WEBVTT 03:43.109 --> 03:46.251 Please, please, please go somewhere. 03:46.271 --> 03:49.273 Please go somewhere and announce that this is happening. 03:49.873 --> 03:54.937 This might be the most important broadcast that GigaOM Biological has ever done. 03:55.577 --> 03:59.740 So if you're going to share something live, this is the one to share. 03:59.980 --> 04:02.942 Because this present, once it's opened, 04:04.523 --> 04:08.769 The landslide is going to start today, I think, ladies and gentlemen, if it hasn't started already. 04:09.871 --> 04:16.820 So please take the extra time to share this and make sure that as many people as possible are here to witness it. 04:18.443 --> 04:19.264 Let's get this done. 04:49.282 --> 05:01.134 I said to Ryan, I said, Jedis don't give up. 05:01.654 --> 05:07.940 I mean, even if he had a problem, he would maybe take a year to try and regroup. 05:08.281 --> 05:10.803 But if he made a mistake, he would try and right that wrong. 05:10.863 --> 05:12.885 So right there, we had a fundamental difference. 05:14.198 --> 05:15.339 It's not my story anymore. 05:15.579 --> 05:16.880 It's somebody else's story. 05:17.080 --> 05:21.663 And Ryan needed me to be a certain way to make the ending effective. 05:22.343 --> 05:25.566 That's the crux of my problem. 05:26.386 --> 05:27.787 Luke would never say that. 05:28.468 --> 05:29.008 I'm sorry. 05:29.048 --> 05:33.071 Well, in this version, see, I'm talking about the George Lucas Star Wars. 05:33.411 --> 05:35.452 This is the next generation of Star Wars. 05:35.492 --> 05:38.494 So I almost had to think of Luke as another character. 05:38.514 --> 05:40.375 Maybe he's Jake Skywalker. 05:40.436 --> 05:42.417 He's not my Luke Skywalker. 05:42.797 --> 05:44.018 But I had to do what 05:44.458 --> 05:48.141 Ryan wanted me to do because it serves the story well. 05:48.201 --> 05:52.644 But listen, I still haven't accepted it completely, but it's only a movie. 05:52.744 --> 05:53.744 I hope people like it. 05:53.784 --> 05:54.925 I hope they don't get upset. 05:54.985 --> 06:00.809 And I came to really believe that Ryan was the exact man that they needed for this job. 06:02.971 --> 06:07.714 So the real question here with regard to putting Mark Hamill on the spot, 06:08.817 --> 06:14.201 really is to illustrate that all it takes is a spectacular commitment to lies. 06:15.162 --> 06:26.230 Mark Hamill just has had to stay committed long enough, keep his mouth shut long enough, for them to make the millions of dollars and ruin the Star Wars franchise just like they intended. 06:27.190 --> 06:36.818 It's easy for an eight-year-old to see that what was written as the sequels to the original trilogy and the prequels, they're all terrible. 06:37.459 --> 06:51.950 But the ones that were just recently released during kind of this transition into this bizarro world that we're now in, there's no way to explain it with creativity or with a subtle pivot to a new story. 06:52.011 --> 06:55.814 They just destroyed something that they could have otherwise just made up something else. 06:57.074 --> 07:07.061 And Mark Hamill just had to stay committed long enough to that lie so that it would effectively be irrelevant what he thinks. 07:07.901 --> 07:09.042 And that's why I show it. 07:09.102 --> 07:23.652 There's lots of people that are involved in the pandemic right now that could have told us a lot sooner and will eventually tell us, but they won't actually tell us that they knew all along that they are actually responsible 07:24.372 --> 07:25.933 for all the tickets being sold. 07:26.333 --> 07:29.115 They're responsible for everybody getting on the bandwagon. 07:29.155 --> 07:33.638 And it's partly because when they could have, they didn't say it. 07:34.319 --> 07:37.060 And in fact, they agreed not to say it. 07:37.841 --> 07:43.385 And then more than one of them went on a podcast and said it and didn't say it. 07:44.252 --> 07:55.095 And when you go back to 2020 and 21, there's nothing else to see other than the very actual spiritual wickedness that exists in these places. 07:55.716 --> 07:58.476 Ladies and gentlemen, it's going to be one of the most important shows. 07:58.977 --> 08:04.178 And this whole summer is going to be full of these important shows unless they start erasing pretty quick. 08:04.338 --> 08:06.959 Oh, wait, we've archived it all already. 09:00.051 --> 09:00.132 you 09:37.779 --> 09:41.961 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 09:42.461 --> 09:46.642 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 09:47.123 --> 09:51.304 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 09:53.185 --> 09:54.746 I think truth is good for kids. 09:55.186 --> 09:58.947 We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in this society. 09:59.467 --> 10:01.088 We want everybody to feel good. 10:01.108 --> 10:03.189 That's not the way life is. 10:05.967 --> 10:09.889 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 10:11.690 --> 10:12.390 And I have lied. 10:12.410 --> 10:13.451 I'm sure I'll lie again. 10:13.471 --> 10:14.411 I don't want to lie. 10:14.892 --> 10:16.232 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 10:16.352 --> 10:17.393 I try not to be a liar. 10:17.413 --> 10:18.253 I don't want to be a liar. 10:18.814 --> 10:21.535 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 10:25.441 --> 10:43.975 Jonathan, who's going to talk about his latest kind of distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity. 10:43.995 --> 10:53.563 And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is going to get a chance to comment 10:57.295 --> 11:10.206 It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone, and it's measles plus. 11:10.307 --> 11:15.831 Okay, I can tolerate what you think about measles because not that many people die from it. 11:16.132 --> 11:18.073 It's just a big hassle in the end. 11:20.095 --> 11:34.422 No, when we have this new pandemic that has got 75% mortality, there'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of these beliefs. 11:34.482 --> 11:36.983 It'll be a moral emergency, because it has to be. 11:42.731 --> 11:43.131 so so 12:23.310 --> 12:30.432 The unfortunate thing for Sam Harris is that that recording is from the eighth podcast that Bret Weinstein ever did. 12:30.952 --> 12:41.456 The eighth podcast that actually occurred in December of 2019, right before the extremely deadly pandemic that we wouldn't be able to tolerate the anti-vax position during. 12:42.236 --> 12:46.258 So it's more than a premonition. 12:46.398 --> 12:47.739 It's more than a prediction. 12:47.939 --> 12:52.321 It was a pre-programmed part of the script. 12:52.521 --> 12:57.543 And what we're really doing, Replay Sound is a quarter of me. 12:57.563 --> 13:01.905 Okay, so I should turn myself down a little bit, I guess. 13:02.485 --> 13:05.288 Um I got the music really low but my ears, I don't know. 13:05.648 --> 13:07.249 Thanks for the feedback though Pamela. 13:08.050 --> 13:11.853 Um we are still in interesting times. 13:12.453 --> 13:17.117 Um it's gonna get more interesting I think because the truth is about to 13:18.223 --> 13:19.464 get a few more dimensions. 13:20.165 --> 13:30.393 And as the truth, as we add more dimensions to the truth, as we look backwards, what we perceive to be true and what is true starts to overlap. 13:30.934 --> 13:33.016 And that's really not useful to these people. 13:34.417 --> 13:39.501 Because our consciousness is a prime real estate that they've been in control of for four years. 13:40.242 --> 13:42.183 And as we start to escape control, 13:43.761 --> 13:51.467 and we start to see things for what they really are, we also start to see people for who they really are. 13:57.411 --> 14:08.199 Sometimes I'm starting to get suspicious because still nobody's really talking about this list. 14:09.560 --> 14:12.442 Still there's really nobody talking about this list. 14:16.331 --> 14:38.048 The only person that really dares to talk about this, of course except for my friend Mark Kulak of Housatonic who I do absolutely trust, is occasionally Nick Hudson and occasionally an anonymous account that I think is someone in Australia. 14:39.319 --> 14:42.840 Jikki Leaks, these are the only two people besides Mark. 14:43.701 --> 14:58.625 So this whole list right here, this whole list right here, it's only Mark and occasionally Nick, and occasionally Jikki Leaks, because I don't really pay attention to that too much. 14:58.725 --> 15:03.147 But I do notice that Nick has done it, these two lists right here. 15:04.344 --> 15:12.612 mentioning that the protocols are murder, that gain-of-function is a mythology, that they fooled us into doing it, and that all it takes is a spectacular commitment to lies. 15:14.253 --> 15:15.414 It's not very many people. 15:19.298 --> 15:27.985 And maybe, maybe I don't care about what other people think about me as long as they don't attribute bad motives, but just keep 15:28.993 --> 15:31.155 pointing out what we're teaching. 15:31.215 --> 15:44.447 So if Jiki stops pointing out what we're teaching and starts attributing just bad motives, I don't know, then I guess I stop, you know, listening or communicating or I don't really promote him. 15:45.127 --> 15:46.268 He's in a different trap. 15:46.348 --> 15:47.549 See, that's part of the problem. 15:47.649 --> 15:48.930 Clucky Ducky, the same thing. 15:49.671 --> 16:04.783 Clucky and Ducky have never done and said anything disparaging to me, never said don't follow me, and never really promoted things that I necessarily disagree with, except for maybe they still have some faith that there's a gain-of-function virus. 16:04.863 --> 16:13.169 But it took me three years of hard work to see through the gain-of-function virus narrative, and so maybe it'll take other people longer. 16:14.550 --> 16:17.933 I'm noticing a pattern of people who do not 16:19.955 --> 16:22.496 acknowledge Giga Home Biological. 16:22.756 --> 16:28.499 And if they do, they acknowledge it in a bad way, in a negative way, or in a non-useful way. 16:31.000 --> 16:41.525 And this list of people that doesn't acknowledge Giga Home Biological in a useful way, it spans the entire list of characters in this play. 16:42.557 --> 16:44.979 You can, I have selfies with all of them. 16:45.039 --> 16:46.500 They all know who I am. 16:46.540 --> 16:47.881 They've all shaken my hand. 16:47.901 --> 16:56.586 They've all told me face to face that they love the work that GigaOM Biological does, but you'd never know if you looked at their social media. 16:57.567 --> 16:59.749 You'd never know that they learned anything from me. 17:01.750 --> 17:03.571 And that's really the extraordinary part. 17:03.591 --> 17:10.236 You can be listed as the foremost, the first expert that contributed to a book. 17:11.377 --> 17:16.002 And that person who wrote that book can completely ignore you as an expert. 17:18.204 --> 17:20.827 Even as soon as one month after the book is released. 17:22.128 --> 17:34.381 And so they're in an interesting place because as GigaOM Biological and our followers are surfing this wave, this manufactured wave of lies, the liars have to pretend that we're not surfing it. 17:35.677 --> 17:43.144 The liars have to pretend that we're just in the water like everybody else and not on our way to the shore in style. 17:43.845 --> 17:51.912 But actually we are on our way to the shore in style and it might even be not the skilled TV watchers down here anymore. 17:53.834 --> 17:54.975 We might have to edit this. 17:55.896 --> 17:59.740 We might have to edit this and say the coordinated 18:06.036 --> 18:12.980 Liars, actually, are being run over by the wave of lies. 18:13.360 --> 18:15.481 And that's really actually where we might be. 18:20.164 --> 18:20.864 It's interesting. 18:21.765 --> 18:32.211 I'm very, very curious as to whether or not we can stay focused on the biology, not take their bait on social media and love our neighbor enough to get out of this, but I think we can. 18:38.376 --> 18:44.221 So please keep sharing because this is really crucial that as many people as possible get where we are. 18:44.821 --> 18:56.310 And that means even sharing this with Jiki because maybe we can learn more about these loyalties that these people have and how they're not related to saving America. 18:56.350 --> 18:58.532 Because I'll tell ya, I'm gonna be real straight. 18:59.673 --> 19:16.854 I'm an American, and the way that I understand this situation is that everybody, because we each have different legal systems, and we have a different set of laws that has been used against us, it's actually important for individual states to organize a way 19:17.535 --> 19:20.117 to repel this action. 19:20.597 --> 19:31.884 So Pennsylvania needs to locally organize and make sure that there aren't laws in Pennsylvania which do not allow us to engage in informed non-compliance. 19:32.304 --> 19:42.411 We need to look if there are laws in every of the 50 states and how they could be used potentially against us in cooperation with or in concert with federal laws. 19:42.831 --> 19:48.940 And these are very serious legal issues that we need real lawyers that are taking it seriously. 19:49.000 --> 19:51.623 We need them to be working on this. 19:51.763 --> 19:51.944 Look. 19:53.373 --> 19:54.553 We don't need music for this. 19:54.593 --> 19:55.534 We just need people. 19:56.314 --> 19:57.214 You just need somebody. 19:57.714 --> 20:18.760 We need real lawyers in America that understand the legal system, that have been working in it for years, that understand the problem that we face and to organize in such a way so that each individual state has a group of people, a group of patriots that's genuinely interested in making sure that the laws of that particular state are such 20:19.648 --> 20:33.116 that the PrEP Act and the 21st Century Cares Act and all this other shit, the 21st Century Cures Act, I don't know, that cannot work together in concert to enslave us. 20:35.358 --> 20:47.025 And so we can talk all we want about censorship on social media and all these other non-issues with lots of lawyers screaming and yelling about how the who is gonna do all this stuff, 20:47.884 --> 21:05.482 When in reality, what we need are state-by-state organizations, little groups that are organized with real expertise, lawyers that are maybe volunteering their time to make a citizen's effort to remove 21:06.408 --> 21:18.896 the teeth or even the public health laws in general that have been put in place to enable this kind of thing to happen again and to prevent it from ever happening again. 21:20.838 --> 21:23.500 And so anybody that's doing that I think is legitimate. 21:23.540 --> 21:25.381 I just don't know very many people who are. 21:25.401 --> 21:34.387 I mean, Meryl Nass has decided to start another nonprofit organized against the who when she was already helping CHD who's organized against the who. 21:37.150 --> 21:47.661 And so we don't have these organizations of lawyers that are actually working to change the appropriate laws that people like Catherine Watt have outlined as well. 21:47.681 --> 21:50.223 We need to get rid of all these things, change all of these things. 21:50.263 --> 21:51.524 We have no lawyers. 21:52.225 --> 22:05.482 that are working to do this and we have no lawyers that are trying to educate anyone in Pennsylvania about how Pennsylvania laws need changing or how Illinois law needs changing or why Pennsylvania law is an example for how they could do it in Illinois. 22:05.542 --> 22:10.348 I don't know because there's no lawyers who are taking this as serious. 22:11.974 --> 22:19.122 There isn't one lawyer that I know of on social media that is saying that, you know, the laws in such and such a state are pretty good. 22:19.142 --> 22:26.792 And maybe we should use those as a template for other laws and other states, or we could use that law as a template to show you why those laws are lame. 22:27.472 --> 22:30.396 There's no lawyer, not one talking about this stuff. 22:30.436 --> 22:31.978 This should be terrifying. 22:35.444 --> 22:36.585 And yet nobody cares. 22:36.665 --> 22:39.969 The whole social media seems to agree that this is just a non-issue. 22:39.989 --> 22:44.554 Like what is Jonathan Cooey talking about with informed non-compliance? 22:45.275 --> 22:46.096 What is he saying? 22:46.997 --> 22:48.739 He's just trying to divide everybody. 22:48.799 --> 22:51.141 No, I'm trying to show you that there is no one. 22:52.343 --> 22:53.984 There's no one coming to our rescue. 22:54.845 --> 22:55.286 No one. 23:06.820 --> 23:06.900 So, 23:41.233 --> 23:43.874 I will admit, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. 23:43.914 --> 23:48.517 This is GigaOM Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 23:48.577 --> 23:49.377 It's June 10th. 23:49.417 --> 23:52.419 I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the back of my garage. 23:53.639 --> 23:55.720 I'm very happy that everyone is here. 23:55.740 --> 24:05.165 I just want to make very clear that first and foremost, I think as a rule, number one, anonymity on social media is great. 24:05.785 --> 24:26.272 But anonymity as far as being a thought leader or anonymity as far as being somebody who is going to, let's say, purport to be a patriot of a particular country and purport to be someone who's really trying to help not themselves, but their children and their children's children, I don't think anonymity is often very helpful. 24:26.932 --> 24:39.606 And I understand that there are people who have to remain anonymous because of the life situation that they're in, but I will say it over and over again, there's not a single anonymous account that I trust. 24:40.467 --> 24:41.868 And that includes JikiLeaks. 24:42.429 --> 24:47.514 JikiLeaks has been interesting because, as I've pointed out repeatedly, he doesn't really 24:49.266 --> 24:50.627 publicly attack me. 24:50.727 --> 24:55.771 He's publicly attacked a lot of other people, but he or she has not publicly attacked me. 24:55.791 --> 25:04.697 And if he or she has, I have not seen it, and that's fine, because I don't take these anonymous accounts very seriously. 25:04.757 --> 25:12.823 But I do think that interacting with something, some of them, especially one as prominent as Jiki, who I think is 25:14.397 --> 25:18.621 can be pretty confidently linked with a substack that we all know the name of. 25:21.784 --> 25:31.132 I do feel like there's been a lot of good ideas that have been promulgated by this account, and it's important to see that. 25:33.311 --> 25:38.835 Part of the way that I myself have pulled myself through this cave is to watch these patterns. 25:39.035 --> 25:46.480 And I don't care about the vast majority of these accounts because the vast majority of these accounts haven't had a, there's no pattern to look at. 25:47.701 --> 25:55.867 They haven't been there in my view, but this account has been around for a long time and more or less behaving pretty consistently. 25:57.620 --> 26:03.304 And so if it's useful to watch the behavior of this account, then I watch it. 26:03.504 --> 26:21.456 And if it's useful to watch some of these other accounts, I think you should, but you always need to understand that the moment you're paying attention to an anonymous account, you don't know for absolute certain whether you're watching the pattern of that person or a collection of people or worse. 26:22.574 --> 26:31.840 And so that's why I err on the side of, you know, if you're trusting anonymous accounts, you could be trusting yourself to foreign traders, which is very, very likely. 26:33.361 --> 26:44.868 And the worst case scenario is still bad, or sorry, the best case scenario is still quite significant because each country is its own trap. 26:44.928 --> 26:47.150 They were shown a different social media. 26:47.930 --> 26:50.272 They saw a different set of influencers. 26:51.892 --> 26:56.536 I mean, there's this whole thing in Australia called Quillette or something like that. 26:56.576 --> 26:59.078 It's kind of like a substack, but it's not a substack. 27:00.219 --> 27:04.642 And they had all of their own debates and their own arguments down there. 27:05.102 --> 27:18.773 And they had their own, you know, forums and their own social media groups that were all different bubbles that were seeing a different reflection of what was happening in the United States, a different fraction of the 27:20.234 --> 27:22.895 the limited spectrum of debate that was presented to us. 27:24.516 --> 27:43.423 We can't, it would be very, very dangerous to try and put a cap on the amount of distortion that was created on purpose, even between different states and different TV regions in America. 27:43.943 --> 27:48.505 Nevermind the amount of distortion that was created across languages 27:50.737 --> 27:57.060 or across time zones or across whole government infrastructures. 27:57.120 --> 28:00.921 They all have their own private partnership with the media of their own countries. 28:01.361 --> 28:12.386 And so they had their own preexisting set of medium level influencers and medium level discussion forums and medium level thought bubbles. 28:14.327 --> 28:20.169 And there's no way for any of us from our perspective, where our IP address is, 28:22.540 --> 28:26.062 to see what other people with other IP addresses see. 28:26.162 --> 28:27.022 There's no way. 28:29.984 --> 28:36.827 And those people are allowing those thoughts in their head all the time as they scroll the same way that we were. 28:37.567 --> 28:42.570 And because we were under the assumption that, well, when we scroll, we either see the same thing that they see. 28:43.110 --> 28:45.231 And that's just absolutely absurd. 28:46.840 --> 29:05.345 And so it's possible that through the careful use of these social media tools and the pre-programming of them, that people have been very efficiently led to believe that good people in one region are bad from the perspective of another region and vice versa. 29:06.556 --> 29:18.651 so that the groups that we have established in each individual country are actually focused on bad guys in other countries, which is a pattern that was established very early by people like Kevin McCairn. 29:20.134 --> 29:27.721 that extremely early in March of 2020 already knew that Andrew Kaufman in America was somebody that I needed to oppose. 29:29.322 --> 29:33.786 And Sam Bailey in New Zealand is somebody that we all need to oppose. 29:34.527 --> 29:45.036 What an interesting random choice out of the, what is it, seven billion people on the planet to just pull out of the hat that you're sure that the no virus people that we have to oppose are these two? 29:48.260 --> 30:17.851 And I only have examples from my experience of looking backwards and seeing how scripted these people were, but we all have an experience that we scrolled through on social media, that if you can peel back the layers of your own memory and look back on it, you're gonna see that it didn't matter what stage you went to in this Lollapalooza of lies, you were gonna essentially get onto this train where you were influenced by a group of people who seemed to agree about particular questions. 30:21.229 --> 30:24.551 And if you want homework, all you gotta do is go on the internet and find it. 30:26.072 --> 30:27.373 I'm a human just like you. 30:27.473 --> 30:28.994 I got a limited amount of time. 30:29.054 --> 30:30.535 I got kids that want my time. 30:30.615 --> 30:43.643 I have a wife that I'm trying to maintain a relationship with as a friend and as a colleague and as a lover and as a best friend and as a life partner. 30:46.986 --> 30:50.448 And so it's a, this is just a real guy here. 30:52.566 --> 30:57.329 And I'm going to be in South Dakota this coming weekend. 30:57.649 --> 31:02.992 And like I've done for the entire pandemic, I'm going to put it all on the line. 31:03.912 --> 31:07.314 I'm going to play it as if this is my one chance. 31:07.434 --> 31:13.518 I'm going to Madison Square Garden, and they're actually going to give me a spotlight and the microphone. 31:14.398 --> 31:15.119 What are you going to say? 31:16.940 --> 31:17.920 That's how I'm playing this. 31:21.355 --> 31:22.835 And I'm not going to pull any punches. 31:23.856 --> 31:25.896 I do think that there is a message here. 31:25.916 --> 31:29.837 I do think there's a message here. 31:31.017 --> 31:33.798 And I am going to try and leave them with these thoughts. 31:34.998 --> 31:41.660 But I hope you won't be disappointed if the talk is sharper than that. 31:44.841 --> 31:46.602 You've only seen me improvise. 31:47.582 --> 31:57.045 You've only seen me just basically shoot from the cuff for four years in the sense of I throw up a video or I throw up a slide and I talk about it. 31:58.145 --> 32:00.086 You've never seen what I do when I plan it. 32:03.067 --> 32:08.569 And none of these people have actually, which is actually probably what makes them the most frightened. 32:11.152 --> 32:15.674 But they don't really have any options at this stage, other than to maybe run me over. 32:20.015 --> 32:22.456 And then my children will be their problem. 32:24.137 --> 32:29.639 So, we don't need to fear any free-range RNA molecules, I assure you of that. 32:29.939 --> 32:37.102 And these people have gotten a lot of influencers to agree that we don't need to worry about the murder because this was a lab leak. 32:38.499 --> 32:44.263 And they've also gotten a bunch of influencers to agree that the old vaccine schedule isn't even on our radar anymore. 32:44.303 --> 32:47.045 I mean, it's the new vaccine schedule that we're concerned about. 32:56.431 --> 33:01.715 And it's the spectacular commitment to these lies that what's allowing them to do it. 33:02.597 --> 33:03.818 It is that concert. 33:04.458 --> 33:10.863 This is the harmony between all of the acts at this Lollapalooza of lies. 33:11.864 --> 33:12.845 It's the same. 33:13.746 --> 33:16.468 This is the song they will all cover. 33:17.168 --> 33:32.280 And they cover it in their own way, with their own set of instruments, with their own set of unique quirks, maybe with a surfboard picture or, I don't know, a comment from their graduate students. 33:36.345 --> 33:40.947 And so I think that this is pretty much the most succinct summary of where we are right now. 33:41.768 --> 33:43.668 There aren't very many people you can trust. 33:46.250 --> 33:49.671 Actually, the less you hear about them, the more likely it is you can trust them. 33:50.432 --> 33:59.696 And so as you watch these people rising through social media with 200,000 followers and saying all kinds of things that everybody sees, 34:02.031 --> 34:05.314 just realize that that can only happen if it's by permission. 34:06.055 --> 34:13.642 There is no one that reaches the level of 250,000 followers on Twitter that hasn't reached that with permission. 34:15.463 --> 34:25.573 There's just no other way to explain how it is that somehow or another, I mean, I guess it's possible, but there's no other way to explain what you see. 34:27.623 --> 34:30.044 These people are playing a very malevolent game. 34:30.345 --> 34:41.249 Wittingly or unwittingly, they are essentially traitors to the American Republic and to all the free countries of the West that thought that we were all on the same team somehow, NATO or whatever they call it. 34:43.710 --> 34:51.454 These people have all agreed to agree that we need to fear free-range RNA molecules, and it's the one lie that they're not going to question. 34:52.423 --> 35:04.373 And the only people that were pretending to usefully question it from 2020, 21 and 22 are up there in the corner and they didn't do a very good job of it for a long time. 35:05.374 --> 35:07.016 And I think that was also by design. 35:07.836 --> 35:13.861 And so that's why they don't like me either because I have critique for their 2020 and 21 presentations as well. 35:14.742 --> 35:18.726 Just like I have critique for my own, but a lot of the reason why I 35:20.020 --> 35:32.346 was unable to succeed in being where I am now in 2021 was precisely because of these people on this screen and the selfies that I've taken with them. 35:34.207 --> 35:48.095 And so that's why I have a particular vendetta with a particular group of people that I'm pretty sure have been lying consistently since the beginning of the pandemic and why I feel an obligation to call them out as if every stream is my last stream. 35:49.304 --> 35:54.965 I have to call out these people because I believe that this is the story that breaks their back. 35:55.085 --> 35:56.906 This is the story that breaks the reed. 35:57.006 --> 35:58.746 It bends it too far and it snaps. 36:00.907 --> 36:15.090 Once you start to inspect what it is precisely that these people said in 2020 and how they were able to say it uncensored or conspicuously censored, you start to realize that the pattern is unmistakable. 36:16.547 --> 36:19.468 And you don't have to look at any particular cast of characters. 36:19.528 --> 36:25.531 It's just unfortunate or fortunate for me that most of the cast of characters has interacted with me. 36:26.191 --> 36:28.532 So many of them decided to come to Pittsburgh. 36:29.032 --> 36:36.335 So many of them decided to be on my podcast early on before they realized how far off script they were gonna have to go. 36:37.675 --> 36:43.898 In fact, before they realized that there is no how far off script do we have to go before Cooey shuts his mouth. 36:47.008 --> 36:59.674 That's why I feel like I need to call out particular people who have been exposed to me in very particular ways by very particular people using very particular words, mostly flattery and then cover up. 37:00.895 --> 37:02.476 Flattery and then talking over. 37:06.812 --> 37:27.298 And make no mistake about it, I don't think this is exciting for me to be able to, or have to, or feel the need to use as armor the fact that I think it is very likely that the guy in the middle is on the same team as the lady over here, and the guy up there, and the lady down there in the bottom corner, and maybe even Tess. 37:28.158 --> 37:40.804 I just think Tess probably doesn't know to the extent to which she's being used by Epigirl and by Anthrax Lady and by Ditraman. 37:45.446 --> 37:46.227 So it's not fun. 37:47.147 --> 37:50.969 That's why I'm streaming like every one of these streams is my last stream. 37:52.069 --> 37:52.890 Because it could be. 37:54.053 --> 37:58.640 For whatever reason, I think that now I'm really causing a problem. 38:01.004 --> 38:02.706 I'm really causing a problem for them. 38:05.130 --> 38:06.532 What I want is high morbidity. 38:07.093 --> 38:08.075 I want people to complain. 38:08.856 --> 38:09.297 So what do I do? 38:10.040 --> 38:10.720 I go to Des Moines. 38:11.341 --> 38:13.622 Ladies and gentlemen, the people on the screen, I have nothing against Des Moines. 38:13.642 --> 38:14.422 I lived there for four years. 38:14.802 --> 38:15.562 I go to Des Moines. 38:16.043 --> 38:18.324 I infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moines. 38:19.104 --> 38:19.924 I go to Seattle. 38:20.465 --> 38:22.065 I infect a couple of cases there. 38:22.746 --> 38:24.486 I go to North Carolina. 38:24.666 --> 38:26.127 I go to Wisconsin. 38:26.507 --> 38:33.250 What I'm doing is I'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases with a highly morbid condition. 38:33.710 --> 38:34.931 These individuals complain. 38:34.991 --> 38:36.832 Again, this is a central nervous system condition. 38:37.072 --> 38:38.933 So they're complaining of whatever the bug may do. 38:39.758 --> 38:44.403 It'll produce some cascade of neurological and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. 38:44.984 --> 38:58.940 Wouldn't it be really crazy if the bug wasn't even a toxin, but it was just getting people to use supplementary oxygen in a maladaptive, nasty way so that they would progress to ARDS? 39:02.455 --> 39:11.041 So instead of seeding a toxin like Sasha Latupova, so sure that the DOD did, there's no viruses, but they use toxins instead. 39:11.101 --> 39:21.788 Just like James Giordano said, it couldn't be a really bad idea that gets misconstrued as either a virus or a toxin. 39:21.808 --> 39:23.289 And we can argue about that forever. 39:26.018 --> 39:41.301 Because as long as you're arguing about whether it was a toxin or what toxin it was, or whether it was a virus or an exosome or whatever, you're not acknowledging that there are other ways that the protocol could have been used to create the illusion of a pandemic. 39:43.081 --> 39:47.502 And so if you do remdesivir, for example, well, then they still got to get in there somehow. 39:49.862 --> 39:53.363 If you do ivermectin, then you presume the existence of the virus. 39:55.629 --> 40:08.960 And so there's one key issue to all of this that is missing, and that is, of course, that SARS and SARS-2 are associated specifically with ARDS. 40:09.040 --> 40:09.821 And you can look it up. 40:09.861 --> 40:17.067 There's papers all over the universe of this, thousands of them, throughout the history of this recent mythology. 40:18.928 --> 40:20.690 Now, keep in mind, stay with me here. 40:22.108 --> 40:26.811 All you gotta do is get to ARDS in order to get to a SARS virus. 40:28.493 --> 40:46.386 And so if the way to get to ARDS is simply the poor application of supplemental oxygen, and you could get doctors to accept a story about we don't know what to do, we don't have anything, this is a new thing. 40:46.946 --> 40:50.789 The best we can do is supplemental oxygen. 40:52.281 --> 41:03.587 you might have a very, very interesting adaptation of the, again, remember, public facing version of the biosecurity narrative. 41:04.888 --> 41:15.614 The public facing version is, James D'Origiano says, is that you release a toxin and then you tell everybody on the internet that it's spreading with asymptomatic prodrome stuff. 41:18.689 --> 41:25.733 So maybe the secret version is that you don't release a toxin, you just start with some murder and lie about it. 41:27.314 --> 41:38.420 And specifically lie about all the ways that the murder is happening so that nobody realizes how it's happening, which is, I think it's possible. 41:39.180 --> 41:45.684 In fact, it's worth seriously considering the possibility that it was the pulse ox lie 41:55.000 --> 41:56.941 I think it's really worth considering this. 42:00.363 --> 42:21.796 It's worth considering because Brett Weinstein is a very curious little meddler in this, who I was in a signal chat for a long time with some very conspicuous players that include an account by the name of Rollergator, Dr. Rollergator. 42:21.836 --> 42:22.977 You can find him on Twitter. 42:23.857 --> 42:30.699 Chris Martinson, Alexandros Marinos, who was exclusively on ivermectin for more than a year. 42:33.460 --> 42:34.921 Brett Weinstein, his wife. 42:37.482 --> 42:47.245 Chris Martinson, who is a retired pharma exec who's living off the grid and who was promoted by PBS NewsHour in 2008 or 2010 or whenever it was. 42:51.306 --> 43:08.697 All of those people have consistently ignored me since learning almost everything they purport to know from me in that little signal chat, which is still unfortunately for them preserved on my phone and elsewhere. 43:12.359 --> 43:14.880 So it feels like the clock is ticking. 43:16.161 --> 43:20.804 It feels like they're just running out the clock and the clock is actually running out on them. 43:23.473 --> 43:25.735 That's why I'm calling all these names out. 43:25.855 --> 43:28.497 That's why I am confident that we can do it. 43:30.079 --> 43:48.354 Because once you realize where this all comes back to, once you realize that these pictures could not exist if I was wrong, the patterns that these people behave and follow could not be otherwise. 43:48.854 --> 43:50.496 It just simply can't be possible. 43:52.418 --> 44:00.105 The only way to explain this is that all these people are ignoring me because the truth is inconvenient. 44:01.326 --> 44:03.668 The truth is really a problem. 44:04.910 --> 44:06.131 We're not supposed to get there yet. 44:10.077 --> 44:11.778 And so we're trying to break free of this. 44:12.179 --> 44:18.444 I'm trying to break free of this limited spectrum of debate by assuming that that's what all these people are doing and it's working very well. 44:18.964 --> 44:27.171 We had a very interesting revelation yesterday about the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses. 44:27.791 --> 44:33.856 When we realized that something very interesting was missing from the hero Corey timeline. 44:37.478 --> 44:40.981 a timeline that has been curated by only certain people. 44:41.341 --> 44:47.365 I'm not so interested in Pierre Kory that I've actually sat down and done a timeline of it. 44:47.445 --> 44:54.971 I've been focused on this stuff, and more importantly, focused on trying to find as many different ways as possible to say those three things. 44:56.712 --> 45:05.259 And although people have come around and said, yeah, I really like what Jay's saying, very few of them, and I mean very few, are able to just share it. 45:06.021 --> 45:10.010 You know, like you could clip this as a picture and put it on your tweet or something like that. 45:10.070 --> 45:14.219 But very few, no, actually almost no one has done that. 45:15.061 --> 45:16.965 No one that's not in our chat regularly. 45:21.209 --> 45:25.512 And we've seen this crack pipe theme go around now with debunk the funk jumping on board. 45:25.913 --> 45:26.953 And it's hilarious, right? 45:26.993 --> 45:39.883 Because this again is the best response that they have to me trying to get somebody to say that weaponized piles of money have gotten a lot of people on the internet to agree that it's not murder, but it was gain of function. 45:41.825 --> 45:45.287 And they've gotten it to happen by performing this little act. 45:47.649 --> 45:49.170 And I think one of the most 45:50.214 --> 45:53.919 egregious of these performers is Pierre Kory. 45:55.361 --> 46:04.833 I think it's possible that Pierre Kory and a few people that worked with him are responsible for this being lost, that nobody's talking about it. 46:04.853 --> 46:08.258 You know who the person who first talked about this was? 46:09.514 --> 46:12.215 You know who the first person that brought this to us was? 46:12.675 --> 46:22.719 You're gonna think, oh, maybe it was Jonathan Engler, or was it Jessica Hockett, or was it, I don't know, maybe it was, who else is really good in this field? 46:22.759 --> 46:26.881 Maybe it was Mark Kulak, or maybe it was Jonathan Cooley who thought of it. 46:27.261 --> 46:31.963 All, all of those would be, all of those would be wrong. 46:32.703 --> 46:33.884 It was Grace's dad. 46:36.041 --> 46:39.563 Grace's dad actually, and look that guy up, please. 46:40.584 --> 46:54.434 Grace's dad is the one that pointed out that the FLCCC protocol recommended that if your pulse ox was below 94, you should seek help immediately. 46:55.374 --> 46:56.095 Stop lying. 46:56.995 --> 46:58.256 That's pretty significant. 46:59.037 --> 47:03.880 It's also pretty significant that nobody shares Grace's dad's work. 47:04.540 --> 47:05.001 Nobody. 47:06.041 --> 47:07.982 Where is he on the internet? 47:08.022 --> 47:09.043 Where is he on Twitter? 47:09.083 --> 47:13.926 Where's these people, all these mice sharing the story of Grace's dad? 47:13.966 --> 47:16.788 Where's CHD sharing the story of Grace's dad? 47:16.848 --> 47:21.331 Where are all these people sharing the story, having him on their podcast? 47:22.892 --> 47:23.353 Nowhere. 47:24.413 --> 47:31.198 But Grace's dad is the one who showed us that the FLCC protocol said 94%, you better go to the hospital. 47:32.038 --> 47:33.620 And who's the head of the FLCCC? 47:35.472 --> 47:37.514 Who's the one who's been pushing that train around? 47:38.856 --> 47:41.759 Chalking his hands up on podcasts every week. 47:59.761 --> 48:02.844 Grace's dad, big shout out to Grace's dad. 48:02.884 --> 48:04.706 He saw stuff that we did not see. 48:04.806 --> 48:09.310 I can't believe I didn't see it, but shout out to Grace's dad. 48:09.350 --> 48:10.832 Let's listen to Pierre and Brett from 2021. 48:12.293 --> 48:22.823 I believe the date is June 1st, which would mean in the timeline of the theater, they thought that it would be better to bring Pierre Cory on stage first. 48:23.709 --> 48:37.102 so that when Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone showed up a couple weeks later, Bret Weinstein would already have developed his schtick with regard to ivermectin being the ultimate prophylactic. 48:37.796 --> 48:51.280 which if you have forgotten on June 21st, 2020, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch went on the Brett Weinstein podcast for a three hour tirade about how they were going to save everyone. 48:52.020 --> 48:59.983 And the main message was basically prophylactic use of ivermectin for 30 days would clear the earth and get us to zero COVID. 49:05.126 --> 49:09.807 So I'm going to really admit I haven't watched this movie since this video since it came out. 49:09.827 --> 49:17.510 And I don't even know if I watched it when it came out because I wasn't really following Brett and his podcast. 49:17.570 --> 49:21.531 I was connected with Brett before I knew who Brett really was. 49:21.591 --> 49:22.371 And that's the truth. 49:23.972 --> 49:26.352 Somebody told me, do you watch Brett Weinstein? 49:26.673 --> 49:28.973 And I said, I don't even know really who that is. 49:29.353 --> 49:32.554 And then I looked him up and I thought, yeah, connect me with him. 49:33.975 --> 49:34.655 That's the truth. 49:36.673 --> 49:45.099 And so if you knew who that person was who said, do you know who Brett Weinstein was, then you would be able to go, wow, wait a minute, what, really that person? 49:47.201 --> 49:48.281 And so I know who it is. 49:48.301 --> 49:55.567 And I can say it out loud whenever I want to, but people who have been following me for a long time know definitely who that is. 49:56.573 --> 50:00.856 It's a very conspicuous name in my 2021 timeline. 50:01.817 --> 50:07.261 That's very conspicuously absent from my 2022 and 23 and 24 timeline. 50:08.822 --> 50:12.965 In fact, vanished in 21 already for all practical purposes. 50:15.106 --> 50:21.150 It's a very, very interesting web that I exist within. 50:21.951 --> 50:24.413 And most of these people still think they have some 50:27.455 --> 50:30.398 some semblance of a disguise left, which is pretty funny. 50:32.319 --> 50:36.443 But I'm just telling everybody now, just trying to be honest to all of y'all out there. 50:37.203 --> 50:44.409 I know who almost all of you are because of the mistakes that you make or made. 50:45.370 --> 50:47.652 And this one here, this one is really good. 50:48.413 --> 50:50.414 This one is really, really good. 50:51.835 --> 50:54.358 Let's take a look at what we've got here. 50:55.638 --> 50:59.260 I need to look for Corey, Brett, Rogan. 50:59.440 --> 51:00.701 No, we don't want that one. 51:00.741 --> 51:02.682 That one I think was later. 51:02.702 --> 51:08.625 We need Corey and the Brett. 51:09.246 --> 51:10.787 Alex Jones, no. 51:11.227 --> 51:11.647 Where is it? 51:12.287 --> 51:13.068 I just saved it. 51:15.529 --> 51:17.010 I just don't remember what I named it. 51:17.050 --> 51:18.531 Sorry guys, I don't mean to do this. 51:19.251 --> 51:19.592 Darn it. 51:22.513 --> 51:23.154 There it is, sorry. 51:49.602 --> 51:59.390 He is also a- Hey folks, welcome to the Dark Horse Podcast. 51:59.730 --> 52:00.771 I am Dr. Brett Weinstein. 52:00.831 --> 52:09.698 I am sitting with Dr. Pierre Kory, who is the president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC, which is the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. 52:10.038 --> 52:13.260 He is also a lung specialist and an ICU specialist. 52:13.681 --> 52:14.681 Welcome Dr. Kory. 52:15.002 --> 52:15.782 Brett, thanks for having me. 52:15.902 --> 52:16.423 Really good to be here. 52:16.963 --> 52:19.644 I could not be more excited about this podcast. 52:19.744 --> 52:27.268 I really have the sense that the story that you and I are about to delve into couldn't possibly be more important. 52:27.348 --> 52:31.790 There's a tremendously hopeful aspect of it, and there's a tremendously frightening aspect of it. 52:32.710 --> 52:36.552 And I am just simply looking forward to having it in the world well understood. 52:37.252 --> 52:44.015 Before we do that, though, I think I need to say a word or two in light of the fact that there is what we will talk about, an industrial strength campaign 52:44.536 --> 52:49.136 to censor this story and I need to say something rather directly to those who are most likely to attempt to censor it. 52:50.441 --> 53:07.193 What I want to say is that Dr. Corey is not only an advocate for a therapy that is incredibly useful in the context of COVID-19, but he is also someone who has pioneered therapies already that are now the standard of care for COVID-19 patients. 53:07.813 --> 53:11.396 That means he has earned the right to talk about whatever he thinks is important. 53:11.596 --> 53:12.016 Thanks, Pamela. 53:12.036 --> 53:18.881 For my part, as you know, I was also very early on the lab leak hypothesis, and I was very careful about how I presented it. 53:18.941 --> 53:20.042 And of course, in the last month, 53:20.562 --> 53:22.843 That hypothesis has been vindicated. 53:23.284 --> 53:34.510 Everyone, including Dr. Ralph Baric, who is the leading expert in the world on bat-borne coronaviruses and their modification in the lab, has acknowledged that a leak from the lab in Wuhan, China is plausible. 53:34.850 --> 53:39.153 I have also earned the right to talk about what I want to talk about and what I think is necessary. 53:39.573 --> 53:45.076 So he's earned the right to talk about it because he was ahead on the lab leak, which has now been vindicated. 53:45.096 --> 53:47.398 That's a pretty remarkable statement to make. 53:48.218 --> 53:50.199 on June 1st, 2021. 53:51.961 --> 53:52.461 Don't you think? 53:53.442 --> 54:11.394 In retrospect, like he's the head of the Scooby-Doo Mystery Solving Team and he's declared that after being the sleuth of sleuths and wearing a bandana and goggles when it was needed, he's now figured out that this was a lab leak and therefore he was actually smart to have isolated. 54:12.318 --> 54:18.723 He was actually smart to have worn the goggles and the bandana because he avoided the lab leak. 54:18.783 --> 54:20.965 You see where this is going, where it went? 54:22.006 --> 54:23.367 We are now gonna have a conversation. 54:24.187 --> 54:27.050 And if you don't like it, that YouTube is your problem. 54:27.550 --> 54:30.673 We are entitled to discuss this because a lot depends on it. 54:30.953 --> 54:33.275 And we'll- Screw you, YouTube. 54:33.295 --> 54:38.038 It sounds a lot like some teenage girl that did in 2019. 54:38.079 --> 54:39.139 Screw you, YouTube. 54:40.060 --> 54:41.961 We do when issues are don't like it. 54:42.681 --> 54:47.004 I have also earned the right to talk about what I want to talk about and what I think is necessary. 54:47.264 --> 54:48.625 We are now going to have a conversation. 54:49.425 --> 54:52.287 And if you don't like it, that YouTube is your problem. 54:52.807 --> 54:55.889 We are entitled to discuss this because a lot depends on it. 54:56.189 --> 55:02.152 And what we do when issues are complex is we hash them out and figure out what's true through dialectic. 55:02.172 --> 55:02.952 So that's what we're going to do. 55:03.473 --> 55:03.613 Yeah. 55:04.293 --> 55:09.574 I appreciate that you already said a few things but I'd like that hopeful part because there is a lot of weirdness. 55:09.614 --> 55:13.035 The censorship is unpleasant but ultimately this is a message. 55:13.075 --> 55:18.036 There's a really hopeful message about science here and so that's why I'm really glad to be here. 55:18.136 --> 55:28.019 I'm glad to see just more scientists of credibility willing to really look at the evidence behind a phenomenally effective therapy and so like I said, I'm really happy to be here. 55:28.559 --> 55:28.799 Great. 55:29.019 --> 55:40.202 Well, let me say, I think the evidence is incredibly compelling, and that the fact that it is compelling, and yet not widely known, is an important fact in and of itself. 55:40.502 --> 55:42.243 There are layers to an onion to this story. 55:42.383 --> 55:52.986 And whatever it is that causes an obviously useful therapy to be suspected in ways that it shouldn't be, based on the evidence, whatever that thing is, is also a disease of sorts. 55:53.506 --> 55:58.347 Somehow, we have to get to a place where evidence-based medicine really means evidence-based medicine. 55:58.957 --> 56:19.758 okay so they are already establishing what questions they're going to ask and where the limited spectrum of debate is and it's a hopeful message about science using the word science in exactly the same way that debunk the funk used it with zoobie a couple days ago using the word science exactly the same way as tony fauci used it 56:21.843 --> 56:24.644 And Brett Weinstein doesn't seem to need to correct him at all. 56:24.704 --> 56:28.785 He agrees that there's some capital S science with a trademark after it. 56:31.526 --> 56:38.228 This is in June of 2021 when people needed clarity and people with principles. 56:38.288 --> 56:45.671 And here's two people that are agreeing that we are the two guys with principles and they are lying about that. 56:47.731 --> 56:51.916 And if two people agree to lie to us, we're in big trouble. 56:53.478 --> 57:01.347 Just like I told you the story about my two little boys thinking about fooling their little sister with the Minecraft game in a computer in the other room. 57:02.888 --> 57:08.275 If two people agree to lie to you, it's very difficult to see through it. 57:09.545 --> 57:32.416 And I am making the accusation that because this was a national security operation that was intending to use America as an example for the rest of the world of what happens when you screw up a response to a virus, these people were recruited wittingly or unwittingly, are participating wittingly or unwittingly in this charade 57:33.746 --> 57:40.170 that something especially dangerous is happening in America because they are especially bungling their response to it. 57:42.911 --> 57:51.376 That's what's happening right here because Australia locked down and New Zealand locked down and, and Japan wears masks all the time. 57:55.046 --> 58:10.411 You must remember very hard, try to remember where we were at this time in 2021 to understand how significant it is that these two jackasses are so dead on balls narrative that it's impossible to explain by chance. 58:12.580 --> 58:12.920 I agree. 58:13.361 --> 58:13.841 No, you're right. 58:13.981 --> 58:15.062 I like that you just said disease. 58:15.082 --> 58:18.684 I mean, it is, it's, it's a symptom of dysfunction in our system. 58:18.844 --> 58:25.029 I mean, our system is creating this problem around a really effective medicine and it's, it's really damaging. 58:25.229 --> 58:25.549 All right. 58:25.609 --> 58:26.770 So I'd like to step back. 58:26.850 --> 58:36.537 So wait, which is the disease COVID-19 or is the disease, the, the censorship or the inability to, what are they talking about? 58:38.138 --> 58:39.579 I got to go back and play that again. 58:39.599 --> 58:41.641 This is going to be a long video. 58:41.661 --> 58:42.121 It looks like. 58:43.308 --> 58:52.551 The evidence is incredibly compelling and that the fact that it is compelling and yet not widely known is an important fact in and of itself. 58:52.851 --> 59:08.657 There are layers to an onion to this story and whatever- Now keep in mind, right, if this is June 2021, then that means Pierre Kory has already served as a witness for something to do with George Floyd, right, or not? 59:09.477 --> 59:12.738 We need to put this in the right order. 59:14.195 --> 59:23.699 And I don't know what the right order would be, but other people could see this as a challenging sort of thing to Pierre Corey's legitimacy. 59:23.919 --> 59:33.363 If he is revealed to have participated in the George Floyd bonanza, for example, charade, whatever that was, I don't even care. 59:34.644 --> 59:36.184 You know, that they used it against us. 59:36.224 --> 59:42.647 You know, that it was some kind of orchestrated thing that made them burn down things all over the place so that they could test their algorithms. 59:44.381 --> 01:00:05.339 many different ways they can drive people bananas with what bad ideas can they drive people bananas the easiest if they don't discuss this and it's already occurred if he just kind of omits it from his history oh yeah by the way not only did i rush into the burning house that was new york city in april of 2020 because i'm such a hero 01:00:06.772 --> 01:00:17.916 but I also rushed into the courtroom to make sure that the death of George Floyd was based or was blamed on the cops like it should be instead of on whatever else that criminal might've been on. 01:00:21.337 --> 01:00:23.978 I'm not trying to take a stance on George Floyd. 01:00:23.998 --> 01:00:32.001 I'm trying to make you realize that it is unbelievably remarkable that this gentleman participated in that. 01:00:34.349 --> 01:00:43.353 The same gentleman that was put in front of the Senate of either Texas or the United States after what happened in New York to testify about it. 01:00:45.874 --> 01:00:57.079 Did they murder people in New York City with an on-ramp to ventilators created by ARDS that was derived solely from the misapplication of 01:00:58.169 --> 01:01:04.491 of oxygen as so eloquently described by none other than the star of the show, Kyle Seidel. 01:01:04.511 --> 01:01:16.435 Has this actually led to a break in what was supposed to be a, you know, solidify Pierre Kory as the authority on certain things now? 01:01:18.069 --> 01:01:44.157 Because if we're all just gonna conveniently omit that this guy provided the testimony and the expert testimony in the George Floyd case, and that's not relevant to him also having an ivermectin book, also being in front of the Senate, also touring the world for international COVID conferences, also being in hot tub photos, also being in shoe photos, 01:01:46.004 --> 01:01:54.150 Having met me multiple times associated with CHD, ladies and gentlemen, the brick wall is visible. 01:01:55.852 --> 01:02:02.257 We have already illustrated time and time again how Brett Weinstein's not playing fair because of how he behaved with Bobby Kennedy. 01:02:02.637 --> 01:02:09.783 I've already illustrated many times why it doesn't feel like Bobby Kennedy's playing fair with me given what I am represented as in his book. 01:02:11.601 --> 01:02:15.664 Yet somehow or another, he's happy to promote Bret Weinstein. 01:02:15.704 --> 01:02:17.905 CHD is happy to promote Bret Weinstein. 01:02:17.965 --> 01:02:19.566 CHD is happy to sell that book. 01:02:19.626 --> 01:02:27.272 It's just a very inconvenient fact that Jonathan Cooley's in that book, and it's a very inconvenient shit what Jonathan Cooley put in that book. 01:02:30.073 --> 01:02:32.175 They really thought they were gonna get away with it. 01:02:34.599 --> 01:02:40.543 that they would be able to absorb the story of my family getting screwed because I opened my mouth. 01:02:41.143 --> 01:02:55.973 My family losing their income and their means of making a living because I opened my mouth and I had a legitimate career, a legitimate track record of just trying to do science and not taking a big salary for it because I was dumb. 01:02:57.654 --> 01:03:02.798 Because Dan Wilson said, I'm raising a second kid and if you know anything about academia, I'm not going there. 01:03:04.767 --> 01:03:05.447 I was dumb. 01:03:06.228 --> 01:03:07.108 I was naive. 01:03:08.269 --> 01:03:12.892 I thought science was really a pursuit worth pursuing and that's why nobody liked how I did it. 01:03:13.852 --> 01:03:17.174 Nobody wanted the questions answered that I wanted answered. 01:03:17.214 --> 01:03:18.595 That's why I couldn't get grants. 01:03:18.615 --> 01:03:20.256 That's why I never really succeeded. 01:03:21.414 --> 01:03:35.566 Why I have a 20-year track record of getting paid about $45,000 a year for doing something that very, very, very few people in the world would even attempt to do, never mind pretend or say that they had the expertise to do it well. 01:03:37.508 --> 01:03:38.829 Why did I choose those words? 01:03:38.889 --> 01:03:40.050 Because that's the reality. 01:03:41.738 --> 01:03:53.901 The kinds of experiments that I was trying to do when I was in my real wheelhouse of electrophysiology were experiments that a handful of people on earth can do now, nevermind back then. 01:03:55.681 --> 01:04:09.164 And some of the most famous neuroscientists at the time knew my name, knew me by first name basis, would recognize me from across the hall of neuroscience where 30,000 people were and put their hand in the air and waved to me. 01:04:12.642 --> 01:04:19.305 I'm not some guy who pretends to have had a lab about Tourette's syndrome in monkeys in South Korea before the pandemic. 01:04:19.785 --> 01:04:32.952 I'm actually a guy who worked for a Navy captain at the University of Pittsburgh, whose wife worked for McKenzie at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine when I was told not to come in anymore. 01:04:34.353 --> 01:04:37.474 Those aren't details that I'm just adding because they're spicy. 01:04:37.914 --> 01:04:40.976 Those are details because unfortunately they just remain part of this, 01:04:42.122 --> 01:04:44.423 giant pile of truth that I can't forget. 01:04:48.906 --> 01:04:50.527 While what's the story with Brett? 01:04:50.567 --> 01:04:51.867 What's the story with Corey? 01:04:51.907 --> 01:04:53.108 It seems really weird. 01:04:54.689 --> 01:04:56.250 Because they forget plenty of stuff. 01:04:57.270 --> 01:04:58.651 They omit plenty of things. 01:05:02.912 --> 01:05:05.894 Their backstories are always so well-sculpted, you know? 01:05:06.394 --> 01:05:24.207 Like Dan Wilson, who used to think that 9-11 was a big conspiracy, and then more recently, like right before the pandemic, pulled his head out and realized that they told us the truth all along on TV, and started to crusade for the truth on television. 01:05:25.508 --> 01:05:29.311 And now Zuby elevates him as somebody worth talking to. 01:05:31.431 --> 01:05:33.555 And we're supposed to believe that Zuby's a good guy. 01:05:35.659 --> 01:05:37.363 Just like Brett Weinstein's a good guy. 01:05:37.423 --> 01:05:39.106 Just like Pierre Cory's a good guy. 01:05:39.146 --> 01:05:42.934 And they're all lying, and they're all on the same team. 01:05:46.317 --> 01:05:56.325 it is that causes an obviously useful therapy to be suspected in ways that it shouldn't be based on the evidence, whatever that thing is, is also a disease of sorts. 01:05:56.485 --> 01:06:01.689 Yeah, somehow we have to get to a place where evidence based medicine really means evidence based medicine. 01:06:03.098 --> 01:06:05.479 This is the opposite of trying to be precise. 01:06:05.799 --> 01:06:12.220 So instead of, okay, we're going to keep our language crisp and we're going to explain to people what's going on right now. 01:06:12.300 --> 01:06:13.760 No, I'm going to add another disease. 01:06:14.481 --> 01:06:16.521 I'm going to add another disease to this discussion. 01:06:16.561 --> 01:06:20.042 And that's the disease of holy shit. 01:06:20.402 --> 01:06:21.082 Stop lying. 01:06:21.482 --> 01:06:26.483 I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to keep my cool with this because I really think that it's time for the pressure. 01:06:26.543 --> 01:06:27.503 It's time to stomp. 01:06:29.224 --> 01:06:30.664 It's time to break through the floor. 01:06:32.349 --> 01:06:34.293 We're all gonna fall through the ceiling here. 01:06:38.832 --> 01:06:39.252 No, you're right. 01:06:39.272 --> 01:06:40.533 I like that you just said disease. 01:06:40.553 --> 01:06:44.136 I mean, it's a symptom of dysfunction in our system. 01:06:44.296 --> 01:06:48.479 I mean, our system's creating this problem around a really effective medicine. 01:06:48.619 --> 01:06:50.461 And it's really damaging. 01:06:50.661 --> 01:06:50.981 All right. 01:06:51.041 --> 01:06:52.662 So I'd like to step back a little bit. 01:06:52.922 --> 01:06:58.147 Obviously, the best thing to do from the point of view of an interesting discussion is go right to the heart of the matter. 01:06:58.187 --> 01:07:01.389 But I really think it's important that a couple of things are on the table first. 01:07:01.889 --> 01:07:02.590 Stop lying! 01:07:02.610 --> 01:07:05.412 Number one on that list is your organization, BFL-PCC. 01:07:05.432 --> 01:07:05.993 Stop lying! 01:07:06.933 --> 01:07:09.674 is not an ivermectin organization on the table. 01:07:10.054 --> 01:07:15.235 Obviously, the best thing to do from the point of view of an interesting discussion is go right to the heart of the matter. 01:07:15.255 --> 01:07:18.316 But I really think it's important that a couple of things are on the table first. 01:07:19.497 --> 01:07:26.119 Number one on that list is your organization, the FLCCC, is not an ivermectin organization. 01:07:26.139 --> 01:07:34.301 It was founded, as I understand it, to discover what the most useful therapies for COVID-19 were in the early days of the pandemic. 01:07:34.961 --> 01:07:39.284 So in the early days of the pandemic when he's implying we didn't know anything. 01:07:40.285 --> 01:07:45.128 We had no idea what to do for respiratory disease at the start of the pandemic because this was a new one. 01:07:49.951 --> 01:07:59.977 Make sure you hear it very clearly what they're doing in June of 2021 to make sure that they sort of shore up the narrative and the shore up the understanding of what just happened in 2020. 01:08:01.400 --> 01:08:04.202 Make sure everybody's very clear that we're all on the same page. 01:08:04.603 --> 01:08:09.907 He's teeing up this guy who's now got to tell the story that he's prepared. 01:08:11.788 --> 01:08:21.236 So I want you to think very carefully about how you would act if you're finally being queued up, finally going to go, OK, now here's where I'm actually going to start to perform. 01:08:22.017 --> 01:08:24.379 And I'm a little bit shit and bricks. 01:08:24.459 --> 01:08:29.383 It's basically like what my daughter's going to go through tonight at her first piano recital. 01:08:30.233 --> 01:08:31.214 You've been practicing. 01:08:31.274 --> 01:08:36.740 It's fine when you did it off, you know, on your piano or on the piano at the church when you're doing the rehearsal. 01:08:37.220 --> 01:08:48.292 But now when everybody shows up and you got your pretty dress on and everybody's there and the food's waiting outside and it's time to go up, how do you react? 01:08:49.653 --> 01:08:52.036 How does the nervousness manifest itself? 01:08:53.069 --> 01:08:54.530 Do you want to say something about where you started? 01:08:54.550 --> 01:08:54.851 Yeah. 01:08:54.951 --> 01:08:58.614 So the first thing I have to say is that we start with Professor Paul Marek. 01:08:58.674 --> 01:09:06.361 So Paul Marek, he's actually the most published intensivist in the history of our field who's actually practicing medicine. 01:09:06.701 --> 01:09:09.264 The other doctor who published more doesn't see patients. 01:09:09.744 --> 01:09:12.847 So Paul is sort of a giant in our field, well-known internationally. 01:09:12.907 --> 01:09:17.991 What happened was when COVID was rolling to our shores, and it really kind of hit New York and Seattle, 01:09:19.112 --> 01:09:23.054 Some prominent doctors went to Paul and said, hey, you got to come up with a protocol. 01:09:23.074 --> 01:09:25.355 Because Paul's well known for his protocols for sepsis and whatnot. 01:09:26.075 --> 01:09:28.856 Get a group of your colleagues, put together a protocol to treat this. 01:09:28.916 --> 01:09:29.577 And that's what he did. 01:09:29.617 --> 01:09:31.778 And I'm honored to be a member of that team. 01:09:31.818 --> 01:09:35.339 And so Paul and I started talking with the group, and we put together a protocol. 01:09:35.579 --> 01:09:44.623 And our first protocol actually included blood thinners, pretty aggressive, and corticosteroids at a time when every national and international society 01:09:45.263 --> 01:09:46.784 basically said there's insufficient evidence. 01:09:46.824 --> 01:09:49.146 Now we're already being disingenuous here, right? 01:09:49.186 --> 01:10:02.854 Because if the protocol says you need to seek help when you have a 94% pulse ox and the place that a person seeks help believes in the TV narrative, then you're not going to get what the FLCCC recommends. 01:10:03.780 --> 01:10:18.446 you're not gonna be able to take the FLCCC protocol and say, hey doc, hey look, I got this protocol off the internet and the protocol off the internet says that I have a pulse ox of 94, I'm supposed to come to you and then you're supposed to give me this stuff. 01:10:21.287 --> 01:10:23.688 It seems like that's what they're proposing here. 01:10:24.588 --> 01:10:33.212 That the FLCCC protocol is something that you can just print out and take to the emergency room and then other doctors will read it and follow it. 01:10:34.107 --> 01:10:35.508 What else are they implying here? 01:10:39.629 --> 01:10:44.932 And how naive would it be for you to take a protocol to your doctor and say, hey doc, I got this off the internet. 01:10:45.472 --> 01:10:50.534 And it's not what the CDC says, but I would really like you to follow it. 01:10:53.410 --> 01:10:56.533 Just keep in mind what what else are they proposing if they're not proposing that? 01:10:56.954 --> 01:11:00.797 Hey, you got to come up with a protocol because Paul's well known for his protocols for sepsis and whatnot. 01:11:01.498 --> 01:11:11.068 Get a group of your colleagues put together a protocol to treat this and that's what he did and I'm honored to be a member of that team and so Paul and I started talking with the group and we put together a protocol and 01:11:11.588 --> 01:11:22.945 Our first protocol actually included blood thinners, pretty aggressive, and corticosteroids at a time when every national and international society basically said there's insufficient evidence and do not use. 01:11:22.985 --> 01:11:24.847 In fact, they thought corticosteroids were harmful. 01:11:26.770 --> 01:11:34.113 I was actually invited to give a Senate testimony back in May, where I testified in the Senate that it was critical to use corticosteroids, that lives were being lost. 01:11:34.673 --> 01:11:36.954 And as you might know, I got killed for that. 01:11:37.094 --> 01:11:38.114 We got killed for that. 01:11:38.295 --> 01:11:41.376 I wonder if he's talking about May of 21 or May of 2020. 01:11:42.196 --> 01:11:44.897 That's interesting. 01:11:45.277 --> 01:11:47.078 He says he put together a protocol. 01:11:47.198 --> 01:11:48.799 I'm asking who would follow it. 01:11:49.479 --> 01:11:54.441 What does it mean if a bunch of rebel doctors puts together a protocol online? 01:11:55.729 --> 01:11:57.650 if no one will ever follow it. 01:11:57.770 --> 01:12:10.996 And the primary recommendation for people that are going to decide what to do was that you have a 94% pulse ox, you should go to the hospital, which is actually telling people to go online and order a pulse ox. 01:12:12.757 --> 01:12:14.558 How else are you going to know what your pulse ox is? 01:12:15.018 --> 01:12:22.743 So, if I have two pulse oximeters and I put them on my fingers and I find out that they don't read the same thing from the same person, what would happen then? 01:12:22.783 --> 01:12:26.486 What situation would we be in if that was the case? 01:12:26.506 --> 01:12:29.388 I'm just trying to figure out what would happen. 01:12:29.428 --> 01:12:32.230 What would you interpret that as if 01:12:33.078 --> 01:12:36.779 We had two pulse oximeters that couldn't read the same number. 01:12:36.799 --> 01:12:46.921 I mean, how close am I to having COVID right now if these things say what they say like this? 01:12:46.941 --> 01:12:46.921 98, 97. 01:12:48.761 --> 01:12:50.982 Sorry, the other one quit starting over again or something. 01:12:51.022 --> 01:12:51.342 I don't know. 01:12:51.382 --> 01:12:52.282 Maybe the battery's dead. 01:12:52.902 --> 01:12:53.822 I might have to charge it up. 01:12:55.143 --> 01:12:56.163 I hope they are chargeable. 01:12:56.183 --> 01:12:57.983 96, there it is. 01:12:58.083 --> 01:12:59.284 I have a 96% pulse ox on one side. 01:13:03.305 --> 01:13:05.967 Does that mean I have to go to the hospital now or was it 94? 01:13:07.888 --> 01:13:09.490 That's also quite significant, right? 01:13:09.510 --> 01:13:09.810 If it was 94. 01:13:15.014 --> 01:13:27.123 And so my point is, is that one simple way without a toxin would be to just sell a bunch of shitty ones of these and then put good ones back on the market a few months later. 01:13:29.042 --> 01:13:31.124 I mean, that would require no toxins. 01:13:31.164 --> 01:13:34.347 You could use Amazon to do it and you could use social media to do it. 01:13:34.387 --> 01:13:38.230 People implying that pulse ox is a great way to figure it out. 01:13:38.270 --> 01:13:46.637 That's what Pierre Cory said on YouTube that one consistent thing with all these patients was their pulse ox was low in the 80s. 01:13:49.960 --> 01:13:51.281 And he's a lung expert, right? 01:13:51.501 --> 01:13:58.528 So here we are listening to him on Brett Weinstein in June of 2021. 01:13:59.008 --> 01:14:04.373 And he's not talking about the fact that he was a witness for the George Floyd thing at all. 01:14:07.876 --> 01:14:08.636 It's weird. 01:14:11.616 --> 01:14:15.580 totally criticized for not having an evidence base to say that on. 01:14:15.800 --> 01:14:16.681 And we actually did. 01:14:16.981 --> 01:14:18.602 Our reading of the evidence was that you had to use it. 01:14:18.642 --> 01:14:20.744 And so that's how we came together. 01:14:20.764 --> 01:14:22.226 And that was the first components of our protocol. 01:14:22.246 --> 01:14:24.868 But like you said, ivermectin was not in our protocol initially. 01:14:25.128 --> 01:14:27.650 So I find this just stunning. 01:14:28.431 --> 01:14:36.739 You discovered as clinicians that corticosteroids and blood thinners were important in the treatment of covid patients. 01:14:36.779 --> 01:14:41.323 And in trying to make this point, you were criticized and then vindicated. 01:14:41.583 --> 01:14:43.125 This is now standard of care. 01:14:43.345 --> 01:14:50.632 And now this is part of what I would argue from the non MD perspective is part of that narrative. 01:14:51.434 --> 01:15:00.778 This is very similar to the narrative that there are more cardiac arrests and strokes as a result of the gain-of-function incapacitating agents circulating the globe. 01:15:01.458 --> 01:15:10.502 And so this dovetails very nicely to what they were trying to confound as a novel circulating pathogen. 01:15:11.022 --> 01:15:13.023 Of course, this is seeding more 01:15:13.903 --> 01:15:21.366 little breadcrumbs about why it's a novel pathogen because, you know, this is the first time we've ever needed to use blood thinners to treat people. 01:15:23.707 --> 01:15:25.687 So this is a crazy new virus, right? 01:15:25.747 --> 01:15:27.448 And who was one of those people? 01:15:27.508 --> 01:15:36.351 That is also like Richard Fleming, who was promoted a lot by Kevin McCairn in 2020 and 2021, and who blocked me very early on Twitter. 01:15:41.687 --> 01:15:47.713 So all of these performers were part of a coordinated lollapalooza of lies. 01:15:48.194 --> 01:16:00.488 And because when we look backwards, they line up so uncannily, it would be very, very dangerous for our kids' future not to acknowledge this pattern and to figure out why it's there. 01:16:02.150 --> 01:16:04.172 I think it's because they're all part of the show. 01:16:04.412 --> 01:16:05.133 Standard of care. 01:16:05.393 --> 01:16:05.973 Standard of care. 01:16:05.993 --> 01:16:13.139 So in thinking about this question, right, there's a barrage of nonsense that comes back when you even say the word ivermectin. 01:16:13.379 --> 01:16:15.141 People have to realize who they're up against. 01:16:15.221 --> 01:16:20.826 They're up against people who have not only been successfully treating patients but have been innovating the standard of care. 01:16:20.926 --> 01:16:24.609 The very same people are now talking about ivermectin and its potential, and that is 01:16:25.089 --> 01:16:27.011 Oh yeah, I forgot to remind you of one thing. 01:16:27.051 --> 01:16:31.476 They were talking about steroids a minute ago and talking about how steroids are hurting people. 01:16:31.936 --> 01:16:44.990 But don't forget around this same time, about a month later, Robert Malone, after appearing on Brett Weinstein's podcast, is going to go on a podcast with Paul Cattrall and explain to Paul Cattrall and this guy Neely 01:16:47.552 --> 01:16:57.939 that they are killing people by giving them steroids and then sending them out of the hospital because the steroids are like a brick to the immune system and knock down the immune response. 01:16:57.979 --> 01:17:02.281 And so get rid of all the symptoms, but then send people home with secondary pneumonia and they die. 01:17:06.264 --> 01:17:16.290 So what an interesting dichotomy of opinions that Brett Weinstein doesn't seem sophisticated enough to sort out, even though they appeared in sequence on his podcast in the same month. 01:17:18.413 --> 01:17:20.635 Should have had a notebook or something and took notes, right? 01:17:20.675 --> 01:17:21.555 If he's not equipped. 01:17:24.858 --> 01:17:29.441 But I think he was probably counting on other people to provide the script and he was just going to go along with it. 01:17:29.461 --> 01:17:31.743 He's just got to ask the questions and provide the mic, right? 01:17:33.308 --> 01:17:38.433 I hope you're able to see as much as I can see in which what you say about this drug has to be taken. 01:17:50.965 --> 01:18:01.890 And so as irrelevant as it would be for me to say that I've been a scientist for 20 years and so I know what I'm talking about now, the only thing you have to evaluate is what I'm saying now. 01:18:02.030 --> 01:18:07.252 You don't have to go back and see whether or not I was doing great science or crappy science. 01:18:07.312 --> 01:18:11.634 And if you do, I'd be proud of you to go back and look and find out that I did great science. 01:18:14.801 --> 01:18:19.524 Science that influenced a lot of people that were trying to think about the same problems that I was. 01:18:19.584 --> 01:18:25.287 And in fact, my ideas are still influencing their way of thinking about the problems that they're trying to solve. 01:18:27.908 --> 01:18:35.332 And I would be willing to bet that the only other neuroscientists that is in this narrative by insertion cannot make that claim. 01:18:39.915 --> 01:18:44.237 And that should tell you everything you need to know about this poser and all of these posers. 01:18:45.489 --> 01:18:48.192 Brett Weinstein can't make a claim to suffrage. 01:18:48.253 --> 01:18:50.696 He can't make a claim to sacrificing anything. 01:18:51.236 --> 01:19:00.668 He was a tenure track professor at a podunk college and then elevated by a fake social media event to the point where he was given a 01:19:01.289 --> 01:19:18.594 half a million dollar settlement to transition to podcasting right before the pandemic started and allowed to elevate himself in front of the Senate to talk about this woke problem in America so that he would be an artificially elevated position to talk about it when the pandemic started. 01:19:19.997 --> 01:19:21.639 His brother was elevated that way. 01:19:22.580 --> 01:19:34.973 Brett Weinstein's whole crew of Intellectual Dark Web was elevated that way before the pandemic so that trusted sources of information would be present even on the backwoods of the internet. 01:19:38.296 --> 01:19:39.297 That's why they were there. 01:19:41.700 --> 01:19:42.701 That's why they're there now. 01:19:44.753 --> 01:19:46.094 There's no other way to see it. 01:19:46.394 --> 01:19:51.919 Nobody gets 200,000 followers because they are awesome. 01:19:53.760 --> 01:20:05.110 It's because they're irrelevant or they can be used to control people's attention and keep it focused on something that will not get them out of the trap. 01:20:06.155 --> 01:20:15.637 Anybody that's providing information that would usefully get you out of the trap will never attain 200,000 followers, never. 01:20:18.718 --> 01:20:20.938 It will never happen, that's my prediction. 01:20:21.618 --> 01:20:29.960 So you can just basically make your choice by not following anybody with over 200,000 followers and then just see what you find. 01:20:32.521 --> 01:20:34.161 Maybe even put the threshold lower 01:20:38.486 --> 01:20:39.966 and lung disease is Umberto Maduri. 01:20:40.046 --> 01:20:43.187 And he is part of our five that started the FLCCC. 01:20:43.207 --> 01:20:46.948 There's a lot of his guidance around steroids that we put it in our protocols. 01:20:46.968 --> 01:20:53.969 And so, I mean, I keep saying you can't call upon more credibility and experience, not only in evidence-based, but in clinical. 01:20:54.069 --> 01:21:06.632 But Eric is more important because Eric is a liaison probably between the, a liaison between the weaponized piles of money that he works for, 01:21:07.862 --> 01:21:10.603 and his father's information. 01:21:11.963 --> 01:21:13.644 Bret Weinstein is a useful idiot. 01:21:14.164 --> 01:21:25.907 Bret Weinstein was elevated by his own brother on the Portal podcast before he started his own podcast and elevated in a very yucky sort of way where 01:21:26.869 --> 01:21:55.417 His brother, Eric, basically did a three-hour podcast blowing sunshine up Brett's butthole, saying that he was one of the most smart and insightful biologists in the world, and that he was being way too humble about how super smart he was and about how everybody needed to know who he was as an evolutionary biologist and a thinker, putting him on par with Dawkins and all these other people. 01:21:57.025 --> 01:22:01.508 That's real, that's still available on the internet, and that happened before the pandemic. 01:22:02.649 --> 01:22:05.851 Not by accident, but by design. 01:22:07.312 --> 01:22:15.037 And their connection to the weaponized piles of money that Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are connected to is not accidental. 01:22:15.537 --> 01:22:22.461 Their pseudo-worship of Elon Musk as the sort of ultimate philosopher 01:22:25.638 --> 01:22:28.860 Superman guy is just not by accident. 01:22:30.341 --> 01:22:34.783 And their almost uniform promotion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:22:34.823 --> 01:22:37.605 for the last couple months is also not by accident. 01:22:40.907 --> 01:22:42.748 Because they all agree on a novel virus. 01:22:42.788 --> 01:22:44.369 They all agree that millions were killed. 01:22:44.389 --> 01:22:48.971 They all agree that millions more were saved, could have been saved by particular things. 01:22:49.592 --> 01:22:52.213 And likely this will come again because this was a lab leak. 01:22:52.733 --> 01:22:53.534 They all agree. 01:22:56.676 --> 01:23:11.386 Robert Malone, Bobby Kennedy, Pierre Corey, the Weinstein brothers, Peter McCullough, Jessica Rose, Kevin McKernan, Kevin McCairn, Charles Rixey, Mary Holland. 01:23:14.087 --> 01:23:15.408 How long can the list go? 01:23:15.508 --> 01:23:21.192 Meryl Nass, all of them are certain something strange happened. 01:23:22.253 --> 01:23:23.774 Certain that something novel 01:23:24.775 --> 01:23:25.737 cannot be denied. 01:23:26.157 --> 01:23:28.381 Certain that they may have had it multiple times. 01:23:30.124 --> 01:23:32.308 Certain that ivermectin is part of the story. 01:23:34.612 --> 01:23:37.537 Certain that infectious clones are not worth talking about. 01:23:37.738 --> 01:23:38.118 Certain 01:23:44.471 --> 01:23:47.713 medicine, literally treating critical illnesses for decades. 01:23:47.833 --> 01:23:48.573 And that's what we do. 01:23:49.254 --> 01:23:53.096 So I have my own trajectory into this story much later than yours. 01:23:53.837 --> 01:23:59.460 You know, as I started to understand how strange this story was, and that, of course, spurred me on to dig deeper and deeper. 01:23:59.860 --> 01:24:04.443 The thing that I find so strange about it, you know, I've been to a number of these battles. 01:24:05.383 --> 01:24:06.304 This isn't my first rodeo. 01:24:06.344 --> 01:24:08.045 It spurred me on to dig deeper and deeper. 01:24:08.485 --> 01:24:13.028 The thing that I find so strange about it, you know, I've been to a number of these battles. 01:24:13.948 --> 01:24:16.010 This isn't my first rodeo, as some would say. 01:24:17.250 --> 01:24:17.871 In general, 01:24:18.763 --> 01:24:33.128 The people who one ends up defending in such a circumstance, they are fringe, and they may have something very important to say, but there is something about them that is hard for people to understand at first. 01:24:33.928 --> 01:24:35.729 You guys, you're blue chip. 01:24:36.269 --> 01:24:38.570 You guys are absolutely unimpeachable. 01:24:38.610 --> 01:24:40.310 You couldn't ask for better credentials. 01:24:40.330 --> 01:24:42.151 You couldn't ask for a better publication record. 01:24:42.651 --> 01:24:47.533 How long are they going to insist that their past record means that they have to be right? 01:24:48.766 --> 01:24:52.570 How many more times are they gonna insist that I've earned the right to speak up? 01:24:54.091 --> 01:24:55.693 I mean, how far are we into this already? 01:24:55.733 --> 01:24:56.694 It's impressive, right? 01:24:56.960 --> 01:25:05.003 You guys are, you know, center of your discipline, and yet you are being dismissed as if you were kooks on the fringe making wild-eyed claims. 01:25:05.603 --> 01:25:20.329 So, you know, I have to say, I haven't seen a battle like this, and I'm a bit excited to see what happens when, you know, the heroes of the story are also squeaky clean and, you know, speaking plain English. 01:25:20.549 --> 01:25:22.050 We're not fringe, right? 01:25:22.250 --> 01:25:23.532 Yeah. 01:25:23.752 --> 01:25:24.492 Okay, that's remarkable. 01:25:25.253 --> 01:25:30.077 Before we get to the ivermectin question, though, I do want to talk to you a little bit about what it looked like. 01:25:31.278 --> 01:25:32.239 What it looked like. 01:25:32.339 --> 01:25:37.223 Okay, so remember what I said a little earlier, I thought I was queuing this up, but I was a little early. 01:25:41.223 --> 01:25:47.049 How does one behave when they are about to say what they have prepared to say? 01:25:48.731 --> 01:25:53.636 How does someone behave when they're about to actually tell a lie and they know they have to get it right? 01:25:54.917 --> 01:25:55.878 How does someone behave? 01:25:57.296 --> 01:26:13.056 as you as a lung specialist, an ICU specialist, were encountering COVID patients and coming to understand what they were really sick with, rather, I mean, I, as you are not French, are also squeaky clean and, you know, speaking plain English. 01:26:13.256 --> 01:26:14.457 We're not French, right? 01:26:14.477 --> 01:26:15.018 You are not French. 01:26:15.879 --> 01:26:17.160 Yeah, so okay, that's remarkable. 01:26:17.920 --> 01:26:30.086 Before we get to the ivermectin question, though, I do want to talk to you a little bit about what it looked like as you, as a lung specialist, an ICU specialist, were encountering COVID patients and coming to understand what they were really sick with. 01:26:30.146 --> 01:26:34.268 Rather, I mean, I remember the early days of the pandemic and the sort of groping for reason. 01:26:34.308 --> 01:26:36.109 Why do the symptoms look like this, right? 01:26:36.149 --> 01:26:36.950 Is it a lung disease? 01:26:36.990 --> 01:26:37.630 Is it a blood disease? 01:26:37.890 --> 01:26:38.370 What is it? 01:26:38.670 --> 01:26:40.631 So what did happen with these patients? 01:26:41.092 --> 01:26:43.573 So that's something that Kevin McCairn, 01:26:44.827 --> 01:26:50.616 Charles Rixey, Richard Fleming, Walter Chestnut, 01:26:51.874 --> 01:27:16.782 Jessica Rose, on the internet, they all agreed that the ACE2 component, that the AIDS component, that the mitochondrial component, the clotting component was all based on the spike protein, the gain of function spike protein that had a fear and cleavage site, which enabled it to be the most contagious virus that mankind has ever encountered in modern times. 01:27:18.936 --> 01:27:22.863 These guys aren't questioning any of that at all, and in fact, adding a layer to it. 01:27:24.344 --> 01:27:30.446 As a lung specialist, an ICU specialist, we're encountering COVID patients and coming to understand what they were really sick with. 01:27:30.506 --> 01:27:34.607 Rather, I mean, I remember the early days of the pandemic and the sort of groping for reason. 01:27:34.647 --> 01:27:36.668 Why do the symptoms look like this, right? 01:27:36.728 --> 01:27:50.392 And so they're implying that ARDS is developing, that people are having clotting problems, and that this is all evidence of a novel spreading pathogen that, again, Mary Holland agrees was strange, that 01:27:51.232 --> 01:28:12.049 that Meryl Nass has testified over and over on camera that was strange that she's had it three times even though she didn't test and so this narrative needed to be solidified it needed to be shored up they needed to put sandbags around it and the narrative is that it's a novel disease with a novel presentation 01:28:14.554 --> 01:28:21.444 And that novel presentation is based on the fact that there's ACE2 everywhere, so it can attack all kinds of different organs. 01:28:22.065 --> 01:28:23.688 Can have all kinds of different effects. 01:28:26.471 --> 01:28:50.851 And they spent months and months with people like Spartacus and people like Richard Fleming, talking on Kevin McCarron's podcast and other podcasts about the details of the implications of the ACE2 binding and how, because it's so high affinity for ACE2, then its effects are even worse than a regular ACE2 binding virus. 01:28:52.571 --> 01:29:01.255 All this was bubbling in the background, fired up in a million different ways, at a million different platforms, by a million different podcasts. 01:29:01.315 --> 01:29:20.582 That's the background on which these two guys are talking about this interesting new syndrome that has aspects of a respiratory disease, but also aspects of some kind of clotting disorder, which would conveniently then also be linked to the J&J shot 01:29:21.590 --> 01:29:23.213 in about another, what, month? 01:29:23.234 --> 01:29:23.654 Two months? 01:29:26.796 --> 01:29:27.976 lung disease, is it a blood disease? 01:29:28.236 --> 01:29:28.717 What is it? 01:29:29.017 --> 01:29:30.957 So what did happen with these patients? 01:29:30.977 --> 01:29:32.118 What did you realize about them? 01:29:32.238 --> 01:29:40.700 Yeah, so, sorry about clearing my throat, but is it rather, I mean, I remember the, as you, here comes the lie. 01:29:40.980 --> 01:29:41.940 So, okay, that's remarkable. 01:29:42.700 --> 01:29:47.282 Before we get to the ivermectin question, though, I do want to talk to you a little bit about what it looked like. 01:29:47.482 --> 01:29:49.542 The ivermectin question is the easy one. 01:29:49.582 --> 01:29:51.203 That's the story he's ready to tell. 01:29:51.823 --> 01:29:54.425 Covering up the murder is what happens right now. 01:29:54.525 --> 01:29:56.667 Covering up the fraud is what happens right now. 01:29:56.767 --> 01:30:05.534 Covering up whatever happened in New York City and whatever happened around the United States in 2020 is gonna happen right now by Pierre Kory. 01:30:05.894 --> 01:30:11.619 And so this is the, he's stepping to the free throw line right now and the entire stadium is screaming. 01:30:12.455 --> 01:30:13.336 How does he react? 01:30:13.736 --> 01:30:25.505 Like, as you, as a lung specialist, an ICU specialist, were encountering COVID patients and coming to understand what they were really sick with, rather, I mean, I remember the early days of the pandemic and the sort of groping for reason. 01:30:25.545 --> 01:30:27.346 Why do the symptoms look like this, right? 01:30:27.386 --> 01:30:28.187 Is it a lung disease? 01:30:28.227 --> 01:30:28.867 Is it a blood disease? 01:30:29.147 --> 01:30:29.608 What is it? 01:30:29.908 --> 01:30:31.869 So what did happen with these patients? 01:30:31.889 --> 01:30:33.030 What did you realize about them? 01:30:33.150 --> 01:30:37.113 Yeah, so, sorry about clearing my throat, but 01:30:38.374 --> 01:31:04.808 you know it was clearly you know what was clearly recognized early on is that it was a disease of phases right so it started out as a general viral syndrome most people recovered self-limited and it's like a cold right sometimes a little keep in mind he's having him testify about what supposedly all the doctors in the united states know he's this is june of 2021 he's gonna testify and describe what every doctor in america that's worked at a hospital should already know 01:31:06.127 --> 01:31:13.771 And any doctor that listens to this right now should be going down a little list of stuff and say, yep, check, I saw that, check, I saw that, check, I saw that. 01:31:15.192 --> 01:31:15.832 But they didn't. 01:31:18.533 --> 01:31:23.676 The doctors that didn't see this didn't ask the question of, wait, what he's describing, I never saw that. 01:31:26.838 --> 01:31:36.314 No doctors now in 2024 are gonna say what he describes could come from the misapplication of high flow nasal oxygen for a few hours. 01:31:36.354 --> 01:31:37.556 Are any of you aware of that? 01:31:38.117 --> 01:31:40.141 We're not gonna have one of these MDs say this. 01:31:44.326 --> 01:31:46.908 It's not going to happen because the lie was started right here. 01:31:46.948 --> 01:31:48.809 Listen carefully because it's about to happen. 01:31:48.870 --> 01:31:51.472 What was clearly recognized early on is that it was a disease of phases, right? 01:31:51.492 --> 01:31:53.473 So it started out as a general viral syndrome. 01:31:53.793 --> 01:31:56.556 Most people recovered, self-limited, and it was like a cold, right? 01:31:56.596 --> 01:31:58.297 Sometimes a little bit more severe than a cold. 01:31:58.337 --> 01:32:06.143 But everyone quickly realized that around day 5, 7, 8, there was a proportion of patients who suddenly started dropping their oxygen levels. 01:32:06.183 --> 01:32:07.724 And basically, their lungs were inflamed. 01:32:07.784 --> 01:32:09.846 And we now know that it's a cell called the macrophage. 01:32:10.226 --> 01:32:12.406 which gets activated and literally attacks the lungs. 01:32:12.466 --> 01:32:17.267 And so you have this sort of immune response that is attacking the lungs and the lungs start to fail. 01:32:17.587 --> 01:32:18.748 So a macrophage. 01:32:18.988 --> 01:32:27.729 So a macrophage is attacking the lungs as opposed to high flow oxygen being given over the mouth with a mask leading to ARDS. 01:32:30.270 --> 01:32:35.390 And we have papers that show in monkey studies from 1989 that if you give 80% pure oxygen 01:32:39.062 --> 01:32:42.906 to a monkey, they will develop ARDS almost as fast as if you give them 100%. 01:32:42.947 --> 01:32:49.114 And we have Kyle Seidel telling us that they were giving 100% at 60 liters per minute. 01:32:49.474 --> 01:32:59.445 We have lawsuits that are coming through in Oklahoma right now, which feature a primary thing on the protocol, which was this high flow 01:33:00.226 --> 01:33:06.388 nasal oxygen being given for hours, leading to a progression that got people on ventilators. 01:33:06.448 --> 01:33:15.791 So this lung expert, this critical care expert, seems to be unaware that inappropriate use of high flow oxygen could lead 01:33:17.130 --> 01:33:30.240 to acute respiratory distress syndrome, and that it's a danger in the ICU to use high flow oxygen because they're not able to report the damage that's happening in their lungs if they're unconscious. 01:33:30.740 --> 01:33:35.143 And there is no clarity here at all that that's even possible. 01:33:37.044 --> 01:33:44.450 And curiously enough, since we've arrived at this through the help of Grace's dad and others, 01:33:45.819 --> 01:33:57.903 the emphasis of the potential for this one detail to open everybody's eyes has been absolutely discarded from the table by almost everyone. 01:33:57.963 --> 01:34:10.367 The only people that are consistently mentioning on a regular basis that don't forget, no doctors are talking about high flow supplementary oxygen as a wrong idea. 01:34:11.488 --> 01:34:16.069 No doctors, none, zero, zip, just me, just Mark. 01:34:16.549 --> 01:34:19.830 The ones that we have talked to have said, obviously it's stupid. 01:34:20.190 --> 01:34:24.990 And the papers that we have found say that it is empirically damaging. 01:34:27.731 --> 01:34:39.353 There are entire companies that are based around a feedback loop between a pulse oximeter and an oxygen humidifying 01:34:42.313 --> 01:34:53.120 supplementary air system so that the amount of oxygen in the supplementary air being humidified by the device is regulated by the pulse ox that is being read. 01:34:55.362 --> 01:34:58.864 If we were running out of ventilators, I bet we didn't have enough of those machines. 01:35:00.549 --> 01:35:28.315 If the videos that we've seen from Kyle Seidel are true, if the comfort ship that pulled into New York really did have an oxygen plant on it and they were shipping supplementary oxygen to all of these places and putting people on supplementary oxygen until they complained about pain and the progression of a disease that they thought was a novel virus, but was actually the oxygen mask that they were given two hours ago. 01:35:31.095 --> 01:35:34.863 And this lung specialist seems to be completely unaware that that was possible. 01:35:41.394 --> 01:35:45.095 is like an amoeba-like cell that goes around basically garbage collecting. 01:35:45.155 --> 01:35:46.196 It does a little more than that. 01:35:46.216 --> 01:35:47.136 It's a scavenger cell. 01:35:47.196 --> 01:35:48.537 It was attacking the lung tissue. 01:35:48.597 --> 01:35:49.917 It's the front line of defense, right? 01:35:49.957 --> 01:35:54.319 And it goes into the lungs and it causes a lot of inflammation. 01:35:54.359 --> 01:35:56.060 And so that inflammation injures the lung. 01:35:56.800 --> 01:36:00.181 And so you could see the lungs starting not to work. 01:36:00.221 --> 01:36:00.781 And so it's pretty dumb. 01:36:00.801 --> 01:36:04.603 So it's interesting because he's not even really blaming it on the virus. 01:36:04.643 --> 01:36:08.644 The virus isn't causing the macrophage to show up and cause inflammation. 01:36:08.684 --> 01:36:10.025 The macrophage is just shit. 01:36:13.382 --> 01:36:21.548 It's really an interesting presentation of the mythology and it's not a very cohesive one. 01:36:23.749 --> 01:36:36.779 In my mind, it reveals 100% the fact that these guys are working down a script that they're not even familiar enough to understand that it has holes and that they might need to stay away from some holes in it. 01:36:37.179 --> 01:36:38.600 I mean, it's amazing to me. 01:36:39.911 --> 01:36:57.276 Clearly, the landslide is about to happen because this poser was not only involved in curating the New York narrative all the way to the US Senate, but was involved in curating the George Floyd narrative all the way to his civil trial. 01:36:57.816 --> 01:37:07.979 This guy is responsible for curating a narrative about who his father is, who his brother is related to, and how that might have resulted in weaponized piles of money being able to make a lot of profit 01:37:09.068 --> 01:37:14.372 off of intellectual property or the trends in the value of intellectual property. 01:37:15.152 --> 01:37:24.639 You know, like the antibody patent paradox threatens to change the intellectual property value of lots and lots of pharmaceutical companies around the world. 01:37:24.779 --> 01:37:27.861 And that happened right at the beginning of the pandemic somehow. 01:37:30.987 --> 01:37:32.388 commonly a severe lung disease. 01:37:32.668 --> 01:37:38.810 And what I will never forget in my life is those early months because, and I'm gonna go back to that steroid thing. 01:37:39.330 --> 01:37:43.392 We saw patients, just this disease marching straight to the ventilator. 01:37:43.852 --> 01:37:45.793 And so many people were landing on ventilators. 01:37:46.173 --> 01:37:48.494 And you remember, people were running out of ventilators. 01:37:48.514 --> 01:37:52.035 And there was two- But they would only run out of ventilators if they needed them, right? 01:37:52.075 --> 01:37:52.896 And how would they need them? 01:37:53.016 --> 01:37:54.256 Oh, I'm in so much pain. 01:37:54.336 --> 01:37:55.677 Can you take this mask off? 01:37:55.757 --> 01:37:58.838 No, I mean, maybe this is just the COVID progression. 01:38:00.475 --> 01:38:12.103 We could sedate you and then you won't feel the burning pain of the progression of acute distress, respiratory distress disorder, or whatever its syndrome, ARDS. 01:38:14.273 --> 01:38:22.440 No mention at all that there is a possibility that supplementary oxygen, if given high flow or too long, could damage lungs. 01:38:22.480 --> 01:38:31.127 And so we've got to be really careful, as these people come into the hospital and overwhelm our ERs, that we don't misuse oxygen. 01:38:32.248 --> 01:38:34.110 We have to be very careful about this. 01:38:34.470 --> 01:38:36.352 There's nothing, nothing at all. 01:38:37.332 --> 01:38:46.820 that approaches a nuanced understanding about how to approach an unknown respiratory disease where the primary indicator is a low pulse ox. 01:38:47.240 --> 01:39:02.112 If you were aware that misapplication of high flow nasal oxygen in a supplementary way might lead to ARDS, you would certainly warn about it if the primary symptom to the disease that you thought was going around ended up being low pulse ox. 01:39:04.386 --> 01:39:09.028 And you would be a little bit more nuanced when you said, everybody's just ending up on the ventilators. 01:39:09.048 --> 01:39:32.741 Well, how could that happen by accident or by, how could that happen unbeknownst to the young doctors that are manning these posts when the old doctors were told to go home and to give an early retirement, where the attendings became the residents and the residents were told by the administrators to follow the protocol. 01:39:37.449 --> 01:39:46.714 What hospital actually allows a doctor from another state to just show up at their doorstep and start practicing in their hospital? 01:39:49.276 --> 01:39:58.901 In his testimony to the George Floyd trial, whenever that happened, that letter clearly states that he's licensed in Wisconsin and Illinois. 01:39:59.982 --> 01:40:05.945 So if he's licensed in Wisconsin and Illinois, how the hell can he go to New York City and start treating people 01:40:07.202 --> 01:40:08.343 and be on the front line. 01:40:08.403 --> 01:40:09.163 How does that work? 01:40:09.203 --> 01:40:13.005 Did they have to waive his certifications? 01:40:14.325 --> 01:40:16.466 Or did New York City do something else? 01:40:20.488 --> 01:40:36.216 And why doesn't he mention that he was in New York City and lost his job in Wisconsin in the testimony that describes his background for his expert letter for the George Floyd trial that says that he suffocated from the cops? 01:40:39.164 --> 01:40:39.824 reasons for that. 01:40:40.204 --> 01:40:48.006 One is because the entire healthcare community globally said this is a viral disease, so supportive care only. 01:40:48.146 --> 01:40:49.746 You're talking about Tylenol and fluids. 01:40:50.386 --> 01:40:51.826 Tylenol and fluids. 01:40:52.066 --> 01:40:55.887 And because we don't have enough ventilators, maybe we can give you supplementary oxygen. 01:40:56.107 --> 01:40:58.528 Careful, careful. 01:41:00.568 --> 01:41:06.429 That's nowhere gonna come even close to the front because that's exactly what this was for. 01:41:07.975 --> 01:41:21.999 They are constructing the limited spectrum of debate that these two guys and their friends are gonna agree to argue about for the next three years and effectively run the clock out on our kids all the way till right now today. 01:41:26.920 --> 01:41:30.744 They're not going to ask any more questions than the ones they detail right here. 01:41:30.784 --> 01:41:33.726 And they're going to focus on those ventilators, ventilators, ventilators. 01:41:33.766 --> 01:41:34.487 How did they get there? 01:41:34.587 --> 01:41:35.027 I don't know. 01:41:35.328 --> 01:41:40.452 And as they did supportive care only because there was no randomized controlled trials letting them do like everyone talks about evidence-based. 01:41:40.493 --> 01:41:43.435 I'm always like, what about experience-based medicine? 01:41:43.475 --> 01:41:45.117 Like I've been doing this for 30 years. 01:41:45.177 --> 01:41:47.959 Why can't I do what my experience tells me to do? 01:41:47.979 --> 01:41:50.222 I don't have randomized controlled trials, but to do nothing. 01:41:50.965 --> 01:41:52.886 was leading to ventilator shortages. 01:41:53.086 --> 01:41:56.927 Okay, I want to clear one thing up for my audience who won't be familiar with the term. 01:41:57.027 --> 01:42:10.553 Tylenol is likely contributing to the problem with vaccines because vaccines are given and often, often, often parents are told to give them Tylenol for the pain or the symptoms that occur afterward. 01:42:12.874 --> 01:42:18.336 It's malevolent as malevolent can be written with boldface letters and all capitals. 01:42:19.697 --> 01:42:20.457 It's malevolent. 01:42:22.421 --> 01:42:37.393 This is a coordinated group of liars that's covering up the criminal vaccine schedule in the United States and using lies about murder to make us or trick us into teaching a mythology about gain-of-function viruses to our kids. 01:42:39.334 --> 01:42:41.776 They work for the slavers, ladies and gentlemen. 01:42:42.777 --> 01:42:44.078 There's no other way to see it. 01:42:45.048 --> 01:42:47.329 and then make a point about what you've just said. 01:42:47.369 --> 01:42:54.911 The first thing is, what did you call this policy of Tylenol and... Supportive care only. 01:42:55.071 --> 01:43:01.332 So the idea here is that, historically speaking, we have had very little to do about viruses. 01:43:01.392 --> 01:43:07.254 We've been tremendously effective with antibiotics against bacteria, against fungi, 01:43:07.794 --> 01:43:09.936 They don't, in general, work against viruses. 01:43:10.256 --> 01:43:13.558 And antiviral therapies have been a dicey business for a long time. 01:43:13.858 --> 01:43:15.559 What does work has been vaccines. 01:43:16.520 --> 01:43:26.186 But if you get to a pandemic and you don't have a vaccine, what you were effectively being told is, look, there's not a whole lot of positive intervention you can... I mean, are you getting sick yet? 01:43:34.371 --> 01:43:35.332 Are you getting sick yet? 01:43:36.565 --> 01:43:38.566 Antibiotics don't work for viruses. 01:43:38.726 --> 01:43:47.208 Isn't that what Dr. Griffin says on the, on This Week in Virology every week? 01:43:48.689 --> 01:43:51.389 That antibiotics don't work for viral pneumonia. 01:43:52.830 --> 01:43:56.751 They use the term viral syndrome, or it's a typical viral syndrome. 01:43:56.771 --> 01:44:00.392 You know, most people, it passes in five days or so, like a common cold. 01:44:03.044 --> 01:44:10.949 Over and over again, reinforcing in the minds of everybody listening to this June 1st, 2021 podcast, there's definitely a novel virus. 01:44:11.009 --> 01:44:11.629 I mean, come on. 01:44:12.550 --> 01:44:15.572 It's got symptoms that are clotting and lungs. 01:44:15.632 --> 01:44:16.152 It's weird. 01:44:16.512 --> 01:44:17.213 It's strange. 01:44:20.055 --> 01:44:21.175 It comes in phases. 01:44:23.957 --> 01:44:26.979 And we're guilty of giving supportive care only. 01:44:28.373 --> 01:44:37.938 But the one supportive care that Kyle Seidel said they were running out of, that Pierre Cory doesn't seem to be able to mention, is the supplementary oxygen. 01:44:39.098 --> 01:44:46.882 No one seems to mention supplementary oxygen as the on-ramp for ARDS. 01:44:47.002 --> 01:44:47.342 No one. 01:44:47.863 --> 01:44:56.007 Even though there are papers in the literature that show it, that somebody like Mark Kulak, who's not even an MD or a biologist, is the first one to have reported on. 01:44:56.067 --> 01:44:56.427 Not me. 01:45:00.461 --> 01:45:08.027 not Paul Merrick or Pierre Cory, the experts in critical care and lungs pulmonary medicine. 01:45:09.828 --> 01:45:11.729 They're not gonna tell you that that's dangerous. 01:45:14.131 --> 01:45:17.974 Even though they damn well should know it's dangerous, they're not even gonna say that they've used that. 01:45:19.275 --> 01:45:24.759 One of the things that we do because we're running out of ventilators is that we can give people supplementary oxygen. 01:45:24.799 --> 01:45:26.020 It's not even on the list. 01:45:27.622 --> 01:45:34.428 but we know from countless people that went into the hospital and never came out that that was one of the first things they got. 01:45:35.709 --> 01:45:37.411 We know that from the UK. 01:45:38.212 --> 01:45:39.793 We know that from New York. 01:45:39.893 --> 01:45:43.496 We know that from the Oklahoma case that's going through right now. 01:45:43.536 --> 01:45:54.046 We know that from a lot of these people that haven't bothered to look at their protocol because they were told their friend or their relative didn't get remdesivir or didn't get midazolam. 01:45:54.906 --> 01:46:02.469 But if they got supplementary oxygen for a day or two upon entry into the hospital, all bets are off. 01:46:07.532 --> 01:46:13.374 If they got supplementary oxygen for more than four or five hours, all bets are off. 01:46:13.414 --> 01:46:15.855 You don't need remdesivir or midazolam anymore. 01:46:15.875 --> 01:46:17.636 You just need to make a few more mistakes. 01:46:19.417 --> 01:46:23.719 And depending on the comorbidities of the person that you're treating, those mistakes could all be different. 01:46:27.025 --> 01:46:31.587 Pierre Cory is a liar, and that's why he's involved in the George Floyd trial. 01:46:32.287 --> 01:46:40.831 Pierre Cory is a liar, that's why he was elevated in 2020 with respect to New York, even though he's not licensed in New York state. 01:46:42.471 --> 01:46:51.155 Pierre Cory is a liar because he was elevated by the liar, Brett Weinstein, who I know is a liar because he lied to me for more than a year, personally. 01:46:53.776 --> 01:46:56.637 And I would go to court and testify about it. 01:46:59.062 --> 01:47:05.405 And I would submit all of the evidence that I have on my hard drives as part of my testimony. 01:47:09.447 --> 01:47:19.171 Brett Weinstein's father is a huge piece on this board that nobody's talking about because, again, Brett Weinstein's father connects him directly to Bobby Kennedy and that whole family. 01:47:20.233 --> 01:47:28.879 because John F. Kennedy appointed Brett Weinstein's dad as the first patent lawyer to the Department of Justice. 01:47:29.300 --> 01:47:37.766 And he contributed intellectually, really contributed intellectually to the ideas that formed the basis for the FDA. 01:47:40.968 --> 01:47:48.534 And Mark has done a spectacular job of bringing some resources together, which show that way beyond a shadow of a doubt. 01:47:50.046 --> 01:47:53.469 We've never heard any of these historians talk about Kefauver. 01:47:54.049 --> 01:47:57.772 Only Mark talks about that senator. 01:48:01.115 --> 01:48:10.183 Only Mark has shown why it's interesting that Brett Weinstein's dad worked on a thalidomide case in Denmark at the time that he worked on it. 01:48:10.943 --> 01:48:11.464 Only Mark. 01:48:13.692 --> 01:48:20.858 Not Shannon Joy or Tommy or, you know, Cullen and Goodman or McCarron and Rixey. 01:48:23.119 --> 01:48:27.923 No Jessica Rose podcast about this or Substack about this. 01:48:28.043 --> 01:48:28.243 Nope. 01:48:29.444 --> 01:48:29.885 Crickets. 01:48:31.066 --> 01:48:33.447 Because they're all part of the same team. 01:48:33.487 --> 01:48:39.072 That's why they also have toured the world together for the last four years and show up on stage so often together. 01:48:41.516 --> 01:48:47.659 And that's why if you look at their pattern of cross-promotion, they never cross-promote me and they always cross-promote each other. 01:48:49.560 --> 01:48:53.822 It is a lollapalooza of liars and it doesn't matter whose stage you go to. 01:48:53.842 --> 01:48:56.123 You're gonna hear the same covers. 01:48:57.202 --> 01:48:58.102 has been vaccines. 01:48:59.063 --> 01:49:05.746 But if you get to a pandemic and you don't have a vaccine, what you were effectively being told is, look, there's not a whole lot of positive intervention you can do. 01:49:06.066 --> 01:49:09.487 So let's just make them comfortable, rescue them if they need to be rescued. 01:49:09.507 --> 01:49:10.888 But other than that, kind of hands off. 01:49:11.368 --> 01:49:13.409 But here's one of the mistakes. 01:49:13.469 --> 01:49:16.370 So it is correct to say we don't have good antiviral therapies. 01:49:16.750 --> 01:49:19.332 It's incorrect to say that they were dying of the virus. 01:49:19.472 --> 01:49:20.932 We knew relatively early on. 01:49:21.293 --> 01:49:25.515 By the time they get to the ICU and they're that sick, there's not a lot of viral replication going on. 01:49:25.535 --> 01:49:28.057 In fact, you can't culture virus after about day seven or eight. 01:49:28.577 --> 01:49:32.179 Look at how many things about virology they know all about. 01:49:33.060 --> 01:49:36.562 They know when virology can be cultured and they're nodding. 01:49:36.602 --> 01:49:37.882 Yeah, I know that too. 01:49:37.962 --> 01:49:38.943 I've read that as well. 01:49:39.403 --> 01:49:45.267 Boy, what a handy thing that we understand virology exactly the same way, even though virology 01:49:46.554 --> 01:49:55.282 is the greatest set of lies and exaggerations ever perpetrated on mankind, as far as I can tell. 01:49:56.142 --> 01:49:58.124 And I am very late to that show. 01:50:00.146 --> 01:50:02.268 There were people before the pandemic who knew it. 01:50:05.491 --> 01:50:12.537 And it was not me, because unfortunately, I did not save my daughter from the childhood vaccine schedule in America. 01:50:12.557 --> 01:50:13.978 I was that dumb. 01:50:15.342 --> 01:50:17.304 and I will live with it for the rest of my life. 01:50:24.129 --> 01:50:27.111 And so it's actually disease of inflammation, not viral invasion. 01:50:27.151 --> 01:50:33.697 In fact, in autopsy series, only 20% do they find what's called cytopathic changes from the virus into the lung. 01:50:33.737 --> 01:50:39.141 And so it wasn't, you didn't have to go after the virus at that point, you had to actually check the inflammation. 01:50:39.281 --> 01:50:41.383 Okay, so again, I wanna do a little translation for the audience. 01:50:42.023 --> 01:50:49.712 So inflammation, and by the way, this is a place where I would take doctors to task, but doctors often treat something like inflammation as if it's inflammation, as if it's simply bad. 01:50:49.932 --> 01:50:54.697 The fact is, inflammation is an adaptation that often gets out of control and can easily kill you, right? 01:50:54.818 --> 01:50:55.478 Over exuberant. 01:50:55.538 --> 01:50:56.860 So we have to bring it into check. 01:50:57.060 --> 01:50:57.300 Yes. 01:50:57.320 --> 01:51:02.143 So what you're telling me is that COVID patients were infected with the virus. 01:51:02.404 --> 01:51:06.606 It triggered a pathway that is part of healing, but triggered an overreaction. 01:51:06.707 --> 01:51:10.729 And the patients who were dying on these ventilators weren't really dying of the virus being so very active. 01:51:10.889 --> 01:51:15.753 They were dying of this cascade of events that follows the body's attempt to fight off a pathogen it's never seen. 01:51:15.853 --> 01:51:25.079 It was a reaction to, in fact, one of the most impressive studies that Paul actually highlighted is that they, what we think triggers the inflammation. 01:51:25.099 --> 01:51:26.740 He keeps using Paul. 01:51:27.821 --> 01:51:30.622 Paul is the reason why you should believe Pierre. 01:51:31.163 --> 01:51:33.684 Paul is the guy who highlighted this study. 01:51:33.724 --> 01:51:35.345 Do you see what is happening there? 01:51:37.226 --> 01:51:40.268 My interpretation of this would be that Paul Merrick's a good guy. 01:51:41.189 --> 01:51:50.774 And Paul Merrick has been saying things like, there's no pandemic, or we don't need the CDC to help us, or there's lots of easy ways to treat an unknown respiratory disease. 01:51:51.215 --> 01:51:54.717 And they needed to step in and make that corrected. 01:51:55.560 --> 01:52:05.147 And so the way they correct it is they show deference to his expertise and laud him as the guy that they're really rallying behind. 01:52:05.548 --> 01:52:08.150 But then it's actually Pierre Kory that goes on all the shows. 01:52:09.711 --> 01:52:11.412 It's Pierre Kory that gets the book deal. 01:52:11.693 --> 01:52:15.596 It's Pierre Kory that testifies at the George Floyd trial. 01:52:16.837 --> 01:52:21.160 Even though he's pretending like, you know, I'm just rallying behind Paul Merrick because he's so great. 01:52:22.659 --> 01:52:24.502 I think Paul Merrick knew it was a lie. 01:52:24.522 --> 01:52:33.237 I think Paul Merrick's main message was probably it's a lie and that doctors should just be allowed to treat and that needed to be absorbed. 01:52:34.284 --> 01:52:40.928 So they created the FLCCC and they put Corey in front of him and he's actively stepping in front of him right now. 01:52:40.988 --> 01:52:42.388 That's why he keeps mentioning him. 01:52:42.849 --> 01:52:50.873 It is pseudo-deference to make sure that everybody that was following Paul Merrick now sees that it's time to follow this guy instead. 01:52:51.693 --> 01:52:58.557 It's kind of like what they tried to do with Sasha Latupova when they had her do a sub stack about the video with, with, um, 01:52:59.827 --> 01:53:06.412 with James Giordano and then try to pretend that she had just stumbled upon that video and used it to make a similar point that I'm making. 01:53:07.573 --> 01:53:11.676 It's the same, and it's really awkward once you see how they do it. 01:53:11.716 --> 01:53:17.221 They just pretend to promote somebody that they intend to step in front of. 01:53:17.881 --> 01:53:25.608 And it's exactly what Bret Weinstein did to me in 2021 and what I think Bobby Kennedy did with me in that book. 01:53:25.788 --> 01:53:27.329 If I will not go along, 01:53:27.850 --> 01:53:38.956 with the lab leak narrative and claim that I'm the guy who figured it out, then they'll just step in front of me and let someone else say it and forget the fact that they paid me for a year to help them write that book. 01:53:39.016 --> 01:53:43.639 They can just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist because that's what they gotta do. 01:53:45.114 --> 01:53:46.715 That's what you see happening right here. 01:53:46.735 --> 01:54:03.043 There's no other way to explain how it is that I was paid for a year and a half by that organization, and now they won't even say my name, even though my name is in that book six different times, plus in the acknowledgements, plus in the index, plus in the glossary and list of characters. 01:54:06.885 --> 01:54:11.968 It's the most inconvenient truth in the world right now, the Wuhan coverup book. 01:54:15.373 --> 01:54:18.054 We need every household in America to own that book. 01:54:18.734 --> 01:54:22.516 If only because they'll just be more and more terrified of it. 01:54:23.796 --> 01:54:25.277 Because the truth is inside of it. 01:54:26.778 --> 01:54:30.779 The Sina Bavari and Allison Totura paper is detailed in there. 01:54:30.959 --> 01:54:37.302 The use of recombinant DNA and RNA to create what virology calls infectious clones 01:54:39.355 --> 01:54:40.576 is detailed in that book. 01:54:41.397 --> 01:54:47.922 And a very succinct statement that they don't even need a virus to pull this stuff off is very succinctly in that book. 01:54:49.583 --> 01:54:58.130 And they desperately hoped that if they allowed me to say everything that I tried to say in that book, that they would get away with absorbing me. 01:55:01.773 --> 01:55:02.494 And what happened? 01:55:02.534 --> 01:55:08.659 They had to fire me at the beginning of 2024 because I called out Robert Malone and Meryl Nass as meddlers. 01:55:10.322 --> 01:55:14.005 When I still believed that Bobby was good, they had to fire me already. 01:55:17.367 --> 01:55:25.472 And now, in retrospect, there's no other conclusion I can come to that every single one of these people, to the extent that they could, has played me. 01:55:26.473 --> 01:55:29.375 And the list is very, very long, unfortunately. 01:55:32.777 --> 01:55:36.580 But all my son ever says to me is, doesn't that just mean that you're right, Dad? 01:55:41.291 --> 01:55:46.835 And it's because of the love of my kids and my wife that I keep going, because there's nobody else telling me I'm right. 01:55:47.955 --> 01:55:53.339 Actually, the viral debris, it's the RNA that actually has this, it triggers this massive response to the virus. 01:55:53.399 --> 01:55:55.681 It's not the virus, it's actually the debris of the dead virus. 01:55:55.701 --> 01:55:57.282 The inflammation is actually the viral debris. 01:55:57.302 --> 01:55:59.243 It's the RNA that actually has this. 01:56:00.084 --> 01:56:04.146 The viral debris, the RNA, it's not the proteins that they make. 01:56:04.627 --> 01:56:07.729 I think Kevin McCairn thinks that the virus makes a lot of protein. 01:56:09.181 --> 01:56:10.344 It's the RNA. 01:56:11.145 --> 01:56:11.707 Wow. 01:56:12.128 --> 01:56:15.896 I mean, I think that he doesn't understand virology as well as he's coming off here. 01:56:16.938 --> 01:56:17.960 It's the RNA. 01:56:17.980 --> 01:56:18.882 Wow. 01:56:20.680 --> 01:56:24.683 this cascade of events that follows the body's attempt to fight off a pathogen it's never seen. 01:56:24.803 --> 01:56:34.912 It was a reaction to, in fact, one of the most impressive studies that Paul actually highlighted is that they, what we think triggers the inflammation is actually the viral debris. 01:56:34.932 --> 01:56:39.456 It's the RNA that actually has this, it triggers this massive response to the virus. 01:56:39.496 --> 01:56:42.218 It's not the virus, it's actually the debris of the dead virus that does it. 01:56:42.258 --> 01:56:45.681 So it's- Well, let me flag something for the future. 01:56:46.941 --> 01:56:58.764 My advisor, who's now gone, a guy named Dick Alexander, used to talk about the point in a respiratory illness when you stop coughing on behalf of your virus and start coughing on your own behalf. 01:56:59.124 --> 01:57:15.468 And the point he was making was that actually these pathogens... Wait, his former advisor, who's not with us anymore, named Dick Alexander, had something anecdotally interesting to say about a respiratory disease? 01:57:17.250 --> 01:57:18.497 Am I hearing this correct? 01:57:18.818 --> 01:57:21.351 What in the absolute shit hell is he talking about? 01:57:22.360 --> 01:57:34.129 My advisor who's now gone, a guy named Dick Alexander, used to talk about the point in a respiratory illness when you stop coughing on behalf of your virus and start coughing on your own behalf. 01:57:34.489 --> 01:57:42.355 And the point he was making was that actually these pathogens necessarily induce changes that cause them to be passed on. 01:57:42.475 --> 01:57:48.260 So they will create irritation, they will create inflammation, they will create all kinds of phenomena that are symptoms that are actually 01:57:48.860 --> 01:57:51.582 basically the ecology that allows them to thrive. 01:57:51.602 --> 01:57:51.982 To transmit. 01:57:52.043 --> 01:57:52.243 Right. 01:57:52.923 --> 01:57:56.026 Oh, so the virus intentionally makes us cough. 01:57:56.926 --> 01:58:04.052 It's intentionally irritating our lungs so that we take the time to cough it out and disperse it on others. 01:58:06.814 --> 01:58:16.542 If you need help, what I see here is a person who's working really hard to try and make sure you understand all of these phenomenon that occur 01:58:17.569 --> 01:58:25.393 are out of your control and are caused by things that are outside of you or inconveniently get inside of you. 01:58:28.435 --> 01:58:31.777 Things that you can't control, things that you'll need a vaccine for. 01:58:31.877 --> 01:58:32.877 Brett just said it. 01:58:32.977 --> 01:58:38.400 Antibiotics work great for bacteria, but we've learned that viruses are really gotten rid of by vaccines. 01:58:38.440 --> 01:58:42.963 And if you don't have a vaccine and it's a virus, well then we're in pretty big trouble here. 01:58:45.478 --> 01:58:46.859 Rewind and listen to it again. 01:58:46.899 --> 01:58:48.980 He said that about five minutes ago or 10 minutes ago. 01:58:51.421 --> 01:59:10.912 This is so incredibly dead on balls narrative and so incredibly awkward in its inbuilt, seemingly unacknowledged incongruencies that there is no other way than to see these two as malevolently participating in some kind of course correction. 01:59:12.213 --> 01:59:13.594 that seems to be necessary. 01:59:13.634 --> 01:59:31.247 They had to do these podcasts to try and get the narrative back on track, to make sure that social media was solving the Scooby-Doo mystery as intended, rather than wherever we were in 2021, maybe waking up from Jonathan's Cooey's review that is titled, Pause All Transfections. 01:59:34.281 --> 01:59:42.244 Maybe we're having to deal with the fact that Byram Bridal is trying to tell everybody to pause all transfections because this shit goes everywhere. 01:59:45.425 --> 01:59:52.548 I suspect it was probably Byram Bridal that has inspired more of this course-correcting narrative curation than me. 01:59:54.232 --> 01:59:56.814 Could be Mike Yeadon, could be Wolfgang Wodach. 01:59:56.854 --> 02:00:03.057 But the bottom line is, is we're not where the national security state and DITRA wanted us to be. 02:00:03.478 --> 02:00:06.720 And so this is the way that they have decided to course correct. 02:00:08.140 --> 02:00:13.284 Using the trusted sources that were put in place before the pandemic to try and course correct. 02:00:14.244 --> 02:00:20.388 And so here we have the humble Pierre Kory, certified in Wisconsin and Illinois, 02:00:21.750 --> 02:00:42.065 expert for the Floyd trial, expert for the Senate on what happened in New York City, now making sure to succinctly define what happened in the first year of the pandemic on Les Weinstein's son's podcast, Eric Weinstein's brother's podcast. 02:00:45.208 --> 02:00:48.490 Peter Thiel's advisor's brother's podcast. 02:00:49.670 --> 02:00:57.189 Bret Weinstein's father's Les Weinstein's son's podcast. 02:00:59.850 --> 02:01:10.079 And so, in a sense, I don't know why it's the viral debris, but there's a pretty good chance that this virus learned that by creating debris, it could cause a lot of stuff to accumulate in the lungs that got ejected in some chaotic way. 02:01:10.459 --> 02:01:10.759 Who knows? 02:01:10.819 --> 02:01:11.180 It could be. 02:01:11.540 --> 02:01:12.941 I didn't think of it that way. 02:01:13.021 --> 02:01:13.702 It's worth thinking about. 02:01:13.942 --> 02:01:16.504 But the other point I wanted to... So he hasn't thought of it that way. 02:01:16.564 --> 02:01:22.429 Brett's got actually some interesting alternative theories for how a respiratory virus can cause disease. 02:01:23.570 --> 02:01:25.792 obvious that virology hasn't figured it out yet. 02:01:25.852 --> 02:01:29.234 Otherwise, these two guys wouldn't be like, yeah, I guess that's a possibility too. 02:01:29.795 --> 02:01:34.258 It's such a novel virus that, you know, we're going to have to draw new cartoons about how this one might work. 02:01:34.859 --> 02:01:45.787 And so since I spoke out so early about the, the lab leak, I've earned the right to speak out against the, about the possible mechanisms of how this gain of function virus works. 02:01:47.827 --> 02:01:50.268 I'm not putting any, I'm not going too far here. 02:01:50.288 --> 02:01:51.828 This is exactly what they're implying. 02:01:52.168 --> 02:01:54.269 In June of 2021, they know everything. 02:01:54.329 --> 02:01:58.630 They are certain what they know, and they're certain that they have the right to say it because you know. 02:01:59.991 --> 02:02:08.493 Making reference to your sense as a clinician that you were, you know, effectively having your hands tied behind your back when you knew a whole lot about patients and we're learning more every day, right? 02:02:08.513 --> 02:02:10.154 You needed to be freed to try things. 02:02:10.374 --> 02:02:13.515 And the point I would make is once upon a time, 02:02:14.349 --> 02:02:17.071 Before we were born, doctors were scientists. 02:02:17.311 --> 02:02:21.013 They had fewer tools, but what they had was a whole lot of experience. 02:02:21.053 --> 02:02:24.615 And even, I want to bring attention to the house call, which has now effectively gone extinct. 02:02:25.076 --> 02:02:31.420 But the house call allowed a doctor who didn't have a huge range of pharmacological agents 02:02:32.140 --> 02:02:52.189 tools at his disposal but what he did have was the ability to observe patterns right so if people what he did have according to kevin mckernan on april 24th 2020 was a bag full of weed according to kevin mckernan the most prescribed pharmaceutical in the early history of the united states was just cannabis 02:02:53.587 --> 02:02:56.128 So I guess Brett's not aware of that history. 02:02:56.148 --> 02:03:00.491 People on one side of town were sick with something, and people on the other side of town weren't. 02:03:00.731 --> 02:03:02.812 Maybe there was something in the water, for example. 02:03:02.832 --> 02:03:13.337 So anyway, that ability to observe patterns was part of a scientific mindset that my impression, having interacted with doctors over my lifetime, is that that mindset has basically dwindled. 02:03:13.497 --> 02:03:16.038 I love that you're going back, because I love the history of medicine. 02:03:16.139 --> 02:03:20.821 And when I read stuff from 100 years ago, you're constantly shocked by how much they knew. 02:03:21.181 --> 02:03:21.681 Oh, really? 02:03:21.741 --> 02:03:23.201 I'm interested about what they knew. 02:03:23.261 --> 02:03:26.242 Let's do something here, because that just queues this up. 02:03:26.262 --> 02:03:26.962 We might as well do it. 02:03:27.002 --> 02:03:31.743 I gotta unplug for a second, because this is attached to my shorts. 02:03:44.705 --> 02:03:48.866 I don't know if you guys remember or not, but a couple weeks ago, 02:03:50.589 --> 02:03:59.175 I spent too much money on a set of books that are the Foster's Encyclopedic Medic Dictionary from 1896. 02:04:12.688 --> 02:04:13.428 It looks like this. 02:04:13.548 --> 02:04:14.508 It's four volumes. 02:04:15.729 --> 02:04:17.449 And I'm in volume four. 02:04:18.349 --> 02:04:22.230 And it is from M-I-N-N to Z-Y-T-H. 02:04:22.430 --> 02:04:27.391 So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna try not to tear any pages and I don't have my white gloves. 02:04:28.931 --> 02:04:31.632 Because somebody put this in my hands for a reason. 02:04:31.892 --> 02:04:34.492 And so I don't think we have to worry about it going anywhere. 02:04:35.092 --> 02:04:37.873 What I thought would be interesting would be to look up smallpox. 02:04:39.840 --> 02:04:43.861 Because smallpox is of course something that they were familiar with in the 1800s. 02:04:45.202 --> 02:04:46.862 And so I should be able to do S-M. 02:04:46.902 --> 02:04:49.183 I'm so bad with guide words. 02:04:49.263 --> 02:04:50.103 It's hilarious. 02:04:50.163 --> 02:04:53.124 I remember doing this as a kid and being really bad at it too. 02:04:54.865 --> 02:05:01.527 E-I-H-I-J-K-L-M-N. 02:05:02.027 --> 02:05:02.407 Sorry. 02:05:03.148 --> 02:05:04.928 M-M. 02:05:05.768 --> 02:05:06.569 Smallpox. 02:05:06.609 --> 02:05:07.109 Here we go. 02:05:11.095 --> 02:05:16.297 Okay, now what kinds of things do you think you should see in the definition of smallpox? 02:05:16.898 --> 02:05:19.379 If we go to the, whoops, sorry. 02:05:20.739 --> 02:05:24.081 If we go to the, what the hell? 02:05:24.121 --> 02:05:24.801 Why isn't this on? 02:05:29.644 --> 02:05:30.624 Okay, sorry about that. 02:05:31.024 --> 02:05:32.565 I'll switch over here quick. 02:05:34.577 --> 02:05:38.559 So what should we see if we look at smallpox in this book? 02:05:38.619 --> 02:05:44.682 Now I'm not going to turn any pages underneath the camera because that's how I screwed up last time. 02:05:44.962 --> 02:05:45.962 I got to move my mouse. 02:05:47.243 --> 02:05:55.366 I'm trying to respect the book as much as possible while at the same time realizing that this book is going to die no matter what I do to it because I'm not a museum. 02:05:55.547 --> 02:05:57.187 So here we go. 02:05:57.207 --> 02:05:58.308 I'm going to slide over here. 02:05:59.358 --> 02:06:00.859 And we're going to look at smallpox. 02:06:01.319 --> 02:06:06.480 And I'm going to try and, this is not very easy for me because this is not the space supposed to be. 02:06:06.500 --> 02:06:07.681 It's supposed to be where I write. 02:06:08.981 --> 02:06:10.902 So it's not going to be totally readable. 02:06:11.022 --> 02:06:11.822 I, oh shit. 02:06:12.162 --> 02:06:12.443 Sorry. 02:06:12.663 --> 02:06:13.183 I get that. 02:06:13.203 --> 02:06:14.823 I'm going to break my setup here. 02:06:16.144 --> 02:06:20.005 But I'll try and put it next to the keyboard a little bit so you can kind of see it. 02:06:20.045 --> 02:06:22.926 And then maybe if I push it down, it will become a little bit more in. 02:06:25.707 --> 02:06:27.008 Maybe I can push it down with this. 02:06:27.788 --> 02:06:27.968 So. 02:06:30.037 --> 02:06:43.164 It says, an infectious, contagious, acute febrile disease chiefly characterized by a pustular exanthem upon the skin. 02:06:43.804 --> 02:06:58.412 In most cases, the eruption begins about the fourth day of the fever in the form of papules that turn first into vesicles and then into pustules attended with phlegmonous inflammation. 02:07:00.222 --> 02:07:11.870 which are succeeded by crusts and finally by more or less marked circuitruses or pits, variola pustulosa. 02:07:12.570 --> 02:07:23.137 In other cases, the exanthem does not become pustular, but is characterized by an intense arithmetosis, congestion and hemorrhages. 02:07:24.258 --> 02:07:29.902 So that sounds nasty, but I'm not really, they're not saying dead. 02:07:31.400 --> 02:07:48.765 in which vesicles fill with, so wait, intentional inoculation in an unvaccinated person, smallpox occurring causally and not intentional inoculation in an unvaccinated person. 02:07:49.765 --> 02:07:57.928 So it seems to imply here also that when you inoculate somebody, they can also get smallpox, but that's not smallpox. 02:07:57.988 --> 02:07:59.228 That's variola, but I'm, 02:08:00.640 --> 02:08:01.341 Okay, I'm reading it. 02:08:04.823 --> 02:08:14.191 But don't you find it a little strange that they don't say that it's a deadly virus or that it's a deadly disease that has killed millions of people already? 02:08:14.251 --> 02:08:23.659 Because isn't that the history of smallpox, that we're supposed to believe that millions of people were killed by it, yet there in a medical dictionary, they don't bother to say that it's deadly? 02:08:26.496 --> 02:08:38.028 The pustules lead to pits, so scarring on people's face seems like the most awful part about it, because they don't mention death. 02:08:41.149 --> 02:08:42.550 I find that pretty extraordinary. 02:08:42.610 --> 02:08:57.220 For a person who really likes the history of medicine, I wonder if he's aware of how much sanitation and aseptic technique and good food contributed to the decline of disease. 02:09:00.363 --> 02:09:06.347 I think it's very extraordinary that I don't have to work very hard with a book like this to find countless examples of that. 02:09:07.458 --> 02:09:13.801 where something that we're told has a very specific history doesn't seem to mention that specific history here at all. 02:09:15.722 --> 02:09:21.624 This book marker right here marks the page where they talk about vaccination. 02:09:22.925 --> 02:09:25.185 I can't wait to open up that page when it's needed. 02:09:28.267 --> 02:09:29.147 I love this book. 02:09:29.367 --> 02:09:32.008 I think this set of books is so spectacular. 02:09:32.589 --> 02:09:35.610 And I think it might be this, actually this module, 02:09:37.165 --> 02:10:04.765 this oh yeah so check this out the other thing that's in this is they all have this very special page in the front that's got like this artwork that if you think I you don't want me to touch the others pages and you definitely don't want me to touch this this artwork is in the fourth volume it's the only color artwork in the book and it's in the very front of the book and what is it it's pictures of crystals that come out of the urine 02:10:05.549 --> 02:10:12.217 It is principal and normal, abnormal constituents of human urine redrawn by some dude. 02:10:13.278 --> 02:10:14.019 Check these out. 02:10:15.020 --> 02:10:16.222 How cool is that? 02:10:17.824 --> 02:10:18.605 How cool is that? 02:10:18.645 --> 02:10:20.888 So every one of these volumes 02:10:22.020 --> 02:10:24.441 Seems to open with a plate like that. 02:10:24.542 --> 02:10:30.965 Like if you see it, it's a plate that's got this very thin page of something that covers it. 02:10:31.025 --> 02:10:33.747 It's super, oh careful, don't bend things. 02:10:34.367 --> 02:10:35.488 It's super cool. 02:10:35.528 --> 02:10:37.809 These books are like the treasure of all treasures. 02:10:38.750 --> 02:10:42.412 I'm so happy that somehow or another I ended up being able to acquire them. 02:10:42.892 --> 02:10:48.335 And I just, whenever I'm cued, which just happened right now, I feel like I got to pull them in. 02:10:48.415 --> 02:10:50.957 So anyway, here we go. 02:10:51.581 --> 02:10:55.377 Back to the Pierre, Corey, and Brett Weinstein show. 02:10:56.448 --> 02:10:57.329 with very little of it. 02:10:57.349 --> 02:11:02.712 I mean, they don't have the experiments or the techniques to discover what now we know. 02:11:03.012 --> 02:11:05.174 They did it all by powers of observation. 02:11:05.514 --> 02:11:09.377 And really, medicine was created by the best doctors who had the keenest powers. 02:11:09.397 --> 02:11:14.240 So the giants of medicine had these unbelievable powers of observation, and they were able to do a lot. 02:11:14.300 --> 02:11:20.044 And that's why I always say to my students, I always say that what separates sort of them from me, we've read the same books. 02:11:20.084 --> 02:11:20.764 We all have the textbooks. 02:11:22.185 --> 02:11:23.826 But an expert has pattern recognition. 02:11:23.846 --> 02:11:25.867 You just see diseases play out. 02:11:25.907 --> 02:11:28.428 You see how different people react to same illnesses. 02:11:28.448 --> 02:11:30.069 And you just get to see patterns and patterns. 02:11:30.489 --> 02:11:39.493 And what happened to me, I love talking about this, but every time I came to the bedside of a patient and there was something wrong with them, I always had to very deliberately kind of analyze like it could be this or this or this. 02:11:39.973 --> 02:11:42.995 And after about a couple of years being immersed in ICU medicine, 02:11:43.675 --> 02:11:46.757 I noticed that I could now walk into a room. 02:11:46.777 --> 02:11:47.398 1894, did you see that? 02:11:47.418 --> 02:11:50.420 With very little information, just kind of know what was going on. 02:11:50.460 --> 02:11:52.682 It suddenly became like intuitive and second nature. 02:11:52.702 --> 02:11:53.062 I have four. 02:11:53.082 --> 02:11:55.544 And it was all just about observing patterns. 02:11:55.564 --> 02:11:56.064 I have four of them. 02:11:56.084 --> 02:11:56.925 I think that's really key. 02:11:57.165 --> 02:12:05.111 And that's why with this disease, this is not an ego exercise, but we knew you had to anticoagulate these patients within like four patients. 02:12:05.551 --> 02:12:08.393 We knew they were clotting to degrees that we hadn't seen. 02:12:08.493 --> 02:12:12.877 And there was so much controversy around putting someone on a blood thinner, which 02:12:13.377 --> 02:12:17.181 People are put on blood thinners in hospitals for far less reasons than we were promoting with this. 02:12:17.782 --> 02:12:20.145 And so it was just evidence-based maniacism. 02:12:20.365 --> 02:12:21.046 It was bizarre. 02:12:21.206 --> 02:12:26.592 Like, now you can't observe, you can't make clinical reasoning, you can't deduce, you need a trial before you do anything. 02:12:26.752 --> 02:12:30.196 Okay, so this is, I must tell you, exactly the same thing in my field. 02:12:30.536 --> 02:12:41.449 The people who are really good evolutionary biologists or ecologists, evolutionary ecologists in the best cases, have intuition, they know how to follow a hunch, they know how to figure out when their hunches are wrong. 02:12:42.310 --> 02:12:44.813 The point is, it's an art more than a science, actually. 02:12:45.914 --> 02:12:51.620 In the case of a brand new pandemic that is spreading like wildfire, this is, of course, exactly the mindset that you want. 02:12:51.660 --> 02:13:07.096 You want... In the case of a novel pandemic that's spreading like wildfire, just like Charles Rixey has explained for the last four years straight because of a furin cleavage site that cued me off into knowing it was a lab leak... Stop lying! 02:13:12.392 --> 02:13:31.520 I hope you can see that just like the podcasts of Kevin McKernan in 2020, the podcasts of these people in 2021 reveal them as the Red Inn narrative curators that were brought on the scene to try and get the thing back on track, to try and get us back on the rails. 02:13:32.745 --> 02:13:51.947 because maybe warp speed or something had accelerated things that they are introducing things at different times and so the way that they intended to do it over a few years was accelerated into a couple or maybe even into one and there are so so awkward here 02:13:52.932 --> 02:14:16.328 The only way to see this is not that, wow, we're finally figuring it out in June of 2021, but no, actually we're so off course that we have to have Les Weinstein's son, Eric Weinstein's brother, do a podcast with a number of people that are involved in curating the narrative. 02:14:16.348 --> 02:14:21.171 And that includes Pierre Cory, that includes Robert Malone, that includes Steve Kirsch, et cetera. 02:14:23.208 --> 02:14:33.751 This is the real-time history of the pandemic narrative being curated by the real-time players that are working for the slavers. 02:14:34.500 --> 02:14:38.803 that I've been trying to call attention to for almost three years now. 02:14:39.143 --> 02:14:48.529 People who are capable of deducing that there is some pattern, and then figuring out whether they were fooled by some sort of noise pattern, or whether it was actually something, testing a hypothesis. 02:14:48.709 --> 02:14:56.094 But there is a point at which you know, and you know better than a study, because you've acted on that hunch, and you've seen that the patients get better, and it happens enough times that it can't 02:14:56.314 --> 02:15:07.140 The fact of the matter is, Dark Horse and that symbol is just as revealing as the lion mask that Robert Malone uses behind himself. 02:15:09.421 --> 02:15:15.544 There's an army unit for the love of God that says they're called the Dark Horse and they do psi-ops. 02:15:15.624 --> 02:15:17.185 That's not by accident. 02:15:18.123 --> 02:15:30.413 And if you wanted to be a person who was trying to bring the truth, you would not choose something that you could just Google and find out was a term used to describe the PSYOPs in American armies. 02:15:32.395 --> 02:15:33.636 Like you just wouldn't use it. 02:15:38.360 --> 02:15:39.221 Instead, they used it. 02:15:40.442 --> 02:15:40.722 random. 02:15:41.203 --> 02:15:47.847 And so anyway, there's something about the mindset of the moment in which it's all about peer review. 02:15:48.567 --> 02:15:58.074 And the mindset of the moment makes me draw my attention back to the interview on 60 Minutes of Alex Karp, the head of Palantir. 02:15:58.974 --> 02:16:04.258 Because that's another guy who I think revealed things that we should have seen a long time ago. 02:16:05.575 --> 02:16:14.804 pretending on 60 Minutes that he was interested in the big issues, you know, like how do we really know something and whether or not citizens can actually participate in a democracy. 02:16:16.565 --> 02:16:26.995 Basically talking about the same things that Edward Bernays talked about in 1920 already, the statement that I use over and over again that I got from Veer Sharav, 02:16:28.530 --> 02:16:37.784 which is that the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized opinions and habits of the masses is an absolutely integral part to a democracy. 02:16:40.342 --> 02:16:42.444 And that's what you are witnessing right here. 02:16:42.604 --> 02:16:45.106 That's what you are witnessing on social media. 02:16:45.146 --> 02:16:47.007 That's what you are witnessing on TV. 02:16:47.087 --> 02:16:55.533 It is a coordinated Lollapalooza of liars that has been elevated artificially to ask questions that cannot save our children. 02:16:56.054 --> 02:17:06.001 And they have been doing it to us before the pandemic, but during the pandemic, they have done it in a way and in a magnitude and on a crescendo never before seen in human history. 02:17:06.949 --> 02:17:12.713 these published peer reviewed papers, and it's all about the official guidance from, you know, the WHO and the CDC. 02:17:12.933 --> 02:17:24.039 And it's basically a kind of intellectual authoritarianism that is so bizarre in the context of a complex system like medicine, especially in the context of a brand new disease that, you know, we're all not expert. 02:17:24.099 --> 02:17:29.423 And so they're actively participating by pretending that they are not part of that system. 02:17:30.163 --> 02:17:31.284 But in fact, they are. 02:17:31.924 --> 02:17:39.727 They work for the same people, they work for the same weaponized piles of money, and that's why they are asking specific questions that will trap us. 02:17:41.508 --> 02:17:50.512 That's why so many of us are still trapped, because this was so convincing at the time, and no one is being allowed to look back at it and reconsider it. 02:17:51.493 --> 02:17:52.674 except for by me and Mark. 02:17:53.555 --> 02:17:56.078 No one else wants to look back and reconsider it. 02:17:56.498 --> 02:18:00.463 They want you to focus specifically on what did Pierre Kory say last week? 02:18:01.364 --> 02:18:05.188 What did Pierre Kory say on the Jimmy Dore show? 02:18:07.070 --> 02:18:10.474 What did Pierre Kory say in response to so-and-so's substack? 02:18:12.298 --> 02:18:23.701 Why doesn't anyone realize that Pierre Corey was the witness in the Floyd trial and find that a little strange because he's not a doctor in Minnesota. 02:18:26.722 --> 02:18:28.703 And he was supposed to be in New York then. 02:18:31.543 --> 02:18:33.144 What the hell is going on here? 02:18:35.987 --> 02:18:46.158 And is the internet gonna be just as silent about this anomaly as they have been about the anomaly of, hey, wait a minute, you know, Grace's dad brings up an important point. 02:18:46.198 --> 02:18:53.847 What if this whole thing was started with the FLCC and others saying that low pulse ox was a reason to go to the hospital? 02:18:57.398 --> 02:19:03.460 Why is it that Grace's dad is the only person that's ever brought that up to me in all the years that I've been working on this? 02:19:03.520 --> 02:19:09.002 Why is it that since I've come upon this, even the people that I trust most don't seem to be able to repeat it? 02:19:17.405 --> 02:19:18.605 Mark and I are the only ones. 02:19:22.526 --> 02:19:24.527 There are no experts that we can simply default to. 02:19:24.688 --> 02:19:26.249 Everybody's, you know, a novice. 02:19:26.809 --> 02:19:29.511 I like that term, intellectual authoritarianism. 02:19:30.051 --> 02:19:34.634 There are no intellectual authorities we can defer to because we're all novices. 02:19:34.754 --> 02:19:35.135 Why? 02:19:35.675 --> 02:19:40.078 Because it's a novel virus that's killing millions of people for which we have no cures for. 02:19:40.098 --> 02:19:43.400 It likely came from a laboratory and I was the first one to say it. 02:19:43.440 --> 02:19:49.684 So, you know, I have the right to speak up now and it'll probably come again because, you know, viruses are out there. 02:19:49.704 --> 02:19:50.925 That definitely happens. 02:19:50.965 --> 02:19:52.266 Viral syndromes are real. 02:19:53.046 --> 02:19:58.069 And so I guess it'll come again if this was a lab leak and maybe this is a good one and the next one will be worse. 02:20:00.390 --> 02:20:05.272 2021 of June, this coordinated Lollapalooza of liars was already a year deep. 02:20:06.397 --> 02:20:11.762 Actually, although I don't know that it was occurring to this degree or even remotely to this degree pre-COVID. 02:20:12.243 --> 02:20:17.247 I actually I looked around in COVID and I started to see like all the institutions coming up with their treatment protocols. 02:20:17.607 --> 02:20:26.215 You weren't allowed to stray from the protocol even like if you're an expert and you're like I want to like literally the leaders of the hospitals were saying don't use and you couldn't do anything. 02:20:26.415 --> 02:20:30.860 So the interesting thing about this is this is not the argument that that 02:20:31.480 --> 02:20:36.462 And I'm just remembering because remembering the truth means you don't have to remember anything, just what pops in. 02:20:37.382 --> 02:20:44.665 This is not, not, not, it's not the argument that Peter McCullough made. 02:20:45.285 --> 02:20:47.866 Listen to it again and then I'll tell you what Peter McCullough said. 02:20:48.783 --> 02:20:50.344 Everybody's, you know, a novice. 02:20:50.885 --> 02:20:53.006 I like that term, intellectual authoritarianism. 02:20:53.486 --> 02:20:59.531 And it actually, although I don't know that it was occurring to this degree or even remotely to this degree pre-COVID. 02:21:00.031 --> 02:21:05.035 I actually, I looked around in COVID and I started to see like all the institutions coming up with their treatment protocols. 02:21:05.395 --> 02:21:08.017 You weren't allowed to stray from the protocol, even like if you're an expert. 02:21:08.257 --> 02:21:10.899 All the institutions coming up with their protocols. 02:21:10.959 --> 02:21:13.260 That's the opposite of what Peter McCullough was arguing. 02:21:14.121 --> 02:21:16.243 Peter McCullough was actually arguing that, hey, 02:21:17.582 --> 02:21:31.452 Usually when something like this happens, Yale and Harvard and Texas Tech and every one of these hospitals prides themselves on coming up with their own protocol. 02:21:33.634 --> 02:21:35.135 And for COVID, nobody did that. 02:21:40.619 --> 02:21:41.640 Dude, this is huge. 02:21:43.052 --> 02:21:45.233 And I told you this was going to be an important stream. 02:21:45.433 --> 02:21:53.336 Every stream that we do from now on, knowing what we know, is going to contribute directly to the coming landslide. 02:21:55.597 --> 02:22:00.579 Where all of these posers are discarded as one chorus. 02:22:01.999 --> 02:22:05.721 Because they have revealed themselves as one chorus. 02:22:07.241 --> 02:22:11.503 Where so many of them are convinced that Pierre Kory, George Floyd expert, 02:22:12.938 --> 02:22:13.498 is a hero. 02:22:13.838 --> 02:22:19.041 Pierre Cory, high flow oxygen expert, is a hero. 02:22:24.784 --> 02:22:26.885 Or at least the person to argue with. 02:22:29.096 --> 02:22:35.201 and you're like, I wanna like, literally the leaders of the hospitals were saying, don't use, and you couldn't do anything else. 02:22:35.241 --> 02:22:36.401 You couldn't actually doctor. 02:22:36.441 --> 02:22:38.703 And suddenly I felt like I was being handcuffed. 02:22:38.863 --> 02:22:39.464 It was bizarre. 02:22:39.624 --> 02:22:41.065 I've never seen that in my life before. 02:22:41.105 --> 02:22:41.605 I have the same. 02:22:41.645 --> 02:22:45.108 But how, it only takes your hospital to handcuff you, right? 02:22:45.168 --> 02:22:53.854 And speaking of all hospitals in America and saying it felt like handcuffed, the only hospital that made you feel handcuffed was the one in Wisconsin, right? 02:22:53.894 --> 02:22:56.416 Because that's why you went to New York. 02:22:57.930 --> 02:22:59.351 I hope we get to that part soon. 02:22:59.631 --> 02:23:06.377 The doctors have been demoted, forcibly demoted from the position of scientific clinician to technician. 02:23:06.497 --> 02:23:14.844 And the point is you're really delivering a prepackaged good more than you are- That couldn't happen unless they sent all the attendings home, which they did. 02:23:14.964 --> 02:23:26.134 So they're overlooking part of the PSYOP here as well, that they put young residents in charge because old doctors were in danger of the spreading novel pathogen. 02:23:26.784 --> 02:23:29.547 to understand your patient and what they're sick with and what they therefore need. 02:23:29.868 --> 02:23:30.708 And it's a travesty. 02:23:31.089 --> 02:23:32.530 I've never been asked to do that before. 02:23:32.570 --> 02:23:38.617 I've always been asked to use the best extent of my experience and judgment and insight to best help the patient. 02:23:38.637 --> 02:23:39.518 That's the oath I took. 02:23:39.738 --> 02:23:46.285 The oath wasn't do what the gods of science and we – Paul calls the healthcare leaders the gods of science and knowledge, right? 02:23:46.546 --> 02:23:47.587 The Paul thing again. 02:23:49.128 --> 02:24:01.680 We're just little mortals and we have to listen to the gods and I've never been asked that before to get advice from – oftentimes, I'm sorry but I don't want to sound so dismissive but many of them are really desk jockeys. 02:24:01.700 --> 02:24:03.241 I mean they're not on the front lines. 02:24:05.303 --> 02:24:06.344 They're reading some papers. 02:24:06.364 --> 02:24:07.645 They think they know what the disease is. 02:24:07.665 --> 02:24:08.946 They don't know what this disease is. 02:24:09.166 --> 02:24:15.170 They're not sweating it out, seeing day to day the manifestations, the responses to therapy, the lack of responses. 02:24:15.391 --> 02:24:18.193 They don't understand this disease, and yet they're telling everyone how to treat it. 02:24:18.213 --> 02:24:25.078 And I find it, we want- What's implied here, of course, is that Brett and Corey understand the disease. 02:24:26.198 --> 02:24:31.703 What's implied here is that as his experience-based medicine understands the disease, they just got to listen to him. 02:24:32.708 --> 02:24:35.010 This is some pretty high elevation right now. 02:24:35.130 --> 02:24:40.194 We're pulling back on the hand glider and going as high as we can right now. 02:24:40.314 --> 02:24:41.235 Listen to me. 02:24:41.315 --> 02:24:43.297 These people don't understand this disease. 02:24:43.677 --> 02:24:45.599 A seat at the table, expert clinicians. 02:24:45.639 --> 02:24:47.100 Where's the expert clinician committee? 02:24:47.300 --> 02:24:47.481 Right. 02:24:48.021 --> 02:24:49.482 I absolutely agree. 02:24:50.722 --> 02:24:57.385 Now, why does the expert physician or clinician committee now contain the same people? 02:24:57.445 --> 02:25:09.650 It contains, let's see, Robert Malone, who's not a clinician, Meryl Nass, who only is a backwoods doctor from Maine, who actually is primarily famous for her anthrax blog. 02:25:11.011 --> 02:25:13.052 What other clinicians are in the thing? 02:25:14.332 --> 02:25:15.473 Is Jessica Rosen? 02:25:15.533 --> 02:25:16.833 No, she's not a clinician. 02:25:17.874 --> 02:25:21.076 What about Jill Glasspool Malone? 02:25:21.156 --> 02:25:22.476 No, she's not a clinician. 02:25:23.477 --> 02:25:27.659 What about maybe Brian Hooker? 02:25:27.719 --> 02:25:28.800 No, he's not a clinician. 02:25:29.160 --> 02:25:30.240 What about Laura Logan? 02:25:30.300 --> 02:25:31.281 No, not a clinician. 02:25:31.581 --> 02:25:32.562 How about the Canadians? 02:25:32.682 --> 02:25:35.823 No, those were politicians and bloggers. 02:25:35.943 --> 02:25:36.944 No. 02:25:37.564 --> 02:25:38.425 What other doctors? 02:25:38.525 --> 02:25:42.067 Pierre Corey, Peter McCullough, 02:25:43.021 --> 02:25:46.143 Merrill Nass, Robert Malone. 02:25:46.363 --> 02:25:53.167 I'm having trouble coming up with the MDs that he would propose to be on the clinical committee. 02:25:54.367 --> 02:26:07.555 It's a little weird because, again, the story that they're telling is that all doctors in the world should be able to tell us about the symptoms of COVID from last year, even though he insists he's the only one who knows. 02:26:08.749 --> 02:26:11.431 All these doctors don't know anything, but he knows. 02:26:12.012 --> 02:26:17.076 And he's known since 2020, back when he went to New York, which he's not being very specific about. 02:26:20.459 --> 02:26:21.880 Stop lying! 02:26:21.900 --> 02:26:24.102 I see that at the level of doctoring. 02:26:24.322 --> 02:26:26.804 I see that at the level of the pandemic itself. 02:26:26.944 --> 02:26:27.184 Yes. 02:26:27.344 --> 02:26:27.524 Right? 02:26:27.684 --> 02:26:30.206 The fact is, we have a novel phenomenon. 02:26:30.307 --> 02:26:33.329 It came potentially from an unusual source, right? 02:26:33.369 --> 02:26:34.870 A knowable source, potentially. 02:26:35.271 --> 02:26:37.212 What we are supposed to do about it to actually 02:26:38.513 --> 02:26:57.408 take care of it so that it does not become a permanent fellow traveler of humanity that take there's the conundrum will it become a permanent traveler of humanity or will we be able to get to zero covid another crucial idea that brett weinstein needs to spike into the ground as many times as he can in june of 2021 apparently 02:27:00.689 --> 02:27:07.154 It's really smart, insightful, courageous people who have been totally liberated to have whatever discussions need to be had. 02:27:07.214 --> 02:27:13.259 Instead, we're in a situation where if we open our mouths and say the wrong words, suddenly there are warnings appended to what we've said. 02:27:13.419 --> 02:27:14.280 It's insane. 02:27:14.380 --> 02:27:17.262 It's limiting discussion, limiting choices, limiting approaches. 02:27:17.322 --> 02:27:17.963 And killing people. 02:27:18.083 --> 02:27:18.483 It's hurting. 02:27:19.924 --> 02:27:24.288 And I don't know, do we, do we have whatever discussions to be had? 02:27:24.368 --> 02:27:30.372 Instead, we're in a situation where if we open our mouths and say the wrong words, suddenly there are warnings appended to what we've said. 02:27:30.492 --> 02:27:31.373 It's insane. 02:27:31.453 --> 02:27:34.355 It's limiting discussion, limiting choices, limiting approaches. 02:27:34.415 --> 02:27:35.596 And it's hurting. 02:27:35.937 --> 02:27:37.898 And killing people, said Brett. 02:27:38.198 --> 02:27:38.779 Interesting. 02:27:38.839 --> 02:27:40.240 I think that needs to be corrected. 02:27:40.280 --> 02:27:40.660 Yes, it's. 02:27:41.701 --> 02:27:42.221 And I don't know. 02:27:42.822 --> 02:27:44.983 He didn't say, yes, they are killing people. 02:27:45.043 --> 02:27:46.163 Yes, it is murder. 02:27:46.704 --> 02:27:47.664 It's malpractice. 02:27:47.724 --> 02:27:48.364 It's something. 02:27:48.424 --> 02:27:49.065 No, no. 02:27:49.145 --> 02:27:50.205 Pierre did not say that. 02:27:50.265 --> 02:27:52.306 That was not what Brett was supposed to say there. 02:27:52.486 --> 02:27:55.588 And totally liberated to have whatever discussions need to be had. 02:27:55.648 --> 02:28:01.651 Instead, we're in a situation where if we open our mouths and say the wrong words, suddenly there are warnings appended to what we've said. 02:28:01.771 --> 02:28:02.631 It's insane. 02:28:02.731 --> 02:28:05.613 It's limiting discussion, limiting choices, limiting approaches. 02:28:05.673 --> 02:28:06.833 And it's hurting. 02:28:06.853 --> 02:28:07.013 Yes. 02:28:08.274 --> 02:28:11.216 And I don't know what do we... Corey wanted to say hurting people. 02:28:11.276 --> 02:28:11.556 Yes. 02:28:11.957 --> 02:28:12.217 Yeah. 02:28:12.237 --> 02:28:12.457 Yeah. 02:28:12.597 --> 02:28:12.817 Right. 02:28:12.897 --> 02:28:13.538 Killing people. 02:28:13.718 --> 02:28:15.659 Did we all forget the history books that we read? 02:28:15.699 --> 02:28:17.901 Like, when has censorship ever been a good thing? 02:28:17.941 --> 02:28:18.241 Yeah. 02:28:18.281 --> 02:28:19.762 When are the censors ever the good guys? 02:28:20.963 --> 02:28:23.025 When has that ever led to a societal good? 02:28:23.125 --> 02:28:24.506 And now it's censorship. 02:28:25.967 --> 02:28:42.918 Well, that is, I mean, and I really hope that whatever thing it is inside of YouTube and Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn that has its meetings, I hope they look at this and they sit down and somebody in the room is courageous enough to look at everybody else and say, are we the bad guys in this story? 02:28:42.958 --> 02:28:44.519 And if so, how did that happen? 02:28:45.820 --> 02:28:47.261 I get the intention, right? 02:28:47.341 --> 02:28:51.424 So you want to protect people because medical misinformation might harm them. 02:28:51.784 --> 02:28:54.286 But what I find, I have two problems with that, which is 02:28:55.226 --> 02:29:13.391 who's the who's gonna you know if you're gonna limit science i mean science that's antithetical to science science is about exploration here we are again using science like debunk the funk dan wilson uses it science is a hard subject for people to understand science is hard for people about the season and scientists never discovered 02:29:14.091 --> 02:29:15.252 at the NIH building, right? 02:29:15.292 --> 02:29:17.693 It's actually the people on the ground doing experiments, making deductions. 02:29:18.113 --> 02:29:21.294 We should flow the information to them, not they flow information to us. 02:29:21.574 --> 02:29:22.135 So that's that. 02:29:22.215 --> 02:29:34.160 And then the placing of medical misinformation on a par with like violent hate speech, white supremacy, like, I'm sorry, but medical, you know, medical information, it's not as harmful as you would think. 02:29:34.420 --> 02:29:37.745 I mean, you know, people are afraid that... So there is medical misinformation. 02:29:37.805 --> 02:29:48.520 Wait, I thought that we were saying something like there is nothing certain in medicine or that biology is so complex we can't know anything for certain or not every cure would be good for every person. 02:29:48.560 --> 02:29:50.223 No, no, that's not what they're saying at all. 02:29:53.211 --> 02:29:54.914 Make sure you're very clear about that. 02:29:54.954 --> 02:29:56.156 That's not what they're saying at all. 02:29:56.176 --> 02:30:06.112 They're not talking about the irreducible complexity that needs respecting or the infinite diversity that is sorely misunderstood or not understood at all. 02:30:07.110 --> 02:30:10.833 They're talking about something very different, not the other way around. 02:30:11.093 --> 02:30:11.654 So there's that. 02:30:11.734 --> 02:30:23.664 And then the placing of medical misinformation on a par with like violent hate speech, white supremacy, like, I'm sorry, but medical, you know, it's not as harmful as you would think. 02:30:23.844 --> 02:30:31.310 I mean, people- So how helpful are they being right now by saying that medical information, medical misinformation is not as harmful as you might think? 02:30:34.502 --> 02:30:40.554 How is this the relevant discussion to have, the relevant question to ask, the relevant answers to debate? 02:30:46.596 --> 02:30:50.398 afraid that you're gonna espouse some medicine that's not gonna work and they're gonna hurt someone. 02:30:51.158 --> 02:30:54.180 I think people do not need to be protected to that extent. 02:30:54.200 --> 02:30:55.280 I mean, people have judgment. 02:30:55.300 --> 02:30:56.461 They do lots of things in the world. 02:30:57.181 --> 02:30:57.802 You know what I'm saying? 02:30:57.822 --> 02:30:58.982 Censorship's not the answer to that. 02:30:59.042 --> 02:31:05.025 Well, I would say censorship's not the answer to people trying their best. 02:31:07.967 --> 02:31:15.171 But their whole assumption is based on the idea that the national security state and its actors would never lie to us 02:31:16.081 --> 02:31:19.462 in agreement, in concert about something that didn't exist. 02:31:20.062 --> 02:31:21.063 That would be crazy. 02:31:22.983 --> 02:31:31.466 We're supposed to believe that these guys are doing their best to pull our head out and expose the lies that the national security state is covering up. 02:31:32.796 --> 02:31:51.880 when in reality, they are seeding the other half of a limited spectrum of debate that makes almost certain our kids and our grandkids will never see the lie of the national security state, which is the gain of function mythology and the vaccine schedule in America. 02:31:52.820 --> 02:31:53.560 Those are lies. 02:31:53.700 --> 02:31:59.621 They are criminal enterprises and mythologies that they want to use to enslave everyone in the world. 02:32:00.205 --> 02:32:05.090 The problem is that you get the harm to people on both sides, right? 02:32:05.150 --> 02:32:12.118 If you try to constrain things to only the information that we're really, really, really certain of, you're going to kill a lot of people because you're not going to benefit from the exploration. 02:32:12.138 --> 02:32:22.069 And if I can actually just draw an analogy between what you do, you know, with your individual patients and the situation that civilization has caught in with COVID more broadly. 02:32:22.969 --> 02:32:30.573 In the ICU, and I don't know I've never been an ICU doc, but in the ICU you are dealing with people who are really sick. 02:32:31.133 --> 02:32:32.233 Their lives are on the line. 02:32:32.253 --> 02:32:33.174 The sickest of the sick. 02:32:33.214 --> 02:32:33.374 Right. 02:32:33.474 --> 02:32:39.297 Now if I'm in that bed, right, and you're my doctor, my sense is I do not want you 02:32:40.277 --> 02:33:00.135 So terrified that you may kill me trying to help me that you are paralyzed I want you to take your best shot at getting me through it and I am accepting That you may kill me because the chances are you are more likely to help me So when we are talking about the question of what these therapies are we are in the middle of a brand new disease? 02:33:00.155 --> 02:33:02.457 Yeah, we are discovering if it turned out that 02:33:03.174 --> 02:33:07.958 that you were wrong about ivermectin, then some people would die. 02:33:08.078 --> 02:33:14.883 But the number of people who have already died because we haven't used this drug is absolutely immense. 02:33:15.503 --> 02:33:17.705 So the point is, look, let's be adults. 02:33:17.745 --> 02:33:26.031 So that's a pretty certain thing to be certain about, that ivermectin, if was used correctly, would save millions of people. 02:33:27.020 --> 02:33:44.606 from something that they're not even sure is killing anyone, can't be sure is killing anyone, and seem the farthest away from coming to the conclusion that the national security state could just lie and use something as simple as high flow nasal oxygen as a I don't know what else to do kind of situation. 02:33:45.805 --> 02:33:52.909 and send all of the doctors who are old enough and have the experience to know that that wouldn't be a good place to start. 02:33:53.009 --> 02:33:59.392 Send them home and tell them that you're too old and that you shouldn't stay in the ER because, you know, you could be in danger. 02:34:00.993 --> 02:34:13.519 They offered faculty members early retirement at the start of the pandemic so that they could re-staff emergency rooms and they put residents in charge. 02:34:14.946 --> 02:34:18.227 And they had hospital administrators brief them on the response. 02:34:20.048 --> 02:34:29.672 And these people did not have the requisite experience to question the application of supplementary oxygen in response to a low pulse ox. 02:34:32.353 --> 02:34:34.734 I think wherever this was done, people were killed. 02:34:36.198 --> 02:34:40.302 and I think it was central to the murder that was necessary. 02:34:40.362 --> 02:34:42.084 It can't all be fraud. 02:34:42.444 --> 02:34:45.787 The stuff that happened in New York City can't all be fraud. 02:34:46.188 --> 02:34:52.574 There's no way to take the position that the transfection in doses that were hot didn't hurt people. 02:34:52.634 --> 02:34:57.499 There's no way to take the position that, oh, you know, I don't know anybody that was hurt by the shot. 02:34:58.817 --> 02:35:15.460 Because if you take a position like, I don't know anybody that's hurt from the shot, then you're discarding every person on the internet before and after the pandemic that claims that they were hurt by a vaccine or their child was hurt by a vaccine and the temporal correlation is too great. 02:35:17.168 --> 02:35:30.462 If you are able to make that statement on social media, say, I don't think that the current shots are necessarily hurting anyone, you are definitely not really helping us right now, because that's not a question that we need to ask. 02:35:32.093 --> 02:35:37.617 The only question we need to ask is why weren't more people hurt by the transfection? 02:35:37.657 --> 02:35:49.004 Because according to me, if they were good and the doses were there and the lipid nanoparticles were made correctly, in the best case scenario, there should be more people hurt by the shot. 02:35:50.666 --> 02:35:56.109 That's my statement that nobody else is picking up on, but that's the correlate of placebos. 02:35:56.930 --> 02:36:01.333 If you rolled out placebos to make sure that a signal would never be discernible, 02:36:02.796 --> 02:36:16.304 and at the same time rolled out somebody that was gonna exclusively use VAERS as evidence of a signal, then you could create a limited spectrum of debate where you could get people who would just say, I don't know anybody that was hurt from the shot. 02:36:16.784 --> 02:36:18.726 Oh, I know lots of people who were hurt from the shot. 02:36:19.146 --> 02:36:32.294 Well, I don't know anybody that said that the vaccine schedule was bad before the pandemic, and I know somebody who's saying that the vaccines are bad now, and she's using VAERS to show that there was no signal before the pandemic, and now there is one. 02:36:34.571 --> 02:36:44.141 And so you can have an epigirl that says that the flu vaccines did more damage than the COVID vaccines. 02:36:44.201 --> 02:36:51.549 And you can have an epigirl that says, no, no, the COVID vaccines are doing more damage than all the vaccines that came before it combined. 02:36:53.391 --> 02:36:56.555 And now you've crafted the ultimate, the ultimate 02:36:58.004 --> 02:37:14.714 limited spectrum of debate because you have a limited spectrum that's bordered on one end by one set of ridiculous proposals that the VAERS signal from COVID reveals that the COVID vaccines are worse than anything that came before it, including flu and all the childhood vaccine schedule. 02:37:15.395 --> 02:37:20.558 And then you have another EpiGirl saying that, no, no, it was fraud in New York. 02:37:21.698 --> 02:37:25.841 There were no bodies in New York and I don't think anybody's dying from the shot now. 02:37:31.004 --> 02:37:34.766 And so if you have somebody who says, no, no, no, no, we invented the mRNA. 02:37:34.826 --> 02:37:35.647 It works great. 02:37:35.807 --> 02:37:37.788 And Peter Cullis told us it works great. 02:37:38.108 --> 02:37:42.330 And then you have someone else over here saying, no, no, no, it's the lipid nanoparticle. 02:37:42.370 --> 02:37:43.031 It's terrible. 02:37:43.411 --> 02:37:46.353 And it was an incapacitating agent and they always knew it. 02:37:47.313 --> 02:37:49.775 Nah, none of these doses were any good. 02:37:49.795 --> 02:37:51.035 It was just a toxin. 02:37:52.176 --> 02:37:58.920 Then you have another set of epigirls that argues about two ends of a spectrum that don't usefully question the 02:38:00.287 --> 02:38:03.028 presumptions of all of those limited spectrums. 02:38:03.048 --> 02:38:17.411 They're all based on the same lie of a novel virus that's circulating around, that's causing a strange situation and strange behavior and strange set of symptoms that strangely we have no way of treating. 02:38:17.491 --> 02:38:25.073 So we just have to say supportive care and hope that your viral syndrome passes like another one. 02:38:28.874 --> 02:38:29.275 about this. 02:38:29.455 --> 02:38:30.396 People are dying. 02:38:30.716 --> 02:38:31.337 They are dying. 02:38:31.377 --> 02:38:35.682 What we would like to figure out as quickly as possible is what is the way to reduce that. 02:38:35.702 --> 02:38:36.383 Oh my gosh. 02:38:36.443 --> 02:38:45.494 My son went on a trip with his friend to go stay somewhere and go to water slides and stuff like that. 02:38:46.425 --> 02:38:49.228 And he texts me to say, we didn't get a hotel. 02:38:49.288 --> 02:38:53.031 We got an Airbnb with a hot tub and a heated pool. 02:38:53.812 --> 02:38:55.553 Holy ships. 02:38:55.713 --> 02:38:56.995 Am I, am I not? 02:38:57.155 --> 02:38:57.755 I am missing. 02:38:57.775 --> 02:38:58.456 I am not. 02:38:59.697 --> 02:39:02.540 My sons are having a good time for the next couple of days. 02:39:02.580 --> 02:39:03.380 That's pretty fun. 02:39:03.561 --> 02:39:04.501 I'm very excited. 02:39:04.601 --> 02:39:04.902 Wow. 02:39:05.819 --> 02:39:06.980 Congratulations, boys. 02:39:07.160 --> 02:39:07.600 That number. 02:39:08.080 --> 02:39:10.342 And I also think we overfocus on death. 02:39:10.482 --> 02:39:14.485 The amount of damage that people are suffering who get sick and recover is immense, too. 02:39:14.505 --> 02:39:16.006 Those people will lose years of their lives. 02:39:16.026 --> 02:39:16.846 No question. 02:39:16.866 --> 02:39:19.788 So, you know, the question really is, how do we minimize those? 02:39:19.948 --> 02:39:22.470 Those people will use lose years of their lives. 02:39:22.550 --> 02:39:23.811 What is he talking about there? 02:39:23.871 --> 02:39:24.551 Well, I got off. 02:39:24.851 --> 02:39:25.752 I got really far. 02:39:25.832 --> 02:39:26.012 Whoa. 02:39:26.252 --> 02:39:30.536 this drug is absolutely, it's immense. 02:39:30.636 --> 02:39:31.978 So this drug is ivermectin. 02:39:32.358 --> 02:39:34.540 The point is, look, let's be adults about this. 02:39:34.721 --> 02:39:35.641 People are dying. 02:39:35.982 --> 02:39:36.582 They are dying. 02:39:36.642 --> 02:39:41.307 What we would like to figure out as quickly as possible is what is the way to reduce that number. 02:39:41.788 --> 02:39:44.050 And I also think we overfocus on death. 02:39:44.170 --> 02:39:48.174 The amount of damage that people are suffering who get sick and recover is immense too. 02:39:48.214 --> 02:39:49.696 Those people will lose years of their lives. 02:39:50.316 --> 02:39:54.882 So the question really is, how do we minimize the net harm of this disease? 02:39:54.942 --> 02:39:59.907 And the answer is, there is no way to do it without some people dying as we figure out, as we get our bearings. 02:39:59.968 --> 02:40:00.708 There's no way to do it. 02:40:00.768 --> 02:40:01.229 I agree. 02:40:01.249 --> 02:40:10.220 And Umberto Maduro talks about this a lot, is that we are just demoralized at the lack of really emergency thinking, which is a risk-benefit analysis. 02:40:10.640 --> 02:40:13.041 Everything I do at the bedside of a patient is a risk-benefit. 02:40:13.541 --> 02:40:18.042 Anytime I prescribe a medicine, it's because I believe that the chances of benefit are greater than the harm. 02:40:18.122 --> 02:40:20.482 And you can do that on any amounts of evidence. 02:40:20.502 --> 02:40:22.583 You can do it on unassailable mountains of evidence. 02:40:22.603 --> 02:40:24.103 You could also do it on little evidence. 02:40:24.483 --> 02:40:26.724 I thought Brett was about to drink out of a candle. 02:40:27.504 --> 02:40:28.904 You're going to make a risk-benefit ratio. 02:40:28.924 --> 02:40:34.845 And the idea that we're not going to use a really safe drug, which has nothing, every study shows nothing but benefit. 02:40:35.045 --> 02:40:35.286 OK. 02:40:35.866 --> 02:40:37.006 And why we're not employing it. 02:40:37.626 --> 02:40:39.108 Well, this is the impossible question. 02:40:39.148 --> 02:40:44.937 And I will say, when I started to detect the message that you guys were sending out, I was cautious about it, right? 02:40:44.957 --> 02:40:48.222 I looked at this and I thought, Whoa, fair, you know, be cautious. 02:40:48.282 --> 02:40:50.746 There's a there's a drug, it has positive effects. 02:40:51.146 --> 02:40:52.809 Why am I not seeing it discussed more? 02:40:53.389 --> 02:41:08.064 And then as I went deeper into the evidence, and as you all generated more evidence and put it into the world, and as the natural experiments that are in the world revealed themselves and showed the very same pattern, it became clear that this was actually taken in the aggregate. 02:41:08.564 --> 02:41:28.717 the amount of evidence is incredible right this is a very clear signal it'd be hard to miss it unless that was your purpose unless you had some confusion or reason not to want to know and then actually ivermectin and water is safer than water because the ivermectin will kill all the parasites in the water so i mean mark you're totally spot on but not quite 02:41:28.877 --> 02:41:43.006 And if you extrapolate from that, you get into some very strange territory about why, in light of this tool that is apparently at our disposal, safe, highly effective, not only highly effective at treating these patients, but preventing people from coming down with COVID. 02:41:43.306 --> 02:41:46.108 What would it mean if we had that at our disposal and didn't use it? 02:41:46.528 --> 02:41:48.950 So, let's talk a little bit about the evidence. 02:41:49.230 --> 02:41:50.311 What is ivermectin? 02:41:50.411 --> 02:41:54.494 So, ivermectin, right, it's one of the most common medicines in the world. 02:41:54.554 --> 02:41:56.235 It actually works against parasites, right? 02:41:56.255 --> 02:41:59.718 So, worms, different parasitic diseases that affect humans and animals. 02:41:59.738 --> 02:42:07.764 So, it's very... Given once annually to people with unclean water. 02:42:08.404 --> 02:42:12.828 Given once annually to people that live in third world countries. 02:42:14.471 --> 02:42:14.711 Right? 02:42:14.932 --> 02:42:15.873 Once annually. 02:42:15.973 --> 02:42:33.131 So, you know, if somebody told you that you could take this poison at a low dose once annually and it might help you, that's a little different than saying that you can use it prophylactically at a different dose on a daily basis to prevent a respiratory disease indefinitely, which is what these guys are about to say. 02:42:33.972 --> 02:42:35.193 Common medicine given to animals? 02:42:36.334 --> 02:42:41.857 And also one that- Common animal medicine indeed, but how often is it given and at what dose? 02:42:41.937 --> 02:42:45.918 Again, this is not being precise, but precisely the opposite. 02:42:47.159 --> 02:42:51.921 Nobel prize because it essentially transformed the health status of huge portions of the globe. 02:42:52.261 --> 02:43:02.926 So there's a- Not by regular application, but by annual application and not by large doses, but you know, we've got to be precise here and we are not being precise. 02:43:03.006 --> 02:43:04.607 Instead- Stop lying! 02:43:05.632 --> 02:43:13.738 lot of continents where parasitic diseases were endemic and I mean absolutely were decimated the health status of really low and middle income countries. 02:43:14.299 --> 02:43:17.381 One of them is a disease called onchocerciasis or river blindness. 02:43:17.401 --> 02:43:25.067 It literally causes blindness and there were some populations in Africa, some societies where I think it's like 50% of the men by the time of age 40 were blind. 02:43:25.367 --> 02:43:29.370 So you had like villages where like all the people were blind and here comes ivermectin 02:43:29.810 --> 02:43:33.751 It's known to be this really effective, and it basically eradicated the disease. 02:43:34.131 --> 02:43:37.112 And so it's been used now for 40 years, 4 billion doses. 02:43:37.752 --> 02:43:42.454 The WHO has administered mass distribution programs to many of those areas. 02:43:42.514 --> 02:43:48.195 And so for that reason, it's one of the greatest feats of a medicine in history. 02:43:49.196 --> 02:43:51.416 Maybe on the part, maybe not as big as penicillin. 02:43:51.436 --> 02:43:53.097 That's one of the biggest discoveries. 02:43:53.937 --> 02:43:55.598 literally, it's on that shelf, right? 02:43:55.638 --> 02:44:01.122 And that's just the persons or persons or organization that put it on that shelf is the who. 02:44:02.003 --> 02:44:06.546 So he's essentially not telling you that all doctors around the world agree. 02:44:07.427 --> 02:44:10.489 He's not telling you that all doctors in America agree. 02:44:10.949 --> 02:44:15.432 He's not telling you that the consensus in Western medicine is that this thing is badass. 02:44:15.973 --> 02:44:17.194 What is he saying here? 02:44:18.014 --> 02:44:18.895 Please hear it. 02:44:21.035 --> 02:44:27.102 He's saying that the who says this is on the list of essential medicines, of the who. 02:44:28.884 --> 02:44:36.413 The same people who are now telling us that we need to fight the who, we're using the who as an argument for ivermectin. 02:44:41.175 --> 02:44:42.036 I hope you can see it. 02:44:42.376 --> 02:44:43.537 Parasites, right? 02:44:43.797 --> 02:44:47.400 So as I understand the story, it's discovered in the early 70s. 02:44:48.141 --> 02:44:49.822 So the first discovery was identified in like 70, 75. 02:44:49.982 --> 02:44:56.067 By Satoshi Nomura, a Japanese scientist. 02:44:56.127 --> 02:44:58.589 Not to be confused with the guy who invented Bitcoin. 02:44:58.909 --> 02:44:59.829 A scientist, biologist, yeah. 02:44:59.849 --> 02:45:03.470 And he discovered it in, it was produced in the soil by bacteria, I think? 02:45:03.490 --> 02:45:10.431 So he was, yeah, what he was doing, his expertise was looking at substances made by microorganisms, sort of like penicillin, right? 02:45:10.831 --> 02:45:14.192 And what their effects were as a medicine against other organisms, right? 02:45:14.212 --> 02:45:16.872 Because many organisms make substances to ward off other organisms. 02:45:16.932 --> 02:45:23.273 And so he would take organisms from the soil and look at the substance they created and then test them as medicine. 02:45:23.313 --> 02:45:24.154 That was his expertise. 02:45:24.654 --> 02:45:26.754 And what's so fascinating about ivermectin is that- 02:45:26.834 --> 02:45:29.958 It's too bad they didn't use the domain server to look at all those things. 02:45:30.038 --> 02:45:31.760 It might not have taken them so many years. 02:45:31.800 --> 02:45:38.989 They could have just simulated the interaction with different viral proteins and discovered the stuff in the soil a lot quicker. 02:45:40.347 --> 02:45:43.549 He found the microorganism near a golf course outside of Tokyo. 02:45:44.310 --> 02:45:47.192 And it's an organism called Streptomyces. 02:45:47.512 --> 02:45:50.694 And so it made this substance, which is actually called avirumectin. 02:45:51.414 --> 02:45:58.759 But to this day, that microorganism in Japan is still the only place you can find. 02:45:59.340 --> 02:46:03.863 Now it's obviously produced everywhere, but the source is still in the soil in Japan. 02:46:03.903 --> 02:46:05.744 It's never been found from any other sources. 02:46:06.024 --> 02:46:20.198 Just an anecdote here, Vincent Ransom Yellow's wife actually worked for the company that owned the patent on ivermectin and worked on that particular substance for its entire presence at Merck. 02:46:21.317 --> 02:46:22.498 just in case you care. 02:46:22.518 --> 02:46:25.500 So it's really, really wild, his discovery. 02:46:25.540 --> 02:46:26.821 And so that's cool. 02:46:26.941 --> 02:46:27.301 That's cool. 02:46:27.462 --> 02:46:38.630 So I must say, as an evolutionary biologist, this also strikes a chord because I am much more concerned about a totally novel molecule that we have created in a laboratory. 02:46:38.650 --> 02:46:45.695 And the reason I'm more concerned about it is that there's every possibility when you create something in the laboratory that our ancestors will never have encountered anything like it. 02:46:45.735 --> 02:46:47.897 And therefore, our bodies may not know what to do with it. 02:46:48.177 --> 02:46:49.558 But a natural molecule, 02:46:49.758 --> 02:46:53.180 Can anybody give me a link for Dr. Shiva's cytosol? 02:46:53.760 --> 02:46:54.440 That would be fun. 02:46:56.001 --> 02:47:08.587 Is something you can't, you know, obviously if it's endemic to Japan, most of our ancestors probably never encountered the exact molecule, but the chances that they have encountered many molecules like it and therefore will be able to process it in some reasonable way is very, very high, right? 02:47:08.788 --> 02:47:09.568 Wow. 02:47:09.728 --> 02:47:13.450 So this is an interesting tangent of questions that don't need to be answered. 02:47:13.490 --> 02:47:15.091 He's suggesting that although 02:47:15.891 --> 02:47:25.214 this organism is unique to Japan, we've been exposed to other organisms and probably related toxins and so we don't need to be afraid of the ant poison. 02:47:28.715 --> 02:47:31.476 Wow, what an interesting statement to make. 02:47:31.516 --> 02:47:43.760 Why would they give a Nobel Prize to somebody who discovered something that they claim is found nowhere else and a single organism found nowhere else if it's actually all kinds of related compounds are found in soils all around the world? 02:47:44.696 --> 02:48:02.201 What an interesting thing for Bret Weinstein to say, which seems to only really make a mealy-mouthed argument for why nobody should be afraid of taking ivermectin, because there's probably all kinds of different kinds of ivermectin in every soil all around the world, that even though this one's native to Japan, we're exposed to all of these! 02:48:03.161 --> 02:48:04.541 Stop lying! 02:48:04.862 --> 02:48:06.122 Holy shit! 02:48:08.325 --> 02:48:09.426 not to know what to do with it. 02:48:09.686 --> 02:48:25.034 But a natural molecule is something you can't, you know, obviously, if it's endemic to Japan, most of our ancestors probably never encountered the exact molecule, but the chances that they have encountered many molecules like it, and therefore will be able to process it in some reasonable way is very, very high, right? 02:48:25.494 --> 02:48:27.695 Unlike something like Tylenol, for example. 02:48:27.875 --> 02:48:28.376 I like that. 02:48:29.255 --> 02:48:29.795 I like that. 02:48:30.276 --> 02:48:34.758 Whereas if you've never encountered Tylenol, some people could have a very bad reaction to it. 02:48:35.179 --> 02:48:44.044 But because everybody's run into Ivermectin or its related components, in theory, because I'm an evolutionary biologist, I have the right to say stupid shit like this. 02:48:44.464 --> 02:48:46.825 In theory, it could be in all the soils. 02:48:46.885 --> 02:48:55.150 And so unlike Tylenol, that everybody could in theory have a bad reaction to, it's highly unlikely with this soil substance because it's found everywhere. 02:48:55.190 --> 02:48:57.452 And I'm an evolutionary biologist, so trust me. 02:48:58.072 --> 02:48:59.412 Holy shitballs. 02:48:59.613 --> 02:49:00.833 Can you get this book down there while you can? 02:49:00.853 --> 02:49:01.053 Thank you. 02:49:01.073 --> 02:49:04.254 Well, yeah, because really that was in recognition not only of the discovery but really the impacts on global health. 02:49:04.294 --> 02:49:05.555 And the WHO, that's like some of the hidden 02:49:22.020 --> 02:49:25.042 heyday of the WHO is their early work on some of those diseases. 02:49:26.343 --> 02:49:28.584 But the story goes on, right? 02:49:28.684 --> 02:49:30.625 Oh, Pamela, you're so sharp. 02:49:30.645 --> 02:49:32.026 You see why we love Pamela? 02:49:32.386 --> 02:49:44.914 Pamela sees even better in the sense of implying that ivermectin and its related soil bacteria producing stuff in North America and elsewhere 02:49:45.534 --> 02:49:51.140 means that everybody's seen some form of ivermectin before, so you're much more likely to be able to deal with it. 02:49:51.660 --> 02:50:02.711 There's a subtle little subconscious component of that that suggests that if it's a lab leak and he's right about it, then this could be a noveler virus than we've ever seen before. 02:50:03.191 --> 02:50:07.015 More novel than ever and more novel could mean, oh my goodness. 02:50:09.557 --> 02:50:10.298 Thanks, Pamela. 02:50:11.601 --> 02:50:20.185 I don't know how many times I can say thank you to you, but I definitely am saying thank you directly to you today for everything that you've done for my family. 02:50:20.245 --> 02:50:20.705 Thank you. 02:50:23.767 --> 02:50:28.049 2012, the first study started coming out of labs in virus models. 02:50:28.129 --> 02:50:30.630 So they started looking at cell culture models in labs. 02:50:30.670 --> 02:50:36.193 They showed that ivermectin was like working against Zika and dengue and West Nile and influenza. 02:50:36.233 --> 02:50:37.373 Like it was showing. 02:50:37.594 --> 02:50:39.474 It fixes everything. 02:50:41.053 --> 02:50:51.585 Oh my gosh, it's Ebola and Zika and every major biosecurity threat we've encountered with Robert Malone since his career started. 02:50:53.488 --> 02:50:55.591 But the story goes on, right? 02:50:55.611 --> 02:51:00.516 So around 2012, the first studies started coming out of labs in virus models. 02:51:00.616 --> 02:51:03.099 So they started looking at cell culture models in labs. 02:51:03.119 --> 02:51:09.686 They showed that ivermectin was like working against Zika, and dengue, and West Nile, and influenza, like it was shown. 02:51:09.726 --> 02:51:11.908 Can we, I've never seen those papers. 02:51:12.569 --> 02:51:20.612 We need to verify whether those papers exist and who wrote them because that's pretty amazing going antiviral properties Malone said it was awesome for Zika. 02:51:20.712 --> 02:51:22.172 Okay, you see I don't know. 02:51:22.192 --> 02:51:26.174 I don't know everything that's for damn sure There's just too much shit to remember. 02:51:26.234 --> 02:51:26.454 I mean 02:51:27.293 --> 02:51:28.374 And half of it's lies. 02:51:28.874 --> 02:51:31.056 You've got to keep track of those, too. 02:51:31.136 --> 02:51:32.036 So it's like a lot. 02:51:32.096 --> 02:51:32.997 But thanks, Mark. 02:51:34.558 --> 02:51:35.099 As usual. 02:51:35.599 --> 02:51:36.459 An experiment. 02:51:36.540 --> 02:51:39.422 So here you have this phenomenal anti-parasite drug. 02:51:39.782 --> 02:51:43.204 And now it's showing that it has efficacy against viruses. 02:51:43.244 --> 02:51:46.547 And so that's where the antiviral story, which is, I think, 02:51:47.367 --> 02:51:53.512 Again, we're going to talk about it in terms of COVID, but I actually think I'm so... Go back to the hopeful part. 02:51:53.592 --> 02:51:57.736 I am so interested in the future of this drug against other viruses as well. 02:51:57.976 --> 02:52:00.678 Can I just say something completely different about flat tires? 02:52:00.718 --> 02:52:03.440 Have I told you the story about flat tires that happened to me? 02:52:03.961 --> 02:52:11.347 I used to have bike flat tires all the time, and I found this stuff, which I can't show you now because I can't unplug. 02:52:12.047 --> 02:52:13.688 It's like this gel. 02:52:14.673 --> 02:52:25.736 that you squirt inside of a tire that you never want to inflate again and it just flows around in there with these little particles of rubber and other shit and when you get a puncture 02:52:27.077 --> 02:52:50.579 that stuff as the wheel rolls it flows into the hole and punctures plugs it for good and then you can reinflate the tire and it's good and so i had a flat tire on my electric wheel and in order to change the electric wheel tire you have to take the whole damn thing apart like it's a disaster and so i decided i'm just going to try this stuff and see if it works so i squirted it in the tire 02:52:51.460 --> 02:52:55.684 I rolled it around and I inflated the tire and that tire is solid as a rock. 02:52:56.244 --> 02:53:06.774 And supposedly according to this stuff, even if you get another puncture you can pull out the blade and roll it around and then reinflate it and roll it around again and it'll repair itself. 02:53:06.874 --> 02:53:14.701 It will self-heal for years to come because whatever's in there is like silicon or something and so it doesn't dry out. 02:53:15.862 --> 02:53:17.143 This product is cheap. 02:53:18.115 --> 02:53:26.459 And you can put it in like bike tires and wheelbarrow tires and lawnmower tires and four-wheeler tires. 02:53:27.140 --> 02:53:33.463 And when they get punctured, you can run a little bit and then you can pump them back up and you can drive home. 02:53:33.543 --> 02:53:35.164 And probably you can use them forever. 02:53:35.544 --> 02:53:36.444 It's freaking cool. 02:53:37.685 --> 02:53:41.407 And so anyway, it works a lot better than ivermectin on flat tires. 02:53:41.647 --> 02:53:43.788 Before we get to that, we should talk about COVID. 02:53:43.828 --> 02:53:46.770 But yeah, you know, well, but I think this fits beautifully. 02:53:46.810 --> 02:53:56.995 So it's not like this was, you know, when I heard that ivermectin had some utility, and then I looked into the the evidence for it, my assumption was that people were just throwing random molecules to see what stuck. 02:53:57.095 --> 02:53:57.495 And so I 02:53:57.935 --> 02:54:13.312 throwing random molecules and see what's stuck nobody does that why would they need to do that when in the beginning of february or late january a volunteer team led by ditra commander or ditra colonel uh robert malone 02:54:14.393 --> 02:54:42.791 used the domain program server, AI, whatever it was, top secret technology to interface an X-ray crystallography model of the 3CL protease with all known drugs and pharmaceuticals in the FDA catalog to identify ivermectin, silicoxib, famotidine, and remdesivir as the four likely candidates that would provide relief from 02:54:43.391 --> 02:54:48.716 this novel virus from the the catalog of stuff that we had already approved? 02:54:50.478 --> 02:54:59.687 Why would we need to throw random stuff at it if we had technology like the domain server already spitting out answers and ivermectin was one of them? 02:55:02.490 --> 02:55:06.194 Are they going to acknowledge that ivermectin was identified by the domain server? 02:55:09.181 --> 02:55:10.162 I haven't heard it yet. 02:55:10.362 --> 02:55:14.685 That is a more tenuous connection than, actually, this does have broad antiviral effects. 02:55:14.705 --> 02:55:16.006 Ten years of experiments. 02:55:16.086 --> 02:55:17.987 There just haven't been clinical trials of it, right? 02:55:18.027 --> 02:55:18.227 Right. 02:55:18.468 --> 02:55:30.136 And then, you know, the story with COVID is that a group in Australia published a study, I think it was late April of 2020, showing that in their cell culture model, it basically eradicated all viral material within 40 days. 02:55:30.236 --> 02:55:35.158 Wow, in their cell culture model in Australia, it eradicates all viral material. 02:55:35.218 --> 02:55:45.602 I wonder if he's talking about proteins or RNA because he told us earlier in this lecture that it's the RNA and the scraps of RNA that caused the macrophages to go ape shit. 02:55:52.150 --> 02:55:54.553 This is the beginning of the end, ladies and gentlemen. 02:55:54.573 --> 02:55:55.735 This is the landslide. 02:55:55.815 --> 02:56:03.726 Today, Pierre-Corey, you have been chosen to be exposed and it is the start of something wonderful. 02:56:04.487 --> 02:56:06.429 And so it showed this phenomenal efficacy. 02:56:07.190 --> 02:56:08.271 in the petri dish, right? 02:56:08.351 --> 02:56:09.131 In the lab, right? 02:56:09.151 --> 02:56:14.975 And so I always say, you know, very few, and you're going to know this too, very few molecules make it from the bench to the bedside, right? 02:56:14.995 --> 02:56:16.796 There's a whole bunch of stuff that has to happen, right? 02:56:17.016 --> 02:56:18.937 You know, the concentrations have to be appropriate. 02:56:19.178 --> 02:56:22.019 The safety has, and then it has to work in a human model, right? 02:56:22.120 --> 02:56:28.604 Here's something that nobody has managed to articulate that I'm going to articulate right now that I've kind of been saving for 02:56:29.324 --> 02:56:32.365 deep in a stream because nobody can watch three hours. 02:56:32.446 --> 02:56:36.007 I mean everybody complains about how hard it is to watch three hours of the truth. 02:56:36.567 --> 02:56:39.949 So Jay's wasting his time when he does these three-hour things. 02:56:39.989 --> 02:56:45.792 It'd be great if he could do 10-minute stuff to summarize this Lollapalooza of liars more simply. 02:56:47.421 --> 02:56:48.982 I want you to think about something here. 02:56:49.502 --> 02:56:51.183 The story of viruses. 02:56:51.263 --> 02:56:57.868 Let's talk about the story of viruses and let's do... This is trying very hard to make a clip for Jeff. 02:56:58.368 --> 02:57:04.112 Jeff from Earth is a friend of mine from Canada who has a Instagram account where he puts all these clips. 02:57:04.532 --> 02:57:13.578 This is a clip for Jeff and so we're just gonna kinda... For the last... I'll start it again. 02:57:14.638 --> 02:57:15.639 So here's where the clip starts. 02:57:16.775 --> 02:57:23.798 So we've been watching Bret Weinstein and Pierre Kory talk about our best understanding of the biology of the pandemic. 02:57:23.818 --> 02:57:27.740 And this video is from June of 2021. 02:57:28.180 --> 02:57:36.904 And interestingly, there are a lot of details that they get wrong about the basic cartoon virology that we have come to understand as a result of the mainstream media. 02:57:37.404 --> 02:57:59.381 and social media united presentation of this mythology around RNA viruses that I tend to try and summarily dismiss by simply saying that RNA cannot pandemic and any virologist, biologist, molecular biologist worth their salt could explain very easily why that's not possible even if there is a fear and cleavage site or two 02:57:59.941 --> 02:58:03.023 that is inserted into this very special RNA molecule. 02:58:03.424 --> 02:58:11.590 One of the really interesting things about ivermectin is that nobody is really offering up a mechanism by which it stops viral replication. 02:58:11.650 --> 02:58:17.394 And in fact, the only person who's ever offered a hint of a mechanism has been Robert Malone. 02:58:17.814 --> 02:58:23.479 The guy who, at the beginning of his coming out party, was very adamant in declaring himself 02:58:24.099 --> 02:58:38.621 a collaborator with DITRA and a we are the DOD kind of statement and claiming that he spun up a team on advice and phone call from Mike Callahan and that team he spun up used 02:58:39.582 --> 02:58:54.136 volunteer work to identify four compounds using a top secret DITRA program called DOMAIN to scan all of the drugs and pharmaceuticals in the FDA catalog to identify, among others, ivermectin. 02:58:54.736 --> 02:59:14.694 Now, interestingly, according to Robert Malone, they were all identified as drugs that would interact with the 3Cl protease, which is supposedly the enzyme, one of the 31 proteins or so encoded by the viral genome, which is responsible for the replication of the virus or of the genome or of something. 02:59:14.734 --> 02:59:17.817 We don't really know because they're not very specific about it. 02:59:17.937 --> 02:59:19.999 And that's the only details. 02:59:22.369 --> 02:59:27.073 Besides, the only other person that's ever tried to explain the same thing, and who was that? 02:59:28.535 --> 02:59:28.975 Do you know? 02:59:29.295 --> 02:59:30.396 It was John Campbell. 02:59:31.017 --> 02:59:43.068 And actually, John Campbell, the nurse practitioner from the UK that has seamlessly risen to 3 million subscribers on YouTube and never really been meaningfully censored, 02:59:44.423 --> 02:59:53.447 explain to us with small little cut out pieces of paper how ivermectin gets in the way of the 3Cl protease and doesn't allow it to do whatever it does. 02:59:55.968 --> 03:00:05.572 Now the interesting thing about this is that virology has never identified the proteins that are responsible for hijacking 03:00:06.673 --> 03:00:07.874 the machinery of the cell. 03:00:07.934 --> 03:00:08.954 Why is this important? 03:00:08.974 --> 03:00:11.256 Well, let me explain it to you very simply. 03:00:11.856 --> 03:00:22.742 Virology suggests that we don't make exosomes, that we don't package RNA and DNA and send it around with the intention of communicating signals. 03:00:23.362 --> 03:00:32.828 Because if we did, then that would imply that a machinery inside of our cells already exists to package RNA and DNA into signals 03:00:33.871 --> 03:00:44.856 And that would undermine the Baltimore scheme of virology, which puts all of these entities and their special enzymes outside of us. 03:00:46.926 --> 03:00:51.708 All the clever ways of using DNA and RNA in virology are outside of us. 03:00:51.788 --> 03:00:57.471 And we're limited to the DNA to RNA through a ribosome to protein. 03:00:58.232 --> 03:00:59.973 All the other tools don't belong to us. 03:01:00.053 --> 03:01:06.336 All the other tools are not utilized in our systems, but are exclusively the provenance of virology. 03:01:07.536 --> 03:01:14.780 And yet after years and years of studying these foreign invaders that have all these clever enzymes, 03:01:16.363 --> 03:01:22.944 They haven't identified any of the proteins that tell our cells to do something that they don't already do. 03:01:24.364 --> 03:01:27.725 Because according to virology, we don't make signals like this. 03:01:28.185 --> 03:01:32.406 We don't package RNA or DNA out and send it around. 03:01:33.406 --> 03:01:40.908 We take DNA and translate it to RNA and then we make protein out of that RNA and we regulate that RNA to regulate our protein. 03:01:41.268 --> 03:01:42.988 And our proteins get folded and stuff. 03:01:46.127 --> 03:01:54.031 And so somewhere in there, there must be viral proteins that make our cells do something that they don't already do, which is produce virus. 03:01:56.132 --> 03:02:12.940 And so as my wonderful chat has pointed out, if you don't have a really well understood mechanism by which the hijacking of our cellular machinery is prevented by this medicine, then you don't have anything. 03:02:14.249 --> 03:02:22.951 If you don't have a reason beyond, well, the domain server printed it out, you don't have anything. 03:02:23.871 --> 03:02:39.634 And it seems as though Pierre Cory is not even gonna claim that he has the domain server, which is an interesting omission because in a couple of weeks, Robert Malone is gonna be on this same podcast and also not really say it. 03:02:40.612 --> 03:02:41.233 Interesting, huh? 03:02:41.513 --> 03:02:42.674 Because we're not petri dishes. 03:02:42.734 --> 03:02:50.801 But anyway, so you get, you know, very few can make that leap and then hit the goals of safety and efficacy, right? 03:02:50.962 --> 03:02:53.444 And at an adequate concentration, right, to be effective. 03:02:53.464 --> 03:02:55.866 And so great, it worked in the lab. 03:02:56.367 --> 03:03:00.150 Now remember, that was a time where, I mean, literally the world was going insane, right? 03:03:00.190 --> 03:03:01.011 I mean, people were dying. 03:03:01.031 --> 03:03:05.395 There was so much that was going on that a couple of countries, Peru in particular, 03:03:05.475 --> 03:03:11.818 And keep in mind, girl, Catherine Organic says that lung cancers have a signature MI. 03:03:12.258 --> 03:03:21.022 It's an interfering RNA in the exosomes, in the micro RNA in the exosomes in the breath. 03:03:22.343 --> 03:03:23.584 I don't know why I'm looking at that camera. 03:03:24.124 --> 03:03:34.469 The important thing to understand is that even that story of exosomes and their shedding by cancer cells has been very carefully 03:03:35.865 --> 03:03:44.592 curated so that we still don't come to the conclusion that if cancer cells signal with exosomes, are there also exosomes that come from healthy cells? 03:03:45.112 --> 03:03:54.480 And the kind of subconscious implication by the entire cancer field, and in fact, reinforced by the rhetoric of the virology field, is that 03:03:55.120 --> 03:04:02.606 even when exosomes are present, they're a signal of pathology and not part of what would be a natural signaling regime. 03:04:02.646 --> 03:04:11.233 And so, just to keep that clear, Catherine Organic is right on the money and she's an incredibly great member of our community. 03:04:11.253 --> 03:04:14.295 I just want to clarify what she's saying a little bit there. 03:04:15.760 --> 03:04:19.101 They did the boldest move, and because of it, that was really emergency. 03:04:19.241 --> 03:04:27.023 I'm very well aware that McCullough has already pushed mRNA transfection as a cure for mRNA transfection. 03:04:27.063 --> 03:04:27.943 I'm already aware of it. 03:04:28.523 --> 03:04:31.144 I just don't really know what to do about it yet, but it's awful. 03:04:31.244 --> 03:04:32.425 Thinking emergency action. 03:04:33.105 --> 03:04:36.186 They actually, in their national health ministry, they got together. 03:04:36.226 --> 03:04:41.247 They saw what was happening on the ground in Peru, and based on a basic science lab experiment, 03:04:41.807 --> 03:04:48.629 They recommend that ivermectin to the population, which is not crazy, because as you point out, there's a lot that can go wrong between the bench and the bedside. 03:04:48.749 --> 03:04:51.689 But in this case, it wasn't like some molecule works at the bench. 03:04:51.729 --> 03:04:53.630 What the hell is going to happen when you knew it was safe? 03:04:53.650 --> 03:04:55.410 You knew it was safe because so many people had taken it. 03:04:55.430 --> 03:04:56.150 It was safe. 03:04:56.210 --> 03:04:58.211 It may not work in the human as it did in this. 03:04:58.351 --> 03:05:00.051 But you knew that you weren't going to hurt anyone. 03:05:00.111 --> 03:05:00.371 Right. 03:05:00.431 --> 03:05:00.691 Right. 03:05:00.871 --> 03:05:01.151 Right. 03:05:01.171 --> 03:05:02.032 So why not try it? 03:05:02.072 --> 03:05:03.012 And then you would imagine. 03:05:03.192 --> 03:05:08.053 I don't think that that's true, because if you were applying it in animals once a month, 03:05:09.522 --> 03:05:21.872 or you were applying it in people once every spring, it's not the same thing as now making recommendations for different dosages as a prophylactic and regular use. 03:05:24.434 --> 03:05:30.640 Again, you can sit somebody down and say, you know, you can use ayahuasca once and it might make you, you know, see things differently. 03:05:31.220 --> 03:05:35.664 And you can also say, you can put ayahuasca in your water bottle every day. 03:05:36.764 --> 03:05:39.266 And those are two very different recommendations. 03:05:41.387 --> 03:05:47.572 Telling somebody that, you know, you should really try something is a little different than you should use it regularly. 03:05:49.834 --> 03:05:58.380 And these subtleties, you know, like if something works for cancer, that doesn't mean it works for healthy people. 03:05:59.120 --> 03:06:05.545 If something works for people that have bad water, it doesn't mean that it works for people that don't have bad water. 03:06:08.686 --> 03:06:15.735 And the risk-benefit ratio is not being discussed here at all because, again, they're trying to confuse you with these things. 03:06:16.916 --> 03:06:19.319 The object is to start a debate. 03:06:20.287 --> 03:06:41.132 that's gonna self-sustain itself for a couple years about ivermectin and that's why the close collaborator in that signal chat that I was trapped in, Alexandros Marinos, also spent an enormous amount of time discussing and arguing about ivermectin effectiveness at the exact same time that this bullshit was going on and nothing else. 03:06:42.330 --> 03:06:50.975 actually got really pissed when I finally tweeted out, dude, can you talk about anything else besides ivermectin? 03:06:51.395 --> 03:06:55.277 And then his reaction was, hey, who are you to tell me what to talk about? 03:06:58.779 --> 03:07:06.764 Well, I'm telling you because you don't seem to have had any principles at the start of this pandemic and still don't have any principles now, Alex. 03:07:08.049 --> 03:07:34.271 because you're part of the same group of posers that has a ridiculous amount of certainty about how good a patriot Elon Musk is, about how an absolute inability to acknowledge Palantir as a terrible force in America and around the world, an inability to acknowledge that virology has been under skepticism for many, many decades. 03:07:35.222 --> 03:07:48.009 and that the vaccine schedule has had challenges for many decades that all of us were unaware of and these people are definitely not going to come to a realization of in good time in 2021 like I did. 03:07:49.149 --> 03:07:50.130 No, no, no, no, no. 03:07:51.996 --> 03:07:53.037 the evidence would accumulate. 03:07:53.057 --> 03:08:02.984 If it works in people and it's safe enough to try it and you've got an emergency situation where you don't have another effective therapy, then okay, you give it to people, you know, it's a hail Mary, but lo and behold, the evidence accumulates. 03:08:03.004 --> 03:08:03.745 So what happened? 03:08:04.665 --> 03:08:05.506 It was very controversial. 03:08:07.356 --> 03:08:08.577 So first of all, a couple of things happened. 03:08:08.597 --> 03:08:13.481 So the way I understand in the beginning is that it was part of the national guideline, but it was really attacked. 03:08:13.541 --> 03:08:17.164 So a lot of scientists thought that was irresponsible, unproven. 03:08:17.465 --> 03:08:22.749 You know, the cry of these is this... Notice that we're not talking about hydroxychloroquine at all. 03:08:22.869 --> 03:08:29.675 So hydroxychloroquine was a scandal before ivermectin was, and we're not talking about that. 03:08:30.476 --> 03:08:36.700 being a sort of pretense for or another way to look at the response of the system. 03:08:36.760 --> 03:08:37.500 And why is that? 03:08:37.580 --> 03:08:42.583 I think that's because if you talk about hydroxychloroquine, then you've got to seed 03:08:45.299 --> 03:08:49.281 authority to Peter McCullough because Peter McCullough spoke out earlier. 03:08:49.842 --> 03:08:57.406 He spoke out about hydroxychloroquine and spoke out about the idea that the NIH can't say that it's causing swollen hearts. 03:08:57.946 --> 03:09:04.810 I've got the technician in the world that's held the most hearts and she can tell you that hydroxychloroquine isn't going to cause swollen hearts. 03:09:04.850 --> 03:09:06.731 That was a very big problem for them. 03:09:07.861 --> 03:09:13.367 Peter McCullough probably was co-opted at that stage by actual coercion. 03:09:13.867 --> 03:09:23.537 If there's anybody in the narrative that I think had a van come to his house and basically threatened him to shut up or disappear, it's Peter McCullough. 03:09:24.696 --> 03:09:33.563 And part of it is because I see a pattern of people like Pierre Cory and Robert Malone trying to get people to turn against Peter McCullough. 03:09:33.603 --> 03:09:48.335 The first time I ever heard Peter McCullough was a bad guy was when Robert Malone and Matt Crawford and a few other people decided to tell me that the wellness company is bad and the people that take money from the wellness company are bad. 03:09:49.196 --> 03:10:13.150 I didn't know who the wellness company was until Robert Malone and Mark Kulak, sorry, not Mark Kulak, sorry, Robert Malone and Matt Crawford and Liam Sturgis and probably a few other people that I could name insisted that the wellness company was worth looking at. 03:10:14.659 --> 03:10:22.061 And there are a lot of other people that have insisted that the wellness company is worth blogging about, worth arguing about, worth being present in the chat about. 03:10:24.221 --> 03:10:37.445 And essentially, when I first heard of the wellness company, it was at the inaugural CHD conference where I met Jill and Robert and Bobby and Pierre Corey and Ryan Cole. 03:10:37.485 --> 03:10:38.965 I met them all in the same place. 03:10:40.126 --> 03:11:00.762 as well as seeing Rixie for the second time in person, as well as meeting Matt Crawford for the first time in person, all at the inaugural CHD meeting, where Matt Crawford didn't register, but got permission to register late on the day of the conference because Meryl Nass spoke for him. 03:11:03.624 --> 03:11:07.988 Again, you know, it's just inconvenient truths that I can't forget because they actually happened to me. 03:11:09.554 --> 03:11:12.535 because those people actually told me those stories. 03:11:14.536 --> 03:11:24.779 And then I pass those stories on to people in CHD and vouched for Matt Crawford needing a ticket because Merrill Nass vouches for him. 03:11:26.540 --> 03:11:34.843 And then at that meeting is when Matt Crawford said that, you know, did you know that the wellness company is paying people like Peter McCullough and that maybe Peter McCullough is a bad guy. 03:11:35.953 --> 03:11:42.479 The same conference where Matt Crawford had dinner with, or lunch with Robert Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone. 03:11:43.159 --> 03:11:52.687 Even though they supposedly don't really know each other, they first met at the inaugural international COVID summit, wherever it was in San Paolo or somewhere like that. 03:11:53.368 --> 03:11:54.489 That's where they first met. 03:11:56.531 --> 03:11:57.872 How is that even possible? 03:12:04.502 --> 03:12:12.405 Don't forget that the story with Matt Crawford, I think, is something like his family was military intelligence and him and his brother were in a rape cult. 03:12:13.125 --> 03:12:23.769 And because Matt Crawford was triggered by something said in a private phone call by somebody that I know, that I was supposed to drop somebody that I know and trust. 03:12:24.289 --> 03:12:30.351 And because I didn't do that, now Matt Crawford in his Bitcoin secret chat has been consistently 03:12:31.071 --> 03:12:49.388 um slandering and lying about me and lying about all the ways that he tried to help my family stop lying and keeps kept contacting me for months even though i kept saying in the chat please stop contacting me leave me alone i don't believe you you're a liar 03:12:52.622 --> 03:12:53.723 They're all liars. 03:12:53.803 --> 03:12:56.326 They have all coordinatedly worked together. 03:12:56.486 --> 03:13:14.243 And Matt Crawford worked together with Brett Weinstein for longer than almost any of these people because he was in that original Signal chat and then pretended to get in a fight with Alexandros Marinos so that I would leave that chat angry after Brett Weinstein said he didn't need to listen to me in a Zoom meeting. 03:13:14.583 --> 03:13:16.926 And then I would go to Matt Crawford and say, what are we going to do? 03:13:18.069 --> 03:13:20.171 And then Matt Crawford would say, let's start a business. 03:13:20.231 --> 03:13:21.572 Let's make a curriculum. 03:13:22.092 --> 03:13:32.601 Let's sell shares in properties and in collectibles that we'll store at airports to people with Bitcoin. 03:13:34.673 --> 03:13:42.436 That's a real proposal that was supposedly meant to save my family, proposed by Matt Crawford, the rounding the earth guy. 03:13:43.017 --> 03:13:53.021 We were gonna have like, you know, valuable stuff like baseball cards and gold stored in airport lockers that we would then sell to people with Bitcoin who had nothing better to do with their money. 03:13:54.322 --> 03:14:04.046 That was a real proposal that he claims in his Bitcoin forum, even though he doesn't give you any details, is one of many businesses that he tried to start with Jay to try and help him. 03:14:09.005 --> 03:14:10.946 That's why they're all up on the wall over there. 03:14:17.208 --> 03:14:21.590 I'm never gonna forget any of this, because it actually happened to me. 03:14:22.771 --> 03:14:27.593 Because I have it all written down in notebooks, because I have all the screenshots from all these fakers. 03:14:29.173 --> 03:14:34.616 Anybody wants to write a book with me that will have all of these screenshots in it, 03:14:35.618 --> 03:14:48.608 Anybody that wants to fund the actual history of the pandemic and how the lie was constructed, Mark and I could write a hell of a book, and we wouldn't need that much money and that much time. 03:14:48.688 --> 03:14:51.710 You know, if you gave us a year's salary, we could get it done. 03:14:53.512 --> 03:14:54.412 Nobody's gonna do it. 03:14:56.114 --> 03:15:01.398 Not one book publisher in the world is free to do it. 03:15:02.899 --> 03:15:04.120 Because the books right here 03:15:06.169 --> 03:15:07.811 All the stuff is right there. 03:15:07.831 --> 03:15:12.257 I got four different hard drives with it on there and there are other places too. 03:15:13.078 --> 03:15:14.380 It can't go away anymore. 03:15:14.400 --> 03:15:18.446 It's just a question of when somebody wants to make a million bucks selling that book. 03:15:20.526 --> 03:15:23.348 It'll certainly outsell the Ivermectin book of this clown. 03:15:24.048 --> 03:15:27.510 Insufficient evidence that I always hear, and that actually probably applied back then. 03:15:27.550 --> 03:15:32.653 There was really not sufficient evidence, but you could say on a risk-benefit ratio, it's reasonable. 03:15:32.674 --> 03:15:36.156 But anyway, it was very controversial, and so it wasn't widely adopted. 03:15:36.196 --> 03:15:42.199 I think a lot of people didn't agree with that, and fairly soon after that, after a lot of discussion, they removed it from the national guidelines. 03:15:43.400 --> 03:15:48.323 Many states did adopt it and began to distribute ivermectin in Peru. 03:15:48.863 --> 03:15:59.569 And what you saw in those states, every time they began a campaign, they began it at different times across the summer, spring and summer, every time it was followed by precipitous declines in case counts and deaths. 03:15:59.769 --> 03:16:03.211 And really the excess deaths were plummeting in all these regions in Peru. 03:16:04.031 --> 03:16:10.164 But what's interesting so that what I think is a landmark paper and probably the one of the most important people in this story besides Paul Marek, right? 03:16:10.185 --> 03:16:11.608 So going back to that, here we go. 03:16:11.668 --> 03:16:12.750 Where are we going to go here? 03:16:12.790 --> 03:16:13.451 Where are we going to go? 03:16:15.131 --> 03:16:22.335 My call is we're going to go to DDA Royal in France, and he's going to say that this guy was doing early treatment with hydroxychloroquine. 03:16:22.355 --> 03:16:27.097 That's my guess, because you wouldn't want to go to Zev Zelenko, right? 03:16:27.117 --> 03:16:30.279 We don't want to promote any American patriots, so we got to go to France. 03:16:30.339 --> 03:16:31.059 That's my guess. 03:16:31.359 --> 03:16:38.703 Identification, right, of the evidence is, you know, when we talk about pattern recognition, it's really Paul who identified that there was something happening around Ivory. 03:16:38.843 --> 03:16:39.023 Wow. 03:16:39.783 --> 03:16:40.904 Paul Merrick again. 03:16:41.145 --> 03:16:42.245 Paul, Paul, Paul. 03:16:42.326 --> 03:16:43.607 Paul is the guy. 03:16:43.687 --> 03:16:48.751 Paul is the man that Pierre Cori is stepping in front of. 03:16:48.951 --> 03:16:49.191 Paul. 03:16:50.097 --> 03:16:53.799 Paul Ivermectin, he noticed this pattern based on just a few studies. 03:16:54.339 --> 03:16:56.880 He saw the magnitudes and what it was showing. 03:16:57.260 --> 03:16:59.481 And he said, I think this is something. 03:16:59.501 --> 03:17:01.662 Because we've been studying all of the trials on everything. 03:17:02.102 --> 03:17:03.023 So many were failing. 03:17:03.083 --> 03:17:05.464 So many were conflicting, unsatisfying. 03:17:05.724 --> 03:17:06.885 But here comes Ivermectin. 03:17:06.945 --> 03:17:09.626 And the signal around Ivermectin was really astonishing. 03:17:09.646 --> 03:17:14.008 And even the lead researcher for Unitaid and WHO, he found it remarkable too. 03:17:14.488 --> 03:17:16.869 There was a team that was looking at repurposed drugs since last June. 03:17:17.169 --> 03:17:18.670 They were on their seventh molecule. 03:17:19.210 --> 03:17:23.812 and he had heard about Ivan, I think it was because of our advocacy, and suddenly that's all. 03:17:23.892 --> 03:17:33.016 I don't know if Zev Zelenko was a PSYOP, but I know for sure there's a video of Zev Zelenko saying that it is an abomination to have transfected children. 03:17:34.062 --> 03:17:43.687 He used like the worst word in Hebrew to describe the desecration of children and equated that to what they were doing with the shots. 03:17:43.807 --> 03:17:50.751 And so if he was a PSYOP, it's also possible, of course, that Zev was extremely manipulated. 03:17:52.352 --> 03:17:57.715 Because remember, everybody very early on that was fighting for this had to be extremely manipulated or killed. 03:18:00.461 --> 03:18:07.203 So if Zeb was a PSYOP, it doesn't necessarily mean because he chose to be, but because he was so efficiently meddled with. 03:18:07.583 --> 03:18:12.585 You can honestly, seriously, I want you to understand how I see it, okay? 03:18:14.245 --> 03:18:16.846 I'm gonna say something very serious when I say this. 03:18:21.968 --> 03:18:24.549 And I am being very serious when I say this. 03:18:24.589 --> 03:18:28.170 The reason why I have this link right here, Scooby, 03:18:29.594 --> 03:18:37.734 is because I think I was so efficiently manipulated by people like Brett Weinstein that I wrote a review that is mostly bullshit. 03:18:38.948 --> 03:18:49.093 I wrote a review that doesn't usefully challenge the existence of a novel pathogen, doesn't usefully challenge the abomination of transfecting healthy people. 03:18:49.153 --> 03:18:55.776 It doesn't usefully challenge the ridiculousness of using transfection to augment the immune system. 03:18:55.796 --> 03:19:02.380 It almost gave them everything they wanted and that's why Asim Malhotra, no sorry, 03:19:03.140 --> 03:19:03.760 What was his name? 03:19:05.200 --> 03:19:10.241 This other Malhotra guy that was on Twitter decided to promote it right when it came out. 03:19:11.002 --> 03:19:19.824 The same guy that coordinated the PCR paper that Claire Craig and Mike Eden and Kevin McKernan are on. 03:19:19.864 --> 03:19:20.604 It's all the same. 03:19:21.024 --> 03:19:23.064 Coordinated by this guy, Malhotra. 03:19:24.685 --> 03:19:31.706 Not the UK heart doctor, but another guy with the same name who looks very creepy and was very creepy on the internet for a very long time. 03:19:32.575 --> 03:19:45.662 Calling everybody glowies I don't remember why I'm saying this now, but I I wanted to say it because of whatever they said here So I'm gonna go back and see what they said here and play it again 03:19:48.024 --> 03:19:48.805 of our advocacy. 03:19:49.366 --> 03:19:50.768 And suddenly that's all they studied. 03:19:50.848 --> 03:19:52.049 And he saw the same thing. 03:19:52.090 --> 03:19:54.993 He saw everything breaking in this remarkable reproducible. 03:19:55.214 --> 03:19:57.477 It's what these people call fakers. 03:19:57.597 --> 03:20:02.503 So glowies are people that are like limited hangouts or people that are controlled opposition. 03:20:03.104 --> 03:20:31.796 people that are acting anonymously on the internet are called glowies and people that are acting as as as uh fake people are glowies and this is what a lot of these mouse army type people and this mahaltra guy who is a co-author on this pcr paper with mckernan um that's what they talk about can i just show you what i mean um just to show you who i'm talking about here uh let's see if i have it um 03:20:33.902 --> 03:20:34.603 Where did I put it? 03:20:34.683 --> 03:20:36.404 Oh, it's in the Downloads folder, I think. 03:20:37.725 --> 03:20:37.965 Yeah. 03:20:38.886 --> 03:20:39.106 Right? 03:20:39.126 --> 03:20:40.387 Is it? 03:20:40.467 --> 03:20:40.827 Oh, no. 03:20:40.847 --> 03:20:42.248 I guess it's in there. 03:20:43.189 --> 03:20:45.971 Who would I need to look at? 03:20:48.012 --> 03:20:48.653 Where is it? 03:20:49.653 --> 03:20:50.234 Kirsch? 03:20:50.454 --> 03:20:56.798 No, it would be... Where is it? 03:20:56.858 --> 03:20:57.819 Where did I save it? 03:20:57.879 --> 03:20:59.240 Come on, come on, come on. 03:21:07.014 --> 03:21:13.482 Because there's a video of Kevin McKernan and Naomi Wolf. 03:21:17.709 --> 03:21:23.150 and this guy who coordinated the selection of the authors for the paper. 03:21:23.170 --> 03:21:39.114 And the reason why I know this guy coordinated it is because in my live interview with Thomas Binder, Thomas Binder confirmed, because I asked him which one of those authors was responsible for assembling the list, and he said the Malhotra guy was. 03:21:41.974 --> 03:21:44.675 Come on, where is Naomi and 03:21:47.532 --> 03:21:51.755 and McKernan and Mahaltra. 03:21:51.795 --> 03:21:52.916 Where did I save that? 03:21:52.976 --> 03:21:54.957 I guess I'm gonna have to just go look for it again. 03:21:55.958 --> 03:22:00.681 Maybe I can look in the downloads, show all downloads. 03:22:05.364 --> 03:22:08.766 Oh yeah, that's right, I did it with that other program, so it's in a separate folder. 03:22:08.786 --> 03:22:11.508 Okay, hold on, I almost got it, here we go. 03:22:11.588 --> 03:22:14.410 That would be here, that would be here, that would be here. 03:22:14.470 --> 03:22:15.811 Yes, here I got it, sweet. 03:22:16.596 --> 03:22:18.080 You're not gonna believe this video. 03:22:18.280 --> 03:22:21.047 It's only a short one, but it is a video. 03:22:21.669 --> 03:22:22.010 Here we go. 03:22:22.915 --> 03:22:31.301 The author's stated goal was to create a test that could detect a virus when the virus wasn't present. 03:22:32.161 --> 03:22:35.984 What I'm suggesting is that this guy right here is definitely an op. 03:22:36.664 --> 03:22:38.766 And he has been an op from the very beginning. 03:22:38.826 --> 03:22:47.292 He was a manipulating weirdo on social media, probably a UK kind of 77th Brigade kind of person. 03:22:48.380 --> 03:22:58.147 And this guy, right here, is actually the dude who Thomas Binder told me on my show, coordinated the assembly of the PCR paper. 03:22:59.068 --> 03:23:16.301 The PCR paper that had Mike Yeadon, Thomas Binder, Claire Craig of the Heart Group, and this guy, and that guy, all complaining that the Corman-Jorston WHO PCR test was not fit for purpose. 03:23:17.970 --> 03:23:23.136 and that their proposals for changing the methodology would be more fit for purpose. 03:23:23.536 --> 03:23:36.211 And here we are in 2021 in the actual business of Kevin McKernan with Naomi Wolf of Bannon fame. 03:23:38.871 --> 03:23:49.414 talking to that person from the UK, I believe, that assembled this fake paper that was gonna be fake opposition to the PCR test. 03:23:49.794 --> 03:24:00.118 And here she is trying to understand their motivations and promoting them, actually in person with Kevin McKernan at his office. 03:24:00.218 --> 03:24:03.919 Look, that's his office. 03:24:03.979 --> 03:24:07.200 There's his symbol of medicinal genomics. 03:24:11.547 --> 03:24:12.068 Let's listen. 03:24:12.368 --> 03:24:17.954 In addition to that, he didn't have virus, coronavirus COVID-19 to work with. 03:24:18.174 --> 03:24:19.256 Ah, Bobby's in Germany. 03:24:19.316 --> 03:24:20.056 Thank you very much. 03:24:20.137 --> 03:24:23.100 Bobby's a German, even better, even better. 03:24:24.241 --> 03:24:27.324 Drawing the sequencing from a computer database. 03:24:27.645 --> 03:24:28.426 Is all of that correct? 03:24:29.503 --> 03:24:40.794 Yes, only I would say he had an intention to pick up the virus when it was present, but in his design he admitted that he couldn't do a very good job with imperfect information and it would pick up other Asian coronaviruses. 03:24:41.114 --> 03:24:41.615 Bobby! 03:24:42.115 --> 03:24:44.578 Bobby Malhotra, that's his name, that's right. 03:24:44.618 --> 03:24:46.800 I wonder if, no, he can't be related to the other. 03:24:46.880 --> 03:24:48.722 It would pick up other Asian coronaviruses. 03:24:49.062 --> 03:24:55.185 And when you say pick up, meaning the test would indicate returning positive if there were other coronaviruses. 03:24:55.245 --> 03:24:58.407 And for the lay person, I didn't know this either, everything is a coronavirus. 03:24:58.467 --> 03:25:00.107 I mean, things, I don't mean that. 03:25:00.207 --> 03:25:03.089 Many cold viruses are also called coronavirus. 03:25:03.149 --> 03:25:08.291 In fact, COVID-19, it sounded so exotic and scary when we first learned about a coronavirus. 03:25:08.311 --> 03:25:10.672 Look at his eyes flashing back and forth. 03:25:10.712 --> 03:25:12.533 Where are they flashing back and forth to? 03:25:12.573 --> 03:25:14.734 I'm gonna go back so that you can see what he's doing. 03:25:15.355 --> 03:25:17.656 This is not somebody who's very comfortable 03:25:18.416 --> 03:25:19.637 This is... look at his hands. 03:25:19.697 --> 03:25:20.998 Look how tight his hands are. 03:25:21.018 --> 03:25:23.560 And why does he keep glancing down? 03:25:24.581 --> 03:25:25.561 Watch carefully. 03:25:26.162 --> 03:25:26.702 Look at this. 03:25:27.143 --> 03:25:29.364 They got this guy on a MacBook over here. 03:25:30.966 --> 03:25:42.194 Yes, I would say he had an intention to pick up the virus when it was present, but in his design he admitted that he couldn't do a very good job with imperfect information and it would pick up other Asian coronaviruses. 03:25:42.434 --> 03:25:46.277 And that it would pick up... Other Asian coronaviruses. 03:25:46.838 --> 03:25:47.118 Stop! 03:25:49.405 --> 03:25:56.087 So now we're trying to get confused as to whether it's a background signal or not but we're not going to actually say it's a background signal or not. 03:25:56.427 --> 03:26:05.209 We're going to make a differentiation between Asian coronaviruses and other coronaviruses even though in virology coronaviruses are found by looking for a 328 base pair 03:26:07.390 --> 03:26:10.832 sequence that's conserved on all RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. 03:26:10.872 --> 03:26:15.294 That's how coronavirus biology was done until the pandemic started. 03:26:15.334 --> 03:26:29.100 But don't let me insert anything that might damage this lovely narrative about heroes from Germany and a pot company and Yale, a poetry major. 03:26:30.500 --> 03:26:31.161 Stop lying! 03:26:32.248 --> 03:26:38.214 So really, it's actually that the positive is not specific for SARS-CoV-2, but it's more general. 03:26:38.254 --> 03:26:40.076 So they're not even really debating anything. 03:26:55.043 --> 03:26:58.304 other than the specificity of the Corman-Joriston protocol. 03:26:58.624 --> 03:27:10.287 They're not even talking about false positives like they say in the paper with the primer-dimers and stuff, which is definitely mentioned in the paper, that they don't even seem to bother wanna tell Naomi Wolf as part of their narrative. 03:27:10.988 --> 03:27:14.348 It's just that it's not as specific as they said. 03:27:16.569 --> 03:27:19.630 Asking the wrong questions in spades is what they're doing. 03:27:21.002 --> 03:27:24.023 Naomi Wolf could be partially being misled right now. 03:27:24.063 --> 03:27:24.843 That's possible. 03:27:25.323 --> 03:27:32.244 But the idea that she doesn't know that she's participating in the curation of the narrative was laughable. 03:27:32.264 --> 03:27:33.164 Of course she knows. 03:27:34.324 --> 03:27:35.205 Of course she knows. 03:27:35.225 --> 03:27:37.545 I think it's a coronavirus. 03:27:37.925 --> 03:27:39.225 I don't mean that. 03:27:39.265 --> 03:27:42.166 Many cold viruses are also called coronavirus. 03:27:42.226 --> 03:27:48.187 In fact, COVID-19, it sounded so exotic and scary when we first learned about a coronavirus, but many, many 03:27:48.880 --> 03:27:51.202 Ordinary cold viruses are coronaviruses. 03:27:51.502 --> 03:27:52.143 Is that correct? 03:27:52.163 --> 03:27:52.563 It's correct. 03:27:52.583 --> 03:27:54.425 There's four that we watch very closely. 03:27:54.445 --> 03:28:00.791 HKU1 is the name of one, OC43, and NL63, and NL229. 03:28:01.972 --> 03:28:06.395 Those are the four ones that are commonly tracked, but there's in fact thousands of them. 03:28:07.857 --> 03:28:10.919 In fact, there are thousands of them, but we can only track four? 03:28:11.020 --> 03:28:13.081 Isn't that a really weird statement to make? 03:28:13.141 --> 03:28:14.683 Isn't that a really weird stance? 03:28:17.825 --> 03:28:26.531 paper, we can't guarantee that this will return a positive that doesn't also pick up other Asian cold viruses, is that correct? 03:28:26.551 --> 03:28:27.132 Yes, that's right. 03:28:27.232 --> 03:28:28.913 All right, pick up again, Bobby, please, from there. 03:28:29.733 --> 03:28:43.483 Yeah, so to pick it up from there, he sent his prototype PCR test to Hong Kong, to Roche Lab, and by luck, it gave a positive test result. 03:28:43.643 --> 03:28:46.205 And immediately, Christian Drosten's 03:28:46.678 --> 03:28:55.039 sent over his protocol to the WHO and also to US surveillance because he was very happy about it that it was positive. 03:28:55.520 --> 03:29:00.420 And yeah, it was all a little bit of a guessing game in this case. 03:29:00.440 --> 03:29:11.602 So basically there's no way to know if that first historic positive PCR test was some Asian person with a cold or someone with an early detected COVID-19 case. 03:29:11.642 --> 03:29:12.182 Is that correct? 03:29:13.303 --> 03:29:14.323 It is correct. 03:29:14.443 --> 03:29:15.363 I would say it is correct. 03:29:24.361 --> 03:29:26.850 It's not a casual step or gilding the lily. 03:29:27.091 --> 03:29:28.777 It's an absolutely essential. 03:29:31.101 --> 03:29:42.950 This video is produced under the pretense that the person who made the video thinks that these two guys are misleading her and the person who produced the video could be right or wrong. 03:29:42.971 --> 03:29:54.340 I'm not saying that they're right or wrong, but they are making the argument that what's happening here is that these two guys are lying to her about why the PCR test is flawed and essentially it doesn't really matter. 03:29:54.960 --> 03:30:02.345 Because we are arguing about the wrong thing if we're arguing about whether they're misleading or about the specificity or not the specificity. 03:30:02.745 --> 03:30:06.848 Because as long as we're arguing about that, we're not arguing about the existence of viruses. 03:30:07.228 --> 03:30:09.609 We're all accepting that there are thousands of viruses. 03:30:09.669 --> 03:30:15.173 And the question only is, how specific is the test for those thousands of viruses or not? 03:30:16.094 --> 03:30:16.454 You see? 03:30:18.215 --> 03:30:22.678 And so even though it seems like we're having a very vigorous debate where we're actually exposing something, 03:30:23.968 --> 03:30:25.389 We're just running in a hamster wheel. 03:30:26.950 --> 03:30:31.392 And what's most important is who is suggesting that we run in this hamster wheel. 03:30:31.812 --> 03:30:40.316 Who is participating in this malevolent barbershop quartet of liars that's agreeing that these are the right questions and these are the right answers. 03:30:40.657 --> 03:30:41.797 It is Naomi Wolf. 03:30:44.098 --> 03:30:44.419 It is 03:30:45.612 --> 03:30:48.735 Kevin McKernan, and it is this Bobby Malhotra. 03:30:48.815 --> 03:30:54.460 Bobby Malhotra promoted my review on my Scooby-Doo site immediately. 03:30:55.941 --> 03:30:56.762 Immediately. 03:30:57.843 --> 03:31:03.668 And then kind of dropped me when I started to backpedal on what I had said in the review, as everybody did. 03:31:04.268 --> 03:31:05.409 Everybody loved the review. 03:31:05.889 --> 03:31:12.175 Everybody hated it when I started to say that I might not have been right about everything in the review, including Bobby. 03:31:14.696 --> 03:31:21.491 Interestingly, it was after I published that review that Kevin McKernan finally got on my radar and needed to be on my show. 03:31:23.616 --> 03:31:25.039 Maybe to reinforce the review? 03:31:26.061 --> 03:31:29.542 make sure that I didn't read too far anymore. 03:31:29.762 --> 03:31:38.104 The final step sequencing to make sure that what looks like it could be COVID-19, but could also be a bunch of other Asian cold viruses. 03:31:38.184 --> 03:31:38.484 Okay. 03:31:38.504 --> 03:31:41.085 So I'm going to, I'm going to leave this one. 03:31:41.465 --> 03:31:46.427 Um, that last step of sequencing to make sure this is COVID-19 was not taken. 03:31:46.607 --> 03:31:47.647 I'm going to leave this one. 03:31:47.987 --> 03:31:52.368 Um, because I want to go back to the other video and I hope I can do that with just this little click here. 03:31:52.388 --> 03:31:54.669 Oops. 03:31:59.792 --> 03:32:04.756 because of the hazard that it carries with it, if there is a safe and effective treatment available. 03:32:05.036 --> 03:32:11.060 So if there are two things that the ivermectin treatment appears to be, it's safe and effective, right? 03:32:11.201 --> 03:32:13.322 Not only safe and effective, but a prophylactic, right? 03:32:13.602 --> 03:32:16.304 So it does a job that the vaccines do, right? 03:32:16.604 --> 03:32:20.607 So there is no basis to grant the emergency use authorization. 03:32:20.827 --> 03:32:22.449 And I would also point out, as long as we're here, 03:32:23.129 --> 03:32:29.791 that there is something so bizarre about the fact that the challenge to ivermectin is not that it is a terrible drug. 03:32:29.911 --> 03:32:32.651 It is that the evidence for it is not strong enough, right? 03:32:33.211 --> 03:32:38.953 There's only one explanation for why the 80s and the 90s were better than we are now, and it's social media. 03:32:39.493 --> 03:32:41.073 There's no other explanation. 03:32:41.093 --> 03:32:42.374 You don't need to look to TV. 03:32:42.814 --> 03:32:44.594 You don't need to look to video games. 03:32:44.634 --> 03:32:46.155 You don't even need to look to porn. 03:32:46.195 --> 03:32:49.596 What you need to look to is the phone and social media. 03:32:51.036 --> 03:32:51.316 That's it. 03:32:53.231 --> 03:32:58.375 If we got rid of the phones and social media, we could back this truck up really fast. 03:32:58.916 --> 03:33:10.345 The only reason why the illusion of consensus that these jackasses, that these jackasses are the ones we need to pay attention to is because of the illusion of consensus created on our phones. 03:33:13.087 --> 03:33:19.492 If there's anything I've learned from the pandemic, it is my ability to not react to the bullshit that's on here. 03:33:20.916 --> 03:33:24.319 is paramount to the success of GigaOM Biological. 03:33:25.420 --> 03:33:40.135 My ability to successfully navigate this bullshit has been central to the progress that we've made in the last few weeks because there are still people that are actively coordinating their lies to me. 03:33:42.512 --> 03:33:49.739 actively coordinating their lying to me, about me, behind my back, and to my friends. 03:33:50.280 --> 03:33:51.761 Actively, there are still people. 03:33:52.362 --> 03:33:56.165 And if you are one of them, know that I know who you are. 03:34:00.169 --> 03:34:00.730 Because I do. 03:34:03.449 --> 03:34:04.210 That's what they claim. 03:34:04.670 --> 03:34:05.651 I think this is bullshit. 03:34:05.771 --> 03:34:06.452 Of course it's bullshit. 03:34:06.532 --> 03:34:17.500 Even if it was true, the emergency use authorization effectively allows vaccines a very low standard that they have to meet because this is an emergency and we have to get them out immediately. 03:34:17.520 --> 03:34:19.382 Yeah, the bar was set a little bit low, Brad. 03:34:19.402 --> 03:34:20.062 Is that what you're saying? 03:34:20.082 --> 03:34:20.903 It was set very low. 03:34:20.923 --> 03:34:24.746 So they could leap over and become massively used and distributed throughout the world. 03:34:24.846 --> 03:34:25.046 Right. 03:34:25.146 --> 03:34:27.168 And they are a marvel, I must say, technologically speaking. 03:34:27.248 --> 03:34:31.771 But at the same time, you're setting the bar for them exceedingly low because this is an emergency. 03:34:32.111 --> 03:34:32.712 So wait, what? 03:34:34.434 --> 03:34:39.576 Did they just agree that the shots that are being released are a marvel? 03:34:42.597 --> 03:34:44.678 Because this is an emergency and we have to get them out immediately. 03:34:44.698 --> 03:34:46.698 Yeah, the bar was set a little bit low. 03:34:46.718 --> 03:34:48.019 Is that what you're saying? 03:34:48.039 --> 03:34:51.940 So they could leap over and become massively used and distributed throughout the world. 03:34:52.000 --> 03:34:52.220 Right. 03:34:52.340 --> 03:34:53.501 And they are a marvel, I must say. 03:34:54.101 --> 03:34:56.022 They are a marvel, I must say. 03:34:58.002 --> 03:34:59.783 They are a marvel, I must say. 03:35:03.979 --> 03:35:14.084 Ladies and gentlemen, this has been GigaOM Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 03:35:18.946 --> 03:35:21.707 And this has been Pierre and Brett in 2021. 03:35:22.928 --> 03:35:30.892 And we have been trying to work to build an understanding of the illusion that these traders created and are still curating today. 03:35:32.250 --> 03:35:46.282 with the hopes that they and their colleagues will be successful at running out the clock so that the alternative understanding that GigaOM Biological and a few other people are pushing will never become common knowledge. 03:35:48.263 --> 03:35:57.331 That what becomes common knowledge will be the accepting of the pandemic and its explanation being a gain-of-function virus that wasn't as bad as the next one could be. 03:35:59.301 --> 03:36:06.946 And I believe that all of these people that I'm naming on this screen and have named on other screens and in other rants are responsible for this. 03:36:07.826 --> 03:36:19.353 And that is why the strongest pattern that you will see in the behavior of these people is that they can't acknowledge that at least Jonathan Cooey gets these three things right. 03:36:20.211 --> 03:36:30.938 At least Jonathan Cooley is correct, and it is really the inevitable conclusion that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 03:36:31.719 --> 03:36:32.420 We don't know enough. 03:36:33.840 --> 03:36:38.183 They're never going to say that, just like they're never going to say that, well, he's probably right. 03:36:38.824 --> 03:36:45.589 We should have known better because transfection and transformation have been on the academic biology bench for 20 years. 03:36:49.520 --> 03:36:59.309 And everybody that's done a PhD in biology has done an oral examination where they were asked to explain the basic path from DNA to protein. 03:37:00.030 --> 03:37:10.039 And so they have to know that RNA can't be responsible for a pandemic if what we're told about how DNA and RNA lead to proteins is true. 03:37:14.281 --> 03:37:17.406 And of course, there are easier ways to say it that these people aren't going to say. 03:37:17.426 --> 03:37:25.918 They're never going to say that we don't need to fear wild RNA molecules, even ones that have special fear and cleavage sites or special HIV inserts. 03:37:31.598 --> 03:37:38.140 Ladies and gentlemen, stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 03:37:38.480 --> 03:37:45.462 And yeah, this has been Gigaohm Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 03:37:45.983 --> 03:37:47.383 The dam is starting to break. 03:37:48.463 --> 03:37:59.267 Pierre Kory, it seems to be Pierre Kory and his track record might be the straw that breaks the camel's back because Pierre Kory is 03:38:04.498 --> 03:38:07.479 is just the tip of the iceberg. 03:38:07.780 --> 03:38:10.982 And I think that we have identified almost all of them. 03:38:11.242 --> 03:38:12.863 And so they need new people, I guess. 03:38:12.883 --> 03:38:21.108 They're gonna need some new people to mess with me because all the others have failed. 03:38:22.690 --> 03:38:26.752 It's only five more days until I leave for South Dakota. 03:38:27.753 --> 03:38:30.655 Only five more days to send the van to my house. 03:38:32.472 --> 03:38:33.356 Only five more days. 03:38:41.775 --> 03:38:44.477 Okay, I promise I'm gonna go fix this list right now. 03:38:44.558 --> 03:38:47.000 After I go to the bathroom, I'm gonna update this list. 03:38:47.580 --> 03:38:49.262 I apologize if you're not on there yet. 03:38:49.302 --> 03:38:50.943 You'll definitely be on there tomorrow. 03:38:51.504 --> 03:38:52.825 I love you all very, very much. 03:38:52.985 --> 03:38:53.425 Thank you. 03:38:54.126 --> 03:38:56.688 Freedom is definitely measured in ohms, Pamela. 03:38:57.529 --> 03:39:03.414 And the high resistance on this stream has a lot to do with you guys. 03:39:03.474 --> 03:39:04.796 Thanks a lot for being here.