WEBVTT 00:47.219 --> 00:49.541 Oh, look, JC on the bike was timed out by Risa. 00:49.802 --> 00:51.403 Oh, time out JC on the bike. 00:52.464 --> 00:53.345 JC on the bike. 00:54.186 --> 00:55.347 It's JC on the bike. 00:56.148 --> 00:57.409 It's JC on the bike. 00:57.509 --> 00:58.370 Yeah. 00:59.011 --> 01:03.135 Well, I'm wise enough to know when a chump needs banning. 01:03.555 --> 01:05.197 And I know just the one. 01:06.078 --> 01:06.899 Look it round. 01:07.279 --> 01:08.400 It's JC on the bike. 01:09.001 --> 01:11.103 Who says Vader didn't study music in college? 01:19.116 --> 01:19.356 really. 01:19.696 --> 01:20.196 Do it for me. 01:20.216 --> 01:21.697 Do it to save the white race. 01:21.717 --> 01:24.338 Hey what's up guys, it's Soph here, just getting ready for the pride parade. 01:24.858 --> 01:26.179 Oh hey, didn't see you there. 01:26.199 --> 01:31.021 I'm just here getting ready to go to the pride parade considering I'm going to a GSA meet pretty soon. 01:31.221 --> 01:35.423 So when you're kind of, you know, playing around with a gun as you do, you should always be playing around with it. 01:35.883 --> 01:42.506 You want to keep your finger directly on the trigger so you're always ready in case any sort of homosexual person strolls by. 01:42.526 --> 01:44.867 I need to see you holding the gun like this, okay? 01:44.887 --> 01:47.228 I want you to take yourself out. 01:47.248 --> 01:48.188 The way you got to do it, 01:49.229 --> 01:53.554 You gotta take your gun like so, thusly, and, uh, you know, shoot yourself in the back of the head. 01:54.996 --> 01:59.442 So guys, one of the classic ways to make your whole thing more comical is, uh, going akimbo. 01:59.462 --> 02:02.505 Uh, very impractical, very un-tactical. 02:02.525 --> 02:05.089 You wanna make sure you're really close together before you start hitting each other. 02:08.860 --> 02:14.665 If you think about it, you know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 02:15.105 --> 02:18.148 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 02:18.228 --> 02:27.676 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 02:27.696 --> 02:34.302 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 02:37.904 --> 02:40.966 So SARS-1 and its descendants have gone endemic. 02:41.006 --> 02:41.987 That's what I was just saying. 02:42.027 --> 02:45.369 The current PCR test is not specific for SARS-CoV-2. 02:46.249 --> 02:53.273 And that is known because it's the German company that originally produced it knows that they've chosen a short sequence that they think is relevant. 02:53.734 --> 02:58.496 It is a short sequence that just comes from one of the open reading frame one proteins. 02:59.137 --> 03:07.622 We are being duped by a nonspecific test and we would have gotten these numbers or numbers very similar to them with or without this pandemic. 03:08.370 --> 03:13.332 Because we've never looked for SARS viruses as they are spread through our population. 03:13.352 --> 03:14.332 We've just never looked. 03:15.173 --> 03:17.113 Nobody sampled for it until this year. 03:18.234 --> 03:19.914 That's a huge point to make. 03:20.795 --> 03:25.116 Because the SARS virus originally appeared in 2003 and disappeared in 2004. 03:26.237 --> 03:29.058 But it didn't really disappear, it just became not a problem. 03:30.427 --> 03:38.750 descendants of that virus of various virulence and infectivity have circulated in the time since. 03:38.870 --> 03:39.910 They didn't disappear. 03:41.951 --> 03:44.772 And this test is not specific for any one of them. 03:45.592 --> 03:54.255 And no one has ever done a study about how many descendants there are, how many people are infected, how many animals have been infected by it, etc. 03:57.416 --> 03:57.576 So 03:58.203 --> 04:19.643 The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of America, of the American people, is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us, to ruin maybe America, I don't know, crash the dollar, I don't know, steal the rest of what limited treasury value we have left, I don't know. 04:21.205 --> 04:22.186 But I know for sure 04:22.574 --> 04:40.013 that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. 04:56.421 --> 05:00.725 Just yesterday morning, they let me know you were gone. 05:03.027 --> 05:06.209 Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you. 05:09.152 --> 05:13.315 I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song. 05:15.397 --> 05:18.679 I just can't remember who to send it to. 05:21.882 --> 05:24.324 I've seen fire and I've seen rain. 05:26.698 --> 05:30.679 I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. 05:32.820 --> 05:37.002 I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. 05:39.403 --> 05:42.964 But I always thought that I'd see you again. 05:48.846 --> 05:51.087 Won't you look down upon me, Jesus? 05:51.867 --> 05:54.188 You gotta help me make a stand. 05:56.380 --> 05:59.822 Just got to see me through another day. 06:02.383 --> 06:07.005 My body's aching and my time is at hand. 06:09.266 --> 06:12.728 I won't make it any other way. 06:15.269 --> 06:18.450 Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. 06:20.651 --> 06:24.233 Seen sunny days that I thought would never end. 06:26.826 --> 06:30.967 I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. 06:33.088 --> 06:36.869 But I always thought that I'd see you again. 06:38.069 --> 06:46.011 Been walking my mind to an easy time. 06:46.031 --> 06:48.371 My back turned towards the sun. 06:48.391 --> 06:54.433 Lord knows when the cold wind blows, it'll turn your head around. 06:55.507 --> 07:01.089 Well, there's hours of time on the telephone line to talk about things to come. 07:02.769 --> 07:07.431 Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground. 07:09.251 --> 07:12.452 Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. 07:12.472 --> 07:18.234 I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. 07:20.655 --> 07:23.816 I've seen lonely times when I could not find 07:26.843 --> 07:32.927 But I always thought that I'd see you, baby, one more time again. 07:32.947 --> 07:39.952 Thought I'd see you one more time again. 07:40.052 --> 07:46.677 There's just a few things coming my way this time around now. 07:46.697 --> 07:49.379 Thought I'd see you. 08:22.850 --> 08:24.793 He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. 08:25.874 --> 08:30.621 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 08:32.043 --> 08:33.826 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 08:35.368 --> 08:36.109 It's embarrassing. 08:56.284 --> 08:58.807 And now your starting lineup. 08:58.847 --> 08:59.668 No, I won't do that. 08:59.728 --> 09:00.208 Sorry. 09:00.248 --> 09:05.233 This is Giga Home Biological Throwback Thursday with Jessica Rose, virologist. 09:06.294 --> 09:08.676 Very excited for this show. 09:08.776 --> 09:09.837 It is throwback Thursday. 09:09.877 --> 09:19.066 We're going to try and go back in time on Thursdays to see if we can put some meat on the bones of this illusion that they created. 09:20.100 --> 09:21.821 and that is going to require some work. 09:21.881 --> 09:29.925 It's going to require some archiving to realize what is perceived to be true is not true and how they did it. 09:31.065 --> 09:34.027 In order to break this enchantment we're actually going to have to 09:35.322 --> 09:37.203 You're going to have to pay attention to 2020 and 2021. 09:37.503 --> 09:47.770 And as much as I want to move on and teach everybody the virology, I am a neurobiologist, a biologist by training for many, many years. 09:48.290 --> 09:57.355 The name Gigaohm Biological comes from gigaohm seals, which are the electrical seal that I used to make when I was a biologist depicted in this 09:58.496 --> 09:59.577 little diagram here. 10:00.777 --> 10:12.424 Ladies and gentlemen, weaponized piles of money have convinced us to argue about the origins of a novel virus or multiple shooters and participating in the argument accepts the premise of a novel virus or multiple shooters by default. 10:12.964 --> 10:18.107 And we are governed by a theater that spans from mainstream media to social media of all kinds. 10:18.287 --> 10:23.510 And this includes all sides of every mythology that we're currently participating in. 10:24.090 --> 10:27.651 If you want to break out, this is the biology that will help you break out. 10:28.411 --> 10:36.093 And I hope that I can help you discover and understand this virology over the rest of the summer. 10:37.554 --> 10:39.074 Welcome to the show. 10:39.094 --> 10:46.857 This is Gigaohm Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 10:50.373 --> 10:55.437 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is pretty dumb. 10:56.018 --> 11:02.803 And transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic because viruses aren't pattern integrities. 11:02.843 --> 11:04.685 They just can't do those kinds of things. 11:05.465 --> 11:11.530 And oftentimes the misconstruing of whatever virology claims to be virology as life 11:13.572 --> 11:16.233 is really the main bamboozlement. 11:16.273 --> 11:21.056 They are trying to convince you that RNA molecules are capable of doing things that they cannot do. 11:21.537 --> 11:27.721 And it doesn't matter if you start with the top phrase or you start with the middle phrase or you start with the bottom phrase. 11:27.761 --> 11:39.769 These are all places where you can succinctly open the door to a discussion that otherwise wouldn't be opened because these phrases force people to ask correct questions rather than ask these 11:40.592 --> 11:42.513 peripherally unrelated questions. 11:44.254 --> 11:44.914 Thank you. 11:46.134 --> 11:47.295 Thank you, thank you everybody. 11:47.315 --> 12:01.861 Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. 12:04.862 --> 12:05.883 I love you too. 12:09.298 --> 12:11.059 Thank you, thank you. 12:11.160 --> 12:29.995 So I just want to be clear, first of all, the multiple shooters thing, what it does, first and foremost, and try to get your head around this, it completely absolves everyone who meddled with that kid, everyone that was involved in getting that kid to show up on that roof. 12:30.955 --> 12:37.221 Don't forget that according to a lot of eyewitnesses, that kid threw his rifle to the side, away from him. 12:38.166 --> 12:43.228 And it presumably looked like he was hoping he wouldn't get shot, that they would take him alive. 12:45.588 --> 12:53.211 Now, if you just take that one little piece of the story that nobody wants to talk about the boy, the boy is from four blocks away from my house. 12:53.311 --> 13:07.855 The boy was obviously somehow or another via social media convinced to go there, even though they say that he had no social media signature at all, which would be exceedingly odd for a 20 year old man in Bethel Park, 13:08.427 --> 13:09.108 Pennsylvania. 13:11.489 --> 13:23.679 These same people that want us to talk about the audio files which indicate multiple shooters don't want to talk about the only shooter for sure that we know was on the scene, seen by multiple people, and even had a gun that he fired. 13:25.293 --> 13:27.115 Nobody cares about how he got there. 13:27.175 --> 13:33.260 Nobody cares if Soph and Sasha and her handlers were responsible for it. 13:33.780 --> 13:37.824 Nobody cares if somebody like Soph was responsible for it. 13:37.884 --> 13:48.393 Nobody cares if someone like Sasha and Soph were responsible for that little boy being on that young man, that young adult, that perpetual adolescent, 13:49.403 --> 13:50.984 was on that roof. 13:51.485 --> 13:59.392 It's no question that that kid was some kind of patsy, but that doesn't mean that the discussion about him should then be moot. 14:01.414 --> 14:04.957 Unless of course the discussion about him would be the only way out of the cave. 14:07.093 --> 14:20.344 I mean, these multiple shooters that are on the audio tape, how do you know that they aren't people shooting blanks with the intent purpose of giving John Cullen and Chris Martinson something to argue about? 14:20.424 --> 14:29.151 Just like when Lee Min Yan came out in February to give something to Brett Weinstein and Chris Martinson to argue about. 14:31.246 --> 14:44.234 The assumption that the audio files indicate multiple shooters is predicated on the fact that all those gunshots are real, all those gunshots had bullets behind them, and all those gunshots are definitely real. 14:47.256 --> 14:59.183 Even though we know they used fake video at the beginning of the pandemic to get us to believe that people were falling down on their faces in China, that they were building a huge, huge hospital, that there was a cruise ship in New York needed. 15:00.950 --> 15:17.466 that there were airplanes on 9-11, but somehow or another, the audiophiles are convincing enough that we have to spend weeks and hours promoting the same clown show, Bret Weinstein, John Cullen, Chris Martinson. 15:17.546 --> 15:19.028 These are all the same show. 15:20.387 --> 15:32.697 Chris Martinson, the retired, you know, homesteading pharmaceutical executive who was on PBS NewsHour in 2008, right before the crash to tell us that it was gonna crash. 15:33.657 --> 15:36.460 Then was ahead on the lab leak in February. 15:39.162 --> 15:46.728 An advisor to Brett Weinstein went to the Panama Canal with Brett Weinstein and Big Honey. 15:48.888 --> 15:52.214 to see the invasion of America from the South a couple months ago. 15:53.296 --> 15:57.123 Big Honey also supposedly met up with Kevin McCarron in Japan. 15:59.864 --> 16:27.028 And now we're supposed to believe that these same people who went down to Panama to see the invasion, these same people who were sure about the lab leak, these same people who were sure about ivermectin, these same people who are sure about the DNA double-stranded contamination of the shots, and sure about Li Min Yan despite not knowing anything about her and never looking where she came from, these same people want us to fight about audiophiles and how many different shooters there are and ignore the fact that there's definitely one shooter. 16:27.648 --> 16:34.770 who was an American, probably an innocent kid that was, over time, worked into that plan. 16:37.031 --> 16:41.552 And the most parsimonious, least number of moving parts is that that little kid missed. 16:43.093 --> 16:55.997 And yet the same people that got us to argue about the lab leak and argue about double-stranded DNA and argue about the lab leak coverup are getting us to argue about the audiophiles now. 16:56.940 --> 16:58.200 The audiophiles could be real. 16:58.801 --> 16:59.321 Sure they are. 17:01.101 --> 17:03.902 But it's a giant, giant assumption. 17:04.762 --> 17:13.065 And if you think about whose hands that plays into, if in the end, the only thing that was necessary for that whole plot to happen was that kid to show up. 17:13.565 --> 17:17.326 If that kid decides to stay at home, then what are those other shooters gonna do? 17:18.767 --> 17:22.968 Don't you understand how pivotal it is for crooks to have shown up? 17:24.102 --> 17:27.806 And we already know that he had a drone and that he flew it over there and stuff. 17:28.286 --> 17:34.232 This is all absolutely crazy that they have done this to us again. 17:34.492 --> 17:37.115 We might as well go out all and stock up on toilet paper. 17:39.057 --> 17:42.961 Look at this video and tell me that in 2020, this makes any sense. 17:44.943 --> 17:54.313 We're happy tonight we can get gathering here and celebrate the first year of anniversary of our new federal state of China. 17:59.592 --> 18:03.116 It is not just an event for anniversary. 18:03.757 --> 18:16.753 Actually for our Chinese people, we know how tough, how difficult we have to overcome numerous difficulties we face to the life's race and finally 18:17.273 --> 18:38.605 We can push the whistleblower movement, and we can make China government, Chinese Communist Party, and even China military scared of us, because we reveal the truth to the world, which they want to block, which they want to suppress, and which they want to cover up, and even take over the world. 18:43.123 --> 18:51.566 Okay, I still see that there's a big debate going on in the chat about the reality and whether or not those shots are real or whether they were supersonic or not. 18:52.067 --> 18:55.268 Again, you don't need to be an expert on shooting. 18:55.308 --> 18:57.409 You need to be an expert on audio recording. 18:58.789 --> 19:01.150 You need to be an expert on fake audio recordings. 19:01.170 --> 19:07.593 You need to be an expert on how to find out when audio recordings are cut and things are shifted. 19:09.659 --> 19:13.550 Because again, the default assumption is that all these audio files are real. 19:14.813 --> 19:20.495 All these audio files are legitimate pieces of evidence, manufactured or not, you don't know. 19:21.135 --> 19:32.378 But the assumption that all of these people are working on is that these are real audio files that represent real data from the real day, and that we can use them to discern how many shooters there are. 19:32.759 --> 19:39.301 And all you're doing is asking questions that have nothing to do with Crooks, nothing to do with who got Crooks to show up on the scene. 19:39.721 --> 19:43.582 And if Crooks didn't show up on the scene, what would these other shooters have done? 19:47.133 --> 19:57.059 just like if they hadn't murdered people in New York City with supplementary oxygen, what would the national security narrative had done? 19:57.660 --> 20:02.223 If they wouldn't have murdered people in New York City or lied about it, what would we have done? 20:03.043 --> 20:04.004 What would have happened? 20:05.236 --> 20:08.478 These are the questions that nobody's asking and why we have to go back to 2020. 20:09.518 --> 20:18.323 Because this shouldn't be August, 2020, Scarlet Yan talking about the new Republic of China and it's one year anniversary. 20:18.343 --> 20:21.945 That doesn't sound like a whistleblowing virologist to me. 20:22.485 --> 20:26.047 You can find this video archived on my site. 20:29.789 --> 20:31.771 For me, all for Chinese Communist Party. 20:32.011 --> 20:32.351 Thank you. 20:39.588 --> 20:49.512 Dr. Lee Min Yang is not only a hero to the Chinese people, not only a hero to the American people, she's a hero to all mankind. 21:03.138 --> 21:03.838 That's quite a hug. 21:07.441 --> 21:10.565 I never even get to hug my 14-year-old boy like that anymore. 21:10.585 --> 21:12.708 He won't even let me get close to him like that. 21:13.629 --> 21:17.874 I very rarely hug my wife like that, except for when she gets on an airplane, unfortunately. 21:17.934 --> 21:18.595 What is this? 21:20.137 --> 21:21.219 What are we seeing here? 21:32.847 --> 21:34.669 So I don't want to spend too much time on this. 21:34.729 --> 21:35.870 I want to get right to the work. 21:36.431 --> 21:43.119 We need to have a new consensus about the idea that transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and all these people knew it. 21:44.008 --> 21:50.649 They knew that they had to have murder and lies in order to get away with it, in order to coerce people into accepting it, especially college age kids. 21:51.670 --> 21:55.230 RNA cannot pandemic and all these molecular biologists know that. 21:55.691 --> 22:02.812 And vaccine schedule in America is a criminal enterprise and all of these people know it, they just won't say it because that's their whole job. 22:03.292 --> 22:10.554 Their whole job is to make sure that the average American, the average skilled TV watcher, the average skilled PBS news watcher, 22:11.562 --> 22:12.963 never comes to that conclusion. 22:13.003 --> 22:21.750 That's their job and that's why I think it's important to study these people who are on this team where they don't want to talk about 2020 and they keep saying the COVID shots are bad. 22:22.450 --> 22:25.052 They can't find the word transfection or transformation. 22:25.092 --> 22:27.193 They can't find the word fraud. 22:27.854 --> 22:29.175 They can't find the word murder. 22:31.124 --> 22:34.827 And all of them agree that we need to fear free-range RNA molecules. 22:35.087 --> 22:38.409 And I'm particularly interested in Dr. Jessica Rose. 22:38.449 --> 22:40.511 You can find her in lots of different places. 22:41.111 --> 22:45.735 You can find lots of different CVs or partial CVs of hers. 22:47.056 --> 22:49.518 If you, for example, oh, I didn't do this correctly. 22:49.578 --> 22:49.798 Sorry. 22:49.838 --> 22:51.679 Let me go back quick and get this out. 22:52.760 --> 22:54.702 I want to make these animated when they come in. 22:54.922 --> 22:55.182 Sorry. 23:05.465 --> 23:08.707 So let me just save it quick and then I'll start it again. 23:09.388 --> 23:12.790 The reason why I want to cover Jessica Rose is because I haven't really before. 23:12.830 --> 23:19.514 I haven't really gone back in time to see where she first came out, when she first came out, and so I thought I would do that today. 23:20.715 --> 23:23.097 If we build back this up from here, 23:24.137 --> 23:45.826 We're gonna look at the orchid page from her because she has filled out an orchid page there you can actually see that she used to work in Israel and then in Newfoundland Canada and then Newfoundland Canada and then Israel and Israel so Israel Israel Canada Canada Israel and the last place She says she's at is Israel. 23:45.846 --> 23:46.906 Although that's a postdoc. 23:46.926 --> 23:52.168 So I don't know if that's new now Look at her publication list on on 23:53.954 --> 23:57.819 Orchid, which is something I think you kind of have to maintain, but I'm not sure. 23:58.800 --> 24:02.464 We can just look at some of the authors that she's recently written with. 24:03.205 --> 24:10.013 In 2024, we have one here with Stephanie Seneff and Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch. 24:10.919 --> 24:12.699 Peter McCullough is possibly. 24:14.280 --> 24:16.460 Dave Wiseman, I think is a good guy. 24:16.640 --> 24:19.701 Josh Getzko. 24:19.761 --> 24:21.341 Jessica Rose, here we go. 24:21.381 --> 24:22.942 David Wiseman, Josh Getzko. 24:22.982 --> 24:25.942 These are all Panda operators here. 24:25.982 --> 24:36.605 So I'm not really totally down with Josh just because he was on my stream once and he knows that I presented three times at Panda, but he's actually never, ever, 24:37.345 --> 24:39.146 ever shared my work even once. 24:39.186 --> 24:47.989 And when he came on my show, he was talking about VAERS and stuff like that, kind of similar to what Jessica, I just don't trust Josh. 24:48.029 --> 24:50.569 I'm very sorry if you like Josh, but I don't trust Josh. 24:51.550 --> 24:57.231 And then we look down here again, David Wiseman, Kevin McKernan, and David Spector. 24:57.272 --> 25:04.734 That's the guy from Canada who did their PCR tests and who actually can testify that they didn't have nested primers up there. 25:06.385 --> 25:10.907 Let's see, Tess Laurie, I don't think she's bad, I just think she's fooled. 25:11.807 --> 25:14.088 Here's another paper, Claire Craig. 25:15.188 --> 25:21.911 Martin Neal, you know, that's one of the guys that I was supposed to write a virology review with, thanks to Jessica Hockett. 25:22.791 --> 25:26.212 Norman Fenton, he might be a good guy, but he's fooled by these other people. 25:27.153 --> 25:33.035 Josh McClellan, Joe Smalley, Josh Getzko again, Jonathan Engler. 25:33.775 --> 25:40.097 That's the other guy from Panda that I was supposed to write a virology review with, and they just wrote the shittiest virology review ever. 25:40.557 --> 25:41.657 And then Jessica Rose. 25:42.478 --> 25:43.218 Martin Neal. 25:43.938 --> 25:44.678 Norman Fenton. 25:45.238 --> 25:45.939 Claire Craig. 25:46.819 --> 25:47.699 Josh Getzko. 25:48.239 --> 25:49.140 Jonathan Engler. 25:49.900 --> 25:51.300 See what I'm talking about here? 25:51.340 --> 25:58.362 These are all unpublished articles, but they're articles that were shared and talked about and promoted by these other authors. 25:59.223 --> 26:00.123 Claire Craig. 26:00.803 --> 26:01.904 Jonathan Engler. 26:02.364 --> 26:03.064 Martin Neal. 26:04.005 --> 26:04.845 Let's keep going. 26:05.126 --> 26:08.767 David Wiseman, Josh Getzko, Jessica Rose. 26:08.847 --> 26:09.547 Keep going. 26:09.728 --> 26:15.190 Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose, Josh Getzko, Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose. 26:17.731 --> 26:20.492 Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose, Jessica Rose. 26:20.552 --> 26:28.576 Now, if we go back a little bit to her own CV and we look at what she did her PhD and master's thesis on, it's actually very interesting. 26:29.687 --> 26:35.982 Her master's thesis is a dynamical systems analysis of HIV immunopathogenesis. 26:37.267 --> 26:40.288 So she's not very skeptical about HIV, I guess, right? 26:40.968 --> 26:46.030 She probably thinks it came from bushmeat and was isolated by Bob Gallo, right? 26:46.591 --> 26:49.072 Just like David Baltimore says. 26:49.492 --> 26:53.073 And then we have kinetics of chronic human viruses. 26:53.153 --> 26:56.214 Chronic, is that like a latent virus? 26:56.294 --> 26:58.695 Like what Judy Mikovits was talking about? 26:58.735 --> 27:01.296 That seems to be her doctoral thesis. 27:01.356 --> 27:02.937 I don't know if that ever got published. 27:03.922 --> 27:04.442 Interesting. 27:04.902 --> 27:08.963 And here's another one, the kinetic modeling of hepatitis B virus. 27:10.123 --> 27:15.665 Is hepatitis B virus the one that, wow, that's interesting. 27:16.985 --> 27:26.307 And so she's actually a virologist by training, even though she calls herself a immunologist and computational, but she's a computational virologist by training. 27:27.907 --> 27:30.048 Molecular biology modeling came after. 27:30.814 --> 27:34.176 Here we're talking about monocysteine virulence genes. 27:35.777 --> 27:44.581 And so when we listen to this interview, I want you to listen for a few things because it's one of the first interviews we can find and it has Peter McCullough and her in it at the same time. 27:45.482 --> 27:48.964 I want you to listen to who they mention as fellow travelers. 27:50.205 --> 27:55.207 I want you to listen and try to identify what questions they offer up as important. 27:55.287 --> 28:00.110 And I want you to listen for what biological ideas are touched and what are not. 28:01.271 --> 28:04.073 They're not going to go in depth into anything, of course, because they never did. 28:06.134 --> 28:08.595 But I want you to see very carefully. 28:08.615 --> 28:15.059 And ask yourself, how is it possible that this is one of the first times she ever showed up and she shows up with who? 28:16.120 --> 28:18.741 Peter McCullough. 28:19.301 --> 28:19.962 Beatbox. 28:24.925 --> 28:28.186 I used to listen to the Fat Boys a lot, you know, the Fat Boys are wow. 28:28.487 --> 28:30.648 I wonder if I can find the Fat Boys on 28:31.972 --> 28:37.675 on Spotify because the Fat Boys were hilarious. 28:40.377 --> 28:42.638 Fat Boys, there they are. 28:44.379 --> 28:46.500 Oh my gosh, look at that, they're right there. 28:48.741 --> 28:51.863 I'm gonna have to listen to the Fat Boys later, that's pretty funny. 28:54.504 --> 28:55.305 That's right. 28:58.945 --> 29:14.760 that's really funny so anyway beatbox fat boys hilarious um let's uh let's do this uh escape oh sorry i had it all queued up here darn it losing my losing my plot here we had this ready to go too 29:27.580 --> 29:36.580 yes so throwback thursday jessica rose the virologist in 2021 trying to understand their illusion that's the goal today um 29:38.308 --> 29:40.249 And so let's get on with it, shall we? 29:40.970 --> 29:59.844 Interestingly, before I start this, I just want you to hear the title of this video or this podcast is something like the Jihad Podcast or Jihad Biology or something, which is strikingly similar to a friend of ours who does the Jihad Science Show, which I find pretty funny. 30:00.384 --> 30:02.146 Here we go, fun times. 30:05.603 --> 30:07.925 Welcome to Truth Jihad Audio. 30:07.945 --> 30:14.449 I'm Kevin Barrett talking with the folks who have the most to say from way outside the box of mainstream idiocy. 30:14.769 --> 30:19.232 And today I've got two of my heroes I've been following for quite some time. 30:19.632 --> 30:21.093 I finally got them on the show. 30:21.854 --> 30:24.295 Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jessica Rose. 30:24.375 --> 30:24.876 They're both 30:25.376 --> 30:33.503 people with very strong medical credentials who've questioned the COVID party line and gotten some pushback for their pains. 30:33.843 --> 30:39.348 Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist with a strong public health background, a master's in public health from the University of Michigan. 30:39.648 --> 30:54.160 Jessica is a Canadian researcher who's got a bachelor's in applied math, a master's in immunology, a PhD in computational biology, and on and on and on, even more than that, but we'll just get going here. 30:54.641 --> 30:55.746 That's pretty funny. 30:55.786 --> 30:57.011 Peter and Jessica, how are you? 30:58.036 --> 30:58.638 Great. 30:58.679 --> 30:59.301 Thanks for coming. 31:00.143 --> 31:01.464 Okay, well, it's an honor to have you. 31:01.764 --> 31:08.730 We'll start with Peter because although both guests are having some internet issues, Peter's are worse. 31:09.450 --> 31:13.353 So Peter, where to start here? 31:14.454 --> 31:27.905 First, well, quickly, maybe you could introduce yourself and let us know how you ended up being somebody who's being both cheered and smeared for saying sensible things about COVID and the experimental injections. 31:29.180 --> 31:42.950 I'm a practicing internist and cardiologist in Dallas, Texas, academic practice, spent about half my time seeing patients like yesterday and half my time in academic mode as an author and former editor and contributor. 31:43.290 --> 31:54.578 I'm a frequent news commentator now, never thought I would be in the limelight, but I was very much prepared for it in terms of my training and background in analyzing data, 31:55.311 --> 31:58.713 both as a clinical trialist and an epidemiologist. 31:59.853 --> 32:00.814 I have been cheered. 32:00.854 --> 32:01.814 There's no doubt about it. 32:01.854 --> 32:03.035 I've testified in the U.S. 32:03.095 --> 32:06.436 Senate and been well-received across multiple news platforms. 32:07.117 --> 32:15.801 I've only been jeered, I think, and in fact, I know, by people with no credentials and no credibility. 32:17.463 --> 32:21.906 And I think the jeers are about 1%, and I think the cheers are 99%. 32:22.607 --> 32:29.031 But if you can find somebody who's credible, who's ever said a discrediting statement, I'd be happy to see it. 32:29.311 --> 32:31.552 Well, here's a kind of humorous discrediting statement. 32:31.572 --> 32:40.578 According to Wikipedia, you're spreading misinformation about COVID because you are not sure that people under 30 should be getting the experimental injections. 32:40.858 --> 32:43.480 Now, I don't quite understand that. 32:43.560 --> 32:45.822 Well, let me just say, Wikipedia 32:46.829 --> 32:49.693 has contributors who are anonymous. 32:50.214 --> 32:53.879 The most frequent contributor to my Wikipedia page is not me. 32:54.119 --> 32:56.322 I should actually be writing my own Wikipedia page. 32:56.402 --> 32:58.005 In fact, Wikipedia has locked me out. 32:58.566 --> 33:01.610 It's someone in Illinois named the Altman. 33:02.130 --> 33:03.312 So it's an anonymous. 33:04.093 --> 33:08.537 uncredentialed person who's putting incorrect information on my Wikipedia page. 33:08.617 --> 33:25.431 So Wikipedia, in my view, since it's not a biographical or autobiographical page that's credentialed or allows the individual to actually put correct information in, Wikipedia should be removed from the internet and clearly not viewed by anybody who's interested in the truth. 33:25.939 --> 33:26.679 I agree completely. 33:26.699 --> 33:29.921 I had a five-year battle with Wikipedia myself, and it was maddening. 33:30.021 --> 33:38.546 They had libelous information up for five years that couldn't be taken down, sourced to an anonymous obscure blog, lying about me. 33:38.586 --> 33:40.687 So yeah, it's completely insane. 33:42.488 --> 33:50.553 And the idea that questioning whether people under 30 should be getting these COVID injections is also completely insane, isn't it? 33:52.294 --> 33:53.155 Where did they come up with that? 33:53.755 --> 33:55.276 I'm a doctor, so I decide. 33:56.452 --> 33:58.614 not Wikipedia, but I decide. 33:58.734 --> 34:04.079 I have the medical authority to decide and help patients judge the risks and the benefits. 34:04.619 --> 34:17.030 The risks of the vaccines in people under 30 far outweigh any benefits that could be had even from the very beginning against the wild type strain of which the vaccines were designed to block. 34:17.330 --> 34:29.142 So can we agree then that right now the the idea is is that we're questioning the vaccine for people under 30 but we are agreeing that the vaccine is absolutely fine for people above 30. 34:29.522 --> 34:30.263 Can you hear that? 34:31.424 --> 34:32.005 Can you hear it? 34:32.045 --> 34:35.749 Make sure you hear it because that's exactly what they're saying here. 34:36.810 --> 34:38.131 Stop lying! 34:42.436 --> 34:44.376 I don't know what happened there, but that's really gross. 34:44.656 --> 34:45.857 That's what we're dealing with here. 34:45.897 --> 34:47.938 We're dealing with something very, very gross. 34:52.939 --> 35:01.383 Now with the Omicron strain across the age spectrum, the risks, which are still there, outweigh any theoretical benefits. 35:01.403 --> 35:02.563 And again, I'm the doctor. 35:02.743 --> 35:07.425 I have the authority to decide and make that judgment, not anonymous Wikipedia people. 35:08.131 --> 35:10.313 Well, I'm not a doctor, but that's sure how it looked to me, too. 35:10.553 --> 35:16.858 I just can't imagine why anybody would be telling young people to have got even back in the bad old days of Delta. 35:16.879 --> 35:21.062 But even then, the numbers didn't make any sense to me either. 35:22.023 --> 35:23.504 So, Peter. 35:24.625 --> 35:26.326 Where did this COVID thing come from? 35:27.307 --> 35:32.191 It looks like a bioweapon, and there are various theories about that. 35:33.291 --> 35:39.496 To my mind, even just the presumption that that's a possibility means we need to shut down biological weapons research. 35:39.516 --> 35:45.340 Maybe you can tell us your thoughts about biological weaponry and the possible link with COVID. 35:46.092 --> 35:49.053 That's beyond my range as a medical doctor. 35:49.073 --> 35:54.515 I've been treating patients who are falling sick with the virus or after receiving the vaccine. 35:54.555 --> 36:00.217 But I do would refer you and the listeners to Peter Bragan, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, We Are the Prey. 36:00.257 --> 36:02.338 It's about a thousand references in it. 36:02.398 --> 36:04.379 I wrote one of the introductions. 36:04.859 --> 36:11.702 It's probably the best synthesis of where the virus came from, who are the collaborators and what are the potential motivations. 36:12.488 --> 36:13.388 Thank you for that reference. 36:13.528 --> 36:14.328 I will check that out. 36:15.449 --> 36:28.711 So regarding the vaccines, it seems that there's a huge accumulation of danger signals suggesting that they are neither safe. 36:28.751 --> 36:37.673 Well, we know they're not very effective in terms of promoting herd immunity, but we also are learning that there are a lot of reasons to think that they're unsafe. 36:38.053 --> 36:39.933 What are the most important ones in your view? 36:40.578 --> 36:43.582 We always consider safety first before efficacy. 36:43.622 --> 36:49.230 So even if the vaccines were perfect against COVID, if they were unsafe, we still wouldn't use them. 36:49.770 --> 36:53.075 So we always, we would never have somebody take an injection and be harmed. 36:53.275 --> 36:55.117 That's completely unacceptable. 36:55.638 --> 37:05.585 We know now from the released court-ordered Pfizer documents, Pfizer had 1,223 deaths reported to them within 90 days of release of their product. 37:06.185 --> 37:08.007 That is completely unacceptable. 37:08.367 --> 37:12.310 They should have pulled the product off the market at 50 deaths or before. 37:13.170 --> 37:16.393 And by continuing to have the product on the market, 37:17.153 --> 37:26.524 Pfizer basically defrauded the government as providing a safe and effective product and chances are if we get the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson documents we'll find the same thing. 37:26.985 --> 37:35.635 Dr. Rose is with us and she's an expert on the vaccine adverse event reporting system that shows alarming signals as does a yellow card and the EU 37:36.235 --> 37:39.878 uterus system, there's also the V-safe and Vigi-safe systems. 37:40.258 --> 37:56.252 All of them show alarming, unacceptable, catastrophic deaths that occur a few days after receiving the vaccine, and then an array of non-fatal syndromes, some of them causing permanent injury, neurologic, cardiovascular, immunologic, and hematologic. 37:56.872 --> 37:57.853 And so there you have it. 37:58.393 --> 38:05.837 Jessica Rose is coming on the scene right now as an expert on VAERS, even though she's a virologist and a computational biologist. 38:06.457 --> 38:10.379 Because she can crunch numbers, I guess, she's become an expert on VAERS. 38:10.459 --> 38:15.002 And now here is Peter McCullough telling us that she's an expert on VAERS. 38:15.162 --> 38:19.304 And he's introducing her in a way that sounds like it's a relatively new introduction. 38:20.216 --> 38:30.641 They haven't made this appearance often, and she is not a well-known, you know, like she is now, where she can go in front of a crowd in Geneva and rap and get away with it. 38:32.782 --> 38:36.424 And Dr. Rose, what do you think are the worst of these things? 38:36.524 --> 38:37.625 And she's not a doctor. 38:37.705 --> 38:42.747 So if we're calling her Dr. Rose in the presence of Dr. McCullough, that's just kind of dumb. 38:42.927 --> 38:47.870 But we are, and we're going to keep doing it the whole podcast, which is already a problem, in my humble opinion. 38:49.725 --> 38:52.666 Oh, well, that depends on your point of view. 38:52.826 --> 38:56.066 But I mean, most people would think that death is the worst. 38:57.526 --> 39:02.727 We're at over 30,000 deaths in the domestic data set in VAERS right now. 39:03.547 --> 39:12.429 And as Peter said, this is mirrored in all of the adverse event data collection systems that are somewhat functioning right now around the world. 39:14.409 --> 39:18.850 I would say that personally, the neurological adverse event reports are 39:19.896 --> 39:30.308 One of the worst because these can be debilitating there's actually a category in there's called disability and the the numbers of disabled. 39:32.124 --> 39:35.948 of people reporting disabilities in the context of these injections. 39:36.008 --> 39:41.512 And now we're only talking about the Pfizer, the Moderna, and the Janssen products in the United States. 39:41.552 --> 39:42.833 So this is just three products. 39:43.954 --> 39:45.635 It's just off the charts. 39:45.695 --> 39:48.638 It's not even comparable to anything we've seen historically. 39:49.839 --> 39:54.423 And again, as Peter said, I mean, at 50 deaths, the product should have been pulled. 39:54.603 --> 39:57.405 This should have been pulled in January last year. 39:59.167 --> 40:17.562 So what you can see already, if we're talking about Janssen and Pfizer and Moderna as the same and lumping them all together as one thing, then what you're gonna see, of course, is they're seeding the narrative that the government is gonna admit that Janssen causes problems. 40:17.602 --> 40:21.325 The UK is gonna admit that, what was that one called? 40:21.425 --> 40:22.125 AstraZeneca? 40:22.145 --> 40:26.189 Has problems. 40:27.156 --> 40:30.420 And so they're seeding the narrative right now. 40:30.500 --> 40:35.627 They can't even differentiate between a transformation and a transfection. 40:41.074 --> 40:41.274 Right? 40:44.039 --> 40:45.901 They're not even differentiating between the two. 40:45.961 --> 40:50.166 So that's, sorry for that bad writing, but that's what I hear here. 40:50.226 --> 40:56.853 I hear a setup because Janssen, Pfizer, and Moderna are listed as all equivalent. 40:58.951 --> 41:05.296 It's not rational, it's not logical, it doesn't make any sense why this is continuing to this day. 41:05.697 --> 41:16.646 And not only continuing, but being pushed and promoted more shots, more versions of shots against more versions of this virus. 41:16.746 --> 41:19.108 It's insanity, it doesn't make any sense to me. 41:20.097 --> 41:41.452 Well, Dr. Peter McCullough, the VAERS data has been questioned in that, as Matthew Crawford said when he was on the show a few weeks ago, that theoretically every death data has been questioned in that, as Matthew Crawford said when he was on the show a few weeks ago, that 41:42.272 --> 41:53.020 Theoretically, every death that occurs within X time of vaccination ought to be reported to VAERS, which would be a very, very large number, even if the vaccine weren't killing anybody. 41:53.381 --> 41:56.683 So how do you think we should be interpreting the VAERS data? 41:57.003 --> 41:57.724 Do you see it? 41:58.925 --> 42:09.993 Matthew Crawford was on his podcast, the Jihad Truth podcast before Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough and 42:11.283 --> 42:21.812 Matthew Crawford met Robert Malone at the very, very first international COVID summit in San Juan or Puerto Rico or wherever the hell that was in 2020. 42:23.834 --> 42:30.400 Are you seeing that it's all just one big team Malone yet or are you still trying to deny it? 42:33.430 --> 42:42.443 We should interpret it as being valid for what's there, but being a grossly underreported set of data. 42:43.104 --> 42:49.234 So initially, events are reported, they get a temporary VAERS number, then the CDC vets it, 42:49.614 --> 42:52.937 And then when it's found to be valid, it gets a permanent VAERS number. 42:52.977 --> 42:56.139 The data Dr. Rose gave you are the permanent VAERS number. 42:56.299 --> 43:03.945 I've done numerous VAERS submissions, and I can tell you there are queries and calls from the CDC. 43:03.965 --> 43:09.229 If the lot number isn't correct or they want to know the MRI or the blood test, the CDC verifies it. 43:09.269 --> 43:13.633 So these numbers up in the database are legitimate and real. 43:14.433 --> 43:16.854 The concern is that they're a gross underreport. 43:16.914 --> 43:33.120 A paper by Pantazatos and Seligman in the ResearchGate preprint server system using census data and vaccine administration data, it's an ecological analysis, suggests the upper bound of the confidence interval for the number of lives lost after the vaccine 43:33.680 --> 43:40.142 through December of 2021 could be as high as 187,000 Americans. 43:40.202 --> 43:50.744 It's catastrophic, but it's cohesive with what we're hearing from the life insurance systems, where all the life insurance systems are reporting in now record numbers of deaths in people working age. 43:52.024 --> 43:52.364 That's right. 43:52.705 --> 43:58.846 And Dr. Jessica Rose, you recently wrote a post about the deaths among millennials. 44:00.066 --> 44:02.567 What is the data show about that? 44:03.689 --> 44:12.566 So yeah, there's this surge of deaths in millennials, which are 25 to 44 year olds. 44:12.606 --> 44:13.588 These are young people. 44:15.985 --> 44:21.287 84% surplus of deaths in the fall of 2021, which is completely unexplained. 44:21.747 --> 44:22.747 Nobody knows why. 44:22.767 --> 44:31.331 It's, according to what I found, it's not due to drug overdoses and suicides and all of these, these other ways. 44:31.551 --> 44:35.693 According to what I've found, no data provided. 44:36.915 --> 44:39.076 No, no explanation needed. 44:39.696 --> 44:42.918 It's not due to drugs and overdoses. 44:42.978 --> 44:44.359 It's not due to suicide. 44:44.399 --> 44:46.380 It's something else really weird. 44:47.000 --> 44:48.260 Holy shit. 44:48.961 --> 44:50.341 Holy shit. 44:51.122 --> 44:51.982 Five to 44 year olds. 44:52.022 --> 44:53.083 These are young people. 44:53.303 --> 44:53.363 Um, 44:55.422 --> 45:00.726 84% surplus of deaths in the fall of 2021, which is completely unexplained. 45:01.167 --> 45:02.188 Nobody knows why. 45:02.208 --> 45:04.930 It's- Do you see my arm? 45:04.950 --> 45:06.972 Do you see my arm? 45:09.226 --> 45:10.167 They lied to us. 45:11.108 --> 45:12.650 These people lied to us. 45:12.710 --> 45:17.255 They lied to us and we lied to our kids and that's why we're here right now. 45:17.615 --> 45:28.568 There's no way to explain why she just happens to have to say the opioid epidemic right now unless Mark has been right all along and they've been using that shit. 45:30.799 --> 45:31.980 This is really awful. 45:32.240 --> 45:35.161 This is really worse than I ever imagined it would be. 45:35.181 --> 45:38.263 Thank you for the person to send me this video. 45:38.303 --> 45:41.504 Thank you, Pamela, for having found it and the other person who sent it to me. 45:41.564 --> 45:42.785 I'm really sad right now. 45:43.405 --> 45:46.867 There's this surge of debts in millennials, which are 25 to 44 year olds. 45:46.887 --> 45:47.407 These are young people. 45:52.681 --> 45:58.864 84% surplus of deaths in the fall of 2021, which is completely unexplained. 45:59.324 --> 46:00.345 Nobody knows why. 46:01.305 --> 46:19.293 It's, according to what I found, it's not due to drug overdoses and suicides and all of these other ways of, or these ways of dying that, yes, they're on the grow, but they only comprise a certain percentage of this overgrowth of death. 46:19.413 --> 46:20.994 So- There's no way to explain it. 46:21.923 --> 46:33.151 There's absolutely no way to explain why she needs to address these other sources of death, but still clarify that even though those are rising, of course, I'm not ignoring them. 46:33.531 --> 46:34.511 It's not just that. 46:34.551 --> 46:36.293 There's something else in the background. 46:37.253 --> 46:39.495 It's very mysterious, strange. 46:41.556 --> 46:42.377 Stop lying! 46:44.918 --> 46:45.659 Are you mad yet? 46:47.760 --> 46:48.561 Are you mad yet? 46:50.740 --> 46:54.802 Something caused this surplus of death in young people. 46:54.982 --> 46:59.924 It's outrageous that this isn't like headline news. 46:59.944 --> 47:00.964 So it couldn't be murder. 47:01.344 --> 47:16.130 It couldn't be a combination of all these things, including putting people on supplementary oxygen or unneeded ventilation or unneeded remdesivir or any number of ways, including the opioid crisis. 47:17.329 --> 47:20.550 But according to what I found, it's not that at all. 47:21.210 --> 47:25.751 According to what I found, no data provided, no source cited. 47:25.771 --> 47:28.572 Stop lying! 47:29.792 --> 47:34.293 News and, you know, extra, extra read all about it, like back in the day. 47:34.853 --> 47:41.335 It's not right that nobody is giving a clear answer as to what killed these people. 47:41.555 --> 47:43.395 It's factual. 47:44.015 --> 47:46.416 It's confirmed in many different ways. 47:47.728 --> 47:52.680 Yeah, and it's, yeah, again, it's inexplicable. 47:53.502 --> 47:56.570 There are so many answers that we need and that we're not getting. 47:57.888 --> 48:05.153 Jessica Rose has been on Tommy's podcast with Matt Crawford at least twice, if not three times in these years. 48:05.273 --> 48:09.715 Just keep that in mind as we move forward with these fake experts. 48:10.016 --> 48:17.760 And Dr. McCullough, what about the reports of athletes dropping from cardiac problems, sometimes dead and sometimes not? 48:19.101 --> 48:21.123 Are those also concerning? 48:21.143 --> 48:23.964 Have you looked at the statistical analysis of those? 48:24.164 --> 48:24.965 What should we think of those? 48:26.966 --> 48:37.688 Roughly 700 athletes, mainly European, mainly soccer and rugby and other forms of football, 700 have had cardiac arrest during competition or practice. 48:38.149 --> 48:42.270 About half of them have been successfully resuscitated, half sadly have died. 48:42.670 --> 48:44.070 These are record numbers. 48:45.310 --> 48:52.772 Not a single case has there been a reporting that they took the vaccine, had myocarditis and died, not a single case. 48:56.727 --> 49:02.749 700 athletes have died in the EU, mostly football players, soccer players. 49:02.869 --> 49:06.850 About half of them have died and been unable to revive. 49:07.070 --> 49:14.092 And none of them, none of them have been reported as being vaxxed, having myocarditis and died. 49:14.132 --> 49:16.793 That's exactly what he said. 49:19.625 --> 49:20.485 forms of football. 49:20.505 --> 49:24.446 700 have had cardiac arrests during competition or practice. 49:24.926 --> 49:27.586 About half of them have been successfully resuscitated. 49:27.686 --> 49:29.027 Half, sadly, have died. 49:29.447 --> 49:30.847 These are record numbers. 49:32.067 --> 49:38.268 Not a single case has there been a reporting that they took the vaccine, had myocarditis, and died. 49:38.348 --> 49:39.548 Not a single case. 49:39.949 --> 49:43.769 In fact, there's almost little or nothing said about each one of these deaths. 49:43.849 --> 49:45.169 It's almost like a mystery. 49:45.469 --> 49:48.290 We do know globally these leagues have enforced 49:51.653 --> 49:55.857 Oh, looks like we may have lost Dr. Peter McCullough, as he predicted. 49:56.838 --> 49:58.459 Dr. Jessica Rose, are you still there? 49:59.780 --> 50:00.461 I am, yes. 50:01.021 --> 50:03.083 Okay, looks like we may have lost Peter. 50:03.103 --> 50:05.104 Oop, there he goes. 50:06.205 --> 50:06.746 Come in, Peter. 50:07.787 --> 50:08.427 Now he's gone. 50:08.567 --> 50:09.008 He's gone. 50:09.148 --> 50:09.468 Okay. 50:10.029 --> 50:14.993 Well, maybe you can pick up from there about the mysterious deaths of athletes. 50:15.779 --> 50:16.319 Yeah, sure. 50:16.479 --> 50:35.630 And I'll segue into the conversation about causation, because there's a huge pushback from all sides as to the debate of, are these injections causing all of these adverse events? 50:36.250 --> 50:38.892 Without a reasonable doubt, to me, they are. 50:39.232 --> 50:41.473 And there's a way to verify this. 50:43.084 --> 51:02.215 Using something called the Bradford Hill criteria, which is a, you know, long since used set of criteria that you can use to assess a causal effect in epidemiological or biological data and one of the ways that you can do that one of one of the criteria is called specificity. 51:02.771 --> 51:17.178 So that applies to our healthy young athletes and also our young children who are suffering these massively rare cardiac events and myocarditis, for example. 51:18.359 --> 51:28.504 If you take a young person and you ask yourself the question, okay, is it common for a young person to have a heart attack? 51:29.011 --> 51:33.034 Is it common for a 15-year-old boy, for example, to have myocarditis? 51:33.655 --> 51:42.202 Is it common for a healthy young athlete at the peak of their career to just drop dead from a cardiac event? 51:42.723 --> 51:52.511 So you look in specific populations where you would never expect, just logically or statistically, for these things to occur. 51:52.891 --> 51:54.372 And we're finding these things. 51:55.923 --> 52:00.586 much higher rates than above background in both of these specific populations. 52:00.706 --> 52:15.076 So yeah, and again, once again, we have not seen this before with a product that's being peddled to such a large proportion of the human population. 52:17.458 --> 52:18.419 There's just no 52:20.017 --> 52:21.777 There's no explaining this. 52:22.077 --> 52:22.718 Well, there is. 52:22.818 --> 52:24.098 It's just that you won't do it. 52:24.158 --> 52:29.639 So what you can see here very carefully is that this molecular biologist won't use the word transfection. 52:30.359 --> 52:34.800 This molecular biologist won't differentiate between old vaccines and new vaccines. 52:35.320 --> 52:38.020 They want to keep that debate to a minimum. 52:39.000 --> 52:47.302 The only thing they really want to discuss here is the idea that there is a signal that we don't really understand, and it's not coming from the lockdowns. 52:48.706 --> 52:50.267 It's not coming from the protocols. 52:51.828 --> 52:55.810 It's not coming from the opioid crisis. 52:55.990 --> 53:01.272 It's coming from something else that, you know, much higher rates in these groups of people. 53:04.414 --> 53:06.395 But you're not asking the right question at all. 53:06.475 --> 53:09.396 The question that she wants us to ask is, is it common? 53:10.217 --> 53:14.979 What are the rates that these things happen in a normal population? 53:16.420 --> 53:20.203 Why not just differentiate between the people that have taken the shot and the people that haven't? 53:22.805 --> 53:29.791 Why even open the door for the possibility that these might be normal rates, but we first have to determine what the normal rate is? 53:32.739 --> 53:41.082 It's just running out the clock, ladies and gentlemen, on questions that get you to the end zone much slower, in a much more circuitous route. 53:41.282 --> 53:42.963 It's exactly what Peter said. 53:43.443 --> 53:53.247 Even if these products are 100% efficacious, which they are not, they're negatively efficacious right now, which means that they're causing harm to your immune system, as a matter of fact. 53:53.945 --> 53:56.466 It doesn't matter if the product isn't safe. 53:56.907 --> 54:02.810 If it's even killing 50 people, it needs to be removed from use. 54:04.050 --> 54:05.811 This is the job of our regulators. 54:06.132 --> 54:11.594 So they're calling it a product as if it's a novel product, just like the novel virus, but it's not a novel product. 54:11.674 --> 54:15.216 It's a transfection by a lipofectamine, by a lipid nanoparticle. 54:15.717 --> 54:19.919 It's all the same bullshit that we've been using on our lab benches for decades. 54:21.087 --> 54:27.069 The only improvement of it is that it's a unique formulation of the lipid nanoparticle that they can claim is novel. 54:28.050 --> 54:35.552 And that apparently Robert Malone thinks he can claim that Peter Cullis told him was fine and stayed at the injection site and that's why he took it. 54:36.033 --> 54:36.733 Stop lying! 54:37.455 --> 54:58.503 These people are all on the same team, and they are all lying, and they've been lying from the very beginning to try and make sure that we focused all of our energy on solving the mystery of the novel gain-of-function virus, the bioweapon, as the jihad truther said, and that we didn't ever come to the conclusion that maybe we should investigate further what happened in 2020. 54:58.803 --> 55:00.404 Maybe it was just murder and lies. 55:01.448 --> 55:02.871 Jessica's not worried about that. 55:03.291 --> 55:05.636 It's not even opioids and suicide. 55:05.656 --> 55:07.018 We don't even have to worry about those. 55:07.058 --> 55:09.162 There's something else a lot creepier around. 55:09.703 --> 55:11.447 Regulatory bodies like the FDA. 55:13.112 --> 55:23.515 And it's interesting, the media is telling us that, well, whatever problems there might be with the vaccines, that they're actually doing a lot more good than harm. 55:23.815 --> 55:25.555 They're saving you from the evils of COVID. 55:25.615 --> 55:26.816 There it is, there it is. 55:26.836 --> 55:27.836 Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 55:29.456 --> 55:37.639 So what you and Dr. McCullough say is that basically we have to have a do no harm kind of approach. 55:38.279 --> 55:38.799 Precisely. 55:39.795 --> 55:39.955 Right. 55:40.436 --> 55:55.588 And then, but the other side of that, and of course, you know, people with kind of the military approach to things, you know, military people are very much acculturated to sacrificing a certain number of their troops in order to gain a strategic advantage, win the war and save more of their troops. 55:56.368 --> 56:00.432 And it does make you wonder whether somebody high up in these agencies 56:01.192 --> 56:02.673 might be thinking along those lines. 56:02.693 --> 56:04.875 That's the implication of the way the media talks about it. 56:04.915 --> 56:13.741 The implication would be that, well, if we kill 100 people or even 100,000 and we save half a million or a million, then we've done a net good. 56:13.781 --> 56:14.902 So there's a philosophy. 56:14.962 --> 56:17.864 Do not harm doesn't work if it's worst case scenario. 56:17.904 --> 56:20.586 And worst case scenario was what a lot of people said it was. 56:20.807 --> 56:22.108 All the George Webb team 56:22.788 --> 56:24.949 said it was worst case scenario, a bioweapon. 56:25.389 --> 56:38.432 Kim.com became convinced after he did a little Twitter space with Kevin McCarran and Charles Rixey that it was a bioweapon and that if they wanted to, they could make a bioweapon be much more effective than a nuclear bomb. 56:41.673 --> 56:43.333 About a year and a half before the pandemic, 56:44.428 --> 56:53.055 Ralph Baric compared a bunch of different worst case scenarios like pole shift and these kinds of things and put pandemics on that list as well. 56:53.935 --> 57:00.640 And so here we are again, agreeing about, well, I mean, if shit is bad enough, then we may need to have to mandate things. 57:00.660 --> 57:04.663 You know, like if the vaccines work, then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 57:04.703 --> 57:09.987 is fine with mandates, but until we have placebo controlled trials, no mandates, man. 57:12.278 --> 57:15.880 These people are liars, traitors to our children. 57:16.561 --> 57:17.421 Tickle issue there. 57:17.441 --> 57:21.724 And maybe you could concisely explain the do no harm position. 57:22.964 --> 57:32.270 Well, I'm not a medical doctor, but if I was, I would abide by my oath to do no harm, which you have to take if you become a medical doctor. 57:34.351 --> 57:36.973 One of the parts of doing no harm 57:37.563 --> 58:07.113 if you're a medical doctor and you treat patients is to ensure that not only you are up to date on what's going on in the pharmaceutical world, in the vaccine world, in the peer-reviewed literature world, in all the studies that you probably should be reading world, you have to convey that information to your patient as part of informed consent, especially when you're talking about a brand new experimental product 58:07.659 --> 58:10.701 that's being mandated in many cases. 58:10.741 --> 58:12.862 It's not a brand new experimental product. 58:12.902 --> 58:19.505 It is a transfection and a transformation, which you could differentiate by saying the one uses DNA and one uses RNA. 58:19.625 --> 58:21.406 One has a viral vector, one doesn't. 58:21.947 --> 58:28.750 You could explain all of this and explain how neither of these things comes anywhere near what we used to call a vaccine. 58:28.790 --> 58:37.235 And then, and then Jessica Rose, you would be helping people to get closer to the goal line that you just mentioned, which is informed consent. 58:38.936 --> 58:45.480 But instead, there's no video or recording of you talking about informed consent in front of the ACIP. 58:45.600 --> 58:48.262 There's a video of me, which you never shared. 58:50.664 --> 59:02.512 She is a traitor and a liar and working for NATO, Canada and Israel, but not America and not America's kids, not to protect the American constitution. 59:02.572 --> 59:06.855 She is part of the team that is designed to undermine it, I assure you. 59:08.964 --> 59:10.325 In many places in the world. 59:11.025 --> 59:25.009 So, it's this duty of medical doctors to do no harm is is seemingly being waived by many people and I'm not sure why that is. 59:26.034 --> 59:33.116 Um, I mean, maybe they don't think there is harm because they're simply just not up to date on the data. 59:33.256 --> 59:39.257 I would dare say that that's the reason why, but I don't think that's an excuse. 59:39.998 --> 59:49.720 I think it's, it's, it's absolutely your duty as a physician with patients to be up to date. 59:50.290 --> 59:55.232 And the data is very clear on both the efficacy and the safety of these products. 59:55.712 --> 01:00:02.195 The VAERS data is also clear about the previous vaccine schedule or not? 01:00:04.436 --> 01:00:11.718 The VAERS data before the vaccine schedule, I mean, before the COVID started was supposedly between 40 times underreported. 01:00:14.477 --> 01:00:16.278 Jessica is not concerned about that at all. 01:00:16.338 --> 01:00:25.244 Jessica is very concerned that people don't see that whatever signal we had before the pandemic, if that's zero, then we now have a very strong signal. 01:00:26.705 --> 01:00:30.007 And so her message is, is that there was no signal before the pandemic. 01:00:30.047 --> 01:00:38.352 There was no hazard before the pandemic, even though a lot of people at Children's Health Defense and ICANN before the pandemic believed that there was. 01:00:39.033 --> 01:00:42.395 That's why they made the movie Vaxxed, and that's why they made the movie Vaxxed 2. 01:00:44.633 --> 01:00:49.576 But Peter McCullough and Jessica Rose right now are 100% dead on Ball's narrative. 01:00:49.596 --> 01:00:51.897 There's a novel virus that needs novel solutions. 01:00:52.417 --> 01:00:57.180 These two are on the cutting edge of this novel understanding of this novel challenge. 01:01:01.642 --> 01:01:02.042 Liars. 01:01:02.923 --> 01:01:05.084 It's really, really clear. 01:01:05.664 --> 01:01:12.548 The pharmacovigilance tools that we use to assess safety signals like VAERS are screaming 01:01:13.027 --> 01:01:18.210 red flags in just about every adverse event type you can imagine. 01:01:18.750 --> 01:01:25.694 There are over 10,000 types of adverse events reported to VAERS right now in the context of these products. 01:01:25.794 --> 01:01:33.117 So it's not just the absolute numbers of the reports, which like Peter said, are severely underreported. 01:01:33.878 --> 01:01:35.318 It's the number of types. 01:01:36.219 --> 01:01:41.982 If you pick any system, any tissue, any tissue system, any cell type, 01:01:42.884 --> 01:01:51.147 in the human body, somehow these products are affecting them in some populations of people. 01:01:51.367 --> 01:01:54.488 And that's one of the points I've been pushing. 01:01:55.429 --> 01:01:56.969 This is happening. 01:01:57.350 --> 01:01:58.890 They can deny it all they want. 01:01:59.270 --> 01:02:02.051 And so she has no biological explanation for that? 01:02:05.473 --> 01:02:07.373 She has no biological explanation for that? 01:02:07.413 --> 01:02:11.655 Because I think Byron Bridle hasn't come out yet. 01:02:15.993 --> 01:02:17.994 Or Byron Bridle's gonna come out next week. 01:02:19.995 --> 01:02:21.155 This is July 6th. 01:02:23.776 --> 01:02:29.899 Bret Weinstein's classic podcast with Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch is two weeks after this. 01:02:32.200 --> 01:02:33.881 Or it's in June, sorry, it's in June of 2021. 01:02:34.641 --> 01:02:35.221 So when is this? 01:02:35.261 --> 01:02:36.582 This is June 6th, July. 01:02:36.602 --> 01:02:38.623 I think this is July 6th. 01:02:38.823 --> 01:02:40.303 I'm sure, I gotta look it up again. 01:02:40.744 --> 01:02:43.685 Let me just do that quick to make sure I'm right. 01:02:46.343 --> 01:02:54.987 This was posted two years ago. 01:02:55.027 --> 01:02:56.187 I don't see the date here. 01:02:56.227 --> 01:02:57.388 This is the subscript. 01:02:57.508 --> 01:02:58.588 It says April 20th, 2022. 01:02:58.688 --> 01:02:58.888 Really? 01:02:58.968 --> 01:02:59.168 Really? 01:02:59.188 --> 01:02:59.168 2022? 01:02:59.248 --> 01:02:59.528 No way. 01:03:01.029 --> 01:03:04.831 That's super late. 01:03:04.851 --> 01:03:04.911 Wow. 01:03:04.931 --> 01:03:04.911 2022? 01:03:04.971 --> 01:03:06.851 They're just talking like this now? 01:03:16.502 --> 01:03:17.503 Isn't that incredible? 01:03:19.406 --> 01:03:23.571 They're still talking about Janssen as if it's on the market. 01:03:23.611 --> 01:03:25.213 That seems really odd to me. 01:03:26.074 --> 01:03:26.975 Is that possible? 01:03:27.836 --> 01:03:32.723 When did they take, can someone find out when they took Janssen off the market? 01:03:32.823 --> 01:03:33.764 I thought that was in 21 already. 01:03:34.653 --> 01:03:35.713 but it is happening. 01:03:36.294 --> 01:03:46.677 And the annoying part for me as a scientist is that the work that needs to be done now is to figure out who this is happening to and why precisely. 01:03:47.357 --> 01:03:50.679 And because they're denying the existence of the problem itself. 01:03:50.719 --> 01:03:52.199 We don't need to find out why. 01:03:53.099 --> 01:03:54.000 We already know why. 01:03:54.100 --> 01:03:58.962 Transfection and transformation were always criminally negligent in healthy humans. 01:03:59.022 --> 01:03:59.942 That's why, Jessica. 01:04:01.178 --> 01:04:03.020 And you knew that already in 2022. 01:04:03.381 --> 01:04:04.843 I assure you she knew that. 01:04:04.923 --> 01:04:10.791 If this is really April 20th, 2022, then I am shocked. 01:04:12.553 --> 01:04:13.995 I am shocked. 01:04:14.575 --> 01:04:16.198 Those studies aren't being done. 01:04:18.217 --> 01:04:31.006 Well, I've had Meryl Ness on this show, and she points out that the VAERS data, of course, is extremely concerning, but it's hard to know what to make of it, given that... A pause in 2022. 01:04:31.106 --> 01:04:31.866 Wow. 01:04:31.946 --> 01:04:34.868 So my timeframe has really been compressed. 01:04:35.008 --> 01:04:37.410 I thought for some reason they pulled it in 2021. 01:04:38.090 --> 01:04:39.011 Holy shit. 01:04:39.071 --> 01:04:41.813 So the show was really, really slow. 01:04:43.959 --> 01:04:47.001 The show was really, really slow. 01:04:47.061 --> 01:04:49.062 And now you can really see how slow it is. 01:04:49.302 --> 01:04:57.987 If in April 20th, 2022, this woman still can't go beyond saying, there's, there's, there's, and it's all over the body. 01:04:58.607 --> 01:05:00.168 And we better find out why. 01:05:06.673 --> 01:05:06.953 Wow. 01:05:07.013 --> 01:05:07.313 Okay. 01:05:07.354 --> 01:05:09.955 Well, Albert wrote about it last night. 01:05:10.015 --> 01:05:16.180 You can check that out with his, he's working on the data that Steve Kirsch has been pimping the check data. 01:05:16.200 --> 01:05:16.940 So check that out. 01:05:17.040 --> 01:05:19.262 Albert's in the chat there with a, with a link. 01:05:19.402 --> 01:05:26.287 Matthew Crawford said that theoretically everybody would self those studies aren't being done. 01:05:28.302 --> 01:05:43.764 Well, I've had Meryl Ness on this show, and she points out that the there's data, of course is extremely concerning, but it's hard to know what to make of it, given that, as Matthew Crawford said that theoretically, everybody who has 01:05:44.745 --> 01:05:51.867 any problem after a vaccine up to who knows, you know, two weeks or a month, or there isn't even a timeframe really. 01:05:52.207 --> 01:05:53.328 There's no official timeframe. 01:05:53.688 --> 01:06:02.071 So any medical problem of any kind whatsoever after getting a vaccine, theoretically, you know, you could die 50 years after the vaccine from old age. 01:06:02.151 --> 01:06:04.651 And theoretically, there's no reason not to report that to VAERS. 01:06:05.112 --> 01:06:09.133 So given that there's such loose reporting criteria, 01:06:10.713 --> 01:06:12.334 It's really hard. 01:06:12.454 --> 01:06:17.335 It's easy for the establishment to tell us that, oh, it's all coincidence. 01:06:17.596 --> 01:06:21.457 All of these different kinds of problems are just problems that people would have had anyway. 01:06:21.937 --> 01:06:28.119 And it's just a coincidence that they happen to have them within X timeframe, whatever that timeframe may be from the Xs. 01:06:28.299 --> 01:06:30.580 So anyway, Meryl Ness points out that, yeah, 01:06:31.300 --> 01:06:36.023 She thinks that actually the VAERS data is probably underreported, but we can't prove that. 01:06:36.283 --> 01:06:54.755 But she says that the government is holding really good data, that they've paid a lot of taxpayers' money for really good data, and they've kept it under lock and key, which is both outrageous in terms of swindling the taxpayers who paid for all that data, but also very suspicious. 01:06:56.436 --> 01:07:00.158 What's your take on all of that data that's not being released? 01:07:01.716 --> 01:07:04.139 Yeah, it's shameful because it does exist. 01:07:04.159 --> 01:07:10.806 They have more demographic data than we know about. 01:07:10.826 --> 01:07:19.475 A, we don't know about it and therefore B, we don't know what it's telling us or what it would if we had access. 01:07:19.915 --> 01:07:24.100 This is the same story that we're being peddled from 01:07:24.738 --> 01:07:25.899 from the manufacturers. 01:07:26.460 --> 01:07:36.389 As you know, as you're probably well aware, you know, Pfizer wanted to hide their safety and efficacy data for 75 years. 01:07:36.650 --> 01:07:49.122 And they've been ordered by the court now, thanks to some brave lawyers, to release this data over the next, I guess we have seven months, 01:07:49.642 --> 01:07:54.246 left now, uh, you know, tens of thousands of pages of data per month. 01:07:54.366 --> 01:08:01.592 And they were fighting and fighting and saying, well, we'll do this, but we'll-we'll redact some of it, and-and blah, blah, blah. 01:08:01.612 --> 01:08:03.134 It's like, no, no, no, no. 01:08:04.055 --> 01:08:10.220 You know, the public has a right to know what your studies showed in the clinical trials. 01:08:11.040 --> 01:08:15.084 Um... So don't forget, Naomi Wolf is gonna be the one that organizes 2,300 people. 01:08:18.436 --> 01:08:22.520 to use their free time to read those documents from Pfizer. 01:08:22.541 --> 01:08:28.187 And then she puts out substacks and releases things over time, all the time, people paying attention to. 01:08:28.627 --> 01:08:35.555 She claims that she had 2,300 smart people working on the Pfizer documents. 01:08:38.973 --> 01:08:39.833 That's impressive. 01:08:39.873 --> 01:08:43.974 So they didn't mention Naomi Wolf, but that's what they're talking about with the Pfizer documents. 01:08:44.034 --> 01:08:49.976 And in fact, I think she started with that already in June of 2021, a year earlier than this. 01:08:50.556 --> 01:08:52.576 I've already been injected with it. 01:08:52.636 --> 01:08:55.857 So, you know, that's an important thing for us to know. 01:08:57.717 --> 01:08:58.878 It's just appalling. 01:08:58.998 --> 01:09:04.819 I mean, you have to ask yourself, what would be the motivation of anybody 01:09:06.343 --> 01:09:07.824 To hide safety data. 01:09:08.424 --> 01:09:20.034 And like I've said before, the only reason you would ever want to hide safety data is if you really don't want people to know that it's revealing that your product isn't safe. 01:09:20.515 --> 01:09:22.656 That would be the only reason to hide it. 01:09:23.237 --> 01:09:26.260 And then you have to start getting appalled. 01:09:27.119 --> 01:09:36.945 and realize that- See, what she wants you to think is that this is all just about money and greed and assholes that are doing it because someone else would do it if I didn't do it. 01:09:38.305 --> 01:09:40.266 And of course, that's not the case at all. 01:09:41.247 --> 01:09:55.395 This is a multi-year operation to convert the sovereignty of the young people in America and in the Western world to that of a community-oriented communal health model. 01:09:57.216 --> 01:10:09.344 And she can claim all she wants to that, you know, having her feet in, in the sands of Israel and her feet in the, in the sands of Canada makes her some kind of world traveling dissident, but I think she plays for them. 01:10:11.005 --> 01:10:20.972 And that's why she can't meaningfully say anything, you know, like, well, if I compare the vaccine schedule in Israel or Canada to America, it's obvious what they're doing here. 01:10:22.540 --> 01:10:29.582 If I compare the average health of people in Israel to the average health of people in America and Canada, it's obvious what they're doing here. 01:10:29.962 --> 01:10:38.404 If I, you know, there's lots of things that she could say, but she's hyper focused on the safety data, the VAERS data. 01:10:38.584 --> 01:10:42.245 And the crazy thing is, is that she's going to be focused on that from here on out. 01:10:44.614 --> 01:10:49.635 Even when she spoke in front of the Senate earlier this year, it's VAERS, VAERS, VAERS, I'm the VAERS lady. 01:10:50.055 --> 01:10:55.537 Just like Pierre Cory is the New York City and Ivermectin guy. 01:10:58.398 --> 01:11:03.879 Just like Robert Malone is the, you know, RNA vaccines work great if we don't rush them. 01:11:05.740 --> 01:11:10.741 And pandemics are real because I'm an outbreak specialist that started on Ebola and Zika. 01:11:12.608 --> 01:11:17.872 just like Jessica Rose started out as an expert on the AIDS virus for shit's sake. 01:11:19.793 --> 01:11:33.743 These agencies and these organizations and establishments are, they're really not peddling products that are safe for human so-called consumption. 01:11:33.903 --> 01:11:34.444 They're not. 01:11:36.925 --> 01:11:41.409 Yeah, it's, again, you know, it's just, it's all a part of this, 01:11:43.257 --> 01:11:47.920 this whole story that's been one big lie, in my opinion. 01:11:48.401 --> 01:11:49.421 None of it adds up. 01:11:49.541 --> 01:11:50.462 None of it makes sense. 01:11:50.662 --> 01:11:53.824 None of it is in the interest of public health, obviously. 01:11:55.305 --> 01:11:56.926 And yeah, it's not over. 01:11:57.487 --> 01:11:59.208 That's one of the most disturbing. 01:11:59.288 --> 01:12:00.509 What is the big lie? 01:12:02.330 --> 01:12:04.271 Is the one big lie the shot? 01:12:05.972 --> 01:12:09.415 The one big lie is the lie about the product? 01:12:10.911 --> 01:12:13.953 or products that she still can't differentiate between yet? 01:12:15.974 --> 01:12:19.096 Do you see how much, how absolutely malevolent this is? 01:12:19.156 --> 01:12:20.017 Who's she saving? 01:12:21.598 --> 01:12:22.498 Who is she helping? 01:12:22.558 --> 01:12:26.881 Who is she getting closer to being able to exercise informed consent? 01:12:27.001 --> 01:12:27.541 No one. 01:12:28.662 --> 01:12:29.242 No one. 01:12:29.602 --> 01:12:30.363 Stop lying. 01:12:30.783 --> 01:12:33.585 It's because she's, she's lying about what the lie is. 01:12:35.819 --> 01:12:40.701 She's agreeing that the one big lie equals the shot. 01:12:42.702 --> 01:12:44.863 It has nothing to do with the natural virus. 01:12:44.903 --> 01:12:46.264 It has nothing to do with PCR. 01:12:46.364 --> 01:12:48.205 It has nothing to do with sequencing. 01:12:50.366 --> 01:12:53.767 It has nothing to do with murder in New York City. 01:12:57.869 --> 01:13:03.892 Once you see them for who they are, once you hear who they're promoting over and over again, you can only hear a network of liars. 01:13:05.322 --> 01:13:06.263 That's why they were there. 01:13:09.766 --> 01:13:15.732 Dr. Peter McCullough, he said that according to one estimate, I forget what the precise number was. 01:13:15.952 --> 01:13:22.499 I think he says it was 160,000 possible vaccine deaths in the U.S. 01:13:22.639 --> 01:13:22.959 alone. 01:13:24.085 --> 01:13:25.427 I've spoken with others. 01:13:25.467 --> 01:13:32.596 I'm going to have Steve Kirsch on the show in a couple of days, and he's come up with estimates in that ballpark or possibly even somewhat higher. 01:13:32.617 --> 01:13:37.123 Have you tried to crunch numbers and examine the various approaches? 01:13:39.105 --> 01:13:44.430 A number of people have used different signals to argue for different numbers of deaths. 01:13:45.010 --> 01:13:50.455 And the US deaths, again, a lot of people have managed to put them in the six figures, usually the low six figures. 01:13:51.856 --> 01:13:55.039 Have you crunched those numbers or looked at some of those estimates? 01:13:56.160 --> 01:13:58.562 Yeah, I actually have a publication. 01:13:58.582 --> 01:14:03.346 It was the second publication I did on VAERS data. 01:14:04.019 --> 01:14:09.602 where it's actually an assessment of the pharmacovigilance-ness of VAERS. 01:14:10.482 --> 01:14:18.506 And in this paper, I do estimate the underreporting factor using Pfizer's phase three clinical trial data that had been released at the time. 01:14:18.526 --> 01:14:19.546 That's right. 01:14:20.607 --> 01:14:22.368 Yeah, I remember seeing that actually, yeah. 01:14:23.058 --> 01:14:43.791 Yeah, so my underreporting factor was a conservative estimate at 31, which means that you would need to multiply most of the adverse events by a factor of 31, probably not death, even though this was calculated using severe adverse event data for which death is. 01:14:43.811 --> 01:14:52.417 I would say that the underreporting factor for death is lower because it's death more often reported, I would say. 01:14:53.134 --> 01:15:03.678 But in VAERS currently, in the domestic data set in the context of the COVID-19 products alone, we have over 30,000 deaths reported. 01:15:04.198 --> 01:15:19.663 So if we use an under-reporting factor of say, I don't know, let's just go 15, which is half of the lowest estimate that's been calculated, we're at about half a million deaths. 01:15:20.382 --> 01:15:31.965 So the number is, we don't even need to account for the underreporting factor here when talking about the appallingness of what we're seeing. 01:15:32.585 --> 01:15:45.589 The numbers in VAERS right now, just the absolute numbers without, like I said, calculating in the underreporting factor are off the charts when you compare them to the last 30 years of data. 01:15:47.182 --> 01:15:48.883 There's no comparison here. 01:15:49.584 --> 01:16:06.895 It's like when I describe what the bar graph looks like, if you tally up all of the adverse event reports for all the vaccines combined for the last 30 years, because VAERS has been on the go for 30 years, you get about 39,000 reports per year. 01:16:07.276 --> 01:16:09.277 This is for all the vaccines combined. 01:16:09.337 --> 01:16:13.080 I think there's almost up to 100 now, different kinds. 01:16:14.420 --> 01:16:22.784 If you compare that to just the adverse event reports in the context of COVID-19 for 2021, we're over a million. 01:16:22.824 --> 01:16:35.831 I mean, it's just insane that anyone would think that nothing is going on here and that it's just a coincidence and that, you know, it looks like a bunch of bungalows over the last 30 years compared to this massive skyscraper. 01:16:35.911 --> 01:16:37.392 That's what the bar graph looks like. 01:16:38.112 --> 01:16:43.139 And it's the same story for any standalone adverse event that you pick. 01:16:43.339 --> 01:16:44.280 You can pick anything. 01:16:44.441 --> 01:16:49.407 You can pick death, you can pick myocarditis, disability, anything you want. 01:16:49.507 --> 01:16:51.189 And it looks like that. 01:16:51.840 --> 01:16:55.181 And we're not explaining the biology at all, of course. 01:16:55.261 --> 01:16:56.221 Why would that be? 01:16:56.321 --> 01:16:58.342 What would that be due to? 01:16:58.902 --> 01:17:02.303 She could say that it doesn't stay in the injection site right now. 01:17:02.363 --> 01:17:03.623 We already know why, right? 01:17:03.643 --> 01:17:05.203 But she doesn't say that. 01:17:05.903 --> 01:17:10.444 In 2022, she doesn't say that, even though I was saying it already in 2021. 01:17:10.985 --> 01:17:12.125 And so was Byron Bridle. 01:17:13.466 --> 01:17:18.129 to any remotely credible or thoughtful attempts. 01:17:18.629 --> 01:17:24.273 They said Matt Crawford's name twice and Meryl Nass' name twice, but still haven't said Byron Bridle's name. 01:17:24.694 --> 01:17:26.975 And it's a year after he came out. 01:17:28.877 --> 01:17:29.557 You see this? 01:17:31.699 --> 01:17:35.261 To argue back from the other side, I've been looking for them. 01:17:37.228 --> 01:17:44.117 No, no, Steve Kirsch is very good at calling people and getting people's attention. 01:17:45.578 --> 01:17:46.339 He's a doer. 01:17:46.480 --> 01:17:47.921 He is very active. 01:17:49.423 --> 01:17:53.869 And he's been trying for, I'd say it's going on a year now. 01:17:55.191 --> 01:18:06.917 sending emails to like the top, like Walensky and Woodcock and all these people and saying, hey, how about letting us know what the under-reporting factor is if you're saying that ours is wrong? 01:18:07.418 --> 01:18:11.740 How about letting us know how come there's no causality assessment being done here? 01:18:12.280 --> 01:18:22.826 How about letting us know, like any of the answers to our questions, what's the cutoff number for the number of deaths to deem the product unsafe? 01:18:23.931 --> 01:18:27.072 Anything, how many deaths are reported to VAERS right now? 01:18:27.132 --> 01:18:28.712 They can't even answer that, my friend. 01:18:29.913 --> 01:18:37.895 There's a video of Walensky, both Walensky and Fauci, not being able to answer the simplest of questions. 01:18:38.655 --> 01:18:40.676 She's the director of the CDC. 01:18:40.776 --> 01:18:43.696 This is the organization that owns this data set. 01:18:44.097 --> 01:18:48.858 She could not answer a simple question, how many reports of death are in VAERS right now? 01:18:50.816 --> 01:18:52.457 Wow, that's crazy. 01:18:52.898 --> 01:19:05.387 I know Dr. McCullough has compared the inefficacy and danger of the vaccines to the apparent efficacy of treatments. 01:19:05.807 --> 01:19:07.969 Have you done work on the treatment issue? 01:19:09.270 --> 01:19:10.550 You mean like ivermectin? 01:19:10.771 --> 01:19:14.073 Yeah, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I guess, are the two big ones. 01:19:15.254 --> 01:19:15.614 Yeah. 01:19:17.924 --> 01:19:20.918 I've talked about them in my presentations. 01:19:22.318 --> 01:19:23.358 to various people. 01:19:23.798 --> 01:19:36.401 So the first one she came up with with ivermectin, just remember the first one that we came up with that I said on my YouTube channel and that Zev Zelenko treated a lot of congressmen with was hydroxychloroquine. 01:19:36.821 --> 01:19:44.963 The reason why Peter McCullough kind of rose to fame was because he was speaking out about hydroxychloroquine not causing hearts to swell up. 01:19:45.443 --> 01:19:48.824 So it's interesting that she starts, first of all, what do you mean, ivermectin? 01:19:50.634 --> 01:20:01.997 Dr. McCullough has compared this apparent inefficacy and danger of the vaccines to the apparent efficacy of treatments. 01:20:02.397 --> 01:20:04.557 Have you done work on the treatment issue? 01:20:05.857 --> 01:20:07.118 You mean like ivermectin? 01:20:07.358 --> 01:20:10.638 Yeah, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I guess, are the two big ones. 01:20:14.528 --> 01:20:38.218 I've talked about them in my presentations to various people, just in the context of, hey, there's another solution, but that's, I piggyback off of the FLCCC and peer query, like I'm not really analyzing data per se with regard to the early treatment, so. 01:20:39.764 --> 01:20:44.668 I know that there are many, many, many studies showing efficacy of these products. 01:20:44.808 --> 01:20:59.481 And I also know that ivermectin is, it's an antiparasitic drug that's super, super cheap, that's been on the go for decades, been used without any malefacts, even in pregnant women. 01:21:00.161 --> 01:21:12.395 And has, in fact, been on the going efficacy of these products and I also know that ivermectin is, it's an anti parasitic drug that's super super cheap. 01:21:12.796 --> 01:21:14.418 That's been on the go for decades. 01:21:15.419 --> 01:21:24.710 been used without any malefacts even in pregnant women, and has, in fact, been associated with a Nobel Prize. 01:21:25.330 --> 01:21:29.776 I mean it's, it's a, it's an FDA approved drug that's been on the go forever. 01:21:31.057 --> 01:21:34.041 You know repurpose drugs are used all the time. 01:21:35.542 --> 01:21:45.570 We use them in an off label way which means that you you've you you use it for a different ailment or disease for example with with success. 01:21:46.191 --> 01:21:53.597 This is not a new thing, but all of a sudden, very very strangely I mean Pierre Corey is the one to talk about this with. 01:21:57.515 --> 01:22:00.857 These poor drugs are being demonized. 01:22:01.017 --> 01:22:03.878 I mean, it's just bizarro world. 01:22:04.459 --> 01:22:10.602 If people understood how strange that was, I think that they would ask a lot more questions. 01:22:11.242 --> 01:22:17.405 It's very strange to us, like how nonsensical it all is. 01:22:20.037 --> 01:22:27.083 Well, I've had this argument with my brother who is... So repurposed drugs, she reviews quite vigorously. 01:22:27.183 --> 01:22:34.289 And that's of course Malone and the Domain Program and Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch are all in on the ivermectin idea. 01:22:34.329 --> 01:22:37.531 And if we could just force people to take it for 30 days, we'd be at zero COVID. 01:22:37.992 --> 01:22:46.058 And then of course, she mentions Pierre Kory, who we've all come to love as one of the greatest characters in this story. 01:22:46.098 --> 01:22:46.458 So that's... 01:22:47.239 --> 01:22:48.560 That's pretty spectacular. 01:22:49.500 --> 01:22:50.641 What else do you want me to know? 01:22:52.082 --> 01:22:55.264 You should talk to Pierre because he knows all about this stuff. 01:22:55.664 --> 01:23:03.569 He's an MD, PhD, who has run lots of studies, usually randomized controlled trials. 01:23:04.009 --> 01:23:07.291 And so he says that- Who's that? 01:23:07.872 --> 01:23:14.015 If people understood how strange that was, I think that they would ask a lot more questions. 01:23:14.656 --> 01:23:16.197 It's very strange to us. 01:23:17.051 --> 01:23:20.817 like how nonsensical it all is. 01:23:23.433 --> 01:23:34.542 Well, I've had this argument with my brother, who is, he's an MD, PhD, who has run lots of studies, usually randomized controlled trials. 01:23:35.002 --> 01:23:41.748 And so he says that, well, first, he said, Oh, there's no evidence that ivermectin works, or no good evidence. 01:23:41.788 --> 01:23:48.894 And so I sent him, I sent him to that website that has the huge list of studies, the vast majority of which do show. 01:23:48.914 --> 01:23:49.074 Yeah. 01:23:50.675 --> 01:23:50.935 Right. 01:23:51.455 --> 01:23:53.537 And he said, oh, wow, I never saw that. 01:23:53.577 --> 01:23:54.697 So OK, well, there is some evidence. 01:23:54.717 --> 01:24:00.420 He said, however, the good ones, the good randomized controlled trials, don't show efficacy. 01:24:01.441 --> 01:24:03.342 So still, he's not convinced. 01:24:03.542 --> 01:24:05.603 So how do you respond to that? 01:24:05.683 --> 01:24:06.983 I respond to that like this. 01:24:07.003 --> 01:24:12.066 I trust the doctors on the ground who are having success treating COVID patients, OK? 01:24:12.766 --> 01:24:17.809 Paul Merrick and Pierre Cory and, you know, 01:24:19.298 --> 01:24:27.802 Farid and Tyson, they've treated tens of thousands of patients with these things. 01:24:27.982 --> 01:24:29.643 And you know how they did that? 01:24:29.663 --> 01:24:31.203 Do you know what the context was? 01:24:32.244 --> 01:24:34.005 We had an emergency situation. 01:24:34.185 --> 01:24:37.686 We had this potentially deadly virus. 01:24:38.186 --> 01:24:41.748 And so if you're an emergency room doctor, if you're an ICU doctor, 01:24:42.715 --> 01:24:51.463 So I think that one of the reasons why FLCCC was created by Robert Malone and Pierre Corey was to step in front of Paul Merrick. 01:24:52.123 --> 01:24:53.945 So I spelled that wrong. 01:24:56.067 --> 01:25:04.154 But Paul Merrick is a guy who is the vitamin C high dose for sepsis treatment. 01:25:06.963 --> 01:25:12.344 And of course, he was also advocating for DNC for severe COVID. 01:25:12.904 --> 01:25:16.085 And so they had to step in front of this guy, and they did. 01:25:16.785 --> 01:25:18.885 And they stepped in front of him with a protocol. 01:25:19.345 --> 01:25:25.866 The FLCC protocol included a 94% pulse ox recommendation. 01:25:25.906 --> 01:25:28.507 And then if it's lower than that, you should go to the hospital. 01:25:29.727 --> 01:25:34.268 And they also, of course, recommended ivermectin and still do. 01:25:37.711 --> 01:25:42.535 There's place, you know, you can see that Pierre Cory spends a lot of time with Paul Merrick. 01:25:46.658 --> 01:25:49.561 I think Paul is probably just taken by these people. 01:25:50.541 --> 01:25:54.024 I believe to try and get into the head of the people who are on the, 01:25:55.703 --> 01:25:58.245 on the front of the line, as we've been calling it. 01:25:58.806 --> 01:26:05.912 They had to come up with a way to prevent their patients from dying or getting to the hospital. 01:26:06.392 --> 01:26:09.775 And so I imagine there was a lot of trial and error. 01:26:10.036 --> 01:26:11.897 There was a lot of critical thinking. 01:26:12.177 --> 01:26:19.764 There was a lot of, I'm going to draw upon my decades of experience as a physician, a lot of amazing independence. 01:26:19.824 --> 01:26:26.826 The reason why the obsession with ivermectin is bizarre is because nobody in America was using it before the pandemic. 01:26:27.006 --> 01:26:34.769 Veterinarians were, but it wasn't being used to prevent river blindness in the deep South or something like that. 01:26:35.569 --> 01:26:44.812 So there was no reason for any American doctor who we can all admit now are not the most informed biologists on the planet, there'd be no reason for them 01:26:45.532 --> 01:26:51.395 to have this on a short list of antivirals that would be appropriate for them to try. 01:26:51.895 --> 01:27:00.940 And there's no reason for anybody at FLCCC to have gone against Paul Merrick's recommendation of just, you know, vitamin D and C and some antibiotics. 01:27:05.462 --> 01:27:14.507 There's also no reason for them to be recommending ivermectin over hydroxychloroquine with such vigor. 01:27:16.348 --> 01:27:17.328 There's just no reason. 01:27:18.809 --> 01:27:33.453 There's more data, quite frankly, on the antiviral properties of hydroxychloroquine than there are on ivermectin, and yet this antiparasitic is assumed to work so well because these people say it does. 01:27:34.374 --> 01:27:39.035 She's arguing that they use their experience and gut instinct. 01:27:39.175 --> 01:27:40.696 They don't have any experience with this. 01:27:40.736 --> 01:27:44.017 That would be like saying that the way that they figured out how to make 01:27:45.728 --> 01:27:49.932 you know, fine, fine croissants is that they figured it out by trial and error. 01:27:49.952 --> 01:27:53.214 And I trust these guys more than I trust people that are taking the recipe. 01:27:55.516 --> 01:27:56.657 These people are lying. 01:27:56.758 --> 01:27:57.498 She's lying. 01:27:57.558 --> 01:28:03.603 Just like she said that, you know, according to what I've figured out, it's not the opioid crisis or suicide. 01:28:03.643 --> 01:28:04.804 It's something else. 01:28:05.865 --> 01:28:06.666 Stop lying. 01:28:07.707 --> 01:28:08.848 Dependent assessment. 01:28:09.540 --> 01:28:13.644 And they came up with these protocols from going through these processes. 01:28:14.424 --> 01:28:16.346 So that's what I would trust. 01:28:16.466 --> 01:28:18.068 You mean this protocol? 01:28:18.808 --> 01:28:19.108 That one? 01:28:19.128 --> 01:28:25.894 If I had to make a decision for myself or someone that I love who is struggling to breathe, I'm like, take them to those people and let them do it. 01:28:26.075 --> 01:28:27.536 Struggling to breathe. 01:28:28.266 --> 01:28:33.967 Is that the Pierre Cory nod there to the Kyle Seidel nod? 01:28:34.247 --> 01:28:36.247 They're going to do, because I trust them. 01:28:36.407 --> 01:28:40.068 They've been on the ground, boots to the ground, treated the patients. 01:28:40.448 --> 01:28:43.489 Nobody's being hospitalized if they go to these people. 01:28:43.689 --> 01:28:46.469 Nobody's being hospitalized if they don't go to the hospital. 01:28:47.570 --> 01:28:52.030 Nobody's being hospitalized if they don't go to the hospital, Jessica, you liar. 01:28:52.210 --> 01:28:55.491 And the other side of that is it ain't going to hurt them. 01:28:56.468 --> 01:29:00.609 It's a completely harmless drug, this ivermectin. 01:29:01.190 --> 01:29:05.891 It has an incredibly impressive- It cures cancer. 01:29:10.193 --> 01:29:11.493 It's a safety profile. 01:29:12.253 --> 01:29:13.254 So there's no harm. 01:29:13.494 --> 01:29:16.295 That's the other point I don't get, like why it's being demonized. 01:29:16.935 --> 01:29:17.495 You know what I mean? 01:29:17.555 --> 01:29:19.636 It's like, yeah. 01:29:20.216 --> 01:29:21.717 So that's what I would say. 01:29:23.099 --> 01:29:26.661 I also, I'm skeptical about these randomized controls. 01:29:26.801 --> 01:29:27.662 All the giggling. 01:29:27.822 --> 01:29:33.045 I never found any reason to giggle in any interview I've ever done about this stuff. 01:29:33.125 --> 01:29:38.948 Never once did I find it necessary to flirt or to giggle or to throw my hair. 01:29:38.968 --> 01:29:50.435 And if you watch Jessica Rose's years and hours of interviews, she's, she's giggling and throwing her hair around a lot. 01:29:54.293 --> 01:30:20.035 trials, given that the most celebrated one that supposedly proved that ivermectin didn't work, it turns out that if you actually look at their numbers, as Meryl Nass pointed out on my show weeks ago, it turns out that it was conducted in Brazil among poor people, who apparently a lot of them probably signed up because it was a free source of ivermectin, which they take anyway prophylactically. 01:30:20.655 --> 01:30:32.607 and so anyway they they had divided into two groups they don't describe how they take it prophylactically but they're not taking it daily like brett weinstein said we should do for 30 days to get to zero covid 01:30:34.104 --> 01:30:35.424 supposedly double-binded. 01:30:35.964 --> 01:30:49.887 However, it so happened that this huge number, I think it was like 60% or something, of the people in the control group that were getting the placebo didn't comply with the protocols of the trial somehow. 01:30:49.967 --> 01:30:53.428 So it came to the attention of the experiments that these people hadn't complied. 01:30:53.688 --> 01:30:56.849 Like 60% of the control group didn't comply 01:30:57.769 --> 01:31:03.091 and a vastly small version, hardly any of the ivermectin group didn't comply. 01:31:03.471 --> 01:31:05.472 So how can that be double-blinded? 01:31:06.152 --> 01:31:08.653 Welcome to Truth Jihad Audio. 01:31:08.773 --> 01:31:15.475 I'm Kevin Barrett, talking with the folks who have the most to say from way outside the box of mainstream idiocy. 01:31:15.495 --> 01:31:16.336 Sorry about that. 01:31:16.356 --> 01:31:16.816 Yeah, the FCCCT, yeah. 01:31:26.599 --> 01:31:26.839 Right. 01:31:27.360 --> 01:31:29.363 And he said, oh, wow, I never saw that. 01:31:29.403 --> 01:31:30.544 So OK, well, there is some evidence. 01:31:30.564 --> 01:31:36.251 He said, however, the good ones, the good randomized controlled trials don't show efficacy. 01:31:37.273 --> 01:31:39.175 So still, he's not convinced. 01:31:39.395 --> 01:31:40.677 So how do you respond to that? 01:31:41.298 --> 01:31:42.799 I respond to that like this. 01:31:43.496 --> 01:31:45.478 So the clinical trials don't matter. 01:31:46.238 --> 01:31:47.579 She responds to it like this. 01:31:47.680 --> 01:31:56.987 I trust the treating doctors because they've used their instincts and they've used their experience to decide and to settle on ivermectin as the solution. 01:31:57.047 --> 01:31:58.348 That's what she's saying right here. 01:32:00.190 --> 01:32:04.694 I trust the doctors on the ground who are having success treating COVID patients, okay? 01:32:05.374 --> 01:32:10.499 Paul Merrick and Pierre Cory and, you know, 01:32:11.913 --> 01:32:20.419 Farid and Tyson, they've treated tens of thousands of patients with these things. 01:32:20.579 --> 01:32:22.261 And you know how they did that? 01:32:22.281 --> 01:32:23.802 Do you know what the context was? 01:32:24.843 --> 01:32:26.624 We had an emergency situation. 01:32:26.784 --> 01:32:30.287 We had this potentially deadly virus. 01:32:30.807 --> 01:32:38.713 And so if you're an emergency room doctor, if you're an ICU doctor, people need to try and get into the head of the people who are on the, 01:32:40.310 --> 01:32:42.851 on the front of the line, as we've been calling it. 01:32:43.411 --> 01:32:50.515 They had to come up with a way to prevent their patients from dying or getting to the hospital. 01:32:50.995 --> 01:32:54.377 And so I imagine there was a lot of trial and error. 01:32:54.637 --> 01:32:56.498 There was a lot of critical thinking. 01:32:56.778 --> 01:33:05.402 There was a lot of, I'm going to draw upon my decades of experience as a physician, a lot of amazing independent assessment 01:33:06.082 --> 01:33:10.204 and they came up with these protocols from going through these processes. 01:33:10.985 --> 01:33:12.966 So that's what I would trust. 01:33:13.566 --> 01:33:24.452 If I was, you know, um, if I had to make a decision for myself or someone that I love who is struggling to breathe, I'm like, take them to those people and let them do what they're gonna do, because I trust them. 01:33:24.632 --> 01:33:28.314 They've been on the ground, boots to the ground, treated the patients. 01:33:28.654 --> 01:33:31.715 Nobody's being hospitalized if they go to these people. 01:33:32.396 --> 01:33:34.537 So, and the other side of that is, 01:33:35.231 --> 01:33:36.372 It ain't gonna hurt him. 01:33:37.293 --> 01:33:41.438 It's a completely harmless drug, this ivermectin. 01:33:42.018 --> 01:33:46.803 It has an incredibly impressive safety profile. 01:33:47.564 --> 01:33:48.565 So there's no harm. 01:33:48.805 --> 01:33:51.608 That's the other point I don't get why it's being demonized. 01:33:52.249 --> 01:33:52.809 You know what I mean? 01:33:52.869 --> 01:33:53.210 It's like, 01:33:54.724 --> 01:33:57.086 Yeah, so that's what I would say. 01:33:58.408 --> 01:34:07.517 I also I'm skeptical about these randomized controlled trials, given that the most celebrated one that supposedly proved that ivermectin didn't work. 01:34:08.037 --> 01:34:15.184 It turns out that if you actually look at their numbers, as Merrill Nass pointed out on my show, a couple of weeks ago. 01:34:15.985 --> 01:34:28.012 It turns out that it was conducted in Brazil among poor people, who apparently a lot of them probably signed up because it was a free source of ivermectin, which they take anyway prophylactically. 01:34:28.632 --> 01:34:33.274 And so anyway, they had divided into two groups, supposedly double-blinded. 01:34:33.795 --> 01:34:42.900 However, it so happened that this huge number, I think it was like 60% or something of the people in the control group that were getting the placebo, 01:34:44.020 --> 01:34:47.721 didn't comply with the protocols of the trial somehow. 01:34:47.781 --> 01:34:51.263 So it came to the attention of the experiments that they hadn't, that these people hadn't complied. 01:34:51.503 --> 01:35:00.926 Like 60% of the control group didn't comply and a vastly small version, hardly any of the ivermectin group didn't comply. 01:35:01.306 --> 01:35:03.287 So how can that be double-blinded? 01:35:03.687 --> 01:35:10.269 Somebody knew, you know, which group was which, and Merrill thinks probably that the poor people who signed up for free ivermectin 01:35:10.549 --> 01:35:11.810 They tasted their sugar pill. 01:35:12.050 --> 01:35:12.651 Oh, it's sugar. 01:35:12.711 --> 01:35:13.532 It's not ivermectin. 01:35:13.572 --> 01:35:15.073 And they went out and bought ivermectin anyway. 01:35:15.533 --> 01:35:20.338 And yet this has been touted as the best RCT, proving ivermectin doesn't work. 01:35:20.378 --> 01:35:28.485 If that's the- So Merrill Nass thinks that the reason why the random control trial didn't work is because the people could taste their placebo and went out and bought their own ivermectin. 01:35:29.446 --> 01:35:30.507 Merrill Nass! 01:35:32.288 --> 01:35:33.709 Four times mentioned. 01:35:35.171 --> 01:35:37.633 More times than Matthew Crawford's been mentioned. 01:35:39.778 --> 01:35:47.563 And she's sure that these randomized control trials are being goofed up by these people who are taking ivermectin because they know it already works. 01:35:47.703 --> 01:35:51.926 I would trust these people that are taking, oh my gosh. 01:35:52.006 --> 01:35:52.326 The best. 01:35:52.386 --> 01:35:53.306 I would hate to see the worst. 01:35:54.607 --> 01:35:56.969 Yeah, no, real world experience is the best. 01:35:57.049 --> 01:35:57.989 Thank you very much. 01:35:58.390 --> 01:36:00.511 They can have their randomized control trials. 01:36:01.118 --> 01:36:14.701 You know, it's not that I'm saying that they're not great when we have time and when they're done properly, but, you know, boots to the ground, real life is more valuable. 01:36:15.081 --> 01:36:28.645 And it's especially valuable when you're considering the fact that these people are still telling us that we're in an emergency situation, which we are not, but assuming that- Oh, we're not in an emergency situation. 01:36:29.585 --> 01:36:30.065 Interesting. 01:36:32.591 --> 01:36:33.292 How do you know that? 01:36:33.332 --> 01:36:34.833 Is it because they murdered people? 01:36:35.013 --> 01:36:37.054 Is it because there's no evidence of spread? 01:36:37.535 --> 01:36:41.798 Did you read Denny Rancourt's paper that was published two years before this video? 01:36:42.418 --> 01:36:45.180 Is that why you're saying we're not in an emergency anymore? 01:36:45.941 --> 01:36:54.387 We had been, you know, in the past, in the last year or so, in an emergency situation, which we are not. 01:36:55.427 --> 01:37:01.292 But assuming that we had been... Assuming that we had been... Stop lying! 01:37:02.392 --> 01:37:16.342 Assuming Pierre Corey wasn't lying about what happened in New York City, assuming that Kyle Seidel wasn't lying about the 60 liters a minute of oxygen being applied, then maybe it was just murder, Jess. 01:37:16.922 --> 01:37:26.068 You know, in the past, in the last year or so, you know, the best solution is to all hands on deck, man. 01:37:26.088 --> 01:37:27.990 Let's try everything and see what works. 01:37:28.911 --> 01:37:34.493 Seriously, they didn't take their time rolling these injections into people's arms, did they? 01:37:34.794 --> 01:37:36.634 They skipped all the safety trial. 01:37:36.935 --> 01:37:40.696 They did the shoddiest clinical trials in the world. 01:37:42.157 --> 01:37:47.419 Vaccines are supposed to take five to 15 years to go from conception to arm. 01:37:48.880 --> 01:37:53.922 They have to take that long in order to ensure that the products are safe and effective. 01:37:54.921 --> 01:38:00.696 And I mean, we raced through this in a year and a half, two years, the whole thing, the whole shooting match. 01:38:01.317 --> 01:38:02.580 And these are not. 01:38:03.188 --> 01:38:07.270 conventional vaccines, which makes what I just said very frightening. 01:38:07.650 --> 01:38:09.271 And most people don't realize that. 01:38:09.391 --> 01:38:10.591 This is a new platform. 01:38:11.432 --> 01:38:12.652 It's a new delivery system. 01:38:12.772 --> 01:38:13.933 It's not a new platform. 01:38:13.993 --> 01:38:15.534 It's not a new delivery system. 01:38:15.674 --> 01:38:21.657 She's a molecular biologist who almost certainly has used transfection and transformation in her academic work. 01:38:21.697 --> 01:38:24.498 And if she hasn't, then she's just an ignoramus. 01:38:26.701 --> 01:38:34.465 because almost everybody in academic biology and medicine and whatever in academia is using transformation and transfection all the time. 01:38:36.346 --> 01:38:44.771 And I'm getting sick and tired of hearing these people that have so many degrees, they can't even list them all in the beginning of their podcasts. 01:38:46.772 --> 01:38:50.654 And they can't seem to find these fricking words that I taught them already in 2020. 01:38:52.155 --> 01:38:56.037 Lipid nanoparticle tech, and it's a new concept. 01:38:56.874 --> 01:39:14.325 This is modified RNA, which is injected into your body, and it provides the template for your host cells to develop or to translate these modified RNAs, whatever they are, into protein. 01:39:15.446 --> 01:39:21.230 And these are very stable modified mRNAs, as we're seeing in peer-reviewed literature right now. 01:39:21.590 --> 01:39:25.733 Up to 60 days, we found this crap in the germinal centers of lymph nodes. 01:39:29.551 --> 01:39:32.433 So they're in the germinal centers of lymph nodes. 01:39:32.473 --> 01:39:34.815 We should not have transfected lymph nodes. 01:39:34.875 --> 01:39:36.296 That would not be a good idea. 01:39:36.796 --> 01:39:44.462 And any immunologist would know how absolutely ridiculous it would be to transfect the lymph nodes. 01:39:48.806 --> 01:39:50.047 Do you see what I'm saying here? 01:39:51.971 --> 01:40:06.175 You're transfecting the lymph nodes so that, what, naive, dormant immune cells might start expressing foreign proteins so that maybe your immune system would have to clean out the expressing cells in the lymph nodes? 01:40:06.955 --> 01:40:13.817 And you're an immunologist and you can't say why that's particularly bad and we're an hour into this discussion? 01:40:16.818 --> 01:40:17.518 Stop lying! 01:40:20.506 --> 01:40:21.267 It's just gross. 01:40:21.487 --> 01:40:26.512 Or to translate these modified RNAs, whatever they are, into protein. 01:40:27.613 --> 01:40:33.378 And these are very stable modified mRNAs, as we're seeing in peer-reviewed literature right now. 01:40:33.759 --> 01:40:37.903 Up to 60 days, we found this crap in the germinal centers of lymph nodes. 01:40:41.458 --> 01:40:49.045 Yeah, what about the evidence that there is uptake into the DNA that it actually is altering DNA? 01:40:49.085 --> 01:40:53.229 For a long time, that was totally being debunked by the so called fact checkers. 01:40:53.710 --> 01:40:58.835 But then apparently, some studies came in showing that well, actually, it looks like there is some some uptake. 01:40:59.015 --> 01:41:03.039 So in April of 2020, now we're talking about DNA 01:41:10.799 --> 01:41:19.882 talking about DNA integration now, which is again, a subject that didn't really come up until 23 with McKernan. 01:41:22.103 --> 01:41:25.904 But it came up earlier, of course, in these weird places. 01:41:25.964 --> 01:41:27.645 And so that's what he's talking about now. 01:41:28.365 --> 01:41:39.709 DNA integration was eventually demonstrated using transfected cultures of the spike protein and then showing that they could find the spike protein DNA in the 01:41:40.450 --> 01:41:42.292 in the chromosomes of those cell cultures. 01:41:42.312 --> 01:41:44.934 Supposedly, McKernan and other labs have done that already. 01:41:44.974 --> 01:41:54.022 But again, this is in 2022, and we have that data being shown or claimed in front of the Senate in 2024, so two years later. 01:41:54.643 --> 01:41:58.426 Again, what I want you to see is that they've been running out the clock. 01:41:59.207 --> 01:42:02.370 It's been a, it's been a running out the clock thing. 01:42:02.410 --> 01:42:11.178 There's no reason why in 2021, we couldn't have been all the way to the finish line and saying the transfection and transformation in healthy humans was always dumb. 01:42:11.659 --> 01:42:13.180 And we need to put these people in jail. 01:42:13.220 --> 01:42:14.902 We could have been there in 2021. 01:42:15.523 --> 01:42:20.447 Right when we took the Janssen shot off, we could have taken the RNA shot off all for the same reasons. 01:42:20.968 --> 01:42:24.291 But these people have been running out the clock. 01:42:31.354 --> 01:42:32.054 What do we make of that? 01:42:32.735 --> 01:42:34.795 Yeah, so there's a new study. 01:42:34.895 --> 01:42:35.875 Thank you for saying that. 01:42:35.915 --> 01:42:43.078 The integration has only been shown in the microbiome, and so that's not really showing anything, especially when they digest the whole sample. 01:42:43.118 --> 01:42:43.638 So good one. 01:42:45.358 --> 01:42:47.099 Which is not in the preprint servers. 01:42:47.179 --> 01:42:48.059 It's peer-reviewed. 01:42:48.099 --> 01:42:49.139 It is published. 01:42:50.000 --> 01:42:51.400 That shows definitively. 01:42:51.460 --> 01:42:57.702 I've been up and down this paper a few times, and they did really good work, really good controls. 01:42:58.502 --> 01:43:04.310 And it shows definitively that reverse transcription occurs, which means that wasn't meant to happen. 01:43:05.252 --> 01:43:09.237 It wasn't meant to be possible for this RNA to go back to DNA. 01:43:10.205 --> 01:43:14.906 And the problem- Actually, reverse transcription means that there's an AIDS virus present. 01:43:15.466 --> 01:43:17.687 Maybe you should call David Baltimore. 01:43:17.727 --> 01:43:30.131 But of course, since you did your master's thesis on the dynamics of HIV virus, you should already know that the standard way of identifying whether HIV is present in a culture is to look for reverse transcriptase activity. 01:43:33.331 --> 01:43:38.273 Problem with that is 01:43:39.336 --> 01:43:40.996 We don't know for sure yet. 01:43:41.457 --> 01:43:48.558 We have strong evidence that it can happen with SARS, that this DNA can be incorporated into our genome. 01:43:49.298 --> 01:43:51.459 But that's precisely the problem. 01:43:51.699 --> 01:43:57.000 We were actually told that this was an impossibility, that it could reverse transcribe. 01:43:57.420 --> 01:44:00.101 We were told there is zero possibility. 01:44:00.121 --> 01:44:00.781 We were mocked. 01:44:01.414 --> 01:44:07.139 for even raising concerns that that might be a possibility that integration may occur. 01:44:07.560 --> 01:44:08.421 We have yet to prove it. 01:44:08.441 --> 01:44:23.194 Well, the reason why it's so stupid is because you just got through telling us that the mRNA is found in the lymph nodes for 60 days, yet didn't bother to tell us that that's an extremely bad thing because, you know, autoimmunity is a real big problem. 01:44:23.875 --> 01:44:25.016 And I'm an immunologist. 01:44:28.277 --> 01:44:40.541 Instead, we're talking about DNA integration, which is like four or five bad outcomes down the line, and is only really bad if it integrates in certain cells that are dividing. 01:44:40.561 --> 01:44:41.862 And otherwise, does it really matter? 01:44:41.882 --> 01:44:42.382 We don't know. 01:44:43.814 --> 01:45:02.490 But focusing on that, instead of focusing on the primary observation, which is the transfection goes all over the body and therefore is likely to trigger autoimmunity anywhere it goes, is something that this immunologist, computational biologist, fraudulent traitor hasn't been able to say in four fricking years. 01:45:03.942 --> 01:45:07.203 that, but I dare say that paper is being written right now. 01:45:08.783 --> 01:45:26.127 We were also told that the product, whatever is in the needle, was going to remain at the injection site and the local draining lymph node close to the injection site. 01:45:26.407 --> 01:45:28.688 The local draining lymph node is not acceptable. 01:45:30.214 --> 01:45:36.980 staying at the injection site and draining to the local lymph node is not acceptable for these lipid nanoparticles. 01:45:38.321 --> 01:45:39.402 You dumb ass. 01:45:40.703 --> 01:45:45.107 You incredibly unsophisticated biologist liar. 01:45:45.767 --> 01:45:53.774 You cannot have lipid nanoparticles with a modified RNA go to the lymph node and have everything be okay. 01:45:54.174 --> 01:45:55.315 You freaking liar. 01:45:55.335 --> 01:45:58.078 And it's very, very clear 01:45:58.854 --> 01:46:06.582 from the recent Pfizer dump that it absolutely doesn't stay at the injection site. 01:46:06.762 --> 01:46:10.166 It biodistributes into places where it should never go. 01:46:10.626 --> 01:46:19.736 Because we have- Well, the lipid nanoparticle going there without the RNA is not very likely, but if it does go there, it could still be highly toxic to those lymph node cells. 01:46:20.578 --> 01:46:36.124 Because again, once the pH inside of the lipid nanoparticle changes, the lipid, the cationic lipids become incredibly toxic, which is a very easy thing to explain and Christine Grace spends a whole hour not explaining it every time she talks. 01:46:38.385 --> 01:46:41.286 You don't need an hour to explain that the pH 01:46:42.122 --> 01:46:54.185 changes as an LNP is absorbed into a cell, and that pH changes the chemistry and the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticle carrier by orders of magnitude. 01:46:54.365 --> 01:46:54.906 There, I'm done. 01:46:54.946 --> 01:46:55.686 I explained it all. 01:46:56.106 --> 01:47:03.008 Lipid nanoparticles are toxic, and they lie to us about it because they lie to us about what happens or doesn't happen inside of our body. 01:47:04.744 --> 01:47:06.505 See, I don't need an hour to explain it. 01:47:07.386 --> 01:47:16.171 Lipid nanoparticles and cationic lipids are really toxic once they get divorced from the peg and once they get exposed to intracellular pH. 01:47:16.612 --> 01:47:17.572 You liars. 01:47:18.533 --> 01:47:22.175 No idea what the physiological effects are going to be. 01:47:22.855 --> 01:47:29.720 The ovaries, the testes, the brain, the adrenal glands, the liver, the spleen. 01:47:29.900 --> 01:47:31.221 I mean, it's everywhere. 01:47:32.273 --> 01:47:35.175 And so we're talking about the lipid nanoparticles right now. 01:47:35.296 --> 01:47:45.564 So these guys are comprised of four different fats, four different lipids, one of which is called a cationic lipid, which is highly toxic to cells by nature. 01:47:45.724 --> 01:47:47.666 And so is the polyethylene glycol. 01:47:47.726 --> 01:47:49.908 But not until it gets to the right pH. 01:47:49.988 --> 01:47:53.430 So again, not specific enough, not accurate enough. 01:47:53.971 --> 01:48:00.356 And this is in 2022, when she's supposedly been working on this full time between surfing and COVID. 01:48:00.476 --> 01:48:00.897 The peg. 01:48:01.437 --> 01:48:05.978 which is on the surface of the lipid nanoparticle. 01:48:06.679 --> 01:48:15.201 So these guys are heavily biodistributed, they go everywhere, they slip into cells, and they deliver their payload, which is this modified RNA. 01:48:15.741 --> 01:48:28.285 So we have to assume that the host cells are going to start producing the proteins that are the byproduct of this modified mRNA, whatever it is. 01:48:29.395 --> 01:48:37.078 And so we're- There will be no Byram Bridle nod because she is on Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone's team. 01:48:37.118 --> 01:48:48.021 And Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone went on Brett Weinstein's podcast in June of 2021, specifically to step in front of Byram Bridle on social media. 01:48:48.722 --> 01:48:50.942 And they have stood in front of him ever since. 01:48:51.503 --> 01:48:58.405 We're going to get massive amounts of these foreign proteins being produced in locations where it should never occur. 01:48:59.392 --> 01:49:03.897 And we have no idea what the effect of that would be. 01:49:03.917 --> 01:49:07.320 Autoimmunity, Jessica, you are a fricking immunologist. 01:49:07.480 --> 01:49:09.843 Autoimmunity, Jessica, duh! 01:49:10.323 --> 01:49:14.748 All we know is that we see a lot of leaves rustling in the wind. 01:49:15.228 --> 01:49:18.131 In the, in the, in the... She doesn't want to say it. 01:49:18.959 --> 01:49:21.062 She's not interested in saving anyone. 01:49:21.222 --> 01:49:24.786 It is a slow roll titration. 01:49:25.467 --> 01:49:27.309 They are slow rolling the truth. 01:49:27.770 --> 01:49:33.817 You could say it very succinctly, but they don't because they are working against us. 01:49:34.438 --> 01:49:36.080 World of adverse event reports. 01:49:36.160 --> 01:49:38.142 So you, everybody's heard. 01:49:39.222 --> 01:49:46.684 their mother, their sister, their daughter, their friend, somebody they know has had some kind of menstrual dysregularity. 01:49:47.144 --> 01:49:54.267 If they've either had the injections or interestingly enough, been in proximity to someone who has. 01:49:55.747 --> 01:50:03.710 We're seeing, yeah, we're seeing fertility issues in the form of miscarriages, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths. 01:50:05.959 --> 01:50:13.300 Yeah, we're seeing enormous effects in terms of the adverse event reports now. 01:50:14.200 --> 01:50:21.602 When you compare them to the past 30 years, it's just not the same story at all. 01:50:21.742 --> 01:50:23.462 Something's going on here. 01:50:24.162 --> 01:50:30.743 So in my opinion, I mean, maybe they're not related, but we have to find out. 01:50:31.163 --> 01:50:34.444 So something different is happening here and it isn't that, 01:50:36.149 --> 01:50:42.670 It is something different, meaning that the previous vaccines weren't as dangerous as this one, that the previous vaccine schedule's fine. 01:50:45.111 --> 01:51:03.315 And she should be sophisticated enough as a dissident immunologist to know that one of the best ways to wake Americans up would be to point out how shitty their vaccine schedule is, how early it is, how often it is, and for what it is, how many of them are required versus comparing them to any of the other countries, I don't know, that she surfs in. 01:51:08.523 --> 01:51:10.304 if they aren't or if they are. 01:51:10.704 --> 01:51:17.868 And the onus is on these people pushing this crap into us to prove that they're safe. 01:51:18.468 --> 01:51:20.889 It's not up to us to prove that they're not. 01:51:21.430 --> 01:51:25.632 We're doing this because we care, but it's not our duty. 01:51:25.692 --> 01:51:27.633 It's their duty to prove that they're safe. 01:51:28.153 --> 01:51:37.438 And if they're not even willing to acknowledge that, you know, this happened even though you said it wouldn't and we're seeing this effect, 01:51:38.641 --> 01:51:53.954 Or, you know, shouldn't you acknowledge that first and investigate like the possibility that maybe we're seeing an increase in stillbirths because, you know, there's massive amounts of spike protein being produced in the ovaries like. 01:51:54.952 --> 01:51:56.314 shouldn't we find out? 01:51:58.296 --> 01:51:58.636 Yeah. 01:51:59.518 --> 01:52:13.654 It does make you wonder and of course I don't think you have to be a professional conspiracy theorist like me to wonder whether the fact that we're seeing all of these signals relating to the reproductive system 01:52:14.455 --> 01:52:30.622 might possibly be related to the fact that we have Malthusians in high places Bill Gates is one of the many wealthy oligarchs out there who whole Rockefeller family and all of their friends, of course, have been on this for a long time. 01:52:31.142 --> 01:52:39.145 But in its course, it's not just these oligarchs who might think that the human population of Earth is way too high. 01:52:39.225 --> 01:52:40.165 It's unsustainable. 01:52:40.385 --> 01:52:41.325 It has to go down. 01:52:42.105 --> 01:52:43.966 What would be a kind and gentle way to do this? 01:52:44.346 --> 01:52:56.110 Well, if we could either release a disease or put out mandatory injections, either one of which, or perhaps both, tended to reduce fertility, 01:52:56.710 --> 01:53:02.431 then that might contribute towards helping solve this Malthusian problem. 01:53:02.451 --> 01:53:11.833 And to me, that's not a stupid conspiracy theory just because, I mean, these oligarchs actually have a good reason to worry about the size of the population. 01:53:11.913 --> 01:53:13.513 One can project oneself into their shoes. 01:53:13.573 --> 01:53:20.694 Imagine that one is a somewhat sociopathic oligarch and used to solving problems in a pretty brute force way. 01:53:20.714 --> 01:53:24.915 I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder whether that could conceivably be 01:53:25.695 --> 01:53:31.337 related to this bizarre phenomenon of putting out this experimental gene therapy. 01:53:31.377 --> 01:53:36.418 And so what they- Is neither safe nor effective, but seems to do something. 01:53:36.538 --> 01:53:40.739 What they really want you to think is that depopulation might be the agenda. 01:53:40.799 --> 01:53:44.580 It couldn't possibly be the inversion of sovereignty. 01:53:51.302 --> 01:53:54.683 It couldn't possibly be experimental testing. 01:54:00.069 --> 01:54:04.871 It couldn't possibly be genetic characterization. 01:54:09.753 --> 01:54:11.073 It can't be any of these things. 01:54:11.153 --> 01:54:12.734 It's just depopulation. 01:54:12.794 --> 01:54:13.594 This is what it is. 01:54:13.654 --> 01:54:14.875 It's gotta be depopulation. 01:54:14.915 --> 01:54:18.676 It can't possibly be an inversion of sovereignty. 01:54:18.716 --> 01:54:25.439 It can't possibly be a conversion from a sovereign being and individuals to experimental animals. 01:54:27.017 --> 01:54:36.484 It can't be the desire to genetically characterize everyone that's alive before we lose them or the next generation before we lose them and then depopulate. 01:54:37.685 --> 01:54:50.375 It couldn't at all have some nuance where we actually talk about that Kissinger himself said that once we get people to accept mandatory vaccination, then we can depopulate the earth whenever we want to. 01:54:52.537 --> 01:54:56.079 And so they're not talking about the fact that they would murder 01:54:58.922 --> 01:54:59.383 people. 01:55:01.865 --> 01:55:05.129 And they're not saying it's murder, they're saying depopulation. 01:55:05.189 --> 01:55:08.793 Maybe they have a good reason to do it, if they're a little bit sociopathic. 01:55:10.334 --> 01:55:12.677 Maybe they have a good reason to do it if the models say it. 01:55:14.218 --> 01:55:18.403 Maybe they have a good reason to do it because they calculated it or used AI to know. 01:55:20.666 --> 01:55:26.631 Sounds to me like he's down with it as long as they've got the right attitude or the right numbers to back up what they're doing. 01:55:33.820 --> 01:55:44.589 Yeah, I, you know, I don't know if they're trying to do that could very well be I mean, there's not much that surprises me anymore after witnessing the last year. 01:55:46.511 --> 01:55:54.298 But yeah, I would say that they they're not smart enough to have anticipated this effect, I think that this is just about being careless. 01:55:54.958 --> 01:55:57.660 and it might just be a byproduct of that carelessness. 01:55:57.760 --> 01:55:58.641 Carelessness? 01:55:58.721 --> 01:56:00.002 There's no plan here. 01:56:00.662 --> 01:56:04.985 I'm just trying to solve the mystery of the Scooby-Doo and the VEARS data. 01:56:05.605 --> 01:56:07.747 There's no, there's no plan here. 01:56:08.207 --> 01:56:11.349 I'm not being paid to manipulate the opinion of people. 01:56:12.350 --> 01:56:31.639 i'm not being paid to manipulate the conscious and intelligent thoughts of people in america i'm not being paid to do that no no no i don't know i'm just i'm as confused as you are i'm just like i'm just like peter uh jordan peterson i got no idea i'm in a psychological disarray just like everybody else 01:56:33.777 --> 01:56:45.721 Yeah, that's what Ron Unz thinks too about his data or his evidence that seems to point to COVID emerging out of a presumably a U.S. 01:56:45.901 --> 01:56:49.762 biowar strike on Wuhan in October. 01:56:50.343 --> 01:56:51.343 Biowar strike. 01:56:51.363 --> 01:56:51.343 2019. 01:56:51.383 --> 01:56:51.563 October 2019. 01:56:51.603 --> 01:56:52.243 A biowarfare strike. 01:57:04.497 --> 01:57:10.981 Well, that's an interesting theory to throw out there that October, 2019, that's interesting. 01:57:11.761 --> 01:57:12.482 That would be what? 01:57:13.302 --> 01:57:15.704 The Wuhan Games. 01:57:16.064 --> 01:57:16.885 Stop lying. 01:57:17.565 --> 01:57:21.468 It's got like all the talking points. 01:57:22.368 --> 01:57:31.194 And then the fact that it next emerged in Qom, Iran, seemingly specifically targeting high up people in Iran also adds to that thesis. 01:57:32.114 --> 01:57:59.429 but he so he argues that it likely would have been blowback that is these people aren't smart enough not to figure out that you shouldn't be uh hitting adversary economies with biological weapons because it might blow back and hurt your own economy even worse oh hilarious they released the clone and the clone came back and bit us in the ass stop lying that is hilarious uh so there are these you know there's the 01:58:01.929 --> 01:58:05.731 the theory that it's all a combination of coincidence and incompetence. 01:58:06.571 --> 01:58:07.292 And who knows? 01:58:07.372 --> 01:58:09.313 I mean, we'll perhaps, maybe we'll never know for sure. 01:58:09.333 --> 01:58:11.614 Of course, we'll never know. 01:58:11.634 --> 01:58:16.356 Have you looked at the research about the possible biowar origins of COVID? 01:58:17.677 --> 01:58:17.837 No. 01:58:19.204 --> 01:58:41.386 okay well I urge you to she's supposed to focus on bears she's being paid to focus on bears she's being paid to focus on bears like a razor blade she is being paid to focus on bears no yeah no I I kind of try and keep that to my like uh you know the um 01:58:42.940 --> 01:58:44.081 What would I call that? 01:58:44.181 --> 01:58:56.886 I don't really have free time, but like, I try and separate- I'm doing so much nowadays, you know, I got the family and I got the surfing and I got the career and I got the- Stop lying! 01:58:57.366 --> 01:59:03.688 Great, the thing that I'm doing related to this COVID nightmare from all the other stuff. 01:59:04.049 --> 01:59:05.709 I know it's very difficult to do that. 01:59:06.209 --> 01:59:09.171 And I do have opinions, but yeah, I don't know. 01:59:11.193 --> 01:59:28.272 I think the bottom line is I want to save my energy and my bandwidth for the really important stuff, which is, well, first of all, stopping things like this nightmare idiotic who treaty that they're... Yeah, yeah, talk about that. 01:59:29.693 --> 01:59:42.787 Yeah, I mean, you know, I don't know if people know about this, but this is happening today and we had five days notice, which the only reason I know about that is because of our, you know, inside groups who are 01:59:44.001 --> 01:59:45.923 getting the information from the inside. 01:59:45.943 --> 01:59:59.291 They're just planning on passing this insanity treaty, which basically means that all the countries that sign up, it's like a hundred and something something, I don't remember the exact number, will give up their sovereignty. 01:59:59.411 --> 02:00:05.035 And no matter what the hell they decide to do, you will have to abide. 02:00:05.055 --> 02:00:10.099 You will have to believe them, that there's some kind of new emergency, 02:00:10.999 --> 02:00:21.142 they'll have these new measures, they'll lock you up, they'll inject you, they'll do whatever the hell they want to you and there's nothing we're going to be able to do about it because we won't have personal sovereignty. 02:00:22.022 --> 02:00:23.203 So is that an announcement? 02:00:23.583 --> 02:00:28.204 She's telling us that the who is going to take away our personal sovereignty and then we're not going to have any choice. 02:00:28.284 --> 02:00:31.125 She's telling us that just like Meryl Nass tells us that. 02:00:32.466 --> 02:00:36.047 Just like Robert Malone tells us that maybe it's, you know, better that we just 02:00:37.196 --> 02:00:42.798 throw away the thousand years of previous experience and organize humankind in a different way. 02:00:42.998 --> 02:00:47.841 Maybe what we thought was in existence before the pandemic was never there in the first place. 02:00:48.101 --> 02:00:52.683 We won't have national sovereignty, we won't have anything if this goes ahead. 02:00:52.743 --> 02:01:00.146 So it's like, these are the kinds of things, and I know they're all related, I really do, but focusing on 02:01:02.146 --> 02:01:16.329 the real ways that we can try and stop that kind of nonsense from happening, which is finding out about it, first of all, and using, you know, the methods that we've always used, which is the voices and the power of the people. 02:01:17.029 --> 02:01:21.390 So one of the things that I did, I mean, it's stupid and it's small, but it's something. 02:01:21.470 --> 02:01:29.231 I mean, I used my Substack platform to just, you know, say, hey, you guys, you need to send 02:01:29.969 --> 02:01:31.750 a message to these people. 02:01:32.030 --> 02:01:42.253 Here's the website, go to this site, write your message send it to them because we need to let them know that this is not okay with us as a global population, we don't want this shit. 02:01:42.653 --> 02:01:49.835 We don't want you to take over our sovereignty, we don't, we don't need you, we don't need big brother, we don't. 02:01:52.318 --> 02:01:54.899 Yeah, I went on a little rant there, but. 02:01:55.159 --> 02:01:57.520 President Trump just pulled us out of the WHO. 02:01:57.580 --> 02:01:59.101 That simply stopped funding it. 02:01:59.181 --> 02:02:01.641 I don't think he actually took us out of the WHO treaty. 02:02:02.422 --> 02:02:03.382 And that's what we need to do. 02:02:03.422 --> 02:02:09.985 We need to get out of the WHO treaty, out of the, which means getting out of the UN, which is a lot harder for people to say. 02:02:10.385 --> 02:02:15.207 And in fact, I would argue that Jessica Rose saying the WHO is protecting the UN. 02:02:15.247 --> 02:02:19.048 And I think we should just get rid of, get out of the UN and that gets us out of the WHO as well. 02:02:19.448 --> 02:02:21.489 And so I think that that's a very, 02:02:23.214 --> 02:02:31.039 very purposeful focus, focusing on the who, but it's a subsidiary of the UN. 02:02:31.279 --> 02:02:33.440 We should have left the UN years ago, indeed. 02:02:33.660 --> 02:02:36.182 Nightmare we have coming toward us. 02:02:36.362 --> 02:02:39.644 And most people have no idea. 02:02:40.744 --> 02:02:41.765 You know, it's hidden. 02:02:41.965 --> 02:02:43.146 It's completely hidden. 02:02:43.166 --> 02:02:47.828 Yeah, it's partly hidden under the propaganda. 02:02:49.423 --> 02:03:13.463 having been studying this kind of hysterical mode of fear propaganda since a little bit after 9-11, and then noticed that a similar approach was taken with COVID, that is just hitting the whole population with this wall-to-wall fear propaganda, and then manipulating the population to do completely insane things en masse, 02:03:14.724 --> 02:03:39.805 And now it's odd that just as the pushback was starting to peak with Canadian truckers, and then American truckers following Canadian truckers, and larger rallies, and more and more awareness, and the vaccines seem to hit a brick wall, and then suddenly, overnight, the pandemic is forgotten, taking wind out of the sails of the pushback movement, and suddenly we're all supposed to fear and hate Russia. 02:03:40.965 --> 02:03:56.111 And once again, the population seems to actually have been herded so that now about three quarters of the people do fear and hate Russia, just as the same three quarters of the people feared COVID and reacted to 9-11 in the way that the controlled demolition people wanted them to. 02:03:56.491 --> 02:04:04.914 So it sure seems that the- He's just said that the controlled demolition people were a fake on 9-11. 02:04:04.954 --> 02:04:06.455 He's implying there's no planes. 02:04:06.515 --> 02:04:07.555 That's pretty impressive. 02:04:07.595 --> 02:04:08.376 I wonder if she's gonna, 02:04:09.156 --> 02:04:10.616 She's going to address that at all. 02:04:11.016 --> 02:04:16.858 The public relations mind control machinery is trying to stay one step ahead of us. 02:04:16.878 --> 02:04:19.258 Do you have any ideas how we can try to get a step ahead of them? 02:04:20.059 --> 02:04:22.359 Yeah, stop listening to their garbage. 02:04:24.040 --> 02:04:25.260 But she's their garbage. 02:04:26.640 --> 02:04:28.321 But Robert Malone is their garbage. 02:04:29.261 --> 02:04:31.081 But Matt Crawford is their garbage. 02:04:32.002 --> 02:04:33.762 But Meryl Nass is their garbage. 02:04:35.660 --> 02:04:36.461 You see the problem? 02:04:37.121 --> 02:04:41.986 Robert Malone says you're never gonna figure out who Fifth Generation Warfare is, but I'm telling you, we figured it out. 02:04:42.026 --> 02:04:42.386 It's him. 02:04:43.347 --> 02:04:44.268 It's Jessica Rose. 02:04:45.369 --> 02:04:47.270 It's Peter McCullough. 02:04:47.390 --> 02:04:48.551 It's Pierre Corey. 02:04:48.691 --> 02:04:49.772 It's Matt Crawford. 02:04:49.872 --> 02:04:50.873 It's Meryl Nass. 02:04:52.215 --> 02:04:55.337 All the people that were mentioned here are part of this show. 02:04:56.718 --> 02:05:01.723 And I think they're all basically coordinated underneath Robert Malone, DITRA, DOD man. 02:05:02.225 --> 02:05:07.789 I don't know how to do that, because I mean, I can't even get my family members. 02:05:07.949 --> 02:05:15.794 I think the Department of Justice, or sorry, the Department of Defense probably killed some people early on and murdered people and lied about it. 02:05:15.854 --> 02:05:20.857 And then the rest of the role that the Department of Defense has to play is this. 02:05:22.258 --> 02:05:26.181 And they probably used members of NATO and Five Eyes countries to do it. 02:05:27.216 --> 02:05:34.124 And that's why Robert Malone is so often coordinating with people from the UK or Australia or Canada. 02:05:35.265 --> 02:05:40.130 That's why Jay Bhattacharya started a blog with a Canadian kid. 02:05:40.931 --> 02:05:46.497 That's why Alina Chan, a Canadian girl, was given a job at the Broad Institute. 02:05:47.639 --> 02:05:48.019 That's why. 02:05:49.983 --> 02:05:52.444 It's cooperating with Five Eyes people. 02:05:52.504 --> 02:06:00.568 That's why Jiki Leaks is not able to get over Peter Daszak and Tony Fauci and Ralph Baric. 02:06:01.772 --> 02:06:02.793 He can't get over them. 02:06:02.893 --> 02:06:07.215 He can't admit that Robert Malone is definitely on the same team as them. 02:06:07.255 --> 02:06:10.157 He can't admit that Pierre Kory is on the same team as them. 02:06:10.677 --> 02:06:24.064 That, obviously, Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough are on the same team as all of them, and that's why Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough are the two guys that had to go to Australia and testify about what happened in America. 02:06:26.165 --> 02:06:27.746 Jiki Leaks is on their team. 02:06:27.806 --> 02:06:30.448 Jiki Leaks pretends to oppose Panda. 02:06:32.179 --> 02:06:38.900 He's on the same team as Nick and Jason and Jonathan and Neil. 02:06:38.940 --> 02:06:39.701 It's all the same. 02:06:43.561 --> 02:06:52.323 Shoot, his fake substack name is probably just like Master Teacher Brother or something. 02:06:53.403 --> 02:06:56.284 Ahmed Khaled Syed Seyed, whatever the hell it is. 02:06:56.764 --> 02:06:57.904 Archmedic by ass. 02:06:58.924 --> 02:06:59.325 Traitors. 02:07:00.125 --> 02:07:01.125 All of them are traitors. 02:07:02.391 --> 02:07:07.975 You know, not that I've seen them for like a decade, but I couldn't even get them to turn off the TV. 02:07:08.195 --> 02:07:10.857 It's like, no, no, it's a part of our story. 02:07:10.977 --> 02:07:13.399 She hasn't seen her family in a decade. 02:07:14.620 --> 02:07:21.646 Her family won't listen to her, but she goes between Israel and Canada regularly through the pandemic to surf. 02:07:22.607 --> 02:07:25.329 But I guess she's just dealing with friends, not family, huh? 02:07:28.742 --> 02:07:29.322 schedule. 02:07:29.382 --> 02:07:37.064 And, you know, it gives people a feeling of weird safety and warmth, but it's like, dudes, you got to find another way to get safe and warm. 02:07:37.164 --> 02:07:37.904 Cause that ain't it. 02:07:40.705 --> 02:07:41.545 Safety and numbers. 02:07:41.625 --> 02:07:41.885 Yeah. 02:07:42.105 --> 02:07:43.425 It's inexplicable to me. 02:07:43.485 --> 02:07:44.765 It's like, no, no, no, no. 02:07:44.805 --> 02:07:47.206 You, you have to turn off the television. 02:07:47.606 --> 02:07:49.466 You have to get rid of your stupid phone. 02:07:50.167 --> 02:07:56.048 You know, maybe that's a little bit too much to ask for most people, but I mean, these are the ways out of this. 02:07:56.288 --> 02:07:56.508 I mean, 02:07:57.458 --> 02:08:07.247 We have to detach from these things that don't matter, that have no meaning and reconnect with the things that do, which is each other and the earth. 02:08:07.587 --> 02:08:09.709 It's just, it's that simple. 02:08:10.409 --> 02:08:13.372 You know, turn off the goddamn TV and go outside. 02:08:14.173 --> 02:08:16.395 Why not throw in some blasphemy there, right? 02:08:16.475 --> 02:08:21.239 Why not just throw in some blasphemy and go outside and connect with the earth? 02:08:21.579 --> 02:08:22.260 Don't pray. 02:08:24.178 --> 02:08:25.179 Don't connect with God. 02:08:25.799 --> 02:08:26.800 Don't get spiritual. 02:08:27.280 --> 02:08:28.281 Go connect with the Earth. 02:08:28.501 --> 02:08:33.145 Sounds a lot like, I don't know, Russell Brand before he converted to Christianity last month. 02:08:34.215 --> 02:08:36.136 All right, well, that's a good place to leave it. 02:08:36.536 --> 02:08:39.138 Thank you so much, Dr. Jessica Rose. 02:08:40.619 --> 02:08:49.243 Quite impressive and inspiring, both with your numbers-crunching scientific work and also your inspirational rants. 02:08:49.564 --> 02:08:56.047 I hope I can get you back on the show for more rants and more scientific parsing in the future. 02:08:56.067 --> 02:08:58.489 So thank you, God bless, and keep up the great work. 02:08:58.509 --> 02:08:59.409 God bless you. 02:08:59.449 --> 02:09:00.450 Yeah, I'd love to come back. 02:09:00.510 --> 02:09:00.990 Thank you. 02:09:01.530 --> 02:09:02.591 OK, take care. 02:09:06.109 --> 02:09:06.429 Bye. 02:09:12.573 --> 02:09:14.294 I'm not even really sure what to say anymore. 02:09:14.314 --> 02:09:17.576 I'm not even really sure how to process this. 02:09:19.397 --> 02:09:27.442 But she definitely was sure that it's not opioids and it wasn't suicide because the research that she did indicates that it's something else. 02:09:30.706 --> 02:09:37.851 Now, if Jessica Rose is a good guy and just doing her best and making mistakes, then she needs to admit it and she needs to say it. 02:09:38.011 --> 02:09:59.947 Just like if Denny Rancor is really a good guy and he means to promote the right people, then he needs to force these people that promote him, like Robert Malone and the rest of them, he needs to force them to say exactly what Mike Eden has said. 02:10:00.939 --> 02:10:11.769 and focus on the observation that there was no excess all-cause mortality prior to the WHO declaration, that there's no all-cause mortality increase until the WHO declaration. 02:10:11.869 --> 02:10:22.558 That needs to be front and center and not the 17 million people killed by the shot that they started yelling from the rooftops after they met you in Romania. 02:10:22.938 --> 02:10:24.680 You gotta do better than this, Denny. 02:10:31.357 --> 02:10:37.300 You gotta force them to admit that they are pointing to the start of the pandemic as evidence of a pandemic. 02:10:37.340 --> 02:10:40.402 And you have the data that shows that that's a lie. 02:10:40.462 --> 02:10:42.563 You have the data that shows it was murder. 02:10:43.044 --> 02:10:50.948 And that means that these people are essentially lying about you and lying about your data by not admitting that your data shows that. 02:10:52.329 --> 02:10:54.330 Do better, Denny Rancor. 02:10:56.089 --> 02:11:03.076 because otherwise you are part of this illusion of consensus and you are helping them with your inaction by sustaining it. 02:11:06.476 --> 02:11:08.197 And we know these people came out early. 02:11:08.237 --> 02:11:08.918 We know they did. 02:11:08.958 --> 02:11:12.261 They all came out early saying some shit, but not all the shit. 02:11:12.661 --> 02:11:19.787 They know about Alina Chan, the Canadian that's now part of the Whitehead Institute at MIT, or the Broad Institute. 02:11:20.427 --> 02:11:26.452 You know, the Human Genome Project place where the former boss of Kevin McKernan still works, Matt Lander. 02:11:27.173 --> 02:11:28.474 Yeah, she works for him now. 02:11:31.215 --> 02:11:53.613 And yes, Kevin McCairn, the guy who was just recently promoted in March on Life Science Site News, along with Kevin McKernan, two years before that was actually on a stream together with Mark Bailey, where they pretended to stop the train, where they pretended to argue about virology and not virology, just like in 2023, we have the mother of SOF, 02:11:57.318 --> 02:12:05.181 being promoted with three separate hours on CHD and an hour on Epoch Times as a American thought leader. 02:12:06.202 --> 02:12:10.524 You know who else was an American thought leader promoted on Epoch Times in 2020? 02:12:10.624 --> 02:12:13.145 Lee Min Yan. 02:12:15.726 --> 02:12:18.427 This is a network of liars, ladies and gentlemen. 02:12:18.467 --> 02:12:24.790 It's a network of liars that are wittingly or unwittingly participating in the illusion. 02:12:25.717 --> 02:12:26.838 misleading our children. 02:12:26.858 --> 02:12:31.301 And that's why the crossover event of Andy Kaufman and Steve Kirsch. 02:12:31.341 --> 02:12:42.068 Yes, Andy Kaufman, the guy that Kevin McCarran said in February of 2020 was the baddest of bad and all about stopping the no virus guy, Andy Kaufman. 02:12:42.088 --> 02:12:47.591 You know, the one that I showed earlier with a photograph with shaking the hand of Andrew Cuomo in 2019. 02:12:48.272 --> 02:12:49.773 It's all one big network. 02:12:49.833 --> 02:12:52.395 That's why they all interact together. 02:12:53.254 --> 02:12:58.275 That's why slowly over these many years, nobody talks about the murder that happened here. 02:12:59.456 --> 02:13:01.536 But they're sure that COVID shots are bad. 02:13:01.976 --> 02:13:04.017 Boy, they're sure this is worst case scenario. 02:13:04.057 --> 02:13:05.958 They're sure that there's multiple shooters. 02:13:06.378 --> 02:13:17.681 They're sure that they let this happen, but we don't have to worry about how the kid was fooled because then we might reveal the network that Alex Jones and Soph and Sasha are all a part of. 02:13:21.223 --> 02:13:27.809 They created this illusion of consensus, ladies and gentlemen, by sticking to a limited spectrum of debate, and these people need to go to jail for it. 02:13:29.110 --> 02:13:32.173 They need to go to jail as traitors. 02:13:32.453 --> 02:13:37.737 They were involved in making it seem like, for our kids, that transfection and healthy humans worked. 02:13:38.198 --> 02:13:39.679 That's what you just heard in that argument. 02:13:39.699 --> 02:13:44.563 We're talking about under 30 only is sketchy, but people above 30 were saved. 02:13:47.409 --> 02:13:52.351 And RNA can definitely pandemic because this could have even been a bioweapon. 02:13:52.651 --> 02:13:53.452 Stop lying! 02:13:56.533 --> 02:13:57.874 These people are lying about it. 02:13:59.214 --> 02:14:02.516 And yes, ladies and gentlemen, these people are also lying about it. 02:14:02.576 --> 02:14:03.376 And there she is. 02:14:03.937 --> 02:14:05.637 There she is, Jessica Rose. 02:14:06.878 --> 02:14:08.499 There he is, Robert Malone. 02:14:08.519 --> 02:14:10.320 There she is, Jill Glass Poole Malone. 02:14:10.360 --> 02:14:10.880 There he is. 02:14:12.162 --> 02:14:31.640 Brett Weinstein, there he is right there, Kevin McKernan, they're all liars, they're all traitors, they're either working for weaponized piles of money that are cooperating with these global interests, but they are definitely working against American children, they are working against American families, they are working against the American Constitution and the American Dream. 02:14:32.697 --> 02:14:34.157 And they helped do that. 02:14:34.238 --> 02:14:45.461 They helped with the controlled demolition of the American dream, of the American ideal, because they helped create this illusion of consensus with their fricking masks and the other bullshit that he did. 02:14:46.361 --> 02:14:55.644 And by admitting in July of 2024, that that's the right word, but not admitting that I told him that was the right word four years ago. 02:14:55.664 --> 02:15:00.906 And that his wife said it was the right word three years ago. 02:15:02.062 --> 02:15:04.783 and that I was the one who insisted that they call it that. 02:15:04.884 --> 02:15:05.404 And did they? 02:15:07.285 --> 02:15:07.725 Did they? 02:15:08.886 --> 02:15:09.626 Could they have? 02:15:17.130 --> 02:15:17.791 Could they have? 02:15:18.811 --> 02:15:20.892 For the last three and a half years, they could have. 02:15:22.053 --> 02:15:25.735 But they chose not to, just like all of these people chose not to. 02:15:27.247 --> 02:15:36.513 because they are sustaining an illusion of consensus that is required for this national security exercise, is required for the roles that they play. 02:15:37.133 --> 02:15:48.040 And that's why they won't talk about this new consensus that we need, that transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent, RNA cannot pandemic, and the vaccine schedule in the USA is a criminal enterprise. 02:15:48.480 --> 02:15:55.765 And we won't say that they used murder and lies in order to cover that up and to make sure that for generations to come, this truth would never come out. 02:15:56.736 --> 02:16:08.104 And we at GigaOM Biological and the rest of the independent bright web believe that a new consensus is necessary about what these weaponized piles of money have convinced us to argue about. 02:16:09.025 --> 02:16:15.690 Please, ladies and gentlemen, stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 02:16:16.190 --> 02:16:22.015 If you liked what you saw, please find a way at GigaOMBiological.com to support this stream. 02:16:22.575 --> 02:16:23.916 We need new subscribers. 02:16:23.956 --> 02:16:26.877 We don't have and had new subscribers in a couple weeks now. 02:16:27.357 --> 02:16:37.522 So if you're not sharing or you stopped, if you're not supporting and you think about it, I'm begging you, please get on that website and find a way to support. 02:16:38.423 --> 02:16:41.844 If you need to communicate with me, it's GigaOM.bio. 02:16:42.265 --> 02:16:46.427 And if you want to share the stream when it's not live, don't share it on Twitch. 02:16:47.327 --> 02:16:50.450 please share stream.gigaohm.bio in the links there. 02:16:51.171 --> 02:16:57.857 You can find other videos that we're working on and talking about also at stream.gigaohm.bio. 02:16:58.397 --> 02:17:02.621 And so if there's stuff that I've looked at in the stream, that kind of thing, you can find that there as well. 02:17:03.442 --> 02:17:04.443 Thanks for joining me. 02:17:04.463 --> 02:17:05.544 I hope it was okay. 02:17:06.604 --> 02:17:13.351 I got to get on the road and get some dog food and a couple other things that I've been putting off because 02:17:14.591 --> 02:17:16.012 My best friend does all that stuff. 02:17:16.052 --> 02:17:18.175 So anyway, thanks for joining me. 02:17:18.215 --> 02:17:19.276 I will see you again tomorrow. 02:17:59.861 --> 02:18:11.011 to left field a long home run for Aaron judge into the second deck his ninth of the season and the Yankees have tied it 02:18:25.615 --> 02:18:30.760 I'm actually going to a butcher because I get fresh meat for Ruby all the time. 02:18:30.780 --> 02:18:32.482 So we're not going to get high-end bag food. 02:18:33.323 --> 02:18:34.044 We're going to get meat. 02:18:49.805 --> 02:18:51.147 Thanks for the support guys. 02:18:51.207 --> 02:18:52.228 Thanks for sharing my work. 02:18:52.348 --> 02:18:54.431 See you tomorrow by everybody out there. 02:18:55.092 --> 02:18:58.095 And how about some pretty nice sportsmanship by a Blue Jays fan out there. 02:18:58.115 --> 02:19:00.598 Give that young Yankee fan a ball boy. 02:19:00.858 --> 02:19:02.400 That kid is not going to forget tonight.