00:00.000 --> 00:02.000

00:31.000 --> 00:36.600
Maybe you can give me a sound check as long as you're here already in first, please

00:38.760 --> 00:44.400
Look, okay, if we do I guess I'm just gonna start this thing because it is a very long video

00:45.000 --> 00:50.640
Holy cow, I'm gonna run it at 1.5 speed left-hand monkey wrench just for your oh

00:51.040 --> 00:56.480
An awareness 1.5 is the speed and we're gonna have to leave it that way because I think it's a two hour

00:57.600 --> 00:59.600
two two hour thing here

01:00.080 --> 01:05.760
We'll see how far we get want to thank everybody for coming the members of the media obviously members of the audience and particularly participants who

01:06.800 --> 01:12.640
journeyed a long ways in many places and spend some time and effort they're preparing for this in preparing for this

01:13.120 --> 01:18.000
Event I was reminded of Lewis Brandeis's quote in the Supreme Court decision Whitney versus California

01:18.320 --> 01:24.640
To quote him if there be a time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies to avert the evil by the processes of education

01:24.640 --> 01:29.520
The remedy to be applied is more speech not enforced silence. I think that quote

01:30.160 --> 01:33.920
Is completely applicable to what's been happening over the last three four years during the pandemic

01:35.120 --> 01:40.560
To me that the COVID pandemic has opened my eyes to the failure and corruption of the global elite and their institutions including government

01:41.120 --> 01:45.920
Unfortunately, many eyes remain closed and the global elite will use all of their power to keep them closed

01:46.480 --> 01:53.120
They maintain power by controlling information. They relentlessly push their narrative while at the same time suppressing and marginalizing dissident voices

01:53.520 --> 01:58.960
In this case, they overhyped fear over a virus they helped create in order to push a profitable gene therapy platform

01:59.280 --> 02:01.280
and gain greater control of our lives

02:01.280 --> 02:10.640
Along the way they sabotage early treatment denied natural immunity and vaccine injuries caused trillions of dollars of economic devastation and destroyed an untold number of people's lives

02:11.440 --> 02:13.440
Unfortunately, they remain in control

02:13.920 --> 02:20.320
Today I've assembled some of the dissident voices many have paid a heavy price for exercising their right to free speech to offer a different perspective

02:20.800 --> 02:25.440
A perspective that was not allowed. Some of the panel would be familiar to the audience. Some would be new faces

02:25.840 --> 02:32.160
They come from diverse backgrounds, but they all share one attribute their eyes have been opened and once opened they will not be closed

02:32.800 --> 02:35.360
The title for today's event is federal health agencies and the covid cartel

02:35.920 --> 02:37.200
What are they hiding?

02:37.200 --> 02:41.040
My eyes have been opened over the last several years because I became aware of certain facts that have largely been suppressed

02:41.440 --> 02:45.040
As well as policies pushed by the elite that they had no sense to me and were contrary to the common good

02:45.600 --> 02:48.960
Two weeks ago. I received an email with an all-too-common story of heartbreak and despair

02:49.360 --> 02:53.760
This from a young man whose 36-year-old wife's periods stopped within a couple of weeks of receiving her second covid vaccine

02:54.320 --> 02:56.080
They were recently married and planned on having children

02:56.400 --> 03:02.000
I recommended they contact the frontline covid-19 critical care lines flcc one of the few groups of doctors attempting to treat vaccine injuries

03:02.480 --> 03:04.640
Let me quote from his last email to me quote

03:05.200 --> 03:09.840
We had already gotten covid in february 2020 alas unless they can bring her ovaries back to life

03:10.080 --> 03:16.880
I'm not sure dr. Corey can help it breaks my heart. She chose career got the the baby family bug and now she can't have children

03:17.600 --> 03:19.600
She cries all the time

03:19.840 --> 03:21.840
Apologize to me like it's her fault

03:22.320 --> 03:25.760
Someone needs to make them pay and we need safeguards so that this doesn't happen again

03:26.880 --> 03:32.480
Unquote that pretty well sums up the purpose of today's public event exposing the truth of what happened and holding people accountable

03:32.960 --> 03:34.880
So we can prevent a travesty like this from ever happening again

03:35.360 --> 03:38.240
Now i'm sure the response from the code card tell will be something like quote senator

03:38.480 --> 03:44.080
Fertility problems in 36-year-old women are very common. Unquote just like former nah director frances. Howl's palance told me when I asked about

03:44.080 --> 03:47.040
All the deaths being reported in veers quote senator people die

03:47.600 --> 03:48.560

03:48.640 --> 03:53.600
The fact that both of these statements are as true as they are callous highlights the challenge we face in exposing the truth

03:54.320 --> 03:59.280
On thursday february 15th the health select committee on the coronavirus pandemic held the public hearing on the code of vaccine

03:59.840 --> 04:02.160
The subcommittee was not on what I would consider a fact-finding mission

04:02.560 --> 04:07.920
Instead its purpose appeared to be rehabilitating federal health agencies that have lost the trust of many americans and reinforcing the mantras

04:07.920 --> 04:13.600
That the vaccines are safe and effective vaccine injuries are rare that benefits outweigh the risk and that the science is clear and overwhelming

04:14.160 --> 04:19.840
And anyone challenging this narrative is on is an anti-science conspiracy theorist in other words

04:20.320 --> 04:26.720
Second opinions are not allowed to me this attitude is the antithesis of science true scientific inquiry starts with skepticism

04:27.120 --> 04:29.360
Challenging what we think we know but might not be so

04:29.840 --> 04:35.200
I believe the growing corruption of science scientific research medical journals federal health agencies and as a result the practice of medicine

04:35.440 --> 04:37.520
Has been exposed in the failed response to the pandemic

04:38.000 --> 04:41.520
To repair that the damage that has been done. We must honestly and relentlessly pursue the truth

04:42.080 --> 04:45.600
I am grateful to today's participants and to all those who are fiercely doing just that

04:46.160 --> 04:49.600
One final point. I am amazed at the knowledge mankind has obtained

04:50.240 --> 04:52.720
For the millennia, but I would argue that what we don't know

04:53.440 --> 04:55.440
Vastly exceeds what we do know

04:55.760 --> 05:00.160
So as we pursue truth, we must pursue it with the humility that that reality demands

05:01.200 --> 05:02.320

05:02.320 --> 05:04.320
That's my opening statement

05:04.560 --> 05:06.560
The title of this hearing is what are they hiding?

05:06.960 --> 05:12.320
My own evidence of that is for example over 60 oversight letters that I've written through the federal health agencies

05:12.480 --> 05:18.800
This is just a small number covering two issues hotlocks and standard operating procedures of their analysis on theirs

05:19.440 --> 05:24.560
But some of my first oversight letters were prompted by the emails that were released under foya

05:26.960 --> 05:29.760
In june of 2021. These are Anthony fauci's emails

05:31.360 --> 05:34.000
Again, they released under foya in other words, so we had to go to court

05:34.080 --> 05:37.200
Even though members of congress we we have the right to see these things. Some of you had to take them to court

05:38.560 --> 05:43.200
Once they released about 4,000 pages we requested unredacted versions of these things on june 11th 2021

05:44.160 --> 05:46.560
By july, we received basically the same 4,000 redacted pages

05:47.280 --> 05:52.960
In september 2021 we requested only 400 to 4,000 we narrowed our our request in october

05:53.360 --> 05:57.760
2021 through january 2022 they allowed us to look at 50 pages at a time in a reading room

05:58.160 --> 06:00.160
We couldn't take copies. We just take notes

06:00.640 --> 06:02.640
We are down to the last 50 pages

06:04.000 --> 06:07.680
They will not release these let's spend now going close to two years. This is what

06:08.640 --> 06:10.640
It's been provided to us

06:11.520 --> 06:17.280
You think there might be some incriminating information in this now again. These are government documents. This is government federal federal records

06:17.680 --> 06:23.200
This should be made available to congress. This should be made available to american public, but it is not so that's the fauci emails

06:24.160 --> 06:29.760
My letters on hotlocks i've written four of them starting in december of 2021 the first letter compared 25,000 lots of covid vaccine

06:29.840 --> 06:37.840
The 22,000 lots of flu vaccine one covid lot had 5,297 adverse reactions associated with it the worst flu lot had 137

06:38.240 --> 06:46.640
So 5,300 versus 137 365 covid lots had more than 100 adverse events only 10 flu lots had more than 100

06:46.880 --> 06:50.400
And 80% of the serious adverse events those with emergency room visits hospitalization or death

06:50.800 --> 06:55.920
We're associated with only 5% a lot so again to me i'm from manufacturing that shows to me a manufacturing process out of control

06:56.400 --> 06:59.120
You know took us a year to get some kind of response and basic response from the ncs was

07:00.000 --> 07:02.000
We don't see any variation in lots. Okay

07:03.360 --> 07:10.560
On january 29 2001 shortly after the emergency use authorization the fd and cdc issued a standing operating procedure on their base analysis

07:10.720 --> 07:12.720
They're going to do what they call proportional reporting ratios

07:13.280 --> 07:18.320
I've I've written eight letters to the ncs on this first of all the cdc said we don't do the prr wasn't done

07:18.880 --> 07:21.680
Then later on somebody in some context admitted that they were done

07:22.000 --> 07:24.400
So we can't contact them about that contradiction they've been okay

07:24.400 --> 07:28.880
We did and but what we're really doing is we're going to rely on a much better analysis empirical Bayesian data mining

07:29.120 --> 07:33.200
But we don't do what the fda does so that so the run around continue so we go the fda to this day

07:33.680 --> 07:37.280
We have not received any of the empirical Bayesian analysis that they said they're relying on why not

07:38.720 --> 07:40.720
What are they hiding?

07:41.040 --> 07:41.840

07:41.840 --> 07:45.840
We pay their salaries. We fund their agencies. We fund these studies the american people have a right to know

07:46.800 --> 07:48.800
And they're not being given that knowledge

07:49.200 --> 07:52.480
So with that, I'd like to turn it over to uh, dr. Robert Malone

07:53.840 --> 07:55.840
So i'm going to pause it here for a second

07:56.240 --> 08:01.280
I'm going to test out this other stuff over here. Let me see if I can go this way and that way

08:02.160 --> 08:03.200

08:03.200 --> 08:04.240

08:04.240 --> 08:08.080
This is senator ron johnson's hearing i'm not going to stop it that often. I promise

08:08.640 --> 08:11.840
Um, the covid cartel, what are they hiding over hyped fear

08:12.560 --> 08:14.560
over a virus they made

08:14.560 --> 08:17.360
And they suppressed early treatment. So it was a lot of the

08:18.000 --> 08:23.920
The kind of story that we're we're used to now. This is this is the tv narrative. This is the scooby-doo figured out

08:24.960 --> 08:28.800
Science is corrupt and science publishing is corrupt. We know that's part of the

08:29.360 --> 08:33.440
You know that that's part of this. That's the truth that we're that we're now learning

08:34.080 --> 08:37.520
And we're slowly titrating it out onto the general public that

08:38.080 --> 08:41.280
so much of what they thought of as the ivory towers of

08:42.400 --> 08:44.160
of sort of

08:44.160 --> 08:47.600
Beyond reproach science are not actually that at all

08:48.160 --> 08:52.720
Um, what we don't know far exceeds what we do know is a fantastic way for him to start

08:52.720 --> 08:54.720
He should have just started with that and left it there

08:55.200 --> 08:58.240
Um, 60 letters of oversight were sent by his office

08:58.800 --> 09:05.520
Um, they got emails by a fauci or sorry by a foya of fauci. This is also part of the

09:06.240 --> 09:08.240
pretty standard tv scooby-doo

09:08.560 --> 09:12.800
Um, these redacted pages remain redacted. I wonder if they're covering anything up

09:12.880 --> 09:14.400
He actually said that

09:14.400 --> 09:17.040
Um, then he talked about hot lots, which I think could be

09:17.680 --> 09:21.840
Um, an interesting story. However, he used this opportunity

09:22.080 --> 09:23.280

09:23.280 --> 09:26.320
For whatever reason to say that, um

09:27.200 --> 09:33.040
One seems to be a lot safer than the other flooge our shots are safer than covid

09:33.680 --> 09:38.880
Um, i'm not sure we want to be debating that right now. I'm not really sure that's a comparison. We want to make

09:39.440 --> 09:44.640
Um, i'm not sure we can trust any of the data that we really have on flu vaccine because of the way

09:45.280 --> 09:50.640
That bears was done in the past and is done now. I just don't think that's a very good thing to do

09:50.720 --> 09:55.200
I'm not I don't know whether and exactly why it just doesn't feel like the right idea

09:55.680 --> 10:00.240
Um, bears analysis, um, and whether or not they're doing it and you know

10:00.320 --> 10:05.040
How they're doing it the data that they found is not released whatever he called it the Bayesian analysis

10:05.600 --> 10:08.800
And now he's going to turn it over to, um, the granddaddy

10:09.040 --> 10:10.560

10:10.560 --> 10:13.200
Robert Malone and i'm just going to follow along here

10:13.600 --> 10:15.680
We're probably going to let it go a little bit longer

10:15.680 --> 10:19.440
Um, before I stop it again, but it's such a long video

10:19.440 --> 10:23.600
I'm going to try really hard not to stop it at all, but I I know that i'm going to have to do it

10:24.320 --> 10:27.440
Um, let's uh, let me see how does that work this way

10:28.080 --> 10:29.280
And then that way

10:29.280 --> 10:29.920

10:29.920 --> 10:33.840
Kim alone is a Maryland licensed physician and signs with over 30 years of experience in the biotech and biodepants industry

10:34.000 --> 10:39.280
Federal contracting regulatory fairs and project management. He's a named inventor on nine us patents covering the initial invention and use of m rna

10:39.280 --> 10:41.280
Is a drug for vaccines jot Malone

10:41.280 --> 10:43.280
Thank you senator. I'll be succinct

10:43.920 --> 10:46.960
The sarsko v2 modified m rna based vaccine products

10:47.520 --> 10:52.160
Were deployed by emergency use authorization without adequate nonclinical and clinical testing

10:52.560 --> 10:55.680
And without full disclosure of known patient risk and efficacy data

10:56.320 --> 11:01.200
This violated well established legislatively mandated patient informed consent requirements

11:02.000 --> 11:07.840
The fda and hhs justified these actions as necessary due to reliance on deeply flawed modeling data

11:08.320 --> 11:12.480
Indicating that sarsko v2 was associated with an infection fatality rate of 3.4

11:13.440 --> 11:17.040
3.4 out of every 100 people infected would die that was what the modeling was

11:17.600 --> 11:19.360
That was the justification

11:19.360 --> 11:24.960
Subsequent clinical research experience has revealed a number of problems with the genetic vaccine technology based sarsko v2 products

11:24.960 --> 11:26.960
Which have been marketed as vaccines

11:26.960 --> 11:33.520
In most cases there's been an effort to obscure or deny facts in public communication by government and pharmaceutical industry representatives

11:34.080 --> 11:36.080
These inconvenient facts include the following

11:36.800 --> 11:38.800
I'm going back to sorry

11:38.800 --> 11:42.400
3.4 out of every 100 people infected would die that was what the modeling was

11:42.880 --> 11:44.720
That was the justification

11:44.720 --> 11:50.160
Subsequent clinical research experience has revealed a number of problems with the genetic vaccine technology based sarsko v2 products

11:50.400 --> 11:52.240
Which have been marketed as vaccines

11:52.240 --> 11:58.720
In most cases there's been an effort to obscure or deny facts in public communication by government and pharmaceutical industry representatives

11:59.280 --> 12:01.120
These inconvenient facts include the following

12:01.920 --> 12:10.480
First the modified mRNA and adenoviral vector products employ cutting edge gene therapy and gene delivery technologies and should be regulated as gene therapy products

12:11.200 --> 12:16.960
Number two these quote leaky products did not prevent infection replication and spread of sarsko v2

12:17.440 --> 12:22.640
An indiscriminate mass administration of these products contributed to evolution of more antibody resistant viral strains

12:22.880 --> 12:28.080
Oh boy, here we go. I got it. I got to do these list again. I'm going to back up just a bit because I had to turn it over

12:29.040 --> 12:31.280
You know, I'm still using I'm still using paper

12:32.320 --> 12:37.680
I want I really want to hear all of this again. So I'm going to go back just a bit. I hope you don't mind that was the justification

12:38.400 --> 12:43.920
Subsequent clinical research experience has revealed a number of problems with the genetic vaccine technology based sarsko v2 products

12:44.160 --> 12:50.000
which have been marketed as vaccines in most cases there's been an effort to obscure or deny facts in public communication

12:50.400 --> 12:54.800
By government and pharmaceutical industry representatives. These inconvenient facts include the following

12:55.600 --> 13:04.160
First the modified mRNA and adenoviral vector products employ cutting edge gene therapy and gene delivery technologies and should be regulated as gene therapy products

13:13.920 --> 13:15.920

13:25.280 --> 13:31.040
Number two these quote leaky products did not prevent infection replication and spread of sarsko v2

13:31.520 --> 13:36.800
An indiscriminate mass administration of these products contributed to evolution of more antibody resistant viral strains

13:37.680 --> 13:40.560
In contrast number three to official hhs communications

13:40.880 --> 13:47.120
These products distribute throughout the body after injection and are not localized to injection site and associated draining lymph nodes

13:47.680 --> 13:50.560
This wide distribution contributes to product toxicity and risk

13:51.440 --> 13:56.800
Number four the viral quote spike protein which these products cause patients bodies to manufacture

13:58.240 --> 14:00.240
Is a genetically engineered toxin?

14:00.960 --> 14:07.200
Number five the lipid nanoparticle formulation used to deliver the modified mRNA has intrinsic toxicity in humans

14:07.920 --> 14:11.600
Number six these products do not deliver natural messenger RNA

14:12.080 --> 14:19.520
But rather toxicity number five the lipid nanoparticle formulation used to deliver the modified mRNA as intrinsic toxicity in humans

14:20.240 --> 14:23.920
Number six these products do not deliver natural messenger RNA

14:24.400 --> 14:31.280
But rather a synthetic chemically modified form with extended stability which causes the body to produce quote frame-shifted unnatural

14:31.520 --> 14:33.520
unintended proteins in addition to the spike protein

14:38.000 --> 14:40.000

14:57.760 --> 15:02.320
Number seven these products are contaminated with previously undisclosed short DNA fragments

15:02.640 --> 15:06.960
Which are also delivered into tissues and cells of patients and which may damage patients genomes

15:07.280 --> 15:09.280
That concludes my testimony

15:09.280 --> 15:15.360
Dr. Malone into tissues and in number seven these products are contaminated with previously undisclosed short DNA fragments

15:15.680 --> 15:21.360
Which are also delivered into tissues and cells of patients and which may damage patients genomes that concludes my testimony

15:22.160 --> 15:23.520
Dr. Malone

15:23.520 --> 15:25.360
I think one of the things that always bothers me is so much of

15:25.840 --> 15:29.760
What we're learning in terms of harms these vaccines was clearly known before they were rolled out

15:29.840 --> 15:31.840
Can you kind of you kind of went over a list of a number of things?

15:31.840 --> 15:34.960
But what was known before they'd ever got the emergency use authorization?

15:35.920 --> 15:37.360
We have the

15:37.360 --> 15:43.840
Artificial evidence of what was known in the form of the Pfizer common technical document that was first obtained by Byron Bridal from the japanese

15:43.840 --> 15:51.040
It was prevented from being distributed by the u.s. FDA and it revealed extensive understanding that we had this widespread

15:51.360 --> 15:58.960
Biodistribution of these products that they caused the encoded protein to be manufactured in virtually every major tissue throughout the body

15:59.520 --> 16:05.920
It was known that there was a strong inflammatory and toxic reactions associated with these lipid nanoparticles

16:05.920 --> 16:12.240
This is fundamental knowledge. It was in the field of these cationic based lipid nanoparticle delivery systems

16:12.560 --> 16:17.280
It was known that these particles will deliver both RNA and DNA into cells and tissues

16:17.600 --> 16:20.480
It was known that the modification the pseudo uridine

16:21.280 --> 16:26.800
Altered the immune response to the RNA. That's the whole reason why the incorporation of pseudo uridine was performed

16:27.200 --> 16:32.400
It was known that the pseudo uridine would increase the longevity of these products that this was not natural RNA

16:33.040 --> 16:37.600
It was not known and not investigated as to whether or not these products would be quote shed

16:38.160 --> 16:43.520
It was not known and not investigated whether or not these products would cause reproductive toxicity

16:43.920 --> 16:45.760
Whether they would be secreted in body fluids

16:46.240 --> 16:50.640
A number of things that should have been investigated under normal FDA protocols and procedures

16:50.880 --> 16:54.720
not the least of which is characterization of the contamination or adulteration

16:55.200 --> 16:58.880
Of the short DNA fragments which are intrinsic to the manufacturing process

16:59.280 --> 17:05.920
And which in prior FDA regulations have always been considered to be a risk for a form of genome toxicity called insertional mutagenesis

17:06.400 --> 17:08.400
Let me ask because you

17:16.560 --> 17:18.560
Oh boy, uh

17:18.560 --> 17:23.200
It's hard for me to write so fast

17:25.840 --> 17:29.280
It had always failed correct and can you describe when it was tested again?

17:29.360 --> 17:32.880
It seems like it'd be marvelous invention. It could you know be used for you know specific applications

17:32.880 --> 17:36.800
But why why was it never successfully rolled out before the pandemic?

17:37.520 --> 17:44.960
So that's a good question and it's a complex tortured pathway having to do with politics patents different companies their financial interests and uh academia

17:45.040 --> 17:47.040
there was a basically a

17:47.600 --> 17:52.400
Leg prior between the initial discoveries and when the accelerated development was

17:52.960 --> 17:56.160
Largely sponsored by DARPA that had to do with the patent half-life

17:56.160 --> 18:01.760
So when the when the patents were finally expired that had originally been filed in 1989 1990 then

18:02.080 --> 18:09.520
uh, there was a rapid increase in development effort but repeated failures in terms of the toxicology

18:10.080 --> 18:12.080
inflammatory responses and

18:12.960 --> 18:15.760
Inadequate immune responses there has been major

18:15.760 --> 18:19.040
Let me just operate there. So what you're saying is they noticed that this caused inflammation

18:19.040 --> 18:23.520
They noticed that it was not particularly effective. So they knew this from previous testing different applications

18:23.520 --> 18:26.560
This didn't come as a surprise to anybody. Correct. They kind of surprised you correct

18:27.280 --> 18:31.120
I but I was when I called colleagues early on I was reassured including Peter colas

18:31.520 --> 18:34.160
The university of british columbia who really should have received the Nobel prize

18:34.640 --> 18:38.960
I was reassured that these issues had been addressed that these particles would remain localized at the site of injection

18:39.040 --> 18:41.040
Um, it turns out that was

18:42.000 --> 18:43.360

18:43.360 --> 18:45.360
This is a very big deal

18:45.680 --> 18:50.960
This is a very big deal. We need to listen to this again. This is not funny anymore. This is some shit right here

18:50.960 --> 18:53.520
I called colleagues early on I was reassured including Peter colas

18:54.000 --> 18:56.480
The university of british columbia who really should have received the Nobel prize

18:56.960 --> 19:01.280
I was reassured that these issues had been addressed that these particles would remain localized at the site of injection

19:01.840 --> 19:06.720
It turns out that was uh, let's say a triumph of hope over data. Wasn't that a lie? Yeah, I think that's I mean

19:06.720 --> 19:12.000
If they'd already done the bi-distribution studies in Japan knew this they knew it was going to buy distribute uh, accumulate in every order in the body

19:12.000 --> 19:12.960
They knew

19:12.960 --> 19:17.520
Because he's I I need you to see how how this is really important

19:17.600 --> 19:18.960

19:18.960 --> 19:20.560
So what we have here, okay

19:20.560 --> 19:25.920
Let's just start from the top and then we're going to end it at the bottom because this is really important to understand so follow along

19:26.640 --> 19:28.400
He has listed

19:28.400 --> 19:35.520
The problems very succinctly the modified rna is cutting edge gene delivery products. What are he's talking about is the lmp

19:36.320 --> 19:39.280
And we need to regulate them, but not just the lmp

19:39.280 --> 19:42.160
But it's just a combination of these things are are cutting edge

19:42.800 --> 19:49.200
Gene delivery products. They're leaky products. They led to the evolution of the virus. That's an interesting statement to make that we

19:49.840 --> 19:54.160
Don't really have any data for bio distribution of the lmp

19:55.440 --> 20:02.240
So he actually brings up the biorum bridal, uh, idea the spike protein is a genetically engineered toxin period

20:02.320 --> 20:09.520
That's what he said. Um, the lmp formulation is toxic in humans. That's a pretty big revelation there

20:09.920 --> 20:10.880

20:10.880 --> 20:12.720
Uh, it's not m rna

20:12.720 --> 20:18.400
But it's modified rna chemically altered causes errors of all kinds were familiar with all this stuff

20:18.720 --> 20:23.520
And then it is of course contaminated or adulterated with double stranded dna

20:23.520 --> 20:26.720
Now here's where senator ron john puts him on the on the

20:27.440 --> 20:32.800
puts him on the hot seat in my humble opinion because his question is how much was known before

20:33.760 --> 20:40.080
Now we could easily go back to the brat wine stein podcast and find out exactly how much was known

20:40.800 --> 20:46.800
How much did he reveal on brat wine steins podcast about this list of things that you're seeing right here

20:47.360 --> 20:49.360
Just think back look back to your notes

20:50.480 --> 20:53.840
And i'm going to give it to you as homework because i'm not going to answer these questions

20:53.840 --> 20:55.760
Even though i know the answer to these questions

20:56.160 --> 21:01.280
Was he talking about the fiser documents that biorum bridal had released was he talking about those

21:01.920 --> 21:02.720

21:02.720 --> 21:10.880
brat wine steins podcast or not did he talk about how the lmp was known to be toxic on brat wine steins podcast or not

21:11.200 --> 21:15.840
Did he talk about how it was known to have an inflammatory response or did he not talk about that

21:16.320 --> 21:22.800
Did he talk about that the ability of these products to deliver both dna and rna on brat wine steins podcast

21:23.200 --> 21:29.760
Because he seems to be portraying these things as things that were known before the pandemic and who better to know them than him

21:33.440 --> 21:41.120
The idea that pseudo uradine would greatly lengthen the the staying power of the vaccine or or the sorry the m rna

21:41.440 --> 21:45.280
The idea that shedding might be a problem was in the fiser documents

21:45.280 --> 21:48.320
So did they talk about that at all on brat wine steins podcast

21:48.800 --> 21:53.440
In june of 2021 what about the potential for reproductive toxicity

21:53.840 --> 21:57.920
They talk about not having sex or sexual contact with people who have been

21:59.600 --> 22:02.080
Have been given the fiser shot in the fiser

22:02.960 --> 22:04.960

22:04.960 --> 22:07.120
And then he's talking about adulteration now

22:07.680 --> 22:13.520
It's my understanding that he would have known already that that adulteration was possible if there was a process to

22:14.080 --> 22:18.240
That used ecoli to produce the dna that was then converted

22:18.800 --> 22:23.520
To the rna that was used in the shot he would have already known that as he was saying

22:24.080 --> 22:28.960
In this talk where he says the dna in previous formulations in previous biologics

22:29.520 --> 22:33.280
And when we talk about biologics, what are we talking about? We're talking mostly about

22:34.720 --> 22:41.200
Antibodies and when you make antibodies, you're not allowed to have any dna and there's a concept of this is not foreign

22:42.160 --> 22:44.480
And so quite a bit of what he's saying here is true

22:44.480 --> 22:49.120
That question that always comes to my mind now is who at what point did he roll all these things out?

22:49.120 --> 22:51.440
If they were known before the pandemic even started

22:52.960 --> 22:59.200
If if the very dangers of transfection were generally understood before the pandemic even started

22:59.600 --> 23:02.800
Never mind the specifics of the lmp's that are being used

23:03.920 --> 23:06.560
Never mind the specifics of the apparently

23:07.360 --> 23:09.360
genetically designed

23:10.000 --> 23:12.000

23:12.320 --> 23:16.800
This is a very extraordinary list of statements that ends down here at the bottom

23:18.000 --> 23:19.120

23:19.120 --> 23:20.160

23:20.160 --> 23:22.960
The idea that they waited for the patents to expire

23:24.320 --> 23:26.320
And then they started this stuff

23:26.560 --> 23:27.840

23:27.840 --> 23:30.560
I don't I wonder if you're you're you're really

23:31.120 --> 23:35.760
You hear what he just said because this is really oh my gosh. I'm so excited that this

23:36.480 --> 23:38.480
I can't believe that this is this good

23:38.720 --> 23:43.120
Actually, we're not staying the arm when I stay in studies in Japan. That was uh, let's say a triumph of hope over data

23:43.120 --> 23:50.000
I always had been into your colus surprised at you. Correct. Um, I but I was when I called colleagues early on I was reassured including Peter colus

23:50.480 --> 23:52.960
The University of British Columbia who really should have received the Nobel Prize

23:53.440 --> 23:57.760
I was reassured that these issues had been addressed that these particles would remain localized at the site of injection

23:58.160 --> 24:03.040
Um, it turns out that was holy crap. Do you hear it? Do you hear what i'm i'm about to say?

24:03.280 --> 24:05.680
Can you hear it? Please tell me you can hear this

24:06.880 --> 24:09.600
He is suggesting that he called Peter colus

24:11.040 --> 24:16.480
Who told us quite frankly on a video in 2022 that he burned five postdocs

24:17.120 --> 24:20.960
Trying to get these things to stay in some particular place and they don't

24:25.120 --> 24:32.560
And so he's trying to say that despite all of the knowledge that he had which is of course this knowledge

24:32.640 --> 24:36.800
Right here, right? This all of this knowledge right here that he had

24:38.320 --> 24:42.400
All this knowledge that he knew all this problems that he's identified now

24:42.400 --> 24:45.600
But more importantly after the q&a all these things that we should have known

24:46.240 --> 24:48.320
From the very beginning that we're already known about

24:48.320 --> 24:54.640
Transfection in general. It's a long and political history that has to do with patents and intellectual property and blah blah blah

24:55.840 --> 24:57.860
It has to do with the biology of

24:58.320 --> 25:00.320

25:00.640 --> 25:02.640
It had to do with brian bridles

25:04.320 --> 25:09.040
Dibulging the the information that he found from the japanese disclosures

25:11.520 --> 25:16.320
And so here we are talking about this right now and he's saying that he called peter colus

25:16.880 --> 25:22.480
He called peter colus and peter colus told him that these problems had been solved

25:22.960 --> 25:26.480
Peter colus told him that these problems had been solved

25:26.960 --> 25:31.600
Peter colus lied to him and told him that these problems had been solved

25:31.600 --> 25:34.800
And that's why when he was on the Brett Weinstein podcast

25:35.120 --> 25:37.280
He had to say that he took the vaccine

25:38.160 --> 25:42.880
Because he thought he had they had fixed those problems because peter colus had lied to him

25:43.120 --> 25:49.200
But it's really weird that he doesn't seem very upset about it because in the sentence before this he said that peter colus

25:49.280 --> 25:51.920
Should have really gotten the nobel prize for being a liar

25:52.400 --> 25:54.400

25:56.000 --> 25:58.000

25:59.600 --> 26:01.600
What's going on here

26:02.400 --> 26:04.400
Please tell me that

26:06.080 --> 26:08.720
Please tell me that someone else sees the craziness here

26:08.720 --> 26:14.240
How is this possible that you in one sentence you say that peter colus really should have gotten the nobel prize

26:14.640 --> 26:17.280
But that creep at the beginning of the pandemic

26:17.760 --> 26:21.440
Assured me that everything was fixed with these things and here I am now

26:21.440 --> 26:25.840
I had long COVID and I got vaccine injured and all this other crap, whatever he said

26:31.280 --> 26:37.440
Oh my gosh, I just am I can't even we're not even five minutes in it. It's uh, let's say a triumph of hope over data

26:37.440 --> 26:41.600
Wasn't that a lie? Yeah, I think that's I mean if they'd already done the biodistribution studies in Japan do this

26:41.600 --> 26:43.440
They knew it was going to buy distribute

26:43.440 --> 26:45.440
Accumulate in every order in the body they knew

26:45.520 --> 26:49.760
That the vaccine would not stay in the arm would not stay localized and that these inflammatory responses and all the other problems of DNA

26:50.320 --> 26:51.680
Would would be an issue?

26:51.680 --> 26:57.440
Colus is the one who said he poured some bourbon after they got the uh answer that the shots were 95

26:57.920 --> 27:03.040
Effective listen to him. It's he senator ron john asked him. Isn't this a lie?

27:03.120 --> 27:05.760
This didn't come as a surprise to anybody correct. You didn't kind of surprise you

27:05.920 --> 27:07.920
Correct. Um, I but I was

27:08.000 --> 27:11.120
Where does steven where does steven hackville say that?

27:11.120 --> 27:12.640

27:12.640 --> 27:15.280
Need to see that link. I was reassured including peter colus

27:15.680 --> 27:18.240
The university of british columbia who really should have received the nobel prize

27:18.640 --> 27:22.960
I was reassured that these issues had been addressed that these particles would remain localized at the site of injection

27:23.360 --> 27:27.280
Um, it turns out that was uh, let's say a triumph of hope over data. Wasn't that a lie?

27:27.600 --> 27:30.720
Yeah, I think that's I mean if they'd already done the biodistribution studies in Japan do this

27:30.800 --> 27:32.800
They knew is going to buy distribute

27:32.800 --> 27:35.840
Accumulate in every order in the body they knew that the vaccine would not stay in the arm

27:35.840 --> 27:38.960
Would not stay localized and that these inflammatory responses and all the other problems of DNA

27:39.520 --> 27:43.360
Would be an issue correct and what's fascinating about that is that the

27:44.000 --> 27:48.320
FDA allowed the use of the least sensitive method to detect that distribution

27:48.320 --> 27:50.960
This is akin to some of the artifacts that dr

27:50.960 --> 27:52.960
McCurnan has found in the dna analysis

27:53.120 --> 27:58.960
So the fda knowingly allowed the least sensitive method and I actually had a zoom teleconference with dr

27:58.960 --> 28:02.160
marx to discuss this and was reassured that

28:02.880 --> 28:07.040
The new data package, which is the one that was blocked by the courts for 70 years

28:07.360 --> 28:10.560
Um demonstrated that there was no risks and I should not be concerned about these things

28:10.560 --> 28:17.520
So I actually attempted to communicate to the fda and peter marx about my concerns and about the meaning of the data and the apparent

28:17.760 --> 28:22.880
Uh use of the least sensitive method to analyze the distribution and I was casually dismissed

28:23.120 --> 28:23.920
Thank dr

28:23.920 --> 28:25.920
Mlona next participant is dr. Jessica rose

28:25.920 --> 28:29.380
She has a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics masters in medicine immunology

28:29.600 --> 28:33.840
PhD in computation biology and post doctors and mic molecular biology and biochemistry

28:33.840 --> 28:57.840
She is currently an independent researcher in scientific writer sharing her work on her website and subset platforms and so does dr

28:57.840 --> 29:01.280
Mlona a lot of the participants here are using that platform to be able to speak freely

29:01.760 --> 29:04.560
Dr. Rosie you currently like school a lot better than I did, but please go ahead

29:05.840 --> 29:10.240
Thanks. Um, I'd like to thank senator johnson for this incredible opportunity to speak like dr

29:10.240 --> 29:13.040
Mlona chemistry. She's currently an independent immunology immunology

29:13.200 --> 29:17.440
PhD in computational biology and post doctors and mic molecular biology and biochemistry

29:17.440 --> 29:21.600
She is currently an independent researcher in scientific writer sharing her work on her website and subset platforms

29:21.680 --> 29:25.840
And so does dr. Mlona a lot of the participants here are using that platform to be able to speak freely

29:26.480 --> 29:29.200
Dr. Rosie you apparently like school a lot better than I did, but please go ahead

29:30.160 --> 29:37.680
Okay, now, um, I just want to say that it's interesting to have a bachelor's degree in applied math and a degree in medicine and

29:37.920 --> 29:43.600
Computational biology and immunology and biochemistry and molecular biology and not have a position anywhere

29:44.240 --> 29:46.400
But then instead really just working at

29:47.280 --> 29:49.280
Working at home from sub stack

29:50.320 --> 29:53.840
Sharing her insights into bears, I guess now

29:54.400 --> 30:00.080
It could be that that's that's really where we are that that's the the real explanation for what's going on

30:00.240 --> 30:03.360
That's really what is going on with her life

30:04.240 --> 30:13.040
Um, but I would say from the perspective of a former professional biologist with 20 years of experience under my belt as an international biologist

30:14.560 --> 30:16.560
Nobody calls

30:16.560 --> 30:22.400
Postdoctoral degrees postdoctoral degrees. You don't get a postdoctoral degree in biochemistry

30:22.400 --> 30:27.280
You don't get a postdoctoral degree in molecular biology. You don't get a postdoctoral degree in immunology

30:27.680 --> 30:33.280
And most of her original publications from her PhD and first two postdocs are virology papers

30:36.400 --> 30:44.400
Albeit that she does the modeling for the virology paper or the simulation for the virology paper. Do you see where we're going here?

30:44.400 --> 30:46.400

30:47.280 --> 30:54.960
Simulations were used to get us into this mess simulations are being used in in lieu of of real experiments. No

30:59.760 --> 31:01.760
Some of her postdocs were

31:02.080 --> 31:05.840
Were funded by NATO. You can just look up her papers and click on them

31:05.840 --> 31:08.400
And then you can see that that it says where

31:09.120 --> 31:12.080
Where this person is from it doesn't say like, you know

31:12.640 --> 31:15.040
the University of Pittsburgh. It doesn't say

31:15.600 --> 31:16.960

31:16.960 --> 31:20.560
You know department of medicine at at Yale

31:21.600 --> 31:23.600
It says NATO

31:26.640 --> 31:30.400
And now for somebody with so many degrees without a faculty position

31:32.320 --> 31:38.240
It's just bizarre that now the second person to speak in front of the senate in this hearing is a Canadian

31:38.640 --> 31:40.640

31:43.040 --> 31:45.040

31:45.040 --> 31:48.000
I'm good with it. I'm great with it. It's fine

31:48.720 --> 31:54.000
But this is another person in my mind who was on the spike protein very early

31:54.960 --> 31:56.960
on VAERS very focused

31:58.080 --> 32:06.240
And has been touring the world for the last three years focused on VAERS with some of these people that i'm fairly sure are medlers

32:08.880 --> 32:10.880
Which which include

32:11.440 --> 32:13.520
This guy that just spoke who

32:14.320 --> 32:15.200
uh the

32:15.200 --> 32:22.560
One of the earliest videos that I can find of him on the internet is him giving a 45-minute presentation to the who in 2011

32:24.400 --> 32:26.640
And handing over the microphone to rick bright

32:30.480 --> 32:33.840
So pardon me if i'm a little skeptical of that guy, but then now

32:35.200 --> 32:37.200
darn it

32:37.200 --> 32:40.880
How many times has Jessica rose been on the tommy podcast

32:41.920 --> 32:47.600
How many times has she been on the tommy podcast alone and has she ever been on the tommy podcast with anyone else

32:48.000 --> 32:51.360
If you don't know the answers to those questions think about the fact

32:51.920 --> 32:56.960
That once you answer that question that robert malone has been on the tommy podcast four times

32:57.440 --> 33:00.640
And that steven hatville has been on the tommy podcast twice

33:00.960 --> 33:02.960

33:06.400 --> 33:07.200

33:07.200 --> 33:10.400
I'd like to thank senator johnson for this incredible opportunity to speak today

33:10.480 --> 33:12.240
It is in fact the third invitation extended to me

33:12.320 --> 33:17.680
But only the first that I could attend due to dr konian impositions on freedom of movement that we've all been subjected to over the past four years

33:18.160 --> 33:20.160
Thank you all for attending and caring

33:20.160 --> 33:25.120
Uh so much about each other and injured today. I speak for the people injured by the covid 19 injectable products through VAERS data

33:25.600 --> 33:29.920
Analysis of the various pharmacovigilance database in the context of the covid 19 injectable products has revealed strong

33:29.920 --> 33:34.160
emergent safety signals for myocarditis to death that are not being acknowledged by the only okay

33:34.160 --> 33:38.560
I'm just going to say it. Okay. I don't I have to say it and i'm going to say it

33:39.040 --> 33:45.200
This necklace is weird because when the light reflects off of it, it actually becomes an uptight upside down cross

33:46.160 --> 33:48.000
It's very hard to see

33:48.000 --> 33:51.760
The little piece of metal that it hangs from and when it gets bright

33:51.840 --> 33:56.720
It looks like an uptight down cross the the hanger is as wide as the top of the cross

33:57.120 --> 34:03.280
And there's hardly any space in between it. And so when the light shines right, it actually looks like an upside down cross

34:03.360 --> 34:05.360
But i'm sure that means nothing

34:05.360 --> 34:07.120
dang it

34:07.120 --> 34:11.920
Terners of the data this goes against standard operating procedures and begs the question why are the injured being hidden?

34:12.560 --> 34:17.680
Fact the brad-fertile criteria are used to assess causality and epidemiological data such as the various pharmacovigilance system

34:18.160 --> 34:23.920
Fact the proportional reporting ratio is used to assess whether or not a particular adverse event is more commonly recorded in the context of a particular drum

34:24.160 --> 34:27.120
If the prr is greater than one, the causal effect is indicated

34:27.360 --> 34:33.120
Fact the prr calculation for death from bears in the context of the covid-19 shots using current bears data is 3.6

34:33.600 --> 34:39.280
Fact the underreported number of deaths successfully filed to bears by january 20th 2021 was 634

34:39.520 --> 34:42.720
Based on historical guidelines. This was a sufficient this was sufficient as a signal

34:42.880 --> 34:46.560
Not only to prompt an investigation but to shut down the rollout of the covid-19 shots

34:47.040 --> 34:50.720
Fact in 1999 a rotavirus vaccine designed to prevent rotavirus

34:50.720 --> 34:54.640
The diastroenteritis was pulled from the market due to an intersusception signal emanating from bears

34:54.720 --> 35:00.720
Which comprised 584 cases question if 584 cases of intersusception were enough to prompt product removal

35:00.800 --> 35:07.280
Then why weren't 634 cases of death not enough to prompt covid-19 product removal fact the early death count was hidden

35:08.000 --> 35:15.120
Fact currently 1,615,998 reports of adverse events have been successfully filed to bears in the context of the covid-19 indexable products

35:15.120 --> 35:20.960
With a staggering 1,013,442 reports filed in 2021 alone when considering both the foreign and domestic data sets

35:21.440 --> 35:28.240
The number of adverse events reported to the domestic bears data set for all vaccines combined has been on average 39,000 in total per year

35:28.480 --> 35:33.680
And has been very slowly and steadily increasing in direct proportion to the increasing number of vaccine products on the market see slide one

35:34.480 --> 35:41.040
In 2021 however a 1417 percent increase in reporting occurred whereby 93 percent of these reports were in the context of the covid-19 products

35:41.360 --> 35:44.000
Fact age is not deterministic for adverse event reporting

35:44.160 --> 35:50.640
Since administration of the covid-19 products to the zero to four age group commenced the rate of adverse event reporting has been increasing faster than for any other age group

35:51.040 --> 35:54.560
Fact the argument that this spike protein or the spike in reporting spike protein

35:54.640 --> 35:57.600
This spike in reporting is due to increased shot administration is false

35:57.840 --> 36:06.160
Slide two shows the comparison of the number of adverse events per million doses in the context of influenza vaccines and the covid-19 injectable products in 2019 and 2021 respectively

36:06.320 --> 36:08.560
On the left of the total adverse events on the right are the deaths

36:08.960 --> 36:13.840
The covid-19 injectable products are associated with a 26 and a 100 full increase in total adverse events and deaths respectively

36:14.000 --> 36:16.720
When compared per million doses with influenza vaccines in the same time frame

36:17.280 --> 36:22.400
Fact the Bradford Hill criterion reversibility is satisfied when a drug is withdrawn the side effects disappear

36:22.720 --> 36:29.440
A strong correlation of r equals 0.8 and a high covariance exists between shot rollout data and myocarditis reports filed according to our world in data

36:29.440 --> 36:34.800
New vaccination data and various data respectively as shot demand wanes. So do the myocarditis report see slide three a

36:35.600 --> 36:42.480
Fact the Bradford Hill criterion specificity is satisfied a very specific population at a specific site and disease is recorded with no other likely explanation

36:42.880 --> 36:46.480
Those two is associated with a fourfold increase in reporting of myocarditis in 15 year old boys

36:46.720 --> 36:49.760
This indicates specificity with regard to age and gender c-slide 3b

36:50.400 --> 36:56.560
Fact the Bradford Hill criterion dose response is satisfied greater exposure leads to greater incidence of the effect following those two

36:56.720 --> 36:58.880
An increase in signal occurs c-slide 3b

36:59.600 --> 37:05.520
Fact myocarditis is not transient or mild a new paper published by rose at all in the journal therapeutic events is in drug safety

37:05.680 --> 37:09.200
Shows that myocarditis is associated with hospitalization in 76 percent of reports

37:09.760 --> 37:14.880
There are seven more Bradford Hill criterion criteria that are satisfiable. That's a 10 out of 10 bingo

37:15.440 --> 37:20.000
conclusion standard operating procedures for analysis of safety signals emergent from VAERS when utilized

37:20.560 --> 37:24.240
Revealed causal links between the covid-19 injectable products and the adverse events investigated

37:24.560 --> 37:28.720
Standard operating procedures are not being followed by the owners of the data namely cdc hhs and fda

37:28.800 --> 37:34.480
And this equates to hiding the millions of people reporting not only adverse events what injuries in the context of the covid-19 injectable products

37:34.880 --> 37:36.000
Thank you

37:36.080 --> 37:38.080
Dr. Rose I'm not a doctor. So when you're talking about the

37:38.080 --> 37:43.120
incidence associate the rotavirus what what condition was that that you're comparing the the deaths of the code vaccine to

37:45.680 --> 37:48.000
Into deception it's over it's folding over of the bowels

37:48.000 --> 37:53.840
So it's kind of directly like contradictory to the whole point of getting the product and uh, so again a serious adverse event, but not death

37:54.000 --> 37:57.440
No, exactly. So there are how many of those instances as 600 and

37:58.240 --> 38:01.360
Yeah, and right now we're up to almost 37,000 deaths worldwide

38:01.840 --> 38:02.720
with the

38:02.800 --> 38:06.720
COVID-19 vaccine 24.4 percent of those occurring on the day of vaccination within one or two days

38:06.800 --> 38:10.640
Yeah, and nothing to see here, right? Which is another bradford hill criteria temporality. So something

38:12.000 --> 38:13.440

38:13.440 --> 38:17.520
When you say that she has a twin, uh, it freaks me out a lot

38:18.640 --> 38:20.640

38:23.600 --> 38:28.080
It's got a lot of sunspots this one and a lot of hair this one

38:28.080 --> 38:30.080

38:30.080 --> 38:34.560
Don't know because I read in terms of your work. You've talked about the iGG for a phenomenon here with the multiple injections

38:34.560 --> 38:36.960
Can you talk a little bit about what that means to immunity? Right?

38:37.040 --> 38:43.280
So, um one of the things that blew my mind was when they started talking about repeat boosters because I mean anybody who knows a little bit about

38:43.280 --> 38:49.040
Immunology will start to think tolerance and it's now published in the literature that there's there's an inversion of a subclass of

38:49.440 --> 38:54.080
Mina globulin g called iGG for which is associated with tolerance and subsequently autoimmunity

38:54.240 --> 38:57.760
Um being reported in the context of the Pfizer and the Moderna shots after repeat injections

38:57.840 --> 39:04.000
This is no surprise. It's based on repeat enters engine antigen exposure the antigen being the proteins that are being produced

39:04.160 --> 39:07.680
Uh by the body by the host cells that are transfected with this technology

39:08.000 --> 39:14.240
Um, I'm not saying spike protein on purpose because it's not it's not probably not full length spike protein being produced by the host cells, but

39:14.960 --> 39:16.800
bits sometimes

39:16.800 --> 39:21.120
Potentially aberrant proteins off target. We'll get to that just to kind of close out this

39:21.920 --> 39:24.960
So it's weird because you got to be to me there

39:25.680 --> 39:28.640
It's odd that these people don't see the problem with

39:29.440 --> 39:33.840
the first two years of the pandemic us talking about the genetically

39:34.720 --> 39:39.600
Created protein and Robert Malone just told us in the talk before this that

39:40.160 --> 39:43.280
What did he say the SARS kov2 spike protein?

39:44.080 --> 39:45.920
is a

39:45.920 --> 39:50.640
Is a genetically engineered toxin? So if it's a genetically engineered toxin, but this

39:51.280 --> 39:52.960
mRNA is uh

39:52.960 --> 39:56.240
Is producing all kinds of little spike protein bits

39:56.800 --> 40:03.440
And off target stuff and frame-shifted things that aren't even the same protein anymore. And what are we worried about?

40:05.440 --> 40:10.160
Because if it's a genetically engineered toxin then it's got properties that are

40:11.120 --> 40:14.400
inherent in the genetically engineered sequence

40:15.120 --> 40:17.440
And if the genetically engineered sequence isn't

40:18.000 --> 40:23.520
Accurately being translated to the protein then we don't really have a toxin after all, do we?

40:24.000 --> 40:26.000
I don't get what's going on here

40:28.880 --> 40:30.960
Those are antibodies that you're fixed up. You have allergy

40:30.960 --> 40:34.080
Your allergist is going to try and boost those because that reduces your immune response to it

40:34.080 --> 40:37.680
Right? So this these are normally present as a fractional percentage in your body and they're up to what percent?

40:37.920 --> 40:40.480
It's something like 20 like there's a total inversion. So that's exactly

40:40.480 --> 40:42.480
So the vaccines are basically producing an antibody that's

40:42.480 --> 40:45.120
The body uses to suppress your immune response to an antigen

40:45.120 --> 40:49.520
That's right and more exposure means well, maybe it's not one to one, but your tolerance level is going to go up

40:49.520 --> 40:54.000
So you don't want to talk you don't want to become tolerant to a please understand daniel that i

40:54.400 --> 40:55.600
I'm there with you

40:55.600 --> 41:00.080
But what i'm trying to say is is that you can't hold both of these ideas in your head at the same time

41:00.560 --> 41:04.960
That there is a genetically engineered toxin that's out there that we have to be afraid of

41:05.520 --> 41:09.360
But then these mRNAs are so crappy that they don't produce it. They're so

41:09.920 --> 41:12.080
Toxic that they don't produce it or they're so

41:12.640 --> 41:18.240
Unpredictable that they don't produce it or they're so impure that they don't produce it or they're so adulterated. I don't get it

41:20.160 --> 41:26.400
So then all the the things that would happen with the spike protein aren't happening or are they happening or only a

41:26.880 --> 41:29.440
Percentage of them are happening because it takes a full

41:29.920 --> 41:33.760
You know, I don't they need to they need to reconcile these ideas

41:33.760 --> 41:37.600
Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to me. It's it feels very contradictory

41:37.680 --> 41:43.760
Just like when he said in two sentences right in a row that that peter color should get the nobel prize

41:43.760 --> 41:48.240
But then he lied to me and said these things were done, but it seems like he was just hopeful

41:49.040 --> 41:51.040
Wow, I mean wow

41:52.400 --> 41:57.520
Doesn't that kind of mean that that he lied and a lot of people died? I mean wow

41:58.400 --> 42:00.400
Why aren't we just saying that then?

42:01.760 --> 42:06.320
Something that's supposed to be something your body is fighting which explains why people who've gotten multiple boosters are getting

42:06.720 --> 42:10.480
COVID time and time and time again, potentially. Well, I think I would put my money on that

42:10.640 --> 42:15.120
Absolutely. We've only got a couple seconds left. You want to talk about the DNA contamination and the well, Kevin will be doing that

42:15.200 --> 42:18.400
I'm gonna leave that Kevin. Then we'll move on. Our next participant is mr. Ed Dowd

42:18.880 --> 42:22.160
Mr. Dowd is currently a founding partner of finance technology spells at ph

42:22.480 --> 42:25.280
He has worked on wall street most of his career for firms such as hsbc

42:25.280 --> 42:26.560
Donaldson left gun and gen rep

42:26.560 --> 42:32.160
Independence investments and most notably at blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion growth equity portfolio for 10 years

42:32.160 --> 42:32.960
Mr. Dowd

42:32.960 --> 42:38.000
Thank you senator johnson pleasure to be here in an honor at finance technologies, which was founded in june of 2022

42:38.000 --> 42:42.320
We've been tracking excess deaths disabilities and injuries across the globe mostly western nations

42:42.320 --> 42:43.920
But today i'm going to speak to the u.s

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And we're going to talk about our estimated human and economic cost of the pandemic policy since 2021

42:49.600 --> 42:53.280
Um, here's my statement the u.s government along with the WHO declared a pandemic in 2020

42:53.280 --> 42:56.480
And a number of policy responses that we were told with slow the spread of covid 19

42:56.640 --> 42:59.920
And allow us to come up with a vaccine in record time dubbed operation warp speed

42:59.920 --> 43:03.680
the 2020 repulsive policy poster nations, but today i'm going to speak to the u.s

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And we're going to talk about our estimated human and economic cost of the pandemic policy since 2021

43:09.360 --> 43:10.240
Um, here's my statement

43:10.240 --> 43:13.040
The u.s government along with the WHO declared a pandemic in 2020

43:13.040 --> 43:16.320
And a number of policy responses that we were told with slow the spread of covid 19

43:16.400 --> 43:19.600
And allow us to come up with a vaccine in record time dubbed operation warp speed

43:19.600 --> 43:23.760
The 2020 repulsive policy responses include societal lockdowns masking and social distancing

43:23.760 --> 43:28.480
In 2021 we began the relative of a vaccine solution that was predominantly a novel mRNA based technology

43:28.480 --> 43:30.560
With the vendors predominantly being Pfizer and Moderna

43:30.560 --> 43:33.200
The solution has never undergone human trials prior to 2020

43:33.200 --> 43:36.240
And was approved under an EUA in late 2020 within record time for a vaccine

43:36.240 --> 43:38.320
And a noticeably short trial period

43:38.320 --> 43:42.320
The government deemed these products safe and effective until the nation they prevent you from getting and transmitting covid 19

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These statements have since been proven false

43:44.560 --> 43:48.560
It has become clear that the u.s government along with the health regulators do not desire an honest accounting of these policies

43:48.960 --> 43:50.960
That were imposed mostly under federal mandates

43:51.520 --> 43:54.320
Predominantly focused on the human and economic cost since the beginning of 2021

43:54.320 --> 43:58.160
Which if they were favorable to the current regime you would be hearing them scream these results from the rooftops

43:58.560 --> 44:00.880
I will focus on three buckets which we break down as excess deaths

44:00.880 --> 44:03.680
Excess disabilities and lost work time in other words injuries

44:04.240 --> 44:09.200
When analyzing the excess death human cost is interesting to note that in 2020 there were approximately 458,000 excess deaths

44:09.520 --> 44:13.760
Of which 73 percent were age 65 and older and 15 to 64 comprising just 27

44:14.480 --> 44:18.240
Note we were told in 2020 that the covid 19 risk of death is primarily in the older populations

44:18.320 --> 44:21.840
However in 2021 with the relative the quote unquote safe and effective vaccine

44:21.840 --> 44:24.080
There were approximately another 500,000 excess deaths

44:24.080 --> 44:26.080
But a makeshift had occurred from older to younger

44:26.080 --> 44:29.040
In 2021 the 65 plus age category was 57

44:29.680 --> 44:32.960
Remember it was 73 percent in 2020 of the total while the 15 to 64

44:33.120 --> 44:38.560
Covert increased to 43 percent the absolute excess death increased from 20 to 21 for the productive working age 15 to 64

44:38.560 --> 44:41.200
It was 73 percent so in 2020 124,000

44:41.440 --> 44:45.680
Uh people have perished excessively and then in 2021 it rose to 215,000 73

44:46.320 --> 44:50.720
For for a virus that kills old people this makeshift is an epic failure for the so-called vaccine solution

44:50.880 --> 44:53.280
The total excess death since the rollout of the vaccine in the u.s

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Including 21 22 and 23 is approximately 1.1 million

44:56.640 --> 44:59.440
We estimate the economic cost that's all right. Do they get that right?

45:00.240 --> 45:07.280
Is he saying that the excess deaths that increased by 73 percent in that age group is due to the virus listen carefully

45:07.280 --> 45:11.040
The absolute excess death increased from 20 to 21 for the productive working age 15 to 64

45:11.040 --> 45:13.680
It was 73 so in 2020 124,000

45:13.920 --> 45:18.160
Uh people have perished excessively and then in 2021 it rose to 215,000 73

45:18.800 --> 45:23.120
For for a virus that kills old people this makeshift is an epic failure for the so-called vaccine solution

45:23.360 --> 45:28.880
The total excess death since the rollout of the vaccine in the u.s. Including 21 22 and 23 is approximately 1.1 million

45:29.120 --> 45:32.480
We estimate the economic cost productive working age people dying at 15.6 billion

45:32.880 --> 45:37.920
When analyzing disabilities is interesting to know that there were no excess disabilities in 2020 using the civilian labor force

45:37.920 --> 45:42.720
We have calculated an increase of 2.3 million individualities is interesting to know that there were no excess disabilities in 2020

45:43.040 --> 45:48.960
Using the civilian labor force. We have calculated an increase of 2.3 million individuals with disabilities costing the economy an estimated 77 billion

45:49.200 --> 45:53.280
We want to know that the excess disability number for total population 16 plus is three and a half million

45:53.920 --> 45:59.280
When analyzing lost work time in which we call injuries we estimate 28.4 million individuals are chronically absent resulting in an estimated

45:59.520 --> 46:08.160
Economic cost of 135 billion since 2021 work time lost peak in 2022 at 67 percent above the 2019 timeframe and has since dropped the 22 percent in 2023

46:08.400 --> 46:11.360
So there has been improvement but it's still standard deviations above the long-term trend

46:11.760 --> 46:18.320
To sum up the post pandemic policy scorecard since 2021 excess deaths 1.1 million total with 300,000 in the 15 to 64 age group

46:18.400 --> 46:21.360
For total cost of 15.6 billion excess disabilities 2.3 million

46:21.920 --> 46:24.640
3.5 million for total population estimated cost 77 billion

46:25.840 --> 46:29.520
Excess work excess lost work time 28.4 million individuals estimated cost

46:29.840 --> 46:35.920
135 billion total human cost is 33 million and act total economic cost 227 million 33 million is about 10 percent of the u.s

46:35.920 --> 46:39.440
Population if you assume it's vaccine related that's 13 percent of the vaccinated population

46:39.440 --> 46:42.080
If you assume 25 to not get on the did not get the vaccine

46:42.400 --> 46:48.160
It should be noted this compares to 458,000 excess deaths zero excess disabilities in the total economic cost of 50 billion for 2020

46:48.640 --> 46:50.960
Obviously the policy care was undeniably worse than the illness

46:51.280 --> 46:54.320
We had finance technologies understand that there may be many co-factors and these results

46:54.400 --> 46:58.560
But we believe the vaccine introduction is predominantly responsible for we're calling the post pandemic policy scorecard

46:58.800 --> 47:04.720
The blame of the vaccine could be the blame of the vaccine could be put to rest if studies were conducted a vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals

47:04.960 --> 47:06.960
Independently of whether it's the vaccine or not as a nation

47:06.960 --> 47:09.840
We should all collectively want to know what is actually causing these tragic health results

47:10.080 --> 47:14.080
However, the silence by the health authorities and the u.s government strongly suggest they know the answer to that question

47:14.640 --> 47:23.200
Okay, so from my perspective the main thing to see here is that he's not in any way shape or form questioning the spreading of a novel pathogen in 2020

47:24.240 --> 47:28.160
He's not at all questioning that and that's a big problem because then maybe

47:28.880 --> 47:32.000
Denny rancor should be here or maybe he should have consulted with him

47:32.640 --> 47:37.040
Maybe he should have talked to jessica hockett and tried to figure out what was going on in new york

47:37.040 --> 47:40.720
Maybe he has some specific new york state numbers that could help sort that out

47:40.720 --> 47:42.720

47:42.720 --> 47:45.040
It's very unfortunate. This doesn't feel right

47:46.640 --> 47:49.360
If his eyes stayed down like that after he ends it

47:49.760 --> 47:52.960
Put to rest if studies were conducted vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals

47:53.200 --> 47:55.200
Independently of whether it's the vaccine or not as a nation

47:55.200 --> 47:58.080
We should all collectively want to know what is actually causing these tragic health results

47:58.240 --> 48:02.240
However, the silence by the health authorities and the u.s government strongly suggest they know the answer to that question

48:02.640 --> 48:03.600
Thank you. Thank you, mr

48:03.600 --> 48:04.000

48:04.000 --> 48:06.000
You're a finance guy your numbers guy. You're not a doctor

48:06.400 --> 48:09.280
And one of the reasons you step forward is because our federal agencies aren't transparent

48:09.360 --> 48:11.920
They're not conducting the studies that they simply don't want to know in my mind

48:11.920 --> 48:16.400
So you threw a lot of numbers there first of all, can you just talk about the quality of your data?

48:16.880 --> 48:17.920
You know what?

48:17.920 --> 48:20.640
As you heard with my oversight letters are not providing their analysis of their various, you know

48:20.640 --> 48:21.760
They're safety surveillance systems

48:21.760 --> 48:25.760
So now people like you and there are other people that are just taking a look at death statistics or disability statistics

48:25.760 --> 48:30.880
So those take a while to be published but talk about just the quality and really the indisputable nature of the data that you've used to come up

48:30.880 --> 48:35.360
This analysis. Yeah, so we've calculated excess deaths disabilities and injuries excess deaths

48:36.000 --> 48:39.200
We wrote methodology papers and how we calculate them we three different methods

48:39.200 --> 48:40.640
We preferred the second method

48:40.640 --> 48:44.960
These can be compared to the actuarial tables from the insurance industry which saw a similar excess death in their group life policy

48:44.960 --> 48:46.960
So these excess deaths are undeniable

48:47.120 --> 48:51.360
But it's going on currently is certain governments are now changing how they calculate these numbers the uh, oh and s

48:51.440 --> 48:55.040
Just announced a change to the calculation methodology for their excess deaths number

48:55.040 --> 48:57.680
Which reduces obviously the excess deaths because they like that result better

48:58.000 --> 48:59.680
Um, we suspected that might happen

48:59.680 --> 49:03.120
So that's why we wrote our methodology papers and published them in september of 2022

49:03.520 --> 49:07.840
And uh, the actuarial tables that the insurance companies use haven't changed so excess deaths are continuing

49:07.920 --> 49:11.280
The insurance companies are seeing the same excess mortality, especially in the working age population

49:11.280 --> 49:14.880
So these deaths are undeniable. This is that you can't you can't hide the dead bodies unfortunately

49:14.880 --> 49:16.960
So you can you publish all your information on your your website

49:17.280 --> 49:21.760
Was it one america's ethnic insurance company that it's kind of the first revelation of this uh, was an insurance company out of indiana?

49:21.840 --> 49:24.640
Well, one america c.o scott davis in in a chamber commerce

49:24.960 --> 49:29.440
Uh meeting revealed that he'd seen 40% excess mortality in the uh millennial age group

49:30.240 --> 49:35.040
2534 and even as high actually for 25 through 64 and he said that's

49:35.920 --> 49:40.000
10% increase be once in a 200 year flood or three standard deviation event 40% was off the charts

49:40.000 --> 49:40.960
Just off the charts

49:40.960 --> 49:44.560
And we haven't really what I like about what he just said recently and I will you know

49:44.560 --> 49:47.600
I saw some of the people in the chat saying that you think that he's a good guy

49:47.600 --> 49:51.040
He very well could be and just coached to not as you

49:51.600 --> 49:56.400
Somebody mentioned in the chat and you know to make it as palatable as possible for the widest audience

49:57.040 --> 50:01.280
Um and to make the most questioning start in that in that sense, maybe that's what this is

50:01.840 --> 50:06.480
Um, he does say changes to excess death calculations. I think it's really important

50:06.880 --> 50:10.000
I think mark husatonic has tried to make this point as well

50:10.560 --> 50:12.560
That if you if you count

50:13.120 --> 50:16.640
50 000 opioid deaths every year as normal

50:17.120 --> 50:21.120
Then you have a certain excess deaths that you can tolerate from opioid deaths

50:21.440 --> 50:25.440
If you count them all as excess deaths, you have a completely different calculation

50:26.080 --> 50:28.080
And depending on how you define

50:29.360 --> 50:36.000
What an excess death is you can do this in this number is just basically based on interpretation to a large extent

50:36.400 --> 50:40.480
And so you need to have really an understanding of how people are doing it and most of the time

50:40.480 --> 50:42.240
We are not given that

50:42.240 --> 50:49.360
Um, and now the calculators in the uk are changing the way that they are doing it in order to get better numbers for themselves

50:49.360 --> 50:55.200
Attorney anything since that point time other than any suggests that the actuaries the people in the insurance companies are still using

50:55.280 --> 50:58.320
The same actuarial tables that was a big statement

50:58.720 --> 51:05.360
That was a big statement because actuarial tables and actuarial science is a very well developed

51:05.440 --> 51:07.040
I mean these people

51:07.040 --> 51:10.640
I had a roommate in college and after college who was an actuary and he

51:11.200 --> 51:14.640
When we were still roommates, he passed all of the exams

51:14.880 --> 51:17.760
Um, and it is not a joke. These people are

51:18.480 --> 51:20.480
are extremely skilled

51:20.560 --> 51:24.080
um at looking at numbers and they are responsible for

51:25.600 --> 51:27.920
You know really important calculations that

51:28.400 --> 51:32.320
You know determine how these these companies are going to rate and behave

51:32.960 --> 51:37.280
um, and so these are these are disciplines of

51:38.480 --> 51:40.480
of let's say

51:41.360 --> 51:43.360
Monitoring of society

51:44.320 --> 51:48.880
That that have been wholly discounted and ignored for the duration of the pandemic

51:48.880 --> 51:51.840
And it's so it's very nice to have him speaking up and it's very nice

51:52.400 --> 51:53.840
To have him say that

51:53.840 --> 51:59.200
You know all these changes and all these things the way these things these companies and and these different bureaucratic

51:59.920 --> 52:05.680
Organizations like maybe the fda the cdc in reality. They should all be using actuarial tables

52:06.560 --> 52:07.840
But they're not

52:07.840 --> 52:12.080
For people like you what what because we tried helping you get insurance data and we were just pretty well blocked

52:12.720 --> 52:16.480
The insurance companies they did not want to cooperate with us and provide us their information. Can you talk a little bit about that?

52:16.560 --> 52:18.560
Yeah, so what they're doing is

52:18.560 --> 52:21.760
Unfortunately, there's still a lot of controversy in the insurance industry where a lot of people don't even want to look at the vaccine

52:21.840 --> 52:25.280
issue a lot of these CEOs mandated you got the job themselves are in the stated denial

52:26.080 --> 52:26.960

52:26.960 --> 52:32.480
Have raised prices and group life policy. So the losses are less now losses will be coming in whole life policies due to a visiting team accounting

52:32.880 --> 52:37.040
Dynamics, so we expect to see reserves taken once they lower their long-term mortality

52:37.760 --> 52:40.160
Assumptions and or raise their long-term mortality assumptions

52:40.160 --> 52:43.200
I should say and we'll see losses start running through their pianos this year next

52:43.840 --> 52:49.760
With it I have whistle blowers and there's been discussions at board level meetings about the continued access mortality and they dance around every issue

52:50.160 --> 52:53.920
Except the vaccine not mentioned so again, you talked about not five numbers

52:53.920 --> 52:58.880
But you might be to take away is it what you found out is in working age population there was just an

52:59.600 --> 53:05.360
Extraordinary increase in excess deaths and disabilities starting in 2021 not 2020 during the pandemic before we had a vaccine

53:05.360 --> 53:09.920
But after the vaccine roll-out means that pretty much that's correct. That's my thesis as to why the vaccine causes

53:09.920 --> 53:13.600
There was a huge makeshift from ulti on starting in 21 disabilities weren't apparent in 2020

53:13.840 --> 53:16.800
And if you look at the disability numbers and you can you can drill down into them

53:17.040 --> 53:22.800
The rate of change for the employed in our country in disabilities between 2021 and 2023 was 38%

53:22.800 --> 53:25.920
So that was a rate of change increase of 38% versus the general u.s. population

53:26.080 --> 53:31.920
Which has been nine and not in labor force only 4% so I encourage everybody to go look at his data and it's indisputable

53:31.920 --> 53:34.640
Basically, so thank you. Mr. Dowd. Thank you next participant is mr. Kevin McKernan

53:35.040 --> 53:35.280

53:35.280 --> 53:39.760
McKernan is a former team leader of research and development for the human genome project at whitehead institute slash mit

53:40.080 --> 53:45.200
He is a inventor of the solid sequencer founder of adjunct court biosciences and medicinal genomics

53:45.520 --> 53:50.560
And he has 60,000 citations and dozens of genomic pens damn damn. Thank you

53:51.280 --> 53:54.080
Very much. Appreciate you giving this audience many of these audience have been subjected to

53:54.320 --> 53:59.040
You know here's a censorship on this topic. What I want to talk to you today is about the DNA contamination that our team at medicinal genomics discovered in the

53:59.040 --> 54:03.440
I mean, can we just first of all acknowledge the godlike cv that this guy's got like

54:04.720 --> 54:06.240
I mean

54:06.240 --> 54:11.920
You know, like I said, I was playing cyber ball in the mall while this guy was already working on the human genome project

54:12.000 --> 54:15.280
so more power to them far be it for me to

54:16.560 --> 54:23.840
Critique this double-stranded RNA contamination or sorry DNA contamination what I want to stress is that from my perspective

54:24.560 --> 54:32.800
Him and Malone and colis at any of these people who were involved in the manufacture of biologics before the pandemic

54:33.440 --> 54:37.760
Already knew that this contamination would be a problem in a process using those

54:38.720 --> 54:42.880
Methodologies using those bioreactors. So when we were shown

54:44.160 --> 54:46.160
the bbc video of

54:46.160 --> 54:51.920
Inovio making spike protein dna in those bioreactors and that really tall

54:52.720 --> 54:56.080
Sort of masculine blonde lady from inovio

54:56.560 --> 55:00.880
In scotland telling us about how it was going and you get used to the smell

55:01.840 --> 55:10.080
They already knew that that contamination from that bacterial culture that would include endotoxins and would include double-stranded DNA

55:10.560 --> 55:17.120
Was going to be impossible to remove by the standard means which would have been anion exchange chromatography

55:18.160 --> 55:22.880
Because with DNA and RNA those are those are the same face. They don't separate like that

55:24.080 --> 55:26.080
You can separate them from proteins

55:26.880 --> 55:30.320
But you can't separate DNA from RNA using those standard techniques

55:30.320 --> 55:34.960
So the same technology is not applicable here. They knew that was going to be in there

55:35.440 --> 55:40.160
And all of these people with these decades of experience in this space

55:40.800 --> 55:45.360
Should have done known better. Robert Malone having given a talk about built and fit and finish

55:46.720 --> 55:53.440
Technologies in front of the who in 2011 definitely had at least 15 years of experience in this manufacturing space

55:53.840 --> 55:56.800
So there's no question that he knew that if they stopped going from

55:57.440 --> 56:01.280
PCR generated mRNA and started going to

56:01.920 --> 56:05.120
To cultures and to bioreactors there would be this problem

56:05.520 --> 56:13.920
This guy definitely knows that because he started a company after he was working at the human genome project again while I was still goofing around at the mall

56:15.440 --> 56:20.640
So these people have decades of experience that does not allow them to

56:21.200 --> 56:25.200
Play silly or dumb and say that well peter said it would work

56:26.000 --> 56:31.760
Or peter said that they probably fixed it or peter mark said that the data was going to come out

56:32.880 --> 56:36.000
Or we just found out that there was DNA and it in

56:36.640 --> 56:40.400
2023 we never thought that could be in there in 2020

56:40.800 --> 56:42.240
We had no idea

56:42.240 --> 56:48.640
You can't say that if you've been working in this space for 20 years and have countless patents

56:49.440 --> 56:51.440
And have sold companies

56:53.120 --> 56:55.840
You can't make that claim if you spoke in front of the who

56:56.480 --> 57:00.640
Handed off the microphone to rick bright in 2011. That's not allowed you

57:01.200 --> 57:04.000
That's like saying that you don't know anything about basketball

57:04.480 --> 57:08.880
While your whole room is his filled with trophies. Are you kidding me?

57:09.680 --> 57:12.320
No, I never played I can't even make a free throw

57:15.120 --> 57:17.120
Come on

57:18.000 --> 57:21.280
All right, let's listen mRNA vaccines we're specifically speaking about visor in modern in this case

57:21.760 --> 57:23.520
Um, this work has been replicated by many labs around the world

57:23.520 --> 57:26.240
And now the fda the ema and health canada have admitted to this

57:26.480 --> 57:30.960
The regulatory agents have admitted that visor also omitted the sp40 sequences that are in their vaccine

57:31.360 --> 57:37.200
They take so don't get me wrong. I believe every word of this everything that he is saying seems to be correct

57:37.280 --> 57:41.840
It's exactly what they did. They omitted it. They then and people like

57:42.640 --> 57:48.400
Uh, everybody that's talking about it seems to be right that it's a process one that was used in the trial

57:48.880 --> 57:50.080
And so that's

57:50.080 --> 57:54.960
Transfection in its best form which i've already argued for months and years

57:55.360 --> 57:57.280
It doesn't matter if it's in its best form

57:57.280 --> 58:02.960
Transfection is not appropriate for healthy animals and never mind healthy humans never mind healthy beautiful children

58:03.360 --> 58:07.200
Or healthy grandmas that you want to be around for a while and yet

58:07.920 --> 58:09.920
We're not saying that

58:10.480 --> 58:12.480
Nobody's saying that

58:12.960 --> 58:18.400
Even robert malone who admitted that he should have said it said that colas lied to him

58:18.400 --> 58:20.400
And so that's the only reason why he didn't say it

58:24.400 --> 58:29.520
I mean, it's it's crazy if you know the timeline and you know where we are four and a half years in

58:29.600 --> 58:33.840
If you know what happened in 2020 and 21 and what these people are saying it's weird

58:34.400 --> 58:36.400
Because they should have known

58:36.400 --> 58:41.040
He had already written a paper about the unappropriateness of the primers used in the pcr test

58:41.440 --> 58:45.920
Why didn't he also write a paper about oh my gosh? We're going to transfect people that's crazy

58:50.800 --> 58:55.680
In this contamination to be little consequence claiming to denase of two little concentration to matter or to be containing DNA of no functional consequence

58:55.840 --> 58:58.720
These statements are false and are not supported by any independent testing by these regulators

58:59.120 --> 59:03.440
After the regulators have admitted to being deceived they asked the opinion of the party that deceived them how bad was the deception?

59:03.600 --> 59:07.360
They shockingly believed the answer they were given and which is that these sequences have no relevance to plasma manufacturing

59:07.520 --> 59:10.080
As someone who has worked on the human genome project manufacturing millions of plasmines

59:10.080 --> 59:12.560
I can assure you that this is an uber lie uni content

59:15.040 --> 59:17.040
He's saying what I just said right here

59:19.200 --> 59:20.880
He's saying what I said right here

59:20.880 --> 59:23.920
Which is that he should have known this from the very beginning

59:23.920 --> 59:26.400
He had to have known it from the very beginning because

59:26.960 --> 59:31.680
He worked for the human genome project and has manufactured countless plasmids

59:34.400 --> 59:39.360
Please listen after the regulators have admitted to being deceived they asked the opinion of the party that deceived them

59:39.360 --> 59:40.480
How bad was the deception?

59:40.480 --> 59:44.240
They shockingly believed the answer they were given and which is that these sequences have no relevance to plasma manufacturing

59:44.480 --> 59:46.960
As someone who has worked on the human genome project manufacturing millions of plasmines

59:46.960 --> 59:48.720
I can assure you that this is an uber lie

59:48.720 --> 59:51.600
DNA content and so now what what wait wait what

59:51.760 --> 59:55.600
Women's to plasma manufacturing as someone who has worked on the human genome project manufacturing millions of plasmines

59:55.600 --> 59:57.360
I can assure you that this is an uber lie

59:57.360 --> 59:59.760
DNA contamination can lead to insertion of the digestive

59:59.760 --> 01:00:02.320
This is actually declared in Moderna's own patents regarding mRNA vaccines

01:00:02.320 --> 01:00:04.720
This is us patent 10 million 898 574

01:00:05.040 --> 01:00:08.640
This is also supported by limb at all which speaks to the rate of spontaneous integration in the genome during

01:00:08.640 --> 01:00:11.200
Transfection we are using transfection after all with l and keys

01:00:11.200 --> 01:00:12.640
The SP-40 DNA is in fact functional

01:00:12.640 --> 01:00:16.640
It is published as a potent gene therapy tool in a nuclear targeting sequence as described by David Dean at all

01:00:16.640 --> 01:00:20.160
The SP-40 promoter DNA is also known bind to the tumor suppressor gene. That must be 53

01:00:20.160 --> 01:00:21.360
This is described by Drayman at all

01:00:21.920 --> 01:00:25.120
The DNA contains the promoter for the antibiotic resistance gene is plasmid as well

01:00:25.120 --> 01:00:28.560
No plasmid manufacturing can occur without a promoter for the antibiotic resistance gene

01:00:28.560 --> 01:00:32.480
So it is clearly functional and key to plasmid manufacturing despite the FDA's comments on this topic

01:00:32.480 --> 01:00:36.480
The DNA quantity in many vials is over the 10 nanogram per dose limit, but it does vary substantially between lots

01:00:37.120 --> 01:00:39.440
So I'm not arguing with any of what he's saying

01:00:39.440 --> 01:00:42.720
What I'm arguing is is that he could have said this in 2020

01:00:43.440 --> 01:00:48.800
He could have postulated that this stuff would be in there if they mass produced it in 2021

01:00:50.560 --> 01:00:52.320
Why because

01:00:52.320 --> 01:00:57.280
Being a person who has produced countless plasmids since the start of the human genome project

01:00:57.280 --> 01:00:59.280
he knows how they are made

01:00:59.760 --> 01:01:04.560
And he knows that they can't make millions of doses using this this

01:01:06.240 --> 01:01:12.400
niche method of PCR almost like printing the RNA they can't do that not to make that level of doses

01:01:14.320 --> 01:01:20.240
And he knew that because he's invented a lot of these technologies. He knows the limitations of manufacture at that level

01:01:21.280 --> 01:01:27.040
He knows how expensive it would be versus how cheap it would be to do it with DNA plasmids and E. coli culture

01:01:28.080 --> 01:01:32.640
Like all the other biologics are produced before the pandemic

01:01:33.600 --> 01:01:35.440
Do you see my point?

01:01:35.440 --> 01:01:40.560
This is not some kind of thing where he's like oh wow look there's DNA in there wait a minute hold up

01:01:41.040 --> 01:01:47.760
Did they use bio reactors and E. coli to make this RNA? I didn't know they were going to do that

01:01:49.760 --> 01:01:51.840
There's no way for him to take that position

01:01:53.200 --> 01:01:56.640
He caught his teeth in the human genome project while we were playing at the mall

01:01:57.440 --> 01:02:04.560
He's he's he's grown countless plasmids. He knows the limitations of them. He knows the limitations of their purification

01:02:06.080 --> 01:02:10.480
And he definitely knows the limitations of RNA manufacturer and can understand it

01:02:11.920 --> 01:02:13.920
and understands how the

01:02:14.800 --> 01:02:18.800
RNA would have been made for a cancer patient or been would have been made for a

01:02:19.520 --> 01:02:23.440
For a small trial. It would have been made at the highest purity using a

01:02:24.400 --> 01:02:26.400
PCR type reaction

01:02:26.880 --> 01:02:28.880
followed by an RNA polymerase

01:02:32.480 --> 01:02:38.720
It would not have started with DNA grown in a bacterial culture and then purified and then converted to RNA

01:02:40.480 --> 01:02:47.760
And it wouldn't have started with a DNA that was converted to RNA and then purified it wouldn't have that's not how they would have done it

01:02:48.960 --> 01:02:51.040
But he also would have known that's how they did it here

01:02:51.040 --> 01:02:53.040
So it's really weird that we're in

01:02:53.120 --> 01:02:54.400

01:02:54.400 --> 01:03:00.160
And we're still talking about this like this is breaking news all of these people listen carefully

01:03:00.720 --> 01:03:04.640
Should have known better and they most certainly did Robert Malone knew

01:03:07.360 --> 01:03:09.360
Kevin McCurnan knew

01:03:12.080 --> 01:03:16.960
The woman from Canada with five degrees should have known or her degrees are worth Jack

01:03:17.760 --> 01:03:22.000
Because I knew when I only have one degree

01:03:23.600 --> 01:03:27.280
It's not even in immunology. It's in neurobiology

01:03:29.680 --> 01:03:32.880
But the trick is is that I've used transfection a lot

01:03:37.360 --> 01:03:39.360

01:03:40.240 --> 01:03:47.120
I'm not sure what to say because we are in big trouble because this is what we've got to work with here

01:03:47.120 --> 01:03:48.240
And we've got

01:03:48.240 --> 01:03:54.160
Somehow or another it feels almost inevitable that we're going to have to get behind some of these people especially guy like Kevin

01:03:58.800 --> 01:04:03.520
There's not going to be any way for anybody to make an objective opinion that says wow, I guess uh

01:04:04.240 --> 01:04:06.240
Kevin must be a bad guy

01:04:06.640 --> 01:04:08.640

01:04:08.640 --> 01:04:14.720
Even though it's very hard for me to come to any other conclusion because he's been in with these people for too long

01:04:14.720 --> 01:04:16.800
He's been in the back rooms for too long

01:04:17.280 --> 01:04:22.640
These were department of energy technologies that were essentially top secret while he was working on them

01:04:24.320 --> 01:04:31.040
Do you think that photograph from above is a photograph that would he could have just shared with his friends while he was working

01:04:32.400 --> 01:04:33.920
During that time

01:04:33.920 --> 01:04:35.920
Hey, look at me

01:04:37.200 --> 01:04:39.200

01:04:39.200 --> 01:04:42.480
That would have been a that would have been a secret top classified

01:04:43.920 --> 01:04:45.920

01:04:48.720 --> 01:04:53.760
I don't think any of us are really fully aware of the extent to which we've been bamboozled

01:04:53.760 --> 01:05:01.920
But think about it anybody who's worked on genetic sequencing technologies. Who do you know that's worked on genetic sequencing technologies?

01:05:02.000 --> 01:05:03.040

01:05:03.040 --> 01:05:09.520
Dan sirotkin's dad works at Los Alamos laboratory and those two guys are responsible for

01:05:10.240 --> 01:05:16.880
Seating the worst case scenario narrative of a lab leak and again a function lab leak that might be flying aids

01:05:18.640 --> 01:05:22.400
And Dan sirotkin's dad worked on algorithms for

01:05:23.440 --> 01:05:26.640
sequencing and maybe even for the blast

01:05:27.760 --> 01:05:29.760
Algorithm and search engine

01:05:30.560 --> 01:05:35.440
Now really interestingly, I think there are other people in this narrative who have worked on the blast

01:05:36.400 --> 01:05:39.360
Algorithm and I've never ever ever talked about

01:05:40.000 --> 01:05:46.080
the sequencing in the gen said database and what it means or doesn't mean they've never talked about what

01:05:46.400 --> 01:05:53.760
A consensus sequence of a virus is even though they have experience working on the algorithm of the blast

01:05:55.920 --> 01:05:57.920
Search engine it's strange

01:05:59.920 --> 01:06:01.920

01:06:01.920 --> 01:06:06.000
So kevin mccernan is a guy who's worked on the human genome project

01:06:07.680 --> 01:06:10.960
Some of the labs that are producing the testing that

01:06:11.520 --> 01:06:17.600
That went on during the pandemic are labs that were collaborators of the human genome project before the pandemic started

01:06:18.800 --> 01:06:24.880
That might be coincidence or it might be part of the the connectivity tissue the tissue of connectivity that

01:06:25.440 --> 01:06:31.760
That lines all these people up that they're all connected via their their work on genomics

01:06:32.080 --> 01:06:37.840
Their work on genomic sequencing their work on genomic databases on algorithms

01:06:44.960 --> 01:06:46.960
And of course, you know that in addition to

01:06:47.760 --> 01:06:50.880
To coming to the rescue on the double-stranded DNA

01:06:50.960 --> 01:06:57.440
He's also a big proponent of using blockchain for scientific publishing and he's also saving marijuana from

01:06:58.240 --> 01:07:00.240

01:07:00.320 --> 01:07:03.280
So, I mean this guy is a superhero with many different capes

01:07:05.440 --> 01:07:12.160
But we've got to have some hope that the double-stranded DNA contamination adulteration will give us the opportunity

01:07:13.920 --> 01:07:17.280
To have the discussion wherein we say the transfection

01:07:18.160 --> 01:07:23.600
In healthy animals and in healthy humans is criminally negligent

01:07:24.960 --> 01:07:29.680
That's what we've got a hope for right here that the door is being opened and we've got a blast through it

01:07:31.200 --> 01:07:36.400
So to a large extent we've got to share this video. We've got to promote it. We've got to make sure that people see it

01:07:37.600 --> 01:07:44.320
Even if we know that it is it is largely the limit it is the limited spectrum of debate. We're trying to escape

01:07:44.800 --> 01:07:50.560
We need people to see the edge of it first before we can then make them cross through it

01:07:51.840 --> 01:07:55.600
Now when we use both QPCR and forometry these differences these two tools give us different answers

01:07:55.600 --> 01:07:57.760
This should be a concern that they're allowed to cherry pick between these different tools

01:07:58.000 --> 01:08:03.440
Moderna's own patents us patent 10 million zero seven seven four three nine teaches that QPCR underestimates the quantity of this contamination

01:08:03.520 --> 01:08:07.440
And the DNA regulators are once again allowing them to cherry pick between these different measurement tools

01:08:08.080 --> 01:08:10.800
DNA guidelines used to be a thousandfold lower before the NCBI Act was established

01:08:10.800 --> 01:08:12.720
Which provided liability protection for some pharmaceutical companies

01:08:12.720 --> 01:08:16.320
The limits were devised based on the 10 minute half life of DNA in the blood naked DNA in the blood

01:08:16.400 --> 01:08:18.880
This DNA contamination is not naked. It's protected in lipid nanoparticles

01:08:18.880 --> 01:08:22.560
Which delivers this DNA to cells which arguably have limits set to the ones prior to the NCBI

01:08:23.200 --> 01:08:26.960
We have since found Pfizer watts 1f 1042 a that are at least tenfold over any lot

01:08:26.960 --> 01:08:31.280
We've measured before with QPCR which is known to underestimate this quantity for those not familiar with PCR

01:08:31.520 --> 01:08:34.560
You may have received CT scores of 35 that we'll call you positive for covid

01:08:34.560 --> 01:08:37.520
We're seeing CT scores of 13 on the DNA that you're injecting into children

01:08:38.480 --> 01:08:43.360
We've applied these vaccines to some cancer cell lines and evidence that enters the cell and can survive several cell divisions

01:08:43.360 --> 01:08:47.360
We have preliminary evidence although this requires replication in other labs that this DNA can integrate into the genome

01:08:47.360 --> 01:08:51.760
We found two spike sequence integration events and ovarian cancer cell lines of car 3 into chromosome 12 and 19 very recently

01:08:52.000 --> 01:08:56.880
Since these vaccines were expected to only contain mRNA. Okay, so ovarian cancer lines

01:08:58.400 --> 01:09:00.400
When transfected by the

01:09:01.680 --> 01:09:03.280

01:09:03.280 --> 01:09:08.400
Have shown integration of the mRNA into the genome now how they

01:09:08.880 --> 01:09:14.000
Confirm that and you know somebody's gonna have to be more sophisticated than me to check that work

01:09:14.080 --> 01:09:15.600
But I do know

01:09:15.600 --> 01:09:18.400
Roughly speaking how that was set up because there are labs

01:09:18.960 --> 01:09:23.200
um in various places around the world that are using the transfection in

01:09:24.720 --> 01:09:29.440
Cell culture to create controls where they can then stain that cell culture

01:09:30.240 --> 01:09:34.400
For presence of the spike protein and then they can use that as a control stain

01:09:34.960 --> 01:09:38.640
For the antibody stain that they might use on post-mortem tissue

01:09:39.600 --> 01:09:45.760
So these cell lines that are being transfected with the mederna or Pfizer vaccine would be ideal

01:09:46.560 --> 01:09:50.720
For looking for integration if you take them with a grain of salt in that they are

01:09:51.440 --> 01:09:52.960
they are

01:09:52.960 --> 01:09:58.640
Immortal cell lines supposedly that are from cancerous tissue and therefore the way that they regulate

01:09:59.440 --> 01:10:02.080
Into their genome may very very be very different

01:10:03.040 --> 01:10:06.880
They may be even already predisposed to integrate

01:10:07.600 --> 01:10:10.480
And and and have these kinds of events occur

01:10:11.120 --> 01:10:16.800
Whereas regular non-cancerous tissue may not have the same potential for integration

01:10:16.800 --> 01:10:19.760
We need to be at least careful of that, right? We need to be aware of that

01:10:19.760 --> 01:10:22.720
But these again are the cell lines that we are using

01:10:23.120 --> 01:10:25.840
We're never assessed for genotoxic studies. These studies are therefore

01:10:26.480 --> 01:10:31.760
Being conducted as guinea pig to us citizens as we witnessed an unprecedented rise in cancer drug cells since the vaccines rolled out

01:10:32.160 --> 01:10:36.320
In summary the vaccine manufacturers own patents teach that the methods being used to monitor this DNA are not fit for purpose

01:10:36.720 --> 01:10:40.240
Their patents teach the insertion of use of mutagenesis risks present in lmp based mra vaccines

01:10:40.480 --> 01:10:45.280
The only people who are in denial of these facts are the regulators who are routinely hired to work for these very pharmaceutical companies

01:10:45.680 --> 01:10:49.280
Two of these regulators resigned over the wanton approval of these vaccines for young patients who do not benefit from them

01:10:49.360 --> 01:10:52.720
It is time for our representatives to repeal or review the PDUFA Act of 1992

01:10:52.720 --> 01:10:57.280
This act allows regulators to defray the costs of regulation by accepting payments directly from the companies they regulate

01:10:57.440 --> 01:10:59.360
Of behalf of the FDA's budget is sourced through this act

01:10:59.840 --> 01:11:01.760
They cannot be voted into office. They cannot be voted out

01:11:01.760 --> 01:11:03.920
But they can improve dangerous liability free mandated vaccines

01:11:04.240 --> 01:11:08.640
These policies have harmed the public torn our country part as immune nurses are forced to choose between their jobs and useless

01:11:08.640 --> 01:11:09.920
And even dangerous vaccines

01:11:09.920 --> 01:11:12.240
DNA contamination is not part of any important consent process

01:11:12.240 --> 01:11:16.080
And many universities still mandate these shots facing the guidance and approval of the regulators who have become nothing

01:11:16.160 --> 01:11:18.400
Less than a marketing division of the companies that regulate

01:11:18.400 --> 01:11:21.840
Now make sure that you understand that as articulate as he is here

01:11:21.920 --> 01:11:27.680
We could just tweak the words a little bit because everything that he says is true for the entire vaccine schedule

01:11:28.720 --> 01:11:32.400
Not just for COVID vaccines, but for the entire vaccine schedule

01:11:33.120 --> 01:11:37.520
Unelected people can establish the mandatory nature of the vaccines

01:11:37.600 --> 01:11:46.000
They damage people and the HPV vaccine being mandated by certain universities around the United States is the best example I can give you

01:11:46.960 --> 01:11:48.960

01:11:50.400 --> 01:11:52.400
It's really that simple

01:11:52.800 --> 01:11:59.600
And so what he's saying here is very well put it's very spectacular. I love it a lot. Just apply it to all vaccines

01:11:59.600 --> 01:12:01.600
I'm going to remind it and you can listen to it again

01:12:04.560 --> 01:12:08.160
Two of these regulators resigned over the wanton approval of these vaccines for young patients who do not benefit from them

01:12:08.240 --> 01:12:11.600
It's time for representatives to repeal or review the PDUFA act of 1992

01:12:11.600 --> 01:12:15.680
This act allows regulators to defray the costs of regulation by accepting payments directly from the companies

01:12:15.680 --> 01:12:18.240
They regulate for half the FDA's budget is sourced through this act

01:12:18.720 --> 01:12:20.640
They cannot be voted into office. They cannot be voted out

01:12:20.640 --> 01:12:22.800
But they can improve dangerous liability free mandated vaccines

01:12:23.040 --> 01:12:28.400
These policies have harmed the public torn our country part as immune nurses are forced to choose between their jobs and useless to even dangerous vaccines

01:12:28.720 --> 01:12:31.040
DNA contamination was not part of any important consent process

01:12:31.120 --> 01:12:36.720
And many universities still mandate these shots facing guidance and approval of our regulators who have become nothing less than a marketing division of the companies that regulate

01:12:37.040 --> 01:12:38.080
Thank you for the time

01:12:38.080 --> 01:12:42.080
So mr. McEernan and layman's terms. What is the danger of this DNA contamination?

01:12:42.560 --> 01:12:46.480
No fact checker said it can't get in the cell can't can't get in the nucleus address that force if he would

01:12:46.720 --> 01:12:49.440
So yes, the fact checkers have been continually wrong throughout the last year

01:12:49.440 --> 01:12:51.440
This is going on. They initially claimed this could not get into the cells

01:12:51.920 --> 01:12:54.800
Firstly claimed it wasn't there now the FDA and regulators admitted it's in fact there

01:12:54.800 --> 01:12:58.720
Then they claimed it wouldn't get into the cells. We've now shown that in fact that is the case as expected anything that's now

01:12:58.720 --> 01:13:02.160
Remember that kevin McEernan came on my stream two times in

01:13:02.720 --> 01:13:08.160
2022 to talk about the fact that the RNA wasn't pure so that was a problem was a smear

01:13:09.200 --> 01:13:11.200
and that the RNA

01:13:12.400 --> 01:13:14.080
Was pseudo uridine

01:13:14.080 --> 01:13:19.200
Chemically altered and also codon optimized which meant that it's tertiary structure the knots

01:13:19.840 --> 01:13:26.240
That the RNA would make was different than the knots that the RNA made in the virus and therefore it would be translated differently

01:13:26.960 --> 01:13:31.440
And different fragments would be made not only that but the chemical alteration of it

01:13:32.240 --> 01:13:36.480
And the speed with which it was going through the ribosome could change the way it was folded

01:13:36.800 --> 01:13:42.800
And it could also cause frame shifting and even wobble bases where codons are red simple codons are red incorrectly

01:13:43.200 --> 01:13:47.600
And it can also like I said earlier frame shift meaning that a series of codons is red

01:13:48.160 --> 01:13:50.160
Incorrectly in a different frame. So

01:13:50.640 --> 01:13:55.200
These things are all things that he talked about over the course of 2022 as being

01:13:55.760 --> 01:13:57.760
potential problems with the shot

01:14:00.080 --> 01:14:05.600
And each one of those was brought out kind of you know after a few months and you know

01:14:05.680 --> 01:14:09.520
Here we go slowly but surely but we're not actually saying we shouldn't do it

01:14:10.480 --> 01:14:15.280
We're not actually saying to stop take them off the market. They don't do it anymore

01:14:17.040 --> 01:14:20.560
And in may of 2021 I already said that we should stop

01:14:21.840 --> 01:14:25.280
I didn't have all my answers right, but I did say we should stop

01:14:26.960 --> 01:14:30.560
And none of these people have really said stop until this year

01:14:31.360 --> 01:14:36.640
You know and when he's talking about censorship he's talking about this particular topic of double-stranded DNA

01:14:37.040 --> 01:14:40.800
He never got censored for talking about the RNA being impure

01:14:41.360 --> 01:14:44.320
Or these chemical and codon optimizing

01:14:44.800 --> 01:14:50.240
Processes being changing the way that the protein would be expressed or creating more danger or variability

01:14:50.800 --> 01:14:52.880
And never use that to say we should stop

01:14:53.360 --> 01:14:55.360
Even though that was already

01:14:55.520 --> 01:14:59.360
That was already more than enough because again even in its purest form

01:14:59.440 --> 01:15:02.560
Transfection would have been wholly inappropriate for healthy people

01:15:04.240 --> 01:15:08.400
Which somebody who's worked on the human genome project since the late 2000s

01:15:08.880 --> 01:15:15.040
Somebody who has spoken in front of the who in 2011 should have definitely known those things already

01:15:16.080 --> 01:15:20.640
Mainly that transfection is inappropriate for healthy humans. They've all knew that

01:15:21.760 --> 01:15:23.760
And has nothing to do with the dna

01:15:25.360 --> 01:15:29.760
It's nothing to do with the purity of the RNA even though the all of these things make it worse

01:15:30.880 --> 01:15:34.720
Or better depending on how toxic the protein is if it's translated

01:15:35.120 --> 01:15:38.880
That's the whole crazy part of this story that's contradictory at times

01:15:41.360 --> 01:15:43.360
That drives me nuts

01:15:44.320 --> 01:15:48.000
But we're getting there and this is very important what he said

01:15:49.120 --> 01:15:54.080
It's very important because there is probably double-stranded DNA in there. It's probably terrible

01:15:56.080 --> 01:16:02.240
All the other contaminations like endotoxins also terrible the impure RNA also terrible

01:16:02.640 --> 01:16:08.640
What happens to the cationic lipids after they reach the pH of the endosome? Absolutely terrible

01:16:10.800 --> 01:16:13.120
Excited to look at that particle won't expect again to excel

01:16:13.120 --> 01:16:17.280
Now that we're starting to see early signs of DNA integration, you know that the DNA alone may not be the cause of cancer

01:16:17.440 --> 01:16:20.160
I think it may be a contributor. I usually cancer requires a multiple-hit hypothesis

01:16:20.160 --> 01:16:23.040
You need to have weakened immune systems like lymphocytopenia, which the shots do deliver

01:16:23.520 --> 01:16:25.760
You might need some suppression from p53 or bracket one

01:16:25.760 --> 01:16:28.720
Which there are publications showing that the spike protein suppresses those genes

01:16:28.800 --> 01:16:30.720
And if you added an increased mutagenesis rate

01:16:30.720 --> 01:16:34.400
Well, all three of those things can create a perfect storm that may be driving the cancer that we're currently seeing

01:16:34.960 --> 01:16:38.000
The FDA does allow a certain level certain percentage of DNA in normal vaccines

01:16:38.160 --> 01:16:39.680
This is different type of DNA though, correct?

01:16:39.680 --> 01:16:40.560
That is this a very good point

01:16:40.560 --> 01:16:41.280
I'm glad you brought that up

01:16:41.280 --> 01:16:43.920
So those regulations were written when vaccines were grown in eggs and in other cell cultures

01:16:43.920 --> 01:16:47.440
Where the contaminating DNA was genomic DNA of the cell line that was present in the in the vector of the host

01:16:47.840 --> 01:16:50.880
This is very high copy number DNA of a gene therapy vector

01:16:50.880 --> 01:16:54.720
Which has these nuclear targeting sequences and has DNA in it that replicates inside of a million cell

01:16:54.720 --> 01:16:56.480
So when it gets into the cell, it can make more of itself

01:16:56.480 --> 01:17:00.000
That's a very different contamination than what they considered when they wrote those 10-nanogram regulations

01:17:00.160 --> 01:17:03.920
They also wrote those 10-nanogram regulations under the pretense of a 10-minute half-life of naked DNA in the blood

01:17:03.920 --> 01:17:05.920
And we now have that DNA protected and with banana particles

01:17:05.920 --> 01:17:08.720
And of course they have raised those guidelines over the last decade a thousandfold

01:17:08.720 --> 01:17:11.520
So we really come to I think the end of the road of how much DNA we can tolerate

01:17:11.520 --> 01:17:14.720
Considering the tools we have to monitor and measure this are I've never been faster better or cheaper

01:17:14.800 --> 01:17:19.040
You mentioned the term half-life one thing I don't think we've brought up yet is how long this MR have to monitor

01:17:20.000 --> 01:17:22.400
DNA of a gene therapy vector

01:17:22.400 --> 01:17:26.240
Which has these nuclear targeting sequences and has DNA in it that replicates inside of a million cell

01:17:26.240 --> 01:17:29.120
So when it gets into the cell, it can make more of itself. That's a very different contamination

01:17:29.440 --> 01:17:36.080
I don't know about that. I didn't hear that. What contamination can replicate itself? This is interesting

01:17:36.080 --> 01:17:39.760
I didn't hear that before we might have to come back to that. I'll write that down in the notes

01:17:49.520 --> 01:17:51.520

01:17:51.520 --> 01:17:56.080
Don't know what that's about. I don't know what that DNA that can replicate itself is that's weird to me

01:17:57.120 --> 01:17:59.440
Then what they considered when they wrote those 10-nanogram regulations

01:17:59.520 --> 01:18:03.280
They also wrote those 10-nanogram regulations under the pretense of a 10-minute half-life of naked DNA in the blood

01:18:03.280 --> 01:18:05.280
And we now have that DNA protected and with banana particles

01:18:05.280 --> 01:18:08.080
And of course they have raised those guidelines over the last decade a thousandfold

01:18:08.080 --> 01:18:11.600
So we really come to I think the end of the road of how much DNA we can tolerate considering the tools

01:18:11.600 --> 01:18:14.160
We have to monitor and measure this are I've never been faster better or cheaper

01:18:14.160 --> 01:18:18.240
You mentioned the term half-life one thing I don't think we brought up yet is how long this MRNA

01:18:19.200 --> 01:18:24.880
Is lasting the body and again we were told we assumed this is going to stay in the arm and be dissolved because MRNA is just so delicate

01:18:24.880 --> 01:18:27.680
But it was going to be you know not present the body past a couple days

01:18:27.680 --> 01:18:31.360
But now we have studies that it's been in the body for at least two months and we haven't studied beyond that correct

01:18:31.360 --> 01:18:34.240
Yes, just address that and that have a component this DNA contamination it does

01:18:34.320 --> 01:18:35.520
So many of the studies that are looking at this

01:18:35.520 --> 01:18:39.200
I'll name a few Krauson at all looked at this in the heart and found 30 days out in the heart Hannah at all found this in breast milk

01:18:39.200 --> 01:18:43.280
I think they went out a week on that study castoruda looked at this in plasma was out 28 days and I think

01:18:44.160 --> 01:18:46.160
Outside of that we're recently seeing it in in

01:18:46.800 --> 01:18:48.960
Pregnant women inside of placenta, which is a real serious concern

01:18:49.360 --> 01:18:51.520
We many of those studies are not differentiate between RNA or DNA

01:18:51.520 --> 01:18:53.680
So could you combination of both of these things that are contributing to that signal?

01:18:54.000 --> 01:18:55.760
But DNA is certainly more stable than RNA

01:18:55.760 --> 01:18:57.760
They have made modifications to this RNA that makes it last longer

01:18:57.840 --> 01:19:00.080
But I think the verdict is still out as to which one has more longevity

01:19:00.880 --> 01:19:04.880
And I think that's a really important point that can't be made enough that I like that he makes it

01:19:05.280 --> 01:19:06.800
I haven't heard him make it too often

01:19:06.800 --> 01:19:10.400
But I will confess that I haven't listened to a lot of his presentations about this

01:19:10.880 --> 01:19:17.440
It is a very important point to make the double-stranded DNA can last much longer than a single-stranded RNA molecule

01:19:18.640 --> 01:19:20.640
One question I would have

01:19:20.800 --> 01:19:26.400
Is if the RNA and DNA are getting tangled to make like this little triple helix kind of thing

01:19:26.880 --> 01:19:32.320
That they've talked about before I wonder if that DNA can then stabilize the RNA make it last even longer

01:19:32.880 --> 01:19:35.680
Thank you, mccernan. Our next participant is dr. David gortler

01:19:36.000 --> 01:19:42.480
Dr. gortler is a former senior advisor to the FDA commissioner a former career FDA medical officer and former professional of pharmacology at the eel school medicine dr. gortler

01:19:44.080 --> 01:19:45.600
Thank you senator

01:19:45.600 --> 01:19:51.120
My slides could be displayed. Oh, there we go. Um, so I'm gonna be focusing my time talking about um ingredient transparency

01:19:51.520 --> 01:19:56.160
Um federal rules requiring ingredient transparency date all the way back. I believe it or not to 1862

01:19:56.640 --> 01:19:59.920
It's the whole reason the FDA was started in 1906 with the pure food and drug act

01:20:00.640 --> 01:20:04.320
Prior to covid RNA injections the FDA had approved so this is a FDA

01:20:04.960 --> 01:20:09.760
Guy who used to work for the FDA who's kind of making a living now as a sort of whistleblower

01:20:09.840 --> 01:20:14.080
Four different RNA. I'm not really sure to what extent he is actually a whistleblower

01:20:14.720 --> 01:20:19.360
Um, but I've had previous interaction with him. So I know who he is

01:20:24.080 --> 01:20:26.160
Anyway, just let me say it like that. I know who he is

01:20:26.160 --> 01:20:30.800
Case products on patro shown here was the first RNA product approved back in 2018

01:20:31.200 --> 01:20:36.240
So as you can see by looking at this label on patro prominently details the exact structure milligram strength and molecular weight

01:20:36.640 --> 01:20:43.360
Highlighted and green at the very top you'll see it specifies lipid nanoparticles are engineered for quote delivery to hepatocytes

01:20:43.920 --> 01:20:47.840
Although macro lipid preparations are nothing new to pharmacology lipid nanoparticles are quite new

01:20:48.080 --> 01:20:52.240
In fact the entire combination of nanotechnology with medicine is something which is extremely new

01:20:52.720 --> 01:20:59.360
Even though the writing is small you can still see all FDA approved RNA drugs all specify fundamentals like molecular weight and you can see the structure

01:20:59.600 --> 01:21:03.920
This way providers know exactly what they're giving and consumers know exactly what they're getting next slide

01:21:04.720 --> 01:21:10.080
This is a brief slide to show that detail structures are routinely and consistently provided across the board in FDA labeling

01:21:10.480 --> 01:21:16.000
The FDA labeling also referred to as the package insert is the owner's manual and is the ultimate authority for what is contained in the drug

01:21:16.160 --> 01:21:18.000
Every FDA approved drug has one

01:21:18.080 --> 01:21:22.880
Also routinely specified are in are the discrete specifications of which are the active versus inactive ingredients

01:21:23.360 --> 01:21:29.280
Having ingredient specificity is important not only for consumers, but also for researchers who analyze may analyze ingredients in the list against the contents

01:21:29.600 --> 01:21:37.440
Verified structures can also potentially allow pharmacologists to use computers or cells or tissues in the laboratory to scientifically model what a drug could do the next slide

01:21:38.480 --> 01:21:43.120
So in contrast to the previous labels I've shown here is the official FDA label for covid RNA injections

01:21:43.520 --> 01:21:46.720
As you can see just looking at it details a lot less information. We don't have the structure

01:21:46.800 --> 01:21:53.600
We don't have them like their weight etc. Although both drugs do specify a dose of 30 micrograms for Pfizer and 50 micrograms for Moderna

01:21:53.920 --> 01:21:58.080
We don't know why those doses are different if they're supposedly encoding the same thing which is the sequence for the spike protein

01:21:58.480 --> 01:22:03.200
Regarding the lipid nanoparticle doses. It does specify that they're a total of four different lipid nanoparticles used

01:22:03.440 --> 01:22:06.080
But it's unclear if they are either active or the inactive ingredients

01:22:06.480 --> 01:22:10.320
We also don't have evidence of anything talking about the standalone safety of lipid nanoparticles

01:22:10.480 --> 01:22:12.480
Nor do we know the structure is a concentration or the dose

01:22:13.280 --> 01:22:19.360
The lack of transparency means that scientists can't use modeling to test lipid nanoparticles for safety receptor specificity or analyze inequality

01:22:19.840 --> 01:22:25.120
Of note in pharmacology even very minor deviations in any molecular structure can mean the difference between a drug and a poison

01:22:27.840 --> 01:22:30.320
Small molecule drugs can be analyzed very easily for purity

01:22:30.640 --> 01:22:36.720
But complex molecules like covid RNA drugs and its high tech lipid nanoparticles need specific validated processes of how they're supposed to be checked

01:22:37.360 --> 01:22:44.000
Unfortunately around 70 percent of the 127 page document that explains the methodology to perform quality control on RNA injections are redacted

01:22:44.080 --> 01:22:47.200
Much like the document i'm shown here the B4 annotations you see in the gray areas

01:22:47.600 --> 01:22:54.240
They are there too according to the fda's website quote protect trade secrets and confidential commercial or

01:22:55.040 --> 01:22:58.640
Information now i've got no problem calling out the fda when i think they're wrong

01:22:58.880 --> 01:23:01.600
But to be exact i don't know if it's the fda who's at fault here

01:23:01.840 --> 01:23:03.840
I don't know if the fda was just a little bit

01:23:04.080 --> 01:23:09.440
Overcaffeinated when it came to making redactions or if there was some sort of cottosil within the prep act that broadly gave manufacturers

01:23:09.760 --> 01:23:14.320
Confidential confidentiality to redact whatever they want so to answer your question senator the title of this meeting

01:23:14.560 --> 01:23:17.360
I don't know where they're hiding and I don't know if it's manufacturers or the fda

01:23:17.600 --> 01:23:20.560
But i'm inclined to say that it's actually the manufacturers

01:23:20.800 --> 01:23:25.120
The critical question is though should even a single word be redacted if it's funded with billions of taxpayer dollars

01:23:25.280 --> 01:23:27.280
And that brings me to my next and final slide

01:23:27.440 --> 01:23:32.000
Drug safety and ingredient transparency are inherently nonpartisan non-political notions

01:23:32.560 --> 01:23:35.040
Unfortunately democrats and republicans don't agree on much these days

01:23:35.200 --> 01:23:38.320
But both the trump and the biden white houses have called for transparency on covid shots

01:23:38.960 --> 01:23:40.960
The question is why do we even need to ask for it?

01:23:40.960 --> 01:23:45.600
How can ethical positions and pharmacists continue to administer and promote these injections without a full disclosure of what the ingredients are

01:23:46.000 --> 01:23:51.440
On top of all that manufacturers were funded with billions of taxpayer dollars including moderna and fizer slash and biotech

01:23:52.160 --> 01:23:56.320
Since taxpayer is funded the private for-profit research. Why don't we have 100 percent transparency on what we paid for?

01:23:56.640 --> 01:24:01.840
Thank you senator johnson for letting you be part of the panel and nina shafer and roger severino at the heritage foundation for the opportunity to present here today

01:24:02.000 --> 01:24:07.440
These opinions are my own. I also want to thank jeffrey tucker of the brownstone institute for courageously publishing my articles on covid when few others would

01:24:08.000 --> 01:24:09.520
Well, thank you doctor

01:24:09.520 --> 01:24:12.880
Wow, so I I see what's happening here now

01:24:13.840 --> 01:24:21.040
I can see it and you can see it too. This debate is all about the shot whether it was rolled out wrong or whether it was rushed

01:24:21.120 --> 01:24:23.120
Whether they knew or they didn't know

01:24:24.480 --> 01:24:29.600
And so it's fine. I I think what i've pointed out already earlier is important to point out that

01:24:30.560 --> 01:24:36.320
Kevin mccurnan definitely from the very beginning because of his long history in this technology space

01:24:37.040 --> 01:24:43.040
Should have known that billions of doses of m r and a should have never been given to anybody healthy even if they were pure

01:24:43.600 --> 01:24:45.600
Even if they were perfect

01:24:46.240 --> 01:24:51.520
Robert Malone having worked this long in this space should have known that any r and a

01:24:52.320 --> 01:24:58.160
Transfection no matter how it was made no matter how perfect and how pure it should have been given to healthy humans

01:25:00.560 --> 01:25:02.560
They knew that

01:25:03.040 --> 01:25:08.720
Lipid nanoparticles were not he wasn't assured that they were going to go anywhere peter colas didn't lie

01:25:12.320 --> 01:25:16.800
They knew that that this was going to happen they knew a certain percentage of people would get killed

01:25:17.120 --> 01:25:20.000
They knew a certain percentage of people would be permanently harmed

01:25:22.720 --> 01:25:28.720
And the reason why they did it is because they have an intention of using this technology forever of using this

01:25:29.360 --> 01:25:31.200
This this conversion

01:25:31.200 --> 01:25:36.560
Permanently they want to transfect us as part of the way that they plan on figuring everything out

01:25:37.840 --> 01:25:40.560
They need us to accept transfection as having worked

01:25:41.680 --> 01:25:46.400
They need us to accept transfection as having been abused or rushed

01:25:48.560 --> 01:25:55.360
But they cannot have us come to the conclusion which i'm trying to get people to come to which is it doesn't matter how pure you do it

01:25:55.840 --> 01:25:59.920
It doesn't matter how perfect it was made. It doesn't matter what protein you choose

01:26:00.480 --> 01:26:03.040
Transfection your children will hurt them

01:26:04.560 --> 01:26:07.200
Transfection your grandmother will hurt her

01:26:08.960 --> 01:26:12.480
And it has the potential to cause catastrophic damage

01:26:14.160 --> 01:26:20.560
Because of an autoimmune reaction or a dysregulation of the immune system this must be understood

01:26:21.280 --> 01:26:23.280

01:26:23.280 --> 01:26:29.760
While we argue about things like which lipid nanoparticles are used and whether trade secrets were revealed or not

01:26:30.560 --> 01:26:33.920
Not arguing about the fact that 500,000 people

01:26:36.400 --> 01:26:42.800
Have died of opioids. We're not arguing about the fact that countless people have lost their jobs

01:26:43.440 --> 01:26:46.160
Countless people have been injured by the shots

01:26:47.120 --> 01:26:52.400
Countless people have lost contact with their family members because of these lies

01:26:53.600 --> 01:26:56.080
Communities and families have been destroyed

01:26:58.080 --> 01:27:03.920
People have been killed by the protocols which were used to create the excess deaths that could be pointed to

01:27:04.480 --> 01:27:06.480
Has spreading disease

01:27:08.000 --> 01:27:12.800
And this entire talk we've not talked about that we've not talked about the fact that they have

01:27:13.440 --> 01:27:20.640
Confounded a bunch of other excess deaths with the spreading of a virus and none of these people care to do that accounting

01:27:23.120 --> 01:27:29.200
The mystery virus equals the excess deaths and equals the excess deaths equal the shots. That's it

01:27:30.080 --> 01:27:32.080
There's nothing else

01:27:33.600 --> 01:27:35.600
There's no other way that they're harming us

01:27:36.080 --> 01:27:38.080

01:27:39.600 --> 01:27:45.600
He's pretty sure it was the manufacturers it could have been the fda, but i'm pretty sure it's the manufacturers. Okay, dave. Thanks

01:27:45.920 --> 01:27:47.920
as a former fda

01:27:48.080 --> 01:27:49.760

01:27:49.760 --> 01:27:54.320
You've seen i think just five so pretty outraged by what your former agency is doing here

01:27:54.320 --> 01:27:56.320
Can you just kind of describe your feelings from that standpoint?

01:27:56.320 --> 01:27:57.840

01:27:57.840 --> 01:28:00.480
All we're asking for my area of study what i've dedicated the last 20 years

01:28:00.960 --> 01:28:06.320
Is drug safety and our really asking for is just more specificity of what the ingredients are what's considered an active ingredient

01:28:06.320 --> 01:28:09.440
What's considered an inactive ingredient and nothing more. This is completely non-political

01:28:09.440 --> 01:28:15.280
Everybody wants safe drug. So why do you think the fd is leaving out the support information that they require for every other RNA drug?

01:28:16.480 --> 01:28:21.120
Well to be sure i'm not like i said i have no problem calling out the fda when i think they've done something wrong

01:28:21.120 --> 01:28:26.240
But it's not 100 clear if it's the fda that just overdid it with the redactions or if it was something that was required by the prep act

01:28:26.320 --> 01:28:29.360
If there was some sort of confidentiality, but the problem is if the taxpayers had funded it

01:28:29.360 --> 01:28:32.640
I think there should be especially because we funded for profit companies to be able to manufacture this

01:28:32.800 --> 01:28:36.800
I think there should be I think we should have full transparency especially of the ingredients at the very column

01:28:37.120 --> 01:28:40.320
The one how long are we going to discuss this this is ridiculous

01:28:42.000 --> 01:28:48.000
This is not at all addressing who's dying in america who got killed in america who is murdered in america

01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:50.000
We're not talking about that at all

01:28:50.880 --> 01:28:58.160
We're talking about the labeling of a product that should have never been rolled out because of the lies of 2020 and 21

01:28:59.120 --> 01:29:01.120
But we're not talking about that

01:29:03.360 --> 01:29:08.240
By design we're not talking about that in 2024. We're not talking about that by design

01:29:08.880 --> 01:29:11.840
Chart you had when you showed the redactions looking off a lot like fauci emails to me

01:29:12.160 --> 01:29:17.280
But again my assumption is that the fda's primary roles to protect the public not big pharma

01:29:17.280 --> 01:29:22.400
Do you want to comment the I understand how some documents have to be redacted

01:29:22.400 --> 01:29:25.600
There's some stuff that goes on with the pentagon and and the military

01:29:25.600 --> 01:29:29.760
Which I don't know about and we don't have to know about but when it comes to to medicines that we take in some cases medicine medications

01:29:29.760 --> 01:29:32.160
That were mandated that we take I don't think there should be any reduction

01:29:32.160 --> 01:29:37.440
They're protected by patents. Why not provide the information because we paid for it. Exactly. You mentioned lipid nanoparticles

01:29:38.800 --> 01:29:40.960
Extend on that a little bit more. It's the lipid nanoparticles

01:29:40.960 --> 01:29:44.000
I would refer to robert malone to talk more about that, but they're an essential component of it

01:29:44.000 --> 01:29:47.520
But they're also a cutting edge something which are a brand new area of pharmacology

01:29:47.520 --> 01:29:51.200
Nano the mixture of nanotechnology and medicine is something which is relatively brandy

01:29:51.680 --> 01:29:56.320
And nanoparticles act differently in the body than other than than simple small molecule pharmacology

01:29:56.640 --> 01:30:01.600
Because of their nano size which translates to 100 millionth of one millimeter that defines a nanoparticle

01:30:01.840 --> 01:30:06.880
I don't know if they can be detected and of course we don't know if there's only a small change in the structure in the sequence

01:30:07.680 --> 01:30:11.360
Of which we don't have it can be the difference between something which is toxic and something which is non-toxic

01:30:11.440 --> 01:30:15.920
For example, there's one drug out there a drug called tetracycline which every pharmacist in every position has ever heard of

01:30:16.160 --> 01:30:19.840
It has a molecular weight of about 480 daltons and grams per mole

01:30:20.000 --> 01:30:25.280
If you make one change to that if you redact one if you let it dry out and one OH group is removed from tetracycline

01:30:26.000 --> 01:30:30.000
It becomes toxic. It turns into anhydrotex tetracycline or epine hydro tetracycline

01:30:30.240 --> 01:30:35.840
And it completely changes it from a fully therapeutic drug to something which can cause fanconi syndrome and kidney failure

01:30:35.840 --> 01:30:38.080
Now I mentioned it was about 400 400 daltons

01:30:38.080 --> 01:30:39.840
Which probably doesn't mean a lot to a lot of people here

01:30:39.920 --> 01:30:42.720
But the size of just a sequence not getting into the lipid nanoparticles

01:30:42.880 --> 01:30:46.640
That the sequence for RNA is somewhere between a thousand or six thousand times that size

01:30:46.720 --> 01:30:50.000
And I don't know because I don't know what the exact sequence is because it's not not listed in the label

01:30:50.560 --> 01:30:53.680
So it's my understanding that the lipid nanoparticle was designed to permeate

01:30:54.320 --> 01:30:57.360
Difficult permeate barriers that kind of goes back to the lies we were all told that you know

01:30:57.360 --> 01:30:59.360
This injection was gonna stay in the arm

01:30:59.440 --> 01:31:02.160
Be destroyed very quickly once it produces antibodies and everything's gonna be just fine

01:31:02.160 --> 01:31:07.120
But the fact the fact that they knew that they were using a carrier that was designed to permeate difficult like the blood brain barrier like the

01:31:07.680 --> 01:31:09.200
Is that part of your concern here?

01:31:09.200 --> 01:31:11.440
Well part of the concern is also to answer your question briefly

01:31:11.440 --> 01:31:11.840

01:31:11.840 --> 01:31:15.840
And because we know for on Prado and other RNA type drugs some of those lipid nanoparticles were tuned

01:31:16.000 --> 01:31:18.160
They were specially engineered to enter hepatocytes

01:31:18.560 --> 01:31:22.400
And but we don't know because we don't know the structure and we don't know the tuning of these lipid nanoparticles

01:31:22.560 --> 01:31:24.640
And we don't know if there's any standalone safety with them

01:31:24.720 --> 01:31:26.720
We don't know if they were specially tuned to enter

01:31:26.960 --> 01:31:28.320
hepatocytes or

01:31:28.320 --> 01:31:34.800
Cardiac tissue or brain tissue or uterine tissue or the previous witnesses have already testified that they can't do that

01:31:35.680 --> 01:31:42.480
One of the previous witnesses actually testified that the inventor of the lipid nanoparticle lied to him in 2020 and said they'd solved that

01:31:42.480 --> 01:31:44.480
Problem it would stay in the muscle, but he didn't

01:31:46.480 --> 01:31:53.120
So why is this guy now talking about the fact that they could target him to deliver if they wanted to but we don't know if they were targeted to deliver

01:31:53.520 --> 01:31:55.600
is there any more

01:31:55.600 --> 01:31:57.600

01:31:57.600 --> 01:32:00.960
Contradictory chorus that they can put together in the first four or five

01:32:01.920 --> 01:32:04.080
That's in the bottom line. The pharma company should have known

01:32:04.960 --> 01:32:07.760
And certainly the American public should know and none of those things may be true

01:32:07.760 --> 01:32:09.600
So, thank you, dr. Gortler. Thank you

01:32:09.600 --> 01:32:15.680
Our next participant is dr. Harvey rich dr. Rich is professor emeritus of epidemiology at Yale school of public health and outspoken proponent of early

01:32:15.680 --> 01:32:20.240
Covid treatment and critical objective scientific thought throughout the pandemic dr. Rich. Thank you, senator

01:32:20.480 --> 01:32:26.560
I'm talking today about what I consider the crushingly obsessive push to covid vaccinate every living person on the planet

01:32:27.040 --> 01:32:31.840
So we all know circumstantially at least that the virus that leaked leaked from the Wuhan Institute of biology in fall 2019

01:32:32.080 --> 01:32:38.720
The initial cases paralleled the Wuhan subway line too, which passes by the wib the virus contains a unique 19 nucleotide genetic sequence

01:32:38.880 --> 01:32:43.600
That also exists in Moderna patents from 2017 and various other biological and spy intelligence

01:32:43.920 --> 01:32:47.200
Information evidence that overwhelmingly implicates the wib as the source of the leak

01:32:47.840 --> 01:32:51.760
So this virus the covid-19 pandemic virus exists because it was bioengineered

01:32:52.320 --> 01:32:57.520
The wib scientists used Ralph barracks genetic manipulation techniques technology at their insecure bsl 2 lab

01:32:57.760 --> 01:33:00.560
So this was reckless work at the wib that was funded by nih

01:33:00.960 --> 01:33:05.680
Through the dash act eco health alliance money laundry as well as by large dod and us aid grants

01:33:07.120 --> 01:33:12.080
Now this work and the wib leak was what I consider to be the fruit of our bio weapons industry

01:33:12.160 --> 01:33:16.320
That has been performing secretive and nefarious biological weapons development for the last 70 years

01:33:16.960 --> 01:33:23.200
Recognition of the possible possible accidental or intention on leashing of an infectious age and capable of killing large numbers of humanity

01:33:23.520 --> 01:33:26.320
Led to the bio weapons treaty of 1975 that president ford son

01:33:26.880 --> 01:33:29.120
The treaty prohibits the development of offensive bio weapons

01:33:29.680 --> 01:33:33.840
However, the one loophole in the treaty is that small quantities of offensive bio weapons are allowed to be developed

01:33:34.480 --> 01:33:36.480
In order to do research on vaccine countermeasures

01:33:37.600 --> 01:33:39.360
Now this loophole

01:33:39.360 --> 01:33:43.840
Was then exploited by our bio weapons industry for the last 50 years the bio weapons uh treaty

01:33:44.400 --> 01:33:50.320
Limited offensive bio weapons to agents that would address vaccine development so called dual use agents or dual use research

01:33:50.960 --> 01:33:57.680
And this was the premise and motivation of the various virology grant applications like diffuse and so on submitted to dod and nih funders

01:33:57.920 --> 01:34:03.280
This was a permitted rationale for the develop development of offensive bio weapons in that it would lead to work on vaccine countermeasures

01:34:03.840 --> 01:34:10.160
Now fast forward to 2019 many billions of dollars spent on the bio weapons industry over the past decades for all this work on offensive bio weapons

01:34:10.560 --> 01:34:12.960
Where are the successful commercial vaccines to show for it?

01:34:13.280 --> 01:34:16.640
So there's been lots of vaccine research that's been carried out for known harmful organisms

01:34:17.120 --> 01:34:19.920
But minimally if at all for these gain of function bio weapons agents

01:34:20.320 --> 01:34:25.200
And for covid it took a year of shoddy research to produce and test the first batch of commercial vaccines for sarsko b2

01:34:28.000 --> 01:34:30.000
Is he arguing?

01:34:31.680 --> 01:34:33.680
Is he arguing that we have made

01:34:35.040 --> 01:34:36.960

01:34:36.960 --> 01:34:43.920
With vaccinating against the natural forms, but we haven't made progress against vaccinating against the gain of function forms

01:34:44.000 --> 01:34:47.840
And that it took too long because we didn't prepare for it is

01:34:48.800 --> 01:34:50.800
Is that what i'm hearing right here because that's

01:34:51.680 --> 01:34:57.360
That's some shit to agents that would address vaccine development so called dual use agents or dual use research

01:34:58.000 --> 01:35:04.640
And this was the premise and motivation of the various virology grant applications like diffuse and so on submitted to dod and nih funders

01:35:04.880 --> 01:35:10.240
This was a permitted rationale for the development of offensive bio weapons in that it would lead to work on vaccine countermeasures

01:35:10.800 --> 01:35:17.120
Now fast forward to 2019 many billions of dollars spent on the bio weapons industry over the past decades for all this work on offensive bio weapons

01:35:17.520 --> 01:35:19.920
Where are the successful commercial vaccines to show for it?

01:35:20.240 --> 01:35:23.600
So there's been lots of vaccine research that's been carried out for known harmful organisms

01:35:24.080 --> 01:35:28.400
But minimally if at all for these gain of function bio weapons agents and for covid it took a year

01:35:30.400 --> 01:35:32.400
He just said it

01:35:33.280 --> 01:35:38.960
We've done vaccine research on dangerous pathogens, but not on gain of function pathogens

01:35:41.280 --> 01:35:43.840
Listen decades for all of this work on offensive bio weapons

01:35:44.240 --> 01:35:46.560
Where are the successful commercial vaccines to show for it?

01:35:46.960 --> 01:35:50.240
So there's been lots of vaccine research that's been carried out for known harmful organisms

01:35:50.720 --> 01:35:53.520
But minimally if at all for these gain of function bio weapons agents

01:35:53.920 --> 01:35:58.800
And for covid it took a year of shoddy research to produce and test the first batch of commercial vaccines for sars kobe 2

01:35:58.880 --> 01:36:04.480
And how is a year delay even remotely acceptable for a military defense against a bio weapon that spreads across populations in weeks

01:36:04.480 --> 01:36:08.800
So you're to develop a vaccine that for back for pandemics that occur in waves in in weeks and

01:36:11.760 --> 01:36:13.760
How is it possible that it took a year

01:36:15.520 --> 01:36:17.520
For us to develop vaccines

01:36:17.920 --> 01:36:22.000
For a gain of function virus that can sweep populations in weeks

01:36:24.400 --> 01:36:26.400

01:36:26.880 --> 01:36:28.880

01:36:32.240 --> 01:36:33.200

01:36:33.200 --> 01:36:35.920
But minimally if at all for these gain of function bio weapons agents

01:36:36.320 --> 01:36:41.200
And for covid it took a year of shoddy research to produce and test the first batch of commercial vaccines for sars kobe 2

01:36:41.280 --> 01:36:46.800
And how is a year delay even remotely acceptable for a military defense against a bio weapon that spreads across populations in weeks

01:36:46.800 --> 01:36:50.560
So you're to develop a vaccine that for back for pandemics that occur in waves in in weeks

01:36:50.960 --> 01:36:54.320
And and these vaccines are supposed to be deployed before a pandemic occurs not in the middle of one

01:36:54.960 --> 01:37:01.200
So my hypothesis what I believe is that both the virus origin cover up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet

01:37:01.280 --> 01:37:04.320
Were orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bio weapons industry

01:37:04.880 --> 01:37:10.320
Once the general public understood the reckless and cavalier behavior of this industry that had operated under a false and misrepresented pretense

01:37:10.480 --> 01:37:15.600
Of vaccine development that has never been successfully commercial commercially realized it would then clamor to shut down the industry

01:37:15.760 --> 01:37:20.240
And so the suppression of knowledge of the industry's reckless involvement in the Wuhan leak is an obvious cover up

01:37:20.720 --> 01:37:24.480
We have proof of that cover up from the foyer documents involving pouchy collins jeremy for rn and others

01:37:24.960 --> 01:37:31.680
And my conclusion then is the reason why the whole population had to be vaccinated is to show that the bio weapons industry supposedly did have a rationale

01:37:31.920 --> 01:37:34.400
Of vaccine development as part of its claimed dual use research

01:37:34.720 --> 01:37:41.200
The vaccines then are are the evidence that the bio weapons industry was properly justified from the beginning without a successful vaccine to show for itself

01:37:41.200 --> 01:37:45.120
In the time of the pandemic crisis, especially one caused by a leak from a bio weapons industry source itself

01:37:45.440 --> 01:37:48.800
It would be clear to everyone that the rationale for the industry's existence was a fraud in the first place

01:37:49.040 --> 01:37:53.680
Now where I find really interesting besides the fact that he has a know who pin on

01:37:55.520 --> 01:37:58.080
Is that just 20 minutes ago? I proposed

01:37:59.120 --> 01:38:02.400
That the people that were doing this to us were all connected through

01:38:04.240 --> 01:38:05.600

01:38:05.600 --> 01:38:07.760
and genetic technologies

01:38:07.760 --> 01:38:12.880
and interest in genetic technologies and understanding how the human genome leads to

01:38:14.160 --> 01:38:15.520
You know

01:38:15.520 --> 01:38:17.520
The pattern integrity that is a human

01:38:19.760 --> 01:38:23.920
And so that's pretty interesting that he says that the pandemic was designed

01:38:24.560 --> 01:38:29.040
To preserve the bio weapon industry when mark and I

01:38:29.760 --> 01:38:37.120
Are arguing that the pandemic was rolled out to allow the progress of the gene technology industry

01:38:38.800 --> 01:38:40.800
Holy crap. Do you hear this

01:38:41.760 --> 01:38:47.520
Let me say it again. He is making the argument that the pandemic the combination of the cover up

01:38:47.840 --> 01:38:53.360
And the forced vaccination of people was an orchestrated effort to preserve

01:38:54.080 --> 01:38:56.080
the bio weapons industry

01:38:57.520 --> 01:39:03.440
And mark usatonic mark kulak and I are making the argument that the pandemic was used to

01:39:03.440 --> 01:39:06.480
Invert the way that we understand our sovereignty

01:39:06.960 --> 01:39:12.400
So that we could be made into experimental animals and more importantly our kids and our grandkids could be

01:39:13.200 --> 01:39:15.200
As we move forward through the future

01:39:15.760 --> 01:39:19.840
Accepting these genetic technologies as standard

01:39:21.120 --> 01:39:23.120
Proved by the pandemic

01:39:24.640 --> 01:39:26.640
It's a very twisted

01:39:28.000 --> 01:39:31.040
Like almost mirror image of each other

01:39:33.200 --> 01:39:36.960
Because in one sense, these people are all good people

01:39:38.720 --> 01:39:44.320
Fighting back against the people like robert kadlick and all the other bio weapons guys

01:39:45.280 --> 01:39:47.280

01:39:47.280 --> 01:39:55.360
You can see people who have worked in the gene technology sequencing space the virology sequencing technology space

01:39:56.000 --> 01:39:58.560
For decades all coming together to use

01:39:59.040 --> 01:40:08.960
The covid pandemic to make sure that sequencing technologies and pcr diagnostics and lateral flow technologies and personalized medicine

01:40:09.520 --> 01:40:14.400
All become standard practice and standard ideas in our head going forward

01:40:16.160 --> 01:40:18.160

01:40:18.160 --> 01:40:24.240
Anyone else hearing this? Is anyone else hearing how sharp this is right now? Oh my gosh

01:40:25.040 --> 01:40:30.960
And so the colid vaccines themselves supplied the defense against the charge that the bio weapons industry was not actually dual use

01:40:31.120 --> 01:40:33.680
But if that's offensive only violating the 1975 treaty

01:40:33.920 --> 01:40:39.680
So the vaccines had to be dramatically pushed out to be the universal solution to show that the bio weapons industry was actually working for the public good

01:40:40.000 --> 01:40:43.200
And in this context it did not matter what collateral damage the vaccines caused

01:40:43.280 --> 01:40:50.240
All it had to be was the public thinking public thought of this theater that the industry had been doing its worst work to produce usable vaccines non-defensive bio weapons

01:40:50.880 --> 01:40:52.640
Thank you, dr. Rish

01:40:52.640 --> 01:40:54.640
So the rationale of course of the

01:40:54.640 --> 01:40:59.760
The bio industry there is that if others are developing bio weapons that we need countermeasures in order to develop countermeasures

01:40:59.760 --> 01:41:04.400
We need to create a limited quantity of bio weapons. I mean, can you can you just address that justification?

01:41:04.720 --> 01:41:08.240
Well, this goes to my sarcastic comment about this proportionality that

01:41:08.720 --> 01:41:13.040
From a military perspective if one is attacked by a bio weapons agent

01:41:13.840 --> 01:41:19.760
Then why would one have to respond with a bio weapons agent one could respond with economic warfare conventional weapons

01:41:20.320 --> 01:41:25.280
Chemical weapons nuclear weapons if it was that bad that we have at our disposal a whole range of responses

01:41:25.680 --> 01:41:32.160
And to launch an untested bio weapon as a response where we might not even be able to protect ourselves from blowback from that agent

01:41:32.480 --> 01:41:36.640
Is it to me is insane that there's there's no rational reason that there's very interesting chart in Robert F. Candy's new book

01:41:36.720 --> 01:41:41.520
The Wuhan cover-up, and we were all talked about fauci's emails where he funded Peter Dasek's

01:41:42.240 --> 01:41:45.600
Eco-health alliance to the tune of about 15 16 million dollars

01:41:46.080 --> 01:41:48.080
What I did not realize is the Department of Defense

01:41:48.080 --> 01:41:54.080
funded eco-health alliance to the tune of 42 million dollars and USAID which rfk junior says is pretty much a CIA cut out

01:41:54.080 --> 01:41:57.600
I don't dispute that funded to the tune of 53.6 million dollars. So it kind of

01:41:58.480 --> 01:42:01.120
Confirms what you're talking about in terms of what justification was

01:42:01.760 --> 01:42:05.760
One of the countermeasures you didn't mention, but the way we met was in a 2020

01:42:06.240 --> 01:42:10.400
Talk about early treatment. Can you as long as it is an epidemiologist? Can you talk about that fact?

01:42:10.400 --> 01:42:14.000
I mean we like everything on vaccines for the reasons that you've assumed

01:42:15.520 --> 01:42:17.360
Going along with that was the sabotage really treatment

01:42:17.920 --> 01:42:21.280
Well during the time of the suppression of early treatment at joxie quarkman and later I remembered

01:42:21.280 --> 01:42:25.200
I thought it was to protect the marketplace for the vaccines other medications or the vaccines that would eventually come out

01:42:25.520 --> 01:42:29.920
But now given what I've said, I think the suppression was that if those medications solve the pandemic

01:42:30.080 --> 01:42:32.960
Then the vaccines wouldn't have been needed and then the bio weapons treaty would come back in force

01:42:33.280 --> 01:42:37.680
And there would be no rationale that the vaccines were the end product of the offensive bio weapons research

01:42:37.840 --> 01:42:40.800
So they had to be suppressed for the same reason. So can you you've come up with an assumption

01:42:41.840 --> 01:42:45.040
Based on the fact that so much has happened hasn't made any sense whatsoever

01:42:45.040 --> 01:42:47.920
I've heard that time and time again from people, you know fighting into the medical freedom movement

01:42:47.920 --> 01:42:51.360
It's just like this thing. None of this makes sense. So you start coming up with different theories

01:42:51.920 --> 01:42:54.960
That is true. I mean, I haven't been inside the room of anywhere where they told me all of this

01:42:54.960 --> 01:42:59.360
But there's very little that makes sense and you have to think if you were doing this work

01:42:59.440 --> 01:43:04.320
And you know, you're the CIA or you're the WHO or whoever has been pulling the

01:43:04.320 --> 01:43:06.160
puppet strings that

01:43:06.160 --> 01:43:09.600
You're gonna look really bad when stuff that you've done that is kind of nefarious

01:43:09.600 --> 01:43:13.520
But you've gotten away with it and suddenly comes into public view and now the public's saying

01:43:13.840 --> 01:43:17.040
Yeah, but we weren't supposed to be doing this in the first place and look at the damage that this has caused

01:43:17.040 --> 01:43:20.000
Because you couldn't contain it. You promised you would contain it at the worst that you didn't contain it

01:43:20.400 --> 01:43:23.200
And you need to protect your billion dollars worth of grants and funding you get every year as well

01:43:23.200 --> 01:43:24.800
Okay, but thank dr. Rish

01:43:24.800 --> 01:43:26.800
Our next participant is miss barber low fissure

01:43:27.200 --> 01:43:32.160
She is co-founder and president of the charitable national vaccine information center established in 1982 by parents of vaccine injured children

01:43:32.320 --> 01:43:34.320
Miss fissure

01:43:34.960 --> 01:43:41.120
Thank you senator johnson for this opportunity to talk about how vaccine victims have been blamed shamed and betrayed over the years by doctors and scientists

01:43:41.280 --> 01:43:44.960
Paid by federal agencies and if you haven't seen this woman on high wire

01:43:44.960 --> 01:43:50.720
We're gonna watch her. She was on high wire a couple weeks ago and she nailed it crushed it demolished it

01:43:51.600 --> 01:43:52.560

01:43:52.560 --> 01:43:57.760
Del big tree asked her so should we just get rid of the 1986 vaccine act? She's like no way

01:43:58.720 --> 01:44:05.280
It's the only law on the books. It says vaccines are dangerous. We just have to put the teeth back into it

01:44:06.960 --> 01:44:13.760
It's a great talk. Don't miss it. This one is a good one. This is the lady mysteries and by some members of congress working

01:44:13.760 --> 01:44:19.760
Especially since 2019 with political operatives and corporate media to silence anyone who criticizes vaccine science policy in law

01:44:19.920 --> 01:44:24.000
So the truth can be hidden and public conversations about vaccine risk of failures can be shut down

01:44:24.720 --> 01:44:29.600
Today everybody knows somebody who was healthy got vaccinated and was never healthy again

01:44:30.080 --> 01:44:35.680
Of all developed nations in the world america has the worst infant and maternal mortality rates and is home to the most highly vaccinated

01:44:35.760 --> 01:44:42.000
But the sickest and most disabled child and young adult populations that inconvenient truth that feeling public health report card

01:44:42.160 --> 01:44:45.440
Bankrupting our nation is central to what we are talking about here today

01:44:46.240 --> 01:44:50.160
Demonization of a discrimination against those who decline to get a government recommended vaccine

01:44:50.560 --> 01:44:56.720
Or top publicly about how they or a loved one were injured or died after vaccination has been going on since the 19th century

01:44:57.200 --> 01:45:00.160
But what is happening in the 21st century in the name of disease control?

01:45:00.560 --> 01:45:08.160
National security and the greater good is s escalation of an historic denial of vaccine risks and failures that has become a dangerous assault

01:45:08.400 --> 01:45:14.560
On freedom of thought speech and conscience and poses a grave threat to the biological integrity and natural rights of the people

01:45:15.440 --> 01:45:19.760
It has been 44 years since my two-year-old son was brain injured by his fourth DPT shot

01:45:20.240 --> 01:45:25.280
And 42 years since I watched the Emmy award winning documentary DPT vaccine relaxed and then joined with other parents

01:45:25.360 --> 01:45:31.520
Of pertussis vaccine injured children to establish the charity known today as a national vaccine information center at nvic.org

01:45:32.160 --> 01:45:35.200
Our mission is to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths from public education

01:45:35.680 --> 01:45:37.680
We do not make vaccine use recommendations

01:45:38.000 --> 01:45:43.920
We defend the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking and the legal right for adults to make voluntary vaccine decisions

01:45:44.000 --> 01:45:47.440
For themselves and on behalf of their minor children without being coerced

01:45:48.000 --> 01:45:51.440
I'm sorry. How many of you people have heard of the nvic before?

01:45:55.600 --> 01:45:57.600
I haven't

01:45:58.240 --> 01:46:00.320
How many of you have heard of the nvic before?

01:46:01.120 --> 01:46:06.000
Have you heard of it during covid? I haven't heard of it. Not even once

01:46:06.720 --> 01:46:10.880
Well, Pamela, you heard of it, but you're you're like old school

01:46:12.320 --> 01:46:14.720
Nobody else's hurt you have daniel good for you

01:46:16.080 --> 01:46:18.080
For punished for the decision made

01:46:18.160 --> 01:46:24.320
I worked with parents in congress to secure safety and informed consent provisions in the national childhood vaccine injured in 1986

01:46:24.880 --> 01:46:26.720
It was an historic law

01:46:26.720 --> 01:46:33.360
The first official acknowledgement by government that federally licensed and state mandated vaccines can and do injure and kill some children

01:46:34.160 --> 01:46:36.160
On january 4, 2024

01:46:36.160 --> 01:46:42.000
My eyewitness perspective of how and why child vaccine victims and their parents were betrayed after that law was passed 38 years ago

01:46:42.160 --> 01:46:45.600
Was featured in a two-hour conversation I had with they'll big treat on the highwire

01:46:46.000 --> 01:46:51.760
I encourage everyone to watch it and learn how parents trusted that the five years of work we put into that 1986 act

01:46:53.520 --> 01:46:57.840
Daniel I can tell you with with certainty

01:46:59.680 --> 01:47:02.000
As a certain as I am about anything else

01:47:03.440 --> 01:47:06.080
The reason why god didn't take away any of my children

01:47:07.280 --> 01:47:11.760
When they were six months old after a well visit is because they knew that he knew

01:47:13.280 --> 01:47:15.280
I would never be able to handle that

01:47:16.560 --> 01:47:18.560
I wouldn't stay a

01:47:22.080 --> 01:47:24.160
I wouldn't stay a normal person after that

01:47:26.560 --> 01:47:31.920
I can barely cope with the fact that I I gave all my shots all the shots to my daughter right now

01:47:34.160 --> 01:47:36.160

01:47:38.000 --> 01:47:39.200

01:47:39.200 --> 01:47:41.520
It's it's these these stories are tragic

01:47:41.520 --> 01:47:48.080
This lady's crusade is decades long and most of us didn't know who the hell she was in 2020

01:47:50.160 --> 01:47:55.360
That's how deep this goes nobody not very many people knew who's sitting next to her either

01:47:56.640 --> 01:47:59.360
Brian hooker was almost unknown in america

01:48:00.640 --> 01:48:02.640
And he still remains that way

01:48:04.160 --> 01:48:06.160

01:48:06.160 --> 01:48:12.800
More people know bobby kendy's name than no brian hookers name more people know mary hollens name than no brian hookers name

01:48:14.880 --> 01:48:19.520
It may be that more people around the world know mary nasa's name than no brian hookers name

01:48:20.800 --> 01:48:26.000
And brian hooker has all the calling cards of a true fighter

01:48:27.520 --> 01:48:29.520
An adult injured child

01:48:30.480 --> 01:48:37.440
A career fighting against this a track record of fighting against this unprecedented in anyone else's

01:48:37.440 --> 01:48:40.000
I mean look at anyone else's resume this guy's the guy

01:48:41.120 --> 01:48:43.760
This lady barbara is the woman

01:48:45.040 --> 01:48:47.360
These two right here should ban the ones

01:48:48.560 --> 01:48:50.800
Should be spokespeople all the time

01:48:55.040 --> 01:48:57.040
It's awesome to see them here at least

01:48:57.200 --> 01:49:00.960
To successfully secure life-saving and forming recording reporting and research provisions in it

01:49:01.760 --> 01:49:02.800
and to

01:49:02.800 --> 01:49:07.680
To protect the legal right of vaccine victims to sue vaccine manufacturers for product design defects

01:49:08.000 --> 01:49:09.920
And a student average of doctors for medical malpractice

01:49:10.400 --> 01:49:16.000
And to create and expedited more just less traumatic federal vaccination compensation system alternative to a lawsuit

01:49:16.640 --> 01:49:22.800
We're all destroyed by congressional amendments by federal health agencies and the u.s. supreme court after that law was passed

01:49:23.600 --> 01:49:29.760
Following that betrayal of trust congress directed federal agencies to create lucrative public private business partnerships with a pharmaceutical industry

01:49:30.080 --> 01:49:33.280
A business deal that has broken america's public health system

01:49:34.000 --> 01:49:40.160
Legislation enacted in the 1990s and after september 11th 2001 laid the groundwork for the rise of a public health empire

01:49:40.320 --> 01:49:44.480
Which is funded and operated by government and the wealthiest and most politically powerful individuals

01:49:44.880 --> 01:49:49.040
Corporations and public and private institutions in the world make sure you hear what she said

01:49:49.120 --> 01:49:52.560
This is really spot on with what mark has been teaching us for a long time

01:49:53.360 --> 01:49:55.920
Are a lot of these advances were made after 9-11

01:49:57.760 --> 01:49:59.520
To that law was passed

01:49:59.520 --> 01:50:04.240
Following that betrayal of trust congress directed federal agencies to create lucrative that that law was packed

01:50:04.800 --> 01:50:10.960
We're all destroyed by congressional amendments by federal health agencies and the u.s. supreme court after that law was passed

01:50:11.680 --> 01:50:17.920
Following that betrayal of trust congress directed federal agencies to create lucrative public private business partnerships with a pharmaceutical industry

01:50:18.240 --> 01:50:21.360
A business deal that has broken america's public health system

01:50:22.080 --> 01:50:28.240
Legislation enacted in the 1990s and after september 11th 2001 laid the groundwork for the rise of a public health empire

01:50:28.400 --> 01:50:32.640
Which is funded and operated by government and the wealthiest and most politically powerful individuals

01:50:33.040 --> 01:50:35.600
Corporations and public and private institutions in the world

01:50:36.320 --> 01:50:43.520
Now those operating that empire are threatening our legal right in this constitutional republic to exercise freedom of thought speech and conscience

01:50:44.400 --> 01:50:49.680
Past is prologue the betrayal of the public trust during the covid pandemic could never have happened

01:50:50.000 --> 01:50:56.400
If many other leaders we elected had not long ago abandoned rational thinking and succumbed to fear-based propaganda tactics

01:50:56.800 --> 01:51:00.720
Requiring us to give up the natural right to autonomy for an illusion of safety

01:51:01.680 --> 01:51:05.440
Thank mr. By the way, I became aware of you from that excellent documentary, which I would also recommend

01:51:05.840 --> 01:51:10.800
What struck me about that documentary is back then in 82 through 86 you could talk about these things

01:51:11.040 --> 01:51:14.240
You could advocate for your child who's vaccine injured you weren't you weren't ostracized

01:51:14.240 --> 01:51:18.160
You were actually welcomed here in the senate people by people like sander hatching sander Kennedy and and you got this signed by

01:51:18.640 --> 01:51:20.240
Ronald Reagan under resistance

01:51:20.240 --> 01:51:25.840
But can you just speak to what has changed in terms of the public attitude where there was public pressure to pass the bill that you shepherded through congress

01:51:26.000 --> 01:51:29.840
To now where you know, I'm assuming you're not anti-vax. We all have to say that

01:51:30.640 --> 01:51:34.080
We're concerned about things but just talk about the difference between then and now yes

01:51:34.400 --> 01:51:38.000
Well, you know, it's an entirely different situation today than it was back then we had congressional hearings

01:51:38.000 --> 01:51:42.240
I had dozens of congressional hearings in the house and the senate on that 1986 national childhood vaccine entry act

01:51:42.560 --> 01:51:46.000
And the media covered it they covered all of the aspects of what was going on

01:51:46.400 --> 01:51:51.840
You know, I sat for more than 20 years as a consumer member on the unvaxi advisory committees at the fda the cdc

01:51:52.080 --> 01:51:54.640
and the institute of medicine national cameo sciences and

01:51:55.280 --> 01:52:00.720
This past summer we have suffered such abuse of discrimination and I just look you were welcomed

01:52:01.200 --> 01:52:06.000
And serving on those panels back then yes now the elite you know, they are out to destroy you

01:52:06.240 --> 01:52:14.000
Yes, I mean on november 1st 2023. I submitted this report on censorship to the us judiciary subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government

01:52:14.160 --> 01:52:16.960
This the report is anchored with over 400 live link references

01:52:17.120 --> 01:52:21.760
It describes how officials at the highest levels of the department of health and justice and homeland security

01:52:22.000 --> 01:52:26.800
And even 17 members of the us house of representatives asked paypal to defund the national vaccine information center

01:52:26.880 --> 01:52:33.120
They worked with political operatives and corporate legacy and social media to silence my voice and other voices for talking online about vaccine reactions

01:52:33.440 --> 01:52:36.640
And the fact that people who get vaccinated can still get infected and transmitted infection

01:52:36.640 --> 01:52:39.120
Which is true for the mRNA coded vaccines, but it's also true

01:52:39.600 --> 01:52:41.600
The national vaccine

01:52:41.840 --> 01:52:43.840
Something something nvi see

01:52:44.480 --> 01:52:50.800
She's talking about its censorship. She's talking about the removal of their paypal account. I have never heard of this organization

01:52:54.000 --> 01:52:56.000
It's pretty effective

01:52:56.000 --> 01:53:00.720
Censorship that didn't really affect chd as much as it affected nvi see I guess

01:53:01.680 --> 01:53:05.200
Or maybe chd is better organized or has more people

01:53:05.520 --> 01:53:08.880
Um, it's also possible they have better funding than her organization

01:53:11.840 --> 01:53:15.680
I would think that they should be more active collaborators to be honest

01:53:16.720 --> 01:53:20.960
Like chd and I can't collaborate quite a bit. It feels like but

01:53:22.080 --> 01:53:22.960

01:53:22.960 --> 01:53:27.840
I hope that they're all cooperating. I hope that they're all collaborating. I hope that they can all come together

01:53:28.800 --> 01:53:35.200
To push this idea. I'm very disappointed that senator ron john said I assume you're not an anti-vaxxer

01:53:36.320 --> 01:53:39.120
She just told you she is she wrote the law

01:53:41.360 --> 01:53:47.280
Many of the 72 doses of 17 vaccines that the CDC now tells doctors to give to children starting on the first day of birth

01:53:47.280 --> 01:53:52.400
And I believe because our organization which really launched the vaccine safety and the 4% move in america in 1982

01:53:52.800 --> 01:53:59.040
We lobbied for 14 years to get a a less toxic a cellular percussus vaccine in here to replace whole self percussus vaccine in 1996

01:53:59.120 --> 01:54:03.360
And we lobbied to get the live polio vaccine that can cause vaccine spring polio paralysis

01:54:03.680 --> 01:54:07.840
Replaced by an enacted data vaccine that does not and we have gone into the state legislatures

01:54:08.000 --> 01:54:14.960
And we work through our mbsc abacie abacie dot org portal to educate the states on protecting the flexible medical religious and conscience belief exemptions

01:54:14.960 --> 01:54:20.320
Which are integral to the to the true exercise of informed consent and I think because of that we have been ostracized

01:54:20.480 --> 01:54:23.760
We our voice has been silenced. I was we were thrown off of facebook instagram

01:54:24.320 --> 01:54:29.440
YouTube and twitter in the space of seven months in 2021. That was a censorship campaign that was

01:54:29.840 --> 01:54:36.320
Condoned by the highest levels of government, but that also happened to chd and I can't I believe so that's not you unusual

01:54:36.800 --> 01:54:42.160
And you know, I never imagined when I began this work in 1982 that the day would come when I would not be able to exercise

01:54:42.320 --> 01:54:47.440
Freedom of thought and conscience in the country. I love and I thank you for allowing me to exercise that right today

01:54:47.520 --> 01:54:50.960
It was not only condoned at the highest level of governments. It was orchestrated by yes

01:54:51.440 --> 01:54:54.640
Yes, it was the administration. It was orchestrated by but thank you miss fissure

01:54:55.120 --> 01:54:57.120
Our next presenter is dr. brian hooker

01:54:57.120 --> 01:55:00.000
Dr hooker has been researching vaccine safety for the fast past 23 years

01:55:00.080 --> 01:55:04.000
He co-authored the new york times best-selling book backs unbacks let the science speak with the robocandy jr

01:55:04.400 --> 01:55:05.360
Dr hooker

01:55:05.360 --> 01:55:06.320
Thank you, senator johnson

01:55:06.320 --> 01:55:11.520
My name is dr. brian hooker and I'm a vaccine safety scientist serving as a chief scientific officer of children's health defense

01:55:11.680 --> 01:55:15.360
I'm also the father of a severely vaccine injured adult son. Next slide, please

01:55:15.920 --> 01:55:21.280
This slide shows the expansion of the infant child vaccination schedule since 1962 is recommended by the cdc

01:55:21.600 --> 01:55:26.720
Multivalent vaccines are counted based on the number of disease antigens for example the mmora vaccine counts as three doses

01:55:26.960 --> 01:55:33.840
In 1962 children received five vaccine doses in a 1986 the schedule expanded to 25 doses of five different vaccine formulations

01:55:34.160 --> 01:55:41.360
Shortly after the passage of the 1986 national childhood vaccine injury act the law was amended to essentially erect a liability shield protecting vaccine manufacturers

01:55:41.520 --> 01:55:48.800
And the schedule expanded dramatically by 2023 73 doses of 16 different vaccine formulations were given to children up to age 18

01:55:48.960 --> 01:55:54.640
The fda approved these formulations individually only with minimal and inadequate safety testing and the cdc has never tested

01:55:54.640 --> 01:55:57.360
The cumulative effect of the vaccine schedule on childhood health outcomes

01:55:57.600 --> 01:56:02.240
However independent researchers have assessed the outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children next slide, please

01:56:02.560 --> 01:56:08.320
This slide shows the results of a paper that niel miller a medical journalist and I published in the journal sage open medicine in 2020

01:56:08.480 --> 01:56:13.840
Here only vaccines given during the first year of life order considered any child who received one vaccine or more during the first year of life

01:56:13.840 --> 01:56:18.800
Was considered vaccinated and any child who received no vaccines during the first year of life was considered unvaccinated

01:56:18.960 --> 01:56:26.160
Deidentified records were taken directly from three medical practices in different locations within the us the odds ratios are likelihood of a diagnosis

01:56:26.960 --> 01:56:34.240
Is shown on the graphic this demonstrates that vaccinated children were at least twice as likely to be diagnosed with developmental delays ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders

01:56:34.400 --> 01:56:40.560
The likelihood of an asthma diagnosis among the vaccinated group was 4.5 times higher than the unvaccinated group next slide, please

01:56:40.880 --> 01:56:48.880
Affirming and extending these results is a study completed by joy garner of the control group that was published in the international journal of vaccine theory practice and research in 2022

01:56:49.200 --> 01:56:57.360
Here a control group of over 1,800 vax unvaccinated children recruited from 46 different states in the us were compared to the national average rates of the listed disorders

01:56:57.520 --> 01:57:02.480
The national averages represent a population of children where 99.7 percent of the participants are vaccinated

01:57:02.720 --> 01:57:08.000
Incidents of each disorder is shown as a percentage of each group of children on the graphic for each of the auto immune

01:57:08.160 --> 01:57:13.120
Neurodevelopmental and other disorders considered the unvaccinated group there's much better with incidence rates between four and

01:57:13.920 --> 01:57:15.920
brian was my boss at chd

01:57:17.120 --> 01:57:20.160
And brian was made to be the person to lay me off

01:57:21.520 --> 01:57:23.520

01:57:24.960 --> 01:57:31.200
I tell myself the story that there's no way that brian would have done that without being told to do it because we were starting to really develop

01:57:31.200 --> 01:57:34.000
a nice relationship and I thought that it was working out really well

01:57:34.880 --> 01:57:37.680
um that being said I could be totally wrong I could be

01:57:38.400 --> 01:57:45.200
Totally wrong that brian wanted me out as bad as everybody else who wanted me out did but I don't think that's the case and I really hold

01:57:45.920 --> 01:57:49.280
brian in the highest esteem and with the highest regard

01:57:49.840 --> 01:57:55.760
For his courage and his steadfast dedication to this awful awful awful cause

01:57:56.560 --> 01:57:58.560

01:57:58.560 --> 01:58:06.160
You know, it's it's it's not a fun crusade, especially when your son is as damaged as his as sick as his is

01:58:06.160 --> 01:58:11.680
This is a real, you know thing that he lives through on an hour by hour day by day basis

01:58:11.760 --> 01:58:13.360
And so

01:58:13.360 --> 01:58:17.840
For somebody for it to be more real than it is for brian hooker. There isn't anybody

01:58:18.400 --> 01:58:20.400
And so i'm never ever I will never

01:58:21.440 --> 01:58:28.320
Ever say a bad word about chd as an organization because as long as he is their chief scientific officer

01:58:28.960 --> 01:58:30.960
You know, something is okay

01:58:33.120 --> 01:58:39.520
And so, you know by that green book, please 20 times lower than their vaccinated counterparts next slide, please

01:58:39.840 --> 01:58:45.120
This is a comparison of the myocarditis diagnosis rates following the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines given during the pandemic

01:58:45.280 --> 01:58:50.080
The first graphic on this slide is from a paper published by mazari at all in the journal plus medicine in 2022

01:58:50.400 --> 01:58:56.400
It shows the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis diagnoses within seven days of receiving either the first or second dose of the mediana

01:58:56.480 --> 01:59:00.880
Vaccine versus the unvaccinated control group four males between 12 and 39 years of age

01:59:01.200 --> 01:59:06.480
The second graphic on the slide is from a paper published by maborac at all in the new england journal of medicine in 2021

01:59:06.720 --> 01:59:13.040
It shows the incidence of myocarditis within 30 days of receiving the second Pfizer vaccine in the general population as well as four 16 to 19

01:59:13.040 --> 01:59:17.360
Year old boys compared to unvaccinated controls myocarditis is a serious disorder

01:59:17.520 --> 01:59:24.080
And 76 of all cases following COVID vaccination as reported by vares requires emergency care and or hospitalization

01:59:24.400 --> 01:59:28.400
CDC significantly downplays myocarditis as a side effect of the vaccine

01:59:28.960 --> 01:59:36.000
Vaccine injury is neither minor nor rare the 1986 national childhood vaccine injury act requires that the department of health and human services

01:59:36.160 --> 01:59:39.440
Report to congress on the state of vaccine safety in the us every two years

01:59:39.680 --> 01:59:45.840
It's been almost 40 years since the 1986 act was passed and hhs has never submitted a vaccine safety report to congress

01:59:46.480 --> 01:59:49.920
Authorities are derelict in their duty to protect the people of the United States

01:59:49.920 --> 01:59:53.920
Wow and often life-changing. That's a pretty amazing statement

01:59:54.400 --> 01:59:57.600
I became aware of you from an excellent documentary. I would also recommend vast that the

01:59:58.640 --> 02:00:01.200
uh big tree also produced or as part of um

02:00:02.640 --> 02:00:07.280
In there you obviously a medical researcher and with a vaccine your child and you actually found it was so low inside the agency

02:00:07.280 --> 02:00:10.960
Do but I want people way to plot it very very excellent documentary, but difficult to watch

02:00:11.120 --> 02:00:15.360
Very difficult to watch but in your research. I mean, are you aware of the fact does do the fed health agencies?

02:00:15.360 --> 02:00:17.840
Do they have records of vax versus undaxed children?

02:00:18.480 --> 02:00:22.560
Absolutely, they have the records the cdc has a database called the vaccine safety data link

02:00:22.880 --> 02:00:28.560
It's over 10 000 10 million. Excuse me individuals with two million children from 10 participating hmo's

02:00:28.720 --> 02:00:30.960
There are vaccinated children. There are unvaccinated children

02:00:30.960 --> 02:00:34.320
I would I would say that within that database there are at least 10 000

02:00:34.560 --> 02:00:38.000
Unvaccinated children that can be studied. Do they publish the results of that information?

02:00:38.160 --> 02:00:43.920
No, neither do they they do not publish the results neither do they let any independent scientists in to look at that information

02:00:44.080 --> 02:00:49.520
They refuse to publish that results and they really know why it's because the bloated vaccination schedule is responsible

02:00:49.600 --> 02:00:54.320
And is I would say in part responsible for the academic of chronic disorders that we see in children in the united states

02:00:54.320 --> 02:00:56.480
We obviously find that yeah brian

02:00:56.480 --> 02:00:59.280
Robert with congressional oversight go get them order for your request

02:00:59.280 --> 02:01:01.600
That type of thing what types of attempts have been made to obtain that data?

02:01:01.840 --> 02:01:05.920
I've um submitted over 124 requests directly to the cdc

02:01:06.160 --> 02:01:11.120
There's a 12 step group for me too. Uh, but uh, I would I would say I have repeatedly FOIAed

02:01:12.080 --> 02:01:14.800
Representatives to get the vaccine safety data link itself

02:01:15.040 --> 02:01:17.600
It is it is simply something that they will not do

02:01:17.600 --> 02:01:19.280
They probably say you're just not persisting that mr

02:01:19.280 --> 02:01:20.800
Mccernan has a question for you

02:01:20.800 --> 02:01:26.160
Brian, can you explain the finances down there today not sell vaccines at the cdc through a vaccine distribution program?

02:01:26.160 --> 02:01:29.120
Is there money coming into the cdc for for this there? There's a tremendous amount

02:01:29.120 --> 02:01:36.080
That's a really good question mr. Mccernan and they uh, the cdc buys and sells five billion dollars worth of vaccines a year

02:01:36.080 --> 02:01:39.440
Through the vaccines for children program. They also spend half a billion dollars a year

02:01:39.520 --> 02:01:45.680
That's 500 million dollars a year advertising and through public relationship campaigns for vaccinations in general as compared to a woeful budget

02:01:46.000 --> 02:01:49.120
Of 50 million dollars that is being used for vaccine safety every year

02:01:49.760 --> 02:01:54.720
Dr. Have you looked at the cons or the risk of effort ratio of the core vaccines and children now this to me

02:01:54.800 --> 02:01:59.600
Um, you know, there's limited information and I and I bow to jessica rose regarding bears and her analysis

02:01:59.600 --> 02:02:04.400
But when I do the analysis I see that for every one child that is saved from death from covet 19

02:02:04.720 --> 02:02:10.880
There are 30 deaths 30 child deaths associated with the covet 19 vaccine. So the risk to benefit ratio in terms of mortality is 30 to 1

02:02:12.160 --> 02:02:15.680
You're the book you co-authored backs done backs, right? Some of those charts are taken from that book

02:02:16.000 --> 02:02:20.480
Uh, I always hear the statistics of the dramatic increase in chronic diseases throughout our population

02:02:20.720 --> 02:02:22.720
Right, but do you have a basic statistic on that?

02:02:22.720 --> 02:02:27.200
The basic statistics around that, um, there was a lot of good work done by joy garner and the control group

02:02:27.280 --> 02:02:32.000
The incidence of chronic illness, uh individual chronic illness, excluding an obesity in the united states is now 27

02:02:32.000 --> 02:02:36.640
The incidence of multiple chronic disorders, uh in the united states is around 6% that

02:02:37.120 --> 02:02:39.200
That is compared to a much lower percentage

02:02:39.200 --> 02:02:43.440
I don't know the numbers off the top of my head of chronic diseases and disorders in the 1800 children that they looked at

02:02:43.680 --> 02:02:47.280
So that's a dramatic increase. And I think the question is why can't we ask about it?

02:02:47.280 --> 02:02:50.960
What are our federal health agencies doing to research this dramatic increase in chronic diseases?

02:02:51.120 --> 02:02:55.200
That's the 64 million dollar question and you can look at everything besides vaccines

02:02:55.520 --> 02:02:58.720
Uh to answer that particular question, but you cannot look at vaccines

02:02:58.880 --> 02:03:03.440
You're not you're not able to access the vaccine safety data link which has almost 30 years worth of research

02:03:03.600 --> 02:03:05.760
From these hmo's and it should be open to the public

02:03:05.920 --> 02:03:08.880
Yeah, we bond paid for it. That's what the federal government owes to the american public

02:03:09.040 --> 02:03:12.480
I think dr. Hooker and our next presenter is mr. Delta big tree. Mr. Big tree

02:03:12.880 --> 02:03:15.280
So i'm sorry, but I gotta call brian out on that

02:03:15.840 --> 02:03:18.400
I know he's an old guy so he gets it wrong sometimes

02:03:19.280 --> 02:03:24.160
But he shouldn't adjust for inflation. It's the 64 thousand dollar question

02:03:24.160 --> 02:03:28.880
It's at the 64 million dollar question and I think he was adjusting for inflation there

02:03:28.880 --> 02:03:32.160
But then it makes it an incorrect historical reference other than that

02:03:32.880 --> 02:03:35.040
as usual brian hooker cleans house

02:03:35.920 --> 02:03:39.280
As usual brian hooker brings it receipts says it plainly

02:03:39.760 --> 02:03:43.360
Doesn't have to talk about a whole lot of stuff to say what's going on here

02:03:45.520 --> 02:03:48.880
And paul off it's never going to address brian hooker

02:03:49.600 --> 02:03:54.720
Paul off it's going to keep talking about what bobby kennedy said here bobby kennedy said there

02:03:54.720 --> 02:03:56.240
he's never

02:03:56.240 --> 02:03:57.200

02:03:57.200 --> 02:03:59.200
Ever paul off it will never

02:03:59.920 --> 02:04:07.680
Ever even come close to mentioning the name of brian hooker never mind talking about him never mind talking to him

02:04:08.960 --> 02:04:10.960
I guarantee it

02:04:14.000 --> 02:04:16.000
And you might see it that way

02:04:16.880 --> 02:04:21.280
That it's easier to argue with bobby kennedy than it is to argue with that guy

02:04:27.600 --> 02:04:33.760
And so you know he does what he can as chief scientific officer of children's health defense

02:04:38.000 --> 02:04:40.000
He's one of the few actual heroes

02:04:40.240 --> 02:04:42.240

02:04:42.240 --> 02:04:44.800
The ceo of the non-profit informed consent action network

02:04:44.880 --> 02:04:49.280
Which is one lawsuits against hhs cdc and ih and fda in the effort to bring transparency to the science of vaccination

02:04:49.440 --> 02:04:52.320
He's also a host of the medical talk show the high wire. Mr. Bigtree said or johnson

02:04:52.320 --> 02:04:53.520
I thank you for this opportunity to be here

02:04:53.520 --> 02:04:57.600
It's really an honor to be you know surrounded by so many talented brilliant scientists doctors experts

02:04:58.000 --> 02:05:01.200
I would just want to approach this really from a journalist perspective in a layman's perspective

02:05:01.200 --> 02:05:04.800
Which is what I have is plenty of people here can give you reasons why I just want to state the obvious

02:05:04.800 --> 02:05:09.440
Which is just this past week news headlines described a massive study of 99 million people who received the covid vaccine

02:05:09.440 --> 02:05:15.920
The daily male headlines says it all largest covid vaccine study ever finds shots are linked to small increased risk neurological blood and heart disorders

02:05:16.160 --> 02:05:21.760
And it adds on to the title, but they're still extremely rare every article about the study who went out of its way described injuries as rare

02:05:22.080 --> 02:05:24.080
But what does rare actually mean first line?

02:05:24.400 --> 02:05:27.920
This is the graph that was in the daily males article in terms of this study

02:05:27.920 --> 02:05:32.240
What they're saying is rare includes a 3.78 times risk of swelling in the brain and spinal cord

02:05:32.400 --> 02:05:37.200
This means you're increasing your risk of brain and spinal swelling by 378 over someone who didn't get the vaccine

02:05:37.440 --> 02:05:40.880
There was also a 2.86 times risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is a paralysis

02:05:41.280 --> 02:05:46.800
6.10 times risk of myocarditis and a 6.91x risk of pericarditis swelling of the heart issues

02:05:47.120 --> 02:05:51.760
The question no one in the media seems to be asking I think is if each of these potential injuries is rare

02:05:52.080 --> 02:05:54.080
Is it still rare when you add them all together?

02:05:54.160 --> 02:06:00.000
Take a majority of vaccine for example in the standard three-shot regimen based on this study a person's increasing the risk of brain and spinal swelling by 378

02:06:00.400 --> 02:06:06.720
But the first shot they're also adding a 348 risk of myocarditis with that same first shot a 610 increase of myocarditis the second shot

02:06:06.800 --> 02:06:09.440
And another 201 increase risk of myocarditis the third shot

02:06:09.520 --> 02:06:14.880
And these are just the adverse events that were the focus of the study talking about cancer and all sorts of other things that we should be looking at

02:06:14.880 --> 02:06:20.160
When the CDC was creating the v-safe app app to track the health outcomes of the first 10 million people received the covid vaccine

02:06:20.240 --> 02:06:22.320
They had a list of adverse events of special interest

02:06:22.480 --> 02:06:26.800
These were injuries that the CDC had reason to believe could be caused by the covid vaccine that list includes

02:06:27.280 --> 02:06:36.400
acute myocardial infarction anaphylaxis, coagulopathy, death, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Kawasaki's disease, multi-system inflammatory disease, narcolepsy, seizures, convulsion, stroke and transverse myelitis

02:06:36.720 --> 02:06:41.520
Now let's just assume that all of these issues are rare and since we know that the rare has currently been described at least in the study

02:06:41.520 --> 02:06:44.560
Is anything between a 200 increase to a nearly 700 increase risk

02:06:45.120 --> 02:06:48.160
Then what is the actual risk when you add all these potential adverse outcomes together?

02:06:48.320 --> 02:06:52.880
Further still how high is the risk when you multiply all of these risks by five doses of the covid vaccine?

02:06:52.960 --> 02:06:54.640
Are we still in the ballpark of rare?

02:06:54.640 --> 02:06:58.240
Now imagine multiplying all of these known risks by 72 doses

02:06:58.720 --> 02:07:02.960
Now you've just considered the amount of risk that every child is facing with a CDC recommended schedule

02:07:03.280 --> 02:07:07.920
The CDC childhood schedule has been the focus of my nonprofit ICANN's work since the end of 2016 when it was founded

02:07:07.920 --> 02:07:11.760
Through FOIA requests and lawsuits against our regulatory agencies, we've uncovered many inconvenient truths

02:07:11.760 --> 02:07:18.080
Perhaps the most significant finding is that none of the 14 routine vaccines on the CDC recommended schedule were delivered in approximately 72 doses

02:07:18.160 --> 02:07:21.840
Was ever put through a long-term double-blind placebo-based safety trial prior to licensure

02:07:21.840 --> 02:07:25.360
Since this type of trial is really the only way to establish that a pharmaceutical product is safe

02:07:25.840 --> 02:07:28.080
It is misinformation to state that the vaccines are safe

02:07:28.080 --> 02:07:31.280
We have skipped the study that would allow you to make that statement scientifically

02:07:31.360 --> 02:07:35.520
Most people don't realize that there's a list of known side effects on the information she provide with every vaccine that is shipped

02:07:35.760 --> 02:07:40.000
Here is just a partial list of printed adverse events for just one of the hepatitis B vaccines and direct B

02:07:40.320 --> 02:07:46.480
Here are the side effects her B zoster meningitis thrombocytopenia anaphylaxis hypersensitivity syndrome ethralgia thritis urticaria

02:07:46.800 --> 02:07:50.880
Erithma multiform and cephalopathy swelling the brain just like the covid vaccine multiple sclerosis neuritis

02:07:51.520 --> 02:07:58.400
Hyposthenia peristhenia gion barre syndrome paralysis bells palsy optic neuritis paralysis perisis seizures syncopate transverse myelitis conjunctivitis

02:07:58.960 --> 02:08:02.800
Tonight is vertigo tachycardia apnea bronchospads including asthma like symptoms

02:08:02.880 --> 02:08:06.560
Just pepsia alopecia angiodema eczema and stevens johnson syndrome

02:08:06.560 --> 02:08:08.080
That's just one vaccine

02:08:08.080 --> 02:08:12.880
That vaccine manufacturer has all these side effects in the warning list because why it is stipulated by the fda

02:08:12.960 --> 02:08:16.000
That there is a reasonable belief that they are causally related to the vaccine

02:08:16.240 --> 02:08:19.360
That's why they're there. They're not adding them just because they think they should because they have to

02:08:20.160 --> 02:08:26.000
Now one thing that I will just throw out there is I've never heard maryll nass break it down like del can break it down

02:08:26.720 --> 02:08:28.720
And del breaks it down

02:08:29.200 --> 02:08:34.320
I've never heard maryll nass break it down like that. I've never heard robert malone break it down like that

02:08:35.680 --> 02:08:40.720
Never heard jessica rose break it down like that never heard kevin mccernan break it down like that

02:08:40.800 --> 02:08:46.160
I've never even heard any of them hint at the possibility that it could be broken down like this

02:08:47.840 --> 02:08:54.080
But del one of the potential side effects many of them serious and that is just the first vaccine given to a baby on their first day of life

02:08:54.240 --> 02:09:00.000
By the way, the safety study for that hepatitis v vaccine was only four days long and had no placebo comparator

02:09:00.560 --> 02:09:05.680
That is not science. That's insanity. We currently have a lawsuit trying to have that vaccine removed until they do proper safety testing

02:09:05.760 --> 02:09:09.040
Everyone of the childhood vaccines has a similar list of side effects. No, they are considered rare

02:09:09.120 --> 02:09:14.160
I mean even somebody like steven hatville who's now supposedly on our team will never say this

02:09:15.120 --> 02:09:16.640
Think about this

02:09:16.640 --> 02:09:21.680
The last three people that talked are saying things that no one else even came close to saying

02:09:22.240 --> 02:09:24.480
an hour and 15 minutes into it

02:09:26.560 --> 02:09:31.120
How rare is it when you multiply roughly 50 potential side effects seven and right before it, right?

02:09:31.200 --> 02:09:34.720
He stopped and said to the lady. Yeah, you're not an anti-vaxxer, right?

02:09:35.440 --> 02:09:37.040

02:09:37.040 --> 02:09:40.000
And her response was well, I'm infer informed consent

02:09:41.200 --> 02:09:45.360
Informed consent means you tell people that the vaccines can hurt kill and have

02:09:46.240 --> 02:09:49.440
Potentially 20 different possible side of the two times

02:09:49.600 --> 02:09:51.760
Which the total number of doses given to a child by the time they're 18

02:09:51.920 --> 02:09:55.200
The relevant revelations from the recent study of the covid vaccine explains what we have been saying for years

02:09:55.600 --> 02:09:58.960
Vaccines are not completely safe and those side effects are rare

02:09:59.360 --> 02:10:01.360
What happens when you add them all together?

02:10:01.360 --> 02:10:03.360
Perhaps it looks like this last slide

02:10:03.520 --> 02:10:09.120
This is what brian hooker was talking about in the 1980s when we were giving 11 doses of about three vaccines the chronic illness rate

02:10:09.120 --> 02:10:12.080
Which includes neurological and autoimmune disease was 12.8 percent

02:10:12.400 --> 02:10:15.280
Once we passed the 1986 act and we had the gold rush of vaccines

02:10:15.600 --> 02:10:19.360
Exploded to 53 doses as I said 72 that's 53 shots 72 doses

02:10:19.760 --> 02:10:24.240
You watch the chronic illness rate neurological and autoimmune disease sky rocked a 54 percent of our children

02:10:24.320 --> 02:10:27.280
And by the way that study was finished up in 2011 2012

02:10:27.280 --> 02:10:33.760
We have no idea since then how bad this has gotten but what you were looking right at there is the greatest decline in public health in human history

02:10:34.080 --> 02:10:39.440
Never have we watched that many children in just a few decades have their immune system start fighting their own bodies and swelling brains

02:10:39.760 --> 02:10:44.400
And when you look at the numbers that brian hooker just showed you they match exactly what we're seeing them call rare in this covid study

02:10:44.720 --> 02:10:47.440
Five times rate of neurological disorders back versus unbox though

02:10:47.440 --> 02:10:52.240
Even about four times rate of autism in people that got the vaccine compared to those that don't so it's rare

02:10:52.720 --> 02:10:56.960
But it's possible and it's real and when we look at those rare numbers stacked up especially with autism

02:10:57.200 --> 02:11:03.920
We're now at one in 45. That's conservative when they say one in 35 children is being diagnosed with autism roughly one in 20 to 24 boys

02:11:04.240 --> 02:11:07.520
Is that still rare sure sure it's just a couple per 100

02:11:07.920 --> 02:11:12.000
But what we can never say again after this study and what we all now know is that vaccine injury isn't happening

02:11:12.000 --> 02:11:18.640
That's a line it is and we all have a threshold and we should figure out what that threshold is because millions of children being injured all around the world

02:11:19.200 --> 02:11:22.000
Well said del can't ask the questions. Wow

02:11:24.880 --> 02:11:31.120
Mr. Victory regarding the recent vaccine article that's not paper published yet but came out electronically that you were citing

02:11:31.520 --> 02:11:33.520
As the source for those

02:11:33.520 --> 02:11:40.400
Quote rare events listed my recollection was the study was restricted to only events that occurred in the first 45 days after administration

02:11:40.720 --> 02:11:45.440
So it neglects to address anything that occurs longer such as autoimmune disease cancer other other things

02:11:45.600 --> 02:11:48.960
Do I understand that correctly? That's my understanding too and it's really what we see in all of these studies

02:11:49.040 --> 02:11:54.640
It's why we keep arguing we need full double blind long-term placebo studies to license these vaccines

02:11:54.960 --> 02:11:58.720
I mean look at what a vaccine does just by nature you stop someone on the street and say what is a vaccine?

02:11:58.720 --> 02:12:01.840
Do well it tricks the immune system into thinking it's had a disease like a killed virus or something

02:12:01.840 --> 02:12:04.480
That was what everyone would say you're tricking the immune system. Well, what is this crisis?

02:12:04.720 --> 02:12:07.760
It's an autoimmune disease crisis that we're seeing in this country like we've never seen before

02:12:08.000 --> 02:12:11.280
So somehow the immune systems of our children and our adults now are confused

02:12:11.440 --> 02:12:13.520
They're attacking our own cells in our own bodies

02:12:14.080 --> 02:12:16.080
And so when people say well, how do you know it's vaccines?

02:12:16.080 --> 02:12:18.000
How do you know it's not the air? How do you know it's not the food? How do you know it's not the water?

02:12:18.160 --> 02:12:22.640
I'd say well first of all all of those issues all the chemicals in our food are waters being approved by the same regulatory agency

02:12:22.640 --> 02:12:26.560
So they should be investigated but if all of those things there's one product that by design

02:12:27.040 --> 02:12:30.000
Is designed to trick your immune system into thinking it's had a disease

02:12:30.400 --> 02:12:36.160
And we're not tricky at one time or two times or five times or ten times or 20 times or 50 times 72 times

02:12:36.560 --> 02:12:39.760
No one in this room has been through that. Not one of these adults. We say oh, I'm doing the same thing to my kids that I did

02:12:39.760 --> 02:12:40.640
No, you're not

02:12:40.640 --> 02:12:44.080
This is destroying the health of our children when you get on top of the right way. Thank mr

02:12:44.480 --> 02:12:50.160
Whoa, he really nailed that one. He really nailed that one

02:12:50.160 --> 02:12:54.000
I don't know what to tell you whether you like del or you like I can or you think they're

02:12:54.400 --> 02:12:58.720
Scientologists behind them or whatever your story is that was a freaking home run

02:12:59.920 --> 02:13:05.200
And none of these people are really saying what these last three said none of them ever have

02:13:05.360 --> 02:13:07.360
None of them ever will

02:13:08.560 --> 02:13:14.560
Robert Malone won't do it because he's been in that vaccine and been a vaccinologist for too long to say it

02:13:17.120 --> 02:13:21.200
Carried-funded boss isn't going to tell you there's a problem with the vaccine schedule in america

02:13:22.560 --> 02:13:26.480
Kevin McCarran's never going to tell you there's a problem with the vaccine schedule america

02:13:26.480 --> 02:13:30.160
Charles rixie's not going to tell you there's a problem with the vaccine schedule in america

02:13:30.800 --> 02:13:37.760
But brian hooker will and del big tree will and del big tree will say it just like that

02:13:38.240 --> 02:13:40.720
None of you people who say that you're giving everything

02:13:41.440 --> 02:13:45.360
To your kids have us received what you're given to your kids

02:13:47.360 --> 02:13:49.360
None of us

02:13:54.000 --> 02:13:56.000
And so it's not right for us to say it

02:13:56.880 --> 02:14:00.640
We should be ashamed when we do all our kids about our had their shots

02:14:00.640 --> 02:14:03.280
You should be ashamed to say it because you gave them

02:14:04.160 --> 02:14:06.960
30 or 40 more shots than you ever had

02:14:09.280 --> 02:14:11.280
I know i'm ashamed to say it

02:14:12.400 --> 02:14:16.560
That was freaking amazing del that was freaking amazing del

02:14:18.720 --> 02:14:22.720
Can you look at what a vaccine does just by nature you stop someone on the street and say what does a vaccine do well

02:14:22.720 --> 02:14:25.520
It tricks the immune system into thinking it's had a disease like a killed virus or something

02:14:25.600 --> 02:14:27.200
Like what everyone would say you're tricking the immune system

02:14:27.200 --> 02:14:28.320
Well, what is this crisis?

02:14:28.320 --> 02:14:31.360
It's an autoimmune disease crisis that we're seeing in this country like we've never seen before

02:14:31.680 --> 02:14:34.960
So somehow the immune systems of our children and our adults now are confused

02:14:35.120 --> 02:14:37.200
They're attacking the own our own cells in our own bodies

02:14:37.760 --> 02:14:39.680
And so when people say well, how do you know it's vaccines?

02:14:39.680 --> 02:14:40.960
How do you know it's not the air? How do you know it's not the food?

02:14:40.960 --> 02:14:41.840
How do you know it's the water?

02:14:41.840 --> 02:14:44.560
I'd say well first of all all of those issues all the chemicals in our food

02:14:44.560 --> 02:14:46.320
Our water is being approved by the same regulatory agency

02:14:46.320 --> 02:14:47.360
So they should be investigated

02:14:47.360 --> 02:14:53.680
But if all of those things there's one product that by design is designed to trick your immune system into thinking it's had a disease

02:14:54.000 --> 02:14:59.840
And we're not tricky at one time or two times or five times or ten times or 20 times or 50 times 72 times

02:15:00.160 --> 02:15:01.920
No one in this room has been through that. Not one of these adults

02:15:01.920 --> 02:15:03.920
We say oh, I'm doing the same thing to my kids that I did. No, you're not

02:15:04.320 --> 02:15:06.960
This is destroying the health of our children when you get on top of the right way

02:15:07.280 --> 02:15:07.840
Thank mr

02:15:07.840 --> 02:15:10.720
Big truth and time about our immune system centers dr. Sabine haston

02:15:11.120 --> 02:15:13.680
She's been practicing gas for interalgae for the last three decades

02:15:13.680 --> 02:15:20.080
Walking currently conducting over 200 clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies including vaccine studies her risk 200 pharmaceutical trials

02:15:20.160 --> 02:15:23.760
She's currently working on I wonder who this is and whether we should trust her

02:15:23.920 --> 02:15:26.640
Search genetic sequencing lab is spearheading the study of the gut microbiome

02:15:26.800 --> 02:15:29.120
And it's linked to several diseases with 57 clinical trials dr

02:15:29.280 --> 02:15:37.920
Genetic sequencing of the gut microbiome again. I wonder if we should trust anybody who's got their whole career tied to genetic sequencing patient

02:15:38.160 --> 02:15:40.000
Thank you. Thank you senator. It's an honor to be here

02:15:40.160 --> 02:15:45.920
The microbiome or microbes in our guts is our immunity and tells the story and we'll tell the story of covid-19

02:15:46.400 --> 02:15:48.560
And this is why as a gastroenterologist I stepped into the pandemic

02:15:48.640 --> 02:15:54.800
Now remember she's about to tell you that the whole story of covid is the gut and that it replicates in the gut or that it

02:15:55.200 --> 02:15:57.840
It's a bacteriophage or something like that. It's

02:15:58.400 --> 02:16:04.720
It's destroying the bifidobacteria and that's what's causing the dysregulation of the immune system and

02:16:05.200 --> 02:16:08.240
Information and all this other stuff. So she's got the explanation

02:16:08.800 --> 02:16:14.960
For why this all happens that all these other people apparently don't know crap about no pun intended through my experience

02:16:14.960 --> 02:16:20.320
I will show you how difficult it was to conduct research and publish when the research goes against the national public health narrative

02:16:20.720 --> 02:16:23.680
Interference and delay in research happened and affects all of us

02:16:24.240 --> 02:16:31.760
In early 2020 my research genetic sequencing laboratory was the first lab to document the entire sequence of the virus in the stools

02:16:32.000 --> 02:16:35.840
As opposed to the pcr which is just a little piece of the virus

02:16:36.320 --> 02:16:42.320
We discovered that the virus linked so she's bragging that she was able to sequence the whole virus in the gut

02:16:42.480 --> 02:16:46.720
Not just use pcr, which is an interesting thing because it's sort of in a way

02:16:47.360 --> 02:16:53.040
Make sure that everybody that's listening understands that there is a virus and we found it and it was in the gut

02:16:53.120 --> 02:16:56.320
We found the whole sequence. Don't forget we found it

02:16:57.280 --> 02:16:59.520
Good in the stools for up to 45 days

02:17:00.000 --> 02:17:05.520
It took six months to publish this publication at a time where everybody needed to know that it was in your stools

02:17:05.920 --> 02:17:11.600
My lab also showed so she's arguing for the fact that the virus is in your stool. That means it's in the sewer

02:17:11.600 --> 02:17:16.080
That means we can test in the sewer to find out whether there's a local outbreak happening

02:17:16.080 --> 02:17:18.080
Do you hear it ladies and gentlemen?

02:17:19.520 --> 02:17:23.520
That covid-19 in the stools was killed by hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

02:17:23.600 --> 02:17:27.360
But unfortunately azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine killed the microbiome

02:17:27.600 --> 02:17:33.280
So therefore vitamin cd and zinc was added three protocols were submitted to the FDA from our findings

02:17:34.160 --> 02:17:39.680
Three studies were also put into clinical trials.gov in full transparencies to help doctors more effectively treat

02:17:39.840 --> 02:17:41.680
covid because I knew data that nobody knew

02:17:42.480 --> 02:17:47.840
April 2nd 2020 FDA gave us an exempt letter for doing a clinical trial in other words

02:17:47.840 --> 02:17:54.960
We did not need to do a clinical trial on hydroxychloroquine z-pack vitamin cd and zinc as treatment or hydroxychloroquine vitamin cd and zinc as prophylaxis

02:17:55.600 --> 02:17:58.560
April 4th somebody must have called the FDA and said

02:17:59.120 --> 02:18:01.840
I got another letter saying i'm sorry doctor

02:18:01.840 --> 02:18:05.680
He's an exemption is denied that you must do a full on clinical trial. Here's the letter

02:18:06.480 --> 02:18:13.760
System pressures delayed us and we got a green light to start recruiting by may 2020 by then the media created fear around hydroxychloroquine

02:18:13.920 --> 02:18:18.560
It was impossible to recruit this drug was safely given for years for arthritis and lupus with no problems

02:18:18.960 --> 02:18:25.040
My clinical trials companies were also banned and censored from advertising on facebook instagram and twitter

02:18:25.200 --> 02:18:28.800
Remember I do clinical trials for a living and never as a clinical trial doctor

02:18:28.960 --> 02:18:32.560
Have I not been able to advertise to recruit for a trial on social media?

02:18:33.440 --> 02:18:39.440
I kept collecting stools of patients and noticed that patients with severe covid had a certain bacteria that was missing

02:18:39.600 --> 02:18:46.000
Compared to people that were highly exposed to covid, but never got covid that bacteria is called bifida bacteria

02:18:46.400 --> 02:18:49.840
Bifida bacteria is an important and key microbe for immunity

02:18:50.160 --> 02:18:55.760
It represents your trillion dollar industry of probiotics in fact when you turn the bottle and you see the ingredient

02:18:55.840 --> 02:18:58.880
It says bifida bacteria. It is present in newborns

02:18:58.960 --> 02:19:03.360
This is why your newborns did not get a problem from covid at the beginning and it is absent in old people

02:19:03.520 --> 02:19:05.760
The process of aging is loss of bifida bacteria

02:19:06.160 --> 02:19:12.080
We published so it's impressive right because her whole theory is is that bifida bacteria is at the center

02:19:12.960 --> 02:19:15.520
of the vulnerability to or the resistance to

02:19:17.120 --> 02:19:21.520
The covid and so the covid exists the covid is going around the covid can be sweet

02:19:21.840 --> 02:19:25.280
The covid can be found it's still going around and it goes through your gut

02:19:25.760 --> 02:19:28.800
We can look for it in your poop and that means we can look for it in the sewer

02:19:29.040 --> 02:19:32.320
The entire sequence can be found in your gut. That's pretty awesome

02:19:34.960 --> 02:19:41.040
Now the entire sequence could be found in your gut if the subgenomic rna's are being shed and being gone

02:19:41.120 --> 02:19:42.960
Go into your gut and then can be detected

02:19:43.440 --> 02:19:51.440
You would not be able to differentiate between the entire genome being expressed as subgenomic rna's and the entire genome being expressed as a full genome

02:19:52.400 --> 02:19:55.360
That's the million-dollar question that nobody can answer

02:19:55.920 --> 02:19:58.480
Because none of these products are good enough to test for it

02:19:58.560 --> 02:20:02.160
Kevin McCurnan has told us that nanopore sequencing isn't really good

02:20:02.720 --> 02:20:06.000
Had getting long sequences it can do it

02:20:06.640 --> 02:20:13.440
But the fact that when we run a whole batch of viruses through nanopore and only find two full genomic sequences

02:20:13.600 --> 02:20:16.320
Doesn't mean there were only two full genomic sequences

02:20:16.720 --> 02:20:19.760
Come on jay know the limitations of the methodology

02:20:21.680 --> 02:20:28.480
And so that holds true of course also for when we look into the gut when we look for these small sequences and sequence the whole sequence

02:20:28.480 --> 02:20:35.840
It doesn't mean you found the whole sequence continuous from beginning to end in a final viral genome packaged well and ready to go

02:20:37.120 --> 02:20:43.760
It means that your 99 primer pairs picked up 88 or 90 amplicons and you decided to call it a positive

02:20:45.200 --> 02:20:51.040
And yet she was very clear and very succinct and very precise in her very early citation

02:20:51.520 --> 02:20:57.200
That we had trouble publishing the fact that we can find the whole virus in the gut and it's in your stool

02:21:01.760 --> 02:21:07.680
And she's very insistent that her experience means you can't doubt her she's an expert and this is the way it is

02:21:09.040 --> 02:21:16.080
But if autistic kids are autistic because they don't have bifidobacteria then how come when people lose bifidobacteria from

02:21:16.720 --> 02:21:18.720
COVID that they don't go bananas

02:21:22.320 --> 02:21:27.360
I understand they get sick. Maybe I understand that the the biome changes. Maybe they stop absorbing

02:21:27.920 --> 02:21:31.040
Nutrients the same way. Maybe they have a whole bunch of auto immunity

02:21:31.040 --> 02:21:39.600
But I don't really fully understand the idea that bifidobacteria in your gut are by definition the the pivot point

02:21:41.280 --> 02:21:43.280
I don't get it it's possible

02:21:44.080 --> 02:21:49.840
It's totally possible, but I don't get it. I don't get how everybody else at the table hadn't already come to this conclusion

02:21:49.840 --> 02:21:55.120
Then by now in 2024 or is it 2026 that Robert Malone will tell us that

02:21:55.440 --> 02:21:58.560
Sabine ended up being right and it was a bacteriophage

02:21:58.960 --> 02:22:02.640
And it was replicating in the in the gut and not in the lungs

02:22:02.960 --> 02:22:07.840
Is that really the plan it can possibly be paper the lost microbes of COVID-19?

02:22:08.240 --> 02:22:10.240
It took eight months to publish

02:22:10.800 --> 02:22:12.640
If you follow the bifidobacteria like I did

02:22:13.040 --> 02:22:17.760
You will notice and we did notice anyways that vitamin c actually increases bifidobacteria

02:22:18.000 --> 02:22:24.320
This is why vitamin c is important when you take when you take care of viruses and so vitamin c can't have anything to do with anything else

02:22:24.320 --> 02:22:26.320
It's just bifidobacteria

02:22:30.480 --> 02:22:32.640
You know you've all experienced taking vitamin c for a goal

02:22:32.880 --> 02:22:38.240
Well, we published this data where we showed vitamin c if we give it to patients before and after it increased the bifidobacteria

02:22:38.800 --> 02:22:45.840
I vermectin was also an interesting drug because I vermectin we noticed also increased the bifidobacteria within 24 hours of taking it

02:22:46.240 --> 02:22:53.760
Why ivermectin if you look at what ivermectin is it is a fermented product of a bacteria that is similar to bifidobacteria

02:22:53.840 --> 02:22:59.520
In fact, they're in the same continent of microbes. They live they're like sisters brothers in the microbiome

02:22:59.840 --> 02:23:02.880
So I published I knew that ivermectin increased bifidobacteria

02:23:02.880 --> 02:23:05.760
But I said that I can't go out there and start publishing that that's going to be too controversial

02:23:06.000 --> 02:23:14.720
So I published a hypothesis that may be what I was so 24 hours after taking ivermectin you have more bifidobacteria in your lungs

02:23:15.680 --> 02:23:18.160
I mean, and sorry in your gut that that's impressive

02:23:19.280 --> 02:23:23.920
Observing on the front line treating patients with covid noticing that their oxygen saturation was increasing from ivermectin

02:23:24.240 --> 02:23:31.360
Was basically maybe ivermectin increased bifidobacteria the hypothesis on ivermectin was the most red hypothesis in the pandemic

02:23:31.600 --> 02:23:34.720
And was retracted after eight months of being on

02:23:35.440 --> 02:23:40.880
When we cannot make a hypothesis, how does the bifidobacteria increase the oxygen level in the blood

02:23:41.840 --> 02:23:45.840
All right, that doesn't hit me right away sis. This is not science

02:23:46.880 --> 02:23:50.320
December 2020 at the same time that I was treating patients with covid

02:23:50.400 --> 02:23:55.440
I began collecting stools of my colleagues that were at home and started going into the hospital

02:23:55.440 --> 02:23:57.920
And I said can I get your stools before and after you get vaccinated?

02:23:58.240 --> 02:24:00.160
Because to me this new technology of vaccines

02:24:00.320 --> 02:24:02.160
I wanted to see what it was doing on the microbiome

02:24:02.160 --> 02:24:05.840
I discovered that messenger RNA vaccines killed the bifidobacteria

02:24:06.240 --> 02:24:09.120
I knew I would never be able to publish this because it goes against the narrative

02:24:09.200 --> 02:24:15.040
So I submitted it to my college the american college of gas strength orology and presented it in october 2022

02:24:15.600 --> 02:24:17.120
this abstract

02:24:17.120 --> 02:24:18.080

02:24:18.080 --> 02:24:22.640
A research award at the american college of gas Cho beating 6 000 abstracts

02:24:22.640 --> 02:24:25.920
That's from academic centers like harvard and mayo clinic and i'm ganderson

02:24:26.000 --> 02:24:30.560
This abstract got the attention of 18 000 gi doctors who all of a sudden started realizing

02:24:30.880 --> 02:24:33.760
Maybe killing bifidobacteria is why I got covid after my vaccine to begin with

02:24:34.720 --> 02:24:39.360
Worse than that and another abstract we presented was the persistent damage of bifidobacteria from the vaccine

02:24:39.440 --> 02:24:43.760
What is going on here that the vaccine continues to kill the bifidobacteria at the same time

02:24:43.760 --> 02:24:46.800
We presented a link between loss of bifidobacteria and crones disease

02:24:47.280 --> 02:24:51.600
Loss of bifidobacteria in Lyme disease and loss of bifidobacteria in invasive cancer

02:24:52.320 --> 02:24:56.800
It is nearly impossible to publish data that goes against the national public health narrative

02:24:57.040 --> 02:25:00.080
If doctors can all publish the data, they cannot find solution to fix the problems

02:25:00.400 --> 02:25:03.840
So in conclusion, I will finish with showing this this represents

02:25:05.920 --> 02:25:08.240
Clinical trials that I've done for pharmaceutical companies

02:25:08.640 --> 02:25:13.280
Prior to covid amongst them are vaccine studies. Yes, I brought vaccines to the market

02:25:13.760 --> 02:25:17.360
Proton pump inhibitors cardiac drugs biologics for all sorts of conditions

02:25:18.080 --> 02:25:19.040

02:25:19.040 --> 02:25:22.560
First postpartum depression drug drugs that never made it to the market because they kill people

02:25:22.960 --> 02:25:26.640
Clinical trials doctors follow guidelines that allows the industry to provide safe drugs

02:25:26.720 --> 02:25:31.120
These guidelines were not followed during the pandemic and because of that everyone is affected

02:25:31.440 --> 02:25:36.080
Covid should have been a time where humanity joined forces together and doctors needed to come together

02:25:36.240 --> 02:25:40.800
It's a shame that it didn't happen interference with research affects all of us. This should not be political

02:25:41.200 --> 02:25:46.800
Science is a story that evolves. It's a multitude of experiments that allow us to see medicine to give hopes to patients

02:25:47.600 --> 02:25:54.400
Skepticism challenging the current state of knowledge having an open mind must be allowed if we have any hope of moving science forward

02:25:54.640 --> 02:25:56.800
What I saw this pandemic was not science

02:25:57.440 --> 02:25:59.840
Thank you. Thank dr. Hasen uh rather time

02:25:59.920 --> 02:26:03.520
Yes, if you want to take five seconds to name who you think's advertised your research

02:26:03.680 --> 02:26:06.640
Um, it used to be that pharmaceutical companies. We're working with the doctors now

02:26:06.720 --> 02:26:10.720
Unfortunately pharmaceuticals companies are captured by uh, the the price of the stock

02:26:11.040 --> 02:26:14.880
Um, you know venture capitalist owned pharmaceutical companies. They own the cr the clinical research organizations

02:26:14.880 --> 02:26:21.040
They own the site. They own the institutional review board. They own the advertising the marketing they influence the the through the media

02:26:21.200 --> 02:26:24.640
And so unfortunately, there's a big it's a it's a loaded question, but it's a big market

02:26:24.720 --> 02:26:27.520
And what we saw this pandemic was the price of the stock mattered more than the price of a life

02:26:27.600 --> 02:26:30.000
Okay, thank data. Hey is our next to our presenters dr. P. R. Corey

02:26:30.320 --> 02:26:33.760
Dr. Corey is the chief of critical care services the university, wisconsin is the former chief

02:26:33.920 --> 02:26:38.880
University of wisconsin who co-founded in service as a president chief medical officer of the front line covid-19 critical care alliance. Dr. Corey

02:26:41.520 --> 02:26:46.400
Um, since it's founding the fda has approved approximately 32 000 medicines for practically every condition known to medical science

02:26:46.800 --> 02:26:48.960
This massive library of treatments is actually a gift to humanity

02:26:49.440 --> 02:26:51.040
But like all libraries it also contains secrets

02:26:51.040 --> 02:26:55.200
We're only now beginning to understand that many long established drugs have multiple mechanisms and can be used effectively treat diseases

02:26:55.360 --> 02:26:57.360
With either similar or even different pathophysiologies

02:26:57.520 --> 02:27:00.000
Further the longer they've been in use the more well known as their safety profile

02:27:00.320 --> 02:27:04.880
Thus there's an enormous potential for repurposing this massive sort of back catalog of well-known drugs that the fda is already disease safe

02:27:05.120 --> 02:27:08.320
So why on earth aren't we systematically testing them for potential new uses

02:27:08.720 --> 02:27:12.880
Yogi truth as by preheasin and others have uh referred to is that it's not profitable to do so

02:27:13.040 --> 02:27:16.560
Big pharma makes money on complicated new drugs and it effectively controls numerous levers of power

02:27:16.960 --> 02:27:22.080
Nearly half of fda's budget is bankrolled by the drug industry and its tentacles are deep in media academia medicine and other regulatory agencies like the NIH

02:27:22.720 --> 02:27:25.760
And for decades in this wage war and safe effective off patent treatments from numerous diseases

02:27:25.760 --> 02:27:28.160
And I would argue none more damaging than this decades long war on vitamin d

02:27:28.640 --> 02:27:32.640
Big pharma's main tactic is valuing randomized control trials as the infallible gold standard

02:27:32.720 --> 02:27:36.240
While dismissing positive results of other kinds of studies such as observational studies or smaller randomized control trials

02:27:36.560 --> 02:27:40.160
But here's the unfortunate reality these large randomized control trials. That's the only currency now to get approval

02:27:40.400 --> 02:27:46.080
Well, they are not uh, they're not objective and they're not without bias because they cannot overcome the bias of the massive funders

02:27:46.480 --> 02:27:47.920
That are uh bankrolling these trials

02:27:47.920 --> 02:27:51.440
I would argue that the only thing controlled about them is their results as we saw numerous times in the pandemic

02:27:51.840 --> 02:27:54.960
Meanwhile observational studies which are far simpler and cheaper to perform. They can be done by independent

02:27:55.120 --> 02:27:57.040
Bessigators nights and weekends just doing chart reviews

02:27:57.280 --> 02:28:02.640
Well little known fact is that those kind of trial designs actually produce results that are completely consistent with randomized control trials

02:28:02.640 --> 02:28:08.720
This is well known now from a meta-analysis of publishing the Cochrane library in 2014 where they compared 10,000 randomized control trials and observational trials

02:28:08.800 --> 02:28:14.640
And they looked at their results and they concluded on average there is little evidence for significant effect estimate differences between observational studies and randomized control trials

02:28:14.880 --> 02:28:16.880
Can you show my first slide?

02:28:17.200 --> 02:28:22.080
And I would argue that this belief this heralding of the randomized control trial is largely the result of massive disinformation

02:28:22.240 --> 02:28:23.600
Um, I always so it's unfortunate

02:28:23.600 --> 02:28:28.880
They didn't coordinate messaging because somebody earlier said that the gold standard of any safety

02:28:29.200 --> 02:28:32.880
Testing of a pharmaceutical is a randomized placebo

02:28:34.480 --> 02:28:38.800
Just uh remind um, my readers. I wrote a book called the war on ivermectin, which is literally a case study

02:28:38.800 --> 02:28:39.840
There he goes

02:28:39.840 --> 02:28:41.600
On repurposed trial

02:28:42.480 --> 02:28:44.480
Information and I would invite the audience

02:28:45.200 --> 02:28:48.800
It's not a long article but it details the numerous tactics and I would say the most damaging is the one I have on the screen

02:28:48.800 --> 02:28:53.280
It's called the fake and it consists of three different actions that they take one is that they design and conduct trials with predetermined results

02:28:53.280 --> 02:28:57.360
They did that repeatedly in the pandemic particularly negative studies to show that hydroxychloroquine or evanecan didn't work

02:28:57.600 --> 02:29:00.880
And then they only they selectively published only those negative studies and they censor positive studies

02:29:01.200 --> 02:29:05.040
This cynical manipulation of evidence-based medicine is not a secret as far back as 2009 dr

02:29:05.040 --> 02:29:08.080
Marsha angel the long time editor of the new journal of medicine issued this prescient warning

02:29:08.160 --> 02:29:11.360
Quote is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published

02:29:11.440 --> 02:29:14.320
Order rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines

02:29:14.640 --> 02:29:16.880
No one knows the total amount of money provided by drug companies to physicians

02:29:16.960 --> 02:29:21.440
But I estimate from the annual reports of the top nine us based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year in north america

02:29:21.600 --> 02:29:24.640
We found out uh a couple weeks ago that cori is getting about

02:29:25.760 --> 02:29:29.760
$230,000 a year from flcc as their director or whatever

02:29:29.760 --> 02:29:31.200
That's kind of cool good for him

02:29:31.200 --> 02:29:31.840
End quote

02:29:31.840 --> 02:29:36.080
This creeping decades long war on all patent drugs went into overdrive during the pandemic when big pharma turns its guns against early treatments for

02:29:36.080 --> 02:29:36.880

02:29:36.880 --> 02:29:38.560
Using their control over the high-pack medical journals

02:29:38.560 --> 02:29:40.960
They consistently published studies designed to show predetermined negative results

02:29:41.040 --> 02:29:44.240
With the size of these studies and the control over the journals they managed to convince the world of a lack of efficacy

02:29:44.320 --> 02:29:47.360
Using only a handful of studies despite hundreds of others concluding efficacy

02:29:47.680 --> 02:29:50.160
Further these studies numerous fatal flaws were ignored for example

02:29:50.160 --> 02:29:51.840
The Peru to prove a medicine didn't work

02:29:51.920 --> 02:29:55.520
They consistently used the lowest doses for the shortest courses while enrolling patients as late as possible into these

02:29:55.520 --> 02:29:57.280
While including only the mildest cases

02:29:57.280 --> 02:30:00.880
They did the exact opposite actions when they were trying to prove something was effective like pack slow

02:30:00.880 --> 02:30:04.400
But those child designs were mirror images of each other. Uh, they were opposites. Can you show the next slide please?

02:30:04.880 --> 02:30:08.080
This is what's called the forest plot that shows 43 effective medicines and covid

02:30:08.160 --> 02:30:10.960
I've circled the only ones that were approved for use in the United States

02:30:11.040 --> 02:30:12.160
And actually the circles are off

02:30:12.160 --> 02:30:15.920
But if you look you probably can't see it, but if you look at the costs the only things approved in the United States

02:30:16.640 --> 02:30:20.080
All costs ending many hundreds if not thousands of dollars every zero of $1 $2

02:30:20.080 --> 02:30:22.640
$5 medicine was completely ignored and never would reach regulatory approval

02:30:23.120 --> 02:30:25.440
Um further when they did not get the result they wanted in several instances

02:30:25.440 --> 02:30:28.400
They were forced to change the original endpoint as opposed to never event and research science

02:30:28.480 --> 02:30:34.080
And despite these manipulations each of these studies publications launched massive negative PR campaigns and recommendations from health agencies against the use of these

02:30:34.080 --> 02:30:36.080
Inexpensive safe repurpose drugs last slide

02:30:36.560 --> 02:30:38.880
If you look, this is just a little summary of the evidence base as we sit here today

02:30:39.280 --> 02:30:45.280
Uh as of uh today there have been 420 controlled trials studying hydroxychloroquine and covid that includes over half a million patients

02:30:45.360 --> 02:30:52.400
With ivermectin there have been 100 controlled trials with over 125,000 patients and summary analyses of these evidence bases all show large magnitudes statistically significant benefits in all important outcomes

02:30:52.800 --> 02:30:58.720
Yet in this country ivermectin is considered an ineffective horse dewormer and hydroxychloroquine the drug of fringe quack right wing anti-vaxxers

02:30:59.120 --> 02:31:00.240
So what's the way forward from here?

02:31:00.240 --> 02:31:04.000
We need to create a framework to test off-patent and off-label drugs and model their clinical benefits and cost savings

02:31:04.560 --> 02:31:07.280
We have that it's called the domain program

02:31:08.320 --> 02:31:11.600
Robert Malone knows all about it. He can tell you exactly how he

02:31:12.320 --> 02:31:18.480
Used an x model of an x-ray crystallography of the three cl protease and he interfaced that with all

02:31:18.880 --> 02:31:24.560
Known drugs and pharmaceuticals on the fda roster in less than three weeks mostly with a volunteer team

02:31:25.040 --> 02:31:27.040

02:31:27.040 --> 02:31:29.840
Don't need to do that that that's already been cracked

02:31:30.320 --> 02:31:34.160
The guys sitting right next to you. You've toured the world with him for three years

02:31:34.160 --> 02:31:39.840
You're not aware that we already got that thing figured out public private partnership of the verse independent unconflicted stakeholders accountable to congress

02:31:39.840 --> 02:31:43.680
Could conduct sustained independent systematic studies of repurpose drugs that would complement fda review

02:31:43.840 --> 02:31:46.160
Clinical practice and the role of natural immune health it won't be easy

02:31:46.160 --> 02:31:48.400
But if physicians health care leaders and politicians unite on this call to action

02:31:48.480 --> 02:31:51.360
We can push the system towards greater accountability and help more people in the process. Thank you. Thank you

02:31:51.840 --> 02:31:57.040
I remember in december of 2020. I specifically asked Francis Collins this after you have hearings in november and youth in december

02:31:57.200 --> 02:32:00.320
But what is the NIH doing in terms of exploring these molecules as generic drugs?

02:32:00.320 --> 02:32:02.880
He's all centered we spent hundreds of millions of dollars exploring this and said well good

02:32:02.880 --> 02:32:06.000
Send me the information on it wouldn't surprise you that too. I never got that information

02:32:06.160 --> 02:32:07.680
What what can what can doctors do?

02:32:07.680 --> 02:32:13.120
I mean what resources can they research and quite honestly what can patients do to find this information find doctors who actually you

02:32:13.360 --> 02:32:15.360
you know think outside the box and

02:32:15.360 --> 02:32:20.240
Do something other than what big pharma tells them to do I would say the best answer as of right now would be my nonprofit organization

02:32:20.400 --> 02:32:22.000
co-founded by professor paul america

02:32:22.000 --> 02:32:26.240
We have done immense amount of work at looking to roll of safe available repurpose medicines in a number of disease models

02:32:26.240 --> 02:32:27.840
And I think I think that would be the start of a resource

02:32:27.840 --> 02:32:29.520
But you know we're just a little nonprofit

02:32:29.520 --> 02:32:31.920
This is a major issue that affects a massive population not only in the u.s

02:32:31.920 --> 02:32:33.120
But around the world and

02:32:33.120 --> 02:32:37.520
Clearly we need more resources put to this to the study of these medicines and as my colleagues have eluded

02:32:37.520 --> 02:32:41.600
There's just no financial incentive to do that for those that control literally public health and medicine in general

02:32:41.600 --> 02:32:44.640
They're they this is the enemy this is the Achilles heel of the entire pharmaceutical industry

02:32:44.640 --> 02:32:50.000
They they are terrified of repurposed drugs you will never get a repurposed drug to reach a regulatory approval if there's

02:32:50.240 --> 02:32:52.320
More profitable alternatives mr. Kieran has question

02:32:52.880 --> 02:32:57.520
Yes, I just wanted to highlight the asymmetry and the publication that's going on here because Del brought up this great paper of 99 million patients

02:32:57.680 --> 02:33:01.360
If you go to that paper, it was funded it was 10 million dollar study and it was funded by the cdc and hhs

02:33:01.360 --> 02:33:04.320
Which both have I mean the hhs has 400 million dollars in vaccine royalty and cdc

02:33:04.320 --> 02:33:06.320
We go from brine hooker has has vaccine money

02:33:06.320 --> 02:33:08.720
And yet their paper is heralded all over the place and if you look at that paper

02:33:08.720 --> 02:33:10.160
It says data not available

02:33:10.160 --> 02:33:11.840
I'm working on the human genome project with taxpayer funded money

02:33:11.840 --> 02:33:15.680
We put data public every 24 hours who need to this and then folks like yourselves to be in jessica and pr

02:33:15.680 --> 02:33:17.680
You put data out and you get retracted

02:33:17.680 --> 02:33:20.560
And your data is available. So there's just a massive asymmetry in peer review right now

02:33:20.560 --> 02:33:22.320
That is also captured in the topic that needs to be addressed

02:33:23.040 --> 02:33:23.840
Thank you all

02:33:23.840 --> 02:33:30.960
Our next there is a asymmetry in peer review that needs to be addressed that he has a blockchain solution for just in case you're worried

02:33:31.040 --> 02:33:32.960
He's got one, you know

02:33:32.960 --> 02:33:37.120
It's not just sequencing and the double stranded adulteration of the

02:33:38.000 --> 02:33:40.800
Of the covid shot that this guy's got under control

02:33:40.800 --> 02:33:45.040
He's also got a blockchain solution for this asymmetry in peer review

02:33:45.040 --> 02:33:46.720
Presenter is dr. Christian perone

02:33:46.720 --> 02:33:48.960
MD and PhD he is a professor of infectious disease in paris

02:33:48.960 --> 02:33:51.600
He was chairman of official committees on vaccination and communicable diseases

02:33:51.600 --> 02:33:54.800
He was vice chairman of the european vaccination group at world health organization dr perone

02:33:54.800 --> 02:33:57.200
And tell me how it pronounced that if i'm pronouncing it incorrectly

02:33:57.200 --> 02:33:58.400
Thank you senator

02:33:58.400 --> 02:33:59.440

02:33:59.440 --> 02:34:05.840
At the very beginning of the covid crisis i realized that dissenting opinions were subjected to pressure and even phrase and i experienced that myself

02:34:06.400 --> 02:34:11.600
Because i was considered at that time because during 15 years i was working with the different ministers

02:34:11.920 --> 02:34:16.080
As a nice guy and a competent expert and from one day to another i was

02:34:16.640 --> 02:34:19.680
They wanted to suppress my voice and there was a dangerous person and

02:34:20.720 --> 02:34:21.280

02:34:21.280 --> 02:34:24.320
2020 we published with colleagues in my department our

02:34:24.960 --> 02:34:28.320
Fantastic experience with the combination of hypoxic working as it from my scene

02:34:28.560 --> 02:34:34.400
Is a we had the lowest mortality in all the paris area and the lowest in france just like a digital route in massay

02:34:34.400 --> 02:34:36.400
So that was unacceptable for the authorities

02:34:37.120 --> 02:34:40.800
They made pressure my colleagues we had to they were threatened for their career

02:34:40.800 --> 02:34:44.080
We had to withdraw the article from it was terrible and as a reward

02:34:44.080 --> 02:34:50.400
Also, I was fired from my position of the head of the infectious disease department in my hospital position, which I occupied for 26 years

02:34:51.520 --> 02:34:58.560
And at that time I saw that many fake data and even fraudulist articles were published even in the major medical journal for me

02:34:58.560 --> 02:35:05.120
It was really a terrible problem and you all know about the first big scandal the so-called lancet gate where the lancet journal published

02:35:05.760 --> 02:35:09.520
So called a huge study demonstrating by hydroxychloroquine was not effective and very dangerous

02:35:10.080 --> 02:35:14.160
It appeared rapidly that it was fraudulist. It was also acknowledged by the authors by the journal

02:35:14.160 --> 02:35:16.400
But our minister of health at that time will give you a answer

02:35:16.400 --> 02:35:19.360
They after the publication of the lancet study sign a big prayer

02:35:19.360 --> 02:35:25.520
If not not the name in English would be create something like that to to forbid the prescription of hydroxychloroquine in france for gps

02:35:27.120 --> 02:35:29.120
And when a few days later

02:35:29.280 --> 02:35:32.960
It was a published worldwide that the article was fraudulist he never suppressed

02:35:33.760 --> 02:35:35.280

02:35:35.280 --> 02:35:42.560
But he just signed before so I said in the french media at the end of june 2020 that the government was responsible for around

02:35:43.120 --> 02:35:46.000
25,000 excess deaths in france due to the

02:35:48.080 --> 02:35:52.160
The lack of possibility to prescribe hydroxychloroquine. So of course we wanted to

02:35:53.200 --> 02:35:54.560

02:35:54.560 --> 02:35:59.600
to block my voice in the media and they succeeded so with some experts from different backgrounds

02:36:00.400 --> 02:36:04.880
And we created an association nonprofit association called bonsons that are bonsons in french

02:36:04.880 --> 02:36:09.280
It's common sense because we analyze all the medical publications and when we saw data that were not

02:36:10.160 --> 02:36:12.160
realistic fake data or

02:36:12.160 --> 02:36:15.520
Also fraudulist articles we responded by publishing articles

02:36:16.000 --> 02:36:19.760
In peer reviewed journals and it was much more powerful to protest that way just to shout in the

02:36:20.320 --> 02:36:24.560
On the TV and we did that and I thank all my colleagues who did that and also

02:36:25.440 --> 02:36:30.240
We filed complaints so legal actions to attack some decisions of the government to support

02:36:30.880 --> 02:36:32.880
the victims of the so-called vaccine

02:36:33.280 --> 02:36:35.280
The problem is when a fake

02:36:35.360 --> 02:36:43.280
Information is present in the medical journals all the public media relay that in the worldwide that when we publish a counter expertise with the truth

02:36:43.600 --> 02:36:48.160
Nobody speak about it. Oh, it's just I'm gonna fast forward to this guy if you don't mind

02:36:48.720 --> 02:36:50.960
He's not really saying very much. He's not a bad guy

02:36:50.960 --> 02:36:56.200
I just don't want to listen to him anymore. We're gonna. I want to get done and we're already in the third hour fake information

02:36:56.200 --> 02:36:58.200
So contingency

02:37:02.000 --> 02:37:05.680
Germany what was the powerful interests sabotaging early treatment in france

02:37:06.640 --> 02:37:10.400
The powerful interest I mean if it wasn't the vaccine manufacturers which you don't have in this case in france

02:37:10.400 --> 02:37:13.680
I mean is it the media is the world health organization? I mean what what elite group?

02:37:14.480 --> 02:37:18.080
Created the environment to first of all pass that obnoxious law against free speech

02:37:19.040 --> 02:37:21.520
What's happening in france? I mean who's who's fallen the strings there?

02:37:22.160 --> 02:37:26.040
What's happened is the media completely under control of the authorities so

02:37:27.200 --> 02:37:32.560
All the dissident voices are suppressed under the favor on the TV all some so-called key opinion leaders

02:37:32.560 --> 02:37:38.720
What's the we could seem for my girls and I would think that in my book cuts and I ask you that you please persevere because what happens in the

02:37:38.720 --> 02:37:43.920
US affects us all around the world all right to give you a little bit of context global policies around COVID-19 vaccines were of course

02:37:44.240 --> 02:37:59.040
Dictatorial and discriminatory leading to the persecution of unvaccinated people such as myself and also leading to vaccine injuries these policies were justified via claims about the vaccines as effectiveness and safety now recent research published in major medical journals reveals that these claims were highly okay, so I know what he's going to say this guy's name is

02:38:00.480 --> 02:38:02.480
Ladda Laddister

02:38:02.480 --> 02:38:04.480
I want to get to Randy

02:38:05.120 --> 02:38:11.360
I want to get to Randy if you've never heard of Randy before Randy's the bomb so we're going to go right through to Randy here

02:38:12.320 --> 02:38:17.280
I'm sure this guy's got great things to say too, but I just don't have time for it anymore. I want to hear Randy

02:38:23.520 --> 02:38:28.100
And host of the rest of the story with our Logan Miss Logan, thank you senator Johnson. Oh my gosh

02:38:28.100 --> 02:38:33.280
I was asked to testify on media censorship and the First Amendment the importance of free speech

02:38:33.760 --> 02:38:37.760
And I do want to say that it is an honor and a privilege to be here with all of you and with you senator Johnson

02:38:37.760 --> 02:38:39.760
Thank you for hosting this rogue committee

02:38:42.320 --> 02:38:46.480
It's it's important to all of us because of everything discussed today that we address the

02:38:46.960 --> 02:38:50.320
The vital principles and values that exist really only in the United States

02:38:50.800 --> 02:38:51.440
Is it okay?

02:38:51.440 --> 02:38:54.800
Is it okay if I go on from this one and don't listen to her talk either

02:38:55.200 --> 02:38:58.480
I'm not trying to insult her or say that I don't want to listen to a lady

02:38:58.960 --> 02:39:02.320
But I want to hear Randy talk. Is that okay? Can I do that?

02:39:11.360 --> 02:39:13.360
Dell watch yourself there

02:39:14.160 --> 02:39:16.640
Watch yourself. Dell keep your eyes up

02:39:18.640 --> 02:39:20.640
Anyway, just joking

02:39:21.040 --> 02:39:23.360
Dell's got to be exhausted. I mean man. Oh, man

02:39:23.360 --> 02:39:27.920
What did he have to wait like an hour to speak and then he spoke for 15 minutes and now he's got to wait another hour

02:39:28.000 --> 02:39:30.000
Like that's a lot of sitting around

02:39:30.240 --> 02:39:36.080
Okay, here we go patient propaganda researcher who has become who's been presenting on covert and over systems of public control for over 20 years

02:39:42.160 --> 02:39:48.160
Thank you senator, it's an honor to be here and honored to be with the contributors here today

02:39:49.680 --> 02:39:56.800
Hidden from the public what's being purposely hidden from the public is any sort of visual or auditory input that would offer a counter narrative

02:39:57.440 --> 02:39:59.840
To the political gospel preached by the ruling group

02:40:00.400 --> 02:40:04.160
We are indeed encountering massive sense of censorship in this exact way

02:40:04.560 --> 02:40:09.120
Yet what looks like censorship is the documented hijacking of the subconscious mind pathway

02:40:09.520 --> 02:40:14.000
Which has proven the primary modality by which humans determine what behaviors and beliefs

02:40:14.320 --> 02:40:17.920
They will adopt as their own in order that they find safety in the bigger group

02:40:18.400 --> 02:40:24.880
The statistical proof of this psychic hijack is every other statistic that will be offered here by the speakers on this panel

02:40:25.360 --> 02:40:28.480
In order for humans to walk off a cliff on mass in this fashion

02:40:28.880 --> 02:40:31.680
Information manipulation will always be at the heart of the operation

02:40:32.240 --> 02:40:39.040
In order for all these speakers to be here today with each proving that if they could just come to the realization that they've

02:40:39.120 --> 02:40:42.800
Been manipulated into imagining a virus that wasn't possible

02:40:43.200 --> 02:40:47.680
A phenomenon that's not possible if they could just get to that stage

02:40:48.240 --> 02:40:53.520
Because they're ready to believe they've been lied to about everything else. That's how close we are to winning we're this close

02:40:54.320 --> 02:40:58.400
Something extremely devilish is a foot my area of research had to come first

02:40:58.800 --> 02:41:01.920
And is the primary building block of everything else being currently addressed

02:41:02.480 --> 02:41:08.160
You cannot produce any of these death centric results in this many areas without this primary cornerstone

02:41:08.480 --> 02:41:13.040
Being in place first, which is information manipulation and modern high-tech censorship

02:41:13.200 --> 02:41:14.400
Wow nice

02:41:14.400 --> 02:41:18.800
Censorship isn't just about hiding the truth or creating spin for one political agenda or another

02:41:19.200 --> 02:41:23.760
Modern censorship is part and parcel of hijacking the genetic group pressure

02:41:24.080 --> 02:41:28.880
Mechanisms and group affiliation software which all humans hold within each cell in their bodies

02:41:29.280 --> 02:41:35.600
Human behavior is determined to be either an exact mirror reflection of the environment in which they live or very close to it

02:41:36.000 --> 02:41:40.000
What we see is what we'll be what we hear is what will make clear

02:41:40.400 --> 02:41:46.880
Humans are proven to copy mimic emulate and mirror the most repetitive content of their environment as a way to find safety with the bigger group

02:41:46.880 --> 02:41:50.080
And to achieve increased security if we see morality

02:41:50.320 --> 02:41:55.200
We become moral in most cases if we live within a den of thieves we can easily become a thief

02:41:55.840 --> 02:42:02.160
He who controls the environment in which a human resides controls the perceptions beliefs and behaviors of that human

02:42:02.560 --> 02:42:05.840
Modern censorship today is clearly about up-regulating

02:42:06.400 --> 02:42:10.960
Disempowering negative content and turning down empowering positive content

02:42:11.600 --> 02:42:15.600
In the way censorship is used in our modern time. It's not simply about hiding truth

02:42:16.000 --> 02:42:22.400
Today's censorship is weaponized to define and create an inverted and extremely dark reality inside

02:42:22.400 --> 02:42:28.000
Which no human can ever be happy healthy or prosperous for many generations to come

02:42:28.400 --> 02:42:34.720
This new reality based on negative dark and disempowering repetitive content appears anti-human at its very core

02:42:34.960 --> 02:42:37.120
And that should obviously concern each and every one of us

02:42:37.680 --> 02:42:39.680
As for proof of government failures

02:42:39.680 --> 02:42:45.120
I see none as what we observe galloping today is not a systematic failure by any stretch of the imagination

02:42:45.520 --> 02:42:48.800
Each inversion we've witnessed more so over the past four years

02:42:48.960 --> 02:42:54.000
Wow executed to precision nice small group hiding inside government and big business

02:42:54.000 --> 02:43:01.200
Yes, call a brilliant execution of premeditated planning a failure instead of a smashing success is to be intellectually dishonest

02:43:01.440 --> 02:43:07.440
Whoa with this type of censorship, which is intended to firmly impregnate the public with strong inverted beliefs ideas and behavior

02:43:07.920 --> 02:43:13.520
Personal freedom for the members of the general public and for medical professionals alike is frankly not possible

02:43:13.840 --> 02:43:20.160
We need a full-about face at this point with each and every citizen dedicating fully to the founding principles of this great nation

02:43:20.400 --> 02:43:25.040
Thank you. Wow. What's that badass? Who is this great man?

02:43:25.680 --> 02:43:30.160
Holy shit. So in the short period of time we have who do you think that small group who are?

02:43:31.440 --> 02:43:35.360
That's hard to say senator, but you can tell it does not reflect the will of the people

02:43:35.600 --> 02:43:39.120
It does not increase the the wealth of the people it does not increase the health of the people

02:43:39.520 --> 02:43:45.360
They're trying to take the once powerful human lion and turn us into an easily ruled and easily firm human lamb

02:43:45.360 --> 02:43:47.840
But but somebody or some organizations are pulling the strings on this

02:43:47.920 --> 02:43:50.080
Do you have any idea what he's sitting right there?

02:43:50.960 --> 02:43:52.960
Look at his face

02:43:53.440 --> 02:43:55.440
Holy shit

02:43:55.440 --> 02:43:58.240
He's sitting right there. This guy's throwing heat

02:43:58.960 --> 02:44:01.680
I I couldn't say for sure, but they're well above government

02:44:01.920 --> 02:44:07.440
I think the solutions the solution will revolve around each and every citizen taking their own personal power back within their own home

02:44:07.600 --> 02:44:14.960
Becoming ethical becoming moral you can't you know, you can't rule you can't farm lions only lambs and we've been dumbed down and our health is being

02:44:15.600 --> 02:44:17.840
Removed to the point we're very easily ruled at this point

02:44:18.000 --> 02:44:21.760
Do you think technology is going to help us convey the truth or do you think it's gonna be impediment because it's obviously used both ways

02:44:22.080 --> 02:44:26.400
I think we I think all the systems that are used to rule us today can be used for good as well

02:44:26.400 --> 02:44:29.200
My control can be used for good as well, but it's being used for negative today

02:44:29.200 --> 02:44:33.360
I think all the systems we have in place if they're in the hands of moral and ethical people we can definitely turn this around

02:44:33.440 --> 02:44:42.240
Do you understand that if facebook and instagram and tan tiktok wanted to make teenagers into very studious

02:44:43.120 --> 02:44:45.120
Skill seekers

02:44:45.920 --> 02:44:52.720
That pursued instruments and jazz music and calculus and advanced math

02:44:53.440 --> 02:44:57.120
That it would just be a matter of months before they could flip that

02:44:58.000 --> 02:45:00.000
narrative on those teenagers

02:45:00.720 --> 02:45:02.320
By promoting

02:45:02.320 --> 02:45:07.920
Teenagers that are successful that are entrepreneurs that are successfully in school that study hard

02:45:08.240 --> 02:45:12.880
And by promoting videos of those kinds of kids that could change the world in a matter of months

02:45:13.440 --> 02:45:15.440
You do understand that right

02:45:16.400 --> 02:45:20.400
If they wanted everybody in the united states to turn against the ukraine war and and

02:45:20.960 --> 02:45:25.120
Decide that russia was okay. They could do that in a matter of weeks. You know that right

02:45:29.760 --> 02:45:36.720
The conscious manipulation of our opinions and habits has been a primary way by which we have been governed since the 20s

02:45:36.800 --> 02:45:42.160
According to edward bernays this guy is dead on balls accurate

02:45:43.600 --> 02:45:46.560
I like jason. Okay, thank you mr. Kristoff our next presenters mr

02:45:46.560 --> 02:45:47.360
Rodney palmer

02:45:47.360 --> 02:45:49.680
Mr. Palmer is a Canadian was a Canadian journalist for 20 years

02:45:49.840 --> 02:45:52.240
He works as an investigative reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

02:45:52.240 --> 02:45:56.000
And he was a foreign correspondent for ctv news in india china in the middle east mr. Palmer

02:45:56.160 --> 02:45:58.240
Thank you senator johnson for assembling this expert team today

02:45:58.240 --> 02:46:03.120
I'm going to talk about censorship and television news particularly because it is a new super weapon aimed at the citizens of this country

02:46:03.440 --> 02:46:09.920
tv news suppressed the voices of learned scientists who sounded the so I recognized this guy from behind another

02:46:10.160 --> 02:46:16.160
Interview was he who was he sitting behind when they were getting interviewed and laughing about it

02:46:17.840 --> 02:46:19.840
Who is that dude?

02:46:20.320 --> 02:46:22.320
This guy is excellent. Okay. I'll let him go

02:46:24.160 --> 02:46:26.720
Laram about covid vaccines and many of them are in this room right now

02:46:27.280 --> 02:46:29.760
This censorship was critical to executing a massive fraud

02:46:29.920 --> 02:46:33.200
And it couldn't have been perpetrated without the collaboration of the news media that we all trusted

02:46:33.680 --> 02:46:38.320
If the news reporters did their jobs instead of reporting propaganda this fraud would have been exposed from the outset

02:46:38.880 --> 02:46:41.280
In canada our government websites currently list

02:46:41.840 --> 02:46:44.880
488 dead citizens reported to be killed by the vaccines

02:46:45.200 --> 02:46:49.680
According to health canada since last year an average of six canadians are still reported to be killed every month

02:46:50.080 --> 02:46:53.920
From covid vaccines, but our news media continue to censor this fact every day instead

02:46:53.920 --> 02:46:57.440
They lie to us and call them safe and effective as though. No one is dying

02:46:58.000 --> 02:47:00.000
As though it's not a game of russian roulette

02:47:00.320 --> 02:47:02.320
As though they're not killing people by lying to us

02:47:02.640 --> 02:47:04.560
Censorship is what actually caused these deaths

02:47:05.200 --> 02:47:08.160
It was the lie that assured us it was safe when it wasn't and it still isn't

02:47:08.640 --> 02:47:12.080
The lie killed them as much as the vaccine because it tricked them into taking it

02:47:12.720 --> 02:47:14.720
In america, it's much worse

02:47:14.720 --> 02:47:17.520
The vaccine companies are allowed to sponsor the news directly they can't do this in canada

02:47:17.760 --> 02:47:21.200
To a visiting canadian the news here looks like one big ad for pharmaceutical products

02:47:21.200 --> 02:47:23.280
It's a bit of a culture shock when you turn on the tv

02:47:23.360 --> 02:47:25.760
There wouldn't even be a new a us newscast without pharma ads

02:47:25.840 --> 02:47:29.520
So the reporters on your newscasts are all conflicted. They can't bite the hand that feeds them

02:47:29.840 --> 02:47:32.480
They can't possibly investigate the most important stories of our time

02:47:33.040 --> 02:47:39.120
Gain of function laboratories fda regulatory capture the world health organizations plan for an international pandemic treaty

02:47:39.280 --> 02:47:43.040
They can't possibly do investigative reporting on these stories that affect every american

02:47:43.760 --> 02:47:48.640
It appears that the reporters are actually colluding with their sponsors to break fda advertising laws

02:47:49.280 --> 02:47:53.360
Fda law requires them to conspicuously describe the known risks of any pharmaceutical product

02:47:53.360 --> 02:47:57.360
That's why you get that big long list of all the bad stuff that'll happen just before they say ask your doctor if it's right for you

02:47:57.920 --> 02:48:02.800
If the news here is an ad for the vaccines, which I believe it is then they should report on the known risks of those vaccines also

02:48:03.600 --> 02:48:06.000
The good news is no one believes the tv news anymore

02:48:06.480 --> 02:48:10.080
Only 15 of canadians 15 are getting the boosters. We're on to them

02:48:10.640 --> 02:48:12.480
We understand they're lying to us

02:48:12.480 --> 02:48:17.280
Alternative media now is the only news we have because the mainstream is dissolved into propaganda dribble

02:48:18.000 --> 02:48:23.760
Canada's broadcaster of record the government funded cbc news laid off 130 people in 2020 just when we needed journalism the most

02:48:24.560 --> 02:48:30.800
This month they announced another 800 layoffs at the same time. They paid themselves 14 million dollars in performance bonuses

02:48:31.040 --> 02:48:34.400
These are public servants. It's only performance seems to have been dismantling the cbc

02:48:35.280 --> 02:48:38.880
Canada's largest private news network ctv news laid off 1300 jobs last year

02:48:39.520 --> 02:48:43.760
It closed most of its foreign bureaus where I worked as a foreign correspondent from 1996 to 2004

02:48:44.720 --> 02:48:49.680
This month ctv's parent company laid off another 4800 staff the largest single corporate layoff in canadian history

02:48:50.240 --> 02:48:53.200
It's now canceled lunchtime news hours. It's canceled weekend news casts

02:48:54.000 --> 02:48:56.400
After these reporters are laid off will only be left with the trusted favor

02:48:56.640 --> 02:49:01.920
The trusted faces of our favorite news anchors delivering the propaganda of the day instead of the news of the day

02:49:02.960 --> 02:49:06.720
But when those trusted faces are telling us lies they're like a super weapon aimed directly at us

02:49:07.120 --> 02:49:10.000
The news anchors are now the finger on the trigger in that game of russian roulette

02:49:10.800 --> 02:49:17.120
When the news is poisoned so is democracy because we stop debating about what's right and instead we waste our time arguing about what's true

02:49:18.000 --> 02:49:24.000
We've never seen anything like this before. It's an unprecedented moment in history and it requires an unprecedented remedy to fix it

02:49:24.720 --> 02:49:28.800
Most every other country is letting this happen, but where goes america so goes the world

02:49:29.600 --> 02:49:32.320
You have a unique role in setting the moral tone for western democracies

02:49:32.640 --> 02:49:38.640
So I respectfully recommend that the senate investigate the role of american television news networks including with pharmaceutical advertisers

02:49:38.720 --> 02:49:43.040
Discirt the fda laws that require them to declare the known risks of a pharmaceutical product

02:49:43.520 --> 02:49:45.520
This investigation should extend to any reporters

02:49:46.000 --> 02:49:50.480
News anchors editors and executives who lied to their audience about the safety of the covid vaccines

02:49:51.120 --> 02:49:56.880
And I also recommend investigating the total prohibition of pharmaceutical advertising on television in alignment with almost every country in the world

02:49:57.280 --> 02:49:58.080
Thank you

02:49:58.080 --> 02:50:01.440
Mr. Trump pomany pomer you've obviously had years of experience in the news business

02:50:02.160 --> 02:50:06.880
At what point did it shift from being I assume when you were there higher integrity to what we have now

02:50:07.440 --> 02:50:09.840
When did that shift and how and why my main

02:50:10.960 --> 02:50:16.400
The main media I consume is cbc radio, which is kind of the record in canada and I heard it creeping in I heard pharmaceutical

02:50:16.800 --> 02:50:19.200
Um biased advertising creeping in on the weekend news cast

02:50:19.280 --> 02:50:23.440
I remember hearing a story that vitamin e was actually no good for men and I thought well who let that slip in and who kind of

02:50:24.480 --> 02:50:26.160
I started noticing

02:50:26.160 --> 02:50:32.080
The focus on transgenderism particularly on cbc radio to the point where they were announcing a new artist was a bisexual or a new

02:50:32.080 --> 02:50:34.080
A new singer was a

02:50:34.080 --> 02:50:38.400
They would announce their sexuality and I never thought that I heard you know, david bowie announced as a transsexual singer

02:50:38.400 --> 02:50:39.920
It was just the greatest rock and roll singer I ever heard in my life

02:50:39.920 --> 02:50:42.800
You know, you never heard that before you never heard about their private lives of their identity

02:50:42.880 --> 02:50:44.880
It wasn't it it began to be I'd say about five years ago

02:50:44.960 --> 02:50:50.480
It began to creep in as the primary focus of their reporting rather than a secondary focus or something that we weren't interested at all

02:50:50.960 --> 02:50:54.880
So what baffles me is generally the left has been very critical of big pharma and the profits they

02:50:56.000 --> 02:50:59.120
Make now you almost have a melding of the two I mean can you explain that?

02:50:59.200 --> 02:51:03.200
I think there's a confusion about the traditional understanding of left and right it used to be an economic focus largely and now

02:51:03.200 --> 02:51:06.960
It's something that's it's very very different. You know, you're seeing this this woke mentality

02:51:06.960 --> 02:51:09.760
I would call it and that's why we understood to be versus the common sense

02:51:10.720 --> 02:51:15.040
Approach to life and I think that that is blurred the lines of traditional left and right as we used to see it

02:51:15.360 --> 02:51:21.680
In the news media you get your more right brain creative people into it and not your more left brain scientific people

02:51:21.680 --> 02:51:24.400
This is because you're I'm more of a linguist and more a speaker

02:51:24.400 --> 02:51:26.400
So I didn't excel in the maths in the scientists

02:51:26.400 --> 02:51:29.280
So then you get you get a packet people like that and the better they are the higher up they go

02:51:29.360 --> 02:51:32.400
So you get somebody at the very very top and they don't they don't have much understanding of science

02:51:32.400 --> 02:51:37.680
So they can easily be manipulated. They can easily be uh be tricked. I see dr. Gortler has a question for you

02:51:41.040 --> 02:51:44.720
Like 15 percent uptake in uh, sorry 15 acceptance of the boosters in Canada right now

02:51:44.880 --> 02:51:49.200
It was a 15 percent. I just wanted to point out that that's actually about four times more than what it was in the United States

02:51:49.200 --> 02:51:54.640
We had an october 31st deadline for for both covid and for influenza and for you know by the october 31st deadline

02:51:54.800 --> 02:51:58.800
It was only 3.4 percent and for influenza. It was only 4.8 percent

02:51:58.800 --> 02:52:00.240
It's usually a bit over 50 percent

02:52:00.240 --> 02:52:03.920
So it's that at this point a lot of americans they're they're not trusting any vaccine

02:52:03.920 --> 02:52:08.320
So some of the some of the messages is actually getting out when I heard what I noticed myself I my

02:52:09.280 --> 02:52:11.200
Awakening to it was because since I left journalism

02:52:11.200 --> 02:52:15.040
I've been working in a health-related field and I've been I go to medical lectures and particularly doctors dealing with chronic illnesses

02:52:15.360 --> 02:52:18.720
And they speak a certain way that every word is spare. It only means one thing

02:52:18.720 --> 02:52:20.720
It's from the diagnostic approach to language

02:52:20.800 --> 02:52:24.240
But on the radio, I heard very clearly people with corporate media training

02:52:24.240 --> 02:52:25.440
They sounded more like a salesman

02:52:25.440 --> 02:52:28.960
So I knew that something was up there and I knew also that when our prime minister announced don't worry, Canada

02:52:29.040 --> 02:52:32.160
We've invested in vaccines. I thought how long am I hiding in my kitchen? This is going to be a decade

02:52:32.240 --> 02:52:34.240
So I knew that that something was up

02:52:34.240 --> 02:52:39.600
Um, but slowly slowly they first incentivize out of fear age-related deaths and then they incentivize with these ridiculous rewards

02:52:39.840 --> 02:52:43.920
Uh, and then they uh mandated and then they coerced and then they took away our freedoms and then you're in return

02:52:44.080 --> 02:52:46.640
For a vaccine you got a conditional term of your rights as a citizen of the country

02:52:46.800 --> 02:52:49.920
But and that's slowly how they did it, but I can't tell you how many people have said I got two shots

02:52:49.920 --> 02:52:53.040
I'll never get another one and we all know somebody who's an injured so I think they don't trust the media

02:52:53.040 --> 02:52:55.200
They're looking around and trusting their own eyes now. Thank you, mr.

02:52:55.760 --> 02:52:56.960
I gotta get back on schedule here

02:52:56.960 --> 02:53:00.640
Made to come back to mr. Logan if we have some time at the very end, but let's move on to our next presenter dr

02:53:00.640 --> 02:53:01.920
Matthias Desmond

02:53:01.920 --> 02:53:05.680
He's a professor of psychology at gent university. He has a PhD in psychology and a master degree in statistics

02:53:05.760 --> 02:53:08.240
He's currently investigating the psychological effects of propaganda dr. Desmond

02:53:09.120 --> 02:53:11.120
Thank you senator johnson

02:53:11.120 --> 02:53:15.600
And like most of my colleagues here, um, I didn't really focus or not so much focus on the question what they were hiding

02:53:15.600 --> 02:53:21.120
I rather focused on the question how it was possible that so many people refused to see what they were hiding and

02:53:21.840 --> 02:53:28.080
Beginning of the crisis. I um, I studied the statistics a little bit and like who many people still refuse to see what they are hiding

02:53:28.080 --> 02:53:30.400
They refuse to go all the way back to aids

02:53:30.400 --> 02:53:37.680
They go and not refuse to go back to the regular vaccine schedule back to HPV back to any of these other pre

02:53:38.480 --> 02:53:43.440
Existing issues that happened before the pandemic and we seem to be very very focused on

02:53:44.080 --> 02:53:48.320
Just the virus just this shot just this last four years

02:53:48.880 --> 02:53:52.960
Without wanting to roll it all the way back to public health in general

02:53:52.960 --> 02:53:57.760
Make sure that you see that because that's what these people are most of this group of

02:53:58.400 --> 02:54:02.560
Of people is is about is making sure that you don't roll it back too far

02:54:02.880 --> 02:54:08.800
Immediately you got the impression as a statistician that for instance the mortality rates were overrated by a factor 10 and and a few

02:54:08.800 --> 02:54:11.120
Months later by the end of May 2020

02:54:11.520 --> 02:54:14.160
It was actually clear for everyone who wanted to see it that

02:54:14.560 --> 02:54:20.400
Indeed the mortality rates had been dramatically overrated like in a small country such as Sweden that initial models predicted that over

02:54:20.720 --> 02:54:25.360
60,000 people who die at the country didn't go into lockdown by the end of May 2020 and the country didn't go into lockdown

02:54:25.440 --> 02:54:29.360
And only 6,000 people died and then even like the people who build the initial models

02:54:29.920 --> 02:54:35.200
In a hearing for the British House of Commons admitted that a mortality rate had been dramatically overrated in the beginning of the crisis

02:54:35.360 --> 02:54:42.240
And still the story continued as if the models had been right the media continued to disseminate the same narrative and the people continued to buy into it

02:54:42.320 --> 02:54:45.760
And that from it was a moment when I decided to take a perspective of a of a mass psychologist

02:54:45.920 --> 02:54:48.720
And to try to show the people what what psychological mechanisms could explain

02:54:49.200 --> 02:54:53.120
How how an entire society was in the grip of a narrative which was utterly absurd?

02:54:53.440 --> 02:54:56.240
I would like you to check my archive and make sure you look at

02:54:56.960 --> 02:55:00.400
Meredith miller's video that I recorded with her a couple years ago

02:55:00.480 --> 02:55:02.480
She has an alternative theory to this

02:55:02.480 --> 02:55:08.240
She thinks of it more like people were isolated and and traumatized and therefore

02:55:08.880 --> 02:55:14.960
Looked to the television and the people on tv and those people were most of the time teamwork case scenario

02:55:15.600 --> 02:55:16.880

02:55:16.880 --> 02:55:18.880
Comfort and for security

02:55:19.280 --> 02:55:24.240
Essentially like the Stockholm syndrome is described as affecting people who are kidnapped it

02:55:24.640 --> 02:55:27.920
That they become sort of attached to their kidnappers

02:55:27.920 --> 02:55:30.400
We became attached to teamwork case scenario

02:55:30.800 --> 02:55:35.280
And to all these people on social media that we thought we're fighting for our rights or thought we're fighting

02:55:35.680 --> 02:55:40.640
The chinese or thought we're fighting against the lies or starting to expose the scooby-doo

02:55:41.040 --> 02:55:45.120
We got attached to these people because we were essentially traumatized

02:55:45.600 --> 02:55:51.120
Isolated and then given these people as our as our respite

02:55:52.080 --> 02:55:54.080

02:55:54.080 --> 02:56:00.880
So Meredith miller has a very different explanation than mass formation for what occurred here. We were traumatized

02:56:02.000 --> 02:56:03.680
and abused

02:56:03.680 --> 02:56:06.800
And during that extended trauma and abuse we were also

02:56:07.200 --> 02:56:11.920
Comforted by people on internet and social media that we came to trust based on this

02:56:12.640 --> 02:56:15.840
Trappatic experience. We must understand it correctly

02:56:16.320 --> 02:56:22.320
And I don't know that metias desmos explanation is the one that that captures it so well

02:56:23.200 --> 02:56:24.240
And um

02:56:24.240 --> 02:56:28.880
The more I studied these the psychological mechanisms the more I I noticed that what we were witnessing

02:56:29.040 --> 02:56:33.840
Was the emergence of a fully fledged totalitarian system in our society a totalitarian system

02:56:34.080 --> 02:56:38.400
Which is always based on what hana or rent called a diabolic pact between the elite and the masses

02:56:38.480 --> 02:56:43.520
You need two things for a totalitarian system on the one hand you need an elite which excessively and relentlessly

02:56:43.680 --> 02:56:48.000
Uses propaganda to keep control over the population and then you need a part of the population

02:56:48.640 --> 02:56:53.520
Usually to go along in that in that propaganda and to buy fanatically into into the narrative and be we've seen I think

02:56:53.840 --> 02:56:55.840
both components of a totalitarian system

02:56:56.720 --> 02:57:00.240
In this in this in this crisis and um, I I think like

02:57:00.880 --> 02:57:03.440
If you want to know who is this guy right here

02:57:04.080 --> 02:57:09.360
Does anybody remember who that was he was in another one of these congressional hearings was he sitting behind

02:57:10.320 --> 02:57:12.320

02:57:13.040 --> 02:57:18.880
Wollensky or was he sitting behind vouchy or was he who is he sitting behind?

02:57:18.960 --> 02:57:21.840
Do you know what i'm talking about that guy's real what we

02:57:22.320 --> 02:57:25.440
Um can do against such a totalitarian system

02:57:25.600 --> 02:57:27.600
Maybe behind

02:57:27.600 --> 02:57:33.280
Feel what the psychological mechanisms or at work both at the level of the elite and at the level of the population

02:57:33.680 --> 02:57:36.080
Um in a nutshell, I I I believe that

02:57:36.400 --> 02:57:41.760
Um, what is crucial to understand how such a phenomenon can happen is that a society or the population should be

02:57:42.960 --> 02:57:48.800
Uh should struggle with lack of meaning making should be anxious or straight and aggressive and if under these circumstances propaganda is used

02:57:49.200 --> 02:57:52.880
Uh, then there's a good chance that propaganda which disseminates a narrative in the population

02:57:52.880 --> 02:57:57.200
Which offers an object of anxiety and a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety a virus and lockdown for instance

02:57:57.360 --> 02:57:59.360
Then there's a good chance that um

02:57:59.760 --> 02:58:03.360
The anxiety in the population will attach to the object of anxiety in the narrative in that

02:58:03.680 --> 02:58:09.280
A major part of the population will be willing to participate in a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety even if the strategy is utterly absurd

02:58:10.080 --> 02:58:15.040
It sounds a little bit like the Stockholm syndrome and and offering comfort

02:58:15.760 --> 02:58:20.560
Right, you know, so it's it's very similar. It's very comparable. It's identical actually to hypnotic state and to

02:58:21.040 --> 02:58:25.200
um prevent the hypnosis to go deeper and deeper and deeper you need some people not too much

02:58:25.520 --> 02:58:30.160
Some people who continue to speak out in a nice sincere and fruitful way as possible

02:58:30.480 --> 02:58:34.960
And to continue to do so even if that means that it will lose a lot in the world of appearances and um, I

02:58:35.520 --> 02:58:39.600
I hope and I'm confident that uh, there'll be enough of us who will continue to do so

02:58:40.960 --> 02:58:47.360
Mr. Dr. Desmond in your written testimony you talked about the enlightenment and how science was going to prevail and lift humanity out of despair

02:58:47.760 --> 02:58:53.200
Uh, Eisenhower and his farewell address talked about the dangers of public funding of science and how it produced an elite

02:58:53.600 --> 02:58:56.320
Group of scientists and technologists that are going to drive public policy

02:58:56.640 --> 02:58:59.280
Uh seems like that's kind of where we're at and it's that elite

02:58:59.840 --> 02:59:03.360
Group that has been driving public policy and quite honestly been driving the propaganda. Can you speak to that at all?

02:59:03.760 --> 02:59:08.480
Yeah, of course, um, um, um, I believe that what we've witnessed throughout the last 50 years

02:59:08.480 --> 02:59:12.960
I think is a radical perversion of of academic discourse. Um in the beginning science was

02:59:14.320 --> 02:59:19.280
A pure example of truth speech. It was the the discourse of a minority who went against a majority and who risked everything

02:59:19.520 --> 02:59:20.880
To articulate that discourse in society

02:59:20.880 --> 02:59:27.040
But slowly as science became the dominant discourse it got perverted as usually happens when the discourse a truthful discourse of a minority becomes dominant

02:59:27.360 --> 02:59:30.400
And um just before the corona crisis the academic world was in a terrible state

02:59:30.480 --> 02:59:33.840
We often forget that but like 15 years before the corona crisis. We've seen a

02:59:34.560 --> 02:59:39.120
The the relegation crisis in the sciences showing that up to 85 of the academic papers

02:59:39.120 --> 02:59:42.720
For instance in the medical field cannot be reproduced and that many of them are fraudulent

02:59:42.960 --> 02:59:47.200
And so that was the background that thing against which like an entire academic community could collaborate with

02:59:47.920 --> 02:59:52.560
This this uh narrative that sees control of society in the most destructive way imaginable. I think

02:59:52.880 --> 02:59:58.720
So what drives that fraud? I mean, is the is the grants is the funding coming from a source that's going to want to particularly outcome of the research

02:59:59.360 --> 03:00:01.360
Funding is one thing, but it is not everything

03:00:01.760 --> 03:00:04.960
There's something else as well something is a more profound psychological factor

03:00:04.960 --> 03:00:08.560
Which is indeed funding is definitely not everything and I know that because like in the academic

03:00:08.960 --> 03:00:13.920
Uh field of psychology funding doesn't play a major role, but still most studies cannot be reproduced in meri afradiolent

03:00:13.920 --> 03:00:18.080
I think we have to see it in a as money is important, but there's something more important and it is this this

03:00:18.960 --> 03:00:22.160
Rationalism I believe that is typical for the enlightenment addition to the definition of enlightenment

03:00:22.480 --> 03:00:25.360
Uh replace the religious view man and the world by the materialist view man

03:00:25.360 --> 03:00:31.760
I think he's grossly underestimating how grant calls influence what people do grossly underestimating how

03:00:32.160 --> 03:00:35.680
Availability and funds decides what people do their phd on

03:00:36.080 --> 03:00:41.440
Decides who they study within their postdoc and decide what subjects they decide to investigate

03:00:43.120 --> 03:00:51.280
If you want to go do a phd right now on vaccine injury and make an animal model of vaccine injury using a vaccine on the kid childhood schedule

03:00:51.680 --> 03:00:54.400
You will not get a dime from nih

03:00:55.040 --> 03:00:58.880
Doesn't matter how well you write the grant how smart you are how much frickin

03:00:59.680 --> 03:01:03.200
Uh preliminary data you have you're never going to get that funded

03:01:06.880 --> 03:01:15.600
And I I really can't stress enough how I feel like that's a really disingenuous thing for someone to say who actually pulls their funding from the EU

03:01:15.600 --> 03:01:27.360
Not understanding that the way that the well wellness trust works or the way that nih works is not the way that that basic funding scheme in the EU works

03:01:27.360 --> 03:01:32.480
Where you kind of can't really see the directives because it's just kind of an open call

03:01:32.880 --> 03:01:34.880
That's not the way it is in the rest of the world

03:01:36.800 --> 03:01:42.400
These open calls are not really open calls when they have separate reading committees for separate major

03:01:42.880 --> 03:01:44.880
overarching themes

03:01:45.200 --> 03:01:50.880
And if your thing doesn't fit neatly into one of those themes under one of those funding priorities, you're not going to get money

03:01:50.880 --> 03:01:57.120
I don't know how he can say that in the world and it started to believe that rational understanding should be the guiding principle of our of our society

03:01:57.120 --> 03:02:00.720
Rather rational understanding rather than ethical principles and it was a fundamental mistake

03:02:00.960 --> 03:02:05.920
Such rationalism as this for instance conveyed by people like Yvonne O'Haraari now such a rationalism in the end

03:02:06.400 --> 03:02:11.200
Always lapses into radical irrationality and that's what you're seeing now. I think you're seeing how a world

03:02:12.080 --> 03:02:20.160
Marked by the hubris that rational understanding could be the guiding light of not only see why why don't we just say in rational irrational blah blah blah

03:02:20.560 --> 03:02:25.040
Why don't we just say that when people consistently lie on television

03:02:26.160 --> 03:02:28.160
While at the same time

03:02:28.720 --> 03:02:30.320
hurting people

03:02:30.320 --> 03:02:35.280
And lying to them about why people are hurting people become traumatized

03:02:36.560 --> 03:02:38.560
It doesn't have to have all these big words

03:02:39.520 --> 03:02:41.120
When adults

03:02:41.120 --> 03:02:45.280
Lie consistently to other adults those adults are traumatized

03:02:45.680 --> 03:02:49.680
If those adults can't respond appropriately to correct those lies

03:02:50.000 --> 03:02:53.280
If those adults are not allowed to make a living or to go on

03:02:53.600 --> 03:02:59.280
An exercise informed consent that those adults that were lied to then become even more stressed

03:03:03.200 --> 03:03:06.960
Seems like a lot better explanation than what he just said for the last five minutes

03:03:08.640 --> 03:03:10.640
Also of human living together in general

03:03:10.960 --> 03:03:12.960
It's it's just proves that

03:03:12.960 --> 03:03:18.400
The state we will find ourselves in now proves that rational understanding can never be the grasp the essence of life

03:03:18.640 --> 03:03:22.240
Can never be the ultimate guiding principle of society and that in the end

03:03:22.640 --> 03:03:25.680
It has a dramatic effect that people lose all ethical awareness

03:03:25.680 --> 03:03:31.200
And that is exactly what we have seen in every totalitarian system that emerged whether we are talking about nazism communism or the contemporary

03:03:31.520 --> 03:03:33.520
Transhumanist technocratic totalitarianism

03:03:33.680 --> 03:03:38.160
It always starts from the the idea that on the basis of rational knowledge knowledge a new paradise

03:03:38.160 --> 03:03:43.040
Well, they create will be created and that's how our end said the only problem with this totalitarian paradise is that it looks

03:03:43.040 --> 03:03:45.040
Especially like hell

03:03:45.040 --> 03:03:47.840
Thank you. Thank you. Dr. Desmond. Our next presenter is Dr. Brett Weinstein

03:03:48.240 --> 03:03:51.280
Dr. Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist with a PhD from the University of Michigan

03:03:51.360 --> 03:03:53.520
He's a fellow at the brownstone institute. Here we go

03:03:53.520 --> 03:03:57.840
He finds a selling book a hunter's gathers guide to the 21st century and host of the dark horse podcast. Dr. Weinstein

03:03:58.560 --> 03:04:00.080
Thank you. Senator Johnson

03:04:00.160 --> 03:04:04.000
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we must zoom out if we are to understand the pattern that we are gathered here to explore

03:04:04.080 --> 03:04:06.800
Because the pattern is larger than federal health agencies and the covid cartel

03:04:07.280 --> 03:04:11.040
If we do zoom out and ask what are they hiding the answer becomes as obvious as it is disturbing

03:04:11.360 --> 03:04:12.960
They are hiding everything

03:04:12.960 --> 03:04:16.640
It will be jarring for many to hear a scientist speak with such certainty. It should be jarring

03:04:16.800 --> 03:04:19.840
We are trained to present ideas with caution as hypotheses in need of a test

03:04:20.240 --> 03:04:23.440
But in this case, I have tested the idea and I'm as certain of it as I am of anything

03:04:23.920 --> 03:04:25.920
We are being systematically blinded

03:04:26.000 --> 03:04:28.960
It is the only explanation I have encountered that will not only describe the presence

03:04:28.960 --> 03:04:31.920
But also in my experience predicts the future with all the perfect accuracy

03:04:32.800 --> 03:04:35.360
The pattern is a simple one. You can see it clearly and test it yourself

03:04:35.920 --> 03:04:39.600
Every single institution dedicated to public truth-seeking is under simultaneous attack

03:04:40.000 --> 03:04:43.200
They are all in a state of collapse. Every body of experts fails utterly

03:04:43.680 --> 03:04:47.520
Individual experts who resist or worse in an attempt to return their institutions to sanity

03:04:47.600 --> 03:04:51.600
They find themselves coerced in the submission if they won't buckle they are marginalized or forced out

03:04:52.160 --> 03:04:56.080
Those outside of the institutions who either seek truth alone or who build new institutions with a truth-seeking mission

03:04:56.240 --> 03:05:01.200
Face merciless attacks on both their integrity and expertise often by the very institutions whose mission they refuse to abandon

03:05:02.160 --> 03:05:07.200
There is a saying in military circles once is a mistake twice as a coincidence three times is enemy action

03:05:07.760 --> 03:05:11.920
I have no doubt that given an hour of people on this panel could point to a hundred examples of the pattern I have just described

03:05:12.320 --> 03:05:15.200
While finding even a handful of exceptions would pose a significant challenge

03:05:16.000 --> 03:05:21.040
We are left in a fool's paradise. Our research universities spend huge sums of public money to reach preordained conclusions

03:05:21.520 --> 03:05:24.720
Professors teach only lessons that are consistent with wisdom students have picked up on tick-tock

03:05:24.800 --> 03:05:27.440
Even when those lessons contradict the foundational principles of their disciplines

03:05:27.920 --> 03:05:32.400
Once proud newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post only report important stories after they have become common knowledge

03:05:32.880 --> 03:05:38.160
Morticians must now raise the alarm over patterns missed by medical examiners. What are we talking about?

03:05:38.560 --> 03:05:41.120
No, realize you should do the opposite of whatever it advises

03:05:41.600 --> 03:05:45.200
What are we talking about here ongoing inversion of reality are now regularly used

03:05:45.360 --> 03:05:51.040
What is he talking about? Are we talking about covid? Are we talking about the lie of spread?

03:05:51.120 --> 03:05:56.800
Are we talking about the lie of the PCR? Are we talking about the exaggeration of the fidelity of the sequencing?

03:05:57.200 --> 03:06:00.800
Are we talking about protocols and how they killed people with ventilators?

03:06:01.280 --> 03:06:06.160
medazolam or emdesivir and the lack of use of antibiotics to treat secondary pneumonia

03:06:07.360 --> 03:06:13.520
Are we talking about the millions of people that may have been killed in america and around the world by these lies?

03:06:14.400 --> 03:06:16.400
I don't think we are

03:06:17.200 --> 03:06:19.200
I don't think we're talking about them at all

03:06:21.280 --> 03:06:26.320
That's pretty impressive for a biologist as a coercive weapon of elites against those who threaten them

03:06:27.120 --> 03:06:32.720
We have literally witnessed the Department of Homeland Security attempt to set up a truth ministry and declare accurate critique of government as a kind of terrorism

03:06:33.600 --> 03:06:36.400
To my fellow patriots in the west the pattern is unmistakable

03:06:37.040 --> 03:06:40.800
I cannot tell you with any so to my fellow patriots in the west

03:06:41.520 --> 03:06:43.760
Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't hear that

03:06:43.840 --> 03:06:50.320
I want you to get up and get out of the room and and log off and don't come back to my stream until you figure it out

03:06:54.000 --> 03:06:56.000
Patriots in the west

03:06:58.240 --> 03:07:01.360
You don't want he doesn't want you to think of yourself as an american

03:07:01.360 --> 03:07:06.080
He doesn't want you to think of yourself as an american citizen that needs to take back america

03:07:06.560 --> 03:07:10.560
He doesn't want you to think about yourself as a citizen of the commonwealth of pennsylvania

03:07:10.960 --> 03:07:13.840
And in need of taking back the commonwealth of pennsylvania

03:07:13.840 --> 03:07:17.280
He wants to think of yourself as a citizen of the west

03:07:18.000 --> 03:07:23.760
In it with europe in it with the five eyes countries in it with everybody who's in it with the west

03:07:24.400 --> 03:07:30.400
Let's put ourselves into a group of people that's more amorphous than any other group in the universe the west

03:07:31.280 --> 03:07:36.880
Let's not get into groups by state. Let's not get into groups by country

03:07:37.280 --> 03:07:41.120
Let's not work within existing laws to turn this ship around

03:07:41.600 --> 03:07:46.080
Let's think of ourselves as something like the amorphous citizens of the west

03:07:46.880 --> 03:07:52.960
And let's see if we can act together in concert using the things that we share like the internet

03:07:53.920 --> 03:07:56.640
Holy balls is that anoint me

03:07:57.600 --> 03:07:59.520
To be who they are or what they hope to accomplish

03:07:59.520 --> 03:08:05.040
But I can tell you that we are being systematically denied the tools of enlightenment there aren't american patriots here

03:08:05.440 --> 03:08:11.920
We started out with a guy with 20 years of experience in the back scene and bio bio terrorism bio

03:08:12.560 --> 03:08:18.320
Security space then we handed off the mic to a canadian israeli dual citizen who has five degrees

03:08:19.040 --> 03:08:24.560
Then we went the next one was a guy who worked for the insurance agencies, which wasn't too bad

03:08:25.280 --> 03:08:28.400
And then the next guy cut his teeth in the human genome project

03:08:28.800 --> 03:08:34.480
And has been working on these technologies making hundreds of millions of dollars with his brother and his father

03:08:34.880 --> 03:08:41.360
For the last 20 years and has had his head in this space since he was a teenager almost

03:08:44.160 --> 03:08:46.160
So who have we turned to?

03:08:46.640 --> 03:08:50.240
a non practicing doctor who raises emus and horses

03:08:51.040 --> 03:08:58.720
A surfing enthusiast who can't find a job and has toured the world as a roaming postdoc funded by nato

03:09:00.000 --> 03:09:06.560
A guy who works for the insurance companies, but tells us that there's evidence of spread or not doesn't talk anything about

03:09:07.200 --> 03:09:11.440
Daddy ran core and doesn't collaborate with or talk to or speak about

03:09:12.800 --> 03:09:19.280
And then a guy who worked for the human genome project and did aids pcr testing in the 90s

03:09:19.680 --> 03:09:26.160
Has a as his first entrepreneurial adventure outside of the human genome project taking

03:09:26.800 --> 03:09:32.400
Intellectual property that he created at the whitehead and under mit and making millions from it

03:09:33.840 --> 03:09:36.080
Is that really the best that we can do?

03:09:38.480 --> 03:09:41.760
For extremely rich white people

03:09:43.120 --> 03:09:45.120
That's the best we can do

03:09:45.760 --> 03:09:46.720

03:09:46.720 --> 03:09:48.240
mathematician from a

03:09:48.240 --> 03:09:52.640
Insurance company makes good money a guy who's been working for 20 years

03:09:52.960 --> 03:10:00.080
Distributing vaccine technologies through the who and has given a speech and in front of the who about these technologies 25

03:10:00.480 --> 03:10:06.720
Sorry 15 years ago has a horse farm at the base of a national park doing pretty well

03:10:07.200 --> 03:10:12.400
How about the the guy who's dad sold a company for 500 million dollars or more?

03:10:13.200 --> 03:10:20.880
Also, what are these rich white people doing in front of us a whole god dang room full of rich white people

03:10:22.000 --> 03:10:24.000
Black people weren't affected in america

03:10:25.120 --> 03:10:32.080
No native americans or as hispanic people were affected in america. There are no black doctors. There's no hispanic doctors

03:10:32.320 --> 03:10:34.320

03:10:37.760 --> 03:10:44.560
Why was I the first white person in the whole god dang organization of chd and the only white person in the group photo

03:10:45.520 --> 03:10:48.560
What is going on here are we in america or not?

03:10:53.040 --> 03:10:57.920
Why are all these foreigners talking to me in front of my senate don't we have enough

03:10:58.480 --> 03:11:03.760
Doctors in america and dissidents in america that could speak out. We need canadians and Belgians

03:11:06.400 --> 03:11:09.520
And dual citizens and nato scientists

03:11:14.320 --> 03:11:20.480
The rights guaranteed in our constitution we those who remain dedicated to the values of the west must fight this battle courageously

03:11:20.880 --> 03:11:26.800
And we must win for if we do not stem the tide the result will be a dark age that differs from prior dark ages only in the power and sophistication

03:11:26.880 --> 03:11:29.120
Of the course of instruments wielded by those who will rule us

03:11:31.440 --> 03:11:37.840
So mr. Weinstein i've seen her that was the weakest that was the weak sauce of all weak sauce

03:11:39.920 --> 03:11:45.760
Two separate appearances on tucker carlson joe rogan and alex jones in the last month

03:11:46.080 --> 03:11:50.240
And then he gets in front of this group in an hour and a half into it. That's what he's got to say

03:11:50.880 --> 03:11:53.280
The tenth white man in this talk

03:11:53.920 --> 03:11:55.840
And that's what he's got to say

03:11:55.840 --> 03:12:00.320
Thanks a lot bret you've done um very interesting as well as your podcast now

03:12:00.320 --> 03:12:03.120
I kind of want to ask you I describe my eyes being opened up

03:12:03.600 --> 03:12:08.000
Certainly during covid to a number of things. Can you just describe your own even in the description?

03:12:08.000 --> 03:12:11.040
I said you're gonna talk about being red-filled. Can you just describe your your journey here?

03:12:12.000 --> 03:12:14.080
Well, I think we are all on a similar journey

03:12:14.480 --> 03:12:17.200
I did not think that I was naive seven years ago

03:12:17.200 --> 03:12:20.080
And then I learned that I had been very naive and I keep learning that lesson

03:12:20.480 --> 03:12:23.760
Each new discovery reveals that I was missing something that was right in front of me

03:12:23.840 --> 03:12:26.640
And I think that's actually the hallmark of the exact pattern i'm describing

03:12:27.040 --> 03:12:33.040
We are in something that I have called a cartesian crisis where the failure of all of these truth seeking mechanisms have left all of us in the dark

03:12:33.200 --> 03:12:35.520
There's very little that we can establish with any certainty

03:12:35.520 --> 03:12:39.680
And the problem is that the human animal will be driven crazy by such a state

03:12:40.080 --> 03:12:43.120
You can only drive so long after you've put on a blindfold before you get a curve

03:12:43.120 --> 03:12:48.320
And so that is not a healthy condition and it is certainly not a long-term plan for our survival

03:12:48.400 --> 03:12:54.640
So I do mean that we have to win this battle because uh the existence of the west certainly and possibly the existence of our species depends on it

03:12:55.280 --> 03:13:00.320
Very said it again the existence of the west. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen. I'm only fighting for america

03:13:01.600 --> 03:13:07.200
The rest of those countries have to pull themselves up. They have to pull their own heads out. We have to pull our head out

03:13:07.200 --> 03:13:12.880
That's it. We are supposed to be pulling our head out. That's why we're speaking in front of the senate right now

03:13:13.120 --> 03:13:15.120

03:13:15.120 --> 03:13:20.640
Some of these characters have been touring all around the world speaking in front of all different groups right now we're in america

03:13:20.640 --> 03:13:22.640
Why are the same people here?

03:13:24.160 --> 03:13:28.880
The same people that spoke in romania in november of 2023. Why are all of them here?

03:13:29.680 --> 03:13:31.680
Why is it the same people?

03:13:33.120 --> 03:13:36.560
Prior to the last few years, I would have said the greatest threat facing the station was our death deficit which were

03:13:36.720 --> 03:13:38.560
Exacerbating we're not fixing it at all

03:13:38.560 --> 03:13:40.560
Currently, I think the greatest threat is our division

03:13:40.640 --> 03:13:44.480
And I try and point out that the good news is we're not a naturally divided people not nationally not globally

03:13:44.800 --> 03:13:49.840
As human beings we all want the same things safety security enough opportunities for prosperity take care of ourselves and our family

03:13:50.160 --> 03:13:52.160
So you have to ask the question what is dividing us?

03:13:52.160 --> 03:13:56.400
And I would argue there are there are there are groups there are individuals who are purposely dividing us

03:13:56.400 --> 03:13:58.400
Would you agree with that and can you identify that?

03:13:59.120 --> 03:14:05.840
Absolutely our division is necessary in order to keep us from restoring our capacity to understand and to plot our course in a rational way

03:14:06.240 --> 03:14:08.000
So it is clearly serving someone's interest

03:14:08.080 --> 03:14:11.120
I'm much less certain about who that someone is and I'm not sure it even matters

03:14:11.120 --> 03:14:16.800
The the primary job that we have is to rebuild the basic tools that allow us to function as a society because as much as our society

03:14:16.800 --> 03:14:23.360
May have had substantial defects it is at least the prototype for what we must build if we're to continue indefinitely as a prosperous species

03:14:24.000 --> 03:14:26.240
During this process, I've gotten to know robert candy jr

03:14:26.480 --> 03:14:31.520
I think it's a very good person now the discussions we've had we've talked about in order to unify this nation to to end the division

03:14:31.520 --> 03:14:34.160
It's going to take you know individuals from both sides

03:14:34.160 --> 03:14:38.560
Maybe from the fire sides to come together recognize the truth and start conveying the truth

03:14:38.960 --> 03:14:40.960
Would you agree? That's what's going to be necessary?

03:14:41.120 --> 03:14:42.880
Yes, and I think we have to do it immediately

03:14:43.040 --> 03:14:46.720
I know that personally I have many ideological beliefs and I have put them all aside

03:14:46.880 --> 03:14:52.240
The defense of the west is paramount and to the extent that we differ over how society is to be managed in some small way

03:14:52.240 --> 03:14:54.800
Let's fight about that later. We have to save the west

03:14:55.360 --> 03:14:57.600
So I would think that would be one of the appeals of this panel again

03:14:57.600 --> 03:15:02.240
I what one thing I've found out in these discussions, you know, the doctors I've been dealing with generally we're not from the right

03:15:02.560 --> 03:15:06.160
Well, they generally weren't republican they were democrat but I've been considering something

03:15:06.160 --> 03:15:07.680
I'm just going to say it out loud right now

03:15:07.680 --> 03:15:12.480
I don't care anymore because I'm just trying to win and I don't I don't really care what people think anymore

03:15:12.960 --> 03:15:18.960
Honestly, no one's going to be listening at three minutes and 12 seconds into the 12 minutes in three hours and 12 minutes except for you guys

03:15:20.320 --> 03:15:22.640
But we have to consider something very serious here

03:15:24.640 --> 03:15:28.960
Brett Weinstein interviewed robert, I'm sorry robert f Kennedy jr

03:15:29.680 --> 03:15:31.520
on november

03:15:31.520 --> 03:15:32.960

03:15:32.960 --> 03:15:34.960
something like that in

03:15:35.600 --> 03:15:37.600

03:15:37.680 --> 03:15:43.440
And did not release the interview until february of 2023 14 months later

03:15:48.880 --> 03:15:54.400
Now there's two ways to see that you can see that as they recorded an interview

03:15:55.920 --> 03:15:57.920
And brett didn't release it

03:15:58.720 --> 03:16:03.120
And bobby kennedy didn't know who brett Weinstein's dad was

03:16:05.840 --> 03:16:13.120
And he was very disappointed that brett didn't release his podcast until february of 2023 when he did

03:16:13.920 --> 03:16:15.520

03:16:15.520 --> 03:16:20.080
Of course, another alternative would be that brett Weinstein's dad already knew bobby

03:16:21.840 --> 03:16:23.840
Because he knew bobby's dad

03:16:24.800 --> 03:16:29.120
Which means that bobby would already know who brett was before brett became brett

03:16:31.280 --> 03:16:36.640
Which would mean that maybe bobby knew that brett wasn't going to release the podcast right away and was okay with it

03:16:39.760 --> 03:16:44.080
Which means it's very not very strange anymore that all the people that were

03:16:45.680 --> 03:16:48.400
Kind of not for bobby are now for bobby

03:16:49.200 --> 03:16:51.200

03:16:52.720 --> 03:16:56.080
So you can see very much here a little change now that

03:16:56.800 --> 03:17:03.280
Now that we've moved on and we're past january of 2024. It's okay for robert melon to promote bobby

03:17:04.000 --> 03:17:06.640
It's okay for robert melon to promote chd

03:17:07.600 --> 03:17:12.240
It's okay for brett Weinstein to mention chd on his podcast and actually show

03:17:12.880 --> 03:17:18.400
An article from the defender on his podcast which he's never done until this year

03:17:23.200 --> 03:17:25.600
We are being played ladies and gentlemen

03:17:28.080 --> 03:17:30.720
Make no mistake about this. We are being played

03:17:32.720 --> 03:17:39.440
By people wittingly and unwittingly participating in this charade about a gain of function virus

03:17:40.000 --> 03:17:45.040
For which we knew nothing about and responded as best we could

03:17:48.160 --> 03:17:50.160
harvey wishes

03:17:50.160 --> 03:17:52.560
Narrative was even crazier than that

03:17:53.920 --> 03:17:58.080
But this scooby-doo is real senator johnson believes it fully

03:17:59.840 --> 03:18:04.880
And it's going to be very very hard to change this in a lot of these people's mind because the

03:18:05.120 --> 03:18:10.960
The agreement and the consensus here the illusion of consensus is very strong at this table

03:18:13.360 --> 03:18:18.960
And despite the fact that brian hooker and that lady from the vaccine act and del all hitting home runs

03:18:19.040 --> 03:18:21.040
It doesn't matter in this context

03:18:22.800 --> 03:18:24.800
Because the first hour

03:18:24.800 --> 03:18:25.600

03:18:25.600 --> 03:18:26.960

03:18:26.960 --> 03:18:29.280
The first hour were people that are rich

03:18:30.000 --> 03:18:32.000
Independently wealthy

03:18:32.000 --> 03:18:38.320
Totally set up with either a house on the ocean or a house on the border of a national park with horses and emus

03:18:40.080 --> 03:18:42.640
Or multiple houses in multiple countries

03:18:47.680 --> 03:18:49.680
Come on guys

03:18:50.240 --> 03:18:52.000
This isn't right

03:18:52.000 --> 03:18:54.480
We what we have in common is our eyes are open to this our eyes are open to the danger

03:18:54.800 --> 03:18:58.320
And we've we've set that aside because we need to heal you and fight this nation

03:18:58.320 --> 03:19:02.080
We need to convey the truth. So anybody listening to this and I realize this is a reasonably long session

03:19:02.080 --> 03:19:05.600
But I think an incredibly important one that ought to be one of the primary takeaways

03:19:05.760 --> 03:19:09.760
This is what we must do as a nation. We need to set aside that and they are so many in so many instances petty

03:19:10.080 --> 03:19:16.000
Political differences and understand what what made this we need to set aside our differences in elect robert kennedy jr

03:19:16.080 --> 03:19:19.600
President is what sounds like they're saying here without actually saying it's country

03:19:20.160 --> 03:19:23.680
And what made progress around the world possible and that's called freedom and the higher value of the truth

03:19:24.080 --> 03:19:26.800
But dr. Winston yoltenison. Thank you for coming here and for your powerful testimony

03:19:26.800 --> 03:19:28.800
Thank you. Um next presenter is mr

03:19:28.800 --> 03:19:29.760
Randy hillier mr

03:19:29.760 --> 03:19:31.440
Hillier served in the Canadian parliament for 15 years

03:19:31.440 --> 03:19:34.400
I'm the first member to publicly oppose his government's response to covid here we go

03:19:34.400 --> 03:19:36.000
Well did it get some randy

03:19:36.000 --> 03:19:38.880
With a three and a half year prison term for support of the Canadian truckers and mr

03:19:38.880 --> 03:19:39.520

03:19:39.520 --> 03:19:41.520
Thank you very much senator and

03:19:41.520 --> 03:19:45.520
Thank you also very much for your commitment to truth freedom and faith. Yes

03:19:46.800 --> 03:19:51.360
I was elected to the Ontario parliament on four different occasions and served 15 years

03:19:51.520 --> 03:19:57.520
Ontario is Canada's most populous province and largest economy in on march 26 2020

03:19:57.920 --> 03:20:03.760
I became the first elected representative in any Canadian parliament to publicly oppose the state of emergency

03:20:04.320 --> 03:20:08.720
And the lockdowns and then the mandatory mass and mandatory jobs

03:20:09.520 --> 03:20:14.800
The police in Ontario charged me 25 times for not abiding by the mandates and hosting no more lockdown rallies across the province

03:20:15.200 --> 03:20:18.000
20 charges have been withdrawn. I still have five of those

03:20:18.560 --> 03:20:20.000
yet to win

03:20:20.000 --> 03:20:27.920
I have also been charged with nine criminal offenses for being in and advocating for the freedom truckers convoy in alwah february 2022

03:20:28.720 --> 03:20:32.160
The crown attorney is seeking a three and a half year prison sentence for my words

03:20:33.040 --> 03:20:35.040

03:20:35.920 --> 03:20:40.080
Senator today. We're under the and democracy is under these bright lights here in this room

03:20:40.960 --> 03:20:46.560
For all to see and thank you, but there is a much more to government that is not under the bright lights

03:20:46.960 --> 03:20:52.800
There was a dark side to all governments. This investigative committee is seeking answers to what did they hide?

03:20:53.680 --> 03:20:57.200
It would be a much shorter committee if it was what did they not hide

03:20:58.480 --> 03:21:04.560
However, I'll provide one short. I think that guy right there is the dude from um, can you see my mouse?

03:21:04.560 --> 03:21:07.280
That's the guy from the epoch times that's making the

03:21:08.400 --> 03:21:15.920
Documentary series with rober mola and I think that's him first-hand story that reveals what the political leadership in Ontario hid from

03:21:16.320 --> 03:21:20.240
Everyone's view and I believe it was neither unique nor confined to Ontario

03:21:20.240 --> 03:21:24.080
But ubiquitous throughout the western world including here in the USA

03:21:24.720 --> 03:21:29.040
During the last week of april in 2020 my position opposing the government's

03:21:29.760 --> 03:21:33.920
Postrous and outrageous mandates were well known to everyone and to all my colleagues

03:21:34.480 --> 03:21:40.480
I knew at the time there was but it doesn't other legislators who shared my views, but not one of them would be public about

03:21:41.360 --> 03:21:42.960
their position

03:21:43.040 --> 03:21:48.240
Although I was no longer in the government caucus and I had declared myself to be an independent member of the legislature one day

03:21:48.240 --> 03:21:49.920
I was approached by four

03:21:49.920 --> 03:21:55.840
senior staff members from the premier's office the premier would be akin to a state governor here in the United States

03:21:56.320 --> 03:22:01.840
They had a singular question. They wanted to discuss with me as they knew that I would give them an honest answer

03:22:02.960 --> 03:22:07.440
and the question was and we did this quietly and discreetly not underneath the the bright lights of

03:22:08.400 --> 03:22:13.360
Democracy, but they did want an honest answer and the question was Randy. How do we get out of this mess?

03:22:14.800 --> 03:22:16.800
They knew that the virus in its harm

03:22:16.960 --> 03:22:23.840
And its lethality was highly exaggerated. They knew that the state of emergency was entirely unnecessary and harmful

03:22:24.640 --> 03:22:27.280
They knew that the lockdowns were exceptionally harmful

03:22:27.920 --> 03:22:34.240
But they also knew that the 24-7 media hysteria was out of control and I created a fearful

03:22:34.880 --> 03:22:36.880
Anxiety-ridden mob

03:22:37.040 --> 03:22:42.400
They also knew that the premier's closest most influential advisors

03:22:43.040 --> 03:22:52.080
Were lobbyists for pharma and tech and that they saw the pandemic through a very very profitable lens for themselves and for their clients

03:22:53.360 --> 03:22:56.480
They also knew from the extensive deity polling

03:22:57.840 --> 03:23:02.160
That appealing to the mob's fear was politically beneficial

03:23:02.800 --> 03:23:06.800
They feared however these four staffers feared the long-term damage would be horrendous

03:23:07.360 --> 03:23:11.600
To themselves to their families and the province and my answer to them was very simple

03:23:12.480 --> 03:23:17.200
I explained that they needed to be honest with with the premier and his advisors

03:23:17.680 --> 03:23:23.040
Explain that to the public that the premier had acted out of the abundance of caution to the uncertainty

03:23:23.360 --> 03:23:28.640
But the facts were now known and proved that the virus was far less dangerous than first expected

03:23:28.800 --> 03:23:36.320
That the modeling was highly fictitious and exaggerated and that the consequences of the lockdowns were unbearable and

03:23:36.960 --> 03:23:42.480
Far more dangerous than what covid ever would be and to simply ask for the people's understanding and forgiveness

03:23:43.040 --> 03:23:48.000
For the needless harms that were done and in simple terms. I told them that to get out of this

03:23:48.960 --> 03:23:50.960
Required them to be honest and truthful

03:23:51.760 --> 03:23:55.040
But they told me that the truth could not be told they could not accept that that

03:23:56.000 --> 03:23:59.040
It would cost them all their jobs

03:23:59.760 --> 03:24:01.600
So what did we hide?

03:24:01.600 --> 03:24:07.600
We hid the facts and certainly we had to hid the context we disguised all the data and all the stats

03:24:08.320 --> 03:24:11.520
But we also advocated our responsibilities and instead of providing leadership

03:24:12.000 --> 03:24:16.240
We became followers to the very mob we had created and helped to create

03:24:17.200 --> 03:24:19.200
And then we concealed our motivations

03:24:19.760 --> 03:24:21.760
But also many

03:24:21.840 --> 03:24:23.360

03:24:23.440 --> 03:24:27.920
Also were victims of this con job called covid. We hid the truth

03:24:28.720 --> 03:24:31.040
We feared honesty and we had broken

03:24:31.760 --> 03:24:33.760
God's commandment and our covenant

03:24:34.640 --> 03:24:36.960
And we disguised once again that

03:24:37.600 --> 03:24:40.400
political interests political party interests

03:24:41.200 --> 03:24:45.920
Always trump the public's interest. Thank you. I don't know why I love me though

03:24:45.920 --> 03:24:49.440
There were a lot of covid. I've seen a better presentation than that from randy

03:24:49.520 --> 03:24:52.560
But I just don't understand why people won't say that they lied

03:24:53.920 --> 03:25:00.640
Why won't people say that the biosecurity state and members of the biosecurity state have been lying about this for decades

03:25:00.720 --> 03:25:05.760
They lie about it all the time and lying to our citizens has led to this trauma

03:25:06.720 --> 03:25:13.680
Lying to our politicians has led to this trauma lying to our militaries led to this trauma lying to our school boards our

03:25:14.240 --> 03:25:20.800
Our state representatives our state health boards lying to all of these people has caused this trauma

03:25:20.800 --> 03:25:22.800
That's what we should be saying and we're not

03:25:24.160 --> 03:25:26.160

03:25:26.160 --> 03:25:29.120
Because they don't want to question the spread of the virus

03:25:29.120 --> 03:25:32.960
They don't want to question the the the fundamental parts of the faith

03:25:33.040 --> 03:25:38.080
Which is there was a novel virus had killed millions of people millions more were saved from it

03:25:38.080 --> 03:25:46.480
It was comes from had laboratory in wuhan as harvey rice declared so certainly and it will come again because we're still doing these experiments

03:25:48.000 --> 03:25:53.040
There's no difference between any of these people except for the three on that side with del

03:25:53.520 --> 03:26:00.400
And brian and lorraine and they're still also trapped in this because of the illusion of consensus around the table

03:26:03.920 --> 03:26:07.440
Tyrants around the world, uh your prime minister was one of the more more oppressive

03:26:07.920 --> 03:26:14.160
Um, does he still have public support is say that the prime minister Trudeau still enjoy radio public support in Canada? No, he uh

03:26:14.880 --> 03:26:20.960
His best before date is near at its end and i'm sure he will not survive another electoral cycle

03:26:21.120 --> 03:26:23.120
If he even makes it to the next

03:26:23.120 --> 03:26:26.720
I love candy love Canadians like fishing for your walleye up in link of the woods. Can you describe?

03:26:27.280 --> 03:26:31.920
You know some of the persecutions of the truckers. I like fishing for your walleye. I think that's what he said

03:26:31.920 --> 03:26:32.960
That was funny

03:26:32.960 --> 03:26:36.800
It was very it was very difficult to watch and inspired a trucker moving here in the ice days as well

03:26:36.800 --> 03:26:38.800
But it's really that's a real Wisconsin thing to say

03:26:38.800 --> 03:26:41.600
I mean, I don't know how many people fish and know what a walleye is

03:26:41.600 --> 03:26:44.720
But I knew what a walleye was before I could talk I think the Canadian truckers

03:26:44.720 --> 03:26:48.640
They had the courage to step forward and protest and they were treated savagely weren't they?

03:26:48.720 --> 03:26:53.600
Oh, absolutely. There was trucks vandalized by the uh, buddy authorities. There was physical abuse

03:26:54.080 --> 03:26:55.760
Still going. What's up?

03:26:55.760 --> 03:26:58.160
But then there was the the law fair that was

03:26:59.440 --> 03:27:03.440
Applied and as the chief of police in Ottawa said he said we were going to hunt you all down

03:27:04.160 --> 03:27:06.000
During the convoy

03:27:06.000 --> 03:27:08.880
And and they have um, there's people here this weekend that were

03:27:09.360 --> 03:27:10.560
hunted down and man

03:27:10.560 --> 03:27:16.560
We used to eat bullhead. You know what bullhead are my mom used to fry those suckers up bullhead are tasty

03:27:16.960 --> 03:27:20.560
And we ain't we ain't sunfish and bluegill. I mean

03:27:21.120 --> 03:27:26.640
Like they were going out of style. I can remember we went to a couple lakes north of where I lived

03:27:26.640 --> 03:27:28.720
All the time a couple hours north

03:27:28.720 --> 03:27:34.400
And we would go for an extended weekend and sometimes we would go out on the lake and use beetle spins

03:27:34.960 --> 03:27:38.640
You know spinners to cast and almost every cast was a fish

03:27:38.640 --> 03:27:39.600
You could be

03:27:39.600 --> 03:27:44.080
Come back with like 80 fish clean them for an hour put them in the freezer and come home with

03:27:44.640 --> 03:27:48.800
Like bags and bags of frozen fish that we'd we all winter long

03:27:49.280 --> 03:27:55.120
Like when it was fish night, we would just get out of bag and fry it all up. It was the best. I mean my gosh

03:27:56.000 --> 03:27:57.200

03:27:57.200 --> 03:28:03.680
Fresh water fish for food on rice with like just fresh tomatoes and onions and a little bit of

03:28:04.080 --> 03:28:07.040
A fish sauce or something. I mean, it's just the bomb

03:28:07.440 --> 03:28:09.120
It's the best

03:28:09.120 --> 03:28:12.560
That that the earth can offer basically is to be on a lake

03:28:13.440 --> 03:28:17.120
and and catching fish that you're going to eat in like an hour is just

03:28:18.320 --> 03:28:23.040
I want to give that to my children so bad and I have not yet done it. It's really frustrating

03:28:23.680 --> 03:28:30.160
Charge a year later who had trucks in charge with what charge with mischief obstruction

03:28:31.360 --> 03:28:34.720
Generally very trivial catch all criminal charges, but

03:28:35.520 --> 03:28:38.480
As we know senator we can oh, I hate to say it

03:28:38.480 --> 03:28:43.440
We used to bounce the perch off of the bottom of the of the boat because my grandma didn't like the perch

03:28:44.000 --> 03:28:49.360
And so we would bounce them off the bottom of the boat and then let them float and then the eagles would come down and get

03:28:50.800 --> 03:28:53.280
When you use the law with malice

03:28:54.400 --> 03:28:59.760
Yeah, you can make due process do punishment very quickly and and that is what our

03:29:00.160 --> 03:29:03.680
Authorities are doing in Ottawa. They're not using the justice

03:29:03.680 --> 03:29:05.680
Yeah, I'm sorry

03:29:06.640 --> 03:29:09.760
They're using it as a weapon to destroy people's liberties

03:29:09.920 --> 03:29:14.960
Do they see bank accounts shut down credit cards that type of thing many people had their bank accounts frozen their credit card accounts

03:29:15.520 --> 03:29:17.520
eliminated mortgage accounts

03:29:18.320 --> 03:29:21.200
Revoked many many people were put in exceptionally

03:29:22.240 --> 03:29:24.720
Financial straights for being at the freedom convoy

03:29:25.680 --> 03:29:28.560
Just that's right. You reminded me that now

03:29:28.640 --> 03:29:33.600
That's exactly why my grandma didn't like the perch because they had the tiny bones. That's really funny

03:29:33.680 --> 03:29:35.680
Wow, I didn't remember that nice one to go

03:29:36.240 --> 03:29:37.440

03:29:37.440 --> 03:29:42.720
Authority that Trudeau used to seize those assets. So the cash and the bank accounts and the credit cards

03:29:43.520 --> 03:29:48.480
That decision was overturned or it was has been ruled ultra varies and unconstitutional

03:29:48.720 --> 03:29:53.760
And that there was never a threat to the security of the nation during the truckers convoy because indeed

03:29:54.160 --> 03:29:57.520
It was the most joyful most family-friendly most exuberant

03:29:57.760 --> 03:30:02.400
Well most happy time that the city of Ottawa has ever seen in its history

03:30:02.720 --> 03:30:07.200
So that's one victory, but again, it's a warning against things like government controlled digital currencies, correct

03:30:07.840 --> 03:30:11.600
It's you know your experience in terms of what the government did to people's bank accounts their their assets

03:30:11.600 --> 03:30:17.600
That would argue against things like government controlled digital digital currencies. Oh, this is yeah, we're we're we have got a suite of

03:30:18.400 --> 03:30:26.480
Intolerable acts coming towards us. The central bank digital currencies the who pandemic treaty the biodigial convergence the 15 minute cities

03:30:27.280 --> 03:30:32.240
the global warming all of these I can best describe as a another con and

03:30:33.200 --> 03:30:35.360
250 years ago the American

03:30:36.400 --> 03:30:43.760
Colonials saw a whole bunch of coercive intolerable acts perpetrated by authorities and they stood up and rebelled

03:30:44.320 --> 03:30:50.080
We've got far far worse co-wars of acts coming to all countries in the western liberals

03:30:50.800 --> 03:30:52.800
Founders have to be spinning in their graves

03:30:52.800 --> 03:30:55.920
Anyway, so there's an example of what happened in Canada and I will turn to Romania our next presenter is Dr

03:30:55.920 --> 03:30:58.160
Soren Titus Munkonkala set pretty close

03:30:58.720 --> 03:31:01.760
But the the doctor is a doctor and a member of Romanian parliament. He specializes in earth

03:31:02.080 --> 03:31:03.520
She's smiling

03:31:03.520 --> 03:31:09.520
She's smiling because she knows him from the meeting on the 18th 17th and 18th of November in

03:31:10.240 --> 03:31:12.720
2023 where Brett Weinstein

03:31:13.440 --> 03:31:18.560
Meryl nast Robert Malone Jill Glass pool Malone Harvey Reich

03:31:20.240 --> 03:31:22.240
Nick Hudson

03:31:23.600 --> 03:31:25.600
Denny Rancor

03:31:26.080 --> 03:31:28.080
Brett Weinstein

03:31:28.080 --> 03:31:30.080
Jessica Rose

03:31:31.200 --> 03:31:33.200
Byron bridal

03:31:33.200 --> 03:31:38.240
All those people were all together in Romania where where Tate lives

03:31:39.120 --> 03:31:41.120
for a conference

03:31:41.120 --> 03:31:42.640
one of the most

03:31:42.640 --> 03:31:44.640
corrupt nations in the EU

03:31:45.360 --> 03:31:51.760
To have a covid conference and they brought a friend back to the senate to talk about what's happening in eastern europe

03:31:51.840 --> 03:31:53.440
Isn't that great?

03:31:53.440 --> 03:31:55.440
Wow, that's just super handy

03:31:56.800 --> 03:32:01.520
Peetix he works with foreign graduate for Virginia hospital center. He specialized in the vinci surgical robot doctor

03:32:02.400 --> 03:32:06.240
Thank you very much. He specializes in a surgical robot. Oh

03:32:07.280 --> 03:32:14.400
My gosh, tell me he's a collaborator of of elon musk and i'll just stop the video right now

03:32:15.280 --> 03:32:17.520
She's very honored for me to be here

03:32:17.920 --> 03:32:22.640
And what i'm going to speak about is the fact that we are four years in this saga and we can look back

03:32:23.200 --> 03:32:25.600
To what happens and I can give you the perspective

03:32:25.600 --> 03:32:32.640
I'm sure glad that we have this romanian guy to tell us all these things because i'm sure there's no american that could tell us

03:32:33.680 --> 03:32:39.840
I'm sure there's no african-american who could tell us i'm sure there's no military officer who could tell us

03:32:40.240 --> 03:32:41.840
I'm sure there's no

03:32:41.840 --> 03:32:49.120
Hispanic doctor who could tell us i'm sure there's nobody with any other colored skin that could tell us anything useful

03:32:50.320 --> 03:32:53.360
We had to import a white guy from frickin romania

03:32:54.240 --> 03:32:58.560
People the romanian experience. We are a party having probably 10 percent of the votes

03:32:58.560 --> 03:33:03.760
We got in the parliament in 2020 and we from the very beginning of this

03:33:04.640 --> 03:33:10.560
pandemic we decided that the rights of the people to decide if they accept or not a experimental

03:33:11.200 --> 03:33:13.200
a drug should be

03:33:14.000 --> 03:33:20.880
Should be respected. Therefore, we start a fight in the parliament and like I said, we are only 10 percent of the votes

03:33:21.360 --> 03:33:23.360
so first it was

03:33:23.360 --> 03:33:29.840
They come to us to a mandatory vaccination law that they kept in the draw for from 2017 now

03:33:30.240 --> 03:33:31.760

03:33:31.760 --> 03:33:38.320
I mean I mentioned that because I found out that one of their strategy is is called like a mouth trap

03:33:38.400 --> 03:33:42.080
in other words, they put pieces of legislation in place and

03:33:43.200 --> 03:33:46.640
People are not aware of what those pieces of legislation means

03:33:46.960 --> 03:33:52.560
But all of a sudden they declare an emergency and the trap closes and then we found out ourselves in the trap

03:33:52.800 --> 03:33:54.800
And so we don't want to have an american

03:33:55.440 --> 03:33:58.800
Present to explain how the trap is orchestrated in america

03:33:58.880 --> 03:34:05.360
We don't want to have an american here to explain that because we just went around the table for three hours and talked to a lot of americans

03:34:05.360 --> 03:34:07.760
And a lot of canadians and none of them were able to say it

03:34:09.920 --> 03:34:16.720
Even brian hooker and the lady with the net the vaccine act and del didn't really say that the prep act needs to be repealed

03:34:17.680 --> 03:34:23.840
No one at this table has said that the prep act and its cicp and vicp

03:34:24.240 --> 03:34:26.240
I guess it would be the cicp

03:34:27.280 --> 03:34:30.800
Of the prep act is a violation of the seventh amendment. Nobody said that

03:34:31.440 --> 03:34:36.400
Nobody said that we should we should restore strict liability to pharmaceutical products

03:34:36.720 --> 03:34:43.360
They've said a lot of stuff, but they haven't said the concise language that would hit the bull's eye with one sentence

03:34:44.320 --> 03:34:50.640
No, buddy said transfection and healthy humans was criminally negligent because everybody in academia should have known

03:34:51.200 --> 03:34:59.200
Nobody like kevin mccernan or or robert malone has confessed and said we should have known we did know we didn't say anything because we thought

03:34:59.600 --> 03:35:01.600
worst case scenario was possible

03:35:04.160 --> 03:35:06.480
And now this guy is going to explain to us how

03:35:06.960 --> 03:35:13.600
How laws can be set up like little mouse traps and we're living in the country where real ideas being rolled out

03:35:13.680 --> 03:35:18.400
We're in the country where the patriot act was put out. We're in the country where the prep act is

03:35:18.800 --> 03:35:22.160
We're in the country that set up the united nations were in the country

03:35:22.960 --> 03:35:25.440
And he's going to tell us how they did it in romania

03:35:26.240 --> 03:35:28.400
How's that going to help the west escape?

03:35:29.280 --> 03:35:31.280
How's that going to save us?

03:35:36.720 --> 03:35:38.720
Brett's dad is a lawyer

03:35:39.760 --> 03:35:43.040
Brett's brother works for peter teals investment firm

03:35:43.680 --> 03:35:47.120
And is supposed to be one of the smartest physicists in the world

03:35:48.000 --> 03:35:54.240
Brett's brother thinks that his I mean his that he is one of the smartest biologists in the world

03:35:55.680 --> 03:36:02.320
And yet after three hours of talking no one has really said transfection except for kevin mccernan

03:36:03.120 --> 03:36:05.760
Nobody has said anything about clones

03:36:06.720 --> 03:36:11.840
Nobody has said anything about RNA fidelity or question the sequences or questioning spread

03:36:12.240 --> 03:36:18.240
Or talking about denny rancor's data that shows that there was no spread no one and they were all in romania

03:36:19.680 --> 03:36:25.840
Even this guy saw the presentation of denny rancor in his home country at buda pest and he's not going to say it

03:36:26.160 --> 03:36:29.760
He's talking about how the mouse traps of laws were set up

03:36:30.640 --> 03:36:32.640

03:36:34.640 --> 03:36:37.920
That's what who is going to do in may so

03:36:38.560 --> 03:36:45.120
We oppose that after that we start alerting the population that something is wrong with coercion coercion doesn't look like it's a

03:36:45.520 --> 03:36:47.520
It's benefited anybody. So

03:36:48.000 --> 03:36:51.680
What's right me was and our party was the fact that when they start the vaccination

03:36:52.640 --> 03:36:56.800
Campaign they put military on the streets that doesn't really ring democracy to us

03:36:57.040 --> 03:37:00.320
So we for it we got people involved and we start fighting

03:37:01.280 --> 03:37:04.240
Now the coercion was done by the european union

03:37:04.320 --> 03:37:12.240
I mean they came up with the past the green past and that was to force people if they want to travel or they want to go to the mall to the bank

03:37:12.320 --> 03:37:17.840
To have this green certificate. However, the crucial piece of legislation was green certificate at the workplace

03:37:17.920 --> 03:37:26.080
Which means from 18 to 65 the active population they want to vaccinate that population and we fiercely oppose that

03:37:26.480 --> 03:37:31.840
We did everything in the book that we could to stop that and we stop it and as

03:37:33.040 --> 03:37:40.160
As a consequence to that the Romanian rate of vaccination was probably less than half of what other european countries experience

03:37:40.400 --> 03:37:43.120
organized states, Canada and Australia and

03:37:43.840 --> 03:37:49.520
Therefore we can compare now the low rate and the excess mortality

03:37:49.840 --> 03:37:54.400
And that's the best proof I can bring to the table is the fact that having a synergy

03:37:54.880 --> 03:37:59.920
Relationship between a low rate of vaccination and low excess mortality, which is right there

03:37:59.920 --> 03:38:03.920
You see it on the Romania is the last country on the right, which means we have negative

03:38:04.800 --> 03:38:10.640
Excess mortality while all the other countries in europe have positive excess mortality some of them go to 20

03:38:10.800 --> 03:38:19.200
I was appalled by the figures. Mr. Dogave. I truly believe in those. It's a it's excess mortality is coming up in europe in in

03:38:20.160 --> 03:38:26.560
Great figures and I think all western countries are facing the same situation if you have a high rate of vaccination

03:38:26.800 --> 03:38:28.800
it's a synegy relationship with

03:38:29.440 --> 03:38:32.960
excess mortality in the year following that and

03:38:33.920 --> 03:38:36.400
To be honest at this point. I think

03:38:37.440 --> 03:38:42.000
We should have been aware of the fact that they are hiding for us all those figures

03:38:42.320 --> 03:38:44.720
not only that but it took us a lot of

03:38:45.360 --> 03:38:51.520
Energy and effort to to get the the contract the Pfizer contract the Pfizer contract looks exactly like like the paper

03:38:51.520 --> 03:38:56.160
You show it's black everywhere. It's a secret in in those contracts and

03:38:57.360 --> 03:39:01.240
We for the european union to tell us exactly what was happening with the vaccination

03:39:01.680 --> 03:39:09.120
During the same day the day of the vaccination. Well, it's european union has roughly more than 400 million people and lots of them were vaccinated, but

03:39:10.160 --> 03:39:12.160
the day they

03:39:12.480 --> 03:39:19.040
Have the vaccine 12,000 people died the same day and that should tell something about how criminal this endeavor

03:39:19.760 --> 03:39:21.760
Because you can you can't say

03:39:22.240 --> 03:39:25.920
Well, 12,000 people died. I mean, it's not a small figure, right?

03:39:26.480 --> 03:39:34.560
And I believe to the bottom of my heart that this was a great crime against humanity that these companies were doing by promoting and by

03:39:35.120 --> 03:39:37.120
executing this vaccination

03:39:38.400 --> 03:39:39.600

03:39:39.600 --> 03:39:40.960

03:39:40.960 --> 03:39:44.080
It's happened and looking back. We can see what happened

03:39:44.960 --> 03:39:46.960
In the short time remaining. How would you explain?

03:39:47.360 --> 03:39:51.120
Romania's ability to resist versus the rest of the europe in the united states?

03:39:51.120 --> 03:39:54.320
I mean, what's it? Is it cultural? Was it just your ability to convince people or what?

03:39:54.480 --> 03:39:56.480
Yeah, this is the subject of hesitancy

03:39:56.640 --> 03:40:01.520
Remember they took steps to avoid to to counterbalance hesitancy

03:40:02.080 --> 03:40:04.480
Therefore and one of the things that I think for

03:40:05.120 --> 03:40:10.880
Repurpose one of the things that they did to counter hesitancy was to see the worst case scenario throughout

03:40:11.360 --> 03:40:17.040
2021 on all corners of the internet from mainstream media to the darkest corners of the internet

03:40:17.440 --> 03:40:23.920
The worst case scenario was seeded. The millions of people would die if we did not conform to the health

03:40:24.720 --> 03:40:28.400
Agencies mandates and health agencies

03:40:30.080 --> 03:40:32.080

03:40:32.080 --> 03:40:38.160
This was what they told us all around the world all over the place everywhere and every meeting in every room

03:40:38.960 --> 03:40:45.840
Medication they try to they have a media cartel the trusted news initiative who actually purposely decided not to

03:40:46.560 --> 03:40:51.840
Try to facilitate the vaccination, but to come I mean you can think of Romania as kind of like okay

03:40:51.920 --> 03:40:59.760
So where could we go in europe and get a bunch of people to feel like they were doing a big deal and and making a difference

03:40:59.760 --> 03:41:01.760
But actually not making any difference at all

03:41:03.040 --> 03:41:07.600
If you really wanted to make a difference you would have an international covid summit in france

03:41:08.080 --> 03:41:14.320
Or an international covid summit in germany or an international covid summit maybe in the netherlands

03:41:14.320 --> 03:41:18.640
But instead they had an international covid summit in belgium and some back

03:41:19.280 --> 03:41:20.640
back room

03:41:20.640 --> 03:41:26.640
Conference room at the parliament and then they had an international covid summit in romaine

03:41:26.960 --> 03:41:32.400
One of the most inconsequential places in the whole european union

03:41:34.800 --> 03:41:37.200
Should tell you everything it's not that this guy's bad

03:41:37.200 --> 03:41:43.440
It's the people who organize the international covid summit in the backwaters of romania that are are sketchy

03:41:44.640 --> 03:41:49.120
When they could have tried to organize it in paris or in berlin or in azlo

03:41:50.800 --> 03:41:52.800
Third the other measure which were

03:41:53.280 --> 03:41:55.280
Repurpose drugs and

03:41:55.440 --> 03:41:57.440
And it's my belief that

03:41:57.600 --> 03:41:59.600
Because they did that

03:41:59.680 --> 03:42:01.840
Now we are facing this situation. It's a

03:42:02.320 --> 03:42:05.760
Pessitancy was something that they tried as much as they could to

03:42:06.560 --> 03:42:10.720
Counter but in romania the problem they face is that we are

03:42:11.920 --> 03:42:17.920
40 years after a communist dictatorship 30 30 four years after communism dictatorship and it's in our gene

03:42:18.000 --> 03:42:19.040
It's in our

03:42:19.040 --> 03:42:24.960
To distrust the government because we knew every time a communist government is saying anything or it's directing anything

03:42:25.120 --> 03:42:26.320
we knew

03:42:26.320 --> 03:42:32.080
That's a lie that's something that we should not trust or we should not follow when european union started behaving like the

03:42:32.400 --> 03:42:36.480
USSR with those commissars coming to us and mr. Barnier came to

03:42:37.200 --> 03:42:41.680
Romania this gentleman was the commiser for internal affairs of the european union and

03:42:42.240 --> 03:42:46.800
Push us push the remaining parliament to to vote the being certificate at the workplace

03:42:47.760 --> 03:42:51.280
I definitely oppose that and I knew they have no scientific base for that

03:42:51.440 --> 03:42:56.720
And I ask him in the remin parliament if you ask us to vaccinate people from 18 to 65

03:42:56.880 --> 03:43:00.560
You better have a scientific proof that that will it's what we are looking for

03:43:00.640 --> 03:43:06.960
We are to have a proof of scientific proof to to justify that and he said no, it should be a political you belong to european union

03:43:06.960 --> 03:43:09.760
You should follow that directly. Well, guess what? We did not

03:43:10.320 --> 03:43:13.520
I think more people around the world are taking more of a remaining attitude toward crushing their government

03:43:13.520 --> 03:43:15.040
I think that's a good thing. Thank you, dr

03:43:15.040 --> 03:43:17.840
Our next presenters mr. Rob roose this roose is a member of the european parliament

03:43:17.840 --> 03:43:21.600
He garnered worldwide attention for his viral video of a hearing with fires executive jineen schmall

03:43:21.760 --> 03:43:25.680
Being here admit that fires is vaccine had not been tested on stopping the transmission of the covid 19 virus

03:43:25.920 --> 03:43:27.920
First of all job. Well done. Thank you mr. roose

03:43:28.240 --> 03:43:30.240
Thank you senator for having me here

03:43:30.240 --> 03:43:34.080
The topic of today is what are they hiding and I will speak about the WHO pandemic treaty

03:43:34.800 --> 03:43:36.320
On december 1st

03:43:36.320 --> 03:43:42.000
2021 the 9 194 members of the world health organization agreed to move quickly on a treaty

03:43:42.640 --> 03:43:45.680
agreement or other international instrument on future pandemics

03:43:46.320 --> 03:43:50.560
The power of the WHO and in particular the power of the director general

03:43:51.200 --> 03:43:55.760
To monitor to coordinate and to direct would be significantly expanded

03:43:56.560 --> 03:44:03.520
The european union is pushing for a legally binding pandemic treaty, but that would require a two-third majority here in the u.s. Senate

03:44:04.160 --> 03:44:06.160
negotiations are ongoing

03:44:06.560 --> 03:44:08.560
I have the draft right here

03:44:09.680 --> 03:44:11.680
But it's probably

03:44:11.760 --> 03:44:13.760
But it's unlikely that it would pass worldwide

03:44:14.720 --> 03:44:18.960
Simultaneously, however negotiations are ongoing on more than 300 amendments

03:44:20.720 --> 03:44:22.720
to the international health regulation

03:44:24.000 --> 03:44:26.000
They were originally

03:44:26.000 --> 03:44:28.080
submitted by the Biden administration and they will be

03:44:28.720 --> 03:44:33.200
subject to a vote by the general assembly of the WHO at the end of May

03:44:34.000 --> 03:44:38.240
These amendments would not have to be ratified by any national parliament

03:44:38.800 --> 03:44:39.920

03:44:40.000 --> 03:44:45.440
Enabling the WHO to circumvent national democracy. Thereby they form the truth

03:44:46.080 --> 03:44:48.080
imminent danger to freedom worldwide

03:44:48.800 --> 03:44:50.800
Trucker Carlson made an informative segment

03:44:51.200 --> 03:44:55.360
Initial on Fox in 2022 warning the public against this global pandemic treaty

03:44:55.840 --> 03:45:00.240
It makes total sense because this is catchier than amendments to the international health regulation

03:45:00.720 --> 03:45:01.520

03:45:01.520 --> 03:45:07.360
As we can see from the original amendments if adopted they would already give the WHO a leading

03:45:07.680 --> 03:45:12.800
Convening and coordinating role in the operational aspects of an emergency response to a pandemic

03:45:13.360 --> 03:45:18.480
So in short the pandemic treaty is indeed diverse, but the amendments are the true imminent danger

03:45:19.360 --> 03:45:26.880
And the WHO seems to be in hurry in May 2022. There was a vote on two significant changes to the procedure of adoption

03:45:27.360 --> 03:45:34.320
A significant reduction of the periods provided for under article 59 of the 2005 IHR in two regards

03:45:34.800 --> 03:45:37.200
First of all the procedure for entry

03:45:38.160 --> 03:45:43.600
Into force is changed when the article 59 paragraph two of the amended IHR

03:45:44.000 --> 03:45:49.120
There is a reduction from the original 24 months to 12 months for the entry into force

03:45:49.680 --> 03:45:57.040
Second the period for rejection or expressing reservation on amendments to the IHR is reduced from 18 to 10 months

03:45:58.000 --> 03:46:03.040
The vote for this change of the IHR was performed in violation of the WHR constitution

03:46:03.440 --> 03:46:08.960
Due to lack of approve of consent. There was no vote and no record of who was present

03:46:09.520 --> 03:46:14.880
Without the words basic procedural rules for the correct formation of a vote have been violated

03:46:15.360 --> 03:46:18.560
The democratic process has been sabotaged by letter

03:46:19.840 --> 03:46:26.000
And I have this letter over here. I have requested the director general tatros for proof of simple majority

03:46:26.400 --> 03:46:28.400
But I have not received any response yet

03:46:28.720 --> 03:46:34.240
It would surprise me however that something like an illegal procedural change is going to stop the WHO

03:46:34.240 --> 03:46:38.560
General assembly from adopting the Biden amendments to the IHR in May

03:46:39.120 --> 03:46:45.360
If they are adopted democracy will be sidelined in the event the WHO decides to declare a pandemic

03:46:45.840 --> 03:46:53.440
Experts believe the WHO could then in practice impose log-downs and force medical interventions and dictate medical protocols

03:46:54.000 --> 03:47:00.160
Such a one-size-fits-all response to a pandemic crisis is foolish in geographical zones characterized by vastly

03:47:00.800 --> 03:47:04.240
Different parameters and it is of course totally undemocratic

03:47:04.880 --> 03:47:11.520
Instead of a central bureaucratic process. We need local democratic decision-making. The WHO cannot be trusted at all

03:47:12.160 --> 03:47:15.600
It is funded by china by big pharma and by philanthropic

03:47:16.320 --> 03:47:22.480
Film profits. I call them oligarchs. By the way, they there are enormous conflict of interest

03:47:23.200 --> 03:47:31.360
Further amendments threaten free speech and seek to increase censorship of differing opinions potentially transforming our nation into totally tarian-like states

03:47:31.920 --> 03:47:36.960
Conclusion defenders of freedom on both sides of the Atlantic need to stop these amendments from coming into pass

03:47:37.040 --> 03:47:38.000
Thank you very much

03:47:38.000 --> 03:47:38.560
Thank you mr

03:47:38.560 --> 03:47:42.960
Just one quick question. What what is the attitude toward these amendments in the european parliament?

03:47:43.360 --> 03:47:45.360
Are you an outlier or is there a great deal of resistance?

03:47:45.760 --> 03:47:47.760
Well, I think there is a big problem

03:47:48.240 --> 03:47:55.360
People believe that the WHO is a neutral government organization, which is not and 80% of its funding is coming from

03:47:55.920 --> 03:48:01.760
voluntary contributions 80% and nobody knows people they do believe that is a neutral government organization

03:48:01.760 --> 03:48:06.240
So there is no awareness and and I think that is the problem. So in the european union

03:48:06.240 --> 03:48:11.200
It's not really a topic at this moment. So I'm very happy that you are organizing this hearing and that we can raise this awareness

03:48:11.440 --> 03:48:13.200
So no, we need awareness. There's no doubt about it. So thank mr

03:48:13.760 --> 03:48:15.760
Next to our presenters mr. Philip cruza

03:48:16.000 --> 03:48:18.640
Mr. cruza is a Swiss lawyer who has been practicing law since 1998

03:48:18.720 --> 03:48:23.360
He specialized in tax and in constitutional law his own law firm in zirik and is admitted to all courts in switzerland mr. cruza

03:48:26.000 --> 03:48:27.520
Thank you very much senator

03:48:27.520 --> 03:48:30.720
For hosting this important business hearing and thank you much for inviting me

03:48:31.040 --> 03:48:36.560
It's an honor to give an overview on the key points of concern with the WHO's new pandemic regime

03:48:36.720 --> 03:48:40.800
And I will do so from a purely constitutional and fundamental law and international law perspective

03:48:41.760 --> 03:48:45.920
Now first, I've already mentioned my robros member of parliament of euro

03:48:46.320 --> 03:48:48.640
When analyzing WHO's new pandemic legal regime

03:48:48.640 --> 03:48:55.520
We need to consider two different international treaties that are about to be negotiated as we speak number one a completely new international convention

03:48:55.520 --> 03:49:00.880
The so-called new pandemic treaty and number two amendments to the already existing international health regulations

03:49:01.280 --> 03:49:04.480
Both of these legal instruments shall be adopted already in May 2024

03:49:04.480 --> 03:49:09.120
This is three months from now at the next world health assembly by WHO's 194 member states

03:49:09.680 --> 03:49:16.240
I will take them together for the reason of time and focus on the consequences for democracy for the constitutions of every member state

03:49:16.720 --> 03:49:18.720
And for the people now. This is

03:49:19.280 --> 03:49:24.240
The information that is hidden from the people and that everybody must know with respect to these new pandemic agreements

03:49:24.880 --> 03:49:29.920
Number one general remarks both of these legal instruments are technically international agreements

03:49:30.080 --> 03:49:37.360
They are included between 194 member states, but they involve and has as a target and objective the world health organization as a third party

03:49:37.920 --> 03:49:44.240
Number two these agreements are negotiated without taking into consideration the massive and undeniable amount of data and of scientific evidence

03:49:44.480 --> 03:49:48.000
About the collateral damages of the global pandemic management of the WHO

03:49:48.720 --> 03:49:55.520
And the WHO as probably most governments are still today in a state of total denial with respect to these collateral damages

03:49:55.760 --> 03:50:02.800
There's no learning even worse. These new pandemic legal regime will legalize all the methods of this pandemic period under covid 19

03:50:03.120 --> 03:50:05.120
That have proven to be harmful or wrong

03:50:06.080 --> 03:50:14.160
Third general remark on the basis of these two legal instruments member states will transfer constitutional powers to the WHO in extent never seen before

03:50:14.720 --> 03:50:23.600
WHO will be given full discretion to set up conditions under which all kinds of mandates including injections of experimental substances can be made mandatory on a global scale

03:50:24.000 --> 03:50:26.000
I come now to the details

03:50:26.800 --> 03:50:33.520
WHO's already existing authority to declare a public health emergency of international concern will become massively extended

03:50:34.000 --> 03:50:38.960
They will be allowed to declare all kinds of public health emergency under any given reason without any

03:50:39.760 --> 03:50:43.680
Responsibility to clear standards. This will come under the title and concept of one health

03:50:44.080 --> 03:50:48.640
So whether to fight a human influenza with a new subtype or to reduce rising level of co2

03:50:48.880 --> 03:50:53.840
Or to respond to the loss of biodiversity or to fight climate change all of that can give rise to the next pandemic

03:50:54.240 --> 03:50:59.600
Public health emergency of international concern and I refer to the amendments to an article 12 of the international health regulations

03:51:00.160 --> 03:51:03.840
This is pure arbitrariness. This is the opposite of the rule of law

03:51:04.720 --> 03:51:09.840
And it comes without a mechanism to correct or to stop this declaration of the emergency

03:51:10.240 --> 03:51:14.400
And this is the first point of member states will give away control of their country

03:51:15.280 --> 03:51:21.520
In addition linked to that in the national legislation regulatory legislation of the member states with the decoration of a public health emergency

03:51:21.840 --> 03:51:24.880
Comes the abolishment of ordinary safety standards for medical products

03:51:26.320 --> 03:51:27.520
Point number two

03:51:27.680 --> 03:51:32.640
Which all will be authorized to issue recommendations with legally binding effects. This is legislation

03:51:32.880 --> 03:51:40.320
This is legislation directed by directly affecting every human being. We are talking about mandatory testing methods by useless tools

03:51:40.800 --> 03:51:48.320
Mandatory travel restrictions mandatory lockdowns mandatory vaccinations with predefined experimental products mass quarantines and so on

03:51:48.720 --> 03:51:55.280
This doctrine of mandatory one size fits all will deny all human beings the individual treatment the right for individual treatment

03:51:55.280 --> 03:51:59.600
They deserve it will also hinder medical doctors to truly care about their patients

03:52:00.160 --> 03:52:03.760
This doctrine is totally tearing by design and we have to oppose it

03:52:04.240 --> 03:52:10.640
It is a blank check to literally violate bodily autonomy of every human being and humiliate people on a global scale

03:52:11.120 --> 03:52:15.520
Point number three censorship as who has already done on the covet 19

03:52:16.080 --> 03:52:20.400
This international organization will be granted the global supreme authority to define truth and science

03:52:20.800 --> 03:52:24.960
And to eliminate free speech and free exchange of information under the title of infodemics

03:52:25.680 --> 03:52:31.680
Now as we all should know free speech and free information are among the founding principles in every democracy in every constitution

03:52:32.080 --> 03:52:37.040
Without free speech and free information by definition. There can be no free science. There can be no fair justice

03:52:37.280 --> 03:52:41.440
And most of all there can be no democracy, but this is not all with this global health censorship

03:52:41.680 --> 03:52:47.600
People will never learn never know about the dangers that are associated with these mRNA based products and other countermeasures

03:52:48.080 --> 03:52:52.800
So they will be mandated to take experimental injections without an informed consent

03:52:53.040 --> 03:52:57.200
And this is ladies and gentlemen an example of cruel in human or decorating treatment

03:52:57.440 --> 03:53:04.480
As it is absolutely prohibited on the mandatory international law as it is written down in the united nations covenant on civil and political rights article seven

03:53:04.880 --> 03:53:06.880
And breach of which can never be justified

03:53:07.120 --> 03:53:14.240
Point number four in the same time the new pandemic treaty is a basis for a state directed economy under the wake concept of equity

03:53:14.480 --> 03:53:22.560
And it will allow even create cartels for the pandemic industry that will enjoy guaranteed profits without any liability for the damages they cause

03:53:22.880 --> 03:53:31.840
Just as we have seen that already under court point four all of the above will become reality without any mechanism to effectively control or stop the w h o

03:53:31.840 --> 03:53:36.960
So there will be no checks and balances but full discretion and arbitrariness to the benefit of w h o

03:53:37.440 --> 03:53:44.640
Even full immunity and no accountability and here again checks and balances is another of the founding principles in every constitution

03:53:44.960 --> 03:53:50.320
Which comes here under attack. So let's speak about point number six the next point fundamental rights

03:53:51.040 --> 03:53:55.280
Well, that is easily responded. We see some lines in the new pandemic treaty

03:53:56.160 --> 03:54:02.720
Claiming fundamental rights to be the basic principles of w h o but I ask you with such a strict regime of unnecessary promoted

03:54:02.960 --> 03:54:06.560
emergencies with censorship and with mandatory medical treatment

03:54:07.200 --> 03:54:15.280
How will it be possible to protect human rights for a judge who only hears one side and is not allowed to consider even the other side

03:54:15.280 --> 03:54:20.640
From those brave scientists who most of them who many of them are here in the room. It will be impossible by design

03:54:21.600 --> 03:54:25.520
And associated with that is the fact that the governments will always try to

03:54:26.320 --> 03:54:29.600
comply with their international obligations towards w h o

03:54:31.440 --> 03:54:33.440
We need to move on to let me just say i'm clearly convinced

03:54:33.840 --> 03:54:36.960
Okay, this is this is something needs to be defeated. You know, unfortunately in the u.s

03:54:36.960 --> 03:54:38.960
It's like so many things. It's part is an issue

03:54:39.200 --> 03:54:41.040
I offered an amendment to make any agreement

03:54:42.000 --> 03:54:45.360
Any agreement to treaty they have to come before the senate for ratification two thirds approval

03:54:45.520 --> 03:54:49.440
And that was voted down on party lines. So just a quick question before we have to move on

03:54:50.080 --> 03:54:52.800
How many nations are going to vote on these amendments? What's what's in count?

03:54:53.120 --> 03:54:54.640
It's 190 nations

03:54:54.640 --> 03:54:58.640
194 nations are the members of the w h o and what is the prospect that it will pass?

03:54:58.720 --> 03:55:02.320
I mean, I I mean, what was the political dynamic here? Are smaller nations in favor of this?

03:55:02.320 --> 03:55:04.800
I mean, there's a great great skepticism or as mr. Ruse was saying

03:55:04.800 --> 03:55:08.000
Oh, people think that the who's a good organization and this is going to just fly through passage

03:55:08.320 --> 03:55:10.320
Yeah, we can only feel

03:55:10.320 --> 03:55:15.200
Little hints and see little hints that behind the scenes our nations are many nations are not happy with this agreement

03:55:15.200 --> 03:55:17.200
But for other purposes and we talk here about

03:55:17.600 --> 03:55:22.880
That's about business that one part of the nation's want to have more money from the richer countries and the richer countries

03:55:22.880 --> 03:55:26.880
Do not want to share their patterns and or money to the main veto of its nation again

03:55:26.880 --> 03:55:29.680
We need awareness this has to be defeated. So again, thanks for your for your testimony

03:55:30.400 --> 03:55:33.600
I didn't want to leave a little room. I know miss laura had miss logan had a question

03:55:33.600 --> 03:55:35.040
Give you a short period time for that

03:55:35.040 --> 03:55:39.760
But quick want to go to dr. ryan cole who's just made in some of these other panels and he requested a couple minutes to just see

03:55:40.880 --> 03:55:43.200
ryan cole which we had 99 other senators like you

03:55:44.000 --> 03:55:46.000
Um, it's an honor to be here

03:55:48.240 --> 03:55:51.200
Ryan cole man. I'm telling you I might be a good guy

03:55:52.080 --> 03:55:52.880
I like ryan

03:55:52.880 --> 03:55:55.280
It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope

03:55:55.760 --> 03:56:00.880
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to the song of that siren until she transforms us into beasts

03:56:01.600 --> 03:56:04.560
Is this the part of wise men engaged in a great arduous struggle for liberty?

03:56:04.720 --> 03:56:09.520
Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not and having ears here not

03:56:10.000 --> 03:56:14.480
I think which so nearly concerned their temporal salvation for my heart whatever anguish of spirit it may cost

03:56:14.800 --> 03:56:16.560
I am willing to know the whole truth to know

03:56:16.560 --> 03:56:20.640
I think that ryan cole is the only one who tied a double wilson not which I will

03:56:21.360 --> 03:56:25.520
Acknowledge as being a level up from all these other clowns passing to speak

03:56:25.520 --> 03:56:30.240
It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope

03:56:30.720 --> 03:56:35.840
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to the song of that siren until she transforms us into beasts

03:56:36.480 --> 03:56:39.440
Is this the part of wise men engaged in a great arduous struggle for liberty?

03:56:39.680 --> 03:56:44.480
Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not and having ears here not

03:56:44.880 --> 03:56:49.440
The things which so nearly concerned their temporal salvation for my part whatever anguish of spirit it may cost

03:56:49.760 --> 03:56:52.960
I am willing to know the whole truth to know the worst and to provide for it

03:56:53.520 --> 03:56:56.400
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the lamp of experience

03:56:56.800 --> 03:56:59.600
I know of no way of judging the future, but by the past

03:57:00.000 --> 03:57:05.440
These wise words from patrick henry just down the street from where I went to medical school at san john's church in richmond virginia in 1775

03:57:05.600 --> 03:57:09.680
Now when I became a physician, I did not give up my constitutional rights

03:57:10.560 --> 03:57:12.560
The right to freedom of speech

03:57:12.560 --> 03:57:14.560
enumerated in the first amendment

03:57:14.560 --> 03:57:18.880
We in this room and I honor those from around the world who have come here and stood up for freedom to give us

03:57:19.360 --> 03:57:22.240
Americans an example of how we are supposed to stand on those founding principles

03:57:22.960 --> 03:57:27.360
That were given to us by our founding fathers. Thank you for your example for standing up

03:57:27.360 --> 03:57:31.520
Thank you to the military members here who stood up against illegal mandates in the military illegal orders

03:57:31.520 --> 03:57:33.520
Thank you to the vaccine inter to her here

03:57:34.320 --> 03:57:36.320
Who have tried to have a voice

03:57:36.320 --> 03:57:38.160
Yeah, ryan continue to get gaslit in silence

03:57:38.320 --> 03:57:39.120
Yeah, ryan

03:57:39.120 --> 03:57:43.040
leaders like senator johnson and others who continue to open the doors for what is a

03:57:43.260 --> 03:57:50.400
Fundamental right in the united states of america and that is free speech the censorship. We've endured the gaslighting the silencing is unconstitutional

03:57:50.480 --> 03:57:53.840
People say that there is nothing in the constitution that accounts for a pandemic. Oh, yes, there is

03:57:53.840 --> 03:57:56.560
It's called the ninth amendment and what does that ninth amendment say?

03:57:57.280 --> 03:58:04.560
The enumeration of the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by whom the people

03:58:05.840 --> 03:58:10.800
The this limits the ability of the national government to infringe on non enumerated rights

03:58:11.440 --> 03:58:13.440
You'll write to your body. You're right to privacy

03:58:14.800 --> 03:58:18.000
I could give a one-hour talk. I won't senator johnson was gracious to give me two minutes

03:58:18.640 --> 03:58:19.600

03:58:19.600 --> 03:58:25.440
Been censored. I've been attacked by boards of medicine by newspapers nationally internationally locally CEOs of local hospitals, etc

03:58:25.920 --> 03:58:31.120
For what for harming patients? No, do I have any patient complaints against me for covid treatment? Absolutely not

03:58:32.000 --> 03:58:35.680
But I spoke something that somebody else didn't like I reserved the right to be right

03:58:35.840 --> 03:58:39.760
I reserved the right to be wrong but more than anything I reserved the right to speak

03:58:40.240 --> 03:58:42.560
It is the foundational principle of this great nation

03:58:43.280 --> 03:58:45.280
And when we lose that we lose a nation

03:58:45.920 --> 03:58:47.440

03:58:47.440 --> 03:58:50.240
Can talk about science all day long and we've heard brilliant scientists

03:58:50.560 --> 03:58:54.240
We've been censored for knowing things that we know and seeing things that we see

03:58:54.960 --> 03:58:57.120
And again, experience is the greatest teacher of all

03:58:57.760 --> 03:58:59.760
Don't be deaf. Don't be blind

03:59:00.320 --> 03:59:02.320
Don't be a jerk to your neighbors

03:59:02.320 --> 03:59:05.440
You know, let's have disagreements. That's what built this nation

03:59:05.520 --> 03:59:09.920
Do you think those rooms in the early days of the founding of this country were just a love vest?

03:59:10.320 --> 03:59:12.960
No, they weren't it wasn't all flowers and and guitar strumming

03:59:13.520 --> 03:59:17.360
It was heated debate and we've lost that art in our world and in our society

03:59:17.680 --> 03:59:22.880
We need to return to respectable debate. We need to return to the opportunity to share thought be it right or be it wrong

03:59:24.400 --> 03:59:26.560
With this I'll conclude very simply

03:59:27.840 --> 03:59:34.160
If life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery

03:59:34.960 --> 03:59:38.240
Forbid it almighty god. I know what course others might take

03:59:38.880 --> 03:59:41.840
But as for me give me liberty or give me death

03:59:42.240 --> 03:59:47.680
But even more so honor the common doctors honor the common scientists honor the common citizens free speech

03:59:48.400 --> 03:59:50.400
Or it may lead to the death of all of us. Thank you, senator

03:59:51.200 --> 03:59:54.160
Thank you. Dr. Cole. I think I'll use moderate discretion. Say that's we'll end this

03:59:54.640 --> 03:59:58.240
I want to thank all the participants first of all for your courage because I know the very

03:59:58.240 --> 04:00:01.520
I really like him. I understand that I really like Ryan Cole

04:00:02.480 --> 04:00:04.480
Ryan Cole ran up to me

04:00:04.960 --> 04:00:10.080
We're working in government if you're seeing something that needs to be exposed if you want to tell the truth

04:00:10.880 --> 04:00:12.720
There's a

04:00:12.720 --> 04:00:17.760
Email you can use whistleblower at ron Johnson dot senate dot gov where you can blow the whistle

04:00:18.160 --> 04:00:22.320
That's what we need. We need more patriots understanding the threat the danger our nation faces

04:00:22.800 --> 04:00:25.920
Because of the misinformation the disinformation the malformation not coming from the dissidents

04:00:26.400 --> 04:00:28.400
We're from our government from our elite

04:00:28.400 --> 04:00:31.520
Just put this country on a very dangerous path. So again, thank you all

04:00:32.160 --> 04:00:35.680
For participating this and I would just urge anybody watching this. Please share this link. We'll do an edit

04:00:40.080 --> 04:00:47.120
Thank you very much for joining me. This has been giga home biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by biologist ron Johnson

04:00:47.920 --> 04:00:54.640
Deserves a little bit of a hat tip for having this meeting even though it was populated by people that he probably didn't choose

04:00:55.520 --> 04:01:02.720
He deserves a hat tip for having ryan for having ryan speak for having del speak for having brian hooker speak

04:01:03.200 --> 04:01:04.400

04:01:04.400 --> 04:01:10.480
Like there were voices there that needed to be heard there were good people there that needed to be heard

04:01:10.960 --> 04:01:16.000
And so it was worth watching it was worth digesting and thank you very much for digesting it with me

04:01:16.480 --> 04:01:23.360
Um, i'm going to be on again tomorrow. So I guess I will just sign off and say i'll see you again tomorrow. Thank you very much for joining me

04:01:23.920 --> 04:01:28.240
Um, I love you all very very much. Don't forget to watch mark who's atonic

04:01:28.800 --> 04:01:31.920
Um, don't forget to share his work and share his website

04:01:32.640 --> 04:01:36.480
And uh share this stream share this message with people if you can

04:01:37.280 --> 04:01:42.320
If you can go to giga home biological.com and help support this work. I'll see you again tomorrow

04:01:58.240 --> 04:02:00.240

04:02:28.240 --> 04:02:30.240

04:02:33.840 --> 04:02:39.440
Somebody I think something was rubbing in the back there. That's annoying. All right. I'll see you guys later. Thank you very much