WEBVTT 00:23.221 --> 00:28.104 Oh, once upon a midnight dreary I woke with something in my head 00:48.362 --> 00:53.465 I couldn't escape the memory of a phone call and of what you said. 00:53.645 --> 00:59.608 You're like a game show contestant with a parting gift that could not but leave my eyes. 00:59.688 --> 01:06.051 When I saw it through the buds of a trusted friend who needs to humor me and tell me lies. 01:06.612 --> 01:09.293 Yeah, humor me and tell me lies. 01:10.173 --> 01:12.915 And I'll lie to you and say I don't mind. 01:13.195 --> 01:16.057 And as we sit so shall we find. 01:35.353 --> 01:35.834 it's so low 01:48.125 --> 02:09.083 But I crave many things But I've been there, I can see it A coward like a nervous magician waiting in the wings Of a bad play where the heroes are right Nobody thinks or expects too much Hollywood's calling for the movie rights Singing, hey babe, let's keep in touch 02:09.844 --> 02:12.625 Hey, baby, let's keep in touch. 02:13.066 --> 02:19.289 For our moment of touch, I want you to reach me and show me all the things no one else can see. 02:40.773 --> 02:43.030 When all I got's this 03:10.149 --> 03:34.616 And I've got some news for you It's in my ship still stands no matter what you drop And there ain't a whole lot that you can get I'm sure the battery's torn and the wind's gotten colder Perhaps I've grown a little cynical But I know no matter what the waitress proves I should drink it and always be poor Yeah, I will drink it and always be poor 03:42.551 --> 03:45.152 I got this dream that you just can't shake. 03:45.252 --> 03:47.513 I love you to the point you can't no longer take. 03:47.573 --> 03:48.633 Well, all right. 03:49.654 --> 03:51.094 OK, so be that way. 03:51.394 --> 03:54.215 I hope and pray that there's something that you say. 03:54.315 --> 03:55.516 But yeah. 03:55.536 --> 03:59.837 Why do you want to give me a run around? 04:00.437 --> 04:06.460 Is it a surefire way to speed things up when all it does is slow me down? 04:14.682 --> 04:18.793 I rarely beat things up when all I've got is the love 04:53.848 --> 04:55.449 You know who the best player in the game is? 04:56.010 --> 04:57.311 Me, Mars Blackman. 04:57.631 --> 05:01.014 And I'm way above the rim, demonstrating some serious hang time. 05:01.394 --> 05:02.215 Very serious. 05:02.835 --> 05:04.076 Do you know how I get up for my game? 05:04.496 --> 05:04.917 Do you know? 05:04.977 --> 05:05.337 Do you know? 05:05.377 --> 05:05.798 Do you know? 05:06.178 --> 05:06.718 That's right. 05:06.978 --> 05:09.080 Air Jordan, Air Jordan, Air Jordan. 05:10.281 --> 05:11.462 Mike, what's up? 05:13.644 --> 05:14.865 Oh, money, money. 05:14.885 --> 05:15.886 Why you wanna do that to me? 05:15.906 --> 05:16.746 Why you leave me hanging? 05:17.487 --> 05:17.807 Come on. 05:18.388 --> 05:18.728 I got it. 05:32.581 --> 05:41.028 one of our hits here in a second. 05:41.949 --> 05:43.691 Here we go. 05:43.731 --> 05:44.031 Set. 05:44.131 --> 05:45.933 No waves, no beats. 06:34.818 --> 06:35.678 an an an 07:09.445 --> 07:09.645 so so 08:01.761 --> 08:03.341 I think truth is good for kids. 08:03.741 --> 08:07.583 We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society. 08:08.043 --> 08:09.663 We want everybody to feel good. 08:09.683 --> 08:11.784 That's not the way life is. 08:14.654 --> 08:18.456 you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 08:20.257 --> 08:20.957 And I have lied. 08:20.977 --> 08:22.018 I'm sure I'll lie again. 08:22.038 --> 08:22.978 I don't want to lie. 08:23.458 --> 08:24.819 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 08:24.919 --> 08:25.960 I try not to be a liar. 08:25.980 --> 08:26.820 I don't want to be a liar. 08:27.380 --> 08:30.102 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 08:33.936 --> 08:52.490 Jonathan, who's going to talk about his latest distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity. 08:53.611 --> 09:02.058 And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is going to get a chance to comment 09:05.728 --> 09:24.254 It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones, you know, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone, you know, and, you know, it's not, it's, you know, measles plus, you know, okay, I can tolerate what you think about measles because, you know, not that many people die from it. 09:24.554 --> 09:28.635 It's just a big hassle in the end, but no one, 09:29.636 --> 09:37.064 when we have this new pandemic that is, you know, got 75% mortality. 09:37.365 --> 09:42.671 It's not, it's, there'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of this flu. 09:42.751 --> 09:45.414 It'll be a moral emergency because it has to be. 09:47.443 --> 09:51.585 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 09:51.925 --> 09:56.206 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 09:56.526 --> 10:00.788 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 10:00.968 --> 10:07.231 I'm afraid that the latest data... Now, Dr. Gallo and Dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification. 10:07.711 --> 10:09.471 Can you tell me what the difference is between the two? 10:11.492 --> 10:11.772 Isolation? 10:11.792 --> 10:12.112 What was it? 10:12.132 --> 10:13.573 Isolation and purification. 10:15.374 --> 10:16.054 Of the virus? 10:16.174 --> 10:16.314 Yes. 10:17.622 --> 10:28.665 Well, you isolate a virus by finding the virus which causes a disease. 10:29.325 --> 10:34.206 You purify a virus by making a lot of, I mean, just by purifying it so you get a pure virus. 10:34.986 --> 10:37.027 I don't understand what the issue. 10:37.127 --> 10:42.568 Well, they interchanged the two and I wasn't sure if it was the same thing or if it was two totally different. 10:43.669 --> 10:44.809 No, it depends on how they used it. 10:46.365 --> 10:49.149 Can you explain the process of HIV isolation? 10:51.652 --> 10:53.615 Well, didn't Dr. Gallo do that? 10:53.675 --> 10:55.517 I mean, he actually isolated it. 10:55.878 --> 10:59.723 I mean, why should I do all of this? 10:59.783 --> 11:01.806 This is all textbook stuff you're asking me. 11:07.196 --> 11:07.797 so so 11:36.736 --> 11:37.358 you 16:07.941 --> 16:14.347 So I've been talking about truth for a while now and what this wave of consensus means for us. 16:15.728 --> 16:23.535 And part of the difficulty of getting the truth out there is that social media is not behaving like we all imagine it does. 16:24.916 --> 16:35.385 And there have been several times when I have been near where I am now and was misled and misdirected and lost another half a year of my life. 16:36.525 --> 16:37.746 asking the wrong questions. 16:37.966 --> 16:44.910 And so it might be simple to say that, why don't you just tell us what biology we should stay focused on? 16:44.930 --> 16:47.111 Why don't you just tell us what their bait looks like? 16:47.171 --> 16:49.772 And why don't you just teach us how to love our neighbor? 16:49.812 --> 16:52.554 But teaching you how to love your neighbor, that's not my thing. 16:53.814 --> 17:03.840 I didn't even recognize their bait on social media until probably this year when I realized the extent to which these people were coordinating their lies. 17:04.600 --> 17:06.922 and that they were sharing with each other about me. 17:07.802 --> 17:12.645 And so staying focused on the biology has been the only thing that's ever saved me from these people. 17:13.326 --> 17:24.073 And every time I wander away and start to trust one of them, inevitably I lose some time and I lose some ground because I get caught up in this wave of consensus. 17:24.893 --> 17:26.374 And so I'm an American. 17:26.514 --> 17:27.755 I'm fighting for America. 17:27.835 --> 17:29.236 My loyalty is to America. 17:29.296 --> 17:33.519 It's not to a candidate or to an office or to some other nonsense. 17:33.860 --> 17:38.343 It's to the dirt and to the future that I think my kids still have here. 17:40.970 --> 17:42.972 And I think we have to stay focused on the biology. 17:43.012 --> 17:44.874 We can't take their bait on social media. 17:44.894 --> 17:46.536 We've got to learn to love our neighbors again. 17:46.596 --> 17:48.118 We've got to get acquainted with them again. 17:48.138 --> 17:51.861 And we need to spread the word of this each week. 17:52.042 --> 17:57.407 We need to spread the word of the biology that we've come to understand and they have come to ignore. 17:59.048 --> 18:12.751 It is a biology that has to do with irreducible complexity and being a little bit honest about our lack of understanding instead of exaggerating it and stop the lies. 18:13.431 --> 18:24.994 Stop the lies about all these things we know about and all these phenomenon that we understand and start to just see science and biology and medicine as something that is all 18:26.980 --> 18:51.162 a gift given to us as part of creation and as part of the world around us that we can hope to understand little pieces of, but until we have a shift in our understanding and we start to understand nature as something that we are a part of, an integral part of, rather than some lord of or manipulator of or demigod over, 18:52.243 --> 18:53.203 We're not going to escape. 18:53.263 --> 19:10.348 And if you keep your phone up to your face, you're going to see more and more people telling you that we are the lords of creation, and we are the lords of nature, and we run stuff, and we know how stuff works, and we can make it work better, and all of this stuff is absolute nonsense. 19:11.048 --> 19:20.191 But if you want to engage in United Noncompliance, you need to understand how this illusion is created, how this illusion is sustained. 19:21.304 --> 19:23.865 And we're going to have to break teachers out of it. 19:23.905 --> 19:25.806 We're going to have to break doctors out of it. 19:25.846 --> 19:34.169 We're going to have to break faculty members out of this illusion, or we're going to lose our country pretty fast here, ladies and gentlemen. 19:35.129 --> 19:37.150 This is gigaohm biological. 19:40.914 --> 19:41.535 do do 20:07.533 --> 20:09.155 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 20:09.376 --> 20:12.280 It is 253 here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 20:12.300 --> 20:13.782 I'm coming to you live from my garage. 20:13.822 --> 20:16.626 My name is Jonathan Cooey, and this is GigaOM Biological. 20:17.387 --> 20:22.274 GigaOM Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by me. 20:23.792 --> 20:31.959 It's been a little while since I've been on and I don't have any good excuses for it other than I've been doing other things in the background. 20:32.600 --> 20:40.968 Soon my family will go on a very brief trip to the Netherlands and so I'm spending the last couple days with them before they take off for grandma's house. 20:42.689 --> 20:46.470 And so that coupled with some other things has kept me offline. 20:46.890 --> 20:51.072 But I assure you, the ball has not stopped rolling down the hill. 20:51.952 --> 20:55.674 The reaction to my latest sub stack has 20:56.809 --> 20:58.170 has been kind of crickets. 20:59.651 --> 21:03.554 Of course, some of you have been there posting nice comments, and I really appreciate that. 21:03.594 --> 21:11.579 But I was really hoping that one or more molecular biologists would come there and cross things out or highlight things that don't make sense. 21:11.659 --> 21:12.880 Or what's he talking about here? 21:12.920 --> 21:14.721 And I understand it's not perfectly written. 21:15.321 --> 21:16.902 Of course, it's as fast as I can write on 21:19.404 --> 21:28.053 on a document to try and bring people into an understanding of where I was and what argument I wanted to make so that we could write a succinct substack about it. 21:28.114 --> 21:37.163 Unfortunately, those people didn't help me do that and instead wrote their own substack and I, through that action and a few other mistakes made by them, 21:38.564 --> 21:46.567 It's come to my understanding, at least as best as I can tell, that a lot of these people were wasting my time for more than six months of this year. 21:46.707 --> 21:49.428 So there's just a lot of this stuff going on. 21:49.989 --> 21:56.711 I've just recently had an interview about a month and a half ago, I think on the 19th or 18th of May. 21:59.452 --> 22:15.076 with a guy by the name of Gabe Mason in Canada and he said it would be a few weeks before he put out the podcast but unfortunately I don't see anything and I knew I wouldn't see anything and that's why I did this little sub stack about him. 22:16.336 --> 22:19.917 Just a few talking points or a few slogans for you here. 22:20.597 --> 22:25.638 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 22:26.238 --> 22:30.680 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic. 22:31.200 --> 22:47.686 The top one there should have enough useful combinations of English words that if you understand their sort of definition and combine them in the logical way dictated by the rules of English grammar, that's a pretty bold statement that shouldn't need a lot of backing. 22:47.726 --> 22:51.888 It should just inspire a great number of questions in you. 22:52.828 --> 22:59.430 And if it doesn't inspire a great number of questions in you, then I don't think you've been accurately paying attention. 22:59.470 --> 23:06.492 Because the whole point is to inspire questions in the people that read these statements. 23:06.612 --> 23:09.913 Because we want to inspire doctors and 23:10.813 --> 23:20.718 academicians, otherwise known as faculty members of medical schools, to start to reconsider what they think they know about the immune system and what they think they know about vaccination. 23:21.198 --> 23:26.820 And most importantly, what they think they know about the legal structure of the vaccination schedule in America. 23:28.501 --> 23:36.285 Because if we don't bring these people step-by-step to understand the malevolence of the system, they're never gonna wake up from their slumber. 23:38.066 --> 23:50.051 where they are still protected by an illusion of consensus all around them, where half of these children are wearing masks and where everybody agrees that, you know, the rainbow flag and all that stuff. 23:51.712 --> 23:56.114 We are at a crucial turning point in our civilization. 23:57.514 --> 24:06.138 And the only way we're gonna get a hold of the controls of this cruise ship and maybe change the direction by a few degrees in this year 24:07.307 --> 24:11.350 is going to be to wake people up using statements like this, where they're like, wait, what? 24:12.851 --> 24:15.634 And it ends up to be a ladder where they just climb right out. 24:18.216 --> 24:24.661 Now, RNA cannot pandemic is backed by some of the things that I've outlined in that latest sub stack. 24:24.761 --> 24:35.409 And I'm not covering that latest sub stack yet, because it's important for me that people have enough time to go and say, well, I'm going to look at some of these papers that he's cited here and see what they really say. 24:37.045 --> 24:47.228 and maybe come to the same conclusions that I have in a better way or in a more clear way or even a more profound way and express it on your own sub stack or express it on your own tweet. 24:48.688 --> 24:52.209 It's all right there laid out, even some of it's bolded. 24:53.789 --> 24:59.671 And yet somehow or another, nobody's really been able to get the ball over the finish line by themselves. 25:00.851 --> 25:03.312 And it's really unfortunate because that's where we are. 25:04.778 --> 25:13.344 I had 50 comments in the first two or three hours of the substack where I released the email from Miss Hockett. 25:14.584 --> 25:34.197 But on this substack where I release a working document that was working between me and Jonathan Engler, the co-chair of HART in the UK, as well as his friend and colleague from Panda and HART, I guess, Martin Neal, and Nick Hudson, 25:35.700 --> 25:36.640 and Jessica Hockett. 25:38.722 --> 25:49.627 And all of those people promoted their virology review, which is kind of a convoluted mix of Peter Hotez and Vincent Racaniello. 25:52.408 --> 26:01.993 And then dared behind the scenes to scold me for not sharing it after a couple weeks of me saying, dude, this is not the review the world needs. 26:04.383 --> 26:06.664 I got tricked into doing that review on my bicycle. 26:07.684 --> 26:19.870 And so we are, I am, I am subject to wasting my time arguing with people that nobody listens to and have no intention of spreading my information anywhere. 26:22.891 --> 26:24.292 One example would be this dude. 26:25.372 --> 26:26.653 You can find him on YouTube. 26:27.585 --> 26:33.369 You can find this thing, or he's done like 90 programs already, but he was gonna do some other new thing. 26:33.729 --> 26:35.730 And this was on the 19th of May. 26:36.210 --> 26:44.416 And this is just a email that I released of him the day after I recorded with him, because I asked him, you know, you think I could put out a transcript of this? 26:44.516 --> 26:49.439 Because I'd really like to get this information out in the way that I expressed in this video. 26:49.899 --> 26:51.600 I'd like to get it out as soon as possible. 26:51.640 --> 26:52.521 And he flipped out. 26:53.121 --> 27:03.669 in an email about how I was changing the rules of the experiment or something like that and how I didn't have his consent to release the recording of me talking. 27:05.991 --> 27:06.892 Super strange. 27:07.372 --> 27:08.913 And so I didn't know what else to do. 27:08.994 --> 27:12.596 So I released it as a sub stack where I said I got an email. 27:12.636 --> 27:14.518 It's kind of like what I did with Jessica Hockett. 27:14.538 --> 27:15.539 I don't know what to do with that. 27:16.920 --> 27:18.141 You didn't mention your sister. 27:19.164 --> 27:29.233 And so these people are all playing the same game, where they get me to trust them, and then they can ask me questions, and then they can go on other podcasts and pawn some of it off as their own. 27:29.313 --> 27:31.995 So it makes it seem like, wow, we're really on the same page. 27:32.636 --> 27:36.399 And all along, their whole idea is to absorb and to ignore. 27:39.762 --> 27:45.426 And so I think either tonight or tomorrow, I'm just going to play the video that I have of this recording. 27:47.188 --> 27:53.130 It's just a video of me and you can hear his voice asking some questions, but who knows whose voice it is. 27:54.410 --> 28:04.854 Anyway, all social media right now is expressing this in terms of a worst case scenario and asking the questions. 28:04.894 --> 28:05.554 Was it a leak? 28:05.614 --> 28:06.414 Was it a release? 28:06.514 --> 28:07.455 Are they trying to kill us? 28:07.495 --> 28:08.715 Who's coming to our rescue? 28:08.735 --> 28:10.816 And is everything under their control? 28:10.836 --> 28:14.097 Is bird flu also made by them? 28:15.498 --> 28:18.239 souped up in laboratories and then released as a weapon. 28:20.700 --> 28:23.701 Don't forget, this is 2024, ladies and gentlemen. 28:25.202 --> 28:29.324 And this illusion of consensus is spread across the world. 28:31.485 --> 28:36.807 We are at a crucial moment where it's still possible that a huge number of people could be snapped out of it. 28:38.247 --> 28:39.288 But it's not long now. 28:41.325 --> 28:54.632 We only need one more presidential assassination or presidential death or something like that for us to be fast forwarded into a future that it's no longer capable of looking back to here. 28:58.564 --> 29:00.264 And that's really what this is all about. 29:00.324 --> 29:07.146 That's why this worst case scenario is being pushed on social media because this is where they wanted us to end the narrative. 29:07.206 --> 29:13.927 They wanted us to end it right here with an illusion of consensus and wondering if all of this stuff was always under their control. 29:14.647 --> 29:17.548 Wondering if they really are trying to kill us. 29:17.648 --> 29:21.929 Wondering if someone, if anyone will come to our rescue, who could it possibly be? 29:24.656 --> 29:32.784 And then they've answered those questions for us, of course, on TV and social media with an illusion of consensus about who the heroes are. 29:33.345 --> 29:47.539 That's why all around the world, in many, many countries, people know Pierre Kory, because he's flown around the world, even though he's only certified as a doctor in, I think, Illinois and Wisconsin. 29:48.792 --> 30:01.480 It's absolutely spectacular what's happening right now and how much we've been led to believe we've spontaneously come to understand, as opposed to subvertly coerced into accepting. 30:02.881 --> 30:03.601 That was pretty nice. 30:05.282 --> 30:07.344 So COVID shots are bad, but don't talk about 2020. 30:08.064 --> 30:09.505 That's really where we are right now. 30:09.565 --> 30:11.866 And that's a lie, of course, because the faith is a lie. 30:11.906 --> 30:13.167 Transfection is real though. 30:14.228 --> 30:15.909 Transfection is surely real. 30:18.302 --> 30:45.879 That's why I think if you look back at how they did it, and you think about the intellectual dark web alone, and just look at the last couple of weeks, where you see one member of the intellectual dark web interviewing another member of the intellectual dark web, and then that intellectual dark web member interviewing Vivek, and then Vivek getting interviewed by another guy who was promoted by them, but not really part of the direct intellectual dark web, he could be the second layer. 30:46.539 --> 30:50.304 And then that intellectual dark web guy interviews another intellectual dark web guy. 30:50.745 --> 30:56.513 Then that other intellectual dark web guy does a show about the debates. 30:57.506 --> 31:02.748 And then they talk about Joe Rogan on that Intellectual Dark Web member show. 31:03.088 --> 31:06.890 That Intellectual Dark Web has another Intellectual Dark Web member on his show. 31:06.930 --> 31:08.851 This is also in the last few weeks. 31:09.391 --> 31:12.352 Then that Intellectual Dark Web member has Bobby on his show. 31:12.772 --> 31:14.593 Then he has Dr. Phil on his show. 31:14.653 --> 31:18.795 Dr. Phil then has Bobby on his show and also has Netanyahu on his show. 31:19.844 --> 31:23.609 And then you have this same guy also having that lady from Fox on his show. 31:23.649 --> 31:28.375 And then she's also talking about Biden and she's also talking to Steve Bannon. 31:30.216 --> 31:33.898 And of course we can go back over here and he's also gonna have Kennedy on it. 31:33.918 --> 31:36.099 I mean, Shapiro's gotta have Kennedy on his stream. 31:36.440 --> 31:39.481 And this guy will have Vivek too, who's also been promoted by them. 31:39.862 --> 31:41.983 And we'll also talk about Biden and the debates. 31:42.803 --> 31:44.504 It's like they all got the same artist. 31:44.905 --> 31:46.666 And then here we have Tucker. 31:46.706 --> 31:50.368 Of course, Tucker will have a guy from the intellectual dark web Rogan streams. 31:50.408 --> 31:53.270 And then also so will Tim Pool over and over and over again. 31:55.011 --> 31:56.752 This is just in the last couple of weeks. 31:57.759 --> 31:59.600 And that guy was also on this guy's show. 31:59.640 --> 32:01.721 And this guy also has Shapiro on his show. 32:01.761 --> 32:03.803 And this guy also has that guy on his show. 32:03.823 --> 32:05.684 So he's pretty much in the same network too. 32:08.565 --> 32:12.988 And then of course you have all kinds of other members and people that have their own podcasts on the left. 32:13.008 --> 32:16.750 You have people in Australia that regularly make fun of America. 32:18.431 --> 32:22.794 And then you have other people from the Five Eyes countries that are interviewing these same people. 32:24.721 --> 32:29.064 And these Five Eyes countries are either making fun of Americans or talking to Canadians. 32:33.627 --> 32:35.809 None of them will talk about who Ron Klain is. 32:37.099 --> 32:39.240 None of them will talk about who Averill Haynes is. 32:39.761 --> 32:43.243 None of them talk about the powers that Averill Haynes has or doesn't have. 32:43.663 --> 32:47.325 They would never talk about what the powers that Jake Sullivan has or what he does. 32:47.766 --> 32:49.987 They won't talk about Anthony Blinken very often. 32:50.367 --> 32:54.530 And they don't talk about the role that Jill Biden probably plays in the White House right now. 32:57.052 --> 33:05.537 None of these people will mention any of these people, nevermind Krupowski and Plotkin and Gallo and Baltimore and all the other 33:09.969 --> 33:24.199 Once you just start paying attention and seeing where they direct your gaze and realize that your consciousness is prime real estate and how they're playing this, they had to have these people in place. 33:24.259 --> 33:26.560 There had to be these people. 33:26.620 --> 33:32.565 Some of these people were working already because of people like Brian Hooker and this lady from NBIC. 33:35.495 --> 33:37.037 I'm sorry, I keep screwing that up. 33:37.077 --> 33:40.740 I don't know what her organization's name is, but somebody will drop it in the chat. 33:43.423 --> 33:45.925 And so I'll just pop my head out of the way a minute. 33:45.945 --> 33:50.630 Here's Robert Malone telling us that the flu is going to be some kind of thing. 33:52.471 --> 33:53.653 And avian flu 33:54.918 --> 33:58.100 Avian flu has been endemic in many parts of the world for decades. 33:58.200 --> 34:00.562 Therefore, this virus cannot be eradicated. 34:01.122 --> 34:09.467 Infections with highly pathogen avian flu have resulted in the deaths of millions of domestic birds and thousands of wild birds. 34:10.208 --> 34:14.330 A fraction of the millions of domestic birds that have died were intentionally culled. 34:14.490 --> 34:15.471 Oh, a large fraction. 34:16.954 --> 34:24.371 Throughout the current avian outbreaks, spillovers of the virus to mammals have been frequently documented. 34:24.391 --> 34:25.393 I mean, are you kidding me? 34:26.471 --> 34:34.276 Migratory waterfowl are often infected with influenza and shed large amounts of virus in their stool. 34:34.997 --> 34:36.338 It is a well-established fact. 34:36.478 --> 34:38.079 Don't walk outside with your mouth open. 34:38.879 --> 34:46.464 It's a well-established fact that all influenza A viruses, including this one, exhibit exceptional stability in wet environments. 34:46.484 --> 34:47.385 What? 34:48.065 --> 34:50.147 Holy shit. 34:50.527 --> 34:56.071 No human deaths or hospitalizations have been reported from the current circulating strain. 34:57.830 --> 35:00.772 Cattle can be infected with the current circulating strain. 35:00.792 --> 35:07.957 There is no evidence that the strain circulating in American birds is highly pathogenic or even lethal in cattle, humans, or other mammals. 35:07.997 --> 35:11.659 When infected, it's there, it's there, it's real, it's there. 35:14.121 --> 35:17.883 Open source with waterfowl, so it's possible, it's there. 35:18.764 --> 35:21.606 Milk machines could spread it, unproven at this time. 35:21.626 --> 35:27.090 Wow, unconsumption of unpasteurized milk, oh no. 35:28.410 --> 35:31.832 Milk is unlikely to enter the flu supply, but unlikely. 35:31.892 --> 35:35.714 He's already seeding the narrative of a contaminated food supply. 35:35.734 --> 35:40.676 Of course, Andrew Huff is really an expert on the contaminated food supply. 35:40.696 --> 35:51.061 He did like a couple papers for somebody, writing some papers about contamination of a supply chain or some shit. 35:52.602 --> 36:04.153 And of course, you know, the day wouldn't be complete if I didn't point out that the Brownstone Institute is apparently being retweeted or republished or publishing articles of the Defender. 36:04.693 --> 36:10.158 And this one is, government's pandemic preparedness operation looks a lot like arsonists running the fire department. 36:10.879 --> 36:14.842 It says by the Brownstone Institute, July 2nd, 2024. 36:14.902 --> 36:20.045 But then down here, it's Clayton Baker, MD, and Brian Hooker, PhD. 36:20.185 --> 36:27.490 So it looks like a pretty good collaboration between the Children's Health Defense Defender and 36:29.031 --> 36:34.736 and Brownstone Institute, which is somewhat discouraging, but it's not like I didn't really get that already. 36:34.796 --> 36:36.097 Of course, that's going to be the case. 36:37.078 --> 36:45.205 Imagine, if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city fire department located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires. 36:45.825 --> 36:52.951 These ambitious firemen do not have nearly enough work prestige or pay for their liking, uninterested in simply polishing their trucks. 36:53.712 --> 36:58.256 lifting weights and cooking chili, these firemen want more, a lot more. 36:58.376 --> 37:21.754 So you're already painting an interesting picture where people that study viruses are such shitheads that they've decided to create dangerous viruses in order to justify their existence, which is already an incredibly far-fetched narrative relative to, for example, a biosecurity state that doesn't really have anything to scare you with, but needs you to believe that there's something scary out there. 37:26.650 --> 37:35.970 This is extremely discouraging to me because rather than coming up with an apt metaphor for what we're dealing with or what we likely are dealing with, 37:36.553 --> 37:50.808 They are painting biologists as people who are such shitheads that they would make dangerous viruses just so that grant applications become easier to get fulfilled or that they can get funding easier. 37:50.868 --> 37:55.052 Because, you know, if we create dangerous viruses, then that's where we get funding. 37:55.072 --> 37:56.974 And that's not even how the system works. 37:57.134 --> 37:57.635 Wow. 37:59.343 --> 38:00.384 They construct a plan. 38:00.404 --> 38:07.409 They will start a research program funded by taxpayers where they will develop an arsenal of the biggest, scariest, most flammable products on earth. 38:07.449 --> 38:09.691 See, this is completely wrong. 38:09.751 --> 38:11.292 It's completely disingenuous. 38:11.352 --> 38:12.893 It's not even the Scooby-Doo. 38:14.054 --> 38:25.263 The Scooby-Doo where people made a mistake and then covered it up, or people were trying to invent a bioweapon, or people were making a huge quantity of something they shouldn't have made a huge, it's nothing like that. 38:28.288 --> 38:41.261 We're talking about ambitious biologists who don't have nearly enough work prestige or pay for their liking, uninterested in simply using their microscopes and culturing their cells. 38:42.822 --> 38:47.727 And going to conferences, these biologists want more, a lot more. 38:47.787 --> 38:48.988 So they construct a plan. 38:49.028 --> 38:57.496 They will start a research program funded by taxpayers where they will develop the most dangerous, scariest biology on earth. 38:57.596 --> 38:59.919 I mean, listen to how dumb that is. 39:11.653 --> 39:13.154 I'm extremely disappointed. 39:14.455 --> 39:25.002 The fire department develops and grows its stockpile of manufactured fire super hazards until one day, oops. 39:27.063 --> 39:36.409 And the image that the Children's Health Defense Defender has decided to post with the Brownstone Institute article 39:37.685 --> 39:42.248 is an American flag with a burning virus overlay. 39:44.870 --> 39:49.132 An American flag with a burning virus overlay. 39:49.172 --> 39:54.996 I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but this is not the patriotic organization you were looking for. 39:56.557 --> 40:04.242 This is not the organization that is trying to save children from a criminal vaccine schedule, at least not in my best estimation. 40:05.768 --> 40:10.290 And now they are retweeting Brownstone, which I have a feeling is a bad organization. 40:10.330 --> 40:12.511 I've had a bad feeling about them for quite some time. 40:12.531 --> 40:23.076 And then they gave Brett Weinstein a... They gave Brett Weinstein a fellowship and then I was sold. 40:23.576 --> 40:24.717 Then I knew they were good. 40:31.761 --> 40:36.002 And so today I want to give another shout out to Joe Marshall of The Liberty Perspective. 40:36.062 --> 40:45.985 If you go to Rumble somebody in the chat and you look up The Liberty Perspective as a channel and then copy that link and put it in the chat, I would be greatly appreciated. 40:47.105 --> 40:50.106 Joe Marshall has become a pen pal of mine. 40:52.520 --> 41:05.085 He sent me a letter, he sent me a few emails, and I covered or gave a shout out to his channel once when he had about 20 followers, and now he has a whopping 120 followers. 41:05.765 --> 41:10.227 So if any of you went over there to subscribe to that, that would be really great. 41:10.347 --> 41:13.008 I understand that a lot of people don't even have an account on Rumble. 41:14.355 --> 41:22.081 But Joe Marshall's also got a book, Last Call for Liberty, and I assume it's available somewhere if you Google that as well. 41:22.981 --> 41:29.366 But if you find him on Rumble or you look him up, you'll be able to find him and I can put you in touch with him if it's something very important. 41:30.026 --> 41:35.992 He's actually going to read an article that he wrote a year and a half before making this video a couple days ago. 41:36.752 --> 41:39.275 And so it's an article with links and stuff. 41:39.335 --> 41:46.721 And so if there's anybody else who's doing any research on this dude, if you can find where he publishes some of these texts, that would also be great. 41:48.303 --> 41:52.567 And if when Joe catches this video, I'm sure he'll send me the links and then I can put them up as well. 41:53.467 --> 42:20.938 I'm very tempted to add Joe to the list of people that I advertised at the beginning of the show Because I just got the feeling that this guy is doing a lot of what I intend to do in the future Let me just get out of here and pull this up You'll see that Joe has very similar taste in hats that I do I'm not so into the blaze orange, but I Get it. 42:21.559 --> 42:22.019 I have got a 42:23.519 --> 42:30.905 Somewhere over there I think I have a Green Bay Packer hat that is actually real tree camo and bright orange in the back. 42:30.965 --> 42:31.526 It's pretty funny. 42:32.667 --> 42:43.636 And that is actually the other thing that everybody wears at Packer games is their snowmobile suits that are usually bright or else their hunting gear because a lot of times those are the 42:44.176 --> 42:45.837 the warmest jackets that they've got there. 42:46.398 --> 42:48.860 Anyway, and that's become a thing now. 42:49.440 --> 42:53.243 Anyway, anyway, anyway, let's get on with the show. 42:55.346 --> 43:11.969 So this is a essay He's gonna read an essay that he did about the Brownstone Institute about a year and a half ago And so I think it's really nice Because he's on to some things that I heard actually at the red pill conference the day after It was over on Monday. 43:12.029 --> 43:20.031 We had breakfast and we got a lecture from G Edward Griffin and I gotta say a 90 plus year old man 43:21.712 --> 43:25.114 sharp as a razor blade and extremely witty. 43:25.715 --> 43:34.301 And also, I actually learned a lot from listening to that hour and, you know, eating scrambled eggs and stuff while I was doing it was an extra luxury. 43:34.321 --> 43:41.246 I gotta say, it really comes down to collectivism versus individualism. 43:41.306 --> 43:43.708 And it comes down to the fact, in my humble opinion, 43:44.378 --> 44:02.731 that the American ideal was an ideal about individualism, that states should protect the rights of the individual because when the individual is truly free to pursue happiness in the state of liberty, then the most benefit to society will come from that individual. 44:03.391 --> 44:11.414 And if society is organized around protecting the rights of society, then individuals will not thrive and individuals will not be free. 44:11.434 --> 44:12.675 And that's called collectivism. 44:13.195 --> 44:27.140 And so communism, totalitarianism, fascism, Black Lives Matter-ism and woke-ism, these are all things that are the same kind of, you know, communistic, communitarian is the word that 44:27.700 --> 44:32.964 that Christine Grady used as she described the ethics of a pandemic. 44:33.044 --> 44:35.285 And so these are all collectivist notions. 44:35.845 --> 44:49.594 And that's one of the ways that they have used the biology of a pandemic and the biology of vaccines and infectious disease to declare war on this idea of individualism versus collectivism. 44:50.075 --> 44:51.636 And they want you to feel guilty for 44:52.276 --> 45:17.997 for thinking that you have individual rights to decide whatever the hell you want to do, because then that goes against this collectivist idea that you owe something to society, rather than society being essentially, you know, free individuals are the best component of society, the most robust and the most, how do you say it? 45:19.082 --> 45:19.764 most valuable. 45:20.465 --> 45:24.434 And so once you start to restrict the freedoms of an individual, 45:26.568 --> 45:30.129 then society as a whole is not enriched in the way it otherwise would be. 45:30.250 --> 45:33.711 And that's the idea of America from the very beginning. 45:33.771 --> 45:39.153 And I'm not expressing it nearly as well as somebody like G. Edward Griffin can. 45:39.193 --> 45:50.118 So if you go look for his stuff, you can find him on the net and then you can find all of these things, which I'm eventually gonna have a link to on my website, but I don't have it there yet. 45:50.158 --> 45:55.960 So I'm gonna let Joe take it away and probably interrupt him a few hundred times, but let's see what we do here. 45:56.994 --> 45:58.318 Welcome back to the Liberty Perspective. 45:59.080 --> 46:00.544 Today I want to talk to you about 46:02.330 --> 46:11.956 Brownstone Brownstone Institute, Jeffrey Tucker's organization and all the fellows, the academic fellows that he has in there that are all part of the medical freedom movement. 46:12.516 --> 46:20.641 And it's been kind of, you know, for a while now, I've been asking, sent quite a few emails to Jeffrey Tucker, asking him about, you know, the human rights aspect of things. 46:20.681 --> 46:23.203 You know, they're kind of they include human rights. 46:23.463 --> 46:27.145 They don't mention so much our individual rights and liberty as our as our founding. 46:27.245 --> 46:27.886 You know, he likes to 46:28.993 --> 46:37.100 Anyways, there's a kind of a convolution there, and I was just hoping to get it straightened out, and I sent him some emails and asked him different things about stuff, and I've never heard back from him. 46:37.300 --> 46:39.462 I've never heard back from him on anything. 46:39.922 --> 46:53.754 I think he said thank you once when I sent him the mass formation, the liberty perspective that I did on, if you could call it a critique, I don't know, but I did on Matthias Desmet's psychology of totalitarianism. 46:53.774 --> 46:55.095 I did a show on that, which, 46:56.116 --> 47:23.723 you know, deciphering the collectivism of Matthias Desmet's mass formation or proto-totalitarian psychology of totalitarianism, where he basically blames everything on the individualism, free markets and individual rights and liberty as being the source, the ideological source, the philosophical source of all totalitarian states hitherto known to mankind, you know, should you not check it out? 47:24.258 --> 47:29.721 But anyways, today, what I'd like to get into, I got a thing I wrote a year and a half, two years ago, or whatever. 47:29.741 --> 47:30.402 I don't even know. 47:30.442 --> 47:37.906 But I wrote Brownstone, Champions of Liberty, or Collectivist Human Rights Advocates Incognito. 47:38.647 --> 47:39.267 I still don't know. 47:39.967 --> 47:42.049 Still trying to find out about this medical freedom movement. 47:42.269 --> 47:48.512 What's the freedom in the medical freedom movement supposed to be? 47:49.093 --> 47:51.274 Is it our individual rights, our founding principles? 47:53.806 --> 48:02.654 founding republic, free society, similar, or a constitutional republic, or limited constitution, is it free enterprise, free markets, what is it? 48:03.015 --> 48:03.495 You know what I mean? 48:03.655 --> 48:18.349 We're starting to get an idea lately as you see some of this freedom, quote unquote freedom in the medical freedom movement starting to come into question with, I don't know, Dr. McCullough, Peter McCullough out there, you know, introducing an mRNA platform 48:20.106 --> 48:29.941 Vaccine vaccine so now for all the problems that everybody's having for the mRNA jabs cold jabs They're gonna have another mRNA jab to fix the jab. 48:30.101 --> 48:30.702 You know, I don't know 48:31.966 --> 48:33.627 So that's pretty extraordinary, right? 48:33.667 --> 48:45.617 This is not a biologist, but somebody who's really picked up on the absolute contradiction that he is pushing some kind of mRNA jab for an mRNA jab. 48:46.397 --> 48:53.082 He's also pushing some kind of nanosynthetic antibodies that are just one fragment of the antibody or something like this. 48:54.123 --> 48:59.107 Um, all very extraordinary moves on, uh, Peter McCullough's part. 49:00.008 --> 49:11.377 Um, and it may be because he spoke out so, so, um, so aggressively against the vaccine schedule a couple of times that he's been kind of forced to say these crazy things. 49:11.457 --> 49:17.122 But, um, yeah, I mean, I mean, Joe's completely right here and it's, and it's impressive. 49:17.182 --> 49:20.645 It's a, it's a feather in his hat that, that he's on top of it in that way. 49:20.665 --> 49:22.106 I don't know. 49:22.927 --> 49:23.207 I don't know. 49:25.046 --> 49:29.229 You got other people like Dr. Pierre Corey, you're finding out why he's calling for public-private partnerships. 49:29.249 --> 49:32.411 He's a medical freedom doctor calling for more public-private partnerships. 49:33.412 --> 49:49.303 You know, come to find out he was, you know, the one who testified on behalf of, you know, George Floyd's family and basically put it out there that he was murdered by the cops and ensuing chaos. 49:50.487 --> 49:54.290 cities and everything getting burned down to the ground all across the country and sued right after that. 49:54.570 --> 49:56.111 I mean, medical freedom doctor, right? 49:56.131 --> 49:56.452 I don't know. 49:57.052 --> 49:57.372 I don't know. 49:58.573 --> 50:03.557 But then you've got, you know, the Great Awakening tour. 50:03.577 --> 50:05.519 I don't know the new freedom as Trump. 50:06.520 --> 50:10.483 And you got other people, the new the new medical freedom is going to be Kennedy, right? 50:11.403 --> 50:11.724 I don't know. 50:12.764 --> 50:18.509 But none of them have pointed to the individual rights and liberty of our founding as of yet. 50:20.222 --> 50:20.782 I've been asking. 50:21.962 --> 50:25.963 But anyways, so the Brownstone Institute, I've had questions about the Brownstone Institute. 50:25.983 --> 50:37.526 I've been kind of holding off, hoping that they'd come around, that it was just a mistake that they were calling our individual human, individual... That extra buzz in the background is on his recording, not on mine, just so you can hear it. 50:38.386 --> 50:41.107 I mean, there is something in the background of mine, but not like this. 50:41.227 --> 50:49.749 Natural, endowed by our creator, unalienable individual rights and liberty, just confusing them with, you know, the populism of the term human rights, but... 50:51.564 --> 51:12.280 I'm gonna go over some stuff and I'll leave that with you this is with this information and you can make that determination But I've got this article that I wrote I'm gonna share it with you here If you can see that Give her to I got my dog with me any pee I don't know how much of this shit she can take for she bugs out but if she does Take care of that then but um 51:12.853 --> 51:41.387 okay brownstone champions of liberty or collectivist human rights advocates incognito to some people there's a higher just you know it's just semantics but i'm telling you i've done enough shows on here where you can go and see where i'm coming from human rights intrinsically implicitly inherently uh... correlate to world socialism globalist world socialism global governance you can't have human rights without the 51:42.677 --> 51:46.220 Global world socialism that it that it that it that's implicit to it. 51:46.581 --> 51:47.201 You see what I'm saying? 51:47.461 --> 52:05.838 But anyways As a totalitarianism of pandemic mandates and lockdowns continues to expand the technocratic influence of the science and academia behind Being used to justify it is expanding as well few to none remain among them who would dare to counter the centrally planned narrative for any reason be it life or liberty or 52:06.829 --> 52:16.034 except for maybe the Brownstone Institute, whose website says that they're a small scholarly group of scientists and intellectuals who, at least at the onset, appear to be bucking the trend. 52:16.074 --> 52:20.496 Again, I wrote this year and a half ago, last year anyways, right? 52:21.057 --> 52:28.361 In a recent article posted under the large and looming image of a cock guillotine, they bluntly ask who will be held responsible for this devastation. 52:30.282 --> 52:30.762 That article. 52:32.642 --> 52:36.726 If we can get it to come up, no longer has that picture of the big picture of the guillotine. 52:37.066 --> 52:37.626 They changed it. 52:37.646 --> 52:39.748 I don't know. 52:40.529 --> 52:44.933 Anyways, it used to be a big picture of a big guillotine, cocked and ready to fricking drop. 52:45.353 --> 52:50.657 Presumably, like in the French Revolution, once they figure it out, some heads are going to roll. 52:51.258 --> 52:58.304 For many, sick of the loss of liberty, that alone could be reason enough to want to welcome and hear more of what this group of renegade intellectuals has to say. 52:58.544 --> 52:59.085 And I agree. 52:59.265 --> 52:59.965 As the author says, 53:00.726 --> 53:08.969 If the pandemic policy response had taken the form of mere advice, we would not be in the midst of this social, economic, cultural, and political disaster." 53:09.249 --> 53:09.649 Unquote. 53:10.290 --> 53:18.273 So here you can hear him identifying that the Brownstone Institute is writing it as we are in a socio... What? 53:21.094 --> 53:27.296 We are in a socio-economic, cultural, and political disaster, which is a pretty incredible statement. 53:28.336 --> 53:29.497 And I agree that it's... 53:30.427 --> 53:32.928 that it's the compulsion that's the source of all these issues. 53:33.388 --> 53:35.449 But what's the source of the compulsion? 53:38.430 --> 53:48.633 What was the source of the compulsion in the centralized COVID narrative, COVID protocol, COVID countermeasures mandates? 53:50.673 --> 53:51.794 What's the source of the compulsion? 53:54.114 --> 53:58.776 Just skip the head to kill it, you know, like, it's collectivism, but I'm going to get there. 53:59.724 --> 54:00.364 Presumably, okay. 54:01.725 --> 54:01.926 Yeah. 54:04.347 --> 54:05.068 The answer is simple. 54:05.348 --> 54:05.868 Collectivism. 54:06.669 --> 54:08.130 I'm on the same page with myself, I guess. 54:08.570 --> 54:15.955 If not for the tenets of collectivism permeating the mindset of both government and the people, none of these mandates or lockdowns would have or could have possibly happened. 54:19.545 --> 54:35.197 without a collectivist mindset on not only the part of the planners and the quote-unquote elite, but on the masses at large conditioned to the collectivist mindset and the duties owed to the collective. 54:36.266 --> 54:37.387 None of that shit would have happened. 54:38.027 --> 54:42.769 When they first started coming out with all these socialist distancing and all this fricking shit, I was like, I hope they don't fall for it. 54:42.789 --> 54:43.889 I hope these people don't fall for it. 54:44.290 --> 54:47.751 They came up with the mask mandates and the lockdowns and all this other shit. 54:48.191 --> 54:51.253 If people had a free mindset, none of that shit would have flown. 54:51.913 --> 54:55.174 They tried to implement that shit 50 years ago, none of that shit would have flown. 54:55.475 --> 54:58.236 Even 25 years ago, maybe even 15 years ago. 55:00.357 --> 55:01.717 But they had a collectivist mindset. 55:01.757 --> 55:05.019 Everybody, everybody's got the same collectivist mindset from the planners, 55:06.161 --> 55:12.727 to the, you know, compliant masses and everybody in between all the Project Halo, fricking influencers and all that shit. 55:12.747 --> 55:14.890 They all had the same social contract training, you know. 55:17.172 --> 55:28.202 But however, for the past 150 years or so, the mindset of America, as well as the world at large, has been undergoing a radical fundamental transformation from one of freedom, autonomy and unalienable. 55:28.863 --> 55:30.705 No lien can be put on our natural rights. 55:31.345 --> 55:34.546 Collectivist rights, human rights, have that social contract lien. 55:34.866 --> 55:41.107 Can't be spoken of outside the context of the duties owed back to the collective from which they came. 55:43.448 --> 55:58.631 Autonomy, from one of freedom, autonomy, an unalienable, natural, and or God-given individual rights and liberty necessary for a truly free and independent pursuit of happiness to one of a collectivist living for the sake of others' altruism and human rights-based security of person. 56:00.054 --> 56:02.335 Necessary for mass compliance with central planning. 56:03.776 --> 56:04.957 Our Declaration of Independence. 56:07.098 --> 56:08.299 Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. 56:09.880 --> 56:12.862 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 56:13.782 --> 56:15.643 Life, liberty, security of person. 56:16.264 --> 56:17.064 They sound familiar? 56:17.585 --> 56:18.585 Totally opposite in meaning. 56:19.246 --> 56:19.866 Totally opposite. 56:20.086 --> 56:21.867 One is liberty and freedom. 56:21.907 --> 56:26.370 The other one is literal enslavement to the will of others, to the central plan. 56:29.349 --> 56:31.290 Accordingly, such lockdowns were eventually inevitable. 56:31.950 --> 56:40.752 The fact that they actually happen now is only proof of the saturation level of just such a populist collectivist mindset hasn't only reached but surpassed the level needed to ensure mass compliance. 56:41.212 --> 56:49.515 What Gramsci, Antonio Gramsci, called natural consent, immediate consent, 56:50.987 --> 56:51.727 I'll think of it in a minute. 56:52.208 --> 56:54.069 But anyways, um, spontaneous consent. 56:54.969 --> 56:55.869 Spontaneous consent. 56:56.310 --> 56:57.150 You're trained. 56:58.271 --> 57:01.212 You get your cue, you get your order, you're trained, you respond. 57:01.732 --> 57:02.613 Just like a trained animal. 57:02.833 --> 57:03.253 No different. 57:09.997 --> 57:13.798 At which point, all the planners had to do was flip the switch for whatever reason. 57:15.099 --> 57:16.100 Warp speed was the switch. 57:16.260 --> 57:16.720 They flipped it. 57:19.096 --> 57:20.976 at least on the level of the masses. 57:21.797 --> 57:41.181 And coming out against the lockdowns, academic organizations like the Brownstone Institute, if genuine, can become a valuable source of real and well-documented non-conspiratorial scientific information countering the technocratic narrative defenders of liberty have been starving for. 57:42.041 --> 57:43.982 The whole time, I was pretty much on my own. 57:44.682 --> 57:45.202 Here all through 2020, 2021, 2022, 57:49.650 --> 57:52.791 I was putting out information, trying to gather information, because none of it sounded right to me. 57:52.811 --> 57:54.112 None of the numbers were adding up to me. 57:54.132 --> 57:55.032 So we started researching. 57:55.052 --> 58:00.474 And I was always looking for objective, scientific information that I could use to say, hey, people, look it. 58:00.815 --> 58:02.055 The narrative is bullshit. 58:02.755 --> 58:07.597 And here's some scientific evidence to the contrary that they're not allowing because of narrative control, right? 58:07.617 --> 58:10.599 I was on my own. 58:10.619 --> 58:13.300 I was always looking for places like the Brownstone Institute. 58:13.320 --> 58:17.401 When they came out with all the information they had on mass, I'd use a lot of their information, their scientific information, 58:21.206 --> 58:24.827 get people as much information on what the hell was going on as I could, right? 58:26.188 --> 58:29.989 So yeah. 58:31.849 --> 58:35.810 But that doesn't necessarily mean that they're a pro-individual liberty organization. 58:36.851 --> 58:43.173 As Brownstone's own About page points out, their social message is at best convoluted. 58:43.973 --> 58:44.933 OK, this is their social. 58:44.953 --> 58:47.634 Let's see if it even comes up. 58:48.314 --> 58:49.675 Yep, there's their About page. 58:52.162 --> 58:53.163 This is from the About page. 58:53.183 --> 59:00.451 The revision, it says, is that of the Enlightenment, the elevated learning, science, progress, and universal rights. 59:01.072 --> 59:06.177 The motive force of Brownstone Institute is the global crisis created by the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 59:07.499 --> 59:10.162 Jeffrey Tucker was also involved with the Great Barrington Declaration. 59:11.664 --> 59:18.989 The trauma revealed a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to relinquish. 59:19.249 --> 59:21.190 Jordan Peterson says it's a trauma. 59:21.270 --> 59:25.473 It's a psychological trauma, and he doesn't have any defense against it any other than us. 59:25.533 --> 59:28.015 He's just, he's a psychological disarray. 59:30.036 --> 59:34.659 And so here's the Brownstone Institute again, stating that this is a public health crisis. 59:34.740 --> 59:36.681 The pandemic is definitely real. 59:36.721 --> 59:38.242 And the response screwed it up. 59:41.035 --> 59:42.496 It's it's incredible, really. 59:43.177 --> 59:48.181 Freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of managing a public health crisis. 59:49.562 --> 01:00:00.831 The Brownstone Institute regards the great task of our times as rebuilding the foundation of liberalism as classically understood, including core values of human rights. 01:00:06.235 --> 01:00:07.036 He contradicts himself. 01:00:07.779 --> 01:00:30.027 The brownstone literally ideologically and philosophically counter contradicts itself a multiple times So if you're trying to understand what the hell they're actually saying here, this this is so convoluted You wouldn't I can't tell what they're saying and I'm gonna go over that in a minute But I got an idea that they're just are they trying to convolute truth? 01:00:30.488 --> 01:00:30.708 Are they? 01:00:31.664 --> 01:00:43.868 Mistaking human rights for our individual rights and the classic liberalism that they say they are or they are they just do they know what frickin you do they know the world socialism of what that the human rights represents and They're just trying to confuse everybody. 01:00:44.228 --> 01:00:50.491 It's like that bug zapper you put up there You draw the frickin bugs to the light and then frickin zap them. 01:00:50.611 --> 01:00:50.991 I don't know. 01:00:51.671 --> 01:00:52.051 I don't know. 01:00:52.151 --> 01:00:54.112 I'm at a loss You know, I'm at a loss 01:00:58.243 --> 01:01:03.606 The point is that despite being against the lockdowns, there are still academics who at heart are still human rights advocates. 01:01:03.626 --> 01:01:05.887 I'm going to say, look at the Enlightenment. 01:01:07.267 --> 01:01:07.828 I'm just going to go on. 01:01:07.848 --> 01:01:09.668 I'll go back to it if I don't cover it here. 01:01:10.229 --> 01:01:14.511 As such, they have not divorced themselves of the collectivism that got us here in the first place. 01:01:14.731 --> 01:01:14.951 Right. 01:01:17.150 --> 01:01:28.333 It was the collectivism of the whole COVID narrative, centralized COVID narrative, centralized COVID protocols, COVID lockdowns, everything was centralized. 01:01:28.633 --> 01:01:31.033 You can't have that without a full-blown collectivism. 01:01:32.274 --> 01:01:32.834 Can't have it. 01:01:33.954 --> 01:01:35.654 Centralized shit, central planning. 01:01:36.695 --> 01:01:38.675 They haven't divorced themselves of the collectivism. 01:01:38.695 --> 01:01:46.117 If they're pushing human rights, if they're pushing the enlightenment, other than John Locke, Adams, and maybe a couple others, 01:01:46.926 --> 01:02:10.842 The rest of the whole quote unquote enlightenment coming out of the French Revolution is nothing but the secularization and collectivization of humanity towards the end goal of a single global human organism run by one queen, be it one dictator, king, queen, or a single table of central planners, you know, stakeholder model beehive, right? 01:02:11.423 --> 01:02:11.723 I don't know. 01:02:13.553 --> 01:02:14.114 Doesn't matter. 01:02:14.134 --> 01:02:15.255 It's all the same collectivism. 01:02:16.016 --> 01:02:21.504 And they obviously if they're pushing human rights, they haven't divorced themselves of the collectivism that got us here. 01:02:21.544 --> 01:02:25.048 So what's the freedom in the medical freedom movement that they're pushing? 01:02:26.450 --> 01:02:26.790 I don't know. 01:02:27.311 --> 01:02:27.932 Still don't know. 01:02:29.995 --> 01:02:31.717 Digging in a little bit more here, you know. 01:02:32.741 --> 01:02:37.322 The Enlightenment, we need to remember, didn't just bring us Thomas Jefferson, John Locke, and Adam Smith. 01:02:37.382 --> 01:02:39.603 It also brought us the collectivist social contracts. 01:02:39.943 --> 01:02:45.784 General will and force to be free, moral liberty of Hobbes, Rousseau, and not to mention the guillotines of the French Revolution. 01:02:45.804 --> 01:02:49.765 Well, that whole concept, you know, Hobbes was before the Enlightenment, but it goes back to Hobbes. 01:02:49.805 --> 01:02:51.026 It goes back to Plato. 01:02:51.866 --> 01:02:55.747 Plato's Republic, the whole centralized utopian society, right? 01:03:00.262 --> 01:03:02.883 And not to mention the guillotines of the French Revolution. 01:03:03.383 --> 01:03:04.404 That was the Enlightenment. 01:03:06.445 --> 01:03:16.869 It's what brought us the collectivism of secular humanism, critical theory, socialism, communism, in the age of reasons, materialist sciences, born to prove the fallacy of the individual. 01:03:17.330 --> 01:03:18.810 The fallacy of the individual. 01:03:19.811 --> 01:03:23.612 This is Michael Bakunin, Man, Society, Freedom. 01:03:23.872 --> 01:03:25.233 This is anarchist doctrine. 01:03:26.353 --> 01:03:26.974 The whole thing. 01:03:28.163 --> 01:03:32.705 The Human Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights is consistent with all that. 01:03:33.245 --> 01:03:37.327 Eradication of any value to the human individual outside society. 01:03:37.567 --> 01:03:39.368 It's the society that gives you value. 01:03:40.868 --> 01:03:44.670 We're an individual rights and liberty, our founding republic. 01:03:47.651 --> 01:03:49.532 Every individual life has intrinsic value. 01:03:50.432 --> 01:03:54.614 You don't, your value isn't determined by that value which you add to society. 01:03:54.974 --> 01:03:57.175 Anything outside that, you become a drag to society. 01:03:59.070 --> 01:03:59.330 You know? 01:04:03.272 --> 01:04:09.315 But anyways, so it's what brought us to collectivism of secular humanism. 01:04:09.715 --> 01:04:11.356 Ever read the Humanist Manifesto? 01:04:11.656 --> 01:04:13.276 Try reading the Humanist Manifesto sometime. 01:04:13.316 --> 01:04:15.257 All three of them, every 40 years or so, they come out with a new one. 01:04:15.277 --> 01:04:16.018 The first one was written in 1933. 01:04:16.558 --> 01:04:17.918 You should read it. 01:04:18.999 --> 01:04:21.240 Second one came out 40 years later, and then 40 years later. 01:04:21.280 --> 01:04:22.661 I think it was every 40 years, I don't know. 01:04:22.941 --> 01:04:25.322 But you'll see how they change, how they change. 01:04:26.358 --> 01:04:31.162 the terminologies and words that they're using to today's collectivism, global world collectivism. 01:04:32.423 --> 01:04:34.966 Critical theory, you know, critical race theory, that whole thing right there. 01:04:35.026 --> 01:04:47.917 Socialism, communism, the age of reasons, materialist science is born to prove the fallacy of the individual like radical revolutionary anarchism does the same thing and facilitates not only the abolition of the family and all the objective eternal absolute truth. 01:04:49.139 --> 01:05:00.662 and facilitates not only the abolition of the family and all objective eternal and absolute truths, but the annihilation of an ultimate patriarchy and the superstition of God himself. 01:05:01.182 --> 01:05:08.064 That's really the essence of collectivist doctrine, be it anarchist, humanist, communist, even nationalist. 01:05:08.824 --> 01:05:09.345 It's all the same. 01:05:09.825 --> 01:05:10.305 They all do the same. 01:05:10.525 --> 01:05:11.405 Abolition of the family. 01:05:12.285 --> 01:05:13.806 OK, let me see what we got here. 01:05:13.826 --> 01:05:14.506 Uh-huh. 01:05:14.866 --> 01:05:15.966 Oh, it's Communist Manifesto. 01:05:16.947 --> 01:05:18.307 It says it right in the Communist Manifesto. 01:05:20.327 --> 01:05:26.242 A couple of misunderstandings here, misrepresentations to be revealed here are Brownstone's own, okay? 01:05:26.994 --> 01:05:38.983 One, to rebuild the foundation of classic liberalism on the core values of human rights would be to rebuild the foundation of individual rights and liberty within the confines of the collectivism targeting them for destruction. 01:05:39.443 --> 01:05:41.845 See, that's why I don't get why people are trying to say that it's just semantics. 01:05:41.925 --> 01:05:51.031 Oh, people aren't ready to differentiate, to clarify the difference between human rights and our individual rights and liberty, our natural individual rights and liberty. 01:05:51.271 --> 01:05:51.812 We don't need to clarify. 01:05:51.832 --> 01:05:52.552 People aren't ready for that. 01:05:52.572 --> 01:05:53.613 They just think they're the same thing. 01:05:53.893 --> 01:05:55.294 Well, right there, I just went over that. 01:05:55.334 --> 01:05:56.315 I'm going to read that to you again 01:05:59.028 --> 01:06:01.729 It's not just semantics. 01:06:02.469 --> 01:06:16.653 To rebuild the foundation of classic liberalism, as Brownstone says it wants to do, on the core values on human rights would be to rebuild the foundation of individual rights and liberty within the confines of the collectivism targeting them for destruction. 01:06:16.713 --> 01:06:18.093 It can't be put any clearer than that. 01:06:18.554 --> 01:06:19.554 At least I haven't seen it. 01:06:19.974 --> 01:06:21.214 Maybe an academic could do it. 01:06:25.100 --> 01:06:31.465 jar themselves of their stupor, their mental, if they have the mental metanoia, as Dr. James Thorpe puts it, to do it, right? 01:06:32.386 --> 01:06:35.328 The other, which within the confines of the collectivism targeted for destruction. 01:06:35.348 --> 01:06:42.514 The other, sorry, which most have yet to realize is that the concept of universal human rights has already done just that. 01:06:44.815 --> 01:06:57.792 human rights, takes liberty, even individual rights and liberty, and restructures it, redefines it within the confines of the collectivism targeting them for destruction within the world globalist 01:06:59.602 --> 01:07:07.485 That's why a lot of nationalists, a lot of far-right people might have an argument against human rights because it's a globalist, leftist, collectivist fricking concept more than it is a nationalist. 01:07:07.745 --> 01:07:13.368 But nationalists, you'll see them hating human rights and also agreeing with human rights at the same time. 01:07:15.509 --> 01:07:19.590 That's not something that you should be too surprised to find either. 01:07:19.650 --> 01:07:21.411 But either way, it's collectivism. 01:07:21.471 --> 01:07:22.091 It's collectivism. 01:07:22.832 --> 01:07:24.452 Let me see. 01:07:24.472 --> 01:07:24.912 Where was I? 01:07:28.386 --> 01:07:39.991 The simple truth is that there is no and can be no violation or relinquishing of any fundamental human right in the name of managing this or any public crisis and managing the COVID or any public crisis. 01:07:41.191 --> 01:07:52.396 As even individual human rights mean absolutely nothing outside their collectivist context, their social contract context, that the needs of society as per its planners always come first. 01:07:52.776 --> 01:07:57.478 In short, the collective freedom of society determines the extent of the individual freedom as opposed to 01:07:58.422 --> 01:08:03.164 under our Constitution, where it's the freedom of our individual rights and liberty that determine the governing limits of society. 01:08:03.404 --> 01:08:20.471 Accordingly, there is no and can be no such thing as a human right to not wear a mask or refuse the vaccine or not comply with any collective society or not comply with any of the lockdowns and mandates anywhere it has been deemed in the best interest of the collective or society to do so. 01:08:22.790 --> 01:08:25.872 This is a source I got on as individual freedom in a collective context. 01:08:27.514 --> 01:08:28.334 This was back in 2020. 01:08:28.474 --> 01:08:49.351 And they asked the question, by asking me to incorporate a philosopher and a fine scholar with a PhD from Germany responded to my recent columns on the idea of freedom by asking me to incorporate the idea of individual freedom into my argument. 01:08:49.791 --> 01:08:51.453 It is an intriguing line of thought. 01:08:52.230 --> 01:08:53.892 that I intended to pursue. 01:08:54.773 --> 01:08:59.658 My argument in this regard is that the individual's freedom makes sense in the context of society. 01:09:00.078 --> 01:09:00.939 This is where they're coming from. 01:09:00.999 --> 01:09:02.080 I'm not making this shit up. 01:09:02.561 --> 01:09:03.121 It's out there. 01:09:03.282 --> 01:09:04.783 It's a commonplace. 01:09:05.744 --> 01:09:13.893 It's known amongst collectivists and human rights advocates that your individual rights and liberty are meaningless outside their collectivist context. 01:09:15.814 --> 01:09:19.036 The collective freedom of society determines the extent of the individual's freedom. 01:09:19.116 --> 01:09:20.537 I mean, it's right there. 01:09:21.798 --> 01:09:22.298 You know what I mean? 01:09:22.638 --> 01:09:24.239 This is where these people are coming from. 01:09:24.259 --> 01:09:25.300 I just wanted you to see that. 01:09:25.320 --> 01:09:26.160 That's why I put that there. 01:09:26.220 --> 01:09:27.361 It's not me. 01:09:27.401 --> 01:09:30.783 I'm just bringing this information to you so you can see how these people freaking think. 01:09:31.864 --> 01:09:33.505 They're talking about human rights and freedom and liberty. 01:09:33.985 --> 01:09:44.632 According to their collectivist mindset, you're hearing those same words that from a, well, if you're an American with any remembrance of what America was and our founding principles were and individual rights and liberty are, 01:09:45.347 --> 01:09:47.348 You're going to hear them according to how you understand them. 01:09:47.788 --> 01:09:49.768 You're hearing the opposite of what they're actually freaking saying. 01:09:49.808 --> 01:09:50.509 Like, oh, that's cool. 01:09:53.389 --> 01:09:53.630 You know. 01:09:55.450 --> 01:10:01.152 But from a liberty perspective, it's not cool, and that's why I'm trying to unravel the convolution here. 01:10:01.212 --> 01:10:01.672 You know what I mean? 01:10:01.692 --> 01:10:05.433 I'm trying to unravel the convolution so you can have this information kicking around yourself. 01:10:05.973 --> 01:10:08.494 You know, maybe I'm just freaking seeing shit. 01:10:09.014 --> 01:10:11.215 Maybe I'm just maybe I'm maybe I'm crazy. 01:10:11.275 --> 01:10:11.575 I don't know. 01:10:12.517 --> 01:10:15.638 I don't think I am, but I'm giving you this information. 01:10:15.658 --> 01:10:16.918 You can just decide for yourself. 01:10:17.558 --> 01:10:22.080 Because it's, I don't know, when I see it, it makes me mad that they're doing this to people. 01:10:23.160 --> 01:10:35.824 And it's all part of the, you know, applied psychology tactics to do exactly what they're doing, to use your own biases, our own biases against us, to manipulate us into accepting the plan. 01:10:36.821 --> 01:10:38.302 Gramsci said it's the free. 01:10:38.382 --> 01:10:58.154 It's it's the Conformity that's been proposed to us as freedom His plans coming together pretty good in this too Bottom line is that human rights are not the individual rights of our founding They are opposites if individual rights and liberty are matter the human rights are antimatter. 01:10:58.334 --> 01:11:00.536 It can't exist together Just like in Star Trek, right? 01:11:01.601 --> 01:11:02.001 Can't do it. 01:11:02.482 --> 01:11:13.270 If Brownstone truly wants to influence a post lockdown world and shed light on a path to recovery, recovery by providing a vision for a different way to think about freedom, security and public life. 01:11:15.491 --> 01:11:16.512 As they say, they do. 01:11:16.952 --> 01:11:22.837 A good place to start would be in helping to clarify the difference between human rights and individual liberty instead of further convoluting them. 01:11:23.377 --> 01:11:24.618 Or is that the idea? 01:11:27.060 --> 01:11:28.060 I like Joe a lot. 01:11:29.622 --> 01:11:30.222 That's the whole thing. 01:11:31.943 --> 01:11:32.423 Is that the idea? 01:11:33.524 --> 01:11:38.649 Wouldn't it be cool if we could get Joe for the weekend in Pittsburgh to come to the Brownstone thing? 01:11:38.729 --> 01:11:40.411 Do you imagine that as a little gathering? 01:11:50.368 --> 01:12:01.235 Maybe we should do the first ever live broadcast of GigaOM Biological with an audience on the November 3rd, which would be the Sunday. 01:12:03.616 --> 01:12:04.897 after the Brownstone event. 01:12:04.917 --> 01:12:25.212 The Brownstone event is Friday and Saturday so we could do it on the Sunday and then if Joe comes to town he could be one of the guys on stage with me and then we could broadcast live from some kind of card table on a stage somewhere with a live studio audience of everybody that wanted to come and be at the Brownstone thing and also hang out with us. 01:12:25.272 --> 01:12:26.653 It could be a really great idea. 01:12:26.693 --> 01:12:27.014 I mean if 01:12:27.834 --> 01:12:43.626 if Mark Kulak from Boston were to come into Pittsburgh and I was here and maybe, I don't know, Jessica Hockett and Nick Hudson will be here, maybe we'll get lucky and Brett Weinstein will join us on stage for a quick chat and we can get a lot of pop-ins. 01:12:43.706 --> 01:12:50.392 It'd be kind of funny, we could go all afternoon and invite everybody that wants to show up to show up and we'll just bring people on stage. 01:12:50.432 --> 01:12:51.332 All I really need is a 01:12:52.330 --> 01:12:53.030 is a hard line. 01:12:53.070 --> 01:12:57.953 If I can get a hard line at one of these community centers around here, then I'm good to go. 01:12:57.973 --> 01:13:00.574 I mean, we could do that easily. 01:13:02.234 --> 01:13:02.715 Stay tuned. 01:13:02.735 --> 01:13:04.055 I think we should try and plan that. 01:13:04.095 --> 01:13:18.461 Maybe I'll reserve a space because I've got the equipment to do it and I've got a sound, you know, I can take my smaller soundboard and I could bring my, I could actually bring these speakers too. 01:13:18.502 --> 01:13:19.182 I mean, why not? 01:13:19.722 --> 01:13:21.043 We could use the PA and everything. 01:13:21.103 --> 01:13:21.583 It'd be fun. 01:13:22.683 --> 01:13:27.947 Um, yeah, so I think, I think there's a possibility that Joe might come. 01:13:28.007 --> 01:13:28.768 So let's just see. 01:13:28.848 --> 01:13:30.529 He's got, this is like a two hour video. 01:13:30.549 --> 01:13:31.951 We're definitely not going to watch it all. 01:13:33.468 --> 01:13:44.837 This has already been one hour of it, and I do have it on 1.23, so if you want to watch him again and you see him on Rumble, he might speak a little slower, but that's all right. 01:13:44.897 --> 01:13:47.239 I mean, you know, you can listen to it or speed it up, whatever you want. 01:13:47.259 --> 01:13:49.661 I think he's a nice guy, though, and I think he's on to something here. 01:13:49.981 --> 01:13:57.187 It literally saturates the whole of academia, and it helps explain a lot in science and education today from the social constructs of race. 01:13:57.547 --> 01:13:59.909 Social constructs of race, okay? 01:14:00.369 --> 01:14:02.371 Shit you not, race is a social construct. 01:14:04.096 --> 01:14:05.257 Race is a social construct. 01:14:08.982 --> 01:14:09.702 Making this shit up. 01:14:09.783 --> 01:14:11.044 Gender is a social construct. 01:14:13.166 --> 01:14:13.567 Is it going? 01:14:13.707 --> 01:14:14.468 I think it might be going. 01:14:19.198 --> 01:14:20.659 So he's got links that are dead. 01:14:20.719 --> 01:14:21.579 No longer available. 01:14:21.799 --> 01:14:21.979 Yeah. 01:14:22.059 --> 01:14:22.380 Gender. 01:14:22.720 --> 01:14:23.900 Childhood is a social construct. 01:14:23.960 --> 01:14:26.041 Evolutionary determinism of sexual preference. 01:14:26.342 --> 01:14:33.865 Social sciences of climate change, eugenics and Malthusian principles of population control to change agents of stem change agents of stem. 01:14:33.885 --> 01:14:38.007 You don't think that this critical theory is infiltrated the science, technology. 01:14:40.509 --> 01:14:41.329 Engineering and math. 01:14:43.670 --> 01:14:47.332 Systemic four frames for systemic change in STEM departments. 01:14:49.468 --> 01:14:50.168 I shit you not. 01:14:50.228 --> 01:14:58.413 Inherent whiteness of implicit bias, social determinants of health, of health equity in the mere existence, in the mere existence of critical math and science. 01:14:58.713 --> 01:14:59.993 Why would there be a critical math? 01:15:01.454 --> 01:15:03.115 How could math be racist or white? 01:15:03.195 --> 01:15:03.735 You know what I mean? 01:15:07.277 --> 01:15:09.118 Critical mathematics education for the future. 01:15:12.800 --> 01:15:15.481 Education can mean disempowerment or empowerment. 01:15:17.903 --> 01:15:18.363 Crazy, right? 01:15:20.489 --> 01:15:21.413 The shit flies, though. 01:15:21.514 --> 01:15:22.277 The shit flies. 01:15:30.472 --> 01:15:43.921 But anyways, not to mention that the student agency of critical pedagogy in which our own children are being schooled in the revolutionary arts of agents of change disrupting the narrative of America's capitalist white supremacist white supremacist Christian normative oppressor society. 01:15:44.201 --> 01:15:50.685 And that's what that whole pedagogy of the oppressed, which is today's critical pedagogy, today's critical curricula are all. 01:15:52.152 --> 01:16:13.487 Apollo Furies pedagogy of the oppressed which is in the context of the oppressed versus oppressor of the context of the Communist Revolution and part of that is that the students are to become to leave school and go out in society and become agents of change and to disrupt the normative Disrupt the normative take it down man burn it down if you gotta doesn't matter. 01:16:13.507 --> 01:16:16.929 It's all part of the same doctrine Liberty 01:16:18.487 --> 01:16:36.884 Even more alarming about these lockdowns and mandates, from a liberty perspective, are the automated ease in which the grand scheme benchmark of a spontaneous consent, which I mentioned earlier, to mass compliance was achieved in the speed in which the mutual surrender of liberty became the populist general will, forcing the rest of us to no longer be free as well. 01:16:37.384 --> 01:16:39.326 That's just like an illusion of consensus. 01:16:39.406 --> 01:16:43.930 And the thing about it that I would add to Joe's thesis here is that with 01:16:44.795 --> 01:16:59.089 with the illusion that social media is, with the illusion that Twitter is or Facebook is, they can get that appearance of a populist general will forcing the rest of us to no longer be free as well. 01:16:59.189 --> 01:17:07.977 That is much more powerful in a world where everybody's willingly holding a phone that has four or five different social media apps on it. 01:17:09.755 --> 01:17:18.861 And so that's something that he could add to this that would really drive the point home, that we're not even talking about a few newspapers or what's on TV. 01:17:19.402 --> 01:17:28.088 We're talking about really intimate programming of social media to create this general will. 01:17:30.939 --> 01:17:47.836 In arguing the collectivism of human rights as the cure for the totalitarianism of these lockdowns, the spirit of resistance being put forth by the intellectuals at Brownstone can only serve to further instill the very collectivism upon which they are wholly contingent. 01:17:49.918 --> 01:17:52.321 Even deeper into the populist mindset of our body politic. 01:17:53.820 --> 01:18:07.648 The more you familiarize people with the terminology of human rights, the more you familiarize people with the terminologies of sustainability, the more you familiarize people with the terminology of altruism or, you know, inclusion or, you know, whatever. 01:18:08.508 --> 01:18:17.093 The more you instill that into the normative of the mindset of the body politic, they don't see any problem with it, you know. 01:18:21.926 --> 01:18:28.932 which in the end secures nothing other than, at minimum, the real political force baked into the pandemic response, collectivism. 01:18:31.435 --> 01:18:46.649 Its enslaving cycle of deception lives on to repeat itself over and over and over again, just as it did through the bloodlust of the French, Russian, and Cuban revolutions, which long-term could be far more devastating for the future of mankind than these lockdowns themselves. 01:18:48.177 --> 01:18:56.843 If the real freedom and actual individual rights and liberty is to ever survive at all, we can't allow it to get sucked into that trap again. 01:18:57.563 --> 01:19:01.826 In 1221 I wrote that, at least when I finished it. 01:19:02.206 --> 01:19:05.428 But anyways, that's my whole thing. 01:19:06.689 --> 01:19:07.570 If the medical freedom 01:19:08.297 --> 01:19:25.925 the parallel society that these people in the medical freedom movement, these academics in the medical freedom movement want to establish, then all they're going to do, the best that they can possibly do, is to hit the reset button to start us right back over with the same human rights collectivism. 01:19:25.965 --> 01:19:37.390 The same collectivism, human rights comes right out of the same collectivism that wound up bringing you the tyranny of COVID, the centralized tyranny of COVID. 01:19:38.311 --> 01:19:40.253 I'm going to read this thing that's next to him here. 01:19:40.333 --> 01:19:50.481 Jeffrey Tucker is a writer, published entrepreneur, and advocate of anarchical capitalism and Bitcoin. 01:19:51.582 --> 01:19:53.764 I wrote a few things about you, actually. 01:19:53.824 --> 01:19:59.649 The founder and president of the Brownstone Institute is senior economist, columnist for the 01:20:01.113 --> 01:20:07.174 economics columnist for the Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown. 01:20:08.015 --> 01:20:18.357 He's worked with Ron Paul, the Mises Institute, Lou Rockwell, the American Institute for Economics Research, and you've organized efforts against the COVID-19 restrictions. 01:20:18.397 --> 01:20:22.158 He's also the Chief Liberty Officer of Liberty.me. 01:20:23.458 --> 01:20:24.238 I don't know what that is. 01:20:24.278 --> 01:20:27.479 He's an Advent advisor, Advent scholar with 01:20:28.536 --> 01:20:32.038 Macadam Advent Scholar with a Macadam. 01:20:34.740 --> 01:20:36.701 I assume this is like a translation. 01:20:37.022 --> 01:20:40.964 I mean, like, you know, text to speech to text. 01:20:41.004 --> 01:20:42.025 And so it's not right. 01:20:42.585 --> 01:20:43.506 But that's interesting. 01:20:43.546 --> 01:20:49.130 What's an Advent Scholar with a name for that wrong Center of Public Policy and Research Affiliate of? 01:20:49.870 --> 01:20:55.614 Emory University Blockchain Innovation Fund, so it's interesting that he's also a Bitcoin fella. 01:20:56.715 --> 01:21:03.080 I would strongly encourage you to go find this whole video by Joe Marshall on the Liberty Perspective on Rumble and take a listen. 01:21:03.900 --> 01:21:10.145 I'm gonna move on to the next video that I wanted to watch, which I hinted to in the title as Bob on Joe. 01:21:11.461 --> 01:21:14.862 I think Bob on Joe is very, very, very interesting. 01:21:15.022 --> 01:21:20.264 And so I wanted to watch Bob on Joe, if you don't mind. 01:21:22.365 --> 01:21:24.446 And specifically, I just want to watch the beginning. 01:21:24.526 --> 01:21:36.350 I want to hear how long it takes them to get to, how long does it take them to get to saying something useful? 01:21:42.950 --> 01:21:44.771 I like them because they keep people from locking in. 01:21:44.811 --> 01:21:49.854 But one of the things I wanted to make sure I did in this conversation is not interrupt you. 01:21:50.834 --> 01:21:54.036 Because it's very frustrating for me. 01:21:54.096 --> 01:21:57.157 Now, the reason why I want to watch this is very, very simple, right? 01:21:57.338 --> 01:22:07.163 I want to see at what point in time do we get to the stage where we say anything close to something like this, for example. 01:22:07.183 --> 01:22:09.404 Oh, come on, Zach. 01:22:10.908 --> 01:22:12.269 I had it on the right slide. 01:22:12.309 --> 01:22:13.910 I know I had it on the right slide. 01:22:15.391 --> 01:22:26.297 You know, is he going to get anywhere near explaining that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb because of what we don't know about the immune system? 01:22:26.357 --> 01:22:34.782 Is he going to say that transfection was always something we knew and we used and we've used in cell culture and in animals for a long time? 01:22:36.403 --> 01:22:43.890 and it should be criminally negligent to suddenly start calling it an investigative vaccine and give it an EUA, and RNA cannot pandemic. 01:22:44.031 --> 01:22:45.432 All things that he could say. 01:22:47.972 --> 01:22:50.173 I know he's not gonna say them, but he could say. 01:22:50.233 --> 01:22:53.053 So how close will he get to saying strict liability? 01:22:53.493 --> 01:23:00.115 How close will he get to saying the Seventh Amendment is being violated by a number of these laws? 01:23:01.335 --> 01:23:07.717 What point is he gonna say something that I'm gonna go, because that'll be a good statement. 01:23:07.777 --> 01:23:09.297 Like, wow, that's awesome. 01:23:09.357 --> 01:23:13.718 And otherwise I'm not gonna put any sound effects in unless he gets something wrong. 01:23:15.366 --> 01:23:17.307 But I don't expect that he'll get something wrong. 01:23:17.387 --> 01:23:20.549 So we'll see where we are here with this. 01:23:20.969 --> 01:23:24.391 But I want to just watch the first few minutes. 01:23:24.451 --> 01:23:31.155 Maybe I will speed it up just a bit because, you know, it always helps when you're watching something to speed it up just a little bit. 01:23:32.196 --> 01:23:33.156 Can I do that right there? 01:23:34.417 --> 01:23:35.177 Is that sped up? 01:23:35.357 --> 01:23:35.557 Yes. 01:23:37.376 --> 01:23:39.678 So then I'll go full screen. 01:23:42.480 --> 01:23:48.965 I'm hearing people talk in these what should be long form conversations about very important and nuanced things. 01:23:49.545 --> 01:23:58.272 And I think one of the things that happens is people are very concerned with letting you say things that is going to get them in trouble or get their channel in trouble. 01:23:58.532 --> 01:24:00.634 There's people that are doing a lot of self-censoring. 01:24:01.154 --> 01:24:03.256 And I think they're doing that also when they have these conversations with you. 01:24:03.976 --> 01:24:11.181 because they want to stab... Okay, so here we're talking about a story where people have decided not to publish the interviews with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:24:11.201 --> 01:24:13.223 because they're afraid to get a YouTube strike. 01:24:13.703 --> 01:24:17.146 They wouldn't want to lose all their ad revenue like Brett Weinstein did. 01:24:18.803 --> 01:24:47.864 And so they're opening with a story about the fake censorship, which I think is really fake censorship, because when you get censored on one platform, but you're allowed to cry about it on all the other platforms, and also on Tucker Carlson, and also on Fox News, then it's not exactly the same thing as getting your videos taken down, or your channel cancelled, and remaining at like 6,000 followers for six years in a row. 01:24:48.991 --> 01:24:54.652 Or in my case, I went up to 14,000 followers on Twitter and then I've stayed there ever since. 01:24:56.313 --> 01:25:01.574 It's a strange world we live in because nothing is spontaneous on social media. 01:25:01.654 --> 01:25:04.075 Nothing is something that, there's nothing going viral. 01:25:05.855 --> 01:25:11.157 They allow things, they make things go viral and they can make anything they want go viral. 01:25:11.657 --> 01:25:15.878 Like the idea that we're going to run out of toilet paper in the next week and a half could go viral. 01:25:19.457 --> 01:25:23.480 Like the idea that a lab leak is being covered up could go viral. 01:25:25.802 --> 01:25:27.423 It's right away that they have problems with you. 01:25:27.724 --> 01:25:30.986 They have problems with some of the positions that a lot of people have problems with. 01:25:31.727 --> 01:25:32.367 I was one of those people. 01:25:32.928 --> 01:25:39.253 So when I had heard of you in the past, before I had read your book and before I'd met you, I had no information on you. 01:25:39.653 --> 01:25:40.614 But there was this narrative. 01:25:40.934 --> 01:25:46.599 And this narrative was you were anti-vax, and you believed in pseudoscience, and you were kind of loony. 01:25:47.662 --> 01:25:48.662 I didn't look into it at all. 01:25:48.963 --> 01:25:51.043 I just took it at face value, because that's what everybody had said. 01:25:51.343 --> 01:25:58.826 And in my mind, vaccines have been one of the most important medical advancements in human history, saved countless lives, protected children. 01:25:58.866 --> 01:26:00.787 And I thought very strongly that they were important. 01:26:01.227 --> 01:26:02.628 I didn't have any information on that anyway. 01:26:03.048 --> 01:26:10.731 This was also just a narrative that I got from cursory reading of news articles and not really getting into the subject at all. 01:26:11.812 --> 01:26:12.732 then the pandemic happens. 01:26:13.492 --> 01:26:21.995 And I had quite a few very reasonable, liberal people, rational people, people that I trusted their mind, recommend the real Anthony Fauci, your book. 01:26:22.035 --> 01:26:24.215 And I'm like, Robert Kennedy wrote a book about Anthony Fauci? 01:26:24.235 --> 01:26:24.916 What is this going to be about? 01:26:25.196 --> 01:26:26.316 This is my initial reaction. 01:26:26.596 --> 01:26:34.958 You've got this, what I perceive to be a kind of fringy thinking, you know, almost conspiracy theorist type person that's not based in fact what their argument was. 01:26:35.458 --> 01:26:37.559 And he had written a book on Anthony Fauci. 01:26:38.823 --> 01:26:43.144 And I think Robert Malone helped him write that book on Anthony Fauci. 01:26:43.164 --> 01:26:52.467 And I think actually they called Davis, David Hone is named Davis Hone in that book. 01:26:52.527 --> 01:27:01.990 I don't know if that's an accident or not, but since Robert Malone used to sleep on Dave Hone's couch, it seems like weird that he wouldn't have got the name right. 01:27:04.673 --> 01:27:13.460 And this was right around the time where I was very concerned with the way things were going, that people were just blindly trusting that there was only one way out of this. 01:27:13.720 --> 01:27:18.623 That was kind of bothering me, particularly when I had known that so many people had gotten the virus, had been fine. 01:27:19.144 --> 01:27:20.985 So I'm like, well, what's the reality of this? 01:27:21.786 --> 01:27:22.406 So then I read the book. 01:27:22.546 --> 01:27:25.328 So many people that have gotten the virus were fine. 01:27:25.388 --> 01:27:33.675 And so here we are very, very, very nicely reinforcing all the presuppositions of the state. 01:27:34.568 --> 01:27:41.577 that there was a novel virus, that it infected and killed millions of people around the world, that millions more were saved from it. 01:27:41.617 --> 01:27:48.105 Because as he said, you know, vaccines have saved countless lives in the past and they've saved countless lives this time around as well. 01:27:48.545 --> 01:27:49.687 Just harder to count them. 01:27:54.332 --> 01:27:56.234 And I've talked about it multiple times on the podcast. 01:27:56.334 --> 01:28:00.598 But if what you were saying in that book was not true, I do not understand how you are not being sued. 01:28:01.239 --> 01:28:03.701 You would instantly, immediately be sued. 01:28:04.241 --> 01:28:06.604 The book was very successful. 01:28:06.784 --> 01:28:10.707 It sold a lot of copies, but it was mysteriously absent from certain, certain 01:28:11.528 --> 01:28:13.450 Test one, two, test, test, test. 01:28:13.790 --> 01:28:14.291 Seller lists. 01:28:14.931 --> 01:28:24.360 People were not promoting that book at all, but through word of mouth and through the time that we live in, through this time where there was so much uncertainty and people were very confused and also suspicious. 01:28:24.440 --> 01:28:30.165 They were suspicious that they're being told a narrative and they were starting to remember that, hey, this has happened in the past. 01:28:30.565 --> 01:28:34.689 These kind of narratives about medications, they have happened in the past, they just never happened. 01:28:35.289 --> 01:28:49.876 I want you to think about how significant it is that these people, this having this conversation in 2024, how much of a sort of... This conversation could have happened in May, 2020, but it didn't. 01:28:50.616 --> 01:28:53.757 It could have been these two guys in May of 2020, but it didn't. 01:28:54.498 --> 01:28:57.499 I was having this conversation with my viewers in May of 2020. 01:28:57.859 --> 01:29:03.902 I was having this conversation with Kevin McCairn and Paul Cottrell. 01:29:04.602 --> 01:29:05.763 during these months of 2020. 01:29:06.483 --> 01:29:12.087 So it's very strange that so far you can't even really place this in the time frame. 01:29:12.747 --> 01:29:18.671 We're talking about COVID like it's old history and there's no reason to be precise about what year we're talking about. 01:29:19.271 --> 01:29:20.372 This is extraordinary. 01:29:20.752 --> 01:29:24.294 Like the whole country is being convinced that this is the way to do it. 01:29:25.734 --> 01:29:26.254 So I'll read your book. 01:29:26.715 --> 01:29:32.678 And by the end of the book, it was so disturbing that sometimes I had to put it away and just read fiction for a few days. 01:29:33.298 --> 01:29:34.699 I was like, I don't want this in my head right now. 01:29:34.879 --> 01:29:36.220 Because I listen on audio. 01:29:36.480 --> 01:29:37.861 And a lot of times, I'm listening in the sauna. 01:29:38.081 --> 01:29:39.382 So I'm listening while I'm already getting tortured. 01:29:39.802 --> 01:29:50.828 So it's 185 degrees, and I'm listening to this book that, if it's telling the truth, just about the AIDS crisis, just about the AIDS crisis, just about the use of AZT, just about all of it, all of it. 01:29:51.977 --> 01:30:10.894 that they murdered people and lied about it in order to create the illusion of a pandemic, the illusion of an epidemic, the illusion of a novel spreading pathogen, a retrovirus, a latent virus, a coronavirus, Zika virus. 01:30:12.714 --> 01:30:18.956 Ladies and gentlemen, there is a very big problem we have right now because we are being fooled. 01:30:19.056 --> 01:30:22.778 Remember that slide I started with, with all the pictures there. 01:30:22.818 --> 01:30:24.778 This is just one frame of that, right? 01:30:25.719 --> 01:30:37.303 This is just one frame of that, that slide that I showed in the beginning where, you know, you have all these, how can I get it up? 01:30:38.504 --> 01:30:43.611 there in the right way so that you can see it immediately without having to go through it. 01:30:43.671 --> 01:30:48.659 I think I have to start with this one and then if I go back one you will see it, right? 01:30:48.819 --> 01:30:49.119 I mean, no? 01:30:49.880 --> 01:30:51.583 Oh darn it. 01:30:52.383 --> 01:30:53.743 I can pull them all in like this, right? 01:30:53.783 --> 01:31:00.085 This is just one part of the illusion, one frame of the illusion that we just saw. 01:31:00.705 --> 01:31:10.068 And in this frame of the illusion, we have an intellectual dark web central player talking to a Kennedy whose dad worked with 01:31:10.828 --> 01:31:21.296 the dad of another two members of the intellectual dark web, Brett and Eric Weinstein's dad, worked in the Department of Justice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 01:31:21.256 --> 01:31:21.957 's dad. 01:31:22.077 --> 01:31:29.743 So it's a really interesting sort of my dad, your dad thing that they never talked about on the podcast when Robert F. Kennedy was talking to 01:31:31.064 --> 01:31:40.997 Bret Weinstein for three hours and in fact I was so stupid as to send an email thinking that I was revealing some information to Bobby about how Bret Weinstein might have lied to him. 01:31:47.826 --> 01:31:49.107 I actually sent that mail. 01:31:50.146 --> 01:31:55.650 still believing at some point that this was a good guy and that he was on my team and I was on his team. 01:31:55.770 --> 01:31:57.011 And it's not that way at all. 01:31:57.071 --> 01:32:08.460 This is an orchestrated theater fueled by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and a bunch of other people with a lot of money and their weaponized piles of money that are in their control. 01:32:08.480 --> 01:32:13.784 I was on the wrong thing there. 01:32:13.824 --> 01:32:15.145 Here we go. 01:32:15.706 --> 01:32:16.907 So I had 01:32:17.958 --> 01:32:24.081 I'd seen numerous interviews with you, and you seemed very reasonable and very rational. 01:32:25.001 --> 01:32:27.922 And then I was like, is this possible that this is the guy that's telling the truth? 01:32:28.443 --> 01:32:34.765 Is this possible that everyone that I know that had these strong opinions of you, that most of them at least, were like me? 01:32:35.446 --> 01:32:41.688 They had formed these opinions through a glance at a headline, someone talking about you on a television show. 01:32:42.929 --> 01:32:44.850 And so then we run into each other in Aspen. 01:32:46.809 --> 01:32:47.290 Just random. 01:32:47.310 --> 01:32:49.652 That was the weirdest moment because we were both staring at each other. 01:32:49.672 --> 01:32:50.012 Yeah. 01:32:50.032 --> 01:32:51.334 And then we almost did it like a full 360. 01:32:51.534 --> 01:32:52.475 Yeah. 01:32:53.015 --> 01:32:53.356 Yeah. 01:32:54.637 --> 01:32:54.797 Yeah. 01:32:54.817 --> 01:32:55.538 I noticed you walking. 01:32:55.578 --> 01:32:56.999 I'm like, that's, yeah it is. 01:32:57.813 --> 01:32:58.373 I was like, hey, what's up? 01:32:59.974 --> 01:33:02.855 So first of all, I wanted to ask you. 01:33:02.875 --> 01:33:04.716 I saw you in Aspen. 01:33:05.196 --> 01:33:06.337 Oh, great. 01:33:06.957 --> 01:33:07.457 Oh, my God. 01:33:07.477 --> 01:33:12.400 If you could just please explain how you got into these controversial positions in the first place. 01:33:12.460 --> 01:33:15.301 How did you adopt these opinions that people find so controversial? 01:33:15.581 --> 01:33:19.823 Because you started out as an environmental guy, right? 01:33:21.385 --> 01:33:22.586 What are the positions? 01:33:22.626 --> 01:33:27.188 You know, I find myself asking kind of Joe kind of questions. 01:33:27.288 --> 01:33:29.109 Joe Marshall would ask the same question. 01:33:29.169 --> 01:33:30.390 What are these positions? 01:33:30.470 --> 01:33:36.873 Why don't we talk about what his positions are before we talk about the history of how he came to be in those positions? 01:33:36.953 --> 01:33:42.596 Because if we're not very succinct about those positions, we're not going to learn very much about the guy who wants to be president. 01:33:42.876 --> 01:34:00.082 Yeah, and I'll say one thing about that book is that it is depressing to read and like my wife could not read it, she, she was going to read it out of loyalty to me and I just said you can't do that because it would have depressed her so much, you know, this is not a good advertisement for this book but it's, you know, she. 01:34:00.942 --> 01:34:05.544 There's so much about documentation of corruption and the brutality towards children. 01:34:05.564 --> 01:34:07.565 And I didn't want her reading that. 01:34:07.605 --> 01:34:14.869 Her life is about making people laugh, making people joyful, which is its own contribution to global health. 01:34:15.369 --> 01:34:21.032 People who can make you laugh are doing something for you that is going to probably extend your lifetime. 01:34:22.092 --> 01:34:33.384 You know, I look at Norman Lear, who's like 96 years old or whatever, and he's looked like 50, and Carl Reiner and all these people who, you know, there's something about laughter that makes, you know, that is good for you. 01:34:33.544 --> 01:34:39.831 And so, you know, I admire anybody who took it on to read that book and made it through. 01:34:40.626 --> 01:34:46.110 I was kind of one of the leading environmentalists in the country. 01:34:46.150 --> 01:34:47.812 It's the previous book. 01:34:47.852 --> 01:34:49.793 They're talking about the Fauci book. 01:34:49.993 --> 01:34:53.576 I went to work for commercial fishermen on the Hudson River in 1983 when I first got sober. 01:34:55.689 --> 01:35:02.155 And I wanted to do something with my life that I felt drawn to, and I'd always been an outdoors person. 01:35:02.175 --> 01:35:06.378 I'd always been a fisherman, and outdoors, wildlife, kayaking, and all that stuff. 01:35:07.139 --> 01:35:09.261 And I went to work for a commercial fisherman on the Hudson River. 01:35:10.142 --> 01:35:11.463 We began suing polluters. 01:35:11.483 --> 01:35:14.165 They purchased a patrol boat and began patrolling the river. 01:35:14.425 --> 01:35:15.106 And we sued. 01:35:15.606 --> 01:35:18.069 While I was there, we sued over 500 polluters. 01:35:19.770 --> 01:35:23.073 We forced polluters to spend almost $5 billion on remediation of the Hudson. 01:35:23.873 --> 01:35:28.437 And today, partially as a result of our work, the Hudson is now the richest waterway in the North Atlantic. 01:35:29.137 --> 01:35:34.241 It produces more biomass per gallon, more pounds of fish per acre than any other waterway in the Atlantic Ocean north of the equator. 01:35:34.902 --> 01:35:45.670 The miraculous resurrection, and when I first started working on the Hudson, it caught fire, it was dead water, zero dissolved oxygen for 20 miles north of New York City, 20 miles south of Albany, no life in it. 01:35:46.651 --> 01:35:47.632 It caught fire. 01:35:47.873 --> 01:35:48.473 It was that polluted? 01:35:48.513 --> 01:35:48.974 It caught fire. 01:35:49.014 --> 01:35:54.200 It would turn colors every week, depending on what color they were painting the trucks at the GM plant in Tarrytown. 01:35:54.340 --> 01:36:01.528 You know, it was really my father toured it in 1967 and it was regarded as... I think it's a good exercise to watch it though. 01:36:01.548 --> 01:36:05.813 That's why I want to see how long it takes to get to a talking point. 01:36:06.994 --> 01:36:12.879 slogan, a succinct elevator pitch message of what I stand for right now. 01:36:12.959 --> 01:36:19.464 And I'm very curious as to when that's going to come out, because I start every stream with what I stand for. 01:36:19.564 --> 01:36:20.165 National joke. 01:36:20.645 --> 01:36:23.627 Well, today it's an international model for ecosystem protection. 01:36:24.548 --> 01:36:25.830 and the miraculous resurrection. 01:36:26.651 --> 01:36:36.902 It's the only waterway in the North Atlantic that still has strong spawning stocks of all of its historical species of migratory fish, of the anadromous fish like striped bass, sturgeon, herring, alewives, blue crab, etc. 01:36:40.426 --> 01:36:43.608 The miraculous resurrection of Hudson inspired the creation of new river keepers. 01:36:43.648 --> 01:36:47.471 We copyrighted the name, and we started helping these other groups get started. 01:36:48.191 --> 01:36:50.193 And today it's the biggest water protection group in the world. 01:36:50.213 --> 01:36:51.954 So we have 350 water keepers. 01:36:52.074 --> 01:36:53.195 Each one has a patrol boat. 01:36:53.315 --> 01:36:56.698 Each one patrols their local waterway, and they sue polluters. 01:36:56.798 --> 01:36:57.438 And we're in 46 countries. 01:36:57.458 --> 01:36:57.639 So in 2005, 01:37:01.301 --> 01:37:11.409 I was representing a bunch of water keepers all over the United States and in the province of Canada suing coal-burning power plants and cement kilns for discharging mercury. 01:37:11.469 --> 01:37:15.252 So if Joe Rogan and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:37:15.292 --> 01:37:24.860 are sitting across from each other and they both work out a lot, but they also both take testosterone replacement therapy, are you impressed or not impressed? 01:37:27.162 --> 01:37:33.887 Because I'm a 53-year-old guy, I'm like 6'5", and I'm definitely less than 200 pounds. 01:37:34.827 --> 01:37:37.389 I'm sure if I took testosterone, I could get bigger. 01:37:37.409 --> 01:37:44.394 I'm sure if I just worked out more and spent more time lifting weights, I could get bigger. 01:37:45.455 --> 01:37:52.980 But I don't have much time for that with three kids and a wife and hobbies and a stream to do and consulting to do. 01:37:53.000 --> 01:37:56.423 I don't know how these people do it unless 01:37:58.581 --> 01:37:59.681 And then what is it really? 01:37:59.721 --> 01:38:01.002 What does it really represent? 01:38:02.442 --> 01:38:05.222 If Sam Harris is a buff guy, what does that represent? 01:38:05.302 --> 01:38:13.464 If all of these dudes like Huberman and all of them are taking testosterone and creatine on the side, what does it really mean? 01:38:13.644 --> 01:38:19.045 Other than that, they're kind of transhuman like a lot of these people are. 01:38:19.125 --> 01:38:26.467 And supplements is just the slippery slope to mechanical enhancement or augmentation. 01:38:28.444 --> 01:38:34.367 I mean, if you could bench press three tons with a shirt that you could wear, would you wear the shirt? 01:38:36.208 --> 01:38:37.189 Some of these guys would. 01:38:39.250 --> 01:38:41.091 And that's the thing, right? 01:38:41.351 --> 01:38:51.457 That's where we are at this stage, where I think you're seeing an absolute, it's an awful representation of life as an old man. 01:38:53.618 --> 01:38:55.520 It's an awful representation of, 01:38:56.770 --> 01:38:58.010 of aging gracefully. 01:38:58.090 --> 01:39:02.111 And instead, I mean, you want to say that he's raging against the dying of the light. 01:39:02.191 --> 01:39:11.394 I don't, I don't really see testosterone replacement therapy and as, as the same thing, it might be, I could be wrong. 01:39:11.454 --> 01:39:16.415 I'm not a doctor, but for me, I don't have any respect for somebody who works out in that way. 01:39:17.600 --> 01:39:18.180 I train. 01:39:18.240 --> 01:39:20.061 I don't gain a lot of weight. 01:39:20.382 --> 01:39:20.982 I train. 01:39:21.062 --> 01:39:23.523 I get better at jumping and shooting a basketball. 01:39:24.124 --> 01:39:26.605 I'm not interested in becoming a giant muscle man. 01:39:26.685 --> 01:39:29.707 But on the other hand, if I was, I know there are shortcuts to it. 01:39:30.788 --> 01:39:36.151 I know there are ways that I could do it that would be a lot better than just going and lifting weights until I was big enough. 01:39:37.411 --> 01:39:39.953 And there's no question that both of these guys do those things. 01:39:43.413 --> 01:39:48.075 So now the question really becomes, where are we going and who are these people that are leading us there? 01:39:48.135 --> 01:39:53.557 Because they are not the examples to our kids that we imagine them to be because they're fit. 01:39:55.277 --> 01:39:58.559 If our kids don't understand that that fitness is kind of an illusion. 01:40:03.120 --> 01:40:03.480 I don't know. 01:40:03.520 --> 01:40:04.841 I mean, maybe I'm being too harsh. 01:40:05.741 --> 01:40:06.542 Two years before nine, 2003. 01:40:08.444 --> 01:40:18.851 The National Academy of Sciences and the FDA had published a report, like a five-year study, that showed that every freshwater fish in America had dangerous levels of mercury in its flesh. 01:40:19.773 --> 01:40:46.299 the cdc simultaneously publish a study that showed that one of every six american women at levels high enough in her core blood in order that her child would have some kind of intellectual deficiency like lost iq et cetera there was a murky coming from the mercury was largely coming from coal-burning power plants it's in the geology in the cold and precipitates out you know when there's rain if u when you burn the coal it's in the you know it's an element so it doesn't degrade 01:40:47.320 --> 01:40:53.011 and when the rain comes it falls onto the landscapes and it washes off the landscapes into the rivers and the fish were all contaminated. 01:40:53.051 --> 01:40:57.520 We know that saltwater fish, the big predatory species that have mercury, but the freshwater fish are just as bad. 01:40:58.439 --> 01:41:13.948 And it struck me then that we were living in a science fiction nightmare where my children and the children of every other American could now no longer engage in the seminal, primal activity of American youth that I had grown up with, of your parents taking you to the local fishing hole and then coming home and safely eating the fish. 01:41:13.968 --> 01:41:17.130 You can't do that anymore in the United States of America or anywhere in North America. 01:41:18.090 --> 01:41:23.391 And so we started suing coal plants and cement kilns, which were the primary contributor of mercury. 01:41:23.572 --> 01:41:25.712 And there were a lot of people suing coal plants back then. 01:41:26.352 --> 01:41:31.554 They were suing them for other reasons, for ozone particulates, for acid rain, for carbon, et cetera. 01:41:32.334 --> 01:41:35.315 And we were focused, the water keepers were mainly focused on mercury. 01:41:35.695 --> 01:41:40.976 Yeah, I was going to say that I think in northern Wisconsin, where we used to go fishing, I bet those lakes are still clean. 01:41:40.996 --> 01:41:41.436 I don't know. 01:41:41.536 --> 01:41:44.397 I mean, maybe not, but I don't think they've been 01:41:45.185 --> 01:41:49.348 They've been rained on so much that there's mercury in them, and the fish can't be eaten. 01:41:49.388 --> 01:41:50.669 I mean, we ate them all winter. 01:41:51.010 --> 01:41:54.192 Of course, they could be more polluted now than they were when I was a kid. 01:41:55.353 --> 01:42:01.218 So I was also pushing legislation about mercury, lobbying EPA to reduce it. 01:42:01.898 --> 01:42:03.339 And I was giving lectures all over the place. 01:42:03.680 --> 01:42:07.163 So these women start showing up at every lecture that I give, public lectures. 01:42:08.043 --> 01:42:09.745 And they would come and sit in the front seat. 01:42:10.732 --> 01:42:11.833 Occupy the front, they'd come early. 01:42:12.793 --> 01:42:16.796 Occupy the front row, and then afterwards they'd stay late, and they would ask to talk to me. 01:42:17.156 --> 01:42:24.361 And they would say to me, in a very respectful, and by the way, these women all looked kind of similar. 01:42:24.381 --> 01:42:26.122 They were very pulled together. 01:42:26.142 --> 01:42:28.363 They were women in childbearing years. 01:42:29.204 --> 01:42:35.948 As it turns out, they were all the mothers of intellectually disabled children, and they believed that their children had been injured by the vaccines, by mercury in the vaccines. 01:42:36.728 --> 01:42:51.496 So they would say to me in kind of a respectful but vaguely scolding way, if you're really interested in mercury contamination exposures to children, you need to look at the vaccines. 01:42:51.616 --> 01:42:52.836 Now, this is something I didn't want to do. 01:42:53.096 --> 01:42:56.778 Because first of all, I'm not a public health person. 01:42:57.139 --> 01:42:58.399 I wanted to do environmental stuff. 01:42:58.959 --> 01:43:03.562 Second of all, I've been involved since I was a little kid in the whole area of intellectual disabilities. 01:43:04.442 --> 01:43:05.363 It's a wonderful pitch. 01:43:05.403 --> 01:43:06.244 I mean, it really is. 01:43:06.344 --> 01:43:06.765 It's hard. 01:43:06.845 --> 01:43:07.426 It's really, really. 01:43:07.446 --> 01:43:08.547 It's a wonderful pitch. 01:43:19.666 --> 01:43:24.490 And I believed wholeheartedly in it when I worked for him and helped him write that book. 01:43:24.710 --> 01:43:28.253 Ira, who was my godmother, founded Special Olympics in 1969. 01:43:28.353 --> 01:43:32.076 But before it was called Special Olympics, it was called Camp Shriver. 01:43:32.737 --> 01:43:33.977 She lived 10 minutes from my house. 01:43:34.058 --> 01:43:38.901 And I would go over there every weekend to be a hugger and a coach in Special Olympics. 01:43:39.021 --> 01:43:44.045 And then when I was in high school, because this was so much part of my family DNA, 01:43:45.086 --> 01:43:49.688 I spent 200 hours in, let's say, a gun for the retarded, you know, working, doing service. 01:43:50.329 --> 01:43:52.209 So, but it wasn't something I wanted to do with my life. 01:43:52.290 --> 01:43:54.691 Other people in my family were devoting their lives to that. 01:43:54.791 --> 01:43:58.973 My cousin Anthony Shriver started Best Buddies and many other people. 01:43:59.053 --> 01:44:04.055 My family had written a lot of the legislation that protected people and gave rights to people with intellectual disabilities. 01:44:04.675 --> 01:44:07.277 My father had kicked down the door and, you know, 01:44:08.297 --> 01:44:12.460 of Willowbrook, which was a big hospital in Staten Island. 01:44:12.480 --> 01:44:15.362 So my family was deeply involved, but it was not what I wanted to do with my life. 01:44:16.363 --> 01:44:21.327 But these women kept continually, I don't want to say harassing me, but they were following me. 01:44:21.407 --> 01:44:22.888 And it was different ones at every speech. 01:44:23.788 --> 01:44:32.655 And I did enough research to show that the public health authorities were saying that these women were crazy. 01:44:33.598 --> 01:44:34.818 But they didn't look crazy to me. 01:44:35.499 --> 01:44:36.499 And they were rational. 01:44:36.819 --> 01:44:37.760 They weren't excitable. 01:44:38.620 --> 01:44:40.020 And they had done their research. 01:44:40.141 --> 01:44:43.062 And I was like, I should be listening to these people. 01:44:43.182 --> 01:44:46.043 Even if they're wrong, somebody needs to listen to them. 01:44:46.603 --> 01:44:49.764 And by the way, I had worked on the Hudson River with commercial fishermen. 01:44:50.544 --> 01:44:56.207 And I'd seen so many times when the scientists were wrong and the commercial fishermen were right about what was happening in the Hudson River. 01:44:57.787 --> 01:44:59.028 One time, I'll just give you an example. 01:44:59.048 --> 01:45:02.149 This commercial fisherman came to me and said, 01:45:02.967 --> 01:45:26.781 all the goldfish are dying uh... up in the wall kill creek and and i went up they said we help us get to that because there's a new sewer plant up there that's discharging chlorine it's hard to kill a goldfish they're one of the most hardy species in the world you can put oil on a goldfish and it won't do anything it won't hurt it and uh... i went up to uh... to the department of environmental conservation they said there are no goldfish in the hudson river well these were people who i'd watch them catch goldfish in the hudson 01:45:27.421 --> 01:45:34.712 So anyway, that was just part of the background of my little bit of skepticism about government scientists, that they're not always right, that sometimes you have to listen to people. 01:45:35.768 --> 01:45:37.509 And that human experience is valid. 01:45:37.669 --> 01:45:43.153 And that if a woman tells you something about her child, you should listen. 01:45:43.614 --> 01:45:46.076 And so then one of these women came to my home. 01:45:47.056 --> 01:45:50.399 And she found my home in Hyannisport at a little bungalow. 01:45:50.479 --> 01:45:51.560 And her name was Sarah Bridges. 01:45:52.160 --> 01:45:53.641 She was a psychologist from Minnesota. 01:45:53.961 --> 01:45:55.102 And she found my home. 01:45:55.142 --> 01:45:55.743 She came to it. 01:45:55.823 --> 01:45:58.024 She took out of the trunk of her car. 01:45:59.005 --> 01:46:01.187 a pile of scientific studies that was 18 inches thick. 01:46:01.948 --> 01:46:07.874 She put it on my front porch, my stoop, and then she rang the bell, and then she pointed to that pile, and she said, I'm not leaving here until you read those. 01:46:08.594 --> 01:46:18.924 And as it turns out, her son, Porter Bridges, had been a perfectly healthy kid, got a battery of vaccines when he was two, and lost the ability to speak. 01:46:18.965 --> 01:46:21.887 He lost the ability to, he lost his toilet training. 01:46:23.268 --> 01:46:32.633 He began headbanging and engaging in other stereotypical behavior like stimming, hand-flapping, toe-walking, and got an autism diagnosis. 01:46:32.733 --> 01:46:38.616 And the vaccine court had awarded her $20 million for acknowledging that the child had gotten autism from the vaccines. 01:46:39.739 --> 01:46:41.320 And she didn't want it to happen to other kids. 01:46:41.660 --> 01:46:45.583 And so I started, I sat down with this pile of studies and I'm used to reading science. 01:46:45.643 --> 01:46:46.664 I'm very comfortable reading it. 01:46:46.784 --> 01:46:48.485 I wanted to be a scientist when I was a little kid. 01:46:49.385 --> 01:46:52.427 And my life, my legal career has been about science. 01:46:52.708 --> 01:46:54.168 It's, you know, virtually all the, 01:46:55.796 --> 01:47:00.257 cases that I've been involved with, hundreds and hundreds of cases, almost all of them involve some scientific controversy. 01:47:01.058 --> 01:47:04.939 And so I'm comfortable with reading science, and I know how to read it critically. 01:47:04.999 --> 01:47:10.961 I know how to look for the flaws in it, and how to attribute weight to various studies, et cetera. 01:47:11.981 --> 01:47:16.823 And I sat down while she was there and I read through the abstracts of these studies one after the other. 01:47:17.264 --> 01:47:28.609 And before I was six inches down in that pile, I recognized that there was this huge delta between what the public health agencies were saying, were telling us about vaccine safety and what the actual peer reviewed public science was saying. 01:47:30.670 --> 01:47:32.250 There is a huge delta. 01:47:34.491 --> 01:47:37.453 This is the first kind of statement about 01:47:38.883 --> 01:47:41.023 what he knows and what his message might be. 01:47:41.083 --> 01:47:42.044 Let's listen to it again. 01:47:42.324 --> 01:47:46.664 And, you know, how to weigh the attribute weight to various studies, etc. 01:47:47.625 --> 01:47:52.426 And I sat down while she was there and I read through the abstracts of these studies one after the other. 01:47:52.886 --> 01:48:04.208 And before I was six inches down in that pile, I recognized that there was this huge delta between what the public health agencies were saying, were telling us about vaccine safety and what the actual peer reviewed public science was saying. 01:48:05.348 --> 01:48:10.391 Then I took the next step, which is I started calling people, high-level public officials, and I had access to everyone. 01:48:10.411 --> 01:48:11.472 I called Francis Collins. 01:48:11.532 --> 01:48:15.095 I called Marie McCormick, who ran the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences. 01:48:16.155 --> 01:48:18.577 I called Kathleen Stratton at the National Academy of Sciences. 01:48:19.244 --> 01:48:22.088 who was the chief staffer, and I was asking her about these studies. 01:48:22.629 --> 01:48:26.454 And I realized during these conversations that none of these people had read any of the science. 01:48:26.514 --> 01:48:29.138 They were just repeating things that they had been told about the science. 01:48:30.239 --> 01:48:33.964 And they kept saying to me, well, I can't answer that detailed question. 01:48:34.024 --> 01:48:35.166 You need to talk to Paul Offit. 01:48:36.067 --> 01:48:42.614 Well, Paul Offit is a vaccine developer who made $186 million deal with Merck on the rotavirus vaccine. 01:48:43.756 --> 01:48:49.142 And it was odd to me that government regulators were saying, you should talk to somebody in the industry. 01:48:51.084 --> 01:48:54.908 I used to talk to EPA people all the time asking them, what does this provision mean in the permit? 01:48:54.968 --> 01:48:55.789 Why did you put it in there? 01:48:56.826 --> 01:49:07.290 And if they said to me, I don't know, why don't you go talk to the coal industry, or this lobbyist for the coal industry, and he will tell you what we're doing, I would have been very, you know, puzzled and indignant. 01:49:08.190 --> 01:49:14.392 It was weird to me that the top regulators in the country were telling me, go talk to somebody who's an industry insider, because we don't understand. 01:49:14.452 --> 01:49:17.153 I don't know if I would call him an industry insider. 01:49:17.233 --> 01:49:22.275 I mean, is he an industry insider because he's the author of this book? 01:49:24.215 --> 01:49:26.716 Paul Offit worked for the FDA, didn't he? 01:49:26.736 --> 01:49:29.317 He worked for the Vaccine Safety Committee. 01:49:29.337 --> 01:49:35.200 He's written a book titled Vaccines, and it's, like, gigantic. 01:49:35.240 --> 01:49:36.861 It's one of the biggest books I have. 01:49:36.901 --> 01:49:39.882 It's as big as the old Catholic Bible that I have on my desk. 01:49:39.962 --> 01:49:40.882 It's gigantic. 01:49:42.683 --> 01:49:48.526 Like, Paul Offit is a authority on vaccines, just like Stanley Plotkin is. 01:49:51.988 --> 01:49:54.589 It's a weird industry insider. 01:49:54.669 --> 01:49:54.969 Really? 01:49:55.049 --> 01:49:56.050 He's an academic. 01:49:57.570 --> 01:49:59.591 I mean, he's an insider at the FDA. 01:49:59.691 --> 01:50:07.254 He's an insider at the, at the, at the vaccine approval, you know, the whatever they're called ACIP or whatever. 01:50:08.609 --> 01:50:10.970 It's a weird, I don't think that's a good one. 01:50:11.010 --> 01:50:13.551 That's not accurate in my humble opinion. 01:50:14.251 --> 01:50:18.333 Not when this book, the book on vaccines was written by that guy. 01:50:18.353 --> 01:50:24.576 He's more than a vaccine insider and I wouldn't, he's more like a traitor. 01:50:24.596 --> 01:50:28.877 He's more like a biological insider. 01:50:28.917 --> 01:50:32.399 He's like a biosecurity state insider. 01:50:34.226 --> 01:50:42.667 He's not a, I just, I find that a very disingenuous representation of the role of somebody like, like Paul Offit. 01:50:44.462 --> 01:50:45.682 It's weak in the science. 01:50:46.023 --> 01:50:48.483 And when I talked to him, I caught him in a lie. 01:50:49.384 --> 01:50:54.305 And both of us knew that he was lying, and that both of us recognized that he was lying. 01:50:55.266 --> 01:50:56.966 And at that point, I was like- What was the lie? 01:50:57.847 --> 01:50:59.107 Well, I asked him this question. 01:50:59.207 --> 01:51:09.351 I said, why is it that CDC and every state regulator recommends that pregnant women do not eat tuna fish? 01:51:10.185 --> 01:51:21.913 to avoid the mercury, but that CDC is recommending mercury-containing flu shots with huge bolus doses of mercury, I mean massive doses, to pregnant women in every trimester of pregnancy. 01:51:22.994 --> 01:51:29.639 And he said to me, he said, well, Bobby, in this kind of patronizing way, and by the way, when I talked to Paul Offit, 01:51:30.478 --> 01:51:35.501 He started the conversation, he was very enthusiastic, and he said, you know, your father was my hero. 01:51:35.521 --> 01:51:39.064 The reason I got into public service and public health was because I was inspired by your father. 01:51:39.664 --> 01:51:43.386 So that kind of, you know, I'm susceptible, like anybody else, to kind of that kind of flattery. 01:51:43.426 --> 01:51:44.967 So I was inclined to like the guy. 01:51:45.828 --> 01:51:54.333 But then he said, I asked him about how can you be, you know, telling people not to eat, women not to eat tuna fish, giving them a flu shot that has, you know, these huge doses. 01:51:55.214 --> 01:51:58.296 And he said, well, Bobby, there are, there's two kinds of mercury. 01:51:58.316 --> 01:52:00.037 There's a good mercury and there's a bad mercury. 01:52:00.931 --> 01:52:04.494 And the minute he said, and I knew there's a different kind of mercury in the vaccines. 01:52:04.734 --> 01:52:06.776 It's ethylmercury in the vaccines and methylmercury in the fish. 01:52:08.037 --> 01:52:10.438 And you can imagine, I know a lot about mercury. 01:52:10.559 --> 01:52:11.339 I've been suing people. 01:52:11.359 --> 01:52:14.141 When you sue somebody, you get a PhD in that. 01:52:14.181 --> 01:52:15.462 You know more than anybody in the world. 01:52:15.502 --> 01:52:17.064 You have to or you're not going to win your lawsuit. 01:52:17.084 --> 01:52:18.465 So I knew a lot about mercury. 01:52:18.485 --> 01:52:24.690 And I knew that his argument was not with me, but it was with the periodic tables, because there's no such thing as a good mercury. 01:52:25.430 --> 01:52:32.969 And I also knew the history of why he was saying that because, you know, mercury was added to vaccines in a form called dimerosol in 1932. 01:52:34.702 --> 01:52:40.085 And Eli Lilly, which was the manufacturer, was because people knew then that mercury was horrendously neurotoxic. 01:52:40.125 --> 01:52:42.327 Mercury is 1,000 times more neurotoxic than lead. 01:52:43.167 --> 01:52:44.868 You would never shoot lead into your baby. 01:52:44.948 --> 01:52:46.549 Why was thermosol introduced in the United States? 01:52:46.649 --> 01:52:49.571 It was allegedly introduced as a preservative. 01:52:49.611 --> 01:52:55.295 But it doesn't kill streptococcus or any of the other contaminants you would be worried about. 01:52:55.315 --> 01:52:56.495 In fact, it kills brain cells. 01:52:57.316 --> 01:53:00.458 At 130 of the dose that it takes to kill streptococcus or staphylococcus. 01:53:02.839 --> 01:53:03.900 It wasn't a good preservative. 01:53:04.000 --> 01:53:08.023 What NIH admitted to me in 2016, the real reason was there as an adjuvant. 01:53:08.904 --> 01:53:16.530 An adjuvant is a toxic material that they add to dead virus vaccines to amplify the immune response. 01:53:16.730 --> 01:53:17.491 So your body 01:53:19.793 --> 01:53:23.414 This is kind of getting into the weeds, but a live virus vaccine, if they give it to you, it can spread the disease. 01:53:23.474 --> 01:53:24.794 It can mutate in you and spread the disease. 01:53:25.674 --> 01:53:30.116 That's why most of the polio today, 70% of the polio today is vaccine polio that came from the vaccines. 01:53:31.636 --> 01:53:34.577 So the regulators expressed a preference for dead virus vaccines. 01:53:35.297 --> 01:53:40.481 A dead virus vaccine, however, will not produce a durable or robust immune response enough to get a license. 01:53:40.501 --> 01:53:49.026 The way you get a license for a vaccine is showing that you got an antibody response for a certain amount of time and that it's a strong antibody response, but the dead virus vaccine won't produce that. 01:53:49.567 --> 01:53:54.290 But vaccinologists figured out that if you add something horrendously toxic to the vaccine, 01:53:55.185 --> 01:54:09.343 that your body confuses that toxic product, you add it with the dead antigen, which is the viral particle, your body confuses that toxin with the viral particle and gets frightened and mounts this huge, humongous immune response. 01:54:10.084 --> 01:54:11.365 The next time it sees that virus, 01:54:12.486 --> 01:54:13.447 the immune response is there. 01:54:13.967 --> 01:54:17.469 So at that point, vaccinologists went around searching around the world to find the most. 01:54:17.649 --> 01:54:21.772 See, it's not next time the virus is there, the immune response is there. 01:54:21.832 --> 01:54:25.254 That's already a poor, it's a poor characterization. 01:54:25.354 --> 01:54:31.158 So what he should have said was gone on with the previous analogy. 01:54:31.218 --> 01:54:41.164 He said that dead virus vaccines don't produce a robust antibody response and a robust antibody response is the only observation required 01:54:42.711 --> 01:54:44.993 to claim that you have an effective vaccine. 01:54:45.053 --> 01:54:53.799 And so they added toxic adjuvants to these recombinant proteins as a way of increasing the seroprevalence that resulted. 01:54:55.200 --> 01:54:57.982 It has nothing to do with the next time you see the virus. 01:54:58.022 --> 01:55:09.390 It only has to do with whether or not they can measure a detectable seroprevalence in the vast majority of people exposed to this combination of substances injected intramuscularly to augment the immune system. 01:55:10.971 --> 01:55:12.132 It could be said better. 01:55:14.113 --> 01:55:16.255 and in some cases, more accurately. 01:55:17.216 --> 01:55:19.578 There's horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines. 01:55:20.439 --> 01:55:25.383 And there's a mantra in vaccinology that the more toxic the adjuvant, the more robust the immune. 01:55:25.403 --> 01:55:28.586 But I want to stress something to Girl Rocks in chat. 01:55:28.666 --> 01:55:29.887 Hello, good to see you. 01:55:31.068 --> 01:55:33.150 They could be having this conversation in 2020. 01:55:33.510 --> 01:55:36.713 They could have had this conversation before the pandemic. 01:55:38.131 --> 01:55:41.794 Because that's supposedly where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:55:41.834 --> 01:55:43.315 was before the pandemic. 01:55:43.355 --> 01:55:45.876 He knew all of this before the pandemic. 01:55:47.538 --> 01:55:50.260 CHD knew all of this before the pandemic. 01:55:50.280 --> 01:55:52.001 That's why they made the movie Vaxxed. 01:55:58.854 --> 01:56:05.780 And so this is very important to see that this conversation could have and should have happened in 2020. 01:56:06.140 --> 01:56:16.409 And it didn't, except for in fringe places like on my broadcast, on my bicycle, or in arguments that I was having with people on Twitter and other places in 2020. 01:56:19.284 --> 01:56:44.640 And there's a really, it's a really gaping hole in our little history here that it wasn't until October of 2020 that this guy spoke out against lockdowns in the street of Germany and started to sell that idea that maybe it's a bioweapon, that maybe it's a lab leak, that maybe the virus was definitely real, but we just shouldn't surrender to their totalitarian response to it. 01:56:45.161 --> 01:56:46.802 It's a very subtle, 01:56:49.343 --> 01:56:51.305 It's a very subtle shepherding of our thoughts. 01:56:51.625 --> 01:56:52.026 Response. 01:56:52.406 --> 01:56:55.790 And so that's why toxicologists and vaccinologists don't get along with each other. 01:56:55.810 --> 01:57:02.537 Because the toxicologists would say to the vaccinologists, well, I understand it gave you immune response, but then what is the fate of that in your body? 01:57:03.118 --> 01:57:03.719 Where is it going? 01:57:03.759 --> 01:57:04.640 Is it being excreted? 01:57:04.720 --> 01:57:05.901 Is it being lodged in the brain? 01:57:06.161 --> 01:57:07.643 Is it penetrating the blood brain barrier? 01:57:08.684 --> 01:57:11.407 And the vaccinologist could not answer those questions and did not want to. 01:57:11.867 --> 01:57:17.392 So they basically moved the toxicologists out of these, you know, out of the vaccine, the whole vaccine universe. 01:57:18.233 --> 01:57:29.543 Anyway, so when it was added in 1932, the industry said, Eli Lilly said, well, the reason, because everybody was saying, how can you put mercury into a child? 01:57:30.084 --> 01:57:30.604 Who would do that? 01:57:31.705 --> 01:57:33.046 And they said, well, it's a different kind of mercury. 01:57:33.066 --> 01:57:36.668 It's ethylmercury, and the ethylmercury is excreted very quickly, so it won't stay in your body. 01:57:37.428 --> 01:57:39.990 They had no science to say that, but that's what they were saying for years. 01:57:40.090 --> 01:57:52.877 And then, in 2003, a CDC scientist called Picciaro did a study where he gave tuna sandwiches that were mercury-contaminated to children, and then measured their blood. 01:57:52.977 --> 01:57:55.298 And the mercury from the tuna sandwich was there. 01:57:55.885 --> 01:57:59.007 a half-life 64 days later, so it was still there 64 days. 01:57:59.847 --> 01:58:05.170 And he injected the children with mercury from a vaccine, and that mercury disappeared from their blood within a week. 01:58:05.790 --> 01:58:07.971 And this kind of confirmed 01:58:09.266 --> 01:58:12.990 What Eli Lilly had said in 1932, oh, it disappears really quickly from the body. 01:58:13.871 --> 01:58:16.434 And that was published, I believe, in the Lanceter Pediatrics. 01:58:16.474 --> 01:58:21.819 But immediately... A lot of times the adjuvant is actually conjugated to the protein. 01:58:21.880 --> 01:58:25.523 So they put the toxin on the protein using a chemical bond. 01:58:26.244 --> 01:58:37.436 And so then when the antigen-presenting cell takes in the toxin to dispose of it or whatever, they also antigenically process the protein that's attached to it. 01:58:37.476 --> 01:58:49.148 So honestly, Girl Rocks, it's not very clear how the adjuvant works together with the recombinant protein, but generally speaking, 01:58:50.438 --> 01:59:01.464 The narrative that they tell you is that the detection of antibodies are antibody specific for that protein associated with the pathogen rather than the toxin because 01:59:02.205 --> 01:59:07.106 The toxin, the toxic adjuvant is going to be a small chemical compound, maybe a heavy metal. 01:59:07.686 --> 01:59:18.328 And so it's very unlikely that you'll develop an autoimmune, or sorry, an antibody response to that chemical, but rather to what it's conjugated to. 01:59:18.408 --> 01:59:30.670 So the HibTiter injection, for example, is a protein from the Hib, 01:59:31.696 --> 01:59:36.821 Hib toxin, and then I think it's conjugated to some heavy metal or something like that. 01:59:36.861 --> 01:59:48.674 I'd have to look it up again, but it's definitely one of these tagged or conjugated, I guess that's the best word, conjugated molecules where they conjugate the protein with some kind of toxin that's actually the adjuvant. 01:59:49.294 --> 01:59:51.477 And so that also keeps the localization correct. 01:59:53.564 --> 02:00:11.276 I'm just trying to relay the cartoon version of what they say happens and try to help you understand why it is possible that some of the seroprevalence that gets produced is specific for the toxin, rather, sorry, specific for the protein that they attach the toxin to. 02:00:11.737 --> 02:00:21.664 That still doesn't mean that those antibodies are gonna protect you from the bacteria or from the whatever pathogen they say that that recombinant protein is derived from. 02:00:22.432 --> 02:00:34.799 because the recombinant protein and how it's derived and how it's produced might fold it differently and therefore create a whole different epitope structure that'll have nothing to do with the original natural protein, whatever it's derived from. 02:00:35.459 --> 02:00:36.940 So that's a whole nother ball of wax. 02:00:36.980 --> 02:00:38.401 But anyway, I just wanted to say that. 02:00:38.801 --> 02:00:46.265 The journal began getting letters from people, including this famous scientist called Dr. Boyd Haley, who is the head of, he's the chair of that chemistry department of the University of Kentucky. 02:00:47.246 --> 02:00:49.327 And he said, but what happened to the mercury? 02:00:49.347 --> 02:00:51.248 Because Piggier couldn't find it in the children's 02:00:52.248 --> 02:00:55.430 urine or in their feces or in their hair or sweat or nails. 02:00:55.651 --> 02:00:56.291 So where is it? 02:00:57.372 --> 02:01:00.054 And then NIH actually then commissioned a study. 02:01:00.914 --> 02:01:03.336 And they, because they, at that point, they were really trying to figure out. 02:01:03.876 --> 02:01:15.144 Putting mercury and these other things in as preservatives could also keep them out of the regulatory structure where they are required for safety testing and that kind of thing. 02:01:15.184 --> 02:01:17.126 I could be wrong, but that could be part of the 02:01:17.907 --> 02:01:21.791 the thing they're trying to do there with that language. 02:01:21.911 --> 02:01:22.952 You know, whether this was dangerous. 02:01:23.813 --> 02:01:30.639 And they commissioned a very famous scientist called Thomas Burbacker out of the University of Washington, Seattle, to do a study with monkeys, with macaques. 02:01:31.600 --> 02:01:33.342 And he did the same study, Pichiera did. 02:01:33.903 --> 02:01:37.026 But he did something you can't do with children, which he then killed the monkeys. 02:01:37.785 --> 02:01:41.948 And then he looked for the mercury, and what he found was the mercury, yes, it left their blood immediately. 02:01:42.288 --> 02:01:45.591 The ethylmercury from the vaccines was gone from their blood in a week. 02:01:46.491 --> 02:01:50.134 Methylmercury from the tuna fish was there a month later, two months later. 02:01:51.595 --> 02:01:54.197 And he sacrificed the monkeys and did postmortems. 02:01:54.998 --> 02:01:56.779 He found that the mercury had not left their body. 02:01:57.972 --> 02:02:04.395 Instead, the reason it was disappearing from their blood is because ethylmercury causes the blood-brain barrier much easier than methylmercury. 02:02:05.016 --> 02:02:10.378 The ethylmercury from the vaccines was going directly to the brains of these animals, and it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation. 02:02:11.439 --> 02:02:14.240 And we now know it's there 20 years later. 02:02:15.001 --> 02:02:23.445 So when I'm on the phone with Burba and I said, he said, the ethylmercury is excreted quickly. 02:02:23.465 --> 02:02:24.366 And I said, how do you know that? 02:02:25.446 --> 02:02:27.167 And he said, because of the Picciaro study. 02:02:28.280 --> 02:02:31.902 because a study by Pigiero found that it was excreted quick in a week. 02:02:32.802 --> 02:02:37.224 And I said, but you're familiar with the Burbacher study that showed that it's gone to the brain. 02:02:38.324 --> 02:02:39.825 And there was dead silence on the phone. 02:02:40.945 --> 02:02:43.546 And then he said to me, he kind of hemmed and hawed and said, well, you're right. 02:02:44.467 --> 02:02:45.167 It's not that study. 02:02:45.187 --> 02:02:46.528 It's just a whole mosaic of studies. 02:02:46.768 --> 02:02:48.108 And I said, can you cite any for me? 02:02:48.809 --> 02:02:49.929 And he said, I'll send them to you. 02:02:50.089 --> 02:02:50.609 And he never did. 02:02:50.649 --> 02:02:51.650 That's the last I heard from him. 02:02:52.390 --> 02:02:54.871 So at that point, I knew there was something wrong. 02:02:54.891 --> 02:02:56.532 And then somebody handed me a transcript. 02:02:57.552 --> 02:03:01.313 of a secret meeting that took place in 1999. 02:03:01.413 --> 02:03:04.553 I think it was 1999. 02:03:04.634 --> 02:03:06.214 It might have been 2000. 02:03:06.854 --> 02:03:08.834 But it's called the Simpsonwood meeting. 02:03:09.675 --> 02:03:16.556 And what happened is, in the midnight, I mean, the history is that in 1986, well, I'll go back a little further. 02:03:16.696 --> 02:03:20.337 In 1979, 1980, when I was a kid, I only had three vaccines. 02:03:20.957 --> 02:03:22.477 My kids got 72 vaccines. 02:03:22.837 --> 02:03:24.858 That's what you need now to get through school, 72 doses of 16 vaccines. 02:03:26.897 --> 02:03:29.338 So and it started changing in the 80s and 90s. 02:03:29.378 --> 02:03:35.159 But in 1979, they they brought out a vaccine called the diphtheria tetanus and pertussis vaccine. 02:03:35.899 --> 02:03:37.239 And that vaccine was very dangerous. 02:03:37.359 --> 02:03:40.860 And it was killing one out of killing or giving severe brain damage to one in 300 kids. 02:03:40.900 --> 02:03:42.601 And it was pulled in the United States. 02:03:43.621 --> 02:03:44.381 It was pulled in Europe. 02:03:44.961 --> 02:03:47.082 But Bill Gates still gives 161 million African children every year. 02:03:48.789 --> 02:04:12.169 the same vaccine vaccine and the south asian kids i'll tell you you know we now know what that does because the danish government to the study uh... called morganson in twenty seventeen that show that african kids and that's that's uh... polish in a journal called e-bio pharma and it was done by the leading duties of of of african faxology all of them pro-vaccine people like peter a a b whose name is very famous sigrid morgan said a bunch of others 02:04:13.130 --> 02:04:14.792 And they went to Africa and looked at that. 02:04:14.812 --> 02:04:15.853 They had 30 years of data. 02:04:16.694 --> 02:04:23.700 And Gates had gone to the Danish government and said, you know, give us money because we've saved millions of lives with this vaccine in Africa. 02:04:24.762 --> 02:04:26.703 And the Danish government said, can you show us the data? 02:04:27.444 --> 02:04:27.845 And he couldn't. 02:04:28.365 --> 02:04:31.888 So they went to Guinea-Bissau, which is a country in the west of Africa. 02:04:32.765 --> 02:04:39.794 And Guinea-Bissau, the Danes for 30 years had been paying for these very advanced health clinics, local health clinics all over Guinea-Bissau. 02:04:39.834 --> 02:04:45.541 He's now citing Christine Stibel, Ben's work that we covered on this broadcast in 2021, in the beginning of 2021, over and over and over again. 02:04:49.005 --> 02:04:54.227 as an example for how vaccines aren't doing what they say they were doing. 02:04:54.267 --> 02:05:03.631 We still didn't understand it all, but we definitely understood that all-cause mortality increased by a factor of five in those kids that took some of these shots versus the kids that didn't get them. 02:05:04.672 --> 02:05:09.334 And the clinics were weighing every child at three months and every child at six months. 02:05:10.445 --> 02:05:19.188 And in the 80s or 90s, they began giving the DTP vaccine at the first visit, a three-month visit. 02:05:19.208 --> 02:05:26.851 But if they didn't hit the child exactly, if they didn't have full 90 days of age, if they were 89 days, they wouldn't give it to them at the six-month visit. 02:05:27.711 --> 02:05:34.633 As it turns out, they had 30 years of data where half the kids were vaccinated and half the kids were not, between two months and five months of age. 02:05:35.374 --> 02:05:36.834 So it was a perfect natural experiment. 02:05:37.455 --> 02:05:39.316 And they went in there, and they looked at it. 02:05:39.396 --> 02:05:49.263 They looked at 30 years of data, and they found that girls who got that vaccine, the DTP vaccine, were 10 times more likely to die. 02:05:50.704 --> 02:05:54.566 I think it was only five, but it could have been 10. 02:05:54.686 --> 02:05:55.467 Three months, then girls. 02:05:55.707 --> 02:05:56.628 Then children who did not. 02:05:57.748 --> 02:06:00.551 And they weren't dying of diphtheria, deadness, and pertussis. 02:06:00.591 --> 02:06:02.512 They were protected against those by the vaccine. 02:06:03.273 --> 02:06:03.814 They were dying. 02:06:03.834 --> 02:06:06.336 They were protected by those against the vaccine. 02:06:06.376 --> 02:06:08.298 And that's not technically true. 02:06:08.538 --> 02:06:10.680 See, that's the problem that we have here. 02:06:11.200 --> 02:06:23.972 And the problem that I have with Christine Stibel's, Ben's work is that it's used as a way of saying that, well, they didn't get diphtheria, pertussis, and whatever else is in there, but they got other things. 02:06:25.140 --> 02:06:38.872 And for me, the prevalence of diphtheria and other things in these countries needs to be figured in because if nobody else has diphtheria, or the people that aren't vaccinated aren't getting diphtheria, then you can't make the same statement that he just made there. 02:06:38.912 --> 02:06:39.773 He just told you. 02:06:40.598 --> 02:06:44.321 He just told you that there were unvaccinated kids and vaccinated kids. 02:06:44.802 --> 02:06:49.766 So did any of those vaccinated kids get diphtheria, pertussis, or tetanus? 02:06:50.507 --> 02:06:55.772 Because if they didn't, that's not really proof of anything in the injected group. 02:06:55.812 --> 02:06:57.993 Yet he stated it as clear as day. 02:06:58.574 --> 02:07:01.076 They were protected by the vaccines. 02:07:01.817 --> 02:07:05.160 And that is not a logical assumption here. 02:07:05.680 --> 02:07:07.162 And yet he does that a lot. 02:07:08.055 --> 02:07:15.586 And it's reinforcing the presuppositions that Joe has been working under, which is that vaccines have saved millions of lives. 02:07:15.626 --> 02:07:17.048 We've got to roll that back. 02:07:18.226 --> 02:07:22.727 At some point we got to roll that assumption back and revisit it because that's not the case. 02:07:22.787 --> 02:07:36.089 And definitely not if kids weren't already dying from pertussis and diphtheria and tetanus all the time, that injecting them to protect them from something they're not going to get anyway is pretty extraordinary. 02:07:36.569 --> 02:07:38.310 And yet he says they were protected. 02:07:38.370 --> 02:07:39.330 Listen carefully. 02:07:39.350 --> 02:07:44.891 Vaccine had, um, had, uh, 10 times over 10 times more likely to die. 02:07:45.842 --> 02:07:48.164 over the next three months than children who did not. 02:07:49.245 --> 02:07:52.068 And they weren't dying of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. 02:07:52.088 --> 02:07:54.010 They were protected against those by the vaccine. 02:07:54.791 --> 02:07:59.055 They were dying of anemia, and bilharzia, and malaria, and pulmonary disease. 02:07:59.095 --> 02:08:00.897 But mainly, they were dying of pneumonia. 02:08:01.998 --> 02:08:04.381 And what the researchers said is- Of pneumonia. 02:08:05.427 --> 02:08:16.491 vulnerability to bacterial infection at the barrier of the lungs due to a adjuvant exposure, a toxin exposure, a heavy metal exposure. 02:08:19.692 --> 02:08:33.036 So the propensity for weakening the immune system and having one of the first things that's happening is an imbalance in that bacterial presence in your lungs and a infection of sorts, a bacterial pneumonia, 02:08:35.137 --> 02:08:36.298 I can see the theme here. 02:08:37.298 --> 02:08:41.580 The old people in Italy were vaccinated two years in a row for pneumonia and flu. 02:08:42.761 --> 02:08:43.541 They were vulnerable. 02:08:45.222 --> 02:08:47.803 Flu vaccines could have created vulnerabilities. 02:08:49.209 --> 02:08:58.957 vulnerabilities to just viral, sorry, just bacterial pneumonia, not viral pneumonia, but bacterial pneumonia due to a weakened immune system. 02:08:58.997 --> 02:09:15.832 And that raising that up and then simultaneously rolling out a test that was not indicative of what they said it was, but indicative of a background signal that was being misconstrued as a spreading novel pathogen that needed novel treatments. 02:09:18.052 --> 02:09:26.976 that the vaccine is almost certainly killing more children than diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis prior to the vaccine because it was protecting them against the target illnesses, but it had ruined their immune systems. 02:09:27.216 --> 02:09:30.097 So they could not defend themselves against these other minor infections. 02:09:30.317 --> 02:09:35.039 And nobody noticed for 30 years that it was the vaccinated children who were disproportionately dying. 02:09:35.840 --> 02:09:38.861 And that's the problem with not doing real placebo-controlled trials. 02:09:38.881 --> 02:09:42.442 None of the vaccines are ever subjected to true placebo-controlled trials. 02:09:42.462 --> 02:09:45.484 It's the only medical product that is exempt from that prior to licensure. 02:09:46.630 --> 02:09:53.116 Anyway, what happened in the DDP vaccine, when it was pulled in this country, it was pulled because so many people were suing the drug companies. 02:09:54.037 --> 02:09:56.639 Why is, which is now Pfizer, was the primary manufacturer. 02:09:56.659 --> 02:10:05.628 They went to the Reagan administration in 1986 and they said, you need to give us full immunity from liability for all vaccines or we're going to get out of the business. 02:10:06.744 --> 02:10:13.167 And Reagan actually said to them, they said, we're losing $20 in downstream liability for every dollar we're making in profits. 02:10:14.288 --> 02:10:16.489 And Reagan said to them, well, why don't you make the vaccine safe? 02:10:17.330 --> 02:10:20.471 And they said, because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. 02:10:20.932 --> 02:10:21.832 That's the phrase they use. 02:10:21.872 --> 02:10:23.633 And that phrase is in the statute. 02:10:24.534 --> 02:10:28.436 And it's also in the Brusewitz case, which is the Supreme Court decision upholding that statute. 02:10:29.449 --> 02:10:37.714 And so anybody who tells you vaccines are safe and effective, the industry itself got immunity from liability by convincing the president and Congress that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. 02:10:38.395 --> 02:10:46.059 Now, the argument against that would obviously be they've prevented disease that would have killed untold numbers of children, right? 02:10:46.099 --> 02:10:47.540 That would be the argument they would use against that. 02:10:47.560 --> 02:10:47.960 Exactly. 02:10:48.021 --> 02:10:50.442 And that vaccine injuries are very rare. 02:10:50.502 --> 02:10:52.203 That is the argument that is used against them. 02:10:52.924 --> 02:10:58.067 And both of those arguments in CDC's own studies have been severely challenged. 02:10:58.960 --> 02:11:02.124 Oh, the CDC did a study in 2010 called Lazarus. 02:11:03.065 --> 02:11:08.913 And it was Harvard scientists who looked at one of the HMOs, the Harvard Pilgrim HMO, which is one of the top HMOs. 02:11:10.955 --> 02:11:12.557 It's actually, I think, the ninth biggest HMO. 02:11:14.099 --> 02:11:16.763 And they were testing a machine counting system that could do 02:11:17.688 --> 02:11:28.271 a cluster analysis because right now the only way, the only vaccine injury surveillance system they have, it doesn't work, it's fewer than 1 in 100 vaccine injuries are ever reported because it's voluntary. 02:11:28.391 --> 02:11:31.652 And this is what you can find support for this in the Lazarus study. 02:11:31.712 --> 02:11:36.113 Lazarus actually looked and said, how many injuries are actually happening, how many are reported? 02:11:36.193 --> 02:11:38.434 And they said fewer than 1 in 100 are ever reported. 02:11:40.094 --> 02:11:43.976 And they developed a system of machine counting so that it doesn't rely on voluntary reporting. 02:11:43.996 --> 02:11:50.698 What you do is you look at all the vaccine records or population and all of the medical claims, the subsequent medical claims. 02:11:51.699 --> 02:11:52.579 And you do machine counting. 02:11:52.599 --> 02:11:53.579 You do a cluster analysis. 02:11:53.860 --> 02:11:55.240 And you it's very, very accurate. 02:11:56.200 --> 02:12:01.102 And they found CDC at that time was saying one out of a million people were being injured by the vaccine. 02:12:01.122 --> 02:12:01.723 They found one in 37. 02:12:03.763 --> 02:12:12.269 And so, and CDC had asked this team to design a machine counting system because their system was so heavily criticized by everybody. 02:12:12.309 --> 02:12:15.791 David Kessler, who was a Surgeon General, everybody was saying it's terrible, it doesn't work. 02:12:16.711 --> 02:12:20.214 And Congress had told them you have to accurately count vaccine injuries and they weren't doing it. 02:12:20.981 --> 02:12:25.742 But when they did it, when they actually looked, they found that it's not one in a million. 02:12:25.822 --> 02:12:28.683 One in 37 kids had potential vaccine claims. 02:12:28.723 --> 02:12:32.623 Now, you can't tell whether any of those claims were actually from the vaccine, because it's a machine counting. 02:12:32.643 --> 02:12:33.323 So it's statistical. 02:12:33.363 --> 02:12:39.025 But you can say that the number of injuries is much higher than anybody was admitting. 02:12:40.225 --> 02:12:50.907 And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geyer, because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. 02:12:51.983 --> 02:12:55.685 I'm not going to tell you that they don't, because nobody should trust my word on this. 02:12:56.145 --> 02:12:57.226 What I say is irrelevant. 02:12:57.546 --> 02:12:58.906 What is relevant is the science. 02:12:59.827 --> 02:13:03.789 And this is the principal effort by CDC to actually verify that claim. 02:13:04.684 --> 02:13:09.506 and what the Geyer study, and they looked at all the history of each vaccine and health claims. 02:13:09.626 --> 02:13:19.049 And what they were trying to say is there was this huge decline in mortality from infectious disease that took place in the 20th century. 02:13:20.689 --> 02:13:23.310 An 80% drop in deaths from infectious disease. 02:13:24.371 --> 02:13:25.451 And what caused that? 02:13:25.811 --> 02:13:26.631 Was it vaccines? 02:13:27.632 --> 02:13:28.832 And what they said is no. 02:13:29.072 --> 02:13:32.213 It had very little, almost nothing to do with vaccines. 02:13:32.253 --> 02:13:33.874 The real drop happened because 02:13:34.874 --> 02:13:49.877 of really engineering solutions, refrigerators, you could store food, transportation systems that would get oranges up from Florida, et cetera, roads, better housing, sanitation, the invention of chlorine, sewage treatment, but mainly nutrition. 02:13:49.917 --> 02:13:52.437 Nutrition is absolutely critical to building immune systems. 02:13:52.577 --> 02:13:55.878 And so- So interesting, good statement, good statement. 02:13:55.938 --> 02:14:00.439 What does the, what does Children's Health Defense want 02:14:01.994 --> 02:14:06.378 I guess they want public demands a safe COVID-19 vaccine. 02:14:06.498 --> 02:14:06.998 No, we don't. 02:14:09.020 --> 02:14:13.684 What many really want is a safe vaccination program for everyone. 02:14:13.704 --> 02:14:19.209 No, I think we should tell people that it's a criminal enterprise and it's probably biologically debunk. 02:14:20.930 --> 02:14:23.072 It's a biologically bunk idea. 02:14:23.092 --> 02:14:27.576 I don't think that was the right word of debunk, but it is a bunk idea. 02:14:29.181 --> 02:14:31.422 The desire is common to all of us. 02:14:31.842 --> 02:14:32.483 All of us. 02:14:32.603 --> 02:14:34.324 It's common to all of us. 02:14:34.424 --> 02:14:35.464 It's a community. 02:14:35.624 --> 02:14:38.806 It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a collective. 02:14:38.866 --> 02:14:40.207 It's common to all of us. 02:14:40.287 --> 02:14:44.609 Those who are pro-vaccine and those who have voiced concerns. 02:14:50.692 --> 02:14:52.353 It's a collectivist idea. 02:14:52.493 --> 02:14:57.416 Just like Joe pointed out the brownstone who retweets and publishes cross posts. 02:14:58.840 --> 02:15:00.261 It's a collectivist idea. 02:15:00.301 --> 02:15:01.562 It's not individualism. 02:15:01.622 --> 02:15:05.606 It's not the individualist ideal of America. 02:15:05.726 --> 02:15:06.787 It is collectivism. 02:15:07.767 --> 02:15:11.831 We can work together to make a safer vaccine program for everyone. 02:15:14.973 --> 02:15:25.462 We at CHD have been looking at the vaccine safety issue for years, and there are legitimate scientific concerns that need to be addressed, nevermind the criminal enterprise that it is. 02:15:29.645 --> 02:15:32.747 It is time for medicine and public health to address them. 02:15:32.847 --> 02:15:33.907 So see, that's it. 02:15:33.927 --> 02:15:35.288 That's really it. 02:15:36.248 --> 02:15:36.809 That's really it. 02:15:48.550 --> 02:15:56.976 It's a criminal enterprise and you don't really have much to say at that stage if you see it for what it is. 02:15:57.216 --> 02:15:58.877 Thanks for that slide deck. 02:16:00.859 --> 02:16:01.499 That was handy. 02:16:02.840 --> 02:16:05.442 It's going to be scary to look at that after the show. 02:16:06.693 --> 02:16:13.901 What was really killing these children was malnutrition, and it was the infectious disease that was kind of knocking them off at the end. 02:16:14.822 --> 02:16:17.806 But the real cause of death was malnutrition and a collapsed immune system. 02:16:17.886 --> 02:16:19.267 And that is what the Geyer study says. 02:16:19.307 --> 02:16:20.969 Now, anybody who's listening to this, 02:16:21.790 --> 02:16:23.271 You know, you can go look at this study. 02:16:23.491 --> 02:16:24.972 Couldn't be DDT, right? 02:16:25.132 --> 02:16:28.014 None of these things that were also phased out at the same time. 02:16:28.074 --> 02:16:29.935 It's still a very limited spectrum. 02:16:29.995 --> 02:16:35.979 It's not discussing all of the things on the table all of the time, and I think that's how you can catch them. 02:16:36.279 --> 02:16:38.660 Don't blame me and don't say, you know, Kennedy's in denial. 02:16:38.680 --> 02:16:41.562 This is the only time CDC ever looked at this, and it's called G-U-Y-E-R. 02:16:43.323 --> 02:16:51.391 It's published, as I recall, in Pediatrics, and it's CDC and Johns Hopkins in the year 2000. 02:16:51.812 --> 02:16:56.376 And I believe the study is true, and it's borne out by many, many others. 02:16:56.396 --> 02:17:01.722 There's another study from 1977 called McGinley and McGinley, and it was 02:17:02.837 --> 02:17:09.999 And that study also said that fewer than 1% of the decline in infectious mortality deaths could be attributed to vaccines. 02:17:11.360 --> 02:17:16.542 And that study was required reading in almost every medical school in this country until the mid-1980s. 02:17:16.682 --> 02:17:24.544 So anyway, I'm just saying that that orthodoxy that you just described, it's not an orthodoxy that should be accepted on faith. 02:17:24.624 --> 02:17:25.645 People should actually look at it. 02:17:25.705 --> 02:17:27.165 And when they have, it has not borne up. 02:17:27.965 --> 02:17:29.506 I'll just finish this story, and I'll try to be brief. 02:17:30.450 --> 02:17:38.834 I'm in because why because Reagan caved in and it wasn't just Reagan it was the Democrats my uncle was chairing the Health Committee at that time and the Democrats also went along. 02:17:39.774 --> 02:17:57.162 They passed the Vaccine Act in 1986 and the Vaccine Act gave immunity from liability to all vaccine companies if you for any injury for negligence no matter how negligent you are no matter how reckless your conduct no matter how toxic the agreement how shoddily tested or manufactured the product no matter how grievous your injury you your vaccine company you cannot be sued. 02:17:58.308 --> 02:18:04.358 This was a huge gift for this industry because the biggest cost for every medical product is downstream liabilities. 02:18:05.500 --> 02:18:06.982 And all of a sudden, those have disappeared. 02:18:07.423 --> 02:18:12.090 So you're not only taking away that cost, but you're also incentivizing the production of many new vaccines. 02:18:13.151 --> 02:18:15.472 You're also disincentivizing. 02:18:15.832 --> 02:18:21.255 You're removing the incentive to make them safe because no matter how dangerous they are, they don't care because they can't be sued. 02:18:22.776 --> 02:18:26.198 But you may say, well, if they're really dangerous, then nobody is going to buy them. 02:18:26.398 --> 02:18:28.640 But the problem with that is nobody has a choice. 02:18:29.720 --> 02:18:41.064 They not only got rid of the downstream liability, but they don't have any advertising or marketing costs because the federal government is ordering 76 million people, essentially ordering 76 million kids to take the product a year. 02:18:42.004 --> 02:18:44.545 If you can get that on the schedule, it's like printing a billion dollars for you. 02:18:44.965 --> 02:18:46.005 And so there was a gold rush. 02:18:46.065 --> 02:18:50.367 And then the other thing is they are exempt from pre-licensing safety testing. 02:18:51.207 --> 02:18:52.027 They don't have to be tested. 02:18:52.488 --> 02:18:52.948 And they're not. 02:18:53.368 --> 02:18:55.129 And I said this for many, many years. 02:18:55.309 --> 02:19:04.873 You know, I said not one of these 72 vaccines has ever been tested, pre-licensing and a placebo-controlled trial where you're looking at vaccinated versus unvaccinated kids and looking at health outcomes. 02:19:05.193 --> 02:19:07.634 So it's frustrating because we're really not saying it. 02:19:08.095 --> 02:19:09.215 And I get it. 02:19:09.355 --> 02:19:10.116 I want to say it. 02:19:10.256 --> 02:19:11.216 He's a politician. 02:19:11.236 --> 02:19:15.558 I get it that the message has to be crafted in the right way to open other people's minds. 02:19:16.338 --> 02:19:17.459 But, um, 02:19:18.263 --> 02:19:22.627 What strikes me as much more important is that they had me in their stable. 02:19:23.528 --> 02:19:26.271 They had me in their stable and they threw me out. 02:19:26.651 --> 02:19:30.395 And they threw me out with a vengeance, with prejudice. 02:19:35.325 --> 02:19:45.133 and now are in a concerted effort to assert this narrative of a circulating, many circulating pathogens for which we may need vaccines. 02:19:45.713 --> 02:19:48.255 We just may not have working vaccines right now. 02:19:48.295 --> 02:19:50.637 We may not have well-tested vaccines right now. 02:19:51.118 --> 02:19:56.042 We may not have completely safe vaccines right now, but we definitely need vaccines. 02:19:56.082 --> 02:20:02.687 There are definitely viruses for which we would need vaccines if we could produce vaccines that weren't inherently dangerous. 02:20:03.837 --> 02:20:12.305 And so just like the slideshow that I just showed you is stating it, they are not arguing that the vaccine schedule is a crime. 02:20:12.465 --> 02:20:21.573 They're not arguing that the vaccines represent a toxifying of our children that is wholly unnecessary. 02:20:21.673 --> 02:20:24.655 Even though he kind of says it, the Geier study kind of said that. 02:20:25.455 --> 02:20:38.465 But if the Geier study is true, then the next thing out of your mouth should be, it looks like this vaccine schedule has largely become a criminal enterprise, even if there was something there in the original three shots that we were given when I was a kid. 02:20:39.526 --> 02:20:41.727 How hard would it be to say that? 02:20:41.807 --> 02:20:44.229 You're already alienating anybody anyway. 02:20:44.249 --> 02:20:45.991 You're on the Joe Rogan podcast. 02:20:46.031 --> 02:20:51.475 It's not like more than half of the world just discounts Joe Rogan as an idiot from the start. 02:20:55.174 --> 02:20:57.674 I don't know, I see a problem here. 02:20:57.754 --> 02:21:01.215 I definitely see a problem here and I don't like it. 02:21:01.255 --> 02:21:03.155 You can watch the rest of that if you'd like. 02:21:04.716 --> 02:21:11.197 Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Joe Marshall, the Liberty Perspective you can find on Rumble and elsewhere. 02:21:11.237 --> 02:21:14.297 He's also got a book called The Last Call for Liberty. 02:21:15.258 --> 02:21:17.338 And then this has also been Bob on Joe. 02:21:17.398 --> 02:21:20.058 So that was Bobby on Joe Rogan's podcast. 02:21:20.098 --> 02:21:23.159 And we're trying to build an understanding of the illusion here. 02:21:24.758 --> 02:21:35.373 If you want to understand the illusion, you have to understand how they've been telling us that the algorithms have been telling us, yeah, the programming of social media has been telling us that there's pandemic potential and bat caves. 02:21:36.485 --> 02:21:44.366 that can be accessed by Dutch and Wisconsin scientists in animal passage and in serial passage in cell culture. 02:21:44.387 --> 02:21:56.249 And then there's also people like Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak and Shengli Shi, who can stitch different genes of these viruses together and create thing that mother nature never would have created on her own. 02:21:56.789 --> 02:22:02.310 And the reason why they've told us this mythology is because they wanna invert our individual sovereignty 02:22:03.110 --> 02:22:12.239 our individualism to collectivism so that they can have us as experimental subjects, or more importantly, your kids. 02:22:12.419 --> 02:22:25.591 And so the real truth is, is that they can make DNA and RNA and they can play with it in animals, they can play with it in cell culture, they can passage it in animals, and they can stitch it together and see what happens when they make a lot of it and put it on a cell culture in an animal. 02:22:26.428 --> 02:22:42.631 But just because the DNA is in the first one and then in the last dish, or just because the DNA is in the first animal and then in the last animal, doesn't mean that all of the pretenses and presuppositions of virology have been confirmed by any of these experiments. 02:22:42.651 --> 02:22:48.392 And in fact, the no virus people like Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan have been very right about that. 02:22:48.432 --> 02:22:51.353 But I think they've been standing in front of somebody like 02:22:51.953 --> 02:23:09.951 like Mark Bailey, who actually was saying it in a way that meant something, saying it in a way that would have moved the ball forward because he was connecting his observations about SARS-CoV-2 to the observations that were made about AIDS and other virology, and those observations need to be hidden behind a clown show 02:23:10.532 --> 02:23:13.415 that I think is Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan. 02:23:13.796 --> 02:23:24.127 Because otherwise we would have usefully reached the point of hearing from Stefan Lanka or maybe from Dave Resnick or any of these other people that have literally 20 more years of 02:23:26.249 --> 02:23:31.634 credit under their belt for having been skeptical at a time when it wasn't cool to be skeptical. 02:23:31.674 --> 02:23:39.902 And instead, we've been force-fed the opinions and the images of these other people who don't have the street cred to be where they are. 02:23:40.343 --> 02:23:41.023 They just don't. 02:23:41.943 --> 02:23:44.125 And that's really unfortunate, but that's where we are. 02:23:44.165 --> 02:23:48.408 And that's why this common knowledge is not out there yet. 02:23:48.548 --> 02:23:50.790 What should be common knowledge is not out there yet. 02:23:50.850 --> 02:23:52.051 Yes, they can make DNA. 02:23:52.091 --> 02:23:53.953 Yes, they can make RNA. 02:23:53.993 --> 02:24:01.579 And yes, they can force it into cell culture and into animals and get immune responses and get PCR positives and sequence stuff. 02:24:01.619 --> 02:24:02.180 Sure they can. 02:24:03.954 --> 02:24:07.817 that does not prove the tenements of biology or whatever the right word is. 02:24:07.877 --> 02:24:13.722 It's not that doesn't prove that the presuppositions of the virology narrative at all. 02:24:13.802 --> 02:24:17.665 And it certainly doesn't prove the existence of pandemic potential. 02:24:17.745 --> 02:24:21.528 And if you understand that RNA can't be copied very well, just like 02:24:22.068 --> 02:24:36.253 An audio cassette from the 80s can't be copied very well, so you could sell those in music stores, and you could also sell a dubbing tape deck, and there was no danger of you selling these copied tapes or copied albums. 02:24:36.313 --> 02:24:37.514 The album 1984 from 02:24:41.175 --> 02:24:44.097 Van Halen was one of the first albums I ever got as a gift. 02:24:44.617 --> 02:24:49.821 It came on a cassette tape, and I had a dual cassette player that could copy that one onto another one. 02:24:50.461 --> 02:24:56.285 Sure, you could make mixtapes from your albums, but you couldn't copy an album and sell it to somebody. 02:24:57.486 --> 02:25:03.329 the level of the audio and the quality of the sound will necessarily degrade every time you copy it. 02:25:03.809 --> 02:25:15.175 And so just like that analogy, you can't copy these, whatever these RNA signals are, you can't copy them by putting them into a Vero 6 cell culture and get lots and lots more DNA out. 02:25:15.295 --> 02:25:16.376 It doesn't work like that. 02:25:16.456 --> 02:25:17.617 It's never worked like that. 02:25:18.097 --> 02:25:25.921 And in fact, the way that they've circumvented this huge problem is they just say, well, we sequence something in the wild and we made a DNA copy of it. 02:25:26.041 --> 02:25:31.947 because DNA copies are very easy to make and they're double-stranded so they're also very high fidelity to copy. 02:25:32.648 --> 02:25:47.843 And so unlike an RNA signal found in the wild and purported to be sequenced that can't be grown in a culture, we can use very, very standard techniques to grow DNA plasmids in bacterial culture. 02:25:48.567 --> 02:26:06.421 And so we can make as much DNA as we want to by any number of means, including the way that Brian Artis showed us in the red pill presentation that came right before mine, where he showed that venom was being made, but he didn't describe exactly how the venom is made, which is that they make the DNA that encodes the venom. 02:26:06.982 --> 02:26:13.427 And they make a large quantity of that DNA before they use any number of means to convert it from RNA to protein. 02:26:16.747 --> 02:26:36.104 And these same methodologies that are essentially used to produce all protein biologics up until the pandemic can also be used to produce large quantities of RNA, which can be put on cell culture and called virology, put on animals and called virology, or given to other people and called virological samples. 02:26:37.173 --> 02:26:41.358 And in the literature of virology, these things are called infectious clones. 02:26:41.439 --> 02:26:48.468 And yes, you can use these same industrial techniques to make a lot of DNA or RNA and call them infectious clones. 02:26:49.471 --> 02:26:52.373 And in fact, that's most likely what they've done here. 02:26:53.073 --> 02:26:59.677 They don't need to produce a lot of it, but whatever they wanted to find, they probably put it there so that they were sure to find what they wanted to find. 02:27:00.177 --> 02:27:03.960 You know, like a designer spike protein that they could cry about for four and a half years. 02:27:04.680 --> 02:27:06.581 But it's just synthetic DNA. 02:27:06.621 --> 02:27:09.843 It's just synthetic RNA, or just made in quantity. 02:27:09.903 --> 02:27:10.304 That's it. 02:27:11.169 --> 02:27:12.029 There's no more tricks. 02:27:12.730 --> 02:27:14.991 There's no more mastery of the human genome. 02:27:15.031 --> 02:27:20.173 No more massive understanding of how to stitch gain-of-function viruses together. 02:27:20.213 --> 02:27:20.994 It's this simple. 02:27:21.754 --> 02:27:23.235 And then they tell you they found it. 02:27:24.221 --> 02:27:41.026 If this signal that they put in a certain place could be confounded with a background signal, then you've got the most convoluted Scooby-Doo mystery ever, especially if the people that social media say are the leaders in solving the mystery are actually part of the show. 02:27:43.006 --> 02:27:47.688 And I assure you, these people are part of the show and they are hiding it by cooperative lying. 02:27:50.868 --> 02:27:54.950 And they absorb people, they let people participate in it, and they never say these things. 02:27:55.010 --> 02:28:00.832 Intermuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 02:28:01.333 --> 02:28:05.875 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent, and RNA cannot pandemic. 02:28:05.895 --> 02:28:07.795 You could say it a different way if you wanted to. 02:28:08.256 --> 02:28:13.038 You could say weaponized piles of money have murdered people and gotten people to agree about it being a lab leak. 02:28:14.218 --> 02:28:19.381 The old vaccine schedule was injuring and killing thousands of people every year and VAERS sucked. 02:28:19.941 --> 02:28:31.426 So comparing the VAERS sucky signal from before to the VAERS signal now is stupid because it sort of kind of just says that the previous VAERS was okay. 02:28:34.381 --> 02:28:38.724 RNA virology is just transformation and transfection of cell cultures and animal models. 02:28:38.784 --> 02:28:43.647 Ladies and gentlemen, these are as close as I can get to the truth in a few words. 02:28:44.448 --> 02:28:47.590 And there's lots and lots for you to read if you want to find out. 02:28:48.090 --> 02:28:53.314 Maybe start with the citations in my latest substack titled, A Working Document. 02:28:54.234 --> 02:28:59.217 Please stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 02:29:00.097 --> 02:29:04.480 If you want to support the stream, you can go to gigaohmbiological.com. 02:29:04.580 --> 02:29:09.122 If you want to share the stream, you can actually go to stream.gigaohm.bio and guess what? 02:29:09.602 --> 02:29:16.686 You can now download all the videos at either 480 or at full resolution and then you can post them wherever you want to. 02:29:17.146 --> 02:29:30.873 You can start your own Rumble channel called Gigaohm Biological Rocks and you can download a video a day and you can post it on your own Rumble channel or you can post them to Twitter or you can do anything you want with them. 02:29:30.993 --> 02:29:32.254 All of them are downloadable. 02:29:32.674 --> 02:29:45.980 We're gonna get Jeff from Earth on stream.gigaohm.bio so that he can upload clips there as well, so that we can start to bombard Twitter with our own message as we slowly leave Twitter behind. 02:29:47.421 --> 02:29:48.941 Because it's not working for us. 02:29:49.001 --> 02:29:50.142 It's never worked for us. 02:29:50.222 --> 02:29:53.063 It's always been a tool to manipulate us. 02:29:53.363 --> 02:29:55.544 And so, thank you very much for joining me. 02:29:56.464 --> 02:29:59.646 Shout out to Rodney Mullen, and I will see you guys again soon. 02:30:02.512 --> 02:30:07.416 This is a luxury of having spent my life doing what I love. 02:30:08.878 --> 02:30:14.162 The cost of that, it sucks. 02:30:17.605 --> 02:30:18.726 I'm not blind. 02:30:20.708 --> 02:30:22.669 I'm not numb to the pain. 02:30:24.151 --> 02:30:30.116 I would argue I'm more conscious of it than anybody else, but I'm also more conscious of what that gives me. 02:30:34.355 --> 02:30:42.580 And when I'm done with this, that will be what it is and I'll find a way. 02:30:43.501 --> 02:30:51.286 But there's something inside of me propelling that I'm not going to give up until the wheels fall off. 02:30:52.527 --> 02:30:53.407 That's what I'm made of. 02:30:55.108 --> 02:31:01.873 And I wish I see all the arguments against it, but I wish I could relate the intangibles to you. 02:31:04.821 --> 02:31:07.401 My guess is that we're all built the same. 02:31:08.622 --> 02:31:12.602 None of us are completely stupid, a little deranged. 02:31:12.882 --> 02:31:14.463 I think a strong argument, I do. 02:31:16.463 --> 02:31:20.564 But ultimately, we also know what we have. 02:31:22.424 --> 02:31:32.866 And to go and lay down in that sense of it, that's like embracing what we've done with our lives, you know? 02:31:35.469 --> 02:31:37.050 You guys are all a part of this, you know. 02:31:38.350 --> 02:31:39.691 We all made it here together. 02:31:40.892 --> 02:31:42.973 And we're gonna make it to the finish line together. 02:31:43.013 --> 02:31:44.033 Don't you ever forget it. 02:31:44.113 --> 02:31:45.854 Thank you very much for being a part of this. 02:31:46.134 --> 02:31:49.335 And I will see you tomorrow for a 4th of July special stream. 02:31:50.016 --> 02:31:52.877 Because our basketball gym is closed tomorrow. 02:31:52.957 --> 02:31:56.899 So if you need something to listen to, I'll be on sometime in the afternoon. 02:31:56.959 --> 02:31:58.880 Probably right after lunch or right before. 02:31:58.940 --> 02:31:59.240 I don't know. 02:31:59.300 --> 02:32:00.000 I'll figure it out. 02:32:00.581 --> 02:32:03.142 I love you guys all very much and I will see you again very soon.