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Hello all truth warriors. Today's guest is an academic biologist of 23 years having a

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doctorate in neurobiology. He's a driving force behind the giga-home biological.com

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website and he has suffered the backlash in the rigid belief systems of the scientific

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establishment. He's a big fan of United non-compliance which is good and he also worked as the science

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advisor for Robert F. Kennedy and the children's health defence. I'm sure today our conversation

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could be heading in many different directions but firstly I'd like to welcome Dr. Jay Cooey

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to the Atlantic Underground Podcast. Hey thanks very much for having me Chris it's

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my pleasure to be here. No it's great it's great to see and thanks for coming on. Jay

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Well what has driven you to speak out and put yourself in the line of fire because that's

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a big thing for somebody to do? I'll try to tell the long story very short as as many

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people in the start of this in 2020 we are our our spidey senses peaked but at first

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I actually got sucked very quickly and deeply into the conspiracy idea that the US government

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was covering up a lab leak in China or that China was covering up a lab leak in China

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and I spent a lot of time and energy trying to learn the biology underlying coronavirus

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trying to understand what they were talking about with regard to gain a function trying

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to understand the potential for for what the worst case scenario might be and it became

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very quickly obvious to me that number one yeah they they seem to have been at least

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there are papers out there that say they messed with with coronavirus in the laboratory and

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in China and in America and it also seemed that these people were covering it up they

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were they were denying that was even possible there were there was this guy Osterholm who

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went on drill Rogan's podcast to say that it was impossible that it was a jean jockey

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that did it and there were several other people on Twitter that that were really confident

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that there's just no way it's obvious that this is just another one of those unfortunate

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situations where mother nature kicks us in the ass and it it struck me as very strange

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that so many people were convinced about a few things and that's really what started

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to clue me in so they were more focused on attributes of the virus than they were about

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attributes of our immunity to it they were more focused on the potential of particular

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parts of the virus than they were to let's say general strategies to avoid getting sick

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in the winter so no one started talking about vitamin D vitamin C exercise eating well chicken

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soup all of these general you know if you're not taking care of yourself maybe now's the

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time to do it this was nowhere on anyone's radar and instead so many people just happened

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to know that a fear and cleavage site could be a very interesting indication of a lab leak

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and that this spike protein was especially something to pay attention to and that struck

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me is really odd because I was a biologist with really experienced since childhood I don't

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we haven't talked very much offline before this but I basically started I was born a biologist

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I was one of these kids who was handling animals and and afraid of bugs but chasing them and

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trying to catch them and I kept snakes as a kid and had rabbits and anything that that

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my parents would allow me to get my hands on that was alive I was interested in it for a

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long time I was going to be a veterinarian and then a marine biologist and so I was at

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the start of the pandemic really excited about the fact that I was actually going to

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get to go back to immunology and and what I thought I knew and then explore this new

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idea of RNA virology what is what are these coronaviruses I thought they were just common

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colds and so it was a really fun thing to read into and after reading into the literature

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it seemed pretty obvious to me that nobody was really nobody knew what they were talking

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about everybody was sure that it was a lab leak everybody was sure that we were going to be

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having to shut down for a very long time and yet the last time this happened in 2002 there

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wasn't really any shutting down and only 800 people and and you know there were there were

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certain numbers and metrics that didn't really make sense from the perspective of how certain

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everybody was in March that this was a very you know this was a situation that required X, Y, and Z

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and we're all going to do it and for some reason everybody around the world agrees that we're

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going to do it and so as I tell this story I'm reminded of how many times my wife reminded me

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and I really feel like it was her that was always trying to remind me that I was a biologist I

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should just focus on the biology and I have been doing that ever since as best I can and yet

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some reason or another the story keeps coming back to whether or not the biology is even true so

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there was this aspect of learning the biology and then there's this aspect of learning that

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wait a minute a lot of what they claim isn't supported in the literature and after years of work

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it really feels as though there has been a concerted effort to create the illusion of pandemic

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potential so that governments and and and and non-governmental organizations can leverage this

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mythology I guess to go supernatural I mean super national excuse me in a way of of of bypassing

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national governments by creating global crises I think it's Nick Hudson who can be credited with

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succinctly saying this best and that whenever they tell you it's a global problem that requires

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global solutions you should be sure to realize that that's absolute BS yeah and I think the more we

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start to understand that any global problem requiring global solutions is likely something that

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have mythology they are trying to govern us by you can kind of see a lot of these things fit into

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that but with regard to the original question at that time I was a faculty member at the University

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of Pittsburgh and I had a YouTube channel where I was teaching neurobiology on my bike and I

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started to do this gene virology on my bike and then asking faculty members to watch these bike

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rides so that they could see that the lab leak story wasn't that crazy and that actually we

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have been working on coronaviruses we understand a lot about them and there's no reason to be afraid

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of them because we have T cell immunity to them we don't even need antibodies and I was explaining

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this stuff to faculty members and having faculty members like walk away from me not want to talk

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to call me an idiot tell me to read the New York Times and so at some point they asked me not to

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come in anymore because I was endangering the faculty and making other people feel uncomfortable

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and so unfortunately for the University of Pittsburgh it seems like two months after they

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renewed my year-long contract they decided to not tell me not to come in so I had eight months

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and I decided I'm just going to keep teaching this stuff and keep learning this stuff and

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see if I can I can get somewhere with it yeah and I have proof that I'm not only that

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proof that you were right and they were wrong yeah well in the end I'm not even really sure

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if I did that what I actually have convinced myself at this stage is that that the gain of

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function is real but only in the sense of of the fact that they can make DNA and RNA I think the

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the really the really great revelation that I've come to over these past three years was after

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I was asked to help Robert F Kennedy Jr. write his book and at some point during this fact checking

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assistance exercise he asked me to define for him what infectious clones were and in

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in dissecting what infectious clones were I kind of distilled RNA virology down to a

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a non-pandemic potential and so if I explain it as simply as I can RNA viruses like coronaviruses

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are very difficult to sustain in a laboratory in fact they're unsustainable in a laboratory

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it's not something you can't collect a coronavirus from your backyard and put it in a petri dish and

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then just keep it growing like you could a mouse colony or an ant farm or a rabbit hutch and get

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rabbits and rabbits and rabbits that's not the way viruses work and in fact the way that we study

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RNA viruses is that we we use PCR and sequencing techniques to find RNA sequences in the wild

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and then we take those RNA sequences and we convert them to a DNA form and DNA we have a lot of

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very easy ways using bacteria on a bench to make lots of copies of DNA and so we can take that

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DNA and make lots of it and then we can get rid of the bacteria take the DNA and expose it to

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an RNA polymerase which is an enzyme that converts DNA to RNA and now we can have a big bottle of

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RNA that is essentially RNA virology in a bottle in a pure form that we could never collect and grow

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from the wild and so this is the place that RNA virology starts from and so when they say

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that they have identified pandemic potential the only way that they can study in a lab is to start

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with this bottle of pure RNA and then they'll put this RNA onto a cell culture the cell culture

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will package that RNA and exosomes and then they can take that material that they call viruses

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and they can put that into an animal and it will get sick and it will develop respiratory disease

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and and all the things of a virus infection will occur they can take those same particles and put

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them in a petri dish and those cells will replicate the virus they will also die from the presence

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of the RNA and the immune response that results so there's a or the cellular response that results

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there's a lot of things that can be recapitulated experimentally if you take a pure quantity of RNA

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and expose it, transfect it into a cell culture and that proxy for virology is used as a way of

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saying that what they find in the bat or what they find in a raccoon dog is pandemic potential and

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the reason why again succinctly they say it's pandemic potential because if they take that RNA

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sequence and they make DNA out of it and then they make enough of it pure and then they put it back

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in an animal the animal gets sick and in fact other animals that are in cages next to it might even

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get sick and so they say that's pandemic potential but what they haven't told the public is that if

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you don't make this pure quantity of RNA to start the laboratory experiments don't work yeah they

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can't recapitulate the disease in golden hamsters by getting viruses in the lab or in the in the

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nature and bringing them into a colony of golden hamsters it won't work yeah maybe a few hamsters

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will get sick but it's not going to be a sustained or sustainable or repeatable model of disease

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the repeatable model of disease comes when they make a DNA copy of it and then they could share

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that with their friends and make the RNA over and over and over again and so the inside yeah it's

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gonna say the insight that this provides with regard to the molecular biology of the pandemic

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is that if you realize that RNA itself could never be in this many places in this pure of a quantity

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then you understand the only way no matter if it's a few people or thousands of people

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that they could share the same RNA sequence at the exact same time in Wuhan and in Washington

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and in in Bergamo is if they all got it from the same source yeah and they want you to believe

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that's a bat cave or a laboratory but that's that's highly unlikely that's it's a man-made source

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and the the story would have been believable if those three outbreaks would have been the end of it

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because that's probably as far as an RNA would go but the idea that this RNA is still going

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and it's now in different species and in white-tailed deer and everybody's had it at least twice

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suggests that a small quantity of RNA has now become an almost infinitesimal amount of RNA and

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that is a biological phenomenon that has heretofore no basis in reality but as I've just explained

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if you realize that RNA virology is essentially taking sequences and amplifying them artificially

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so that you can then transfect things with them and see what happens then you understand that the

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only way this could have happened is we would you've used that technology to create enough of this

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RNA so that the signal was around the world now the other possibility of course Chris that I think

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a lot of people have a hard time considering because it blows everything out of the water

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is the idea that the signal was always there and we were just never testing for it people have

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always died of of RNA infection or or inflammation due to RNA and be it coronavirus or norovirus or

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RSV or whatever other virus you want to cite a lot of them use RNA and so if we just say

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contamination by RNA and our lungs leads to respiratory disease a lot and we've always known

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this and now we've taken some some proprietary technologies and we're claiming that we can identify

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a special portion of it and we're selling this as a new thing and it's very very possible simply

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because before 2020 we have no data and after 2020 now we supposedly have 15 million sequences

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of this novel virus well the the analogy I have been using for a long time is automobiles and the

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reason why I use automobiles is because no one would ever believe that a new automobile was

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spreading uncontrollably around the world and all you had to do was go look in your garage because

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everybody knows they're already there everybody knows they have have automobiles in their garage

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and so if you said there was a special Toyota that's spreading out of control all you got to do is

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go get in your garage and check and see if you've got that symbol you would still not believe it

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because you already knew they were there yeah and so the whole point with viruses is that nobody's

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thinking about them but they were always there and so if somebody tells you to go down in your

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garage and while there's a new coronavirus there and you believe them it's as crazy as them saying

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go down in your garage if you've got a Toyota you might be in trouble because that's why I'm a

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Corona I like that analogy that's really good that's why I was a Corona but I mean is this

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why the the uh the testing and the coach postulates was not dumb because it said it just wouldn't

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whack on this at all well they've already I think that's one of the things I think Denny

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Rancor has made this point and other people like Mark Bailey have made this point um I think Mark

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Bailey is one of these few people on the no virus group that is very sort of grounded in focus and

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on this one thing and so in that sense he's done a very good job of keeping people focused on the

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fact that they've essentially gone and end around with viruses they've they've said already that

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the nature of RNA virology and its interactability means that we have to use proxies like

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the presence of amplicons or sequences to indicate infection we have to use proxies like

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like uh cytotoxicity or cell cytopathic effects in cell culture has a proxy because we don't have

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the technology to get any further than that and of course one of the things that that even if

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we go back to AIDS already people were already arguing about whether or not concrete proof have

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been provided that all of these you know stories in the cartoon have been have been substantiated

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by real experimental evidence and we're still at the stage where a lot of the cartoon biology

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surrounding HIV has not been substantiated really and we've just gone on with things and so

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um I think that that part of this is that there's a whole field not a whole field a whole

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institution of academic biologists that number one have been trained for years to stay in their

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lane and you're an expert in this very narrow thing and so when somebody's talking about

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this very narrow thing you should raise your hand and otherwise you should first say

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I really like your work and I'm so respectful of what you do but I have a question about something

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so you don't actually insult anybody's intelligence and so there's a part of these people who

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who accept virology just because it's not their field and they don't want to read into it because

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they're afraid to make a mistake or because they've got too much to do but I because I had time

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because I had the broad background because I've always been this way I thought well I've got I

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got time now might as well download these papers while I can and the more I read and the more I

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read the more I realize that a lot of these proxies have been used to build up a whole narrative of

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something that the proxies don't really support anymore and what gets what gets more and more

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criminal Chris is that in the 40s and the 50s and the 60s and maybe even the 70s you could have

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made the excuse that biological methodo methodologies were progressing in such a linear way that there

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was no real way to go back and challenge the press the pretenses of virology really yet but we are

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at the stage now where we have the genetic technologies and the the fine fine tweezers to

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manipulate genes and and manipulate RNA and DNA and purify it and sequence it without having to do

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amplification steps that every single portion of the cartoon of a viral viral infection could be

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could be verified because their model makes very specific predictions about what you should

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measure with these fancy new tools and these fancy new tools have already been verified on

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lots of other experimental paradigms so all we got to do is take those tools and point them in a

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different direction and let's look at some of the basic premises of virology and see if their

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predictions are validated and and they're not doing it they haven't done it for 15 years already they

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have had the opportunity to point some of these fine tools at the fine questions of virology and

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they haven't done it and I think this is a huge vulnerability that is there has been sort of

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they've they've also taken care of that in their plan for the pandemic in that they they have

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they have seeded ridiculous versions of that narrative so that people stumble out of the

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skepticism of the in of the healthy skepticism of it and I think that's what we were talking

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about before we got on if you if you question too much then you start to stumble into

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how can we say it you're not being productive anymore and you're no longer fighting and you're

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actually out somewhere thinking about questions that don't move the ball forward and so if

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if this is a flat earth we're gonna find out and it's gonna be fine but we better focus on more

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important things right now and I think there are many of these kinds of things now that are

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floating out there that are fireworks and distractions that are made specifically to make us lose focus

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and not and not and not and not save ourselves not extricate ourselves from this building prison

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yeah and like when we spoke we were before we came online we were talking about Lyme disease

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and I said to you you know I'm aware of the origins being Plum Island there's a test facility and you

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said well I think that's probably a red herring and it got me thinking then is the Wuhan lab

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again a red herring are they focusing people on a lab in China for the release of this

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pandemic that went on when really it wasn't there they deliberately pointless and you know the

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sleight of hand like a magician would do and making us look somewhere where we shouldn't look

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while the real thing was going on because Chris you've said it perfectly because actually it's

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worse than that because remember magicians often have people in the audience that they pretend

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they're drawing out as volunteers and so during the pandemic I believe very wholeheartedly that not

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only not only is this a thing that is designed to make us it they have the way that I says

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describe it on my stream I apologize for stuttering is that they tricked us into feeling likely we

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were the cast of Scooby-Doo and that was a it's a cartoon in America where teenagers solve a mystery

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by unmasking some monster and the monsters always end up to be the mayor or some guy at a store or

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whatever that was stealing money from the town and my point is is that I think part of the pandemic

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that is most diabolical that's hardest for people to see is that they planned to get us to debate

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that's exactly why I feel like I am I am such a great messenger for this particular aspect of it

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because I fell for it hook line and sinker I sacrificed my faculty position to fight for the

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idea that a lab leak was possible and in doing so I accepted the existence of a virus I accepted

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the existence of the pandemic I accepted the fact that something was happening and so

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I was totally bamboozled into not even asking the question are they lying yeah are they telling

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us a story have they fooled all the doctors into accepting protocols that they would never otherwise

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use have they fooled us into accepting a lockdown that we would never otherwise accept it I didn't

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get to that question until almost the end of 2020 and that's how extraordinarily enticing

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the theater was to go oh my gosh they're covering up look Rand Paul and Tony Fauci almost lost it

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on camera that was crazy and I was totally in I was I totally bought into it and that meant

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that I never once questioned the pandemic itself yeah but it's funny and that was the

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magnificent of it because then they went into the audience and they asked people to come out of

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the audience and those people agreed to yeah and so it was just mind bowing it was an illusion of

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consensus that we're now have to break but that's who we do moment it would be like watching an

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episode on HIV and when they come to the end of it and they pull the mask off who it was it would

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have been Fauci then to do exactly the same thing with the you know the coronavirus

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and again the scuba episode and they pull the mask off and it's the same person again there's

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Anthony Fauci again it's the same person that the magician pulls out the audience once more

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and at this point shouldn't the crowd be suspicious that hang on a sec that guy was in

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the other episode or that guy was in the other magic show and you're using the same person again

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to push this forward I mean that's questionable itself up to the point that you know again the

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connection that you have with Robert F Kennedy he produced a book that actually exposed Fauci

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for who he is and what he's done you know is this guy just a bad actor or is he just there for the

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money because he doesn't seem to really have any kind of specialist knowledge that brings

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everything further forward other than propaganda his father I think is probably more significant

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than anyone wants to admit I also think that that we have to come to grips with the idea that

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there are a group of people who in their mind are governing us and when people become part of

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that group then they can behave like a part of that group and they do and so I think Tony Fauci

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a long time ago was I don't know what you'd call it brought in hired by accepted by this group of

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people that governs us and I'm not talking about the government I'm talking about

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weaponized piles of money yes absolutely and so the reason why he is being used is because

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he has to be used he's one of the only people that they have and all of the people that he's

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groomed underneath him like like burks and and all these other people that that all I mean

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Wolinski almost everybody has AIDS on their on their resume and so they've all gone through

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the same tutelage of of what virology is and how it is used to govern us and I think as you get

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read in you start to understand that as part of national security these these kinds of stories

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and I think there are lots of people who know I honestly do I believe that that's the only way

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this works the that's the that's the flip side of the oh come on it can't possibly be a conspiracy

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because somebody would blow the whistle well nobody would blow the whistle if they thought they

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were part of an elite group nobody would blow the whistle if they were part of an elite club

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and and if they know they're part of an elite club that they all agree to say doesn't exist

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then I'm sorry no one will break that no one is going to rattle on that everybody

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that's not a member is currently auditioning and that's what I see with a lot of these doctors

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and a lot of these posers on the internet now they are all auditioning to be a part of this

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governing structure and auditioning to be sort of on that team and it's it's sad but you know even

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the billionaires like Bill Gates and and that are still kind of auditioning to be

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in a part of the next level that we don't see and so once you start to to imagine it as a

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hierarchy that these people are climbing then number one you know why there are no whistleblowers

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and number two you understand why even the people that aren't yet in the hierarchy are

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being behaving so ridiculous yeah oh yeah absolutely one of the things I wanted to bring up as well

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Kerry Mullins the the scientist that was behind the PCR test he came out and said you know this

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test is only good for so many cycles now we were cycling anything up to 35 cycles to test for

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the coronavirus within people and the one thing that amazed me is that you know the inventor of

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this turned round and said it doesn't work except it was the primary thing to give positive results

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on people what's your opinion on the PCR test in regards to its ability to test the things and

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obviously the way that it was used during the pandemic on everybody to create this wave of

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positive results I'm going to take this chance to switch over because I really want to

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it's been a while for me and I really I haven't said this yet I'm going to say it to you first

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because I think it's really important let me see if I can do this right I really feel though

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there's one really there's several important issues with the with the PCR that quite frankly

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not anybody has really talked about yet and it kills me so PCR is really simple right PCR is

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something where you have a target sequence and you're going to make primers that are specific

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for the target sequence and they're they're specific in this way because the sequence is

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double-stranded right and so you make a you make a primer for this end and a primer for that end

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and when you do PCR this thing should come apart the primer should bind and then you fill in this

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gap and now you have two of what you used to have one up right that's the whole idea so PCR is

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really cool but we have all kinds of ways of increasing the the specificity of PCR and when we

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look back on the pandemic you're going to find that none of these people were trying to be specific

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and if they were they were only trying to be specific in in certain places to create a narrative so

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what am I talking about here well here's your original DNA right that's the DNA you're trying

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to find this double strand and so that DNA could be a let's say three or four hundred

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base pair fragment of the coronavirus genome remember that the coronavirus genome

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has 30,000 base pairs long so a 300 base pair fragments a pretty small fraction of that thing

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now also keep in mind that in this 30,000 bases there are around 31 proteins although if you talk to

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RNA virologists they will tell you that those proteins get translated and folded differently and

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cut differently and so they could have other sub variants of those proteins so it could be

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31 major proteins with some variants of those proteins depending on how they're translated or

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cut or post translationally processed so those 31 proteins they're going to look for the virus

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by looking for a 300 base pair segment of one of the most conserved of all the coronavirus

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genes and that would be the open reading frame 1a so open reading frame you often see ORF it's

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open reading frame 1a this is the part of the coronavirus genome that contains the RNA dependent

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RNA polymerase RDRP and the RDRP is the enzyme that copies the virus and why is this such a

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conserved enzyme well because as you can imagine it's the enzyme that copies the genome so you

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can't get it wrong there's not a lot of different you know if you have a vice grips is very good

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the way it is you don't want to change very much about it or it won't work anymore and

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a protein that is an enzyme tends to over evolutionary time become quite optimized

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so that any any errors in it tend to be detrimental or even loss of function so

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what we have done in the PCR test is we've chosen the RDRP to look for that means that we've chosen

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a gene that's basically homologous across all the known coronaviruses in the world now they

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make the argument that oh we chose primers that are really specific for the RDRP of this virus but

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that argument in and of itself is false because before 2020 the only way they found coronaviruses

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in bats was to look for this fragment if they found that fragment then they would use all kinds

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of other things like metagenomic sequencing or or just random shotgun uh shotgun RNA

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amplification using using random primers to try and find the rest of the genome

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and so they already knew this was a nonspecific signal yet every the coronavirus

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PCR test in the United States as far as I know use this as the indicator if not the only indicator

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yeah they also look for the spike protein but again remember that the spike protein of a

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coronavirus if I just draw it as a cartoon um this is not a real picture that I'm trying to draw here

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and the real coronavirus spike protein is a highly varied protein but there are certain motifs

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inside of this thing including a hydrophobic motif that is responsible for the binding part

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and supposedly pulls the membranes together that's the same across hundreds of homologous

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proteins across actually different species we even have a protein called synchatin that has a

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lot of homology with these fusion proteins because it does a similar function so the idea that

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the immune response to this protein will focus on some random part of the new virus as opposed to

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the conserved region that's shared across lots of different RNA and and other other biological

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motifs was ridiculous yet this is again target that for PCR that will overlap with lots of targets

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if you target some special region that's only in the Wuhan virus well then you'll have a lot of

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a lot more specificity so the first point this is only the first point about PCR that I'm trying

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to make is that by the choice of primer target they can choose specificity and with a background

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that we know is rich in RNA that's a very very big assumption to leave to private interests

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and to the biosecurity state to make that choice the second thing to remember is that those

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primers could be changed because nobody was paying attention so at any point in time they

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could ramp up or ramp down the specificity in any particular place if they wanted to be sure

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that New Zealand and Australia found almost no cases of coronavirus and they got no confirmable

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PCR positives that were false you could design a test that would be immune to that do you know how

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we would use a very simple thing we would do two rounds of PCR and we would use nested

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primers what are nested primers a primer is this so this is uh if we if we use the example that

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we're doing now we were saying that this was 300 base pairs so maybe the primer is only 20

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now that means that if you remember that the DNA or the yeah the DNA code is only four bases

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there is a limited number of words that can be encoded or an limited number of of combinations

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that can be 20 bases long so it is possible to imagine that these primers could partially

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overlap with some other sequence and amplify something else so the way that academic biology

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for the last 20 years at least every biologist and every university that has a bench knows this

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the way to increase PCR specificity many fold is to just do another reaction where you put a PCR

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primer set inside of the first one so that not only do you need amplification from the first

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primer set but you need amplification from this primer set and if this primer set doesn't amplify

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anything then you won't consider it a signal and so you can imagine again that if you wanted to be

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very scrupulous you could you could take a lot of time to design these primers to make sure

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that nothing could get passed that you screened out for mimicry that you screened out for overlap

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with human sequences or with any other background that you wanted to to make sure you missed on the

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other hand if you wanted to have a lot of noise if you wanted to have a lot of false

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positivity if you wanted to create the illusion of a widespread epidemic and you were given the

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opportunity to distribute tests like this it would be trivial to design molecular techniques that

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produced fluorescence and indicated the presence of a virus when there was no RNA there or where

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there was RNA from a background signal that you knew was there and you used to misconstrue it as

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spread yeah and so there are so many ways that this could be done where the it's not about cycling

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and that's one of the things where we talk about red herrings all the time arguing about cycling

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got a lot of molecular biologists pissed because you know what they said cycling won't get you

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past nested primers you guys you don't even know how PCR tests work but those same academic biologists

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didn't have the responsibility and the the duty to themselves to go and check what the FDA approved

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for the first 220 uh EUA FDA approved PCR tests which were single amplicon non-nested PCR tests

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so these these academic biologists that that came out and spoke up and said come on you guys

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don't know how PCR works actually fooled themselves because they themselves didn't go and check

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that actually nested primers have never been used and if they were used they were only used

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in Australia well why would they use it there because they wanted you to believe that lockdowns

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worked so the PCR had to be very accurate and have no false positives but in America we didn't care

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we were driving people that by the thousands through drive-up testing things the more positives

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we had the better for us because the whole world would then believe there was a pandemic we were

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used just like we were used on 9-11 to create the illusion of a global a global war on terror

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we were used to create the illusion of a global pandemic i am absolutely certain of it i would

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step in front of a train knowing that it's true yeah i mean there's more evidence to light on that

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as well i mean talking about cotton DNA and RNA the US defense in ties with DARPA which is the

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defense advanced research projects agency have allocated 65 million dollars to a program of

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CRISPR technology now is it likely that many have this platform within them now from this

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technology because i believe that DARPA we're working in association with the pharmaceutical

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manufacturers of the shots is it highly likely now that this CRISPR technology is in the shots

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within people it's created a platform within them that is now lying dormant but can be triggered at any time

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i would say that's probably not true i can't say that it's it's not possible but i i don't think

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that's true i think it's it's a little more simple and malevolent i do think that that the primary

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goal was to get us to accept the idea that intramuscular injection when the state says you need it is

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just something that you do i do think that right now the powers that be are actually trying to pretend

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that that everything is going as planned but it's actually not and i think that that's one of the

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big illusions that social media is able to sustain right now it's able to give give the illusion

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that many more people bought in that many more people are on board and that it's just an inevitable

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future that we have where where these kinds of technologies are going to work we just got to

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work out the kinks or whatever it is and i think that push is on both sides of the of the narrative

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it really it feels as though there are on people on both sides of of the debate about where the

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virus came from they all agree that that in the future this is where we're going and and one of

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the things that's become very clear to me after listening to a lot of these people talk is that

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they have been frustrated like for example the human genome project if you listen to a lot of

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the people that were involved at the higher levels of the human genome project one theme that you

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hear very often is that they will lament that the human genome project one of the big conclusions

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was that we need more data the only way that we're going to be able to crack the human genome is

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if we have everyone's genome then maybe if we put all that data into an AI that it will be able to

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like it solved the game go it will be able to solve the game of the human genome and i it sounds

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almost ridiculous but that is the best way to distill the mythology that that drives the WEF

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and drives all these venture capitalist firms and drives the mythology of Elon Musk that

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it's just around the corner that all of these things are going to happen i just listened to a talk

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yesterday from Ray Kurzweiler who said that by 2040 all diseases would be cured

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that longevity would be solved we are really in the 20s he thought that that it's possible

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that that childhood diseases genetic diseases will be cured but by the end of the 30s all

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disease will be gone and so all he's got to do is live to the beginning of the 30s and then he'll

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be able to live forever that's actually what he said which is just extraordinary level of of

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it's it's kind of like an abomination to talk that way it's it's really

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it's like god is a secret god kind of status doesn't it that's that's unfortunate when people

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like Ray Kurzweiler get to a place in his life where he's created all these incredible leaps in

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technology and things moving forward but all of a sudden you know they've got all these experts

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behind them the you know the Noah Harari's and people like that that are all linked within the

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world economic forum and this group of people unfortunately now think that they can play god

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especially with the modification and the changes within the human body i mean right now the push

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to create all new vaccines to be mrna concerns me because i don't think people realize that this

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is going in and changing the the DNA and the RNA within the human body can i give you a little bit

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of a dark thing i don't know if you've really if i've really made it clear yet but i really think

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that that's that this is at the heart of it so i i end all of my streams every night with a slide

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that asks the questions why are they really doing this and i think the reason why they're doing it

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is because they're they don't plan to ever have 10 billion people on the planet again oh yeah that's

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for sure i mean the geology guide sounds like that out yeah okay but now let's think about this

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rationally if you have 10 billion people now you don't want them to go to waste

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and so you better collect their data before they're gone in fact i would argue that if you use the

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analogy of how AI solved go which is that they had the AI play itself millions of games until it was

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better than a human yeah this is their opportunity for that level of data creation and data collection

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that will never exist again you can't create 10 billion functioning human genomes with medical

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lifetimes of medical data with a simulation you're not going to get a population like china out of

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a simulation you're never going to get that data again and they know that china is already collecting

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so we need to get collecting or we're going to fall behind we're going to we're going to lose

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the race and if they get the if their AI cracks the code before our AI AI cracks the code well

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now you understand why all of these leaders are willing to throw our families under a bus because

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they want our kids they don't want us our our medical data is already useless our genomes already

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expired like they want to babies the only way they get babies is to convince our kids that we're

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crudmungin idiots and that the way forward is to give your data to the state that's why the

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NIH has this program called all of us now where they're asking people to voluntarily turn over

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all of their medical and genetic data because they're arguing that this is the way that we're

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all going to win you know it's like wow okay maybe in theory but what they're actually doing is

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inverting our sovereignty so that they can take it by force yeah do you think do you think the

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likes of one two three and ancestry dot com uh we're all so um government sponsored absolutely

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that's why joe rogan was the first and foremost seller of that are you kidding me absolutely yeah

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i mean i would even argue that that

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yeah i mean i i think that there's no real limit to to how we should potentially model what they

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are doing because what they need to do is what they have said in TED Talks they need the data and so

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they'll get it by any means necessary and what they can't learn how how transfection could

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potentially work successfully if they tested on mice or they tested on monkeys the only way they

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can ever hope to make this a safe and useful means of augmenting the human a human being

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is to test on human beings now separate from that i will say that transfection is never going to

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work to augment a human it is never going to be appropriate for healthy humans this is all just

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absurdity we should be obviously i think you and i both believe that we should be working in a

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completely different way to make people healthier um but these people nonetheless believe that

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this that this destiny is to come and i i i i guess it's just a matter of how is this ideology going

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to fracture humanity and how are we going to recover from it because that seems to be the

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inevitable future is that these people are going to fracture humanity and so the question becomes

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how are we going to either mitigate that or how are we going to prepare for the recovery yeah

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what do you think about uh that's um junk DNA and you know what we possibly hold in

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an active DNA that would have been naturally activated uh possibly during a you know a period

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of a you know a 4,700 year cycle of the universe you know and is it possible that this widely

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distributed weapon that we've seen now is there to hijack possibly the natural ascension of humanity

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and other likes of chemtrails up there possibly blocking certain energies coming into the planet

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that would help open up and activate junk DNA within people um i'm very hesitant to uh

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that would be just me speculating i i do believe that there is reason to be skeptical of

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the fidelity of understanding that they claim i do know for sure that my experience in neurobiology

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has led me to firmly believe that the idea of looking for genetic causes or correlations with

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genes is just an absolute waste of time um and it is just an insult to the sacredness of this

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irreducible complexity that we are um but i do understand how many people have bought into it

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but when you when you say junk DNA remember that's uh that's uh that's a remnant of the of the time

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when and i still think it is it's it's a thing that that biologists say in order to deny how much

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they don't know and and most of the time it's it's it's it's a disingenuous biologist because i

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i think there are academic biologists out there that understand the limits of their science and

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are just happy to dwell within it but then don't feel any responsibility to speak out as a broad

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thinker and that's part of what i find very frustrating um i don't think i should be the only

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person who who is enthusiastic enough about biology and also uh decided to go into it

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professionally that can now step back and say wow everything i've ever known since i was a little

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kid tells me this is wrong um and that's what i find most disappointing about the current crop

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of of adults is because it doesn't seem like very many people are are waking up so i i'm i'm

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worried but i'm also not worried because maybe that's not how it's supposed to happen maybe it's

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supposed to be the kids and so i've been focusing more on trying to to heal this divide i think that's

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that's you know you're talking about we let college kids go back to college take tests follow the edicts

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of college deans and eventually transfect themselves best case scenario with an RNA

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an ellipid nanoparticle that was fairly clean and you know fairly pure with whatever they

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intended it to be but it's still a transfection and it still probably screwed them up and we need

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to turn to those kids and say wow i'm really sorry that we weren't there for you i'm really sorry that

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we didn't say stop um and how can we sort of make it up to you and i think the way that

52:07.400 --> 52:14.280
that's part of the way this works because maybe one of the ways out is is that to keep people away

52:14.280 --> 52:22.680
from university for a few years um but your question about junk DNA is is is is one again that i think

52:23.640 --> 52:33.240
you know people have to start to explore more the idea that that what we have been told over and

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over again about the human genome project was completed 10 years ago and since then we've made

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so much progress in understanding all this stuff and it's basically all done it's just a matter

52:43.080 --> 52:46.760
of you know rearranging the chairs a little bit then we'll call everybody in the room and make

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the big announcement and people need to understand that that there has been a vested interest

52:54.520 --> 53:02.600
in this that that that that we don't know yeah i i i don't i'm not really responding well to

53:02.600 --> 53:08.600
your question i apologize no that's fine no it's well junk DNA is one of those things that when

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it comes up i always get triggered by it because it is it's it was something that even when i was in

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high school and my high school biology teacher was saying it um my first question was but that's an

53:21.880 --> 53:30.600
awful lot of of wasted energy and time and and resources keeping things that we don't need and

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could potentially be i guess detrimental right i mean if we're supposed to make sure we don't

53:35.400 --> 53:41.320
turn it on what happens if it comes on what are those things and then in that discussion it was

53:41.400 --> 53:45.000
actually my high school teacher who said well you know maybe it's not all maybe we just don't

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know what it is and that that was already that one of the moments that i can still remember very

53:52.120 --> 53:59.400
clearly in my head is as being a little step in the staircase of being a biologist and really

53:59.400 --> 54:06.280
being like wow i really want to know yeah because it is the it is what we are who we are where we are

54:06.440 --> 54:13.400
um it's fantastic yeah i mean greg braid mentioned in his series on Netflix that

54:14.040 --> 54:22.920
we actually have evidence of modified DNA within our our genome already is is there a possibility

54:22.920 --> 54:32.360
that we have been de-evolved through technology that we're unaware of um for previous centuries

54:33.240 --> 54:40.840
that humanity you know has been altered in this way to dumb us down so we i think i think it's

54:40.840 --> 54:45.960
much more simple i don't think it's i think it would i would always err on the side of

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of biological parsimony and so in that sense toxins poisons

54:54.280 --> 55:04.840
um environmental pollution uh toxicity of our food are all so much more potential

55:05.480 --> 55:12.280
than any imaginary technology that they keep secret um it would be so much more plain and

55:12.280 --> 55:16.760
simple for them to have been poisoning us and tell me they're not they're putting fluoride in a

55:16.760 --> 55:22.360
water there's glyphosate in everything um and we don't talk about it at all we don't it says if

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nothing now they just found some some uh some insecticide in the Cheerios but yeah so what

55:29.080 --> 55:35.240
and so you're here you were left with this endless list of of potential for disaster that we're

55:35.240 --> 55:39.880
supposed to ignore and we're supposed to focus on the virus from luhan and we're supposed to focus

55:39.880 --> 55:47.960
on the effects of the spike protein or the DNA contamination they knew already five years ago

55:48.040 --> 55:52.280
that transfection was inappropriate and healthy humans it might work for cancer

55:52.280 --> 55:57.160
but those people are dying it might work for genetic disorders but those people live a terrible

55:57.160 --> 56:02.280
life it doesn't work for beautiful four-year-olds that are just starting piano lessons like give me

56:02.280 --> 56:09.080
a break yeah that's it now Salah's more about your work and what you ended up doing with

56:09.080 --> 56:17.480
Robert's app Kennedy and the children's health defense um yeah so I worked for Bobby for a year

56:17.480 --> 56:23.880
on the book and basically what that was was a lot of fact checking so if if a paper was used

56:24.760 --> 56:28.760
I would kind of check to make sure that that paper said what Rob Bobby said it said

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and there were a couple times where I had a zoom call with him where I would explain a paper

56:33.240 --> 56:37.640
tell him whether that paper was right or wrong or why I was removing that paper

56:39.160 --> 56:47.640
and that was a very uh I loved doing it it was really fun um but on the other hand once

56:48.440 --> 56:55.720
it became very clear to me that the possibility that they just lied about it was not going to be

56:55.720 --> 57:03.560
in the book I started to be have very I started to be have little sort of qualms about it I didn't

57:03.560 --> 57:09.560
really know how to handle it and so Bobby and I had a discussion about it and Bobby explained to

57:09.560 --> 57:15.480
me that he wanted it to be a historical document of what people said and what people thought and so

57:16.360 --> 57:24.280
what we now think or what what you you think it it might be now isn't uh gonna make it in the book

57:24.280 --> 57:33.480
and I don't know I feel neutral about that um I'm fine with it you know um children's health

57:33.480 --> 57:39.320
defense has a partnership with with um with Sky Horse Publishing that they publish the

57:39.320 --> 57:44.920
under their own name but it's Sky Horse that's doing it and uh so they have their own thing you

57:44.920 --> 57:49.400
know when they they publish books and raise money with those books and I think a lot of the stuff

57:49.400 --> 57:56.920
they publish is really important I think um the Vax on Vax book by uh Bobby and and Brian Hooker is

57:56.920 --> 58:03.400
probably the most important book they put out I think the Fauci book is great um but the book

58:03.800 --> 58:08.680
by Brian Hooker I think is extremely important because in that book the biology of why

58:09.400 --> 58:17.000
asking schedule in America should be very be helped put under intense scrutiny um is something that

58:17.000 --> 58:21.640
unfortunately I don't think is getting out as much as it should um so anyway long story short I

58:21.640 --> 58:29.480
worked for Bobby for a year after that um the my friend and and colleague in the editorial group

58:29.480 --> 58:35.720
that worked for CHD advocated for me to be hired and so Brian Hooker hired me in July of 23

58:36.440 --> 58:43.880
um and I worked for Brian for about six months and uh on January 4th um they ended my position

58:43.880 --> 58:53.160
because of something that I said on my December 23rd podcast between minutes 38 and 43 um in reviewing

58:53.160 --> 59:01.080
that time period I was um speculating about the fact that Robert Malone was taking a dig on

59:01.080 --> 59:07.640
CHD and that um CHD had helped him early on and had published his book and so I thought it was

59:07.640 --> 59:13.000
really weird that he was saying that Bobby wasn't the best candidate for president because he's not

59:13.000 --> 59:19.400
a very good manager and his statement was that CHD was his evidence of Bobby not being a good

59:19.400 --> 59:25.480
manager so I was talking about why that was odd and I was that I was disappointed that that

59:26.040 --> 59:32.360
Robert Malone said that and it was weird because he's very good friends with Meryl Nass who was the

59:32.360 --> 59:37.880
longtime scientific advisor of CHD and so it seemed like not only was he kind of stab and Bobby and

59:37.880 --> 59:43.880
CHD in the back but even his good friend Meryl and those six minutes were apparently somehow

59:43.880 --> 59:49.720
objectionable and they let me go so um the reason why I can tell you that is because they offered me

59:49.720 --> 59:56.360
an eight thousand dollar non-disclosure agreement and parting parting I don't know what that was

59:57.240 --> 01:00:03.800
but I turned that down and so I'm I'm pretty open with talking about um what they do and what they

01:00:03.800 --> 01:00:09.720
don't do I think there are an enormous number of really good people that are in CHD but I also

01:00:09.720 --> 01:00:16.120
think that there are probably some some medlers there that make CHD less effective than they could

01:00:16.120 --> 01:00:22.360
otherwise be and probably waste some of their resources that would otherwise go to better places

01:00:23.240 --> 01:00:30.040
a good example might be the fact that they've tried to start CHD EU but all that's basically

01:00:30.040 --> 01:00:38.200
been is a lot of money being taken from CHD USA and thrown over there and so if you if you look

01:00:38.200 --> 01:00:44.120
into CHD you're going to find a tremendous number of good people the form first and foremost being

01:00:44.120 --> 01:00:49.480
Brian Hooker Brian Hooker is a hero for the ages that's the guy who drove across the country to talk

01:00:49.480 --> 01:00:57.080
to the CHCDC whistleblower face-to-face and basically blew the lid off of this whole story years ago

01:00:58.120 --> 01:01:05.320
and maybe that's that's you know part of what CHD does is just kind of contain the jog or not

01:01:05.400 --> 01:01:11.480
that is Brian Hooker I don't know but for me Brian Hooker is the hero of CHD and and and if you're

01:01:11.480 --> 01:01:16.680
supporting CHD or supporting the book or work of Brian Hooker and if you want to support CHD

01:01:17.400 --> 01:01:22.360
um I would say don't donate any money buy this book and give it to a friend or buy 10 of these

01:01:22.360 --> 01:01:27.720
books and give it to a friend because you'll help CHD and Brian Hooker who I know for absolute

01:01:27.720 --> 01:01:33.880
certain is a good guy yeah so anyway I worked for them but Brian ended up having to let me go and

01:01:33.880 --> 01:01:38.840
I don't think he enjoyed that very much but we just had a meeting and he said it's done and I

01:01:38.840 --> 01:01:47.720
I ended up going back on on air and uh I have now about 110 subscribers and and between that

01:01:47.720 --> 01:01:53.160
and some other jobs I'm able to make ends meet but right now I'm just a biology teacher on the

01:01:53.160 --> 01:01:58.680
internet and I think that's probably where I'm gonna remain um I feel like it's it's probably

01:01:58.760 --> 01:02:05.960
what I'm supposed to be doing right now and so I've been working on on starting a couple new

01:02:06.840 --> 01:02:14.920
series um it's it's been taking me a while to get done spinning my wheels um and I will freely

01:02:14.920 --> 01:02:22.520
admit it I was absolutely blindsided I thought that I was working for the best organization in

01:02:22.520 --> 01:02:27.480
the United States and I was so proud to be working for them so humbled to be working for them my

01:02:27.480 --> 01:02:33.080
family finally had insurance again and so when they let me go I was like getting kicked out of

01:02:33.080 --> 01:02:38.920
a moving truck it was much worse than getting fired by or beginning let go by pit because I was

01:02:38.920 --> 01:02:44.200
already yelling at people and I was already done with them and I was frustrated with that career

01:02:44.200 --> 01:02:50.280
and I knew that I had to figure out this biology and I was driven at that time and so this I felt

01:02:50.280 --> 01:02:57.160
like I had finally found my home and I thought I was about to you know really start working um and

01:02:57.160 --> 01:03:06.600
instead uh I still don't really know and so I'm just trying my best not to I don't want to be a

01:03:06.600 --> 01:03:13.080
bull in a candy or a china shop and just wreck stuff because I'm mad and so I'm very careful

01:03:13.080 --> 01:03:18.600
about about talking about what happened at CHD because yeah it hurt my family and it really

01:03:18.600 --> 01:03:26.440
set me back uh my family back personally um but I do not dare try to kick too hard at CHD because

01:03:26.440 --> 01:03:31.160
this too they're too important and those people are too important and what they stand for is too

01:03:31.160 --> 01:03:38.440
important um but it's it's been hard and so I've been kind of using my stream as a way of exploring

01:03:38.440 --> 01:03:43.640
this people web and understanding the relationships between all these people because it's weird I've

01:03:43.640 --> 01:03:49.400
met almost all of them in person multiple times and then had them somehow or another behave

01:03:49.400 --> 01:03:57.720
inconsistently and that's a friendly way of saying basically lie um and so uh a lot of people are

01:03:57.720 --> 01:04:02.600
frustrated by my work because they don't like that aspect of it but I also feel some obligation

01:04:02.600 --> 01:04:08.440
to share my story simply because very few people have personal experience with them and so

01:04:08.440 --> 01:04:14.760
they can't speak they can't speak to you know how somebody is in person and I can and and a lot

01:04:14.760 --> 01:04:19.960
of times you see very clearly someone after you shake their hand and talk to them face to face

01:04:19.960 --> 01:04:28.120
for a few minutes at least if they're lying um and and uh so that that's where I am now is trying

01:04:28.120 --> 01:04:34.600
to rebuild my platform I got a peer tube um which is kind of an independent clone of youtube that

01:04:34.680 --> 01:04:40.120
I'm storing my videos on on twitch and on other places trying to fight against

01:04:41.720 --> 01:04:48.520
what I'm now calling in grand terms the worst case scenario narrative and I feel like climate

01:04:48.520 --> 01:04:53.640
change is a worst case scenario narrative the population is a worst case scenario narrative

01:04:55.400 --> 01:04:59.720
running out of resources or food or whatever it is that we're running out of now is a worst case

01:04:59.720 --> 01:05:06.680
scenario narrative and in fact the pandemic is a worst case scenario narrative and the

01:05:07.720 --> 01:05:14.760
the way that I am trying to sort through the people who are shepherding us out of the cave

01:05:14.760 --> 01:05:19.880
is to try and and look at these people what they were doing in 2020 and whether or not they were

01:05:19.880 --> 01:05:25.720
pushing a worst case scenario um and what aspects of it and how long they were involved in it because

01:05:25.720 --> 01:05:32.840
some of these people were involved in this in this whole apparatus for many more years than

01:05:32.840 --> 01:05:38.120
than the start of the pandemic I mean just anecdotally there's a guy by the name of Kevin McCernan

01:05:38.920 --> 01:05:44.600
who has become quite famous for having identified the double stranded DNA that has contaminated

01:05:44.600 --> 01:05:50.680
the Moderna and Pfizer shots and him and this guy from the University of South Carolina named

01:05:50.680 --> 01:05:58.280
Buckholtz have now started this kind of campaign to find cell cultures that have DNA that seems to

01:05:58.280 --> 01:06:03.320
be integrated into the genome and even trying to find patient samples where they can look for

01:06:03.320 --> 01:06:11.080
integration of this DNA in the genome and I find it interesting to note that that Buckholtz for

01:06:11.080 --> 01:06:16.600
example was very early on a high proponent of PCR testing and very involved in the sequencing

01:06:16.600 --> 01:06:21.560
of the viruses and all that other stuff and now he's involved in calling out the contamination

01:06:21.560 --> 01:06:26.600
of the shot which he and his own words said would have been fine if it didn't have the DNA in it

01:06:26.600 --> 01:06:31.240
and in fact he's very upset to find out it has the DAA because it wouldn't have bothered him for

01:06:31.240 --> 01:06:36.440
his parents but it definitely would bother him for his daughter and so saying those words out loud

01:06:36.440 --> 01:06:42.280
reveals all the truth that you need to hear. Kevin McCernan his kind of partner in this

01:06:42.280 --> 01:06:49.240
is a guy who dropped out of grad school worked at the Whitehead Institute at MIT at the start

01:06:49.240 --> 01:06:54.120
of the Human Genome Project and so has been involved since the Human Genome Project was a

01:06:54.120 --> 01:07:00.680
top secret thing under the Department of Energy. So now this person happens to also be the guy who

01:07:00.680 --> 01:07:06.200
says that infectious clones are silly and that Dr. Cooley is kind of nuts and he shouldn't pay

01:07:06.200 --> 01:07:13.960
attention to him even though he was on my stream twice in 2021 and 2022 to tell me that the RNA

01:07:13.960 --> 01:07:20.040
was was not pure and that the RNA could cause wobble bases and premature stop codons and frame

01:07:20.040 --> 01:07:26.760
shifting. So it's strange that all of those aspects of the transfection are being ignored

01:07:26.760 --> 01:07:32.440
and no longer a concern but it's just the double stranded DNA that is a concern and if we get that

01:07:32.440 --> 01:07:36.040
out then maybe we don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water and transfection works

01:07:36.040 --> 01:07:42.680
after all and I think that that this is the kind of big picture biology that we need college age

01:07:42.680 --> 01:07:49.960
kids to understand we need young parents to understand so that they go into the future the near future

01:07:49.960 --> 01:07:55.960
understanding that they are about to be bullied again into accepting it and they will be but they

01:07:55.960 --> 01:08:01.080
will for sure be bullied into it our grandparents and and those old people in old folks homes are

01:08:01.160 --> 01:08:07.960
already being bullied into it. No it is disgraceful. What is your views on the

01:08:07.960 --> 01:08:14.280
increasing use of technology to tap into the human mind the likes of New Orleans from Elon Musk

01:08:14.280 --> 01:08:19.160
and others like Google and Larry Page who have developed in their own as well as billionaires

01:08:19.160 --> 01:08:25.080
like Peter Field? Is this something that's good for humanity or has this got more of a dark side to it?

01:08:26.040 --> 01:08:32.680
It's it can only be dark. I mean let's let's let's keep a couple things in mind just to be sure

01:08:34.520 --> 01:08:39.400
controlling a mouse with your mind is not magic it's not a big deal you can actually do this without

01:08:39.400 --> 01:08:45.640
implant you don't need to put anything in you could get a helmet that had sensors in it that could

01:08:45.640 --> 01:08:52.920
transcranially measure your your bulk signals of your neocortex and you could control a mouse

01:08:52.920 --> 01:08:57.000
with your neocortex that that's something that if they wanted to do they could do it right now

01:08:58.200 --> 01:09:05.880
they're they are using invasive techniques to do it in paraplegics in order to give you the idea

01:09:05.880 --> 01:09:11.560
that this is going to become normal. What we ought to do is start if anybody that wants to

01:09:11.560 --> 01:09:16.840
penetrate this should just try to find neurobiologists that work on monkeys to talk about it because

01:09:16.840 --> 01:09:21.960
neurobiologists that work on monkeys implant things in the monkey head all the time and they have all

01:09:22.680 --> 01:09:27.160
all the experience you need to understand whether or not implants in the brain are

01:09:27.160 --> 01:09:33.240
something that's really feasible and a healthy human it's just absurd and the the second aspect

01:09:33.240 --> 01:09:40.920
of this is that they are misrepresenting what what they are doing there there is a

01:09:41.320 --> 01:09:52.360
there is a difference between measuring signals and using those signals to create output and measuring

01:09:52.360 --> 01:09:58.280
signals and deciding what they mean. So what they are fooling people into is is thinking that when

01:09:58.280 --> 01:10:03.720
they put that implant in your head that they're now reading your brain when in reality all they're

01:10:03.720 --> 01:10:09.000
doing is listening to it and when they listen to it and they can hear the difference between

01:10:09.000 --> 01:10:17.240
it and they can hear the difference between and that does not mean that they understand what the

01:10:17.240 --> 01:10:24.440
difference is between those two signals but if they take a sufficiently simple thing like I want to

01:10:24.440 --> 01:10:32.120
move the cursor left right up and down and they listen to a sufficient portion of the brain then

01:10:32.120 --> 01:10:39.560
just by the way that the brain functions there will be enough signal above noise for the

01:10:40.440 --> 01:10:47.800
electrode to pick up something that the algorithm can use as a correlate. So that's the reason why

01:10:48.360 --> 01:10:55.720
when someone has a robotic arm they don't need to hook up to any particular nerve in the wrist in

01:10:55.800 --> 01:11:02.120
order to make that thing move because what they do is they just say okay close your hand

01:11:02.920 --> 01:11:08.200
and then they record whatever signal shows up and then that signal gets told to okay close the

01:11:08.200 --> 01:11:12.280
hand so now when you say close your hand the same signal goes there you don't know what the

01:11:12.280 --> 01:11:17.800
signal is but your brain makes the same signal and that closes the hand and so now if you imagine

01:11:17.800 --> 01:11:22.600
the same thing okay tell the mouse you want to move left well first you have to train it so

01:11:22.600 --> 01:11:29.160
you train it with your hand that paraplegic probably trained it with his mouth and then once he

01:11:29.160 --> 01:11:34.680
stopped training it with his mouth sure the residual signals that can be recorded from your brain

01:11:34.680 --> 01:11:39.880
is sufficient for you to move the mouse with your brain but that's an illusion that doesn't mean

01:11:39.880 --> 01:11:45.480
that we understand how the brain encoded any of those things it just means that the signal to noise

01:11:45.480 --> 01:11:52.520
ratio in the brain is distributed in such a way so that if you take training and correlate it with

01:11:52.520 --> 01:12:00.360
brain behavior you can use that as a proxy and that relies on the person also understanding

01:12:00.360 --> 01:12:05.480
it as a proxy because that person will be told off screen you're still going to have to move it

01:12:05.480 --> 01:12:10.040
with your mouth it's just we're not going to put that thing in your mouth anymore and eventually

01:12:10.040 --> 01:12:17.160
you will learn your brain unbeknownst to us will learn how to you won't have to go you won't have to

01:12:17.240 --> 01:12:22.680
do that so much anymore and slowly your brain will learn how not to do that but that's a process

01:12:22.680 --> 01:12:28.040
we already understood we understood that from joystick movement that we could take a joystick

01:12:28.040 --> 01:12:32.920
and use it and use it and use it and then now you could stop and imagine using the joystick and

01:12:32.920 --> 01:12:38.840
the same signals show up we knew that for decades already so the idea that you're tapping into this

01:12:38.840 --> 01:12:46.920
they are they it's literally a stage show it's a magician's trick to make you believe that we're

01:12:46.920 --> 01:12:51.320
a decade away from being able to read everything in your mind and before you know it you're going

01:12:51.320 --> 01:12:54.520
to have to go to work when we tell you to and you're not going to be able to go to the bathroom

01:12:54.520 --> 01:13:00.680
without being monitored all of these things don't require the magic technology they just

01:13:00.680 --> 01:13:06.680
require everybody to be required to wear a monitor that's it yeah so it's an illusion it's got it

01:13:06.680 --> 01:13:13.000
as you say it's gotten the various uses because they're obviously going to use it for for other

01:13:13.000 --> 01:13:22.200
reasons um do you think currently that we are in an age now where we are most likely to see

01:13:22.200 --> 01:13:31.400
bioterrorisms as the weapon against humanity i have a feeling we're in a situation where a lie

01:13:31.400 --> 01:13:37.400
about bioterrorism will be used against humanity i don't think that bioterrorism can be used

01:13:37.960 --> 01:13:45.000
unless it is manufactured in sufficient quantity to be used on everyone yeah in other words um

01:13:45.560 --> 01:13:50.760
like blue paint if the blue paint has to get on everybody the only way for that to happen is

01:13:50.760 --> 01:13:57.480
for you to make enough blue paint and so bioterrorism is exactly the same way if there is a bioterrorist

01:13:57.480 --> 01:14:03.080
event that happens and everybody is actually affected everybody turns pink it will because

01:14:03.080 --> 01:14:09.640
they made enough of it that's the only way mother nature can't do it yeah we mentioned a little bit

01:14:09.640 --> 01:14:15.240
earlier about the possibility of more gallant's disease being the precursor to what we've seen

01:14:15.240 --> 01:14:24.760
here in regards to altering the human body through possibly contaminants outside sources maybe

01:14:24.760 --> 01:14:35.640
injections um this is a disease that produces strands that will grow out of people's skin

01:14:35.640 --> 01:14:42.520
and when tested this is of a synthetic nature and still they haven't come up with the reasons why

01:14:43.160 --> 01:14:48.440
maybe that's because they don't want to disclose what they've done but science doesn't seem to be

01:14:48.440 --> 01:14:53.880
coming up with the the results for this it isn't something that i'm hearing a lot of bang onto

01:14:53.880 --> 01:14:59.400
any more i'm probably going back about 10 years where i was made aware of this and saw it coming

01:14:59.400 --> 01:15:09.240
out um is it possible that this was just a test phase um what which this do you mean the more

01:15:09.240 --> 01:15:14.760
gallant's disease the synthetic fibers come in oh i think that there's something very interesting

01:15:14.920 --> 01:15:25.240
there because of the fact that i've only recently become aware of the the idea that spirochetes

01:15:25.240 --> 01:15:30.360
these bacteria that are responsible for syphilis and responsible for limes disease or at least

01:15:30.360 --> 01:15:35.720
partially some people say i don't know there might be many forms of limes disease but one is

01:15:35.720 --> 01:15:40.200
spirochete carried and then this thing that you just recently alerted me to

01:15:40.840 --> 01:15:52.680
um what i find most compelling is that almost all of the the biology topics that i have become

01:15:52.680 --> 01:16:00.440
aware of in the last four years which have some degree of sketchiness to them have to do with

01:16:01.400 --> 01:16:06.760
what appears to be if i can summarize it as taking the spotlight off of bacteria and putting it on

01:16:06.760 --> 01:16:13.000
something else so you take the spotlight off of bacteria by saying it's a viral pneumonia and

01:16:13.000 --> 01:16:18.360
then nobody uses antibiotics and hundreds of thousands of people die you take the spotlight

01:16:18.360 --> 01:16:25.560
off of spirochetes and syphilis if you call it Alzheimer's disease or and i'm starting to wonder

01:16:26.120 --> 01:16:34.200
to what extent i mean this this possible pattern of taking the spotlight off of bacterial cause

01:16:34.200 --> 01:16:40.680
and putting it on an on a on essentially non-living cause what if it's a prion what if it's a virus

01:16:40.680 --> 01:16:47.240
what if it's a a viran or a vivirian or whatever they are that are naked r&a all of these things

01:16:47.240 --> 01:16:54.440
that are non-living entities that are hard to study and very elusive and get a Nobel prize very

01:16:54.440 --> 01:17:01.400
quick all seem to have this theme that they take the spotlight away from a bacterial cause and put

01:17:01.400 --> 01:17:09.640
it on a non-living cause which i find a very compelling pattern yeah yeah now we mentioned a

01:17:09.640 --> 01:17:15.560
little bit earlier when we were talking about fluoride being something that has been put into

01:17:15.560 --> 01:17:22.120
the water it's been used by dentists and it's been known to be something that is a dumbing down

01:17:22.120 --> 01:17:28.520
agents but also within the problems that you mentioned there with people with the likes of

01:17:28.520 --> 01:17:37.320
Alzheimer's this is linked so to say into the amount of aluminium that is around us where

01:17:37.320 --> 01:17:43.320
they were cooking with it ingesting it through many different forms foil and stuff like that

01:17:43.320 --> 01:17:53.000
well fluoride is a byproduct of the aluminium smelted process so is it likely that both of these

01:17:53.000 --> 01:18:00.600
things are what is causing cognitive problems in people i mean as i we said earlier i think that

01:18:01.400 --> 01:18:07.880
toxins environmental toxin and toxicity are always where to start and we never start there

01:18:08.520 --> 01:18:15.560
now and america is surrounded and bathing in toxins because of our fda and

01:18:16.680 --> 01:18:21.720
lack of fda whatever you want to call it the way that the fda makes it possible for us to be

01:18:22.360 --> 01:18:30.680
drowning in toxins and and the worst aspects of american culture are lotions and creams and

01:18:30.680 --> 01:18:38.360
perfumes and detergents and and so if you really are are that kind of skilled tv watching american

01:18:38.360 --> 01:18:43.880
your house is full of these toxins your your yard is full of them your water has them in it and

01:18:43.880 --> 01:18:50.600
you drink nothing but you know things out of plastic and you know things that it's just an

01:18:50.600 --> 01:18:59.880
extraordinary amount of it's a huge bouquet of potential for poor health that that we in western

01:18:59.880 --> 01:19:06.840
society just absolutely wholly ignore and and try to think about the world as being composed of a

01:19:06.840 --> 01:19:15.880
few viruses and i don't know i guess the rest is just it's very it's very puzzling to me indeed

01:19:15.880 --> 01:19:23.080
yeah yeah is it likely that the multiple safe and effective shots that are on the market would

01:19:23.080 --> 01:19:31.000
not for the prevention of covid whatsoever absolutely yeah even if even if on the drawing board

01:19:31.720 --> 01:19:37.640
um at best they could make the argument that they were jumping through the hoop of intention

01:19:38.200 --> 01:19:43.720
yeah but without a doubt and i'm making this argument very vociferously every time i can

01:19:44.760 --> 01:19:49.640
there are hundreds of thousands of academic biologists around the world that have used

01:19:49.640 --> 01:19:55.480
transfection for years and should have known that a lipid nanoparticle with an RNA and it is no

01:19:55.480 --> 01:20:00.280
different than lip effectamine which is a product that a lot of these people have used for years

01:20:00.360 --> 01:20:05.480
to transfect their mice or their cell cultures to do their study so they should have known from

01:20:05.480 --> 01:20:09.960
the very beginning when they were told that these were investigational vaccines that they were

01:20:09.960 --> 01:20:15.400
actually transfections and they should have taken the responsibility to teach everyone they loved

01:20:15.400 --> 01:20:21.880
that these were transfections and that whatever they're saying is wrong so many of these people

01:20:21.880 --> 01:20:27.320
still have a waking moment in their future they need to have this waking moment or we will not

01:20:27.320 --> 01:20:34.280
survive because our children have to have this waking moment and they won't if college professors

01:20:34.280 --> 01:20:40.680
en masse don't have a waking they need to understand this and take responsibility for their

01:20:41.160 --> 01:20:46.280
being asleep at the wheel even if they just apologize to every classroom of college kids

01:20:46.280 --> 01:20:53.240
that comes this fall and they say you know what guys i really blew it yeah they need to do it

01:20:53.960 --> 01:20:59.080
and i want every one of these academic professors to feel the kind of guilt that i feel now

01:21:01.080 --> 01:21:07.240
because i still do feel guilt i lost two one really good friend and one

01:21:07.240 --> 01:21:15.480
former girlfriend long long distance contact to the shot basically because i wasn't sophisticated

01:21:15.480 --> 01:21:22.840
enough to extract myself from the Scooby-Doo mystery to say that you don't need this at that time i

01:21:22.840 --> 01:21:28.120
was still you know maybe it's a lab leak holy shit and so then that then all bets are off you

01:21:28.120 --> 01:21:33.960
know if you say you're not gonna take it i'm i'm gonna decide to take it and so if i could have

01:21:33.960 --> 01:21:41.720
talked to Nathan my friend the way that with what i know now before he took the transfection i

01:21:41.720 --> 01:21:46.680
might have saved his family i don't know but now he's gone now they have no father anymore now it's

01:21:46.760 --> 01:21:52.600
disgraceful and there's thousands like that as well and you know people just don't people choose

01:21:52.600 --> 01:22:00.280
to ignore it because i imagine that you know if so many people have a ticking time bomb inside them

01:22:02.440 --> 01:22:06.520
it's probably a lot easier to ignore the fact that there's all these people dying around them

01:22:06.520 --> 01:22:13.000
and that's no way to to progress and stop what's coming now we have a neighbor we have a neighbor

01:22:13.080 --> 01:22:17.640
that we used to live next to we don't live next to her anymore as we moved two years ago but we at

01:22:17.640 --> 01:22:22.040
the time i didn't have a job so i was working on my stream and i was walking my kids to the bus and

01:22:22.040 --> 01:22:27.080
i would walk with her every morning and i was explaining to her what i was doing and i told her

01:22:27.080 --> 01:22:32.520
that i was friends with bobby and writing this book with him and she gave her kids the shots

01:22:33.640 --> 01:22:39.640
and so now you know those that those boys come over to our house every once in a while and

01:22:39.640 --> 01:22:42.840
because my boys were friends with them and they still have sleepovers even though we live on the

01:22:42.840 --> 01:22:48.360
other side of pittsburgh now um but when they come over here chris i don't know how to explain it

01:22:48.360 --> 01:22:53.800
other than they're always sick yeah i mean they're just always sick and it's not really sniffly it's

01:22:53.800 --> 01:22:58.360
kind of more like wow you are you okay like you should maybe you should have stayed home but my

01:22:58.360 --> 01:23:04.200
kids don't get sick and they're just kind of always sick and they want to come over but it's it's to

01:23:04.200 --> 01:23:09.240
me it's it's it's just obvious like those were healthy children when we lived next door to them

01:23:09.240 --> 01:23:15.000
they were they were running around with my kids and we're fine and now i i i can't help but think

01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:20.040
that they must be they must have had something happen to them because they're not healthy anymore

01:23:20.040 --> 01:23:26.200
they're always coughing and they sound awful and so it's it's just to me it's heartbreaking because

01:23:27.000 --> 01:23:34.280
that person that woman who is our friend is never probably gonna go there because she doesn't want

01:23:34.280 --> 01:23:39.240
to think about it you know and doesn't want to admit it and so i don't know maybe everybody

01:23:39.240 --> 01:23:45.080
is going to have to have their own personal pain that wakes them or their own personal loss that

01:23:45.080 --> 01:23:51.960
wakes them because um for all of us you know that i kind of kind of got lucky right i was really

01:23:51.960 --> 01:23:56.120
fired up about my career and when they took it away from me i was devastated i didn't know what

01:23:56.120 --> 01:24:01.000
to do i panicked i you know i lied to my parents for a while about what happened and stuff because

01:24:01.000 --> 01:24:05.960
i didn't know what i was doing i i was really worried that i ruined my family you know like

01:24:05.960 --> 01:24:12.920
wow what are we gonna do um i took my dutch wife here and my kids here and i thought wow i just

01:24:12.920 --> 01:24:19.400
stranded him here like what are we gonna do um so i had lost early that woke me up i also was awake

01:24:19.400 --> 01:24:24.920
from 9 11 already and there are lots of people who weren't so the the deeper you were asleep the

01:24:25.000 --> 01:24:31.480
harder it's gonna be to awaken um i don't know i think that's why we have to focus on the young

01:24:32.040 --> 01:24:39.000
because right now the contemporary liars are here we can we can turn to the tv in the presence of

01:24:39.000 --> 01:24:44.760
our young people and say look i mean it's obvious right even if you don't you don't agree with my

01:24:44.760 --> 01:24:49.880
interpretation of what is happening you have to agree that they're not telling you the truth and

01:24:49.880 --> 01:24:57.720
once we can disconnect them from that then we can start maybe empowering them to critically

01:24:57.720 --> 01:25:03.080
think about what's really happening and see through it because you know the whole system is

01:25:03.080 --> 01:25:07.480
obviously gamed against us there are people who aren't affected by the banking system and then

01:25:07.480 --> 01:25:13.080
there are people like us who are enslaved by it right yeah um and and we need people to understand

01:25:13.080 --> 01:25:18.680
that we need that that's part of what 9 11 brought me to was the whole fractional reserve banking

01:25:18.680 --> 01:25:23.720
thing that that blew up completely after 9 11 what i didn't understand was then that

01:25:23.720 --> 01:25:28.680
had to mean that anything that was controlled by a weaponized pile of money would necessarily

01:25:28.680 --> 01:25:34.760
use the same level of chicanery and it just took me 20 more years in a pandemic to realize it that's

01:25:34.760 --> 01:25:42.920
all yeah definitely now would it be a fair observation to say obviously what happened in

01:25:43.640 --> 01:25:50.440
Wuhan and the images that we're seeing of people dying and then the whole propaganda machine

01:25:50.440 --> 01:26:01.320
kicked in was a big driver towards pushing the vaccines into people if their goal the ultimate

01:26:01.320 --> 01:26:07.320
goal was to get i mean i believe it's around 70% of the population have taken these shots now

01:26:08.280 --> 01:26:14.440
if that was their ultimate goal we know that it was not for the prevention of something that

01:26:14.440 --> 01:26:21.000
they made up i mean this is the most elaborate hoax i have ever seen in my life

01:26:21.720 --> 01:26:30.120
um but what do you think the true purpose of the vaccine is i thought as i said before maybe i

01:26:30.120 --> 01:26:37.800
didn't didn't get it out as clear i really think it is for them to achieve a sort of acceptance

01:26:38.680 --> 01:26:43.880
of the idea that intramuscular injection and specifically transfection you know at

01:26:43.880 --> 01:26:51.560
augmenting with RNA in a it works they want you to think that this is the way forward in medicine

01:26:51.560 --> 01:26:59.000
because the next step will be of course that chris your your immune system is specific so

01:26:59.000 --> 01:27:05.400
we can't use the same RNA that we use on you that we use on j and so the next logical step is

01:27:05.400 --> 01:27:10.360
personalized medicine where we don't ever have to test anything again because everything that

01:27:10.360 --> 01:27:18.520
we make is for you and what that also opens the door for is independently uh enabling or disabling

01:27:18.520 --> 01:27:26.040
anybody they want to uh and and i think that getting to the stage where you accept regular

01:27:26.120 --> 01:27:31.400
intramuscular injection which we've already basically gotten to is a stage where at any

01:27:31.400 --> 01:27:37.800
point in time they can just substitute and then yes chrisper could be tested yes your life could

01:27:37.800 --> 01:27:43.160
be shortened or you could be sterilized or any number of things that are whose mechanisms would

01:27:43.160 --> 01:27:49.160
be well understood could be put in that needle um and so again without having to give them any

01:27:49.160 --> 01:27:55.720
special technologies or any special new nanobots or any other magical things in their drawer all

01:27:55.720 --> 01:27:59.960
you have to do is give them permission to put shit in your arm and we're already up shit creek

01:27:59.960 --> 01:28:06.760
without a paddle and that's already i think the primary objective was to make people accept the

01:28:06.760 --> 01:28:10.680
idea because they're gonna do it we've already seen it they're not there aren't going to be any

01:28:10.680 --> 01:28:15.560
more flu shots in a couple years that are done the other way they're all going to be mRNA and the

01:28:15.560 --> 01:28:23.400
old people especially pneumonia shot RSV shot combination covid flu shot these are just these

01:28:23.400 --> 01:28:27.160
are just whatever recipe they want to use next year now and and if we don't

01:28:28.200 --> 01:28:33.560
resist it with full-on united non-compliance it's going to be a sector of the company

01:28:33.560 --> 01:28:38.920
that just does it forever and we're gonna we're gonna be fractured on that and what happens after

01:28:38.920 --> 01:28:46.120
that is anybody's guess i mean throughout history we've seen very key players step forward well-known

01:28:46.120 --> 01:28:53.160
people Bill Gates's father people within the Nazi movements and even people to this day in very

01:28:53.160 --> 01:29:02.600
high positions have been associated with the eugenics program to kill people off is it possible that

01:29:02.600 --> 01:29:07.880
what they're bringing about is by the very same people part of this eugenics program

01:29:08.760 --> 01:29:17.720
I think yes but again it just you have to be very careful to imply depopulation

01:29:17.720 --> 01:29:22.440
actively because i don't think they they want that because they want to use the resource that

01:29:22.440 --> 01:29:28.760
they have if you think about it as a multi-generational battle that we're in i think what really they're

01:29:28.760 --> 01:29:35.560
planning on doing is something like you gotta you got a population that went up here and now

01:29:35.640 --> 01:29:40.760
as they ramp it down they want to collect the data as they ramp it down this might be three

01:29:40.760 --> 01:29:46.920
generations you know this is maybe my kids and then my grandkids and then my great-grandkids

01:29:47.880 --> 01:29:52.840
that's what they're thinking and so by the time they get down here to two billion they will have

01:29:52.840 --> 01:29:59.640
collected the data of 30 billion people or 20 billion people and then by then they will be able

01:29:59.640 --> 01:30:05.560
to make this promise right and so this i do think that they lie about the short term because they

01:30:05.560 --> 01:30:10.040
want everybody to go limp that's why Kurtzweiler goes around and says it's going to be in like 10

01:30:10.040 --> 01:30:15.080
years because they want everybody to go limp the same way that they they have these college kids

01:30:15.080 --> 01:30:18.920
thinking that the earth is going to burn down in like six years and so they might as well give up

01:30:18.920 --> 01:30:24.280
and not not fight for a future and i think that's the same illusion they don't want you to understand

01:30:24.280 --> 01:30:28.600
that this is a multi-generational game they want you to think that everything is going to end really

01:30:28.600 --> 01:30:33.960
soon so that you don't take any action that's meaning yeah but they're not going to waste this

01:30:33.960 --> 01:30:38.680
resource this is these are if you look at the area under the curve this would be a tremendous

01:30:38.680 --> 01:30:43.800
number of people to just kill off and throw in a ditch when you could collect their data over their

01:30:43.800 --> 01:30:51.720
lifetime which is exactly what Craig Ventner and and and leader Berg and all these old school

01:30:52.280 --> 01:30:58.200
connected to the genome project from the very start have been saying from the very beginning that we

01:30:58.200 --> 01:31:05.480
need everyone's data yeah i mean humans as a resource do you think it's possible that the

01:31:05.480 --> 01:31:10.520
patterns holders of the DNA author and products could actually lay claim to the ownership of

01:31:10.520 --> 01:31:15.560
humans in the future it's it's curious right what if they could in their own private rooms

01:31:16.120 --> 01:31:21.320
does it matter if they do it in our face or if they just do it in private rooms i think you

01:31:21.320 --> 01:31:27.480
we have to start expanding our the possibilities of how we are actually governed and stop thinking

01:31:27.480 --> 01:31:32.520
that it's you know just some little piles of money under the table here and some bribes over

01:31:32.520 --> 01:31:40.600
there and maybe a hooker here and a hooker there it's much much more complete and and much more

01:31:42.600 --> 01:31:48.120
hierarchical than that and a vast majority of what we see is not the vast majority of what's working

01:31:48.120 --> 01:31:54.360
behind those scenes yeah and and that's where yes we could easily be being traded right now our

01:31:54.360 --> 01:31:59.960
kids could already be being traded right now for all we know yeah yeah all of a sudden the

01:31:59.960 --> 01:32:06.440
humans become a stock on the stock exchange and yeah they are absolutely they are valuable yeah

01:32:07.640 --> 01:32:13.320
yeah and more importantly we are valuable as data and think very carefully biologically speaking

01:32:13.320 --> 01:32:19.240
there is a very different data set in china a very different data set in the philippines and a

01:32:19.240 --> 01:32:27.880
very different data set in russia then there is in america our our unique multi multi cultural

01:32:27.880 --> 01:32:35.000
multi ethnic genome combinations provide very unique go games that may never exist again you

01:32:35.000 --> 01:32:43.560
may never find a french irish philippino indian like me again never and so you you better get my

01:32:43.960 --> 01:32:50.920
genes or that that go game will not be available for the ai library like that's that's the actual

01:32:50.920 --> 01:32:56.040
way i think i think about this the best is that they're just they need as many games as they can

01:32:56.040 --> 01:33:02.680
get and we are the game yeah now jeffrey apstein was involved in gene editing at mit and harvard

01:33:02.680 --> 01:33:09.320
where he pledged 30 million now some of the professors even visited apstein diamond what do you think

01:33:09.320 --> 01:33:15.000
his involvement was for and could he have just been the cash cow told to fund this by higher

01:33:15.000 --> 01:33:23.800
authorities yeah i don't know about apstein i have the feeling that somehow he's one of those

01:33:23.800 --> 01:33:32.760
shiny objects again um that we're being asked to explain more with him than what he actually explains

01:33:33.320 --> 01:33:38.360
um i have no doubt that he was back there and i'm no doubt they meddled in stuff but i think

01:33:38.440 --> 01:33:44.600
we're being asked to explain more with him than we should and so i tend not to pay too much attention

01:33:44.600 --> 01:33:51.560
to that i i do pay attention a lot to mit media labs which he was very connected to i do

01:33:51.560 --> 01:33:56.360
pay attention to george church because he says a lot of the crazy things that kurtzweiler says

01:33:57.240 --> 01:34:03.800
and has been this motivating force behind the eventually where we're gonna get and how much mastery

01:34:03.800 --> 01:34:09.160
we're gonna attain that i don't i think is in it a lie but still he's been one of the foremost

01:34:09.160 --> 01:34:16.360
speakers of that and he was a very close associate with um with with Epstein i think that that it's

01:34:16.360 --> 01:34:23.160
important to understand that there are lots of ways to influence people but maybe the easiest

01:34:23.160 --> 01:34:28.280
way to influence people is to make people feel like they are a part of something special or a part

01:34:28.280 --> 01:34:35.560
of something secret and so Jeffrey Epstein may have just been a publicized version of what happens

01:34:35.560 --> 01:34:41.800
in a in a thousand different places in a thousand different ways um where people are made to feel

01:34:41.800 --> 01:34:48.040
part of something secret special and elite and maybe there's drugs or sex or money or comfort or

01:34:48.040 --> 01:34:53.640
something involved and Jeffrey Epstein i think is one of almost a characterized version of that

01:34:53.640 --> 01:34:59.240
because if you were allowed to hang out with peter teal i'm not just not you and me but just

01:34:59.240 --> 01:35:03.160
hypothetically you got invited to a party you didn't know it was going to be there and it turned out

01:35:03.160 --> 01:35:07.880
to be peter teal and elon musk and they said that they wanted you to be a part of their new media

01:35:07.880 --> 01:35:12.680
empire and they were going to give you a podcast and it was the year 2017 you might have said holy

01:35:12.680 --> 01:35:17.800
shit that sounds great and then the pandemic comes along and then they call you up and say hey

01:35:17.800 --> 01:35:23.080
don't question the virus for a couple years would you and all of a sudden you've played a little role

01:35:23.080 --> 01:35:27.320
in it right and that's that's really it's like this and there's a million different

01:35:27.320 --> 01:35:31.960
million different versions of that story that are actively happening and we're we're supposed

01:35:31.960 --> 01:35:39.560
to focus on Jeffrey Epstein that's all yeah that's it there's obviously a clear halfway that they

01:35:39.560 --> 01:35:45.720
want to achieve things and those small steps along that path involved many people and that seems to

01:35:45.800 --> 01:35:54.280
be something that you know has created the whole illusion that we're living in and it's quite

01:35:54.280 --> 01:36:01.160
scary when you consider that that's i mean think the people that go to the wf forum on the lower ends

01:36:01.960 --> 01:36:08.520
are people that are working for local governments but think it's totally okay for those local

01:36:08.520 --> 01:36:14.600
governments to spend hundred thousand dollars to send them to dominoes they don't see any contradiction

01:36:14.600 --> 01:36:19.560
in that at all and then buy a fancy suit and going to that meeting even though they only sit

01:36:19.560 --> 01:36:24.920
in a room and they only talk about hypotheticals and they bring nothing back to their local

01:36:24.920 --> 01:36:31.400
municipality but they're totally fine with that that shows you how blinding that membership can be

01:36:31.400 --> 01:36:38.280
and blinding that sort of comfort and elitism can be um it will make people behave very very

01:36:38.360 --> 01:36:45.800
unscrupulously definitely a friend of mine Amanda Uranus researcher and reporter

01:36:45.800 --> 01:36:52.200
and she recently put our sub stack on hydrogels which is causing quite the discussion online at

01:36:52.200 --> 01:36:59.720
the moment what what do you know about hydrogels and we're finding hydrogels in blood i went and

01:36:59.720 --> 01:37:07.800
had a live blood analysis done to see what was going on within myself and i'm full of hydrogels

01:37:07.800 --> 01:37:14.920
now it appears that people who have taken the shots have hydrogels but within the hydrogels

01:37:14.920 --> 01:37:23.400
are very strange structures that have been formed and built within those i don't have those

01:37:23.400 --> 01:37:30.440
structures within mine but i do have the hydrogels what are you aware of in regards to these we're

01:37:30.440 --> 01:37:36.040
still not a hundred percent sure what they are whether they're a vehicle to carry something

01:37:36.120 --> 01:37:42.040
where they're coming from how they're getting into the unvaxed um what's your opinion on these

01:37:43.480 --> 01:37:53.400
um i don't really have one um i i was so i'm i'm wondering off the top of my head whether

01:37:53.400 --> 01:38:00.440
they're related at all to the biofilm that was associated with uh spirochetes and syphilis um

01:38:00.440 --> 01:38:05.880
is that the same thing is that a is that the same name for a different thing i'm not aware

01:38:06.520 --> 01:38:11.880
of what they are in regards to that but i just know that this is what we're seeing in live blood

01:38:11.880 --> 01:38:17.000
analysis and it's not just how do they how do they describe it chemically or or or whatever

01:38:17.000 --> 01:38:21.880
it's it's it's a small pocket which seems to almost have bioluminescence

01:38:23.000 --> 01:38:29.000
and it is a lot larger than the cells within the blood itself

01:38:29.240 --> 01:38:37.480
and anybody that's going and taking a live blood analysis now regardless who you use

01:38:37.480 --> 01:38:43.400
so this is not something that's specific to one analysis this is a lot of analysis

01:38:43.400 --> 01:38:51.240
around the world are now finding these and these hydrogels are being seen strangely enough

01:38:52.200 --> 01:38:59.640
only since 2020 onwards um i would suggest that if that's the case that they were probably

01:38:59.640 --> 01:39:07.640
testing the administration of something that they either want to know if it can be used um or

01:39:07.640 --> 01:39:15.640
want to know the long-term effects of um it's it to me one of the things that's frustrating of

01:39:15.640 --> 01:39:24.680
course is that i'm almost certain that they that they put different stuff in different places so that

01:39:25.240 --> 01:39:29.240
people would be confused because different things happened in different places and those

01:39:29.880 --> 01:39:37.480
those stories would allow debunking those stories would allow um ridicule and uh you know some things

01:39:37.480 --> 01:39:43.480
to sound absurd and so if there was a contaminant in spain that somebody could take a picture of

01:39:43.560 --> 01:39:47.320
under a microscope but they couldn't find it in america then they were it would be very easy for

01:39:47.320 --> 01:39:56.280
them to say one was was nonsense um so with regard to that um and if we look at this as a pre-planned

01:39:56.280 --> 01:40:00.120
thing then i don't think they would have let this opportunity go to waste so if there were things

01:40:00.120 --> 01:40:05.800
that they wanted to test i guess they probably did test them um and therefore i don't i don't

01:40:06.600 --> 01:40:13.080
dismiss out of hand the idea that some people might have these uh graphene particles or something

01:40:13.080 --> 01:40:19.400
like that in them as well because uh it's only a question of intention i mean if this was really

01:40:19.400 --> 01:40:25.640
an opportunity to test a few technologies without the no uh without the knowledge of anybody around

01:40:25.640 --> 01:40:33.240
the world and and use it that way uh well um that i'd put nothing past them um yeah it's unfortunate

01:40:33.240 --> 01:40:40.920
that those things make resistance harder because they are create national natural places where

01:40:41.640 --> 01:40:50.120
where medlers can create uh disagreement where there shouldn't be you know right and and so

01:40:51.240 --> 01:40:56.360
it's it's tough they are they are very very organized they have thought a lot of this out

01:40:57.400 --> 01:41:02.840
and we are in the middle of a progression um we shouldn't be thinking we're getting toward the

01:41:02.840 --> 01:41:08.440
end we're in the middle of it even if we're off script they are behaving as though we are right

01:41:08.440 --> 01:41:15.640
right right in the in the groove um and i don't think we are i think we we've got them off course

01:41:15.640 --> 01:41:23.000
and so we as a collective need to keep the pressure steady um so that we eventually run the ship

01:41:23.000 --> 01:41:28.200
aground i don't know where we'll run aground but i i really don't think we're going to the destination

01:41:28.280 --> 01:41:35.960
they intended i think we would be in a much different place if they had as much success as they intended

01:41:35.960 --> 01:41:41.080
to when they said there was going to be a a winter of severe illness and death for all everybody

01:41:41.080 --> 01:41:47.400
that's not vaccinated they were still hoping um at that stage that they were going to be able to bully

01:41:47.400 --> 01:41:52.680
us into a greater percentage of taking the shot because if they get rid of the control group they

01:41:52.680 --> 01:41:59.400
win yeah that's that's what i think is the issue here um they needed whole families to buy in but

01:41:59.400 --> 01:42:04.440
they didn't they fractured families so now there's a sick half of the family and a healthy half of

01:42:04.440 --> 01:42:10.920
the family that's a problem right you've got you've got teachers that can see it in their classrooms

01:42:10.920 --> 01:42:16.840
but don't dare say it out loud wow so there's kids with 15 days that they miss and there's kids

01:42:16.840 --> 01:42:21.960
it with no misses and they can see that that's a pattern that didn't happen three years ago but

01:42:22.040 --> 01:42:28.680
they can't admit it to themselves but all of these people are going to start to see facets of the

01:42:28.680 --> 01:42:34.440
elephant and it's just a question of us being able to keep beating the drums so that they all

01:42:35.880 --> 01:42:41.560
when they see it they're they feel the courage to acknowledge it yeah what do you know about the

01:42:41.560 --> 01:42:47.480
extents of the influence of the world economic forum in regards to what it has over the sciences

01:42:47.480 --> 01:42:57.240
and universities not to really wow um in my experience it had none um in my experience the

01:42:57.240 --> 01:43:05.720
main influence of anything on universities is uh the NIH and everybody that provides money so from

01:43:05.720 --> 01:43:15.160
a biological faculty position um it felt very much like a game where you i guess you could say

01:43:15.240 --> 01:43:20.920
it this way you either found a way to make yourself indispensable to the faculty

01:43:22.760 --> 01:43:29.640
with some other means like teaching or or grad student recruitment or you know you could make

01:43:29.640 --> 01:43:34.680
yourself useful somehow if you were lucky and you and you brown-nosed enough but if you were

01:43:34.680 --> 01:43:40.760
independent the only way to make yourself untouchable in the university was have so much money they

01:43:40.760 --> 01:43:46.600
couldn't kick you out and so that meant that you were wholly dependent on the funding agency

01:43:46.600 --> 01:43:54.920
giving you money um so i i was often taught that way by by my colleagues is that i should think of

01:43:54.920 --> 01:43:59.960
this as a game of money if you get enough money you can do it ever you want and if you don't get

01:43:59.960 --> 01:44:04.120
enough money then you're going to have to listen to all these people and do what all these people

01:44:04.120 --> 01:44:09.560
say and take all these people's advice and until you get RO1 money you're going to have to play that

01:44:09.560 --> 01:44:18.200
game but once you get RO1 and you can tell everybody to shove it so um the university system i think

01:44:19.160 --> 01:44:26.760
gets impinged upon um differently depending on the department and so because the university

01:44:26.760 --> 01:44:33.320
isn't only biomedical faculty i think you get influence from other places which also receive

01:44:33.320 --> 01:44:40.920
funding and grants and so in that sense um that's i think how they get to them but it's an indirect

01:44:40.920 --> 01:44:46.760
science i think science in the grand scheme of things is is more immune to that kind of influence

01:44:46.760 --> 01:44:57.080
like from WEF kind of influence um but if the NIH is influenced by the WEF or the you know i i think

01:44:57.080 --> 01:45:04.920
the WEF is a very specific kind of of military industrial complex coordinating group i think they

01:45:04.920 --> 01:45:14.440
must be primarily involved in in in national governments that like deal in arms or deal in big

01:45:14.440 --> 01:45:22.520
money i i don't i'm trying to think of multi-national trade you know because most of the partners in

01:45:22.600 --> 01:45:29.080
the WEF are multinational corporations and so they they serve the interests of them and i don't see

01:45:29.080 --> 01:45:37.480
that so an academic biology it's it's uh it's the isolation that works yeah so and do you think

01:45:37.480 --> 01:45:43.000
this conflicting interests in regards to the funding to a lot of science and universities

01:45:43.000 --> 01:45:52.280
through big pharma um yes but it's indirect big pharma influences NIH

01:45:52.520 --> 01:45:58.920
and FDA and and and that's how they influence the funding um there there's more and more funding

01:45:58.920 --> 01:46:06.360
available for academic science but so much of what industry is interested in is is things that

01:46:06.360 --> 01:46:12.600
can be turned into a product and so much of academic biology is a couple steps away from that um and so

01:46:15.080 --> 01:46:20.680
or WEF even even as i'm talking about it right now i'm kind of feel like i'm making an argument

01:46:20.680 --> 01:46:27.960
for the fact that academic biology could still be saved yeah it isn't so directly corrupted but

01:46:27.960 --> 01:46:38.040
it is corrupted mostly by this this this model of specialization where where it's oh you're almost

01:46:38.040 --> 01:46:46.680
it i'll give you an example um you run a lab of five grad students and you have uh three labs that

01:46:46.680 --> 01:46:52.760
come together for a journal club and so you've got three labs they have each have grad students

01:46:52.760 --> 01:46:59.320
and they all work on different areas in the brain and so you get together for a journal club and

01:46:59.320 --> 01:47:03.720
the expectation would be for you to choose a journal club article that's closely related to

01:47:03.720 --> 01:47:08.760
the project that you're doing and so then you'd have you know journal club articles about the

01:47:08.760 --> 01:47:14.440
hippocampus or the amygdala or or dopamine and and that's it because that's what those three labs

01:47:14.440 --> 01:47:21.080
focus on yeah and i would be the guy who would come in and bring uh bring uh a paper from cancer

01:47:21.080 --> 01:47:29.080
biology or a paper from uh the genetics of of of inbred dog breeds and want to talk about the

01:47:29.080 --> 01:47:36.360
broad implications of the biology that they found here and the kind of resistance that you would

01:47:36.360 --> 01:47:42.920
meet um i always found it was actually fun i i knew that i was going to get it because these people

01:47:42.920 --> 01:47:49.880
have subconsciously accepted that they're only allowed to stand in this spotlight and

01:47:49.880 --> 01:47:55.000
as long as they stand in this spotlight they're safe the moment they move out of this spotlight

01:47:55.000 --> 01:47:59.640
now they're vulnerable and now they could sound like an idiot and people can question them and

01:47:59.640 --> 01:48:05.080
they might get something wrong and so they don't they don't bother um and i have never been that

01:48:05.160 --> 01:48:13.880
kind of student and and i think that that's where academic biology has its greatest weakness is

01:48:13.880 --> 01:48:20.280
that they don't have any faculty members even the department head does not bother to try and

01:48:20.280 --> 01:48:25.880
understand what his department's big idea is because there is no big idea there's 35 very

01:48:25.880 --> 01:48:32.280
tiny focused ideas yeah there is no neurobiology department in the united states that has a focus

01:48:32.280 --> 01:48:37.480
on something and we're all working on it because that would defeat the whole they would all be

01:48:37.480 --> 01:48:43.160
competing for the same money then so you've got to have a diverse faculty that doesn't compete and

01:48:43.160 --> 01:48:49.160
doesn't encroach on each other's research and by definition then can't grow together has to grow

01:48:49.160 --> 01:48:55.640
separately can't build on each other's stuff and so it's a real it's a real illusion that that all

01:48:55.720 --> 01:49:02.200
of them have i bought into for 20 years that you are contributing to the pushing of the the cutting

01:49:02.200 --> 01:49:07.320
edge and that there's a there's a real good cartoon that i can draw for that is that what you're you

01:49:07.320 --> 01:49:13.480
believe you're doing is collectively pushing forward the cutting edge of knowledge but actually what

01:49:13.480 --> 01:49:21.800
you're doing is you're collectively pushing forward little tiny pieces of the the cutting edge and

01:49:21.880 --> 01:49:28.600
this area is what is being used against us they lie about all this stuff in between and they lie

01:49:28.600 --> 01:49:32.680
about it until they're blue in the face because they know they can get away with it because nobody

01:49:32.680 --> 01:49:39.720
specializes here and so they just keep endlessly dividing biology so that they can work there is

01:49:39.720 --> 01:49:44.760
the virology is right here only their people are working on coronaviruses so there's no danger

01:49:45.480 --> 01:49:49.800
and here's the vaccinology people well only people that they fund are working on that stuff

01:49:49.800 --> 01:49:55.080
so as long as they control the way that the edge of knowledge is pushed forward and do

01:49:55.080 --> 01:50:00.840
it in a way that's uncoordinated you get this fractured edge of edge of knowledge that that

01:50:00.840 --> 01:50:06.680
people misconstrued as understanding but if the edge is in smooth this is just noise

01:50:07.240 --> 01:50:10.920
yeah you don't really know what you know in this scenario you know what you know when you're here

01:50:10.920 --> 01:50:15.000
because all of these ideas reinforce one another i know this is a really simple

01:50:15.960 --> 01:50:21.160
figure but i think it really kind of hits home to what what has happened in academic biology

01:50:21.160 --> 01:50:27.240
definitely over the past few years the uh one of the key influences and governments around the

01:50:27.240 --> 01:50:32.920
world has been the world health organization and now they are looking to take control over the

01:50:32.920 --> 01:50:39.080
health rules and regulations of all the countries around the world why are they doing this and does

01:50:39.080 --> 01:50:46.600
it look like they will be successful in their goals um they're doing it because this is the

01:50:46.600 --> 01:50:52.920
mythology that they want us to be governed by um but as an american i know very simply all of you

01:50:52.920 --> 01:50:58.920
need to do is step out of the un step out of the who stop funding the who and change the prep act

01:50:58.920 --> 01:51:06.120
to allow us so that we can sue pharmaceutical companies for damages um and so there are very

01:51:06.200 --> 01:51:11.320
easy ways that we can change american law to make it so that pharmaceutical companies have

01:51:11.320 --> 01:51:17.000
strict liability for these products and if we did that then the who would not have any power

01:51:17.000 --> 01:51:21.800
over us anymore because they couldn't declare an emergency that we'd have to act to so i think

01:51:21.800 --> 01:51:28.920
that part of the the sort of distraction again is to to engage in the who if you fight the who

01:51:28.920 --> 01:51:33.400
then the who is legitimate if you just step out of the who then the who doesn't matter and i don't

01:51:33.400 --> 01:51:37.880
think they want anybody in the western world to realize that if the western world stepped

01:51:37.880 --> 01:51:43.000
out of the who the who wouldn't be the who anymore yeah um and so i think that that's the that's

01:51:43.000 --> 01:51:47.960
another one of these things where if they get you to argue about what's in the who treaty then you

01:51:47.960 --> 01:51:53.800
have already accepted that the who treaty has power over you instead if you go elect a few

01:51:53.800 --> 01:51:58.680
representatives to change american law the who can never have power over us again but they don't

01:51:58.680 --> 01:52:04.120
want you to know that simple solution funny old thing really isn't it yeah

01:52:05.640 --> 01:52:15.560
so i had something that um you know about the brain and the way things are being altered at

01:52:15.560 --> 01:52:21.480
the moment so i was listening to a guy talking with tucker Carlson and i believe that it is

01:52:21.480 --> 01:52:28.440
possible that triggering neurons in the brain can actually now cause cytokine storms within the

01:52:28.440 --> 01:52:36.600
body which effectively will kill people is this something that you're aware of i'm not aware of it

01:52:36.600 --> 01:52:42.760
it doesn't surprise me um again keep in mind that that we know enough about the human immune

01:52:42.760 --> 01:52:48.440
system to screw it up yeah you know enough and we know enough to i mean we know enough to make a

01:52:48.440 --> 01:52:56.920
bomb um you know it it's it's uh it definitely possible and and more importantly it's it is

01:52:57.320 --> 01:53:03.400
something that relatively recently in neuroscience we've started to probe the amount of connectivity

01:53:03.400 --> 01:53:08.680
between the brain and the rest of the body yeah and of course no one is surprised to find out

01:53:08.680 --> 01:53:17.080
that that connectivity is very very uh very robust especially with the with the gut um and so this

01:53:17.080 --> 01:53:23.240
is uh something that that again neuroscience is aware of but because of the compartmentalization

01:53:23.240 --> 01:53:28.680
of neuroscience most people are compartmentalized never to study it so the phenomenon will remain

01:53:28.680 --> 01:53:33.960
kind of a mystery for quite a while i think because it benefits them yeah yeah i mean i

01:53:33.960 --> 01:53:39.160
remember looking into stuff and researching about how i mean we'll talk about the gut instinct

01:53:40.040 --> 01:53:46.360
um but the actual connection of the gut being a major component to the the information that goes

01:53:46.360 --> 01:53:52.520
to the brain the same with the heart as well and and the fact that these have their very own

01:53:52.520 --> 01:53:59.240
thinking capability separate to the brain itself speaks volumes about what they could

01:53:59.240 --> 01:54:05.400
you know possibly do and it makes me wonder as well whether we focused our attention more to

01:54:06.120 --> 01:54:12.680
these areas you know what it's possible for humans to do in their own development moving

01:54:12.680 --> 01:54:19.000
forwards in regards to you know just sitting there i mean a lot of people may think meditation

01:54:19.000 --> 01:54:25.880
something that is you know swedos science crazy stuff stay away from it but if we were able to

01:54:25.880 --> 01:54:33.080
focus and maybe listen more to the gut listen more to the heart which is what we hear from a lot of

01:54:33.720 --> 01:54:40.120
people within that area um you know what could we achieve over time if this was something that

01:54:40.120 --> 01:54:46.120
become part of the educational system i agree i mean think of it very simply i would i would

01:54:46.200 --> 01:54:50.440
encourage your listeners to think of it very simply if you put the time into it you can become

01:54:50.440 --> 01:54:56.120
a very competent piano player if you put the time into it you can become a very competent athlete

01:54:56.120 --> 01:55:01.880
and if you put the time into it you can become a very very healthy individual and i i don't think

01:55:02.440 --> 01:55:09.960
that that you can underestimate how much and a concerted effort to improve one's health will

01:55:09.960 --> 01:55:17.400
improve one's health they don't want you to understand how how how just the choices that you

01:55:17.400 --> 01:55:23.960
make in your daily life can that's 99 percent of the game i mean if if we all could manage the

01:55:23.960 --> 01:55:31.320
discipline to get up before sunrise and and eat a decent breakfast after a half an hour of reasonable

01:55:31.320 --> 01:55:38.120
exercise the vast majority of who don't do that would feel that a kind of revelation that that

01:55:38.120 --> 01:55:45.000
we didn't think was possible there are probably 150 million americans that haven't exercised

01:55:45.560 --> 01:55:53.240
with a reasonable schedule in 20 years and all of them all of them would benefit from

01:55:53.720 --> 01:56:00.760
a change in schedule that just included 20 minutes of light exercise a day and a slight change in

01:56:00.840 --> 01:56:09.560
their diet but the idea that so much opportunity exists so much potential exists and yet we focus

01:56:09.560 --> 01:56:15.880
on what pill we can take or what supplement we can put in or or what what intramuscular injection

01:56:15.880 --> 01:56:24.840
our doctor recommends for us shows us it should show us how little responsibility has been left

01:56:24.840 --> 01:56:29.640
for us when we should have had all the responsibility we should take all the response i remember when

01:56:29.720 --> 01:56:36.680
i was a child i had many adults say the reason why you shouldn't use drugs is because your body is

01:56:36.680 --> 01:56:45.240
a temple have you ever heard that in the last 15 years that your body's a temple i mean my goodness

01:56:45.240 --> 01:56:51.000
if we just started with that simple phrase with our our two-year-old kids why you don't go to

01:56:51.000 --> 01:56:55.880
McDonald's because your body's a temple why don't we smoke because your body's a temple why do i eat

01:56:55.960 --> 01:57:00.760
all these organic vegetables because your body's a temple why are we exercising this morning again

01:57:00.760 --> 01:57:06.520
papa because your body's a temple because it's your one thing that god gave you that you have

01:57:06.520 --> 01:57:13.080
responsibility to take care of besides the besides the garden that is the earth you have a responsibility

01:57:13.080 --> 01:57:20.200
to take care of the god-given body that you have and and we just have we have as Americans especially

01:57:20.200 --> 01:57:25.640
it's just disturbing how we have given up the stewardship over our own bodies it's just disgusting

01:57:25.640 --> 01:57:31.000
yeah it is definitely now with the push towards the rest of these vaccines to become in

01:57:31.560 --> 01:57:40.280
mRNA products entirely and we know that there's different rules and regulations and laws within

01:57:40.280 --> 01:57:48.280
the pharmaceutical industry which allows them to not have as many restrictions on developing vaccines

01:57:49.320 --> 01:57:55.400
can the likes of the hippocampus nerve cells be altered by spike proteins that will then cause

01:57:55.400 --> 01:58:01.320
possibly dumbing down of people or even just the onset of depressions if it goes there

01:58:02.600 --> 01:58:07.880
you know that's the thing i mean wherever the natal lipid nanoparticle goes it will potentially

01:58:07.880 --> 01:58:14.360
provoke an autoimmune reaction which which will necessarily if if it were to go into neurons my

01:58:14.360 --> 01:58:20.120
assumption would be that the the nervous system would probably take those neurons out yeah and so

01:58:20.200 --> 01:58:26.040
if if the potential is there i mean it could also go to your brainstem it could also go to

01:58:26.040 --> 01:58:32.600
your breathing center i mean there's there's lots of different potential given the fact that the

01:58:32.600 --> 01:58:37.960
lipid nanoparticles can actually go anywhere including across the blood brain barrier and so

01:58:38.520 --> 01:58:43.320
it may be just a question of how unlucky you got if you if the vast majority of the

01:58:43.320 --> 01:58:48.520
transfection that you had occurred in your liver then you probably were okay if the vast majority

01:58:48.520 --> 01:58:52.920
the transfection occurred in your ovaries maybe you'll never notice because you don't plan to

01:58:52.920 --> 01:58:57.640
have kids but if the transfection occurred at the blood brain barrier you probably had a stroke and

01:58:57.640 --> 01:59:03.560
you don't tell of anybody about it so it's a it's a thing again where that worked for their

01:59:03.560 --> 01:59:08.600
advantage because there wasn't a consistent signal across this damage because of the bouquet

01:59:09.400 --> 01:59:15.400
of possibilities that that is provoked by this you know wide distribution of it so

01:59:15.400 --> 01:59:22.120
and that's also what makes this this story of the bolus idea that if they hit a vein it's much

01:59:22.120 --> 01:59:28.040
worse it makes it interesting because that does indeed suggest that the transfection could go

01:59:28.040 --> 01:59:32.840
different places depending on how it hit entered and interacted with your body and so

01:59:33.880 --> 01:59:38.200
i think there's no question that this worked in their advantage because this again made it very

01:59:38.280 --> 01:59:45.480
easy for them to say oh the myocarditis was from the the adenavirus you know and the so we'll block

01:59:45.480 --> 01:59:49.480
we'll we'll get rid of the j and j shot and then everything will be fine and i think a lot of this

01:59:49.480 --> 01:59:55.240
was really an orchestrated theater to get you to believe that in the end the mr and a was pretty

01:59:55.240 --> 02:00:01.640
good and only because they rushed it whereas there any real problem with it in the next batches are

02:00:01.640 --> 02:00:07.320
all going to be great yeah i mean do you think that obviously the the vaccines have i mean we

02:00:07.320 --> 02:00:13.160
mentioned earlier that the vaccines probably have a more nefarious purpose but a lot of the deaths

02:00:13.160 --> 02:00:19.720
that we're seeing were just something unexpected in regards to a side effect um

02:00:22.280 --> 02:00:28.120
i think that the way you should think about it is that they knew transfection would hurt a lot of

02:00:28.120 --> 02:00:36.120
people they had no idea really the prevalence of it they didn't know if if it would integrate in

02:00:36.120 --> 02:00:40.040
everybody's body and everybody would produce spike protein forever or if it would only be in

02:00:40.040 --> 02:00:45.400
a handful of people so the only way to do it was find out yeah and again i would argue that

02:00:45.960 --> 02:00:55.080
from the perspective of a of an operation like this um the potential for it backfiring would be

02:00:55.080 --> 02:01:00.840
greater the smaller the focus of the population was if you just focused on old people and never

02:01:00.840 --> 02:01:07.800
went lower they would have got caught uh if because the old people just died right and they

02:01:07.800 --> 02:01:13.160
would now be able to blame it on covid forever because the temporal correlation between the shot

02:01:13.160 --> 02:01:21.320
and the death would start to stand out after a while but if they if they know that young people

02:01:21.320 --> 02:01:26.440
are more likely to see this is another thing that people probably aren't really thinking in terms of

02:01:26.440 --> 02:01:33.320
their model but if transfection is something like a punch in the face um you or an eye might be

02:01:33.320 --> 02:01:38.600
able to take a really good punch in the face and not you know shrug it off but it'll suck but the

02:01:38.600 --> 02:01:42.680
bruise will go away but if you take an 80 year old and punch him in the face it might kill a certain

02:01:42.680 --> 02:01:48.360
percentage of them yeah and so that's also what we're dealing with here is that a certain unhealthy

02:01:48.360 --> 02:01:54.760
person with a certain number of comorbidities may have enough comorbidities to mask the effect

02:01:54.760 --> 02:02:00.680
of of the shot whereas somebody who's a pro athlete and who's totally in tune with their

02:02:00.680 --> 02:02:07.240
with their abilities can feel a 1% reduction in performance and is very well aware that the

02:02:07.240 --> 02:02:16.520
transfection fucked him up but somebody who wasn't able to run up the stairs in the first place

02:02:16.520 --> 02:02:24.360
isn't going to notice a a 2% or 4% decrease in their already compromised stamina and so there's a

02:02:24.360 --> 02:02:35.800
lot of places where the inevitable but nevertheless probably subtle damage is hidden and so I suspect

02:02:35.800 --> 02:02:43.000
that that there is still this ongoing campaign because they know that this this isn't going to go

02:02:43.000 --> 02:02:48.760
away these people are still going to keep complaining and as we keep paying attention it's going to

02:02:48.840 --> 02:02:54.840
be obvious that some people aren't complaining and and who are those people and if that happens

02:02:54.840 --> 02:02:59.960
on a college campus they're going to be in big trouble right if that happens in a couple in a

02:02:59.960 --> 02:03:05.480
couple male fraternities for example they're going to have a big problem if that starts to leak that

02:03:05.480 --> 02:03:10.760
hey wait a minute the the pledges from this year didn't have to take the vaccine and they're all

02:03:11.400 --> 02:03:16.040
all the cancers in the seniors what the hell's going on why are there four seniors that have

02:03:16.040 --> 02:03:20.760
cancer this year but none of the freshmen get it something like that these stories are going to

02:03:20.760 --> 02:03:27.320
start to pop up all around the world and and more and more people are going to be confronted with

02:03:27.320 --> 02:03:32.520
the truth that that some people aren't affected by these stories why is that do you think if the

02:03:32.520 --> 02:03:41.720
truth gets out and we have a full disclosure on what has actually gone on here that I mean it has

02:03:41.720 --> 02:03:49.160
the potential to I mean even within academia it has the potential to destroy the future

02:03:49.160 --> 02:03:54.600
of academia based on the fact that there's going to be so many people held accountable for what

02:03:54.600 --> 02:04:00.120
they've done during this process that they would never ever be allowed to teach or educate people

02:04:00.120 --> 02:04:06.120
again in the future do you think that's a possibility and that's why it has to be protected that the

02:04:06.120 --> 02:04:15.640
truth does not get out um I don't know I mean maybe that's how they keep people from

02:04:16.440 --> 02:04:23.320
speaking out but for me I think it's I would like to spread the message that it's not you shouldn't

02:04:23.320 --> 02:04:28.920
be ashamed for being fooled no they've been they've been planning this theater for decades if you

02:04:28.920 --> 02:04:34.680
weren't fooled you would have had to been a part of it um quite frankly I mean all of us were fooled

02:04:34.760 --> 02:04:40.760
for at least a week I mean or a few days or an hour or something I mean even if you are

02:04:40.760 --> 02:04:46.600
skeptical you didn't know what was the right skepticism at the beginning um because like 9-11

02:04:46.600 --> 02:04:50.760
the buildings really fell it's just they fell for a different reason but everybody saw it they

02:04:50.760 --> 02:04:55.960
fell and so you know when they showed pictures of Wuhan everybody saw the pictures when they

02:04:55.960 --> 02:05:00.680
told us what was happening New York and the PBS NewsHour showed us the curve everybody saw the

02:05:00.680 --> 02:05:07.800
curve so we all had to come up with a rational understanding or or or interpretation of reality

02:05:07.800 --> 02:05:14.440
at that moment and so all of us were fooled at that moment we had to be um so there's no shame

02:05:14.440 --> 02:05:20.920
in that I don't I think that's that's probably our best way out is I don't like this call for

02:05:21.480 --> 02:05:28.120
for amnesty I want to call for penitence I want to call for for apologies I want people to to

02:05:28.680 --> 02:05:34.840
drop to their knees and then then I'm fine because that's where I am I'm at my on my knees I want

02:05:34.840 --> 02:05:40.120
I want college kids to forgive me for not having figured it out early enough to save them and I

02:05:40.120 --> 02:05:46.520
think if all adults or the majority of adults that are in these professional positions were to take

02:05:46.520 --> 02:05:51.960
that position it would be an incredible change in in in things but I don't think that's gonna happen

02:05:51.960 --> 02:05:57.640
I mean because these are people that are are dependent on sustaining their ego so they're

02:05:58.440 --> 02:06:05.720
I have 134 134 faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh used to think think of me as the

02:06:05.720 --> 02:06:11.640
house expert in patch clamp physiology and the guy to call if their rig wasn't working or they

02:06:11.640 --> 02:06:18.360
couldn't make their interest cellular solution work and not one of them has ever emailed me to

02:06:18.360 --> 02:06:24.440
ask if I'm okay or to see if I'm all right or man I'm sorry what happened to you look at what's on

02:06:24.440 --> 02:06:30.600
TV now it looks like you were right not one of them has realized that I lost my career for

02:06:30.600 --> 02:06:35.560
speaking out about something that they're still lying about now none of them even though it's

02:06:35.560 --> 02:06:41.640
obvious I mean they have to know oh yeah but you know living the lie is going to ease away

02:06:41.640 --> 02:06:46.360
with the soul it's going to absolutely destroy them over time and that is across that they're

02:06:46.360 --> 02:06:52.040
going to have to bear unfortunately yeah unfortunately yeah I think that's a great time to

02:06:53.000 --> 02:06:58.040
wrap things up here I mean this has been an absolutely incredible conversation I urge everybody

02:06:58.040 --> 02:07:04.520
out there watching this to share it and I urge everybody out there to comment on it and and

02:07:04.520 --> 02:07:10.600
come back to us with some feedback on this before we go Jay I don't know whether you want to fire

02:07:10.600 --> 02:07:16.440
up some of your graphics there and let people know where they can find you and show show them you

02:07:16.440 --> 02:07:23.720
know what you do because your website and the work that you do is probably one of the best

02:07:24.360 --> 02:07:30.600
but together things that I've seen in a long time for anybody's really it's really a great

02:07:30.600 --> 02:07:43.080
compliment thank you very much I would just say yeah let me see I would just say first and foremost

02:07:43.080 --> 02:07:48.920
remember that they showed you a little picture on the news of of this little curve right down

02:07:48.920 --> 02:07:53.640
here at the bottom of the blue and the red that's all they showed you and they said that something

02:07:53.640 --> 02:07:59.080
new was happening but actually what you should realize is that this blue line down here is the

02:07:59.080 --> 02:08:04.920
number of people that died of pneumonia every year since 2014 and if I move my big head you

02:08:04.920 --> 02:08:10.440
will see that that number hasn't changed very much at all over a decade and then suddenly

02:08:10.520 --> 02:08:16.120
almost three times as many people started dying of pneumonia then it ever died in the history

02:08:16.120 --> 02:08:21.640
of modern medicine in America and for some reason they don't want to acknowledge that that happened

02:08:21.640 --> 02:08:28.520
for some reason other than a novel virus and so my hypothesis has always been the same as that

02:08:28.520 --> 02:08:35.160
they declared a pandemic but it actually wasn't one and now we have a crime scene to sort through we

02:08:35.160 --> 02:08:39.720
need to figure out how it was that they created the illusion of something that wasn't there

02:08:39.800 --> 02:08:45.720
there is a couple different possibilities that include a pre-existing background or include adding

02:08:45.720 --> 02:08:52.600
a signal that wasn't there before in claiming it was evidence of spread we need a investigation

02:08:52.600 --> 02:08:56.840
to figure that out but one of the things that I want to leave everybody with is that my main

02:08:56.840 --> 02:09:04.120
message is that an RNA molecule cannot sustain a pandemic that's not something that in biology

02:09:04.200 --> 02:09:10.680
really exists and when I say that I mean it in the utmost terms that there's no biological evidence

02:09:10.680 --> 02:09:16.120
in any previous observation or study that's been made that would suggest that an RNA molecule could

02:09:16.120 --> 02:09:22.360
do that no matter what sequence it had no matter what fear and cleavage site or or what insert that

02:09:22.360 --> 02:09:28.200
you put into it and I think that from a broad perspective that my best message that I can give

02:09:28.200 --> 02:09:33.960
you from giga ohm biological is that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with

02:09:33.960 --> 02:09:38.920
the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb and the reason why that is is because your

02:09:38.920 --> 02:09:44.680
immune system is oriented inside out and so if you want to teach it something you need to teach

02:09:44.680 --> 02:09:50.760
it from the outside in because that's where it's expecting to learn from that's where all the signals

02:09:50.760 --> 02:09:57.400
come from and your your immune system is made up of more than antibodies you need to understand

02:09:57.400 --> 02:10:02.920
the immune system has a complex army that is organized from the inside out meaning that

02:10:02.920 --> 02:10:09.240
including your gut which is outside of your body your immune system lines your gut it lines your

02:10:09.240 --> 02:10:15.960
skin it lines your lungs and that barrier continuous barrier to the outside is defended in a very

02:10:15.960 --> 02:10:24.200
uniform way and by intramuscularly trying to augment it we are actually trying to communicate it from

02:10:24.200 --> 02:10:31.320
the side that it doesn't expect information from we are we are infiltrating it we are we are

02:10:31.320 --> 02:10:38.920
putting we're peeing in a pool and attempting to clean it so it's really not a logical way

02:10:38.920 --> 02:10:43.560
to augment the immune system and I think this is the best way to describe it to your to your

02:10:44.520 --> 02:10:50.440
general practitioner for example to challenge them to describe the immune system in such a way to

02:10:50.920 --> 02:10:55.960
to debunk that statement will reveal that they don't understand how the immune system works

02:10:55.960 --> 02:11:01.480
a more specific way to say this would be the transfection in healthy humans is criminally

02:11:01.480 --> 02:11:05.480
negligent and that's something that Chris and I were just talking about the academic

02:11:06.680 --> 02:11:13.480
the big field of academics biology already used transfection for more than 10 years

02:11:13.480 --> 02:11:17.800
to do almost all of the experiments that they do so they should have known better

02:11:17.880 --> 02:11:21.960
than to use this on our healthy grandparents and they definitely should have known better

02:11:21.960 --> 02:11:26.200
than using it on healthy college kids never mind children and then if you really want to get

02:11:26.200 --> 02:11:31.320
down to it again remember that RNA can't pandemic that's not what that's not what RNA molecules do

02:11:32.200 --> 02:11:37.080
and again he said it right i'm available at gigglehomebiological.com

02:11:38.200 --> 02:11:44.680
gigglehome.bio is like a little message room that we all chat together and then my independent

02:11:44.680 --> 02:11:49.480
place where you could also find my broadcast is at stream.gigglehome.bio and that's way

02:11:49.480 --> 02:11:54.600
more than enough plugging of myself so thank you very much for giving me that opportunity

02:11:54.600 --> 02:11:59.720
oh no it's fantastic you know we really appreciate the work that you do we appreciate that you spare

02:11:59.720 --> 02:12:04.840
you know you're speaking out and trying to and as we said you know it's better late than never

02:12:06.280 --> 02:12:10.840
regardless of when people are waking up with people wake up now so what's going on

02:12:10.840 --> 02:12:16.680
if people no longer can take the burden and the weight upon the shoulders of living the

02:12:16.680 --> 02:12:23.720
life that they live and are prepared to speak out it's still not too late no we need as many

02:12:23.720 --> 02:12:29.880
people as possible it's a multi-generational war that's just started absolutely it's now is

02:12:29.880 --> 02:12:36.200
the time to awaken we can't we can't we have to we have to open welcome everyone with open arms

02:12:36.280 --> 02:12:41.800
absolutely and you know there are there are many people who have taken one two shots more

02:12:41.800 --> 02:12:49.320
who are now realizing that it was a mistake but they are joining forces with those that maybe

02:12:49.320 --> 02:12:57.400
they ridiculed over the past few years because they're the evidence out there now is it can't be

02:12:57.400 --> 02:13:04.280
ignored no longer going to be ignored it has to be addressed and the more people that wake up to

02:13:04.360 --> 02:13:13.640
this before they pull the next trick on humanity is going to make what they try to do a lot more

02:13:13.640 --> 02:13:20.040
difficult and the more people that speak out and the more people that pay no attention ignore it

02:13:20.040 --> 02:13:27.480
tell them to go away literally takes the power away from these very sick and twisted individuals

02:13:28.040 --> 02:13:32.920
that are pushing these agendas forward and that can only be a good thing for the future of humanity

02:13:33.720 --> 02:13:37.640
yep i agree watch out for digital id on the internet we don't want it

02:13:38.200 --> 02:13:44.360
stay anonymous absolutely and you know again they're going to pull out as many tools as they

02:13:44.360 --> 02:13:54.360
can out the toolbox whether that be war financial crisis further problems with you know viruses

02:13:54.360 --> 02:14:00.440
coming out in the world health organization jumping on board as they're doing Texas bird flu in Texas

02:14:00.440 --> 02:14:06.200
today don't forget yeah oh yes i did see that actually yeah but at the end of the day you know

02:14:06.200 --> 02:14:11.400
they're going to try and hit us from a multi-pronged attack with many things and i think that the

02:14:11.400 --> 02:14:16.760
reason they have to do that is because what they are trying isn't working as well as they thought

02:14:16.760 --> 02:14:21.960
they would and i do think that we are making progress now we just need more people to

02:14:22.680 --> 02:14:29.720
stand up say no more and absolutely destroy the narratives that are being pushed forward

02:14:29.720 --> 02:14:34.760
towards us and you're helping do this we're helping do that there's many people who are watching

02:14:34.760 --> 02:14:40.520
this right now who are also sharing the information and getting it out there so share this get it out

02:14:40.520 --> 02:14:47.800
there get as many people drawn to the information that the mainstream would never dare allow us to

02:14:47.800 --> 02:14:52.280
see that they don't want us to see that for a reason so it can only be a good thing that we do

02:14:52.280 --> 02:14:59.640
speak out and don't worry about the accusations of being tinfoil hatware and conspiracy theories

02:14:59.640 --> 02:15:05.080
because at the end of the day the very same people who are trying to call us with what's going on

02:15:05.080 --> 02:15:09.800
at the moment at the very same people that came up with them terminologies in the first place to

02:15:09.800 --> 02:15:15.800
discreditors so don't worry about it people you've got a lot of people that will stand by your side

02:15:15.800 --> 02:15:21.800
during the fact that you wake up stand up and want to make this change so it can only be good

02:15:21.800 --> 02:15:25.320
again jade this has been incredible thank you very much for coming on

02:15:25.880 --> 02:15:30.280
and you're welcome thanks for having me i look forward to seeing the feedback and response on

02:15:30.280 --> 02:15:37.720
this so thank you again great thank you see you tonight