WEBVTT 00:32.761 --> 00:32.962 Oh. 01:04.053 --> 01:12.997 Darn it, I forgot to change that. 01:13.017 --> 01:18.020 That is annoying. 01:35.936 --> 01:51.147 Next time we're going to start with a good song because I didn't want to do that today because I didn't want to bust out my, uh, I didn't want to bust out my, my copyright thing on Twitch, but I guess I probably just did it right there, but hopefully we won't kill too much of it over there. 01:51.948 --> 01:53.449 Thank you very much for joining me. 01:53.469 --> 01:56.211 Um, it's not Palantir. 01:56.471 --> 01:57.932 I forgot to change that slide. 01:57.972 --> 01:58.733 I apologize. 02:10.811 --> 02:10.882 you 03:01.599 --> 03:01.680 you 03:20.290 --> 03:24.454 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 03:24.954 --> 03:29.138 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 03:29.619 --> 03:33.803 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 03:35.784 --> 03:37.366 I think truth is good for kids. 03:37.786 --> 03:41.590 We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society. 03:42.090 --> 03:43.692 We want everybody to feel good. 03:43.852 --> 03:46.034 That's not the way life is. 03:48.581 --> 03:52.506 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 03:54.288 --> 03:55.009 And I have lied. 03:55.029 --> 03:56.071 I'm sure I'll lie again. 03:56.091 --> 03:57.012 I don't want to lie. 03:57.512 --> 03:58.854 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 03:58.954 --> 03:59.996 I try not to be a liar. 04:00.016 --> 04:00.877 I don't want to be a liar. 04:01.437 --> 04:04.161 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 04:20.633 --> 04:22.514 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 04:22.614 --> 04:27.915 His name is JJ Cooey, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD. 04:28.775 --> 04:35.297 And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline, from what I understand. 04:35.317 --> 04:37.797 Did Tucker really interview Jeffrey Sachs? 04:37.957 --> 04:39.097 When and where? 04:39.337 --> 04:42.878 A link in the chat would be spectacular, Christy. 04:43.659 --> 04:45.919 Wow, that's an interesting one. 04:45.939 --> 04:49.660 I'm sure Mark will get a little chuckle out of that one. 04:50.765 --> 04:53.628 The number one speaker at the Vatican, Jeffrey Sachs. 04:53.688 --> 04:55.209 Welcome to the show, everybody. 05:35.777 --> 05:37.137 I messed that up again, too. 05:39.398 --> 05:40.238 It's funny. 05:41.538 --> 05:45.099 I go through the same thing on the basketball court with my jump shot. 05:45.179 --> 05:49.840 Sometimes I can't miss, and sometimes everything doesn't quite fit right. 05:50.060 --> 05:52.280 And that's how you know that this is being done live. 05:53.060 --> 06:01.782 It's like I got a bass drum strapped on my back that's attached to my leg and a snare and a cymbal attached to my elbow. 06:04.332 --> 06:05.992 harmonica strapped to my head. 06:06.052 --> 06:11.353 Anyway, we're in interesting times to say the very least. 06:11.993 --> 06:13.214 We've got a lot of work to do. 06:14.934 --> 06:33.357 And we've got a lot of, we've got a lot of new bridges to build, I think, ladies and gentlemen, new bridges to build as we finally gotten to the stage where we can accurately describe how I think, how we think we have been misled. 06:34.911 --> 07:01.770 More cowbell It's glad to see everybody in the chat Getting excited already about looking at these goldfish Talking about these central issues that nobody seems to want to talk about Nobody wants to talk about most things in a reasonable way in fact 07:03.135 --> 07:07.418 It's one of the ways that you can see nobody's really making progress. 07:09.760 --> 07:25.092 In fact, it doesn't seem like anybody's made progress for almost since 2021 when Robert Malone so eloquently laid out the Scooby-Doo mystery and its potential solutions to Paul Cuttrell in 2021, August 2021. 07:30.370 --> 07:49.365 And I think if we just keep trying to objectively let as many people as possible who can see if shown, see what has been done to them, then we might have a chance of turning the tide before they start to get to the stage where everyone just believes this nonsense. 07:52.908 --> 07:57.712 I can't tell if my voice is a lot louder than the music or if the music's a lot louder than my voice. 07:57.792 --> 07:59.153 It's very hard for me 08:00.546 --> 08:02.207 to adjust that in the monitor. 08:03.588 --> 08:05.309 All I know for sure, music is loud. 08:05.449 --> 08:06.189 See, I knew that. 08:08.391 --> 08:14.914 It's very hard for me to emphasize how important it is that you reflect on our history. 08:15.895 --> 08:23.800 A very good thing for us to do right now as a homework assignment, to try and break some of the power that these charlatans have over us, 08:24.727 --> 08:48.346 would be kind of a crowdsourced effort on our soapbox to drop in as many links at the soapbox that you can with regard to SV40 in its earliest stages because someone like Mark Kulak, who's not a biologist, has posited that SV40 is just basically a name that they had on a tube. 08:50.219 --> 08:56.382 and they were just shaking around a bunch of tubes and one of those tubes was named SV40 and now we've come to call that a virus. 08:56.442 --> 09:11.169 Now if that interesting mythology is actually part of this wave, that it is with biology and the truth of biology and our sacred biology that I think that we can surf this wave and figure out a way out of this, 09:12.506 --> 09:22.791 then we really need to add that to our surfboard because it will edify everything else that we are going to be exposed to over the next few months. 09:22.811 --> 09:26.793 I don't think it was slime vat number 40, but it was something like that. 09:28.013 --> 09:37.938 And it would be very good for us to start working on papers that we can assemble together as part of an additional patch on our surfboard 09:39.299 --> 09:51.448 And I would be more than willing to look at everything that anyone wants to post up there and try to make a synthesis of it as best I can, the SV40, and what it is and what it isn't, and through history, if you will. 09:51.988 --> 09:55.251 Ladies and gentlemen, if you've been here for a while, you might be at the top of the wave with us. 09:56.012 --> 10:06.660 Otherwise, you might be a skilled TV watcher that needs to be taught to stay focused on the biology, shown how not to take their bait on social media, and in fact, 10:07.779 --> 10:11.240 helped to learn again how to love their neighbor. 10:11.260 --> 10:14.721 So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for sharing my stream. 10:15.261 --> 10:19.802 Thank you very much for those people who have gone to GigaOM Biological and found a way to support this work. 10:21.983 --> 10:29.765 It is a family of five in Pittsburgh, and I have other means of earning money that are less 10:30.976 --> 10:32.737 less consistent than a job. 10:33.538 --> 10:44.905 And so between the support that I get here and on Substack, and also with this occasional side work, I am able, we are able to make ends meet. 10:46.486 --> 10:50.589 But it is, we're about to have two teenagers in the house, one in high school. 10:51.830 --> 10:55.792 It is an extraordinary time to be talking to young people. 10:55.832 --> 10:56.613 I got a story 10:57.611 --> 10:58.671 I think I have the card here. 10:58.691 --> 11:18.679 I have a story that I want to tell before we go on Too much into the main video and I won't be able to get through the whole main video Because I do need to do a live stream at one o'clock for someone else and so yeah, we're trying to trying to start a 11:20.546 --> 11:35.606 sort of helping everybody get to the stage where they can engage in informed non-compliance and ideally united informed non-compliance, united under the same understanding of who we are as a people and what we consider sovereignty to mean. 11:36.768 --> 11:37.869 And so let's get on with that. 11:40.962 --> 11:41.082 do 12:05.107 --> 12:06.929 Good morning from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 12:06.969 --> 12:13.355 My name is Jonathan Couey, and this is Gigaohm Biological, a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 12:13.395 --> 12:13.815 That's me. 12:14.876 --> 12:17.979 It's the 28th of May 2024. 12:20.001 --> 12:28.609 And there is has been a recent podcast with a few people that I some of whom I think are quite suspect in some ways. 12:29.210 --> 12:30.150 And so I just want to 12:31.312 --> 12:41.663 Watch the first part of this discussion, take some notes, point out some highlights for you, and then probably put the second half of this podcast on tomorrow. 12:43.962 --> 12:45.322 I am a human just like you. 12:45.342 --> 12:48.423 I am lucky enough to be married to my best friend. 12:49.043 --> 12:56.305 And we have three children together who are for the most part healthy and just as annoying as every other child on the planet. 12:57.425 --> 13:08.747 But they are also our children and our responsibility to protect and to educate into adulthood so that they can safely navigate a world full of people willing to take advantage of them. 13:09.927 --> 13:11.048 This is the reality. 13:11.088 --> 13:11.848 This is the truth. 13:12.008 --> 13:13.008 Truth is good for kids. 13:15.735 --> 13:24.597 And I think with regard to the biology, I think it's really good to start kids early with these statements, even if they don't fully understand their meaning. 13:25.017 --> 13:25.817 One day they will. 13:26.638 --> 13:32.039 And when they understand their meaning, they're going to be a little upset with a lot of their adults that they trusted during the pandemic. 13:32.599 --> 13:34.419 They might be a little upset with their doctor. 13:35.080 --> 13:41.301 They might be a little upset with their friends, their teachers, maybe even the people that they trusted the most. 13:43.032 --> 13:59.997 But it's not going to change the truth of these three statements, and no matter how much people attribute bad motives to what I'm doing here, they will not, like really in any significant way, acknowledge this screen and this part of the video. 14:01.137 --> 14:06.479 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 14:07.446 --> 14:26.549 transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent, and that there are hundreds of thousands of biologists and doctors around the world who should have known better, that with just a little more chin rubbing or a little bit more head scratching and a little bit more reading, they would have figured it out. 14:28.459 --> 14:30.761 And the same goes with RNA cannot pandemic. 14:30.801 --> 14:51.995 There are thousands of academic biologists who should have known better, should have been able to question the fundamental principle that an RNA molecule, if it had the right particular base sequence, could perpetuate itself around the world with fairly high fidelity so that we could track it with millions of measurements. 14:54.977 --> 14:57.419 This is an absurdity beyond absurd. 14:59.417 --> 15:00.978 biologically impossible. 15:02.858 --> 15:05.760 And there are lots of ways that that data could exist. 15:05.800 --> 15:11.302 There's lots of ways that that signal could exist, but it's not what they said it was. 15:14.103 --> 15:17.824 And there's always a trap there where it's like, well, then what was it, man? 15:18.505 --> 15:20.165 No, that's not how this works. 15:23.647 --> 15:24.447 If someone has 15:25.777 --> 15:27.658 murdered people and lied about it. 15:27.999 --> 15:32.041 I don't have to come out and explain why their lie is a lie. 15:32.141 --> 15:33.042 It's just a lie. 15:35.443 --> 15:49.853 We may have 10 years or 20 years of work ahead of us before we understand the breadth and the depth of this lie, how bad it is, how far it goes into, into cancer and into, into all these other CITO 15:51.874 --> 15:56.980 I don't know what the right word would be here, cellular biological, molecular biological domains. 15:57.261 --> 16:02.507 We don't know to what extent each of these is based on exaggeration and lies. 16:02.587 --> 16:11.117 And they get away with a lot of it because of the hyper specialization and also because of the proprietarization of all of these ideas and methodologies. 16:12.270 --> 16:15.471 And anywhere there's a black box, we already need to be suspicious. 16:15.531 --> 16:28.213 And for some reason or another, we are running headlong, blindly into the future under the pretenses that all of these high fidelity measurements and understandings are not the illusion that they are. 16:28.273 --> 16:37.515 We are surrounded by Theranos level liars, arguing with other Theranos level liars. 16:39.741 --> 16:46.365 And we are being made to believe if we can just figure out which of these people has got it right, then we'll know which way to run. 16:49.708 --> 16:52.730 And they are the walls of the hog trap that we are trapped in. 16:52.790 --> 16:53.690 They are the fence. 16:55.331 --> 17:05.358 Every one of them is a different section of the fence, a different set of ideas, slightly different angle, but they all work together the same way to make sure that you can't get past them. 17:10.171 --> 17:23.418 And it's the spread of these bad ideas and how elegantly they spread together and how elegantly they make people who want to do the right thing feel like they're being, that they're doing the right thing, that they're getting the attention that they need. 17:24.699 --> 17:33.423 That's why Nick Hudson and Byron Bridle and Denny Rancor were invited to Romania to present. 17:35.464 --> 17:38.906 That's why they've never been invited to a Freedom Summit in America. 17:40.865 --> 17:41.806 Wouldn't want that. 17:44.588 --> 17:48.791 And then the people who met them over in Romania came and spoke in front of the Senate. 17:50.312 --> 17:54.876 And they left out the part about there's no evidence of, you know, anything really spreading. 17:54.956 --> 18:07.946 And in fact, it just seems like a lot of bad ideas being spread by different authorities led to the effective manslaughter of thousands of people that was misconstrued as the start of a crisis. 18:11.127 --> 18:11.728 And here we are. 18:27.831 --> 18:41.855 Now, I titled the stream on Twitch, Clown Show Random Sampling Study Hall, but it's actually a video from a week or two ago of McKernan, Kirsch, Martinson, and Bridle. 18:43.215 --> 18:49.137 And I think there are so many different reasons why this stream is significant for me. 18:50.217 --> 18:56.919 And I want to share those with you because, again, it's one of these things where seeing the alien is one thing, 18:58.642 --> 19:18.270 Um, seeing the alien on Twitter is one thing, but having had private conversations with people over the last four years and knowing how they've ignored you, knowing how they've absorbed some of your ideas, but not all of them, some of the language, but not all of it. 19:20.651 --> 19:24.273 This stream is extremely significant to me because I see 19:27.455 --> 19:31.603 evidence of an ongoing orchestrated 19:35.823 --> 19:45.949 I don't want to use the words that everybody else uses, like controlled opposition, but it is an illusion of a discussion. 19:46.610 --> 19:52.273 It is an illusion of people coming together and getting these ideas out together. 19:52.413 --> 19:53.574 It's not that way at all. 19:53.614 --> 20:03.400 The people that are orchestrating what you're about to see were already part of an ongoing behind the scenes narrative 20:05.063 --> 20:06.104 Curation Group. 20:07.905 --> 20:09.167 T. Morris Case Scenario. 20:11.689 --> 20:15.912 And so when we watch this video, I'm going to need to do a little bit of an introduction. 20:15.952 --> 20:17.374 I'm going to need to interrupt it a lot. 20:17.414 --> 20:20.556 And that's why I'm already telling you we're only going to go for about an hour. 20:21.457 --> 20:23.239 And then after that, I'm going to cut it. 20:23.359 --> 20:27.362 And then we're going to do another one tomorrow because it is, it's important to keep 20:30.635 --> 20:35.256 steady pressure, steady work, but not to run ourselves out. 20:35.676 --> 20:37.917 And this is gonna be a long slog here. 20:38.437 --> 20:43.398 It's a long walk yet to wherever we're going and my boots are wet and so are yours. 20:43.558 --> 20:47.198 And so let's just try to get a good march in every day. 20:51.399 --> 20:58.821 I'm feeling really good today just to let everybody know I've been having some health issues that I have been unable to 20:59.949 --> 21:00.809 get my head around. 21:01.850 --> 21:06.591 And in some ways that's not, that's not a, it's actually a part of it. 21:09.192 --> 21:10.452 And today it's not there. 21:11.452 --> 21:14.493 And I have changed only one thing in my pattern. 21:14.573 --> 21:17.954 So I don't want to speak it out loud and say, Oh, that's what it is. 21:18.054 --> 21:18.534 I knew it. 21:18.654 --> 21:28.397 But over the next couple of days, if, if this continues to make me, to make it feel better I'm really excited about it because it's been, 21:30.034 --> 21:56.720 Worrisome, let's say it's not something that's prevented me from doing anything But it is something that you never want to have something like this in the background and so It is a really nice day today, so I'm very excited Very happy to be here and thank you very much for joining me Anybody who's wearing Crocs I Don't know what to say Don't tell me that again 22:00.224 --> 22:00.765 Uh, here we go. 22:00.805 --> 22:01.165 Let's see. 22:01.205 --> 22:02.385 I think I already have it up there. 22:03.046 --> 22:03.846 I think it's right here. 22:04.647 --> 22:04.927 Isn't it? 22:05.007 --> 22:05.307 Yeah. 22:05.968 --> 22:06.248 Okay. 22:06.288 --> 22:09.129 So this is, uh, this is Kirsch. 22:09.950 --> 22:13.952 Uh, it's McKernan, Kirsch, Martinson and bridal. 22:14.012 --> 22:18.335 So, um, should I already do that? 22:18.415 --> 22:19.035 Maybe I should. 22:19.375 --> 22:19.876 Um, okay. 22:19.896 --> 22:21.496 So I'm going to put this back up and do that. 22:22.417 --> 22:24.338 That thing again, get off me. 22:25.719 --> 22:25.779 Uh, 22:28.086 --> 22:29.546 So you know who Kevin McKernan is. 22:29.606 --> 22:35.928 He cut his teeth at the Human Genome Project and he was on my stream twice in 2022, I believe. 22:36.049 --> 22:38.029 It might have even been 21 and 22. 22:40.190 --> 22:47.692 And we've had a stream also together in 2023 in March on St. 22:47.732 --> 22:56.435 Patrick's Day, where myself, Jessica Rose, Stephanie Seneff, John Bodwin, and Kevin McKernan each presented our 22:57.922 --> 23:01.848 angle on the big alien that we're calling the plandemic. 23:03.530 --> 23:08.517 And after that stream, things between Kevin McKernan and I became 23:10.253 --> 23:10.853 Pretty lame. 23:12.114 --> 23:24.818 He started to accuse me of, I don't know what, talking out of my ass or whatever, but he started to just, boy, blocked me and then he didn't talk nice about me after that and he said that my ideas were dumb. 23:26.199 --> 23:28.580 And infectious clones didn't mean anything. 23:30.880 --> 23:37.703 The Steve Kirsch story for me is that Steve Kirsch invited me to be in his steering committee and I would, 23:38.875 --> 23:39.915 You got to apologize. 23:40.516 --> 23:41.936 We're not writing a book here yet. 23:43.157 --> 23:44.837 I think this was in 2022. 23:44.897 --> 23:47.598 I would have to look at the notebooks behind me to find out when it is. 23:47.658 --> 23:49.139 It might have been, I think it was in 2022. 23:49.279 --> 23:52.380 I've got invited to the steering committee. 23:52.460 --> 24:07.166 And in that, at that time, the steering committee was Stephanie Seneff and Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose and Matthew Crawford and, and, and Mark Giraudeau and John Bodwin. 24:08.435 --> 24:11.997 And maybe I forgot one, but of course I can list them. 24:13.518 --> 24:15.740 And so that's a very curious group of people, right? 24:15.780 --> 24:26.046 Because Marc Giraudeau has recently been on Campbell saying that all intramuscular injection has this one in nine possibility of going in the vein. 24:26.086 --> 24:28.187 And then if it does, all kinds of bad things can happen. 24:28.207 --> 24:29.408 And that explains everything. 24:31.429 --> 24:32.890 Kevin McKernan is on here. 24:32.970 --> 24:34.411 Jessica Rose is EpiGirl. 24:37.289 --> 24:54.504 Matthew Crawford has also just gone absolutely left of crazy town on me saying that he was trying to help my family by starting a business with me, which I don't know what he really means. 24:56.024 --> 24:57.765 I've never seen his math curriculum. 24:57.805 --> 25:01.247 I don't know what his deal is as a teacher. 25:01.267 --> 25:11.053 I just know that at some point he kind of flipped out on me and was angry that I wouldn't take Mark Kulak as the 25:12.068 --> 25:38.768 military intelligence officer that he was and that I didn't believe that he had been abused as a child or something like this and You know, you can probably find it on a lot of his substacks because he writes about this stuff But whatever it was I found it very very strange that this all happened the day after or maybe two days after and 25:40.888 --> 25:54.563 George Webb, listen to this carefully, George Webb, myself, Mark Kulak, and Mark and Matt Crawford did a Rounding the Earth podcast where Mark and I were the guests and George Webb phoned in. 25:57.386 --> 26:02.071 And so I'm suggesting that George Webb and Matt Crawford and 26:03.325 --> 26:19.716 Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone and all these people have been pretending to get into arguments and and pretending to start their own signal chat or their own gab group or whatever and they're all just pulling from the same group of fooled individuals that have 26:20.336 --> 26:34.504 really invigorously engaged in solving the Scooby-Doo mystery and said that all they have to do is pull a fraction of those people here or there and they've effectively neutralized them from ever coming together under the understanding that they murdered people and lied about it. 26:35.563 --> 26:39.684 And so one of the problems that was there very early is Byron Bridle. 26:39.744 --> 27:02.268 And there's lots of people who've made the argument before me that the whole reason that Robert Malone, Brett Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch came out in June of 2021, when they did, was because Byron Bridle was getting so much attention in the media at that time for having spoken out about the FOIA request results that he got from Japan on the biodistribution of the LNP. 27:05.359 --> 27:24.083 And so the last really interesting thing here is Chris Martinson, who was on the PBS NewsHour in 2008 as a former farmer executive who had decided to go into living off-grid and sustenance farming and whatever because he was sure the American financial system was about to collapse. 27:26.044 --> 27:39.216 And at the very, very beginning of the pandemic was way ahead of the lab leak and doing a daily podcast about the coronavirus updates and everything on YouTube. 27:40.637 --> 27:50.406 And curiously enough, when I was added to a signal chat that at the time contained Brett Weinstein, Chris Martinson was also one of the other people in there. 27:52.645 --> 28:03.374 And so Chris Martinson has been watching me text to Brett Weinstein about this immunology and about why it should be called transfection since early 2021. 28:06.817 --> 28:07.178 I think. 28:07.438 --> 28:10.941 I have to look at the notes again when that signal chat started and ended. 28:12.918 --> 28:25.404 And so now in 2024, it's a very interesting cast of characters to have together all on one podcast to talk about the double-stranded contamination, double-stranded DNA contamination of the transfections. 28:29.706 --> 28:31.647 So I think it's really cool. 28:31.807 --> 28:37.810 It's also really spooky to me because I know exactly, I know exactly what's going on here. 28:37.870 --> 28:39.431 This is Byron Bridle being, 28:40.270 --> 28:45.691 being made to feel like he's really being heard, made to feel like he's really making a difference. 28:45.771 --> 28:47.372 And maybe in Canada, he will. 28:49.493 --> 28:54.714 One of the things that I also want to start with before I let the video play, and then I'll go, I'll let it go. 28:54.754 --> 29:01.256 I'm sorry, I'm doing this so long, is that there is starting, I've become aware of a game being played. 29:01.876 --> 29:03.076 Make no mistake about it. 29:03.416 --> 29:09.558 The legal system in other countries is different than the legal system in the United States of America. 29:11.212 --> 29:18.314 And there is no way that a lawyer from Canada can come down to America and just start practicing law. 29:21.415 --> 29:29.877 There are whole terms and meanings of things that don't exist up there, don't exist in the UK, don't exist in Australia. 29:31.994 --> 29:35.238 And so they have a very different fight on their hands. 29:35.418 --> 29:41.967 And that's one of the reasons why it's very important for Americans to focus a lot of their energy on America. 29:43.735 --> 29:51.757 and not to be distracted by people who are debating what's going on in Canada and other places because those people are the only people who can pull their heads out. 29:52.197 --> 30:02.139 And we are the only people that can pull our children's heads out in America using American's legal system in this situation that we are in, in America. 30:02.959 --> 30:11.301 And since each of us in our respective countries are in a very different trap, it can often become very, 30:13.018 --> 30:21.648 counterproductive for us to argue about the contents, the makeup, the actual circumstances of our individual trap. 30:23.410 --> 30:30.218 And one of the things that's happening on this video is that we're going to talk about the regulatory legal structure 30:31.331 --> 30:37.575 that governs whether or not these shots are actually adulterated or not and which countries they are adulterated. 30:38.075 --> 30:41.277 And this is a hamster wheel that we do not want to get in. 30:41.857 --> 30:48.141 But these guys really want us to get in and have convinced Byron Bridle that that's a legitimate 30:49.629 --> 30:50.970 a set of questions to ask. 30:51.010 --> 30:53.111 So that's really what I want you to pay attention to. 30:53.611 --> 30:55.112 What questions are they asking? 30:55.672 --> 30:56.993 What are they focused on? 30:57.053 --> 30:58.333 What are they not focused on? 30:58.393 --> 31:04.977 And notice that Kevin McKernan will use the word transfection repeatedly, and that's because of our work. 31:05.097 --> 31:05.637 That's it. 31:05.717 --> 31:07.978 It's because of our work. 31:08.158 --> 31:09.499 Otherwise they would never 31:10.399 --> 31:22.262 ever, ever be calling it transfection because before I started calling it transfection in 2020, nobody, not even Mike Eden was calling it transfection. 31:24.502 --> 31:26.003 Make no mistake about that. 31:26.983 --> 31:30.004 I will definitely put my flag on that one. 31:32.004 --> 31:36.165 That's essentially why I was fired from the University of Pittsburgh and asked not to come back. 31:38.052 --> 31:40.053 because I was yelling at people in the hallway. 31:40.173 --> 31:44.116 It's transfection, not an investigational vaccine. 31:44.156 --> 31:46.297 You can't possibly not know this. 31:50.439 --> 31:53.681 And then they said, please don't come in, mail in your badge and keys. 31:54.522 --> 31:56.643 We don't feel comfortable with you on campus anymore. 31:58.204 --> 32:00.626 All right, let's check this out, because I think it's really good. 32:00.686 --> 32:01.946 I think you're really going to enjoy it. 32:02.006 --> 32:02.587 I'm not going to go, 32:05.077 --> 32:07.538 I'm not going to go too far into it today. 32:07.838 --> 32:10.839 And maybe we won't do it tomorrow either, because maybe it's not that interesting. 32:10.879 --> 32:29.107 But I do think it's instructive to see how easy it is for us to see or not see where the limited spectrum of debate is and how these three guys are working to hold Byron Bridle within it, without him actually knowing that they're holding him within it. 32:29.287 --> 32:30.667 And that's what you should see here. 32:31.148 --> 32:31.808 That's what I see. 32:34.022 --> 32:35.243 Hi, Steve Kirsch here. 32:35.323 --> 32:39.905 I'm here with Dr. Kevin McKernan and Professor Myron Bridle. 32:40.865 --> 32:47.508 And we're talking about this plasmid contamination in the vaccines. 32:48.388 --> 32:49.789 And I've got a lot of questions. 32:49.809 --> 32:51.329 I think you probably have a lot of questions. 32:51.369 --> 32:54.651 We're going to go through them with these experts and get your questions answered. 32:55.331 --> 33:04.474 And I'm going to try to start with kind of the most serious and the ones that are on most people's minds, which is, you know, the press isn't making a big deal of this. 33:04.514 --> 33:06.254 The medical community is not in arms. 33:06.314 --> 33:13.236 Nobody's calling for the stoppage of these vaccines because the experts say there's nothing nothing to see here. 33:14.276 --> 33:18.019 And so there's nothing to worry about. 33:19.040 --> 33:22.343 So let's start off with that, because that's the elephant in the room. 33:23.544 --> 33:41.479 Because when I've talked to Kevin and Byram about this, they say that this is very serious, you cannot write this off, and that these so-called experts, that they're saying there's nothing to see here, it's all based on speculation, and this could be extremely, extremely serious. 33:41.539 --> 33:42.220 Is that correct? 33:43.499 --> 33:43.919 gentlemen. 33:45.660 --> 33:46.761 You want to start? 33:47.741 --> 33:48.062 Sure. 33:48.382 --> 33:49.783 Yeah, you're 100% correct, Steve. 33:51.904 --> 34:02.049 We don't have, you know, Kevin, and the others who have been directly producing this, this, these data, right, Kevin, Kevin made this discovery, lots of other labs have confirmed it. 34:02.950 --> 34:03.110 They 34:03.917 --> 34:19.349 I mean, we're lacking the data to definitively state what exactly could be happening biologically, which means, since Kevin and his colleagues are the ones who have generated and have the data, these other experts who are being asked, they do not have the data. 34:20.390 --> 34:21.190 They have no idea. 34:21.691 --> 34:23.072 They can only speculate. 34:23.312 --> 34:26.054 What we do know—this is very, very, very, very important. 34:26.514 --> 34:27.575 Health Canada, right? 34:27.595 --> 34:30.216 The equivalent of the FDA, but in my country, Canada. 34:30.716 --> 34:49.023 Health Canada has confirmed, and they seem to respond once Kevin reported his findings, they went and looked, and they have confirmed the presence of the SV40 promoter in the bacterial plasmid DNA that Pfizer used to manufacture 34:49.813 --> 34:50.554 their shots. 34:51.035 --> 34:58.584 Health Canada has also confirmed that it is a bioactive genetic sequence, which means that it can do things in the body. 35:00.575 --> 35:08.883 And they can't definitively say or rule out the potential for harm, but they have admitted that it's bioactive if it should be contaminating the vials. 35:09.363 --> 35:22.335 Now we have data due to the work that Kevin did with Dr. David Speaker, a virologist in Canada, showing that all the vials they looked at for Pfizer in Canada were also contaminated with this bacterial plasma DNA. 35:22.375 --> 35:24.997 So indeed it is there, it is being injected into people. 35:25.317 --> 35:26.839 And Health Canada has also confirmed 35:27.279 --> 35:29.581 that that was not disclosed to them by Pfizer. 35:29.961 --> 35:32.663 And finally, they've confirmed that that is against the rules. 35:32.763 --> 35:33.564 It breaks the rules. 35:34.044 --> 35:37.567 So no, nobody can say definitively that this can cause no harm. 35:37.987 --> 35:38.568 Nobody knows. 35:41.806 --> 35:45.088 You agree with that? 35:45.108 --> 35:48.829 Yeah, I'll just one minor correction is I'm not a physician or a doctor. 35:48.849 --> 35:51.211 So I just want to let everyone know that my position here is really good. 35:51.251 --> 35:52.271 I'm good at studying DNA. 35:52.311 --> 35:52.731 It's there. 35:52.911 --> 35:53.111 All right. 35:53.131 --> 35:54.672 We've got that confirmed all over the world. 35:55.733 --> 35:56.753 Six different labs. 35:57.474 --> 35:58.934 We would have it in 12 more labs. 35:58.954 --> 36:01.215 We've got a list of labs asking for these PCR kits. 36:01.355 --> 36:03.276 We couldn't supply them because we just didn't have enough of them. 36:03.336 --> 36:08.179 So we finally have them manufactured at some scale where we can give them out to more people. 36:09.339 --> 36:10.220 It's there in the vials. 36:10.340 --> 36:13.602 The next question is, is it in patient samples that have been injured? 36:13.862 --> 36:15.402 Is it in patient samples that haven't been injured? 36:15.483 --> 36:18.304 We need to look at both populations to see what's going on here. 36:19.124 --> 36:27.869 So for those not familiar with what this bioactive molecule is, this SV40 enhancer has been published prolifically as being a tool used in gene therapy. 36:27.929 --> 36:30.631 So it takes DNA and drags it right to the nucleus in hours. 36:31.711 --> 36:44.802 We can also forward your audience other papers suggesting that when you do mammalian transfection like this, a subset of the cells, somewhere around 7% to 10% of the cells get permanently integrated when you bombard them with linear fragments of DNA like this. 36:45.762 --> 36:50.386 So to say that this isn't an issue is really, I think, willful misconduct. 36:50.947 --> 36:54.730 You have to take a precautionary principle and say, no, wait a minute, we don't know if this is an issue. 36:55.430 --> 36:58.811 We know there's DNA in there that shouldn't be, that was never disclosed and never consented to. 36:58.871 --> 37:02.652 We know it's in a transfection vehicle, and we know it has a sequence that drags it to the nucleus. 37:03.112 --> 37:05.613 Those three things are enough to ring alarm bells to stop. 37:06.274 --> 37:08.914 Stop and look to see if there's integration happening. 37:09.114 --> 37:13.396 Because if there is, there's a whole host of other complications that we have to begin looking at. 37:14.616 --> 37:16.497 So yeah, go ahead. 37:16.837 --> 37:20.299 Yeah, I mean, at a very minimum, the regulators should be warning the public. 37:20.559 --> 37:23.480 They should be saying, well, we have a major problem here. 37:24.221 --> 37:25.201 We're looking into it. 37:25.661 --> 37:32.325 You probably don't want to if you don't need to be vaccinated, don't be vaccinated right now until we can look into this. 37:32.385 --> 37:34.506 Isn't that what the regulators should be doing right now? 37:36.527 --> 37:38.968 I'll comment from the perspective of Health Canada, Steve. 37:39.048 --> 37:39.268 Yes. 37:40.377 --> 37:41.798 Again, I can't emphasize this enough. 37:42.138 --> 37:47.459 Health Canada has stated in an email, so it's publicly available. 37:47.479 --> 37:50.460 They've stated in an email that this is not supposed to be there. 37:51.361 --> 37:53.441 And they've confirmed that it's a bioactive molecule. 37:53.461 --> 37:54.442 It's not supposed to be there. 37:54.462 --> 37:55.342 It breaks the rules. 37:55.702 --> 37:57.963 I mean, if they want to maintain any 37:58.880 --> 38:02.962 a thread of trust in them by the public. 38:03.402 --> 38:06.384 They need to immediately put a moratorium on this. 38:07.264 --> 38:13.367 Any other drug that would be found with a contaminant that was not disclosed to them would be recalled immediately. 38:13.607 --> 38:14.908 That is exactly what should happen. 38:14.928 --> 38:16.108 So I actually disagree with you. 38:16.168 --> 38:18.849 I wouldn't say if there's anybody who doesn't need it, don't take it. 38:18.969 --> 38:20.030 I would say Health Canada 38:20.675 --> 38:21.776 The onus is on you now. 38:21.816 --> 38:29.823 You admitted this months ago, but you were wishful, or you at least were okay, because Kevin's data was reserved to the U.S. 38:29.843 --> 38:32.425 It wasn't linked to your regulatory policies. 38:32.646 --> 38:38.491 But now Kevin and David Speaker and others have shown that it applies to Canada's 38:39.451 --> 38:40.592 vaccine vials. 38:41.032 --> 38:44.133 So now the public knows this, and the onus is on you. 38:44.473 --> 38:52.335 You have a contaminant now that you have publicly disclosed to everybody, is not supposed to be there, was not revealed to you, it breaks your rules. 38:52.555 --> 38:54.676 I mean, this is the case, Steve. 38:55.136 --> 38:58.097 How many lies do you have to tell to be a liar? 38:58.297 --> 38:59.117 One, right? 38:59.317 --> 39:03.358 So if Health Canada wants to restore faith, they have to immediately recall this product. 39:03.578 --> 39:04.239 But they haven't. 39:05.299 --> 39:06.399 They've done nothing. 39:06.799 --> 39:08.460 They've done nothing other than confirm it. 39:10.110 --> 39:11.972 I'm really confused on what they're waiting for. 39:12.032 --> 39:17.756 The adoption rate of these is so low, like what thread are they hanging it onto to keep them there? 39:17.776 --> 39:22.319 There's very minimal risk for them to pull these at this stage when no one's taking, very few people taking them anyway. 39:22.359 --> 39:31.086 I think it's important nonetheless that we push on this because there's children and pregnant women and a host of people that don't know this information that are getting hit with it. 39:35.126 --> 39:39.650 Yeah, can I mention one more thing, Steve, just based on what Kevin said? 39:41.171 --> 39:49.117 What's very important is Kevin and David Speaker and several other authors have this preprint that they just put out, which includes this Canadian data. 39:49.137 --> 39:52.579 But what also is included in there is very important, because it backs up what Kevin was saying. 39:52.679 --> 39:53.100 I agree. 39:53.580 --> 40:00.445 When I say that there's no hard evidence of harm, I'm talking about those people who are saying there's nothing to see here, right? 40:00.505 --> 40:01.406 There is no problem. 40:01.426 --> 40:02.567 They have no evidence of that. 40:03.508 --> 40:12.234 Like Kevin mentioned, there are lots of theoretical harms, lots of theoretical harms, lots of potential mechanisms whereby this bioactive genetic sequence could cause harm. 40:12.694 --> 40:14.415 That is in and of itself sufficient. 40:14.575 --> 40:17.277 It should be sufficient in science to say, we've got to stop. 40:17.618 --> 40:20.540 We've got to do the research now to definitively answer these questions. 40:20.640 --> 40:31.788 But get this, what they showed in this preprint article is that the batches, the Canadian batches, they were able to link them to adverse event reports and the batches that were most contaminated 40:32.348 --> 40:36.650 were associated with the highest number of adverse events that have been reported. 40:37.010 --> 40:38.631 There's a correlation there, right? 40:38.671 --> 40:46.575 So in fact, there is some evidence in the hands of Kevin and his co-authors, right, that does suggest harm. 40:47.945 --> 40:49.526 Irreparable harm, by the way, right? 40:50.086 --> 40:50.307 Yes. 40:50.427 --> 40:53.368 And that correlation was evident with Pfizer. 40:53.408 --> 40:54.769 It wasn't evident with Moderna. 40:54.809 --> 40:56.329 But we need more data. 40:56.349 --> 40:58.130 There obviously could be confounders here. 40:58.150 --> 41:02.713 But this is what VAERS is designed for, is hypothesis generation, when you see signals like this. 41:02.833 --> 41:06.975 And there's other data that's not in the paper that is public that people should try. 41:06.995 --> 41:09.996 If you plot those on those charts, they'll reinforce this. 41:10.036 --> 41:11.237 Like Philip Buchholz 41:12.077 --> 41:13.638 Lots weren't in this because they weren't from Canada. 41:14.458 --> 41:19.720 And those have even more DNA than what we found in Canada and higher adverse events. 41:20.640 --> 41:29.483 We also have another lot that's come in FL0003 from Pfizer that is off the charts on DNA concentration and off the charts on adverse events. 41:30.184 --> 41:31.584 They're the lots that were in Germany. 41:31.604 --> 41:39.527 So there's a couple other lots floating out there that all sort of reinforce this trend that higher concentrations of DNA are having higher adverse events. 41:42.134 --> 41:58.849 I find it really extraordinary that we're here and still no one has come up with the idea that these companies might have put out placebo batches in order to make sure that the injuries weren't widespread or to control the narrative a little further. 41:58.929 --> 42:06.516 And I find it very interesting that now we're telling a story about batches that were the most contaminated were associated with more injury. 42:07.812 --> 42:11.496 That's a really extraordinary claim. 42:12.016 --> 42:13.918 I'm not saying that they don't have the data. 42:14.098 --> 42:15.920 Probably Kevin's got all the data for that. 42:17.281 --> 42:29.192 But it's not that different than what Sasha Latupova was trying to push two years ago in front of Craig Pardecoper, who was claiming to have found batch differences in the UK. 42:30.526 --> 42:32.867 batch differences were also reported in Denmark. 42:32.887 --> 42:50.957 So I'm not really sure if they're talking about those previous reports or some new one that they did with regard to the DNA, because they could be making and misconstruing the different batches and different injuries with the idea that maybe they had more contamination, they would also have more RNA. 42:52.205 --> 43:04.716 as they're gonna get to later on in this talk, we might not get to it today together, we'll get to it tomorrow then, they're gonna talk about how the shot is made and why it is that they can't get rid of all the DNA in there, what the problem is. 43:05.216 --> 43:10.560 And the reason that is a problem is directly related to the amount of RNA that's in there. 43:10.600 --> 43:19.108 And so if we have a scenario where, again, there were placebo batches or dose differences or whatever that was done in order to make sure 43:19.728 --> 43:32.772 that the obvious criminal negligence that represents the rolling out of transfection across the entire population, for that to be obfuscated, they needed to do all kinds of tricks. 43:33.732 --> 43:41.714 And this is a very dumb, simple solution to the Scooby-Doo mystery of why did transfection hurt so many people? 43:42.794 --> 43:44.775 And it's not because of quality control. 43:44.855 --> 43:48.076 It's not because of, it's because of all of these things. 43:49.912 --> 43:53.057 And they want you to believe it's simply this SV40. 43:53.117 --> 43:54.979 Remember what Byram said. 43:55.120 --> 43:59.866 He said that there's lots of theoretical ways this sequence can cause harms. 44:00.956 --> 44:02.516 So make no mistake about it. 44:02.596 --> 44:05.717 This is about a particular sequence being present. 44:06.357 --> 44:16.439 Not all the double-stranded DNA, not all, even though sometimes it is because even a little double-stranded DNA integrating in the wrong place could knock out a gene or could disrupt it. 44:16.959 --> 44:28.642 And they do mention that once or twice, but again, they are focused on the SV40 sequence, which I believe we could make a lot of progress if we had a better understanding of what exactly 44:29.322 --> 44:54.424 That idea where that idea started from and how it really grew into what we understand it today which is as a sequence of DNA which can direct that DNA and anything attached to it or sequential with it into the nucleus which is what he will say it is primarily used for in in these industrial settings 44:55.952 --> 44:59.993 So I think as more data rolls in, that chart will begin to reinforce itself on the Pfizer side. 45:00.393 --> 45:01.614 I don't know what's going on on the Moderna side. 45:01.634 --> 45:03.254 There's a lot of different components to Moderna. 45:03.294 --> 45:09.176 They have lower DNA levels, but their adverse events don't seem to be tracking with the DNA concentrations at the moment. 45:09.276 --> 45:12.697 But we'll see if that changes when more data rolls in. 45:13.477 --> 45:16.598 Again, Moderna doesn't have this SV 40 contamination system. 45:16.618 --> 45:18.858 So they're kind of on a different playing field right now. 45:19.318 --> 45:24.519 Yeah, so that but but if you're So Moderna was better than Pfizer. 45:24.559 --> 45:42.342 It seems like to me Moderna better than Pfizer, which is already again That's actually great for the NIH and for Fauci and for all the people right because that that's that's theirs Moderna's theirs 45:44.235 --> 45:44.676 Interesting. 45:45.557 --> 45:45.977 Interesting. 45:46.057 --> 45:46.498 Interesting. 45:46.598 --> 45:47.018 Interesting. 45:47.218 --> 45:57.570 In the middle here in terms of, hey, some experts say this and some experts say this, the data that you have is moving it towards the, hey, folks, this is very serious. 45:57.650 --> 45:58.290 It's not moved. 45:58.310 --> 46:02.955 The data that we have, the little data that we're getting suggests 46:03.556 --> 46:07.678 that this is much more serious than there's nothing going on here. 46:08.459 --> 46:21.706 In other words, if you had to call the odds here, it's like if you were to call the odds about that this is serious or very serious, would you give me 60-40 odds? 46:21.746 --> 46:24.968 Would you give me 80-20 odds? 46:25.908 --> 46:28.530 What's your feeling if I were to ask you for a number? 46:29.570 --> 46:29.870 Higher. 46:29.890 --> 46:29.910 95-5. 46:29.930 --> 46:29.950 95-5. 46:33.308 --> 46:35.870 We've got evidence there being a problem here. 46:36.791 --> 46:38.472 It was not disclosed to the regulators. 46:38.712 --> 46:39.693 VAERS is on fire. 46:40.253 --> 46:44.717 And we now see this contaminant in many, many vials internationally. 46:45.097 --> 46:50.241 So I don't think they should leave them any wiggle room here on what needs to be done. 46:51.361 --> 46:52.903 This is a hit-the-brakes moment. 46:53.243 --> 46:54.104 OK, Byron. 46:55.224 --> 46:59.608 Now, keep in mind that I put out a review with not all the right ideas. 46:59.688 --> 47:02.590 But as far as they're concerned, they were all the right ideas. 47:04.133 --> 47:11.256 in May 2021 that I could have put out in December of 2020, but I got meddled with for a while and it got delayed. 47:13.357 --> 47:15.858 May 2021, you can go back and read it. 47:15.938 --> 47:30.305 I have it up on my Scooby link on GigaOM Biological because I realized that I was meddled into writing that review and meddled into it being the contents of what it was. 47:31.536 --> 47:32.576 I had been meddled with. 47:32.857 --> 47:37.679 At that time, I actually believed that Geert van den Bosch had something to say that was useful. 47:38.559 --> 47:54.766 I believed that transfecting people to the spike protein could create a limited immune memory, and I had all this mechanism worked out in my head how the changing virus could then make those people even sicker, and I don't know what. 47:57.047 --> 47:57.607 I was fooled. 47:59.537 --> 48:09.084 And as a result, I wasn't able to express myself in a way that could save my friend Nathan or my friend Annie or my father-in-law or my sister-in-law. 48:11.026 --> 48:16.810 All of whom were fully shot and died some way that they shouldn't have died, I'm sure of it. 48:18.111 --> 48:22.615 My father-in-law died of urinary tract infection in a hospital because they didn't have enough people. 48:26.294 --> 48:29.836 And my mother-in-law is vaccinated because I wasn't there yet. 48:30.657 --> 48:42.003 I wasn't able to tell people adequately what it was that they were lying about, how they were lying about it, and why they were lying about it, because I had been meddled with very, very, very well. 48:44.585 --> 48:47.746 And I'm going to feel guilty about it until the last day of my life. 48:48.527 --> 48:55.531 I'm going to be trying to make sure that my kids understand what happened for the rest of my life. 48:56.701 --> 49:02.504 This is one of the most important, it is the most important moment in our history. 49:03.744 --> 49:10.447 And if we don't get this history right in our children's minds, we are going to never, ever, ever escape these slavers. 49:11.928 --> 49:15.829 And Byron Bridle is doing the best that he can, but he is being meddled with here. 49:16.029 --> 49:26.274 I know in my bones that three of the four of these men, three out of the four of these men are playing for the slavers and they have been since before the pandemic. 49:29.798 --> 49:31.420 So I guess we'll go back to this. 49:31.861 --> 49:37.227 What are the odds that this is dangerous is what Steve Kirsch asked. 49:38.376 --> 49:59.061 McKernan to guess about Steve said 60 40 la la la he says 95 90 95 to 5 If you want to hear it again a problem here it was not disclosed to the regulators there's his own fire and we we now see this contaminant in many many vials internationally and 49:59.381 --> 50:04.527 So I don't think they should leave them any wiggle room here on what needs to be done. 50:05.788 --> 50:07.190 This is a hit the brakes moment. 50:07.530 --> 50:08.271 Okay, Byron. 50:08.291 --> 50:09.933 Yeah, so my comment. 50:10.791 --> 50:13.634 So I'm a scientist and a hardcore researcher, right? 50:14.134 --> 50:18.218 So when you ask a question like that, I find it more difficult to put numbers on it. 50:18.858 --> 50:20.420 I don't disagree with Kevin at all. 50:21.240 --> 50:25.484 The way I would put it, though, as a researcher is you look at what the existing data is, right? 50:25.524 --> 50:27.165 There's a research question that's been posed. 50:27.286 --> 50:30.909 So I view the question that you put to me as being a research question. 50:31.489 --> 50:33.550 And then you say, okay, I look at the existing data. 50:33.810 --> 50:38.992 So what would, and understanding the mechanisms and the existing data, you know, what would I predict? 50:39.032 --> 50:44.995 You know, in other words, what would my hypothesis be as I move in forward with this kind of experimentation that Kevin's going to do? 50:45.375 --> 50:49.016 My hypothesis would be that it's going to be found to be harmful. 50:49.476 --> 50:49.657 Yes. 50:50.317 --> 50:55.739 Chris, if I were to ask you for odds, would you, Kevin said 95.5. 50:56.619 --> 50:57.940 What are your numbers, Chris? 50:58.561 --> 50:59.402 Well, hi, Steve. 50:59.422 --> 50:59.922 Hi, Byram. 51:00.422 --> 51:00.883 Hey, Kevin. 51:01.023 --> 51:01.983 It's good to see everybody. 51:02.804 --> 51:03.484 It's good to see you. 51:04.625 --> 51:04.965 Likewise. 51:06.346 --> 51:19.975 So I don't know yet because a lot of my research to this point has convinced me that the spike protein itself is toxic, but I differentiate that I think what I'll call wild type spike protein, because there's a lot of them, right? 51:19.995 --> 51:22.016 There's the Omicron spike and the Delta and all that, right? 51:23.057 --> 51:24.338 But that this thing, this 51:25.396 --> 51:33.722 obviously probably grotesquely misfolded pseudouridine out product that comes from the vaccines has its own toxicity profile. 51:33.742 --> 51:38.485 I think we've got good data to say that alone is doing something. 51:38.685 --> 51:41.426 And now we've got this plasmid on top of that. 51:41.447 --> 51:51.313 So I don't know where to differentiate these effects yet, but I can tell you, you know, I was just at an FLCCC board retreat and, you know, I get to query 51:52.062 --> 51:58.847 you know, Pierre Corey up close, just talking with all the doctors there who are frontline treating people with vaccine injuries. 51:59.685 --> 52:00.525 It's just grotesque. 52:00.546 --> 52:05.808 I mean, it's a really wide ranging soup of conditions that are hitting them. 52:06.308 --> 52:09.250 And these are very long lasting, by the way. 52:09.270 --> 52:14.613 You know, people who got their shots when it first came out, they are having new symptoms. 52:15.013 --> 52:24.418 Like I know someone who got shot when the shots rolled out and she was doing very poorly, then much better, then poorly, then better. 52:24.938 --> 52:34.205 you know she's been better for a while and I just got a call last week that she lost the use of her legs and was fine before. 52:35.202 --> 52:48.270 Well, I've been waiting for the all-cause mortality data to die off because I thought, you know, correlation here, it should, I was thinking it was going to track with some lag, you know, the overall rate of boostering and uptake. 52:48.410 --> 52:51.372 And, and it's just, it just keeps going, you know, so I don't. 52:51.432 --> 52:52.373 Yeah. 52:52.533 --> 53:01.499 It's so sweet of, of, of Chris Martinson to mention all-cause mortality with regard to, to the post shot rollout, much like, 53:02.384 --> 53:06.027 Like they mentioned that Denny Rancourt had also identified this. 53:06.067 --> 53:11.391 But what's really funny is that people don't want to look at all-cause mortality with regard to 2020. 53:11.992 --> 53:24.101 They don't want to talk about the weird all-cause mortality that Jessica Hockett points out daily about New York City or about the things that we've found when we looked in Italy. 53:25.854 --> 53:41.623 In other words, I find it incredible that they are so blatant here in their selective limiting of what they're going to talk about with Byron Bridle here, and how elegantly they all do it together. 53:41.663 --> 53:43.244 And what is this called, ladies and gentlemen? 53:43.264 --> 53:44.645 It's an illusion of consensus. 53:44.725 --> 53:45.566 It's four people. 53:46.633 --> 53:51.115 who the vast majority of which, when they watch, they think, wow, these four guys are brilliant. 53:51.195 --> 53:52.035 They are smart. 53:52.095 --> 53:54.036 They all have more credentials than me. 53:55.117 --> 53:59.319 If I can even keep up with their conversation, I feel like I'm winning. 53:59.899 --> 54:03.160 And so when he asks him the question, what are the odds of this being dangerous? 54:03.200 --> 54:04.961 That's a question that I understand. 54:05.021 --> 54:07.582 I know what you're asking him to answer. 54:07.942 --> 54:10.103 And Byram gives a different answer than Kevin. 54:10.143 --> 54:11.904 And wow, I'm really listening. 54:11.984 --> 54:12.544 I get it. 54:12.604 --> 54:13.405 This is cool. 54:14.704 --> 54:16.366 Vaccine injuries, they keep coming. 54:16.426 --> 54:16.666 Wow. 54:16.706 --> 54:18.267 I mean, this is nothing but truth. 54:18.307 --> 54:19.188 I'm overwhelmed. 54:20.249 --> 54:21.290 Really tricky signals. 54:21.651 --> 54:22.171 Deceptive. 54:23.112 --> 54:24.213 I should clarify my point. 54:24.753 --> 54:28.137 I wasn't saying 95-5 that it definitely harms people's DNA. 54:28.197 --> 54:35.504 Just that 95-5 that it's going to, this is a material event in the disclosure process and that it's going to be legally significant. 54:36.945 --> 54:38.787 Ah, so it's not about, 54:44.352 --> 54:46.333 It's not about injury for McKernan. 54:47.634 --> 54:48.235 Interesting. 54:50.336 --> 54:52.778 See, I thought it was about injury for him, but it's not. 54:52.818 --> 54:55.540 It's actually really only about the legalities of it. 54:56.881 --> 55:09.050 And so remember at the start of the pandemic in April 24th, 2020, he was really angry and, and, and pretty vigorously saying that the FDA just need to get the hell out of the way. 55:09.550 --> 55:13.253 He couldn't believe that an EUA required like 10 pages of paperwork. 55:14.616 --> 55:17.878 They just need to deregulate everything and let us get on with it. 55:19.499 --> 55:25.582 Now he's presenting as though there's some legal issue that thank goodness there's something regulatory here. 55:26.062 --> 55:34.607 Maybe we can use that regulatory structure to call attention to a legal problem that they concealed it. 55:36.528 --> 55:40.713 Maybe they didn't, they didn't report the sequence and they should have reported the sequence. 55:40.753 --> 55:44.677 Well, they did give them the sequence and the regulatory agencies didn't find it. 55:45.618 --> 55:51.464 So was it Pfizer's fault for submitting the sequence and not showing them that SV40 is right here? 55:51.964 --> 55:57.891 Or is it the regulatory agency's problem for not having done a blast and found that themselves? 56:01.741 --> 56:06.584 And now we're running in a hamster wheel where we ask the wrong questions over and over and over again. 56:06.644 --> 56:08.125 Watch as it happens in real time. 56:08.145 --> 56:10.167 If I were asked about the legal, yes, I would say 100%. 56:10.267 --> 56:11.928 From what I've seen from Health Canada, it's 100%. 56:19.013 --> 56:19.213 Right. 56:19.353 --> 56:35.191 So so in other words, I mean, even, you know, like best possible case, at a minimum, these regulators should be letting the public know, hey, we may, you know, Houston, you know, we may have a problem here. 56:35.671 --> 56:35.951 Right. 56:36.031 --> 56:39.095 That that they should be saying that at a minimum, 56:39.375 --> 56:44.698 Now, what they really should be doing is they should be saying, hey, let's take these things off the market, right? 56:44.878 --> 56:50.521 Would you all agree with that, that they should be taking them off the market for now until they can invest? 56:50.741 --> 56:53.783 I mean, CHD is in contact with Kevin McKernan. 56:53.803 --> 56:58.926 They've been working with him to do the experiments on whether or not this integrates into cells. 57:01.187 --> 57:03.589 They're fully, you know, he did a podcast with 57:04.309 --> 57:10.790 with Mary Holland and Brian Hooker in 2023 still about this contamination. 57:11.330 --> 57:16.671 CHD could have taken this to a court somewhere already a long time ago. 57:18.412 --> 57:19.612 Make no mistake about it. 57:20.852 --> 57:22.992 It's not like we still have to connect these people. 57:23.832 --> 57:31.554 Brian Hooker and Kevin McKernan were on the same Senate meeting in the same picture right next to each other. 57:31.594 --> 57:31.794 I mean, 57:32.714 --> 57:34.535 He's been in contact with them. 57:34.655 --> 57:37.277 CHD could be knocking down the doors with this. 57:37.357 --> 57:39.058 They could be publishing it every day. 57:39.118 --> 57:40.779 They could be screaming and yelling about it. 57:41.280 --> 57:43.121 They could be suing in all 50 states. 57:43.181 --> 57:44.182 I don't know if they are. 57:46.738 --> 57:48.360 But they will eventually, I'm sure. 57:48.460 --> 57:50.401 Maybe Aaron Seery will get around to it. 57:50.461 --> 57:51.542 Boy, Aaron Seery. 57:51.803 --> 58:00.651 I think I'm going to watch Aaron Seery's deposition of Stanley Plotkin to see how impressed I am with it in 2024 in the coming days. 58:01.231 --> 58:09.279 I think that's a really good exercise in trying to see where the narrative edges are, because I think we're going to be very surprised there, too. 58:09.299 --> 58:11.000 The gate, the harms. 58:12.145 --> 58:17.088 I mean, that data was obvious years ago, but this is just one more really large nail in the coffin. 58:17.568 --> 58:17.748 Yeah. 58:17.788 --> 58:23.291 So when you say years ago, you know, some people said, oh, hey, we knew in 2021 that they were going to hit the market. 58:23.311 --> 58:28.693 I have a problem here, right, that they should be saying that at a minimum. 58:28.954 --> 58:34.276 Now, what they really should be doing is they should be saying, hey, let's take these things off the market, right? 58:34.456 --> 58:41.440 Would you all agree with that, that they should be taking them off the market for now until they can investigate the harms? 58:42.602 --> 58:47.189 I mean, that data was obvious years ago, but this is... That data was obvious years ago. 58:47.229 --> 58:48.912 I wonder what data he's referring to. 58:48.972 --> 58:54.300 Does he mean like EpiGirl's vaccine report on VAERS all the time? 58:54.360 --> 58:55.181 Or what does he mean there? 58:55.221 --> 58:57.364 Just one more really large nail in the coffin. 58:57.845 --> 59:06.928 Yeah, so when you say years ago, you know, some people said, oh, hey, we knew in 2021 that the SV40, that there was SV40 in the vaccines. 59:07.388 --> 59:11.469 Is that, or SV40 promoter sequence, did we know in 2021? 59:11.549 --> 59:13.270 No, no, this was Kevin's discovery. 59:16.758 --> 59:28.026 Yeah, the material they gave to the EMA, and I'm assuming this is what Health Canada has been given as well, annotated everything in the plasmid except the SV40 region. 59:28.766 --> 59:29.927 So they were afraid of this. 59:30.387 --> 59:36.071 I mean, you don't go about annotating a plasmid with all the detail of the antibiotic resistance gene, the T7 promoter. 59:36.091 --> 59:36.231 Wow. 59:36.351 --> 59:38.913 So here's, let's make sure you're very clear here. 59:38.993 --> 59:41.074 Now we're talking about the idea. 59:41.094 --> 59:46.118 I don't know what, they didn't substantiate why it is that this data, this was already out there years ago. 59:47.161 --> 59:49.797 But now they are making the very specific claim that 59:50.563 --> 59:54.706 that we didn't know about this until Kevin made the discovery. 59:54.746 --> 59:56.667 And now I've done streams about it before. 59:56.727 --> 59:59.628 I guess I should do another one when I start this tomorrow. 01:00:00.829 --> 01:00:10.235 With a list of about 10 reasons why transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent, even its purest form, it would have been criminally negligent. 01:00:10.855 --> 01:00:19.601 Adding on this process to, and the possibility of contamination from that plasmid or of endotoxins has a whole nother 01:00:20.481 --> 01:00:21.522 Pandora's box. 01:00:21.682 --> 01:00:24.143 Notice that he hasn't mentioned endotoxins yet. 01:00:24.203 --> 01:00:30.986 He hasn't mentioned any of the other contaminations that would be expected from the Process 2 thing. 01:00:31.547 --> 01:00:31.927 None of it. 01:00:33.328 --> 01:00:37.271 So that's another issue here that I see as a great big red flag. 01:00:38.011 --> 01:00:41.273 I'm probably only gonna let it play for about five more minutes and then I'm gonna roll it out. 01:00:41.293 --> 01:00:43.555 I don't, I'm sorry that it's a little short today. 01:00:44.875 --> 01:00:51.540 I'll make it sure it's 60 minutes and tomorrow I'll get started at 10 and there won't be a stream in the afternoon. 01:00:51.640 --> 01:00:55.702 And so I'm not gonna read it. 01:00:56.643 --> 01:01:00.726 I won't click it. 01:01:02.082 --> 01:01:03.603 I'm sorry, I'm not gonna click it. 01:01:04.123 --> 01:01:04.764 It's a tweet. 01:01:05.124 --> 01:01:05.684 Oh, sorry. 01:01:05.704 --> 01:01:11.108 Wow, I don't even like clicking on a tweet. 01:01:15.837 --> 01:01:17.519 Wow, you've got to be kidding. 01:01:17.619 --> 01:01:35.639 Okay, so it's just gonna keep going right it will keep going So now we probably have people on the internet who are gonna start to use the word murder and it's gonna be people that we know are already meddlers and not really playing for our team and so it's really gonna be hard in the coming months as this this 01:01:36.582 --> 01:01:57.868 group of performers tries to pretend that giga ohm biological is not the reason why they're saying transfection right now and not the reason why all of these these things are having to be discussed the way they are instead of having been brushed over three years ago already and everybody would just be carrying these people around like they're the champions. 01:01:58.897 --> 01:02:02.719 you know, the spike protein, the cut site they used to linearize it. 01:02:02.739 --> 01:02:10.403 I mean, they went and annotated this thing with all of these details, except the most material piece, which is the SV40 promoter that's active in mammalian cells. 01:02:11.343 --> 01:02:18.807 So to me, that is... Okay, so according to Kevin, the most significant piece is the SV40, and they chose not to put it in there. 01:02:18.847 --> 01:02:22.129 So that's already a claim that would need to be verified. 01:02:22.189 --> 01:02:23.310 Is it really that way? 01:02:23.370 --> 01:02:26.071 Could we get another molecular biologist to agree with this? 01:02:28.223 --> 01:02:28.843 It's possible. 01:02:29.224 --> 01:02:30.284 I'm fine with that. 01:02:30.764 --> 01:02:33.826 A mammalian promoter, they would leave it out because they didn't want you to know. 01:02:35.347 --> 01:02:35.967 It's possible. 01:02:37.488 --> 01:02:38.108 It's possible. 01:02:39.689 --> 01:02:41.210 They're clearly hiding it. 01:02:41.971 --> 01:02:44.732 So they showed the gene sequence. 01:02:44.752 --> 01:02:48.414 The regulators had the SV40 gene sequence, right? 01:02:48.654 --> 01:02:49.855 The promoter gene sequence. 01:02:49.895 --> 01:02:51.796 They had the entire plasmid sequence. 01:02:52.785 --> 01:02:57.287 They had the map, and in the map you sort of paint on the map what the parts mean. 01:02:57.847 --> 01:02:58.307 There you go. 01:02:58.547 --> 01:03:05.990 And what they didn't paint was the SV40 region, although they gave them the sequence so they can kind of slip it in, but they didn't spell out what it meant. 01:03:06.490 --> 01:03:09.831 Okay, so you see, Steve, this is what Kevin's talking about. 01:03:09.891 --> 01:03:14.353 See, it shows cut sites, it shows all the bioactive genes that are in here, everything. 01:03:14.893 --> 01:03:16.294 And you can see all the labels. 01:03:16.795 --> 01:03:20.678 So they disclosed all kinds of things, but not that SV40 enhancer. 01:03:21.118 --> 01:03:25.361 And can I just tell you something, just really quickly for your listeners, Steve, because I think this is really important. 01:03:25.761 --> 01:03:27.543 Listen, I've got the quotes. 01:03:27.743 --> 01:03:32.226 So your listeners understand, this is what Health Canada, your equivalent of the FDA, said in an email. 01:03:32.246 --> 01:03:32.947 This isn't my words. 01:03:33.007 --> 01:03:33.807 This is what they said. 01:03:34.148 --> 01:03:34.368 Listen, 01:03:34.989 --> 01:03:47.682 Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid, such as an SV40 enhancer, and this is to be done at the time of submission." 01:03:48.543 --> 01:03:50.886 And then it says here— Wait a minute, it said that? 01:03:50.906 --> 01:03:51.186 Yes, yes. 01:03:55.859 --> 01:04:04.882 Yep, and then they go on to say the sponsor, which of course is Pfizer, right, did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence. 01:04:05.222 --> 01:04:15.525 And then they say it was possible for Health Canada to confirm the presence of the enhancer based on the plasmid DNA sequence submitted by Pfizer against the published SV40 enhancer sequence. 01:04:15.565 --> 01:04:17.326 So again, that's what we just talked about. 01:04:17.686 --> 01:04:23.588 They submitted the sequence as a data file, right, so they have a computer file sitting there with the sequence, 01:04:24.148 --> 01:04:35.978 They could see—and then they looked at Pfizer's document after Kevin published his data, and they said, my goodness, Kevin found this, but it isn't listed anywhere on here, but we do have the gene sequence, so we can go back, and Kevin's the expert on this. 01:04:35.998 --> 01:04:47.788 He can tell you, you could blast that in a publicly available database, a beautiful one that your government offers, and in a few minutes you can show, bang, 100% match for the SV40 enhancer sequence in the plasmid. 01:04:47.828 --> 01:04:48.389 That's what they did. 01:04:48.869 --> 01:04:49.069 Right. 01:04:49.149 --> 01:05:08.659 So so it's the equivalent, you know, so for the lay public, this is the equivalent of a like a bill in Congress where they have this long bill, you know, it's 500 pages long and they sneak in a little piece here that says, and now we're going to strip all power from the president or something like that, you know, and they don't call it to anyone's attention. 01:05:09.059 --> 01:05:12.240 But okay, I'm going to take a pause right here. 01:05:12.701 --> 01:05:16.302 I'll probably start it a little bit earlier than this tomorrow when we get back to it. 01:05:16.362 --> 01:05:24.906 It gets much more interesting as they start to talk about the immunology and Byron Bridle gets going a little bit. 01:05:24.946 --> 01:05:31.949 You can see the amount of pain that his open discussion of how little they know about the immune system starts to bother them. 01:05:32.690 --> 01:05:34.851 So tomorrow is definitely going to be worth watching. 01:05:36.590 --> 01:05:46.257 Again, I apologize for starting late today and I just want to let you know that I'm in talks with the people at the Red Pill Expo. 01:05:46.998 --> 01:05:48.038 Everything's lined up. 01:05:48.659 --> 01:05:49.319 Hotel done. 01:05:49.339 --> 01:05:50.320 We got to book the flight. 01:05:50.841 --> 01:05:51.661 So that's happening. 01:05:52.182 --> 01:05:55.124 I bought my ticket for the Brownstone meeting in 01:06:02.068 --> 01:06:09.037 Uh, for the brownstone meeting in, in November, uh, there's November 1st and second in, um, 01:06:10.599 --> 01:06:11.260 in Pittsburgh. 01:06:12.321 --> 01:06:21.208 I have the feeling that I might be able to get people like Jessica Hockett, or maybe even if I get really lucky, Nick Hudson to fly in for this meeting. 01:06:21.929 --> 01:06:26.572 I think there's a possibility that my friend Mark Kulak may be coming to Pittsburgh for this meeting. 01:06:27.293 --> 01:06:29.194 And I'm just going to put this out there right now. 01:06:29.214 --> 01:06:30.816 There are 150 tickets, it's $540, which is obviously absurd. 01:06:30.836 --> 01:06:31.016 But 01:06:38.311 --> 01:06:47.999 If there was one time when we should have four, five, or six, or 10, or 40 of us in a room with 120 of them, maybe it's this time in Pittsburgh. 01:06:48.019 --> 01:06:58.127 And if we get enough people coming to Pittsburgh, maybe we can also do a barbecue or do something that gets together everybody that came together for that meeting and for GigaOM. 01:06:58.807 --> 01:06:59.948 I think it could be really fun. 01:07:01.369 --> 01:07:04.751 And exciting thing to look forward to in November. 01:07:04.811 --> 01:07:10.515 So the Red Pill Expo is the weekend of the 15th, 16th of June I believe. 01:07:10.735 --> 01:07:14.017 And I need to look that up really quick to make sure I'm saying it correctly. 01:07:15.418 --> 01:07:21.521 Red Pill Expo I think is this one. 01:07:22.522 --> 01:07:23.923 Yes, no, maybe so. 01:07:26.499 --> 01:07:27.580 Yes, I think so. 01:07:27.600 --> 01:07:32.124 He has 15 and 16 and there are optional activities on the Monday. 01:07:32.204 --> 01:07:33.525 I'm definitely going to be there. 01:07:35.087 --> 01:07:38.570 So, you definitely need to do this. 01:07:38.590 --> 01:07:39.911 So, if you can, 01:07:43.314 --> 01:07:46.455 please be in South Dakota so I can meet you. 01:07:46.515 --> 01:07:51.056 That might be a cheaper conference, although off the top of my head I do not know. 01:07:51.176 --> 01:07:54.516 I don't have, I can't believe Richard Gage is going to be there. 01:07:54.656 --> 01:08:05.839 Also Joe Bannister, the IRS agent that's featured in Freedom to Fascism, which is a great movie that you need to look up on the internet and watch. 01:08:06.259 --> 01:08:07.799 And also, 01:08:11.818 --> 01:08:14.640 Of course, Ed Griffin and David Webb is also going to be there. 01:08:14.680 --> 01:08:16.281 So there's a lot of interesting people. 01:08:17.142 --> 01:08:20.905 Brian Artis is going to be there, who is an interesting character in this. 01:08:21.225 --> 01:08:23.947 And I would be interested to meet Lee Merritt, MD. 01:08:25.428 --> 01:08:27.730 I think she would also be very interesting to meet. 01:08:29.831 --> 01:08:31.833 And of course, Andrew Kaufman is going to be there. 01:08:31.853 --> 01:08:35.295 I don't see Mickey Willis listed anymore, but I thought he was going to be there. 01:08:38.548 --> 01:08:39.488 So that's interesting. 01:08:39.548 --> 01:08:41.129 But anyway, that's that's the show. 01:08:41.969 --> 01:08:46.650 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 01:08:47.350 --> 01:08:50.230 transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent. 01:08:50.291 --> 01:08:52.451 And I don't think that RNA can pandemic. 01:08:53.731 --> 01:09:01.613 If you liked what you saw, please go to gigaohmbiological.com and find a way to support the work or go to stream.gigaohm.bio or 01:09:03.214 --> 01:09:28.092 Twitch or rumble and and share the work with the people that you know that might be interested in hearing it and We will be back again tomorrow with a similar show About the second half of this video with a little more time to digest it so I'll start with a summary of what we Covered up until now and then we'll pick the video up where we left off that video or that show tomorrow will probably be Back to the normal two or two and a half hours 01:09:29.193 --> 01:09:30.954 Anyway, thanks very much. 01:09:30.994 --> 01:09:34.715 Oh, that's the wrong one. 01:09:35.135 --> 01:09:36.576 Thank you very much for being here, guys. 01:09:36.916 --> 01:09:47.999 And I look forward to stopping the spread of these bad ideas in future shows with you. 01:09:50.260 --> 01:09:50.960 Stay focused. 01:09:51.340 --> 01:09:52.141 Don't take their bait. 01:09:53.428 --> 01:09:54.729 And love your neighbor, please. 01:09:55.630 --> 01:10:06.700 This has been the first half of a show about McKernan, Malone, Martinson, and Bridle. 01:10:07.881 --> 01:10:10.243 So yeah, it's gonna be a good one tomorrow. 01:10:10.303 --> 01:10:15.247 They get into a little more details that will also pull a little more details out of me as well. 01:10:15.287 --> 01:10:18.090 So thanks very much, and I'll see you again tomorrow. 01:10:31.923 --> 01:10:33.346 Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? 01:10:33.406 --> 01:10:34.407 Did you really notice? 01:10:34.748 --> 01:10:36.751 Okay, so I'm gonna tell you. 01:10:36.771 --> 01:10:39.155 There's a secret for all you guys in the chat. 01:10:39.215 --> 01:10:39.936 It's the coffee. 01:10:40.777 --> 01:10:42.540 I didn't have any coffee today and... 01:10:43.849 --> 01:10:45.711 and my problem is gone. 01:10:46.691 --> 01:10:53.496 And so I don't know how to incorporate it in, but yeah, sorry, maybe I am a little wet blanket today because I don't have my coffee. 01:10:54.737 --> 01:10:59.061 This is just tea from the mint outside. 01:10:59.081 --> 01:11:01.543 So yeah, I don't know. 01:11:02.964 --> 01:11:04.845 I don't think it was just the coffee. 01:11:04.885 --> 01:11:08.228 If it was, then I don't know. 01:11:10.589 --> 01:11:13.151 I gotta find another source of caffeine? 01:11:13.171 --> 01:11:13.671 I don't know. 01:11:14.111 --> 01:11:14.471 Anyway. 01:11:14.892 --> 01:11:16.373 Oh, the panel was a wet blanket. 01:11:16.453 --> 01:11:17.033 Oh, okay. 01:11:17.133 --> 01:11:17.913 It's all right. 01:11:18.074 --> 01:11:18.314 All right. 01:11:18.534 --> 01:11:18.714 Great.