WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:30.000 Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, sh 00:30.000 --> 01:00.000 shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, sh 01:30.000 --> 01:37.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 02:00.000 --> 02:30.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 02:30.000 --> 03:00.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 03:00.000 --> 03:30.000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 03:30.000 --> 03:48.620 sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 03:48.620 --> 03:56.520 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, 03:56.520 --> 04:00.600 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 04:02.160 --> 04:03.120 And I have lied. 04:03.120 --> 04:04.200 I'm sure I'll lie again. 04:04.200 --> 04:06.920 I don't want to lie, you know, I don't think I'm a liar. 04:06.920 --> 04:08.000 I try not to be a liar. 04:08.000 --> 04:08.920 I don't want to be a liar. 04:09.360 --> 04:12.240 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 04:27.520 --> 04:30.160 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 04:30.160 --> 04:32.320 His name is J. J. Cooey. 04:32.320 --> 04:35.600 And I believe he's a consultant for CHD. 04:36.200 --> 04:43.240 And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand. 04:56.520 --> 05:18.200 I would say if that dark horse interview is real, then we should see a very incredulous 05:18.200 --> 05:24.160 Brett Weinstein trying his best to defend the vaccine schedule from scrutiny. 05:24.160 --> 05:27.640 If not, I wouldn't believe it. 05:27.640 --> 05:29.520 I don't know what to tell you other than that. 05:29.520 --> 05:36.000 I haven't watched it because I am completely done with Brett Weinstein, but it's possible 05:36.000 --> 05:44.440 that that forest is a good guy and that Brett is, you know, sort of slowly leaking the truth. 05:44.440 --> 05:47.840 As I've said before, we could have been here in 2020, but we're not. 05:47.840 --> 05:53.600 We were here here in 2024 because we've been under an enchantment. 05:53.600 --> 05:59.040 There's no way to slow roll an entire globe of people to the truth without a coordinated 05:59.040 --> 06:03.680 theater, without a coordinated group of liars. 06:03.680 --> 06:08.000 Because we've had Galileo's around, we've had people who knew the truth from the beginning 06:08.000 --> 06:17.760 and they were silenced and they were replaced by an illusion of consensus. 06:17.760 --> 06:25.760 So your consciousness as prime real estate is exactly what Brett Weinstein represents. 06:25.760 --> 06:30.240 And the fact of the matter is that people like this guy have known for decades that 06:30.240 --> 06:36.000 the way to control people is to control both sides of a debate, to occupy both sides of 06:36.000 --> 06:42.880 an argument, to be the home team and the away team. 06:42.880 --> 06:47.160 And once you're the home team and the away team, then essentially you can win any argument 06:47.160 --> 06:50.640 by attributing bad motives to the away team. 06:50.640 --> 06:53.080 You see how that works? 06:53.080 --> 06:59.040 And all this truth has been available to us for decades already. 06:59.040 --> 07:04.040 Once we break through this, the main illusion, which is the illusion of fractional reserve 07:04.040 --> 07:10.320 banking and that somehow just through the meritocracy of hard work, these bankers have 07:10.320 --> 07:12.920 become ultra rich. 07:13.920 --> 07:19.920 Right, that's what we're here and here. 07:19.920 --> 07:31.680 So as we've got to get as many people to see as possible, we've got to show as many people 07:31.680 --> 07:36.920 as possible so that as many people who can see will see. 07:36.920 --> 07:47.280 There is a plan, there is definitely a plan, it's not a good plan, I don't think it's 07:47.280 --> 07:52.680 a good plan at all, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a good plan, it's not, 07:52.680 --> 08:01.040 it's not a good plan, but they have a plan, right, I'm not, they have a plan. 08:01.040 --> 08:04.840 And we've got to take the power back from these charlatans if we want to stop the plan, 08:04.840 --> 08:08.120 we've got to take actually, we've got to take the power back, we've got to take our 08:08.120 --> 08:16.400 kids back, our kids minds back from these people and try again to make gentle the life 08:16.400 --> 08:28.280 of this world, make, make peace again, pursue peace again. 08:28.280 --> 08:33.480 Ladies and gentlemen, if you've been here for a while, you might be here at the top of 08:33.480 --> 08:39.600 the wave, helping your friends and family, helping your kids understand what just happened 08:39.600 --> 08:46.840 and how to navigate it should it happen the next time, that's really what giga ohm biological 08:46.840 --> 08:53.920 intends to do and help other people and organizations who are trying to do the same, dispel the 08:53.920 --> 09:02.320 immunomethology that has been hoisted upon us over the last few decades, and we're going 09:02.320 --> 09:07.600 to do that by staying focused on the biology, by not taking debate on TV and social media 09:07.600 --> 09:11.400 and loving our neighbors. 09:11.400 --> 09:16.680 We are seeking out the sacred in our biology again, ladies and gentlemen, and so doing, 09:16.680 --> 09:22.920 we need the help of other people, and we are of course doing it because of other people 09:22.920 --> 09:27.760 that we love, we care about, and so please share this stream with as many people as you 09:27.760 --> 09:37.520 can, we are trying to make the message happier and more hopeful every day, clearer and more 09:37.520 --> 09:42.880 understandable every day, and it takes a lot of repetition, it's kind of like a really 09:42.880 --> 09:51.440 good jazz performance, requires 500 rehearsals or so, we're on our, let's say, 600th show, 09:51.440 --> 09:54.360 I don't know what it is, I would have to actually count it up. 09:54.360 --> 10:00.560 We've been rehearsing for a while or practicing or it's not even, it's not the right word, 10:00.560 --> 10:10.360 we've been studying for a while, and so although our understanding has shifted, and in recent 10:10.360 --> 10:16.680 times it's shifted quite drastically for me, no pun intended, because I brought my hand 10:16.680 --> 10:21.400 down from my eyes, I brought my phone down from my eyes, I realized that so many of the 10:21.400 --> 10:27.720 people that were telling me stories were not friendly, I didn't even know some of their names. 10:30.760 --> 10:34.920 Ladies and gentlemen, the only way out of this trap is United of Noncompliance, the only way 10:34.920 --> 10:40.200 out of this trap is to learn the biology ourselves and teach it to our children, I am a human just 10:40.200 --> 10:48.360 like you, a multiracial American who was brainwashed when he was young to try and define himself as a 10:48.360 --> 10:56.120 hyphenated, something American, and multiculturalism was a word that they used in college when I 10:56.120 --> 11:01.720 was in college, and I fell victim to the same trap that a lot of the next generation also fell 11:01.720 --> 11:07.640 victim to, which is that here you can have four years of what essentially is free college for now, 11:07.640 --> 11:13.240 and on 8% interest when you become an adult when we kick you out of here, and there's no guarantee 11:13.240 --> 11:18.600 of any income, there's no guarantee of any whatever, it's just basically a glorified library 11:18.600 --> 11:26.200 card with some glorified lecturers, people that definitely didn't know as much as we thought they 11:26.200 --> 11:32.920 did, and now lots of Americans are in debt to that system and we're not supposed to blame the 11:32.920 --> 11:37.000 government for giving away the free money called Pell Grants, we're not supposed to give away 11:37.000 --> 11:42.840 or blame the government for subsidizing those loans to 18 year olds that were told for their 11:42.840 --> 11:49.480 whole life that college was the only way, and we're not supposed to blame the universities that 11:49.480 --> 11:54.280 realize that holy shit we can charge whatever we want if they're gonna give us half Pell Grants 11:54.280 --> 12:02.200 and half guaranteed student loans, well then heck I guess $15,000 a year isn't crazy after all, 12:02.840 --> 12:08.360 and now we have universities that charge in the upwards of 60 or $70,000 a year, I don't know what 12:08.360 --> 12:16.120 Carnegie Mellon costs when I was still working there, but holy cow, and this is all government 12:16.120 --> 12:21.640 subsidized, weaponized piles of money because universities are weaponized piles of money, 12:21.640 --> 12:27.160 they're gigantic endowments, they're gigantic piles of grant money that are collected by the 12:27.160 --> 12:32.040 people that work there, and so this is the, I think that's the music that got me bounced last time, 12:32.040 --> 12:37.160 so I'm gonna draft that down and hopefully I'm trying to figure out why they they blanked my 12:37.160 --> 12:42.680 stream the other day, I think they blanked the intro because of the Tucker clip, so we're 12:42.680 --> 12:50.280 gonna see what they blanked today, it's May 3rd, 2024, welcome to the show, right on time 10-20, 12:50.280 --> 13:06.200 this is Giga on biological 13:07.000 --> 13:22.840 Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show, coming to you live from Pittsburgh, 13:22.840 --> 13:27.480 Pennsylvania, it's 20 after 10, I still don't have my timing right of course, but at least I hit 13:27.480 --> 13:33.160 the button before 10-10, now if I can get around 10 o'clock then this whole thing will be perfect 13:33.160 --> 13:39.160 and I'll get to this part at 10-10, like I intended to, so that your watch will look its best when 13:39.160 --> 13:44.520 the screen, when we start the show, thanks for joining me, this is the only place really 13:45.480 --> 13:50.920 on the internet where you can find somebody who is in earnest seeking the sacred biology again, 13:51.720 --> 13:55.560 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the 13:55.560 --> 14:01.560 immune system is dumb, exploring that concept and trying to understand it is a great way to get 14:01.560 --> 14:06.680 to the finish line as fast as possible, but it's a great deal of work, so if you need help and you 14:06.680 --> 14:11.080 want to come back for it, this is the place, um, transfection in healthy humans is criminally 14:11.080 --> 14:18.360 negligent, it's kind of a subset idea of the first one, but it's a more succinct way of telling any 14:18.360 --> 14:25.800 of your friends that are doctors or academic biologists or vet techs or veterinarians or anybody that 14:25.880 --> 14:32.520 purports to know something about biology and also something about COVID, they should have known better 14:32.520 --> 14:36.920 and should have known what transfection was before the pandemic and should have known that in calling 14:36.920 --> 14:43.000 it investigational vaccine doesn't make it any better, certainly doesn't make it appropriate 14:43.000 --> 14:48.120 for healthy elderly people that we would like to live and have around for another 15 years 14:48.120 --> 14:52.920 and it certainly doesn't make it appropriate for young children, never mind pregnant women, 14:53.720 --> 15:01.240 and finally RNA cannot pandemic is a great way to challenge your academic biologist friends, 15:01.240 --> 15:05.560 you know the people you used to work with in neuroscience for example in Norway and in the 15:05.560 --> 15:12.280 Netherlands and all over the world, hi my name is Jonathan Cooey and you can find me on PubMed, 15:12.280 --> 15:20.040 please look me up and then email any of my co-authors, any of them that you find and send them my stream 15:20.040 --> 15:22.520 and maybe even send them to this clip right here. 15:26.440 --> 15:31.800 Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've seen you when I was a patch clamp physiologist 15:32.840 --> 15:38.840 going to seminars with you, I guess you experienced the pandemic like I did which is pretty crazy, 15:38.840 --> 15:46.280 right? Four years ago we were told a biological mythology, a story basically about an RNA molecule 15:46.280 --> 15:50.840 that started out in a mud puddle and is now everywhere including in zoo animals and most of 15:50.840 --> 16:00.200 the whitetail deer in North America. This story is essentially a lie and it is based on some facts 16:00.200 --> 16:07.400 and a lot of fiction and you as an academic neurobiologist may not have been in a position to 16:08.120 --> 16:13.880 let's say drop everything and start reading and you may not have been aware that your former colleague 16:13.960 --> 16:19.880 Jonathan Cooey was actually let go by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 2020 because 16:19.880 --> 16:25.880 I spoke out against transfection as an investigational vaccine and told people we were nuts for not 16:25.880 --> 16:34.040 speaking out against it and I think you as an academic neurobiologist working in a Nobel Prize 16:34.040 --> 16:40.920 lab in Norway are working in a prestigious university like Erasmus in the Netherlands or 16:40.920 --> 16:45.000 working at the University of Pittsburgh now or wherever you find yourself 16:47.320 --> 16:51.560 should have known the definition of transfection because you've probably used it in your mice, 16:51.560 --> 16:57.640 you've probably used it in your rats in order to express the channel red opsin or or express the 16:59.240 --> 17:06.200 the marker for your for your interesting gene. Maybe you looked at early immediate 17:06.760 --> 17:10.440 early genes like like ark and you had a mouse that could 17:11.880 --> 17:19.800 transiently express GFP wherever ark was expressed and so you understand what's going on when they 17:19.800 --> 17:24.600 say that they're going to use a lipid nanoparticle with RNA and it injected into a muscle 17:25.800 --> 17:31.560 and you understand how imprecise that must be given the fact that you know how imprecise 17:31.640 --> 17:33.160 injection in the brain can be 17:38.920 --> 17:43.480 and given how you know how lipid nanoparticles work or maybe you don't but you could have 17:43.480 --> 17:49.000 figured it out. Transfection in healthy humans was actually criminally negligent and they lied to 17:49.000 --> 17:53.480 us about how the pandemic started in New York City which you can find very easy 17:53.880 --> 18:01.800 and convinced people around the world with a self-contained media campaign that we were 18:01.800 --> 18:09.080 forced to watch because we had to stay at home and unfortunately a combination of very bad 18:09.080 --> 18:16.760 recommendations which included pure high flow oxygen given to people before they eventually 18:16.840 --> 18:26.200 got on a ventilator and many other sort of illusions to create a mass casualty event in 18:26.200 --> 18:31.000 New York City that they then said was evidence that if we didn't all lock down there was going to 18:31.000 --> 18:36.120 be a worst case scenario so we all locked down and then they told us that the worst case scenario 18:36.120 --> 18:43.800 was avoided because we all locked out and most of you should have been smart enough in 2020 to 18:43.880 --> 18:48.440 know that this was a lie most of you should have been smart enough to know that this wasn't possible 18:48.440 --> 18:51.160 and I myself what the hell happened to my focus 18:55.720 --> 19:01.880 the most of you should have known that this was the case most of you should have known that 19:01.880 --> 19:06.200 this was not all possible but it took me a very long time to figure it out 19:09.000 --> 19:13.080 and so I don't blame any of you for not knowing it I'm just trying to explain to you that you 19:13.080 --> 19:18.600 could have known and you can know now because a lot of the work has already been done for you 19:18.600 --> 19:23.640 a lot of the work has already been done over the last four years by me and by a few other 19:23.640 --> 19:30.440 people have been trying to parse out what exactly happened you can forgive yourself for it not 19:30.440 --> 19:35.080 coming to light in your life because of the focus you have on your career you can forgive 19:35.080 --> 19:38.920 yourself for your focus on your family and you can forgive yourself for not having done the 19:38.920 --> 19:41.160 requisite reading to understand it because it was a lot 19:43.480 --> 19:47.800 I've bought a lot of books and I've read a lot of papers I've printed out a lot of papers I've 19:47.800 --> 19:53.800 highlighted a lot of papers over the last four years but I assure you that the words on this 19:53.800 --> 20:03.960 screen are actually real and so you as a biologist maybe you know me from from great conversations 20:03.960 --> 20:10.840 on the roof of a convention center at an SFN maybe you know me from great conversations at a 20:10.840 --> 20:15.960 had a meeting in Italy or in Sardinia or any of the other places maybe even in Swalbard if you got 20:15.960 --> 20:23.320 if we were lucky enough to meet there and I would hope that in all of those places I never made an 20:23.320 --> 20:29.160 impression that I was some kind of crazy person or that I didn't really understand the subtleties 20:29.160 --> 20:35.640 of what we were trying to do as neuroscientists I am willing to wager that I made a pretty good 20:35.640 --> 20:41.560 impression on you in terms of my understanding of the big questions and my interest in yours 20:44.280 --> 20:50.760 and in that respect if you can possibly remember it please understand that it is not with with 20:50.760 --> 21:01.000 it is not willy nilly that I put these words on the screen and that I I'm hanging my family's 21:03.320 --> 21:11.160 future on the words on this screen and so to all the people in Norway in the Netherlands and in 21:11.160 --> 21:15.480 the United States and everywhere else where you have gone since we have been friends since we have 21:15.480 --> 21:23.720 met over my lifetime and 20 years as a neurobiologist I'm begging all of you just think deeply about 21:23.720 --> 21:30.040 these words think deeply about what you know about the mechanisms by which DNA is replicated 21:30.040 --> 21:36.360 RNA is replicated and then find the papers that fill in the holes of what you don't understand and 21:36.360 --> 21:42.760 realize that according to their cartoons and the infectious cycle works in a way that doesn't make 21:42.760 --> 21:50.040 sense according to their cartoons the way that these entities work they're not organisms 21:50.840 --> 21:57.880 they're not species they're not patterned integrity they don't consume energy they don't engage in 21:57.880 --> 22:02.440 homeostasis and so how in the world could an RNA pandemic 22:02.440 --> 22:12.680 a transfection to to usefully augment the immune system is not the same as a 22:12.680 --> 22:19.160 transfection to put a channel adoption into a particular set of neurons in the brain and then 22:19.160 --> 22:31.240 to sacrifice the animal five weeks later I guess that's my plea to neurobiology around the world 22:31.240 --> 22:36.680 to people that that worked in the fields that I have patch clamp physiologists people that work on 22:36.680 --> 22:41.560 transgenic mice people that transfect mice on a regular basis to express channel adopts in 22:41.560 --> 22:50.360 somewhere or to express some kind of pre-dependent protein expression so you can modify a it you 22:50.360 --> 22:58.200 all use the tool and you all know it's an acute modification of that animal's physiology to ask 22:58.200 --> 23:03.080 a question that also requires you essentially to sacrifice the animal because it's not going to 23:03.080 --> 23:14.040 live a long healthy life after you do that anyway I don't know how to give introductions 23:14.040 --> 23:18.520 anymore so I that when just came to me I don't know why I decided to give an introduction for the 23:18.520 --> 23:23.640 neurobiology people out there but I was colleagues with lots of people I met lots of people they all 23:23.720 --> 23:31.080 know my name they all could send me an email and ask me how I'm doing but they don't because they're 23:31.080 --> 23:35.880 all very busy in their own careers right they're all climbing that all their own local ladder 23:37.320 --> 23:42.200 if I was still that's the mistake they made what they should have done was giving me a 23:42.200 --> 23:47.800 tenure position at Pitt and grant money to work on rats and I would have been you know riding my 23:47.800 --> 23:53.240 bike and still I'm so excited I get to do experiments today again I got a new microscope to build 23:53.240 --> 24:02.360 again but instead they told me to go home and put me into the hands of a bunch of retards like 24:02.360 --> 24:08.040 oh sorry for that word a bunch of monkeys like drastic who for a while had me going 24:09.720 --> 24:15.000 or put me into the arms of people like who did I stream with for March and April of 2020 24:15.320 --> 24:26.280 uh Kevin McCairn um Adi ads and Paul Catrell like every weekend for five or six weeks in a row 24:27.240 --> 24:32.920 in retrospect that is just an absolute clown show but I did pretty well on those streams but my 24:32.920 --> 24:39.800 goodness what a what a wonderful wonderful team worst case scenario was assembled around the world 24:39.800 --> 24:46.040 to execute this this operation it was really it's really incredible um this was a national 24:46.040 --> 24:51.880 security operation I don't know if it would qualify as a global security operation but it's a global 24:51.880 --> 24:58.680 group of weaponized piles of money and even governments could be thought of as weaponized piles of 24:58.680 --> 25:03.880 money especially governments that can print their own um and so if you think about these 25:03.880 --> 25:08.200 weaponized piles of money trying to undermine national sovereignty and trying to undermine 25:09.800 --> 25:15.080 western republics let's not call them democracies let's call them what we want them to be which is 25:15.080 --> 25:23.000 republics um with a with an operation which convinced everyone in the world that a pandemic 25:23.000 --> 25:28.200 occurred or attempted to convince everyone in the world that a pandemic occurred and we've heard 25:28.200 --> 25:35.400 them lament on screen um people like Mark von Rancz or people like uh Bill Gates or Tony Fauci 25:35.880 --> 25:41.480 or or or Rick Bright we've heard them all lament that people never take it seriously enough 25:41.480 --> 25:47.640 you know flu isn't sexy enough anymore and so uh this plan has been in the works for a long time 25:47.640 --> 25:52.840 I think the sparse pandemic document we worked on that the last couple days in and out um and 25:52.840 --> 25:58.360 it's got a couple really good examples um which are just the tip of the iceberg for how this was 25:58.360 --> 26:03.640 done but essentially they've controlled all the voices that you've ever seen and that's why you 26:03.640 --> 26:10.840 are very rare you're one of the 3100 people or so that actually know that I exist um and the rest 26:10.840 --> 26:18.920 of the world has no idea because the vast majority of the the way that information moves around our 26:18.920 --> 26:26.200 world is just programmed a certain way it's not AI magic it's not a bunch of oh well I guess this 26:26.200 --> 26:32.840 is the way it works no they can just turn switches and flip switches that are assigned to your accounts 26:32.840 --> 26:38.120 and then your accounts don't go and they can actually make other accounts seem to go 26:40.360 --> 26:46.440 and so it's all a great big illusion of course but we're still actively trying to engage in twitter 26:46.440 --> 26:52.120 and facebook sharing and all this other stuff and this is all part of their their illusion 26:52.840 --> 26:57.320 and they knew that from the very beginning of course they've gained this at a table and so 26:57.320 --> 27:02.520 they've had people in place so that we would ask the wrong questions and we would never figure it 27:02.520 --> 27:07.320 out that there was actually probably just a hot background and so that they rolled out a pretty 27:07.320 --> 27:12.680 non-specific PCR test and told you that this was evidence of a novel spread pretty much no one 27:12.680 --> 27:18.200 would be able to see through it especially if you had enough people in all the right places 27:18.200 --> 27:24.440 to take the stand that no no this works this is real and we told you this was gonna happen 27:24.440 --> 27:31.880 that's the point and so then they added financial incentives to that where they paid 30 000 27:31.880 --> 27:37.160 dollars for a covid death and they added legal incentive to that because they told people especially 27:37.160 --> 27:42.840 in new york city curiously enough that if you treated people for covid that there was no malpractice 27:42.840 --> 27:46.440 because you know it's a novel thing and we don't know what we're doing so you can't be blamed if you 27:46.440 --> 27:54.280 make mistakes now the interesting posit that i have to this hypothesis which i think a lot of people 27:54.280 --> 28:01.480 hate is that there are certain people that were co-opted or certain people that were put in place 28:01.480 --> 28:03.320 very early to make sure that the 28:06.760 --> 28:12.520 skepticism of the existence of a novel virus could be a controlled position as well 28:13.400 --> 28:19.080 and this is the the what has now come colloquially called as the no virus group or the no virus 28:19.080 --> 28:25.160 position and very typically the people that are associated with this very early on in fact by 28:25.240 --> 28:33.640 none other than kevin mccairn the raccoon commander um was very certain already in march of 2020 28:33.640 --> 28:42.920 that the no virus position as portrayed by andy coffman repeated the name over and over again 28:43.480 --> 28:52.920 needed to be destroyed snuffed out eliminated and the same had to happen for the people that said 28:52.920 --> 28:59.080 that the covid virus was caused by 5g these people also needed needed stomping 29:02.200 --> 29:07.720 and that's why i think that all of these people on both sides again not all of them but 29:08.680 --> 29:13.000 collectively all of them because they're winning and unwitting participants once you believe 29:13.640 --> 29:20.760 that that the guy to follow is is mike eden and then mike eden says well i'm kind of 29:20.760 --> 29:26.520 starting to become convinced that there are no viruses then you might move closer to the 29:26.520 --> 29:31.080 no viruses just because mike eden says so and he's a pretty trustworthy smart guy and i totally 29:31.080 --> 29:38.760 agree with that but i actually when mike eden was starting to go that way i sent an email to 29:38.760 --> 29:47.080 him and said like dude be careful because this is a trap because all of these past people i got 29:47.240 --> 29:51.640 unclipped for just one second because i i don't have my bookshelf over here i moved it out of the way 29:59.480 --> 30:05.560 i have this bookshelf on wheels because it's a real pain in the ass it's in the way all the time 30:06.760 --> 30:15.080 um but it's got all my stuff on it i can keep it away and i want the old book where is the old 30:15.640 --> 30:23.800 book that i have where you can go even nothing else but yeah here so 30:27.640 --> 30:33.960 what i'm oh i got to plug in again now i'm sorry i use wired monitors because it's just better 30:35.400 --> 30:40.120 and and well i have to use wired monitors i could use speaker monitors too but then you'd hear the 30:40.120 --> 30:46.040 echo in the room and i would have to play with that instead um so my argument is that 30:47.480 --> 30:53.880 that it is much more likely that something exists at that time scale this is a book that was thrown 30:53.880 --> 31:00.040 out of a library thrown out of the squib institute for medical research in princeton new jersey in 31:00.840 --> 31:09.800 june 18th 19 oh no this was added to the library in june 18th 1984 and then it was discarded 31:12.440 --> 31:18.520 and it's called the molecular biology and pathogenesis of corona viruses and it is from 31:19.160 --> 31:24.680 the state university of utrecht in utrecht the netherlands i could show it on here of course 31:25.640 --> 31:33.640 uh i need to go like this and then like this and then like that so it's this book here 31:37.320 --> 31:40.520 and it's got a lot of stuff in it um 31:42.360 --> 31:49.560 oh that was the other volumes in that series so here's the preface the present volume contains 31:49.640 --> 31:55.960 the proceedings of an embl workshop organized in june of 1983 at the institute of virology 31:55.960 --> 32:01.560 veterinary faculty at the university of utrecht in the netherlands some 70 scientists from 11 32:01.560 --> 32:05.080 countries followed the invitation to present and discuss their recent data on the structure 32:05.080 --> 32:11.080 replication genetics and pathogenesis of corona viruses now what i am suggesting see that they're 32:11.080 --> 32:18.040 they're usually three polypeptides now it's not what we know now we think it's like 27 or something 32:18.040 --> 32:23.400 like that which is curious isn't it right we've added all these things maybe we were just maybe 32:23.400 --> 32:29.400 we just took exosomes that were pretty simple and then we made them more complicated because 32:29.400 --> 32:35.720 we wanted to test out to see if that we could we could we could work out how how gene modification 32:35.720 --> 32:42.280 might work or genetic modification might work i don't anyway so look you have a nested set of 32:42.280 --> 32:48.680 five to six mRNAs in the expression of their large positive and single-stranded RNA genome 32:48.680 --> 32:53.720 to generate these subgenomic RNAs through specific fusion of non-contiguous sequences 32:55.480 --> 32:59.800 to mature by budding from intracellular membranes okay that's something that 32:59.800 --> 33:06.360 is different than budding from the outside which is what what in 2018 a few days ago we listened to 33:07.240 --> 33:13.560 to uh to David Baltimore tell us they're either budding from the outside of the cell or the cell 33:13.560 --> 33:18.280 is being broken because they're making so many viruses so that's interesting because coronaviruses 33:18.280 --> 33:23.400 don't do either of those they're supposed to be born in endosomes and then the endosomes are 33:23.400 --> 33:31.800 releasing them um and cause persistent infection with neurological involvement sometimes immunopathological 33:31.800 --> 33:38.760 conditions interesting you can see that this is a really good that there's real old book like 33:38.760 --> 33:46.280 you know this is almost like it's typed all this stuff is like typed it's really cool um and so in 33:46.280 --> 33:55.960 here are proceedings about what they what they worked on and so my and now this one's also out of 33:55.960 --> 34:03.000 focus that's so weird i don't know what's going on i these aren't that's not usually a problem i'm 34:03.000 --> 34:10.680 sorry i'll figure i'll fix this i will fix the focus 34:14.680 --> 34:23.240 that should be okay looks a little better um so i guess my what i wanted to say was and where i'm 34:23.320 --> 34:29.800 going with this i'm going to go back to the front where i'm going with this is trying to suggest 34:29.800 --> 34:40.040 that the no virus position if it's part of the same slow walk that Brett Weinstein was engaged 34:40.040 --> 34:46.040 in so Brett Weinstein was first wearing masks and first wearing the thing and first saying that 34:46.040 --> 34:53.000 zero covid for like until June 21 at least that zero covid was a viable goal that we should go for 34:54.360 --> 34:59.000 you know to avoid Laurie Garrett's prediction of oh the worst case scenario with one of these 34:59.000 --> 35:02.920 pandemic viruses is that it goes endemic and we have to suffer with it forever 35:05.720 --> 35:12.520 and so of course you could tell that exact story about a signal that was already there 35:13.160 --> 35:17.720 and that nobody cared about nobody paid any attention to they just called it pneumonia and 35:17.720 --> 35:25.880 influenza in statistics you could take that signal and characterize it well with molecular 35:25.880 --> 35:34.200 techniques whatever you want or you could just come up with an illusion of consensus that these 35:34.200 --> 35:39.560 molecular signals are associated with that and that if you don't have symptoms but you have the 35:39.560 --> 35:43.000 molecular signal that's just asymptomatic spread 35:45.480 --> 35:49.080 isn't that incredible that's asymptomatic spread stop lying 35:52.360 --> 36:00.440 and so that entire story that entire story was curated by people on television like Tony Fauci 36:00.440 --> 36:05.640 arguing with people in the Senate like Rand Paul about lab leak or natural virus 36:06.600 --> 36:15.560 this this intellectual idea was curated by people who said that there are no viruses at all that 36:15.560 --> 36:24.360 that the whole idea of germ theory is completely wrong there are no bacteria even are sometimes 36:24.360 --> 36:33.800 is is dropped in there and now if it's the same slow roll follow me if you've been here and you're 36:34.520 --> 36:41.560 you're still with me here if it's the same slow role then eventually we're going to get to the stage 36:41.560 --> 36:46.760 where they are very precise and they're going to say no no we were just talking about SARS-CoV-2 36:47.400 --> 36:53.640 they haven't isolated SARS-CoV-2 of course there are exosomes we don't know what else is there 36:53.640 --> 37:00.200 they're just lying oh no gain a function is fake of course gain a function is fake 37:00.520 --> 37:10.200 no no they probably just put the sooner or later these no virus people if this slow roll is correct 37:10.200 --> 37:17.640 they're going to also say things like maybe there was a background signal maybe there was a they 37:17.640 --> 37:23.400 confounded an existing background signal with a test that worked it's not a place they're at yet 37:24.200 --> 37:30.680 they are still at the place where there are no viruses we have not proven their existence there 37:30.680 --> 37:38.520 are no signals at this size scale so what were these people all doing in the 80s where were they 37:39.080 --> 37:46.920 what RNAs were they measuring what RNAs are they measuring here i'm not saying that this is 37:46.920 --> 37:53.240 great biology or look at these signals they're undeniable what i'm suggesting is is that there 37:53.320 --> 38:00.360 are hundreds of people that were looking at the RNA signals that can be found in these in these 38:00.360 --> 38:08.200 preparations can be found in these in these in these methodologies and trying to understand 38:08.200 --> 38:14.120 what they were and they weren't all liars they could have been misled and i think one of the main 38:14.120 --> 38:17.800 things that they were misled about is that the signal that they were studying was a pathogenic 38:17.880 --> 38:21.160 one rather than an innate one or an exogenous one 38:23.560 --> 38:27.880 other than that they're just measuring the RNA and trying to characterize what happens when they 38:27.880 --> 38:35.720 move it from one place to another and under the assumption that it's pathology instead of taking 38:35.720 --> 38:41.400 an endogenous signal from one organism and putting it into another and then that causing 38:41.400 --> 38:46.200 some obviously predictable immune reaction 38:49.240 --> 38:56.840 and so the no virus there there is no SARS-CoV-2 unless it is very well done very well explained 38:56.840 --> 39:00.440 can immediately tumble into something that nobody will listen to 39:02.360 --> 39:07.160 and indeed i would argue that that's the one thing that they've done so well and i'm i'm 39:07.160 --> 39:11.800 saving it because i have been watched it and i just know it exists that there was some point 39:11.800 --> 39:15.560 a c-h-d video where i think maryll nask kevin mccurnan 39:17.880 --> 39:23.560 andy koffman and somebody else all got together and argued about a very limited you know we're 39:23.560 --> 39:27.240 only going to argue about isolation and purification we're not going to talk about anything else 39:29.160 --> 39:31.480 and they never they they reached an impasse 39:31.480 --> 39:39.800 it's all a big show ladies and gentlemen it's all a big show 39:41.560 --> 39:46.600 and i do think that giga ohm biological is very close with this with this hypothesis right here 39:47.240 --> 39:54.520 the identification of infectious clones as the primary methodology by which all RNA virology 39:54.600 --> 40:01.880 is accomplished and standardized and the realization that these same methodologies have 40:01.880 --> 40:07.960 already been scaled up inside the pharmaceutical industry for at least two decades because we've 40:07.960 --> 40:12.440 been making monoclonal antibodies with very similar techniques process twos 40:15.320 --> 40:20.280 and so it is not ridiculous at all because we even have videos from the beginning of the pandemic 40:20.280 --> 40:23.800 where enovio was doing process two to make the spike protein 40:25.240 --> 40:33.240 spike protein RNA and DNA quite frankly and so they had had already started production of 40:34.520 --> 40:43.080 en masse the DNA and the RNA think about that because the DNA and the RNA is all you need for 40:43.160 --> 40:50.840 a PCR reaction to be positive if the end protein of this coronavirus is not specific 40:50.840 --> 40:55.480 and not very you know unique which i don't think it is 40:58.120 --> 41:03.800 then uh then you just have a nonspecific test in the background and and there is no there are no 41:03.800 --> 41:08.520 viruses there are no coronaviruses viruses haven't been isolated or purified 41:08.520 --> 41:16.680 is a really weird kind of parallel but not exact attempt to explain why they're lying 41:19.480 --> 41:25.560 and so maybe i hope i'm not blowing it i'm probably going too long here let's just get 41:25.560 --> 41:31.800 started because i got a lot of i got a lot of uh 41:32.280 --> 41:40.760 you see the thing is that's that this mod RNA guy in the chat is uh a lot of fun 41:42.520 --> 41:48.920 because he he's he's always engaged in the same thing he's always trying to get me to defend virus 41:48.920 --> 41:54.920 isolation and sequencing with controls it's it's isolation that these no virus people are 41:54.920 --> 42:00.200 concerned about in purification that these people are concerned about and the way that they dissect 42:00.760 --> 42:09.160 the the experiments with regard to metagenomic sequencing 42:11.560 --> 42:20.440 the way that they dissect the the uh isolation and purification of viruses is totally correct 42:20.440 --> 42:24.600 and there's nobody who would deny that because people have been saying that for a while 42:25.560 --> 42:29.320 and they aren't the first people to say it right people said that about AIDS 42:31.880 --> 42:40.200 and so the argument that i'm making is that it is very very dangerous to say that there's 42:40.200 --> 42:44.520 nothing at this size scale that none of these signals are real because people have 42:46.200 --> 42:51.640 in lots of different contexts been looking at the things at this size scale for many decades 42:51.640 --> 42:57.720 something is there and for some reason or another somebody like david baltimore 42:58.280 --> 43:05.720 was encouraged to waste his time making a hour-long video explaining the generalities of virology 43:05.720 --> 43:13.400 in 2018 even though we know most of those generalities aren't true and we know that exosomal 43:13.400 --> 43:21.160 communication exists maybe we have to do another show on exosomes because 43:21.720 --> 43:30.440 to make to make clear that these these departments existed in the early 2000s that these 43:30.440 --> 43:35.400 investigators existed in the early 2000s and everybody was fired up about it in the early 2000s 43:35.400 --> 43:41.560 and then all of those investigators got absorbed into exosomes associated with cancer 43:42.760 --> 43:50.040 it's the literal truth because that's where the money was and using exosomes to diagnose cancer 43:50.040 --> 43:58.360 you can't get money for studying exosomes in health there's there's no grants but there's 43:58.360 --> 44:05.240 millions if not billions of dollars available for um for studying exosomes in the context 44:05.240 --> 44:12.120 of cancer and so there you go there it's gone now you're a cancer researcher and you've got tenure 44:12.120 --> 44:16.040 and you've got money and you have your respect and you have your own little niche 44:16.600 --> 44:23.160 it's exactly how it works so the reason why i want to visit tom kawen is because i think 44:23.720 --> 44:33.080 tom kawen is potentially um a medler in the sense of play to roll in maybe containing 44:33.800 --> 44:40.440 mark and sam bailey for example um i have revealed on the show before and i could show it again 44:40.440 --> 44:45.400 that i emailed sam bailey very early in the pandemic because i was very impressed with 44:45.480 --> 44:49.960 her analysis of the pcr test and i actually was saying the same thing at that time 44:50.760 --> 44:55.880 that it could be a combination of a hot background or just a non-specific test 44:56.600 --> 45:03.320 um and at that time she was also saying the same thing not really saying there are no viruses 45:03.320 --> 45:12.280 she didn't care about isolation or or purification at that time and so i contacted her and she was 45:12.280 --> 45:16.360 pregnant and gonna have a baby so she said after that maybe in six months or so she could 45:16.360 --> 45:24.440 contact me again and then by the time those six months had expired kevin mccairn my what i thought 45:24.440 --> 45:33.800 was kind of a colleague um had was playing these these meme videos where her mouth was full of hot 45:33.800 --> 45:42.920 dogs and there were you know like bimbo bailey kind of thing and really full on the the no-virus 45:42.920 --> 45:50.520 attack like you gotta we gotta snuff these people these idiots out and so because i had used what 45:50.520 --> 45:56.280 i thought was adenovirus to transfect my mice for me and i still still think it's adenovirus um 45:57.480 --> 46:03.640 it's the name we have for those those constructs um to transfect my mice or in this case 46:03.720 --> 46:15.400 transform um oh no it was actually transfect i feel as though uh i was vulnerable to accepting 46:15.400 --> 46:21.720 you know the virology as it stood and so this this seemed like a kind of sidebar to distract 46:21.720 --> 46:26.440 from the idea that it could be a lab leak and so if you told everybody that there was no virus 46:26.440 --> 46:33.320 that this would make sense that wow okay so then lab leak is also crazy right that never dawned 46:33.320 --> 46:37.400 on me it dawned what dawned on me was is that you could say there was no virus and then that would 46:37.400 --> 46:42.920 keep a lot of people away from ever suspecting that this was actually a man-made disaster 46:44.040 --> 46:50.120 that was a very enticing mystery for me to solve and people like kevin mccairn made sure that i 46:50.120 --> 46:55.640 thought it was an enticing mystery that people at drastic made sure that i that i thought that i 46:55.640 --> 47:01.400 was on it that i was one of the best in terms of you know being at the front edge of of solving this 47:01.400 --> 47:09.960 mystery and i didn't understand that i was being played that i was being lied to by multiple people 47:11.560 --> 47:15.720 even though i should have i mean drastic is almost exclusively people who don't use their 47:15.720 --> 47:24.840 own name especially at that time and on the far spectrum of this me being kind of on the side of 47:25.320 --> 47:32.120 of adi ads and paul katrel and kevin mccairn at the in in april and may 47:34.120 --> 47:42.360 was to oppose uh anti-coffman because he says there are no viruses and that he says this is all 47:42.360 --> 47:46.280 pleomorphic cycle or something like that and he would go off and i'll be like oh i don't want 47:46.280 --> 47:50.120 anything about that that's crazy all i know is that our immune system is probably better off 47:50.920 --> 47:56.520 just hopefully you know be healthy i didn't know that was the only thing i knew for sure 47:59.000 --> 48:03.240 but in the meantime all these people just like the people who knew fear and cleavage site was a 48:03.240 --> 48:08.760 lab leak in february these people knew there was no virus and so i had to look that up actually 48:08.760 --> 48:15.000 i'm going to change that now i had to look that up it was 2023 it was just a year ago so we can do 48:15.000 --> 48:23.000 that like that and then i can resume the slideshow there we go um so we're going to do 2024 48:23.000 --> 48:29.640 versus 2023 so from 2024 i have selected a tom kawin question and answer video which i found on 48:29.640 --> 48:37.720 sub stack thanks to one of you guys um and then i'm going to watch at higher speed the video that 48:37.720 --> 48:44.600 supposedly was made in response to my email that i wrote when i was still a um scientific 48:44.600 --> 48:51.560 advisor for uh Robert F Kennedy jr and before i had actually started working for chd um i was 48:51.560 --> 48:57.160 still helping with the book and uh mary holland actually asked me to write a response to christine 48:57.160 --> 49:02.280 massy and the response that i wrote was basically what i've been trying to teach for the last 49:03.160 --> 49:08.840 you know year or so which is that i think that there's a way for all of us to be right 49:09.720 --> 49:15.320 i think that you guys are right about there being no sarsko v2 virus isolated or spreading 49:15.320 --> 49:20.120 around the world i think you're right about the pcr test being used to create that illusion 49:20.920 --> 49:25.080 but i also think you might underestimate how easy it would be for them to create that 49:25.080 --> 49:31.080 illusion with real molecular signals that they could use infectious clones to see the narrative 49:31.080 --> 49:35.000 and it wouldn't need to spread it would just need to be culturable it just need to be 49:35.000 --> 49:40.760 sequenceable and it would convince even more people that would otherwise be able to see through 49:40.760 --> 49:46.680 the illusion because this would be seen as sort of like gold standard proof that was beyond a 49:46.680 --> 49:51.960 reasonable doubt and that i thought we could come together on this idea and it would be very 49:51.960 --> 49:58.840 exciting and they laid into it what did they do they got immediately mad and they wanted 49:58.840 --> 50:02.440 they wanted me to send papers to show that infectious clones were real 50:03.720 --> 50:07.080 and and called me uh and just another one of these people 50:10.680 --> 50:15.240 and so there was no bridge there was no attempt to understand there was oh wow you want to you 50:15.240 --> 50:19.480 want to listen to us you think a lot of things we know nothing at all was an immediate attack 50:19.480 --> 50:20.760 slander bang boom 50:20.920 --> 50:31.320 um and there was a little bit of a conversation with mary and um christine massy that was recorded 50:31.320 --> 50:38.680 on somewhere and i think it was uh a doctors for covid ethics meeting and mary said it very 50:38.680 --> 50:44.920 subtly um that we don't think that it's it's a nuanced enough position and that's basically what 50:44.920 --> 50:48.040 i said in my email that i wrote for them on their behalf 50:50.520 --> 50:58.440 and she rejected them and so here we are now still separated rather than coming together on the 50:58.440 --> 51:04.040 idea that they lied to us that we've been lied to collectively we're still separated we're still 51:04.040 --> 51:10.360 fighting about this and so maryll nass even writes a sub stack about how we shouldn't be fighting 51:10.360 --> 51:16.360 but then she seems to signal that she's talking about people like mike eden or jessica hocket 51:16.360 --> 51:18.680 or mark kulek or jonathan cooey 51:20.120 --> 51:26.440 she's not talking about the no virus people anymore as being dividers or or could bring us 51:26.440 --> 51:32.520 together when they have a tremendous following of people who are already very skeptical already 51:32.520 --> 51:38.840 very open-minded and already willing to understand that they've been lied to but it's not a simple lie 51:40.760 --> 51:45.560 and if you give people a simple explanation that is not sufficient then you're not giving them 51:45.560 --> 51:51.000 the freedom you're not giving them the informed consent that you claim you are and i would argue 51:51.000 --> 52:00.040 that maybe Andy Kaufman maybe Tom Cowan maybe that was their role for 2020 and 2021 to make sure 52:00.040 --> 52:05.960 that people like Sam Bailey and and Mark Bailey or make sure that people like Stefan Lanka would 52:05.960 --> 52:11.480 have somebody in front of them so that the real message of wow they're lying to us would never get 52:11.480 --> 52:18.600 out and instead would be clouded by this you know all this technical talk about what is isolation 52:18.600 --> 52:24.520 and control and what is what is purification and control and we only want to argue about these 52:24.520 --> 52:29.560 two things because if these two things aren't right and they don't have any proof and these 52:29.560 --> 52:36.520 foyas are real then then there's no discussion anymore yeah technically that's true 52:38.840 --> 52:44.280 but it doesn't seem like a very genuine way to bring everybody on your side when reality is is 52:44.280 --> 52:49.560 that they lied to us and we might not know all the lies we might not have all the details 52:50.520 --> 52:55.640 and there might be some technologies we don't fully understand there might be some 52:59.880 --> 53:06.760 there might be some things we don't understand so let's go let's do this i know that was a terribly 53:06.760 --> 53:11.160 long introduction 52 minutes i'm should almost stop this video and start it again 53:11.880 --> 53:18.600 um so that we can get it right so this is just taken from very recently i think it's just last 53:18.600 --> 53:24.040 week even here we go okay hello everybody thanks for joining me again for another wednesday webinar 53:24.040 --> 53:29.480 today may first 2024 oh no it's a couple days ago there we go the significance of mayday is but 53:29.960 --> 53:36.040 it's got something to do with workers i think okay uh don't think there's any announcements 53:37.560 --> 53:42.600 so let me get right into it today i wanted to talk about a subject that i've talked about before 53:43.240 --> 53:49.080 but this week on tuesday one of the weekly webinars now there's not very many of them that i actually 53:49.080 --> 53:54.200 watch is uh the bailey's sam and mark i believe it comes out every tuesday morning at least for me 53:55.080 --> 54:01.960 and i want it to piggyback a little bit uh on the uh on the webinar they did i get on hypermectin 54:02.920 --> 54:09.720 but i also think i think that there's really no argument mr and a man mod r and a this is a 54:09.720 --> 54:16.200 response to a chat i don't think that there can be any argument made that pcr can work 54:17.000 --> 54:22.680 i don't think there can be any argument made that sequencing works um i don't think there 54:22.680 --> 54:29.480 can be any argument made that that growing large amounts of dna in a bacterial culture works i 54:29.480 --> 54:35.400 don't think there is any argument that can be made that if you take and construct what they call an 54:35.400 --> 54:39.800 infectious clone and then apply it to a cell culture that the cell culture may react to it 54:40.600 --> 54:48.680 um it may cause things to change uh i also think that this is enough for them to with an illusion 54:48.760 --> 54:55.320 of consensus between virologists uh wittingly and unwittingly to create the illusion that this is a 54:55.320 --> 55:01.000 significant threat to our well-being when it's not and that they can create the illusion that 55:01.000 --> 55:05.960 none of these signals are our own none of these signals are endogenous they're all pathogenic 55:05.960 --> 55:14.840 obligate pathogens from outside and that's of course a mythology but if the goal is to slow roll us 55:14.840 --> 55:21.000 to that truth while they controlled demolition the entire republic of the west 55:21.960 --> 55:27.640 um then these people may be a part of it because eventually we do have to get to the truth 55:27.640 --> 55:32.920 it's just that we don't want to get to it too fast and because if we get to it too fast that 55:32.920 --> 55:38.040 all of us won't be in the cage when we finally learn the truth that's really what i believe 55:38.040 --> 55:46.600 they're doing to us we could have had everything and know everything that we know right now in 2020 55:46.600 --> 55:53.640 because mary holland maryll nass robert f Kennedy jr and all the people that work for chd 55:53.640 --> 55:58.760 knew that the vaccine schedule in america was criminal and if compared to any other vaccine 55:58.760 --> 56:06.520 schedule in world would be obviously criminal so they could have told us that right away in 2020 56:06.520 --> 56:11.560 said it unequivocally this is the time to realize that the public health apparatus is 56:11.560 --> 56:16.360 crucially it's crucially corrupt but they didn't 56:22.360 --> 56:26.840 instead we thought we talked about mandates and we talked about censorship and we're still 56:26.840 --> 56:33.080 talking about mandates and censorship they're not actually going for the throat because it's 56:33.080 --> 56:39.320 not time to go to the throat yet because not all the pigs are in the cage 56:41.480 --> 56:53.640 not all the brains are trapped not everybody is locked in once everybody's inside the gate 56:53.640 --> 57:00.600 will close and it'll be over for our grandchildren and at that time there will be everybody will 57:00.760 --> 57:05.720 be inside and then everybody will say see the no virus people were right there was never a 57:05.720 --> 57:11.480 SARS-CoV-2 they were lying about it see kui was right there was a background signal 57:12.280 --> 57:17.000 see and it'll be too late i'll be dead 57:20.200 --> 57:27.320 my kids will be gone and the only people that will remember will be a few old people on their 57:27.320 --> 57:30.200 rocking chairs who just happened to catch me when they were in college 57:32.680 --> 57:39.320 just like i'm talking about Ted Gunderson or Mike Rupert or Ed Griffin for that matter 57:39.320 --> 57:42.120 who i'm going to get a chance to meet in june god willing 57:44.360 --> 57:50.360 and then their stories will also disappear like elders lost 57:50.440 --> 57:58.520 it's a slow role ladies and gentlemen and certain people were put in place to make sure the role 57:58.520 --> 58:04.040 would be slow they stepped in front of other people who were speaking out stepped in front 58:04.040 --> 58:07.640 of other people and that stepping in front of other people is the trick to see 58:10.440 --> 58:15.960 and i don't know who did it but i suspect we could figure it out if we wanted to i suspect 58:15.960 --> 58:19.080 each of us could figure it out if we wanted to okay tom sorry go ahead 58:19.080 --> 58:23.080 i think that they everybody who's interested in the subject of ivermectin 58:23.080 --> 58:28.200 should absolutely go watch that video that webinar or whatever it is that just came out with 58:28.200 --> 58:32.280 i think it's dr sambailey.com i'm not sure exactly that's exactly the right website 58:32.920 --> 58:38.200 but absolutely that should be checked out and i just wanted to not correct anything not by any 58:38.200 --> 58:43.960 means but just to emphasize some things just which i have actually been over before 58:44.680 --> 58:49.560 the reason of course is i'm continually well i don't know if i'd use the word shocked or 58:49.560 --> 58:54.600 surprised because not too much shocks or surprises me anymore but let's just say 58:54.600 --> 58:59.480 interested in how many of the people that i know who are allegedly in the health freedom 58:59.480 --> 59:04.680 space and community are either taking ivermectin so-called prophylactically 59:05.400 --> 59:10.760 or have taken it for nice illness that they've had in the last four years good for you tom claim 59:10.760 --> 59:17.960 to be covid i wouldn't have expected that maybe maybe i would but it's just there's so many of them 59:18.520 --> 59:24.200 that i think it's still worth revisiting that subject because i guess the bottom line here is 59:24.200 --> 59:31.960 this is one of those clever they they being the perpetrators or the controllers or whatever you 59:31.960 --> 59:37.960 want to call them have a very clear strategy with so many things so many things of there's a 59:37.960 --> 59:43.640 conventional narrative and then there's the alternative narrative which always cast 59:43.640 --> 59:49.160 so is he so versions and usually there's so do you think that he was saying this already as long as 59:49.160 --> 59:55.800 we've been saying it the idea that they have so many plans in place 01:00:00.680 --> 01:00:06.360 actually most of the time when these people encounter anybody they insist on talking about 01:00:06.360 --> 01:00:12.280 only one damn thing and that's isolation or purification of viruses that's it they only want 01:00:12.280 --> 01:00:17.400 to talk about whether you believe sometimes they even tell you that unless you'll say that there's 01:00:17.400 --> 01:00:21.960 there's no virus i don't even want to speak to you that's how they roll 01:00:24.040 --> 01:00:30.280 and so there is no effort to connect there is no effort to come to some collective understanding 01:00:30.280 --> 01:00:35.720 and he will now tell you that they've never engaged in any insults or or been short with 01:00:35.720 --> 01:00:43.160 anybody or been less than cordial it's just all of us being really uh mean and stuff like that 01:00:43.160 --> 01:00:49.080 jay cooey being really mean being one of them you'll see in a minute when we watch the their 01:00:49.080 --> 01:00:56.440 response video to my email you're gonna love it elements of intrigue and collusion and criminal 01:00:56.440 --> 01:01:01.800 activity against the dominant uh people in the dominant system and that becomes the alternative 01:01:01.880 --> 01:01:08.760 narrative close my window here and that's the only two things you're allowed to believe 01:01:09.320 --> 01:01:13.400 so in this case the of course the alternative uh sorry the conventional 01:01:13.400 --> 01:01:18.760 narrative for co for covid is caused by a virus and the only possible uh you know preventative 01:01:18.760 --> 01:01:24.680 treatment or thing you can do to stop the virus at the end of the day because we know hand washing 01:01:24.680 --> 01:01:29.640 and masks and social distancing and all that don't really work so you have to do the vaccine 01:01:30.200 --> 01:01:33.880 and then along comes the so-called freedom community and you don't need me to name any 01:01:33.880 --> 01:01:39.320 names here but most of them have been in lockstep about this saying oh no there's this pandemic 01:01:39.320 --> 01:01:43.960 for sure and it's caused by a virus for sure now we think it's a lab leak virus or a lab 01:01:43.960 --> 01:01:49.480 created virus we've been over that but even a bigger scandal is whatever whichever virus it's 01:01:49.480 --> 01:01:55.000 caused by it certainly is effectively treated by this safe and effective we've heard that one before 01:01:55.000 --> 01:02:00.600 drug called ivermectin which is cheap and it's a miracle drug and so the reason that they've 01:02:00.600 --> 01:02:06.840 suppressed that uh the treat the the successful almost miraculous treatment of this viral infection 01:02:06.840 --> 01:02:11.800 with this miracle drug called ivermectin is because there's seemingly some clause that says 01:02:12.360 --> 01:02:18.760 if there's an effective treatment for this pandemic or this situation then you can't fast track or 01:02:18.760 --> 01:02:24.520 some administrative words of the vaccine so they had to the narrative the alternative narrative 01:02:24.520 --> 01:02:30.200 goes you had to get rid of the ivermectin story unfortunately for us poor people because ivermectin 01:02:30.200 --> 01:02:35.480 is such a wonderful drug and anyways there was a nobel prize given for the discovery of ivermectin 01:02:35.480 --> 01:02:41.640 which if you know anything about the nobel prize process that should make red the strongest red 01:02:41.640 --> 01:02:46.920 flags go off uh you know joining the ranks of uh i want to show you something this reminds me 01:02:46.920 --> 01:02:53.000 enders and a whole bunch of other nobel prize winners um so uh and they've suppressed the 01:02:53.800 --> 01:02:59.800 research and the anecdotal experience and the experience of numerous hard-working frontline 01:02:59.800 --> 01:03:05.800 doctors all out there saving lives with this wonder drug called ivermectin and the only reason 01:03:05.800 --> 01:03:11.960 the government and the pharmaceutical companies are suppressing this antiviral wonder drug is because 01:03:11.960 --> 01:03:16.360 if they allowed that to get out people would have an easy treatment for covid and then they wouldn't 01:03:16.440 --> 01:03:20.280 be able to fast track the vaccine and then they wouldn't be able to kill us all with the vaccine 01:03:20.920 --> 01:03:26.440 so if you're an alternatively leaning person that's your that's what you're meant to believe 01:03:27.480 --> 01:03:32.520 and of course neither of those have any relation to reality and just to give you an idea you hear 01:03:32.520 --> 01:03:37.640 many many doctors you know going on their various platforms and talking about 01:03:38.120 --> 01:03:46.360 I really got to say I think um the only thing I can say is kudos to tom for explaining it so well 01:03:46.920 --> 01:03:54.760 um you know that I've been saying this for quite some time now um and the only thing for me is that 01:03:54.760 --> 01:03:59.880 I just didn't understand how many people were involved in it I still at some point thought that 01:04:00.040 --> 01:04:07.880 CHD and the people at the top of CHD were all just in it to win it and they once they had my 01:04:07.880 --> 01:04:14.680 information they were gonna crush of course now you know what happened with me and CHD uh whatever 01:04:14.680 --> 01:04:21.400 I said on December 23rd apparently got me fired I want to show you this newspaper that I have from 01:04:22.120 --> 01:04:33.000 Norway it is um it is the address vison address vison uh and it is uh from how the hell's the date 01:04:33.800 --> 01:04:43.640 holy shit uh 10 10 uh 10 10 0 9 um and so this is the the time when the peace prize was given to 01:04:44.120 --> 01:04:52.360 to uh to this guy um Barack Obama and the reason why I want to show you this is because 01:04:58.520 --> 01:05:06.040 well I got to look at the page it's on 18 you know there are newspapers in the world that's funny 01:05:06.040 --> 01:05:11.320 on 18 here we go there it is so check this out I just want to show you this because 01:05:12.280 --> 01:05:18.920 um it's funny and he mentioned Nobel Prize right so first of all star star for that 01:05:18.920 --> 01:05:25.160 explanation on what ivermectin in early treatment was um actually thomas binder and i have also 01:05:25.160 --> 01:05:33.160 explained that very well and actually mike eden was cited by maryll nass in her second to latest 01:05:33.160 --> 01:05:41.880 substack um where she said that that mike eden attacked uh uh test lorry for advocating for 01:05:41.880 --> 01:05:48.440 early treatment uh for a disease that didn't exist and and kind of said that this kind of 01:05:48.440 --> 01:05:54.600 division wasn't uh wasn't was gonna ruin us because there definitely was a covid and then 01:05:54.600 --> 01:06:00.520 today she did a substack restacking uh a couple other articles that she wrote about why there's 01:06:00.520 --> 01:06:08.840 really a covid oh the insistence the insistence is revealing the certainty is revealing check 01:06:08.840 --> 01:06:17.240 this out this is this is yours truly in the uh Norwegian newspaper standing in the road of uh 01:06:17.240 --> 01:06:27.960 trondheim and here oh shit that was a aberrant aberrant mouse click there i apologize um here 01:06:27.960 --> 01:06:36.920 it is jonathan jkui 37 oh man look how fat i am and healthy um from wisconsin and matt burt from 01:06:36.920 --> 01:06:44.200 illinois we only met each other that day and never talked again um we were both uh our obama 01:06:44.200 --> 01:06:49.480 sympathizers but we both say that it's a really big mistake and i'm actually quoted in here as 01:06:50.600 --> 01:06:57.480 as uh saying that it undermines it is not a not a candidate for the nobel peace price says 01:06:57.480 --> 01:07:05.000 hentia new biologist jonathan kui from wisconsin um so i don't know if that got me on a shit list or 01:07:05.000 --> 01:07:10.200 not but anyway there's that that's one of my most favorite little things i got from uh 01:07:10.520 --> 01:07:18.120 from norway my time there that was a fun interview um so yeah tom kawen sorry we we are we're having 01:07:18.120 --> 01:07:23.160 fun because he's actually doing really well a crucial point i can't emphasize that enough a crucial 01:07:23.160 --> 01:07:29.960 point is that ivermectin is an anti-viral agent that is crucial to the whole story so of course 01:07:29.960 --> 01:07:35.800 nobody asked them ever and up to this point not that i've looked extensively but i've never heard 01:07:35.800 --> 01:07:41.800 extensively but i've never heard any of them not cori not col not kirsch he's not a doctor 01:07:41.800 --> 01:07:49.160 not mr cola not melone not big tree nobody's saying here's how we have proven that ivermectin 01:07:49.160 --> 01:07:58.120 is an anti-viral agent absolutely a magnificent point um wasn't ivermectin 01:07:58.120 --> 01:08:03.480 identified by domain as being a potential candidate wasn't that the whole 01:08:03.480 --> 01:08:11.320 am i wrong is is mark in the chat was it was it also on domain because that might be one of the 01:08:11.320 --> 01:08:18.440 only reasons why they think it works um that is an interesting uh observation he's definitely not 01:08:18.440 --> 01:08:28.840 wrong um anti-viral is very very specific term um that doesn't mean very much in the context of an 01:08:28.840 --> 01:08:34.040 infectious cycle cartoon that we know is wrong therefore there is a plausible rationale thanks 01:08:34.040 --> 01:08:39.560 mark we're using it for covid now that's curious because why didn't anybody ask them why didn't 01:08:39.560 --> 01:08:44.600 anybody ask peter mccullick how does he know that ivermectin is an anti-viral agent i would like that 01:08:44.600 --> 01:08:49.640 to be struck from the record because peter mccullo is advocating for hydroxychloroquine at the beginning 01:08:49.640 --> 01:08:55.480 of the pandemic not ivermectin and it's actually pere cori who has a book about ivermectin that's 01:08:55.560 --> 01:09:01.480 a mistake that's annoying since it's one of the things that his clinic regularly uses and sells 01:09:01.480 --> 01:09:06.920 for people who are suffering from the viral infection called covid so that could be his 01:09:06.920 --> 01:09:11.720 clinic could sell it the wellness company also distributes it uh it's also been associated 01:09:11.720 --> 01:09:17.160 with zeb zalenko although i would suggest to you that that's also wrong because zeb was not 01:09:17.160 --> 01:09:23.960 advocating for ivermectin he was actually near his death advocating for zinc ionophores and zinc 01:09:24.040 --> 01:09:29.480 supplementation that's it and he didn't even specify what zinc ionophore you could choose 01:09:29.480 --> 01:09:35.960 he gave you a list there's a green tea extract there is a thing called quesareton however you 01:09:35.960 --> 01:09:42.600 say it and then i think hydroxychloroquine is also thought to be a mobilizer of zinc although i am 01:09:42.600 --> 01:09:50.440 not an expert on the the chemical attributes of hydroxychloroquine oh the sam went over this but 01:09:50.440 --> 01:09:54.520 i wanted to emphasize this uh because this is again something i've talked about before 01:09:54.520 --> 01:09:58.840 but everybody should know this in their back pocket they should know it cold so if you run 01:09:58.840 --> 01:10:05.320 into anybody who touts ivermectin or treating covid you can pull this out and ask them the first 01:10:05.320 --> 01:10:12.600 question you ask them how do they who how when did they demonstrate that ivermectin is an anti-viral 01:10:12.600 --> 01:10:18.760 agent so here's how the story goes our old friend leon kailey who's the quote virologist from 01:10:18.840 --> 01:10:23.160 australia who wrote one of the most important papers which i won't pull up but it's on sam's 01:10:23.160 --> 01:10:29.080 webinar uh wrote one of the most important covid papers because it was the paper that described 01:10:29.080 --> 01:10:35.320 the i believe the first case of isolation of sars kov-2 outside of china that is to say in australia 01:10:35.960 --> 01:10:41.320 so how did he do it of course he took one person who was diagnosed with covid how was he diagnosed 01:10:41.320 --> 01:10:47.400 based on the christian drossden pcr primers even though christian drossden says in his paper 01:10:47.400 --> 01:10:52.360 we designed or came up with these primers without ever having access to the virus 01:10:52.360 --> 01:10:57.320 which is an amazing slight of hand if you think about it no it's not see this is where i think 01:10:57.320 --> 01:11:06.200 they go wrong and so what i would very respectfully like to explain is that if the proxy that is 01:11:06.200 --> 01:11:13.880 accepted by the consensus is the presence of the sequence then looking for a sequence 01:11:14.520 --> 01:11:19.320 can be done using primers designed from that sequence you don't need to have 01:11:19.880 --> 01:11:26.200 that sequence in the house you don't have to have the infectious cloned copy of that sequence you 01:11:26.200 --> 01:11:34.200 just have to know the sequence and there is some truth to this and it works with endogenous genes 01:11:34.200 --> 01:11:40.840 with endogenous RNA and and we we know how to do that the question is whether or not the fidelity 01:11:40.920 --> 01:11:45.160 of these primers in this test on whatever background is present is real 01:11:47.480 --> 01:11:53.240 the question is whether or not this signal was present before 2020 or not or would have been 01:11:53.240 --> 01:11:59.400 present with any with with the same frequency that it was measured once we started rolling 01:11:59.400 --> 01:12:08.120 out these many many tests and so he's very right but he's also very wrong 01:12:08.760 --> 01:12:13.720 and it's that subtle wrongness that whether it's whitting or unwitting we've got to correct 01:12:13.720 --> 01:12:20.440 because PCR works it is highly precise if you use nested primers it's ridiculously precise 01:12:21.080 --> 01:12:27.000 and if we wanted to demonstrate that the nicotinic receptor content of of a certain 01:12:27.000 --> 01:12:32.440 internor on subclass in the brain of a mouse was upregulated in a certain context we could do it 01:12:33.080 --> 01:12:39.240 and we would measure the mRNA in single cells and we could show a difference between the transcript 01:12:39.240 --> 01:12:43.720 count in a one neuron versus an inactivated neuron that's possible 01:12:46.120 --> 01:12:49.880 and with very vigorous controls that's even publishable 01:12:52.520 --> 01:13:01.640 but none of that rigor that underlies the specificity of PCR in the context of academic biology was 01:13:01.720 --> 01:13:07.240 applied in the context of the pandemic because it was an emergency because we had to cut corners 01:13:07.240 --> 01:13:13.080 and so that opened the door for lies and exaggeration about the fidelity of these products in the 01:13:13.080 --> 01:13:19.800 first place but by distracting people and saying that well he didn't even have the virus so how 01:13:19.800 --> 01:13:25.960 could he how could he design primers is misrepresenting how this biology works 01:13:26.440 --> 01:13:33.720 and completely distracting you wittingly or unwittingly from the possibility whatever that is that 01:13:33.720 --> 01:13:41.080 there was a background signal that could be distorted as the spread of something and there aren't very 01:13:41.080 --> 01:13:46.920 many examples that work very well for this but if I try the best one I can come up with is automobiles 01:13:47.960 --> 01:13:53.320 if you could somehow convince people that there are no automobiles in the world 01:13:53.560 --> 01:13:59.160 and then give them a test and say if you go down to your garage 01:14:01.560 --> 01:14:07.000 and you look for wheels you may be an asymptomatic carrier of an automobile 01:14:08.440 --> 01:14:13.080 you could be very specific about it if you wanted to at first so that it that you didn't know 01:14:14.120 --> 01:14:18.280 whether you had it or not it might be that the the specific version is a Toyota 01:14:18.600 --> 01:14:26.760 the deadly version is a Toyota then it changes to Kia and so if the test is for rubber wheels in 01:14:26.760 --> 01:14:31.560 your garage then a lot of people test positive if they test but it would all depend on whether 01:14:31.560 --> 01:14:36.760 they were given a test or not everybody else would just not know that they had an automobile because 01:14:36.760 --> 01:14:41.960 they've been convinced that there are no automobiles in the world until they brought a test to their 01:14:41.960 --> 01:14:47.640 garage and they found out they had an automobile and then we could sequence them we could say wow 01:14:47.720 --> 01:14:52.520 it's currently the Toyota going around and you wouldn't have the resolution because you were 01:14:52.520 --> 01:14:56.840 just measuring for wheels but you would assume it was a Toyota because if it is it could kill 01:14:56.840 --> 01:15:05.320 your grandparents and then slowly but surely they can roll out this this this evolutionary tree of 01:15:05.320 --> 01:15:14.520 wow it's gone from Toyota to Kia to and and now the latest variant is a Chevy and because you 01:15:14.600 --> 01:15:18.440 weren't testing for Chevys at the beginning of the pandemic then you didn't find them 01:15:22.120 --> 01:15:28.040 and so as we move forward and farther and farther it seems like this this idea of an automobile has 01:15:28.040 --> 01:15:37.800 spread everywhere they're literally everywhere holy shit I guess it went endemic and the only 01:15:37.800 --> 01:15:42.440 trick that's necessary there is if you could possibly convince the entire world that there 01:15:42.520 --> 01:15:46.680 were no automobiles that they didn't exist they don't you don't know what they are we don't 01:15:46.680 --> 01:15:51.560 understand them but everybody's vulnerable we all need transportation 01:15:54.520 --> 01:15:58.440 little did you know that you've been riding around in an automobile and you didn't know it that's 01:15:59.320 --> 01:16:06.520 the illusion of a coronavirus pandemic if my hypothesis is true and that is that there is a 01:16:06.520 --> 01:16:12.600 signal out there that could easily be distorted as a high resolution high fidelity measurement 01:16:12.600 --> 01:16:20.120 of a spreading pathogen when it really wasn't and there's good molecular biological tools 01:16:21.560 --> 01:16:29.320 and good method logic oh I mean microbiological methodologies with which to construct that illusion 01:16:30.120 --> 01:16:36.920 and so by saying things as simple as well he didn't have the virus so how could he make PCR 01:16:36.920 --> 01:16:44.440 test that just shows that either he doesn't understand how PCR works as a tool in an academic 01:16:44.440 --> 01:16:52.040 bench setting where there are adequate controls and the the goal is is the highest fidelity possible 01:16:52.040 --> 01:16:54.280 versus what happened during the pandemic 01:16:59.640 --> 01:17:04.920 and it misleads people into thinking that there's a real simple way to object to this when it's not 01:17:04.920 --> 01:17:09.240 that simple and all the academic biologists know that that's part of the reason why they keep their 01:17:09.240 --> 01:17:18.520 mouth shut I hope I'm not wasting my time here this is a real important message to get right but 01:17:18.520 --> 01:17:26.680 it might take me more than one try because it is a very subtle nuanced message I don't know what 01:17:26.680 --> 01:17:33.400 the truth is but it is more complicated than these people often projected as and that frustrates me 01:17:33.400 --> 01:17:39.080 that's all I'm saying I would love to talk to them about it how can you develop a test using a piece 01:17:39.080 --> 01:17:45.160 of something when you never had access to something to the something that obviously is irrational 01:17:45.160 --> 01:17:50.520 illogical and ridiculous but anyway so they used that to claim this person had covid then they took 01:17:50.520 --> 01:17:55.400 some of their mucus otherwise known as snot didn't look for any virus in it didn't purify it 01:17:55.960 --> 01:18:00.920 meaning they didn't extract a virus from that did the usual inoculate that on monkey kidney 01:18:00.920 --> 01:18:05.720 cells take away the nutrition and the antibiotics and the fetal calf serum you the monkey kidney 01:18:05.720 --> 01:18:11.960 cells broke down and in some bizarre Orwellian use of the word isolation that becomes the first 01:18:11.960 --> 01:18:19.160 isolate which has a name outside of China right so that's called the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 01:18:19.160 --> 01:18:25.320 which again is totally illogical ridiculous and anti-scientific how is isolation obtained 01:18:25.880 --> 01:18:31.720 through the process of adding stuff to mucus then turns out this same by the way 01:18:32.600 --> 01:18:37.400 that was the same paper which we've again gone over many times where they showed electron microscope 01:18:37.400 --> 01:18:43.640 images of the SARS-CoV-2 virions that's individual viruses that they obtained from this culture 01:18:43.640 --> 01:18:49.720 with the comment that they didn't look like the usual coronavirus spiked virions until they added 01:18:49.720 --> 01:18:55.160 trypsin to digest away the outside protein coat and there when they digested it then it looked 01:18:55.160 --> 01:19:01.160 like it had spikes which is it's amazing that they get away with this but they do and so he was the 01:19:01.160 --> 01:19:08.040 guy who did that but but that's just cutting the fear and cleavage site of the protein so that 01:19:08.040 --> 01:19:13.320 it changes configuration instead of being a little knob becomes longer and floppier 01:19:14.680 --> 01:19:22.120 which again I'm not willing to say that all protein biologists are lying we've been studying 01:19:22.120 --> 01:19:28.280 the fusion proteins of these exosomes for a long time and we know that there are a lot of common 01:19:28.280 --> 01:19:34.520 mechanisms and hinges in these tertiary structures of these proteins and that certain 01:19:34.520 --> 01:19:38.680 regions of these proteins are highly conserved because of that functionality 01:19:41.400 --> 01:19:47.320 now again I think it's possible here that this slippery slope is now suggesting that all these 01:19:47.320 --> 01:19:51.240 protein people are lying that all these measurements that we've made are bullshit 01:19:51.400 --> 01:19:58.520 that these proteins themselves don't exist so that when we treat them with trypsin we shouldn't 01:19:58.520 --> 01:20:04.600 expect them to change configuration a virologist can listen to this and then say yeah but I mean 01:20:04.600 --> 01:20:10.360 come on we know that they change configuration when you expose them to trypsin rixie would say the 01:20:10.360 --> 01:20:19.080 same thing mccaren would say the same thing and so it's a difficult place for me to be here because 01:20:19.160 --> 01:20:23.240 again I don't want to attack anybody anymore I don't want to say any but I just think we've all 01:20:23.240 --> 01:20:30.360 been so thoroughly confused and he's there he's very close he knows that they've got everything 01:20:30.360 --> 01:20:36.280 covered so if he knows that they've got everything covered I wonder if he suspected of anybody in 01:20:36.280 --> 01:20:45.960 his group was also covered or part of the cover up so maybe it's not Tom maybe it's Andy 01:20:46.600 --> 01:20:53.960 Andy Kaufman gave some talks that included the word exosome in early 2020 and then never again 01:20:54.920 --> 01:20:59.320 and I noticed that his talk at the red pill conference has nothing to do with viruses at all 01:20:59.720 --> 01:21:07.720 in in in june I can't believe I'm on the same speaker card as Andrew Kaufman and Mickey Willis 01:21:07.720 --> 01:21:14.440 in june it's it's absolutely insane but I'm gonna try my best to express my 01:21:15.160 --> 01:21:23.240 frustration with the lack of nuance and the lack of of sophistication with regard to opposing 01:21:23.240 --> 01:21:29.160 this mythology and I agree with the general strategy of start with the idea that they've 01:21:29.160 --> 01:21:34.040 lied or exaggerated just like peter teal said in 2019 that I play over and over because I think 01:21:34.040 --> 01:21:40.040 it's important to realize that that's the truth that the specialization has allowed people to really 01:21:40.040 --> 01:21:46.120 just go off in any direction they want and create all kinds of of models of reality that 01:21:46.120 --> 01:21:53.000 don't need to be verified and virology is is is one of the most glaring examples of that and so 01:21:53.000 --> 01:21:59.880 there are many of these objections are very right and then some of them are done so awkwardly that 01:21:59.880 --> 01:22:07.480 they end up undermining the other good arguments that they make and I just am I can become suspicious 01:22:07.560 --> 01:22:13.320 as to whether that's on purpose or by accident in other words we found stars from pieces of 01:22:13.320 --> 01:22:17.800 wood but only after we called a carpenter who to cut the outside pieces out so that would look 01:22:17.800 --> 01:22:23.880 like stars that's the level of scientific discord here so then he takes this broken down cell 01:22:23.880 --> 01:22:28.600 culture of monkey kidney cells he inoculates that onto another culture of monkey kidney cells 01:22:29.320 --> 01:22:34.840 doesn't doesn't use a control or says he uses a mock control which has nothing in it so nothing 01:22:34.920 --> 01:22:41.800 from any inoculated monkey kidney cells and doesn't actually describe the the actual details of the 01:22:41.800 --> 01:22:47.080 mock infection so we have no idea that everything else was even the same as in the so in the experimental 01:22:47.080 --> 01:22:53.400 group which means it is not a scientific paper so then he takes this monkey broken down monkey 01:22:53.400 --> 01:22:58.520 kidney cell again takes away the nutrients adds it to to the monkey kidney a new batch of monkey 01:22:58.520 --> 01:23:03.000 kidney cells and then takes away the nutrition adds more antibiotics more fetal calf serum 01:23:03.000 --> 01:23:08.200 and in this time he adds a little bit of ivermectin and then he finds that the kidney cells 01:23:08.200 --> 01:23:14.920 took longer in the added ivermectin group than in the no added ivermectin group which he claims 01:23:14.920 --> 01:23:20.600 shows that ivermectin killed the stars cove two or inhibited the growth of the stars cove two 01:23:20.600 --> 01:23:27.400 virus just to be clear at no point in this did any virus actually get discovered or found or 01:23:27.400 --> 01:23:32.200 identified there was no point in this experiment where you could even possibly conclude that it 01:23:32.200 --> 01:23:37.080 was inhibiting the growth of the virus all you can say is that when you take broken down monkey 01:23:37.080 --> 01:23:41.720 kidney cells with snot in it and you inoculate that onto other monkey kidney cells and the one 01:23:41.720 --> 01:23:47.080 you add ivermectin and the other you don't the one you add ivermectin took longer to break down than 01:23:47.080 --> 01:23:51.400 the one that you didn't add ivermectin so he's more or less right i'm sure i would could look 01:23:51.400 --> 01:23:55.240 at the paper but i'm sure he's more or less right and i think that this is indeed part of 01:23:55.240 --> 01:24:01.400 the illusion that they intended to create they also did experiments right with hydroxychloroquine 01:24:01.400 --> 01:24:07.880 or with ivermectin where it was obvious that they weren't testing it in the right context or with 01:24:07.880 --> 01:24:15.800 the appropriate dose or with real people and so then all of these these objections were were visible 01:24:17.720 --> 01:24:23.160 like it wasn't even it was like so hamfistedly done that at first it seemed like wow they're 01:24:23.160 --> 01:24:27.560 so desperate but then when you look at it in retrospect it looks much more like it was just 01:24:27.560 --> 01:24:34.200 orchestrated and then they gave these torches to the people that were part of the controlled 01:24:34.200 --> 01:24:39.480 opposition here you you carry the torch of hydroxychloroquine for a little while here you carry the 01:24:39.480 --> 01:24:45.080 torch of ivermectin for us and write a book here you carry the torch of verus for a while and focus 01:24:45.080 --> 01:24:51.000 exclusively on that and if we have to we'll pull Malone out and he can carry the torch on 01:24:51.000 --> 01:24:57.800 objecting to the RNA claiming that he invented it and he'll just slow roll his objection from a 01:24:57.800 --> 01:25:11.720 beach in hawaii all the way up to the senate in 2024 so he's kind of on it you know and that's 01:25:11.720 --> 01:25:15.720 really great it's too bad we could have been here a year ago at least we could have been here a year 01:25:15.800 --> 01:25:21.800 ago with with mary holland and maybe even bobby kennedy in a zoom meeting but we aren't 01:25:23.320 --> 01:25:27.720 i wanted that real bad but for some reason it just didn't happen 01:25:30.120 --> 01:25:37.240 and for some reason instead mary holland and christine massy met on a on a doctors for covid 01:25:37.240 --> 01:25:44.760 ethics show and that's all oh and then there's the response video that we're going to watch later 01:25:44.760 --> 01:25:49.480 which is just fantastic that's what you can say so if you want to take ivermectin based 01:25:49.480 --> 01:25:53.560 on the fact that in case that your problem that you're experiencing symptoms with 01:25:53.560 --> 01:25:57.720 is because you have monkey kidney cells with fetal bovide serum and antibiotics 01:25:57.720 --> 01:26:02.280 and viral transport medium breaking down in your body and you want to prevent it from breaking 01:26:02.280 --> 01:26:10.200 down as quickly then you might have some rationale for taking ivermectin but in order to say that 01:26:10.200 --> 01:26:14.520 you have to say that that is the problem with covid and i think you would have a damn hard time 01:26:14.520 --> 01:26:23.080 proving that so the question then uh is uh so so that before i say that that is the entire basis 01:26:23.080 --> 01:26:29.000 for the claim that ivermectin is an antiviral agent which is the basis for the claim that it's 01:26:29.000 --> 01:26:34.440 an effective treatment or something called covid which is the basis for the claim that there was 01:26:34.440 --> 01:26:40.040 some sort of conspiracy against the wonderful wonder drug safe and effective ivermectin so that 01:26:40.040 --> 01:26:44.760 they could bring in a vaccine which is what you were sold when you decided to take ivermectin 01:26:44.760 --> 01:26:50.840 by the health freedom community that's the story now some people will complain and comment and 01:26:50.840 --> 01:26:56.280 criticize but i or my friend or my 20 friends they took ivermectin and they felt better 01:26:57.160 --> 01:27:01.880 so how could you explain uh maryll nass was giving ivermectin that's part of her story right 01:27:02.600 --> 01:27:07.640 in that well first of all that's uh that has nothing to do with the proof which i just went 01:27:07.640 --> 01:27:13.160 through that ivermectin cannot possibly be an antiviral agent so that is independent we already 01:27:13.160 --> 01:27:19.720 know that that's the case ivermectin has no relationship to anything to do with viruses nor does anything 01:27:19.720 --> 01:27:26.360 else but you do have this observation see i hate that it's just not it's not nuanced enough and 01:27:26.360 --> 01:27:31.880 it's getting people to not think it's turning people's brains off instead of making them 01:27:31.880 --> 01:27:35.640 realize that in order for them to understand the lie there's still some work to be done 01:27:36.280 --> 01:27:43.080 so how do you explain that well it turns out that ivermectin is a a interestingly and very toxic 01:27:43.080 --> 01:27:48.440 to the nervous system this has been documented over and over again it's also functions shout 01:27:48.440 --> 01:27:53.400 out to tim truth i think he's really been hammering this home and doing a good job of it i think 01:27:53.480 --> 01:27:58.200 mark has also given him a little props for that shout out to tim as an anti-fertility agent 01:27:58.200 --> 01:28:03.320 which may be one of the reasons why it's so widely used in africa it's also widely used in 01:28:03.320 --> 01:28:08.920 animals i just found out yesterday that most horses and most dogs who are treated by conventional 01:28:08.920 --> 01:28:14.760 vets uh take ivermectin basically once a month and there's lots of neurological problems including 01:28:14.760 --> 01:28:20.360 seizure and disorientation and other neurological problems that come about through the continual 01:28:20.360 --> 01:28:24.840 use of ivermectin so it is it is not a benign chemical that's what it is 01:28:25.720 --> 01:28:31.160 being take make no mistake about that is a pharmaceutical made chemical just like many others 01:28:31.720 --> 01:28:37.160 and it seems to have two effects one is it has a prednisone-like effect which means that i can 01:28:37.160 --> 01:28:42.760 guarantee that anybody who has so-called flu-like type symptoms or symptoms which we associate with 01:28:42.760 --> 01:28:48.360 covid which is basically an inflammatory response due to some sort of insult not a new disease by 01:28:48.440 --> 01:28:54.520 any means but lots of people get inflammatory responses due to a wide variety of insults 01:28:54.520 --> 01:29:00.600 and if you take prednisone you will feel better you will also have made yourself dramatically worse 01:29:00.600 --> 01:29:06.280 because all of these so-called flu-like or so-called covid-like or so-called detoxification 01:29:06.280 --> 01:29:11.800 like symptoms are your body's way of doing a house cleaning and it's no secret that you can 01:29:11.800 --> 01:29:17.320 stop those those house cleaning responses with strong pharmaceutical drugs and you will think 01:29:17.320 --> 01:29:23.080 you feel better but actually now you've only stopped your body from doing its detoxification 01:29:23.080 --> 01:29:30.040 house cleaning strategy and you will ultimately be a lot worse because that's how you heal so make 01:29:30.040 --> 01:29:35.560 no mistake about it ivermectin stops the healing process oh i like that idea Brett Weinstein's 01:29:35.560 --> 01:29:41.880 brain being affected by ivermectin is very good i like that pam that's wonderful just like prednisone 01:29:41.960 --> 01:29:48.680 just like hydroxychloroquine just like giving you know monoclonal antibodies none of them work 01:29:48.680 --> 01:29:54.840 with how we actually heal and another interesting i would say a hypothesis which i can't prove 01:29:54.840 --> 01:30:00.040 is that one of the ways that all of these drugs work is they stimulate the sympathetic nervous 01:30:00.040 --> 01:30:05.400 system and it turns out that the healing response is basically a parasympathetic nervous system 01:30:05.400 --> 01:30:10.920 response so when we're relaxed and we're not stressed and when our digestion is working 01:30:10.920 --> 01:30:15.640 and when we're healing that is essentially in controlled by the parasympathetic nervous 01:30:15.640 --> 01:30:20.760 system when you give somebody prednisone or hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin you stimulate 01:30:20.760 --> 01:30:26.600 the sympathetic nervous system response which then stops the healing causes the nervous system 01:30:26.600 --> 01:30:32.760 symptoms like seizures that you see with with ivermectin in particular and you you essentially 01:30:32.760 --> 01:30:38.200 have stopped your body from healing and so that's how it works so the argument that aunt Fred or 01:30:38.200 --> 01:30:43.240 uncle harry or whoever you felt better is no different you would be better off probably taking 01:30:43.240 --> 01:30:48.120 high dose of prednisone if your only goal is to make yourself worse but feel better today i would 01:30:48.120 --> 01:30:55.000 be interested to hear what somebody like perechory or maryll nass would respond to this argument because 01:30:55.000 --> 01:31:00.680 i'm not an MD i defer to them when it comes to knowing how these drugs work because i don't know 01:31:00.680 --> 01:31:06.920 how president prednisone works and so this is a very cool argument that i would love to see 01:31:06.920 --> 01:31:13.000 fielded um to other mds what i'd also like to hear these mds comment about is high flow 01:31:13.640 --> 01:31:18.280 pure nasal oxygen given to people in the hospital and how many symptoms could have 01:31:18.280 --> 01:31:24.120 resulted from that i would like to know how many of these people have ever thought about 01:31:24.120 --> 01:31:29.080 the use of these silly devices to make people decide to go to the hospital is actually also 01:31:29.080 --> 01:31:35.640 part of the problem i wonder if if having these kinds of protocols in place could have fooled 01:31:35.640 --> 01:31:40.040 people into believing that there was a novel symptomology present every once in a while 01:31:40.040 --> 01:31:44.360 and that he could explain that to them so that they wouldn't just need to hear over and over 01:31:44.360 --> 01:31:52.280 again stories about viral isolation experiments being dumb because all the discussion of viral 01:31:52.280 --> 01:31:56.760 isolation experiments being dumb still doesn't explain the bomb that went off in new york city 01:31:56.760 --> 01:32:02.280 that was used to convince these people and er not these people but people in in australia and 01:32:02.360 --> 01:32:08.920 new zealand that their lockdown worked the bomb going off in new york city and then going back 01:32:08.920 --> 01:32:17.960 to baseline was used to explain to america that the lockdown worked and so we better get on with 01:32:17.960 --> 01:32:24.440 explaining the lies that actually underlie this thing rather than just focusing over and over again 01:32:24.440 --> 01:32:32.840 on isolation and how virology is an illusion because it is yes it is an exaggeration for sure 01:32:32.840 --> 01:32:40.520 and a lot of them might even be lies but molecular biology is not a lie pcr and sequencing reactions 01:32:40.520 --> 01:32:46.360 when done correctly are not lies they're very high precision molecular tools that when used 01:32:46.360 --> 01:32:52.600 correctly give us great insight into what's present at in in preparations that we cannot 01:32:52.680 --> 01:33:06.520 otherwise measure but to say so little about how that technology could enable them to distort 01:33:07.240 --> 01:33:13.000 already pre-existing signals into something that they are not but instead just say over and over 01:33:13.000 --> 01:33:20.920 again something dumb simple like there are no viruses it's really it's really it's annoying 01:33:20.920 --> 01:33:27.560 to me because it's not he's not teaching my children the truth he's giving them a dumb simple 01:33:28.360 --> 01:33:31.080 explanation that will be dismissed by most people 01:33:34.360 --> 01:33:39.400 that would be a good way to do it i just got a message saying that jessica hockett just recorded 01:33:39.400 --> 01:33:46.760 a video with wolf gang wodock and vivian from um the coronavirus investigative committee in 01:33:46.760 --> 01:33:53.240 germany which is very exciting i look forward to that video so i saying this because unfortunately 01:33:53.240 --> 01:33:58.120 especially in the people who one would hope no better and think more deeply about this 01:33:58.120 --> 01:34:03.880 they still buy the hydroxychloroquine ivermectin story this is a boondoggle for the pharmaceutical 01:34:03.880 --> 01:34:10.680 industry especially in veterinary medicine and it is the only wonder draw wonderful part about 01:34:10.680 --> 01:34:15.800 it is the wonder that anybody fell for this story we will at some point and hopefully i'll 01:34:15.880 --> 01:34:21.320 have some other input on this get into even the question of does ivermectin even work for 01:34:21.320 --> 01:34:25.880 so-called parasitic diseases whether they're even our parasitic diseases because all the 01:34:25.880 --> 01:34:31.640 evidence points to that is not how it works and i even heard an anecdotal story of a description 01:34:31.640 --> 01:34:37.320 of a of a study which i haven't seen so it's maybe unfair of me to mention this but it's a bit like 01:34:37.320 --> 01:34:42.520 the maggots did the maggots kill the dog but they've interestingly take maggots are now used even 01:34:42.520 --> 01:34:47.320 in conventional medicine to clean up wounds because maggots seem to have a good ability to 01:34:47.320 --> 01:34:53.240 distinguish between dead and dying tissue and healthy tissue and they only eat the dead and dying 01:34:53.240 --> 01:34:58.680 tissue leave the healthy tissue alone and that prevents quote infection because the other way to 01:34:58.680 --> 01:35:03.720 do it is to have microorganisms like yeast and bacteria and parasites eat the dead and dying 01:35:03.720 --> 01:35:07.800 tissue so if you get the maggots to do it then those other things have no food and you get a very 01:35:07.800 --> 01:35:14.280 clean wound and so they did a uh investigation of who was better able to effectively debreed 01:35:14.280 --> 01:35:18.600 a wound that means to take away the dead part and leave only the healthy living tissue 01:35:18.600 --> 01:35:24.200 surgeons or maggots and i think it should be no surprise that the maggots won hands down even 01:35:24.200 --> 01:35:30.920 with surgeons using microscopes um okay i was going to show you something about interesting 01:35:30.920 --> 01:35:35.400 interesting i'm what they say about ivermectin on wikipedia they talk about how it works using 01:35:35.400 --> 01:35:40.760 glutamine gated chlorine channels and that's how it uh increases the flow of chloride items and 01:35:40.760 --> 01:35:45.800 hyperpolarizes the cell membrane paralyzed and killing the invertebrate uh it's safe for mammals 01:35:45.800 --> 01:35:51.000 at normal therapeutic doses used to cure parasite infections because mammalian glutamate gated 01:35:51.000 --> 01:35:55.960 chlorine channels only occur in the brain and spinal cord the causative causative ivermectin's 01:35:55.960 --> 01:36:01.160 usually do not cross the blood brain barrier and are unlikely to bind to other mammalian ligand 01:36:01.240 --> 01:36:06.680 bind ligand gated channels so the problem with this of course is there are no channels in the 01:36:06.680 --> 01:36:12.200 cell membranes or in nerves or in muscle cells and there is no blood brain barrier the nerves 01:36:12.200 --> 01:36:18.280 don't work because of hyperpolarization and the flow of chloride ions so this whole thing is 01:36:18.280 --> 01:36:26.520 simply just a story that has no holy shit okay so there there is again where i just i can't take 01:36:26.520 --> 01:36:33.320 it i cannot take it because unfortunately ladies and gentlemen i'm a patch clamp physiologist 01:36:34.200 --> 01:36:44.440 i descend from the the the i've actually had dinner with and a long conversation with burt 01:36:44.440 --> 01:36:52.280 sacman the guy who got the nobel prize for investigating in and inventing uh the patch clamp 01:36:53.000 --> 01:37:00.360 measurement and technique so that you could measure the voltage across a a plasma membrane 01:37:01.320 --> 01:37:11.240 and if there's anything more beautiful than the electrochemical properties of a a lipid bilayer 01:37:11.240 --> 01:37:18.440 and how amazing it is at that size scale that so much energy can be usefully harnessed 01:37:19.160 --> 01:37:25.800 and how much we actually understand about it using real measurements back when old school 01:37:26.360 --> 01:37:34.440 biology was old school biology he's discounting some of the most beautiful experiments that have 01:37:34.440 --> 01:37:42.200 ever been done in biology including the squid axon experiments and what we understand about 01:37:42.280 --> 01:37:50.360 myelination by saying that there is no blood brain barrier there is no ion channels that is 01:37:50.360 --> 01:37:59.080 incredible that is absolutely incredible because the details of the biology that we understand 01:37:59.080 --> 01:38:06.200 about ion channels and ligand gated ion channels is extraordinary i've measured in real time 01:38:06.360 --> 01:38:15.960 flickering calcium activated potassium channels and then exposed them to calcium and seen the 01:38:15.960 --> 01:38:21.400 amount of conductance from the inside into the outside of a cell sorry from the outside of the 01:38:21.400 --> 01:38:30.360 inside of a cell increase 10 000 fold and then when i turned my own little knob to stop the 01:38:30.760 --> 01:38:35.160 the flow of calcium i saw it go back down to flickering picohamps 01:38:37.880 --> 01:38:45.080 the only thing we did was transfect HEK cells with the DNA that encoded a small conductance 01:38:45.080 --> 01:38:51.400 potassium channel and expressed thousands of the same channel then we took that membrane 01:38:51.400 --> 01:38:58.920 and we ripped it in half and had it across a very small glass opening so that nothing could flow 01:38:59.560 --> 01:39:05.960 and we could measure that nothing was flowing and when we exposed that outside to calcium 01:39:05.960 --> 01:39:12.600 those channels opened and there was electrical current carried by potassium flowing until we 01:39:12.600 --> 01:39:19.160 removed the potassium and we could do it over and over and over again and these experiments have 01:39:19.160 --> 01:39:26.040 been done over and over again with increasingly higher fidelity as we progress through the science 01:39:26.040 --> 01:39:31.240 of biophysics and the science of of of these membranes 01:39:33.480 --> 01:39:37.640 and so unlike virology which started out in the 40s 01:39:39.800 --> 01:39:45.880 progressed to the 80s and then pretty much uses the exact same techniques they used in the 80s now 01:39:45.880 --> 01:39:50.360 which is what he just explained a minute ago is bullshit that we're still using 01:39:50.440 --> 01:39:54.040 psychopathic effects to indicate the presence of a virus is bullshit 01:39:56.520 --> 01:40:01.720 and so he's totally on top of it until suddenly he decides to throw out everything we know about 01:40:01.720 --> 01:40:09.960 membrane physiology everything we know about protein subunit assembly we have actually 01:40:09.960 --> 01:40:15.640 crystallized some proteins and we have actually accurately measured the function of some proteins 01:40:15.640 --> 01:40:22.680 we have and to discount all of that science because some people have been lying about virology 01:40:22.680 --> 01:40:36.440 for 40 years is the worst choice ever and again is he giving my kids anything or your kids anything 01:40:36.440 --> 01:40:40.520 if he tells you that there's no blood brain barrier there are no ion channels there's no 01:40:40.600 --> 01:40:46.600 ion flow how do we get to the point where we understand ourselves as Tesla wanted us to 01:40:46.600 --> 01:40:52.200 understand ourselves as frequency and harmony if there aren't electrical signals that are flowing 01:40:52.200 --> 01:40:55.720 in our neurons the hell is he talking about 01:41:00.760 --> 01:41:07.320 what does he think the electricity of our body is if it is not the ionic conductances in the 01:41:07.320 --> 01:41:13.800 electromagnetic forces that are created by the beauty of a lipid bilayer 01:41:16.600 --> 01:41:21.560 what a crazy statement to make to somebody who has been a biophysicist for 25 years 01:41:21.560 --> 01:41:27.000 wow he didn't make it to me but for me to hear that this is right in my wheelhouse i could talk 01:41:27.000 --> 01:41:32.520 about this for four hours i could use only the data that i myself have made i could use the papers 01:41:32.520 --> 01:41:38.520 that i've published to show you that ion channels work like that should we do it right now let's 01:41:38.520 --> 01:41:43.800 just do that right now let's just stop right here let's go over here and i'm going to do it in real 01:41:43.800 --> 01:41:48.440 time so you can see i'm not full of shit here we go let's go pub mad where the hell are you 01:41:50.360 --> 01:41:51.960 let's go kui 01:41:54.520 --> 01:42:02.360 jj and one one hyphen will work enter there's my papers look at them all just you don't have to 01:42:02.360 --> 01:42:09.080 worry because i'm the only jj kui in the list it's only one long list of papers that includes what 01:42:09.080 --> 01:42:15.000 it what is it 19 results so i'm not a not some kind of big scientist you can see my whole track 01:42:15.000 --> 01:42:20.440 records right there starting in 2002 where i had two papers with a guy who i really wish i could 01:42:20.440 --> 01:42:27.480 see again collard huwamad um collard huwamad was a guy who took me in when i did not have a job i 01:42:27.560 --> 01:42:35.320 just lost my my bartending position um because of being arrogant um and that was my only job i 01:42:35.320 --> 01:42:42.360 had just quit teaching and i was kind of spiraling and uh he hired me um taught me to patch clamp 01:42:43.160 --> 01:42:48.760 it was actually in the next door lab that um at the university of chicago that i met hybrid 01:42:48.760 --> 01:42:54.440 mansfelder and when hybrid mansfelder was done with his postdoc he went back to the netherlands 01:42:54.440 --> 01:43:00.040 where he started as a ten-year track professor and he came back to the university of chicago and 01:43:00.040 --> 01:43:06.280 gave a talk to say goodbye and uh i said yeah it's really cool i'm glad you i'm sorry you're leaving 01:43:06.280 --> 01:43:11.000 or whatever um and he said why don't you come to the netherlands it'd be my first phd student i was 01:43:11.000 --> 01:43:17.880 like huh what don't tease me man this was in 2001 i said don't tease me man i will i will leave in a 01:43:17.880 --> 01:43:22.840 month and he said i'm not teasing you let's fly you out there next month and you can do an interview 01:43:22.840 --> 01:43:29.960 and then you can decide and so i did that in october i i flew for an interview in november 01:43:29.960 --> 01:43:37.080 17th 2002 i moved to the netherlands to do my phd with hybrid mansfelder who i again i met at 01:43:37.080 --> 01:43:43.800 the university of chicago has a research technician working for collard hohamad and uh with yinjin 01:43:44.680 --> 01:43:51.800 and uh and and john drexler who's also still a long lost friend of mine who i uh i miss a lot 01:43:52.440 --> 01:43:57.960 um this is where i really realized what biology was all about and how people get in it together 01:43:57.960 --> 01:44:04.600 and work hard together um and and put their ideas on the line together and this was a really great 01:44:04.600 --> 01:44:11.560 team um yinjin who was an extremely skilled experimentalist who helped me to understand 01:44:11.560 --> 01:44:17.400 how to use the equipment and and how to do it well and also showed me what eight hours a day looks 01:44:17.400 --> 01:44:22.120 like when you're a scientist it's actually 10 or 12 and how focused you have to be when the 01:44:22.120 --> 01:44:26.920 experiments are working you just got to stay um and so i learned a lot from working with yinjin 01:44:27.880 --> 01:44:32.520 i also worked learned a lot from working with john because he was our molecular biologist he did 01:44:32.520 --> 01:44:39.320 all the transfections was doing all of the the cell culture and so the the experimental 01:44:39.320 --> 01:44:45.480 preparation that i was working on was essentially curated by uh collard and by john and so i did 01:44:45.480 --> 01:44:52.840 the recordings and and yinjin did the recordings um and so in this paper uh let's let's do this one 01:44:54.040 --> 01:45:00.520 um this is the first paper that i published where's the other one there's there's a giant patch 01:45:00.520 --> 01:45:07.480 paper two where's oh next what no where's the giant patch paper 01:45:12.440 --> 01:45:17.880 oh there it is way up here uh that's 2002 oh it's not an order i see sorry i thought 01:45:17.880 --> 01:45:22.920 that was as an order so i went down to the bottom display options should be not summary 01:45:23.880 --> 01:45:31.560 best batch no it should be publication date there we go so the most recent one came out that's nice 01:45:32.120 --> 01:45:38.840 i'm really impressed that they actually did this my old boss is is brian hooks there that's the guy 01:45:38.840 --> 01:45:44.920 at the university of pittsburgh who um asked me to not come in anymore um and he was actually 01:45:44.920 --> 01:45:52.360 wearing three masks when fauci told us to wear two um and uh kaffrin rough um this is a really 01:45:52.360 --> 01:45:57.400 great scientist at the university of pittsburgh got a really neat idea about how neurons could be 01:45:57.400 --> 01:46:02.760 neurovascularly coupled and how um interneurons might regulate regulate that coupling 01:46:03.560 --> 01:46:08.120 and so i did some experiments with her on some of her knockout mice before i left there and some 01:46:08.120 --> 01:46:13.240 of her uh some of the experimental preparation to try and show that this was indeed the case 01:46:13.240 --> 01:46:18.600 they were really fun experiments to do she was really a fun person to work with and so i suspect 01:46:18.680 --> 01:46:23.000 actually it was her that had the integrity to include me on this paper because i think if it 01:46:23.000 --> 01:46:30.840 was his choice he would not include me because they published um my data they mac hooks but i 01:46:30.840 --> 01:46:39.400 show you brian if i go here and then uh and then it loads and then i go on brian hooks um what you 01:46:39.400 --> 01:46:46.840 will see is that they published um my my data right here and i'm not even on it so this bio archive 01:46:46.920 --> 01:46:53.320 pre-print right here is almost all my data um or maybe it's not that one which one is it's this 01:46:53.320 --> 01:46:59.400 one sorry this one so sandra is somebody who did a lot of my mouse work um and she was a technician 01:46:59.400 --> 01:47:06.760 in our lab um and then this uh roman he's a guy who came after i was in the lab um i never really 01:47:06.760 --> 01:47:13.400 got along with him um at some point i just was fed up uh and uh gotten a shouting match with him 01:47:14.280 --> 01:47:20.120 during the pandemic um but this is the guy who supposedly finished the rest of the recordings 01:47:20.120 --> 01:47:24.920 but if you look at this paper um almost all the data in it is mine and i'm only in the 01:47:24.920 --> 01:47:31.720 acknowledgments as doing the experiments that's pretty that's pretty shitty um that's extraordinarily 01:47:31.720 --> 01:47:38.840 shitty from the perspective of brian hooks who i consider to be really uh one of the worst people 01:47:38.920 --> 01:47:43.560 that i know in pittsburgh if i saw him on the street i think he would actually turn around and 01:47:43.560 --> 01:47:49.000 walk fast the other way that's how little class or integrity he actually has and interestingly 01:47:49.000 --> 01:47:57.480 enough he were he was in the united states navy um for 20 years as a submarine uh first lieutenant 01:47:57.480 --> 01:48:05.320 and became captain after he kind of retired um married a chinese woman um while a postdoc and 01:48:05.320 --> 01:48:12.280 she took a job um with mckenzie um at the start of the pandemic which is kind of interesting after 01:48:12.280 --> 01:48:20.280 her postdoc at the university of pittsburgh kind of failed and so we have a 20 year navy guy that 01:48:20.280 --> 01:48:25.640 i was working for at the university of pittsburgh with a wife who took a job at the at mckenzie 01:48:26.280 --> 01:48:31.560 complaining to i guess the head of the department that i shouldn't be there anymore and then ending 01:48:31.560 --> 01:48:36.600 my neuroscience career not only that but then not publishing the data that got him 01:48:36.600 --> 01:48:43.080 his own god dang arrow one is all my data the reason why he has funding in his lab is because 01:48:43.080 --> 01:48:47.560 of my data then when he published the paper he didn't even include my name on it thank goodness 01:48:47.560 --> 01:48:55.240 somebody like kathryn ruff and somebody like like where is sarah ross the other p.i from pitt 01:48:55.240 --> 01:49:00.840 probably had the integrity to include me on the paper even though you look at this paper and my 01:49:01.000 --> 01:49:05.240 experiments are probably only one figure whereas in this paper they might be five 01:49:09.720 --> 01:49:13.400 what's jessica ross's story that sounds like this one 01:49:20.280 --> 01:49:23.160 what's matt crawford's story that sounds like this one 01:49:26.280 --> 01:49:30.680 what's robert melone's story that sounds like this one oh wait no robert melone was working 01:49:30.680 --> 01:49:37.400 on domain program in 2020 not losing his job a 20 year career in something completely different 01:49:37.400 --> 01:49:42.360 for speaking out about the biology that every one of these frickin people including all these 01:49:42.360 --> 01:49:46.280 authors should have known because we all use transfection every day 01:49:50.280 --> 01:49:55.960 and all of these people are sophisticated enough to know that the bullshit that that guy just said 01:49:55.960 --> 01:50:01.080 about there being no ion channels and no brain blood brain barrier and all this 01:50:02.360 --> 01:50:07.080 they're sophisticated enough to know that's bullshit but they're not sophisticated enough to 01:50:07.080 --> 01:50:12.920 know that transfection called an investigational vaccine is bullshit they're not sophisticated enough 01:50:12.920 --> 01:50:18.760 to know that r&a can't pandemic well that's outside of my expertise 01:50:19.240 --> 01:50:28.120 but tom kauen gives them a real easy ball on a tee to say well obviously this guy doesn't know what he's talking about 01:50:28.120 --> 01:50:36.920 clink and so what goes out of the park with that it goes out of the park is the the objection to basic virology 01:50:39.720 --> 01:50:46.360 do you see how malevolent that could be if this is done on purpose rather than just unwittingly 01:50:46.360 --> 01:50:51.640 awkward and and and clumsy naively clumsy 01:50:56.120 --> 01:51:01.640 i've actually touched these experiments ladies and gentlemen did i just delete that close that 01:51:01.640 --> 01:51:06.440 window to get this back darn it i didn't actually show you the paper so let's go back to that again 01:51:07.240 --> 01:51:11.240 i need history and this one is that one 01:51:14.520 --> 01:51:17.960 come on here we go i'm going to put it back over here sorry about that 01:51:19.160 --> 01:51:24.440 this is my story as told on pub mad we put publication date we go down to the bottom 01:51:25.400 --> 01:51:28.680 and the second to the last paper is this giant patch recordings 01:51:28.680 --> 01:51:32.280 i'm very proud of this paper because it took a lot of my own 01:51:32.600 --> 01:51:38.840 dog on it okay i got to do this over here so you can't see my passwords 01:51:38.840 --> 01:51:43.720 uh okay confirm your institution seriously 01:51:51.160 --> 01:51:56.520 and then my phone is going to beep if there's anything that i hate more than 01:51:57.480 --> 01:52:03.640 then six factor identification and passwords i can't really know what else it would be 01:52:05.240 --> 01:52:05.800 there we go 01:52:08.280 --> 01:52:11.560 okay so here we go bringing this back over we're going to view the pdf 01:52:13.000 --> 01:52:17.240 Devin Ryan is a student that we had in the lab john Glover is a student we had in the lab 01:52:17.240 --> 01:52:21.640 i taught them both the patch clamp Devin Ryan went and did his PhD in Germany somewhere and 01:52:21.720 --> 01:52:27.080 contacted me when i was still in Holland um Joseph Young is interestingly enough a 01:52:27.640 --> 01:52:35.400 PhD uh physicist who actually worked with us um for some of our analysis and actually 01:52:35.960 --> 01:52:40.920 Joseph Young is so cool because you know what he worked on he had this apparatus that would 01:52:40.920 --> 01:52:48.840 compress water into such a small container that it would glow like uh the what what seems to happen 01:52:48.920 --> 01:52:53.960 with these shrimp when they can move their claws so fast that they create like a spark of light 01:52:53.960 --> 01:52:58.840 in the in the i don't know if it's their claws or their tail they create a spark of light in salt 01:52:58.840 --> 01:53:03.960 water he was actually working on how you compress light with a laser or some other shit i'd have 01:53:03.960 --> 01:53:09.480 to send him an email again um to create that light and how that light is generated which i think 01:53:09.480 --> 01:53:15.400 is still a very interesting phenomenon that could have some a ram big ramifications for our 01:53:15.400 --> 01:53:21.240 understanding of of the world that we don't yet get how that works um anyway Joseph Young 01:53:21.240 --> 01:53:26.040 another really cool person that i met at the University of Chicago so here's this paper and 01:53:26.040 --> 01:53:30.200 what we're doing is we're taking glass electrodes that are already very small and we're going to 01:53:30.200 --> 01:53:36.440 make them much larger and that i use this apparatus underneath the microscope which is detailed here 01:53:36.440 --> 01:53:43.800 so that i can perfuse across this end and then what i did was and this was all pretty much relearned 01:53:43.800 --> 01:53:47.720 by looking at other people's papers and then trying to replicate what they described 01:53:47.720 --> 01:53:53.000 i created these pipettes under a microscope with my own hands and with own manipulators 01:53:53.000 --> 01:53:57.720 and and heat so a wire that was very close to it that could heat it and then i could break it 01:53:57.720 --> 01:54:03.240 and shape it and then polish it and then i would take individual human embryonic kidney cells 01:54:03.240 --> 01:54:09.240 which were expressing only one kind of potassium channel because that's what they were transfected 01:54:09.560 --> 01:54:14.760 by john drexler and i would use suction so that's what was also cool 01:54:16.760 --> 01:54:19.400 the one little contribution that i did in my 01:54:23.160 --> 01:54:30.280 in my career and one little thing that i'm very proud of which actually has no it's not very special 01:54:30.280 --> 01:54:36.120 but it really helped me a lot um part of what i learned at the University of Chicago with regard 01:54:36.120 --> 01:54:41.320 to patch clamp is that the creation of the seal and that's where giga ohm biological comes from 01:54:41.320 --> 01:54:47.000 giga ohm is the measurement of the the resistance of the seal that gets created 01:54:47.000 --> 01:54:56.200 when you suck a lipid bilayer onto the end of a glass pipette and it extrudes all the water so 01:54:56.200 --> 01:55:01.000 let me just draw a little picture here for you so that we i can give you an idea of what we think 01:55:01.000 --> 01:55:06.760 is happening here what we think is happening here this is sidebar is that the electrode 01:55:07.320 --> 01:55:12.360 and the cell membrane if we were to look right here where they come together if we were to look 01:55:12.360 --> 01:55:20.040 right there and and magnify it a little bit what we actually see is the pipette and then we see 01:55:20.040 --> 01:55:27.480 the lipid bilayer and what's imagined we don't know if this happens but this is what of what 01:55:27.480 --> 01:55:34.040 physicists have hypothesized is happening is that when a giga ohm seal happens 01:55:34.040 --> 01:55:41.320 it is because of the positive charge of the lipid nanoparticle a lipid lipid bilayer 01:55:41.880 --> 01:55:47.720 and the borosilicate glass so we use borosilicate glass because when you put it in water it actually 01:55:47.720 --> 01:55:55.160 becomes charged and so what this creates is a charge bias here and water can actually get 01:55:55.240 --> 01:56:02.360 excluded it's like pushed out and once all the water is gone that means there's no space in here 01:56:02.360 --> 01:56:08.280 and that means that no current can flow so no matter how much what we have is then a cell 01:56:09.000 --> 01:56:16.520 and it's in a bath and down here in the bath is one wire right this is like one positive wire and 01:56:16.520 --> 01:56:21.880 then we have another wire that's inside of the glass pipette which glass doesn't conduct electricity 01:56:21.960 --> 01:56:28.840 and so no matter what voltage i put across this this lipid bilayer nothing flows there's no current 01:56:28.840 --> 01:56:36.440 and so if i look at look at this paper what you see here at the top um oh i don't i can't point 01:56:36.440 --> 01:56:43.960 with my pen when i'm on this screen um what you see here at the top is a when there's no calcium 01:56:43.960 --> 01:56:51.000 present essentially when i try to push stuff through i get nothing to go through and the scale 01:56:51.000 --> 01:56:57.800 here is two nano amps i think it might even be 10 nano amps which has a gigantic amount of current 01:56:57.800 --> 01:57:05.560 that's like uh i think that's let's see if it's nano amps yeah one nano amp so that's very big 01:57:06.920 --> 01:57:11.880 typically speaking when we talk about a single ion channel we talk about picot amps and so then 01:57:11.960 --> 01:57:17.320 we go up to nano amps so this is a thousand times it's tens of thousands of channels here 01:57:17.320 --> 01:57:22.120 essentially because it might be three or four picot amps that are are going through an individual 01:57:22.120 --> 01:57:30.120 channel and when i expose the the patch to calcium at different voltages we see all kinds of different 01:57:30.120 --> 01:57:37.240 conductances that we can predict mathematically depending on the concentration of potassium 01:57:37.240 --> 01:57:44.760 outside and inside the pipette because we are in complete control of that we control the calcium 01:57:44.760 --> 01:57:50.840 of the potassium that's in the cell we already know and we already know what we put in here 01:57:50.840 --> 01:57:55.720 because i filled the pipette and so i control the potassium here and i control the potassium here 01:57:55.720 --> 01:58:03.080 and mathematically this these curves and this conductance describes the biophysics of the 01:58:03.160 --> 01:58:10.600 potassium channel as it opens in response to calcium as the conductance occurs and then wanes 01:58:10.600 --> 01:58:17.480 as the proteins slowly close because of the nature of how they work they don't stay open but they flicker 01:58:18.120 --> 01:58:22.600 and the flickering is greatest at the beginning and then the flickering goes away so if you could 01:58:22.600 --> 01:58:28.280 see the individual channels here it would be much like a pixelated staircase it's not a smooth curve 01:58:28.280 --> 01:58:34.040 it only becomes a smooth curve because collid and john have found a way to express only one type 01:58:34.040 --> 01:58:40.200 of channel in this cell so that we can start the biophysics of this one channel of which hundreds 01:58:40.200 --> 01:58:47.400 of thousands perhaps different types of channels are expressed in any neuron and so it's very unfortunate 01:58:47.400 --> 01:58:53.560 that he would make such a statement because it's really completely and totally untrue and the worst 01:58:53.560 --> 01:58:58.920 part is is that it becomes this thing that any academic biologist who might have been tempted 01:58:59.560 --> 01:59:03.960 by the first part of this discussion where it's like oh really they don't and they don't 01:59:03.960 --> 01:59:10.120 isolate as much as i thought oh that's cool they actually are completely discounting that 01:59:10.120 --> 01:59:13.640 thank you very much completely discounting that argument now 01:59:14.440 --> 01:59:18.680 because he says the ridiculous thing is that there are let's just listen to it again to make 01:59:18.680 --> 01:59:25.240 sure i get the whole list right a side panel panels so the problem with this of course is there 01:59:25.240 --> 01:59:30.280 are no channels in the cell membranes or in nerves or in muscle cells and there is no blood brain 01:59:30.280 --> 01:59:36.600 barrier the nerves don't work because of hyperpolar polarization and the flow of chloride ions 01:59:36.600 --> 01:59:42.040 so this whole thing is simply just a story that has see what's crazy about this is we know that 01:59:42.040 --> 01:59:49.720 nicotine is especially poisonous to to insects because they use acetylcholine gated channels as 01:59:49.720 --> 01:59:57.080 their primary channel suite in their in their nervous system we have nicotinic channels but we 01:59:57.080 --> 02:00:03.560 don't rely primarily on them to conduct nerve impulses therefore nicotine has other effects 02:00:03.720 --> 02:00:12.680 and so it wouldn't be ridiculous for a chloride channel based agonist or antagonist to have an 02:00:12.680 --> 02:00:18.760 effect on parasites which use chloride channels in ways that we don't and for him to discount this 02:00:18.760 --> 02:00:23.320 possibility by simply saying that there are no ion channels there are no neurons there are 02:00:23.400 --> 02:00:30.040 no electricity there's no ion flow actually discards this and it discards this 02:00:33.400 --> 02:00:40.520 and i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but i did these experiments with my bare hands okay i might 02:00:40.520 --> 02:00:45.160 be mistaken about what happened but i would sure like an explanation for what i did for these three 02:00:45.160 --> 02:00:51.640 years what i was doing and why it was that until i figured out how to make the pipette shape correct 02:00:51.720 --> 02:00:56.280 until i figured out how to coat it with the right wax and until i figured out how to 02:00:56.280 --> 02:01:02.360 use a device which i was going to show you a minute ago to to find control the air pressure 02:01:02.360 --> 02:01:09.880 so that i could make that giga ohm seal without damaging the cell look at these traces 02:01:11.320 --> 02:01:15.480 this is multiple nano amps now i'm sure about this one because i remember this was a really 02:01:15.560 --> 02:01:23.080 big one um scale bars five nano amps we're talking about tens of thousands of the exact 02:01:23.080 --> 02:01:28.520 same kind of channel here and giving us a measurement with no you can't even see the 02:01:28.520 --> 02:01:34.520 error bars because they're so perfect this is real the air bars are just lost in tiny inside 02:01:34.520 --> 02:01:39.800 of those little tiny signals this is some of the most high fidelity biophysical measurements that 02:01:39.800 --> 02:01:46.440 have ever been made on earth bar none and that's me tooting my own horn before i even had my phd 02:01:46.440 --> 02:01:51.720 this was when i was a technician i had just gotten kicked out of a bartending gig and one year later 02:01:51.720 --> 02:01:59.240 i was doing this thanks to colin huwamad and yinjin chao and john drexler and none of this is bullshit 02:01:59.240 --> 02:02:06.120 all of this is real biophysics and so to say that there are no ion channels is really ridiculous 02:02:06.120 --> 02:02:12.200 and it undermines his very real position that there might not be high fidelity coronavirus is 02:02:12.200 --> 02:02:17.800 like they told us don't you see how magically malevolent it could be if he knows he's doing this 02:02:18.520 --> 02:02:22.760 and if he doesn't know he's doing it we better get him to correct it quick snow value 02:02:24.600 --> 02:02:29.080 okay it's enough about ivermectin again for anybody who really wants to see the references 02:02:29.080 --> 02:02:34.680 and get more in detail in this please watch sam and marx video i think it's dr sambailey.com 02:02:34.760 --> 02:02:38.440 this week on ivermectin so let's get to some of the questions 02:02:39.240 --> 02:02:45.400 what have you seen work for poison ivy elimination treatment comfort it's the um 02:02:47.080 --> 02:02:53.640 the thing is really quite simple right what we used to control the air when we patch clamp was 02:02:53.640 --> 02:02:59.960 a syringe or even actually if you go to universities now the reality is is that most people will 02:02:59.960 --> 02:03:05.720 still be using their mouth so they use their mouth and they used to suck on a on a hose or 02:03:05.720 --> 02:03:13.000 blow on a hose to create and let me just explain it when you do the experiment that i just oh i'll 02:03:13.000 --> 02:03:19.960 do it like this because i have the the picture is there at least i hope it's still there yeah so 02:03:20.840 --> 02:03:25.960 um when you do this experiment um what you do is you you use air pressure 02:03:26.840 --> 02:03:31.720 to control the cell so this cell has been dissociated it's not stuck to the glass here it's 02:03:31.720 --> 02:03:37.640 actually rolling around and so by controlling the flow the air pressure inside of this pipette 02:03:37.640 --> 02:03:42.600 which is filled with water but if you put pressure on it it will blow out and if you suck on it it 02:03:42.600 --> 02:03:48.760 will start to suck in from the bath and because this is microscopic it's not like the pipette's 02:03:48.760 --> 02:03:53.560 gonna fill up with water anytime soon or it's not like the pipette will exit and empty with water 02:03:53.640 --> 02:03:58.680 pretty soon but the problem was is that all these patch clamp physiologists when i was getting 02:03:58.680 --> 02:04:04.600 taught none of them absolutely none of them and i shit you not none of them were doing anything 02:04:04.600 --> 02:04:09.480 but they're god dang mouths they had a hose and it was connected to the back of the manipulator 02:04:09.480 --> 02:04:13.320 that was holding the pipette and then they had the hose and they would blow into it and then they 02:04:13.320 --> 02:04:17.400 would could they would turn a valve and then whatever pressure was in there was what they were 02:04:17.400 --> 02:04:22.360 using to blow then they would approach the cell and they would open that valve and then it would 02:04:22.360 --> 02:04:29.240 start to suck and the cell would roll in or the membrane would get get would touch the glass 02:04:29.880 --> 02:04:35.880 but what i learned from doing this giant patch experiment was was that the differential between 02:04:35.880 --> 02:04:42.680 the pull and push of that positive pressure really dictated whether you would get a very good seal 02:04:42.680 --> 02:04:46.760 or whether the seal would be kind of shitty now the other thing that's really interesting that 02:04:46.760 --> 02:04:52.040 you'll probably like uh is a little note to understand is that when you're making a recording 02:04:52.040 --> 02:04:57.080 from a neuron like i used to do all the time there was a real art to it in the sense of you 02:04:57.080 --> 02:05:03.640 would get next to the neuron and you would have this position right here now this position is 02:05:03.640 --> 02:05:09.880 not wholesale yet you have to break this membrane here so that this and this are the same and that 02:05:09.880 --> 02:05:14.600 your electrode that's in your glass pipette is actually inside the neuron that's what's so cool 02:05:14.680 --> 02:05:21.080 about patch clamp physiology now in breaking this membrane it actually becomes very important 02:05:21.080 --> 02:05:27.560 whether the membrane looks like that or whether the membrane looks like this where this isn't 02:05:27.560 --> 02:05:35.640 there so i guess i should just draw it again down here and what i realized very early on in my work 02:05:35.640 --> 02:05:41.720 with with collard is that the control of the air pressure by your mouth often resulted in 02:05:42.200 --> 02:05:46.920 like this which meant that when you tried to break this open so that you were making a recording 02:05:46.920 --> 02:05:52.280 here a lot of this shit would actually be in the way and more importantly it would get in the way 02:05:52.280 --> 02:05:57.160 during the experiment and your your fidelity of recording would go up and down because there 02:05:57.160 --> 02:06:03.640 was stuff in the tip of your pipette so after a couple years of working with collard i had gone 02:06:03.720 --> 02:06:13.480 through from from syringe to machining myself this thing that i could hook up to the air hose 02:06:13.480 --> 02:06:20.120 and when i turned this of course it's moving out so it's a very subtle control of the airflow and 02:06:20.120 --> 02:06:25.080 then i added this valve on the top so that when i opened it when i pushed this button i could go 02:06:25.080 --> 02:06:32.600 to neutral and so neutral suction like air pressure turns out to be the best way to form the gigaseal 02:06:32.600 --> 02:06:35.800 but most people couldn't get there because they were using their mouth so they were going 02:06:36.440 --> 02:06:41.080 sucking right away and they would get this bottom configuration here instead of something that looks 02:06:41.080 --> 02:06:46.680 very clean like this one and i i over time figured out how to do it right and everybody 02:06:46.680 --> 02:06:51.160 that's worked with me or learned from me has started to use a device to control their air pressure 02:06:51.160 --> 02:06:55.960 rather than their mouth because their mouth is just stupid but lots of people use their mouth 02:06:55.960 --> 02:06:59.720 because that's how they're taught and that's what happens in biology you do it how you're taught 02:07:00.440 --> 02:07:05.080 so again we're off on a tangent here but the tangent is a very good one because 02:07:05.080 --> 02:07:11.320 tom kawen brought us to this tangent i just can't believe that he said that i can't believe he said 02:07:11.320 --> 02:07:15.320 it so i'm going to say it one more time and then we're going to go on to this let's eat poison ivy 02:07:15.320 --> 02:07:20.200 so that we don't get poison ivy anymore hold up it's tough question let's just say i'm in principal value 02:07:21.000 --> 02:07:27.000 the source and are unlikely to bind to other mammalian ligand buying ligand gated channels 02:07:27.080 --> 02:07:31.720 so the problem with this of course is there are no channels in the cell membranes or in nerves or 02:07:31.720 --> 02:07:38.200 in muscle cells there is no blood brain barrier the nerves don't work because of hyperpolarization 02:07:38.200 --> 02:07:44.120 and the flow of chloride ions so this whole thing is simply just a story that has no value 02:07:45.960 --> 02:07:51.160 okay enough about ivermectin again for anybody who will control for the calcium channel is 02:07:51.320 --> 02:07:56.680 the calcium so i'll show you again just because i i want to risk i like the fact that you're asking 02:07:56.680 --> 02:08:04.200 about it so in in a here this is when no calcium is present there's no current right this is like 02:08:04.200 --> 02:08:09.560 the zero line it's just staying there so you can see me turn on the current but there's really 02:08:09.560 --> 02:08:13.720 nothing flowing it's just kind of leak and then you see when i turn off the current you see a 02:08:13.720 --> 02:08:18.520 little leak in the other way but when i have this is what i do this is what you don't see i 02:08:18.520 --> 02:08:24.440 shouldn't show you this so here's the cell i roll it in with air pressure it makes a giga ohm 02:08:24.440 --> 02:08:32.920 seal and then i used a second pipette with heavy suction and i went like this and i tore the cell 02:08:32.920 --> 02:08:40.040 off so what's left here is not an open membrane but it's that half of the cell so this is called 02:08:40.040 --> 02:08:45.880 an inside out patch or an outside out patch it's a very niche skill that not very many people ever 02:08:45.880 --> 02:08:49.480 bothered to try and learn how to do and college challenged me and i figured it out 02:08:50.760 --> 02:08:56.680 but what you're doing is you're making a seal on the on the cell like this and then you used a 02:08:56.680 --> 02:09:07.000 second pipette that's sucking and then you move it past very quickly and it removes this part of 02:09:07.000 --> 02:09:13.320 the cell and then what you're left with is this patch which has potassium channels in it 02:09:13.480 --> 02:09:21.880 and so in the control experiment there's no i put it in front then i take this i take sorry 02:09:21.880 --> 02:09:26.920 i take this pipette which i've now created by removing the outside of the cell i take this pipette 02:09:29.000 --> 02:09:36.280 and i put it in front of this gigantic tube so this is this pipette but now at a lower magnification 02:09:36.280 --> 02:09:42.840 and this tube is is connected to a bunch of of reservoirs that i control with a valve 02:09:43.400 --> 02:09:49.800 with with electronic solenoid valves and so i'm blowing whatever i want to blow 02:09:51.560 --> 02:09:56.280 i'm blowing with this huge pipette i'm blowing on this channel whatever i want to do it 02:09:57.080 --> 02:10:03.000 and so i can control the potassium i can control the sodium and i can control the calcium and 02:10:03.000 --> 02:10:07.080 whether calcium is present or not and over here i've got a lot of potassium 02:10:07.720 --> 02:10:15.000 over here i have almost no potassium and so if these are potassium channels and they open then 02:10:15.000 --> 02:10:21.080 the potassium will flow from the high concentration to the low there should be a huge flow of potassium 02:10:21.080 --> 02:10:26.440 when these channels are open and these channels according to their physiology only open when 02:10:26.520 --> 02:10:32.920 calcium is present so i would start by perfusing a no calcium solution 02:10:33.560 --> 02:10:40.920 with low potassium and you would see this which is no current and then when i would switch the valve 02:10:40.920 --> 02:10:48.520 and and chlori sorry calcium would be present then i would get this nano amp of potassium current 02:10:48.520 --> 02:10:53.160 and we could show it's potassium because you can block it with potassium channel blockers 02:10:53.160 --> 02:11:00.520 because we can change the potassium concentration and in real time and show that mathematically 02:11:00.520 --> 02:11:09.160 speaking the the driving force in the Nernst equation as calculated by the the the potassium 02:11:09.160 --> 02:11:14.680 concentrations that we ourselves have created on the inside and the outside of that patch correspond 02:11:14.680 --> 02:11:20.120 mathematically to the prediction of the Nernst equation that's very hard to dispute that these 02:11:20.200 --> 02:11:27.240 are doing what we say they're doing and it's not just me of course there's a couple generations 02:11:27.240 --> 02:11:32.840 of biophysicists that have been working on trying to get at the heart of how these channels work 02:11:32.840 --> 02:11:38.920 using any kind of this is a preparation that very few if any other people have ever used i don't know 02:11:38.920 --> 02:11:45.160 if you can find another paper where someone used recombinant sk channels in human embryonic kidney 02:11:45.160 --> 02:11:51.000 cells in giant patch recordings to show the bio membrane the sorry the biophysics of potassium 02:11:51.000 --> 02:11:56.600 channel this might be the only time anyone tried to test it at this fidelity when we did it 02:11:56.600 --> 02:12:01.400 the results were beautiful the people at the biophysics conference were like holy shit 02:12:01.400 --> 02:12:08.360 where did you find this technician and call it had to answer i got him with a with a classified 02:12:08.440 --> 02:12:15.160 ad because i really did apply or respond to a classified ad in the chicago tribune in order to 02:12:15.160 --> 02:12:26.440 meet this guy anyway let's go on wants to see the references and get more in detail in this 02:12:26.440 --> 02:12:31.880 please watch sam and marx video i think it's doctor sambailey.com this week on ivermectin 02:12:32.680 --> 02:12:38.200 so let's get to some of the questions what have you seen work for poison ivy elimination treatment 02:12:38.280 --> 02:12:44.840 comfort it's a tough question poison ivy is tough so it's we're told it's through the 02:12:45.560 --> 02:12:50.360 the contact on the skin of a chemical they're called urushial i'm not sure how to spell that 02:12:51.160 --> 02:12:57.880 and this chemical gets absorbed through the skin and then can go into your bloodstream we're told 02:12:57.880 --> 02:13:02.920 and then you have systemic poison ivy so there's definitely a difference the difference is if the 02:13:02.920 --> 02:13:07.880 original exposure and all the symptoms are contiguous with that exposure in other words 02:13:08.520 --> 02:13:13.000 not on one arm and then the other arm and the other arm didn't have exposure so if everything 02:13:13.000 --> 02:13:17.880 is on one arm that's still localized poison ivy and if it spreads to someplace that it's not 02:13:17.880 --> 02:13:22.200 contiguous with then it apparently must have got there through the blood or the lymph 02:13:22.200 --> 02:13:27.720 so that's called systemic poison ivy so the things that i have used and seen for that some 02:13:27.720 --> 02:13:34.200 of them i've used and some of them i've only heard of uh there there is a a a over-the-counter 02:13:34.200 --> 02:13:41.720 stuff called zinfel i think or something you'll you'll see it starts with a zin and it's a 02:13:41.720 --> 02:13:46.600 it's apparently a chemical that breaks down the urushial and so it's not a bad idea to if you know 02:13:46.600 --> 02:13:51.640 that you've been exposed to poison ivy and you tend to react strongly to it i mean this again 02:13:51.640 --> 02:13:57.000 anything that's coming out to your skin it's basically the plant world is serving as the vehicle to 02:13:57.560 --> 02:14:02.360 help you create an elimination reaction so the skin eruption and the itching and the 02:14:02.360 --> 02:14:07.720 the pus and the vesicles that is the body's way of getting this stuff out but you can also temper 02:14:07.720 --> 02:14:12.280 you can also break down the chemical by rubbing your body in the area that was exposed with this 02:14:12.280 --> 02:14:16.440 over-the-counter thing i'm sure you'll be able to find out what it was and that breaks down the 02:14:16.440 --> 02:14:22.440 urushial and then it stops uh your body will stop reacting so that's the first thing there's also 02:14:22.440 --> 02:14:26.840 some plants uh that people have used and i'm not an expert on this i think they're called 02:14:26.840 --> 02:14:32.120 julweed and maybe plantain and so you can chew those or make a paste and rub that over the 02:14:32.120 --> 02:14:36.520 area where you've been exposed and i believe you can even eat those although i would check on that 02:14:36.520 --> 02:14:42.840 and that apparently will stop the symptoms uh quickly in in many people so that's the second 02:14:42.840 --> 02:14:49.480 thing that i've seen and done uh the thing that i've heard that works is to actually take some of 02:14:49.560 --> 02:14:54.120 your own urine that you actually make an antidote and you can make a compress with that and put it 02:14:54.120 --> 02:14:58.680 on the affected skin and then you can drink it which contains the antidote to the poison ivy 02:14:58.680 --> 02:15:03.640 and that apparently will make the symptoms and even a systemic problem go away very quickly 02:15:03.640 --> 02:15:09.080 i've also seen good results sometimes not all the time by taking homeopathic cell salts i'm not 02:15:09.080 --> 02:15:15.640 sure which one to use for that but also to take just homeopathic roostox which can help make the 02:15:15.720 --> 02:15:21.320 symptoms go away quicker so those are the basic things that i've seen i've also seen people uh eat 02:15:21.320 --> 02:15:25.320 a little bit of poison ivy and apparently the native american people did that in the early part 02:15:25.320 --> 02:15:30.520 of the season before the heavy part of the poison ivy season or poison oak season and apparently by 02:15:30.520 --> 02:15:37.080 eating it then your body develops resistance somehow to poison ivy exposure i've never done 02:15:37.080 --> 02:15:42.280 that myself but i've heard that that works so if anybody else has any effective poison 02:15:42.280 --> 02:15:48.040 boy i think poison eating poison ivy sounds like a very very bad idea but uh you know 02:15:49.320 --> 02:15:53.480 go with what you go with ivy treatments i would like to hear them so you can send those in the 02:15:53.480 --> 02:15:58.760 comments okay uh tom in your fantastic book cancer and new biology of water you mentioned 02:15:58.760 --> 02:16:03.480 luis curve ran who among others showed that in living beings cosmic background radiation 02:16:03.480 --> 02:16:08.520 is sufficient to change elements into other elements it's loud um okay i don't know that he said 02:16:08.520 --> 02:16:14.120 that cosmic background radiation it's the radiation or the energy flow in living beings that changes 02:16:14.120 --> 02:16:18.200 elements into other elements so i'm not sure he said cosmic background radiation but i know what 02:16:18.200 --> 02:16:23.560 you mean your idea that a dome with antenna and pillars in water in a cell or in the tajma hall 02:16:23.560 --> 02:16:27.960 are the receiver of energy aligns with these findings are we here at the source of the secret 02:16:27.960 --> 02:16:34.600 of life i would only say that we're getting towards it what we're realizing is that the usual 02:16:34.600 --> 02:16:41.000 a biochemical reductionist materialistic model of everything but in particular life 02:16:41.000 --> 02:16:47.720 is severely lacking and that we are bio energetic electrical electromagnetic beings that have 02:16:47.720 --> 02:16:53.960 no ion channels that use ions and don't use electromagnetism at all apparently i don't 02:16:53.960 --> 02:16:59.480 know what he's talking about here i think this is clear obfuscation of the truth 02:17:00.440 --> 02:17:04.200 not for one second am i going to say that we understand everything about the brain but 02:17:04.200 --> 02:17:09.640 what little we understand we do understand that the symphony of electrical signals 02:17:09.640 --> 02:17:15.000 has at least partially conducted by proteins which can selectively gate 02:17:15.560 --> 02:17:21.480 ionic conductances and we've done these experiments enough to know it that that we know 02:17:22.200 --> 02:17:25.720 and that's what's the frustrating thing about the world that we're in right now 02:17:25.800 --> 02:17:30.360 we actually have been we're being led off of a cliff where we think we know nothing 02:17:31.240 --> 02:17:36.360 that the free will doesn't exist and that that everything you know is wrong into a certain 02:17:36.360 --> 02:17:42.360 extent it's true but all of our biological observations don't need to be thrown out all of 02:17:42.360 --> 02:17:51.240 our biologists aren't completely wrong they have formed their ideas sometimes in the maladaptive 02:17:51.320 --> 02:18:01.320 context or the bonsai the bonsai pot of reductionist science that has caused us to 02:18:01.320 --> 02:18:06.440 miss a lot of these big ideas caused us to lose sight of the sacred and the irreducible 02:18:06.440 --> 02:18:12.920 complexities that really are at the heart of our love of biology and our appreciation for it i 02:18:12.920 --> 02:18:20.360 totally agree but to say that we know nothing that some of the things that we know are useless 02:18:20.360 --> 02:18:23.400 when we know when that's certainly not the case 02:18:25.800 --> 02:18:31.320 is exactly the trick here there is no way impossible there's no way you're ever going to 02:18:31.320 --> 02:18:38.440 get me to believe that and accept that biophysics is on the same level of shaky ground that 02:18:38.440 --> 02:18:45.160 molecular virology is that is just ridiculous we could be wrong about a lot of things we could 02:18:45.160 --> 02:18:54.760 have oversimplified a lot of things but the forces and the sources of flow and charge 02:18:56.120 --> 02:19:01.240 and our basic understanding of the biophysics of the lipid bio the lipid 02:19:02.200 --> 02:19:09.240 bilayer is crucial ladies and gentlemen can you can you just follow along for a minute here 02:19:09.960 --> 02:19:16.200 can you just try to follow along for a minute impromptu lecture here lipid 02:19:16.840 --> 02:19:23.960 bilayer is an incredible thing that for whatever reason all life on earth that's any worth any 02:19:23.960 --> 02:19:32.600 complication at all is made up and what's so cool about the lipid bilayer is that that that ions 02:19:32.600 --> 02:19:38.360 can't go across it that stuff can't go across it but electromagnetism can't 02:19:40.120 --> 02:19:46.760 and so the concentration of potassium inside and outside matters and when it's different 02:19:46.760 --> 02:19:53.480 there is an electrochemical force that exists across this lipid bilayer because of its narrowness 02:19:54.360 --> 02:20:00.600 if the lipid bilayer was five times as thick the electromagnetic forces that it could contain 02:20:01.160 --> 02:20:06.760 and and the potential that could exist across it would be very much reduced because these 02:20:06.760 --> 02:20:11.960 little magnets couldn't and their little concentration gradients couldn't affect each other as well 02:20:13.800 --> 02:20:21.560 and so isn't it brilliant that life has come up with with with protein shapes that can create 02:20:22.440 --> 02:20:28.760 cat ionic binding sites and ionic binding sites inside of them that that 02:20:29.080 --> 02:20:38.680 give them the selectivity for a particular ionic species so that potassium a thousand times more 02:20:38.680 --> 02:20:44.520 than sodium for example will go through a particular channel and that's that potassium or sodium will 02:20:44.520 --> 02:20:50.280 go through a different channel at the same ratio a thousand to one or ten thousand to one and 02:20:50.280 --> 02:20:56.760 the properties of the assembly of these subunits we've identified some of the key amino acids that 02:20:57.720 --> 02:21:03.720 provide these ionic gates and we've looked at the change in their orientation as they gate 02:21:04.920 --> 02:21:09.240 and we may not we may not have a perfect understanding of how all these things work 02:21:09.240 --> 02:21:17.480 but we do have a very basic understanding of why at this size scale water is so freaking cool 02:21:17.480 --> 02:21:23.800 and we do have an interesting understanding of why at this size scale ionic concentrations 02:21:23.800 --> 02:21:30.440 can exert electrochemical forces across this barrier but the useful concentration on one side 02:21:30.440 --> 02:21:39.000 or the other won't change if a few ions flow because the volume outside of a cell is your whole 02:21:39.000 --> 02:21:44.600 body and the volume on the inside of the cell is just the inside of the cell so if the inside of 02:21:44.600 --> 02:21:51.480 the cell is a highly controlled environment then very carefully orchestrated electrochemical 02:21:51.480 --> 02:21:59.080 gradients can be used to create can be used to power and can be used to energize and metabolize 02:22:01.080 --> 02:22:07.880 and he's suggesting that all of this understanding is irrelevant to to us being electrochemical 02:22:08.760 --> 02:22:10.120 beings or something like that 02:22:13.320 --> 02:22:17.800 ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry but i can't help but come to the conclusion that this guy 02:22:17.800 --> 02:22:23.800 really doesn't know what he's talking about and some for some reason or another is so arrogant 02:22:24.360 --> 02:22:30.200 that um hasn't bothered to understand that there could be people lying about stuff and other people 02:22:30.200 --> 02:22:36.440 are not lying about stuff maybe just miss miss understanding the fidelity with which they understand 02:22:36.440 --> 02:22:45.480 it and that a no virus position or a no blood brain barrier or a no ion channels or a no electrical 02:22:45.480 --> 02:22:52.520 impulses stance on how the body works is not really compatible with what he just said of some 02:22:52.520 --> 02:23:00.040 sorts everything but in particular life is severely lacking and that we are bio energetic 02:23:00.040 --> 02:23:05.560 electrical electromagnetic beings of some sort have you ever thought about the possibility that 02:23:05.560 --> 02:23:11.720 that putting biophysicists and pigeonholing them into neuroscience in a few other places 02:23:11.720 --> 02:23:18.680 has hampered our ability to understand the role that electromagnetism and electrochemical forces 02:23:18.680 --> 02:23:25.400 have in our metabolism has kept us away from understanding how toxins in our environment could 02:23:25.400 --> 02:23:33.240 affect our neurochemical metabolism and so they keep these people focused on ion channels of 02:23:33.240 --> 02:23:38.920 one particular type so that they never realized that wow this is really a big broad biology that 02:23:39.000 --> 02:23:44.760 we should be advocating for the you know this is part of the sacred biology no instead 02:23:44.760 --> 02:23:49.160 they're all at the biophysics conference they're never talking about things unless there's a 02:23:49.160 --> 02:23:56.760 particular genetic disease related to their particular channel and so is he presenting some 02:23:56.760 --> 02:24:03.560 useful solution to try and reconcile what these people have observed with what these people have 02:24:03.560 --> 02:24:07.720 lied about observing so that we can all come to a collective understanding of where we are 02:24:09.880 --> 02:24:14.920 and steady's offering very dumb simple explanations for why these people are wrong 02:24:18.760 --> 02:24:23.640 three generations of biophysicists are all wrong about proteins and membranes and all 02:24:23.640 --> 02:24:28.200 wrong about electrochemical gradients that go through ion channels and all wrong about 02:24:28.200 --> 02:24:33.800 how action potentials are generated even though we have 30 years of consistent observation of 02:24:33.880 --> 02:24:36.840 these phenomenon that have never contradicted each other 02:24:38.840 --> 02:24:44.440 unlike virology which he's totally right about do you see what i'm saying unlike virology which 02:24:44.440 --> 02:24:51.320 he's totally right about that haven't advanced in their methodologies at all haven't tried to test 02:24:51.320 --> 02:24:57.160 their presumptions at all whereas biophysicists and protein ion channel people have been trying 02:24:57.160 --> 02:24:59.960 to test their presupposition since the start of their work 02:25:04.120 --> 02:25:08.040 i think it's a good place to stop right now we're at 220 i don't want to i don't want to take too 02:25:08.040 --> 02:25:13.480 long i will cover the other video which is right here i'm going to show you it in case you want to 02:25:13.480 --> 02:25:19.560 watch it earlier um it is on rumble it is called at least on this link it is called Dr. Cowan Dr. 02:25:19.560 --> 02:25:25.480 Kaufman Dr. Bailey and more why contagious viruses don't exist and then very interestingly here 02:25:26.360 --> 02:25:31.480 in the chat or in the in the description it says yet another scientist this time jj kui 02:25:31.480 --> 02:25:35.640 makes the claim that contagious viruses exist while knocking the terrain theory claim which 02:25:35.640 --> 02:25:40.360 says they don't but as per usual the people have put a great deal of time into research 02:25:40.360 --> 02:25:44.760 and research to show there are no such thing as contagious virus handily puts this scientist 02:25:44.760 --> 02:25:50.040 in his place and so it's actually the four of them the five of them that all respond and they're 02:25:50.040 --> 02:25:54.680 actually responding sorry i'm talking to the camera you can't see me they're actually responding 02:25:54.760 --> 02:26:00.680 to my um the email that i wrote on behalf of chd at this time so this is from a year ago 02:26:01.400 --> 02:26:06.600 we will watch this um and you can see it right down here the comments are very obvious right uh 02:26:08.360 --> 02:26:13.320 how is he not right when dr. david martin has proven the origin of this new virus huh 02:26:13.880 --> 02:26:18.520 after the first segment's obvious this is a hispiet piece and i'm surprised that Andy Kaufman 02:26:18.520 --> 02:26:23.320 involvement so what's interesting about that is i think that at least my impression is the 02:26:23.320 --> 02:26:29.480 Andy Kaufman might be the most the person who i have the most skepticism for because he number one 02:26:29.480 --> 02:26:34.600 kind of steps in front of the breggans as a psychiatrist supposedly speaking out against 02:26:34.600 --> 02:26:40.280 psychiatry and then he also steps in front of a lot of these no-virus people and i have a picture of 02:26:40.280 --> 02:26:47.720 him shaking andrew komo's hand in 2019 for a grant that he got for making biosurveillance devices for 02:26:47.720 --> 02:26:53.880 prison populations in new york city so if anybody is connected to the shitheads who did this to us 02:26:53.880 --> 02:26:59.080 in new york city it would be Andy Kaufman and the other flag for Andy Kaufman for me is that the 02:26:59.080 --> 02:27:04.280 first person i ever heard his name from was none other than kevin mccaren in march of 2020 and you 02:27:04.280 --> 02:27:11.800 know all i feel about about that fella um i mean these are all team worst case scenario members and 02:27:11.800 --> 02:27:17.640 so i i suspected at least one or more of these were co-opted at some point to be part of the 02:27:17.640 --> 02:27:23.720 worst case scenario narrative and and they may be all in on it at this stage all in on the idea of 02:27:23.720 --> 02:27:29.640 making sure we don't get to the finish line early enough to make a difference and that's why their 02:27:29.640 --> 02:27:35.000 narrative will slowly change that's why kevin mccaren and charles rixie a year ago or six months 02:27:35.000 --> 02:27:41.560 ago on matt crawford show said that yeah of course it's clones but now they want to you to believe 02:27:41.560 --> 02:27:46.360 that clones can spread that r&a can spread all it wants if you put the right sequences in there 02:27:46.360 --> 02:27:51.560 which turns out to be the same dumb story they were saying in 2020 already but just morphed a 02:27:51.560 --> 02:27:57.480 little bit to accept some of the biology that i've exposed and to kind of absorb it again to step in 02:27:57.480 --> 02:28:04.200 front and they're all going to do it it's going to continue until we finally get to a critical 02:28:04.200 --> 02:28:12.120 mass of people like mike eden nick hudson jessica hawkin mark kulak and myself and that all understand 02:28:12.120 --> 02:28:18.920 that this was one great big lie and it's a lie based on an ongoing deception that started much 02:28:18.920 --> 02:28:24.760 earlier about r&a viruses and how much fidelity r&a virology has or doesn't have 02:28:26.360 --> 02:28:33.080 how much these proxies of pcr's are actually indication of anything real is up for debate and 02:28:33.080 --> 02:28:37.880 i agree totally with these people about that the once they say there are no ion channels in that 02:28:37.880 --> 02:28:42.840 we don't understand anything but we're electrovings it just doesn't make any sense to me anymore 02:28:43.400 --> 02:28:48.600 when they start giving credit to people who freeze water and capture images of emotion in the water 02:28:48.600 --> 02:28:55.560 it doesn't really hold hold it just doesn't work and if you have somebody who's focused on foyas 02:28:55.560 --> 02:29:01.880 for five years and and foying police departments for whether they have any evidence of isolating a 02:29:01.880 --> 02:29:09.480 virus that's just ridiculous and so me calling out foyas as being ridiculous was a reason to 02:29:09.480 --> 02:29:13.880 hate on me me saying that there might be a way for all of us to be right because infectious 02:29:13.880 --> 02:29:19.720 clones are a methodology was a reason to hate on me and now we're in 2024 and we're still not 02:29:19.720 --> 02:29:25.160 really making any progress even though i've fully admitted that i was bamboozled for two years and 02:29:25.160 --> 02:29:30.040 i've apologized for it and admitted that i've even lost friends because i didn't get my head out fast 02:29:30.200 --> 02:29:36.520 enough and the only thing that anybody can do is ignore this stream because that's all they've got 02:29:36.520 --> 02:29:42.520 left is ignoring this stream ladies and gentlemen this has been giga ohm biological a high resistance 02:29:42.520 --> 02:29:46.600 low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist um 02:29:46.600 --> 02:29:48.600 um 02:29:57.800 --> 02:30:02.680 ladies and gentlemen uh intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent 02:30:02.680 --> 02:30:08.600 of augmenting the immune system is dumb uh transfection and healthy humans is criminally 02:30:08.600 --> 02:30:16.120 negligent and RNA cannot pandemic uh start there and give people to pay attention to those messages 02:30:17.080 --> 02:30:20.760 this has been giga ohm biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a 02:30:20.760 --> 02:30:26.440 biologist i'll be on a 10 10 tomorrow on saturday to do that response video because i promised 02:30:26.440 --> 02:30:30.600 i was going to do it with do it tomorrow and now i've got i've got work to do tomorrow again so 02:30:30.600 --> 02:30:36.920 i'll see you again at 10 10 tomorrow thanks for being here and uh thanks for sharing and if you 02:30:36.920 --> 02:30:41.480 have the means please go to giga ohm biological and find other ways to support the channel thanks 02:30:41.480 --> 02:30:47.960 very much shout out to mark he's still working hard and shout out to Jessica who was just interviewed 02:30:47.960 --> 02:30:52.760 by the corona committee in germany today i'm looking forward to that interview by with wolf 02:30:52.760 --> 02:30:58.760 gang and uh with vivian i also got an email from wolf gang this morning every time i get an email 02:30:58.760 --> 02:31:07.960 from that guy it feels like uh things might be okay um and um and nick hudson was on rustle brand 02:31:07.960 --> 02:31:13.160 so i'm gonna watch that this afternoon with great interest to see um what what ideas he 02:31:13.160 --> 02:31:23.880 mentioned and how far he got with it thanks again guys i'll see you soon 02:31:37.960 --> 02:31:40.360 you 02:32:07.960 --> 02:32:09.960 . 02:32:37.960 --> 02:32:39.960 .