WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 . 00:30.000 --> 00:33.820 Those ordered 00:33.820 --> 00:44.520 ideas that 00:44.520 --> 00:48.220 that's okay should be all right and that was pretty loud, turn my headphones down and a little bit 00:48.220 --> 00:49.660 should be a ride 00:49.660 --> 00:51.660 You 01:19.660 --> 01:21.660 I 01:26.620 --> 01:32.220 Didn't manage to get my date right today. It should say the 12th and it says the 8th. Oh well 01:33.260 --> 01:35.260 one man band 01:36.180 --> 01:39.740 Hello Pamela. Hello everyone. Fletch you are number one on my screen 01:40.980 --> 01:45.980 Congratulations on that number one position. I know it's very coveted. I guess there's thousands of dollars that get 01:46.460 --> 01:52.900 Exchange behind the scenes over who makes it and who doesn't make it as first. So well done 02:07.420 --> 02:12.860 Despite remodeling his studio mark the use of tonic live is still producing videos 02:12.900 --> 02:17.020 Make sure you look at his alternative channels on bit shoot and elsewhere to find these things 02:17.620 --> 02:19.780 Also follow his Twitter if you need some help 02:19.780 --> 02:23.860 But make sure you're not not watching mark because he's still working 02:43.860 --> 02:50.940 The rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions keep it clean touch gloves if you wish. Let's do it 02:52.100 --> 02:54.540 Sweaty bombs. This is so crazy 02:55.380 --> 03:01.940 Like these bumps. This is so crazy. I feel so nervous like what in the world man 03:13.740 --> 03:15.740 Yeah 03:21.180 --> 03:26.180 Yeah, I'm working on trying to shift off of twitch, so just stay tuned 03:26.180 --> 03:30.620 I don't want to just jump ship because I know a lot of people have 03:31.220 --> 03:36.340 Paid the price of subscribing here, but I do want to announce the fact that I'm probably gonna move 03:36.340 --> 03:40.580 I mean eventually we got to move off of this. It's a pretty bad platform 03:40.580 --> 03:44.580 I mean, I'm completely okay with admitting that 03:45.900 --> 03:51.100 You have been joining us for a while you're here at the top of the wave where we stay focused on the biology 03:51.100 --> 03:55.060 We don't take the bait on TV and in social media and we love our neighbors 03:55.540 --> 03:59.180 Naval if you watch the Super Bowl last name neighbor 04:01.020 --> 04:06.340 And this is how it works there are people that support this stream and they do it by going to giga-home 04:06.660 --> 04:09.580 biological.com and scrolling down to where you can subscribe 04:10.660 --> 04:14.860 and the people that are subscribing are right here and 04:16.660 --> 04:21.740 It's important to see that this is not an updated list because I'm a punk 04:22.980 --> 04:28.660 My wife is doing this stuff and has sent me the email will update it on the evening show or on the morning show tomorrow 04:29.740 --> 04:35.460 As you can see we are trying to shift now to multiple shows during the week during the day 04:36.420 --> 04:41.940 I'm not suggesting by any stretch of the imagination. I'm sorry that it's a little stuttery here. There it goes 04:41.940 --> 04:47.100 I'm not sure that I'm promising a show in the morning and in the evening every day 04:47.100 --> 04:49.100 but what I'm trying to do is 04:49.140 --> 04:52.700 be there more often and more often during the day because 04:53.300 --> 04:55.300 Although I work during the day 04:55.620 --> 05:00.420 It's also a better time for me to stream from the perspective of being available and flexible 05:00.740 --> 05:02.740 and being able to do it regularly 05:03.060 --> 05:05.660 And that's the goal is regular student now 05:06.420 --> 05:13.100 Because we want to establish an independent bright web of sort a place where people can go and find you know 05:13.620 --> 05:17.460 An objective take on things rather than something that's sponsored 05:17.940 --> 05:24.980 Rather than that's something that's influenced by who my sponsors are who I wear my loyalties lie 05:24.980 --> 05:28.620 I mean that could have already been even distorted from the perspective of 05:29.340 --> 05:31.340 Let's say 05:31.740 --> 05:37.580 Let's say that could have even been distorted from the perspective of me working for for a CHD 05:37.580 --> 05:39.580 And so we're really trying to 05:40.100 --> 05:48.460 to emphasize the fact that giga-owned biological is indeed as independent as we get flying on on fumes basically and 05:49.060 --> 05:52.260 That's part of the reason why I haven't been able to be on daily daily daily 05:52.260 --> 05:58.220 is because I still need to shuffle around in the background until we get a certain number of subscribers and and 05:58.860 --> 06:05.340 That means sometimes consulting and sometimes helping out with letter writing or anything where I can get an extra and extra 06:05.340 --> 06:06.540 A few bucks 06:06.540 --> 06:09.500 And so I did do a lot of that work over the weekend 06:09.500 --> 06:16.380 But it is Monday the 12th and we're right back here trying to fight this idea that that those 06:16.940 --> 06:24.540 Who are manipulating us have this unseen mechanism. It's an unseen mechanism that has actually you know the idea 06:24.540 --> 06:32.540 The idea is to convince the young people of the world that this is something that's just recently become 06:33.180 --> 06:34.700 available to them 06:34.700 --> 06:40.540 It's something that's just recently a technique that's being applied and they still have a chance to escape it 06:40.540 --> 06:45.500 And I think it's very important to to emphasize the fact that 06:46.140 --> 06:50.140 This is indeed not the case that actually the 06:50.780 --> 06:57.260 Unseen manipulation of our habits and our opinions has been going on for decades and it's only become 06:58.060 --> 07:04.700 Weaponized in a new level militarized in a new level because it has been prioritized 07:05.260 --> 07:07.500 as a national security priority the 07:08.540 --> 07:15.740 Organized control of our habits and our opinions is an is a national security priority at this stage 07:16.620 --> 07:20.860 They need us to believe what they want us to believe and the 07:21.820 --> 07:27.740 The bureaucracy became convinced of this quite some time ago that it was better for the american public 07:27.820 --> 07:32.140 Not to really know the truth about much of anything and that way they would be the most easy to govern 07:32.700 --> 07:36.620 This is a principle that although has been 07:38.940 --> 07:44.620 Widely applied for decades. It's not something that has become so blatantly obvious as during the pandemic 07:44.620 --> 07:48.220 And that's where this whole narrative is tumbled out of control for them 07:48.860 --> 07:55.340 That's where this whole narrative is tumbled out of control and where I think your own biological finds we find ourselves 07:55.900 --> 07:58.780 is fighting this this concept that 07:59.340 --> 08:07.340 We have any more informed consent that anyone is looking out for our informed consent our rights and anyone is protecting our sovereignty 08:07.340 --> 08:09.340 This is an illusion 08:09.340 --> 08:13.420 And it wasn't illusion already before the pandemic, but it was a much more subtle illusion 08:13.500 --> 08:15.020 It wasn't something 08:15.020 --> 08:17.020 That they stood upon 08:17.020 --> 08:20.220 It was something that everybody knew in the background, but often didn't act on 08:21.340 --> 08:28.220 And now we're seeing the overt application of this governance system on every front and on every angle 08:28.620 --> 08:30.140 And this pivot 08:30.140 --> 08:35.100 Because they didn't get us all on board with the fear uncertainty and doubt of worst case scenario 08:35.100 --> 08:38.620 This pivot is awkward and this pivot is off balance 08:39.100 --> 08:40.620 And so now we have 08:40.620 --> 08:46.460 A western civilization with multiple factions inside of it with different understandings of what's going on 08:46.940 --> 08:52.140 And while this could still be very useful to the people who want to fragment western civilization and 08:52.620 --> 08:56.060 Replace it with a totalitarian global governance system 08:57.500 --> 08:59.500 It's only useful from the 09:00.140 --> 09:02.860 From the outside perspective on the inside it's already done 09:03.740 --> 09:05.740 The financial system is already in place 09:05.820 --> 09:08.540 The the legislation is already in place 09:09.180 --> 09:11.180 The people are already in place 09:11.660 --> 09:17.740 And so it's just a matter of time all this stuff in my humble opinion that's going on with the farmers in europe is just gassing 09:17.820 --> 09:18.780 It's just 09:18.780 --> 09:23.340 Exhaust, you know, it's it's let them get their energy out let them burn all their money 09:23.980 --> 09:30.700 Let them spend all of their money on on running those those tractors and and not being at home during the winter 09:30.780 --> 09:32.140 That's fine 09:32.140 --> 09:35.900 We can let them do that and the the controllers of this don't mind 09:36.460 --> 09:38.460 I know it's important 09:38.620 --> 09:43.020 But I need us to start to realize that if we're going to do this realistically 09:43.500 --> 09:47.580 Whatever we're seeing on the internet and whatever is happening on the internet is not enough 09:48.220 --> 09:50.220 And in fact, we are being shown it 09:50.940 --> 09:54.940 Give us a false sense that there are a number of people acting and maybe we ourselves 09:55.500 --> 09:58.540 Don't have to step away from our toaster ovens and do anything about it 09:58.540 --> 10:02.540 Maybe we can just hope that there will be enough people that stand up for us 10:02.700 --> 10:04.700 And that's all this is about 10:05.180 --> 10:09.900 Because the standing up of farmers in the EU is irrelevant the EU is gone 10:10.460 --> 10:16.780 The legislation is already in place. The control is already there. They can't do anything by parking a bunch of 10:18.060 --> 10:20.540 Of tractors in different places or spraying 10:21.260 --> 10:22.220 Um 10:22.220 --> 10:26.940 Manure in different they're not going to change anything with that they need to elect people 10:27.740 --> 10:31.340 And those people need to change things and if they're not going to elect people 10:31.660 --> 10:36.860 But they're just going to park tractors all over the place then they're wasting an enormous amount of energy 10:36.940 --> 10:38.940 They should be better off at home 10:39.260 --> 10:45.260 Having regular meetings to make sure that all of the people that they want in office are in office next time and instead 10:45.260 --> 10:51.180 What are they doing with this money and these resources? I'm afraid this is a great big disaster over there 10:52.060 --> 10:54.060 But I don't know because I live in america 10:54.860 --> 11:01.180 Where we have been victimized by what i'm characterizing is a team worst case scenario people that have been recruited 11:01.740 --> 11:03.740 People that are unwitting participants 11:04.300 --> 11:10.860 People that are actually actors for the national security exercise or national security live exercise 11:11.420 --> 11:13.420 That is the pandemic 11:13.420 --> 11:19.100 And whether or not it's been officially declared over it doesn't matter because behind the scenes is operating this 11:19.740 --> 11:26.780 Other sort of governance system that is very difficult to characterize but is often mischaracterized as the department of defense 11:27.580 --> 11:32.460 And the department of defense is doing all of this is a horrible mischaracterization of what's going on here 11:32.940 --> 11:36.140 Because it is actually health and human services in the executive branch 11:36.540 --> 11:41.500 And if there is any dod participation it is because of the oversight on the dod 11:42.060 --> 11:43.580 That these other 11:44.140 --> 11:47.180 I'm sorry executive branch organizations have 11:47.740 --> 11:52.860 And the control that they have over the dod as a result of being part of the executive branch 11:53.820 --> 11:58.300 And this this is a careful careful distortion that actually again 11:59.180 --> 12:04.140 Allows the facilitation of the repeating of the worst case scenario narrative but without an accurate 12:04.940 --> 12:09.020 depiction of how the worst case scenario would have been enacted on us and it would have been in 12:09.500 --> 12:13.900 Health and human services centered executive branch centered operation 12:14.380 --> 12:17.420 Even if the dod was used and that needs to be 12:18.060 --> 12:23.500 Firmly understood because the dod is not an organization that operates on its own. It's just not 12:25.020 --> 12:30.140 And we need that to be understood from a patriotic perspective so that we aren't out there 12:30.780 --> 12:38.780 Saying things that in essence undermine the real hierarchy and the real potential patriotic foundation of our america 12:39.180 --> 12:45.740 Which is the the armed forces which are all these people who have dedicated their lives to the service of our country 12:47.100 --> 12:53.420 So be very careful about this the way that this narrative is being told and i'm not suggesting to you at all the darpa and barta 12:53.420 --> 12:58.780 And all these other organizations ditra are not involved of course they are but they're all under the auspicious 12:59.340 --> 13:04.380 Of health and human services and under the executive branch and the the actual 13:05.020 --> 13:08.060 Authority lies there not in some dod office 13:09.820 --> 13:11.340 And 13:11.340 --> 13:15.420 In reality the buck always stops with the executive branch as far as the dod goes 13:15.420 --> 13:17.420 So that argument doesn't hold water 13:17.500 --> 13:21.580 Especially in light of the trump administration and the biden administration and all of the 13:22.060 --> 13:26.300 The shenanigans that we know that went on with both of those and the transition. So here we are 13:27.740 --> 13:33.100 With a group of people that i think is aptly characterized as team worst case scenario still leading 13:33.500 --> 13:39.980 A dissonant narrative that's causing an illusion of consensus that has most of the people on the planet convinced that they 13:40.540 --> 13:45.420 Are starting to understand what happened and that they finally solved the mystery for themselves 13:45.420 --> 13:48.060 They've even learned a little virology and it feels great 13:49.980 --> 13:56.460 And now they have this righteous anger for the arrogance of the united states and for the arrogance of 13:57.020 --> 14:02.620 Of the out of control nature of the american enterprise and it's just 14:03.100 --> 14:06.780 It's just a absolutely ludicrous mythology that is based on 14:07.340 --> 14:09.660 You being tricked into solving a mystery 14:10.700 --> 14:16.940 And feeling like you've unmasked the bad guys or watched it happen with these intrepid reporters and these people who were being 14:17.260 --> 14:22.540 Whistle blowers and none of them none of them none of them have ever gotten to the stage where they are willing to say 14:22.940 --> 14:28.620 That intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 14:29.660 --> 14:31.660 Because this whole 14:31.660 --> 14:37.980 Charade is designed to permanently preserve this mythology to make sure that we 14:38.620 --> 14:43.020 Wittingly or unwittingly pass this mythology of vaccination and 14:43.660 --> 14:47.900 Pandemic potential onto our children so that they can be governed by it forever 14:48.620 --> 14:54.220 So that they will surrender the sovereignty of their their bodies over to the state as part of this 14:55.660 --> 14:59.260 Weird neo-communistic idea that we should all give up our 14:59.820 --> 15:01.820 Biology so that we can figure it out 15:03.180 --> 15:06.860 That the sacred can be dismissed that there is no sacred 15:08.940 --> 15:13.660 And I think there's a lot of waking up to be done here in america a lot of waking up that 15:14.460 --> 15:18.380 I'm still hesitating on when to drop some of these nuclear bombs these 15:19.180 --> 15:22.460 Cognitive nuclear bombs that's what they are if you start to really 15:23.260 --> 15:29.020 See the system for what it is see the patterns for what they are and look backwards in history and see everything line up 15:29.020 --> 15:31.020 The way that it does 15:33.260 --> 15:39.660 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent in any of the people that we're working in a molecular biology space or an academic 15:40.460 --> 15:42.000 Biology space where they were using 15:42.000 --> 15:48.540 Transfection regularly in any of their animal models or any of their their their disease models should have done known better 15:48.620 --> 15:50.620 That's absolutely certain 15:52.540 --> 15:55.820 And that's the one sort of thing that I got right from the very beginning 15:55.900 --> 15:59.500 Absolutely right from the very beginning as soon as I saw that they were going to use 15:59.740 --> 16:03.660 Transfection and we're calling it an investigational vaccine. I stood on the roof 16:05.580 --> 16:12.700 Whether or not I got the gain of function mythology right off the bat is a whole nother story and i'm totally ashamed of that but 16:14.140 --> 16:20.220 Transfection I knew from the very beginning and I spoke out from the very beginning and that's what originally got my tires flat 16:22.060 --> 16:25.260 But now we're four years into this and my 16:26.060 --> 16:27.500 Professional 16:27.500 --> 16:28.620 Whatever 16:28.620 --> 16:36.140 Independence and and my independent existence during the pandemic has has evolved from being an advisor to Robert F 16:36.140 --> 16:39.580 Kennedy jr. On a book called the Wuhan cover-up where I put a lot of the 16:40.140 --> 16:44.620 Biology of RNA viruses in there that is not in every other book 16:45.340 --> 16:48.380 And I even got a paper in there from 2019 16:48.540 --> 16:50.060 um 16:50.060 --> 16:57.500 Where a postdoc of Ralph Barrick and cena bivari talk about a pandemic from a coronavirus from a bat cave that needs room 16:57.660 --> 16:59.660 Dezavir and it's coming soon 17:00.940 --> 17:02.300 And so 17:02.300 --> 17:09.900 After that I got hired by chd for six short months before I was let go again because of some amorphous thing that I said on my podcast 17:09.900 --> 17:12.780 That was unacceptable that interfered with the 17:13.580 --> 17:18.220 How show how did they say it the interfered with chd and their partners 17:19.420 --> 17:26.140 Um, so who knows maybe I was not selling enough of the Wuhan cover-up or I was damaging the sales of 17:27.100 --> 17:30.380 Robert Malone's book that's also sold by children's health defense 17:31.660 --> 17:33.660 And their book moniker with with 17:34.540 --> 17:36.540 Skyhorse I don't know what happened 17:36.540 --> 17:41.660 But I do know that the spread of bad ideas is much scarier than the spread of any RNA molecule 17:42.140 --> 17:46.460 And me teaching this seems to annoy everyone and it doesn't matter on what side you're on 17:47.500 --> 17:53.260 If you're on the side of a of no virus, you don't like me if you're on the side of children's health 17:53.820 --> 17:55.340 defense 17:55.340 --> 17:59.260 Book sales committee or on their management apparently you don't like me 18:00.460 --> 18:04.860 As far as I know brian hooker thought I was fantastic and a great colleague as far as I know 18:04.860 --> 18:08.620 Most of the people that I worked with at chd were just absolutely thrilled 18:09.180 --> 18:12.060 That I got the job there, but somehow or another in 18:13.660 --> 18:15.660 In less than an hour 18:15.660 --> 18:18.860 Um, I went from being that to being out 18:20.140 --> 18:22.780 Um, and I don't think that the way it went 18:23.500 --> 18:29.100 Suggests that very many people were involved because again, how many times do I need to say it? How hard is it to sabotage? 18:29.900 --> 18:35.180 A fair tug of war with 20 against 20 only one or two people need to fake it 18:35.260 --> 18:41.020 And that will be a sabotage to tug of war and so in chd you only have to have one or two 18:41.660 --> 18:45.980 Saboteurs you only have to have one or two people with ulterior motives that occasionally 18:46.620 --> 18:50.300 Just keep chd from doing any major 18:51.500 --> 18:54.140 You know good from completing any major 18:54.940 --> 18:59.660 Goals or wasting a tremendous amount of money and not doing as much as they could with it 19:00.220 --> 19:01.900 That's all you need 19:01.980 --> 19:09.340 And so I almost guarantee you that chd has always had people like that trying to infiltrate that organization in order to bring it down 19:10.940 --> 19:16.780 I wonder if this is the first time that they've had to throw somebody out because they were going to be too effective or they were 19:16.780 --> 19:22.140 Going to have too much influence on the total organization for them to be controllable 19:23.820 --> 19:27.180 Because um, you know, this is where we are 19:28.140 --> 19:31.580 We are fighting against an organized group of 19:33.020 --> 19:35.020 mismedlers that I 19:35.020 --> 19:39.900 I know that some of the people that follow this dream don't like me to say it, but they are committed to lying 19:40.540 --> 19:42.700 And it's that simple 19:42.700 --> 19:47.100 And it's just hard for people to get their head around the spectacular commitment that 19:47.820 --> 19:51.100 That got us here. It's just a spectacular commitment to lying 19:51.580 --> 19:53.580 And 19:53.580 --> 19:57.660 It doesn't need to be any more than that. It doesn't need to be elaborate 19:58.300 --> 20:03.340 Biotechnology, it doesn't need to be elaborate schemes. It doesn't need to be elaborate cover-ups 20:04.380 --> 20:07.660 It just needs to be a spectacular commitment to lying about it 20:09.180 --> 20:15.260 And that alone will be enough to propel the uncertainty and doubt the actual fear of this 20:15.980 --> 20:17.980 The 20:17.980 --> 20:22.060 The fear of the the gain of function virus, right? This 20:22.700 --> 20:30.540 This thing that now Charles rixie and kevin mccurnan apparently gagrion is that bioweapons don't aim for mortality. They aim to maim 20:31.260 --> 20:34.940 And to far more economic destruction than rapid death 20:35.260 --> 20:41.660 And he even cites charles rixie as a guy who knows all about this this incapacitating agent, right? 20:42.220 --> 20:49.420 And he also cites curiously enough the the federation of american scientists one of the absolute biggest jokes 20:49.980 --> 20:53.580 Of an organization that has ever been created in recent memory 20:54.700 --> 21:03.020 That was all on board for the entire duration of 2020 and 2021 on every major nonsensical thing including masks 21:03.100 --> 21:08.460 Lockdowns and the vaccines and and oh we better be careful the vaccine hesitancy the whole thing 21:09.260 --> 21:11.260 And 21:11.260 --> 21:14.620 This is very extraordinary because this is a guy that has talked to 21:15.820 --> 21:17.820 Jessica hawkett and 21:17.820 --> 21:19.340 and 21:19.340 --> 21:25.260 And jonathan angler about some of the data in new york city and in italy and had a hard time processing that there may not have been 21:25.260 --> 21:30.780 The pandemic that he thought he used to work for the cdc. He's a very interestingly open-minded fella 21:31.580 --> 21:37.180 Here he is questioning who's charles rixie and why should he be credible and he's being responded to by kevin mccurnan 21:37.260 --> 21:42.780 Who is citing charles rixie the guy who used to work with me had chd before he got fired 21:43.580 --> 21:47.740 By chd for not talking to bobby on the phone and for having 21:49.340 --> 21:51.340 a laptop with a 21:51.340 --> 21:57.580 A a confidential document open with kevin mccaren in the room in a in a hotel room 21:59.580 --> 22:01.580 While he was in the states 22:02.140 --> 22:04.140 randomly 22:04.220 --> 22:10.620 And that's what he got fired for and it's just crazy to think that that guy is now being cited by that guy 22:14.140 --> 22:17.900 And and what where what does this really mean? What does it mean if the guy who? 22:18.460 --> 22:25.260 Took drastic that's that's an organization of anonymous foreigners and gave them the diffuse proposal that was leaked to him 22:25.820 --> 22:32.700 Gave the diffuse proposal to a bunch of anonymous foreigners instead of i don't know turning it into the state department or to 22:33.020 --> 22:35.820 the government or to how about senator ron johnson 22:38.220 --> 22:41.900 How about anyone besides a bunch of people on twitter 22:43.260 --> 22:49.980 He's connected to kevin mccaren who's connected to paul katrel to the very beginning of the pandemic who's connected to adi ads 22:49.980 --> 22:58.220 Who's connected to george web george web says paul katrel is a hero and millions were killed by a bio weapon is what bio is what rixie sells 22:59.020 --> 23:00.540 on 23:00.540 --> 23:06.540 The other hand on the other side of this little coin we have kevin mccurnan who you know is just thinks that i'm a clown because i've 23:06.540 --> 23:11.100 Been talking about infectious clones as if they might be an important methodology and he doesn't think so 23:12.300 --> 23:15.740 Whose dad was in to micro RNAs at the very very start 23:16.220 --> 23:23.580 Who who cut his teeth in the human genome project and then went in at all in on a company afterward with his brothers at the ha at the helm 23:24.540 --> 23:28.700 And his father and and even eric lander to do 23:29.740 --> 23:34.540 PCR and to do dna production for hiv testing 23:36.220 --> 23:39.260 And now he's currently defending virology as a whole 23:40.060 --> 23:47.340 There's nothing wrong with it. The sequence has proved the pandemic and he's citing the biggest joke of scientific organizations ever 23:48.140 --> 23:55.500 Not the american academy of science is not not science magazine or anything, you know, I don't know what you would cite but but 23:56.300 --> 24:02.700 Really the fas check that organization out and tell me you think that that's a real a real 24:03.660 --> 24:05.500 think tank 24:05.500 --> 24:08.060 Think tank with a small t that's for sure 24:09.500 --> 24:13.020 So this is where we are the show is going on. This is a guy with 24:13.660 --> 24:17.660 30,000 followers or so that's a guy with lots of followers and they're just 24:18.780 --> 24:22.460 Performing the worst case scenario. Just keep acting it out 24:24.460 --> 24:32.140 That it was a bioweapon that they meant to do it that it spread everywhere because it's so contagious because that fear and cleavage site makes it magical 24:33.580 --> 24:40.380 That there's proofreading in coronavirus is therefore five years from a point makes sense and it's just absurd 24:41.340 --> 24:45.580 You can argue about the swarm and whether the swarm is as deep as we thought it was or not 24:45.580 --> 24:48.380 It doesn't matter. RNA doesn't copy like DNA done 24:50.940 --> 24:57.580 There's a million things wrong with with with the assumption that an RNA molecule that started in a puddle in Wuhan 24:57.580 --> 25:03.020 Is spreader all around the world even if it started a little earlier. There's a million things wrong with that and they all know it 25:04.140 --> 25:07.420 Because there's just this is just a spectacular commitment to lies 25:10.380 --> 25:12.380 I 25:13.500 --> 25:16.940 Should really say lies instead of bad ideas, you know 25:17.340 --> 25:22.780 The spread of lies is much scarier than and dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule. That's really what this is 25:22.860 --> 25:24.860 It's the spread of lies 25:24.860 --> 25:26.860 Because if you don't know that these things 25:27.260 --> 25:30.300 Aren't real then you're spreading things. You shouldn't be spreading anyway 25:31.020 --> 25:34.940 And that's what teamwork case scenario is all about. So I've been promising for a while 25:35.900 --> 25:39.420 um to try and tap into this originally and I think 25:40.220 --> 25:42.220 I'm saying that I'm going to go to 25:42.700 --> 25:48.140 Farewell to virology and and and this other stuff. I think I need to go back back farther 25:48.220 --> 25:52.300 And so today I wanted to take the time to go back far enough so that we're really 25:53.100 --> 25:55.580 um way before the pandemic way before 25:56.540 --> 25:58.540 Flew all this stuff. We need to go 25:58.780 --> 26:04.380 Really back to what I think where the the heart of this all starts where the heart of all this lying starts 26:04.860 --> 26:08.780 Where all of these people happen to be in the same place at the same time 26:09.660 --> 26:13.340 Where Robert Malone was kind of working in the background and a lot of these other 26:13.820 --> 26:19.820 Virologists and immunologists and vaccinologists were cutting their teeth in the background at this time that are now 26:20.300 --> 26:22.700 Between 50 and 70 years old these people 26:24.940 --> 26:31.260 We need to go all the way back to the the original the original debate and that original debate is hiv 26:32.620 --> 26:34.620 So let's do that 26:39.420 --> 26:41.420 You 26:41.420 --> 26:43.420 You 26:43.420 --> 26:45.420 You 26:45.420 --> 26:47.420 You 27:08.780 --> 27:12.300 You speak of this out of the case in in australia 27:12.540 --> 27:18.220 Yeah, well in australia, there was a man who it's claimed infected three women 27:18.780 --> 27:21.660 And I think one woman died in the defense of the man 27:22.380 --> 27:25.580 I don't know if I don't know the details if he did it delivered if he knew 27:26.140 --> 27:28.700 I don't want to get into that and what the punishment should be 27:29.340 --> 27:30.620 Interesting 27:30.620 --> 27:37.660 I find it interesting that very much like tony fauci he has a wall of pictures of his own accomplishments and his own things 27:38.540 --> 27:44.140 I like a selfie like everybody else does, but this is a little different because this is camera days 27:44.220 --> 27:46.220 You know, there's a little more work involved 27:47.740 --> 27:51.900 You know and they're all framed. It's not on his phone or something like that. So this is a very much 27:53.020 --> 27:56.860 You know proud of himself kind of wall and it's okay to have one of those walls 27:56.940 --> 27:58.940 I guess but I don't have one of those walls 27:59.500 --> 28:01.500 I got my kids on the wall 28:01.580 --> 28:03.580 But uh, I don't have anything 28:04.460 --> 28:08.780 The only thing I have on my wall actually in this room that has anything to do with me is my phd 28:09.500 --> 28:12.780 Um diploma and it's right next to my wife's phd diploma 28:12.780 --> 28:17.500 It's not like I have them up there specifically because we met in amsterdam and it reminds me of her not because 28:17.980 --> 28:22.140 And I don't have them back there, you know, so you can see them. I have them there's actually so I can see them 28:22.780 --> 28:25.260 so that I can remember where this all started when we just 28:26.460 --> 28:28.460 were two innocent kids 28:28.460 --> 28:31.740 meeting on the street in amsterdam at at 20 something 28:31.900 --> 28:33.340 um 28:33.340 --> 28:37.820 When amsterdam was still the coolest city in the world. So it to me, it's very striking. Sorry 28:37.820 --> 28:41.340 I'm interrupting already, but I just think it's really it is striking to me that 28:41.980 --> 28:48.780 It doesn't it's not surprising. It's just noticeable. But the question is is his defense was an absurdity 28:49.340 --> 28:51.340 but uh the virus 28:52.140 --> 28:53.820 didn't exist 28:53.820 --> 28:56.940 The biggest problem with the HIV theory of AIDS is HIV 28:57.740 --> 29:03.980 There is a group of AIDS denialists that say that HIV does not exist and has never been isolated 29:04.540 --> 29:06.860 Which is as bizarre as it gets 29:07.340 --> 29:11.180 You and your colleagues not only state that HIV does not cause AIDS 29:11.260 --> 29:15.820 But you take an even greater leap and say HIV does not exist. Is that correct? 29:16.540 --> 29:18.540 Oh, it is partly correct 29:18.620 --> 29:21.660 We do not say that HIV doesn't exist 29:22.300 --> 29:27.180 It may exist but the presently available data does not prove its existence 29:27.660 --> 29:29.500 But how can you say that 29:29.500 --> 29:34.220 When world-renowned scientists like dr. Gallo and dr. Fauci say HIV does exist 29:34.700 --> 29:37.100 Are you telling me in the world that they're all wrong? 29:38.460 --> 29:45.340 What I what we're saying is there is the evidence there that data in the scientific literature which is published 29:46.060 --> 29:52.540 Scientists interpreted data differently and who interpreted evidence one way and they interpreted in a different way 29:53.340 --> 29:58.460 So in our view the evidence does not prove the existence of HIV 30:16.300 --> 30:20.300 We've all seen pictures. We've seen electron micrographs of HIV 30:20.940 --> 30:23.980 How can you say something that we see isn't there? 30:24.140 --> 30:26.860 You didn't see electron micrograph of HIV 30:27.420 --> 30:33.180 What we see is electron micrograph of particles which look like retroviruses 30:33.740 --> 30:37.740 But uh, it's one thing to look like and another thing is to be a virus 30:38.620 --> 30:44.060 The one thing I don't understand is how can you question the existence of a virus when there was an international lawsuit 30:44.700 --> 30:48.860 Against the united states government and robert gallo for stealing the french virus 30:49.660 --> 30:53.340 I mean, it seems to me there must be a virus there if somebody stole it 30:54.380 --> 30:57.100 That's the problem and then no circumstances 30:58.380 --> 31:00.380 robert gallo who have stolen 31:01.020 --> 31:07.420 Monterneas virus even if there was such a virus because what montanea sent to gallo was 31:08.220 --> 31:10.780 Um supernatives from his cultures 31:11.500 --> 31:16.380 And in the supernate and the virus says don't last for too long 31:17.100 --> 31:19.100 and in fact the 31:20.060 --> 31:22.060 The particles have to have 31:22.540 --> 31:27.660 Knobs on their or spikes on their surface to be infectious 31:28.380 --> 31:31.660 And these knobs are lost and in fact 31:32.060 --> 31:37.020 Nobody has proven that they exist but even if they exist on HIV or the particles 31:37.260 --> 31:41.260 They're lost very rapidly. So it is impossible for montaneaes 31:41.900 --> 31:43.900 for uh to have 31:44.060 --> 31:46.940 For gallo to have stolen a virus from montanea 31:47.980 --> 31:54.620 And so I would say that right here we're already at sort of a first sort of inkling into what i'm 31:55.500 --> 31:57.500 Suggesting is happening here 31:58.300 --> 32:04.060 So hiv hasn't been proven to exist the lawsuit equals virus exists is what the guy asks her 32:04.060 --> 32:06.060 But of course we know that that's wrong 32:06.300 --> 32:08.300 um, but that's the sort of 32:08.300 --> 32:11.100 the sort of way that that he approaches the question but 32:11.740 --> 32:18.380 They couldn't steal the virus because in the supernatant viruses don't last they lose their knobs. I apologize. I'm writing with this 32:18.940 --> 32:20.060 this 32:20.060 --> 32:24.460 This pen I can't correct that but they lose their knobs, which is I can't think it's kind of funny 32:24.540 --> 32:28.860 They lose their spike proteins is what she means. They lose their knobs. It's funny though because 32:29.500 --> 32:32.300 What she's suggesting is is that they're not culturable 32:33.100 --> 32:38.940 That they they can't sustain whatever they pass along in the supernatant can't be sustained 32:39.340 --> 32:41.900 The viruses don't last now. I don't know why it is 32:42.700 --> 32:44.940 If it's because they lose their knobs or what it is 32:45.420 --> 32:47.420 The point is is that 32:47.420 --> 32:51.180 Just like with corona viruses the same problem exists here 32:51.660 --> 32:58.780 Back with hiv and that problem is is that when you pass these viruses along in the way that you're supposed to do it 32:59.740 --> 33:04.460 Which is the supernatant right if the cells that are stuck to the dish 33:05.100 --> 33:08.460 Are producing viruses and they're being released like the cartoons 33:09.020 --> 33:15.580 Then the viruses that they release should be in the supernatant in the in the solution above the cell culture 33:16.780 --> 33:21.740 But she's making the argument right here that they've always known that they don't have really good 33:22.700 --> 33:26.540 replication competent viruses in that supernatant interesting, isn't it? 33:27.500 --> 33:29.580 Very very interesting, isn't it? 33:30.220 --> 33:34.540 So they have exosomes they can find exosomes they can find signals 33:35.500 --> 33:39.020 Of the RNA being packaged into the exosomes, but they can't find 33:39.740 --> 33:44.780 The knobs meaning that and also meaning that this they can't infect other cells. They can't 33:45.420 --> 33:47.420 Move on. They're not infectious 33:48.220 --> 33:54.700 And so this is still the primitive understanding of what the spike proteins do or don't do in these exosomes or in these particles 33:55.420 --> 33:58.300 But it's very curious already that the establishment of 33:58.940 --> 34:06.460 If you do it like the cartoons and take the supernatant off you are left with almost an entirely incompetent fraction of particles 34:08.620 --> 34:13.900 And so it's not just with coronaviruses, but it's with many of these RNA viruses 34:13.900 --> 34:17.260 So just keep that in mind as we move forward 34:19.500 --> 34:21.900 So can you prove to me that HIV doesn't exist 34:22.140 --> 34:24.140 I 34:24.140 --> 34:30.700 Can I can show you what the evidence shows what what montanea for example presented 34:31.180 --> 34:34.700 Because everybody except that montanea is the discover of HIV 34:35.260 --> 34:42.140 And I can show you the evidence which montanea presented and claims to have proven the existence of HIV 34:42.380 --> 34:49.020 And I will explain to you why montanea evidence does not prove the existence of HIV 34:49.660 --> 34:53.420 Let's do it. I'm ready 34:57.500 --> 35:02.540 And so what do we mean by virus isolation or virus pure in my humble opinion 35:02.540 --> 35:09.180 This is the most revealing video that you will ever see that tells you exactly how much commitment how much 35:09.820 --> 35:18.380 Spectacular commitment to lying is going on these next 15 minutes if you've never seen them are going to actually blow your mind 35:19.980 --> 35:21.980 Okay 35:27.740 --> 35:31.580 What do we mean by virus isolation or virus purification 35:33.340 --> 35:39.660 These are jargon words in virology and they're not very precise 35:39.660 --> 35:42.220 They mean different things to different people 35:42.860 --> 35:46.060 Now dr. Gallo and dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification 35:46.540 --> 35:48.460 Can you tell me what the difference is between the two? 35:49.740 --> 35:59.020 Understand this is the man who figured out how to make infectious clones and he made infectious clone of the poliovirus with vincent rants rack and yellow 35:59.980 --> 36:04.940 Understand that this is the man who got the Nobel Prize for reverse transcriptase 36:08.140 --> 36:15.260 Understand that this is the man who formulated the entire our entire understanding of how genomes 36:16.140 --> 36:18.620 Of viruses are organized 36:19.500 --> 36:23.660 Based on the way that you get to messenger RNA 36:25.260 --> 36:32.620 That whole concept of there being all these viruses with all these different kinds of genomes requiring all these different kinds of infectious cycles 36:33.100 --> 36:35.100 and and with or with not 36:35.260 --> 36:36.300 uh 36:36.300 --> 36:41.260 RNA dependent RNA polymerases etc. This all scheme was designed by this guy 36:41.740 --> 36:45.580 Who who is credited for discovering reverse transcriptase 36:46.220 --> 36:53.500 And who's responsible for the methodology of clones which we're supposed to believe are just the same as regular viruses 36:53.500 --> 36:55.500 It's just you know, you do it a different way 36:56.700 --> 37:02.220 According to the according to the guy who worked for the human genome project before he finished grad school 37:02.620 --> 37:08.220 And then started a company with his brothers and his father and eric lander on testing hiv 37:11.500 --> 37:13.500 When he was like 20 something 37:14.540 --> 37:19.580 And now after all of this success decades of working with the department of energy 37:20.220 --> 37:28.060 And and with with biotech companies and and working on ip and being able to afford a house on the atlantic ocean in boston 37:28.460 --> 37:33.580 That guy wastes his time tweeting about me and calling me a monkey 37:34.860 --> 37:40.940 On twitter instead of just ignoring me instead of just moving on and alerting the united states to the 37:41.340 --> 37:46.780 double-stranded dna contamination in the shots and starting a nationwide campaign to stop 37:47.260 --> 37:51.500 Transfection he spends more time telling people not to pay attention to me 37:51.900 --> 37:56.940 Then he does campaigning for the double-stranded dna contamination that he's supposedly found 37:59.180 --> 38:06.140 And he spends no time at all clarifying that he spoke out against the pcr and he spoke out against the RNA purity and he spoke out against 38:06.140 --> 38:08.140 All these other things for three years 38:08.700 --> 38:13.260 He's got more time for me than he does for 38:15.020 --> 38:21.900 Saving the planet he does a few podcasts where he repeats that there's double this is the key right here listen 38:23.660 --> 38:26.380 Because this guy has been there since the very beginning 38:26.860 --> 38:34.380 People like robert malone look up to this guy people like kevin mccurnan look up to this guy people like eric lander look up to this guy 38:38.220 --> 38:41.900 And if this guy is spectacularly committed to a lie, then what do we have? 38:43.260 --> 38:45.260 What do we have here? 38:45.260 --> 38:47.260 unwitting participants 38:50.940 --> 38:52.940 People that are just fooled 38:55.180 --> 38:58.620 Or do we have people that are participating in the way that we are governed 38:59.660 --> 39:01.180 Through these lies 39:01.180 --> 39:03.180 That's what you need to ask yourself now 39:03.340 --> 39:09.340 And you need to ask this seriously if you're really trying to save your kids and your grandkids because it might not help us 39:11.420 --> 39:15.340 We might have to pay a pretty harsh price as we try to 39:16.460 --> 39:22.700 Save our kids from this mythology that these people are responsible for listen carefully to this man speak 39:23.260 --> 39:25.580 And see if you think he is being genuine 39:26.060 --> 39:29.180 Do you think that he is genuine about his love of biology? 39:29.180 --> 39:34.700 Do you think he's genuine about his fascination for the molecular world that underpins 39:35.580 --> 39:37.580 Biology do you think? 39:37.580 --> 39:42.540 Let me tell me what you think after you see this video. There's isolation or virus purification 39:43.260 --> 39:44.300 um 39:44.300 --> 39:50.620 These are jargon words in virology and they're not very precise 39:50.620 --> 39:53.180 They mean different things to different people 39:53.740 --> 39:59.340 Now dr. Gallo and dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification. Can you tell me what the difference is between the two? 40:01.180 --> 40:03.180 Isolate what was it? 40:05.100 --> 40:07.100 Of the virus? Yes 40:07.420 --> 40:09.420 Well you isolate a virus by 40:12.460 --> 40:14.460 Um 40:16.060 --> 40:18.460 Finding the virus which causes a disease 40:19.100 --> 40:24.060 You purify a virus by making a lot of I mean just by purifying it so you get a pure virus 40:24.540 --> 40:26.540 Okay, I don't understand what the 40:27.340 --> 40:32.460 They interchange the two and I wasn't I see it was the same thing or that was too totally different 40:33.500 --> 40:35.500 No, it depends on how they use 40:36.140 --> 40:39.020 Can can you explain the process of hw isolation? 40:41.420 --> 40:45.820 Well, I didn't dr. Gallo do that. I mean he actually isolated it so 40:46.460 --> 40:47.980 I 40:47.980 --> 40:51.660 Mean why should I do all of this? This is all textbook stuff. You're asking me 40:54.460 --> 40:59.420 I'm not quite sure what's behind your question about isolation. I don't want to be your textbook 41:00.140 --> 41:02.140 You know, I cut other things to do 41:04.700 --> 41:12.380 Isolation is essentially that's not the reaction of somebody who feels like he's been asked a question that's below him 41:12.540 --> 41:16.700 That is someone who has who realizes that he's just been cornered 41:18.140 --> 41:22.620 And the only way for him to get out of that corner was to say that come on man. This is beneath me 41:26.060 --> 41:28.060 That's extraordinary 41:28.540 --> 41:33.260 And they're not going to find anybody that they can put on video that's going to give you an adequate explanation of this 41:33.660 --> 41:38.940 In general maybe but not in specific and certainly not with reference to the hiv virus 41:38.940 --> 41:43.260 Which is what he just asked him about. I just want to play that a little bit again because it's nice 41:43.340 --> 41:45.340 It's just it's beautiful 41:47.340 --> 41:53.820 I see it was the same thing or if it was too totally different. Oh, it depends on how they use it. Okay 41:55.020 --> 41:57.500 Can you explain the process of hw isolation? 41:59.900 --> 42:04.300 Well, I didn't dr. Gallo do that. I mean he actually isolated it so 42:04.940 --> 42:06.460 I 42:06.460 --> 42:10.220 Mean why should I do all of this? This is all textbook stuff. You're asking me 42:12.940 --> 42:17.980 I'm not quite sure what's behind your question about isolation. I don't want to be your textbook 42:18.620 --> 42:20.620 You know, I cut other things to do 42:23.180 --> 42:25.180 Isolation is essentially 42:27.420 --> 42:29.020 Getting the the virus 42:29.980 --> 42:34.300 From the patient and being able to transmit this virus 42:34.940 --> 42:36.460 to another cell 42:36.460 --> 42:39.580 To reproduce the infection and to have a continual 42:40.380 --> 42:44.220 Supply of the virus and that's called isolation 42:44.860 --> 42:51.020 See and that's very tricky. You can't just isolate virus and then have a continuous supply of it. That's the problem 42:51.980 --> 42:53.980 with RNA virology 42:55.580 --> 42:57.580 It doesn't work 42:57.660 --> 43:01.580 That's the objection that these these isolation and purification 43:02.300 --> 43:04.860 Focused people have and it is a legitimate 43:05.580 --> 43:07.580 It is a legitimate explanation 43:07.740 --> 43:09.740 objection 43:11.500 --> 43:18.540 And this is exactly where they were with the hiv virus ladies and gentlemen think about this history 43:19.020 --> 43:21.020 I was going around the mall 43:22.380 --> 43:24.620 Getting in fights with people from Chippewa falls 43:25.580 --> 43:27.740 I wasn't paying attention to this back then 43:29.340 --> 43:35.180 In the 80s, I was living my best life trying to see every movie that came out at the mall and like, you know 43:36.540 --> 43:40.380 Using my driver's license to do don'ties in a in a parking lot 43:40.460 --> 43:43.900 I wasn't paying attention to whether AIDS was real 43:44.540 --> 43:50.060 Are you kidding? I had an aquarium to clean. I had snakes to feed. I had a paper route 43:50.220 --> 43:52.220 I 43:53.660 --> 43:55.660 And I had to play cyber ball 43:56.300 --> 44:02.940 That was the best video game ever if you never played cyber ball with like two people against two people in the in the late 80s 44:03.100 --> 44:08.060 Or beginning maybe very like 88 or 89 you missed it. You totally missed it 44:08.540 --> 44:13.900 My point is is that we need our college kids to understand that this history is here 44:14.860 --> 44:20.940 It's it's an it's a much more in need of disambiguation than any of them realized 44:20.940 --> 44:23.420 Then any of them will ever be told in their history classes 44:23.420 --> 44:28.860 There is no history of biology class at the university level. Did you ever think about that? 44:30.460 --> 44:36.220 That there is no history of science biology at the at the university level and why that would be 44:38.060 --> 44:40.060 And why these philosophy of science 44:40.860 --> 44:46.940 Histories go back so far as to go all the way back to like astronomy because they don't want you to think 44:48.060 --> 44:50.060 Rather they don't want you to realize 44:51.500 --> 44:57.500 That the same kinds of bad models of the universe the same kinds of bad models of complexity 44:59.340 --> 45:03.180 Can result in decades of of misadventures 45:05.020 --> 45:07.980 Decades of being governed by a mythology 45:08.780 --> 45:11.980 And whether she's a winning or unwitting participant 45:11.980 --> 45:19.020 We are being fooled because people like like David Baltimore are spectacularly committed to the original lie 45:19.980 --> 45:23.500 Upon which all of these other observations are distorted 45:27.980 --> 45:33.420 And so if the foundational observation is distorted then everything that comes after it is necessarily on a 45:34.140 --> 45:36.140 On a lean as well 45:36.380 --> 45:39.580 You don't necessarily notice it if you grew up in that leaning tower 45:41.180 --> 45:49.260 If you cut your teeth learning how to walk in that leaning tower and not have the the lean bother you then you're you're this lady right here 45:49.820 --> 45:51.820 or if you work on 45:51.820 --> 45:58.060 Signals in this size space that are real and aren't being distorted other than the aids virus other than coronavirus 45:58.140 --> 46:03.260 Maybe there are some signals that are real like bacteriophages or giant viruses 46:04.460 --> 46:06.620 And it's these intermediates that are actually 46:07.820 --> 46:13.260 Exosomic signaling and endosomes and this kind of thing these are all being distorted as pathogenic as well 46:14.460 --> 46:20.380 But whatever the illusion is ladies and gentlemen, please let us tell our high school kids 46:20.860 --> 46:27.580 Let us tell our college kids that this debate and illusion and exaggeration about what is possible 46:27.980 --> 46:29.180 in this 46:29.180 --> 46:36.940 Biological space has been going on since AIDS and before it's important purification is just obtaining the virus 46:38.060 --> 46:46.140 Free of solar contaminants or other contaminations, but it doesn't mean necessarily that the virus is infectious 46:46.140 --> 46:55.900 Virus isolation I would take to mean that 46:56.780 --> 47:00.940 You take some infected material like a blood sample 47:01.820 --> 47:09.020 From someone who you think or or believe may have HIV infection may already have symptoms of AIDS 47:09.740 --> 47:12.300 And you try and grow the virus 47:12.940 --> 47:14.940 From that blood sample 47:15.020 --> 47:20.380 So you would put the blood sample into culture you would stimulate the lymphocytes 47:20.860 --> 47:27.500 To proliferate with various growth factors or cytokines and you would harvest the virus 47:28.060 --> 47:34.220 From the the culture medium. You're growing it in for eight virus on the who station 47:34.460 --> 47:39.100 So let's listen to carefully to what he explains here and then let's analyze what he says 47:39.900 --> 47:42.380 I would take to mean that 47:43.340 --> 47:47.500 You take some infected material like a blood sample 47:48.380 --> 47:55.500 From someone who you think or or believe may have HIV infection may already have symptoms of AIDS 47:56.300 --> 47:58.860 And you try and grow the virus 47:59.580 --> 48:01.580 From that blood sample 48:01.580 --> 48:06.940 So you would put the blood sample into culture you would stimulate the lymphocytes 48:07.420 --> 48:13.980 To proliferate with various growth factors or cytokines and you would harvest the virus 48:14.540 --> 48:18.300 From the the culture medium. You're growing it in 48:19.420 --> 48:21.420 You would spin out the cells 48:22.220 --> 48:26.700 Separate the cells and the supernatants and you would look for the virus 48:27.580 --> 48:29.100 in the 48:29.100 --> 48:35.340 In the culture medium that needn't be a pure medium because you can use markers of the virus that tell you it's there 48:35.820 --> 48:38.540 Such as the reverse transcriptase enzyme 48:39.100 --> 48:46.860 So you can see evidence the virus without actually purifying particles in that very first paper 48:47.500 --> 48:52.140 Okay, so there you can probably hear it coming already, right? You can definitely hear it coming 48:53.500 --> 48:55.500 so um 48:55.500 --> 49:03.060 Infected material and this is a lot of what what people like mark bailey have talked about for a long time with regard to the isolation of sars 49:03.540 --> 49:08.580 CoV-2 infected material is put on a cell culture for AIDS. It would be a lymphocyte cell culture 49:09.060 --> 49:11.780 The cell culture is stimulated to divide 49:12.740 --> 49:14.740 Or it is stimulated or it is 49:15.460 --> 49:18.340 In this case they give it growth factors and cytokines 49:19.140 --> 49:21.620 And so they stimulate the cells to divide 49:22.340 --> 49:25.220 In the presence of this infectious material, whatever it is 49:25.540 --> 49:30.500 They harvest the supernatant and then they look for markers that include reverse transcriptase 49:31.460 --> 49:36.660 Now if reverse transcriptase expression or more importantly reverse transcriptase activity 49:39.300 --> 49:43.860 Is identified in that in that culture there better darn well be a 49:44.980 --> 49:49.460 Control where they do everything but they don't put infected material in there 49:49.460 --> 49:51.460 But they put healthy material in there 49:51.860 --> 49:58.500 And there isn't but there needs to be because otherwise we don't know if what they did to stimulate the lymphocytes cell culture 49:59.060 --> 50:00.660 upon 50:00.660 --> 50:07.940 Upon exposing it to the infected material is not responsible for these markers coming up markers coming up 50:09.460 --> 50:11.460 And again, here's a virologist very 50:13.300 --> 50:19.780 What appears to be wittingly going along with the idea that markers and and surrogates of 50:20.900 --> 50:22.900 of presence are okay 50:23.460 --> 50:26.900 That the the actual presence of the virus is already 50:27.460 --> 50:31.620 Understood with high enough fidelity so that we can use these markers instead 50:32.020 --> 50:34.020 And this is still at a time 50:34.020 --> 50:40.980 When people are objecting to whether or not the virus was actually found and who it was found by think about how spectacular that is 50:46.180 --> 50:49.060 Oops, that's supposed to be star wars. There we go. That's better 50:49.700 --> 50:51.220 I 50:51.220 --> 50:58.580 Like the star wars wipe. Okay. Go go go gadgets from the french group published in may 1983 50:59.140 --> 51:01.460 uh, they were two things that 51:02.580 --> 51:04.580 appeared to 51:04.580 --> 51:06.740 Class it amongst the retrovirus 51:07.860 --> 51:12.420 family one was reverse transcriptase activity and 51:13.140 --> 51:18.340 One was actually looking at virus particles with the electron microscope 51:18.820 --> 51:24.580 So they had pictures and they had enzymatic activity, but they didn't do the controls necessary to know 51:25.060 --> 51:30.660 That the enzymatic activity that they detected wasn't a result of their manipulation in the experiment 51:30.660 --> 51:32.660 They don't have that control. Isn't that weird? 51:33.940 --> 51:38.660 Isn't it weird that they would have already jumped so far to assume the existence of the virus 51:39.780 --> 51:44.660 And that reverse transcriptase would be a sufficient signal to indicate its presence. Isn't that weird 51:45.620 --> 51:49.300 And this is at a time when PCR didn't you know, it wasn't quite 51:50.980 --> 51:52.980 weaponized yet 51:54.340 --> 51:56.980 But when it would be when it would it when it would be 51:58.500 --> 52:00.980 Adjunct court would be right there ready to go 52:01.860 --> 52:04.980 um ready to help out with uh hiv testing 52:06.340 --> 52:08.340 Gosh, I can't believe what a hero he is 52:09.060 --> 52:11.860 The title of the 52:11.860 --> 52:15.700 1983 paper by Montagnier and his colleague is isolation 52:16.260 --> 52:22.660 Of a teleprotropic retrovirus from a patient at risk of acquired immune deficiency syndrome aids 52:24.020 --> 52:26.020 Now the word isolation 52:27.460 --> 52:28.660 means 52:28.660 --> 52:35.620 To obtain something or to place something apart or to obtain a sepsum separate from everything else 52:38.980 --> 52:43.620 Apparently mutagnier by isolation that laptop is a 17 inch macbook 52:43.780 --> 52:45.780 They only made it between 52:45.860 --> 52:48.820 2010 and 2012. It is a beast 52:49.220 --> 52:51.220 Uh a real relic that thing is cool 52:51.300 --> 52:55.060 It's it's the one that came right before the one that I have which is a 15 inch 52:55.700 --> 53:01.700 2012 macbook, which I think is the greatest laptop ever made did not mean this but something totally different 53:02.900 --> 53:07.220 And I'll explain to what he meant by by isolation 53:08.020 --> 53:10.500 He did three main experiments 53:11.220 --> 53:16.740 The first experiment he took liver sites from a patient now is known as brew 53:17.540 --> 53:21.060 And he cultured them who is many 53:21.940 --> 53:26.580 Substances including pha and other growth factors. What are growth factors? 53:28.180 --> 53:31.140 The substances which make cell to multiply 53:31.860 --> 53:33.220 Okay 53:33.300 --> 53:34.740 Or to live 53:34.740 --> 53:37.380 into to to stay alive in the culture 53:38.500 --> 53:43.380 And after 15 days, he discovered their reverse transcriptase activity 53:44.100 --> 53:49.380 And they claim that this proves the existence of retrovirus 53:50.100 --> 53:51.460 in 53:51.460 --> 53:53.060 their patient 53:53.060 --> 53:55.060 In their patient cells 53:55.060 --> 53:57.220 Every two days we were taking the supernatant 53:58.180 --> 54:04.580 Looking for the presence of the enzyme that transform RNA to DNA the reverse most FDA's 54:05.140 --> 54:08.580 Because we know that this enzyme is associated to virus particle 54:09.300 --> 54:13.380 So we were testing for this enzyme activity in the supernatant 54:13.940 --> 54:15.940 What's so special about reverse transcription 54:19.940 --> 54:23.300 Anytime you're searching for a new agent 54:24.180 --> 54:28.180 You want to have some simple measurement of the presence of that agent 54:31.620 --> 54:40.420 In times past you would put it on cells cell culture in the laboratory and suddenly these beautiful cells will all start turning into dead cells 54:40.420 --> 54:42.020 He says oh something's there 54:42.020 --> 54:46.500 And then you put that into an electron microscope and look and you can find it 54:47.060 --> 54:49.220 All those are rather difficult things to use 54:50.180 --> 54:52.180 If there's something that the virus 54:52.180 --> 54:56.500 Think about the concept that you put stuff on a cell culture the cell culture dies 54:56.500 --> 55:01.220 And then you think you can use a very very very high resolution camera to find the cause 55:03.380 --> 55:05.380 Just think about how crazy that is 55:06.020 --> 55:08.660 For example, there's a huge car accident 55:10.260 --> 55:13.140 On on Washington avenue down the street here 55:13.460 --> 55:19.140 And we use as many cell phone and drone photography pictures as possible of the accident to figure 55:19.140 --> 55:20.420 out why it happened 55:20.420 --> 55:22.500 But the guy who caused the accident was drunk 55:23.940 --> 55:26.740 How many photographs would we need to take before we'd figure that out? 55:28.180 --> 55:33.700 And what he's suggesting is is that after mixing and a patient sample in a cell culture and seeing these 55:34.900 --> 55:37.300 Beautiful cells start to deteriorate 55:37.460 --> 55:43.300 There's a sign of something there and then you can put that under an electron microscope and take a picture of it 55:43.940 --> 55:47.060 I want you to hear how spectacular that is 55:48.020 --> 55:52.180 Because this is the essence of farewell to virology from mark bailey 55:52.180 --> 55:57.780 He focuses exclusively on this absurdity and he really tears it apart very well 55:58.420 --> 56:03.140 With regard to sars and with regard some of the other older papers and the way that they've been interpreted 56:03.140 --> 56:09.460 So in a lot of ways and i'm going to focus exclusively on coronaviruses and sars too in particular 56:10.420 --> 56:12.260 We are dealing with an illusion 56:12.260 --> 56:14.980 We are dealing with a spectacular commitment to these 56:15.700 --> 56:22.820 Proxy signals which these people all know don't indicate pandemic potential. They might not even indicate existence 56:25.220 --> 56:30.740 Depending on how far you believe this lie goes how committed you believe some of these people are 56:32.020 --> 56:38.100 But keep in mind this is a historic video and we are still not really that far from here 56:38.980 --> 56:40.980 Just focused on a different 56:41.860 --> 56:43.620 A different virus 56:43.700 --> 56:45.700 It's really spectacular 56:45.860 --> 56:51.700 Producers in this culture you don't necessarily have to see all the dead stuff you just can have 56:52.340 --> 56:55.060 Take off some of the liquid. It's growing in and tested 56:56.180 --> 56:59.540 And one thing you can test for a retrovirus is reverse transcriptase 57:00.180 --> 57:02.820 And it just happens to be that's a laboratory test available for it 57:02.820 --> 57:06.820 So you just take a little bit off put it into a chemical assay and you can do it very very simply 57:06.900 --> 57:12.020 So it's a matter of something that you can put a lot of specimens through and something that's simple to do so you can really 57:12.980 --> 57:14.660 get a 57:14.660 --> 57:20.180 Maybe not a direct picture of the virus. You can't see it, but you can get evidence that is there like fingerprints 57:20.980 --> 57:22.980 Like fingerprints 57:22.980 --> 57:24.980 The lymphocytes 57:24.980 --> 57:28.020 Which are originated from blue lymph nodes 57:28.580 --> 57:34.580 He took these lymphocytes and cultured them who is the lymphocytes of a healthy blood donor 57:34.980 --> 57:39.380 And there again he detected a reverse transcriptase activity 57:39.700 --> 57:43.060 So mutinya that found reversed transcriptase activity 57:43.540 --> 57:47.540 And according to him this proof that the retrovirus was there 57:48.500 --> 57:55.060 So Pete is right Pete in the chat says that uh telemerases are reverse transcriptases and they are present in every cell 57:55.060 --> 57:59.380 And that's correct actually telomeres are maintained by the reverse transcription of them 57:59.860 --> 58:03.780 They get restored. Um, they are maintained by this uh telemerase 58:03.780 --> 58:10.580 So that's totally right and it's not clear whether telemerase activity could be confounded with reverse transcriptase activity 58:10.580 --> 58:12.580 But you know, we're we're 58:12.580 --> 58:16.180 Through the looking glass at this stage here because we need to now really figure out 58:16.740 --> 58:24.180 Who what of these people have been sabotaging this tug of war and for how long they've been sabotaging it because that's really that's the reality 58:25.140 --> 58:30.500 And we need to take stock. We need to really take stock that this is the reality and anybody 58:30.980 --> 58:32.980 That can trace their 58:32.980 --> 58:37.700 Intellectual roots back to when this illusion was actively being constructed 58:38.100 --> 58:43.540 Who those people need to be as far away from the the levers of 58:44.900 --> 58:47.380 Of whatever that they can be 58:48.020 --> 58:54.820 They have to be far far away from influencing what we are thinking and far far away from influencing what our children are thinking 58:55.300 --> 58:58.980 Anybody that participated in this illusion in the 80s 58:59.540 --> 59:04.420 In any way shape or form and hasn't come out and said as a result of the pandemic that wow 59:04.500 --> 59:11.060 I can't believe how long this illusion has been going on. He's definitely almost certainly involved in it now 59:13.380 --> 59:16.820 Because they already proved their worth 20 years ago 59:18.740 --> 59:24.660 They already proved that they either would unwittingly participate because of ego or other reasons greed 59:25.540 --> 59:27.380 prestige 59:27.380 --> 59:28.900 status 59:29.300 --> 59:37.540 Or unwittingly because they weren't sophisticated enough in their appreciation of the sacred biology to see how this was being distorted and being used against us 59:38.580 --> 59:40.740 Too lost in their own little question to care 59:41.380 --> 59:44.660 Too lost in their grand proposals to care too lost in life 59:45.460 --> 59:47.460 And the busyness of it 59:47.460 --> 59:49.860 But now is our chance to teach our children something 59:51.460 --> 59:57.060 Once this is our once in a in a millennium chance to teach our children the truth or at least put our 59:58.020 --> 01:00:00.020 Put our children on the trail of the truth 01:00:00.740 --> 01:00:06.900 Put our children on a a genuine pursuit of the truth. I may never know it 01:00:07.860 --> 01:00:09.860 But maybe my sons will 01:00:09.860 --> 01:00:16.820 Wouldn't that be isn't that a much more optimistic and hopeful appraisal of the situation than then uh 01:00:17.780 --> 01:00:18.980 bioweapons 01:00:18.980 --> 01:00:26.500 And and dominance of of bioterrorism and and incapacitating agents that have killed millions of people 01:00:27.060 --> 01:00:29.060 And 01:00:30.100 --> 01:00:32.500 I'm not just arguing that those are sad 01:00:33.300 --> 01:00:34.820 outlooks 01:00:34.820 --> 01:00:38.660 They're unrealistic biologically implausible outlooks 01:00:40.580 --> 01:00:45.620 And given who we are fighting and what we are fighting it is very very unlikely that they are real 01:00:46.260 --> 01:00:48.260 But rather a mythology that has been 01:00:48.900 --> 01:00:53.140 carefully installed over decades starting with the hiv 01:00:54.420 --> 01:00:56.420 fiasco 01:00:56.740 --> 01:01:04.580 And going on from there over decades and actually installed by the same people. That's why fauci runs so far deep 01:01:05.860 --> 01:01:07.860 He might be the most important 01:01:09.540 --> 01:01:14.260 Whitting participant that there is and he may be unwitting about some of the the 01:01:14.980 --> 01:01:21.060 The implications of his work because he may not be sophisticated enough to know but it's almost impossible to believe 01:01:22.020 --> 01:01:26.340 Um that he is not part of this intimately part of this charade that is 01:01:27.620 --> 01:01:29.860 uh public health and governance by it 01:01:31.540 --> 01:01:36.260 It's just been many many years ladies and gentlemen and we have to teach our college kids this but 01:01:37.220 --> 01:01:46.180 The only way to say that the existence of reversed as cryptic so the detection of reversed as cryptic activity proves the retrovirus was there 01:01:46.580 --> 01:01:48.100 is only 01:01:48.100 --> 01:01:51.860 If reversed transcription was specific to retroviruses 01:01:52.500 --> 01:01:54.820 Which is not the case in fact? 01:01:55.540 --> 01:02:03.460 Then today nearly everybody accepts that reversed transcription or a western script activity is 01:02:04.820 --> 01:02:06.820 non-specific to retroviruses 01:02:07.060 --> 01:02:15.060 In fact a present everybody accepts that reversed transcript transcription is present in all normal cells 01:02:15.460 --> 01:02:16.420 in fact 01:02:16.420 --> 01:02:18.020 a sub biggest 01:02:18.020 --> 01:02:20.020 at the beginning of the 1970s 01:02:20.660 --> 01:02:23.700 Garro himself has shown that 01:02:24.420 --> 01:02:25.700 normal 01:02:25.700 --> 01:02:27.220 cells 01:02:27.220 --> 01:02:33.860 When putting culture in the stimulator to their cartridge which be with pha till start 01:02:34.420 --> 01:02:36.420 um 01:02:36.660 --> 01:02:38.820 Heaven reversed the script is activity 01:02:47.380 --> 01:02:49.380 So 01:03:00.260 --> 01:03:08.500 Motenie put the bruce cells in a culture into culture here the different growth factors including pha 01:03:09.700 --> 01:03:13.540 And after 15 days he detected reversed transcript activity 01:03:14.100 --> 01:03:15.140 however 01:03:15.140 --> 01:03:23.060 Pha by itself in normal cell and this was known by barrisin you see the principal author and galloprooted at the beginning of the 01:03:24.660 --> 01:03:26.660 1970s that 01:03:26.820 --> 01:03:29.700 Pha itself causes a reversed transcription 01:03:30.660 --> 01:03:35.300 In normal cells so he put something in the cell which was causing 01:03:36.100 --> 01:03:39.860 reversed transcription and yet he said that this proves the existence of a 01:03:40.180 --> 01:03:42.020 Offered rovirus there 01:03:42.020 --> 01:03:44.020 So you're saying that 01:03:44.020 --> 01:03:49.140 What they found might just be the actual substance they put in the culture and not a virus definitely 01:03:50.020 --> 01:03:54.500 That is that is that is is there evidence. Why would they do that? 01:03:54.500 --> 01:04:01.860 But as you see knew that in 1973 galloprooted at the beginning in 1972. I think was his paper. I don't know 01:04:02.900 --> 01:04:07.940 Now everybody accepts that reversed transcriptase activity is 01:04:08.740 --> 01:04:13.300 A characteristic of retroviruses, but it's not specific to retroviruses 01:04:13.860 --> 01:04:18.820 But in all my interviews with scientists they all say that reverse transcription is unique to retroviruses 01:04:18.820 --> 01:04:22.020 And that's how they knew that there was a virus in their culture 01:04:22.500 --> 01:04:27.940 Once you um have produced, you know, you produce something in the extracellular medium 01:04:28.420 --> 01:04:30.420 You can do actually several things 01:04:30.820 --> 01:04:35.540 One thing is that if we expect or suspect is a retrovirus 01:04:35.780 --> 01:04:38.420 Like h t l v one the leukemia virus 01:04:39.140 --> 01:04:46.180 What we can do is look for what we call reverse transcriptase activity the enzyme, which is unique to these viruses 01:04:46.740 --> 01:04:49.940 Yeah, the scientific procedure was multifaceted 01:04:50.740 --> 01:04:52.740 I mean, I have a good size lab 01:04:53.220 --> 01:04:57.460 And so we had divided people up into different primary goals 01:04:58.340 --> 01:05:00.340 and that would meet daily 01:05:00.660 --> 01:05:02.980 uh, and the first goal was 01:05:03.940 --> 01:05:05.940 If a patient 01:05:05.940 --> 01:05:07.940 Has fully developed AIDS 01:05:07.940 --> 01:05:10.900 Forget risk groups at the time. We didn't want to get into the risk group, you know 01:05:11.860 --> 01:05:13.380 They had they had AIDS 01:05:13.380 --> 01:05:14.900 Documented AIDS 01:05:14.900 --> 01:05:16.900 Could we take their blood? 01:05:18.100 --> 01:05:20.500 Get their T cells like we would do with any 01:05:20.500 --> 01:05:24.420 It was like the leukemias like we did with the leukemias the same protocols. We did with leukemia 01:05:25.620 --> 01:05:27.620 Take those T cells 01:05:28.100 --> 01:05:30.100 Clean them up from other cells 01:05:30.100 --> 01:05:32.580 Grow them with interleukin 2 our old friend 01:05:33.780 --> 01:05:38.180 And see if we could find any evidence of release of virus particles 01:05:38.580 --> 01:05:43.620 And if we were right that they would be retroviruses and how to do that was with a surrogate marker 01:05:44.020 --> 01:05:48.180 You don't use electron microscopy in those days except maybe one or two pictures just to confirm 01:05:48.740 --> 01:05:53.380 Or to see the structure of this particular retrovirus the assay was reverse transcriptase 01:05:54.260 --> 01:05:56.420 Well, I don't know whom you interviewed 01:05:56.420 --> 01:06:00.020 But if you don't believe me go in as baltimore or vermos 01:06:00.500 --> 01:06:06.340 And i'm sure they will confirm that reverse transcriptase activity is a characteristic 01:06:06.740 --> 01:06:09.780 Of retroviruses, but it's not specific to them 01:06:09.940 --> 01:06:14.500 What do you mean when you say reverse transcription is a characteristic of retroviruses, but not specific? 01:06:15.220 --> 01:06:16.260 Oh 01:06:16.260 --> 01:06:21.620 Let me give you an example. Here is a characteristic of humans 01:06:22.260 --> 01:06:25.300 You know black white or yellow we all have hair 01:06:25.700 --> 01:06:30.580 But it's not specific because there are many animals for example cats dogs 01:06:31.060 --> 01:06:38.020 Which also have hair and finding a hair in a room. It doesn't mean that a human being was there or 01:06:39.140 --> 01:06:41.140 a cat or a dog 01:06:41.700 --> 01:06:43.220 Are retroviruses 01:06:43.220 --> 01:06:45.220 The only ones that can be rich transfer? 01:06:46.260 --> 01:06:47.140 No 01:06:47.220 --> 01:06:51.220 There are other forms of reverse transcription that are used in various 01:06:53.700 --> 01:06:57.300 Various ways inside the cell for instance the ends of chromosomes 01:06:57.940 --> 01:07:03.620 Are made by a reverse transcription process. That's how they're maintained stable the 01:07:05.620 --> 01:07:09.780 There is reverse transcription in the inheritance of all of our cells 01:07:10.580 --> 01:07:12.580 Which comes about from 01:07:12.580 --> 01:07:17.220 endogenous genetic elements in the cells or in the cells of our 01:07:17.780 --> 01:07:23.940 Ancestors because once that information gets into our into our cells into our genomes it stays there forever 01:07:24.820 --> 01:07:27.220 So it could be that we've inherited 01:07:28.260 --> 01:07:30.260 information from monkeys or from 01:07:31.300 --> 01:07:34.180 Other animals that are that are in our 01:07:35.140 --> 01:07:37.140 lineage 01:07:37.140 --> 01:07:42.660 And so no reverse transcription is actually very widespread something like 50 percent 01:07:43.540 --> 01:07:47.460 Of the DNA in our cells comes about by reverse transcription 01:07:48.900 --> 01:07:50.900 Yes 01:07:53.140 --> 01:07:56.020 Going back to I thought it was 1.5 to 2 percent 01:07:56.820 --> 01:08:03.220 The 50 percent the retroviral DNA or retroviral genes in our DNA what biological function did you serve? 01:08:03.700 --> 01:08:05.700 Now we got to make a distinction 01:08:05.860 --> 01:08:10.820 When I said 50 percent, I'm saying 50 percent of the DNA came about by reverse transcription 01:08:11.380 --> 01:08:15.060 But it's not all retroviruses. Lots of it is just 01:08:15.860 --> 01:08:20.820 Repeated elements that are there as what we generally considered to be 01:08:22.660 --> 01:08:24.500 Parasitic DNA 01:08:24.500 --> 01:08:27.540 DNA which is other people call it selfish DNA 01:08:28.100 --> 01:08:34.420 DNA which is in there because it's able to copy itself and reintegrate itself in other places 01:08:34.900 --> 01:08:36.900 And this is something that's going on all the time 01:08:37.540 --> 01:08:42.740 So he actually believes in this idea that there is parasitic DNA 01:08:42.900 --> 01:08:45.860 That's recopying itself into our genome all the time 01:08:46.420 --> 01:08:53.380 And it has no deleterious consequences at all. It's not knocking out genes by inserting in the wrong place 01:08:53.780 --> 01:08:55.780 it's not 01:08:55.780 --> 01:09:02.500 Eliminating an enhancer sequence or changing the the it is extraordinary what he is saying here right now 01:09:02.580 --> 01:09:07.700 He's basically saying that most of our genome is made up of repeated elements that are just junk 01:09:09.860 --> 01:09:13.620 And of course, that's what they used to think back in the 80s in the 90s that there was this 01:09:14.180 --> 01:09:18.820 Entrons and there were these extras and the extra exons were were 01:09:19.620 --> 01:09:24.980 Stuff that got made into proteins and the introns were just stuff in between that was mostly junk DNA 01:09:25.780 --> 01:09:27.300 You 01:09:27.300 --> 01:09:33.860 Need to see how spectacularly simple their model of the genome is that it just works perfectly 01:09:34.420 --> 01:09:38.260 in in millennia after millennia of perfect children 01:09:38.740 --> 01:09:44.180 But it's got a bunch of crap in it a bunch of stuff that just copies itself because it's selfish 01:09:47.220 --> 01:09:51.620 But this same guy in this same interview couldn't take the time to explain how 01:09:52.180 --> 01:09:54.820 HIV was isolated or purified and he couldn't 01:09:55.460 --> 01:09:57.140 Take the time 01:09:57.140 --> 01:10:02.580 To give us a textbook differentiation between those two terms or whether they're interchangeable or not and what it really means 01:10:02.980 --> 01:10:06.740 This is where we are you can see it clearly now 01:10:08.900 --> 01:10:14.420 These people have no respect for the sacredness of our of our biology no respect for the 01:10:14.900 --> 01:10:19.060 The irreducible complexity that at some point you must acknowledge no 01:10:19.860 --> 01:10:23.700 He's already talking about the genome like it's all but done 01:10:24.260 --> 01:10:26.740 Talking to the genome like it's all but understood 01:10:27.300 --> 01:10:34.100 That kevin mccurnan and the whitehead institute and and eric lander have sequenced it and now we're we're off to the races 01:10:35.220 --> 01:10:39.060 We just have to learn to ignore all this parasitic DNA that's all selfish 01:10:44.180 --> 01:10:46.180 This is a Nobel prize winner here 01:10:47.140 --> 01:10:53.140 This is a Nobel prize winner right here some guy that we're supposed to look up to is one of the thought leaders of the 01:10:54.580 --> 01:10:56.580 Of people who are currently alive 01:11:00.580 --> 01:11:04.260 Would you take a one a one-on-one biology class with this monster 01:11:07.700 --> 01:11:12.100 I am absolutely I'm sorry that I called you a monster 01:11:12.900 --> 01:11:14.340 uh 01:11:14.340 --> 01:11:16.340 Dr. Baltimore I shouldn't have 01:11:17.700 --> 01:11:23.300 But I think that you're guilty of misleading the young I think that you are actively misleading everyone 01:11:23.860 --> 01:11:24.980 on earth 01:11:24.980 --> 01:11:29.860 And part of a group of people that has been misleading everyone on earth for decades 01:11:30.900 --> 01:11:33.780 And so i'm not sure what other term to use to describe you 01:11:33.780 --> 01:11:40.500 But that's what I that's the only conclusion that I can come to when I see this spectacular commitment to lies 01:11:41.380 --> 01:11:43.060 It's a whole movie 01:11:43.060 --> 01:11:47.700 Talking to the guy who invented infectious clones and we're not going to talk about it 01:11:49.780 --> 01:11:55.380 Infectious clones that helped them overcome the problem of you know the knobs going away 01:11:58.580 --> 01:12:02.100 I can't take that call right now, but I would really like to take that call right now 01:12:02.420 --> 01:12:03.380 um 01:12:03.380 --> 01:12:05.380 It's just I'm just shocked 01:12:06.340 --> 01:12:07.780 that how 01:12:07.780 --> 01:12:12.340 Obvious the irreverence is it's it's it's just it's mind-blowing 01:12:13.780 --> 01:12:17.300 I'm saying 50 percent of the dna came about by our first transcription 01:12:17.860 --> 01:12:21.540 But it's not all retroviruses. Lots of it is just 01:12:22.340 --> 01:12:27.300 Repeated elements that are there as what we generally considered to be 01:12:28.180 --> 01:12:29.220 um 01:12:29.220 --> 01:12:30.980 parasitic dna 01:12:30.980 --> 01:12:34.020 DNA, which is other people call it selfish dna 01:12:34.580 --> 01:12:40.980 DNA, which is in there because it's able to copy itself and reintegrate itself in other places 01:12:41.380 --> 01:12:43.380 And this is something that's going on all the time 01:12:44.020 --> 01:12:45.700 um 01:12:45.700 --> 01:12:47.700 And it builds up 01:12:47.700 --> 01:12:54.020 Why do you think that you and so part of the reason why our genome is so big is because we've got all this parasitic dna in it 01:12:57.860 --> 01:13:03.780 Even though every time you do a recombination or an insertion or something like that if it's done erroneously 01:13:04.980 --> 01:13:06.980 It ends up in a deletion 01:13:10.260 --> 01:13:12.260 So somehow or another 01:13:13.860 --> 01:13:15.860 Their explanation 01:13:16.260 --> 01:13:22.020 For why our genome is the way it is as simple as parasitic dna that copies itself all the time and stuff 01:13:23.540 --> 01:13:27.140 That's their sophisticated understanding. That's the level of fidelity 01:13:27.620 --> 01:13:32.900 That they started with with regard to understanding the genome. That's it. That's it. Nothing else 01:13:34.500 --> 01:13:36.500 I 01:13:39.860 --> 01:13:41.860 Is reverse transcription 01:13:42.260 --> 01:13:47.380 To prove the existence of a virus if they knew that it wasn't specific to viruses. I don't know 01:13:49.060 --> 01:13:54.900 It's as simple as this. I don't know in fact they went one step further in the second experiment 01:13:56.180 --> 01:13:58.180 They have 01:13:58.340 --> 01:14:05.380 Taken the cells from their patient and mixed them which sells from a normal blood donor 01:14:06.180 --> 01:14:10.020 And in that culture again, they put pha another 01:14:10.500 --> 01:14:14.900 growth factors substances which make the cell to survive and grow 01:14:15.620 --> 01:14:18.740 And again, they found reverse transcriptase activity 01:14:19.780 --> 01:14:26.820 And this time they claim that they're finding what reverse transcriptase activity in the second culture 01:14:27.620 --> 01:14:30.980 Proves that the virus was transmitted 01:14:31.700 --> 01:14:33.700 from the patient cells 01:14:33.700 --> 01:14:34.820 to the 01:14:34.820 --> 01:14:36.980 normal donor cells 01:14:36.980 --> 01:14:41.300 And in fact, they say that this proves isolation of HIV 01:14:41.940 --> 01:14:44.180 But they must have used some other criteria 01:14:44.660 --> 01:14:50.900 To state that they had a new virus. There was no other criteria in the first they had a third experiment 01:14:51.300 --> 01:14:55.700 But in the first a second experiment, that's how they're described 01:14:56.340 --> 01:14:58.340 In in their paper 01:14:58.500 --> 01:15:00.500 It was the first experiment 01:15:00.900 --> 01:15:04.020 Revestants could replace activity the second experiment 01:15:04.340 --> 01:15:08.740 Revestants could replace activity. They are the only evidence they have published 01:15:09.220 --> 01:15:15.540 So in the first and the second experiment. So in both experiments, they fed the culture substances 01:15:16.180 --> 01:15:19.620 Which artificially caused reverse transcription? Yes 01:15:21.300 --> 01:15:23.300 Sorry about the volume just one of them pha 01:15:24.260 --> 01:15:27.300 By itself, it will cause reverse transcription 01:15:28.020 --> 01:15:30.020 in the normal cells 01:15:30.820 --> 01:15:32.580 In non-infected cells 01:15:32.580 --> 01:15:34.660 What are your problems with the third experiment? 01:15:35.140 --> 01:15:39.780 Well, the problems first of all again, they took the supernatant 01:15:40.180 --> 01:15:42.820 And it's it is from their second expect 01:15:42.980 --> 01:15:43.860 It is 01:15:43.860 --> 01:15:45.780 Tazik cube or whatever that is 01:15:46.340 --> 01:15:48.260 I don't know how to say your name tazik's cube 01:15:48.740 --> 01:15:52.260 the the mind trick of surrogate markers is an important topic and 01:15:53.060 --> 01:15:58.260 And I I think it is the topic because essentially that's what is being defended 01:15:59.860 --> 01:16:02.660 And what was being defended from the very beginning by 01:16:03.620 --> 01:16:06.020 people who worked for the human genome project 01:16:07.460 --> 01:16:10.020 People who have worked on AIDS their entire life 01:16:10.500 --> 01:16:17.620 What what kind of list would you like to have? It's Birx. It's Fauci. It's Redfield. It's Wollinski. It's Murthy 01:16:17.940 --> 01:16:19.940 It's they've all done AIDS 01:16:20.580 --> 01:16:22.100 And even in the background 01:16:22.100 --> 01:16:26.180 We have Robert Malone who worked in Murray Gardner's lab Murray Gardner 01:16:26.180 --> 01:16:32.180 Supposed to be the guy who took the supernatant from France and brought it back to gallows lab that we're talking about right now 01:16:35.700 --> 01:16:43.620 I mean, where are we if every single person on the on the tv and every single person on social media on the alternative social media 01:16:44.020 --> 01:16:46.500 Has cut their teeth in hiv 01:16:47.140 --> 01:16:49.140 I 01:16:49.140 --> 01:16:51.140 Where are we if everybody 01:16:51.460 --> 01:16:57.620 That is a dissident on our side is not arguing against the vaccine schedule isn't even questioning 01:16:58.100 --> 01:17:02.980 What happened during hiv isn't even questioning the flu vaccine and is not questioning 01:17:04.660 --> 01:17:07.540 The spread of a novel virus. What does that really mean to you? 01:17:09.940 --> 01:17:11.940 That every meaningful 01:17:12.180 --> 01:17:13.940 doubter 01:17:13.940 --> 01:17:15.940 That is being amplified by the 01:17:17.220 --> 01:17:27.700 Peter teal and elon musk network every doubter believes in the virus believes in AIDS believes in the vaccine schedule 01:17:28.100 --> 01:17:34.660 Doesn't speak out about flu shots believes in the 1918 pandemic 01:17:36.420 --> 01:17:38.420 Don't you see it yet? 01:17:40.100 --> 01:17:42.500 The fact that this is still fringe 01:17:44.020 --> 01:17:49.380 To all the people we're supposed to be following should be a giant red flag 01:17:49.780 --> 01:17:56.260 The fact that that anything to do with with with the vaccine schedule is pretty much 01:17:56.740 --> 01:17:57.620 uh 01:17:57.620 --> 01:17:59.220 Not talked about 01:17:59.220 --> 01:18:02.980 Is something that you've got to just acknowledge as being a problem, okay? 01:18:03.540 --> 01:18:08.180 And the fact of the matter is these people who are on team worst case scenario 01:18:08.580 --> 01:18:10.980 Will not go here. They won't tell you why? 01:18:10.980 --> 01:18:16.740 Transfection was bad from the beginning and why it will be bad for any healthy human going forward 01:18:17.060 --> 01:18:20.420 They won't tell you why the vaccine schedule has been 01:18:20.900 --> 01:18:24.820 Holy exaggerated in its purpose and its effectiveness 01:18:26.820 --> 01:18:28.820 They're never going to discuss the role of 01:18:29.700 --> 01:18:36.340 Sanitation and sewer treatment and and water treatment and chlorine and swimming pools. They're never going to talk about all that stuff 01:18:37.140 --> 01:18:40.580 They're never going to talk about the ever increasing 01:18:41.300 --> 01:18:43.140 success rate 01:18:43.140 --> 01:18:45.140 of western medicine 01:18:46.260 --> 01:18:53.060 That is also overlaid on the effects of these diseases before we fixed all of the things we didn't know we needed to fix 01:18:54.260 --> 01:18:56.260 Before we stopped using DDT 01:18:56.820 --> 01:18:58.820 This 01:19:00.340 --> 01:19:02.180 Illusion 01:19:02.180 --> 01:19:04.420 That we are trapped under can be 01:19:05.220 --> 01:19:11.540 Some of summarize by the biology that underpins that statement and that statement alone if you understand your immune system 01:19:12.420 --> 01:19:15.700 As a complex pattern integrity organized around a barrier 01:19:16.180 --> 01:19:20.900 And you understand even a little bit about how it's organized this will make perfect sense and this will be 01:19:21.460 --> 01:19:25.140 acid to any other discussion or extemporaneous 01:19:26.100 --> 01:19:28.100 Question 01:19:29.380 --> 01:19:34.340 And anybody that's really on our side or more importantly anybody that's on our grandkids side 01:19:34.740 --> 01:19:36.980 Should be making this argument at this stage 01:19:37.540 --> 01:19:41.300 And at least be open to making that argument if it's provoked even if they have 01:19:41.780 --> 01:19:45.380 Something else they're really focused on like ivermectin it should be okay 01:19:45.460 --> 01:19:48.180 If you mention this that they're like oh, I totally agree with that. Wow 01:19:48.500 --> 01:19:54.020 The vaccine schedule in america is a parent that would be wonderful wouldn't it if somebody said that abhorrent 01:19:55.220 --> 01:19:59.540 But they won't only giga-ohm biological and a few other people are doing this 01:19:59.620 --> 01:20:06.020 I want you to just see what is potentially possible with the worst case scenario narrative being distorted 01:20:06.100 --> 01:20:08.260 here's a video on the internet that I found 01:20:09.940 --> 01:20:11.460 that is 01:20:11.460 --> 01:20:13.460 actively accusing 01:20:13.460 --> 01:20:15.060 Ryan Cole 01:20:15.060 --> 01:20:19.220 Of selling natto kinase and this being evidence of him being a creep 01:20:20.740 --> 01:20:24.180 Now I don't want to debate about the effectiveness of natto kinase 01:20:24.260 --> 01:20:29.620 I want to debate about the potential dangers of natto kinase when used in concert with other drugs 01:20:29.620 --> 01:20:34.420 I don't want to debate about whether or not a particular supplier of natto kinase is good or bad 01:20:35.460 --> 01:20:41.780 What I want to debate about is the idea that ryan cole was a very successful pathologist before the covid 01:20:43.140 --> 01:20:46.900 Ryan cole came out very early about t cell immunity 01:20:47.860 --> 01:20:50.500 very very early about natural immunity 01:20:51.140 --> 01:20:53.140 And 01:20:53.140 --> 01:20:55.780 Now he's having his life ruined 01:20:57.220 --> 01:21:02.580 By a suit that allows him not to talk anymore not to be active anymore 01:21:05.380 --> 01:21:11.140 And I want you to think about the possibility that some of these organizations that are supporting some of these these 01:21:11.860 --> 01:21:17.780 These people are being discredited to discredit the people that they are supporting rather than the organization itself 01:21:18.580 --> 01:21:21.140 And if peter mccull is a good guy 01:21:22.420 --> 01:21:29.300 And the only way he's able to put money on our food on the table or keep thing and keep making ends meet is to take money from 01:21:29.300 --> 01:21:31.460 Something like the wellness company is it possible 01:21:31.940 --> 01:21:36.020 That attacking the wellness company is a wonderful way to pretend like you're not attacking 01:21:36.420 --> 01:21:40.340 Peter mcculler who's actually one of the few people who spoke out when it wasn't cool 01:21:42.180 --> 01:21:45.540 Is it possible that you're going to come out against somebody like like 01:21:46.340 --> 01:21:47.140 Uh 01:21:47.140 --> 01:21:49.140 Dr. Jim Thorpe 01:21:49.140 --> 01:21:56.340 Who might not be sophisticated enough to understand the subtleties of what the cloned methodology means for this 01:21:56.980 --> 01:22:04.180 Bamboozlement that we are under, but he's surely in touch with the sacred biology of the pregnant woman and of the newborn baby 01:22:04.740 --> 01:22:11.860 And so him speaking out about transfection being wholly inappropriate for them his his his role in this 01:22:12.660 --> 01:22:18.100 And so attacking the wellness company because they support somebody like Jim Thorpe. Is that really what we want to do? 01:22:18.100 --> 01:22:20.100 I don't know. I don't know 01:22:20.900 --> 01:22:26.580 But I want to show you this example of how if if Ryan Cole is a good guy like I think he might be 01:22:27.060 --> 01:22:31.300 Maybe Ryan Cole is being attacked now simply because he had no choice 01:22:31.300 --> 01:22:33.620 But to take money from places where he could take it 01:22:34.260 --> 01:22:36.100 Just like I had no choice 01:22:36.180 --> 01:22:43.540 But to accept a pretty well-paying job with chd because it also had insurance and it drives my wife nuts that we don't have insurance 01:22:47.540 --> 01:22:54.420 And so we can't judge people all the time based on how they're putting money on the table, but we better darn well know how they're doing it 01:22:55.540 --> 01:22:57.540 And understand the implications of it 01:22:58.660 --> 01:23:00.740 But should that take away from the fact that 01:23:00.820 --> 01:23:05.140 Ryan Cole is one of the first people to speak out about t-cell immunity in relation to 01:23:05.700 --> 01:23:10.100 Coronavirus is in general. Is that a reason to take him out? It sure seems like a good one to me 01:23:11.460 --> 01:23:16.820 The first guy to speak out about the enabling of cancers because of the interference of teat with t-cells and the 01:23:17.220 --> 01:23:19.780 Lymphocyte opinion. I think that's a good reason to take him out 01:23:21.860 --> 01:23:25.300 And so let's put him in a financial situation where he can't make ends meet anymore 01:23:25.300 --> 01:23:28.820 Whereas business is failing and where he's got to pay massive legal fees 01:23:29.060 --> 01:23:32.100 Then let's make him have a source of money that we're going to then attack 01:23:33.140 --> 01:23:36.740 As a proxy for attacking him and everybody else that gets supported by them 01:23:39.620 --> 01:23:41.940 And so we've got to be careful ladies and gentlemen 01:23:42.820 --> 01:23:44.820 We've got to be careful 01:23:45.060 --> 01:23:50.420 Because there are plenty of people who are trying their best and the machine is working actively against them 01:23:50.420 --> 01:23:54.420 So just watch this video so I can show you the possibilities that are coming 01:23:58.980 --> 01:24:00.980 I 01:24:04.340 --> 01:24:06.500 Think it's playing yeah 01:24:08.580 --> 01:24:11.700 And so he says that Ryan Cole is a gatekeeper 01:24:11.700 --> 01:24:16.420 There's no, you know, nano chips and wires and all this crazy stuff you share on the internet 01:24:16.500 --> 01:24:20.820 I think that he's a gatekeeper because he says there's no nano chips and wires in these things 01:24:23.060 --> 01:24:26.340 And so think about this distortion where he is 01:24:27.300 --> 01:24:29.300 Bringing to the table 01:24:29.620 --> 01:24:35.060 The fact that secret bhakti was correct that michael eden was correct that that it looks like 01:24:35.780 --> 01:24:43.140 The the complement system is being activated by the antibody response to the expression of these proteins on endothelial cells 01:24:45.300 --> 01:24:51.940 And that these microclots are forming because of the degradation of endothelial cells the production of fibrinogen 01:24:52.900 --> 01:24:55.540 Or fibrin whichever one it is. I think it's fibrin 01:24:55.540 --> 01:24:57.140 So fibrinogen gets 01:24:57.140 --> 01:25:02.980 Degridated to degrated to fibrin and fibrin forms these microclots with the help of 01:25:03.620 --> 01:25:07.140 With the help of these antibodies and with the complement system with platelets 01:25:08.260 --> 01:25:10.420 That's my stomach. Sorry 01:25:10.420 --> 01:25:11.620 And so 01:25:11.620 --> 01:25:18.980 Ryan Cole the guy who came out against natural uh came out for natural immunity and really came out for t cell immunity before 01:25:19.060 --> 01:25:21.780 Any other person I heard no one else but him 01:25:23.300 --> 01:25:26.180 And is now facing giant legal problems 01:25:28.420 --> 01:25:33.060 Is the guy that they're saying is a gatekeeper because he says there was no nano 01:25:33.540 --> 01:25:39.220 Particles in the shot even though there could have been in spain or somewhere like that. There probably weren't any in america 01:25:42.740 --> 01:25:46.020 I want you to think about how how diabolical it is 01:25:46.260 --> 01:25:48.260 Is 01:25:48.260 --> 01:25:50.260 That that's the way we are being played 01:25:51.300 --> 01:25:54.580 By by a by a platform like twitter 01:25:55.540 --> 01:25:59.940 Who we're supposed to believe is now a free space, but it's actually not it was being used to control 01:26:00.580 --> 01:26:03.540 the masses opinions and and and 01:26:04.820 --> 01:26:10.260 And instincts before the pandemic and it's being controlled now. It's just a question of who owns it 01:26:11.300 --> 01:26:13.300 Or who purports to own it 01:26:16.180 --> 01:26:21.700 And so we are still seeing a distorted picture and the distorted picture is now going to fold in on itself 01:26:22.660 --> 01:26:24.660 as all of the the 01:26:27.300 --> 01:26:29.300 The desired 01:26:29.300 --> 01:26:32.180 narrative curators get ever elevated 01:26:32.980 --> 01:26:34.180 as we see 01:26:34.180 --> 01:26:38.660 Brett Weinstein being on the tucker carlson podcast over and over and over again 01:26:39.780 --> 01:26:44.660 And then we see the left make fun of tucker carlson and his coverage of the 01:26:45.060 --> 01:26:49.140 Immigrant crisis and other things with Brett Weinstein over and over and over again 01:26:51.860 --> 01:26:53.860 And in the background is this 01:26:54.020 --> 01:26:59.060 Dissident community that is being ever fractured not by people like me who are questioning things 01:26:59.380 --> 01:27:04.580 But by people who were there to make sure that the worst case scenario was never dismissed 01:27:06.420 --> 01:27:09.220 And so now the worst case scenario is not even that they 01:27:09.700 --> 01:27:17.620 Transfected us and transfection causes these microclots due to an auto immune reaction and over stimulation of the of the complement system 01:27:18.260 --> 01:27:23.620 Now they want you to believe that they lied to you about what they put in the shots even worse even more magical 01:27:25.620 --> 01:27:29.300 Because then a guy like this with a very plausible biological 01:27:29.940 --> 01:27:32.100 Explanation for what's going on gets dismissed 01:27:34.340 --> 01:27:38.660 And people chase down what nano particles and and nano wires and and 01:27:39.220 --> 01:27:41.220 nano bots 01:27:46.260 --> 01:27:50.980 And so later on in this video he mentions nano kinase. I don't need to do that. That's not necessary 01:27:51.540 --> 01:27:55.300 I just wanted you to see that is the problem. Oh, I didn't mean to dismiss that though 01:27:57.060 --> 01:27:59.060 So i'm gonna go quick past this sorry 01:28:01.140 --> 01:28:07.300 And so we have been fooled by this this this worst case scenario idea and they are still pushing it and as I showed you 01:28:07.860 --> 01:28:09.460 There's now we have 01:28:09.460 --> 01:28:13.380 cooperative activity between a former human genome project 01:28:14.420 --> 01:28:17.060 patent holder and hiv tester 01:28:17.940 --> 01:28:20.260 entrepreneur 01:28:20.260 --> 01:28:21.300 and 01:28:21.300 --> 01:28:26.660 Charles rixie who took the diffuse proposal leak and gave it to a bunch of foreigners on twitter as his 01:28:27.140 --> 01:28:29.300 active patriotism to save our grandkids 01:28:29.940 --> 01:28:34.900 And those two agree that this was a laboratory weapon that was leased on the world. It's probably a two-part weapon 01:28:35.620 --> 01:28:37.620 According to rixie 01:28:37.940 --> 01:28:46.500 Early, but I want his high morbidity. I want people to complain and rixie and mccain and mccernan and everybody ignore this talk 01:28:47.140 --> 01:28:54.340 They ignore this guy they ignore the plausibility of his explanation and they ignore the possibility that the lies extend 01:28:54.820 --> 01:28:56.820 into the biosecurity space 01:28:58.020 --> 01:29:00.020 That everything about coronavirus is real 01:29:00.980 --> 01:29:02.980 Everything about the sequences are real 01:29:03.460 --> 01:29:11.300 We can trust everything that they say except for where it came from that we we should be very skeptical of and they're most certainly lying about it 01:29:12.020 --> 01:29:19.060 That's the extent of their intellectual depth with regard to trying to interpret what really happened over the last four years. That's it 01:29:20.100 --> 01:29:24.420 Just take take nih and cdc's word for it something spread 01:29:30.180 --> 01:29:37.380 Killed millions of people but millions more were saved from it. I mean look at all those sequences gain a function must be real and certainly it's going to come again 01:29:41.860 --> 01:29:49.300 And so this mystery is not going to be solved by a lot of these people because their job was to make sure it didn't get solved in the way 01:29:49.620 --> 01:29:55.620 That it needed to be solved. It was supposed to be solved in the lab leak or natural virus thing. That's it. That's where we are 01:29:56.580 --> 01:29:59.780 That's why Robert Malone is doubling and tripling down on this 01:30:00.820 --> 01:30:03.300 That's why they're all doubling and tripling down on it 01:30:04.180 --> 01:30:09.060 They want us to move on now to solve the problems in the middle east or solve the problems somewhere. What was that? 01:30:10.260 --> 01:30:12.740 I felt like something just flew in that was weird 01:30:13.780 --> 01:30:15.300 um 01:30:15.300 --> 01:30:19.540 And so they won't do the math that jessica hocket and and 01:30:20.100 --> 01:30:24.180 Jonathan engler are doing they won't do the math of madassolam and remdesivir and 01:30:24.740 --> 01:30:27.860 No one talks about the opioid deaths except for marqulak 01:30:28.580 --> 01:30:29.540 um 01:30:29.540 --> 01:30:34.820 Death certificate fraud, uh, you know, financial incentives to do that death certificate fraud track and trace 01:30:35.460 --> 01:30:38.820 PCR lateral flow test flawed all the fraud all of this stuff 01:30:39.220 --> 01:30:44.740 We're really starting to peel back the narrative with regard to pcr because that's really something that we know now 01:30:45.620 --> 01:30:49.700 from from this the whole investigation into the clones that 01:30:50.100 --> 01:30:54.420 That this is a wholly exaggerated fidelity that they claim to have and the pcr 01:30:54.980 --> 01:30:59.620 Is this proxy for the presence of infectious virus, which is wholly inadequate? 01:30:59.620 --> 01:31:05.140 It's very similar to using reverse transcriptase and pha stimulated cells, but now we're using 01:31:05.620 --> 01:31:11.700 nucleic acids or the or amplicons of nucleic acids to indicate replicating virus and that's just absurd 01:31:12.020 --> 01:31:16.420 But it keeps us trapped in this limited spectrum of debate and makes it very lively if you have 01:31:16.820 --> 01:31:21.060 People like kevin mccaren and charles rixie and kevin mccernan calling people names and 01:31:21.460 --> 01:31:25.940 Saying how dumb people are to think that infectious clones mean anything reasonable 01:31:27.860 --> 01:31:34.500 And so we were on our kids are on this road still and our kids are looking for some truth looking for some understanding 01:31:34.980 --> 01:31:38.580 Looking for some adults who have a grip on reality and that's who we need to be 01:31:39.540 --> 01:31:44.980 And the way that we are that that adult that those kids need is to get out of this car 01:31:46.260 --> 01:31:51.940 Get out of the car that we've been in for four years that we got into with people like, you know 01:31:53.060 --> 01:31:57.540 erictopl and and tony fauci and and woolinski and burks 01:32:00.340 --> 01:32:05.380 Where this novel virus was real, but it's not just one novel virus. It's one of many 01:32:06.180 --> 01:32:13.380 And another and yet another example of pandemic potential realized these these mythologies need to be dismissed 01:32:14.100 --> 01:32:20.500 And we need to understand why it is that despite having all of these really smart people on it. We haven't cracked this case yet 01:32:21.780 --> 01:32:23.780 We need to understand that 01:32:23.780 --> 01:32:32.420 Why is it that only a few people are where giga ohm biological is right now in this stream a few people on this screen are here just a few 01:32:33.380 --> 01:32:37.860 quite a few of them are actually convinced that i'm one of the worst players 01:32:38.660 --> 01:32:40.660 in the whole narrative which is 01:32:40.900 --> 01:32:44.740 In my mind quite comical coming from the back of my garage. I think it's great 01:32:44.740 --> 01:32:50.580 It tells me that we are over the target with regard to what these people are doing and that many more of them 01:32:50.980 --> 01:32:55.620 Then are willing to admit actually know that they've been maintaining this pandemic confusion on purpose 01:32:56.900 --> 01:32:59.860 And that's why they won't talk about zero epidemiological spread 01:33:00.100 --> 01:33:03.140 They won't talk about strict liability for all pharmaceutical products 01:33:03.140 --> 01:33:06.900 They won't talk about the vicp and the cicp these two 01:33:07.460 --> 01:33:11.140 Vaccine kangaroo courts is being a seventh amendment violation. No 01:33:11.860 --> 01:33:13.860 Lawyers talking about that right now. No 01:33:14.740 --> 01:33:17.940 Dissident is talking about that right now. There's no sub stacks about 01:33:18.580 --> 01:33:24.980 Strict liability on roberm alone sub stack or no strict liability can be found on maryll nassas sub stack 01:33:25.060 --> 01:33:29.540 No discussion of the seventh amendment violation can be found on either of those sub stacks either 01:33:30.660 --> 01:33:32.660 And they're never going to discuss about the 01:33:33.300 --> 01:33:36.820 Ponderance of iatrogenic death hyatrogenic murder 01:33:36.820 --> 01:33:41.940 They're never going to talk about it because that goes against the narrative of the novel virus that killed millions of people 01:33:42.420 --> 01:33:45.300 That doesn't participate in this pantomime 01:33:45.780 --> 01:33:49.940 Where these people have been getting us to argue about the wrong things 01:33:50.500 --> 01:33:55.060 Getting us to ask the wrong questions by pretending that there is a pandemic 01:33:55.700 --> 01:34:00.900 And pretending that they are doing something useful like this guy is pretending to usefully stop the train 01:34:02.020 --> 01:34:05.460 And then chalk his hands up and usefully help to start the train 01:34:07.300 --> 01:34:11.380 We have been fooled by people who are doing just what this guy is doing 01:34:11.940 --> 01:34:15.220 But in the context of the pandemic pretending to fight it 01:34:15.780 --> 01:34:19.940 Pretending to argue about it pretending to discuss relevant biology 01:34:21.060 --> 01:34:23.460 When the relevant biology wasn't being discussed 01:34:24.340 --> 01:34:27.700 And when it was it was being discussed by people like conuit with koski 01:34:28.580 --> 01:34:30.420 or ryan cole 01:34:30.420 --> 01:34:31.300 or 01:34:31.300 --> 01:34:33.300 peter mcculler 01:34:34.340 --> 01:34:36.340 Or michael eden 01:34:36.660 --> 01:34:39.140 Or on my little tiny channel in 2020 01:34:39.940 --> 01:34:44.340 And not on and not with any of these people that are currently leading this 01:34:44.900 --> 01:34:48.660 This way out of the cave telling us that they know the way out of the cave 01:34:48.660 --> 01:34:51.220 These are the people who are telling us that the people that say 01:34:51.700 --> 01:34:56.260 hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were a real real useful with this novel 01:34:57.940 --> 01:34:59.380 Novel pathogen 01:34:59.380 --> 01:35:05.780 The same people who are telling us that the double stranded dna contamination is a real big deal 01:35:07.060 --> 01:35:10.500 But not telling us the transfection was a really bad idea 01:35:13.460 --> 01:35:15.780 And once you see that glaring omission 01:35:16.740 --> 01:35:21.620 And the focus on the double stranded dna contamination as a contamination 01:35:22.180 --> 01:35:25.300 You will see the game that they're playing they're doing what this guy's doing 01:35:25.940 --> 01:35:28.340 They're pretending to meaningfully oppose something 01:35:29.140 --> 01:35:31.940 They're pretending to meaningfully represent a dissidence that 01:35:34.180 --> 01:35:36.180 An opposition to authority that you can 01:35:37.060 --> 01:35:39.060 naively feel 01:35:39.060 --> 01:35:41.060 as being meaningful 01:35:41.060 --> 01:35:45.700 And that's not any different than the diffuse proposal being discussed as real by all these people 01:35:45.780 --> 01:35:50.660 Who say now a foyer request has shown that they actually ordered the enzymes. Oh my gosh. We were right 01:35:50.660 --> 01:35:53.300 They did do the experiments. They had enough funding. They did it 01:35:55.060 --> 01:35:57.060 It's the same thing. It's the same 01:35:57.300 --> 01:36:01.300 Scooby-Doo narrative being solved right before our eyes by people who 01:36:01.780 --> 01:36:07.460 For the most part i'm probably unwitting participants that were offered a chance at fame and comfort 01:36:08.180 --> 01:36:13.300 If they just went with their instincts which were that this is a lab leak and i've done this little paper 01:36:13.300 --> 01:36:17.460 This little analysis or i sent in this foyer and the foyer seems to indicate that 01:36:18.820 --> 01:36:23.060 It's so weird that people don't understand that foyer requests are known 01:36:24.100 --> 01:36:29.300 So people don't write emails very often under the pretense that they don't think it'll get foyer 01:36:29.860 --> 01:36:32.740 They write emails under the pretense that it could be foyer 01:36:33.780 --> 01:36:35.780 Doesn't anybody understand that? 01:36:36.500 --> 01:36:38.500 And 01:36:39.940 --> 01:36:46.660 So we are here where they have over decades created the illusion of pandemic potential in the literature 01:36:46.660 --> 01:36:49.940 They have for decades created the illusion in secret meetings 01:36:50.420 --> 01:36:58.500 Of pandemic potential and gain of function risk and then they seeded a narrative with mass casualty events and stayed committed to a lie 01:36:59.220 --> 01:37:01.700 This was a national security event 01:37:02.500 --> 01:37:08.820 And this live exercise continued with the implementation of a team worst case scenario or several teams 01:37:09.860 --> 01:37:14.580 that were sent out into the world with the message of confusion fear uncertainty 01:37:15.140 --> 01:37:18.580 And the idea that the worst case scenario is billions of people dead 01:37:20.180 --> 01:37:22.500 And because it was a real real 01:37:23.140 --> 01:37:29.380 National security exercise there are people that are participating that have said that they wouldn't tell that would be killed if they do 01:37:30.020 --> 01:37:32.500 Or smeared and slandered and thrown out if they do 01:37:33.780 --> 01:37:38.260 They got in over their heads. They didn't know what they were signing up for but they are now in it 01:37:38.820 --> 01:37:45.140 And they are responsible for the toxicity of the virus being confounded with the toxicity of transfection 01:37:46.420 --> 01:37:53.860 So that the average tv skilled tv watching public and believes that there wasn't a novel virus that was released in the world 01:37:54.820 --> 01:37:58.500 And that we rushed out a transfection that had some negative consequences 01:37:58.500 --> 01:38:00.980 But overall could have been worse 01:38:05.860 --> 01:38:12.900 And this all goes back to the original illusion of antibodies being a useful proxy for immunity to 01:38:13.860 --> 01:38:19.860 A respiratory infection the idea that a novel virus requires new antibodies 01:38:21.300 --> 01:38:25.620 And the idea that vaccine antibodies are more durable and universal 01:38:26.180 --> 01:38:29.460 Than antibodies produced from infection and that 01:38:30.020 --> 01:38:37.940 Horribly simple and absolutely inverted understanding of the immune response and the role of antibodies in it 01:38:38.740 --> 01:38:41.220 Is how they have permanently removed 01:38:42.900 --> 01:38:43.860 The 01:38:43.860 --> 01:38:50.180 Ability for young parents to in to give informed consent for their children and informed consent for themselves 01:38:50.580 --> 01:38:53.700 Young people cannot give informed consent to any vaccination 01:38:54.180 --> 01:38:58.900 Because they are told that the biology that underpins vaccination is this and this is a lie 01:38:59.780 --> 01:39:06.580 This is not a um a misleading diagram. This is not a hey oversimplified diagram. This is a lie 01:39:07.540 --> 01:39:12.660 This is a lie designed to enslave us under the pretense that vaccines work 01:39:13.220 --> 01:39:17.700 This is how they work and this is why they must be universally accepted by our children 01:39:18.580 --> 01:39:24.020 And we cannot let our children grow up with this mythology. We simply can't because that is the trap 01:39:24.980 --> 01:39:28.820 Batcave viruses the new world order. This is where they want our kids 01:39:29.700 --> 01:39:34.340 They want this lie to become the truth and they want us to do it for them 01:39:36.260 --> 01:39:38.740 And so the only choice is to make sure we never forget 01:39:39.620 --> 01:39:43.940 We never forget what they did. We never forget who these people are. We never forget where they worked 01:39:43.940 --> 01:39:47.220 We never forget their history so that we can see them clearly for who they are 01:39:47.700 --> 01:39:54.900 They are people who have have formulated and and and perpetuated the concept of worst-case scenario 01:39:55.940 --> 01:40:00.340 And they have done it for all of these reasons and to be part of the governing structure that's to come 01:40:01.060 --> 01:40:03.060 To be part of team 01:40:03.060 --> 01:40:05.060 Whatever elite 01:40:05.060 --> 01:40:09.220 Make no mistake about it. That's what this is about. That's the only reason why somebody with a house 01:40:10.180 --> 01:40:11.780 In marble head 01:40:11.780 --> 01:40:18.580 In boston is going to be spending more time tweeting about me than he is trying to get the word out about double-stranded dna 01:40:18.980 --> 01:40:20.980 in the transfections 01:40:24.660 --> 01:40:28.900 The mythology of pandemic viruses cannot be passed on to our college kids the 01:40:29.300 --> 01:40:35.620 The mythology of of masks and social distancing and lockdowns cannot be passed on to our college kids 01:40:36.100 --> 01:40:40.100 The fidelity illusion of pcr testing cannot be passed down 01:40:40.660 --> 01:40:43.620 To our medical students ladies and gentlemen, we have a huge 01:40:44.340 --> 01:40:50.900 Huge huge window here that is closing extremely rapidly where we can break this illusion about 01:40:51.460 --> 01:40:54.980 About where this is going and what they really want, which is our children 01:40:57.140 --> 01:41:04.660 And we have this once in a millennia chance once in several generations chance to prevent our children from getting on the train that we were put on 01:41:06.580 --> 01:41:08.580 The train that we were put on 01:41:11.700 --> 01:41:15.860 The train where where vaccinations are just they just work 01:41:16.900 --> 01:41:18.900 And the more you have the better 01:41:19.380 --> 01:41:24.340 That the evolution of the vaccine schedule in america is perfectly logical and not criminal 01:41:25.220 --> 01:41:30.180 Where novel coronaviruses have pandemic potential and can jump from laboratories or bat caves 01:41:30.580 --> 01:41:33.620 Where every symptomatic spread of many different things is real 01:41:33.940 --> 01:41:41.780 And where we have this huge data bank of 15 million sequences that are evidence of the pandemic 01:41:42.820 --> 01:41:44.820 Gain a function one 01:41:45.060 --> 01:41:50.420 Can't let our kids on this train ladies and gentlemen, and we will lose them forever and we will lose our grandchildren forever 01:41:51.780 --> 01:41:56.660 And they know that that's why they're committed to this. That's why they they are committed to this because on the other side 01:41:57.220 --> 01:42:03.060 In 10 years or 15 years they will be and their families will be in the ruling elite 01:42:04.580 --> 01:42:10.260 Exempt from or outside of the mythology of the average 01:42:10.900 --> 01:42:15.140 TV watching individual who believes that a pandemic happened in 2020 01:42:15.700 --> 01:42:19.060 And that we're at the tail end of it five years in 01:42:21.620 --> 01:42:24.100 It's a faith in a novel virus ladies and gentlemen 01:42:24.100 --> 01:42:28.500 It's a faith that all of these people are being paid comfort and fame in order to maintain 01:42:29.060 --> 01:42:33.460 And the only way to break it is to point out to our children that this is not possible 01:42:34.100 --> 01:42:39.940 That RNA can't start in 2019 and faithfully circulate around the globe for five years straight and a trackable 01:42:40.340 --> 01:42:42.740 And branching phylogeny. That's not how this works 01:42:44.820 --> 01:42:49.140 There's no evidence for it in the previous literature and there's no real evidence for it now 01:42:49.140 --> 01:42:50.100 It's a lie 01:42:50.100 --> 01:42:56.420 It's got to be because they have never bothered to try to differentiate from a completed background signal 01:42:56.420 --> 01:43:01.620 Although there's plenty of evidence in the literature that they've been looking to characterize this background for decades 01:43:02.420 --> 01:43:07.780 They know what signals are there because nathan wolf has been working on it for decades. So I mean really 01:43:10.820 --> 01:43:15.460 In this scenario, we should be asking for a pause on all childhood vaccines in america full stop 01:43:15.860 --> 01:43:19.700 strict liability for all pharmaceutical products including vaccines full stop 01:43:20.100 --> 01:43:24.660 We should investigate the apparent mass casualty events that are being misconstrued 01:43:24.660 --> 01:43:28.500 You misconstrued as spread and we should investigate the possibility that 01:43:28.860 --> 01:43:33.140 Transfection to a spike protein or transfection to a toxin or 01:43:34.020 --> 01:43:40.020 Transfection to a genome sequence or sequences could be used to create the illusion of the pandemic including 01:43:40.500 --> 01:43:45.780 The symptomologies and the molecular biological signatures that were purported to indicate spread 01:43:47.540 --> 01:43:51.780 We need to teach these possibilities to our children so that we can regain the sovereignty 01:43:52.580 --> 01:43:54.900 Over their lives over their minds 01:43:55.380 --> 01:43:59.620 And we need to get out of the who in the un entirely and we need to elect people to congress who are willing to do that 01:43:59.620 --> 01:44:04.340 That's pretty simple and you can see the medlers because they don't like these ideas 01:44:04.660 --> 01:44:07.380 They don't want to talk about transfection and use the word 01:44:07.700 --> 01:44:12.180 They don't want to talk about clones as being anything other than just another way of getting viruses 01:44:12.500 --> 01:44:15.380 And they definitely don't want to summarize across the whole show 01:44:15.860 --> 01:44:21.620 Never mind across their whole real career or their whole real career during 2020 01:44:21.780 --> 01:44:24.180 2021 when they weren't speaking out like they should have 01:44:29.700 --> 01:44:33.140 So we are going to spend the next few weeks learning this biology one by one 01:44:33.140 --> 01:44:36.820 We started all the way at the end now all the way at the beginning of this illusion 01:44:36.820 --> 01:44:43.700 Which I think really honing in on the the AIDS epidemic and it and the illusion created by it is a really good place to start 01:44:43.700 --> 01:44:50.660 Now we're going to move forward to steffin lanka's work on measles and that objection in 2015 in the coming show 01:44:51.620 --> 01:44:53.060 And then 01:44:53.060 --> 01:44:55.540 We're going to try and outline what I think is the 01:44:56.100 --> 01:45:00.420 the sort of illusion that these people are trying and how they're trying to maintain it and 01:45:00.900 --> 01:45:05.460 Getting you to argue about two things that aren't related and once you see that these two things aren't related 01:45:05.540 --> 01:45:10.340 Then you'll see why the infectious clone idea is the answer to this problem 01:45:11.380 --> 01:45:13.380 They are lying to us about AI 01:45:13.860 --> 01:45:17.940 And I've been hammering on this for a while and I've got a few clips that I've been harvesting 01:45:18.340 --> 01:45:23.140 That really hit this home one from daniel dennett one from from hey podcast with 01:45:23.540 --> 01:45:24.740 with 01:45:24.740 --> 01:45:25.540 Jordan peterson 01:45:25.540 --> 01:45:32.020 It's just extraordinary how jordan peterson in that particular podcast just he actually states the truth out loud 01:45:32.020 --> 01:45:35.220 And then it goes right over his head like an airplane. It's really amazing 01:45:35.220 --> 01:45:42.900 So we're going to revisit ai and the distortion of ai and the dangers of coming ai versus whatever they're using on us right now 01:45:43.380 --> 01:45:49.620 Ladies and gentlemen, please stop transfection in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary 01:45:50.180 --> 01:45:52.660 Thank you for joining me in the middle of the day 01:45:53.300 --> 01:45:55.620 103 people watching is fabulous 01:45:56.180 --> 01:46:00.020 I'm not sure if i'm going to make it on again in the after in the evening 01:46:00.020 --> 01:46:04.020 But there's a possibility that for sure i'm going to be on as many days as possible now 01:46:04.420 --> 01:46:07.540 And during the week monday through friday, there's always going to be 01:46:08.500 --> 01:46:10.500 At least one show during the day 01:46:10.500 --> 01:46:15.460 I'm thinking about trying to do a show in the early morning called the second cup of coffee 01:46:15.860 --> 01:46:22.900 Which will be a little more improvisational and then in the afternoon will be more of a real real study all and 01:46:24.340 --> 01:46:29.540 I'm actually thinking about doing the briefs every once in a while now separately too. So we'll do 01:46:31.220 --> 01:46:34.260 We're just going to try and more and more more more content 01:46:34.340 --> 01:46:38.420 That's more and more of the truth out there as often as possible 01:46:39.460 --> 01:46:40.820 We don't have to 01:46:40.820 --> 01:46:47.060 Don't have to get too fancy with it yet. Um, we just want to win and we want to win by sharing these truths 01:46:47.700 --> 01:46:51.220 Um, we want to win by sharing this stream and the work of mark kulak 01:46:51.780 --> 01:46:55.460 You can also win by sharing the podcast of almond bollock 01:46:56.020 --> 01:47:00.660 Who I think is is really out there to get the truth out and fighting for our grandchildren as well 01:47:01.220 --> 01:47:06.980 Um, please if you can afford it to go giggo in biological.com scroll down to the bottom 01:47:07.700 --> 01:47:14.100 And subscribe you can also support one time there. I support giggo and put in any amount of money you want to and all 01:47:15.460 --> 01:47:22.020 Contributions are appreciated and right now. This is the not quite updated list of the subscribers and supporters 01:47:22.020 --> 01:47:27.780 I apologize to the people who've joined in the last week or so I'll update this before tomorrow. Thanks very much. I'll see you again 01:47:31.460 --> 01:47:33.460 I 01:47:36.900 --> 01:47:43.300 Yeah, I'm not sure why malik put me behind a paywall. Maybe you should send him a message about that because I feel a little bad about poking him 01:47:43.860 --> 01:47:49.940 Um, but yes, technically i'm behind a paywall, but you know, everybody's got to earn their living. Um, he also put 01:47:51.380 --> 01:47:56.100 Mike eden behind a paywall after asking if that was okay. So I'm not going to judge 01:47:57.060 --> 01:47:58.100 Uh 01:47:58.100 --> 01:48:00.580 Malik on that he didn't put me behind a paywall right away 01:48:01.380 --> 01:48:06.740 And so maybe he just sees it as a podcast that is enough of the truth that he can 01:48:07.220 --> 01:48:10.260 You know get people to commit for it. So i'm not going to hold it against him 01:48:11.460 --> 01:48:14.660 And uh, i'm going to be on his podcast in like a week and a half or something again 01:48:14.660 --> 01:48:16.580 So, you know, we're buddies and it's all good. So 01:48:17.380 --> 01:48:21.860 We all got families and we all got people to feed so we got to do it. However, we can and uh 01:48:22.740 --> 01:48:24.740 Right now 01:48:24.820 --> 01:48:29.060 There aren't very many of us fighting for what we need to fight for. So, um, everybody that 01:48:29.780 --> 01:48:34.660 That um is fighting for our grandchildren. I'm on team. So let's uh, let's be here tomorrow 01:48:35.460 --> 01:48:37.860 Same time same channel like 1313. I'll see you