WEBVTT 00:30.270 --> 00:39.837 The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis. 00:39.877 --> 00:43.800 They need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America. 00:43.940 --> 00:45.882 I don't know crash the dollar. 00:46.082 --> 00:51.006 I don't know steal the rest of our our what limited Treasury value we have left. 00:51.206 --> 00:54.268 I don't know But I know for sure 00:54.653 --> 01:12.098 that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. 01:14.202 --> 01:20.946 If you think about it, you know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 01:21.367 --> 01:24.429 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 01:24.489 --> 01:33.935 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 01:33.975 --> 01:40.559 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 01:45.137 --> 01:46.038 do do 02:16.589 --> 02:22.831 I think they already recognize your voice. 02:30.772 --> 02:53.782 I was just gonna go over some of the 2020 2021 timeline I Think some of the evidence that Judy Mike of its and Robert Malone are longtime colluders might have Some evidence might be that Well, obviously they both work with that Who's that producer? 02:54.243 --> 02:57.224 Gosh darn it Mickey Mickey Mickey something something 02:59.605 --> 03:12.824 So Maikiewicz was, I mean the book was planned, the production was all done, it was pretty much certain that she was going to be the big face of the show, or a face of the counter-narrative in 2020, but Malone wasn't. 03:12.884 --> 03:15.408 Malone was a behind-the-scenes kind of guy. 03:16.549 --> 03:20.130 And Malone didn't come out till 2021. 03:20.730 --> 03:26.252 And I think the fact that they've never, they try not to share the stage together, but they both work with Willis. 03:26.852 --> 03:30.153 And they're also both kind of tight with this former Feds group. 03:31.594 --> 03:35.355 And that's what I'm really focusing on right now. 03:35.395 --> 03:39.036 They're this, I shared some stuff with you earlier. 03:39.116 --> 03:40.696 I said, I said I'm live, right? 03:40.756 --> 03:41.236 You know that? 03:41.276 --> 03:41.456 Yeah. 03:42.217 --> 03:42.457 Yeah. 03:42.577 --> 03:42.897 Okay. 03:44.275 --> 03:45.536 Yeah, well, hopefully I didn't say anything. 03:45.556 --> 03:46.276 Hello, everybody. 03:47.678 --> 03:48.758 Well, anyways, I can let you go. 03:48.778 --> 03:50.400 I don't really need to say this right now. 03:50.880 --> 03:51.580 OK, that's fine. 03:51.600 --> 03:56.744 I just wanted to, I didn't want to just blow you off or give you the button message. 03:57.185 --> 03:58.185 We'll talk after I'm done. 03:58.305 --> 03:58.485 Yeah. 03:58.826 --> 04:00.987 I don't want to steal your show with like a 20 minute rant. 04:01.528 --> 04:02.208 It's all good, man. 04:02.228 --> 04:02.428 All right. 04:02.669 --> 04:02.849 Bye. 04:03.029 --> 04:03.269 All right. 04:03.309 --> 04:03.509 Good. 04:03.549 --> 04:03.809 Sorry. 04:03.849 --> 04:04.030 Bye. 04:05.150 --> 04:07.112 Hey, I guess you guys know who that was. 04:07.712 --> 04:08.633 That's our good friend, Mark. 04:11.181 --> 04:20.113 And I just got a message from Grace's dad Scott, a minute ago he wants to talk again, ladies and gentlemen, I got to really tell you that I think. 04:22.253 --> 04:24.134 the sort of landslide is starting. 04:24.494 --> 04:41.159 The sort of, you know, once you get converted to understanding what's going on, once you see the chair with the joystick and the goggles that you've been sitting in and you actually take those goggles off and you take your hand off the joystick, it starts to become a very, very quick learning experience. 04:41.199 --> 04:43.320 And so I think we just got to keep pushing. 04:43.340 --> 04:44.400 That's what I think. 04:44.540 --> 04:46.761 And so I got to correct something from yesterday. 04:53.962 --> 04:55.564 I've got to correct something from yesterday. 04:55.684 --> 05:03.213 I said that the video that we watched yesterday, which was by Nova on PBS called vaccines calling the shots was from 2017. 05:03.694 --> 05:06.738 And that was that was wrong. 05:07.519 --> 05:11.684 It was actually from 2014, which according to Pamela, who was in the chat, 05:13.066 --> 05:18.629 earlier but had to leave, I think that is the same year that the movie Vaxxed came out. 05:18.689 --> 05:28.374 And so here we are, also in the same year, this time at Harvard, having a discussion with five people on the panel, some of whom 05:28.894 --> 05:31.416 contributed to the making of that movie. 05:31.456 --> 05:36.419 And so I thought I would double back and make sure that people realize that I made that mistake. 05:36.439 --> 05:42.704 Of course, I'm going to correct some of these titles on the various platforms that were on to reflect that it was 2014, not 17. 05:43.324 --> 05:47.507 But more importantly, what it should do is really shock you. 05:48.988 --> 05:51.351 That that was really 10 years ago. 05:51.411 --> 05:54.454 That was 5 or 6 years before the pandemic. 05:54.514 --> 05:57.037 Like, that is extraordinary. 05:57.077 --> 05:59.500 This is not even really close to the pandemic. 06:00.040 --> 06:01.682 So you start to see how... 06:03.928 --> 06:10.772 The childhood vaccine schedule has been expanded and resisted and expanded and resisted. 06:10.832 --> 06:25.142 And as social media has grown in scope and in breadth and depth of coverage, it has become a harder and harder thing for them to occupy and to dilute. 06:26.442 --> 06:33.187 And it used to be quite easy, I think, for the PBS NewsHour to dilute with a documentary like that, but now, 06:34.309 --> 06:49.473 with daily shows like Giga Home Biological, daily shows that ask questions like this, even in the best case scenario, they need to titrate us to the truth at best because otherwise there will be a flood and they will look foolish. 06:50.173 --> 06:58.815 And so, so much of our narrative over the last three years has been sucked up by these people that we've been paying a lot of attention to and I've been screaming and yelling about, but 07:00.683 --> 07:10.450 What I think is most important now for me personally, and maybe for a lot of the people that watch, is to really reflect on when we didn't know what was going on. 07:10.510 --> 07:13.712 And so what's crazy, and this makes me feel just a tiny, tiny bit better. 07:14.172 --> 07:22.598 When I saw the PBS NewsHour yesterday, thinking that it was from 2017, that was when my family and I were already in the United States and could have seen that on television. 07:23.649 --> 07:29.654 And so I was a little bit like, wow, was that really going on in the background while I wasn't paying any attention? 07:29.674 --> 07:36.540 Because I was so fricking focused on grant writing and experiments and the next day of experiments and where my mice were and whatever. 07:36.981 --> 07:47.590 You really can reflect back and realize how much of my cognitive energy was wholly focused on the kinds of things that I, all the things that I was busy with at Pitt. 07:49.514 --> 08:06.155 And in the meantime, parents really having to deal with the vaccine schedule, really having to deal with vaccine injury are the only ones in this little bubble that of course moves temporarily through space and time in our culture where only the people who are 08:06.836 --> 08:16.907 dealing with newborn babies to year two are confronted with this, what would obviously be an incongruity for any adult, like any parent. 08:17.047 --> 08:19.790 Once you have a kid, you understand there's a different kind of thing. 08:19.850 --> 08:28.460 If it's your kid or a kid, the level of responsibility and protective instinct that you have changes a lot. 08:28.860 --> 08:38.587 And there's a lot of evidence for it in the brain of animals that we've studied where whole new windows of synaptic plasticity open up in the males that have babies. 08:38.847 --> 08:43.671 And so when you have children, you are changed into a parent. 08:43.751 --> 08:47.754 And it's a biological truth that a lot of people want to ignore. 08:48.743 --> 08:55.870 And indeed, right now at this crucial state and this crucial time in human history, we want to ignore. 08:55.930 --> 09:06.080 And if we go back 10 years and watch how this movie was edified by these people at Harvard on stage about why this movie needs to be made, 09:06.640 --> 09:14.169 what points were being made in the movie, how can we more accurately and more nuanced bring these messages to parents. 09:14.209 --> 09:22.900 And you will notice that there is no concern about the possibility that the combination of lack of liability, lack of strict liability, 09:24.395 --> 09:38.865 and this guaranteed crop of new customers has in any shape or form the possibility to be used malevolently or maliciously, or even just mischievously. 09:40.506 --> 09:54.235 In theory, the vaccine schedule in America could be made perfectly safe and even more profitable by simply putting saline into those shots if they're indeed not doing anything for anyone ever. 09:57.389 --> 10:06.981 And so we really need to look at this, I think, with wide open eyes now and try to see where we were and how we got here and realize that it was a very steady ramp. 10:07.783 --> 10:15.553 I've been thinking it much more of like, oh, they made this huge mistake at the start of the pandemic and all these lies suddenly became obvious. 10:16.616 --> 10:27.619 But what we're finding out is that these lies were being told in a ramp up to the pandemic, not in a ramp up of a couple months, like, you know, they started with DEVENT 201 in October of 2019. 10:28.279 --> 10:31.020 And so obviously they were planning. 10:31.080 --> 10:31.720 No, no, no. 10:32.841 --> 10:45.204 I'm talking about 10 years earlier, 15 years earlier, where they started to write the papers about pandemic potential, started to speculate about pandemic potential, started to build laboratory models about pandemic potential. 10:46.528 --> 11:04.916 started to build laboratory models about viral detection and viral sequencing and viral ecology and all these other things, which established this whole mythology, the basis of the idea of a pandemic. 11:06.056 --> 11:07.137 And so this is part of it. 11:07.177 --> 11:07.977 This is 2014. 11:09.138 --> 11:10.558 Sorry for the long introduction. 11:11.979 --> 11:12.639 Let's get at it. 11:13.639 --> 11:14.860 Excuse my head for a second. 11:21.010 --> 11:21.310 Welcome. 11:21.511 --> 11:27.779 My name is Phil Hiltz, research associate at MIT and former director of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowships. 11:28.359 --> 11:29.541 And today I'll be the moderator. 11:29.961 --> 11:37.070 The forum is presented in partnership with Tangled Bank Studios, a film production company of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 11:37.831 --> 11:41.953 and in collaboration with NOVA, PRI's The World, and WGBH. 11:43.033 --> 11:47.474 NOVA aired a film on PBS last week called Vaccines Calling the Shots. 11:47.915 --> 11:54.377 That was produced by NOVA at WGBH, Tangled Bank Studios, Gene Poole Productions. 11:54.977 --> 11:56.478 And we're lucky to have some of the producers. 11:56.738 --> 11:58.678 Gene Poole Productions. 11:59.819 --> 12:02.880 That is, it's like they're just waving it in our face. 12:02.980 --> 12:03.660 I mean, come on. 12:03.940 --> 12:05.241 With us here in the audience today. 12:06.542 --> 12:10.629 We will be showing three clips from that film during today's webcast. 12:10.830 --> 12:14.596 We will also take questions from the online and studio audiences both. 12:15.572 --> 12:29.821 A question for the panelists can be emailed to theforum, all one word, at hsph.harvard.edu, or tweeted to atforumhsph using hashtag hash vaccines trust. 12:30.142 --> 12:36.446 So all the way back in 2014, we were already, as an alternative way of communicating, we were tweeting stuff out. 12:36.546 --> 12:37.166 Incredible. 12:38.247 --> 12:39.528 I really resisted Twitter. 12:39.568 --> 12:44.211 I thought it was stupid for a long time until somebody said, oh, yeah, but everybody's solving the mystery on Twitter. 12:44.231 --> 12:45.132 You've got to join Twitter. 12:45.933 --> 12:53.747 That's where everybody is you got to join Twitter You can also participate in a live chat discussion that's happening on the forum site right now 12:54.747 --> 13:07.313 Today's panelists, starting from my immediate right, are Seth Mnookin, Associate Director of MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing and author of The Panic Virus, The True Story Behind the Vaccine Autism Controversy. 13:07.853 --> 13:08.413 The Panic Virus. 13:08.433 --> 13:12.475 And Barry R. Bloom, Professor of Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. 13:12.915 --> 13:19.198 We have Richard Malley, Senior Associate Physician in Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital Boston. 13:19.818 --> 13:25.262 And we have Jane Kim, Associate Professor of Health Decision Science, Harvard School of Public Health. 13:26.002 --> 13:28.744 So we've gathered here to discuss trust in vaccines. 13:28.764 --> 13:29.464 What was that? 13:30.065 --> 13:35.529 And we have Jane Kim, Associate Professor of Health Decision Science, Harvard School of Public Health. 13:36.249 --> 13:39.351 So we've gathered here to discuss trust in vaccines. 13:40.452 --> 13:44.535 While most Americans do vaccinate their children and routinely follow recommendations. 13:44.975 --> 13:47.456 I mean, did you, does anybody scream it about that yet? 13:47.637 --> 13:47.877 I mean, 13:49.346 --> 13:52.608 Health decision science, is that really what they said? 13:53.629 --> 13:54.610 Is that even a thing? 13:54.990 --> 13:55.971 Can you imagine? 13:58.479 --> 13:59.920 You know what I want to be when I grow up? 13:59.980 --> 14:02.002 I want to be a health decision scientist. 14:02.543 --> 14:06.466 I think that's the most important thing in the world is to be a health decision scientist. 14:06.607 --> 14:10.870 I've wanted to be a health decision scientist since I was a little tiny Jane Chan. 14:10.890 --> 14:15.615 Your associate physician and medicine division of infectious diseases at Children's Hospital Boston. 14:16.215 --> 14:21.640 And we have Jane Kim, associate professor of health decision science, Harvard School of Public Health. 14:22.381 --> 14:25.484 So we've gathered here to discuss trust in vaccines. 14:26.584 --> 14:39.275 While most Americans do vaccinate their children and routinely follow recommendations, some are now choosing to alter the recommended schedule themselves or select specific vaccines they will allow to be given to their children. 14:39.655 --> 14:43.018 And some have even declined to vaccinate their children altogether. 14:44.058 --> 14:44.419 Why? 14:44.699 --> 14:46.761 And why are these decisions important? 14:47.659 --> 14:51.781 To kick off the conversation, we will show the first of three clips from the NOVA film. 14:52.041 --> 14:56.644 This clip shows several mothers who explain their decisions about vaccinating their children. 14:57.745 --> 14:59.245 We saw this yesterday, but it's good. 14:59.265 --> 15:05.229 Gabriela Motsman wants to vaccinate her two children, but she's chosen not to follow the recommended vaccine schedule. 15:06.087 --> 15:11.732 So the plan is to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible, but we're doing one vaccine at a time. 15:11.752 --> 15:14.454 I don't know if that's the right way. 15:14.474 --> 15:15.835 I don't even know where I came up with that. 15:15.875 --> 15:16.476 Yeah, I don't know. 15:17.096 --> 15:21.400 Yulia Patse has a four-year-old and is expecting another child soon. 15:22.100 --> 15:24.682 She delayed vaccinating her oldest till she was three. 15:25.803 --> 15:29.166 I was concerned that her immune system couldn't handle it, and we just waited. 15:29.867 --> 15:34.591 My son and her, they're not vaccinated yet, and my older ones don't have boosters. 15:35.427 --> 15:37.709 Mariana Festovsky has four children. 15:38.249 --> 15:41.792 She vaccinated at first, but then one child had a seizure. 15:42.573 --> 15:44.794 I'm just really worried about reactions. 15:45.515 --> 15:49.338 And I am worried about the diseases, so kind of confused, really. 15:50.759 --> 15:54.442 In America, children must be vaccinated before they start kindergarten. 15:55.142 --> 16:02.328 But the required shots vary from state to state, and most allow for exemptions based on personal or religious beliefs. 16:03.171 --> 16:06.694 Here in California, almost 3% of children are exempt. 16:07.255 --> 16:09.036 And in some schools, it's more than 30%. 16:10.467 --> 16:12.909 I have a lot of friends who don't vaccinate at all. 16:12.969 --> 16:19.393 And if you say vaccine around them, they look at you like you are literally, well, you know, like you are poisoning your child. 16:20.194 --> 16:27.299 On the other hand, you have parents that can't even understand why this is even a question. 16:27.880 --> 16:33.283 Nobody is willing to really have a conversation with you and discuss what's a severe reaction. 16:33.304 --> 16:35.585 Is it OK to have a seizure? 16:36.126 --> 16:39.128 I would really like to know what the real risks are. 16:41.104 --> 16:42.505 Okay, Seth, what do you think? 16:42.705 --> 16:44.546 And the real answer is they don't know. 16:44.646 --> 16:49.648 You see, they don't understand the immune system well enough to augment it with intramuscular injection. 16:50.368 --> 17:07.535 And they have this proxy, which is antibodies or seroprevalence that the government and the FDA and the CDC and the biosecurity state has allowed to become a standard which defines immunity both in the context of medicine and in the context of public health. 17:08.015 --> 17:09.136 That's how stupid it is. 17:10.305 --> 17:22.569 And because all of these people have a vested interest in not understanding it, because otherwise their career will crash, most of these people don't bother understanding it, because what little part that they have to understand isn't very hard. 17:23.030 --> 17:35.154 You heard that that author down there at the far end here, where I use my arrow, that guy right there, I don't know if you can see that or not, that guy right there was an author of a book called The Panic Virus. 17:35.996 --> 17:42.260 So he thinks it is a problem of people and of lemmings and of sheep. 17:43.040 --> 17:49.884 And this woman is a associate professor at Harvard in something called health decision science. 17:50.685 --> 17:51.445 Stop lying. 17:52.546 --> 17:58.229 And that's pretty extraordinary because we're not, I mean, really, I don't know. 17:58.309 --> 17:59.430 I just, I gotta, 18:00.970 --> 18:02.932 I got a lot of trouble with some of this stuff. 18:03.032 --> 18:03.633 I really do. 18:04.114 --> 18:08.579 Because we should have been aware that this was going on, and we weren't. 18:09.059 --> 18:10.241 And it is frustrating. 18:10.381 --> 18:13.965 It is very, very frustrating that that's the case. 18:14.686 --> 18:18.690 But when you don't have children, you're not paying attention to it. 18:18.770 --> 18:19.271 And when you're 18:19.881 --> 18:47.731 when your children are healthy or your children are through this crucial window of development, the odds of you noticing the injury rather than just thinking it's an allergy or a rash or eczema or whatever other things, acne, whatever they get is lower and lower and lower because the temporal correlation will most likely go away. 18:48.638 --> 18:59.313 And so unless a teenager is severely injured, all the other symptoms that are probably attributable to some of these older vaccines that are very, very, very toxic. 19:00.989 --> 19:03.892 are misattributed to just everyday life. 19:03.972 --> 19:11.860 Again, because these kids aren't in perfect shape, they're not eating perfect foods, and so there's lots of potential for it to be a compound problem. 19:12.320 --> 19:20.287 And of course, public health has every incentive and has billions of dollars aimed at making sure that 19:20.968 --> 19:31.600 whether it's 1% of the problem or 100% of the problem, that the vaccine schedule is never considered a possible contributor to any of these problems. 19:32.318 --> 19:33.078 That's the trick. 19:33.838 --> 19:38.960 It's the idea that, well, I mean, it's not the vaccines. 19:39.020 --> 19:39.900 Let's start there. 19:39.920 --> 19:41.681 And then we can list whatever we want to. 19:42.261 --> 19:55.885 And because it's this thing, and it's mostly genes, and it's mostly what, then you immediately, it's all about just convincing people to understand one thing and one thing only, that the vaccines can't be to blame. 19:56.505 --> 19:57.445 It's impossible. 19:57.846 --> 19:59.326 Vaccines don't hurt people. 19:59.366 --> 20:05.968 And when they do, as they showed us yesterday, it's one in like 20 Michigan football games. 20:08.209 --> 20:14.272 It's really extraordinary what we're dealing with, because that is the bamboozlement that we have 20:16.531 --> 20:32.214 such an understanding of the immune system that we have wiped out childhood diseases as a result of using vaccines, and that the vaccines can't possibly change in quality, in quantity, in content. 20:32.994 --> 20:38.836 They can't possibly need even stricter regulation because of how they are almost mandated. 20:39.236 --> 20:44.817 They can't possibly need stricter controls or better under, none of this stuff. 20:46.172 --> 20:53.881 Because once it's a vaccine, it's safe, and you are racist and anti-American for thinking otherwise. 20:56.069 --> 20:57.730 That's where we are, and we were there in 2014. 20:57.770 --> 20:59.851 That's what's extraordinary. 21:00.071 --> 21:00.611 Going on here. 21:01.231 --> 21:02.472 What leads to this hesitancy? 21:02.672 --> 21:10.415 Well, one thing I think is interesting is we're dealing with a generation that, for the most part, has not seen the effects of vaccine-preventable diseases. 21:10.675 --> 21:18.899 So my peers have not grown up in an era where they saw children blinded by rubella or routinely hospitalized by measles. 21:19.479 --> 21:22.460 One thing I think is really interesting about that clip is their statement. 21:22.480 --> 21:23.421 You mean like when the... 21:24.241 --> 21:32.287 when the Brady Bunch did an episode about one in the family getting measles and had a whole chalkboard about who had this and who had that. 21:33.288 --> 21:35.549 And they were keeping track of all the things that they got. 21:35.589 --> 21:37.151 And after they got them, it was all fine. 21:37.171 --> 21:40.473 But then actually Greg also got measles because he'd never had it. 21:40.493 --> 21:52.382 I mean, when those kids were all in the in the hospital and, you know, like back before we had antibiotics for things and that kind of stuff. 21:54.099 --> 21:54.439 I don't know. 21:55.200 --> 21:58.403 These people are absolutely spectacularly committed to this lie. 21:59.124 --> 22:00.305 I don't know if this is the right way. 22:00.505 --> 22:14.058 I don't even know how we came up with this when they're talking about the alternate vaccine schedules, which is one of the things I find so shocking because we do know how we actually came up with the vaccine schedule that is recommended. 22:15.019 --> 22:17.621 And that's figuring out how we could best protect children. 22:17.701 --> 22:18.042 So what 22:18.542 --> 22:26.726 those parents are doing are leaving their children vulnerable at the exact moment when all of those vaccine-preventable diseases are going to potentially do the most harm. 22:27.987 --> 22:40.234 So, but, you know, I think in addition to their not having seen... And so they don't make any consideration for the fact that the earlier you push back an intramuscular injection of any combination of substances, 22:41.172 --> 22:55.215 with the intent of augmenting the immune system, the earlier you push it back, the more likely it is that you're going to interfere with an uninterruptible process in development, and that that will have cascading effects for the rest of that child's life. 22:57.475 --> 23:09.825 Just think about it from the perspective of being a retired 65-year-old man who's decided that he's gonna try heroin versus a six-month-old baby who's, you've decided you want to have try heroin. 23:10.326 --> 23:16.371 And which one might have worse consequences for the outcomes of that individual? 23:19.153 --> 23:24.817 Because when we get to this critical window in development that in the brain is, 23:26.471 --> 23:47.806 acknowledged in neuroscience in general to extend all the way to the early 20s for our young people, that augmenting their immune system with the possibility of interfering with the ongoing development of not their liver, but their brain is a pretty amazing arrogance. 23:49.798 --> 24:07.354 If we were really to appreciate the irreducible complexity and the sacred biology that are our teenagers, then as they go through puberty, when their body is trying to completely reorganize the synaptic structure of their brain from a young animal to an adult form, 24:08.496 --> 24:21.641 that we have no concept or clue of what's actually going on there, but we just know that it's a waterfall cascade across metabolic pathways for like four or five or six, sometimes seven years. 24:24.682 --> 24:33.306 And we have the arrogance to think that we can intramuscularly inject combinations of substances to augment that immune system during that process. 24:34.850 --> 24:44.336 A process that we all agree takes at least 22 years before the full frontal cortex and neocortex of a human is mature. 24:49.198 --> 25:11.850 And this is the kind of biological truth that these people should be telling and preaching from the rooftops, that when a baby comes out, the reason why you can't just put it outside in a little house with a bowl of water and food is because it is still way, way, way developing and still requires incredible amount of social, physical, 25:13.624 --> 25:18.089 interaction with its parents and its conspecifics, it's part of its development. 25:18.109 --> 25:21.113 And without that, then the development will go wrong. 25:23.075 --> 25:30.704 Is it impossible to imagine that if you raised a baby in a shoebox and never had any physical contact with it, that it might be slightly different than a baby who wasn't? 25:33.154 --> 25:52.217 And so then is it so difficult to understand why augmenting the immune system with a combination of substances injected intramuscularly at six months and then at seven months and at eight months and then at nine months for the next six months until they've been augmented or injected 28 times might be a little arrogant? 25:54.131 --> 26:14.001 In light of the complex process that's happening before our eyes, that maybe the first thing we should have done is focused on making sure that that mom is fully facilitated in her maximum ability to be able to breastfeed and care for that child in a stress-free way, so that that child grows up in a stress-free environment. 26:16.058 --> 26:17.419 but we don't talk about that at all. 26:17.459 --> 26:18.039 They're not talking. 26:18.059 --> 26:19.120 They don't care about that. 26:19.160 --> 26:28.184 They're just, they just think that childhood is all dependent on whether or not you got measles or whether you're not, you got whooping cough or even worse, whether you saw people who got it. 26:29.005 --> 26:31.586 And if you don't, then you grow up real naive and dumb. 26:33.086 --> 26:35.927 and unaware of things, and it's a danger. 26:36.247 --> 26:47.049 In a lot of these diseases, you also saw there some skepticism, some larger skepticism about expertise, about doctors in some situations, so a lot going on. 26:47.069 --> 26:48.789 Yeah, I'm a bit confused, I guess. 26:48.949 --> 26:51.210 So let's look at another clip about vaccines. 26:51.990 --> 26:56.091 This one begins with an immunologist, Gustav Nussl, from the University of Melbourne. 26:57.401 --> 27:05.644 What we have seen in the industrialized world is essentially all of the major epidemics, they've vanished. 27:06.445 --> 27:13.767 Mums today have every... Remember that we're listening to Australians and Australian doctors and Australian people. 27:15.288 --> 27:22.191 And in 2014, we watched an Australian person in the hospital wearing a headdress, having this baby with whooping cough. 27:22.571 --> 27:25.032 And we're listening to this guy who can't even brush his teeth. 27:25.972 --> 27:31.594 Tell us about how we need vaccines and how vaccines are magic, just like Brett Weinstein thinks they're magic. 27:34.975 --> 27:41.077 The 2013 measles outbreak in New York hit hard and fast, but remained within the Brooklyn area. 27:41.357 --> 27:43.498 Oh, is this the part with the guy and the flag? 27:43.538 --> 27:46.599 Why didn't it spread to the other 8 million people in the city? 27:52.591 --> 27:56.915 The virus was in circulation, even though it often wasn't obvious. 27:58.376 --> 28:02.359 And it was being carried by people who often had no idea they were infected. 28:10.286 --> 28:15.210 But the vast majority of people who came into contact with the virus had protection. 28:15.931 --> 28:17.092 They were vaccinated. 28:24.048 --> 28:26.690 that matter for whether or not I'm going to get sick. 28:27.351 --> 28:33.957 One is, if I bump into somebody who has the disease, am I protected against it or not? 28:34.978 --> 28:43.885 But the other piece, and the more important piece, is the chance I will bump into somebody in the first place who has this disease. 28:45.527 --> 28:48.550 And you can think of this as these sort of concentric circles of people. 28:49.522 --> 28:57.326 And the less the disease exists in my circle or the next circle or the next circle, the safer I am. 28:59.488 --> 29:01.429 It's known as herd immunity. 29:02.273 --> 29:08.175 and it protects everyone, including young babies and people who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons. 29:08.455 --> 29:29.481 Remember Brett told us about a sort of hybrid herd immunity where a combination of vaccines and infection and clever use of prophylactics like ivermectin could essentially bring us back to zero COVID, which was a goal in June of 2021 that he still thought was very attainable and worthwhile, maybe even to the point of forced drugging a nation. 29:31.592 --> 29:33.854 And in New York, it worked. 29:34.195 --> 29:45.325 If we didn't have the high vaccination levels that we do, you know, in New York City and even in this community, I can promise you we would have had hundreds if not thousands of cases. 29:46.806 --> 29:48.848 But this protection is fragile. 29:49.748 --> 29:57.115 For highly infectious diseases like measles, we need 95% of the community vaccinated for herd immunity to hold. 29:58.635 --> 30:02.942 If the rate drops, even just a few percent, herd immunity can collapse. 30:04.345 --> 30:09.814 Barry, tell us more about vaccines themselves and how their nature fits into this picture. 30:10.563 --> 30:24.050 So the whole concept of a vaccine is to help people, particularly kids, develop an immune response against a germ that threatens ultimately their lives. 30:25.090 --> 30:30.053 The usual way it was done historically is you got sick with an infection, and you either lived or died. 30:30.373 --> 30:33.354 If you lived, you probably generated immune response. 30:33.394 --> 30:35.756 So many infections don't come twice. 30:37.197 --> 30:45.024 But I think what Sir Gus Nossel's comment was is hard to imagine how astonishing the effects of vaccines were. 30:45.905 --> 30:55.653 I mean, it's the only example where a disease, smallpox, has been eradicated from the face of the earth, and I think it's hard for you to imagine, but there were 50 million 30:56.474 --> 31:04.399 patients with smallpox, a very big percentage of which, 80% in the case of children, died from smallpox. 31:04.619 --> 31:06.660 That's gone since 1977. 31:09.021 --> 31:14.525 Polio, 350,000 paralyzed cases worldwide before the vaccine. 31:15.045 --> 31:18.467 And now we have maybe 15 to 20. 31:18.707 --> 31:22.970 We have, in this country, essentially no polio, or very, very little. 31:24.211 --> 31:29.795 And before then, in the U.S., we had 20,000 cases of kids that are paralyzed. 31:30.275 --> 31:35.379 Before whooping cough vaccine, there were 12 million kids in this country who got whooping cough. 31:35.599 --> 31:37.461 Every kid got measles. 31:38.081 --> 31:40.843 And so these have done spectacular things. 31:42.124 --> 31:47.469 Just remember that the fatality rate of these diseases plummeted drastically with the 31:48.360 --> 31:58.492 with increase in sanitation, water purification, antibiotics, just the advancement of medicine, washing of hands, this kind of thing. 31:58.552 --> 32:06.341 So there were lots of advancements that were made that led to a drastic drop in the mortality rate of all of these diseases and their prevalence. 32:08.284 --> 32:16.387 which is oh, so many and so often completely credited to the rollout of vaccines, which is completely disingenuous. 32:16.627 --> 32:18.828 The question is, how do we know they're safe? 32:19.068 --> 32:19.608 Are they safe? 32:20.368 --> 32:23.610 And the answer is, vaccines are different than drugs. 32:24.330 --> 32:28.771 We know that because you give them to healthy kids, not people who are sick. 32:29.471 --> 32:29.992 Wow. 32:30.132 --> 32:36.674 So vaccines are different than drugs because we give them to healthy kids, not to kids that are sick. 32:37.705 --> 32:39.667 Well, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 32:40.508 --> 32:45.534 Who is the audience that he is convincing with such a ridiculously dumb statement? 32:46.761 --> 32:51.143 I mean, that is some seriously, that is some seriously sad shit right there. 32:51.283 --> 32:51.823 Are they safe? 32:52.583 --> 32:55.824 And the answer is, vaccines are different than drugs. 32:56.524 --> 33:00.986 We know that because you give them to healthy kids, not people who are sick. 33:01.626 --> 33:07.969 And we have to be enormously thoughtful and careful to prevent anyone from being harmed by a vaccine. 33:08.209 --> 33:14.691 See, so the idea is, is that we would never, I mean, this is even more important than sick kids. 33:15.950 --> 33:18.691 Think about how stupid of a question that is. 33:19.011 --> 33:20.751 What kind of rationale is that? 33:20.811 --> 33:26.432 That we would be, we're being even more careful with healthy kids than we are with sick kids. 33:26.832 --> 33:39.074 That is the stupidest argument, the most illogical, hugest, gigantic, massive incongruency in thinking morally, ethically. 33:39.094 --> 33:42.175 I don't know what this is, but this is just dumb. 33:44.577 --> 33:49.642 Somebody should have stood up and yelled at this guy and then walked out to like, this is atrocious. 33:51.324 --> 33:54.947 High schoolers should reject a, an argument like this. 33:57.050 --> 34:05.238 They're intramuscularly injected combinations of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system of a healthy child. 34:05.678 --> 34:07.080 You're God dang right. 34:07.120 --> 34:08.441 They're different than medicine. 34:13.135 --> 34:15.036 Not in the way this monkey is saying it. 34:15.536 --> 34:16.877 But people are very different. 34:17.157 --> 34:19.158 No vaccine is absolutely perfect. 34:19.838 --> 34:28.543 And there are, for the vaccines we give now, on the order of one in a million child will find an adverse effect. 34:29.043 --> 34:30.864 We'd love to reduce that to zero. 34:31.504 --> 34:36.307 But the fact is that the safety is as good as it can be made. 34:37.067 --> 34:40.849 And we take, we, the scientific community, the medical community, 34:41.609 --> 34:51.714 As good as an intramuscular injection of any combination of untested substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system can be, which is dumb. 34:52.454 --> 34:53.575 That's as good as it can be. 34:54.295 --> 34:54.816 It's dumb. 34:55.636 --> 34:57.317 It's not going to get any smarter. 34:58.157 --> 35:04.580 No matter how many Peter Cullis's or Robert Malone's you put on that problem, it's not going to get any smarter. 35:05.501 --> 35:09.823 That's why Robert Malone was really into electroporation at the skin and stuff, because he knew it. 35:11.604 --> 35:13.725 And he still probably knows it now. 35:14.406 --> 35:15.746 It's just part of the titration. 35:15.786 --> 35:19.669 If we got there all at once, we would throw all these people out of the car and never listen to them again. 35:21.009 --> 35:26.052 If we got to the truth all at once, we would put all these people in jail and never listen to them again. 35:26.112 --> 35:28.233 But we've got to get to the truth over many years. 35:29.134 --> 35:30.094 And that's what's happening. 35:30.535 --> 35:32.075 That's why we have so much work to do. 35:32.696 --> 35:33.036 This was 2014. 35:33.116 --> 35:35.537 Take that enormously seriously. 35:40.034 --> 35:45.038 We heard about, we would like to call it community immunity rather than herd immunity. 35:45.839 --> 35:47.761 What happens when you stop vaccinating? 35:48.361 --> 35:49.803 Well, we don't see much. 35:49.863 --> 35:54.927 We've had more outbreaks in the last two years of vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. 35:55.368 --> 36:01.393 than we've had in the past 20, because people, for whatever sets of reasons, have chosen not to vaccinate. 36:02.134 --> 36:02.635 their kids. 36:02.695 --> 36:06.380 But let me give you one example to indicate how serious it could be. 36:06.781 --> 36:08.463 We had almost wiped out polio. 36:08.844 --> 36:14.692 It was down to four countries when one state in Nigeria decided to stop vaccinating. 36:15.586 --> 36:24.292 Within two years, 24 countries that had wiped out polio now and continuingly have to vaccinate their kids all over again. 36:25.052 --> 36:32.057 So one has only to look at what's happening with Ebola when you don't have a vaccine for a lethal virus disease. 36:33.418 --> 36:36.560 So the power of vaccines is enormous. 36:36.660 --> 36:44.165 And the challenge is, how can we persuade people that it's in everybody's interest to protect their kids and their communities? 36:45.595 --> 36:49.758 Rick, tell us a little bit about your experiences as a doctor who delivers vaccinations. 36:50.278 --> 36:54.501 Well, so I'm a pediatrician, and I've worked for many years at Children's Hospital. 36:55.282 --> 37:03.127 And the first experience I had was very similar to what both Seth and Barry said, which is I started at Children's Hospital as an intern in 1990. 37:04.068 --> 37:09.772 What we learned was how to take care of children afflicted with Haemophilus influenzae type B invasive disease. 37:10.592 --> 37:13.654 I became very good at that, I think, by the end of my internship year. 37:14.115 --> 37:19.939 And I was ready, preparing myself to train the new intern crop in what I had learned, and the disease disappeared. 37:20.360 --> 37:26.384 Because in 1990, we introduced the H flu type B universal immunization campaign in the U.S. 37:27.025 --> 37:30.207 From one year to the next, a disease that was inflicting one in 200 kids 37:31.508 --> 37:37.272 Completely disappeared from our state from from pretty much every state in the in the u.s. 37:37.332 --> 37:39.013 And then I want to hear that again Hold on. 37:39.053 --> 37:53.862 He's that disease invasive disease said which is well I saw my pediatrician and I've worked for many years at Children's Hospital and No, he's in Boston was very similar to what both Seth and Barry said which is I started at Children's Hospital as an intern in 1990 and 37:55.343 --> 38:01.089 What we learned was how to take care of children afflicted with Haemophilus influenzae type B invasive disease. 38:01.870 --> 38:04.933 I became very good at that, I think, by the end of my internship year. 38:05.413 --> 38:12.800 And I was ready, preparing myself to train the new intern crop in what I... So I'm pretty sure that what he meant was HIB, H-I-B. 38:13.661 --> 38:16.224 There is a vaccine called the HIB 38:17.688 --> 38:20.690 And there is a Hib vaccine, which is like what he said. 38:20.730 --> 38:24.172 It's like some influenza B, hemophilia influenza B, you gotta look it up. 38:24.312 --> 38:25.133 I'm not that guy. 38:26.893 --> 38:29.475 that vaccine is very nasty. 38:29.675 --> 38:34.239 And if you look it up, that vaccine has changed owners a couple times. 38:34.299 --> 38:40.804 And if you look that up, you will find that that vaccine actually immunizes kids to the diphtheria toxin. 38:40.824 --> 38:49.391 The diphtheria toxin is, is conjugated to the, the Hib protein, but the large portion of antigenic 38:51.467 --> 38:57.954 information or antigenic material available in that vaccine is actually the diphtheria toxin. 38:57.994 --> 39:10.749 And so any antibodies that are said to be indicative of that vaccine working are much more likely to be specific for the diphtheria toxin than they are for the Hib. 39:11.684 --> 39:23.888 protein itself, and I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that when they evaluated the effectiveness of these products that targeted that and used this combination of the diphtheria toxin and Hib 39:26.380 --> 39:36.264 protein that they were looking at, polyclonal antibodies that could pull down any portion of that protein, which again, doesn't necessarily provide immunity. 39:36.544 --> 39:52.370 It's another interesting thing is that the Hib vaccine in at least some databases that I have seen, I'm not sure it's smart for me to say which databases I've seen, but I've seen a state database or more, 39:53.551 --> 39:57.454 or indirectly seen analysis of these databases. 39:58.115 --> 40:12.968 And I do know that the Hib vaccine, be it Hib-Titer or the new one, which is I think Prevnar, these are both basically the same formulation, and they are both shit, and they are both associated with a high number 40:13.869 --> 40:17.331 of vaccine reported injuries in the childhood schedule. 40:17.731 --> 40:28.876 And so it's very curious to me that in 2014, this guy's talking about it when one of the worst of those vaccines was actually in use and later pulled from the market. 40:32.580 --> 40:34.421 But yeah, he's ready to train interns. 40:34.761 --> 40:35.162 I've learned. 40:35.482 --> 40:36.522 And the disease disappeared. 40:36.923 --> 40:42.026 Because in 1990, we introduced the H-flu type B universal immunization campaign. 40:42.506 --> 40:48.509 Yeah, he's saying H-flu type B. But if you look it up, it's like, yeah, anyway, you'll see it. 40:48.569 --> 40:51.991 It's Hib, H with a big H, little I, big B, I believe. 40:52.131 --> 40:52.352 US. 40:53.092 --> 41:04.460 From one year to the next, a disease that was afflicting one in 200 kids completely disappeared from our state, from pretty much every state in the US and then in Western Europe. 41:05.080 --> 41:18.149 And that was a dramatic transformation, such that today when we talk to residents or physicians and we mention Haemophilus influenzae type B disease, the greatest majority of them have never seen a case and don't even consider it as even a possibility. 41:18.929 --> 41:25.394 Now I work in a travel clinic at Children's Hospital where I immunize children and adults who are traveling abroad. 41:26.155 --> 41:33.961 And what I have noticed is very similar to the tape, which is that, in general, I'm seeing a patient population that is sort of inclined to get vaccinated. 41:34.021 --> 41:35.883 Otherwise, they wouldn't really come to a travel clinic. 41:36.383 --> 41:39.486 But even amongst them, there is this idea that perhaps 41:40.419 --> 41:43.502 I wonder how they were identifying it, right? 41:43.582 --> 41:45.203 I wonder if there was a test for it. 41:45.263 --> 41:53.651 Maybe the way that it works is they, they roll out a test and for a few years, they're telling all these pediatricians to test for this and see how prevalent it is. 41:54.211 --> 42:02.119 And then after a few years, if the test says that it's prevalent all the time in the, in the ICUs of hospitals, they can argue that they need to roll out a vaccine. 42:02.159 --> 42:03.700 I wonder if it's something like that. 42:03.740 --> 42:04.741 This guy would definitely know. 42:05.341 --> 42:11.904 we should be managing the vaccine schedule a little bit differently, because their kids may not be ready to receive that vaccine. 42:12.444 --> 42:33.972 And I think it's something very interesting, because in many ways, as clinicians, as physicians, we participate in the confusion that one of the individuals portrayed in the clip showed, where if we say, yes, we might start changing the schedule to accommodate your child, we are sort of acquiescing to the idea that this may not be safe, and let's 42:34.552 --> 42:35.753 And so that's the idea. 42:35.773 --> 43:01.816 Any recognition of the complexity of the problem, any recognition of the sacredness of early childhood development, both from a biological perspective, but also from a neurobiological perspective, from a metabolic perspective, from an allergies perspective, from any number of perspectives, it just makes very good sense up until 43:03.228 --> 43:08.412 around 85 or 90 in America, it makes good sense to delay it. 43:09.332 --> 43:16.017 That's why they still allow you to delay shots in Norway until year two, if you're going to breastfeed until then. 43:17.939 --> 43:29.867 Do you understand the implications of that simple statement that a country like Norway or Sweden, or even the Netherlands will basically go, okay, well, if you're going to breastfeed, don't worry. 43:29.927 --> 43:30.748 You can come back later. 43:33.547 --> 43:46.594 But here we have people on stage at Harvard that are creating the illusion of consensus that the only responsible position to take is that the earlier the better. 43:46.714 --> 43:53.678 And don't you dare question what we recommend because we have the best interest of your family and your kid at heart. 43:53.718 --> 43:56.900 And it's all about doing it for your neighbor or some shit. 43:58.381 --> 44:02.203 There is no biology on this fricking forum at all. 44:05.452 --> 44:24.017 We got a lot of work to do, because this is how people got to the stage where in 2020, when Brett Weinstein went on his show with a bandana around his face and then wood shop goggles on to explain how he goes to the store, and they were already here before the pandemic, then boom. 44:26.977 --> 44:35.625 Not only were they not going to get out, but they were going to take the TV seriously because even the batshit crazy people on the intellectual dark web are agreeing with them. 44:36.809 --> 44:37.970 that could be even worse? 44:37.990 --> 44:42.473 What if it's a laboratory virus that we can't make immunity to because it's flying AIDS? 44:43.313 --> 44:45.595 We did it differently just to make you more comfortable. 44:45.955 --> 44:50.218 But in fact, if we said that for her child, why would we not do it for everybody? 44:50.278 --> 45:00.264 So I think in many ways, we participate in the confusion when we try to accommodate fears that are probably best dealt with scientifically rather than emotionally. 45:01.384 --> 45:07.407 Jane, it seems there's some mistrust directed at other vaccines, newer ones, besides the standard. 45:07.447 --> 45:08.727 Here we go. 45:09.308 --> 45:09.588 Sure. 45:09.688 --> 45:12.689 So one of the new vaccines is HPV vaccination. 45:12.709 --> 45:17.791 I think there are several issues that really make HPV vaccination very unique. 45:18.251 --> 45:24.115 The first and I think most obvious thing is that the vaccine is targeting a sexually transmitted infection. 45:25.035 --> 45:28.858 HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. 45:29.458 --> 45:38.544 And we now know that it causes nearly all cervical cancers, as well as a large number of... Causes all cervical cancers. 45:38.604 --> 45:44.368 I mean, think about that Nobel Prize winning statement for the person who figured that shit out. 45:44.708 --> 45:51.052 vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancers, which are actually on the rise. 45:51.512 --> 45:55.694 So this vaccine is actually trying to protect against cancer. 45:55.714 --> 46:01.737 And I think when they first came out on the market, there was nobody knew what HPV was. 46:02.318 --> 46:05.920 And, you know, and even less people knew the causal link. 46:06.100 --> 46:07.721 And it's so funny, isn't it? 46:07.761 --> 46:10.102 That nobody knew what HPV was. 46:10.242 --> 46:11.683 And so I got a job with 46:12.344 --> 46:27.365 Merck and Harvard to become a health decision scientist and figure out why it is that people don't think that we can use a vaccine to cure a virus that causes cervical cancer, like all of them, and all the anus and penis cancer too. 46:27.485 --> 46:27.906 Cancer. 46:28.466 --> 46:38.173 So the vaccine really caught on as an STD vaccine, which automatically makes the issues, the subject a little more touchy, a little bit more controversial. 46:39.514 --> 46:50.242 I think over the past couple of years, there's really been an effort with communication and education, a turning of the tides to raise awareness that this is really an anti-cancer vaccine. 46:51.448 --> 46:57.250 The second thing I wanted to mention was actually the timing of vaccination, which makes HPV vaccination special. 46:58.071 --> 47:05.394 This is a vaccine that is targeted primarily to young adolescents, so ages 11 and 12, and as early as age nine. 47:06.074 --> 47:12.256 And this is a time where health services are not being administered as routinely. 47:13.117 --> 47:16.498 This vaccine requires three doses over a six-month period. 47:17.138 --> 47:18.639 Oh, that is just gross. 47:20.922 --> 47:27.506 I mean, she is just advocating for it as if that makes sense, as if that's just okay. 47:29.067 --> 47:32.369 I mean, wow, it's just awful. 47:33.870 --> 47:37.152 Raise awareness that this is really an anti-cancer vaccine. 47:38.393 --> 47:41.055 The second thing I wanted to mention was actually- And why is that? 47:41.095 --> 47:42.896 Because we watched that video yesterday, right? 47:42.936 --> 47:52.242 Because we don't want parents to think that it's a sexually transmitted disease we're trying to prevent so that we're enabling their kids to have sex younger. 47:52.702 --> 47:54.103 We don't want them to think that. 47:54.203 --> 47:55.904 So we've got to make it about cancer. 47:55.944 --> 48:06.791 See, they are telling you what the limited spectrum of debate is, that if you trap parents in that limited spectrum of debate, they'll basically have no choice but to take your recommendation. 48:07.506 --> 48:13.328 The limited spectrum of debate is that, don't worry, this is not to encourage your kid to have sex. 48:13.829 --> 48:18.390 Don't worry, this is really about cancer and you don't want your kid to have cancer. 48:22.435 --> 48:26.117 timing of vaccination, which makes HPV vaccination special. 48:26.938 --> 48:36.744 This is a- Three in six months or our perfectly orchestrated augmentation of your teenager's immune system will not work quite right. 48:37.164 --> 48:39.826 And they might be vulnerable to cervical cancer anyway. 48:42.847 --> 48:47.770 Think about what she's- Think about what- Why are you doing that? 48:48.291 --> 48:49.992 Think about what she's saying there. 48:50.992 --> 48:51.232 Right? 48:51.332 --> 48:51.873 Think about it. 48:53.527 --> 48:54.928 Think about what she's saying there. 48:54.948 --> 48:57.309 I'm just gonna go back one more time. 48:57.409 --> 49:06.714 Vaccine really caught on as an STD vaccine, which automatically makes the issues, the subject a little more touchy, a little bit more controversial. 49:08.055 --> 49:18.781 I think over the past couple of years, there's really been an effort with communication and education, a turning of the tides to raise awareness that this is really an anti-cancer vaccine. 49:19.980 --> 49:25.783 The second thing I wanted to mention was actually the timing of vaccination, which makes HPV vaccination special. 49:26.603 --> 49:30.365 This is a vaccine that is targeted primarily to young adolescents. 49:30.745 --> 49:33.927 So ages 11 and 12 and as early as age nine. 49:34.607 --> 49:36.468 And the only reason why. 49:37.779 --> 49:45.066 The only reason why is because of the story that she told originally, which is that it's a sexually transmitted disease, they say. 49:45.687 --> 49:53.114 And so we have to get it in kids before they have sex, even though she says she doesn't want to make it about that. 49:53.154 --> 49:54.535 She wants to make it about cancer. 49:54.575 --> 49:56.938 The reason why that time, she has no other. 49:58.266 --> 49:59.467 Back up the truck, right? 49:59.507 --> 50:07.792 She has no other explanation for why it's between 10 and 12 and not at 16 or not at 22 or not at four. 50:09.153 --> 50:16.178 She has no argument other than the preceding bullshit argument that this is a sexually transmitted disease. 50:16.198 --> 50:18.279 We got to get it to them before they start having sex. 50:18.299 --> 50:19.580 So we should target between 10 and 12. 50:20.461 --> 50:21.962 So we get the vast majority of them. 50:23.203 --> 50:24.924 You see how dishonest they are? 50:25.184 --> 50:27.304 You see how dishonest they've always been? 50:27.324 --> 50:29.725 They're so dishonest, they don't even understand they're doing it. 50:30.405 --> 50:36.207 This is a time where health services are not being administered as routinely. 50:36.847 --> 50:37.547 Because why? 50:37.607 --> 50:43.409 Because the kids are healthy, they're growing, they don't need a lot, they don't get sick a lot, so they're not coming in to the doctor. 50:43.909 --> 50:46.070 And so this is a problem because, you know, 50:47.299 --> 51:10.856 This vaccine requires three doses over a six-month period, so we're really... In order for our highly orchestrated augmentation of your teenager's healthy immune system to work properly, these doses have to be given in a strict regimen in a six-month time window because we understand exactly what's going on and if it doesn't happen in that six-month time window, then it won't work. 51:11.337 --> 51:11.577 Stop! 51:12.237 --> 51:12.737 Lying! 51:13.217 --> 51:14.138 And so that's why. 51:14.158 --> 51:22.680 I mean, it's really important to understand that we have such an intricate understanding of how these vaccines work that some of them only need one every few years. 51:22.840 --> 51:25.721 Others of them need three doses in six months to work. 51:26.021 --> 51:26.801 Stop lying! 51:27.941 --> 51:29.242 Stop lying! 51:30.570 --> 51:41.957 placing a burden on parents and the vaccine recipients themselves to come back to the health clinic for multiple visits at a time when they wouldn't otherwise be intersecting with the health care system. 51:42.437 --> 51:55.645 So I think in talking about how to increase the rates of HPV vaccination and other vaccines, we'll really need to figure out how to overcome these logistical challenges to make the vaccines more accessible. 51:56.485 --> 52:01.987 The last thing I wanted to mention was actually the timing of the disease relative to vaccination. 52:02.487 --> 52:10.850 So for a lot of the childhood vaccines, we're really addressing diseases that have a very imminent, very visible threat. 52:11.270 --> 52:17.473 But with HPV vaccination, we're talking about preventing cancers that otherwise wouldn't present themselves for another 20 or 30 years. 52:18.433 --> 52:28.096 We are making a silly, crazy claim that in a six-month battery of three shots, we can effectively prevent many different types of cancers. 52:30.797 --> 52:36.578 That's what she should say if she was being truthful about what Merck is promising with their product Gardasil. 52:37.279 --> 52:38.639 Why don't they call it Gardasil? 52:38.659 --> 52:41.480 Why don't they remind us that it's a commercial product? 52:42.551 --> 52:44.312 They don't want you to realize that, right? 52:44.332 --> 52:51.054 They don't want you to, they want you to think that these are all generic medicines that are made by some generic factory that the government runs. 52:52.254 --> 53:00.476 So I do think that there is some kind of discounting of health benefits that we attribute to HPV vaccination compared to these other childhood vaccines. 53:01.837 --> 53:08.419 And in similar, in a similar way with respect to the other childhood child, the vaccine preventable diseases, 53:08.999 --> 53:23.165 With cervical cancer, which is the most strongly linked to HPV, we've also been the victim of our own success in that we've had pap smear screening programs for decades that have dramatically reduced the incidence and burden of cervical cancer. 53:23.685 --> 53:27.907 And so the need for HPV vaccination may not feel as urgent. 53:28.427 --> 53:35.852 But I think it's critical to remember that for these other HPV-related cancers, there really is no other prevention mechanism. 53:35.992 --> 53:37.473 There are no screening programs. 53:37.993 --> 53:41.955 And so the HPV vaccines really remain the best defense against them. 53:42.856 --> 53:43.957 That is just absurd. 53:44.437 --> 53:46.318 It's the best because that's all we've got? 53:46.338 --> 53:47.519 I mean, it's so gross. 53:48.319 --> 53:53.442 She has no biology here at all, and she works in the Department of Health Decision Science. 53:54.803 --> 53:55.484 Stop lying! 53:56.297 --> 54:00.761 Now we're going to turn from describing the problem to beginning to talk about what could be done about it. 54:01.541 --> 54:03.703 Patient education is part of the issue. 54:04.303 --> 54:09.928 Let's take a look at a clip from the Nova film that shows a pediatrician talking to patients about the HPV vaccine. 54:09.948 --> 54:10.729 Here we go. 54:10.749 --> 54:13.931 So people often say they wish they could prevent cancer. 54:15.352 --> 54:17.934 People often say they wish they could prevent cancer. 54:17.954 --> 54:18.235 I don't know. 54:18.315 --> 54:21.677 I wake up every other morning thinking, man, I wish I could prevent cancer. 54:21.737 --> 54:22.738 It prevents cancer. 54:23.439 --> 54:24.800 Who doesn't want that for their child? 54:28.487 --> 54:30.548 Amy Middleman is a mother of three. 54:31.808 --> 54:39.070 She's also- So don't talk about all the toxins that they put on their skins and the toxins that are in your laundry detergent. 54:39.110 --> 54:42.590 Don't talk about the toxins that are in your laundry tumbler sheets. 54:42.650 --> 54:54.833 Don't talk about the toxins that are in their processed food or their breakfast cereals or the soft drinks that they drink or the energy drinks that they do or all the other supplements that are around nowadays or the cosmetics that girls buy. 54:55.213 --> 54:57.114 Don't talk about any of those things. 54:57.904 --> 55:04.088 adolescent pediatrician involved in assessing the safety and effectiveness of the HPV vaccine. 55:09.191 --> 55:12.653 She vaccinated her children as soon as it became available. 55:13.793 --> 55:18.336 I am a little confused by the drama around this vaccine. 55:18.416 --> 55:23.099 To me, this is... We are watching a video of other people watching a video that we watched yesterday. 55:24.199 --> 55:25.480 It's a life-saving vaccine. 55:25.520 --> 55:27.341 I can't imagine not giving it to my children. 55:30.254 --> 55:32.797 She can't imagine not giving it to her children. 55:32.837 --> 55:35.920 If she didn't give it to her children, she probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night. 55:36.100 --> 55:45.951 On the other hand, I think sometimes we expect parents to have all of the data that we have as physicians, and that's not really fair. 55:47.662 --> 55:53.866 So our job as providers is to make sure we... Let me give you an alternative universe for a second. 55:53.886 --> 55:56.147 Shall we try an alternative universe that just came up? 55:56.287 --> 55:58.209 And you know, I'm not saying this is what we should do. 55:58.769 --> 56:01.451 I just want to give you an alternative universe to think about. 56:01.731 --> 56:04.512 Now, let's just imagine that vaccines worked. 56:05.713 --> 56:06.594 And let's imagine... 56:07.827 --> 56:09.308 Ooh, that's the bell. 56:10.169 --> 56:11.551 They are in Detroit now. 56:12.832 --> 56:22.441 Let's just imagine that vaccines work and that they work by augmenting your immune system, by opening a window of educational opportunity. 56:22.461 --> 56:27.066 And then whatever your body is exposed to, your immune system will process and learn. 56:29.266 --> 56:36.728 And then let's imagine that the doctor sat you down and he said, okay, or she said, um, Jonathan, I'm fearless. 56:37.409 --> 56:42.930 Uh, your daughter is approaching three years of age and you're considering stopping breastfeeding. 56:42.990 --> 56:50.473 And so we need to talk about vaccination against measles and against whooping cough and a couple other things that are really vital in my humble opinion. 56:51.113 --> 57:07.844 Now, when we do these things, it's going to be really important when we open this window of vulnerability to your immune system, it's going to be really vital that the microbiome of your daughter is in the proper state, that her body is properly detoxed. 57:08.924 --> 57:21.470 So that the only possible antigenic signal that your daughter's body would have available to it are the signals that we are going to provide via the oral vaccine and the cream that we're going to put on her. 57:22.030 --> 57:24.671 So essentially this process is going to take about three weeks. 57:25.452 --> 57:26.052 You're going to be on it. 57:26.092 --> 57:27.754 She's going to be on a very strict diet. 57:27.794 --> 57:29.616 She's going to have to do a couple things like that. 57:29.656 --> 57:30.737 But you know, there's a whole list. 57:31.218 --> 57:38.906 And then if you've checked off all of those things, then we can start the battery of exposure, which will go across three weeks and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 57:40.328 --> 57:45.354 Imagine if a doctor showed the kind of 57:46.915 --> 57:50.976 of understanding, in-depth understanding that I just tried to explain. 57:51.236 --> 58:03.360 This is a fantasy world where vaccines do work and they do open a window of opportunity in your immune system, but then the doctors understand that the complexity of this is not to be underestimated. 58:03.840 --> 58:19.794 And so they take all kinds of measures for three weeks to make sure that this young, already pretty developed child at age four is properly detoxed and properly sterile, if you will, from an immunological perspective, so that they are ready to be augmented. 58:22.094 --> 58:46.346 And I really think that if you just start to imagine, if you really believe the thing, if these people really believe the things that they are saying and really understood the immune system and our physiology as a whole for the irreducible complexity that it is, then they would at least have the respect for what they were about to do so that they would have already been at least what I just described there. 58:47.026 --> 59:01.940 very respectful of what they were about to try to accomplish and very aware that, you know, when we immunize your child, we're opening up a window that if you make a mistake and and expose them to the wrong thing, it could permanently augment them in a way that we don't want. 59:04.242 --> 59:09.607 That would be approaching something sounding like informed consent to vaccination. 59:12.131 --> 59:16.454 separate the issues and bring forth the important ones that should be considered. 59:17.534 --> 59:28.101 If, again, if this biology turns out to have some real, some real aspects to it, which I'm still open to the possibility that most of it will not. 59:29.501 --> 59:43.034 that most of these pathogens that are characterized with fancy names are really just symptomologies that have been misconstrued as having pathogens which track with them. 59:43.074 --> 59:45.497 And I'm much more open to that idea. 59:49.739 --> 59:53.441 Certainly, certainly much more open to that idea than I was before 2022. 59:53.481 --> 01:00:02.267 The key is to vaccinate boys and girls before they're ever exposed to the virus. 01:00:02.287 --> 01:00:04.829 That is before they become sexually active. 01:00:04.889 --> 01:00:06.350 See, so it's still about that. 01:00:06.510 --> 01:00:14.395 So she says that they would just don't want to make it about that when we're trying to give informed consent to the parents and to the children. 01:00:14.435 --> 01:00:17.237 And that's just, that is just gross. 01:00:19.926 --> 01:00:23.628 It's recommended for every boy and girl at age 11 and 12. 01:00:23.948 --> 01:00:25.389 This is just like everything else. 01:00:25.429 --> 01:00:29.631 You want to get the vaccine before you have a risk of getting the disease so that it protects you. 01:00:29.792 --> 01:00:34.314 Around 60 million doses of the HPV vaccine have been given in the U.S. 01:00:36.716 --> 01:00:40.358 Like all vaccines, it's carefully monitored for safety. 01:00:41.278 --> 01:00:45.101 There have been claims of rare, serious reactions, even deaths. 01:00:46.322 --> 01:00:48.423 These have been carefully investigated. 01:00:49.093 --> 01:00:53.896 There are no serious adverse events associated with this vaccine in a causal way. 01:00:53.916 --> 01:01:00.299 This is one of the safest vaccines that we have to offer, and it prevents cancer. 01:01:03.320 --> 01:01:15.567 I would say, Susie, that one of the reasons why they really discourage or, let's say, don't encourage breastfeeding is because of that, because it's a social, they're creating dissociative behavior. 01:01:15.587 --> 01:01:16.948 I mean, my wife, 01:01:17.935 --> 01:01:24.519 breastfed our daughter until I mean, I don't know, I don't even I don't want to say how long because it was it's magical. 01:01:26.840 --> 01:01:34.764 OK, now let's turn to Barry and Seth, who both worked on a report called Public Trust in Vaccines Defining a Research Agenda. 01:01:35.864 --> 01:01:37.605 What research is needed and why? 01:01:37.846 --> 01:01:38.526 Starting with Barry. 01:01:43.926 --> 01:02:07.006 One would think that people in the business of immunizing kids and protecting kids from infection would have a really good idea of, with the numbers that I've cited and that we know that have wiped out these diseases, as you heard in the film, why would anybody hesitate vaccinating their kids? 01:02:08.628 --> 01:02:09.808 We don't have data for that. 01:02:09.869 --> 01:02:18.275 We don't have good evidence to know what are the ways that people make up their minds about vaccines. 01:02:18.455 --> 01:02:20.636 Where do they get the information from? 01:02:21.077 --> 01:02:22.558 How good is the information? 01:02:23.198 --> 01:02:25.020 Is it social networks? 01:02:25.400 --> 01:02:28.062 Is it over the back fence? 01:02:28.322 --> 01:02:30.103 Is it from moms at schools? 01:02:31.004 --> 01:02:35.828 See, social networks in 2014 weren't quite there yet, but they were going to be. 01:02:36.761 --> 01:02:51.984 So it's very hard to develop a strategy if, in fact, we actually don't know what the values that people are bringing when they come to the pediatrician and say, I don't want to use my kid as a pin cushion. 01:02:52.624 --> 01:02:55.785 It's hard to say, that's not what this is about. 01:02:55.965 --> 01:02:58.726 It's protecting your kid in the community from many things. 01:02:59.086 --> 01:03:04.827 So I think there's a huge need for evidence that everybody can believe. 01:03:05.607 --> 01:03:23.371 that would help doctors, Rick and all other pediatricians, and people who work in their offices, who actually often meet with the parents, to do a better job of anticipating their concerns and providing the evidence to allow them to make better decisions that are now being made. 01:03:24.331 --> 01:03:26.652 Do we know why the research is lagging behind? 01:03:27.312 --> 01:03:27.932 What caused that? 01:03:31.315 --> 01:03:33.575 I think that's actually one of the many questions. 01:03:33.615 --> 01:03:51.683 I mean, one of the reasons why Barry and I led the workshop that put together this report was because we both had had the experience of being asked to participate in a conference, a workshop, a meeting about vaccine hesitancy and trying to figure out why people were hesitant. 01:03:52.423 --> 01:04:06.233 And I think we both realized, I realized very starkly that here we were discussing and debating why it was people made decisions based on instinct and not on reason, but we had no data in front of us. 01:04:06.513 --> 01:04:12.076 So we were sitting there and throwing out our instinctual reactions as to why people were hesitant about vaccines. 01:04:12.437 --> 01:04:15.999 And that did not seem like a good way to go about that. 01:04:18.120 --> 01:04:20.521 I think there are a couple of things that are really striking. 01:04:21.382 --> 01:04:29.785 If we look back at the last couple of decades of vaccine communication, and that's the result of our not having this data. 01:04:30.205 --> 01:04:34.007 We've had really poor vaccine communication outreach. 01:04:35.148 --> 01:04:38.969 You know, whenever I see something about HPV... What does that even mean? 01:04:39.029 --> 01:04:42.010 We've had very poor vaccine communication outreach. 01:04:42.050 --> 01:04:42.911 I mean, seriously. 01:04:44.451 --> 01:04:48.957 I think of the smoking ads that show someone in the shower with a voice box. 01:04:49.017 --> 01:05:00.273 And have someone, a survivor of cervical cancer, talking about what it's like to suffer through that, that can very quickly change the conversation. 01:05:00.293 --> 01:05:01.515 Holy shit. 01:05:03.308 --> 01:05:07.353 They're talking about coercion, coercion with no scientific basis. 01:05:07.473 --> 01:05:17.426 We are assuming that this three-shot, six-month battery at 10 to 12 years of age will protect your child 30 years from now. 01:05:17.466 --> 01:05:21.651 We have no data, but why don't we encourage people to take this 01:05:22.532 --> 01:05:33.520 three-dose, six-month battery of augmentation based on an anecdotal portrayal of a cervical cancer victim. 01:05:36.858 --> 01:05:38.159 It's so gross. 01:05:38.479 --> 01:05:42.001 So in terms of the type of research that's needed. 01:05:42.482 --> 01:05:48.386 I mean, if you're talking from a pure salesman perspective, you know, like how can we get people to just accept it? 01:05:48.846 --> 01:05:53.930 How can we get people to everybody to eat at McDonald's or how can we get everybody to wear Nikes? 01:05:53.990 --> 01:05:55.411 Then that's all they're talking about. 01:05:57.392 --> 01:06:04.217 And of course, in that case, we have, we know all kinds of different ways to coerce people into accepting even, even begging for it. 01:06:06.510 --> 01:06:08.291 That's exactly what they're talking about here. 01:06:08.331 --> 01:06:20.096 There is no rational respect for the sovereignty of parents or their responsibility over their children, and there is no respect for the 01:06:21.354 --> 01:06:28.440 the perfectly made child that comes out of 99.9% of healthy moms all around the world every day. 01:06:28.660 --> 01:06:38.008 Just to amplify a little bit what Barry said, we don't even know, once we have a vaccine hesitant parent, 01:06:39.489 --> 01:06:51.000 if the best approach is to change the subject, which it actually might be, or to sit down and talk to them, or to say, you know what, I'm vaccinating your children, end of conversation. 01:06:51.020 --> 01:06:51.700 Say what? 01:06:54.683 --> 01:06:55.184 Say what? 01:06:55.204 --> 01:06:59.988 In 2014, say what? 01:07:05.726 --> 01:07:14.795 the subject, which it actually might be, or to sit down and talk to them, or to say, you know what, I'm vaccinating your children, end of conversation. 01:07:16.217 --> 01:07:19.560 And that's a very wide range of different decisions. 01:07:19.920 --> 01:07:27.328 One thing that's also really, really clear, and Rick, you could probably speak to this is, it's... Does that guy have children? 01:07:27.848 --> 01:07:30.532 He's got too much acne to have children in my humble opinion. 01:07:30.552 --> 01:07:32.294 Not just parents who are frustrated here. 01:07:33.195 --> 01:07:45.111 Pediatricians are also very frustrated because they're put in a position where in a 15-minute wellness appointment, when they have A through Z that they also need to cover, 01:07:46.492 --> 01:07:51.156 they're being asked to address these really fundamental concerns about their child's health. 01:07:52.257 --> 01:07:57.000 And so I think this is a situation where there's frustration sort of from top to bottom. 01:07:57.360 --> 01:08:02.104 If you want to have that conversation with a patient, there's no way to bill for that. 01:08:02.164 --> 01:08:03.425 There's no insurance code for that. 01:08:03.485 --> 01:08:09.389 So either you need to make up some reason why they need to come back in, or you're stuck not having it. 01:08:09.990 --> 01:08:11.911 Oh man, it's the insurance codes. 01:08:11.951 --> 01:08:14.173 They're screwing up our insurance codes, man. 01:08:14.493 --> 01:08:15.314 Holy ships. 01:08:16.226 --> 01:08:16.406 Rick? 01:08:17.087 --> 01:08:18.187 No, I agree completely. 01:08:18.207 --> 01:08:20.669 I think it's a very frustrating situation for everybody. 01:08:20.689 --> 01:08:31.196 The best solution, of course, is to avoid the sort of nuclear option of saying, I'm going to immunize your child no matter what you say. 01:08:31.236 --> 01:08:35.058 And of course, we can never get away with it. 01:08:35.319 --> 01:08:40.142 And we never want to, because it's really a dismissive way of taking care of patients. 01:08:41.283 --> 01:08:43.424 I think one thing that's very interesting, and I'd be curious 01:08:43.664 --> 01:08:55.807 Under no circumstances are they debating the variable effectiveness of different vaccines, the different necessity for different vaccines, because all of these diseases are deadly. 01:08:58.191 --> 01:09:01.033 And since they're all deadly, then they all need vaccines. 01:09:01.073 --> 01:09:07.216 For example, has the rotavirus vaccine saved as many people as the measles vaccine supposedly saved? 01:09:07.816 --> 01:09:16.801 Or have as many people been saved by the, by the, I don't know, DTAP as have been saved by the polio vaccine? 01:09:16.821 --> 01:09:17.481 You see what I mean? 01:09:17.521 --> 01:09:21.183 There's no, it's just all one shelf of good shit. 01:09:22.824 --> 01:09:26.186 And one shelf of stuff that you just shouldn't question. 01:09:26.266 --> 01:09:26.506 I mean, 01:09:29.414 --> 01:09:30.675 This is how the mass goes. 01:09:31.615 --> 01:09:39.779 At a certain moment, you're on your knees and then you stand up and you walk to the front of the church and you take a wafer and you take a drink and you come back around and you get back on your knees. 01:09:39.799 --> 01:09:41.540 This is just how the mass goes. 01:09:45.122 --> 01:09:52.886 You can't ask questions about why you're there except for, you know, you're on your knees because you're in the presence of something that then goes away and so then you're not to be on your knees anymore. 01:09:54.636 --> 01:09:55.657 That's how the mass goes. 01:09:56.037 --> 01:10:01.842 These people are talking about a faith for which they have no basis in reality for believing. 01:10:02.910 --> 01:10:11.197 other than their own children and their patients haven't been injured in a temporally correlative way that they've managed to detect. 01:10:11.717 --> 01:10:13.659 And that is the sad truth of it. 01:10:13.839 --> 01:10:31.193 See what Jane thinks about this is when you look at the analogy of the hepatitis B vaccine, which is in fact a vaccine that is targeting a sexually transmitted infection that will lead to many problems, including cirrhosis and possibly also hepatocellular carcinoma. 01:10:31.374 --> 01:10:31.714 And so 01:10:32.074 --> 01:10:37.358 So liver disease is being prevented by the hepatitis B vaccine. 01:10:37.398 --> 01:10:44.543 And I think that's the one they give to babies as soon as they come out of the hole, which is the grossest thing of all in America's schedule. 01:10:44.783 --> 01:10:57.312 This is a vaccine that really, in many ways, is very similar to the HPV vaccine with one, even another similarity, which was originally introduced in adolescence and then shuttled down to the very young. 01:10:57.972 --> 01:11:01.475 particularly when they noticed that the uptake in the adolescents was really very low. 01:11:02.155 --> 01:11:04.958 But here is a vaccine that really is very similar to the one you see. 01:11:04.998 --> 01:11:09.521 So they couldn't get teens to take it, so they shifted it to date of birth. 01:11:14.125 --> 01:11:25.374 And these four adults, or five adults, are pretending to have some basic biological understanding that edifies their better understanding of vaccines and the rest of the people in the room. 01:11:26.272 --> 01:11:26.952 Stop lying. 01:11:27.233 --> 01:11:28.273 And they're not even lying. 01:11:28.313 --> 01:11:29.094 They're just dumb. 01:11:30.014 --> 01:11:35.697 They are just bamboozled by their own bullshit and by their bullshit of the people around them. 01:11:36.817 --> 01:11:40.439 No different than what happens in a large congregation in a church. 01:11:42.901 --> 01:11:51.105 Except in this case, they are under the misconception that they don't believe in ghosts. 01:11:52.824 --> 01:12:04.157 that they believe in brick walls and toolboxes and measuring tapes, scales, you know, hard science. 01:12:06.271 --> 01:12:09.073 study, it is a sexually transmitted infection. 01:12:09.093 --> 01:12:13.576 It can also be transmitted other ways, such as IV drug use and so forth, and blood transfusions. 01:12:14.116 --> 01:12:18.239 But it is trying to eliminate a deadly cancer. 01:12:18.819 --> 01:12:27.945 And yet now, when we give it to children, I have very rarely heard of parents actively refusing that vaccine, perhaps because 01:12:28.325 --> 01:12:37.492 Perhaps because you have to actively do it, because otherwise you don't even know it's coming, and before your baby's even made any noises, two needles have gone in her ass. 01:12:39.693 --> 01:12:45.017 And if you say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, the obstetrician's not gonna stop and say, oh, you forgot about this? 01:12:45.117 --> 01:12:48.359 No, you have to actually actively ask not to have it. 01:12:50.181 --> 01:12:51.682 These frickin' barbarians. 01:12:53.083 --> 01:12:58.769 The same people that cut the foreskin off of any baby whose parents are too stupid to know better. 01:12:59.629 --> 01:13:02.712 Because, you know, it's really handy for cell cultures. 01:13:02.772 --> 01:13:07.597 The virology people like Vincent Racaniello, they really like foreskin culture. 01:13:07.637 --> 01:13:08.778 Fibroblasts are great. 01:13:11.020 --> 01:13:15.365 But America is a bastion of freedom and liberty. 01:13:16.732 --> 01:13:21.034 It's just that our healthcare system is the front-facing part of our slavery, that's all. 01:13:21.274 --> 01:13:28.957 As we are now learning with HPV, we're moving away from talking about it as a vaccine against a disease that is transmitted by sex or IV drug use. 01:13:29.057 --> 01:13:36.540 Nobody would really volunteer for that necessarily, but we've avoided that problem and now the uptake of hepatitis B vaccination is quite high. 01:13:37.020 --> 01:13:44.404 They're saying it's quite high because it's given on the day of birth and most people don't know that it is even dumb. 01:13:47.526 --> 01:13:55.756 I mean, I do think that the initial marketing or how this vaccine caught on was... Can you imagine arguing with that in real time? 01:13:55.816 --> 01:13:58.179 Like, my wife's gonna breastfeed, you don't need... What are you doing? 01:13:59.821 --> 01:14:00.522 It's already over. 01:14:02.344 --> 01:14:04.146 You can barely even get a sentence out of your mouth. 01:14:04.166 --> 01:14:04.607 No, no, no. 01:14:04.647 --> 01:14:05.047 Wait, what? 01:14:05.107 --> 01:14:05.428 What? 01:14:05.448 --> 01:14:06.609 My wife's gonna breastfeed. 01:14:06.649 --> 01:14:06.990 It's okay. 01:14:11.744 --> 01:14:17.969 you know, very important to the perceptions that people had about what this vaccine was addressing. 01:14:17.989 --> 01:14:23.054 I mean, it's, you know, I think that now we're just learning more about HPV. 01:14:23.114 --> 01:14:30.500 We're trying to educate parents that this is really against these cancers that are we might not see as often as, you know, some 01:14:30.560 --> 01:14:31.460 It really is. 01:14:31.561 --> 01:14:33.882 Now that we've tried to prove it, it really is. 01:14:33.942 --> 01:14:36.583 We didn't have P values before, but now we really do. 01:14:36.643 --> 01:14:40.145 So we really have to convince parents because we got those P values now. 01:14:40.165 --> 01:14:43.547 No cancers, but really these are the only ways to prevent them. 01:14:44.307 --> 01:14:47.168 I think will be, is an important turning point. 01:14:47.769 --> 01:14:56.293 I think the question about whether- It also of course implies that every other cancer could in theory have a vaccine if we could just find the pesky virus that causes them. 01:15:00.327 --> 01:15:17.031 that we can kind of change the schedule so that we can bring it down to the infant schedule, which would be, I think, maybe place less emphasis on HPV vaccination right before your child starts having sex. 01:15:17.071 --> 01:15:20.472 These things are really that end up making it very taboo. 01:15:21.212 --> 01:15:22.593 Those data are coming. 01:15:22.653 --> 01:15:27.294 We want to make sure that this vaccine has efficacy that is long lasting enough 01:15:27.714 --> 01:15:29.074 Efficacy would be what? 01:15:29.194 --> 01:15:30.215 Seroprevalence? 01:15:34.036 --> 01:15:35.976 So that we could bring it down to the infant schedule. 01:15:36.076 --> 01:15:39.758 Bring it down to the infant schedule where every vaccine wants to be. 01:15:39.838 --> 01:15:48.320 Where strict liability is not even a factor and there is an unlimited uptake of your product with very little oversight. 01:15:49.220 --> 01:15:50.001 Stop lying! 01:15:50.541 --> 01:15:51.181 It's gross. 01:15:51.926 --> 01:15:53.547 before we actually go ahead and do that. 01:15:53.647 --> 01:15:54.447 So we're hopeful. 01:15:55.588 --> 01:15:58.809 The data look promising, but we just need a few more years before. 01:15:58.989 --> 01:16:10.754 I thought she was a health decision scientist, but somehow or another, she's really up to date on the HPV trials, and HPV testing, and HPV experiments, and wow. 01:16:10.774 --> 01:16:11.414 Stop lying! 01:16:11.434 --> 01:16:13.155 I think we can actually practically do that. 01:16:13.515 --> 01:16:15.996 We have a couple more minutes for discussion of solutions. 01:16:16.116 --> 01:16:18.257 Any other things that we need to add on top? 01:16:19.820 --> 01:16:31.890 I think one of the things that I would like to see, if we had the kind of research data that Seth has talked about, and we know what parental concerns are, doctors 01:16:33.439 --> 01:16:38.142 as you just heard earlier, haven't seen these dreadful diseases. 01:16:38.982 --> 01:16:48.808 And so we're training doctors where it is accepted the kids don't get these diseases, and vaccines is not high on how to train doctors to deal with the problem. 01:16:49.769 --> 01:17:02.797 This school, as you know, is famous for Atul Gawande, who has checklists for surgery and checklists for all kinds of things that are not checklists that you tick off, but they're points where 01:17:04.082 --> 01:17:07.904 It tells you how to deal when you hesitate to move to the next point. 01:17:08.324 --> 01:17:30.313 I would love to see, with the basis of the evidence that we hope is acquired, that every doctor and every person in the doctor's office that meets with parents that have to vaccinate kids will just run through a checklist so they know how not to offend people, how not to dictate to them, and how to engage them in actively understanding why it's good to do this. 01:17:30.834 --> 01:17:31.494 Rick, can we do this? 01:17:33.041 --> 01:17:35.403 I mean, it's difficult, exactly as Seth said. 01:17:35.443 --> 01:17:38.206 It's very difficult because of time issues. 01:17:38.226 --> 01:17:43.031 The amount of time that a pediatrician spends with his or her patients is getting reduced. 01:17:43.892 --> 01:17:53.301 I think some of you may have experienced, if you have children, that the pediatrician now often just lists the vaccines, and then some other health care provider, like a nurse practitioner or a physician 01:17:53.902 --> 01:18:06.811 Well, it's of course misleading parents because otherwise they would be using the words informed consent and talking about how and where the line of informed consent is and how to get parents across it, but they're not because Stop lying! 01:18:06.871 --> 01:18:07.511 They're lying. 01:18:07.591 --> 01:18:09.392 The assistant will come and minister the vaccine. 01:18:09.452 --> 01:18:14.336 So actually it's sort of it's one step removed from even what Barry is saying. 01:18:14.376 --> 01:18:17.358 These are physicians who don't see the disease and actually many of them don't. 01:18:17.958 --> 01:18:19.158 administer the immunization. 01:18:19.218 --> 01:18:22.179 So how would they be great advocates for those vaccines? 01:18:22.559 --> 01:18:24.680 I think it's a very important problem. 01:18:24.780 --> 01:18:42.824 And I think some of these solutions like one of my friends took a law school class with Cass Sunstein, setting up a clear educational program for for physicians and training on how to approach it, and really not leave it for example, for the end when everybody is rushed and time really is running 01:18:43.024 --> 01:18:48.448 It's not informed consent if you can't say no, Catherine, and they don't want anybody to be able to say no. 01:18:48.548 --> 01:18:51.390 No is not an option for this panel, right? 01:18:52.051 --> 01:18:54.633 They have to convince people that no is a dumb choice. 01:18:54.653 --> 01:18:55.813 So you're definitely right. 01:18:55.873 --> 01:19:00.597 Information would increase hesitancy, but the object is not to give you informed consent. 01:19:00.757 --> 01:19:04.360 Otherwise, informed consent is a two-sided coin. 01:19:04.520 --> 01:19:05.561 One side says no. 01:19:06.357 --> 01:19:08.118 sure it might really help things. 01:19:08.138 --> 01:19:08.579 But it's difficult. 01:19:08.599 --> 01:19:09.919 Maybe train the assistants as well. 01:19:10.140 --> 01:19:11.260 Also, yeah. 01:19:11.320 --> 01:19:12.061 I think that's true. 01:19:12.121 --> 01:19:16.984 But I mean, really, just the fact that the physician is walking out as this is about to happen. 01:19:17.024 --> 01:19:18.445 And some practices do it differently. 01:19:18.525 --> 01:19:22.348 But in several, it's really sort of like almost an afterthought. 01:19:22.388 --> 01:19:24.849 Here's the person who's going to administer the vaccines. 01:19:25.030 --> 01:19:28.892 And that's the moment when the parent might say, wait, there's six shots here. 01:19:29.432 --> 01:19:31.134 And what are they for? 01:19:31.534 --> 01:19:32.895 And the person who's administering them. 01:19:32.915 --> 01:19:33.915 So they're just laughing. 01:19:33.935 --> 01:19:34.996 Yeah, I know, six shots. 01:19:35.056 --> 01:19:35.817 It's crazy, right? 01:19:36.477 --> 01:19:45.420 His job is really at that point not to engage in a very thoughtful, they don't have time, they could, but they don't have time to engage in a very thoughtful conversation. 01:19:45.480 --> 01:19:47.001 It's just gross. 01:19:47.381 --> 01:19:48.901 It is really just gross. 01:19:48.961 --> 01:19:53.183 I also wonder if there's an opportunity to learn more about individual parents and 01:19:53.923 --> 01:20:00.146 you know, what angle they're coming from, because there are so many aspects of vaccination that worry people. 01:20:00.646 --> 01:20:20.314 So maybe to be able to triage that information a little bit so that when the provider intersects with that patient, to really get down to the bottom of, you know, what is concerning so you don't have to run down the whole thing and the whole gamut and actually instill more fear in the parents, which might, you know, actually happen if you're talking about autism and that didn't even register. 01:20:21.574 --> 01:20:29.337 And so maybe trying to pre-screen, as parents, we have questionnaires that we fill out prior to the health care visit. 01:20:29.417 --> 01:20:32.199 Maybe some of this could be included in that. 01:20:34.019 --> 01:20:37.120 I want to make one point in terms of possible solutions. 01:20:37.180 --> 01:20:43.983 And this was something that was driven home for me when I brought our first child in to get his vaccines. 01:20:45.464 --> 01:20:45.944 At that point, 01:20:46.765 --> 01:20:49.409 I was lucky to have tied my shoes that morning. 01:20:49.429 --> 01:20:51.472 I hadn't slept. 01:20:51.532 --> 01:20:52.514 I hadn't shaved. 01:20:52.634 --> 01:20:54.356 My fly was probably down. 01:20:54.376 --> 01:21:00.946 I was uniquely poorly disposed at that point to take in information about vaccines. 01:21:01.667 --> 01:21:02.768 anything made me anxious. 01:21:03.749 --> 01:21:09.674 If they said, you have 20 minutes left on the meter, when you're working on two hours sleep, that's going to make you anxious. 01:21:09.774 --> 01:21:19.982 So I think one thing that could be interesting is moving the initiation of the vaccine discussion to prenatal visits. 01:21:20.043 --> 01:21:24.947 When my wife and I went into prenatal visits, we had a notebook and a list of questions. 01:21:25.047 --> 01:21:27.128 And then we would go home and talk about all the answers. 01:21:27.149 --> 01:21:30.031 That was probably the last conversation we had about 01:21:30.191 --> 01:21:32.932 health care after our child was born. 01:21:34.693 --> 01:21:37.233 And that was a time in which we could take in information. 01:21:37.373 --> 01:21:47.277 And another issue I think we've run into by not initiating that conversation in a health care setting until after the child is born is that parent has already been primed. 01:21:48.337 --> 01:21:55.320 There are very few parents who get through their pregnancy and their birth without someone bringing up at some point the issue of vaccines. 01:21:56.420 --> 01:22:05.165 To the extent that the public health community, the medical community can be the people who are priming it, I think that could be really helpful. 01:22:05.405 --> 01:22:15.331 I also, because it's so difficult to... Yeah, I think it's important to point out what Catherine is pointing out in the chat, that really right now we've gone 10 years farther than this. 01:22:16.832 --> 01:22:32.799 And we are now encouraging pregnant moms to take vaccines to protect their babies as opposed to probably where we were in 2014, which is, you know, don't use cosmetics and don't eat raw fish and don't eat unpasteurized cheese because your baby is in development. 01:22:34.379 --> 01:22:45.344 And so that is part of the reason why I think it's important to go back to these videos that are 10 years old so that you can see that it hasn't been a shift that suddenly occurred because of a pandemic. 01:22:46.226 --> 01:23:02.764 But it's been a steady, gradual shift from where we were when we were kids and where this messaging was when we were kids to the point now where young pregnant women are being encouraged by their healthcare providers to take a battery of vaccines, which is absolutely terrible. 01:23:03.065 --> 01:23:03.765 Stop lying! 01:23:04.726 --> 01:23:07.148 address concerns within a wellness appointment. 01:23:07.789 --> 01:23:15.555 I think some pediatric offices, if they're big enough, could hold office hours like once a month or twice a month. 01:23:16.336 --> 01:23:17.477 You don't need to make an appointment. 01:23:17.557 --> 01:23:19.779 You can come in and they'll be 01:23:20.519 --> 01:23:26.481 people from the practice there, or having one person in a practice that's a designated vaccine expert. 01:23:27.001 --> 01:23:36.625 So instead of every pediatrician and every nurse practitioner feeling like, I need to be up on all of the crazy conspiracy theories that have popped up today, you can have one person. 01:23:36.665 --> 01:23:41.907 And if a parent says, I'm concerned about this, you can say, OK, well, I'm going to put you in touch with our vaccine expert. 01:23:41.947 --> 01:23:44.488 And make some time available to have those conversations. 01:23:46.010 --> 01:23:49.632 Okay, now let's turn to- And what would the vaccine expert be? 01:23:49.672 --> 01:24:07.464 Would it be like that lady Kim over there who works on health decision science, or would it be somebody who is an immunologist and who is capable of adequately explaining the pros and cons of it, or the potential dangers of it, or helping people exercise informed consent about what timeframe they do it on? 01:24:08.024 --> 01:24:11.707 None of this is a question because it's not about biology. 01:24:12.307 --> 01:24:18.195 It's about making sure that people believe that vaccines are 100% as good as airplanes in the wheel. 01:24:18.656 --> 01:24:20.799 They are the best invention since buttered bread. 01:24:21.921 --> 01:24:25.706 The questions, both from online and in studio. 01:24:26.227 --> 01:24:28.310 And we'll start with question number one from online. 01:24:28.936 --> 01:24:29.556 Thanks, Phil. 01:24:29.616 --> 01:24:30.596 And thanks, everybody. 01:24:30.656 --> 01:24:32.117 We're getting a lot of questions. 01:24:32.697 --> 01:24:37.278 And I'm going to try to group them by topic so we can take as many as we can. 01:24:37.298 --> 01:24:40.439 And of course, we're getting some on the autism question. 01:24:40.499 --> 01:24:41.880 So why don't I just start with that? 01:24:42.600 --> 01:24:47.321 Many people believe vaccinations are contributing to the alarming rise in autism. 01:24:47.741 --> 01:24:51.542 This is making new parents fearful of having their children vaccinated. 01:24:52.022 --> 01:24:57.524 It is so important to protect our children and population from these potentially devastating diseases. 01:24:57.984 --> 01:25:10.136 But I have to say, having children of childbearing age and knowing several people struggling with autistic children, I have a concern that the way we are manufacturing our vaccines needs to be changed. 01:25:10.456 --> 01:25:11.577 What are your thoughts on this? 01:25:15.501 --> 01:25:17.342 Why would that guy take it? 01:25:17.383 --> 01:25:20.726 The guy who wrote the book called The Panic Virus? 01:25:20.806 --> 01:25:21.286 Why would he? 01:25:21.346 --> 01:25:22.888 Why are they laughing about it? 01:25:24.383 --> 01:25:31.866 Because it is very possible that what we're doing right now is not a very good way of augmenting anybody's immune system. 01:25:31.886 --> 01:25:39.529 And in fact, we could just be using a hammer to pound in a screw to hold in a cabinet that's gonna fall down from the wall anyway. 01:25:40.337 --> 01:25:42.579 All right, everybody else can jump in. 01:25:42.659 --> 01:25:53.248 One of the really interesting things about the vaccine autism conspiracy theories is that if you look at it, you see the goalposts have consistently been moved down the field. 01:25:53.388 --> 01:26:00.974 So initially a big concern was thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that was in some but not all standard pediatric vaccines. 01:26:01.434 --> 01:26:03.556 And each one of those was a hamster wheel, right? 01:26:03.596 --> 01:26:08.340 Because once you start to say, oh no, it's the mercury, oh no, it's the aluminum, oh no, it's the thimerosal, 01:26:08.900 --> 01:26:14.825 You are already assuming that, yeah, of course, these guys, you know, they already sequenced the human genome. 01:26:14.865 --> 01:26:17.147 Of course, they know how to augment the immune system. 01:26:17.487 --> 01:26:20.729 It's just that they were using the wrong combination of chemicals with that. 01:26:21.090 --> 01:26:22.291 You know, it's not their fault. 01:26:22.331 --> 01:26:24.592 Sometimes things work and sometimes things don't. 01:26:27.775 --> 01:26:34.100 But if you can blame it on one poison or one adjuvant, then you immediately have this thing where, yeah, but everything else was fine. 01:26:35.603 --> 01:26:36.323 Stop lying! 01:26:36.784 --> 01:26:50.829 The fundamental principle of intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system has always been dumb, and that's why when that lady finished her question and they said, who's gonna answer it, they all laughed, because they know that's the damn truth. 01:26:51.249 --> 01:26:53.811 That was removed, has now been removed for a decade. 01:26:54.951 --> 01:26:56.912 The rates of autism have continued to climb. 01:26:57.412 --> 01:27:04.295 So I hear some people now saying that it wasn't really removed, that that was a conspiracy perpetrated by the vaccine manufacturers. 01:27:04.875 --> 01:27:07.001 Most people- Asking the wrong questions again. 01:27:07.061 --> 01:27:09.427 Did they really remove thimerosal or not? 01:27:09.447 --> 01:27:10.871 Oh, that's a conspiracy theory. 01:27:10.911 --> 01:27:11.613 You're an idiot. 01:27:12.594 --> 01:27:13.314 Don't believe that. 01:27:14.295 --> 01:27:28.702 But now you have these new other concerns that it's too many too soon, that it's too... It couldn't possibly be that number one, it's intramuscular injection of any combination of substance with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 01:27:29.102 --> 01:27:38.807 But then also the United States government and the FDA and Harvard and all these other shitheads have decided to push these things ever earlier into the childhood vaccine schedule, which is 01:27:39.287 --> 01:27:43.829 kind of more or less mandated and very, very much legally protected from any liability. 01:27:45.810 --> 01:28:00.018 And that that might not have any biological basis in reality, that might only have to do with these manufacturers wanting to be on that schedule and wanting to be early enough so that they're going regularly to the doctor and more likely that they will get high uptake of their product. 01:28:00.478 --> 01:28:05.661 Because you just heard them bitch that once you start giving it to teenagers, it's kind of hard to get people to bite. 01:28:06.650 --> 01:28:12.332 But if we could get it pushed to the childhood vaccine schedule, then we'd have guaranteed customers forever. 01:28:12.732 --> 01:28:23.557 And we wouldn't need to market to them anymore because they would be stuck in this time when, as he described it, they're too tired and they're too worn out and they're too scared to listen to any information from their doctor anyway. 01:28:23.597 --> 01:28:25.357 So if the doctor says, do it, they'll do it. 01:28:25.837 --> 01:28:26.858 Don't you hear it? 01:28:28.795 --> 01:28:31.057 young, that kids' immune systems aren't prepared for this. 01:28:31.738 --> 01:28:52.055 And I think the only real answer is that every single piece of research, and I think autism out of all the adverse reactions has been studied more than almost any other because of the intense focus on it, every single piece of research has indicated that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever. 01:28:54.617 --> 01:29:01.868 My personal view is that one of the reasons why there's so much anxiety about autism... They made it to their plane. 01:29:02.509 --> 01:29:07.316 They're going to be here in a couple hours, so I'm super excited. 01:29:07.436 --> 01:29:08.338 My family's coming back. 01:29:10.060 --> 01:29:15.843 that feel very let down by their health care professionals and by the public health community. 01:29:16.483 --> 01:29:18.384 And I think that's a very real thing. 01:29:19.684 --> 01:29:23.306 And so this is something that they can react against. 01:29:24.166 --> 01:29:28.348 And then it's sort of like throwing a pebble in a pond, and those concerns just ripple out. 01:29:29.689 --> 01:29:36.392 But I think really the only answer to questions is we have a boatload of research, and it all says the same thing. 01:29:37.774 --> 01:29:42.041 and it all says the same thing except for the stuff that's in the green book. 01:29:42.142 --> 01:29:44.305 Those don't say the same thing, right? 01:29:44.586 --> 01:29:45.006 What do you think? 01:29:45.902 --> 01:29:59.752 The green book that Children's Health Defense doesn't sell as much as they sell is the Wuhan book, or the books of Robert Malone, or the books of Andrew Huff, or the Fauci book. 01:29:59.792 --> 01:30:06.877 They push those a lot more than they push the green book, which is called Vax Unvax, and it's written by Brian Hooker. 01:30:07.257 --> 01:30:11.820 But if you want the green book, the green book's got a lot of papers which disagree with these dipshits. 01:30:12.000 --> 01:30:16.162 So I really agree completely with what Seth said. 01:30:17.142 --> 01:30:30.628 In a way, we might have created this problem by stating that in our speed or in our desire for speed in getting parents to agree to the vaccines, I think many practitioners, myself included, will say these vaccines are safe. 01:30:31.528 --> 01:30:33.349 And that is a correct statement. 01:30:33.929 --> 01:30:37.572 But the secondary statement should also be, yes, there are some side effects. 01:30:38.032 --> 01:30:40.553 And some of them are serious, but they're extremely rare. 01:30:41.274 --> 01:30:53.120 But because that second sentence is not often spoken or maybe not even heard, you end up with parents who hear, on the one hand, that the medical community is completely denying any association between vaccines and autism. 01:30:53.160 --> 01:30:57.703 And I think that that is a, to the extent that we can, it is a proven scientific fact. 01:30:58.303 --> 01:31:00.765 But at the same time, they're being told that vaccines are safe. 01:31:01.186 --> 01:31:16.018 And yet they hear of all sorts of instances where vaccines clearly could be and should be implicated, such as seizures or acute demyelinating diseases and various diseases that are very rare, but are probably causally related to vaccines. 01:31:16.118 --> 01:31:21.783 See, the problem with this is that the parents are actually well aware of how 01:31:22.984 --> 01:31:32.788 Their predisposition to assuming that vaccine injury is so rare it's almost indetectable sets them up for not attributing anything to the vaccine. 01:31:33.128 --> 01:31:34.489 And parents are aware of that. 01:31:34.569 --> 01:31:37.410 Parents have a gut feeling about what that would do. 01:31:38.783 --> 01:31:51.013 That would be like sitting across from the parent of a beautiful teenage girl who goes out every night with her friends until one in the morning and comes back with different guys in different sports cars every night. 01:31:51.493 --> 01:31:55.657 And you're sitting on the porch with those parents and they say, Oh, we trust her. 01:31:56.017 --> 01:32:00.721 She's goes out every night till one o'clock, but I'm sure she's not doing anything that we wouldn't want her to do. 01:32:03.194 --> 01:32:04.595 It's just as dumb. 01:32:04.875 --> 01:32:06.336 It's just as naive. 01:32:06.416 --> 01:32:11.598 It's just as stupid as sitting there saying that, ah, vaccines don't hurt anybody. 01:32:14.259 --> 01:32:24.544 And so you sit there listening to this doctor say this stuff, and you realize as a parent that if you believe what you say you believe, then if there was a signal, you wouldn't see it. 01:32:24.604 --> 01:32:25.445 You know that, right? 01:32:27.796 --> 01:32:48.633 that if your limited spectrum of understanding only involves seizures that are closely correlated in time with the injection, allergic reactions that are closely correlated in time with the injection, or very specific list of things that the manufacturer has provided, you are full of shit! 01:32:50.103 --> 01:33:00.371 And so the language that we use to try to convince patients to accept the vaccines that are extremely safe, but not 100% safe, may have led to some of these problems. 01:33:00.451 --> 01:33:02.632 Let's turn to the audience here. 01:33:03.273 --> 01:33:07.016 Questions from you about vaccines and hesitancy. 01:33:07.396 --> 01:33:08.457 I got something in the mail. 01:33:11.684 --> 01:33:19.327 It's a little envelope that has Scooby Snacks on the outside, you open it up, and then out came this, which is pretty freaking cool. 01:33:19.367 --> 01:33:22.829 They know the rhyme, and it's just really cool. 01:33:34.094 --> 01:33:35.937 or a person who smokes, who doesn't smoke. 01:33:36.157 --> 01:33:38.160 Things that I can actually see in my community. 01:33:39.222 --> 01:33:42.246 That might help me understand how safe it is. 01:33:46.261 --> 01:34:07.648 So we struggle at the other end of things, which is to get a new vaccine through the incredibly thick levels of phase one trials for safety, phase two trials, larger numbers of people, for safety and showing correlates of protection, and then 01:34:08.908 --> 01:34:17.614 to take the original polio vaccine, run in 1.8 million children to see what the adverse effect ratios were. 01:34:18.455 --> 01:34:28.842 So there are very few vaccines where serious life-threatening effects that we're giving in this country are of the order of more than one. 01:34:28.862 --> 01:34:32.104 He said correlates of protection, I think, not correlates of infection. 01:34:32.164 --> 01:34:34.146 But yeah, it's all the same language. 01:34:34.186 --> 01:34:36.227 They're developing it from many, many decades. 01:34:36.247 --> 01:34:37.428 Per million children. 01:34:38.877 --> 01:34:47.404 If a kid doesn't get a sore arm from some of the vaccines, it means we're not stimulating the inflammatory response that helps get a good immune response. 01:34:47.784 --> 01:34:53.849 So kids having a sore arm and crying is not what we would call a severe adverse effect, and it may be beneficial. 01:34:54.901 --> 01:35:00.064 There are these rare cases of acute reactions that are unexplained. 01:35:01.005 --> 01:35:10.691 And there is a system called VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Effects, where every batch of every commercial vaccine 01:35:11.631 --> 01:35:26.944 is categorized such that anyone who has an adverse effect, doctor or patient, doesn't have to be proven, can be phoned in to this network, and it is investigated, and we keep score on that from all the kids that are vaccinated. 01:35:27.385 --> 01:35:32.749 So we have numbers on the number of adverse effects, severe and not so severe. 01:35:33.692 --> 01:35:39.054 I have no idea how many kids are not wearing seatbelts that I could compare it with, but it's a great question. 01:35:39.214 --> 01:35:49.219 I mean, one example I sometimes use is every year there are people who are killed because they're wearing seatbelts, because it ends up crushing their sternum. 01:35:50.279 --> 01:35:55.962 And yet, I don't think anyone would say, well, because of this infinitesimal percent, I'm not going to wear a seatbelt anymore. 01:35:57.262 --> 01:36:06.908 Or another thing I sometimes tell parents is you're more likely to get in a car accident on the way to your doctor's appointment than you are for your child to have an adverse effect. 01:36:06.968 --> 01:36:13.972 Because I think you're right, one in a million is sort of meaningless when a parent is trying to think of that, so. 01:36:14.993 --> 01:36:16.373 Other questions from the audience? 01:36:17.134 --> 01:36:17.454 Down here. 01:36:19.947 --> 01:36:20.527 Hi, thank you. 01:36:20.788 --> 01:36:21.268 My name is Vicky. 01:36:21.288 --> 01:36:24.070 I'm a fourth year medical student and an MPH student here at Harvard. 01:36:25.671 --> 01:36:33.676 When you mentioned the latest vaccine conspiracy theories, I was reminded of an article that was shared recently with me by a member of the non-medical community. 01:36:34.917 --> 01:36:44.243 One of the latest conspiracy theories, which was that the CDC has covered up reports that there was a 300 times greater risk of autism developing in African-American boys. 01:36:45.104 --> 01:36:47.285 Oh, it's the Brian Hooker study. 01:36:47.325 --> 01:36:48.806 It's not 300 times. 01:36:48.866 --> 01:36:49.567 It was only like 01:36:50.711 --> 01:36:52.379 30 times or three times. 01:36:53.083 --> 01:36:54.268 I think it was three times. 01:36:55.339 --> 01:37:01.563 And so she's already full of shit and she's already spinning in the hamster wheel and it's already right where we are in 2014. 01:37:02.043 --> 01:37:03.124 Do you see it? 01:37:03.724 --> 01:37:04.625 Do you see it now? 01:37:04.645 --> 01:37:07.466 As opposed to the general population from MMR vaccines. 01:37:08.467 --> 01:37:24.697 And even though we might be able to critique the scientific validity of what or whatever of these results, how can we be sensitive to the concerns of communities that have historically been marginalized and have historically had a relationship of mistrust with the medical community? 01:37:26.485 --> 01:37:52.490 Rick laughing again oh my gosh laughing it's so freaking funny it's an excellent question I think I don't think there's an easy answer to this one so did the CDC cover it up or not of course they did they had a whistleblower we know his name we saw the data he was recorded on a phone call 01:37:54.238 --> 01:37:58.519 Brian Hooker drove all across the United States to meet with him personally to get the data. 01:38:00.059 --> 01:38:00.999 They covered it up. 01:38:01.319 --> 01:38:06.361 They took the racial data out of the report in order that that would not be found. 01:38:07.481 --> 01:38:08.581 And they're just laughing? 01:38:08.601 --> 01:38:10.761 They're not going to acknowledge that that occurred? 01:38:13.862 --> 01:38:15.842 Do you see where we are, ladies and gentlemen? 01:38:15.862 --> 01:38:22.904 This has been going on for a lot longer than 2020 when Rand Paul and Tony Fauci argued in front of the Senate to cover up the Scooby-Doo. 01:38:24.773 --> 01:38:29.016 The Scooby-Doo is part of this right here. 01:38:29.497 --> 01:38:52.194 This, when this didn't work, when this kind of shit doesn't work, you pull something like the Scooby-Doo, where you tell people that there's a pandemic, you murder people and lie about it in order to make sure that this childhood vaccine schedule never finds the scrutiny it needs in order to be exposed as the criminal enterprise that it is. 01:38:57.386 --> 01:39:02.253 This was a September 15, 2014 forum at the University of Harvard. 01:39:02.773 --> 01:39:13.028 We need a new consensus about transfection in healthy humans being always criminally negligent, RNA not being able to pandemic, and the vaccine schedule in the USA was a criminal enterprise before the pandemic. 01:39:13.568 --> 01:39:18.531 If you liked what you saw, please go to GigaOMBiological.com and try to find a way to support the stream. 01:39:18.971 --> 01:39:23.494 This is a family of five who's sacrificing everything to try and get this over the finish line. 01:39:24.495 --> 01:39:26.576 Not for me, but for my kids and yours. 01:39:27.417 --> 01:39:31.979 If you want to talk to us, go to GigaOMBiological... sorry, GigaOM.bio, which is... 01:39:33.120 --> 01:39:35.101 Get my mouse over there, which is the second link. 01:39:35.481 --> 01:39:41.305 And then if you want to share this after broadcast, please share the links at stream.gigaom.bio because that's what we pay for. 01:39:42.405 --> 01:39:44.487 And again, I hope to see you tomorrow. 01:39:44.507 --> 01:39:45.487 My family's coming back. 01:39:45.547 --> 01:39:46.328 I'm really excited. 01:39:46.788 --> 01:39:51.230 I think I'll be up very early and very happy to hit the button for a long time to come. 01:39:51.651 --> 01:39:55.933 This has been a long ride on the Ark all by myself with Ruby, but we made it. 01:39:56.273 --> 01:40:00.156 And I'm very happy to say that I didn't lose a leg or anything like that. 01:40:00.876 --> 01:40:01.777 Thank you very much for coming. 01:40:01.817 --> 01:40:02.497 I'll see you again tomorrow. 01:40:12.861 --> 01:40:22.471 I'm going to film the dog's reaction to the car pulling up so I can share it with you because Ruby is going to go bananas. 01:40:23.392 --> 01:40:33.602 And for a very brief period of time, she's going to exhibit the spinnies of a small puppy dog because she gets so happy to see her mama. 01:40:34.520 --> 01:40:36.964 Thanks very much for all the support, all the letters. 01:40:37.805 --> 01:40:39.388 Cindy, thank you. 01:40:40.930 --> 01:40:43.715 Rocky, thank you. 01:40:45.017 --> 01:40:48.502 Rocky, maybe send me an email if you don't mind and you hear this. 01:40:51.067 --> 01:40:53.748 And I will follow you later today, Zard. 01:40:54.329 --> 01:40:56.970 Sorry, I've just been checking in really quick over there. 01:40:57.531 --> 01:40:58.551 I'll definitely follow you. 01:40:59.412 --> 01:41:00.612 Don't worry, I'm there. 01:41:01.192 --> 01:41:05.535 Just trying to get into a groove of daily broadcasting before 11.11. 01:41:05.975 --> 01:41:08.937 So I'm gonna try and start hitting the window. 01:41:09.657 --> 01:41:12.619 Always trying for 10.10, but a lot of times I miss 10.10. 01:41:14.645 --> 01:41:18.333 But if I'm not on time at 10.10, I'm going to try to hit the button before 11.11. 01:41:18.373 --> 01:41:19.395 And the latest will be 11.11. 01:41:19.435 --> 01:41:21.159 So I'm going to try and make this a thing. 01:41:26.778 --> 01:41:37.322 It's kind of the least I can do for the supporters that are supporting me and try to provide a little regular appearance that you can try to book or be aware of. 01:41:37.382 --> 01:41:41.303 And then maybe we can add a Friday fire tonight. 01:41:41.723 --> 01:41:54.268 We're gonna fire up the fireplace, put a camera on it and just hang out and watch the chat, talk to one another, maybe enjoy a little sounds of kids on the trampoline and maybe a glass of wine. 01:41:56.030 --> 01:41:56.791 or a beer for me. 01:41:57.792 --> 01:41:59.234 Thanks very much guys, I'll see you later.