WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:28.320 . 00:28.320 --> 00:30.320 That's one, too. 00:46.720 --> 00:52.000 Sorry I'm late, ladies and gentlemen, we're getting right started. I'm gonna do just a very brief introduction 00:54.240 --> 00:56.240 and then we're gonna go 00:58.320 --> 01:00.320 I 01:29.080 --> 01:51.120 Yes, Mark is putting out some absolutely fantastic content lately. It's just reading 01:51.680 --> 01:59.480 It's just research really actually anyone, you know could have done if they just maybe paid a subscription to newspapers.com and 02:00.120 --> 02:03.400 Did the right searches? But 02:04.520 --> 02:06.520 Mark is in the batting cage 02:08.880 --> 02:13.160 Yeah, taking the covers off that's all I got to say mark is in the batting cage 02:13.800 --> 02:15.600 Yeah, I 02:17.600 --> 02:21.700 Don't know what to say if mark if Doc Malick is booting you off his sub stack 02:21.700 --> 02:26.520 It's exactly where you want to be. I think there's there's not much else to say there. I'm not gonna 02:27.080 --> 02:33.320 I'm not gonna do any of that bull in a china shop stuff anymore. I'm gonna let the biology speak for itself 02:33.320 --> 02:35.320 I think we we are really 02:35.320 --> 02:41.200 If this is you know, we're doing very very well 02:41.200 --> 02:43.560 We're about to drop some people on their faces 02:43.880 --> 02:50.440 And so it's not a question of if it's just a question of when and so I think if we just move cautiously and 02:51.360 --> 02:53.560 Keep our feet firmly underneath us 02:54.680 --> 03:00.700 Don't don't get off balance in any way. I think everything is gonna be just fine in the next couple months 03:00.700 --> 03:02.700 We're gonna make some serious 03:02.700 --> 03:07.400 Serious progress. Don't forget. I'm on the website of the red pill Expo at this stage 03:08.940 --> 03:13.460 listed on the same list of speakers as Mickey Willis and and 03:14.940 --> 03:15.980 and 03:15.980 --> 03:17.980 Andrew Kaufman 03:18.100 --> 03:20.100 think about the 03:20.180 --> 03:22.180 extreme irony of that 03:22.180 --> 03:24.180 the extreme I 03:25.060 --> 03:26.820 don't know 03:26.820 --> 03:32.300 craziness that in four years plus of trying to push this stuff out that 03:32.700 --> 03:40.900 Yeah, that's that's where we are. Anyway, 28 people watching. Thank you very much for being here. Let's get started 04:02.700 --> 04:29.780 The latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario 04:32.860 --> 04:34.860 I think that's a really 04:35.220 --> 04:42.140 Excellent idea Jeff. We've been I have been trying to come up with something that fits that for a while 04:42.500 --> 04:49.900 And I've got a couple things in the works as far as a PDF goes lots of people have taken a crack at that but 04:50.820 --> 04:58.660 the PDF from GIGO and biological and the past couple weeks three weeks four weeks of work that Mark and I have been doing 04:59.500 --> 05:07.300 And I don't mean it in any other way than to saying that I'm just really happy to be in this fight together with Mark and with Jessica 05:07.300 --> 05:10.720 and with Nick Hudson and with Jonathan Hengler and 05:11.540 --> 05:13.540 Wolfgang Wodach and 05:13.780 --> 05:15.780 Mike Eden 05:15.980 --> 05:20.780 The list of people that we that we consider part of our little team 05:21.460 --> 05:25.180 Has now really it's it's a very very 05:25.940 --> 05:30.620 Solid list of people who understand the argument we're making we're so busy lying 05:30.620 --> 05:37.940 We don't even recognize the truth no more than society. We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is 05:40.140 --> 05:44.460 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 05:45.740 --> 05:50.700 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie, you know, and I don't think I'm a liar 05:50.700 --> 05:54.980 I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important 05:55.180 --> 05:57.180 Not to be a liar 06:17.580 --> 06:19.980 I hope you mean you have to mute that part with 06:20.820 --> 06:22.820 With Tucker 06:23.060 --> 06:27.200 Because I love that dude one that that that thing really rings well with me 06:27.780 --> 06:34.940 Have the harkonans telling you and I think it's just really a sort of scientific discipline from what I understand 06:50.140 --> 06:54.580 It's Tucker's admission. It's not his whining. It's it is admission 06:55.540 --> 06:59.460 There's no clearer way to say that you're a liar by saying that you're a liar 07:01.860 --> 07:07.260 How much more succinctly could one say it than five times repeating that I'm a liar 07:07.260 --> 07:11.540 I don't want to be but I am it's perfect. It's absolutely perfect 07:12.380 --> 07:21.220 Hey, I got to push this button over here in order for this to work 07:31.980 --> 07:39.820 Okay, so we are gonna we are gonna try and truncate this a little bit because the idea again is to 07:41.540 --> 07:46.960 Well dispel this enchantment, and so I think repetitive repeating 07:48.100 --> 07:52.340 Repeating messages are actually very important for the people who come for the first time 07:52.340 --> 07:58.340 I know it's kind of annoying if I show up late and then I also have to run 07:59.300 --> 08:01.700 45 slides or or whatever this is 08:02.780 --> 08:05.100 But but these messages are important 08:06.060 --> 08:13.820 Because we've been consistently putting these messages out with these people's faces underlying them for almost 08:14.460 --> 08:16.460 four and a half four years now 08:17.580 --> 08:23.780 And to think that in all that time a message so succinct and so clear a 08:25.220 --> 08:28.580 message so patriotic and and and 08:29.380 --> 08:34.860 Focused on the truth could have been lost in the noise that they created 08:38.300 --> 08:42.100 Like lost in the noise that these people created 08:42.980 --> 08:43.820 and 08:43.820 --> 08:50.900 The noise is of course all to disguise this plan that's been in the works for a very long time to invert our sovereignty 08:51.620 --> 08:53.460 into experimental 08:53.460 --> 08:59.620 Animal status so that they can feed our biological data into the as yet 09:00.300 --> 09:02.300 non-existing AI that will 09:02.300 --> 09:06.220 that will solve all of humanity's problems and so the 09:06.900 --> 09:15.100 the show on on social media featuring a eyes latest greatest achievements in art and in 09:15.540 --> 09:18.620 in language and and cliff notes 09:19.580 --> 09:22.260 Is part of this illusion? 09:23.460 --> 09:30.020 And as hard as it is for a lot of people to accept it is one hundred percent in illusion 09:33.020 --> 09:38.500 And the illusion goes back a few decades because this illusion of 09:39.260 --> 09:41.260 understanding of high fidelity 09:42.060 --> 09:48.820 Understanding of the biology that underlies health and disease this mythology has been building 09:49.140 --> 09:56.140 For decades and unfortunately our parents were completely under its spell and more importantly 09:56.140 --> 09:58.140 they were under its spell because 09:58.660 --> 10:06.100 It wasn't it wasn't used against them in the same way that it has been used against us in the overt 10:07.820 --> 10:14.220 Malevolent way that it's been used against us in our lifetime in the form of the childhood vaccine schedule 10:14.220 --> 10:18.020 And in our lifetimes in the form of pandemics 10:19.820 --> 10:23.300 But once we gave power to the charlatans 10:23.500 --> 10:30.020 It's very difficult to get it back, especially if we inherited it this way and we did we have to admit 10:30.020 --> 10:33.540 I'm 52 years old. We inherited the world 10:34.100 --> 10:39.500 where these charlatans and their mythology was the prevailing narrative and 10:40.300 --> 10:43.540 There are people who have tried to fight against it 10:44.020 --> 10:51.260 There are people who have have touched part of this elephant and and paid the the the highest price 10:52.220 --> 10:58.980 And then there are people who claim to be patriots and who actually are part of the 10:59.580 --> 11:05.700 controlled demolition of America, and I don't think that's a message that you can repeat too often because 11:06.060 --> 11:09.580 You know, it's gonna take my kids of being aware of it 11:09.580 --> 11:15.340 It's gonna take more college kids than are aware of it right now in order to turn this cruise ship around 11:17.820 --> 11:23.740 We're gonna need some adults to be able to play the role of teacher and mentor 11:26.380 --> 11:33.780 And and and keep people away from social media keep people away from the nightly news and keep people away from the 11:34.420 --> 11:35.820 PBS news 11:35.820 --> 11:37.820 history of America and 11:37.980 --> 11:41.320 Point people back in the way of the truth 11:42.020 --> 11:46.900 What American history really is what the American economy really is what what? 11:47.500 --> 11:54.060 fractional reserve banking really is as far as as a possible weaponized source of control 11:55.460 --> 12:01.060 And why Jeffrey Epstein and stories of Jeffrey Epstein's Island might be used to obscure 12:01.420 --> 12:04.660 The power of weaponized piles of money 12:05.340 --> 12:10.700 Like the Vatican for example one of the oldest and probably largest weaponized piles of money 12:11.980 --> 12:14.660 Let's stay focused on the biology for now though 12:15.620 --> 12:20.100 And let's not take their bait on social media that includes crazy sub stacks 12:21.220 --> 12:23.220 And let's love our neighbors 12:25.300 --> 12:32.260 And let's share this stream if you don't mind and if you've got the means and you're sitting at home with more money 12:32.340 --> 12:34.340 Then you know what to do with 12:34.340 --> 12:37.980 Feel free, you know, if you've already subscribed to Twitter 12:38.300 --> 12:42.820 If you've already you're paying for people's sub stack within by all means, please 12:43.780 --> 12:51.060 Go to gig ome biological and see if you can also support this work because I think it's one of the few places where you can get 12:51.740 --> 12:58.860 An objective look at the fifth generation warfare that's being waged upon us and our children 12:59.860 --> 13:08.540 One place where people are gonna call it like it is fifth generation warfare is the coordinated lying 13:09.300 --> 13:11.140 to the populace 13:11.140 --> 13:16.140 Let's say that again. The fifth generation warfare that you need to be afraid of is 13:18.100 --> 13:24.260 Coordinated lying and that's what we have here. We have people that have coordinatedly lied to you 13:24.980 --> 13:28.340 And even faked rivalries between one another 13:29.060 --> 13:33.540 And the reason why is because you know this picture would be better 13:35.060 --> 13:41.020 This picture would actually be better testing one to this picture would actually be better if we did this 13:42.100 --> 13:47.300 This is really what we're dealing with right now, and if we don't do this 13:48.620 --> 13:51.820 We're never gonna break free. That's what I know for sure 13:54.540 --> 13:59.100 Well, you can see that I did not wash my face this morning with a cold 13:59.660 --> 14:05.080 Rag of water. I look a little shiny. Sorry about that. This this ten o'clock show 14:06.500 --> 14:09.020 Ten o'clock show is gonna take a little adjustment 14:09.700 --> 14:15.740 I'm gonna keep doing it though because it's really invigorating to have the whole afternoon to prepare for the next day to look 14:15.740 --> 14:17.740 Into things to follow up 14:17.740 --> 14:20.820 And I think this this work that we've been doing 14:21.660 --> 14:24.340 with regard to the 14:26.180 --> 14:34.380 With regard to prions and and virology and the Baltimore class of education scheme and the infectious cycle 14:34.940 --> 14:39.140 Is really paying off. I'm so excited. I'm just so excited 14:50.820 --> 14:52.820 You 15:04.500 --> 15:12.260 Now it might go to the wrong slide because I didn't change that I bet because I wasn't gonna planning to do that whole beginning 15:13.340 --> 15:15.340 Oh, no, we're good 15:15.580 --> 15:20.540 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga on biological high-resistance low noise information brief brought to you by biologists 15:20.540 --> 15:22.540 It is the first of May 15:22.780 --> 15:28.080 2024 in May of 2020. I was already suggesting that a background signal might be 15:28.540 --> 15:36.140 Misconstrued as spread and that previous immunity to previous RNA viruses was likely sufficient in that we shouldn't listen to these people 15:36.940 --> 15:38.940 And it's now 15:40.060 --> 15:45.580 21 22 23 24 it's technically four years later 15:46.940 --> 15:48.940 And although the sophisticated 15:49.940 --> 15:54.740 Biological understanding of the of the most parsimonious explanation 15:55.740 --> 16:02.340 For what has happened over the last five years almost is is in front of us now. It's five years 16:04.860 --> 16:07.660 Five years of coordinated lying 16:08.620 --> 16:11.340 has brought us to where we are today and 16:12.860 --> 16:18.700 I think it is still relevant to always start the show within traumascular injection of any combination of substances with the 16:18.940 --> 16:20.940 Antibogmenting the immune system is dumb 16:21.500 --> 16:27.340 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and thousands of biological faculty members in the United States 16:27.820 --> 16:31.020 And around the world should have done known better should have spoken up 16:31.660 --> 16:33.660 Should have waved their arms 16:33.660 --> 16:40.860 Unfortunately, there were only a few of us who did and RNA cannot pandemic is something that anyone with a PhD in biology 16:41.420 --> 16:45.740 Should be able to rub their little beard for a little while and think wow, that's a pretty clever way of 16:46.620 --> 16:49.260 Challenging my notions of what I understand 16:51.260 --> 16:56.220 And then maybe they should use PubMed and start looking into it and pull their head out 16:56.940 --> 16:57.740 It's 16:57.740 --> 16:59.740 2024 17:00.140 --> 17:06.620 Stop hiding within your own little field in your own little question your own little subunit 17:07.980 --> 17:13.980 And start asking big questions about biology because we are being enslaved by this mythology 17:14.460 --> 17:16.460 And we need your help 17:19.500 --> 17:26.780 So the hypothesis that we have if you're still with us is that the who declared a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus 17:26.780 --> 17:29.740 But there was none. In fact, it was a hot background 17:30.540 --> 17:36.220 In fact, it was nonspecific PCR tests. In fact, it was probably nonspecific lateral flow tests 17:36.620 --> 17:39.980 it was probably nonspecific PCR primers that were 17:40.780 --> 17:45.900 Were hand-waved into a signal that was already there 17:47.740 --> 17:52.700 But it's a crime. We've called the police. We don't have to explain the motives of the criminal 17:52.700 --> 17:55.820 We don't have to explain the plan and unfortunately 17:56.300 --> 18:00.540 That's what we've been tricked into doing for the last four years and responding to these 18:01.100 --> 18:03.100 so-called dissidents 18:03.980 --> 18:08.940 What's exactly happened then mr. Cooley? Well, you know, I don't know these people are lying about it 18:08.940 --> 18:11.500 And I think you might be coordinated lying with them 18:12.860 --> 18:14.860 That's where we are 18:15.740 --> 18:22.620 To think that governments and non-governmental organizations like the who are interested in taking over the world 18:23.500 --> 18:27.740 And yet somehow or another they wouldn't have people on both sides playing for them 18:28.700 --> 18:35.260 Like they wouldn't have enough money to plant a few people inside of I don't know some organization here or an organization there 18:35.900 --> 18:37.900 Maybe 18:38.380 --> 18:42.300 Actually inspire a few dissident movements or support a few substacks 18:43.420 --> 18:47.980 In order to make sure that their control over where this narrative went 18:48.940 --> 18:50.700 Was pretty dominant 18:50.700 --> 18:56.860 You don't think that in addition to censoring a few people on twitter and facebook that they would have actually not 18:57.100 --> 19:04.140 Propped up a few people right away from the beginning to make sure that they had people on their team in both places or all places 19:05.660 --> 19:13.180 Can we really still be that naive at this point to believe that it's just governments and it's just fauci versus rann paul 19:13.260 --> 19:18.620 It's just hekel health alliance and usad versus the people who want to tell the truth 19:18.700 --> 19:23.660 Really? Do you really believe it's just corporations trying to take advantage of a money hose 19:25.660 --> 19:31.340 It has nothing to do with the weaponized piles of money that have existed for four or five hundred years on earth 19:35.740 --> 19:40.620 Come on ladies and gentlemen, can we wake up and apologize to our children for being so naive? 19:51.180 --> 19:53.180 I don't know. I think 19:53.180 --> 19:59.020 I think this is probably going to be the wrong slide. So i'm just going to escape out of here right now assuming that it is 20:00.300 --> 20:04.700 Um, and we're just going to start this thingy mobov that i've got planned 20:06.220 --> 20:09.660 Uh, I found another video of 20:11.900 --> 20:13.900 Of 20:14.060 --> 20:16.060 James Giordano 20:17.020 --> 20:19.900 And I had put it in my list 20:20.700 --> 20:23.100 Of possible study halls a long time ago 20:23.100 --> 20:26.780 I don't know when because I I edit the same document all the time as this list 20:27.660 --> 20:33.820 Um, and what's interesting is is that since I had put it in the list and it has to be since I put it in the list 20:34.700 --> 20:36.700 Um, it has become unlisted 20:37.420 --> 20:43.500 Which is interesting. So I don't know how long we've been hammering home the idea that James Giordano 20:44.140 --> 20:45.740 um 20:45.740 --> 20:52.620 Is an interesting figure because he's a forward facing public outspoken person on the internet about these 20:53.580 --> 20:55.740 Mythologies and these worst case scenarios, right? 20:55.740 --> 20:57.740 I 21:00.700 --> 21:04.140 Coffee's almost gone and it's actually still warm. So hold on one second 21:08.940 --> 21:16.220 Anything that can ruin the hour that follows it. It's cold cup of coffee. Um, so what I find interesting about it is again 21:16.300 --> 21:19.340 Was that this this si PRI? 21:20.460 --> 21:25.100 Video has been made unlisted since I found it, which is kind of interesting 21:25.180 --> 21:28.300 Um, and of course James Giordano is the guy that you know 21:28.300 --> 21:32.700 He says you just see the few cases here and there with something that makes people complain 21:33.260 --> 21:37.100 And then the rest of it you just use the internet and let all the wild 21:37.580 --> 21:42.700 Speculation about what's going on and let non specific tests do the rest of the work 21:43.420 --> 21:48.140 Let asymptomatic transmission and the rumor of it do the rest of the work 21:48.140 --> 21:54.540 That's basically the story that he told in 2017 and that everybody really wants to ignore 21:55.900 --> 21:57.900 And the only people that are 21:58.460 --> 22:03.740 Not really ignoring it are trying to twist it around and say see James Giordano admits it 22:03.740 --> 22:05.740 It's the DoD that did it 22:07.740 --> 22:14.060 One of the problems and I'll just say it very quickly one of the problems with saying the DoD did it is that the DoD doesn't do things 22:14.060 --> 22:16.060 They're not told to do 22:17.100 --> 22:22.940 The chain of command doesn't end at the DoD and no matter what anybody wants to tell you the chain of command goes far 22:22.940 --> 22:25.260 That the buck doesn't stop there so to speak 22:27.340 --> 22:33.260 And so don't be drawn in to think that the DoD solves the question or you pulled the mask off now 22:33.820 --> 22:37.580 When ditra is still there when the state department is still there when the 22:38.380 --> 22:44.460 entire department of health and human services is there to declare the emergency in the first place and the entire administrative 22:44.940 --> 22:50.060 Body of the president and everybody below including the director of national intelligence is all there 22:51.020 --> 22:54.620 Why in the world would you stop at see it's the DoD? 23:01.180 --> 23:05.260 I see that's what I had going over there. That's why that was down. Sorry about that 23:05.820 --> 23:11.020 So we're going to watch this video because I think we're probably going to find some interesting things in it and more importantly 23:11.580 --> 23:14.060 Because I think it's a nice 23:15.020 --> 23:16.380 break 23:16.380 --> 23:19.900 From the studying that we've been doing and I've been doing in the background 23:19.900 --> 23:21.260 I've actually 23:21.260 --> 23:24.140 Accomplished a lot more than what we've shown in the past 23:24.780 --> 23:28.380 Few days or weeks with regard to prions and protein folding 23:28.940 --> 23:31.020 amyloidosis and 23:31.020 --> 23:33.020 Priana genesis 23:33.340 --> 23:35.340 I've been working 23:35.340 --> 23:37.100 um, and so 23:37.100 --> 23:43.180 If there's anybody out there who's waiting for me to drop the ball on these subjects or to make a mistake that 23:43.820 --> 23:48.460 Do you think that you're going to be able to distort into CJ's gone full? 23:49.900 --> 23:51.740 Full crazy town 23:51.740 --> 23:56.860 You're going to be sorely disappointed by the end of the month of May the 23:57.980 --> 23:59.980 the illusion 24:01.100 --> 24:03.100 and the mysteries 24:03.100 --> 24:05.100 and the 24:05.100 --> 24:12.540 Sort of edge of our understanding with regard to prions and protein folding and and virology and RNA fidelity 24:13.180 --> 24:14.300 And all of this stuff 24:14.300 --> 24:18.540 I think we're going to be very close to having a pretty succinct answer to these questions 24:19.020 --> 24:21.020 In the context of what we know and don't know 24:21.500 --> 24:29.020 What people have said and not said and what is plausible in the context of other biology because that's the main issue here 24:30.060 --> 24:31.500 Is that people 24:31.500 --> 24:32.380 I don't know 24:32.380 --> 24:38.140 This is one of these rants where it just comes out of nowhere, but a lot of these people I've convinced you are convinced us 24:38.620 --> 24:42.300 To focus on other things other than the details of this biology 24:42.300 --> 24:48.940 And I'm afraid that we are right and we have been right all along when we say that the way out is biology 24:49.420 --> 24:53.340 All we have to do is just do the work that's necessary 24:53.900 --> 24:57.340 To really find out what are these people know and what don't they know 24:58.220 --> 25:02.220 We can look at their papers. We can look at what they've published. We can look at what they've said 25:03.020 --> 25:07.740 We can make little cartoons that correspond to what they've said and what they've found 25:09.100 --> 25:15.260 And if those cartoons don't tell a story that ends with you only need one pre-on 25:17.020 --> 25:24.540 If those stories that they tell don't end in see us you can design a protein to be an amyloidogenic protein 25:26.780 --> 25:28.780 If that's not true 25:30.620 --> 25:35.100 Then you will have to come to the conclusion that the people that have been pushing these stories 25:35.660 --> 25:37.420 four years 25:37.500 --> 25:40.940 in the context of covid and decades before that 25:41.820 --> 25:43.420 are medlers 25:43.420 --> 25:48.860 They are people who are involved in something else other than america 25:49.900 --> 25:51.900 and 25:51.900 --> 25:53.900 peaceful existence 25:55.180 --> 25:57.180 Because that's what all of us are involved in 25:57.740 --> 25:59.740 I'm just a very normal guy 26:00.220 --> 26:07.340 Who if possible would love to have a kind of normal job with colleagues that I wanted to high five every day 26:07.420 --> 26:09.420 I 26:10.460 --> 26:12.460 Work that I was proud of 26:14.700 --> 26:17.820 And be able to coach basketball and and and watch 26:20.140 --> 26:24.300 A show or go to a basketball game or or or 26:25.340 --> 26:28.540 Go to my daughters pianos recital but 26:29.260 --> 26:30.220 not 26:30.220 --> 26:34.940 Concerned about people dying on other planet on other continents 26:35.420 --> 26:37.420 not concerned about 26:37.420 --> 26:42.940 Stealing of thousands of or or hundreds of of billions of dollars 26:43.740 --> 26:47.020 Not worried about whether a war was real or not 26:49.340 --> 26:53.100 Not worried about whether immigration was going to destroy the futino 26:56.060 --> 27:00.380 That's me and and and yet somehow or another we are here now 27:01.340 --> 27:06.700 Where all of us are are asking these crazy questions and thinking about these crazy ideas 27:07.100 --> 27:10.780 instead of worrying about basketball practice and piano recitals 27:11.820 --> 27:13.820 and the local school board meeting 27:14.780 --> 27:16.780 And that's by design 27:17.980 --> 27:25.020 And the human mind as a battlefield is a wonderful title that accentuates what's really happening here 27:25.980 --> 27:32.540 And all we have to do is pull back and realize that this we put our heads inside of a box 27:32.540 --> 27:34.540 That's filled with this cacophony 27:35.260 --> 27:40.140 this cacophony about Ukraine and Israel and and and 27:40.620 --> 27:42.620 covid and mandates and 27:43.580 --> 27:45.580 free speech and censorship and 27:46.860 --> 27:53.980 Transhumanism and and transgender rights and all you got to do is pull your head out of that box and it'll all stop 27:55.900 --> 27:57.900 And 27:57.900 --> 28:01.580 None of those are questions that you need answers to you already have the answers 28:04.060 --> 28:06.620 Those aren't the most important questions for our day 28:09.340 --> 28:14.060 The most important questions for our day is how do we if not 28:16.140 --> 28:18.540 Make the lives of the people around us better 28:19.340 --> 28:22.300 How do we understand how 28:22.860 --> 28:29.100 To pull other people's heads out of that box and I think the way to pull other people's heads out of that box is to show them 28:29.580 --> 28:33.500 That this box has been in construction for a very very long time 28:33.900 --> 28:38.060 And remember what we did yesterday. I'm glad this flowed into my head this way 28:38.380 --> 28:44.220 Remember what we did yesterday do not forget that the title is a little deceptive when it says ransand yellow and virology 28:44.620 --> 28:46.620 It was also the spars document 28:49.020 --> 28:54.860 And the spars document is that as I characterized it yesterday this public facing brochure 28:55.500 --> 28:58.540 Of a program that has a classified part 28:59.580 --> 29:03.500 That has a closed doors part that has a lanyards only part 29:05.260 --> 29:16.860 And that part includes the population control part the reduced birth rate part the increased collection of data part the screening of babies part all of that shit 29:19.260 --> 29:20.780 And 29:20.780 --> 29:25.900 The need for maximum compliance the need for uniformed messaging 29:25.900 --> 29:31.020 The need to lie to the public in order to assure that we get to these endpoints 29:32.780 --> 29:39.980 And as the spars document lays out, it's not a plan that was a couple months where oh my gosh 29:40.060 --> 29:42.700 There's a novel virus. We've got it back to truck up 29:42.700 --> 29:44.700 And 29:44.700 --> 29:50.140 Then a few months later the alarm goes off and somebody declares all clear like Brett Weinstein zero 29:50.700 --> 29:53.020 COVID has been reached and shoots a flare 29:54.460 --> 29:58.620 The spars document outlined a decade long story 30:01.020 --> 30:06.220 And if you think of the spars document as a public facing brochure of an actual secret plan 30:06.620 --> 30:10.060 Then that secret plan would also be a decade long plan 30:10.540 --> 30:12.540 And 30:12.540 --> 30:19.100 You can think of James Giordano as a public facing salesperson for what surely has 30:19.740 --> 30:25.820 Also a secret component a lanyard only component a for your eyes only component 30:26.940 --> 30:31.420 Otherwise, how in the hell could it be that this guy is all over the internet and it's no problem for them 30:32.860 --> 30:39.980 The same reason why the spars document has been around for a few years and it's no problem for them because it's a public facing brochure 30:40.620 --> 30:42.620 for a secret plan a 30:43.260 --> 30:45.420 Back room plan 30:46.140 --> 30:50.540 Just like you know at every corporation there are discussions in the boardroom that are pretty brutal 30:51.740 --> 30:55.180 And that don't take into account the well-being of every worker or every 30:55.660 --> 30:58.060 Contractor or whatever because it's all about profit 30:58.300 --> 31:03.180 You know dang well that we are governed in that way, you know dang well that banks think that way 31:03.580 --> 31:06.780 You know dang well that private equity funds think that way 31:07.340 --> 31:13.900 They all think of us as consumers the word consumers means sheep 31:22.700 --> 31:28.380 Let's listen to this and see if we can cheer ourselves up with it because I do think that James Giordano is a wonderful speaker 31:28.700 --> 31:32.700 super energetic and he gets me really excited about the level of 31:33.500 --> 31:34.540 malevolent 31:34.540 --> 31:36.540 Bamboozlement that has been 31:37.660 --> 31:40.300 That has been unleashed upon us over these many many years 31:40.620 --> 31:45.020 And I still don't know why I left and I still don't have my damn water bottle 31:46.060 --> 31:48.460 I'm gonna have to send out a smoke signal for that 31:49.660 --> 31:54.460 I'm gonna just gonna hit play and I might speed it up. It's an hour long and it's 11 31:55.900 --> 32:00.220 And fearless not doing a class today. So technically we can just watch it. It's gonna be a long one 32:00.940 --> 32:02.940 Um, here we go 32:02.940 --> 32:04.940 I 32:04.940 --> 32:06.940 I 32:28.940 --> 32:34.860 See this thing in the chat. I just wanted to comment on it m tam fisher says universities now are private trust funds 32:35.020 --> 32:37.500 Not education centers. I want you to think about that 32:37.900 --> 32:39.900 How did those trust funds come to exist? 32:40.380 --> 32:44.380 They want you to believe it's just because they've got a lot of really rich people that 32:44.620 --> 32:48.460 Graduated from there and then decided to donate some of their money to the university 32:52.140 --> 32:57.740 Of course all of these weaponized piles of money that you are correct that these universities are 32:58.220 --> 33:00.700 Were created because the us government 33:01.660 --> 33:04.380 Subsidize them with Pell grants 33:04.940 --> 33:08.220 Subsidize them with student loans a lot of these people 33:08.700 --> 33:14.940 Like my dumb self went to a private university and got half of the tuition paid by a Pell grant 33:15.180 --> 33:17.260 And so it seemed like wow that's interesting 33:17.260 --> 33:22.300 It's basically the same amount of money as the university of wisconsin-madison. I might as well go there 33:25.020 --> 33:27.740 And now we're supposed to blame all of those kids 33:28.700 --> 33:32.300 Which I admit I'm dumb. I went there and signed a piece of paper 33:32.540 --> 33:36.780 But I also had another kid on the other side of the table that was only 24 years old 33:36.780 --> 33:41.980 That was a financial aid advisor that was telling me to sign that piece of paper because everybody's doing it 33:41.980 --> 33:49.180 And every person that signed that piece of paper was another person that was bringing in about 45 thousand dollars in that time 33:49.980 --> 33:53.340 To that university in the form of grants and loans 33:53.980 --> 33:56.140 all subsidized by the us government 33:56.780 --> 34:02.380 And now we're supposed to blame those kids for wanting a college education that they were brainwashed into believing 34:02.380 --> 34:05.740 Was their only way to climb the ladder since they were a child? 34:06.380 --> 34:09.500 Because their parents were brainwashed into giving them that information 34:10.540 --> 34:14.060 And now that system wants you to blame those kids for their student loans 34:14.060 --> 34:16.940 Even though they were told that was the only way to go forward 34:17.580 --> 34:24.540 And there were all these programs government programs to make it really easy for kids that didn't have a plan to go to that college anyway 34:25.500 --> 34:33.740 Where they're paying their deans hundreds of thousands of dollars a year where they're paying their their football coaches millions of dollars a year 34:33.740 --> 34:39.740 Their basketball coaches millions of dollars a year. But oh these giant piles of weaponized money 34:39.740 --> 34:42.860 They're all good. They're great. They're just from big donors 34:45.020 --> 34:47.420 This is the illusion that they've got us in 34:47.980 --> 34:52.940 The limited spectrum of debate. Oh, you can bitch about student loans and whether they're fair or not 34:53.500 --> 34:56.700 Or whether it's fair to pay them off for people or not 34:57.020 --> 35:04.540 And just forget about the fact that what they really did what those really represent is a giant subsidy over the past 25 or 30 years 35:04.940 --> 35:06.940 for the universities 35:08.540 --> 35:12.780 Because the the result wasn't a bunch of rich middle-class americans, right? 35:14.300 --> 35:17.980 The investment in the universities resulted in powerful universities 35:19.340 --> 35:21.500 That are now on board with this shit 35:23.340 --> 35:25.340 So 35:25.340 --> 35:28.540 Please see that student loan debate for what it is 35:29.500 --> 35:34.540 It's just a limited spectrum of debate. That's like a shouting match between two things that don't matter 35:35.740 --> 35:37.740 What we should have been saying is that wow 35:38.140 --> 35:40.780 They we let my our parents let 35:41.340 --> 35:46.540 The government and universities sucker us into this thing and sign on the dotted line 35:46.940 --> 35:51.340 When in reality it was just a race to see how many kids can we get to sign this 35:51.820 --> 35:55.100 Because the government's going to give them money and we are going to get it all 35:55.580 --> 35:58.620 So how many people can we get to sign these papers? I don't know. Let's see 35:59.100 --> 36:02.380 We've got 25 years to see how many people we can get to sign that 36:05.980 --> 36:08.940 And it's not very much different here with the biosecurity state 36:08.940 --> 36:11.900 How many years have been they working to get people to sign on to this? 36:12.220 --> 36:19.180 How many how many years have been they working to get people on board that they knew weren't going to rock the boat that accepted everything about this 36:19.180 --> 36:20.780 That we're all about it 36:20.780 --> 36:23.980 Has a way of governing people as a system of being a part of it 36:27.180 --> 36:30.540 And now you see why the university system doesn't like a guy like me 36:31.260 --> 36:34.620 Through me out never gave me tenure. I never stood a chance 36:38.300 --> 36:41.260 It's a great point. Thank you for bringing it up. Sorry. I went nuts 36:42.940 --> 36:46.860 Guaranteed funding means schools can cost as much as they want. Absolutely 36:47.180 --> 36:51.260 How else do you think columbia gets away with charging $62,000 a year? 36:53.260 --> 36:57.820 Absolutely, that's the way and I got sucked into it too. I'm not happy about it 36:57.820 --> 37:01.900 I'm not complaining about it. I'm just saying I know from firsthand experience 37:01.900 --> 37:07.420 How easy it is to go into a financial aid office at 18 years old in a city that's 37:07.900 --> 37:14.060 Five hours away from where you grew up and sign a piece of paper that says yeah, I'll pay back that in four years 37:17.340 --> 37:19.340 It's extremely easy 37:20.460 --> 37:22.300 Because they were 37:22.300 --> 37:25.340 They were doing it. That was their business model. The more the better 37:25.420 --> 37:30.220 That's why they could send these representatives to your high school with a fancy slide show 37:31.900 --> 37:36.860 They only had to get one or two students at every school they went to in order for that to be worth it 37:37.340 --> 37:39.340 It's an entire 37:39.340 --> 37:41.820 Four years of tuition. Don't you see it? 37:42.220 --> 37:44.220 I 37:45.740 --> 37:50.060 Imagine if you had a product that the government was willing to fund people 37:50.620 --> 37:54.060 Loans and grants in order to in order to buy it 37:54.860 --> 37:57.740 And all you got to do is sell it imagine that 38:00.140 --> 38:04.220 Then imagine that kids have been told this is going to be the greatest four years of your life 38:04.220 --> 38:07.340 Where you get to cheer for football teams and drink beer for four years 38:07.740 --> 38:10.220 Imagine that combination of things 38:10.940 --> 38:13.180 And then and then blaming the kids for it 38:17.100 --> 38:19.420 That's how messed up they have us in our heads 38:19.820 --> 38:26.300 And now imagine how easy it would be to get us to believe that there was a virus when there probably was already just a background that they're lying about 38:29.740 --> 38:33.180 It's just incredible. I mean if they lie together if they work together 38:33.580 --> 38:37.500 They could convince us of almost anything. That's where we really need to understand 38:37.980 --> 38:40.460 We start that's the baseline here 38:42.140 --> 38:46.620 If your parents work together to lie to you as a kid you're done that you're going to believe that 38:49.740 --> 38:54.940 If your teachers work together to lie to you whatever they lie to you about at school, it's going to be tough to break 38:57.740 --> 39:01.420 And if the people on tv and social media coordinated the lie to you 39:02.300 --> 39:06.140 Because of a national security priority that everyone accept the fact that a 39:06.620 --> 39:08.860 Pandemic occurred hey global 39:09.980 --> 39:15.900 National security priority that everyone accepted a pandemic occurred and that it was okay not only that but it was 39:16.460 --> 39:22.700 A plan to lie to you about it in a very coordinated fashion with a limited spectrum of debate with bad guys and good guys 39:23.260 --> 39:25.260 Both working for the state 39:27.260 --> 39:30.620 Now you're starting to get an idea of what fifth generation warfare really is 39:31.660 --> 39:34.220 And why they tell you that you can never figure it out 39:37.100 --> 39:39.740 Well, I'm telling you you can figure it out 39:40.860 --> 39:45.500 I'm telling you you can figure it out by understanding that it is simply coordinated lying 39:46.220 --> 39:54.140 And people pretending to oppose one another pretending to have an argument pretending to take a stand pretending to be a whistleblower 39:57.180 --> 40:01.820 And it's a combination of all these pretenders that has brought us where we are to where we 40:02.620 --> 40:08.620 The vast majority of the population think that they solve the mystery along with everybody else that it looks like the us 40:09.180 --> 40:13.420 Actually funded the research that led to the eventual 40:15.820 --> 40:17.820 Seating of the pandemic 40:20.380 --> 40:22.380 All right, sorry 40:22.380 --> 40:24.380 Just the way it is 40:24.380 --> 40:26.380 I'm going to go here and 40:27.180 --> 40:35.500 A warm welcome to the technology day of the Stockholm security conference and the session on the human mind as a battlefield 40:36.380 --> 40:43.180 I'm sibilabel the director of studies for armament and disarmament here at sipri the Stockholm international peace research institute 40:43.660 --> 40:49.500 And for those of you who are joining for the first time we have four thematic days of this Stockholm security conference 40:49.820 --> 40:53.340 Yesterday we focused on international law tomorrow 40:53.420 --> 40:58.940 It will be strategies and doctrines and on Thursday. We will focus on the protection of civilians 40:59.500 --> 41:04.620 And we will be concluding the conference with a peace prize ceremony in iper belgian 41:05.180 --> 41:09.500 Which will connect the battlefields of the past with the battlefields of the future 41:10.620 --> 41:18.620 Today we have one more session which will be on current trends in missile technology and missile proliferation will be which will be just after this one 41:18.940 --> 41:24.940 But now onto the human mind and just like the quantum technology sessions earlier today 41:25.340 --> 41:28.940 We will now zoom in on one technology area and explore 41:29.180 --> 41:34.300 implications for current warfare and for future warfare and like quantum 41:34.620 --> 41:39.980 It's a very complex. It's a very fast moving area with many interconnections to different technologies 41:40.460 --> 41:45.500 And many of us in the arms control community have come across terms like brain hacking 41:45.660 --> 41:50.380 Neuraling human announcement super soldiers brain computer interfaces 41:50.940 --> 41:56.620 Some of it we've seen science fiction movies some of it we've heard about in the real world and we're all trying to make sense of it 41:57.260 --> 42:00.380 And trying to figure out what's hype what are we missing? 42:00.940 --> 42:02.780 um, what 42:02.780 --> 42:07.580 Of the applications that we think are science fiction are actually real and where is it the other way around? 42:08.140 --> 42:11.260 So we are very lucky to have with us today 42:11.740 --> 42:14.540 one of the world's leading experts on this issue 42:15.340 --> 42:21.980 And I should also say that unfortunately professor knoll had to cancel his participation this morning due to unforeseen 42:22.140 --> 42:24.140 And unforeseeable circumstances 42:24.620 --> 42:30.460 But we have with us professor judano who could actually fill all day and actually all week I believe on this topic 42:30.940 --> 42:37.340 So there will be um plenty to explore in the next hour or so. I'll just say if you weren't about his background 42:37.740 --> 42:43.340 So he is professor of neurology iochemistry and ethics at jolston university 42:43.820 --> 42:47.900 And also a bioethicist of the defense medical ethics center 42:48.620 --> 42:53.100 He's a fellow both at the us naval academy at the naval more college 42:53.660 --> 43:00.300 And science advisory fellow of the joint staff at the pentagon and direct of the institute for bio defense research 43:00.460 --> 43:02.940 And has written many books around this on this subject 43:03.420 --> 43:06.700 So i'm sure you'll agree with me that we are very lucky 43:07.340 --> 43:09.500 to have him with us at this session 43:10.300 --> 43:11.180 So 43:11.180 --> 43:18.620 Dr professor jodana will first give an introductory presentation about the state of play current potential future military applications 43:19.180 --> 43:22.620 And then there will be a chance for you to ask questions 43:23.580 --> 43:28.940 I would ask you for that to use the q&a function and not to use it for statements 43:29.020 --> 43:31.020 Please only put in questions 43:31.100 --> 43:35.420 And I will then draw on that pool of questions and put them to jimbo 43:35.980 --> 43:39.420 The q&a section, but would that now over to you jim? 43:40.140 --> 43:44.540 Thank you very much mr. spower and so again, thank you to each and all of you for having me here 43:44.620 --> 43:47.420 It's a privilege and an honor to present at this forum 43:47.500 --> 43:53.500 And I think the title of the forum is very important. I mean not just the brain or the mind as the 21st century 43:53.820 --> 43:54.780 Battlescape 43:54.780 --> 43:59.260 But also the implications of what current science and technology can do 43:59.900 --> 44:01.900 The way it may be used 44:01.900 --> 44:07.740 the way it most likely will be used and what that infers for stances of preparedness readiness 44:08.300 --> 44:13.500 And the sustainability for peace particularly given the the very influential role 44:14.220 --> 44:20.380 That the brain mind will play in a variety of subtle influences in the way we think feel and act 44:21.020 --> 44:23.260 and perhaps a larger question is 44:23.980 --> 44:29.260 What needs to be done in terms of multinational engagement guidance and oversight? 44:29.340 --> 44:37.260 So as to maintain an ethical course forward while being very realistic and appreciating the multinational nature of the enterprise 44:38.700 --> 44:43.900 If we consider neuroscience and technology to be evermore so he kind of fight entity 44:44.300 --> 44:49.260 Hello, I mean doesn't he just kind of say it already right there. Isn't he just saying that it's an international? 44:49.980 --> 44:51.420 enterprise 44:51.420 --> 44:53.420 So it's a global effort 44:53.820 --> 44:55.820 And the human mind is the battlefield 44:56.620 --> 44:59.500 It's a global effort to convince us of something 45:01.980 --> 45:07.580 And again, remember this is the public facing brochure of something that actually has a very 45:08.460 --> 45:13.420 Large classified component. I'm sure of it. Obviously. I mean, why could you argue that it doesn't? 45:14.300 --> 45:20.380 And this guy's job is to provide the public facing component and probably also the part of the 45:21.420 --> 45:22.780 the 45:22.780 --> 45:25.180 closed session component as well 45:25.660 --> 45:27.660 At least he's probably more aware of it than we are 45:28.780 --> 45:30.780 But to the extent to which 45:30.780 --> 45:36.060 What behind the scenes is super technology and scary nanobots 45:36.700 --> 45:42.780 and advanced AI versus a bunch of people who are coordinatively lying about those things 45:43.900 --> 45:48.780 Is really up for grabs and I would argue that we should always err on the side 45:49.340 --> 45:53.660 Of exaggeration and lies because as peter teals so eloquently said 45:54.060 --> 45:59.500 The specialization and a lot of these fields has made it very easy for people to lie and exaggerate 45:59.500 --> 46:05.100 And so that's where he starts with regard to thinking about these things from quantum physics all the way up to 46:05.660 --> 46:08.300 What I would call virology is also right in there 46:08.300 --> 46:10.300 And 46:10.300 --> 46:13.020 See how exciting this is now because we're able to really 46:13.820 --> 46:16.620 Work through this in a way that that keeps people 46:17.500 --> 46:18.940 objective 46:18.940 --> 46:24.780 And keeps people able to keep their eye on the ball which is reminding people over and over again remember 46:25.660 --> 46:27.980 Coordinated like not just one liar 46:28.620 --> 46:34.700 But a liar who is telling a lie which harmonizes with other lies 46:35.340 --> 46:37.340 It's 46:37.820 --> 46:39.820 It's a very very 46:40.300 --> 46:44.300 Magic spell that's why I call it an enchantment lies that harmonize 46:44.940 --> 46:50.380 With other lies are very convincing especially if mixed in there are a couple chords of truth 46:52.540 --> 46:54.540 And this guy is one of the masters 46:55.260 --> 46:57.260 And 46:57.260 --> 46:59.260 We refer to this as neuro 46:59.660 --> 47:03.740 S&T and the reason for that is quite simple in that there's a relative 47:04.620 --> 47:06.620 Inseparability between the science 47:07.180 --> 47:13.500 That is to say the understanding and and insights that we gain to the mechanisms of the nervous system in the brain 47:13.500 --> 47:18.300 And what that infers for the functions of brain most broadly construed to be mind 47:18.860 --> 47:22.940 But perhaps more metaphysically if not practically construed to be 47:23.500 --> 47:24.780 identity 47:24.780 --> 47:25.740 self 47:25.740 --> 47:26.860 decisions 47:26.860 --> 47:28.140 feelings 47:28.140 --> 47:33.100 And the expression of same in a variety of interactions from the personal to the political 47:34.220 --> 47:40.140 But over and above I would argue that that because we are a pattern integrity the sacred biology 47:41.020 --> 47:42.780 dictates 47:42.780 --> 47:44.780 That these things are not separable 47:45.500 --> 47:52.060 So it's interesting for example that around the world you can find lots of institutes that are called the so-and-so brain mind 47:52.220 --> 47:53.900 institute 47:53.900 --> 47:57.580 As if brain and mind is something that we can talk about as separate 47:58.060 --> 47:59.180 entities 47:59.180 --> 48:05.260 That one doesn't come from the other or isn't part of the other or isn't the same thing or whatever it is 48:05.740 --> 48:08.460 This is a part of that magic spell which is 48:09.020 --> 48:15.260 Designed to take a little peg away or drop the level of reverence that you have 48:15.980 --> 48:19.980 For what you are as a a sacred bee 48:20.620 --> 48:26.060 And that brain mind idea has been going around for a very long time and for a very long time 48:26.060 --> 48:29.260 I was under its spell and so that's why I feel a very 48:30.060 --> 48:32.700 Important need to pause it there because brain mind 48:33.340 --> 48:39.740 Anytime you hear someone say that is already a duopoly which suggests a kind of 48:41.020 --> 48:42.540 lack of 48:42.540 --> 48:47.660 sophistication that you can pull the brain away and study it like a clock without 48:48.140 --> 48:50.140 Really having to address 48:50.700 --> 48:51.500 the 48:51.500 --> 48:56.540 Question of mind or experience or consciousness or soul or spirituality 48:57.020 --> 49:01.500 And that is a that that in and of itself is an enchantment. So be very aware of that 49:02.780 --> 49:08.220 Above that is that this science has given the ability to assess the brain 49:09.500 --> 49:11.420 access the brain 49:11.420 --> 49:13.260 And affect the brain 49:13.260 --> 49:16.940 And the science those last two are completely wrong we can measure things 49:17.660 --> 49:19.420 but we can't 49:19.420 --> 49:23.740 Read it and we can't program it. So that's that's that's impressive 49:24.380 --> 49:26.380 Has been capableized by 49:26.940 --> 49:30.380 Capable eyes tool set. He said to capitalize 49:31.740 --> 49:33.740 By an increasing 49:34.300 --> 49:36.300 A toolkit set of technologies 49:36.780 --> 49:41.500 Those technologies have allowed us to advance certain theoretical constructs about the brain 49:42.140 --> 49:44.140 But have also taken us to the limit 49:44.620 --> 49:51.020 Of our capabilities to assess and affect the brain and therefore have prompted the development of new tools 49:52.300 --> 49:54.460 So what that affords us 49:54.460 --> 49:59.740 Is the actual capability to harness and engage neuroscience and its technologies 50:00.380 --> 50:05.260 in what has increasingly become known as integrative scientific convergence 50:06.140 --> 50:09.260 Relative desiling of the physical 50:09.820 --> 50:11.500 natural life 50:11.500 --> 50:17.900 I have heard a lot of people talking about bio-convergence and and sending me things that you got to talk about bio-convergence 50:18.540 --> 50:19.420 um 50:19.420 --> 50:24.300 The very short thing would be for me that bio-convergence is another one of these 50:25.340 --> 50:28.460 Enchantments that if you think about it and try to understand it 50:29.020 --> 50:32.460 you are you are accepting its relevance and 50:33.500 --> 50:40.220 What's what's bio-convergence mean unless you really allow them to put shit in your head or implant stuff under your skin? 50:40.300 --> 50:42.300 What is it then otherwise? 50:42.300 --> 50:44.060 Bio-convergence is not 50:44.060 --> 50:51.020 Carrying around a cell phone even though they would like you to believe that that's that's part of bio-convergence. This thing still remains a tool 50:51.900 --> 50:53.900 It's a very very small 50:54.380 --> 50:55.900 laptop 50:55.900 --> 50:59.740 That if you put the right apps on it can also be kind of annoying 51:00.380 --> 51:01.420 um 51:01.420 --> 51:05.660 But if you just think about what this is it's just a connected little iPad 51:06.300 --> 51:09.260 that you can put annoying things on or 51:09.820 --> 51:11.820 Mentally disabling things on 51:12.700 --> 51:13.900 Um 51:13.900 --> 51:15.900 This is not bio-convergence yet 51:16.460 --> 51:20.780 Um, even if you put earphones in your head, it's not really bio-convergence yet 51:21.500 --> 51:25.740 Um, what they want you to think is that that's uh, that's a normal 51:27.420 --> 51:30.540 Uh a continuous let's say a continuous progression 51:31.100 --> 51:37.740 They want you to believe that you're already on the progression so you might as well accept the future stages of that progression 51:38.540 --> 51:42.220 And that's the illusion the enchantment and the lie 51:42.860 --> 51:46.060 Bio-convergence doesn't happen unless we allow it to happen 51:46.460 --> 51:48.940 Bio-convergence isn't an inevitability 51:49.900 --> 51:53.900 Convergence hasn't already happened because people took back seats 51:56.380 --> 51:59.740 And bio-convergence isn't happening because we have cell phones 51:59.820 --> 52:06.460 Bio-convergence is an a concept that's supposed to give you the idea that you're already on some slippery slope 52:06.460 --> 52:09.580 So you might as well just lay back and slide. No 52:10.860 --> 52:12.620 be careful 52:12.620 --> 52:14.620 And social sciences 52:14.780 --> 52:20.700 In those ways that provide a more three-dimensional understanding of what the brain and its functions are 52:21.580 --> 52:24.780 And how the brain and its functions can be assessed 52:25.900 --> 52:27.900 accessed and effective 52:28.300 --> 52:30.300 And the nature of those effects 52:30.540 --> 52:32.540 Smart supositories 52:33.180 --> 52:37.340 Smart supositories, you know, the thing is they could get people to use those now 52:38.220 --> 52:41.020 I think that would be the old maybe we should get the 52:41.660 --> 52:48.300 What is it the the babylon b should do a story about a uh an ai that you can put up 52:49.500 --> 52:51.500 Instead of a pin 52:52.060 --> 52:58.060 I think most probably is aimed at what I would consider to be the quote low hanging fruit in other words 52:58.380 --> 53:04.700 Much of the driver of contemporary neuroscience and technology is aimed at biomedical purposes 53:05.020 --> 53:06.060 If you will 53:06.060 --> 53:09.660 Relatively benevolent ends wanting to do good 53:10.300 --> 53:16.140 To improve the human condition to reduce the human predicament of disease 53:16.940 --> 53:22.220 Injury and perhaps even the frailties that are a consequence of our finitude and aging 53:23.020 --> 53:29.020 But please understand to paraphrase the works of philosopher alistair macIntyre 53:29.580 --> 53:31.340 We have to ask 53:31.340 --> 53:33.100 What good? 53:33.100 --> 53:35.020 Which rationale? 53:35.020 --> 53:37.020 Who's justice? 53:37.020 --> 53:41.740 What we may see whoever the proverbial we are as being a viable good 53:42.460 --> 53:45.980 Can also be seen in certain ways as providing inequities 53:46.700 --> 53:48.700 inequalities or in some cases 53:49.500 --> 53:51.100 Frank engagements 53:51.100 --> 53:53.100 Arms and burdens to others 53:53.500 --> 53:57.100 I mean, I have a nice way of summarizing this a while ago 53:57.100 --> 54:03.660 I used to say that there are two types of people in the limited spectrum of debate. There are either these 54:04.780 --> 54:06.780 stupid complicated people 54:07.820 --> 54:13.180 And I think one example might be judy mikovits another example might be james giordano 54:13.180 --> 54:18.300 otherwise, it's the dumb simple people like paul off it or or 54:19.500 --> 54:21.500 Or angi rasmuson or 54:23.980 --> 54:25.980 Who are other dumb simple people 54:29.180 --> 54:31.020 You know, it's just a very simple solution 54:31.020 --> 54:31.820 duh 54:31.820 --> 54:35.980 And then the other people have like all these big words and all this stuff to say 54:36.060 --> 54:39.500 I still don't know if he said anything real other than trying to justify 54:39.980 --> 54:41.980 himself as an ethicist and 54:41.980 --> 54:48.060 the fact that he can he can dissect the ethical questions down to sub questions and sub questions of 54:49.020 --> 54:50.620 It's pretty impressive 54:50.620 --> 54:56.460 But over and above that understand if we can use any science in the Jordan Peterson of Georgetown 54:56.460 --> 54:58.460 That's a great one 54:58.460 --> 55:00.860 It really is only a case of how we define good 55:01.740 --> 55:10.220 And then whether or not that science and technology can be used in a way that is withheld from others to prevent them from accessing those goods and enjoying those goods 55:11.100 --> 55:13.100 Or can be inverted 55:13.500 --> 55:17.980 As a consequence be used to incur burdens risks and harms to others 55:18.060 --> 55:19.100 Okay, we gotta speak 55:19.100 --> 55:23.980 So what we can see is that by understanding the brain and the pretty girls it gives us the capability 55:24.540 --> 55:26.380 Of affecting human activities 55:26.380 --> 55:28.860 I mean individual group and perhaps even population levels 55:29.660 --> 55:33.580 And these effects can influence a variety of postures including postures towards peace 55:34.460 --> 55:36.460 Postures of vulnerability and volatility 55:37.500 --> 55:39.500 Postures of violence and bellicosity 55:39.900 --> 55:45.340 And of course, I think it becomes critical to understand that like any science and technology throughout human history 55:46.060 --> 55:50.540 The capability of potential and the allure of using cutting edge science and technology 55:51.020 --> 55:57.260 In ways that could be leveraged in a variety of competitive engagements from the economic all the way to the bellicose 55:58.140 --> 55:59.740 Is reality 55:59.740 --> 56:03.100 So if we consider those ways that these realities are enacted 56:03.500 --> 56:10.860 We must understand the existing domains in which neuroscience and technologies are employed in what was formally referred to as NSI 56:11.500 --> 56:14.940 Applications national security intelligence and defense operations 56:15.260 --> 56:18.780 National security misnomer with that because in some ways 56:21.180 --> 56:23.180 National what are these here 56:23.500 --> 56:31.260 Well, there's a bit of a misnomer national security intelligence and defense opera national security intelligence and defense operations 56:33.420 --> 56:35.420 All these acronyms 56:35.900 --> 56:39.180 When do you think this talk is from it's from 2021 56:41.260 --> 56:46.620 This is during the pandemic he's talking like this as if the pandemic isn't going on as if we didn't 56:47.100 --> 56:50.780 This is the stock home security conference in 2021 56:53.500 --> 56:57.660 This was uploaded December 15th 2021 almost 2022 57:01.020 --> 57:06.940 Coordinated lying across the entire spectrum of the limited spectrum of debate 57:07.580 --> 57:15.420 Coordinated lying even these lies are coordinated with some of the lies about the vaccine schedule that are being told 57:15.820 --> 57:20.700 These lies are coordinated with the opposition to the vaccines the opposition 57:21.260 --> 57:27.580 To the vaccine schedule that seems to always fight for free speech rather than just say the vaccine schedules criminal 57:27.580 --> 57:40.140 How many times have you heard somebody say I just want I just want randomized controlled trials for vaccines? I just want vaccines tested 57:46.060 --> 57:48.620 I only woke up two years ago, ladies and gentlemen 57:48.620 --> 57:51.820 I'm still pulling my head out, but I'm telling you a lot of these people who 57:52.380 --> 57:57.100 Claim that they are the dissident that they are the resistance that they 57:57.580 --> 57:59.980 Have risked life and limb 58:01.100 --> 58:05.420 They have put everything on the line because this is for all the marbles they're liars 58:09.500 --> 58:11.500 And they are part of this coordinated 58:12.860 --> 58:15.020 Harmonized set of lies 58:19.260 --> 58:23.260 Remember it's many weaponized piles of money. They're not dumb 58:23.980 --> 58:27.100 They don't just control a few news broadcasts 58:28.380 --> 58:31.020 They haven't just started doing this since they were 58:31.660 --> 58:34.620 You know since they declared it or since they got lucky 58:37.820 --> 58:39.820 Nothing happened in 2020 58:40.860 --> 58:42.700 That wasn't planned 58:42.700 --> 58:47.020 Nothing happened in 2020 wasn't already on a list 58:48.940 --> 58:50.940 Of acts 58:51.900 --> 58:53.900 It's a theater show 58:55.500 --> 59:01.260 And the fact that this guy can give this talk at the end of 2021 at the beginning of 2022 59:02.460 --> 59:06.140 And have not mentioned anything to do with the pandemic yet at all 59:07.980 --> 59:14.780 Is almost a direct admission to me that the pandemic is in and of itself exactly what he is going to explain right here 59:15.180 --> 59:18.220 it is a war on the human mind it is a 59:19.020 --> 59:24.460 A a national security intelligence and defense operation 59:27.660 --> 59:32.700 Designed to convince the global population that something happened that did not happen 59:33.500 --> 59:38.060 So that they can be governed by that misunderstanding that mythology forever 59:40.300 --> 59:41.820 Operations 59:41.820 --> 59:46.460 Well, there's a bit of a misnomer with that because in some ways it whitewashes the scenario 59:47.340 --> 59:53.100 Perhaps more appropriate is to understand how neuroscience is in their technologies can be employed in warfare 59:53.660 --> 59:56.860 Intelligence and what various collectives view to be 59:57.500 --> 01:00:01.500 agendas and initiatives of national security whatever nations they may be 01:00:02.300 --> 01:00:04.300 Here I alluded to some of the wonderful work 01:00:04.300 --> 01:00:07.900 I had the privilege and honor of undertaking with my colleagues of the European Union human brain 01:00:08.300 --> 01:00:15.180 Projects focal group the European Union human brain project. So he's really not just an American 01:00:17.260 --> 01:00:24.220 He's connected to other global interests other weaponized piles of money other other other political interests 01:00:27.580 --> 01:00:29.580 George town 01:00:29.900 --> 01:00:32.060 On dual use brain science and a nod 01:00:34.140 --> 01:00:36.140 Professor dr. Katinka Evers of 01:00:36.860 --> 01:00:41.180 In Sweden as well as any of my colleagues that were participatory in that working group 01:00:41.980 --> 01:00:47.020 But I think what becomes important to understand is a consequence of some of the results of our working group deep dive 01:00:47.660 --> 01:00:49.660 Is that the ability to surveil? 01:00:49.980 --> 01:00:52.700 Oversea guide and perhaps govern the brain sciences 01:00:53.100 --> 01:00:59.180 Is highly contingent upon the understanding that these brain sciences are multinational in their enterprise and in their effect? 01:00:59.660 --> 01:01:02.540 And so the discourse must widen and in many cases is de-electic 01:01:03.180 --> 01:01:04.700 Please understand 01:01:04.700 --> 01:01:07.980 At this point in time there are a number of neuroscientific tools and technologies 01:01:08.620 --> 01:01:14.380 That are viable if not already updated into warfare intelligence and national security operations and agendas 01:01:14.620 --> 01:01:16.300 Nothing i'm about to tell you science fictional 01:01:16.700 --> 01:01:21.820 It is all science fact in terms of what is currently available or is what at high technological readiness level 01:01:22.380 --> 01:01:27.740 So it's to be made available for the next two to five years. Wow. All right. How can we use these techniques and technologies? 01:01:27.740 --> 01:01:32.140 Let's hear it any aspect of medicine and in this case we need to consider military medicine 01:01:32.380 --> 01:01:36.700 I feel like he's about to show me all kinds of different timeshares that I can choose from 01:01:38.060 --> 01:01:43.340 But when we're considering military medicine, it's not just a question of what we can do to treat those members of the military 01:01:43.500 --> 01:01:45.900 When in fact they are injured or or ill 01:01:46.460 --> 01:01:47.980 But what can we do? 01:01:47.980 --> 01:01:49.580 Preventatively 01:01:49.580 --> 01:01:52.540 Here we see a gray zone arising working if you will 01:01:52.940 --> 01:01:58.620 Left of bang where bang is some event that induces trauma insult injury or change 01:01:59.020 --> 01:02:01.020 Can we work to the left of that? 01:02:01.260 --> 01:02:06.780 Can we for example employ the neuro sciences and technologies in areas of preventative military occupational medicine? 01:02:07.260 --> 01:02:09.820 To restore what we may consider to be hope 01:02:10.540 --> 01:02:12.540 an acronym for maintaining health 01:02:13.500 --> 01:02:14.780 instilling 01:02:14.780 --> 01:02:17.820 operational and occupational protection and enabling 01:02:18.220 --> 01:02:23.820 These personnel to do their job affect those missions more capably and effectively and did you hear that? Did you hear that? 01:02:23.820 --> 01:02:26.620 Isn't that funny military occupational medicine? 01:02:27.660 --> 01:02:28.620 um 01:02:28.620 --> 01:02:33.340 Is it just the enchantment that this guy can cast is oh, sorry 01:02:34.220 --> 01:02:36.220 his spectacular? 01:02:36.460 --> 01:02:41.660 Military occupational medicine is what he means by that is augmenting soldiers 01:02:41.660 --> 01:02:45.660 Maybe make it so that they can't feel emotion for a few weeks 01:02:46.140 --> 01:02:51.740 Maybe so that they don't feel any remorse for a few weeks. These are the kinds of things that he's imagining. It's pretty impressive 01:02:52.380 --> 01:02:54.380 Those ways that will enhance their survivability 01:02:55.180 --> 01:03:01.340 Keep them protected and ultimately may also affect the way they interact with competitors or adversaries 01:03:01.900 --> 01:03:02.940 hope 01:03:02.940 --> 01:03:06.300 HOP what are we hoping to do when we consider 01:03:07.180 --> 01:03:11.020 Operational and occupational protection and enabling the combat warfighter 01:03:11.660 --> 01:03:13.500 the intelligence operator 01:03:13.500 --> 01:03:16.060 military personnel of all types to do their jobs better 01:03:16.620 --> 01:03:19.580 Well, this then gives rise to the idea of what constitutes optimization 01:03:20.140 --> 01:03:25.980 What constitutes enhancement if in fact optimization and enhancement differs from some form of treatment 01:03:26.300 --> 01:03:29.020 Particularly when healthy individuals are involved and what are the implications? 01:03:29.580 --> 01:03:34.700 For taking individuals beyond some stated norm and is that not on one level or another 01:03:35.420 --> 01:03:42.380 The implicit if not explicit goal of almost any professions training and certainly military intelligence train to be the best of the best 01:03:42.700 --> 01:03:48.700 To do those jobs well and to do them in a way that provides some advantage to one's own forces 01:03:49.260 --> 01:03:51.420 Against other forces whoever they may be 01:03:52.220 --> 01:03:54.460 Which gets us back to the idea of what is good 01:03:55.180 --> 01:04:02.060 If a military what is any or some operational national security institution or organization for ports to be able to protect 01:04:02.620 --> 01:04:09.260 The ideology ideals ways of life things that are held viable the kin kit the polis or some political 01:04:09.500 --> 01:04:16.860 Agency or organization then that's held as a viable good and can be used to justify the applications of these types of techniques and technologies 01:04:17.900 --> 01:04:22.620 Perhaps in some of more gray zone operations the neuroscience is can also be paired to intelligence operations 01:04:23.100 --> 01:04:27.820 To afford increased cognitive capability for intelligence operators and systems to be linked to computational systems 01:04:28.380 --> 01:04:33.500 So as to be able to discern more accurately what may be an intelligence viable signal from what may be noise 01:04:33.980 --> 01:04:37.900 Whether that's a human intelligence signal intelligence communication intelligence 01:04:39.020 --> 01:04:42.060 And of course the issue there becomes what are we actually doing? 01:04:42.060 --> 01:04:46.140 Can we also not only affect the way we perceive and gain intelligence? 01:04:46.620 --> 01:04:48.620 But can we use this in a proactive way? 01:04:49.020 --> 01:04:53.420 In other words for psychological or what's now referred to as neuro cognitive operations nco's 01:04:54.140 --> 01:04:57.100 To create more viable narratives propaganda if you will 01:04:57.660 --> 01:05:00.300 Images to therefore create impressions 01:05:00.780 --> 01:05:05.340 Experiences in others that affect them in certain ways that we now have a deeper understanding 01:05:05.500 --> 01:05:09.180 Maybe we could stage an event in New York City hospitals where we 01:05:10.060 --> 01:05:13.260 Made it seem like through a combination of fraud and 01:05:13.900 --> 01:05:16.220 And getting rid of a lot of people that were already sick 01:05:16.700 --> 01:05:22.700 We could create the illusion of a pandemic and then say that it was the start of something very deadly and get everybody to lock down 01:05:23.100 --> 01:05:28.540 And then we can show them some images from around the world of people passing out and give them the experience 01:05:29.580 --> 01:05:34.540 Holy shit. Did you hear what he just said? I'm gonna go back and play it again. It was so good 01:05:36.620 --> 01:05:38.620 That's incredible 01:05:39.100 --> 01:05:41.100 To be linked to computational system 01:05:41.100 --> 01:05:46.220 So as to be able to discern more accurately what may be an intelligence viable signal from what may be noise 01:05:46.700 --> 01:05:49.020 Whether that's a human intelligence signal intelligent 01:05:49.020 --> 01:05:53.660 You mean like a podcast with real reach that you might need to you know co-opt 01:05:54.300 --> 01:05:59.100 Maybe a message or or a or a person that you need to co-opt 01:05:59.500 --> 01:06:03.740 You could use an algorithm to find that you could use programming and social media 01:06:04.140 --> 01:06:07.500 To make sure that those people had reach only where you wanted to have it 01:06:07.820 --> 01:06:10.860 Or you could make sure that you got somebody in front of them 01:06:10.940 --> 01:06:15.500 That could step in front of them and claim to be an expert doing a bunch of analysis 01:06:15.580 --> 01:06:20.060 For example like have sashilatapova step in front of somebody like katherine watt 01:06:20.460 --> 01:06:24.220 And pretend that she did all the research and never mentioned katherine watt again 01:06:25.100 --> 01:06:27.580 Take over the narrative of it's the d o d 01:06:28.380 --> 01:06:32.460 And then we can put her all over the internet and let katherine watt sit at home 01:06:32.860 --> 01:06:37.340 And pretend that and feel comfortable that sash is representing me very well 01:06:38.300 --> 01:06:40.300 When in reality she's not 01:06:41.660 --> 01:06:47.420 When reality she's part of this this thing this show this theater 01:06:51.820 --> 01:06:53.820 Interestingly, this is in stock home 01:06:54.460 --> 01:06:57.420 In 2022. I wonder if we looked up when 01:06:58.380 --> 01:06:59.500 when 01:06:59.500 --> 01:07:04.140 sashilatapova was on stage with maryll nass and robert malone 01:07:04.780 --> 01:07:09.260 When maryll nass said something about the state the department and robert malone almost visibly 01:07:11.260 --> 01:07:15.500 I wonder when that was that might have been in 2022. Isn't that weird 01:07:16.940 --> 01:07:19.660 It's all one big show ladies and gentlemen 01:07:20.860 --> 01:07:25.580 And the show has lots of of different acts and different stages 01:07:25.980 --> 01:07:27.820 And so if you're in this 01:07:27.820 --> 01:07:32.380 Group of people following this group of people through this part of the bureaucracy 01:07:32.700 --> 01:07:36.220 You would have seen this part of the show if you were in australia 01:07:36.460 --> 01:07:38.940 And you were a nurse you would have seen that part of the show 01:07:39.180 --> 01:07:44.300 And if you were in japan and you were a street vendor you would have seen that part of the show 01:07:45.580 --> 01:07:48.620 And all the show is different but all the show 01:07:49.420 --> 01:07:56.540 Somewhere inside of every one of these shows are the same group of people with the same core message 01:07:56.940 --> 01:08:00.540 There was a virus that killed millions of people probably came from a lab 01:08:00.860 --> 01:08:03.260 That's why we should control demolish america 01:08:03.900 --> 01:08:09.100 And turn to a global system because these these countries by themselves they don't work 01:08:09.180 --> 01:08:11.180 They're just they're just a big problem 01:08:13.260 --> 01:08:16.540 And so collectively you have bankers doing it you have 01:08:16.940 --> 01:08:21.500 You have representatives and senators doing it you have presidential candidates doing it 01:08:21.500 --> 01:08:23.100 They're all part of it 01:08:23.100 --> 01:08:24.620 They're all part of this 01:08:24.620 --> 01:08:29.980 Weaponized piles of money global governance structure and they all want a bigger piece of the pie 01:08:30.620 --> 01:08:33.260 They all know that this ship is sinking 01:08:39.260 --> 01:08:41.580 And so we've got to come together as the peasants 01:08:41.660 --> 01:08:44.460 We've got to come together as the people that are renting our house 01:08:45.260 --> 01:08:51.020 We've got to come together as the people that only have five hundred and thirty four dollars in their bank account at the start of a month 01:09:01.340 --> 01:09:03.340 Legends communication intelligence 01:09:04.300 --> 01:09:07.340 And of course the issue there becomes what are we actually doing? 01:09:07.340 --> 01:09:11.420 Can we also not only affect the way we perceive and gain intelligence? 01:09:11.980 --> 01:09:13.820 But can we use this in a proactive way? 01:09:14.380 --> 01:09:18.780 In other words for psychological or what's now referred to as neurocognitive operations nco's 01:09:19.500 --> 01:09:22.460 To create more viable narratives propaganda if you will 01:09:23.020 --> 01:09:25.660 Images to therefore create impressions 01:09:26.140 --> 01:09:30.060 Experiences in others that affect them in certain ways that we now have a deeper 01:09:30.140 --> 01:09:34.220 Understanding of how we can affect the brain to elicit emotional 01:09:34.620 --> 01:09:38.860 Behavioral and perhaps even community and cultural responses. And what does that mean? 01:09:39.420 --> 01:09:42.540 On one it's a funny conversation to have with my chat 01:09:42.700 --> 01:09:46.780 And I do think that you know, james giro dino's message isn't going to be that great 01:09:46.780 --> 01:09:49.660 So we don't have to necessarily always listen to this 01:09:50.140 --> 01:09:54.460 I do think that we the people really are only hope and I do think the very idea of money itself 01:09:54.540 --> 01:09:59.180 Maybe one of the ultimate weapons. I absolutely agree fiat money is an ultimate weapon 01:10:01.020 --> 01:10:07.100 And I do think that there's something earlier that I said that is really relevant to this discussion that we are considered consumers 01:10:10.540 --> 01:10:12.540 People who buy stuff 01:10:13.420 --> 01:10:21.180 And that's our function in american society in capitalist society. I'm not saying capitalism is good or bad or communism is good or bad 01:10:21.660 --> 01:10:23.260 I'm saying that 01:10:23.260 --> 01:10:25.420 our culture is not 01:10:25.420 --> 01:10:28.300 singing and dancing and music and 01:10:28.860 --> 01:10:30.860 sport and 01:10:30.860 --> 01:10:32.060 and 01:10:32.060 --> 01:10:34.060 Well-being 01:10:34.460 --> 01:10:42.780 Irrespective of what we might be led to believe it is our culture is consumerism our culture is materialism our culture is having things 01:10:43.340 --> 01:10:45.340 That other people can see 01:10:46.780 --> 01:10:52.060 And so when we fight for america, we want to be very careful about what we're fighting for because i'm not fighting for that 01:10:54.540 --> 01:10:56.620 I'm fighting for 01:10:56.620 --> 01:11:03.340 sport. I'm fighting for dance. I'm fighting for jazz music. I'm fighting for live music. I'm fighting for 01:11:04.060 --> 01:11:06.060 chorus and choir 01:11:07.020 --> 01:11:09.260 concert band and symphonies 01:11:10.940 --> 01:11:13.260 I'm fighting for comedy 01:11:14.860 --> 01:11:16.140 and 01:11:16.140 --> 01:11:22.700 Genuine science that's not preparean falsification of null hypotheses. I'm fighting for big ideas 01:11:23.500 --> 01:11:26.380 and big visions of the future imagining things that 01:11:27.340 --> 01:11:29.340 aren't and why not 01:11:32.700 --> 01:11:36.540 And a lot of these people aren't doing that a lot of these people are just telling a story 01:11:37.180 --> 01:11:41.020 And no matter where they go and what message they give they're always telling the same story 01:11:42.060 --> 01:11:46.700 It's not a message of hope. It's a message of giving up on america. It's not a message of hope 01:11:46.700 --> 01:11:50.540 It's a it's a message of giving up on your neighbor. It's not a message of hope 01:11:50.540 --> 01:11:53.100 It's a message of of doom and gloom 01:11:55.580 --> 01:11:59.980 And that's not what giga ohm biological is about that's not the faith that I have 01:12:00.060 --> 01:12:02.780 That's not the feeling I have that's not the hope that I have 01:12:03.260 --> 01:12:06.940 That's not the world that I see when I look into the eyes of my children 01:12:09.980 --> 01:12:15.340 I see a world of a lot of strife and turmoil a lot of lies and frustration to come 01:12:16.700 --> 01:12:18.700 But I also see a lot of light 01:12:19.660 --> 01:12:24.940 Because this stuff doesn't even make any sense anymore. This stuff is just ridiculous now 01:12:29.500 --> 01:12:35.660 And and and the beauty is is that there is real biology out there. There's real stuff out there 01:12:35.660 --> 01:12:38.300 There's a real world out there and we just have to take it back 01:12:38.380 --> 01:12:42.140 We just have to where did I say in the beginning got to pull your head out of that box 01:12:44.060 --> 01:12:46.060 Where all that noise is 01:12:46.380 --> 01:12:48.380 Listen for the birds again 01:12:49.180 --> 01:12:54.060 Listen to your kids play the piano again. Listen to the squeak of the shoes on the basketball floor again 01:12:55.020 --> 01:12:57.340 Listen to the sound of a shovel in the dirt again 01:12:58.380 --> 01:13:02.060 Listen to the sound of a lawn mower or your favorite music 01:13:04.940 --> 01:13:07.260 That's where we're going, baby. That's where we're going 01:13:07.260 --> 01:13:11.340 We're going back and we're going forward at the same time. We're going left or right 01:13:11.340 --> 01:13:14.300 Or we're going sideways. We're going not where they want us to go 01:13:15.580 --> 01:13:17.580 We're going to lead ourselves 01:13:18.300 --> 01:13:19.820 away from this 01:13:19.820 --> 01:13:22.860 Transhuman nightmare that they want us to accept as just the 01:13:23.420 --> 01:13:26.700 Inevitable reality slippery slope that we're on that's ridiculous 01:13:27.260 --> 01:13:34.780 Half of this stuff doesn't even exist even though he just insisted that all of us is his reality right now or in the next five years 01:13:34.780 --> 01:13:42.700 You mean like curtweilers curtweilers says that in 15 years there will be no disease and he can upload his brain into a computer or AI 01:13:43.580 --> 01:13:50.140 It's just a different time frame a different time scale to try and bully you into accepting these concepts. Let's do it 01:13:51.100 --> 01:13:53.100 Certainly, I think that the idea 01:13:53.100 --> 01:13:57.580 The intent and perhaps the hope is that by better understanding the way our brains work 01:13:57.740 --> 01:14:00.940 Will gain greater insight and appreciation for those things we have in common 01:14:01.420 --> 01:14:08.060 Be able to bridge our differences and in so doing facilitate improved communication to avoid the escalation to volatility 01:14:08.540 --> 01:14:10.060 Should we do that? 01:14:10.060 --> 01:14:17.180 Solarius. Oh my gosh. That's really funny. That's very similar to saying we turned over all our decision-making to machines 01:14:17.900 --> 01:14:24.780 Hoping that we would be happier and in reality all we did was turn over our decision-making to the men that control the machines 01:14:25.260 --> 01:14:29.100 That's exactly what he's talking about. It's fantastic 01:14:32.220 --> 01:14:36.220 Hey, I love it say it again basketball and the loss of american fundamentalism 01:14:36.300 --> 01:14:37.500 This is a 01:14:37.500 --> 01:14:43.740 Basketball and NBA basketball is a microcosm of that. You know the reason why you should never compare 01:14:44.460 --> 01:14:47.820 Michael Jordan and his colleagues to the basketball players of now 01:14:48.700 --> 01:14:50.380 the main reason 01:14:50.380 --> 01:14:52.700 Because the rules of the game are the same anymore 01:14:55.180 --> 01:14:57.180 If the rules of the game aren't the same anymore 01:14:57.740 --> 01:15:05.340 Then how can we compare the players of the 80s and the 90s to the players of the 2000s? It's just not there anymore 01:15:06.460 --> 01:15:12.300 Because sport isn't what it used to be anymore because they are undermining our culture 01:15:12.300 --> 01:15:17.980 They are undermining our identity and they are undermining our sense of right and wrong 01:15:20.780 --> 01:15:23.980 That's why the NBA the rules don't get stricter 01:15:24.620 --> 01:15:26.620 Wouldn't you think they would get stricter? 01:15:26.860 --> 01:15:31.260 You know like when you move the lines back also the lines mean more 01:15:32.220 --> 01:15:33.740 Then they do when you're a kid 01:15:33.740 --> 01:15:39.900 Maybe you could let kids have an extra half step until they're 12 and then take it away 01:15:39.900 --> 01:15:44.780 But instead we give extra steps to the guys that make millions of dollars a year 01:15:47.500 --> 01:15:54.060 You see the irony of that it's it's the exact same thing that we're doing in every other facet of our culture 01:15:54.060 --> 01:16:01.100 Every other facet of our perceived reality is being inverted and undermined in exactly the same way 01:16:02.140 --> 01:16:08.140 And the challenge is to be able to pull back pull back far enough to see that it's all the same 01:16:09.820 --> 01:16:12.460 It's all one giant inversion 01:16:13.900 --> 01:16:16.060 And that what that's what makes it easy for you to 01:16:16.620 --> 01:16:20.940 Focus on and get trapped in one of these small little bubbles and think that wow 01:16:20.940 --> 01:16:25.660 This is the most important thing to fight about right now. We better protest about Gaza 01:16:25.660 --> 01:16:33.820 It's an amazing enchantment ladies and gentlemen 01:16:33.820 --> 01:16:38.620 And this guy is kind of more or less explaining it and really flowery language 01:16:38.620 --> 01:16:43.580 What they've done to us over the course of the last four years in a global effort 01:16:44.300 --> 01:16:49.420 a national security intelligence and defense operation that was actually a 01:16:49.900 --> 01:16:54.860 neuropsychological operation and whatever he whatever thing he used for that 01:16:56.380 --> 01:16:58.380 So 01:16:58.380 --> 01:17:03.980 Wow ladies and gentlemen, isn't it fun to be here now where we're a couple dominoes ahead of the story 01:17:04.860 --> 01:17:06.300 and 01:17:06.300 --> 01:17:10.460 As long as we don't get distracted by the shiny objects that are flying around 01:17:10.860 --> 01:17:14.300 That we can actually keep moving forward and start to more succinctly 01:17:14.780 --> 01:17:19.660 Every day have something to teach our children have some way of counteracting 01:17:21.020 --> 01:17:24.460 Of opposing this nonsense. It's it's really feels good 01:17:25.420 --> 01:17:26.940 He polyanish 01:17:26.940 --> 01:17:33.740 Because the reality is that these tools and techniques offer viable and in some cases estimated valuable capability 01:17:34.140 --> 01:17:36.700 To be able to assess and modify the thoughts 01:17:37.340 --> 01:17:44.140 Actions and therefore overall stature of others the operational definition if you will of a weapon 01:17:44.860 --> 01:17:49.580 Taken from the Oxford English dictionary a weapon is simply a means of contending against others 01:17:50.060 --> 01:17:51.340 far more colloquially 01:17:51.340 --> 01:17:55.420 We see this in bellicose framework. In other words, it means to 01:17:56.460 --> 01:17:58.460 Use the words bellicose twice 01:17:59.020 --> 01:18:03.180 Come on, dude. The definition of a weapon is some means of influence deterrence 01:18:04.060 --> 01:18:08.460 And the question then becomes kind of brain sciences be weaponized in those ways that may be 01:18:09.020 --> 01:18:11.020 Less lethal or non-lethal 01:18:11.020 --> 01:18:16.700 Yet their influence be overwhelmingly more powerful in that the effects are getting at the essence of what it means to be 01:18:17.660 --> 01:18:21.180 A relatively inviolable space of the self of identity of mind 01:18:21.340 --> 01:18:25.180 Of being able to assess and perhaps control thoughts emotions and behaviors 01:18:25.660 --> 01:18:26.380 remotely 01:18:26.380 --> 01:18:30.460 And it's so being influenced postures of individuals groups collectives and perhaps popular 01:18:30.940 --> 01:18:33.420 How could you control things remotely? 01:18:33.420 --> 01:18:35.180 Could you do it with the internet? 01:18:35.180 --> 01:18:40.540 Could you do it with coordinated lying on the internet? What about coordinated lying plus 01:18:41.180 --> 01:18:42.140 Calm 01:18:42.140 --> 01:18:49.420 Coordinated programming of what people see online. I wonder if you could control what people think and perceive by doing that 01:18:50.620 --> 01:18:56.380 It doesn't have to be nanobots ladies and gentlemen. It doesn't have to be nanobots that are sprayed from an airplane 01:18:57.500 --> 01:18:59.500 Can just be coordinated liars 01:19:00.620 --> 01:19:03.100 Stick into the same story for many many years 01:19:04.700 --> 01:19:08.380 And then when the fire alarm goes off they can say yeah, it's what we told you 01:19:10.780 --> 01:19:12.780 I 01:19:12.780 --> 01:19:18.780 We are breaking through ladies and gentlemen because we actually hit our face on the brick wall while we were running 01:19:20.940 --> 01:19:23.180 And then they told us that that's not a brick wall 01:19:24.300 --> 01:19:26.300 And we didn't believe them 01:19:26.380 --> 01:19:28.220 And here we are 01:19:28.220 --> 01:19:31.740 It's fun times ladies and gentlemen fun times. Thanks for being here with me 01:19:33.660 --> 01:19:39.020 Is there some line that's being crossed there whereby this cognitive liberty is being attributed upon to paraphrase 01:19:39.100 --> 01:19:41.820 The words of my colleague Nia Farahani at the University of Pennsylvania 01:19:42.620 --> 01:19:45.660 Well, I think if we understand weapon in that context 01:19:46.140 --> 01:19:52.380 We can then frame the brain sciences into those domains and those tools if you will that could be weaponized in such ways 01:19:52.780 --> 01:19:54.780 Generally, we can parse these into two 01:19:55.260 --> 01:19:57.180 Non-mutual exclusive and interactive domains 01:19:57.820 --> 01:20:03.020 The assessment neuro technologies which include things like various forms of neuroimaging neurophysiological recording 01:20:03.500 --> 01:20:05.900 Neurogenomics neurogenetics epigenetics and phenotypics 01:20:06.220 --> 01:20:09.500 Neuro proteomics and the use of neuro big data 01:20:09.500 --> 01:20:12.380 Which went coupled to decision technologies machining an AI 01:20:12.780 --> 01:20:17.820 Creates an omnibus juggernaut of capability to not only acquire data and utilize data 01:20:18.620 --> 01:20:22.620 An omnibus or jogger knot of capability like 01:20:25.260 --> 01:20:28.220 The guy like eats a thesaurus for breakfast or something 01:20:28.380 --> 01:20:33.260 But also to manipulate the data itself whereby assessment immediately can turn into effect 01:20:34.220 --> 01:20:37.500 This then brings us into the realm of the interventional neuro technologies 01:20:37.900 --> 01:20:45.180 And perhaps worse and foremost if not easiest is the ability to use extant systems of computational technology and engineering together with decision 01:20:45.340 --> 01:20:49.980 Technologies big data acquisition and use in various forms of soft to hard AI 01:20:50.460 --> 01:20:54.460 To manipulate the data themselves and by manipulating the data on large scales 01:20:55.020 --> 01:20:59.100 It may be possible to literally paint a new reality of what an individual is 01:20:59.900 --> 01:21:05.820 To can plant information in the large scale databanks make individuals appear to have certain neurological or psychiatric conditions 01:21:06.540 --> 01:21:11.500 To affect their capability to do their job by virtue of if you will their profile their their data profile 01:21:11.740 --> 01:21:15.820 By affecting aspects of their metadata so that they're regarded and perhaps treated in different ways 01:21:16.540 --> 01:21:19.740 economically socially well terribly politically 01:21:20.620 --> 01:21:22.620 But wait, there's more 01:21:22.860 --> 01:21:24.380 The more we know 01:21:24.380 --> 01:21:26.220 The further we can go 01:21:26.300 --> 01:21:31.820 And one of the existing concerns is that the ubiquity of what's called bio data particularly neuro bio data 01:21:32.540 --> 01:21:36.620 Create certain vulnerabilities and target abilities to be able to create precision pathogens 01:21:37.340 --> 01:21:41.420 Now those pathogens need not be the traditional drugs bugs or toxins 01:21:41.900 --> 01:21:48.940 They can also be certain devices that can be drugs bugs and toxins now he's going to get into his little groove again about certain things but 01:21:49.580 --> 01:21:51.340 um 01:21:51.420 --> 01:21:57.740 What what I want to say here are novel pharmaceuticals that's just spraying stuff or lacing things poisoning people 01:21:58.300 --> 01:22:00.700 and not a neuro microbiologicals 01:22:01.260 --> 01:22:03.260 um could be something like 01:22:03.260 --> 01:22:04.220 uh 01:22:04.220 --> 01:22:05.980 a 01:22:05.980 --> 01:22:10.620 A bacterial infection that also secretes some kind of neurotoxin 01:22:11.180 --> 01:22:13.820 Organic neurotoxins again are just chemicals 01:22:14.460 --> 01:22:15.500 um 01:22:15.500 --> 01:22:18.140 Neurotechnological is not even a word 01:22:18.700 --> 01:22:23.740 Um, but he would like you to think it is cyber linked neurocog manipulation 01:22:24.380 --> 01:22:28.220 Right now that's just cell phones and apps and social media 01:22:28.780 --> 01:22:29.740 Um 01:22:29.740 --> 01:22:37.260 I think he's talking about maybe internet linked type things. It's all again. This is bamboozlement. This is enchantment 01:22:38.140 --> 01:22:43.340 I don't like the word bamboozlement as much as I like an enchantment. That's what people do when they have the 01:22:43.980 --> 01:22:45.980 the tongue of a serpent 01:22:46.380 --> 01:22:48.380 They're enchanters 01:22:48.780 --> 01:22:53.340 And some people I'm sure have characterized me as an enchanter because he's such a slick talker 01:22:53.420 --> 01:22:56.860 He's you know, it's a fake thing, but it this is different 01:22:57.740 --> 01:23:07.020 What you experience here is someone trying to understand making mistakes as I do it and expressing a love of biology 01:23:07.820 --> 01:23:12.300 Um that has existed in my life my whole life and I don't know what else to do with it 01:23:12.380 --> 01:23:17.740 So I complain on the internet about the misrepresentation of biology all over the place 01:23:18.380 --> 01:23:24.300 And I didn't realize that that was my calling until this stupid pandemic happened and then only then did I 01:23:25.260 --> 01:23:29.020 Awakened from the slumber that I was in as an academy jishian 01:23:31.660 --> 01:23:37.580 So I made a lot of mistakes and and shouted about a lot of the wrong things for 2020 and 21 01:23:37.980 --> 01:23:41.020 But I also said a lot of the right things in that time 01:23:41.420 --> 01:23:47.820 And was encouraged to say a lot of the wrong things by some of the people that are still meddling with us today 01:23:49.020 --> 01:23:50.700 That's why I can't stop 01:23:50.700 --> 01:23:54.620 I've really seen it from inside. I've talked to these people shake their hands 01:23:55.180 --> 01:23:58.940 Taking selfies with them and had them lie to me or backstab me later 01:24:01.420 --> 01:24:03.580 It's kind of personal for me 01:24:03.580 --> 01:24:08.140 I try to keep it as objective as possible. I would really like to interview this dude someday 01:24:08.380 --> 01:24:12.220 Be tuned to individual parameters of anthropometry physiology 01:24:12.620 --> 01:24:15.260 To differentially affect individuals in a variety of ways 01:24:15.820 --> 01:24:17.740 To direct or compromise their capability 01:24:17.740 --> 01:24:23.420 I think we're at a low at the moment because we are so dead on balls accurate and actually a couple 01:24:23.740 --> 01:24:30.380 Domino's ahead of them. That's why the the things that are happening right now in sub stack are happening right now on sub stack 01:24:31.020 --> 01:24:36.620 People keep writing silly sub stacks without saying the right names or without 01:24:38.620 --> 01:24:41.420 Without summarizing in an honest way 01:24:42.540 --> 01:24:48.780 And now they're overextending themselves. They look like fools and so it's all just really a matter of time 01:24:48.780 --> 01:24:55.100 You just have to keep letting them go farther and farther over the over the tips of their skis 01:24:55.100 --> 01:24:57.420 That's that's my that's my plan 01:24:58.380 --> 01:25:04.300 Nobody right now has warranted a a stream about any particular person anymore 01:25:04.300 --> 01:25:08.060 Because they're making such fools of themselves and the list is very long 01:25:09.100 --> 01:25:13.260 All of these people seem to say almost exclusively useless stuff lately 01:25:13.980 --> 01:25:19.900 And if it's not useless stuff, it's the stuff that's on the slide with the with the um 01:25:20.700 --> 01:25:22.380 with the dune 01:25:22.380 --> 01:25:24.220 sound effects 01:25:24.220 --> 01:25:27.260 novel virus millions dead gain a function yada yada 01:25:28.540 --> 01:25:30.540 It's incredible 01:25:30.780 --> 01:25:35.260 And what's fun is to hear it in 2022 this guy gave this talk 01:25:37.580 --> 01:25:43.020 And anybody that took him seriously obviously took the gain a function lab leak seriously obviously 01:25:43.580 --> 01:25:49.500 They believe that's real. This is this is totally a lie that harmonizes very well with that 01:25:49.660 --> 01:25:51.660 And 01:25:51.660 --> 01:25:56.860 Of course the story of a gain a function virus that we had to do something about 01:25:57.260 --> 01:26:03.900 And transfection was rushed and process one was different than process two is also a lie that harmonizes very well 01:26:08.300 --> 01:26:10.300 I'm sorry, but you know sometimes 01:26:10.940 --> 01:26:14.140 There's nothing else to do but keep repeating the truth over and over again 01:26:14.140 --> 01:26:21.500 And the truth is is that these people are harmonizing liars. It's like a very macabre barbershop quartet 01:26:23.660 --> 01:26:27.820 The thought emotion and action and the tenor is is 01:26:28.700 --> 01:26:34.940 Is Francis Collins and the baritone is james giardano and the base is uh 01:26:35.980 --> 01:26:39.020 Is uh, maybe peter hotez. I don't know 01:26:40.460 --> 01:26:42.620 Putting all of these together we see a new toolkit 01:26:43.580 --> 01:26:47.100 That essentially engages not only those domains that have been well addressed by 01:26:47.500 --> 01:26:52.780 Current language of the biological toxins weapons conventions chemical weapons conventions and various declarations of signatory treaties 01:26:53.340 --> 01:26:59.340 But in some ways sidestep that as I hope to show you which which may as we've called for them together with our international colleagues 01:26:59.660 --> 01:27:04.620 Necessitate a revisiting if not revision of the language scope and tenor of these existing conventions and trees 01:27:05.500 --> 01:27:11.020 New drugs for example that are able to penetrate the brain space far more capable at much lower doses 01:27:11.100 --> 01:27:17.900 Is he for example linking pharmaceutical no to nano-engineered scaffolds my cells chaperones that allow 01:27:18.780 --> 01:27:24.540 Facial pentate my cells my cells is a word that I learned from robert melon. Actually, that's just a big nano particle 01:27:24.540 --> 01:27:29.900 That's funny prints into the brain space sometimes through means that can be rather clandestine or covert 01:27:30.380 --> 01:27:33.660 inhalation transdermally and doing so with higher specificity 01:27:34.060 --> 01:27:39.900 In fact in some cases targeting these inhaling or going through your skin and you don't even know it 01:27:40.380 --> 01:27:42.380 That's great 01:27:42.380 --> 01:27:48.380 Pharmaceuticals to be able to work in key individuals or groups of individuals based upon an understanding of their pharmacogenomics and dynamics 01:27:49.260 --> 01:27:54.460 Here too, we see the ability to generate novel microbiologicals whether that may be bacteria fungi 01:27:55.020 --> 01:27:59.260 Viruses and increasingly there is a worry about the potential weaponization of prions 01:27:59.980 --> 01:28:03.820 That based upon individual collective and population information to develop 01:28:05.500 --> 01:28:08.460 Weaponizing of prions he said 01:28:10.060 --> 01:28:13.500 That's fantastic. Oh my gosh. That's fantastic 01:28:14.620 --> 01:28:18.140 Holy shit whether that that's amazing fungi 01:28:18.700 --> 01:28:22.940 Viruses and increasingly there is a worry about the potential weaponization of prions 01:28:23.580 --> 01:28:25.580 That based upon individual 01:28:33.260 --> 01:28:39.500 Or more global more universal creating if you will bellicose value in affecting relatively benign 01:28:40.860 --> 01:28:44.220 The general population a conversation you'll have later in your conference 01:28:45.180 --> 01:28:51.100 As well, we can utilize various methods of gene editing and synthetic biology to develop organic neurotoxes that are far more stable 01:28:51.500 --> 01:28:59.420 Less labile more effective and can be used with precision particularly if and when delivered through the variety of unmanned vehicles aerial ground or sea based 01:29:00.060 --> 01:29:04.780 And a variety of technological devices that can be used to augment or change cognitive Oh my gosh 01:29:04.940 --> 01:29:11.340 That's brilliant. It would be so much cheaper to start spraying people with DDT and arsenic again 01:29:13.740 --> 01:29:18.460 Seriously, this is wonderful. I can't believe he said it. It could already end the stream right now. It's like 01:29:19.500 --> 01:29:25.740 This is it. This was the whole reason why this was in my study hall list from I don't know how long it's been there 01:29:26.140 --> 01:29:31.980 And how long it got things got piled on top of it. I have not watched it. This is just 01:29:32.460 --> 01:29:37.740 Awesome. I don't even know what he's going to say for the next 45 minutes, but it can't be better than that 01:29:38.540 --> 01:29:43.580 Things that can be donned or docked for example transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation vagal nerve stimulation 01:29:44.780 --> 01:29:48.860 And there is a robust move forward to create implantable devices 01:29:49.420 --> 01:29:53.500 That are non-invasive or minimally invasive in their implantation methods 01:29:53.500 --> 01:29:59.100 So as to create next generation neuromodulation that allows real-time access to read from the living brain 01:29:59.740 --> 01:30:01.740 And write into the living brain 01:30:02.060 --> 01:30:07.820 opening read and write into the brain is the dumbest lie they can tell 01:30:09.260 --> 01:30:13.340 I just I am as a neuroscientist. It just makes me want to puke 01:30:14.700 --> 01:30:22.780 Because that is like that is so many decades away that we shouldn't probably even use the word decades 01:30:23.740 --> 01:30:32.060 It is just ridiculous to think read and write into the brain. That is the most absurd thing 01:30:33.420 --> 01:30:42.060 Can you imagine saying listen carefully? Can you imagine saying that you could drill a hole in the side of your your pc 01:30:43.900 --> 01:30:46.380 And usefully read and write to it 01:30:46.700 --> 01:30:50.540 Do you think there's any way that you could 01:30:51.260 --> 01:30:58.460 Usefully penetrate your laptop with a series of probes and wires through a hole that you create 01:31:00.620 --> 01:31:05.340 In order to write and read to that laptop how hard would that be to do? 01:31:05.900 --> 01:31:12.060 Knowing that we know all about the laptop. We know all about it. We have the schematics. It would still be pretty hard to do 01:31:12.540 --> 01:31:19.660 It would be pretty really hard to do. I want you to think about that very freaking carefully 01:31:23.900 --> 01:31:25.900 It would be very hard to do 01:31:29.180 --> 01:31:31.180 And he just said 01:31:32.140 --> 01:31:35.580 He just said it that we're going to be able to do that with our brain 01:31:37.020 --> 01:31:39.020 Come on 01:31:39.980 --> 01:31:43.740 Such capacity with this ability. I think also comes 01:31:44.700 --> 01:31:48.940 Necessary and authentic anticipation and in some cases anxieties and apprehensions 01:31:49.820 --> 01:31:53.260 Please understand please understand that it's very different 01:31:53.980 --> 01:31:56.940 Read and write in the brain is not the same as 01:31:57.740 --> 01:32:03.020 Implanting something that will get an infection or cause an immune reaction or a stroke five years from now 01:32:03.500 --> 01:32:07.100 That in the in the short term can be stimulated to get you hungry 01:32:07.980 --> 01:32:16.220 Or can be stimulated to sexually arouse you or can stimulate you to need to act or or uh get angry 01:32:18.140 --> 01:32:20.140 Yes, we can rudimentary 01:32:20.860 --> 01:32:28.300 Rutamentarily stimulate parts of the brain to create certain behavioral patterns or certain impetuses. Yes, we can do that 01:32:29.580 --> 01:32:31.660 That's not reading and writing from the brain 01:32:33.340 --> 01:32:35.820 That's not usefully augmenting intelligence 01:32:36.620 --> 01:32:38.620 That's not correcting depression 01:32:39.580 --> 01:32:43.740 That's not any of the things that are implied in this enchantment 01:32:45.180 --> 01:32:50.380 And so the reason why if you feel a little negative energy here, it's because this is where I spent 01:32:50.780 --> 01:32:56.700 The last 25 years focusing my love of biology on the question of how does the brain work 01:32:57.260 --> 01:33:03.340 When I ran into what I considered to be the irreducible complexity of our sacred biology 01:33:03.660 --> 01:33:07.980 I often met neuroscientists who said no, that's easy. We can make a model of it 01:33:09.020 --> 01:33:11.020 No, that's easy 01:33:11.340 --> 01:33:13.340 We can make a model of it 01:33:16.300 --> 01:33:20.940 And I have been unable to express the amount of frustration that I've had in 01:33:21.580 --> 01:33:26.860 In neurobiology these these past 15 or 18 years working as an academy justion 01:33:27.340 --> 01:33:31.980 Not being able to express this appreciation for what we can't know 01:33:32.540 --> 01:33:37.020 And the irreverence of all these people that keep talking about how we're going to know it 01:33:41.740 --> 01:33:48.380 So that's why I'm here. That's why I'm not giving up on this. That's why I feel like I've got to develop this message rather than give up on it 01:33:50.300 --> 01:33:57.260 Because there is a sacred biology to have reverence for there is a sacred biology that's worth trying to understand as much as we can 01:33:57.900 --> 01:34:01.900 There is a sacred biology that if expressed correctly and understood correctly 01:34:02.300 --> 01:34:09.900 Could result in more reverence for who we are and who our grandchildren are and what our well-being should be 01:34:12.860 --> 01:34:19.260 And that's not this message, of course, that's not what James Giordano's message is, but that's also not what Robert Malone's message is 01:34:19.340 --> 01:34:25.260 That's also not what Pierre Corrie message is. That's also what not Tony Fauci's message is or 01:34:25.580 --> 01:34:30.700 Or any of these other people who purport to be on one side or the other of a limited spectrum of debate about 01:34:31.100 --> 01:34:34.940 Whether or not the spike protein was a pre-on gate of function protein or not 01:34:39.100 --> 01:34:46.220 We are making huge progress ladies and gentlemen thanks to people like James Giordano and also everybody that supports this stream 01:34:46.540 --> 01:34:50.060 Had a lot of you smartasses in the chat. I love it 01:34:51.020 --> 01:34:56.540 That the neuroscientists in the development of neurotechnology is not the province of if you will a given few 01:34:57.660 --> 01:35:06.300 At present there are multiple large-scale national level brain science initiatives that are pouring billions of currency units into projects in the brain sciences 01:35:07.340 --> 01:35:11.180 Again, the most notable direction of these the driver clearly is 01:35:11.820 --> 01:35:17.420 Explicit those things that are benevolent wanting to do good reduce the burden of human predicament and disease injury capability 01:35:18.140 --> 01:35:20.540 But that capability curve exists along a spectrum 01:35:21.020 --> 01:35:24.700 And here too, the ability to utilize the brain sciences to improve our quality of life 01:35:25.500 --> 01:35:32.380 Endor to use the brain sciences in preventive ways immediately allows us to confront again the idea of occupational preventive military intelligence medicine 01:35:33.100 --> 01:35:36.780 Super soldiers proverbial super spooks the intelligence operator 01:35:37.900 --> 01:35:41.580 But recall here too. What is my good may not necessarily be your good 01:35:42.380 --> 01:35:46.060 What I and my kin and kiss hold to be valuable defensible 01:35:46.700 --> 01:35:49.180 May not in fact be what yours defines to be so 01:35:49.740 --> 01:35:56.220 And so the use of advancing tools science and technology inclusive of the brain and cognitive sciences in those initiatives and agendas 01:35:56.620 --> 01:35:59.820 That can be used in defensive ways or in some cases 01:36:00.780 --> 01:36:06.620 Offensive ways to decapableize others to reduce their will their willingness 01:36:07.580 --> 01:36:09.660 Decapableize others 01:36:10.860 --> 01:36:13.420 Decapableize. I mean that's uh 01:36:13.740 --> 01:36:15.740 That 01:36:15.740 --> 01:36:17.580 That's a pretty bad word 01:36:17.580 --> 01:36:25.180 In my mind, but that's what they did to us in order to remove our ability to exercise informed consent, which includes saying no 01:36:26.700 --> 01:36:28.700 They decapableized us 01:36:29.820 --> 01:36:38.540 They decapableized us of exact ex of exercising informed consent another great James Giordano summary statement 01:36:39.180 --> 01:36:42.380 They decapableized us of making informed 01:36:42.860 --> 01:36:49.340 Decisions about transfection informed decisions about lockdown and their relevance or danger for us 01:36:50.220 --> 01:36:54.140 They decapableized us and they decapableized us not with 01:36:55.100 --> 01:36:59.580 neurotoxins or nanobots, but with careful coordinated lying 01:37:01.340 --> 01:37:06.940 Perhaps the cognitive and physical capabilities which advance towards some level of volatility or violence 01:37:07.660 --> 01:37:09.340 Is very very real 01:37:09.340 --> 01:37:17.340 But more than that what becomes important to understand is that the underlying philosophies ethics anthropologies and therefore limitations and constraints on the brain sciences 01:37:17.500 --> 01:37:22.220 In terms of researching their translation into various practices inclusive of those it could be used for military medicine 01:37:22.620 --> 01:37:29.020 And to be used for military warfare intelligence operations different. He's not mk ultra and he's the guy that records the 01:37:29.500 --> 01:37:33.980 The recordings that they play for people who are being mk ultra 01:37:34.780 --> 01:37:36.780 As a consequence of culture 01:37:37.100 --> 01:37:42.940 You know that large scale initiatives of brain sciences are multinational. There's an increasing asian effort to be sure that is explicit 01:37:43.580 --> 01:37:48.380 This is advancing develop nations and giving them certain capabilities to leverage the brain sciences in and across 01:37:48.780 --> 01:37:57.820 Fusions of governmental initiatives research initiatives and commercial initiatives that very very least could leverage the brain sciences and economic ways to create new balances of power 01:37:58.220 --> 01:38:01.500 On medical markets and perhaps even lifestyle if not military markets 01:38:02.460 --> 01:38:06.940 As well, what we're seeing is a rise in what has been colloquial referred to as neuro hacking 01:38:07.180 --> 01:38:14.300 I wonder if I played this guy at night in my headphones if I would gain his is magnificent vocabulary 01:38:15.340 --> 01:38:18.300 Do it yourself community, which not it's not problematic per se 01:38:18.940 --> 01:38:27.100 But it's certainly vulnerable to influence and manipulation by state actors and non state actors and the development of proxies both state and non state proxies 01:38:27.260 --> 01:38:28.620 Oh 01:38:28.620 --> 01:38:33.100 Stage and non state actors state and non state proxies 01:38:33.580 --> 01:38:39.180 Maybe like flcc or the american front line doctors or the wellness company or 01:38:41.020 --> 01:38:42.700 dare I say 01:38:42.700 --> 01:38:44.300 I can 01:38:44.300 --> 01:38:49.100 Children's health defense or some of the people in those organizations 01:38:51.900 --> 01:38:54.060 Dare I say that I think I do 01:38:54.940 --> 01:39:03.740 dare I say that that some of the political parties in america might be part of these state and non state actors and they might even fund proxies 01:39:05.020 --> 01:39:11.820 dare I say that non state actors like large weaponized piles of money might fund proxies in order to 01:39:12.780 --> 01:39:18.540 wrestle power away from national governments or state governments or to 01:39:19.340 --> 01:39:23.660 influence the state or local governments. I mean interestingly 01:39:24.300 --> 01:39:26.300 he's saying all of the truth 01:39:26.620 --> 01:39:29.980 out loud in big enough words so that 01:39:30.700 --> 01:39:32.700 skilled tv watchers won't catch it 01:39:33.500 --> 01:39:35.500 but people on the inside will 01:39:35.660 --> 01:39:41.340 people that are privy to the the lanyard discussions people that are privy to the 01:39:41.900 --> 01:39:46.620 to the to the classified websites they understand exactly what he's saying 01:39:47.580 --> 01:39:49.580 and what he's not saying 01:39:49.740 --> 01:39:51.580 which a lot of 01:39:51.580 --> 01:39:57.500 things that I've learned one of the biggest lessons that I've learned in the pandemic is that everything is an admission 01:39:59.100 --> 01:40:03.100 and you should think a bit like a lawyer in that sense everything is admission 01:40:04.700 --> 01:40:09.500 and what you don't say or say both of them there are admissions 01:40:10.380 --> 01:40:15.020 and one of the things that I think frustrates a lot of people is when they are 01:40:15.980 --> 01:40:21.660 not thinking clear enough to understand that everything being said is an admission 01:40:24.060 --> 01:40:29.580 and if you read people's sub stacks for example with that in mind the insistence 01:40:29.580 --> 01:40:34.140 on certainty about certain certain things becomes an admission 01:40:35.900 --> 01:40:39.420 within the global neuroscience community and do it yourself community that can be 01:40:39.420 --> 01:40:43.980 manipulated in those ways to affect sovereign states through the infiltration of capabilities 01:40:43.980 --> 01:40:47.980 within those states jurisdictions difficulty if you will to monitor for example here in the 01:40:47.980 --> 01:40:51.580 united states there is a directed program with our federal bureau of investigation 01:40:51.580 --> 01:40:55.820 to work with the do it yourself neuro hacking community in cooperation with interpol 01:40:55.820 --> 01:41:00.380 so as to maintain the stringency rigor and if you will ethical probity of that community and 01:41:00.380 --> 01:41:03.100 render them somewhat more resistance to infiltration 01:41:03.100 --> 01:41:09.180 I do think there's a lot to communication that is nonverbal and I do think that that is 01:41:09.580 --> 01:41:15.180 very maladaptively if I'm going to try and talk like him for a second 01:41:15.180 --> 01:41:20.700 maladaptively augmented by social media and our cyber presence in other words 01:41:21.340 --> 01:41:25.420 you and I talking in this way is not as bad as listening to him 01:41:27.180 --> 01:41:30.460 because you and I have an ongoing relationship and you kind of know 01:41:31.740 --> 01:41:38.220 you know my mannerisms and my my tendencies and so you you may feel some 01:41:38.780 --> 01:41:43.260 connection to knowing when I'm hiding something or knowing when I'm not telling 01:41:43.260 --> 01:41:47.500 everything that I should be or when I'm in a bad mood or this kind of thing and so there's a lot 01:41:47.500 --> 01:41:51.100 of nonverbal communication that's occurring between us because of our 01:41:51.820 --> 01:41:56.460 ongoing relationship that doesn't occur when you meet somebody for the first time in a Zoom meeting 01:41:56.460 --> 01:42:00.060 and allows and I would go back to the Peter Thiel thing 01:42:00.860 --> 01:42:07.420 allows lies and exaggeration to exist in greater quantity and greater proportion because personal 01:42:07.420 --> 01:42:13.180 contact makes that more difficult I don't think it's 80 percent but I do think that that's one of 01:42:13.180 --> 01:42:18.620 the reasons why I remind you every once in a while with a slide with a lot of selfies 01:42:19.180 --> 01:42:24.780 to remind you that I have met these people in person they've shaken my hand and that means 01:42:24.780 --> 01:42:33.180 some of them have lied to me to my face and I would argue that one of the gifts that you get 01:42:33.180 --> 01:42:40.620 if your if your parents are abusive one of the gifts that you get if you have then 01:42:42.700 --> 01:42:52.620 don't have the optimal childhood is that you have suspicion of adults and you know that adults lie 01:42:53.660 --> 01:42:59.260 and if you as a child find out that adults lie even the adults that you trusted the most 01:42:59.820 --> 01:43:04.540 then you grow up with a very good sense of when people are lying to you you almost have this 01:43:04.540 --> 01:43:11.100 gut instinct I sweat different and I get a little feeling at the top of my head when somebody's 01:43:11.100 --> 01:43:17.820 lying to me it's very strange and some of these people have lied to me and only later did I actually 01:43:17.820 --> 01:43:22.060 figure it out that wow they really did they freaking looked me in the eye they said a bunch of shit 01:43:22.060 --> 01:43:26.860 that wasn't true and hoped that I would accept it and even better they hoped that I would go and 01:43:26.860 --> 01:43:34.060 shout it from my stream and occasionally I have and then realize later that it's a mistake that's 01:43:34.060 --> 01:43:38.460 the kind of experience that I bring to this if you're joining me for the first time and gotten 01:43:38.460 --> 01:43:44.380 this far that a lot of other people don't bring because I've trusted everybody I've given everybody 01:43:44.380 --> 01:43:48.300 the benefit of the doubt over the last four and a half years and been bitten most of the time 01:43:49.740 --> 01:43:54.940 James Giordano is a gift that doesn't stop giving though I can just keep watching videos of him 01:43:54.940 --> 01:43:58.780 and he says things that are worth millions of dollars and so this is no different this has 01:43:58.780 --> 01:44:03.820 been a great stream so far by various actors and agents who may have capricious if not nefarious 01:44:03.820 --> 01:44:10.140 intent but I think it's also important to understand that these different cultures different countries 01:44:11.100 --> 01:44:15.260 bring to the table different histories different needs different values different philosophies 01:44:15.260 --> 01:44:19.660 and very often those histories are longstanding and these philosophies anthropologies and values 01:44:19.660 --> 01:44:25.740 established distinct ethics and those ethics may be far more permissive than we whoever we may be 01:44:25.740 --> 01:44:30.940 would like and in other cases it affords opportunities for things like research tourism can't get it done 01:44:30.940 --> 01:44:36.380 here go there well what does that mean is that ethics dumping or is that simply ethical heterogeneity 01:44:36.380 --> 01:44:40.940 but clearly what it does is it re-establishes the capability for leveraging the brain sciences 01:44:40.940 --> 01:44:46.060 in ways that can be used in multinational relations that range from the economic as I said earlier 01:44:46.060 --> 01:44:50.380 all the way to the velocos wow I mean he's just saying it without saying it we could work 01:44:50.380 --> 01:44:56.460 together to screw people over if we wanted to and maybe we will with a group of non-state 01:44:56.460 --> 01:45:01.660 actors and state actors and state proxies and non-state proxies he said it right there 01:45:03.180 --> 01:45:14.060 we could in 2022 he's saying oh boy I mean really it's becoming easier much of the neuroscience 01:45:14.060 --> 01:45:18.140 is shared in international form and I'm not making any proposition to decrease that but I think 01:45:18.140 --> 01:45:21.740 there is a need for increased responsible conduct of research inclusive of its dissemination and 01:45:21.740 --> 01:45:26.540 sharing to be able to understand what's being shared and how it might be used not very different than 01:45:26.540 --> 01:45:31.660 the the the advocating for a control I gain a function research because we don't know what 01:45:31.660 --> 01:45:36.060 they're doing and we don't want them sharing it with everybody there are a number of tools 01:45:36.060 --> 01:45:39.100 and methods that are available off the shelf and as I mentioned previously there are dedicated 01:45:39.180 --> 01:45:44.060 efforts by nations and nations in their proxies towards not only developing these capabilities 01:45:44.060 --> 01:45:47.500 and brain sciences that could be weaponized but actually putting them into play as recent 01:45:47.500 --> 01:45:51.020 evidence would show a case of point such things like no but Chuck the use of a variety of organic 01:45:51.020 --> 01:45:55.020 toxins and the still somewhat controversial consideration of the use of various types of 01:45:55.020 --> 01:45:59.900 neurologically directed energies so I think it becomes important to recognize that these things 01:45:59.900 --> 01:46:03.980 are ready for prime time the technological readiness level has been indeed acknowledged 01:46:03.980 --> 01:46:08.380 and appreciated by a number of worldwide groups not only ours working with the new brain project 01:46:08.380 --> 01:46:12.700 health organization UNESCO most recently NATO the national academies here in the United 01:46:12.700 --> 01:46:19.580 I mean what NATO UNESCO the United Nations World Health Organization can you list any other bad 01:46:19.580 --> 01:46:25.980 guys that we would rather not cooperate with like holy shit on a shingle indeed acknowledged 01:46:25.980 --> 01:46:30.380 and appreciated by a number of worldwide groups not only ours working with the new brain project 01:46:30.380 --> 01:46:35.100 health organization UNESCO most recently NATO the national academies here in the United States 01:46:35.100 --> 01:46:41.020 National Research Council all of them recognizing the viability potential bellicose value and realities 01:46:41.020 --> 01:46:46.220 of neuroscience and technology as tools what does bellicose value mean does that mean that it can 01:46:46.220 --> 01:46:50.860 hurt people or it can be really loud and obnoxious what does he mean by that he said bellicose too 01:46:50.860 --> 01:46:56.860 often to I can't ignore it anymore warfare intelligence in national Havana syndrome could be legit but 01:46:56.860 --> 01:47:03.180 don't think of it as mind control think of it as maybe they can send a a focused beam of energy 01:47:03.260 --> 01:47:08.700 into somebody's brain and it can hurt them I mean is it would it be strange if they could make a 01:47:08.700 --> 01:47:14.060 commercial sized microwave and focus it on a on a on a room that it would bother your brain 01:47:14.060 --> 01:47:18.620 would that would that surprise you at all that's not the same as remote control 01:47:20.460 --> 01:47:26.220 and he can say all these big words but you know if they have a microwave gun that can kill neurons 01:47:26.220 --> 01:47:30.860 with heating and that's not a very fancy technology that's not very special 01:47:32.540 --> 01:47:37.340 and you could call it neuro something something but it's in reality it's a microwave beam 01:47:38.780 --> 01:47:43.580 I mean and that's where I think this stuff gets distorted I think that's what this guy's job is 01:47:43.580 --> 01:47:54.620 is to imply that chemicals toxins and focused energy are equivalent to AI control read writing 01:47:54.620 --> 01:48:00.060 in the brain and and behavioral modification on a mass scale it's not the same 01:48:01.660 --> 01:48:11.580 one doesn't imply the existence of the other but he is very capable of his of of enchanting 01:48:11.580 --> 01:48:15.340 his listeners so that those are considered all part of the same thing 01:48:16.940 --> 01:48:20.540 some of the more recent discourse for example by the Nuffield Council some of the work of our 01:48:20.540 --> 01:48:24.220 group not only with the human brain project but with others have addressed those ways that 01:48:24.300 --> 01:48:27.340 you might be able to surveil and oversee these initiatives and agendas 01:48:28.380 --> 01:48:33.340 but there is also a sticking point if one of the recommendations and I think perhaps a viable 01:48:33.340 --> 01:48:38.540 recommendation is that the brain sciences shall not be up taken into those agendas explicitly 01:48:38.540 --> 01:48:43.420 by those countries who sort of embargo will push back on these intents we have to appreciate 01:48:43.420 --> 01:48:47.420 not only would that does idiosyncratically within a country or community but what are the 01:48:47.420 --> 01:48:52.460 benefits if not burdens risks and perhaps threats systemically because a lack of commitment to 01:48:52.460 --> 01:48:57.980 neuroscientific technological research development testing does not in any way preclude others 01:48:57.980 --> 01:49:03.420 research and I would argue dude for peace that actually the people that push the the human genome 01:49:03.420 --> 01:49:09.580 project are also fake it until we make it salesman I would say that the people that pushed the viral 01:49:09.580 --> 01:49:17.180 causes of of chronic chronic fatigue syndrome are fake it till we make it salesman that mark 01:49:17.180 --> 01:49:23.820 actually identified a pre judy mikovitz make it fake it till you make it salesman on the exact 01:49:23.820 --> 01:49:30.940 same subject that actually trained under hilly rickoprowski fake it till you make it has become 01:49:30.940 --> 01:49:37.500 something that our kids think is how adults do it it's not how I did it it's not how my dad did it 01:49:38.220 --> 01:49:42.620 it's not how my grandma did it it's not how my grandparents did it but somehow or another 01:49:42.620 --> 01:49:44.620 this culture has kind of taken over 01:49:49.260 --> 01:49:54.140 we're not faking it until we make it we were a biologist I was a biologist with a 20-year 01:49:54.140 --> 01:50:01.980 career in neurobiology that kind of snuck through a Nobel prize-winning lab in 2014 01:50:03.180 --> 01:50:11.340 I mean I'm not I'm not anyone without a CV I'm an absolute legitimate biologist bringing legitimate 01:50:11.340 --> 01:50:18.300 questions to the floor about this stuff and being ignored for four years being misled for 01:50:18.300 --> 01:50:21.820 four years being being played with for four years 01:50:27.820 --> 01:50:32.220 and I'm mad about it because I think they're after our kids and they're after our grandkids and 01:50:32.220 --> 01:50:37.420 and very few people seem to be mad enough about it to do anything so I'm trying to bring that 01:50:37.420 --> 01:50:42.380 biology out and I think that James Giordano is a wonderful background on which to bring it out 01:50:43.420 --> 01:50:52.300 because this is a fake it until you make it fake and they have faked biosecurity and bioterrorism 01:50:52.300 --> 01:50:55.660 and pandemics they have faked it until they made it 01:50:58.620 --> 01:51:04.460 they faked all of that stuff that potential they faked it and then they made it 01:51:04.620 --> 01:51:10.380 and now they've got to double down on the fake otherwise they won't have made it where they've 01:51:10.380 --> 01:51:16.620 already made it you see this is it right here they have to stick to it the coordinated harmonizing 01:51:16.620 --> 01:51:24.780 lies must be respected otherwise the whole illusion falls apart and the since the illusion goes back 01:51:24.780 --> 01:51:30.780 not to 2020 the illusion goes back all the way to the special cancer virus program 01:51:30.940 --> 01:51:38.220 when they thought that they could irradiate things to increase the speed of evolution 01:51:40.700 --> 01:51:42.540 when they were all one department 01:51:47.340 --> 01:51:51.340 development testing and perhaps application and translational use initiatives in some cases 01:51:51.340 --> 01:51:54.940 may augment it and this gets us to the difficulty of global sure 01:51:55.900 --> 01:52:01.420 conventions Helsinki biological toxins and weapons conventions are having a difficult time 01:52:01.420 --> 01:52:05.660 dealing with some of these non-conventional techniques and technologies very often international 01:52:05.660 --> 01:52:11.020 treaties don't necessarily guarantee cooperation but more than that the extant verbiage of many 01:52:11.020 --> 01:52:15.900 of these treaties has only begin to scrape the surface as to the categorical diversity of the 01:52:15.900 --> 01:52:22.220 way of its neuroscientific tools and technology I would rather say that what AI and large language 01:52:22.300 --> 01:52:27.980 models have done and should have done for us is to reveal that language itself is an illusion 01:52:28.940 --> 01:52:35.980 language itself is a sort of limited spectrum of ideas and the more we allow the precision 01:52:35.980 --> 01:52:43.980 of our language to be reduced from a a college level to a 12th grade level to an 8th grade level 01:52:43.980 --> 01:52:52.380 to a sixth grade level we have the inability to express ourselves the inability to express 01:52:52.380 --> 01:52:58.860 our reverence for that which we can't understand because we are now trapped not only in a limited 01:52:58.860 --> 01:53:04.220 spectrum of ideas but a limited spectrum of words with which to juggle those ideas 01:53:06.220 --> 01:53:12.060 and so large language models if they've exposed anything for me they've exposed the fact that 01:53:12.060 --> 01:53:19.020 language is part of the way that they got us they dumbed us down we don't talk the way that 01:53:19.020 --> 01:53:26.780 they used to talk at the start of the ninth of the 20th century just go and look for yourself after 01:53:26.780 --> 01:53:34.140 this stream for a speech when Ronald Reagan was still running for office as the governor of 01:53:34.940 --> 01:53:41.900 California and you will find a level of language that's simply not found on television anymore you 01:53:41.900 --> 01:53:49.820 will find a level of sophisticated discussion about fine points and details and humor that you 01:53:49.820 --> 01:53:55.020 won't find in any political speech ever again in America if they have their way 01:53:57.740 --> 01:54:02.620 and that's for me what large language models have shown me is that the more the less words we have 01:54:02.620 --> 01:54:08.700 to play with the more simple it is to make shit up to lie about it and to distort the truth within 01:54:08.700 --> 01:54:14.460 this limited spectrum of debate that is also reinforced by this limited spectrum of vocabulary 01:54:14.460 --> 01:54:20.780 and concepts it's extraordinary to me great comment. Apologies could be developed in use 01:54:20.780 --> 01:54:26.700 the BTWC and CWC don't explicitly prohibit medical use occupational preventive medical use 01:54:27.260 --> 01:54:31.660 commercial or proprietary use in the development of particular tools and technologies that can 01:54:31.740 --> 01:54:36.460 be employed in commercial testing inclusive of commercial testing for example of organic 01:54:36.460 --> 01:54:41.740 materials to assess their vulnerability in the workspace or in some cases the research development 01:54:41.740 --> 01:54:46.700 test evaluation and use of neuro technologies is latter point was specifically addressed by 01:54:46.700 --> 01:54:51.340 the Australia delegation the Australia group at the review conference of the biological toxins 01:54:51.340 --> 01:54:54.620 and weapons conventions a couple of years ago and so this is coming to the fore increasingly and 01:54:54.620 --> 01:54:58.220 I'm encouraged by that but I think what we're really facing here is that neuroscience and 01:54:58.220 --> 01:55:02.940 technology can be likened to an international super speedway a formula one race multiple lanes 01:55:03.500 --> 01:55:08.380 multiple vehicles a very very high technological prowess and capability a rapid pace relatively 01:55:08.380 --> 01:55:15.500 big prizes. Now what I would suggest is that a very similar story is that bird too loud that 01:55:15.500 --> 01:55:22.940 Robin is going bananas a very similar story has been told about AI and the biological 01:55:23.580 --> 01:55:32.220 space let's say the biological reality in that and here hear me out for a second that China has 01:55:32.220 --> 01:55:38.860 been collecting medical data and genetic data from their more homogenous population genetically 01:55:38.860 --> 01:55:46.140 for a longer time than we have and so if he was to tell a story in a secret meeting what he would 01:55:46.140 --> 01:55:52.700 say is America we are so far behind because this is a race and the Chinese because of their 01:55:52.780 --> 01:55:59.980 system because of their totalitarian control the UK because of their their their nationalized 01:55:59.980 --> 01:56:07.260 medical system and and Israel because of their nationalized medical system because of certain 01:56:07.260 --> 01:56:14.460 databases in the United States we have the opportunity to catch up and if we don't if we continue to 01:56:14.460 --> 01:56:21.260 ignore this race we will fall behind forever and the only way we're going to catch up is to do 01:56:21.260 --> 01:56:28.460 something drastic and that might include orchestrating a pandemic to make sure that the sovereignty 01:56:28.460 --> 01:56:33.900 that Americans consider their own is permanently erased by an emergency a crisis that we all agree 01:56:33.900 --> 01:56:38.860 happens that we all agree could happen again and so we can catch up in this race 01:56:42.860 --> 01:56:47.740 just consider that a possibility remember I'm calling the cops I don't know why the criminals 01:56:47.740 --> 01:56:51.420 are doing what they're doing and I don't have a good explanation because I ain't them I don't 01:56:51.420 --> 01:56:57.500 have a copy of the plan but there's lots of good explanations that are right in front of our face 01:56:59.260 --> 01:57:06.060 that don't involve magic tricks that don't involve you know secret technology they just involve 01:57:06.940 --> 01:57:16.220 a wonderfully orchestrated coordinated harmonized list of lies again that range from the financial 01:57:16.220 --> 01:57:20.780 all the way to global hegemony is and the ability to influence and exert forces in a variety of 01:57:20.780 --> 01:57:24.540 different domains again from the economic to the bellicose and there were risks and hazards risks 01:57:24.540 --> 01:57:28.380 and hazards that are inherent to the technology and those that are derived from its various 01:57:28.380 --> 01:57:33.820 uses and military operations although very often exist in some level of limited transparency 01:57:33.820 --> 01:57:39.580 in an open society must have some level of responsibility and communication to the public 01:57:39.580 --> 01:57:43.980 that it vows to protect the question then becomes if we're going to enter the race and we already 01:57:43.980 --> 01:57:48.940 have are there race rules and restrictions well our group working together with others here 01:57:48.940 --> 01:57:52.380 in the United States and internationally have proposed if you're going to get on the racetrack 01:57:52.380 --> 01:57:57.100 you need some rules to get on the ramp you propose something called the on ramp approach 01:57:57.100 --> 01:58:01.260 the operational neurotechnology risk assessment and mitigation paradigm and I provide those 01:58:01.260 --> 01:58:06.540 references for you written large and over it involves a general six r approach that then drills down 01:58:06.540 --> 01:58:10.220 into specific questions that must be asked I would argue this is stupid complicated 01:58:11.180 --> 01:58:16.700 you're making questions about ethics about personal and individual sovereignty sovereignty 01:58:16.700 --> 01:58:21.660 over children sovereignty over data sovereignty over medical data sovereignty over genetics 01:58:22.940 --> 01:58:29.500 and sovereignty over your grandchildren as being irrelevant and breaking down into a lot of big 01:58:29.500 --> 01:58:35.820 words and a lot of subtext that actually just completely sidesteps the idea that we have any 01:58:35.900 --> 01:58:39.980 sovereignty over ourselves or any sovereignty over our future 80 sovereignty over our children 01:58:41.820 --> 01:58:45.500 and and that's what's happening here I see just an enchantment and this might be an 01:58:45.500 --> 01:58:50.460 enchantment aimed at people that are already within the bureaucracy that already understand 01:58:50.460 --> 01:58:55.340 and have been at secret meetings before and so can fill in some of the blanks that you and I can't 01:58:56.860 --> 01:59:03.420 but one of the blanks here is kind of a lookaway doctrine we know that that military and and 01:59:03.420 --> 01:59:07.740 government intelligence agencies often function on a lookaway doctrine if you don't know what's 01:59:07.740 --> 01:59:13.340 going on in that room and you don't ask any questions then what does it matter and so again 01:59:13.340 --> 01:59:18.780 that's just the tip of the iceberg of what is not being said here but what is being said is that 01:59:18.780 --> 01:59:28.140 we're going to obfuscate the simple ethical ideas of informed consent and sovereignty 01:59:29.020 --> 01:59:33.580 by never using those words by never talking about those things how can he be an ethicist 01:59:33.580 --> 01:59:40.380 he's no difference than then Tony Fauci's wife who can give an entire talk about bioethics without 01:59:40.380 --> 01:59:48.140 ever once saying informed consent and here we have another person who parades himself as being a 01:59:48.140 --> 01:59:56.620 bioethicist but never ever says informed consent even Robert Malone says he's actually a bioethicist 01:59:56.620 --> 02:00:03.580 but in all that bioethics in it running through his veins he's never bothered to explain that 02:00:03.580 --> 02:00:08.780 transfection was always criminally negligent and healthy humans it should have never been given 02:00:08.780 --> 02:00:13.980 to children he sat on a beach and kind of made it a gray area as to whether kids should take it or 02:00:13.980 --> 02:00:20.780 not which also of course was an admission or an implication that adults and old people sure they 02:00:20.780 --> 02:00:27.820 should take it they're at more danger of covid than you are barefoot on a beach 02:00:30.220 --> 02:00:35.260 it's all part of the same coordinated line he has probably been in a few meetings with 02:00:35.260 --> 02:00:41.900 James Giordano at one point or another in his illustrious career serving this global governance 02:00:42.620 --> 02:00:44.700 weaponized pile of money structured 02:00:48.460 --> 02:00:53.340 once you see them ladies and gentlemen it's you can't unsee them and that's what we're doing here 02:00:53.340 --> 02:00:58.940 one by one people are going to come to see it they're going to pull their head out of this box where 02:00:58.940 --> 02:01:02.460 all these people are telling these loud stories about what they did 02:01:04.620 --> 02:01:09.100 selling an ivermectin book selling a book about lies my government told me 02:01:09.740 --> 02:01:14.700 publishing a book about the covid virus and in the beginning of the pandemic but not really 02:01:14.700 --> 02:01:20.140 publishing it anywhere else not really pushing it at all it's all lies ladies and gentlemen they're 02:01:20.140 --> 02:01:28.140 all liars working for one non-profit that's supposedly fighting for for autistic kids around 02:01:28.140 --> 02:01:33.100 the world and then starting another profit that's non-profit that's supposed to fight the who and 02:01:33.180 --> 02:01:39.340 all the while years and years later nobody's even mentioned the prep act or strict liability or 02:01:39.340 --> 02:01:47.020 the seventh amendment violation that the prep act subtext represents years and years and now 02:01:47.020 --> 02:01:52.220 we're on to our second second non-profit fighting the who and still we're not saying that it's 02:01:52.220 --> 02:01:56.860 essentially just the criminal vaccine schedule that they're protecting essentially just the idea 02:01:56.860 --> 02:02:02.140 that we have defeated disease with vaccines that they're protecting that none of them actually 02:02:02.140 --> 02:02:06.380 question Robert Malone, Meryl Nasse, I mean they none of them question it. 02:02:08.700 --> 02:02:16.300 Who else doesn't question it? Brett Weinstein, his wife, Peter Thiel, Eric Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, 02:02:17.420 --> 02:02:25.740 who else doesn't question it? Do any of them usefully question it or do they talk about free speech 02:02:26.300 --> 02:02:35.820 randomize control trials and not say strict liability not say strike the prep act not say 02:02:36.380 --> 02:02:44.540 seventh amendment violation none of them do none of them that have had much longer than the pandemic 02:02:44.540 --> 02:02:49.820 to figure it out. Meryl Nasse could have pulled her head out and said it anytime she wanted to 02:02:49.900 --> 02:02:56.380 in the last 10 years that she's been taking money from this opposition. She could have just said 02:02:56.380 --> 02:03:00.300 that the vaccine schedule in America is criminal just compared to any other country and that's 02:03:00.300 --> 02:03:05.980 where we should start she could have said it she hasn't anyone there could have said it they haven't 02:03:08.460 --> 02:03:14.780 question very clearly find a video where one of these people has said it the United States 02:03:14.860 --> 02:03:17.820 vaccine schedule is criminal compared to another country 02:03:20.860 --> 02:03:27.900 they haven't said it they've said that the mandates are wrong that censoring people on the internet 02:03:27.900 --> 02:03:38.780 is wrong health freedom is right it's all part of the same coordinated harmonized list of lies 02:03:39.660 --> 02:03:45.580 where none of them step on each other's toes where all of them pretend to stop one part of the 02:03:45.580 --> 02:03:49.820 train but none of them get in each other's way so it looks really convincing. 02:03:54.220 --> 02:03:59.500 And key context of framing that must be appreciated it demands responsibility for realistic assessment 02:03:59.500 --> 02:04:03.660 of the technology not science fiction there are plenty of real things that need to be addressed 02:04:03.660 --> 02:04:08.460 reviewed in some cases guided evaluating research and viable uses in practice what 02:04:08.460 --> 02:04:12.780 constitutes dual use research of concern but does not what constitutes gain of function research 02:04:12.780 --> 02:04:18.300 of concern and what does not. Responsive to the burdens and defects not only idiosyncratically 02:04:18.300 --> 02:04:23.500 among individuals and collectives but perhaps systemically as well given certain harms of omission 02:04:23.500 --> 02:04:28.540 or commission revising that it's two hours I think I'm going to leave it here and maybe I'll watch 02:04:28.540 --> 02:04:33.020 some of this at double speed and see if there's anything worth pulling out as highlights I don't 02:04:33.020 --> 02:04:37.100 want to make this video too long and I don't want to test peer tubes ability to put it up I'm going 02:04:37.100 --> 02:04:43.820 to see if I can get two hours again. For the 72 people who have joined me this morning 02:04:44.460 --> 02:04:49.740 on this show thank you very much for being here thank you very much for taking the time to share 02:04:49.740 --> 02:04:55.580 my work and to be here and participate in the chat I'm getting better at being able to read 02:04:55.580 --> 02:05:00.460 the chat quick see if there's anything worth commenting about and then going on and so please 02:05:00.460 --> 02:05:07.900 keep coming please keep typing please keep sending the emails it's all going to get better and better 02:05:07.900 --> 02:05:14.780 and better in this month because it has to because my family needs to make this work I need to make 02:05:14.780 --> 02:05:18.460 this work and I really believe this is what I'm supposed to be doing so thank you very much 02:05:19.180 --> 02:05:26.460 look forward to some more broken science initiative content. Matt Briggs has been working hard to 02:05:26.940 --> 02:05:34.780 start to put a general big picture of probability course together and I've been diligently following 02:05:34.780 --> 02:05:41.180 a long and listening and trying to figure out how I can help or summarize or or maybe recap some of 02:05:41.180 --> 02:05:45.980 the stuff that he's doing and I think he's kind of learning as he goes to because this is a course 02:05:45.980 --> 02:05:50.300 that he hasn't you know already outlined from the beginning to the end but it's kind of improvising 02:05:50.300 --> 02:05:54.060 his way through it and I think that was what it also makes it a little more entertaining so you 02:05:54.060 --> 02:05:59.100 can find those on Twitter if you haven't found them already and other than that I guess I would 02:05:59.100 --> 02:06:06.140 say thank you very much for joining me and we will be here again faithfully tomorrow 02:06:07.740 --> 02:06:19.740 and I guess I'll put this one up as the last slide. Did that work? Yes. Although my computer is 02:06:19.740 --> 02:06:27.580 cranking like it's not very happy. I don't know what happened there. Ladies and gentlemen thank 02:06:27.580 --> 02:06:32.460 you very much for being here thank you very much for participating and I will definitely see you 02:06:32.460 --> 02:06:38.220 tomorrow again at 10 10. I'm going to try to get sharper and sharper and sharper. The actual goal 02:06:38.220 --> 02:06:46.380 in terms of 10 10 is to start the music and the slideshow or some other placeholder at 10 o'clock 02:06:46.380 --> 02:06:52.700 so that I'm really sharp at 10 10 and you don't necessarily need to watch the whole 02:06:52.700 --> 02:06:58.940 introduction to get there at 10 10 so that the people who are necessarily are frustrated with 02:06:58.940 --> 02:07:04.060 the show starting and then having a four or five minute introduction won't need to be as frustrated. 02:07:05.420 --> 02:07:12.380 Thank you very very very very very very very much it's really encouraging and thank you again 02:07:12.460 --> 02:07:17.020 for for sharing my work and I'll see you again tomorrow. 02:07:27.820 --> 02:07:32.300 We're going to summarize that stuff that we've learned about virology and pre-ons and then 02:07:32.300 --> 02:07:39.180 in the coming week or so and we'll put together a succinct slide set that's kind of an update to 02:07:39.180 --> 02:07:47.820 the old maximum slide set and and we've been following way behind on slidesets and so 02:07:47.820 --> 02:07:54.460 May is the the month where that's going to start again. It is a little more work for me in the sense 02:07:54.460 --> 02:08:00.780 of I've got to be ahead of myself and and have two decks I have to have this deck and then I have 02:08:00.780 --> 02:08:05.580 to have the deck that could be made into a PDF because as you can imagine with all the moving 02:08:05.660 --> 02:08:11.580 nonsense and with all the extra stuff that's on these decks making a PDF of this deck is not 02:08:11.580 --> 02:08:16.460 really useful. It becomes a giant document with a lot of moving parts that aren't all embedded 02:08:16.460 --> 02:08:23.260 and so I have to make a separate deck that summarizes the deck that I use and so anyway we need to do 02:08:23.260 --> 02:08:30.060 a pre-ons deck we need to do a virology deck we need to do an immunology deck and we need to do a 02:08:30.060 --> 02:08:36.780 RNA cannot pandemic summary deck and so those are all little mini courses that's what I've been 02:08:36.780 --> 02:08:42.620 trying to threaten as a mini course and so these videos and these study halls have all been 02:08:42.620 --> 02:08:52.780 preparation for that mini course and in the background I have actually been assembling for 02:08:52.780 --> 02:09:03.660 example I've been assembling pre-on reviews and all the papers that I want to use in the coming 02:09:03.660 --> 02:09:10.380 courses we have pre-ons we have a couple other things in there that we need to learn we need to 02:09:10.380 --> 02:09:15.260 know what these words mean like amyloidosis and pre-onogenesis and what they don't mean so that 02:09:15.260 --> 02:09:19.900 we can understand when we're being bamboozled and when we aren't so again thank you very much and 02:09:19.900 --> 02:09:27.180 I'll see you again soon