01:00.000 --> 01:21.960
If you aren't aware of what

01:21.960 --> 01:27.120
you satanic live has found over the last three days you've been sleeping under a rock

01:27.120 --> 01:35.080
make sure you figure it out cuz it's about to get ugly

01:35.080 --> 01:39.200
love what Mark is doing I love it

01:39.200 --> 01:43.400
you schedule wait until you see where we're going

01:43.400 --> 01:49.280
French British Italian this is over Japanese television it's all over but

01:50.280 --> 01:56.640
listen to him it's embarrassing it's all over but the crying ladies and

01:56.640 --> 02:01.460
gentlemen kids deserve a lot of credit this town's been flooded with phony

02:01.460 --> 02:07.400
twenties for weeks oh it was nothing really but oh mr. Pietro posing as a

02:07.400 --> 02:12.920
doorman sure had us fooled for a while he really gave himself away when he put

02:12.920 --> 02:17.760
on his little puppet show for us the real hero a Scooby-Doo and by the way

02:17.760 --> 02:28.440
where is he oh no look at him like I said before what a ham

02:47.760 --> 03:12.400
oh my goodness good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I am so happy to be here

03:12.400 --> 03:18.720
today it is October 19th 2023 took a three hour nap this afternoon with a

03:18.720 --> 03:24.640
fever and I feel a little better after a shower and I'm here with my friend

03:24.640 --> 03:33.160
Joseph Lee and in a few minutes we're gonna rip this in half like a loaf of

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bread in our hands we're gonna rip this in half we're gonna spread the truth

03:37.560 --> 03:46.640
around a little bit share some sandwiches because it's really time they have been

03:46.640 --> 03:51.160
misleading the young about immunology and misleading the young about pandemic

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potential about climate change and about antibodies for too long it's time we

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learned our history before they erase it to ever remember I hope it's not too

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choppy hopefully it's just getting started here ladies and gentlemen

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I'm gonna get a sound check in here in a second I will get Joel right away on

04:21.840 --> 04:25.880
screen because you don't need to waste a lot of time

04:25.880 --> 04:30.920
there was no spread in New York City that we can detect infectious clones are

04:30.920 --> 04:36.840
the only dangerous form of RNA placebo batches were used and transfections

04:36.840 --> 04:43.280
dump and the protocols were definitely a murder gain a function it's definitely

04:43.280 --> 04:46.880
a mythology and the Scooby-Doo mystery that we've been fooled into solving is

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still ongoing because these players are committed to the lies and they've ruined

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a lot of people's lives with these lies Joseph Lee is somebody who put his neck

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out there real early in 2020 and everybody ignored him even though his

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biology's turned out to be a hundred percent correct and then some in fact I

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think that Joseph Lee honed in on some of the best fundamental biology with

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regard to antibodies and antibodies turned out to be the central story of

05:25.280 --> 05:31.520
this whole bamboozlement good evening ladies and gentlemen this is Giga on

05:31.520 --> 05:34.840
biological high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a

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biologist I'm sick I can barely catch my breath I think it's so important that

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we talk about this while we can that I'm doing it now anyway and because I

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don't want to waste any chance to talk to Joseph just running quick don't take

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debate on social media we've been fooled into solving this mystery people are

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writing books about it and it doesn't matter what's true it matters what

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people think is true and so if everybody believes there's a gain of function

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virus that got leaked out 20 in 2020 it doesn't really matter what the truth

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is and that's especially true for our children it's especially true for

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non-biologist people that don't have the time to catch up and so a short way of

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telling them is the transaction is an immunization a longer way of telling

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them is an intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the

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intent of augmenting your immune system in general is dumb especially for a

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respiratory virus and it's this illusion of consensus that has been

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created by these people on social media that has led us to believe that this is

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the case and it is this illusion of consensus I'm trying to break through

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by analyzing very carefully where everybody stood in 2020 and in 2020 my

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next guest for today showed up pretty darn early in 2020 with some pretty darn

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fundamental immunology fundamental biology which he wrote up and disseminated

07:22.400 --> 07:32.280
it was ignored that guy is this fella I'm gonna bring over here on this on the

07:32.280 --> 07:40.040
screen now with my magic movement of zoom here if I can get it up on the no

07:40.040 --> 07:46.920
now what I do sorry Joe I just lost my mouse here or something like that I

07:46.920 --> 07:50.840
don't know what happened I gotta get up a little higher what oh yeah there we go

07:50.840 --> 08:00.080
shoot there he is you're not unmuted though I don't think did I mute you or

08:00.080 --> 08:06.800
unmute you or what did I do there we go so it's been a while sir have you

08:06.800 --> 08:10.960
made any progress with teaching this basic biology to everyone or is it just

08:10.960 --> 08:17.600
more of the same more of the same more of the same with it with a

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so I don't know where you want to start you should start where you want to start

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and I'll listen cuz my voice is trash so well I guess so I'll be getting so

08:38.680 --> 08:53.680
well the real beginning of your sound is really rough okay that might be a

08:53.680 --> 09:00.920
little better yeah maybe you're directional mic so the issue was

09:00.920 --> 09:08.920
anyway I realized relative to how

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and that's because you know when you say a rhino virus

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so that's why well I know

09:38.160 --> 09:42.600
holy shit this is really bad you gotta log out and log in again it's too bad

09:43.600 --> 09:47.680
happens if you just go out and come back in

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darn is that annoying anyway he's coming back let's see if this works

10:10.240 --> 10:16.520
well I hear when you start talking let's see if you try it again so basically

10:16.520 --> 10:24.280
when you get a cold a rhino virus infected cells it replicates and then it

10:24.280 --> 10:32.200
affects other cells so why is it people should have to tell and that's another

10:32.200 --> 10:41.400
cell why would that cycle ever stop I don't think if you understand why that

10:41.400 --> 10:47.560
cycle stop but maybe that's why everything now clearly there are times

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where I get a cold and I'm down for three four days then I'm over it and there

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were there wasn't coming for antibodies to build up so I figured can't be

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antibody so I said let me think this through and try to figure it out so if

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I pretend to be a cell and the virus instead one of myself and then the

11:14.440 --> 11:20.680
virus replicates so as soon as the virus infects the cell and that RNA

11:20.680 --> 11:30.360
inside the cell is the enemy I have to destroy it so that viral RNA or the

11:30.360 --> 11:40.200
enemy I must destroy it in this pandemic not one scientist at a theory on how we

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actually defeated the virus I mean there's all this talk about antibody but in the

11:47.840 --> 11:57.840
year 2020 what a million of us and 99% of us survived and no one

11:57.840 --> 12:03.960
explained that the biggest gap in our understanding so if you acknowledge that

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once the COVID virus it's the enemy and what should we do with the enemy we

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should destroy it what else can we do that viral RNA we shouldn't

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absolutely help it and it wants to become protein so we cannot actually

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help it what's the third thing we can do we can tell all of the other ones I

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want to fight it so when I went back to my desk with this up all the answers

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one what this voice RNA ribonucleus environment well viral RNA inside our

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lung cells is RNA now just because something is different

12:54.760 --> 12:59.680
something different on paper does that mean that people should I'm not

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absolutely not so viral RNA is a strand of inflammation it doesn't look much

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different from our expand of RNA but it's they're all just information and if

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our ribonucleus enzymes in this way are on why wouldn't it be within the

13:21.740 --> 13:29.940
viral RNA it's that so when I think a lot of this out I told my mentor the

13:29.940 --> 13:35.460
direct of our project this was the May of 2020 he was shocked it's all I'd be

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going to talk home I didn't know what it meant like this we kept in touch with

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their actions October of 2020 I sent my first word about my plane look our

13:48.940 --> 13:56.900
lungs for an air pocket our body is 70% water this walk if our lungs barrier

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can keep water molecules out of our lungs water molecules are clean they

14:01.380 --> 14:06.460
weigh 18 dollars COVID antibodies weigh a hundred twenty five thousand dollars

14:06.460 --> 14:13.460
there's no way so I sent this letter to every member of Congress I sent just

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about the email to our people on the email and so eventually Dr. Emily

14:18.020 --> 14:25.460
was right under Dr. Frosty be quiet we're having about a month later and he

14:25.460 --> 14:30.460
tried to basically dismiss my concern and he said well our clinical data looks

14:30.460 --> 14:36.060
really good and I replied with the seventy three people I mean every point

14:36.060 --> 14:44.140
point you have other incredible data you think their vaccines work because of a

14:44.140 --> 14:49.500
neutralizing antibodies in the lung air space that sounds the virus before the

14:49.500 --> 14:55.580
virus that's a lung cell now you really believe that but I still use that

14:55.580 --> 15:02.700
antibody has no viable path to the lung surgery it's waiting to death if a

15:02.700 --> 15:06.900
watermark do it to the baseball a COVID antibody it looks like it's a car

15:06.900 --> 15:12.420
on so there's no password once I explained this I thought it would end

15:13.140 --> 15:17.580
they never respond to that one I put a US clock right on and must have sent that

15:17.580 --> 15:24.580
word it's thousands of people in my CDC FCO when I would call the CDC director

15:24.580 --> 15:30.980
it was it was crazy you know I'm not small just by three by itself and a

15:30.980 --> 15:35.980
very nice and polite and it doesn't take me very long to send it 50 I think blood

15:35.980 --> 15:42.340
brain barrier you understand blood blood lung barrier it's tight enough to

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stop our lungs from filling up with water and you think that's called dance

15:47.700 --> 15:53.580
when the answer by the boss it's a mistake and you you copied the flu

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vaccine you assumed that the flu vaccine worked and you copied the flu

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vaccine because there was nothing else to do that but we're trying to get

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medically and what's similar well flu and what do we ask for that the flu

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vaccine from things that don't work we're just saying inside let's make the

16:13.100 --> 16:18.940
coin really bad before the same thing about it except the flu vaccine had the

16:18.940 --> 16:25.380
same flow it never worked for you to never work to see you have that knee

16:25.380 --> 16:29.380
blazing antibody but they thought it did and no one knows about question that

16:29.380 --> 16:36.220
why they had a built-in speech but what they're saying changed on it how can

16:36.220 --> 16:43.260
you blame hard-working fire when they have a very very busy you have to say

16:43.260 --> 16:48.100
okay try our next year that was to believe it wasn't the reason why the

16:48.100 --> 16:51.900
flu vaccine was actually horrible results you look up from with the PS1

16:52.900 --> 16:59.860
it didn't work because the antibody never makes me so long

16:59.860 --> 17:03.180
and that's the same for the code that they have now when we see the director

17:03.180 --> 17:08.780
for the story talk the FDA talks to hundreds of people email back and four

17:08.780 --> 17:13.380
or five people sales and my own I remember the media director of your

17:14.380 --> 17:20.700
he sat there looking to make a point for me and I said you get in front of

17:20.700 --> 17:25.080
this because there's nothing you actually did wrong with now what I'm

17:25.080 --> 17:36.380
dependent on all the issues but so far so that you know now if you keep wanting

17:36.380 --> 17:45.660
to sell this this might be approved I can approve when there is not a single

17:45.660 --> 17:50.220
scientist at the FDA explain how the car can antibody cross your own area

17:50.220 --> 17:56.040
long fix that you should have you should have a warning label on every

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vaccine that's not a single FDA scientist understand how this again from

18:01.840 --> 18:08.020
antibody cross the one better okay so the FDA with you need to hung up on the

18:08.020 --> 18:15.000
application right now so it was incredible to remember people who wouldn't do the

18:15.000 --> 18:26.920
right thing so going back to the antibody it can't cross one barrier there is you

18:26.920 --> 18:32.860
know is there one second is there any chance you have like headphones with a

18:32.860 --> 18:38.920
mic or any other microphone I'm gonna summarize what you said now while you

18:38.920 --> 18:44.500
look hold on so what he started with was the cycle of infection and he started

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with the explanation that the cycle of infection infects one cell and the

18:49.260 --> 18:54.340
virus replicates and releases virus and other cells are infected so if you do

18:54.340 --> 18:58.760
this cartoon in your head what's to stop this infection from ever stopping

18:58.760 --> 19:04.000
why wouldn't it just keep infecting more cells and more cells and more cells the

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reason why it doesn't is because of innate immunity and the reason why the

19:08.520 --> 19:13.080
vast majority of us clear it with four days is because something else happens

19:13.080 --> 19:19.620
and antibodies aren't produced in four days and so he started to think what is

19:19.620 --> 19:25.040
really going on here and he realized with again very basic biological

19:25.040 --> 19:29.440
thinking that the RNA is the enemy of the cell the RNA gets in the cell and

19:29.440 --> 19:34.320
does the damage the RNA needs to make proteins the RNA needs to make copies

19:34.320 --> 19:40.920
of itself so let's not help but do that let's start autophagy let's let's work

19:40.920 --> 19:46.960
with RNA RNA enzymes to get rid of this RNA like we would get rid of any other

19:46.980 --> 19:52.480
RNA that we don't need anymore or is for it and perhaps the most important

19:52.480 --> 19:58.440
discovery or realization oh my gosh that's so much better what did you do I have

19:58.440 --> 20:05.600
another mic oh gosh that's fantastic oh my gosh that's great and so then he gets

20:05.600 --> 20:09.120
to the stage where he realizes that a hundred twenty thousand kilo Dalton

20:09.120 --> 20:15.040
antibody has no chance of getting across the lung blood barrier on its own and

20:15.080 --> 20:18.880
if you look into the way that the immune system functions the only way that a

20:18.880 --> 20:23.360
B cell can get to that side of the lungs is with the help of a T cell and that's

20:23.360 --> 20:28.120
also requires a lot of link recognition that wouldn't happen under the pretense

20:28.120 --> 20:32.840
of a transfection to a single spike protein so that's probably more than we

20:32.840 --> 20:38.520
need to talk about there but he ended with saying that the flu vaccine is

20:38.520 --> 20:45.080
another similar misaimed therapeutic in the sense of trying to generate

20:45.080 --> 20:49.720
seroprevalent antibodies for something that is on the outside of your mucosal

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layer and the outside of your epithelial cells with no real means of that

20:55.040 --> 20:59.720
protein getting there you're essentially telling stories about how the flu

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vaccine will save old people when in reality it won't and so that's where he

21:04.920 --> 21:08.040
left off that's where we are right here and that's indeed basically what he

21:08.040 --> 21:12.360
said the last time he was here so now we can get into the new stuff I love your

21:12.360 --> 21:19.080
new mic yeah so a couple more things you know when when I wrote the 73 page letter

21:19.080 --> 21:23.800
I told Dr. Belling look you gotta really think about this carefully because I'm

21:23.800 --> 21:28.320
not saying that you guys are all liars you did the clinical trial and you got

21:28.320 --> 21:34.520
great results but you thought those great results were because of the antibody

21:34.520 --> 21:43.240
inside the lung airspace I show you there's no way that can happen so then

21:43.240 --> 21:47.480
why did you get good results because I don't think you guys you guys are

21:47.480 --> 21:53.120
lying okay so we need to find another reason because science is always about

21:53.120 --> 21:58.040
how does it work well you thought it worked via a neutralizing antibody it

21:58.040 --> 22:02.720
clearly works because you're not all liars so how did it work okay so the

22:02.720 --> 22:07.240
COVID vaccine when you get it gives you muscle aches why because it tricks

22:07.240 --> 22:11.720
your body into making chemokines including interferon the very well

22:11.720 --> 22:16.800
known fact in every review study they say this okay so interferon is

22:16.800 --> 22:23.840
antiviral including anti-covid it's antiviral in a million papers so if

22:23.840 --> 22:28.680
your side effect is a reason why your vaccine had such great results look look

22:28.680 --> 22:34.480
at the scenario the J&J vaccine had 50% efficacy oh you only trick your body

22:34.480 --> 22:41.440
one time into making interferon AstraZeneca had a 75 to 80% success well

22:41.440 --> 22:46.240
because it's it's two shots two times you trick your body into making interferon

22:46.240 --> 22:50.680
now the mRNA is a very strong adjuvant it may it tricks your body to making a

22:50.680 --> 22:56.560
lot of interferon but then it becomes COVID spike antigen and that tricks your

22:56.560 --> 23:01.120
body again it's like getting a second shot so twice you trick your body but

23:01.120 --> 23:05.760
remember they they started with it with two two shots the main one in the

23:05.760 --> 23:09.520
booster so you get the booster the mRNA again tricks your body into making

23:09.520 --> 23:15.000
interferon and then the booster becomes at so four times you trick your body

23:15.000 --> 23:22.080
into making interferon in a five or six month study so why did you get great

23:22.080 --> 23:26.840
results you got great results because of the side effect of the vaccine which

23:26.840 --> 23:33.000
meant that the vaccine was acting as a pro drug which means that it's a

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medicine which means that in science we don't give medicines when somebody

23:39.800 --> 23:44.040
doesn't have the disease because the risk-benefit ratio never works out now I

23:44.040 --> 23:50.960
explained all this to them in 73 pages in February of 2021 so I was far

23:50.960 --> 23:54.680
advanced because you have to think like a scientist you have to explain how

23:54.680 --> 23:59.240
things work if you don't know how something works you can't just say we

23:59.240 --> 24:04.360
have great data because rain dancers had amazing data but you're the rain

24:04.360 --> 24:09.520
dance then it rains they had a hundred percent efficacy so data is meaningless

24:09.520 --> 24:14.960
in science without a hypothesis starts with the hypotheses if you don't have a

24:14.960 --> 24:19.840
hypotheses your science is infinitely weaker than my science if I have less

24:19.920 --> 24:24.680
data but a better hypotheses my science is better that's just the way science

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works so when I explain all this to me of course it made complete sense I knew

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it was important and I try to get it out to everyone no one would listen the

24:35.400 --> 24:38.680
everyone was scared I don't I don't know if they were scared or if they were all

24:38.680 --> 24:43.880
in on it or if they were all had an incredible number of stock options in

24:43.880 --> 24:48.400
Moderna and Pfizer and they all were just waiting to make money I have no idea but

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I know the FDA was behaving in a very corrupt manner and you know I got all

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this to their even their chief legal counsel so I had back and forth back and

24:58.120 --> 25:03.960
forth with so many people they are on the hook now the prep act says if

25:03.960 --> 25:07.900
organization the prep act gives organizations working with vaccines

25:07.900 --> 25:13.040
legal immunity but there is an exception that will form its conduct now they're

25:13.040 --> 25:22.760
all open for potential lawsuits because you you may negated your legal

25:22.760 --> 25:29.360
immunity by Wolf Ole Miss conduct and clearly people have severe side effects

25:29.360 --> 25:34.140
okay so that was all that holding now see if anyone wants to say well the

25:34.140 --> 25:40.340
antibody was really important I the ultimate argument is look at 2020 how

25:40.340 --> 25:45.500
many people in the year 2020 had a COVID-19 antibody there's only two ways

25:45.500 --> 25:51.260
to get it the illness or the vaccine the vaccine didn't exist in 20 way so it

25:51.260 --> 25:58.620
was the illness but no one had it so then no one had a COVID-19 antibody and yet

25:58.620 --> 26:05.220
20 million of us got it look at Tom Hanks seven years of no training of any

26:05.220 --> 26:11.020
kind for COVID-19 he gets it and shakes off in seven to ten days like a

26:11.020 --> 26:18.220
bad cold the COVID vaccine supposedly is amazing but that amazing training is

26:18.220 --> 26:24.220
all gone in one year and you'd be retrained meaning any argument for an

26:24.220 --> 26:31.340
antibody my ultimate argument back to them is the COVID-19 antibody didn't

26:31.340 --> 26:41.740
exist in the year 2020 and yet how do we heal so ribonuclease enzymes I have a

26:41.740 --> 26:46.740
five million one million five million ten dollar bet this is what I say in the

26:46.740 --> 26:55.260
year 2020 the RNase enzyme destroyed more viral COVID viral mRNA within our

26:55.260 --> 27:02.460
lung cells than any other molecule and no one will take me up on the bed see in

27:02.460 --> 27:07.100
science you have to have my hypotheses we did heal 20 million of us

27:07.100 --> 27:14.500
19 million of us healed under 45 99.9% of us healed how did we heal because see

27:14.500 --> 27:21.020
I'm a surgeon and if my assistant is brand new and she doesn't know what I'm

27:21.020 --> 27:26.260
doing she's not very helpful she doesn't know what my goals are she

27:26.260 --> 27:30.900
doesn't know what my next step is if she just keeps handing me a scalpel she's

27:30.900 --> 27:35.220
not very helpful now if I have an assistant who's done thousands of cases

27:35.220 --> 27:39.220
with me they anticipate my next move they know what I'm gonna do next and

27:39.220 --> 27:47.580
they're very useful and they help me a lot so if you don't know what the human

27:47.580 --> 27:52.940
body did to help us overcome COVID in the year 2020 and it didn't use a

27:52.940 --> 27:59.420
COVID antibody if you don't know what it did you can't say you're helping it and

27:59.420 --> 28:06.060
for absolute certainty the human body did not use a COVID-19 antibody which did

28:06.060 --> 28:16.940
not exist so RNase so my hypotheses is that the viral RNA inside our lung cells

28:16.940 --> 28:22.980
in the year 2020 that was the enemy and RNase is amazingly efficient at

28:22.980 --> 28:30.020
destroying RNA and RNase can destroy our RNA can destroy viral RNA can destroy

28:30.020 --> 28:34.460
vaccine RNA it's just sheets of paper it really doesn't matter what you print on

28:34.460 --> 28:38.980
it you can print the Empire State Building design on a piece of paper and

28:38.980 --> 28:44.860
the paper structure can handle it so RNA viral RNA is just like that it's just

28:44.860 --> 28:52.540
long strands of information GCAU and you can handle that but the RNase can

28:52.540 --> 28:57.100
handle that now the RNase is incredibly efficient and it destroys it's very

28:57.100 --> 29:02.060
very powerful and efficient at destroying RNA so it has an inhibitor bound to it

29:02.060 --> 29:06.900
because we would never be able to grow we our cells could never replicate and

29:06.900 --> 29:12.100
divide if the cells weren't growing well if you don't have our RNA and we're not

29:12.140 --> 29:18.980
making protein we can't grow so RNase has to be inhibited so it has a very

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strong inhibitor on there that's the most tightly bound two molecules that we

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know in nature in biological chemistry there's no molecule that is better

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studied than the RNase enzyme that's how well it's been studied there are

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thousands of papers on it we also know that the inhibitor comes off when it's

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oxidized so see in our evolution there were times when we didn't have food for

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days even weeks we didn't just die imagine if I live a hundred thousand

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years ago and my buddy gets a thousand calories for the we don't have a lot of

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food I have a thousand calories we don't have a lot of food he uses half his food

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to grow his cells and the other half to move and find food I don't grow it all

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I use her thousand calories I use a hundred percent to move so I can find

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food who's going to win I will win because I like to say that I will win

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because I'm using all my calories to move and I'm controlling my growth so we

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have an amazingly efficient way to tell ourselves you better not grow when there

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aren't resources 70% of a dry weight of a cell is protein if you don't have

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mRNA you can't make protein your cell will not undergo mitosis so that

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identical system that we've evolved with and we've had since we were that

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primordial one cell that came out of that ooze bacteria do it every DNA cell

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on earth controls its growth because when there aren't resources you should

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control your growth and you know ourselves when we're hungry they don't

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just start hoarding glucose because the brain needs glucose they don't just try

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to quickly grow they don't do that what they do is that they all uniformly say

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let's all slow down because that's the only way this organism will survive and

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the master way we control our growth is to stop protein production there's

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many ways to do this there's short-term ways long-term ways all sorts of

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enzymes and inhibitors but reduced eliminate RNA is an amazing way and that

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kicks in and so this is what I found when you're fasting your reactive oxygen

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substrates go up it's like a wisdom too much wood not enough air less wood more

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air inside ourselves less glucose you have more oxygen more oxygen

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substrates oxidized the inhibitor the inhibitor comes off and it's right there

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on the ready it doesn't take a month to get peak values like the antibody oh

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you're you know you're sick with the virus you're gonna wait a month for the

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stupid antibody to show up our RNA's are right there on the ready all you

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have to do stop eating your pizza so it felt you ever get sick send him a pizza

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everyone send him a pizza encourage him to eat find his favorite pizza give it to

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him because it'll kill him I'm not proposing violence I'm just saying that

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they always want peer-reviewed studies from me well near England General

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medicine chief editor was arguing with me non-stop who's going to publish anything

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I have to say so here's my here's my here's my here's my retrospective clinical

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trial a trillion mammals in the past million years whenever they get sick the

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young ones they get fussy and they don't eat and if you're a parent you know this

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to be true and if you're an animal lover you know your dog does the same thing

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but humans we really got fussy with our food we make amazing food we didn't

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have this a hundred thousand years ago evolution can't catch up that quickly

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it can't say oh I think I'm going to anticipate this amazing spaghetti

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factory and I'm going to make this desire not to even stronger it can't do

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that but our toddlers all listen to their body and look at who was really sick who

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was really sick during the pandemic the obese why were women less sick because

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they were often dieting if you're dieting you have more active RNA

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enzymes and you're you could more quickly activate those than somebody

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who's been eating a lot because when there's all these resources in your body

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you can't trick yourselves I'm saying there's no glucose when they see glucose

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floating all around them you have three big meals and you catch COVID you're

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more likely to die and this also explains the elderly so my theory on

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why the elderly are at increased risk of death obviously their lung lung function

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is diminished but it's not diminished by 80% so why are the elderly at higher risk

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because they're dramatically at high risk well you know I was explaining RNA RNA

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is incredibly simply recycled it's just a strip it's like paper you recycle it

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perfectly inside the cell there's no leftover RNA oh we haven't been able to

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get this one proteins are different every protein looks different and the

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process of recycling proteins is a lot more complicated inside is efficient so

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you're going to have defunct proteins and they're just floating around in the

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cell as you get older and they all have oxidizable groups so when you stop

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eating it takes a lot longer for the right one nucleus inhibitor to be

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oxidized because you can get through all the other proteins first there's a big

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buffer in there so that's why when you're when you're older you should never eat

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two big meals you should always have small meals because you want to be

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ready to be able to fast when you get a sore throat now if you've had you know

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if you've been quarantined for three days and then you get exposed to COVID you

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may very well die so see how my current paradigm explains a lot more than

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their stupid antibody I can't believe I have to explain this over and over

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scientists the COVID antibody wasn't even there in the year 2020 shows up a

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month late they say well get through via trans cytosis trans cytosis every

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study they ever done on trans cytosis it's a lab model you know you look at the

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alveolus the capillary the size of the capillary there's 7,000 nanometer

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diameter red blood cells zipping around the alveolus and the antibodies 10

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nanometers and it's gonna stick to the sidewall and not get bumped off by these

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zipping anti red blood cells they're dreaming trans cytosis in some

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trans well model in the lab BS okay it's just a diagram little thing trans cytosis

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is almost always referred to in reverse from the lung airspace back into the

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bloodstream and it's a little bit more quiet on the other side is it possible

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yes I don't believe it because clearly we make antibodies so easily why do we

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have to recycle a few that are left and you it's just they're everything about

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the vaccines and antibodies and viruses the reason why I was able to find so

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many things they're wrong about their basic premise anti-plies aren't useful

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against in our fight against viruses what why am I single-handedly able to find

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so much crap because their whole premise is wrong you know you go back to

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Edward Jenner the first immunization he gave them the little boy cowpox and

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then a couple months later he gave the voice smallpox and he said wow the

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kids okay I don't know what stupid parent agreed to that but the cowpox and

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smallpox sound the same but we all know immunize if you're immune to cowpox

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you're not immune smallpox the viruses on the surface are completely utterly

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different so Edward Jenner had an end of one that was only only patient I ever

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have heard of that somebody thought an immunologist thought this person is

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immune well how do you really know if this person is immune you give them the

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virus okay this person is immune to smallpox you can give them the virus

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they've never done it again that I know of in a clinical trial why because

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clearly that is unethical okay that's your limitation though so science just

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because it's an ethical doesn't mean you can automatically assume the other part

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of the site is correct so that being unethical an end of one where they've

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actually inoculated a person with a virus that supposedly they were immune to

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end of one and look how easily I destroyed that cowpox smallpox I'm not

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thinking he wasn't even immune he could have lied you know if somebody says oh

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right I've achieved fusion in the lab how many people try to debunk him and it

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was never repeated that end of one and they ran with it and they used it and

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they forever said look vaccination works this person's immune okay have you ever

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seen smallpox have you ever seen the horrible agents if you're a 20 year

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woman and you get smallpox that might be the end of your life you may never

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have children never get married because your perfect skin now it's just a mess

39:09.080 --> 39:13.280
deep craters during the learning the August it's horrible you've got a huge

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elevated red thing that you just look in the mirror and you just want to kill

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yourself and then after the scars are forever all over and you think this

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person is going to ever get near another smallpox patient I can

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the memory is in the brain so how did they how did they can believe that this

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person who had smallpox had lifelong immunity well the lifelong memory is in

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the brain and that person is never going to get near another smallpox

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patient again and we all know that smallpox is not nearly as transmissible as

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COVID you have to have significantly more face-to-face time to get smallpox

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than to get COVID so that person's not gonna stay near that for a patient he's

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gonna run five miles away that's where the memory is and then they want to say

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okay so how come you have antibodies then look hepatitis B we we have

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antibodies that doesn't mean we have immunity to it it usually means we have

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hepatitis B HIV we have antibodies to HIV that doesn't mean at all that we're

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immune to HIV that just means we're sick isn't it very possible that smallpox

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some of the DNA genes stayed in some cell and those cells keep producing the

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surface antigen but aren't capable of producing the complete virus that's what

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happens with hepatitis B the liver cells create infinitely more

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hepatitis B surface antigen than an intact virus we actually measure how

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somebody's doing by how much hepatitis B surface antigen they they produce their

41:05.560 --> 41:13.160
blood so why can't another virus also only produce their surface antigen then

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you would form antibodies okay see I have another perfectly excellent theory

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hypotheses on why smallpox antibodies are there ten years later it is not for

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everyone very few people but every time you read their papers they're always

41:30.400 --> 41:35.760
talking about lifelong immunity and they point to the antibody as proof I point

41:35.760 --> 41:40.400
to the brain that woman's brain is never gonna get near to smallpox patients but

41:40.400 --> 41:46.320
everything that these people did they had what I call a false positive in size

41:46.320 --> 41:52.160
you want to connect the cause to the effect you know a person with smallpox

41:52.160 --> 41:56.440
never get smallpox again that's a good effect they thought it was the antibody

41:56.440 --> 42:02.640
maybe it was just the brain that can go on and on about this so you have to

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redirect me because you know I'll go too deep people understand what I'm saying

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well let me just reflect on the smallpox thing for a second so Jenner did have

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the example of milkmaids who supposedly didn't get correct and that was

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what he what he was thinking up the the other thing to notice there is that

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variolation for smallpox was done at the barrier of the skin which I would

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argue is not such a bad way to try to augment the immune system if you're

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gonna do it you should at least do it at a barrier so they weren't injecting

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intramuscularly so if they were able to build some immunity with that type of

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immunization it would have been because they were augmenting the immune system

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at the barrier that it works at rather than trying to inject intramuscularly

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which is what we do now so I like the idea of the production of antibodies

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equaling the the health status of the animal I also like what you said about

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the fact that during a hepatitis infection we're looking at surface

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antigen expression as indication of infection there's a few other examples

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of where antibodies are tuned specifically to toxins in circulation don't we make

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antibodies to the tuberculosis talk tetanus toxin excuse me and so I'm just

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wondering I think you've proven beyond a shadow of adult that we have that we

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have been bamboozled into believing that antibodies are the primary way that we

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defend our body and that's I mean you said this last time you said that

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antibodies were tagged and what I am saying is this humans are smartest

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humans have never made a medication against the bacteria that works against

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the virus because they're utterly different enemies we don't call our

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police for rats so if in fact the antibody is very useful against

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extracellular pathogens like bacteria why would it work against the virus now

44:20.320 --> 44:26.240
see this is a scenario I'm painting antibodies are very useful against bacteria

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so it ramps up antibodies wrap up kind of like the way bacteria ramps up in

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our body a few weeks evolution doesn't get things this wrong viruses in two

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three days you can be once all a virus and die so everyone knows you get

44:47.120 --> 44:50.840
exposed to a virus at a party and so my sick and a couple days later you're

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feeling sick the rate of replication for virus is so extremely ridiculously

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crazy that if they were really necessary evolution would have figured it out and

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got it correct so a B lymphocyte is faced with an enemy a pathogen comes

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towards it this B lymphocyte is not going to try to figure out if it's a

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bacteria or a virus it's just gonna pump out antibodies because it's very

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useful against bacteria how do you know it's useful against a virus now if you

45:35.300 --> 45:38.900
can imagine a scenario where this B lymphocyte figures out what is a virus

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and what is a bacteria and it was an easy way to do it this bacteria this B

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lymphocyte does make antibodies which they got it guys guys I have this new

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mechanism you're a bacteria so I'm gonna keep make antibodies lots of them but

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your virus so I can just rest but there is no way to do that we can barely do

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that with our labs and this one little cell is you're never going to figure

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out a way for this one cell to figure that out and if you can't imagine a

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scenario evolution can't do it so this is every antibody that we have in our

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body are you going to automatically assume it's good because we do have

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antibodies against our joints does anyone think that's good no that's

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rheumatoid arthritis so we do have antibodies against the strep

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bacteria and those antibodies cause rheumatic fever because it bound to the

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heart valve and destroyed it and that one single antibody was a number one

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killer for children under the age of 20 in the early 19th century so you can't

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assume just because you found an antibody that is helpful at all you can't assume

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that but that's the assumption they made look you get a patient with HIV you have

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antibodies to it why didn't it help them oh because it's a really serious virus

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oh so the antibodies only work against the really easy viruses that we handle

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really easily are you sure then it's not a false positive it's a false positive

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because you know when I think the way I think is I always take things to the

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extreme and in the process of taking things to extreme the picture becomes

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more clear so one of the ways I do it is okay here's a five kilogram bone the

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six kilogram ball and it's going down a slant in kind of 30 degrees 10 feet

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which ball gets to the bottom faster and what I do in my mind is this I make the

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bigger ball six kilogram I make it a thousand kilograms and I make the five

48:07.580 --> 48:12.860
kilogram of the small one I make it a BB what happens when you let a BB go you

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can start zipping down what happens when you let this thousand kilogram

48:19.340 --> 48:23.420
ball that's 50 feet wide what happens when you release it you know it's not

48:23.420 --> 48:29.500
gonna start going there's inertia and immediately I have the answer I don't

48:29.500 --> 48:36.060
even have to do math now if the incline is 10 miles long the big one will win the

48:36.060 --> 48:40.460
BB has a maximum speed of four miles per hour and the big one get the maximum

48:40.460 --> 48:44.220
speed of 200 miles per hour so if it's a long incline the big one will win but

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see it's always good to stretch out the question because when you stretch out

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the question the answer manifests so let's take two scenarios a person that

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has no ribonucleus enzymes and no method to destroy the viruses like

49:04.020 --> 49:13.140
the cell and a person who has no covid antibodies and no way to block the

49:13.140 --> 49:18.540
virus from getting inside the cell I have two extreme scenarios oh but I don't

49:18.540 --> 49:25.820
even need a hypothetical for this one Tom Hanks had no covid antibodies and no

49:25.820 --> 49:29.300
training of any kind for seven years for any kind of covid virus covid 19

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virus and he got better in 10 days perfect example the other side plenty

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of antibodies but nothing inside the cell to destroy the viral RNA now each

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infected cell so you've got an occupation dose of 100 viruses the

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antibodies are really good they blocked 99 percent one gets in 99 percent is

49:58.220 --> 50:05.580
amazing kill rate one gets in no way to destroy it once it got in now there's

50:05.580 --> 50:13.020
50,000 copies those 50,000 all come out and you're again really good you blocked

50:13.020 --> 50:19.700
99 percent well you have 500 now you started with 100 now you have 500 you

50:19.700 --> 50:26.380
can do the math and it gets explosive so you see when you take things to the

50:26.380 --> 50:32.900
extreme everything starts to clear up in your mind to believe that an antibody

50:32.900 --> 50:38.140
was useful we have the biggest experiment in the history of medicine 20 million

50:38.140 --> 50:42.700
Americans got covid in the year 2020 and not a single one had a covid 19

50:42.700 --> 50:48.820
antibody there was that's the biggest experiment all their stupid peer

50:48.820 --> 50:54.260
reviewed papers over the past three and a half years they were using a wrong

50:54.260 --> 51:00.900
worldview paradigm and they got all the answers wrong and you know paradigm

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medicine don't occur very often there will probably be and there will probably

51:04.300 --> 51:11.460
never be another one this big in anyone's lifetime because false positives are

51:11.460 --> 51:16.500
what happened when you have too many false positives and you hold on to that

51:16.500 --> 51:20.580
false positive like the rain dancers they had great data every time they did

51:20.580 --> 51:26.700
rain dance it rained they had great data but they had no hypotheses connecting

51:26.700 --> 51:34.580
the rain dance to the rain so that's always what happens in science whenever

51:34.580 --> 51:42.780
you have the cause and it's too far from the effect bizarreness results like when

51:42.780 --> 51:48.660
I press my gas pedal my car starts going in a second that's a very short

51:48.660 --> 51:53.660
amount of time there's not room for a false positive to insert itself and take

51:53.660 --> 51:57.540
credit for that it was my foot that pressed on the gas pedal that made my

51:57.540 --> 52:02.820
car go but whenever the time between cause and effect is prolonged just like

52:02.820 --> 52:09.060
rain dance to rain six months oh with a vaccine the vaccine the effect is what

52:09.060 --> 52:13.860
first it was you and get sick then they move the goal post are you and get

52:13.860 --> 52:19.060
severely sick now they're not even sure what to say so you don't even know what

52:19.060 --> 52:26.380
the effect was but what you don't have any science you know oh but you did catch

52:26.380 --> 52:30.420
one virus and so this is my thing you live on a farmhouse with a hundred

52:30.420 --> 52:38.700
cats and you never see mice you put out one mousetrap you catch one mouse and

52:38.700 --> 52:44.620
you're certain that that mousetrap is a reason why you don't have mice what about

52:44.620 --> 52:51.380
the hundred cats they were eating mice hundred eight why can't it be that it is

52:51.380 --> 52:56.780
that so this false positive with vaccines and antibodies against viruses

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was extremely tricky because they actually caught they actually stuck the

53:01.860 --> 53:06.980
antibody on the virus and it stuck but remember that happens with HIV it

53:06.980 --> 53:10.700
happens with all sorts of viruses and stuff like this E we V and it doesn't

53:10.700 --> 53:15.500
help you picked all the easy viruses that we had a very well and then you got

53:15.500 --> 53:19.180
right in front of it like the rain dancers hmm and then you thought it was

53:19.180 --> 53:26.380
you it was never you and that's why there's 20 million infected Americans in

53:26.380 --> 53:30.940
your 20 20 that's why it's the biggest study in the history of earth because

53:30.940 --> 53:38.700
we're 99.99% confident none of them had a COVID-19 antibody and yet they yield so

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there are a couple other things you can add to this when you talk to other people

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the first one is is that mice without B cells can get rid of SARS viruses that

53:47.100 --> 53:53.340
that's been done 10 years amazing see and also there were there were patients in

53:53.380 --> 54:00.140
Italy that had no B cells that survived COVID as well so you're right about that

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the one thing that I'm I want you to take to an extreme is have you ever

54:04.780 --> 54:10.740
measured imagine the possibility that that previous respiratory diseases have

54:10.740 --> 54:17.140
been have been balled up into something that they're calling a novel virus but

54:17.140 --> 54:24.580
it's actually not novel what I always do whenever they say that and this is

54:24.580 --> 54:29.020
incredible to me how many times I forget but whenever they make that argument I

54:29.020 --> 54:35.580
say okay but there was a first time for that person that person there was the

54:35.580 --> 54:42.540
first time when he got a viral infection with no antibodies right because the

54:42.540 --> 54:46.180
only way you make antibodies is with the vaccine none of existence so the only

54:46.220 --> 54:50.940
other way is with an infection but there was a time when you got an infection

54:50.940 --> 54:54.100
when you didn't have antibodies for that infection there was always the first

54:54.100 --> 55:00.420
right you keep going back if you keep going back at some point okay so somebody

55:00.420 --> 55:06.780
says that 2019 they had coronaviruses and somebody had coronavirus

55:06.780 --> 55:14.260
like how did he get the antibody he had the infection and he had to wait a few

55:14.260 --> 55:19.740
weeks but he resolved the infection in a week so there's always a first time

55:19.740 --> 55:25.900
when you didn't have antibodies we still resolved right no I agree I'm just I

55:25.900 --> 55:30.580
guess I'm getting at more the idea that what you were saying and have said be

55:30.580 --> 55:38.300
fed in the past is that a a foreign RNA is kind of a similar target it doesn't

55:38.300 --> 55:44.180
really matter what what type of virus it is flu virus coronavirus a rhino virus

55:44.620 --> 55:49.500
it's a foreign RNA molecule that's trying to replicate against your will and

55:49.500 --> 55:56.700
you have to get rid of it so my question is and I think that I'm I'm sort of here

55:56.700 --> 56:03.460
is that I think that a lot of these mechanisms molecular mechanisms be it

56:03.460 --> 56:07.900
natural killer cells T cells B cells antibodies I don't care what molecular

56:07.900 --> 56:12.700
mechanism you're talking about memorizing these these insults and these

56:12.700 --> 56:19.020
foreign signals by the time you're I don't know what by the time you're not

56:19.020 --> 56:23.780
breastfeeding anymore my guess is that you already have a pretty good set of

56:23.780 --> 56:30.700
cellular defenses against general RNA infection and so for me but but then how

56:30.700 --> 56:34.180
did they get that how did they get that by an infection where they didn't have

56:34.180 --> 56:37.700
the antibody yeah but you don't need antibodies we've already decided that

56:37.700 --> 56:43.260
anybody's are bullshit like anybody's exactly anybody's are anybody's are a

56:43.260 --> 56:49.100
specific flavor of candy in a box that we don't rarely we rarely open we only

56:49.100 --> 56:53.860
open that box of candy for certain for certain parties the reason why I'm saying

56:53.860 --> 56:58.100
you know there's two kinds of memory there's the only molecule that we know

56:58.100 --> 57:03.220
has any kind of memory is the antibody interferon cannot be considered memory

57:03.540 --> 57:08.980
because they're always the same thing and and then so far as the cells are

57:08.980 --> 57:13.820
concerned the only cells that we know that have memory like this be in T T

57:13.820 --> 57:17.660
lymphocytes because the B lymphocytes for antibodies T lymphocytes okay so

57:17.660 --> 57:24.060
imagine the scenario there are 300 million alveoli let's estimate 10 lung

57:24.060 --> 57:29.020
alveolar efficacy of cells per alveoli that's three billion cells

57:29.900 --> 57:36.500
okay so the T lymphocytes have to go interview three billion cells every two

57:36.500 --> 57:43.540
days why because once one cell is infected you're not going to kill that

57:43.540 --> 57:50.940
cell because it has one viral mRNA strand inside okay so you don't kill it but in

57:50.940 --> 57:58.740
two days it could be 50,000 so do you see the rest ridiculousness of thinking

57:58.740 --> 58:05.660
that these T cells that have memory are helping us in our fight against viruses

58:05.660 --> 58:10.580
because they would have to interview three billion cells every two days it's

58:10.580 --> 58:16.300
just not physically possible so what I am saying is if you have some you're

58:16.300 --> 58:19.420
wrong though right you know you're wrong there right I mean I'm not gonna try

58:19.420 --> 58:23.620
to be a creep but when cells are infected they don't just sit there they

58:23.620 --> 58:28.500
signal they say they don't interfere on they help with a lot more than interfere

58:28.500 --> 58:32.100
on though they also present on MHC one the proteins that they're maybe yeah I

58:32.100 --> 58:37.260
get all that I get all that J but what I'm saying is how do you determine this

58:37.260 --> 58:41.660
cell that's infected it takes take care of itself and it tries to make sure it

58:41.660 --> 58:46.220
takes care of itself and it tries to make sure that it sends signals to other

58:46.220 --> 58:52.300
cells to fight it which is interfere on but what I'm saying is how do these

58:52.300 --> 58:56.540
T lymphocytes interview three billion cells every two days it's not just T

58:56.540 --> 59:00.980
lymphocytes it's also it's also natural killer cells and it's also antibodies

59:00.980 --> 59:07.220
which can buy them all I know but all those combined that's a lot of work day

59:07.220 --> 59:10.780
yeah but what do you think happens in your lungs what is your immune system

59:10.780 --> 59:14.420
doing if it's not defending your your barrier that's exactly what your immune

59:14.420 --> 59:20.340
system and why do you think I have a theory on why steroids work okay because

59:20.340 --> 59:26.260
your white blood cells a lot of them are a problem with viral infections because

59:26.260 --> 59:29.900
it breaches the blood lung barrier see our body is not perfect in fighting

59:29.900 --> 59:33.780
fighting the fighting different pathogens sometimes they call in all

59:33.780 --> 59:38.660
sorts of things we also know that with ours a key risk for the distress syndrome

59:38.660 --> 59:42.580
it's a white blood cells that just wreaked havoc they weren't necessary

59:42.580 --> 59:46.780
they're not necessary in our fight against viruses but why do they come in

59:46.780 --> 59:50.060
because a lot of things are called in when there's a lot of infection or even

59:50.060 --> 59:56.700
with the virus but are they useful they're hurtful that's why steroids work

59:56.700 --> 01:00:01.740
but you know steroids paralyzed white blood cells okay so you have all these

01:00:01.740 --> 01:00:04.900
white blood cells that's your killer cells all these cells that are running

01:00:04.900 --> 01:00:09.780
wrong interviewing that's not all that they do right you know that there's a

01:00:09.820 --> 01:00:15.220
whole wing of the white blood cell army that is involved in tolerance and is

01:00:15.220 --> 01:00:20.020
actually trained in the gut so when RNAs are replicating in your lungs and

01:00:20.020 --> 01:00:24.260
they use the mucus to get down into your gut you make T cells which are the

01:00:24.260 --> 01:00:30.700
opposite of the T cells in your lungs I get saying this that you could paralyze

01:00:30.700 --> 01:00:39.100
the white blood cells and you would still overcome COVID but that's just the

01:00:39.100 --> 01:00:42.980
multi that's the multi-faceted nature of the immune system that's not saying

01:00:42.980 --> 01:00:47.540
the T cells don't do anything otherwise otherwise I am saying a big part of the

01:00:47.540 --> 01:00:54.900
fight Jay a big part of the fight how once the virus enters that's the big part

01:00:54.900 --> 01:00:58.060
of the fight that's where most of the fighting occurs where the viruses are

01:00:58.060 --> 01:01:03.020
growing and these lumbering big cells they can produce they can help by

01:01:03.020 --> 01:01:09.380
producing signals like interferon but their only thing they can do beyond

01:01:09.380 --> 01:01:15.780
that is decide to kill or not kill aside from producing interferon what do they

01:01:15.780 --> 01:01:19.660
do they decide I just don't need to die this one doesn't even like but they can

01:01:19.660 --> 01:01:24.020
only make that decision if they interview three billion cells every two days

01:01:24.020 --> 01:01:29.100
I'm like see so the other problem here is that your your assumption is is that

01:01:29.100 --> 01:01:32.860
every time a cell is infected it needs to be killed and that's not true no no

01:01:32.860 --> 01:01:37.740
I'm saying the exact opposite that's what they say but I'm saying it doesn't there

01:01:37.740 --> 01:01:43.580
the club cells in the lungs almost never die from natural education there I'm

01:01:43.580 --> 01:01:51.220
never saying that I'm not saying that I am saying that if an infected cell is too

01:01:51.220 --> 01:01:58.220
sick the white blood cell what can it do to the lung cells it can decide to kill

01:01:58.220 --> 01:02:02.780
it or not kill it the other thing the white blood cells can do is produce

01:02:02.780 --> 01:02:08.900
mediators chemokines what else can they do that's the limit of what they can do

01:02:08.900 --> 01:02:14.780
so I am saying that most infected cells do not have to die because of our nays

01:02:14.780 --> 01:02:22.180
enzymes destroy the RNA so the current thinking is that okay see this is a

01:02:22.180 --> 01:02:27.940
concept of training you believe that if you've had an infection you're better

01:02:27.940 --> 01:02:34.100
able to handle it the next time and so I again take the extreme examples Tom

01:02:34.100 --> 01:02:39.740
Hanks at 70 had no training for 70 years to COVID-19 but that's wrong you can't

01:02:39.740 --> 01:02:45.260
say that that that is why not that assumes that there was a novel virus those

01:02:45.260 --> 01:02:52.500
entire epitope set was you knew that so it's wrong it's wrong hey just listen

01:02:52.500 --> 01:02:57.820
Tom Hanks at 70 you're saying that maybe some other antibodies and some

01:02:57.820 --> 01:03:03.780
other T cells that were trained no no I'm saying that previous previous immunity

01:03:03.780 --> 01:03:09.460
to other RNA viruses whether it's RNases whether it's IgA but how first

01:03:09.460 --> 01:03:15.020
recognition how what do you mean how has he been on earth or not if you're on

01:03:15.020 --> 01:03:19.260
earth you're exposed to RNA all the time no no that's fine but how did those T cells

01:03:19.260 --> 01:03:23.820
that have been exposed how are they gonna help now but why does it have to be T

01:03:23.820 --> 01:03:29.060
cells whatever whatever other cells you want to say because the only molecule

01:03:29.060 --> 01:03:34.620
that has memories antibodies but T cells have memory natural killer cells have

01:03:34.620 --> 01:03:38.900
memory okay you're taller cells white blood cells macrophages T cells

01:03:38.900 --> 01:03:45.740
ventricular cells all of those how did they help Tom Hanks well how would I know

01:03:45.740 --> 01:03:51.380
that there it's a concert it's a concert of the immune system that you are

01:03:51.380 --> 01:03:58.660
discarding by saying it's one thing day interferon helps tremendously and

01:03:58.660 --> 01:04:03.940
these cells produce interferon and that's how they help look at look at a six

01:04:03.940 --> 01:04:11.300
month old baby never faced the enemy didn't have a mom who had COVID didn't

01:04:11.300 --> 01:04:17.300
have a mom who had a coronavirus the past two years okay that baby gets

01:04:17.300 --> 01:04:21.020
COVID and wipes out 10 billion viruses from his body in a week having never

01:04:21.020 --> 01:04:26.180
faced the enemy so see this training concept is we're we're stuck on right

01:04:26.180 --> 01:04:32.140
now and what I'm saying is why are we so certain that training is necessary if

01:04:32.140 --> 01:04:40.540
you see a one-year-old baby ride a bike and juggling is your next thought I

01:04:40.540 --> 01:04:47.020
need to train this baby to ride a bike that shouldn't be your next thought but

01:04:47.020 --> 01:04:52.180
the baby did something incredibly more amazing than that it wiped out 10

01:04:52.180 --> 01:04:56.620
billion viruses from his body and having never had anything similar that it had

01:04:56.620 --> 01:05:06.300
ever faced it knew what to do so why would you assume that training is

01:05:06.300 --> 01:05:13.140
necessary it's not I'm fine I'm fine with that argument okay I'm fine with the

01:05:13.140 --> 01:05:16.420
argument if there's no training but I'm not fine with the argument that now all

01:05:16.420 --> 01:05:22.540
of the no no I'm not saying nothing useful I am saying I agree with you I'm

01:05:22.540 --> 01:05:28.580
not saying it's all useless but I am saying training is not necessary but

01:05:28.580 --> 01:05:34.220
training is not necessary because the immune system is not seeing an RNA

01:05:34.220 --> 01:05:39.940
virus for the first time ever no and this six month all it is

01:05:39.940 --> 01:05:49.980
and you've been sitting in the six-month-old yeah I'm not I'm not really I'm not

01:05:49.980 --> 01:05:55.940
really I'm not really I wasn't really ready to argue this but the immune system

01:05:55.940 --> 01:06:00.220
of a six-month-old is much much much different than the immune system of a

01:06:00.220 --> 01:06:04.500
14-year-old kid but but it handled the coronavirus yeah but it handles it

01:06:04.500 --> 01:06:08.900
differently and you must know that I would disagree that evolution if it

01:06:08.900 --> 01:06:13.100
handles it that efficiently you're saying evolution I mean are you are you

01:06:13.100 --> 01:06:16.420
honestly telling me that you think kids don't have symptoms almost their whole

01:06:16.420 --> 01:06:22.540
life for two years because my children were sniffly on and on just but that's

01:06:22.540 --> 01:06:26.420
not what I said but then they're having replication they're not clearing the

01:06:26.420 --> 01:06:36.180
virus in a day well maybe they don't clear it in a month lots of kids you're

01:06:36.180 --> 01:06:41.740
taking big statements here that don't need to be made I know I'm not they do

01:06:41.740 --> 01:06:47.100
clear the virus having never measured how do we measure that with PCR I mean

01:06:47.100 --> 01:06:52.060
we're talking about viruses as if all the viral stories they tell us are real and

01:06:52.060 --> 01:06:56.580
they're not but you say you can't what we're stuck on here today is we're stuck

01:06:56.580 --> 01:07:00.340
on training you still feel that they have to have some kind of training do better

01:07:00.340 --> 01:07:06.420
I don't think so I'm trying to tell you that what little what little

01:07:06.420 --> 01:07:12.900
biological studies that I can believe from the literature that are done in

01:07:12.900 --> 01:07:20.380
animals where they remove T cells the animals die when they remove B cells the

01:07:20.380 --> 01:07:26.220
animals don't die and that's a pretty big observation because T cells produce

01:07:26.220 --> 01:07:31.780
interferon okay then T cells produce interferon fine that's great so what

01:07:31.780 --> 01:07:37.500
a cytotoxic T cells do nothing just for cancer only bacteria extracellular

01:07:37.500 --> 01:07:42.500
pathogens and extracellular but extracellular pathogens are almost never

01:07:42.500 --> 01:07:46.860
there though why would we have a toxic T cell no no no what do you mean we we we

01:07:46.860 --> 01:07:52.620
we lived in mock that's how we evolved bacteria infections were quite

01:07:52.620 --> 01:07:58.660
rapid cytotoxic T cells are primarily involved in clearing and maintain maintain

01:07:58.660 --> 01:08:07.420
no no we bacteria was a huge issue for us we have bacteria inside us at all

01:08:07.420 --> 01:08:14.220
times E. coli and we build wonderful immune tolerance to their proteins Joe

01:08:14.220 --> 01:08:19.860
and that's and we destroy them when they're in our bloods that's learning hey no

01:08:19.860 --> 01:08:24.140
that's why we go septic when we get certain enzymes or certain bacteria in

01:08:24.140 --> 01:08:28.300
there because our immune system doesn't fight it we do not tolerate E. coli in

01:08:28.300 --> 01:08:33.540
our bloodstream J we destroy it I'm sorry but I think you're wrong about the

01:08:33.540 --> 01:08:38.060
fact that the E. coli that's in your gut is tolerated by the immune system in

01:08:38.060 --> 01:08:42.700
your gut and there is a potential for that to go wrong J gut and bloodstream

01:08:42.700 --> 01:08:46.340
are very different we do not tolerate bacteria in our bloodstream not in the

01:08:46.340 --> 01:08:51.580
bloodstream no not very well but the point is is that if your gut bacteria

01:08:51.580 --> 01:08:56.540
gets into your bloodstream your body doesn't clear it as rapidly as it would

01:08:56.540 --> 01:09:01.500
bacteria that gets through your skin because you have tolerance to it no no

01:09:01.500 --> 01:09:08.180
we don't yes you do that's why we have regulatory T cells we make tolerance it's

01:09:08.180 --> 01:09:13.580
also learning you have to know that they I think you're completely wrong about

01:09:13.580 --> 01:09:21.460
this because you know every lung cell has TLR4 receptors also TLR4 is

01:09:21.460 --> 01:09:27.820
specifically for LPS LPS is the major part of the gram negative bacteria cell

01:09:27.820 --> 01:09:34.700
wall and when that TLR4 receptors activated a whole cascade of the

01:09:34.700 --> 01:09:40.780
events occurs to destroy that E. coli I I'm not saying that the that the

01:09:40.780 --> 01:09:45.100
bacteria is tolerated to the point where they can live there I'm trying to

01:09:45.100 --> 01:09:49.860
argue what I'm saying is there's a lot of things in our system that we use to

01:09:49.860 --> 01:09:53.620
fight extracellular pathogens like bacteria which were a huge issue for us

01:09:53.620 --> 01:09:58.300
we had we face E. coli if E. coli gets into a bloodstream and spreads were dead

01:09:58.300 --> 01:10:03.700
that's true we have it we have a very amazing efficient system and we we take

01:10:03.700 --> 01:10:07.340
care of it as quickly as we can because E. coli is such a threat because we

01:10:07.340 --> 01:10:11.820
actually need the bacteria in our gut but we don't need it in our bloodstream

01:10:11.820 --> 01:10:17.220
and we do not tolerate it in our body we tolerate on in the intestines which are

01:10:17.220 --> 01:10:21.100
not in technically inside our body what about in the payers patches and what

01:10:21.100 --> 01:10:25.580
about when the bacteria is drawn into the payers patches like every night when you

01:10:25.580 --> 01:10:30.340
go to sleep what does that mean the payers patches or what see that's what I'm

01:10:30.340 --> 01:10:34.060
talking about if you don't know how the gut by immunology works then why are you

01:10:34.060 --> 01:10:37.940
arguing with me so vociferously about the fact that we make immune tolerant

01:10:37.940 --> 01:10:43.260
memory to things in our gut because great inside our gut is very different

01:10:43.260 --> 01:10:48.740
from whence they breach the barrier okay you think the skin right the skin is a

01:10:48.740 --> 01:10:56.980
barrier or gut if you're it's a very very technically a gut is a very

01:10:56.980 --> 01:11:01.660
special barrier where everything that comes into ourselves that is that is

01:11:01.660 --> 01:11:06.940
not soluble in water has to go through what Jay what does it have to go

01:11:06.940 --> 01:11:09.740
through this I'm not going to argue this with it has to go through it has to go

01:11:09.740 --> 01:11:16.780
through the limb it has to go inside the gut inside the gut is not the same thing

01:11:16.780 --> 01:11:21.420
but can you can you can you least listen to this the the explanation that I'm

01:11:21.420 --> 01:11:26.620
trying to give you the T cells in the gut interact with the T cells in the rest

01:11:26.620 --> 01:11:32.940
of the body and so if the T cells in the lungs ramp up in immune response they

01:11:32.940 --> 01:11:39.820
need to be turned off by T cells in the gut that is known because the tolerant

01:11:39.820 --> 01:11:46.140
T cells dysregulate down regulate cells that are up regulating the the

01:11:46.140 --> 01:11:53.060
response at the infection this is how it works I'm sorry there's 20 years of

01:11:53.060 --> 01:11:58.220
literature about how the gut T cells down I'm not going to disagree with

01:11:58.220 --> 01:12:03.260
everything you say here Jay but I'm going to tell you flat out that whatever

01:12:03.260 --> 01:12:06.820
you're using this word tolerance and you're getting it confused because tolerance

01:12:06.820 --> 01:12:09.780
inside the bloodstream and tolerance inside the gut is completely different

01:12:09.780 --> 01:12:14.380
issue completely utterly different it's not though let me explain why because the

01:12:14.380 --> 01:12:19.860
tolerance movement okay the tolerance is at the passage the T cells can stop

01:12:19.860 --> 01:12:27.780
things the the payer's patches can stop things from entering the lymph and so

01:12:27.780 --> 01:12:33.180
you need to build tolerance tonight if an E. coli how's this let's just get to

01:12:33.180 --> 01:12:36.380
the bottom this and I'll stop discuss this further if an E. coli gets into our

01:12:36.380 --> 01:12:39.780
bloodstream I don't think there's any tolerance for that no I agree with you

01:12:39.780 --> 01:12:47.300
that's all I'm saying I agree with you completely that there's tolerance inside

01:12:47.300 --> 01:12:52.420
the mucosa of the back of the intestine the wall of the that's just like our

01:12:52.420 --> 01:12:56.020
skin but on the inside you know how we build food allergies is the same way the

01:12:56.020 --> 01:13:00.700
payer's patches tolerance is dysregulated you know that right you have to

01:13:00.700 --> 01:13:04.660
know that you're a doctor and you know what allergies are so how can you argue

01:13:04.660 --> 01:13:10.340
with me here I don't get it at one point the tolerance is not inside the blood

01:13:10.340 --> 01:13:17.740
stream E. coli inside the tolerance is the T cells Joseph and wherever the T cells

01:13:17.740 --> 01:13:22.620
are they mitigate the tolerance no I am saying is if you have E. coli inside the

01:13:22.620 --> 01:13:25.220
bloodstream there is no tolerance we're gonna try to kill us that's what I'm

01:13:25.220 --> 01:13:29.980
saying what I'm trying to say to you is the reason why we don't kill the T cells

01:13:29.980 --> 01:13:33.260
in the payers patches because there are T cells there to make sure that we don't

01:13:33.260 --> 01:13:38.740
or sorry we don't kill the bacteria I'm sorry I said it wrong we don't kill the

01:13:38.740 --> 01:13:44.660
bacteria in the payers patches because the T cells tolerate them there it's

01:13:44.660 --> 01:13:50.220
known Joe so you're not really arguing with me but you're ignoring the

01:13:50.220 --> 01:13:55.300
fact that there's a lot I never say anything different immunity and learning

01:13:55.300 --> 01:14:01.420
occurs on multiple fronts in the body that's reason why you only get measles

01:14:01.420 --> 01:14:07.460
once I don't agree with that either okay I guess you got to do a better

01:14:07.460 --> 01:14:12.020
immunology lecture then because what you've been lecturing to me thus far okay

01:14:12.020 --> 01:14:16.620
is a lot of hand waving yeah you can't just say T cells don't do anything let's

01:14:16.620 --> 01:14:22.180
let's slow slow down you're getting a really upset with me but you think that

01:14:22.180 --> 01:14:27.460
it measles there's training and that they don't get it again I I say there are

01:14:27.460 --> 01:14:32.740
other potential hypotheses to explain that I'm fine with that too yeah yeah

01:14:32.740 --> 01:14:37.780
so that that's what I'm saying I'm saying for most viruses we're not trained

01:14:37.780 --> 01:14:42.780
like that we take a very general approach

01:14:44.700 --> 01:14:49.540
you seem very convinced that there are lots of viruses and that viruses make

01:14:49.540 --> 01:14:55.820
billions of copies of themselves and you're not really attacking that part of

01:14:55.820 --> 01:14:59.420
the narrative either which is kind of frustrating because I think you're

01:14:59.420 --> 01:15:03.540
aware that the vast majority of the people that died of COVID didn't really

01:15:03.540 --> 01:15:07.340
die of COVID I think you're aware that the PCR doesn't really identify anything

01:15:07.340 --> 01:15:12.540
and so it's weird that we spent the whole hour now talking about COVID

01:15:12.540 --> 01:15:16.740
infection when I start the stream with the fact that there's no evidence of

01:15:16.740 --> 01:15:23.380
spread not in New York in New York there's no evidence of spread there were

01:15:23.380 --> 01:15:28.260
10,000 people killed in three weeks and then it stopped and there were no excess

01:15:28.300 --> 01:15:33.180
deaths for the next two years until they rolled out the shots so why wasn't

01:15:33.180 --> 01:15:39.900
they're spreading RNA I'm not sure what you're saying I'm saying the 10,000

01:15:39.900 --> 01:15:46.940
people died in March of 2020 in New York City and then they stopped dying very

01:15:46.940 --> 01:15:51.740
possible yes and it's not because of RNase it's because they started

01:15:51.740 --> 01:15:55.460
treating people with antibiotics and they stopped ventilating people and they

01:15:55.460 --> 01:16:01.220
started using remdesivir to kill them instead and so everybody that's died of

01:16:01.220 --> 01:16:07.060
COVID has actually been treated poorly like you said and actually the evidence

01:16:07.060 --> 01:16:13.260
that we have for an actual novel RNA virus is zero and you said it yourself

01:16:13.260 --> 01:16:18.540
what evidence is there if 70 year old man like Tom Hanks can fight it off must

01:16:18.540 --> 01:16:24.300
not have been very novel so your argument is so your argument is is that it was

01:16:24.300 --> 01:16:29.540
novel but but we don't but we didn't care because we fight these off the same

01:16:29.540 --> 01:16:34.260
way all the time anyway well I've known about coronavirus forever the common

01:16:34.260 --> 01:16:37.900
cold a lot of common colds are caused by coronavirus I didn't never say it was

01:16:37.900 --> 01:16:42.380
novel I mean but it has to be right because you said that nobody had Tom

01:16:42.380 --> 01:16:48.460
Hanks hadn't seen it before he had no memory his whole 70 years never had it

01:16:48.460 --> 01:16:52.620
and you said that memory is not made so then how do you fight it so what somebody

01:16:52.620 --> 01:16:58.100
gets COVID and they have this somebody gets a vaccine well you know what I'm

01:16:58.100 --> 01:17:01.980
not gonna do this with you because for some reason you're not really happy

01:17:01.980 --> 01:17:08.660
the way I'm talking about this I don't know what it is I think it's because

01:17:08.660 --> 01:17:14.060
you're really it feels very much like you're you're pushing the idea that there

01:17:14.060 --> 01:17:20.540
was a novel virus that it's still there that it was different and so well but

01:17:21.260 --> 01:17:25.500
it's slightly different why why is that so unusual I mean I know coronaviruses

01:17:25.500 --> 01:17:31.300
are the common cold I think one third was was caused by coronaviruses so why

01:17:31.300 --> 01:17:35.260
would I say that every coronavirus is novel I wouldn't say that but then why

01:17:35.260 --> 01:17:39.820
would we need to learn something new to fight this one right I didn't say that

01:17:39.820 --> 01:17:43.420
either no no I know that you said the up you said that we didn't need to learn

01:17:43.420 --> 01:17:57.660
anything to fight this right I guess I asked you earlier to take it to the

01:17:57.660 --> 01:18:03.780
extreme and then we kind of didn't take it to the extreme so if if we take it to

01:18:03.780 --> 01:18:10.380
the extreme if the CDC told doctors like you that there's a new virus and you

01:18:10.380 --> 01:18:16.540
can't use antibiotics to treat it even if you get pneumonia it's viral and so

01:18:16.540 --> 01:18:20.460
it won't work for it and you should give people remdesivir and ventilate them

01:18:20.460 --> 01:18:24.980
instead I don't agree with that but do you think that that would explain the

01:18:24.980 --> 01:18:30.100
million people that died in America it could and so in that case then there's

01:18:30.100 --> 01:18:36.380
no novel spread and so we're talking almost better not I mean what is new to

01:18:36.380 --> 01:18:38.860
some people isn't need to other people I don't even know what the argument is

01:18:38.860 --> 01:18:46.420
of all year today well the argument about it is is that you and I have been

01:18:46.420 --> 01:18:52.580
trying to open the possibility space so that people can understand that a novel

01:18:52.580 --> 01:18:59.620
RNA molecule released in Wuhan is not responsible for what we experienced and

01:18:59.620 --> 01:19:04.380
at least that's what I'm trying to do because I feel as though they've lied to

01:19:04.380 --> 01:19:08.660
us about this idea that if I had a special RNA molecule and I spilled it on

01:19:08.660 --> 01:19:13.820
the floor in my in my garage eventually it would cover the planet and part of

01:19:13.820 --> 01:19:18.780
that story is this idea that all of us were vulnerable in 2020 because we've

01:19:18.780 --> 01:19:22.860
never agreed with you Jay that I agree with you if there was some kind of higher

01:19:22.860 --> 01:19:27.460
ups who had this idea of spreading a pretend novel virus so they could make

01:19:27.460 --> 01:19:32.500
money off their vaccines their mRNA technology it could have happened yes

01:19:32.500 --> 01:19:38.860
I'm not disagreeing with that and so they lie about how they how we are

01:19:38.860 --> 01:19:43.660
inoculated they lie about how vaccines work they lie about how our immune system

01:19:43.660 --> 01:19:50.340
works so I'm on board with that okay so the the issue that I guess we're

01:19:50.340 --> 01:20:00.220
clashing about is where the the augmentation or instruction education of

01:20:00.220 --> 01:20:06.580
the immune system happens or is needs to happen with regards to measles small

01:20:06.580 --> 01:20:12.460
pox any viral any viral engine yeah I don't want to get confrontational here

01:20:12.460 --> 01:20:16.420
this is like you have your thoughts and that's fine I have my thoughts and we're

01:20:16.420 --> 01:20:21.380
just trying to share so this is what I think about measles I've heard from

01:20:21.380 --> 01:20:27.260
plenty of people that their childhood measles and had it again now if somebody

01:20:27.260 --> 01:20:32.740
gets a measles blister and they get infected with measles and that little

01:20:32.740 --> 01:20:39.260
skin cell that died what I'm saying is how did that skin cell that died how did

01:20:39.260 --> 01:20:45.740
it train the other skin cells how to train the other skin cells to not die

01:20:45.740 --> 01:20:50.500
not to better fight it off next time if it died what I'm saying is in science you

01:20:50.500 --> 01:20:55.060
if you break it down to the actual you have to have a connection for

01:20:55.060 --> 01:21:01.980
everything from cause to effect if you say this is what I think I think measles

01:21:01.980 --> 01:21:10.460
is a attacks skin cells that are fast growing and adults don't grow nearly as

01:21:10.460 --> 01:21:14.460
fast so then they're not going to blister like that and you know they're not

01:21:14.460 --> 01:21:20.940
gonna have past papules and have red lesions and then it won't happen but

01:21:20.940 --> 01:21:25.260
younger kids their skin cells are growing really fast and clearly not all

01:21:25.260 --> 01:21:28.980
their skin cells got in you know even if they got infected they didn't all just

01:21:28.980 --> 01:21:33.500
die there were some really fast growing skin skin cells that couldn't handle it

01:21:33.500 --> 01:21:39.660
and then they died but if they did die I'm saying how did they train the other

01:21:39.660 --> 01:21:43.620
cells to fight it off next time and see this is what science says you have to

01:21:43.620 --> 01:21:48.100
break it down step by step you can't just skip steps it's not fair to so to

01:21:48.100 --> 01:21:51.620
believe that you got got needs of measles and you won't get it again I'm

01:21:51.620 --> 01:21:54.580
saying well I don't know for sure if that's true or not because I've heard of

01:21:54.580 --> 01:22:01.140
plenty of cases where they got measles twice so I I do have a general problem

01:22:01.140 --> 01:22:05.460
with training and you do like tea cells that are trained and I you've studied

01:22:05.460 --> 01:22:10.700
that area a lot more than I have so it I'm not going to disagree with you on all

01:22:10.700 --> 01:22:16.300
that I'm just saying that in the case of measles if I have a viable theory on why

01:22:16.300 --> 01:22:21.060
it presents early and then present so much the next time maybe it's because

01:22:21.060 --> 01:22:26.220
skin cells are growing slower as you would grow older so you know when they

01:22:26.220 --> 01:22:29.620
have an observation and they are pretty sure that there was training involved

01:22:29.620 --> 01:22:34.380
I'm not I'm saying that it's not always training now in your gut case it could

01:22:34.380 --> 01:22:38.140
be very very different I have even looked at that every I don't remember what a

01:22:38.140 --> 01:22:42.860
pirate's patch was Jay but I am saying for the things that I thought about I've

01:22:42.940 --> 01:22:48.460
seen I've come up with other hypotheses for the the explanation that differs

01:22:48.460 --> 01:22:55.220
from them saying that it was training involved so I think we agree with all

01:22:55.220 --> 01:23:00.540
things we definitely do and I'm not I'm just I'm really fired up right now

01:23:00.540 --> 01:23:06.620
about about where we are okay it's okay Jay and you know I can tell that you are

01:23:06.620 --> 01:23:13.100
and I'm okay with that and I think that you were trying to bring across the

01:23:13.100 --> 01:23:16.860
fact that you don't like the way the government lied to us about this and I

01:23:16.860 --> 01:23:19.940
believe that they could lie about all sorts of things like you and then they

01:23:19.940 --> 01:23:23.180
had a different motivation and you're saying you discover all sorts of things

01:23:23.180 --> 01:23:29.660
well I have and it is it is three years of teaching this stuff so I've been

01:23:29.660 --> 01:23:34.460
teaching a couple things for about two years now that you're the years you still

01:23:34.460 --> 01:23:40.820
haven't really heard or come upon yet and one of them kind of goes back to this

01:23:40.820 --> 01:23:48.420
fundamental principle of how RNA works and you've already laid out in spades the

01:23:48.420 --> 01:23:52.300
idea that RNA can't just willy-nilly go wherever it wants to and do whatever it

01:23:52.300 --> 01:23:57.540
wants to we have lots of control mechanisms for that I wonder if you're

01:23:57.540 --> 01:24:02.740
aware of the idea that when DNA is copied there are several enzymes that proof

01:24:02.740 --> 01:24:06.460
read it and because it's a double-stranded molecule you have two chances

01:24:06.460 --> 01:24:11.820
to proof read it and when you replicate RNA this isn't the case yeah it's not

01:24:11.820 --> 01:24:17.980
it's not as the fidelity is not nearly yeah so in reality why viruses never

01:24:17.980 --> 01:24:21.660
grew bigger than viruses right yeah the reason why you can't really culture

01:24:21.660 --> 01:24:26.940
viruses for very long and certainly not in in perpetuity is because of this so

01:24:26.940 --> 01:24:31.900
you know are you aware that the way that they overcame this in the 80s was to

01:24:31.900 --> 01:24:37.660
make a DNA clone of the RNA sequence that they found in in the wild I didn't

01:24:37.660 --> 01:24:40.940
know that but that makes sense so what they would do is they would take this

01:24:40.940 --> 01:24:46.220
sequence that they found in a bat asshole and they would remake it into a cDNA

01:24:46.220 --> 01:24:50.860
and grow it in large quantities in a bacteria and then add a commercial

01:24:50.860 --> 01:24:58.020
RNase and then now they have a bottle of pure RNA virus RNA that's all one

01:24:58.060 --> 01:25:03.420
molecule and then they use that on their cell cultures they use that to send to

01:25:03.420 --> 01:25:08.740
their friends they use that to upload to the database and they regenerate that

01:25:08.740 --> 01:25:14.740
whenever they want to start with SARS or BAN-E sure so what I'm

01:25:14.740 --> 01:25:18.740
suggesting to you is that there is no RNA molecule on the planet that can be

01:25:18.740 --> 01:25:22.820
spilled on one place in the planet and then perpetually take itself around the

01:25:22.820 --> 01:25:28.700
planet for three years not even for six months the only thing that can do that

01:25:28.700 --> 01:25:33.140
is an infectious clone where you have sufficient purity and sufficient

01:25:33.140 --> 01:25:38.980
quantity of a replicating RNA so that even though it makes mistakes that same

01:25:38.980 --> 01:25:44.660
sequence still shows up wherever you do it and it's I mean there are other

01:25:44.660 --> 01:25:50.140
arguments right I could make it one just off the top of my head that of all the

01:25:50.180 --> 01:25:54.860
millions billions trillions of copies the ones that are copied correctly there's

01:25:54.860 --> 01:25:58.300
a lot of them that are copied wrong the ones that are copied correctly and still

01:25:58.300 --> 01:26:03.940
have everything that they need to replicate and attach to a cell those are

01:26:03.940 --> 01:26:09.820
the ones that keep going so you know you can you can have a kid copy letters and

01:26:09.820 --> 01:26:14.500
just pick out the good ones and if you just pick out the good ones it'll still

01:26:14.500 --> 01:26:18.180
be transferred very well but mathematically that's not how it works Joe

01:26:18.180 --> 01:26:23.420
when you when you're copying RNA in a cell you can do the math in your head

01:26:23.420 --> 01:26:26.460
because you've shown us many times in this talk you can do the math in your

01:26:26.460 --> 01:26:33.060
head there's one molecule and you copy it and when you copy it you make three

01:26:33.060 --> 01:26:38.260
errors because it makes a minimum of one error every 10,000 bases now you have

01:26:38.260 --> 01:26:44.140
two copies in the cell one is the original and one's got three errors now

01:26:44.140 --> 01:26:48.420
the RNA dependent polymerase has to copy one of those two if it copies the

01:26:48.420 --> 01:26:54.380
original now you're gonna have two with three errors and one original and so as

01:26:54.380 --> 01:26:59.100
this goes on the RNA polymerase is never going to choose the original strand

01:26:59.100 --> 01:27:07.780
again and in reality this goes out the window very quickly in any any biological

01:27:07.780 --> 01:27:13.700
system they've ever said hey Jay would you just said there the fact is there are

01:27:13.700 --> 01:27:18.260
any viruses 30,000 nucleotides long based on what you just said there should be

01:27:18.260 --> 01:27:22.360
no RNA virus even around because they've all mutated themselves death there

01:27:22.360 --> 01:27:28.340
aren't the fact is there aren't oh you don't believe in RNA viruses well there

01:27:28.340 --> 01:27:31.900
are RNA viruses but they aren't trackable like they say they're trackable do you

01:27:31.900 --> 01:27:36.420
know how many sequences of human coronaviruses there were available on

01:27:36.420 --> 01:27:43.380
the internet in 2019 49 okay so you're just saying there's a lot of

01:27:43.380 --> 01:27:47.580
variations a lot of mutations of them right I'm saying that yes none of them

01:27:47.580 --> 01:27:54.060
are trackable because they all use one enzyme and that's it yes yeah yeah but

01:27:54.060 --> 01:27:59.400
the fact is they are here right now but they are a background signal that has

01:27:59.400 --> 01:28:04.140
always been there always causing disease always inflaming our lungs and

01:28:04.140 --> 01:28:11.900
always always causing secondary pneumonia and this this year we just

01:28:11.900 --> 01:28:15.820
decided this year we just decided we're gonna tell all the doctors that this

01:28:15.820 --> 01:28:21.420
normal phenomenon is now characterizable by a special PCR test is

01:28:21.420 --> 01:28:28.140
sequenced by a 99 primer set sequencing reaction and is untreatable by antibiotics

01:28:28.140 --> 01:28:35.640
and is it for my son of course I think they're being idiotic I'm on board with

01:28:35.640 --> 01:28:39.740
you today but then we got we get all the way to the stage here though when when

01:28:39.740 --> 01:28:45.260
now they're lied they lied about a pandemic there was no pandemic I kind of

01:28:45.260 --> 01:28:52.340
have to agree with you that well okay there was just a natural phenomenon that

01:28:52.340 --> 01:28:57.980
they conflated and with with careful destruction of all the hospital

01:28:57.980 --> 01:29:01.060
protocols wherever they could influence it with finances and I'm

01:29:01.060 --> 01:29:06.140
completely believe completely believe that hospitals would do all that yes

01:29:06.140 --> 01:29:13.860
they did yeah yes they did and so I really need people to understand that the

01:29:13.860 --> 01:29:18.820
immunology was a lie the virology is exaggerated the fidelity of the

01:29:18.820 --> 01:29:24.780
virology is exaggerated and the mechanistic effectiveness of their

01:29:24.780 --> 01:29:29.700
cure is completely bullshit I agree with you these three things need to get out

01:29:29.700 --> 01:29:34.220
there you have the mechanistic bullshit down to a science and I think you're a

01:29:34.220 --> 01:29:39.660
really good presenter of it I think John Bodewin has all the deaths and the

01:29:39.660 --> 01:29:45.620
causes nailed I think Denny Rancor can explain to the world why there was no

01:29:45.660 --> 01:29:50.300
excess mortality where there should have been when there was a novel cause of

01:29:50.300 --> 01:29:55.700
death suddenly which there wasn't the novel cause of death was I see cause or

01:29:55.700 --> 01:29:59.660
disagreement because there are certain things I was saying that you didn't like

01:29:59.660 --> 01:30:04.340
because you thought that it matched what the government was saying yes exactly

01:30:04.340 --> 01:30:08.240
and that's okay that that's why we have this conversation though man I don't

01:30:08.240 --> 01:30:13.500
mean to do that because you're talking all day long to people I'm not it's my

01:30:14.500 --> 01:30:19.140
my chat was defending you so as I was attacking you my chat was saying no no

01:30:19.140 --> 01:30:22.020
it's not what he means so don't worry about it wasn't it wasn't what I meant

01:30:22.020 --> 01:30:26.740
yeah but I see why I could have irritated you because it sounded like I was

01:30:26.740 --> 01:30:31.100
agreeing with it no I'm not I mean I agree there's what okay but can I get to

01:30:31.100 --> 01:30:37.580
the yes string theory yes so have you read up on it all on what on the

01:30:37.580 --> 01:30:42.300
string theory what string theory you mean physics no no my string theory oh

01:30:42.300 --> 01:30:45.180
no I have not no sorry I didn't know what you were saying good this is great

01:30:45.180 --> 01:30:50.660
but this is a new stuff oh all right on are you getting a whiteboard out yeah

01:30:50.660 --> 01:30:57.780
I love doing this with you because you understand I mean you sometimes know

01:30:57.780 --> 01:31:01.020
a lot more than I do about certain areas so it's I you know I focus on

01:31:01.020 --> 01:31:05.020
fundamentals and mechanisms and the politics part I'm not nearly as heavily

01:31:05.020 --> 01:31:08.940
involved as you are right so I'm gonna get some of the language wrong but okay

01:31:08.940 --> 01:31:15.820
so the string theory so when you get a covid infection doesn't show very well

01:31:15.820 --> 01:31:23.420
okay so covid infection you have spike on the virus you're going to form

01:31:23.420 --> 01:31:31.580
antibodies to the top right but when you are given a this isn't this is just a

01:31:31.580 --> 01:31:36.700
representation when you are given free spike you can form antibodies to the top

01:31:36.700 --> 01:31:44.700
to the bottom to the side because the spike antigen has multiple antigenic

01:31:44.700 --> 01:31:51.660
sites so now it's even worse I can't wait to add to this keep going now you

01:31:51.660 --> 01:31:58.620
have a person who have who has an antibody to the bottom and he has an

01:31:58.620 --> 01:32:06.140
antibody to the top and you now you give them a booster three months later you

01:32:06.140 --> 01:32:14.020
give them a booster this is what happens there's only three components you have

01:32:14.020 --> 01:32:22.220
an antibody to the top to the bottom I mean let me let me do it like that

01:32:22.220 --> 01:32:30.700
antibody to the anybody magnet I can't believe it you have the spike now the

01:32:30.700 --> 01:32:41.180
bottom is visible the antibody sticks to that oh here he goes here he goes I see

01:32:41.180 --> 01:32:50.700
clotting oh my god you saw it now the other arm right now the top is

01:32:50.700 --> 01:32:57.740
visible right now is it going to stop no this is also what

01:32:57.740 --> 01:33:02.380
secret bhakti said this is a disaster indeed it's just a giant matrix of

01:33:02.380 --> 01:33:10.620
shit so this is what I call the strain theory yes because in a natural

01:33:10.620 --> 01:33:17.900
infection you're not going to form antibodies to the bottom and so even if

01:33:17.900 --> 01:33:23.420
it does form the body you can't have one antibody bind to two virus particles

01:33:23.420 --> 01:33:29.340
because the virus is too big but when the antigen is smaller you can have the

01:33:29.340 --> 01:33:35.340
antigen act as glue to the slightly different antibodies because you can

01:33:35.340 --> 01:33:39.820
have different populations of antibodies that form now the amazing thing about

01:33:39.820 --> 01:33:46.460
this day you've never you haven't read it before right no so you see what happens

01:33:46.460 --> 01:33:55.260
with this half the vaccines on earth their main effect is to form long strands

01:33:55.260 --> 01:34:00.460
of antibodies and then you'll get a mesh work and then once you have this mesh

01:34:00.460 --> 01:34:06.700
work platelets that caught in it every fc region you know activates fc receptors on

01:34:06.700 --> 01:34:15.420
a platelet oh you really like this and then half the vaccines on earth have

01:34:15.420 --> 01:34:22.780
this exact same issue so children before the their age of four have 20 booster vaccines

01:34:23.980 --> 01:34:31.420
ten of those can replicate the scenario if you form this mesh work of antibodies

01:34:31.420 --> 01:34:38.380
and antigen in a child in a blood vessel that goes through amygdala part of the brain that

01:34:38.380 --> 01:34:45.020
controls rage and memory and emotional responses you're going to have a personality

01:34:45.020 --> 01:34:53.340
change and that's your autism and all of a sudden death LeBron James's son had a heart attack

01:34:53.340 --> 01:35:01.020
all these young people all these middle-aged people falling over dead clots my brother

01:35:01.020 --> 01:35:07.180
his second Pfizer dose two weeks one or two three weeks later he has the antibodies in his blood

01:35:07.980 --> 01:35:15.180
you give the antigen the antigen is going to act as glue to the different antibodies

01:35:17.580 --> 01:35:19.660
now i call this the main effect because

01:35:21.580 --> 01:35:29.660
this antibody that you formed from the first vaccine the chances of it sticking to a virus is

01:35:30.620 --> 01:35:35.820
you may never face the virus you may never be exposed it's certainly the virus may never get

01:35:35.900 --> 01:35:42.220
in your blood that's for sure it could be one in a billion right the chances could of this antibody

01:35:42.220 --> 01:35:47.180
sticking to a virus could be one in billion but i'll be really fair and give them a one in ten

01:35:47.180 --> 01:35:54.220
thousand chance but the antibody that you produced from the first vaccine sticking to the spike that

01:35:54.220 --> 01:36:02.060
was produced from the second vaccine it's almost guaranteed isn't it but it's the main effect

01:36:02.060 --> 01:36:07.900
it's not a side effect you know in science when in medicine when we talk about side effects we are

01:36:07.900 --> 01:36:13.820
like the particular biochemistry of this particular individual slightly different

01:36:13.820 --> 01:36:17.980
is they make series that they're one bizarrely slightly different for whatever reason

01:36:18.700 --> 01:36:23.420
it's unusual but this person happened to have a side effect from this medication that we

01:36:23.420 --> 01:36:30.060
normally never expect it to happen but in this case i show that this booster vaccine

01:36:30.940 --> 01:36:37.420
is guaranteed to cause chains of alternating antibodies and the science that i use here

01:36:39.260 --> 01:36:46.220
there's no preservative there's no contamination there's nothing in it that starts this whole process

01:36:47.580 --> 01:36:56.060
then they're i start from this their antigen i don't need anything else and i only use their

01:36:56.060 --> 01:37:00.220
best science that an antigen will create antibodies

01:37:01.660 --> 01:37:08.380
that antibodies will stick to their antigen i used nothing else but that yep to show that the

01:37:08.380 --> 01:37:15.660
main effect are long chains of antibodies and it's just like the bottom of a bathtub drain

01:37:17.100 --> 01:37:23.260
hair will clog it strands of antibodies in your body will clog your blood vessels

01:37:23.980 --> 01:37:34.860
and so i put up a journal of immunology chief editor dr. Eugene notes for seven days i had this on his ex-account

01:37:36.300 --> 01:37:39.900
he never responded because there is no rebuttal possible

01:37:41.900 --> 01:37:45.900
can you imagine is there anything that they can say no there isn't and really

01:37:46.700 --> 01:37:55.020
um it's it's it's this this um this problem that you've outlined here is actually compounded by

01:37:55.020 --> 01:38:01.260
this idea of linked recognition which i understand that we were kind of arguing about before but

01:38:01.260 --> 01:38:07.740
in my understanding of the immune system T cells are presented antigens in in the scenario

01:38:07.740 --> 01:38:12.860
where they're presented something and the antigens that they are presented are presented to them by

01:38:12.860 --> 01:38:22.300
antigen presenting cells in a separate yeah in a separate line there are antigens from the

01:38:22.300 --> 01:38:27.980
infection or from the invader which are circulating in the lymph and those antigens can be detected

01:38:27.980 --> 01:38:34.860
by a B cell that has a B cell receptor that fits them if the B cell receptor recognizes

01:38:34.860 --> 01:38:40.140
something in circulation it will take it in and it will process it and it will present

01:38:40.940 --> 01:38:49.500
antigens of that sorry epitopes of that antigen on the outside and it requires an activated T cell

01:38:49.500 --> 01:38:56.300
that that recognizes one of those epitopes to tell that B cell to produce the antibody

01:38:57.260 --> 01:39:01.180
that it recognized the original epitope now what's cool about this

01:39:02.220 --> 01:39:07.820
or not cool what's really awful about this is that when you transfect someone with the spike

01:39:07.900 --> 01:39:18.860
protein the only activated T cells that are active can be activated by antigen presenting

01:39:18.860 --> 01:39:25.180
cells presenting the spike they won't present anything else there are 31 other proteins that

01:39:25.180 --> 01:39:31.420
they could potentially present but they won't present anything else because the only thing

01:39:31.420 --> 01:39:39.180
available is the spike which means that all of these nonspecific antibodies are not nonspecific

01:39:39.180 --> 01:39:47.420
but non neutralizing or non good antibodies will all be driven by linked recognition

01:39:47.420 --> 01:39:55.260
to produce high quantities of their of their load whereas in a real infection the T cell help

01:39:55.260 --> 01:39:59.660
for all of those different antibodies wouldn't have been it would have only been there for

01:39:59.660 --> 01:40:03.580
a couple of those so you're saying with the vaccine that only the antigen you have to have

01:40:03.580 --> 01:40:07.980
more production of antibodies yeah you get way more production because they're it can produce

01:40:07.980 --> 01:40:12.220
all the antibodies that they want to all the antibodies could be linked but exactly that

01:40:13.020 --> 01:40:18.220
absolutely and there's a there's a feedback loop that prevents this overproduction of antibodies

01:40:18.220 --> 01:40:23.980
when a real infection occurs if it won't happen with a transfection it's completely not there at

01:40:24.860 --> 01:40:31.660
so your mechanism is crazy because it's real and it's way beyond with a transfection

01:40:33.340 --> 01:40:38.860
and it affects half the vaccines on earth yeah so the american academy of pediatrics

01:40:38.860 --> 01:40:44.860
their ex-account i posted something eight days ago all this whole diagram everything

01:40:45.500 --> 01:40:50.860
maybe 200 posts and i explained to them if you're really interested in the health of children

01:40:51.660 --> 01:40:58.300
i outlined in a mechanism so tight that it's actually not a side of it it's the main effect

01:40:58.300 --> 01:41:03.980
clots are the main effect how big they get is a different issue but every booster vaccine will

01:41:03.980 --> 01:41:11.100
cause clots and you didn't know this so you don't have responsibility nearly as bad but the moment

01:41:11.100 --> 01:41:17.820
you're informed of this it doesn't matter if it's hypotheses because you know do you think they

01:41:17.900 --> 01:41:21.740
get away with it because they spread these shots out in kids enough whereas with these

01:41:21.740 --> 01:41:26.300
govig shots they put them like six months behind no it was if you look at the pediatric

01:41:26.300 --> 01:41:30.540
vaccination schedule three months apart oh yeah sorry those are that's true yeah that's right

01:41:30.540 --> 01:41:36.300
yes but agreed if it's further apart you're much less likely to have a problem right

01:41:37.420 --> 01:41:43.180
unless you produce so much that you still like if this spike antigen doesn't degrade in a month

01:41:44.140 --> 01:41:48.220
and you've produced all these antibodies and you have the spike antigen like the j-j

01:41:48.220 --> 01:41:53.180
had clots right so why did they have clots they had clots because they had the antigen

01:41:53.180 --> 01:41:59.020
and they had the antibodies for a long time i think i think the j-j produced a lot of spike

01:41:59.020 --> 01:42:06.300
to me the hepatitis B is a great example of this because you know it hepatitis B

01:42:06.300 --> 01:42:11.340
viruses really kill the liver cell it's not conservative sideopathic but it produces it

01:42:11.340 --> 01:42:16.700
makes us up through so much surface antigen we follow hepatitis B by how much surface antigen

01:42:16.700 --> 01:42:23.020
there is and then a hepatitis B surface antigen same story so everyone says the immune system

01:42:23.020 --> 01:42:28.140
causes damage from hepatitis B well they never explain how this is how they're doing it

01:42:30.140 --> 01:42:35.260
and so why do you get kidney damage with hepatitis B because you're getting mesh works of antibodies

01:42:36.220 --> 01:42:39.820
that can't be cleared very well by the red blood cell explain system

01:42:39.900 --> 01:42:44.780
they mean complex can't be cleared because they're too big and they're clotting off areas

01:42:44.780 --> 01:42:49.580
and you know the kidney tube also all this gets concentrated and it just gets stuck

01:42:49.580 --> 01:42:56.540
and you're destroying kidney function so i would imagine that with with covid all the weird bizarre

01:42:56.540 --> 01:43:04.300
side effects you're damaging based on flow you're reducing the flow with all the you know every fc

01:43:04.300 --> 01:43:11.420
region can activate platelet fc receptors when the antibody has bound to the antigen

01:43:12.860 --> 01:43:18.300
so you got this mesh of mesh work of mesh work of antibodies change and you know IgM comes into

01:43:18.300 --> 01:43:25.820
play too right because IgM has five IgG but and they can get clumped together and you can just

01:43:25.820 --> 01:43:32.140
have this snowball and i said to the American Academy of Pediatrics you need to call for an

01:43:32.140 --> 01:43:40.060
immediate halt to half the vaccines on earth because you didn't know about this

01:43:42.780 --> 01:43:49.260
i i think it's brilliant i think it's really brilliant and it's true i i think that there's

01:43:49.260 --> 01:43:54.700
a very high likelihood that it's true that this that jay that we are you're one of the

01:43:54.700 --> 01:44:00.700
four scientists i know can you think of an out for them a rebuttal no i mean i i'm i'm with you

01:44:00.700 --> 01:44:06.140
100 there's this is a real big problem and it comes right back to where you started which is

01:44:06.140 --> 01:44:11.980
this this horrible premise that antibodies are primal to our immune response and they're just not

01:44:14.620 --> 01:44:21.980
it's extraordinary though because where i i hinted about at the beginning of the of the

01:44:23.500 --> 01:44:29.180
of the interview is that you might not be aware but in the beginning of the pandemic there was a

01:44:29.180 --> 01:44:35.500
huge supreme court case which went through which basically changed the intellectual property

01:44:35.500 --> 01:44:41.180
space around antibodies and before the pandemic it was pretty easy to make a patent on a monoclonal

01:44:41.180 --> 01:44:47.900
antibody and after this supreme court decision it's almost impossible the way that you used to do it

01:44:48.540 --> 01:44:57.260
so it's pretty crazy because using an mRNA to produce antibodies avoids that whole antibody

01:44:57.340 --> 01:45:01.900
patent problem you're saying it's a money game yes and even worse there is a company in

01:45:01.900 --> 01:45:09.740
canada that seems to be poised to use mRNA to just make the antibody directly and they'll just make

01:45:09.740 --> 01:45:17.500
the liver cells make antibodies for covid and for rsv and for flu and that's going to be the new way

01:45:17.500 --> 01:45:23.420
that they use mRNA to again augment the immune system but they're going to use antibodies for

01:45:23.420 --> 01:45:31.100
all of it and it's pretty extraordinary because they then can bypass this whole patent issue with

01:45:31.100 --> 01:45:37.500
monoclonal antibodies is that to find it and then code it in an mRNA and express it in people and

01:45:37.500 --> 01:45:43.820
now there's a patent on the mRNA instead of on the colon antibody i see it's really extraordinary

01:45:43.820 --> 01:45:49.740
because peter teal is invested in that company before the pandemic and some really interesting

01:45:49.820 --> 01:45:56.140
all this down wow we tracked a lot of it down um it's really mark kulak actually of usetonic

01:45:56.140 --> 01:46:03.340
live that did a lot of the legwork on this but the biology has been peeling back since 2020 since

01:46:03.340 --> 01:46:09.740
you and mike eden and so many other people have been out in front of this ridiculous illusion that

01:46:09.740 --> 01:46:16.700
antibodies are are a measure of immunity an indicator of immunity and even uh the only thing you need

01:46:16.700 --> 01:46:24.380
for immunity which i think we all agree now is obviously ridiculous but um the tv still says it

01:46:25.340 --> 01:46:31.980
and the uh academy for pediatrics still says it and i think well amazingly you know it's been

01:46:31.980 --> 01:46:37.260
eight days and they haven't taken down any of my posts oh okay and i am saying you need to call

01:46:37.260 --> 01:46:43.180
for a halt to half the vaccines on earth and you know normally they would just take everything

01:46:43.180 --> 01:46:47.820
down right but i mean you wouldn't have said this right you didn't say this before the pandemic

01:46:47.820 --> 01:46:52.620
so the pandemic opened your eyes a little bit too of course yeah it's fabulous because it's the

01:46:52.620 --> 01:46:59.180
same i mean i just found this about a month ago yeah yeah this one this one is like i call this

01:46:59.180 --> 01:47:05.580
a vaccine slayer because how are they going to defend against this you know definitely i mean

01:47:05.580 --> 01:47:10.940
the whole antibody cartoon is just devastating but this one is really good this is really

01:47:11.660 --> 01:47:18.140
a linchpin um yeah it's really yeah you know they're going to always say you don't have peer

01:47:18.140 --> 01:47:24.700
reviewed data published papers and i'm going to say the hypothesis is so tight can i ask you a

01:47:24.700 --> 01:47:29.420
question did you did you say on twitter or somewhere else that you sent this to Robert F

01:47:29.420 --> 01:47:35.580
Kennedy jr as well i didn't say this one no you no not this but the other stuff the early stuff the

01:47:35.660 --> 01:47:41.820
first i did and did you have all of it did you have any talk with anyone there did anybody

01:47:41.820 --> 01:47:47.980
who was it that said no do you know okay so what happened was

01:47:50.300 --> 01:47:56.380
you know i after i reached out to the NIH CDC FDA like was getting nowhere i was getting

01:47:56.380 --> 01:48:02.700
really depressed and so i finally started reaching out to anti-vax because i thought the proper

01:48:02.700 --> 01:48:07.740
approach to all this was to you know stay in the science world and reach all the you know

01:48:08.620 --> 01:48:15.580
the NIH FDA CDC directors and after a while i realized i'm not getting anywhere i couldn't

01:48:15.580 --> 01:48:21.420
believe how many of them would just say no and it was just utterly shocking to me because

01:48:21.420 --> 01:48:26.780
i'm giving you this the the problem and you guys are just walking away from this i even

01:48:26.780 --> 01:48:31.180
remember talking to an epidemiologist who is a little bit helpful to me i said when i sent you

01:48:31.180 --> 01:48:35.980
the information please email me back so i know you got the information

01:48:37.100 --> 01:48:41.100
this is how they were they just were trying to run away from me right so when i and then i

01:48:41.100 --> 01:48:45.180
started reaching out to other people and i remember reaching out to lots of other people

01:48:46.140 --> 01:48:51.340
uh so it's not a ron johnson was in the news right because he's anti-vax

01:48:51.980 --> 01:48:56.700
i reached out to the staff they loved my information i was making quite good headway

01:48:57.420 --> 01:49:02.860
and we had phone calls set up and we talked a couple of times and it was really moving well

01:49:02.860 --> 01:49:03.740
and i thought they were going to use it

01:49:08.780 --> 01:49:12.300
oh you just pulled out your mic or something check your microphone you like pulled it out or

01:49:12.300 --> 01:49:19.420
something how's that oh there you go so i i said why why wouldn't he use it and

01:49:19.500 --> 01:49:26.780
and and then they said no we talked to our doctors and they said it's it's not an issue

01:49:26.780 --> 01:49:30.620
tonight wow and you know who their doctors were

01:49:31.980 --> 01:49:36.780
Malone, McCullough, and Corey yeah then then we just have to get ron johnson on the phone again

01:49:36.780 --> 01:49:42.540
because he's listening to me now so yeah we have the opportunity to brief him with denny rancor

01:49:42.540 --> 01:49:48.300
so we're going to use denny rancor's data your biology and mine and we're going to update him

01:49:48.300 --> 01:49:53.740
in like less than three days oh you're you're you're connected yeah i am okay and we're going

01:49:53.740 --> 01:49:58.780
to convince him because because i think he's convinceable he's just oh you know you know how

01:49:58.780 --> 01:50:04.220
strong this is i do this is correct so then you know they they didn't help me back then and i only

01:50:04.220 --> 01:50:08.380
had the lung barrier issue back then the fasting which to me was huge still but they didn't they

01:50:08.380 --> 01:50:14.780
didn't want to listen i didn't know that they were behind ron johnson staff not working with me i

01:50:14.860 --> 01:50:19.980
had no idea and then i reached out to rfk you know i'd been working by myself for two and a half years

01:50:19.980 --> 01:50:25.820
and when i reached out to rfk and he responded i was so happy because i talked to his attorney

01:50:25.820 --> 01:50:28.940
because the best way to get to these people is their attorneys have their cell phones or their

01:50:28.940 --> 01:50:33.180
office phones so i felt that top 10 he gave me two minutes i spilled it sent them all the

01:50:33.180 --> 01:50:39.820
information his attorney must have been impressed enough to afford it to rfk that day rfk was impressed

01:50:39.820 --> 01:50:49.020
enough to send it to all his doctors 10 12 people three hours later no one moves that fast

01:50:49.020 --> 01:50:56.300
so i knew he he he felt this was something and then they beat me up for a couple days and i didn't

01:50:56.300 --> 01:51:03.900
know anyone i didn't recognize anyone but nasa i gave her a nickname nasty nasa and melone i didn't

01:51:03.900 --> 01:51:10.540
normal color time i didn't occur in the time and by the end of our emails back and forth

01:51:11.420 --> 01:51:18.940
i basically said what the fuck is wrong with you guys wow because i if you're anti-vax there's no

01:51:18.940 --> 01:51:24.300
paper trail on earth there's no one i'm giving you with copyrights everything well documented

01:51:24.300 --> 01:51:31.660
73 pages of that to foul cheat with the reply from dr. milling i got great paid information

01:51:31.660 --> 01:51:37.740
and great science kind of and you guys are going to turn this way i have no idea who you are and

01:51:37.740 --> 01:51:44.380
that was my first realization that maybe anti-vax leaders had another agenda so then i didn't do

01:51:44.380 --> 01:51:50.540
anything i was just depressed because the happiest day was when i got through to rfk and then i'm

01:51:51.740 --> 01:51:58.140
and then you know i was miserable and dark it was just bad for about a month i did nothing

01:51:58.780 --> 01:52:03.340
a few months later you know i had back surgery and i like somebody said oh you need to go on

01:52:03.340 --> 01:52:09.420
twitter because you'll grow big so i on october 22 last last october i got on twitter got no

01:52:09.420 --> 01:52:13.660
headway for two three weeks and then i wrote this big threat about fauci covering up the biggest

01:52:13.660 --> 01:52:20.140
mistaken medicine i got ten thousand dollars in a day and i grew to like 45 000 and rfk was

01:52:20.140 --> 01:52:26.860
constantly in the picture meaning david white side is his totally his grandson and he is a

01:52:26.860 --> 01:52:31.100
podcaster and he want to do a podcast with me i had like a lot of podcasts back then i did one

01:52:31.100 --> 01:52:38.380
with you two and yours was by far the best and you know he wouldn't get back to me first first we

01:52:38.380 --> 01:52:42.780
scheduled then it was and then the emails dropped off david white side and i found that somebody

01:52:42.780 --> 01:52:48.380
told me oh i think that's because rfk's grandson maybe they had something to do with it and so i

01:52:48.380 --> 01:52:54.540
got annoyed my emailed children's health defense directly and i said what the hell is going on

01:52:55.420 --> 01:53:02.460
and they emailed me back and said uh rfk junior is off the grid he went off to write a book he

01:53:02.460 --> 01:53:08.700
doesn't take any so everyone goes nothing i'm like really so i felt like he was avoiding me because

01:53:08.700 --> 01:53:17.980
if my stuff does grow big then the issue for him would be he had declined it he'd rather not

01:53:17.980 --> 01:53:23.180
purpose not have been he'd rather no no that he declined my information so he's trying to avoid

01:53:23.260 --> 01:53:31.020
me not talk to me ever and so you know what then i found out mccaller and melon

01:53:31.020 --> 01:53:36.700
you guys just meant you guys are pretty big on twitter you guys have to help me but you were

01:53:36.700 --> 01:53:41.180
through you're the guys that rejected me with rfk and then later i found out there are the ones

01:53:41.180 --> 01:53:46.140
that reject made center ron johnson staff reject my information and i'm like oh you guys rassels

01:53:46.140 --> 01:53:52.140
so i nicknamed melon moron melon and mccaller seemed a nice enough guy so i gave him a

01:53:52.780 --> 01:53:59.820
but chicken you know he's even a little timid and not aggressive but dark because look

01:54:00.700 --> 01:54:04.780
if you're in front of the teeth in front of you want to show and you're talking about all these

01:54:04.780 --> 01:54:09.980
horrible side effects people are having a code with the code vaccine but you had information that

01:54:09.980 --> 01:54:15.020
was incredible that could have stopped the vaccine in his tracks with the analyte not getting into

01:54:15.020 --> 01:54:21.020
the lung documented in 73 pages with replies from dr fauci and you're not going to use this

01:54:21.020 --> 01:54:28.140
information that maybe you were helping fauci cover up the biggest mistake in medicine

01:54:29.420 --> 01:54:36.940
that's mccaller and melon and gory and see nasty nast see when i saw her on that email with rfk

01:54:38.220 --> 01:54:45.660
i had already talked to her a month or two before and she was a again clueless woman didn't know

01:54:45.660 --> 01:54:50.540
what adult noise and i was very polite and explained everything and she said no it's not

01:54:50.620 --> 01:54:56.540
important and i say you know she said no i don't think any of this important and she rejected everything

01:54:56.540 --> 01:55:02.540
so when rfk forwarded all this information and i saw her name and melon you know melon is a scientist

01:55:02.540 --> 01:55:08.860
and he's the scientist in the group right he's not as part of you but so i thought melon would

01:55:08.860 --> 01:55:12.860
listen and so that's why i nicknamed him moron because like i gave you the best science right now

01:55:13.420 --> 01:55:17.740
and you are going to pretend you don't even know it or are you gonna are you gonna pretend you didn't

01:55:17.740 --> 01:55:23.420
read it i want to i want to just i want to just interrupt to make sure that you understand that

01:55:23.420 --> 01:55:34.140
at the time that you would have sent this to rfk uh meryl nast and rober melon were his most trusted

01:55:34.780 --> 01:55:43.180
people for the pandemic like i would go so far as to say that what basically happened was

01:55:43.740 --> 01:55:50.220
the story that i know was that meryl and and mary holland went to melon's ranch

01:55:51.020 --> 01:55:57.580
stayed two nights and left convinced that melon was a completely good guy who didn't know about the

01:55:57.580 --> 01:56:06.060
wf and who was just a horse farmer who was destroying his career to speak out and so at this stage

01:56:06.940 --> 01:56:13.660
roberts still sorry bobby still thought rober melon was a hero and his most trusted advisor

01:56:14.300 --> 01:56:21.580
meryl nast and mary holland were telling him that so when they ran this science past meryl and

01:56:22.140 --> 01:56:28.940
and bah and rober melon and they said this is dumb bobby was going to say yes because bobby isn't as

01:56:28.940 --> 01:56:34.780
sophisticated on the biological side as them and so he trusted them with his

01:56:35.820 --> 01:56:42.380
with everything at that stage in 2012 i'm never going to give uh i i've never but you know

01:56:44.700 --> 01:56:50.300
so a late person but now but i'm just saying now i'm a staff scientist at chd and so there's a

01:56:50.300 --> 01:56:56.700
difference and i can get you on on on okay a late person does have a responsibility so rfk is a

01:56:56.700 --> 01:57:01.740
late person yes doesn't have a responsibility that a melon or that that's so stupid i don't even

01:57:01.740 --> 01:57:06.380
know if she has a responsibility because she's so dumb but she's still a doctor right and she

01:57:06.380 --> 01:57:10.700
act like she knew what she was doing that's still a problem for her but she's been she's been one of

01:57:10.700 --> 01:57:17.820
the foremost experts on anthrax and other bioterrorism since her career started so yeah when i talked

01:57:17.820 --> 01:57:22.380
or i could not believe she dismissed everything she didn't even ask me any questions and you know

01:57:22.460 --> 01:57:28.780
normally when people are i i just felt like it as an anti-vax person that was my first exposure

01:57:28.780 --> 01:57:34.780
to the leaders and so when i got on twitter i was a little angry and then you know j about

01:57:34.780 --> 01:57:39.340
charia i had emailed him all my stuff many times stanford so i knew who he was he wrote the great

01:57:39.340 --> 01:57:45.820
barrington declaration and he kept ignoring me and i was in a hurry because everywhere i went i

01:57:45.820 --> 01:57:50.060
would be canceled in two or three months and i didn't think i'd be on twitter very long so i was in a

01:57:50.140 --> 01:57:57.820
real hurry and rush to get all this out and she uh you know j by charia would never

01:57:58.380 --> 01:58:03.420
i finally ended up calling him a dumb fuck because i said look you're either dumb if you don't

01:58:03.420 --> 01:58:09.020
understand this or you're a fuck because you're putting your ego before toran's lives so i mean

01:58:09.020 --> 01:58:14.300
that didn't help my case i got suspended a few times but so one by one i went through these guys

01:58:14.300 --> 01:58:19.740
and of course they all started hating me but i'm like look if you're an anthrax leader

01:58:19.740 --> 01:58:23.820
you have a certain responsibility your responsibility is to use the best

01:58:23.820 --> 01:58:31.260
science to get rid of the vaccine to stop the vaccine and if you think your science is better

01:58:31.260 --> 01:58:35.740
you have to debate me because i have incredible science and if you don't want to debate me we

01:58:35.740 --> 01:58:41.260
have to figure out what your motivations are because it's not for the people so yeah i made

01:58:41.260 --> 01:58:45.660
a lot of enemies that way but at the end of the day i don't i'm just trying to do the right thing

01:58:45.740 --> 01:58:50.300
just get the information out stop the stupid vaccine and of course in the process now i

01:58:50.300 --> 01:58:54.540
realize all vaccines are idiotic i didn't know this at the beginning of the pandemic right

01:58:55.100 --> 01:58:59.420
my kids are back in 2020 they got all their vaccines not that not that i was happy with it

01:58:59.420 --> 01:59:03.340
but they got all their vaccines when they were young and i remember the last time i went my

01:59:03.340 --> 01:59:09.260
son was what for right there three vials on the table and i'm like no i told you two at a time

01:59:09.260 --> 01:59:14.380
never more than two why are there three but pick them up they're all combos he was going to give

01:59:14.460 --> 01:59:19.740
my son eight vaccines in one day i just stormed out of there but see i don't trust pediatricians

01:59:19.740 --> 01:59:25.180
now right yeah and i i'm very happy with the american pediatrics right now because

01:59:25.980 --> 01:59:32.220
if you're really stating that you're looking out for the health of children i have damning

01:59:32.220 --> 01:59:38.700
information for your booster vaccines and you have to do the right thing so let's see if they do the

01:59:38.700 --> 01:59:46.220
right thing if they if they do block me and delete all my posts that's woofle misconduct now

01:59:46.780 --> 01:59:51.580
because even if this is only a hypothesis i say you know if i throw a banana off my roof

01:59:52.220 --> 01:59:57.820
my hypothesis is that it'll fall on flat i've never done a clinical trial don't have any peer

01:59:57.820 --> 02:00:03.580
reviews to say that happens but i'm sure that'll happen and that's kind of what this is the size

02:00:03.580 --> 02:00:10.140
behind this is so tight there is no room for rebuttal the only option is call for a halt for

02:00:10.140 --> 02:00:16.940
all booster vaccines with antigens that fit this criteria that's the only option they have no other

02:00:16.940 --> 02:00:23.100
option i kept telling them look it's nightmare for you but the bigger nightmare is for parents

02:00:23.100 --> 02:00:28.940
who have to live with their autistic children forever so if you're really interested in the

02:00:28.940 --> 02:00:33.900
health of your of the children you say you are you have to do the right thing because once you

02:00:33.900 --> 02:00:38.620
if you block me or delete all these posts parents have a right to know this information because

02:00:38.620 --> 02:00:43.900
it's a hypothesis and hasn't been studied but the size is so tight behind it there's no rebuttal

02:00:43.900 --> 02:00:50.540
possible and if you want to study it the parents are still going to want to know this information

02:00:50.540 --> 02:00:56.700
even if it's being studied because this isn't it's so damning for you that even if it's only

02:00:56.700 --> 02:01:01.580
hypotheses you have to let them know that this is an issue that we're investigating now

02:01:02.380 --> 02:01:09.020
and once a parent hears from me what the booster vaccines can do and i explain this string not

02:01:09.020 --> 02:01:15.260
one will ever let their child be vaccinated so what is the proper informed consent to give them

02:01:15.260 --> 02:01:22.780
this hypothesis if you don't willful misconduct then does a prep act really give you legal immunity

02:01:22.780 --> 02:01:25.740
no but not if it's wolf not if you're wolf way doing something wrong

02:01:26.700 --> 02:01:31.980
how can you possibly think that you can give a parent informed consent when i bring out the

02:01:31.980 --> 02:01:39.260
string theory which is damning for your industry it's scary for them would you do a podcast with

02:01:39.260 --> 02:01:44.460
brian hooker you know who brian hooker is i know brian hooker is uh they should i'll do anything

02:01:44.460 --> 02:01:50.540
you want to he's the chief scientist at uh children's health defense he has a 24-year-old autistic son

02:01:50.620 --> 02:01:54.700
and he's the guy who broke the story with the cdc covering up data on black kids with

02:01:54.700 --> 02:02:00.620
he when he sees this when he sees us he's going to be fuming man yes you're going to be on his

02:02:00.620 --> 02:02:07.260
show very soon i am sure i am going to make that happen um okay so the other thing that i'm

02:02:07.260 --> 02:02:12.060
going to promise that i'm going to do is i'm going to make some slides of your of this lecture

02:02:12.860 --> 02:02:19.340
as part of the ron johnson update and i would like to run them past you first so you got to give me

02:02:19.340 --> 02:02:26.060
a couple days but then we'll do it you know in a jay for everything about rfk i know he's a lay

02:02:26.060 --> 02:02:32.220
person so he doesn't get nearly the responsibility that all the doctors do no and i don't give it to

02:02:32.220 --> 02:02:38.860
him either but i will say to you that that we need to have him understand this so that he will say

02:02:38.860 --> 02:02:45.980
this we do okay because right now he still plays this game where he says you know i want the vaccines

02:02:45.980 --> 02:02:51.340
tested and there was no placebos when he really should be saying we know enough now

02:02:51.900 --> 02:02:58.380
and we need to reevaluate so i think we can push and i think we should and i think we should do it

02:02:58.380 --> 02:03:05.100
together i love it jay um i hope you don't feel uncomfortable with how this went because i love

02:03:05.100 --> 02:03:09.100
talking to you i love getting excited about it and you challenged me like nobody else does

02:03:09.740 --> 02:03:14.460
so i want you to have a strong mind you have a right and i i understand where the disagreement

02:03:14.460 --> 02:03:18.700
came from it was the the political language that you didn't like the way he said it i didn't mean

02:03:18.700 --> 02:03:24.940
that it's all good i told you i'm very very this this uh white boy i'm i'm impressed with your

02:03:24.940 --> 02:03:32.700
magnets i love them i'm excited um i think it's a good place to wrap but i don't want this to i

02:03:32.700 --> 02:03:37.900
love a day to be uh a thing that we stop i think we should have you on more often like regularly

02:03:37.900 --> 02:03:42.380
especially if you're not doing anything else but in the meantime i want to get you on brian's

02:03:42.380 --> 02:03:47.660
podcast because it gets a lot more coverage and and you'll be there too right uh maybe but i

02:03:47.660 --> 02:03:54.700
brian doesn't buy himself but if not he's great brian's great so i don't know what to do you

02:03:54.700 --> 02:04:00.220
don't need for a couple of days where to help okay where do i um where do i uh send everybody just

02:04:00.220 --> 02:04:07.660
to twitter jolly md uh basic i send her one i think i read my other account yes that's right okay good

02:04:07.660 --> 02:04:12.140
i'll put that up in a second thank you for taking the time and rearranging your schedule to talk

02:04:12.140 --> 02:04:18.300
to me thank you jay use that microphone all the time your voice sounds great all right i will

02:04:18.300 --> 02:04:26.300
bye bye bye holy balls did we just crush that or what did we just crush that or what

02:04:27.420 --> 02:04:35.100
you see the thing is is you got to be able to push you got to be able to push back you got to know

02:04:35.100 --> 02:04:40.940
enough immunology so you can have a discussion where there's some friction so that in the end

02:04:41.580 --> 02:04:48.300
both blades are sharper and that's what happened tonight i didn't get everything right he pushed

02:04:48.300 --> 02:04:55.180
back hard on whether there needs to be memory or not pushed back hard what mechanisms we're

02:04:55.180 --> 02:05:01.260
clearing the virus with he pushed back hard and that resulted in both of us understanding this

02:05:01.260 --> 02:05:10.380
idea and the concepts that we're trying to push better so what more can i say thanks jolly for coming

02:05:10.380 --> 02:05:16.540
on the show thanks for being here everybody um i don't know what to say other than bang bang boom

02:05:19.260 --> 02:05:23.020
you know we're just going to keep pushing this until we get it right until we get it done

02:05:23.660 --> 02:05:30.460
mark usatonic has been absolutely crushing it in the past few days following up on some of the

02:05:30.540 --> 02:05:41.660
things that i stumbled upon with regard to uh peter colas and antibodies and peter teal and

02:05:41.660 --> 02:05:47.420
absolera and that's just started i think you can already anticipate that we're going to have regular

02:05:47.420 --> 02:05:54.460
guy back on with mark and myself we're going to discuss the implications of his work and discoveries

02:05:54.460 --> 02:06:02.220
with regard to antibodies the antibody paradox and all of this other stuff so i hope you can hear

02:06:02.220 --> 02:06:06.940
that my lungs are as compromised as they are and so you understand why i sound terrible and why

02:06:06.940 --> 02:06:12.540
it's sometimes hard for me to come on but we're just going to keep going until i'm dead so please

02:06:12.540 --> 02:06:16.780
ladies and gentlemen i will see you again tomorrow night thanks for joining me thanks jolly again

02:06:16.780 --> 02:06:22.220
share the stream please share it if you want to support you can but the best way to do it is to

02:06:22.300 --> 02:06:27.020
share it on twitter and everywhere else we need this about there thanks guys

02:06:34.540 --> 02:06:41.260
i just got it today i just came in the mail today i don't know if it's going to do anything for me

02:06:42.140 --> 02:06:46.140
but i just came in the mail today

02:06:54.700 --> 02:07:03.580
let's get them let's get a mark let's get a mark steady pressure baby steady pressure everybody

02:07:03.580 --> 02:07:09.900
i love you man