WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:08.760 for the purposes he's Stephen here yet where is he he knows we get underway at 00:08.760 --> 00:16.720 five past on the dock he'll he'll come he'll join us all right everybody welcome 00:16.720 --> 00:22.360 to medical doctors for COVID ethics international and today's discussion 00:22.360 --> 00:26.440 this group is found about Dr. Stephen Frost during the darkest days of the 00:26.440 --> 00:32.200 COVID scam response with a desire to pursue truth ethics justice freedom and 00:32.200 --> 00:36.400 health. Stephen has stood up against government and power over the years 00:36.400 --> 00:40.080 and have been a whistleblower and activist his medical specialist radiology 00:40.080 --> 00:43.920 I'm Charles Cobess the moderator of the group I'm Australasia's passion 00:43.920 --> 00:48.920 provocateur I practiced law for 20 years before changing career 30 years ago and 00:48.920 --> 00:52.160 over the last 13 years I've helped parents and lawyers strategize remedies 00:52.160 --> 00:57.200 for vaccine damage and damage from bad medical advice the latest numbers we've 00:57.200 --> 01:02.960 heard is that is that bad medical advice is now the number one killer in 01:02.960 --> 01:08.120 America I'm also the CEO of an industrial hemp company we comprise lots of 01:08.120 --> 01:12.480 professions here and we're from all around the world many of us thought 01:12.480 --> 01:17.120 that vaccines were okay now many of us proudly say yes we are passionate anti 01:17.120 --> 01:22.320 vexes if this is your first time here welcome and feel free to introduce yourself 01:22.320 --> 01:26.080 at the chat in the chat and where you're from if you publish a newsletter or 01:26.080 --> 01:29.960 podcast or you have a radio or TV show or you've written a book put the links 01:29.960 --> 01:33.960 into the chat so we can follow you promote you and find you and even if 01:33.960 --> 01:37.800 you've done it last week or the week before he putting it into the chat to 01:37.800 --> 01:41.600 make it easy for people to find most of us understand we're in the middle of 01:41.600 --> 01:46.600 World War three and there are various battle lines as part of this war most 01:46.640 --> 01:50.360 of us understand the development of science and that the science is never 01:50.360 --> 01:54.920 settled and then if someone tells you the science is settled you know you're 01:54.920 --> 02:01.240 dealing with a fraud or an idiot some of us believe that viruses exist some of 02:01.240 --> 02:04.840 us believe that viruses are a hoax and some of us are on the fence on the matter 02:04.840 --> 02:08.240 this meeting runs for two and a half hours after which for those with the 02:08.240 --> 02:12.960 time Tom Rodman runs a video telegram meeting Tom puts the links into the 02:12.960 --> 02:18.080 chat if you're able to join we will listen to JJ Kui our guest presenter 02:18.080 --> 02:21.360 for as long as JJ wishes to speak and then we have Q&A there's the third time 02:21.360 --> 02:25.800 that JJ has joined us his previous presentations are available on the 02:25.800 --> 02:29.920 rumble channel Stephen Frost by Longestubbies tradition asked the first 02:29.920 --> 02:34.280 questions for 15 minutes there's no censorship it's a free speech environment 02:34.280 --> 02:40.320 free speech is crucially important in our fight to preserve our human freedoms 02:40.800 --> 02:44.560 if you're offended by anything be offended we're genuinely not interested 02:44.560 --> 02:48.880 we reject the offense industry that requires nobody to say anything that 02:48.880 --> 02:53.360 may offend another I have a standard template of nine potential answers to 02:53.360 --> 02:57.160 somebody who says I'm offended if you want that template put a note in the 02:57.160 --> 03:01.680 chat I'll email it to you it's very useful be ready with your response when 03:01.680 --> 03:06.280 someone says to you I'm offended and also what's Ricky Gervais if you ever 03:06.280 --> 03:12.760 want to be amused by people who claim to be offended we come with an attitude 03:12.760 --> 03:17.400 and perspective of love not fear fear is the opposite of love fear squashes you 03:17.400 --> 03:22.320 love on the other hand expands you we talked before we started we're talking 03:22.320 --> 03:28.560 about Gandhi you know the game plan clearly has to be non-violent non-compliance 03:28.560 --> 03:34.960 with bad government behavior these twice weekly meetings are not just 03:34.960 --> 03:38.480 talk fest an extraordinary range of actions and initiatives have been 03:38.480 --> 03:43.120 generated from linkages made by attendees in these meetings if you have a 03:43.120 --> 03:46.760 solution or product or links or resources that will help you with the details in 03:46.760 --> 03:50.800 the chat the meeting is recorded and he's uploaded on the rumble channel and 03:50.800 --> 03:55.400 they're welcome to our guest presenter Jonathan J. Curie globally 03:55.400 --> 04:00.320 renowned genius and thank you J. J. for giving us your time wisdom and 04:00.320 --> 04:04.560 insights again and thank you Stephen Frost for creating the group and for 04:04.560 --> 04:10.040 organizing JJ to speak to us JJ we are in your hands there Stephen 04:10.040 --> 04:14.080 arrived and there's JJ thanks for coming to speak to us you're very 04:14.080 --> 04:18.360 welcome thank you all for taking the time to listen I'm gonna try and go as 04:18.360 --> 04:22.520 quick as I can because I know that you've heard me before and there's a lot of 04:22.520 --> 04:27.360 buzz about different recent conversations I've had include including one with 04:27.360 --> 04:30.920 Wolfgang Wodach and so it might be that I cover the wrong things here and so I'm 04:30.960 --> 04:35.360 gonna try and fly through it but please keep in mind that I've done a 04:35.360 --> 04:39.200 presentation like this enough so you know I can handle an interruption and it 04:39.200 --> 04:42.680 might be easier if you interrupt when the question is relevant for everybody 04:42.680 --> 04:48.600 rather than waiting until the end and so barring any you know if it becomes a 04:48.600 --> 04:51.400 thousand questions obviously it's probably not good but occasionally I 04:51.400 --> 04:58.400 don't mind at all I need to say well let's JJ I'm happy to do that so 04:58.400 --> 05:03.520 everybody so today because JJ has been with us so many times we'll do it 05:03.520 --> 05:09.680 unusually so if you want to ask a question JJ it's good you watch the 05:09.680 --> 05:14.280 screen JJ if you see your hand come up you know stop when you stop talking and 05:14.280 --> 05:18.200 handle that question does it make sense it does accept all the magic that I have 05:18.200 --> 05:22.800 it makes it very hard for me to watch the zoom so I can't really look at all 05:22.800 --> 05:27.080 handle the hands up okay just put your hands up if you have a question pertinent 05:27.080 --> 05:30.760 to that issue and then at the end when JJ finishes then do we do the normal 05:30.760 --> 05:36.440 price yes fantastic JJ how many times have you spoken to us is it three or 05:36.440 --> 05:40.760 more than three this this could be the fourth time I think so this could be the 05:40.760 --> 05:46.440 fourth time I'm gonna borrow I'm gonna borrow a starting slide from my friend 05:46.440 --> 05:51.240 Vera Sharav I think Edward Bernese's statement is very important here the 05:51.240 --> 05:54.760 conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of 05:54.760 --> 05:58.920 the masses there's an important element in democratic society and those who 05:58.920 --> 06:03.000 manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible 06:03.000 --> 06:07.720 government which is the true ruling power of our country and maybe now with the 06:07.720 --> 06:12.760 internet and with the who and other organizations around public health it 06:12.760 --> 06:17.760 may be that this may be the mechanism by which they plan to rule our global 06:17.760 --> 06:22.040 society and I want to start here all the time just to bring everybody up to 06:22.040 --> 06:26.280 speed I apologize if it's a bothersome thing for those of you outside of the 06:26.280 --> 06:31.400 the UK but I've been trying to explain that we've been fooled into solving a 06:31.400 --> 06:35.320 mystery and I use the example of a cartoon show from the United States 06:35.320 --> 06:40.680 called Scooby-Doo where teenagers solve a mystery every week in the town that 06:40.680 --> 06:44.760 they're driving through and it inevitably involves a monster that needs to have 06:44.760 --> 06:48.520 its mask removed and then the bad guys revealed to be someone that was earlier 06:48.520 --> 06:53.560 in the show what I am suggesting here and something that I want to be very 06:53.560 --> 06:57.560 clear about is it's not in 2020 that this started 06:57.560 --> 07:03.160 but it started a much longer time ago with the co-opting of certain 07:03.160 --> 07:07.720 investigative lines in in primary literature in biology 07:07.720 --> 07:12.760 and so by carefully co-opting certain narratives into the biological 07:12.760 --> 07:19.800 literature and importantly funding investigation into certain ideas in the 07:19.800 --> 07:24.600 primary literature you can seed a series of papers over a series of years that 07:24.600 --> 07:29.480 can imply a danger that's not there it can imply a link that's not there one of 07:29.480 --> 07:35.560 the most spectacular ones from my own field is the preponderance of literature 07:35.560 --> 07:38.920 that's looking at correlations between genes 07:38.920 --> 07:43.880 and autism and often in animal models of autism 07:43.880 --> 07:47.720 and so after many years of funding this kind of research we have 07:47.720 --> 07:53.720 a whole a whole foundation by which anyone who wants to justify the further 07:53.720 --> 07:57.800 investigation into the genetic causes of autism can simply cite all of these 07:57.800 --> 08:01.480 hundreds of papers and build their grand proposal from there 08:01.480 --> 08:05.640 so it's a very dangerous sort of environment in which this this 08:05.640 --> 08:09.880 pseudo-intellectual pursuit occurs because you can't just ask any question 08:09.880 --> 08:13.000 you want you've got to ask a question for which you can get funding 08:13.000 --> 08:16.360 and oftentimes the way that academic biology makes 08:16.360 --> 08:20.920 progress is dictated solely by what questions they're allowed to ask and 08:20.920 --> 08:25.560 with response with regard to RNA viruses that 08:25.560 --> 08:29.960 that general academic pursuit has been hyper controlled for a very long time 08:29.960 --> 08:33.720 and I think if you reflect on all the people that are in involved in 08:33.800 --> 08:37.880 virology and how virology from AIDS onward 08:37.880 --> 08:42.200 has been let's say scripted you can see that there's some 08:42.200 --> 08:46.440 incongruency between the real biology that we can verify and the real biology 08:46.440 --> 08:50.840 that they claim at the same time of course they've been running tabletop 08:50.840 --> 08:56.040 exercises the most famous of one is the most famous example of one 08:56.040 --> 08:59.960 is event 201 but of course we can go back decades and see that there were many 08:59.960 --> 09:04.840 tabletop exercises looking at bioterrorism 09:04.840 --> 09:08.760 what could be done and what could happen now the trick 09:08.760 --> 09:13.400 with this is to understand number three is to understand that they have 09:13.400 --> 09:17.640 gained this out on a table and they've actually run it live before 09:17.640 --> 09:21.560 there was a swine pandemic in swine flu pandemic in 09:21.560 --> 09:27.000 1976 that was part of this there was one in 2009 that was part of this that 09:27.000 --> 09:30.520 afterward was analyzed over and over again especially from different 09:30.520 --> 09:34.440 country's perspectives and how the language barrier in a place like 09:34.440 --> 09:37.160 Belgium played a huge role in the uptake of the 09:37.160 --> 09:43.560 vaccine they analyzed this like a a post-war analysis of the battle plan 09:43.560 --> 09:47.000 and lamented about the fact that they didn't have the kind of social media 09:47.000 --> 09:50.280 reach in 2009 that they have now and that maybe they would have been more 09:50.280 --> 09:55.720 successful in the Flanders section of Belgium the french speaking part 09:55.720 --> 09:59.960 had they been able to to work into that language a little better 09:59.960 --> 10:04.360 all of these things have been gained in such a way so that this time around 10:04.360 --> 10:09.240 the actual presentation of the narrative at the very beginning was hyper-controlled 10:09.240 --> 10:13.800 right down to the three word phrase build back better or new normal 10:13.800 --> 10:17.640 these kinds of things were just as this is the obvious this is the one they 10:17.640 --> 10:20.520 made videos about so that everybody got excited about 10:20.520 --> 10:25.320 look all these world world leaders are saying build back better but nobody 10:25.320 --> 10:29.720 got really suspicious about some of the other things that everyone was 10:29.720 --> 10:33.800 agreeing about including the fact that this was a pandemic 10:33.800 --> 10:38.520 the attributes of the pandemic were actually early on seated in such a way 10:38.520 --> 10:42.600 I believe so that the narrative of worst case scenario was present from the 10:42.600 --> 10:47.400 beginning and that people could already consider in January of 2020 10:47.400 --> 10:50.920 that if these people are lying about it and it is the worst case scenario we 10:50.920 --> 10:54.760 could all lose several people in our lives that billions of people were 10:54.840 --> 10:58.440 going to die and so this worst case scenario was 10:58.440 --> 11:02.680 extremely important number one to make sure that everybody complied from 11:02.680 --> 11:08.360 masks to lockdowns to getting iPads and putting your kids in front of them 11:08.360 --> 11:11.400 all the way eventually to the end of 2020 where the 11:11.400 --> 11:16.600 transfections using a dentavirus or using mRNA and lipid nanoparticles 11:16.600 --> 11:21.800 were taken gladly because of the fear of worst case scenario 11:21.800 --> 11:27.000 they of course told this story under the pretense of a national security 11:27.000 --> 11:30.760 response and so the people that were curating this narrative were also 11:30.760 --> 11:34.360 kind of under some constraints under what they could say 11:34.360 --> 11:37.880 and were required to say that we're at war with this virus and that is 11:37.880 --> 11:43.240 is biblical and finally the whole idea and I really believe this with all of my 11:43.240 --> 11:46.680 heart that one of the main objectives of the original 11:46.680 --> 11:51.560 three years was to make sure that a story about a virus spike protein could be 11:51.720 --> 11:56.040 confounded with the story of transfection to that spike protein 11:56.040 --> 11:59.960 so that when transfection didn't work out as well as they hoped it would 11:59.960 --> 12:02.360 they would be able to blame it on the poor 12:02.360 --> 12:06.360 rust choice of the spike protein as the transfection target 12:06.360 --> 12:10.440 rather than transfection in general and now we can move on to 12:10.440 --> 12:13.240 subsequent generations of this technology 12:13.240 --> 12:16.520 purporting to solve some of the problems that are there 12:16.520 --> 12:22.360 and I will include the double-stranded DNA contamination in this general 12:22.360 --> 12:27.880 ruse to try and confuse us about what effects are coming from where 12:27.880 --> 12:31.640 early but I want is high morbidity I want people to complain 12:31.640 --> 12:35.320 so what do I do I go to Des Moines ladies and gentlemen of people on the 12:35.320 --> 12:37.640 screen I have nothing against Des Moines I live there for four years 12:37.640 --> 12:41.960 I go to Des Moines I infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moines 12:41.960 --> 12:45.400 I go to Seattle I infect a couple of cases there 12:45.400 --> 12:49.320 okay so we've listened to this video before this video is Dr. Giordano 12:49.320 --> 12:55.000 Dr. I can't remember his first name shoot but anyway it doesn't matter 12:55.000 --> 12:59.640 Dr. Giordano he works for the US Army and he's explaining here 12:59.640 --> 13:06.760 how a seeding of a few annoying cases using a toxin or some other substance 13:06.760 --> 13:09.720 which would cause people to go to the hospital and complain 13:09.720 --> 13:13.560 could be combined with an internet campaign to create the illusion of 13:13.560 --> 13:17.400 spread and then that illusion of spread could be claimed by a 13:17.400 --> 13:21.560 terrorist group and also denied by governments 13:21.560 --> 13:25.960 and you could cause confusion that would cause a rift between the populace 13:25.960 --> 13:29.880 and their government and that would ruin a country over time 13:29.880 --> 13:34.040 now although this is not exactly what I think happened I think that 13:34.040 --> 13:38.680 this presentation from 2017 really puts out an outline which we need to 13:38.680 --> 13:43.240 consider as a real possibility has an alternative to the idea that 13:43.240 --> 13:47.560 either a natural or a lab leak virus has circulated the globe for the last 13:47.560 --> 13:51.080 four and a half years and that it has changed its flavor 13:51.080 --> 13:55.720 several times across the entire globe in a sort of 13:55.720 --> 13:59.800 almost I don't know color changing kind of manner 13:59.800 --> 14:04.600 this story doesn't have any foundation in biology but this one has stories 14:04.600 --> 14:11.000 in has a foundation in military lectures it has a foundation in biology 14:11.080 --> 14:14.920 and it has a foundation in previous tabletop exercises which discussed 14:14.920 --> 14:19.000 these kinds of things so number one a military response with the ability to 14:19.000 --> 14:23.400 drive local mass casualty events I believe that it's very possible 14:23.400 --> 14:28.040 that in the places where the script called for a lot of people to get sick 14:28.040 --> 14:32.360 there was also a military presence to make sure that that appearance was 14:32.360 --> 14:36.600 maintained doesn't necessarily mean that 20,000 people were 14:36.600 --> 14:40.360 killed in four weeks in New York but that seems to be the numbers right now 14:40.360 --> 14:44.040 we don't have death certificates we don't have any firm evidence of where 14:44.040 --> 14:47.160 these 20,000s bodies went but the numbers that are officially 14:47.160 --> 14:51.960 reported are a mass casualty events that begins and ends in four weeks 14:51.960 --> 14:56.280 there's no evidence of spread after that and these numbers need to be corroborated 14:56.280 --> 15:01.080 because again the New York City was a place where lots of people rush to help 15:01.080 --> 15:05.880 including people like Pierre Corey who although he came after that 20,000 15:06.600 --> 15:11.320 event was very quickly in front of the US Senate telling about how this was a 15:11.320 --> 15:17.800 war and that this was crazy deadly and that it was a real battle 15:17.800 --> 15:21.000 and so we've got to be very careful here because it's very likely that the 15:21.000 --> 15:24.760 beginning of the pandemic in these places where these mass casualty events were 15:24.760 --> 15:28.760 occurred people were also co-opted they walked in they said hey this is a 15:28.760 --> 15:31.480 national security thing we don't know how bad it's going to be 15:31.480 --> 15:36.440 it could be worst case scenario we need your help we're glad you came 15:36.440 --> 15:40.200 but we need this message delivered to social media you're a credible guy 15:40.200 --> 15:44.360 i think you can handle it but you're gonna have to stay on script a little bit 15:44.360 --> 15:47.560 because the worst case scenario we need everybody to believe it 15:47.560 --> 15:51.160 so that they comply so that they lock down so that they wear their masks so 15:51.160 --> 15:54.840 that we figure out whether this is really bad or whether it's ongoing 15:54.840 --> 15:57.400 and so they could have scared it and threatened him 15:57.400 --> 16:01.560 not saying that anybody was given a a suitcase of cash and you know 16:01.560 --> 16:04.440 and and and that's how they did this i'm saying that 16:04.440 --> 16:08.520 that the people who ran this used the worst case scenario to co-opt all of 16:08.520 --> 16:11.240 these people to make sure that they stayed on narrative 16:11.240 --> 16:14.680 and at the same time in the background there are financial and legal incentives 16:14.680 --> 16:18.120 to declare covid and at the same time there's this 16:18.120 --> 16:22.920 social media campaign where the worst case scenario of a lab leak is already 16:22.920 --> 16:26.520 being whispered about and at the same time there are people 16:26.520 --> 16:31.560 on regular tv already denying that that's crazy 16:31.560 --> 16:35.080 and now if you institute inside of hospitals 16:35.080 --> 16:40.120 little tweaks to different knobs little tweaks to different procedures so 16:40.120 --> 16:44.040 that the average all-cause mortality goes up 16:44.040 --> 16:46.920 and then you have a couple specific things that when they test positive or 16:46.920 --> 16:50.200 there's a set they're suspected of being covid 16:50.200 --> 16:54.120 you can get a lot of money if you put them on this protocol and you're also 16:54.120 --> 16:58.760 free of legal obligation if you put them on this protocol 16:58.760 --> 17:01.400 then there's going to be a lot of hospitals especially in america who are 17:01.400 --> 17:05.160 going to put them on this protocol if you also combine that with 17:05.160 --> 17:08.200 social policies like do not resuscitate orders to 17:08.200 --> 17:14.120 EMTs or or any countless other ways that they mistreated old people in 17:14.120 --> 17:17.560 nursing homes you can also increase all-cause mortality 17:17.560 --> 17:20.760 under the umbrella of this spreading covid virus 17:20.760 --> 17:24.680 emergency social policies and these covid hospital protocols then need to be 17:24.680 --> 17:28.840 ignored by the people who are perpetuating the worst case scenario 17:28.840 --> 17:32.440 narrative not because they're mean but because this is part of the way 17:32.440 --> 17:35.800 that this would work we didn't know anything then there were no numbers we 17:35.800 --> 17:39.000 can look back now and look like wow you should have known better but we 17:39.000 --> 17:43.720 really can't say it then and that's how i got stuck into this too 17:43.720 --> 17:47.320 that's the reason they convinced the public that a lab leak cover-up was 17:47.320 --> 17:50.680 happening before their eyes i was involved in a drastic twitter 17:50.680 --> 17:54.600 group that also convinced me that i was breaking the story of a lab leak 17:54.600 --> 17:59.880 right before my eyes i felt like i was being a hero 17:59.880 --> 18:05.640 and so they roped us in to figuring this mystery out into fighting about it 18:05.640 --> 18:10.360 and all the while they they also used australia and new zealand as lockdown 18:10.360 --> 18:13.480 examples where they threw people on the ground and forced them to get in 18:13.480 --> 18:16.840 masks and they brought them to trailers away from their house to 18:16.840 --> 18:21.960 to be quarantined they couldn't do that in america but they needed to show 18:21.960 --> 18:25.560 the rest of the world what could be done and what might work what a real lockdown 18:25.560 --> 18:29.160 looks like then they needed people like bret weinstein in america to 18:29.160 --> 18:32.280 complain that while we didn't lock down hard enough otherwise we'd already be 18:32.280 --> 18:36.760 at zero covid zero covid being a real thing that 18:36.760 --> 18:39.640 we talked about for two years that we've all forgotten about but that was a 18:39.640 --> 18:42.280 real debate 18:43.240 --> 18:47.720 and so the way that they they hid all of this activity was to just agree that 18:47.720 --> 18:50.680 we're going to talk about a novel virus we're going to talk about millions of 18:50.680 --> 18:54.360 people died we're going to talk about millions more could be saved you just 18:54.360 --> 18:58.280 listen to me and we're going to talk about gain of function being a real likely 18:58.280 --> 19:02.680 source of it and therefore this danger will come again and again 19:02.680 --> 19:07.160 and if you don't question this stuff you can say anything else 19:07.400 --> 19:12.760 and they have been laying this narrative for decades that cell culture and 19:12.760 --> 19:17.320 animal passage can access pandemic potential and now we can stitch them 19:17.320 --> 19:21.640 together and it's even worse and they want us to pass this idea 19:21.640 --> 19:25.160 onto our children so that they grow up with these boogie men forever 19:25.160 --> 19:29.640 that this mythology governs their behavior 19:30.600 --> 19:33.880 and i believe there are a number of people on the internet that were 19:33.880 --> 19:37.800 recruited before the pandemic for narrative control not even knowing there 19:37.800 --> 19:41.560 was going to be a pandemic just thinking that wow i get to help out with the 19:41.560 --> 19:45.400 the governance structure of america by being the new social media the new 19:45.400 --> 19:48.440 media the new mainstream media i get to be that guy 19:48.440 --> 19:50.840 that's so fun 19:50.840 --> 19:54.600 joe rogan doesn't have a hundred million dollar contract on spotify 19:54.600 --> 19:57.240 for nothing 19:57.960 --> 20:06.360 and so we had guys like this in america in uh february of 2020 listen carefully 20:06.360 --> 20:08.120 hell 20:08.120 --> 20:10.120 biblico 20:10.120 --> 20:11.000 i kid you now 20:11.000 --> 20:13.480 back what we thought of it 20:13.480 --> 20:17.080 people come in or you can't hear it 20:17.080 --> 20:20.440 just try ging ging try ging ging 20:20.440 --> 20:24.440 maybe i have to switch my sound settings we can we can hear it just a bit muffled 20:24.440 --> 20:27.240 to the start oh okay that's good all right i'll play it 20:27.240 --> 20:30.200 sorry it's very quick 20:30.200 --> 20:32.120 biblico 20:32.120 --> 20:35.400 i kid you not 20:35.400 --> 20:36.600 people come in 20:36.600 --> 20:38.200 i get intubated 20:38.200 --> 20:41.880 they die the cycle repeats 20:41.880 --> 20:43.160 you overwhelmed 20:43.160 --> 20:46.360 yeah the the systems overwhelmed all over the place 20:46.360 --> 20:49.960 my daughters in intern in brooklyn first year 20:49.960 --> 20:53.400 resident she starts the icn today 20:53.400 --> 20:57.560 i couldn't sleep last night it's it's scary 20:57.560 --> 21:01.640 nine eleven now what you know here oh sorry he says one more thing 21:01.640 --> 21:05.560 he said nine eleven is nothing compared to this now what's important to see is 21:05.560 --> 21:09.960 that that guy was also featured on tucker carlson 21:09.960 --> 21:12.840 so even though we now know when we look back at 21:12.840 --> 21:16.120 new york city most of the hospitals were empty 21:16.120 --> 21:20.840 that guy was on fox news telling the united states the whole world 21:20.840 --> 21:23.800 that it was biblico like hell 21:23.800 --> 21:28.120 and they had world leaders saying that it was a pandemic and it's we're gonna 21:28.120 --> 21:31.320 it's the new normal we're gonna build back better they had people on the news 21:31.320 --> 21:35.400 saying this they had virologists agreeing that the ace two receptors sir 21:35.400 --> 21:39.800 her ace two receptor uh affinity sure seems to indicate that they enriched 21:39.800 --> 21:45.240 this in a laboratory maybe even with humanized mice 21:45.240 --> 21:50.760 and none of these people acknowledged that there was this huge 21:51.000 --> 21:55.080 propaganda campaign that caused fear and uncertainty and doubt they sent 21:55.080 --> 22:01.640 old attending physicians home because the virus was so dangerous you 22:01.640 --> 22:05.560 didn't want these and people that were near retirement to be in the OR 22:05.560 --> 22:11.080 or into the ER rather they sent old professors home from 22:11.080 --> 22:13.880 universities said don't come in you should just take early retirement 22:13.880 --> 22:18.200 because if you come into a university you could get this terrible thing 22:18.200 --> 22:24.120 and you could die they told people not to resuscitate people because you'll 22:24.120 --> 22:29.240 spread the virus when you give them CPR you better use ventilators with a higher 22:29.240 --> 22:32.120 pressure setting than you've ever used before because otherwise they might 22:32.120 --> 22:35.800 spread the virus you have it these people can talk or that doesn't 22:35.800 --> 22:39.000 matter sedate them invent them because they get 22:39.000 --> 22:43.320 covid money then thirty five thousand dollars a person 22:43.320 --> 22:47.000 and they get no there's no liability for the 22:47.000 --> 22:50.920 for the for the care of that person if they designated them covid 22:50.920 --> 22:54.040 lack of antibiotic use was just built into the protocol 22:54.040 --> 22:56.920 poor use of steroids was just built into the protocol 22:56.920 --> 23:00.600 eventually madazzalam and remdesivir was built into the protocol 23:00.600 --> 23:04.440 the opioid deaths have gone up every year in america since 23:04.440 --> 23:09.240 2017 or something like that but since the start of the pandemic they're going 23:09.240 --> 23:13.240 up much more rapidly these are not excess deaths that can 23:13.240 --> 23:16.200 be discounted but they are excess deaths that very easily hospital 23:16.200 --> 23:21.800 administrators could call covid and did more importantly 23:21.800 --> 23:25.240 these deaths happen across age groups which reduce 23:25.240 --> 23:28.920 the expected lifespan of america and then they can be pointed to us saying look 23:28.920 --> 23:33.400 at what covid did and without any honest accounting of what's actually 23:33.400 --> 23:36.520 happening in america what's actually killing people in america 23:36.520 --> 23:40.840 these deaths are getting mixed up as covid because they only care about excess 23:40.840 --> 23:43.960 and if you compute it wrong all of those are excess 23:43.960 --> 23:47.320 death certificate fraud financial incentives and then we go to track and 23:47.320 --> 23:50.440 trace which happened in america for literally a year they had 23:50.440 --> 23:53.480 whole companies that were making phone calls to warn you that 23:53.480 --> 23:56.920 somebody that you work with was tested positive 23:56.920 --> 24:00.280 and then we go all the way back to the beginning and we find this pcr 24:00.280 --> 24:03.960 fraud this lateral flow test fraud and likely sequencing fraud 24:03.960 --> 24:07.480 which we have all come to accept as being evidence of something which 24:07.480 --> 24:10.600 it's not and we've come to accept that evidence 24:10.600 --> 24:15.080 because no matter who we got into arguments with they just seem to all 24:15.080 --> 24:18.200 be stuck on this novel virus is being real 24:18.200 --> 24:22.840 it's the limited spectrum of debate that we've been trapped in for four years 24:22.840 --> 24:27.160 it's the way that we get our family and friends out is by 24:27.160 --> 24:31.400 alerting them to the idea that this hasn't been a vigorous debate it's been 24:31.400 --> 24:34.520 a very limited debate actually tricked you 24:34.520 --> 24:38.600 into solving a mystery that got you to accept their monster 24:38.600 --> 24:42.360 they started us out in the beginning of the pandemic got a lonely road all by 24:42.360 --> 24:46.600 ourselves with only social media and mainstream media to look to besides 24:46.600 --> 24:50.760 our family and then no matter who you got in the car with 24:50.760 --> 24:53.960 they were going to tell you a story about a novel virus that killed millions that 24:53.960 --> 24:57.000 we should be able to save more people from if we would just give them these 24:57.000 --> 24:59.720 novel treatments and gain a function it's definitely a 24:59.720 --> 25:04.360 possibility and the virus will come again 25:04.520 --> 25:08.840 and so it didn't matter who you chose it was a random card if you got lucky 25:08.840 --> 25:12.920 and chose Mike Eden well and maybe you were losing your mind for three years 25:12.920 --> 25:15.560 because no one else agreed with you if you heard 25:15.560 --> 25:19.320 Wolfgang Wodock before he stops speaking up because of censorship 25:19.320 --> 25:24.360 he might have been gone crazy by now but if you found any of these other people 25:24.360 --> 25:29.240 on TV or on social media you're still hot in the debate about oh my gosh these 25:29.240 --> 25:32.520 people were lying to me Brett Weinstein was hot on this 25:32.520 --> 25:36.760 telling about lab leak and natural virus he even had a member of drastic on his 25:36.760 --> 25:39.000 show named Yuri Dagan who was the first guy to 25:39.000 --> 25:41.880 identify the fear and cleavage site that supposedly 25:41.880 --> 25:45.240 set this from a normal average coronavirus into something that could skirt 25:45.240 --> 25:49.320 the world for five years like a lightning bolt 25:51.720 --> 25:56.280 most recently i got courted by and one of the things that happened not most 25:56.280 --> 25:59.720 recently but most relevant to the story i want to tell you today 25:59.720 --> 26:03.880 is that Charles Rixie a member of drastic and an American came to my 26:03.880 --> 26:07.800 house in Pittsburgh to convince me that my assessment of the diffuse 26:07.800 --> 26:11.560 proposal which is a leaked grant proposal which 26:11.560 --> 26:14.840 supposedly describes the insertion of fear and cleavage sites 26:14.840 --> 26:18.680 into coronaviruses and them spraying them into bad caves by 26:18.680 --> 26:23.880 eco-health alliance was likely a fake i said that a moment that the moment 26:23.880 --> 26:26.680 that anybody showed it to me i said that's got to be a fake 26:26.680 --> 26:31.080 there's no way that anybody would have written that grant proposal and if they 26:31.080 --> 26:33.960 did write that grant proposal they wrote it just so that people would believe 26:33.960 --> 26:36.840 that these experiments would be done they're ridiculous and even if they 26:36.840 --> 26:40.120 did them my current conclusion is there's 26:40.120 --> 26:43.720 this doesn't create pandemic potential but it does create this 26:43.720 --> 26:47.480 ongoing debate about whether that's pandemic potential or not which is the 26:47.480 --> 26:50.040 f these scooby-doo to begin with so this guy 26:50.040 --> 26:53.080 was involved in that he actually came to my house he's one of the people who 26:53.080 --> 26:57.240 claims that he released the the the diffuse proposal to the public now 26:57.240 --> 27:01.320 why is this important with regard to kevin mccurnan well kevin mccurnan is 27:01.320 --> 27:05.960 this guy who worked for the the human genome project he's not a doctor 27:05.960 --> 27:10.200 or a phd but he's a very clever guy he's sold a lot of patents to different 27:10.200 --> 27:14.200 companies a lot of companies he's sold or got bought out because he's got a lot 27:14.200 --> 27:17.800 of ideas about how to sequence dna so there's no question that he's sharp as a 27:17.800 --> 27:21.720 knife the deal is though is that he's been on my stream at least 27:21.720 --> 27:24.520 twice he came on my stream in the first two years 27:24.520 --> 27:28.520 to talk about the transfection to talk about the RNA impurities to talk about 27:28.520 --> 27:30.760 what would happen when they code on optimized 27:30.760 --> 27:35.000 the RNA and so we we we had an ongoing relationship but at some point in time 27:35.000 --> 27:37.800 that ongoing relationship tumbled and stopped 27:37.800 --> 27:40.840 because i said that the double stranded dna 27:40.840 --> 27:44.920 in the shot was probably not the worst thing that's in there and even if that 27:44.920 --> 27:48.520 wasn't in there it would still be bad which is what i thought we agreed on 27:48.520 --> 27:51.720 already with the previous two times we had discussed this 27:51.720 --> 27:55.320 however that kind of fell apart why is that interesting 27:55.320 --> 27:58.760 well it's interesting because after being blocked for over a year it looks 27:58.760 --> 28:04.280 like robert malone is promoting kevin mccurnan and a particular article 28:04.280 --> 28:07.880 it's a particular article about the diffuse proposal and about how the 28:07.880 --> 28:11.880 diffuse proposal has had some extra evidence brought 28:11.880 --> 28:18.840 forth because hey a foyer request reported by emily cough 28:18.840 --> 28:23.640 has um has shown that they ordered some of the enzymes that would have been 28:23.640 --> 28:27.240 needed in the proposal that they had some email conversations about the 28:27.240 --> 28:30.920 contents of the proposal so these these 28:30.920 --> 28:35.640 these other orbiting documents are argued by robert malone 28:35.640 --> 28:41.480 kevin mccurnan a guy by the name of ark medic and jessica rose all to be 28:41.480 --> 28:44.600 further evidence that the diffuse proposal is real 28:44.600 --> 28:48.040 that they actually put fear and cleavage sites into coronavirus is then they 28:48.040 --> 28:52.520 sprayed them into bat caves and so the implication is is that they made it 28:52.520 --> 28:56.440 and that an RNA did circulate the globe for the last four years and is still 28:56.440 --> 28:59.480 circulating now i want to put reference to the 28:59.480 --> 29:03.240 fact that i also wrote an article about this at the time that the paper came 29:03.240 --> 29:07.720 out with none other than charles rick c that guy that came to my house 29:07.720 --> 29:12.280 and robert f Kennedy jr in the the chd defender 29:12.280 --> 29:16.440 in that article i acknowledge that the diffuse proposal has this 29:16.440 --> 29:21.000 methodology in it but i was already at that point telling bobby that you have 29:21.000 --> 29:25.320 to consider the possibility the diffuse proposal is a fake with the design 29:25.320 --> 29:29.160 of trying to get people to buy into this lab leak thing because a lab leak 29:29.160 --> 29:34.200 implies a virus with unknown potential it could be an unknown level of deadly 29:34.200 --> 29:38.920 an unknown level of of stable an unknown level of whatever 29:38.920 --> 29:41.880 because it's not natural and that's the whole 29:41.880 --> 29:45.400 that's the whole beauty of the scooby-doo once you start accepting this as a 29:45.400 --> 29:47.880 mystery you need to solve you're accepting that 29:47.880 --> 29:53.000 that boogie man and so what's interesting about the promotion of this is that it 29:53.000 --> 29:56.760 all seems to be a concerted effort to make diffuse real again 29:56.760 --> 29:59.960 why is that interesting well because i think 29:59.960 --> 30:04.040 this all spun out of control when i started to talk about what clones 30:04.040 --> 30:07.880 are and i think that this has a lot to do with this because 30:07.880 --> 30:11.960 if you look in the comment section of this actual post 30:11.960 --> 30:16.760 you will find a comment about kevin that kevin mccurnan the author of this 30:16.760 --> 30:21.960 makes to a subscriber or follower of me 30:21.960 --> 30:25.160 and so i just want to read this i know it's it's sometimes 30:25.160 --> 30:27.960 annoying to have somebody read something but it's a little low and it's a little 30:27.960 --> 30:30.840 small and i want to make some points about what this is and then we're 30:30.840 --> 30:34.840 going to listen to or we're going to discuss what this is really all about 30:34.840 --> 30:39.720 so this is somebody who said that what about clones and the fact that RNA 30:39.720 --> 30:43.800 can't go around the world um with high fidelity for many years 30:43.800 --> 30:48.200 that was the that's the basic 30 000 foot message that i've had for a while 30:48.200 --> 30:52.120 you're probably familiar with this is common remember this is a response 30:52.120 --> 30:55.720 from kevin mccurnan the guy who has been going around the world 30:55.720 --> 30:58.920 on lots of podcasts telling people that there's double-stranded DNA 30:58.920 --> 31:01.560 contamination in the shot and that that means that 31:01.560 --> 31:04.600 that all these guys are bad guys and that it could explain 31:04.600 --> 31:07.880 all of the problems that we've been having which i really 31:07.880 --> 31:10.600 believe is is a red herring so here we go 31:10.600 --> 31:14.840 this is common jj kui bio babble slash folklore 31:14.840 --> 31:18.680 coronaviruses circulate the globe every year 31:18.680 --> 31:22.760 there is no reason why an engineered version could not do the same given it 31:22.840 --> 31:26.360 was derived from parts of viruses that have been doing this for millions of 31:26.360 --> 31:30.040 years so i have the the virology textbook behind 31:30.040 --> 31:32.920 my head here because i want to emphasize that 31:32.920 --> 31:36.840 kevin mccurnan the guy who worked for the human genome project and now has a 31:36.840 --> 31:39.560 a marijuana genetics company 31:39.560 --> 31:44.040 i mean and lives on the atlantic ocean in a very beautiful house 31:44.040 --> 31:46.920 whose brothers have several companies about 31:46.920 --> 31:51.400 about testing for cancer and his father was an absolutely 31:51.400 --> 31:56.680 giant set their family up really well as a successful business man this guy 31:56.680 --> 32:00.680 is no business no reason to waste any of his time 32:00.680 --> 32:04.200 coming against a guy who's renting his house in pittsburgh and streams 32:04.200 --> 32:06.920 from his garage with less than three thousand people 32:06.920 --> 32:10.600 but here he is already 100 percent on 32:10.600 --> 32:14.840 the virology that the nih and the who 32:14.840 --> 32:18.600 and the cdc and everybody else would love you to believe coronaviruses 32:18.600 --> 32:21.160 circulate the globe every year and there's no reason why an engineered 32:21.160 --> 32:24.600 one couldn't do the same in this case someone spent the 32:24.600 --> 32:27.880 effort to hyper optimize the covid-19 ace-2 binding 32:27.880 --> 32:30.360 affinity so that would spread far and wide 32:30.360 --> 32:33.960 that's weird because the first year and a half we were debating about the fact 32:33.960 --> 32:38.680 that it had a fear and cleavage site which made it very infectious 32:38.680 --> 32:41.960 now he's saying that it was actually the ace-2 affinity that caused that i thought 32:41.960 --> 32:44.440 the ace-2 affinity had something more to do 32:44.440 --> 32:48.360 with with how many uh how many people it would 32:48.840 --> 32:52.120 infect or how easily it could infect people but the fact that it would go 32:52.120 --> 32:54.920 throughout the body and be very uh systemic and that when you 32:54.920 --> 32:57.160 coughed it out it would already be ready to bind 32:57.160 --> 33:01.400 was the fear and cleavage site the fault in this logic is assuming the spread 33:01.400 --> 33:05.400 initiated when chinese claimed it did in 2019 33:05.400 --> 33:08.760 when in fact there's evidence of prior circulation this is also important 33:08.760 --> 33:11.160 because this is the opposite of what i said 33:11.160 --> 33:15.320 prior circulation gives time for it to achieve an endemic state we've already 33:15.400 --> 33:18.680 said that it's likely that the background endemic 33:18.680 --> 33:23.080 RNA signal is being confounded with new spread 33:23.080 --> 33:26.680 the most efficient mechanism would be the package of virus and infect a few 33:26.680 --> 33:30.920 people in the city exactly as giordano's 33:30.920 --> 33:34.840 lecture tells us and exactly as i've been teaching for the last 33:34.840 --> 33:39.960 almost three years so again this is a january 19th 33:39.960 --> 33:45.320 2024 post about my ideas and he says that the the 33:45.320 --> 33:50.280 seeding clone hypothesis is chemtrail retarded 33:50.280 --> 33:54.280 dropping clones everywhere hoping for magical transfection to occur while 33:54.280 --> 33:57.560 having an endless parade of spies dropping spreading these clones around 33:57.560 --> 34:01.000 his keystone cop when packaged virus will 34:01.000 --> 34:04.840 perform all this skullduggery for you so he wants you to believe 34:04.840 --> 34:08.440 that viruses are something very different than clones when virology 34:08.440 --> 34:13.160 acknowledges and and actually thousands of papers 34:13.160 --> 34:17.640 that clones are their best approximation of what they can barely find in nature 34:17.640 --> 34:22.280 so it's a it's a direct inversion of what i have to believe he knows is the 34:22.280 --> 34:25.880 truth about RNA virology you expose yourself to 34:25.880 --> 34:29.000 infinite more disclosure points gonna get cost so leaking the virus provides 34:29.000 --> 34:33.560 camouflage plausible diet ability so here we are again being forced back 34:33.560 --> 34:38.040 into solving the mystery so this is the final insult the keystone cop 34:38.040 --> 34:42.200 clone chemtrail hypothesis requires teams of covert people 34:42.200 --> 34:47.480 and frankly is stupid if you know how to package a virus well this is curious 34:47.480 --> 34:50.440 because that's not the argument that i'm making so i want to clarify that 34:50.440 --> 34:54.600 first um the argument that i'm making is that the 34:54.600 --> 34:59.640 cartoon version of the infectious cycle is incorrect where a virus goes into 34:59.640 --> 35:01.560 your lungs it makes copies of itself and then you 35:01.560 --> 35:04.520 cough it out it's much more complicated than that 35:04.520 --> 35:07.080 one of the very early clues that we had of this 35:07.080 --> 35:10.680 was when robert malone told us that the vast majority of viral particles are 35:10.680 --> 35:13.240 non-infectious they're their their replication 35:13.240 --> 35:17.400 incompetent and so that's what's represented at the cartoon over here 35:17.400 --> 35:21.720 i believe this is also the reason why a lot of the objections of the no virus 35:21.720 --> 35:27.000 camp are actually very much spot on and have a great relevance to our 35:27.000 --> 35:30.440 trying to understand the infectious cycle for real if there is one and i'm 35:30.440 --> 35:34.120 open to the possibility that there isn't so the first thing that i'd like you to 35:34.120 --> 35:38.920 imagine or think about is virus packaging and what that has to do with 35:38.920 --> 35:43.560 this is a cartoon a computer model of viral packaging the idea is again 35:43.560 --> 35:49.080 that little tiny red line there is the mr and a and it's supposed to be coiled 35:49.080 --> 35:53.720 around the end protein and then a bunch of end proteins brings that 35:53.720 --> 35:57.880 full genome of the virus into the endosome and the endosome has the spike 35:57.880 --> 36:01.720 protein on the inside of it and so when you when it 36:01.720 --> 36:05.480 invaginates like that then you get this vesicle forming on the inside of the 36:05.480 --> 36:10.280 endosome and that's supposed to be the free virus now the question becomes 36:10.280 --> 36:15.160 how in the world is this all orchestrated how does your cell just get told okay 36:15.160 --> 36:19.960 take this and wrap this all around and and and put this in there and arrange 36:19.960 --> 36:24.200 this that way the idea that the word hijack 36:24.200 --> 36:30.360 is sufficient to justify this cartoon as being fact is absolutely 36:30.360 --> 36:33.560 unacceptable and that's again part of the no-virus 36:33.560 --> 36:36.600 people's objection that i think is really spot on 36:36.600 --> 36:41.640 and in fact um there's there's almost everything that they say is true it's 36:41.640 --> 36:45.000 just the things that they chose not to say for two or three years that frustrate 36:45.000 --> 36:48.760 me but again it could just be that i was an idiot and stuck with these people 36:48.760 --> 36:53.800 this i want to whoa sorry about that that's from my stream 36:53.800 --> 36:59.160 so i would like to oh come on end i would like to just 36:59.160 --> 37:02.680 give you a brief introduction to RNA viruses to make sure that you 37:02.680 --> 37:05.960 understand where we are this is influenza A 37:05.960 --> 37:09.560 and influenza A if you can see my arrow is right here and it's binding with the 37:09.560 --> 37:13.240 cell it's going to go into the endosome and then it's going to release 37:13.240 --> 37:19.240 into this thing a negative strand RNA and some proteins which can copy it 37:19.240 --> 37:23.000 so the first thing to remember in case you're unaware of this is that flu 37:23.000 --> 37:26.280 and measles are negative strand RNA viruses 37:26.280 --> 37:29.240 that they they can't be read by our ribosomes 37:29.240 --> 37:34.520 so in order for an influenza virus to be a useful particle it also needs to have 37:34.520 --> 37:38.440 all of the accessory proteins present so that that negative strand RNA when 37:38.440 --> 37:43.000 it's released into the cell will be reliably copied into a positive 37:43.000 --> 37:47.240 strand RNA which can be then translated into proteins by our 37:47.240 --> 37:51.080 our ribosomes now that's a pretty interesting 37:51.080 --> 37:54.680 scenario right because then if we go back to this 37:54.680 --> 37:59.640 this illusion here then in a flu virus when a flu virus is 37:59.640 --> 38:03.720 assembled not only do you need to get a full genome in there or in the flu 38:03.720 --> 38:07.320 viruses case actually need to get about eight circular RNAs 38:07.320 --> 38:11.880 into the same virus but you also need to get some of these proteins in there 38:11.880 --> 38:16.440 because if they're not in there then this virus will be useless 38:16.440 --> 38:21.320 so contrast that to the positive stranded RNA virus of coronavirus and you 38:21.320 --> 38:26.120 will see that actually the translation of the full genome occurs 38:26.120 --> 38:29.960 immediately and you produce n proteins and you produce this 38:29.960 --> 38:36.600 primary translating poly protein and so these these 38:36.600 --> 38:41.720 this compound protein something something apparently can copy 38:41.720 --> 38:46.360 sub genomic RNAs right away to genomic RNAs or sorry genomic RNAs 38:46.360 --> 38:49.480 right away to genomic RNAs you see in this picture here this is from like 38:49.480 --> 38:52.920 science magazine so if you think that this is kind of a 38:52.920 --> 38:57.480 a bad picture I agree but here you have just a little cartoon that seems to 38:57.480 --> 39:00.760 indicate that this this amount of protein is capable 39:00.760 --> 39:04.920 of making copies of the single stranded genomic RNA 39:04.920 --> 39:10.040 but it's also capable of making these single stranded genomic RNA subgenomic 39:10.040 --> 39:14.120 RNAs that are little tiny ones here and they don't really 39:14.120 --> 39:17.800 explain much more about it it's again a lot of hand waving but again you can see 39:17.800 --> 39:22.360 the task none of these RNAs are supposed to be packaged 39:22.360 --> 39:26.520 only the full genome should get packaged and 39:26.520 --> 39:31.640 shipped out and yet when we've looked at the expression of these positive 39:31.640 --> 39:36.760 stranded genomes in cell cultures we see that the preponderance of 39:36.760 --> 39:41.000 mRNA's that are produced are actually all these subgenomic RNAs like hundreds 39:41.000 --> 39:45.640 of thousands of times more than any full genomes that are made and so this 39:45.720 --> 39:50.120 seems to kind of to support the idea of what Robert Malone 39:50.120 --> 39:53.480 said which is the vast majority of viral particles don't end up with a full 39:53.480 --> 39:56.280 genome inside of them because the full genome is very rarely 39:56.280 --> 40:00.680 copied with high with very very rarely copied successfully and then every 40:00.680 --> 40:04.920 time it is copied successfully there are a number of errors in it because of 40:04.920 --> 40:09.800 the way that RNA is copied now it is possible 40:09.800 --> 40:13.720 in the realm of possibility that this little area here in the cartoon 40:13.720 --> 40:17.960 will be found to be quite high fidelity and Jay's all wrong and he's an idiot 40:17.960 --> 40:21.400 and he can go home but I really doubt that and more importantly 40:21.400 --> 40:26.440 there's no real there's no real firm molecular evidence for the fidelity 40:26.440 --> 40:29.960 here at this step they can say that it's it's here 40:29.960 --> 40:33.640 or it's there but the bottom line is that it's not like 40:33.640 --> 40:39.000 copying double stranded DNA and so you're already at lower fidelity with that 40:39.000 --> 40:42.200 and so what is actually happening here is most likely that these 40:42.200 --> 40:46.840 these RNAs these viruses are interacting with existing machinery 40:46.840 --> 40:50.760 that already packages things that already puts 40:50.760 --> 40:55.400 RNA or DNA into a package and already has proteins on the outside 40:55.400 --> 40:58.120 because then it would make a lot more sense in other words 40:58.120 --> 41:01.960 it's kind of like a cuckoo clock and if you hijack a cuckoo clock you can't 41:01.960 --> 41:05.320 make it make toast you can make it ring at the wrong time 41:05.320 --> 41:08.760 you could make it make funny noises but you can't make it make toast and I 41:08.760 --> 41:11.880 don't think that a virus can go into a cell and make it do something that it 41:11.880 --> 41:15.320 already doesn't do. Cells already package exosomes and send 41:15.320 --> 41:18.040 signals to one another and so I think that this is just 41:18.040 --> 41:22.440 hijacking of that signal and but what that means 41:22.440 --> 41:26.200 is that what we are doing is we are packaging RNA and the vast majority of 41:26.200 --> 41:29.640 the RNA that we find in there is either low fidelity copy or even a 41:29.640 --> 41:34.680 impartial copy and that's the problem with what they find when they look in 41:34.680 --> 41:37.960 these papers what they find when they look in the wild and so this is the 41:37.960 --> 41:41.800 analogy I come up with they are more like mixed tapes 41:41.800 --> 41:45.720 and so you cannot grow them in the wild. A mixed tape is 41:45.720 --> 41:49.240 from the old days where if you bought this in the store it would sound really 41:49.240 --> 41:51.080 good but if you copied it for your friend it would 41:51.080 --> 41:53.560 already have this hiss and it wouldn't sound very well 41:53.560 --> 41:57.880 so you could make a mixed tape for your girlfriend and put all the songs that 41:57.880 --> 42:01.160 reminded you of her on one tape and it would sound okay 42:01.160 --> 42:05.480 but if you wanted to make a copy of that mixed tape it would sound really awful 42:05.560 --> 42:09.880 and this lacking a loss of fidelity upon each copy 42:09.880 --> 42:14.440 there is a there is a equivalent to that in the copying of RNA 42:14.440 --> 42:17.480 that is orders of magnitude more important than the copy 42:17.480 --> 42:22.120 than in the copying of DNA and that's why an analogy for RNA 42:22.120 --> 42:28.120 versus DNA a useful one might be an audiotape versus a CD if you make a 42:28.120 --> 42:31.560 mixed CD and then you made a copy of that CD it would be a 42:31.560 --> 42:34.680 pretty decent copy to listen to but it's not the same with 42:34.680 --> 42:37.960 audiotape and so I'm making the argument that 42:37.960 --> 42:42.440 like audiotape an RNA signal found in the anus of a bat 42:42.440 --> 42:46.040 or found in the lung of a sick child is not a 42:46.040 --> 42:50.440 culturable signal that can be made infinite quantities of 42:50.440 --> 42:53.960 you can't just grab it and go and then you know put some more in the culture 42:53.960 --> 42:57.400 and pull some more out and that that's always been a problem 42:57.400 --> 42:59.800 for them and the way that they overcome it is a 42:59.800 --> 43:05.000 technique that is who's who's um the credit for 43:05.000 --> 43:07.400 inventing it has been given to Ralph Barrick by the 43:07.400 --> 43:10.280 by the narrative by the tv but in reality these are just 43:10.280 --> 43:15.080 standard bench techniques for putting two pieces of DNA together 43:15.080 --> 43:18.680 and in this case the the DNA that they're putting together that they're 43:18.680 --> 43:22.120 ligating together is actually DNA that is the 43:22.120 --> 43:26.200 copy of a genome that they say they found in the wild so they make this DNA 43:26.200 --> 43:30.200 copy and I put a little CD here to indicate that this is a high 43:30.200 --> 43:35.240 fidelity copy and because a coronavirus genome is so long they need to divide 43:35.240 --> 43:38.680 it in a few plasmids and so that's where the 43:38.680 --> 43:42.840 ligation comes in you have five pieces that you can 43:42.840 --> 43:46.760 that you can grow in a bacterial culture and then those five pieces need to be 43:46.760 --> 43:50.760 ligated together into one genome and that ligation step 43:50.760 --> 43:53.640 requires a sort of puzzle piece to be cut 43:53.640 --> 43:58.280 in both ends of those of those plasmids and then that puzzle piece cut is 43:58.280 --> 44:03.320 actually done by a specific enzyme and so with very clever choices 44:03.320 --> 44:06.920 of codons you can actually make an assembly kit 44:06.920 --> 44:11.160 for coronavirus genomes that you can kind of insert pieces into 44:11.160 --> 44:16.680 and this methodology has been blamed for again that that sewing 44:16.680 --> 44:20.040 icon that I put on the worst case scenario it is 44:20.040 --> 44:24.360 it is the stitching of things together and using this technique to do it 44:24.360 --> 44:29.800 that then leads to a huge quantity of DNA and this is the part where Kevin 44:29.800 --> 44:33.240 McCurnan seems to want to try and obfuscate the 44:33.240 --> 44:38.600 idea of clones the problem is with clones is that when you make this DNA 44:38.600 --> 44:42.440 in a bacterial culture you can make as much as you want 44:42.440 --> 44:46.920 and so when you convert it to RNA there's only one step 44:46.920 --> 44:50.760 from converting it to DNA and RNA so there's a limited amount of errors that 44:50.760 --> 44:53.800 will be made and since you're moving from a 44:53.800 --> 44:58.520 pure template of DNA to a limited amount of errors of RNA 44:58.520 --> 45:04.200 you will produce a purity of this full genome that doesn't exist when you 45:04.200 --> 45:07.560 sample these from nature because when you sample them from nature 45:07.560 --> 45:12.840 the mRNA makes a bunch of subgenomic RNAs that overwhelm the RNA signal and 45:13.320 --> 45:18.200 the full genome is almost undetectable and this gets overcome if you do it this 45:18.200 --> 45:21.720 way because you have a DNA copy of the full genome that you 45:21.720 --> 45:26.360 convert to RNA so there's no subgenomic RNA produced 45:26.360 --> 45:29.960 you're not even using an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase you're using an RNA 45:29.960 --> 45:33.080 polymerase that has been commercially optimized 45:33.080 --> 45:37.240 and what this allows you to do is produce cell cultures that are 45:37.240 --> 45:41.880 replicable and everybody can use your your DNA you can just make or RNA you 45:41.880 --> 45:44.840 can just make more of it from the DNA that you made you can make more DNA if 45:44.840 --> 45:49.080 you want you can also make replicable cell 45:49.080 --> 45:52.200 animal models of these infections and you can also share it with people the 45:52.200 --> 45:56.920 worst part about this is just like the mRNA shot you can you can 45:56.920 --> 46:01.560 produce industrial quantities of this it doesn't have to be small batch brewing 46:01.560 --> 46:06.440 you can do a giant batch of this cDNA and then convert it 46:06.440 --> 46:10.760 all to RNA and you will have a large quantity of infectious RNA 46:10.760 --> 46:16.040 that could have never ever ever ever been generated in any other way because 46:16.040 --> 46:20.360 of the nature of RNA copying and fidelity 46:20.360 --> 46:24.200 and so they have indeed used this for all RNA papers 46:24.200 --> 46:28.360 forever this is what they do now they find a signal they make a clone 46:28.360 --> 46:31.640 and now if you want to use my clone i can send it to you 46:31.640 --> 46:35.640 this is an example of a paper that was done in 2019 right before the pandemic 46:35.640 --> 46:39.080 where they use human coronavirus 229e and they make a 46:39.080 --> 46:43.000 clone of it they take this clone and they put it 46:43.000 --> 46:45.960 into a cell culture and they look for the sub-genomic 46:45.960 --> 46:49.480 RNAs to be transcribed and they're trying to look for the 46:49.480 --> 46:53.160 the relative ratio that they're produced in 46:53.160 --> 46:58.200 and so i'm going to skip this slide when they when they find the 46:58.200 --> 47:02.600 this is kind of a hard graph to read but what you're looking for 47:02.600 --> 47:07.720 are these signals here and what level they are relative to the x axis 47:07.720 --> 47:11.720 sorry the y axis hello and so as you go up 47:11.720 --> 47:15.960 in in in the y axis you go up in abundance 47:15.960 --> 47:19.960 and the coverage here so what you're covering is the full genome which is 47:19.960 --> 47:24.280 listed on the bottom so this ORF1a and ORF1b 47:24.280 --> 47:28.200 are where all these magic proteins are which are able to copy the viral genome 47:28.200 --> 47:31.960 but also make the sub-genomic RNAs that are necessary for viral 47:31.960 --> 47:35.320 replication and assembly according to virologists 47:35.320 --> 47:39.080 the interesting thing is is when copying begins 47:39.080 --> 47:45.000 using this clone the vast majority of sub-genomic RNAs that are present 47:45.000 --> 47:49.720 are the n protein the m protein the e protein a protein called number four 47:49.720 --> 47:56.600 and the s protein and in fact when you look for full-length RNAs 47:56.600 --> 48:00.920 they only found two so while there were 48:00.920 --> 48:04.840 somewhere between five and eight thousand copies of the n protein in 48:04.840 --> 48:07.880 some of these transcripts a lot of these are are high numbers 48:07.880 --> 48:11.320 then there are different lengths and different variations of that fragment 48:11.320 --> 48:14.760 there were only two fragments that could qualify as anywhere 48:14.760 --> 48:18.360 near full length now we could have missed some 48:18.360 --> 48:22.040 except the problem is is that we've seen this same signal even in the old days 48:22.040 --> 48:24.760 when we were doing it in old ways when we were still 48:24.760 --> 48:29.720 really just being able to look at MR RNA and looking at whole fractions in 48:29.720 --> 48:35.320 gel pull downs they still saw the the full genome is almost invisible 48:35.320 --> 48:39.640 it's almost impossible to find and so this is a very consistent signal 48:39.640 --> 48:43.320 it's probably not the limitations of nanopore sequencing in that latest 48:43.320 --> 48:46.760 paper because this signals the same 48:46.760 --> 48:51.480 when a coronavirus RNA replicates it very rarely makes a full copy of itself so 48:51.480 --> 48:55.080 how in the world are these things spreading from person to person 48:55.080 --> 48:58.520 it definitely isn't the way that the cartoon describes it that's the reason 48:58.520 --> 49:01.640 why this story doesn't make sense that it's really hard to culture 49:01.640 --> 49:04.760 well if the virus was making perfect copies of itself it would be easy to 49:04.760 --> 49:08.040 culture but it's not it's making very poor copies of 49:08.040 --> 49:12.200 itself many of the copies are non-replication competent that makes it 49:12.200 --> 49:15.560 difficult to culture coronavirus is from the wild 49:15.560 --> 49:19.640 the solution that they've come up with is to take that RNA sequence that they 49:19.640 --> 49:23.400 find in the wild turn it into cDNA constructs that can be 49:23.400 --> 49:26.360 grown in high quantities in a bacterial culture 49:26.360 --> 49:30.520 they can then use any number of ways to convert that cDNA 49:30.520 --> 49:34.040 to RNA you don't have to get into that now and in fact because we're in a talk 49:34.040 --> 49:37.400 with with somebody like Kevin McCurnan it would be really silly for me to try 49:37.400 --> 49:39.720 and wax intellectual about all the details of that 49:39.720 --> 49:44.040 but the point is is that when they do this they are able to create 49:44.040 --> 49:50.040 a purity level of a single copy many many copies of a pure RNA that can't 49:50.040 --> 49:54.120 exist in nature because of the nature of replicating RNA 49:54.120 --> 49:59.720 now the the trick is is that up until now no one has really tried to measure 49:59.720 --> 50:04.440 the infectious ratio of a coronavirus swarm in an animal or in nature or 50:04.440 --> 50:07.080 anywhere else but my guess is it's a lot different 50:07.080 --> 50:10.120 than one to one or 10 to one or even 50 to one 50:10.120 --> 50:13.480 the point is is that if you make an RNA copy 50:13.480 --> 50:18.520 or sorry a DNA master copy you can make lots of copies of the same RNA and you 50:18.520 --> 50:22.680 will have averted this problem that makes it so difficult to culture 50:22.680 --> 50:27.080 coronaviruses from the wild so are you are you suggesting that they're 50:27.080 --> 50:30.440 making um so you know if you put that infectious 50:30.440 --> 50:33.320 clone into a mammalian cell you're going to get a very similar 50:33.320 --> 50:38.520 output to what um SARS does right the the replicated machinery is going to 50:38.520 --> 50:42.600 make this really odd array of different expression from the N gene the M gene 50:42.600 --> 50:46.280 and uh because it has to right if you want to actually stoichiometrically 50:46.280 --> 50:50.520 put one genomic piece of DNA or RNA into a capsid 50:50.520 --> 50:53.880 you have to make like a hundred to a thousand spikes a hundred to a thousand 50:53.880 --> 50:57.320 you know n proteins envelope protein so so they're going to express a lot more 50:57.320 --> 51:00.920 that junk at the end of the molecule just to make that assemble correctly 51:00.920 --> 51:04.520 are you suggesting that that to do an infectious clone release you'd have to 51:04.520 --> 51:07.960 like take the clones grow them in a co-lide like they're doing through the 51:07.960 --> 51:12.040 vaccines and then purify them and then make a lot of T7 51:12.040 --> 51:16.280 like RNA off of it and then infect people with the RNA somehow 51:16.280 --> 51:19.480 because in that case it would be it would be linear it all be one molecule it 51:19.480 --> 51:22.920 wouldn't be all diced up in having this this different type of um 51:22.920 --> 51:27.480 expression profile that we see in nature right so that's that's kind of my point 51:27.480 --> 51:32.440 is that if you did that you would have a an infectious clone would be 51:32.440 --> 51:38.280 and not a accurate representation of what SARS does when it's on its own 51:38.280 --> 51:42.280 so the question becomes ladies and gentlemen what in the world is this 51:42.280 --> 51:45.960 all about why in the world all of a sudden in 51:45.960 --> 51:50.920 January of 2024 do I after being blocked for a year and just kind of 51:50.920 --> 51:54.760 ignoring him do I still get this kind of vitriol when 51:54.760 --> 52:00.120 when we discussed it live over that was in March of 2000 of last year 52:00.120 --> 52:03.640 when we discussed it live he didn't have this went on 52:03.640 --> 52:06.760 there was 15 more minutes of that discussion where we discussed 52:06.760 --> 52:09.880 all of these principles and he didn't think it was crazy 52:09.880 --> 52:14.360 and yet yes sir well what's that uh 52:14.360 --> 52:18.440 we have had Kevin McGurnan on as a guest but that I can't remember what he 52:18.440 --> 52:20.680 looks like was that him then that was him then 52:20.680 --> 52:24.920 absolutely right and so here he is calling me uh 52:24.920 --> 52:30.120 Keystone Cop clone chemtrail hypothesis when we've discussed it many times 52:30.120 --> 52:34.120 and he didn't call it this and so well he seemed a little bit exercised there 52:34.120 --> 52:38.440 I think when he was challenging you uh that's okay I don't have any 52:38.440 --> 52:42.440 problem with that oh no I know I you know I yes okay 52:42.440 --> 52:45.240 I was just calling the first thing that he says is that 52:45.240 --> 52:49.960 in this comment is that co is coronavirus has circled the globe every year he 52:49.960 --> 52:53.640 also says that they hyper optimize the receptor binding domain 52:53.640 --> 52:58.120 and that equals fast spread now that wasn't the way it was it was actually 52:58.120 --> 53:01.800 we turned this off it was actually the fear and cleavage site that was blamed 53:01.800 --> 53:07.480 for that for quite some time um then we have this uh 53:07.480 --> 53:11.720 then we have uh it could not spread as fast as what he said and so it has to be 53:11.720 --> 53:15.080 already endemic but but but I was I've been 53:15.080 --> 53:18.040 explaining that to him that this is a background 53:18.040 --> 53:21.800 and that if there is a background that's being confounded by the PCR then we 53:21.800 --> 53:25.240 would we were just being misled he is purposefully 53:25.240 --> 53:30.200 ignoring that for more than two years 53:30.200 --> 53:33.800 and what so Kevin why just let me go forward let me go forward 53:33.800 --> 53:37.880 ask it at the end ceding clone hypothesis is chemtrail retarded is not a 53:37.880 --> 53:42.360 scientific discussion here this is it a this is a multi-millionaire 53:42.360 --> 53:47.080 wasting his time on his own sub stack trying to trash somebody who has 3,000 53:47.080 --> 53:51.480 followers and was just laid off from chd 53:51.480 --> 53:56.200 like what why does he even need to waste his time doing this unless there is a 53:56.200 --> 54:00.120 reason and the reason is is because this idea 54:00.120 --> 54:05.160 is the right answer you infect a few people with a clone so that you get the 54:05.160 --> 54:07.960 same sequence in any place that you look for it 54:07.960 --> 54:11.240 and if it lasts for a little while or a few days 54:11.240 --> 54:14.120 it doesn't matter I don't know how long it will last I don't know how much 54:14.120 --> 54:19.320 quantity they would use I don't care the point is is that this biology is 54:19.320 --> 54:23.320 real the papers are hundreds and to argue about 54:23.320 --> 54:28.280 whether or not RNA replicates at this at this fidelity or that fidelity 54:28.280 --> 54:32.680 doesn't change the fact that that these clones are used 54:32.680 --> 54:37.640 to make coronavirus biology replicable in each 54:37.640 --> 54:41.880 in each experiment if you don't do that then the moment you do an experiment 54:41.880 --> 54:45.320 with a coronavirus you can't replicate it because it's gone 54:45.320 --> 54:50.040 and so this keystone cop chemtrail hypothesis insult is actually an 54:50.040 --> 54:53.880 admission that this is actually real there's no other way 54:53.880 --> 54:57.640 that this guy with a cannabis company is going to be touring the world talking 54:57.640 --> 55:03.000 about these shots and so leaking the virus is better he's 55:03.000 --> 55:06.040 actually arguing that real viruses have 55:06.040 --> 55:10.440 have attributes that clones don't 55:10.440 --> 55:14.440 and the most important thing and to understand is that in all of his time 55:14.440 --> 55:17.960 and all of his podcasts and all of the microphones he's ever had 55:17.960 --> 55:22.200 he's never once pointed out that on top of all this they were really exaggerating 55:22.200 --> 55:26.200 the danger of whatever it was and that the protocols in America probably 55:26.200 --> 55:30.440 caused mass casualty events that were misconstrued as spread 55:30.440 --> 55:35.320 and so the defense of there are viruses the defense of 55:35.320 --> 55:41.000 the relative replication competence of viruses is irrelevant if you don't 55:41.000 --> 55:44.440 actually acknowledge that there's this giant body 55:44.440 --> 55:49.240 of misleading media coverage that went on for years 55:49.240 --> 55:53.800 and these people ignore all of it and make us focus on clones 55:53.880 --> 55:57.720 and talk about whether or not i'm right or or a little off on the 55:57.720 --> 56:01.880 replication competence of a particular gene in the coronavirus genome 56:01.880 --> 56:06.600 it's absolutely absurd and you can see it here because in that same 56:06.600 --> 56:11.640 video from march of last year uh Jessica Rose says that it's the best 56:11.640 --> 56:15.080 idea she's ever heard and it explains almost everything here is the 56:15.080 --> 56:18.360 the sub-stack that she wrote after that article it says by the way a massive 56:18.360 --> 56:22.520 thank you to Jonathan Cooley, Matthew Crawford, John Bodwin and Mark Gerda Do 56:22.520 --> 56:26.360 for the Thursday night chats you know who Mark Gerda Do is he's the guy who 56:26.360 --> 56:29.400 claims that it's a bolus effect and if you just hit a vein 56:29.400 --> 56:33.480 that that's where autism comes from you know who Matthew Crawford is you 56:33.480 --> 56:37.560 know who John Bodwin is you know who uh Jessica Rose is this 56:37.560 --> 56:42.600 is a description of the Steve Kirsch steering committee that used to meet 56:42.600 --> 56:45.960 on every Thursday night where i would explain this stuff to these people that 56:45.960 --> 56:49.080 now ignore it the only person who covers this 56:49.080 --> 56:53.800 idea is Matthew Crawford. Mark Gerda Do insists that it's still 56:53.800 --> 56:58.200 just injection and missing the vein. John Bodwin is talking about what he 56:58.200 --> 57:01.800 needs to talk about and he's every time he says that the protocols were 57:01.800 --> 57:07.480 murdered somebody cuts him off. We need to wake up to the idea that we 57:07.480 --> 57:11.240 have been lied to and that there are people who are actively lying to us they 57:11.240 --> 57:16.120 are obfuscating the truth about this and they they even go so far as to say 57:16.200 --> 57:21.240 that the viral swarm isn't real even though they have to admit that RNA 57:21.240 --> 57:24.600 cannot be copied perfectly if it can't be copied perfectly the swarm is real 57:24.600 --> 57:26.840 done 57:27.640 --> 57:31.000 and so they have there's an orchestrated campaign to make this 57:31.000 --> 57:34.600 diffuse proposal real so that this fear and cleavage site becomes real again 57:34.600 --> 57:37.880 and so that this cover-up becomes real again and so you think that we think 57:37.880 --> 57:41.160 that our families think that we need to teach our kids 57:41.160 --> 57:45.320 that this was a solved mystery and that Fauci and eco-health alliance are guilty 57:45.320 --> 57:49.080 of this we need to return RNA to real again 57:49.080 --> 57:54.680 we need to return the biology of RNA and clones real again 57:54.680 --> 57:58.760 that's what we need to do and now i'm going to use this analogy and then i'm 57:58.760 --> 58:02.120 going to wrap up but look very carefully at this guy this 58:02.120 --> 58:06.360 Italian guy pretending to stop this subway 58:06.360 --> 58:11.320 and so he gets on and he pulls it to a stop and then he's going to go over here 58:11.320 --> 58:14.760 and he's going to chalk up his his hands and he's going to pretend that he's 58:14.760 --> 58:19.000 doing this now what i want you to understand is that the more people 58:19.000 --> 58:22.920 and please do this thought experiment if you haven't already the more people 58:22.920 --> 58:26.760 that he recruited to do this act the more convincing it would be 58:26.760 --> 58:29.960 especially if you were a young person or you didn't know anything about 58:29.960 --> 58:33.720 electric trains and the bigger the people were 58:33.720 --> 58:38.920 the more animated they were the more lights and and and sparks that that they 58:38.920 --> 58:42.920 had in their in their uniform or or more tools that they used 58:42.920 --> 58:46.520 and more noises that you heard as the train stopped or the train went away 58:46.520 --> 58:49.160 the more convincing it would become that these people 58:49.160 --> 58:53.400 were stopping and starting the train and i want you to think about the pandemic 58:53.400 --> 58:55.960 as something like this that if enough people 58:55.960 --> 58:59.960 were to act like there's a pandemic to agree 58:59.960 --> 59:04.440 to fight about what the pandemic is that you would be bamboozled by it you 59:04.440 --> 59:07.080 would think wow look at all these it must be 59:07.080 --> 59:10.200 and if you were one who really wanted to participate you might even be 59:10.200 --> 59:14.600 invited to hear there here's the tug-of-war pull on the rope 59:14.600 --> 59:18.120 you can help us by pulling on the rope and so you get your position on the 59:18.120 --> 59:21.240 right i yeah jim's raised his hand with a question 59:21.240 --> 59:23.320 oh it's okay good i'll stop right here go ahead jim 59:23.320 --> 59:27.480 well actually jj it was very interesting what you were just saying then you 59:27.480 --> 59:30.520 were interrupted on a key sentence what was that 59:30.520 --> 59:35.800 um well i don't know just that that that um 59:35.800 --> 59:38.920 that all of these people now if you think about how this little 59:38.920 --> 59:42.520 this little cartoon goes the more people that you have standing along the 59:42.520 --> 59:45.800 train the more convincing this this illusion 59:45.800 --> 59:49.160 is and so that people are doing something that matters 59:49.160 --> 59:52.920 and in the in the start of the pandemic do you want to ask your question now jim 59:52.920 --> 59:55.320 go ahead 59:56.760 --> 01:00:00.280 actually i didn't mean to interrupt i just wanted you to address the 01:00:00.280 --> 01:00:07.000 uh if you could the different types of spike pro teams that are being 01:00:07.000 --> 01:00:13.960 alleged by a guy named jason mcclellan who supposedly invented the uh 01:00:13.960 --> 01:00:18.280 the vaccine um you know i can comment on that a little bit 01:00:18.280 --> 01:00:21.080 are you aware of that guy i'm not aware of that guy but i 01:00:21.080 --> 01:00:23.560 and i don't want to interrupt you i didn't want i didn't mean to interrupt i just 01:00:23.560 --> 01:00:26.360 wanted to get in line early because you're gonna have a lot of questions this 01:00:26.360 --> 01:00:29.720 great talk okay great um so the point would be then 01:00:29.720 --> 01:00:32.840 to get back to this is that the more people you had standing on the train 01:00:32.840 --> 01:00:37.800 that agreed to talk about one thing and that not not question the pandemic 01:00:37.800 --> 01:00:42.520 but just talk about one aspect of it like a novel treatment 01:00:42.520 --> 01:00:46.600 or whether we can build immunity or not or whether T cells are involved or it's 01:00:46.600 --> 01:00:50.040 all B cells or is it a natural killer cells 01:00:50.040 --> 01:00:53.960 did the lockdowns work or not i mean are we seeing evidence of masking working 01:00:53.960 --> 01:00:58.360 in in asia or not these debates were all real 01:00:58.360 --> 01:01:02.600 and they were all televised and they were all designed to make sure that you 01:01:02.600 --> 01:01:06.280 didn't question the primary thing that was happening which is that these 01:01:06.280 --> 01:01:11.000 mass casualty events equal spread that these PCR tests 01:01:11.000 --> 01:01:15.720 equal spread and so all of this stuff was scripted it was 01:01:15.720 --> 01:01:20.440 it was gamed it was tabletop exercised for many years they knew 01:01:20.440 --> 01:01:24.120 that they were getting closer and closer to getting it right 01:01:24.120 --> 01:01:27.480 and so i would argue that there are a couple things that we can know for sure 01:01:27.480 --> 01:01:33.480 hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are underutilized pretty useful drugs 01:01:33.480 --> 01:01:37.640 chances are very good that in a place like america using processed food and 01:01:37.640 --> 01:01:41.080 eating as bad and and exercising as little as they do 01:01:41.080 --> 01:01:45.320 that's something like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when applied 01:01:45.320 --> 01:01:49.880 to somebody with some immune problem some sickness that it might have some 01:01:49.880 --> 01:01:53.320 general effect even if it's not directly related to whatever that they were 01:01:53.320 --> 01:01:56.280 experiencing the point being that these are underutilized 01:01:56.280 --> 01:02:00.040 pharmaceuticals that have no real danger if they're used properly and even 01:02:00.040 --> 01:02:03.800 their overdosing is probably not that dangerous so you have 01:02:03.800 --> 01:02:07.960 this issue here that if you accept this again this is the mystery 01:02:07.960 --> 01:02:12.520 a novel virus needs novel cures what did they choose they choose novel cures 01:02:12.520 --> 01:02:14.600 that you could argue about without any problem 01:02:14.600 --> 01:02:19.000 and then they also conveniently did really badly design studies that could 01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:22.280 people could argue about people like bret could argue about people like 01:02:22.280 --> 01:02:25.960 p.r. cori could write a whole book about 01:02:28.360 --> 01:02:31.160 i would argue that the double stranded dna is another 01:02:31.160 --> 01:02:35.160 opportunity to make fake helpers join in the vigorous discussion that will 01:02:35.160 --> 01:02:39.080 never question the necessity of the transfection in the first place 01:02:39.080 --> 01:02:42.120 nor will they question the general application of transfection as a 01:02:42.120 --> 01:02:44.760 vaccination methodology because they will say 01:02:44.760 --> 01:02:50.840 like like uh buckholtz did that if this dna is in the shot i would still give 01:02:50.840 --> 01:02:53.080 it to my my parents but i wouldn't give it to my 01:02:53.080 --> 01:02:55.720 daughter he actually said that in front of this 01:02:55.720 --> 01:02:58.920 the the south carolina senate this guy who claims that he was 01:02:58.920 --> 01:03:02.280 whistleblowing on the dna contamination and confirmed that 01:03:02.280 --> 01:03:07.320 kevin mccernan's measurements were right this is a guy who was also very involved 01:03:07.320 --> 01:03:10.840 in the testing for coronavirus for the first two years it's not 01:03:10.840 --> 01:03:15.080 for nothing that he was chosen to be the guy who again stepped in front of 01:03:15.080 --> 01:03:19.240 step to the side of the train and pretend to help stop it 01:03:19.240 --> 01:03:22.520 they praised the methodology and they blamed the rush 01:03:22.520 --> 01:03:26.280 and so the last thing that is is this diffuse proposal and its contents and 01:03:26.280 --> 01:03:29.160 whether or not it's real and whether or not the contents mean that they were 01:03:29.160 --> 01:03:33.240 already done whether these released emails indicate that 01:03:33.240 --> 01:03:35.960 they the experiments were obviously already done 01:03:35.960 --> 01:03:39.240 and just like other aspects of the narrative if you accept this relevance 01:03:39.240 --> 01:03:43.080 or even argue about it you are not arguing about whether r and a can go 01:03:43.080 --> 01:03:46.680 around the planet and change colors 01:03:47.320 --> 01:03:50.440 and they have done this with lots of things 01:03:50.440 --> 01:03:55.240 including meetings all around the world where people are invited and considered 01:03:55.240 --> 01:03:59.320 celebrities and get to go on stage and present their results 01:03:59.320 --> 01:04:02.760 and then somehow or another their results or their objections never 01:04:02.760 --> 01:04:06.760 quite come out of the meeting like they should 01:04:06.760 --> 01:04:09.720 and so in this scenario i just want you to imagine where 01:04:09.720 --> 01:04:13.800 jessica rose is a good guy and and and um 01:04:13.800 --> 01:04:17.400 bairam brittle is a good guy and denny rancor is a good guy and 01:04:17.400 --> 01:04:21.240 and nick hudson's a good guy and ryan and ryan cole's a good guy and they're 01:04:21.240 --> 01:04:24.360 all these people on the stage are pulling 01:04:24.360 --> 01:04:29.080 on this tug-of-war but actually when it comes right down to it maybe some of 01:04:29.080 --> 01:04:32.360 these people in yellow aren't actually pulling 01:04:32.360 --> 01:04:35.400 maybe they're not actually going to leave this meeting and tell everybody 01:04:35.400 --> 01:04:38.520 everything they heard they're just going to tell everybody some things that they 01:04:38.520 --> 01:04:42.280 heard and that's how they did this throughout the 01:04:42.280 --> 01:04:45.880 entire pandemic by calling me by putting me in signal 01:04:45.880 --> 01:04:49.160 chats and having me give them tutorials on my 01:04:49.160 --> 01:04:53.560 immunology ideas and then not putting them on their podcast 01:04:53.560 --> 01:04:56.920 not telling anybody who they were learning this from correcting themselves 01:04:56.920 --> 01:05:00.120 but not giving credit they did this to everyone 01:05:00.120 --> 01:05:03.160 they're doing it to denny rancor right now they're doing it to nick hudson right 01:05:03.160 --> 01:05:06.760 now nick hudson was at this discussion talk 01:05:06.760 --> 01:05:11.560 conference in romania and budepest and nobody ever said that his talk was 01:05:11.560 --> 01:05:14.280 great and i'm sure it was 01:05:14.280 --> 01:05:17.960 and nobody's ever said that denny rancor was there and that he showed there was 01:05:17.960 --> 01:05:21.320 no evidence of spread they just show that he shows that 17 million people were 01:05:21.320 --> 01:05:24.200 killed by the shot because that's okay to talk about but 01:05:24.200 --> 01:05:27.320 there the fact that mass casualty events don't 01:05:27.320 --> 01:05:32.200 have spread away from them is not okay so they don't talk about it 01:05:32.200 --> 01:05:37.240 but denny presented that data and that's how this is done ladies and 01:05:37.240 --> 01:05:40.200 gentlemen they are controlling a narrative about this 01:05:40.200 --> 01:05:45.080 potential and any other parts of this narrative are just discarded 01:05:45.080 --> 01:05:47.880 and they keep bringing you back to this faith 01:05:47.880 --> 01:05:51.240 and keep making it about this phase without making it about there being 01:05:51.240 --> 01:05:54.680 no evidence of spread not making it about the projected 01:05:54.680 --> 01:05:58.520 medicare costs that were saved in america and around the world especially in 01:05:58.520 --> 01:06:02.520 america and not making it about strict liability 01:06:02.520 --> 01:06:07.000 in america in in our law where the way that we speak about what happens with 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:10.440 regular pharmaceuticals it's strict liability you're responsible for the 01:06:10.440 --> 01:06:14.440 damage that's done with your product and we have we don't apply that to 01:06:14.440 --> 01:06:18.680 vaccines we could just change that but nobody talks about it 01:06:18.680 --> 01:06:21.000 we have this separate system called ci 01:06:21.000 --> 01:06:24.520 cp and vicp which are two kangaroo courts 01:06:24.520 --> 01:06:28.840 where all of the claims against vaccine manufacturers are brought and 01:06:28.840 --> 01:06:32.280 the u.s. government pays all of those damages they even pay for lawyers that 01:06:32.280 --> 01:06:35.080 bring losing cases 01:06:35.080 --> 01:06:38.840 and in our constitution it says in the seventh amendment that we have the 01:06:38.840 --> 01:06:41.960 right to sue for damages over twenty dollars so that seems to kind of 01:06:41.960 --> 01:06:44.280 contradict because we're not allowed to sue 01:06:44.280 --> 01:06:47.640 vaccine manufacturers we have to use a kangaroo court 01:06:47.640 --> 01:06:51.720 it seems that that's a pretty pretty obvious violation of our seventh 01:06:51.720 --> 01:06:53.720 amendment i know they have it 01:06:53.720 --> 01:06:57.160 but what have you got to mute yourself 01:06:57.160 --> 01:07:01.000 it seems like a regular that's a violation of the seventh amendment but 01:07:01.000 --> 01:07:05.160 nobody ever talks about that none of the lawyers that have been in front of 01:07:05.160 --> 01:07:09.160 this in this group have ever said to you that one of the ways that we could win 01:07:09.160 --> 01:07:12.680 is that we could take a single vaccine injury to 01:07:12.680 --> 01:07:16.840 court in a state and have the state court say no we can't see your 01:07:16.840 --> 01:07:20.200 your claim because of the prep act and then you could 01:07:20.200 --> 01:07:23.720 take that as an appeal to the federal court and have the federal court strike 01:07:23.720 --> 01:07:28.120 the prep act has unconstitutional we could be done in months 01:07:28.120 --> 01:07:32.840 but nobody's doing that and that should tell you all you need to know 01:07:32.840 --> 01:07:35.960 with all of this biology that i have to teach 01:07:35.960 --> 01:07:43.640 i got laid off and not from from from a university this time 01:07:43.640 --> 01:07:47.080 and so i think the most important thing to understand is this 01:07:47.080 --> 01:07:52.120 teamwork case scenario is real some of them were co-opted some of them were 01:07:52.120 --> 01:07:55.720 forced some of them were coerced some of them did it gladly 01:07:55.720 --> 01:07:59.000 some of them were in place before the pandemic and found themselves between 01:07:59.000 --> 01:08:01.960 a rock and a hard place as part of this 01:08:01.960 --> 01:08:05.320 control mechanism in the media and then wow do i really have to go along with 01:08:05.320 --> 01:08:10.040 this yes you do and we are victims of this 01:08:10.040 --> 01:08:13.640 our children are victims of this because they are being misled to believe that 01:08:13.640 --> 01:08:16.120 something real happened that could happen again 01:08:16.120 --> 01:08:21.080 and that thank goodness transfection worked pretty well for grandma 01:08:21.320 --> 01:08:24.200 and it all started with this illusion here 01:08:24.200 --> 01:08:29.000 spike protein and antibodies and the antibodies from infection being very 01:08:29.000 --> 01:08:33.240 much weak compared to the vaccine antibodies this is a picture that's 01:08:33.240 --> 01:08:38.120 taken from Francis Collins his own blog in july of 2020 01:08:38.120 --> 01:08:41.640 this is the illusion in a nutshell this is the 01:08:41.640 --> 01:08:46.040 lie in a nutshell the variants go on into the future and your infection 01:08:46.040 --> 01:08:49.240 antibodies are useless 01:08:49.240 --> 01:08:53.320 and depending on who you got in the car with you would have heard all this 01:08:53.320 --> 01:08:56.440 you would have heard arguments about all this if you were lucky enough to get in 01:08:56.440 --> 01:09:00.680 the car with thomas binder well good but then you would have had to survive 01:09:00.680 --> 01:09:05.560 four years with people telling you that thomas binder was crazy 01:09:05.560 --> 01:09:08.920 and that's the new world order that they want to teach our kids that's the new 01:09:08.920 --> 01:09:13.240 world order they want us to teach our kids and our teachers are doing it 01:09:13.240 --> 01:09:17.080 our college professors are doing it the college administrators are doing it 01:09:17.080 --> 01:09:23.080 soon this lie like in the book 1984 is going to be forgotten to become truth 01:09:23.080 --> 01:09:26.520 and so it's up to us to teach our kids the way out of this it's up to us to 01:09:26.520 --> 01:09:28.920 teach our kids that they have been fooled by this 01:09:28.920 --> 01:09:33.480 that these changes are real that they are being 01:09:33.480 --> 01:09:37.720 transitioned to submit to a digital id and digital currency the digital id is 01:09:37.720 --> 01:09:40.440 not a big deal because if you have a phone you already have it 01:09:40.440 --> 01:09:44.120 you're being tracked and monitored in ways that a digital id won't even do 01:09:44.120 --> 01:09:47.000 it's the digital currency you need to be afraid of of course but i'm not an 01:09:47.000 --> 01:09:49.720 expert in this stuff i just know that they're probably right people like 01:09:49.720 --> 01:09:52.200 michael edan are probably right this is the 01:09:52.200 --> 01:09:56.680 this is the next stage and they want you to believe that one of their excuses 01:09:56.680 --> 01:09:59.400 for this one of the excuses for this level of control 01:09:59.400 --> 01:10:04.840 is the the ongoing threat of gain of function viruses this is most 01:10:04.840 --> 01:10:08.280 important to understand we cannot let our children get on this train 01:10:08.280 --> 01:10:11.720 where we believe that we've defeated all diseases in the past by vaccination 01:10:11.720 --> 01:10:15.000 that we believe that novel coronaviruses can jump 01:10:15.000 --> 01:10:18.440 want them to believe that asymptomatic is a spread is what they need to think 01:10:18.440 --> 01:10:22.280 about they're already telling people in in america that rsv is 01:10:22.280 --> 01:10:26.120 is asymptomatic and that that they need to be concerned about all of these 01:10:26.120 --> 01:10:29.880 respiratory viruses as being asymptomatic this is a train 01:10:29.880 --> 01:10:33.720 that our kids are currently on and we have very little time to get them off of 01:10:33.720 --> 01:10:39.240 it before they have their own kids and teach them that this is the reality 01:10:39.240 --> 01:10:42.520 and so we need to get them off this train we need to get them out of this 01:10:42.520 --> 01:10:46.520 new world order so that this isn't erased the way to think about this in case 01:10:46.520 --> 01:10:49.960 you're not uh there is that they have told us that we have an 01:10:49.960 --> 01:10:54.840 ongoing RNA viral pandemic that started in 2020 and has been going on for 01:10:54.840 --> 01:11:00.920 five years five years of sustained RNA transmission that started in a point 01:11:00.920 --> 01:11:05.640 in a puddle at an animal cage and has gone around the world 01:11:05.640 --> 01:11:10.520 since it leaked that's ridiculous but it is a faith that no one questions 01:11:10.520 --> 01:11:14.040 and it is a faith that your children can be trapped in if you don't 01:11:14.040 --> 01:11:18.520 start pointing it out to them that we are in the fifth year of this lie 01:11:18.520 --> 01:11:21.880 i never thought we'd get this far 01:11:22.040 --> 01:11:25.560 and you can see it as a background they don't know what was in the background 01:11:25.560 --> 01:11:29.080 before it could be just noise like on a radio that they've turned really loud 01:11:29.080 --> 01:11:32.520 and then told you there's organization inside of it 01:11:32.520 --> 01:11:35.960 and this RNA signal being confounded as spread 01:11:35.960 --> 01:11:41.160 could have been seeded they could have seeded the the sequence using RNA or 01:11:41.160 --> 01:11:45.080 RNA clones or the DNA construct and put it in sewers 01:11:45.080 --> 01:11:48.440 and the PCR would have been positive some people would have probably complained 01:11:48.440 --> 01:11:51.240 because the spike protein and end protein are immunogenic and would have 01:11:51.240 --> 01:11:54.280 annoyed their immune system so a transfection by a clone 01:11:54.280 --> 01:11:58.440 would have done everything and more to create and see the illusion of the 01:11:58.520 --> 01:12:04.680 pandemic without endangering anybody except for the people who bought in 01:12:04.680 --> 01:12:07.560 so the way to see these people that are meddling with us is they don't ever 01:12:07.560 --> 01:12:10.040 talk about the childhood vaccine schedule as being 01:12:10.040 --> 01:12:15.800 as being criminal i heard Pierre Corey on Jimmy Dorr last night saying it was 01:12:15.800 --> 01:12:19.800 criminal and i loved it um so good for Pierre Corey 01:12:19.800 --> 01:12:22.760 advocate for strict liability of all pharmaceutical products that's the way 01:12:22.760 --> 01:12:25.960 you speak to lawyers you just say no i'm not i don't want to talk about 01:12:25.960 --> 01:12:29.480 all this other stuff why don't we advocate for strict liability why don't we 01:12:29.480 --> 01:12:32.920 use the seventh amendment to strike this prep act we need to start saying that 01:12:32.920 --> 01:12:36.200 regularly investigate the use of deadly protocols to create 01:12:36.200 --> 01:12:39.320 mass casualty events that were misconstrued as spread 01:12:39.320 --> 01:12:42.920 and investigate whether or not transfection could have been used to compound 01:12:42.920 --> 01:12:45.800 that problem or to create the molecular illusion of it 01:12:45.800 --> 01:12:49.720 um declare or take your sovereignty back from your 01:12:49.720 --> 01:12:53.080 from them and and and the sovereignty of your children and withdraw from the 01:12:53.080 --> 01:12:56.200 who in the u.n. entirely and if you want to see the medlers they're not 01:12:56.200 --> 01:12:59.560 talking about this stuff they rarely cite the deadly protocols that's 01:12:59.560 --> 01:13:02.200 number three um they rarely use the word 01:13:02.200 --> 01:13:05.000 transfection although Brett Weinstein occasionally does 01:13:05.000 --> 01:13:08.440 they never use the word clone to explain anything and in fact if they use the 01:13:08.440 --> 01:13:12.600 word clone they use it to ridicule me and finally they attack people instead 01:13:12.600 --> 01:13:15.880 of ideas and they are unable to summarize across the entire show and 01:13:15.880 --> 01:13:19.880 that's really evident with somebody like um with somebody like Kevin 01:13:19.880 --> 01:13:23.480 McCurnan who has defended transfection in the past by saying i hope we don't 01:13:23.480 --> 01:13:26.440 throw the bat the baby out with the bath water because of this 01:13:26.440 --> 01:13:31.080 contamination and has also very distinctly 01:13:31.080 --> 01:13:36.040 not spoken up about any of the protocols ever which of course were used to justify 01:13:36.040 --> 01:13:38.920 the rollout of this product and if you really wanted to bring 01:13:38.920 --> 01:13:42.760 everybody to attention and to understand how badly with bamboozled you would 01:13:42.760 --> 01:13:45.640 tell the whole story at least in a nutshell and not just say it's double 01:13:45.640 --> 01:13:49.560 shredded DNA and then my hair's on fire 01:13:49.720 --> 01:13:53.000 and the reason why they're doing in this is because the rich people in in 01:13:53.000 --> 01:13:55.960 private meetings have been saying for a long time we got to start collecting 01:13:55.960 --> 01:13:59.320 this data from these people before they're gone 01:13:59.320 --> 01:14:02.440 and since we're going to get rid of them we should start collecting that data they 01:14:02.440 --> 01:14:05.800 want your kids and they want your kids kids so this is a multi-generational 01:14:05.800 --> 01:14:08.920 thing you don't have to think about this going to be over in a couple years 01:14:08.920 --> 01:14:12.280 this is not going to stop because they've convinced themselves that if they 01:14:12.280 --> 01:14:16.120 collect enough data and the AI evolves that we're eventually going to solve 01:14:16.120 --> 01:14:19.080 all this and we're going to become the transhuman futurist that everybody 01:14:19.080 --> 01:14:22.120 wants us to be so please stop transfection human because 01:14:22.120 --> 01:14:24.920 they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary 01:14:24.920 --> 01:14:28.920 that's the end i'm open for questions thank you 01:14:28.920 --> 01:14:33.000 well done jj great sorry that was so long 01:14:33.000 --> 01:14:37.640 i didn't realize that was so long it was it was wonderful 01:14:37.640 --> 01:14:43.000 so we'll go back to our normal process um steven next 15 minutes and then 01:14:43.000 --> 01:14:47.560 jim you'll be first after steven so steven