WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:46.780 It's actually really unfortunate because right next to that crow that's screaming right 00:46.780 --> 00:54.900 now was a pileated woodpecker and he was screaming like a monkey. 00:54.900 --> 00:58.600 They're my favorite bird in Pennsylvania. 00:58.600 --> 01:03.920 They're almost a legendary bird in Pennsylvania, not so many people even know that these giant 01:03.920 --> 01:06.720 woodpeckers still exist. 01:06.720 --> 01:12.800 This one was right on the wood pile and I think he was within a stone's throw of me 01:12.800 --> 01:15.440 for about 20 minutes while I was outside this morning. 01:15.440 --> 01:20.560 I just love these birds, they're so beautiful and when they call it's like a really like 01:20.560 --> 01:25.560 a monkey's in the tree and I thought I was going to be able to share it with you and 01:25.560 --> 01:30.520 then lady next door started mowing lawn, I think he's probably gone now. 01:30.520 --> 01:36.600 Anyway, welcome to the show, it's good to see everybody in the chat. 01:36.600 --> 01:39.000 Looking forward to this one, I still got a lot of pain. 01:39.000 --> 01:42.800 I might have to sit down at some point, I don't really know what's going on still and 01:42.800 --> 01:48.880 I'm also trying to do more exercises of course to try and get out of this quicker but you're 01:48.880 --> 01:53.640 back, it's so annoying, I don't know what to tell you, it's super annoying. 02:53.640 --> 02:58.640 I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of 02:58.640 --> 03:05.640 here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out 03:05.640 --> 03:08.640 of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get 03:08.640 --> 03:12.640 out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to 03:12.640 --> 03:15.640 get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going 03:15.640 --> 03:18.640 to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm 03:18.640 --> 03:21.640 going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, 03:21.640 --> 03:28.640 I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of 03:28.640 --> 03:35.640 here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out 03:35.640 --> 03:40.640 of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get 03:40.640 --> 03:44.640 out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going 03:44.640 --> 03:48.640 to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm 03:48.640 --> 03:55.640 going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of 03:55.640 --> 04:02.640 here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out 04:02.640 --> 04:07.640 of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to 04:07.640 --> 04:12.640 get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm 04:12.640 --> 04:17.640 going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here, 04:18.640 --> 04:23.640 I think truth is good for kids, we're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth 04:23.640 --> 04:30.640 no more in this society. We want everybody to feel good, that's not the way life is." 04:31.640 --> 04:37.640 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people and I 04:37.640 --> 04:41.640 have lied, I'm sure I'll lie again, I don't want to lie, you know, I don't think I'm 04:41.640 --> 04:45.640 a liar, I try not to be a liar, I don't want to be a liar, I think it's like really 04:45.640 --> 04:48.140 It's like really important not to be a liar. 04:48.140 --> 05:13.860 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 05:13.860 --> 05:20.860 His name is J.J. Cooey and I believe he's a consultant for CHD and I believe he has 05:20.860 --> 05:49.860 a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand. 06:19.860 --> 06:32.860 Good morning everybody. I've got a little bit of a hazy voice. I think I yelled too much over the last few weeks. 06:32.860 --> 06:39.860 We're just going to have to take it a little bit easier over the next few days and I will try to do that by turning up the microphone a little bit. 06:39.860 --> 06:57.860 We are still trying to dispel this enchantment at Giga Home Biological by learning the biology that these people aren't teaching us to try to be a little bit like Galileo and just report what we see and try to understand it even if they try to 06:57.860 --> 07:15.860 try to foist bad models of immunology on us we need to reject them. But since we've turned over our consciousness to these telephones and to the social media apps it's starting to become more and more difficult for us to escape. 07:15.860 --> 07:28.860 It's harder for the teenagers and young adults to escape and so that's pretty scary. 07:28.860 --> 07:41.860 And these adults that have been in control have known this for a while that it is really not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true. 07:41.860 --> 07:57.860 And we cannot underestimate how truthful this really is to our current situation. 07:57.860 --> 08:03.860 They really are getting us to attribute bad motives to the people that disagree with them. 08:03.860 --> 08:10.860 They want you to believe I'm a bad guy because I tell you I speak biology that other people don't speak. 08:10.860 --> 08:17.860 They want you to believe I'm a bad guy because I divide people by calling out the liars. 08:17.860 --> 08:26.860 They want you to believe I'm a bad guy because I mention fractional reserve banking every once in a while or usury. 08:26.860 --> 08:33.860 They want you to believe I'm a bad guy because I'm dividing people. I just want people to see ladies and gentlemen. 08:33.860 --> 08:41.860 And I want you to see beyond the scooby doo beyond the fake bad guys that have been in place for a very long time. 08:41.860 --> 08:47.860 I want you to see past it. I want you to be able to see what the real plan is. 08:47.860 --> 08:52.860 That's my job. 08:52.860 --> 09:02.860 And between me and a few other people like Mark Gulak the history needs to be learned before it's erased and lost forever. 09:02.860 --> 09:07.860 The people who originated these ideas need to be identified. 09:07.860 --> 09:10.860 So many people say they don't know who leaderberg is. 09:10.860 --> 09:12.860 It's like come on are you kidding me? 09:12.860 --> 09:16.860 You know who Kerry Mullis is but you don't know who Joshua leaderberg is? 09:16.860 --> 09:21.860 Well you better get a library card. 09:21.860 --> 09:27.860 You better get a library card because these charlatans have had power over your parents. 09:27.860 --> 09:35.860 Maybe even your grandparents and in order to take this power back we're going to have to work a lot harder than we've been working right now. 09:42.860 --> 09:53.860 I think one of the most important things is to think about how we can make gentle the life of this world. 09:53.860 --> 10:02.860 Making gentle the life of this world as we transition out of this mythology is going to be very difficult because the young people, 10:02.860 --> 10:07.860 we allowed the young people to be completely bamboozled in America. 10:07.860 --> 10:15.860 The vast majority of adults did not stand up for college age kids and it'll come back. 10:15.860 --> 10:19.860 I am Katniss. 10:19.860 --> 10:28.860 We need to teach them what this artificial wave was, this artificial wave of consensus, this illusion that was created on the internet. 10:28.860 --> 10:30.860 We need to teach them how it was created. 10:30.860 --> 10:36.860 We need to teach them how they are created so that we can surf the next one. 10:36.860 --> 10:42.860 That's really what this is here because natural waves don't behave like this one did. 10:42.860 --> 10:50.860 Natural waves of understanding don't behave like the wave that we're on right now where vaccines just work. 10:50.860 --> 10:55.860 And we understand the immune system because that's what we say. 10:55.860 --> 10:58.860 This is not reality. 10:58.860 --> 11:03.860 This wave of public health being a necessity was created over several decades. 11:03.860 --> 11:11.860 And the only way to pull our kids out of it is going to be to stay focused on the biology, not take the bait on TV and social media 11:11.860 --> 11:14.860 and to teach our kids to love their neighbors. 11:14.860 --> 11:20.860 We got to make our kids resilient enough to resist this. 11:20.860 --> 11:26.860 Ladies and gentlemen, GIGO and biologicals supported just by viewers like you and people that spread the work, 11:26.860 --> 11:31.860 if you can't go to GIGO and biological and offer any financial support that's totally fine. 11:31.860 --> 11:39.860 You can still grab this link and links like it and share it around the internet to try and get this biology that nobody else wants to talk about out there 11:39.860 --> 11:41.860 because that's how we win. 11:41.860 --> 11:46.860 If this biology gets in the hands of enough people, I assure you my family will be fine. 11:46.860 --> 11:51.860 We have a budget of like, you know, four and a half thousand dollars a month. 11:51.860 --> 11:56.860 We'll get us the baloney sandwiches and stuff that we need. 11:56.860 --> 12:03.860 And we're not there yet, but you know, if Robert Malone can have a hundred thousand subscribers and a million followers 12:03.860 --> 12:08.860 and these other people can have book deals and all this other stuff. 12:08.860 --> 12:19.860 And I think it's okay for GIGO and biological to think that what we're doing is worth the monthly costs of a family of five 12:19.860 --> 12:21.860 and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 12:21.860 --> 12:23.860 And so that's what we're doing here. 12:23.860 --> 12:26.860 Unfortunately, that's the way the world works. 12:26.860 --> 12:35.860 If you want to break this illusion, you're going to have to pull yourself out and you're going to have to find new sources like GIGO and biological 12:35.860 --> 12:42.860 that can give you information about the financial situation that we're in, the socioeconomic situation that we're in 12:42.860 --> 12:48.860 because GIGO and biological is, of course, trying to arm you with the biology that you need in order to engage 12:48.860 --> 12:50.860 in united noncompliance. 12:50.860 --> 12:59.860 That would be pulling your children out of public schools that require vaccination, pulling your children out of schools 12:59.860 --> 13:06.860 that don't teach the sacred biology and maybe even starting to build a network of people that are homeschooling kids. 13:06.860 --> 13:08.860 That's where I'm going. 13:08.860 --> 13:16.860 That's what I want to do over the summer and fall as my 12 year old is making a decision that will affect the rest of his life. 13:16.860 --> 13:19.860 Is he going to stay home or is he going to keep going to these places? 13:19.860 --> 13:26.860 My high school age boy loves it too much and likes the kids and has a good time and plays basketball. 13:26.860 --> 13:29.860 It's the same with my 12 year old, so I'm worried. 13:29.860 --> 13:32.860 But either way, right? Either way. 13:32.860 --> 13:35.860 We've got to go and fix this problem. 13:35.860 --> 13:38.860 We've got to unite as fellow humans. 13:38.860 --> 13:45.860 That's the most important thing, I think, is uniting as fellow humans and not allowing them to divide us among race 13:45.860 --> 13:55.860 and creed and all this other crap that the mainstream media and social media would like to use to separate us. 13:55.860 --> 14:05.860 We've got to start building communities and so I'm really, really happy to be here. Thank you very much. 14:15.860 --> 14:28.860 My alarm is going off over there, which I got to turn off because every hour an alarm is going off to tell me to do some exercises. 14:28.860 --> 14:39.860 And it's been a longer road recovering than I thought because I tell you, 14:39.860 --> 14:49.860 for anybody that doesn't have back pain, for whatever reason, you've been blessed with not having an incredibly long back and not being incredibly skinny. 14:49.860 --> 14:55.860 Or for whatever reason, you just haven't blown it out yet. You're young enough. You've stayed in shape. 14:55.860 --> 15:00.860 Good for you. All I did was try to reach under a counter. 15:00.860 --> 15:10.860 Sideways and plug in a cord while I was setting up my wife's stream the other day and whatever little motion to the right I did just set off something. 15:10.860 --> 15:15.860 And I think it has a lot to do with how well you take care of yourself both in terms of walking around. 15:15.860 --> 15:26.860 You can't underestimate how important it is that all these muscles in your lower back and your hips are regularly used, like walking around, sitting on a chair 10 or 12 hours a day, 15:26.860 --> 15:35.860 what I've been doing over the last few weeks is going to add up and no, you don't need anybody to tell you, but I'm just one of these people who learns the lesson the hard way. 15:35.860 --> 15:52.860 I'm going to try not to learn this lesson the hard way again. Having an inspiring yoga teacher as a wife is a pathetic situation to be in and then have a back problem because the I told you so moment is like something that you live on a daily basis 15:52.860 --> 16:03.860 then because it's not like Fearla hasn't told me that I have to start moving around going on the dog walk with her again and sit ups and this kind of thing because it's not going to be okay forever. 16:03.860 --> 16:09.860 And I thought I was going to the basketball court, you know, and playing for an hour and a half or two hours with my boys was going to do it. 16:09.860 --> 16:21.860 But really what that's done is probably put me even more off balance because as I try to get back to full speed basketball without training my core or my back or any of this other stuff. 16:21.860 --> 16:24.860 It was a recipe for disaster so learn from me. 16:24.860 --> 16:26.860 If you haven't taken the time. 16:26.860 --> 16:41.860 Already during the pandemic to find your connection between your mind and body again and do something with regard to moving around taking a walk stretching regularly set an alarm so that you realize that you've been sitting for an hour and do something about it. 16:42.860 --> 16:44.860 It's also very important for your eyes. 16:44.860 --> 16:52.860 My eyes have become worse during the pandemic and that's just a probably also aging. I'm almost, you know, I'm 52. 16:52.860 --> 17:06.860 But it can also be just the constant single length of focus and I used to work with a very wise man named Colin Huamad who now lives in Michigan as far as I know. 17:06.860 --> 17:21.860 And Colin used to always make me look out the window every hour at the farthest thing that I could look at and talk to him about that for a couple minutes as a way of making sure that I wasn't always computer microscope computer microscope at a dark room all day. 17:21.860 --> 17:34.860 And I do think that makes a lot of difference too so don't let the super, you know, fire hose of distraction get you away from also a little bit of self maintenance. 17:34.860 --> 17:50.860 I'm not going to try and be some kind of self help guru but it is very important as you try to be the best father the best mom, the best son, the best whoever you you are to make sure that you take care of this instrument. 17:51.860 --> 18:05.860 And not only that doesn't only mean eating and drinking well but it also means moving around and making sure that that you're stretching and moving and muscles and you know the whole thing so I'm not a 18:06.860 --> 18:13.860 basketball player that's the only expertise that I have in sports and in fitness so I'm nobody to tell you who to do it. 18:13.860 --> 18:28.860 In fact, one of my listeners set me up with this guy knees over toes dude and I've been watching that guy's videos on YouTube and I got a little stand over here that I do some of my squat, full squats on that guy's thing. 18:28.860 --> 18:34.860 And then the other thing you do is you do these lunges where you put your knees up and you're going back like this so I got a whole thing set up here. 18:34.860 --> 18:44.860 And it is helping, but I started it about four days before I tossed my back on them Friday so anyway, I just wasted 18 minutes there telling you nothing. 18:45.860 --> 19:00.860 This is the 13th of May 2024 and it is still true as far as I can tell because nobody's arguing with me that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb and they've known that for a couple decades. 19:01.860 --> 19:10.860 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and there's a certain number of people that have been playing key roles in the narrative that have known this from the very beginning. 19:10.860 --> 19:15.860 Me being one of them, they've all talked to me. So that's what makes it a little bit shady. 19:15.860 --> 19:21.860 Excuse me a little bit. Let's say dubious at this point that these people can't seem to use the word transfection. 19:22.860 --> 19:38.860 Can't seem to talk about the entire vaccine schedules being sketch and can't seem to enunciate that RNA cannot really pandemic so something else happened, i.e. they murdered people so that people would believe that a pandemic was ongoing. 19:39.860 --> 19:57.860 I think without further ado, the first thing that I'm going to do is put up something that was just recently drawn to my attention from Scotland because I have a special weakness for the Scottish accents and I've got to say this is about his heartbreaking 19:57.860 --> 20:05.860 video is I've ever listened to. If I listened to people with Scottish accents in pain, I didn't know this before, but I know it now. 20:05.860 --> 20:17.860 It is especially painful for my ears. I don't know why, but I somehow as I struggle to understand the exact words that they're saying I also him drawn into an incredible amount of empathy for them. 20:18.860 --> 20:26.860 It's, I guess, a Scots, a Scotsman or a Scots woman could lie to me and I would never know because it's just such a charming accent. 20:26.860 --> 20:41.860 But now with pre warning, I'm going to play a short video of what they found in Scotland, which is very similar to what that UK video that we looked at a couple weeks ago found is that they just murdered people and lied about it. 20:42.860 --> 21:00.860 And by doing so, they were able to misconstrue the murder as evidence of spread and evidence of a risk additive pathogen that was tearing through old folks homes and tearing through hospitals and these lies were told consistently across multiple nations. 21:01.860 --> 21:09.860 And it seems to have been to bamboozle an entire earth into believing a pandemic and specifically the Western nations of earth. 21:09.860 --> 21:20.860 These five eyes democracies with a focus on making it United States is fault. Basically, it's like because it's a bio weapon right that we made or funded or whatever. 21:21.860 --> 21:41.860 And so behind all of this illusion, I am arguing Mark Koolak is arguing Jessica Hawke is arguing a lot of people are making the argument that we need to do a recalculation because it seems to be there's an awful lot of murder and not an awful lot of risk additive respiratory pathogen deaths. 21:42.860 --> 22:00.860 And as we sort through this over the last four and a half years, we've started to come to the conclusion that it's getting kind of scary that people like Robert Malone and here at London Bosch and these people are only focused on the pain associated with the vaccines that they still can't call 22:01.860 --> 22:29.860 transfections as they should have in 2020. And this illusion that they've created, this illusion of consensus that the pain is from the rushing, the pain is from the forcing people to take a thing that wasn't ready yet or wasn't tested yet or the pain is coming because the variants are ever changing because the effectiveness of the shot was so crazy that we changed this wave of RNA and made it do something else across the earth. 22:29.860 --> 22:47.860 That's carrot fun and bullshit arguments. So we are still being fed and many people in the world. I will show you in a minute on PBS news are taking this hook line and sinker and have our still fully in this box where they believe that these things are real 22:48.860 --> 23:02.860 and that there is an ongoing biological phenomenon that we're tracking as it becomes endemic. It's a terrifying place for us to be, ladies and gentlemen, let me just transition over to here 23:02.860 --> 23:10.860 and get this going for you. I apologize. There is music that I don't necessarily think it needs, but 23:11.860 --> 23:23.860 The inquiry must investigate whether the right to life under article two was respected and protected. We anticipate the inquiry will hear that people were pressured to agree to do not resuscitate notices. 23:24.860 --> 23:28.860 That people were not resuscitated even though no such notice was in place. 23:29.860 --> 23:32.860 That residents may have been neglected and left to starve. 23:34.860 --> 23:38.860 That families are not sure they were told the truth about their relatives cause of death. 23:38.860 --> 23:49.860 Okay, I'm going to stop it here for a second. I'm going to stop it here because I just want to say one thing and then I'm never going to say this again because I don't want to make it like this. 23:51.860 --> 23:54.860 But, but my wife lost her stepfather. 23:57.860 --> 23:58.860 In 2020. 23:59.860 --> 24:01.860 Very late 2020. 24:02.860 --> 24:11.860 Because the hospital that he was in was understaffed because he was forced to take the shot and because he was allowed to die with a urinary tract infection. 24:12.860 --> 24:15.860 I want you to think about that for a second. 24:17.860 --> 24:19.860 A man on his pension. 24:19.860 --> 24:24.860 The Netherlands killed him. 24:25.860 --> 24:33.860 And then they lied to his relatives about how he died made up excuses about their being understaffed. 24:38.860 --> 24:42.860 And now my wife's mom is alone in the Netherlands. 24:42.860 --> 24:57.860 Because we came here for my career to work for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine that had no principles at the beginning of the pandemic and was probably fully in on it had. 25:00.860 --> 25:11.860 And so as I look at this and I hear these reports it's hard for me not to think that wait if they did it in Scotland and they did it in the UK why wouldn't they have done it in the Netherlands to my father-in-law. 25:12.860 --> 25:14.860 And of course they did. 25:18.860 --> 25:24.860 And so the clock is running out ladies and gentlemen on getting justice for these people. 25:25.860 --> 25:33.860 And the truth is just now coming to the surface because of this carefully controlled limited spectrum of debate. 25:34.860 --> 25:36.860 We need some people to rise up. 25:37.860 --> 25:46.860 And it doesn't seem to be that Pierre Corey and Steve Kirsch and Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone are going to rise up. 25:48.860 --> 25:56.860 And make known that they murdered people and then lied about it in order to create the illusion of a pandemic. 25:57.860 --> 26:06.860 They lied about a gain of function spike protein to cover up for the fact that transfection was always criminally negligent from the very beginning. 26:07.860 --> 26:16.860 The transformation with an adenovirus particle and a viral DNA would also be very much criminally negligent. 26:17.860 --> 26:24.860 I'm going to play this again from the beginning because I just interrupted that in a way that I did not want to interrupt it. 26:25.860 --> 26:28.860 And she says a lot of really important things from the beginning. 26:36.860 --> 26:41.860 The inquiry must investigate whether the right to life under Article II was respected and protected. 26:42.860 --> 26:48.860 We anticipate the inquiry will hear that people were pressured to agree to do not resuscitate notices. 26:49.860 --> 26:53.860 That people were not resuscitated even though no such notice was in place. 26:54.860 --> 26:57.860 That residents may have been neglected in life to starve. 26:59.860 --> 27:03.860 That families are not sure they were told the truth about their relatives cause of death. 27:04.860 --> 27:08.860 That the usual process for certification of death was departed from. 27:10.860 --> 27:17.860 The inquiry must investigate potential violations of Article III, the prohibition on torture, inhuman and degrading treatment. 27:19.860 --> 27:23.860 Relatives will speak of their loved ones lacking food, water and hygiene. 27:24.860 --> 27:29.860 That there was inadequate, inappropriate, absent or delayed medical attention. 27:31.860 --> 27:35.860 That welfare attorneys' views were not listened to when it came to medical treatment. 27:36.860 --> 27:42.860 That there was inadequate staffing to provide proper care resulting in residents suffering unnecessarily. 27:43.860 --> 27:50.860 The inquiry will hear that when relatives try to contact their loved ones by video conference or telephone, their efforts were thwarted. 27:51.860 --> 27:56.860 Excuses were given about malfunctioning iPads, problems with the Wi-Fi network. 27:57.860 --> 27:59.860 The excuses kept changing. 28:00.860 --> 28:06.860 In some instances, management told staff not to share with the outside world what was going on in a home. 28:07.860 --> 28:11.860 Families calls went unanswered over days and sometimes weeks. 28:12.860 --> 28:18.860 On some occasions, when contact was made, families were treated with disdain as if they were in inconvenience. 28:19.860 --> 28:25.860 Families were told their loved one was fine, only to get a sudden, hurried phone call that they were dying. 28:26.860 --> 28:33.860 Many families witnessed remotely a significant deterioration of their loved ones' physical and mental health in lockdown. 28:34.860 --> 28:36.860 It was nothing to do with COVID-19. 28:37.860 --> 28:38.860 I totally agree. 28:39.860 --> 28:42.860 I don't know how to get rid of that music, though I would have to process it or something. 28:43.860 --> 28:55.860 I find it also very annoying to try to listen to what she's saying because they killed people and they lied about it in order to create the illusion of a pandemic and realize this Scotland. 28:56.860 --> 29:00.860 These international interests used you in particular. 29:01.860 --> 29:03.860 Realize this New York City. 29:04.860 --> 29:09.860 These global interests used you in particular. 29:10.860 --> 29:13.860 And so you should be clamoring for justice. 29:14.860 --> 29:19.860 You should want to find out how many of those people in New York City are real deaths and how many of them did they lie about? 29:20.860 --> 29:24.860 How many of them did they try to extend their life until January and then let them go? 29:25.860 --> 29:27.860 How many of them are just fake death certificates that died earlier? 29:27.860 --> 29:43.860 You should be trying to figure this out because they lied to you in order to get you to lockdown in order for you to believe that a mayor going on TV and offering you fries and a hamburger for a transfection was okay. 29:44.860 --> 29:48.860 They lied to you about it and Scotland was used to lie to you about it. 29:49.860 --> 29:56.860 Do you see, ladies and gentlemen, they killed people all around the world in coordination and then lied to you. 29:57.860 --> 30:09.860 They lied to us about it in order to create the illusion of a pandemic and Robert Malone and Pierre Corey and all of these people like Brett Weinstein, they don't care. 30:10.860 --> 30:21.860 They want you to be worried about the next thing like the invasion from from the south or or harp being used to generate solar storms. 30:21.860 --> 30:30.860 It's a very, very big problem we have on our hands, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. 30:34.860 --> 30:38.860 It's a very, very big problem we have on our hands, ladies and gentlemen. 30:40.860 --> 30:44.860 This is Scotland and it hasn't even started. This 10 minutes is going to break your heart. 30:44.860 --> 30:51.860 Some suspected their loved one was suffering from neglect, dehydration and starvation. 30:52.860 --> 30:53.860 I'm just telling you right now. 30:54.860 --> 30:56.860 Questions were asked and relatives were fought off. 30:58.860 --> 31:02.860 The blanket ban on visits meant that care plans could not be checked. 31:03.860 --> 31:11.860 The inquiry will hear that when records were requested after a loved one's day, relatives found that the records were missing or incomplete. 31:15.860 --> 31:27.860 When relatives did manage to make contact over video with their loved one and witness for themselves the deterioration in their condition, there is evidence that at times their wishes about medical treatment were ignored or overridden. 31:28.860 --> 31:29.860 They murdered them all. 31:30.860 --> 31:35.860 From husbands who had to look through a window at their distressed wife reaching out to a cader for a reassuring touch. 31:35.860 --> 31:44.860 For people watching their confused and distraught parents through an online or iPad communication with no ability to help or reassure. 31:45.860 --> 31:51.860 Just thousands of people without principles with advancing dementia in late summer 2020. 31:52.860 --> 31:53.860 I can get sick to my stomach. 31:54.860 --> 31:58.860 I want to murder these people from walking towards her for a cuddle. 31:59.860 --> 32:03.860 With no visits, no touch, not even allowed to see others in the home. 32:03.860 --> 32:10.860 Faces became hidden behind masks and skin hungry with no cuddles or hands. 32:11.860 --> 32:16.860 They stopped other people in the home from seeing each other, even if they were COVID positive. 32:17.860 --> 32:30.860 You see how awful this is, how malevolent it is, and the fact of the matter is that these people that were in front of the Senate about a month ago that don't talk about any of this as being central. 32:31.860 --> 32:42.860 Don't talk about any of this as being central to driving the all-cause mortality up to creating the illusion that something was happening when it wasn't. 32:43.860 --> 32:44.860 It's murder. 32:47.860 --> 32:51.860 And it was done under the pretense that if we don't do this, that there might be what? 32:52.860 --> 32:54.860 Not 100% compliance? 32:56.860 --> 32:57.860 That the illusion would be broken? 32:58.860 --> 33:01.860 Why did they not let them talk to their relatives with the iPads? 33:01.860 --> 33:04.860 Do you think it was because the relatives might ask for help? 33:06.860 --> 33:09.860 That the relatives might have told them that they were starving? 33:11.860 --> 33:16.860 That the relatives might have told them that they have a urinary tract infection and nobody will test me for it? 33:19.860 --> 33:25.860 This is the lowest that our Western culture has ever been. 33:26.860 --> 33:33.860 We have been brought to a new low because the vast majority of people on our planet still don't see what happened. 33:34.860 --> 33:51.860 And those of us that do are being drowned out by fake heroes that are playing for the exact same weaponized piles of money that murdered people in 2021 and 22 in order to get us here. 33:56.860 --> 34:00.860 I feel like my voice is just a bit hot. Maybe I'm wrong about that. I don't know. 34:01.860 --> 34:08.860 I hear this stupid thing blowing in the background all the time. Okay, I'm going to keep playing it. 34:11.860 --> 34:16.860 Perhaps we'll be pre-ded out behind glass like an exhibit. It's a retro museum or a prisoner. 34:17.860 --> 34:23.860 I was angry because the things that are added in these notes was not what the doctors were saying to me on a daily basis. 34:24.860 --> 34:26.860 The doctors were lying to me on a daily basis. 34:27.860 --> 34:29.860 The nurses were lying to me on a daily basis. 34:30.860 --> 34:31.860 Lying? 34:32.860 --> 34:36.860 I've just seen that within my brother's notes was different from what I was being told on a daily basis. 34:37.860 --> 34:46.860 I think you say in paragraph 25 that he developed the ventilator associated pneumonia or VAP. 34:47.860 --> 34:50.860 Yeah, so is that something you found out afterwards? 34:51.860 --> 34:59.860 Yeah, so I had a friend whose husband had also been in hospital with COVID and he was on maximum oxygen for three weeks. 35:00.860 --> 35:02.860 So what I can understand is why. 35:03.860 --> 35:08.860 Please tell me you just heard her say maximum oxygen for three weeks. 35:09.860 --> 35:14.860 I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen, the more times I hear somebody say that, the angrier I get. 35:15.860 --> 35:23.860 Because I'm not an MD, Mark's not an MD, Jessica's not an MD, Nick's not an MD, Jonathan Engler's not an MD, 35:24.860 --> 35:28.860 and we're all asking this question to people and these MDs are trap shut. 35:29.860 --> 35:32.860 Not one goddamn one of them has said anything yet. 35:33.860 --> 35:35.860 Nobody, none, Zippo Zilch. 35:37.860 --> 35:41.860 If they really wanted to help us ladies and gentlemen, this would be a great opening to do it. 35:42.860 --> 35:44.860 All they would have to do is say, hey, guess who told us to do that? 35:45.860 --> 35:47.860 Guess whose protocol listed that? 35:52.860 --> 35:54.860 All around the world, people were on high flow. 35:55.860 --> 35:59.860 Oxygen because of, because of pulse oximeter readings. 36:00.860 --> 36:01.860 Are you kidding me? 36:01.860 --> 36:02.860 Do you really think that? 36:04.860 --> 36:05.860 It's odd. 36:05.860 --> 36:07.860 Don't you think it's odd that nobody's talking about this? 36:07.860 --> 36:11.860 That Pierre Corey's allowed to get away with saying that was the primary indicator. 36:11.860 --> 36:12.860 That's what everybody had. 36:18.860 --> 36:21.860 Now we have someone from Scotland saying the same thing. 36:21.860 --> 36:23.860 That someone from the UK says. 36:23.860 --> 36:26.860 The same thing that someone told Mark Koolack a few weeks ago. 36:26.860 --> 36:28.860 Holy shit balls. 36:30.860 --> 36:34.860 Eventually I'm just being pushed on my brother because I didn't at that time. 36:34.860 --> 36:36.860 I didn't know about all the infections you had. 36:36.860 --> 36:40.860 It also gained like over four stone and weight, which was fluid. 36:41.860 --> 36:45.860 And they told us it was only inflammation. 36:45.860 --> 36:49.860 The funeral directors was the one that says to me, 36:49.860 --> 36:53.860 that says they used to have a thing called like a cremation form, 36:53.860 --> 36:55.860 or something if they had that issue with the cause of death, 36:55.860 --> 36:57.860 which was on the death certificate, 36:57.860 --> 36:59.860 then they would get in touch with us. 36:59.860 --> 37:01.860 People have, they'd tick a box. 37:01.860 --> 37:05.860 And I asked them directly, I says, if you still had the forms, 37:05.860 --> 37:08.860 they still existed today, because they'd done away with them. 37:08.860 --> 37:10.860 They stopped doing the message. 37:10.860 --> 37:14.860 So there used to be a form where the coroner could say that he doesn't agree with the cause of death, 37:14.860 --> 37:17.860 or he disagrees with it, or he's not sure about it, 37:17.860 --> 37:19.860 and that form's known. 37:19.860 --> 37:21.860 They don't use that form anymore. 37:21.860 --> 37:25.860 You've ticked that box to say that you've got to consider me the cause of death 37:25.860 --> 37:28.860 for my brother's death certificate, and he says to me, yes. 37:28.860 --> 37:30.860 Hi, that's what I says to him. 37:30.860 --> 37:32.860 I says, my mum's no dying of COVID. 37:32.860 --> 37:35.860 My mum's dying of starvation and dehydration. 37:35.860 --> 37:36.860 Oh, God. 37:36.860 --> 37:38.860 And you just had to look at my mum, you see that, 37:38.860 --> 37:40.860 I rise my song right into the back of her head. 37:42.860 --> 37:44.860 Oh, I can't think of the most, the most, the most, the most, 37:44.860 --> 37:47.860 but I just had to tell him there was a lot of darkness somewhere. 37:47.860 --> 37:50.860 But at that time, I had to care about my dad. 37:50.860 --> 37:53.860 I was always under the impression that he was giving my mum more for him. 37:53.860 --> 37:57.860 Because, I had thought, with him, no, it gave my mum stuff. 37:57.860 --> 37:59.860 And then they'd get social while she was coming, 37:59.860 --> 38:02.860 and stand by social while he can't get social while for all the money. 38:02.860 --> 38:05.860 But they managed to get them in a bank or to go home again to call me, 38:05.860 --> 38:09.860 and say, because that I'd say, I'd say, 38:09.860 --> 38:11.860 you just give my mum power to give more, 38:11.860 --> 38:13.860 we moved the different arms to my mum. 38:13.860 --> 38:17.860 We were not allowed to die, we were not allowed to die. 38:17.860 --> 38:19.860 We were not allowed to die. 38:19.860 --> 38:23.860 I liked, we were deprived. 38:23.860 --> 38:25.860 The people, my mum was deprived. 38:25.860 --> 38:30.860 Everything is not a cuddle, a hug, time. 38:30.860 --> 38:33.860 She was deprived of all the things. 38:33.860 --> 38:37.860 I got a phone call from the care home to say that my dad was failing. 38:37.860 --> 38:40.860 He was agitated, he'd been shouting for help. 38:40.860 --> 38:43.860 He'd been wandering into other rooms, so he was still mobile, 38:43.860 --> 38:47.860 that found him on his hands and knees trying to get to the toilet. 38:47.860 --> 38:51.860 I was then told they were going to introduce end-of-life medication, 38:51.860 --> 38:57.860 which would be medazolam and if needed, and morphine, and I was shocked. 38:57.860 --> 39:02.860 I've ascertained that the sedative that she was given 39:02.860 --> 39:05.860 is one called medazolam. 39:05.860 --> 39:07.860 That was Kate. 39:07.860 --> 39:11.860 We've heard about medazolam from other witnesses, 39:11.860 --> 39:14.860 and I think it is associated with end-of-life care. 39:14.860 --> 39:20.860 She was also given two other drugs that were part of an end-of-life protocol. 39:20.860 --> 39:28.860 And what's your reaction to learning that? 39:28.860 --> 39:32.860 I'm very angry and very upset about it. 39:32.860 --> 39:37.860 You subsequently ascertained that there was a do-not resuscitate, 39:37.860 --> 39:40.860 noticed in relation to your dad. 39:40.860 --> 39:41.860 That's Kate. 39:41.860 --> 39:45.860 Can you just explain how you can buy that information? 39:45.860 --> 39:51.860 We had heard that there was a possibility that there was a do-not resuscitate order. 39:51.860 --> 39:57.860 After my grandmother died, we'd heard from the solicitors that did this talk, 39:57.860 --> 40:00.860 that there was a do-not resuscitate order in my band's file. 40:00.860 --> 40:05.860 But nobody had ever seen it, and so we didn't know the full fact of it. 40:05.860 --> 40:10.860 But when I actually sat with an inquiry team to give this statement, 40:10.860 --> 40:15.860 my solicitor produced the do-not resuscitate order, 40:15.860 --> 40:19.860 and it had my name on it, and it was stated on the second in November. 40:19.860 --> 40:21.860 Oh, my God. 40:21.860 --> 40:23.860 And they're fake in documents. 40:23.860 --> 40:27.860 I've got a copy of it, but it's... 40:27.860 --> 40:30.860 ...can block catalators with my name? 40:30.860 --> 40:32.860 It's not your name. 40:32.860 --> 40:33.860 It's not your name. 40:33.860 --> 40:34.860 It's your name. 40:34.860 --> 40:38.860 And she said, oh, if your father's drip comes out, it's not going back in again. 40:38.860 --> 40:39.860 Yeah. 40:39.860 --> 40:44.860 So it wasn't just that she might even have thought that there's not much they can do, 40:44.860 --> 40:45.860 and phrased it poorly. 40:45.860 --> 40:48.860 It was that even when there is something they could do, 40:48.860 --> 40:49.860 they didn't want to have to repeat it. 40:49.860 --> 40:51.860 It was one chance and that was it. 40:51.860 --> 40:54.860 There was no treatment here for your father. 40:54.860 --> 40:55.860 There's no way back. 40:55.860 --> 40:57.860 I'm not going to go. I'm not going to do it. 40:57.860 --> 41:00.860 It was just when you let them die, so it made me feel... 41:00.860 --> 41:01.860 ...that was very upsetting. 41:01.860 --> 41:06.860 Do you tell us about that phone call and what your doctor said to you 41:06.860 --> 41:08.860 and how you responded? 41:08.860 --> 41:12.860 Well, I was surprised to get a call from her, 41:12.860 --> 41:18.860 and she just said, oh, I need to ask if you'll be... 41:18.860 --> 41:19.860 Really? 41:19.860 --> 41:22.860 There's no video in the music anymore, what? 41:22.860 --> 41:24.860 I'm totally happy to watch it. 41:24.860 --> 41:26.860 I'm totally happy to watch it again. 41:26.860 --> 41:28.860 I'm just kind of taken aback. 41:30.860 --> 41:32.860 Let's remove the video as of... 41:32.860 --> 41:35.860 Remove the music from the video as of 17 minutes ago, okay? 41:35.860 --> 41:38.860 So it's all fine, okay? I'll just keep playing. 41:42.860 --> 41:46.860 I don't think my family would like that. 41:46.860 --> 41:51.860 She said, but what about what you want? 41:51.860 --> 41:54.860 She said, if I would want to die. 41:54.860 --> 41:56.860 We asked him to send a D.A.R. 41:56.860 --> 41:59.860 and he phoned and terrified. 41:59.860 --> 42:02.860 And you know if he was asked once or if he's asked a number of occasions? 42:02.860 --> 42:03.860 Five times. 42:03.860 --> 42:04.860 Five times. 42:04.860 --> 42:05.860 Holy shit. 42:05.860 --> 42:06.860 Five times that night or...? 42:06.860 --> 42:08.860 Five times, I found 24 hours. 42:08.860 --> 42:12.860 Um, also learned about... 42:12.860 --> 42:15.860 ...I do not resuscitate. 42:15.860 --> 42:18.860 I don't know if it's in relation to your father. 42:18.860 --> 42:23.860 But you described that as peragus 29 to 32. 42:23.860 --> 42:26.860 Um, what was your reaction to learning that? 42:26.860 --> 42:30.860 Extramal angry, phoned out through a staff nurse. 42:30.860 --> 42:31.860 Tony... 42:31.860 --> 42:34.860 ...when they said that that had to... 42:34.860 --> 42:38.860 Tony, people's heads are in the sand because Pierre Corrie... 42:38.860 --> 42:43.860 ...and Robert Malone and Peter McCullough... 42:43.860 --> 42:47.860 ...and Mary Talley Bowden... 42:47.860 --> 42:49.860 ...and Meryl Nasse... 42:49.860 --> 42:51.860 ...and Kevin McCurnan... 42:51.860 --> 42:53.860 ...and Steve Kirsch... 42:53.860 --> 42:55.860 ...and Brett Weinstein... 42:55.860 --> 42:57.860 ...and Tucker Carlson... 42:57.860 --> 42:59.860 ...and Alex Jones... 42:59.860 --> 43:03.860 ...are all in some big club of people that are being supported by... 43:03.860 --> 43:08.860 ...and buoyed by the weaponized piles of money that controls social media... 43:08.860 --> 43:11.860 ...in order to make sure that nobody ever realizes this. 43:11.860 --> 43:14.860 That they murdered people in 2020... 43:14.860 --> 43:19.860 ...and they misconstrued that as an oncoming, on-going crisis. 43:19.860 --> 43:24.860 And these people were ignored. 43:24.860 --> 43:26.860 They were silenced. 43:26.860 --> 43:28.860 These are the real censored people. 43:28.860 --> 43:30.860 These are the real silenced people. 43:30.860 --> 43:37.860 Not Brett Weinstein for having promoted Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone on his podcast in June of 2021... 43:37.860 --> 43:42.860 ...and having lost his YouTube, whatever, monetization. 43:42.860 --> 43:44.860 Those aren't the real censorships. 43:44.860 --> 43:47.860 The idea that Robert Malone got dropped from LinkedIn... 43:47.860 --> 43:51.860 ...because he had all these videos from The Who there that he lost now. 43:51.860 --> 43:53.860 That's not the real censorship. 43:53.860 --> 43:59.860 The real censorship was hiding and lying about the murder that was on-going in 2021 and 22... 43:59.860 --> 44:01.860 ...and it wasn't just in the hospitals. 44:01.860 --> 44:03.860 It was also on the street. 44:03.860 --> 44:11.860 It was also in any way that they could have possibly done it. 44:11.860 --> 44:16.860 And they used places like Scotland. 44:16.860 --> 44:19.860 They used places like the UK... 44:19.860 --> 44:22.860 ...where their system was already gamed for. 44:22.860 --> 44:23.860 It was already ready for it. 44:23.860 --> 44:28.860 Where their workers and healthcare system was already compliant in this way. 44:28.860 --> 44:32.860 Already understood that these old people were in expensive weight on the system. 44:32.860 --> 44:36.860 The same way that American economists have understood the baby boomers would be... 44:36.860 --> 44:39.860 ...to Medicare and Medicaid in the coming decades. 44:39.860 --> 44:47.860 Understand why this system is going to collapse if we don't get rid of some of them. 44:47.860 --> 44:50.860 They murdered people and they lied about it. 44:50.860 --> 44:52.860 And they're still lying about it today. 44:52.860 --> 44:58.860 And some of the people who are reaping the most from this grift of lying... 44:58.860 --> 45:01.860 ...are the people that purport to be the dissidents... 45:01.860 --> 45:08.860 ...that people like Senator Ron Johnson just recently gave a platform in his Senate hearing. 45:09.860 --> 45:14.860 Internationalists, people from other countries... 45:14.860 --> 45:19.860 ...people that say they have five degrees but don't have a position anywhere... 45:19.860 --> 45:28.860 ...never lost a job, never sacrificed anything and none of them talk about murder. 45:28.860 --> 45:32.860 They won't talk about the murder in Scotland and how that could have been distorted. 45:32.860 --> 45:35.860 How the murder in the UK could have been misrepresented. 45:35.860 --> 45:39.860 How the murder in New York could have been misreped. 45:39.860 --> 45:41.860 They don't talk about any of this. 45:41.860 --> 45:43.860 Yeah, there was some exaggeration. 45:43.860 --> 45:46.860 Yeah, there was dexamethasone. 45:46.860 --> 45:48.860 That's a good way to kill people. 45:48.860 --> 45:51.860 But I only said that in one interview one time in 2021. 45:51.860 --> 45:54.860 And I never said it again, says Robert Malone. 45:54.860 --> 46:01.860 It was probably a slip-up trying to talk tough and try out a narrative on these... 46:01.860 --> 46:05.860 ...catrel and Nealey types. 46:05.860 --> 46:11.860 You know, the real dissident heroes that Robert Malone was working with in 2021... 46:11.860 --> 46:16.860 ...like Brett Weinstein and Paul Catrell. 46:16.860 --> 46:25.860 Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for not waking up earlier to the absolute joke... 46:25.860 --> 46:28.860 ...that these people now represent to me. 46:28.860 --> 46:33.860 And Catrell, I'd ask, will I go to intensive care? 46:33.860 --> 46:36.860 And they said no. 46:36.860 --> 46:39.860 Do not resist, it had been sound. 46:41.860 --> 46:44.860 And have that been discussed with you? 46:44.860 --> 46:45.860 No. 46:45.860 --> 46:47.860 You had a power of attorney. 46:47.860 --> 46:48.860 I did. 46:48.860 --> 46:51.860 And it was not discussed with you. 46:51.860 --> 46:52.860 No. 46:52.860 --> 46:57.860 My personal view was that they just seen a man 83 dress. 46:57.860 --> 46:59.860 The dress came from an Austin home. 46:59.860 --> 47:01.860 And he was disposable. 47:01.860 --> 47:03.860 And you know what it felt like? 47:03.860 --> 47:10.860 It felt like I was going to the zoo and watching animals on display in the zoo. 47:10.860 --> 47:13.860 Don't touch, don't touch, don't go near them. 47:13.860 --> 47:14.860 Don't go near them. 47:14.860 --> 47:16.860 These were my parents. 47:16.860 --> 47:17.860 These were my parents. 47:17.860 --> 47:20.860 By the next winter, we were back to square one. 47:20.860 --> 47:22.860 There was lots of people not getting in. 47:22.860 --> 47:25.860 There was lots of people who were in. 47:26.860 --> 47:29.860 They'd really get into isolating people really badly that year. 47:29.860 --> 47:30.860 I mean, that was terrible. 47:30.860 --> 47:34.860 Those people being isolated for people who were coming in the group saying, 47:34.860 --> 47:37.860 my mum's been stuck in a room for 45 days. 47:37.860 --> 47:38.860 You know what I mean? 47:38.860 --> 47:40.860 You sort of thought, well, we're safe as corpus and this. 47:40.860 --> 47:44.860 You know, surely you cannot bang people out in a room for that length of time. 47:44.860 --> 47:49.860 So, wearing a mask and being out in a cold garden, when I visited, 47:49.860 --> 47:54.860 there was like a gate in place, which sort of reminded me a bit of like, 47:54.860 --> 47:55.860 a present? 47:55.860 --> 47:59.860 So, towards like shielding and protection, 47:59.860 --> 48:02.860 which sounds very soft and we're looking after you, 48:02.860 --> 48:07.860 but as the harsh reality was, people were just shut off and isolated. 48:07.860 --> 48:10.860 Was there a difference between the language and the reality? 48:10.860 --> 48:11.860 Yes. 48:11.860 --> 48:12.860 Yes. 48:12.860 --> 48:13.860 Okay. 48:13.860 --> 48:17.860 Paragraph 110. 48:18.860 --> 48:25.860 That should be consequences. 48:25.860 --> 48:26.860 Yes. 48:26.860 --> 48:33.860 Of these window visits, I mean, there was just nothing compassionate about them. 48:33.860 --> 48:36.860 And the fact that people had to wear masks. 48:36.860 --> 48:38.860 She said window visits. 48:38.860 --> 48:39.860 Closed window. 48:39.860 --> 48:43.860 And, I mean, I always used to say, if you put your dog in... 48:43.860 --> 48:44.860 I like dogs. 48:44.860 --> 48:48.860 If you put your dog in quarantine and then said to the owner, 48:48.860 --> 48:53.860 well, you can go in and weave and knock at the window so that your dog can see you, 48:53.860 --> 48:55.860 but you're not allowed to go in. 48:55.860 --> 48:57.860 Would people not say, well, that's pretty cruel. 48:57.860 --> 49:01.860 Well, to my mind, that's what they did to human beings. 49:01.860 --> 49:04.860 To my mind, that's what we did. 49:04.860 --> 49:09.860 We showed videos of people with like giving hugs with a giant sheet of plastic. 49:09.860 --> 49:11.860 Dude, these people are... 49:11.860 --> 49:15.860 These people are awful. 49:15.860 --> 49:17.860 These people are awful. 49:17.860 --> 49:20.860 And they're just as bad as Liana Wen. 49:20.860 --> 49:27.860 They're just as bad as Tony Fauci or as bad as Birx or any of the other ones 49:27.860 --> 49:31.860 because they're just as involved in making sure that none of us wake up 49:31.860 --> 49:35.860 and realize that collectively they all murdered people, lied about it 49:35.860 --> 49:39.860 and told us it was a pandemic. 49:39.860 --> 49:43.860 Robert Malone knows that they murdered people and he's lying about it 49:43.860 --> 49:47.860 in order to tell us it was a pandemic. 49:47.860 --> 49:52.860 He was going around on podcasts with Paul Catrell talking about variants 49:52.860 --> 49:57.860 and CDC slide deck leaks. 49:57.860 --> 50:00.860 Pierre Corey tells us lies about what happened in New York City 50:00.860 --> 50:04.860 and he wasn't even there when it happened. 50:04.860 --> 50:06.860 And what are the lies he tells us is that, well, 50:06.860 --> 50:09.860 pulse ox was the way to see that people were in trouble. 50:09.860 --> 50:11.860 And then what did they do when people had a little pulse ox? 50:11.860 --> 50:18.860 I wonder if they put them on high-flow oxygen, maximum oxygen for a few hours or days. 50:18.860 --> 50:27.860 I wonder if Pierre Corey has anything to say about that. 50:27.860 --> 50:33.860 I think I would bet millions of dollars that Pierre Corey will never, ever, ever address that. 50:34.860 --> 50:39.860 Even though Pierre Corey, I think, had some kind of ICU, 50:39.860 --> 50:45.860 isn't he like an ICU doctor, like a specialist or something beforehand? 50:45.860 --> 50:53.860 So he definitely knows that you can't just put somebody on pure oxygen for hours and hours. 50:53.860 --> 50:58.860 And he knows what would happen if he did that without the proper equipment to humidify it 50:58.860 --> 51:09.860 or to monitor the oxygen in the blood of the person who was breathing it. 51:09.860 --> 51:17.860 It's either criminal incompetence or it's just criminal. 51:17.860 --> 51:23.860 Criminal negligence, criminal incompetence or criminal malevolence. 51:23.860 --> 51:28.860 Either way, no matter what these people are, they're nurses, they took orders they shouldn't have taken. 51:28.860 --> 51:31.860 They're orderlies, they should have spoke up. 51:31.860 --> 51:34.860 Residents, they shouldn't have taken the orders. 51:34.860 --> 51:38.860 These people are all guilty, whether they like it or not. 51:38.860 --> 51:42.860 Just like the people who didn't speak out when the trains were being loaded. 51:42.860 --> 51:46.860 In Germany, you are complicit now. 51:47.860 --> 51:56.860 And there's no way to be on the stage in 2024 and not be complicit unless you're saying they murdered people and lied about it 51:56.860 --> 52:00.860 and told us it was a pandemic. 52:00.860 --> 52:07.860 Think about how simple it would have been for the no-virus people instead of talking about virology all the time 52:07.860 --> 52:15.860 and talking about isolation, purification and viral culture for hours and hours on end. 52:15.860 --> 52:20.860 Those people in 2020 just said, no, they're murdering people and lying about it and they're calling it a pandemic. 52:20.860 --> 52:24.860 Wouldn't that have been more effective? 52:24.860 --> 52:32.860 Isn't it funny that in 2024 they're still not able to say that they murdered people in the UK and in Scotland and in New York City 52:32.860 --> 52:35.860 and elsewhere and then they lied about it. 52:35.860 --> 52:40.860 They tricked people into increasing all-cause mortality by using pure oxygen. 52:40.860 --> 52:48.860 None of these doctors, these brilliant geniuses, have ever bothered, not Kaufman, not Cowan, not any of the Bayleys 52:48.860 --> 52:54.860 have bothered to turn their MD minds to what actually killed people then. 52:54.860 --> 53:00.860 And to describe people how it is that these murderous protocols were used to create the illusion of a pandemic 53:00.860 --> 53:09.860 on the background where there's a world that virology is an illusion. 53:09.860 --> 53:18.860 Once you see that they could have scored that touchdown in 2021 or even in late 2020 and they haven't scored it in 2024, 53:18.860 --> 53:21.860 you can identify them only as medlers. 53:21.860 --> 53:24.860 They are no better than Robert Malone. 53:24.860 --> 53:26.860 They are no better than Kevin McCarron. 53:26.860 --> 53:38.860 They are all part of the same fake Lala Palooza that is making sure that everybody on Earth doesn't go back to square one 53:38.860 --> 53:47.860 and say, hey, wait a minute, if a billion people were going to die and in order to get that idea in our head, 53:47.860 --> 53:49.860 they murdered a few hundred thousand people. 53:49.860 --> 53:52.860 That would be pretty significant now, wouldn't it? 53:52.860 --> 53:56.860 That would be a pretty clever little plan for whoever these globalist people are, 53:56.860 --> 54:04.860 but all these people who claim to know what the global conspiracy is can't come to that conclusion. 54:04.860 --> 54:10.860 Nobody can put two and two together and say, well, these people could also just lie about it. 54:10.860 --> 54:12.860 And what is the cure? 54:12.860 --> 54:18.860 What is the reason why that seems so weird because somebody would have come forward by now. 54:18.860 --> 54:20.860 Somebody would have broken the silence. 54:20.860 --> 54:23.860 Somebody would have would have whistled blown. 54:23.860 --> 54:29.860 You don't whistle blow on the slavers. 54:29.860 --> 54:33.860 You don't whistle blow on weaponized piles of money. 54:33.860 --> 54:45.860 You don't whistle blow while you're climbing a ladder that you think leads to fame, fortune, comfort, elite governance. 54:45.860 --> 54:47.860 You see what I'm saying, ladies and gentlemen? 54:47.860 --> 54:50.860 Thank you very much. 54:50.860 --> 54:54.860 We have a gigantic problem on our hands and it's very, very simple. 54:54.860 --> 54:59.860 All of the people who claim to be helping us, including the Novirus people, 54:59.860 --> 55:08.860 including the Robert Malone's, including the Peter McCullough's, including the Children's Health Defense, including ICANN. 55:08.860 --> 55:10.860 They're all not saying it. 55:10.860 --> 55:12.860 They're all talking about free speech. 55:12.860 --> 55:14.860 They're all talking about censorship. 55:14.860 --> 55:20.860 They're all talking about vaccine injury rather than transfection injury. 55:20.860 --> 55:25.860 They're all talking about spike protein instead of transfection injury. 55:25.860 --> 55:29.860 It's not necessarily the spike protein that you need to recover from. 55:29.860 --> 55:32.860 It's transfection you need to recover from. 55:32.860 --> 55:36.860 All these people are selling spike protein therapies. 55:36.860 --> 55:45.860 It's some of the same people that were telling you that the spike protein was a gain of function red flag that they saw at the very beginning. 55:45.860 --> 55:50.860 And once you see the narrative and the controllers of it for who they are, 55:50.860 --> 55:55.860 and you're not angry that I guess you are one of those kinds of people that cannot see. 55:55.860 --> 55:58.860 And you might as well stop watching the stream. 55:58.860 --> 56:01.860 We need to spur people into action. 56:01.860 --> 56:04.860 We need to spur college kids into action. 56:04.860 --> 56:13.860 They need to demand justice for the fact that they were forced to transfect themselves by these universities. 56:13.860 --> 56:17.860 And these universities need to pay recompense. 56:17.860 --> 56:21.860 Maybe it's free tuition. Maybe it's maybe it's more. 56:21.860 --> 56:27.860 And every one of them that even thinks it's possible that some condition that they now have is from that shot. 56:27.860 --> 56:40.860 We need to enable them to attack their universities that they spend 50 to $70,000 a year attending with student loans and grants from the government. 56:40.860 --> 56:49.860 Because we were told for 50 years that the only way to rise in this hierarchy is to get a college education. 56:49.860 --> 56:54.860 They are lying to us ladies and gentlemen on every page of this book. 56:54.860 --> 57:07.860 And everybody that has written risen to any level of spontaneous appearing spontaneous level of notoriety is fake. 57:07.860 --> 57:14.860 You got to seek out people like me with only 3,000 followers on the channel that they stream on after four and a half years. 57:14.860 --> 57:25.860 You got to seek out somebody like Mark Koolack who's only got 9,000 followers after five years of producing videos and populating a website that no one else has. 57:25.860 --> 57:32.860 Charles Rixi's been running around for three years saying he's got an Excel sheet. 57:33.860 --> 57:43.860 Mark Koolack has a website that's better than a Wikipedia specifically focused on the medlers that are involved in seeding this narrative over the last 30 years. 57:43.860 --> 57:46.860 And he can't get any traction. Nobody pays attention to him. 57:46.860 --> 57:49.860 George Webb has been trying to keep him busy for four years now. 57:49.860 --> 57:56.860 And now that we finally figured out that George Webb is a complete fake, then we just get ignored and George Webb keeps going on. 57:56.860 --> 58:14.860 And Robert Malone keeps going on and Jessica Rose keeps going on these fake, fake, fake, foreign and traitorous anti-American people. 58:14.860 --> 58:25.860 All you got to do is look at any of these people's track record over the last four years and you will see someone who never, never wanted to figure it out. 58:25.860 --> 58:30.860 They were always just pushing the narrative they were told to push. 58:30.860 --> 58:37.860 That's why Walter Chestnut and Jessica Rose push the same stuff all the time. 58:37.860 --> 58:43.860 That's why Jessica Rose and Kevin McCarran seem to push the same stuff all the time. 58:43.860 --> 58:47.860 Spike protein, spike, gain of function, amyloidosis. 58:47.860 --> 59:00.860 Oh, wow, it's hurting the mitochondria. Nobody seems to talk about the fact that the lipid nanoparticle already before this would have been known to have really bad consequences once it was in the wrong pH. 59:00.860 --> 59:03.860 And so where have we ever heard anything about that? 59:03.860 --> 59:09.860 Nowhere, except for one place, one place was a Spanish guy. 59:09.860 --> 59:11.860 He gave a really good lecture about it. 59:11.860 --> 59:30.860 And then there was this Christine Grace, who was on a V John health, which is a UK joke organization, who promotes care, bond and bushelot, and also gave a platform to Kevin McCarran to give some kind of presentation about amyloidosis 59:30.860 --> 59:35.860 and prionogenesis without ever explaining what any of these are. 59:35.860 --> 59:43.860 Just showing a few papers that says, Oh, the spike protein does it. It's in vitro, but you know, it means that happens. That could be the clotting. 59:43.860 --> 59:50.860 It's not, it's not clotting and it's not platelets. It's, it's amyloidosis. 59:50.860 --> 59:59.860 And has Kevin McCarran ever explained to you that amyloidosis in a systemic way is almost often occurs with a B cell myeloma? 59:59.860 --> 01:00:04.860 You know, maybe the worst case scenario outcome after transfection. 01:00:04.860 --> 01:00:08.860 Of course, he doesn't explain that to you because he's a liar. 01:00:08.860 --> 01:00:15.860 He's a liar just like Paul Cottrell, just like George Webb, just like all of these people. 01:00:15.860 --> 01:00:26.860 They have been co-opted into a national security operation that is expanded to include most of the globe on social media. 01:00:26.860 --> 01:00:31.860 And they are doing it as part of a controlled demolition of America. 01:00:32.860 --> 01:00:41.860 They are traders. Most of them are foreigners. And that's how you see it. 01:00:41.860 --> 01:00:50.860 This is just Scotland, ladies and gentlemen, it happened all over the world. I'm, I apologize to this lady for having interrupted her testimony. I'm going to go back. 01:00:50.860 --> 01:01:00.860 And so, so that your dog can see you, but you're not allowed to go in with people not to say, Well, that's pretty cruel. Well, to my mind, that's what they did to human beings. 01:01:00.860 --> 01:01:09.860 You know, that in a care home, they are some have made co-conditions, most hard dementia, but essentially people with... 01:01:09.860 --> 01:01:17.860 What's up with Doc Malek? Should I just take Doc Malek out right now? Shall we do it? Let's just take Doc Malek out right now. 01:01:17.860 --> 01:01:23.860 Doc Malek? I mean, what do you want me to say about him? 01:01:23.860 --> 01:01:30.860 How did he, how did everything become so polished so quick? Why does he have a studio in his garden? 01:01:30.860 --> 01:01:44.860 I don't have a studio in my garden. Nobody built me a garden house with windows and cameras. Nobody's making thumbnails for me. 01:01:44.860 --> 01:01:52.860 Nobody's setting me up with all these interviews. Nobody's, I'm not throwing softball questions to Robert Malone. 01:01:52.860 --> 01:02:00.860 I'm not promoting Sasha Latipova as a, as a, as one of the leading authorities on what's going on. 01:02:00.860 --> 01:02:11.860 I'm not. He is. In fact, in his effort to help me, he put my first interview with him behind a paywall. 01:02:11.860 --> 01:02:20.860 And didn't ask me if he could. He just did that. The only reason why I found out that he did that is because when he did an interview with Mike Eden, 01:02:20.860 --> 01:02:28.860 he felt like he had to explain it to me in a text that, well, it's behind a paywall, but that's because Mike Eden said it was okay. 01:02:28.860 --> 01:02:41.860 And then I scroll down and realize, wow, mine's also behind a paywall. That's kind of shit. 01:02:41.860 --> 01:03:01.860 But what really blew it for me with Doc Malek was when I saw him on this geopolitics and empire podcast. And in the course of a 45 minute interview, I think he told the listeners three times that he has a lot of sex or that having a lot of sex is a great idea 01:03:01.860 --> 01:03:06.860 or one of the things he recommends is sex. 01:03:06.860 --> 01:03:11.860 As far as I can tell, that's the biggest contribution he's made to this narrative. 01:03:11.860 --> 01:03:27.860 He's, he's, he's gotten on camera and talked to a few people, but his actual insight that he's provided his actual synthesis of what he's learned since he's been talking to all these people is. 01:03:27.860 --> 01:03:37.860 In fact, I think you'll find it very impressive that he hasn't even bothered to try and explain to people what he's learned since he had his head in the sand for a couple years. 01:03:37.860 --> 01:03:48.860 Has he spoken out about the murder that they lied about and called the pandemic? Not at all. No, even though he should be aware of it by now. 01:03:48.860 --> 01:03:57.860 I think he's talking to these people on his stream. He's had Nick Hudson on his stream. He's talked to these people, but it's because he's also talked him alone. 01:03:57.860 --> 01:04:07.860 And he's also talked to Sash a lot to Pova and given them equal play as equal players, then of course he doesn't see what's going on. 01:04:08.860 --> 01:04:21.860 He's just a charming little multicultural dwarf that gets to promote people and, and, and gets circulated and, and is getting a little bit of momentum in the, in the social media. 01:04:21.860 --> 01:04:35.860 It's artificial momentum. Otherwise, how do you explain that despite the fact that he's only been doing it for about a year and a half, he has 10 times as many followers as anyone with a real message. 01:04:35.860 --> 01:04:47.860 He has no message. That's the best part about Malik. His message is that he needs, he needs support. His message is, is that he needs, his podcast is important and you have to support it. 01:04:47.860 --> 01:04:58.860 I think it's because he's got to pay for the loan that he took out to, to build the garden shed that his, that his podcast is him. 01:04:59.860 --> 01:05:16.860 He's not suffering, ladies and gentlemen. He never suffered. He didn't lose his job because he spoke out about murder. He didn't lose his job because he spoke out against transfection. He just still doesn't call it transfection. 01:05:17.860 --> 01:05:30.860 He had an interview with Mark Koolack and then didn't release it for like what for eight, eight months? What eight weeks? And then when he released it, he released it on sub stack. 01:05:30.860 --> 01:05:38.860 Because, you know, we wouldn't want to get the information about, about the, the opioid epidemic happening in America right now. 01:05:38.860 --> 01:05:43.860 Uncontrolled in America, right? We wouldn't want to get that out on your regular podcast. 01:05:43.860 --> 01:05:49.860 We put that out on the sub stack that nobody reads. 01:05:49.860 --> 01:06:03.860 I'm sorry, but from an American perspective, I don't trust anybody from foreign nations that are trying to pretend like they are, they are coming to the rescue, especially people who didn't pull their head out until 2022. 01:06:03.860 --> 01:06:16.860 Especially people who didn't really lose a job until they had everything like a beautiful podcast and the cameras and the angles and the, and the headshots and the, and the garden house all ready to go. 01:06:16.860 --> 01:06:26.860 If you will recall, when I started streaming, I was streaming from a table in my garden and then I was streaming from a chair with a, with a microphone in my hand for the first year and a half. 01:06:26.860 --> 01:06:32.860 Then I finally got a green screen behind me and was streaming from my bedroom in a table. 01:06:32.860 --> 01:06:42.860 Nobody ever offered to build me a garden house in my backyard or buy me fancy Sony cameras with the, with the right lenses. 01:06:42.860 --> 01:06:50.860 He's faker than a box of rocks. I'll just say it right now. There's no way. There's no way. 01:06:50.860 --> 01:07:03.860 You can tell by his message because his message is not about they murdered people and lied about it and called it a pandemic his, his message is really gummed up because he promotes everybody that gets on his show he has no stance. 01:07:03.860 --> 01:07:11.860 That's why that late in the, in the pandemic, he would still promote Sasha Latopova. What does she got to say? 01:07:11.860 --> 01:07:24.860 If he knows what he should know after talking to Nick Hudson, after talking to me, after talking to these people that he, he's interviewed, then he should have known by now that Sasha Latopova's got nothing useful to say. 01:07:24.860 --> 01:07:34.860 She's standing in front of Craig Particoper and standing in front of Catherine Watt and saying things that neither of them have said. 01:07:34.860 --> 01:07:46.860 She's pretending now to be the person that's opposing Robert Malone, even though less than a year and a half ago she was on stage with him in Sweden and those talks are damning. 01:07:47.860 --> 01:08:01.860 Those are coming up this week, Sasha, in case you wanted to book market. I'm going to watch your presentation in Sweden and I'm going to watch you talk on stage with Robert Malone and Meryl Nast about the state department and everything else. 01:08:01.860 --> 01:08:11.860 It's going to be a real eye opener for everybody. So just in case you wanted to get your sub stack warmed up in response to it. That's coming this week. 01:08:11.860 --> 01:08:27.860 It's who needed support and that could be seen. That to me was just nobody had looked at the whole aspect of just living your daily life. Everything was around this pandemic. 01:08:28.860 --> 01:08:48.860 There was chaos everywhere. Everybody just seemed to be frightened or looking beyond what was actually an individual sitting in front of you. Nobody seemed to recognise that these were individuals with needs and it wasn't rocket science. 01:08:48.860 --> 01:09:11.860 We didn't need all the yes we had to be careful. But what we really needed was what was in here, that empathy, that understanding, that ability to listen and to make a decision and I felt strongly that nobody, the common sense went out the window and everybody just went by what was being instructed. 01:09:11.860 --> 01:09:22.860 Tell me about the testing regime in the cable. There was no tests available. I understand at that time I'm personally not convinced my mum had COVID. 01:09:41.860 --> 01:09:55.860 We want answers. My family and thousands of other families when the government to be held accountable for their incompetence, their ignorance and their disrespect to all those that died. They weren't just a number but they were cheated as a statistic. 01:09:55.860 --> 01:10:05.860 They were our life. They were our family. They were human beings and they seemed to forget that their bodies were just discarded like toxic waste. 01:10:05.860 --> 01:10:27.860 No human rights, power of attorney, discarded illegal DNRs, isolation, starvation, untreated urinary tract infections, untreated bacterial pneumonias, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 01:10:27.860 --> 01:10:38.860 And Pierre Corey and Robert Malone and J. Bottacharia and all these people are not telling you. 01:10:38.860 --> 01:10:45.860 They're not telling you and I'm pissed off about it. 01:10:45.860 --> 01:10:54.860 I'm pissed off that these people have shaken my hand. I'm pissed off that these people have taken selfies with me and they know what I say. They watch my show. 01:10:54.860 --> 01:11:03.860 And J. Bottacharia watches my show. Watch right now, J, because I'm saying it out loud. You need to stop talking about there being a risk additive pathogen. 01:11:03.860 --> 01:11:11.860 You are an epidemiologist. You need to call Knutlickowski. You need to call somebody else and find out where this data is. 01:11:11.860 --> 01:11:25.860 You need to call Jessica Hockett because there is no data to support the idea that there was a novel spreading pathogen. There's a lot of data to support that there was a lot of bad ideas spreading around in the background, though. 01:11:25.860 --> 01:11:33.860 A lot of bad ideas that included ways to increase all cause mortality, i.e. murder people. 01:11:33.860 --> 01:11:44.860 And man, oh man, if it would have just been pure oxygen to a ventilator to Madazalam or to morphine. A peaceful death. 01:11:44.860 --> 01:11:47.860 But these people starved. 01:11:47.860 --> 01:11:56.860 My father-in-law died of a urinary tract infection because of understaffing. 01:11:56.860 --> 01:12:09.860 This is unforgivable malevolence, ladies and gentlemen, and anybody that is covering it up right now, and I mean anybody that's covering it up right now, is part of it. 01:12:09.860 --> 01:12:17.860 Anybody that's covering it up right now is part of it. 01:12:17.860 --> 01:12:33.860 These are the worst kinds of people, and if you look at who they are connected to, what their track record really is, they're not just innocent dads working nine to five, trying to make a living while maintaining a best friendship with their wife. 01:12:33.860 --> 01:12:37.860 These are highly connected people. 01:12:37.860 --> 01:12:41.860 Sometimes their families are connected. 01:12:41.860 --> 01:12:56.860 They are connected to what some people like to call the deep state. I just like to call that weaponized piles of money inside and outside of government that go through government that fund alongside of government, all this crap. 01:12:57.860 --> 01:13:23.860 All the forces that don't fund gig-owned biological, that don't fund Mark Koolack, that don't support Jessica Hockett, that don't circulate Nick Hudson, think that they saw Nick Hudson and Denny Rancor in Romania a month before or two months before they were going to present to the Senate in the United States and Robert Malone decided not to invite them. 01:13:23.860 --> 01:13:36.860 Instead, he invited somebody else from from the Romanian thing and then invited Jessica Rose and Harvey Y. Reich. 01:13:36.860 --> 01:13:43.860 It is just so obvious that these people are now the ones that are working against us. 01:13:43.860 --> 01:13:58.860 It is so obvious that they are just as bad as Walensky, Fauci, the the Berks, the Redfields, they just have a different role to play. 01:13:58.860 --> 01:14:07.860 And if you go back early enough, like we have done with Robert Malone, you can find that there was no shame in his career, no shame in where he was coming from. 01:14:07.860 --> 01:14:22.860 And he had no feelings of like, wow, I'm really risking everything here because as a lifelong Ditra, you know, guy who who's assembles teams to solve problems for the government, I'm pretty scared about coming out right now. 01:14:22.860 --> 01:14:26.860 I'm afraid I'm going to lose all this, all these connections and stuff. 01:14:26.860 --> 01:14:28.860 I didn't hear any of that. 01:14:28.860 --> 01:14:30.860 I didn't hear any of that. 01:14:30.860 --> 01:14:32.860 I heard none of that on Tommy. 01:14:32.860 --> 01:14:44.860 I heard none of that anywhere in these early videos we've watched and he's just giggling and laughing about what he knows and what he's saying to Paul Cottrell. 01:14:44.860 --> 01:14:48.860 What he's saying to Glenn Beck three times. 01:14:48.860 --> 01:14:56.860 And once you see it that way, there's no other conclusion to come to that he's somewhere in the middle of a bunch of medlers. 01:14:56.860 --> 01:15:00.860 And that's why he's been at every COVID international COVID summit. 01:15:00.860 --> 01:15:05.860 That's why he's been part of it every time. 01:15:05.860 --> 01:15:09.860 Because he works for somebody else other than the US government. 01:15:09.860 --> 01:15:11.860 He wants you to believe that he's D.O.D. 01:15:11.860 --> 01:15:13.860 He wants you to believe that he's D.O.D. 01:15:13.860 --> 01:15:16.860 because now Sasha is telling you that that's the evidence, right? 01:15:16.860 --> 01:15:25.860 And so then you have this limited spectrum of debate controlled by two clowns or 15 clowns. 01:15:25.860 --> 01:15:28.860 And the same clowns have been in the hot tub pictures. 01:15:28.860 --> 01:15:35.860 The same clowns are in the shoe pictures. 01:15:35.860 --> 01:15:40.860 And for not just this year, but for every year, it's the same shoes. 01:15:41.860 --> 01:15:44.860 It's the same clowns. 01:15:44.860 --> 01:15:53.860 It's not possible for it to be the same clowns unless that's by design, unless that's part of the show. 01:15:53.860 --> 01:16:03.860 And so yeah, I'm telling you, most of these people that call themselves heroes that are associated with any of those people over there, they are, they are fake. 01:16:03.860 --> 01:16:05.860 They are working against America. 01:16:05.860 --> 01:16:08.860 I think you best could call them traders. 01:16:09.860 --> 01:16:11.860 And I do think some of them could be rescued. 01:16:11.860 --> 01:16:14.860 I do think some of these people could be persuaded. 01:16:14.860 --> 01:16:19.860 But they're going to need to learn biology right now that all of those people over there ignore. 01:16:23.860 --> 01:16:26.860 So that's what we do here. That's what we're going to do here. 01:16:26.860 --> 01:16:30.860 We're going to keep demolishing this as best we can. 01:16:30.860 --> 01:16:37.860 The way that I wanted to do it today was to show you what PBS NewsHour is currently up to, which is not good. 01:16:37.860 --> 01:16:39.860 It's really not good at all. 01:16:39.860 --> 01:16:50.860 First, we're going to go back a month to hear a brief discussion of long COVID, which I think is, is a very important thing for us to discuss. 01:16:50.860 --> 01:16:54.860 Where is it? Oh, sorry, wrong mouse. 01:16:54.860 --> 01:17:02.860 A very important thing for us to discuss from the perspective of what the, the normies are seeing on television. 01:17:03.860 --> 01:17:06.860 Now, it's important because this is only a month ago. 01:17:06.860 --> 01:17:10.860 So normies are seeing this on PBS NewsHour. 01:17:10.860 --> 01:17:13.860 And by normies, I mean my retired neighbors. 01:17:16.860 --> 01:17:24.860 My retired neighbors over here have a house in Florida and they spend about nine weeks or nine months of a year here and three months down there. 01:17:24.860 --> 01:17:27.860 And they're both retired and it's all great. 01:17:27.860 --> 01:17:31.860 And they think that, you know, their neighbor is a little loony. 01:17:31.860 --> 01:17:36.860 And, you know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Oh, you wrote that book with him and that's what they know about me. 01:17:39.860 --> 01:17:49.860 And so they watch the PBS NewsHour and think that it's, that it's a controlled message, but they think it's a controlled message from the Democratic Party. 01:17:50.860 --> 01:18:01.860 They don't think it's a controlled message from the biosecurity state that would be trying to maintain an illusion of a pandemic and an ongoing public health crisis. 01:18:01.860 --> 01:18:08.860 And that's why it's important to watch this every once in a while so that you can see exactly how bad things are. 01:18:08.860 --> 01:18:11.860 A hundred million people in the United States have had COVID for most of us. 01:18:11.860 --> 01:18:15.860 It's meant a few miserable days, but for about 15% of those who've gotten the virus, it's meant. 01:18:16.860 --> 01:18:17.860 A hundred million. 01:18:17.860 --> 01:18:21.860 According to government data, more than 100 million people in the United States have had COVID for most of us. 01:18:21.860 --> 01:18:26.860 It's meant a few miserable days, but for about 15% of those who've gotten the virus, it's meant for long symptoms. 01:18:26.860 --> 01:18:29.860 What's come to be known as long COVID more than three years into the pandemic. 01:18:29.860 --> 01:18:32.860 Physicians and researchers are still struggling to understand a lot of things about the condition. 01:18:32.860 --> 01:18:35.860 Lawrence and Phantom, our NewsHour digital health reporter has written a lot about long COVID. 01:18:35.860 --> 01:18:37.860 Laura, one thing they've had trouble with is defining it. 01:18:37.860 --> 01:18:42.860 Actually, what it is, there was a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association recently that tries to take a step toward definition. 01:18:42.860 --> 01:18:43.860 What did they find? 01:18:43.860 --> 01:18:44.860 Exactly right. 01:18:44.860 --> 01:18:52.860 So, researchers at Mass General in Boston surveyed thousands of long COVID patients and basically asked them to tell them, what are your symptoms? 01:18:52.860 --> 01:18:57.860 And so what they found were really echoing a lot of what you hear about from people who've been dealing with long COVID. 01:18:57.860 --> 01:18:58.860 Now, the most... 01:18:58.860 --> 01:19:01.860 The 37 symptoms whittled them down through infection history. 01:19:01.860 --> 01:19:12.860 The most important thing to see here, in my humble opinion, is that this is a reporter, and she's reporting exactly what she's meant to report. 01:19:12.860 --> 01:19:26.860 And the most important thing to see here from the biology perspective and from the dissonant perspective is that we know there is an issue with chronic fatigue syndrome going back to the 80s and 90s. 01:19:26.860 --> 01:19:27.860 We know that. 01:19:28.860 --> 01:19:40.860 And we know that this broad umbrella of symptoms was needing a controlled operation because we've... 01:19:40.860 --> 01:19:54.860 Mark Koolak has done a very good job of documenting that there was not only Judy Mikovitz, but a few years before that there was somebody else who tried to blame a virus and explain chronic fatigue syndrome. 01:19:55.860 --> 01:20:03.860 And Judy Mikovitz is the second person in that line of trainees that was out there trying to push this idea. 01:20:03.860 --> 01:20:22.860 And the video that we watched of Judy Mikovitz about a week ago showed a very eager, very excited, very happy, very proud Judy Mikovitz say that they had done a study where they had shown that kids with autism actually had XMRV in their... 01:20:22.860 --> 01:20:24.860 that were positive for XMRV. 01:20:24.860 --> 01:20:38.860 And so she thought that they were about to be able to explain why the vaccine schedule causes autism, and that was that there was a latent virus that the vaccines triggered and that that virus was actually causing autism. 01:20:38.860 --> 01:20:44.860 That was a absolutely spectacular video, and if you haven't seen it, please go back and watch it after this show. 01:20:45.860 --> 01:21:02.860 So it's interesting that we have this 20 or 30 year history of chronic fatigue syndrome that most doctors throughout my lifetime have thought was kind of imaginary or hard to explain or it happens after people are on a ventilator, it happens after they've had a bad flu or whatever the story is. 01:21:03.860 --> 01:21:16.860 And so this reporter is completely unaware of the parallel need that the 20 year need to try and define chronic fatigue syndrome. 01:21:16.860 --> 01:21:26.860 And now she's talking as if defining long COVID is something that some of these authorities are doing in earnest because it's really an important new problem on the planet. 01:21:26.860 --> 01:21:29.860 And of course it's not a new problem on the planet at all. 01:21:29.860 --> 01:21:33.860 And statistical modeling into these 12 symptoms that they say from the hallmark of long COVID. 01:21:33.860 --> 01:21:37.860 Things like brain fog, dizziness, chronic cough, also this thing called post-exertional malaise. 01:21:37.860 --> 01:21:42.860 So say you get up to walk across the room or you read a recipe to make supper one night, it just wipes you out. 01:21:42.860 --> 01:21:44.860 Things that people used to do that without even thinking about. 01:21:44.860 --> 01:21:46.860 Now they're completely exhausted. 01:21:46.860 --> 01:21:49.860 And it just really points to how transformational this disease is. 01:21:49.860 --> 01:21:51.860 And also we're just beginning to understand it. 01:21:51.860 --> 01:21:59.860 It is absolutely a cover because also the people were talking about long COVID too early for there to have been long COVID. 01:21:59.860 --> 01:22:04.860 And the people that were talking about long COVID were some of the worst medlers. 01:22:04.860 --> 01:22:18.860 And if you go back and check some of the worst medlers that I've regularly mentioned here, you will find that all of them have confirmed the existence of long COVID without acknowledging that there was a chronic fatigue syndrome for 20 years before this. 01:22:19.860 --> 01:22:21.860 And that includes Robert Malone. 01:22:21.860 --> 01:22:22.860 It includes Richard Fleming. 01:22:22.860 --> 01:22:24.860 It includes Paul Catrell. 01:22:24.860 --> 01:22:29.860 It includes all of these people who said flying AIDS and are still saying flying AIDS. 01:22:29.860 --> 01:22:32.860 They all are unable to make this connection. 01:22:32.860 --> 01:22:44.860 They are all unable to make the connection with immune dysregulation and a general, you know, syndrome that was in existence long before COVID happened. 01:22:44.860 --> 01:22:49.860 And their insistence that long COVID is a new thing is, is very universal. 01:22:49.860 --> 01:22:57.860 Kevin McCairn, Charles Ricksey, Meryl Nasse, the entire CHD as far as I can understand. 01:22:57.860 --> 01:23:08.860 All of these people don't seem to have this, this history in mind because that would bring up Judy Mickovitz, I guess, or that would bring up a whole new can of worms that we don't want to talk about. 01:23:08.860 --> 01:23:11.860 And so they go with the narrative. 01:23:11.860 --> 01:23:13.860 They all go with the narrative. 01:23:13.860 --> 01:23:28.860 If, if, if, if CHD is not making an effort to try and remind people that, that chronic fatigue syndrome existed before the pandemic, they're failing. 01:23:28.860 --> 01:23:40.860 If people aren't that there are doctors that have treated this before the pandemic are not making this distinction and are not, not arguing this, then they're failing. 01:23:40.860 --> 01:23:46.860 And allowing a reporter to talk to another reporter about this immunomethology is criminal. 01:23:46.860 --> 01:23:59.860 And it is nothing less than part of a national security operation that you can see glimpses of in dark winter and in event 201 where they really do mock up news programs. 01:23:59.860 --> 01:24:06.860 And this is just a mock news program designed to give you in a national security narrative. That's all it is. 01:24:06.860 --> 01:24:09.860 All this an attempt to create a common language around how to understand this disease. 01:24:09.860 --> 01:24:12.860 Is there any correlation between long COVID and vaccination status? 01:24:12.860 --> 01:24:21.860 According to the study, there is evidence that supports that. So, you know, they, they took these different survey responses from local patients and broke them into four different clusters, looking at types of symptoms and also severity. 01:24:21.860 --> 01:24:26.860 You know, people who tended to have the worst symptoms and outcomes and just sort of all of it were those who didn't have their full primary series. 01:24:26.860 --> 01:24:31.860 So to vaccine doses of Moderna or Pfizer, what have you and also have been infected with COVID multiple times. 01:24:31.860 --> 01:24:35.860 Wow. So they didn't have their full dosage. 01:24:35.860 --> 01:24:46.860 And they were infected multiple times. So what she is suggesting is is that people who have long COVID are the people who aren't update up to date on their shots. 01:24:46.860 --> 01:24:54.860 This is a month ago. This is how malevolent they are still lying to my parents and yours to your neighbors and mine. 01:24:54.860 --> 01:25:00.860 To the teachers at your school, to the school board members of your school board. 01:25:00.860 --> 01:25:03.860 To everybody in office. 01:25:03.860 --> 01:25:08.860 They are lying to people about the biology. 01:25:08.860 --> 01:25:16.860 In order to make people believe a novel virus is still spreading the consequences of which we are still reaping. 01:25:17.860 --> 01:25:22.860 Combination is really rough for people who are, you know, then end up with one COVID. 01:25:22.860 --> 01:25:25.860 Now some COVID experts have reservations about this study. What are their concerns? 01:25:25.860 --> 01:25:29.860 It's one of the big concerns about the study is that we're still so early in this process, right? 01:25:29.860 --> 01:25:33.860 You know, the researchers themselves when I asked them, they said, you know, this is not a diagnostic tool. 01:25:33.860 --> 01:25:37.860 You don't take this study and then, you know, diagnose someone one way or another with one COVID. 01:25:37.860 --> 01:25:42.860 And so what it does do is that it again forms a common language around how we can talk about this disease, 01:25:42.860 --> 01:25:47.860 you know, create clinical trials to then better understand what are the treatments that we should be using for people who are sick with this. 01:25:47.860 --> 01:25:52.860 And then ultimately working towards creating diagnostic tests, giving someone a test and then saying, do you have this or not? 01:25:52.860 --> 01:26:00.860 Another thing that researchers will also tell you, tell me, you know, is that, you know, they didn't use lab data to see, you know, if these people did in fact have long COVID. 01:26:00.860 --> 01:26:03.860 It's just self-reported survey data, you know, which has a limitations in that respect. 01:26:03.860 --> 01:26:09.860 But, you know, another step in this process would be, you know, taking, you know, do they have an immune response that suggests they have these sorts of disorders. 01:26:09.860 --> 01:26:11.860 Now you've talked to a few reporting on our website. 01:26:11.860 --> 01:26:12.860 That's spectacular. 01:26:12.860 --> 01:26:17.860 So the paper that they're talking about has no clinical data. 01:26:17.860 --> 01:26:19.860 It has no lab specimens. 01:26:19.860 --> 01:26:25.860 It has no correlate of long COVID other than what these people complain about. 01:26:25.860 --> 01:26:37.860 It sounds an awful lot like an open door for people like what James Giordano would describe as hypochondriacs and worried wells. 01:26:38.860 --> 01:26:41.860 Finally, having an excuse to say that they have a problem. 01:26:41.860 --> 01:27:01.860 Imagine how many skilled social media users will line up to be a long COVID victim given this kind of rhetoric on the PBS NewsHour. 01:27:01.860 --> 01:27:07.860 They are destroying our civilization, ladies and gentlemen, they are destroying our civilization. 01:27:07.860 --> 01:27:16.860 And the goal is to enslave the young by misleading them. 01:27:16.860 --> 01:27:21.860 A lot of people who are experiencing long COVID, what did they tell you not only about their experiences, their symptoms, but about getting medical care. 01:27:21.860 --> 01:27:23.860 It's been such a struggle for so many people. 01:27:23.860 --> 01:27:27.860 And many of them have felt a drift in the health care system for so many, for years. 01:27:28.860 --> 01:27:35.860 One patient who I talked to said that if you are lucky enough to find a physician who will listen to you, that's going a long way. 01:27:35.860 --> 01:27:42.860 But so many times it's like a round robin of medical care trying to create, find someone who will listen to them instead of just saying it's all in your head. 01:27:42.860 --> 01:27:45.860 And then get the kind of care that they need. A lot of them describe their care as trial and error. 01:27:45.860 --> 01:27:48.860 Many of them go to Facebook groups. 01:27:48.860 --> 01:27:52.860 They describe the weight for post COVID care centers as being six months or more. 01:27:53.860 --> 01:28:04.860 And it's just really been a struggle for people who again, so many of them struggle to just get up and walk across the room, much less, you know, try and get transportation childcare their whole life in order so they can get an appointment that takes months in the making. 01:28:04.860 --> 01:28:10.860 Earlier you mentioned looking for antibodies and some of these people. What else needs to be done or what else is being done to further understand this condition. 01:28:10.860 --> 01:28:18.860 And also the figure she did not mention looking for antibodies in these people, but he did and just be clear ways to treat it. 01:28:19.860 --> 01:28:24.860 That's a really great question. I mean, you know, that's one of the, that's one of the things that the study supports. It's just sort of looking at these 12 symptoms. 01:28:24.860 --> 01:28:36.860 How can we treat those symptoms in design clinical studies that are targeting those symptoms and then see what happens when we do, you know, other areas where we need to certainly do more research are looking at long COVID in pediatric patients and looking at this disease and pregnant 01:28:36.860 --> 01:28:42.860 people, right? And those are, and those are certainly part of this broader initiative, recovery initiative from National Institutes of Health, which the study is also a part of. 01:28:43.860 --> 01:29:00.860 Anytime they can add that we would like to study pregnant people, they do have tip to mark a cool act for, for making me realize that that's a huge part of the scam that they've been running on us to convince us that, you know, giving pregnant people these kinds of things is totally okay. 01:29:01.860 --> 01:29:16.860 Next one I want to put up is the what you need to know about COVID variants spreading and what you need to know about bird flu, because that's actually was just on two days ago. So this is again. 01:29:16.860 --> 01:29:24.860 PBS NewsHour. And again, I'm going to speed it up a little bit. And again, I apologize for how painful these people are. 01:29:25.860 --> 01:29:35.860 Four years after the start of the pandemic, hospitalizations for COVID are at an all time low, but they're a new variance. And now bird flu is in the headlines. It's been found in at least. 01:29:35.860 --> 01:29:49.860 Nine states, but so far this year, there's only been one confirmed human case. So how concerned should we be about all of this? Caitlin Jettelina writes the popular newsletter, your local epidemiologist, and she was just named one of time magazines, 100 most influential people in health. 01:29:49.860 --> 01:30:10.860 So now think about that. The, the, your friendly neighborhood epidemiologists that has been on the PBS NewsHour many times, and we have lambasted her many times on this show has been named time magazines top 100 most influential people in health. 01:30:10.860 --> 01:30:14.860 This person with, with diplomas on her wall. 01:30:14.860 --> 01:30:18.860 You know who doesn't have any diplomas on his wall? 01:30:19.860 --> 01:30:28.860 I have, I have kites and a ham radio and a drafting table with the Bible on it. 01:30:28.860 --> 01:30:31.860 I don't know what to tell you. 01:30:31.860 --> 01:30:45.860 I'm not trying to misrepresent myself as a doctor when I have a, a degree in finance. I'm not trying to misrepresent myself as a expert in, in neurodegenerative disorders when I'm actually just a. 01:30:45.860 --> 01:30:50.860 Kind of medically retired failed neuroscientist. 01:30:50.860 --> 01:31:14.860 I'm not trying to represent myself as the foremost expert on bio weapons when really all I was was a state department, a state department guard and, and, and a guy who did basic math and parabolas. 01:31:14.860 --> 01:31:33.860 There's a shoe salesman at the beginning of the pandemic. I'm somebody who lost a job at a, at a major US medical school faculty for speaking out against the word transfection being misconstrued as an investigational vaccine. 01:31:33.860 --> 01:31:52.860 I, unlike a lot of these people and a card carrying dissident from 2020 a card carrying dissident from 2020 who's been flashing this badge since I figured out that transfection is not an investigational vaccine. 01:31:52.860 --> 01:32:01.860 These people who are pretending to be heroes right now are liars. 01:32:01.860 --> 01:32:14.860 It drives me bananas that we're still having this discussion that this person is just as bad as Robert Malone. Make no mistake about it. It's just a different million people are watching her. 01:32:14.860 --> 01:32:28.860 Because more than millions are watching Robert Malone around the world have watched him around the world. As you heard, in many times he's it nobody needs to give an introduction to this legendary guy. 01:32:28.860 --> 01:32:43.860 And one of these medlers influences a different million people to ask the wrong question and before you know it, the most of the population is bamboozled because of their unwitting participation. 01:32:43.860 --> 01:32:48.860 Listen to this monstrous dialogue. 01:32:49.860 --> 01:33:05.860 Yeah, you know what's clear is that this is continuing to spread among cows and other animals, but the risk to the general public is very low. And this really means there's nothing we can do other than don't touch dead birds or animals don't drink raw milk and maybe even call your 01:33:05.860 --> 01:33:17.860 attention for better biosecurity support. But this is definitely not March of 2020 and it's definitely not even January of 2020. But of course the situation can change and usually with outbreaks it can change very quickly. 01:33:17.860 --> 01:33:30.860 I think that alarm bells for the general public should really start going off if we start seeing human to human spread. Right now it's really an all hands on deck response for public health to prevent another pandemic and staying laser focused on protecting the small 01:33:30.860 --> 01:33:41.860 group of Americans that are at higher risk and that is dairy and poultry workers right now. The other thing that's kind of a lot of people's attention was the report that the FDA had found dead viral fragments and milk milk about a grocery stores. 01:33:41.860 --> 01:33:52.860 That sounds pretty scary. How concerned should people be about that? It is scary and it does sound scary, but I calm down when I knew that we have over 100 years of data on the effectiveness of pasteurization. 01:33:52.860 --> 01:34:02.860 Also just to confirm that the pasteurization was working, the FDA tried to grow active. I do see some kind of comp going on, let's say compensating. 01:34:02.860 --> 01:34:09.860 They really seem to be pushing the idea that raw milk is bad and now she's saying that pasteurization is great. 01:34:09.860 --> 01:34:18.860 Are they setting us up for some kind of food poisoning thing where the pasteurization didn't work and therefore all these people got sick. 01:34:18.860 --> 01:34:27.860 Is that coming? There's an awful lot of insistence from our neighborhood epidemiologist about how pasteurization works. 01:34:27.860 --> 01:34:40.860 She's not an epidemiologist is not the same as a virologist or an immunologist or a general biologist or a neurobiologist or a medical school faculty member. 01:34:40.860 --> 01:34:51.860 She was introduced as what? What was she introduced as? I need to go back because I need to see this again. I need to know what's going on here. I don't get it. 01:34:51.860 --> 01:34:58.860 What was she introduced as? 01:34:58.860 --> 01:35:03.860 So Kate Genelina writes the popular newsletter. 01:35:03.860 --> 01:35:10.860 Caitlyn Genelina writes the popular newsletter, your local epidemiologist, and she was just named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in Health. 01:35:10.860 --> 01:35:13.860 So does she have a faculty position? 01:35:13.860 --> 01:35:27.860 Shouldn't we know what university she's at or is she one of these people like Jessica Rose who doesn't need a faculty position, she can just write a newsletter and be able to travel and surf and do whatever she wants to because her newsletter is so well supported on 01:35:27.860 --> 01:35:30.860 sub-stack. 01:35:30.860 --> 01:35:37.860 Think about how hard Jessica Rose didn't have to work in order to make her living on sub-stack. 01:35:37.860 --> 01:35:46.860 It just kind of happened. You know, there's and spike protein and there's and spike protein and what do you know? I've got a living. 01:35:46.860 --> 01:35:59.860 Isn't that great? I can go back and forth from Canada to Israel a couple times a year. I can show up in Romania or Belgium or wherever I'm needed. 01:35:59.860 --> 01:36:06.860 Is it any different than this person? Does she have a faculty position or does she just have this newsletter now? Do you see what I'm saying? 01:36:06.860 --> 01:36:17.860 Marilyn Nash is starting her own, you know, nonprofit because she needs a nonprofit taking a half salary from CHD for many years wasn't good enough for her. 01:36:17.860 --> 01:36:25.860 Now she needs to start her own nonprofit so that she can start fighting the who. 01:36:25.860 --> 01:36:29.860 They're all liars, ladies and gentlemen. They're all liars. 01:36:29.860 --> 01:36:45.860 And that's why Mary Holland was hired by the CHD executive committee in 2018 because they needed somebody at the head of the organization that would make sure that these mothers really felt like and these dads really felt like somebody was listening to them 01:36:46.860 --> 01:36:56.860 that the progress that was made with the Vax movie would be continued and then what happened when the pandemic started. 01:36:56.860 --> 01:37:04.860 All the progress that they were making on the measles vaccine stopped and still stopped. 01:37:04.860 --> 01:37:11.860 They're not complaining about it. They're not doing shows about it. They're talking about censorship now. 01:37:12.860 --> 01:37:22.860 And if you're in a tug of war 20 on 20 and you have three saboteurs on your team and it can matter how hard you pull. 01:37:22.860 --> 01:37:29.860 Importantly, if the saboteurs are really good at it's going to be pretty hard to figure out which ones are faking it. 01:37:30.860 --> 01:37:41.860 Some people who believe with all their heart and soul. Excuse me. I'm not on screen to believe with all their heart and soul that they should be pulling on the rope they're pulling on. 01:37:41.860 --> 01:37:48.860 And the PBS NewsHour tells them while you're great. And their faculty tells them they're great. 01:37:48.860 --> 01:37:52.860 Or Robert Malone and Pierre Corey tell them you're great. 01:37:53.860 --> 01:38:00.860 They keep spreading the message. They're spreading. It's working. My substacks are getting more and more subscribers. 01:38:00.860 --> 01:38:07.860 I mean, all these people are sharing my work. I might as well just keep hitting it home. 01:38:07.860 --> 01:38:17.860 And after four and a half years, none of these people that purported to have been dissidents from the very beginning have noticed that there was murder in 2020 and 2021. 01:38:17.860 --> 01:38:21.860 And it was misconstrued as a pandemic. 01:38:21.860 --> 01:38:30.860 This epidemiologist is completely unaware that there is no data to support a risk additive pathogen spreading around the United States. 01:38:30.860 --> 01:38:40.860 Yet supposedly she has the professional chops to analyze the data to show us exactly where it was and wasn't spreading at any given time. 01:38:40.860 --> 01:38:50.860 She just reads what she's told to read knowing that her comfort and fame will continue to grow because she's part of the governance system. 01:38:50.860 --> 01:38:57.860 And she says, you know, what's clear is that this is continuing to spread among cows and other animals. 01:38:57.860 --> 01:39:11.860 But the risk to the general public is very low. And this really means there's nothing we can do other than don't touch dead birds or animals. 01:39:11.860 --> 01:39:16.860 Don't drink raw milk and maybe even call your congressman for better biosecurity support. 01:39:16.860 --> 01:39:21.860 This is definitely not March of 2020 and it's definitely not even January of 2020. 01:39:21.860 --> 01:39:25.860 But of course the situation can change and usually with outbreaks it can change very quickly. 01:39:25.860 --> 01:39:32.860 I think that alarm bells for the general public should really start going off if we start seeing human to human spread right now. 01:39:32.860 --> 01:39:43.860 It's really an all hands on deck response for public health to prevent another pandemic and staying laser focused on protecting the small group of Americans that are at higher risk and that is dairy and poultry workers right now. 01:39:43.860 --> 01:39:50.860 So it's kind of a lot of people's attention was the report that the FDA had found dead viral fragments and milk milk about grocery stores. 01:39:50.860 --> 01:39:53.860 That sounds pretty scary. How concerned should people be about that? 01:39:53.860 --> 01:40:01.860 It is scary and it does sound scary, but I calm down when I knew that we have over 100 years of data on the effectiveness of pasteurization. 01:40:01.860 --> 01:40:12.860 Also, just to confirm that the pasteurization was working, the FDA tried to grow active virus from these pasteurized milk samples from grocery stores and the experiments failed, which is actually a good thing because that means these viral fragments. 01:40:12.860 --> 01:40:22.860 Where broken pieces that just could not replicate and that's cannot harm us humans. Since those studies have been done on the milk, they've also tested other milk products like cottage. 01:40:22.860 --> 01:40:33.860 So I could go look that up for you Pamela to see if it's if they're looking at proteins or they're using antibodies or they were doing PCR. 01:40:33.860 --> 01:40:37.860 My guess is that they're doing PCR for that, but I don't know. 01:40:38.860 --> 01:40:47.860 These and sour cream and those are safe as well as beef and grocery stores is also safe to consume. I think the bottom line here is just do not drink unpasteurized milk. 01:40:47.860 --> 01:40:49.860 It can make you very sick, especially at this time. 01:40:49.860 --> 01:40:55.860 So that's bird flu. Let's talk about COVID. Tell us about these new variants that have the intriguing nickname flirt. 01:40:55.860 --> 01:41:04.860 Yeah. So what we know is that COVID continues to mutate, right? This is just what viruses do. The latest and greatest, greatest variant is on the crime, but with very small changes, right? 01:41:04.860 --> 01:41:13.860 These flirt variants have only two additional mutations on the spike protein. This is compared to about 50 changes that we saw with the huge on the crime wave back in 2021. 01:41:13.860 --> 01:41:20.860 So we're just with two small changes. We know that this isn't going to cause a tsunami of infection. It's just not different enough than previous ones. 01:41:20.860 --> 01:41:26.860 The question is whether it will cause a wave, a wavelet or nothing at all. And unfortunately, time will just tell. 01:41:26.860 --> 01:41:35.860 So only two mutations that mean that the if you got a booster last fall or since last fall, that that would take care of it that those variants would not be able to get around that booster. 01:41:35.860 --> 01:41:43.860 If you're up to date on your COVID-19 vaccine, which for the majority of people means a fall vaccine, some are eligible for a spring vaccine. 01:41:43.860 --> 01:41:52.860 And yeah, it's not a perfect match, but it will certainly help against severe disease and death because this is mutated a little that may mean we will see a little more because. 01:41:52.860 --> 01:42:05.860 Robert Malone and Pierre Corey and Jessica Rose and all these people have been so incompetent at being a hero, but very competent at not being heroes. 01:42:05.860 --> 01:42:10.860 We haven't figured this out yet. 01:42:10.860 --> 01:42:14.860 That's the reason why she still calls it a vaccine. 01:42:14.860 --> 01:42:25.860 That's why it will continue to be called a vaccine into the future by all of these people because the goal is not to save us. They work for the slavers. 01:42:25.860 --> 01:42:37.860 It's really extraordinary. I had something else I was going to say and she reminded me spring vaccine eligible for a spring vaccine. And yeah, it's not a perfect match, but it will certainly help against severe death. 01:42:37.860 --> 01:42:53.860 It will certainly help against severe disease and death, which is something that I think a lot of people like Robert Malone and Meryl Nasse and and Pierre Corey, and all of these people have wittingly or unwittingly left unchallenged. 01:42:53.860 --> 01:43:09.860 I think Robert Malone left it unchallenged on purpose because at some point in time in 2021, Robert Malone and his wife Jill were positioning themselves to accept credit for saving millions of people's lives by coming up with this idea when he was 28. 01:43:09.860 --> 01:43:19.860 It's also kind of funny how much shitty talks about coming up with an idea when he was 28 surrounded by people with a lot more complicated ideas. 01:43:19.860 --> 01:43:30.860 So even though he claims to be the guy, there are more than one name on these patents. And some of those people were his teachers or his mentors. 01:43:30.860 --> 01:43:36.860 I mean, to come up with that idea is not really that brilliant. 01:43:36.860 --> 01:43:43.860 Anybody would have come up with the idea that it was the immune system that was causing the problem. 01:43:44.860 --> 01:43:51.860 But he wants to claim it as his idea just like Brett Weinstein likes to claim a lot of things that he says are his ideas but they're not. 01:43:51.860 --> 01:43:59.860 Maybe neither of these guys have had original thought in the last 20 years but they're all pawn off other people's ideas as their own. 01:43:59.860 --> 01:44:10.860 You know, because most of the people that Robert Malone talks to he can't even say their name out loud anyway because they're part of an agency doesn't want you to know he's connected to and so he's free to pawn off all of these ideas as his own. 01:44:10.860 --> 01:44:15.860 And he's the polymath that we're looking for. 01:44:15.860 --> 01:44:27.860 He's as bad as the PBS NewsHour. Robert Malone is as bad as this epidemiologist on the PBS NewsHour. They both offer you exactly the same amount of real truth. 01:44:27.860 --> 01:44:35.860 Because this is mutated a little that may mean we'll see a little more infections than before, but you are a very well protected against severe disease if you're up to date. 01:44:36.860 --> 01:44:44.860 Because the COVID vaccine going to continue to be reformulated and keep up with these variants and sort of almost like the annual flu. They have to figure out what the dominant strain is going to be. 01:44:44.860 --> 01:44:55.860 Yeah, that's exactly right. It looks like we're moving towards a flu model, right? So where COVID-19 vaccines will be updated every year to match as best as possible the circulating strain, the FDA meeting. 01:44:55.860 --> 01:45:03.860 And of course, people were saying this in 2020, including myself, that if we allow them to do this, they'll push it all the way down to the kids schedule. 01:45:03.860 --> 01:45:14.860 And then when Tony Fauci said that to a YouTube guy named Dr. Mike and I did a video about it, everybody ignored it and nobody said anything and Brett Weinstein ignored it. 01:45:14.860 --> 01:45:23.860 It wasn't even an issue because I've remecked him and Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch had other things to say. 01:45:23.860 --> 01:45:33.860 The next month is mid June to make a final decision on what exact strain is in that vaccine, but to the general public know that you can definitely expect an updated vaccine this fall again. 01:45:33.860 --> 01:45:42.860 Measles. There was a global surge in measles. There was some talk earlier that the United States was worried about what was going to happen here. What is happening with measles here in the United States? 01:45:42.860 --> 01:45:49.860 Yeah, I mean measles is coming in hot this year. And while the US has a small number of cases, right? 132 cases across 21 states. 01:45:49.860 --> 01:45:57.860 It's still more than double than we had last year. I think the biggest problem with this is we're giving measles opportunity to spark more right with more embers. 01:45:57.860 --> 01:46:07.860 Because fewer people are getting vaccinated and the challenge and problem with this is it just increases the probability of a spark finding a really large unvaccinated pocket and spreading like wildfire. 01:46:07.860 --> 01:46:11.860 So we were really wanting to reduce these embers as much as possible right now. 01:46:11.860 --> 01:46:21.860 Now keep in mind that all these measles stories don't involve people dying of measles. They never do. And they definitely don't involve unvaccinated people dying of measles. 01:46:21.860 --> 01:46:36.860 And so keep in mind that they have to tell you a very titrated story about measles whenever they mention it because their whole idea is is that we should be going for zero measles and the way to get there is full vaccination. It's the same exact story. 01:46:37.860 --> 01:46:44.860 And I do believe it's immunomythology that we are going to need a few years to dispel. 01:46:44.860 --> 01:46:53.860 With the ebbing of the pandemic that a lot of these requirements are going away and just recently the requirement for hospitals to report data about COVID hospitalizations ended. 01:46:53.860 --> 01:46:57.860 They no longer have to report that information as an epidemiologist. Is that concern you? 01:46:57.860 --> 01:47:09.860 It's incredibly concerning because it feels like we are kind of going back to our pre pandemic times. It was incredibly important to have hospitalization data to understand where we need to be concerned. 01:47:09.860 --> 01:47:14.860 I mean that could a guy could have been in a car accident. This guy could have been in a car accident. They're liars. 01:47:14.860 --> 01:47:19.860 Action needs to take place or like right now that hospitalizations are really low and we can relax a little. 01:47:20.860 --> 01:47:32.860 I think the positive news though is that health and human services is proposing a new rule that all hospitalizations continue to report COVID-19 as well as other viruses starting on October 1st during non-emergency times. 01:47:32.860 --> 01:47:42.860 And it's certainly open for public comment, but I'm optimistic that this recording will continue, which will allow us to have a really nice national picture on what is going on with viruses at the moment. 01:47:43.860 --> 01:47:46.860 Katelyn Genolina, thank you very much. Yeah, thanks for having me. 01:47:46.860 --> 01:47:55.860 It's absolutely awful. If you know that her appearances on PBS NewsHour allow her to pay for her life. 01:47:55.860 --> 01:48:05.860 Because she has hundreds of thousands of sub stack subscribers that give her money because they think that she's she's one of the top 100 influencers in the world. 01:48:05.860 --> 01:48:17.860 Let me let me show you another top 100 influencer in the world. It's absolutely extraordinary. This podcast is from April 26. So just a couple weeks ago, we have another one. 01:48:17.860 --> 01:48:32.860 Hello and welcome to the AMA update video and podcast. Today we're checking in on the latest long COVID research with Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, the Sterling Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. 01:48:32.860 --> 01:48:38.860 I'm Todd Ugger, AMA's Chief Experience Officer in Chicago. Dr. Iwasaki, it's great to see you and good to have you back. 01:48:38.860 --> 01:48:47.860 The AMA has a Chief Experience Officer and this lady works for Yale and she's been talking about long COVID since the beginning of the pandemic. 01:48:47.860 --> 01:48:56.860 Never once mentioning the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome before the pandemic. Never once. 01:48:56.860 --> 01:49:07.860 Now she's also top 100 most influential people in health in Time magazine. Anyone see a pattern yet? I wonder if Robert Malone's on that list. 01:49:07.860 --> 01:49:21.860 I'm delighted to be back. Thank you. Well, first off, before we get going, important news. You've been named as one of the top 100 most influential people by Time magazine. I just want to say congratulations. What a huge achievement. 01:49:21.860 --> 01:49:24.860 Thank you so much. It's really an honor. 01:49:24.860 --> 01:49:31.860 Well, and quite deserved for all the hard work. Okay, now I'm going to shock you still suffering from long COVID. 01:49:31.860 --> 01:49:45.860 I don't want to watch this video. I don't believe in the AMA. I don't believe in this, this Android. And I don't believe in her because she's been repeatedly giving the same nonsense lecture about long COVID since the beginning of the pandemic. However, 01:49:46.860 --> 01:50:00.860 I do want you to see this, this thing, which actually just happened. So this is Ed Wong, Ed Young, and he's like one of these dudes who was reporting on the pandemic extremely early and had all the, 01:50:00.860 --> 01:50:10.860 all the, no, it's definitely not a lab leak because that's how this works. It's normal. And he, he was reporting on viruses before the pandemic. So he's kind of a controlled 01:50:11.860 --> 01:50:17.860 voice. I don't think he's smart enough to know that these people are all lying to him. And that's the trick with a lot of these science reporters. 01:50:17.860 --> 01:50:32.860 If you have an interview with three or four scientists and they all lied to you or they're unwittingly tell you the immunomethology of the biosecurity state, then you will come to be as a reporter think that you understand because you've talked to all these experts. 01:50:33.860 --> 01:50:43.860 Just like if you have Robert Malone and Sasha Latipova on your podcast and you're not sophisticated enough to know that fifth generation warfare involves coordinated liars, 01:50:43.860 --> 01:50:57.860 then you could just be some dude with your garden shed and a couple cameras promoting the same narrative that, that is going to enslave our children wittingly or unwittingly. 01:50:58.860 --> 01:51:10.860 And in 2024, I don't think there's anyone that's unwittingly pushing this anymore. I want you to watch these people who wittingly participate in one of the most disturbing rituals I've ever seen. 01:51:10.860 --> 01:51:23.860 The first part of this talk is all I want you to see. We're not going to listen to the, to the actual talk about long COVID. I want you to pay attention to the behavior and what they talk about. 01:51:24.860 --> 01:51:40.860 One good evening and welcome to the president's dream colloquium in one health. My name is Dr. Kayleigh Byers. I am an assistant professor in the faculty of health sciences at Simon Fraser University and a senior scientist with Pacific Institute on pathogens pandemics and society. 01:51:41.860 --> 01:51:49.860 Today, we are gathered on the sacred unceded and traditional lands of the Musqueam, the Swamish and the Sahih with two nations. The theme of this series is one health. 01:51:49.860 --> 01:51:58.860 One health means interconnected health. Our health isn't just about us. It is about the health of other people around us, the health of animals and the health of the environment. 01:51:58.860 --> 01:52:07.860 It asks us to explore opportunities to support our collective and shared health. We're protecting one protects all this concept of interconnected health is not new. 01:52:08.860 --> 01:52:20.860 It is rooted deeply in many indigenous people's ways of knowing. Oh, it's an indigenous person thing. That's why it's so cool. Wow. This is the giant biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. 01:52:21.860 --> 01:52:34.860 As if indigenous people were just one group of people that spanned the whole North America and they never fought or disagreed about anything and their cultures were very respectful of each other in the whole. I mean, come on. 01:52:35.860 --> 01:52:51.860 We're not going to take an anthropology lesson from this mask. Where are we? But I guess we are because it's all one big mythology. It's not just immunomythology. It's also cultural anthropology mythology. 01:52:52.860 --> 01:53:12.860 It's also racism mythology. It's also gender mythologies. And they're all rolled up into one ball of bullshit that some of the most skilled TV watchers, most skilled ladder climbers are willing to signal with an N95 mask in May of 2024. 01:53:13.860 --> 01:53:24.860 And just as it is important to recognize the lands that we are on, I think it's also important that we honor that this concept is one that has been practiced by many indigenous peoples for millennia. Oh, my God, shut up. 01:53:25.860 --> 01:53:30.860 Do you live in Pennsylvania? I'm sorry. I don't. This is on my Mac. So I don't have a thing. 01:53:31.860 --> 01:53:36.860 How about on your own home, but still rent your electricity? If you pay more than $70 a month. 01:53:37.860 --> 01:53:44.860 With that, I'd like to welcome you to this final event in the president's dream colloquium series with keynote speaker Ed Yong. 01:53:44.860 --> 01:53:53.860 As someone who has been in the science communication space for about a decade and who's now doing long COVID research, I cannot tell you how excited I am for tonight's event. 01:53:53.860 --> 01:54:00.860 To discuss sort of the intersection of these themes. Thank you all for coming in person and to all of you also for coming online. 01:54:00.860 --> 01:54:14.860 We are thrilled to be able to offer an inclusive space that centers safety, including masking, ventilation, rapid testing, reduced capacity seating. Thank you everyone for being a part of this initiative and creating the safe space together. 01:54:14.860 --> 01:54:15.860 We really appreciate you. 01:54:15.860 --> 01:54:27.860 In addition to our wonderful guests sitting in the auditorium, we're joined by an international audience tonight from across Canada and the United States, France, the Isle of Man, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand and Croatia of just a few. 01:54:28.860 --> 01:54:36.860 For this evening live captioning and American sign language interpretation are available on zoom to turn captions on if you're joining online, click the CC live caption button at the bottom of your screen. 01:54:36.860 --> 01:54:42.860 And you can also adjust the size of the font by clicking on the three dots at the bottom of your window that say more and selecting subtitle settings. 01:54:42.860 --> 01:54:46.860 Our sign language interpreters are Larissa and Liz. Thank you so much for joining us. 01:54:46.860 --> 01:54:53.860 And they should appear as panelists on your screen. If you experience any issues, please email us at dream, D.R.E.A.M. at SFU.CA. 01:54:54.860 --> 01:55:02.860 We want to invite everyone online and in person to ask questions. If you're joining us online, you can put your questions in the queue in a box and we will answer them or ask them as many as we can in person. 01:55:02.860 --> 01:55:14.860 This series is supported by so many incredible sponsors. Thank you to Simon Fraser University, including support from the faculty of science, the faculty of the environment, faculty of health sciences, our own Pacific Institute on pathogens, pandemics and society and the Canadian modeling network as well. 01:55:15.860 --> 01:55:18.860 This is just one lecture in a series that we've been running throughout the term. 01:55:18.860 --> 01:55:25.860 We started with this incredible lecture by Dr. Salamu Gukachi on global one health followed by a talk on indigenous food sovereignty by Dr. Tabitha Robin. 01:55:25.860 --> 01:55:32.860 We also heard about human health from Dr. Mark Lipsich and our last talk was on environmental justice by Dr. Chris Shell. 01:55:32.860 --> 01:55:39.860 And we have had all of these talks are available online. So this is Dr. Salamu Gukachi's talk, Dr. Mark Lipsich and Dr. Chris Shell. 01:55:39.860 --> 01:55:45.860 We are also joined tonight. We're doing things a little bit differently with a round table. So I'm going to pass forward to Ed's talk. 01:55:45.860 --> 01:55:52.860 Ed is going to be facilitating a round table with her. Oh, see, one of the things we've heard the most. 01:55:52.860 --> 01:55:58.860 Tonight's event is one action we're taking to raise awareness about long COVID and this photo series is an effort. 01:55:58.860 --> 01:56:02.860 If you live with long COVID and would like to share the life of long COVID series. 01:56:02.860 --> 01:56:07.860 I would now like to introduce Dr. Joy Johnson, SFU's president to welcome all of the president's dream colloquium. 01:56:07.860 --> 01:56:12.860 While Joy was unable to join us in person, she has prepared a virtual greeting. 01:56:12.860 --> 01:56:16.860 Hello, everyone. I'm Joy Johnson, president and vice chancellor of Simon Fraser University. 01:56:16.860 --> 01:56:22.860 Although I regret that I could not join you in person today, I'm thrilled to welcome you to the final president's dream colloquium lecture of 2024. 01:56:22.860 --> 01:56:26.860 The president's dream colloquium has been a time on our tradition at SFU for more than a decade now. 01:56:26.860 --> 01:56:31.860 And I want to thank SFU grad studies and all the organizers of the president's dream colloquium for organizing such a fantastic lecture series. 01:56:31.860 --> 01:56:35.860 The theme of this year's series is One Health, Connections and Collaborations. 01:56:35.860 --> 01:56:39.860 One of our core strategic priorities at SFU is to engage in global challenges. 01:56:39.860 --> 01:56:44.860 We're committed to leveraging our co-op experience in communities, most complex problems. 01:56:44.860 --> 01:56:46.860 I just want you to see what this looks like. 01:56:46.860 --> 01:56:47.860 Climate crisis. 01:56:47.860 --> 01:56:48.860 Climate crisis. 01:56:48.860 --> 01:56:49.860 Climate crisis. 01:56:49.860 --> 01:56:50.860 So quickly. 01:56:50.860 --> 01:56:52.860 There's still so much problems that require holistic solutions. 01:56:52.860 --> 01:56:57.860 As a health researcher and former nurse, I watched our local and global response to COVID-19 very closely. 01:56:58.860 --> 01:57:05.860 It is incredible that we developed a vaccine so quickly, but there's still so much more we do not know about COVID-19 and how this disease affects us in the long term. 01:57:05.860 --> 01:57:14.860 As we continue our journey towards establishing a medical school at SFU, we're thinking carefully about the importance of accessible, high quality healthcare and how we can make a difference in our underserved communities across British Columbia. 01:57:14.860 --> 01:57:19.860 COVID-19 research is an important piece of that puzzle, and I'm thrilled that we have Ed Yong joining us today to share his work on this topic. 01:57:19.860 --> 01:57:24.860 I hope you enjoy today's lecture, and I want to thank you again for joining us at the president's dream colloquium series. 01:57:24.860 --> 01:57:26.860 Thank you, Joy, for the introduction to our series. 01:57:26.860 --> 01:57:29.860 And another thing I'd really like to highlight is this isn't just a public lecture series. 01:57:29.860 --> 01:57:30.860 It's also a graduate course. 01:57:30.860 --> 01:57:35.860 And throughout the term, we have a graduate course, environmental resource management public. 01:57:35.860 --> 01:57:38.860 I've never been to this that face us further ado. 01:57:38.860 --> 01:57:42.860 Works in human cancer genetics at Simon Fraser University to introduce Ed Yong. 01:57:42.860 --> 01:57:45.860 Oh, we're going to have another faculty member come up to introduce him. 01:57:45.860 --> 01:57:48.860 This is how AI optimizes my schedule. 01:57:48.860 --> 01:57:49.860 This meeting got canceled. 01:57:49.860 --> 01:57:50.860 Hooray. 01:57:50.860 --> 01:57:51.860 We didn't really want. 01:57:52.860 --> 01:57:55.860 So there's quite a few people in the room that are masked. 01:57:55.860 --> 01:57:58.860 Actually, all of them are masked again for coming out to tonight. 01:57:58.860 --> 01:57:59.860 Oh, wow. 01:57:59.860 --> 01:58:00.860 She's got a good one. 01:58:00.860 --> 01:58:05.860 I'm happy to all of you who are joining us online, and I'm amazed to hear how many countries you're joining us from today. 01:58:05.860 --> 01:58:09.860 Wow, they're all masked for inviting me to introduce Ed Yong. 01:58:09.860 --> 01:58:14.860 Ed is a Pulitzer Prize winning science journalist, and the Pulitzer is just one of his many accolades. 01:58:14.860 --> 01:58:17.860 Ed's work has been featured in National Geographic. 01:58:17.860 --> 01:58:19.860 That's where I knew him from. 01:58:20.860 --> 01:58:23.860 He wrote articles in National Geographic. 01:58:23.860 --> 01:58:24.860 That's where I knew him from. 01:58:24.860 --> 01:58:25.860 He's terrible. 01:58:25.860 --> 01:58:28.860 And the worst part is he covered the first stars, I believe. 01:58:28.860 --> 01:58:29.860 So that's, that's it. 01:58:29.860 --> 01:58:33.860 Like when he was really young, he covered the first stars and he's just a tiny little guy. 01:58:33.860 --> 01:58:37.860 So he looks like he's a kid, but he's probably 40 now. 01:58:37.860 --> 01:58:38.860 Wow. 01:58:38.860 --> 01:58:39.860 Wow. 01:58:39.860 --> 01:58:41.860 Wait till you see this. 01:58:41.860 --> 01:58:43.860 Today is a 12 year old and deciding on my future career. 01:58:43.860 --> 01:58:46.860 I'm always impressed to hear that someone has published in National Geographic. 01:58:47.860 --> 01:58:50.860 He's published in the Atlantic, the New Yorker, the New York Times, Nature. 01:58:50.860 --> 01:58:53.860 He was a writer for New York and National, he worked for them. 01:58:53.860 --> 01:58:54.860 What does that even mean? 01:58:54.860 --> 01:58:56.860 What a dork? 01:58:56.860 --> 01:58:59.860 New Scientist, Scientific American, just to name a few. 01:58:59.860 --> 01:59:07.860 Ed received his Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting for a series on the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2021 when he was a staffer at the Atlantic. 01:59:07.860 --> 01:59:12.860 And I'm going to quote you the comments of the Pulitzer Board, which described the series that Ed was awarded the Pulitzer for. 01:59:12.860 --> 01:59:21.860 They described it as lucid, lucid definitive pieces on the COVID-19 pandemic that anticipated the course of the disease, synthesized the complex challenges the country faced. 01:59:21.860 --> 01:59:28.860 Illuminated the US government's failures and provided a clear and accessible context for the scientific and human challenges it posed. 01:59:28.860 --> 01:59:29.860 Who are we talking to? 01:59:29.860 --> 01:59:36.860 Ed Young, the guy who got the Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles about COVID-19. 01:59:36.860 --> 01:59:37.860 Let's listen to that again. 01:59:37.860 --> 01:59:38.860 That's spectacular. 01:59:39.860 --> 01:59:40.860 A few. 01:59:40.860 --> 01:59:47.860 Ed received his Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting for a series on the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2021 when he was a staffer at the Atlantic. 01:59:47.860 --> 01:59:53.860 And I'm going to quote you the comments of the Pulitzer Board, which described the series that Ed was awarded the Pulitzer for. 01:59:53.860 --> 02:00:02.860 They described it as lucid, lucid definitive pieces on the COVID-19 pandemic that anticipated the course of the disease, synthesized the complex challenges the country faced. 02:00:02.860 --> 02:00:09.860 Illuminated the US government's failures and provided a clear and accessible context for the scientific and human challenges it posed. 02:00:09.860 --> 02:00:18.860 Not only did Edwin the Pulitzer in many other prizes, but during the pandemic, he became a household name trusted by people worldwide to understand the rapidly changing world. 02:00:18.860 --> 02:00:25.860 His piece for the Atlantic, entitled How the Pandemic Will End, was one of the most read articles in the history of that publication. 02:00:25.860 --> 02:00:26.860 Wow. 02:00:26.860 --> 02:00:28.860 Ed is also the author of several best-selling books. 02:00:28.860 --> 02:00:32.860 One is called I Contain Multitudes, The Microbes Within Us and The Grand Review of Life. 02:00:32.860 --> 02:00:36.860 And the latest book, An Immense World, How Animal Senses Reveal Hidden Realms Around Us. 02:00:36.860 --> 02:00:40.860 Ed takes a very empathetic approach to reporting. 02:00:40.860 --> 02:00:42.860 I'm going to pass forward. 02:00:42.860 --> 02:00:43.860 I'm going to pass forward. 02:00:43.860 --> 02:00:45.860 Visit vivid and profoundly sad. 02:00:45.860 --> 02:00:50.860 Many of us in the room tonight have a collective trauma from our director in direct experiences of the pandemic. 02:00:50.860 --> 02:00:51.860 Wow. 02:00:51.860 --> 02:00:52.860 Talk about the trauma. 02:00:52.860 --> 02:00:53.860 Talk about it. 02:00:53.860 --> 02:00:55.860 Memories that I do not realize I had buried so deeply. 02:00:55.860 --> 02:00:56.860 Oh, man. 02:00:56.860 --> 02:01:01.860 Many of us in the room tonight have a collective trauma from our director in direct experiences of the pandemic. 02:01:01.860 --> 02:01:04.860 And Ed explains such experiences very, very well. 02:01:04.860 --> 02:01:07.860 Through his reporting, he's raised awareness. 02:01:07.860 --> 02:01:09.860 He's amplified voices that were underrepresented. 02:01:09.860 --> 02:01:12.860 He's pushed for more just and equitable systems. 02:01:12.860 --> 02:01:18.860 This approach is evident in his octet of pieces on long COVID, which are really the stories of people who are surviving. 02:01:18.860 --> 02:01:21.860 Eight pieces on long COVID. 02:01:21.860 --> 02:01:24.860 But not necessarily fully recovering, at least not yet. 02:01:24.860 --> 02:01:27.860 And hopefully some of us health researchers can help with that. 02:01:27.860 --> 02:01:33.860 But from reporting on the microscopic world to explaining the senses of animals and chronicling the ongoing legacies of COVID. 02:01:33.860 --> 02:01:40.860 Ed's writing demonstrates the power of effective and memorable science communication for building the public understanding and informing systems change. 02:01:40.860 --> 02:01:42.860 We're very honored to have Ed with us tonight. 02:01:42.860 --> 02:01:48.860 And I'm very pleased to introduce him as our keynote speaker and hear about what he's learned from reporting on long COVID. 02:01:48.860 --> 02:01:54.860 Ed. 02:01:54.860 --> 02:01:57.860 All right. Thank you everyone for coming here tonight. 02:01:57.860 --> 02:02:00.860 It's an honor to talk to you all, especially to the long haulers in the room. 02:02:00.860 --> 02:02:03.860 Thank you for your time and your energy. I promised to use it well. 02:02:03.860 --> 02:02:06.860 These last few years have been brutal for many of us. 02:02:06.860 --> 02:02:09.860 And I think it is tempting to think that that will not happen again. 02:02:09.860 --> 02:02:12.860 That COVID was a generational challenge at once in a century event. 02:02:12.860 --> 02:02:15.860 I would love to believe that, but I do not. 02:02:15.860 --> 02:02:18.860 And estimated 40,000 novel viruses lurk in the bodies of the world's mammals. 02:02:18.860 --> 02:02:23.860 At the Earth's climate changes, those species have been forced to move into new territories to track their preferred environment. 02:02:23.860 --> 02:02:27.860 Some are meeting each other for the first time and exchanging viruses as they do. 02:02:27.860 --> 02:02:32.860 These spillovers have been happening happening right now and disproportionately so in areas of dense human habitation. 02:02:32.860 --> 02:02:35.860 Each event increases the likelihood of a new epidemic, perhaps a new pandemic. 02:02:35.860 --> 02:02:38.860 By diversity loss, climate change, pandemic risk. 02:02:38.860 --> 02:02:43.860 These are all facets of the same giant existential problem, a problem we have caused and in which we are now immersed. 02:02:43.860 --> 02:02:46.860 We live in an age of epidemics, a pandemic scene, if you will. 02:02:46.860 --> 02:02:48.860 And we cannot completely prevent new viruses from reaching us. 02:02:48.860 --> 02:02:51.860 We can, however, control how we react to them. 02:02:51.860 --> 02:02:57.860 I thought to write about the imminent threat of pandemics in 2018 in a piece about whether America was prepared for one spoiler. 02:02:57.860 --> 02:02:58.860 No. 02:02:58.860 --> 02:03:03.860 So he wrote a piece in 2018 about whether America was prepared for one. 02:03:03.860 --> 02:03:07.860 Do we need to go any farther after what you just heard him say? 02:03:07.860 --> 02:03:10.860 Is he any different than Robert Malone? 02:03:10.860 --> 02:03:13.860 Is he any different than then Stephen Hatfield? 02:03:13.860 --> 02:03:19.860 Is he any different than Brett Weinstein who thinks that AIDS and this came from a wet market at first? 02:03:19.860 --> 02:03:24.860 Maybe it's a lab leak, but they got the virus from a bat cave and then they altered it. 02:03:26.860 --> 02:03:28.860 We don't need to watch this anymore. 02:03:28.860 --> 02:03:30.860 We know what he's going to say. 02:03:30.860 --> 02:03:32.860 We know what they're saying. 02:03:32.860 --> 02:03:34.860 We know because this is how they did it. 02:03:34.860 --> 02:03:38.860 This is exactly how they did it. 02:03:39.860 --> 02:03:46.860 These people are not talking about 2020 because 2020 is not part of the limited spectrum of debate. 02:03:46.860 --> 02:03:53.860 The things that they were doing in 2020 are not things that they want on the table for this limited spectrum of debate. 02:03:53.860 --> 02:03:58.860 And they have been controlling us for decades. 02:03:58.860 --> 02:04:03.860 Not just this, but decades, ladies and gentlemen. 02:04:04.860 --> 02:04:13.860 They aren't here to say goodbye when they ask for a treat with cartoons so that we don't have any ability to exercise informed consent. 02:04:13.860 --> 02:04:18.860 Their job was actually to prevent it. 02:04:20.860 --> 02:04:25.860 That's why in 2021, they weren't telling us to not transform yourselves. 02:04:25.860 --> 02:04:27.860 Don't take this transfection. 02:04:28.860 --> 02:04:31.860 They weren't telling you about natural immunity. 02:04:31.860 --> 02:04:33.860 They weren't telling you about murder. 02:04:34.860 --> 02:04:40.860 They weren't telling you about high flow oxygen, maybe causing symptoms that are not from COVID. 02:04:42.860 --> 02:04:46.860 And for many, many years, the same performers have been in front of us. 02:04:48.860 --> 02:04:53.860 The same performers smiling about the murder. 02:04:54.860 --> 02:05:02.860 Smiling about all the intelligence that they have, all the things they know. 02:05:02.860 --> 02:05:08.860 Laughing about the fact that they're covering up a lab leak. 02:05:08.860 --> 02:05:15.860 Ladies and gentlemen, these people have been faking a pandemic, the pandemic being the train. 02:05:16.860 --> 02:05:20.860 And faking that they are contributing to the stopping and starting of it. 02:05:20.860 --> 02:05:24.860 Just like this Italian guy is pretending to stop the subway. 02:05:24.860 --> 02:05:30.860 And then he's going to walk over here and he's going to chalk up his hands and he's going to help the subway get started again. 02:05:30.860 --> 02:05:39.860 Robert Malone, Pierre, Corey, Nurse Aaron, Kyle Seidel, all of these people. 02:05:40.860 --> 02:05:45.860 Have been involved in making sure that we are on the wrong track. 02:05:45.860 --> 02:06:03.860 Getting us in hamster wheels about VAERS, getting us in a hamster wheel about spike protein and getting us in a hamster wheel about there being no, no virus at all, getting us in a hamster wheel about whether or not it's, it's nano materials and 5G 02:06:04.860 --> 02:06:08.860 and getting us into a hamster wheel where we never asked the right questions. 02:06:08.860 --> 02:06:14.860 Hey, wait a minute. Did they just murder a bunch of people and lie about it? 02:06:15.860 --> 02:06:19.860 That's the only question that no one ever asked in 2020. 02:06:19.860 --> 02:06:21.860 No one did. 02:06:22.860 --> 02:06:33.860 Brett Weinstein and Alexandros Maranos and and and Peter McCullough and Pierre Corey and and Jessica Rose and Kevin McCurnan. 02:06:33.860 --> 02:06:38.860 All these people, none of them were talking about the fact that we might just be killing people. 02:06:38.860 --> 02:06:41.860 And the ones that did, they disappeared. 02:06:41.860 --> 02:06:46.860 Mike Eden, Thomas Binder, Nick Hudson, nobody talks about them. 02:06:47.860 --> 02:06:54.860 Even if they meet them in Romania for a for a presentation, they meet them in Romania and find out they've got a lot of things to say. 02:06:55.860 --> 02:07:02.860 They don't get invited to a United States Senate hearing just the same people who protect the Scooby-Doo get taken there. 02:07:02.860 --> 02:07:09.860 And that's why the PBS NewsHour is still dead on balls narrative four and a half years after this started. 02:07:10.860 --> 02:07:20.860 Because people like Robert Malone, people like Tony Fauci, people like Richard E. Bright, people like Kevin Esfelt. 02:07:20.860 --> 02:07:29.860 They all want you to believe that there is a pandemic potential that exists in bat caves and in laboratories and that the laboratory threat is even worse. 02:07:29.860 --> 02:07:33.860 And that worst case scenario, if it wasn't this time, will be the next time. 02:07:33.860 --> 02:07:38.860 And that's why Ed Wong is also telling you that even though he says it's all natural. 02:07:38.860 --> 02:07:58.860 Because it's all part of the same illusion of consensus that was established decades ago and that involved an intimate team of medlers that seeded a narrative about a gain of function spike protein and tied a bunch of potential death, a bunch of potential side effects to that spike protein 02:07:59.860 --> 02:08:05.860 to cover up for the fact that they knew that transfection and healthy humans was criminally negligent from the beginning. 02:08:05.860 --> 02:08:07.860 Robert Malone knew it. 02:08:08.860 --> 02:08:10.860 Jessica Rose should have known it. 02:08:12.860 --> 02:08:15.860 They all should have known it and none of them got there in time. 02:08:18.860 --> 02:08:25.860 And more importantly, all of them should have known, especially the MDs, should have known that that means that people were murdered. 02:08:26.860 --> 02:08:29.860 And all the MDs should be talking about it. 02:08:29.860 --> 02:08:31.860 Pierre Corey should be talking about it. 02:08:31.860 --> 02:08:33.860 Peter McCullough, you need to address it. 02:08:33.860 --> 02:08:39.860 If people were given high flow oxygen, how was it given? 02:08:39.860 --> 02:08:42.860 Peter McCullough, you need to investigate this. 02:08:42.860 --> 02:08:43.860 How was it given? 02:08:43.860 --> 02:08:45.860 Was it always given with humidity? 02:08:45.860 --> 02:08:47.860 Was it always given with a sensor feedback loop? 02:08:47.860 --> 02:08:50.860 Was it always given with observation? 02:08:51.860 --> 02:08:54.860 Or was it sometimes just given dry? 02:08:54.860 --> 02:08:58.860 Was it sometimes just given at 60 liters a minute for a few hours or days? 02:08:59.860 --> 02:09:02.860 Ladies and gentlemen, we need to pressure these people. 02:09:06.860 --> 02:09:10.860 We need to pressure these people into addressing these questions. 02:09:10.860 --> 02:09:23.860 We need to find out who told them to say these things because in effect they were seeding a worst case scenario that was designed by the national security state to hide the expected damage. 02:09:24.860 --> 02:09:31.860 That would be done by transformation and transfection behind a story about a gain of function spike protein. 02:09:31.860 --> 02:09:43.860 And everybody that was pushing the gain of function spike as the real reason why the virus was deadly and why there were all these complications like multi organ syndromes and all this other stuff. 02:09:43.860 --> 02:09:44.860 They're all complicit. 02:09:44.860 --> 02:09:45.860 They're all liars. 02:09:45.860 --> 02:09:47.860 They were all queued up. 02:09:47.860 --> 02:09:52.860 They were all encouraged and they are all part of the controlled demolition of America. 02:09:52.860 --> 02:09:57.860 You must identify these people as the traders that they are. 02:09:57.860 --> 02:10:16.860 And that includes this guy right here who waited until December of 2021 to tell adults in his country that these were an untested gene therapy that could ruin their heart that could cross the blood brain barrier that could damage mitochondria that would 02:10:16.860 --> 02:10:20.860 genetically reset their immune system. 02:10:20.860 --> 02:10:38.860 And instead he said it only with relevance to children and suggested that the risk the risk benefit for people like pro basketball players and pro football players was very different than the risk calculations for young kids. 02:10:39.860 --> 02:10:41.860 He is a trader. 02:10:41.860 --> 02:10:43.860 His wife is a trader. 02:10:43.860 --> 02:10:53.860 Everybody that promotes him as a trader, including Sasha Latipova, one of the biggest traders in America. 02:10:53.860 --> 02:10:55.860 Doc Malek promoted both of them. 02:10:55.860 --> 02:11:05.860 Therefore Doc Malek is also a global serving weaponized pile of money serving anti American Medler. 02:11:05.860 --> 02:11:09.860 That's why he put my stream behind a paywall and didn't promote it. 02:11:09.860 --> 02:11:23.860 Because my biology is exactly the biology that Robert Malone is out there trying to control the exact biology that Kevin McCurnan has finally stuck his head up and tried to control because he didn't want to be where he is. 02:11:23.860 --> 02:11:32.860 He doesn't want to be where he is because he is lying and he knows that he's going to get exposed. 02:11:32.860 --> 02:11:37.860 You don't think that Buckhalter is also scared. He's also going to get exposed as the liar that he is. 02:11:37.860 --> 02:11:45.860 All these people who sell sequencing has evidence that the human genome projects some solve come kind of big problem. 02:11:45.860 --> 02:11:49.860 They're all liars. 02:11:49.860 --> 02:11:53.860 And PCR working and sequencing working doesn't make them not liars. 02:11:53.860 --> 02:11:59.860 They are liars. 02:11:59.860 --> 02:12:02.860 And they're lying about murder. 02:12:02.860 --> 02:12:11.860 And they've been spreading these bad ideas for four and a half years with the idea of making sure that no one asks the right questions. 02:12:11.860 --> 02:12:28.860 The no virus people are just as bad as these people because they both seem to not be able to score the touchdown that this long list of lies resulted in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans and probably hundreds of thousands of Europeans in homes. 02:12:28.860 --> 02:12:38.860 That those deaths were misconstrued has an ongoing crisis and it was misconstrued has an ongoing crisis by the people here. 02:12:38.860 --> 02:12:51.860 And it was kind of ignored as an ongoing crisis by the people up there because they could only talk to you about culturing virus and about isolation and purification nothing else. 02:12:51.860 --> 02:12:57.860 They did it for four and a half years. They are awful. They are awful. 02:12:57.860 --> 02:13:06.860 And I think Tom Cowan is likely a traitor. I think that Andy Kaufman is likely a traitor. Tom Cowan is likely a traitor. 02:13:06.860 --> 02:13:10.860 And the other people are foreign medlers. 02:13:10.860 --> 02:13:20.860 Let's ask this question, for example, if Sam Bailey and Mark Bailey are such heroes, what have they changed in New Zealand? 02:13:21.860 --> 02:13:32.860 Who have they saved in New Zealand? How did they speak out locally in New Zealand to try and combat the injustices that were happening in 2020 and 2021 in New Zealand? 02:13:32.860 --> 02:13:39.860 What did they do? What is caret-bundin-bosh? What is caret-bundin-bosh done in Belgium? What's his reputation in Belgium? 02:13:39.860 --> 02:13:47.860 How many people has he saved in Belgium? How often does he give a public appearance in Belgium? 02:13:47.860 --> 02:13:57.860 What about Jessica Rose? How many people has she saved in Israel? How many podcasts does she do in Israel? How many people has she saved in Canada? 02:13:57.860 --> 02:14:15.860 Once you start to see these people for the medlers that they are, the posers, they serve the same weaponized piles of money in the same national security state that those people up on top do. 02:14:15.860 --> 02:14:22.860 I'm convinced. I'm convinced that these people have been lying to us for years now. 02:14:22.860 --> 02:14:29.860 And they suckered me in in 2020 and 2021. And for a while, I thought I had to be on their team. 02:14:29.860 --> 02:14:38.860 Even in 2022, I was still fighting the resisting the idea that all these people were lying to me. It couldn't be that way. It couldn't be. 02:14:38.860 --> 02:14:42.860 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would never lie to me. 02:14:42.860 --> 02:14:52.860 Mary Holland would never lie to me. Meryl Nast would never lie to me. CHD is the greatest organization ever. 02:14:52.860 --> 02:15:00.860 Turns out Mary Holland would lie to me. I think it turns out that Meryl Nast is one of the worst people in this mess. 02:15:00.860 --> 02:15:06.860 She's been the nastiest to me of anybody, I think. 02:15:06.860 --> 02:15:10.860 Everybody else just kind of pretends not to know who I am. 02:15:10.860 --> 02:15:16.860 Or not have seen anything I've said. Or, like Kevin McCurn and he can't understand anything I say. 02:15:16.860 --> 02:15:21.860 Because, you know, I don't mention April Beck five times. 02:15:22.860 --> 02:15:42.860 So, um, I was going to do this, you know, beforehand and we walked it to the time magazine top 100 humans. 02:15:42.860 --> 02:15:46.860 And that was what we just did in the chat and in this show. 02:15:46.860 --> 02:15:49.860 And we still have the same hypotheses here. 02:15:49.860 --> 02:15:55.860 And I still believe that these people are fundamental to understanding what was done to us. 02:15:55.860 --> 02:16:00.860 I believe that these people, and I don't actually, I include. 02:16:00.860 --> 02:16:07.860 I include, um, I include Ryan Cole in this picture because he was in the COVID summit there. 02:16:07.860 --> 02:16:10.860 And so he's capable of realizing. 02:16:11.860 --> 02:16:16.860 Ryan Cole is capable of realizing that they must be lying. 02:16:16.860 --> 02:16:22.860 Because if they saw this presentation, sorry, if they saw this presentation in Romania, 02:16:22.860 --> 02:16:27.860 and they saw this presentation in Romania and Ryan Cole was there, 02:16:27.860 --> 02:16:32.860 then he can come to the realization that these people, whoever organized this, 02:16:32.860 --> 02:16:39.860 purposefully decided that what Denny Rancor and Nick Hudson had to say 02:16:39.860 --> 02:16:47.860 about the Ayatrogenic murder being described as a risk additive spreading pathogen is a lie. 02:16:47.860 --> 02:16:57.860 And then Ryan Cole will be able to see that Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone and Jessica Rose 02:16:57.860 --> 02:17:02.860 all returned from that conference and did not promote those conclusions. 02:17:02.860 --> 02:17:11.860 And in fact, we're very surgical in their promotion of the 17 million number that was reported by Denny Rancor, 02:17:11.860 --> 02:17:16.860 but nothing else, not that he saw no evidence of spread. 02:17:16.860 --> 02:17:23.860 Not that Nick also had data that there was no evidence of spread that that that modeling was used incorrectly. 02:17:23.860 --> 02:17:30.860 None of this was, was, was shared with the world. 02:17:30.860 --> 02:17:40.860 And Ryan Cole was in the, in the, in Romania and Ryan Cole is aware of what Denny Rancor has reported 02:17:40.860 --> 02:17:42.860 and aware of what Nick Hudson has said. 02:17:42.860 --> 02:17:46.860 And Ryan Cole is standing right there behind Jessica Rose. 02:17:46.860 --> 02:17:54.860 And he knows that those same people organized this Senate hearing and those messages were omitted. 02:17:54.860 --> 02:18:02.860 The message that they killed people and lied about it in order to stage a pandemic and they killed people in the UK and in Scotland 02:18:02.860 --> 02:18:08.860 and in elsewhere, that message was removed from this presentation. 02:18:08.860 --> 02:18:18.860 And Ryan Cole is very aware of it because Ryan Cole was here. 02:18:18.860 --> 02:18:20.860 He presented there. 02:18:21.860 --> 02:18:24.860 And so I'm begging you, Ryan Cole, I'm begging you. 02:18:24.860 --> 02:18:40.860 You are one of the few people who knows that this, this limited spectrum of debate has been curated by Robert Malone has been curated by Brett Weinstein has been curated by Jessica Rose has been curated by this, this Harvey Reich guy 02:18:40.860 --> 02:18:48.860 who says that he's had COVID like three times despite using hydroxychloroquine and getting the shots and all this stuff. 02:18:48.860 --> 02:19:00.860 And Malone who says he's got the shot but, but, but, but Stephen Hatfield says he forgot his card when he went to Rome. 02:19:00.860 --> 02:19:17.860 Brett Weinstein who wore a bandana and goggles for a year and a half, who said that zero COVID was possible in June of 2021 and actually advocated for drugging everybody with Ivermectin as a way of getting to zero COVID. 02:19:17.860 --> 02:19:26.860 These are the people who are promoted as, as our dissident movement, as our leaders in our thought leaders. 02:19:26.860 --> 02:19:33.860 These people are part of the same national security narrative that the people on the PBS NewsHour are a part of. 02:19:33.860 --> 02:19:39.860 These people are a part of the same national security narrative that the people on the PBS NewsHour are a part of. 02:19:39.860 --> 02:19:45.860 And it's very likely that Robert Malone is one of the central players but there are others and I don't care. 02:19:45.860 --> 02:19:51.860 I just know for sure that they have lied to us about what happened in 2020 and beyond. 02:19:51.860 --> 02:19:56.860 They are concealing the fact that in order to roll out transfection and mass. 02:19:56.860 --> 02:20:07.860 They murdered people in light about it and called it a pandemic and they know RNA cannot cause a pandemic and they know the transfection and healthy humans was criminally negligent from the very beginning. 02:20:07.860 --> 02:20:13.860 So in order to have the excuse to roll it out, they had to create the illusion of a pandemic. 02:20:13.860 --> 02:20:22.860 And Robert Malone and Jessica Rose and Kevin McCurnan were all intimately involved in making sure that the narrative from the very beginning would be under their control. 02:20:22.860 --> 02:20:30.860 And that's why the weaponized piles of money that control social media have been so adept at promoting them and so adept at making it seem like they're being censored. 02:20:30.860 --> 02:20:36.860 But then whoa and behold, all these people have careers on sub stack in a matter of months. 02:20:36.860 --> 02:20:40.860 This was a controlled demolition of American is ongoing. 02:20:40.860 --> 02:20:45.860 And the way they're doing it is with murder because these old people represent a huge weight on the system. 02:20:45.860 --> 02:20:51.860 The system owes them Medicare and Medicaid that can cost up to $500,000 every six months. 02:20:51.860 --> 02:20:59.860 And these people have all known it so they wrote these books about a pandemic so that they could cover up for the fact that the system was crashing. 02:21:00.860 --> 02:21:13.860 Now what you see is people positioning themselves as trying to climb the ladder from being part of this worst case scenario team. 02:21:13.860 --> 02:21:21.860 Now they want to be part of the next administration, whatever that is, and they want to be a part of it because they are going to sustain the narrative of a novel virus. 02:21:21.860 --> 02:21:31.860 The narrative of the vaccine schedule in America, which is a criminal enterprise, and they are never going to allow you to question the fact that they would murder people in order to see that narrative. 02:21:31.860 --> 02:21:34.860 This is the way out, ladies and gentlemen, this is the truth. 02:21:34.860 --> 02:21:43.860 If you want to know the truth and you want to know what RNA virology is as a lie, search their term infectious clones on PubMed and start reading. 02:21:44.860 --> 02:21:51.860 Ladies and gentlemen, please stop all transfections and humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 02:21:51.860 --> 02:21:57.860 This has been Giga on biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 02:21:57.860 --> 02:22:02.860 I can hear that my voice is starting to have a little pain. 02:22:02.860 --> 02:22:05.860 I don't know what that is. Maybe I'm maybe something's happening. 02:22:05.860 --> 02:22:08.860 I'm feeling I feel a little haziness here. 02:22:08.860 --> 02:22:15.860 So it may be that I need to shorten the length of the shows or I might need to take a day off or two. 02:22:15.860 --> 02:22:26.860 If that happens, what I will do is dedicate that day or a couple days to try to give as many sub-titled, sub-stack posts as I can up. 02:22:26.860 --> 02:22:33.860 I also have a little consulting work to do this afternoon, so thank goodness I can make a little bread that way. 02:22:33.860 --> 02:22:44.860 Thank you very much for sharing this work. This has been Giga on biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist and actually brought to you by these people right here. 02:22:44.860 --> 02:22:48.860 Thanks very much to them and I'll see you guys again tomorrow. 02:23:03.860 --> 02:23:06.860 Thank you very much. 02:23:33.860 --> 02:23:40.860 .