WEBVTT 00:34.906 --> 00:53.437 It doesn't matter much at all what you believe about vaccines until we invent really important ones, you know, until we have a pandemic that's killing everyone, you know, and, you know, it's not, it's, you know, measles plus, you know, okay, I can tolerate what you think about measles because, you know, not that many people die from it. 00:53.738 --> 00:55.739 It's just a big hassle in the end. 00:56.339 --> 01:02.503 But no, when we have this new pandemic that is, you know, got 75% mortality and 01:08.680 --> 01:12.043 There'll be no pretense of being polite in the face of these beliefs. 01:12.083 --> 01:14.605 It'll be a moral emergency, because it has to be. 01:18.510 --> 01:37.080 Jonathan, who's gonna talk about his latest kind of distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity. 01:38.161 --> 01:46.626 And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is gonna get a chance to comment 01:48.809 --> 01:50.370 I think truth is good for kids. 01:50.830 --> 01:54.612 We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society. 01:55.132 --> 01:56.753 We want everybody to feel good. 01:56.893 --> 01:59.114 That's not, that's not the way life is. 02:01.596 --> 02:05.498 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 02:07.319 --> 02:08.019 And I have lied. 02:08.039 --> 02:09.080 I'm sure I'll lie again. 02:09.100 --> 02:10.040 I don't want to lie. 02:10.500 --> 02:11.881 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 02:11.961 --> 02:13.022 I try not to be a liar. 02:13.042 --> 02:13.882 I don't want to be a liar. 02:14.443 --> 02:17.164 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 02:19.520 --> 02:22.681 Now, Dr. Gallo and Dr. Fauci talked a lot about isolation and purification. 02:23.162 --> 02:24.982 Can you tell me what the difference is between the two? 02:26.963 --> 02:27.343 Isolation? 02:27.383 --> 02:27.703 What was that? 02:27.863 --> 02:28.964 Isolation and purification. 02:30.825 --> 02:31.545 Of the virus? 02:31.625 --> 02:31.845 Yes. 02:33.086 --> 02:34.846 Well, you isolate a virus by 02:41.664 --> 03:03.986 finding the virus which causes a disease you purify a virus by making a lot of I mean just by purifying it so you get a pure virus I don't understand what the issue they interchanged the two and I wasn't sure if it was the same thing or if it was two totally different no it depends on how they used it can you explain the process of HIV isolation 03:07.090 --> 03:09.071 Well, didn't Dr. Gallo do that? 03:09.131 --> 03:10.971 I mean, he actually isolated it. 03:11.331 --> 03:15.153 I mean, why should I do all of this? 03:15.233 --> 03:17.314 This is all textbook stuff you're asking me. 03:22.275 --> 03:24.296 It's literally turning into a worst-case scenario. 03:24.316 --> 03:27.397 The latest data tells us that we're dealing with, essentially, a worst-case scenario. 03:37.481 --> 03:40.243 He is the life of parties he has never attended. 03:42.445 --> 03:46.528 If opportunity knocks and he's not home, opportunity waits. 03:47.990 --> 03:50.411 When in Rome, they do as he does. 03:52.073 --> 03:54.915 He is the most interesting man in the world. 03:57.557 --> 04:03.342 I don't always ruin things, but when I do, I prefer the great reset. 04:04.383 --> 04:05.624 Stay awake, my friends. 04:18.211 --> 04:22.475 Our first public comment speaker is Mr. Jonathan Cooey. 04:24.657 --> 04:25.437 Hello, can you hear me? 04:25.457 --> 04:27.339 Yes, please go ahead. 04:27.819 --> 04:28.199 Thank you. 04:28.259 --> 04:31.022 My name is Jonathan Cooey and I have no conflicts of interest. 04:31.402 --> 04:36.606 The ethical principle of informed consent has been effectively ignored for the duration of the pandemic. 04:37.307 --> 04:45.093 The FDA and the CDC long ago failed to meet their responsibility to ensure informed consent in those healthy adults who have been already transfected. 04:45.757 --> 04:50.541 most egregiously in the healthy college students and teens for whom there was never an emergency. 04:51.182 --> 05:01.370 The CDC and FDA failed again just days ago to provide the opportunity for informed consent, this time for parents of children under five, when recommending transfection as safe and effective. 05:01.951 --> 05:12.260 After nearly two years of calling transfection by lipid nanoparticle an investigative vaccine, you have failed to provide informed consent by pushing a false equivalence between transfection 05:12.862 --> 05:15.843 and traditional live attenuated and recombinant vaccines. 05:16.343 --> 05:34.166 You have failed to inform the public that transfection, the expression of a viral protein by injection of synthetic RNA, is a highly variable and tissue dependent process that we are unsure can provoke meaningful immune memory, the goal of any vaccination. 05:34.666 --> 05:41.867 You have failed to notify the public of the potential for autoimmunity while also failing to look for this known downside of this technique. 05:42.611 --> 05:48.515 The FDA have no data to support recommending transfection for any healthy human in 2022. 05:49.155 --> 05:56.460 After more than two years, you have failed to inform the public that you know the studies upon which these recommendations are based are woefully underpowered. 05:57.100 --> 06:03.304 In place of informed consent, you have pushed the vague concepts of safe and effective until they were devoid of meaning. 06:03.765 --> 06:12.010 The studies used to specifically recommend transfection to the under five age group are statistical jokes without clinically meaningful endpoints. 06:12.495 --> 06:16.238 You know, immunobridging to non-inferiority is useless. 06:16.378 --> 06:17.359 Do your job. 06:17.859 --> 06:32.590 Of course, the CDC, NIH, and NIAID also failed to inform the public that they knew late in 2019 that the virus had already several key molecular aspects that indicated both its origin and the many known countermeasures that would be expected to work. 06:33.171 --> 06:34.972 Instead, they said they knew nothing. 06:35.032 --> 06:40.216 They could see nothing unusual and that our immune systems were equally vulnerable and you ran with it. 06:40.726 --> 06:49.891 Data from your own presentations demonstrate the vast majority of kids have been infected, a primary counter indication for the administration of any vaccine before 2020. 06:51.452 --> 06:57.635 You are pushing products under the guise of a regulatory framework that we know by your actions is pro-forma only. 06:58.216 --> 07:09.322 You failed to inform the public that you know from studying influenza and other viruses that the developing immune system is an impossibly complicated process that involves imprinting mechanisms that cannot be reversed. 07:09.921 --> 07:26.331 The catalog of molecular immune memories that protects us for a lifetime has formed through the countless exposures of pathogens in our childhood, and you have failed to inform the public that you know that transfection to a 2020 viral code protein cannot be useful in augmenting this process. 07:26.871 --> 07:32.255 You know it will not meaningfully protect these children because there is a planet worth of data informing you of this. 07:32.995 --> 07:33.916 It's biology. 07:34.056 --> 07:36.197 Please get some and then do your job. 09:17.848 --> 09:18.157 you 09:51.751 --> 09:52.932 down to sea. 09:52.952 --> 09:58.855 We don't even care. 09:59.035 --> 10:03.117 As restless as we are. 10:03.577 --> 10:10.940 We feel the hope in the land of a thousand years. 10:11.160 --> 10:13.761 Born in silence. 10:14.121 --> 10:19.324 Lamented at the show to the lights. 10:32.223 --> 10:34.295 Oh, that's so good 11:39.212 --> 11:44.499 The street heats the urgency of now. 12:10.994 --> 12:13.276 I love you. 12:39.203 --> 12:39.605 you 13:36.167 --> 13:36.748 All right. 13:37.308 --> 13:42.893 I did see that Denny released some great big report. 13:44.214 --> 13:47.897 I hope it reveals something and it doesn't obfuscate anything. 13:47.937 --> 13:49.099 And I don't mean to accuse. 13:49.159 --> 14:00.208 I just mean to say that we've got to keep our ears on the tracks and make sure that we are not led by our noses yet again. 14:02.352 --> 14:06.816 We need to keep our eyes on the telescope, so to speak. 14:07.297 --> 14:10.700 Make sure that we're reporting what we see and what we know for sure. 14:10.720 --> 14:18.287 And we don't follow them on these various discussions that we're now being told the latest shiny object. 14:19.168 --> 14:21.390 I'm very, very concerned about that. 14:22.191 --> 14:28.035 And that's why I really want to focus today on Mondays on meddlers only. 14:29.536 --> 14:34.020 And if we can get there, I think that's a really pretty good place to be. 14:34.040 --> 14:37.523 The rest of the week then we can focus on biology. 14:38.363 --> 14:40.505 I hope that's the way this is going to work out. 14:43.319 --> 14:51.240 There's no doubt that there was no evidence of spread in New York City and I want to see where and what we can see from the new report from Denny. 14:52.623 --> 14:54.084 any indication of spread? 14:54.124 --> 15:03.771 Is there any analysis, a temporal analysis which might talk about or give us any insight into spread or is that not really the case? 15:04.872 --> 15:09.796 Infectious clones are the only real threat is something I still don't hear anyone talking about. 15:10.797 --> 15:12.318 The same with placebo batches. 15:12.418 --> 15:17.122 It's just bad batches and good batches or hot batches and not so hot. 15:17.902 --> 15:20.463 And still no one can use the T words. 15:21.083 --> 15:24.485 No transduction, no transformation, no transfection. 15:24.545 --> 15:25.805 Nobody's talking about it. 15:26.726 --> 15:34.129 They're also not talking about the use of high flow supplemental oxygen to the tune of between 10 and 60 liters a minute. 15:34.149 --> 15:39.671 They're not talking about the limited hangout that is gain of function virology. 15:40.571 --> 15:46.934 They're not talking about how the Scooby Doo, the performance that we're still paying attention to today, 15:48.415 --> 15:57.360 has expanded to not only include virology, but to include a lot of the things that I think we're already arguing about on the news today. 15:58.001 --> 16:07.627 And it becomes this spectacular commitment to asking the wrong questions and arguing very, very vigorously about the answers to those wrong questions. 16:07.667 --> 16:09.008 That's all that's required here. 16:10.349 --> 16:12.010 That's really all that's required. 16:13.992 --> 16:16.914 And like I've explained, the people that are being 16:18.058 --> 16:23.885 given comfort and fame by weaponized piles of money have convinced us to argue about the origins of the novel virus. 16:23.925 --> 16:37.240 And what's really curious right now is that these same people, believe it or not, are now getting us to argue about the number of shooters, the possibility that there are multiple shooters. 16:38.922 --> 16:49.394 And so we are being governed by a theater that has spanned from mainstream media to social media on all platforms, podcasts for a very long time. 16:49.895 --> 16:56.943 And mythology with a big M doesn't just include RNA virology and it hasn't for a very long time. 16:57.003 --> 16:58.304 And some of us have been aware that 16:59.085 --> 17:08.203 You know, there's been a mythology created around Oklahoma City and a mythology created around Las Vegas and Boston and 9-11. 17:10.402 --> 17:34.897 and maybe even about the moon landing, but mythologies about RNA pandemics is something very few people seem willing to question or even entertain, which I find spectacular because now those same people who won't consider the possibility that a national security state has been setting people up like Dezac and Nathan Wolf and Ralph Baric to represent 17:35.837 --> 17:42.241 the illusion of pandemic potential and that that was part of the mythology they're trying to enslave us under. 17:42.261 --> 18:05.053 But they're happy to discuss the idea that there are a number of multiple shooters and that's what they've already moved on to because we've already solved the mystery of the pandemic and what mistakes were made and how we rushed it and the fact that the vaccines, as they won't call them transfections, the transfections are contaminated with double-stranded DNA. 18:06.437 --> 18:17.426 And so the theater has pivoted one step, two steps, three steps, like a dance floor full of people who all know the shuffle that everybody's doing right now. 18:17.546 --> 18:30.636 And anybody that's not doing it is laughed at and said that they have bad motives or they're being paid by some other foreign agency, when in reality, all the people that are saying that are working with foreigners. 18:32.677 --> 18:51.342 And once you see it, even if you need to be shown, once you see it, it's pretty hard not to be upset because this is something that extends itself all the way back to the special cancer virus program and nuclear weapons and nuclear power. 18:53.503 --> 18:57.944 and the illusion of AI, the illusion of the Human Genome Project. 18:58.064 --> 19:06.908 One of the things I think I really nailed in that interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, thank you very much for noticing that that was published. 19:08.309 --> 19:13.634 is that I really nailed the explanation for what they did and didn't accomplish with the Human Genome Project. 19:13.654 --> 19:23.423 I think it's really an important thing for our kids to understand that that was an illusion that was created and even published on the front page of Science and Nature. 19:24.744 --> 19:32.366 an illusion about what was accomplished and how far we'd gotten, an illusion about the resolution of our understanding. 19:32.406 --> 19:35.927 And these charlatans have had power over us for a couple generations now. 19:36.367 --> 19:37.367 That's the issue here. 19:38.707 --> 19:45.729 And if we want to take back the power from these charlatans, we have to recognize more of them than the TV will show us. 19:46.349 --> 19:49.110 More of them than social media will show us. 19:49.730 --> 19:51.112 And that's what I'm trying to do here. 19:51.553 --> 20:02.309 And we're going to dedicate every Monday to these kinds of meddlers as we try to make gentle the life of this world for our kids and dispel the mythologies of 20:04.497 --> 20:31.912 American history, especially recent American history, and how social media and false waves of consensus have been used to make our kids believe that they've become expert surfers, that they understand how the world of the adult works, how adults work, how government works, how public health works, how vaccines work, and these illusions of consensus created by the skilled use of social media 20:32.512 --> 20:37.475 need to be broken by showing our kids how those waves of consensus are created. 20:38.996 --> 20:40.237 That's the goal. 20:40.277 --> 20:42.538 We want to stay focused on the biology while we do it. 20:42.578 --> 20:53.164 We don't want to take the bait on social media even as we try to wean our kids off of it and teach them to love their neighbors again. 20:53.924 --> 20:56.386 Not the imaginary people on social media, 20:58.484 --> 21:08.050 the imaginary people on social media, but the real people in their lives at school and in their families and in their communities. 21:08.671 --> 21:28.164 This is a message American made for America, but also for the rest of the world to see that there is a grassroots movement called the Independent Bright Web that is trying to organize a movement in America that will spread the word 21:29.884 --> 21:32.445 that something else is happening here. 21:34.025 --> 21:53.989 We are being actively undermined by a group of Americans that seems to be traitorously cooperating with people from other Five Eyes countries, other media, and other Five Eyes countries to demoralize America and around the world to destroy 21:55.609 --> 22:01.653 the perception of what America means, what America is, what American culture has brought to the world. 22:03.074 --> 22:07.837 And if we're gonna turn this cruise ship around, you gotta pull your hands down. 22:08.557 --> 22:13.320 You gotta realize that your active participation on social media is what allows this to happen. 22:14.361 --> 22:16.683 And I know it's hard to hear it, but we've got to get off. 22:16.764 --> 22:26.473 I'm trying very hard to get off of X. I don't have much other social media other than our soapbox and our peer tube and this live chat. 22:26.593 --> 22:32.258 So... Informed noncompliance. 22:32.458 --> 22:33.399 That's what we're trying to do. 22:33.499 --> 22:35.621 United, informed, noncompliance. 22:35.661 --> 22:37.083 Thank you very much for joining me. 22:37.103 --> 22:39.125 This is GigaOM Biological. 22:42.185 --> 22:42.305 do 23:06.670 --> 23:07.931 Good morning, everybody. 23:07.951 --> 23:09.934 It's not morning anymore. 23:09.954 --> 23:11.355 Oh my gosh, I started late today. 23:11.395 --> 23:12.216 That's right. 23:12.256 --> 23:12.917 Good afternoon. 23:12.937 --> 23:14.038 It is 1.32 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 23:17.662 --> 23:23.305 This is Giga Ohm Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 23:24.386 --> 23:26.987 Did I say already that it's the 22nd of July, 2024? 23:29.449 --> 23:31.030 I'm coming to you live from my garage. 23:31.110 --> 23:32.550 As usual, the back door is open. 23:32.610 --> 23:37.173 It may occasionally rain very, very hard, but it's still cool. 23:38.514 --> 23:39.554 And so I want to leave it open. 23:40.895 --> 23:45.938 Ruby doesn't like the front door open because she doesn't like the thunder and stuff, but I just need the breeze. 23:46.888 --> 23:50.531 So if there's some noise back there, I'll try and dim my mic. 23:50.551 --> 23:52.972 I guess I gotta restart this thing. 23:53.093 --> 23:54.473 Oh, no, that's the end indeed. 23:56.395 --> 23:57.736 I am a human just like you. 23:57.856 --> 24:01.638 I'm gonna finish this slide deck and then start the other one here. 24:03.660 --> 24:10.044 We are at a stage now, a very crucial stage where people really need to become aware of 24:12.173 --> 24:19.285 that we can now, in retrospect, I think, really succinctly describe what has happened. 24:19.325 --> 24:22.410 Now, succinctly might still be two hours. 24:24.465 --> 24:28.326 Happy birthday to your late father there, Christy. 24:29.306 --> 24:33.727 Weaponized piles of money have convinced us to argue about the origins of the novel virus. 24:33.787 --> 24:37.848 Participating in the argument accepts the premise of a novel virus. 24:38.388 --> 24:42.729 And we have been governed by this theater for much longer than any of us have ever imagined. 24:43.129 --> 24:47.370 And I really like you to consider what you can see on Twitter 24:47.930 --> 24:57.198 is that almost all of these people in lockstep have decided that the most important thing to discuss now is how many shooters were there. 24:57.639 --> 25:11.611 And none of these people, none of these people are discussing how it might be that a young man in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who lives just four blocks away from my house, could have been 25:12.705 --> 25:21.794 mentally contorted into carrying a rifle and getting up on that rooftop and purportedly doing what he did. 25:21.894 --> 25:24.096 No one seems to care about that question. 25:24.176 --> 25:34.747 No one seems to wonder if it was Discord, or if it was Twitter, or if it was DMs, or if it was, you know, watching Soph on BitChute. 25:34.867 --> 25:36.048 No one seems to care. 25:38.137 --> 25:48.060 And I find that very extraordinary that the more important thing to talk about is whether or not one bullet came from the water tower or not, or whether that little shadow is actually a dude. 25:49.501 --> 25:51.501 Nobody cares about the kid. 25:52.001 --> 25:56.403 Nobody actually cares about the people that apparently were shot on sight. 25:57.509 --> 26:02.074 And many people have decided that that was their own fault for being on site in the first place. 26:02.154 --> 26:07.159 And so this is just the natural consequence of Trump and following Trump. 26:07.440 --> 26:09.081 Occasionally you might get shot. 26:10.140 --> 26:22.267 Now, the reason why I'm a little bit upset about this, and I am a little bit upset about this, is because the other day, on my day off on Sunday night, I went over to a friend's house and tried to get a little socializing in. 26:22.848 --> 26:26.730 And we played some cards, nothing fancy, just Euchre. 26:27.991 --> 26:38.537 But Euchre is supposed to be one of these games that isn't very high level intellectual engagement, so that you can have side conversations about the music or about whatever you're up to in your life. 26:38.997 --> 26:40.738 At least that's how I understand Euchre. 26:41.139 --> 26:49.144 But in this case, the Euchre was pretty competitive and pretty intellectual and everybody had to talk about what they should have done. 26:50.205 --> 27:01.733 And when it came right down to it, in between things or in between drinks, there was occasionally a conversation which it became very, very clear that everyone there except me, 27:03.086 --> 27:13.236 was wiping the sweat off of their brow because they were sure that if Trump would have actually been killed, that America would be burning down right now. 27:14.298 --> 27:24.268 That Trump supporters would have all gotten all of their guns and loaded all of their clips and gone out on the street and unloaded all of their guns on America. 27:26.423 --> 27:37.291 And the surprise with which I greeted that general, I mean, the agreement just went around the table and around the deck because we were playing outside. 27:38.732 --> 27:43.856 And I find that idea very, very disturbing to me. 27:43.936 --> 27:45.418 I was very shocked. 27:46.328 --> 27:52.033 because I don't think there is any empirical evidence for Trump supporters doing that. 27:52.093 --> 27:55.856 Now, of course, their main thing they're gonna offer is January 6th. 27:56.517 --> 28:10.328 And so there's supposed to be this extreme cognitive disconnect between people that think January 6th was a legitimate threat to our democracy and people who think January 6th was blown way out of proportion for political reasons. 28:10.388 --> 28:13.651 And there's all kinds of evidence to believe that maybe even it was worse than that. 28:14.980 --> 28:20.846 And so this is very, very similar to what they've done with so many other things. 28:20.906 --> 28:34.660 And now here we are in 2024, and the same people that got us to argue very, very vigorously about the origins of the pandemic for a couple years before we had any chance of exercising informed consent. 28:36.633 --> 28:45.996 They are now pushing us not to question the kid that lived four blocks from my house, not to question how it might be that he showed up there with a gun. 28:46.776 --> 28:49.857 Not that he was allowed to do it or anything, but who is he? 28:49.937 --> 28:50.577 Why is he? 28:53.959 --> 29:05.628 And how easily can they use Discord or any of these other social media platforms that none of us can see very well, including Twitter and DMs on Twitter. 29:06.088 --> 29:14.274 How can these platforms be used to find, identify, court, and enable people like that kid? 29:15.945 --> 29:17.146 Is the FBI doing it? 29:17.206 --> 29:21.488 Because apparently they can tell these people who to censor and take things down. 29:21.548 --> 29:28.691 Why can't they also say, hey, look for accounts that fit X, Y, and Z. And when you find them, let us know and we'll put an agent on them. 29:30.652 --> 29:32.633 And we're not talking about that at all. 29:32.693 --> 29:36.855 We're talking about shooters and multiple shooters and they must all work for somebody. 29:37.295 --> 29:41.157 So then the kid just disappears into the nowhere land. 29:44.238 --> 29:55.262 even though we should be most terrified about how they are manipulating people in mass and also individually to do things and to believe things and to ask the wrong questions and to behave the wrong way. 29:55.322 --> 29:57.823 And to what extent can they actually do that? 30:00.084 --> 30:05.386 Is this just another demonstration like them making us all go get toilet paper in February, 2020? 30:06.066 --> 30:06.906 Do you remember that? 30:07.487 --> 30:08.127 Same thing. 30:13.251 --> 30:22.617 We gotta be very, very careful about not asking the questions that they want us to ask with such vigor that we don't realize that we are asking their questions. 30:24.699 --> 30:32.824 That's how we got here, where the mystery virus is killing people because we didn't ask the questions we should have asked. 30:34.471 --> 30:36.535 Instead, we were asking, where did it come from? 30:37.256 --> 30:38.398 And is Fauci lying? 30:39.120 --> 30:40.362 Is Peter Daszak lying? 30:40.402 --> 30:41.203 Who paid for this? 30:41.885 --> 30:42.726 What about Event 201? 30:43.167 --> 30:44.730 Gee, they already knew this was coming. 30:45.191 --> 30:46.794 So the question never got asked. 30:48.171 --> 31:05.220 And that was on the background of a fear, uncertainty, doubt, confusion, on the background of do not resuscitate orders that made even EMTs think, wow, I mean, if this thing is that deadly that they're telling us not to give compressions or not to, wow, that's pretty serious, man. 31:05.260 --> 31:05.960 Can you believe that? 31:08.732 --> 31:15.016 Pulse oximeters were the way that they had to measure people, the way that they had to look at people, because that's all the indication they had. 31:15.416 --> 31:25.321 Pierre Corey even confirmed that, that supplementary oxygen could be used to just use as much as you will, especially because a lot of people won't want to be on ventilators or maybe shouldn't be yet. 31:27.002 --> 31:31.545 And then with high flow supplemental oxygen, you get a progression to ARDS. 31:31.585 --> 31:35.127 That's already a well-published peer-reviewed fact. 31:38.800 --> 31:48.274 And so that's what gets you on ventilators, not just the prerogative that that's the way COVID should be treated to prevent iatrogenic spread. 31:52.213 --> 31:54.895 Well, to spread in hospitals. 31:55.595 --> 31:57.356 Gosh, why did my brain go blank on that? 31:57.777 --> 32:17.510 The use of antibiotics, of course, was greatly discouraged because the COVID protocol would say, and people like Griffin on the TWIV programs would say over and over again for three and a half, maybe even still saying it now, that antibiotics don't work for viral pneumonia. 32:18.070 --> 32:21.613 And so if you test positive or you're suspected of having this new bug, 32:22.293 --> 32:30.619 which will get your administration of your hospital a whole bunch of money, then you're going to go along with that COVID protocol. 32:30.659 --> 32:42.127 Now, poor use of steroids is something completely different because early on in the pandemic, they cleared some hospitals by giving people dexamethasone and getting them out of the ICU, getting them out of 32:43.228 --> 32:48.890 getting beds free under the pretense that there was gonna be a coming crisis. 32:49.410 --> 33:04.455 But what that did was that shifted a bunch of old people back to their care homes where their secondary pneumonias and other like urinary tract infections wouldn't be treated fast enough because their immune system would have been hammered down as Robert Malone. 33:04.975 --> 33:14.980 And he said it in an interview to Paul Cottrell, friend and colleague of George Webb in 2021, that this was killing people. 33:15.300 --> 33:17.281 They were killing people with dexamethasone. 33:17.761 --> 33:23.763 So remdesivir and midazolam, yes, they probably contributed to this, but these were like shiny objects that they hung in front of us. 33:23.823 --> 33:27.765 Number one, because in the UK, they were already euthanizing old people. 33:27.825 --> 33:31.007 And then they did more of that during the pandemic. 33:31.047 --> 33:33.388 That's one of the creepy things that people like, 33:34.088 --> 33:58.110 like Claire Craig are actually covering up and even that guy Campbell on on YouTube are actually kind of stepping around that because of course all the doctors that I've spoken to that are speaking freely about it the first thing they say is that well we we that's already built into NHS that they would euthanize people when they were that old or when they were that that burdensome or they you know were vegetables or whatever in between 33:59.119 --> 34:01.440 It's not that dissimilar to the Netherlands. 34:01.520 --> 34:13.464 And so you're looking at a situation where they made a mountain out of a molehill in places where they could, and then they made a mountain out of a molehill with remdesivir to try and distract you from how they got most people there to begin with. 34:13.884 --> 34:24.268 How they got the in-hospital progression was simply supplementary oxygen, which was something that any hospital could do, any hospital could order, and many of them probably did. 34:25.048 --> 34:27.129 And we could look into it if anybody gave a darn. 34:28.877 --> 34:44.745 Opioid deaths, of course, have been just misconstrued as further evidence of COVID because the life expectancy of our middle-aged and young adults has gone down, and it has gone down because of the opioid crisis. 34:45.705 --> 34:55.130 But they will misconstrue that as being a result of COVID, when we know that the average age of death in places where it was accurately reported was even 34:56.016 --> 35:03.807 even older than expected age of death in those populations like Scotland or Ireland or something like that. 35:04.628 --> 35:12.630 So death certificate fraud occurred in America, number one, that elevates the total number of COVID cases. 35:12.710 --> 35:16.850 But number two, it was because of financial incentives to do so. 35:16.910 --> 35:20.271 So the more COVID deaths you had, the more money you made as hospitals. 35:20.331 --> 35:28.913 And since a lot of hospitals in America are administrated by essentially as a business, then this was basically a huge giveaway. 35:29.233 --> 35:33.814 And the administration in these hospitals, number one, sent the very old 35:34.554 --> 35:38.477 and independent doctors and attending doctors home, right? 35:38.537 --> 35:42.080 Because, you know, you're old and you're going to be very vulnerable to this virus. 35:42.140 --> 35:51.528 And so they handed over these departments to their residents and these residents then absolutely positively followed the orders of their administrators. 35:52.208 --> 35:54.790 And so therefore they got the illusion that they needed. 35:55.231 --> 36:10.002 And then that was further exacerbated by these track and trace companies, by the debates about masks, the debates about closures and mandates, and the idea that PCR is detecting something that wasn't already there. 36:10.422 --> 36:14.366 The idea that lateral flow tests are detecting something that wasn't already there. 36:14.746 --> 36:18.529 And the idea that this sequencing is detecting something that wasn't already there. 36:18.649 --> 36:20.590 All of these things are likely illusions. 36:21.491 --> 36:32.113 That really has not been addressed, even if the bottom one is an illusion, because they have been already there, which is the most parsimonious explanation for it. 36:32.153 --> 36:40.075 They had more than 10 years since the last supposed SARS pandemic. 36:40.115 --> 36:47.697 They had 10 years to characterize the background and then roll out that data as if it was 16 million sequences of brand new viruses. 36:48.237 --> 36:51.500 So they have zero epidemiological evidence of spread. 36:51.900 --> 37:00.067 The best case scenario is that a lot of projected Medicare costs that everybody was worried about for the last 10 years have been luckily avoided. 37:00.468 --> 37:15.461 And the really weird thing is, is that none of the lawyers that are involved in this, none of the pundits that are involved in this that are talking about legal strategies are ever succinctly using the words strict and liability together as one concept. 37:16.061 --> 37:21.385 They're not using the words jurisdiction and stripping together as one concept. 37:21.785 --> 37:30.931 And so they are also, by that same reasoning, not using the three words Seventh Amendment violation together to mean one idea. 37:31.311 --> 37:33.473 And it's really curious to me as to why. 37:34.153 --> 37:41.874 The only answer I've ever gotten was in a private, unrecorded Zoom meeting with Aaron Seery, where I was able to ask him about the Seventh Amendment. 37:41.894 --> 37:47.575 He said it wasn't the right time and had no other explanation other than it wasn't the right time. 37:49.556 --> 38:02.698 These people, for whatever reason, are lying to us in order to make sure that the vast majority of people in TV land, the vast majority of skilled social media users accept that transfection in healthy humans was rushed, but it worked. 38:04.707 --> 38:19.964 and that they continue to fear free-range RNA and continue to believe that free-range RNA, if it has the right combination of... I mean, if you're sophisticated enough like Charles Rixey is to know that it's the fear and cleavage site that makes it so... 38:21.065 --> 38:25.787 the most infectious virus ever in the history of the world. 38:25.867 --> 38:37.710 And if you're sophisticated enough like Andrew Huff to know that gain of function can push a virus hundreds of thousands of years forward in evolution, then you fit right in with this. 38:39.111 --> 38:48.814 The reality is that these people know this isn't true, but they work to sustain this illusion because they are a team of charlatans. 38:49.701 --> 38:51.181 It's a national security state. 38:51.922 --> 38:56.023 It's a national security state that likely already started to exist around 9-11. 38:57.243 --> 38:58.403 And the anthrax stuff. 38:59.604 --> 39:02.844 When Joe Biden was really vocal about that while he was still in the Senate. 39:04.025 --> 39:09.346 His son intimately connected with metabiota in Ukraine, as is his family connected in Ukraine. 39:09.706 --> 39:11.287 But nobody wants to talk about that. 39:11.847 --> 39:12.727 Not even these people. 39:15.492 --> 39:16.793 Which is quite curious, right? 39:16.833 --> 39:26.442 Because metabiota could be seen as just a bunch of rented office space that was in the early part of the pandemic distorted as, oh my gosh, look at America did it. 39:26.482 --> 39:30.586 They have like all these, they have all these bioweapons labs in America. 39:30.966 --> 39:32.007 I mean, in Ukraine. 39:32.928 --> 39:34.789 That's why Russia was going in, remember? 39:36.631 --> 39:39.033 These people are part of the same illusion. 39:40.414 --> 39:41.916 It didn't, this is not true. 39:43.240 --> 39:47.723 Transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic. 39:48.123 --> 39:56.569 So what I argued, and I believe I came up with this independently, but I believe Peter McCullough has mentioned something similar, as has Jonathan Cooey. 39:59.048 --> 40:00.929 vaccine, if you think about it. 40:00.949 --> 40:05.912 You know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 40:06.333 --> 40:09.395 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 40:09.455 --> 40:18.921 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 40:18.941 --> 40:25.525 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 40:28.860 --> 40:33.284 So they have the right words, and they've known the right words for many years. 40:33.404 --> 40:36.207 That's why I also played that 2022 ACIP meeting statement from me. 40:40.270 --> 40:42.731 Because I haven't always been here. 40:44.311 --> 40:55.635 At that point in time, I still was thinking about background SARS viruses and accepting the viral, the notion of a virus and the notion of the infectious cycle and this kind of thing. 40:56.735 --> 41:01.317 Because I still hadn't been challenged by Bobby to tell him or teach him what infectious clones were. 41:02.461 --> 41:04.222 but I had a lot of it nailed. 41:04.783 --> 41:09.466 And I've shown you the video before from me in July of 2020, where I also had it nailed. 41:09.486 --> 41:20.854 There's no explanation why all of these people have taken selfies with me, claim to watch my show, haven't become supporters, haven't subscribed, haven't shared with anyone, never tweeted about it. 41:22.115 --> 41:24.556 The reason why is because they're all part of the same team. 41:26.378 --> 41:27.659 They're all part of this little, 41:28.800 --> 41:33.484 this little crew that seems to orbit around Robert Malone, Team Robert Malone. 41:34.746 --> 41:43.173 That's why you're starting to see that it's becoming obvious that they created this illusion of consensus about a laboratory or a Batcave virus. 41:43.274 --> 41:45.436 And I got sucked into it like everybody else did. 41:46.277 --> 42:03.776 That's why right now Kevin McKernan has no problems retweeting Charles Rixey about Metobiota and EcoHealth Alliance, about Nathan Wolf and Peter Daszak being two very rascally virologists who are probably responsible for this mess. 42:06.445 --> 42:10.929 That's why you see, you know, Jessica Rose and Claire Craig are just the same people. 42:11.589 --> 42:16.714 Two foreigners meddling in the United States, meddling in the UK to bring down both systems. 42:19.476 --> 42:21.298 And Jessica Rose is a virologist. 42:21.358 --> 42:24.180 Claire Craig is part of a 100,000 Genomes Project where, of course, you know it. 42:29.850 --> 42:34.213 and a diagnostic clinician or a diagnostic pathologist or something like this. 42:34.273 --> 42:44.922 I mean, there is no explanation for this other than the Heart Group and their co-chairs, Jonathan Engler and Claire Craig being absolute meddlers. 42:44.982 --> 42:52.948 I don't know if they're also traitors to the UK or if they're part of a Five Eyes coordinated operation that is traitorous to America. 42:54.315 --> 43:00.137 But I do know that none of these people are concerned about America being undermined from within by these globalist traitors. 43:01.017 --> 43:10.620 None of them are worried about a possible communist infiltration of the American government and the dissonant movement in America or the alternative political movement. 43:10.680 --> 43:12.100 No one's worried about that at all. 43:16.282 --> 43:19.103 And Pierre Kory and Charles Rixey are also pretty much equal. 43:19.343 --> 43:20.263 They agree on everything. 43:22.588 --> 43:23.989 I mean, that's what you see here. 43:24.029 --> 43:26.171 They all created this illusion. 43:26.211 --> 43:35.518 And if you start with 2020 and you look at what they were doing in 2020, and you see what they were doing, it becomes very obvious what's going on here. 43:35.578 --> 43:37.159 So pay attention very carefully. 43:37.759 --> 43:40.522 In 2020, see my arrow? 43:41.062 --> 43:48.668 In 2020, Jessica Rose wrote a paper with Peter McCullough about 43:51.761 --> 43:53.802 about myocarditis, I believe. 43:54.522 --> 43:55.562 And maybe that was later. 43:56.062 --> 43:59.723 So Jessica Rose is coming out about VAERS, right? 43:59.763 --> 44:01.504 So where's Jessica Rose in 2020? 44:01.604 --> 44:02.144 Find out. 44:03.324 --> 44:06.605 Find out where Jessica Rose is in 2020 and report back to me. 44:07.125 --> 44:15.888 Kevin McKernan is writing a paper with Claire Craig and Thomas Binder and Michael Yeadon, among others, 44:17.344 --> 44:24.729 about the PCR primers and methodologies being proposed by the WHO in February of 2020. 44:24.910 --> 44:33.316 And it's such an important paper for history that the website that held that paper, the website that they themselves 44:33.956 --> 44:40.661 you know, actually reserved the webpage for and the URL for has since expired. 44:41.161 --> 44:48.566 But you can find a copy of the rebuttal or a denim to the paper still on Researchgate. 44:49.106 --> 45:01.135 So it's almost like these people aren't really interested in having that become a part of history, even though at the time that was supposed to be a group of dissidents speaking out and speaking out fast. 45:01.775 --> 45:18.065 And what I think it was, was Claire Craig and Kevin McKernan, that's right, an American working with someone from another Five Eyes country, working to wrangle some people together to make sure that they had connections, that they respected each other, that they were in a loop here. 45:19.886 --> 45:24.769 Pierre Cory is soon to be rushing into New York City, but not before May. 45:26.002 --> 45:28.223 I don't know what Andrew Huff is doing right now. 45:28.243 --> 45:32.945 I think this guy, Rixey, is coming back from Europe and one of the first infected. 45:34.585 --> 45:36.066 Same with McCairn. 45:36.126 --> 45:38.087 McCairn is one of the first infected. 45:39.367 --> 45:49.111 And Brett Weinstein very, very early on is just like masks and social distancing and bushmeat and bandanas and glasses. 45:50.711 --> 45:53.752 And then, of course, we have Peter McCullough and 45:56.571 --> 46:03.836 And Ryan Cole speaking out pretty early about natural immunity, speaking out pretty early about hydroxychloroquine. 46:06.097 --> 46:12.921 So now if we move forward to 2021, because that's how far we have to move, and before anything significant really happens. 46:17.364 --> 46:17.784 Where am I? 46:18.124 --> 46:18.364 Sorry. 46:21.038 --> 46:27.987 We see Brett Weinstein come out with Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone on his podcast in June of 2021. 46:28.087 --> 46:34.495 That's also the same month when Naomi Wolf decided to do something. 46:35.356 --> 46:37.299 It's a lot of people between 46:38.399 --> 46:40.820 like let's say May and June started to speak out. 46:40.880 --> 46:44.421 And May was when I put out my review. 46:44.561 --> 46:54.204 May 2021 was when I put out my review, which is now a Scooby link on my website, where I say that transfection has to be stopped. 46:55.904 --> 46:57.165 paused is what I say. 46:57.665 --> 47:06.308 So if we move all these people forward, it's interesting to see that some people's roles become bigger and some people become completely marginalized. 47:06.848 --> 47:18.453 So Mike Eden, after speaking in front of parliament, and Thomas Binder, after getting put in a mental institution for a little while, nobody talks about them anymore. 47:18.593 --> 47:22.034 And instead, Pierre Cory is rising almost as fast 47:22.774 --> 47:30.660 as Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch because he follows up with with Brett Brett goes on Rogan. 47:32.486 --> 47:42.236 Pierre Cory goes on Rogan and Robert Malone starts to just, you know, carpet bomb on on podcasts and he's rehearsing in 2021. 47:42.737 --> 47:47.902 So he's going on podcasts like Paul Cottrell's podcast, like three different times. 47:48.963 --> 47:52.928 He's doing podcasts like Shannon Joy and Alison Morrow and 47:53.608 --> 48:10.787 And all of these basically network underneath the network that is the intellectual dark web, that is the weaponized piles of money, funded, front-facing, programmed in stars of the Internet. 48:11.568 --> 48:28.589 now at the same time you see the heart group rising you see the no virus people being continually opposed by by mccairn and other people like these are the bad guys everybody agrees but they won't talk to anybody that won't first say no i don't believe in viruses then they'll talk to you 48:29.130 --> 48:41.023 And so that's why in 2021, they're really only talking to crazy people, you know, people that believe that you can freeze emotions in water and the shapes that result are reflective of that emotion, etc. 48:42.104 --> 48:43.366 I think in 2021 is also when 48:46.309 --> 49:01.339 when Andrew Huff and Robert Malone do their famous podcast together where they're going good copy and over and this kind of thing, talking like they're both in military speak. 49:02.380 --> 49:07.063 At the same time, remember that Kevin McKernan has already been busy for a whole year. 49:07.123 --> 49:12.227 We showed just three podcasts with the same guy, April, May, and December. 49:13.287 --> 49:14.088 And in the meantime, 49:17.383 --> 49:28.913 Ryan Cole and Peter McCullough are kind of falling behind, and no one's really speaking to them anymore, which is kind of interesting. 49:29.594 --> 49:33.757 And as we move all the way to 2024, we see a very, very different picture, right? 49:33.797 --> 49:36.480 Where Andrew Huff is almost irrelevant, 49:37.641 --> 49:43.945 where the no virus people with the exception of Andy Kaufman are still largely being ignored. 49:44.046 --> 49:49.310 Steve Kirsch, he's got a foundation, he's got a monthly show. 49:50.551 --> 49:59.698 Robert Malone is still doing between four and nine podcasts a day on top of the emus and the horses and the 20 pages of Substack every day. 50:00.158 --> 50:02.780 Brett Weinstein is getting between 10,000 and 30,000 new followers a week. 50:05.562 --> 50:09.726 Kevin McKernan is already, all of them have all spoken in front of the Senate. 50:10.347 --> 50:18.995 I mean, not Claire Craig, but Claire Craig has a half a million followers on Twitter and has videos on YouTube from 2020 and 2021. 50:20.096 --> 50:25.681 So it's weird, like I guess she wasn't saying too many controversial things. 50:26.946 --> 50:29.567 And Pierre Kory is, you know, still just a hero. 50:29.707 --> 50:40.590 And like many of these others has been around the world and been in hot tub photos and shoe photographs in various places where the narrative is curated. 50:41.730 --> 50:46.031 And we still don't hear anything from Thomas Binder or Mike Eden. 50:50.492 --> 51:01.943 And so I think this is, what I'm saying is that these people seem to be organized loosely around Robert Malone and the narrative that Robert Malone has basically curated. 51:02.683 --> 51:16.176 A narrative about gain of function viruses, a narrative about a series of technologies that may or may not be suitable for humans at this time, but if not now, it's only a question of when. 51:17.165 --> 51:17.986 That's what this is. 51:18.666 --> 51:23.930 And we need to fear free range RNA molecules because Robert Malone explained it numerous times. 51:24.390 --> 51:38.520 He won't have to look far that even a biology bachelor student in their garage with the right knowledge can easily purchase the equipment on eBay and make a gain of function virus in their garage. 51:38.680 --> 51:41.542 That's what he has said many times. 51:41.642 --> 51:45.064 And this is the illusion that he is there 51:45.965 --> 51:47.187 to perpetuate. 51:47.227 --> 51:57.759 He is there to coerce us as adults into teaching that to our children, to coming to the inevitable conclusion that it was indeed a gain-of-function virus. 51:57.799 --> 52:04.347 The gain-of-function viruses are real, and if they have a fear and cleavage site and a few HIV inserts, look out. 52:06.411 --> 52:16.003 And the reason why you can know that this guy is part of this biosecurity state and has been for 20 years is because in 2021, he told us he was DITRA and DOD. 52:17.659 --> 52:19.260 And how did he get to DITRA and DOD? 52:19.300 --> 52:24.602 Well, he worked on retroviruses when retroviruses were discovered, when they were defined. 52:25.302 --> 52:35.246 In the defining years of retroviruses, he worked on packaging sequences, which sounds a lot like top secret biology to me. 52:36.206 --> 52:46.270 He suffered PTSD for being so ethically superior to those around him as they stole his ideas, including that of genetic vaccination. 52:47.779 --> 52:57.352 But despite these letdowns and these challenges, he ended up becoming a guy who's worked for DITRA, DOD, the WHO. 52:58.153 --> 53:04.362 He's been a private contractor and he sat on the head of NIH study sections, which is a huge deal. 53:06.533 --> 53:15.280 And so I won't touch Judy Mikovits because they came from the same narrative curation stream, the same mentor stream. 53:15.841 --> 53:21.265 He probably knows exactly what happened to Judy Mikovits and what didn't happen to Judy Mikovits. 53:21.685 --> 53:24.808 He knows exactly the story that we're not told. 53:24.868 --> 53:25.469 I'm sure he does. 53:26.365 --> 53:28.726 That's why they're only in music videos together. 53:28.766 --> 53:30.727 They never did a stream or something like that. 53:31.187 --> 53:38.410 He worked with Gert at Solvay for a little while, and they did a coronavirus movie where they're up in the mountains of Spain. 53:38.450 --> 53:40.050 If you haven't seen it, you should really see it. 53:40.110 --> 53:44.072 I think Robert is even wearing like a beret in that movie, which is pretty funny. 53:44.112 --> 53:51.995 And if you need more, please go to houstatonicits.com, where you can find information on all of these people. 53:52.295 --> 53:54.916 And you can find information on the, 53:55.556 --> 53:58.278 If you go to the top of this page, there's a little calendar. 53:58.298 --> 54:04.522 And then if you click on the calendar, you can find a link to the Swedish conference that I'm going to mention. 54:05.983 --> 54:15.950 So just to go back, I want to make the argument that I think that Robert Malone is more or less at the center of a little network of liars. 54:16.290 --> 54:23.355 A little network of liars that either works for a weaponized pile of money or a company like Palantir. 54:24.436 --> 54:45.130 or a company like, I don't know what, privately contracted to make sure that the Scooby-Doo mystery of the laboratory gain of function virus was never questioned, but only solved in the timeframe that was necessary for the national security operation that we are all being subjected to. 54:46.334 --> 54:55.197 And in so doing, that's why he's primarily responsible for who Senator Ron Johnson put in front of his own investigative committee and why I wasn't there. 54:55.217 --> 55:03.180 And what you're going to see here in this video is Robert Malone doing his shtick, which is 55:03.860 --> 55:18.046 to pretend that that Sasha Latupova is antagonizing him and antagonizes people and she's a bad actor and so we should pay attention to her if we want to see what he's been subjected to for the last three years. 55:18.979 --> 55:26.407 Now, he will say that, that he has been subjected to her daily abuse for the last three years. 55:26.487 --> 55:37.678 Listen carefully, and I will put up simultaneously the Twitter abuse that someone sent me from just a single day. 55:38.704 --> 55:46.669 on Twitter from Sasha with regard to me, I guess, pursuing or stalking her daughter, which is not what I'm doing. 55:47.089 --> 55:48.670 I want to be very clear about this. 55:51.636 --> 55:58.082 I am making the accusation that Sasha Latupova is a liar. 55:58.262 --> 56:14.436 And I'm making the accusation that I think her daughter and the, let's say, circumstantial evidence of the character or caricature that her daughter was made to play on the internet before the pandemic 56:15.151 --> 56:33.690 that culminated in her being promoted on Alex Jones, his reason to believe that Sasha Latupova is part of this traitorous network that I'm loosely saying Robert Malone is near the top of, at least near the top of the public facing 56:34.651 --> 56:35.951 portion of this network. 56:35.991 --> 56:44.974 What you're going to see here is about two, maybe a month ago, Robert Malone tried to pretend that Sasha Latupova is a bad guy, and of course she's not. 56:45.494 --> 56:47.775 She's part of this little network of meddlers. 56:49.035 --> 56:57.518 Probably not meant to be where she is right now, but she is there right now, and largely because of me, I think. 56:57.998 --> 57:26.773 That's the reason why you have to have someone like her With a sub stack where she plays dr. Giordano, but then says it's a toxin So, let's listen to this and see what you get from it, um, i'll go back over here to the corner Um speak i muted you before uh, thank you for coming on sir Hello, mr. Sanchez, I did catch your comments regarding such a lot of pova right before the uh, 57:27.606 --> 57:29.246 Um, segment went live. 57:29.406 --> 57:30.567 I really don't appreciate that. 57:30.627 --> 57:30.947 Thanks. 57:32.727 --> 57:32.947 Okay. 57:32.967 --> 57:33.307 Yeah. 57:33.327 --> 57:33.947 Sorry about that. 57:34.227 --> 57:45.849 Um, I, I, I, uh, you know, if you're going to cite things that you've asserted that I've said, please cite where you got that information and provide context. 57:46.649 --> 57:46.849 Sure. 57:46.909 --> 57:50.490 I was, I was citing the comment from her letter, her open letter. 57:50.510 --> 57:55.291 Um, and the video that she has been extremely rude to me. 57:56.081 --> 57:59.143 attacked me multiple times. 57:59.803 --> 58:04.366 Many people note the language she's used is way, way over the top. 58:05.887 --> 58:11.050 So let's just have a little bit of context and take a deep breath. 58:13.271 --> 58:22.016 I'm subjected to harassment by her and her colleagues on a daily basis and have been for at least three years now. 58:23.860 --> 58:26.401 So I have been for at least three years now. 58:26.481 --> 58:26.881 That's in 2024. 58:27.222 --> 58:31.143 Let me just make sure I'm in focus here. 58:31.203 --> 58:33.004 Somehow I have the feeling I'm not in focus. 58:33.024 --> 58:36.466 Let me just, let me just see to make sure. 58:39.267 --> 58:40.428 I don't know what accent that was. 58:41.188 --> 58:44.330 Will you please focus on the chair, you demon. 58:48.051 --> 58:48.472 So, um, 58:50.913 --> 58:52.394 Three years is a long time, right? 58:52.434 --> 58:53.474 We're in 2024. 58:54.014 --> 59:02.197 So if he's been subject to at least daily for at least three years now, I guess that goes back to 2021. 59:03.378 --> 59:12.621 So it'd be really strange if in January of 2023, he was on stage next to her in Sweden, wouldn't it? 59:13.162 --> 59:19.304 Wouldn't it be weird if he says that he's been harassed by her for the last three years now? 59:21.604 --> 59:27.248 and the language that she uses, and you know, I've been subjected to this for so long. 59:27.268 --> 59:29.530 I wonder, so what is this? 59:29.550 --> 59:39.437 Welcome to this panel discussion, first session, and we've had some incredible speakers on stage, and I think you all 59:40.598 --> 59:44.320 raised your concerns about crimes against humanity. 59:44.761 --> 59:52.245 We talked about corruption, bypassing rules and laws in for warfare, violent biological weapons. 59:53.025 --> 59:58.629 So I think my first question to you will be, what's our way out of this? 59:59.009 --> 01:00:01.970 And I know you're all covering very different areas. 01:00:02.571 --> 01:00:07.994 What are the lessons learned and how do we hold our government and authority accountable? 01:00:09.983 --> 01:00:11.925 I can start with you, Asim. 01:00:13.766 --> 01:00:15.107 It's a great question to start with. 01:00:16.889 --> 01:00:20.652 I think this will resonate with everybody. 01:00:20.672 --> 01:00:24.935 I think most of the people here, actually, and the speakers have been on this journey. 01:00:27.595 --> 01:00:38.319 I will talk from a broader conceptual strategy that I think about when I'm involved in these sorts of skirmishes. 01:00:39.200 --> 01:00:49.683 First and foremost, I think everybody here are people that are very adherent to ethics and values. 01:00:51.404 --> 01:00:54.468 And I think that is something intrinsic in most human beings. 01:00:54.788 --> 01:01:04.579 I'm not maybe as cynical as some people in the sense that I think that even people like the likes of Bill Gates, et cetera, I think they are clouded in ignorance. 01:01:05.440 --> 01:01:06.661 I actually don't think they're malicious. 01:01:06.701 --> 01:01:07.442 I think they're ignorant. 01:01:08.343 --> 01:01:14.124 And I think that they engage in, you know, even for self-interested purposes, they are ultimately doing damage to people. 01:01:14.484 --> 01:01:17.565 And it will come back to them, even if you look from the ignorance from that point of view. 01:01:18.305 --> 01:01:22.806 But for me, it's about making the injustice visible. 01:01:22.846 --> 01:01:24.967 We have a gross injustice going on in the world right now. 01:01:25.607 --> 01:01:28.428 And it was, you know, who inspired me in this journey? 01:01:28.448 --> 01:01:30.308 And one of my inspirations was Mahatma Gandhi. 01:01:30.928 --> 01:01:37.490 And he, you know, got essentially single-handedly took on the British Empire by non-violent 01:01:39.225 --> 01:01:46.735 Um, make sure you understand that, uh, he didn't speak out and save anybody until his dad died of the shot. 01:01:47.936 --> 01:01:54.344 Um, so yeah, he's speaking out, but the way that he's risen to prominence is ridiculous. 01:01:54.945 --> 01:01:55.065 Um, 01:01:56.092 --> 01:02:04.660 It's just ridiculous because he has not and did not speak out about the actual narrative itself, which he still won't speak out. 01:02:04.881 --> 01:02:08.824 I was going to get on my phone and show you I have a picture, a selfie with him, but I'm sure you've seen it before. 01:02:08.904 --> 01:02:09.445 Let's keep going. 01:02:11.547 --> 01:02:12.047 I hope I can. 01:02:12.328 --> 01:02:13.148 Oh, I see what I did. 01:02:14.009 --> 01:02:14.610 So that should work. 01:02:16.082 --> 01:02:17.263 Resistance, right? 01:02:17.503 --> 01:02:19.705 It was adopted by Mandela, ultimately. 01:02:20.266 --> 01:02:21.707 It was adopted by Martin Luther King. 01:02:22.407 --> 01:02:24.609 And it's very, very powerful to do that. 01:02:25.029 --> 01:02:27.672 So the key is making the injustice visible. 01:02:27.852 --> 01:02:36.599 Yes, one of our platforms where we would normally be able to make injustice visible, the mainstream media, has been more captured than ever, and that's been a challenge. 01:02:37.259 --> 01:02:46.451 but the social movement is growing and I think we just have to just keep going on speaking the truth, looking after each other, and I actually think we're on the path. 01:02:46.611 --> 01:02:50.175 We are on that path to overcoming this corporate tyranny, if you like. 01:02:51.257 --> 01:02:51.877 Thank you, Asif. 01:02:52.058 --> 01:02:53.239 How are we on the path? 01:02:53.299 --> 01:02:54.321 What path are we on? 01:02:55.350 --> 01:02:56.591 He hasn't defined the path. 01:02:56.631 --> 01:02:58.633 None of these people are defining the path. 01:02:58.653 --> 01:02:59.874 We just have to do it together. 01:02:59.934 --> 01:03:04.537 Americans and Swedish and UK people, we're all in the same trap. 01:03:04.557 --> 01:03:10.082 We just gotta, first we have to just, you know, exchange emails and then we'll do other stuff. 01:03:16.115 --> 01:03:17.576 Anyone else wants to add to that? 01:03:18.978 --> 01:03:19.318 Sasha? 01:03:21.099 --> 01:03:22.401 My mic is on. 01:03:22.961 --> 01:03:28.526 Well, so as far as how to hold the governments accountable, it's very, very difficult. 01:03:28.606 --> 01:03:35.512 As I have outlined here, at least in the US, they made an atrocity legal on paper. 01:03:35.712 --> 01:03:38.755 You can never legalize a crime, but they did. 01:03:38.975 --> 01:03:40.877 And they think that they're going to get away with it. 01:03:41.457 --> 01:03:47.203 And I think it's important to try any strategy that anybody wishes to try. 01:03:47.504 --> 01:03:55.893 And so go after the pharma manufacturers, go after your local health authorities, state authorities. 01:03:56.754 --> 01:04:01.159 Try every strategy that you can think of or any lawyer can outline. 01:04:01.739 --> 01:04:09.864 Ultimately, my colleague Catherine has recommended the following overarching strategy, at least in the U.S. 01:04:09.984 --> 01:04:13.267 We have to force admissions like Pfizer did in court. 01:04:13.747 --> 01:04:17.890 We need to have them repeated over and over and over again so that everybody can hear them. 01:04:18.690 --> 01:04:23.693 Ultimately, we need to have U.S. 01:04:23.733 --> 01:04:29.597 Department of Justice go to court on record stating either of two things. 01:04:31.866 --> 01:04:36.750 The genocide is an official US government policy and nobody did anything wrong. 01:04:37.811 --> 01:04:40.833 Or those were rogue actors and throw them under the bus. 01:04:41.473 --> 01:04:42.734 So what's the genocide? 01:04:43.855 --> 01:04:47.218 Is the genocide the shot or is the genocide the virus? 01:04:48.759 --> 01:04:49.259 Do you know? 01:04:50.340 --> 01:04:51.421 Can you hear it from this? 01:04:52.262 --> 01:04:54.063 They're just starting the panel right now. 01:04:54.103 --> 01:04:55.164 You didn't miss anything. 01:04:56.980 --> 01:04:58.142 So what are they talking about? 01:04:58.362 --> 01:05:01.285 Is genocide the virus or is genocide the shot? 01:05:01.726 --> 01:05:10.016 I think she means the shot, which is curious because again, if you're going to take them to court, then you're going to be interpreting the prep act. 01:05:10.056 --> 01:05:11.298 And then, you know, there's no. 01:05:12.621 --> 01:05:20.423 you're back to jurisdiction stripping and strict liability, which she won't say, she can't say, and none of the, who are the lawyers? 01:05:20.503 --> 01:05:20.963 Not her. 01:05:21.623 --> 01:05:28.364 She's just a retired pharma exec who likes a lot of wine, I guess, and likes to go to the shooting range with her daughter. 01:05:30.145 --> 01:05:30.865 That's it. 01:05:32.725 --> 01:05:39.967 It's a very curious place we're in when Robert Malone says that this woman has been harassing him for three years now, 01:05:41.547 --> 01:05:49.430 but they were on stage in Sweden last year, albeit at the very start of 2023, they were on stage together. 01:05:50.150 --> 01:05:51.491 That means they traveled together. 01:05:51.531 --> 01:05:52.751 They might've had breakfast. 01:05:53.231 --> 01:05:54.232 There might've been a dinner. 01:05:55.312 --> 01:05:59.014 What do you think that they just all met at the venue? 01:06:02.935 --> 01:06:06.556 I mean, I saw Dr. Lee Merritt at the hotel bar when we were at, 01:06:10.164 --> 01:06:10.804 at the Red Pill. 01:06:10.844 --> 01:06:16.086 It's just that she was surrounded by people and I was hanging out with a few people, but we were there. 01:06:16.146 --> 01:06:17.047 We could have hung out. 01:06:17.727 --> 01:06:24.630 The possibility that these people went to Sweden and didn't hang out together, nevermind, oh, she stabbed me in the back. 01:06:24.751 --> 01:06:26.531 Oh, she's bad guy for three years. 01:06:26.651 --> 01:06:27.552 Three years? 01:06:28.232 --> 01:06:30.533 Do you not know how long three years is? 01:06:32.294 --> 01:06:33.795 Robert Malone is a liar. 01:06:35.754 --> 01:06:49.886 And he's lying about Sasha Latapova, who you can, through the inference of her daughter and her daughter's rise to prominence through Alex Jones, you can infer that she is also a liar. 01:06:52.549 --> 01:06:55.411 And they are all on the same team. 01:06:56.492 --> 01:06:58.554 That's why they go to Sweden together. 01:07:08.346 --> 01:07:10.207 Thank you, Sasha. 01:07:11.008 --> 01:07:21.516 And I was just thinking about that great example with Rebel News, you know, and actually... Ultimately, we need to have U.S. 01:07:21.536 --> 01:07:27.421 Department of Justice go to court on record stating either of two things. 01:07:29.682 --> 01:07:32.066 the genocide is an official U.S. 01:07:32.086 --> 01:07:38.597 government policy and nobody did anything wrong, or those were rogue actors and throw them under the bus. 01:07:41.964 --> 01:07:43.825 Thank you, Sasha. 01:07:44.665 --> 01:08:01.689 And I was just thinking about that great example with Rebel News, you know, and actually people I spoke to are solely about this during break, but actually people starting to take action and go after them in public, which is something we need to start doing as media as well, including myself and everyone else in this room who is media. 01:08:02.629 --> 01:08:09.451 Robert, do you now understand that just recently Sasha interviewed with Peter and Ginger Bregan? 01:08:10.322 --> 01:08:15.985 Peter and Ginger Bregan were the people that were supposedly sued by Robert Malone. 01:08:18.687 --> 01:08:37.638 So what I'm suggesting to you is that right now in my model, Peter and Ginger Bregan may have been sued by Robert Malone to keep them quiet, may have been, but Peter and Ginger Bregan just interviewed Sasha like three days ago. 01:08:39.949 --> 01:08:48.896 So that could be part of this elaborate, you know, ooh, Sasha's a bad guy and she's interviewing with the people that I was suing for $25 million. 01:08:50.277 --> 01:08:52.138 So obviously she's a bad guy, right? 01:08:53.079 --> 01:08:57.662 The same people that interviewed Karen Kingston instead of Mark Kulak. 01:08:59.383 --> 01:09:01.185 The same people that wouldn't interview me. 01:09:03.767 --> 01:09:08.871 So I'm sorry to say it, ladies and gentlemen, but it is very visible now, if you just look back, 01:09:09.853 --> 01:09:19.777 and bring things into focus, you can see that all of these people have been meddling with us consistently for several years now, and they've coordinatedly done it. 01:09:21.118 --> 01:09:34.683 And that meddling puts these people against each other, and they play a role that supersedes the role of anybody who is legitimately trying to do something that might save our children from this mess. 01:09:37.816 --> 01:09:44.881 And so it's possible, still in the remote possibility that Peter and Ginger Bregan are good guys trying to do a good thing. 01:09:44.921 --> 01:09:48.464 But since they interviewed Sasha, I don't see it anymore. 01:09:48.504 --> 01:09:49.805 I don't think it's really possible. 01:09:51.466 --> 01:09:54.689 Because remember, Sasha was also heavily promoted by CHD. 01:09:55.578 --> 01:10:03.519 an interview with Polly and Meryl and two hours, two separate hours with Bobby in 2023. 01:10:04.620 --> 01:10:07.540 Also on stage with Robert Malone in 2023. 01:10:07.920 --> 01:10:18.222 This is part of the narrative curation team that can be loosely called Team Robert Malone that includes Meryl Nass there sitting next to Robert. 01:10:18.262 --> 01:10:22.943 Now listen carefully to what Robert Malone says on stage with Sasha Latupova. 01:10:22.983 --> 01:10:25.223 Listen carefully because the words are 01:10:26.428 --> 01:10:27.149 They are damning. 01:10:29.430 --> 01:10:30.691 Can I continue? 01:10:31.032 --> 01:10:33.053 So first off, we have to keep speaking. 01:10:35.735 --> 01:10:45.263 Despite all of the arrayed forces against us that seek to silence us, we must keep speaking. 01:10:45.883 --> 01:10:48.705 As pointed out, we must avoid violence. 01:10:49.306 --> 01:10:52.748 We must avoid the use of violent speech. 01:10:53.709 --> 01:10:57.375 violent speech alone will be weaponized against us. 01:10:57.976 --> 01:11:03.405 It will be used as a justification for even harsher totalitarian measures against us. 01:11:05.749 --> 01:11:06.490 Unfortunately, 01:11:09.053 --> 01:11:10.134 Let me phrase it this way. 01:11:10.534 --> 01:11:21.664 The Twitter files have, together with the two Attorney General's lawsuits, have clearly demonstrated that there is collusion from the lowest to the highest levels in the U.S. 01:11:21.724 --> 01:11:24.106 government to circumvent the U.S. 01:11:24.166 --> 01:11:26.207 Constitution in the form of the First Amendment. 01:11:26.768 --> 01:11:34.034 So they're circumventing the Constitution in the form of the First Amendment, and the First Amendment doesn't apply to social media platforms. 01:11:34.995 --> 01:11:36.256 So he's already full of shit. 01:11:38.126 --> 01:11:42.731 And even if it does, it's not the argument that we should be making in 2022, right? 01:11:42.851 --> 01:11:44.272 That's not informed consent. 01:11:45.193 --> 01:11:53.902 He's saying that control of freedom of speech prevents informed consent, but then that actually doesn't say the words informed consent. 01:11:56.417 --> 01:12:00.499 And in fact, a lot of what CHD does is about freedom of speech. 01:12:00.599 --> 01:12:03.400 You know, we just want to be able to talk about these things. 01:12:03.440 --> 01:12:08.162 That's why they never actually say that the vaccine schedule in America is wholly criminal. 01:12:09.122 --> 01:12:09.923 None of them will. 01:12:11.643 --> 01:12:13.824 Meryl Nass is in Sweden right now. 01:12:13.884 --> 01:12:22.968 Imagine how cool it would be for her to say, you know, I come from a country that just look at our vaccine schedule and compare it to your own and you'll see why we're terrified. 01:12:24.411 --> 01:12:25.292 Does she say that? 01:12:25.352 --> 01:12:35.498 You know how easy it would be for her to say that in Sweden and have everyone in Sweden go on their phone and look and say, how many shots have you given your kid before six months? 01:12:35.578 --> 01:12:43.063 In Sweden, while we tend to try to give our kids between 12 and 24 shots before six months of age, the whole room would have gone. 01:12:45.485 --> 01:12:46.466 She's not gonna do that. 01:12:46.526 --> 01:12:48.027 I'm not even gonna play what Meryl says. 01:12:48.067 --> 01:12:49.908 I just want you to pay attention to what Robert says. 01:12:51.807 --> 01:12:54.128 And I'm perplexed. 01:12:55.369 --> 01:13:02.813 I'm not aware of any remedy that we can use, even in the courts, to really overcome that. 01:13:02.913 --> 01:13:09.836 The only remedy structured in the United States, which for better or worse, still serves as the, 01:13:12.117 --> 01:13:19.179 organizational leadership hub for NATO and the Western world, is impeachment. 01:13:19.479 --> 01:13:23.741 And impeachment cannot happen under the current environment. 01:13:24.141 --> 01:13:32.303 There may be some possibility of impeaching, for instance, the Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, but other than that, there's nothing. 01:13:32.323 --> 01:13:34.904 Our only recourse is the courts, as was pointed out. 01:13:37.745 --> 01:13:48.070 And the courts are a little sketchy in the United States, even the Supreme Court right now, in terms of there's a lot of division and tension within those. 01:13:48.230 --> 01:13:58.835 There are movements to fundamentally restructure the relationship between the legislator and what we call the administrative state. 01:13:59.795 --> 01:14:03.457 People may not appreciate here in Europe 01:14:04.309 --> 01:14:14.032 that the United States government is largely run by the Senior Executive Service, which is a small cohort of a few thousand individuals that cannot be fired. 01:14:15.072 --> 01:14:17.533 They're completely immune from any executive action. 01:14:17.553 --> 01:14:25.676 A thousand individuals are largely run by the Senior Executive Service, which is a small cohort of a few thousand individuals that cannot be fired. 01:14:26.756 --> 01:14:29.378 They're completely immune from any executive action. 01:14:30.098 --> 01:14:38.202 And just like if any of you watch the old British sitcom, Yes Minister, it puts a happy face on a very ugly truth. 01:14:39.343 --> 01:14:41.764 These permanent employees run the government. 01:14:44.266 --> 01:14:45.686 I cannot verify this. 01:14:45.766 --> 01:14:48.648 I have several friends that work in government and 01:14:49.844 --> 01:14:54.453 And they're low-level people, so they're not, I don't, I trust them. 01:14:54.473 --> 01:14:56.517 They've only, only ever helped me. 01:14:56.898 --> 01:15:00.264 And they say that the senior executive service is a pretty limited thing. 01:15:01.324 --> 01:15:27.225 um you don't have a permanent job as a as a senior executive service member and uh that was i'm unable to confirm that they they seem to say that these people are exactly that they they are stuck in um and and that's not true and so if george webb was pushing that um then then you have a really big deal here right because we also asked um 01:15:29.717 --> 01:15:31.418 is his last name, Kurekawa. 01:15:31.859 --> 01:15:36.263 We also asked him about Kiriaku. 01:15:36.483 --> 01:15:42.488 We asked him about the senior executive service. 01:15:42.508 --> 01:15:44.229 And he also said that was a nothing burger. 01:15:44.790 --> 01:15:55.399 So it's very curious now to actually see an illusion of consensus being created in real time on stage where someone like a retired pharma executive 01:15:56.625 --> 01:16:11.020 who is the mom of a likely militarized teen, Soph, nodding very vigorously when he mentioned senior executive service. 01:16:11.581 --> 01:16:13.343 It's pretty comical to me at this stage. 01:16:14.617 --> 01:16:19.283 And these permanent employees that run the government, 1,000 individuals that cannot be fired. 01:16:20.324 --> 01:16:22.967 They're completely immune from any executive action. 01:16:23.688 --> 01:16:28.054 And just like if any of you watched the old British sitcom, Yes Minister. 01:16:29.060 --> 01:16:31.781 It puts a happy face on a very ugly truth. 01:16:32.921 --> 01:16:35.341 These permanent employees run the government. 01:16:36.322 --> 01:16:47.364 And these permanent employees that run the government in the United States have created horizontal and vertical alliances with corporations and multinational organizations. 01:16:47.484 --> 01:16:49.405 It's just the way things are. 01:16:50.625 --> 01:16:54.006 I'm less sanguine about the short term. 01:16:55.826 --> 01:17:09.795 I'm of the opinion that we are now confronting an exemplar of what has been ongoing decades of planning. 01:17:11.536 --> 01:17:16.739 for a centralized world government, and calling it a government is a misnomer. 01:17:17.960 --> 01:17:22.603 It's a public-private partnership fusion that meets Mussolini's criteria. 01:17:22.623 --> 01:17:23.483 I'll just leave it at that. 01:17:24.184 --> 01:17:28.847 So you don't think that he's in on the private-public partnership when he's been giving 01:17:30.051 --> 01:17:48.194 facilitating that private-public partnership for his whole career, facilitating and brokering vaccine technologies between one private to another public and public and private, exactly the same thing that Kevin McKernan has one foot in the public and one foot in the private. 01:17:48.234 --> 01:17:53.455 That's how he took his IP out of the Human Genome Project and made multi-generational wealth. 01:17:53.515 --> 01:17:58.216 It's the same way that he finds himself with a horse farm at the foot of the Shenandoah Mountains. 01:18:01.178 --> 01:18:09.365 with horses that he sells for $30,000 a foal or something like this, with emus, building barns and stuff like that. 01:18:09.446 --> 01:18:18.534 This guy has what he has because he has been a broker between this public-private partnership that now he's pretending to blow the whistle on. 01:18:19.810 --> 01:18:22.431 What he's doing is giving no one a ladder. 01:18:22.831 --> 01:18:24.992 It's like a ladder that's not attached to anything. 01:18:25.032 --> 01:18:27.433 So every time you see Robert Malone, you're like, oh, thanks dude. 01:18:27.753 --> 01:18:30.274 And he goes until the ladder ends. 01:18:30.935 --> 01:18:32.996 And then he gets on his plane and goes back home. 01:18:33.536 --> 01:18:38.678 He goes to his next thing and he lowers the ladder and everybody in the audience gets going and go, oh, we're going to climb this ladder. 01:18:38.718 --> 01:18:42.960 And it's going nowhere except for this place right here. 01:18:45.151 --> 01:18:48.333 And it's unelected. 01:18:49.153 --> 01:18:52.875 It represents the largest corporations in the world in their financial interests. 01:18:53.736 --> 01:18:55.477 And it's unaccountable. 01:18:55.997 --> 01:18:56.918 We're seeing it. 01:18:58.359 --> 01:18:59.199 Can't do anything. 01:19:00.360 --> 01:19:00.960 You're helpless. 01:19:00.980 --> 01:19:02.381 In the winter and China in the summer. 01:19:02.401 --> 01:19:03.421 You're helpless. 01:19:05.934 --> 01:19:27.807 I think that we are likely to be forced into a situation in which, for many of us, we're forced to build new, almost underground structures of affiliations and alliances and rebuild a different structure. 01:19:28.307 --> 01:19:32.770 I really, I don't, to be perfectly honest, 01:19:34.331 --> 01:19:47.966 The depth of the corruption that has been revealed is such that I don't see how those agencies can be rebuilt, and I don't see how we have the time and resources 01:19:48.607 --> 01:19:56.731 to build parallel agencies to a point that they'll be functional, that we could then eliminate the existing ones. 01:19:56.911 --> 01:20:09.518 I'm really quite dark in this, and our only hope really truly is that all of you join us as we walk together and resist this. 01:20:10.198 --> 01:20:11.459 It will be a generational 01:20:12.699 --> 01:20:37.315 And I think that personally, the only way to take it on is to focus on the children and proceed on that basis, recognizing that we have an opportunity, as Chris Langen points out, to fulfill the potential of humanity. 01:20:39.860 --> 01:21:00.846 And that may be the greatest gift of this moment in time is to transcend the organizational structures and imperatives that we've lived under for thousands of years and move to a different way of organizing humankind in which we can fulfill our potential. 01:21:01.626 --> 01:21:03.887 But it's not going to be easy. 01:21:04.407 --> 01:21:05.628 No, definitely not. 01:21:05.668 --> 01:21:06.408 Thank you, Robert. 01:21:07.793 --> 01:21:11.275 It's not going to be easy, but boy, I hope we can fulfill our potential. 01:21:11.315 --> 01:21:20.160 Maybe we can throw off these systems we've had for thousands of years and reorganize in such a way so that we can fulfill our potential. 01:21:20.280 --> 01:21:33.768 One of the ways that we might reorganize is the way we think about ourselves, the way we think about our sovereignty over our bodies, the sovereignty over our children, the sacredness of our biology, the irreducible complexity that is a perfect baby. 01:21:35.896 --> 01:21:51.421 And rather than trying to misconstrue the curing of a genetic defect with the augmentation of healthy humans, or even trying to equivocate the two morally or ethically, is already dumbfounding to the population. 01:21:51.461 --> 01:21:58.624 But this kind of nonsense, where he says it out loud, what does he mean there? 01:21:59.424 --> 01:22:01.045 What can he otherwise mean? 01:22:01.934 --> 01:22:15.861 other than if we're going to fulfill our potential, which I believe he thinks as a futurist, if we're going to learn how to genetically alter human beings, we're going to need to change the way we think about ourselves. 01:22:15.901 --> 01:22:19.943 We're going to have to change the systems that we use to govern ourselves. 01:22:21.884 --> 01:22:25.306 We're going to have to change the way we think about our role in our own governance. 01:22:30.179 --> 01:22:30.960 That's what this is. 01:22:31.120 --> 01:22:32.441 That's to me what this is. 01:22:36.304 --> 01:22:37.946 And so this has been continuing. 01:22:37.986 --> 01:22:44.892 We have Claire Craig, of course, being on that original paper about the PCR test and the original network. 01:22:44.912 --> 01:22:48.255 She's probably part of this network just the same way that Malik is. 01:22:49.116 --> 01:22:50.297 It's a five eyes network. 01:22:50.417 --> 01:22:53.880 I think that the UK may also need taking down a peg. 01:22:53.940 --> 01:22:54.361 That's why 01:22:54.881 --> 01:22:59.407 the immigration there is really catching on and getting to be quite harsh. 01:22:59.888 --> 01:23:01.670 And over here, the same thing is happening. 01:23:02.091 --> 01:23:08.980 It may be that the UK and the United States are the two places that need to be turned into more like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 01:23:09.461 --> 01:23:10.963 And so although 01:23:11.804 --> 01:23:28.583 the UK has far fewer of our codified freedoms, the UK may still have a level of nationalism that's going to require a slapdown that isn't required in a place like Australia, New Zealand, or Canada, where they've pretty much already submitted to the ideology. 01:23:29.484 --> 01:23:38.293 Here again, I just wanted to remind you that this woman was part of a clinical data, pathology data in the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project. 01:23:38.753 --> 01:23:41.956 And she's also worked with AI on cancer diagnostics. 01:23:41.996 --> 01:23:48.002 So this is a person who's intimately integrated into this futurist idea. 01:23:48.682 --> 01:23:57.429 of how AI is going to revolutionize medicine and how a genetic sampling of everybody and everything will allow us to revolutionize medicine with AI. 01:23:57.950 --> 01:24:07.398 So I got tangled up with people from Panda and from Heart because of the friendship that I developed with a person by the name of Jessica Hockett who's now blocked me. 01:24:08.058 --> 01:24:25.852 The last conversation that I had with her was actually a voicemail message that I played on my stream, which is very nice and very sweet, talking very encouragingly about the video that resulted from our talking to the staff members of Senator Ron Johnson. 01:24:25.872 --> 01:24:31.957 And after that video was released, Jessica Hockett basically disappeared from social media, at least from Twitter. 01:24:32.657 --> 01:24:36.801 And this is why, because she was the one who was encouraging me to write something 01:24:37.401 --> 01:24:46.655 with Jonathan Engler and Professor Neal, and I did try to write something that was aimed at rebutting the claims and exaggerations of Kevin McKernan. 01:24:47.587 --> 01:24:49.128 but they didn't help me write that at all. 01:24:49.148 --> 01:24:53.410 And in fact, they ignored that for a few weeks before I decided to stop writing with them. 01:24:54.010 --> 01:25:00.033 And instead they produced this document on their own and then gave it to me to review a week before they released it. 01:25:00.073 --> 01:25:04.175 And I told them that this is the review that I would have written if I would have written one in 2020. 01:25:04.755 --> 01:25:06.736 This isn't the review that the world needs. 01:25:07.216 --> 01:25:10.598 And then they proceeded also to basically burn the bridge between us. 01:25:11.098 --> 01:25:15.000 Now, the reason why this is important is because Panda and Heart 01:25:15.800 --> 01:25:19.545 and the UK, and they've all been connected. 01:25:19.625 --> 01:25:35.463 Now, one of the early connections that really struck me as, this is wrong, was when Marc Giraudeau appeared on John Campbell's YouTube program and talked about the bolus problem of injection and how it could explain 01:25:36.224 --> 01:25:49.030 virtually everything as one giant mistake where we were sometimes making the mistake of assuming that a bolus injection in the muscle would not occasionally go into a vein. 01:25:49.430 --> 01:26:00.375 And this is an extraordinary, and I mean extraordinary statement that he says explains everything from autism to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease. 01:26:00.815 --> 01:26:02.776 And so just a quick recap, 01:26:03.536 --> 01:26:07.743 Um, this is also a guy who spends, um, his time in Panda. 01:26:08.724 --> 01:26:10.467 And so this is, that's the rain outside. 01:26:10.487 --> 01:26:11.428 I hope that doesn't bother you. 01:26:12.029 --> 01:26:18.438 Uh, this guy spent a lot of his time in Panda and a lot of his time arguing with me in Panda before I finally got out of there. 01:26:19.423 --> 01:26:29.007 And yet here he was, here he is being very, very, very vigorously promoted by none other than John Campbell, who didn't save a gosh darn person. 01:26:29.827 --> 01:26:32.068 Did not save a gosh darn person. 01:26:32.088 --> 01:26:36.929 And that's why he remained on YouTube and remains on YouTube and is still on YouTube. 01:26:36.949 --> 01:26:38.230 And that's why this is on YouTube. 01:26:38.735 --> 01:26:39.175 Paris. 01:26:40.116 --> 01:26:40.997 So, Mark, welcome. 01:26:41.877 --> 01:26:43.398 You are most welcome to this video. 01:26:43.499 --> 01:26:48.842 And viewers with a long memory might remember we talked to Mark Jeudeau from Paris. 01:26:49.783 --> 01:26:51.885 So, Mark, welcome and thank you for coming back. 01:26:52.825 --> 01:26:54.086 Thanks for hosting me again. 01:26:54.106 --> 01:26:55.487 I'm really happy to be here. 01:26:56.188 --> 01:26:58.970 Now, we're examining your book, which we... So, he was on twice. 01:26:59.030 --> 01:27:00.511 Now he's on to promote his book. 01:27:00.571 --> 01:27:02.052 So many of these people have a book. 01:27:02.132 --> 01:27:03.233 Claire Craig has a book. 01:27:04.494 --> 01:27:05.575 Pierre Cory has a book. 01:27:06.485 --> 01:27:09.427 Jessica Rose has a couple books that she's part of. 01:27:10.568 --> 01:27:11.869 Whitney Webb has two books. 01:27:14.071 --> 01:27:18.355 Matthew Ered has six books, including the one with his wife. 01:27:18.455 --> 01:27:21.597 Robert Malone's gonna have three books by September. 01:27:23.699 --> 01:27:24.720 It's impressive, right? 01:27:25.240 --> 01:27:32.806 And so here he is, second time on John Campbell's show in 2023, promoting his book this time. 01:27:32.846 --> 01:27:33.147 Here we go. 01:27:33.953 --> 01:27:37.155 can see on the screen at the moment, The Needle's Secrets. 01:27:37.215 --> 01:27:46.002 And I wanted to get this on because the amount of work you've put into this book is really quite impressive, and especially considering you're writing in English. 01:27:46.022 --> 01:27:49.965 And thank you for doing this interview in English, by the way, because it's not your first language. 01:27:50.005 --> 01:27:51.086 So we appreciate that. 01:27:51.746 --> 01:27:55.349 But it really is quite an impressive piece of scholarship. 01:27:56.590 --> 01:27:58.391 Just give us an overall. 01:27:59.011 --> 01:28:01.353 People need to decide if they want to watch this interview or not. 01:28:01.393 --> 01:28:02.374 So what's this about? 01:28:04.397 --> 01:28:12.282 This is about the biggest industrial accident in the history of the world, basically. 01:28:13.283 --> 01:28:16.164 It's basically a collective dystopia. 01:28:16.204 --> 01:28:20.047 We didn't see that we've been harming people for decades. 01:28:23.615 --> 01:28:25.997 See, he was going to pause right there because that's it. 01:28:26.057 --> 01:28:27.218 That's the elevator pitch. 01:28:27.778 --> 01:28:32.221 It is a industrial level disaster, industrial disaster. 01:28:32.641 --> 01:28:46.030 It's a catastrophe really because we just have been silly about intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system was dumb because you got to be careful. 01:28:46.971 --> 01:28:51.354 You got to make sure you aspirate so that you're not injecting in a vein. 01:28:52.403 --> 01:28:57.804 That's actually the argument that he's making, that all of these problems would go away. 01:28:58.445 --> 01:29:04.966 All of them, all the damage from COVID, the only reason why we know this now is because we gave so many injections. 01:29:06.407 --> 01:29:11.048 Before that, the only people who knew this reality were bodybuilders. 01:29:13.249 --> 01:29:20.951 And this is just as silly as Joe Lee's argument that antibodies for the spike protein can link up like a chain. 01:29:22.148 --> 01:29:31.557 with spike protein and other antibodies and then you get these chains of things that cause the clotting and explain autism and the other vaccines work the same way. 01:29:33.854 --> 01:29:36.156 That's actually what Joe Lee says right now. 01:29:36.916 --> 01:29:45.562 And so these two guys have an all explanation, a one-stop explanation for everything pre and post COVID. 01:29:46.042 --> 01:29:48.524 This guy does, and also Joe Lee does. 01:29:48.944 --> 01:29:54.028 And this guy had the benefit of being promoted by John Campbell twice. 01:29:54.468 --> 01:29:55.489 That's extraordinary. 01:29:56.009 --> 01:29:56.950 Member of Panda. 01:29:57.410 --> 01:30:00.953 And also, curiously enough, a member of 01:30:02.091 --> 01:30:04.233 Steve Kirsch's steering committee. 01:30:13.803 --> 01:30:25.594 So now, now we have, now we had another crossover this week, um, with, uh, with John Campbell and, uh, that crossover was, um, 01:30:26.564 --> 01:30:29.505 that crossover was Claire Craig, of course. 01:30:29.605 --> 01:30:37.389 Claire Craig being the head of heart, somebody who argued that testing is a lot like restaurants. 01:30:37.849 --> 01:30:45.313 You know, you can have it fast and you can have it good, but then it's gotta be expensive, or you can have it cheap and fast, but then it won't be very good. 01:30:45.733 --> 01:30:48.074 Or you can have it cheap and good, but then it won't be fast. 01:30:48.134 --> 01:30:50.175 And so testing is a trade-off. 01:30:53.740 --> 01:31:07.308 And now here she is promoting what is called the Hope Accord that she has organized with none other than trader extraordinaire Brett Weinstein and promoting it on John Campbell's webpage on YouTube. 01:31:08.109 --> 01:31:08.869 Come on. 01:31:09.730 --> 01:31:10.590 Listen to this. 01:31:11.271 --> 01:31:14.273 They want to pause RNA technology in 2024. 01:31:14.613 --> 01:31:16.294 Jay said to do that in 21 and Brett knows it. 01:31:17.134 --> 01:31:17.855 And all of them know it. 01:31:24.039 --> 01:31:25.160 Bobby Kennedy knows it. 01:31:26.680 --> 01:31:27.741 Peter McCullough knows it. 01:31:29.822 --> 01:31:30.903 Ryan Cole knows it. 01:31:30.943 --> 01:31:32.023 Pierre Corey knows it. 01:31:32.844 --> 01:31:33.964 Meryl Nass knows it. 01:31:36.045 --> 01:31:37.146 Mark Kulak knows it. 01:31:37.866 --> 01:31:38.967 Kevin McCairn knows it. 01:31:38.987 --> 01:31:40.168 Charles Rixey knows it. 01:31:41.088 --> 01:31:43.429 Richard Ebright probably knows it. 01:31:44.890 --> 01:31:46.151 They all know it. 01:31:48.427 --> 01:31:57.409 And so to just say, yeah, I think we're gonna go out on a limb here and we're gonna do something that somebody should have done a little while ago and say that we're not gonna use these mRNAs anymore. 01:31:58.110 --> 01:31:59.390 They didn't save anyone. 01:31:59.470 --> 01:32:01.030 Claire Craig didn't save anybody. 01:32:01.791 --> 01:32:03.511 Claire Craig didn't stop the panic. 01:32:03.871 --> 01:32:05.732 Claire Craig didn't stop the confusion. 01:32:06.212 --> 01:32:08.592 Claire Craig didn't save anybody from euthanasia. 01:32:09.413 --> 01:32:10.513 And neither did this guy. 01:32:12.774 --> 01:32:14.174 But they are rising. 01:32:15.390 --> 01:32:17.050 They are the narrative. 01:32:17.090 --> 01:32:21.732 The alternative narrative is finally crossing back to John frickin' Campbell. 01:32:28.133 --> 01:32:36.215 Basically, I think we're calling for a monitorium on mRNA technology until we know what the heck is going on here. 01:32:37.035 --> 01:32:40.756 Yes, and that's a nice segue to talk about the Hope Accord just briefly. 01:32:40.796 --> 01:32:42.977 It is indeed, which I happen to have in front of me. 01:32:44.946 --> 01:32:48.949 So the hopercord, I know you've already talked to your viewers about it. 01:32:48.969 --> 01:32:51.751 Should we just go through the main sections, Claire, if you don't mind? 01:32:51.791 --> 01:32:52.551 Yeah, of course. 01:32:52.591 --> 01:32:56.794 So the hopercord is a declaration which just covers four really simple points. 01:32:57.215 --> 01:33:04.059 The first, that these mRNA products should be suspended because there's every signal that you need to cause suspension. 01:33:04.199 --> 01:33:06.221 So she's not calling them transfection. 01:33:06.281 --> 01:33:09.563 These mRNA products should be suspended for no reason. 01:33:10.464 --> 01:33:10.824 Why? 01:33:11.464 --> 01:33:13.346 Maybe because they're contaminated, right? 01:33:14.454 --> 01:33:17.576 Maybe because they didn't update the spike protein to the right one, right? 01:33:17.596 --> 01:33:18.977 They're not saying why. 01:33:18.997 --> 01:33:26.802 The suspension in a normal situation. 01:33:27.362 --> 01:33:34.307 The second is that there needs to be a thorough investigation of everything that's gone on and an independent one of that. 01:33:34.947 --> 01:33:39.350 What does that mean, everything that's gone on with regard to the injections or also the murder? 01:33:40.598 --> 01:33:45.385 that was misconstrued as a ongoing pandemic, because that's what I want to investigate. 01:33:46.547 --> 01:33:54.720 I want to investigate what portion of it was fraud and what portion of it was murder, and I want justice for the murder, because it ain't zero. 01:33:58.508 --> 01:34:03.992 The third is that the vaccine-injured need support and need proper health care. 01:34:04.452 --> 01:34:09.015 The vaccine-injured, so already she's lumping them all. 01:34:09.775 --> 01:34:15.339 So vaccine injury is a real thing, at least for these vaccines it's a real thing, but not the earlier ones. 01:34:16.119 --> 01:34:20.042 She was never speaking out about the earlier ones, so here you have another. 01:34:20.902 --> 01:34:21.763 Another problem. 01:34:22.023 --> 01:34:22.683 Neither was he. 01:34:22.763 --> 01:34:24.685 He's not speaking out about the earlier ones. 01:34:24.725 --> 01:34:26.846 He's talking about these mRNA products. 01:34:26.886 --> 01:34:45.438 He's differentiating between these two, not in the way that I differentiated them in 2022 when I was speaking at ACIP, where I was suggesting that in order for someone to exercise informed consent, you had to explain the difference between transfection and the previous vaccine schedule. 01:34:46.179 --> 01:34:47.780 I never said either of them was good. 01:34:48.280 --> 01:34:50.522 These guys are implying it very clearly. 01:34:51.443 --> 01:34:55.206 And that's gross because they've done it with their whole track record. 01:34:56.126 --> 01:35:00.029 And you need to say it out loud if you haven't lived it beforehand. 01:35:00.410 --> 01:35:02.231 That's why I have to keep repeating it. 01:35:02.271 --> 01:35:11.218 If I was a staunch anti-vaxxer before the pandemic and had three unvaccinated children, I might not need to repeat it all the time. 01:35:11.358 --> 01:35:14.441 And if I did, I would repeat it in a very different way. 01:35:15.498 --> 01:35:20.601 This is ugly because they are not questioning the previous vaccine schedule. 01:35:21.041 --> 01:35:36.751 And of course they're not questioning the difference between their vaccine schedule and America's, which is on its face criminal, which any American should be able to say out loud and any foreigner should know so that if they wanted to get an American on their side, that's where they would open with. 01:35:36.771 --> 01:35:42.615 This is a meddler show to the fullest extent it can be. 01:35:43.154 --> 01:35:55.583 Fourth is that we need to return to the foundational medical ethical principles that we used to, you know, hold dear and that would have stood us in better stead if we hadn't abandoned them over the last few years. 01:35:55.883 --> 01:35:56.584 And what are those? 01:35:56.764 --> 01:36:03.689 And so, you know, this is a declaration that anybody can come and sign at the... What are those? 01:36:04.610 --> 01:36:10.094 And we've got 42,000 members... So we have something else to sign? 01:36:10.154 --> 01:36:12.476 Is that like the Great Barrington Declaration or what? 01:36:13.533 --> 01:36:16.015 So you have to get my email and my phone number or what? 01:36:17.036 --> 01:36:17.997 You see what this is? 01:36:18.017 --> 01:36:19.118 This is nonsense! 01:36:19.698 --> 01:36:24.563 Who's this gonna help in America, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands? 01:36:25.771 --> 01:36:27.232 They're all different traps. 01:36:27.332 --> 01:36:30.193 They're all different legislative traps. 01:36:30.253 --> 01:36:32.714 They're all different situations. 01:36:32.774 --> 01:36:36.176 They're all different potential possibilities for escape. 01:36:36.716 --> 01:36:41.178 I don't understand the Hope Accord other than I understand that she is a meddler. 01:36:41.678 --> 01:36:43.079 John Campbell is a meddler. 01:36:43.979 --> 01:36:45.380 Brett Weinstein is a meddler. 01:36:45.460 --> 01:36:47.221 It's obvious that they're all meddlers. 01:36:53.274 --> 01:36:55.838 That's what this picture has been about for three years now. 01:36:57.641 --> 01:37:07.298 These people have coordinatedly misled us so that we were not able to exercise informed consent and that we taught our children the incorrect biology to explain what happened. 01:37:08.993 --> 01:37:13.837 And these people over here are really doing it by not talking about 2020. 01:37:14.577 --> 01:37:22.523 And that's why still the vast majority of people don't understand that we don't need to fear free-range RNA molecules. 01:37:22.563 --> 01:37:23.664 That's just ridiculous. 01:37:25.745 --> 01:37:33.491 But we had a crossover event with Steve Kirsch and the NoVirus people just at the same weekend of the Red Pill show. 01:37:35.001 --> 01:37:51.408 And it shouldn't surprise you that Steve Kirsch also had Li Min Yan, which thanks to Mark Hucytonic, ITS, Mark Kulak, we've really, I think, can come to a pretty solid conclusion that Li Min Yan was a very highly manipulated Chinese national. 01:37:52.648 --> 01:37:56.109 encouraged to speak out about what she spoke out about. 01:37:56.609 --> 01:38:02.471 The narrative may be even given to her and she may have accepted it for whatever reasons. 01:38:02.551 --> 01:38:10.474 But I don't know offhand if I want to call Li Min Yan a bad guy or somebody who was manipulated. 01:38:11.354 --> 01:38:12.815 And so watch her. 01:38:13.495 --> 01:38:15.576 Try to research her and figure out who she was. 01:38:15.616 --> 01:38:18.336 But there's no question that in 2018 she was on their team. 01:38:20.077 --> 01:38:25.862 She was at the real Event 201, which you can find at therealevent201.com. 01:38:26.342 --> 01:38:35.089 And the real Event 201 was a 2018 event where all of the real Scooby-Doo bad guys were presenting. 01:38:35.169 --> 01:38:37.511 And then none of those people were present at the Event 201. 01:38:38.800 --> 01:38:47.410 But all of these people were present at an event where they discussed all of the most exciting aspects of pandemic biology and specifically coronaviruses. 01:38:48.030 --> 01:38:50.413 And so it's creepy where we are, ladies and gentlemen. 01:38:50.753 --> 01:38:54.157 There are few things more dishonorable than misleading the young. 01:38:54.257 --> 01:38:58.022 I just see recently that I said the pivot altogether. 01:38:59.807 --> 01:39:01.048 One, two, three, go. 01:39:01.809 --> 01:39:02.849 Three, two, one, go. 01:39:03.270 --> 01:39:09.915 And I said that I'm retweeting Brett Weinstein talking about how many shooters there are and whether there's a coverup or not. 01:39:10.355 --> 01:39:17.140 And what appears underneath, but something about Philip Buchholz and his students, which I've been sent many times. 01:39:17.621 --> 01:39:29.370 It's just such a patently obvious military tool to try and get people distracted, to get people to believe that there's some illusion of consensus that even Dr. Lynn Finderella gets in on. 01:39:31.397 --> 01:39:37.658 Am I supposed to respond to this nonsense when I'm pointing out that everybody's pivoting to the narrative right away? 01:39:37.698 --> 01:39:38.619 Look what we get now. 01:39:40.439 --> 01:39:52.182 We got John Cullen, the disappearing flu guy who's connected to George Webb's network directly by John Goodman, who he streams with every night. 01:39:53.777 --> 01:40:00.902 is now on Brett Weinstein's podcast with a three hour podcast where he's able to talk about his flu ideas. 01:40:01.363 --> 01:40:18.836 And he's able to talk about the three shooters and the guy on top of the water tower and none anywhere in that three hours are they gonna question how discord or some other social media might've been used to trap that little teenager into doing something stupid or that 20 year old or 22 year old into doing something stupid. 01:40:19.937 --> 01:40:21.338 Nobody wants to talk about that. 01:40:23.635 --> 01:40:30.698 And they're promoting a meddler that is directly connected to George Webb, promotes George Webb every night, the web of deception. 01:40:31.138 --> 01:40:32.038 Are you kidding me? 01:40:32.058 --> 01:40:33.539 Are you kidding me? 01:40:34.019 --> 01:40:34.859 Are you joking? 01:40:35.660 --> 01:40:48.745 The web of deception, George Webb, the guy that was on 60 Minutes, that associated himself with Mark Kulak to probably distract from Mark's real work, and was cited, 01:40:49.861 --> 01:41:00.649 as a meddler, as a problem for Robert Malone in exactly the same way that you heard Robert Malone just say that Sasha Latupova has been bothering me daily for three years. 01:41:00.729 --> 01:41:13.359 Robert Malone also said that one of his worst nemesises on the internet was none other than George Webb, and he left a link to the CBS repost of the 60 Minutes episode. 01:41:13.919 --> 01:41:14.580 Stop lying! 01:41:15.300 --> 01:41:21.565 These people are all lying about being opposed to each other, about finding each other for the first time. 01:41:21.625 --> 01:41:22.766 This is a theater. 01:41:23.227 --> 01:41:25.048 They've all been waiting backstage. 01:41:25.088 --> 01:41:30.453 They've all been performing on other parts and other stages of this Lollapalooza of liars. 01:41:30.533 --> 01:41:36.318 And now if they show up on the same stage, you shouldn't be very surprised because they're all backstage together. 01:41:38.683 --> 01:41:39.263 What should we do? 01:41:39.303 --> 01:41:41.464 Should we go on your stage now or my stage now? 01:41:41.524 --> 01:41:43.044 No, no, that's not part of the script yet. 01:41:43.084 --> 01:41:44.565 We're not supposed to know each other yet. 01:41:44.665 --> 01:41:46.105 Don't mention me over there yet. 01:41:46.605 --> 01:41:48.046 That's not until year three. 01:41:53.907 --> 01:41:55.468 That's why they won't talk about this stuff. 01:41:56.860 --> 01:42:01.423 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 01:42:01.864 --> 01:42:05.406 That's why they won't talk about transfection in healthy humans being criminally negligent. 01:42:06.046 --> 01:42:08.808 That's why they won't talk about RNA camp pandemic. 01:42:08.888 --> 01:42:14.793 That's why they won't talk about the fact that they are working for weaponized piles of money. 01:42:15.473 --> 01:42:28.337 that they are working for DITRA or DOD or whoever it is that has been contracted to create this illusion of consensus about what questions should be asked and then social media has been used to promote them. 01:42:28.897 --> 01:42:32.978 It's not a viral thing that Steve Kirsch has risen to where he is. 01:42:33.018 --> 01:42:35.119 He's sponsored by the Skoll Foundation. 01:42:35.519 --> 01:42:39.320 It's not by happenstance that Robert Malone is where he is. 01:42:39.360 --> 01:42:42.081 He used to work for DITRA and the DOD and probably still does. 01:42:42.841 --> 01:42:51.729 This whole thing is hilarious if you think that Robert Malone's nemesis is Sasha Latupova, who says that it's the DoD, it's the DoD, it's the DoD. 01:42:56.633 --> 01:42:58.175 I see liars. 01:42:58.315 --> 01:42:59.015 That's what I see. 01:42:59.075 --> 01:43:00.757 I just see liars everywhere I look. 01:43:00.837 --> 01:43:06.141 Ladies and gentlemen, lots of goofy stuff going on over there on that laptop. 01:43:06.602 --> 01:43:07.803 I think the laptop is hot. 01:43:09.241 --> 01:43:10.082 Nope, it's not hot. 01:43:10.282 --> 01:43:12.663 So something that needs to reboot. 01:43:12.703 --> 01:43:14.605 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me. 01:43:14.645 --> 01:43:20.768 Stop all transfections in healthy humans, because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 01:43:22.169 --> 01:43:29.754 I'm losing a couple friends now because of it as well, because they are really going after the old people with shingles and pneumonia and all this other crap. 01:43:30.295 --> 01:43:34.998 If you liked what you saw, please go to GigaOMBiological.com and find a way to support my work. 01:43:35.878 --> 01:43:38.420 If the only thing you can do is share it, which is fine, 01:43:38.960 --> 01:43:40.320 and a great way to support our work. 01:43:41.420 --> 01:43:44.601 Please share the last link here, stream.gigaohm.bio. 01:43:45.041 --> 01:43:47.282 That's the link that my supporters and I pay for. 01:43:47.302 --> 01:43:50.202 That's the link that has no login necessary. 01:43:50.242 --> 01:43:52.262 There's no tracking of you. 01:43:52.903 --> 01:43:56.183 And you can listen to the music and everything from beginning to end with no cuts. 01:43:56.643 --> 01:43:59.164 And you don't give any data to Twitch or anything like that. 01:43:59.524 --> 01:44:06.585 If you're already at Twitch because you've been following me for a long time, what can I say other than thank you very, very, very much. 01:44:07.405 --> 01:44:13.970 See you again soon ladies and gentlemen Don't forget there's a new interview of me with dr. Lee merit. 01:44:14.070 --> 01:44:19.374 I think it's an absolutely spectacular interview We talked about the human genome project. 01:44:19.394 --> 01:44:20.715 We talked about microscopes. 01:44:20.755 --> 01:44:28.821 We talked about a lot of stuff And I'm really thankful that she's released that video So please share that link. 01:44:29.022 --> 01:44:33.785 It's us at stream that gig ohm bio and also share her rumble link as well Thanks guys. 01:44:33.805 --> 01:44:34.466 See you again soon