WEBVTT 00:00.449 --> 00:07.535 like Thinking about it this morning how to approach this I think we just have a conversation. 00:07.615 --> 00:23.629 I think the thing is we make it conversational and And that'll be it and you know, and however it goes is how it goes and I'm not I don't want to try to make you Into no, but one of my friends said, you know when somebody asks you a question You don't have to give them 50 sentences. 00:23.709 --> 00:26.211 Maybe you can try and give them five or three and 00:26.932 --> 00:28.052 and then see where that goes. 00:28.112 --> 00:30.353 So that's that's also what I'm working on, too. 00:30.413 --> 00:31.334 I mean, it's hard, right? 00:31.454 --> 00:38.857 I just have a fountain of of random garbage in my head right now because I'm so discombobulated. 00:38.897 --> 00:45.159 And so it's it's quite frankly, it's a godsend in a way to have somebody like you challenge me to organize my thoughts a little bit. 00:45.199 --> 00:45.959 So I appreciate it. 00:45.979 --> 00:47.580 OK, cool, cool, cool. 00:47.680 --> 00:48.460 I'm glad. 00:49.121 --> 00:49.321 Yeah. 00:49.481 --> 00:51.782 I mean, I just I figured I was like, you know, 00:54.389 --> 00:57.211 let's just like talk as if like we're having a phone call. 00:57.311 --> 00:57.551 Yeah. 00:57.571 --> 01:09.658 The way we when we talk on the phone and like the way we talk, you know, even even right now and we're not talking like the you know, about this whole covid thing at this moment, we're talking about how we're going to talk about it, but where it's kind of conversational. 01:09.758 --> 01:15.341 And yeah, maybe at points you do talk for three or four minutes uninterrupted or whatever it is you need to make a point. 01:15.381 --> 01:16.542 And that's perfectly fine. 01:17.342 --> 01:22.443 Um, but, uh, I think if it's like kind of conversational, I think, uh, people will benefit from that. 01:22.723 --> 01:31.185 And so, um, but I'm going to, I'm going to do a little bit of a, of, of like a sort of intro, whatever you want to just start. 01:31.345 --> 01:31.946 Absolutely. 01:32.046 --> 01:32.586 Absolutely. 01:33.146 --> 01:34.146 Make it spontaneous. 01:34.206 --> 01:36.307 I promise I'm not going to drop the ball like yesterday. 01:36.867 --> 01:37.167 No worries. 01:37.187 --> 01:37.667 No, no, no. 01:40.088 --> 01:41.148 I don't see it as dropping the ball. 01:41.188 --> 01:42.588 I just see it as like a process. 01:42.888 --> 01:43.648 So it's all good. 01:45.289 --> 01:45.509 Okay. 01:45.709 --> 01:45.969 Here it goes. 01:54.517 --> 01:56.759 All right, Jay Cooey, how are you? 01:57.079 --> 01:57.459 Good morning. 01:57.920 --> 01:58.440 Good morning. 01:59.101 --> 01:59.821 I'm doing all right. 02:00.922 --> 02:05.185 It's getting warm in Pittsburgh, so now that it's spring suddenly, it's great here. 02:06.006 --> 02:06.306 Indeed. 02:06.346 --> 02:07.707 Yeah, same here in D.C. 02:08.207 --> 02:10.029 It was like 75 yesterday. 02:10.049 --> 02:10.549 It was beautiful. 02:10.749 --> 02:12.811 And I think maybe we've turned the corner. 02:14.764 --> 02:18.885 So you and I have been in touch for roughly two years. 02:19.365 --> 02:21.026 We've talked extensively. 02:21.486 --> 02:23.027 We've talked about collaborating. 02:23.807 --> 02:31.409 And I got sort of sidetracked by October 7th in Gaza and everything happening there. 02:31.509 --> 02:39.331 But, you know, the whole time, this whole COVID question and all of the implications are just eating away at the back of my head. 02:39.392 --> 02:40.792 And I've been meaning to 02:41.533 --> 02:45.014 do an interview with you or find a way to collaborate all this time. 02:45.054 --> 02:47.554 And so I'm glad we finally get to do it. 02:47.874 --> 02:48.614 So thanks a lot. 02:48.835 --> 02:49.655 Hey, no problem. 02:49.735 --> 02:54.376 I don't know what to say other than the timing probably couldn't be better at this point. 02:55.216 --> 03:03.698 So many hypothetical stars have aligned that we might have sat around a campfire and said, hey, wouldn't it be funny if this happened? 03:03.798 --> 03:04.858 And now we're here. 03:05.458 --> 03:10.119 So it makes more sense almost to talk about it now and be on 03:11.064 --> 03:16.985 somewhat stable or ground, at least in the sense of, you know, the the basic players are the basic players. 03:17.045 --> 03:18.346 And so we might as well talk about it. 03:18.426 --> 03:20.846 And it is something that's really extraordinary. 03:20.946 --> 03:31.368 When we first when we first started talking, I don't even think I was ready to to I don't even know if I'm ready right now to explain everything. 03:31.408 --> 03:33.389 I mean, it is really so overwhelming. 03:35.120 --> 03:40.822 just to kind of accept things the way that they are not perceived on TV and whatever. 03:40.862 --> 03:47.986 It's been a long journey for me because I was not awake before the pandemic, except for in certain aspects. 03:48.046 --> 03:56.089 I understood that they might lie about Hillary Clinton's past, or they might lie about Bill Clinton, or they might lie about, I don't know, Jeffrey Epstein or whatever. 03:56.109 --> 04:02.412 I understand that there are stories and within stories and certain arenas, but I guess I... 04:03.846 --> 04:13.118 I underestimated how much truth Dulles told us when he said, you know, the when the American people, everything that they believe is false, then we will have finally succeeded. 04:13.138 --> 04:15.901 I never I never understood the depth of that truth. 04:15.981 --> 04:17.824 But I think I understand it better now. 04:19.386 --> 04:19.846 Absolutely. 04:20.827 --> 04:22.369 That's such a remarkable quote, and 04:23.510 --> 04:37.756 you when you apply it to, I mean, a variety of of sort of mythologies, maybe you could call them some people, you know, would call psyops, which has, you know, kind of military implication, which is often the case. 04:38.356 --> 04:45.199 But I think, you know, we can maybe call them mythologies that are constructed intentionally. 04:46.019 --> 04:48.800 And the covid event is one of them. 04:49.681 --> 04:52.122 And I'll say, you know, for 04:52.935 --> 05:20.660 not to pump you up too much, Jay, but through the sort of journey, if we can call it that, that I've had since the earliest days of COVID until now, there are very few people who I have seen, I mean, myself, my understanding, my opinion, my analysis has changed drastically, where I was totally caught up in the narrative in a big way. 05:20.960 --> 05:21.720 No pun intended. 05:23.177 --> 05:23.457 Right. 05:24.398 --> 05:29.023 And and there's been a long process. 05:29.683 --> 05:34.588 And you are one of the people who I've seen who has gone through your own sort of process. 05:34.728 --> 05:45.659 And the people that I do not trust are the ones whose analysis has not changed, who is have not evolved or have evolved in the way that 05:46.736 --> 05:51.898 we are, you know, basically the official narrative evolved. 05:52.399 --> 05:54.680 And so, you know, there's a lot to say about that. 05:54.720 --> 06:03.604 But I mean, I think it'll be helpful for people if I kind of explain why I reached out to you, got in touch with you in the first place. 06:03.664 --> 06:07.466 So, I mean, my understanding of COVID early on was, 06:08.286 --> 06:12.869 I mean, I was very focused on regime change operations. 06:13.269 --> 06:17.352 And at that point, US regime change operations against China. 06:18.293 --> 06:23.556 There was like a color revolution in Hong Kong that was happening in 2019. 06:23.616 --> 06:29.740 These basically crazy riots that were backed by the US, where they're terrorizing the population of Hong Kong. 06:31.101 --> 06:33.243 in order to destabilize it. 06:34.063 --> 06:41.449 And there was also the whole Uyghur genocide narrative, which was totally, basically fake. 06:43.090 --> 06:48.835 And so I see this, you know, what's going on in China, that there's some crazy virus going around and 06:49.355 --> 06:55.580 And they're taking it very seriously, and they're building hospitals in three days, and everyone's wearing a mask and all these kinds of things. 06:55.660 --> 06:57.782 And I'm like, wow, that's pretty crazy. 06:58.262 --> 07:07.789 And then I start to, around a little bit after the new year of 2020, I come to understand somehow that that virus is coming here. 07:08.750 --> 07:19.362 and we are wholly unprepared and our capitalist government does not care about us and is going to let this virus spread all around and kill as many people as possible. 07:20.510 --> 07:27.375 And that was kind of like the the left wing dissident view that I had been taken in by. 07:27.875 --> 07:31.658 And so therefore, I thought we need to lock down. 07:31.678 --> 07:34.540 I mean, they're not going to like they're just going to let this thing spread. 07:36.001 --> 07:37.162 We need masks. 07:37.322 --> 07:39.343 I mean, look, everyone in China is wearing a mask. 07:39.403 --> 07:40.844 Why are we not wearing masks? 07:40.904 --> 07:42.365 The mailman is coming around. 07:42.385 --> 07:43.966 You know, I go to the grocery store. 07:44.026 --> 07:46.388 These workers are not provided with what they need. 07:47.769 --> 07:49.290 And I was like, even 07:50.601 --> 08:02.916 Before even it really hit the mainstream narrative because I was tapped into kind of what was happening in China to some degree I was like, you know, the sky is falling everyone and the media machine hadn't even really turned on here. 08:03.597 --> 08:07.121 So Then finally it happens here 08:08.082 --> 08:12.827 And, you know, everyone's going to Costco and getting toilet paper and and water. 08:12.907 --> 08:14.488 And there's this like panic. 08:14.608 --> 08:18.372 And I'm still thinking like, you know, this is this is serious. 08:18.452 --> 08:20.334 OK, like what's going to happen now? 08:22.536 --> 08:26.980 And then the origins debate started soon after that. 08:27.020 --> 08:28.361 That was one of the big questions. 08:29.395 --> 08:38.421 And it took me, I mean, whatever, I'm in some ways I'm embarrassed, but this is just it's I didn't have fluency in any of this stuff. 08:38.461 --> 08:48.208 You know, I know about like Gaza and Israel and these kinds of things, this like medical, biological virology thing. 08:49.249 --> 08:50.210 People don't know about that. 08:50.510 --> 08:52.211 It's very hard to resist the propaganda. 08:52.311 --> 08:52.431 So 08:55.052 --> 09:20.217 I was skeptical of the lab leak narrative from very, very early on, as I think a lot of leftists were, because I, and they, saw it as racist, that there's this long history of claiming that migrants, and Asian migrants especially, bring disease into our country, and we're blaming it on them, and much more likely, this is something the US may have been involved in. 09:21.474 --> 09:24.636 So I was skeptical of that and I saw who was promoting it. 09:25.797 --> 09:28.219 Very hawkish right wing figures. 09:29.800 --> 09:31.782 Senator Tom Cotton, for example. 09:34.303 --> 09:40.168 You know, Trump ended up promoting it and he has, you know, very strong anti China bend. 09:40.228 --> 09:42.489 There was all this warmongering going on with China. 09:43.290 --> 09:50.175 And I thought that this was phony, much more likely, you know, well, then probably it's a natural origin. 09:51.016 --> 10:05.546 So it took me, I would say, I don't know, a year or so to I never became like an aggressive, like angry person telling, you know, who if people didn't wear masks, I wasn't going to like denounce them or anything like that. 10:05.586 --> 10:06.986 I never became angry and aggressive. 10:07.387 --> 10:12.950 But it took me, I would say, about a year to realize there was something really fishy going on. 10:14.471 --> 10:14.631 And 10:16.980 --> 10:26.134 What I started to see, actually, one of the first big piece for me was the death certificate issue that I got clued into. 10:26.154 --> 10:27.516 And I saw there was a 10:33.664 --> 10:49.054 a directive that the CDC had issued telling medical professionals to issue death certificates in a completely different way than they had ever been issued before and only 10:49.774 --> 10:54.896 specific to this, what they claimed was a new disease, COVID-19. 10:55.416 --> 11:08.461 But the thing is, if you are issuing a death certificate in a specific way only for one disease, and you don't have a standard way that you're just applying to all of them, then you're going to get a different result using different tests, right? 11:08.681 --> 11:09.901 So a different measure. 11:10.521 --> 11:14.423 So that started to suggest to me that there's something seriously wrong here. 11:16.463 --> 11:18.284 Maybe I can even pull up 11:21.215 --> 11:22.715 Hold on, I'm gonna pull up. 11:22.775 --> 11:24.956 Okay, I'm gonna pause it and I'm gonna pull it up. 11:25.676 --> 11:29.957 I think this will be really actually instructive for people. 11:34.118 --> 11:36.879 Death certificate, here we go. 11:43.301 --> 11:44.421 Death certificate. 11:56.167 --> 11:56.427 Okay. 12:00.892 --> 12:01.212 Oh, shoot. 12:10.161 --> 12:10.662 Okay, resume. 12:14.232 --> 12:19.258 Okay, so I start to see there's something funny going on with the death certificates. 12:19.518 --> 12:23.463 Specifically, this is the alert. 12:23.523 --> 12:26.526 There were a series of alerts that the CDC issued. 12:27.527 --> 12:30.250 And in particular, if you look at this language, 12:32.950 --> 12:36.312 basically, you have to understand how death certificates work. 12:36.352 --> 12:40.615 And I spent weeks learning that with someone who had a lot of experience in death certificates. 12:41.195 --> 12:43.637 And what I saw in here, the key thing was that 12:47.577 --> 13:07.310 COVID-19 would be, it says the underlying cause are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying, the underlying cause of, okay, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not. 13:07.891 --> 13:11.733 So this is before they have said what these new. 13:11.813 --> 13:12.554 Wow. 13:12.674 --> 13:13.915 I've never seen that before. 13:13.955 --> 13:16.096 At least maybe if you showed it to me, it's been a long time. 13:16.116 --> 13:16.857 That's funny. 13:16.937 --> 13:17.157 Wow. 13:18.097 --> 13:18.658 So right. 13:18.678 --> 13:24.041 So like any scientific minded person should understand they are now biasing people. 13:24.421 --> 13:28.844 So they're creating their they've they're they're stating what their intentions are. 13:29.024 --> 13:30.865 We want more COVID-19 deaths. 13:32.326 --> 13:39.290 So if you really examine this death certificate stuff, what they did is actually flip it on its head. 13:39.470 --> 13:42.992 So the bottom there, the bottom there, it's even better where it's bolded. 13:43.732 --> 13:53.582 COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease is caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. 13:53.602 --> 13:54.883 So you don't even need a test. 13:54.983 --> 13:55.444 No, no. 13:55.464 --> 13:56.605 It gets better. 13:56.745 --> 13:56.985 Yes. 13:57.305 --> 13:58.006 Yeah, crazy. 13:58.767 --> 13:59.127 Oh, yeah. 13:59.147 --> 14:02.010 So I mean, actually, I have even, um, uh, 14:02.907 --> 14:07.831 Sorry, I have to look over there to that screen and then I can see it very big, so that's why I'm looking over there for your viewers. 14:07.851 --> 14:20.562 I have videos of CDC, top CDC scientists and doctors giving like a seminar or like instructions to medical professionals around the United States. 14:21.403 --> 14:26.226 I'm saying that, yeah, you don't if you think it's covid-19, just mark it as covid-19. 14:26.326 --> 14:27.026 Fantastic. 14:27.046 --> 14:28.387 I would love to see that stuff. 14:28.427 --> 14:30.688 That stuff needs to be revisited and archived. 14:31.089 --> 14:33.830 It's not probably archived any on any of my sites yet. 14:33.890 --> 14:35.751 I should have a few of those videos archived. 14:35.931 --> 14:36.492 I have it all. 14:36.512 --> 14:37.252 I have it all. 14:37.372 --> 14:48.919 And then and then there was actually a question from from a doctor who says, OK, well, do you want to know, you know, if we have like an initial an assessment that, yes, this is covid-19 is probable. 14:49.679 --> 14:56.566 Do you want us to come back when we have confirmation of when it was, of whether it was actually covid-19, if it's confirmed or not? 14:57.067 --> 14:59.369 And they said, yeah, but you know what? 14:59.469 --> 15:01.271 You don't have to do that because we're not going to change it. 15:01.291 --> 15:04.114 It's just going to be marked as covid-19 anyway, so it doesn't really matter. 15:04.474 --> 15:06.056 They basically say that. 15:06.957 --> 15:07.077 So. 15:08.258 --> 15:20.632 So this is a huge scandal from the top, and I began to understand mine, you know, the entire basis of like everything I've thought about this was was probably wrong. 15:23.795 --> 15:34.539 I spent several weeks on this death certificate thing, trying to understand it and going through these alerts that they had put out. 15:35.880 --> 15:43.803 And then I started to look at the narrative of the origins debate. 15:44.183 --> 15:46.144 At some point, I started to look at the origin of the narrative. 15:46.524 --> 15:48.545 I'm sorry, you know what it was as I saw 15:50.169 --> 15:57.114 Denis Rancourt's work, where he basically said there's no evidence of a pandemic. 15:57.634 --> 16:00.716 Now, there's a lot to be discussed about that. 16:00.996 --> 16:11.663 Denis Rancourt is a Canadian scientist and physicist who did a lot of the early work looking at the death data. 16:12.824 --> 16:18.448 And his position was that there's no evidence of a pandemic. 16:20.229 --> 16:21.850 So of a spreading virus. 16:21.910 --> 16:28.832 So and we'll come back to that, Jay, because I know you have a lot to say about it now. 16:29.873 --> 16:39.456 That made me think, well, if that's correct, OK, I want to look at the narrative of of the origins debate. 16:39.816 --> 16:41.197 And so what I started to see 16:42.395 --> 16:50.701 is there was a concerted effort starting in January, 2020 with articles like this. 16:50.741 --> 16:56.005 This is one of the early ones from the Washington times saying virus. 16:57.306 --> 16:58.367 Oh, have you seen this one? 16:58.427 --> 16:59.047 Yeah. 16:59.167 --> 17:05.312 But all the more importantly, the Washington times is the one place I was actually quoted before they kind of quieted me down. 17:05.352 --> 17:05.993 So it's funny. 17:06.033 --> 17:06.433 I like that. 17:07.449 --> 17:07.689 Right. 17:08.189 --> 17:11.591 So coronavirus linked to China biowarfare program possible. 17:11.791 --> 17:13.572 Analyst says who is this analyst? 17:14.333 --> 17:15.433 This analyst is. 17:16.394 --> 17:21.276 Well, first, it's referencing Radio Free Asia, the old CIA propaganda outlet funded by the U.S. 17:21.316 --> 17:21.676 government. 17:22.176 --> 17:26.979 And they and they reference Danny Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer. 17:27.259 --> 17:27.659 Officer. 17:28.360 --> 17:30.541 OK, so that's pretty shady. 17:30.601 --> 17:31.601 Why is that name? 17:31.641 --> 17:33.422 That name rings a bell with me. 17:33.502 --> 17:36.504 That's not like some kind of Israeli super soldier guy, is it? 17:36.584 --> 17:36.644 Or. 17:38.241 --> 17:45.990 That's the only time I've heard of him, and he's linked to some NATO program that... Oh, there's something to... I gotta write that name down. 17:46.050 --> 17:46.951 That's awesome. 17:46.971 --> 17:47.411 Wow, okay. 17:48.283 --> 17:56.611 Okay, so, so this is, you know, the basically, right wing media promoting lab leak early on. 17:56.731 --> 18:01.296 And at this point, the mainstream media is saying no, no, no, no, no, this is racist. 18:01.356 --> 18:02.197 This is crazy. 18:02.277 --> 18:03.938 Donald Trump is a lunatic. 18:03.958 --> 18:06.080 Steve Bannon, Tom Cotton, they're crazy. 18:06.121 --> 18:07.061 How could they say that? 18:07.822 --> 18:09.944 And then you have 18:11.545 --> 18:14.047 Another one that you should keep in your list is Steve Bannon. 18:14.087 --> 18:19.871 The first person that I ever found to say it on the on the media was Steve Bannon, that that that it was a lab leak. 18:19.911 --> 18:21.712 I think he said it on January 25th. 18:22.913 --> 18:29.258 OK, so, yeah, Bannon, you know, you and I know it's a key figure in this we can talk about. 18:29.278 --> 18:31.739 But so so I just want to illustrate this dynamics. 18:31.799 --> 18:38.344 On one hand, you have basically NATO aligned Israeli disinformation 18:40.720 --> 18:47.484 claiming that this is a lab leak from some Chinese biowarfare program, some kind of version of that. 18:47.824 --> 18:59.991 Then on the other hand, you have the Poynter Institute, which is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which I knew very well as basically a CIA front meddling arm that operates all over the world. 19:01.733 --> 19:13.581 and funded by Google, funded by basically the other arm of the deep state, saying that, no, this is not true. 19:13.641 --> 19:20.366 This is false, that Danny Shoham's claim in The Washington Times is false. 19:21.026 --> 19:27.951 And oh, I should also say that the author of this Washington Times article is Bill Gertz. 19:28.491 --> 19:29.191 Bill Gertz. 19:29.412 --> 19:31.093 Bill Gertz is the guy who interviewed me. 19:32.574 --> 19:32.875 Really? 19:33.055 --> 19:33.255 Yeah. 19:33.676 --> 19:34.777 He wrote the same article. 19:34.897 --> 19:35.097 Yeah. 19:36.018 --> 19:36.259 OK. 19:36.819 --> 19:41.224 Bill Gertz is basically like longtime Pentagon official. 19:42.766 --> 19:43.147 I will. 19:44.048 --> 19:46.911 Well, that's again, that's me not doing my legwork. 19:46.971 --> 19:47.451 But yeah. 19:47.492 --> 19:47.632 Wow. 19:48.553 --> 19:52.155 like longtime neoconservative with ties to the Pentagon, the CIA. 19:52.395 --> 20:10.745 He actually got fired from his position at the Washington Free Beacon after he took a $100,000 loan from a Hong Kong tycoon that was arranged by the fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, who became like Miles Guo, right? 20:11.406 --> 20:13.587 Oh, my gosh, dude, what are you? 20:14.568 --> 20:16.949 Why haven't I had this conversation already? 20:17.029 --> 20:17.529 Wow. 20:18.350 --> 20:18.650 I don't know. 20:18.670 --> 20:22.571 I don't think we ever talked in this about about this level of details, though. 20:23.172 --> 20:30.214 And so he was he was hailing Myles Guo, if I'm saying that that name right, as this anti corruption figure. 20:30.234 --> 20:31.255 And so it's totally corrupt. 20:31.315 --> 20:37.537 So this guy's this guy's like a CIA operative who's writing this this like total slop. 20:39.658 --> 20:54.044 And of course, Miles Guo ended up, you know, he was very close with Steve Bannon and they went out on a yacht and declared that they were creating like they were basically announcing like one Guaido style regime change in China. 20:55.585 --> 21:00.527 So so you start to see this how this like whole thing comes together. 21:00.607 --> 21:07.290 You have basically one side of the deep state saying that 21:08.553 --> 21:12.535 lab leak is probably what happened is probably responsible for covid. 21:12.855 --> 21:16.037 And then you have the other side saying, no, no, no, no, no. 21:16.177 --> 21:22.900 This is you know, it's a natural origin and neither of them will give any conclusive claim or evidence. 21:22.980 --> 21:24.401 Neither of them will ever prove it. 21:24.741 --> 21:31.505 And this is like the tip of the tip of the iceberg in terms of the research I have showing how this narrative 21:32.353 --> 21:59.174 was uh... uh... rolled out it was you know so so the so the whole idea is that we stay uh... uh... what you know the the question they want us to ask is what is the origin of this virus which is all presupposed on the idea that there is some virus spreading around and that we're just supposed to accept that they don't want to talk about if that's actually true 22:01.916 --> 22:09.081 I get so and again, I have a you know, if you said on Facebook, if you said that there was a lab leak for a while, you would have been suspended. 22:09.141 --> 22:11.502 But then they lifted that suspension arbitrarily. 22:12.083 --> 22:20.328 And Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert suddenly, you know, Jon Stewart goes in the Stephen Colbert show a year later and says, actually, I think it is a lab leak. 22:20.368 --> 22:22.309 And it what was once a. 22:23.490 --> 22:40.555 racist and right wing uh... conspiracy theory suddenly became welcome in polite liberal society and then it became kind of like what most people thought uh... but again there was never any definitive proof and we've been just it's just constant 22:41.215 --> 22:41.295 to 22:57.652 --> 23:11.684 There was a new assessment that with low confidence that it maybe came from a lab, which again is just total slop It's meaningless low confidence Some agencies think so some agencies think don't think so. 23:11.804 --> 23:18.589 It's there's never any concrete conclusive Assessment nor is there any evidence provided? 23:18.709 --> 23:23.333 So so this Made me think 23:25.251 --> 23:28.195 I'm really starting to suspect this whole thing is fake. 23:29.898 --> 23:35.465 And I reached out to Denis, like, is this even biologically possible? 23:35.545 --> 23:36.847 Is this just science fiction? 23:37.348 --> 23:39.851 And Denis said, you need to talk to Jay Cooey. 23:40.832 --> 23:46.256 And I think I maybe watched like one or two of your streams or something like that. 23:47.056 --> 23:51.859 And then I called you on the phone and I sat on my porch and explained to you who I am. 23:52.359 --> 23:55.101 And we talked for probably two hours. 23:55.241 --> 24:04.087 And and, you know, you kind of opened my eyes to a whole sort of biological angle that confirmed what I suspected. 24:04.887 --> 24:08.168 And we've been basically in touch, you know, on and off since then. 24:08.828 --> 24:12.530 I've just been so wrapped up with with Gaza and everything happening there. 24:12.630 --> 24:23.433 But so that's why I reached out to Jay, which, you know, when I did redacted the other day and they and they asked me that and I just kind of gave like a really brief version. 24:23.453 --> 24:26.975 But I want to explain that in a bit more detail so people can understand. 24:28.375 --> 24:30.736 You know, I think when you have 24:31.587 --> 24:36.369 A big part of getting the right answer is having the right question. 24:36.409 --> 24:37.289 You're halfway there. 24:37.369 --> 24:44.472 And so once you've figured out, oh, what is it that I'm actually trying to answer, then you know where to go. 24:44.532 --> 24:47.553 But if you don't know what the right question is, you're not going to get anywhere. 24:47.613 --> 24:49.894 So that's how that's what led me to you, Jay. 24:50.794 --> 25:00.038 Yeah, that's I think I want to jump off from there and make a quick point for everybody listening that as you investigated the 25:01.926 --> 25:13.575 the idea of a lab leak or a natural virus and it's spreading to America, you investigated it with the tools and the angles and the ideas and the sources that you're used to using. 25:13.635 --> 25:22.522 And so at the start of the pandemic, that's the interesting position that I found myself in was I was an academic biologist working at a med school. 25:24.003 --> 25:31.146 I just started reading what I considered to be what anybody would read in my position, the primary literature about coronavirus. 25:31.166 --> 25:35.708 So everything on PubMed, all this peer-reviewed stuff, all the barrack papers. 25:36.708 --> 25:42.271 And if you read scientific literature for a living, you understand what is being written there. 25:42.391 --> 25:45.312 And essentially when I write it, when I would write a paper, now, 25:46.055 --> 25:52.200 Maybe your listeners don't know this yet, but I was a neurobiologist and that sounds like a big deal, but it's really not. 25:52.220 --> 25:54.102 I worked almost exclusively on mice. 25:54.822 --> 25:56.864 All of my experiments were on mice neurons. 25:56.924 --> 26:01.067 I looked at how neurons communicate with each other and synaptic connections, yada, yada, yada. 26:02.729 --> 26:15.159 I felt very comfortable reading the literature of coronavirus and RNA viruses and flu viruses and infectious disease because as a biologist, I kind of understood that, you know, 26:16.184 --> 26:19.505 what the limitations of a lot of the methodologies are. 26:19.585 --> 26:25.786 Virology is not like a bunch of magic or very specialized techniques. 26:25.846 --> 26:31.868 Most of the techniques that are in virology are developed somewhere else and then brought to virology or applied to virology. 26:32.528 --> 26:36.569 And I came to figure out very quickly that surprisingly 26:38.271 --> 26:43.358 Let's say surprisingly little progress has been made in the methodologies used in virology. 26:43.398 --> 26:46.903 And so once you understand one paper, you understand a lot of them. 26:47.744 --> 26:53.472 And the one consensus message that I got from the primary literature is that viruses are real. 26:54.073 --> 26:54.954 They're everywhere. 26:55.895 --> 26:58.757 And some of them are more dangerous than others. 26:59.017 --> 27:06.161 And there seemed to be a very general agreement that you could manipulate them, change them, purify them, culture them. 27:06.261 --> 27:08.543 And they did this all around the world all the time. 27:08.623 --> 27:10.324 And so this was... 27:11.562 --> 27:17.643 edified in my mind by the fact that I used viruses on my bench and I transfected animals. 27:17.683 --> 27:18.804 We can talk about that later. 27:18.864 --> 27:25.405 So I had this sort of opposite conclusion in the mystery solving exercise. 27:25.445 --> 27:39.548 Instead of coming to the conclusion that this must be fake, I came to the conclusion that this happens all the time and that they're just talking about something that is always going on in a way to make it seem like it's a crisis when it's not. 27:40.348 --> 27:43.589 And I understood virology as understanding this. 27:43.890 --> 27:54.354 And so at first, I approached it very naively to my faculty and my friends at work, you know, just kind of like, but yeah, but dude, they've been talking about lab leaks for for 20 years. 27:54.394 --> 27:56.215 I mean, it's not wouldn't be unusual. 27:56.275 --> 27:58.115 And if it did, why would we worry about it? 27:58.175 --> 28:01.257 We've had exposure to these things before, like, 28:02.237 --> 28:13.168 I was thinking I was understanding it from the exact sort of, you know, almost the flip of the coin of you in the sense of not only is a lab leak possible, but that's also not dangerous and also could be exaggerated. 28:13.809 --> 28:14.810 And that message 28:16.095 --> 28:21.760 was met with a lot of resistance from the people that I was solving the mystery with. 28:22.241 --> 28:29.667 Maybe this is a good time to drop in that I got involved with this group named Drastic, most of whom I still don't know who they are. 28:30.608 --> 28:37.134 And at some point we parted ways simply because they were absolutely sure that the origin of the virus was the most important answer. 28:38.015 --> 28:39.056 to get to. 28:54.435 --> 29:21.072 Supposedly you're tasked with solving the lab leak proving that it did come from a lab and it and it you guys got written up in you guys got written up prominently in You said Vanity Fair right and then and Tucker Tucker did a segment about it wrong yeah, definitely he he attributed the founding of the group to the wrong person on Twitter it can only be one person because that's how Twitter works and 29:22.001 --> 29:30.149 And then he also said that one of the primary members was this guy, Jamie Metzl, who was never in the group, which was really a bizarre thing for him to say. 29:30.329 --> 29:33.572 For a while, I was, you know, like really mad about that. 29:33.652 --> 29:35.633 Like Tucker Carlson didn't give us credit. 29:36.874 --> 29:37.115 Right. 29:37.175 --> 29:44.001 And Jamie Metzl is one of the kind of maybe the most prominent liberal proponent of the 29:44.950 --> 29:49.433 a lab leak theory or op, we might say. 29:49.594 --> 29:51.755 And he's a longtime government official, U.S. 29:51.795 --> 29:57.079 government official, who is super hawkish on China, extremely hawkish on China. 29:57.139 --> 30:05.825 So so, you know, his or his I don't know, the fact that he was said to be involved or some the whole thing. 30:07.961 --> 30:09.041 I mean, I know, you know, I don't know. 30:10.042 --> 30:19.725 You can say how you how you see it now, but I mean, it sounds like you were in a way unwittingly recruited to promote this narrative. 30:20.566 --> 30:28.188 I mean, I think to a large extent, everyone should see themselves as unwittingly recruited to promote this narrative on social media. 30:28.348 --> 30:31.770 And if you were really good at it, you might have been even promoted by other people. 30:33.190 --> 30:35.151 And so a lot of this, I think, 30:36.235 --> 30:48.000 in retrospect, really feels like a lot of unwitting participants, you know, that are just, I don't know, trying to make ends meet, trying to figure it out and believing people and, and the trick is, you know, 30:49.724 --> 31:06.369 Just the vast majority of people don't get entangled as much as I did, and maybe, you know, to a certain extent with regard to Gaza, you are a person who gets more entangled than a lot of people ever have, and so you tend to rub elbows with more of these people who are tasked with 31:07.760 --> 31:14.083 What I say on my stream is sort of curating this limited spectrum of debate where nobody really answers any important questions. 31:14.163 --> 31:20.646 And so I just grossly underestimated how the pandemic would have that aspect. 31:20.706 --> 31:25.649 I didn't understand, even after having read the Spars pandemic document, for example, where they 31:26.309 --> 31:45.836 explicitly talk about controlling the opinion of the populace on social media had never dawned on me that what I was experiencing with the group Drastic or on Twitter or at the University of Pittsburgh might all be some aspect of a national security theater. 31:47.077 --> 31:53.219 Now I tend to see most things through that lens, unfortunately maybe. 31:54.460 --> 31:54.660 Right. 31:54.900 --> 31:58.363 Well, no, I think it's, you know, learned by experience. 31:58.423 --> 32:02.247 And I OK, so I interrupted you. 32:02.287 --> 32:05.349 You were you were basically you got involved with drastic. 32:05.569 --> 32:06.831 And then where were you? 32:06.931 --> 32:07.651 Where were we going? 32:08.572 --> 32:11.595 Well, I mean, at some point we should just tell everybody. 32:11.615 --> 32:12.135 I really 32:15.816 --> 32:21.140 have a pretty unblemished record of integrity in the sense of exactly what you said at the beginning of the stream. 32:21.240 --> 32:30.148 You know, you and I change our opinions and we alter our message when necessary and presented with facts that are contradictory to what we thought. 32:31.589 --> 32:36.913 And through that process, I went from being a full-blown lab leak 32:37.876 --> 32:40.037 let me help Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 32:40.077 --> 32:46.559 write a book about the lab leak to being somebody who understood the biology well enough to know that that also was a myth. 32:48.259 --> 33:03.424 And the circumstances as they are, this guy is now Health and Human Services Secretary, and it stands that there are things that apparently he's not going to tell everybody and not going to say. 33:06.713 --> 33:17.081 I don't know what to do necessarily about how to move forward with this knowledge, but I am for sure and confident that I could explain it to anybody in great detail. 33:18.122 --> 33:23.546 The biological concepts that edify this, you know, you can just forget that there is an RNA pandemic. 33:23.586 --> 33:26.569 And I understand that that's hard to explain. 33:27.429 --> 33:34.175 But if you can see it from a bigger political perspective where, you know, 33:35.905 --> 33:38.687 I mean, let's just do the do a thought exercise. 33:38.707 --> 33:44.630 Do you know this story of the bear in Central Park and the bike of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? 33:45.931 --> 33:46.831 You never heard that story? 33:46.851 --> 33:47.211 I don't. 33:47.852 --> 33:49.513 I think it sounds familiar. 33:49.533 --> 33:53.735 There was a there was a little story where apparently when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 33:53.775 --> 34:02.900 was like 50 years old, he was riding around in a car with some friends in New York and they found a dead bear on the road. 34:03.757 --> 34:23.813 and then they took the dead bear and a bicycle that they had in their car and they put it in the park and thought it would be a funny joke, I guess, that the bear and the bi- I don't know the whole story, but it appears, you know, like, as an- it's an anecdotal example of 34:25.267 --> 34:35.812 You know, if you knew, for example, that this book was not written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but was written by, like, a group of, like, 15 people that included me, would you think the same thing? 34:35.872 --> 34:47.238 And if you knew that the Fauci book was written that way, if you knew that... that... I just think we have to be aware of the fact that a lot of the opinions, a lot of the things that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 34:47.298 --> 34:50.600 says are very much influenced by people behind him. 34:50.720 --> 34:52.561 And so... I just... 34:54.988 --> 35:06.377 I thought at some point when I joined his team that I was joining the winning team and that I had finally, you know, we were going to win and that this was really a moment in American history in my mind. 35:06.517 --> 35:07.918 I know it sounds stupid now. 35:09.419 --> 35:15.403 And in reality, I think what I did was I got really close to how the 35:18.140 --> 35:27.285 to seeing how the nation is governed and learning, at least in this little aspect, how the nation is governed. 35:27.345 --> 35:32.028 And so, yeah, I'm not sure really. 35:33.433 --> 35:34.994 how to say it any better than that. 35:35.054 --> 35:38.697 I mean, I think there are things that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 35:38.777 --> 35:41.179 won't tell you because he's advised not to. 35:41.239 --> 35:42.219 He's told not to. 35:42.279 --> 35:44.821 Maybe he's been convinced that what I said is wrong. 35:44.881 --> 35:45.342 I don't know. 35:46.743 --> 35:54.548 But I do think that I have not been given the chance that I thought I would get to represent these ideas. 35:54.588 --> 35:57.070 And in fact, all of the people that 35:58.328 --> 36:03.170 that at one point in time said that they understood these ideas and thought they were great are now ignoring me. 36:03.210 --> 36:11.934 And it's really, it's quite terrifying from the perspective of being a father and a biologist and somebody who really just, just wants the truth out. 36:14.094 --> 36:18.236 It's really a weird and disturbing place to be right now, but also good. 36:18.456 --> 36:24.919 I have a lot of hope because I think we do know the truth, or at least we are much closer to it. 36:26.198 --> 36:28.581 than we were a few years ago. 36:30.423 --> 36:43.617 So if we go back a little bit, so you basically were part of this group of sleuths, lab leak sleuths that were going to show, prove that it was a lab leak. 36:45.039 --> 36:47.041 And, you know, when we talked before, you told me 36:47.850 --> 36:50.773 you get a call from Robert Kennedy Jr. 36:51.453 --> 37:01.322 and instantly recognized his voice and basically he wanted to hire you to write his book, the Wuhan cover-up, right? 37:03.524 --> 37:10.730 Really, he spoke in very wide terms at first, that he just wanted to support my work and he wanted to find a way to 37:12.915 --> 37:22.017 to help me, and in the end, in about a month, that turned into working as a part of the editorial team of that book, and that meant working for Children's Health Defense. 37:23.057 --> 37:24.958 I mean, that's who paid me. 37:25.058 --> 37:31.159 I mean, I was talking to Bobby all the time and getting, sorry, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and I hate when I call him Bobby. 37:31.219 --> 37:35.501 I got into that habit, and I don't think it's very respectful. 37:37.782 --> 37:40.166 I was in a lot of Zoom meetings with Mr. Kennedy. 37:40.206 --> 37:46.074 I was in text and email conversations with him about scientific stuff. 37:46.114 --> 37:49.178 He would ping me if I needed to check a citation, that kind of thing. 37:49.219 --> 37:51.822 It felt real, and it was real in my mind. 37:53.160 --> 37:55.922 I mean, uh, people responded to my emails in minutes. 37:56.323 --> 38:02.708 Um, I really felt important, uh, and I felt well used in the sense of as a resource I was, I was put to work. 38:03.088 --> 38:10.134 Um, and, and that made me also, you know, relearn and, and better learn a lot of the things that I thought I did on my own before meeting him. 38:10.214 --> 38:15.298 And so in a lot of ways, I'm very happy that that obviously I'm very happy that that happened. 38:15.318 --> 38:19.521 It also provided a year and a half of, of, of solid income for my family. 38:20.602 --> 38:22.744 Um, but yeah, it's, uh, 38:24.022 --> 38:32.785 We're in a remarkable place right now because I can, I think, very succinctly explain why there was no pandemic. 38:32.905 --> 38:41.008 And more importantly, I can explain a number of possible ways that the biosecurity state could have set it up. 38:45.560 --> 38:48.002 Those questions are all not being asked. 38:48.082 --> 38:54.847 I mean, one of the maybe the thing that let me let me go into the like, no, I don't I don't want to go into that at all. 38:54.908 --> 38:55.848 I didn't want to go into that. 38:55.888 --> 38:57.069 I just keep getting stuck there. 38:57.189 --> 38:57.550 OK. 38:57.610 --> 38:58.570 Yeah. 38:58.631 --> 38:58.991 No, no. 38:59.031 --> 39:05.036 I mean, this is the I think it's an important you know, it's an important it's the essential question. 39:05.116 --> 39:14.824 But I just want to I want the audience to understand that in the middle of research, writing for 39:15.784 --> 39:18.025 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 39:17.985 --> 39:26.590 's book, The Wuhan Cover-Up, which sought to prove or make a very strong case that 39:28.700 --> 39:37.802 COVID-19 came from a lab, the Wuhan lab, you realize that the entire premise of the book was false. 39:38.582 --> 39:45.384 And you went to him or you, I don't know, called email, wrote in some capacity, communicated that to him. 39:45.944 --> 39:48.225 And he told you this is not the book for that. 39:50.105 --> 39:53.986 Yeah, I mean, he see he explained to me that he sees this as a historical document. 39:54.026 --> 39:58.207 He wants to wanted to record what people said when they said it. 39:59.637 --> 40:23.254 Um, and so he suggested to me, I feel like that, that that left it open for me to put a quote in there, you know, and, and so ever after that conversation, I was trying very hard to get my side of the story in there that these, that these signals could be exaggerated, that, you know, the, the danger could be exaggerated and that, that they wouldn't even need a virus to pull this off. 40:23.294 --> 40:28.077 And that's all in the book, but it's in the book in such a way that you're, you're not. 40:29.653 --> 40:31.854 you're not gonna really see it as the conclusion. 40:31.874 --> 40:42.800 The overwhelming conclusion of the book is that all these people around the world agree that not only is it a leak, but obviously it was a leak and that the sequence shows it to you and that the diffuse proposal shows it to you. 40:42.820 --> 40:55.948 And a lot of these things that I came to understand as part of a biosecurity state theater, once I understood the biology was impossible, but it just, this wasn't the book for it. 40:56.008 --> 40:57.128 And so in a lot of ways, 40:58.889 --> 41:21.779 I even when the book was published and I started working for Children's Health Defense, I still had the idea that I was going to be able to get across the finish line, that maybe I would do it as the staff scientist of CHD working with Brian Hooker and and Mary Holland, that I would be able to work under them and teach this biology in the right way and help them accomplish something that they hadn't accomplished yet. 41:22.360 --> 41:25.341 And that that also turned out to be something that wasn't meant to be. 41:27.156 --> 41:28.457 I don't know how I got there either. 41:28.497 --> 41:35.540 I mean, it's just, it's a difficult thing because again, we're talking about the biology, we're talking about very short timescales. 41:35.580 --> 41:45.104 And what I should be saying to you to try and get this message out there is that this isn't about viruses and virology. 41:45.144 --> 41:54.487 That's the convenient myth that our children learn as they participate or passively or actively in this theater on social media. 41:54.627 --> 41:55.148 Instead, 41:55.928 --> 42:12.251 What your viewers should think about is that this is a much longer timescale operation that has to do with the FDA, has to do with medicine and public health and the regulation of supplements and the regulation of IP, like intellectual property in medicine and pharmaceuticals. 42:13.071 --> 42:21.013 And the fact of the matter is, is that the FDA plays a central role in the regulation of safe and effective things. 42:21.733 --> 42:26.306 And so it's not for nothing that at the start of the pandemic, they were throwing those words around. 42:26.366 --> 42:27.349 It's not for nothing that 42:27.836 --> 42:32.579 that the FDA was actually started by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 42:32.559 --> 42:33.180 's father. 42:33.320 --> 42:37.663 It's not for nothing that this legacy is there and that this guy is now there. 42:37.723 --> 42:54.774 That's my best feeling on this, that from the perspective of what this is about, if this was about health, then when he announced his presidency or presidential candidacy and running on making America healthy again, he would have mentioned the opioid epidemic and he didn't. 42:55.394 --> 43:08.444 And so there's lots of little pieces of the puzzle that started to fall into place as I imagined him going to lead us somewhere that he never led us to and would take on my knowledge in a way that he never took it on. 43:08.484 --> 43:16.411 And I don't have an explanation for it, but I know for sure that he and people around him know what I know. 43:17.031 --> 43:19.513 And probably, I think they know it's right. 43:19.573 --> 43:20.434 That's the worst part. 43:21.977 --> 43:34.844 I mean, I just, you know, when you're kind of trying to characterize or understand his behavior of when you told him this is biologically impossible. 43:35.144 --> 43:39.166 In other words, the thesis of your entire book is false. 43:39.266 --> 43:40.067 Like you are 43:40.627 --> 43:44.089 You know, you're putting out a book that basically says the earth is flat. 43:44.329 --> 43:46.351 And I've realized that the earth is not flat. 43:46.431 --> 43:49.352 And he says, well, that's not the place for that, for this. 43:50.113 --> 43:55.676 Well, if you want to know what the real reaction was, the real reaction was after that email. 43:56.117 --> 44:01.660 About a week later, I was on the Defender podcast and I was supposed to be on for an hour. 44:01.680 --> 44:03.641 This is this is Children Health Defense. 44:03.721 --> 44:04.301 Right. 44:04.362 --> 44:06.463 But it's it's it's Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 44:06.443 --> 44:08.084 's podcast hosted by. 44:08.244 --> 44:08.964 So he's the host. 44:10.465 --> 44:32.321 I was supposed to be on for an hour with him, but two days before the podcast was recorded He decided that I only got seven minutes and that Robert Malone Meryl Nass Jessica Rose and Tess Laurie would also be there to comment and in fact Robert Malone spoke for about 45 minutes after I spoke for seven minutes and so it felt very 44:33.641 --> 44:34.662 I was very upset. 44:35.163 --> 44:41.509 I can say it no other way because it's, you know, it's not pretty hard for me to do something in seven minutes. 44:41.910 --> 44:48.356 And I tried, but even the email I sent him would have taken me longer than seven minutes to read. 44:48.456 --> 44:51.339 So for me, it was very frustrating. 44:51.379 --> 44:54.903 But what I see in retrospect now, 44:56.344 --> 45:18.264 Given that Mary Holland fired me for speaking about Robert Malone on my on my podcast I have the feeling that Robert Malone might be somebody who's very much in the background of Robert F Kennedy jr In terms of advising him in terms of keeping him off of certain topics or keeping certain topics in a safe realm I don't know but 45:19.986 --> 45:22.648 You know, Children's Health Defense has published several books of his. 45:23.409 --> 45:26.511 Robert Malone was a reader on the Wuhan book. 45:26.591 --> 45:32.775 I mean, he has, you know, he's best friends with Merrill Nass, his, you know, scientific advisor for a long time. 45:33.576 --> 45:45.665 So it's hard for me to forget that Robert Malone has been so important in this and is probably one of the people that is behind this, I don't know what I would call it. 45:46.727 --> 45:47.447 Let me say this. 45:47.648 --> 46:08.079 I mean, if you you know, you're listed in the Wuhan cover up is the first person in the acknowledgments as the first person with with without your expertise and your labor, the book would not have been possible. 46:08.460 --> 46:14.463 I don't know why, you know, if I don't know if he chose to put you there for a reason or not. 46:14.563 --> 46:15.584 But I mean, if I'm 46:16.676 --> 46:32.343 If I've hired someone, a scientist, biologist, to write a book and I don't have the scientific expertise to evaluate a lot of the claims being made, which is why I've hired that person, and they come to me and tell me we got it all wrong. 46:33.004 --> 46:36.046 we need to totally reevaluate the entire premise of the book. 46:36.627 --> 46:39.269 And I say, this isn't the book for that. 46:39.329 --> 46:40.610 Let's have a discussion. 46:40.710 --> 46:50.657 And I put you with seven or eight other people, and I just give you a few minutes to present your case and basically stick you away in the corner. 46:51.057 --> 46:53.079 That's a nice way of saying, 46:55.049 --> 47:00.574 You know, we're not doing it like it's a way to drown you out and try to sort of pacify you is how I see it. 47:00.975 --> 47:08.702 One more anecdotal thing you could add to that is that as far as I know, the only people that were paid in the list of experts is me. 47:08.822 --> 47:10.784 Everybody else was just kind of consulted. 47:11.045 --> 47:15.489 I am the only one that was paid a full time salary for a year and a half as that expert. 47:16.069 --> 47:31.576 all the other paid people are listed as as Working for children's health defense in the paragraph above and he could have put me in that paragraph and it would have been fine, too But he put me in the expert paragraph and I am the only one that he paid for a year and a half To be an expert. 47:31.616 --> 47:34.457 So I find that also a little bit less than anecdotal. 47:34.498 --> 47:44.042 It's more than that Sorry a little more than anecdotal Right, no, that's well, so I mean, you know what you said about 47:45.166 --> 47:47.848 RFK being you know, he's he's a lawyer. 47:47.988 --> 47:48.889 He's a trained lawyer. 47:49.329 --> 47:55.214 He's not dealing with science per se he's dealing with Interests and and he's in politics. 47:55.494 --> 47:56.955 So he's dealing with interests. 47:56.995 --> 48:06.463 He's dealing with advisors so what my my feeling is whatever is the sort of political group 48:07.664 --> 48:30.347 current that he is going with that is going to be the overriding sort of factor in what goes into those decisions and for him to come out in the middle of writing this book when already there are significant resources invested in it you're just one guy and all of these other very very important scientists are 48:30.723 --> 48:36.384 are totally on board is that would take integrity. 48:37.364 --> 48:39.725 And what that shows to me is a lack of integrity. 48:40.165 --> 48:45.786 And I saw the same exact lack of integrity from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 48:46.526 --> 48:54.528 on Israel-Palestine, where he became, for example, very critical of the Ukraine war and U.S. 48:54.568 --> 48:55.408 involvement there. 48:56.566 --> 49:22.292 When it came to and and actually if you remember the whole episode even with Peter Hotez, I did a piece Okay, Robert F. Kennedy goes on Joe Rogan's podcast to talk about a variety of things including the the kovat shot we can you know get into what that actually is because you you know have a lot to say about that, of course and Peter Hotez this this 49:23.976 --> 49:51.327 this doctor who i researched extensively he was denouncing robert f kennedy junior and joe rogan for promoting anti-science they were dangerous anti-vaxxers joe rogan's podcast rfk challenges him to come on and debate me and peter hotez refused i don't want to legitimize these guys rfk looked very strong and hotez looked very weak you can see what a fraud he is there now when it came 49:51.983 --> 49:54.886 to Israel and Gaza 50:03.544 --> 50:30.376 rfk just did exactly what peter hotez did he said he would debate and then he wouldn't and you could just see that he had no firstly he had no idea what he was talking about and he was just doing politics further his career and to me that just totally discredited him i'd just saw him as a complete political figure had no integrity and was seeking power what week 50:31.196 --> 50:35.077 Who what was he on on whose behalf? 50:35.537 --> 50:36.538 Was he really working? 50:36.818 --> 50:37.278 Who knows? 50:37.398 --> 50:56.043 I didn't know but I could just see this guy is not who he claims to be and just a funny anecdote here, you know, Jeffrey Sachs is one of Robert F. Kennedy jr's best friends and actually one of the the most frequent co-authors of Jeffrey Sachs is the wife of Peter Hotez 50:56.832 --> 50:57.052 Right. 50:57.512 --> 50:59.773 And Jeffrey Sachs is also a big lab lab leak. 50:59.873 --> 51:00.973 He sure is. 51:01.113 --> 51:01.633 Absolutely. 51:02.313 --> 51:04.454 And what I mean, I'm sorry, but you know what? 51:04.974 --> 51:20.257 Jeffrey Sachs is famous for being like one of the architects of shock therapy after the collapse of the Soviet Union, where they basically privatized the former state owned industries in the Soviet Union. 51:21.797 --> 51:26.278 And that killed like millions of Russians and, you know, 51:26.978 --> 51:30.120 Former Soviets, so that is his expertise now. 51:30.160 --> 51:34.003 He apparently has has learned from that He claims to have learned from that. 51:34.383 --> 51:37.865 But why does that make him an expert on? 51:38.526 --> 51:50.173 Lab leak on virology on the you know, it doesn't he just kind of became a face that was out there He was put on I can't remember the name of like the Commission but some kind of Commission to investigate 51:50.253 --> 51:51.893 Yeah, it was the Lancet Commission. 51:51.973 --> 51:57.254 He was the, I mean, that was the, that was the best show ever in 2020, like. 51:57.794 --> 51:58.314 Exactly. 51:58.434 --> 52:18.338 So, so this is, you know, I think people are starting to see this sort of the orchestration of this narrative that what appeared to be these dissident figures coming from kind of different angles and lending their expertise and intellectual weight and prowess to 52:19.538 --> 52:25.521 uh, this narrative that there was no actual scientific basis for it. 52:25.641 --> 52:35.867 And then when Jay Cooey, an unassuming academic biologist who got fired from the University of Pittsburgh for, you know, 52:36.847 --> 52:55.502 for basically maintaining his integrity he's brought into this and he kind of sees uh this like through his experience he saw and experienced firsthand this web of lies and and and unlike most he maintained his integrity so here he is today on this stream with me so um 52:58.231 --> 53:01.193 So now RFK Jr. 53:01.433 --> 53:04.295 is the HHS secretary. 53:05.356 --> 53:18.064 I think, you know, and this is what I said on Redacted, the fact that he basically blew you off, but really tried to pacify you and kind of hand you off, I think in order to avoid 53:19.955 --> 53:48.712 uh... damaging the narrative is what i would suspect damaging the entire thesis of his his book which was very important he tried to pacify you and then you know you eventually fired for as you said criticizing robert malone uh... from children's health defense and uh... and now you know you're doing uh... streams on your channel giga on biological well rfk is this is in the trump administration is a very powerful 53:49.432 --> 53:49.992 position. 53:50.132 --> 54:06.260 And as you said, I mean, that's what I noticed when he, you know, when he didn't say anything about the opioid crisis, which, you know, to not say anything about the public health crisis of our time, of our era, is just incredible. 54:06.401 --> 54:06.721 And then 54:07.557 --> 54:12.141 Think about how much of a checkmate that would have been when somebody threw the measles death at him. 54:12.281 --> 54:18.746 He could have just said, well, I'm concerned about it, but don't forget that 300 kids are going to die of opioids this week. 54:18.986 --> 54:26.432 Like, imagine if he had just dropped that and then continued on with the measles vaccine discussion, how bombastic that would have been. 54:27.105 --> 54:28.026 Right, exactly. 54:28.086 --> 54:36.577 And then he puts out this statement saying that actually anti-Semitism is the public health crisis that's coming from our woke universities. 54:36.617 --> 54:39.701 And I'm just like, this guy is just faker than fake. 54:39.741 --> 54:41.683 There is nothing real about him. 54:43.125 --> 54:45.307 And I hate to say that because, you know, I 54:46.128 --> 54:57.003 I even would go so far as Dennis Kucinich had this exact experience as his campaign manager when he spoke out and Dennis just dropped off like he was done that quick. 54:57.904 --> 54:58.065 Right. 54:59.306 --> 55:13.388 So, yeah, I mean, I I covered in twenty twenty one, I think the defeat the mandates rally here in D.C., which now I see is very much kind of a controlled opposition event. 55:14.169 --> 55:16.809 And but RFK spoke there and. 55:16.829 --> 55:27.731 I actually really loved what he had to say, he said he talked about tyranny and and he said basically 55:30.074 --> 55:36.300 the technology that governments have now to control people's lives. 55:37.320 --> 55:44.126 You know, the Nazis didn't have they would have dreamed of having that totalitarian regimes of the past. 55:44.186 --> 55:45.728 And I actually thought that was pretty good. 55:46.128 --> 55:55.656 I was pretty inspired by that statement because the way that, you know, social media and like so many basically social 55:56.795 --> 56:25.196 control for methods and forms that to control a population exists that didn't exist before whether it's tracking through your cell phones are you know comp they're just so many different ways and it's true that those did not exist you know seventy years ago and so i was like that guy i'd really like to reset i wish he'd run for president and then i see you know later that he he does that it's actually he doesn't have any integrity so i mean when i saw him say that and then i see him come out is like pro-israel 56:27.180 --> 56:28.461 All I could think of was Gaza. 56:28.621 --> 56:45.368 When you're talking about totalitarianism and living in some, where every freedom and liberty has been stripped away from you, and you're living in a dystopia, I mean, the Gaza Strip is the picture of that, where you have millions of people, most of whom are children, 56:45.908 --> 57:02.798 living in a tiny bombed-out ghetto surrounded by a high-tech, a series of high-tech walls and fences with remote-controlled machine guns overlooking them that open fire on people based on their gait, the way that they walk. 57:02.918 --> 57:04.559 If they walk suspicious, they get opened. 57:04.999 --> 57:10.522 And I'm like, so this guy who's talking about tyranny in the biosecurity state is in support of that? 57:12.123 --> 57:26.131 Well, I would challenge the listeners to recall that Israel was the example, in my humble opinion, of what they want to do with the rest of the world and especially the United States. 57:26.211 --> 57:32.695 They want to have a medical system that is completely open and they have all access to all the data. 57:33.195 --> 57:36.639 and they want to be able to mandate whatever they want, and that's what they did in Israel. 57:36.679 --> 57:41.103 Remember, they were the lab of Pfizer, they said that out loud. 57:41.123 --> 57:45.448 A Pfizer executive said that, a sort of laboratory for what Israel is. 57:46.069 --> 57:50.794 And I would argue that in the United States that's essentially what is now happening 57:51.434 --> 58:02.321 over a course of many years, the inversion of our sense of sovereignty in our kids to a sense of duty to the state and what we owe the state. 58:02.882 --> 58:09.006 And that will include the fact that, how can I say it? 58:10.416 --> 58:11.497 without going too deep. 58:12.617 --> 58:16.960 You know, they have wanted this data collection for a very long time. 58:17.000 --> 58:24.745 I think one of the things that really frustrates me about the big narratives that people talk about on the internet is this depopulation idea, because it's not depopulation. 58:24.825 --> 58:30.388 Depopulation, the population of the earth is going to decrease because we aren't replacing ourselves. 58:30.428 --> 58:32.189 That's already guaranteed. 58:32.270 --> 58:33.851 So they don't need to kill us off. 58:33.951 --> 58:36.032 We're going to, the population is going to go down. 58:36.572 --> 58:38.974 The question is, what are they going to do with this data? 58:39.034 --> 58:39.334 And that's, 58:40.200 --> 59:01.072 That's the kind of bigger picture where the FDA is important and the CDC and its perception is important and health and human services and the control of it is very important because during this transition out of traditional FDA regulating safe and effective and regulating the labels of products, they need to transition to 59:02.292 --> 59:29.280 What people have been looking at is personalized medicine and I think in a lot of ways already Israel was probably way ahead on that and is way ahead on that with Cancer treatments and this kind of stuff and they're proud of it, but it is a result of having access to all data in a military fashion and and I think that from a 30,000 foot perspective we need to see this as a 59:30.541 --> 59:34.123 a repositioning of that control in America. 59:34.163 --> 59:40.806 And so I don't know the details of it, but I do know that the play here is not a health freedom movement. 59:40.846 --> 59:46.509 The play is to change or alter the way that we 59:48.479 --> 59:52.940 the way their health care system works, the way the FDA works, what power is there or not there. 59:52.980 --> 59:58.981 And so that's why I think from the very beginning, one of the red threads that runs through this is the FDA was in the way. 59:59.021 --> 01:00:00.241 It's the FDA's fault. 01:00:00.301 --> 01:00:10.784 The FDA stopped us from using repurposed drugs, or the FDA held back this or did that or the other, and they let food dyes in, and the FDA is responsible for that. 01:00:10.804 --> 01:00:12.164 It's always the FDA. 01:00:12.224 --> 01:00:16.265 And that more and more starts to be something that 01:00:17.285 --> 01:00:19.366 Every time I hear it, it rings a bell in my head. 01:00:19.426 --> 01:00:24.270 Again, because this history goes all the way back to when the FDA was formed. 01:00:24.690 --> 01:00:28.652 It was formed around this narrative of thalidomide. 01:00:28.852 --> 01:00:34.916 It was formed around this control of products, the regulation of products. 01:00:35.417 --> 01:00:40.340 And there's a lot of interesting characters in American history at that time, including Senator Kefauver, who 01:00:41.921 --> 01:00:57.815 If you follow and look at the history of that guy and his ideas and how he was contributing to the formation of what is now the FDA, it is a very curious American history that I think cannot be dismissed as independent from this. 01:00:57.975 --> 01:00:59.276 It's a continual thing. 01:00:59.757 --> 01:01:02.419 I mean, if we just think of it as 01:01:03.883 --> 01:01:13.693 I used to be very naive about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but now I understand him differently, or I think I understand him differently, simply because I can now assume 01:01:14.628 --> 01:01:27.355 that from the moment that his father was killed, there were interests that were taking an interest in him and grooming him and positioning him, even if it would be just to make sure he didn't cause any trouble. 01:01:27.935 --> 01:01:31.897 But more importantly, I think it would be potentially to use him in the future. 01:01:32.197 --> 01:01:35.399 And I think ultimately, because 01:01:37.188 --> 01:01:49.115 He is the victim of probably one of the greatest Truman shows ever done in American history that, you know, he's even the people that he trusts are probably not all trustworthy. 01:01:49.155 --> 01:01:52.757 And so it's just, it's, I don't have any explanations. 01:01:52.798 --> 01:01:54.439 I don't have any quick fixes. 01:01:54.519 --> 01:02:03.104 I just know that, you know, he's not a guy who writes a lot of books and, and, and, and trains Falcons and, and is fighting for America's health. 01:02:03.164 --> 01:02:04.024 It's not that simple. 01:02:04.284 --> 01:02:05.045 Let's say it like that. 01:02:06.434 --> 01:02:15.787 Yeah, no, I think it's actually a pretty profound way of looking at him as like the ultimate Truman show. 01:02:15.867 --> 01:02:18.190 And yeah, since he was a kid, been 01:02:21.499 --> 01:02:34.345 I don't know if I want to say groomed, but yeah, taken or influenced by all kinds of different people, different powerful figures, this kind of thing. 01:02:34.825 --> 01:02:50.492 I mean, I would even challenge people to look into the fact that, you know, in 2018, when the World Mercury Project changed its name to Children's Health Defense, he has often confessed on camera that he was reluctant to take on that cause. 01:02:51.292 --> 01:02:53.314 He was happy with his environmental work. 01:02:53.434 --> 01:02:54.855 He was happy with what he was doing. 01:02:54.875 --> 01:02:57.317 He was making a lot of progress. 01:02:57.537 --> 01:03:01.541 And this, in the end, is part of the reason why I understand him differently. 01:03:01.621 --> 01:03:10.548 Because one of the awakenings that I've had with regard to working with Children's Health Defense and that is that I started at the beginning of the pandemic 01:03:11.480 --> 01:03:23.028 not understanding that what I understand now, which is essentially, I don't, I think that we should be advocating for no intramuscular injection in children. 01:03:23.568 --> 01:03:31.874 And that's a very different position than I was in before when I started the book or when I was talking about LabLeak or when I was riding my bicycle on YouTube. 01:03:31.974 --> 01:03:38.479 And so I'm very, I want your readers to understand, or your listeners to understand that I'm incredibly humble when I, 01:03:39.676 --> 01:03:42.959 when I say that I think I can make these arguments. 01:03:43.379 --> 01:03:48.384 And I'm not the first person who has successfully tried to make these arguments and then been ignored. 01:03:48.504 --> 01:03:56.491 And that's the part that also makes me feel better about the task at hand, because I do think it is a worthy argument. 01:03:56.891 --> 01:04:04.718 I think that the evidence is more than sufficient to suggest that a lot of this stuff has been smoke and mirrors for a few decades. 01:04:04.758 --> 01:04:06.539 And that's frustrating for a lot of people. 01:04:08.520 --> 01:04:10.842 But, you know, it's not a message for everyone. 01:04:10.882 --> 01:04:17.906 I say this a lot now, this is actually a friend of mine's phrase, but it's not a message for everyone, but it is a message that anyone can absorb. 01:04:18.667 --> 01:04:21.849 And I think your message about Zionism is very much like that. 01:04:21.889 --> 01:04:26.872 It's not a message for everyone, because not everyone's ready to hear it, but it is anyone. 01:04:27.032 --> 01:04:31.995 Anyone can absorb it and then understand that in a different way. 01:04:33.676 --> 01:04:35.397 Um, that's what makes me optimistic. 01:04:35.457 --> 01:04:41.880 I don't, I don't think in the end, it's going to be about the adults that voted for Donald Trump and whether or not they figure it out. 01:04:41.920 --> 01:04:53.605 It's going to be whether our kids grow up with the, the critical thinking skills and the skepticism and the foundational history that they can move forward without being enslaved by mythologies. 01:04:53.665 --> 01:04:58.927 Like we were, um, you know, we inherited a lot of this from our parents and, uh, they didn't know either. 01:05:00.088 --> 01:05:00.328 Yeah. 01:05:01.389 --> 01:05:02.289 Well, let me, I want to, 01:05:03.376 --> 01:05:14.230 kind of talk about what is the real, and I mean, you touched on this, and I think it's a huge question we could discuss at length for hours and hours. 01:05:14.731 --> 01:05:21.700 But I want to at least try to do some broad strokes on what is the real, well, OK. 01:05:22.060 --> 01:05:23.241 There's two things I want to point out. 01:05:24.161 --> 01:05:29.263 So the question is, what is the real purpose for basically staging a pandemic? 01:05:29.623 --> 01:05:47.391 And I want to say that, you know, I mean, my proof that there was no pandemic personally, what I can prove is just looking at the way the narrative was curated both sides all along by the exact same spook 01:05:47.991 --> 01:06:02.807 a regime change outlets and propaganda organs that I've been watching for years and it's the evidence was just so overwhelming that it was like I'm about nine without any of the biology that you that 01:06:03.570 --> 01:06:10.651 you present, Jay, I'm like 99.99% sure this is phony, and is a distraction. 01:06:11.192 --> 01:06:27.015 And so then when I came to you, and you're like, well, I can, you know, basically teach you the biology or, you know, you do these, these lessons, basically, what are what are biology lessons on your streams on your site, which I really, you know, recommend, I mean, we're not going to do that here. 01:06:27.055 --> 01:06:28.275 But I recommend people go 01:06:29.241 --> 01:06:37.564 watch Jay lay out the arguments that he's presenting in detail, because, you know, we're doing again, we're doing kind of broad strokes here. 01:06:38.184 --> 01:06:39.464 This is more conversational. 01:06:39.524 --> 01:06:48.247 But Jake, who he is, is his character, his nature, his personality is a teacher and is, I guess, training. 01:06:48.747 --> 01:06:55.349 And so I really encourage people to just go spend time listening to these and then listen to it again and again. 01:06:55.369 --> 01:06:56.610 And it may be the kind of thing that 01:06:57.190 --> 01:07:02.434 You know, like for me, there's sometimes when I listen to it and I only catch like 50 percent of what he's saying. 01:07:02.515 --> 01:07:06.738 But then I go to sleep and the next day, certain parts of it crystallize in my brain. 01:07:06.798 --> 01:07:08.099 I go back and watch something else. 01:07:08.219 --> 01:07:09.220 You know, that's the kind of thing. 01:07:09.580 --> 01:07:18.428 And that's what that's an important part of, I think, being a good student is that you have to go really learn the material for yourself. 01:07:18.548 --> 01:07:20.770 And a teacher is kind of a guide. 01:07:20.790 --> 01:07:20.830 So 01:07:24.867 --> 01:07:29.910 So so I mean, another another thing that I think is really important to point out is. 01:07:29.930 --> 01:07:44.078 A lot of people think that the that there was a virus, but it just wasn't very deadly and it was overstated how deadly it was and. 01:07:45.009 --> 01:07:56.392 Those people, I think, often look at you or I or the idea that we present that there actually was no pandemic as like a step too far that we're crazy. 01:07:57.052 --> 01:08:06.695 But if the analogy that I like to use is it's as if someone yelled fire in a crowded theater. 01:08:07.535 --> 01:08:10.616 And we all agree that that happened. 01:08:11.499 --> 01:08:38.380 that it wasn't actually, well, at least all the people who call themselves skeptics, I should say, all agree that that happened, that the danger of what was supposedly there was overstated and that the countermeasures imposed to stop the supposed fire or the supposed virus spreading all over were responsible for the majority of the damage, of the deaths, of the harm. 01:08:40.241 --> 01:08:51.486 And so, so the only question, if people, you know, say, like, a lot of people would agree that 90%, say, or 95%, you know, people had comorbidities. 01:08:51.566 --> 01:08:53.126 So that's what they actually died from. 01:08:53.186 --> 01:08:54.487 This is like what a lot of people say. 01:08:55.262 --> 01:08:57.244 They are very close to our position. 01:08:57.444 --> 01:09:05.290 Actually, the only real difference is, was there a so most of those people didn't actually die from covid. 01:09:05.310 --> 01:09:06.391 They died with covid. 01:09:06.411 --> 01:09:07.611 That's what a lot of people think. 01:09:07.631 --> 01:09:08.993 That's what I thought for a long time. 01:09:09.473 --> 01:09:13.956 That was what the death certificate thing showed me, because I saw how they were faking death certificates. 01:09:14.056 --> 01:09:20.842 And I was like, well, if you take these death certificates, we're just if you just stick covid on a death certificate anywhere, then it's a covid death. 01:09:21.922 --> 01:09:33.271 which that's not how you calculate a COVID death, even if you just take the original way, the normal way of counting, of writing a death certificate and apply that, 01:09:34.031 --> 01:09:41.615 to COVID, then like 93 percent of those deaths are not from COVID, just by that standard. 01:09:41.796 --> 01:09:47.579 OK, so the vast majority of the skeptics, we can all agree on that. 01:09:47.839 --> 01:10:02.968 The only real difference is, well, was there someone when they shouted fire, was there someone who flicked a lighter or turned on a little blowtorch or was there literally nothing and they just shouted fire anyway? 01:10:03.857 --> 01:10:07.399 Um, you and I say there actually was no fire. 01:10:07.780 --> 01:10:12.823 That's versus someone else says there was somebody flicked a lighter. 01:10:13.083 --> 01:10:14.844 That's the only real difference. 01:10:15.505 --> 01:10:20.628 And some people will say, well, it doesn't really matter because it wouldn't have justified all of those countermeasures anyway. 01:10:21.209 --> 01:10:21.409 But. 01:10:22.550 --> 01:10:27.993 You and I and maybe you can, you know, well, I would say, yeah, go ahead. 01:10:28.353 --> 01:10:31.556 I would be careful because I think there was a fire. 01:10:32.963 --> 01:10:53.689 I think that there was a fire in the sense of the population pyramids predicted that there would be more all-cause mortality in the next five to ten years Than there was in the past and that it was going to almost double This is the same reason why they think Social Security is going to go bankrupt the reason why they don't they can't afford Medicare in the future is because there are a 01:10:54.912 --> 01:11:04.218 The population pyramid has more old people than it's ever had before, and they're living longer than they ever have before, and it costs more money to keep them alive than it ever has before. 01:11:04.258 --> 01:11:08.000 And so this is all a contradictory problem here. 01:11:08.180 --> 01:11:12.183 And so they knew that there were going to be more people in hospitals. 01:11:13.174 --> 01:11:16.419 There were new that there were going to be more people dying in the coming years. 01:11:16.479 --> 01:11:23.249 Now, the question was, could they murder enough people to make sharp enough peaks so that they could call it a disease? 01:11:23.330 --> 01:11:24.451 Because that's what it is. 01:11:24.511 --> 01:11:25.593 So in your theater. 01:11:26.947 --> 01:11:35.129 analogy, they're telling you that the town is burning down, we have to get out of here, it's a natural thing, it's like a forest fire. 01:11:35.570 --> 01:11:50.574 And other people are telling you, no, no, no, it's because they used the wrong light bulb in the projector and so the projector is exploding, when in reality, a couple people in the back row started a few people on fire and then said, oh my gosh, the projector did it. 01:11:51.678 --> 01:11:53.700 And in reality, the projector can't do it. 01:11:54.240 --> 01:11:56.662 There's no forest fire outside. 01:11:56.802 --> 01:11:57.563 It's not coming. 01:11:58.904 --> 01:12:02.707 And only forest fires that matter are the ones that are started by people. 01:12:02.787 --> 01:12:10.333 So again, it becomes this issue of the argument, this is why I called it the Scooby-Doo, the argument of 01:12:11.475 --> 01:12:17.801 And the debate about whether it's natural or a lab leak presupposes that an RNA can do this. 01:12:18.141 --> 01:12:21.404 And it presupposes that this phenomenon is always happening. 01:12:22.645 --> 01:12:24.767 And that is a very 01:12:25.868 --> 01:12:38.724 It's a very malevolent trap because even as an academic biologist, you can start with that assumption and read and read and read and read and learn and learn and learn and it'll all be based on that assumption. 01:12:39.165 --> 01:12:40.827 And it'll all confirm that assumption. 01:12:40.887 --> 01:12:43.049 It'll all seem to not challenge that assumption. 01:12:43.650 --> 01:12:53.219 And much of virology literature will never allow you to escape because they don't write any clues as to their own known limitations of what they're doing. 01:12:53.259 --> 01:12:58.124 They just go along with that assumption that this phenomenon is real over there. 01:12:58.224 --> 01:13:01.066 And so what we do in the lab kind of recapitulates it. 01:13:03.035 --> 01:13:16.403 You know, I was aware that we do this with with disease models in mice, for example, you know, there's people that talk about autistic models of models of autism in mice, and it's just absurd because they're not autism models, their models where 01:13:18.225 --> 01:13:28.467 some aspect of the disease is recapitulated in the mice, and then they try to cure that aspect of the mouse's behavior and call that a correlate or call that a mouse model. 01:13:28.607 --> 01:13:32.988 And I was aware of how that science is done in the context of the brain. 01:13:33.028 --> 01:13:41.129 I just wasn't aware that they were doing it all over the place, especially in the realm of biosecurity and vaccines and infectious disease. 01:13:41.189 --> 01:13:43.790 I didn't know it until I learned it. 01:13:46.716 --> 01:13:52.643 So I guess the million dollar question and this is part of this is I mean, you've been you've been touching on it. 01:13:53.624 --> 01:13:59.710 What is the purpose of I mean, this is what you just talked about with population pyramids and the FDA. 01:13:59.770 --> 01:14:01.933 But like if you could kind of distill down. 01:14:03.536 --> 01:14:04.457 What is the purpose? 01:14:04.557 --> 01:14:10.020 Because I mean, OK, we saw, for example, the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history. 01:14:11.021 --> 01:14:15.644 We saw the growth of Silicon Valley billionaires. 01:14:15.684 --> 01:14:18.626 I think Elon Musk's wealth like doubled, something like that. 01:14:18.686 --> 01:14:33.256 Jeff Bezos had you know, you saw the what's often called the controlled demolition of our economy, which I think is correct, where countless small businesses were forced to close down because they were locked down and 01:14:33.760 --> 01:14:34.532 you know, they could not 01:14:36.077 --> 01:14:43.083 afford to close down for a period of time, whereas Amazon is perfectly happy to, or everyone's just ordering online. 01:14:43.383 --> 01:14:51.709 Or even worse, even worse, those little businesses didn't know that they could apply for pandemic loans and that the loans would have been forgiven. 01:14:53.230 --> 01:14:57.053 I think a lot of those businesses had so much integrity that they didn't borrow. 01:14:57.513 --> 01:14:58.354 They wouldn't borrow. 01:14:58.394 --> 01:14:59.595 They were afraid to borrow. 01:14:59.635 --> 01:15:03.558 But lots of people borrowed millions of dollars and then it got forgiven. 01:15:03.798 --> 01:15:04.839 It's remarkable. 01:15:05.939 --> 01:15:11.880 I mean, you know, like everything is is it was a very antisocial event, everything. 01:15:11.900 --> 01:15:17.582 You know, when someone delivers food now, they just come to your door and they and they leave it, you know, and it's a safety thing. 01:15:17.622 --> 01:15:23.743 When I go to get gas, it's you know, these are like somehow sanitized or it's all touch free. 01:15:23.923 --> 01:15:26.064 Everything's more and more done through your phone. 01:15:26.484 --> 01:15:30.245 When you go to a restaurant, you don't have a server come and ask you for your order. 01:15:30.305 --> 01:15:32.705 Now you have a QR code where you order. 01:15:32.945 --> 01:15:35.046 So is this like restructuring of 01:15:35.726 --> 01:15:47.057 society in so many ways that I think it's essential for people to understand that, you know, to ask the question, what is the real? 01:15:47.418 --> 01:15:53.543 Yeah, well, then we can start right with where you left off with Israel as a model and make no mistake about it. 01:15:53.844 --> 01:15:57.888 One of the first things that Donald Trump announced was a half a billion dollars for A.I. 01:15:57.948 --> 01:15:59.649 that would be applied to medical records. 01:16:00.410 --> 01:16:04.333 and medical data, and they were all excited about it with the guy from Google. 01:16:04.373 --> 01:16:05.694 That's not an accident. 01:16:06.815 --> 01:16:16.722 What I would challenge your listeners to understand from my perspective is that as far back as a guy by the name of Joshua Lederberg, 01:16:18.405 --> 01:16:24.470 deep thinkers about biology and about humankind in general, and the human species going forward. 01:16:24.490 --> 01:16:25.431 Like what decade? 01:16:25.771 --> 01:16:26.952 When are we talking about? 01:16:27.152 --> 01:16:29.234 1950's and 60's, all the way up until now. 01:16:29.254 --> 01:16:31.996 I mean, he was a very young Nobel Prize winner. 01:16:32.016 --> 01:16:35.880 He was like a Doogie Howser of his day, if you will. 01:16:37.821 --> 01:16:43.263 Joshua Lederberg is the guy who coined the phrase microbiome and a bunch of other phrases. 01:16:44.504 --> 01:16:48.846 Joshua Lederberg is quoted at the beginning of one of these movies, Contagion or something like that. 01:16:49.566 --> 01:17:04.593 He's a big thinker and he was the first guy to already say that the only way that we would ever solve human biology or start to really make great strides is when we started to use computers to 01:17:05.493 --> 01:17:09.155 interpret the genetic code and understand it. 01:17:09.295 --> 01:17:19.259 And I would again remind your viewers that the way that machine learning, don't call it artificial intelligence, that's just dumb. 01:17:19.819 --> 01:17:21.060 The way that machine learning 01:17:21.720 --> 01:17:42.494 Solves these kinds of complex problems like chess or go is through many many reiterations And then finding patterns within that those many many reiterations Which is in reality also how the human brain does it it's just you're not really conscious of that process whereas in a computer it can be programmed and 01:17:42.714 --> 01:17:50.184 And so although you can't open the lid, these kinds of problems can be solved, but they are solved through iteration. 01:17:50.265 --> 01:17:58.396 And if people could just step back and realize that in the context of the human genome, an iteration is a person. 01:17:59.537 --> 01:18:06.327 The genome of a human is a single game of chess expressed over the lifetime of a human. 01:18:06.888 --> 01:18:14.359 And so you need as many of those things as possible before you're ever going to be able to solve the big problem of how does the 01:18:15.020 --> 01:18:16.101 How does the genome work? 01:18:16.241 --> 01:18:23.109 And they've understood this from the perspective of mice and rats and all this other stuff and the sequencing of these animals. 01:18:23.549 --> 01:18:30.937 That's one of the reasons why we still work on inbred mouse strains because they are genetically identical and so we remove 01:18:31.909 --> 01:18:38.554 the gigantic variable, which is the wonderful diversity of a normal natural species. 01:18:38.634 --> 01:18:45.219 Now, the diversity of people and genomes available now on the Earth is never going to be this high again. 01:18:45.779 --> 01:18:53.625 If you just look at the population pyramids and project into the future, we are going to go from 10 billion to 2 billion, whether you like it or not. 01:18:53.825 --> 01:18:55.427 If we want to go back to 10 billion, 01:18:56.207 --> 01:18:59.133 And once we get down to 2 billion, we're gonna have to have more babies. 01:18:59.213 --> 01:19:00.255 Like, that's the way it works. 01:19:00.335 --> 01:19:03.141 And we're not having those babies right now, and we haven't for a while. 01:19:03.722 --> 01:19:07.008 And so the population is gonna go down, and the people that rule... 01:19:08.302 --> 01:19:14.524 the overclass, the people that really run the show, you know, at insurance companies and hedge funds, they know this. 01:19:14.584 --> 01:19:17.705 They've known this for decades already, that this was gonna happen. 01:19:18.205 --> 01:19:30.408 And they have used this as a kind of eclipse, you know, to fool the natives into believing that something else happened and that they're in control or that they have powers that the average guy doesn't have. 01:19:30.448 --> 01:19:33.929 You know, like they can make gaiter function viruses and they can go around the world. 01:19:33.969 --> 01:19:36.070 This is all part of an illusion 01:19:36.950 --> 01:19:56.116 that was created with murder, lies, and an existing biological phenomenon that can't be dismissed, which is this population pyramid where there's going to be a lot of people dying and there's going to be a lot of people in hospitals and a lot of pneumonia in the coming decade. 01:19:56.156 --> 01:19:57.136 That's just the way it is. 01:19:58.857 --> 01:20:04.621 They are taking advantage of it to teach a mythology to our children so that those children can be trapped in it. 01:20:04.681 --> 01:20:05.622 That's the way I see it. 01:20:06.182 --> 01:20:09.744 And I think a lot of these people that are involved are pawns. 01:20:09.824 --> 01:20:15.048 They are surrounded by people who understand this, but many of the people don't understand. 01:20:17.375 --> 01:20:32.804 So the ultimate goal is, you've said, to they they claim there's basically they'll be able to understand the human genome, which would do which would allow them to do what? 01:20:33.024 --> 01:20:39.608 Engineer an end to disease, engineer better humans than ever before. 01:20:39.688 --> 01:20:44.291 Take control of evolution of the species is what they've talked about for a long time. 01:20:46.974 --> 01:20:48.195 So it's like a eugenicist. 01:20:48.435 --> 01:20:49.435 Oh, it absolutely is. 01:20:49.475 --> 01:20:56.519 And that's why I think, you know, somebody like Jamie Metzl is a very curious person to mention, because Jamie Metzl is considers himself a futurist. 01:20:56.539 --> 01:21:01.441 He believes in all of this, you know, human augmentation and implantation and stuff like that. 01:21:01.481 --> 01:21:02.022 He's very big. 01:21:02.062 --> 01:21:06.984 I mean, is there any aside from the ethical considerations of which are great? 01:21:07.824 --> 01:21:11.987 Is there any truth to this or are they is are they nonsense? 01:21:12.047 --> 01:21:12.747 Is this nonsense? 01:21:13.627 --> 01:21:27.156 I mean, it would be terribly naive of me to claim that I understand the limits of the computer technology available and the limits of the sequencing technology available. 01:21:27.636 --> 01:21:35.100 In fact, my guess is that they do have the technology to sequence everybody and keep sequencing everybody. 01:21:35.361 --> 01:21:38.703 And that's one of the reasons why none of these people will ever 01:21:39.804 --> 01:21:46.347 discuss, I think you were aware of this, we didn't really touch on it, but one of the central pillars of the illusion is a PCR test. 01:21:46.567 --> 01:21:50.189 And the PCR test is effectively just on the table now. 01:21:50.289 --> 01:21:53.591 It's used in every hospital for a wide variety of things. 01:21:54.091 --> 01:21:56.532 They can identify anything they want with PCR. 01:21:56.672 --> 01:22:01.594 And if you think very specifically about that, that is a medical device. 01:22:01.915 --> 01:22:02.535 And each 01:22:04.053 --> 01:22:20.606 Each reiteration of it should be a medical device regulated by the FDA, but somehow or another, PCR testing has now become ubiquitous and they don't, there's no, who's regulating this? 01:22:20.807 --> 01:22:22.708 Who's approving all of these things? 01:22:22.768 --> 01:22:25.310 It's all just, it's just all gone. 01:22:25.490 --> 01:22:26.791 It's just all being applied. 01:22:26.911 --> 01:22:33.237 And now what I would, again, I'm gonna try and get as much out there as I can, challenge your listeners to understand 01:22:33.937 --> 01:22:36.039 is that medical remnants are real. 01:22:36.779 --> 01:22:43.704 They sell the foreskin of babies in America still because it's necessary for cell culture and fibroblast cell culture. 01:22:43.744 --> 01:22:55.653 They still sell the placentas from births in our hospitals and they sell the placentas from cesarean section for much higher prices. 01:22:55.873 --> 01:22:58.435 And these are real remnant streams. 01:22:58.495 --> 01:23:01.698 And what I need you to understand is that one thing that was established 01:23:02.498 --> 01:23:11.381 in the course of the pandemic was a remnant stream of PCR swabs, which will have everybody's DNA in it and some DNA from their microbiome. 01:23:11.941 --> 01:23:28.287 And if we think back to 2020 and 2021, when we were all locked down and all on our phones, no adults stood up to protect the college kids from this gross invasion of privacy for two years, where they had to swab whatever the university told them to swab. 01:23:28.747 --> 01:23:32.628 And a lot of these universities were selling those remnants to the highest bidder. 01:23:33.168 --> 01:23:35.129 And this is still going on today. 01:23:35.689 --> 01:23:40.010 It has to be because that's the data that they will feed into the AI. 01:23:40.110 --> 01:23:48.992 In other words, and stop me if I'm rambling, but one of the things that I've heard people say is that, well, yeah, but if they don't know, 01:23:49.764 --> 01:24:11.375 what your name is when they swab you, and they don't know your, and the medical records are all de-identified, then how could they ever, well, the whole reason why they're setting up the AI thing is so that they can take a de-identified gene sample and use AI to connect it to the most likely database record, their medical record. 01:24:11.555 --> 01:24:16.178 And once they have that problem figured out, de-identified, records don't matter anymore. 01:24:16.638 --> 01:24:25.627 because they can take your DNA and they can sufficiently read it so that they can predict that you're your race, your relative height, you know, whatever. 01:24:25.667 --> 01:24:30.192 And then if they already know that they took it from this university, now they have it down to 3000 men. 01:24:30.633 --> 01:24:34.316 And then if they take it on that date, then they have it down to, they will do this. 01:24:35.413 --> 01:24:37.755 in order to break the de-identification. 01:24:37.795 --> 01:24:42.158 Because since the Human Genome Project started, they have been admitting it. 01:24:42.359 --> 01:24:46.101 Every time they announce a new achievement, they say, well, now we need more genomes. 01:24:46.602 --> 01:24:48.443 Now we need more people to volunteer. 01:24:48.523 --> 01:24:49.944 Now we need more volunteers. 01:24:49.985 --> 01:24:53.948 And the reason why they need more volunteers is because they need more games of Go. 01:24:54.448 --> 01:24:55.869 They need more games of chess. 01:24:56.630 --> 01:24:58.851 And they are now going to brute force it. 01:24:59.132 --> 01:25:01.734 They want our children to be all in on this. 01:25:01.814 --> 01:25:04.176 They want them to be in from the very beginning. 01:25:06.491 --> 01:25:18.274 And I think that that's the reason why it's, it's, it's critical to gain control of HHS and, and, and FDA and CDC and make sure that they steer that cruise ship where they want it to go. 01:25:18.334 --> 01:25:29.497 Because if the illusion is broken and the whole vaccine schedule, as I see it in America is exposed as a criminal enterprise, then they have a very big problem on their hands. 01:25:29.938 --> 01:25:31.438 Because that's a, that's a, 01:25:32.293 --> 01:25:33.715 That's a, how do you say it? 01:25:33.995 --> 01:25:35.457 It doesn't matter what team you cheer for. 01:25:35.497 --> 01:25:36.518 That's a pretty big message. 01:25:40.317 --> 01:25:47.683 I mean, there's so much I don't know, we could we could we could I think we could go on for for hours and hours. 01:25:47.763 --> 01:25:50.385 Maybe we should maybe we should leave it there. 01:25:50.405 --> 01:25:54.609 I don't know if there are any other key messages, key points you want to get across, but. 01:25:55.289 --> 01:25:55.850 Well, for sure. 01:25:56.050 --> 01:26:04.416 You know, there's a lot of little tricks that everybody I want to emphasize one more time that the pandemic couldn't happen unless people people died. 01:26:05.677 --> 01:26:09.238 And so I am not ever arguing that people didn't die. 01:26:09.359 --> 01:26:24.464 One of the things that, you know, one short anecdote that I would really, not anecdote, but important point to mention for anybody listening is that if any of your relatives or you yourself went to the hospital and experienced hospital COVID, 01:26:25.219 --> 01:26:35.749 The very first thing you need to ask yourself or the very first thing you need to look in your relative's medical records is when or if they applied supplementary oxygen and precisely how they did it. 01:26:36.409 --> 01:26:47.519 Because one of the ground truths of the murder in America is that the willy-nilly application of supplementary oxygen 01:26:49.039 --> 01:26:56.981 can result in precisely the condition that they say is what a SARS virus does, which is acute respiratory distress syndrome. 01:26:57.421 --> 01:27:12.545 Acute respiratory distress syndrome originally applied to people who were damaged from the oxygen toxicity in the ICU, and then later was applied to the same syndrome that SARS, the first virus, caused. 01:27:13.145 --> 01:27:13.305 So, 01:27:14.232 --> 01:27:33.858 It's important for people to understand that there are doctors all around the United States who could have read this in a textbook or could have looked at any of the papers that were published in the 90s and the 2000s about oxygen toxicity and how this can result in extremely acute damage within an hour or two. 01:27:35.358 --> 01:27:42.961 I find it frightening, for example, that they are publicly saying that they are giving high flow supplementary oxygen to the Pope right now. 01:27:43.621 --> 01:27:54.636 Because if you look at the literature, there is no support for that treatment being a good treatment, and yet it's in a headlight right now. 01:27:54.716 --> 01:27:58.581 So I don't really understand what's going on, except that for sure, 01:27:59.898 --> 01:28:15.009 The few ICU doctors that I've talked to that I feel have been honest were absolutely clear that pure oxygen is not something that you can just put on at 60 liters a minute and put somebody in the hallway and come back two hours later or they'll be sick. 01:28:15.989 --> 01:28:23.117 And the pneumonia that gets caused by the application of supplementary oxygen over several days is not viral. 01:28:23.257 --> 01:28:24.198 It's bacterial. 01:28:24.718 --> 01:28:28.763 And so if you don't treat those people with antibiotics, you are killing them. 01:28:29.263 --> 01:28:31.405 And this is the kind of murder that I'm talking about. 01:28:31.445 --> 01:28:33.368 The other kind of murder that I'm talking about is 01:28:34.068 --> 01:28:45.578 is the opioid crisis in America that killed 100,000 Americans every year for five years that were all younger than retirement age, or the vast majority of them were. 01:28:45.638 --> 01:28:51.202 And in fact, is the reason why the life expectancy in America has gone down. 01:28:51.262 --> 01:28:57.568 And these people for the last five years have been telling us that life expectancy is going down because of COVID, and that's not true. 01:28:58.522 --> 01:29:04.185 So these are some very basic math that everybody needs to do in their head. 01:29:04.225 --> 01:29:23.076 And then once you do that, the other thing maybe for most people that are still spellbound, you have to realize that if you can't remember another time in your life as an adult when you were this sick, then all that means is that you were hardcore. 01:29:24.045 --> 01:29:27.907 All that means is that when you were sick, you went to work just like every other American did. 01:29:28.167 --> 01:29:32.970 All that means is that when you were sick before, you blew it off or you tried to work through it or push through it. 01:29:33.670 --> 01:29:51.160 And this time, when the TV told you for six months that something deadly and terrible and contagious and awful, and it would be irresponsible for you to not take everything seriously, now even the lightest symptoms could result in you thinking that you're participating in this show. 01:29:52.441 --> 01:29:55.022 And it's hard for people to accept that. 01:29:55.122 --> 01:30:00.605 But I don't remember another flu, except for the flu that I had in 2019. 01:30:00.645 --> 01:30:03.566 And I think the reason why is because the TV told me to remember it. 01:30:04.087 --> 01:30:06.288 The TV told me that it was something significant. 01:30:06.328 --> 01:30:12.871 But if I'm really honest, and my wife was always the one who did this for me, but yeah, but you get sick like this every winter. 01:30:13.711 --> 01:30:16.473 Every winter since you've been riding your bike, you would get sick like this. 01:30:16.513 --> 01:30:17.853 And you complain about the same thing. 01:30:17.893 --> 01:30:18.814 It's not any different. 01:30:18.834 --> 01:30:21.115 And it's not, except the TV told me it was. 01:30:22.091 --> 01:30:28.955 And I think a lot of people underestimate that if you only have the flu every five years, you aren't keeping track of it. 01:30:29.455 --> 01:30:36.919 And until the TV told you it was significant, your sickness or whatever you had was, it's just an imaginary thing. 01:30:37.019 --> 01:30:40.741 It's horrible, but it's also simply simple. 01:30:41.142 --> 01:30:41.922 It's really simple. 01:30:43.303 --> 01:30:46.445 You can't underestimate how spending all day on a screen 01:30:47.226 --> 01:30:52.057 Listening to these people and their stories could have led you to believe something that is not true. 01:30:56.627 --> 01:31:23.247 even i forget the incredible psychological pressure that we were put under in that period where again they're literal panics uh... you couldn't get toilet paper you couldn't get water you couldn't get bleach you couldn't get lights all it any store you know if you were if your neighbor came within several feet of you people would freak out i mean d we were told that every single person 01:31:24.088 --> 01:31:25.688 is a potential threat. 01:31:26.008 --> 01:31:28.409 It is the most anti-social concept. 01:31:28.489 --> 01:31:30.350 It's the most dystopian thing possible. 01:31:30.410 --> 01:31:30.590 So. 01:31:32.070 --> 01:31:35.591 So, of course, there is going to be some psychosomatic element. 01:31:35.831 --> 01:31:43.793 I mean, I you know, when I was looking at all the death certificates, I found so many crazy cases where, for example, 01:31:44.813 --> 01:31:47.395 of basically death by fear propaganda. 01:31:47.775 --> 01:31:59.503 For example, there were several medical professionals, especially nurses, who committed suicide thinking after they tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 01:31:59.723 --> 01:32:02.886 They thought they got the virus and they killed themselves. 01:32:03.386 --> 01:32:10.291 There was a man in, I believe in the Bronx, he was in New York City, I think the Bronx, who was diabetic. 01:32:11.111 --> 01:32:19.056 And he tested positive for for covid. 01:32:19.736 --> 01:32:31.303 And he called the police late at night and said there is a shooter in the street and the police sent squad cars, guns blazing. 01:32:31.923 --> 01:32:34.264 And he took like a Civil War era 01:32:35.665 --> 01:32:51.053 uh, firearm, like a revolver and some like old samurai sword and went out in the street and charged at the police and they shot him and and wounded him and he and there's video of him laying on the ground begging the cops to finish him off. 01:32:51.893 --> 01:32:54.296 And they didn't kill him right there. 01:32:54.336 --> 01:32:56.238 He went to the hospital and died later. 01:32:56.338 --> 01:33:04.025 But he was so terrified of because he was like an overweight diabetic guy and he got the virus. 01:33:04.085 --> 01:33:05.627 So he wanted to die. 01:33:05.747 --> 01:33:07.709 He was so consumed by fear. 01:33:08.149 --> 01:33:14.075 And that is the level of propaganda that we were subjected to, which should make people furious. 01:33:14.135 --> 01:33:14.395 Yes. 01:33:15.316 --> 01:33:23.630 the corporate media at the media talking heads who told us who spread that fear to kill Americans, to kill all kinds of people. 01:33:23.811 --> 01:33:27.337 I've come to understand that they put people on social media to do it, too, dude. 01:33:27.915 --> 01:33:53.470 definitely absolutely doesn't there's no doubt i have no doubt about it i mean it's not you know people understand that there is an alternative media so you know we know what operation mockingbird is in all these kinds of things do you think that you know the cia or whatever the deep state would not infiltrate social media which is created by which i really really military programs fundamentally like of course it's so curated the amount of 01:33:54.386 --> 01:34:03.274 like of like Nazi propaganda that's pumped into my for you tab on X and that I press. 01:34:03.354 --> 01:34:04.535 I don't, you know, less of this. 01:34:04.755 --> 01:34:05.476 I don't want to see this. 01:34:05.536 --> 01:34:06.256 I don't want to see this. 01:34:06.276 --> 01:34:10.380 And they constantly put it into my feed in order to stress me out and trigger me. 01:34:10.480 --> 01:34:12.262 And it, and it, and it works sometimes. 01:34:12.342 --> 01:34:15.985 And, you know, it's, it's very much like a curated reality. 01:34:16.245 --> 01:34:18.027 And that's, that's, you know, 01:34:18.888 --> 01:34:21.892 But were you there at some point not understanding that? 01:34:21.932 --> 01:34:22.653 Because I was. 01:34:22.914 --> 01:34:26.859 I really thought that Twitter was a place where people were kind of getting away with something. 01:34:27.320 --> 01:34:29.864 I didn't see it this way for a long time. 01:34:29.964 --> 01:34:31.586 I was fooled so well. 01:34:31.707 --> 01:34:31.947 I mean... 01:34:32.992 --> 01:34:35.234 Man, oh man, I was bamboozled, dude. 01:34:35.354 --> 01:34:36.936 I'm completely bamboozled. 01:34:37.716 --> 01:34:45.883 I think there are there are ways to use it once and you can actually use it against them to a degree once you understand what it is. 01:34:47.305 --> 01:34:51.068 And, you know, there are ways to kind of beat their algorithm and that kind of thing. 01:34:52.749 --> 01:35:02.472 But unless you understand the level of manipulation that is going on, then yeah, you'll get caught up. 01:35:02.532 --> 01:35:11.515 And I think the overwhelming majority of people do not understand how incredibly manipulated it is, let alone the simple fact that 01:35:12.619 --> 01:35:37.425 You know, checking in on this app all the time, what that does to you psychologically, where the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up instead of, you know, looking at your loved one, your husband or your wife or whatever it is and saying good morning and giving them a kiss is you look and see, you know, what notifications you got or if someone said something mean to you or if someone, you know, whatever it is or what's the thing going on. 01:35:39.666 --> 01:35:42.508 I think people underestimate the impact of that. 01:35:43.429 --> 01:35:52.936 And I mean, one more point I want to add about what you were saying about kind of the psychosomatic aspect of people are like, well, this is the sickest I've ever I've ever been. 01:35:53.036 --> 01:35:54.157 One more example of that. 01:35:54.558 --> 01:35:56.979 I have an investigation I never published. 01:35:57.000 --> 01:36:03.585 I think you and I, I must have told you about this a while ago, but it was specifically about Pennsylvania, where my whole 01:36:04.929 --> 01:36:07.251 father's side of the family is actually from Pittsburgh. 01:36:07.331 --> 01:36:09.233 So Pittsburgh is kind of a second home to me. 01:36:10.574 --> 01:36:14.578 And my father's mother, my paternal grandmother, 01:36:15.413 --> 01:36:18.535 She was very, very sharp. 01:36:19.296 --> 01:36:28.943 And in the in the covid era, you know, she was in like like an elderly, I guess, like a whatever retirement home, an old folks home in Pittsburgh. 01:36:29.363 --> 01:36:32.025 And she had her friends there and she was pretty vibrant. 01:36:32.065 --> 01:36:40.311 She got a lot of interaction, which, of course, is necessary for any human, but especially elderly people as they're locked away, taken away from their families. 01:36:40.371 --> 01:36:44.294 That's basically what I think kills them or accelerates their decline. 01:36:45.171 --> 01:37:01.742 Um, and when COVID hit, uh, they basically stuck her in a room and she described it as like, um, being in prison and I was not smart enough, which I almost, you know, in some, I'm, I'm, I'll just be forever. 01:37:03.573 --> 01:37:04.874 just angry about. 01:37:05.254 --> 01:37:18.065 I was not smart enough or aware enough or I was too bamboozled to really understand that that I wasn't a threat to her, that actually I was like myself and my newborn daughter at the time and my family going to visit her. 01:37:18.445 --> 01:37:19.266 We were the medicine. 01:37:19.326 --> 01:37:22.849 We you know, that's what keeps people keep would have kept her alive. 01:37:23.469 --> 01:37:26.452 And so when I was finally allowed to go visit her, they kept us. 01:37:28.334 --> 01:37:37.605 behind a see through piece of plastic, put in the room with masks on and we could only stay in that room for 15 minutes. 01:37:38.326 --> 01:37:43.111 And, you know, we could talk to her and wave at her, and I'm with my like infant daughter. 01:37:44.032 --> 01:37:44.913 And and that was it. 01:37:44.953 --> 01:37:47.614 And I could just see how mentally degraded she was. 01:37:48.194 --> 01:37:51.636 And then it wasn't that long after I got to see her one more time. 01:37:51.736 --> 01:37:55.378 And she was she was still alive, but not really there. 01:37:56.138 --> 01:37:58.199 And then soon after she died. 01:37:58.219 --> 01:38:07.684 And I realized they just basically under the pretext of covid-19 just took grandma up to the edge of the cliff and 01:38:08.224 --> 01:38:08.324 it's 01:38:23.184 --> 01:38:47.951 uh... her entire family was killed in the holocaust she was a first-generation uh... american her whole family in europe was wiped out including her grandparents who came to visit and live in the u s stayed here for two years and it wasn't religious enough for them so they went back to lithuania they were all killed so her whole family is killed and then she 01:38:50.390 --> 01:39:03.765 post-world war two has like she and my grandfather have this family and they succeed and have their small business in morgantown west virginia a furniture store that provided for their family and they became like 01:39:05.487 --> 01:39:11.629 upper middle class and and and they ended up having a very, very big family and a lot of descendants. 01:39:12.109 --> 01:39:17.071 And so to go from that horror to kind of like a redemption story in a way. 01:39:17.591 --> 01:39:29.755 And then at the very end for this like eugenicists program to basically take her off to the edge of the cliff and just throw her off is the ultimate just infuriating. 01:39:30.215 --> 01:39:31.616 It just infuriates me so much. 01:39:32.436 --> 01:39:50.783 Um, and when I actually looked at what they did in Pennsylvania specifically to spread that fear, um, it was actually, you know, each state had different, uh, lockdown, um, orders given out by the governor. 01:39:51.644 --> 01:39:55.025 And, uh, in, um, 01:39:55.546 --> 01:40:12.758 Pennsylvania, it was all designed in Carnegie Mellon University in a laboratory, a privately funded laboratory that was done in concert with Facebook and DARPA and Google and Amazon. 01:40:13.260 --> 01:40:34.719 So three of the biggest Silicon Valley corporations and DARPA, which is like one of the experimental arms, research arms of the Department of Defense that were basically creating lockdowns and the protocols that would be implemented over the whole state. 01:40:34.739 --> 01:40:36.180 It wasn't even actual, there were no like 01:40:36.883 --> 01:40:52.041 public health officials involved in this date they just dictated and the governor uh... was isn't it was the governor time i can't think of it remember i don't remember of the top and i'm sorry that's right i can think of his name off top my head i mean this information has been sitting in my you know in the 01:40:52.802 --> 01:41:15.070 Archived in my brain for two plus years, but he openly boasted that we're working with these experts from Carnegie Mellon University and this privately funded organization that's basically a think tank inside the university and and they actually created a a Case tracker case counter Tom Wolfe. 01:41:15.150 --> 01:41:16.090 It's a Tom Wolfe. 01:41:16.150 --> 01:41:20.832 It's a really important name because he has a long history with this biosecurity state to 01:41:21.920 --> 01:41:25.585 Oh man, there's so much we can do with this. 01:41:25.885 --> 01:41:31.493 So they created on Facebook a way for people to just report cases themselves. 01:41:31.553 --> 01:41:37.701 So it was like, if you have any symptom, if you have a headache, if you feel woozy, you're tired, 01:41:38.562 --> 01:41:40.223 you can just click that as a COVID case. 01:41:40.283 --> 01:41:44.485 And then anyone on Facebook is just watching these COVID cases just skyrocket. 01:41:44.925 --> 01:41:45.625 It's everywhere. 01:41:46.005 --> 01:41:48.166 I think I I'm short of breath. 01:41:48.186 --> 01:41:49.007 I think I have it. 01:41:49.087 --> 01:41:54.469 So just is just one of the ways they created so much so much fear. 01:41:55.009 --> 01:42:05.514 And there's no doubt that that contributed mightily to how people perceived whatever seasonal respiratory virus or whatever they had. 01:42:06.955 --> 01:42:07.855 And I think they're 01:42:08.427 --> 01:42:10.148 You know, I mean. 01:42:11.449 --> 01:42:29.560 It's not going to happen, but it's like we need some kind of independent commission to establish what actually happened the same way we need it with October 7th to know what exactly happened on October 7th, who was responsible, how many people were killed by Israel rather than, you know, everyone says it was the Hamas massacre. 01:42:29.620 --> 01:42:30.701 They raped and burned. 01:42:31.656 --> 01:42:32.597 What exactly happened then? 01:42:32.677 --> 01:42:34.138 And what exactly happened? 01:42:34.299 --> 01:42:35.760 Who were the players involved? 01:42:35.840 --> 01:42:37.161 Who were the people at the top? 01:42:37.221 --> 01:42:40.464 Who were the witting agents? 01:42:40.584 --> 01:42:41.826 And this is what we need to know. 01:42:42.486 --> 01:42:46.470 And the constant, even to this day, to talk about lab leak, 01:42:47.691 --> 01:42:54.037 or, you know, spike protein or the origin or this or that are just distractions. 01:42:54.217 --> 01:43:02.205 And it's like our lives, our children's lives, like our society, humanity is at stake. 01:43:02.365 --> 01:43:05.889 And so I really encourage people to 01:43:08.524 --> 01:43:14.548 Go watch what Jonathan J. Cooley has to say on his streams. 01:43:15.288 --> 01:43:22.293 His channel, Gigome Biological, which I will link to, is an incredible resource. 01:43:22.353 --> 01:43:23.073 And challenge him. 01:43:23.113 --> 01:43:26.315 And interview him. 01:43:26.415 --> 01:43:28.216 People should interview you, I think. 01:43:29.797 --> 01:43:31.519 And really examine these things. 01:43:31.559 --> 01:43:35.901 Because these are incredibly important questions. 01:43:37.662 --> 01:43:37.942 I don't know. 01:43:37.982 --> 01:43:38.342 I don't know. 01:43:38.382 --> 01:43:40.163 You know, I mean, dude, you're a king, man. 01:43:40.223 --> 01:43:41.004 I don't know what to tell you. 01:43:41.024 --> 01:43:44.085 I really think we got a we got somewhere today. 01:43:44.145 --> 01:43:45.766 I really thought it was a great conversation. 01:43:45.806 --> 01:43:48.727 And more importantly, I want to come back and keep talking. 01:43:48.767 --> 01:43:57.031 So if you're if your listeners or your followers have a follow up, you know, direction we need to go or topics we need to go to, I'd be happy to do it. 01:43:57.191 --> 01:44:03.854 And yeah, I mean, just please, let's keep going, because this is well, how can I say it? 01:44:03.894 --> 01:44:06.035 There aren't very many independent media 01:44:07.012 --> 01:44:08.073 sources out there. 01:44:08.113 --> 01:44:18.284 I think that you are one of them and I am, you know, you're the first person to ask a lot of these questions and so I'm happy to come and address them again in more detail or just address them again to keep getting the message out. 01:44:19.127 --> 01:44:27.792 Yeah, I mean, we we we touched on so many different subjects that, you know, and I think people are going to have so many questions and there's so many ways to take this. 01:44:27.872 --> 01:44:38.218 It's such an enormous subject with that is so multifaceted that, you know, I really you know, people please ask questions, post comments. 01:44:38.318 --> 01:44:38.658 I'm going to. 01:44:39.759 --> 01:44:43.840 We'll do more of these these streams and again, interview Jay or Jay Cooley yourself. 01:44:45.321 --> 01:44:54.083 But now, Jay, I mean, I thank you immensely for your, you know, your effort over the years and your your integrity and your time today. 01:44:54.683 --> 01:44:56.404 And I really look forward to doing it again. 01:44:57.024 --> 01:44:57.724 Thanks very much, Dan. 01:45:04.753 --> 01:45:05.014 Awesome. 01:45:05.775 --> 01:45:08.681 I think, uh, that was better than yesterday at least. 01:45:09.663 --> 01:45:09.944 Yeah. 01:45:10.064 --> 01:45:13.792 I mean, I think part of it is just like, no, I mean like there's a couple of things. 01:45:13.852 --> 01:45:15.536 I think part of it is, um, 01:45:17.617 --> 01:45:24.720 like I need to instead of trying to be like redacted or Tucker or just be like, Jay, what what happened? 01:45:24.760 --> 01:45:26.181 What did Bobby Kennedy tell you? 01:45:26.601 --> 01:45:29.863 I just need to be like who I am and be like, look, here's how I got to you. 01:45:29.923 --> 01:45:32.604 And that just, you know, just pushes gets things going. 01:45:32.624 --> 01:45:39.567 So that's why when you texted me yesterday, I was like, you know, it's on me, too, because like, you know, this is it's it's more honest. 01:45:39.647 --> 01:45:42.268 It's like and OK, maybe it's not. 01:45:44.184 --> 01:45:44.524 I don't know. 01:45:45.085 --> 01:45:47.608 I think it's much more useful. 01:45:48.289 --> 01:45:49.830 It was awesome. 01:45:50.011 --> 01:45:51.492 Just don't doubt yourself. 01:45:51.532 --> 01:45:57.920 There were lots of my followers that were in the chat watching yesterday that were frustrated, but they weren't frustrated with you. 01:45:57.980 --> 01:45:59.001 They were frustrated with me. 01:45:59.381 --> 01:46:00.462 Because I wasn't listening. 01:46:00.962 --> 01:46:03.884 And they were like, he's asking you for a different talking point. 01:46:05.105 --> 01:46:08.787 So it really was me and you or whatever. 01:46:08.827 --> 01:46:10.168 But I'm glad that we worked it out. 01:46:10.208 --> 01:46:14.111 And again, like I said at the beginning of the stream, it's because no one's ever asked these questions before. 01:46:14.311 --> 01:46:14.631 No one. 01:46:14.931 --> 01:46:15.692 No one cared. 01:46:16.892 --> 01:46:20.775 And so I don't have a good rolled up answer to them. 01:46:20.835 --> 01:46:25.978 So I hope it came off that way, too, so that it'll all come off as honest as it really is. 01:46:25.998 --> 01:46:26.859 Because that's what it is. 01:46:26.979 --> 01:46:28.380 It's two guys that 01:46:29.488 --> 01:46:32.309 are really just internet friends, and we don't have much more than that. 01:46:32.389 --> 01:46:38.192 But we do have the truth, I think, and that's what makes it possible for this friendship to be. 01:46:38.292 --> 01:46:39.272 So thank you again. 01:46:39.292 --> 01:46:39.992 I don't know what to say. 01:46:40.032 --> 01:46:41.393 I think it went really well. 01:46:42.099 --> 01:46:42.319 Yeah. 01:46:42.399 --> 01:46:42.559 Yeah. 01:46:42.579 --> 01:46:43.120 I think so, too. 01:46:43.180 --> 01:46:46.922 Like I said, it's just like you can't like force a square peg in a round hole. 01:46:47.002 --> 01:46:54.407 Just have a conversation like the same way that like, you know, when we talk on the phone or this kind of thing that like we come at it from kind of very. 01:46:55.568 --> 01:47:05.275 Largely different like places in terms of just expertise and experience, but, you know, we we've arrived in very compatible places, so I think it it it's very 01:47:05.855 --> 01:47:16.146 Think we got that message out really well that you know from my perspective a lab leak was yes totally plausible But also not dangerous, and it could be lied about so it was actually a really nice thesis like that. 01:47:16.206 --> 01:47:19.629 I think yeah Yeah, definitely, so I don't know what's yeah. 01:47:19.730 --> 01:47:20.350 We'll do it again. 01:47:20.370 --> 01:47:24.234 I'll I'll see if Well, let me know when it's out. 01:47:24.274 --> 01:47:26.517 I'll share the link and try to get as many views as I can 01:47:27.557 --> 01:47:27.998 Definitely. 01:47:28.038 --> 01:47:30.260 I'm going to try to figure out how to like clip it out. 01:47:30.701 --> 01:47:32.002 I mean, I'm going to I don't know. 01:47:32.022 --> 01:47:33.343 I've never used these A.I. 01:47:33.484 --> 01:47:38.549 programs that like will be, you know, we'll get like, you know, ten one minute clips. 01:47:38.649 --> 01:47:41.172 I mean, I don't know if that will work with this, but it might. 01:47:41.372 --> 01:47:43.575 It might be like, you know, why did Bobby Kennedy? 01:47:43.973 --> 01:47:47.134 Why did Robert F. Kennedy, you know ignore you or whatever it might work. 01:47:47.194 --> 01:47:48.714 So I don't know I'll mess with it. 01:47:49.274 --> 01:47:59.857 Um Redacted, you know, I told redacted that I was like doing a full interview with you and they were like awesome We'll do a follow-up, you know, they so they want to interview me about the interview. 01:47:59.957 --> 01:48:00.237 Oh nice. 01:48:00.257 --> 01:48:04.598 Okay, perfect I mean, I'd rather that they would just interview you. 01:48:04.738 --> 01:48:04.978 Yeah. 01:48:04.998 --> 01:48:05.178 Yeah. 01:48:05.198 --> 01:48:06.719 Yeah increments increments 01:48:07.628 --> 01:48:07.928 Yeah. 01:48:08.088 --> 01:48:08.769 I mean, what else? 01:48:08.849 --> 01:48:09.169 I don't know. 01:48:09.269 --> 01:48:15.852 I'm not sure what else I have to, what else I can say to represent your point. 01:48:15.872 --> 01:48:16.392 You know what I mean? 01:48:16.552 --> 01:48:23.375 Why didn't Bobby or RFK interview, or why did RFK, you know, basically blow Jay Cooey off? 01:48:23.576 --> 01:48:24.616 Why didn't you ask Jay Cooey? 01:48:24.656 --> 01:48:26.397 Like he's going to be able to explain it better than I am. 01:48:26.437 --> 01:48:32.140 But, um, I might, I might just suggest that to them that they should just interview you. 01:48:32.660 --> 01:48:34.981 Um, but, uh, oh, we didn't. 01:48:35.661 --> 01:48:35.921 Yeah. 01:48:36.202 --> 01:48:36.522 I don't know. 01:48:36.562 --> 01:48:37.042 Maybe in like, 01:48:38.143 --> 01:48:54.773 a week or something like that, we can talk, we can talk like Bhattacharya, because he's... Yeah, I didn't, I didn't, I had it on my page here, but it didn't ever fit in, and I didn't want to, I felt like it could potentially be a very sharp left turn, and I didn't, we were going so well, I didn't want to do that. 01:48:55.053 --> 01:48:59.856 Yeah, yeah, it's, I mean, it's... It's a perfect excuse to bring me back though, so it's fine. 01:49:00.516 --> 01:49:06.261 Exactly, this is the thing, like there's no way, it's like, there's just no way we're going to cover everything. 01:49:06.301 --> 01:49:08.502 We didn't, you know, get into like transfection. 01:49:09.083 --> 01:49:09.603 Right. 01:49:09.763 --> 01:49:11.685 No, but I think that was what, that was good. 01:49:11.805 --> 01:49:17.710 That, again, that you, you said it a couple of times, you know, if you want to know more, you can go to my site or we can come back again. 01:49:17.770 --> 01:49:18.750 So it's perfect, I think. 01:49:18.971 --> 01:49:19.111 Yeah. 01:49:19.884 --> 01:49:29.740 You know, I just I don't know how to win because we haven't ever had the chance, you know, like if this is the chance to win, then we haven't been here before. 01:49:29.780 --> 01:49:30.541 It's kind of like the. 01:49:31.634 --> 01:49:33.135 Have you ever seen that movie? 01:49:33.395 --> 01:49:34.975 Is it The Day After Tomorrow? 01:49:35.015 --> 01:49:35.536 What is it called? 01:49:36.056 --> 01:49:37.076 The Day Before Tomorrow? 01:49:37.116 --> 01:49:37.496 What was it? 01:49:37.596 --> 01:49:40.938 I think it's The Day After Tomorrow, but I never saw it. 01:49:41.158 --> 01:49:44.919 If you haven't seen it, dude, it's one of Tom Cruise's coolest movies. 01:49:44.999 --> 01:49:47.380 It's like, you will love it. 01:49:48.180 --> 01:49:54.383 If you don't know anything about it, trust me, it'll be a movie that at the end you're like, I'm so happy that I watched it. 01:49:54.423 --> 01:49:57.664 And you will forget about all your problems for an hour and a half. 01:49:57.824 --> 01:49:58.564 It's really that. 01:49:58.884 --> 01:49:59.725 It's wonderful. 01:50:00.185 --> 01:50:00.705 Cool, cool. 01:50:01.477 --> 01:50:09.480 Yeah, I mean, at some point I got to finish these like multiple written investigations that I have. 01:50:09.600 --> 01:50:16.922 I mean, I think you actually might even have access to the one, like all the Bill Gertz stuff I was telling you about. 01:50:17.442 --> 01:50:21.624 I mean, I have like pages and pages that just lay out the narrative of 01:50:22.324 --> 01:50:26.587 How lab leak was I mean, I have the death certificate thing written out though. 01:50:26.627 --> 01:50:35.352 It's it needs to be revised But like the lab leak thing I have like pages and pages and pages where it's like Overwhelming and you see like all the players. 01:50:35.412 --> 01:50:41.636 I found the earliest instant instances of it on on like Twitter 01:50:42.941 --> 01:50:44.361 of people promoting lab leak. 01:50:44.421 --> 01:50:54.964 And it was and they were the shady X account or like Twitter accounts, one of which is like now, well, I guess I think is rebranded now, but was like a NAFO account. 01:50:54.984 --> 01:50:56.324 You know, NAFO is no. 01:50:57.664 --> 01:51:01.625 It was like this like pro Ukraine war. 01:51:01.685 --> 01:51:07.166 It was like it's pro war, like this whole CIA operation that was like they created. 01:51:08.446 --> 01:51:10.067 It was like they created like 01:51:12.912 --> 01:51:34.899 They basically it was like a social media phenomenon where they just created all these like basically fake accounts or inauthentic troll accounts to artificially generate support for Ukraine war and they would attack anyone who criticized the Ukraine war or like so like me and you know, a lot of my 01:51:35.499 --> 01:51:38.020 friends who were doing stuff on that, we would get attacked by them. 01:51:38.221 --> 01:51:41.122 And my friend Alex did like an expose on them. 01:51:41.202 --> 01:51:49.006 And then I look at when I was doing this investigation on like the origins of lab leak and the origins debate itself. 01:51:49.547 --> 01:51:55.770 And one of the first ones, there were two accounts that promoted this, and one of them at that point had morphed into a NAFO account. 01:51:56.330 --> 01:52:00.012 So they were like seeding this narrative in like December 2019, you know, two. 01:52:00.152 --> 01:52:00.473 And then like, 01:52:03.594 --> 01:52:06.475 Were you at all blown away when Robert F. Kennedy jr. 01:52:06.515 --> 01:52:17.960 Just casually threw out there that his son went to Ukraine and was a machine-gun guy Where the hell did that come from dude the first time I heard that I was like wait what who what? 01:52:21.222 --> 01:52:23.363 Great and his and his daughter-in-law is CIA. 01:52:23.603 --> 01:52:23.883 Yeah. 01:52:23.903 --> 01:52:25.324 Yeah, that's nobody cares. 01:52:25.384 --> 01:52:25.844 That's fine. 01:52:25.864 --> 01:52:25.904 Oh 01:52:27.102 --> 01:52:27.983 Yeah, that's normal. 01:52:31.187 --> 01:52:32.228 She's ex CIA. 01:52:32.308 --> 01:52:32.609 Come on. 01:52:32.649 --> 01:52:33.369 Quit being so. 01:52:33.490 --> 01:52:33.910 Oh, yeah. 01:52:34.010 --> 01:52:34.170 Yeah. 01:52:34.250 --> 01:52:34.791 Once a spook. 01:52:35.111 --> 01:52:37.514 Once you're out, you're not you're definitely not a spook anymore. 01:52:37.755 --> 01:52:38.035 Right. 01:52:38.155 --> 01:52:38.315 So. 01:52:39.554 --> 01:52:40.675 Oh, man, so much to do. 01:52:40.775 --> 01:52:43.476 Well, like that Pennsylvania stuff is crazy. 01:52:43.556 --> 01:52:45.057 I mean, I can send you this research. 01:52:45.077 --> 01:52:46.757 It's just like stuff that I researched. 01:52:46.837 --> 01:52:53.560 And this is my problem is, like I said, I take too much on and then I don't end up like getting enough of it out. 01:52:53.701 --> 01:53:03.665 So like I have like so much research and the crazy stuff that I could probably say the same thing that I've covered things once, you know, and then I never cover them again, even though they're central. 01:53:03.685 --> 01:53:07.207 But even if you're covering them because you see the good thing about streaming, 01:53:08.007 --> 01:53:11.628 is like you can have like 7 or 8 or 20 tabs open and you can just go through them. 01:53:11.988 --> 01:53:23.711 Whereas like writing an article is a much more kind of laborious... And if you are a real writer then you must be very frustrated with these people who have a substack every day or two substacks every day. 01:53:23.771 --> 01:53:25.151 You know that's not real, right? 01:53:25.231 --> 01:53:27.732 These people are... Yeah, I mean that's also probably true. 01:53:27.792 --> 01:53:28.432 I mean I'm like... 01:53:29.512 --> 01:53:33.194 I don't even I kind of honestly hate labels. 01:53:33.274 --> 01:53:35.475 I just call myself a journalist because that's what I do. 01:53:35.555 --> 01:53:36.956 People are like, are you a filmmaker? 01:53:37.056 --> 01:53:42.438 I'm like, well, I kind of fell into making films, but I'm not like a trained filmmaker. 01:53:42.478 --> 01:53:44.499 Like I could not teach someone how to do it. 01:53:44.599 --> 01:53:48.781 I just did it because like I needed to do it and I didn't know how else to get my message across. 01:53:49.261 --> 01:53:56.725 But like if someone, you know, a trained filmmaker or film professor would probably sit and watch my documentaries and could pick them apart technically. 01:53:56.765 --> 01:53:57.445 And I would be like, 01:53:58.328 --> 01:53:58.649 Yeah. 01:54:00.091 --> 01:54:04.760 So all that to say, like, okay, I like to do investigative journalism. 01:54:04.840 --> 01:54:10.611 I like to, you know, explore this whole lab leak thing and show the whole narrative and show how we've been fooled. 01:54:11.252 --> 01:54:13.934 all along and we need to, you know. 01:54:14.754 --> 01:54:22.759 But so, yeah, it's really hard for me to produce, you know, a substack post every day or I mean, it's what I need to do. 01:54:22.939 --> 01:54:27.142 And like I had a job when I moved to D.C., I had a job at RT America. 01:54:27.302 --> 01:54:28.843 That was my my job. 01:54:28.883 --> 01:54:34.267 And before I became a correspondent where I was on TV, I was a I was a writer. 01:54:34.527 --> 01:54:37.449 And so I would have to write like five articles per day. 01:54:38.129 --> 01:54:41.291 which was like, OK, you just have to learn how to be really efficient. 01:54:41.391 --> 01:54:46.475 I wish I could just had that level of like discipline and structure here at home. 01:54:46.555 --> 01:54:50.018 But it's just me in my own world. 01:54:50.098 --> 01:54:54.120 So, yeah, that's why I have so much unpublished. 01:54:55.521 --> 01:54:58.103 But well, then that means you got a woodpile. 01:54:59.264 --> 01:54:59.885 Yeah, exactly. 01:54:59.905 --> 01:55:00.285 You're good. 01:55:00.405 --> 01:55:00.905 Exactly. 01:55:01.786 --> 01:55:03.167 All right, my friend. 01:55:03.227 --> 01:55:04.248 Well, thanks again. 01:55:04.368 --> 01:55:05.148 You're welcome. 01:55:05.429 --> 01:55:05.729 Thank you. 01:55:06.542 --> 01:55:15.534 Yeah, we can, you know, and it doesn't, we don't have to, like, if there's something that comes up, you know, what, like, we can do kind of, I don't want to say newsy stuff today. 01:55:15.594 --> 01:55:21.763 But if there's like a headline, they're like, like, I think a couple weeks ago, I sent you, let me see, like a, like a 01:55:26.718 --> 01:55:29.339 Yeah, like that Tucker, there's like the Tucker thing. 01:55:29.719 --> 01:55:30.679 Yeah, no, I get it. 01:55:30.699 --> 01:55:31.479 I like to do that. 01:55:31.779 --> 01:55:32.660 Just a little spot. 01:55:32.800 --> 01:55:33.600 I mean, that would be cool too. 01:55:33.620 --> 01:55:34.000 Yeah, yeah. 01:55:34.200 --> 01:55:35.920 We could just, you know, talk for a few minutes. 01:55:36.161 --> 01:55:40.302 And then, oh yeah, that Elon thing where he's like the J&J vaccine. 01:55:41.062 --> 01:55:42.902 You know, I had the OG Wuhan strain. 01:55:42.982 --> 01:55:45.263 J&J hurt my arm, but otherwise nothing. 01:55:45.623 --> 01:55:51.647 But, you know, our MRNA, it hit hard, but has a lot of potential to cure cancer. 01:55:51.707 --> 01:55:52.067 Yeah. 01:55:52.087 --> 01:55:53.288 Like that's fucking crazy. 01:55:53.628 --> 01:55:54.189 What a chump. 01:55:55.089 --> 01:55:55.970 You know, stuff like that. 01:55:56.050 --> 01:55:56.430 We can. 01:55:56.791 --> 01:55:59.112 But he's not any more sophisticated than Bobby. 01:55:59.132 --> 01:56:01.954 You're just supposed to believe that these people are having these thoughts. 01:56:02.114 --> 01:56:03.715 And it's just it's not. 01:56:03.975 --> 01:56:06.577 And I just it takes a long it. 01:56:07.237 --> 01:56:15.423 You actually have to try to convince and get lucky enough to be able to try and convince these people of something before you can see how obviously it is done. 01:56:15.823 --> 01:56:17.165 Right, exactly. 01:56:17.185 --> 01:56:19.027 All right, my friend. 01:56:19.087 --> 01:56:19.668 We'll speak soon. 01:56:19.808 --> 01:56:20.109 Okay. 01:56:20.189 --> 01:56:20.529 Be well. 01:56:20.629 --> 01:56:29.000 Bye All right, so that was the show for today I don't think I'm gonna be able to put together another one. 01:56:29.040 --> 01:56:32.925 Although Mark and I have been sitting on this C-SPAN 01:56:34.969 --> 01:56:44.675 Jesse Gelsinger's dad and Ingder Verma talking about the whole gene therapy, you know, space and idea. 01:56:44.975 --> 01:56:47.957 And so tomorrow, that's going to be my study hall at 10am. 01:56:47.977 --> 01:56:52.860 I'm just going to watch that and take notes on it and try to contrast the 01:56:53.496 --> 01:57:00.781 the language, the attitude, the discussion in 2000 with the discussion in 2020 and 2025. 01:57:01.702 --> 01:57:08.607 Thank you very much for being here and for tolerating my performance yesterday. 01:57:08.907 --> 01:57:12.470 And hopefully today will be something that'll get us a little farther. 01:57:13.150 --> 01:57:14.311 And I'll see you again soon.