10:29.440 --> 10:38.440 I think you should see this just like you should see the statement behind my head coming from Edward Bernays in 1924, this cartoon coming from 1934. 10:38.440 --> 10:51.440 I think you should see this very clearly has evidence of a multi-generational plan to eventually control the Polish-American at the same time enslave her citizens. 10:52.440 --> 11:07.440 That's what I see as a patriotic American who doesn't have any hyphens in my description of being American and knows very well that my informed consent was torn from me intellectually at the beginning of the pandemic. 11:07.440 --> 11:22.440 I fell for it, hook, line and sinker and I'm not sure who was wittingly or unwittingly participating in getting me to fall for it, but it was more than just myself bumbling through the darkness with a flashlight trying to figure out what was going on on my bicycle. 11:23.440 --> 11:33.440 This was a coordinated effort of people that were curating a narrative about a lab leak that would presuppose the existence of a spreading novel pathogen. 11:34.440 --> 11:47.440 The idea of a spreading novel pathogen for which none of us had any immunity was something that we were forced to coerced into accepting from the very beginning and that is at the root of this principle of informed consent being ignored. 11:47.440 --> 12:06.440 If they tell you a story and then try to motivate you with that story and the story is a lie or the story is a gross over exaggeration of anything that is possible, then they have effectively and they have effectively taken away your informed consent and that coercion amounts to a crime. 12:07.440 --> 12:24.440 That coercive use of government power amounts to a crime and we as American citizens need to wake up individual by individual and understand that and then take action and that will take several years for everybody to wake up to this reality. 12:25.440 --> 12:43.440 It will be the next president before we wake up to this reality. It's without a doubt, but what we can't do is allow this election coming up and the turmoil that will most assuredly be associated with it to throw us off of this tact, which is to pursue the truth of biology, 12:44.440 --> 12:55.440 pursue the truth right down to the stones, which is was there a pandemic and people are going to argue all the time about what do you mean by was was there a pandemic. 12:56.440 --> 13:01.440 And when I say there was no pandemic, I mean there was no pandemic, not that there was no viruses. 13:02.440 --> 13:08.440 I don't even care if there are or there aren't any viruses. There was no pandemic because RNA can't do that. 13:08.440 --> 13:19.440 And so then the question becomes if RNA can't do that, then what exactly happened and my argument is is that there is a hot background. 13:20.440 --> 13:36.440 A hot background of DNA and RNA that can be amplified through metagenomic sequencing can be amplified through any number of molecular biological methodologies that many, many people around the world have high levels of expertise in this book. 13:36.440 --> 14:05.440 The viral storm written by Nathan Wolf in 2011 basically details the idea that there is a whole black box source of DNA and RNA that could potentially be the source of new genes, new new living species that are only detectable by looking at this background signal of DNA. 14:06.440 --> 14:12.440 DNA and RNA and then pulling up and amplifying these signals and then searching through them with AI algorithms. 14:15.440 --> 14:17.440 Do you understand what I just said? 14:18.440 --> 14:19.440 Nathan Wolf. 14:22.440 --> 14:35.440 In 2012 was already selling the idea that metagenomic sequencing on the background in mother nature could pull up countless possible new lifetimes. 14:37.440 --> 14:50.440 And that the way to do it would be to look at this hot background and amplify it all and then allow an AI or a computer algorithm or something like that to sort through this noise and pull out signals. 14:53.440 --> 14:56.440 And so is there a hot background or no background? 14:59.440 --> 15:02.440 This is 14 years ago. 15:07.440 --> 15:22.440 And so our hypothesis is that the who declared a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus and then a coordinated rollout of this illusion of consensus that PCR was a good way to track this novel virus. 15:22.440 --> 15:27.440 Nobody disagreed with this idea, including the people who published the Korman-Drossden report. 15:28.440 --> 15:49.440 Kevin McCurnan and his authors that included Peter McCullough and Mike Yeiden and Claire Craig and Thomas Binder and what an unreal group of people to put on one of the first papers to have any real consequence in the pandemic story of February or March of 2020. 15:50.440 --> 15:59.440 Objecting to the who's PCR protocol is having primers that could cause primer dimers and inappropriate primer sequences. 16:01.440 --> 16:13.440 Absolutely nothing at all to do with objecting to using a PCR on a hot background on unproven amplicons with no positive controls, no triplicate, no negative controls, just running it. 16:14.440 --> 16:16.440 No objections about that. 16:16.440 --> 16:22.440 Rather, we would like to give you some methodological suggestions to make your PCR test better. 16:24.440 --> 16:28.440 Now I'm not saying all of those people therefore are in on it. 16:28.440 --> 16:34.440 What I am saying is that that paper is already an example of a highly dubious assembly of people. 16:35.440 --> 16:45.440 And so if we don't know who assembled those people or it ends up to be a Simahaltra known Medler on Twitter for four years. 16:46.440 --> 17:00.440 And then you have Kevin McCurnan from the human genome project that I guess was working on cannabis genomes but decided to throw that to the sideline at the start of the pandemic to make sure that he spoke out about primer dimers in the PCR test. 17:05.440 --> 17:13.440 And so this test comes out and people complain about it and say that their sequence, they're cycling it too far, otherwise this wouldn't be fair. 17:14.440 --> 17:23.440 And for biologists that work on the bench, for people that actually know how PCR works, cycling it farther and getting an amplicon, you could still sequence that amplicon. 17:23.440 --> 17:26.440 If it's the right amplicon, it just means that there was very little of it. 17:27.440 --> 17:36.440 And so when biologists heard this overcycling thing and then another biologist on TV said, no, you can't over cycle PCR PCR is perfect. 17:36.440 --> 17:42.440 Then the academic biologist said, yeah, yeah, it is what I use it. I guess it probably I mean, they must have done this. 17:42.440 --> 17:43.440 I mean, come on. 17:43.440 --> 17:48.440 This is just conspiracy theory that they would use PCR with a single amplicon. 17:49.440 --> 17:55.440 It's just it's just it's just conspiracy theory that they would use PCR with no nested primers. 17:55.440 --> 18:01.440 It's just conspiracy theory that they were looking at a conserved region of the end protein sometimes. 18:02.440 --> 18:15.440 And so these tests were all correlated because of financial incentive and because of one thing that I don't have listed here, his protection from malpractice in New York state. 18:15.440 --> 18:24.440 For the first two months of the pandemic, there was a declaration that during the course of treating COVID, there would be no medical malpractice at all. 18:24.440 --> 18:26.440 Did you know that? 18:26.440 --> 18:29.440 I wonder if Jessica Hockett knows that. 18:29.440 --> 18:32.440 It was something that Cuomo declared. 18:32.440 --> 18:37.440 And so doctors had actually multiple reasons to say, well, I think it's COVID. 18:37.440 --> 18:40.440 If you check the box COVID, you're off the hook. 18:40.440 --> 18:41.440 You can do whatever you want. 18:41.440 --> 18:42.440 Give them motor oil. 18:42.440 --> 18:43.440 It doesn't matter. 18:43.440 --> 18:46.440 If you're treating COVID, you got to do what you think is right. 18:46.440 --> 18:50.440 Or you could follow the CDC protocol and be totally protected. 18:50.440 --> 18:54.440 Plus, we'll get a bonus. 18:54.440 --> 18:56.440 So, you know, it's win-win. 18:56.440 --> 19:10.440 What this allowed them to do was convert a larger portion of all-cause mortality than what was normally designated as pneumonia and influenza as a national security priority. 19:10.440 --> 19:17.440 Suddenly, what killed people every year became worse because we decided to treat it differently. 19:17.440 --> 19:20.440 We treated it like a national security priority. 19:20.440 --> 19:30.440 We scared doctors into using a protocol that included supplemental oxygen in response to a pulse-ox reading. 19:30.440 --> 19:36.440 Devices that the FDA says itself are not very reliable. 19:36.440 --> 19:42.440 And terrified people into thinking that that was a primary indicator of impending COVID doom. 19:42.440 --> 19:46.440 People like Kyle Seidel and Pierre Corey. 19:46.440 --> 19:50.440 Sticking to that narrative. 19:50.440 --> 19:55.440 And if you give people Ivermectin, then they're really good. 19:55.440 --> 20:02.440 I bet Ivermectin is better than supplementary oxygen at 10 or more liters per minute when you don't need it. 20:02.440 --> 20:06.440 Or for hours. 20:07.440 --> 20:10.440 You should watch that show from Hucetonic as well. 20:10.440 --> 20:18.440 Mark also did a nice show about oxygen-induced ARDS in a study that was looking at oxygen use in ICUs. 20:18.440 --> 20:33.440 It's not surprising that we would already know this in some medical context or another that too much oxygen can damage lungs severely. 20:33.440 --> 20:37.440 There's a lot of medicine for everybody to know. There's a lot of specialties in medicine. 20:37.440 --> 20:49.440 So if you're an ER doctor, you might not know that because most of the time when people go to the ICU they leave the ER. 20:49.440 --> 20:55.440 And so it might seem normal if the CDC says give supplementary oxygen to people who come in before you give them ventilators. 20:55.440 --> 20:59.440 If you're out of ventilators, you have too many rooms or whatever, whatever, whatever. 20:59.440 --> 21:09.440 And so the symptoms of COVID almost certainly in any of these hospitals that were using this high-flow nasal cannula oxygen who were causing damage to these people, 21:09.440 --> 21:18.440 especially if they had comorbidities, especially if they were already smokers or had other some other problem. 21:18.440 --> 21:26.440 And they always say comorbidities, comorbidities, comorbidities, it's vulnerability to our protocol is what we're talking about here. 21:26.440 --> 21:30.440 Don't come to the hospital until you're vulnerable to our protocol was the command. 21:30.440 --> 21:40.440 Don't come to the hospital until your pulse ox is low enough for us to give an excuse to give you pure oxygen for a few hours, 21:40.440 --> 21:48.440 which we already knew in the late 80s could damage the lungs of monkeys in a few hours. 21:48.440 --> 21:57.440 And so if it wasn't necessary to create the permanent, beautiful illusion that something was circulating the globe, 21:57.440 --> 22:05.440 the easiest way for them to do it would be to use the standard methodology of RNA virology, which is to make an infectious clone, 22:05.440 --> 22:12.440 which is to take this RNA signal that they purport to have found in nature or purport to have made on their keyboard or purport to have added 22:12.440 --> 22:20.440 fear and cleavage sites and HIV inserts to, and they make a DNA molecule that represents it and they grow lots of copies of that DNA molecule 22:20.440 --> 22:25.440 in any number of ways that are already standardized at the level of pharmaceutical companies. 22:25.440 --> 22:34.440 So you could literally make industrial quantities of that DNA copy of the RNA that you want to then produce using an industrial RNA polymerase. 22:34.440 --> 22:39.440 Now you have large quantities of an RNA and serendipitously large quantities of a DNA, 22:39.440 --> 22:47.440 both of which will provide adequate signal for an RTPCR test to be lightning bright positive. 22:47.440 --> 23:00.440 Put it in some sewers, put it in some subways, put it on some swabs. I don't know. 23:00.440 --> 23:05.440 It's a crime scene, ladies and gentlemen, and they've told us that it's just something that happened, something we couldn't have avoided, 23:05.440 --> 23:10.440 something we had to respond to and we responded to kind of awkwardly and clums will leave it. 23:10.440 --> 23:15.440 Next time we'll do it better. Trust us. 23:15.440 --> 23:20.440 This is a full inversion of your individual sovereignty to permissions around the world and around the globe. 23:20.440 --> 23:32.440 It is globalism. National borders are going to be dissolved in our lifetime if we do not fight for them. 23:32.440 --> 23:49.440 And the reason why you can know this, the best way to see it is to see how interestingly in agreement people that should be far apart, off it and these two, for example. 23:49.440 --> 23:58.440 But they're not far off at all. They both agree that vaccines have gotten us here and without vaccines, boy, would we be dead? 23:58.440 --> 24:06.440 And they both agree that there was a mystery virus that caused excess deaths around the world to the tune of millions. 24:06.440 --> 24:12.440 They also agree that there's no reason to talk about fear and uncertainty doubt and confusion killing anybody. 24:12.440 --> 24:23.440 There's definitely no reason to even come close to mentioning or whispering the possibility that pulse oximeters in and supplementary oxygen may have started the train for a lot of people. 24:23.440 --> 24:28.440 And a lot of doctors are going to be on the hook for this if it's written on a lot of people's deaths. 24:28.440 --> 24:33.440 I mean, people's medical records after their death. 24:33.440 --> 24:39.440 It's giant malpractice. It's nationwide. These people are in big trouble. 24:39.440 --> 24:51.440 We need whistleblowers, ladies and gentlemen. We need MDs that have the guts to look back on the last four years and say, Holy shit, did we do that? 24:51.440 --> 25:05.440 Were we doing that at my hospital? We need Mary Talley Bowden to look back at what they were doing at her hospital before she started her own practice and started treating people with Ivermectin. 25:05.440 --> 25:12.440 What were they doing at that hospital? Were they putting people on high flow nasal cannula oxygen before they got on the ventilator? 25:12.440 --> 25:19.440 How many people were given that as a standard treatment? How much oxygen were they using at those hospitals? 25:19.440 --> 25:26.440 Every single one of these MDs needs to look in the rear view mirror and go, wait, was that part of this too? 25:26.440 --> 25:31.440 And every one of the MDs that doesn't look back in the mirror and say, Holy shit, they're right. 25:31.440 --> 25:41.440 We were also doing that in a couple weeks. You're going to have to shake your head and say, Holy shit, they're really not saying it. 25:41.440 --> 25:50.440 And you're going to have to reach out to them on social media in a panic because this is gigantic. 25:50.440 --> 25:57.440 This is not a small thing. People still think that oxygen is just something that you can use to help people. 25:57.440 --> 26:04.440 There's a reason why oxygen bars never really caught on, ladies and gentlemen. And this is just the start, right? 26:04.440 --> 26:13.440 Because if you put somebody on high flow nasal oxygen and you give them, do not resuscitate orders as they're coming into the hospital. 26:13.440 --> 26:21.440 And you say, offer ventilation as a way of easing the pain that's being caused by the pure oxygen you've been breathing for the last three hours. 26:21.440 --> 26:26.440 And then when they do develop pneumonia from that oxygen, you don't give them antibiotics because it's viral. 26:26.440 --> 26:33.440 Of course, they came into the hospital with COVID. And then you don't use steroids to control the inflammation that results from it because, again, 26:33.440 --> 26:37.440 steroids aren't on the protocol. You use remdesivir, medazolam instead. 26:37.440 --> 26:43.440 And then you have these opioid deaths that are coming in and the hospital's like, yeah, but if we don't call them COVID deaths, we won't get 35,000. 26:43.440 --> 26:47.440 So we might as well just call them COVID deaths. 26:47.440 --> 26:57.440 We can call them opioid deaths at the end of the pandemic after in 2022, we can cop to those guys. 26:57.440 --> 27:05.440 And so financial incentives caused that to happen. 27:05.440 --> 27:14.440 Track and trace masks, closures, mandates, these things all made people believe that this illusion of consensus couldn't be wrong. 27:14.440 --> 27:24.440 All these people that are starting businesses with track and trace, all these people that are wearing masks that I see them wearing masks in the car, they can't all be wrong. 27:25.440 --> 27:28.440 Nobody would ever do this to us. 27:28.440 --> 27:36.440 I mean, we're closing schools. It's got to be pretty serious. They must really think something bad could happen. 27:36.440 --> 27:40.440 That's the effect of those things. It's not any other. 27:40.440 --> 27:50.440 And if they all agree on television and social media that these are great ideas, that is an illusion of consensus. 27:50.440 --> 28:01.440 And that illusion of consensus about a novel virus that killed millions of people that millions more were saved from that likely was gained a function and therefore could come again is something that none of these people. 28:01.440 --> 28:08.440 Brett Weinstein doesn't question. Sam Harris doesn't question. Paul Offitt doesn't question Tony Fauci doesn't question. 28:08.440 --> 28:12.440 All of these people don't question it. 28:12.440 --> 28:16.440 Nick Hudson questions it. 28:16.440 --> 28:27.440 Jessica Hawke questions it. Mark Coolack questions it. Even the no virus people question it. They just did it in a very disingenuous way for a few years. At least some of them did. 28:27.440 --> 28:32.440 But it's all good now. Let's just make sure we're fighting for this justice. 28:32.440 --> 28:48.440 The hundreds of thousands of people that were killed in America and misconstrued as the damage that a novel virus called caused when we know that that's not the case that's a bald face lie. 28:48.440 --> 29:06.440 And the only people that are actively maintaining this faith in a novel virus are people that have been connected to this to this illusion for decades if you are connected to the human genome project was a giant bluff. 29:06.440 --> 29:20.440 If you made hundreds of millions of dollars from patents from the human genome project that were kind of just given to you out of your work at the Whitehead Institute, you can't be trusted to speak out against this if you don't mention anybody on this list. 29:20.440 --> 29:27.440 If none of the justice for these people is a priority for you. You can't be trusted. 29:27.440 --> 29:41.440 If you've given presentations in front of the who about fit and fill and finish technologies in the flu vaccine, you can't be trusted to speak up about this, especially if you don't say any of this stuff. 29:41.440 --> 29:59.440 And every single person, almost to the letter that stood in front of the Senate in that picture that stood in front of the stage in Romania in November of 2023 doesn't say any of this stuff. 29:59.440 --> 30:12.440 And then he ran course very focused on all cause mortality and analyzing all cause mortality and so his data doesn't speak to any of this. 30:12.440 --> 30:16.440 But common sense does. 30:16.440 --> 30:23.440 Common sense speaks to the fact you can put that microphone inside and you can close the door all the way if you want. 30:23.440 --> 30:37.440 Common sense speaks to the fact that speaks to the fact that they have to talk about this and if they don't talk about this, then there's a problem. 30:37.440 --> 30:41.440 Common sense speaks to the fact that they should talk about Medicare costs being avoided. 30:41.440 --> 30:50.440 Common sense speaks to the fact that they should some lawyer somewhere should be making a good living talking about how strict liability is the only way out. 30:50.440 --> 31:09.440 Some lawyers somewhere should be making a good living, bringing cases against the vaccine injury, something, something court, because it's a Seventh Amendment violation, because there should be a nonprofit that's fighting those two exact things. 31:09.440 --> 31:11.440 And there isn't. 31:11.440 --> 31:12.440 There isn't. 31:12.440 --> 31:16.440 Which one? 31:16.440 --> 31:22.440 And so, Denny Rancore can say there's no evidence of epidemiological evidence of spread. 31:22.440 --> 31:34.440 Jessica Hockett can show pictures of us, the spike of deaths in New York City, the absolutely implausible 20,000 people dying in three and a half weeks. Where are the bodies? 31:34.440 --> 31:44.440 The bodies were piling ups outside of the churches in World War II, you know, by like 25 or 30 bodies. 31:44.440 --> 31:48.440 Where did 20,000 bodies go? 31:48.440 --> 31:59.440 That's like a major league baseball game. Oh, everybody's dead. Well, we got to get those people out of there. How the hell are we going to do that? Where are we going to put them? How? 31:59.440 --> 32:05.440 What are their names? Where's the memorial? 32:05.440 --> 32:11.440 Listen carefully, ladies and gentlemen, what about those Medicare costs? This is what the first thing I wanted to cover here. 32:11.440 --> 32:14.440 What about those Medicare costs here that we're looking at? Whoops, this one. 32:14.440 --> 32:16.440 What about those Medicare costs? 32:16.440 --> 32:23.440 This is a video from 11 years ago, a PBS NewsHour video from 11 years ago. 32:23.440 --> 32:36.440 I just want you to do a little mental gymnastics in your head. How much of the total budget of America is the cost of paying the medical bills of poor people, mostly old and retired people. 32:36.440 --> 32:40.440 What do you think it is? 32:40.440 --> 32:55.440 Mostly, but the ones that are old and retired are the very expensive ones. The unhealthy ones are very expensive. What do you think it costs? What percentage of the U.S. budget? Somebody in the chat. 32:55.440 --> 32:57.440 What's going on? Play. 32:57.440 --> 33:10.440 Between Medicaid and Medicare, it seems like Medicare gets so much more attention, particularly as they campaign in Florida, and they're talking to those older voters that do participate rather than voters who maybe need more financial help on healthcare. 33:10.440 --> 33:13.440 That's something we've taken quite a bit of a look at on the NewsHour. 33:13.440 --> 33:20.440 Another question is how much does Medicaid cost taxpayers every year? What percentage in the national budget is this taking out? 33:20.440 --> 33:33.440 Roughly about 10 percent. Medicaid is about $340 billion, so it's about 10 percent of the whole national budget. As again, I've mentioned in states, for state spending, it can be a quarter of your budget. 33:33.440 --> 33:36.440 So when states are struggling, as they have been during the damage... 33:36.440 --> 33:52.440 Oh, so did you know that? That it's only about 10 to 15 percent of the national budget, but it's up to 25 to 30, even 40 percent of some state's budgets that we know already are underwater because they've been mismanaged for many years. 33:52.440 --> 33:58.440 We've known that was also one of these ticking time bombs, so ladies and gentlemen, a decade ago already. 33:59.440 --> 34:09.440 A decade ago, Medicare was already a very looming doom for state budgets and potentially for national budgets as the boomers became older. 34:09.440 --> 34:19.440 Remember, ladies and gentlemen, that one of the things that America is dealing with right now, as we speak, is this population pyramid. 34:19.440 --> 34:27.440 Now remember, you can draw a population pyramid in a number of ways, but usually it's drawn like this where you might put the females on one side. 34:27.440 --> 34:37.440 You might put the males on the other, and then on this axis here, you have age, here's maybe 80, here is zero, and so you got lots of babies that are born down here. 34:37.440 --> 34:43.440 And then as you go up the ladder, you know, you got different bars. 34:43.440 --> 34:47.440 And so this is the total population curve. 34:47.440 --> 34:55.440 And what we know from what limited public data is available, the United States curve does not look like that. 34:55.440 --> 35:01.440 The United States curve, in fact, is looking pretty straight with this little thing right there. 35:03.440 --> 35:10.440 And now I'm drawing it very poorly, but this thing right there is like at 80. 35:11.440 --> 35:23.440 This big bump of the boomers, there's a lot of these people that are just retired retiring, but just retired have been retired for a few years. 35:23.440 --> 35:28.440 This is not exactly drawn right. Maybe 80 should have been right here. 35:29.440 --> 35:53.440 And that means that there was something really to be saved because at one point in time, over 10 years ago, there was a report where there was a report where you had people talking about how in 10 years or in 15 years when these old people retired and when they started to actually 35:54.440 --> 36:07.440 on their Medicare, that their costs in the last months of their lives, the costs of their Medicare were somewhere on the orders of $500,000 for every six months. 36:07.440 --> 36:20.440 And so you can imagine a scenario where this was actually as it climbed over time as this climbed up the population pyramid, they knew that this was going to be a problem. 36:21.440 --> 36:34.440 It would also be incidentally, incidentally, it would also be a source of excess death because more people are going to die as that bump of old people, right? 36:35.440 --> 36:42.440 As this bump of old people here, this bump goes up to the age of death, you're just going to have more people dying. 36:42.440 --> 36:57.440 And so the number of people dying would have been expected to rise, but any disingenuous manipulation or presentation of those numbers could have been used in order to say that all those old people weren't expected to die. 36:58.440 --> 37:13.440 But of course they were because they expect the age of the average age of death, even with all of these games was still above the expected lifespan of the average American above the average lifespan of the average Irish person. 37:14.440 --> 37:18.440 And that was true pretty much around Western society. 37:19.440 --> 37:25.440 And so it's very, very important to see that there were a number of reasons why this would be happening. 37:25.440 --> 37:39.440 And coincidentally, the guy who does last week tonight now, what is the name John Oliver just did an episode about how at the same time we're kicking people off of Medicare at random now because of budget cuts and this kind of thing. 37:40.440 --> 37:51.440 So this was a necessity getting control of the old population, increasing the vaccination of old people before the pandemic. 37:52.440 --> 38:00.440 Was anybody talking about the need for pneumonia vaccines or RSV vaccines or flu and COVID vaccines every year for old people? 38:01.440 --> 38:07.440 Not with the fervor and commitment that they are now where it's just suddenly like, well, long as this stuff works. 38:07.440 --> 38:12.440 He might as well, he might as well get vaccinated for shingles too. 38:14.440 --> 38:35.440 I am particularly stuck on shingles because my friend at the at the gym told me about a shingle shot that was making his arm hurt and it just it hurt me to hear that that's where we are that somebody who should be retired or is kind of semi retired trying to make ends meet by teaching basketball 38:35.440 --> 38:37.440 to young kids. 38:37.440 --> 38:40.440 He's been a coach at like 10 different colleges. 38:40.440 --> 38:42.440 It's really crazy guy that I met there. 38:42.440 --> 38:43.440 Really nice dude. 38:43.440 --> 38:45.440 But totally lost in this. 38:45.440 --> 39:04.440 Totally lost in the idea that this is a legitimate system of public health that has our best interest in mind when it definitely doesn't and more importantly that his doctor somehow is a useful and functioning part of that system which he or she probably is just a part of it 39:04.440 --> 39:14.440 and not at all thinking about what they do just assuming because otherwise of course all these people must be liars then that can't be true. 39:15.440 --> 39:17.440 I'm going to go past that of course. 39:19.440 --> 39:21.440 So I am human just like you. 39:21.440 --> 39:24.440 I'm going to make mistakes as we go forward but I'm not going to hate. 39:24.440 --> 39:25.440 I'm not going to fight. 39:25.440 --> 39:27.440 I'm not going to take their bait anymore. 39:28.440 --> 39:30.440 We are just going to keep telling the truth. 39:30.440 --> 39:39.440 And in telling the truth one of the things that we need to do is speak and listen to people tell the truth themselves. 39:39.440 --> 39:42.440 And the illusion is very very deep. 39:42.440 --> 39:52.440 Where I'm going to go now is Spotify because I do have Spotify for my kids because and it does allow me to listen to something so I do have an account at Spotify. 39:52.440 --> 39:54.440 And I've already downloaded this. 39:54.440 --> 39:59.440 What I wanted to do was look into Alex Berenson. 39:59.440 --> 40:10.440 And the reason why I want to look into Alex Berenson is because I believe Alex Berenson is one of these really wonderful examples of somebody I'm just going to cut quick over here. 40:11.440 --> 40:17.440 One of these wonderful examples of I don't know if I actually said hello to you over here yet. 40:18.440 --> 40:24.440 This is Giga on biological and high resistance Illinois information brief brought to you by a biologist coming to you live from Pittsburgh. 40:24.440 --> 40:27.440 This is the back of my garage here in my backyard. 40:29.440 --> 40:35.440 I think Alex Berenson is a wonderful example of the fake censorship that occurred. 40:35.440 --> 40:37.440 So some people are censored. 40:37.440 --> 40:39.440 Some people are muted. 40:39.440 --> 40:46.440 Some people were canceled but didn't get invitations to go to other platforms 40:46.440 --> 40:47.440 and be a leader over there. 40:47.440 --> 41:06.440 Didn't get invitations to go complain about the censorship to Tucker Carlson and definitely didn't get an invitation and the ability to sue something like Twitter for money and elaborately showcase the censorship that they experienced. 41:06.440 --> 41:14.440 And I think Alex Berenson is one of these people that probably is not smart enough to know how he's being played. 41:14.440 --> 41:21.440 But he is smart enough to know that he is being protected because of what he says. 41:21.440 --> 41:25.440 And he might believe most of the things that he says. 41:25.440 --> 41:34.440 But man, when we listen to him and Joe Rogan talk in this podcast, they're going to say some things that are just flat out shocking. 41:34.440 --> 41:36.440 We won't listen to the whole thing. 41:36.440 --> 41:44.440 But I really want people to understand the depth and the breadth of this illusion because I know everybody says, yeah, of course Joe Rogan is in on it or whatever. 41:44.440 --> 41:51.440 But Joe Rogan is just a guy who's been given a lot of comfort and fame and is not going to do anything to jeopardize it. 41:51.440 --> 41:52.440 They leave him alone. 41:52.440 --> 41:57.440 He's able to do his drugs and get his testosterone and all this other stuff. 41:57.440 --> 42:01.440 And he gets to watch fights and he gets to do everything that he wants to do. 42:01.440 --> 42:09.440 So he's not going to question it if they need to talk to somebody or you need to promote someone or we need you to say this, he's just going to do it. 42:09.440 --> 42:13.440 Because the people that tell him, he trusts them. 42:13.440 --> 42:15.440 I'm not saying that Joe is forgivable. 42:15.440 --> 42:17.440 I'm saying that he's just a tool of the system. 42:17.440 --> 42:20.440 Joe could easily be a robot. 42:20.440 --> 42:28.440 I mean, I don't think that he's anybody that will ever turn, for example. 42:28.440 --> 42:32.440 He probably believes in most of the things that these people are up to. 42:32.440 --> 42:37.440 He probably believes that the vast majority of Americans shouldn't be having kids and that we should do something about that. 42:37.440 --> 42:44.440 He probably believes that, you know, not every human is as sacred as every other human and not equal. 42:44.440 --> 42:48.440 And therefore, you know, survival of the fittest, this kind of thing. 42:48.440 --> 42:50.440 I'm not saying I agree or disagree. 42:50.440 --> 43:07.440 I'm just saying that if you're on board with those kinds of ideas and on board with those ideas means that Joe Rogan and Brett Weinstein and Eric Weinstein and Peter Teal and Bill Gates and his dad and all these people agree that this is the way humans should be governed that, you know, we just 43:08.440 --> 43:10.440 Mark just did a show about Salk. 43:10.440 --> 43:21.440 And Salk wrote this book called the survival of the wisest that actually argues that if humans are going to take advantage of their full potential, we better pull our head out of our ass and start breeding more intelligently. 43:21.440 --> 43:32.440 And that may mean that the wisest breed, the smartest breed, and that we make choices based on that because we understand that that's how the system works. 43:32.440 --> 43:36.440 And so there's no excuse not to use that to our advantage as a species. 43:36.440 --> 43:41.440 And if you believe it that way, if you argue it that way, then eugenics is just good. 43:41.440 --> 43:49.440 Eugenics makes sense because we're the only species that can actively engage in it. 43:49.440 --> 44:06.440 So it's extremely poignant that Mark shows that during the, you know, the lead up to the Salk Institute and its establishment that this man met with Alice E. Moore, the house cleaner of Henry Kissinger. 44:06.440 --> 44:08.440 Very interesting story. 44:08.440 --> 44:21.440 And I hope you know that I'm joking when I say that she was the house cleaner of Henry Kissinger. She did have a house in the same places and towns and neighborhoods as Henry Kissinger in all the places that Henry had a house. 44:21.440 --> 44:24.440 But she's the cell culture master. 44:24.440 --> 44:34.440 She is essentially the red thread that runs through all of the early cell culture work, all the early cancer cell lines, all this stuff has her behind it. 44:34.440 --> 44:36.440 These culture techniques are her. 44:36.440 --> 44:47.440 And so she is a really interesting missing piece to the puzzle, of course, because she has no Wikipedia page. Nobody ever talks to her. There are no institutes named after her, but everybody's connected to her. 44:48.440 --> 44:50.440 Well done, Mark. 44:52.440 --> 44:57.440 So let's listen to Alex Berenson bust it because that's what he's going to do. He's going to bust it. 44:57.440 --> 45:01.440 I don't know if I get a video here or what the deal is. 45:01.440 --> 45:06.440 Sometimes I get a video. Sometimes I don't. It's really weird. 45:06.440 --> 45:10.440 Do you know how that works? Why I don't see a video? 45:10.440 --> 45:13.440 Where's the video? Play. 45:14.440 --> 45:20.440 No, this, this bat. We want everyone, we want to signal to everyone else. 45:20.440 --> 45:22.440 Sorry about that. 45:22.440 --> 45:24.440 I don't know why I don't see that. 45:24.440 --> 45:25.440 Rogan, experience. 45:25.440 --> 45:29.440 Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day. 45:30.440 --> 45:32.440 Is that it? 45:32.440 --> 45:34.440 Good to see you. 45:34.440 --> 45:35.440 It's a pleasure. 45:35.440 --> 45:38.440 How are you feeling out there? You, you truth warrior. 45:39.440 --> 45:44.440 I keep waiting to be done with this. 45:44.440 --> 45:45.440 Yeah. 45:45.440 --> 45:47.440 Nice. Why isn't it showing up? 45:47.440 --> 45:48.440 Let it go. 45:48.440 --> 45:51.440 Yeah, it's strange. It's strange now. 45:51.440 --> 45:56.440 Does anybody know how that works? Sorry. How do we do that? 45:56.440 --> 46:01.440 How come I can't see it? Because there is a video. 46:05.440 --> 46:06.440 What the hell? 46:07.440 --> 46:12.440 Somebody help me. What's going on? Why can't I see the video? 46:12.440 --> 46:15.440 I know there's a video. 46:15.440 --> 46:20.440 Truth warrior. Yeah, he's not a truth warrior. I know that. 46:21.440 --> 46:24.440 See all episodes. 46:24.440 --> 46:28.440 Then maybe I'll get it. Alex Berenson. 46:28.440 --> 46:30.440 I'll search. 46:31.440 --> 46:33.440 Newest to oldest. 46:37.440 --> 46:39.440 Oh, come on. I don't want to waste this time. 46:39.440 --> 46:43.440 I thought I had it ready. And now it won't show it. 46:44.440 --> 46:48.440 Might be the download setting. No, I don't think so. 46:52.440 --> 46:56.440 Remove from your episodes mark as played. 46:57.440 --> 46:59.440 Darn it. 46:59.440 --> 47:01.440 Darn it. 47:01.440 --> 47:10.440 I'm going to look for it on YouTube then. 47:10.440 --> 47:14.440 It's a pleasure. How are you feeling out there? You truth warrior. 47:17.440 --> 47:19.440 I keep waiting to be done with this. 47:19.440 --> 47:20.440 Yeah. 47:20.440 --> 47:23.440 It's nice to be done, right? They will not let it go. 47:23.440 --> 47:28.440 Yeah, it's strange. It's strange now. 47:28.440 --> 47:31.440 It's also strange what bothers me. 47:31.440 --> 47:34.440 I try to emphasize this as much as possible. 47:34.440 --> 47:37.440 I even had to do this recently with some close family friends. 47:37.440 --> 47:39.440 You've got to take care of your health. 47:39.440 --> 47:42.440 You have to take vitamins. You have to eat right. 47:42.440 --> 47:44.440 You have to. If you don't do that, your body doesn't function well. 47:44.440 --> 47:47.440 That includes your immune system. It includes everything. 47:47.440 --> 47:49.440 It includes inflammation. 47:49.440 --> 47:52.440 It causes a host of diseases in your body. 47:52.440 --> 47:54.440 You have to take care of yourself. 47:54.440 --> 47:57.440 That should be the most important message that everyone's putting out, 47:57.440 --> 48:00.440 not just the podcasters, but the government. 48:00.440 --> 48:02.440 Health officials. Everyone should be saying that. 48:02.440 --> 48:04.440 You should really supplement with vitamins. 48:04.440 --> 48:08.440 You should really get your nutrient levels checked, if you can. 48:08.440 --> 48:11.440 Even if you can't do those things, you can eat decently. 48:11.440 --> 48:14.440 You can try to exercise moderately. 48:14.440 --> 48:16.440 Look, I know a lot of people have... 48:16.440 --> 48:19.440 Okay, maybe this is going to work. 48:19.440 --> 48:22.440 I'm going to get rid of this for a second and see if this works. 48:22.440 --> 48:25.440 Somebody put a link in the thingy-bob. 48:30.440 --> 48:32.440 It's just going to... 48:32.440 --> 48:34.440 The Joe Rogan Experience. 48:34.440 --> 48:38.440 Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night! All day! 48:38.440 --> 48:41.440 It won't go wide though. 48:41.440 --> 48:43.440 Did you see? It's a pleasure. 48:43.440 --> 48:46.440 How are you feeling out there? You truth warrior? 48:47.440 --> 48:49.440 Maybe I do this. 48:49.440 --> 48:52.440 I keep waiting to be done with this. 48:52.440 --> 48:54.440 Be nice to be done, right? 48:54.440 --> 48:56.440 They will not let it go. 48:56.440 --> 48:58.440 Yeah, it's strange. 48:58.440 --> 49:00.440 No, it won't show up there. 49:00.440 --> 49:03.440 It's also strange. What bothers me, 49:03.440 --> 49:06.440 and I try to emphasize this as much as possible, 49:06.440 --> 49:10.440 and I even had to do this recently with some close family friends. 49:10.440 --> 49:12.440 You've got to take care of your health. 49:12.440 --> 49:14.440 You have to take vitamins. You have to eat right. 49:14.440 --> 49:17.440 You have to. If you don't do that, your body doesn't function well. 49:17.440 --> 49:19.440 That includes your immune system. 49:19.440 --> 49:24.440 It includes inflammation. It causes a host of diseases in your body. 49:24.440 --> 49:26.440 You've got to take care of yourself. 49:26.440 --> 49:30.440 That should be the most important message that everyone's putting out, 49:30.440 --> 49:33.440 not just the podcasters, but the government. 49:33.440 --> 49:35.440 Health officials. Everyone should be saying that. 49:35.440 --> 49:37.440 You should really supplement with vitamins. 49:37.440 --> 49:41.440 You should really get your nutrient levels checked, if you can. 49:41.440 --> 49:44.440 Even if you can't do those things, you can eat decently. 49:44.440 --> 49:46.440 You can try to exercise moderately. 49:46.440 --> 49:49.440 Look, I know a lot of people have complicated lives. 49:49.440 --> 49:50.440 They have kids. 49:50.440 --> 49:53.440 Oh, this is going to be only a short episode. 49:53.440 --> 49:54.440 I get it. 49:54.440 --> 49:57.440 But even if you can work out like a half hour a day, 49:57.440 --> 50:00.440 three days a week and not eat too much, you're in better shape. 50:00.440 --> 50:01.440 Much better shape. 50:01.440 --> 50:03.440 Yeah, there's been some studies done recently. 50:03.440 --> 50:04.440 Darn it. 50:04.440 --> 50:06.440 Okay, so we're going to have to go to Spotify. 50:06.440 --> 50:09.440 20 minutes of exercise, like twice a week, 50:09.440 --> 50:13.440 improves your overall, like, all-cause mortality score. 50:13.440 --> 50:14.440 Yes. 50:14.440 --> 50:16.440 Just a little bit moderate stuff. 50:16.440 --> 50:19.440 Okay, I'm sorry that I'm being so clumsy with this, 50:19.440 --> 50:21.440 but I really thought I had the video. 50:21.440 --> 50:25.440 And if I don't, which is very possible, 50:25.440 --> 50:26.440 you know, they don't have much time. 50:26.440 --> 50:27.440 I get it. 50:27.440 --> 50:31.440 But like, even if you can work out like a half hour a day, 50:31.440 --> 50:34.440 three days a week and not eat too much, you're in better shape. 50:34.440 --> 50:35.440 Much better shape. 50:35.440 --> 50:38.440 Yeah, there's been some studies done recently that something really crazy, 50:38.440 --> 50:42.440 like 20 minutes of exercise, like twice a week, 50:42.440 --> 50:46.440 improves your overall, like, all-cause mortality score. 50:46.440 --> 50:47.440 Yes. 50:47.440 --> 50:50.440 Just a little bit moderate stuff. 50:50.440 --> 50:51.440 Nothing crazy. 50:51.440 --> 50:53.440 Like do some push-ups and sit-ups and some jumping jacks, 50:53.440 --> 50:54.440 and you're good to go. 50:54.440 --> 50:57.440 Just you have to do something that gets your body moving. 50:57.440 --> 50:59.440 Or it doesn't think that it has to, 50:59.440 --> 51:00.440 but it atrophies. 51:00.440 --> 51:05.440 It's just an unfortunate aspect of our biology 51:05.440 --> 51:07.440 that we are not like other animals. 51:07.440 --> 51:10.440 You know, like, and other animals get stronger too, is the exercise. 51:10.440 --> 51:13.440 But we've all seen animals that are like super muscular 51:13.440 --> 51:14.440 that don't do anything. 51:14.440 --> 51:16.440 It's just that they're different, you know, 51:16.440 --> 51:18.440 and they only lived 13 years, right? 51:18.440 --> 51:19.440 Yes. 51:19.440 --> 51:20.440 The whole thing's different. 51:20.440 --> 51:21.440 Yes. 51:21.440 --> 51:26.440 With us, we're this long-term species with intelligence and ego 51:26.440 --> 51:32.440 and justifications and all sorts of weird ways that we will procrastinate 51:32.440 --> 51:36.440 and justify bad behavior and unhealthy choices, 51:36.440 --> 51:39.440 and it's just a constant battle just being a human being. 51:39.440 --> 51:41.440 And no one wins that battle. 51:41.440 --> 51:42.440 You just win battles. 51:42.440 --> 51:43.440 Yes. 51:43.440 --> 51:44.440 You win, like, daily battle. 51:44.440 --> 51:45.440 No one wins the war. 51:45.440 --> 51:47.440 Everyone dies in the end. 51:47.440 --> 51:48.440 Everyone dies in the end. 51:48.440 --> 51:49.440 But I do. 51:49.440 --> 51:51.440 You know, I wrote about this on a substrate. 51:51.440 --> 51:54.440 You know, we were just talking before we started about 51:54.440 --> 51:56.440 when I didn't see you. 51:56.440 --> 51:59.440 But when you were in Vegas in July and I was in Vegas in July 51:59.440 --> 52:02.440 for I was playing poker, that like, you know, gambling is... 52:02.440 --> 52:03.440 And I'd like to gamble. 52:03.440 --> 52:07.440 I don't have a moral problem with it, but gambling destroys people too. 52:07.440 --> 52:09.440 Over eating destroys people, gambling destroys people. 52:09.440 --> 52:10.440 Gambling destroys people. 52:10.440 --> 52:15.440 As human beings, we've set up all these, like, modern things 52:15.440 --> 52:19.440 to take advantage of our dopamine, and we're not really built for it. 52:19.440 --> 52:20.440 We're not. 52:20.440 --> 52:22.440 And we're certainly not built for phones. 52:22.440 --> 52:25.440 You know, so many people are getting destroyed by social media. 52:25.440 --> 52:28.440 Like, their lives have become wrapped up in arguing with people. 52:28.440 --> 52:30.440 And I just think that's super unhealthy. 52:30.440 --> 52:31.440 Yes. 52:31.440 --> 52:34.440 There's some aspect of it that's very beneficial and positive. 52:34.440 --> 52:36.440 I think you get a lot of information that you wouldn't have gotten. 52:36.440 --> 52:39.440 I think you get to see people's perspectives 52:39.440 --> 52:43.440 that occasionally are very inspiring and very unique and interesting. 52:43.440 --> 52:47.440 I love listening or reading things from other people 52:47.440 --> 52:51.440 that I think have very good perspectives and interesting perspectives. 52:51.440 --> 52:55.440 It's a rare opportunity to talk to people that you wouldn't be able to run into. 52:55.440 --> 52:59.440 If we lived in the 1970s, you'd have to cultivate these interesting people, 52:59.440 --> 53:03.440 like in the physical person, which is probably better for you, right? 53:03.440 --> 53:05.440 But not available for most people. 53:05.440 --> 53:06.440 That's right. 53:06.440 --> 53:08.440 And we tend to imitate our atmospheres. 53:08.440 --> 53:10.440 And you see that in thought bubbles. 53:10.440 --> 53:13.440 And I think that's another problem that we have with social media. 53:13.440 --> 53:15.440 And there's these thought bubbles. 53:15.440 --> 53:19.440 And people just, you know, you sort of gravitate towards them. 53:19.440 --> 53:20.440 You stay in them. 53:20.440 --> 53:24.440 And if you're busy, you just sort of get affirmation from that thought bubble 53:24.440 --> 53:26.440 and you never think outside the box. 53:26.440 --> 53:27.440 Yes. 53:28.440 --> 53:31.440 Look, I don't know what we do about social media. 53:31.440 --> 53:35.440 I mean, obviously my career, I wouldn't, well, I guess I was on with you one time 53:35.440 --> 53:38.440 before COVID, you know, talk about cannabis. 53:38.440 --> 53:39.440 But before you got kicked off. 53:39.440 --> 53:41.440 Before I got kicked off Twitter. 53:41.440 --> 53:42.440 That's right. 53:42.440 --> 53:43.440 And then got put back. 53:43.440 --> 53:44.440 Let's talk about that. 53:44.440 --> 53:46.440 Because you came on for your book that I've referenced many times. 53:46.440 --> 53:47.440 Here you go. 53:47.440 --> 53:48.440 So he came on. 53:48.440 --> 53:52.440 Joe Rogan for his book about cannabis and how cannabis is terrible for kids 53:52.440 --> 53:54.440 or something like terrible for everybody. 53:54.440 --> 53:55.440 I don't know what it was. 53:55.440 --> 53:56.440 I'll tell your children. 53:56.440 --> 53:58.440 And I think it's, I think it's important. 53:58.440 --> 54:03.440 I think when we talk about these things that some people like to use 54:03.440 --> 54:08.440 recreationally, like even gambling that you talked about, we have to be aware 54:08.440 --> 54:12.440 that there's consequences to these things too. 54:12.440 --> 54:13.440 It's not an even ride. 54:13.440 --> 54:17.440 It's not like every person is going to handle every situation well. 54:17.440 --> 54:21.440 And we had a podcast yesterday with Kurt Angle, you know, an Olympic gold 54:21.440 --> 54:24.440 medalist and wrestling and he was the WWE champion. 54:24.440 --> 54:25.440 Amazing guy. 54:25.440 --> 54:27.440 And he had a real pill problem. 54:27.440 --> 54:30.440 And he had a pill problem because he broke his neck like five times. 54:30.440 --> 54:34.440 And he had like crazy wrestled in the Olympics with a broken neck. 54:34.440 --> 54:36.440 Broken vertebrae in his neck and one. 54:36.440 --> 54:37.440 Wow. 54:37.440 --> 54:39.440 I mean, just the freak of freaks. 54:39.440 --> 54:41.440 So he can do that. 54:41.440 --> 54:43.440 But he got hooked. 54:43.440 --> 54:44.440 He got hooked. 54:44.440 --> 54:48.440 I mean, this is like a man whose mind is as strong as any fucking human 54:48.440 --> 54:50.440 as ever walked the face of the earth. 54:50.440 --> 54:53.440 You can win the gold medal in the Olympics in wrestling. 54:53.440 --> 54:58.440 Wrestling is one of the most competitive grueling, insane physical 54:58.440 --> 55:01.440 contests that are in the Olympics. 55:01.440 --> 55:04.440 It's like boxing and wrestling are two of the craziest. 55:04.440 --> 55:06.440 Judo Judo is pretty crazy. 55:06.440 --> 55:09.440 But God, those guys are strong mentally. 55:09.440 --> 55:11.440 And for that guy to get hooked on pills. 55:11.440 --> 55:13.440 Like God like that, imagine. 55:13.440 --> 55:14.440 Right. 55:14.440 --> 55:16.440 Because it's not about how strong you are. 55:16.440 --> 55:21.440 It's just if they click with you in some way, you're going to have a problem. 55:21.440 --> 55:23.440 And I also had Peter Berg on the podcast. 55:23.440 --> 55:24.440 He was brilliant. 55:24.440 --> 55:27.440 And Peter, who did that film before Netflix. 55:27.440 --> 55:29.440 The series is now Painkiller. 55:29.440 --> 55:33.440 He said he tried an OxyContin once recreationally. 55:33.440 --> 55:35.440 And he was like, oh, my God. 55:35.440 --> 55:36.440 This is amazing. 55:36.440 --> 55:37.440 I could never do this again. 55:37.440 --> 55:39.440 I'll never do this again. 55:39.440 --> 55:44.440 But he's got a mindset that can see that and go, oh, I see where this is going. 55:44.440 --> 55:45.440 Right. 55:46.440 --> 55:49.440 So the look, there's always been this stuff. 55:49.440 --> 55:55.440 And the legalizers, whether it's drug legalizers or people who want more gambling, they always 55:55.440 --> 55:56.440 say the same thing. 55:56.440 --> 55:59.440 Well, you can't really stop people from doing it. 55:59.440 --> 56:01.440 And so you got to make it safe for them. 56:01.440 --> 56:03.440 Here's the problem with that. 56:03.440 --> 56:06.440 Here's the flip side of that. 56:06.440 --> 56:11.440 When you legalize it or normalize it, you wind up opening it to people who otherwise wouldn't 56:11.440 --> 56:12.440 do it. 56:13.440 --> 56:16.440 Let me go back to gambling because I think it's a little bit less emotionally charged 56:16.440 --> 56:17.440 for people. 56:17.440 --> 56:21.440 Once upon a time, if you wanted to gamble legally, you had to go to Las Vegas, basically. 56:21.440 --> 56:23.440 Or maybe Atlantic City after, you know, in 1978. 56:23.440 --> 56:26.440 But basically you had to go out to the desert and find that gambling. 56:26.440 --> 56:27.440 And yeah, maybe. 56:27.440 --> 56:28.440 And deal with the mob. 56:28.440 --> 56:29.440 And deal with the mob. 56:29.440 --> 56:30.440 That's right. 56:30.440 --> 56:33.440 Or if you wanted to, no, no, if you wanted to bet football, like you could probably find 56:33.440 --> 56:34.440 a bookie. 56:34.440 --> 56:37.440 You could call a friend who called a friend and you could, but you know, it was going to 56:37.440 --> 56:39.440 be some guy who might break your arm if you didn't pay. 56:39.440 --> 56:40.440 Right. 56:40.440 --> 56:43.440 So you could do it, but it was discouraged and not that easy. 56:43.440 --> 56:44.440 Right. 56:44.440 --> 56:48.440 Now we have gambling in like, you know, 23 states. 56:48.440 --> 56:50.440 We have lotteries on every corner. 56:50.440 --> 56:56.440 And just in the last five years, we have sports betting on your phone in many states. 56:56.440 --> 56:58.440 So it couldn't be easier. 56:58.440 --> 56:59.440 So what does that mean? 56:59.440 --> 57:03.440 It means it's going to wreck people who would never, it would never have been available 57:03.440 --> 57:04.440 to before. 57:04.440 --> 57:05.440 And that, that. 57:05.440 --> 57:06.440 So. 57:06.440 --> 57:07.440 That's just a function of freedom. 57:07.440 --> 57:08.440 Right. 57:08.440 --> 57:12.040 Well, it's a, okay, freedom would be go to Vegas and do it. 57:12.040 --> 57:15.040 And we're not going to really judge you for it, but you got to go get it. 57:15.040 --> 57:16.640 So this is less accessible. 57:16.640 --> 57:17.640 That's right. 57:17.640 --> 57:18.640 This is more. 57:18.640 --> 57:22.160 We're going to promote this because, because both private interests and the state, state 57:22.160 --> 57:24.160 governments make money from it. 57:24.160 --> 57:25.160 Right. 57:25.160 --> 57:26.160 Well, you could see it from their perspective too. 57:26.160 --> 57:29.280 They're like, why, why should we give the revenue to Vegas we can handle it here? 57:29.280 --> 57:30.280 Right. 57:30.280 --> 57:32.000 Our residents should be able to gamble here. 57:32.000 --> 57:34.880 And what do you, there's a percentage, whatever that percentage is. 57:34.880 --> 57:37.480 So that's an interesting statement to make there. 57:37.480 --> 57:38.480 Right. 57:38.480 --> 57:39.480 I can't do that. 57:39.480 --> 57:40.480 Okay. 57:40.480 --> 57:46.760 So I'm going to put myself down here that he says it's a function of freedom. 57:46.760 --> 57:50.960 And Alex says, yeah, yeah, you know, whatever, we should make it safe for people. 57:50.960 --> 57:51.960 But who's freedom? 57:51.960 --> 57:52.960 Is he talking about it? 57:52.960 --> 57:57.520 Is it freedom of corporations to exploit the population, freedom of the government to 57:57.520 --> 58:05.320 exploit and tax the population, freedom of, of all of these owners to exploit us. 58:05.320 --> 58:06.960 And they don't talk about that at all. 58:06.960 --> 58:11.040 This is freedom of people to hurt themselves. 58:11.040 --> 58:12.040 That's what they're talking about. 58:12.040 --> 58:14.160 Well, you know, some people are addictive. 58:14.160 --> 58:17.680 Some people, you know, they're vulnerable to it or it really clicks with them. 58:17.680 --> 58:21.480 They really like those drugs. 58:21.480 --> 58:22.920 You see how it is right now? 58:22.920 --> 58:30.520 This controlled limited spectrum of debate where the onus is on people to, to fend off 58:30.520 --> 58:36.520 the, the predatory corporations, the corporations that lie to them in cooperation with the government, 58:36.520 --> 58:39.200 they're supposed to, they're supposed to be able to resist that. 58:39.200 --> 58:41.000 That's their fault. 58:41.000 --> 58:45.920 Because you know, he just told a, a story of a guy who took a Oxycontin and said, wow, 58:45.920 --> 58:46.920 that was great. 58:46.920 --> 58:50.240 I'm never going to take another one of those. 58:50.240 --> 58:55.640 Don't you hear what they're implying here that it's our fault that we're here. 58:55.640 --> 58:58.680 It's our fault that our country is like this. 58:58.680 --> 59:03.360 It's our fault that all these corporations are taking advantage of us in our health care 59:03.360 --> 59:04.360 system. 59:04.360 --> 59:13.000 It's our fault. 59:13.000 --> 59:17.800 I don't know if it's genetic or if it's based on personal experience in gambling that 59:17.800 --> 59:22.040 like maybe it's like Oxycontin, like Peter Burke took one, but if he took like as many 59:22.040 --> 59:25.200 as Kurt Engle did, he would be physically hooked too. 59:25.200 --> 59:29.720 Maybe there could be just you chasing bad money a couple of times. 59:29.720 --> 59:33.240 And next thing you know, you're doing it all the time. 59:33.240 --> 59:38.840 I mean, you, you see it, okay, you see the people who can't stop, who know, who know 59:38.840 --> 59:42.000 they don't have this money, who know they're going to the credit card advance machine for 59:42.000 --> 59:45.320 the fifth time, you know, that weekend, they can't stop. 59:45.320 --> 59:49.920 So how do we balance that with the freedom to be able to do it? 59:49.920 --> 59:52.800 Like how do we say that it has to be regional? 59:52.800 --> 59:55.560 Like how do we say that you can go to Vegas? 59:55.560 --> 59:58.560 It's totally legal, but you can't gamble in Michigan. 59:58.560 --> 59:59.560 That's a fair question. 59:59.560 --> 01:00:01.080 I don't, I don't have a good answer to that. 01:00:01.080 --> 01:00:10.280 So is the solution that we just if you don't call it evil, then what if you don't call 01:00:10.280 --> 01:00:16.320 it wrong, if you don't just call it predatory, but you want it to be legal, but make sure 01:00:16.320 --> 01:00:21.600 that the only the people who can afford to have their lives ruined by it, only the people 01:00:21.600 --> 01:00:23.600 that can afford the cocaine should get it. 01:00:23.600 --> 01:00:26.160 What are you talking about? 01:00:26.160 --> 01:00:33.720 Have to have more people available for counseling and more rehabilitation centers. 01:00:33.720 --> 01:00:34.720 Is that the solution? 01:00:34.720 --> 01:00:37.240 I don't really think that stuff works very well to me. 01:00:37.240 --> 01:00:38.240 Here's what I do think. 01:00:38.240 --> 01:00:40.440 Putting it on people's phones is a mistake. 01:00:40.440 --> 01:00:41.920 I think putting it in every... 01:00:41.920 --> 01:00:44.560 You don't think gambling rehabilitation works or any rehabilitation works? 01:00:44.560 --> 01:00:46.640 I don't think rehabilitation works as a rule. 01:00:46.640 --> 01:00:49.800 I think when people want to stop, they stop. 01:00:49.800 --> 01:00:53.520 But you don't think that support for one of human beings that have also gone through it? 01:00:53.520 --> 01:00:56.760 When people want to stop, they stop. 01:00:56.760 --> 01:00:58.200 That's how addiction works. 01:00:58.200 --> 01:01:02.680 Boy, what a moron is this guy, but he's already written a book about it, so he must know it 01:01:02.680 --> 01:01:06.080 could be beneficial in making good decisions in the future. 01:01:06.080 --> 01:01:12.360 I think if this episode is brought to you by True Classic, as guys shopping for premium 01:01:12.360 --> 01:01:19.040 basics online can be a total pain, finding some body type, or through move, this episode 01:01:19.040 --> 01:01:20.800 is brought to you by Squarespace. 01:01:20.800 --> 01:01:29.000 Squarespace has a range of inbuilt tools that plus, and it's an exercise twice a week. 01:01:29.000 --> 01:01:30.000 There it is. 01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:33.040 It improves your overall, like, all-cause mortality score. 01:01:33.040 --> 01:01:34.040 Hey, yes. 01:01:34.040 --> 01:01:35.040 We got it. 01:01:35.040 --> 01:01:36.040 A little bit. 01:01:36.040 --> 01:01:37.040 Moderate stuff. 01:01:37.040 --> 01:01:38.040 Nothing crazy. 01:01:38.040 --> 01:01:41.040 Do some push-ups and sit-ups and some jumping jacks, and you're good to go. 01:01:41.040 --> 01:01:46.320 You have to do something that gets your body moving, or it doesn't think that it has to, 01:01:46.320 --> 01:01:47.680 then it atrophies. 01:01:47.680 --> 01:01:52.160 It's just an unfortunate aspect of our biology. 01:01:52.160 --> 01:01:53.160 Here we go. 01:01:53.160 --> 01:01:54.160 We are not like other animals. 01:01:54.160 --> 01:01:55.160 Yes. 01:01:55.160 --> 01:01:56.160 You don't. 01:01:56.160 --> 01:01:57.920 And other animals get stronger, too, is the exercise. 01:01:57.920 --> 01:02:01.440 We've all seen animals that are super muscular, that don't do anything. 01:02:01.440 --> 01:02:03.120 It's just, they're different. 01:02:03.120 --> 01:02:04.880 And they only live 13 years, right? 01:02:04.880 --> 01:02:05.880 Yes. 01:02:05.880 --> 01:02:06.880 The whole thing's different. 01:02:06.880 --> 01:02:07.880 Yes. 01:02:07.880 --> 01:02:14.120 With us, we're this long-term species with intelligence and ego and justifications, 01:02:14.120 --> 01:02:22.040 and all sorts of weird ways that we will procrastinate and justify bad behavior, and 01:02:22.040 --> 01:02:23.040 how much time it is. 01:02:23.040 --> 01:02:24.040 Did I go back in time? 01:02:24.040 --> 01:02:25.520 And it's such a constant battle, just being keen. 01:02:25.520 --> 01:02:26.520 I think I did. 01:02:26.520 --> 01:02:28.040 No one wins that battle. 01:02:28.040 --> 01:02:29.040 I think I was bad in time. 01:02:29.040 --> 01:02:30.040 You just win battles. 01:02:30.040 --> 01:02:31.040 Yes. 01:02:31.040 --> 01:02:32.040 Should I? 01:02:32.040 --> 01:02:33.040 I think this. 01:02:33.040 --> 01:02:34.040 Everyone dies in the end. 01:02:34.040 --> 01:02:35.760 Everyone dies in the end. 01:02:35.760 --> 01:02:36.760 But I do. 01:02:36.760 --> 01:02:39.400 You know, I wrote about this on the sub-stag. 01:02:39.400 --> 01:02:43.400 We were just talking before we started about when I didn't see you. 01:02:43.400 --> 01:02:47.840 But when you were in Vegas in July, and I was in search for people, once upon a time, 01:02:47.840 --> 01:02:52.360 if you wanted to gamble legally, you'd go to Las Vegas, basically, or maybe Atlantic 01:02:52.360 --> 01:02:53.840 City after you're in 1978. 01:02:53.840 --> 01:02:55.560 But basically, you'd go out to the desert. 01:02:55.560 --> 01:02:57.320 Lucian that we just have to have. 01:02:57.320 --> 01:02:58.320 There we go. 01:02:58.320 --> 01:03:00.040 I believe in here. 01:03:00.040 --> 01:03:04.480 People available for counseling and more rehabilitation centers. 01:03:04.480 --> 01:03:05.480 Is that the solution? 01:03:05.480 --> 01:03:08.120 I don't really think that stuff works very well to me. 01:03:08.120 --> 01:03:09.120 Here's what I do think. 01:03:09.120 --> 01:03:10.120 Look at that shirt. 01:03:10.120 --> 01:03:11.320 People's phones is a mistake. 01:03:11.320 --> 01:03:14.400 I think putting it in every- You don't think gambling rehabilitated? 01:03:14.400 --> 01:03:21.200 See, that shirt even indicates the whole, you know, who are we supposed to unmask here, 01:03:21.200 --> 01:03:22.200 right? 01:03:22.200 --> 01:03:25.560 Who are we supposed to unmask here? 01:03:25.560 --> 01:03:27.280 That's the real question I've got on my head. 01:03:27.360 --> 01:03:29.960 Who are we supposed to unmask here? 01:03:29.960 --> 01:03:32.440 We say that it has to be regional. 01:03:32.440 --> 01:03:35.160 Like how do we say that you can go to Vegas? 01:03:35.160 --> 01:03:37.680 It's totally legal, but you can't gamble in Michigan. 01:03:37.680 --> 01:03:38.840 That's a fair question. 01:03:38.840 --> 01:03:40.720 I don't have a good answer to that. 01:03:40.720 --> 01:03:48.760 So is the solution that we just have to have more people available for counseling and more 01:03:48.760 --> 01:03:50.560 rehabilitation centers? 01:03:50.560 --> 01:03:51.560 Is that the solution? 01:03:51.560 --> 01:03:54.080 I don't really think that stuff works very well to me. 01:03:54.080 --> 01:03:55.080 Here's what I do think. 01:03:55.080 --> 01:03:57.280 Putting it on people's phones is a mistake. 01:03:57.280 --> 01:04:01.400 I think putting it in every- You don't think gambling rehabilitation works or any rehabilitation 01:04:01.400 --> 01:04:03.480 I don't think rehabilitation works as a rule. 01:04:03.480 --> 01:04:06.440 I think- So those are the people that he's unmasking. 01:04:06.440 --> 01:04:15.080 Gottlieb, Slavitt, Borla, people that profited from the pandemic exactly the same nonsense 01:04:15.080 --> 01:04:22.520 story that was told in that 1936 or 1934 cartoon about blaming the capitalists because 01:04:22.520 --> 01:04:28.120 we threw a bunch of money out the window at a fake problem in order to bankrupt the 01:04:28.120 --> 01:04:29.120 country. 01:04:29.120 --> 01:04:30.120 That's what they did. 01:04:30.120 --> 01:04:32.040 That's what they've been doing. 01:04:32.040 --> 01:04:37.040 We were set up for this over decades, ladies and gentlemen, and these people are climbing 01:04:37.040 --> 01:04:39.960 the ladder to get on board with those people that set us up. 01:04:39.960 --> 01:04:42.120 I guarantee it. 01:04:42.120 --> 01:04:45.120 They want a part of the weaponized piles of money. 01:04:45.120 --> 01:04:50.520 And as Nick Hudson recently said on an interview, that's the main problem that we have, and 01:04:50.520 --> 01:04:56.120 it should be a great source of hope that it costs billions, if not trillions of dollars 01:04:56.120 --> 01:05:02.400 to sustain this illusion that we are trapped in. 01:05:02.400 --> 01:05:08.000 It costs the work of hundreds of people to oppose the information that Mark is trying 01:05:08.000 --> 01:05:09.000 to get out. 01:05:09.000 --> 01:05:12.600 It costs hundreds of people in order to keep Jessica Hockett under wraps. 01:05:12.600 --> 01:05:19.400 It costs hundreds of people to control this operation to the extent to which we can now 01:05:19.400 --> 01:05:26.160 have this guy with a shirt that needs bleach on Joe Rogan pretending to be one of the 01:05:26.160 --> 01:05:31.960 people that unmasked all these bad guys very early on because he was onto the scam of weed 01:05:31.960 --> 01:05:33.960 before the pandemic. 01:05:33.960 --> 01:05:37.400 I think when people want to stop, they stop. 01:05:37.400 --> 01:05:41.040 But you don't think that support from other human beings that have also gone through it 01:05:41.040 --> 01:05:44.520 can be beneficial in making good decisions in the future? 01:05:44.520 --> 01:05:51.560 I think if, here's a solid tip, start your day off the right way like I do with AG1. 01:05:51.560 --> 01:05:57.120 It's a science-driven nutritional science, any trot slash Rogan, check it. 01:05:57.120 --> 01:05:59.120 This episode is brought back to warbeek.com. 01:05:59.120 --> 01:06:00.120 A lot of commercials. 01:06:00.120 --> 01:06:04.480 A lot of people who want to stop, that can be helpful to them. 01:06:04.480 --> 01:06:10.360 I don't think anybody who goes to rehab unwillingly or even selling willingly is going to get much 01:06:10.360 --> 01:06:12.560 out of it. 01:06:12.640 --> 01:06:15.360 I know this is a controversial perspective. 01:06:15.360 --> 01:06:20.440 One of the things that, so before COVID, just before COVID, I was working on a big book 01:06:20.440 --> 01:06:27.120 about, bigger than the cannabis book, growing out of the cannabis book about drug legalization 01:06:27.120 --> 01:06:30.320 and addiction in general. 01:06:30.320 --> 01:06:34.560 The most disappointing thing that I found when I was doing this research is that when you 01:06:34.560 --> 01:06:41.120 try to do randomized trials where you take 100 people and you say 50 of them, you're 01:06:41.120 --> 01:06:47.160 going to go to AA, the other 50 or not, and you look at their outcomes a year or five 01:06:47.160 --> 01:06:52.040 years later, there's no benefit to even going to AA, which I really thought worked. 01:06:52.040 --> 01:06:56.920 The reason AA seems to work is that people who go to it and stick with it, like you say, 01:06:56.920 --> 01:06:58.360 get something out of it. 01:06:58.360 --> 01:07:01.200 But there are going to be a bunch of people who don't get anything out of it. 01:07:01.200 --> 01:07:06.560 We're like, I don't need to give my volition to God. 01:07:06.560 --> 01:07:07.920 This is a problem I'm going to fix. 01:07:07.920 --> 01:07:13.680 I don't like the AA model, and by the way, why do I have to sit in this room three hours 01:07:13.680 --> 01:07:14.680 a week? 01:07:14.680 --> 01:07:17.800 For every person who gets something out of it, there's somebody who doesn't get anything 01:07:17.800 --> 01:07:18.800 out of it. 01:07:18.800 --> 01:07:25.240 The truth is, people stop using drugs or stop gambling when they personally realize that 01:07:25.240 --> 01:07:28.520 it's become a crisis for them. 01:07:28.520 --> 01:07:31.680 Sometimes though, people are motivated by other people's feedback. 01:07:31.680 --> 01:07:37.280 Is there a point of no return, or is it, it's got to be variable for different people? 01:07:37.280 --> 01:07:41.240 I think for some people, rehab is probably very beneficial, especially because they get 01:07:41.240 --> 01:07:44.440 a chance to talk to someone who made it out of it. 01:07:44.440 --> 01:07:48.920 Who was telling us about this rehab guy that came and cracked out of his mind? 01:07:48.920 --> 01:07:50.800 I was Brian Simpson. 01:07:50.800 --> 01:07:56.880 The guy, he was like a counselor or something like that, and then one night he just went 01:07:56.880 --> 01:08:00.440 off the wagon and came back to work in the morning, and everyone's like, hey, are we 01:08:00.440 --> 01:08:03.600 supposed to pretend that you're not cracked out of your mind right now? 01:08:04.600 --> 01:08:10.000 Let me give you a laugh, but the most dangerous time for an addict is the first two weeks 01:08:10.000 --> 01:08:13.960 after they come out of rehab, because they've stopped using their tolerances down, and if 01:08:13.960 --> 01:08:16.880 they start again, that's when people OD and die the most. 01:08:16.880 --> 01:08:17.880 Oh, Jesus. 01:08:17.880 --> 01:08:24.160 It's not easy, but then the argument against legalization. 01:08:24.160 --> 01:08:29.480 Here's the problem, and I've talked about this ad nauseam if you heard this, I'm sorry. 01:08:29.480 --> 01:08:34.160 When I was a kid, if someone was on heroin that was fucking super rare, it was super 01:08:34.160 --> 01:08:38.040 rare, you would know that guy's off the deep end, like Johnny's out there in the woods 01:08:38.040 --> 01:08:41.760 doing heroin, like, whoa, like that guy's gone. 01:08:41.760 --> 01:08:47.440 But now here, oh, my uncle got hooked on pills is super normal, right? 01:08:47.440 --> 01:08:51.160 It's super normal, and now because of these documentaries, we know like what was the, 01:08:51.160 --> 01:08:53.400 but we're not calling them what we should be calling them. 01:08:53.400 --> 01:08:54.400 You're not calling. 01:08:54.400 --> 01:08:55.400 They're not pills. 01:08:55.400 --> 01:08:56.400 They're opioids. 01:08:57.400 --> 01:09:01.440 Opioids used to be unprescribable in medicine. 01:09:01.440 --> 01:09:10.960 Met doctors didn't touch those things, and if they did, they gave you like four. 01:09:10.960 --> 01:09:16.880 The idea that Valium, for example, was something that you, you could not get a prescription 01:09:16.880 --> 01:09:23.400 for Valium unless you were very, very rich and had a very, very lenient doctor. 01:09:23.400 --> 01:09:31.160 But we just started prescribing opioids over the counter for a decade, ramping up their 01:09:31.160 --> 01:09:37.600 production at the pharmaceutical purity levels and heretofore unseen, developing synthetic 01:09:37.600 --> 01:09:44.040 versions of them that were 10 or a hundred times more powerful, all the while knowing 01:09:44.040 --> 01:09:49.200 that this whole family of chemicals is devastating to the neurochemistry of a human or any other 01:09:49.200 --> 01:09:52.320 mammal for that matter. 01:09:52.320 --> 01:09:59.480 And the best that these two bright minds can do is say pills. 01:09:59.480 --> 01:10:05.960 The best that this testosterone using psilocybin enthusiast can do is say pills. 01:10:05.960 --> 01:10:10.400 He can't be more precise than that. 01:10:10.400 --> 01:10:13.400 Jesus. 01:10:13.400 --> 01:10:20.480 I don't like what was the root cause of that, but now once it's kind of been established 01:10:20.480 --> 01:10:24.800 that this is a recreational thing for people. 01:10:24.800 --> 01:10:25.800 So what do you do? 01:10:25.800 --> 01:10:26.800 Do you outlaw? 01:10:26.800 --> 01:10:28.000 And then what does that do? 01:10:28.000 --> 01:10:32.000 That, that empowers the cartels because there's the demand already. 01:10:32.000 --> 01:10:37.400 So, so, okay, so the roots of the opioid crisis are exactly, you know, Peter Burke, I mean, 01:10:37.400 --> 01:10:40.480 you know, that, that, that, that series is completely correct. 01:10:40.480 --> 01:10:45.560 It came out of Purdue Pharma, it came out of, unfortunately, some doctors, some of whom 01:10:45.560 --> 01:10:49.280 I think thought they were doing the right thing, some of whom were motivated by money, 01:10:49.280 --> 01:10:54.600 they pushed prescriptions of opioids in the U.S. in an absolutely insane way. 01:10:54.600 --> 01:11:00.560 And we've now tried to push back, but we're still dealing with the fruits of that poison 01:11:00.560 --> 01:11:01.560 tree. 01:11:01.560 --> 01:11:03.760 And no numbers, no numbers at all. 01:11:03.760 --> 01:11:05.120 I don't know any numbers. 01:11:05.120 --> 01:11:06.840 I just know that they were doing that. 01:11:06.840 --> 01:11:08.320 They made a lot of money off it. 01:11:08.320 --> 01:11:12.680 I don't know any numbers, so numbers are hard to come by. 01:11:12.680 --> 01:11:17.840 Wasn't that done before in other countries, to kind of ruin countries, like introduce 01:11:17.840 --> 01:11:18.840 heroin? 01:11:18.840 --> 01:11:22.400 Classic example, and, you know, when people talk about how the Chinese export fentanyl 01:11:22.400 --> 01:11:25.960 to the United States, I guarantee you there are people in China who have not forgot the 01:11:25.960 --> 01:11:26.960 opium wars. 01:11:26.960 --> 01:11:31.440 In the 19th century, the U.S. and Britain, and this is something we should be ashamed 01:11:31.440 --> 01:11:35.400 of forever, we basically forced opium on the Chinese. 01:11:35.400 --> 01:11:36.400 And we, we just... 01:11:36.400 --> 01:11:41.640 I think to say that the United States and Britain did that is disingenuous at best. 01:11:41.640 --> 01:11:44.240 I don't think the United States was making opium. 01:11:44.240 --> 01:11:47.800 I don't think the United States had any colonies that had opium. 01:11:47.800 --> 01:11:55.200 So the idea that it wasn't Britain and the Netherlands, because the Brits and the Netherlands 01:11:55.200 --> 01:11:59.320 were the only people that were making that trip and made you the Portuguese, what is 01:11:59.320 --> 01:12:07.240 he talking about, the Brits and Americans, what kind of bullshit is this? 01:12:07.240 --> 01:12:08.240 We destroyed that society. 01:12:08.240 --> 01:12:10.040 Well, you and I weren't alive. 01:12:10.040 --> 01:12:11.040 That's true. 01:12:11.040 --> 01:12:12.520 So I don't think we should be ashamed. 01:12:12.520 --> 01:12:17.000 But I think human beings in general have done some really fucking heinous things. 01:12:17.000 --> 01:12:19.400 We just want to pretend that they don't do them anymore. 01:12:19.400 --> 01:12:20.960 Oh, no, they do. 01:12:20.960 --> 01:12:22.440 But isn't it interesting? 01:12:22.440 --> 01:12:27.880 It's part of the pushback of all this stuff from people that have no stake in the game 01:12:27.880 --> 01:12:29.720 other than they're a human being. 01:12:29.720 --> 01:12:33.440 Okay, if they were big opium traders though at that time, then they were still using 01:12:33.440 --> 01:12:34.440 the British ships. 01:12:34.440 --> 01:12:36.280 They were still using the Portuguese ships. 01:12:36.280 --> 01:12:40.560 They were still using somebody else's ships, because America didn't have a significant 01:12:40.560 --> 01:12:45.080 shipping company that was taking anything somewhere to somewhere else over in China. 01:12:45.080 --> 01:12:47.720 It's just, I don't think that's true. 01:12:47.720 --> 01:12:50.240 Please correct me if I'm wrong. 01:12:50.240 --> 01:12:55.280 Is that you're saying something that shatters their narrative? 01:12:55.280 --> 01:13:00.000 They have a narrative they've established about what's good in the world, how the world, 01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:03.280 what's the right thing to do and the direction we have to go. 01:13:03.280 --> 01:13:07.280 And these people are looking out for us and these people are Nazis. 01:13:07.280 --> 01:13:12.560 And when you have that and something comes along and says, hey, there might be something 01:13:12.560 --> 01:13:13.560 afoot here. 01:13:13.560 --> 01:13:14.560 You should pay attention. 01:13:14.560 --> 01:13:18.440 I mean, the Dutch East Indies company, I'm sorry if I said that incorrect. 01:13:18.440 --> 01:13:19.920 You should pay attention. 01:13:19.920 --> 01:13:22.280 Like there's some data you should look at. 01:13:22.280 --> 01:13:27.320 We have a long history of people lying about all kinds of things, you know, whether it's 01:13:27.320 --> 01:13:30.200 the opium war, fucking everything throughout human history. 01:13:30.200 --> 01:13:34.720 But for whatever it is, like now we don't, hey, that's fentanyl is cheap because it is 01:13:34.720 --> 01:13:39.880 a chemical and chemical synthesis is not something we can't do at a huge scale. 01:13:39.880 --> 01:13:41.800 So Mark's totally right. 01:13:41.800 --> 01:13:45.720 That's what's so crazy about fentanyl is unlike heroin that needs to be grown and 01:13:45.720 --> 01:13:47.880 poppies and all that sort of stuff. 01:13:47.880 --> 01:13:54.040 If you're making a synthetic product using a synthetic process, it could potentially be, 01:13:54.040 --> 01:13:59.920 you know, pennies on the, on the gram, even pennies on the kilogram for all I know. 01:13:59.920 --> 01:14:01.680 So Mark's totally right. 01:14:01.680 --> 01:14:10.600 Hey, that's not, that's, oh, this conspiracy theorist, oh, this guy, this wacky guy with 01:14:10.600 --> 01:14:16.720 his fringe ideas, he's an alt right hero and like, oh, okay, I get it. 01:14:16.720 --> 01:14:17.720 I get it. 01:14:17.720 --> 01:14:18.720 I wish the world was perfect too. 01:14:18.720 --> 01:14:19.720 I really do. 01:14:19.720 --> 01:14:22.960 I wish there was a guy in the White House that was this amazing human being and a shining 01:14:22.960 --> 01:14:30.000 example of what's possible from just a person, a loving person wants to take care of a nation 01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:32.200 because they really believe in them. 01:14:32.200 --> 01:14:36.720 But this is like, you've got me laughing. 01:14:36.720 --> 01:14:38.280 But it's what we want. 01:14:38.280 --> 01:14:39.480 And we never get it. 01:14:39.480 --> 01:14:40.480 We never get it. 01:14:40.480 --> 01:14:46.680 It's like fucking, it's, it's Charlie Brown and Lucy that football just gets yanked away 01:14:46.680 --> 01:14:47.680 every time. 01:14:47.680 --> 01:14:49.720 And we're like, shit. 01:14:49.720 --> 01:14:50.720 Okay. 01:14:50.720 --> 01:14:52.280 So they kind of get it, right? 01:14:52.280 --> 01:14:55.960 It seems like they kind of get it, but they don't realize that the national security state 01:14:55.960 --> 01:15:00.560 would lie to them about bioterrorism and the potential for pandemics in order to have this 01:15:00.560 --> 01:15:06.000 illusion be complete in order to completely close the prison doors on us. 01:15:06.000 --> 01:15:10.320 They, they, Joe knows Alex doesn't know. 01:15:11.320 --> 01:15:14.960 Shit, I thought this was going to be the adults were in the room. 01:15:14.960 --> 01:15:15.960 Shit. 01:15:15.960 --> 01:15:16.960 You know? 01:15:16.960 --> 01:15:19.960 Look, I mean, beware of the person who, you know, who tells you what to do because they 01:15:19.960 --> 01:15:21.720 know what's best for you. 01:15:21.720 --> 01:15:22.720 Yeah. 01:15:22.720 --> 01:15:24.520 That's a, that's a normal thing. 01:15:24.520 --> 01:15:26.920 Isn't that what Alex made does for a living with his books? 01:15:26.920 --> 01:15:29.920 Isn't that what Jordan Peterson does for a living with his books? 01:15:29.920 --> 01:15:30.920 Come on. 01:15:30.920 --> 01:15:33.520 It's like so obviously contradictory. 01:15:33.520 --> 01:15:35.400 That's a normal thing of human nature too. 01:15:35.400 --> 01:15:36.920 It's a weird thing about human nature. 01:15:36.920 --> 01:15:39.320 We're always led by someone. 01:15:39.320 --> 01:15:45.400 That's very strange because it seems to be a part of just our programming that we have, 01:15:45.400 --> 01:15:49.720 we've kept since we were primates in like the jungles. 01:15:49.720 --> 01:15:57.640 Since we were primates in the, where's Brett Weinstein, the scientific advisor of Joe Rogan 01:15:57.640 --> 01:15:58.800 correcting this guy? 01:15:58.800 --> 01:16:00.840 What did you teach this clown? 01:16:00.840 --> 01:16:02.000 The jungles. 01:16:02.000 --> 01:16:03.720 Like there was always a leader. 01:16:03.720 --> 01:16:08.080 There's like, if you ever watched that chimp nation show, an amazing show on Netflix. 01:16:08.080 --> 01:16:14.280 These scientists were embedded in this chimpanzee group for 30 years and so the chimpanzees 01:16:14.280 --> 01:16:20.600 had become totally comfortable with human beings as long as they were 20 yards away. 01:16:20.600 --> 01:16:22.440 So they never moved any closer than 20 yards. 01:16:22.440 --> 01:16:23.640 The chimp moved close to them. 01:16:23.640 --> 01:16:24.640 They back away. 01:16:24.640 --> 01:16:25.640 You never have food. 01:16:25.640 --> 01:16:28.400 It's a bunch of rules about what to do and what not to do. 01:16:28.400 --> 01:16:33.600 If you follow those rules, these chimps behave as if they're just chimps in the jungle. 01:16:33.600 --> 01:16:37.080 So it's this incredible opportunity to watch their social hierarchies. 01:16:37.160 --> 01:16:38.680 And it's just like people. 01:16:38.680 --> 01:16:39.680 There's a leader. 01:16:39.680 --> 01:16:40.680 There's always a leader. 01:16:40.680 --> 01:16:41.680 There's always a leader. 01:16:41.680 --> 01:16:44.680 And there's young people that are challenging the leader and the leader has to beat them 01:16:44.680 --> 01:16:45.680 down. 01:16:45.680 --> 01:16:48.280 And it gets to a certain point in time when the leader can't do that anymore and he has 01:16:48.280 --> 01:16:49.280 to relinquish. 01:16:49.280 --> 01:16:53.920 And it's all about the relationships they develop while they're leaders. 01:16:53.920 --> 01:16:55.800 And those are the ones that can go on the longest. 01:16:55.800 --> 01:16:57.040 That's the same thing with human being. 01:16:57.040 --> 01:17:01.800 It's like, God damn it, it's literally our programming. 01:17:01.800 --> 01:17:06.920 And we've surpassed it in our ability to communicate and our ability to understand the 01:17:06.920 --> 01:17:09.280 variables and the amount of variables. 01:17:09.280 --> 01:17:13.280 But we still are operating in this hierarchy. 01:17:13.280 --> 01:17:17.720 And so are they going to go to the stage where this could be hijacked, hijacked by 01:17:17.720 --> 01:17:22.120 an illusion of consensus of the hierarchy above you. 01:17:22.120 --> 01:17:28.680 An illusion of consensus about what the hierarchy is and whether or not you're climbing it. 01:17:28.680 --> 01:17:33.240 It's so funny to think that they're so clever when it comes to seeing the truth in chimps, 01:17:33.240 --> 01:17:35.520 but they can't see the truth in themselves. 01:17:36.520 --> 01:17:42.760 It's really crazy because if you watch that Champ Empire show and you think of us, like 01:17:42.760 --> 01:17:45.840 you can, oh my God, this is what our problem is. 01:17:45.840 --> 01:17:47.200 We always want to have a leader. 01:17:47.200 --> 01:17:49.080 We always want to run things. 01:17:49.080 --> 01:17:52.680 We always want to tell other people, we get power out of telling other people what to 01:17:52.680 --> 01:17:53.920 do. 01:17:53.920 --> 01:17:55.400 Some people just get their jollies. 01:17:55.400 --> 01:17:59.280 Like you know that if you have a bad boss and the boss yells at all the people in the 01:17:59.280 --> 01:18:00.280 warehouse, like fuck. 01:18:00.280 --> 01:18:02.600 Because one's a humility and being charged. 01:18:02.600 --> 01:18:03.600 Yes. 01:18:03.600 --> 01:18:08.040 They beat their chest and run through the fucking trees and shake them. 01:18:08.040 --> 01:18:11.840 It does sometimes feel like anybody who wants power should not be allowed to have it. 01:18:11.840 --> 01:18:12.840 Yeah, right? 01:18:12.840 --> 01:18:16.200 Like and the only people who should be president, people don't want that job. 01:18:16.200 --> 01:18:19.800 You know, it's like John Dutton and Yellowstone, he has to become governor. 01:18:19.800 --> 01:18:24.000 You know, it's like, it's really like fucking, it's kind of similar. 01:18:24.000 --> 01:18:25.000 Yes. 01:18:25.000 --> 01:18:26.000 Jesus Christ. 01:18:26.000 --> 01:18:30.400 Me more, me more, me more, the old chimps now will not leave the stage. 01:18:30.400 --> 01:18:36.160 Bro, not just the, I mean, all of them, all of them, these people are hanging in. 01:18:36.160 --> 01:18:39.360 It's amazing with like, so that's not a problem. 01:18:39.360 --> 01:18:41.320 That's not a by, by design. 01:18:41.320 --> 01:18:44.920 That couldn't be through crime or conspiracy. 01:18:44.920 --> 01:18:48.520 That's just because I guess we keep voting for the same old people. 01:18:48.520 --> 01:18:51.160 I guess Mitch McConnell just wins. 01:18:51.160 --> 01:18:55.920 I guess these people just, they just have such a following despite the fact that they 01:18:55.920 --> 01:19:01.200 married a Chinese national connected to the largest shipping company in the world. 01:19:01.200 --> 01:19:06.720 Nobody in Kentucky is smart enough not to vote against Mitch McConnell, right? 01:19:06.720 --> 01:19:11.440 Do we really believe that? 01:19:11.440 --> 01:19:16.880 I don't like hormone replacement and Adderall and whatever else they have to take. 01:19:16.880 --> 01:19:21.200 These folks can keep going deep into their 80s except that Mitch McConnell guy. 01:19:21.200 --> 01:19:23.520 No, no, he's, he's having some real ones. 01:19:23.520 --> 01:19:24.840 He's just going to fall over. 01:19:24.840 --> 01:19:28.400 He's having some real moments like that, if that in any other job. 01:19:28.400 --> 01:19:32.800 It's funny that they said that people are using Adderall and other things to maintain 01:19:32.800 --> 01:19:36.960 their, their, their energy levels at older age. 01:19:36.960 --> 01:19:38.960 I have no doubt in my mind. 01:19:38.960 --> 01:19:43.720 I have no doubt in my mind that there are times when we've seen Joe Biden on Adderall 01:19:43.720 --> 01:19:48.760 and times when we've not seen him on Adderall, it's basically amphetamine. 01:19:48.760 --> 01:19:53.920 So when his eyes are like this and he's really sure about stuff, he's probably got an Adderall 01:19:53.920 --> 01:19:54.920 in him. 01:19:54.920 --> 01:19:55.920 And when it's not, then he's not. 01:19:55.920 --> 01:20:01.200 And he's slower and he's, you know, it's the way it is. 01:20:01.200 --> 01:20:05.360 Wouldn't doubt it if one of these two guys at the table has a prescription for it for 01:20:05.360 --> 01:20:06.360 their ADHD. 01:20:06.360 --> 01:20:07.360 Other job. 01:20:07.360 --> 01:20:12.200 Like imagine if you're a trained conductor and you just freeze up Charlie, Charlie, the 01:20:12.200 --> 01:20:13.200 crossroads. 01:20:13.200 --> 01:20:14.200 It's coming. 01:20:14.200 --> 01:20:15.200 Charlie. 01:20:15.200 --> 01:20:22.240 Charlie's just locked up like windows 98, like blue screen of that bro. 01:20:22.240 --> 01:20:23.240 You got control. 01:20:23.240 --> 01:20:28.800 I'll delete Charlie before this fucking train crashes, but, but you can do it if, you know, 01:20:28.800 --> 01:20:33.200 you're a high ranking politician in the greatest country the world's ever known. 01:20:33.200 --> 01:20:39.680 It's very strange, you know, like Diane Feinstein doesn't want to relinquish her, her throne. 01:20:39.680 --> 01:20:42.960 But what I understand is it's also all the people that work for her too, and they all 01:20:42.960 --> 01:20:44.280 have like a whole system. 01:20:44.280 --> 01:20:48.440 It's probably not even her that's getting things done, but it's, it's just a giant staff. 01:20:48.440 --> 01:20:49.440 That's right. 01:20:49.440 --> 01:20:51.640 And if she stays in office and the giant staff keeps doing what they're doing. 01:20:51.640 --> 01:20:55.880 Yeah, I don't even know if it's a giant staff, but a competent and that voice is just all 01:20:55.880 --> 01:20:56.880 yeah. 01:20:56.880 --> 01:20:57.880 Yeah. 01:20:57.880 --> 01:20:58.880 Yeah. 01:20:58.880 --> 01:20:59.880 That's the way. 01:20:59.880 --> 01:21:00.880 Yeah. 01:21:00.880 --> 01:21:01.880 That's the way it worked. 01:21:01.880 --> 01:21:02.880 Yeah. 01:21:02.880 --> 01:21:04.560 But none of these are a problem. 01:21:04.560 --> 01:21:11.200 None of this would be a symptom of rather the tip of the iceberg in terms of the corruption, 01:21:11.200 --> 01:21:15.720 lying, and cheating that's going on inside of our government being done by a group of 01:21:15.720 --> 01:21:17.960 traders on both sides of the aisle. 01:21:17.960 --> 01:21:21.320 These two geniuses are never going to come to that conclusion. 01:21:21.320 --> 01:21:22.640 That would be crazy. 01:21:22.640 --> 01:21:27.000 These two geniuses are never going to come to the conclusion that America is being being 01:21:27.000 --> 01:21:32.760 controlled, demolished by globalist interests. 01:21:32.760 --> 01:21:33.760 It's real bad. 01:21:33.760 --> 01:21:37.480 Oh, yeah, it's real bad, but we can't really put a finger on exactly why it's bad. 01:21:37.480 --> 01:21:38.480 It just seems bad. 01:21:38.480 --> 01:21:40.480 You know, it's like bad competent staff. 01:21:40.480 --> 01:21:41.480 Yeah. 01:21:41.480 --> 01:21:45.680 It's not about no, their jobs depend on her as much as Hollywood, right? 01:21:45.680 --> 01:21:49.280 Like your job depends on your relationship with the big, big guy, big woman. 01:21:49.280 --> 01:21:50.280 Right. 01:21:50.280 --> 01:21:55.480 Well, you know that lady's not making the big decisions at this point, at this stage. 01:21:55.480 --> 01:21:56.480 That's when she started. 01:21:56.480 --> 01:21:57.480 Oh, my God. 01:21:57.480 --> 01:21:58.480 Jesus. 01:21:58.480 --> 01:21:59.480 She was kind of pretty. 01:21:59.480 --> 01:22:00.480 She was hot. 01:22:00.480 --> 01:22:04.480 The thing is, man, when you get stuck, that job is like any other job. 01:22:04.480 --> 01:22:08.440 If that's what you do, if you play football, you fucking, you're used to colliding with 01:22:08.440 --> 01:22:11.840 people and scrambling for the ball, that's what you do. 01:22:11.840 --> 01:22:12.840 What they do is govern. 01:22:12.840 --> 01:22:15.960 It's like, why am I telling you, like, why are you going to tell Mick Jagger he can't 01:22:15.960 --> 01:22:16.960 tour anymore? 01:22:16.960 --> 01:22:17.960 That's right. 01:22:17.960 --> 01:22:18.960 Come on, man. 01:22:18.960 --> 01:22:19.960 He looks awesome out there. 01:22:19.960 --> 01:22:20.960 What are you going to do? 01:22:20.960 --> 01:22:21.960 They're fucking politicians. 01:22:21.960 --> 01:22:23.480 What do we expect? 01:22:23.480 --> 01:22:29.280 It's just that should be like fucking, there should be some sort. 01:22:29.280 --> 01:22:33.680 That is wrong because politicians used to retire because people used to have other things 01:22:33.680 --> 01:22:34.880 that they wanted to do. 01:22:34.880 --> 01:22:39.280 People used to actually serve the country and then get a little worn out from it and 01:22:39.280 --> 01:22:43.840 so want to retire, want to spend time with their grandchildren or their wife or at their 01:22:43.840 --> 01:22:44.840 cabin. 01:22:44.840 --> 01:22:52.760 And so for me, watching these old people go on is watching them fulfill the requirements 01:22:52.760 --> 01:22:57.800 of their boss, watching them do what they're told. 01:22:57.800 --> 01:22:58.800 That's what I see. 01:22:58.800 --> 01:23:02.760 I don't see somebody who, Diane Feinstein's not clinging to power. 01:23:02.760 --> 01:23:06.640 Mitch McConnell's not clinging to power. 01:23:06.640 --> 01:23:08.440 Biden's not clinging to power. 01:23:08.440 --> 01:23:13.320 These people are playing a role in an ongoing theater that they have been playing a role 01:23:13.320 --> 01:23:15.160 in for decades. 01:23:15.160 --> 01:23:18.480 And so they're still just playing the role. 01:23:18.480 --> 01:23:25.600 You don't honestly think that there's a photograph on the night of John F. Kennedy's inauguration 01:23:25.600 --> 01:23:34.160 of a very attractive debutante named, named, uh, uh, the hell is her name? 01:23:34.160 --> 01:23:35.160 Now shit. 01:23:35.160 --> 01:23:37.520 All of a sudden I got a blank. 01:23:37.520 --> 01:23:47.480 Her Pelosi was, was like a debutante introduced to JFK at his, at his inauguration. 01:23:47.480 --> 01:23:51.520 And in those days she was dressed about as hot as you could be dressed as a young person 01:23:51.520 --> 01:23:54.240 meeting the president. 01:23:54.240 --> 01:23:58.400 And now she's been a senator of California for the last 30 years and has enriched herself 01:23:58.400 --> 01:23:59.920 beyond reason. 01:23:59.920 --> 01:24:01.240 And that's just okay. 01:24:01.240 --> 01:24:06.080 Yeah, it's just, the system is kind of screwed up, but they wouldn't lie to us about anything 01:24:06.080 --> 01:24:07.080 else. 01:24:07.080 --> 01:24:10.280 They wouldn't lie to us about everything in order to steal everything. 01:24:10.280 --> 01:24:15.760 They wouldn't lie to us on behalf of a, a larger power, larger powers of weaponized piles 01:24:15.760 --> 01:24:20.640 of money and, and, and they wouldn't be traitors. 01:24:20.640 --> 01:24:22.040 That would be crazy. 01:24:22.040 --> 01:24:26.680 There should be some sort of a cognitive test or something at some point in time. 01:24:26.680 --> 01:24:31.040 It should be like, look, we really need, can we give you another job? 01:24:31.040 --> 01:24:35.520 Like a second job 35 to be present and why shouldn't there be a top limit? 01:24:35.520 --> 01:24:36.960 Why shouldn't it be 80 or something? 01:24:36.960 --> 01:24:37.960 It's 45. 01:24:37.960 --> 01:24:38.960 I mean, it's 45. 01:24:38.960 --> 01:24:39.960 Not 35. 01:24:39.960 --> 01:24:43.880 Why don't we move like the elder statesman into a different bracket and see like advisors, 01:24:43.880 --> 01:24:46.240 have them be advisors to discuss policy. 01:24:46.240 --> 01:24:47.880 They're your, wouldn't that be great? 01:24:47.880 --> 01:24:48.880 Yeah. 01:24:48.880 --> 01:24:52.600 If like the senators could go and meet with the advisors are still around, well, back 01:24:52.600 --> 01:25:00.280 in the 2000s, there was an issue with 4G, you know, like, this, you know, I mean, there's 01:25:00.280 --> 01:25:06.800 got to be a way to do it where you have like more vibrant people representing whatever 01:25:06.800 --> 01:25:08.240 they're representing. 01:25:08.240 --> 01:25:09.240 Yes. 01:25:09.240 --> 01:25:14.760 But it's also, they don't want to relinquish power and they've got a really good grip on 01:25:14.760 --> 01:25:15.760 it now. 01:25:15.760 --> 01:25:19.480 It's really, if you want to run a country like within the rules and kind of dominate 01:25:19.480 --> 01:25:22.800 it, they've done an amazing job because they've done it all within the rules. 01:25:22.800 --> 01:25:24.280 It's like, it's pretty clever. 01:25:24.280 --> 01:25:25.280 Yes. 01:25:25.280 --> 01:25:28.720 It's like if when Donald Trump was talking about not paying taxes, you know, it's like 01:25:28.720 --> 01:25:32.200 yeah, you guys set it up like that's enough to take advantage of it. 01:25:32.200 --> 01:25:33.200 There we go. 01:25:33.200 --> 01:25:35.120 It's like, if this is where it gets dark. 01:25:35.120 --> 01:25:38.280 This is a good, I mean, it's a good segue into a lot of things, but it's also a good 01:25:38.280 --> 01:25:41.520 segue into sort of COVID and pharma and those guys. 01:25:41.520 --> 01:25:42.520 Here we go. 01:25:42.520 --> 01:25:47.280 Because they are at going to the edge of the line, going to the gray area. 01:25:47.280 --> 01:25:48.280 Right. 01:25:48.280 --> 01:25:49.280 They don't, they don't necessarily lie. 01:25:49.280 --> 01:25:54.240 Although sometimes I think when they're forced to, they will lie, but they shade the truth. 01:25:54.240 --> 01:25:55.680 They don't really lie. 01:25:55.760 --> 01:25:59.560 I guess if they're forced to, they'll lie, but they don't really lie. 01:25:59.560 --> 01:26:00.880 Oh my God. 01:26:00.880 --> 01:26:08.520 They, they run studies in a way that determines, you know, that gets the out, gets them to 01:26:08.520 --> 01:26:10.040 the outcome they want. 01:26:10.040 --> 01:26:14.400 They use friendly doctors to promote, you saw it with pharma with, with Purdue pharma 01:26:14.400 --> 01:26:19.040 with the, with oxy and with the opioids, you saw this in spades and we're seeing it again 01:26:19.040 --> 01:26:21.240 right now with the mRNA vaccine. 01:26:21.240 --> 01:26:31.400 So these companies, they know they're very, they're very legally wise and they play games. 01:26:31.400 --> 01:26:32.400 And they're allowed to. 01:26:32.400 --> 01:26:33.400 And they're allowed to. 01:26:33.400 --> 01:26:34.400 And that's their job. 01:26:34.400 --> 01:26:35.400 Right. 01:26:35.400 --> 01:26:36.400 That's what's interesting. 01:26:36.400 --> 01:26:37.400 Well, you would hope it's not their job. 01:26:37.400 --> 01:26:41.040 Well, there's one guy's job and that guy's job is to invent medicine. 01:26:41.040 --> 01:26:44.000 I mean, not one guy, one group of cures. 01:26:44.000 --> 01:26:48.040 And then the other people, their jobs to sell it, their jobs to get it out there in 01:26:48.040 --> 01:26:52.240 their very different kinds of thought processes I would imagine. 01:26:52.240 --> 01:26:55.680 And that's part of the problem with like business and medicine when they're together. 01:26:55.680 --> 01:26:59.960 It's like either we're looking out for each other or we're trying to make insane amounts 01:26:59.960 --> 01:27:01.320 of wealth from each other. 01:27:01.320 --> 01:27:02.320 That's right. 01:27:02.320 --> 01:27:08.360 Both of those things are like, that's two ways of looking at the healthcare for a country. 01:27:08.360 --> 01:27:12.920 Either we say the whole reason the system is in place is to make sure that everybody is 01:27:12.920 --> 01:27:13.920 healthy. 01:27:13.920 --> 01:27:16.560 And if you get injured, we can help you. 01:27:16.560 --> 01:27:19.200 If you can do it that way, that would be wonderful. 01:27:19.200 --> 01:27:24.760 The other way to do it is saying, we got to fucking get you on as much shit as possible 01:27:24.760 --> 01:27:28.280 because the more stuff we sell to you, the more money we make. 01:27:28.280 --> 01:27:32.400 And if there's a reason to recommend it, we're going to recommend it because you want to 01:27:32.400 --> 01:27:39.680 make our reps happy, want to make the hospital happy and unfortunately that seems to be real 01:27:39.680 --> 01:27:40.680 too. 01:27:40.680 --> 01:27:42.580 It's very real. 01:27:42.580 --> 01:27:43.680 So that's real too. 01:27:43.680 --> 01:27:46.720 So that's a real possibility in today's modern age. 01:27:46.720 --> 01:27:50.560 And I'm sure there are people that fall into the former. 01:27:50.560 --> 01:27:54.320 I'm sure there's a, I mean, I have no doctors that are great human beings and they really 01:27:54.320 --> 01:27:56.320 enjoy being able to help people. 01:27:56.320 --> 01:27:57.320 Yes. 01:27:57.320 --> 01:27:58.320 It's not. 01:27:58.320 --> 01:28:02.440 It's just like, it's just, that's how a system works. 01:28:02.440 --> 01:28:07.720 When a system has the opportunity to make more money by doing certain things, it's like, 01:28:07.720 --> 01:28:11.880 it's not the scientists that are doing trying to, it's like, there's a whole system. 01:28:11.880 --> 01:28:14.920 So with the drug companies, and I think this is true of doctors too, it's not that they, 01:28:14.920 --> 01:28:16.080 they want people to get better. 01:28:16.080 --> 01:28:17.080 I do believe that. 01:28:17.080 --> 01:28:18.080 Okay. 01:28:18.080 --> 01:28:21.280 But once you've invested a billion or two billion dollars in a drug and you've brought 01:28:21.280 --> 01:28:26.120 it to market and it's gotten up to your approval, you're going to do what everything is protected. 01:28:26.120 --> 01:28:29.840 And that means generally exaggerating its benefits. 01:28:29.840 --> 01:28:34.040 And if there are problems with it, doing everything you can to hide those problems. 01:28:34.040 --> 01:28:37.600 And that's almost like a fiscal responsibility to your shareholders. 01:28:37.600 --> 01:28:38.600 That's right. 01:28:38.600 --> 01:28:39.600 That's roughly crazy. 01:28:39.600 --> 01:28:40.600 That's what's really crazy. 01:28:40.600 --> 01:28:44.240 What's really crazy about it is that money and medicine are all combined. 01:28:44.240 --> 01:28:48.000 And it's not saying that doctors don't deserve money or the people that develop medicines 01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:49.000 don't deserve money. 01:28:49.000 --> 01:28:50.000 They certainly do. 01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:51.080 They work really hard. 01:28:51.080 --> 01:28:57.120 What I am saying is, when you have anything that gets wrapped up in a lot of money, people 01:28:57.120 --> 01:28:58.120 want to make more. 01:28:58.120 --> 01:28:59.120 Yeah. 01:28:59.120 --> 01:29:00.120 They want to make more. 01:29:00.120 --> 01:29:01.120 Like, how do I make more? 01:29:01.120 --> 01:29:02.120 Yes. 01:29:02.120 --> 01:29:03.120 You know, I don't like- 01:29:03.120 --> 01:29:06.440 What did they say that Medicare was Medicaid or Medicare was? 01:29:06.440 --> 01:29:15.440 It was 10% of the budget, 25% of the state budgets, $360 billion, 11 years ago. 01:29:15.440 --> 01:29:21.720 Plus the monoclonal antibody market was $150 billion. 01:29:21.720 --> 01:29:25.880 I wonder what cancer research and cancer treatment is. 01:29:25.880 --> 01:29:26.880 I wonder what the- 01:29:26.880 --> 01:29:28.280 You see what we're talking about here. 01:29:28.280 --> 01:29:34.800 We're talking about potentially trillions of dollars being made through this health care 01:29:34.800 --> 01:29:39.440 for higher system that these guys are defending. 01:29:39.440 --> 01:29:40.600 That's how a system works. 01:29:40.600 --> 01:29:41.600 That's how the system works. 01:29:41.600 --> 01:29:43.960 You know, there's good and bad parts of the system. 01:29:43.960 --> 01:29:50.760 And when you set up a system that is capitalist, I guess, and people make money, they want 01:29:50.760 --> 01:29:52.060 to make more money. 01:29:52.060 --> 01:29:58.000 They're making excuses for a system that they have to know is completely in 100% gained. 01:29:58.000 --> 01:30:00.480 That's where they make their money. 01:30:00.480 --> 01:30:02.920 These guys are all sponsored by that system. 01:30:02.920 --> 01:30:10.360 That's why they are so eloquently walking around the circle of this limited spectrum 01:30:10.360 --> 01:30:14.120 of debate about health care and public health and pharmaceutical companies. 01:30:14.120 --> 01:30:15.760 Give me a break. 01:30:15.760 --> 01:30:17.760 You know, I don't like making X amount. 01:30:17.760 --> 01:30:18.760 I want to make Y. 01:30:18.760 --> 01:30:19.760 How do I get to Y? 01:30:19.760 --> 01:30:20.760 Yep. 01:30:20.760 --> 01:30:21.760 What do I have to do? 01:30:21.760 --> 01:30:22.760 I'm going to sell this. 01:30:22.760 --> 01:30:23.760 I'm going to do that. 01:30:23.760 --> 01:30:27.320 I've got to make some unnecessary these or those and do a few things to people that maybe 01:30:27.320 --> 01:30:28.320 they didn't need. 01:30:28.320 --> 01:30:29.320 Yes. 01:30:29.320 --> 01:30:30.320 And it's okay? 01:30:30.520 --> 01:30:31.520 Maybe it benefits them. 01:30:31.520 --> 01:30:33.760 It probably doesn't hurt them that much. 01:30:33.760 --> 01:30:35.400 You justify it. 01:30:35.400 --> 01:30:38.560 And then there's real things that people thought were conspiracies. 01:30:38.560 --> 01:30:45.360 Real things like incentives and that showed up during the pandemic as well. 01:30:45.360 --> 01:30:52.240 They got paid per case for people that had COVID and they got paid per COVID deaths and 01:30:52.240 --> 01:30:54.720 they got the whole thing was weird. 01:30:54.720 --> 01:30:56.040 It's like if you. 01:30:56.040 --> 01:30:57.560 That's not weird. 01:30:57.560 --> 01:31:01.600 You just got through explaining life a system was set up for people to make money that people 01:31:01.600 --> 01:31:02.600 would make money. 01:31:02.600 --> 01:31:09.200 You just got through saying that people will walk the fine line right up to the line of 01:31:09.200 --> 01:31:10.200 ethics. 01:31:10.200 --> 01:31:11.920 It's not weird. 01:31:11.920 --> 01:31:20.120 If you financially incentivize the existence of a novel pathogen and you incentivize the 01:31:20.120 --> 01:31:24.920 existence of a national security priority, then holy shit, you're going to find a lot 01:31:24.920 --> 01:31:30.120 of people that are financially incentivized to declare a national emergency for this novel 01:31:30.120 --> 01:31:31.120 pathogen. 01:31:31.120 --> 01:31:34.680 That's weird, he says. 01:31:34.680 --> 01:31:42.160 Financially incentivize the treatment of a pandemic disease that seems like I understand 01:31:42.160 --> 01:31:44.280 that hospitals have to make money. 01:31:44.280 --> 01:31:52.720 But isn't there a fear that you label something COVID death you get more money that people 01:31:52.720 --> 01:31:57.560 would use that on things that weren't necessarily COVID, especially if there's no oversight. 01:31:57.560 --> 01:31:58.560 Oh, of course. 01:31:58.560 --> 01:32:01.280 Oh, but one more step, Joe. 01:32:01.280 --> 01:32:06.280 One more step, Alex, imagine the possibility that if they knew that this was going to work, 01:32:06.280 --> 01:32:08.680 they had to seed the narrative. 01:32:08.680 --> 01:32:14.760 They had to actually create the illusion of spread by creating a few mass casualty events. 01:32:14.760 --> 01:32:18.680 Do you think anybody would be willing to do that for say a couple trillion dollars in 01:32:18.680 --> 01:32:21.040 profit? 01:32:21.040 --> 01:32:25.320 Do you think anybody would be willing to do that for say, I don't know, a shift in global 01:32:25.320 --> 01:32:31.840 power from national sovereignty to some global super national organization made up of cooperating 01:32:31.840 --> 01:32:34.240 weaponized piles of money? 01:32:34.240 --> 01:32:39.320 Maybe you should ask your friend Peter Thiel about that, Joe. 01:32:39.320 --> 01:32:44.120 He can't possibly imagine he just got through explaining how the pharmaceutical companies 01:32:44.120 --> 01:32:46.560 will do everything they can that walk right up to the line. 01:32:46.560 --> 01:32:49.640 They might lie if they have to. 01:32:49.640 --> 01:32:55.880 Can you imagine a scenario where this behemoth of weaponized pile of money combined with 01:32:55.880 --> 01:33:05.080 the lust for global control of the human population might be motivated to create a few mass casualty 01:33:05.080 --> 01:33:10.960 events and tell you that it was the spread of a novel virus and then confuse it by using 01:33:10.960 --> 01:33:15.240 financial incentives would get people like you to think that you are unmasking a Scooby-Doo 01:33:15.240 --> 01:33:18.640 villain by saying that. 01:33:18.640 --> 01:33:22.400 We're right there, ladies and gentlemen, we're right at the edge of the limited spectrum 01:33:22.400 --> 01:33:30.160 of debate curated by the intellectual dark web that is Joe Rogan, that is Eric Weinstein, 01:33:30.160 --> 01:33:41.560 Brett Weinstein, the guy who wears the cap all the time, Shapiro and Rubin and all these 01:33:41.560 --> 01:33:47.720 people, Tim Poole, they're all part of the same show. 01:33:47.720 --> 01:33:56.040 And unfortunately, because Brett Weinstein and all of these pseudo dissidents have all 01:33:56.040 --> 01:34:01.040 gone through the Rogan podcast, my only conclusion can be that they're all on the same team. 01:34:01.040 --> 01:34:07.000 Malone, Corey, all the people that cried on this podcast early on in the pandemic about 01:34:07.000 --> 01:34:11.880 what was done to them and what they sacrificed were part of the show and the narrative that 01:34:11.880 --> 01:34:13.920 they pushed was part of the show. 01:34:13.920 --> 01:34:20.320 In fact, all of them pushed the same thing, novel treatments, novel viruses, the bad response, 01:34:20.320 --> 01:34:24.480 a contaminated shots, it's all the same shit. 01:34:24.480 --> 01:34:28.640 And not one of them will question the pretense that maybe they lied to us about this in order 01:34:28.640 --> 01:34:35.840 to invert our sovereignty to permissions over a couple generations. 01:34:35.840 --> 01:34:38.640 We need to get there, ladies and gentlemen, we need to get there fast. 01:34:38.640 --> 01:34:39.640 Of course. 01:34:39.640 --> 01:34:42.720 They're not combing through your fucking books. 01:34:42.720 --> 01:34:45.680 And if the worst thing that happens if they do comb through your books is you have to pay 01:34:45.680 --> 01:34:46.840 some of it back. 01:34:46.840 --> 01:34:48.640 All you see is that's right. 01:34:48.640 --> 01:34:49.640 Exactly. 01:34:49.640 --> 01:34:50.640 Exactly. 01:34:50.640 --> 01:34:51.640 We just we up-coded a little bit here. 01:34:51.640 --> 01:34:52.640 We cheated a little bit there. 01:34:52.640 --> 01:34:53.640 We'll give you a check. 01:34:53.640 --> 01:34:56.800 We talked about it on the podcast and people said he was making it up. 01:34:56.800 --> 01:34:57.800 Nope. 01:34:57.800 --> 01:34:58.800 He was not making it up. 01:34:58.800 --> 01:35:03.080 He's saying if you got bit by a shark and you have COVID, then we call it a COVID death. 01:35:03.080 --> 01:35:04.080 Yes. 01:35:04.080 --> 01:35:05.080 Just like, what? 01:35:05.080 --> 01:35:07.200 And, and this is still going on, Joe. 01:35:07.200 --> 01:35:09.320 What's going on till 2025? 01:35:09.320 --> 01:35:15.240 If you're, if you're a family member and you're, and you can get a family member who died 01:35:15.240 --> 01:35:20.240 to be classified as a COVID death, as long as you talk about them paying for funeral costs, 01:35:20.240 --> 01:35:24.200 you're not talking about the fact that they got people on the conveyor belt of death by 01:35:24.200 --> 01:35:27.520 giving them supplementary oxygen in 2020. 01:35:27.520 --> 01:35:32.640 As long as you're talking about paying for funeral costs, even till 2025, you're not talking 01:35:32.640 --> 01:35:38.120 about the 500,000, maybe six or 700,000 people that were murdered in the United States 01:35:38.120 --> 01:35:46.920 by a combination of causes that includes opioids that they were just talking about as pills. 01:35:46.920 --> 01:35:50.920 This is the definition of the limited spectrum of debate. 01:35:50.920 --> 01:35:56.680 It is exactly how we are being beaten by this fifth generation warfare, which is equivalent 01:35:56.680 --> 01:36:02.160 to winning and unwitting participants in an illusion of consensus about a lie. 01:36:02.160 --> 01:36:07.840 The COVID death, you get up to $9,000 for their funeral expenses. 01:36:07.840 --> 01:36:10.920 You submit it to FEMA, they cut your check. 01:36:10.920 --> 01:36:16.120 And so, of course, those families want, oh, you know, they want $9,000. 01:36:16.120 --> 01:36:17.120 Who wouldn't? 01:36:17.120 --> 01:36:21.920 I mean, yeah, it's free $9,000, your loved one's already gone. 01:36:21.920 --> 01:36:22.920 Yes. 01:36:22.920 --> 01:36:29.640 The thing is just so slippery because, yeah, if everything was perfect, you would say 01:36:29.640 --> 01:36:32.680 maybe it would be good to help these people with a funeral. 01:36:32.680 --> 01:36:34.240 Maybe it would be good if you get on a call. 01:36:34.240 --> 01:36:36.240 But why is COVID different than anything else? 01:36:36.240 --> 01:36:37.240 Good question. 01:36:37.240 --> 01:36:39.440 Why do you get $9,000 for COVID and nothing else? 01:36:39.440 --> 01:36:40.440 Right. 01:36:40.440 --> 01:36:44.520 What do you think would it be like if people started promoting that for obese folks? 01:36:44.520 --> 01:36:48.440 If you're obese and you die, it would give you... 01:36:48.440 --> 01:36:50.920 It would bankrupt the federal government. 01:36:50.920 --> 01:36:55.160 Somehow as obese, you know, like, you just like... 01:36:55.160 --> 01:36:58.760 People respond to incentives when there's money, companies respond to... 01:36:58.760 --> 01:36:59.760 Unfortunately, right? 01:36:59.760 --> 01:37:00.760 Unfortunately, everybody. 01:37:00.760 --> 01:37:01.920 Yeah, I mean, I guess, unfortunately, I mean... 01:37:01.920 --> 01:37:03.680 It would not bankrupt the federal government. 01:37:03.680 --> 01:37:06.880 The federal government has been bankrupt for quite some time. 01:37:06.880 --> 01:37:09.440 I mean, even that's just a stupid statement. 01:37:09.440 --> 01:37:11.600 Wow, is that stupid? 01:37:11.600 --> 01:37:16.120 I think somebody like Ed Griffin would just roll his eyes right out of his head if he 01:37:16.120 --> 01:37:17.120 heard that. 01:37:17.120 --> 01:37:21.480 That if we paid for the funeral of fat people, it would bankrupt the government. 01:37:21.480 --> 01:37:24.280 As if the government isn't already bankrupt. 01:37:24.280 --> 01:37:26.280 Holy cow, that's hilarious. 01:37:26.280 --> 01:37:27.280 Yes, unfortunately. 01:37:27.280 --> 01:37:33.080 I mean, look, it's why we have this, you know, all these great things in this country too. 01:37:33.080 --> 01:37:34.080 Yeah. 01:37:34.080 --> 01:37:35.160 I will give you... 01:37:35.160 --> 01:37:38.880 So an ophthalmologist called me a few weeks ago. 01:37:38.880 --> 01:37:41.040 There's a drug and the drug works, okay? 01:37:41.040 --> 01:37:46.920 It's good for people if something called wet macular degeneration, okay? 01:37:46.920 --> 01:37:49.880 It's something that older people get and it can blind you. 01:37:49.880 --> 01:37:50.880 Listen to this story. 01:37:50.880 --> 01:37:54.520 There's a couple of drugs that actually work for it. 01:37:54.520 --> 01:37:57.000 They block the flow of... 01:37:57.000 --> 01:37:59.680 They block blood vessel formation at the back of the eye. 01:37:59.680 --> 01:38:00.760 They help you. 01:38:00.760 --> 01:38:04.840 So these are administered ophthalmologists and minister them in their offices. 01:38:04.840 --> 01:38:10.520 So a drug like that, the ophthalmologist actually buys and charges Medicare or the private insurer 01:38:10.520 --> 01:38:11.520 for. 01:38:11.520 --> 01:38:15.160 Okay, what's happening, and I saw this with a different drug when I worked in the New 01:38:15.160 --> 01:38:17.680 York Times 15 years ago, so nothing ever changes. 01:38:17.680 --> 01:38:19.160 These companies all play the same game. 01:38:19.160 --> 01:38:23.840 He worked for the New York Times, noted the same game, is that the companies that make 01:38:23.840 --> 01:38:32.800 this drug are giving doctors a rebate on the purchase price and the more you use, the 01:38:32.800 --> 01:38:34.360 bigger the rebate. 01:38:34.360 --> 01:38:40.160 And this is a drug that costs thousands of dollars per person per year, okay? 01:38:40.160 --> 01:38:42.600 It's dose multiple times a year for a lot of these people. 01:38:42.600 --> 01:38:47.000 So what all this adds up to is if you're an ophthalmologist who's using a lot of this, 01:38:47.000 --> 01:38:53.440 the company is cutting you a check for five or sometimes six figures, sometimes multiple 01:38:53.440 --> 01:38:55.360 times a year, okay? 01:38:55.360 --> 01:38:59.400 Don't tell me that's not a bribe, okay, because that's a bribe. 01:38:59.400 --> 01:39:00.400 It may be legal. 01:39:00.400 --> 01:39:01.920 They may have found a way to do this. 01:39:01.920 --> 01:39:08.640 And so what he's telling you is just an example that happens at ophthalmologists, places where 01:39:08.640 --> 01:39:13.960 nobody cares, you know, only rich people go to the ophthalmologist, like you got to 01:39:13.960 --> 01:39:17.120 have good insurance for that anyway, right? 01:39:17.120 --> 01:39:23.600 So he tells you this story about corruption and this really, you know, weird, isolated 01:39:23.600 --> 01:39:27.440 setting when it's, it's systemic. 01:39:27.440 --> 01:39:30.280 That's how the entire system works. 01:39:30.280 --> 01:39:36.680 Hospitals are bribed, doctors are bribed, nurses are coerced, hospital administrators 01:39:36.680 --> 01:39:42.040 coerce their employees through newsletters and emails that say the new standard operating 01:39:42.040 --> 01:39:46.760 procedure for this is that. 01:39:46.760 --> 01:39:48.960 And so they're not really telling you what's wrong. 01:39:48.960 --> 01:39:51.360 They're not really raising the alarm. 01:39:51.360 --> 01:39:55.560 They're basically just telling you what they see out the window so that you stay asleep. 01:39:55.560 --> 01:39:56.560 Don't open your eyes. 01:39:56.560 --> 01:39:59.840 I'll tell you what's out there. 01:39:59.840 --> 01:40:01.120 Don't bother looking outside. 01:40:01.120 --> 01:40:02.120 It's boring. 01:40:02.120 --> 01:40:06.040 It's just the farmland going by. 01:40:06.040 --> 01:40:10.360 There's nothing you can do to change where this train is going. 01:40:10.360 --> 01:40:12.240 Go back to sleep. 01:40:12.240 --> 01:40:18.360 And he showed me, he showed me the, the, the check that his company or that his ophthalmology 01:40:18.360 --> 01:40:20.480 practice had received and it was huge. 01:40:20.480 --> 01:40:21.480 Okay. 01:40:21.480 --> 01:40:26.080 And by the way, these doctors make a lot of money on their own just doing the procedure. 01:40:26.080 --> 01:40:30.600 They don't need this, but the, but it's a way for the drug company to get them to use 01:40:30.600 --> 01:40:31.600 this more. 01:40:31.600 --> 01:40:39.800 This is corruption all over our medical system. 01:40:39.800 --> 01:40:42.240 This episode is brought to you by better help. 01:40:42.240 --> 01:40:44.800 Take a minute to check your social battery. 01:40:44.800 --> 01:40:48.160 Maybe the brief, here's this body. 01:40:48.160 --> 01:40:54.600 Just, and how, how does that get resolved? 01:40:54.600 --> 01:40:57.960 Is there a way at this point or is it the system itself? 01:40:57.960 --> 01:40:59.760 Alex, save America. 01:40:59.760 --> 01:41:03.200 Tell us how to do it. 01:41:03.200 --> 01:41:07.120 Self. 01:41:07.120 --> 01:41:15.960 Is it just a function of that's how human beings behave when they have, you know, enough regulation 01:41:15.960 --> 01:41:19.920 where they can get away with some stuff and they just want to make more and more money 01:41:19.920 --> 01:41:22.960 and it just becomes, that's what they're trying to do. 01:41:22.960 --> 01:41:25.520 I mean, I don't know, I mean, it's just human beings. 01:41:25.520 --> 01:41:28.920 I mean, if you're that ophthalmologist in Florida, do you need another Ferrari? 01:41:28.920 --> 01:41:30.520 But maybe you don't think that way. 01:41:30.520 --> 01:41:31.520 You don't think that way. 01:41:31.520 --> 01:41:32.880 You just think I can get it. 01:41:32.880 --> 01:41:33.880 Right. 01:41:33.880 --> 01:41:35.640 And I'm in this system and the system is fucked already. 01:41:35.640 --> 01:41:36.640 That's right. 01:41:36.640 --> 01:41:39.320 And I'm using this drug because I know it works and it's good for patients. 01:41:39.320 --> 01:41:43.160 The problem is do you need another Ferrari is already disingenuous. 01:41:43.160 --> 01:41:45.240 The guy's not buying more Ferraris with that money. 01:41:45.240 --> 01:41:46.240 He's putting it in the bank. 01:41:46.240 --> 01:41:48.160 He's buying properties. 01:41:48.160 --> 01:41:50.680 He's investing, you know, like, come on. 01:41:50.680 --> 01:41:54.920 That's already stupid because he's already being misleading when he says that rich people 01:41:54.920 --> 01:42:00.080 don't buy Ferraris anymore, especially if they have one already. 01:42:00.080 --> 01:42:07.480 What a stupid statement that is it gets people to ask the wrong question over and over again. 01:42:07.480 --> 01:42:08.760 That's all these guys do. 01:42:08.760 --> 01:42:14.600 The problem is you're then you're then having incentives to ignore the problem if there 01:42:14.600 --> 01:42:16.160 is one later. 01:42:16.160 --> 01:42:19.840 And so in this case, the guy actually said to me, he's like, this is a good drug. 01:42:19.840 --> 01:42:21.040 It does work. 01:42:21.040 --> 01:42:24.880 He said, but sometimes if we dose it too many times, we can get there can be sort of 01:42:24.880 --> 01:42:28.680 a paradoxical effect where it stops working. 01:42:28.680 --> 01:42:33.240 If you're one of those doctors who's on the tit and getting that check every quarter or 01:42:33.240 --> 01:42:37.560 every six months or, you know, however frequently you get it, you're going to. 01:42:37.560 --> 01:42:39.600 It's going to be harder for you to see the problem. 01:42:39.600 --> 01:42:42.840 I wonder if vaccines fall into that category. 01:42:42.840 --> 01:42:45.400 Do doctors get paid for vaccines? 01:42:45.400 --> 01:42:48.160 I wonder if hospitals get paid for vaccines. 01:42:48.160 --> 01:42:52.400 I wonder if if CVS in them got paid for vaccines. 01:42:52.400 --> 01:42:59.680 Oh my gosh, there's all this incentive and they make all this money, but they want you 01:42:59.680 --> 01:43:03.640 to be mad about the money so that you accept the biology. 01:43:03.640 --> 01:43:09.360 That's why I'm getting so upset because they're not talking about the contradictory immunomethology 01:43:09.360 --> 01:43:11.640 that underlies a lot of this stuff. 01:43:11.640 --> 01:43:14.600 They're not talking about the fact that a lot of these drugs don't even work. 01:43:14.600 --> 01:43:18.600 They're just muscled onto people, coerced onto people that are so unhealthy. 01:43:18.600 --> 01:43:22.080 They just think, well, maybe I need another pill. 01:43:22.080 --> 01:43:25.560 So they're not really telling the truth here at all. 01:43:25.560 --> 01:43:29.800 Because all of a sudden you have a financial incentive not to see it rise. 01:43:29.800 --> 01:43:33.120 I don't know what we do about any of this. 01:43:33.120 --> 01:43:37.000 I don't know what we do about it. 01:43:37.000 --> 01:43:39.320 Except talk about it and make sure people know. 01:43:39.320 --> 01:43:41.480 Talk about it, make sure people know. 01:43:41.480 --> 01:43:46.040 Because you're not talking about the real problem in a genuine way, discussing real 01:43:46.040 --> 01:43:50.120 solutions and you're actually not helping anybody and that's the definition of the limited 01:43:50.120 --> 01:43:56.000 spectrum of debate that reinforces the presuppositions of the state. 01:43:56.000 --> 01:43:58.160 Thank you, Noam Chomsky. 01:43:58.160 --> 01:44:04.040 You need senators that call this stuff out and we need people that run these companies 01:44:04.040 --> 01:44:09.120 to be just to have their ethical boundaries because they make great stuff. 01:44:09.120 --> 01:44:13.480 The thing about pharmaceutical drug companies is I would never say we don't need them. 01:44:13.480 --> 01:44:14.480 That's crazy. 01:44:14.480 --> 01:44:15.920 I mean people, they've helped. 01:44:15.920 --> 01:44:20.360 You know how many drugs the pharmaceutical companies use that we currently demonize because 01:44:20.360 --> 01:44:24.480 of this thing, this for-profit aspect of it. 01:44:24.480 --> 01:44:29.160 But how many of them have brought drugs to the market that have fixed all sorts of problems 01:44:29.160 --> 01:44:32.160 that people have been suffering for forever? 01:44:32.160 --> 01:44:33.160 Wow. 01:44:33.160 --> 01:44:36.200 Let's start naming them. 01:44:36.200 --> 01:44:38.360 Let's start naming them, Joe. 01:44:38.360 --> 01:44:42.000 It must be an endless list, I bet you can name at least 10 right off the top of your 01:44:42.000 --> 01:44:43.000 head. 01:44:43.000 --> 01:44:44.000 Yeah. 01:44:44.000 --> 01:44:45.000 Yeah. 01:44:45.000 --> 01:44:51.720 They just can't go ham, you can't go crazy and force people to take your stuff. 01:44:51.720 --> 01:44:53.920 Like, that's a bad relationship. 01:44:53.920 --> 01:44:57.760 Besides antibiotics, give me one. 01:44:57.760 --> 01:44:58.760 Like insulin maybe? 01:44:58.760 --> 01:45:01.400 I mean, what is he talking about? 01:45:01.400 --> 01:45:02.880 Holy shit. 01:45:02.880 --> 01:45:08.040 Countless things have been cured by the- Wow. 01:45:08.040 --> 01:45:16.560 I mean, just absolutely wow. 01:45:16.560 --> 01:45:19.840 Just absolutely wow. 01:45:19.840 --> 01:45:23.520 The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum 01:45:23.520 --> 01:45:28.760 of acceptable opinion but allow a very lively debate within that spectrum, even encourage 01:45:28.760 --> 01:45:30.920 the more critical and dissonant views. 01:45:30.920 --> 01:45:33.480 You know like these two stoners. 01:45:33.480 --> 01:45:37.960 Sorry, I don't think Alex Berenson smokes. 01:45:37.960 --> 01:45:42.080 That gives people the sense that there is a free thinking going on while all the time 01:45:42.080 --> 01:45:46.640 the presuppositions of the systems are being reinforced by the limits put on the range 01:45:46.640 --> 01:45:47.640 of the debate. 01:45:47.640 --> 01:45:48.640 What's the limits here? 01:45:48.640 --> 01:45:59.280 Well, as pharmaceutical companies are obviously great, they've saved countless lives. 01:45:59.280 --> 01:46:00.600 Just amaze balls. 01:46:00.600 --> 01:46:02.440 I can't believe it. 01:46:02.440 --> 01:46:05.680 A good relationship is a consumer and a provider. 01:46:05.680 --> 01:46:10.200 And the provider develops these drugs that are very beneficial to people and most of 01:46:10.200 --> 01:46:11.200 them are. 01:46:11.200 --> 01:46:12.200 A lot of them are. 01:46:12.200 --> 01:46:13.200 Right? 01:46:13.200 --> 01:46:14.200 Some of them are. 01:46:14.200 --> 01:46:18.600 But they do have drugs that they've developed that are really beneficial for people. 01:46:18.600 --> 01:46:19.600 They really do. 01:46:19.600 --> 01:46:20.600 They're real. 01:46:20.600 --> 01:46:21.600 Really? 01:46:21.600 --> 01:46:22.600 They are really. 01:46:22.600 --> 01:46:23.600 We can't really throw out the bait with the bat. 01:46:23.600 --> 01:46:24.600 Really? 01:46:24.600 --> 01:46:29.280 I just think that the problem is also the process, right? 01:46:29.280 --> 01:46:32.880 Because to bring a drug to market costs so much fucking money. 01:46:32.880 --> 01:46:34.480 Oh, it's so expensive. 01:46:34.480 --> 01:46:37.440 It's so prohibitive for most guys. 01:46:37.440 --> 01:46:38.440 If you were like. 01:46:38.440 --> 01:46:39.440 It's unreal. 01:46:39.440 --> 01:46:46.040 The FDA is so stringent and the kinds of things that are required for an EUA are so in depth. 01:46:46.040 --> 01:46:47.640 Oh, my gosh. 01:46:47.640 --> 01:46:52.960 If you were like some pharmacologist or some biologist and you guys were working together 01:46:52.960 --> 01:46:56.360 and you developed something, you had this idea about a pathway and you figured out something 01:46:56.360 --> 01:46:59.120 and maybe this could fix it and you really figured it out. 01:46:59.120 --> 01:47:00.120 Sure. 01:47:00.120 --> 01:47:01.880 Good fucking luck. 01:47:01.880 --> 01:47:02.880 Right. 01:47:02.960 --> 01:47:03.960 Right. 01:47:03.960 --> 01:47:04.960 Getting that thing approved. 01:47:04.960 --> 01:47:05.960 Well, what? 01:47:05.960 --> 01:47:10.720 I mean, one of the great disappointments for me in the last 10 years is realizing that 01:47:10.720 --> 01:47:15.400 if you had to choose between a sewer system and a medical system, you'd choose a sewer 01:47:15.400 --> 01:47:16.400 system. 01:47:16.400 --> 01:47:18.720 Like in other words, I know it's more efficient. 01:47:18.720 --> 01:47:21.280 What what actually helps human health more? 01:47:21.280 --> 01:47:25.240 Oh, is he about to say that vaccines didn't do anything and then it was sewer systems 01:47:25.240 --> 01:47:26.760 and water treatment? 01:47:26.760 --> 01:47:27.760 Come on, right? 01:47:27.760 --> 01:47:29.280 He can't possibly say that. 01:47:29.280 --> 01:47:30.800 He would get canceled. 01:47:30.800 --> 01:47:37.800 The great gains for human longevity in the last 200 years have been really simple things. 01:47:37.800 --> 01:47:38.800 Clean water. 01:47:38.800 --> 01:47:40.000 Try to get the air clean. 01:47:40.000 --> 01:47:43.680 Don't bury you know, don't have like meat packing plants in the middle of cities. 01:47:43.680 --> 01:47:46.080 Don't bear, don't have giant graveyards in the middle of cities. 01:47:46.080 --> 01:47:47.080 Like that stuff. 01:47:47.080 --> 01:47:50.280 He seemed, excuse me, have you read dissolving illusions? 01:47:50.280 --> 01:47:51.280 I have not. 01:47:51.280 --> 01:47:57.160 It's a fantastic book about just that and the beginning of it is they talk about the 01:47:57.160 --> 01:48:00.280 conditions that people lived in because you never really think about it. 01:48:00.280 --> 01:48:03.880 Like, what would it be like to live in a city before there were cars? 01:48:03.880 --> 01:48:04.880 Well guess what? 01:48:04.880 --> 01:48:13.800 Why wouldn't Alex have read this book because this book is anti-vaccine? 01:48:13.800 --> 01:48:16.040 Is Joe actually going to say it or not? 01:48:16.040 --> 01:48:17.640 Of course he's not going to say it. 01:48:17.640 --> 01:48:18.640 Of course he's not. 01:48:18.640 --> 01:48:20.440 At least he said the book. 01:48:20.440 --> 01:48:25.720 Susan Humphreys is a pretty decent, pretty decent doctor, everything that I've talked 01:48:25.720 --> 01:48:28.720 to Susan Humphreys about. 01:48:28.720 --> 01:48:30.480 She's seemed pretty spot on. 01:48:30.480 --> 01:48:35.240 This Roman guy and I actually had some DMs on Twitter. 01:48:35.240 --> 01:48:42.640 I might be able to get him on the podcast if you guys are interested. 01:48:42.640 --> 01:48:46.440 I've only read about half of that book and then at some point I broke off of it and I 01:48:46.440 --> 01:48:49.720 don't remember why it wasn't because it was bad, it was because I started reading something 01:48:49.720 --> 01:48:50.720 else. 01:48:50.720 --> 01:48:55.080 I'm very bad like that but when you're buying more books than you can ever read then that's 01:48:55.080 --> 01:48:56.080 tends to be what happened. 01:48:56.080 --> 01:49:00.800 I'm free to admit I have more books than I could have possibly read during this pandemic 01:49:00.800 --> 01:49:03.640 and given all the stupid papers we had to read. 01:49:03.640 --> 01:49:05.200 Well guess what? 01:49:05.200 --> 01:49:06.640 But nothing gets to you. 01:49:06.640 --> 01:49:07.640 That's right. 01:49:07.640 --> 01:49:09.960 You're not getting fresh vegetables in the winter. 01:49:09.960 --> 01:49:11.200 You're not getting vitamins. 01:49:11.200 --> 01:49:12.200 That's right. 01:49:12.200 --> 01:49:15.080 There's massive malnutrition, starvation, extreme poverty. 01:49:15.080 --> 01:49:20.160 In the Netherlands you can get fresh vegetables all year long because of their gigantic greenhouses 01:49:20.160 --> 01:49:26.120 and their supply of wonderful greenhouse grown organic vegetables. 01:49:26.120 --> 01:49:31.760 I don't know how good they are from trace minerals and that kind of thing but in theory 01:49:31.760 --> 01:49:33.840 you can get it all year long there. 01:49:33.840 --> 01:49:34.840 Extreme poverty. 01:49:34.840 --> 01:49:38.120 People living in Squall are terrible sanitation. 01:49:38.120 --> 01:49:45.040 I mean open outhouses for entire blocks of people and just crazy diseases and they all 01:49:45.040 --> 01:49:50.160 live on top of each other and again malnutrition, no vitamin D, no sunlight exposure in the 01:49:50.160 --> 01:49:55.240 winter etc etc and a lot of those people get horrible diseases because of that just like 01:49:55.240 --> 01:50:01.000 they did in the olden times we know about when people dump shit in the streets. 01:50:01.000 --> 01:50:03.360 So that came. 01:50:03.360 --> 01:50:08.440 The first few decades of the Industrial Revolution were terrible for human health. 01:50:08.440 --> 01:50:12.480 People got crammed together and they got sicker and then in about 1850 they started to figure 01:50:12.480 --> 01:50:18.480 this stuff out for a hundred years like we did great okay but it wasn't really medicine. 01:50:18.480 --> 01:50:24.120 It was really more basic than that and so the last 50, 60, 70 years we've spent more 01:50:24.120 --> 01:50:31.720 and more and more money on medicine trying to like continue that growth in life expectancy 01:50:31.720 --> 01:50:34.400 and it turns out like there are limits to it. 01:50:34.400 --> 01:50:40.280 So life expectancy here is very different than eliminating disease or not disease from 01:50:40.280 --> 01:50:41.280 the population. 01:50:41.280 --> 01:50:44.000 So it's a very interesting angle they took. 01:50:44.000 --> 01:50:48.040 I think they actually stumbled in a place that they didn't want to go and now they need 01:50:48.040 --> 01:50:51.840 to stumble their way back out without touching the wrong switches because if they turn on 01:50:51.840 --> 01:50:56.360 the wrong lights while they're in this room it will be obvious that wait are you saying 01:50:56.360 --> 01:51:01.920 that simple things rather than vaccines are what got us to where we are because the public 01:51:01.920 --> 01:51:09.760 health apparatus told us that the reason why we got rid of all this stuff that I mean remember 01:51:09.760 --> 01:51:16.520 that Vincent Rancid Yello showed us two days ago at the beginning of his 2024 virology 01:51:16.520 --> 01:51:23.920 lecture that the rise in life expectancy in the western world was directly correlated 01:51:23.920 --> 01:51:26.080 with vaccines. 01:51:26.080 --> 01:51:33.560 He told us that without a smile on his face without irony and now this guy is saying 01:51:33.560 --> 01:51:39.200 something that's more akin to what we've said in books and things where sanitation 01:51:39.200 --> 01:51:44.960 clean water et cetera what Doug did this we're not going to talk about DDT or any other 01:51:44.960 --> 01:51:49.720 form of insecticide that was being used that might have caused people to have what appeared 01:51:49.720 --> 01:51:53.480 to be a new disease we're not going to talk about any of that and we haven't mentioned 01:51:53.480 --> 01:51:59.360 vaccines yet which is very very interesting he's talking about longevity not disease another 01:51:59.360 --> 01:52:04.080 transhuman subject of course there are limits to it there are just limits and we seem to 01:52:04.080 --> 01:52:10.040 be reaching them and the problem is in the US anyway we're now spending so much money 01:52:10.040 --> 01:52:16.520 and having yeah Bert there's been out in my ear Bert money and having so many unnecessary 01:52:16.520 --> 01:52:20.520 medical procedures of marginal value I'm not even talking about the cost I'm talking 01:52:20.520 --> 01:52:25.640 about like value to people that we've we seem to have topped out and and and this is like 01:52:25.640 --> 01:52:30.560 a really depressing thing to realize that that ultimately like once people get to be 01:52:30.560 --> 01:52:34.920 about 80 there's just not that much you can do for them unless you're Vince McMahon 01:52:34.920 --> 01:52:41.520 you've seen what he looks like no he's 78 years old looking back he goes to Jim at 01:52:41.520 --> 01:52:46.760 three o'clock in the morning sleeps two hours a night let me you know so there's that canary 01:52:46.760 --> 01:52:52.160 in the coal mine that's right I'd see many yeah yeah and he probably doesn't use anything 01:52:52.160 --> 01:52:57.360 right he doesn't take any testosterone and doesn't do any of those things right Joe it's 01:52:57.400 --> 01:53:00.880 just naturally just gets up at three in the morning works out because he's motivated 01:53:00.880 --> 01:53:09.160 none of these people are just working out Joe Rogan is not just working out okay I'm what 01:53:09.160 --> 01:53:13.640 it looks like when you don't work out and if I started to work out I could never look 01:53:13.640 --> 01:53:19.040 like him unless I took some kind of testosterone testosterone supplement because I'm 52 years 01:53:19.040 --> 01:53:23.280 old because I don't have enough time to live six days a week and because that's not my 01:53:23.360 --> 01:53:33.800 physical structure but somehow people like Sam Harris also have muscles now people like 01:53:33.800 --> 01:53:39.320 Huberman you know they all have muscles now not that I got anything wrong with guys with 01:53:39.320 --> 01:53:43.920 muscles I could dunk over over Joe Rogan here he's a tiny man that's part of the reason 01:53:43.920 --> 01:53:49.040 why their muscles look so big because they're tiny men with short little arms if I wanted 01:53:49.040 --> 01:53:54.400 to look like that I would have to be as big as LeBron James I mean that's the joke of 01:53:54.400 --> 01:54:00.000 this here that this illusion on the internet includes tiny people looking and creating 01:54:00.000 --> 01:54:03.920 the illusion that they are bigger than they are because they're on camera when in reality 01:54:03.920 --> 01:54:13.720 they're tiny little people and I'm sorry but there was a song about short people and the 01:54:13.720 --> 01:54:18.640 reason why there's a song about short people is because they are very vulnerable egos 01:54:18.640 --> 01:54:22.960 it's hard to walk around the world and not be able to see it a concert it's hard to walk 01:54:22.960 --> 01:54:28.320 around the world and not be able to ride all the rides I get it but it creates a certain 01:54:28.320 --> 01:54:33.240 kind of person I don't want to be a jack but it's true because I'm six six and I know 01:54:33.240 --> 01:54:38.000 what it's like I know how you guys act I know the problems that you have I know the jokes 01:54:38.000 --> 01:54:45.480 that you make when I'm at a concert there's a group there's nobody behind me when we go 01:54:45.480 --> 01:54:51.000 to a concert people meet at Jay look for the Cubs hat so I get it I know how these smart 01:54:51.000 --> 01:54:56.920 people think I know why it's so easy for them to get caught in these ego traps to get caught 01:54:56.920 --> 01:55:03.400 in looking in the mirror look at how short he looked when he took a picture with Robert 01:55:03.400 --> 01:55:13.080 F. Kennedy Jr. I tower over a RFK. RFK couldn't guard me I don't care how buffed up he is 01:55:13.400 --> 01:55:19.240 that's the truth of it here we're dealing with egos that have been given comfort and fame 01:55:19.240 --> 01:55:23.640 and they are not willing to relinquish it because they are no they are already climbing the ladder 01:55:23.640 --> 01:55:29.000 of this elite group of people that understands that there's a lot of useless eaters on the planet 01:55:29.000 --> 01:55:35.000 and they're all about not being a part of that group and Alex Berenson is just as in as this guy 01:55:35.640 --> 01:55:39.880 they get to go to all the conferences and at the and the after conference meetings 01:55:40.840 --> 01:55:44.920 they get invited to those parties where people sit around and talk about it outside 01:55:45.800 --> 01:55:48.920 next to the pool or or next to the gigantic fire 01:55:51.320 --> 01:55:56.920 about how we are doing the bright thing for humanity about we are working against those people 01:55:56.920 --> 01:56:02.840 over there or that group over there and all those other people out there are completely oblivious 01:56:02.840 --> 01:56:05.720 to what's really going on it's cool to be a part of this group isn't it Joe 01:56:06.360 --> 01:56:13.400 yeah well that's only four years from now yeah but the reality is you're right it's a you know 01:56:13.400 --> 01:56:17.880 it just but it's also there's a lot of complicated factors in being healthy and they don't all 01:56:17.880 --> 01:56:24.920 involve medicine no and it's not just said there is joking no no that's legit I think he was 76 01:56:24.920 --> 01:56:32.920 or the 74 that's those four years ago that's ridiculous modern science right there baby modern 01:56:33.640 --> 01:56:38.760 science it's not modern science we could give testosterone to people already 20 years ago it's 01:56:38.760 --> 01:56:43.800 not modern science we knew that if you ate a lot of protein while you're with it's just silly talk 01:56:47.880 --> 01:56:56.440 it's transhumanism disguised that's what it is you don't have a good life you're not healthy 01:56:56.440 --> 01:57:02.520 look at these people you don't have any wealth look at these people this is not success this is 01:57:03.080 --> 01:57:11.000 this is irreverence this is abomination everything on this show is a lie and an abomination 01:57:12.040 --> 01:57:17.880 it has no reverence for the sacred no reverence for the irreducible complexity of biology 01:57:19.560 --> 01:57:26.600 no sense of of of humbleness that needs to be passed on from generation to generation 01:57:26.600 --> 01:57:30.680 about taking care of our genetics and taking care of our health in the right way 01:57:31.560 --> 01:57:37.960 this is just full-on tweak party here baby look at that look at them 01:57:38.680 --> 01:57:46.360 jacked 76 78 year old man it's just jacked if you have a six 11 son i feel sorry for him because 01:57:46.360 --> 01:57:51.480 he probably can't buy shoes at a store he probably can't buy jeans at a store i can still get jeans 01:57:51.480 --> 01:57:57.880 at a store sometimes because i wear 34 36 it's like the the largest skinny size that anybody 01:57:57.880 --> 01:58:03.880 makes in a store if you're lucky you can get a 34 34 but 34 36 is pretty tough to come by 01:58:04.680 --> 01:58:09.640 but anything outside of that range you're done so six 11 it's just plain old 01:58:12.120 --> 01:58:17.960 that six 11's a great great height for for basketball nowadays i mean man oh man oh oh 01:58:18.920 --> 01:58:25.720 shit something happened here there's ink all over maybe i shook my hand did anybody see shake 01:58:25.720 --> 01:58:31.080 my hand i sprayed ink all over the all over my mouse here somehow how the hell did that happen 01:58:31.640 --> 01:58:35.160 sorry i'm gonna hit play act 01:58:39.000 --> 01:58:44.280 the train kept rolling with him yeah man it's uh there's a lot going on with with people's health 01:58:44.280 --> 01:58:52.280 and um the the the reality is we we rightly should attribute a lot of into medicine it's great they 01:58:52.280 --> 01:58:57.400 did a lot of great stuff but also there's a lot of other factors and the the factor with like 01:58:57.400 --> 01:59:02.440 plagues is like the sanitation systems that we had in this country at the beginning of the 19th 01:59:02.440 --> 01:59:09.560 century they were horrible horrible horrible yes horrible cholera i mean it was real tightness yeah 01:59:09.560 --> 01:59:13.880 terrible disease that's all gangs in New York people forget you think in New York do you think 01:59:13.880 --> 01:59:18.680 you're like fifth avenue like what an amazing place to visit it's the fact that it was horrific 01:59:18.680 --> 01:59:25.480 little johnny came home with a cold and the next day was dead yeah horrific yeah wasn't it uh 01:59:25.480 --> 01:59:30.200 i left him right you know one one thing that people dying left and right isn't that when they 01:59:30.200 --> 01:59:34.600 were piling horseshit in the street or something isn't that what sash a lot of pova said i don't 01:59:34.600 --> 01:59:39.800 know i just find this all a bit disingenuous and funny and that's why i wanted to watch it i think 01:59:39.800 --> 01:59:48.200 it's really uh it's cool to see what the alternative people are listening to and to then imagine how 01:59:48.200 --> 01:59:56.120 they feel some kind of uh reward see i was right i knew it i knew it i knew they were lying about 01:59:56.120 --> 02:00:00.680 this stuff i knew the system was corrupt i knew it was just a bunch of people making a lot of money 02:00:00.680 --> 02:00:05.960 lying about a lab leak i also found out that was fascinating was uh about the spanish flu 02:00:05.960 --> 02:00:12.120 you know the spanish flu killed so many people right it killed a shit-time people but they they 02:00:12.120 --> 02:00:17.080 said that what it killed people from is not actually the flu itself but the side disease 02:00:17.080 --> 02:00:21.000 it's it come with it and that you could have cured those within their arms back to your pneumonia 02:00:21.000 --> 02:00:24.840 yep that's true bacterial pneumonia what was the other one there was another one i think 02:00:24.840 --> 02:00:30.600 meningitis um that may be that may be was it that um but they said they they could have cured those 02:00:30.600 --> 02:00:35.480 with uh antibiotics so if that happened to it like because the fear was always that the spanish 02:00:35.480 --> 02:00:40.760 flu happened today but because medical science has progressed if that's the same flu came around 02:00:40.760 --> 02:00:44.200 today they would actually be able to that's what they would say mortality would probably be much 02:00:44.920 --> 02:00:50.280 no if there's a bad flu or bad you know another coronavirus believe i can just about guarantee 02:00:50.280 --> 02:00:56.440 you that will come out of a lab just like this one did this is a conspiracy theory and this is 02:00:56.440 --> 02:01:01.880 getting you kicked off youtube it's not a conspiracy theory to say it used to be out of a lab isn't 02:01:01.880 --> 02:01:06.520 it funny that it used to be yes used to be racist to say it used to be something wrong with you 02:01:06.520 --> 02:01:11.640 they did an amazing job of gaslighting people i didn't say it was made in a lab i said it came 02:01:11.720 --> 02:01:18.600 out of a lab yes and it did okay yeah so well it seems like the people in the lab were patients 02:01:18.600 --> 02:01:24.200 zero right yeah they were they were fucking around with the coronavirus they were trying to make it 02:01:24.200 --> 02:01:28.920 more dangerous or trying to make and of course you're aware that he's recently put out a very 02:01:28.920 --> 02:01:33.800 viral tweet that shows some kind of video he found where Tony Fauci and Ralph Barrick are agreeing 02:01:33.800 --> 02:01:39.720 that they need to that they need to um where is this ink coming from it's starting to piss me off 02:01:40.120 --> 02:01:41.880 um that they need to 02:01:44.760 --> 02:01:49.000 i mean it's it's absolutely a joke to me that this is where we are because again we could have been 02:01:49.000 --> 02:01:57.080 here already in in 2020 if we wanted to be because that's where i was in 2020 i was already 02:01:57.080 --> 02:02:02.840 talking about how this has to be a lab leak in 2020 and nobody wanted to listen to that then 02:02:02.840 --> 02:02:07.000 they wanted to wait they wanted to wait a few years so that everybody would get on board with 02:02:07.000 --> 02:02:11.080 the argument so that the scooby-doo mystery could congeal and set 02:02:12.680 --> 02:02:18.360 and so that controlled opposition like Alex Berenson could lead the way and pretend that he was 02:02:18.360 --> 02:02:25.320 leading everybody out of the cave and obviously this one's from a lab oh you're gonna get kicked 02:02:25.320 --> 02:02:33.880 off of youtube haha it's all a big show and these guys wittingly or unwittingly are involved in 02:02:33.960 --> 02:02:39.080 the show they are taking money from the people above them they are being promoted by the people 02:02:39.080 --> 02:02:45.720 above them they can't possibly believe that by just sheer hard work and persistence they are 02:02:45.720 --> 02:02:50.040 as successful as they are especially this guy i mean this guy 02:02:52.200 --> 02:02:57.640 don't even bother to buy his books they're terrible they they are as hard to read as he is to listen 02:02:57.640 --> 02:03:03.320 to so we're trying to make a vaccine a pan coronavirus vaccine and they didn't they you know 02:03:03.320 --> 02:03:07.640 somebody slipped or somebody accidentally injected a ferret when they were supposed to 02:03:07.640 --> 02:03:15.560 inject a mouse and it all started there most likely yes most likely yeah look at his smile 02:03:15.560 --> 02:03:21.080 they when they were supposed to inject a mouse they injected a ferret what kind of stupid shit is 02:03:21.080 --> 02:03:28.280 this other than obfuscation of the truth which is that RNA can't pandemic this is to get you to 02:03:28.360 --> 02:03:33.640 think that obviously RNA can pandemic obviously there are pandemics and this one just where did 02:03:33.640 --> 02:03:48.600 it come from pharmaceutical companies are obviously good pharmaceutical companies are 02:03:48.600 --> 02:03:55.160 obviously good 02:03:55.960 --> 02:04:00.760 i mean it obviously came from a laboratory i'm not saying was made in a lab i'm saying it came 02:04:00.760 --> 02:04:06.280 from a lab obviously it came from a lab they were messing around and they put it in a mouse when 02:04:06.280 --> 02:04:11.720 they were supposed to put it in a ferret they've been trying to mess around with coronaviruses forever 02:04:11.720 --> 02:04:17.480 he just put up a video showing Ralph Barrick and Tony Fauci agreeing that this was a great idea back 02:04:18.040 --> 02:04:25.320 in 2014 so obviously this was a gain of function weapon or a lab leak that they covered up obviously 02:04:29.080 --> 02:04:34.120 no ladies and gentlemen it's a bit more complicated than that actually this is a mythology 02:04:34.760 --> 02:04:40.680 about RNA viruses a mythology about vaccines that protect you from them by giving you 02:04:40.680 --> 02:04:45.960 seroprevalence antibodies in circulation that protect you from the polio virus didn't you just 02:04:45.960 --> 02:04:50.920 see Mark's presentation today where he's reading an article where they were already 02:04:50.920 --> 02:04:55.880 selling this very illusion already way back when salt was still alive 02:04:57.800 --> 02:05:03.000 that it was antibodies and seroprevalence not a correlate of immunity these are the little guys 02:05:03.000 --> 02:05:13.800 the little soldiers this lie and their commitment to it has existed for more than 25 years 02:05:15.960 --> 02:05:19.880 it is a sobering realization that every American needs to come to 02:05:21.000 --> 02:05:27.000 and i don't care how or what door you come in i need everyone to start pushing this this is 02:05:27.000 --> 02:05:31.880 the illusion right here vaccines give you antibodies antibodies protect you from disease 02:05:34.520 --> 02:05:40.520 that is the lie that's the commitment that they have Vincent Rancin yellow paul off at 02:05:40.520 --> 02:05:44.360 Brett Weinstein Joe Rogan Alex Berenson all in the same 02:05:45.720 --> 02:05:50.200 they will not question this they will not question this immunomethology at all 02:05:50.200 --> 02:05:55.880 even as they talk about how it wasn't vaccines but it was sewage and water treatment that 02:05:55.880 --> 02:06:00.280 actually brought the light longevity of the average American higher and higher until it 02:06:00.280 --> 02:06:08.040 asymptoped at 80 years old they're not going to question the infectious cycle of a virus ever 02:06:09.000 --> 02:06:15.720 Kevin McCurnan will be on Joe Rogan and make sure that they never question the infectious cycle 02:06:15.720 --> 02:06:21.640 that they never talk about infectious clones as being the only way that virology even works 02:06:21.640 --> 02:06:27.080 in a laboratory they're not going to question this cartoon at all very soon they will have 02:06:27.080 --> 02:06:33.400 Kevin McCurnan on Joe Rogan to discuss this and he will say all kinds of stuff about pot genetics 02:06:33.400 --> 02:06:38.520 and virions in pot and and it will be double stranded DNA all the way 02:06:42.760 --> 02:06:49.000 and he will work continuously until I'm gone to obfuscate the differences between the cartoons 02:06:49.000 --> 02:06:55.800 of infectious cycles and why we should be dubious when we see that some viruses need enzymes others don't 02:06:58.840 --> 02:07:03.240 some viruses make copies of everything that they need in our own cells others don't 02:07:04.120 --> 02:07:10.200 some make sub genomic copies of RNAs and research with others don't 02:07:11.720 --> 02:07:17.640 and all of these cartoons are taken for granted as high fidelity illustrations describing a 02:07:17.640 --> 02:07:24.680 high fidelity understanding that simply doesn't exist and is an illusion about a hijacking virus 02:07:24.680 --> 02:07:29.800 that steals your cells and makes them do something they don't already do that's a lie 02:07:30.520 --> 02:07:36.200 that can't be possible an RNA does not copy at high fidelity we know this already 02:07:36.200 --> 02:07:42.440 and we've used this elude this this illustration of a of a mixtape where where you lose fidelity 02:07:42.440 --> 02:07:48.280 every time you make a copy of it RNA is not any any different there are no high fidelity ways 02:07:48.280 --> 02:07:57.000 to copy RNA even if you believe Mark Denison and the exon gene is a proofreading sub sub unit 02:07:57.080 --> 02:08:02.520 of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase even if you believe the one paper or the two papers that claims 02:08:02.520 --> 02:08:08.200 that you shouldn't believe Kevin McCurnan for citing those papers and in fact it took him two 02:08:08.200 --> 02:08:14.280 discussions with me about about clones before he cited that paper and then I was still able to 02:08:15.080 --> 02:08:20.200 overrule him and say that well yeah but in that same paper Mark Denison says that that means that 02:08:20.200 --> 02:08:29.160 there's also a lot of recombination and that recombination would also result in edited genomes 02:08:29.160 --> 02:08:39.160 incomplete genomes in competent genomes which already in 2020 21 rather uh Robert Malone told 02:08:39.160 --> 02:08:45.320 us that the vast majority of these particles are not incompetent particles anyway and so the 02:08:45.320 --> 02:08:49.960 reality is is that when they find these RNAs in the wild they cannot grow them in culture 02:08:50.840 --> 02:08:55.800 it doesn't work and so they make a DNA sequence of it they take that DNA 02:08:57.080 --> 02:09:03.960 the CD version and they make a copy of it in the form of plasmids they put that inside of 02:09:03.960 --> 02:09:09.720 bacterial cultures those bacteria replicate that DNA once you have a lot of that DNA you can get 02:09:09.720 --> 02:09:17.240 rid of the bacteria and you can combine it with RNA polymerase and now you have manufactured RNA 02:09:17.240 --> 02:09:25.080 by process two process one being polymerase chain reaction process two being recombinant DNA 02:09:25.080 --> 02:09:32.840 replication in bacteria culture process two used to make the billions of shots now they're complaining 02:09:32.840 --> 02:09:41.160 about double stranded DNA being a contaminant but in reality it's also endotoxin and in reality 02:09:41.160 --> 02:09:46.840 it's also the fact that transfection in its purest form would have been devastating to healthy humans 02:09:46.840 --> 02:09:50.920 and that's why they're getting the results they do they can use these clones to pass it on 02:09:51.640 --> 02:09:56.920 laboratories to store it in freezers to make more of it and industrial quantities and that means 02:09:56.920 --> 02:10:02.920 that you could use infectious RNA clones to seed the molecular biology of a pandemic knowing full 02:10:02.920 --> 02:10:07.800 well that RNA doesn't go around the world by itself and infectious clones can be made in 02:10:07.800 --> 02:10:12.840 industrial quantities if you wanted to so that you could seed all of the sewers around the world 02:10:12.920 --> 02:10:16.600 and you could sequence PCR and you would get the sequences that you wanted to get 02:10:17.480 --> 02:10:24.360 basically it's in a magic trip an elaborate magic trick that we have been set up in this paper 02:10:24.360 --> 02:10:32.840 from 2019 shows very clearly the magic trick because by using non PCR requiring sequencing 02:10:32.840 --> 02:10:38.760 reactions by looking at this stuff using nanopore sequencing they found exactly the same subgenomic 02:10:38.760 --> 02:10:44.360 RNA distribution that they found in previous papers using gels what that means is is that 02:10:44.360 --> 02:10:52.120 RNAs don't make a lot of high fidelity copies of themselves almost none and so the infectious 02:10:52.120 --> 02:11:01.160 cycle that they show us in cartoons is completely in 100% wrong and likely Robert Malone slipped 02:11:01.160 --> 02:11:07.160 up early in 2021 and told that blonde girl in the UK the naturopath the thing that he wasn't 02:11:07.160 --> 02:11:13.800 supposed to say which is the infectious cycle is an illusion an illusion that we already knew 02:11:13.800 --> 02:11:21.240 from decades ago was true little tiny little tiny band of RNA right there that's it just a 02:11:21.240 --> 02:11:28.040 little tiny band the big bands are all subgenomic RNAs and so the viral swarm may even be an illusion 02:11:28.040 --> 02:11:33.080 of sorts the viral swarm is a discussion we don't have to have if the vast majority of these particles 02:11:33.080 --> 02:11:38.760 have very subgenomic RNAs and it's only when we sequence them as a group do we get a consensus 02:11:38.760 --> 02:11:45.640 genome that we call an RNA coronavirus but the consensus genome is actually built up artificially 02:11:46.600 --> 02:11:52.840 using the kind of techniques that were pioneered by Nathan Wolf to pull something out of a noisy 02:11:52.840 --> 02:11:57.720 background it's not even a noisy background it's just noise and that's why they want to make diffuse 02:11:57.720 --> 02:12:02.840 real again why they keep trying to make it real again and they've even got jickey leeks 02:12:02.840 --> 02:12:08.440 saying stuff about the diffuse proposal as being real has opposed to be an elaborate hoax 02:12:15.240 --> 02:12:19.000 because of course it's an elaborate hoax they didn't ever expect to have to do it 02:12:20.200 --> 02:12:25.160 and if they did it was because they knew they were going to do the scooby-doo mystery thing 02:12:25.160 --> 02:12:29.880 they were going to pretend that this was an ongoing solving thing we need to make RNA clones 02:12:29.880 --> 02:12:33.880 real again ladies and gentlemen we need everybody to understand that that's really where 02:12:33.880 --> 02:12:39.560 virology starts so a trackable gain of function RNA went endemic is a lie 02:12:41.480 --> 02:12:47.640 and of course transfection worked but it's but it but it is it is contaminated is a lie 02:12:48.360 --> 02:12:55.000 and of course that's why we talk about transfection all academic biologists should have 02:12:55.000 --> 02:12:58.680 already known it's been used for decades on the lab bench even in the purest form it would have 02:12:58.680 --> 02:13:03.160 been inappropriate for healthy humans because it causes an autoimmune reaction because it's 02:13:03.160 --> 02:13:07.160 chemically altered and codon optimized means we don't know how long it will last or whether 02:13:07.160 --> 02:13:13.560 it will contribute to any malformated proteins or even misfolding proteins which can have all kinds 02:13:14.040 --> 02:13:18.040 of consequences that don't have anything to do with them causing other proteins to 02:13:18.040 --> 02:13:23.080 misfold in a pre and eugenics sort of way the use of RNA producer the common methods we just 02:13:23.080 --> 02:13:29.800 talked about was also a problem the RNA was already impure because uh because Kevin McCurtain came 02:13:29.800 --> 02:13:35.000 on my show to say that already in 2022 the endotoxins could have been known DNA of contamination is 02:13:35.000 --> 02:13:40.120 just another thing and the nanoparticle carriers are also dangerous and they've known this from 02:13:40.200 --> 02:13:44.680 the beginning and no one's talking about it that could be the mitochondrial damage that could be 02:13:44.680 --> 02:13:50.120 the DNA damage that could be any number of things that they are trying to misconstrue as being due 02:13:50.120 --> 02:13:57.480 to the adulteration etc and so again the spread of bad ideas is much scarier and dangerous than 02:13:57.480 --> 02:14:02.360 the spread of any RNA molecule I only have a few more minutes how spike protein was a pre and I 02:14:03.000 --> 02:14:07.880 was a pre-on or something like that is something that some people were selling very early and now 02:14:07.960 --> 02:14:12.520 some people are doubling down on as the worst case scenario if you're not familiar pre-ons 02:14:12.520 --> 02:14:16.600 are these proteins that can apparently fold incorrectly and then cause other proteins to fold 02:14:16.600 --> 02:14:22.520 incorrectly but somehow google fold the the the animation in the background doesn't seem to know 02:14:22.520 --> 02:14:28.280 how this process would work and even though we understand that the structure of a the tertiary 02:14:28.280 --> 02:14:33.480 structure of a protein is largely dependent on its sequence somehow or another the sequence of 02:14:33.480 --> 02:14:38.520 protein of pre-ons can cause other proteins to fold differently or something I don't know 02:14:38.520 --> 02:14:43.960 or it's just the pre-on protein that gets caused to fold differently these kinds of of 02:14:43.960 --> 02:14:48.760 intellectual conversations are becoming even more and more vapid because people are starting to talk 02:14:48.760 --> 02:14:55.480 about how amyloid protein can also cause the formation of more amyloid because amyloid causes 02:14:55.480 --> 02:15:01.160 more amyloid or something like this without any molecular basis in reality other than there's more 02:15:01.160 --> 02:15:08.280 protein in certain stages of a given pathology so we are we are digging very deep before we start 02:15:08.280 --> 02:15:13.640 these mini courses because we're not going to make any any big mistakes when we do this we're going 02:15:13.640 --> 02:15:18.280 to be pretty certain we know what we're talking about so that we can really end this charade 02:15:18.280 --> 02:15:21.880 once and for all and that means we're going to have to go all the way back to the Nobel Prize 02:15:22.760 --> 02:15:26.840 in medicine we're going to have to look at several reviews and we're going to have to look at Stanley 02:15:26.840 --> 02:15:32.280 Prusner's original papers which we will do tomorrow they've changed the way you think about 02:15:32.280 --> 02:15:37.160 the background they've changed the way you think about the background they've changed the way you 02:15:37.160 --> 02:15:43.800 think about the background and led you to believe that before 2020 there wasn't a background they've 02:15:43.800 --> 02:15:49.640 led you to believe very differently about the immune system and focused on antibodies for nearly 02:15:49.640 --> 02:15:55.640 30 years they've led you to believe so much that that antibodies are important that they can't even 02:15:55.640 --> 02:16:01.000 adequately describe how they are created and in fact that they are a process that is that is 02:16:01.000 --> 02:16:06.280 involving linked recognition they don't even have that in their in their vocabulary none of these 02:16:06.280 --> 02:16:11.400 people want to talk about how they've changed the way we think about vaccination to mean basically 02:16:11.400 --> 02:16:17.960 anything that's intramuscularly injected in the context of a disease we need to fight back against 02:16:17.960 --> 02:16:24.600 this mythology because they have been doing this for decades they set us up we were set up over 02:16:24.680 --> 02:16:29.000 decades and these people are participating and if we don't expose it as a lie it will become the 02:16:29.000 --> 02:16:34.280 truth that is for absolute certain that's what a lot of these people are still involved with 02:16:34.280 --> 02:16:39.000 they don't want to get bit someone else was going to do it if they didn't do it that's their excuse 02:16:40.600 --> 02:16:44.840 and that's why this illusion of consensus about a worst-case scenario is going to continue 02:16:45.720 --> 02:16:48.840 ladies and gentlemen you can watch the rest of that on your own if you'd like 02:16:49.000 --> 02:16:56.760 um uh please stop transfection in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group 02:16:56.760 --> 02:17:04.200 by any means necessary i'm gonna go to basketball and do some exercise i'm trying to think of a way 02:17:04.200 --> 02:17:10.760 to use it i might even do some kind of i don't know basketball listening but i could listen to 02:17:10.760 --> 02:17:16.120 that that podcast and shoot around and comment from the basketball court i don't know if that's 02:17:16.120 --> 02:17:21.080 a really good idea or not but um intramuscular injection in any combination of substances with 02:17:21.080 --> 02:17:24.920 the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb transfection and healthy humans is criminally 02:17:24.920 --> 02:17:30.760 negligent and RNA cannot pandemic thank you very much for everybody that's subscribed has shared 02:17:30.760 --> 02:17:37.240 has has promoted my work in any way um and or just comes here every day because it helps you um 02:17:37.720 --> 02:17:42.440 thank you very much for sharing this space and time with me and i hope i see you again tomorrow 02:17:42.440 --> 02:17:50.760 shout out to you mark his tonic mark coolac was just pumping out um the the rockin uh spontaneous 02:17:50.760 --> 02:17:57.080 streams that are just nail it um pay attention you're not going to see anybody talking about 02:17:57.080 --> 02:18:02.760 supplementary oxygen in the next couple weeks because they all know that this is the break um 02:18:02.760 --> 02:18:07.880 so watch it carefully when you don't see it you'll know why um we're gonna push it so hard over the 02:18:07.880 --> 02:18:13.160 next couple weeks it's going to hurt them um this has been a presentation of the independent 02:18:13.160 --> 02:18:18.280 bright web and it is brought to you by viewers like you thank you very very much my family 02:18:19.080 --> 02:18:21.080 and i appreciate it tremendously 02:18:40.920 --> 02:18:46.600 the board man always gets paid i like that i always tell him defense wins ball games 02:18:46.600 --> 02:18:54.920 defense wins ball games baby