WEBVTT 01:19.200 --> 01:25.700 Oh look JC on the bike was timed out by Risa. Oh time out JC on the bike JC on the bike 01:25.700 --> 01:33.640 It's JC on the bike it's JC on the bike yeah well I'm wise enough to know 01:33.640 --> 01:40.440 when a chomp needs banning and I know just the one look at round it's JC on the 01:40.440 --> 01:45.520 bike who says Veda didn't study music in college 01:49.440 --> 01:54.200 Early COVID survivors still need your help if you want to help call right now 01:54.200 --> 01:59.760 1-800-COVID survivors help Batman thank you very much don't forget COVID 01:59.760 --> 02:05.160 survivors need your help early COVID survivors need your help look at it at 02:05.160 --> 02:11.680 usatonic live check it out schedule for 60 minutes next it's going on French 02:11.680 --> 02:18.280 British Italian Japanese television people everywhere are starting to listen 02:18.280 --> 02:23.000 to him it's embarrassing 02:24.640 --> 02:29.040 seriously I think it's very important to consider the list of early COVID 02:29.040 --> 02:34.560 survivors that has been assembled by Housatonic Live Mark Kulacz if you haven't 02:34.560 --> 02:41.760 found that list please go to housatonicits.com and find that list and start to 02:41.760 --> 02:46.080 read it and share it thanks very much 02:54.200 --> 03:13.600 the faith in a novel virus is where we still are ladies and gentlemen but the 03:13.600 --> 03:21.680 faith is a lie and that's our work these three things are definitely true and we 03:21.680 --> 03:27.760 work every day to try and add to the support biological support that we have 03:27.760 --> 03:37.080 for those ideas there was no spread in New York City 03:37.080 --> 03:44.120 transfection and healthy mammals is dumb protocols were definitely murder and 03:44.120 --> 03:47.400 the scooty-doo is real 03:48.000 --> 03:53.480 Kristi you should send me an email you've been in the in the chat for way too long 03:53.480 --> 03:58.480 not to have a gig of them had I think I can probably arrange it I think I can 03:58.480 --> 04:02.760 probably arrange it for you Kristi send me an email and make sure you know 04:02.760 --> 04:07.640 who I'm talking about and I can probably arrange it for you I don't know about 04:07.640 --> 04:11.640 patches if you can give me a link of where I could make those patches maybe I 04:11.720 --> 04:21.320 would start doing that I now have this relatively this relatively I don't know 04:21.320 --> 04:25.920 weak way of doing it with a with an embroidery company that just has my 04:25.920 --> 04:30.120 little design and so it's it's pretty low-key and I've only been really doing 04:30.120 --> 04:34.240 it to to have different colored hats for myself so that the stream isn't so 04:34.240 --> 04:39.640 boring I made a couple shirts actually before the pandemic ever started 04:39.640 --> 04:43.800 because I thought it would be kind of funny to have a patch clampers line of 04:43.800 --> 04:49.080 clothing and so I had one jacket and a couple shirts or something that I was 04:49.080 --> 04:53.200 wearing under other shirts I never thought I would be using it for a logo 04:53.200 --> 05:00.320 for a news program so long after the the yeah the whole thing started I can't 05:00.320 --> 05:05.620 believe we're here it's the 15th of December we are in the middle of the 05:05.620 --> 05:09.500 advent calendar right now which is just extraordinary the advent calendar of 05:09.500 --> 05:16.940 2023 as if we hadn't had an already enough time to wake up from this the 05:16.940 --> 05:21.380 captain keeps walking walking into the door over and over and over again we 05:21.380 --> 05:26.020 never seem to get anywhere it's just the same plot every 10 minutes the captain 05:26.020 --> 05:31.740 comes back in and looks around and and goes back out the door we never seem to 05:31.740 --> 05:35.500 make any progress and the same people keep getting on podcasts and it's the 05:35.500 --> 05:41.980 same discussion over and over again and nobody ever approaches the real 05:41.980 --> 05:46.420 questions that need to be asked and it's frustrating for me to be here right now 05:46.420 --> 05:49.420 I'm gonna be really honest with you it's frustrating for me to be here because I 05:49.420 --> 05:55.220 feel like I was so taken by the Scooby-Doo and the the brilliant execution of it 05:55.220 --> 06:03.820 that I couldn't find a way to connect with the or overcome the no virus like 06:03.900 --> 06:08.340 gag and I don't think that everybody that was on the no virus side in terms of 06:08.340 --> 06:14.820 cognitively thinking that there was no SARS-CoV-2 was on the side of there's 06:14.820 --> 06:23.340 no molecular biology but the way that it was done and the people and in the way 06:23.340 --> 06:30.460 that they did it the number one thing you really need to keep in your in the 06:30.500 --> 06:38.580 back of your mind is that the people who started the the tussle between the 06:38.580 --> 06:44.540 extreme bioweapon side and the no virus side and the extreme bioweapon side and 06:44.540 --> 06:52.100 the it's 5g side those were all very coordinated groups of people that already 06:52.100 --> 06:55.660 knew each other's names in a way that they shouldn't have really known and 06:55.740 --> 07:01.860 that tells you really all you need to know about why the no virus narrative 07:01.860 --> 07:05.900 never really progressed anywhere until very recently and it's only ever made 07:05.900 --> 07:12.460 really forward progress when our own side makes forward progress and as we 07:12.460 --> 07:17.780 come closer to them they attacked us more and as we came closer to them they 07:17.780 --> 07:23.460 attacked us even more even though if we would have talked about protocols we 07:23.500 --> 07:28.100 both would have agreed if we would have talked about PCR tests we probably both 07:28.100 --> 07:31.620 would have agreed if we talked about sequencing maybe we could have even 07:31.620 --> 07:35.260 getting some people to agree that metagenomic sequencing is absolute 07:35.260 --> 07:41.620 baloney all of these arguments were part of the no-virus narrative but the way 07:41.620 --> 07:47.940 that they shepherded that that narrative was to use it as a weapon instead of as 07:47.940 --> 07:53.900 a way of pulling people away from the TV narrative and so there was no middle 07:53.900 --> 07:58.700 ground with them there was no well we'll let you talk to us now and if we don't 07:58.700 --> 08:04.060 understand this time maybe we'll talk again no no they canceled meetings and 08:04.060 --> 08:10.300 you know set the exact parameters of the debate all the time and there is 08:10.300 --> 08:15.740 probably a very good reason for it and those those borders if you want my honest 08:15.780 --> 08:20.540 prediction those borders are going to dissolve very quickly as Jessica 08:20.540 --> 08:27.020 Hockett and myself and Jonathan Engler and these other people as we come to 08:27.020 --> 08:33.620 basically the same conclusion albeit three years late the the right answer 08:33.620 --> 08:38.460 would be for them to go okay cool you finally figured it out well done but 08:38.460 --> 08:43.580 instead they're going to turn around and attack even though I'm currently employed 08:43.620 --> 08:49.620 at CHD and advocating for the investigation of the possibility that 08:49.620 --> 08:55.220 there may have been no real spreading pathogen and pushing Denis Rancourt's 08:55.220 --> 08:59.220 evidence from the all-cause mortality that there was probably no spreading 08:59.220 --> 09:03.580 pathogen and seeing that as an opening I'm predicting that they're going to go 09:03.580 --> 09:10.060 ahead and attack CHD attack the book attack me and attack us as though we're 09:10.060 --> 09:16.660 not making progress toward this goal and I think it's really important to see 09:16.660 --> 09:21.060 that this prediction when it comes true is is just part and parcel for how this 09:21.060 --> 09:27.700 was supposed to go we weren't even supposed to be here yet they need to 09:27.700 --> 09:31.740 run the clock out until the next election or even farther and we were not 09:31.740 --> 09:38.060 supposed to be this far and so a lot of crazy things are going to happen in the 09:38.100 --> 09:43.700 next weeks and months as they try desperately to recover in this fast 09:43.700 --> 09:49.660 break but the full court presses on and the steady pressure coming from myself 09:49.660 --> 09:57.380 and Mark and Jessica and others is going to continue because we finally got our 09:57.380 --> 10:02.900 feet on solid ground in a way that we somehow or another were prevented from 10:02.900 --> 10:07.340 getting our feet on this solid ground earlier and I could possibly be also 10:07.420 --> 10:13.100 partly my fault it's all of our faults it's the social media's fault for not 10:13.100 --> 10:17.260 having connected me to Jessica Hockett earlier it's it's it's social media's 10:17.260 --> 10:20.820 fault for allowing some of these other people to perpetuate these narratives 10:20.820 --> 10:26.500 for so long that we're distractions whole distractions from figuring out the 10:26.500 --> 10:32.860 truth and so the truth is is that we've been led to believe that there are all 10:32.860 --> 10:38.780 kinds of sources for pandemic potential and that these constitute of gain of 10:38.780 --> 10:44.340 function worst case scenario that must be respected one way or another you've 10:44.340 --> 10:48.580 got to admit that this exists one way or another you got to understand that 10:48.580 --> 10:52.700 eventually a bachelor student is going to have the capabilities of enriching a 10:52.700 --> 11:02.220 pathogen in their garage and that's what all these books basically tell the 11:02.220 --> 11:06.460 story of right the vast majority of the the texts that are in front of us 11:06.460 --> 11:11.740 right now these are all basically the same story about a virus made in China 11:11.740 --> 11:16.500 with or without American money that leaked in Wuhan and spread around the 11:16.500 --> 11:19.660 world for four years and people tried to cover up the source because they didn't 11:19.660 --> 11:29.420 want to get blamed the story of Peter and ginger Bragan written in 2020 early 11:29.780 --> 11:34.300 early in the pandemic pretty much the same as the story written soon after by 11:34.300 --> 11:40.020 Andrew Huff and then soon after by Sherry Markinson and then soon after Robert 11:40.020 --> 11:44.740 Malone's book and then after that her and Paul's book came out and now Robert 11:44.740 --> 11:49.980 F. Kennedy Junior's books come out now the difference between a lot of these 11:49.980 --> 11:56.860 books and Bobby's book is that Bobby's has some some historical value in the 11:56.860 --> 12:02.860 sense of trying to catalog the previous history of of the bio weapons narrative 12:02.860 --> 12:07.340 and what people say we've done what other countries say they've done what books 12:07.340 --> 12:10.900 say other countries have done what people say other countries have done and up 12:10.900 --> 12:15.740 until now and how that led here the book is basically a historical document about 12:15.740 --> 12:20.500 the stories that people have told during this time including stories that I've 12:20.500 --> 12:26.460 told and I think it's a better historical document of what occurred 12:26.460 --> 12:29.660 than any of the other books on the screen but it still tells the same story 12:29.660 --> 12:35.940 because of course the prevailing narrative on the planet no matter where 12:35.940 --> 12:42.220 you went was the narrative that's in in tuned in all of these books and it is 12:42.220 --> 12:46.460 this narrative that they intend to coerce our children to surrender their 12:46.460 --> 12:51.260 sovereignty and invert those human rights to human permissions that that's for 12:51.260 --> 13:01.940 sure I would argue that allowing me to even get any text in biology into a book 13:01.940 --> 13:10.580 is already a win if you if you believe how we believe you is suspect how we 13:10.580 --> 13:15.820 suspect now if your hypothesis matches up with ours that these people who said 13:15.820 --> 13:24.980 that there was no SARS and that they haven't isolated it are correct but we 13:24.980 --> 13:29.420 have a good biological explanation for what they did we have a good molecular 13:29.420 --> 13:34.900 biological explanation for how people were fooled we have a good idea of how 13:34.900 --> 13:39.740 the crime might have been pulled off so that we can we can propose solutions and 13:39.740 --> 13:44.980 and directions in an investigation to figure this out that's that's what we're 13:44.980 --> 13:48.780 bringing that the no virus they didn't isolate they didn't that that doesn't 13:48.780 --> 13:53.580 get us anywhere and it never did and that's why if they take a pivot now 13:53.580 --> 13:57.700 they're gonna take a pivot now because it's been time for them to pivot at the 13:57.700 --> 14:02.620 same time they're gonna try and turn it around and say things like John Goodman 14:02.620 --> 14:06.700 said about me this week which is that I guess I'm a social engineer now from 14:06.700 --> 14:12.220 the garage in Pittsburgh I'm social engineering the world with my 3,000 14:12.220 --> 14:19.940 followers on Twitch the worst platform ever with nobody barely anybody copying 14:19.940 --> 14:25.380 my videos and putting them anywhere I don't have time for that Mark Kulacz is 14:25.380 --> 14:29.500 the only guy who's ever catalogued any of mine there is one rumble channel that's 14:29.500 --> 14:33.740 done I'm not trying to forget anybody out there but I'm just saying relative to 14:33.740 --> 14:37.180 other people and how they're working and how they're getting retweeted and how 14:37.180 --> 14:42.980 the algorithms help them I mean how can Mark Kulacz have like 6,000 followers 14:42.980 --> 14:50.980 after six years of doing what he does on YouTube it's just absurd and so this 14:50.980 --> 14:55.180 narrative is not going to be challenged except for from people who are wholly 14:55.180 --> 15:00.580 independent only people who are wholly independent can challenge this narrative 15:00.580 --> 15:06.380 and speak in the way that we are speaking challenging this narrative is not 15:06.380 --> 15:11.660 spending an hour waving foyas around and saying that they haven't isolated or 15:11.660 --> 15:19.180 purified the virus it doesn't get anywhere with regard to breaking people's the 15:19.180 --> 15:25.420 hold on people it doesn't it's not adequate and maybe some of them didn't 15:25.420 --> 15:31.180 understand that maybe some of them were convinced that this strategy of just 15:31.180 --> 15:35.380 sticking to those terms and that semantic warfare and that little tiny narrow 15:35.380 --> 15:43.020 sliver of debate was the smart thing to do but I have the feeling that showing 15:43.020 --> 15:46.660 that you agreed on a million other things and then hey wait a minute guys 15:46.660 --> 15:49.900 all we agree on all of this stuff why don't you just try to listen to us on 15:49.900 --> 15:55.180 this one thing about isolation and purification and then wow think about it 15:55.180 --> 16:01.540 nothing and that's where I think you can really see it very clearly and now I'm 16:01.620 --> 16:06.460 getting you know a lot of attention from them again CHD is getting a lot of 16:06.460 --> 16:09.900 attention from them again and it's unfortunate because now would be the 16:09.900 --> 16:14.300 time for a hey wow so I see what you mean now in that email where you said that 16:14.300 --> 16:19.540 you think we might all be right I shouldn't have reacted so aggressively 16:19.540 --> 16:23.020 and tried to get you fired at CHD instead I should have said what do you mean by 16:23.020 --> 16:28.740 you think we're all right all we can all be right about this what does that mean 16:29.220 --> 16:34.900 but no that's not where they went and so this game is not going to stop this 16:34.900 --> 16:42.180 game is about you being lost on a road and while you were lost on that road 16:42.180 --> 16:46.620 somebody came and picked you up and in that car were people that you thought 16:46.620 --> 16:49.740 they said that they were also hitchhikers and they also got picked up but 16:49.740 --> 16:54.980 actually that's not true at all the three people that picked you up in that car 16:54.980 --> 16:58.900 are all working together to fool you about where they're taking you and how 16:58.900 --> 17:03.980 much it's going to cost and what you're going to find when you get there even 17:03.980 --> 17:07.620 fooling you about what you see outside of the car as they drive you where they're 17:07.620 --> 17:13.140 going and I believe that that's what a lot of these people did on social media 17:13.140 --> 17:18.620 that laid down this narrative of there was a novel virus that millions of 17:18.620 --> 17:23.140 people were killed from that millions of people were killed by millions more 17:23.140 --> 17:27.620 were saved from they likely resulted from gain of function and so a virus 17:27.620 --> 17:33.660 will come again these people that said a billion people were gonna die at the 17:33.660 --> 17:41.700 beginning of the pandemic that this was a red dragon event and have never 17:41.700 --> 17:47.260 encroached on the consensus about this idea of what worst-case scenario since 17:47.340 --> 17:55.340 never encroached on it and I really think we've started to nail down what's 17:55.340 --> 18:00.540 going on here and we've just got to now start to think about who are the teams 18:00.540 --> 18:05.900 who are the competing interests back there that are all united in this 18:05.900 --> 18:10.180 illusion of consensus about a worst-case scenario and about what might come 18:10.180 --> 18:19.020 again but are themselves competing with one another these groups for power or 18:19.020 --> 18:26.660 for access to it and so we've been in this car with them for like three years 18:26.660 --> 18:29.860 now and that's why we aren't going anywhere that's why we haven't gotten 18:29.860 --> 18:38.500 anywhere yet because we've been picked up from this lonely lonely road at the 18:38.500 --> 18:42.460 start of the pandemic and we've been completely bamboozled we got in the car 18:42.460 --> 18:46.860 and people started telling us stories about lab leaks and people started 18:46.860 --> 18:51.540 arguing about it in front of us then we decided this car wasn't very safe so we 18:51.540 --> 18:54.740 got out of this car at the gas station and hitchhiked in another car and three 18:54.740 --> 19:00.980 more people started to argue about lab leak and whether or not we needed ivermectin 19:00.980 --> 19:07.100 or hydroxychloroquine and so by the time you are in your third car now hitchhiking 19:07.100 --> 19:12.820 to nowhere you've been bamboozled by multiple groups of people all playing 19:12.820 --> 19:23.180 the same illusion of consensus game with you and we just keep driving and we keep 19:23.180 --> 19:28.140 driving and the faith in a novel virus never gets questioned we haven't talked 19:28.140 --> 19:33.500 about the the illusion of asymptomatic spread in over a year we haven't talked 19:33.580 --> 19:37.740 about the ridiculous use of PCR at the beginning of the pandemic in over four 19:37.740 --> 19:38.220 years 19:46.220 --> 19:50.220 and these spread of these bad ideas is much more dangerous than the spread of an RNA 19:50.220 --> 19:51.900 molecule i can tell you that for sure 19:55.340 --> 19:59.340 and so these people have misled us and what we perceive to be true is definitely 19:59.340 --> 20:02.780 definitely definitely not true and that's why they behave the way they do they know 20:02.780 --> 20:09.900 that's not true that's why they can be confident in their proclamations so let's just rewind 20:09.900 --> 20:14.300 a little bit make sure we were know where we were about four weeks ago or three weeks ago 20:15.020 --> 20:19.100 Robert Malone updated us with the latest biology i'm just going to play it again to make sure 20:19.100 --> 20:21.660 that you understand where they want us to be 20:32.780 --> 20:38.140 alone i'm a physician and scientist and i need to acknowledge that my middle name was 20:38.700 --> 20:42.700 and entered as a shirt me that i will not be drawing forward to what i've got to say 20:44.060 --> 20:46.060 um i don't think that's a big question 20:47.740 --> 20:54.860 that's above my head first off i wish to speak extembraniously to you rather 20:54.860 --> 21:02.620 the slides there is an unmet need for a rapid response capability to allow a little 21:03.020 --> 21:09.580 capacity to mitigate the risks of emerging infectious disease and engineering pathogens 21:10.460 --> 21:17.820 that is a valid concern the technology has developed to the state where almost many 21:18.700 --> 21:25.820 with a undergraduate degree in biology can weaponize pathogens we know here the United 21:25.820 --> 21:31.660 States is somebody with security clearance in the biotense industrial complex for the 21:31.660 --> 21:40.540 VOD that the binary weapons that were developed by US military or deployment potentially is 21:40.540 --> 21:48.860 countermeasure against the Russian tank threat can be readily reproduced by virtually any 21:48.860 --> 21:56.540 biologists in the garage for it okay so there is a valid threat there is an unmet need 21:57.100 --> 22:00.940 okay so there is i'm going to turn that down sorry about that i wanted to make sure you could 22:00.940 --> 22:12.460 hear Robert there is a a um a real threat a real need for this prepper being prepared to react to 22:12.460 --> 22:21.100 a emerging disease pathogen or an engineered pathogen and that is again the consensus 22:21.100 --> 22:28.060 of a worst case scenario this is the same worst case scenario that kim.com has talked about 22:28.620 --> 22:36.940 that jeffree sachs has talked about and and and that peter desak talks about the same worst case 22:36.940 --> 22:47.100 scenario that can happen in perpetuity forever your children must not be raised with this mythology 22:47.100 --> 22:54.140 in the back of their mind they must not be allowed to be to grow up with this idea in their mind we 22:54.140 --> 23:03.500 must erase this now and it's going to take a lot of work because this is the new world order that 23:03.580 --> 23:09.100 they would like to impose on our children this idea that public health and governance by public 23:09.100 --> 23:14.220 health mythology is the way forward this is just the way it's going to be there are there are emerging 23:14.220 --> 23:21.580 pathogens there are engineered pathogens and it's basically engineering pathogens are accessible 23:21.580 --> 23:29.340 is accessible to any biologist in their garage i'm sorry that the audio of that is not so great 23:29.340 --> 23:38.540 but that's really extraordinary test no that didn't work how was that did i not set this up right 23:39.420 --> 23:44.540 oh i'm not going to mess with that now sorry about that um i thought that was on right no 23:44.540 --> 23:52.780 it's not on right wow um it is going to keep going here so yeah the past will fade into mist 23:53.580 --> 23:59.420 the past was erased the erasure was forgotten and the lie became truth i think that's 1984 24:03.020 --> 24:11.980 we're at the stage now where the the lie about the the the mystery virus the lie about the novel 24:11.980 --> 24:17.580 virus that killed millions and millions more were saved from is about to become the truth 24:18.220 --> 24:25.100 because the the past is slowly being erased actually the past was already kind of erased 24:25.100 --> 24:32.060 because of the way that it occurred we are very used to laying down episodic memories 24:32.700 --> 24:37.900 and our hippocampus is designed to lay down episodic memories based on the context in which 24:37.900 --> 24:46.540 they occurred and pre pandemic a lot of us had a very routine set of contexts that we formed 24:46.620 --> 24:53.340 memories in throughout the day perhaps the morning context at home and then the commute 24:53.340 --> 25:00.540 context in your bus on your bus and then the work context and then the lunchtime context at the 25:00.540 --> 25:07.740 restaurant then the work context then the bus ride home context then the after dinner context 25:08.060 --> 25:16.380 and so as that pattern laid down over and over again our memories became organized around 25:16.380 --> 25:22.140 this repeating pattern of context and actually a lot of recall is dependent on your ability to 25:22.140 --> 25:29.580 recall context or if you are in the same context as the memory was created and so when they took 25:29.580 --> 25:33.660 this pandemic and they said okay everybody stay at home now and stare at your screens and don't go 25:33.740 --> 25:37.820 to work anymore they interrupted this pattern of repeating context 25:39.100 --> 25:44.220 and it made it harder for us to form episodic memories of what's going on that's why 2020 25:44.220 --> 25:53.900 and 2021 really seemed like a long short time ago 2020 in your own mind might only be 25:55.580 --> 25:59.820 three months or two months it might only feel very short because you almost can't remember 25:59.820 --> 26:03.900 any of it and that's because you were at home and there was no context except for one 26:05.820 --> 26:11.420 so all the memories that would have been stored in different sort of contexts in your mind 26:12.060 --> 26:17.340 were now all layered over one context and so it actually makes your brain very 26:17.900 --> 26:24.540 it limits the capacity of your brain to to store those as independent memories and it's 26:25.020 --> 26:30.940 it's for sure that it makes it more difficult for your brain to store those memories independently 26:30.940 --> 26:37.660 in a temporal order that matters and so it is not for nothing that they locked down 26:38.700 --> 26:44.540 it wasn't just to brainwash you it was also to brainwash you to make sure that your memory of 26:44.540 --> 26:51.580 the event a couple years later would be foggy enough for you to not process it as clearly as you should 26:51.580 --> 26:56.540 and if we could accurately remember remember all the things that we went through during that 26:56.540 --> 27:03.980 year as we were home schooling our children on iPads and unable to go out for a hamburger 27:05.420 --> 27:11.820 or go to the gym or go to the park or go to our community center to play bingo 27:13.900 --> 27:19.020 I mean we are talking about some severe malevolence that a lot of us have simply forgotten they put 27:19.020 --> 27:23.340 sand in beach side skate parks 27:28.380 --> 27:33.660 and because they made us stay home and stare at our screens we had limited context change we had 27:33.660 --> 27:40.140 limited pattern of context change which made it very hard for us to form to form episodic memory 27:40.140 --> 27:48.940 to the extent to which a lot of that year or year and a half is a blur when the lies that they 27:49.180 --> 27:56.220 told were the strongest when these mythologies and the way that they were laid down was the strongest 27:57.580 --> 28:02.060 and so if the past is erased the erasure is forgotten then the lie becomes the truth we 28:02.060 --> 28:09.260 cannot allow this to happen we need to fight very hard to try and find the borders of this 28:09.260 --> 28:15.580 limited spectrum of debate within which we've had this very lively discussion about lab leak 28:15.580 --> 28:25.180 or a novel virus from a wet market and we've got to get our act together very quickly because 28:25.180 --> 28:33.020 these people have been working for three years to catch everybody and make sure that they don't 28:33.020 --> 28:38.700 get all the way to the finish line in time and that's really what it seems to only be about now 28:38.780 --> 28:47.740 is running out the clock to some next event or some next pivot and so this is the conference 28:47.740 --> 28:55.180 that occurred in Romania on the 17th and 18th of November where all of these people that have been 28:55.740 --> 29:01.420 fighting for us for so long finally got to see Denis Rancourt in person and Denis Rancourt presented 29:01.420 --> 29:07.580 his latest data that shows that there was no geographic evidence of spread and that the only 29:07.580 --> 29:16.540 all-cause mortality that matters started in 2021 there were local bomb-like events 29:18.700 --> 29:27.100 local mass casualty events in 2020 but nothing that resembles the spreading pathogen new cause 29:27.100 --> 29:35.580 of death on earth in this photo it's very important to notice that Steven Hatfill is in this photograph 29:35.580 --> 29:44.780 in March of 2020 he made countless videos for local blogs and conservative media outlets 29:44.780 --> 29:51.820 etc where he said the children carry the most virus children shed the most virus children 29:51.820 --> 29:57.500 should wear masks her Barney should wear masks to normalize masks for other children 29:57.500 --> 30:03.740 and he said that social distancing was necessary 30:09.260 --> 30:15.500 and so he was definitely definitely seating the worst-case scenario in the beginning of the pandemic 30:16.060 --> 30:23.980 and he was on many programs doing so with certainty it's not the worst one but it's a pretty bad one 30:24.620 --> 30:29.660 the worst one will be really bad but this is the last warning he said 30:32.540 --> 30:37.900 so here also in this one is Byram Bridle I should have him in green really because I do not think 30:37.900 --> 30:43.260 that he is a compromised guy I just think he's kind of stuck where he is because he got his career run 30:43.260 --> 30:49.820 over and his livelihood taken away and threatened and and so that that that'll keep your mouth shut 30:49.820 --> 30:57.180 pretty quick there's Nick Hudson Ryan Cole there's Brett Weinstein somebody who I'm absolutely 30:57.180 --> 31:03.020 certain is is or was playing for a team that laid down the worst-case scenario at the beginning 31:03.020 --> 31:10.780 of the pandemic and if if he's found any remorse in this or has any remorse for this I have not seen 31:10.780 --> 31:16.060 it evident in his podcast so I think he's just going forward and of course Brett Weinstein is 31:16.060 --> 31:22.300 the guy who brought Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone onto the scene in June of 2021 here is 31:22.300 --> 31:31.340 the wife of Robert Malone Jill Glasspool Malone this is Meryl Nass of course she and these three 31:31.340 --> 31:39.900 and Cole and I guess Harvey Risch a lot too Jessica Rose and Brett hasn't been doing it so much 31:39.900 --> 31:48.300 but these five have been touring around the world I think Meryl and and Jessica and Robert 31:48.300 --> 31:55.180 and Jill and Cole were all in front of the Parliament a couple times in the EU or at least had a room 31:55.180 --> 32:01.100 in the Parliament building of the EU and gave some talks they've also been to COVID summits around 32:01.100 --> 32:07.020 the world for these last three years the same basic core group of people with if you included 32:07.020 --> 32:12.540 Pierre Kory maybe Peter McCullough but not so much as Pierre Kory Pierre Kory is another one 32:12.540 --> 32:18.540 that's been in a lot of places as these people so there's a core group of individuals that has been 32:19.260 --> 32:25.500 at the forefront of this worst-case scenario narrative for quite some time and when I say 32:25.500 --> 32:31.740 worst-case scenario the worst-case scenario is it is a lab leak and it could be worse next time and 32:32.700 --> 32:38.060 those people that don't question that have been the ones that have risen to the top and have been 32:39.020 --> 32:44.060 more or less circulating the globe as as leaders of this dissident movement that's against big 32:44.060 --> 32:52.620 pharma and against the DoD of America that's responsible for this I guess and so that's what I think 32:52.620 --> 32:57.660 this whole show has been about on social media and in mainstream media but on social media is the one 32:57.660 --> 33:02.140 that we're all paying attention to and that's where all these characters like David Martin 33:02.140 --> 33:08.460 come in is that they all have a little part of the train to pull on and what I mean by that is is 33:08.460 --> 33:13.660 that every one of these people is pretending to participate in an action which is having 33:14.300 --> 33:19.100 some effect on the natural world it's saving lives you know I'm fighting for the freedom of 33:19.100 --> 33:24.140 America or I'm fighting for the truth or whatever and what they're really doing is pretending to do 33:24.140 --> 33:31.740 so and the reason why they have to pretend to do so is because they have wittingly or unwittingly 33:32.620 --> 33:41.420 coerced or or or or gladly have decided to participate in this illusion and these people there are 33:41.420 --> 33:46.220 many of them so it's not just one guy standing at the train being silly and chalking his hands up 33:46.860 --> 33:53.500 it's many many many people who are participating in this illusion this mime exercise and they've 33:53.500 --> 33:58.300 been participating in this mime exercise for about three and a half years almost four years now 33:59.420 --> 34:04.540 some of them were co-opted as they came out some of them were set in motion from the very beginning 34:04.540 --> 34:10.780 and people like Steven Hatfill were likely ready to go when they decided that okay now it's time 34:10.780 --> 34:15.820 we're going to start talking about this stuff and and this is the way we're going to talk about it 34:15.820 --> 34:24.860 Steve Go, Tony Go, Rand Paul Go you know they all whoever had had things to say they're very very 34:25.420 --> 34:30.860 very for national security reasons they're very very controlled things that they had to say 34:31.660 --> 34:35.820 and so that's what this was all about fighting about whether this was a novel virus that everyone 34:35.820 --> 34:41.660 was vulnerable to is not really a fight that even happened it kind of happened but only in the 34:41.660 --> 34:47.340 background PCR testing the questioning of that only way in the background 34:49.980 --> 34:54.380 and if you're arguing about early novel treatments you're not arguing about PCR 34:55.980 --> 35:00.380 if you're arguing about early novel treatments you're not questioning the spreading virus at all 35:01.180 --> 35:05.820 if you're arguing about early treatments you're actually not arguing about whether people are 35:05.820 --> 35:11.980 being killed in the hospital by the protocols they are using you're saying that they're getting 35:11.980 --> 35:18.220 the wrong thing because they're treating them wrong but we took a long time before we heard 35:18.220 --> 35:22.940 dissidents on our side saying that the protocols were killing people one person said that the 35:22.940 --> 35:30.140 protocols were killing people his name was Brian Ardis and he was saying that the Remdesivir was 35:30.140 --> 35:36.860 killing people and then he said that there was there was venom in the shots on Stu Peter's 35:36.860 --> 35:45.740 his show and everybody made fun of him to the point where he sank and with him sank his objection 35:45.740 --> 35:51.580 to Remdesivir his very succinct presentation about how Remdesivir was in a trial for a Ebola 35:51.580 --> 35:58.700 and it killed 53% of the people that used it that wonderful information 36:00.620 --> 36:06.700 was lost because the guy came out on Stu Peter's and said that there was venom in the shots and 36:06.700 --> 36:13.660 they used that to discredit him as a guy and then the people walking on this train nobody picked up 36:13.660 --> 36:20.860 the story nobody on the COVID doctor said hey that Brian Ardis got a short end of his stick 36:20.860 --> 36:25.420 and he had a really good point about Remdesivir even if he's wrong about the venom let's not 36:25.420 --> 36:31.180 forget that he wrote he put his life his career on the line for Remdesivir did anybody say that 36:32.060 --> 36:38.380 no no no when he got discredited for saying things about venom everybody just kind of backed away 36:38.380 --> 36:44.220 and said oh I told him not to say anything about that I told him not to go there and nobody seemed 36:44.220 --> 36:49.100 to remember that his original reason for being on the scene in the first place that anybody listened 36:49.180 --> 36:54.140 to him was because he noticed that Remdesivir was wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 36:55.580 --> 36:58.380 so do you see how the game is played do you see how this is done 37:00.060 --> 37:05.100 and in retrospect without much work you don't need a guy like me to see this you just got to think 37:05.100 --> 37:07.740 carefully about what really happened take some notes 37:09.740 --> 37:14.620 and look who was on teamwork worst case scenario from the very beginning or more importantly look 37:14.620 --> 37:21.340 who didn't question it look who had another job that was so important that they couldn't talk 37:21.340 --> 37:26.460 about the fact that the worst case scenario wasn't very likely anybody that had a job 37:27.900 --> 37:32.060 or a subject that they were talking about you know like I'm going to focus on veers 37:33.900 --> 37:38.700 and I'm not going to say anything about anything else for a really long time just veers 37:39.020 --> 37:47.660 even though there's lots of things to talk about even though brian artists had came out very early 37:47.660 --> 37:56.380 about remdesivir being crazy nobody else picked it up nobody else picked up that ball when he 37:56.380 --> 38:03.740 dropped it and nobody saw that as curious but me maybe somebody else I don't know 38:04.060 --> 38:10.140 so that's what's going on here I think and that's what hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were they were 38:10.140 --> 38:15.020 relatively safe substances expected to have more positive effects than negative for sure 38:16.140 --> 38:21.260 and with ivermectin in particular we're just simply not sure what kind of an effect general 38:21.260 --> 38:26.300 good effect that may or may not have on the extremely unhealthy population of america 38:27.820 --> 38:32.620 but I can tell you for sure that if there's one of these two that I think was probably valuable 38:33.260 --> 38:39.260 for respiratory disease and for inflammation and for any kind of out-of-control cytokine 38:39.260 --> 38:43.900 storm I'm guessing it's hydroxychloroquine because that's the one that nobody really ever 38:43.900 --> 38:49.180 talked about during the pandemic it's the one that everybody kind of went silent about 38:49.180 --> 38:53.020 Robert Malone did mention it on Joe Rogan's podcast 38:53.180 --> 39:02.780 we did have some fighting for it by by Peter McCullough but very quickly that that died away 39:02.780 --> 39:10.300 probably because he was coerced to stop that Zev Zelenko pushed hydroxychloroquine very early 39:10.300 --> 39:16.220 on I think we heard that something like 200 congressmen were congresspersons were treated 39:16.220 --> 39:20.300 with hydroxychloroquine in the first six months of the pandemic or first five months or three 39:20.300 --> 39:25.100 months I don't know what it was but a lot of them were treated with hydroxychloroquine 39:25.100 --> 39:28.780 as either a prophylactic or when they thought they had symptoms 39:31.180 --> 39:35.980 and so that's why I want to talk about this one because ivermectin was pushed by Brett Weinstein 39:35.980 --> 39:40.220 and pushed hard by Brett Weinstein and actually pushed hard by another person 39:40.860 --> 39:46.460 in Brett Weinstein's circle Alexandros Maranos for almost a whole year and when I suggested 39:46.460 --> 39:52.860 that maybe it was time to move on to something else he got really mad I mean really mad 39:54.620 --> 40:01.500 and he argues that he was trying to use ivermectin or explore ivermectin for its possibility of 40:01.500 --> 40:07.660 curing his damage from the shot or its damage from long covid I don't know what it was but 40:08.220 --> 40:14.140 I know for sure that as smart as that guy is and as prolific as he was as a tweeter it was just 40:14.140 --> 40:19.180 absolutely absurd that he spent months and months and months and months and months 40:19.740 --> 40:26.860 with his head up Musk's rear end saying that Elon Musk is the smartest guy on the internet 40:26.860 --> 40:29.340 and ivermectin is a wonder drug I think 40:31.660 --> 40:37.900 and over analyzing every single study over analyzing every single review and every single 40:37.980 --> 40:42.140 outcome like tweet threads from here to Tokyo 40:44.940 --> 40:49.980 oh and now Steven Hatfill's writing a book about hydroxychloroquine I mean it's just it can't be 40:49.980 --> 40:55.260 any more ridiculous so that we are still just running around in circles all the time the captain's 40:55.260 --> 40:59.180 going to come in in another five minutes again we're stuck on this spaceship and we can't get off 40:59.500 --> 41:04.300 let's watch this bid and see what we think 41:07.340 --> 41:11.340 I'm Dr. Pierre Kory I'm a pulmonary and critical cash specialist and I'm the author of the book 41:11.340 --> 41:17.020 the war and ivermectin. Prior to the pandemic I knew little of the true scope and scale of 41:17.020 --> 41:23.020 pharmaceutical industry influence over clinical trials high impact medical journals public health 41:23.020 --> 41:28.300 agencies and media. The day that I read the article called the disinformation playbook by the 41:28.380 --> 41:33.340 union for concerned scientists to transform my life I suddenly realized that we were in the midst 41:33.340 --> 41:38.700 of a global disinformation campaign conducted by the pharmaceutical industry using time honored 41:38.700 --> 41:45.260 tactics first pioneered by the tobacco industry. I'm just going to stop it right here and show you 41:45.260 --> 41:50.460 these tactics that are listed in this article called the union of concerned scientists and 41:50.460 --> 41:55.980 it's the disinformation playbook and the reason why I want to show you the plays is because I want 41:55.980 --> 42:03.180 you to see that the two best plays in this playbook are never ever applied to the main narrative 42:04.380 --> 42:09.660 they're never applied to the bio terrorist bio security state 42:11.900 --> 42:15.340 they're never applied to people like gee or donno 42:17.500 --> 42:21.820 and so as I show you these plays and we think about them that's the thing I want you to think 42:21.820 --> 42:27.420 about how could these plays be used to create the illusion of a pandemic 42:29.420 --> 42:35.820 how would you use actors on the internet and on social media in in co-hoots with one another in 42:35.820 --> 42:44.860 coordinated opposing narratives with one another how would you use that to create the illusion of 42:44.860 --> 42:50.620 a pandemic well the first thing you might do is you might manipulate government officials or 42:50.620 --> 42:56.300 processes inappropriately to influence policy right so you can use money to do that you can use 42:56.300 --> 43:02.700 grant funding to do that and now in this evident in this position I want to tell this story because 43:02.700 --> 43:07.660 I I think it fits here and it's just random I'm just thinking random here um 43:11.340 --> 43:14.140 hey thank you very much wow that's nice um 43:15.900 --> 43:19.500 what I want you to think about I came up with this new analogy I just want to test it out on the 43:19.580 --> 43:26.140 people here 97 people are here I'm really excited um there has been this thing the fix right 43:26.140 --> 43:33.660 manipulating government officials or processes to inappropriate influence policy so using money 43:33.660 --> 43:38.620 to influence policy the one that I really like to talk about is grant fault grant calls because 43:39.260 --> 43:44.460 how you write your grant call actually determines what research gets done and so if you don't write 43:44.460 --> 43:49.820 a grant call for that research that research will never get done and what I want to do is give 43:49.820 --> 43:59.660 you a little lesson about how I think autism has been improperly researched to influence the way 43:59.660 --> 44:05.580 that the entire society and indeed academia thinks about it um so what I'm going to do is I'm going 44:05.660 --> 44:14.220 to cut over here and go to the right um and then I just want to draw a little graph and 44:14.220 --> 44:20.460 hope it will make sense to you a little bit so this is a a graph of the whole continuum 44:24.220 --> 44:31.820 of car accidents okay I don't know if this is going to be the right graph or not and what I 44:31.820 --> 44:43.020 want to do is on the on the the x-axis let's say like this there are there are cause a number of 44:43.020 --> 44:50.620 people that are dying from the car accidents and then on the bottom axis this is a little bit of a 44:50.620 --> 44:55.900 metaphor or an analogy so don't think that this is like math here this is trying to get an idea 44:55.900 --> 45:05.740 across across the bottom here are all the causes of of a continuum of causes of car accidents right 45:05.740 --> 45:11.980 somewhere over here is school bus crossings over here is you know whatever and so you got all these 45:11.980 --> 45:21.180 bars that add up to the total number of car accidents okay and then over here right here is drunk 45:21.180 --> 45:27.420 driving okay so these this bar right here is drunk driving we're going to make it a big spike 45:27.420 --> 45:32.540 right that's the bar but if we were doing it right it would just be a very narrow sliver but 45:33.180 --> 45:37.180 you know apologize I'm using a pencil so we're going to use this as a bar I guess I'll make it 45:37.180 --> 45:43.820 a bar so these are all bars right for different causes of car accidents and this bar right here 45:43.820 --> 45:50.460 is drunk driving okay now the way that they have done it with autism and I think this is a really 45:50.460 --> 45:55.100 great analogy my wife loved it the way that they've done it with autism is that they've said 45:55.900 --> 46:02.620 okay so we've got a grant call for autism and we want you to find genetic causes of autism but 46:02.620 --> 46:08.940 in this analogy what it would be is we want you to find genetic causes for car accidents 46:10.140 --> 46:16.300 so the biology community of all of the major institutions in the United States get together 46:16.380 --> 46:21.340 at their local biology department and say hey guys there's a new grant call from the NIH and they 46:21.340 --> 46:30.460 want us to find genetic causes or genetic correlations correlations with genes and and auto accidents 46:31.180 --> 46:36.380 and so some biologists will get excited and say oh yeah but we can look in people with with uh 46:37.100 --> 46:40.940 with vision disorders and see if we have genes for that and then we'll look for correlations 46:40.940 --> 46:46.780 between those genes and car accidents great write that grant well I'm going to look for people that 46:46.780 --> 46:54.220 have have some kind of nervous twitch disorder or or an inherited epileptic disease and then see 46:54.220 --> 47:00.060 if they are a significant group of car accidents that's a great idea look at those genes write that 47:00.060 --> 47:10.460 grant and so if they write a grant or rather they call for a grant that says 47:11.260 --> 47:19.420 I want you to look for correlations between the tires that they use and car accidents you're 47:19.420 --> 47:25.740 going to find that there's a little sliver of car accidents that are caused by a particularly 47:25.740 --> 47:32.300 crappy kind of tire maybe after a rigorous rigorous investigation and many negative results 47:33.020 --> 47:40.540 we found a significant correlation between the use of Michelin 584s in combination 47:40.540 --> 47:46.060 on rear tires with blah blah blah blah and that results p-value is significant 47:48.460 --> 47:56.620 and if they wrote a grant call that said we want to find relationships between vaccination and autism 47:56.860 --> 48:05.100 it would be the same thing as if they said well we would like you to use your to write a grant 48:05.100 --> 48:12.700 call about the relationship between drinking and auto accidents well then you're going to find 48:12.700 --> 48:16.380 a wonderful correlation you're going to find a lot of stories you're going to find a lot of 48:16.380 --> 48:21.180 causation you're going to be able to tell a very good story about it because a very significant 48:21.180 --> 48:26.780 portion of all auto accidents is actually caused by that one thing drunk driving 48:28.860 --> 48:34.140 and so if you compared the severity of these accidents to other accidents and then said well 48:34.140 --> 48:40.780 you know the times when people went off the road and and and hit the curb with their bad tires 48:40.780 --> 48:45.660 is kind of the same as when people get in a drunk driving accident and kill a family of five and 48:45.660 --> 48:50.220 ahead on collision with a hundred miles an hour after they blacked out on the highway and crossed 48:50.220 --> 48:59.820 the median and so with autism it's very easy for the NIH to write grant calls that will find 48:59.820 --> 49:06.220 all kinds of different ways that you can get something that resembles autism to occur something 49:06.220 --> 49:13.500 that resembles a car accident but that's pretty disingenuous when you know there are drunk drivers 49:13.500 --> 49:19.660 on the road and it's pretty disingenuous if you know in your heart of hearts that vaccines are 49:19.660 --> 49:28.060 the causing this injury even if there are other ways to have a car accident it would be pretty 49:28.060 --> 49:34.940 shitty to ignore drunk driving as a cause and to spend no money on it it would be even worse if 49:34.940 --> 49:44.540 you denied that drinking while driving caused any more accidents than drinking soda it would be 49:44.540 --> 49:51.980 really bad if you said well come on drinking and driving very rarely causes an accident I mean 49:51.980 --> 49:57.820 come on most people aren't even stupid enough to drink and drive so that's just ridiculous 49:57.820 --> 50:01.340 we're not going to spend any money worrying about drunk drivers 50:03.580 --> 50:09.820 but that's exactly what they've done with the vaccine injuries even though they're a very 50:09.820 --> 50:15.580 significant fraction even though it happens every year even though they know the pattern exists 50:17.420 --> 50:23.020 they deny it and spend money trying to find other causes of the car accidents 50:24.700 --> 50:30.460 and when they find them they tell stories about how this is evidence that there isn't one way for 50:30.460 --> 50:35.500 people to get into car accidents and people are really blowing it out of proportion how dangerous 50:35.500 --> 50:44.380 drunk driving is tell me that's not a winner tell me that's not a winner and now tell me why 50:44.380 --> 50:48.620 we weren't there already why isn't somebody already come up with an analogy that's strong 50:52.860 --> 50:58.620 we're about to start winning big time ladies and gentlemen because this biology is starting 50:58.620 --> 51:05.900 to become clear because there are no teams anymore the only teams that are left are constructed 51:06.700 --> 51:08.380 fake posing teams 51:11.740 --> 51:18.300 I'm totally ready right now to say that that with regard to SARS-CoV-2 in the pandemic all the 51:18.300 --> 51:27.420 no-virus people were right but I am not willing to accept that all the people on that side that 51:27.420 --> 51:35.340 were really coordinating their effort were always forthright with how they went about this 51:35.340 --> 51:43.100 debate they were not forthright and I don't know who's responsible for it I don't I'm not gonna 51:43.100 --> 51:51.500 put any names on it it's very possible that Christine Massey is not responsible for her choice to just 51:51.500 --> 52:02.140 keep hammering foyer foyer foyer maybe that was her task given to some girl by somebody that 52:02.140 --> 52:13.500 she respected and trusted because that's how this is done but now we're here now we're here where 52:13.500 --> 52:20.460 I'm saying it and I work for CHD and so at this point now the door is wide open 52:22.300 --> 52:25.900 the door is wide open for a a united front 52:28.620 --> 52:32.220 and I assure you they're not going to take this opening and if they do I'll be very 52:32.220 --> 52:36.940 surprised and happy and I think we will make enormous progress moving forward it's even 52:37.020 --> 52:42.220 possible that at that stage is somebody like Robert F Kennedy jr who has no real 52:43.260 --> 52:48.460 vested interest in one way or another other than getting the story right might come around too 52:52.220 --> 52:58.700 once he sees that this idea is finally starting to have the acidic effects it should have a year 52:58.700 --> 53:04.780 ago already when I when I finally realized that cloning was the only thing that they can really 53:04.780 --> 53:10.940 manage to make work that they could use that molecular biology to pretend that that RNA 53:10.940 --> 53:16.380 virology is real that's exactly what I meant when I emailed them and said I think we might all be 53:16.380 --> 53:22.860 right and we might all be fooled and I really think we should get together and they said 53:25.980 --> 53:32.460 huh so here are the here are the things that this this disinformation playbook has is so first 53:32.460 --> 53:38.860 the fix then the blitz harassed scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient 53:38.860 --> 53:43.420 for industry that that's what it's written for right so this is like pharmaceutical companies 53:43.420 --> 53:48.860 attacking scientists who are good guys but what we're not really seeing in this playbook and 53:48.860 --> 53:54.860 what we should really see in this playbook is how a biosecurity state that wanted to control 53:54.860 --> 54:00.940 its population or the population of the known world with a mythology these are the same plays 54:00.940 --> 54:07.740 that they would use a screen by credibility through alliances with academia professional 54:07.740 --> 54:14.300 societies tell me the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics are not these kinds of screens 54:16.300 --> 54:20.780 but who are they screening for are they screening for the pharmaceutical companies maybe before they 54:20.780 --> 54:29.660 were but now they're screening for something bigger I think and so we have this diversion 54:29.660 --> 54:34.860 manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists you mean like whether people 54:34.860 --> 54:39.500 will survive a novel virus whether whether a certain treatment works or whether they need to 54:39.500 --> 54:44.780 be ventilated to prevent spread you mean that kind of uncertainty about stuff that was already known 54:44.780 --> 54:48.540 like how we get people out of secondary pneumonia with antibiotics 54:52.860 --> 54:57.660 and the fake conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research you mean 54:57.660 --> 55:03.900 like using metagenomic sequencing to imply that there are millions of coronavirus is waiting to 55:03.900 --> 55:11.820 jump 1.7 million coronavirus is waiting to zoneautically jump according to Peter Dasek and Nathan Wolff 55:16.220 --> 55:21.340 which again was not anything that I was denying already two years ago so there was plenty of 55:21.980 --> 55:27.020 common ground for the no virus people to have linked up with us much earlier but 55:27.740 --> 55:33.180 I do believe that certain people prevented it from happening but I definitely definitely was not one 55:33.180 --> 55:39.180 of them and so what I want you to think about again are these playbooks really things that are 55:39.180 --> 55:44.620 being run by the tobacco companies and by pharmaceutical companies to orchestrate the pandemic or is 55:44.620 --> 55:50.300 there a layer above this that's running the same place on us so I'll continue the video now 55:51.180 --> 55:57.260 I'm Dr. Pierre Kory, I'm a pulmonary critical care specialist and I guess 55:59.100 --> 56:04.220 prior to the pandemic I knew little of the true scope and scale I guess what I want how I want 56:04.220 --> 56:12.540 you to watch this is I want you to see that even even the opposition to ivermectin in this video 56:12.700 --> 56:22.780 as it's portrayed in your eyes should be seen as a scooby-doo they wanted us to think that ivermectin 56:22.780 --> 56:29.180 was valuable they wanted us to clearly see that they were denying it was valuable so that we would 56:29.180 --> 56:37.820 get very fired up about solving the mystery of ivermectin being valuable and as we argued about ivermectin 56:37.820 --> 56:43.260 being valuable and the same people that covered up the virus are now covering up ivermectin it 56:43.260 --> 56:49.980 sure looks like that the freaking virus is circulating and in fact that's exactly the 56:49.980 --> 56:56.860 bamboozlement that occurs as you engage in this debate that you come to accept the monster 56:57.740 --> 57:04.780 that requires the ivermectin the monster becomes an assumed part of the story, assumed part of the 57:04.780 --> 57:10.940 debate and that is the beauty of the scooby-doo once you start solving their mysteries you have 57:10.940 --> 57:19.020 accepted their monsters dang it we're getting good at this come on now 57:22.060 --> 57:27.580 a pharmaceutical industry influence over clinical trials high impact medical journals 57:27.580 --> 57:32.780 public health agencies and the media the day that i read the article called the disinformation 57:32.860 --> 57:37.820 playbook by the union for concerned scientists it transformed my life i suddenly realized that 57:37.820 --> 57:42.700 we were in the midst of a global disinformation campaign conducted by the pharmaceutical industry 57:42.700 --> 57:47.820 using time-honored tactics first pioneered by the tobacco industry in order to suppress the 57:47.820 --> 57:53.500 evidence of efficacy of a drug called ivermectin which could have ended the pandemic their actions 57:53.500 --> 57:58.860 in those tactics led to millions of needless deaths across the world i felt compelled to write 57:58.860 --> 58:03.900 to go up to warn ivermectin it was my brilliant co-writer jennifer carthi and together with this 58:04.460 --> 58:09.340 so so what we are being led to believe is that the withdrawal or though withholding of ivermectin 58:09.340 --> 58:17.580 killed millions of people that died of a virus not of protocols not of secondary pneumonia and 58:17.580 --> 58:26.220 denial of antibiotics not secondary pneumonia and denial of steroids now keep in mind pure 58:26.220 --> 58:31.900 cori has done sub-stacks about the misuse of steroids pure cori has done sub-stacks about 58:32.460 --> 58:36.140 you know the doctors being able to should have been able to do whatever they want and he's 58:36.140 --> 58:42.140 probably done sub-stacks about the ventilators not being what was needed i mean he went from 58:42.940 --> 58:47.260 wisconsin to new york right into the heart of it he must have seen that happening the point is 58:49.260 --> 58:54.380 is that with regard to ivermectin he's playing this game whether it's coerced or 58:55.020 --> 58:58.940 or by choice or or that he just doesn't get it that he really believes 58:59.740 --> 59:05.900 the one thing he hasn't considered apparently is that the protocols were killing people and so 59:05.900 --> 59:10.380 if you take them or don't put them on a protocol instead put them on something that will either 59:10.380 --> 59:17.500 not harm them or maybe possibly help them as an antibiotic or uh or uh some other kind of 59:17.500 --> 59:24.220 chloride channel blocker for pathogens then uh yeah there's an effect there 59:25.900 --> 59:31.100 and all this super fast recovery and stuff like that with ivermectin might speak to the 59:31.100 --> 59:37.580 fact that ivermectin has some uh antibiotic qualities helping people cope with secondary 59:37.580 --> 59:44.700 pneumonia but my guess is that ivermectin is never ever ever in these protocols given alone 59:45.020 --> 59:54.380 and once you start giving ivermectin and azithromycin or ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies like 59:54.380 --> 01:00:02.220 they did to joe rogan well then where are we then we're in in mythology land again 01:00:04.380 --> 01:00:13.580 and we're not debating the need the need is based on the test the need is based on pcr and that 01:00:13.580 --> 01:00:17.740 doesn't differentiate from a conflated background that they probably spent three years studying 01:00:17.740 --> 01:00:23.980 so that they could accurately roll it out over the course of the pandemic go ahead take it take 01:00:23.980 --> 01:00:38.540 it away take it away if and when this happens again you better get your ivermectin 01:00:38.540 --> 01:00:43.340 joe rogan announced on social media today that he has covid so we immediately through the kitchen 01:00:43.340 --> 01:00:49.740 sink out of all kinds of meds monoclonal antibodies uh ivermectin one of those drugs he mentioned 01:00:49.740 --> 01:00:54.380 ivermectin is something more often used to deworm horses so things are clearly bad but they're being 01:00:54.380 --> 01:00:58.940 made even worse by people who have refused to take the vaccine and instead are swallowing 01:00:58.940 --> 01:01:05.660 horse dewormer ivermectin is ineffective against covid but could put you in a coma it can kill you 01:01:05.660 --> 01:01:11.020 it can kill you there's no clinical evidence that indicates that this works it goes beyond 01:01:11.020 --> 01:01:14.940 that we actually know that it doesn't work we should talk about that that bothered you it 01:01:14.940 --> 01:01:19.900 should bother you too lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs 01:01:20.700 --> 01:01:28.300 now if you think oh darn you demon if you think for one second that that was that was by accident 01:01:31.020 --> 01:01:34.780 that's where you're making the mistake that's where we were taken at the time 01:01:34.860 --> 01:01:40.540 but as you look backwards now i want to challenge you to think about the possibility that even that 01:01:40.540 --> 01:01:49.420 interaction with cnn and cnn's misstep with regards to saying that joe rogan was taking horse medicine 01:01:50.300 --> 01:01:55.820 was staged it was staged so that that joe rogan could get that clip 01:01:56.460 --> 01:02:00.860 and so that that clip would go viral and that people would be convinced that these people were 01:02:00.860 --> 01:02:06.300 covering up a lab leak and covering up what would be useful for it and it doesn't make sense 01:02:06.300 --> 01:02:09.580 but it's happening right before my eyes and i figured it out on my own 01:02:12.780 --> 01:02:19.100 it's really cannot be underestimated how much of this was a script there's no clinical evidence 01:02:19.100 --> 01:02:23.820 that indicates that this works it goes beyond that we actually know that it doesn't work we 01:02:23.820 --> 01:02:27.820 should talk about that that bothered you it should bother you too lying at your network 01:02:27.900 --> 01:02:32.380 about people taking human drugs versus drugs or veterinarian calling it a horse to wormers 01:02:32.380 --> 01:02:36.460 not a flattering thing i get that it's a lie they shouldn't have said that why did they do that i 01:02:36.460 --> 01:02:41.020 don't know you're the micro guy over there ivermectin can be a very effective medication 01:02:42.300 --> 01:02:48.700 touted as a miracle prevention and cure by far right commentators and anti-vaxxers ivermectin 01:02:48.700 --> 01:02:55.660 is a treatment for life and what initially led this was an fda twitter account that used the term 01:02:55.660 --> 01:03:02.460 y'all to express denigration of ivermectin as a horse drug the truth is that the dose that's 01:03:02.460 --> 01:03:08.220 used for horses by body weight is the same dose that's recommended for humans but it's formulated 01:03:08.220 --> 01:03:14.140 and manufactured to a quality standard that's very different the cdc put out a national advisory 01:03:14.140 --> 01:03:19.340 on this warning the whole country against taking this drug ivermectin formulated for horses and 01:03:19.420 --> 01:03:25.580 cows and sheep with that memo fired every doctor then suddenly me and all my early treatment 01:03:25.580 --> 01:03:29.740 colleagues around the country we were faced with problems like we'd never had before 01:03:32.860 --> 01:03:40.140 so it was the first time in history that we ever saw a doctor who could be prosecuted for using 01:03:40.140 --> 01:03:47.180 a generic safe and effective drug for the application that doctor thought was appropriate my group of 01:03:47.180 --> 01:03:52.460 five the core five of us i see doctors collectively were some of the most highly published doctors in 01:03:52.460 --> 01:04:01.580 the history of critical care medicine hall marrick is the most published practicing intensivist 01:04:01.580 --> 01:04:07.420 in the world as we sit here today i'm the most published person in my field in history but when 01:04:07.420 --> 01:04:16.620 covid 19 hit my clinical and academic world was turned upside down that's when our lives 01:04:16.620 --> 01:04:21.900 started going sideways professionally paul started getting numerous complaints against him that he's 01:04:21.900 --> 01:04:28.380 never had in his career for the first time in my entire career i could not be a doctor i had to 01:04:28.380 --> 01:04:35.980 stand by idly i had to stand by idly watching these people die 01:04:39.740 --> 01:04:45.420 i'm quite certain that marrick is not um in on this america if anything is being being 01:04:46.540 --> 01:04:51.820 being overshadowed by these other people because he has almost almost only good things to say he's 01:04:51.820 --> 01:04:56.380 only only had good things to say from the very beginning of the pandemic and he has been 01:04:57.100 --> 01:05:03.260 has required damping um i'm not i don't know who is doing the damping but just having all these 01:05:03.260 --> 01:05:08.380 other people around instead of just letting him talk um is basically part of the the goal 01:05:09.500 --> 01:05:13.500 because if you've ever heard him give a speech about what happened in the pandemic he's well he's 01:05:13.500 --> 01:05:18.540 really kind of like mike eden in a lot of ways except he doesn't go so far as to say there's 01:05:18.540 --> 01:05:24.380 nothing there he just says that there's nothing there that we couldn't have treated um so yeah 01:05:24.460 --> 01:05:29.500 anyway he's still pretty much on the scooby-doo but at least i don't think he's uh an actor 01:05:32.060 --> 01:05:36.300 from the fda emergency use authorization of medical products and related authorities 01:05:36.300 --> 01:05:40.220 for the fda to issue an emergency use authorization there must be no adequate 01:05:40.220 --> 01:05:43.740 approved and available attorney you know whose voice this is right this is heather hay 01:05:43.740 --> 01:05:48.540 preventing or treating the disease or condition if i've remembered were an effective treatment 01:05:49.660 --> 01:05:53.100 the vaccines never would have gotten emergency use authorization in the u.s 01:05:53.900 --> 01:06:01.660 if a viable therapeutic but i mean if if if ventilators and remdesivir were killing people 01:06:02.380 --> 01:06:07.180 and the use the lack of use of antibiotics were killing people then we didn't need something new 01:06:08.060 --> 01:06:14.460 we just needed to stop doing what we weren't where we were doing and so again this is laying 01:06:14.460 --> 01:06:20.940 down the narrative that there is a need for something new the something new was ivermectin 01:06:20.940 --> 01:06:27.020 that fits in this unique niche that otherwise would be filled by EUA products 01:06:28.780 --> 01:06:33.020 but we don't need any EUA products if all we need to do is stop killing people 01:06:34.540 --> 01:06:39.260 and i am definitely ashamed of how long it took me to come to this realization but part of the 01:06:39.260 --> 01:06:44.940 reason it took me to come to this realization is because every time i started to get away from 01:06:44.940 --> 01:06:50.620 the idea of the virus nobody was there to say yeah there's no virus they're killing people with 01:06:50.620 --> 01:06:57.740 stuff there were only people there to tell me how bad the virus was how bad the spike protein 01:06:57.740 --> 01:07:06.060 was how the spike protein was causing amyloid or prion disease and how the the the transfections 01:07:06.060 --> 01:07:11.100 weren't that bad that they were pushing the virus around so there were lots of narratives that needed 01:07:11.100 --> 01:07:19.260 fighting and the front to fight at never felt like the no virus front because again once you 01:07:19.260 --> 01:07:24.220 started fighting on that front you couldn't find allies there was nobody that was willing to 01:07:24.220 --> 01:07:30.860 meet you halfway help you to navigate that either you had to jump all the way and admit that there 01:07:30.860 --> 01:07:34.780 were no viruses anywhere and measles doesn't exist or we're not even going to talk to you 01:07:35.980 --> 01:07:41.020 and that was part of the same the same song and dance that these guys have performed is just a 01:07:41.020 --> 01:07:47.980 different part of the dance in order to make sure that none of us made forward progress that we 01:07:47.980 --> 01:07:54.300 always circled around and came back to the goal all the time which is not understanding and being 01:07:54.300 --> 01:07:59.420 engaged in a debate about a lab leak or a natural virus and whether or not the worst case scenario 01:07:59.420 --> 01:08:06.700 was underway like people like Charles Ricksey or or Kevin McCarron would like you to believe that 01:08:06.700 --> 01:08:12.940 super prions are going to come out of the plants and they're coming out of all these vaccinated 01:08:12.940 --> 01:08:19.820 people and out of the virus and out of the the spike protein and so it's still worst case 01:08:19.820 --> 01:08:28.940 scenario it's still the same thing and so we're really dealing with a bunch of what now seem to be 01:08:30.460 --> 01:08:37.020 disparate narratives that don't ever want to come back to baseline but just want to keep going off 01:08:37.020 --> 01:08:41.660 in the direction that they are in hopes that they can keep fracturing our understanding of it. 01:08:43.420 --> 01:08:46.140 And it's not working anymore that's the best part about it. 01:08:47.740 --> 01:08:52.460 And so I think I might have skipped off there and somewhere I didn't want to go but we're just 01:08:52.460 --> 01:09:00.220 going to leave this keep playing. Strategy existed for outpatients then the logic supporting universal 01:09:00.220 --> 01:09:05.020 vaccination with largely experiment. Yeah but David Ike said that there was no virus from the 01:09:05.020 --> 01:09:10.220 beginning but for years he had been saying that these people were lizard people without any real 01:09:10.300 --> 01:09:17.020 evidence and so you got to wonder again if he's not set up to be that guy who can tell you the truth 01:09:17.820 --> 01:09:22.060 but he's so outlandish about other things that no one takes him seriously. 01:09:24.140 --> 01:09:30.540 I mean that was basically the idea with Bill Cooper right? I think what happened with Bill Cooper 01:09:30.540 --> 01:09:39.020 is that they tricked him into believing that he saw spacecraft in in top secret areas so that when he 01:09:39.020 --> 01:09:44.300 got out of the army and started preaching about how the American government was being 01:09:44.300 --> 01:09:49.580 usurped and that we had to you know become part of the Berkshire Society and all this other stuff 01:09:50.220 --> 01:09:57.100 a very libertarian type position that he his position would be discredited when he talked about UFOs. 01:09:59.980 --> 01:10:05.660 And whether or not he knew he was being played like that is another thing entirely but a lot of 01:10:05.740 --> 01:10:14.860 this is done in that way. And I do think that it's possible that David Ike is one of these people who 01:10:14.860 --> 01:10:20.300 plays that role where maybe even Alex Jones is a guy who plays this role where he tells the truth 01:10:20.300 --> 01:10:28.300 about things and then the system uses him to discredit that truth. For example if Alex Jones 01:10:28.300 --> 01:10:33.340 is telling the truth about Sandy Hook well that was a pretty nice way to completely discredit that 01:10:33.340 --> 01:10:39.340 story forever wasn't it? And that's basically how they did it with a lot of a lot of these 01:10:39.340 --> 01:10:45.900 narratives is they set someone up to be debunked and then now that story is debunked for everybody. 01:10:47.500 --> 01:10:52.940 And so David Ike revealing that there was no virus is very similar to Andy Kaufman saying that 01:10:52.940 --> 01:10:58.940 there's no virus and then not wanting to discuss exosomes anymore. Not wanting to discuss anything 01:10:58.940 --> 01:11:04.460 else but the isolation of viruses and and the isolation of this virus rather than wanting to 01:11:04.460 --> 01:11:11.500 tell the whole story of the fraud and staying very compartmentalized within that and then always 01:11:11.500 --> 01:11:17.900 always always Tom Cowan and these other people inevitably get to things that they definitely 01:11:17.900 --> 01:11:23.740 don't understand like the physics of water on small scale or or the electrostatic forces at play 01:11:24.380 --> 01:11:31.820 in in a solvent and then they talk about water crystals and how people are freezing water and 01:11:31.820 --> 01:11:37.900 capturing images in them and it so then at the same time as they're saying there's no virus 01:11:37.900 --> 01:11:42.060 because they're lying about coronavirus they also start talking about things that we can 01:11:43.020 --> 01:11:50.620 at least on the surface say that they're a little bit nutty and that's the idea it's exactly how it 01:11:50.700 --> 01:11:58.620 works and anybody that tries to put it all together gets discredited. It's that simple 01:11:59.820 --> 01:12:04.620 and after four years it should be easier for all of us to see it. It really should. 01:12:04.620 --> 01:12:11.740 Mental products is no longer supportable. The war on Ivermectin is waged by very powerful 01:12:11.740 --> 01:12:17.420 forces with a lot of money. I mean public health was built on an obsessive global vaccination policy 01:12:18.300 --> 01:12:21.020 which Ivermectin would have threatened. 01:12:21.900 --> 01:12:28.140 They've got Pfizer's third quarter earnings revenue they're projecting to be 98 to 102 billion dollars. 01:12:28.140 --> 01:12:33.500 Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna. Do you know how much profit they made from these shots? 01:12:33.500 --> 01:12:37.020 $1,000 every second from Wuhan virus vaccines. 01:12:39.340 --> 01:12:43.260 You're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in geopolitical implications 01:12:43.260 --> 01:12:49.820 that would be significantly affected if the people had access to a safe and widely available 01:12:49.820 --> 01:12:58.140 medicine. This is an incredibly cheap drug it's off-licence it's generic it can be manufactured 01:12:58.140 --> 01:13:02.620 in huge amounts in India remarkably low cost. 01:13:02.620 --> 01:13:08.060 Works patent on Ivermectin expired in 1996. In 2021 Merck released a statement claiming 01:13:08.060 --> 01:13:12.540 that Ivermectin was not an effective treatment against COVID-19 and bizarrely claimed quote 01:13:12.620 --> 01:13:17.180 a concerning lack of safety data and the majority of studies. It was plenty safe for Merck to 01:13:17.180 --> 01:13:21.180 distribute widely when it was still under patent but now they're claiming the safety record is 01:13:21.180 --> 01:13:26.940 insufficient. And they actually made mopovinir which is just a version of Ivermectin right and so 01:13:26.940 --> 01:13:31.100 they just made another patented version of it which is not a very effective drug either which 01:13:31.100 --> 01:13:38.140 should tell you a lot about the apparent effectiveness of Ivermectin. Folks need to understand that just 01:13:38.140 --> 01:13:46.220 because there is an article out there that asserts that something is false recognize that those are 01:13:46.220 --> 01:13:54.060 paid. Recognize that people who say it's true could be paid too. Every major media outlet in the 01:13:54.060 --> 01:13:59.340 United States shares at least one board member with at least one drug company. Let me put in 01:13:59.340 --> 01:14:04.380 perspective for you these board members wake up they go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer and then 01:14:04.380 --> 01:14:09.980 they have their driver take them over to meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that 01:14:09.980 --> 01:14:15.980 network is going to air. They can't be honest and objective about big pharma because big pharma 01:14:15.980 --> 01:14:21.660 pays their bills. In fact one analysis claimed that nine out of the top 10 drug makers spent 01:14:21.660 --> 01:14:29.980 more on marketing than they did on research. CNN tonight brought to you by Pfizer brought to you 01:14:29.980 --> 01:14:35.020 by Pfizer brought to you by Pfizer brought to you by Pfizer brought to you by Pfizer brought 01:14:35.020 --> 01:14:40.460 to you by Pfizer. Now even this brought to you by Pfizer don't you think it's also possible that 01:14:40.460 --> 01:14:47.420 they just did that they don't need to advertise but if they throw it in your face like that 01:14:51.820 --> 01:14:58.140 I think they did that on purpose for us. For us to go see look we can make cuts like this they 01:14:58.220 --> 01:15:08.860 really are awful. It's too odd. I mean it doesn't even make sense unless they were messing with us 01:15:08.860 --> 01:15:15.660 the whole time and that's what you need to see on all of those where Maddow covers it and they 01:15:15.660 --> 01:15:20.940 make fun of it on all these shows while the other people are saying no it's great. 01:15:21.500 --> 01:15:30.780 It's not possible for the truth to be you know I mean one of those two's got to be lying right? 01:15:31.740 --> 01:15:38.860 He says it's black he says it's white but they can't both be right and now you're solving their 01:15:38.860 --> 01:15:45.580 mystery. Now you're engaging in their debate and this debate presupposes the existence of a novel 01:15:45.660 --> 01:15:50.060 virus for which a novel treatment is not only necessary but currently unknown. 01:15:57.500 --> 01:16:02.300 If asked the question did you know how much influence your former employer had on big media 01:16:02.300 --> 01:16:08.140 and so on I have no idea it is clear that the pharmaceutical industry has has a great deal of 01:16:08.140 --> 01:16:14.060 sway on what goes on if you can shape the message then you can shape the world and that's what 01:16:14.060 --> 01:16:19.020 they've done. What was the last time you turned on the news and ever got an update about how 01:16:19.020 --> 01:16:25.020 why aren't we talking about the fact that CIA also influences the news. Why aren't we talking 01:16:25.020 --> 01:16:30.780 about the fact that NSA is monitoring all internet traffic in America and around the world if they 01:16:30.780 --> 01:16:34.940 can. Why aren't we talking about these things? Why are we talking about pharmaceutical companies 01:16:34.940 --> 01:16:40.700 as being the big baddies? What about SEPI? What about the who? 01:16:40.860 --> 01:16:47.500 What about this biosecurity state? What about Chinese government? What about 01:16:51.340 --> 01:16:58.940 everybody so sure they know who did it. I have a feeling a lot of people took part in the faking 01:16:58.940 --> 01:17:05.100 of the stopping and starting of the train and now they're all trying to slowly take their hands 01:17:05.180 --> 01:17:10.620 off the train and back away a little bit but they all can't do it at once or all suddenly 01:17:10.620 --> 01:17:17.420 figure out that it's not true. And there's a lot of panic going on right now as we start to leave 01:17:17.420 --> 01:17:23.180 the subway station and not watch their big show anymore. There's a lot of panic happening right 01:17:23.180 --> 01:17:29.180 now because all that gets left is questioning the whole childhood vaccine schedule and the whole 01:17:29.180 --> 01:17:34.940 public health has a whole and the only thing they've got are the skilled TV watchers. Everybody else 01:17:34.940 --> 01:17:42.780 is breaking free fast. Lots of them are breaking free because people are having 01:17:42.780 --> 01:17:50.140 unexpected aneurysms at age 48. High school kids are having heart attacks 01:17:52.620 --> 01:17:57.980 and people are having all kinds of new advanced cancer that went away and came back 01:17:59.020 --> 01:18:02.940 new cancer they never thought they've had accelerated faster than ever before. 01:18:03.180 --> 01:18:11.260 I don't know how that figures in with a with a bio agent that is causing pre-on disease that we 01:18:11.260 --> 01:18:18.540 still haven't found yet. The team worst case scenario is still working to preserve the narrative 01:18:20.060 --> 01:18:28.460 wittingly or unwittingly willingly or unwillingly they're all doing it. This is an old video here 01:18:28.540 --> 01:18:32.060 they're doing a show here now. The rest of the world is handling COVID. My wife brought 01:18:32.060 --> 01:18:36.620 me a sweet role so I'm going to eat it. Has launched an urgent caught up the table. It's very very 01:18:36.620 --> 01:18:42.300 tasty. They're seeking easier access to Ivermectin. Globally at least five countries want to use Ivermectin 01:18:42.300 --> 01:18:48.300 to treat COVID-19 including India and Argentina. There are numerous concrete tests in medical 01:18:48.300 --> 01:18:55.100 journals around the world that Ivermectin does work. The earliest reports we had one of them we had 01:18:55.180 --> 01:19:00.460 in Peru where they got into a good mode of using multi drug treatment with an Ivermectin based 01:19:00.460 --> 01:19:05.180 approach that they were crushing their curves. And the president of the Tokyo Medical Association 01:19:05.180 --> 01:19:09.420 announced to all doctors during a summer surge that they should use Ivermectin in the treatment. 01:19:10.140 --> 01:19:17.340 Within weeks the hospitalization rates reported out of Japan were lower than at any other time 01:19:17.340 --> 01:19:22.220 in the pandemic. And we've got to check to make sure that it was only Ivermectin that they did. 01:19:23.020 --> 01:19:28.060 Did they also start treating with antibiotics in the normal way of treating pneumonia? 01:19:29.500 --> 01:19:34.700 These questions remain unanswered but my guess is the answer to those questions will not be 01:19:35.740 --> 01:19:43.420 happy times for Ivermectin. The real proof positive came when COVID-19 really hit hard in Mexico City. 01:19:44.620 --> 01:19:49.340 They finally after lots of struggle came with an Ivermectin based multi drug approach and 01:19:49.340 --> 01:19:53.580 literally cleared out the hospitals. And then we have reports all the way through 01:19:53.580 --> 01:19:58.540 that various states in India. In India the government has been widely promoting the use of 01:19:59.580 --> 01:20:07.740 now please understand that both Pierre Kory and Peter McCalla said in that segment that these 01:20:07.740 --> 01:20:16.140 places started a multi drug approach that used Ivermectin. So from their perspective and from the 01:20:16.220 --> 01:20:22.060 perspective of this video the only substance that mattered in the treatment was Ivermectin but it 01:20:22.060 --> 01:20:29.580 was a multi drug approach. Just make sure you're hearing what they're saying because those are 01:20:29.580 --> 01:20:35.500 real words that matter. Ivermectin state leaders have just declared that Uttar Pradesh is now 01:20:35.500 --> 01:20:42.220 officially COVID free. A region with nearly as many people as the entire United States 01:20:42.940 --> 01:20:49.980 is totally COVID free. The miracle success of Uttar Pradesh not one mention of Ivermectin being 01:20:49.980 --> 01:20:54.140 used. In the countries that it has been used in the countries where the studies are the results 01:20:54.140 --> 01:20:58.940 are not good. They are overwhelming. They are well over 90% success rate. In the United States 01:20:58.940 --> 01:21:06.220 it's a horse dewormer it's horse-paced and only the illiterate ignorant and or unvaccinated user. 01:21:06.220 --> 01:21:12.060 The key paradox is if you look at mortality rate in the United States one of the most 01:21:12.140 --> 01:21:17.820 highly funded medical care systems in the world and what we find is the mortality in the United 01:21:17.820 --> 01:21:23.420 States is among the worst in the world. If you look at these innumerable failed policies there's 01:21:23.420 --> 01:21:29.100 only one way to understand them. They are literally written by pharmaceutical companies. They can 01:21:29.100 --> 01:21:34.540 design trials to fail to disprove the use of cheat medicines and they can make things appear 01:21:34.540 --> 01:21:39.180 that they don't work. And what about what about these protocols that can kill people? 01:21:39.980 --> 01:21:47.500 What about the protocols using Remdesivir and ventilators and not using antibiotics? 01:21:49.260 --> 01:21:54.940 Because again we're blaming the pharmaceutical companies for something that was actually 01:21:54.940 --> 01:22:03.500 orchestrated by protocols that were dictated by the government run by military people. 01:22:03.660 --> 01:22:12.300 And so it's maybe not a question about whether the DOD did what they did with the shot. 01:22:13.660 --> 01:22:17.580 So much of the fact that they did what they did with the mass casualty events 01:22:18.860 --> 01:22:23.820 that were necessary to establish the appearance of a spreading pathogen that could be modeled 01:22:23.820 --> 01:22:30.540 to be the worst case scenario. And we are being distracted into believing that the DOD is responsible 01:22:30.540 --> 01:22:35.900 for the rollout of the shot when the DOD was very very much responsible for the rollout of 01:22:35.900 --> 01:22:42.300 the mass casualty events that could be turned around and said to be spreading COVID. And they 01:22:42.300 --> 01:22:49.500 needed those military people in those you can look at Jessica's latest article and you can see 01:22:49.500 --> 01:22:57.980 that there were military people in these ICUs who are basically probably terminating people on Medicare. 01:22:58.780 --> 01:23:09.020 Ladies and gentlemen, I see the light of the opening of the cave. I don't need my flashlight anymore. 01:23:09.020 --> 01:23:17.340 I'm so close. It's starting to get cold because the air is so fresh. Holy man, it's exciting. 01:23:19.180 --> 01:23:25.900 I sit as a non-voting member of the active committee for drugs within IH. I've seen the 01:23:25.980 --> 01:23:29.660 dynamics of what are going on with all those trials, which most of which have failed. 01:23:30.380 --> 01:23:36.300 Unfortunately, it's eminently possible to manipulate the outcomes of a clinical study. If you want 01:23:36.300 --> 01:23:42.060 to study to fail, that's dead easy. Now there are fourth quote-unquote negative study of IH. 01:23:42.780 --> 01:23:48.540 In a major medical journal and each time is a media frenzy. There was a systematic review looking 01:23:48.540 --> 01:23:53.900 at randomized control. Hey, don't you one for one second think that I put Tim Truth 01:23:54.780 --> 01:24:03.420 in the same bucket as Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan. Tim Truth has been very open to hearing my 01:24:03.420 --> 01:24:13.100 side of the story. Very open to listening to my side and amplifying it. And so Tim Truth may very 01:24:13.100 --> 01:24:18.940 well be on the no virus team and he's right to be there. But Tim Truth was never one of these 01:24:19.020 --> 01:24:23.900 people who said I'm not going to talk to you Jay unless you tell me first that there's no virus. 01:24:23.900 --> 01:24:28.620 And I'm not going to talk to you about clones Jay. I'm only going to talk to you about the words 01:24:28.620 --> 01:24:37.420 isolation and purification. Tim Truth was absolutely open to all possibilities and 01:24:37.420 --> 01:24:43.180 discussions. And so Tim Truth just gets a big gold star for me for this just for being ahead of me 01:24:43.180 --> 01:24:52.060 on it. I couldn't see it for what it was. Just a great big bait and switch with some excess deaths 01:24:52.060 --> 01:25:00.380 created by protocols modeled as spread. And then just a massive abuse of us psychologically on 01:25:00.380 --> 01:25:05.580 social media and on television to make us believe something happening that was not. 01:25:07.900 --> 01:25:13.020 I am so excited how much progress we are making trial that happened done. And they found that there 01:25:13.020 --> 01:25:18.620 was no benefit for Ivermectin in reducing mortality, death to COVID-19, no reduction in symptoms 01:25:18.620 --> 01:25:23.340 or duration of symptoms for COVID-19. So it does not work. People need to understand that 01:25:23.340 --> 01:25:31.020 academics have been threatened with losing their position and threatened with getting no further 01:25:31.020 --> 01:25:37.420 research grants if they speak out against the narrative. Guess why that is? Two-thirds of the 01:25:37.500 --> 01:25:45.260 world's non-commercial biological research is funded by just three bodies. The welcome trust 01:25:45.260 --> 01:25:52.540 in the UK, the NIH and specifically the NIAID under Tony Fauci and the Bill and the indicates 01:25:52.540 --> 01:25:59.100 foundation. There's this pattern that is consistent with a concerted effort to mislead the public by 01:25:59.100 --> 01:26:06.460 withholding information using modern technology, media, censorship. Really, let's call it what it 01:26:06.460 --> 01:26:12.940 is thought control. He could actually control exactly what people think. And that is the that 01:26:12.940 --> 01:26:19.740 is a hard job. Whenever you have clear cut evidence that a drug works, you have an ethical 01:26:19.740 --> 01:26:25.500 obligation to immediately let the people know so that they could have access. What are you telling 01:26:25.500 --> 01:26:32.060 people? Holy crap. Did you see that? I want. Did you see that they actually took the clip 01:26:32.780 --> 01:26:39.660 of Tony Fauci saying that Remdesivir showed effectiveness and therefore we had to institute 01:26:39.660 --> 01:26:46.380 it immediately. And they turned around and they used it and applied it to Ivermectin not to say 01:26:46.380 --> 01:26:52.780 that those words can't be taken out of context creatively and used like this. But it's it's exactly 01:26:52.780 --> 01:26:59.260 what I talked about 15 or 20 minutes ago when I said that the only guy on our side who came out 01:26:59.340 --> 01:27:06.220 about Ivermectin and came out very succinctly to explain why it wouldn't work, why it was 01:27:06.220 --> 01:27:13.180 deadly, why it was a ridiculous idea that he sat on that couch and pushed it and not one sucker on 01:27:13.180 --> 01:27:19.660 our side picked it up after he dropped the ball on the venom thing. And who knows if he dropped 01:27:19.660 --> 01:27:27.660 the ball on the venom thing? Maybe they have put small epitopes generated from or derived from 01:27:27.740 --> 01:27:36.460 venom into this spike protein sequence. I don't know. But the point is is that what the orchestrated 01:27:36.460 --> 01:27:47.500 media theater did was they use that gaff about cobra venom to discredit artists and the whole 01:27:48.380 --> 01:27:58.700 show allowed his brilliant insight on Remdesivir to go down with him. Not one of these clever 01:27:58.700 --> 01:28:04.300 people picked up that, well, David artists might have been wrong. And that's fine about that. But 01:28:04.300 --> 01:28:08.540 he wasn't wrong about Remdesivir. And we shouldn't forget that that was a great contribution to our 01:28:09.180 --> 01:28:17.260 breakout. Nope. Everybody forgot. And here we are. We have this video about Ivermectin and we 01:28:17.260 --> 01:28:23.980 actually took those those things out of context when it could be an additional dunk. It's one of 01:28:23.980 --> 01:28:32.700 the biggest dunks of all. Then a drug that was predicted to be useful for a novel coronavirus pandemic 01:28:32.700 --> 01:28:41.980 by by by Alison Totura, the last postdoc of have Ralph Barrick before the pandemic. 01:28:42.700 --> 01:28:50.060 And Cina Bavari in 2019, an article that there might be a coronavirus breakout and that Remdesivir 01:28:50.060 --> 01:28:57.020 at the time still had some crazy letter numbered name would be useful in such a scenario. 01:28:58.620 --> 01:29:05.660 And just a few few months later, here's Tony Fauci on the couch of the White House saying that 01:29:05.660 --> 01:29:11.020 this new drug Remdesivir is effective and it would be just absolutely ridiculous ethics not to use 01:29:11.020 --> 01:29:23.660 it immediately. And away we go. And so the past is erased. The erasure is forgotten and the lie 01:29:23.660 --> 01:29:30.380 becomes truth. Do you see? One of the greatest stories of the pandemic has now just been co-opted 01:29:30.380 --> 01:29:34.540 into the Ivermectin story. It's like, what really? Is that really how we're going to do this? 01:29:34.540 --> 01:29:44.140 A pill, orally administered single pill given for seven to ten days, little drug-drug interaction 01:29:44.140 --> 01:29:52.540 and low toxicity. Give me that and I'll be really happy. Ivermectin has been used safely for decades, 01:29:52.540 --> 01:29:59.420 has no known drug interactions, won a Nobel Prize for its success treating humans and is on the WHO's 01:30:00.060 --> 01:30:03.820 I would agree with with I would agree with 01:30:06.620 --> 01:30:13.660 I would agree with the person who said that artist was probably set up to hang that Remdesivir story 01:30:13.660 --> 01:30:18.940 and I think that's probably true. That that's one definite possibility anyway. Let's say it like that. 01:30:21.020 --> 01:30:27.740 And so again, let's let's cite this for what it is. There is an extreme set of contradictory 01:30:28.300 --> 01:30:35.180 information that was being released at this time. Bad protocols, bad clinical trials, 01:30:35.820 --> 01:30:39.740 mischaracterization of doses or mischaracterization of uses 01:30:42.620 --> 01:30:48.940 and a bunch of people on social media and on mainstream media complaining that it was a poison 01:30:50.220 --> 01:30:54.860 making fun of people who taking it and that on the other side people saying it's a vital drug 01:30:54.860 --> 01:31:00.380 that they're covering up that could save millions of lives. So it is ultra-contradictory. One side 01:31:00.380 --> 01:31:06.300 says it can kill you and it's useless. The other side says that it's great for everything and it 01:31:06.300 --> 01:31:12.780 it's say could save millions of lives. And that huge gigantic contradiction is the same as 01:31:12.780 --> 01:31:18.460 has somebody arguing that no, Michael Jordan is a really crappy basketball player. No, 01:31:18.460 --> 01:31:22.140 Jordan is a really good basketball player. Only one person can be right 01:31:24.700 --> 01:31:31.260 and they want you to feel that way. They want the two conclusions to be so far apart 01:31:31.820 --> 01:31:38.300 that it is impossible for you to to to conceive a middle ground. 01:31:41.260 --> 01:31:46.540 Michael Jordan is the best basketball player that's ever lived. Michael Jordan is a washed up 01:31:46.620 --> 01:31:52.940 chump who never did anything good. There's obviously one is very close to the truth 01:31:52.940 --> 01:31:58.780 probably and another one is ridiculous. And with these two narratives about 01:31:59.500 --> 01:32:05.820 Ivermectin, they're both ridiculous. But because you're given this dichotomy that's so far apart 01:32:05.820 --> 01:32:12.140 and so contradictory, the logic in your brain almost forces you to choose one. 01:32:12.460 --> 01:32:19.260 That's the magic of this. That's one of the many tricks that they use. 01:32:19.260 --> 01:32:26.060 Safest, most effective medicines in the entire world. And it showed an 86% effectiveness to 01:32:26.060 --> 01:32:31.740 prevent people from contracting COVID. Ivermectin has been used over four billion times and it's 01:32:31.740 --> 01:32:38.700 used for a wide variety of treatments. Ivermectin has been shown to possess different anti-information, 01:32:38.700 --> 01:32:43.660 antiviral, and anti-tumor properties. That is the thing about Ivermectin. It's not good, 01:32:43.660 --> 01:32:50.380 it's great. Breaking news, the FDA lawyer announces that Ivermectin can be subscribed for COVID-19. 01:32:50.380 --> 01:32:57.340 I have never seen an evidence base this large with 81 controlled trials. 10 years of in vitro 01:32:57.340 --> 01:33:03.340 studies in the lab against a dozen RNA viruses all showing that Ivermectin stops replication. 01:33:03.660 --> 01:33:09.980 It literally is, in my mind, the single greatest public health achievement in our history of 01:33:09.980 --> 01:33:20.380 infection control in the world. Now, there is a possibility, of course, that Ivermectin is a 01:33:20.380 --> 01:33:30.940 wonder drug and an antiviral. And in the face of a transfection, in the face of a RNA pathogen, 01:33:30.940 --> 01:33:36.620 or whatever it is that uses an enzyme to replicate that in an in vivo preparation, 01:33:36.620 --> 01:33:42.140 it seems to stop replication. But I want to see those studies. I want to see what they're using for 01:33:42.140 --> 01:33:47.740 the RNA virus. And I want to see what they're using as a readout because I bet we're going to 01:33:47.740 --> 01:33:54.060 be back to right where we started, where the no-virus people would just dissect that and tear it apart. 01:33:54.700 --> 01:34:05.180 I think that's where we will be. And so, my conjecture is, again, here that these orchestrated 01:34:05.180 --> 01:34:13.260 debates about things were designed very specifically to convert all excess deaths into a mystery virus, 01:34:13.260 --> 01:34:20.700 for which we needed special cures for brand new cures like hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. 01:34:20.940 --> 01:34:30.460 It couldn't just be antibiotics and a steroid at the right time. It couldn't just be vitamin C, 01:34:30.460 --> 01:34:42.140 D, and zinc, and some, you know, warm blanket, chicken soup. It had to be ventilators and remdesivir 01:34:42.140 --> 01:34:50.300 in order to create the excess deaths that could be used to justify the slope right here. This slope 01:34:50.300 --> 01:35:02.700 was created. This was created. It was created by dumb ideas and maybe even by intervention. 01:35:04.620 --> 01:35:09.740 But it was not caused by a spreading respiratory pathogen. You can see it more clearly when you 01:35:09.740 --> 01:35:19.500 show the graph with all cause mortality behind it. Total deaths every week since 2014 to 01:35:19.580 --> 01:35:26.940 2022, they ignored all of this stuff in order to create a pandemic out of nothing. 01:35:29.020 --> 01:35:34.540 They killed a lot of people on Medicare in order to save the money that they would have cost in 01:35:34.540 --> 01:35:40.620 the years to come. They killed a lot of people in Medicaid or Medicare old folks homes to save 01:35:40.620 --> 01:35:47.020 the money that they would cost to keep them alive. And they did it all with all of these protocols 01:35:47.100 --> 01:35:55.900 and lack of protocol. And then the argument is, is that if we don't do all of this garbage, 01:35:55.900 --> 01:36:00.460 but instead give them a little antibiotics in Ivermectin to look at that, they're all cured. 01:36:02.140 --> 01:36:09.900 Oh, surprise, surprise. We're still not talking about strict liability for all vaccine products. 01:36:09.900 --> 01:36:15.340 We're still not talking about it being a Seventh Amendment violation for the PrEP Act to prevent 01:36:15.340 --> 01:36:21.420 me from using a a normal court to sue for damages. We're still not talking about there 01:36:21.420 --> 01:36:29.340 being zero epidemiological evidence for spread. And we're still not talking about these lost 01:36:29.340 --> 01:36:33.900 this, this money that was saved by killing all these old people and they're misconstruing it as 01:36:33.900 --> 01:36:40.620 a spreading virus. And that's because they've got us right now and we've got to really start 01:36:40.620 --> 01:36:45.020 to push back if we're going to get out of this trap. We've got about nine or 10 months, I think, 01:36:45.100 --> 01:36:50.060 before more more shenanigans are going to happen. And that's a very optimistic appraisal. 01:36:51.580 --> 01:36:56.140 But I don't feel that there's anything quite ready to go yet. And I do feel like there's a lot of 01:36:56.140 --> 01:37:02.140 scrambling going on, but it were not we are in danger of the lie becoming truth, especially for 01:37:02.140 --> 01:37:09.420 our children. And so that's why we've got to be very vigilant about this. And I think I'm just 01:37:09.420 --> 01:37:17.660 going to end it right there. Let me see what this was. We don't need to do that, I don't think. 01:37:19.980 --> 01:37:26.540 No, we don't need to do that. But we can, it'll go really quick. Don't forget, like a mixed tape, 01:37:26.540 --> 01:37:33.020 right? They take viruses out of the wild, they can't really grow them in a culture very well. 01:37:34.140 --> 01:37:37.980 So what they do instead is that they sequence in the best they can, they fill in the blanks 01:37:37.980 --> 01:37:43.020 from other coronavirus sequences that have been reported in the past. They make a DNA molecule 01:37:43.020 --> 01:37:47.820 construct of it, and then they use a series of plasmids to replicate that DNA molecule and make 01:37:47.820 --> 01:37:56.540 many copies of it. And so those plasmids are grown in bacterial cultures, and then those bacteria 01:37:56.540 --> 01:38:02.940 can be liced and broken open, and you get those plasmids DNA out of those guys, you combine them 01:38:02.940 --> 01:38:07.820 with a commercial enzyme or a cell culture or electropyrate them into a cell culture, 01:38:07.820 --> 01:38:15.020 and you can turn that DNA into RNA or into proteins. And so that RNA made with RNA polymerase could 01:38:15.020 --> 01:38:19.420 be put on cell culture for experiments, it could be given to animals for experiments, 01:38:19.420 --> 01:38:24.540 it could be stored and shared with other researchers. More importantly, infectious clone technology 01:38:24.540 --> 01:38:31.900 allows infectious clone RNA to be made in large quantities, so that in theory, 01:38:31.900 --> 01:38:38.540 a distribution of these large quantities of RNA could result in the appearance of a spreading RNA 01:38:38.540 --> 01:38:46.300 pathogen, which I think we've come to the conclusion that RNA can't do a pandemic. But RNA infectious 01:38:46.300 --> 01:38:51.420 clones could definitely be used to seed the molecular biology that could be misconstrued 01:38:51.500 --> 01:38:58.700 as a pandemic, especially if we have this virus on the background of previous RNA signals, 01:38:59.660 --> 01:39:06.060 which have never bothered to be undifferentiated from pathogen and exosome and all kinds of other 01:39:06.060 --> 01:39:11.900 signals that we know are there. And so that's the job of some of these people on the playing field. 01:39:11.900 --> 01:39:16.940 What you have to realize is that we weren't supposed to figure this out this fast, we are supposed to 01:39:16.940 --> 01:39:22.860 be the playing field on which these people operate. And they're supposed to be messing with each other 01:39:23.580 --> 01:39:30.060 using people like me and Mark. But now that we have started to see through how these people have 01:39:30.060 --> 01:39:35.580 been messing with the narrative via messing with us, it started to become harder for them to push 01:39:35.580 --> 01:39:41.740 back and forth between one another. And it appears to be that some of these criminal syndicates are 01:39:41.740 --> 01:39:47.340 actually starting to push against one another directly and trying very hard to just ignore 01:39:48.060 --> 01:39:55.900 my work, Mark's work and the work of Jessica Hockett. And of course, of Nick Hudson and Thomas Binder 01:39:55.900 --> 01:40:04.540 and Denis Rancourt and Jonathan Engler and Martin Neal. Please check out the sub stack of Jessica 01:40:04.540 --> 01:40:09.180 Martin and Jonathan that they just released. You can find that on Jessica's sub stack. It's really 01:40:09.180 --> 01:40:16.700 good. And it talks a lot about it interviews a whistleblower that puts a lot of a lot of meat 01:40:16.700 --> 01:40:21.740 on these bones as well. So there's there the ball is moving very rapidly. But please don't 01:40:21.740 --> 01:40:27.980 forget that we wandered all throughout 2020 and 2021. And none of these people helped us. 01:40:30.140 --> 01:40:35.660 We didn't get picked up by their car until June of 2021 at the earliest. 01:40:36.060 --> 01:40:44.140 Only Michael Yeden and Wolfgang Wodach and Crütt Wodkowski and myself and a few others were coming 01:40:44.140 --> 01:40:50.220 out against the narrative and coming out against the shots before they were released. And these 01:40:50.220 --> 01:40:55.740 people all started coming out and speaking out much, much later. And if they came out at all, 01:40:56.620 --> 01:41:00.460 some of these people in the top corner here are just worst case scenario from the very beginning. 01:41:01.100 --> 01:41:05.020 Some of them have been saying amyloidosis and prion disease since the very beginning 01:41:07.420 --> 01:41:15.500 and still continue to say it now. Keeping us on this road. Keeping us wandering or maybe giving 01:41:15.500 --> 01:41:21.420 us a ride in their car for a little while, but all the while never never planning to take us 01:41:22.220 --> 01:41:27.180 over the finish line. So they have sustained this illusion of consensus about a laboratory or 01:41:27.180 --> 01:41:32.140 badcave zoonosis about a bio weapon in this faith in a novel virus, whatever it is, 01:41:32.700 --> 01:41:37.180 is going to be used to try and govern our children in the future. And the way we break out of this 01:41:37.180 --> 01:41:42.860 is to not let them board this train. We cannot let them board this train where there's a 01:41:42.860 --> 01:41:47.020 symptomatic transmission where when they go to the doctor, they need a test for 17 different 01:41:47.020 --> 01:41:55.740 pathogens and it's all based on PCR. We don't need mRNA for any healthy humans ever, no matter 01:41:55.740 --> 01:42:01.100 what form it's in, no matter how they want to transfect us, we don't need it. We don't need it 01:42:01.100 --> 01:42:05.660 because healthy humans, your medicine should be your food and your food should be your medicine. 01:42:08.540 --> 01:42:12.860 We can't let our children grow up believing that people work on viruses in laboratories. 01:42:12.860 --> 01:42:17.180 We definitely can't let our children grow up believing what Robert Malone said earlier in the 01:42:17.180 --> 01:42:22.460 program that bachelor students in biology can enrich pathogens in their garage. 01:42:22.860 --> 01:42:29.740 This faith is a lie. It was a conflated background signal. It's become very obvious to me that one 01:42:29.740 --> 01:42:37.740 very plausible explanation for this is that they took a bunch of people like Nathan Wolf type 01:42:37.740 --> 01:42:43.340 people like Andrew Huff type people like eco-health alliance type people whatever and they spent 01:42:43.340 --> 01:42:49.020 about three years characterizing the conflated background signal rather the background signal 01:42:49.580 --> 01:42:54.380 that they intended to conflate and then they told us a story and they 01:42:54.940 --> 01:43:00.220 enacted a very elaborate theater about a cover up and a very elaborate theater about a novel 01:43:00.220 --> 01:43:04.140 virus that needed novel cures. It was killing millions of people that millions more could be 01:43:04.140 --> 01:43:11.580 saved from and likely came from gain of function all the while just using data that they had gathered 01:43:12.220 --> 01:43:16.140 knowledge that they had gathered about what this background signal was like and how that they 01:43:16.220 --> 01:43:20.540 could use it as a confounder for PCR tests and for sequencing. 01:43:22.620 --> 01:43:29.260 It is a biosecurity operation for national security reasons all the marbles are on the table 01:43:30.540 --> 01:43:35.020 and therefore lying to achieve your goals is definitely on the table 01:43:36.380 --> 01:43:43.180 and lying to achieve your bioterrorism goals is definitely on the table. We are being governed by 01:43:43.260 --> 01:43:50.700 mythology because we are at a time point where we are at a peak forever. The largest pure population 01:43:50.700 --> 01:43:57.740 homogenous genetic population on earth in India and in China will not exist forever and the largest 01:43:57.740 --> 01:44:03.580 heterogeneous population of multiracial people in America will never exist forever. 01:44:04.700 --> 01:44:11.260 These populations perfect research populations the heterogeneous version in America the homogenous 01:44:11.260 --> 01:44:19.820 version in certain places around the world in Asia presents a once in a species opportunity 01:44:21.340 --> 01:44:28.140 to collect the data to do the experiments necessary to bridge the gap from wherever we are now to 01:44:28.140 --> 01:44:34.060 this futurist version of humanity where we are our own engineers our own programmers 01:44:35.020 --> 01:44:42.620 and we do it with AI this is what they tell each other in these meetings these are the 01:44:42.620 --> 01:44:48.140 opportunities that they see and that's why they are behaving the way that they are behaving and I think 01:44:50.140 --> 01:44:54.940 there are more and more people starting to understand the significance of this interpretation of the 01:44:54.940 --> 01:45:00.460 story. I'm not saying that it's not about CBDCs I'm not saying it's not about digital IDs I'm saying 01:45:00.540 --> 01:45:07.900 those things are also about ultimately harnessing the population of the earth as as experiments 01:45:07.900 --> 01:45:14.060 so that we can bridge this gap between where we are now and a trans human future. Ladies and 01:45:14.060 --> 01:45:20.860 gentlemen please follow Housatonic Live Mark Kulacz and please follow Jessica Hockett on twitter and 01:45:21.500 --> 01:45:25.180 other than that right now I'm just going to be very conservative and say that's enough reading 01:45:25.260 --> 01:45:31.740 for now Mark's website start with the early covid survivors link and after that I suggest 01:45:31.740 --> 01:45:36.620 that you just explore from A to Z and find out where it leads you ladies and gentlemen this has 01:45:36.620 --> 01:45:42.380 been gigaohm biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you a biobiologist 01:45:43.260 --> 01:45:47.420 my name is Jonathan Cooley and I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh in the back of my garage and 01:45:47.420 --> 01:45:54.780 I will probably see you tomorrow although I do have a basketball game in the morning we are fine 01:45:54.780 --> 01:45:59.740 in the afternoon and then Sunday I've got a morning game so I can probably do afternoon or 01:45:59.740 --> 01:46:04.620 evening on Saturday and Sunday and that's the plan right now thanks very much for joining me 01:46:04.620 --> 01:46:09.900 please keep sharing my work please keep stopping all transfections and humans and don't let them 01:46:09.900 --> 01:46:14.380 eliminate the control group um intramuscular injection of any combination of substances 01:46:14.380 --> 01:46:18.860 with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. Transfection and help the humans is 01:46:18.860 --> 01:46:24.060 criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned integrity. Thank you very much I recorded a 01:46:25.020 --> 01:46:28.780 doctor's and scientist interview about the book today and I think I really took a 01:46:28.780 --> 01:46:34.060 tool about the clones and about how reality is that they probably didn't need to do what they 01:46:34.060 --> 01:46:40.460 said happened so hopefully it'll it'll bring some some extra fire to the to the debate about the 01:46:40.460 --> 01:46:47.020 book even though it's not selling very well that's fine um it's still uh it's still uh it's still out 01:46:47.020 --> 01:46:52.380 there and um we got a lot of time yet so thank you very much for joining me and uh see you again 01:47:17.020 --> 01:47:31.340 bye