WEBVTT 01:55.000 --> 02:01.200 So, you're beginning to see that emerge right now, which is the social consequences, right? 02:01.200 --> 02:12.400 So, you may have a billion people going to die, connected to those billion people, industries, 02:12.400 --> 02:20.400 families, you name it, it's linked to it, and the secondary knock-on consequences just 02:20.400 --> 02:23.960 are going to be severe, okay? 02:23.960 --> 02:27.360 And everyone's sort of been saying to me, well, no, it's going to go down, it will 02:27.360 --> 02:34.480 go down, and no, it doesn't, and everything about that particular statistic, it's literally 02:34.480 --> 02:40.320 turning into worst-case scenario, and I'll tell you, there's a very, very clear reason 02:40.320 --> 02:48.280 why that will be, is because the medical infrastructure will become overwhelmed, okay? 02:48.280 --> 02:55.160 And there's only so many ICU beds that it's going to be able to intubate someone and 02:55.160 --> 03:01.240 give life support, really, yeah, yeah. 03:01.240 --> 03:08.420 And right now, I'll tell you this, the whole concept that there'll be a neural element 03:08.420 --> 03:14.000 to it, it's not going to get on the radar because they're just going to be swamped 03:14.000 --> 03:18.280 by the numbers that are just showing the pneumonia. 03:18.280 --> 03:28.520 It's not taking long to read up on infectious clones and read up on, you know, causes species 03:28.520 --> 03:35.120 dynamics, and guess what, when I, every single time I read one, there was not the support 03:35.120 --> 03:41.360 for his theory, there just wasn't there. 03:41.360 --> 03:48.000 That's the search of two, is an infectious clone, the wild-type virus is an infectious 03:48.000 --> 03:49.000 clone. 03:49.000 --> 03:52.960 That's the search of two, is an infectious clone, we believe that the wild-type virus 03:52.960 --> 03:53.960 is an infectious clone. 03:53.960 --> 03:58.360 That's the search of two, is an infectious clone, we believe that the wild-type virus 03:58.360 --> 03:59.360 is an infectious clone. 03:59.360 --> 04:05.520 That's the search of two, is an infectious clone, you're looking for it, okay, you have 04:05.520 --> 04:10.840 to set out and look for it, and, you know, just to hammer home that we can see an amyloid 04:10.840 --> 04:15.640 antigenic signal in real-time with the spike protein. 04:15.640 --> 04:19.080 This paper is critically important, which shows, this was a person who was scheduled 04:19.080 --> 04:26.080 to go into a prepared imaging, so you use specific radio-labeled nucleotides and they 04:26.080 --> 04:29.520 will attach to proteins and you hope they have some specificity. 04:29.520 --> 04:34.960 Now, it just so happens that prior to going in for the scan, he had a gene-transfection 04:34.960 --> 04:42.240 and the right yellow that you can see in his arm is amyloid buildup around the site 04:42.240 --> 04:46.080 of injection and also in the draining lymph node. 04:46.080 --> 04:49.680 Don't you find yourself wondering why you had to correct that right there, let's listen 04:49.680 --> 04:50.680 to that again. 04:50.680 --> 04:59.000 Injection, and the right yellow for the scan, he had a gene-transfection, and the right 04:59.000 --> 05:01.640 yellow that you can see in his arm is amyloid. 05:01.640 --> 05:03.000 Doesn't he want to say the word? 05:03.000 --> 05:04.440 Does he not want to say the word? 05:04.440 --> 05:05.760 Isn't that a little weird? 05:05.760 --> 05:06.760 Let's say that again. 05:06.760 --> 05:08.920 proteins and you hope they have some specificity. 05:08.920 --> 05:14.720 Now, it just so happens that prior to going in for the scan, he had a gene-transfection 05:14.720 --> 05:18.360 injection. 05:18.360 --> 05:19.680 Isn't that sad? 05:19.680 --> 05:23.280 Isn't it sad to see people playing the game where they won't even use the word that they 05:23.280 --> 05:24.280 know is correct? 05:24.280 --> 05:31.040 They're just failing so miserably it's kind of sad, but that's what you get when you're 05:31.040 --> 05:32.640 being followed by a clown car. 05:32.640 --> 05:35.080 Oh, look, JC on the bike was timed out by Risa. 05:35.080 --> 05:37.840 Oh, time out JC on the bike. 05:37.840 --> 05:39.720 JC on the bike. 05:39.720 --> 05:41.680 It's JC on the bike. 05:41.680 --> 05:43.080 It's JC on the bike. 05:43.080 --> 05:44.080 Yeah. 05:44.080 --> 05:51.640 Well, I'm wise enough to know when a chomp needs Bannon and I know just the one. 05:51.640 --> 05:52.640 Look at round. 05:52.640 --> 05:54.520 It's JC on the bike. 05:54.520 --> 05:58.880 Who says Vader didn't study music in college? 05:58.880 --> 06:03.400 In the T cell response in particular, the cells that have that RNA, they're making that 06:03.400 --> 06:05.200 spike protein will get attacked. 06:05.200 --> 06:06.200 So hold on. 06:06.200 --> 06:10.200 I want to pause you because I advanced a hypothesis on Dark Horse, which is now just 06:10.200 --> 06:11.200 come right back up. 06:11.200 --> 06:14.560 So I want to catch people up and then I want you to pick up your explanation. 06:14.560 --> 06:19.480 So what I argued, I believe I came up with this independently, but I believe Peter McCullough 06:19.480 --> 06:45.760 has mentioned something similar as his Jonathan Cooey. 06:46.760 --> 06:50.400 If you think about it, if we're defining vaccine really liberally and these COVID vaccines 06:50.400 --> 06:54.320 are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine okay, but actually they're kind of cheating when 06:54.320 --> 07:00.000 they're calling these things vaccines and anything with really rapidly fading efficacy 07:00.000 --> 07:07.440 such that you need shots within Canada saying nine months is actually JJ Cooey's insistence 07:07.440 --> 07:14.440 and I think he's right on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 07:14.440 --> 07:18.440 He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. 07:18.440 --> 07:23.440 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 07:23.440 --> 07:28.440 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 07:28.440 --> 07:29.440 It's embarrassing. 07:37.440 --> 07:57.280 Well, I'm here again, ladies and gentlemen, fighting the illusion of consensus with you. 07:57.280 --> 08:04.240 Still have our boots on, fighting this faith in the novel virus, fighting this illusion, 08:04.240 --> 08:05.240 fighting the faith. 08:05.240 --> 08:08.240 It is a lie and we are going to break it. 08:08.240 --> 08:12.240 We're going to break it by talking very, very straightforward. 08:12.240 --> 08:15.240 These points still aren't being addressed by anyone. 08:15.240 --> 08:19.240 Just in case you haven't noticed, nobody says a word about that. 08:19.240 --> 08:22.240 Nobody touches our stance on the vaccines. 08:22.240 --> 08:27.240 Nobody touches our stance at all and that's because they can't. 08:27.240 --> 08:30.240 Also, no one's still talking about no spread in New York. 08:30.240 --> 08:32.240 No one's talking about infectious clothes. 08:32.240 --> 08:34.240 No one's talking about placebo badges. 08:34.240 --> 08:38.240 No one's talking about transfections even though they know the word. 08:38.240 --> 08:39.240 No one says murder. 08:39.240 --> 08:44.240 No one says gain a function as a lie and everyone thinks the Scooby-Doo is a joke. 08:44.240 --> 08:46.240 But this faith is real, ladies and gentlemen. 08:46.240 --> 08:48.240 I'm sure it's real. 08:48.240 --> 08:51.240 And that's what we are fighting here. 08:51.240 --> 08:54.240 Sorry, you're just going to have to listen to the heater in the room. 08:54.240 --> 08:57.240 Instead of the music, I ran out of slides there. 08:57.240 --> 08:58.240 Yippee-ki-yay. 08:58.240 --> 08:59.240 And here we are. 08:59.240 --> 09:01.240 I guess I got to throw one more in there or something like that. 09:01.240 --> 09:04.240 That'll make the whole timing work out a little better. 09:04.240 --> 09:09.240 But I'm assured at some point that everybody who's here 09:09.240 --> 09:12.240 is not here for the whiz bang of the graphics, 09:12.240 --> 09:16.240 which I occasionally put some time into and then just leave go for a long time 09:16.240 --> 09:17.240 like that scroll at the top. 09:17.240 --> 09:18.240 I don't even know. 09:18.240 --> 09:20.240 At least it doesn't save people's names. 09:20.240 --> 09:21.240 That's good. 09:21.240 --> 09:23.240 Because they would be very old names. 09:23.240 --> 09:27.240 There's been a lot of new subscribers and a lot of new donations 09:27.240 --> 09:30.240 and a lot of new emails and a lot of new encouragement. 09:30.240 --> 09:32.240 And so I appreciate all the voicemails. 09:32.240 --> 09:35.240 I appreciate all the emails, all the tips. 09:35.240 --> 09:41.240 It's really exciting to see how many people are so excited about the momentum that we have. 09:41.240 --> 09:44.240 And we definitely have some momentum. 09:44.240 --> 09:48.240 We are still fighting this train. 09:48.240 --> 09:51.240 We're trying not to let our kids get on this train. 09:51.240 --> 09:56.240 The TV and social media would like it if our kids were already on board. 09:56.240 --> 10:01.240 Already believed that diseases and pandemics can be avoided with vaccination 10:01.240 --> 10:03.240 and that were better than ever at it. 10:03.240 --> 10:07.240 They would like our kids to believe that novel coronaviruses can jump from species 10:07.240 --> 10:09.240 and can pandemic. 10:09.240 --> 10:14.240 They would love you to believe that PCR is becoming an ever more precise way 10:14.240 --> 10:16.240 of measuring the presence of a pathogen. 10:16.240 --> 10:21.240 They would like you to believe that asymptomatic spread of many different pathogens 10:21.240 --> 10:25.240 is actually real and something that you should be concerned about, 10:25.240 --> 10:29.240 especially around old people, would love you to believe that variants can be tracked 10:29.240 --> 10:33.240 and that they can be tracked with high fidelity and they would love you to believe 10:33.240 --> 10:37.240 that they continue to spend money on this research and that you should be worried about it. 10:37.240 --> 10:41.240 We cannot let our kids get on board of this train because if they are on this train 10:41.240 --> 10:44.240 they can be governed by this mythology forever. 10:44.240 --> 10:46.240 It's up to us to save them from it. 10:46.240 --> 10:50.240 And so the biology, biology in general is the way out. 10:50.240 --> 10:54.240 And in this scenario I'd like to advocate for a pause on all childhood 10:54.240 --> 10:58.240 vaccinees in the United States. 10:58.240 --> 11:02.240 I would like to call for strict liability on all pharmaceutical products, 11:02.240 --> 11:06.240 including the entire vaccine schedule. 11:06.240 --> 11:11.240 I would like to investigate the deadly protocols and how they were used to cause 11:11.240 --> 11:16.240 mass casualty events which were misconstrued in combination with the use of 11:16.240 --> 11:21.240 transfection and that is potentially infectious clones or technology of that nature 11:21.240 --> 11:26.240 to seed the illusion of a pandemic in sewer water, 11:26.240 --> 11:30.240 hand-on surfaces and anywhere else, including patients where it was necessary 11:30.240 --> 11:33.240 in order to create the illusion. 11:33.240 --> 11:36.240 I want you to reclaim sovereignty over your bodies and those of your children 11:36.240 --> 11:40.240 and I want you to advocate for the withdrawal of the United States from the who and the 11:40.240 --> 11:44.240 you and entirely. 11:44.240 --> 11:48.240 But I think you can start to sort this people out, the players in the Scooby-Doo 11:48.240 --> 11:53.240 if you just look at the two first things on this list. 11:53.240 --> 11:57.240 Anyone who is advocating for the strict liability, 11:57.240 --> 12:04.240 for strict liability to be reapplied to vaccines the way it was before 1986, 12:04.240 --> 12:09.240 anyone who is advocating for a pause in the vaccination schedule of the United States, 12:09.240 --> 12:15.240 even just on the sheer comparison between the United States schedule and that of other countries, 12:15.240 --> 12:22.240 even to advocate for the superior schedule of Norway and the extreme delay of the first shots 12:22.240 --> 12:27.240 and the extreme posity of the total. 12:27.240 --> 12:30.240 But if they're ignoring the United States, 12:30.240 --> 12:37.240 childhood recommended vaccine schedule, they have to be operators at this stage. 12:37.240 --> 12:42.240 They have to be because no one could have been in this medical freedom movement 12:42.240 --> 12:46.240 for three years trying to figure out all of these lies and not come to the conclusion 12:46.240 --> 12:52.240 that that schedule, when compared to other schedules in the western world, 12:52.240 --> 12:57.240 when compared to the schedule from 25 years ago, 12:57.240 --> 13:02.240 and when compared to the rise of chronic disease and all these other things in children 13:02.240 --> 13:07.240 and in adults, there can be no other conclusion. 13:07.240 --> 13:15.240 And so we have to just wake up and apologize that that's what's going on right now. 13:15.240 --> 13:20.240 And that's why I really, really think that this Scooby-Doo analogy is so important 13:20.240 --> 13:26.240 for everybody to understand, especially if you want to try and impart it on an American. 13:26.240 --> 13:30.240 If you want to really try to get people to understand what happened, 13:30.240 --> 13:35.240 you have to get them to understand that they were fooled into solving a mystery 13:35.240 --> 13:39.240 and by solving the mystery, they have accepted the monsters. 13:39.240 --> 13:45.240 And the monsters, in this case, are pandemic coronaviruses and gain-of-function viruses. 13:45.240 --> 13:49.240 And these monsters can exist in perpetuity. 13:49.240 --> 13:54.240 And if we pass this mythology onto our children, they will never escape 13:54.240 --> 13:59.240 because they will never think to question it. 13:59.240 --> 14:04.240 And the way that they did this over the last 20 years in the back room of secret meetings, 14:04.240 --> 14:09.240 in the back room of bureaucracies, in grant meetings and grant calls, 14:09.240 --> 14:17.240 and at intelligence briefings, they have been talking about how batcaves and laboratories 14:17.240 --> 14:24.240 and even genetic techniques can result in pandemic potential in coronavirus, 14:24.240 --> 14:30.240 and that this, worse case scenario, a gain-of-function laboratory leak could wipe out billions. 14:30.240 --> 14:34.240 And by telling this story, they're able to move trillions of dollars. 14:34.240 --> 14:40.240 They're able to control the behavior of potentially billions of humans on the planet. 14:40.240 --> 14:43.240 They're the heater went off. 14:43.240 --> 14:47.240 And so are there many, many books that have come out over the last three years 14:47.240 --> 14:52.240 purporting to chronicle what has occurred and what is occurring? 14:52.240 --> 14:57.240 I am very biased in saying that I think the best book that's come out in the pandemic 14:57.240 --> 15:03.240 is the one written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Fauci book, and then this book. 15:03.240 --> 15:06.240 I like the Fauci book. It's fun. 15:06.240 --> 15:09.240 I like this book. It's also very fun. 15:09.240 --> 15:16.240 They're both nice compilations of the stories told by these people. 15:16.240 --> 15:24.240 The stories told by these bureaucrats, by these biosecurity experts, by these virologists, 15:24.240 --> 15:29.240 and these upper-level NIH bureaucrats. 15:29.240 --> 15:40.240 In Bobby's book, on page 281, there is the first of several excerpts that are largely produced by me. 15:41.240 --> 15:46.240 I would like to read one of these now just to kind of catalog exactly what I got in the book 15:46.240 --> 15:49.240 and what we weren't able to get in the book. 15:49.240 --> 15:52.240 In the years leading up to his ominous 2007 paper, 15:52.240 --> 15:59.240 Barack had explored numerous techniques for coaxing animal viruses to become more deadly and to infect humans. 15:59.240 --> 16:05.240 I wonder if I can slip this under here and will this work? 16:05.240 --> 16:08.240 Does that work? Oh, you can kind of see that. 16:08.240 --> 16:14.240 Maybe I can do that. Okay, sorry, I'm going to do this here. 16:14.240 --> 16:18.240 And so, here we are right here. 16:18.240 --> 16:22.240 All of these were inherently limited by the known difficulties of culturing coronaviruses 16:22.240 --> 16:24.240 already by 2002. 16:24.240 --> 16:27.240 Barack had perfected a technique with the help of Mark Dennison 16:27.240 --> 16:29.240 that circumvents these difficulties. 16:29.240 --> 16:34.240 By injecting a DNA version of an identified viral RNA into a growing bacterial culture, 16:34.240 --> 16:37.240 they could hijack the bacteria's robust reproduction capacity 16:37.240 --> 16:42.240 to generate huge numbers of perfect copies of a synthetic coronavirus RNA. 16:42.240 --> 16:45.240 It's a little bit short through the corner, but you get the idea. 16:45.240 --> 16:50.240 It's got to be nice for a book using pulses of electric current to drive the newly manufactured RNA 16:50.240 --> 16:55.240 into a fresh cell culture generates a viral stock material used for subsequent experiments. 16:55.240 --> 17:00.240 This is not the same as sourcing a virus from an infection because copying of RNA during a naturally 17:00.240 --> 17:03.240 occurring infection is far from perfect. 17:03.240 --> 17:08.240 The inherent variability of RNA virus replication results in what is referred to as a quasi-species 17:08.240 --> 17:10.240 or a genetic swarm. 17:10.240 --> 17:15.240 In other words, the viral swarm produced during a natural infection is dominated by genetic variation 17:15.240 --> 17:19.240 rather than consistency with a large fraction of viral particles produced, 17:19.240 --> 17:24.240 having a fatal genetic mistakes or other errors making them non-infectious particles. 17:24.240 --> 17:29.240 This property likely contributes to why many RNA viruses are so difficult to sustain in a laboratory 17:29.240 --> 17:31.240 using traditional culture techniques. 17:31.240 --> 17:35.240 Now, I hope you can see here that there's a certain amount of strategy that has to be used 17:35.240 --> 17:40.240 in order to get the idea that there aren't really high fidelity, 17:40.240 --> 17:44.240 high replication competent RNA viruses anywhere in the world, 17:44.240 --> 17:51.240 and that if these RNA signals are something that rise above the noise, 17:51.240 --> 17:56.240 then they have to explain away all of these problems 17:56.240 --> 18:00.240 and all of these contradictory attributes. 18:00.240 --> 18:06.240 And so part of my goal was to get as many of these contradictory attributes, 18:06.240 --> 18:11.240 contradictory explanations into the book so that as people read the book, 18:11.240 --> 18:14.240 there will be these glaring sort of weight. 18:14.240 --> 18:22.240 But what did they say back there in that chapter about replication in competent particles 18:22.240 --> 18:23.240 and stuff like that? 18:23.240 --> 18:25.240 Like, what does that mean? 18:26.240 --> 18:29.240 Because this is a book about a narrative. 18:29.240 --> 18:36.240 It's a book about a biosecurity narrative. 18:36.240 --> 18:39.240 And so in order to get it in here, there's got to be a certain amount of nuance. 18:39.240 --> 18:44.240 There's got to be a certain amount of acknowledgement that you're not the author. 18:44.240 --> 18:47.240 You're a consultant. 18:47.240 --> 18:51.240 So how do you convince an author of a book to write what you want him to write? 18:51.240 --> 18:56.240 Well, you try to write it like it fits. 18:56.240 --> 19:00.240 This property likely contributes to why so many RNA viruses are so difficult to sustain 19:00.240 --> 19:02.240 in a laboratory using traditional culture techniques. 19:02.240 --> 19:04.240 Now, that's a little bit short through the corner. 19:04.240 --> 19:06.240 They can't culture anything, right? 19:06.240 --> 19:09.240 It's not so difficult to sustain. 19:09.240 --> 19:12.240 They can't be sustained. 19:12.240 --> 19:16.240 In 2008, paper Barrett complains that few, if any zoned out, 19:16.240 --> 19:20.240 extremes of SARS-CoV-2 have been successfully isolated and maintained in culture, 19:20.240 --> 19:24.240 presenting their use in vaccine and pathogenic studies. 19:24.240 --> 19:26.240 Barrett says it in his own words. 19:26.240 --> 19:28.240 Why do I need to say it? 19:28.240 --> 19:34.240 Isn't it more powerful if Bobby kind of just wanders through and then hears 19:34.240 --> 19:38.240 Barrett saying it, coronaviruses are composed of strings of RNA code, 19:38.240 --> 19:43.240 which is very unusable in nature and very unstable, excuse me, in nature 19:43.240 --> 19:46.240 and gets increasingly unstable with each replication. 19:46.240 --> 19:52.240 It's likely why the SARS-CoV-2, SARS-2002 pandemic fizzled out so quickly, 19:52.240 --> 19:54.240 says biologist Jonathan Cooey. 19:54.240 --> 19:57.240 And RNA viruses like a 1970 audio cassette. 19:57.240 --> 20:01.240 The master copy retains high fidelity, but every new copy there after loses 20:01.240 --> 20:03.240 quality and coherence. 20:03.240 --> 20:07.240 However, Barrett's reverse genetics technique allow him to create DNA clones 20:07.240 --> 20:11.240 of artificially infectious viral strains on paper and then generate in a lab 20:11.240 --> 20:15.240 huge numbers of identical particles that would far exceed the purity of any 20:15.240 --> 20:19.240 natural infection, enabling the potential production of stocks that 20:19.240 --> 20:22.240 were ideal launch pads for pandemics. 20:26.240 --> 20:30.240 I don't really think that's too bad of a thing to be in there because 20:30.240 --> 20:36.240 essentially we're saying that these things can't be done with a natural 20:36.240 --> 20:37.240 virus. 20:37.240 --> 20:40.240 The natural viruses don't really sustain themselves in nature. 20:40.240 --> 20:44.240 So there's several other inserts in the book that we'll read over the next 20:44.240 --> 20:52.240 couple days, just to kind of emphasize how far we got with that and what 20:52.240 --> 20:56.240 kinds of things we got in a book that was essentially supposed to be just 20:56.240 --> 20:58.240 another one of those books. 20:58.240 --> 21:02.240 And I was supposed to be just another one of those guys that says that 21:02.240 --> 21:04.240 there's a lab leak. 21:04.240 --> 21:09.240 But actually I think we were quite successful in getting small pieces of 21:09.240 --> 21:17.240 the biological puzzle into that book in a way that will demand another book 21:17.240 --> 21:18.240 basically. 21:18.240 --> 21:24.240 And I don't know what other solution there's going to be because we are 21:24.240 --> 21:25.240 here. 21:25.240 --> 21:32.240 It's winter time and the faith in a novel virus that killed millions of people 21:32.240 --> 21:37.240 but millions more were saved from, that likely came from gain of function and 21:37.240 --> 21:38.240 will come again. 21:38.240 --> 21:44.240 This lie is about to become truth for our neighbors and for our kids and for 21:44.240 --> 21:48.240 the teachers at school. 21:48.240 --> 21:54.240 And so only very drastic moves, only very, very, very aggressive moves are 21:54.240 --> 21:58.240 going to shake this inertia. 21:58.240 --> 22:06.240 And it's an inertia that was established very cleverly. 22:06.240 --> 22:10.240 First they isolated us at the beginning of the pandemic. 22:10.240 --> 22:16.240 And then they put a bunch of people in front of us as the narrative broke down. 22:16.240 --> 22:21.240 That could keep us within a limited spectrum of debate and never really 22:21.240 --> 22:25.240 question the faith in a novel virus. 22:25.240 --> 22:29.240 And that's been their job from the very beginning to to orchestrate this 22:29.240 --> 22:33.240 illusion of consensus, this illusion of smart people that got their act 22:33.240 --> 22:38.240 together and have given up their careers and are touring the world to fight for 22:38.240 --> 22:41.240 human health freedom. 22:41.240 --> 22:47.240 And there's nothing that you need to do other than to donate to their work. 22:47.240 --> 22:57.240 Substack, nonprofit, whatever it is. 22:57.240 --> 23:01.240 And so I didn't let it play in the beginning of the show but we can play it 23:01.240 --> 23:03.240 here if you'd like. 23:03.240 --> 23:09.240 But in this video, you're seeing two videos here that are four years apart. 23:09.240 --> 23:15.240 In this video in March of 2020, Kevin McCarran says that he expects there to be a 23:15.240 --> 23:17.240 billion people that might die. 23:17.240 --> 23:21.240 He expects the knock on consequences of this to be catastrophic. 23:21.240 --> 23:24.240 And he's sure that the reason why this is going to be is because the health care 23:24.240 --> 23:28.240 system will be overloaded and they'll run out of ventilators. 23:28.240 --> 23:32.240 And now Kevin McCarran four years later is now saying that the worst case 23:32.240 --> 23:38.240 scenario is actually that one protein or another, depending on what part of this 23:38.240 --> 23:43.240 three and a half hour extravaganza of nonsense you listen to, it could be the 23:43.240 --> 23:49.240 end protein that causes the prion or the amyloidosis or whatever it is that he 23:49.240 --> 23:53.240 thinks is happening or it could be the spike protein depends on what paper you 23:53.240 --> 23:57.240 look at and what point he's not trying to make very well. 23:57.240 --> 24:02.240 But the point is that he uses the term worst case scenario just like he did 24:02.240 --> 24:08.240 four years earlier and like he has probably many times in between 24:08.240 --> 24:13.240 March 2020 and November 2023. 24:13.240 --> 24:18.240 I have lost four people to this pandemic, all of whom took the shot because they 24:18.240 --> 24:21.240 were scared of the worst case scenario. 24:21.240 --> 24:26.240 That in some small part was laid by all of these people. 24:26.240 --> 24:31.240 And I consider them all culpable in their murder. 24:31.240 --> 24:38.240 There is no excuse for any of this behavior other than directed interference 24:38.240 --> 24:47.240 with the truth and the sustaining of a mythology that was intent on probably 24:47.240 --> 24:51.240 destroying the United States. 24:51.240 --> 24:56.240 And the cooperation with foreign agents and the dentanglement with foreign agents 24:56.240 --> 25:05.240 that is drastic, I mean we're dealing with at least one or more criminal 25:05.240 --> 25:12.240 syndicates here that have been paid comfort and fame and whatever else 25:12.240 --> 25:19.240 promises of future comfort and fame to establish this illusion of a worst case 25:19.240 --> 25:21.240 scenario and to agree upon it. 25:21.240 --> 25:27.240 Different aspects of it, different manifestations of it. 25:27.240 --> 25:32.240 And my little tiny clown car example is Kevin McCarran. 25:32.240 --> 25:39.240 A guy who was convinced in March of 2020 that there would already be a neuropathic 25:39.240 --> 25:45.240 and amyloid component and is still remains convinced four years later that 25:45.240 --> 25:50.240 that's the case and is still saying the words worst case scenario just with 25:50.240 --> 25:53.240 many different contexts. 25:53.240 --> 25:58.240 And even though no one seems to watch his videos he seems to be promoted by some 25:58.240 --> 26:05.240 of the biggest names in this show. 26:05.240 --> 26:08.240 One of the biggest names in this show actually suggested that maybe I should go 26:08.240 --> 26:14.240 to Japan and do some mouse experiments with him a couple years ago. 26:15.240 --> 26:20.240 Listen carefully to the words that this guy says at the beginning of the 26:20.240 --> 26:29.240 pandemic and be disturbed that anyone in March of 2020 much less an out-of-work 26:29.240 --> 26:38.240 injured man in Japan would be streaming to United States audiences with a 26:39.240 --> 26:46.240 colleague of George Webb for several weeks in a row about the worst case scenario 26:46.240 --> 26:53.240 with Paul Catrell bus rider MD about the worst case scenario 26:53.240 --> 27:00.240 and arguing about the fact that they had to organize against Andrew Kaufman 27:00.240 --> 27:05.240 the no virus crew in March of 2020. 27:06.240 --> 27:12.240 And now coincidentally the no virus crew is rising again. 27:12.240 --> 27:17.240 And so is this clown. 27:17.240 --> 27:20.240 I shouldn't be probably calling names I really probably shouldn't be calling 27:20.240 --> 27:27.240 names but I just I can't fathom how it is that we are here right now 27:27.240 --> 27:30.240 and people can't see the game that's being played. 27:30.240 --> 27:32.240 Why is this not working? 27:32.240 --> 27:34.240 Goodness sakes. 27:34.240 --> 27:40.240 There's something happening must start over. 27:40.240 --> 27:47.240 And there are games being played and we need to be a little bit more clever. 27:47.240 --> 27:50.240 What? 27:50.240 --> 27:55.240 We need to be a little bit more clever about how we go forward from here 27:55.240 --> 27:59.240 and understand that this faith in a novel virus will only be broken when we 27:59.240 --> 28:05.240 start to recognize that anyone that is not speaking out against the vaccine 28:05.240 --> 28:10.240 schedule in America anyone that is not speaking out against and promoting 28:10.240 --> 28:16.240 strict liability for vaccines anyone that's not actively saying the opioid 28:16.240 --> 28:22.240 crisis is out of control. 28:22.240 --> 28:30.240 We need to get a grip. 28:30.240 --> 28:33.240 Why is there no volume on any of these? 28:33.240 --> 28:39.240 What is going on here? 28:39.240 --> 28:41.240 That's there. 28:41.240 --> 28:42.240 That's there. 28:42.240 --> 28:45.240 That's on. 28:45.240 --> 28:47.240 I mean I hear this one right. 28:47.240 --> 28:49.240 Oh, that's that's muted. 28:49.240 --> 28:52.240 Why is that muted? 28:52.240 --> 28:57.240 Troubleshoot sound problems. 28:57.240 --> 29:02.240 Why is this muted? 29:02.240 --> 29:04.240 Output device. 29:04.240 --> 29:06.240 Why is it muted? 29:06.240 --> 29:08.240 There we go. 29:08.240 --> 29:09.240 Is that good? 29:09.240 --> 29:10.240 What do we got? 29:10.240 --> 29:12.240 Oh my goodness gracious me. 29:13.240 --> 29:18.240 The world has administered 13.5 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine. 29:18.240 --> 29:22.240 Now what I want you to think about is how different is it how different it is? 29:22.240 --> 29:28.240 Is it that somebody who is not advocating for the end of the childhood 29:28.240 --> 29:32.240 vaccine schedule in America but is instead just talked about from the very 29:32.240 --> 29:34.240 beginning the worst case scenario. 29:34.240 --> 29:36.240 Is it any different than this lady? 29:36.240 --> 29:40.240 Is it any different than this one? 29:40.240 --> 29:44.240 Is it are any of these people any different than this lady? 29:44.240 --> 29:50.240 If they're talking about silly phone calls with Robert Malone, if they're talking 29:50.240 --> 29:55.240 about making viruses in laboratories or making viruses in garages, are they any 29:55.240 --> 29:57.240 different than her? 29:57.240 --> 30:00.240 They're driving people in the same direction. 30:00.240 --> 30:07.240 They're keeping people in the same clown car where we can't get out where we're not 30:07.240 --> 30:09.240 allowed to go anywhere. 30:10.240 --> 30:15.240 And a new COVID-19 variant has emerged. 30:15.240 --> 30:20.240 I would say that there's no difference between these people on a news program 30:20.240 --> 30:27.240 in California and Matt Crawford and Kevin McCarron and Charles Rixie talking 30:27.240 --> 30:31.240 about infectious clones in 2023. 30:31.240 --> 30:37.240 Charles Rixie and Kevin McCarron were maliciously interfering with more than 30:37.240 --> 30:41.240 one of my business relationships as they slandered me for more than a year 30:41.240 --> 30:44.240 about infectious clones being stupid. 30:44.240 --> 30:48.240 And I played a clip at the beginning of this stream where Charles Rixie says 30:48.240 --> 30:53.240 that he's read lots of papers about infectious clones and the quasi-species 30:53.240 --> 30:58.240 swarm and he can't find any evidence for my theories. 30:58.240 --> 31:04.240 But then almost two years later after that video he's on a stream with Matthew 31:04.240 --> 31:08.240 Crawford saying that he thinks that all of the viruses in this are infectious 31:08.240 --> 31:09.240 clones. 31:09.240 --> 31:13.240 It's just a debate about how far they spread or not. 31:13.240 --> 31:18.240 And McCarron says exactly the same thing. 31:18.240 --> 31:24.240 And yet for more than a year and a half Kevin McCarron tried to use every racial 31:24.240 --> 31:33.240 epithet in the book in order to have himself and his kind of silly adolescent 31:33.240 --> 31:37.240 stick associated with me and Mark. 31:37.240 --> 31:43.240 Keeping Mark use a tonic live and Jonathan Cooey biology on the bottom of his website 31:43.240 --> 31:50.240 for almost three years even though I kept telling him to take it off. 31:50.240 --> 31:53.240 This was an operation ladies and gentlemen. 31:53.240 --> 31:57.240 It's no different than what they're doing now on the TV programs in America 31:57.240 --> 32:02.240 or the TV news in America and around the world. 32:02.240 --> 32:12.240 Social media and rumble and YouTube are exactly the same as mainstream media. 32:12.240 --> 32:17.240 Just a different way to get the same videos different different personalities 32:17.240 --> 32:23.240 often much cheaper personalities giving you the same message or worse. 32:23.240 --> 32:29.240 And we need to really understand that many of these people given their history 32:29.240 --> 32:34.240 in the last four years cannot be understood as anything other than people 32:34.240 --> 32:37.240 that were there to see the worst case scenario. 32:37.240 --> 32:51.240 George Webb, Paul Catrell, Addy ads, Kevin McCarron, Richard Fleming, all of these 32:51.240 --> 32:57.240 people that continue to rattle on for years and years and years without ever 32:57.240 --> 33:01.240 getting to the point where they're like well you know if the whole healthcare system 33:01.240 --> 33:06.240 in America is kind of wacky. 33:06.240 --> 33:11.240 I wonder if these anti-vax people have had a point for a long time. 33:11.240 --> 33:13.240 None of them actually got there. 33:13.240 --> 33:15.240 None of them did. 33:15.240 --> 33:22.240 After all the exploration and all of the skepticism they didn't even get there. 33:22.240 --> 33:24.240 They still haven't gotten there. 33:24.240 --> 33:29.240 In fact they haven't even gotten a hundred yards past amyloidosis and prion disease 33:29.240 --> 33:38.240 even though the only evidence they have of prion disease is from transfection. 33:38.240 --> 33:44.240 And as I've been saying for three years these people are liars because they were 33:44.240 --> 33:49.240 seeding a narrative and expected outcome of transfection. 33:49.240 --> 33:51.240 And that's what they all did. 33:51.240 --> 33:57.240 And that's what you need to see about what this car ride was about. 33:57.240 --> 34:03.240 These people in the beginning of the pandemic were much more diabolical than the mouth breathing 34:03.240 --> 34:08.240 news anchors on your local TV station. 34:08.240 --> 34:15.240 Because it is much more diabolical for you to take the job of seeding the worst case scenario 34:15.240 --> 34:24.240 in a national security theater that is designed to disrupt and slowly disassemble the United 34:24.240 --> 34:28.240 States as a culture and as a country. 34:28.240 --> 34:30.240 It's very diabolical. 34:30.240 --> 34:33.240 But that's no less than what's going on right now. 34:33.240 --> 34:36.240 It's no less than what these people intended. 34:36.240 --> 34:44.240 And the main way that they intend or that we can break them is with the vaccine schedule. 34:44.240 --> 34:46.240 Because that's the real myth here. 34:46.240 --> 34:48.240 That's the real mythology here. 34:48.240 --> 34:51.240 That's the basis for all of this nonsense. 34:51.240 --> 34:58.240 It's what they're really trying to protect. 34:58.240 --> 35:02.240 The vaccine schedule is the way that they will get all of this stuff through. 35:02.240 --> 35:07.240 That's why they call them all vaccines. 35:07.240 --> 35:13.240 You can tell who's on our team by whether or not they question the vaccine schedule. 35:13.240 --> 35:14.240 That's it. 35:14.240 --> 35:17.240 There's no other key needed. 35:17.240 --> 35:19.240 And that's the pressure that we should put on all of them. 35:19.240 --> 35:25.240 Even these dark horse people, even these intellectual dark web people. 35:25.240 --> 35:28.240 They're the same as the TV programs too. 35:28.240 --> 35:29.240 They did the same things. 35:29.240 --> 35:37.240 They seeded the worst case scenario narrative in their own little clever way for their own viewership. 35:37.240 --> 35:40.240 With their own choice of words and their own little mannerisms. 35:40.240 --> 35:44.240 But they all did it. 35:44.240 --> 35:49.240 And I'm sure that Brett Weinstein and Dave Rubin are doing better than Kevin McCarron. 35:49.240 --> 35:54.240 But Kevin McCarron is probably just auditioning to be one of these guys. 35:54.240 --> 35:58.240 To be promoted to that next level of podcaster. 35:58.240 --> 36:04.240 Next level of truther. 36:04.240 --> 36:19.240 And I have little doubt that some of these people who are still in the outskirts of the pseudo resistance are going to be elevated as we move forward into the coming year. 36:19.240 --> 36:25.240 And they're going to be elevated for very specific things like DNA in the shot. 36:25.240 --> 36:31.240 Do you notice how quickly the frame shifting argument disappeared? 36:31.240 --> 36:36.240 We made the frame shifting argument two and a half years ago. 36:36.240 --> 36:42.240 The frame shifting argument is just one of many parts of the argument. 36:42.240 --> 36:46.240 Anybody that understood the biology wasn't really impressed with that result. 36:46.240 --> 36:48.240 We knew that was going to happen. 36:48.240 --> 36:50.240 The duh. 36:50.240 --> 36:54.240 That's kind of what makes it so comical. 36:54.240 --> 37:02.240 That they would talk about it and discuss it with such vigor as if we didn't predict it three years ago. 37:02.240 --> 37:13.240 The spread of these bad ideas is actually much scarier than the spread of any RNA molecule and they've known that for a very long time. That's why all these people exist. 37:13.240 --> 37:17.240 That's why four people I love are dead. 37:17.240 --> 37:34.240 And many other people that other people have loved are dead because these people told lies because these people didn't have principles and many of them remain without principles. 37:34.240 --> 37:41.240 And I'm willing to believe that there are people that despite having principles were put in a position where they had no choice. 37:41.240 --> 37:43.240 I'm totally willing to believe that. 37:43.240 --> 37:45.240 All the marbles are on the table. 37:45.240 --> 37:48.240 All the marbles are at stake. 37:48.240 --> 37:50.240 All the chips are in. 37:50.240 --> 37:51.240 So I believe that. 37:51.240 --> 37:54.240 I believe lots of these people feel like they have no choice. 37:54.240 --> 37:58.240 Feel like it's now or never. 37:58.240 --> 38:02.240 If I don't do it, someone else will. 38:02.240 --> 38:08.240 All those things, all's fair and love and war, and this is definitely war. 38:08.240 --> 38:14.240 Ever since Nathan died, I've known very well that this is war. 38:14.240 --> 38:25.240 Nathan was my in the foxhole talking to your best friend and then having his face get shot off moment. 38:25.240 --> 38:28.240 I'm not sleeping anymore. 38:28.240 --> 38:33.240 I am very keenly aware of what all of these worst case scenario people did. 38:33.240 --> 38:48.240 Every one of these people who prevented us from making meaningful progress during 2021 and 2022 and 2023, which is nearly over three years of obfuscation. 38:48.240 --> 38:51.240 These people are guilty of almost four years of obfuscation. 38:51.240 --> 38:56.240 These people are guilty of. 38:56.240 --> 38:59.240 And I'm going to find all of them. 38:59.240 --> 39:01.240 And their. 39:01.240 --> 39:05.240 Their tail will be told. 39:05.240 --> 39:09.240 If it says lame is being told in a book. 39:09.240 --> 39:14.240 Or written in a court document. 39:14.240 --> 39:18.240 But their stories will be told. 39:19.240 --> 39:31.240 And the way that their stories changed will be told the way their positions on things changed as we move through the pandemic will be told because it has been catalogued already guys. 39:31.240 --> 39:40.240 I hope you don't think I've just been sitting in my studio doing nothing all day. 39:40.240 --> 39:44.240 We have been archiving all of your words. 39:44.240 --> 39:47.240 I'm driving all of your messages. 39:47.240 --> 39:51.240 All of your comment replies. 39:51.240 --> 39:55.240 And we can paint a beautiful picture of how you came out. 39:55.240 --> 39:57.240 How you blossomed. 39:57.240 --> 40:04.240 And how your flower wilted and fell off the vine. 40:04.240 --> 40:09.240 All of these participants are going to be exposed and I don't I don't I don't care. 40:09.240 --> 40:14.240 I'm I'm doing this for my kids and for their kids. 40:14.240 --> 40:19.240 I don't I don't I don't need anything for this. 40:19.240 --> 40:27.240 I feel like I've already. 40:27.240 --> 40:31.240 I know what I know I know what the right thing to do is here. 40:31.240 --> 40:34.240 I know that these people have misled us. 40:34.240 --> 40:38.240 I know that these people are responsible. 40:38.240 --> 40:54.240 They're responsible because right now people are are saying that Jordan Peterson is the gold standard of sensibility. 40:54.240 --> 40:57.240 It's doing it again. Why is it doing it again. 40:57.240 --> 41:07.240 Oh, and so I would let my response to this is to suspend judgment for six months for six months from now. 41:07.240 --> 41:11.240 Fearing as I do the loss of civil liberties and. 41:11.240 --> 41:18.240 Being wary as I am about what it means for how we're going to handle infectious disease in the future. 41:18.240 --> 41:26.240 Where you know I'm wearing the masks when I'm required to. 41:26.240 --> 41:30.240 So that's the best I can do with that. 41:30.240 --> 41:34.240 I have no particular insight with regards to this pandemic. 41:34.240 --> 41:39.240 It affected me and my family in the same way it affects everyone else. 41:39.240 --> 41:44.240 It throws us into psychological disarray in all the same ways. 41:44.240 --> 41:49.240 And brings up all the same moral questions and I wish I had a better answer, but I don't. 41:49.240 --> 41:53.240 So I mean I've got the vaccine. 41:53.240 --> 41:56.240 So that's part a partial answer on my part. 41:57.240 --> 42:01.240 But I understand the position of those who don't. 42:01.240 --> 42:06.240 Want to take it and I would be unwilling to compel them by force. 42:06.240 --> 42:09.240 That's for sure because that's not the right approach. 42:09.240 --> 42:14.240 Although I would encourage people to get the damn vaccine and get let's get the hell over this. 42:14.240 --> 42:17.240 That's but I did that I put my body on the line to do it. 42:17.240 --> 42:22.240 That's my decision. I'm not saying it's right. It's what I decided to do. 42:22.240 --> 42:26.240 So you might think that Jordan has much good sense, but he was very wrong here. 42:26.240 --> 42:31.240 But that means that he was wrong about the most important thing of his life. 42:31.240 --> 42:35.240 He was wrong about the most important thing in any of our lives. 42:35.240 --> 42:39.240 I don't know if you really know what just happened to us. 42:39.240 --> 42:44.240 But we are 99% the way to being permanent slaves. 42:44.240 --> 42:50.240 Our grandchildren are about to be slave enslaved. 42:50.240 --> 42:53.240 And there isn't a whole lot more that we can do about it. 42:53.240 --> 42:56.240 It's slipping away by the minute. 42:56.240 --> 43:00.240 And it is because these dipshits didn't have principles. 43:00.240 --> 43:02.240 It's not just because they got it wrong. 43:02.240 --> 43:11.240 It's because they got it really, really, really wrong for like a year and a half. 43:11.240 --> 43:17.240 Because they had no principles for a year and a half because they pretended not to get it for a year and a half. 43:17.240 --> 43:23.240 Listen to what this galactic size dipshit says next. 43:23.240 --> 43:30.240 He says that the way to get rid of the possibility of using infectious disease to institute totalitarianism 43:30.240 --> 43:33.240 is to get rid of infectious disease. 43:33.240 --> 43:37.240 Because then the impetus to use infectious disease to input, 43:37.240 --> 43:41.240 institute totalitarianism will go away. 43:41.240 --> 43:45.240 I think he better shut up and eat some more lobsters. 43:45.240 --> 43:47.240 Listen to this. 43:47.240 --> 43:53.240 Do not underestimate how badly we were screwed. 43:53.240 --> 43:57.240 Do not underestimate how... 43:57.240 --> 44:05.240 Do not underestimate how maliciously my family was destroyed. 44:05.240 --> 44:12.240 You think my brother just decided to completely throw my family away and into the garbage can 44:12.240 --> 44:18.240 without pretty good influence from social media and the mainstream media? 44:18.240 --> 44:26.240 That he could actually think that his brother was just an absolute crazy person? 44:26.240 --> 44:34.240 And do you think that my parents, irrespective of how bad of a kid I was or how bad of a parent's parents they were 44:34.240 --> 44:40.240 and how bad our relationship was, I've got their grandkids. 44:41.240 --> 44:46.240 Do you think that they would so quickly just forget it? 44:46.240 --> 44:50.240 Unless there was some pretty powerful bullshit going on. 44:50.240 --> 45:02.240 Some pretty magnificently awful malevolence on TV and in social media that included people like the gold standard of sensibility, Jordan Peterson. 45:02.240 --> 45:06.240 Just dropping his principles completely like he never had them? 45:06.240 --> 45:09.240 Well lo and behold, maybe he didn't. 45:09.240 --> 45:31.240 And just like Brett Weinstein, these want to be ruling class elites decided to, for the promise of fame and fortune, comfort and elitism, membership to the executive bathroom, they decided to sell us out. 45:31.240 --> 45:33.240 That's what happened here. 45:33.240 --> 45:39.240 And if they didn't decide to sell us out, then that just means they're even dumber. 45:39.240 --> 45:43.240 Because they did it and they didn't know better. 45:43.240 --> 45:48.240 Suspend judgment for six months. 45:48.240 --> 45:53.240 That sensibility. 45:53.240 --> 45:58.240 Listen, I'm really amazed that it wasn't. 45:58.240 --> 46:01.240 Let's not forget we did a pretty damn good job of dealing with this so far. 46:01.240 --> 46:04.240 I mean, it looks like a mess on the ground, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse. 46:04.240 --> 46:06.240 And I'm really amazed that it wasn't. 46:06.240 --> 46:09.240 I know that cards are having to all fall into play yet. 46:09.240 --> 46:15.240 You know, and who knows, maybe one thing it could do is alert us to the presence of our real enemy. 46:15.240 --> 46:22.240 You know, because we have lots of proximal enemies and they tend to be other people, but we have a real enemy and not tends to be infectious disease. 46:22.240 --> 46:26.240 And AIDS didn't quite teach us that, and the pandemic probably wouldn't either. 46:26.240 --> 46:28.240 But it would be a good thing to learn. 46:28.240 --> 46:36.240 You know, maybe we could aim our future selves at an increasingly disease-free society for everyone in the world. 46:36.240 --> 46:37.240 And that's the other thing. 46:37.240 --> 46:38.240 It has to be for everyone, right? 46:38.240 --> 46:42.240 Because we're all the same body as it turns out. 46:42.240 --> 46:49.240 So getting a handle on infectious disease around the world, that's an unwarranted good. 46:49.240 --> 46:54.240 And it might have extremely beneficial effects politically too, especially if Randy Thornhill is right. 46:54.240 --> 47:02.240 And you know, the worst of tyrannical authoritarianism is driven by concerns that arise as a consequence of infectious disease prevalence. 47:02.240 --> 47:04.240 It's a radical hypothesis. 47:04.240 --> 47:05.240 And maybe it's true. 47:05.240 --> 47:19.240 And so if we got rid of infectious disease to the degree that we could, if we made that public enemy number one, we might simultaneously be doing the best possible thing to limit the attractiveness of totalitarian ideology. 47:25.240 --> 47:32.240 Oh boy, yeah. 47:32.240 --> 47:35.240 Okay, Jordan, whatever you say, buddy, whatever you say. 47:35.240 --> 47:37.240 Oh my goodness. 47:37.240 --> 47:39.240 Well, the New World Order is almost here, ladies and gentlemen. 47:39.240 --> 47:45.240 Our kids think that viruses come from bat caves and that therefore they're going to need shots for the rest of their lives. 47:45.240 --> 47:53.240 And the college kids are wearing masks and they're going to get their boosters and they're advocating for RSV shots on the news. 47:53.240 --> 48:01.240 I guess I didn't play that clip, but that's what they said and that at the end of that California clip on the news, which is pretty funny. 48:01.240 --> 48:03.240 So the past is fading into mist. 48:03.240 --> 48:08.240 The past is being erased and the erasure is soon to be forgotten and the lie will become truth. 48:08.240 --> 48:11.240 That's what we're trying to avoid here. 48:11.240 --> 48:16.240 But the reason why it's very hard to avoid is because for the last three years. 48:16.240 --> 48:22.240 These people that are complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans. 48:22.240 --> 48:38.240 These people that are complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans and not by a gain of function virus, but by protocols and opioids and lack of antibiotics and misuse of steroids. 48:39.240 --> 48:47.240 And I believe that there is a group of people who has been tasked to run this clock out. 48:47.240 --> 48:50.240 And I think I've figured out what the clock is. 48:50.240 --> 48:54.240 I think it's the clock on the control group. 48:54.240 --> 49:04.240 I think it's the clock where people like me are finally able to be vocal with their family and friends about how stupid they were for not listening to them. 49:04.240 --> 49:06.240 I'm really one friend away. 49:06.240 --> 49:17.240 One friend in my extended group needs to go dead from a heart attack, a stroke or an aneurysm, and I will be able to send that dreaded email. 49:17.240 --> 49:26.240 Where I tell every one of the friends that hasn't been talking to me for two and a half years, every one of my friends that thinks I'm crazy, every one of my friends wives that thinks I'm crazy. 49:27.240 --> 49:30.240 That the chips are up. 49:30.240 --> 49:32.240 The game is over. 49:32.240 --> 49:45.240 People under the age of 50 are dying from strokes, heart attacks and all kinds of other nonsense because they transfected themselves multiple times. 49:45.240 --> 49:49.240 It's got nothing to do with double stranded DNA. 49:49.240 --> 49:54.240 It's got nothing to do with any one thing. 49:54.240 --> 50:18.240 It's got to do with the bouquet of tragedy, of toxicity, of biological incongruity that are the untested lipid nanoparticles packed with unquality controlled RNA and DNA injected into billions of people around the planet. 50:18.240 --> 50:36.240 And it is only a matter of time before it becomes obvious to those people who were duped by this worst case scenario crew were duped by the delay in our realization that there was no evidence of spread. 50:36.240 --> 50:43.240 The delay in our realization that PCR was a fraud was all orchestrated. 50:43.240 --> 50:58.240 The careful control of every part of this limited spectrum of debate exactly has described in that quote by Noam Chomsky. 50:58.240 --> 51:17.240 And so these people have been performing a sort of dance where they pretend that they're participating in a public health response, that they pretend that they are critiquing a public health response, that they pretend that they are participating in a debate about how a public health response should have occurred. 51:18.240 --> 51:25.240 And they have pretended to agree that these issues are important. 51:25.240 --> 51:37.240 And by agreeing, they have performed in concert with this guy, faking the stopping and starting of a train. 51:37.240 --> 51:50.240 There's my first call, faking the discussion, faking the debate, faking the fight against this problem, faking the fight for health freedom, 51:50.240 --> 52:15.240 and so not all of these things are false debates, the debate about antibiotics, steroids, misuse and disuse was not had during the pandemic, and they all agreed not to have it. 52:16.240 --> 52:19.240 And the protocols had antibiotics and steroids in them. 52:19.240 --> 52:24.240 But for some reason, everybody agreed to talk about hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. 52:24.240 --> 52:41.240 Nobody seemed to understand that none of those drugs were given alone, and yet everybody seemed really convinced that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin needed to be discussed, even though azithromycin and a bunch of other drugs were being given in concert. 52:41.240 --> 52:45.240 And that is pretty extraordinary. 52:45.240 --> 53:05.240 And we can go on and on and on, but the point is that by controlling these debates like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and controlling them in a way that the presuppositions of the system are reinforced, those presuppositions being that there was a novel virus that was killing millions that millions more could be saved from, 53:05.240 --> 53:11.240 that likely came from gain of function laboratory leak and therefore could come again. 53:11.240 --> 53:16.240 And hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin doesn't challenge that. 53:16.240 --> 53:31.240 Coming out against the shot, kind of sorta in June of 2021 to say that maybe, you know, some people shouldn't get it, kind of sorta, I don't know, doesn't harm anything with that faith. 53:31.240 --> 53:51.240 And in fact, you will see that all the people that I'm calling out right now, all of the people that I am insinuating are part of the worst case scenario narrative have still not questioned the existence of the virus, the death of millions, that millions more were saved, or that gain of function is real and likely the source of the pandemic. 53:51.240 --> 53:53.240 None of them have questioned it. 53:53.240 --> 54:05.240 Most of them reinforce the idea that gain of function will become ever easier and ever more impending danger as we move forward, and that the next one will be worse. 54:05.240 --> 54:22.240 We're very honored to have back an old friend and former, I guess not a co-host but an advisor, a contributor that was in studio with us for a couple of weeks, the first couple of weeks of January and 2020 when we flipped at least one hour, we started with one 54:23.240 --> 54:30.240 hour took the two-hour worm impeachment, I guess the three hour one hour in the afternoon, we turned it into two hours of worm pandemic. 54:30.240 --> 54:50.240 So, just a reminder that this gentleman was at the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020 in concert, really, with people like Kevin McCairn and Paul Catrell talking about the worst case scenario, saying that children were the worst viral 54:50.240 --> 55:09.240 shedders, saying that children needed to have masks on and we needed to normalize it, to the extent to which we could, we should even have childhood icons like Barney the dinosaur wearing a mask so that we normalize it with children in March of 2020. 55:10.240 --> 55:31.240 So, without a doubt, I also say that Stephen Hatfield is complicit in this worst case scenario narrative which led to hundreds of thousands of Americans being killed, both by the improper application of COVID protocols, including the misuse or disuse of steroids and the misuse and 55:32.240 --> 55:52.240 misuse of antibiotics, all directly as a result of people like Steve Hatfield in March of 2020, seeding a worst case scenario, all because people like Paul Catrell and Kevin McCairn seeded a worst case scenario at the beginning of the pandemic before they knew anything other than what they were told to say. 55:53.240 --> 56:15.240 And did I do find it quite striking? I would do find myself wondering who was coordinating all of these disparate voices that were all very convinced very early of all of these things that the worst case scenario would require that all of these protocols would be necessary that all of these things were possible that running out of ventilators was a thing. 56:16.240 --> 56:25.240 That both Stephen Hatfield and Kevin McCairn and Paul Catrell knew quite early in March of 2020. It's curious. 56:26.240 --> 56:33.240 And here we are in November of 2023, four years later. 56:34.240 --> 56:44.240 And now, now Stephen Hatfield wants to tell you all about how hydroxychloroquine was stockpiled by the White House and then blackballed by the White House. 56:45.240 --> 57:04.240 And how they would have just followed his advice and that of Peter Navarro that hydroxychloroquine would have given out to everybody in America and millions of lives would have been saved. 57:05.240 --> 57:30.240 But we told this story already in 2021, we told this story because drastic allowed us to interview a whistleblower who supposedly had a recording from the very meeting where Stephen Hatfield and Peter Navarro and Stephen and and Jared Kushner 57:30.240 --> 57:43.240 and Rick Bright and Janet Woodcock were all sitting at the same table and decided to do this emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine. 57:47.240 --> 57:57.240 My guess is that even this story is probably a confounder. It's probably much more likely that they number one stockpiled hydroxychloroquine. 57:58.240 --> 58:01.240 They distributed it to anybody in government that would want it. 58:02.240 --> 58:16.240 And then they gave it an emergency use authorization so as not to have a run on the general supply of it, to not allow over-the-counter demand for it to drive it to scarcity. 58:18.240 --> 58:26.240 And so he's trying to tell the story three years later, thanks a lot, that this drug could have saved everybody. 58:27.240 --> 58:30.240 But I'm not really sure that's helping anyone now. 58:32.240 --> 58:46.240 I'm not really sure it's doing any good now except for reinforcing the novel virus that killed millions, that millions of more could have been saved from if he had to use the novel treatment for the novel virus that I was recommending. 58:50.240 --> 58:54.240 It is a wonderful theater of the macabre right now. 58:55.240 --> 59:00.240 Because the spectacular commitment to lies has extended over four years. 59:01.240 --> 59:20.240 From March 2020 to the end of 2023, this man right here and a few others have been actively engaged in confusing the American public and the entire western world about the ability of RNA to pandemic and the dangers it presents. 59:21.240 --> 59:33.240 And he continues to this day. They are all complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans. They're all complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of people around the world. 59:36.240 --> 59:49.240 And you can see them for what they are because they will never touch the vaccine schedule. They will never question the virus. They will never touch the vaccine schedule and they will never question the virus. 59:51.240 --> 01:00:02.240 Because they don't want to do the math of the excess deaths. That's why they just want you to accept that all excess deaths are the mystery virus, but they're not because there was no spread in New York City. 01:00:04.240 --> 01:00:13.240 Because they were do not resuscitate orders in New York City because they ventilated people in New York City because they didn't use antibiotics for secondary pneumonia or steroids in New York City. 01:00:14.240 --> 01:00:33.240 That because they use remdesivir later on in April and May and June and July and for three years later, they have opioid deaths that they let go up in skyrocket and they don't care. No one makes a legitimate way of not categorizing but counting them and taking them out of these are all excess deaths. 01:00:34.240 --> 01:00:46.240 All opioid deaths are excess deaths. They don't just because they happen every year doesn't make them not excess deaths, but in certain models they would be. 01:00:47.240 --> 01:00:59.240 If there are 50,000 people that die of opioids in this graph every year and then you make a model of excess deaths based on this data. 01:01:00.240 --> 01:01:07.240 Then excess deaths will not include those opioid deaths. Those will be expected deaths. 01:01:08.240 --> 01:01:22.240 And so depending on how you calculate expected death and depending on how you calculate excess deaths, you can make these numbers be almost whatever you want them to be, especially if you don't ever show the data. 01:01:23.240 --> 01:01:37.240 So there has been no math done. They don't talk about strict liability or the fact that the PrEP Act and the Vaccine Act prevent you from being able to sue for damages, which is essentially a seventh amendment violation. 01:01:38.240 --> 01:01:45.240 Nobody talks about that. Nobody talks. Nobody uses the word strict liability and says we should apply this to vaccines. 01:01:46.240 --> 01:01:55.240 Nobody talks about Denny Rancor's. There is zero epidemiological evidence of spread. You want to hear something really weird? 01:01:59.240 --> 01:02:06.240 The only place that Denny Rancor has ever complained about nobody reporting this is regards to Bobby's book. 01:02:07.240 --> 01:02:20.240 So he actually tweeted the other day, Denny Rancor did, that the book is accurate in historically documenting the biosecurity state and the development of it, but very inaccurate in its in its perpetuation of the or our continuation of the perception of a spreading dangerous 01:02:21.240 --> 01:02:27.240 pathogen, because he's got a lot of data that shows there is no spread. Well, isn't that curious? 01:02:28.240 --> 01:02:41.240 Because when Robert Malone promoted his work and didn't say that there was no evidence of spread, he didn't complain about that. 01:02:41.240 --> 01:02:56.240 When Jessica Rose promoted the breakfast at the conference and took a selfie with him, but didn't say anything about the lack of spread that didn't bother him. 01:02:57.240 --> 01:03:22.240 When Robert Malone opened the conference in Romania and said that there was spread of a novel pathogen that was likely from a laboratory, he didn't complain about that. 01:03:23.240 --> 01:03:38.240 But when it comes to children's health defense and a book that Bobby Kennedy wrote, now suddenly he's really mad that this book doesn't adequately portray that there was no spread. 01:03:39.240 --> 01:03:47.240 I'm very curious as to why he didn't tweet that in response to Robert Malone's lack of acknowledging that very crucial data set. 01:03:47.240 --> 01:03:56.240 I wonder why he didn't tweet that with regard to Jessica Rose, not adequately acknowledging that very interesting data set. 01:03:57.240 --> 01:04:12.240 But instead chose to lash out against the book that Bobby wrote, but not against Robert Malone or any of the other people that he met in Romania, apparently, who are fine with promoting his work. 01:04:12.240 --> 01:04:21.240 Just the part that says that the shots killed 17 million people, not the part that says that there was no spread of a virus anywhere. 01:04:21.240 --> 01:04:28.240 And so then recently now, Daddy Rancor has chosen to promote the no virus people. 01:04:28.240 --> 01:04:33.240 The people that wouldn't talk to anybody else during the pandemic. 01:04:33.240 --> 01:04:38.240 The people that would only do a stream with Kevin McCare. 01:04:39.240 --> 01:04:44.240 They wouldn't talk about exosomes with Mark Hewson tonic. 01:04:44.240 --> 01:04:59.240 And that tried to maliciously interfere with my business relationship with CHD by trying to slander me online and offline in any emails that in phone calls. 01:04:59.240 --> 01:05:09.240 It's all a big theater, ladies and gentlemen, and the people are revealing themselves one by one. 01:05:09.240 --> 01:05:18.240 And it may be unstoppable. I don't know. But I have the feeling that right now, if we stick to our morals and our laurels. 01:05:18.240 --> 01:05:24.240 And we keep pointing out what happened. All the costs that were avoided. 01:05:24.240 --> 01:05:31.240 All the things that are avoided discussion. We can break this new world order by just simply seeing them for what they are. 01:05:31.240 --> 01:05:35.240 None of them will question the vaccine schedule. 01:05:35.240 --> 01:05:51.240 If Danny Rancor goes on to have a good old time trying to figure out whether viruses exist or not, but does not have any curiosity as to whether the childhood vaccine schedule in Canada compared to that of America has anything to say. 01:05:51.240 --> 01:06:09.240 That the comparison between Norway's vaccine schedule and America's schedule has anything to say if he's more curious about whether viruses exist or whether the vaccine schedule in America is a criminal enterprise and we're going to be able to tell what's going on. 01:06:09.240 --> 01:06:18.240 Because I've already come clean about viruses. I've already admitted that it's got to be hocus pocus. 01:06:18.240 --> 01:06:27.240 But for him to unequivocally just start promoting them is highly dubious. 01:06:27.240 --> 01:06:39.240 Because he knows that I have explained it to him offline before and I've explained it to him I think online before, but I'd have to go look at the show again. 01:06:39.240 --> 01:06:51.240 That the no virus people have not been forthright in the way that they have made their argument and that the way that they have interacted with the best people on our side. 01:06:51.240 --> 01:06:59.240 And the best example of it, and I'm going to give it to you right away, the best example of it is their continuing attack on CHD. 01:06:59.240 --> 01:07:12.240 So CHD may be wrong about the virus and may have been perpetuating the biosecurity myth of again a function lab leak and caused all kinds of problems and made it possible for them to transfect millions of people around the world. 01:07:12.240 --> 01:07:28.240 But children's health defense is the only organization that is even remotely reproaching the statement or the standpoint of the vaccine schedule in America is a crime and that vaccination may be a criminal enterprise around the world. 01:07:28.240 --> 01:07:39.240 And so I think that this is the sort of ultimate issue at hand here. 01:07:39.240 --> 01:07:51.240 The ultimate issue is not just are these diseases real are these pandemics real what are they really doing with bioweapons it's whether or not vaccines work. 01:07:51.240 --> 01:07:59.240 It's whether or not intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent to augment the immune system is dumb or not. 01:07:59.240 --> 01:08:13.240 And the fact of the matter is is that I've been saying that for almost six months and there's not one person on our side who's been seeding this worst case scenario is even bothered to touch it. 01:08:14.240 --> 01:08:20.240 I mean, we've got really just Peter McCullough. 01:08:20.240 --> 01:08:30.240 And ever since Peter McCullough has said that he's been right back on the virus spike protein all the other stuff almost like he was made to do it. 01:08:30.240 --> 01:08:35.240 But he did say that the vaccine schedule is something that he would forego if he had kids now. 01:08:35.240 --> 01:08:38.240 And I believe Tess Laurie has also said it. 01:08:38.240 --> 01:08:41.240 But Tess Laurie has very little visibility. 01:08:42.240 --> 01:08:51.240 The vast majority of these people who have been circulating around for these years now have still not managed to come out and say it openly. 01:08:51.240 --> 01:09:01.240 And maybe they don't want to risk their their their medical license or whatever but those who have already lost their medical license those who have already say that they've paid the price. 01:09:02.240 --> 01:09:11.240 They've not actually put anything on the line. They need to put something on the line. They need to say that the vaccine schedule in America is a criminal enterprise and we should do a pause. 01:09:11.240 --> 01:09:15.240 It should all be stopped. 01:09:15.240 --> 01:09:21.240 And because they won't do it, you can see that they're just leading us to the slaughter. 01:09:22.240 --> 01:09:33.240 It has taken me less than two years to get there from being fully brainwashed academic who thought that everything was fine. 01:09:33.240 --> 01:09:42.240 And I'm going to have to live with the rest of my life that I actually had a child in America who had the whole vaccine schedule until she was five years old. 01:09:42.240 --> 01:09:46.240 That's how stupid I was. 01:09:46.240 --> 01:09:51.240 So I had two kids in Norway and knew that this schedule just seemed wrong. 01:09:51.240 --> 01:09:53.240 I couldn't. 01:09:53.240 --> 01:09:59.240 I didn't do anything about it. 01:09:59.240 --> 01:10:09.240 And I didn't do anything about it because these worst case scenario people made it so hard for everybody to wake up when it was all right there in front of our face. 01:10:09.240 --> 01:10:23.240 And we all took it, hook line and sinker, because the team called worst case scenario was in the works all over the place, doing their thing. 01:10:23.240 --> 01:10:31.240 George Webb was on 60 minutes, ladies and gentlemen, in 2020. 01:10:31.240 --> 01:10:36.240 Team worst case scenario is 100% real. 01:10:36.240 --> 01:10:41.240 We're 100% required in order for this to occur. 01:10:41.240 --> 01:10:45.240 In order for Nathan to take the shot and not believe me, this had to happen. 01:10:45.240 --> 01:10:50.240 In order for Hollywood to force Annie to take the shot, this had to happen. 01:10:50.240 --> 01:11:01.240 In order for Dutch hospitals to require everybody going into the hospital to have shots and boosters killed my wife's sister and her stepfather. 01:11:01.240 --> 01:11:05.240 And it's all because of team worst case scenario. 01:11:05.240 --> 01:11:19.240 Every one of these people is 100% complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans at the minimum. 01:11:19.240 --> 01:11:23.240 Please remember that infectious clones are the way that they do virology. 01:11:23.240 --> 01:11:31.240 It's like a mixtape, the old mixtapes, you could make them, but you couldn't make copies of them because they wouldn't sound very good in your headphones. 01:11:31.240 --> 01:11:37.240 You can do the same thing much better with CDs because digital copies don't lose fidelity over time. 01:11:37.240 --> 01:11:41.240 You can keep making copies and you can make copies of copies and they're pretty good. 01:11:41.240 --> 01:11:45.240 And that is the difference between RNA and DNA. 01:11:45.240 --> 01:11:50.240 RNA virus in the wild is a bit like a cassette tape as I read in the book. 01:11:50.240 --> 01:11:58.240 That means that they can kind of detect them by using them, using cytopathic, you know, cytopathic effects as an indicator of viruses being there. 01:11:58.240 --> 01:12:12.240 They can even sequence them a little bit, but they can't really, excuse me, I'm going to escape out of here for a second and start over because I do think it will work better if I do that. 01:12:12.240 --> 01:12:16.240 No, it's really going to grunt. It's just grinding here. 01:12:16.240 --> 01:12:17.240 Oh no, maybe it's better. 01:12:17.240 --> 01:12:26.240 So they can sequence the virus and they can take that sequence and make it into DNA constructs and they can do that with all kinds of industrial methods. 01:12:26.240 --> 01:12:28.240 Very high accuracy, this kind of thing. 01:12:28.240 --> 01:12:35.240 And as many people have bragged before, it's getting easier and easier to sequence DNA and it's getting easier and easier to make it. 01:12:35.240 --> 01:12:38.240 And so this is the DNA version of an RNA virus. 01:12:38.240 --> 01:12:41.240 And that means that we are the CD version of an RNA virus. 01:12:41.240 --> 01:12:50.240 That means we can take this DNA, we can make it into circular constructs called plasmids, and then we can use a bacterial culture to grow many copies of those plasmids. 01:12:50.240 --> 01:13:05.240 And Barrick just used a bunch of standard ligation techniques to take, you know, large pieces of DNA and ligate them together to make the RNA that is very large that is purported to be the RNA of an RNA coronavirus. 01:13:05.240 --> 01:13:19.240 And that large DNA construct is first grown in parts in a bacterial culture that assembled and then either combined with a commercial RNA polymerase or using cell culture and electroporation, etc. 01:13:19.240 --> 01:13:22.240 You can get that DNA to be turned into RNA. 01:13:22.240 --> 01:13:34.240 And then that RNA can be used in cell culture, it can be used in animal models of disease and it can be used to store and to sequence and to recombine or to give to your friends or to use on a gel or whatever you want to do. 01:13:34.240 --> 01:13:42.240 But the most important thing to realize is that our recombinant DNA techniques allow this to be industrially done in large vats. 01:13:42.240 --> 01:13:49.240 Very much like you might have seen on Mark Coolak's show a couple of days ago with regard to the manufacturer of monoclonal antibody. 01:13:49.240 --> 01:13:57.240 These giant bio reactors are just great big vats of bacterial cultures that can be used to do the same thing on a much larger scale. 01:13:57.240 --> 01:14:13.240 Therefore, the planting of an RNA sequence, the seeding of an RNA clone in different places at the same time to give the illusion of spread is not only possible, but it was possible many, many, many years ago, thanks to infectious RNA clones. 01:14:13.240 --> 01:14:36.240 And it's very curious that for over a year and a half, almost two years, everyone as diverse as the ever popular Kevin McKernan to the infamous Kevin McKern have been trying their best to discredit my description of infectious clones and my description of them as being the single 01:14:36.240 --> 01:14:43.240 enabling technology that has made anything to do with coronaviruses, even possible to fake. 01:14:43.240 --> 01:14:50.240 And before that, coronaviruses were just a mystery wrapped in an enigma that could show up on a gel every once in a while. 01:14:50.240 --> 01:14:58.240 And until we made infectious clones, we've never really been able to attribute the kind of pandemic potential to them that we can now. 01:14:58.240 --> 01:15:09.240 And that's because infectious clones allow you to tinker around them in the laboratory and make these scientific experiment papers that seem to imply pandemic potential. 01:15:09.240 --> 01:15:18.240 It's all an illusion, but it is an illusion that is specifically enabled by this technology and specifically revealed by the existence of it. 01:15:18.240 --> 01:15:30.240 And that's why they don't like it when I explain it. They don't like it when I say it. And they have now, as you saw in the beginning of this, if this stream have tried to absorb it as well. Yeah, we always thought it was clones. 01:15:30.240 --> 01:15:44.240 I mean, the clones, we think the wild type virus was a clone. All these things are clones. Yeah, we said it was clones. We just wanted to have the debate with Cooey, but they're all clones. 01:15:45.240 --> 01:15:55.240 And so they try now, you know, to misconstrue the way that they explain how it was going to be amyloid and pre on and they can't really explain why the amyloid and pre on aren't here yet. 01:15:55.240 --> 01:16:05.240 And, and they're never going to be able to explain why they didn't show up when it was just virus, but they're going to keep saying that it's also the virus because that's their job. 01:16:05.240 --> 01:16:20.240 Their job is to attribute the known pathological side effects expected from transfection to the virus so that no one will ever escape the confusion. 01:16:21.240 --> 01:16:37.240 And that's why Kevin McCarran had this idea in his head that there would be a neurotropic component, that there would be an amyloidosis component, that there would be a pre on component to the spike protein, which has now morphed actually into the end protein. 01:16:38.240 --> 01:16:53.240 According to his latest diatribe with with Matt Crawford, it's actually the end protein that has more amyloid potential than he's ever seen in his career or something like that, because he's like an expert or something, even though I think he worked on Tourette's and monkeys when he actually had a job. 01:16:54.240 --> 01:17:05.240 And then when he didn't have a job and he was, you know, doing his worst case scenario shtick for the first year, he actually became a micro microscopy expert and got a light microscope and started looking at liquid. 01:17:05.240 --> 01:17:11.240 And that was pretty much as sad as it got, but he's still going. 01:17:11.240 --> 01:17:21.240 Somehow he's still going. I guess there could be a lot of random people sustaining that stream, but I think it's far more sinister than that. 01:17:21.240 --> 01:17:38.240 I think it's far more sinister than that. I think it's a worst case scenario. It's a team worst case scenario that was recruited throughout the pandemic that has been auditioning for higher, higher positions throughout the pandemic that has been co opted throughout the pandemic. 01:17:38.240 --> 01:17:51.240 But all of these people are now very easy to see because all of them completely avoid even getting anywhere near questioning the vaccine schedule as the heart of the public health apparatus. 01:17:51.240 --> 01:17:57.240 And that's what it is. It is the heart of the public health apparatus. 01:17:57.240 --> 01:18:05.240 So none of these medlers are actually striking out against the public health apparatus. They're pretending to. 01:18:05.240 --> 01:18:12.240 And they're pretending to in a very impotent way so that none of us are ever really saved. 01:18:12.240 --> 01:18:20.240 They are protecting the faith in a novel virus. They are protecting the faith in a million people dead. 01:18:20.240 --> 01:18:26.240 They're protecting the faith and gain a function and they're protecting the faith in that the virus will come again. 01:18:26.240 --> 01:18:30.240 There's a religious component to it. That's for sure. 01:18:30.240 --> 01:18:35.240 Just like there's a religious component to the trans movement. 01:18:35.240 --> 01:18:52.240 Ladies and gentlemen, they told us that there was some kind of laboratory bad cave zoneosis that occurred in the land of 2019 has been spreading with high fidelity ever since and they have convinced us that there's a pretty good consensus about this on both sides of the aisle and that is a lie. 01:18:52.240 --> 01:18:55.240 It is a coordinated lie. 01:18:55.240 --> 01:19:02.240 It's part of a national security operation to get you believing that there is pandemic potential in nature and that you just experienced it. 01:19:02.240 --> 01:19:08.240 It is a faith that they want your children to grow up with so that they can enslave them inside of it. 01:19:08.240 --> 01:19:21.240 And the only way to break it is to call that faith a lie and to realize that it's most likely the most parsimonious solution to this problem is they spent a few years studying a background signal that Nathan Wolf described 01:19:21.240 --> 01:19:27.240 as black life matter or something like dark matter living dark matter. 01:19:27.240 --> 01:19:38.240 They looked at the background signals of RNA and DNA in our environment and then they figured out a strategy to confound that signal as a spreading virus. 01:19:38.240 --> 01:19:45.240 And that faith is something that we must not allow our children to absorb. 01:19:45.240 --> 01:19:54.240 We must not allow our children to grow up to think that we have defeated epidemics using vaccination in the past and that we did it again with COVID-19. 01:19:54.240 --> 01:20:01.240 We must not allow them to believe that this is the result of a novel virus jumping species and that we beat it with a vaccine. 01:20:01.240 --> 01:20:08.240 We must not allow them to believe that asymptomatic spread is ongoing with coronavirus and other viruses. 01:20:08.240 --> 01:20:18.240 We must not allow them to believe that variants are being monitored in high fidelity fashion and that they are evolution of a virus that is being forced by a vaccine. 01:20:18.240 --> 01:20:23.240 We must not allow them growing up to believe that gain of function viruses are real. 01:20:23.240 --> 01:20:31.240 If we allow them to grow up with this mythology, they will be enslaved by it and so will their children forever. 01:20:32.240 --> 01:20:35.240 And I believe the way out is very, very simple. 01:20:35.240 --> 01:20:40.240 The way out is that we must advocate for a pause on all childhood vaccines in the United States. 01:20:40.240 --> 01:20:44.240 We must advocate for strict liability for all pharmaceutical products. 01:20:44.240 --> 01:20:48.240 We must investigate the use of deadly protocols to cause mass casualty events. 01:20:48.240 --> 01:20:57.240 And we must investigate the use of these mass casualty events in combination with infectious clones or transfection to create the illusion of a pandemic. 01:20:57.240 --> 01:21:00.240 Other toxins could also be used. 01:21:00.240 --> 01:21:04.240 Reclaim sovereignty over our bodies and those of our children. 01:21:04.240 --> 01:21:08.240 We should withdraw from the who and the UN without any terms. 01:21:08.240 --> 01:21:17.240 Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a point where human diversity is a peak for all time and that's why they are trying to invert our rights to permissions. 01:21:17.240 --> 01:21:26.240 Please stop all transfections in humans and don't let them eliminate the control group because that is the clock they are running out. 01:21:26.240 --> 01:21:43.240 As more people stroke out, as more people aneurysm away, as more people heart attack their way to the next life, it will become very obvious that the 25% of people in America that chose not to take the shot are the ones that are the healthiest are the ones that are living the longest. 01:21:43.240 --> 01:21:45.240 How long do you think it's going to take? 01:21:45.240 --> 01:21:46.240 Three more years? 01:21:46.240 --> 01:21:48.240 Two more friends in your life? 01:21:48.240 --> 01:21:51.240 Two more young people that you know? 01:21:51.240 --> 01:21:53.240 Two more kids at your school? 01:21:53.240 --> 01:21:55.240 How long is it going to take? 01:21:55.240 --> 01:22:04.240 I don't think it's going to take that long because I know that as soon as I have the chance I'm going to be screaming and I know that I've started screaming tonight. 01:22:04.240 --> 01:22:07.240 We need to end the vaccine schedule in America. 01:22:07.240 --> 01:22:14.240 We need to acknowledge that it is a criminal enterprise and we need to check ourselves and apologize to our children. 01:22:14.240 --> 01:22:22.240 Ladies and gentlemen, this has been giggle and biological, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 01:22:22.240 --> 01:22:28.240 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned integrals. 01:23:52.240 --> 01:24:21.240 Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. 01:24:21.240 --> 01:24:22.240 I will see you tomorrow night. 01:24:22.240 --> 01:24:23.240 No basketball practice. 01:24:23.240 --> 01:24:25.240 So probably eight o'clock again. 01:24:25.240 --> 01:24:26.240 Thank you very much. 01:24:26.240 --> 01:24:27.240 Jeff from Earth in the house. 01:24:27.240 --> 01:24:29.240 Jeff from Earth in the house. 01:24:29.240 --> 01:24:32.240 I still haven't put your head in the beginning. 01:24:32.240 --> 01:24:35.240 Maybe that's the extra slide I need. 01:24:35.240 --> 01:24:36.240 His Jeff's head. 01:24:36.240 --> 01:24:37.240 Okay. 01:24:37.240 --> 01:24:38.240 That's going to be in the next set. 01:24:38.240 --> 01:24:39.240 See you guys tomorrow.