02:55.000 --> 03:01.000
He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.

03:01.000 --> 03:05.000
People everywhere are starting to listen to him.

03:05.000 --> 03:07.000
It's embarrassing.

03:25.000 --> 03:33.000
I wasn't sure whether I was going to do it.

03:33.000 --> 03:38.000
No, there I am, I see it.

03:38.000 --> 03:46.000
It was not talking very loud or something.

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Or I had the music.

03:51.000 --> 04:03.000
Just give myself a little juice.

04:03.000 --> 04:09.000
I don't have my headphones on anymore.

04:09.000 --> 04:12.000
My name is Jonathan Couey.

04:12.000 --> 04:20.000
I used to be a patch clam physiologist.

04:20.000 --> 04:31.000
The reason why we call this Gigaohm biological is because that describes the electrophysiological connection, the resistance of the connection between my electrode and a neuron.

04:31.000 --> 04:36.000
And it was a Gigaohm connection, which is both high resistance and low noise.

04:36.000 --> 04:43.000
And that's why we call this the Giga ohm biological, high resistance, low noise, information, brief.

04:43.000 --> 04:46.000
I'm just going to do the opening and we're ready to go.

04:46.000 --> 04:49.000
It should be a pretty quick show. I just got a little short video.

04:49.000 --> 04:53.000
We'll watch at one and a half speed as usual.

05:13.000 --> 05:30.000
Intramuscular injection of any combination itself.

05:30.000 --> 05:33.000
Intramuscular injection of any system itself.

05:33.000 --> 05:35.000
Transfection of the Giga.

05:35.000 --> 05:36.000
Primarily negative.

05:36.000 --> 05:45.000
Environments are not pattern integrity.

05:45.000 --> 05:47.000
My animations are running a little slow again.

05:47.000 --> 05:48.000
My music is low.

05:48.000 --> 05:49.000
High again.

05:49.000 --> 05:54.000
I'm just going to have to get my headphones back on or something here.

05:54.000 --> 05:57.000
I'm trying to figure it out dudes.

05:57.000 --> 06:06.000
I might just have to put my headphones back on.

06:06.000 --> 06:09.000
I'm not going to put my headphones back on, dang it.

06:09.000 --> 06:16.000
I'm going to try very hard not to put my headphones back on because I want to keep them off and let my ears breathe a little bit.

06:16.000 --> 06:19.000
I have them in all day to day and it's too much.

06:19.000 --> 06:21.000
It's too much, I tell you.

06:21.000 --> 06:24.000
Let me see if I can do this right.

06:25.000 --> 06:26.000
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

06:26.000 --> 06:27.000
Welcome to the show.

06:27.000 --> 06:29.000
This is Giga Home Biological High Resistance.

06:29.000 --> 06:33.000
Low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.

06:33.000 --> 06:34.000
Still can't hear me.

06:34.000 --> 06:39.000
I'm going to jack it up a little more and you're just going to have to hear also all the stuff in my throat.

06:39.000 --> 06:41.000
Turn it up just a little more.

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Every time I get closer of course it sounds fine.

06:44.000 --> 06:49.000
Then maybe I'll ding this once just to see where we're at.

06:49.000 --> 06:55.000
I don't know.

06:55.000 --> 06:57.000
That should be fine.

06:57.000 --> 06:59.000
Anyway, good to see you guys.

06:59.000 --> 07:03.000
Sorry that I'm not using my headphones as usual but I don't know.

07:03.000 --> 07:11.000
I'm trying to get out of the monitor thing but maybe I always have to do it as long as it's me and only me.

07:11.000 --> 07:14.000
I might have to do a monitor thing here.

07:14.000 --> 07:16.000
Let me get back to this guy.

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Let's see here.

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We have always been talking about this great Scooby-Doo, the illusion of consensus about a novel virus that killed millions of people.

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The millions more were saved from.

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The gain of function is likely the source of and that will definitely come again.

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I really think at this stage we can think of this as an orchestrated release of this narrative.

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A controlled operation as the truth or whatever the story is.

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The mythology that we're supposed to end up believing eventually becomes our conclusions that we solve this mystery.

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I think that's the reason why I like to use the Scooby-Doo so much and that's why I like to call it a faith because it really does feel like we're surrounded on all sides by all these different opinions but all these different opinions seem to agree on the central faith of everything to begin with.

08:10.000 --> 08:18.000
Of course we've been misled by the potential for pandemics and where it can be found.

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We've also been misled by how it can be created and the idea behind this misleading us about this took a really long time for us to understand.

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The gist of it is that it seems like they've been laying this worst case scenario from the very beginning on purpose and even in fact most likely you could even see eco-health alliance itself as an organization that was established with the intention of creating the worst case scenario narrative.

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And a sort of an intentional trail of malfeasance that they could then point to in the Scooby-Doo mystery.

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And I have almost no doubt at this stage that this aspect of the narrative we have nailed down pat.

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And that's why I think it's apt to call it a New World Order.

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It's apt to have the bats coming out of a cave there and kind of the reverse of the North Face logo.

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Because it is really what they have been planning for a very long time and we need to take a hold of this term much in the same way Tyrion Lannister suggested to Jon Snow that he had to own his identity and use it as his armor otherwise people would use it against him.

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We need to use this concept of a New World Order as a way of warning people that that's exactly what they are doing.

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And not only that but use this term as a way of warning them that this was a plan for a long time.

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At least that's the reason why I use it. So don't think that somehow I'm cryptically involved in this.

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I'm fighting it as much as you are for my kids and for theirs.

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So this illusion of consensus is what we need to break and I have been trying to sort of point out that there are some sort of key things that we have to think about.

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And one of them that I think we really do need to consider is the idea that there is very little difference between a warning and an announcement.

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And many times I've felt as though we have been led astrayed by certain people in this narrative.

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Led astray, distracted, we've become engrossed in certain discussions about intellectual property whose ideas are whose.

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And these things ended up to be a lot of fireworks in the sky but the real business was going on in the buildings below.

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And so we really want to be careful as we move forward because I really do think that there is a danger that there is some.

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We've been warned more often than we might be aware of.

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In fact, I think that there's one really interesting observation that was made first by my friend Matt Crawford.

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Then made by someone who I can't remember and I still couldn't remember after trying to think about it for a few days.

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And the third one was really me.

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And the observation that I made was that Dr. Robert Malone in the first part of the pandemic was calling it COVID, not COVID.

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And it dawned on me that COVID is actually Ovid.

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And Ovid is the way that my world literature teacher pronounced this guy Ovid's metamorphosis, this Greek epic or whatever.

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And so I thought what if I could find a world literature lecture on Ovid's metamorphosis and maybe they could tell us a little bit about what Ovid meant.

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And maybe it would have something to do with what's going on in the pandemic.

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So I found this world literature lecture on Ovid metamorphosis.

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And I don't want you to watch the whole thing.

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But I'm going to pick it up where my fellow long hair is talking about these original Gilgamesh Iliad and the Aeneid.

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And the idea that these are about a certain kind of structure in society.

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They have a certain general theme with a hero and all this other stuff.

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And so I'm picking him up here in the middle where he's discussing the kind of overarching themes that these three stories have in common and do not have in common with Ovid, which is over here under transformation and chaos, which he had already talked about earlier.

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But I don't want you to listen to the first.

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So let's see what we get out of this.

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So yes, so a very sort of patriarchal family structure, right?

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Piety, patriarchy.

13:15.000 --> 13:16.000
What else?

13:16.000 --> 13:19.000
Emperor should be worshiped as God.

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Okay, Emperor as God.

13:21.000 --> 13:22.000

13:22.000 --> 13:23.000
Can you hear him?

13:23.000 --> 13:24.000

13:24.000 --> 13:25.000
Place this under piety, right?

13:29.000 --> 13:30.000
Yes, here.

13:31.000 --> 13:36.000
Yeah, have a lot of kids within marriage, right?

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So kind of marital chastity.

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And above all, a good Roman does his or her duty, right?

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You're a citizen first and individual second, right?

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Rome, the idea of Rome matters more than your personal desires.

14:15.000 --> 14:24.000
So to what extent, given what you've read here, does Ovid seem to endorse any of these values?

14:24.000 --> 14:27.000
No, not so much.

14:27.000 --> 14:32.000
What seems to be going on here instead?

14:32.000 --> 14:33.000

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We've got, yeah, constant rule breaking, right?

14:38.000 --> 14:39.000

14:39.000 --> 14:42.000
Yeah, this is a poem about chaos.

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And it's a poem that suggests that the natural human state is in fact chaos and that everything

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ultimately tends back to chaos.

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Order is always temporary and it's artificial.

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It has to be imposed by some God or kinder nature.

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As Ovid puts it, chaos is what's natural.

15:21.000 --> 15:31.000
Now, around the year eight CE, when he was just finishing up this poem, but parts of it

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are already circulated amongst various of Ovid's friends, Ovid was exiled.

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So the first part of this thing is, I forgot where I cut it off, so I wanted to just let it run.

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The first part of this commentary then is setting up the idea that the previous Roman

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epics were all about telling a story about a hero and stories about maintaining these sort of myths

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about the Roman society.

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Whereas Ovid's metamorphoses don't follow any of those rules and in fact start to turn things

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upside down and even...

16:19.000 --> 16:21.000
What has he done?

16:21.000 --> 16:22.000
I'll just let him say it.

16:22.000 --> 16:24.000
Yeah, he's putting things in order, right?

16:24.000 --> 16:28.000
He's imposing a shape on the universe.

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He's imposing a shape on reality.

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The matter was already there.

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He's just organizing it.

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So the creation really here is kind of misnamed.

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It's really like the great organization or the birth of order.

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So we start with chaos.

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Some God steps in and puts everything in order.

16:55.000 --> 17:02.000
So why is it then that so many things are able to change their shapes throughout this narrative?

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What is Ovid's setting up here?

17:05.000 --> 17:13.000
Why is the human form, the animal form, the plant form so unstable?

17:13.000 --> 17:15.000
What is the base unit of creation?

17:15.000 --> 17:20.000
In all of these stories there's transformations that occur between people and beast and beast

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and people.

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The thing that everything is ultimately made out of.

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What does?

17:31.000 --> 17:34.000
For Ovid.

17:34.000 --> 17:37.000
What's the thing that's there before anything else's?

17:37.000 --> 17:46.000
Yeah, everything's made out of chaos.

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This is why everything shifts and changes, right?

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This is why you can turn a human being into a cow.

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This is why you can turn a fleeing nymph into a tree, right?

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This is why a statue can be turned into a live woman.

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So what all forms of matter have in common, right?

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For Ovid, is that they're all inherently chaotic.

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And form and order and purpose are temporary.

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Now let's look at this in terms of what we talked about last week.

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What was Virgil trying to set up in the Aeneid?

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What was his basic purpose in writing the Aeneid?

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So did you kind of catch what I'm getting at there?

18:30.000 --> 18:40.000
That in a way the pronunciation of COVID as COVID may not have been a mistake.

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It may have been a hint.

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It may have some origins in the original meaning.

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But it's very interesting because if we just take a brief look at a video

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from the beginning of this year and I just want to use this video as a way of pointing

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out that there is a fine line between announcement and warning, right?

19:10.000 --> 19:18.000
These people can be telling us what's coming and saying, you know, we should fight it

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or they could be telling us what's coming so that these ideas are out there as they are

19:24.000 --> 19:25.000

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And there is a very, very fine line, especially in the now ubiquitous term fifth generation

19:34.000 --> 19:35.000

19:35.000 --> 19:41.000
It is a very fine line between announcement and warning, between a call to arms and a useless

19:41.000 --> 19:46.000
announcement that will not save you, but just make sure you understand what's going to happen

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to you.

19:47.000 --> 19:54.000
And I think I aptly describe these two guys and others as really giving us warnings.

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And I want to watch this video together with you to see if you think that there are people

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here who are announcing or are they warning.

20:02.000 --> 20:06.000
And we have to listen very carefully in order to know this answer.

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And maybe even when we listen carefully, we're not going to know the answer.

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But let's just see if we can pull something out of this one.

20:13.000 --> 20:24.000
So this is a strategy session, panel discussion, globalist wealth, or global health, with

20:24.000 --> 20:32.560
Assim Mahultra, Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, Jonathan Gilthrup, Sasha Latipova, and Michael

20:32.560 --> 20:33.560

20:33.560 --> 20:39.680
And I just want to, you know, it's not going to be real in a spectacular, but because the

20:39.680 --> 20:42.920
questions are rather panel discussion for session.

20:43.920 --> 20:44.920
But we'll just see where we get.

20:44.920 --> 20:49.920
Because on stage, and I think you all raised your concerns about crimes against humanity.

20:49.920 --> 20:54.920
We talked about corruption, bypassing rules and laws, infrastructure, biological weapons.

20:54.920 --> 20:59.920
So I think my first question to you will be, what's our way out of this?

20:59.920 --> 21:01.920
And I know you're all covering very different areas.

21:01.920 --> 21:02.920
What are the lessons learned?

21:02.920 --> 21:05.920
And how do we hold our government's authority accountable?

21:05.920 --> 21:08.920
I can start with you.

21:08.920 --> 21:10.920
It's a great question to start with.

21:11.920 --> 21:13.920
I think this will resonate with everybody.

21:13.920 --> 21:17.920
I think most of the people here, actually, in the speakers that have been on this journey,

21:17.920 --> 21:23.920
is I will talk from a broader conceptual strategy that I think about when I'm involved in these

21:23.920 --> 21:29.920
sorts of skirmishes, is based upon, first and foremost, is that I think everybody here is

21:29.920 --> 21:33.920
very much, are people that are very adherent to ethics and values, right?

21:33.920 --> 21:36.920
And I think that's something intrinsic in most human beings.

21:36.920 --> 21:39.920
I'm not maybe a cynical of some people in the sense that I think that even people like

21:39.920 --> 21:42.920
the likes of Bill Gates, etc, I think they are clouded in ignorance.

21:42.920 --> 21:43.920
I actually don't think they're malicious.

21:43.920 --> 21:45.920
I think they're ignorant.

21:45.920 --> 21:47.920
And I think that they engage in, you know, even for self-interested purposes, they ultimately

21:47.920 --> 21:49.920
are doing damage to people, and it will come back to them.

21:49.920 --> 21:51.920
Even if you look from the ignorance map point of view.

21:51.920 --> 21:54.920
But for me, it's about making the injustice visible.

21:54.920 --> 21:56.920
We have a gross injustice to people, and it will come back.

21:56.920 --> 21:57.920
I actually don't think they're malicious.

21:57.920 --> 22:01.920
I think they're ignorant, and I think that they engage in, you know, even for self-interested

22:01.920 --> 22:03.920
purposes, they're ultimately doing damage to people and it will come back to them.

22:03.920 --> 22:05.920
Even if you look from the ignorance map point of view.

22:05.920 --> 22:08.920
But for me, it's about making the injustice visible.

22:08.920 --> 22:12.080
have a gross injustice going on in the world right now. And it was, you know, who inspired

22:12.080 --> 22:15.280
me in this journey in one of my inspirations was Mahatma Gandhi. And he, you know, got

22:15.280 --> 22:19.800
essentially single-handedly took on the British Empire by non-violent resistance, right?

22:19.800 --> 22:23.160
It was adopted by Mandela, ultimately. It was adopted by Martin Luther King. And it's

22:23.160 --> 22:27.200
very, very powerful to do that. So the key is making the justice visible. Yes, one of

22:27.200 --> 22:30.560
our platforms where we would normally be able to make injustice visible, the mainstream

22:30.560 --> 22:33.640
media, has been more captured than ever, and that's been a challenge. But the social movement

22:33.640 --> 22:37.160
is growing, and I think we just have to just keep going on speaking the truth, looking

22:37.240 --> 22:40.240
after each other. And I actually think we're on the path. We are on that path to overcoming

22:40.240 --> 22:44.960
this corporate tyranny, if you like. Thank you, Seem. Anyone else? So I guess we already

22:44.960 --> 22:49.480
agree that that's absolutely absurd, that people like Bill Gates and the rest of them

22:49.480 --> 22:55.680
don't know what they're doing. That's, it's absolutely absurd. And we know that from other

22:55.680 --> 23:00.560
people that we've talked to who've been behind the scenes at these meetings, and we know that

23:00.560 --> 23:04.120
that's definitely not the case. So that's already strike one.

23:04.120 --> 23:06.600
Just wants to add to that, Tasha?

23:06.600 --> 23:11.640
Oh, my microphone. Well, so as far as how to hold the governments accountable, it's very,

23:11.640 --> 23:16.360
very difficult, as I have outlined here, at least in the US, they made an atrocity legal

23:16.360 --> 23:19.840
on paper. You can never legalize a crime, but they did, and they think that they're going

23:19.840 --> 23:24.400
to get away with it. And I think it's important to try any strategy that anybody wishes to

23:24.400 --> 23:29.960
try. And so go after the pharma manufacturers, go after your local health authorities, state

23:29.960 --> 23:35.280
authorities, try every strategy that you can think of or any lawyer can outline. Ultimately,

23:35.280 --> 23:39.440
my colleague, Catherine, has recommended the following overarching strategy, at least in

23:39.440 --> 23:43.200
the US. We have to force admissions like Pfizer did in court. We need to have them repeated

23:43.200 --> 23:48.640
over and over and over again so that everybody can hear them. Ultimately, we need to have

23:48.640 --> 23:54.840
US Department of Justice go to court on record stating two, either of two things. Either the

23:54.840 --> 23:59.040
genocide is an official US government policy, and nobody did anything wrong, or those were

23:59.040 --> 24:01.040
rogue actors and throw them under the bus.

24:01.040 --> 24:06.720
Thank you, Satcha. And I was just thinking about that great example with Rebel News,

24:06.720 --> 24:09.680
you know, and actually people I spoke to were solely about this during break, but actually

24:09.680 --> 24:12.520
people starting to take action and go after them in public, which is something we need

24:12.520 --> 24:15.360
to start doing as media as well, including myself and everyone else in this room who

24:15.360 --> 24:18.040
is media. Robert, do you want to continue?

24:18.040 --> 24:23.760
So first off, we have to keep speaking. In despite all of the arrayed forces against

24:23.760 --> 24:30.240
us that seek to silence us. We must keep speaking. As pointed out, we must avoid violence.

24:30.240 --> 24:35.400
We must use avoid the use of violent speech. Violence speech alone will be weaponized against

24:35.400 --> 24:39.440
us. It will be used as a justification for even harsher totalitarian measures against

24:39.440 --> 24:45.840
us. Unfortunately, let me phrase it this way. The Twitter files have, together with the

24:45.840 --> 24:50.080
two Attorney General's lawsuits, have clearly demonstrated that there is collusion from

24:50.080 --> 24:53.880
the lowest to the highest levels in the U.S. government to circumvent the U.S. Constitution

24:53.880 --> 24:59.760
in the form of the First Amendment. And I'm perplexed. I'm not aware of any remedy that

24:59.760 --> 25:03.840
we can use, even in the courts, to really overcome that. The only remedy structured in

25:03.840 --> 25:09.720
the United States, which for better or worse still serves as the organizational leadership

25:09.720 --> 25:15.600
hub for NATO and the Western world, is impeachment. Impeachment cannot happen under the current

25:16.320 --> 25:20.320
environment. There may be some possibility of impeaching, for instance, the Secretary

25:20.320 --> 25:23.120
for the Department of Homeland Security, better than that. There's nothing. Our only recourse

25:23.120 --> 25:28.120
is the courts, as was pointed out. And the courts are a little sketchy in the United

25:28.120 --> 25:32.000
States, even in the Supreme Court right now, in terms of there's a lot of division and

25:32.000 --> 25:37.280
tension within those. There are movements to fundamentally restructure the relationship

25:37.280 --> 25:42.560
between the legislator and what we call the administrative state. People may not appreciate

25:42.560 --> 25:47.760
here in Europe that the United States government is largely run by the senior executive service,

25:47.760 --> 25:51.040
which is a small cohort of a few thousand individuals that cannot be fired. They're

25:51.040 --> 25:54.920
completely immune from any executive action. And just like if any of you watch the old

25:54.920 --> 26:00.040
British sitcom Yes, Minister, it puts a happy face on a very ugly truth. These permanent

26:00.040 --> 26:03.680
employees run the government. And these permanent employees that run the government in the United

26:03.680 --> 26:08.400
States have created horizontal and vertical alliances with corporations and multinational

26:08.480 --> 26:15.000
organizations. It's just the way things are. I'm less angry about the short term. I'm

26:15.000 --> 26:23.520
of the opinion that we are now confronting an exemplar of what has been ongoing decades

26:23.520 --> 26:29.440
of planning for a centralized world government and calling it a government is a misnomer.

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It's a public-private partnership fusion that meets Mussolini's criteria. I'll just leave

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and it's unelected. It represents the largest corporations in the world and their financial

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interests. And it's uncountable. We're seeing it covered in the media or Davos in the winter

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and China in the summer. And I think that we are likely to be forced into a situation

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in which for many of us, we're forced to build new almost underground structures of

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affiliations and alliances and rebuild a different structure. I really don't – to

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be perfectly honest, the depth of the corruption that has been revealed is such that I don't

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see how those agencies can be rebuilt. And I don't see how we have the time and resources

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to build parallel agencies to a point that they'll be functional, that we could then

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eliminate the existing ones. I'm really quite dark in this and our only hope really truly

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is that all of you join us as we walk together and resist this. It will be a generational fight.

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And I think that personally, the only way to take it on is to focus on the children

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and proceed on that basis, recognizing that we have an opportunity, as Chris Longen points out,

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to fulfill the potential of humanity. And that may be the greatest gift of this moment in time,

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is to transcend the organizational structures and imperatives that we've lived under for

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thousands of years and move to a different way of organizing humankind in which we can fulfill

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our potential, but it's not going to be easy. No, definitely not. Thank you, Robert.

28:08.640 --> 28:16.160
Okay, so either genocide is a government policy or it's not, and then we should throw the people

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under the bus is what Sash a lot to Pova ended with. Violent speech, we have to be very careful

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of violent speech says Robert Malone, because Robert, Robert says that violent speech will be

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used against us. Is that announcement or in a warning? Is that something we can really avoid?

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Or is that something that we've been just told now? We should just expect this to occur? I think

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we should just expect this to occur. I think almost without a doubt, the plan is to police the

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internet in such a way that you'll have to use a digital ID in order to post anything. And so

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then if you post H speech, it will be tied to your digital ID, which in China might mean that you

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lose points in America, you might not for a few years, but that's that's the plan. In case you

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don't know, there's a digital ID and a digital euro in the works for the European Union, and

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they'll probably be ahead of us on that. But they're in Stockholm right now in this conference at the

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beginning of this year talking like this. So is this a warning or is it an announcement?

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Or are they going through talking at the EU to let all these EU citizens that are so excited about

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the dissident narrative, let them know that this is where they are that if they were real about this,

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they would be telling them that the EU is already there, that the EU Parliament is already out of

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their control. The EU Parliament is already has 10 and 20 year plans that include a huge

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decrease in flying in a huge reorganization of metropolitan areas. These are all real plans.

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The EU is not a joke. The EU is a real project that once it was ratified, they were lost.

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And so these people are over in the EU talking about America as if the EU is safe or something

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like that, when they are definitely not safe. The EU could flip this fascism on with the flip

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of a switch. The American government and the American infrastructure of society is not there yet.

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But I mean, Europeans are there in a snap. All of them have a passport already. All of them go

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on vacation already. All of them have a built-in understanding that they can move across countries.

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So as soon as a digital idea is needed, it'll just be required. And all of those people who are so

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used to moving between countries will gladly get a digital idea to move freely between countries.

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And there will be a convenience part to it, you know, faster through the airport, yada yada yada.

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And so is it a warning or an announcement? I don't know. I think it's pretty easy to see.

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The the senior executive service, as far as I can tell with everyone else that I've talked

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into government, no matter what Robert Malone actually is, this is a joke. The senior executive

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service is not a high-paid, are not high-paid executives. These are not people with a lot of

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power. They're not people with a lot of without with permanent contracts. That's not

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most of the senior executive service are are are short limited contracts.

31:35.760 --> 31:40.000
He says these are permanent employees that run the government. And as far as I can tell from

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everybody that I've talked to, this is absolutely positively not the case. Occasionally we have

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a chat member by the name of Janet Reno and and she can usually tell us things like that.

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Corporate plus government fascism, Davos in the winter and China in the summer,

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we need to build an underground structure. Sounds a lot like we can't take back America.

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We have to build an underground structure and and it's going to be a generational fight. Sounds

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a lot more like he's advocating for us to go underground than he is for advocating for us to

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organize and take back, which is I think a still a much more viable goal than building a

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parallel shadow infrastructure in America that is essentially a useful health care system,

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a useful educational system, a useful social infrastructure that's ridiculous.

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We're inside of a moving car right now. We're not going to just jump out.

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We're going to take the people in the driver's seat and we're going to knock them out and we're

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going to tie them up and we're going to put them in the back. That's what we're going to do

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and we're going to take control of the car. Somebody who knows how to drive is going to

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sit in the driver's seat slowly, slow the car down and we're going to figure this out.

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But underground structure I don't really like. Focus on the children and fulfill the potential

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of transforming our society. It sounds a lot like a lot of

33:21.600 --> 33:25.280
avid chaos. Covid chaos.

33:28.320 --> 33:34.640
Like they want to metamorphose our society and the first thing they need to do is create chaos

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upon which this metamorphosis can occur. Chaos where people starve and stuff like that. I wonder if

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that's what you're going to expect. I agree with what all the other speakers have said.

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It's not going to be easy. Guess what? We have a lousy society right now. You know our children

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have been taught all the wrong values and it's going to be okay. We have a lousy society right

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now she says. And we rebuild and figure out what kind of society we want. What do we want?

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This is avid right here. We have a lousy society right now. You know our children have been taught

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all the wrong values and it's going to be okay that it all comes apart and we can rebuild and

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figure out what kind of society we want. What do we want our two children taught? I won't go into

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all this woke business. Suffice to say I was a far left wing activist. Did she say that it's okay

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if it all comes apart? You know our children have been taught all the wrong values and it's going to

34:29.280 --> 34:35.200
be okay that it all comes apart and we can rebuild and figure out what kind of society we want. What

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do we want our children taught? I won't go into all this woke business. Suffice to say I was a

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far left wing activist for most of my life and I am no longer but I think it's inherent upon us

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to build the new structures. I think we don't know what the food supply is going to be like.

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Everybody should be gardening if you've got a place to do it. Some people are doing it on roofs.

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Learn how. There are a lot of people who are willing to help teach you. There's lots of videos and books.

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We have to learn if the pharmaceuticals are not available or we may not want them. You know what

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we have to learn more about the herbal medicines and the other alternative practices that are safer.

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So pharmaceuticals might not be available.

35:16.400 --> 35:19.920
That's another prediction apparently. Everything's going to fall apart.

35:23.120 --> 35:28.000
I am not as pessimistic about the agencies although I think that the people who have survived in

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the government agencies are yes men. There's no question about that at least in the United

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States. But some of them do have some regulatory knowledge. We do have rules in place that are

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not that bad. It's just that they're not following them. So I don't think we have to throw the

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whole structure away. What we need to do is get decent people at the top to revamp the agencies

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so that they do what they're supposed to do. Hey she said that. I think Robert Malone made a

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funny little eyeball there but she actually is saying something I really like there. That's

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really great, Meryl. Look at this little eyeball from from from from uh them do have some regulatory

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knowledge. We do have rules in place that are not that bad. It's just that they're not following

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them. So I don't think we have to throw the whole structure away. What we have to do is get decent

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people at the top to revamp. Pamela says the rules are bad and they probably are very terrible

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uh in addition to that they don't enforce them but I'm sure the rules are I'm not sure we need

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actually how can I say that the rules have to be bad because that's how they get away with this.

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They enforce the rules. They very strictly enforce the rules to the point of absurdity

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and those rules are up until you know if everybody votes then the rule is that there's an approval.

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So the rules are are very very bad. The rules don't require anything other than some people

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to say yes. So yes I agree with that. The CIA it's not that I meant CDC of course we definitely

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don't need the CIA. Did you catch that podium slip CDC and CIA?

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Maybe I should throw in the state department while we're at it but um you know I think again the NIH

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is a big waste. I'm sorry what? Maybe we should throw in the state party and slip CDC and

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CIA. Maybe I should throw in the state department while we're at it but um

37:12.400 --> 37:19.680
the state department interesting I've had a conversation or two about the state department

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and why they might be an interesting player in such an exercise. You know I think again the NIH

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is a big waste of money so is the National Science Foundation. There are all ways of giving money

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to cronies um in our country um but there's a lot of money there's a lot of resources in the world

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there's no reason for any of us to believe that the planet can or can't hold a certain number of

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people. We don't know how many it can hold because most of the resources are being stolen

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all the time and and we're polluting and destroying the commons and the resources we have

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and these are being done deliberately our governments are in cahoots with this. I mean why do we have

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these planes flying with chemtrails? We don't know what's in I mean we have some ideas about what

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is landing on the ground but why they're doing it um we have no idea I don't anyway

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who are allowing these things to happen and so if we got rid of all that crap that has been

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polluting our world mentally, physically, you know health-wise um we may not I'm pretty sure we

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won't have to worry about climate change. The whole nuclear war thing is you know it doesn't make

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sense to make. Is there anybody in the in the chat that can kind of confirm whether chemtrails is

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real or not? I mean I guess they occasionally spray stuff I'm sure they do but like it's not

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like some kind of global plan to darken the skies or to poison everybody or I just

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I've never been able to get my head around that other than it's a it's a elaborate story to get

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people to chase something that has many many other explanations and I can't believe she's

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I don't know they do hear in West yeah anyway I

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chemtrails are not nothing okay well I remain very skeptical of them I mean I'm not saying

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that there aren't planes that have been flown with stuff that they spray out of them what I am

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skeptical of is that every passenger aircraft that that flies is also equipped for this and so I'm not

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I'm not really sure how much of the phenomenon is actually a jet plane phenomenon and how much

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of the phenomenon is a spray phenomenon I do think it's possible that they would disguise

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and it's a very smart way to disguise the dispersal of of chemicals with a jet like that but it seems

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incredible to me that jets that are flying at 30,000 feet that are leaving a contrail

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are usefully dispersing a poison in such a way that could be either monitored, measured,

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touched whatever everyone on earth then is I think that's a that's the worst one let me just say

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it like this that's the worst conspiracy theory to open with it's the worst conspiracy theory to

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to put on the board unless all of your other chips are played and to bring that one up very

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specifically to me I mean there's so many other things you could say it's kind of like you know

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do you bring up 9-11 and building 7 or do you bring up 9-11 and the pentagon or are you

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being 9-11 and shanksville or do you just leave 9-11 for the second conversation and I'm afraid that

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chemtrails are a little bit like that but I'm totally open anybody that wants to fill me in

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with links and stories and and proof and and and some you know explanation I'm down with that

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the nuclear war that we haven't been talking about it for 40 years and all of a sudden they

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started talking about it again this past year simply because it's a mechanism by which fear

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can be induced in the population to move it towards a one-world government so I think some

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of the structures are going to fall apart some of them we're going to beat up and as we build

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structures that work for us you know organically things will improve and it's just you know as I

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said before how much pain will there be for how many people we've doubled the number of people who

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are at the edge of starvation in the world since the pandemic started so despite all of the you

41:31.200 --> 41:34.960
know pretty talk from the WHO they've increased the starving people by over a hundred million

41:36.240 --> 41:39.760
and we don't want to do that we don't want to let people down we want to encourage

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agriculture there have been so many different ways in which agriculture has been attacked

41:43.120 --> 41:47.520
including the restrictions on fertilizer and energy so we have to become aware of all these

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things and then stop them you know if somebody in the government is working against the people

41:51.040 --> 41:56.320
we have to get rid of them I know it's easy to say but once everybody starts figuring this stuff

41:56.320 --> 42:01.040
out it's going to happen quickly I previously said that the two main things that we use to try to

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get rid of this whatever it is great reset we're trying to talk to people get more people on our

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side and using legal means in the courts and we have not been particularly successful at either

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but I do believe it's a hundred monkey phenomenon and when I hear that 52 percent of Americans

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think their health care system is no good that's important you know when the Florida governor

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says we're going to do things differently that's important and one day everyone's going to flip

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and think oh I felt this way all along so I think we have to keep doing what we're doing

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there are going to be some countries in which the legal system has more angles where you can bring

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cases that are likely to win people have to explore that we have to figure out what the

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angles are and and go you know go for the throat basically we haven't been good at it but in the

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United States at least at Children's Health Defense the lawyers think that the courts follow

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what society believes when everyone was scared about the pandemic the courts would not rule in

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our favor even when the law was on our side but people feel like that's changing because the

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judges have figured out that the pandemic isn't much anymore so I think it will be until we get

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the next pandemic you know it's a new world and we just have to keep playing away thank you so

43:05.040 --> 43:10.480
much thank you Meryl hello thank you so much Meryl and just to add to what you said working

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within the United Nations for many years I also met you know it's not all bad because we have a

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lot of incredible people working inside the organizations and the governments with the the

43:16.880 --> 43:20.320
heart and the right places so it's good for us to have people on the inside and it's good so she

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worked at the UN and there's a lot of good people with their hearts in the right place working at

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the UN just like there are lots of people in their hearts in the right place working at the who

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for us to start influencing people on the inside too and talk to them because there are a lot of

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good people there who probably would be on our side if they knew what was going on

43:42.240 --> 43:47.280
Michael so maybe I can come back to the question of accountability more specifically

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so this has been a large-scale crime it is a large-scale ongoing crime and so we should treat it as

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such we need to allow enough time to deal with it for dealing with it and it was proposed that maybe

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we can solve it top down we can try that maybe we can indeed get some get some good people into

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leading positions and they would then be in a good position to clean up the system top to bottom

44:04.720 --> 44:10.240
on the other hand I think we need to also start bottom up um this conspiracy I'm

44:10.240 --> 44:15.120
an avowed conspiracy theorist today um so this conspiracy has been very large in scope and it

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reached it if Mark uh is still in there this is Michael Palmer this is the guy who wrote the book

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that's on the on the internet archive which questions the idea of whether a real nuclear bomb was

44:28.800 --> 44:37.040
used in Japan or whether it was a huge kiloton bomb with mustard gas and that book is available

44:37.040 --> 44:45.200
on the internet archive and that guy's name is Michael Palmer and he is a biochemist from Canada

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who's actually German and he's one of the coordinators leaders founders of the Doctors for COVID

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ethics the um one of the groups that I started following very early in the pandemic that split

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into two and so there was the doctors for COVID ethics and then there's medical doctors for COVID

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ethics international the one that Stephen Frost would that invites me regularly um this group uh

45:11.840 --> 45:19.760
Doctors for COVID ethics is actually a group of them wrote the book um about the dangers of the

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transfection that was circulated and published or not published by but circulated and publicized

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by CHD um I think there was at least one of our fellows science fellows helped write that a little

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bit um and so this is Michael Palmer anyway that this is the guy there were very many levels to the

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down to the local level I think we need to start with the smallest perpetrators and get them to

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fess up who made you do what you did or that you do it voluntarily so um then they have a chance

45:55.840 --> 46:00.000
yeah so just simply just simply as you would start addressing organized crime so you just work

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your way bottom up you start with these small ones who might actually have a residue of decency

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left until um may see the most benefit of uh not taking the fall but indeed just naming those

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who made them do it and then we just work our way up level by level and we simply need to not

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tie off it we just simply need to keep that up not tie off it and simply try to uh just

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reconcile prematurely with everybody I think um all and I don't think that that will work with

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all we do respect to Dr. Palmer because um you're talking about you're trying to find the liar

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so if you go from the bottom of the chain up you're just gonna find people that say yeah this

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person told me we had to do it well this lawyer told me we had to do it well my administrator told

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me we had to do it well my state's health secretary said we had to do it well the

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emergency act said we had to do it the CDC said we had to do it so where do you go then you're

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already at the top there is no accountability when everybody's found an emergency plan and

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there's no second guessing the chain of command which is how basically this was done across school

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districts across county governments across state governments and across the federal government

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so in a way this sounds like a great idea and Meryl was just clapping because she thought it

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was a great idea but I'm not really sure it makes much sense to do this when we're in reality who

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are looking for the people who will not reconsider the truth the people who are smart enough to know

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and therefore have to be lying and that's why I think the work that we have done in the past

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at GIGO and biological has been invaluable because we have looked back at previous work we've looked

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back at previous interviews we've looked back at track records of people and found that despite

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their claims of being some of the smartest people on the internet the intellectual dark web was

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surprisingly on pace for the slowest runners in the marathon despite claiming that they were world

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class runners world class readers they were surprisingly not ahead of the TV

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and surprisingly unwilling to listen to people like me people like Mike Eden people like

48:23.360 --> 48:30.800
Byron brittle people like actually Michael Palmer and so I find it curious that he's on the stage I

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think it's great that he's on the stage but he's on the stage with some people that

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for sure have not been what is the best word is they have not been questioning the faith

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they just simply have not been questioning the faith we've talked about this up here the whole

48:55.520 --> 49:01.840
time and no one has mentioned the protocols no one is questioning what happened everybody is

49:01.840 --> 49:11.360
looking forward not forward in in terms of like trying to get out of the cave but forward in in

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progression of the narrative and all of these speakers have accepted that we are progressing

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in the narrative there is no putting on the brakes and getting out of the car and rearranging things

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and putting other people in the driver's seat and then turning around and going the other way or

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back where we were or anything like that we there is no going back and so with quite a nice illusion

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of consensus we have been given a set of choices which I think our choices which aren't going to

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get us where we want to go if we don't try to take back the existing governance infrastructure

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and try to remember try to remember

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you can't really quite see it I guess but the reason why I was so excited to get this sign

50:18.960 --> 50:25.200
off of Craigslist was not just because it's got a Dutch beer but because it was the 19th whole

50:25.200 --> 50:37.520
sign at a golf course 2019 isn't that long ago the way that our our world was organized in 2019

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was not crazy and the way that our our our culture was organized and say the year 2000 isn't that

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long ago and wasn't that crazy and so we are being told a story about how everything needs to change

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now we are being told a story about how there's coming chaos that we're going to run out of food

51:02.720 --> 51:09.200
that everything is going to have to fall apart that it's only a question of how much pain is

51:09.200 --> 51:16.480
there going to be the reality is is that if we really could use the internet in a way that

51:16.480 --> 51:22.640
benefited us if if algorithms were really really twisted in a way so that they were to benefit

51:22.640 --> 51:29.040
the common man we would be able to organize and our ideas would go viral in a matter of days

51:29.200 --> 51:37.440
if a structure was set up on the internet for us to adequately express our desires and our goals

51:38.000 --> 51:46.480
and organizing in a meaningful way as fellow citizens of earth we would progress very rapidly

51:48.640 --> 51:55.440
but the entire social infrastructure and all of the parts of it essentially are orchestrated

51:55.440 --> 52:02.640
in a way to govern us and these people I believe think that in order for us to make the radical

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change to a global governance system with a global digital ID and a global central bank digital

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currency system we need to have chaos we need to have chaos and so I'm afraid that that's what's

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coming I'm afraid that we are already sort of seeing the first hints of it and that the plan is

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is some kind of chaos I don't know what it what exactly it will be perpetrators need to be flushed

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out need to be held accountable in order to discourage anybody in the future from following the example

52:38.080 --> 52:42.320
because if we don't do this then we will for sure face the next fake pandemic or whatever it is the

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next fake emergency that will be used as a pretext to rob us of our freedoms our livelihoods and even

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our lives thank you can you hear me from yeah wow there's not much I can add to that really but

52:58.080 --> 53:01.760
I'd just like to make the point I think that it's very difficult to change other people I mean you

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can try but you'll waste a lot of energy doing that I think it's very important to take accountability

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for your own actions and change yourself and how you behave and then expect the same of other people

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I mean politicians for example I don't want to blame politicians because I think a lot of them are

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trying to do what they think is the right thing but we don't hold them accountable for the things

53:17.120 --> 53:21.600
they do and don't say as he mentioned that Hancock which is you know he's come under a lot of

53:21.600 --> 53:26.240
flat recently for some of the things he did under his time as health minister but he gets I'm a

53:26.240 --> 53:29.840
celebrity he get me out of here and earns a few hundred thousand pounds you know and people go

53:29.840 --> 53:33.600
and watch him on TV and say this is always in that Hancock's on there people should be you know

53:33.600 --> 53:37.760
writing letters herringing any little thing that you can do to try and switch this from a downward

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spiral to a spiral of growth is good both because you're doing something positive and also because

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you're not doing something negative so I don't I think everyone should try to do a little thing

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each day towards the the life that you would rather have for the planet rather than the one that we're

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going I don't think writing letters is going to do very much thank you thank you Jonathan also I

53:56.080 --> 53:59.520
forgot that we Michael has not been introduced so Michael would you just want to introduce yourself

53:59.520 --> 54:03.440
briefly so people know briefly I'm an empty by training from Germany I've been living in Canada

54:03.440 --> 54:08.560
for 20 years where I taught biochemistry for 20 years and in March 2022 I became the first and only

54:08.560 --> 54:13.360
10 year professor in Canada to be fired over his refusal to get vaccinated

54:18.960 --> 54:24.080
thank you so much Michael so I know you all have been subject of censorship so I wanted to

54:24.080 --> 54:29.280
know do you have any advice to us and others on how we can protect ourselves or you know I know I

54:29.280 --> 54:32.880
discussed this with some of you but some people also feel that we can use it to our advantage so

54:33.440 --> 54:35.040
so a little bit on that

54:35.040 --> 54:43.600
censorship again it comes back to that you know you have to go with thick skin when

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certainly when I've been involved in this space when you start getting attacked or censored

54:48.080 --> 54:51.200
then for me it means you're over the target and you're making progress but then you don't stop

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there you then highlight that censorship so for example I I was censored a number of times on

54:54.880 --> 54:58.320
Facebook and banned for several days on sharing things like you know masks are probably not that

54:58.320 --> 55:03.600
effective and citing some really important peer reviewed evidence and then I went on first of

55:03.600 --> 55:07.520
all the daily express did a story saying I was censored about the mask stuff and then I then

55:07.520 --> 55:11.840
referred to Mark Zuckerberg as being an enemy of democracy on GV News and made sure that was

55:11.840 --> 55:14.480
disseminated right so people because people feel that they're all being affected by it but once

55:14.480 --> 55:18.240
you get the truth out I think more people feel more courageous to deal with it so something

55:18.240 --> 55:21.520
interesting and just breaking to share with you I met him last week after this after the Times

55:21.520 --> 55:24.400
newspaper in the Guardian did sort of hatchet jobs on me grooming anti-vaxxer and all that kind of

55:24.400 --> 55:29.040
stuff the Sunday Times called me that they're doing an article tomorrow and the guy called me

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and he was very straight so I'm not going to lie to you here the editor has asked me to do a story

55:32.560 --> 55:37.280
on rise of the conspiracy theorists okay rise of the conspiracy theorists

55:37.280 --> 55:40.160
and but let's have a conversation so I spoke to him for about 40 minutes actually back and

55:40.160 --> 55:43.680
forth a lot to discuss a lot of what I discussed in my lecture and he just sent me this message

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I said how's the article going I was the first person they called clearly right they wanted to

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feature me as a conspiracy theorist hi Assim yes file the piece in the end I felt our discussion

55:51.920 --> 55:57.360
was too complex and nuanced to really include in the article the focus was more on conspiracy

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theories which I'm now not entirely sure is how I describe your position

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so apologies for that although you may ultimately prefer it

56:10.800 --> 56:13.520
so you know the point of making there is I know it's difficult and I know it's not

56:13.520 --> 56:16.960
easy and I've spoken to Robert I think in the States it's probably a bit more difficult because

56:16.960 --> 56:21.200
whatever you say things can get twisted and smeared and you get lied about but I still honestly believe

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that don't underestimate the power of your speech and the power of the truth but to convey that

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in a place of of compassion and if they go low you go high

56:36.800 --> 56:41.440
not sure yeah okay this one works yeah so I think to add on I had similar experiences actually with

56:41.440 --> 56:45.680
a very famous British documentary filmmaker who spent a whole day with my family but then

56:45.680 --> 56:50.160
couldn't use the footage for the same reason that the journalist just cited but but I wanted to

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say something else it's the good news there's a good news here is that no matter what they're

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trying to do smear misrepresent lie you have to realize that the truth is it's it's the most

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cost effective way to communicate it's the cheapest the easiest and they can spend billions on their

57:03.520 --> 57:16.240
propaganda machine but here we'll are right we win so propaganda again I think last night

57:16.240 --> 57:20.640
Elon Musk tweeted Scott Adam says he had a major side effect from his second booster shot

57:20.640 --> 57:23.440
felt like he was dying for several days hoping hopefully no permanent damage

57:24.480 --> 57:27.520
and his cousin who is young and in peak health had a serious case of myocarditis had to go to

57:27.520 --> 57:32.640
the hospital so this is written from one of the wealthiest men in the world um that that I don't

57:32.640 --> 57:40.000
know how many millions of followers he's got in his twitter account i feel so inferior you know that

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was a microaggression uh so it's wicked like I said there are no morals there's no boundaries

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they will say and do anything the propaganda technology is very sophisticated it's very advanced

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and if you think it doesn't hurt um to have um your name dragged through the mud again and again

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again to have people denying uh your own personal CV and achievements uh it's it's not nothing

58:06.640 --> 58:10.800
when Jill and I realized what we were up against which was not like anything I had encountered in

58:10.800 --> 58:16.080
any of the prior six or so pandemics or major outbreaks that I've involved in um we realized

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that we needed to find some other way to get information out uh and and there's all these

58:20.400 --> 58:23.840
traditional channels like rallies etc and what we do when we travel and we talk to groups like you

58:23.840 --> 58:32.080
which is great um we embraced uh new alternative media and uh this is not bragging the two of us

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just Jill and I writing with occasional guest authors that we're very grateful for now with our

58:36.560 --> 58:40.320
sub-stack we reach on a daily basis about the same audience that CNN prime time does

58:41.120 --> 58:48.000
with that's quite uh when I went on a sub-stack rumor has it that that's been seen over a hundred

58:48.000 --> 58:53.680
million times Joe Joe Rogan Joe Rogan is the is acknowledged by internal corporate media

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advisory and analysis groups um Joe Rogan is acknowledged to be the major threat to corporate

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media currently people people are are recognizing that um the information streams that they've

59:05.840 --> 59:10.560
relied on are heavily contaminated they are they are propaganda they are not reliable sources

59:10.560 --> 59:14.400
and particularly the young which of course over time becomes the majority of the population

59:14.400 --> 59:18.800
have gone to a new model that is more of a menu driven information stream a diverse

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decentralized information stream again decentralized is is I think how we fight their drive towards

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centralization but my big message to you is number one um yeah they're wicked and it hurts

59:30.720 --> 59:34.720
okay it's not trivial and the strategies to divide and conquer like the Mickey Willis clip that I

59:34.720 --> 59:39.280
put up I can tell you when that's being done to you it is no fun at all when you're having people

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that you thought were in the trenches with you shooting at you in addition to your opponents

59:43.520 --> 59:49.280
that is no fun at all um and it's you face when you're on the battle lines of dealing with this

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you face impossible decisions there are no good decisions when when you're encountering

59:55.120 --> 01:00:00.320
this type of targeted defamation um there are no good decisions it is a business model

01:00:00.320 --> 01:00:04.800
you need to understand that the the media ecosystem now is completely different from what it was

01:00:04.800 --> 01:00:10.400
in the last century and it's not only a CNN business model to defame attack and propagate

01:00:10.400 --> 01:00:15.360
fear that business model goes all the way down to the smallest broadcaster okay and they can

01:00:15.360 --> 01:00:20.400
they can generate clicks and revenue by attacking somebody who's more prominent and they do it is

01:00:20.400 --> 01:00:25.600
it is a model and it is extremely difficult there are no good decisions the only way that we're

01:00:25.680 --> 01:00:29.520
going to get through that is we have to make it clear that those kinds of behaviors are not

01:00:29.520 --> 01:00:34.400
acceptable I tried to give you an introduction there you go so he's already telling you he's

01:00:34.400 --> 01:00:38.720
advocating for censorship it I didn't think that he would do it but I felt it coming

01:00:40.160 --> 01:00:46.160
that's no different than Robert F Kennedy Jr. saying that anti-Semitic speech should be punished

01:00:47.760 --> 01:00:54.800
that these people are either really unaware of the words they're using or they really think

01:00:54.800 --> 01:01:03.280
we're dumb because that's not an American thing to say the right thing to do when people use

01:01:04.320 --> 01:01:11.520
when they when people are punching up to try and climb the ladder of a nonsense you know

01:01:11.520 --> 01:01:18.960
wild west media environment is to just keep working just keep telling the truth just keep

01:01:18.960 --> 01:01:25.200
sticking to your morals and this idea of all of this you know there's no good decisions well

01:01:25.200 --> 01:01:28.960
what decision did he make he made the decision to sue the brigands

01:01:32.800 --> 01:01:35.040
and the brigands have a book about bioweapons

01:01:36.960 --> 01:01:44.160
and that suit didn't go anywhere but it got both of them a lot of publicity and so two books

01:01:44.160 --> 01:01:52.000
about the narrative sold his only other real action that he's taken is to out some people

01:01:52.000 --> 01:02:00.240
about them being bad guys like stupiders and and Ruby somebody or other Dr. Ruby and

01:02:02.000 --> 01:02:04.960
who else is he after now and George Webb

01:02:07.200 --> 01:02:13.120
sharing all their links to all their channels all their previous work even George Webb's appearance

01:02:13.120 --> 01:02:20.000
on 60 minutes interestingly enough the guy that George Webb thinks is the smartest doctor

01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:25.200
the biggest doctor speak out hero of the pandemic is now other than Paul Catrell

01:02:26.480 --> 01:02:32.560
who at least on two separate occasions was the host of Robert Malone on a podcast one of the first

01:02:32.560 --> 01:02:39.920
to ever do it in 2021 and certainly one of the lowest ranking podcasters as he would so aptly

01:02:39.920 --> 01:02:46.800
describe it here from the highest like Joe Rogan down to the lowest like like Paul Catrell

01:02:47.920 --> 01:02:52.400
who Robert Malone graced with his presence in the middle of 2021

01:02:56.400 --> 01:03:02.640
I feel like this is a I feel like this is a lot more of an announcement than a warning

01:03:03.520 --> 01:03:09.520
I don't feel like we're giving given any useful direction here I don't think I've heard

01:03:10.320 --> 01:03:18.640
in any of this discussion that the fresh air is coming from over there or the light from the

01:03:18.640 --> 01:03:28.320
Sun is that way I haven't heard any of that I've heard a lot about inevitability I've heard a lot

01:03:28.320 --> 01:03:36.400
about the coming pain and the coming inevitable changes and the way that we might do it is just

01:03:36.400 --> 01:03:41.120
you know make our own parallel system because the whole thing is going to come falling apart

01:03:41.120 --> 01:03:49.280
crashing to the ground anyway I hear an announcement not a warning and to the tools and technologies

01:03:49.280 --> 01:03:57.360
of fifth generation warfare but I want to make it clear we cannot assimilate their ethics we cannot

01:03:57.360 --> 01:04:04.000
normalize lying we cannot accept the logic that if they've done it to us we can do it to them I

01:04:04.000 --> 01:04:08.720
firmly firmly reject that okay now keep in mind how magical this is because if you

01:04:10.240 --> 01:04:16.720
he's also said this several times where he said that you can't get give get trust unless you give

01:04:16.720 --> 01:04:23.760
trust and we shouldn't divide we should we should be uniting as ways of sort of tempering critique

01:04:23.760 --> 01:04:27.680
of himself and here I really feel like it's a very

01:04:30.240 --> 01:04:42.160
it's a very malevolent magic trick to to complain about lying to identify lying as a problem

01:04:43.280 --> 01:04:52.000
when at the heart of your behavior is lying and I don't I don't want to sit here and accuse people

01:04:52.560 --> 01:04:56.560
and I don't want to say it exactly that I have

01:04:59.840 --> 01:05:04.320
his story has changed so much from the beginning of the pandemic to the end of the pandemic the

01:05:04.320 --> 01:05:11.120
details have changed so much since he came out on the Brett Weinstein podcast in June of 21 until now

01:05:13.840 --> 01:05:21.040
that for me he has not been forthright from the beginning to the end he hasn't been forthright

01:05:21.040 --> 01:05:27.840
about his activities in 2020 up until 2021 he hasn't been forthright about his activities

01:05:27.840 --> 01:05:32.960
before the pandemic he hasn't been forthright about his understanding of the things that have

01:05:32.960 --> 01:05:38.560
gone on and that is evident because again he spent an awful lot of time podcasting

01:05:40.240 --> 01:05:46.480
which means we've got a lot of recordings of him we've got a lot of of diatribes by him and

01:05:46.480 --> 01:05:53.280
there's not an incredible evidence there's not incredible evidence of congruity between these

01:05:53.280 --> 01:05:59.600
various stories the stories change a lot you can just follow one character in his story like Michael

01:05:59.600 --> 01:06:05.920
Callahan for example and just go back to the beginning and find out what the story was from

01:06:05.920 --> 01:06:11.600
Robert's own mouth and then find a few more examples of him telling the story of Michael Callahan and

01:06:11.600 --> 01:06:19.280
look at how it changes now if you do that with each part of his narrative each part of his story

01:06:19.920 --> 01:06:25.360
and you look for evidence of really what their position is it actually depends on who's holding

01:06:25.360 --> 01:06:31.280
the microphone who's sitting in the audience and what day it is on the calendar

01:06:34.000 --> 01:06:40.080
and that's how I've drawn the conclusion that I'm I'm pretty sure that he's not being

01:06:40.960 --> 01:06:47.760
forthright about things all the time and so I don't know why but it's not to our benefit

01:06:49.840 --> 01:06:54.400
and these really do feel like warnings these really do feel like there's nothing you can do

01:06:54.400 --> 01:07:00.480
about it and this is what's coming if we accept that logic we become them okay we have to hold

01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:07.520
ourselves to higher standard so that's what what I tried to give you in my talk was to empower you

01:07:08.240 --> 01:07:14.960
to fight in this new media space but it is not easy and and it is a the terrain is constantly

01:07:14.960 --> 01:07:21.360
shifting and the only way that I think you and your children are going to persevere in this is

01:07:21.360 --> 01:07:26.640
you have to triangulate truth you know I've worked with a lot of CIA folks CIA are trained

01:07:26.640 --> 01:07:31.360
liars we are surrounded by trained propaganda slayers and it is very difficult to fair it out

01:07:31.360 --> 01:07:37.120
what truth there's there's a lot of strategies they use to confuse and your only weapon really

01:07:37.520 --> 01:07:42.640
is to keep your mind clear and sharp triangulate truth and think for yourself and join us in the

01:07:42.640 --> 01:07:52.960
battle please and so I just want you to imagine the possibility that if you were a CIA agent you

01:07:52.960 --> 01:07:59.360
would say exactly that that if you were an NSA agent you would say exactly that if you were a

01:07:59.360 --> 01:08:06.240
DoD agent or whatever agent of MI6 or whatever whoever's orchestrating this

01:08:08.480 --> 01:08:14.560
would say exactly that that those people are liars and therefore the transitive property or the

01:08:15.200 --> 01:08:21.040
that's not the transitive property but the the flip side of that is is that obviously he's telling

01:08:21.040 --> 01:08:29.600
the truth that's the magic trick that gets pulled there and you don't have this consistent

01:08:29.600 --> 01:08:34.240
behavior over three years you don't have this consistent behavior over two years so the only

01:08:34.240 --> 01:08:40.640
reason why you are or this audience would believe that he's telling the truth is because of that

01:08:40.640 --> 01:08:54.800
linguistic trick since the pandemic started I personally have learned something that has been

01:08:54.800 --> 01:08:59.760
invaluable to me it helps me almost on a daily basis and that is connecting to my intuition

01:09:01.520 --> 01:09:02.640
I've learned to listen to it

01:09:02.640 --> 01:09:13.360
and I really recommend that you try it if you haven't try to you know see what is your what is

01:09:13.360 --> 01:09:17.680
coming up you know what is coming into your mind or your body what makes your body tense or gives

01:09:17.680 --> 01:09:24.400
you you know I mean I have a really good take on people I know whether someone is a bullshitter

01:09:24.400 --> 01:09:28.960
from almost the first moment I see them and who is straight and all the rest you know and I mean

01:09:29.040 --> 01:09:33.360
I've just picked one winner after another since this pandemic started and the more you connect to

01:09:33.360 --> 01:09:38.800
that the sort of stronger gets the more information comes in somehow and that is what's helped me do

01:09:38.800 --> 01:09:43.600
my work all along I wouldn't be here without it whether it might be grace it might be God it

01:09:43.600 --> 01:09:49.200
might be the universe doesn't matter there are forces here that are here to help us yes thank you

01:09:52.160 --> 01:09:57.520
yes um that was a weird that was a weird story or information comes in somehow that was a weird

01:09:57.520 --> 01:10:01.040
statement and that is what's helped me do my work all along I wouldn't be here without it

01:10:02.080 --> 01:10:06.480
whether it might be grace it might be God it might be the universe doesn't matter there are forces

01:10:06.480 --> 01:10:09.520
here that are here to help us yes thank you

01:10:12.480 --> 01:10:17.520
yes um censorship seems to be a failing business model I mean we have seen twitter fail and they

01:10:17.520 --> 01:10:21.360
have been forced simply by people voting with their feet to remove much of that censorship I

01:10:21.360 --> 01:10:24.400
guess we'll have to see wait and see how far that goes whether twitter will actually would have

01:10:24.400 --> 01:10:28.480
become fully truly transparent and open to everybody but I think we saw a clear case of

01:10:28.480 --> 01:10:33.760
business failure due to censorship and I mean whether or not we can rebuild all of society's

01:10:33.760 --> 01:10:36.640
institutions maybe we cannot but on the other hand in the media this seems to be simple enough

01:10:36.640 --> 01:10:40.320
I mean with the internet everybody who can write and think think and write can actually have their

01:10:40.320 --> 01:10:44.640
own subject for example or some other blog or on website it would be successful simply

01:10:44.640 --> 01:10:49.840
if they manage to produce convincing content so as long as we can hold on to the internet as

01:10:49.840 --> 01:10:54.320
such the entire internet being freely accessible and free from censorship I think in the long term

01:10:54.320 --> 01:10:59.760
I think people overcome censorship thank you that is true I think to a certain extent if the

01:10:59.760 --> 01:11:07.440
if things like peer tube and soapbox and and federated distributed networks can be built

01:11:08.800 --> 01:11:14.800
and my server links to all other trusted servers and yada yada yada I think that's a great idea

01:11:15.360 --> 01:11:20.400
but there's a certain threshold that's going to need to be reached and they're going to the

01:11:20.400 --> 01:11:24.640
corporations that now control those spaces are going to do everything that they can to make

01:11:24.640 --> 01:11:29.200
that not happen they're going to pass laws to make it hard for that to happen they're going to make

01:11:29.200 --> 01:11:35.920
laws about censorship that will make it hard for maybe even illegal to have a decentralized

01:11:35.920 --> 01:11:43.200
network like that that can't be policed or allows these kinds of illicit materials to circulate

01:11:44.080 --> 01:11:50.640
or angry messaging violent messaging will be a way for them to regulate or even

01:11:52.080 --> 01:12:00.800
ban these unregulated federated spaces so I think in a way you're really hearing a warning

01:12:00.800 --> 01:12:05.760
and an announcement here at the same time it's an announcement that this is what's going to happen

01:12:05.760 --> 01:12:10.800
that this is where we're going I don't really hear a bad guy in Michael Palmer but I do hear

01:12:10.800 --> 01:12:17.280
somebody who who sees what's coming and uh I just don't think he understands that

01:12:17.840 --> 01:12:22.480
that the team that he's playing for right here is probably much more about announcing than they

01:12:22.480 --> 01:12:25.760
are about warning even though I think Michael Palmer is still on the warning team

01:12:30.720 --> 01:12:36.480
uh message to self never go after something with your gut feeling unless it's intuition you know

01:12:36.480 --> 01:12:39.520
quite often you you pull up a tweet or you see oh look at that you know because it confirms to

01:12:39.520 --> 01:12:42.560
what you would like to believe you forward it immediately to 30 people and then suddenly

01:12:42.560 --> 01:12:48.320
realize it was fake news and anything that ends in ism is bad because it's an ideology and life

01:12:48.320 --> 01:12:51.920
just doesn't work like that we life will never be perfect it's always going to be a balance of

01:12:51.920 --> 01:12:56.960
factors leading to some particular outcome so if anyone's preaching ism to you don't listen or

01:12:56.960 --> 01:13:00.960
challenge them I would say because I think we've been social media has an amazing effect on society

01:13:00.960 --> 01:13:04.800
it's polarizing us into two groups and we'll fight in those two groups or more and also that

01:13:04.800 --> 01:13:08.320
the authorities have real-time feedback on the things they're dropping into this information

01:13:08.320 --> 01:13:11.440
space how people are reacting to that so we're a little bit like uh predators in

01:13:11.440 --> 01:13:17.200
in the headlight and we need to be smarter than that so yeah thank you pray and pray in the

01:13:17.200 --> 01:13:21.440
headlights wouldn't want it would be not predators in the headlights I like that that's not a bad

01:13:21.440 --> 01:13:27.600
statement follow the dualism and anything anything anything anything I preferred actually Nick Hudson

01:13:27.600 --> 01:13:33.440
statement though that really the way to see through this scam is that when they say it's a global

01:13:33.440 --> 01:13:37.600
problem or a global crisis that needs a global solution you know they're full of bull

01:13:38.960 --> 01:13:46.000
and so we should be thinking of it that way the isms are are obviously distractions the isms are

01:13:46.960 --> 01:13:52.880
are are something that just are ridiculous but I think a more

01:13:54.320 --> 01:13:58.320
bulletproof rubric is one where when we're told that it's a global crisis

01:13:59.200 --> 01:14:03.200
or a global problem that needs a global solution we're done we're not in that

01:14:03.920 --> 01:14:10.400
so thank you Jonathan we're gonna have to round up but as I always do when I interview people I

01:14:10.400 --> 01:14:13.760
want to end it on a positive note so I was thinking that maybe all of you because we just entered

01:14:13.760 --> 01:14:19.600
2023 could give us a short short short short short short inspiring uh message or quote for 2023

01:14:20.480 --> 01:14:21.600
uh mike for a seam

01:14:26.240 --> 01:14:30.640
um you'll make the best friends you've ever had you get in this battle with us

01:14:31.600 --> 01:14:32.240

01:14:36.000 --> 01:14:39.920
maybe someone else can go ahead I would say that I mean we've been driven into new networks now

01:14:39.920 --> 01:14:43.200
people that we'd never appreciated that we would have interacted with before this happened

01:14:43.200 --> 01:14:45.920
and that's an entirely positive thing because now you work with people that live on the other

01:14:45.920 --> 01:14:54.160
side of the world that you never met before amazing well I can only agree with my two predecessors

01:14:54.160 --> 01:14:58.400
thank you it's it's indeed the best people I've ever met in my life just during the last two years

01:15:00.960 --> 01:15:09.440
um what I see is when people wake up they're often overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness and

01:15:09.440 --> 01:15:14.240
helplessness when they encounter what has transpired over the last three years and the message I'm

01:15:14.240 --> 01:15:19.840
trying so hard this quarter to push out is that we don't have to be victims we don't have to be

01:15:19.840 --> 01:15:25.440
hopeless and helpless we can all be empowered we can all be engaged we can all help to move this

01:15:25.440 --> 01:15:30.160
forward towards the future that we would rather have for our children and it begins with each

01:15:30.160 --> 01:15:34.320
one of you committing to being a warrior and not being a victim whether you're vaccine

01:15:34.320 --> 01:15:39.040
damaged psychologically damaged lost your job you do not have to be a victim don't let them

01:15:39.040 --> 01:15:39.680
victimize you

01:15:44.400 --> 01:15:49.040
yes I think I have the you know similar message my main message is you while you heard about warfare

01:15:49.040 --> 01:15:52.880
and bio weapons and things like that being deployed here the message is you should not be afraid

01:15:52.880 --> 01:15:56.800
there's nothing to be afraid of because once you know who the enemy is and what really is going on

01:15:56.800 --> 01:16:02.160
then you can act accordingly you can be confident and empowered to act accordingly there's no longer

01:16:02.160 --> 01:16:06.880
this invisible mutating you know BS coming from the department of defense you just know that it's

01:16:06.880 --> 01:16:12.000
BS and you can you know you can you can you can formulate a coherent strategy so my message for

01:16:12.000 --> 01:16:13.200
2023 be not afraid

01:16:17.440 --> 01:16:21.920
so my late father was one of my my greatest inspirations and just to give you an idea of his

01:16:21.920 --> 01:16:24.400
character the mayor of Manchester when he died said he was one of the kindest souls to ever walk

01:16:24.480 --> 01:16:27.680
the earth and I think that's probably true I'll be biased and say that um but this is I'm just

01:16:27.680 --> 01:16:30.080
gonna finish with actually I think very relevant to everything we've been saying today and I gave

01:16:30.080 --> 01:16:34.080
this is eulogy the he was well known amongst his friends and on twitter for sharing lessons for

01:16:34.080 --> 01:16:37.840
life he was very very philosophical and very wise my religion is humanity there is no need for

01:16:37.840 --> 01:16:42.240
mosques synagogues or temples no need for complicated philosophy our own brain our own heart is our

01:16:42.240 --> 01:16:46.560
is our temple the philosophy is kindness doing good to others and he gave his top these are very

01:16:46.560 --> 01:16:51.120
briefly his top 10 or finished with his top 10 personal tips completely I think is relevant

01:16:51.200 --> 01:16:54.800
everything we've been discussing today enjoy the climb and don't just focus on the end goal

01:16:54.800 --> 01:16:58.000
live in the moment and take something special from each day do not worry if someone does

01:16:58.000 --> 01:17:03.040
you harm as they've only harmed themselves live as you wish to be seen again by improper methods

01:17:03.040 --> 01:17:06.640
is no gain at all always do the right thing as this will give you the peace and tranquility

01:17:06.640 --> 01:17:10.720
that we all seek lament not if you are manipulated or used because discovering such is a moment of

01:17:10.720 --> 01:17:16.000
freedom do not harbor anger or resentment as it only harms you and lastly last but not least

01:17:16.000 --> 01:17:18.480
a small group of loyal friends can bring you all the happiness you desire

01:17:23.440 --> 01:17:28.080
thank you thank you all so and then I just wanted to end with my favorite quote which is

01:17:28.080 --> 01:17:31.840
be the change you want to see in the world so thank you so much to all of you for all the

01:17:31.840 --> 01:17:36.240
incredible things that you're doing for humanity and you know I'm myself looking forward to

01:17:36.240 --> 01:17:39.040
working with all of you in 2023 and make this world a better place

01:17:39.520 --> 01:17:41.520
thank you

01:17:42.960 --> 01:17:50.400
ladies and gentlemen we can't have a good accounting of where the mystery virus came from unless

01:17:50.400 --> 01:17:56.480
we do the math and that math is something that people don't want to do we've got to force them

01:17:56.480 --> 01:18:01.680
to do that math over and over again and we've got to keep telling this story over and over again

01:18:01.680 --> 01:18:06.720
this wasn't that great of a show tonight but at least we were together at least I saw you tonight

01:18:06.800 --> 01:18:11.440
at least I exercised the throat a little bit and I didn't break the street hopefully tomorrow

01:18:11.440 --> 01:18:19.280
will be a little bit better tomorrow's throwback Thursday but I think throwback Thursday well

01:18:19.280 --> 01:18:24.000
I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow but sometime this weekend I'm gonna take a look

01:18:24.000 --> 01:18:32.240
at the Matt Crawford rounding the earth that went on yesterday because it was a a wonderful show

01:18:32.240 --> 01:18:40.160
of admissions and and backpedaling and antics and hilarity

01:18:42.320 --> 01:18:48.080
I hadn't seen those guys in almost like two months and so I kind of thought that they had

01:18:48.640 --> 01:18:53.680
moved on to the mathematics of ancient Judaism and stuff like that but apparently

01:18:54.320 --> 01:18:58.800
they're still pretty fired up about the biology that we were teaching for the last three years

01:18:58.880 --> 01:19:06.320
so that was really flattering and it was funny and confusing and sad but it was nice because they

01:19:06.320 --> 01:19:11.760
clarified for me anyway they clarified the kind of stuff that they don't understand they clarified

01:19:11.760 --> 01:19:17.280
the stuff that they think they understand but you know our way over their skis on and then it also

01:19:17.280 --> 01:19:26.480
really clarified the kind of narrative that they're really attempting to tell because one of the

01:19:26.480 --> 01:19:32.880
things that was most extraordinary and I'll just leave it at this is that as they argued with Matt

01:19:34.080 --> 01:19:43.200
consistently about the idea that this protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus had a 20 amino acid sequence

01:19:43.200 --> 01:19:51.040
that was capable of causing prion disease and that a single prion protein is enough to cause

01:19:51.040 --> 01:19:58.800
prion disease and yet somehow or another the virus leaked it's spread around the world for

01:19:58.800 --> 01:20:05.600
three years we've tracked it through millions of people and there's still not really a noticeable

01:20:05.600 --> 01:20:14.080
signal in prion disease and humans nowhere anywhere and then to top it off we've actually

01:20:14.720 --> 01:20:22.160
transfected over a billion people with the same protein albeit with a different codon optimized

01:20:22.160 --> 01:20:29.600
sequence I find it really curious that that was really one of the main messages of that

01:20:30.400 --> 01:20:36.080
live stream except for of course that they admitted freely that everything's clones it's all clones

01:20:36.080 --> 01:20:42.080
it's all clones said Rixie and McCarran after a year and a half of calling me an idiot for talking

01:20:42.160 --> 01:20:47.360
about clones and then McCarran said it was all exosomes and the proteins that are the excess

01:20:47.360 --> 01:20:54.880
number of proteins that are produced and the exosomes actually matter so in my mind you know

01:20:54.880 --> 01:21:02.000
they carried the football over the over the foot over the end zone for me twice sat down on it

01:21:02.000 --> 01:21:07.760
and gave me a safety so it's four to nothing and I didn't even get on the football field yet so as

01:21:07.760 --> 01:21:12.320
far as I'm concerned I'm going to wait until they kick me a field goal or score me a touchdown

01:21:12.880 --> 01:21:18.720
before I even bothered to put my pads on this has been giga ohm biological it's a high resistance

01:21:18.720 --> 01:21:24.400
low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist our consistent message and I will say

01:21:24.400 --> 01:21:30.720
that very very proudly our consistent message over the last year or so has been that we don't

01:21:30.720 --> 01:21:34.800
really know what happens but we definitely know that they're trying to eliminate the control group

01:21:34.800 --> 01:21:40.560
by any means necessary because intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with

01:21:40.560 --> 01:21:46.240
the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb and they know it. Transfection in healthy

01:21:46.240 --> 01:21:51.920
humans is criminally negligent and they know it and most importantly viruses are not pattern

01:21:51.920 --> 01:21:56.960
integrity and they also know that so I am going to be a broken record for a while I am going to be

01:21:56.960 --> 01:22:01.040
saying this an awful lot and if you're joining me on a regular basis then you're going to hear

01:22:01.120 --> 01:22:06.480
it an awful lot thanks I don't know what to say I'll see you guys again tomorrow it is thanks

01:22:06.480 --> 01:22:11.120
giving but I'll be doing a show because we're just having a little meal in the house with

01:22:12.720 --> 01:22:17.600
my wife is a wonderful cook my kids are wonderful kids and so I'm going to be spending most of

01:22:17.600 --> 01:22:22.000
the time trying to keep the kids busy while they stay out of the way of my wonderful cook and

01:22:22.000 --> 01:22:25.920
then we're going to enjoy that meal we're going to play some games we're going to watch a movie or

01:22:25.920 --> 01:22:30.560
something like that and then later on I'll come down here and and pump out a stream from the back

01:22:30.560 --> 01:22:35.280
of the garage so anyway thanks for joining me and I'll see you tomorrow