WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:21.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 00:21.000 --> 00:27.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 00:27.000 --> 00:44.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you 00:44.000 --> 00:50.000 sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, 00:50.000 --> 00:53.080 This is whiskey three 01:00.640 --> 01:07.220 Julia Juliet whiskey whiskey three Julia Juliet whiskey CQ CQ CQ is anybody out there? 01:08.180 --> 01:10.520 I don't see anybody out there. What's going on? 01:11.760 --> 01:13.760 super strange 01:14.760 --> 01:22.160 I'm gonna wait to see if I get any indication of life. We may have a problem here 01:24.320 --> 01:27.120 Although I was getting yeah, I got internet there 01:28.920 --> 01:32.300 Testing one two there's Pamela. Okay, I guess we're all right 01:33.080 --> 01:39.220 All is well in the universe is if Pamela is in the chat. I guess I'll just hit it 01:43.760 --> 01:45.760 I 02:14.760 --> 02:18.400 Hello everyone, good to see you Jeff. Good to see you Jeff 02:20.120 --> 02:22.120 Good to see you Jeff 02:22.120 --> 02:27.560 Good to see you brother spoons small embers. I am Katniss always always Fletch 02:28.600 --> 02:31.660 their garden variety human, of course, they 02:33.200 --> 02:35.200 Janet Reno 02:35.320 --> 02:37.320 sexiest woman and 02:37.960 --> 02:39.960 In US legal history 02:40.320 --> 02:42.320 Good to see her in the chat 02:43.200 --> 02:49.340 Essentially a worst case scenario. I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case 03:09.960 --> 03:11.960 I 03:24.000 --> 03:29.600 Think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth no more in this society 03:30.120 --> 03:34.380 We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is 03:39.960 --> 03:48.680 How are we okay over here? I think we are just thought I would test to make sure 03:55.600 --> 03:59.880 This episode is sponsored by mink. That's moo plus link 03:59.880 --> 04:01.880 Mm-hmm 04:03.960 --> 04:11.520 This my point is that if if we were able to just like we're trying to get everybody to take the vaccine if we had 04:11.600 --> 04:16.920 Put that into getting everybody to take I've imagined in fluvoxamine for for a month 04:17.240 --> 04:21.160 If we and if we could accomplish that then COVID would be wiped out 04:21.160 --> 04:27.800 We could do it and actually any municipality that could regulate its borders could clear the disease if you could accomplish that go 04:27.800 --> 04:29.800 I believe 04:29.880 --> 04:34.080 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 04:35.400 --> 04:38.520 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie 04:38.680 --> 04:42.360 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar 04:42.360 --> 04:45.720 I think it's like really important not to be a liar 04:49.920 --> 04:53.960 There's no way that what I just read in the chat is correct. I 04:54.680 --> 04:58.360 Am flat and not anime no way 04:58.360 --> 05:00.360 No way 05:00.360 --> 05:02.360 oh 05:02.360 --> 05:05.240 My oh my oh my 05:05.240 --> 05:07.240 I 05:25.720 --> 05:27.880 Well, at least you didn't say it was an AI 05:35.240 --> 05:37.240 I 06:05.240 --> 06:07.240 Oh 06:22.520 --> 06:28.080 Mark sure has been crushing it. This is so crazy. He sure has Jeff. You're right 06:28.080 --> 06:30.080 Nervous 06:32.240 --> 06:34.240 You are very right 06:34.520 --> 06:38.200 We are putting pressure in the paint. We got the full court press on and 06:39.720 --> 06:42.120 Defense wins ball games ladies and gentlemen 06:45.000 --> 06:49.000 Yes, this is the full court press we aren't stopping 06:51.840 --> 06:53.840 We aren't gonna stop 06:54.720 --> 07:01.000 We are gonna maintain this pressure so that the knowledge can spread and the enchantment can be broken 07:01.200 --> 07:03.200 There is a critical point. I 07:03.680 --> 07:06.280 Don't know where that critical point is exactly 07:06.280 --> 07:10.160 But I know that there is a critical point if we stay focused on the biology 07:10.600 --> 07:15.040 If we don't take the bait that they are putting in front of our eyes and we love our neighbors 07:15.040 --> 07:18.280 We will get through this, but there are a lot of people who are still swamped 07:19.280 --> 07:26.000 And the way this is gonna work is that you need to help spread the word of this work every time you think it's worth spreading 07:26.000 --> 07:28.000 And you need to spread it 07:28.000 --> 07:34.600 Because that's the only way this works. I've got people supporting me. I've got a website where people can support me 07:34.600 --> 07:36.600 So that's gonna take care of itself 07:37.600 --> 07:43.000 People can find me a gig ome biological.com gig ome.bio and screen.gig ome.bio 07:43.920 --> 07:45.280 but 07:45.320 --> 07:51.600 The more important thing is to realize that the independent bright webs a very small group of people 07:51.960 --> 07:59.360 It's not that many we keep trying to think that there's there's other people, but it is really kind of just like, you know, maybe 08:00.400 --> 08:02.400 Just a handful of people 08:03.920 --> 08:05.920 And everything else is an illusion 08:06.720 --> 08:11.600 people that have agreed to not talk about certain things and to focus on other things and 08:12.440 --> 08:16.640 Definitely not mention other things and so we need 08:17.360 --> 08:25.120 To pull our eyes down to pull our hands from our faces actually what we need to do is take our phones out of our face 08:25.240 --> 08:28.280 Take social media out of our faces 08:28.840 --> 08:33.800 Because that's what will free our minds from this. That's what will will emancipate our thoughts 08:34.400 --> 08:37.920 We've only got about 30,000 thoughts to take care of every day 08:37.920 --> 08:43.440 And if we give 10,000 of those thoughts over to these algorithms, which are really just programs 08:45.760 --> 08:47.280 They're not 08:47.280 --> 08:51.120 Sentient beings that that take all the onus off of their owners 08:51.600 --> 08:54.640 For all the damage that they do far from it in fact 08:55.040 --> 09:00.280 These are just simply programs which are designed to maximize your mental 09:01.320 --> 09:03.320 Enslavement and induce 09:03.560 --> 09:05.560 compliance 09:06.280 --> 09:10.440 And the illusion therefore is sustained through your active participation if you use 09:10.840 --> 09:14.360 Twitter and Facebook and all of these things without knowing what they are 09:15.480 --> 09:17.480 It is really 09:18.360 --> 09:20.680 It's really not going to work out for you in the end 09:23.960 --> 09:29.720 So this is gig ombiologic on the safest way to get biology in your head if you're looking at the chat and you see 09:30.360 --> 09:33.560 The word jeff from earth all smeared together 09:34.280 --> 09:40.040 That is a fella that has really taken getting this biology into his head very seriously 09:41.160 --> 09:44.760 And also a good supporter of the stream hello jeff 09:45.880 --> 09:47.880 It is the 19th of April 09:47.880 --> 09:54.680 2024. This is gig ombiological. It is a high resistance low noise information brief not just a jinger a jingle 09:54.680 --> 09:57.160 But a real thing and we are here 09:57.960 --> 10:06.040 Trying to form an organized resistance to the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of us the masses 10:07.000 --> 10:12.200 And this important element of democratic society has been weaponized against us and a lot of people 10:12.680 --> 10:15.640 That are purporting to save it save us from it's call it 10:16.200 --> 10:21.480 They call it fifth generation warfare and they say we're never going to be able to figure it out and that's really 10:22.040 --> 10:26.280 um one of the biggest lies of all and so that's one of the things that we're trying to 10:27.240 --> 10:29.240 tackle here on 10:30.360 --> 10:37.640 On gig ombiological. Let me just check this ding here to make sure i'm not getting dinged by somebody super duper important 10:40.280 --> 10:45.960 Anyway, the the principle of informed consent has been ignored for the duration of the pandemic of that 10:46.520 --> 10:54.040 I am quite certain. I think i'm going to put myself first here at the desk if you don't mind. I think this should work 10:55.000 --> 11:00.440 Uh, good afternoon. Um, this is gig ombiological. My name is jonathan cooey 11:01.240 --> 11:03.080 um, and uh 11:03.080 --> 11:07.960 I'm coming to you live from pittsburgh pennsylvania. I'm a little distracted right now by the dinging of the phone and stuff 11:07.960 --> 11:09.800 I'm going to turn that off 11:09.800 --> 11:15.240 Um, but some very interesting things happening in the background. Um, number one somebody on twitter 11:16.200 --> 11:20.200 sent me a link to a tweet about a case 11:20.680 --> 11:28.600 Which seemed to fit very nicely into this idea of a vaccine injured person in some way or another 11:29.160 --> 11:33.240 Needs to challenge and um and sue for damages 11:33.720 --> 11:36.520 And then some court needs to reject that 11:37.080 --> 11:41.800 Based on the prep act and then you have to appeal that and it has to get to a federal court 11:41.800 --> 11:46.520 And then the federal court has to strike it has being a seventh amendment violation 11:46.840 --> 11:50.680 And wouldn't you know it the case that was sent to me and got appealed to the 11:51.560 --> 11:56.840 The north carolina state supreme court or some nonsense like that in a little tiny footnote 11:57.160 --> 12:04.520 A little tiny footnote on page three of the appellate filing that was appealing this case 12:05.880 --> 12:07.880 with a little star 12:08.360 --> 12:11.560 Says that the federal claims were dropped in the appeal 12:11.880 --> 12:13.880 So 12:14.840 --> 12:16.840 You can't win a seventh amendment 12:17.960 --> 12:22.760 Claim without appealing a federal claim against the you know a constitutional claim 12:23.400 --> 12:25.640 If you drop those claims, then what happens? 12:29.400 --> 12:32.760 Ladies and gentlemen, that is a very interesting case 12:32.840 --> 12:38.200 Please take a look at that. I'm gonna I'm trying to get all of the background paperwork together 12:38.840 --> 12:43.320 With regard to that case because I think it's really important to understand it as it stands 12:43.880 --> 12:45.320 Understand what was done? 12:45.320 --> 12:50.440 What wasn't done? What was said and wasn't what wasn't said because somewhere they got a footnote 12:51.160 --> 12:55.880 The constitutional claims got a freaking footnote in the appeal 12:56.520 --> 13:00.200 Which is extraordinary ladies and gentlemen an extraordinary 13:00.840 --> 13:02.840 Near miss bullseye 13:02.840 --> 13:06.440 For what we've been saying on this this stream for quite some time 13:06.440 --> 13:12.520 Thanks to some of the people that support and help and advise and communicate with us behind the scenes. This is not just me 13:14.120 --> 13:18.520 Switching from the back table to the front table and the back table the front table all day 13:18.920 --> 13:23.400 Figuring it out all on my own. I have friends and advisors and people that I listen to 13:23.880 --> 13:25.960 And and ask questions too 13:25.960 --> 13:33.400 And some people are trustworthy and other people aren't and it's taken me a long time to build up this network of people that I sort of kind of trust 13:34.120 --> 13:40.360 And uh, it is from this network that the identification of some of these, you know 13:41.240 --> 13:48.200 Seemingly glaring omissions in the general legal tact of most of the people that purport to save us from this system 13:48.680 --> 13:52.920 They don't seem to realize that strict liability could be a nice thing to say every once in a while 13:52.920 --> 14:00.280 They don't seem to realize that the seventh amendment is the way out if you want to give one judge the opportunity to strike the prep act 14:00.760 --> 14:06.360 That's the opportunity and yet here we have a perfect case where they actually dropped it 14:07.240 --> 14:09.240 They dropped it 14:10.360 --> 14:15.240 And I hope you can see how amazing it is that in all the discussion about that case 14:15.320 --> 14:17.720 That's not really the point that anybody makes 14:18.280 --> 14:23.240 There should be somebody from chd's own legal team swooping in right now 14:23.880 --> 14:30.440 In north carolina to say holy shit who convinced you to drop the seventh amendment portion of your claims 14:31.960 --> 14:33.480 But nobody will 14:33.480 --> 14:35.480 Maybe somebody from I can 14:35.800 --> 14:45.000 Maybe maybe erin siri will will drop in by by a helicopter or parachute and say why did you drop your seventh amendment claims? What are you nuts? 14:46.840 --> 14:50.600 But of course that's not going to happen and that's the that's the issue here 14:51.000 --> 14:54.520 You think that you're engaged in a in a in a 14:55.640 --> 15:01.960 Truthful and forthright debate with the people that run our country the people that sit on weaponized piles of money 15:02.280 --> 15:04.920 The people that control social media when in reality 15:05.480 --> 15:08.760 None of this none of this has been an honest discussion 15:08.840 --> 15:13.800 None of the information that's freely available is really useful in getting you out of this system 15:14.120 --> 15:18.360 And therefore you have no informed consent. You don't know you can't exercise it 15:21.560 --> 15:23.560 And 15:23.560 --> 15:25.880 So our hypothesis remains the same 15:27.480 --> 15:30.360 I don't know why that didn't advance. Maybe that keystroke didn't hit 15:30.920 --> 15:37.080 But our hypothesis remains the same and that is that the who declared a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus 15:37.160 --> 15:43.000 Which was detectable by a nonspecific PCR test something for a background, which was most certainly hot 15:44.120 --> 15:46.120 And whether or not there was molecular 15:46.520 --> 15:51.400 Specificity for that background or non specificity for that background is irrelevant 15:51.400 --> 15:58.840 It could have been both because there were over 250 such diagnostic tests that were given EUA permissions to be rolled out at price 15:59.720 --> 16:02.200 In america nevermind the rest of the western world 16:02.680 --> 16:05.080 many of these devices and and and 16:05.720 --> 16:10.440 Medical devices is what they're called by the FDA as you heard the other day in that discussion 16:10.840 --> 16:15.400 Many of these medical devices were actually produced in china 16:17.000 --> 16:20.520 And what this essentially enabled is a theater to be created 16:20.520 --> 16:25.560 That was likely a theater specifically oriented around a couple things a couple stories 16:26.040 --> 16:28.040 Maybe one for example 16:28.440 --> 16:34.920 If jessica hockett is out there listen to this that just dawned on me after after coffee this morning 16:36.280 --> 16:39.160 Why in the hell is there no virus? 16:39.720 --> 16:44.200 Samples that are isolated from the outbreak in in new york city 16:44.200 --> 16:51.880 Why is it that the isolates that that the united states cdc decided to use as the standard for the entire 16:52.920 --> 16:55.320 Diagnostic standard set 16:56.200 --> 17:02.600 Is derived from a virus which was cultured in somebody in seattle where there were almost no cases at all 17:03.080 --> 17:09.000 Why weren't we culturing virus in every hospital in new york city trying to get a good sample of what was 17:09.160 --> 17:16.120 Happening there because obviously that one was pretty dangerous hit killed 20 000 people in four weeks 17:23.160 --> 17:26.920 Now the important thing to understand about the second paragraph there is that the 17:27.480 --> 17:33.480 The technology or the methodology of an infectious clone is actually how RNA viruses are generally done 17:33.800 --> 17:38.840 He identified an RNA sequence in the wild that may or may not be quote unquote complete 17:39.160 --> 17:41.720 If it's not complete you complete it with other genes 17:42.040 --> 17:47.640 Which are in the literature already published as minimally required for a coronavirus genome to work 17:47.960 --> 17:53.240 You assemble that in a dna construct you make lots of copies of that you and you you 17:54.600 --> 17:56.920 Convert that to rna using an rna 17:57.720 --> 18:03.240 polymerase usually a commercially available one and then you take that rna and apply it to your animal model 18:03.480 --> 18:09.320 Apply it to your cell culture and then thereby starting at the same starting point as everybody else would 18:09.640 --> 18:15.560 And although this seems innocuous it actually allows the creation of a purity 18:16.040 --> 18:21.000 And a quantity of rna in this format that that otherwise would not be 18:21.320 --> 18:26.840 Creatible with the samples taken from the wild or the cell cultures that are grown in labs 18:27.160 --> 18:33.160 Even when they take this infectious clone and apply it apply it to an animal or apply it to a cell 18:33.960 --> 18:39.080 You do not get replication competent virus in large quantities as a result 18:39.480 --> 18:44.920 You get a lot more rna you get a signal of rna you get a lot of subgenomic rna's 18:44.920 --> 18:48.200 And you get a lot of exosomes that contain some of those things 18:49.240 --> 18:51.160 But you don't get 18:51.160 --> 18:57.240 high fidelity reproduction of the original genome that you used from that you created from the clone 18:58.040 --> 19:00.040 But because virology 19:00.680 --> 19:07.720 Has been very want to investigate further to apply the state of the art technologies of sequencing or or 19:08.360 --> 19:11.160 Or dna rna protein isolation 19:11.720 --> 19:15.720 To studying what happens in these clones when they're in cell culture 19:15.720 --> 19:21.480 But we just assume that that the psychopathic effects are indicative of virus and that the presence of the 19:21.960 --> 19:24.360 the sequences is indicative of replication 19:25.320 --> 19:27.800 the immune reaction and and 19:28.360 --> 19:29.800 and 19:29.800 --> 19:36.040 Whatever symptomology that's present in the animals is indicative of a viral replication, but they can't 19:37.000 --> 19:41.080 Actually show us that the infections cycle as they say it happens 19:41.560 --> 19:45.400 Happens without starting with the dna clone converted to an rna 19:45.800 --> 19:50.280 That's then applied and purported to be the equivalent of this 19:51.160 --> 19:54.200 What they say is a natural phenomenon that occurs all the time 19:57.000 --> 20:02.200 And so using this mythology which is almost exclusively exaggeration 20:04.760 --> 20:06.040 And using 20:06.040 --> 20:11.320 If needed a methodology of placing a sequence anywhere they wanted to using dna or rna 20:11.320 --> 20:18.760 Which either one would produce the kind of hot pcr positives that that they purport to find in sewers 20:19.480 --> 20:21.480 and also on 20:22.040 --> 20:25.000 counters on screwships and all this kind of thing 20:26.200 --> 20:32.360 And so in producing a clone you actually get two quantities a quantity of dna and a quantity of rna 20:33.880 --> 20:37.880 And i'm not even sure if it's not possible to you know 20:38.600 --> 20:45.480 react to the dna an awful lot with that enzyme you don't run out of dna and so it may be very possible to make many more 20:46.440 --> 20:52.440 you know orders of of quantity more than than of rna than the dna once you have the dna 20:53.800 --> 20:54.280 um 20:54.280 --> 20:59.160 But keep in mind that the dna is chemically much more stable and so if you wanted to seed 20:59.880 --> 21:05.960 pcr positivity or even sequence full genome positivity somewhere the dna would make it much easier 21:06.600 --> 21:11.800 Although the whole construct would be a little bit more tedious to make a spike protein dna 21:12.280 --> 21:17.800 Or a spike protein rna would be much much more trivial to make certainly a single plasmid 21:18.120 --> 21:23.000 And that was already present it was present in an oveos preparations. It was present in no 21:23.720 --> 21:28.200 Novavax preparation all of these different companies that were making a spike protein variant 21:28.520 --> 21:32.520 Either had to make a dna clone of the spike protein that they made into m rna 21:32.760 --> 21:37.160 Or they had to make a dna clone that they made into m rna that was made then into a protein 21:37.480 --> 21:43.480 So all of these different players were playing with a construct that if taken out of the laboratory and put in a sewer 21:43.880 --> 21:49.080 Or put on a countertop or or sprayed in a laboratory or in a in a hospital 21:49.160 --> 21:55.080 All the people that were exposed to it in some way or another might very easily test positive for that spike protein 21:55.400 --> 21:58.920 Irrespective of whether it was actually disease causing agent 21:58.920 --> 22:00.920 And 22:02.040 --> 22:09.800 So a total surrender of individual sovereignty and enforcement of a global inversion of basic human rights to basic granted permissions is the plant 22:10.120 --> 22:14.040 They want to get rid of nation states and make the most powerful 22:15.240 --> 22:18.520 Entities being supernatural and super national 22:19.720 --> 22:23.720 And this is basically the argument that peter bregan has been making for a long time 22:23.720 --> 22:25.400 It's a globalist 22:25.400 --> 22:30.760 Movement and so the people that are playing against us often say that the west is in danger 22:31.240 --> 22:35.000 Like brett weinstein often refers to the west as being in danger. No 22:35.640 --> 22:41.800 Each individual country is in danger and they are each individually infiltrated 22:42.120 --> 22:47.240 And the only way we are going to get out of this relatively intact is for us to kind of 22:47.960 --> 22:52.040 Decentralize and kind of focus on ourselves and kind of get 22:52.600 --> 22:57.080 United States back in order and the Dutch people need to pull their head out and do the same thing 22:57.560 --> 23:00.680 So do the people in ireland so do the people you know 23:02.280 --> 23:08.200 We are not ready to rescue canada when we we are not yet changing the prep act when there's there's a 23:08.600 --> 23:14.120 There's a case that was almost there and then they actually dropped their federal claims 23:14.120 --> 23:16.120 And 23:19.080 --> 23:23.240 That's why you see such an agreement across these supposedly disparate 23:24.040 --> 23:27.480 Sources of information because they all agree on the basic premise 23:27.480 --> 23:30.760 Which is that vaccines are great and diseases are 23:31.320 --> 23:36.200 Definitely real on a pandemic sense and certainly gain a function viruses are as well 23:37.480 --> 23:41.240 And all of these people have agreed not to talk about any of this stuff 23:41.720 --> 23:43.400 Not going to talk about 23:43.400 --> 23:47.800 Any of the oxygen that was used which is really striking to me 23:47.880 --> 23:49.960 There should be and i'm going to say it every night 23:50.040 --> 23:55.080 I think until we're done with this this the covid shows when i'm not doing a covid show 23:55.160 --> 23:57.160 Maybe I won't do it, but holy man 23:58.040 --> 24:01.880 until someone else besides me or mark or 24:03.000 --> 24:06.600 Somebody's got to do it an MD has got to come out and say wow 24:07.160 --> 24:11.000 If we can confirm that they were giving pure oxygen 24:12.040 --> 24:14.760 At anything above 10 liters a minute 24:15.960 --> 24:19.400 I mean 10 liters a minute is already probably close to double 24:20.200 --> 24:23.480 What should be given what is normally given? 24:24.200 --> 24:28.760 And even that if it's pure oxygen shouldn't be given for many many hours 24:29.160 --> 24:32.840 But now if we turn it up in a mask form this kind of thing 24:33.160 --> 24:39.160 We are talking about potentially hundreds of thousands of people being mistreated injured 24:39.880 --> 24:44.600 Permanent long injury can occur from that and people could think that's long covid. Do you understand? 24:45.080 --> 24:50.040 Permanent long injury could have happened from that and people think it's long covid covid damage 24:53.240 --> 24:59.480 And so we need every doctor that worked into a hospital to reflect on this and question themselves 24:59.560 --> 25:05.640 Did anybody tell me to put people on high flow nasal oxygen for hours and hours? Did I do that? 25:06.520 --> 25:11.800 And if you are not willing to ask yourself this question you are a chicken shit 25:14.600 --> 25:20.920 Because this is the way we break them these are all this story should already have flown 25:21.640 --> 25:23.640 But it's not flying at all 25:24.600 --> 25:31.080 It should be just another thing that they add to this long list of stuff that we've already identified right 25:31.480 --> 25:34.920 This stuff we already identified we're allowed to talk about all this 25:35.640 --> 25:37.640 And 25:38.760 --> 25:42.680 And so I suspect that that that this is something very very serious 25:42.920 --> 25:49.640 It's something very serious because it means that thousands and thousands of people can be can be instantly 25:51.080 --> 25:52.680 culpable 25:52.680 --> 25:57.000 And so it's going to be a very hard thing for people to come to the realization of that 25:57.480 --> 26:01.320 Holy shit, there's a paper from in 1989 that shows 26:01.960 --> 26:08.760 Based on intuition and ICU like let's make sure that these patients that we can't talk to because they're in the ICU 26:09.160 --> 26:13.800 Let's make sure that giving them too much oxygen isn't causing some of the shit that we see in the ICU 26:14.200 --> 26:16.200 That was 1989 26:21.800 --> 26:26.520 Well done mark for having found that paper well done for having worked that down 26:26.920 --> 26:30.760 unfortunately that video I think has like 200 views on youtube because 26:31.320 --> 26:32.520 You know 26:32.520 --> 26:34.520 Where are we? 26:37.560 --> 26:44.040 And so I think one of the most important points to make is they're a little tiny right there is that medicare and medicaid costs were avoided 26:44.040 --> 26:50.120 And not only that but medicare and medicaid costs are a gigantic portion of the federal budget and have major 26:50.440 --> 26:55.400 Gigantic portion of state budgets and this is something that is simply not talked about 26:55.400 --> 26:57.400 I 26:57.400 --> 27:02.840 Might even feel a little better if they got somebody like that Kramer guy on an economic network to say wow 27:02.920 --> 27:10.120 We sure dodged a bullet with this with this covid because man oh man medicare was about to about to bankrupt us 27:11.080 --> 27:13.480 At least then they would be telling all the truth, right? I mean 27:15.400 --> 27:20.200 I think it's extraordinary that nobody mentioned strict liability of the seventh amendment violation 27:20.200 --> 27:23.960 I think it's extraordinary that that case in north carolina from just recently 27:24.440 --> 27:28.600 Decided to drop their federal claims when they appealed like holy 27:31.480 --> 27:37.960 And of course nobody is talking about zero epidemiological evidence of spread the stuff that daddy ran course showing since may 27:38.200 --> 27:44.520 2020 or june 2020 or I don't know august 2020 whatever it was a long time ago 27:44.840 --> 27:46.840 So 27:48.360 --> 27:52.840 This is that video that I showed last night from the pbs news hour just to remind you that 27:53.560 --> 27:55.800 back 11 or 12 years ago 27:56.600 --> 28:01.160 medicare cost was between 10 and 15 percent of the federal budget and 28:01.640 --> 28:05.240 Up to 40 percent of some state budgets and so it's very extraordinary 28:05.880 --> 28:06.840 um 28:06.840 --> 28:08.840 Look i'm a human just like you 28:09.240 --> 28:15.880 And I have made many mistakes in this pandemic one of the links on my website is titled scooby 28:16.360 --> 28:19.080 And if you go there, you will find a review that I wrote in 28:20.120 --> 28:27.640 Really started writing it in december of 2020 or november of 2020. I didn't really publish it until may of 2021 28:30.360 --> 28:32.360 Maybe partly because I was being meddled with 28:33.160 --> 28:35.160 uh, but this this review 28:36.200 --> 28:37.560 basically 28:37.640 --> 28:43.560 Says everything that potentially that here at bondon bosh was saying at that time and still says now 28:44.280 --> 28:46.920 Um, I was pretty convinced that there was a lab leak virus 28:46.920 --> 28:53.160 Although I was also convinced that we didn't need to worry about it because t cell was par t cell memory was paramount 28:53.160 --> 28:56.840 But I was arguing basically the immunomythology of 28:57.480 --> 29:04.920 Of viruses and the ability for an RNA molecule to go around the earth and in being there in 2021 29:05.720 --> 29:09.400 Um, and all the way until 2022 really 29:11.240 --> 29:11.800 20 29:11.800 --> 29:15.880 Yeah, I mean being there until 2022 or 2023 29:16.440 --> 29:18.920 Even the beginning maybe I don't know how long I was stuck 29:19.880 --> 29:21.880 in the lab leak narrative 29:21.960 --> 29:23.320 and and 29:23.320 --> 29:29.320 And stuck in the idea that an RNA molecule if it had the right attributes could go around the world 29:29.960 --> 29:31.960 indefinitely 29:32.440 --> 29:39.400 Um, it took me a very long time to get out from the spell of all the people that had enchanted me and you 29:40.680 --> 29:42.680 And so it is with very 29:43.640 --> 29:47.560 Great humility that I that I make these presentations great humility 29:48.120 --> 29:51.960 That I claim to now be on the right track and and worth 29:52.680 --> 29:54.680 um listening to 29:55.480 --> 29:56.680 And so 29:56.680 --> 30:01.240 Uh, the claim that I'm making right now is that there is a faith in a novel virus 30:01.240 --> 30:04.840 Which has kind of morphed into a faith in a novel biology. It's about 30:05.560 --> 30:10.200 A faith in a trackable gain of function RNA that went endemic and so 30:10.840 --> 30:14.680 We've seen a movie from 2019 produced by cnn films where 30:15.320 --> 30:16.200 um 30:16.200 --> 30:24.040 A journalist by the last name of garret is very succinct in saying that the worst case scenario and one of these lab leak things 30:24.120 --> 30:26.280 Would be for a virus like this to go endemic 30:27.880 --> 30:34.200 And of course the big debate for 2020 and 2021 that Brett Weinstein was still firmly in the belief 30:34.680 --> 30:36.840 That we could achieve is zero covid 30:37.720 --> 30:40.680 Which is of course the opposite of endemicity 30:41.560 --> 30:46.360 And so the debate of whether or not this gain of function virus or this lab leak or this 30:46.920 --> 30:50.040 Badcave virus would go endemic or not 30:51.000 --> 30:56.360 Is one of the debates that we were set up to have for almost two years by people like Brett Weinstein 30:59.160 --> 31:04.760 And that debate is very crucial if you understand that debate well then if you believe zero covid is possible 31:04.840 --> 31:06.840 You're going to do every little thing that you can 31:07.400 --> 31:11.160 Including where safety glasses and and a bandana 31:14.040 --> 31:19.480 And so this ruse goes very deep because they also within this wove 31:20.520 --> 31:25.000 What they expected to be the biology of the transfection they wove it in 31:25.800 --> 31:29.160 to the the worst case scenario of the virus 31:30.920 --> 31:39.720 And so I do think that it is very likely and certainly we have all the methodologies and and and technologies necessary to pull this off 31:40.280 --> 31:43.160 Without a hitch that they likely 31:44.040 --> 31:46.040 Uh 31:46.760 --> 31:55.800 They likely designed the spike protein to be an immunogenic protein which was capable of activating the immune system more than a few times 31:56.680 --> 32:00.600 one of the problems with typical antigens chosen from 32:01.480 --> 32:02.760 from 32:02.760 --> 32:08.840 Wherever they choose antigens from is that your body if it's exposed to this antigen four or five times 32:09.560 --> 32:15.160 Will inevitably build up a tolerance to it or a severe reaction to it in either way 32:15.640 --> 32:21.880 it's probably not very good and so this is um generally speaking one of the reasons why 32:23.640 --> 32:30.200 Historically vaccinologists would usually claim that two exposures to a vaccine would be more than enough 32:30.920 --> 32:32.920 um and this this 32:33.640 --> 32:35.240 sort of 32:35.240 --> 32:37.640 Hold the bait space has been kind of closed 32:38.200 --> 32:40.840 um, but it is important to realize that 32:41.640 --> 32:45.160 Irrespective of whether that debate space is open or closed 32:45.880 --> 32:52.360 the the whole background system that has to do with immunology and vaccinology and 32:52.920 --> 32:54.920 public health and disease 32:55.160 --> 32:57.160 Has maintained 32:57.160 --> 33:00.680 From very early on you saw in marks program a couple days ago 33:00.680 --> 33:08.040 He showed a an article about a jona sulk having met with alice e more and how they were talking about how 33:08.740 --> 33:15.480 Antibody explaining how vaccines work and that vaccines make antibodies these little soldiers that protect us from disease 33:15.560 --> 33:17.560 so antibodies and this 33:17.560 --> 33:22.600 full-on commitment to antibodies as being central to the immune response 33:23.160 --> 33:27.480 um of a mammal is one of these lies that they are spectacularly committed to 33:27.640 --> 33:29.640 and 33:29.640 --> 33:30.760 And 33:30.760 --> 33:35.160 And I think that it is very likely that they designed a protein 33:36.200 --> 33:42.680 And then seeded this sequence using infectious clones in places where they knew it would get reported including 33:43.160 --> 33:49.720 In Wuhan including in iran, maybe including in italyan and including in seattle, washington in this homeish county man 33:51.240 --> 33:53.960 And that's why there are no cdc 33:54.760 --> 33:56.040 you know 33:56.120 --> 34:03.000 standard samples from new york city that the standard sample from the cdc is from the sahomish county man in washington 34:04.680 --> 34:11.080 Even though supposedly there was enough coronavirus in in in new york city to kill 20 000 people in four weeks 34:13.800 --> 34:17.560 And again, i'm thinking that's what this fear and cleavage site that's with this 34:18.200 --> 34:23.080 You know the fear and cleavage site is really interesting because what that second fear and cleavage site does 34:23.160 --> 34:27.000 That's the important thing to realize. It's a second fear and cleavage site not a first 34:27.800 --> 34:31.240 the second fear and cleavage site allows a small fragment of 34:31.880 --> 34:33.720 S-1 to go floating free 34:34.200 --> 34:39.720 Which of course is one of the requirements for any kind of linked recognition and b-cell activation to occur 34:40.280 --> 34:44.440 You need to have antigen floating around in the system that can pass through the lymph nodes 34:44.840 --> 34:49.000 And activate activate otherwise dormant or or naive b-cells 34:49.880 --> 34:55.640 And so this floating fragment that we're supposed to believe is going to interact with ace two and all this other crazy shit 34:56.040 --> 34:58.280 Is actually probably just a piece 34:58.840 --> 35:04.840 Have antigenic protein that they knew had to be free in order to get a repeated antigenic response 35:05.400 --> 35:07.400 Again, he need to add little 35:07.960 --> 35:12.600 Little annoying proteins to the blood if you want seroprevalence to go up every time 35:13.000 --> 35:17.800 And it would be interesting to think about that from the perspective of what they might have wanted to do 35:18.280 --> 35:20.280 If they wanted to get people to accept 35:20.440 --> 35:24.360 Transfection one of the ways to get it to accept is to show how effective it is 35:24.360 --> 35:27.560 I mean even four doses you still get a boost in antibodies 35:28.120 --> 35:31.560 And there is no doubt you can confirm it with hundreds of videos 35:32.040 --> 35:37.000 That on all sides of the aisle there are people that will confirm to you that antibodies are really important 35:37.080 --> 35:40.120 And it's interesting to note that every time you get exposed to the virus 35:40.520 --> 35:47.400 Or every time that you get you get injected you have an antibody boost an antibody boost looks like the boosters also give 35:47.800 --> 35:49.800 a nice antibody boost 35:50.840 --> 35:53.880 And my guess is this would not be the case with all proteins 35:54.360 --> 35:57.320 My guess is this protein is engineered to be that effective 35:57.640 --> 36:01.400 And in so doing that theater would require the planting of a sequence 36:02.360 --> 36:04.680 And the way they would plant that sequence is using an 36:05.240 --> 36:11.480 Infectious clone or using a transfection or using an RNA or a DNA that they could produce using standard methods 36:11.880 --> 36:13.880 That have already been around for 10 years 36:14.120 --> 36:16.920 You choose how they did it for your own particular 36:17.320 --> 36:20.040 Explanation in your head, but as far as I'm concerned 36:20.040 --> 36:24.360 It's a crime scene and any of those possibilities remain wide open and to be yet determined 36:25.720 --> 36:30.360 And at the same time if you remember they are laying down this narrative because they want 36:30.840 --> 36:35.080 The biology the mythology covers an expected range of damage 36:35.800 --> 36:40.680 As we transition a population into wide spread testing of the transfection technology 36:40.760 --> 36:45.640 That's what the spike being a weaponized prion was now you might think wait 36:46.040 --> 36:48.920 Who's talking about the spike being a weaponized prion? Well 36:49.480 --> 36:53.160 One of the most conspicuous ones is somebody who works at MIT 36:54.280 --> 36:59.800 And she has been saying for a long time that the spike protein itself is something to be focused on 37:00.280 --> 37:05.400 And from the perspective of what I just rambled on for a little bit there of I don't think that's crazy 37:05.800 --> 37:08.760 If you think of the spike protein as a designer protein 37:09.160 --> 37:11.640 That was designed to make sure that 37:12.200 --> 37:17.880 Transfection in many forms was going to be successful in terms of meeting the minimum bar 37:18.760 --> 37:22.040 Of getting people to produce antibodies at every exposure 37:22.520 --> 37:25.640 Then that would be the protein you would choose to use 37:26.360 --> 37:30.600 For the first rollout of transfection in mass 37:30.920 --> 37:32.920 I 37:34.360 --> 37:41.960 Think it's a very interesting hypothesis that certainly is not real certain but it's an interesting hypothesis to consider 37:42.680 --> 37:45.400 It's one to toss around because I do I am 37:45.880 --> 37:52.360 Generally speaking quite sure that all of the mythology of the of the worst case scenario was thrown around 37:52.520 --> 37:56.680 Very vigorously in 2020 to make sure that we would accept it as a possibility 37:57.160 --> 37:59.160 So that we would also accept 37:59.480 --> 38:01.320 Maybe 38:01.320 --> 38:07.080 Maybe with a little regret the the the rollout of a transfection to respond to it 38:07.640 --> 38:12.840 And fortunately many people in the united states and around the world said no so there still is a control group 38:12.840 --> 38:14.280 There's still people 38:14.280 --> 38:16.680 Holding the line and that means that there is a chance 38:17.080 --> 38:22.440 There is a chance that the truth will come out that they will be exposed by the very methods that they thought they would enslave us 38:23.080 --> 38:27.720 The phone the internet and a control group that they thought that they could eliminate 38:30.120 --> 38:33.320 So again, one of the things that I said we were going to cover was prion disease 38:33.320 --> 38:37.640 This is a image taken from i'm going to switch over here image taken from a a 38:39.000 --> 38:43.800 Nature review article which basically in cartoon form shows what happens 38:44.200 --> 38:50.360 According to the prion a protein only hypothesis and its refinements in the base state prions comprise 38:50.920 --> 38:55.400 solely or predominantly a misfolded form of a cellular protein prion 38:55.960 --> 39:01.080 So this is a cellular protein whoops, sorry my arrows here now my cellular protein 39:01.880 --> 39:03.880 Which is present in all cells 39:04.600 --> 39:06.600 in 39:06.600 --> 39:10.040 In normal circumstances the prion with a little 39:11.000 --> 39:16.840 See above it or a little sc above it depending on what paper you're reading and whether it's you know 39:17.000 --> 39:23.160 This that or the other thing is the cellular prion protein now in its base state 39:23.800 --> 39:26.520 Um, these prions are all in their little 39:27.080 --> 39:30.440 They're all in a little fibrel and so they're stuck together 39:30.920 --> 39:39.320 And the idea is is that if they touch that or bind to a protein the pre-ion protein in its native form 39:39.800 --> 39:42.680 They can cause that native protein to adopt 39:43.400 --> 39:44.360 their 39:44.360 --> 39:46.040 prion shape 39:46.040 --> 39:47.720 And then those 39:47.720 --> 39:51.800 Fibrels grow until they fragment and then when they fragment they spread around 39:52.200 --> 39:57.080 And so it's this sort of cascade of starting at one and getting to many 39:57.560 --> 39:59.560 um, that is supposedly the 40:00.680 --> 40:03.800 The way that this works and there is a degradation pathway 40:04.360 --> 40:10.040 And essentially maybe in normal function the degradation pathway is sufficient to keep this from 40:11.000 --> 40:15.960 Cascading out of control and then in in in dysfunction. It's not 40:16.520 --> 40:18.520 There are also strains 40:18.680 --> 40:23.480 Of prions and I don't really understand all of that and strain evolution because of course 40:23.880 --> 40:25.880 There's supposed to be some relationship 40:26.520 --> 40:30.520 Between the sequence of a protein and its three-dimensional structure 40:30.920 --> 40:36.440 And so if a prion protein is something that can have a very special three-dimensional structure 40:36.920 --> 40:44.280 Which is highly resistant to enzymatic degradation highly resistant to UV light highly resistant to heat and denaturization 40:44.680 --> 40:47.720 Then it should be pretty closely related to the amino acid 40:48.520 --> 40:50.520 That are in that sequence and so 40:51.160 --> 41:00.120 I don't understand how strains have evolved that much if there's a very special combination of amino acids that can result in a protein with all kinds of 41:00.600 --> 41:03.960 Of attributes that aren't typical for biological proteins 41:04.520 --> 41:09.960 That include the ability to induce other proteins with a similar apparently or even 41:10.600 --> 41:12.840 dissimilar sequence to fold like them 41:13.320 --> 41:16.120 So there are a lot of things about this methodology 41:16.600 --> 41:23.800 That are at least on the surface quite difficult for me to reconcile with what I thought I understood about general biology a kind of 41:24.440 --> 41:30.040 Sort of a little bit parallel to how digging into RNA viruses really threw me for a loop 41:32.760 --> 41:37.160 Of course, no doubt just like the the award for 41:38.120 --> 41:39.640 the 41:39.640 --> 41:47.400 Reverse transcriptase Nobel Prize the Nobel Prize in 1997 was given to Stanley Prusner for his discovery of prions 41:47.400 --> 41:49.880 A new biological principle of infection 41:50.360 --> 41:56.200 A lot of people at the time actually questioned whether it was given a little bit early before we actually understood what was going on 41:56.520 --> 41:58.520 And I think that was probably right 41:59.800 --> 42:03.560 I did promise that we were going to review some reviews and we will 42:03.880 --> 42:09.560 And I did say that we were going to review this particular paper today in particular, but what I found 42:10.680 --> 42:13.640 Was that I have a number of papers, which I simply can't get a hold of 42:14.120 --> 42:17.880 Now I know I can get a hold of them with a little bit more work and a few emails 42:18.360 --> 42:21.080 but in the meantime I did post them on 42:22.840 --> 42:27.080 GigaOM.Bio our soapbox and if you have access to these papers 42:27.640 --> 42:31.400 Through some kind of you know better connection than I do through the university of Pittsburgh 42:31.480 --> 42:35.400 Which is probably not going to last for much longer. I still have kind of this 42:36.680 --> 42:38.280 Sneaky background 42:38.280 --> 42:41.160 Sneaky thing that that that was uh, yeah, anyway 42:41.640 --> 42:44.360 I don't know how long that'll last but it doesn't work for these anyway 42:44.360 --> 42:46.600 So if you could help with those links, that would be really great 42:47.000 --> 42:53.000 And in the meantime, we are going to watch this video with uh, Stephanie Sineff, which was recorded on march 17th 42:54.040 --> 42:56.040 2023 as part of a 42:56.440 --> 42:57.400 um 42:57.400 --> 43:04.680 Has part of a st. Patrick's day data presentation and roundtable that was organized by none other than john bodewin 43:05.160 --> 43:07.160 Who now has a cdc 43:07.160 --> 43:12.600 Um, a book titled something like cdc. You should look up john bodewin. You've know that you know who he is 43:13.240 --> 43:19.400 Um, he's been promoted by steve curse a lot his book documents the massachusetts murders that were created 43:19.880 --> 43:23.960 Um murders that were committed in order to create the illusion of a pandemic 43:24.600 --> 43:26.600 Um, and I think john's a really good guy 43:27.240 --> 43:30.200 And so I I do think that we should support his work and his book 43:30.680 --> 43:37.240 And spread the word that the the truth that john's telling which is that there is no evidence of a spreading dangerous pathogen 43:37.800 --> 43:38.760 Um 43:38.760 --> 43:45.080 Anyway at this science and data roundtable. Um, Stephanie sineff presented a title talk titled 43:45.720 --> 43:52.040 um, something to do with exosomes and uh, neurogenetic generative diseases 43:52.840 --> 43:56.680 And something you're going to see it in a minute. Um, and so hopefully 43:57.000 --> 44:02.360 Um, this will fit right in remember that we just had a couple lectures from that mit lady 44:02.520 --> 44:05.880 Um, and so we got a couple different angles 44:06.760 --> 44:08.760 from a couple different people 44:08.760 --> 44:13.400 On how protein misfolding works and how we work to try and characterize it 44:13.800 --> 44:19.080 And as far as we understand it, it's kind of started out with heat shock proteins and this response to 44:19.640 --> 44:20.840 stress 44:20.840 --> 44:22.680 and the the 44:22.680 --> 44:29.240 Production of proteins which are tied to these heat shock genes which are according to the mit lady not just 44:30.040 --> 44:33.240 Responses to heat shock but responses to almost any stress 44:34.120 --> 44:37.400 Cellular stress. So here we go. I will make this 44:38.040 --> 44:40.440 Live I'm gonna get my head all the way for a minute 44:42.040 --> 44:44.040 You want me to go on to somebody else? 44:44.040 --> 44:48.040 I can do it. I can do it now if you like. I'll start my video and say hi 44:49.880 --> 44:52.760 All right, so I just go ahead with my my presentation 44:53.160 --> 44:56.920 Yeah, let me um, I think I have to figure out how to let you screen share multiple 44:57.720 --> 44:59.720 Yeah, host disabled 45:00.520 --> 45:03.480 That should work now. Um, yes, it does. Thanks 45:06.280 --> 45:08.280 Big fan of Stephanie sineff. Oh boy 45:09.400 --> 45:11.400 You might want to turn off now 45:13.400 --> 45:15.400 You might want to turn off now 45:15.400 --> 45:17.400 No 45:17.400 --> 45:23.880 Okay, there we go. All right. Here's the title of the messenger RNA vaccines exosomes protein misfolding and no degenerative disease 45:23.880 --> 45:27.400 So I've been studying this this mRNA technology ever since it's 45:28.360 --> 45:32.520 Warp speed came up. I started studying it. It is fascinating warp speed 45:32.600 --> 45:39.160 Don't forget warp speed might have the reason why this train went off the rails to begin with they might according to 45:39.960 --> 45:45.960 Um, the gut feeling of my friend marqulak. They may have wanted to stretch out the bridge 45:46.840 --> 45:50.200 Has was described by debra burks on march 3rd 2020 45:50.200 --> 45:53.640 They might have wanted to stretch that bridge out a year or two longer 45:54.200 --> 46:00.760 And trud the trump administration may have thrown a wrench in that plan vice trying to get the vaccine to come out before the election 46:01.320 --> 46:04.200 um, and that could have caused all kinds of problems or 46:05.160 --> 46:10.120 Changes in the narrative that resulted in in where we are today 46:10.120 --> 46:17.080 And I I do think that it is very likely that we've been off script for much longer than they would like us to believe 46:18.040 --> 46:22.040 Anyway getting into this terrifying and i'm just going to focus on this one topic 46:22.040 --> 46:27.320 Although I have many other topics that i'm interested in within this space. I just want to kind of paint the picture of what I see 46:28.360 --> 46:33.960 That scares me the most and and I so I want to start with sort of arguing why the message RNA vaccines are more likely 46:34.440 --> 46:36.840 To cause damage to the organs than an infection 46:37.400 --> 46:42.040 And the way I see it is that when you uh when you catch the virus it goes into the nose goes into the lungs 46:42.600 --> 46:48.360 It's behind the mucosal barrier. So if you've got a strong immune system that stays there never gets past the mucosal barriers 46:48.920 --> 46:53.480 If it does get past mucosal barriers it still has to get past the vascular barrier as well in order to actually 46:53.960 --> 47:00.920 Get into the organs where it can do damage. So there's a couple barriers between the virus and uh severe disease 47:01.480 --> 47:07.000 Whereas the vaccine is injected into the deltoid muscle in the arm past both mucosal and the vascular barriers 47:07.640 --> 47:12.280 Um, and of course the RNA is constructed very specially designed. So she said that very nice, huh? 47:12.840 --> 47:15.320 It's got those cationic lipids that you're really toxic 47:15.960 --> 47:18.360 She said that very nice. I'm going to go back a little bit 47:18.360 --> 47:23.640 So she said that they that that they are injected past the vascular barrier past the 47:24.360 --> 47:26.360 the um 47:26.360 --> 47:28.360 mucosal barrier so she is already 47:28.920 --> 47:30.440 in a way 47:30.440 --> 47:33.720 Stating that the immune system has an orientation 47:34.840 --> 47:37.560 It has a it has an orientation bias 47:37.640 --> 47:41.880 Which should be addressed when trying to address interacting with it and yet 47:42.440 --> 47:49.080 Hintramuscular injection of an RNA is like wrong on several levels. I like that. That's great. Um, that was really nice 47:49.400 --> 47:51.400 Composal and the vascular barriers 47:51.560 --> 47:56.200 Um, and of course the RNA is constructed very specially designed with the mouthful scuba uradines 47:56.760 --> 47:59.240 It's got those cationic lipids that you're really toxic 48:00.120 --> 48:02.280 the the arm RNA resists breakdown 48:03.160 --> 48:07.560 And it produces spike protein for a long time and we're seeing that experimentally for months 48:07.880 --> 48:12.440 It's still producing spike protein. So RNA usually is recycled within a few hours 48:12.440 --> 48:15.320 So that's very very different from the little RNA and of course 48:15.320 --> 48:18.040 It's also been humanized which which makes itself 48:18.520 --> 48:23.640 That the the cell doesn't realize it's being infected with a something that can produce a viral 48:24.440 --> 48:26.440 See so that's technically wrong 48:27.080 --> 48:32.920 the the humanized part of it is the codon optimization and if you listen to 48:33.640 --> 48:35.160 Kevin mccernan 48:35.160 --> 48:42.680 Um, he would explain as far as I understand that the codon optimization is largely to get more protein to come out 48:43.320 --> 48:44.680 um 48:44.680 --> 48:48.120 It may disguise it a little more as a human RNA 48:48.920 --> 48:53.560 But um, what it basically does is optimize protein production. She could be right 48:53.560 --> 48:58.520 I shouldn't jump too hard on that, but one of the reasons why um 48:59.640 --> 49:06.600 The codon optimization was done was because it produced more protein. I don't think it the codon optimization actually reduced 49:07.240 --> 49:10.200 the immunogenicity that much 49:13.640 --> 49:17.480 But I guess that's kind of nitpicking her I shouldn't have jumped in quite so hard like that 49:17.560 --> 49:18.760 Protein 49:18.760 --> 49:25.320 And so they've also been humanized which which makes it stealth that the the cell doesn't realize it's being infected with a 49:25.720 --> 49:30.520 Something that can produce a viral, uh, protein. Yeah, so that's I guess what I have a problem with it 49:30.520 --> 49:34.600 It doesn't realize the cell doesn't realize it's too much anthropomorphism for me 49:35.000 --> 49:39.960 We shouldn't be talking about the cells as having intelligence or thinking for themselves or anything like that 49:40.520 --> 49:42.040 the cells are 49:42.040 --> 49:43.080 sort of 49:43.080 --> 49:45.400 hard to understand as machines, but 49:46.040 --> 49:54.520 It may be better to understand a lot of what happens at the molecular level has closer to something like machinery something like 49:57.480 --> 49:59.480 Something like clockwork 49:59.560 --> 50:01.560 um 50:01.880 --> 50:07.960 So I find I just it's an opportunity to say hey they change the amino acid sequence to make it 50:11.000 --> 50:13.000 Yeah, I don't know. It's okay 50:13.000 --> 50:18.280 And so the muscle cells take up the nanoparticles and then they I think what happens is they synthesize large amounts of spikes 50:18.280 --> 50:19.480 They have to get rid of it 50:19.480 --> 50:23.400 They ship it ship it out in the form of exosomes and those exosomes can carry 50:24.040 --> 50:27.640 Lots of other stuff besides the spike they're going to display the spike protein on their surface 50:28.200 --> 50:32.760 And they're going to have uh even potentially have the entire messenger RNA molecule in there as well 50:33.400 --> 50:36.760 And um as well as micro RNAs and other proteins all kinds of 50:37.240 --> 50:38.520 synthetic 50:38.520 --> 50:44.680 All kinds of activities can be conveyed through those exosomes exosomes are communication network for all the cells in the body 50:45.160 --> 50:49.960 And they will communicate the danger that they see and deliver the danger to recipient cells 50:50.360 --> 50:52.360 Where it will then cause a lot of trouble 50:52.520 --> 50:57.560 So it causes information wherever it goes you can have a spike protein displayed on the surface of an exosome 50:57.560 --> 51:00.200 You can have the fear and cleaver side snip off s1 51:00.200 --> 51:05.160 S1 can wander through the blood and bind to ace two receptors and a big mess that happens following all of that 51:05.720 --> 51:10.760 So I think um and then of course the other issue is the protein itself is um is a 51:11.480 --> 51:13.960 Neurotoxin that's been shown experimentally as well 51:14.600 --> 51:19.800 And it um it is amyloidogenic and i'll get into that in a moment. So it's a neurotoxin 51:22.680 --> 51:26.200 I guess that just means it kills neurons and it's amyloidogenic 51:26.200 --> 51:40.520 Now amyloidogenic is not a it's not that uh straightforward of a term 51:41.480 --> 51:43.560 um 51:43.560 --> 51:45.560 Because amyloid 51:48.200 --> 51:53.800 The way that amyloid works in the way that that prions work is not necessarily the same thing 51:53.800 --> 51:57.480 I don't think there's anybody in the amyloid field that's claiming that 51:58.280 --> 52:02.040 Amyloid can cause other amyloid to fold like amyloid 52:03.000 --> 52:05.000 um 52:05.000 --> 52:10.600 And i'm happy to be corrected about that, but i've been trying to follow up on it. It's one of the reasons why i'm not 52:11.400 --> 52:15.480 Barreling into this right now because I think it's important for me first to characterize 52:16.120 --> 52:20.280 What other people have said about it the people that I think a lot of people are looking up to for 52:20.920 --> 52:27.480 Opinions about these things before I look into this biology and then present what I found because so far what I find 52:28.040 --> 52:30.440 A lot of the more straight up prion people 52:31.160 --> 52:36.200 The way that that the prion biology is explained for example in that nature 52:37.000 --> 52:43.160 Article is very different than the prion biology that these people that are talking about the spike protein and try to 52:44.040 --> 52:46.040 bridge that 52:46.040 --> 52:48.040 idea to 52:48.040 --> 52:51.560 The current situation tend not to refer to 52:52.360 --> 52:56.520 the kinds of processes or the kinds of mechanisms or the kinds of pre 52:59.960 --> 53:01.960 Predescribed 53:01.960 --> 53:07.080 Instances where we kind of understand one aspect or another aspect of it for example 53:07.560 --> 53:12.680 Remember that the lady from mit what total of three lectures that we've watched so far 53:13.320 --> 53:20.280 Always working in the context of understanding these as chaperone proteins that have their their 53:21.800 --> 53:24.760 Equivalence in in yeast that you can study 53:27.640 --> 53:32.200 And that is very foundational work that's also referenced at some point 53:32.680 --> 53:39.000 So so we're gonna see we're gonna see but again now it's not clear what we're talking about here with exosomes and the fact 53:39.400 --> 53:45.160 That she says that exosomes can have other stuff in them and I don't agree or disagree with that. Of course, that's true 53:46.440 --> 53:52.040 But it feels like a lot of hand waving here when she says that there's a big communication system here 53:52.040 --> 53:54.040 But then she describes it as pretty 53:56.600 --> 53:59.400 Pretty a specific and pretty non non 54:00.440 --> 54:01.800 Precise 54:01.800 --> 54:07.320 Because and that could be the case right but then I think she should be more clear in saying that the reason why 54:07.800 --> 54:10.600 It's not so precise in this instance is because 54:11.160 --> 54:12.120 When 54:12.120 --> 54:17.000 Transfection and she hasn't used that word yet even though she works at mit and she definitely knows the word 54:17.480 --> 54:21.240 Because i've talked to her in steve kush's steering committee before this 54:22.440 --> 54:27.160 She's seen my presentations before this, but she doesn't use the word transfection 54:28.680 --> 54:31.240 And I think that's a mistake, but it's not 54:31.640 --> 54:37.720 It's one of these things where you if you toe the line on this aspect of 54:38.280 --> 54:41.480 The narrative you'll be fine in this case. Maybe it's just mr. 54:41.480 --> 54:46.920 And a vaccines it's one of the only lines that the wine steams keep tolerating that keep towing 54:48.120 --> 54:51.960 That a lot of these people keep towing is that one keep calling them vaccines 54:52.520 --> 54:59.400 Don't question the existence of the virus and get everybody focused on the double-stranded DNA and we won't we won't 54:59.960 --> 55:01.960 Interrupt your sub stack 55:03.640 --> 55:07.960 And so molecular mimicry in the spike was first first put forward by 55:09.160 --> 55:17.480 A woman by the name of delores k-hill whose for all practical purposes been canceled like 50 times and no one ever listens to her and calls her a kook 55:18.520 --> 55:20.520 So it's funny 55:21.480 --> 55:27.960 Yeah, anyway, this is spike protein stuff here, right? This is spike protein and it does say the muscle cells are taking this stuff up 55:28.040 --> 55:29.400 It doesn't say 55:29.400 --> 55:30.760 Anything about 55:30.760 --> 55:33.480 Transfecting other cells in the body here 55:33.480 --> 55:39.000 I hope she would say something like that because of course and biorim bridal didn't burn his whole career for nothing 55:39.400 --> 55:43.720 We know these go all over the place. So it's a weird thing to start out with that 55:53.720 --> 55:55.720 Come on now 55:56.200 --> 55:59.320 Computer and so I think much of the pathology is related to 55:59.960 --> 56:04.040 Antibodies to the spike associated with molecular mimicry and i'm going to get into that in a moment 56:04.520 --> 56:09.960 So here's a paper about exosomes as mediators of chemical induced toxicity and just showing this has nothing to do with spike 56:10.440 --> 56:13.320 But just showing all these different, you know toxic exposures 56:13.880 --> 56:19.800 It has nothing to do with spikes showing all these toxic exposures. So in this case exosomes are 56:22.040 --> 56:23.560 Mediators of 56:23.880 --> 56:26.520 They're just like a waste material, right? This is not 56:27.320 --> 56:33.160 Quite the same thing as a communication network where healthy tissue is communicating with healthy tissue 56:33.880 --> 56:37.720 So I I I still don't think that I know of all the places to choose 56:38.200 --> 56:43.000 a a paper from why why current environmental health reports, I mean 56:43.800 --> 56:50.120 There's not something better. I mean, I don't know. I'm maybe that's where exosome stuff goes. That's also possible 56:50.200 --> 56:53.400 I'm not I should not try to be I should try to be more positive 56:54.360 --> 56:56.040 Heavy metals pesticides 56:56.040 --> 56:59.720 Talk to chemicals of course toxic chemicals as I guess what you would call the vaccine 57:00.280 --> 57:07.960 It gets taken up by the cell and released in the form of the thing the thing the solar fire is asking in the in the chat is what what really gets me 57:08.760 --> 57:13.960 Could the spike protein act as a catalyst in the misfolding cascade? Here's the problem. Okay 57:14.840 --> 57:19.800 If there is a misfolding cascade there still has to be a certain requisite 57:20.520 --> 57:22.520 It 57:22.520 --> 57:29.400 Pattern or a certain requisite composition of said protein that is going to be induced to misfold 57:30.520 --> 57:31.880 You cannot 57:31.880 --> 57:34.920 If you can't take one of these rubic scuba snake 57:35.480 --> 57:40.200 Toys and make it into a sphere that's perfectly round because 57:40.920 --> 57:44.120 That's not in the nature of the object. You can't take 57:44.920 --> 57:51.000 This rubic scuba here and make it into a ball because that's not the nature of the object 57:51.000 --> 57:54.040 You can change the colors and do whatever and so 57:57.480 --> 57:59.720 I don't I don't know I I just don't 58:01.000 --> 58:03.000 I don't think that if 58:04.200 --> 58:11.240 One of these is misfolded and one of them isn't and then you if it doesn't have the propensity see look 58:14.840 --> 58:16.840 I 58:16.840 --> 58:23.000 This cube has the probe you can make it into this cube. Okay, this cube can become this cube 58:24.680 --> 58:31.640 It contains that cube you could manipulate it into that cube. That's totally fine, but if I said for example 58:34.920 --> 58:36.920 Change the rubic's cube into this 58:38.600 --> 58:41.960 Well, you can't do that because the parts of this cube are missing 58:42.840 --> 58:49.640 And now I know this is a very extreme example, but you can't even make that cube into this cube 58:50.280 --> 58:52.280 Because the parts are different and bigger 58:52.920 --> 58:54.600 right 58:54.600 --> 59:03.560 So how would a protein that is 27 kilodaltons long and composed of let's say glycine proline repeats 59:05.080 --> 59:11.800 Going to be able to make a protein that doesn't contain any glycine proline repeats fold in the same way that 59:11.800 --> 59:13.800 it folds 59:16.440 --> 59:18.440 How are you going to make a 59:20.920 --> 59:26.360 A semi tractor trailer fold into a camping tent 59:27.880 --> 59:35.160 Um, you just can't do it right, but you could imagine that happening with a canvas camper 59:35.160 --> 59:37.160 I 59:37.720 --> 59:39.720 I know these aren't very good 59:40.040 --> 59:42.600 analogies and I know I'm just pulling them out of the air here 59:42.600 --> 59:44.600 But but the question that solar fire 59:45.400 --> 59:52.760 Asks in the chat at 232 his could approach spike protein act as a catalyst for a misfolding cascade 59:53.080 --> 59:58.520 And a catalyst even already implies some kind of interaction where you lower 59:59.880 --> 01:00:01.880 The energy required 01:00:02.840 --> 01:00:09.000 To reach in a certain tractor state or reach a certain energy state or to reach a certain configuration 01:00:10.360 --> 01:00:12.360 And by definition 01:00:12.360 --> 01:00:17.880 A protein that can cause other proteins to fold the way it's folded is a catalyst 01:00:18.440 --> 01:00:27.240 It is catalyzing that change and and so by definition, this is a very well understood before the pandemic and before prions 01:00:27.560 --> 01:00:31.320 a very well understood thing that that that proteins do 01:00:33.160 --> 01:00:38.680 And I imagine there are examples from molecular biology and biochemistry that I'm not aware of where 01:00:39.080 --> 01:00:44.200 You know, you could rattle them right off that this protein catalyzes this protein to become that protein 01:00:44.920 --> 01:00:47.240 probably many many many steps in 01:00:48.120 --> 01:00:49.640 in the 01:00:49.640 --> 01:00:54.440 The construction of proteins involves things like that that we're maybe even unaware of 01:00:58.120 --> 01:01:00.120 Maybe some of these 01:01:00.360 --> 01:01:06.040 proteins that are called prion proteins are involved in catalyzing the 01:01:07.160 --> 01:01:09.160 proper folding of proteins 01:01:10.280 --> 01:01:15.560 And so if they're done wrong then they catalyze the improper folding of proteins 01:01:15.560 --> 01:01:20.200 But then listen to what that means that means that there won't be a buildup of these things 01:01:21.640 --> 01:01:23.960 There would be a buildup of misfolded proteins 01:01:24.040 --> 01:01:30.200 But then what happens is that we get more of these proteins so it's not quite the right model yet 01:01:31.400 --> 01:01:33.960 And again, I'm not trying to suggest that I understand it 01:01:33.960 --> 01:01:38.120 I'm trying to show you where I am with wrestling with this so that we can try to understand 01:01:38.760 --> 01:01:41.880 What hypothesis these people are putting forward right now 01:01:42.360 --> 01:01:46.200 The hypothesis that stephanies and f is putting forward again. This is in march of 01:01:47.080 --> 01:01:50.360 2023 we're going back in time a little bit with a flashback friday 01:01:51.160 --> 01:01:57.160 Is that when somebody is transfected or given an mRNA vaccine as she calls them 01:01:59.000 --> 01:02:03.640 That the spike protein is produced by the muscles the muscles get rid of it using exosomes 01:02:04.120 --> 01:02:10.440 Maybe the s1 protein is cleaved and goes off by itself to interact with ace 2 and cause all kinds of havoc on that line 01:02:11.800 --> 01:02:16.760 And these exosomes containing all kinds of other stuff. I guess including toxins and other crap 01:02:17.400 --> 01:02:21.640 Maybe even the cationic lipids that are used to deliver the mRNA 01:02:22.040 --> 01:02:26.120 Are then sent around as exosomes with the spike proteins on the outside 01:02:28.440 --> 01:02:29.640 Whoops 01:02:29.640 --> 01:02:35.640 Exosomes and they have other stuff in their bioactive count compounds message RNA that could be the message already for the spike protein 01:02:36.200 --> 01:02:40.360 Other proteins are mi RNA. This is mi RNA micro RNA, which are signaling 01:02:40.680 --> 01:02:43.640 My very powerful short RNA sequences that have 01:02:44.200 --> 01:02:47.560 Policy changes in the cell that receives them. Absolutely correct 01:02:49.160 --> 01:02:55.720 That's absolutely correct. These small RNAs are very important for the regulation of all kinds of things in the brain 01:02:56.920 --> 01:03:00.440 In between and into your inside of neurons and in between neurons 01:03:02.120 --> 01:03:09.240 And so she's very very right about that but to describe it as kind of she still seems to be describing it as kind of a random thing 01:03:09.640 --> 01:03:11.640 instead of what I 01:03:11.720 --> 01:03:13.720 Tend to believe is a pretty highly precise 01:03:15.640 --> 01:03:20.840 Mechanism of communication and if there's anything to do with the disposal of things 01:03:20.920 --> 01:03:25.320 Then they would only resemble one another in the sense that they may use similar vesicles 01:03:26.440 --> 01:03:30.600 And then they have these things in them in the membrane that can also hook up to receptors and things like that 01:03:30.600 --> 01:03:38.120 So they're designed for communication and they're going to communicate this danger signal to the rest of the body in interesting ways to cause 01:03:38.600 --> 01:03:40.600 Damage wherever they go 01:03:40.920 --> 01:03:44.440 And this is a remarkable paper that I found from 2019 before covid 01:03:44.680 --> 01:03:46.520 This was about messenger RNA technology 01:03:47.080 --> 01:03:50.600 And it was a retroproachin that they had coded up in this messenger RNA 01:03:51.080 --> 01:03:53.080 And they demonstrated experimentally 01:03:53.560 --> 01:03:57.480 That the lipid nanoparticles were taken up by the cells at the injection site 01:03:58.040 --> 01:04:01.080 Repackaged into endosomal vesicles released into exosomes 01:04:01.640 --> 01:04:05.560 And the cationic lipid was included actually one for one with each of the um 01:04:06.120 --> 01:04:07.480 of the 01:04:07.480 --> 01:04:10.600 Nucleotides in the RNA there was a cationic lipid bound to each one 01:04:10.600 --> 01:04:14.520 So you've got the cationic lipid in there too, which is going to make this exosome positively charged 01:04:15.080 --> 01:04:19.080 That's not good for the blood in terms of the veseta potential the whole other story there 01:04:19.320 --> 01:04:23.320 Okay, so let's just call that zeta potential what it is right now 01:04:24.600 --> 01:04:26.600 um 01:04:26.600 --> 01:04:28.440 Let's uh 01:04:28.440 --> 01:04:30.440 Say it like this 01:04:30.440 --> 01:04:36.440 Um, the blood is a colloidal solution the mRNA injections are a colloidal solution 01:04:36.520 --> 01:04:37.720 basically 01:04:37.720 --> 01:04:42.520 The mRNA our mRNA injections are supposed to be a lipid 01:04:43.320 --> 01:04:49.240 With mRNA inside at a certain size that certain size created by proprietary 01:04:49.880 --> 01:04:53.720 Technology that is most certainly patented many of those patences are held by 01:04:54.200 --> 01:04:57.240 Peter colas up in canada and probably 01:04:57.880 --> 01:05:04.120 Owned in a company or two that is partially owned by palantir. Anyway, the point being 01:05:06.680 --> 01:05:08.680 you 01:05:10.200 --> 01:05:16.040 What was the point here endosomes exosomes the oh, yeah, sorry zeta potential the 01:05:16.520 --> 01:05:17.000 um 01:05:17.000 --> 01:05:22.600 The colloidal solution that is composed of the aqueous layer though the water part the the aqueous 01:05:23.000 --> 01:05:28.600 proportion of the solution and then these lipids which are in very small droplets 01:05:30.120 --> 01:05:36.280 And because they're in very small droplets and they're hydrophobic on the outside and they have these pegs and whatever 01:05:36.840 --> 01:05:40.520 the molecules of water interact with them in a particular way 01:05:41.560 --> 01:05:43.080 and 01:05:43.080 --> 01:05:50.200 The description of the pH of that solution and the tendency for the water molecules 01:05:50.760 --> 01:05:51.640 to 01:05:51.640 --> 01:05:53.640 maintain 01:05:53.640 --> 01:05:57.080 The colloidal solution in its current state is called zeta potential 01:05:57.960 --> 01:06:04.360 How's that for some some off the cuff explanatory shit? So basically speaking the 01:06:05.320 --> 01:06:09.960 the mRNA in its best form with the lipid will be a certain 01:06:11.480 --> 01:06:13.240 state where the 01:06:13.240 --> 01:06:15.240 peg that's around the 01:06:15.800 --> 01:06:23.400 The cationic lipids will sort of stabilize them at a certain in a certain state at a certain concentration at a certain size 01:06:24.520 --> 01:06:29.000 and zeta potential we relatively stable, but if the pH of that solution changes 01:06:29.080 --> 01:06:30.520 is 01:06:30.520 --> 01:06:33.640 Then the zeta potential changes and the potential for those 01:06:34.120 --> 01:06:37.880 Lipid nanoparticles to stay as they are as opposed to change 01:06:38.600 --> 01:06:39.960 and and 01:06:39.960 --> 01:06:42.520 Interact and differently with the water 01:06:43.080 --> 01:06:47.240 Remember water is a highly polar solvent and these lipids are also highly polar 01:06:47.880 --> 01:06:52.280 And so if they're organized in the right way, then these kind of forces are balanced 01:06:52.840 --> 01:06:55.800 And if they interact with them in the wrong way, then you will get a 01:06:56.520 --> 01:07:02.520 agglomeration as the Italian guy explained to us you get these larger much more toxic 01:07:05.800 --> 01:07:08.760 Aggregations of the cationic lipid 01:07:11.480 --> 01:07:14.600 Hmm very interesting stuff here very interesting stuff 01:07:15.400 --> 01:07:19.800 They can be taken up by the cells and then those cells can translate they are an anti-protein 01:07:19.800 --> 01:07:22.920 So that's really really dangerous in the picture here of the administrator 01:07:23.000 --> 01:07:27.080 That's absolutely true melon said it a lot of people said it even peter colosus said 01:07:27.080 --> 01:07:33.480 And one of the things is to keep these lipid nanoparticles the actual particles that are in the colloidal solution as tiny as possible 01:07:34.200 --> 01:07:36.680 Because this makes them less toxic and 01:07:37.160 --> 01:07:42.040 Less toxic in the sense of acute toxicity if you don't do that 01:07:42.520 --> 01:07:48.520 Then you will be it will be much more toxic because of the nature of these things. It's it's there 01:07:49.560 --> 01:07:51.320 the 01:07:51.320 --> 01:07:57.000 The toxicity comes from their incredible cationic nature their incredible polarity 01:07:57.480 --> 01:08:01.000 And what they can potentially do to bioactive molecules and create 01:08:01.800 --> 01:08:05.560 Reactive oxygen species locally and even damage mitochondria 01:08:06.200 --> 01:08:10.040 Oops, I didn't mean to fast forward her is a to potential the whole other story there 01:08:10.600 --> 01:08:14.920 They can be taken up by the cells and then those cells can translate they are an anti-protein 01:08:14.920 --> 01:08:19.320 So that's really really dangerous in the picture picture here of the administration the source cell 01:08:19.880 --> 01:08:24.520 The extracellular vesicles taking up making making the protein all of it's there 01:08:26.040 --> 01:08:30.520 And then here's another paper exosomes an extracellular RNA in muscle and bone aging and crosstalk 01:08:30.520 --> 01:08:34.600 And this is again talking about the muscle cells when they're exposed to some kind of stressors 01:08:35.080 --> 01:08:38.920 They release exosomes they package up things inside the exosomes that are communication 01:08:39.800 --> 01:08:43.400 information to the to the cells that receive them and 01:08:44.360 --> 01:08:50.040 Evidence is accumulating that the cargo of muscle-derived exosomes can be changed under pathological conditions 01:08:50.520 --> 01:08:54.040 So that you could have different microRNAs and that's been shown actually experimentally with the 01:08:54.600 --> 01:08:58.200 With the with the spike protein with the mRNA for the vaccine 01:08:58.680 --> 01:09:03.400 That microRNAs are packaged up inside exosomes that induce inflammation in the brain 01:09:04.200 --> 01:09:08.920 And so they contribute to the propagation of pathogenic responses to distant cells 01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:11.800 And that's where I think it's going from the muscle to the brain 01:09:11.800 --> 01:09:15.400 And I actually think it could be that the exosomes are traveling along axons 01:09:15.880 --> 01:09:19.800 Of nerves that have their soma in the in the spinal cord 01:09:20.280 --> 01:09:26.840 The nerves that are the motor neurons that control muscle movement and also the sensory neurons that are picking up the muscle pain 01:09:27.400 --> 01:09:32.040 They both have axons that extend to the muscle and the exosomes travel along their fibers 01:09:32.200 --> 01:09:34.760 So they can go to the brain stem. They can go from there up to the brain 01:09:35.400 --> 01:09:37.400 the the core 01:09:37.400 --> 01:09:38.520 nuclei 01:09:38.520 --> 01:09:40.600 And so what I and then they can cause a big mess 01:09:41.000 --> 01:09:47.080 So what I have a problem. So this is a paper amyloid or genesis genesis of the reason why I have a problem with this 01:09:47.080 --> 01:09:50.680 What she's saying here is that this seems to absolve 01:09:51.560 --> 01:09:53.560 the lipid nanoparticle from 01:09:53.800 --> 01:09:56.040 Transfecting any place in the body 01:09:56.840 --> 01:10:00.200 It seems to suggest that it essentially works 01:10:01.080 --> 01:10:03.080 And that the cells release these 01:10:03.560 --> 01:10:11.240 extracellular vesicles or these exosomes and that's what causes the damage it causes the blood brain barrier and it's the spike protein that does it 01:10:13.240 --> 01:10:16.200 That's that's exactly what she's saying here. She's not saying the 01:10:16.580 --> 01:10:21.000 Transfection of whole variant tissue will cause other things to happen 01:10:21.800 --> 01:10:26.680 She's not saying the transfection of bone marrow could be could be particularly interesting 01:10:27.240 --> 01:10:32.520 She's not saying that the transfection agent itself the lipid nanoparticle could end up in the brain 01:10:33.400 --> 01:10:35.400 right 01:10:36.840 --> 01:10:38.840 Right she you hear that right 01:10:39.000 --> 01:10:45.720 She's saying that it'll end up in the brain. Why? Because the exosomes that are given off by muscle cells will take it there 01:10:47.320 --> 01:10:49.320 That's a very different way 01:10:49.960 --> 01:10:53.160 For the lipid nanoparticle to get into your brain than direct 01:10:53.880 --> 01:10:54.920 movement 01:10:54.920 --> 01:10:56.520 after injection 01:10:56.520 --> 01:11:00.920 And any of it that got to the blood could move by direct movement to the brain 01:11:01.400 --> 01:11:09.480 In a lipid nanoparticle by all we understand right now. So it's very very dubious to me that this is a pretty certain 01:11:10.040 --> 01:11:11.560 description 01:11:11.560 --> 01:11:16.360 That again includes apoptotic bodies and it looks like getting rid of trash 01:11:21.720 --> 01:11:23.720 And we're not using the word transfection 01:11:23.720 --> 01:11:28.760 We're not saying that we already know the transfection does this because we've been transfecting mice for years 01:11:29.160 --> 01:11:31.160 We're not saying it at all 01:11:32.120 --> 01:11:34.120 Okay, the the core 01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:38.200 Nuclei in the brainstem and then they can cause a big mess 01:11:39.320 --> 01:11:45.560 So this is a paper amyloidogenesis of genesis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein many papers have talked about the potential 01:11:46.040 --> 01:11:51.640 For the protein to cause other proteins to misfold like the pre-on protein does it has pre-unlike 01:11:52.120 --> 01:11:55.740 Behaviors and it has pre-unlike sequences in this in the protein 01:11:56.540 --> 01:11:59.580 Theoretically that's been shown they have you know statistical models 01:12:00.060 --> 01:12:03.820 And then experimentally as well that it causes protein misfolding 01:12:04.460 --> 01:12:08.540 And then the perspective of S protein amyloidogenesis in COVID-19 disease 01:12:09.180 --> 01:12:16.140 Associated pathogenesis can be important in understanding disease and long COVID and long COVID of course is many ways resembles vaccine injury 01:12:16.140 --> 01:12:18.140 I think they're kind of the same thing 01:12:18.620 --> 01:12:25.260 Um, so this is I was really excited that Luke Montaget's paper finally did get officially published peer reviewed 01:12:25.740 --> 01:12:29.180 It was a pre-print for a long time. Uh, he unfortunately passed away 01:12:29.740 --> 01:12:33.420 So, but his co-authors managed to usher the paper through a review process 01:12:33.980 --> 01:12:35.180 and um 01:12:35.180 --> 01:12:38.140 And this was a article by marina john in the um 01:12:39.260 --> 01:12:45.020 In the epic news epic times. Sorry studies link in terrible pre-on disease with COVID-19 vaccine 01:12:45.020 --> 01:12:48.300 So I think it's much more than pre-on disease. I think ALS like syndromes 01:12:48.700 --> 01:12:53.820 Of course the the heart damage I think is connected as well to this issue with the pre-on protein 01:12:53.980 --> 01:12:58.220 I suspect and also neuropathy poly neuropathy and even alopecia 01:12:58.220 --> 01:13:03.420 So I've been finding all these papers that show a very interesting thing that I will get into in a moment 01:13:03.820 --> 01:13:06.300 But first I want to talk about luke montaget in this paper 01:13:06.780 --> 01:13:12.060 There were 26 people all together 23 of them were the messenger a the other three had the j&j vaccine 01:13:12.540 --> 01:13:18.060 And all the messenger a people had had actually since within two weeks of their second m rna vaccine 01:13:18.540 --> 01:13:21.660 And this is a month, but these these took a little longer the jng's 01:13:22.380 --> 01:13:26.380 Many of them were dead within three months a very aggressive form of chrystal jocka disease 01:13:26.460 --> 01:13:31.580 Which is the human mag equivalent of mag cow disease caused by misfolding of the pre-on protein 01:13:32.300 --> 01:13:38.940 And um, so it's a very aggressive form of cjd that these people suffer from normally it would take longer like maybe five years 01:13:39.020 --> 01:13:43.420 But this was very fast at the moment at last I heard only one of them was still alive 01:13:44.540 --> 01:13:49.580 Uh, so this is where it gets really interesting in my opinion. I picked up. I happened to notice this sequence 01:13:49.660 --> 01:13:51.260 YQ AGS 01:13:51.260 --> 01:13:55.180 Which is in the um, the receptor binding domain. This is the receptor binding domain 01:13:55.740 --> 01:13:59.500 Of these spike protein this sequence and there are these antibodies 01:13:59.660 --> 01:14:04.220 This paper is studying the antibodies that were produced in response to the vaccine 01:14:04.860 --> 01:14:06.620 um 01:14:06.620 --> 01:14:11.820 Associated with the right receptor binding domain. So they found these uh, you know, there's this one this one this one 01:14:11.900 --> 01:14:14.380 This one this four antibodies here two of them 01:14:14.940 --> 01:14:19.100 Uh, this one goes from four five four seven eight this one goes from four three nine four seven eight 01:14:19.180 --> 01:14:22.540 This they're both going to pick up this piece at the end YQ AGS 01:14:23.180 --> 01:14:30.220 And then in this study they showed that uh, so there's the YQ AGS these two as well as I think this one 01:14:30.940 --> 01:14:34.700 All had a very good antibody response to the vaccine 01:14:35.260 --> 01:14:39.500 Uh, so the people who got the vaccine had a much stronger expression of these antibodies 01:14:39.980 --> 01:14:46.300 Than people who didn't very significant and also that they worked well to protect you from uh, the disease 01:14:47.980 --> 01:14:49.180 So 01:14:49.180 --> 01:14:55.740 There's no doubt that there's a virus. There's no doubt that antibodies protect these antibodies in particular protect really well 01:14:56.300 --> 01:14:58.300 That's what she says 01:14:59.980 --> 01:15:02.620 You just got to hear it. You just got to accept it 01:15:09.500 --> 01:15:11.500 And there's no 01:15:11.660 --> 01:15:15.820 Sequence homology necessary of the what? I mean, what are we talking about here? 01:15:15.820 --> 01:15:21.980 This is amino acids if they're using all these letters. So it's one two three four five amino acids 01:15:25.980 --> 01:15:30.220 And then she's going to say down here at the bottom that actually one of them isn't the same 01:15:32.780 --> 01:15:33.980 And so 01:15:33.980 --> 01:15:37.020 If it was the same she's going to make the argument in a second 01:15:37.740 --> 01:15:41.900 Then it would have been recognized as self, but since it's not the same 01:15:42.460 --> 01:15:45.260 We made antibodies to it in this antibody 01:15:46.140 --> 01:15:49.980 I don't have to talk to joe lee about this. This antibody is going to start 01:15:50.460 --> 01:15:58.060 I don't know. I guess reducing the amount of prion protein that's available in the normal state because that's what antibodies do they bind to stuff 01:16:00.220 --> 01:16:06.220 I don't know how the antibodies is going to get into the nucleus and bind prion protein or get into the setoplasm and bind 01:16:06.300 --> 01:16:08.300 Prion protein from b cells like what? 01:16:08.940 --> 01:16:15.500 B cells are going to shoot antibodies out into the blood knows antibodies are going to bind prion protein in the side of our own cells 01:16:16.380 --> 01:16:22.300 And cause a down regulation of prion protein. How the hell is that going to work? You don't think that sounds plausible 01:16:22.380 --> 01:16:24.460 Let's listen to her explain it. Now 01:16:24.460 --> 01:16:27.100 This is very important because I think these antibodies are trouble 01:16:27.660 --> 01:16:33.820 And the problem is that there's a sequence yq rg as that's found in the c-terminal domain of the human prion protein 01:16:34.380 --> 01:16:39.660 And I think what's happening is that antibodies are binding to the c-terminal domain of the human prion protein 01:16:40.060 --> 01:16:42.620 And what that causes is for the protein to disappear 01:16:42.620 --> 01:16:49.900 It gets broken up and removed by the digestive system of the cell it disappears and the cell becomes prion protein deficient 01:16:50.380 --> 01:16:54.460 Not the same thing as misfolding very very interesting and it turns out to be several papers 01:16:54.940 --> 01:16:59.420 About this c-terminal domain and the roles that it plays it plays an important role in muscles in the heart 01:16:59.900 --> 01:17:03.500 Of course in the brain. It's a protein mark and they don't know what it does 01:17:03.500 --> 01:17:08.780 And it's called the prion protein and the reason why it's the prion protein is because they did some kind of 01:17:09.420 --> 01:17:10.700 RNA 01:17:10.700 --> 01:17:14.460 Screen back in the 80s and I posted these papers on 01:17:15.180 --> 01:17:19.820 On my soapbox because I can't get them off of pud med or any of these other databases 01:17:19.820 --> 01:17:22.300 And I need them if i'm going to understand what the hell they did 01:17:23.420 --> 01:17:28.540 But they say they were able to identify a protein that they purified from screpy 01:17:29.420 --> 01:17:34.700 And then they were somehow able to sequence the protein which is already a pretty trick pretty neat trick 01:17:35.260 --> 01:17:38.860 Sequence that protein and then using dna clones 01:17:39.500 --> 01:17:42.620 That's true dna clones. They used them dna clones 01:17:43.340 --> 01:17:46.300 Of that protein they were able to screen 01:17:47.100 --> 01:17:53.100 The golden hamster and i'm not shitting you they screened the golden hamster in the mouse and they found 01:17:53.740 --> 01:18:00.780 A chromosomal sequence that was equivalent to it and they called that the native prion protein 01:18:01.260 --> 01:18:05.020 And they said that the native prion protein folds differently 01:18:05.580 --> 01:18:10.940 And then that native protein folded differently is prion with the c 01:18:11.660 --> 01:18:14.700 Raised up, but they don't know what that protein does 01:18:15.100 --> 01:18:21.740 Only the lady from mit knows what that protein does and she says that that protein is probably some kind of 01:18:22.540 --> 01:18:23.500 Uh 01:18:23.500 --> 01:18:29.260 Chaperone protein, but it's it's they're not the same because the heat shock proteins are not the prion protein 01:18:29.260 --> 01:18:31.260 So that's important to understand 01:18:31.260 --> 01:18:37.420 Um, you're good to ask the question. I'm still learning it. So I can't give you the best answer yet, but here we go 01:18:38.060 --> 01:18:41.100 Okay, the neurons and in the um in the uh 01:18:42.220 --> 01:18:44.220 neuron neural fibers the um 01:18:44.540 --> 01:18:50.300 Uh the uh axons and the dendrites and all of that it plays a role in the uh nerve fibers as well 01:18:50.940 --> 01:18:55.420 So here's a paper and there are others as well, but antibodies to c-terminal domain are neurotoxic 01:18:55.500 --> 01:18:57.100 That's what this paper showed 01:18:57.100 --> 01:19:01.580 This was in 2015 so long before covid and they they've been playing around with it 01:19:01.980 --> 01:19:05.820 And they found that if they uh treated the cerebellar spices 01:19:06.620 --> 01:19:08.620 with antibodies to this um 01:19:09.340 --> 01:19:10.620 to this uh 01:19:10.620 --> 01:19:15.100 Global globular domain is the globular domain is the same is the c-terminal domain 01:19:15.660 --> 01:19:20.140 Um and the antibodies exposing that two antibodies was neurotoxic 01:19:20.700 --> 01:19:25.980 And in juiced toxicity within days rather than months, which was more typical for things that caused the protein this folding 01:19:26.380 --> 01:19:33.420 And they said uh it says global domain ligands. Okay, so what is the globular domain of the 01:19:34.300 --> 01:19:42.060 So it could be that the globular domain of a spike of a protein is very similar across many proteins 01:19:42.060 --> 01:19:45.820 And biochemistry globular proteins or sphero proteins are spherical 01:19:46.460 --> 01:19:52.300 Proteins and are one of the common protein types be others being fibrous disordered and membrane proteins 01:19:52.940 --> 01:20:00.380 Globular proteins are somewhat water soluble unlike fibrous or membrane proteins. So a globular domain 01:20:01.740 --> 01:20:08.620 Of the prion protein is very likely very likely homologous with a lot of other globular domains 01:20:09.180 --> 01:20:14.140 And so if you make antibodies to the globular domain of they what they call the prion protein 01:20:14.140 --> 01:20:16.060 It's very likely 01:20:16.060 --> 01:20:21.340 that it is uh shares homology and specificity with other globular domains 01:20:21.340 --> 01:20:26.460 And so it's probably interfering with more than just the prion protein in those neurons 01:20:26.540 --> 01:20:29.740 That's my first interpretation without having looked at that paper 01:20:30.540 --> 01:20:33.100 um the most glaringly the kinetics of 01:20:33.820 --> 01:20:39.180 globular domain ligand induced so globular domain ligands implies 01:20:39.740 --> 01:20:42.700 That that they're making antibodies which bind 01:20:42.860 --> 01:20:48.780 Usefully to the globular domain if these globular domains are semi water soluble 01:20:48.860 --> 01:20:54.540 They may be functional domains where other things bind like a receptor or an agonist 01:20:54.620 --> 01:21:01.020 And so in a lot of ways what they're describing is using an antibody to activate something which is very very different 01:21:01.740 --> 01:21:03.500 um 01:21:03.500 --> 01:21:06.940 Oh, it's it's very disturbing how this stuff has been has been 01:21:09.340 --> 01:21:11.660 Wow, it's it's super annoying 01:21:12.540 --> 01:21:16.140 much faster than experimental prion infections see 01:21:17.020 --> 01:21:19.020 um 01:21:19.100 --> 01:21:24.300 They're using antibodies to do something that they say prions can also do it sounds like a very terrible paper 01:21:24.380 --> 01:21:26.380 I'm going to have to investigate that 01:21:30.140 --> 01:21:35.740 Both glaringly the kinetics of gdl induced neurodegeneration is much faster than that of experimental prion infections 01:21:36.300 --> 01:21:39.500 And the condition resembles cjd but with much faster progression 01:21:39.500 --> 01:21:44.780 And that's exactly what I feel these people have so i'm suspecting this maybe the next reason by which they're being 01:21:45.340 --> 01:21:47.340 uh harmed by the vaccine 01:21:47.340 --> 01:21:50.540 So it is again listen, she's going to summarize it here 01:21:50.540 --> 01:21:53.740 But it sounds like to me that she's saying that the vaccine 01:21:54.300 --> 01:22:02.380 Unfortunately induces antibodies to the the natural prion protein and in worst case scenario can cause 01:22:03.340 --> 01:22:09.100 uh a super fast crowdspelled yacob like variant of the disease because of this 01:22:09.820 --> 01:22:13.900 I don't really get it yet, but let's listen to her. This is the summary. It's going to be really nice 01:22:14.380 --> 01:22:19.580 And so in summary, um the messenger RNA vaccines are a bioweapon for distributing spike proteins throughout the body 01:22:20.300 --> 01:22:22.620 Much like likely much of it packaged up within exosomes 01:22:22.620 --> 01:22:26.380 And so the exosomes are also have the messenger RNA. They're actually about the same size 01:22:26.860 --> 01:22:28.860 As the nanoparticles in the vaccine 01:22:28.940 --> 01:22:33.500 But they are but they're going to have all kinds of other stuff in there the micro-ardinase that are going to influence policy 01:22:33.820 --> 01:22:36.380 And of course the spike protein itself displayed on the surface 01:22:36.860 --> 01:22:42.540 It's going to uh be a much more efficient mechanism for distributing and as they travel very efficiently along the nerve fibers 01:22:42.620 --> 01:22:48.220 I think all of that is very very dangerous traveling efficiently along nerve fibers. I don't know why she keeps saying that 01:22:48.220 --> 01:22:50.860 I don't know how what evidence she has of of 01:22:51.500 --> 01:22:55.260 If they put it on culture and it goes into the nerves that that's not evidence 01:22:55.260 --> 01:23:00.620 I think that's an interesting statement to make. Maybe she's citing something in the old factory literature or something. Here we go 01:23:00.940 --> 01:23:02.140 Cells exposed to this 01:23:02.140 --> 01:23:04.140 Transfection released the exosomes 01:23:04.460 --> 01:23:08.860 She said transfection good for you step containing the messenger RNA along with the cationic libid 01:23:08.940 --> 01:23:10.940 That's another issue because that's going to be in there 01:23:10.940 --> 01:23:14.860 And the recipient cells can produce protein from the messenger RNA in the exosomes 01:23:15.020 --> 01:23:21.100 So she's not explicitly saying that this can go anywhere including crossing the blood brain barrier. I think that's a huge mistake 01:23:21.100 --> 01:23:23.100 It's an omission. It's annoying 01:23:23.260 --> 01:23:26.220 Spag proteins amyloid orgenic and neurotoxic 01:23:26.460 --> 01:23:33.180 And that's also a statement that she just simply cannot make because of one paper from sweden where they did something in a dish 01:23:33.740 --> 01:23:38.780 That is really really irresponsible and um, I don't like it at all 01:23:39.500 --> 01:23:42.780 The receptor binding binder domain contains this sequence yqh 01:23:42.780 --> 01:23:47.660 Yes, which is similar to but not identical and that's actually important too because if it were identical it wouldn't work 01:23:48.140 --> 01:23:51.020 It has to be different in order for there to be an antibody response 01:23:51.020 --> 01:23:53.740 Otherwise, it'll be appear to be a human sequence 01:23:54.380 --> 01:23:59.020 So similar but not identical to the c-terminal which is going to cause this toxic effect 01:23:59.740 --> 01:24:05.100 So an aggressive form of cjd found in association with the vaccines may be due to molecular memory between 01:24:05.580 --> 01:24:08.700 Despite protein and the prion protein and that's the end of life presentation 01:24:11.420 --> 01:24:15.580 Stephanie, I feel bad like you had a timeline you had to meet you were going so fast 01:24:15.820 --> 01:24:17.820 I 01:24:19.260 --> 01:24:25.500 Yeah, I just want to be casual but Jonathan has his hand up, you know, oh do hands. It's up to you guys 01:24:26.140 --> 01:24:31.900 Oh, I don't like doing hands. I'm so used to it now. Hey, could you I'm just going to give you a few more minutes by just saying 01:24:32.460 --> 01:24:36.220 Um, could you clear it up for the viewers? What is the prion protein doing? 01:24:37.100 --> 01:24:39.340 Um in normal conditions and why would 01:24:39.820 --> 01:24:42.780 Creating a deficiency of it caused problems. Who's this guy? 01:24:42.780 --> 01:24:48.300 Good point and I shouldn't probably said that because it I've read a lot about prion disease and I sort of assume people know this 01:24:48.300 --> 01:24:52.540 But the prion protein is actually very very important protein in its natural function 01:24:53.020 --> 01:24:57.020 And it's important in muscles for allowing them to hook up to their extra cellular matrix 01:24:57.420 --> 01:25:00.940 It's it can cause deficiency can cause polyneuropathy 01:25:01.420 --> 01:25:04.540 A deficiency can also cause alopecia, which is hair loss 01:25:05.020 --> 01:25:09.260 And of course it can cause cjd an aggressive form of cjd all of this has been seen 01:25:09.900 --> 01:25:13.340 in um in the and of course the the binding of those 01:25:13.980 --> 01:25:16.940 Antibodies any antibody said bind to that c-terminal domain 01:25:16.940 --> 01:25:22.140 The experimentally they've shown that that causes it to be removed not to be misfolded, but to be cleared 01:25:22.780 --> 01:25:25.180 So you get a deficiency what they have these mice that are 01:25:25.580 --> 01:25:27.500 And so that's pretty impressive, right? 01:25:27.500 --> 01:25:34.140 There was hardly any explanation of the endogenous function of that protein other than to say it helps muscles connect to something 01:25:34.140 --> 01:25:36.140 It helps this connect to something 01:25:36.540 --> 01:25:43.900 And yet it can lead to this cascade of events. What does it do in the brain? I mean, I 01:25:45.500 --> 01:25:52.860 I have the feeling that we're about to find a very big disconnect between the traditional prion literature and the prion 01:25:53.580 --> 01:25:59.500 Story that's told about the spike protein. I have a feeling that that's the case. I know that's where this is going 01:25:59.500 --> 01:26:01.500 That's why I showed this video 01:26:01.660 --> 01:26:05.420 Um, let me see if there's any more to this explanation before we split 01:26:06.140 --> 01:26:10.060 Do a lot of engineering of mice and they can knock out their prion protein 01:26:10.620 --> 01:26:12.380 And then they can show that when they do that 01:26:12.860 --> 01:26:19.020 These mice suffer from all of these conditions that it turns out are also showing up as a side effects of the vaccine 01:26:20.220 --> 01:26:22.220 So wait mice live 01:26:22.700 --> 01:26:26.620 If you knock out the prion protein, they don't just die of misfolded proteins 01:26:26.700 --> 01:26:31.100 They die of what muscles not working right connecting to connective tissue or 01:26:31.660 --> 01:26:35.100 What did she say? So that's going to be very interesting. I think we have to 01:26:35.660 --> 01:26:37.820 Write that down. We're going to look at the mouse 01:26:39.900 --> 01:26:41.900 prion protein knockouts 01:26:42.620 --> 01:26:46.300 Our other papers we're going to have to put on our list of things to discuss 01:26:46.780 --> 01:26:49.180 I mean, you know, this is going to be a lot of work ladies and gentlemen 01:26:49.180 --> 01:26:55.660 I've already put a lot of hours into it and haven't shown you anything for it because I do think that it's something that if we're going to become 01:26:56.380 --> 01:27:02.540 Um useful experts on it's something that we're going to have to be well read and and maybe even better read than they are 01:27:03.100 --> 01:27:05.900 Um, and so we're we're we're treading lightly 01:27:06.540 --> 01:27:08.540 Um, but I think it's worthwhile to tread 01:27:09.260 --> 01:27:14.700 Lightly and I I do think that in the end you're going to respect me for treading lightly in this case 01:27:15.340 --> 01:27:20.700 Um, because it would be very easy to step out of line and then have myself discredited as 01:27:22.620 --> 01:27:28.300 As nich Hudson said a couple months ago already on a podcast called 01:27:29.900 --> 01:27:31.900 Uh coffee and a mic 01:27:32.620 --> 01:27:33.740 um 01:27:33.740 --> 01:27:39.580 At about 58 minutes in he gave a really nice shout out to my work and I really appreciate that nich 01:27:40.140 --> 01:27:42.140 um 01:27:42.780 --> 01:27:49.180 Maybe maybe i'll just find it here and play it for those of you who are here and still here and have been here for a while 01:27:49.980 --> 01:27:51.420 um 01:27:51.420 --> 01:27:55.580 Just so you can hear it because it is actually a very flattering 01:27:56.300 --> 01:27:58.300 Shout-out that he gave to us 01:27:58.940 --> 01:28:00.940 Oops, I do not do that correct 01:28:02.620 --> 01:28:03.820 There it is 01:28:03.820 --> 01:28:07.820 No, okay, then we're going to escape out of there and then maybe this will work 01:28:11.100 --> 01:28:13.100 Why is that not working? 01:28:16.780 --> 01:28:19.500 Almost there guys here it comes 01:28:22.700 --> 01:28:26.700 uh a really interesting thinker um there's a 01:28:28.700 --> 01:28:30.220 um 01:28:30.220 --> 01:28:32.220 there's a 01:28:32.780 --> 01:28:33.980 you know 01:28:33.980 --> 01:28:41.500 A benefit to staying in contact with people who are who are just they come from a different discipline and a different sort of thinking 01:28:42.380 --> 01:28:46.460 So I question motives. Um, I question conflicts of interest 01:28:47.580 --> 01:28:53.020 um, but there are people who I I listen to I I've uh, I 01:28:53.900 --> 01:28:57.580 In my organization my organization and our organization pandata 01:28:58.300 --> 01:29:02.380 Dot org the panda as it's affectionately known. Um, there are 01:29:04.060 --> 01:29:06.380 This is a significant number of people who I who's 01:29:07.260 --> 01:29:10.540 I can't even begin to describe how much I've benefited from 01:29:11.260 --> 01:29:15.820 Their insights and perspectives so much. I've enjoyed their time and discussion with them 01:29:16.780 --> 01:29:18.780 um, you know, I 01:29:18.780 --> 01:29:21.740 I can list the publicly facing names unfortunately 01:29:21.740 --> 01:29:26.380 There's not a lot of people in the organization who are unable to to have a public face 01:29:27.020 --> 01:29:33.100 But I speak of people like dr. Jonathan engler in the united kingdom. Uh, dr. pierce robinson in germany 01:29:33.740 --> 01:29:35.020 um 01:29:35.020 --> 01:29:38.860 Dr. Dr. Todd kenyan in in the united states in red island 01:29:40.300 --> 01:29:44.380 on who are fellow members of of exco and 01:29:45.020 --> 01:29:46.220 who's 01:29:46.220 --> 01:29:47.100 who's 01:29:47.100 --> 01:29:51.020 intellectual company i've really enjoyed and from you know just 01:29:51.820 --> 01:29:54.940 very revealing and of of the nature of reality 01:29:55.580 --> 01:29:59.580 um, and then they are people who have inspired a lot of uh, uh, 01:30:00.380 --> 01:30:03.180 thought for me people like, um, jj 01:30:03.740 --> 01:30:07.740 You know who's regarded by a few people as by some people as sort of 01:30:08.540 --> 01:30:10.540 this kind of 01:30:10.780 --> 01:30:12.780 Savant or idiot or something that 01:30:13.100 --> 01:30:18.460 That is ideas are just too terrible and too incompatible with the biology that they learned and in many ways 01:30:18.700 --> 01:30:20.140 You know, they are 01:30:20.140 --> 01:30:23.100 But uh, that's throwing baby out of bath water 01:30:23.180 --> 01:30:29.660 I mean the best the best best thinkers in the world all tools tools through and suffer through the consequences of 01:30:30.140 --> 01:30:33.900 10 bad ideas for every good one, you know, the best creative thinkers 01:30:34.620 --> 01:30:36.860 Um, and so if you if you're going to jump on every 01:30:37.420 --> 01:30:43.820 One of the ideas that a person comes up with that you don't disagree with that you don't agree with and use that as uh, uh, 01:30:44.060 --> 01:30:45.260 are to 01:30:45.260 --> 01:30:48.860 Smear the person that I think that's just you're never going to get ahead in the world yourself 01:30:48.860 --> 01:30:52.700 You won't you won't find the the muses the the creative inspiration 01:30:53.420 --> 01:30:57.180 So I've certainly think that jj kuby's overall take is very good 01:30:57.820 --> 01:31:03.340 Um over the course of a couple of years i've come around to a lot of the thinking of mike eden who are initially 01:31:04.060 --> 01:31:04.940 um 01:31:04.940 --> 01:31:07.580 regarded as being several shades too dark 01:31:08.460 --> 01:31:10.460 in terms of his his worldview 01:31:10.780 --> 01:31:12.380 um, but i've 01:31:12.380 --> 01:31:15.900 I've uh realized the error of my ways and and where 01:31:16.620 --> 01:31:18.620 Or just the error of some of my 01:31:18.620 --> 01:31:22.380 The error of my thinking when it it came to points of disagreement 01:31:22.940 --> 01:31:28.700 Do you understand that nick hudson mentioned me almost in the same sentence and thought 01:31:29.660 --> 01:31:31.660 has mike eden 01:31:32.940 --> 01:31:37.340 The only reason why that happens is because of the people that share my work 01:31:37.420 --> 01:31:41.660 And because of the people that share this stream and because of the people that subscribe to it 01:31:42.140 --> 01:31:45.900 I can't thank greg james and steffin cohen and rodney maulin 01:31:46.540 --> 01:31:52.060 And all these people that have given way more money than they ever should have given to somebody on the internet 01:31:52.700 --> 01:31:56.700 For saving my family from what would have been homelessness or worse 01:31:57.420 --> 01:32:02.620 Um, we are struggling, but we are making it and it's because of each and every one of you that cares enough 01:32:03.100 --> 01:32:07.740 To take one of these links and share it to take one of these links and email it to somebody 01:32:07.820 --> 01:32:12.860 There's people that email for me all the time not because I asked them to but because they do 01:32:13.420 --> 01:32:16.220 Because it's the one thing that they can do. So if you can 01:32:17.260 --> 01:32:24.700 Please share this work give a shout out to nick thank him for um for giving a shout out to us 01:32:25.420 --> 01:32:26.460 um 01:32:26.460 --> 01:32:33.260 Ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that uh if we turn over our thinking to these machines to our phones 01:32:33.820 --> 01:32:37.660 Um, we will be controlled by the men that control those machines. It's not a trick 01:32:38.380 --> 01:32:40.380 AI is not a 01:32:40.380 --> 01:32:44.620 An independent thinking thing that we can't control it is simply programming 01:32:45.020 --> 01:32:48.620 And they have they have tricked us into believing that it's more 01:32:49.260 --> 01:32:52.700 Complicated than that. They are just lying to us. They are putting in front of us 01:32:53.180 --> 01:32:57.820 What they want us to think and making us think the thoughts that are useless to us 01:32:58.380 --> 01:33:02.300 um, ladies and gentlemen, please all stop all transfections and humans because they 01:33:02.780 --> 01:33:06.620 Are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary 01:33:09.260 --> 01:33:14.620 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 01:33:15.180 --> 01:33:19.580 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic 01:33:20.380 --> 01:33:28.620 Um, this has been an independent bright web presentation. You will also know the uh broken science initiative as being a 01:33:29.180 --> 01:33:32.620 unofficial part of the independent bright web. You will also know 01:33:33.180 --> 01:33:35.180 uh, he's a tonic i t s 01:33:35.180 --> 01:33:36.700 uh 01:33:36.700 --> 01:33:38.140 Two or three 01:33:38.140 --> 01:33:40.140 channels on youtube and rumble 01:33:41.020 --> 01:33:46.780 And bitchute of he's a tonic life as part of the independent bright web. You will know jessica hocket and 01:33:47.500 --> 01:33:49.500 and uh, nick hudson and 01:33:50.140 --> 01:33:52.140 Jonathan angler and martin eel 01:33:53.100 --> 01:33:57.100 As people that are members of a new independent bright web 01:33:57.660 --> 01:33:58.700 Um 01:33:58.700 --> 01:34:04.140 Man, thanks for the shout out nick. I really appreciate it. Um, this has been a presentation of giga home 01:34:04.220 --> 01:34:07.100 Biologically, you can find us at giga home biological dot com 01:34:07.740 --> 01:34:11.260 Also find us at giga home dot bio where we discuss some of this stuff trees 01:34:11.500 --> 01:34:16.860 Please help me find those papers and you can find an archive at stream dot giga home dot bio 01:34:17.340 --> 01:34:21.180 Um, which is one of the things now that we are actively producing 01:34:21.740 --> 01:34:26.300 Um, so anyway nick is uh, is uh, one of my friends on the internet 01:34:26.300 --> 01:34:30.460 He retweets me a lot one of the few people that retweets me every once in a while 01:34:30.460 --> 01:34:36.060 And these are my subscribing supporters without which this show would definitely not be possible 01:34:36.460 --> 01:34:40.300 Thank you very much. I'm gonna see you again tomorrow for sure tonight possibly 01:34:40.860 --> 01:34:43.580 Um, this daily show is not stopping 01:34:45.260 --> 01:34:49.340 We're we're gonna do as much as we can as often as we can and we have pre-ons to discuss 01:34:49.420 --> 01:34:51.420 So i'll see you guys again very very soon 01:34:56.300 --> 01:34:58.300 I