00:00.000 --> 00:05.560
they had a cold previously, and for a couple of months if they had flu, and they also lost

00:05.560 --> 00:08.560
this sense of smell, it's just amazing.

00:08.560 --> 00:15.080
So it seems to me that people operating cults, and they just operate on a belief system,

00:15.080 --> 00:20.240
and that's how we solve, they don't, they're not capable of analysis, but actually even

00:20.240 --> 00:24.800
the people who are capable of analysis, they overthink everything and think their tiny

00:24.800 --> 00:28.240
little area of science is going to solve the world's problems.

00:28.240 --> 00:33.920
No, without them putting it into context, what they're saying, that it has no significance

00:33.920 --> 00:34.920

00:34.920 --> 00:37.400
It's completely lost, and they might as well not bother.

00:37.400 --> 00:44.240
So I just wondered what your comments are about that.

00:44.240 --> 00:46.560
I mean, yeah, I agree.

00:46.560 --> 00:54.080
Right now we're just, I don't want to get too explanatory about it and pigeonhole myself

00:54.080 --> 01:00.360
into just, I want to be sure that this possibility of there being real biology that could have

01:00.360 --> 01:06.360
been used to mislead us, and even misleading virologists and misleading molecular biologists

01:06.360 --> 01:09.400
into believing that this signal is higher fidelity.

01:09.400 --> 01:17.720
So it is cultish, but it's cultish with real, you know, it's like if you went to a ceremony

01:17.720 --> 01:24.560
at some cult and across the water was a giant, a giant idol, and in front of that idol,

01:24.560 --> 01:29.600
a bunch of people looked like they were, they were, I don't know, sacrificing goats.

01:29.600 --> 01:32.560
From the other side of the river, you don't know what they're doing.

01:32.560 --> 01:36.600
And a lot of us are on the other side of the river with regard to the pandemic.

01:36.600 --> 01:39.000
We don't really know what's going on behind the scenes.

01:39.000 --> 01:41.360
We don't know what goes on behind the idol.

01:41.360 --> 01:44.560
We don't know where those lights are coming from or whether those people in those costumes

01:44.560 --> 01:46.200
are who they say they are.

01:46.200 --> 01:48.280
And so we're really lost here.

01:48.280 --> 01:53.840
I think it's very important to realize that so many of us have been duped into accepting

01:53.840 --> 02:00.240
people as, as not, I don't like the word savior, but as people who are trying to come to the

02:00.240 --> 02:06.680
rescue on white horses, when this script almost certainly prepared that for us.

02:06.680 --> 02:11.160
It had to have, and only in retrospect as it becomes so visible.

02:11.160 --> 02:16.440
So I think you're right in characterizing it that way, but it is extremely diabolical

02:16.440 --> 02:20.520
because not everybody who's participating knows that they have been bamboozled.

02:20.520 --> 02:26.840
I did not know how badly I was being fooled and how many people were active in fooling

02:26.840 --> 02:29.440
me for those first two and a half years.

02:29.440 --> 02:31.520
It's only obvious now.

02:31.520 --> 02:38.120
It's strange because it's strange that even you could get into it because it was obvious

02:38.120 --> 02:40.880
to me from the beginning that everything was wrong.

02:40.880 --> 02:41.880
That's different.

02:41.880 --> 02:46.440
You have to, you have to, you have to see that that's not what I was thinking.

02:46.440 --> 02:47.880
Those aren't the questions I was asking.

02:47.880 --> 02:50.520
I was not asking, is the pandemic real?

02:50.520 --> 02:54.960
I was asking, is the virus lab leak or natural?

02:54.960 --> 03:00.640
And if you're not, but this is the point I'm trying to make with this talk is that if

03:00.640 --> 03:06.080
you were asking the question of whether the pandemic is real or fake, you were stuck in

03:06.080 --> 03:10.680
a certain path that was very different than being stuck in the, is the pandemic and natural

03:10.680 --> 03:12.000
or lab leak.

03:12.000 --> 03:17.240
And if you picked the right people, you were going to be stuck over here and you were never,

03:17.240 --> 03:20.880
ever, ever going to be allowed to ask this question.

03:20.880 --> 03:25.000
Do you understand that if, if you're in a private chat with a bunch of people that think

03:25.000 --> 03:30.840
this is a low level lab leak, you can't ever get those people to discuss the possibility

03:30.840 --> 03:33.520
that they might be completely wrong.

03:33.520 --> 03:38.720
And the questions that they ask are going to fuel this very limited spectrum of debate

03:38.720 --> 03:40.800
that's very vigorous within it.

03:40.800 --> 03:47.040
And if it's somebody like Joe Rogan talking to Mike Osterholm, it's, these are things

03:47.040 --> 03:52.520
that people all have to sort out and as an academic biologist, I went with academia.

03:52.520 --> 03:54.600
I got stuck with academia.

03:54.600 --> 03:59.420
And so I was trying to sort out what's wrong with academia and to get all the way to the

03:59.420 --> 04:05.960
stage where I can now relatively succinctly explain how screwed up academia is.

04:05.960 --> 04:07.040
It took me a long time.

04:07.080 --> 04:11.640
I needed to get, I needed to get far enough away from it so I could see it.

04:11.640 --> 04:18.040
And so every person, every doctor, every healthcare worker, every carpenter that bought into

04:18.040 --> 04:24.520
this mystery needs to work their own way out and there were own way away from this because

04:24.520 --> 04:29.920
they've been so entranced and enchanted to solve this mystery.

04:29.920 --> 04:34.480
And then they also don't forget they almost all of us came to the conclusion that we

04:34.480 --> 04:39.800
had solved it, that I was winning, that I had finally figured it out.

04:39.800 --> 04:46.040
And that's a very dangerous place to be because then you can really be really hard to be convinced

04:46.040 --> 04:47.040
that you've been fooled.

04:47.040 --> 04:48.040
And that's where I was.

04:48.040 --> 04:52.080
And I brought a lot of people there and a lot of people in my family or family and friends

04:52.080 --> 04:56.440
in circle took the shot because I wasn't arguing the right biology.

04:56.440 --> 04:58.240
I was telling them it was a lab leak.

04:58.240 --> 05:01.800
So hey, if I say it's a lab leak, but you don't have to worry about it, how are you

05:01.800 --> 05:03.360
going to take my word for that?

05:03.360 --> 05:04.520
And that's what I was saying.

05:04.520 --> 05:08.120
It's a lab leak, but you don't have to worry about it because your immune system is strong.

05:08.120 --> 05:11.480
And all you have to do is doubt your health or doubt your immune system or say, well,

05:11.480 --> 05:15.560
I'm not as good a shape as Jay, I better take the transfection.

05:15.560 --> 05:20.300
So I didn't save anyone when I could have saved someone because I was fooled by the

05:20.300 --> 05:21.800
same narrative.

05:21.800 --> 05:26.080
And that's what I think is so powerful about my story because I can start crying about

05:26.080 --> 05:27.080

05:27.080 --> 05:32.080
And one of my friends had an aneurysm on December, I don't remember what the date is anymore,

05:32.080 --> 05:35.680
but he had an aneurysm, just a freak.

05:35.680 --> 05:36.680
He's just dead.

05:36.680 --> 05:42.200
He's got two daughters and a beautiful wife and he's gone forever because he and his family

05:42.200 --> 05:44.600
took the shots because I didn't have it.

05:44.600 --> 05:47.560
I didn't have the story back then.

05:47.560 --> 05:51.920
And it's really important that people see that it's okay.

05:51.920 --> 05:53.320
We all didn't have the story.

05:53.320 --> 05:59.680
And if we can all come to this realization, we can all collectively lift each other out.

05:59.680 --> 06:01.080
It really is an important.

06:01.080 --> 06:02.080
It's an important moment.

06:02.080 --> 06:03.080
I think.

06:03.080 --> 06:04.080

06:04.080 --> 06:12.600
So, um, so one, just very quickly, I get traction when I say that I'm a medical doctor

06:12.600 --> 06:13.600
to people.

06:13.600 --> 06:14.600
I don't even know.

06:14.600 --> 06:16.280
I just talk to them.

06:16.280 --> 06:22.200
I know how to talk to people, as Jerry Brady says, you know, and, and when I say that I'm

06:22.200 --> 06:29.200
a doctor, not, not for any glory or anything, obviously, and then I say no pandemic, I get

06:29.200 --> 06:30.400
their interest.

06:30.400 --> 06:34.640
And then I say, by the way, there's no novel disease either.

06:34.640 --> 06:35.640
There's no COVID-19.

06:35.640 --> 06:38.520
And they say, Oh, well, I had COVID.

06:38.520 --> 06:44.960
I said, don't think he did, but by that time, we usually got some kind of conversation going

06:44.960 --> 06:47.240
and they kind of believe me.

06:47.240 --> 06:52.040
And, but I noticed that they are a bit disturbed, you know, they're very confident about saying

06:52.040 --> 06:57.840
they've had COVID free prior to me saying no pandemic, no novel disease.

06:57.840 --> 07:04.120
And so it's a way, I think that we can influence people, but maybe you need to be, you know,

07:04.120 --> 07:09.440
a brilliant biologist like you, or, or, or a doctor because they, they hesitate to kind

07:09.440 --> 07:13.480
of take me on because it may probably look as though I mean business because I do.

07:13.480 --> 07:20.560
But anyway, I wanted to ask you, um, the gain of function thing, I think maybe the, the

07:20.560 --> 07:24.320
message is being missed by some people.

07:24.320 --> 07:30.760
So in my opinion, the gain of function research, which they're plugging and saying, Oh, how

07:30.760 --> 07:33.400
illegal it is, you know, and the people are saying, Oh, it's terrible.

07:33.400 --> 07:37.840
They're doing gain of function research, you know, United States is funding this gain

07:37.840 --> 07:44.120
of function research, but they don't understand even the people on our side who should know

07:44.120 --> 07:45.120

07:45.120 --> 07:49.240
They don't understand the talk about the gain of function research and saying how bad it

07:49.240 --> 07:51.440
is and how it shouldn't be going on.

07:51.440 --> 07:55.480
And I think David Martin talks about it.

07:55.480 --> 07:57.760
You know, they don't understand that they're playing into the narrative.

07:57.760 --> 08:02.680
And I think that's what you're saying through much of the talk.

08:02.680 --> 08:08.040
And I don't know how we kind of phrase it so that people really understand it.

08:08.040 --> 08:12.400
Yeah, I mean, I think that that's the reason why I'm trying to teach the clones in different

08:12.400 --> 08:17.880
ways, because the gain of function, anything that they do, anytime they insert something

08:17.880 --> 08:21.680
or they make a, when they make a synthetic virus, they're making clones.

08:21.680 --> 08:24.960
So it's only a question of how much that they make, they make a little bit, or they make

08:24.960 --> 08:31.360
a lot, because the RNA is still not suddenly endowed with extra copying capabilities because

08:31.360 --> 08:33.800
you put an extra base or two in there.

08:33.800 --> 08:39.360
That doesn't change the properties of this multipoly protein replication complex that's

08:39.360 --> 08:41.400
hardly even understood.

08:41.400 --> 08:46.640
And so you can, you can put whatever RNA you want and you're limited by copying it with

08:46.640 --> 08:48.440
an RNA dependent RNA polymerase.

08:48.440 --> 08:52.640
So they keep weight making all this, these statements about what's going on, but there's

08:52.640 --> 08:56.800
nothing that you can do to the spike protein to change how well the RNA that codes for

08:56.800 --> 08:57.800
it is copied.

08:57.800 --> 08:59.920
That's like ridiculous.

08:59.920 --> 09:07.200
And that's the argument that we needed to learn the weaknesses of it from the very beginning,

09:07.200 --> 09:10.760
because all of us just bought into the cartoon that there are viruses and then they replicate

09:10.760 --> 09:13.960
and then we cough them out and then other people get sick.

09:13.960 --> 09:19.520
And it wasn't until I started really getting challenge on that and really listening to

09:19.520 --> 09:24.520
the objections of some of these people like Mark Bailey, where I started to see that there

09:24.520 --> 09:26.440
was something really incongruent.

09:26.440 --> 09:33.280
And I still feel like we need to revisit a lot of these narratives because best case scenario

09:33.280 --> 09:39.320
for virology and biology is that the fidelity of the signal has been grossly exaggerated,

09:39.320 --> 09:44.800
but there are signals that we could characterize as a measles virus or a flu virus or maybe

09:44.800 --> 09:51.720
even coronaviruses, but the worst case scenario for virology is that all of these are simply

09:51.720 --> 09:58.720
amplified noise that's been mischaracterized as transmitting pathogens, which in that case

09:58.720 --> 10:06.360
we have been probably actively misled by people controlling this sort of thought space, which

10:06.440 --> 10:12.800
is a much more diabolical situation and it goes back to AIDS and the people who controlled

10:12.800 --> 10:18.840
the biology story of AIDS and goes back to the whole vaccine schedule in America going

10:18.840 --> 10:25.240
from live attenuated vaccines to recombinant vaccines that were given intramuscularly.

10:25.240 --> 10:28.560
So that's the problem with this too, is that a lot of these people, that's why I say that

10:28.560 --> 10:33.000
at the end, how can you see the medlers, it's very hard to imagine that someone on this

10:33.040 --> 10:40.040
journey of discovery in the pandemic would stop at, wow, I guess they made a mistake

10:40.040 --> 10:45.120
with the transfection and so we should fix that before we move forward, like it's kind

10:45.120 --> 10:53.600
of a very selective attention on the lies and a very big amount of lies are ignored in

10:53.600 --> 10:55.800
that interpretation of reality.

10:55.800 --> 11:00.280
And so it's hard for me to believe that very many of the people that are on our team can

11:00.280 --> 11:05.880
still basically say that they think vaccinations in general are very good, like Brett Weinstein

11:05.880 --> 11:08.320
still says.

11:08.320 --> 11:13.400
And this is a very big red flag for me that almost everybody that lost their career and

11:13.400 --> 11:18.360
got censored and had to shake a can on the internet should be at the stage where they

11:18.360 --> 11:23.560
realize that the CDC is the largest producer of vaccines in America and that we have a

11:23.560 --> 11:28.560
schedule with more shots that are earlier than any other Western civilization country

11:28.560 --> 11:34.360
in the world and that alone, that difference alone should be enough to call on criminal.

11:34.360 --> 11:35.360
It's broad.

11:35.360 --> 11:36.360
I do this.

11:36.360 --> 11:37.360
Absolutely broad.

11:37.360 --> 11:38.360

11:38.360 --> 11:42.200
So I just wanted to ask you this key question, JJ, I don't know whether it's key, but it

11:42.200 --> 11:43.800
just seems to be to me.

11:43.800 --> 11:49.000
I think that virology genomics, I'm not sure about genomics and epidemiology, but yes,

11:49.000 --> 11:51.000
I think so.

11:51.360 --> 11:58.080
Certainly, virology, genomics, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine were constricts to

11:58.080 --> 12:05.640
achieve exactly what they launched in 2020 and that epidemiology, sorry, immunology,

12:05.640 --> 12:14.400
that as the virology increased in importance in inverted commas, the immunology sank into

12:15.400 --> 12:17.000
wasn't seen, you know.

12:17.000 --> 12:24.520
So the very subject which taught us all how brilliant the human immune system is and

12:24.520 --> 12:35.680
presumably the immune system of animals too, that went, lost its influence in the 18s.

12:35.680 --> 12:40.960
When I was at medical school, immunologists were kings of medicine, but now it seems

12:40.960 --> 12:43.360
that the virologists want to be kings of medicine.

12:43.360 --> 12:47.840
And I think that what they've been doing is fraudulent and it was a construct.

12:47.840 --> 12:53.080
I don't know it was fraudulent, but I think it was, I feel that it was, and it was a construct

12:53.080 --> 12:57.640
which was necessary for these bastards to do what they did in 2020.

12:57.640 --> 13:00.880
I think it's very possible that a lot of this mythology will break down.

13:00.880 --> 13:01.880
I do.

13:01.880 --> 13:02.880

13:02.880 --> 13:09.520
I just, I don't think we're under any obligation to be sophisticated enough to delineate what

13:09.520 --> 13:11.640
parts are fake and what parts are not.

13:11.640 --> 13:16.560
We just need to be focused on the current regime of lies and then work backwards from

13:16.560 --> 13:17.560

13:17.560 --> 13:20.960
Yeah, but we have to be able to attack the world of virology if that's what we need to

13:20.960 --> 13:22.960
do in many different ways.

13:22.960 --> 13:27.400
And so I'm just thinking a little bit further than the end of my nose or trying to because

13:27.400 --> 13:34.440
a doctor should be thinking about the possibilities and warning his patients or the world if necessary

13:34.440 --> 13:35.720
about dangers.

13:35.720 --> 13:41.880
And so, yeah, so there was something else, but it's gone out of my head.

13:41.880 --> 13:49.680
Yeah, I liked your, I liked your examples, your analogies were excellent, I thought.

13:49.680 --> 13:55.600
So you talked about the, our children are on the train and we have little time to get

13:55.600 --> 13:57.160
them off the train.

13:57.160 --> 14:01.480
You didn't use those exact words, but I understand what you're saying.

14:01.480 --> 14:07.720
And what I think the train was was endless, deadly viral pandemics in the future.

14:07.720 --> 14:14.240
And not only was there no pandemic in 2020, in my opinion, but actually the possibility

14:14.240 --> 14:18.960
that there can be pandemics in the future.

14:18.960 --> 14:26.600
I think is another construct, they put this about so they can instill fear into the population

14:26.600 --> 14:28.800
and thereby achieve their aims.

14:28.800 --> 14:33.840
It's just necessary to have the fear and put out the propaganda.

14:33.840 --> 14:40.960
So the whole thing that people are fearing disease X and people who shouldn't be distracted

14:40.960 --> 14:42.440
are distracted.

14:42.440 --> 14:49.000
I won't mention names, but you must have seen the disease X and Marburg, it's just nonsense.

14:49.000 --> 14:55.080
And we don't need to fear all this nonsense, you know, and thinking about the next pandemic.

14:55.080 --> 14:58.400
So the British governments, I need to tell you this, JJ.

14:58.400 --> 15:05.840
So they had an inquiry in having an inquiry, a COVID inquiry, I try not to watch it because

15:05.840 --> 15:07.480
it's so bad.

15:07.480 --> 15:12.640
And what they'd intent on doing is saying to the bridge, the agenda is to say to the

15:12.640 --> 15:17.120
British people, well, actually, we should have locked down a bit earlier, you know, and then

15:17.120 --> 15:19.480
it would have been a lot better.

15:19.480 --> 15:25.560
And so along comes Boris Johnson, the former prime minister of the UK, who has many, many

15:25.560 --> 15:27.480

15:27.480 --> 15:32.440
He actually determined the remit of the person who's doing the inquiry, but of course he's

15:32.440 --> 15:34.480
out of power now.

15:34.480 --> 15:35.480
So he comes along.

15:35.480 --> 15:37.200
I think he blew the whistle.

15:37.200 --> 15:42.480
He said, so she was commiserating after two days of evidence when Boris broke down, you

15:42.480 --> 15:47.000
know, and the story in the newspaper that Boris broke down because everything was so sad,

15:47.000 --> 15:49.080
we should have locked down earlier.

15:49.080 --> 15:50.080
But guess what?

15:50.080 --> 15:53.440
Boris comes out at the end when she's commiserating with him.

15:53.440 --> 15:57.360
And he says, I don't think I'll see you in the near future.

15:57.360 --> 15:59.440
I was thinking to herself, what world is that?

15:59.440 --> 16:03.240
You know, he's describing, I think he'd be meeting, they'd be meeting at every party

16:03.240 --> 16:05.640
in the near future.

16:05.640 --> 16:12.760
So he said, I don't think it was, he said, I think, but you can't look into it.

16:12.760 --> 16:15.600
I think we need to determine where this came from.

16:15.600 --> 16:20.120
Well, dead right, but nobody noticed JJ, nobody noticed.

16:20.120 --> 16:26.600
I thought, wow, the former prime minister of the UK, who was beaten into following the

16:26.600 --> 16:31.720
narrative, in my opinion, likely, he was blowing the whistle at the end of his evidence

16:31.720 --> 16:36.600
of the COVID inquiry, and nobody noticed, except me.

16:36.600 --> 16:41.480
Well, if he says, if we says, I would argue that if he says we need to determine where

16:41.480 --> 16:44.840
the virus comes from, that he's telling you, you need to solve the mystery of the Scooby

16:44.840 --> 16:46.320
No, he just said it.

16:46.320 --> 16:47.320
He said it.

16:47.320 --> 16:49.320
Yeah, it's okay.

16:49.320 --> 16:53.280
Goodness those, what he meant, I'd love to contact him and find out what he meant.

16:53.280 --> 16:59.760
But probably he's got an army of people stopping people getting to him.

16:59.760 --> 17:05.120
So you remember when he went into the hospital, and he was terrified allegedly for his life,

17:05.120 --> 17:06.120
he ended up in ICU?

17:06.120 --> 17:11.400
I don't think he was in hospital, or he was, I mean, he was, he was predicted to go into

17:11.400 --> 17:16.160
the hospital in the, in the Olympic Games ceremony, right?

17:16.160 --> 17:21.560
I mean, we saw his, it's the 2012 games that were in London, where they had the virus from

17:21.560 --> 17:26.440
above, and they had a giant death walking around with all the attribute, or it was

17:26.440 --> 17:29.760
a tribute to the NHS, and they had all these beds being pushed around.

17:29.760 --> 17:33.360
And one of the people that was in the sick beds was, was him.

17:33.360 --> 17:37.360
So like they, they told us that it's beyond absurd.

17:37.360 --> 17:38.360

17:38.360 --> 17:41.680
I didn't know that you've never seen that.

17:41.680 --> 17:45.600
There was a guy with yellow hair, and he was like in the bed whining, and they made him

17:45.600 --> 17:46.600
look absurd.

17:46.600 --> 17:48.360
It was like a caricature of him.

17:48.360 --> 17:49.360

17:49.360 --> 17:50.360

17:50.360 --> 17:51.360
Oh, yeah.

17:51.360 --> 17:52.360
That's 20 minutes, Stephen.

17:52.360 --> 17:55.800
It's a possibility that, I don't know for certain, but it's a real possibility, which

17:55.800 --> 18:01.440
you think about that Boris Johnson didn't believe what was going on in 2020, and he had to

18:01.440 --> 18:02.440
be persuaded.

18:02.440 --> 18:03.440
It could be.

18:03.440 --> 18:04.440

18:04.440 --> 18:05.440
It could be.

18:05.440 --> 18:06.440

18:06.440 --> 18:07.440
All right.

18:07.440 --> 18:08.440
Thank you, Stephen.

18:08.440 --> 18:09.440

18:09.440 --> 18:13.120
Now, Jim had his hand up first, and what happens with Zoom is if someone says anything that

18:13.120 --> 18:18.760
takes your hand down automatically, so Wolfgang, I saw you came in there, but Jim first and

18:18.760 --> 18:19.760

18:19.760 --> 18:20.760

18:20.760 --> 18:29.400
Thank you very much for your presentation, and I'd like to see him for us, I'm already

18:29.400 --> 18:35.040
useful, and I have a little bit of a different view on things.

18:35.040 --> 18:40.920
I'm concerned about, not about the virus or whatever, but the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

18:40.920 --> 18:49.440
has a bioterror weapon engineered pure and cleavage site from a bacteria, but spike

18:49.440 --> 18:51.280

18:51.280 --> 18:59.280
And we are seemingly living the plot of a Tom Clancy book called Rainbow Six, where

18:59.280 --> 19:04.120
a alleged virus is released into the Olympic Games to spread around the world and the

19:04.120 --> 19:05.120

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It's worse than the virus that he populated the Earth by radical environmentalists in the

19:10.080 --> 19:13.980
name of climate change.

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My question has to deal with how we prove, or first getting immunity, and if you can

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address NK and T cell immunity as good immunity versus IgG immunity as bad immunity that they

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are at CDC and everybody is measuring right now, and if you can address the different

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types of spike protein, meaning the first spike protein is the one that was transmitted

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by computer from Wuhan, allegedly, number two, the spike protein that was allegedly engineered

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by Jason McClellan using proline restraints, six proline restraints, and I emailed you

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a video of his presentation and how that spike protein goes into cells.

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And number three, the spike proteins that are allegedly made by the DNA contaminants

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that seem to be correlating very well with the dangerous lot numbers or batch numbers

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and how bad is my back.

20:33.760 --> 20:35.760
Thank you.

20:35.760 --> 20:39.920
T cell immunity and natural killer cell immunity is complicated and we don't know a lot about

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it, but I can generalize to say that in my last three years of reading, it seems apparent

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from the primary literature that T cell immunity is formed to proteins that are conserved

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across a wide variety of viruses.

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One of the most conserved proteins would be these proteins that are in the replication

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transcription complex, and those proteins are highly conserved across all of these supposed

21:06.720 --> 21:07.920
variants of SARS.

21:07.920 --> 21:12.040
That's why they only show you the spike protein and only talk about that because of the other

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30 proteins that are in the coronavirus, they don't seem to be changing and they don't care.

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So that's already an obvious tell that this narrative about the spike protein is really

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not biologically plausible because you have other people saying that the spike protein

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is the only protein that matters or the only one that's changing and that's just not plausible

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given the way that we know RNA is copied.

21:35.440 --> 21:41.520
So I would suggest to you that T cells that are relevant for any of these RNA signals

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are going to be primarily aimed at RNA dependent RNA polymerase or accessory proteins that are

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common across these viruses.

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Another common one is actually the N protein because it is around the N protein that this

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RNA is coiled and so you can't really vary that protein too much and then get packaging

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to go well, at least in their cartoons.

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So that is another gene that they have looked at in the past as a general indicator of coronavirus

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presence and now they have obfuscated this idea to say that this N protein can be used

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to identify a particular coronavirus.

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And it's up to molecular biologists to judge whether that's true or not, but the vast majority

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of these PCR's are not using nested primers and so there's a certain level of accuracy

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that's just not possible that a lot of academic biologists assume is there.

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If you want me to give you that little briefing and I've never really done it before, but

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I think it's a good idea to try and do it here because you asked the question.

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When you amplify the whole virus genome, it's a very long genome and you actually are usually

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sorry I'm bumping my camera there.

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You usually are looking for like a very small amplicon.

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This amplicon might be only 300 bases long, whereas the whole genome is 30,000 bases long.

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And so you might look for two amplicons.

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You might look for a spike protein amplicon and RNA dependent polymerase amplicon and

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then this would have been in the old days pre-2020, pre-2020, dang it, I keep hitting my camera.

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This would have been a any coronavirus.

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You would have used protein, you would have used PCR to find two small fragments and then

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you would have used metagenomic sequencing to amplify everything in the sample and then

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use a algorithm to see if there was a full coronavirus genome.

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Most of the time you wouldn't find a full genome and so instead you would just replace

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the genes you didn't find with genes that you found in the literature and then you would

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make a DNA clone of this sequence that you purported to have found in nature.

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After 2020 they've been doing the same thing where they first said that we're going

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to look for a small amplicon in the spike protein and we're going to look for a small

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amplicon in the RNA dependent RNA polymerase and then at some moment in time they changed

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what they're looking at and now they're looking at N protein which is even farther out here

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on the genome.

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It doesn't really matter.

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This is N, this is S, this would be ORF1.

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The point is that when they look for these amplicons they're finding a very small signal

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and the best analogy that I can come up with would be to say that the local library got

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blown up by a bomb and none of the books got burnt but they all got blown into a million

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pieces and so I think that you, Jim, you've written a yoga book and I have primers that

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can find the sentences of your yoga book and if I find the sentences that correspond

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to your yoga book I can prove to you that you wrote a yoga book you didn't even know

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you wrote and so I look for a few sentences that are pretty common across a lot of books

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like the following is an explanation of or an alternative way of doing this would be

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and then I claim that this is very specific for your book, I mean look it's right here

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on page 67 it's really your book and then I find that signal in the burnt exploded library

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and I say look Jim you wrote a book and that's very similar to how they've found coronaviruses

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in the past they look for signals and they find a very short portion that is thought to

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be shared across many coronaviruses and then they look for the whole book in this pile of

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words and it's very easy to assemble the whole yoga book if you can use all the words in an

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exploded dictionary or an exploded library and it's hard for us to know as biologists

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what signals are actually there at this size scale because the only way we have to probe

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it is with PCR so you'll almost have to know what you're looking for before you look for it

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and then when you look for it you won't know if it was there for real or if it was just a sentence

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from another book and the most important thing to see here is that in biology we're not using

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a dictionary that's got 10 million words in it and we're not using words that are spelled with lots

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of different letters we're using a limited number of bases that code for a limited number of codons

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which code for a limited number of amino acids so the shorter you choose the amplicon to seek

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the more likely it is that you're going to find a signal that's not related to what you thought

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you were i.e if you look for once upon a time you're going to find a lot of signals in that

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blown up library and so to get back to your question to make sure I don't lose my track of my thought

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here the spike in Wuhan is actually a I'm going to cut back over here I apologize for this I'm

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just going to do it quick like this um the spike in Wuhan what that's this camera

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spike in Wuhan is a construct that was made like this it was made with an assembly and my question

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would be in terms of the clone is that um keep in mind this has to do with vaccines and it has to

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do with converting us I apologize for this long answer but I hope it's good and converting us to

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believe that the previous combination of substances which we injected to augment your immune system

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is not as good as the current new combination of substances that we augment your immune system with

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and the way that they fooled you with that is they probably put this spike protein that they

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wanted to inject to you into these places and that's what I think you're hinting at is that

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the design is not only the pro leans to to keep it from being able to change confirmation

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the design probably was the insertion of small epitopes that companies like epivacs and other

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companies have been working on for decades to try and find ways to make proteins that your immune

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system ignores into proteins that your immune system pays attention to because the current way

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or the old school way that you do that is that you take a recombinant protein that you made in a

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laboratory and you inject it into the muscle of a child in combination with heavy metals or other

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toxins and those toxins attract the attention of the immune system and macrophages and they try to

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process this garbage and one of the arguments is that that that the processing of that toxin

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also causes the processing of those proteins and then you develop antibody immunity to those

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proteins that you made the trouble is is that your immune system is learning to respond to

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something on the inside now and so the antibodies that you make are on the inside the T cells that

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you made are not are not to anything other than those proteins and when those proteins aren't

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around those T cells don't have anything to do and the the trick here with I'm just going to

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keep talking because I think this is all really good stuff that probably you don't hear very

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often um the other thing to keep in mind is that there's two different mechanisms that are going

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on here with regard to the the immunity so when a virus is replicating in your cells

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or when your cells are transfected the main thing to realize is that there is a molecule called

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I'm drawing it in the wrong shape because this is like the shape of an antibody but it shouldn't

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be really in the shape of antibody I apologize but it's a it's a it's a molecule that can present

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other molecules and this molecule is called MHC there are two different kinds MHC one and MHC

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two that I don't want to confuse you with just understand that when your cells are making stuff

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they need to report what they're making on the outside by presenting small fragments to the

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immune system and so there are T cells that are patrolling your immune system all the time and

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checking that like a little bouncer checking to see that the ID on this cells okay are you guys

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cancer cells are you doing what you're supposed to do and making act in and other things and so

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there are natural killer cells and there are T cells that are doing this check that are seeing

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what on the major histocompatibility complex is being presented and whether that jives

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with the other signals that are present on that cell and so that the immune system can confirm

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that this cell is doing what it's supposed to do when a cell is is producing virus the idea is

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is that on the MHC molecule there will be viral proteins presented that the T cells can recognize

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and come and destroy this cell before it's able to release full variants and of course the earlier

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that protein is expressed on MHC the better chance we have if you recall that cartoon we looked at

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an hour ago the first proteins that are expressed during coronavirus infection according to the

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scientists are these replicase transcription complex proteins so if those are presented

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and they are shared across a number of these viral species then this would be the way that

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T cells would be activated and have nothing absolutely nothing to do with the spike protein

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which would be necessarily expressed later and also because of the nature of the way it is it's

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going to be on the outside of the cell not presented on MHC but on the outside of the cell

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which is a very different signal now this is the worst part when we transfect a cell

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the MHC is not going to be presenting in the same way because there's all these antiviral

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things are not activated because they've chemically altered the RNA to make it invisible to our cells

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internal machinery it just it sits there and it's there for a long time and it expresses

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the spike protein on the outside of the body or outside of the cell and it expresses small

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fragments of the spike protein on MHC this is a problem because if the body doesn't can't tell

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the difference it's going to destroy this cell and then it's going to try and process it

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and every time it does that there's a potential that it's going to process something of its own

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and it's going to cause autoimmunity that's less likely to occur in an infection because that

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infection is occurring at a barrier cells that are patrolled regularly by the immune system like

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epithelial cells the orientation of the immune system is oriented around patrolling those cells

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if you transfect someone and that lmp goes anywhere in the body then cells are going to be doing

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they're going to be presenting bad proteins that normally the immune system does not expect them

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to express bad proteins not as an expressed the proteins that that infection vulnerable

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barrier cells are expressing and so this is a whole different task for the immune system to

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sort out and so your question of spike in Wuhan is so important because the idea for me would be

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that if you really wanted to pull off this this show and make sure that the entire earth thought

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that transfection was pretty effective you better choose a protein that your body won't

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ignore you better choose a protein that after the fourth transfection you still get a bump

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in antibody response and that's not guaranteed for every protein in fact most proteins without

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any alteration your body would be would would build tolerance to very very very quickly and so

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it's very striking that even from the fourth transfection people are still building a noticeable

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bump of of of antibody seroprevalence that's very dangerous and it's dangerous because again this

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this attack it should not be blood based so there's no reason to have a preponderance of IgG

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antibodies you want to have T cells that are eliminating viral infection before it starts in

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the cells where viral expect viral expression is supposed to be so this whole engineering of the

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spike protein may have even been kind of a red herring to make you confused about the fact that

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okay what's the dangerous part about this spike and thinking about whether they have

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eliminated the dangerous part of the spike or not when in reality it is the transfection of

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your cells and the randomness of it that leads to the dangers rather than any particular aspect

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of the transfection in general and then if I go all the way to the double-stranded DNA question

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it's not that I don't think the double-stranded DNA packaged in a lipid nanoparticle or not wouldn't

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be dangerous I think it's probably pretty dangerous that's why they keep it out of all biologics using

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anion chromatography to remove it from monoclonal antibodies for example there's no DNA allowed

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in a protein biologic none if you have DNA in it it will be canceled that lot will be destroyed

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so this is an extra interesting aspect of making RNA because you can't use the normal

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procedures the accepted gold standard to get rid of the contamination because you can't separate

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RNA and DNA very easily so that's another tricky thing that they just completely ignored as they

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rolled out this transfection and then conveniently brought it up as a problem only afterward we rushed

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it we didn't know we should have used better methodologies we shouldn't have made such big

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batches all of these are excuses to make you think that transfection could be good if they

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had done it right and that I have been saying is a lie for at least three years if not four it was

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the only thing I could see through from the very beginning that they were confounding this narrative

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of oh my gosh we chose the wrong spike and the spike was gained a function now it's even worse

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and that was all just uh that's just all uh an act to make you think that transfection could be

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good if they just got their act together holy cow I hope I answered something yeah well you took

35:36.480 --> 35:42.400
uh Jay Jay thanks very much but 20 minutes and you got six hands up and we're finishing in half

35:42.400 --> 35:51.680
an hour so you better handle it okay faster next time yes so jerry hi Jay Jay hello my favorite

35:51.680 --> 36:01.120
one here a stroke off GP from Ireland and our suspended GP from Ireland I've still suspended

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temporarily and three years ago the the you just talked to Steve and there about you know I don't

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know I don't I don't want to waste your time but you're talking about Steve to Steve and it's

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sort of been caught and been fooled it was all about perspective it's it's a perspective of the

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observer I as a GP could see there was no illness there was no major illness in the community there

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were no people dying of covid so it's very very easy for me to cop on to that the fact that covid

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was a hoax and that that in effect that you know it didn't smell right and the uh then to look at

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the PCR test you know it's quite obvious that it it really couldn't diagnose covid or a a a

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pathogen as such but what I what I'd like to ask you but you used to work clone you know surely all

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viruses are clones in the sense they're an exact an exact replica of you know the in the absence of

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our asexual reproduction but they are a clone so I just like to elucidate your use of the word

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clone sure you know I'll try and draw a little picture of it because I think it's important

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and a lot of people are asking that question so it's good so I think where I would like to go with

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this is just to draw a little cartoon about how it's done so when you when you copy DNA

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um the DNA strand opens up right and then it comes back together as it's copied and that coming back

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together can reveal mismatched bases and because of the nature of copying DNA there are actually

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accessory proteins that are accessory to the main protein the RNA polymerase there are accessory

37:39.680 --> 37:44.320
proteins that can proofread and correct the mismatched bases that are here and that's well

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known DNA replication in bacteria is very high fidelity but in the cartoon of a viral replication

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you have a single stranded RNA that is copied by an RNA dependent RNA polymerase and that copying

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is definitely not high fidelity and even though they claim that there are accessory proteins that

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can increase the fidelity the the error rate is real and so when you copy a 30 000 base pair RNA

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it is by necessity according to most virologists you will make three errors you can't you cannot

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it is not possible to use an RNA dependent polymerase and copy 30 000 bases perfectly you can do that

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with DNA because there's a proofreading step that corrects so not only does this is this is this

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enzyme the DNA polymerase is that not only is that enzyme known to be orders of magnitude higher

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fidelity but it's known to have accessory proteins that are orders of magnitude higher fidelity

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and it's all dependent on this double stranded model and that's absent in all RNA viruses

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because they're all single stranded it's either there are a couple double stranded RNA viruses

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i should be careful but most of them are negative or positive strand and positive strand means

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that they can be translated directly into protein negative means they have to have their own enzyme

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to do that translation so flu and measles need their own enzyme aids needs its own enzyme

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but coronaviruses are special they don't because they're positive stranded RNAs they can be translated

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directly into proteins and one of those proteins that they need to translate right away is the

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RNA dependent RNA polymerase before they can ever copy themselves and so the reason why i would

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argue that these viruses if they exist at all are so difficult to culture for example

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they might do a 96 well plate preparation from a bat and only two cells will show

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cytopathic effects and only two cells will be PCR positive and they can't culture from that

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they can only sequence and then the way they overcome it is they take the sequence that they

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find in their laboratory and they convert it to a DNA molecule and the reason why this is important

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Jerry is because they can make as much of this DNA as they want they can make a truckload of it

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like a literal tanker truck full of almost perfect copies of this consensus genome

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and then because commercial products exist like t7 RNA polymerase they can convert that DNA

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to a perfect copy of the genome and that perfect copy of the genome in that quantity a truckload

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cannot exist in any bat or in any any bat cave or any any any community of animals because

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those RNA molecules are by definition all different because they've all been copied by RNA polymerase

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and therefore none of them are the same and so i can create a purity of RNA using this cloning

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technique that no matter what culturing techniques no matter how sick the animal is no matter how

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virulent the virus is by definition none of the RNA molecules can be the same and this is the

41:04.880 --> 41:11.200
illusion that they have told us when if an RNA molecule goes in a million different different

41:11.200 --> 41:16.960
directions on earth but all of those RNA molecules just happen to random walk to delta and then random

41:16.960 --> 41:24.960
walk to to to omicron this is there there are no evolutionary mechanisms inside of an RNA molecule

41:24.960 --> 41:32.800
coded and lipid and lipid protein to to account for these directional moves it's just not possible

41:32.800 --> 41:38.480
because the fundamental randomness of of this process and it's this process that they most

41:38.480 --> 41:45.120
don't want us to talk about because it it undermines the whole concept of it's still going it's still

41:45.120 --> 41:50.480
going because it can't be and it's much more likely the case that if there is a real

41:51.520 --> 41:54.640
bonafide signal that it's just a signal that was always there

41:56.800 --> 42:00.880
and that that's the best i can do for for pencil drawing but anyway

42:03.760 --> 42:05.280
you're muted again Jerry sorry

42:10.000 --> 42:14.880
that's unusual for me i'm not usually muted and at one stage you said

42:14.880 --> 42:23.760
they're getting close to it what was it was it a call a depopulation no you were done to say

42:23.760 --> 42:31.600
it was transhumanism in our children or grandchildren i looked and lived come to the idea the conclusion

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that in effect the vaccinations were about a a call or a depopulation

42:39.120 --> 42:47.840
uh efforts rather than just uh totality and control would you agree or disagree with that um

42:49.440 --> 42:56.800
i mean i i i hesitate to say that they would they would they would make any moves to prevent

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that but i do think that there is a there is a real multi-generational move here with the idea of

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getting the our children to accept a different way of governance and and so i do think that this

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is a long move and so they're never going to convince us that the vaccine schedule is good they just

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need us to shut up long enough so that the college kids accept it and they give it to their kids and

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so it is a we're also in a very weird state right now Jerry because it's very hard for us in this

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group to know how far our message is going because it often just echoes off of people that we already

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know are following us and so it's very possible that we're reaching farther and we're not allowed

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to see it it's also very possible that we're not getting anywhere and we're just running in a

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wheel so i'm i'm optimistic um because this group expands but i'm still very pessimistic because

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we are up against a monster for sure thank you jane jane you're very well okay thanks i still

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wait thanks thank you jerry keep riding that motorbike around ireland windy you're next

44:05.840 --> 44:09.760
hi there um thanks so much for that presentation i always love listening to you

44:10.320 --> 44:20.240
um my question i'm very interested in the dna contamination and so what you're talking about

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with kevin mccurnan i'm curious about the plasmid i'm curious about the dna fragments

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and the open reading frames um so it's been um published by kevin mccurnan david speaker and

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just garroes they wrote a paper looking at the sequences in the plasmid and it looks like

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there was a reverse open reading frame that was also a jean that seems to be a spider silk

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jean and i'm curious about this because of the fact that the embolomers have been fighting these

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weird slots in blood vessels there's weird fibers that people are seeing in blood samples in the

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microscope and there's also now coming about people that have weird clot kinds of things in

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their large intestine that they're kind of grouping out when they do parasitic cleanses that look

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strangely like the embolmer clots and it seems that there's silk proteins in those clots so i'm curious

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about your thoughts on that are those dna fragments you know i know you said that any dna

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getting in can be potentially bad and especially if dna fragments get in and interrupt other

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genes it could be contributing to the turbo cancer stuff um but if pieces of these open

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reading frames are getting in and making spider silk proteins i'm just curious about your thoughts

45:55.120 --> 46:01.360
um wow i hadn't heard that before um i have to look that up um the

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i would be i would be i would be first very careful to fully rule out the possibility that

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endothelial cells are being destroyed by by neutrophils and being cleaned up and when they are

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cleaned up there is a process of of fibrinogen being produced or fibrin being produced i get those

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two mixed up which ones the breakdown and which ones the not but there is an enzyme that comes

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along um neutrophil elastase that destroys these these and these um endothelial cells and in the

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process of doing that there are clotting factors that are produced there there there things that

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happen that can result in this micro clotting and it's not clear to me i don't know if if this

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would be i would soon be related to the stuff that secret bhakti has worked on and all these

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embalmers have worked on i just don't i would caution you to realize that the fibrinogen fibrin

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clotting cascade that has been described by these people has no special biology and it is just how

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antibodies and how clotting and how platelets and how this might cascade out of control

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and so adding a silk protein to that could be potentially something that could be later debunked

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or something that could be disproven when in reality it's it's a criminal investigation we

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don't have to prove where these clots are coming from in order to call it a crime and so i would

47:34.880 --> 47:40.800
always encourage you not to get too deep into the minutia of the explanation in this case

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it's very enticing to think about that but i would say that sv40 as a sequence might be more

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interesting than silk protein because again if it's silk protein it should be very very simple

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to prove it um this the the protein should be very obviously not fibrinogen or not fibrin

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fibrin base so if there's a so yeah and apparently it it is obviously no fibrin so all of that has

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been looked at i appreciate all of those thoughts okay so kevin mccurnan and now that i know more

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about your thoughts about him he has sequenced that reverse open reading frame in the plasmids

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that are contaminating the vaccines i can paste the paper that was published in the chat

48:24.160 --> 48:31.280
sure um and then you can read that paper sure please do it's um it's cold

48:33.040 --> 48:37.280
the um other thing that i would just talk about while you're putting this in there is that one of

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the things that i think is very much overlooked is what happens to the lipid nanoparticle after it

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gets released in the endosome so there's a very um good presentation by i believe a spanish guy

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with the last name of segela or or something where i've seen where he shows very definitively

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that the chemical properties of the lipid nanoparticles the cationic lipids that are used to

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transport the RNA once they are internalized into the endosome and they get into this lower pH of

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the endosome they change into very corrosive cationic lipids that can go around and and

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essentially create reactive oxygen species and destroy um mitochondrial DNA or even if they

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get into the nucleus they could destroy nuclear DNA and these this aspect of the delivery mechanism

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is completely ignored because they they don't want you to think about them after they've delivered

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their RNA when they change their chemical properties quite a bit after reaching the pH of the cell

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internally and so that aspect of this is also something that i think there's a concerted effort

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to hide and so any discussion of relevance with regard to the lipid nanoparticles often

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obfuscated by somebody who doesn't know what they're talking about and so this i'm not saying that

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they're telling this silk protein story for that reason but i do think we have to be very careful

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about latching on to these hyper detailed explanations that we don't need did you put that in the chat

50:03.920 --> 50:08.960
yes um so i will find it in a second but yeah i would really like you to look at the plasmid

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sequence and that reverse open reading frame silk protein and if that fragment can get into

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people um why are they putting spider silk in people and you know maybe the next time you do a talk

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you'll talk about that well hopefully i'll be able to tell you exactly why it's crazy but

50:31.440 --> 50:37.200
maybe not okay yeah that's great thanks thank you windy

50:38.320 --> 50:48.720
el berto lovely to see you uh jj thank you um uh you know two two camps seem to be emerging on

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our side of the aisle and the camps um are the the pro-vax people but just not pro this vax and then

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the pure true anti-vax camp and to say that you know i think this jab is bad i think uh the whole

51:09.200 --> 51:18.000
jab the all the history of jabs were bad and i think that's easy to see um when we're you know

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when we're paying attention to what people are saying because i always said like beware of the

51:22.800 --> 51:30.800
person that wants to fix the formula or improve the formula for the you know for the for the future

51:31.440 --> 51:38.320
um so thank you for that for for kind of slowly this is the layers are getting peeled back and

51:38.320 --> 51:45.840
and that's being revealed which camp people are in um the the the question that i had though was

51:45.840 --> 51:52.400
in yesterday's in your yesterday's podcast you kind of went into the details about um

51:52.480 --> 51:59.280
getting laid off of uh for children's health defense and i'm sorry to to hear that um you

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had said that there was a uh mccernan uh did a podcast with two chd people and because of that

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you know you slightly criticized or debated or some some to critique it but you got reprimanded

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for that from the children's health defense people behind the scenes and somehow that you

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feel may have caused your uh layoff or something do you um know what the time frame of that with

52:28.640 --> 52:34.320
how do i how do i find that uh that video where mccernan um i would have to look on my chat so it

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was a little it was a little wild before i did it but he had gone on um brian hookers podcast um

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doctors and scientists and when he was on that podcast actually mary holland joined him and so

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what i did was watch that podcast and critique what kevin was saying and uh i pointed out that i

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thought that maybe um mary and brian weren't really aware of what he was what he was skipping or what

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he wasn't pointing out and how much more there was to talk about um and the way that i got reprimanded

53:09.440 --> 53:14.000
was that they just didn't want me to cover that kind of thing they didn't want me to redo podcasts

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so it wasn't necessarily that they didn't say that kevin's a good guy and you shouldn't pick on

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them they didn't want me to critique um to risk portraying uh uh some kind of you know not not a

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uniform front for chd and i understand that i mean i was working for them as a staff scientist and

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then to go on my podcast and have the president and and the the chief science officer on there and

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and not necessarily i don't think i said anything wrong but it would be very easy for for someone

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outside of the organization to say hey it looks like they don't agree on everything what the

53:45.840 --> 53:50.960
hell's going on and so that's what i got reprimanded for i don't didn't want to say that that kevin was

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involved but it was how that started um let's say like that why don't put uh anybody on on a pedestal

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and uh and that goes for uh for bobby kennedy i know you no longer work for him and and hey i'll

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i might still vote for bobby um you know i for the most part i mean i like him

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but i also know that that he knows that vares doesn't publish all legitimate reports received

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and then i and i wonder like why aren't you really clamping down on that one um but uh needless to

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say i really appreciate that you um your search for the truth and um you know not being afraid to

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um investigate under every rock i appreciate you jr thank you so much you're very welcome

54:37.040 --> 54:42.800
albert thank you thank you albert now everybody i've got an interesting breaking story relevant

54:42.800 --> 54:51.200
to what we're talking about and this just came in so jj very relevant to your comment on lawyers

54:52.560 --> 54:58.560
and here it is justentrudo fails as justice pre-vales federal court and candidate the

54:58.560 --> 55:03.280
declares prime mr truto actually outside of his legal authority when it took unreasonable

55:03.280 --> 55:09.760
and constitutional measures against the canadian truckers so can federal court in canada has

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just ruled in favor of applicants who filed an application against truto for unreasonably

55:14.320 --> 55:20.720
and unconstitutional measures so that's one of many cases that are happening and it's quite

55:20.720 --> 55:28.400
possible jj that that that judge who's shown some bravery at last he's grandchildren may well

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have died suddenly you never know but anyway i just bring it through his attention on a side

55:32.560 --> 55:39.120
track it but there are as one amendment hall is going to tell us in february thousands hundreds

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of thousands of cases in the pipeline so it's not true to say that they're not happening but it's

55:44.640 --> 55:52.000
very true to say that most big law firms do not want to attack the system because they get the

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bulk of their income from the system so we just that's that's our challenge um elbert thank you for that

56:00.800 --> 56:01.280

56:05.760 --> 56:12.480
yes hello thank you jj it was wonderful to hear your presentation um i um

56:13.360 --> 56:20.960
was fooled like a lot of people to believe in the virus theory i must say that after last year's

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intense investigations uh i don't find any reason anymore to believe in the virus theory

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and that it is a big risk for a lot of people who are confused in that theory that this is

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uh correct science to present all of these modeling out of computer science that there is so and so

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genetic let's say footprints or what you claim i think we need to go back to real science and to

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go long back to the his philosophical discussion which were going on for more than 100 years ago

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about whether uh Lewis Pasteur was right or not but that is an in comment that is connected to

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my own research which have i would say conclusively come to the final conclusion that the covid

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so-called virus of 2020 was an invention and not the fact and that there was mortality across

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the western countries but that mortality was strictly connected to protocols

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and to the launch of 5g so so that is my general comment to it but let's say the question is

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how can you all or those of you continue this continue the virus theory against

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let's say the postulates or robert coke and all the lack of evidence that there is such a thing

58:05.920 --> 58:12.080
like a virus that is my question um i would argue that there is plenty of evidence in the

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literature that cells excrete small vesicles with RNA and DNA in them um i don't dispute okay and

58:21.760 --> 58:29.120
so i think that that my main argument is that they can make RNA and they can make a lot of it

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they can make DNA and they can make a lot of it and that means that some of the experiments that

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they do in the literature are definitely possible they can make enough DNA to put on a cell culture

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and then the cell culture will so psychopathic effects and try to copy the DNA and then afterward

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there might be more DNA or more RNA excuse me than when you put it in the first time but it won't be

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the predicted amount and assortment of RNA that the cartoon provides for it in fact they don't

59:00.320 --> 59:05.920
need it to because they use psychopathic effects to show the presence of a virus but they never

59:05.920 --> 59:12.960
then go farther than that and so i would totally agree with you that viruses are likely a phenomenon

59:12.960 --> 59:18.880
that have been exaggerated both in fidelity and its significance but i would also argue that in

59:18.880 --> 59:25.760
place of that there are technologies that are sufficiently advanced so that a DNA molecule or

59:25.760 --> 59:32.560
sequence could be planted anywhere and that RNA could be used to transfect someone and make their

59:32.560 --> 59:38.800
cells express proteins and if that's the truth which i'm sure it is because i've used these

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transfection agents in mice when i was an academician a biologist in medical schools i used to do

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these experiments where i transfected mice and so i am i am confident that if they wanted to

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express a protein in your lungs they could do it if they wanted to express a protein in your skin

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they could do it and i'm sure that they could express a protein in your gut if they wanted to do it

01:00:02.320 --> 01:00:08.800
and i'm sure that if they put DNA into a sewer they could use PCR to tell you they found it and so

01:00:08.800 --> 01:00:16.160
all of these very standard methodologies could be used to create the molecular biological signal

01:00:16.880 --> 01:00:22.880
that someone with a high level of sophistication but also a very high level of specialization

01:00:22.880 --> 01:00:28.240
would never be able to tell the difference between bs and truth and that is where we are and i do

01:00:28.240 --> 01:00:33.840
think that it's been going on for a long time probably since the AIDS virus was first characterized

01:00:33.840 --> 01:00:39.280
and said to be in circulation and we're probably dealing with a scenario where when they started

01:00:39.280 --> 01:00:46.880
to grow things in cell culture and then inject them into people there was uh there were problems

01:00:46.880 --> 01:00:52.960
because they couldn't detect the kind of immune signals that were present in these cell cultures

01:00:52.960 --> 01:00:59.120
and if there are immune signals that are at the same size scale as viruses then it would be very

01:00:59.120 --> 01:01:06.880
easy for a controlled discussion of this biology to result in a horrible misinterpretation of a

01:01:06.880 --> 01:01:12.640
signal that is almost exclusively endogenous as opposed to being exclusively pathogenic

01:01:12.640 --> 01:01:21.440
which is what they would like us to believe is that kind of an answer yeah thank you thank you

01:01:21.440 --> 01:01:26.640
Anders Wolfgang welcome loving to see you for those of you who don't know who he is Stephen has

01:01:26.640 --> 01:01:32.080
organized Wolfgang to be to speak just twice so far i think Wolfgang twice or three times

01:01:32.880 --> 01:01:42.880
twice twice welcome great to see you over to you i came explicitly because i heard JJ some days

01:01:42.880 --> 01:01:49.120
ago in the coronavirus and i was very fascinated about his knowledge and his interpretation of what

01:01:49.200 --> 01:01:56.880
you observed in the last years and i think i was i'm not a specialist for molecular biology

01:01:56.880 --> 01:02:03.440
but i observed the whole business of vaccination industry for many years as a as it was of a public

01:02:03.440 --> 01:02:10.880
health institution and in when when in politics too about the patent laws and all this around

01:02:10.880 --> 01:02:17.120
how they try to have have formulas where they could where they could have claims to work with

01:02:17.120 --> 01:02:22.880
to earn money with and they had their claims not only in the land they had them also in biology

01:02:22.880 --> 01:02:29.360
and they tried to shape their claims there and to give them give their claims a certain meaning

01:02:29.360 --> 01:02:33.360
that they could produce because you could only get a patent when you can use it for certain

01:02:33.360 --> 01:02:41.120
techniques you have to describe so this this it's this working out such theories that there are

01:02:41.120 --> 01:02:46.560
some molecular molecules you could do something against with the with the surgeon technology

01:02:46.560 --> 01:02:52.880
this is the basis of patent of of getting a patent and earning money with it and i think it was

01:02:53.520 --> 01:02:59.280
we are trapped for many many years i think much long it's i think it started in the in the 50s

01:02:59.280 --> 01:03:05.840
of 60s already when they were when they were trying out the first vaccinations when they were

01:03:06.640 --> 01:03:12.320
when they had the idea the pharmaceutical industry got the idea that they it's it's too

01:03:12.320 --> 01:03:17.840
it's too little business only to deal with ill people they wanted to sell something to healthy

01:03:17.840 --> 01:03:25.040
people the market is much much much bigger and this was a genius idea to tell people we can do

01:03:25.040 --> 01:03:32.240
something with your immune system and i think this was this was a fantastic idea for them

01:03:32.960 --> 01:03:38.240
and they developed it more and more and they went more and more and a granular in the granular

01:03:38.240 --> 01:03:42.720
affair they get went to molecules and they they went into the immune system they take it they

01:03:42.720 --> 01:03:49.680
invented stories which about good immune system bad immune system all such things which have

01:03:49.680 --> 01:03:56.720
nothing to do with biology which we can never understand and jj you you said it last time it was

01:03:56.720 --> 01:04:06.560
great i was fascinated they tried to to just to describe the irreducible complexity of life

01:04:06.560 --> 01:04:13.600
and they picked out something of it and they made they made narratives around it and they

01:04:13.600 --> 01:04:20.880
to sell their products and to get their patents and now they i think it's it's it's not just trying

01:04:20.880 --> 01:04:26.320
to open a new sphere of business and they can only do it with the work speed

01:04:27.440 --> 01:04:33.520
methodology because normally we should we should need some time to find out whether people get

01:04:33.520 --> 01:04:38.480
healthier or not or whether they're really protected or not have a control group or whatever it's a

01:04:38.480 --> 01:04:43.920
very very long process and then when you when you find out such things whether something is working

01:04:43.920 --> 01:04:50.400
or not it's only statistical results you don't know what happens in a certain person because

01:04:50.400 --> 01:04:54.240
this is the irreducible complexity of life that we are all different

01:04:54.880 --> 01:05:01.600
and so i think this this business what what i observed in the last year is for my for my

01:05:01.600 --> 01:05:10.240
experience now it is just that i don't advise people anymore to take any vaccine i am and it

01:05:10.240 --> 01:05:17.680
goes much further observed also the clinical studies they did and above normal some sort of drugs and

01:05:17.680 --> 01:05:22.000
how they constructed their narratives there they are constructing narratives everywhere

01:05:22.720 --> 01:05:31.760
and i think if we want to change this one very effective thing would be just to forbid patents

01:05:32.480 --> 01:05:37.360
on such things but they'll bid patents on living on everything that has to do with life

01:05:38.240 --> 01:05:46.240
and to forbid patents for drugs and drugs and i think this will solve a lot of problems

01:05:46.960 --> 01:05:53.040
and i tried to work for it in politics and i i i experienced that they certainly there was

01:05:53.040 --> 01:05:58.640
people coming to me and lobby was coming and they were really terrified when i started to to

01:05:58.640 --> 01:06:06.560
make such an initiative so i i felt that there was something very important with the patent right

01:06:06.640 --> 01:06:11.040
so this is just what i want to say and i want to i think i want to thank you very much

01:06:11.040 --> 01:06:17.760
because you JJ you you're much more strict in your in your thoughts and you're much more

01:06:18.720 --> 01:06:27.840
it's i got lost sometimes i got lost and my time got lost in molecules too and i was distracted

01:06:27.840 --> 01:06:33.920
very often too and they made it very well but the more they did it and they more they the more we

01:06:33.920 --> 01:06:40.240
find out that oh again you were trapped again you were treated or you were treated

01:06:40.240 --> 01:06:46.000
and the better it will so we learn that we are treated and this is a very interesting

01:06:46.000 --> 01:06:52.240
process which made perhaps lead to some some improvement in living together in this

01:06:52.960 --> 01:06:58.880
yeah in reducible society complex society thank you very much i think it's a great

01:06:58.880 --> 01:07:03.280
comment i just want to follow up by saying you might not be aware of it but in the United States

01:07:03.280 --> 01:07:10.480
right before the pandemic there was a supreme court decision which basically decided that all

01:07:10.480 --> 01:07:17.280
intellectual property of of monoclonal antibodies was based on bad science and they actually

01:07:18.720 --> 01:07:24.080
decided to say that the intellectual property of antibodies was based on a formula that had

01:07:24.080 --> 01:07:29.360
been repeated so often that it had no relevance anymore and one of the things they talked about

01:07:30.080 --> 01:07:35.040
was that the claim of monoclonal antibodies is that it's a single molecule when in reality

01:07:35.040 --> 01:07:39.760
it's a it's not a single molecule at all and depending on which animal produces it's going to be of

01:07:39.760 --> 01:07:46.080
it's as many variations as possible the kinds of motifs that are created and so they portrayed

01:07:46.080 --> 01:07:52.880
a level of fidelity in creation that wasn't there and the supreme court basically took a

01:07:53.680 --> 01:07:59.840
a whole field of intellectual property that was the basis for a lot of of pharmaceutical value

01:07:59.840 --> 01:08:05.440
pharmaceutical company value and made it very shaky ground right before the pandemic as to

01:08:05.440 --> 01:08:10.880
whether or not you would even be able to to patent an antibody in the traditional manner

01:08:10.880 --> 01:08:15.840
and so one of the things this was actually all discovered by a friend of mine mark kulak of

01:08:15.840 --> 01:08:21.840
a heucetonic live um who just lost his youtube channel yesterday um for a video that he put up

01:08:21.840 --> 01:08:29.680
but he found this antibody paradox being covered by a Yale law school review that was then several

01:08:29.680 --> 01:08:36.000
months later cited by the supreme court as the evidence for the biology of monoclonal antibodies

01:08:36.000 --> 01:08:41.840
not supporting their general patent so this was a huge change that occurred right before the pandemic

01:08:41.840 --> 01:08:46.880
seemingly very convenient so that no pharmaceutical companies would invest in

01:08:46.880 --> 01:08:50.000
any monoclonal antibodies but instead would convert to this new

01:08:51.040 --> 01:08:54.560
you know there is there is science one first though you know i don't know whether you know

01:08:54.560 --> 01:09:01.440
physics a physics professor and he was he was telling when when there are problems we we have a

01:09:01.440 --> 01:09:08.320
narrative and we deduct from this narrative everything we do we take some new narrative and

01:09:08.320 --> 01:09:14.560
we make it the basis of all things we do and then we don't when we don't go when we cannot go further

01:09:14.640 --> 01:09:20.320
we invent particles and we discuss about the particles and what we have learned all about

01:09:20.320 --> 01:09:26.480
the particles and we can't go further we invent particles of particles and like this it goes on

01:09:26.480 --> 01:09:32.240
until there is a new narrative and i think we are at the at the level now that there will be a new

01:09:32.240 --> 01:09:38.320
narrative and i hope so you started it thank you very much okay thank you well okay okay

01:09:38.320 --> 01:09:42.160
Stephen we'll go for another 15 minutes we've got two questions and there's Stephen for closing

01:09:42.160 --> 01:09:46.400
questions we'll go for two and three quarter hours today JJ you okay have another 15 minutes

01:09:46.400 --> 01:09:51.840
i can probably do it if i if i pass out quick on the quick if i fall over you know then it's

01:09:51.840 --> 01:09:56.320
that's what happens yeah correct so Tom and maker and then Stephen and we'll finish it

01:09:56.320 --> 01:10:07.040
the two and three quarters go Tom oh can you hear me okay i can wow nice mic okay oh okay um yeah so um

01:10:07.600 --> 01:10:12.640
let's see if i got my question are you from Wisconsin does that say you're a Wisconsin guy

01:10:14.000 --> 01:10:18.480
yeah yeah i am i grew up in Chippewa Falls Wisconsin that's where i was born

01:10:19.360 --> 01:10:25.680
right and i i was in the Mississippi when i grew up in lacrosse but okay nice now early

01:10:25.680 --> 01:10:33.920
michigan yeah so um i had asked you this before and um it's kind of a minor question but this uh

01:10:33.920 --> 01:10:39.760
lateral these grocery store tests that are in cardboard boxes oh yeah yeah yeah are those

01:10:40.480 --> 01:10:46.880
yeah are those lateral flow and um well yeah i have i have i guess three or four questions but

01:10:46.880 --> 01:10:53.040
that's a quick easy one are those lateral i hope are lateral flow and you talk about lateral flow

01:10:54.720 --> 01:11:00.080
fraud so should i do all the questions should we do one by one or what's the best way no i mean

01:11:00.240 --> 01:11:04.960
it's fine you can just say it i know what you're asking about now and and i'm limited in my

01:11:05.760 --> 01:11:13.120
i haven't looked at the specifics of each of these products um there's a lot of them and so

01:11:13.120 --> 01:11:18.800
what antibodies are present in them and what they're specific for is specific for each product so

01:11:18.800 --> 01:11:28.080
it's tricky to it's pretty tricky to to discern which of them would be let's say more reliable or

01:11:28.080 --> 01:11:32.000
less reliable for the indication of the presence of these proteins so that's tricky but go ahead

01:11:32.000 --> 01:11:40.560
just ask oh so so i assume do they create uh an antibody are you are they detecting antibodies

01:11:40.560 --> 01:11:45.520
in general or they're not detecting antibodies in a lateral flow test i think you use your saliva

01:11:45.520 --> 01:11:51.040
right and so they're detecting spike protein or n protein and it's antibodies to those proteins

01:11:51.120 --> 01:11:58.800
that then move and then get bound to a second protein that changes color and if if i'm wrong

01:11:58.800 --> 01:12:03.760
about this then please don't let that undermine the rest of my biology that i taught because

01:12:03.760 --> 01:12:09.600
lateral flow tests are are kind of tricky with the antibody problem because it the specificities

01:12:09.600 --> 01:12:16.560
so i yeah i love your train thing and everything but this this is what i'm up against with a lot of

01:12:16.560 --> 01:12:22.080
people on the other side it's like oh i tested positive for covid again uh you know this is like

01:12:22.080 --> 01:12:28.400
that eighth time i've had covid etc and it's based on those tests um but you don't need to respond

01:12:28.400 --> 01:12:35.280
to that so this is like uh teaching kind of question it exposes all kinds of confusion that i have

01:12:35.440 --> 01:12:50.160
um and let's see so it's um uh it's the idea of okay the virus the virons has a genome which uh and

01:12:50.160 --> 01:13:02.000
is that is that the m is that represented one-to-one by the mRNA and within that genome how many genes

01:13:02.080 --> 01:13:09.280
are in it and is that another way of asking for how many proteins does it code for um and then

01:13:09.280 --> 01:13:17.120
and then at the higher level as you're kind of going up to hierarchy um we've you've got chromosomes

01:13:17.120 --> 01:13:23.120
you've got the cell nucleus and then you have the entire human genome could you kind of quickly

01:13:23.120 --> 01:13:30.720
touch on those concepts sure so in a viral genome you expect a virus to have in a coronavirus 30

01:13:30.800 --> 01:13:36.560
odd proteins that are encoded in a single genome and the genome would be long one long RNA that's

01:13:36.560 --> 01:13:43.760
the idea in our cellular genomes is one long double-stranded DNA molecule in theory for each

01:13:43.760 --> 01:13:50.000
chromosome and so our genome is just gigantic and instead of having n proteins we have our DNA

01:13:50.800 --> 01:13:55.760
organized into chromosomes that is really DNA around histones and other other proteins

01:13:56.560 --> 01:14:03.120
um but a viral genome um is supposed to contain all of the proteins that are necessary so that

01:14:03.120 --> 01:14:09.520
when that RNA goes into the cell um remember that if it's a positive strand RNA then it can go

01:14:09.520 --> 01:14:14.160
right through the ribosome if it's a negative strand RNA it needs to be turned into a positive

01:14:14.160 --> 01:14:20.640
strand RNA before it can be converted into protein so for negative strand viruses like flu and measles

01:14:20.640 --> 01:14:26.400
there has to be a not only a genome in the viral but there also has to be an enzyme set

01:14:26.960 --> 01:14:32.720
that can copy the negative strand RNA into a positive strand one before flu proteins can be

01:14:32.720 --> 01:14:39.200
made before measles protein and viruses can be made so the coronavirus is an opposite kind of thing

01:14:39.200 --> 01:14:45.200
because it's positive stranded so the first thing it has to do is go into your cells and translate

01:14:45.680 --> 01:14:52.400
into protein so that the proteins that are present that copy it from positive to positive are there

01:14:52.400 --> 01:14:58.880
so that's the trick that i wonder if you caught it but it's something that i find very frustrating

01:14:58.880 --> 01:15:06.480
about the current model of the of the the way that these viruses replicate and it's part of

01:15:06.480 --> 01:15:09.440
that bothers me i got to find the right slide here apologize for this

01:15:11.680 --> 01:15:22.480
is that in this model oops that should be here and then yeah in this model this is the this is the

01:15:22.480 --> 01:15:27.360
diagram where they show a coronavirus replicating the the thing that has to happen right this is a

01:15:27.360 --> 01:15:34.640
positive strand RNA genome which can go right through the ribosome but you want a positive strand

01:15:34.640 --> 01:15:44.560
RNA in your viruses that go out of the cell so you might presume that the positive strand RNA

01:15:44.560 --> 01:15:49.600
has to be translated to a negative strand RNA and then the negative strand RNA gets transacted back

01:15:49.600 --> 01:15:54.880
to a positive strand RNA because that's how these double stranded molecules are copied right they

01:15:55.600 --> 01:16:00.640
they rely on the mirror image in order to make the copy but this is a single strand RNA so you

01:16:00.640 --> 01:16:07.920
don't have that and interestingly in this diagram it shows if you can see my arrow it shows that

01:16:07.920 --> 01:16:15.760
the the RNA dependent RNA polymerase is translating a positive genomic RNA into another positive

01:16:15.760 --> 01:16:22.480
genomic RNA i can't find a single paper that explains how that happens or explains why that's

01:16:22.480 --> 01:16:29.440
so special because the flu virus needs to change its RNA in from negative to positive

01:16:29.520 --> 01:16:34.400
and then the positive needs to be copied back into a negative and packaged in with the enzymes

01:16:34.400 --> 01:16:42.800
required to be a full virus so the flu virus can i go ahead can can i ask you do you have any

01:16:42.800 --> 01:16:50.000
examples of positive or tom tom this is oh okay no then then i'm going to go to my last question

01:16:50.960 --> 01:16:56.640
which is kind of a bombshell thing i had a friend in this group connect me with another friend

01:16:57.520 --> 01:17:06.320
who is that you've got an adversary out there and i just i've only watched like three hours of him

01:17:06.880 --> 01:17:15.120
uh and it could you comment on kevin mccaren oh sure um kevin mccaren has is as a guy who streamed

01:17:15.120 --> 01:17:24.480
with me starting in the first week of march and we did a stream of about five hours long every

01:17:24.560 --> 01:17:30.320
weekend for five weeks in a row with another guy by the name of paul katrel who is a completely

01:17:30.320 --> 01:17:35.200
fake doctor who was promoted by george web for a very long time at the beginning of the pandemic

01:17:35.920 --> 01:17:41.840
and kevin mccaren um is a guy who when i first met him was very convinced that over a billion

01:17:41.840 --> 01:17:45.680
people would die and that everybody should be at home making masks and that we should stay

01:17:45.680 --> 01:17:50.800
home for 60 days instead of 20 he was also very convinced that the spike protein was

01:17:50.880 --> 01:17:56.880
gained a function and that there would be a massive influx of amyloidosis and spike protein

01:17:56.880 --> 01:18:02.400
induced prion disease and he was already convinced of this in march or april of 2020

01:18:02.400 --> 01:18:08.560
and he remains convinced of it now five years later he has done nothing but stream about the

01:18:08.560 --> 01:18:16.000
n-word and jus and how the jus are responsible and he has done nothing but associate his own

01:18:16.000 --> 01:18:22.000
racist bigotry with me and a couple other people with the idea i guess of slandering us and the

01:18:22.000 --> 01:18:28.000
first time that i reviewed his work was when he got in a shouting match with mark bailey and at

01:18:28.000 --> 01:18:32.800
that point he already started calling me names and said i was a liar and i didn't know what i was

01:18:32.800 --> 01:18:37.760
talking about but he didn't really lose his mind and still i started teaching about the clones and

01:18:37.760 --> 01:18:45.920
then him and charles rixie um pretty much have gone full tilt uh you know giga ohm spiral and all

01:18:45.920 --> 01:18:52.400
these other things there's there are hundreds of hours of videos of these guys spending most of

01:18:52.400 --> 01:18:59.600
their time trying to say that i'm a bad guy and it's just absurd um it's it's laughable at this

01:18:59.600 --> 01:19:08.000
stage do you realize that kevin mccaren ken came to pittsburgh from japan and tried to stay overnight

01:19:08.000 --> 01:19:17.200
in my house this guy is more than a medler it is it this is real like these people came to my house

01:19:17.200 --> 01:19:25.280
they are they are being paid to to keep the worst case scenario alive i assure you and most importantly

01:19:25.280 --> 01:19:31.920
most importantly he was involved he was involved in in making it very hard to decide the the idea

01:19:31.920 --> 01:19:37.840
that we were transfecting billions of people one of the most likely possibilities would be

01:19:37.840 --> 01:19:43.760
misfolding of proteins and potential generation of prion states so imagine that they knew this was a

01:19:43.760 --> 01:19:48.000
possibility and they had people like kevin mccaren from the very beginning out there in the darkest

01:19:48.000 --> 01:19:52.640
corners of the internet putting this nonsense out there so that when it finally did happen it

01:19:52.640 --> 01:19:57.360
wouldn't be it wouldn't be very hard for them to confound it with the the original gain of

01:19:57.360 --> 01:20:04.320
function virus this guy's one of the worst characters out there i assure you oh my gosh he makes me mad

01:20:04.320 --> 01:20:12.960
he really really has been messing with my family for four straight years yeah thank you jjj thanks

01:20:13.680 --> 01:20:21.520
mccaren very briefly thank you so much jj who did not want it must be very late there i mean my

01:20:21.520 --> 01:20:30.720
goodness okay your wife's from the nettlands isn't he that cloaked yep yeah uh hill truth hill truth

01:20:30.720 --> 01:20:38.640
okay i have a question uh i read the book of john of uh robert kennedy the warhan cover up and there

01:20:38.720 --> 01:20:48.480
it says um that uh you said uh it is on page two eight four i know what she's going to read

01:20:48.480 --> 01:20:57.120
a virus designed by a jean jockey on a keyboard says kooine so what do you think about it is this

01:20:57.120 --> 01:21:02.880
correct or um at the time that i'm at the time that he's quoting me that's exactly what i said but

01:21:02.880 --> 01:21:08.560
what i'm meaning is that they created a clone so when you do it on a keyboard you make a clone

01:21:08.560 --> 01:21:14.640
and and this is again i don't know how to say it any other way other than to say that robert f

01:21:14.640 --> 01:21:22.880
kennedy jr wanted to write a book about a lab leak and it wasn't until very late in my service of

01:21:22.880 --> 01:21:27.920
this book that i started to realize that i was perpetuating the wrong narrative and i did teach

01:21:28.000 --> 01:21:34.480
it to him it is in the book in some places but there are quotes including one where i think

01:21:34.480 --> 01:21:39.840
it's in very late in the book where i say that that oftentimes purple grand proposals are done

01:21:39.840 --> 01:21:45.280
before they are submitted and that was used to say that maybe the diffuse proposal was done and i

01:21:45.280 --> 01:21:51.520
would argue with with throwing myself under the bus to say that they went so far as to come to my

01:21:51.520 --> 01:21:57.040
house to convince me to say that and they did they convinced me to believe that for several months

01:21:57.120 --> 01:22:02.160
that i was wrong that the diffuse proposal might be right and that i needed to think very carefully

01:22:02.160 --> 01:22:07.600
about whether i was putting people in danger and this when people come to your house when people

01:22:07.600 --> 01:22:12.560
call you on the phone when people send you emails like this over and over for many many many years

01:22:13.120 --> 01:22:18.160
it becomes very difficult to stick to your laurels and say no i'm sure mike eden and

01:22:18.160 --> 01:22:23.920
wolf ganglodach are right and these guys are full of baloney and that's that's really where we are

01:22:23.920 --> 01:22:29.200
and during the writing of that book you can see the evolution of my thoughts in at least i can

01:22:29.200 --> 01:22:35.120
in my notes and it's just a question of bobby's ultimate objective was to make sure that the

01:22:35.120 --> 01:22:41.520
mythology was captured i i don't think we are in a scenario where where bobby couldn't come to

01:22:41.520 --> 01:22:48.400
understand this biology the way that we understand it and just don't necessarily think that it's

01:22:48.480 --> 01:22:53.840
going to be that easy and i am for sure that there are lots of forces out there that have

01:22:53.840 --> 01:23:00.880
have made sure those books were written um and it's just very hard i don't i don't want to say

01:23:00.880 --> 01:23:06.640
anybody's a bad guy because i think so many people like myself were taken by the by the narrative and

01:23:06.640 --> 01:23:13.120
by the by the performances and by the previous you know rumors and and and mythologies that we all

01:23:13.120 --> 01:23:18.880
grew up with i gave my kids all their shots in 2022 before we moved to the new school that

01:23:18.880 --> 01:23:23.600
they're at now and it was a week later that my wife and i sat down and watched vaxxed

01:23:24.320 --> 01:23:29.120
and we cried for hours because we realized oh my god what in the hell have we been doing we've

01:23:29.120 --> 01:23:33.200
been working for bobby kennedy for half a year we never bothered to watch the movie

01:23:34.160 --> 01:23:38.640
that's that's how stupid i am so i don't want anybody to think i hate it when i get introduced

01:23:38.720 --> 01:23:44.160
as a genius because i'm not a genius i i i figured this out like everybody else that

01:23:44.800 --> 01:23:50.400
went crazy figured it out and only very few people were were smart enough to be ahead of this and i

01:23:50.400 --> 01:23:56.160
wasn't one of them i definitely wasn't yeah right thank you thank you mike we're gonna go

01:23:57.200 --> 01:24:04.480
we're gonna move on thank you great question now now jj just to just stay there jj over the last

01:24:04.560 --> 01:24:08.640
couple of questions from steven but one thing i want to remind everybody of

01:24:10.080 --> 01:24:16.080
it's a crucial concept make all of us feel good about not being geniuses because

01:24:17.120 --> 01:24:23.680
elbert einstein said every one of us is born a genius but if you contemplate all human knowledge

01:24:24.480 --> 01:24:29.440
between my hands the smartest person on the planet whoever you think that is knows this much

01:24:30.160 --> 01:24:35.760
each one of us knows a tiny little bit that's the point of these conversations so

01:24:35.760 --> 01:24:41.920
jj is very honorable of you to admit being stupid i'm stupid in fact the wonderful

01:24:43.840 --> 01:24:48.880
a um anthony de mellow when he says this it is wonderful book awareness

01:24:50.080 --> 01:24:56.640
he says when somebody says you're an idiot agree with them each one of us we are total

01:24:56.640 --> 01:25:03.120
idiots except for this tiny little bit so glory in your idiocy now last question

01:25:03.120 --> 01:25:12.240
steven are you there last couple of questions jj will let you go yeah yeah i'm here uh so uh

01:25:12.240 --> 01:25:20.240
just switch on the video so jj um i was kind of i was going to ask you what happened at chd because

01:25:20.240 --> 01:25:28.480
it was completely mystifying to me uh hearing that you had uh lost your job at chd on the fourth

01:25:28.480 --> 01:25:35.040
of january i think you said yeah um i couldn't think of any good reason why they should choose

01:25:35.040 --> 01:25:41.360
now to get rid of you because as far as i can see you are absolutely essential to to understand

01:25:41.360 --> 01:25:48.240
what's uh going on um so um but now it makes sense because i remember reading but i i like

01:25:48.320 --> 01:25:54.880
or if k jr i really like him i i remember remember r of k jr is not at chd anymore he

01:25:54.880 --> 01:25:59.920
he had to break all ties with them in order to run for president so he has no influence and he

01:25:59.920 --> 01:26:06.160
actually was not he was not involved in me being hired i actually got hired um because

01:26:06.160 --> 01:26:10.960
some of the writing team from the from the book also worked at chd and advocated for

01:26:10.960 --> 01:26:17.120
me to be hired by brian so it's it's absolutely nothing to do with bobby i know that for sure

01:26:17.120 --> 01:26:20.720
because i actually called him when i got when i got laid off because i was so sad

01:26:22.720 --> 01:26:26.480
and what did he say well he said he couldn't do anything about it that he had nothing to do

01:26:26.480 --> 01:26:30.080
with me being hired because he would already left the organization they call him chairman

01:26:30.080 --> 01:26:35.440
and leave but that's just a moniker that means nothing he's nothing to chd he can't be they can't

01:26:35.440 --> 01:26:41.120
talk to him they call him what they call him what a chairman on leave all right yeah but that's just

01:26:41.680 --> 01:26:48.320
there well i doubt i don't know i i don't know but he can't be a part of the organization now he

01:26:48.320 --> 01:26:55.680
is all contact has to be broken by definition in american law so that tells me that it's quite

01:26:55.680 --> 01:27:02.880
possible that he would have come to agree because i was mystified when i heard uh was it about three

01:27:02.880 --> 01:27:08.160
months ago maybe i can't quite remember uh that he was going to write a book about all the gain

01:27:08.160 --> 01:27:15.040
of function stuff and i thought no no don't do that that's part of getting you to getting

01:27:15.040 --> 01:27:19.360
everybody into the narrative you know discussing the gain of function and how terrible it is

01:27:19.360 --> 01:27:27.680
does it and um so i like uh david martin a lot but i'm i don't understand why he's fallen

01:27:27.680 --> 01:27:37.600
either i and anyway point is that it now makes sense what happened to you at uh chd in my mind

01:27:37.680 --> 01:27:42.960
anyway that you are actually saying well actually don't believe this gain of function stuff

01:27:44.160 --> 01:27:49.600
it's playing into the narrative they want you to believe that it's all about fear and it generated

01:27:49.600 --> 01:27:54.400
fear whether they could do it or not you know and they didn't need to do it so that's very

01:27:54.400 --> 01:28:00.720
important to understand so taking it so seriously that you write a whole book about it well yeah i

01:28:00.720 --> 01:28:06.400
i remember thinking at the time shall i email him and what you know say but i thought you know he's

01:28:06.480 --> 01:28:11.120
got so many people around him he probably wouldn't take any notice so no point in wasting their

01:28:11.120 --> 01:28:16.640
time so but i did think about it and maybe you and i could go to him and and maybe wolf

01:28:16.640 --> 01:28:22.480
going to might be prepared to do it you know i'm trying to work on a brief that that describes this

01:28:22.480 --> 01:28:28.480
biology in text and has some citations and things i i think in the next week or week and a half it

01:28:28.480 --> 01:28:31.440
will be done and he will be one of the people that received it so it's not going to help him in the

01:28:31.520 --> 01:28:37.040
long run oh i don't know why not see it be in the long run if he's got it wrong you know oh no that's

01:28:37.040 --> 01:28:42.240
right that's right i agree so if you write the whole book about uh gain of function research and

01:28:42.240 --> 01:28:47.280
goes down the round ball routes you know i just think he's going to look at fooling uh ten years

01:28:47.280 --> 01:28:52.880
time and so we need to warn him off and we're not warning him off but suggest that you know

01:28:54.160 --> 01:28:58.960
there are dangers in going down that route because i really think that the whole thing was used

01:28:58.960 --> 01:29:03.920
just to generate fear and well he's a he's a lawyer he's a lawyer so he could very easily do

01:29:03.920 --> 01:29:08.880
what i've done and just say i didn't get it and now i get it he could just say it it's very easy

01:29:09.920 --> 01:29:13.520
i mean it's harder it's harder for somebody like me to do it than a lawyer i mean why not

01:29:14.400 --> 01:29:19.840
well whether whether rfk jr becomes the president or not he's got a huge following around the world

01:29:19.840 --> 01:29:23.920
yes i agree i agree and so it's important for him to know it whether or not i agree

01:29:23.920 --> 01:29:30.160
absolutely so maybe uh wolfgun would like to join us because he he's got incredible insights too

01:29:31.040 --> 01:29:36.080
and actually wolfgun you are a virologist aren't you? oh no we're stopping we're not having a conversation

01:29:36.080 --> 01:29:42.160
now that's another statement we have another comment well last question to you jj is do you

01:29:42.160 --> 01:29:47.440
want to write a book because i know someone who's a publisher who who's very interested he can't

01:29:47.440 --> 01:29:52.800
couldn't be on tonight's call sure put me in touch with him i mean i found a lot of people that are

01:29:52.880 --> 01:29:57.200
interested in me writing a chapter or two but then they just asked me for the chapter right away

01:29:57.200 --> 01:30:02.560
and so it's hard for me to but yes i would be in theory um i'm already writing for a very long

01:30:02.560 --> 01:30:08.400
time i just don't publish it yet because i i'm not a very fast writer and i'm very anal so it's

01:30:08.400 --> 01:30:14.080
it's he's a publisher and he can uh please you can even get the book written for you if you you know

01:30:14.080 --> 01:30:19.280
you're dictated or you could have it uh called don't don't tease me with those things just put

01:30:19.360 --> 01:30:24.320
me in touch it would be great i will do yeah and wolf gang the same question to be you would you

01:30:24.320 --> 01:30:29.360
would you like to write a book or not well would wolf gang write a book with me we could write a book

01:30:29.360 --> 01:30:37.680
together yes yes i would love it that's what we do well set it up set it up Stephen we're going

01:30:37.680 --> 01:30:48.400
okay jj jj you are you are a disgrace in demonstrating that you are not drinking enough water because

01:30:48.480 --> 01:30:53.440
for you to sit there for three hours without going to the toilet is very yeah but you haven't

01:30:53.440 --> 01:30:57.280
been to the toilet so you're clearly not drinking enough water oh i have to go don't worry

01:30:58.320 --> 01:31:04.080
yeah good all right you have to go everybody big thank you to jj great work thank you

01:31:04.800 --> 01:31:09.280
thank you so much Stephen thank you for organizing everybody we're going we're way over time

01:31:09.280 --> 01:31:15.040
Tom Rodman's video group the link is in the chat and we'll see you on sunday monday depending

01:31:15.040 --> 01:31:18.960
on what part of the planet you're on thanks jj thank you very much Stephen bye bye

01:31:20.720 --> 01:31:27.600
wow holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit

01:31:45.040 --> 01:31:47.120

01:32:15.040 --> 01:32:17.040

01:32:45.040 --> 01:32:46.920

01:32:46.920 --> 01:32:50.680

01:32:50.680 --> 01:32:57.820

01:32:57.820 --> 01:33:02.280

01:33:02.280 --> 01:33:03.660

01:33:03.660 --> 01:33:07.100

01:33:07.100 --> 01:33:09.880
solely shit that was fucking phenomenal

01:33:09.880 --> 01:33:24.880
Oh, wow. I'm still going. Did I swear out loud too? That's too bad. Stopping.