WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 I'll be traveling through the road 00:20.000 --> 00:23.000 Come you master the wall 00:24.000 --> 00:27.000 You were the man to be gone 00:28.000 --> 00:31.000 You were built with death planes 00:32.000 --> 00:35.000 You were that built on a mountain 00:36.000 --> 00:39.000 You would hide behind walls 00:40.000 --> 00:42.000 You would hide behind death 00:43.000 --> 00:48.000 I just want you to know I can see you through your mans 00:49.000 --> 00:53.000 I want you to know I can see you through your mans 00:54.000 --> 00:58.000 You had never done nothing 00:59.000 --> 01:02.000 But now to destroy 01:03.000 --> 01:06.000 You bled him in my world 01:07.000 --> 01:10.000 Like he's your inner toy 01:11.000 --> 01:14.000 You were gone in my head 01:15.000 --> 01:18.000 And you hide from my heart 01:19.000 --> 01:22.000 And you tell him from my past 01:22.000 --> 01:24.000 And you tell him from my past 01:25.000 --> 01:27.000 And you tell him from my past 01:27.000 --> 01:29.000 And you tell him from my past 01:32.000 --> 01:35.000 You're the man to be gone 01:35.000 --> 01:37.000 You're the man to be gone 01:51.000 --> 01:55.000 Like dreams of old you lie and they see 01:56.000 --> 02:00.000 Whoa, walk everyone you want me to believe 02:01.000 --> 02:03.000 But I see you through your eyes 02:03.000 --> 02:06.000 And I see you through your brain 02:06.000 --> 02:08.000 Like I see you through the water 02:08.000 --> 02:11.000 And the rock near my train 02:11.000 --> 02:13.000 Like I see you through the water 02:13.000 --> 02:16.000 And the rock near my train 02:21.000 --> 02:23.000 You're the passing road train 02:23.000 --> 02:26.000 Is for the others to fire 02:27.000 --> 02:30.000 And you sit back and watch while my death 02:30.000 --> 02:32.000 Count you tired 02:33.000 --> 02:35.000 You hide in your mansion 02:35.000 --> 02:38.000 While the young people bleed 02:39.000 --> 02:43.000 So knock your bodies away 02:45.000 --> 02:49.000 You're the man to the world 02:51.000 --> 02:54.000 You're the man to the world 02:55.000 --> 02:58.000 And then masters the war, wage war 02:58.000 --> 03:00.000 By way of deception 03:01.000 --> 03:04.000 Thought criminals wage peace by way of the truth 03:04.000 --> 03:05.000 Good morning y'all 03:05.000 --> 03:06.000 I'm Stephen Douglas Whitener 03:06.000 --> 03:07.000 And you're listening to 03:07.000 --> 03:09.000 Republic Broadcasting Network 03:09.000 --> 03:11.000 At republicbroadcasting.org 03:11.000 --> 03:13.000 And if you've been 03:13.000 --> 03:16.000 It's February the 3rd, 2024 03:16.000 --> 03:19.000 Groundhog Day was yesterday 03:19.000 --> 03:22.000 I'm really thrilled to be here y'all 03:22.000 --> 03:24.000 I mean RBN 03:24.000 --> 03:26.000 It's a listener supported platform 03:26.000 --> 03:28.000 And I've been here about three years 03:28.000 --> 03:30.000 If this is the first time you've 03:30.000 --> 03:32.000 Listen to me or the first time you've 03:32.000 --> 03:33.000 Heard Thought Crime Live 03:33.000 --> 03:34.000 I think we have some new folks 03:34.000 --> 03:36.000 Joining today 03:36.000 --> 03:37.000 With my guest on a stream 03:37.000 --> 03:39.000 I want to say hello to y'all too 03:39.000 --> 03:41.000 And there's also a chat 03:41.000 --> 03:44.000 That's Thought Crime Live 03:44.000 --> 03:46.000 Chattango.com 03:46.000 --> 03:50.000 Also if you want to join us there 03:50.000 --> 03:53.000 And if you can help RBN 03:53.000 --> 03:55.000 Maintain this platform 03:55.000 --> 03:56.000 For free speech 03:56.000 --> 03:58.000 You go to republicbroadcasting.org 03:58.000 --> 04:00.000 There's a big yellow 04:00.000 --> 04:01.000 Donate button there 04:01.000 --> 04:03.000 One of our co-hosts says 04:03.000 --> 04:05.000 That you can just smash it with PayPal 04:05.000 --> 04:08.000 And there's also a number 04:08.000 --> 04:09.000 That you can call 04:09.000 --> 04:11.000 If you could set up a monthly donation 04:11.000 --> 04:12.000 With a credit or debit card 04:12.000 --> 04:15.000 It's 800-724-2719 04:15.000 --> 04:17.000 Extension 3 04:18.000 --> 04:20.000 And also with the thing happening 04:20.000 --> 04:22.000 With the truckers that happened up in 04:22.000 --> 04:23.000 Canada too 04:23.000 --> 04:25.000 And you want to remain anonymous 04:25.000 --> 04:27.000 But still support free speech 04:27.000 --> 04:29.000 You can mail a check 04:29.000 --> 04:31.000 Payable to RBN 04:31.000 --> 04:32.000 Or a money order 04:32.000 --> 04:33.000 Orch's cash 04:33.000 --> 04:34.000 I mailed some cash 04:34.000 --> 04:35.000 Which probably will be a crime 04:35.000 --> 04:36.000 One of these days 04:36.000 --> 04:37.000 2-2-2-5-1 04:37.000 --> 04:39.000 Double Creek Drive 04:39.000 --> 04:40.000 Sweet 302 04:40.000 --> 04:41.000 Round Rock, Texas 04:41.000 --> 04:42.000 7-8-6-6-4 04:42.000 --> 04:44.000 I'll give that to you 04:44.000 --> 04:45.000 2-2-5-1 04:45.000 --> 04:46.000 Double Creek Drive 04:46.000 --> 04:47.000 Sweet 302 04:47.000 --> 04:48.000 Round Rock, Texas 04:48.000 --> 04:49.000 7-8-6-6-4 04:49.000 --> 04:50.000 I'll give that one more time 04:50.000 --> 04:51.000 2-2-5-1 04:51.000 --> 04:52.000 Double Creek Drive 04:52.000 --> 04:53.000 Sweet 302 04:53.000 --> 04:54.000 Round Rock, Texas 04:54.000 --> 04:55.000 7-8-6-6-4 04:55.000 --> 04:56.000 And I just wanted 04:56.000 --> 04:57.000 To get that in 04:57.000 --> 04:58.000 I'm really honored 04:58.000 --> 04:59.000 To be here 04:59.000 --> 05:00.000 And I am excited 05:00.000 --> 05:01.000 About the guest I have 05:01.000 --> 05:02.000 I have mentioned 05:02.000 --> 05:03.000 This gentleman's work 05:03.000 --> 05:05.000 Before a paraphrase 05:05.000 --> 05:06.000 I won't say quoted 05:06.000 --> 05:08.000 I've tried to paraphrase 05:08.000 --> 05:09.000 What he's had to say 05:09.000 --> 05:11.000 I respect people 05:11.000 --> 05:13.000 Who have 05:13.000 --> 05:15.000 You know, blown the whistle 05:15.000 --> 05:17.000 Because that just 05:17.000 --> 05:19.000 It cost me 05:19.000 --> 05:20.000 And it cost you to tell the 05:20.000 --> 05:21.000 Truth sometimes 05:21.000 --> 05:23.000 And this gentleman 05:23.000 --> 05:24.000 I wanted to 05:24.000 --> 05:25.000 He's a very smart guy 05:25.000 --> 05:26.000 JJ, let me let you 05:26.000 --> 05:28.000 Give your introduction 05:28.000 --> 05:29.000 To tell folks 05:29.000 --> 05:30.000 Who you are 05:30.000 --> 05:31.000 Gig Am biological 05:31.000 --> 05:33.000 Good morning 05:33.000 --> 05:34.000 Steven, thank you very 05:34.000 --> 05:35.000 Much for having me on 05:35.000 --> 05:37.000 I'm not normally talking 05:37.000 --> 05:38.000 This so early 05:38.000 --> 05:39.000 So I really appreciate 05:39.000 --> 05:40.000 You getting me 05:40.000 --> 05:41.000 Up and going 05:41.000 --> 05:43.000 A lot of times for me 05:43.000 --> 05:44.000 The hard thing is to 05:44.000 --> 05:46.000 Hit the go button 05:46.000 --> 05:47.000 And go live 05:47.000 --> 05:48.000 And so it's very nice 05:48.000 --> 05:49.000 To have an excuse 05:49.000 --> 05:50.000 To be up so early 05:50.000 --> 05:51.000 And doing it 05:51.000 --> 05:53.000 My introduction can be 05:53.000 --> 05:54.000 Very long 05:54.000 --> 05:55.000 But I'll try to make it 05:55.000 --> 05:57.000 As short as possible 05:57.000 --> 05:59.000 I'm a Wisconsin boy 05:59.000 --> 06:01.000 Who moved to the big city 06:01.000 --> 06:03.000 Of Chicago to go to 06:03.000 --> 06:04.000 University 06:04.000 --> 06:06.000 And I lived in 06:06.000 --> 06:07.000 Chicago 06:07.000 --> 06:08.000 Hold on one second 06:08.000 --> 06:09.000 You need a problem there 06:10.000 --> 06:13.000 No, I can't 06:13.000 --> 06:14.000 I'm sorry 06:14.000 --> 06:15.000 I'm alive 06:15.000 --> 06:16.000 You gotta go out 06:16.000 --> 06:17.000 Thank you though, honey 06:17.000 --> 06:18.000 Shut the door 06:18.000 --> 06:19.000 I got my blood 06:19.000 --> 06:20.000 Yeah, exactly 06:20.000 --> 06:21.000 It's okay 06:21.000 --> 06:23.000 RBN is listed 06:23.000 --> 06:24.000 Is used to that 06:24.000 --> 06:25.000 With me 06:25.000 --> 06:26.000 It sounded like someone 06:26.000 --> 06:27.000 Was chewing horses 06:27.000 --> 06:28.000 One day 06:28.000 --> 06:29.000 That's funny 06:29.000 --> 06:31.000 So I am a 06:31.000 --> 06:32.000 Wisconsin boy 06:32.000 --> 06:33.000 I moved to Chicago 06:33.000 --> 06:34.000 For university 06:34.000 --> 06:35.000 And then I spent 06:35.000 --> 06:36.000 A number of years 06:36.000 --> 06:37.000 In Chicago 06:37.000 --> 06:38.000 As a young man 06:38.000 --> 06:39.000 Kind of treading water 06:39.000 --> 06:40.000 Trying to figure out 06:40.000 --> 06:41.000 What I wanted to do 06:41.000 --> 06:42.000 I went to university 06:42.000 --> 06:43.000 With the attention 06:43.000 --> 06:44.000 Of going right to med school 06:44.000 --> 06:46.000 And becoming a big important 06:46.000 --> 06:47.000 Doctor 06:47.000 --> 06:49.000 And then I got waitlisted 06:49.000 --> 06:50.000 For a few years 06:50.000 --> 06:51.000 In a row 06:51.000 --> 06:52.000 And at first I started 06:52.000 --> 06:53.000 Teaching high school 06:53.000 --> 06:55.000 As a way of treading water 06:55.000 --> 06:56.000 And then that pay 06:56.000 --> 06:57.000 Isn't very good 06:57.000 --> 06:58.000 So I started bartending 06:58.000 --> 06:59.000 At night 06:59.000 --> 07:00.000 And that pay is 07:00.000 --> 07:01.000 Actually really good 07:01.000 --> 07:02.000 And a couple of years 07:02.000 --> 07:03.000 In a row 07:03.000 --> 07:04.000 I decided just to bartend 07:04.000 --> 07:05.000 And that pay is 07:05.000 --> 07:06.000 Actually really good 07:06.000 --> 07:09.000 So I decided 07:09.000 --> 07:12.000 Just to bartend 07:12.000 --> 07:14.000 And that 07:14.000 --> 07:15.000 I don't know 07:15.000 --> 07:16.000 If that was the right thing 07:16.000 --> 07:17.000 For me to do at the 07:17.000 --> 07:18.000 Time from 07:18.000 --> 07:19.000 Anyone else's 07:19.000 --> 07:20.000 Perspective, but I think 07:20.000 --> 07:21.000 From a sort of 07:21.000 --> 07:22.000 Growing up 07:22.000 --> 07:23.000 Young man's perspective 07:23.000 --> 07:24.000 It was really good for me 07:24.000 --> 07:25.000 To kind of hit a soft rock 07:25.000 --> 07:27.000 Bottom with 07:27.000 --> 07:28.000 Bartending and getting 07:28.000 --> 07:30.000 Pretty cocky about 07:30.000 --> 07:31.000 How the money was coming in 07:31.000 --> 07:33.000 And who's money it was 07:33.000 --> 07:38.120 by giving the keys to the wrong person and just casually taking a day off and I got 07:38.120 --> 07:39.120 fired. 07:39.120 --> 07:45.560 And it's pretty hard in retrospect to come upon a bar gig like I had where I was working 07:45.560 --> 07:48.440 three nights a week and making enough money and more. 07:48.440 --> 07:54.280 And so finding another gig like that in Chicago wasn't easy and I was forced to kind of panic 07:54.280 --> 07:59.520 and I got a technician job at the University of Chicago that reminded me that I had been 07:59.520 --> 08:03.920 a biologist since I was a little kid and that I needed to do something more than mixed 08:03.920 --> 08:06.520 drinks and entertain people. 08:06.520 --> 08:16.140 And so I started working with this guy at the University of Chicago who taught me a couple 08:16.140 --> 08:22.440 techniques that allowed me to move to the Netherlands, do my PhD in the Netherlands, 08:22.440 --> 08:28.720 meet my wife in Amsterdam and then move together with her to Norway where I continued my training 08:28.720 --> 08:31.160 in a laboratory there in Toronto. 08:31.160 --> 08:34.960 And we had a couple boys in Norway and then we moved back to the Netherlands with every 08:34.960 --> 08:40.960 intention of getting tenure there and settling down in the Netherlands where her family is. 08:40.960 --> 08:46.360 And I didn't get tenure, I mean I got some EU money in my first couple years there and 08:46.360 --> 08:49.920 then I just couldn't get anything to work sustainably. 08:49.920 --> 08:54.840 And so after four years in the Netherlands we had no choice really because my wife had 08:54.840 --> 09:00.320 also gotten a PhD in plant biology but we did not pursue her career, she didn't really 09:00.320 --> 09:03.300 enjoy it, she just finished her degree to finish it. 09:03.300 --> 09:08.240 And so we moved to America because that's where I had my previous, my whole life was 09:08.240 --> 09:11.240 here and we moved to the University of Pittsburgh. 09:11.240 --> 09:16.000 I'd never lived or been to Pittsburgh before I flew here and it's a beautiful little town 09:16.000 --> 09:21.280 with lots of trees and hills and water and so from the air it was just like, wow, Pittsburgh 09:21.280 --> 09:22.280 is like this. 09:22.280 --> 09:23.280 I have to admit. 09:23.280 --> 09:28.480 I'm up in Wisconsin, I'm a Packer fan and when I was a child the Steelers were winning 09:28.480 --> 09:34.000 the Super Bowls and everybody hated Lin Swan and Jerry Bradshaw. 09:34.000 --> 09:38.360 So I never liked Pittsburgh, I never wanted to like Pittsburgh and so coming here was 09:38.360 --> 09:42.960 a little weird because I also didn't like the Pirates because I'm a Cubs fan. 09:42.960 --> 09:47.600 So it was a real strange place to be so attracted to. 09:47.600 --> 09:52.440 I had a couple of three good years at the University of Pittsburgh trying to keep my 09:52.440 --> 10:00.440 career going and when the pandemic broke out I was already working on serendipitously a 10:00.440 --> 10:05.600 bike ride series where I was doing Journal Club for neurobiologists on my bicycle, on 10:05.600 --> 10:11.640 my way back or on my way to work and I had an electric assist bike so it allows you to 10:11.640 --> 10:16.880 get exercise but still cover like 15 or 20 miles without killing yourself. 10:16.880 --> 10:21.440 And so I could talk on my bike while I was riding and it was a really cool little show 10:21.440 --> 10:26.800 that when the pandemic broke out I just did a couple bike rides where I did a coronavirus 10:26.800 --> 10:37.920 biology review and at some moment in 2020 I got an email from the administrative offices 10:37.920 --> 10:45.280 of the media, the media department of the hospital that is attached to the University 10:45.280 --> 10:46.280 of Pittsburgh. 10:46.280 --> 10:54.840 It would be the UPMC medical system and she said that the Pittsburgh Gazette had contacted 10:54.840 --> 11:01.000 me for an interview but they informed the Pittsburgh Gazette that my expertise was not 11:01.000 --> 11:06.320 virology and I was not to speak to them even if they contacted me directly. 11:06.320 --> 11:10.760 They said they saw my YouTube channel and they said okay at the end of this email with 11:10.760 --> 11:15.680 a question mark which I found bizarre and a few months later my immediate supervisor 11:15.680 --> 11:19.880 asked me not to come in anymore because I wasn't getting my temperature taken and 11:19.880 --> 11:24.920 I wasn't putting a sticker on my ID every day and I was also getting arguments with 11:24.920 --> 11:28.720 people about whether you could read about legitimate science in the New York Times or 11:28.720 --> 11:29.720 not. 11:29.720 --> 11:35.320 Anyway, it just so happens that the University of Pittsburgh had just extended my contract 11:35.320 --> 11:39.960 in July when they sent me home in October so that meant I had like eight months. 11:39.960 --> 11:45.120 And so during that eight months I just kept teaching immunology online and that got me 11:45.120 --> 11:48.800 enough followers to keep doing it for the whole year. 11:48.800 --> 11:53.480 And then early in 2022 I got a phone call from some guy by the name of Robert F. Kennedy 11:53.480 --> 11:59.000 Jr. and he asked me to help consult on a book that he released a couple months ago called 11:59.000 --> 12:03.880 the Wuhan cover up and some of the biology that I teach every night is definitely in 12:03.880 --> 12:08.160 that book and there's some quotes in there from me which is kind of fun. 12:08.160 --> 12:12.200 And then for a brief period of time for about six months after the book I worked for Children's 12:12.200 --> 12:19.400 Health Defense and that's the non-profit that Bobby used to be the spokesperson for. 12:19.400 --> 12:23.720 And that didn't really work out apparently because what I do on my stream is still too 12:23.720 --> 12:30.120 raw and when I bumped into the management a number of times about what I was saying and 12:30.120 --> 12:36.000 eventually to my own surprise to be quite honest my whole family was taken by surprise 12:36.000 --> 12:38.960 by it on January 4th they just decided to lay me off. 12:38.960 --> 12:43.960 So we're back again shaking a can on the internet but we have a good little core of 12:43.960 --> 12:49.760 followers and I know from my previous years of doing this that I think it's pretty important 12:49.760 --> 12:51.200 so we're going to try and keep it going. 12:51.200 --> 12:56.040 I apologize for that extremely long introduction but it is kind of a it's kind of an interesting 12:56.040 --> 13:01.600 I think that was it's so it's so serendipitous that I find myself here. 13:01.600 --> 13:08.120 Yes you definitely qualify as a thought criminal sir I mean to interrupt you but that definitely 13:08.120 --> 13:13.480 established your bona fides there you know it's I've learned from you too I look the 13:13.480 --> 13:19.320 listeners may be aware of some of the things that you talk about but you you bring it together 13:19.320 --> 13:24.280 the word transfection that you use I think needs to be used more we need to spread a 13:24.280 --> 13:31.800 lot of this information far and wide you know RBN listeners spread RBN too but you 13:31.800 --> 13:37.320 know I see how you say that the battle is for our kids let me let you get back to that 13:37.320 --> 13:42.360 because what you have to say is even more important than than that but I'm glad you 13:42.360 --> 13:49.200 did that because you know I don't know that everybody would would know you know I do believe 13:49.200 --> 13:53.200 what you say in a sincere okay I've not met you personally as I have some of my guests 13:53.200 --> 13:59.200 and all but I have followed you and do trust what you say to be sincere. 13:59.200 --> 14:04.640 Well I mean that's really I really appreciate that but I also want to emphasize to everybody 14:04.640 --> 14:12.400 that's listening that one of the core messages that I try to put out every day is that we 14:12.400 --> 14:17.720 all as adults have to take responsibility for learning this it can't be something where 14:17.720 --> 14:21.280 you know we have a friend that knows about used cars and so we're just going to rely 14:21.280 --> 14:26.880 on our friend to help us buy a used car or whatever we've got to really learn this biology 14:26.880 --> 14:32.360 ourselves because it is who we are and it is who our kids are and if we don't impart 14:32.400 --> 14:37.800 this understanding of what is sacred to our children then they're going to grow up believing 14:37.800 --> 14:43.040 whatever the TV and social media which is even worse tells them and that's I think the other 14:43.040 --> 14:47.800 transition point that I'm you know as a biologist it seems kind of weird to emphasize this all 14:47.800 --> 14:55.960 the time but we are you and I I think I'm 52 we are a generation that can understand 14:55.960 --> 15:00.200 the transition that we're at because we grew up at a time where kids would be bored and 15:00.240 --> 15:05.120 then get in trouble outside we were we were a generation that the solution was get out 15:05.120 --> 15:12.160 of the house don't come back until dinner and and that that kind of growing up with 15:12.160 --> 15:17.840 boredom that you yourself are responsible for filling something that I see in my kids 15:17.840 --> 15:24.000 all the time they don't experience it because they have a number of place fillers that are 15:24.000 --> 15:27.960 that are ready and waiting so that they never have that problem and when we were kids that 15:27.960 --> 15:33.480 would have been like daydreaming watching TV but it's much worse now because they're 15:33.480 --> 15:39.120 they're putting short sometimes malevolent thoughts in their heads and that includes 15:39.120 --> 15:46.840 these ideas about scary biological phenomenon that probably don't exist in order to to govern 15:46.840 --> 15:50.640 the globe and so my my main message and I think that's what you're trying to get me 15:50.640 --> 15:58.800 to spit out here is that as a biologist I walked into the pandemic thinking that vaccinations 15:58.800 --> 16:06.200 in general were a good idea and that maybe the United States applied some of these vaccinations 16:06.200 --> 16:12.920 too early or too often but I had not yet evolved my thinking to the stage where I was considering 16:12.920 --> 16:18.560 the possibility that they could just be wholly unnecessary or that they are being applied 16:18.560 --> 16:24.520 in a criminally negligent way but when the pandemic came around and they started saying 16:24.520 --> 16:29.560 that they were going to use this technology called transfection to immunize old people 16:29.560 --> 16:34.760 I immediately saw that they were also eventually going to they were thinking that they were 16:34.760 --> 16:40.320 going to immunize everybody this way had started to really upset me because I have been using 16:40.320 --> 16:46.920 transfection for between 10 and 15 years in my own work on mice I understand what it's 16:46.920 --> 16:51.760 meant to do but I also understand that there are tremendous limitations to trying to do 16:51.760 --> 16:57.480 these kinds of things in a living system and so unlike all the work that I've ever done 16:57.480 --> 17:04.680 where part of the built-in plan is to sacrifice the animal in order to accurately describe 17:04.680 --> 17:11.560 the autonomy of the locations that you recorded from or the cells that you modified we don't 17:11.560 --> 17:17.040 plan to do any of those things with an old person or a young person that we transfect 17:17.040 --> 17:22.640 we want them to live a long healthy life and that's not something that anybody in my neck 17:22.640 --> 17:28.520 of the woods when using transfection ever had as an expectation you don't expect a mouse 17:28.520 --> 17:32.960 that you've transfected in their brain to live a long and healthy life you don't expect 17:32.960 --> 17:37.640 to be able to transfect a monkey multiple times in its life and therefore I had to live 17:37.640 --> 17:42.800 the long and healthy life that's not a built-in part of any experiment so the idea that suddenly 17:42.800 --> 17:49.520 at 2020 they had Bill Gates on the PBS NewsHour telling us that this new kind of vaccine where 17:49.520 --> 17:54.800 they toss in some RNA is actually really cool because then your body becomes the vaccine 17:54.800 --> 18:01.360 factory and that spectacular combination of words is the most insidious lie I've heard 18:01.360 --> 18:08.640 in my lifetime and that that idea it needs to be dispelled we can't have any college 18:08.640 --> 18:15.680 children college young adults regurgitating this idea in five years because if they are 18:15.680 --> 18:21.040 we will be and that I really think is the the heart of the heart of the heart of these 18:21.040 --> 18:27.400 kids these young adults don't understand what they were coerced into doing and how biologically 18:27.400 --> 18:33.560 dissimilar it is to previous vaccinations which in and of themselves were already worthy 18:33.560 --> 18:40.280 of scrutiny for the last ten years ask any autism mom or dad and so we are in trick we 18:40.280 --> 18:47.440 are at a situation where we are arguing about the most recent version of a lie and we're 18:47.440 --> 18:51.960 even being tricked into not connecting this recent version of the lie with the previous 18:52.880 --> 18:57.280 how's that we're coming up on the first break that was terrific JJ we'll be right back 18:57.280 --> 19:00.480 thought criminals hang on 19:21.960 --> 19:32.960 I want to be like Jonathan see you try to find all this way 19:32.960 --> 19:43.960 ain't no need to be before you lift up your voices it's time you should say it's a great 19:43.960 --> 20:06.640 life I'm so excited to have you as part of the wild 20:06.640 --> 20:11.440 pastures family and we look forward to bringing you the pastures meets that you and your 20:11.440 --> 20:16.640 family will love now we started well pastures because so many of my clients would tell me 20:16.640 --> 20:22.080 they just couldn't find high quality pastures meets and even when they did it was so expensive 20:22.080 --> 20:26.400 that they couldn't afford to eat it regularly now I'm not talking about the bottom of the 20:26.400 --> 20:31.880 barrel healthy meats that have planes like natural or free range or even cage free terms 20:31.880 --> 20:36.120 that were actually created by the industrial food industry to make us feel all warm and 20:36.120 --> 20:41.960 fuzzy about buying their low quality products I'm talking about truly nourishing pastures 20:41.960 --> 20:47.000 needs the kind that you'll never really find in a grocery store our farmers are doing things 20:47.000 --> 20:53.680 beyond organic our beef is 100% grass fed and grass finished and raised on pastures free from 20:53.680 --> 20:59.400 chemicals and other pesticides our chickens are 100% pastures raised where they get their 20:59.400 --> 21:05.040 natural diet of grass and forage and insects we will never settle for free range which is 21:05.120 --> 21:11.360 actually one of the most deceptive terms in the chicken industry in fact less than 0.1% of the 21:11.360 --> 21:17.120 chicken consumed in the United States is truly pasture raised in the way that ours is and our 21:17.120 --> 21:22.880 pork is 100% pastures raised as well so if you care about where your food comes from you have 21:22.880 --> 21:28.240 definitely made it to the right place as a wild pastures member you'll be supporting the most 21:28.240 --> 21:33.760 highly principled farmers in America and getting the most nutrient dense nourishing and sustainable 21:33.760 --> 21:38.640 meats in the world from confident you'll love being part of our mission at wild pastures 21:38.640 --> 21:43.040 and you will really love the delicious nourishing meats that we're going to deliver straight to 21:43.040 --> 21:50.640 your dog visit for public broadcasting that'll work and click the wild pastures banner hand 21:50.640 --> 21:57.040 secure shipment today beef poultry and pork raise the way nature intended 22:20.960 --> 22:27.120 on excavator digs a hole in your backyard and 3d bunkers.com shows up in a small truck and sets 22:27.120 --> 22:33.040 up their 3d printer under a tent completely undetected they can print as many rooms as you want at a 22:33.040 --> 22:38.400 fraction of the cost compared to traditional metal bunkers 3d bunkers uses polymer concrete 22:38.400 --> 22:44.720 which is five times stronger than regular cement youtube 3d bunkers.com and watch the video the 22:44.720 --> 22:49.600 creators of 3d bunkers is looking for a business partner that can help bring this technology to 22:49.600 --> 22:56.240 the world and we need to protect our way of life without living in fear contact brad at 3d bunkers 22:56.240 --> 23:00.560 .com for more details or visit 3d bunkers.com 23:27.120 --> 23:38.400 Welcome back y'all you're listening to thought crime live on republic broadcasting network 23:38.400 --> 23:48.560 and i'm joined by Jonathan kooie jj kooie of giga arm biological.com and you know as a kid i 23:48.560 --> 23:53.920 wanted to chemistry set when i was six years old i remember when i looked at science as to something 23:54.000 --> 23:59.200 that would elucidate what was the sacred biology now assistant frankenstein since then you know 23:59.200 --> 24:05.200 when i the more i learned it just let me let you go back to you i just relate so much to what you 24:05.200 --> 24:12.720 you say sir well uh that's that's very nice um i guess you just kind of triggered in me something 24:12.720 --> 24:19.920 i just did a a show yesterday which i think um can bring a bigger picture idea to the forefront 24:20.000 --> 24:25.760 a little bit um in terms of how they they've convinced these people to participate in this 24:26.320 --> 24:30.800 and one of the things that i think needs to be made clear to the again we're talking to college 24:30.800 --> 24:36.800 age kids we're talking to young kids um who's whose teachers in their schools are probably a 24:36.800 --> 24:42.720 little confused about this as well but we need everybody to understand that that artificial 24:42.720 --> 24:49.120 intelligence is being hyped as something with potential very much in the same way that genetic 24:49.120 --> 24:54.400 therapies were hyped in the 80s um there's a really interesting sort of anecdote that i can 24:54.400 --> 25:00.640 tell you of a guy by the name of robert malone um who was cutting his teeth in some of the most 25:00.640 --> 25:05.680 important virology labs and surrounded by some of the most important virologists in the late 70s 25:05.680 --> 25:14.160 early 80s um in his in his uh graduate school work and during his grad school work um he had the 25:14.160 --> 25:20.480 choice of working with some of the the at the time preeminent biologists from from muri gardener 25:20.480 --> 25:28.480 to uh robert gallo to even uh to somebody like um david baltimore and so all of these you know 25:28.480 --> 25:36.400 grandfathers of modern virology um circulating as a postdoc then um convinced him that in 10 or 15 25:36.400 --> 25:42.080 years that virology was going to progress at such a pace and our understanding of the genome was 25:42.160 --> 25:48.640 going to progress at such a pace that there would be genealogists or geneticists that were using 25:48.640 --> 25:55.680 retroviruses to cure childhood diseases in every local hospital in the nation in a few years 25:56.320 --> 26:03.200 and so what we need to understand as adults that we can partake or impart on our children 26:03.200 --> 26:08.320 is that these stories of what was about to happen when we understood the genome better 26:08.400 --> 26:13.600 or when we had faster computers or when we collected enough data that we were finally going to be 26:13.600 --> 26:20.880 able to crack the code so to speak they've used that phrase a lot to to imply that we're going to be 26:20.880 --> 26:27.520 able to see the blueprints and the instruction manual of life and once we do that we won't need 26:27.520 --> 26:33.200 god anymore or god will be irrelevant or we'll finally have proven that god doesn't exist because 26:33.200 --> 26:39.680 we will have attained this transhuman mastery of ourselves this story Steve has been told for 26:39.680 --> 26:46.560 decades especially in secret meetings and in in meetings of secret societies and meetings of 26:46.560 --> 26:52.880 of really rich people at at very expensive dinners talking about their plans for how they're going to 26:52.880 --> 27:00.560 to govern the world this mythology about how eventually if we collect enough data there will 27:00.560 --> 27:06.000 be enough numbers enough measurements that an AI will be able to take that data and convert it 27:06.000 --> 27:14.560 into understanding that has been sort of belied by the the the progress of understanding chess 27:14.560 --> 27:20.480 versus understanding the Chinese game go versus understanding now the example that I used yesterday 27:20.480 --> 27:28.720 in my show was the the success or lack of success of the autopilot in Tesla and one of the things that 27:28.720 --> 27:35.120 I think is now becoming more and more especially obvious with regard to Elon Musk and some of the 27:35.120 --> 27:41.040 things that he claims is very similar to how all of those virologists bamboozled Robert Malone when 27:41.040 --> 27:46.880 he was a young guy so long ago into believing that genetic technologies were going to evolve at light 27:46.880 --> 27:51.520 speed and that within 10 years there would be a geneticist that could fix childhood diseases 27:51.520 --> 27:57.840 using retroviruses they are bamboozling us into believing that eventually with enough cores or 27:57.840 --> 28:03.920 with enough time or with enough data artificial intelligence is going to be able to do things that 28:03.920 --> 28:11.200 heretofore were considered impossible or at least borderline magic and I really can't emphasize 28:11.200 --> 28:19.120 enough how even if this is a future possibility we are not we are not scratching that surface of 28:19.120 --> 28:24.880 that future possibility yet and that these people are actually are actually enchanting our children 28:24.880 --> 28:32.240 with this idea that AI is so powerful you might as well go limp AI is so amazing that you might 28:32.240 --> 28:36.560 as well forget about it that everything that you are going to do and learn in the future is going 28:36.560 --> 28:41.600 to be better than better than better by AI so there's no reason for you to learn to draw there's 28:41.600 --> 28:45.760 no reason for you to learn to paint there's no reason for you to make music there's no reason 28:45.760 --> 28:52.320 for you to be creative you have been relegated to to basically be right hey we'll be right back 28:52.320 --> 28:55.440 folks bottom of the hour break thanks JJ that's terrific 29:22.320 --> 29:24.320 bring it in all my own 29:28.240 --> 29:34.080 if you don't like the way I'm living just leave the throne here to your boy alone 29:39.120 --> 29:43.280 we're just man talking on the dead babe putting down a rock to roll 29:44.240 --> 29:45.920 won't you leave us in the donation 29:46.160 --> 29:53.840 you are tuned in to the republic broadcasting network visit our website by going to republic 29:53.840 --> 30:05.280 broadcasting dot org people often write to tell us what has happened for them since starting 30:05.280 --> 30:11.440 extended by allow me to read one this product has been a godsend for my father who suffered from 30:11.520 --> 30:16.480 a heart attack about two years ago he was prescribed medications for his condition 30:16.480 --> 30:22.800 which was so serious he almost died but he hasn't been able to afford most of the medications 30:22.800 --> 30:28.720 after researching alternatives that were more affordable he tried extended by since taking it 30:28.720 --> 30:34.080 he has consistently lower blood pressure and experiences 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hidden 31:33.280 --> 31:39.200 agendas no corporate funding and we do not sell trade or give away any of your information 31:40.080 --> 31:45.520 our platform runs off of generous donations of members and merchandise profits so please 31:45.520 --> 31:51.760 check out our site it's the best around and be sure to stop by our store it's loaded with items 31:51.760 --> 31:57.680 that'll have you feeling a sense of member pride and victory come unite with us today at tlb talk 31:57.760 --> 32:00.720 dot com and join the social media revolution 32:04.560 --> 32:10.720 hi tom bolton for ease off i know so many of you are finding our easy for carcass drop and lift 32:10.720 --> 32:15.920 an essential tool for your meat processing operation but today i want to spotlight four 32:15.920 --> 32:21.840 of our new products first our right height hog cradles with steel or aluminum frames 32:21.920 --> 32:27.600 our customers love this back saving innovation that enhances sanitation and speeds production 32:28.160 --> 32:34.000 next our beef cradles with stainless steel or aluminum frames eliminate rust and corrosion 32:34.000 --> 32:38.960 we hope you'll compare our quality and prices for this essential part of your processing line 32:39.520 --> 32:45.440 our cradles are especially effective when used with our power skinner and finally our hook tumbler 32:45.440 --> 32:50.320 will keep your hooks clean and polished ease off dot com we make pigs fly 32:53.600 --> 33:01.360 cows too ease off llc four one seven nine three two six four one nine 33:16.240 --> 33:24.400 try to stay away from the small talk try to keep a eye on your friends though you won't 33:24.400 --> 33:31.040 experiment i can't be sentimental i was trying around the corner but i knew that this would happen 33:31.200 --> 33:43.680 my ear holds i'm leaving me and now we're two of its own my ear holds i'm leaving me and i'll 33:43.680 --> 33:51.200 take somebody's gotta face three states when you try to give a hand but don't just want 33:51.200 --> 33:54.800 somebody doesn't want to understand straight states 33:55.680 --> 34:02.000 some can take it like a male straight states straight states 34:03.600 --> 34:09.760 welcome fuck criminals i appreciate you joining me today i have uh 34:11.120 --> 34:17.440 it is dr cooey though isn't it john i mean i just have to say that i wanted to listen to 34:17.440 --> 34:23.120 yeah you are you're dr cooey too right i mean you you you're a research scientist i i think 34:23.120 --> 34:30.480 you might be a humble one that's a rare thing um i am uh phd i don't say doctor because i feel 34:30.480 --> 34:35.600 like a lot of people get confused and i think it's better if you're a phd to just say mister and uh 34:35.600 --> 34:42.480 not not confuse anyone you know like like uh like uh mrs. Biden is also a phd but she calls 34:42.560 --> 34:47.200 herself dr. Biden all the time and i feel like that's really just ingenious she confuses everybody 34:47.200 --> 34:54.960 with that but you can i respect it yes sir i wanted to let the listeners know that uh yes sir go ahead 34:54.960 --> 35:00.240 yeah you can look me up on pub med though um and you can find that i've been a a legitimate 35:00.240 --> 35:06.000 academy magician i usually call them nowadays um for a very long time i was uh i was going for 35:06.000 --> 35:12.400 ten year i wanted to be a professor um that was my my goal and i did really enjoy that job i do 35:12.480 --> 35:18.160 really enjoy it because as a as a professor as a research professor one of the things that's 35:18.160 --> 35:23.120 that's involved in that is having apprentices and the the grad students that come work with you 35:23.120 --> 35:26.880 they call them grad students but what they really are are apprentices and you're teaching them 35:26.880 --> 35:32.320 basically to to learn how to write grants learn how to formulate experiments that get funded and 35:32.320 --> 35:37.520 learn how to do the experiments that get funded now i could do the experiments and other people 35:37.520 --> 35:42.160 could write but i couldn't combine those two and so that's why i didn't really succeed but 35:42.800 --> 35:48.240 part of the reason why i i think i didn't succeed is because i didn't really understand how the 35:48.240 --> 35:54.320 sausage was made and the way the sausage is made is how you can extend the answering of the same 35:54.320 --> 35:59.600 question over several years or several projects and it's not to say that these people do it with 36:00.160 --> 36:05.920 with uh disingenuous or malevolent ideas in mind but they've come to understand that's how the 36:05.920 --> 36:12.960 system works the the grant proposal nich system is not designed to solve problems and then move 36:12.960 --> 36:21.120 on it's designed to sort of explore a a possibility space and even when the possibility space is now 36:21.120 --> 36:28.080 been exhausted oftentimes the the funding mechanism is such is set up in such a way that all of the 36:28.080 --> 36:35.120 people that are that are dependent on that funding mechanism are unwilling to admit that the question 36:35.200 --> 36:41.200 has been answered and so the funding will not be removed from them because it requires the fund 36:41.200 --> 36:46.880 in order the funding for the funding to move on those people have to agree collectively that 36:46.880 --> 36:53.520 that question has been answered and so you get this incredible inertia in academia where the same 36:53.520 --> 36:58.800 question gets asked many many times by many many people and you might think that that results in 36:58.800 --> 37:05.120 thoroughness but in a malevolent system where you have pharma pharmaceutical companies and other 37:05.920 --> 37:11.440 weaponized piles of money influencing that you can get a lot of dead space in academia where the 37:11.440 --> 37:16.400 same bad ideas are pursued for decades and that's where you get statins that's where you get all 37:16.400 --> 37:21.520 these bad cancer treatments that's where you get billions of dollars thrown into the wind when 37:21.520 --> 37:26.240 we know that there are there are certain good ideas that should be pursued but then you'd have 37:26.240 --> 37:31.360 billions of dollars in lots of people out of work or lots of people having to shift their whole 37:31.360 --> 37:35.680 paradigm and that might even include the money that they're making with the products that they 37:35.680 --> 37:43.040 sell and so this is really it's really a spectacular time because it took me getting kicked out of 37:43.040 --> 37:47.360 that moving truck where I was like but I really like my job and I'm really good at it why would 37:47.360 --> 37:54.480 you throw me out and I just couldn't understand it I had it took me a long time to realize that 37:54.560 --> 37:59.520 I was not I was never going to be let back in I really thought at some point they were going to 37:59.520 --> 38:02.960 come around and they were going to see I was right and I would be back to neurobiology and 38:02.960 --> 38:08.560 everything would be great and I it took me a long time to accept that what I was doing was going to 38:09.120 --> 38:14.320 permanently ostracize me and it's probably how you felt all those years ago when you spoke out that 38:14.320 --> 38:18.080 you thought you were doing the right thing and that people would listen and that these problems 38:18.080 --> 38:24.960 would get fixed and instead it's like I know and in fact it's worse than that you have you have 38:24.960 --> 38:30.400 essentially admitted that you will not play and it's since you're not going to play you got to go 38:31.280 --> 38:37.840 and so that's where I thought I've been there in a way just but that was you know with the 38:37.840 --> 38:45.120 Aquatec thing but it just I it beat me down for so many years it's only when I started to talk back 38:45.200 --> 38:51.680 again to stand up that I started to change myself a little bit that's that's where the real battle 38:51.680 --> 38:56.560 took place and like I think that the most important battle after that is just as you were pointing 38:56.560 --> 39:03.120 out with our kids you talk of college age kids too but I mean public school public indoctrination 39:03.120 --> 39:09.600 systems are just there that's weaponized to that that's that's such a trauma based mind control 39:09.600 --> 39:14.000 thing they were doing there with the masks and and it looks like they look like little prisons now 39:14.000 --> 39:17.760 to me when I got when I was going it just that that's a different subject but 39:18.640 --> 39:26.640 let me you said that you followed the way this illusion of consensus was created to sell that a 39:27.840 --> 39:32.880 pathogen made its way around and around the world and that's not true that just the data 39:32.880 --> 39:38.160 doesn't back that up at all and you want to just start with there because people if anybody's I 39:38.240 --> 39:44.640 hear people saying well I tested positive for this and then it's like oh I just I have to step 39:44.640 --> 39:49.520 away from that and not even pay any attention to and those tests are just worthless to me why 39:49.520 --> 39:55.200 I don't care what that's rapid covid test says who you know that that's irrelevant to me to me 39:55.200 --> 39:59.600 that's a weapon used against us and I just don't have anything to do with it but what would you say 39:59.600 --> 40:04.960 to somebody who is still in that paradigm how would you yeah how would you go about that um so that's 40:05.440 --> 40:10.240 a tough one right you're describing the deepest of the deep people and that that we have to 40:10.240 --> 40:17.280 realize that that before too long we're we're gonna have to just do things anyway I'm not 40:17.280 --> 40:21.680 saying we leave them behind but some people are gonna be unrescuable but from that perspective 40:22.640 --> 40:26.720 one of the best places to start that sometimes wakes people up is to ask them 40:28.080 --> 40:32.480 what do you think would have happened if we would have rolled out all of these tests in 2018 what 40:32.560 --> 40:37.760 would we have found nothing and just let this leave it there for a second just let them think 40:37.760 --> 40:46.080 about the possibility that there were at at some point in 2021 there were 254 different emergency 40:46.080 --> 40:53.520 use authorized testing diagnostic products in America alone now how many of those products were 40:53.520 --> 40:58.240 brought to market rushed how many of them were brought to market without proper quality control 40:58.240 --> 41:04.400 how many were brought to market without proper testing we don't know because all of those and 41:04.400 --> 41:09.920 I mean literally all of those products are gone they're not there you can't find an example of 41:09.920 --> 41:15.280 them to look and see and test again to see if those were really good products or that that company 41:15.280 --> 41:20.720 was doing what they were doing there were so many instant startup companies that bought molecular 41:20.720 --> 41:26.960 biological tools ordered the reagents and purported to be doing weekly testing for police departments 41:26.960 --> 41:32.160 in places all around the United States and all of those companies are gone they're gone 41:32.720 --> 41:38.240 the companies that made millions of dollars testing police officers every day in California 41:38.240 --> 41:44.880 those companies are gone so we can't look at what amplicons they amplified what primers they used 41:44.880 --> 41:50.160 what what machines they worked on we don't even know if their protocols are still on a piece of 41:50.160 --> 41:55.600 paper somewhere and they're all gone and so what you need to ask those people to get them started 41:55.680 --> 42:02.640 is to think what would have happened if this large group of products and equipment and machines 42:02.640 --> 42:08.320 was rolled out in 2018 and all of these places at the same time and they started testing do you 42:08.320 --> 42:13.680 actually believe they would have found nothing until October of 2019 and that you would have 42:13.680 --> 42:19.280 been able to chart its accurate spread from Wuhan all around the world because that's what they 42:19.280 --> 42:25.760 want you to believe and there is no precedence in biological history for a molecule of RNA 42:25.760 --> 42:32.000 to be able to high fidelity copy itself for five years sustained it's never even come close 42:32.800 --> 42:38.240 and so if you can point out that what we are essentially doing is taking lots of pictures 42:38.240 --> 42:43.600 that we never took before and claiming that look every time I take a picture in my backyard I see 42:43.680 --> 42:50.400 a cardinal you have no pictures from 2018 and so you claim that the cardinals just came 42:50.400 --> 42:55.520 and they're infesting your backyard but you if you had pictures from 2018 you would see 42:55.520 --> 43:00.800 that the cardinals were there too and so we've got the big picture is trying to make people 43:00.800 --> 43:08.160 understand that the possibility is endless because we were we've gone from not measuring anything 43:08.880 --> 43:16.320 to having a million thermometers in every in every location in the world and then claiming 43:16.320 --> 43:23.760 there's global warming we have no measurements from before 2020 so how can you put this into context 43:23.760 --> 43:28.880 especially when you're taking the test seriously even when you don't have symptoms that's where 43:29.440 --> 43:34.080 you know this all spiraled out of control was the idea that we could track this 43:34.640 --> 43:41.120 this RNA even when symptoms weren't present these tests were were purported to be meaningful 43:41.120 --> 43:48.640 and so if you combine these four or five observations that there were 254 at the maximum sometime 43:49.680 --> 43:55.200 different diagnostics that are all gone now and that we don't have any control data from 43:55.200 --> 43:59.680 pre pandemic to know whether any of these diagnostics would have brought the same signal then 44:00.560 --> 44:07.200 and so therefore the idea that this is just the evidence that we need to understand that there 44:07.200 --> 44:15.120 is a phenomenon happening now that started but wasn't happening in 2019 is is just an absolutely 44:15.120 --> 44:20.240 false dichotomy that we cannot accept it's not either or it is that it could have always been 44:20.240 --> 44:28.320 there or a signal that was there could be confounded as as this agent and and it's so much safer 44:29.120 --> 44:35.200 for the people that run the show for it to be a giant pile of of misleading statements and 44:35.200 --> 44:41.200 and outright lies then it is to be some combination of cover-up and bio-weapon 44:43.280 --> 44:49.360 yeah it's just about deception and as you pointed out the protocols were what caused the uh uh uh 44:49.360 --> 44:53.520 well you didn't point out here but you have that the protocols was what spiked the mortality and 44:53.520 --> 44:59.680 that there was no spread from country to country that showed up that with the it just it the only 44:59.680 --> 45:06.240 thing there was a pandemic of was fear and compliance that that's the way it looks like to me as you 45:06.240 --> 45:12.080 just said you know that's the before we go to break i think it's coming soon um the idea that 45:12.480 --> 45:18.960 what they did was have us focus on the wrong questions in 2020 and 2021 so the you and i wouldn't 45:18.960 --> 45:22.720 notice that they were killing people with ventilators we wouldn't notice that they were killing people 45:22.800 --> 45:29.760 with with anesthesia on on and revdesivir we wouldn't notice that they were they were killing people 45:29.760 --> 45:35.520 in old folks homes and we would be thrown these numbers out of context and the confusion and 45:35.520 --> 45:41.680 uncertainty and doubt that those numbers and their the illusion of consensus on tv and social media 45:41.680 --> 45:48.720 about what those numbers meant made us very very unlikely to question the basis for what they were 45:48.720 --> 45:54.240 saying and the basis for their projections and it took us because of the effectiveness of this 45:54.240 --> 45:58.880 operation and getting us to solve the mystery of the novel virus and whether they were lying about 45:58.880 --> 46:05.600 it being a lab leak or a natural virus got us to avoid answering asking the question of do we really 46:05.600 --> 46:11.520 have something here or not and that was what it was it was panicking us into asking the wrong 46:11.520 --> 46:17.440 questions for three years and if we asked the right questions in 2020 like some of these people were 46:17.440 --> 46:24.880 we would have avoided this mess entirely i think it's clear that this was a military operation 46:24.880 --> 46:32.080 it absolutely war crime committed against every person on the planet it this depopulation agenda 46:32.080 --> 46:37.920 is part of it but it's also about creating that new control grid with the central bank digital 46:37.920 --> 46:44.720 currency the vaccine passport the the proximity sensors with this little nsa low jack i have in 46:44.720 --> 46:50.480 my hand i call it you know this thing is a weapons platform i talk about that a lot too and 46:50.480 --> 46:57.600 it just that's part of the whole thing is um part of a whole you know you have to they're bringing 46:57.600 --> 47:03.440 this together as a control grid it's not one thing or another and that that part's really scary i 47:03.440 --> 47:07.440 really appreciate you coming on we don't have a break until a couple of minutes but you guys next 47:07.520 --> 47:18.720 hour if you have questions for JJ you could call 512-248-8252 that's 512-248-8252 47:18.720 --> 47:24.640 i wanted to let your chat know that too so next hour we'll take some callers and 47:26.400 --> 47:30.640 you just mentioned red wine steam too how he was put in place and a lot of other people were put 47:30.640 --> 47:37.360 in place to create this this thing and i saw something with him the other day and it uh 47:37.360 --> 47:41.280 would you want to you want to speak about that what the you said that the fair and cleavage 47:41.280 --> 47:46.000 site and all that yes sir go ahead sure so what i think um one of the things that people are 47:46.000 --> 47:50.160 forgetting or some of the things that are easy to forget if you weren't involved in it like i was 47:50.160 --> 47:56.000 from the very beginning is that in 2020 there were a certain parts of this biological narrative 47:56.000 --> 48:00.240 that were emphasized by everyone and some of the people that were emphasizing it early had no 48:00.240 --> 48:05.760 business knowing it and this this comes down to this fear and cleavage site which is essentially 48:05.760 --> 48:12.400 an enzymatic cleavage site which was purported to be an unnatural signature in the spike protein 48:12.400 --> 48:19.360 of the original virus and so here you have a bunch of people in the backwoods of the internet that 48:19.360 --> 48:25.440 are already aware of the spike protein of coronavirus is being the immunogenic protein and already 48:25.440 --> 48:31.200 aware that a fear and cleavage site is dangerous and some of the people that were made aware of 48:31.200 --> 48:36.480 this were had to have been planted because in the end the fear and cleavage site wasn't tracked 48:36.480 --> 48:40.560 they didn't wait for the cleavage site to disappear and then announced that the fear and cleavage 48:40.560 --> 48:46.960 site had gone away in in variant v and so now it was much safer they started this whole narrative 48:46.960 --> 48:52.480 in 2020 with the idea that the fear and cleavage site and we've heard this just recently from the 48:52.560 --> 48:57.600 us right to know story that the fear and cleavage site is what allowed the virus to become the most 48:57.600 --> 49:03.280 infectious virus in a hundred years but then if it's such an important aspect of the virulence 49:03.280 --> 49:07.600 and the infectivity of the virus why weren't we tracking the presence of the fear and cleavage 49:07.600 --> 49:13.440 site for the entire pandemic and we were sequencing it we were sequencing the whole virus but nobody 49:13.440 --> 49:17.360 ever talked about whether the fear and cleavage site was changing or disappearing or whether some 49:17.360 --> 49:25.200 variants still had it and others didn't and this is a key key thing to see that we were encouraged 49:25.200 --> 49:30.640 to argue about that for a year and a half and in reality it was never meaningful and in fact 49:30.640 --> 49:34.720 what we should have been arguing about is should we be using remdesivir on old people 49:34.720 --> 49:39.200 should we be giving these people antibiotics or not should we be using steroids or not 49:39.200 --> 49:45.280 because instead they had a protocol and if you declared people if you declared that people were 49:45.280 --> 49:49.360 covid then you were completely off the hook for any malpractice and you could do whatever you 49:49.360 --> 49:55.680 want as long as it was on the cdc protocol it's really frightening um that that's that's the deal 49:55.680 --> 49:59.920 with the protocols is they they distracted us so that we wouldn't notice that they were creating 49:59.920 --> 50:05.520 these mass casualty events that they could misconstrue us we'll be right back folks uh yeah thanks very 50:05.520 --> 50:20.160 much schedule we'll be right back 50:24.080 --> 50:33.520 i was born in dixieland on a reconstructed till the end in carolina i was raised by my granddaddy 50:33.520 --> 50:43.680 in my daddy's way they both taught me right from wrong how to fight and how to get along 50:43.680 --> 50:49.440 but my own life now is almost gone in southern ground i belong 50:55.520 --> 51:00.720 my final hour is drawing near so friend come sit by me right 51:01.280 --> 51:06.000 homeowners are you in foreclosure expecting to be served with a foreclosure lawsuit or 51:06.000 --> 51:11.680 suspect your lender has coerced you into an illegal mortgage transaction a huge number of mortgages 51:11.680 --> 51:17.040 made in the last ten years have legal issues and are possibly defective state laws and the u.s. 51:17.040 --> 51:22.240 supreme court have upheld that defective mortgage documents are grounds for foreclosure defense 51:22.240 --> 51:27.440 and for counter claims in favor of the homeowner if your mortgage has been sold or assigned since 51:27.440 --> 51:32.320 closing the loan it may be defective and you may be paying the wrong party and the lender may 51:32.320 --> 51:37.120 not have standing or the right to foreclose or collect payments under the law if you would like 51:37.120 --> 51:42.000 to know if your mortgage is legal or not or know if you are paying the right party we can help 51:42.000 --> 51:47.680 our initial consultations are free of charge we are not attorneys we are legal researchers 51:47.680 --> 51:52.640 and work closely with experienced lawyers who know how to help you find the evidence to help you 51:52.640 --> 52:00.160 keep your home email tom at republic broadcasting dot org t-o-m at republic broadcasting dot org 52:01.120 --> 52:07.440 health simple with cholera shila ji fact that number three shila ji is the supreme yoga vaha 52:07.440 --> 52:11.760 with an era vida shila ji is a singular substance that towers above all other herbs 52:11.760 --> 52:17.440 herbal minerals and earth-made adaptions yoga vaha refers to substances that have the ability 52:17.440 --> 52:23.120 to synergistically make better and carry other substances to its prescribed destination in the 52:23.120 --> 52:28.000 case of shila ji most any herb food or mineral is amplified with ionic potential superimposing 52:28.000 --> 52:33.120 superior efficacy with increased cellular energy and absorption rate one of the best application 52:33.120 --> 52:37.200 for shila ji is to add a drop or two into your favorite herbal tincture bar food stuff 52:37.200 --> 52:43.520 simply put shila ji makes other substances more effective shila ji legit shila ji such as calle 52:44.480 --> 52:48.960 he's the king and the supreme yoga vaha it is the tonic that indeed 52:48.960 --> 52:54.240 towers above any other earth-made substance look for the gold mountain and medical symbol logo 52:54.240 --> 53:00.000 in banners on republic broadcasting dot org use code go rbn when ordering that's g o r b n 53:01.920 --> 53:06.720 are you one of the millions of people who feel like there is a dark cloud hanging over their 53:06.720 --> 53:12.640 heads whenever they're using pharmaceutical drugs for some the 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54:14.800 --> 54:21.040 broadcasting network dot o rg and let me turn it back over to you jj you got interrupted there 54:21.040 --> 54:26.400 we were talking about whether this thing even it really was it ever really sequence does it even 54:26.400 --> 54:32.080 you know that it was all a tool of control and and manipulation i believe 54:33.040 --> 54:39.520 uh yeah thanks um the the two things that we talked about in the previous breaks one was 54:39.520 --> 54:45.280 just the misrepresentation of of transfection as a methodology that might be useful in healthy 54:45.280 --> 54:50.720 humans and the other one was talking about the misleading sort of exaggeration of the 54:51.200 --> 54:57.920 the power of ai and what ai really is versus what it isn't um i think one of the things to combine 54:57.920 --> 55:02.880 those two ideas together would be to make people realize that transfection which is this 55:03.680 --> 55:13.120 general term which describes the use of dna or rna to express a protein in anywhere so if you use 55:13.120 --> 55:20.240 it in a cell culture it's transfection if you use rna or dna to express a protein in a in a mouse 55:20.240 --> 55:25.760 it's transfection if you do it with injection into a plant it's transfection and so this is a 55:25.760 --> 55:29.920 very general term that's been around for a long time and there's lots of companies that have had 55:29.920 --> 55:36.240 various products called transfection agents that have been like lip effectamine or gold particles 55:36.240 --> 55:44.400 or you can even use electricity to do it so the idea of applying transfection to usefully augment 55:44.400 --> 55:52.080 the human genome or the human the human animal is something that they have seen as a coming 55:52.080 --> 55:58.720 technology for many many years but they've also known that there's no way to usefully start to 55:58.720 --> 56:06.960 understand how to employ this methodology by by doing proxy studies in in mice or in monkeys 56:06.960 --> 56:14.240 and the reason why those don't work is because the the complications that that that are a mouse 56:14.240 --> 56:20.320 or the complications that are a monkey and the the complex sort of pattern integrity 56:20.320 --> 56:26.480 that those animals are they are sufficiently specific and sufficiently different from our own 56:26.480 --> 56:32.240 that although we can learn general principles about how these biological systems work by 56:32.320 --> 56:38.880 studying those animals what we learn from monkeys and mice as we get more sophisticated becomes 56:38.880 --> 56:46.320 ever more specific for mice and monkeys and ever more non relevant for our own biology and they 56:46.320 --> 56:52.880 have known this for decades Steve so one of the things they need to do is to to transform the way 56:52.880 --> 56:57.920 our children think about their own sovereignty over their bodies so that they accept the fact 56:57.920 --> 57:02.480 that if we're going to get to this next stage of medicine which is personalized medicine 57:02.480 --> 57:07.680 you're going to have to accept that we don't test things in randomized control trials anymore we 57:07.680 --> 57:13.680 test things on you and so this is really part of the inversion that was going on right now was 57:13.680 --> 57:20.400 trying to invert the idea that you have the choice no now we're telling you what you have to do 57:20.400 --> 57:24.960 and this inversion is not for us they knew that we were going to complain until we were dead 57:24.960 --> 57:29.600 but it's for our kids and that's really what that's why I keep emphasizing it they want us to 57:29.600 --> 57:38.400 pass this this compliance onto our kids yes I agree if we I see it in the young ones that are 57:38.400 --> 57:43.840 always on the screen just like you were talking about how we oh how we were bored as kid oh I 57:43.920 --> 57:50.000 hear the top of the hour folks we'll be taking your calls all next hour hang on thought criminals 57:50.000 --> 57:52.560 we write back 58:13.840 --> 58:30.080 oh 58:43.840 --> 58:49.840 I believe, you may be, I don't know what to do, I don't know. 58:51.840 --> 58:57.840 Stand in six foot four weighing in 245 pounds of crown fighting, political science, analyzing broad. 58:57.840 --> 58:59.840 Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Patrick Slattery. 58:59.840 --> 59:02.840 So, Mike, get off of this anti-psychated agenda. 59:02.840 --> 59:08.840 I'm a born-again traditional Christian, and my favorite possessions are right here on my nightstand 59:08.840 --> 59:11.840 that would be the King James Bible and my 357 revolver. 59:11.840 --> 59:14.840 I'd rather be ruled by China men than Jews. 59:14.840 --> 59:17.840 Cola with the anti-Semitic remarks, right? 59:17.840 --> 59:26.840 Just because you steal an election and terminate the republic doesn't mean you terminate the people in the republic, because we're still here. 59:26.840 --> 59:28.840 I'm not taking the vaccine. 59:28.840 --> 59:30.840 The fucking Bill Gates. 59:30.840 --> 59:34.840 There was a way forward still on January 6th. 59:34.840 --> 59:38.840 What needed to be done is to object to every single state. 59:38.840 --> 59:41.840 The COVID-19 virus was the same. 59:41.840 --> 59:45.840 The vaccine could very well be the bioweapon. 59:45.840 --> 59:47.840 The Patrick and Jeremy Show. 59:47.840 --> 59:50.840 Tuesday at nine central and Wednesday at one central. 59:50.840 --> 59:52.840 You can't handle the truth! 59:52.840 --> 59:55.840 You're listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. 59:55.840 --> 59:59.840 Visit republicbroadcasting.org today, because you can handle it.