WEBVTT 00:57.437 --> 01:10.966 The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America. 01:11.106 --> 01:18.171 I don't know crash the dollar I don't know steal the rest of our our what limited Treasury value we have left. 01:18.391 --> 01:21.453 I don't know But I know for sure 01:21.820 --> 01:39.268 that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. 01:41.369 --> 01:48.134 If you think about it, you know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 01:48.534 --> 01:51.577 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 01:51.657 --> 02:01.124 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 02:01.144 --> 02:07.729 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 02:14.512 --> 02:15.117 I have to go. 02:56.513 --> 02:56.673 So, 06:56.252 --> 06:58.234 He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. 06:59.315 --> 07:04.058 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 07:05.460 --> 07:07.161 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 07:08.875 --> 07:09.507 It's embarrassing. 07:26.403 --> 07:27.584 Good morning, everybody. 07:27.704 --> 07:28.884 Welcome to the show. 07:29.024 --> 07:34.166 This is GigaOM Biological, where your consciousness is prime real estate. 07:35.067 --> 07:36.587 I'm very happy to be here. 07:37.428 --> 07:49.293 I've had a sudden reorientation of my ideas and my message, and I think it's because it takes a long time to break away from the power of these charlatans. 07:49.973 --> 07:50.893 And I'm excited. 07:50.973 --> 08:04.218 I'm really excited to be here this morning because our message about intramuscular injection, our messages about transfection, and our messages about viruses not being pattern integrities seems to start to land. 08:04.738 --> 08:06.539 And that means that people are struggling. 08:07.179 --> 08:24.010 And so let's look back and realize that we started out as an academic biologist minding his own business, and we now have a show called Gigaohm Biological, which derives its name from the high resistance, low noise recordings that I used to make back when I was an academic biologist. 08:24.450 --> 08:29.434 And that track record stands strong to this day and unblemished. 08:30.174 --> 08:36.938 track record of integrity as I slowly figured out that this mystery virus wasn't equal to all of these excess deaths. 08:36.998 --> 08:40.120 And in fact, these people have been lying to us about it. 08:40.200 --> 08:42.582 It's a fear and uncertainty and doubt. 08:42.622 --> 08:52.268 It's about do not resuscitate orders and supplementary oxygen, ventilators, lack of antibiotic use, forced use of steroids, and the list goes on and on and on. 08:52.328 --> 08:53.269 The crazy part is, 08:53.809 --> 08:59.114 is they've separated Americans so that we can't come together under the unity of understanding this. 08:59.514 --> 09:04.919 We can't come together and realize that there was no epidemiological evidence of spread. 09:07.731 --> 09:17.094 The crazy thing is, is that we're never gonna come together to realize that strict liability is something that none of these lawyers talk about, or that the Seventh Amendment is nothing that they talk about. 09:17.134 --> 09:32.278 And instead, I think that GigaOM Biological wants to be a part of a new movement to come to a new consensus about what happened, and that transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent, RNA cannot pandemic, and even before 09:32.938 --> 09:41.045 The pandemic started the vaccine schedule in America was a criminal enterprise and they've been trying to cover that up using murder and lies. 09:41.165 --> 09:45.049 Once we all come together to understand who did it to us. 09:46.630 --> 10:03.031 who did it to us and how they did it, I think it's gonna become something that can unite us across political boundaries and across ideologies because we realize that we've all been lied to by the same people over the last couple decades. 10:03.712 --> 10:20.995 And it has culminated, it has indeed crescendoed over the last 10 years where people in the biosecurity state have gone full court press on the idea that pandemics are real, they're impending, and it's just a matter of time because that's what population does. 10:21.696 --> 10:33.679 And these people are part of a coordinated malevolent sort of movement that harmonizes with each other so that they can collectively bamboozle our children about the right questions to ask. 10:33.719 --> 10:38.480 And that's why our college kids are still asking the questions, do viruses exist? 10:38.860 --> 10:45.182 That's why people are still arguing about whether SARS-CoV-2 exists, because all of the questions that we've been 10:45.802 --> 10:49.645 bamboozled into answering, do not get us out of the trap. 10:49.725 --> 10:59.032 The trap where we are two separate factions fighting about something, two separate sides of a coin, and that's how we lose. 10:59.773 --> 11:10.941 If we throw the towel in on the left, if you're on the right, and if you throw in the towel on the right, if you're on the left, then these people have already done their job. 11:11.702 --> 11:15.064 And it suddenly dawned on me that I have spent 11:15.868 --> 11:44.300 And I'm not going to get emotional about it in this video, but I have spent the last four years arguing with those people, instead of trying to change the mind of my parents, instead of trying to change the mind of my brother, instead of trying to change and waken the people that were trapped, not only by these people, but by Tony Fauci and the TV and social media, and are still wholly unaware of being trapped. 11:46.954 --> 11:58.408 There's nobody that's watching any of those people over there in blue that is still wholly trapped without their knowledge in the mire of social media. 11:58.448 --> 11:59.870 Those people think they're out. 12:00.291 --> 12:01.652 Those people think they're free. 12:03.007 --> 12:08.871 And so if you wanna free those people from the trap they're in, it is a very different ladder to lower. 12:09.251 --> 12:12.013 And why do we wanna spend time freeing them? 12:12.073 --> 12:22.200 What fraction of the world is in that group of people that needs to be freed from Robert Malone or freed from even Brett Weinstein? 12:23.261 --> 12:28.144 It's a tiny fraction of the world that I've been completely ignoring for way too long. 12:29.929 --> 12:44.602 And I've been doing it because I was trapped sitting in that chair thinking that the right joystick push, the right retweet, or if one of these people would just take the time to retweet GigaOM Biological, that we would all be free. 12:47.645 --> 12:50.267 And that's where I was so wrong, it hurts. 12:52.629 --> 12:55.692 And I can't believe that we're here in August. 12:57.634 --> 13:14.180 of 2024 and I'm still clawing my way out of this cognitive prison that they put us in where we believed in these other people and we thought that these other people were on our side and all struggling against the same fire hose of information. 13:16.760 --> 13:17.461 They were part of it. 13:18.781 --> 13:20.842 And as a result, we were lost in it. 13:20.902 --> 13:23.963 We never talked about the biology and now here we are. 13:25.683 --> 13:36.068 We're inside of 1984 described by Aldous Huxley, where these words are used, but they don't mean anything anymore. 13:36.108 --> 13:38.510 And words are used and they don't mean anything anymore. 13:38.990 --> 13:43.212 And virologists are fine with saying those words don't mean the same thing as those things. 13:43.272 --> 13:44.533 And it's fine to say that. 13:46.254 --> 13:51.338 It's also fine to say that, you know, we should just assume that everybody doesn't breastfeed their kids. 13:51.378 --> 13:54.761 And so that's why we need to vaccinate people as soon as possible. 13:55.301 --> 14:06.411 That's the whole, this whole inversion of our biology and the insistence of its acceptance is all part and parcel for participating in this and part and parcel for having 14:07.151 --> 14:16.617 essentially been led into the trap that is 1984, that is a totalitarian kind of rule where there are people participating. 14:18.578 --> 14:33.572 They get on stage and they participate with hopes of climbing the ladder, maybe being part of the production team next year, or maybe their kids will get promoted into the production team next year, or the, what do they call it? 14:33.633 --> 14:37.176 The CEO table, but that's generations from now. 14:39.038 --> 14:43.122 Because generations ago, there were already people that were scheming 14:45.956 --> 15:06.404 And that is the disturbing part when you realize that the history that we need to learn, the history that we need to learn is an American history where a lot of these techniques were developed in a time when we didn't have social media and we didn't have this sort of acceptance of this is how we do things now. 15:08.191 --> 15:14.653 And as a result of there being this acceptance of this is how we do things now, that's why we've had the arguments that we have. 15:15.113 --> 15:20.554 That's why strangely we are in a situation where it seems like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 15:20.654 --> 15:34.398 should have dropped out of a race by now, but hasn't dropped out of a race right now, even though the only thing he can do is really help the one group we're pretty sure is responsible for this. 15:36.203 --> 15:44.566 But of course, once you realize that they're all responsible for it, that it doesn't matter because that's why Steve Kirsch can pretend to be a conservative now. 15:44.966 --> 15:56.390 That's why Robert Malone with a history on the internet of supporting this kind of biosecurity state and the Democratic Party can now suddenly pretend to be a conservative guy. 15:57.750 --> 16:02.232 Because they're all auditioning to be part of this ruling elite 16:05.603 --> 16:18.614 And we need to wake up to it so that we can show our children what is happening and so that we can maybe have the possibility of having a free generation of children in the coming decade or century. 16:20.896 --> 16:23.077 Because otherwise we are enslaved. 16:23.158 --> 16:24.899 These people work for the slavers. 16:25.139 --> 16:27.001 That is for absolute certain. 16:27.561 --> 16:30.303 And those slavers, I think a lot of people are aware. 16:31.129 --> 16:45.042 Those slavers are actually the people that own social media, that own private intelligence agencies and corporations that contract to the government, that own the giant weaponized piles of money. 16:45.082 --> 16:55.872 And you can think and try to list the kinds of weaponized piles of money we're talking about, and each person will have their own concept of what that is, but it is a collective whole. 16:56.883 --> 17:02.732 You don't have a weaponized pile of money if your bank account goes from zero to something and zero again every month. 17:04.274 --> 17:06.037 There's no weaponized pile of money there. 17:08.240 --> 17:17.423 But if you have enough money to where when you throw it out the window into an investment and it always comes back as more, then you potentially have a weaponized pile of money. 17:17.463 --> 17:36.748 And understanding that our history as a human civilization involves weaponized piles of money that have had existence for centuries, then you can understand why a focus on BlackRock or a focus on Palantir is probably focusing on the smaller piles of money. 17:38.072 --> 17:48.578 and talking about smaller conceptualizations of how big these piles of money might be by sticking to things like trillions of dollars or something like that. 17:49.379 --> 18:01.486 Instead of talking about tons of gold or square miles of acres owned or tons of natural resources or anything like this. 18:02.745 --> 18:22.161 And that's why you see, as you move farther and farther away from their bright light, you start to see that in reality, Tony Fauci, Robert Malone, Tucker Carlson, David Icke, Alex Jones, they're actually all on the exact same stage. 18:23.735 --> 18:28.678 Maybe it's a stage that rotates with lights and different backdrops on different sides of it. 18:29.158 --> 18:31.620 But if you're part of the crowd, you're part of the crowd. 18:32.100 --> 18:34.041 If you're on stage, you're on stage. 18:34.061 --> 18:44.487 And then if you're collecting the money from the tickets, you're in a completely different skybox with a completely different outlook on the vending machine. 18:45.160 --> 18:53.707 completely different outlook on security, a completely different outlook on the artists, a completely different outlook on how much money you spend on cleaning the bathrooms. 18:54.407 --> 18:57.630 And so the Lollapalooza of liars that's going on below. 19:01.750 --> 19:19.240 as Tony Fauci and his wife sit comfortably and watch, is a very different perspective than what my brother and my mom and dad have from, they think that Tony Fauci is a public servant, that his wife is somebody who's a patriot, I guess. 19:20.100 --> 19:26.944 And these illusions are sustained by the TV and social media, and they are also sustained 19:28.473 --> 19:46.366 by social media accounts on Twitter that claim that Peter Daszak and Tony Fauci are the bad guys or claim that, like I was doing, that Robert Malone and Sasha and Meryl Nass are the bad guys because we're focused on different stages, but it doesn't matter in the end. 19:48.208 --> 19:55.013 And I was so focused on trying to convince the people that were watching this stage that, no, no, no, that's a stage. 19:56.886 --> 20:02.110 And I have ignored that most of the people have watched a different stage. 20:03.511 --> 20:05.633 Most of the people have watched Tony's stage. 20:06.854 --> 20:17.582 Most of the people watching Tony's stage aren't even aware of Robert or Bobby or Meryl or Sasha or Soph or any of these people. 20:19.963 --> 20:25.828 And so my message being focused on those meddlers over here that have had their job 20:26.736 --> 20:46.097 and have performed it faithfully, I have missed a couple year window where I could have already been pivoting and trying to rescue the 70% of the people that unfortunately took the transfection because of the combination of those two stages. 20:47.438 --> 21:04.292 because of the existence of Robert Malone and Meryl Nass and Brett Weinstein and Eric Weinstein and all of these people were part of the reason why 70% or 60% of America took a vaccine. 21:05.113 --> 21:08.696 And they are also why one of my friends did, right? 21:08.736 --> 21:11.859 Because I thought I was engaging in this. 21:13.615 --> 21:19.076 And so as a message for people that are watching TV and going on social media, this is it. 21:20.148 --> 21:21.849 We're all trapped in the same trap. 21:21.909 --> 21:28.452 And the unfortunate thing is, is that I can't come to you and tell you that I know what really happened. 21:29.133 --> 21:32.915 I can give you a more plausible explanation for what might've happened. 21:33.335 --> 21:43.160 I can bring you to an understanding of the basic methodologies that are available in molecular biology and in genetics and in virology. 21:44.244 --> 21:47.026 But I can't tell you for sure how this crime was committed. 21:47.086 --> 21:54.089 I can't tell you what combination of lies and murder ultimately resulted in us being where we are. 21:54.129 --> 22:06.276 But I can tell you that the simple stories that they told you on television and the simple stories that we have been led to argue about on social media are not the way out of our trap. 22:08.444 --> 22:15.330 And so mom and dad, if you happen to be watching, hey Rob, if you happen to be watching for the first time, that's where I'm at. 22:16.270 --> 22:17.411 I don't think I know. 22:18.032 --> 22:19.413 I just know that they lied. 22:20.113 --> 22:29.861 And I think if you search in your heart for what happened over the course of this, you might start to realize that a lot of it can be explained by lies. 22:29.901 --> 22:33.684 And the more you let that thought sink in, the more, 22:34.605 --> 22:38.469 sort of open you might be to understanding what I think happened. 22:40.631 --> 22:41.752 So yeah, that's where we are. 22:41.812 --> 22:42.632 It's August 7th. 22:42.672 --> 22:46.536 I guess that was supposed to be where the music ended, but I didn't get there. 22:47.997 --> 22:51.300 I'll go back to the big thing for a second here. 22:55.304 --> 22:57.526 It is my goal to 22:59.642 --> 23:04.389 try to keep doing the right thing all the time, but I will admit sometimes you don't really know what, uh... 23:06.431 --> 23:08.692 I don't really know what to do sometimes. 23:09.612 --> 23:14.813 And so I found myself running in sometimes the hamster wheels that they have put in for us. 23:14.913 --> 23:21.034 And so chasing after these anonymous mice is something that I unfortunately engaged in way too much of. 23:22.175 --> 23:31.397 You know, trying to respond to Sasha and trying to respond to Robert and trying to oppose Robert Malone has wasted months of our time. 23:33.111 --> 23:38.412 when we should have been trying to reach out to the people that really need our help the most. 23:38.492 --> 23:44.293 And so that's what I'm going to try and start doing with today by trying to empathize with these people. 23:44.353 --> 23:50.674 I found a very good example of how we might be able to empathize with these people. 23:50.734 --> 23:58.696 And so I would like to watch that with you today and maybe take some notes about how we can move forward with regard to 24:00.452 --> 24:04.295 How do I reach out to my parents and my brother again? 24:05.635 --> 24:07.377 What link would I send them? 24:07.417 --> 24:11.119 I mean, I'm not going to send them the last Robert Malone stream I did. 24:11.179 --> 24:12.280 And that's where I really am. 24:14.321 --> 24:15.642 I'm disappointed in myself. 24:15.942 --> 24:21.006 But it's where it is. 24:21.046 --> 24:21.906 This is where I'm at. 24:22.006 --> 24:24.848 So I think I'm ready. 24:34.031 --> 24:37.436 So we are still COVID-ing in 2024. 24:38.697 --> 24:41.481 I'm gonna preview something a little bit here just to let you know. 24:43.510 --> 24:52.178 There's another size coming in the mail and I also have patches that will match this thing in the works. 24:52.798 --> 24:56.642 I didn't spend a lot of money so there's not going to be a ton of them. 24:58.363 --> 25:02.487 I did get quite a few of these small stickers and they're actually clear. 25:05.811 --> 25:08.392 So they go like this. 25:09.132 --> 25:09.772 Let me switch. 25:10.312 --> 25:10.893 Can I do that? 25:12.053 --> 25:13.913 I think I can, right? 25:14.174 --> 25:15.594 Let me switch already right over here. 25:16.354 --> 25:16.574 Yes. 25:20.475 --> 25:21.176 And then this way. 25:21.596 --> 25:22.816 Yeah, so they're clear, right? 25:22.856 --> 25:28.558 If they go on the back of something or if you put them on a window, they will be like this and then you can see that. 25:29.529 --> 25:30.389 They're not big. 25:30.949 --> 25:32.650 They're not awesome. 25:32.690 --> 25:38.292 They're not the best sticker ever because they're just a design that I designed and then I put them on. 25:39.652 --> 25:46.574 But you could send a self-addressed stamped envelope. 25:46.714 --> 25:47.434 Isn't that fun? 25:47.634 --> 25:48.675 That's old school, right? 25:49.295 --> 25:52.696 Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to P.O. 25:52.736 --> 25:55.657 Box 802 Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. 25:57.638 --> 26:18.728 15 102 and I'll drop a few of these and then maybe a One of the bigger ones and if you're lucky you might get a patch or a hat or something else Probably not a hat Anything that will fit in your self-addressed stamped envelope if you want to if you want a hat I guess you could send a bigger self-addressed stamped envelope and maybe I would I would send you a hat because I have a few I 26:20.805 --> 26:41.165 that are colorways that I won't wear or colorways that I got but I meant to give away and then I'll have stickers and stamps and you know what is this for it's just I don't know it's it's to say thanks and again I would encourage you just to send a self-addressed stamped envelope so you're not spending a lot of money and I can put these in there without a lot of work because otherwise it gets 26:41.926 --> 26:44.047 selling stuff, mailing stuff. 26:44.107 --> 26:47.369 It gets ugly very quick and I don't want any more work than I already have. 26:47.429 --> 26:51.652 But I think I can take a few minutes to put some stuff in a self-addressed stamped envelope. 26:52.773 --> 26:53.493 And that should work. 26:55.754 --> 26:59.217 Anyway, that's not the right page. 26:59.297 --> 26:59.757 There we go. 27:00.417 --> 27:02.859 And so that means I need to get out of here. 27:02.879 --> 27:04.960 I need to go over here. 27:05.220 --> 27:11.144 And now this video is a video that I found very recently on YouTube and I got locked in. 27:12.962 --> 27:15.244 I want you to have sympathy for these people. 27:16.124 --> 27:17.305 I don't want you to laugh. 27:17.625 --> 27:25.950 I don't want there to be any inkling of laughing at them because they are telling you what they believe is their truth. 27:26.050 --> 27:29.112 And I don't mean their truth like the woke kind of their truth. 27:29.752 --> 27:39.297 I mean like from their perspective, their experience, their rollercoaster ride, they are in the same chair that you are, right? 27:39.337 --> 27:40.978 They're in, these people, 27:48.154 --> 27:51.777 These people are doing the same thing, right? 27:52.037 --> 27:53.618 These people are doing the same thing. 27:53.658 --> 27:56.880 It's just that they didn't pay attention to the people that we paid attention to. 27:56.940 --> 28:03.084 They paid attention to other people that appealed to them, that they saw early in the pandemic that sounded reasonable. 28:04.366 --> 28:14.084 it's not necessarily their fault who they chose because again remember once you get in the chair and agree to play star wars and put your hand on the joystick 28:14.787 --> 28:23.635 then the people that appear in front of you are kind of not really because you're moving the joystick or because you pulled the trigger at the right time. 28:23.675 --> 28:28.579 It is a combination of who you follow, when you're online, what you click on, blah, blah, blah. 28:28.639 --> 28:34.364 But you have far less control over where your brain was going to end up than you thought. 28:36.185 --> 28:37.967 And most people continue to think. 28:38.747 --> 28:42.650 And that's why it's so important to watch this video in the right mindset. 28:43.670 --> 28:45.532 Couple a couple weeks ago. 28:45.632 --> 29:01.364 I might have put this video on and made fun of these people and Think about how terrifying it would be to have done that before what happened in Butler PA Where everybody kind of got shocked a little bit. 29:01.504 --> 29:11.672 No one knew how to interpret it But then I watched all of these people who have been on stage who I've been insisting are on stage while other people claim they're not and 29:13.078 --> 29:24.092 all pivoted uniformly, asking uniformly the same questions and dropping the whole issue of the pandemic and its biology. 29:24.673 --> 29:27.176 And it was shocking, shocking. 29:29.139 --> 29:30.701 And it's still going on now. 29:32.284 --> 29:36.006 And so we're at a very pivotal moment here where we can finally let go. 29:36.206 --> 29:49.255 I can finally let go of these people because there is no reason to try and convert more people that believe in them into believing in what GigaOM Biological's mission is. 29:50.315 --> 29:58.961 It is much more important for us to turn our attention to the people that are still locked in, that are still gone, hook, line, and sinker. 30:04.195 --> 30:05.235 And so that's what I wanna do. 30:05.456 --> 30:06.796 I wanna start this a little bit. 30:08.437 --> 30:15.199 I really wanna start a new way of thinking forward. 30:19.861 --> 30:20.842 I am COVID cautious. 30:21.462 --> 30:22.362 I'm still COVIDing. 30:22.703 --> 30:23.683 I'm still COVIDing. 30:24.003 --> 30:24.943 I'm COVID cautious. 30:25.123 --> 30:26.024 I'm still COVIDing. 30:26.984 --> 30:28.545 If we are doing it right, 30:30.032 --> 30:36.237 As Americans, and we are doing it right as Christians, this video should make you very sad. 30:37.398 --> 30:49.849 And it should make you have a lot of empathy for the people who were so frightened that they're like people on an island in Japan after World War II, thinking that they have to stick on their post. 30:50.830 --> 30:53.352 When no one else will do it, I still have to do it. 30:55.737 --> 30:59.599 And as soon as I heard the music, I already knew, already knew. 30:59.619 --> 31:11.563 It was really important for me to get sick this weekend and to be a little scared and a little sad and a little alone. 31:11.583 --> 31:13.884 It was really important. 31:16.245 --> 31:22.428 And this pivot to caring about people again instead of 31:23.869 --> 31:27.411 Looking at them with disdain is really important for all of us to do. 31:27.471 --> 31:29.932 And you don't have to get sad about it or feel bad about it. 31:29.952 --> 31:33.214 You have to just see that this is how we move forward. 31:34.454 --> 31:36.335 We need to empathize with these people. 31:36.395 --> 31:46.140 These people are victims of a very intricate theater of the macabre, a harmonizing theater they stood no chance against. 31:48.561 --> 31:50.122 And if you see the results of it, 31:51.638 --> 31:55.504 If you see the results of it, it should make you sad and terrified. 31:56.085 --> 31:59.230 Because we need to save more of these people than we've been trying to. 31:59.250 --> 32:01.774 And we need to do it right now. 32:12.825 --> 32:13.806 I am COVID cautious. 32:14.427 --> 32:15.329 I'm still COVIDing. 32:15.649 --> 32:16.630 I'm still COVIDing. 32:16.951 --> 32:17.912 I'm COVID cautious. 32:18.052 --> 32:18.974 I'm still COVIDing. 32:18.994 --> 32:20.436 I am COVID cautious. 32:21.096 --> 32:22.398 I am COVID cautious. 32:22.879 --> 32:23.760 I'm still COVIDing. 32:23.920 --> 32:24.801 I'm still COVIDing. 32:25.222 --> 32:26.344 I will be COVIDing. 32:27.475 --> 32:30.896 until we get a sterilizing vaccine. 32:31.476 --> 32:35.057 I'm still COVIDing because I think my life depends on it, honestly. 32:35.577 --> 32:42.219 I'm a healthy person, but I am still COVIDing because this pandemic is not over. 32:42.920 --> 32:46.861 And also, we do not know how this virus will affect us. 32:47.801 --> 32:50.322 I'm COVID-cautious because I'm protecting my wife. 32:51.522 --> 32:59.930 She's got some serious lung issues that from the very beginning of the pandemic, we needed to take it seriously. 33:00.470 --> 33:03.053 And we continue to take it seriously almost four years later. 33:03.073 --> 33:04.294 I'm disabled. 33:04.374 --> 33:05.175 I have cerebral palsy. 33:05.235 --> 33:06.256 I'm a wheelchair user. 33:06.841 --> 33:14.091 I had gotten mono, and it reactivated when I was 37 years of age, and it caused ME-CFS. 33:14.391 --> 33:18.737 I have Hashimoto's, which is a inflammatory thyroid disease. 33:19.277 --> 33:22.562 I was told that if I got COVID, I could lose my transplant. 33:22.862 --> 33:24.483 I have lupus and type two diabetes. 33:25.264 --> 33:26.685 Celiac disease and diabetes. 33:27.705 --> 33:34.270 And I actually have four other conditions that also come with that. 33:34.490 --> 33:41.254 So my risks are so high for every single environment that I could possibly go in. 33:41.374 --> 33:45.217 So you're hearing the kind of lists all of these people have kind of the same problems. 33:45.257 --> 33:47.919 They either have some kind of chronic fatigue syndrome, 33:49.280 --> 33:53.903 or a related kind of thing, depending on what word choice they use to describe it. 33:54.483 --> 34:01.368 This lady said celiac disease, which is irritable bowel, I believe, which is really an autoimmune disease as well. 34:01.448 --> 34:13.135 It's a kind of very awful thing that I can remember when I was a high school teacher, I had a student that I really liked a lot. 34:15.154 --> 34:20.556 And I found out later that she had irritable bowel syndrome, and that's one of the reasons why she would miss a lot of school. 34:20.916 --> 34:38.662 And it now strikes me, of course, as extraordinary because, you know, as I was a biology teacher and a high school teacher, I was just, you know, completely unaware while I was doing it that this vaccine schedule was going on and that people were being damaged by it and that nobody was talking about it. 34:38.722 --> 34:44.624 And in fact, the FDA and the CDC were trying very hard to make sure that no one would ever find out about it. 34:45.168 --> 34:47.568 And I didn't, of course I didn't understand that. 34:47.608 --> 34:55.530 I was a kid, I was a 20 something year old guy trying to, you know, I guess trying to find a girlfriend or something in Chicago. 34:55.550 --> 34:57.650 I wasn't busy with the vaccine schedule. 34:58.191 --> 35:06.892 And that's what's extraordinary about the vaccine schedule is that no one that has never had children is busy with the vaccine schedule. 35:07.012 --> 35:09.913 All adults just have accepted the vaccine schedule. 35:10.430 --> 35:13.034 And as an adult, I accepted the vaccine schedule. 35:13.494 --> 35:22.527 I might not have taken the flu shot because I didn't think I needed it, but that's very different than saying I don't need a measles shot or a mumps shot, or I didn't need any of my childhood. 35:22.587 --> 35:24.069 That never crossed my mind. 35:27.065 --> 35:34.527 And so these are adults, most of whom I am seeing, except for that old lady, probably don't have kids yet. 35:34.647 --> 35:42.289 And so they are still adults that have fully accepted the vaccine schedule as it stands as a vital pillar of public health. 35:42.369 --> 35:52.471 And one of the reasons why Western civilization has thrived, which is no different than what Brett Weinstein thought for the first, still thinks. 35:55.765 --> 36:04.732 And so they are really trapped in a world where they have these debilitating diseases that they have to deal with every day. 36:05.152 --> 36:09.636 But no one around them will offer them the possibility that, hey, when did this start? 36:09.656 --> 36:13.439 Shall we look carefully at your medical records and what you were doing when it started? 36:13.959 --> 36:16.521 Because I wonder if we're going to find something there. 36:18.002 --> 36:24.928 And here's a list of things that we might look for that might have temporarily correlated when you started to have these catastrophic problems. 36:27.130 --> 36:43.955 That's what we need to help these people consider without telling them what they're going to find, without telling them where to look, just giving them the opportunity to realize that there are people there that have kind of figured it out because for them, the temporal association was ours. 36:47.456 --> 36:52.297 And that if we explain the biology to these people, that the temporal association doesn't need to be ours. 36:53.677 --> 37:05.064 They might be able to imagine a scenario where a collective group of weaponized piles of money that have been extorting the U.S. 37:05.124 --> 37:15.130 population for decades might be responsible for this, rather than this just being a consequence of there being so many people and Mother Nature being a bitch. 37:17.056 --> 37:19.518 because right now that's kind of what these people think. 37:19.578 --> 37:41.695 And that is a very unfortunate sort of view of the world that I think an optimistic reappraisal of general biology could be as valuable to the dissident movement as it is to people like this who have never considered the remote possibility that anti-vaxxers might not be nuts, which is where I was in 2021. 37:45.663 --> 37:50.306 I was not questioning the childhood vaccine schedule in 2021. 37:50.986 --> 37:55.609 And so I'm kind of a, a guy who just recently saw the UFO. 37:55.689 --> 37:57.289 It's still very fresh in my head. 37:57.309 --> 37:59.371 I'm still traumatized from it. 37:59.731 --> 38:05.294 And my kids are still young enough so that when they come home, the first thing I'm going to do is hug them and kiss them. 38:06.014 --> 38:08.736 And, and in my head, I'll be asking for forgiveness. 38:15.051 --> 38:22.614 I think these people can be saved simply because they believe they understand what happened. 38:22.834 --> 38:35.039 And if we could give them an alternative explanation that explained even more than what their model explains, it's pretty enticing. 38:36.325 --> 38:47.213 You might think that they can't hear it, but it just depends on whether we approach it from an angle of empathy or from an angle of condescension or an angle of pity. 38:47.994 --> 38:50.655 And it's gotta be from an angle of empathy. 38:53.357 --> 38:53.758 Trauma. 38:55.441 --> 39:00.128 being lied to, not understanding, because these people don't claim to get it. 39:00.869 --> 39:01.870 That lady just said it. 39:01.910 --> 39:04.654 We still don't understand what this virus will do to us. 39:05.356 --> 39:10.263 So they still think there's all kinds of unknowns out there, so it's not like they're sure. 39:11.601 --> 39:12.881 That means they can be saved. 39:13.161 --> 39:13.602 That's you. 39:13.622 --> 39:19.103 I have a neuroimmune condition, myalgic encephalomyelitis. 39:20.104 --> 39:25.225 It's very similar to long COVID, actually, except mine wasn't triggered by COVID. 39:25.465 --> 39:30.127 We all have our levels of risk, and so that is the primary reason. 39:30.267 --> 39:33.027 Except mine wasn't triggered by COVID. 39:33.087 --> 39:34.688 So that woman knows. 39:35.717 --> 39:47.662 that these conditions don't need to be triggered by a gain-of-function coronavirus, whereas some of these people think that the reason why they got it is because it was a gain-of-function virus. 39:47.682 --> 39:49.303 Do you see where the openings are? 39:49.783 --> 40:00.368 Do you see how many possibilities there are in this group of people versus the imaginary people on Twitter that I've been arguing with for four years? 40:07.091 --> 40:07.792 Sorry, Nate. 40:07.892 --> 40:11.635 And maybe, well, I'll speak for myself why I'm doing it. 40:11.675 --> 40:12.696 I'm trying to stay alive. 40:13.337 --> 40:18.281 But at the same time, it's also the right thing to do. 40:18.962 --> 40:26.389 Because I have risk factors and the idea of long COVID terrifies me. 40:26.549 --> 40:31.033 I have a rare lung disease on top of my asthma and bronchiectasis. 40:31.253 --> 40:32.535 I was working on 40:34.412 --> 40:40.013 doing contact tracing in the very beginning, calling people who had COVID. 40:40.953 --> 40:42.974 And I saw what it did to them. 40:43.874 --> 40:45.274 I'm just trying to stay alive. 40:45.654 --> 40:56.036 So the other reason that I mask is to protect people that have already suffered enough and certainly need to not get it again. 40:56.056 --> 41:02.337 And there's a bunch of people that, for whatever reason, are also immunocompromised. 41:02.654 --> 41:08.537 because I spent the last 16 years of my life getting derailed by mild viruses. 41:09.758 --> 41:12.639 And I'm still COVIDing so that this doesn't happen again. 41:12.659 --> 41:17.282 And I'll keep COVIDing until there are better treatments for long COVID. 41:17.862 --> 41:29.268 And so that's, you know, extraordinary because she's now calling it long COVID, even though she said she has this ME condition that is not from COVID. 41:29.328 --> 41:30.109 It happened before. 41:31.368 --> 41:48.979 So that, again, is one of those opportunities where if you could sit down with this person while she had a mask on and you wore a mask and you could talk to her about this stuff, and maybe just put some questions in front of her and then say, you know, it was really great hanging out with you. 41:49.299 --> 41:59.185 And for a time, you might even put a mask on just to end that discussion for a second. 42:00.421 --> 42:08.007 because you're going to find out in a minute that a lot of these people just write you off if you won't at least respect their mask or something like that. 42:08.047 --> 42:14.492 And so maybe the right thing to do if you don't want to put a mask on would be able to say, hey, I see you have a mask. 42:14.592 --> 42:15.913 Can I sit across the room? 42:15.933 --> 42:17.294 Would you feel comfortable with that? 42:17.374 --> 42:19.035 Or can we sit outside and talk? 42:19.976 --> 42:22.218 I'd really like to spend time with you, but 42:23.298 --> 42:30.402 I want you to understand my perspective, and I wanna understand your perspective, but I'd rather not wear a mask. 42:30.482 --> 42:38.466 And maybe there's some way to go there, but I haven't been trying, and I think we need to start trying. 42:39.189 --> 42:44.432 So I have long COVID, and since I came down with long COVID, my symptoms have varied. 42:45.033 --> 42:52.898 So the biggest symptom that I have is post-exertion malaise, where there's days where I cannot physically get out of bed, even after. 42:52.918 --> 43:02.744 And this is, again, I do think we also have to be very careful, as people say, if this is a person with chronic fatigue syndrome. 43:04.161 --> 43:10.224 but she's got puffy cheeks and she looks pretty healthy and she can speak pretty energetically without running out of breath. 43:11.725 --> 43:17.868 When I had my bad throat and my funny frog voice, I would run out of breath. 43:18.868 --> 43:21.569 I couldn't play basketball with my kids and that kind of thing. 43:21.610 --> 43:32.295 And so for me, we do also need to be careful, of course, that these people, that we don't give too much air 43:33.379 --> 43:36.882 to the symptomologies that they themselves have created. 43:36.942 --> 43:44.408 And we shouldn't underestimate how many of these people are sick only because they've been convinced by the TV and social media that they are sick. 43:46.530 --> 43:52.795 And that what they feel has nothing to do with what they eat or their lack of exercise or the fact that they wear a mask all day. 43:53.235 --> 43:56.077 It has nothing to do with those things when in fact it could. 43:56.920 --> 44:08.107 You're going to hear in a little while that this lady wears like a high quality, well fit mask all the time, but never monitors her pulse ox to see if the mask is impeding her breathing or anything like that. 44:08.488 --> 44:10.269 I don't know how often she changes them. 44:10.309 --> 44:16.973 I don't know if she thinks about how they might become contaminated or how that might happen in one context or another. 44:17.454 --> 44:26.880 I think she just makes assumptions again, that when you're wearing a mask, you're doing more than if you don't wear a mask, which is something like what my brother was saying in the beginning of the pandemic. 44:28.601 --> 44:31.303 I mean, what, if it doesn't hurt, then why not wear it? 44:33.685 --> 44:38.008 If, if it doesn't hurt, then why not wear it? 44:38.048 --> 44:40.891 If it makes a little bit of a difference, then wouldn't you want to wear it? 44:41.111 --> 44:50.258 Even if it's only like a 10% lowered chavacy, those are all the hamster wheels that they've been spending the last four and a half years in. 44:50.358 --> 44:54.441 And so in order to understand how trapped these people are, you got to see it. 44:55.285 --> 44:56.667 being in bed for 12 hours. 44:57.088 --> 44:59.972 It doesn't matter how long I'm sleeping for. 45:00.453 --> 45:03.517 I have intense migraines with aura. 45:04.298 --> 45:06.581 I have severe vision issues. 45:07.552 --> 45:16.558 But it couldn't be intense migraines because she's wearing a 3M mask that gets wet and then lower, you know, like they're not, they're not there yet. 45:16.678 --> 45:18.659 And they're certainly all vaccinated. 45:18.800 --> 45:30.347 Every one of these people is fully vaccinated and boosted and attributes none, none of those things that they suffer to, none of those are attributed to their four transfections. 45:30.587 --> 45:34.610 All of these people are fully jabbed and boosted. 45:35.470 --> 45:37.531 And I've had brain fog. 45:38.012 --> 45:39.552 I've had some memory issues. 45:40.413 --> 45:43.074 I've had hair breakage and hair loss. 45:43.654 --> 45:49.797 I have had- Hair breakage and hair loss as if that is something that the virus also does. 45:49.857 --> 45:55.320 You see how spectacular this psychological operation has been. 45:55.440 --> 45:56.961 It is spectacular. 45:59.045 --> 46:01.068 had severe GI issues. 46:01.128 --> 46:11.463 That thankfully has improved, but my GI issues were so severe that for nine months I couldn't digest and my GI doctor wanted to put me on a feeding tube. 46:12.343 --> 46:19.029 So she had her GI tract completely disrupted, but she attributes none of that to the transfection. 46:19.069 --> 46:19.749 None of it at all. 46:20.250 --> 46:21.531 And it's extraordinary. 46:22.031 --> 46:30.378 All of the biology that they have experienced for the last four years must be about the virus because transfection can't hurt you. 46:30.879 --> 46:32.540 Transfection isn't even a virus. 46:32.600 --> 46:37.264 It just makes your body a vaccine factory, an antigen factory. 46:37.304 --> 46:40.847 I mean, this is what Jay Bhattacharya did to them. 46:42.281 --> 46:45.525 because Jay Bhattacharya didn't have any idea about the biology. 46:45.565 --> 46:51.872 He just said that we should have a more focused lockdown and maybe distribute the transfections to the old people first. 46:56.377 --> 46:59.941 And so they were always two sides of the same coin. 47:00.061 --> 47:03.685 They were always, these people were trapped from the very beginning. 47:05.819 --> 47:25.867 It was really about cleaning up the edges and about trying to get as many stragglers as possible like me and you to argue about a lab leak so that we would never really usefully tell these people, well, we don't really care what you think, but make sure it's, you don't, you realize that this is a transfection and it is not a vaccine and don't you dare take it. 47:28.564 --> 47:45.366 But we were too busy arguing about a lab leak and whether or not Tony Fauci and Rand Paul were arguing about covering up something something Peter Daszak, spike protein, inserts, fear and cleavage site, most contagious virus ever. 47:47.557 --> 47:52.120 And so we stayed very usefully separated from these people that were our friends. 47:52.200 --> 47:55.763 We stayed usefully separated from these people that we used to care about. 47:55.883 --> 48:01.487 And instead we engaged in an argument that on social media made us feel like heroes. 48:04.549 --> 48:06.610 And we should have been calling our parents. 48:06.650 --> 48:12.734 We should have been calling our brothers and saying, Hey man, like you, you do realize that this is a transfection. 48:12.834 --> 48:15.596 Please don't take it when they roll it out to your age group. 48:16.177 --> 48:16.677 And we didn't. 48:17.415 --> 48:17.835 I didn't. 48:20.297 --> 48:21.098 Well, I kind of did. 48:21.158 --> 48:25.121 I wrote a review about not taking it, but I didn't say that everybody shouldn't take it. 48:25.161 --> 48:43.895 I said that it probably worked for some people that were in more risk and that the age stratification of the COVID, uh, danger was, was reason for some people to take it and other people not, which is exactly the wrong message that doesn't save any of these people from having transfected themselves four times. 48:46.260 --> 48:48.581 and you're gonna hear it in a minute and your heart is gonna break. 48:48.641 --> 48:52.382 They all think that the vaccine is the reason why they're still alive, if it's not a mask. 48:54.422 --> 48:59.304 Had COVID since November, 2021, including three acute bouts. 48:59.564 --> 49:05.865 And I've had ongoing symptoms of asthma, which was never seen before. 49:06.005 --> 49:15.488 Asthma, congestion, heart issues, pulmonary issues, muscular issues, chronic fatigue, brain fog, 49:16.872 --> 49:17.612 and the list goes on. 49:17.833 --> 49:19.653 My eyes were greatly affected. 49:19.814 --> 49:24.996 I really do think that the reason that I'm alive is because I wore my N95. 49:25.336 --> 49:30.679 I believe that I'm actually still alive because I was vaccinated and boosted. 49:30.859 --> 49:33.281 I protect myself by wearing a mask indoors. 49:34.361 --> 49:35.482 Being fully vaccinated. 49:35.502 --> 49:37.422 Well, I mask inside and outside. 49:37.863 --> 49:39.143 I mask everywhere. 49:39.163 --> 49:41.424 Masking continually. 49:41.504 --> 49:44.085 Still mask in public settings. 49:44.125 --> 49:45.966 I wear the mask everywhere I go, even now. 49:46.346 --> 49:47.327 I'll still wear a mask. 49:47.367 --> 49:50.068 I'll wear a mask forever because I'm, I'm hired. 49:50.168 --> 50:00.773 Like this guy, you know, I don't want to be mean to him, but this guy's health issues are clearly not just COVID. 50:02.267 --> 50:06.029 I don't think he's getting sick from playing the drums or from playing the guitar or the bass. 50:06.069 --> 50:07.129 That's not making him sick. 50:08.910 --> 50:17.733 But this is a guy who clearly doesn't exercise enough and clearly eats a lot of processed food and clearly, you see, maybe he smokes, maybe not. 50:17.773 --> 50:19.694 He's got a blue beard, so maybe he doesn't smoke. 50:19.734 --> 50:26.177 But blue beard here has a lot of things that he could optimize about his own health and he doesn't. 50:28.536 --> 50:37.422 Instead, he accepts that pre-COVID very unhealthy state that he was in as health. 50:38.002 --> 50:53.472 And then whatever's happened to him in the last four years as a result of that behavior getting worse, because it definitely got worse, if he exercised at all before the pandemic, that exercise stopped, even if it was just walking around, as you hear, because he's been afraid to go outside. 50:55.202 --> 50:58.243 And so most likely he's gained weight over the last four years. 50:58.303 --> 51:03.365 Most likely he's eaten worse food over the last four years because he's gone out a little less. 51:03.445 --> 51:09.047 And sometimes going out can be better than eating at home, depending on how you shop at the grocery store. 51:12.409 --> 51:19.692 And that is one of the harsh realities of American life is that some of the best food that Americans would get was outside of their house. 51:21.452 --> 51:23.333 And that stopped during the pandemic. 51:26.601 --> 51:31.248 and has never really picked up again because of inflation and closed restaurants and this kind of thing. 51:33.851 --> 51:38.658 And so these people are so far down the wrong path, so far down. 51:38.698 --> 51:42.764 They're so deep in the cave that we've got to bring them up through another hole. 51:45.097 --> 51:57.266 Can't expect them to walk through virology and molecular biology and immunology and PCR testing in order to get to the exit of the cave that we want them to get to. 51:58.467 --> 52:00.708 There's a much closer exit for them. 52:02.690 --> 52:10.956 And that is that all of this kind of suffering that they think is unique to COVID is actually something that existed before the pandemic. 52:10.976 --> 52:12.317 Just ask Judy Mikovits. 52:14.568 --> 52:21.093 The exact same kind of suffering that they think is unique to COVID existed before the pandemic. 52:21.153 --> 52:36.145 And there are hundreds, if not thousands of doctors that could come to realize this if they wanted to, if they were led to, if they were asked the right questions or made to ask the right question in their own head. 52:37.526 --> 52:39.328 And that should be our goal moving forward. 52:40.751 --> 52:45.215 Not trying to convince everything that the nest commander is a bad guy. 52:45.255 --> 52:48.478 I mean, obviously he's a bad guy. 52:49.419 --> 52:50.720 He's a performing clown. 52:52.582 --> 53:02.271 I mean, and obviously anonymous accounts on social media can be weaponized against us much more than they could be ever weaponized against them. 53:04.835 --> 53:08.317 Anonymous accounts are not dangerous to the state. 53:08.497 --> 53:16.380 Anonymous accounts are not dangerous to the apparatus that Edward Bernays told us about, that Noam Chomsky warned us about. 53:16.881 --> 53:27.786 The anonymous accounts are exactly how the limited spectrum of debate is maintained and exactly how the very vigorous debate within that spectrum is maintained. 53:28.706 --> 53:30.087 Anonymous accounts. 53:33.454 --> 53:40.137 that amplify what's going on stage, that make the stage more believable. 53:41.318 --> 53:42.058 They're extras. 53:43.459 --> 53:47.901 And these people were taken by extras just like we were taken by extras. 53:48.641 --> 53:55.384 The extras online that say all the things that led these people to believe what they believe, like the Mutton Crew. 53:57.625 --> 54:00.387 There were much more subtle versions of those 54:01.243 --> 54:11.351 those kinds of accounts that these people unwittingly were presented with and resulted in their extreme position. 54:12.531 --> 54:30.645 But in reality, this position isn't much different than somebody who thinks that Robert Malone has ridden in on a white horse and is trying to save us from gain-of-function viruses, trying to wake up the world to the biosecurity threat that is gain-of-function viruses in garages. 54:33.722 --> 54:38.405 they are equally trapped in the same sort of pathetic mythology. 54:38.465 --> 54:50.633 It's just, you know, this mythology looks more pathetic to us because we have sort of told ourselves that we didn't get it as wrong as these people did, but we basically did. 54:52.614 --> 54:54.097 I work remote from home. 54:54.197 --> 54:55.459 I instacart my groceries. 54:55.800 --> 54:57.463 Isolated from my friends and my family. 54:57.643 --> 55:01.229 I've got my air quality monitor, and I take that with me. 55:01.690 --> 55:04.815 And if it gets too high, we'll leave any place we've gone. 55:05.735 --> 55:10.838 I researched what Davos safe meant and what Davos standards meant. 55:11.198 --> 55:14.180 And this was maybe about 14 months ago. 55:14.280 --> 55:31.669 So what that means when you see that hashtag on social media, so the elites who come, which is world leaders, including our president, they come from all over the world to meet at the World Economic Forum, which is in Davos, Switzerland, they have COVID safe mitigations that the rest of the world does not have. 55:32.034 --> 55:35.836 Now think about how interesting that inversion of their theory is. 55:35.916 --> 55:49.782 So they, they say the WEF has COVID medications that work that the rest of the world doesn't have. 55:58.306 --> 55:59.507 That's pretty remarkable. 56:01.823 --> 56:05.765 because on our side, we're assuming that all that's a show. 56:06.525 --> 56:18.151 We're assuming that all those tests, they don't care, or maybe they care, but they also know because remember we, we share videos with each other where the WEF meets and takes pictures of their masks. 56:18.211 --> 56:21.193 And then after the cameras go away, they take their masks off. 56:23.194 --> 56:30.818 And this woman claims that she's seen reports where the WEF has COVID meds that work and they keep to themselves. 56:33.117 --> 56:44.802 And what you need to see is that there were people put in place to claim those things, just like there were people put in place to say, hey, there's a VAERS signal here that was not there before. 56:45.242 --> 56:47.843 Hey, ivermectin works for this novel virus. 56:48.223 --> 56:52.525 Hey, maybe you guys should use supplementary oxygen if you don't have enough ventilators. 56:55.219 --> 57:03.408 And once you see that the other side of the Lollapalooza of liars had all kinds of crazy stories, like the WEF has COVID meds. 57:03.888 --> 57:04.749 What were they using? 57:04.829 --> 57:05.470 Ivermectin? 57:06.431 --> 57:07.572 Hydroxychloroquine? 57:10.075 --> 57:14.079 And they just didn't tell her because it's a secret from the left, but the right knows. 57:14.159 --> 57:17.303 And you see how wickedly we were played? 57:18.436 --> 57:32.490 And if we could approach our friends, not with the idea that, nah, man, you guys had it wrong and we were right, but we could approach our friends from the perspective of, no, they were wrong and you were wrong and everybody was wrong because both of us fell into a trap. 57:34.552 --> 57:37.655 The trap had a lot of different parts that we didn't understand. 57:39.318 --> 57:43.701 And in fact, once you see the trap for what it is, you can start to reinterpret U.S. 57:43.741 --> 58:09.081 history in a different way and start to realize that it would be okay if we united under a common goal of taking back our state or taking back our country under the pretense of truth and justice and the American way from like the 1950s or the 60s when individualism and enabling the individual was what the state was supposed to do, protect the individual's rights and the individual's liberty. 58:11.596 --> 58:29.309 And instead, you can see that these people, by accepting the limited spectrum of debate that they did, they have now already accepted the presuppositions of that limited spectrum of debate, which is that we're all in this together, and that you should wear masks to protect other people, even if you don't need to protect yourself. 58:29.970 --> 58:33.813 And that's because it's becoming a crowded planet and Mother Nature's a bitch. 58:36.283 --> 58:43.708 It is a limited spectrum of debate that they are vigorously engaged in, led by people that were put there on purpose to do that. 58:44.268 --> 58:51.453 Just like we have engaged in a very limited spectrum of debate, but very vigorously with people that were put there to do that. 58:51.533 --> 58:56.796 Joe Rogan, Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone, Pierre Corey, Jessica Rose. 58:58.942 --> 59:06.449 And that includes access to all types of rapid PCR tests that would immediately, if somebody had COVID, it would deactivate their badges. 59:07.150 --> 59:13.396 They had HEPA filters, they had filtration, but they also have something called far UV light or far UVC light. 59:14.637 --> 59:15.838 And I researched that. 59:16.378 --> 59:17.780 So far UVC light, 59:19.603 --> 59:27.570 Just 222 nanometers safely kills all bacteria and all viruses, including COVID, in the air. 59:28.111 --> 59:37.540 Going to work is actually my biggest risk and also the only place that I go, other than the grocery store, because that's required, and the doctor's appointments. 59:38.121 --> 59:40.323 Otherwise, I am very much staying alone. 59:40.623 --> 59:43.045 Until recently, I was really pretty isolated. 59:43.506 --> 59:44.467 I stayed home. 59:44.767 --> 01:00:00.522 So when it comes to COVID and long COVID, I think a lot of emphasis has been put on the physical side of all of this, but not so much on the mental, emotional, psychological side of the suffering that happens when a person is dealing with long COVID. 01:00:00.942 --> 01:00:01.643 We have life 01:00:02.640 --> 01:00:15.943 life changing things that happen like not being able to work, not having enough money, not having good health care, not having social opportunities, not being able to even be perceived in the same way as we were before. 01:00:16.343 --> 01:00:27.006 And so the trouble with that is that is a big part of what goes into the trouble with that is, is that that as long as they are struggling with those things, they're the 01:00:28.186 --> 01:00:34.408 the social outcomes of the position that they're in, they're not reflecting on how they got there. 01:00:34.468 --> 01:00:39.330 They're not reflecting on the possibility that how they got there, they might not understand it. 01:00:39.950 --> 01:00:54.316 And instead, they are working under the assumption that they understand it and being sort of urged forward by the churn of society and by the churn of the narrative, where the churn of the narrative is right on social media. 01:00:56.547 --> 01:00:59.389 That's the churn of the narrative thing. 01:00:59.449 --> 01:01:00.710 That's what's going on. 01:01:01.411 --> 01:01:10.618 And if you keep scrolling, you're getting in the chair, you're agreeing to play Star Wars, you're using the joystick, you got the VR goggles on. 01:01:11.098 --> 01:01:25.269 And so it doesn't really matter how you're trying to understand reality if you're not first starting with books, starting with reading, starting with talking to other people about bigger concepts. 01:01:26.434 --> 01:01:34.943 And these people, you can hear it all the time, are hyper-focused on tiny details in the dollhouse instead of the fact that they're playing in a dollhouse to begin with. 01:01:35.864 --> 01:01:45.815 And how the dollhouse should be arranged and where the rooms belong and whether or not that table looks better over there is irrelevant if we're both playing in dollhouses. 01:01:48.208 --> 01:01:57.396 If we're both sitting in chairs, but we're just, you know, one of us is fighting for the empire and one of us fighting for the rebels, but we're both playing Star Wars, then it doesn't matter at all. 01:01:57.416 --> 01:02:11.228 And in case you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about, I'm talking about this analogy again, that really goes all the way back to Aldous Huxley and the book 1984. 01:02:13.806 --> 01:02:32.938 where a lot of the words will be used and the concepts will be talked about, but this limited spectrum of debate that occurs on social media is in no way, shape, or form getting us to reunite with our estranged friends, our estranged family, and we're getting nowhere closer to us having a common understanding of what happened. 01:02:32.958 --> 01:02:34.879 And that's why I find this 01:02:35.379 --> 01:02:42.045 video so heartbreaking because I think I could sit down with this guy and have a beer with him and he would find me to be a very reasonable guy. 01:02:42.065 --> 01:02:52.455 And if we talked for a couple hours about baseball or kites or kids and then suddenly we moved to immunology and I said, well, you know, can I ask you some questions about your history? 01:02:52.935 --> 01:02:56.058 I might be able to get very quickly to get him to question things. 01:02:58.120 --> 01:03:00.983 Especially if I also said, you know, I think this guy lied to me. 01:03:02.654 --> 01:03:04.395 I mean, I was really sucked in, man. 01:03:04.455 --> 01:03:06.256 I was working for CHD and everything. 01:03:08.638 --> 01:03:12.160 Because then this becomes a very different kind of joker card to play. 01:03:12.640 --> 01:03:16.883 If you play this joker card on Robert Malone, do you really win when he's on the back cover? 01:03:19.625 --> 01:03:25.188 But when you play this joker card with somebody that thinks that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:03:25.288 --> 01:03:27.450 is an anti-vaxxer and a bad guy, 01:03:29.258 --> 01:03:32.481 Now I'm in a very interesting position, aren't I? 01:03:32.541 --> 01:03:37.585 And a very interesting person to talk to from the perspective of this guy, maybe. 01:03:40.768 --> 01:03:41.889 You see where I'm going with this? 01:03:43.911 --> 01:03:49.896 I think we've got a lot of progress to make in a very, very short time, possibly. 01:03:51.317 --> 01:03:54.180 The suffering that long COVID patients have to deal with. 01:03:54.926 --> 01:03:57.529 The last few years have really affected me socially. 01:03:58.029 --> 01:04:07.219 It's been hard to not be able to go to dinner with friends or go to parties, just missing out on a lot of stuff and missing Christmas. 01:04:08.140 --> 01:04:08.881 It's been difficult. 01:04:09.982 --> 01:04:13.025 I'm certainly missing out on a social life. 01:04:14.086 --> 01:04:17.570 Here I am in my late 20s and I've been living at home. 01:04:18.488 --> 01:04:20.288 for three years in isolation. 01:04:20.308 --> 01:04:35.332 It's definitely not how I thought I'd be spending the last years of my 20s, but I just remind myself that I'm doing this because if I don't do it, I can end up with severe ME and spend the rest of my life in my bed. 01:04:36.052 --> 01:04:41.813 So it's interesting because if I just go back to this lady, she's got lipstick on, um, 01:04:44.064 --> 01:04:52.807 I would wonder, for example, what products she uses, what laundry detergent, you know, how does she protect her immune system in other ways? 01:04:52.907 --> 01:05:01.350 Because I do know a few people that have described their daily sort of dealing with 01:05:02.719 --> 01:05:20.613 similar conditions, um, dealing with Lyme's disease and other things where it seems like the people that are getting on with it with regard to Lyme's disease and chronic fatigue syndrome and that have very, a very distinct understanding of how they can manage it. 01:05:20.673 --> 01:05:26.778 Whereas these people are more resigned to not knowing. 01:05:26.878 --> 01:05:28.279 And, you know, this is just the way it is. 01:05:28.319 --> 01:05:29.560 And I hope it goes away. 01:05:30.661 --> 01:05:30.741 Um, 01:05:33.379 --> 01:05:36.582 I think there's a lot of people to be saved out there, ladies and gentlemen, I really do. 01:05:37.422 --> 01:05:46.450 But I just remind myself that I'm doing this because if I don't do it, I can end up with severe ME and spend the rest of my life in my bed. 01:05:46.550 --> 01:05:51.494 I've been bedbound for 14 months and locked out of society. 01:05:52.714 --> 01:05:53.975 is how I would describe it. 01:05:55.575 --> 01:06:10.143 I would bring N95 masks to my doctors and to my dentist, and everyone from the receptionist to the office manager to some doctors themselves and some dentists themselves would sneer. 01:06:10.743 --> 01:06:14.745 Going over to my mom's place for dinner isn't happening, mostly because my sister is not 01:06:15.430 --> 01:06:25.568 I mean, for example, when I went to the doctor to, you know, this little clinic or whatever, and just paid to get a doctor to give me a prescription, that doctor was wearing a 01:06:27.719 --> 01:06:32.142 I don't know what you would call it, but it was a mask to protect from particulates. 01:06:32.263 --> 01:06:38.547 It looked a lot like a mask you might wear if you were doing asbestos or something, because it wasn't an N95 mask. 01:06:38.587 --> 01:06:40.048 It was more robust than that. 01:06:40.068 --> 01:06:41.269 It was green on the outside. 01:06:41.349 --> 01:06:53.599 It had metal things to go around his nose, and you could see that he had it on because, you know, when they pull it tight, you get this ring, and you can see that the skin's a little white because it's getting pulled on there. 01:06:54.651 --> 01:06:59.616 And so, you know, it goes through the whole ladder. 01:07:00.316 --> 01:07:14.049 And in reality, the thing that I realized over the weekend that I didn't really understand, I don't know why I didn't understand it, but I don't think there's anyone at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine who knows who Robert Malone is. 01:07:15.956 --> 01:07:24.663 like that still has tenure and is still just going on with COVID things as the kids come back to school in the fall and just, you know, goes with this. 01:07:25.504 --> 01:07:27.826 When kids say, I have long COVID, they say, oh really? 01:07:27.846 --> 01:07:29.147 Well, is that why you're wearing a mask? 01:07:29.767 --> 01:07:32.570 Those people don't know who Robert Malone is. 01:07:32.630 --> 01:07:39.515 They definitely don't know who Soph is or who Sasha is or who Kevin McCarren is or who Kevin McKernan is even. 01:07:39.916 --> 01:07:42.538 None of them know who Jessica Rose is. 01:07:46.564 --> 01:07:48.785 but 134 of them know who I am. 01:07:51.045 --> 01:07:56.386 All of them know who I am because they all talked about me when I got laid off. 01:07:58.327 --> 01:08:04.969 There were three papers that came out after I was laid off that had my data in them and only one of them had my name on them. 01:08:05.489 --> 01:08:07.409 They definitely talked about me. 01:08:08.550 --> 01:08:14.231 Not Robert Malone, not Sasha, not Meryl Nass, probably not even Bobby Kennedy except in joking. 01:08:16.212 --> 01:08:25.678 And yet I have convinced myself and been convinced, including, including by this operation, I've been convinced that that was what I needed to fight. 01:08:25.718 --> 01:08:27.079 That's what I needed to argue about. 01:08:27.119 --> 01:08:27.779 That's what I need. 01:08:27.799 --> 01:08:28.760 That was my truth. 01:08:28.840 --> 01:08:34.624 No, my truth is, is that I've been a biologist my whole life and I wasn't a very good one until very recently. 01:08:37.285 --> 01:08:42.869 When I humbled myself to the fact that I didn't understand as much as I thought I did. 01:08:43.891 --> 01:08:54.775 And that a lot of my understanding was actually just based on assumptions that had been put there by charlatans, put there by coordinated lies being told over many decades. 01:08:58.617 --> 01:09:03.199 And these people are a victim in the same way that we were and remain. 01:09:05.022 --> 01:09:09.644 My sister and her family, they're not wearing masks and I have a niece that goes to school and she's not wearing a mask. 01:09:10.384 --> 01:09:13.165 So I've kind of had to stay away from them. 01:09:13.185 --> 01:09:19.848 I went from seeing my daughter all the time to basically not seeing her other than in video. 01:09:20.328 --> 01:09:23.349 Prior to having COVID, I was much healthier than I am now. 01:09:23.369 --> 01:09:26.791 I was able to exercise more. 01:09:26.811 --> 01:09:29.992 I didn't have the breathing problems that I do now. 01:09:30.812 --> 01:09:35.858 And I was able to live a functional life with a lot of social and recreational activities. 01:09:36.359 --> 01:09:39.903 I was able to work full time and I can't do most of those things now. 01:09:40.885 --> 01:09:42.767 You know, I even get out of breath just talking. 01:09:43.112 --> 01:09:57.434 I've lost a lot of people that used to be in that middle category of, you know, happy friends and happy to talk to and kept me company and I kept them company, but it's not worth it to them to wear a mask around me. 01:09:58.015 --> 01:10:02.075 Closest connections that I have, they don't want to see me at all. 01:10:02.495 --> 01:10:03.455 So that's hard. 01:10:03.535 --> 01:10:08.716 I try to look for reasons for hope and love in a world that too often looks otherwise. 01:10:09.757 --> 01:10:11.917 And, but having said that, 01:10:12.837 --> 01:10:18.623 I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it's also really frustrating and sort of sad, right? 01:10:18.663 --> 01:10:20.524 Like we're all dealing with these losses. 01:10:21.665 --> 01:10:27.271 And the longer we go, the more these losses are compounded because we're living differently. 01:10:28.300 --> 01:10:33.724 We don't have any friends near us or any of our close friends that are still masking. 01:10:33.764 --> 01:10:36.446 My personality has definitely changed with COVID. 01:10:37.067 --> 01:10:40.529 I'm just not the same outgoing person that I was pre-COVID. 01:10:41.470 --> 01:10:42.731 But that's a weird thing to say. 01:10:42.771 --> 01:10:44.212 That's your own problem then, right? 01:10:44.252 --> 01:10:45.673 That sounds like a me problem. 01:10:45.713 --> 01:10:46.514 And that's what we've got to... 01:10:47.094 --> 01:11:15.479 that's the other problem right there's going to be some tough love that's necessary at some point we're going to have to say that in the conversation even if it's just around the fire you know with a couple beers like dude that sounds like a me problem i wouldn't want to get too deep into it but a lot of times people need to hear that and you know a lot of these people now they're not around anybody except for what and so all their feedback that they get is probably 01:11:17.162 --> 01:11:17.783 not real. 01:11:18.824 --> 01:11:26.934 A lot of the feedback they get is simply because the algorithm, the programming of social media is designed to give them that feedback. 01:11:27.634 --> 01:11:35.764 Just like the program was designed to not allow me to be seen and to only be able to see these people. 01:11:37.611 --> 01:11:47.114 and to think that these people were being sort of retweeted and shared by these anonymous mice, that's no different than what happened to them. 01:11:47.194 --> 01:11:54.776 It's just a different Lollapalooza of liars, a different stage with a different set of variables and a different set of hamster wheels. 01:11:55.916 --> 01:12:06.819 But you shouldn't see these people as any more fooled than we were when we were arguing about gain of function viruses and fear and cleavage sites and HIV inserts and amyloid and prion disease. 01:12:11.736 --> 01:12:12.296 frustrating. 01:12:12.316 --> 01:12:14.057 You feel like you don't exist. 01:12:14.738 --> 01:12:18.699 Being forgotten is the perfect way to put it because that's exactly what I was thinking. 01:12:19.120 --> 01:12:23.362 I sit here hoping to make it through another day in a world that 01:12:24.398 --> 01:12:25.878 knows people who have died. 01:12:26.018 --> 01:12:28.059 Like I know people who know people who have died. 01:12:28.159 --> 01:12:29.219 I know people who have died. 01:12:29.239 --> 01:12:32.360 I had to essentially leave my job because I couldn't assist. 01:12:32.540 --> 01:12:33.540 I know people who've died. 01:12:33.560 --> 01:12:35.881 I know lots of people who died. 01:12:35.921 --> 01:12:43.882 I lost my father-in-law to the lockdowns and to vaccine requirements and to an untreated urinary tract infection. 01:12:44.442 --> 01:12:51.404 He died in extreme pain and deserves some kind of revenge. 01:12:53.371 --> 01:12:54.812 or justice. 01:12:56.292 --> 01:13:07.516 I lost a friend named Annie Wershing, who I am sure took the transfection in order to be on the set of Picard, and then died of very fast brain cancer. 01:13:09.656 --> 01:13:13.498 I'm absolutely sure that I lost my friend Nathan to his shots. 01:13:14.518 --> 01:13:19.279 And the unfortunate thing is, is that one month before he died, I was able to have him in my house. 01:13:20.360 --> 01:13:20.960 Thank God. 01:13:22.250 --> 01:13:32.657 And I was able to at least tell him as he laughed at me about what I was going to do with my life when this whole thing was over, that it wasn't going to be over. 01:13:34.798 --> 01:13:37.941 Because these people aren't going to stop until we stop them. 01:13:38.001 --> 01:13:43.804 Because the goal is to make us and our kids into experimental animals. 01:13:44.965 --> 01:13:51.430 And so the fracturing of us on this biological mythology was part of the plan all along. 01:13:52.321 --> 01:14:00.285 to separate us so far away from these people that we wouldn't even bother to try and send a message or try to reconnect. 01:14:02.786 --> 01:14:08.109 And what we need to see is that these people are just as traumatized as we were, just as trapped as we were. 01:14:08.149 --> 01:14:15.733 They just chose a different set of liars, by no fault of their own, because they used the same entry point that we did. 01:14:20.020 --> 01:14:21.261 stay in a full-time position. 01:14:21.961 --> 01:14:29.605 And so I, and that was really very troubling for me, of course, and my family financially, because that's like half of our income gone. 01:14:30.325 --> 01:14:32.486 I'll just use my niece as an example. 01:14:32.566 --> 01:14:37.988 When COVID first started, she was screaming at me, like, you're still going shopping? 01:14:38.029 --> 01:14:38.949 You're crazy. 01:14:39.009 --> 01:14:40.790 You've got to get your food ordered. 01:14:40.850 --> 01:14:44.692 And, you know, blah, blah, and how can, you've got to be so caring. 01:14:45.988 --> 01:14:55.337 She was more riled up about it than I was at first, because I was kind of like, oh, I'm going to kind of wait and see what's going on with this. 01:14:55.357 --> 01:15:06.008 And within three months, she went from that position to, I will no longer allow the boys to wear a mask around you. 01:15:07.142 --> 01:15:07.983 to have your life. 01:15:08.803 --> 01:15:11.566 I will no longer allow the boys to wear a mask around you. 01:15:11.626 --> 01:15:21.113 So as her friend's understanding changed in one direction, her understanding changed in another direction. 01:15:21.173 --> 01:15:29.320 So you see, at the beginning of the pandemic, that lady, this lady right here, actually didn't think it was that big of a deal, but her friend did. 01:15:32.170 --> 01:15:35.893 And then three months later, their positions were inverted. 01:15:35.973 --> 01:15:41.898 This is exactly the evidence you need to see that this was a military operation. 01:15:41.938 --> 01:15:43.078 This was a PSYOP. 01:15:43.379 --> 01:15:45.360 And that's why that happens. 01:15:45.620 --> 01:15:50.904 It's not as clean as, you know, some people figure it out and some people don't. 01:15:51.005 --> 01:15:51.825 No, no, no, no, no. 01:15:53.006 --> 01:15:56.629 We all were led to believe we figured it out. 01:15:58.208 --> 01:16:01.331 And that was what was so enticing about the operation. 01:16:01.511 --> 01:16:05.074 You either read into it one thing or you read it and it didn't matter. 01:16:05.614 --> 01:16:10.318 You can show these videos to anybody and they interpret them how they interpret them now. 01:16:10.778 --> 01:16:15.282 That's what's very interesting about a lot of the stuff that's circulating on social media right now. 01:16:15.342 --> 01:16:19.786 It depends on your perspective, what you see when you watch these videos. 01:16:21.307 --> 01:16:25.971 You know, it's not like everybody that watches a particular video about Israel thinks, oh, wow. 01:16:27.145 --> 01:16:29.486 blue flag bad, black flag good. 01:16:31.067 --> 01:16:35.030 Or when they watch a video, they think, oh, Russia bad, Ukraine good. 01:16:36.170 --> 01:16:41.974 The videos are constructed in such a way that depending on the bias you bring in, you see exactly what you need to see. 01:16:42.014 --> 01:16:43.235 And most of us were too 01:16:45.390 --> 01:16:55.097 too naive to know that the trap had already become that sophisticated, that the use of social media had already become that sophisticated. 01:16:55.778 --> 01:17:00.261 And we still thought we were getting into a genuine chair and going to play genuine Star Wars. 01:17:00.321 --> 01:17:02.343 And if the rebels won, it would be for real. 01:17:03.864 --> 01:17:04.945 And that's not what happens. 01:17:05.085 --> 01:17:06.646 That's not what this system is. 01:17:06.686 --> 01:17:09.268 And that's not how COVID was used against us. 01:17:11.002 --> 01:17:15.325 It's not how COVID, there wasn't one trap that they fell into and that we avoided. 01:17:16.426 --> 01:17:20.970 There's a lot of things that are worse about being where they are than where we are. 01:17:22.050 --> 01:17:30.357 And there's lots of things worse about where they are than being where the people who think it was gain of function and soon everybody's gonna have amyloidosis are. 01:17:32.378 --> 01:17:34.720 But the real understanding 01:17:36.124 --> 01:17:51.469 that they are willing to murder and lie in order to protect the criminal vaccine schedule, that they are willing to murder and lie in order to shift our children and grandchildren into experimental animals from sovereign individuals to experimental animals. 01:17:51.509 --> 01:17:54.390 They are willing to murder and lie over decades. 01:17:55.170 --> 01:18:04.433 Once you see that that truth unites me and you and her and all of these people, then that's the truth we need these people to see. 01:18:07.731 --> 01:18:10.693 And these people are in more need of help. 01:18:11.994 --> 01:18:19.820 That position to, I will no longer allow the boys to wear a mask around you. 01:18:19.840 --> 01:18:26.285 Would you be willing to wear a mask everywhere you go for like the week or two before that? 01:18:26.625 --> 01:18:27.266 No, they're not. 01:18:27.546 --> 01:18:32.730 So she wants people to wear a mask for a week or two before they visit her. 01:18:35.293 --> 01:18:37.355 Now, of course, this could easily be ridiculed. 01:18:37.375 --> 01:18:38.555 We could make fun of her right now. 01:18:38.656 --> 01:18:40.717 But we could also see, wow! 01:18:41.778 --> 01:18:55.348 You see how the hamster wheel can get people even farther down the mythology than even Tony Fauci or Barney or any of these people could have ever imagined. 01:18:56.658 --> 01:19:09.174 Not in Sina Bavari and David Hohn's wildest dreams did they ever think that some people would carry it this far, where they would require their friends and family to wear masks for two weeks before they visited them. 01:19:09.615 --> 01:19:13.179 Yet if you could show them this, this video, they would high five each other. 01:19:13.820 --> 01:19:27.715 Mark Ronst and Tony Fauci and and Ralph Baric and and yes Peter Daszak and yes Robert Malone and Meryl Nass and all of them would high-five each other because this is exactly what they need. 01:19:29.400 --> 01:19:35.104 has exactly the amount of broken that they need on this side, because then we can't save them. 01:19:35.524 --> 01:19:50.535 And on the other side, they need exactly the same kind of broken as what like somebody like maybe Walter Chestnut is, where he really thinks he is solving the mystery of the gain of function spike protein in every single paper that he can find about 01:19:51.135 --> 01:20:00.802 about radiation sickness or mitochondrial disease has to do with the spike protein because there are these few papers over here that say the spike protein can do this stuff. 01:20:01.803 --> 01:20:10.650 And because Jay Cooey and Kevin McCairn and Jessica Rose have all said that I'm super smart for like two years, so I must be onto something. 01:20:15.833 --> 01:20:17.835 We need to back the truck up, ladies and gentlemen. 01:20:18.188 --> 01:20:18.849 going to do that. 01:20:19.270 --> 01:20:21.394 Most of my family, most of my friends. 01:20:21.755 --> 01:20:27.666 Really all those relationships are gone and I don't, I don't have any friends outside of like, 01:20:29.013 --> 01:20:29.893 the virtual world. 01:20:30.113 --> 01:20:40.857 The fatigue is so bad that the level of energy that you need to get up just to go to the toilet or just to brush your teeth is so exhausting. 01:20:41.418 --> 01:20:48.400 The one thing I wonder about a lot of these people and I see somebody up there saying something like they're fake or that they're sorry for themselves. 01:20:49.200 --> 01:20:50.501 I definitely agree 01:20:51.221 --> 01:21:14.780 that there is going to be a lot of that and part of that is because this this is not a mirror right you don't this is not a mirror and so when they use this to try and figure out if they're crazy this thing says no of course you're not crazy and just like when i was scrolling like am i crazy or is this a lab leak no of course you're not crazy it said of course 01:21:17.426 --> 01:21:22.391 Of course you're not crazy, said Robert Malone, Merrill Nass, and Bobby Kennedy. 01:21:24.973 --> 01:21:26.274 And that's how we got here. 01:21:26.314 --> 01:21:30.719 These people are also told they're not crazy when they scroll on their machine. 01:21:32.640 --> 01:21:33.381 And then you see it. 01:21:33.441 --> 01:21:34.282 This is the trap. 01:21:35.143 --> 01:21:36.324 Social media is the trap. 01:21:37.503 --> 01:21:40.665 There would be no pandemic if it wasn't for social media. 01:21:40.685 --> 01:21:47.649 And Mark Van Ronst said that in no uncertain terms in front of the Chatham House about his reflections on swine flu. 01:21:50.451 --> 01:21:54.133 It's not possible without the social media aspect of it. 01:21:54.213 --> 01:22:02.718 And I'm sure they gamed that in event 201 in October of 2019 and in many tabletop exercises before that. 01:22:04.815 --> 01:22:08.598 oftentimes that you will just have to go and get back in bed. 01:22:08.638 --> 01:22:16.142 So the biggest thing with long COVID is, if you know you have to do something, you have to rest before you do anything. 01:22:16.223 --> 01:22:17.744 I miss my friends so much. 01:22:17.944 --> 01:22:19.925 I miss going to theater. 01:22:20.725 --> 01:22:24.728 It's the level of loneliness and isolation. 01:22:25.268 --> 01:22:31.913 Loneliness, that's what the Hopi Indians will tell you is the ultimate motivation for all human behavior is loneliness. 01:22:33.672 --> 01:22:41.958 I think loneliness is one of those things that you can't really estimate how painful it is in a social animal. 01:22:44.020 --> 01:22:55.329 And then the idea that these people have accepted that the most important aspect of being a human is worth sacrificing because mother nature is a bitch. 01:22:56.330 --> 01:22:57.891 That's where this woman is trapped. 01:22:59.522 --> 01:23:13.797 And oh my goodness, if we could sit down for an hour and laugh about chickens and kids and academic biology and then suddenly stumble into this, I might be able to save her in an hour or not. 01:23:14.137 --> 01:23:15.599 She might send me home immediately. 01:23:15.679 --> 01:23:16.079 I don't know. 01:23:17.861 --> 01:23:20.604 But my point is, is that none of us have had the 01:23:22.142 --> 01:23:32.046 inkling of the desire to try and talk to anybody like this before, not even to send a message to people like this before, and I think I'd like to start making YouTube videos for people like this. 01:23:33.787 --> 01:23:41.610 I'd like to start having people like this on my show and just talk to them and have them over for a for a virtual fire or something if they dare. 01:23:41.950 --> 01:23:43.231 I don't know how to do it, but 01:23:44.071 --> 01:23:57.248 If there are more people like this or somewhere on this side of the spectrum than there are trying to actively understand what Robert Malone is up to, then what are we doing? 01:23:58.910 --> 01:24:00.332 We need to go to these people. 01:24:01.482 --> 01:24:03.724 we need to turn our attention to these people. 01:24:04.604 --> 01:24:13.990 Or let's say we turn these people, we turn our attention to the least afflicted of this population. 01:24:14.010 --> 01:24:16.772 How much I miss going to theater. 01:24:17.153 --> 01:24:21.515 It's the level of loneliness and isolation. 01:24:23.016 --> 01:24:29.341 And while I'm grateful for Zoom and the still COVID-ing groups, it's two-dimensional. 01:24:30.538 --> 01:24:35.881 But I just want to sit and have a cup of tea with a friend and get a hug, hello and goodbye. 01:24:37.482 --> 01:24:49.369 And the TV and social media have convinced her that that's more dangerous to her, so dangerous that she shouldn't engage in it, even though it looks like that any day she could just have a heart attack, you know. 01:24:50.464 --> 01:24:57.927 It remains true that if these people dare to go out into their automobile, that they're doing one of the most dangerous things they can do in any given day. 01:24:58.588 --> 01:25:01.929 You get on a motorcycle and make it worse, but that's about it. 01:25:04.090 --> 01:25:11.153 So it's extraordinary to me that, I think we can help some of these people, I really do. 01:25:13.454 --> 01:25:14.415 And I don't have that. 01:25:15.355 --> 01:25:16.716 So I'm at this point in my life, 01:25:18.015 --> 01:25:22.417 we're at 72, it's hard to make new friends to begin with. 01:25:23.017 --> 01:25:25.718 There's a pandemic and nobody I know wears a mask. 01:25:26.198 --> 01:25:34.182 So it's like, so it's really that sense of being so alone at this stage of life. 01:25:35.168 --> 01:25:37.309 People suffer in silence in many cases. 01:25:37.329 --> 01:25:38.430 They feel isolated. 01:25:38.450 --> 01:25:39.951 They feel ostracized. 01:25:40.491 --> 01:26:00.665 Just like I said earlier about the wearing a mask when you're the only one wearing the mask and people are turning it, I think, whether they're saying... I mean, the only place, and this is really extraordinary, the only place where these people could get a reinforcing message that, yes, wearing a mask is right is by looking at the CDC website or watching PBS News. 01:26:01.345 --> 01:26:02.646 You're not going to get it from Fox. 01:26:03.007 --> 01:26:08.893 You're not even going to probably get it from NBC or CBS, although I admit I don't watch any of those things anymore. 01:26:12.937 --> 01:26:16.440 And yet somewhere they must be getting confirmation that they're not crazy. 01:26:16.800 --> 01:26:25.149 Somewhere they must have heard occasionally someone like, you know, Mandy say that it's okay if you feel like wearing a mask, you're not nuts. 01:26:27.199 --> 01:26:31.503 And of course they got reinforced by the stuff that went on at the Olympics and this kind of thing. 01:26:34.586 --> 01:26:40.912 And they still probably think it's Donald Trump's fault that more people didn't take masking seriously and keep taking it seriously. 01:26:41.832 --> 01:26:50.821 Or you can see it in their eyes how they turn it on you like there's something wrong with him and he needs to like, you know, get over this, whatever it is. 01:26:51.417 --> 01:26:57.544 I know people that got COVID before we even knew what it was, and they're still dealing with long COVID. 01:26:58.005 --> 01:26:59.106 But she got COVID. 01:26:59.747 --> 01:27:04.873 That's a pretty extraordinary statement to make that she knows people who got COVID before. 01:27:11.991 --> 01:27:15.573 You know, I have to say, I got this pen from a viewer. 01:27:15.833 --> 01:27:18.414 And if you're out there, man, I do really like it. 01:27:18.454 --> 01:27:19.174 It works really well. 01:27:19.254 --> 01:27:20.275 And the nib is really good. 01:27:20.375 --> 01:27:23.216 And the pen is called a Conklin pen. 01:27:23.996 --> 01:27:27.698 And it looks like the Conklin pens are made in Toledo, USA. 01:27:27.858 --> 01:27:29.079 And they're really not bad. 01:27:29.099 --> 01:27:31.259 I mean, it's got a converter and stuff in it. 01:27:31.279 --> 01:27:36.542 So, you know, it's not like it's got its own reservoir or something super fancy. 01:27:37.342 --> 01:27:48.104 But that means you can also replace it very easily too and and I think the nib is made by them or at least it's it's It's got their their name on it and it writes really nice. 01:27:48.144 --> 01:27:51.185 I mean, you know for one that's not flex nib It's a really good pen. 01:27:51.205 --> 01:28:03.728 So thank you very much again so kovat before we knew What it was and They have long kovat 01:28:04.901 --> 01:28:13.505 So that's interesting because, again, you can wonder, and I would ask that question, was that the old lady saying it? 01:28:13.666 --> 01:28:15.306 I think it was the old lady that said it, right? 01:28:15.346 --> 01:28:16.427 Yeah, she's the one who said it. 01:28:16.707 --> 01:28:23.410 At this point in my life, we're at 72, it's hard to make new friends to begin with. 01:28:24.031 --> 01:28:26.732 There's a pandemic and nobody I know wears a mask. 01:28:27.212 --> 01:28:28.213 So it's like, 01:28:31.081 --> 01:28:35.245 So it's really that sense of being so alone at this stage of life. 01:28:36.085 --> 01:28:38.307 People suffer in silence in many cases. 01:28:38.327 --> 01:28:39.448 They feel isolated. 01:28:39.749 --> 01:28:40.950 They feel ostracized. 01:28:41.490 --> 01:28:57.564 Just like I said earlier about the wearing a mask, when you're the only one wearing the mask and people are turning it, I think whether they're saying it or you can see it in their eyes, how they turn it on you, like there's something wrong with him and he needs to like, you know, get over this silence. 01:28:59.997 --> 01:29:04.401 we're at 72, it's hard to make new friends to begin with. 01:29:05.001 --> 01:29:07.704 There's a pandemic and nobody I know wears a mask. 01:29:08.184 --> 01:29:16.171 So it's like, so it's really that sense of being so alone at this stage of life. 01:29:17.173 --> 01:29:20.015 People suffer in silence in many cases, and they feel isolated. 01:29:20.075 --> 01:29:20.776 Oh, too far back? 01:29:20.856 --> 01:29:21.917 OK, that's fine. 01:29:22.477 --> 01:29:25.340 Just like I said earlier about the- I'll just let it play. 01:29:25.360 --> 01:29:25.900 My bad. 01:29:25.920 --> 01:29:35.368 When you're the only one wearing the mask, and people are turning it, I think whether they're saying it or you can see it in their eyes how they turn it on you, like there's something wrong with him. 01:29:35.388 --> 01:29:41.033 So we need him to understand that most of these people are looking at you with pity because 01:29:41.693 --> 01:29:47.137 Because we know that it's very likely that a lot of this stuff was lied to us. 01:29:47.237 --> 01:29:52.421 They lied to us about this stuff in order to create the illusion that there was danger. 01:29:53.902 --> 01:29:57.185 And now the question is, did these people really get sick? 01:29:57.225 --> 01:30:00.448 Did they experience something before they got vaccinated, et cetera? 01:30:00.908 --> 01:30:08.574 Because there are a lot of people whose narrative will shatter if they're just asked to effectively 01:30:11.181 --> 01:30:13.510 look back on what happened, reflect on what happened. 01:30:14.132 --> 01:30:16.741 He needs to like, you know, get over this, whatever it is. 01:30:17.338 --> 01:30:18.278 I know people that got. 01:30:18.398 --> 01:30:20.019 I mean, that's exactly it, Daniel. 01:30:20.099 --> 01:30:41.767 One of the things that you can say to these people is that if there is an ongoing pandemic that you think that masks are essential in preventing it becoming a never-ending crisis, then how do you explain that depending on when people are masking or not is having any effect in the broad sense? 01:30:41.887 --> 01:30:42.267 And again, 01:30:42.987 --> 01:30:44.168 You're going to catch it in a minute. 01:30:44.208 --> 01:30:51.094 I think somebody's going to tell you an anecdotal story about going to Target and getting glasses and then saying that that person didn't wear a mask and they got sick. 01:30:51.875 --> 01:30:59.481 And so all of these people probably have an anecdotal story where they say they forgot their mask or they know somebody who didn't wear a mask and they got sick. 01:31:00.342 --> 01:31:06.188 And that's no different than Robert Malone telling you that he was at a Biogen conference that was a super spreader event. 01:31:06.568 --> 01:31:13.976 It's no different than Kevin McCarran telling you that he got sick because he was in Korea and there was a super spreader event in Korea. 01:31:15.377 --> 01:31:17.940 It's just a different version of that mythology. 01:31:18.976 --> 01:31:34.607 And we have tolerated Robert Malone and Charles Rixey and Kevin McCairn and Merrill Nass and Mary Holland all saying that, I know for sure I had something strange, but we don't tolerate these people? 01:31:37.529 --> 01:31:40.491 That's the trap we are in because they are both 01:31:41.989 --> 01:31:49.131 essentially participating in the same level of acceptance of the faith, of the mythology that we are all trapped in. 01:31:50.171 --> 01:31:54.713 And so choosing one side or another was always going to be a failure. 01:31:54.753 --> 01:32:02.095 And it took me, and it's still taking me a long time to understand this, this fundamental problem. 01:32:03.268 --> 01:32:13.756 that I should have been reaching out to these people for four years, not reaching out to the people that were involved in the Scooby-Doo and riding around in the stupid van with me. 01:32:16.998 --> 01:32:21.781 COVID before we even knew what it was, and they're still dealing with long COVID. 01:32:22.262 --> 01:32:32.249 But she got COVID after having her family tested and after them all being negative, but unmasked at a Christmas gathering. 01:32:33.035 --> 01:32:35.716 And she has long COVID as a result. 01:32:35.836 --> 01:32:38.216 To this day, she has trouble. 01:32:38.236 --> 01:32:40.757 As a result, you see, as a result. 01:32:42.198 --> 01:32:52.860 And now we need to accept the fact that there is a remote possibility that it isn't all murder and lies. 01:32:54.221 --> 01:32:54.521 OK? 01:32:55.101 --> 01:32:57.642 We need to accept the possibility that we don't know. 01:32:57.842 --> 01:33:00.162 And it is possible that a 01:33:02.739 --> 01:33:27.988 synthetic DNA or RNA construct was distributed for signals, was distributed to create an illusion of spread, was distributed to create some kind of illusion of a respiratory disease, and it could be any combination of things. 01:33:29.626 --> 01:33:43.681 I really need you to consider the possibility that they could have released A in New York and B in Wuhan and C in Iran and D in Italy and they might all be different. 01:33:44.562 --> 01:33:50.549 Plus, on the background of that, there might be a background that can be misconstrued as spread. 01:33:50.970 --> 01:34:03.404 And on top of that, there was also a very high fidelity signal of the spike protein so that they could take that immunogen and put it in the bioweapon that they gave everybody and said that it was a countermeasure. 01:34:05.225 --> 01:34:16.312 It doesn't need to be this extremely parsimonious explanation that there is no virus, there was no viruses, they've been lying about it for decades, and there's nothing spreading. 01:34:17.113 --> 01:34:33.884 It doesn't need to be that simple in order for it to be extremely plausible, use all known methodologies available, all known bioterrorist concepts, biosecurity concepts available, 01:34:35.518 --> 01:34:38.620 and yet not be as simple as there are no viruses. 01:34:38.660 --> 01:34:39.500 There was no virus. 01:34:39.520 --> 01:34:41.201 They just lied about it and murdered people. 01:34:41.941 --> 01:34:42.982 I'm sure there's murder. 01:34:43.082 --> 01:34:44.302 I'm sure there are lies. 01:34:45.523 --> 01:34:55.668 But if it's for all the marbles, then why wouldn't they use a toxin to confuse some people over here and use an irritant to confuse people over here and use a, you know, 01:34:56.601 --> 01:35:05.383 We don't need to limit the creativity here because it's for all the marbles and because this plan extends decades into the past. 01:35:05.443 --> 01:35:13.305 So it's not like this is just some ham-fisted thing that they drew up on a napkin in a nightclub and then decided, okay, tomorrow we'll start. 01:35:17.647 --> 01:35:21.228 And so as we try to free these people, we need them to see 01:35:23.632 --> 01:35:30.367 how simple their explanation for what happened actually is and how it means that there are no bad guys. 01:35:31.954 --> 01:35:47.125 that nobody made any mistakes, there's no profit being made, there's no overarching plan for how to govern people, there's no global plan, even though she says there's a WEF, the other lady did, and that they have special medicines they won't share to everybody else. 01:35:47.565 --> 01:35:56.892 If there's a conspiracy that's that big, can you imagine the possibility that they would tell you or convince you using social media of that story? 01:35:58.007 --> 01:36:00.748 in order to weaponize that mistruth against you. 01:36:00.768 --> 01:36:03.208 You see, these people are very, very savable. 01:36:03.288 --> 01:36:05.529 People walking and breathing. 01:36:06.929 --> 01:36:13.951 Another loved one of mine just passed away in scaled nursing after repeat COVID infections. 01:36:14.071 --> 01:36:16.651 And is now bedridden, which we now know is long COVID. 01:36:17.451 --> 01:36:17.931 And this is at 16. 01:36:18.752 --> 01:36:24.553 Another person has damage in their hands, and they're an artist, and another person couldn't walk anymore. 01:36:24.813 --> 01:36:39.376 I mean, that woman, the last one, can you imagine sitting down with her and saying, what in the world makes you believe that a 16-year-old and mother nature who's a bitch has resulted in the consequences that you've described? 01:36:39.736 --> 01:36:52.018 How is it that you haven't considered the possibility that the vaccine schedule that that 16-year-old was on is partially responsible for her not being an optimal young adult? 01:36:54.059 --> 01:37:13.945 When I was growing up, when I was in high school in Northern Wisconsin, the pom-pom squad, when I was 16 and a sophomore, was entirely full of the most beautiful 18-year-old, 17-year-old, and 16-year-old girls that have ever been raised in the history of Northern Wisconsin. 01:37:13.985 --> 01:37:15.445 I guarantee it. 01:37:19.046 --> 01:37:21.367 And those kids had like four shots. 01:37:23.496 --> 01:37:29.841 Those young women were not being asked to take an HPV shot a couple years earlier. 01:37:31.322 --> 01:37:34.705 Those girls were not being coerced into taking a flu shot. 01:37:35.105 --> 01:37:41.410 And for sure, those girls were never asked to take a COVID battery as teenagers. 01:37:46.494 --> 01:37:47.996 That's what we're dealing with here. 01:37:48.843 --> 01:38:08.483 And she looks like a woman who's old enough to understand that when she was 16 years old, her body had not experienced 32 intramuscular injections of combinations of substances, not determined by hard science, but determined by highly profitable, completely non-liable companies. 01:38:09.448 --> 01:38:18.830 that have influenced a completely non-liable FDA and CDC to push these shots ever earlier and ever more abundantly on these kids. 01:38:20.751 --> 01:38:28.613 You see, the criminal vaccine schedule is just as dangerous for her to understand as it is for me to understand. 01:38:30.253 --> 01:38:36.475 And just as possible for her to understand, because I only started to understand it three years ago. 01:38:37.389 --> 01:38:39.611 now bedridden, which we now know is long COVID. 01:38:40.412 --> 01:38:41.433 And this was at 16. 01:38:41.713 --> 01:38:49.660 Another person has damage in their hands and they're an artist and another person couldn't walk anymore because they had damage in their leg. 01:38:49.780 --> 01:38:55.205 My sister had... Those girls made such an impression on me that I bet I can name every one of them. 01:38:58.223 --> 01:39:10.409 The whole concept of what happened to me in high school and how we went and grew up together in high school really is exactly what probably children should grow up doing and thinking. 01:39:15.971 --> 01:39:17.112 And then something changed. 01:39:18.735 --> 01:39:30.037 And now our children, I have a 14-year-old, a 12-year-old, and a 7-year-old, are growing up in schools that I can barely justify allowing them to go to. 01:39:30.117 --> 01:39:36.399 And I'm saying allowing them to because if my 12-year-old decides not to go this year, it's going to be totally OK with me. 01:39:38.379 --> 01:39:40.699 My 14-year-old, it's his first year in high school. 01:39:40.719 --> 01:39:42.400 There's no way he's ever going to let that go. 01:39:42.520 --> 01:39:43.160 Of course not. 01:39:44.080 --> 01:39:48.261 And I have high hopes that despite the terrible 01:39:50.031 --> 01:40:10.955 crop of adults that is manning that school right now, it is possible that by participating in his education and being present for it, I can at least make sure that he graduates from that high school with an understanding of what's going on in our society and how Bethel Park High School might be a very small microcosm of it. 01:40:10.995 --> 01:40:15.976 He's going to the same high school that Michael or Matthew Crooks went to. 01:40:16.956 --> 01:40:17.456 My son, 01:40:22.318 --> 01:40:27.179 contracted COVID in December of 2020 and passed away in January of 2021. 01:40:27.579 --> 01:40:37.321 And I have a lot of friends that have lupus or MS or something has come since they've had an infection with COVID. 01:40:38.162 --> 01:40:42.883 MS from COVID, lupus from COVID. 01:40:43.003 --> 01:40:47.884 Imagine the idea that these people think that the vaccine schedule 01:40:48.700 --> 01:41:07.968 that has been drastically altered and actually, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, what do you, uh, denim, uh, what, uh, it has been added to with, with experimental transfections, transfections that we already understood would be wholly inappropriate for healthy humans before the pandemic. 01:41:09.008 --> 01:41:13.170 And that thousands of academic biologists should have known better, but didn't. 01:41:13.270 --> 01:41:17.312 And you didn't know better because these people didn't say it like I did. 01:41:19.329 --> 01:41:20.509 That's a pretty good opening. 01:41:21.930 --> 01:41:27.131 They might not like it at first, but at least it's not an insulting one where we say that they're imagining things. 01:41:29.832 --> 01:41:31.092 They're misattributing. 01:41:32.252 --> 01:41:33.752 Dangerous than the flu. 01:41:34.333 --> 01:41:43.855 There is a much higher mortality rate with COVID and it attacks many more body systems. 01:41:45.196 --> 01:41:46.198 the flu does. 01:41:46.278 --> 01:41:58.299 Of course it does and you know we learned that from from people like Kevin McCairn and Walter Chestnut and and and Richard Fleming and Robert Malone and 01:41:59.048 --> 01:42:11.532 and Pierre Corey and Peter McCullough and all these other MDs that told, I mean, Jessica Rose told us all about how the spike protein goes all over the place and does all kinds of things, including destroy your mitochondria and stuff. 01:42:12.012 --> 01:42:26.577 Even though the idea that transfection, that is the application of a synthetic RNA molecule and mass to random tissues could easily be conceived to have disrupted the mitochondrial regulation of cells. 01:42:26.597 --> 01:42:28.058 Of course it could, why not? 01:42:28.778 --> 01:42:30.499 Animals die when they're transfected. 01:42:33.180 --> 01:42:35.320 One of the winters that was extremely bad. 01:42:35.340 --> 01:42:36.741 I was taking all precautions. 01:42:36.821 --> 01:42:39.022 I had my N95 on. 01:42:39.142 --> 01:42:40.802 I had a face shield on. 01:42:40.822 --> 01:42:45.584 And someone made a comment saying, oh, are you going to a welding class? 01:42:46.556 --> 01:42:57.961 And I had my mask on and I was walking outside and some guy started singing a song that he had made up about that masks would do more damage than the air that I could breathe outside. 01:42:58.581 --> 01:43:14.228 Someone said to me that- It's really weird though that people don't have a good enough understanding of their own biology to know that wearing a mask is not default, not that bad for you. 01:43:15.695 --> 01:43:18.676 Um, it's really bizarre to me for people. 01:43:18.796 --> 01:43:28.419 I mean, you can look at OSHA or any of these other regulations for how long you're allowed to wear these masks normally in a, in a occupational hazard situation. 01:43:28.839 --> 01:43:38.963 And so these people must know that wearing a mask extensively beyond the, you know, recommended two hour maximum on some of these masks would be absurd. 01:43:39.997 --> 01:43:48.683 And yet they're all seem to do it because again, the risk benefit ratio in their imagination is much worse for not wearing masks than it would be for wearing masks. 01:43:49.444 --> 01:43:51.245 And this is terrible. 01:43:51.726 --> 01:43:53.807 These people are in a terrible place. 01:43:54.928 --> 01:44:05.876 And no one will ever get out of this terrible place unless we show some empathy and try to let them understand that, you know, we don't, we have pity for you. 01:44:05.936 --> 01:44:07.217 We don't want to make fun of you. 01:44:08.752 --> 01:44:10.053 to just be sacrificed. 01:44:10.914 --> 01:44:16.978 Because the world is moving on, like it's really, we're the ones who are looked at as the problem. 01:44:17.638 --> 01:44:20.500 So I went to Target Optical to get glasses. 01:44:21.501 --> 01:44:23.262 And this was December of 2022. 01:44:24.823 --> 01:44:28.666 And I was the lone masker in the store wearing my 3M Oramask. 01:44:28.946 --> 01:44:30.707 And that's probably why I'm alive. 01:44:31.548 --> 01:44:31.708 And 01:44:33.072 --> 01:44:36.794 What we didn't know at that time was that COVID can affect your eyes. 01:44:37.595 --> 01:44:47.701 So even with my 3M Aura tightly fit tested, I found out after the fact that the person fitting my frames actually had COVID. 01:44:48.222 --> 01:44:59.169 I don't really blame necessarily the employee because my experience there was when I actually went into the Target optical store, one of the managers there, he bullied me for wearing a mask too. 01:44:59.769 --> 01:45:02.471 See, she even uses the right term, he bullied me. 01:45:04.741 --> 01:45:05.902 That's impressive, right? 01:45:05.922 --> 01:45:12.326 Because this is an extreme example of somebody who sees themselves as a victim of the dumb people of society. 01:45:13.086 --> 01:45:19.631 She would be very hard to convince that the rift in society is fixable or worth fixing. 01:45:21.035 --> 01:45:22.576 This one is kind of lost. 01:45:22.636 --> 01:45:24.977 I don't think all of these people can be saved. 01:45:25.458 --> 01:45:38.245 But I do think that this is where we should be focusing our energy on people that can be saved, rather than arguing with people on X. And I had to ask for another person to help me, which is the person that helped me. 01:45:38.265 --> 01:45:43.068 And the person that helped me I had seen before, and she actually used to wear a mask. 01:45:43.468 --> 01:45:45.189 And because her supervisor 01:45:46.747 --> 01:45:54.571 you know, with somebody who was bullying people about masks, including bullying customers like myself, she stopped wearing her mask. 01:45:54.611 --> 01:45:57.393 So I got her on a day where she was not wearing a mask. 01:45:57.813 --> 01:46:01.515 I have never heard that Steve Kirsch lost vision in one eye. 01:46:01.555 --> 01:46:06.038 You're going to have to show me some, some sub stack or something where he says that. 01:46:06.078 --> 01:46:07.479 Cause I was on a steering committee. 01:46:07.519 --> 01:46:08.559 I never heard that story. 01:46:08.599 --> 01:46:09.079 Not once. 01:46:09.360 --> 01:46:09.860 Sure enough. 01:46:10.748 --> 01:46:13.550 Pretty much after she stopped masking, she contracted COVID. 01:46:14.030 --> 01:46:18.693 I'm the only male that I know of that has long COVID. 01:46:19.333 --> 01:46:21.835 I mean, in my world. 01:46:22.915 --> 01:46:28.259 And I know that the statistics say that women are more likely to have long COVID. 01:46:28.299 --> 01:46:32.021 So he lost his sight rather recently, and he attributes it to what? 01:46:33.800 --> 01:46:36.241 He's saying that he lost his sight from the COVID shot? 01:46:36.701 --> 01:46:39.503 Or is he just saying that his sight went away? 01:46:40.563 --> 01:46:41.804 I'm curious. 01:46:43.965 --> 01:46:51.149 And when I read that information and what the profile is, like the age range. 01:46:51.269 --> 01:46:54.190 Just lost vision, a flash of light, a torn retina. 01:46:54.490 --> 01:46:56.391 Oh, interesting. 01:47:04.195 --> 01:47:06.116 I'm not sure what to say about that. 01:47:06.436 --> 01:47:13.480 I want to go against my gut here and just say that I hope it gets better. 01:47:14.301 --> 01:47:18.263 The gender and whatever else, I don't fit most of those categories. 01:47:19.103 --> 01:47:21.425 And that's what's so frustrating. 01:47:21.705 --> 01:47:23.226 Listen, I don't want anybody to have long COVID. 01:47:23.506 --> 01:47:24.547 I mean, there's no question. 01:47:25.527 --> 01:47:26.448 No one deserves this. 01:47:27.188 --> 01:47:30.090 But I still don't understand. 01:47:30.230 --> 01:47:35.253 I mean, other than the fact that I had high blood pressure, which was being managed and addressed. 01:47:35.713 --> 01:47:37.033 I never had asthma. 01:47:37.134 --> 01:47:39.175 I never had pulmonary problems. 01:47:39.255 --> 01:47:41.156 I never had muscle and joint pain. 01:47:42.056 --> 01:47:48.600 These are the kinds of people that I would be very interested in trying to empathize with them and then saying, hey, have you ever tried an infrared sauna? 01:47:51.206 --> 01:47:53.407 Hey, have you ever thought about changing your diet? 01:47:53.427 --> 01:47:55.188 Have you ever thought about a naturopath? 01:47:55.208 --> 01:48:03.271 You know, these kinds of things where you empathize with them first before you address the ridiculous parts of their coping. 01:48:03.331 --> 01:48:10.594 Because assuming they have real physical symptoms, but are misattributing where those symptoms come from, and they're not crazy. 01:48:10.614 --> 01:48:12.115 Because some of them are probably crazy. 01:48:12.915 --> 01:48:17.777 But others of them, I think, are really taking the easy way out 01:48:19.272 --> 01:48:28.098 wittingly or unwittingly, because some of them have taken the easy way out because they looked in this window and the easy way out was presented to them. 01:48:28.138 --> 01:48:30.859 And others of them have taken the easy way out because they're weak. 01:48:32.000 --> 01:48:36.463 But more of them have taken the easy way out because that was the way out that was presented to them here. 01:48:37.363 --> 01:48:39.985 And that easy way out is that, well, it's not my fault. 01:48:40.045 --> 01:48:41.586 This happened because of the virus. 01:48:44.161 --> 01:48:47.863 And it can't possibly be because of the vaccine, because the vaccines are fine. 01:48:47.883 --> 01:48:49.324 They don't even have a virus in them. 01:48:49.344 --> 01:48:52.586 They're just RNA and lipids and sugars. 01:48:52.646 --> 01:48:53.707 And so how could they hurt me? 01:48:54.679 --> 01:48:58.463 So the PBS NewsHour said, I never had these other things. 01:48:59.905 --> 01:49:13.860 And so I feel also because I wear the mask everywhere I go, even now, that I think and I'm just saying this because it's how I feel, that when I go to public places, I think that people look at me 01:49:14.901 --> 01:49:32.220 And not only do they think that I'm sick, and why is he out if he's sick, but if they know me or whatever, and I'm not saying all my friends think this, but I think some of them actually may quietly think, well, he should just man up. 01:49:33.186 --> 01:49:37.610 She said, you know, why are you so worried about COVID? 01:49:37.650 --> 01:49:44.056 And I said, well, I have 250 artists that rely on me and I'm worried about my job and being able to do it. 01:49:44.156 --> 01:49:50.181 And, you know, I have 250 artists that rely on me and I'm worried about my job and being able to do it. 01:49:51.271 --> 01:49:54.472 I mean, again, here you see these people aren't selfish all the time. 01:49:55.213 --> 01:50:03.396 They have created in their mind this level of responsibility that they have and this level of duty they have to the people around them. 01:50:03.456 --> 01:50:08.338 And so in a lot of ways, they are not at all bad people. 01:50:08.718 --> 01:50:11.139 Oh, because of my other health conditions and stuff like that. 01:50:11.660 --> 01:50:14.101 And she sort of understood once I said it was my job. 01:50:14.921 --> 01:50:20.905 But if it had just been about my health, she would have kind of brushed it off a little bit, which is kind of sad and scary. 01:50:21.685 --> 01:50:29.010 I also wish there were more tolerance towards people who are continuing to be COVID-ing. 01:50:29.891 --> 01:50:34.153 I'll show up in an N95 and I have glasses too that I wear. 01:50:34.173 --> 01:50:36.035 Thanks, Brett. 01:50:37.366 --> 01:50:43.990 People walk in and they're not even wearing a surgical mask and they get right up to my face and I just have to say, no, don't do that. 01:50:44.230 --> 01:50:45.771 I'm wearing a mask for a reason. 01:50:46.151 --> 01:50:46.851 I'm vulnerable. 01:50:46.871 --> 01:50:52.474 It should just be a rule that you see someone in a mask, you put a mask on. 01:50:52.494 --> 01:50:56.277 That should just be a common courtesy. 01:50:57.137 --> 01:51:05.382 If you see a person in a wheelchair, you should just grab a wheelchair too and start rolling around because you don't want them to feel comfortable or uncomfortable with you walking. 01:51:06.212 --> 01:51:09.733 Now I know that's an extreme example, but it's kind of the same thing. 01:51:10.373 --> 01:51:15.055 And I don't think anybody in a wheelchair wants anybody grabbing a wheelchair to make them feel better. 01:51:15.495 --> 01:51:17.836 And I don't think this attitude is correct. 01:51:17.876 --> 01:51:24.759 And I would like her to understand that because there is not a zero risk for wearing a mask. 01:51:26.499 --> 01:51:29.760 And it's a real big deal what you give up when you wear a mask. 01:51:29.800 --> 01:51:30.901 It's a real big deal. 01:51:31.321 --> 01:51:34.242 This is sensitive skin, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 01:51:36.246 --> 01:51:49.099 And so although she wants empathy for her own masking and desire to do it, it feels weird that she doesn't have the empathy that there is also a biological flip side to where masking is not a good idea. 01:51:49.679 --> 01:51:51.561 And so she needs to understand that. 01:51:51.661 --> 01:51:53.563 She thinks that masking is just great. 01:51:53.984 --> 01:51:56.246 She needs a card like Daniel has. 01:51:56.286 --> 01:52:00.090 It has the 150 studies on it that show that masking is probably harmful. 01:52:01.308 --> 01:52:10.153 Because then she might understand that part of her continuing suffering may be because of that, if she doesn't have a real good reason to put a mask on. 01:52:11.554 --> 01:52:14.176 Even in health care, it's not a thing. 01:52:14.256 --> 01:52:19.719 And I feel like I have to protect myself against doctors and nurses and everyone. 01:52:20.620 --> 01:52:24.162 You know, you're not even safe in the one place you should be the most safe. 01:52:25.342 --> 01:52:26.703 I feel that. 01:52:26.923 --> 01:52:27.724 Did she say a hot? 01:52:27.744 --> 01:52:34.528 Doctors and nurses and everyone, you know, you're not even safe in the one place you should be the most safe. 01:52:34.649 --> 01:52:35.609 But that's ridiculous. 01:52:35.669 --> 01:52:42.254 If you go into a doctor's office where regularly sick people are going through, it's not like they have high flow air. 01:52:42.354 --> 01:52:52.261 And every time somebody leaves, you hear a, and then all the air goes out and then flames come out and everything gets sterilized. 01:52:52.950 --> 01:52:56.131 And then they say, uh, okay, ma'am, you can come in now. 01:52:56.612 --> 01:53:00.614 And then you come in and it's all sterilized and everybody approaches you in a bubble suit. 01:53:00.694 --> 01:53:02.154 It's exactly the opposite. 01:53:02.194 --> 01:53:04.836 It's a nexus of, of sickness. 01:53:06.676 --> 01:53:09.538 So you going there is already, you've got to go home. 01:53:09.618 --> 01:53:14.140 I guess if you think like you think you should go home and sterilize everything you wore there. 01:53:15.609 --> 01:53:37.182 but instead she thinks that going to the doctor's office and people not wearing masks there is somehow something that they're doing wrong instead of just understanding that if there is any illness that can spread around, if there is any danger of contagion, then one of the places where everybody should be washing their hands and being a little careful is the doctor's office. 01:53:37.303 --> 01:53:37.723 Fine. 01:53:40.185 --> 01:53:59.806 And let's take your biology to a logical conclusion and understand that whatever you think you're doing to mitigate your risk is so overwhelmed by the absurdity of what obviously you must see the doctor's office as if the model of biology that you claim is spinning in your head is really spinning. 01:54:02.256 --> 01:54:11.109 Otherwise, it's a very selective application of a model of biology only when it's convenient for you to be the victim. 01:54:11.289 --> 01:54:16.556 Only when it's convenient for you to see the world as not ideal for the common good. 01:54:20.051 --> 01:54:27.499 And I think that this person has a little bit of a distorted view, partly because she said that she had this condition before COVID. 01:54:27.880 --> 01:54:33.866 She was already dealing with the skepticism of this is all in your head, or you're a hypochondriac. 01:54:35.328 --> 01:54:37.050 She was already dealing with that. 01:54:38.131 --> 01:54:38.611 She's a pro. 01:54:39.912 --> 01:54:44.457 Because remember, before the pandemic, chronic fatigue syndrome didn't have an explanation. 01:54:44.957 --> 01:54:50.403 Lots of doctors didn't think it was real and certainly not a result of anything that they had done. 01:54:50.423 --> 01:55:02.116 I feel that they don't understand what I'm going through. 01:55:03.129 --> 01:55:07.154 It's getting very difficult, but I keep going. 01:55:07.294 --> 01:55:10.338 I keep going because this is what needs to be done. 01:55:10.879 --> 01:55:19.891 Everyone forgets that we're all just one virus or one accident away from becoming disabled or vulnerable. 01:55:20.302 --> 01:55:30.030 How different is that message than Kevin McCairn's message that this gain-of-function thing, this spike protein is causing amyloidosis and we need to be afraid of it? 01:55:30.090 --> 01:55:33.693 He even said that in front of Health Freedom Australia. 01:55:35.535 --> 01:55:44.462 How is it any different, this lady, saying what she just said than Kevin McCairn's worst case scenario? 01:55:46.932 --> 01:55:58.899 Everyone forgets that we're all just one virus or one accident away from- How is this any different than Paul Cattrell saying it's flying AIDS and we should lock down for 60 days? 01:55:59.279 --> 01:56:14.288 How is it any different than this Brett Weinstein saying that in June of 2021, we can still get to long COVID if we can coerce people into one of these three categories, transfection and infection, transfection alone, or using ivermectin in the proper way? 01:56:15.478 --> 01:56:18.260 It's all the same bullshit trap. 01:56:19.721 --> 01:56:25.765 That's why we need to try and save these people rather than arguing with the people that have defined the trap that we are in. 01:56:25.945 --> 01:56:28.266 Becoming disabled or vulnerable. 01:56:28.947 --> 01:56:31.508 It's Chris, so it's not me, you know, they'll think. 01:56:33.309 --> 01:56:35.291 But at the end of the day, we're all at risk. 01:56:36.568 --> 01:56:39.050 And there's many people getting long COVID. 01:56:39.530 --> 01:56:42.452 There's many people who were healthy who are not healthy anymore. 01:56:42.952 --> 01:56:46.174 There's studies that show all kinds of complications. 01:56:47.395 --> 01:56:51.258 And all that being said, though, again, going back to my primary point, 01:56:52.372 --> 01:56:53.353 It's the right thing to do. 01:56:53.373 --> 01:56:57.235 I don't wanna be responsible for somebody else getting sick or dying. 01:56:57.335 --> 01:57:13.366 So he's still trapped in the place that the college kids were trapped in in the fall of 2020, when they were told, don't go home for Christmas and see your grandparents, stay at the college, do not spread COVID, don't be stupid. 01:57:15.049 --> 01:57:18.014 And it says here, if you can see this, it says, choose empathy. 01:57:18.034 --> 01:57:24.764 And on the back, it says, it shouldn't have to happen to you for it to matter to you. 01:57:27.589 --> 01:57:28.791 And I don't think that's wrong. 01:57:30.413 --> 01:57:39.638 I just think that you shouldn't have had to have been fooled in order to have empathy for these people and not ridicule, not condescension. 01:57:40.239 --> 01:57:53.466 I want to start to create empathy and I want to teach a biology course that is useful to people on that side of the spectrum rather than trying to teach a biology course that I imagine would be useful to people on our side. 01:57:54.912 --> 01:58:02.634 Because arguing about biology with people like Robert Malone and Jessica Rose and Jiki Leakes is not the right way out. 01:58:03.115 --> 01:58:04.835 It's not going to get us out at all. 01:58:05.295 --> 01:58:13.018 And in fact, who we need to argue with and who we need to talk to our family and our friends and try to convince them, shoot. 01:58:13.618 --> 01:58:18.042 that a new kind of consensus is possible. 01:58:18.562 --> 01:58:23.427 A new kind of consensus about transfection being wrong from the very beginning. 01:58:23.467 --> 01:58:32.915 A new consensus about the danger of RNA pandemics being exaggerated from the very beginning by Peter, like Peter Daszak and Tony Fauci and Ralph Baric. 01:58:33.981 --> 01:58:35.041 and all of these people. 01:58:35.422 --> 01:58:44.825 And finally, a new consensus about the fact that before COVID, the vaccine schedule in America was a criminal enterprise, and we should have done known better. 01:58:45.325 --> 01:58:50.526 And in order to cover this truth up, they are willing to murder and lie to people about it. 01:58:50.966 --> 01:58:52.327 That's what I think is happening. 01:58:52.787 --> 01:58:54.468 That's how I think we save these people. 01:58:54.508 --> 01:58:55.928 Thank you very much for joining me. 01:58:56.648 --> 01:59:01.810 This has been GigaOM Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 02:01:02.850 --> 02:01:06.521 Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, and I will hopefully see you tomorrow.