WEBVTT 03:42.000 --> 03:49.000 Senator Ron John, nice work Albert I think he's a very very astute man I think he's really in in it for the real fight so 03:49.000 --> 03:55.000 I'm happy to hear you connected with him he's actually asked me for an update that I still haven't written 03:55.000 --> 04:01.000 He's scheduled for 60 minutes playing the reference your work so it's good that you've already made him I'm really happy to hear that 04:01.000 --> 04:08.000 Japanese television people everywhere are starting to listen to him it's embarrassing 06:25.000 --> 06:40.000 Good evening ladies and gentlemen this is Gigaohm Biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by biologists the 13th of November 06:40.000 --> 06:53.000 2023 we are still fighting to escape this limited spectrum of debate this critical and dissonant views within it that have been falsely amplified to give us this perceived 06:53.000 --> 07:10.000 perceived vision of what is true from these people to mislead the young and yeah I'm I'm really really stoked that we're made so much progress and I'm really happy that you guys are a part of it 07:10.000 --> 07:20.000 But we got to take the power back from these skeletons we do we have to take the power back from these charlatans I have the feeling my voice is a little hot 07:20.000 --> 07:27.000 I see the bricks I hope you guys do 07:27.000 --> 07:39.000 I got to tell you the week and a half off of my voice has done wonders for it it has now progressed quite a bit let me just read these off really quick 07:39.000 --> 07:48.000 There was no spread in New York City infectious clones are the only real threat placebo batches were like distributed in transfection and healthy mammals is dumb 07:48.000 --> 07:56.000 We can go farther and say that the protocols were murder gave a function as a mythology the scooby-doo mystery is real and the players are committed to lies 07:56.000 --> 08:03.000 and the lies are very specifically about this the lies 08:03.000 --> 08:07.000 oh that's not the way I can do that 08:07.000 --> 08:22.000 the novel virus is a fate the fact that millions of people died and millions more were saved that's a fate 08:22.000 --> 08:30.000 the idea that gain of function is a real danger that's a fate and the idea that a virus a pandemic is definitely going to come again 08:30.000 --> 08:40.000 that's a fate that's a fate that's not anything based in reality it's not anything based in biology and that is really where we are 08:40.000 --> 08:51.000 modified mRNA definitely modified are in our RNA destroyed cardio myocytes and any other cell that it expresses itself in 08:51.000 --> 09:09.000 biology we really have to not take the bait on TV and social media if you think this is something now it's nothing compared to what they're going to throw at us 09:10.000 --> 09:30.000 I am going to have the event a episode 2 it is coming don't underestimate it's just a question of everything falling in place but there will be a clone war episode 2 for sure 09:30.000 --> 09:35.000 and I guess here we are 09:35.000 --> 09:39.000 let me see if I can shift over here without too much 09:39.000 --> 09:41.000 hassle 09:41.000 --> 09:48.000 good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show this is Giga Home Biological a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist 09:48.000 --> 09:55.000 my name is Jonathan Cooley and I'm coming to you from live from the back of my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 09:55.000 --> 10:03.000 I'm happy to be here I took a week off after well more than a week off it was almost two weeks off actually 10:03.000 --> 10:13.000 partly to rest my voice partly because I was traveling and partly because I've been transitioning into this role as a basketball coach 10:13.000 --> 10:21.000 and so I needed to kind of figure out okay how is this going to impact my evenings how is this going to impact my streaming 10:21.000 --> 10:31.000 how is that schedule going to work and more importantly what kind of stress does it put on my partner my wife my best friend in terms of bedtime and everything 10:31.000 --> 10:40.000 so I think we're kind of settling around this this attractor state which is around nine or eight thirty 10:40.000 --> 10:48.000 it's a lot better if I'm around for my sons to get them in bed and get their phones away from them and on the charger 10:48.000 --> 10:57.000 to get the TV off early this kind of thing don't judge me my kids are like your kids they do actually have phones 10:57.000 --> 11:04.000 they don't have a lot of stuff on them but there's enough on them so that you know their phone is a little annoying at times 11:04.000 --> 11:14.000 and so they're not allowed to use it very much they use it for Spotify a lot but you know after dinner when what's on the TV is not what they're interested in watching 11:14.000 --> 11:27.000 or when someone else has control those are when the phone they tend to disappear to their rooms with their phone and so it's a lot easier to do that together as mom and dad 11:27.000 --> 11:36.000 and so I don't think there are going to be very many streams that happen in the weekdays before eight or unless they're before dinner 11:36.000 --> 11:45.000 and then we could we're talking about four in the afternoon or five in the afternoon that's also possible in fact I expect that window to be pretty useful for basketball practice days 11:45.000 --> 11:54.000 but I think I'm officially starting another streak of streams right now which means that we could be looking at you know a few a few in a row 11:54.000 --> 12:02.000 certainly daily and there very few are going to be in the morning most of them are going to be in the afternoon either before dinner or after dinner 12:03.000 --> 12:10.000 in case it's not clear intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 12:10.000 --> 12:19.000 and transfection healthy humans is criminally negligent you either know how bad it is and you shouldn't recommend it for your patients 12:19.000 --> 12:27.000 or you didn't know how bad it was and then you were criminally negligent this is my new sort of wording I'm trying to adjust this a little bit 12:27.000 --> 12:32.000 so you could adjust it a little more and you could just say that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances 12:32.000 --> 12:42.000 with the intent of augmenting the immune system of healthy humans including transfection and transformation is criminally negligent 12:42.000 --> 12:52.000 there now we've got it I think that's pretty straightforward I don't think you need to have 40 doctors at a conference and spend four days on stage 12:52.000 --> 13:06.000 to try and explain the biological basis for this stance and I think that any biologists worth their salt in any field of academia any branch of academic investigation 13:06.000 --> 13:20.000 I invite you to come on my stream and challenge this notion come on this stream and explain why intramuscular injection is a really bright way of trying to augment the immune system 13:20.000 --> 13:32.000 and how it is that your combination of substances overcomes what is clearly in a broad sense one of the most ridiculous ideas we've ever applied in modern science 13:32.000 --> 13:42.000 I know this seems like a really crazy stance to take but I have been ahead of this for a while and I'm afraid I'm ahead of this one as well 13:42.000 --> 13:57.000 I mean it's all of these excuses being made for when this might be appropriate or what we have to do to make intramuscular injection an appropriate way of augmenting the immune system but there is no way to do it 13:57.000 --> 14:06.000 and there is a precise way of speaking about transfection and I think it's worth speaking about transfection in that precise way 14:06.000 --> 14:16.000 transfection of healthy humans is criminally negligent I think that's a great way to speak but if you want to make one statement not two I think we can also say it this way 14:16.000 --> 14:31.000 there is no useful way of augmenting the immune system via intramuscular injection it's just a dumb idea on its face and we should have known this many many many years ago and in fact I should edit that statement 14:31.000 --> 14:42.000 many people have known this for a very long time are my audio sync out okay well then we're just going to stop and start again if you guys don't mind because I just did this so 14:42.000 --> 14:46.000 I'll start with this slide let me think here 14:48.000 --> 14:52.000 yeah I'll just start with this slide right here I'll be right back see you soon 15:01.000 --> 15:20.000 how are we doing piano fab does this look better 15:20.000 --> 15:37.000 all right great so welcome to the show again this is giggle and biological high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist it's the 13th of November 2023 and we are still fighting 15:37.000 --> 15:54.000 in this same basic battle and battle really focuses on messaging precise messaging right now I think the main job of everybody that's in this theater is to obfuscate the truth 15:54.000 --> 16:11.000 and the truth that we've learned over the last three years is that the public health apparatus of America and around the world has been organized over the last couple decades to produce what is effectively a world wide theater 16:11.000 --> 16:30.000 and a worldwide theater designed to sort of invert the way that we think about our sovereignty and to start to make us think that mother nature presents so many different dangers that the only way that we can really exist as a global community is to submit to this public health apparatus 16:31.000 --> 16:41.000 and the way that we get rid of this idea the way that we fight this idea is to teach our children the biology which underpins these two statements right here there 16:42.000 --> 16:50.000 and the two statements are that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 16:50.000 --> 16:59.000 and more specifically for the context within which we find ourselves the transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent 17:00.000 --> 17:17.000 and we have to be very precise here because one of the current temptations has to do with criminal negligence but then the circumstances around which the legal establishment of that is being made is a false one 17:18.000 --> 17:27.000 and again this is about trying to make sure that we don't ask the correct questions because the correct questions are the way that we escape 17:28.000 --> 17:35.000 and so as long as we keep chasing down the wrong villains and pull in the masks off of the wrong people then we're never going to solve this mystery 17:36.000 --> 17:57.000 but it is the act of unmasking these people it is the act of having solved the mystery of the lab leak that has bamboozled the entire globe into thinking that we did have a pandemic of a novel virus that millions of people died from it but millions more were saved 17:58.000 --> 18:14.000 and then gain a function is real and probably the source of this pandemic and therefore it's likely to come again that's a faith that we have been bamboozled into believing through the use of bad language and bad theater 18:17.000 --> 18:23.000 intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system of a healthy human 18:24.000 --> 18:34.000 including transfection and transformation is criminally negligent and I say it a little differently here because I guess there is a way where you might want to augment the immune system of a sick human 18:36.000 --> 18:47.000 to try and make that sick humans immune system fight off cancer better that's a pretty limited thing that is not a healthy human it's a human that's going to die anyway 18:48.000 --> 18:56.000 and so there are limited uses for it but if you if you use precise language we can describe exactly that which we object to 18:58.000 --> 19:05.000 and I would argue that a lot of these people in the intellectual dark web although they talk really big with their big words like heterodoxy 19:06.000 --> 19:13.000 they actually speak very imprecisely about the exact things the exact ideas 19:14.000 --> 19:30.000 from which our enchantment is constructed and we are indeed enchanted by these people enchanted by the ideas that they have woven together in a false reality 19:31.000 --> 19:40.000 it is a illusion of consensus that is created by these ideas that they have woven together with the help of social media with the help of mainstream media 19:41.000 --> 19:50.000 and a coordinated effort by themselves not to question the faith in a novel virus that killed millions of people but also millions of people were saved from 19:51.000 --> 19:54.000 and likely came from gain of function and therefore will come again 19:57.000 --> 20:06.000 and so I've been finding out about the intellectual dark web and how coordinated they have been how on message they've been in real time 20:07.000 --> 20:11.000 and in fact two years too late because I thought Brett Weinstein was kind of a hero for a while 20:12.000 --> 20:14.000 I thought he was actually listening to me 20:15.000 --> 20:21.000 I even thought that him casually mentioning my name every once in a while on the stream was somehow him finally giving me attention 20:23.000 --> 20:31.000 little did I know that he's never retweeted anything he's never really promoted a website or a link that would get anybody to me he's never spelled my name 20:32.000 --> 20:37.000 he's never shown a picture and he certainly never had me on his podcast 20:40.000 --> 20:46.000 we're just talking about a lot of liars here ladies and gentlemen I don't know who's lying and who doesn't know better 20:47.000 --> 20:51.000 and I'm not going to make any accusations like that but I'm quite I'm quite certain 20:52.000 --> 20:57.000 the vast majority of people that have been elevated in social media that have risen during the pandemic 20:58.000 --> 21:06.000 even risen through censorship these people have been artificially so and their rise is far from organic 21:09.000 --> 21:21.000 in much the same way that people like Mark Hewson tonic Mark Coolack after four years of producing consistent output on YouTube still has like what six thousand followers 21:22.000 --> 21:35.000 and it's not for a lack of consistency or lack of integrity or anything like that it's for artificially the spread of the information is artificially hampered 21:36.000 --> 21:46.000 dominoes are taken out of the train in random places and it prevents the natural spread of the information by attention and excitement 21:47.000 --> 21:59.000 and I think that actually people imagine that one part of this equation happens but the other part doesn't when in reality both happen 22:00.000 --> 22:08.000 and actually it's more important that those dominoes are taken out of the way so that even when people share your work it doesn't catch 22:09.000 --> 22:18.000 that's much more important level of control in the on the algorithm level than it is to say artificially inflate somebody because if it's garbage 22:19.000 --> 22:28.000 if it's garbage information it's not going to have the it's not going to have the inertia that that truth has 22:29.000 --> 22:38.000 in fact that's why a lot of these people that are involved in the intellectual dark web need to deal in a soup of truth and untruth 22:39.000 --> 22:51.000 half truth and bad questions because they have to walk very carefully around the truth so that it feels genuine from some superficial standpoint 22:52.000 --> 23:05.000 and there are other players and other layers that are responsible for a similar part of the total effect of the worst case scenario team 23:06.000 --> 23:12.000 is the best way that I can describe them everybody in the intellectual dark web everybody in all the corners of the internet 23:13.000 --> 23:23.000 all the people that got little help on social media and most of the people who seem to get tips in the beginning of the pandemic about a fear and cleavage site 23:24.000 --> 23:34.000 or about the effectiveness of remdesivir and they were months ahead of these sort of crucial notions of the worst case scenario being possible 23:35.000 --> 23:43.000 the worst case scenario being a lab leak possible you know ridiculous infectiousness of a virus that had a fear and cleavage site 23:44.000 --> 23:53.000 these cartoon stories and mythologies were seeded very early on in several different places and several different heads and several different corners on the internet 23:54.000 --> 24:01.000 and people were allowed to write books about these ideas in order to amplify them early as one side of a narrative 24:02.000 --> 24:10.000 and you had to figure out by removing the masks of these bad guys by catching them in lies by reading their partially redacted emails 24:11.000 --> 24:14.000 you were supposed to feel like you were solving the puzzle 24:16.000 --> 24:26.000 and yet none of these people in all of their research were ever able to find this article from 2004 24:27.000 --> 24:36.000 where they just say the silent stuff out loud in their introduction nobody nobody in the intellectual dark web 24:37.000 --> 24:51.000 not Sam Harris or Brett Weinstein or Kevin McCann or Charles Ricksey or Andrew Huff or Robert Malone or where were all these people 24:52.000 --> 25:01.000 why aren't they bringing up the fact that the head of the National Cancer Institute and his postdoc wrote a article about 25:02.000 --> 25:09.000 from genome to vaccine where they state the market for vaccines is driven by perception not by actual need 25:10.000 --> 25:18.000 so unlike pharmaceuticals for which present illness drives demand it is the perception of risk of diseases that creates a desire for vaccination 25:22.000 --> 25:30.000 this is written in 2004 this is what they say behind closed doors when they admit that this is a business 25:32.000 --> 25:40.000 when they admit that yeah you know water sanitation washing hands and soap and this kind of stuff yeah it made a big difference 25:41.000 --> 25:49.000 yeah aseptic technique that made a big difference yep antibiotics huge difference yep better medicine better treatments 25:50.000 --> 25:59.000 better food better nutrition all made a big difference yep yep but in front of the camera and in front of the grant committee 26:01.000 --> 26:08.000 they usually say that well you know vaccines are the best thing ever you know it's like the pyramids and vaccines and airplanes 26:09.000 --> 26:12.000 best inventions like just a short list 26:13.000 --> 26:22.000 and so that's how you can tell that these people are full of it that's how you can tell if you look at somebody like Peter McCullough who's come from 26:23.000 --> 26:34.000 you know being full blown allopathic just mainstream doctor to being on podcasts now saying that if he was raising a kid now he wouldn't have any vaccines in that kid 26:35.000 --> 26:47.000 now that's progress that's growth that's realizing the reality in front of you and the consequences of all of the data points that you have in front of you 26:48.000 --> 27:00.000 there's no other conclusion to come to and it's really important to realize that in this Scooby-Doo everybody's going to have to come to their own realization of how bad it is 27:01.000 --> 27:16.000 and when Peter McCullough was on my stream he hadn't yet come that far he might have come that far in private but not in person and everybody I'm predicting everybody is going to have to come that far 27:17.000 --> 27:24.000 and if you don't make it you will be part of the trap you will be part of the reason why humanity is lost 27:25.000 --> 27:39.000 because coming to that realization that realization that is that is really described perfectly by Peter McCullough saying that you know if I was to start all over again and have kids again I don't think I would I would forgo the vaccine schedule 27:40.000 --> 27:53.000 so that's giant and right now the Scooby-Doo and all of the people who have perpetuated the Scooby-Doo on us whatever the right word is enacted it in order to fool our children 27:54.000 --> 28:03.000 those people are in their last place the theater is a visible thing now the bricks are visible some of the lights are out 28:04.000 --> 28:21.000 some of the theater lights have come on and so the the production is being exposed it's really just a question of how stubborn is the majority of the members of the audience and how can we force them to see it to acknowledge it 28:22.000 --> 28:34.000 that we were duped that we were duped by our whole government by that even that performance by Rand Paul and Tony Fauci in 2020 was a duping they did that to us 28:35.000 --> 28:44.000 that wasn't two guys acting like good guys trying to do their best to figure it out and Tony was lying to Rand 28:45.000 --> 29:01.000 that was a performance that was a carefully orchestrated performance and it was designed to do exactly what it did solidify the support for Fauci on all the people who were on his team 29:02.000 --> 29:10.000 and solidify the support against or the opposition to Fauci in this the suspicion of a lab leak cover up on the other side 29:11.000 --> 29:15.000 and make both of those teams convinced that they are right 29:16.000 --> 29:20.000 it was the one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen 29:21.000 --> 29:24.000 and as I watched it live I knew it was baloney 29:25.000 --> 29:35.000 but I couldn't quite understand how the baloney was being used I couldn't understand it as a Scooby-Doo that they were fooling an entire planet 29:36.000 --> 29:48.000 into thinking that they were catching a liar or that a hero was being mistreated and no matter which narrative you chose you lose 29:49.000 --> 29:56.000 because then you have chosen that there is a novel virus it's definitely killing a lot of people we definitely need to do something 29:56.000 --> 30:04.000 it's probably going to function it could come again you accepted it all we including me accepted it all 30:05.000 --> 30:08.000 and we spent two years arguing about that 30:09.000 --> 30:16.000 well a lot of us did I spent about four months arguing about that before I realized that that argument meant nothing 30:17.000 --> 30:24.000 because the biology of coronavirus the biology of RNA viruses doesn't support the idea of a pandemic 30:25.000 --> 30:34.000 it doesn't support the idea of a uniformly spreading RNA signal over multiple years and multiple waves 30:35.000 --> 30:41.000 there's no support for this there's no biological basis for this other than the stories that are told and introductions 30:42.000 --> 30:47.000 and discussions of a few science papers scientific papers around the world that's it 30:48.000 --> 31:00.000 you can't even really find the biology that supports this in a in anything but but an introduction where they are where they are waxing intellectual about things that don't exist 31:01.000 --> 31:11.000 but what we're starting to learn from this pattern and I think it's really important to see this what we're learning from this pattern is that we may have been governed like this for many decades 31:12.000 --> 31:25.000 and they just have lied about other things in the same way that we're starting to wake up to the idea that what if what if other government proceedings have been performances 31:26.000 --> 31:36.000 what if other government scandals have been performances what if other other government controversies have been performances 31:37.000 --> 31:48.000 and that's where this whole narrative starts to fall apart that's where we as Americans need to start to take responsibility for governing our country again 31:49.000 --> 31:53.000 we've got to take responsibility and take back our republic again 31:55.000 --> 32:02.000 because we can't expect them to do it because remember the people that coming to the rescue are also part of the show 32:03.000 --> 32:09.000 until we are rescuing ourselves we are allowing the show to continue 32:13.000 --> 32:22.000 I want you to watch this video again because I want to remind you of the kind of semantic war that they are waging on us 32:23.000 --> 32:38.000 the big problem in vaccines has been that while it's been possible in the past to make vaccines against viruses that cause acute self-limited infections 32:39.000 --> 32:46.000 that's mostly been done by making either an attenuated or killed virus 32:47.000 --> 32:59.000 which induces an immune response that mimics the immune response that you get to the natural infection because the natural infection will give you lifelong or at least long lasting immunity 33:00.000 --> 33:06.000 but now what's left are viruses that cause chronic infections or cancer that causes chronic disease 33:07.000 --> 33:13.000 where the disease itself does not induce an adequate response to get protection 33:13.000 --> 33:18.000 so now the vaccine has to be better than the virus or the cancer itself 33:19.000 --> 33:22.000 so we have to develop new ways again 33:23.000 --> 33:26.000 so it's very important to see how deceptive what he just said is 33:27.000 --> 33:34.000 and it is actually one of the best soundbite examples that I've ever found of this particular point 33:35.000 --> 33:38.000 which is really pervasive across this whole narrative 33:39.000 --> 33:46.000 the idea is that we can augment the immune system to respond to any disease 33:47.000 --> 33:49.000 it's the immune system we have to augment 33:50.000 --> 34:00.000 it can't be and therefore we use the word vaccine to describe the intent to augment the immune system 34:01.000 --> 34:05.000 and so what they have done is essentially cast an enchantment 34:06.000 --> 34:17.000 wherein the use of the word vaccine or the characterization of something as a disease implies a certain rubric of faith 34:18.000 --> 34:21.000 if I call it a disease that means there must be a cure 34:22.000 --> 34:25.000 if I call it a disease that means there might be a vaccine 34:25.000 --> 34:30.000 if I call it a disease you need my medicine 34:32.000 --> 34:38.000 now we I think this is a really important point to make even if I'm beating a dead horse here 34:38.000 --> 34:45.000 but it's really it's a it's a distinction that we are allowing them to blur 34:45.000 --> 34:54.000 where actually vaccine and this is how he said it 34:55.000 --> 34:58.000 traditionally vaccines were made of a weakened or a dead virus 34:59.000 --> 35:06.000 and it mimicked the infection well enough so that the 35:07.000 --> 35:20.000 immunity produced by the vaccine was equivalent to or very close to equivalent to protection from exposure to the disease or infection itself 35:21.000 --> 35:29.000 the immune memory that's generated by infection was very similar to the immune memory generated by the live attenuated vaccine 35:30.000 --> 35:34.000 but we can't make a live attenuated vaccine against cancer 35:35.000 --> 35:38.000 we can't make a live attenuated vaccine against a genetic disorder 35:39.000 --> 35:43.000 we can't make a live attenuated vaccine against diabetes 35:45.000 --> 35:51.000 but if we call diabetes a disease now we can you know all diseases have potentially a vaccine 35:52.000 --> 35:57.000 it's just that this disease doesn't produce an adequate immune response 35:57.000 --> 36:06.000 you see he's he's suggesting something based on an assumption that is not biologically proven 36:07.000 --> 36:14.000 that cancer for example is always caused by viruses so because cancer is a disease caused by a pathogen 36:14.000 --> 36:21.000 and you are the host then you need a vaccine to prevent that pathogen from causing disease in you 36:22.000 --> 36:30.000 but it's a surprisingly small number of cancers which are associated directly with causally to a virus 36:33.000 --> 36:42.000 and when we try to make a vaccine against a cancer we're actually trying to point T cell memory at a protein which is unique for the cancer 36:43.000 --> 36:53.000 it's not a failure of the immune system so much as usually a camouflage of the cancer because the cancer is made of self cells 36:54.000 --> 36:56.000 so the immune system can't really see it 36:58.000 --> 37:05.000 so this is a very deceptive language bait and switch that has been going on for decades that they have been working for decades 37:06.000 --> 37:13.000 and it probably all goes all the way back to as far as Robert Gallo and Murray Gardner 37:13.000 --> 37:22.000 and all of these people like David Baltimore who were involved in the early stages of HIV retroviruses 37:22.000 --> 37:28.000 and cancer causing viruses in this whole theory of what viruses do 37:29.000 --> 37:42.000 and so what I'm suggesting to you is that this mythology was purposefully created over many decades 37:43.000 --> 37:50.000 so that the public health exercise that we've been through for the last three years was possible 37:51.000 --> 37:59.000 and they almost, this almost was derailed, it was almost derailed once on 9-11 38:00.000 --> 38:08.000 and you'll have to watch Usatonic Live and look at his long catalogue of this to understand what I'm suggesting here 38:08.000 --> 38:16.000 but it could be that 9-11 was supposed to be a biological attack and somehow or another it ended up to be just a terrorist attack 38:21.000 --> 38:31.000 and anyway the point is that we have been on a long progression, a long plan to controlled demolish America 38:32.000 --> 38:42.000 and I think David Griffin could also tell us a lot about the financial aspects of this controlled demolition of the American system 38:42.000 --> 38:48.000 and the freedom that it represents, the Constitution itself is going to be under assault 38:49.000 --> 38:54.000 once the financial and societal fabric starts to rip 38:55.000 --> 38:59.000 and if we want to address this problem it's going to have to rip 38:59.000 --> 39:04.000 we're going to have to come together as a country in a different way than we are now 39:04.000 --> 39:07.000 and love our neighbors in a way that we are not doing now 39:07.000 --> 39:13.000 in order for America to make it through on the other side as America in some new form 39:14.000 --> 39:18.000 based on truth and justice and the American way 39:19.000 --> 39:21.000 whatever that used to be 39:22.000 --> 39:27.000 so vaccination is a methodology that will work as a methodology, excuse me, that will work on everything 39:27.000 --> 39:29.000 and that's the argument that he's making now 39:30.000 --> 39:40.000 he's making it with the words that he wants to use in order so that we transfer the value of vaccination to as much disease as possible 39:41.000 --> 39:44.000 in fact he is exercising this enchantment of 39:45.000 --> 39:50.000 if I say disease, you say cure, disease, cure, disease, cure 39:50.000 --> 39:55.000 if I say disease, you say vaccine, vaccine, disease, disease, vaccine 39:57.000 --> 39:58.000 it's an enchantment 39:59.000 --> 40:02.000 and he might only be reciting it because he's under this enchantment 40:03.000 --> 40:05.000 but I think that at a certain moment 40:05.000 --> 40:09.000 you as an academic and academic magician 40:09.000 --> 40:15.000 you become smart enough to know that this sales pitch is that what it is, it's a sales pitch 40:15.000 --> 40:19.000 and if you're making a sales pitch about vaccines it's a little different 40:19.000 --> 40:25.000 than making a sales pitch about your little niche research that you know isn't going to save the world 40:25.000 --> 40:30.000 but it's really important for you to study the pigmentation 40:30.000 --> 40:39.000 and chemical steps in the chloroplast function in a particular diatom 40:39.000 --> 40:41.000 and you know that that's not really important 40:41.000 --> 40:45.000 but you talk it really up in your introduction 40:45.000 --> 40:49.000 and when you're interviewing for a faculty job 40:50.000 --> 40:52.000 but that's your passion, that's your biology 40:52.000 --> 40:54.000 and so you exaggerate a little bit 40:54.000 --> 40:56.000 you know these diatoms are found all around the oceans 40:56.000 --> 40:59.000 and they're important in every ecosystem that has salt water 40:59.000 --> 41:04.000 and they're responsible for converting more than you know gigatons of carbon every year 41:04.000 --> 41:07.000 but nobody cares about diatoms 41:09.000 --> 41:11.000 but you're not selling anything 41:11.000 --> 41:15.000 you're not misleading the young into believing something that's not true 41:16.000 --> 41:21.000 you're not contributing to the governance of an entire society by lies 41:21.000 --> 41:23.000 you're just really enthusiastic about your biology 41:23.000 --> 41:28.000 and you want people to understand how important it is to the collective whole 41:30.000 --> 41:34.000 but when you're a biologist who's saying something like this guy saying 41:34.000 --> 41:38.000 you've got to know that this is a sales pitch of BS 41:38.000 --> 41:50.000 that is doing an end around the traditional idea of how a drug or a pharmaceutical is brought to market safely 41:51.000 --> 41:56.000 and that your intention is to inject anything you want intramuscularly 41:56.000 --> 42:01.000 with the intent of augmenting the immune system with no responsibility for when it goes wrong 42:01.000 --> 42:05.000 and you know that the only way that you can get away with doing this 42:05.000 --> 42:09.000 and have a hope of making something of this genetic technology work 42:09.000 --> 42:12.000 is if you get people to allow you to do it 42:16.000 --> 42:20.000 not everybody in this machine knows exactly how bad it is 42:20.000 --> 42:23.000 but everybody in this machine knows exactly that it's bad 42:23.000 --> 42:25.000 that it's lies 42:25.000 --> 42:27.000 that it's gross exaggerations 42:27.000 --> 42:31.000 that there are thousands and billions and millions and billions of dollars 42:31.000 --> 42:33.000 exchanging hands 42:33.000 --> 42:36.000 based on these exaggerations 42:36.000 --> 42:38.000 these oversimplifications 42:40.000 --> 42:42.000 and so he can look into the camera 42:42.000 --> 42:45.000 and with his fancy pink lanyardon with his sudon 42:45.000 --> 42:47.000 with his NIH job 42:47.000 --> 42:50.000 and talk all this stuff with these words 42:50.000 --> 42:52.000 and be as imprecise as he wants to 42:52.000 --> 42:55.000 knowing full well that what he is doing is casting an enchantment 42:55.000 --> 42:59.000 he is enchanting everyone in the future 42:59.000 --> 43:02.000 as part of this illusion of consensus 43:02.000 --> 43:05.000 that these are diseases and all diseases have cures 43:05.000 --> 43:08.000 and the best cures are vaccines 43:08.000 --> 43:12.000 it's a really simple enchantment 43:12.000 --> 43:15.000 all these things are diseases 43:15.000 --> 43:19.000 diseases have cures and cures the best ones we have are vaccines 43:19.000 --> 43:21.000 so I work on vaccines 43:25.000 --> 43:29.000 chronic infections like HIV or hepatitis C for example 43:29.000 --> 43:34.000 and I think more and more strategies are being developed to target those 43:34.000 --> 43:38.000 very similar to the ones I just talked about for cancer vaccines 43:38.000 --> 43:41.000 and I think hopefully within the next 5 to 10 years 43:41.000 --> 43:44.000 we will have vaccines for those diseases 43:44.000 --> 43:47.000 but of course at this point that's hope 43:47.000 --> 43:51.000 that's not nothing guaranteed, not promised 43:51.000 --> 43:53.000 I think one is 43:55.000 --> 43:59.000 and it's very similar to saying that this diagram means nothing 43:59.000 --> 44:04.000 that we can effectively ignore this diagram 44:04.000 --> 44:08.000 just like we can ignore any possible safety signals in 44:08.000 --> 44:10.000 transfection and healthy children 44:10.000 --> 44:13.000 we can ignore this diagram 44:13.000 --> 44:16.000 and we can also ignore these people 44:16.000 --> 44:18.000 right? 44:18.000 --> 44:21.000 we can ignore these people 44:21.000 --> 44:24.000 I have a lot of people that made graphics 44:24.000 --> 44:26.000 designs for the trailer 44:26.000 --> 44:29.000 from all over Canada and Australia 44:29.000 --> 44:31.000 but it was just about junior 44:31.000 --> 44:34.000 I said no this trailer is not about just junior 44:34.000 --> 44:37.000 I said it's about junior and all the vaccine injured 44:37.000 --> 44:40.000 that we have because there's thousands of it 44:40.000 --> 44:43.000 people look at the trailer and they'll tell me 44:43.000 --> 44:45.000 that's a lot of people I said no it's not 44:45.000 --> 44:47.000 that's not even a little bit 44:47.000 --> 44:48.000 I said there's more 44:48.000 --> 44:50.000 I said I would need 18 wheelers 44:50.000 --> 44:52.000 to put everyone's picture on it 44:52.000 --> 44:54.000 that thing is 44:54.000 --> 44:56.000 I don't want to make the pictures too small 44:56.000 --> 44:58.000 I want people to actually be able to see the faces 44:58.000 --> 45:00.000 of each person that's on here 45:00.000 --> 45:02.000 my whole mission now 45:02.000 --> 45:05.000 you know bring awareness to all the families 45:05.000 --> 45:07.000 because I don't want to get any emails 45:07.000 --> 45:09.000 text messages anymore 45:09.000 --> 45:11.000 I get them from all over the world 45:11.000 --> 45:13.000 I don't need to be proud of it 45:13.000 --> 45:15.000 juniorsguardianvoices.com 45:15.000 --> 45:17.000 and juniorsguardianvoices.com 45:17.000 --> 45:19.000 I walked to that side door 45:19.000 --> 45:21.000 I was sitting up in a 45:21.000 --> 45:23.000 it was like a life-size picture 45:23.000 --> 45:25.000 and I started crying because I could almost 45:25.000 --> 45:27.000 feel like I could hug them 45:27.000 --> 45:30.000 and I was thinking I'd be proud of it 45:35.000 --> 45:37.000 if I don't do what I'm doing 45:37.000 --> 45:39.000 I can hear them telling me 45:39.000 --> 45:41.000 you know you need to practice what you preach 45:41.000 --> 45:43.000 so that's why I have to keep doing this 45:43.000 --> 45:45.000 thanks for putting that link in there 45:45.000 --> 45:47.000 well it's about the first year 45:47.000 --> 45:48.000 I was ready to give up 45:48.000 --> 45:50.000 I didn't think I was accomplishing anything 45:50.000 --> 45:52.000 I didn't think it was getting out there 45:52.000 --> 45:55.000 and for some reason I was going through my file box 45:55.000 --> 45:57.000 and I found a father state card 45:57.000 --> 45:59.000 the last of my last father state card 45:59.000 --> 46:02.000 and now I just started crying 46:02.000 --> 46:05.000 for probably about three or four hours on the couch 46:05.000 --> 46:08.000 I figured that was his way of telling me to 46:08.000 --> 46:10.000 don't give up 46:10.000 --> 46:12.000 to keep up fighting 46:12.000 --> 46:14.000 and that's the same one I have on the back of my motorcycle 46:14.000 --> 46:16.000 I figured well 46:16.000 --> 46:18.000 I found it 46:18.000 --> 46:20.000 I got to put it on my bike 46:20.000 --> 46:22.000 to remind me why I'm doing this 46:22.000 --> 46:24.000 he cried when he talked about his son 46:24.000 --> 46:26.000 because you don't lose his son 46:26.000 --> 46:28.000 and stop crying about it 46:28.000 --> 46:30.000 I can cry about it 46:30.000 --> 46:32.000 I don't have a loss to son 46:32.000 --> 46:34.000 I just have them 46:34.000 --> 46:36.000 you only have to have them to know 46:36.000 --> 46:38.000 that this guy might possibly be feeling 46:38.000 --> 46:44.000 and I show this video 46:44.000 --> 46:46.000 not only because I want you to know about his website 46:46.000 --> 46:48.000 but I really want you to see 46:48.000 --> 46:52.000 that this guy is organized around everybody 46:52.000 --> 46:55.000 he wants all these peoples justice 46:55.000 --> 46:57.000 and I think we need to really 46:57.000 --> 46:59.000 start to think this way 46:59.000 --> 47:02.000 that in order for this to work 47:02.000 --> 47:04.000 we've all got to come together 47:04.000 --> 47:06.000 at juniorsguardianvoice.com 47:06.000 --> 47:08.000 then we've got to come together there 47:08.000 --> 47:12.000 but we've got to find ways 47:12.000 --> 47:14.000 to make sure that everybody 47:14.000 --> 47:16.000 who was injured by this 47:16.000 --> 47:18.000 transfection and transformation 47:18.000 --> 47:20.000 roll out 47:20.000 --> 47:22.000 nowhere to report 47:22.000 --> 47:24.000 their injuries and that they do it 47:24.000 --> 47:26.000 that everyone who lost someone 47:26.000 --> 47:28.000 to transfection and transformation 47:28.000 --> 47:30.000 is 47:30.000 --> 47:32.000 bringing these numbers to account 47:32.000 --> 47:34.000 because there are people who probably 47:34.000 --> 47:36.000 need to reflect again 47:36.000 --> 47:38.000 ok when did grandma die 47:38.000 --> 47:40.000 when did she die 47:40.000 --> 47:42.000 and what did they say she died of 47:42.000 --> 47:44.000 there are a lot of people 47:44.000 --> 47:46.000 who haven't asked that question yet 47:46.000 --> 47:48.000 there are a lot of people 47:48.000 --> 47:50.000 who haven't asked that question yet 47:50.000 --> 47:54.000 that had people die in the hospital 47:54.000 --> 47:56.000 who haven't asked that question yet 47:56.000 --> 48:00.000 that might need to ask the protocol question 48:00.000 --> 48:04.000 we've got a lot of work to do ladies and gentlemen 48:04.000 --> 48:06.000 because this illusion of consensus 48:06.000 --> 48:08.000 is not going away 48:08.000 --> 48:10.000 these players are not going away 48:10.000 --> 48:12.000 they won't leave us alone 48:12.000 --> 48:14.000 they're still here 48:14.000 --> 48:16.000 they've still got millions of followers 48:16.000 --> 48:18.000 they've still got substacks 48:18.000 --> 48:20.000 that earn $50,000 a week 48:20.000 --> 48:22.000 they're still doing podcasts 48:22.000 --> 48:24.000 four or five times a day 48:24.000 --> 48:26.000 sometimes 48:26.000 --> 48:28.000 these people are still traveling 48:28.000 --> 48:30.000 the world 48:34.000 --> 48:36.000 and they are still pushing this 48:36.000 --> 48:38.000 DNA idea 48:38.000 --> 48:40.000 we covered a 48:40.000 --> 48:42.000 really important stream 48:42.000 --> 48:44.000 a few days before I quit 48:44.000 --> 48:46.000 it was a Canadian 48:46.000 --> 48:48.000 children's health defense 48:48.000 --> 48:50.000 chapter interviewing 48:50.000 --> 48:52.000 the hero from Canada 48:52.000 --> 48:54.000 Byron brittle 48:54.000 --> 48:56.000 who had his 48:56.000 --> 48:58.000 career basically destroyed 48:58.000 --> 49:00.000 because he found a document 49:00.000 --> 49:02.000 from the Japanese Pfizer 49:02.000 --> 49:04.000 trials showing 49:04.000 --> 49:06.000 or the Japanese 49:06.000 --> 49:08.000 paperwork submitted 49:08.000 --> 49:10.000 by Pfizer 49:10.000 --> 49:12.000 I'm showing that the 49:12.000 --> 49:14.000 the transfection agent 49:14.000 --> 49:16.000 and if you 49:16.000 --> 49:18.000 transfected luciferase in this case 49:18.000 --> 49:20.000 they could see glow-in-the-dark protein 49:20.000 --> 49:22.000 all around the body 49:22.000 --> 49:24.000 and it didn't stay in the muscle 49:24.000 --> 49:26.000 and he reported this very early 49:26.000 --> 49:28.000 and really really really 49:28.000 --> 49:30.000 suffered for it 49:30.000 --> 49:32.000 and two years later 49:32.000 --> 49:34.000 we have the inventor 49:34.000 --> 49:36.000 of the lipid nanoparticle technology 49:36.000 --> 49:38.000 Peter Kullis 49:38.000 --> 49:40.000 giving a celebratory lecture 49:40.000 --> 49:42.000 regarding the garden near prize 49:42.000 --> 49:44.000 in Canada 49:44.000 --> 49:46.000 a sort of pre-noble prize 49:46.000 --> 49:48.000 where he just casually answers questions 49:48.000 --> 49:50.000 at the end where he says 49:50.000 --> 49:52.000 yeah I ruined the career 49:52.000 --> 49:54.000 or burnt out five postdocs 49:54.000 --> 49:56.000 trying to figure out 49:56.000 --> 49:58.000 how to target these lipids 49:58.000 --> 50:00.000 to particular places in the body 50:00.000 --> 50:02.000 and we never succeeded 50:02.000 --> 50:06.000 or at least 20 years away from figuring that out 50:06.000 --> 50:08.000 but of course the one of the 50:08.000 --> 50:10.000 primary assumptions of 50:10.000 --> 50:12.000 the effectiveness of the vaccine 50:12.000 --> 50:14.000 was that it stayed in the muscle 50:14.000 --> 50:16.000 and that the expression 50:16.000 --> 50:18.000 of the spike protein was 50:18.000 --> 50:20.000 extremely temporary 50:20.000 --> 50:22.000 and limited 50:22.000 --> 50:24.000 but we know from their discussions 50:24.000 --> 50:26.000 and their descriptions of their own work 50:26.000 --> 50:28.000 that they optimized it for 50:28.000 --> 50:30.000 maximum lifetime 50:30.000 --> 50:32.000 and maximum protein production 50:36.000 --> 50:38.000 we really really really 50:38.000 --> 50:40.000 need to understand that it's not 50:40.000 --> 50:42.000 a matter of 50:42.000 --> 50:44.000 what's true that counts anymore 50:44.000 --> 50:46.000 but it's a matter of what is perceived to be true 50:46.000 --> 50:48.000 and that these people have been 50:48.000 --> 50:50.000 actively trying to 50:50.000 --> 50:52.000 not let us understand 50:52.000 --> 50:54.000 what is really true 50:54.000 --> 50:56.000 and about the transfection 50:56.000 --> 50:58.000 it must be understood 50:58.000 --> 51:00.000 I think that somebody like 51:00.000 --> 51:02.000 Sukhid Bhakti and I'm sure that my friend 51:02.000 --> 51:04.000 Mike Eden would also agree with me 51:04.000 --> 51:06.000 when I say the transfection 51:06.000 --> 51:08.000 in its purest form 51:08.000 --> 51:10.000 is wholly inappropriate for 51:10.000 --> 51:12.000 healthy humans 51:12.000 --> 51:14.000 in its purest form 51:14.000 --> 51:16.000 the best case scenario 51:16.000 --> 51:18.000 you know the 51:18.000 --> 51:20.000 the coffee artist 51:20.000 --> 51:22.000 cappuccino the best 51:22.000 --> 51:24.000 whatever you got 51:24.000 --> 51:26.000 it's wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 51:26.000 --> 51:28.000 it didn't get any good form 51:28.000 --> 51:30.000 it's not going to be good form 51:30.000 --> 51:32.000 it's definitely not going to be able to augment their immune system 51:32.000 --> 51:34.000 now upscaling 51:34.000 --> 51:36.000 from this beautiful perfect 51:36.000 --> 51:38.000 purest form 51:38.000 --> 51:40.000 of 51:40.000 --> 51:42.000 transfection to 51:42.000 --> 51:44.000 from nanograms to kilograms 51:45.000 --> 51:47.000 introduced a whole host 51:47.000 --> 51:48.000 of 51:48.000 --> 51:50.000 quality control and production problems 51:50.000 --> 51:52.000 that have never been adequately 51:52.000 --> 51:54.000 explored as being conquered 51:54.000 --> 51:56.000 you know have they really solved 51:56.000 --> 51:58.000 all these problems or do they just go 51:58.000 --> 52:00.000 from making one 52:00.000 --> 52:02.000 good 52:02.000 --> 52:04.000 grandma's apple pie 52:04.000 --> 52:06.000 to 10,000 a day 52:06.000 --> 52:08.000 and just tell us that these pies 52:08.000 --> 52:10.000 are as good as the one that your grandma made 52:10.000 --> 52:12.000 because 52:12.000 --> 52:14.000 when your grandma makes a pie it is 52:14.000 --> 52:16.000 the purest form 52:16.000 --> 52:20.000 of transfection and it's a tasty pie 52:20.000 --> 52:22.000 but you can't call that apple pie 52:22.000 --> 52:24.000 a something that you can live on 52:24.000 --> 52:26.000 it's not a nutritious meal 52:26.000 --> 52:28.000 it's a dessert 52:28.000 --> 52:30.000 and so in its purest form 52:30.000 --> 52:32.000 it is not a nourishing meal 52:32.000 --> 52:34.000 it's an apple pie 52:36.000 --> 52:38.000 and if you take grandma's apple pie 52:38.000 --> 52:40.000 and you decide okay we're going to go from making one 52:40.000 --> 52:42.000 to making 10,000 there are a lot of 52:42.000 --> 52:44.000 a 52:44.000 --> 52:46.000 lot of scaling up problems 52:46.000 --> 52:48.000 that you need to conquer 52:48.000 --> 52:50.000 in order to take grandma's perfect pie 52:50.000 --> 52:52.000 and make 10,000 of a 52:52.000 --> 52:54.000 a day every day consistently 52:54.000 --> 52:56.000 and in fact 52:56.000 --> 52:58.000 you can listen to Elon Musk 52:58.000 --> 53:00.000 on Joe Rogan 53:00.000 --> 53:02.000 not too long ago explaining 53:02.000 --> 53:04.000 that making 53:04.000 --> 53:06.000 a prototype of an electric car 53:06.000 --> 53:08.000 is actually ridiculously easy 53:08.000 --> 53:10.000 and the problem is a thousand 53:10.000 --> 53:12.000 times harder is 53:12.000 --> 53:14.000 to scale up production 53:14.000 --> 53:16.000 of the car 53:16.000 --> 53:18.000 occasionally Elon Musk 53:18.000 --> 53:20.000 says things that make sense and are 53:20.000 --> 53:22.000 actually almost above high school level 53:22.000 --> 53:24.000 intelligence and that's 53:24.000 --> 53:26.000 in that entire interview one of the few 53:26.000 --> 53:28.000 intelligent things that he said 53:28.000 --> 53:30.000 that didn't just make him 53:30.000 --> 53:32.000 sound like a clown 53:32.000 --> 53:34.000 he made comments about the pizza 53:34.000 --> 53:36.000 which was pretty good and he explained 53:36.000 --> 53:38.000 that making a prototype electric car 53:38.000 --> 53:40.000 is relatively easy 53:40.000 --> 53:42.000 relative to figuring out how to 53:42.000 --> 53:44.000 produce it 53:44.000 --> 53:46.000 and this scaling up 53:46.000 --> 53:48.000 from making 53:48.000 --> 53:50.000 transfection in its purest form 53:50.000 --> 53:52.000 to making billions of doses 53:52.000 --> 53:54.000 in a given three-year period 53:56.000 --> 53:58.000 has just been glossed over as 53:58.000 --> 54:00.000 yeah sure we did it 54:00.000 --> 54:02.000 no, no you didn't 54:02.000 --> 54:04.000 there's no possible way you did 54:04.000 --> 54:06.000 and that's what Mike Eden brought 54:06.000 --> 54:08.000 to the table very early on 54:08.000 --> 54:10.000 in this discussion 54:10.000 --> 54:12.000 so the R&A had to be impure 54:12.000 --> 54:14.000 it had to be impure 54:14.000 --> 54:16.000 because even when they made it in its purest form 54:16.000 --> 54:18.000 in the small batch 54:18.000 --> 54:20.000 you know 54:20.000 --> 54:22.000 grandma's pie scenario 54:22.000 --> 54:24.000 the R&A 54:24.000 --> 54:26.000 was still pretty 54:26.000 --> 54:28.000 not pure 54:28.000 --> 54:30.000 and now 54:30.000 --> 54:32.000 that they scaled it up using bacteria 54:32.000 --> 54:34.000 now that they scaled it up using a different process 54:34.000 --> 54:36.000 now that they scaled it up from 54:36.000 --> 54:38.000 nanograms to kilograms 54:38.000 --> 54:40.000 there's all kinds of impurities 54:40.000 --> 54:42.000 related to the R&A and unrelated to the R&A 54:42.000 --> 54:44.000 but related to its production 54:48.000 --> 54:50.000 and 54:50.000 --> 54:52.000 let's stay on the transfection itself 54:52.000 --> 54:54.000 the R&A was codon optimized 54:54.000 --> 54:56.000 which has a number of biological implications 54:56.000 --> 54:58.000 for the protein that's produced 54:58.000 --> 55:00.000 number one it won't be the protein 55:00.000 --> 55:02.000 that's produced is because 55:02.000 --> 55:04.000 although the codon optimization 55:04.000 --> 55:06.000 is changing synonymous codons 55:06.000 --> 55:08.000 synonymous codons are not synonymous 55:10.000 --> 55:12.000 and we know this because many 55:12.000 --> 55:14.000 genetic diseases 55:14.000 --> 55:16.000 seem to be 55:16.000 --> 55:18.000 based on silent mutations 55:18.000 --> 55:20.000 in the gene that they are 55:20.000 --> 55:22.000 correlated to 55:24.000 --> 55:26.000 silent mutations aren't supposed to change 55:26.000 --> 55:28.000 the protein but somehow silent 55:28.000 --> 55:32.000 mutations are linked to an awful lot of genetic diseases 55:32.000 --> 55:34.000 and that is likely because 55:34.000 --> 55:36.000 the silent mutations affect the translation 55:36.000 --> 55:38.000 of the protein 55:38.000 --> 55:40.000 the translation from R&A to protein 55:40.000 --> 55:42.000 requires the ribosome to do stuff 55:42.000 --> 55:44.000 that we don't understand 55:44.000 --> 55:46.000 the ribosome is a mystery machine 55:46.000 --> 55:48.000 the real mystery machine 55:48.000 --> 55:50.000 in this Scooby-Doo is the ribosome 55:50.000 --> 55:52.000 and 55:52.000 --> 55:54.000 conquering figuring out how the ribosome 55:54.000 --> 55:56.000 does what it does 55:56.000 --> 55:58.000 and how the variations in ribosomes 55:58.000 --> 56:00.000 change what it does 56:00.000 --> 56:02.000 and how the sequence of the R&A 56:02.000 --> 56:04.000 even with synonymous codons 56:04.000 --> 56:06.000 changes what the R&A does 56:06.000 --> 56:08.000 in the ribosome 56:08.000 --> 56:10.000 is a mystery 56:10.000 --> 56:12.000 and you might think you know what a ribosome 56:12.000 --> 56:14.000 is it's actually not a protein 56:14.000 --> 56:16.000 it's a protein 56:16.000 --> 56:18.000 R&A molecule hybrid 56:18.000 --> 56:20.000 that functionally forms this 56:20.000 --> 56:22.000 enzyme machine thing called a ribosome 56:22.000 --> 56:24.000 it's a pretty complicated thing 56:24.000 --> 56:26.000 that we don't really understand 56:26.000 --> 56:28.000 that much about 56:30.000 --> 56:32.000 and so when we codon optimize 56:32.000 --> 56:34.000 the R&A we don't know exactly what we did 56:34.000 --> 56:36.000 but we definitely changed how the R&A 56:36.000 --> 56:38.000 will translate through any 56:38.000 --> 56:40.000 given ribosome and any given tissue 56:40.000 --> 56:42.000 because 56:42.000 --> 56:44.000 codon optimizing changed 56:44.000 --> 56:46.000 the amino acid 56:46.000 --> 56:48.000 codons that are present 56:48.000 --> 56:50.000 in the viral R&A 56:50.000 --> 56:52.000 so it's not the same spike protein 56:52.000 --> 56:54.000 in addition 56:54.000 --> 56:56.000 because you know there's no 56:56.000 --> 56:58.000 bell prize technology in this stuff 56:58.000 --> 57:00.000 it was chemically altered 57:00.000 --> 57:02.000 and those chemical 57:02.000 --> 57:04.000 alterations can change the way 57:04.000 --> 57:06.000 that the ribosome interacts with the R&A 57:06.000 --> 57:08.000 and it can redesalt 57:08.000 --> 57:10.000 in premature stops 57:10.000 --> 57:12.000 which would shorten the protein 57:12.000 --> 57:14.000 and it can result 57:14.000 --> 57:16.000 in a wobble-based phenomenon 57:16.000 --> 57:18.000 which basically means that the R&A 57:18.000 --> 57:20.000 is not as specific 57:20.000 --> 57:22.000 or a particular codon as it would be 57:22.000 --> 57:24.000 when it has this pseudo-uridine present 57:24.000 --> 57:26.000 it's like a wild card 57:26.000 --> 57:28.000 and so now 57:28.000 --> 57:30.000 the ribosome can make errors of insertion 57:30.000 --> 57:32.000 or errors of 57:32.000 --> 57:34.000 substitution 57:34.000 --> 57:36.000 and those errors 57:36.000 --> 57:38.000 will necessarily have consequences 57:38.000 --> 57:40.000 for the antigenic properties 57:40.000 --> 57:42.000 of the protein 57:42.000 --> 57:44.000 the folding of the protein 57:44.000 --> 57:46.000 and potentially even the toxicity 57:46.000 --> 57:48.000 of it 57:49.000 --> 57:51.000 the worst part is these premature stops 57:51.000 --> 57:53.000 create very small 57:53.000 --> 57:55.000 R&As which small R&As 57:55.000 --> 57:57.000 can have the potential to interfere 57:57.000 --> 57:59.000 with our own endogenous R&As 57:59.000 --> 58:01.000 so there's all kinds of possibilities that are opened up 58:01.000 --> 58:03.000 by the fact that the R&As impure 58:03.000 --> 58:05.000 the R&A was codon optimized 58:05.000 --> 58:07.000 and chemically altered 58:07.000 --> 58:10.000 it results in all this variability 58:10.000 --> 58:12.000 and all of this 58:12.000 --> 58:14.000 extra R&A 58:14.000 --> 58:16.000 and extra R&As not handy 58:16.000 --> 58:19.000 and it's not something that we can be imprecise about 58:19.000 --> 58:21.000 and yet there's no doubt 58:21.000 --> 58:23.000 because of one and two and three 58:23.000 --> 58:26.000 that we are not precise here 58:26.000 --> 58:29.000 so the protein produced is uncharacterized 58:29.000 --> 58:33.000 and highly variable again because of three, four and five 58:33.000 --> 58:36.000 that means that the immune response 58:36.000 --> 58:39.000 that's being generated by this bouquet of variability 58:39.000 --> 58:41.000 is not very predictable either 58:42.000 --> 58:44.000 it's pretty predictable from the standpoint 58:44.000 --> 58:46.000 of when they tell you to check it this way 58:46.000 --> 58:48.000 yeah sure it works 58:48.000 --> 58:50.000 that's like saying you know 58:50.000 --> 58:52.000 did you use the car last night 58:52.000 --> 58:54.000 to your teenage daughter 58:54.000 --> 58:56.000 and she says no I didn't 58:56.000 --> 58:57.000 well what's your proof? 58:57.000 --> 58:59.000 well you know look in the driver's seat 58:59.000 --> 59:02.000 there's no Chick-fil-A 59:02.000 --> 59:05.000 is that proof? 59:06.000 --> 59:08.000 and in this case what we're talking about here 59:08.000 --> 59:11.000 is them saying something like well 59:11.000 --> 59:14.000 you know the spike protein works 59:14.000 --> 59:17.000 I mean when we use our own assay 59:17.000 --> 59:21.000 to test whether there's any spike protein produced by the M R&A 59:21.000 --> 59:24.000 our assay says it works great 59:24.000 --> 59:27.000 well if your daughter's assay 59:27.000 --> 59:29.000 for whether she used the car or not 59:29.000 --> 59:31.000 is the one that's in the car 59:31.000 --> 59:34.000 if your daughter's assay for whether she used the car or not 59:34.000 --> 59:36.000 is the one that you accept 59:36.000 --> 59:39.000 then she can say yeah there's no Chick-fil-A in the front seat 59:39.000 --> 59:41.000 so obviously I didn't use the car 59:41.000 --> 59:43.000 and then you got to go oh I guess you're right 59:43.000 --> 59:44.000 you didn't use the car 59:44.000 --> 59:46.000 well we used our test 59:46.000 --> 59:48.000 to find that spike protein is produced 59:48.000 --> 59:51.000 when we when we transfect cells in a dish 59:51.000 --> 59:53.000 so obviously it works right 59:53.000 --> 59:56.000 it's the same argument 59:56.000 --> 59:58.000 it's the same level of proof 59:59.000 --> 01:00:03.000 and so the LNP was never really tested in humans 01:00:03.000 --> 01:00:05.000 for long or short-term effects 01:00:05.000 --> 01:00:07.000 we just take the word of Peter Cullis 01:00:07.000 --> 01:00:08.000 that it works great 01:00:08.000 --> 01:00:11.000 but we can't really target it anywhere 01:00:11.000 --> 01:00:14.000 endotoxins from process two 01:00:14.000 --> 01:00:16.000 those are the bacteria 01:00:16.000 --> 01:00:18.000 and the remnants of the bacteria 01:00:18.000 --> 01:00:19.000 after they've been lised 01:00:19.000 --> 01:00:21.000 you can't clean that up very well 01:00:21.000 --> 01:00:23.000 and again it's compounded by the fact 01:00:23.000 --> 01:00:25.000 that you're not making small batch 01:00:25.000 --> 01:00:27.000 you're making large batch 01:00:27.000 --> 01:00:29.000 and in that large batch 01:00:29.000 --> 01:00:31.000 it's even harder to get contaminants out 01:00:31.000 --> 01:00:32.000 when you're rushing it out 01:00:32.000 --> 01:00:34.000 when you're bottling 01:00:34.000 --> 01:00:36.000 millions of small vials 01:00:36.000 --> 01:00:38.000 there's all kinds of variability 01:00:38.000 --> 01:00:40.000 potential there again 01:00:40.000 --> 01:00:44.000 these are all compounding problems 01:00:44.000 --> 01:00:47.000 and we still haven't really gotten 01:00:47.000 --> 01:00:49.000 to the double-stranded fragments 01:00:49.000 --> 01:00:51.000 from process one until right now 01:00:51.000 --> 01:00:53.000 at number nine 01:00:53.000 --> 01:00:56.000 and so my argument is 01:00:56.000 --> 01:00:59.000 hopefully I'm not too far from the microphone right now 01:00:59.000 --> 01:01:00.000 but the argument is 01:01:00.000 --> 01:01:02.000 is that number nine 01:01:02.000 --> 01:01:06.000 is one of many many many reasons 01:01:06.000 --> 01:01:08.000 to reject 01:01:08.000 --> 01:01:10.000 transfection in healthy humans 01:01:10.000 --> 01:01:12.000 the first one being 01:01:12.000 --> 01:01:14.000 the transfection in its purest form 01:01:14.000 --> 01:01:17.000 is wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 01:01:17.000 --> 01:01:19.000 and number one 01:01:19.000 --> 01:01:22.000 is the reason why they were criminally negligent 01:01:22.000 --> 01:01:24.000 not number nine 01:01:24.000 --> 01:01:26.000 they are criminally negligent 01:01:26.000 --> 01:01:28.000 because they have known that 01:01:28.000 --> 01:01:30.000 transfection in its purest form 01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:32.000 would be wholly inappropriate for healthy humans 01:01:32.000 --> 01:01:34.000 they have known that upscaling 01:01:34.000 --> 01:01:36.000 from nanograms to kilograms 01:01:36.000 --> 01:01:38.000 was going to be a disaster 01:01:38.000 --> 01:01:40.000 they have known that the RNA was impure 01:01:40.000 --> 01:01:42.000 they have known that the codon optimizing 01:01:42.000 --> 01:01:43.000 would cause variability 01:01:43.000 --> 01:01:44.000 they couldn't predict 01:01:44.000 --> 01:01:46.000 they have known that chemically 01:01:46.000 --> 01:01:48.000 altering this mRNA would cause it to last 01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:50.000 much longer than intended 01:01:50.000 --> 01:01:52.000 and could even produce small fragments of RNA 01:01:52.000 --> 01:01:55.000 that could interfere with our own endogenous transcripts 01:01:55.000 --> 01:01:56.000 they have known 01:01:56.000 --> 01:01:58.000 that the protein is wholly uncharacterized 01:01:58.000 --> 01:02:01.000 as a prodrug and should have definitely been treated as such 01:02:01.000 --> 01:02:03.000 they have known that the LNP 01:02:03.000 --> 01:02:06.000 was not tested adequately in humans 01:02:06.000 --> 01:02:09.000 and so the criminal negligence 01:02:09.000 --> 01:02:11.000 that we need to be targeting 01:02:11.000 --> 01:02:13.000 is not number nine 01:02:13.000 --> 01:02:15.000 and we are being misled 01:02:15.000 --> 01:02:17.000 that number nine is our opening 01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:19.000 number nine is our big window 01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:24.000 or is the spike toxic 01:02:24.000 --> 01:02:25.000 maybe that's our big window 01:02:25.000 --> 01:02:28.000 maybe we should be angry because they chose the wrong protein 01:02:28.000 --> 01:02:31.000 we were being told that for more than a year 01:02:31.000 --> 01:02:36.000 we were being told that the spike is toxic 01:02:36.000 --> 01:02:38.000 and that we chose the wrong protein 01:02:38.000 --> 01:02:40.000 for a year 01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:43.000 and the only reason why we are still not being told 01:02:43.000 --> 01:02:47.000 that very thing is because of giga ohm biological 01:02:47.000 --> 01:02:50.000 that's what I believe 01:02:50.000 --> 01:02:54.000 and so this list is important to understand 01:02:54.000 --> 01:02:57.000 because this is the argument that I want to make 01:02:57.000 --> 01:02:59.000 repeatedly over the next weeks 01:02:59.000 --> 01:03:01.000 until Christmas until the new year 01:03:01.000 --> 01:03:04.000 and I believe 01:03:04.000 --> 01:03:06.000 wittingly or unwittingly 01:03:06.000 --> 01:03:09.000 these people are involved in sustaining that 01:03:09.000 --> 01:03:11.000 they are involved in sustaining this 01:03:11.000 --> 01:03:13.000 imaginary tunnel we're in 01:03:13.000 --> 01:03:15.000 where there was a novel virus 01:03:15.000 --> 01:03:17.000 that killed millions of people 01:03:17.000 --> 01:03:21.000 but thank goodness we saved millions too 01:03:21.000 --> 01:03:23.000 and gain a function obviously is real 01:03:23.000 --> 01:03:25.000 because these people were lying about it 01:03:25.000 --> 01:03:27.000 covering it up by mean man oh man 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:29.000 it's obvious now 01:03:29.000 --> 01:03:31.000 and so we've got to be careful because the virus 01:03:31.000 --> 01:03:34.000 will definitely come again 01:03:34.000 --> 01:03:37.000 and we cannot let our children 01:03:37.000 --> 01:03:40.000 grow up in this world 01:03:40.000 --> 01:03:43.000 but it is 01:03:43.000 --> 01:03:45.000 keeping the narrative alive 01:03:45.000 --> 01:03:47.000 the show must go on and it's not a matter of what true 01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:49.000 that counts it's a matter of what's perceived to be true 01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:52.000 so these people are still working 01:03:52.000 --> 01:03:54.000 Paul Offitt is still working 01:03:54.000 --> 01:03:56.000 and the Twiv crew is still working 01:03:56.000 --> 01:03:59.000 so I wanted to watch a little bit of Twiv tonight 01:03:59.000 --> 01:04:03.000 because I think it's fun to watch these guys 01:04:03.000 --> 01:04:06.000 and this episode has a number of different papers 01:04:06.000 --> 01:04:08.000 that they cover in it 01:04:08.000 --> 01:04:11.000 but the paper that I wanted to look at 01:04:11.000 --> 01:04:13.000 is an HPV paper 01:04:13.000 --> 01:04:15.000 where they look at viral prevalence 01:04:15.000 --> 01:04:19.000 and they make some argument about the HPV vaccine 01:04:19.000 --> 01:04:21.000 so I will be very honest 01:04:21.000 --> 01:04:25.000 I didn't know a lot about the HPV vaccine 01:04:25.000 --> 01:04:27.000 until I saw Vaxxed too 01:04:27.000 --> 01:04:29.000 and it was actually just in time 01:04:29.000 --> 01:04:31.000 for me not to give it to my children 01:04:31.000 --> 01:04:34.000 the first time that it was offered to my boys 01:04:34.000 --> 01:04:37.000 we were already knew not to say it 01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:39.000 not to take it 01:04:40.000 --> 01:04:44.000 but it is very disturbing to me 01:04:44.000 --> 01:04:48.000 that they are now pushing the HPV vaccine harder than ever 01:04:48.000 --> 01:04:53.000 and these kinds of disingenuous arguments are being made 01:04:53.000 --> 01:04:57.000 and really ridiculous statements like 01:04:57.000 --> 01:05:01.000 HPV vaccines are a great way to prevent cancer 01:05:01.000 --> 01:05:04.000 and this is just not true 01:05:04.000 --> 01:05:07.000 it's not proven, it's not shown, it's not measured 01:05:07.000 --> 01:05:09.000 it's never been observed 01:05:09.000 --> 01:05:13.000 and in the cases where it is purported to be observed 01:05:13.000 --> 01:05:20.000 great mathematical feats of ridiculousness 01:05:20.000 --> 01:05:24.000 are needed in order to create the illusion of a data set 01:05:24.000 --> 01:05:27.000 which gives the signal that they purported gives 01:05:27.000 --> 01:05:30.000 and that's what this Twiv is about 01:05:30.000 --> 01:05:32.000 is about this cell micro paper 01:05:32.000 --> 01:05:35.000 where they say that they looked at 01:05:35.000 --> 01:05:39.000 many different communities in Finland 01:05:39.000 --> 01:05:45.000 a total of 16,000 young people from age 18 to 22 01:05:45.000 --> 01:05:50.000 and they measured the prevalence of several HPV virus 01:05:50.000 --> 01:05:54.000 serotypes in these individuals 01:05:54.000 --> 01:05:57.000 four years and eight years after vaccination 01:05:57.000 --> 01:06:01.000 and purport to compare the vaccination schemes 01:06:01.000 --> 01:06:04.000 across these communities 01:06:04.000 --> 01:06:07.000 and the communities that they say are represented 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:09.000 are an unvaccinated communities 01:06:09.000 --> 01:06:13.000 communities where the vaccine was targeted to girls 01:06:13.000 --> 01:06:18.000 and communities where the vaccine was targeted to boys and girls 01:06:18.000 --> 01:06:21.000 and using a general linear model 01:06:21.000 --> 01:06:26.000 and some other mathematical techniques to generate synthetic data 01:06:26.000 --> 01:06:31.000 they claim that in the 01:06:31.000 --> 01:06:35.000 populations where they have vaccinated both boys and girls 01:06:35.000 --> 01:06:39.000 they see an effect on the ecology 01:06:39.000 --> 01:06:42.000 of the hepatitis viruses 01:06:42.000 --> 01:06:46.000 that they meet in these adults 01:06:46.000 --> 01:06:49.000 that they are able to record in these adults 01:06:49.000 --> 01:06:53.000 so what we're going to watch is these four 01:06:53.000 --> 01:06:56.000 individuals digest this paper in real time 01:06:56.000 --> 01:06:59.000 they're supposed to have read it, it's supposed to be a journal club 01:06:59.000 --> 01:07:03.000 but in reality when you hear the absolute 01:07:03.000 --> 01:07:09.000 it's only can be described as shameful 01:07:09.000 --> 01:07:12.000 that all three of these people purport to be 01:07:12.000 --> 01:07:17.000 a career academic biologist with decades of experience 01:07:17.000 --> 01:07:21.000 none of these people on the screen are claiming less than 01:07:21.000 --> 01:07:25.000 less experience than me and most of them I would assume 01:07:25.000 --> 01:07:28.000 are claiming more experience than me in virology 01:07:28.000 --> 01:07:31.000 and in biology in general 01:07:31.000 --> 01:07:34.000 so every one of these people should be my academic 01:07:34.000 --> 01:07:37.000 and intellectual elder 01:07:37.000 --> 01:07:40.000 and yet you're going to hear how 01:07:40.000 --> 01:07:43.000 absolutely elementary 01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:47.000 and naive they speak 01:07:47.000 --> 01:07:50.000 of these 01:07:50.000 --> 01:07:53.000 things that are portrayed as certainties by the CDC 01:07:53.000 --> 01:07:57.000 by the FDA, by the WHO, by everyone 01:07:57.000 --> 01:08:00.000 by the entire public health apparatus 01:08:00.000 --> 01:08:03.000 that is responsible for this illusion of consensus 01:08:03.000 --> 01:08:06.000 and they even actually get confused because they realize 01:08:06.000 --> 01:08:08.000 that wow there's a lot of 01:08:08.000 --> 01:08:10.000 there's a lot of hand waving here 01:08:10.000 --> 01:08:13.000 and Vincent tries to pull the 01:08:13.000 --> 01:08:16.000 shoot a little bit and keep them on topic 01:08:16.000 --> 01:08:19.000 but the guy in the upper right is sure not buying it 01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:23.000 and the guy in the lower right really tries to save the day too 01:08:23.000 --> 01:08:26.000 but I mean it's just an exposure like none other 01:08:26.000 --> 01:08:28.000 so let's check this out 01:08:28.000 --> 01:08:30.000 I don't know how long I'm taking here 01:08:30.000 --> 01:08:31.000 I'm probably really already 01:08:31.000 --> 01:08:33.000 hours and hours on 01:08:33.000 --> 01:08:35.000 here we go 01:08:35.000 --> 01:08:38.000 so I starting it at 01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:42.000 2358 because they read some other paper beforehand 01:08:42.000 --> 01:08:44.000 and it's only going to be about 15 minutes 01:08:44.000 --> 01:08:46.000 we're not going to listen to the whole thing 01:08:46.000 --> 01:08:48.000 I'm just going to listen to this paper 01:08:48.000 --> 01:08:51.000 and I'm going to listen at one and a half speed 01:08:51.000 --> 01:08:52.000 and then we'll close it out 01:08:52.000 --> 01:08:54.000 you know because that's how we're going to do it 01:08:54.000 --> 01:08:55.000 we're going to do dailies 01:08:55.000 --> 01:08:56.000 we're going to try and just keep 01:08:56.000 --> 01:08:57.000 singing the same song 01:08:57.000 --> 01:08:58.000 and if you don't like it 01:08:58.000 --> 01:08:59.000 well that's tough 01:08:59.000 --> 01:09:01.000 because the same song needs singing at this point 01:09:01.000 --> 01:09:03.000 we need to keep repeating stuff 01:09:03.000 --> 01:09:05.000 until people get it 01:09:05.000 --> 01:09:07.000 what is behind me? 01:09:07.000 --> 01:09:09.000 there's a wrinkle in my 01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:11.000 in my green screen 01:09:11.000 --> 01:09:13.000 it's making some annoying 01:09:13.000 --> 01:09:15.000 like there we go 01:09:15.000 --> 01:09:17.000 alright that's better 01:09:17.000 --> 01:09:19.000 oh good mistakes 01:09:19.000 --> 01:09:21.000 let's play 01:09:21.000 --> 01:09:24.000 yeah there was only two in the ellipsis 01:09:24.000 --> 01:09:26.000 it was three dots but only two names 01:09:26.000 --> 01:09:27.000 oh I read the main title 01:09:27.000 --> 01:09:28.000 with all the authors 01:09:28.000 --> 01:09:29.000 yeah okay 01:09:29.000 --> 01:09:30.000 one two three four five six seven eight 01:09:30.000 --> 01:09:31.000 yeah okay yeah the ellipsis 01:09:31.000 --> 01:09:32.000 I didn't read that right 01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:34.000 okay human papillomavirus 01:09:34.000 --> 01:09:35.000 now these are DNA viruses 01:09:35.000 --> 01:09:37.000 oh wait what did I say? 01:09:37.000 --> 01:09:39.000 human icosahedral capsid 01:09:39.000 --> 01:09:41.000 okay so here you go you can already see 01:09:41.000 --> 01:09:43.000 where I'm just not 01:09:43.000 --> 01:09:45.000 human papillomavirus is HPV vaccine 01:09:45.000 --> 01:09:47.000 I apologize what was I saying 01:09:47.000 --> 01:09:48.000 hepatitis like that's crazy 01:09:48.000 --> 01:09:50.000 that's the one they give at birth 01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:52.000 and they give it other types too 01:09:52.000 --> 01:09:54.000 so I apologize already for that ball drop 01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:56.000 HPV is human papillomavirus 01:09:56.000 --> 01:09:58.000 and those are the viruses 01:09:58.000 --> 01:10:00.000 that are blamed for cervical cancer 01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:01.000 and uterine cancer 01:10:01.000 --> 01:10:03.000 and all kinds of other genital cancers 01:10:03.000 --> 01:10:05.000 and so that's what we're talking about here 01:10:05.000 --> 01:10:07.000 and it's a niche 01:10:07.000 --> 01:10:08.000 for cervical cancer 01:10:08.000 --> 01:10:10.000 which is just ridiculous right 01:10:10.000 --> 01:10:12.000 for a number of biological reasons 01:10:12.000 --> 01:10:14.000 it's imprecise use of language 01:10:14.000 --> 01:10:16.000 that's really burning me up lately 01:10:16.000 --> 01:10:18.000 but it's it's burning me up 01:10:18.000 --> 01:10:19.000 because it's become obvious 01:10:19.000 --> 01:10:21.000 that that's not only what drove me nuts 01:10:21.000 --> 01:10:23.000 when I was in academic biology 01:10:23.000 --> 01:10:25.000 as a neurobiologist 01:10:25.000 --> 01:10:27.000 but it's what really drives me nuts 01:10:27.000 --> 01:10:29.000 about how we've moved through this pandemic 01:10:29.000 --> 01:10:31.000 it's with imprecise language 01:10:31.000 --> 01:10:34.000 it is making things stupid complicated 01:10:34.000 --> 01:10:36.000 or dumb simple when it's inappropriate 01:10:36.000 --> 01:10:38.000 to the point where people 01:10:38.000 --> 01:10:40.000 are completely bamboozled 01:10:40.000 --> 01:10:41.000 they're misled 01:10:41.000 --> 01:10:44.000 and they think they understand something 01:10:44.000 --> 01:10:46.000 that has been made dumb 01:10:46.000 --> 01:10:48.000 simple or stupid complicated 01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:50.000 and they don't 01:10:50.000 --> 01:10:53.000 and these people are going to 01:10:53.000 --> 01:10:56.000 inadvertently or unwittingly admit 01:10:56.000 --> 01:10:58.000 that they don't understand this either 01:10:58.000 --> 01:11:00.000 and it's sad 01:11:00.000 --> 01:11:02.000 because you can see them struggle 01:11:02.000 --> 01:11:03.000 through the mud 01:11:03.000 --> 01:11:05.000 like wow I really don't get it 01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:06.000 I mean it doesn't make sense 01:11:06.000 --> 01:11:07.000 but I guess we've got to accept it 01:11:07.000 --> 01:11:08.000 because we're a virologist 01:11:08.000 --> 01:11:10.000 and this is a virology paper 01:11:10.000 --> 01:11:12.000 brains and they are 01:11:12.000 --> 01:11:13.000 there are lots of them 01:11:13.000 --> 01:11:14.000 there are many different types 01:11:14.000 --> 01:11:17.000 and many of them are associated 01:11:17.000 --> 01:11:19.000 with producing warts 01:11:19.000 --> 01:11:20.000 and humans 01:11:20.000 --> 01:11:21.000 for human papilloma viruses 01:11:21.000 --> 01:11:23.000 of course are rabbit papilloma viruses as well 01:11:23.000 --> 01:11:25.000 but in humans some of the types 01:11:25.000 --> 01:11:26.000 are associated with cancers 01:11:26.000 --> 01:11:28.000 such as cervical cancer, anal cancer, 01:11:28.000 --> 01:11:29.000 vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer 01:11:29.000 --> 01:11:31.000 and also oral pharyngeal cancer 01:11:31.000 --> 01:11:32.000 and a number of years ago 01:11:32.000 --> 01:11:34.000 vaccines were developed 01:11:34.000 --> 01:11:36.000 to specifically prevent these cancers 01:11:36.000 --> 01:11:38.000 and they're very good at doing that 01:11:38.000 --> 01:11:40.000 they're interesting vaccines 01:11:40.000 --> 01:11:42.000 because they're virus-like particles 01:11:42.000 --> 01:11:44.000 there's a genome in them 01:11:44.000 --> 01:11:46.000 the main capsid protein is produced in 01:11:46.000 --> 01:11:48.000 like yeast or insect cells 01:11:48.000 --> 01:11:49.000 it assembles into a particle 01:11:49.000 --> 01:11:50.000 it's mixed with an adjuvant 01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:52.000 and they're very good at preventing cancers 01:11:52.000 --> 01:11:54.000 so they've been widely adopted 01:11:54.000 --> 01:11:56.000 and of course the best time to give them 01:11:56.000 --> 01:11:58.000 is before people become sexually active 01:11:58.000 --> 01:11:59.000 so you don't acquire these viruses naturally 01:11:59.000 --> 01:12:00.000 which is when they become a problem 01:12:00.000 --> 01:12:02.000 so you can prevent disease by vaccinating 01:12:02.000 --> 01:12:04.000 so it's weird because he says 01:12:04.000 --> 01:12:07.000 that you prevent disease by vaccinating 01:12:07.000 --> 01:12:09.000 and it's better to vaccinate people younger 01:12:09.000 --> 01:12:11.000 because you acquire these viruses 01:12:11.000 --> 01:12:13.000 through sexual activity 01:12:13.000 --> 01:12:19.000 so the idea is apparently 01:12:19.000 --> 01:12:21.000 that you don't have any of these viruses 01:12:21.000 --> 01:12:23.000 until you start sleeping with people 01:12:23.000 --> 01:12:25.000 but where do those people get them? 01:12:25.000 --> 01:12:29.000 basically already the biology is off the rails 01:12:29.000 --> 01:12:31.000 basically he's already telling you 01:12:31.000 --> 01:12:32.000 in a minimal mythology story 01:12:32.000 --> 01:12:34.000 that has no basis in reality 01:12:34.000 --> 01:12:36.000 and you can just dissect it 01:12:36.000 --> 01:12:39.000 with common sense 01:12:44.000 --> 01:12:46.000 and it's extraordinary really 01:12:46.000 --> 01:12:48.000 how accepted 01:12:48.000 --> 01:12:50.000 and accepting 01:12:50.000 --> 01:12:52.000 the three of these people are 01:12:52.000 --> 01:12:54.000 as he says these ridiculous things 01:12:54.000 --> 01:12:57.000 that they're really good at preventing cancer 01:12:57.000 --> 01:12:59.000 and that giving them early 01:12:59.000 --> 01:13:01.000 is the way they work the best 01:13:01.000 --> 01:13:03.000 because you get these viruses 01:13:03.000 --> 01:13:04.000 through sexual activity 01:13:04.000 --> 01:13:07.000 so we have to give the vaccine 01:13:07.000 --> 01:13:09.000 before the sexual activity starts 01:13:09.000 --> 01:13:13.000 I mean how these things are connected 01:13:13.000 --> 01:13:15.000 in his mind is just 01:13:15.000 --> 01:13:18.000 it's bewildering to me 01:13:18.000 --> 01:13:21.000 that they can even speak these words out loud 01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:24.000 and not be disgusted with themselves 01:13:24.000 --> 01:13:27.000 because you have to know that these are lies 01:13:27.000 --> 01:13:29.000 you have to know that these are gross 01:13:29.000 --> 01:13:33.000 oversimplifications of something that we obviously know 01:13:33.000 --> 01:13:36.000 is a lot more complicated than this 01:13:36.000 --> 01:13:39.000 so there are lots and lots of stereotypes of these 01:13:39.000 --> 01:13:41.000 but it's only a few of them 01:13:41.000 --> 01:13:43.000 that account for the overwhelming majority 01:13:43.000 --> 01:13:45.000 essentially all of the cancers 01:13:45.000 --> 01:13:47.000 and that's 16 and 18 01:13:47.000 --> 01:13:49.000 HPV 16 and HPV 18 01:13:49.000 --> 01:13:51.000 are the targets of the vaccine that they're looking at here 01:13:51.000 --> 01:13:53.000 31 and 45, too 01:13:53.000 --> 01:13:54.000 31 and 40 01:13:54.000 --> 01:13:55.000 oops 31 and 45, too 01:13:55.000 --> 01:13:57.000 so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about at all 01:13:57.000 --> 01:13:59.000 but I read the paper and I'm really smart 01:13:59.000 --> 01:14:01.000 5, too, that's right 01:14:01.000 --> 01:14:03.000 and the question I have is with all those types 01:14:03.000 --> 01:14:05.000 does this vaccine come? 01:14:05.000 --> 01:14:07.000 There's also a 01:14:07.000 --> 01:14:09.000 9-valent 01:14:09.000 --> 01:14:11.000 vaccine, Gardasil 9 01:14:11.000 --> 01:14:13.000 in the paper 01:14:13.000 --> 01:14:15.000 so really we're looking at 01:14:15.000 --> 01:14:17.000 4 academic scientists 01:14:17.000 --> 01:14:19.000 with their own podcast that's already funded 01:14:19.000 --> 01:14:21.000 that has a studio 01:14:21.000 --> 01:14:23.000 and staff in Manhattan 01:14:23.000 --> 01:14:25.000 that's on their thousandth episode 01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:28.000 and they still don't have the basic biology 01:14:28.000 --> 01:14:30.000 of human papilloma virus 01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:32.000 one of the most successful 01:14:32.000 --> 01:14:34.000 and successful products 01:14:34.000 --> 01:14:36.000 of the Merck company 01:14:36.000 --> 01:14:38.000 they have no idea 01:14:38.000 --> 01:14:40.000 they have no concept 01:14:40.000 --> 01:14:42.000 they don't feel any obligation 01:14:42.000 --> 01:14:44.000 and any responsibility to be 01:14:44.000 --> 01:14:46.000 informed about it 01:14:46.000 --> 01:14:48.000 even as they hope that they get a million views 01:14:48.000 --> 01:14:50.000 even as they think 01:14:50.000 --> 01:14:52.000 that they are working with Earth's 01:14:52.000 --> 01:14:54.000 virology teacher 01:14:54.000 --> 01:14:56.000 understand how 01:14:56.000 --> 01:14:58.000 despicable this is 01:14:58.000 --> 01:15:00.000 no 01:15:00.000 --> 01:15:02.000 31 and 45, too 01:15:02.000 --> 01:15:04.000 31 and 45, too 01:15:04.000 --> 01:15:06.000 that's right 01:15:06.000 --> 01:15:08.000 the question I have is with all those types 01:15:08.000 --> 01:15:10.000 does this vaccine cover all them as well? 01:15:10.000 --> 01:15:12.000 no 01:15:12.000 --> 01:15:14.000 if you get the vaccine 01:15:14.000 --> 01:15:16.000 are you susceptible still to the ones 01:15:16.000 --> 01:15:18.000 that they didn't include into the vaccine? 01:15:18.000 --> 01:15:20.000 yes 01:15:20.000 --> 01:15:22.000 and there's not 100 serotypes 01:15:22.000 --> 01:15:24.000 there are more than 200 serotypes 01:15:24.000 --> 01:15:26.000 of the human papilloma virus 01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:30.000 and the best vaccine 01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:32.000 Gardasil 9 01:15:32.000 --> 01:15:34.000 purports to target 01:15:34.000 --> 01:15:36.000 9 of those serotypes 01:15:38.000 --> 01:15:40.000 now if you're not aware 01:15:40.000 --> 01:15:42.000 about how a niche works 01:15:42.000 --> 01:15:44.000 a niche is for a single species 01:15:44.000 --> 01:15:48.000 and species compete to occupy a niche 01:15:48.000 --> 01:15:50.000 if two species 01:15:50.000 --> 01:15:52.000 can occupy the same niche 01:15:52.000 --> 01:15:56.000 it's not really a niche anymore 01:15:56.000 --> 01:15:58.000 and yet we're going to 01:15:58.000 --> 01:16:00.000 argue and discuss 01:16:00.000 --> 01:16:02.000 the use of these terms 01:16:02.000 --> 01:16:04.000 and whether or not it's appropriate for 01:16:04.000 --> 01:16:06.000 something that's actually not even alive 01:16:06.000 --> 01:16:08.000 that's actually doesn't have 01:16:08.000 --> 01:16:10.000 species but has a quasi-species 01:16:10.000 --> 01:16:12.000 swarm 01:16:12.000 --> 01:16:14.000 and that can generate new variants 01:16:14.000 --> 01:16:16.000 through recombination 01:16:16.000 --> 01:16:18.000 and generates new variants 01:16:18.000 --> 01:16:22.000 through consistent replication errors 01:16:22.000 --> 01:16:24.000 they are 01:16:24.000 --> 01:16:28.000 completely off their skis here 01:16:28.000 --> 01:16:30.000 and careening 01:16:30.000 --> 01:16:32.000 into a ditch 01:16:32.000 --> 01:16:34.000 and the only thing that they can do 01:16:34.000 --> 01:16:36.000 is do it as gracefully as possible 01:16:36.000 --> 01:16:38.000 in hopes that the vast majority 01:16:38.000 --> 01:16:40.000 of their viewers 01:16:40.000 --> 01:16:42.000 are unsophisticated enough 01:16:42.000 --> 01:16:44.000 to see the train wreck 01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:46.000 for what it is 01:16:46.000 --> 01:16:48.000 the one that really has trouble 01:16:48.000 --> 01:16:50.000 with it is Alan Dove 01:16:50.000 --> 01:16:52.000 down here in the bottom 01:16:52.000 --> 01:16:54.000 he's really having glitch outs 01:16:54.000 --> 01:16:56.000 you know like I've got to argue 01:16:56.000 --> 01:16:58.000 for the mythology 01:16:58.000 --> 01:17:00.000 that I believe in 01:17:00.000 --> 01:17:02.000 even though the guy above me here 01:17:02.000 --> 01:17:04.000 is really really 01:17:04.000 --> 01:17:06.000 hitting home runs 01:17:06.000 --> 01:17:08.000 I've got to make fun of this old man 01:17:08.000 --> 01:17:10.000 we're going to all collectively make fun of this old man 01:17:10.000 --> 01:17:12.000 so that in the end 01:17:12.000 --> 01:17:14.000 the illusion of consensus 01:17:14.000 --> 01:17:16.000 will be sustained 01:17:16.000 --> 01:17:18.000 watch this train wreck 01:17:18.000 --> 01:17:20.000 but they've included in the vaccines 01:17:20.000 --> 01:17:22.000 the highest risk types right 01:17:22.000 --> 01:17:24.000 so you know 01:17:24.000 --> 01:17:26.000 as was mentioned actually 01:17:26.000 --> 01:17:28.000 included into the vaccine 01:17:28.000 --> 01:17:30.000 if you get the vaccine are you susceptible 01:17:30.000 --> 01:17:32.000 still to the ones that they didn't include 01:17:32.000 --> 01:17:34.000 into the vaccine? Yes 01:17:34.000 --> 01:17:36.000 but they've included in the vaccines 01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:38.000 the highest risk types right 01:17:38.000 --> 01:17:40.000 so you know as was mentioned 01:17:40.000 --> 01:17:42.000 actually so there's a nine-valent 01:17:42.000 --> 01:17:44.000 HPV vaccine which has the most different types 01:17:44.000 --> 01:17:46.000 it covers 611, 16, 18, 33, 01:17:46.000 --> 01:17:48.000 45, 52 and 58 01:17:48.000 --> 01:17:50.000 right so it's been updated over the years the original was 16 and 18 01:17:50.000 --> 01:17:52.000 which are the big really bad ones and then they've 01:17:52.000 --> 01:17:54.000 kind of punched down the list 01:17:54.000 --> 01:17:56.000 getting more and more and this nine-valent 01:17:56.000 --> 01:17:58.000 I guess is the latest iteration that 01:17:58.000 --> 01:18:00.000 why is he even talking 01:18:00.000 --> 01:18:02.000 five minutes ago he said that this 01:18:02.000 --> 01:18:04.000 this vaccine that they're talking about 01:18:04.000 --> 01:18:06.000 in this paper targeted two 01:18:06.000 --> 01:18:08.000 of the 200 plus 01:18:08.000 --> 01:18:10.000 zero-zero types 01:18:10.000 --> 01:18:12.000 then 01:18:12.000 --> 01:18:14.000 the lady over here corrects him and says 01:18:14.000 --> 01:18:16.000 no there's two more 01:18:16.000 --> 01:18:18.000 and finally we say well yeah there's also 01:18:18.000 --> 01:18:20.000 a nine-valent one 01:18:20.000 --> 01:18:22.000 and then he pipes in and says 01:18:22.000 --> 01:18:24.000 oh yeah well yeah this is the way it is 01:18:24.000 --> 01:18:28.000 because that's how these people have a discussion 01:18:28.000 --> 01:18:32.000 that's how they think discussion 01:18:32.000 --> 01:18:34.000 goes 01:18:34.000 --> 01:18:36.000 is some kind of 01:18:36.000 --> 01:18:40.000 agreement festival 01:18:40.000 --> 01:18:42.000 oh yes you're right I agree with you and repeat 01:18:42.000 --> 01:18:44.000 what they said 01:18:44.000 --> 01:18:46.000 that's not discussion 01:18:46.000 --> 01:18:48.000 that's not science happening 01:18:48.000 --> 01:18:50.000 this isn't a guy who's on his game 01:18:50.000 --> 01:18:54.000 this is a guy who's posing 01:18:54.000 --> 01:18:56.000 there's no other way to see it 01:18:56.000 --> 01:18:58.000 he should be ashamed of himself 01:18:58.000 --> 01:19:00.000 that he should have said wow I 01:19:00.000 --> 01:19:04.000 didn't realize this because I just started by saying there's only two 01:19:04.000 --> 01:19:06.000 targeted 01:19:06.000 --> 01:19:08.000 I mean 01:19:08.000 --> 01:19:10.000 how is it even possible 01:19:10.000 --> 01:19:12.000 that people take this seriously 01:19:12.000 --> 01:19:14.000 other than the fact that we have been 01:19:14.000 --> 01:19:16.000 misled for decades 01:19:16.000 --> 01:19:20.000 it's the only way to explain it 01:19:20.000 --> 01:19:22.000 um that takes out 01:19:22.000 --> 01:19:24.000 or generates antibodies against a larger panel 01:19:24.000 --> 01:19:26.000 so Vincent would you 01:19:26.000 --> 01:19:28.000 summarize that what is the goal of this research 01:19:28.000 --> 01:19:30.000 so he made another assumption there 01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:32.000 he said that this 01:19:32.000 --> 01:19:34.000 listen he says that this 01:19:34.000 --> 01:19:36.000 and this nine-valent I guess is the latest iteration 01:19:36.000 --> 01:19:38.000 that takes out or generates 01:19:38.000 --> 01:19:40.000 antibodies against a larger panel 01:19:40.000 --> 01:19:42.000 so he's just thinking out loud 01:19:42.000 --> 01:19:44.000 that I guess they have this nine-valent 01:19:44.000 --> 01:19:46.000 one that makes up 01:19:46.000 --> 01:19:48.000 antibodies against a larger panel 01:19:48.000 --> 01:19:52.000 now that I just heard 01:19:52.000 --> 01:19:54.000 that there is a Gardasil-9 01:19:54.000 --> 01:19:56.000 I guess the way that it must work 01:19:56.000 --> 01:19:58.000 is that it targets a whole panel of viruses 01:19:58.000 --> 01:20:00.000 you know 01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:02.000 five minutes ago I thought that there was just 01:20:02.000 --> 01:20:04.000 Gardasil-2 but I guess there's 01:20:04.000 --> 01:20:06.000 Gardasil-9 so cool wow 01:20:06.000 --> 01:20:08.000 it's like learning in real time 01:20:08.000 --> 01:20:10.000 I feel really smart now 01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:16.000 we're talking about 01:20:16.000 --> 01:20:18.000 vaccinating teenage girls 01:20:18.000 --> 01:20:20.000 that don't need to be vaccinated 01:20:20.000 --> 01:20:22.000 that are 01:20:22.000 --> 01:20:24.000 we're talking about injecting 01:20:24.000 --> 01:20:26.000 a combination of substances 01:20:26.000 --> 01:20:28.000 intramuscularly 01:20:28.000 --> 01:20:30.000 to augment the immune system 01:20:30.000 --> 01:20:32.000 of healthy young teenage girls 01:20:32.000 --> 01:20:36.000 and boys 01:20:36.000 --> 01:20:38.000 to protect them from viruses 01:20:38.000 --> 01:20:40.000 that have more than 01:20:40.000 --> 01:20:42.000 200 seroprevalent type 01:20:42.000 --> 01:20:44.000 serotypes 01:20:44.000 --> 01:20:46.000 more than 200 01:20:46.000 --> 01:20:48.000 serotypes we are attempting 01:20:48.000 --> 01:20:50.000 to 01:20:50.000 --> 01:20:52.000 augment the immune system 01:20:52.000 --> 01:20:54.000 of healthy teenagers 01:20:54.000 --> 01:20:56.000 and 01:20:56.000 --> 01:20:58.000 the amount of responsibility 01:20:58.000 --> 01:21:00.000 that 01:21:00.000 --> 01:21:02.000 professor Dove feels 01:21:02.000 --> 01:21:04.000 to all those teenagers 01:21:04.000 --> 01:21:06.000 is that he was 01:21:06.000 --> 01:21:08.000 vaguely aware that there was 01:21:08.000 --> 01:21:10.000 a human papillomavirus vaccine 01:21:10.000 --> 01:21:12.000 that was dual valent 01:21:12.000 --> 01:21:14.000 trivalent is there a quadrivalent 01:21:14.000 --> 01:21:16.000 one oh there's a nine valent 01:21:16.000 --> 01:21:18.000 one wow that's 01:21:18.000 --> 01:21:20.000 that's impressive I guess that one develops immunity 01:21:20.000 --> 01:21:22.000 against a whole panel 01:21:22.000 --> 01:21:24.000 of human papillomaviruses 01:21:24.000 --> 01:21:26.000 boy technology's 01:21:26.000 --> 01:21:28.000 amazing isn't it Dr. Dove 01:21:30.000 --> 01:21:32.000 Alan Dove 01:21:33.000 --> 01:21:35.000 wow I mean I'm just shocked 01:21:36.000 --> 01:21:38.000 Vincent would you summarize then 01:21:38.000 --> 01:21:40.000 what is the goal of this research? 01:21:40.000 --> 01:21:42.000 Oh the goal is a viral ecology 01:21:42.000 --> 01:21:44.000 yeah I'm a little confused about 01:21:44.000 --> 01:21:46.000 well right so if you vaccinate against 01:21:46.000 --> 01:21:48.000 a few serotypes 01:21:48.000 --> 01:21:50.000 there are all these other serotypes circulating around 01:21:50.000 --> 01:21:52.000 and that happens to the ecology of this virus 01:21:52.000 --> 01:21:54.000 now that you've 01:21:54.000 --> 01:21:56.000 well if your vaccination is successful 01:21:56.000 --> 01:21:58.000 you hope to take those serotypes out of the equation 01:21:58.000 --> 01:22:00.000 maybe eradicate them in quotes 01:22:00.000 --> 01:22:02.000 at least from local population 01:22:02.000 --> 01:22:04.000 and then do the other viruses 01:22:04.000 --> 01:22:06.000 change their proportions in the population 01:22:06.000 --> 01:22:08.000 but remember what 01:22:08.000 --> 01:22:10.000 what we started with right 01:22:10.000 --> 01:22:12.000 Vincent said that you give this 01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:14.000 this vaccine to kids before 01:22:14.000 --> 01:22:16.000 they get the virus 01:22:16.000 --> 01:22:18.000 one representation of HPV vaccine 01:22:18.000 --> 01:22:20.000 is that you give it to them 01:22:20.000 --> 01:22:22.000 so that they don't get these 01:22:22.000 --> 01:22:24.000 these dangerous 01:22:24.000 --> 01:22:26.000 human papillomaviruses 01:22:26.000 --> 01:22:28.000 from their sexual activities 01:22:28.000 --> 01:22:30.000 and they don't spread them 01:22:30.000 --> 01:22:32.000 so the argument is going to be 01:22:32.000 --> 01:22:34.000 that the ones that they do have 01:22:34.000 --> 01:22:36.000 after vaccination 01:22:36.000 --> 01:22:38.000 obviously are safer 01:22:40.000 --> 01:22:42.000 but in this paper they don't look at 01:22:42.000 --> 01:22:44.000 cancer 01:22:44.000 --> 01:22:46.000 they don't even look at 01:22:46.000 --> 01:22:48.000 like warts 01:22:48.000 --> 01:22:50.000 or anything 01:22:50.000 --> 01:22:52.000 they look for PCR evidence 01:22:52.000 --> 01:22:54.000 of different 01:22:54.000 --> 01:22:56.000 serotypes 01:22:56.000 --> 01:22:58.000 of human papillomavirus 01:22:58.000 --> 01:23:00.000 and do they look for all of them 01:23:00.000 --> 01:23:02.000 they can't 01:23:02.000 --> 01:23:04.000 they can't 01:23:04.000 --> 01:23:08.000 they don't have that level of fidelity 01:23:10.000 --> 01:23:12.000 and they don't have that level of 01:23:12.000 --> 01:23:14.000 of data 01:23:14.000 --> 01:23:16.000 they don't have that level of vaccination 01:23:16.000 --> 01:23:18.000 that coverage of vaccination 01:23:18.000 --> 01:23:20.000 and so they need to use 01:23:20.000 --> 01:23:22.000 very special 01:23:22.000 --> 01:23:24.000 general linear models 01:23:24.000 --> 01:23:26.000 and 01:23:26.000 --> 01:23:29.000 apply mathematical simulations 01:23:29.000 --> 01:23:31.000 in order to create synthetic data 01:23:33.000 --> 01:23:35.000 and in that synthetic data 01:23:35.000 --> 01:23:37.000 they say that they can find a difference 01:23:37.000 --> 01:23:39.000 between populations that have been 01:23:39.000 --> 01:23:41.000 unvaccinated versus vaccinated 01:23:41.000 --> 01:23:43.000 and girls only versus vaccinated 01:23:43.000 --> 01:23:45.000 and boys and girls 01:23:50.000 --> 01:23:52.000 do you get more of those other 01:23:52.000 --> 01:23:54.000 relatively benign serotypes showing up 01:23:54.000 --> 01:23:55.000 or does everybody stay the same? 01:23:55.000 --> 01:23:57.000 you just get a total reduction in the amount of HPV 01:23:57.000 --> 01:23:59.000 Well I'm not sure a college is the right word 01:23:59.000 --> 01:24:00.000 though that's what I'm driving 01:24:00.000 --> 01:24:01.000 The reason they call it ecology 01:24:01.000 --> 01:24:03.000 is because it's the niche concept 01:24:03.000 --> 01:24:05.000 the right word that's what I'm driving 01:24:05.000 --> 01:24:06.000 The reason they call 01:24:06.000 --> 01:24:08.000 a total reduction in the amount of HPV 01:24:08.000 --> 01:24:10.000 Well I'm not sure a college is the right word 01:24:10.000 --> 01:24:12.000 It is says Alan Dove 01:24:12.000 --> 01:24:14.000 it is 01:24:14.000 --> 01:24:16.000 it's the right word 01:24:16.000 --> 01:24:18.000 says the guy who says he read the paper 01:24:18.000 --> 01:24:20.000 but didn't realize there were three vaccines 01:24:20.000 --> 01:24:22.000 being used in the paper 01:24:22.000 --> 01:24:24.000 didn't even bother to look 01:24:24.000 --> 01:24:26.000 or find out or notice 01:24:28.000 --> 01:24:30.000 never mind to think about 01:24:30.000 --> 01:24:32.000 what would the difference between the immune response 01:24:32.000 --> 01:24:34.000 of somebody who has 01:24:34.000 --> 01:24:36.000 immunized with one versus the other 01:24:36.000 --> 01:24:40.000 would one be more dangerous or less dangerous 01:24:40.000 --> 01:24:42.000 more immunogenic or less 01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:46.000 would one provoke a more specific response than the other 01:24:46.000 --> 01:24:51.000 does that have any impact on the ecology that he so sure is there? 01:24:51.000 --> 01:24:54.000 Listen to the guy in the upper right 01:24:54.000 --> 01:24:56.000 continue to not really understand 01:24:56.000 --> 01:24:58.000 why these people are being so 01:24:58.000 --> 01:25:01.000 imprecise with their language 01:25:01.000 --> 01:25:05.000 why they think it's okay to be so imprecise about 01:25:05.000 --> 01:25:07.000 their language 01:25:07.000 --> 01:25:09.000 He's not happy with it 01:25:09.000 --> 01:25:11.000 but he goes along with it because of the illusion of consensus 01:25:11.000 --> 01:25:13.000 that gets created by these kinds of discussions 01:25:13.000 --> 01:25:15.000 The reason they call it ecology 01:25:15.000 --> 01:25:17.000 is because there's the niche concept 01:25:17.000 --> 01:25:19.000 there's a specific niche that a virus occupies 01:25:19.000 --> 01:25:21.000 and if you take that virus from the niche 01:25:21.000 --> 01:25:23.000 something else will come in and occupy 01:25:23.000 --> 01:25:25.000 that's an ecological concept 01:25:25.000 --> 01:25:27.000 It is but it's 01:25:27.000 --> 01:25:29.000 I don't like the use of the term 01:25:29.000 --> 01:25:33.000 I don't because you're really looking at the rates of acquisition of these viruses 01:25:33.000 --> 01:25:35.000 the rate of acquisition 01:25:35.000 --> 01:25:37.000 you see he's going back to the cartoon premise 01:25:37.000 --> 01:25:39.000 that was set at the beginning of this discussion 01:25:39.000 --> 01:25:41.000 which is already lost 01:25:41.000 --> 01:25:43.000 because of the 01:25:43.000 --> 01:25:45.000 bumbling 01:25:45.000 --> 01:25:47.000 of these people 01:25:47.000 --> 01:25:49.000 but he's on it 01:25:49.000 --> 01:25:51.000 the guy in the upper right is on it 01:25:51.000 --> 01:25:53.000 we could review it right now 01:25:53.000 --> 01:25:55.000 let's go back Vincent 01:25:55.000 --> 01:25:57.000 what did you say this is? This is a 01:25:57.000 --> 01:25:59.000 this is a vaccine 01:25:59.000 --> 01:26:01.000 that is supposed to prevent the acquisition 01:26:01.000 --> 01:26:03.000 of human papilloma viruses 01:26:03.000 --> 01:26:05.000 during sexual activity 01:26:05.000 --> 01:26:07.000 and so it makes sense 01:26:07.000 --> 01:26:09.000 they're great at preventing cancer 01:26:09.000 --> 01:26:11.000 Vincent says 01:26:11.000 --> 01:26:13.000 and we should apply them to kids young 01:26:13.000 --> 01:26:15.000 before they acquire 01:26:15.000 --> 01:26:19.000 the viruses through sexual activity 01:26:19.000 --> 01:26:21.000 so as 01:26:21.000 --> 01:26:25.000 follows from that very obvious premise 01:26:25.000 --> 01:26:27.000 the guy up here in the upper right 01:26:27.000 --> 01:26:29.000 is arguing that well 01:26:29.000 --> 01:26:31.000 then we're looking at the rate of acquisition 01:26:31.000 --> 01:26:33.000 of these viruses 01:26:33.000 --> 01:26:35.000 that's the exact words he used 01:26:35.000 --> 01:26:37.000 the rate of acquisition 01:26:37.000 --> 01:26:39.000 we're starting from zero 01:26:39.000 --> 01:26:41.000 and we're acquiring viruses 01:26:41.000 --> 01:26:43.000 by being sexually active 01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:47.000 that's the cartoon premise 01:26:47.000 --> 01:26:49.000 and that is the cartoon premise 01:26:49.000 --> 01:26:51.000 under which we are supposedly 01:26:51.000 --> 01:26:53.000 vaccinating our teenage children 01:26:53.000 --> 01:26:57.000 and so inadvertently 01:26:57.000 --> 01:26:59.000 unwittingly this guy is actually 01:26:59.000 --> 01:27:01.000 questioning that premise right now 01:27:01.000 --> 01:27:03.000 and this guy is responding 01:27:03.000 --> 01:27:05.000 in a very typical 01:27:05.000 --> 01:27:07.000 skilled tv watcher way 01:27:07.000 --> 01:27:09.000 he's laughing at him 01:27:11.000 --> 01:27:13.000 he's making fun 01:27:13.000 --> 01:27:15.000 you don't like the term 01:27:15.000 --> 01:27:17.000 you don't like the term ecology 01:27:17.000 --> 01:27:19.000 you don't like the term niche 01:27:19.000 --> 01:27:21.000 are we being too imprecise for you 01:27:21.000 --> 01:27:25.000 it's wicked these ways 01:27:25.000 --> 01:27:27.000 ladies and gentlemen 01:27:27.000 --> 01:27:29.000 it is wicked these many ways 01:27:29.000 --> 01:27:31.000 that they haven't chanted us 01:27:31.000 --> 01:27:33.000 and there are many 01:27:33.000 --> 01:27:35.000 unwitting participants like this 01:27:35.000 --> 01:27:37.000 Alan Dove character down here 01:27:37.000 --> 01:27:39.000 who just loves to hear his own voice 01:27:39.000 --> 01:27:41.000 but actually doesn't know very much 01:27:41.000 --> 01:27:43.000 as is obvious every time he speaks 01:27:43.000 --> 01:27:45.000 he gets really excited 01:27:45.000 --> 01:27:47.000 when he thinks he's about to 01:27:47.000 --> 01:27:49.000 restate something 01:27:49.000 --> 01:27:51.000 that he sure is true 01:27:51.000 --> 01:27:53.000 almost like a guy who gets to run 01:27:53.000 --> 01:27:55.000 in a touchdown from one yard away 01:27:55.000 --> 01:27:57.000 it's really fun 01:27:57.000 --> 01:27:59.000 but it's also kind of not 01:27:59.000 --> 01:28:01.000 challenging if the line does their 01:28:01.000 --> 01:28:03.000 job and so he's always 01:28:03.000 --> 01:28:05.000 really excited in these discussions 01:28:05.000 --> 01:28:07.000 when they explain something 01:28:07.000 --> 01:28:09.000 and then he gets to 01:28:09.000 --> 01:28:11.000 explain it again because he 01:28:11.000 --> 01:28:13.000 thinks he understands it exactly like 01:28:13.000 --> 01:28:15.000 he did with the with the nine 01:28:15.000 --> 01:28:17.000 valent vaccine thing oh yeah they have 01:28:17.000 --> 01:28:19.000 a nine valent when I guess that means 01:28:19.000 --> 01:28:21.000 that it produces an immune response 01:28:21.000 --> 01:28:23.000 against a whole panel of viruses 01:28:25.000 --> 01:28:27.000 so here now he takes the role 01:28:27.000 --> 01:28:29.000 of condescension 01:28:29.000 --> 01:28:31.000 and says yeah you don't like the term 01:28:31.000 --> 01:28:33.000 well it's definitely the right term 01:28:33.000 --> 01:28:35.000 you don't like the term 01:28:35.000 --> 01:28:37.000 listen 01:28:37.000 --> 01:28:39.000 has this discussion spirals 01:28:39.000 --> 01:28:41.000 into full-on skepticism 01:28:41.000 --> 01:28:44.000 and Vincent is forced to just 01:28:44.000 --> 01:28:46.000 drag it out of the water 01:28:46.000 --> 01:28:48.000 you're going to exclude 01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:50.000 all of these others with a vaccine 01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:52.000 and then do the others there you're not 01:28:52.000 --> 01:28:54.000 vaccinating against do they come up as a result 01:28:54.000 --> 01:28:56.000 does the rate increase or does it not increase 01:28:56.000 --> 01:28:58.000 if we eradicated qlex pippians 01:28:58.000 --> 01:29:00.000 would other mosquitoes 01:29:00.000 --> 01:29:02.000 come into the niche that it occupies 01:29:02.000 --> 01:29:04.000 and you know become more prevalent than they are 01:29:04.000 --> 01:29:06.000 see he again 01:29:06.000 --> 01:29:08.000 completely admits that he doesn't 01:29:08.000 --> 01:29:10.000 understand the biological concept 01:29:10.000 --> 01:29:12.000 that he's arguing about 01:29:12.000 --> 01:29:14.000 if we get rid of a particular mosquito 01:29:14.000 --> 01:29:16.000 will other mosquitoes come in 01:29:16.000 --> 01:29:18.000 that's not exactly the same 01:29:18.000 --> 01:29:20.000 as sexually acquired human papillomavirus 01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:24.000 is it no 01:29:24.000 --> 01:29:26.000 and the niche that's occupied 01:29:26.000 --> 01:29:28.000 apparently by human papillomavirus 01:29:28.000 --> 01:29:30.000 it's not the same 01:29:34.000 --> 01:29:36.000 because a mosquito occupying a niche 01:29:36.000 --> 01:29:38.000 is a 01:29:38.000 --> 01:29:40.000 is an ecosystem 01:29:40.000 --> 01:29:42.000 it is a species 01:29:42.000 --> 01:29:44.000 it is predators 01:29:44.000 --> 01:29:46.000 and prey 01:29:46.000 --> 01:29:48.000 it's reproduction 01:29:48.000 --> 01:29:50.000 it's weather 01:29:50.000 --> 01:29:52.000 it's seasons 01:29:52.000 --> 01:29:54.000 it's an ecosystem 01:29:54.000 --> 01:29:56.000 according to the cartoon 01:29:56.000 --> 01:29:58.000 narrative of human papillomavirus 01:29:58.000 --> 01:30:00.000 human papillomavirus is something 01:30:00.000 --> 01:30:02.000 that you acquire when you become sexually active 01:30:02.000 --> 01:30:04.000 one way to avoid human papillomavirus 01:30:04.000 --> 01:30:06.000 would be not to be sexually active 01:30:06.000 --> 01:30:08.000 one way to avoid mosquitoes 01:30:08.000 --> 01:30:10.000 I guess is to go not go outside 01:30:10.000 --> 01:30:12.000 but we are not talking about 01:30:12.000 --> 01:30:14.000 apples and apples here 01:30:14.000 --> 01:30:16.000 and Alan Dove 01:30:16.000 --> 01:30:18.000 doesn't seem to get it yet 01:30:18.000 --> 01:30:20.000 and he's super confident 01:30:20.000 --> 01:30:22.000 that he's right because he's explaining it 01:30:22.000 --> 01:30:24.000 with this checkmate 01:30:24.000 --> 01:30:26.000 sort of 01:30:26.000 --> 01:30:28.000 if we got rid of one mosquito 01:30:28.000 --> 01:30:30.000 would another mosquito come in and do it 01:30:30.000 --> 01:30:32.000 please tell me that we get some 01:30:32.000 --> 01:30:34.000 comeback on this 01:30:34.000 --> 01:30:36.000 no no no I got that part 01:30:36.000 --> 01:30:38.000 that's an ecological question right? 01:30:38.000 --> 01:30:40.000 it is but I'm just 01:30:40.000 --> 01:30:42.000 could have simplified this a little bit by just saying 01:30:42.000 --> 01:30:44.000 does the rate of infection with the others go up 01:30:44.000 --> 01:30:46.000 in those that haven't been vaccinated 01:30:46.000 --> 01:30:48.000 because the ones that have been vaccinated 01:30:48.000 --> 01:30:50.000 have kept down the rate of infection 01:30:50.000 --> 01:30:52.000 with that particular species 01:30:52.000 --> 01:30:54.000 I mean one of the most important things 01:30:54.000 --> 01:30:56.000 I'm trying to drive home which I'm not doing a very good job of 01:30:56.000 --> 01:30:58.000 is that the biology of 01:30:58.000 --> 01:31:00.000 viruses 01:31:00.000 --> 01:31:02.000 is to a large extent 01:31:02.000 --> 01:31:04.000 a mythology 01:31:04.000 --> 01:31:06.000 and it is a mythology 01:31:06.000 --> 01:31:08.000 based on the false equivalence 01:31:08.000 --> 01:31:10.000 between replicating 01:31:10.000 --> 01:31:12.000 reproducing evolving species 01:31:12.000 --> 01:31:14.000 like a mosquito 01:31:14.000 --> 01:31:18.000 and an RNA signal 01:31:18.000 --> 01:31:20.000 an RNA noise 01:31:20.000 --> 01:31:22.000 an RNA phantom 01:31:22.000 --> 01:31:26.000 an RNA phenomenon 01:31:26.000 --> 01:31:30.000 and in this case a DNA phenomenon 01:31:30.000 --> 01:31:32.000 a genetic noise 01:31:32.000 --> 01:31:34.000 a genetic signal 01:31:34.000 --> 01:31:36.000 a genetic something 01:31:36.000 --> 01:31:38.000 that is not equivalent to a species 01:31:38.000 --> 01:31:40.000 which replicates and evolves 01:31:40.000 --> 01:31:42.000 and reproduces 01:31:42.000 --> 01:31:44.000 and is subject to selective pressures 01:31:44.000 --> 01:31:46.000 and predatory and prey relationships 01:31:46.000 --> 01:31:48.000 and the weather etc 01:31:48.000 --> 01:31:50.000 that false equivalence 01:31:50.000 --> 01:31:54.000 and this transfer of 01:31:54.000 --> 01:31:56.000 all of these biological ideas 01:31:56.000 --> 01:31:58.000 to the phenomenon 01:31:58.000 --> 01:32:02.000 DNA viruses is a false equivalence 01:32:02.000 --> 01:32:04.000 which has resulted in 01:32:04.000 --> 01:32:06.000 much confusion 01:32:06.000 --> 01:32:10.000 about the potential for viruses to evolve 01:32:10.000 --> 01:32:12.000 to sustain themselves 01:32:12.000 --> 01:32:14.000 to occupy niches 01:32:14.000 --> 01:32:16.000 all of these things 01:32:16.000 --> 01:32:18.000 are designed to bamboozle you 01:32:18.000 --> 01:32:21.000 into believing that many of the biological principles 01:32:21.000 --> 01:32:24.000 that we've come to understand our world with 01:32:24.000 --> 01:32:26.000 are applicable to these 01:32:26.000 --> 01:32:28.000 small phenomenon 01:32:28.000 --> 01:32:30.000 of RNA and DNA 01:32:30.000 --> 01:32:32.000 and they are not 01:32:32.000 --> 01:32:34.000 because we have a whole 01:32:34.000 --> 01:32:36.000 other set of biological ideas 01:32:36.000 --> 01:32:38.000 which describe 01:32:38.000 --> 01:32:40.000 the principles governing 01:32:40.000 --> 01:32:42.000 the behavior of RNA 01:32:42.000 --> 01:32:44.000 and DNA in the wild 01:32:46.000 --> 01:32:48.000 we understand how DNA is exchanged 01:32:48.000 --> 01:32:50.000 between bacteria 01:32:50.000 --> 01:32:52.000 we understand how DNA is exchanged 01:32:52.000 --> 01:32:54.000 using viruses between the roots 01:32:54.000 --> 01:32:56.000 of cell roots of plants 01:32:56.000 --> 01:32:58.000 and the fungi that grow around them 01:32:58.000 --> 01:33:00.000 we understand that 01:33:00.000 --> 01:33:02.000 the different layers 01:33:02.000 --> 01:33:04.000 of the phytoplankton 01:33:04.000 --> 01:33:06.000 in the ocean 01:33:06.000 --> 01:33:08.000 communicate and change 01:33:08.000 --> 01:33:10.000 metabolically by communicating 01:33:10.000 --> 01:33:12.000 with viruses 01:33:12.000 --> 01:33:14.000 we understand that most of our tissues 01:33:14.000 --> 01:33:16.000 communicate with viruses 01:33:16.000 --> 01:33:18.000 that are just exosomes 01:33:18.000 --> 01:33:20.000 and we understand 01:33:20.000 --> 01:33:22.000 that the replication 01:33:22.000 --> 01:33:24.000 of DNA and RNA is limited 01:33:24.000 --> 01:33:26.000 by the enzymes that are used 01:33:26.000 --> 01:33:28.000 in the context in which it occurs 01:33:30.000 --> 01:33:32.000 and these limitations 01:33:32.000 --> 01:33:34.000 prevent 01:33:34.000 --> 01:33:37.000 RNA and DNA viruses 01:33:37.000 --> 01:33:40.000 from reaching the level of biological phenomenon 01:33:40.000 --> 01:33:42.000 where terms like niche 01:33:42.000 --> 01:33:44.000 and ecosystem are appropriate 01:33:48.000 --> 01:33:50.000 that's what we're dealing with here 01:33:50.000 --> 01:33:52.000 and here we have 01:33:52.000 --> 01:33:54.000 Alan Dove so casually arguing 01:33:54.000 --> 01:33:56.000 that all of these things apply 01:33:56.000 --> 01:33:58.000 to all of these other things 01:33:58.000 --> 01:34:00.000 and they just don't 01:34:00.000 --> 01:34:02.000 and that guy up there 01:34:02.000 --> 01:34:04.000 at the top right seems to understand 01:34:04.000 --> 01:34:06.000 that there is a little bit of a contradiction 01:34:06.000 --> 01:34:08.000 and a little bit of 01:34:08.000 --> 01:34:10.000 of incongruence when you start 01:34:10.000 --> 01:34:12.000 to take these 01:34:12.000 --> 01:34:14.000 these macro-biological ideas 01:34:14.000 --> 01:34:16.000 and apply them to a very limited system 01:34:16.000 --> 01:34:18.000 like RNA or DNA viruses 01:34:18.000 --> 01:34:22.000 I would argue with your use of the word 01:34:22.000 --> 01:34:24.000 rate I think they're looking at the levels 01:34:24.000 --> 01:34:26.000 of the virus 01:34:26.000 --> 01:34:28.000 they're not looking at rates of infection 01:34:28.000 --> 01:34:30.000 they're looking at levels of the virus 01:34:30.000 --> 01:34:32.000 incidence and prevalence 01:34:32.000 --> 01:34:34.000 yeah it's right it's not a rate it's just 01:34:34.000 --> 01:34:36.000 incidence right in prevalence yeah okay so 01:34:36.000 --> 01:34:38.000 okay so incidents in prevalence 01:34:38.000 --> 01:34:40.000 and we're not looking at cancer 01:34:40.000 --> 01:34:42.000 and we're looking at incidents in prevalence 01:34:42.000 --> 01:34:44.000 without the benefit of having the 01:34:44.000 --> 01:34:46.000 incidents in prevalence before vaccination 01:34:46.000 --> 01:34:50.000 again under this cartoon assumption 01:34:50.000 --> 01:34:52.000 that there are no signals 01:34:52.000 --> 01:34:54.000 before you have sex 01:34:54.000 --> 01:34:56.000 and acquire these signals 01:34:58.000 --> 01:35:00.000 and so their entire paper in cell micro 01:35:00.000 --> 01:35:02.000 was based on a no data set 01:35:02.000 --> 01:35:04.000 at start 01:35:04.000 --> 01:35:06.000 at which is vaccination 01:35:06.000 --> 01:35:08.000 or no vaccination and then 01:35:08.000 --> 01:35:10.000 four years later they take their first 01:35:10.000 --> 01:35:12.000 measurement of the ecology 01:35:12.000 --> 01:35:14.000 of the human papilloma virus 01:35:14.000 --> 01:35:16.000 in those people 01:35:16.000 --> 01:35:18.000 they have no baseline 01:35:18.000 --> 01:35:20.000 they just assume 01:35:20.000 --> 01:35:22.000 like he did in the introduction 01:35:22.000 --> 01:35:24.000 to the paper that kids don't have 01:35:24.000 --> 01:35:26.000 these viruses 01:35:26.000 --> 01:35:28.000 and if we vaccinate them early enough 01:35:28.000 --> 01:35:30.000 we can stop their acquisition 01:35:30.000 --> 01:35:32.000 of these viruses because that's how vaccines work 01:35:36.000 --> 01:35:38.000 this is the illusion 01:35:38.000 --> 01:35:40.000 this is the mythology right here 01:35:40.000 --> 01:35:42.000 in front of you this is the way 01:35:42.000 --> 01:35:44.000 this is all they got 01:35:44.000 --> 01:35:46.000 and they want to vaccinate 01:35:46.000 --> 01:35:48.000 millions of people 01:35:48.000 --> 01:35:50.000 and millions of people 01:35:50.000 --> 01:35:52.000 millions of girls 01:35:52.000 --> 01:35:54.000 teenage girls 01:35:54.000 --> 01:35:56.000 around the world in Africa 01:35:56.000 --> 01:35:58.000 India America everywhere 01:35:58.000 --> 01:36:00.000 that will take it 01:36:00.000 --> 01:36:02.000 based on this flimsy 01:36:02.000 --> 01:36:04.000 type of discussion where 01:36:04.000 --> 01:36:06.000 four people apparently can read 01:36:06.000 --> 01:36:08.000 a paper and barely even get past the 01:36:08.000 --> 01:36:10.000 abstract because they're so biased 01:36:10.000 --> 01:36:12.000 and so bamboozled 01:36:12.000 --> 01:36:14.000 that they just think that 01:36:14.000 --> 01:36:16.000 disease means 01:36:16.000 --> 01:36:18.000 cure and cure is the best one 01:36:18.000 --> 01:36:20.000 is a vaccine 01:36:20.000 --> 01:36:22.000 I mean that's the foundation of their understanding 01:36:22.000 --> 01:36:24.000 of everything around them 01:36:24.000 --> 01:36:26.000 the way they put it here 01:36:26.000 --> 01:36:28.000 and if you look in the discussion 01:36:28.000 --> 01:36:30.000 they say the rationale 01:36:30.000 --> 01:36:34.000 for the study is that the vaccine 01:36:34.000 --> 01:36:36.000 reduces the number of susceptible hosts 01:36:36.000 --> 01:36:38.000 or the virus is targeted 01:36:38.000 --> 01:36:40.000 by the vaccine or 01:36:40.000 --> 01:36:42.000 would it favor escape 01:36:42.000 --> 01:36:44.000 which is the case for influenza virus 01:36:44.000 --> 01:36:46.000 that happens for HPV 01:36:46.000 --> 01:36:48.000 the idea of 01:36:48.000 --> 01:36:50.000 so escape mutants 01:36:50.000 --> 01:36:52.000 for COVID and for flu just slip that in 01:36:52.000 --> 01:36:54.000 there you know escape mutants 01:36:54.000 --> 01:36:56.000 viruses that are not targeted by the vaccine 01:36:56.000 --> 01:36:58.000 or would it favor escape 01:36:58.000 --> 01:37:00.000 which is the case for influenza virus 01:37:00.000 --> 01:37:02.000 that already is another mythology 01:37:02.000 --> 01:37:04.000 right because how would you 01:37:04.000 --> 01:37:06.000 and I differentiate 01:37:07.000 --> 01:37:09.000 let's look at the HPV example 01:37:09.000 --> 01:37:12.000 human papilloma virus has more than 01:37:12.000 --> 01:37:14.000 200 serotypes 01:37:14.000 --> 01:37:16.000 many of them are rare 01:37:16.000 --> 01:37:18.000 many of them haven't really been associated 01:37:18.000 --> 01:37:20.000 with cancer that we know of but how 01:37:20.000 --> 01:37:22.000 really have we investigated if many of them 01:37:22.000 --> 01:37:24.000 are spread all over the place 01:37:24.000 --> 01:37:26.000 geographically in space and time 01:37:26.000 --> 01:37:30.000 and so we vaccinate against a few of them 01:37:30.000 --> 01:37:32.000 we claim that it has some effect on cancer 01:37:32.000 --> 01:37:34.000 but we have no data for it 01:37:34.000 --> 01:37:38.000 and these people are now having 01:37:38.000 --> 01:37:42.000 creating an illusion of consensus that these things 01:37:42.000 --> 01:37:44.000 are obviously useful 01:37:44.000 --> 01:37:46.000 and that what we envision that we see in 01:37:46.000 --> 01:37:48.000 this paper is evidence of their usefulness 01:37:48.000 --> 01:37:50.000 but the evidence in this paper is 01:37:50.000 --> 01:37:52.000 synthetic data 01:37:52.000 --> 01:37:54.000 generating used a combination of 01:37:54.000 --> 01:37:56.000 mathematical techniques 01:37:56.000 --> 01:37:58.000 derived from the original data set 01:37:58.000 --> 01:38:00.000 which doesn't even have a baseline 01:38:00.000 --> 01:38:02.000 they did not measure HPV 01:38:02.000 --> 01:38:04.000 prevalence and serotypes 01:38:04.000 --> 01:38:06.000 in these children 01:38:06.000 --> 01:38:10.000 at vaccination 01:38:10.000 --> 01:38:12.000 but they tell the story here that they obviously 01:38:12.000 --> 01:38:14.000 they didn't have any before they started 01:38:14.000 --> 01:38:16.000 having sex that would be crazy 01:38:16.000 --> 01:38:18.000 these are sexually transmitted viruses 01:38:18.000 --> 01:38:22.000 what a magnificently huge assumption 01:38:22.000 --> 01:38:26.000 it's very convenient 01:38:26.000 --> 01:38:28.000 for the vaccine maker 01:38:28.000 --> 01:38:30.000 very convenient that these guys don't ever 01:38:30.000 --> 01:38:34.000 even notice it 01:38:34.000 --> 01:38:36.000 like how can they not notice it if 01:38:36.000 --> 01:38:38.000 there's no baseline 01:38:38.000 --> 01:38:40.000 like what kind of study was this 01:38:44.000 --> 01:38:46.000 that happens for HPV 01:38:46.000 --> 01:38:48.000 but the idea of reducing the 01:38:48.000 --> 01:38:50.000 number of susceptible hosts 01:38:50.000 --> 01:38:52.000 may increase the likelihood of type replacement 01:38:52.000 --> 01:38:54.000 which is what they call it 01:38:54.000 --> 01:38:56.000 the paper before this though 01:38:56.000 --> 01:38:58.000 even the use of hosts 01:38:58.000 --> 01:39:02.000 susceptible hosts 01:39:02.000 --> 01:39:06.000 reducing the number of susceptible hosts 01:39:06.000 --> 01:39:08.000 implies parasite 01:39:08.000 --> 01:39:12.000 implies parasite 01:39:12.000 --> 01:39:16.000 is a virus a parasite 01:39:16.000 --> 01:39:18.000 should we think of it as a parasite 01:39:18.000 --> 01:39:20.000 or is that a biological term 01:39:20.000 --> 01:39:22.000 that's inappropriate to use for 01:39:22.000 --> 01:39:26.000 an RNA or DNA phenomena 01:39:26.000 --> 01:39:28.000 I would argue that it's part of this 01:39:28.000 --> 01:39:30.000 semantic war 01:39:30.000 --> 01:39:34.000 that's obfuscating 01:39:34.000 --> 01:39:36.000 the limitations 01:39:36.000 --> 01:39:38.000 of RNA and DNA 01:39:38.000 --> 01:39:40.000 virology 01:39:40.000 --> 01:39:42.000 and perpetuating 01:39:42.000 --> 01:39:44.000 this mythology that 01:39:44.000 --> 01:39:46.000 pandemics are possible 01:39:46.000 --> 01:39:48.000 that public health is necessary 01:39:48.000 --> 01:39:52.000 that vaccines are essential 01:39:52.000 --> 01:39:55.000 and slowly but surely 01:39:55.000 --> 01:39:57.000 old guys and young guys 01:39:57.000 --> 01:39:59.000 and old ladies and young ladies 01:39:59.000 --> 01:40:01.000 are going to have to realize in their own 01:40:01.000 --> 01:40:03.000 time and in their own way 01:40:03.000 --> 01:40:05.000 that this is 01:40:05.000 --> 01:40:07.000 a lie 01:40:07.000 --> 01:40:09.000 maybe this guy's learning it 01:40:09.000 --> 01:40:11.000 slowly but surely right now 01:40:11.000 --> 01:40:13.000 it will die still just confused 01:40:13.000 --> 01:40:15.000 I think a lot of people are 01:40:15.000 --> 01:40:17.000 going to die just confused 01:40:17.000 --> 01:40:19.000 clearly stated that there were some geographic 01:40:19.000 --> 01:40:21.000 differences in distribution of the SARS virus 01:40:21.000 --> 01:40:23.000 rather geographic distribution 01:40:23.000 --> 01:40:25.000 differences with these SARS types 01:40:25.000 --> 01:40:27.000 that's a good question 01:40:27.000 --> 01:40:29.000 if there's none there to begin with 01:40:29.000 --> 01:40:31.000 and you've cut out all of the ones 01:40:31.000 --> 01:40:33.000 that you're worried about causing cancer 01:40:33.000 --> 01:40:35.000 then nothing is going to come in to replace it 01:40:35.000 --> 01:40:37.000 because it's not there 01:40:37.000 --> 01:40:39.000 this particular study is in Sweden 01:40:39.000 --> 01:40:41.000 so they're not looking at a global 01:40:41.000 --> 01:40:43.000 perspective there 01:40:43.000 --> 01:40:45.000 but it's an interesting question 01:40:45.000 --> 01:40:47.000 do you see a different pattern elsewhere 01:40:47.000 --> 01:40:49.000 okay I'm sorry to 01:40:49.000 --> 01:40:51.000 I'm sorry 01:40:51.000 --> 01:40:53.000 people will allow it for this 01:40:53.000 --> 01:40:55.000 I'm not sure I can't 01:40:55.000 --> 01:40:57.000 so what are you doing this paper as they look at 01:40:57.000 --> 01:40:59.000 community level occurrence of different types 01:40:59.000 --> 01:41:01.000 up to eight years after vaccination 01:41:01.000 --> 01:41:03.000 either in girls only or gender neutral 01:41:03.000 --> 01:41:05.000 so one or the other 01:41:05.000 --> 01:41:07.000 right so they actually have three different 01:41:07.000 --> 01:41:09.000 communities that they're looking at there 01:41:09.000 --> 01:41:11.000 some that didn't have vaccination campaign 01:41:11.000 --> 01:41:13.000 some that targeted girls specifically 01:41:13.000 --> 01:41:15.000 because it's a very effective way to control the virus 01:41:15.000 --> 01:41:17.000 or at least it should be and then others that were 01:41:17.000 --> 01:41:19.000 gender neutral boys and girls got vaccinated 01:41:19.000 --> 01:41:21.000 and we should say there has been previous evidence that 01:41:21.000 --> 01:41:23.000 vaccination is changing the 01:41:23.000 --> 01:41:25.000 the prevalence of genotypes 01:41:25.000 --> 01:41:27.000 right there these the ones targeted by the vaccines 01:41:27.000 --> 01:41:29.000 are going down and 01:41:29.000 --> 01:41:31.000 so the question is are the others that are not targeted 01:41:31.000 --> 01:41:33.000 going up or are they staying the same? 01:41:33.000 --> 01:41:35.000 that's what they're addressing 01:41:35.000 --> 01:41:37.000 so none of these 01:41:37.000 --> 01:41:39.000 the conclusions that he just listed 01:41:39.000 --> 01:41:41.000 were actually reached using the data 01:41:41.000 --> 01:41:43.000 and the data in this paper 01:41:43.000 --> 01:41:45.000 were unable to say any of those things 01:41:45.000 --> 01:41:47.000 but the combination 01:41:47.000 --> 01:41:49.000 of a 01:41:49.000 --> 01:41:51.000 linear modeling and a 01:41:51.000 --> 01:41:53.000 what is it? 01:41:53.000 --> 01:41:55.000 graphical something 01:41:55.000 --> 01:41:57.000 something network 01:41:57.000 --> 01:41:59.000 two different types of 01:41:59.000 --> 01:42:01.000 math were used to 01:42:01.000 --> 01:42:03.000 synthetically generate 01:42:03.000 --> 01:42:05.000 finally to comprehensive 01:42:05.000 --> 01:42:07.000 evaluate the community level 01:42:07.000 --> 01:42:09.000 HPV type diversity 01:42:09.000 --> 01:42:11.000 distribution between the trial arms 01:42:11.000 --> 01:42:13.000 we applied 01:42:13.000 --> 01:42:15.000 gen modeling 01:42:15.000 --> 01:42:17.000 for the observed HPV type prevalence data 01:42:17.000 --> 01:42:19.000 and generated a synthetic data set 01:42:19.000 --> 01:42:21.000 from each original community 01:42:21.000 --> 01:42:23.000 randomized trial arm 01:42:23.000 --> 01:42:25.000 first the gen model 01:42:25.000 --> 01:42:27.000 was fitted to each 01:42:27.000 --> 01:42:29.000 observed trial arm HPV type 01:42:29.000 --> 01:42:31.000 distribution over time 01:42:31.000 --> 01:42:33.000 from which a synthetic 01:42:33.000 --> 01:42:35.000 HPV type prevalence distribution 01:42:35.000 --> 01:42:37.000 for 100,000 individuals 01:42:37.000 --> 01:42:39.000 was simulated 01:42:39.000 --> 01:42:43.000 for each arm and time point 01:42:43.000 --> 01:42:45.000 for community level alpha 01:42:45.000 --> 01:42:47.000 and beta diversity estimation 01:42:47.000 --> 01:42:49.000 synthetic HPV type prevalence 01:42:49.000 --> 01:42:51.000 distribution for each trial arm 01:42:51.000 --> 01:42:53.000 data with an n equals 01:42:53.000 --> 01:42:55.000 100,000 was randomly resampled 01:42:55.000 --> 01:42:57.000 a thousand times without replacement 01:42:57.000 --> 01:42:59.000 for equal community size 01:42:59.000 --> 01:43:01.000 community level HPV type 01:43:01.000 --> 01:43:03.000 alpha diversity was estimated using 01:43:03.000 --> 01:43:05.000 resampled synthetic communities 01:43:05.000 --> 01:43:07.000 for 18 to 22 year olds 01:43:07.000 --> 01:43:09.000 a significant increase 01:43:09.000 --> 01:43:11.000 in alpha diversity 01:43:11.000 --> 01:43:13.000 the Shannon index was observed 01:43:13.000 --> 01:43:15.000 from 18 to 22 year olds 01:43:15.000 --> 01:43:17.000 in the synthetic and gender 01:43:17.000 --> 01:43:19.000 and neutral communities 01:43:19.000 --> 01:43:21.000 in contrast a significantly lower 01:43:21.000 --> 01:43:23.000 alpha diversity was sustained 01:43:23.000 --> 01:43:25.000 in the synthetic girls-only communities 01:43:25.000 --> 01:43:27.000 among the 22 year olds 01:43:27.000 --> 01:43:29.000 does that sound like data 01:43:29.000 --> 01:43:31.000 which leads you to believe 01:43:31.000 --> 01:43:35.000 what Vincent just said 01:43:35.000 --> 01:43:37.000 or does it sound like they did a 01:43:37.000 --> 01:43:39.000 mathematical simulation 01:43:39.000 --> 01:43:41.000 that gave them the result that they wanted 01:43:41.000 --> 01:43:45.000 and how 01:43:45.000 --> 01:43:47.000 disingenuously 01:43:47.000 --> 01:43:49.000 is this result 01:43:49.000 --> 01:43:51.000 or this result set 01:43:51.000 --> 01:43:53.000 being represented by these people 01:43:53.000 --> 01:43:55.000 they haven't even mentioned 01:43:55.000 --> 01:43:58.000 that general linearized models 01:43:58.000 --> 01:44:01.000 and this technique called 01:44:01.000 --> 01:44:03.000 a graphical-independent 01:44:03.000 --> 01:44:05.000 network model 01:44:05.000 --> 01:44:09.000 a graphical-independent 01:44:09.000 --> 01:44:11.000 network model 01:44:11.000 --> 01:44:13.000 a graphical-independent 01:44:13.000 --> 01:44:15.000 network modeling 01:44:15.000 --> 01:44:19.000 was used for the observed HPV type 01:44:19.000 --> 01:44:21.000 prevalence data 01:44:21.000 --> 01:44:23.000 and generated a synthetic dataset 01:44:23.000 --> 01:44:25.000 from each original community 01:44:25.000 --> 01:44:27.000 randomized trial arm 01:44:27.000 --> 01:44:29.000 first the 01:44:29.000 --> 01:44:31.000 gin model was fitted 01:44:31.000 --> 01:44:33.000 to each observed trial arm 01:44:33.000 --> 01:44:35.000 HPV type distribution 01:44:35.000 --> 01:44:37.000 over time 01:44:37.000 --> 01:44:39.000 from which a synthetic 01:44:39.000 --> 01:44:41.000 so they basically used 01:44:41.000 --> 01:44:43.000 linear 01:44:43.000 --> 01:44:45.000 and 01:44:45.000 --> 01:44:47.000 graphical 01:44:47.000 --> 01:44:49.000 independence network models 01:44:49.000 --> 01:44:51.000 which I don't say that I understand 01:44:51.000 --> 01:44:53.000 but I'm just telling you what they're doing 01:44:53.000 --> 01:44:55.000 and what they say in their paper 01:44:55.000 --> 01:44:57.000 and what they say in their paper to generate 01:44:57.000 --> 01:44:59.000 a synthetic dataset 01:44:59.000 --> 01:45:01.000 made up of 100,000 01:45:01.000 --> 01:45:03.000 synthetic cases 01:45:03.000 --> 01:45:05.000 or distributions of the 01:45:05.000 --> 01:45:07.000 Hylun papilloma virus 01:45:07.000 --> 01:45:09.000 serotypes 01:45:09.000 --> 01:45:11.000 and in those 01:45:11.000 --> 01:45:13.000 communities which were simulated 01:45:13.000 --> 01:45:15.000 they say that they got 01:45:15.000 --> 01:45:17.000 a significantly lower 01:45:17.000 --> 01:45:19.000 alpha diversity 01:45:19.000 --> 01:45:21.000 in the girls-only communities 01:45:21.000 --> 01:45:23.000 and the gender-neutral 01:45:23.000 --> 01:45:25.000 communities of some kind. 01:45:25.000 --> 01:45:27.000 I mean 01:45:27.000 --> 01:45:29.000 the way that they are discussing this 01:45:29.000 --> 01:45:31.000 it sounds like they just measured a bunch 01:45:31.000 --> 01:45:33.000 of people and found a change in the viruses 01:45:33.000 --> 01:45:35.000 but they actually didn't 01:45:35.000 --> 01:45:37.000 they measured a bunch of people 01:45:37.000 --> 01:45:39.000 and then they used a lot of mathematical tricks 01:45:39.000 --> 01:45:41.000 and tools to create 01:45:41.000 --> 01:45:43.000 a dataset where they say that 01:45:43.000 --> 01:45:45.000 they found a difference between these different 01:45:45.000 --> 01:45:47.000 communities but they're all synthetic communities 01:45:49.000 --> 01:45:51.000 they don't have enough data from the 01:45:51.000 --> 01:45:53.000 real data because what? 01:45:53.000 --> 01:45:55.000 because the communities they're discussing 01:45:55.000 --> 01:45:57.000 have a vaccination rate of between 01:45:57.000 --> 01:45:59.000 25 and 50 percent 01:46:03.000 --> 01:46:05.000 Did you hear that from Vincent or any of these guys yet? 01:46:05.000 --> 01:46:07.000 Not at all 01:46:07.000 --> 01:46:09.000 Not at all 01:46:09.000 --> 01:46:11.000 You don't hear 01:46:11.000 --> 01:46:13.000 it from them at all 01:46:13.000 --> 01:46:15.000 because they don't understand the paper 01:46:15.000 --> 01:46:17.000 or they haven't read the paper 01:46:17.000 --> 01:46:19.000 or they've read the paper and don't understand it 01:46:19.000 --> 01:46:21.000 they're actually all 01:46:21.000 --> 01:46:23.000 based on synthetic modeling 01:46:23.000 --> 01:46:25.000 and interpretation 01:46:25.000 --> 01:46:27.000 based on the limited data set 01:46:27.000 --> 01:46:29.000 that they had 01:46:29.000 --> 01:46:31.000 that the limited data set that they had 01:46:31.000 --> 01:46:33.000 was insufficient to show 01:46:33.000 --> 01:46:35.000 any effect at all 01:46:35.000 --> 01:46:37.000 is lost on these guys 01:46:41.000 --> 01:46:43.000 That's the best way to put it 01:46:43.000 --> 01:46:45.000 That's exactly right 01:46:45.000 --> 01:46:47.000 So they first look at four years 01:46:47.000 --> 01:46:49.000 after vaccination and they compare 01:46:49.000 --> 01:46:51.000 HPV types in this community 01:46:51.000 --> 01:46:53.000 and they have a 01:46:53.000 --> 01:46:55.000 generalized linear model 01:46:55.000 --> 01:46:57.000 GLM for looking at this 01:46:57.000 --> 01:46:59.000 these are all statistical analyses 01:46:59.000 --> 01:47:01.000 of course 01:47:01.000 --> 01:47:03.000 No differences in the 01:47:03.000 --> 01:47:05.000 between the gender-neutral arm A and girls-only-arm B 01:47:05.000 --> 01:47:07.000 at the community or type level 01:47:07.000 --> 01:47:09.000 which remained true even after selecting 01:47:09.000 --> 01:47:11.000 certain birth cohorts 01:47:11.000 --> 01:47:13.000 for the strongest difference in strength 01:47:13.000 --> 01:47:15.000 but four years post-vaccination 01:47:15.000 --> 01:47:17.000 and epigenicity of vaccine-targeted genotypes 01:47:17.000 --> 01:47:19.000 that would be 16, 18, 31 01:47:19.000 --> 01:47:21.000 and 45, 45 in both gender-neutral communities 01:47:21.000 --> 01:47:23.000 and for girls-only communities 01:47:23.000 --> 01:47:25.000 so reduction in the 01:47:25.000 --> 01:47:27.000 circulation of those types 01:47:27.000 --> 01:47:29.000 if you will 01:47:29.000 --> 01:47:31.000 So I have another question related to that then 01:47:31.000 --> 01:47:33.000 How long does the vaccine protect? 01:47:33.000 --> 01:47:35.000 Well we've looked 01:47:35.000 --> 01:47:37.000 when was this first 01:47:37.000 --> 01:47:39.000 This group is from 92 at the earliest 01:47:39.000 --> 01:47:41.000 as far as I know it's durable 01:47:41.000 --> 01:47:43.000 I haven't heard anything about 01:47:43.000 --> 01:47:45.000 waning immunity against it 01:47:45.000 --> 01:47:47.000 because it's not a molecular 01:47:47.000 --> 01:47:49.000 vaccine dependent on the genome 01:47:49.000 --> 01:47:51.000 it's a protein vaccine 01:47:51.000 --> 01:47:53.000 The eight years post-vaccination they found comparable to portions of these 01:47:53.000 --> 01:47:55.000 vaccine-targeted types 01:47:55.000 --> 01:47:57.000 16, 18, 31, 45, again 01:47:57.000 --> 01:47:59.000 in general-neutral and then they find 16, 18, 31 01:47:59.000 --> 01:48:01.000 are reduced in the girls-only communities 01:48:01.000 --> 01:48:03.000 so those are 01:48:03.000 --> 01:48:05.000 types that are targeted by the vaccine 01:48:05.000 --> 01:48:07.000 you can see a reduction which has been reported elsewhere 01:48:07.000 --> 01:48:09.000 Now eight years post-vaccination 01:48:09.000 --> 01:48:11.000 they found an increase of non-vaccinated 01:48:11.000 --> 01:48:13.000 and non-vaccinated types 01:48:13.000 --> 01:48:15.000 52 and 66 01:48:15.000 --> 01:48:17.000 exclusively among the gender-neutral communities 01:48:17.000 --> 01:48:19.000 when you compare them with the control 01:48:19.000 --> 01:48:21.000 because we didn't get any vaccine 01:48:21.000 --> 01:48:23.000 so 52 and 66 are not in the vaccine 01:48:23.000 --> 01:48:25.000 but they're going up 01:48:25.000 --> 01:48:27.000 but you don't see that in the girls-only 01:48:27.000 --> 01:48:29.000 comparison 01:48:29.000 --> 01:48:31.000 I don't know why that is 01:48:31.000 --> 01:48:33.000 I got to this part in the paper 01:48:33.000 --> 01:48:35.000 I was like wait 01:48:35.000 --> 01:48:37.000 how do we make sense of this 01:48:37.000 --> 01:48:39.000 and eventually what I kind of 01:48:39.000 --> 01:48:41.000 like partly from the data but also just like 01:48:41.000 --> 01:48:43.000 how would that even work 01:48:43.000 --> 01:48:45.000 is that the unvaccinated boys 01:48:45.000 --> 01:48:47.000 may serve as something of a reservoir 01:48:47.000 --> 01:48:49.000 for some of the 01:48:49.000 --> 01:48:51.000 of the HPV 16, 18 at all 01:48:51.000 --> 01:48:53.000 and that is preventing 01:48:53.000 --> 01:48:55.000 the 01:48:55.000 --> 01:48:57.000 the ingress if you will of 01:48:57.000 --> 01:48:59.000 52 and 66 01:48:59.000 --> 01:49:01.000 because the niche is not completely unoccupied 01:49:01.000 --> 01:49:03.000 there's a segment of the population that still has 01:49:03.000 --> 01:49:05.000 these oncogenic viruses 01:49:05.000 --> 01:49:07.000 Now that's pretty funny 01:49:07.000 --> 01:49:09.000 for him to say because 01:49:09.000 --> 01:49:11.000 again it seems like 01:49:11.000 --> 01:49:13.000 he hasn't read the paper well enough to know 01:49:13.000 --> 01:49:15.000 that the simulated communities 01:49:15.000 --> 01:49:17.000 have a coverage of 25 to 50 percent 01:49:17.000 --> 01:49:19.000 at best 01:49:19.000 --> 01:49:21.000 and he hasn't realized 01:49:21.000 --> 01:49:23.000 that they don't have a baseline 01:49:23.000 --> 01:49:27.000 so they have no idea 01:49:27.000 --> 01:49:29.000 what the distribution of these 01:49:29.000 --> 01:49:31.000 viruses and serotypes was 01:49:31.000 --> 01:49:33.000 in the background before the 01:49:33.000 --> 01:49:35.000 vaccination took place 01:49:35.000 --> 01:49:37.000 and he's working under the assumption 01:49:37.000 --> 01:49:39.000 that again 01:49:39.000 --> 01:49:41.000 the girls are clean and the boys are clean 01:49:41.000 --> 01:49:43.000 and then they are vaccinated 01:49:43.000 --> 01:49:45.000 and then they mix together sexually 01:49:45.000 --> 01:49:47.000 and then the boys 01:49:47.000 --> 01:49:49.000 if they're not vaccinated 01:49:49.000 --> 01:49:51.000 are the reservoirs 01:49:51.000 --> 01:49:53.000 from which these girls are getting the virus 01:49:53.000 --> 01:49:55.000 but again we're talking about 01:49:55.000 --> 01:49:57.000 vaccination penetration rate 01:49:57.000 --> 01:49:59.000 of like less than 50 percent 01:49:59.000 --> 01:50:03.000 so all the ideas that they're working with 01:50:03.000 --> 01:50:05.000 all the assumptions that they're working with 01:50:05.000 --> 01:50:07.000 are cartoon simple 01:50:07.000 --> 01:50:09.000 cartoon simple 01:50:09.000 --> 01:50:11.000 in the face 01:50:11.000 --> 01:50:13.000 of the paper 01:50:13.000 --> 01:50:15.000 which admits that the 01:50:15.000 --> 01:50:17.000 cartoon simple doesn't work here 01:50:17.000 --> 01:50:19.000 because we're not even able to test that 01:50:19.000 --> 01:50:21.000 there are hundreds 01:50:21.000 --> 01:50:23.000 of serotypes we only test 01:50:23.000 --> 01:50:25.000 for a few 01:50:25.000 --> 01:50:27.000 for 10 01:50:27.000 --> 01:50:29.000 and we look at how these 10 change 01:50:29.000 --> 01:50:31.000 even though we vaccinate from between 01:50:31.000 --> 01:50:33.000 two and nine 01:50:33.000 --> 01:50:35.000 a total number of 01:50:35.000 --> 01:50:37.000 serotypes 01:50:37.000 --> 01:50:39.000 and it gets worse 01:50:39.000 --> 01:50:41.000 the guy up here 01:50:41.000 --> 01:50:43.000 is about to drop the bomb 01:50:43.000 --> 01:50:45.000 of wait a minute 01:50:45.000 --> 01:50:47.000 virology is supposed to be like this 01:50:47.000 --> 01:50:49.000 virology is supposed to be like this 01:50:49.000 --> 01:50:51.000 so what does this mean? 01:50:51.000 --> 01:50:53.000 and they have no clue because 01:50:53.000 --> 01:50:55.000 again this is immunomethology 01:50:55.000 --> 01:50:57.000 the high fidelity is a lie 01:50:57.000 --> 01:50:59.000 the deep 01:50:59.000 --> 01:51:03.000 in depth understanding is a lie 01:51:03.000 --> 01:51:05.000 the application of all of these 01:51:05.000 --> 01:51:07.000 complicated biological 01:51:07.000 --> 01:51:09.000 phenomenon that apply to species 01:51:09.000 --> 01:51:11.000 in evolution 01:51:11.000 --> 01:51:13.000 in ecosystems and applying it to 01:51:13.000 --> 01:51:15.000 virus and virus phenomenon 01:51:15.000 --> 01:51:17.000 is a lie 01:51:19.000 --> 01:51:21.000 that's the dissonance that you see 01:51:21.000 --> 01:51:23.000 this guy dealing with 01:51:23.000 --> 01:51:25.000 in real time 01:51:25.000 --> 01:51:27.000 as he realizes that a lot of this 01:51:27.000 --> 01:51:29.000 mythology 01:51:29.000 --> 01:51:31.000 has been proven wrong 01:51:31.000 --> 01:51:33.000 a lot of these assumptions 01:51:33.000 --> 01:51:35.000 that his career is based 01:51:35.000 --> 01:51:37.000 on have been proven wrong 01:51:37.000 --> 01:51:39.000 are being proven wrong 01:51:39.000 --> 01:51:41.000 in real time 01:51:41.000 --> 01:51:43.000 the HPV vaccine 01:51:43.000 --> 01:51:45.000 doesn't work like the polio vaccine 01:51:45.000 --> 01:51:47.000 did when this guy was a kid 01:51:47.000 --> 01:51:49.000 it doesn't work like the measles 01:51:49.000 --> 01:51:51.000 vaccine works like this 01:51:51.000 --> 01:51:53.000 guy was a kid 01:51:53.000 --> 01:51:55.000 it just doesn't 01:51:55.000 --> 01:51:57.000 work like the vaccine of a 01:51:57.000 --> 01:51:59.000 self-limiting disease 01:51:59.000 --> 01:52:01.000 for which natural immunity 01:52:01.000 --> 01:52:03.000 can be formed by infection 01:52:03.000 --> 01:52:07.000 and if there were ever 01:52:07.000 --> 01:52:09.000 any working examples of a 01:52:09.000 --> 01:52:11.000 vaccine that was successful 01:52:11.000 --> 01:52:13.000 it would be a vaccine made 01:52:13.000 --> 01:52:15.000 from an attenuated 01:52:15.000 --> 01:52:17.000 virus a chemically weakened 01:52:17.000 --> 01:52:19.000 virus 01:52:19.000 --> 01:52:21.000 and exposure to it at a 01:52:21.000 --> 01:52:23.000 barrier 01:52:23.000 --> 01:52:25.000 that intramuscular 01:52:25.000 --> 01:52:27.000 injection of it 01:52:27.000 --> 01:52:29.000 or that in a combination 01:52:29.000 --> 01:52:31.000 of adjuvant substances 01:52:31.000 --> 01:52:33.000 no, no, no 01:52:33.000 --> 01:52:35.000 an Allen Dove 01:52:35.000 --> 01:52:37.000 is not going to realize it 01:52:37.000 --> 01:52:39.000 in his lifetime 01:52:39.000 --> 01:52:41.000 he is a skilled TV watcher 01:52:41.000 --> 01:52:43.000 until the last person around him 01:52:43.000 --> 01:52:45.000 comes to this conclusion 01:52:45.000 --> 01:52:47.000 he will live in this boat 01:52:47.000 --> 01:52:49.000 they're not spreading them to the girls 01:52:49.000 --> 01:52:51.000 who got vaccinated 01:52:51.000 --> 01:52:53.000 but, you know, that's my theory 01:52:53.000 --> 01:52:55.000 that's not really something that the data speak to 01:52:55.000 --> 01:52:57.000 but I think that's at least gave me 01:52:57.000 --> 01:52:59.000 a little explanation that could work 01:52:59.000 --> 01:53:01.000 so that means 01:53:01.000 --> 01:53:03.000 the ones that got vaccinated 01:53:03.000 --> 01:53:05.000 are they still susceptible to the one 01:53:05.000 --> 01:53:07.000 the strains that were not included in the vaccine, right? 01:53:07.000 --> 01:53:09.000 did they convert? 01:53:09.000 --> 01:53:11.000 do they look at that? 01:53:11.000 --> 01:53:13.000 let's see, the analysis is 01:53:13.000 --> 01:53:15.000 let's look at the methods, hang on 01:53:15.000 --> 01:53:17.000 methods except the document 01:53:17.000 --> 01:53:19.000 is this serology or 01:53:19.000 --> 01:53:21.000 well, people infected with 01:53:21.000 --> 01:53:23.000 any of the HPV's 01:53:23.000 --> 01:53:25.000 don't they eventually develop antibodies 01:53:25.000 --> 01:53:27.000 but the antibodies aren't protective 01:53:27.000 --> 01:53:29.000 because the genome is already inside 01:53:29.000 --> 01:53:31.000 holding up like a plasmid in cells 01:53:31.000 --> 01:53:33.000 or is that, did I just remember that 01:53:33.000 --> 01:53:35.000 Sarah prevalence, yeah, that's how they look here 01:53:35.000 --> 01:53:37.000 we're looking at antibodies to the different types 01:53:37.000 --> 01:53:39.000 so if you have antibodies to 16 01:53:39.000 --> 01:53:41.000 you're not protected against any of the other types 01:53:41.000 --> 01:53:43.000 so I wonder 01:53:43.000 --> 01:53:45.000 if you actually caught that 01:53:45.000 --> 01:53:47.000 well, I didn't realize I was an onscreen 01:53:47.000 --> 01:53:49.000 so Alan Dove 01:53:49.000 --> 01:53:51.000 basically again just drops the ball 01:53:51.000 --> 01:53:53.000 and admits that he doesn't know anything about 01:53:53.000 --> 01:53:55.000 what he's talking about 01:53:55.000 --> 01:53:57.000 but he's trying to pretend that he's in authority 01:53:57.000 --> 01:53:59.000 and this guy up here 01:53:59.000 --> 01:54:01.000 is still having problems with the idea that 01:54:01.000 --> 01:54:03.000 wait, there are really a lot of 01:54:03.000 --> 01:54:05.000 serotypes 01:54:05.000 --> 01:54:07.000 and we're only vaccinating against a few of them 01:54:07.000 --> 01:54:09.000 so you guys are talking about ecology 01:54:09.000 --> 01:54:11.000 you're predicting an outcome 01:54:11.000 --> 01:54:13.000 and did they see this outcome? 01:54:13.000 --> 01:54:15.000 and the reality is 01:54:15.000 --> 01:54:17.000 is that they are still trying to read the paper 01:54:17.000 --> 01:54:19.000 in real time to find out exactly 01:54:19.000 --> 01:54:21.000 how this outcome was reached 01:54:21.000 --> 01:54:23.000 and they still haven't gotten to the paragraph 01:54:23.000 --> 01:54:25.000 that I read to you earlier 01:54:25.000 --> 01:54:27.000 where they say 01:54:27.000 --> 01:54:29.000 that the way that they reach these conclusions 01:54:29.000 --> 01:54:31.000 is by creating a synthetic data set 01:54:31.000 --> 01:54:33.000 that was at least 10 times larger 01:54:33.000 --> 01:54:35.000 than the original data set from which it was derived 01:54:39.000 --> 01:54:41.000 I would ask, if they haven't asked 01:54:41.000 --> 01:54:43.000 the people who were protected against the cancer 01:54:43.000 --> 01:54:45.000 inducing strains of HPV 01:54:45.000 --> 01:54:47.000 were still susceptible to the none 01:54:47.000 --> 01:54:49.000 cancer-producing HPV? 01:54:49.000 --> 01:54:51.000 did they convert or not? 01:54:51.000 --> 01:54:53.000 No, they didn't because the ones 01:54:53.000 --> 01:54:55.000 in these cohorts that were vaccinated against the cancer-causing types 01:54:55.000 --> 01:54:57.000 they saw an increase in 01:54:57.000 --> 01:54:59.000 seroconversion against the ones that were not in the vaccine 01:54:59.000 --> 01:55:01.000 so they're clearly getting infected because they're making input 01:55:01.000 --> 01:55:03.000 Right, so they do, they seroconvert against 01:55:03.000 --> 01:55:05.000 the ones that were not in the vaccine against 52 and 66 01:55:05.000 --> 01:55:07.000 they don't seroconvert against 16 and 18 01:55:07.000 --> 01:55:09.000 that weren't in the vaccine 01:55:09.000 --> 01:55:11.000 if they weren't vaccinated 01:55:11.000 --> 01:55:13.000 Does that make sense? 01:55:13.000 --> 01:55:15.000 You get the vaccine, you're going to have antibodies to those 01:55:15.000 --> 01:55:17.000 I'm not sure how they sorted the two out 01:55:17.000 --> 01:55:19.000 but obviously there's a way to do it 01:55:19.000 --> 01:55:21.000 Let's look 01:55:21.000 --> 01:55:23.000 if you want to say 16 and 18 01:55:23.000 --> 01:55:25.000 is declining in prevalence 01:55:25.000 --> 01:55:27.000 based on serology 01:55:27.000 --> 01:55:29.000 that means that 01:55:29.000 --> 01:55:31.000 you're getting contracted antibodies 01:55:31.000 --> 01:55:33.000 naturally, so that's 01:55:33.000 --> 01:55:35.000 even if you've been immunized with 16 and 18 01:55:35.000 --> 01:55:37.000 and eventually those antibodies will go down 01:55:37.000 --> 01:55:39.000 unless you're re-infected, those antibodies will go down 01:55:39.000 --> 01:55:41.000 unless circulation of those types 01:55:41.000 --> 01:55:43.000 whereas you see higher levels of antibodies against the non-vaccine 01:55:43.000 --> 01:55:45.000 included types than you're saying 01:55:45.000 --> 01:55:47.000 those are circulating in the community and they're infecting our subjects 01:55:47.000 --> 01:55:49.000 That's right, but they're not 01:55:49.000 --> 01:55:51.000 It's really unbelievable, right? 01:55:51.000 --> 01:55:53.000 This contradiction and this 01:55:53.000 --> 01:55:55.000 this doesn't 01:55:55.000 --> 01:55:57.000 compute to any of the people on the screen 01:55:57.000 --> 01:55:59.000 and they're still just trying to rationalize it 01:55:59.000 --> 01:56:01.000 making sense 01:56:01.000 --> 01:56:03.000 Let me reiterate 01:56:03.000 --> 01:56:07.000 They use seroprevalence to decide whether or not these people have been infected by these 01:56:07.000 --> 01:56:09.000 of HPV 01:56:11.000 --> 01:56:13.000 but the vaccine 01:56:13.000 --> 01:56:15.000 the only way they can measure 01:56:15.000 --> 01:56:17.000 whether or not the vaccine works 01:56:17.000 --> 01:56:19.000 is looking for seroprevalence responses 01:56:19.000 --> 01:56:21.000 to the vaccine 01:56:21.000 --> 01:56:23.000 So the assumption 01:56:23.000 --> 01:56:25.000 is that if they vaccinate you against 01:56:25.000 --> 01:56:27.000 9 serotypes of HPV 01:56:27.000 --> 01:56:29.000 that you will have 01:56:29.000 --> 01:56:31.000 9 different antibodies 01:56:31.000 --> 01:56:33.000 in circulation responding to 01:56:33.000 --> 01:56:37.000 those 9 different serotypes of HPV 01:56:37.000 --> 01:56:41.000 but then when they look for seroprevalence for 01:56:41.000 --> 01:56:43.000 against all of these viruses 01:56:43.000 --> 01:56:47.000 they find a decreased seroprevalence to 01:56:47.000 --> 01:56:49.000 the viruses 01:56:49.000 --> 01:56:51.000 that you were vaccinated to and an increased 01:56:51.000 --> 01:56:53.000 seroprevalence to the 01:56:53.000 --> 01:56:55.000 to the viruses which are present 01:56:55.000 --> 01:56:57.000 in those people 01:56:57.000 --> 01:56:59.000 So they use the signal 01:56:59.000 --> 01:57:01.000 for immunity 01:57:01.000 --> 01:57:05.000 to also indicate the presence of the virus 01:57:07.000 --> 01:57:09.000 which is really quite 01:57:09.000 --> 01:57:11.000 extraordinary 01:57:11.000 --> 01:57:13.000 They don't have 01:57:13.000 --> 01:57:15.000 actually any data according to their read 01:57:15.000 --> 01:57:17.000 on the prevalence of 01:57:17.000 --> 01:57:19.000 viruses. They have 01:57:19.000 --> 01:57:21.000 data on the prevalence of 01:57:21.000 --> 01:57:23.000 seroprevalence to 01:57:23.000 --> 01:57:25.000 particular serotypes 01:57:25.000 --> 01:57:27.000 of human papilloma virus 01:57:27.000 --> 01:57:29.000 and they only have 01:57:29.000 --> 01:57:31.000 the capability of testing for about 01:57:31.000 --> 01:57:33.000 10 of those 01:57:33.000 --> 01:57:37.000 conditions 01:57:37.000 --> 01:57:39.000 And so they're just kind of casually laughing 01:57:39.000 --> 01:57:41.000 about how I wonder how they differentiate 01:57:41.000 --> 01:57:43.000 between antibodies from the vaccine 01:57:43.000 --> 01:57:45.000 and antibodies from exposure to 01:57:45.000 --> 01:57:47.000 the types that they're trying to eliminate 01:57:47.000 --> 01:57:49.000 Can they tell the difference between 01:57:49.000 --> 01:57:51.000 them? I guess they must have been able to 01:57:51.000 --> 01:57:53.000 let's read about it. They must have done it 01:57:53.000 --> 01:57:55.000 somewhere and then they never come to a conclusion 01:57:55.000 --> 01:57:57.000 and Alan Dubbs fine with that 01:57:57.000 --> 01:57:59.000 They're not causing cancer 01:57:59.000 --> 01:58:01.000 They're not causing cancer 01:58:01.000 --> 01:58:03.000 unless you're re-infected 01:58:03.000 --> 01:58:05.000 those antibodies will go down and that will 01:58:05.000 --> 01:58:07.000 support your idea that there's less circulation 01:58:07.000 --> 01:58:09.000 of those types 01:58:09.000 --> 01:58:11.000 and whereas you see higher levels of antibodies 01:58:11.000 --> 01:58:13.000 against the non-vaccine included types 01:58:13.000 --> 01:58:15.000 than you're saying those are circulating in the community 01:58:15.000 --> 01:58:17.000 and they're infecting our subjects 01:58:17.000 --> 01:58:19.000 But they're not causing cancer 01:58:19.000 --> 01:58:21.000 They're not causing cancer 01:58:21.000 --> 01:58:23.000 They're not causing cancer 01:58:23.000 --> 01:58:25.000 That's the question 01:58:25.000 --> 01:58:27.000 The assumption is 01:58:27.000 --> 01:58:29.000 that any data 01:58:29.000 --> 01:58:31.000 that they have 01:58:31.000 --> 01:58:33.000 on these particular 01:58:33.000 --> 01:58:35.000 serotypes 01:58:35.000 --> 01:58:37.000 is real 01:58:37.000 --> 01:58:39.000 That's the assumption 01:58:39.000 --> 01:58:41.000 It's the assumption 01:58:41.000 --> 01:58:43.000 that's made on all of these papers 01:58:43.000 --> 01:58:45.000 all of the time 01:58:45.000 --> 01:58:47.000 is that 01:58:47.000 --> 01:58:49.000 the distribution 01:58:49.000 --> 01:58:51.000 of the variable in question 01:58:51.000 --> 01:58:53.000 obviously must be this 01:58:53.000 --> 01:58:57.000 So if we don't find what we expect 01:58:57.000 --> 01:58:59.000 then obviously 01:58:59.000 --> 01:59:01.000 what we find is a result of 01:59:01.000 --> 01:59:03.000 the manipulation that we made 01:59:03.000 --> 01:59:07.000 and what none of these biologists and what 01:59:07.000 --> 01:59:09.000 so many academic biologists 01:59:09.000 --> 01:59:11.000 are trained not to do 01:59:11.000 --> 01:59:13.000 is to wonder 01:59:13.000 --> 01:59:17.000 too long about what the initial condition really was 01:59:17.000 --> 01:59:19.000 To assume 01:59:19.000 --> 01:59:21.000 that the initial condition is something 01:59:21.000 --> 01:59:23.000 that you could imagine 01:59:23.000 --> 01:59:25.000 like the initial condition of these children 01:59:25.000 --> 01:59:27.000 well obviously 01:59:27.000 --> 01:59:29.000 since these are sexually transmitted viruses 01:59:29.000 --> 01:59:31.000 and these are kids 01:59:31.000 --> 01:59:33.000 in their early teens 01:59:33.000 --> 01:59:35.000 that haven't had sex 01:59:35.000 --> 01:59:37.000 obviously they have no HPV 01:59:37.000 --> 01:59:39.000 viruses and no HPV 01:59:39.000 --> 01:59:41.000 seroprevalence 01:59:41.000 --> 01:59:43.000 detectable by our tests 01:59:43.000 --> 01:59:45.000 So we don't need to test them 01:59:45.000 --> 01:59:47.000 on the day that we vaccinate them 01:59:47.000 --> 01:59:49.000 We'll test them four years later 01:59:49.000 --> 01:59:53.000 and none of these biologists 01:59:53.000 --> 01:59:55.000 are sophisticated enough 01:59:55.000 --> 01:59:57.000 except for maybe the guy in the upper right 01:59:57.000 --> 01:59:59.000 to understand how ridiculously 01:59:59.000 --> 02:00:01.000 inaccurate 02:00:01.000 --> 02:00:03.000 and unscientific it would be 02:00:03.000 --> 02:00:05.000 to claim that the data that you 02:00:05.000 --> 02:00:07.000 collect at four years out 02:00:07.000 --> 02:00:09.000 and eight years out 02:00:09.000 --> 02:00:11.000 has anything to do with what you did 02:00:11.000 --> 02:00:13.000 at time zero 02:00:13.000 --> 02:00:15.000 in a small portion 02:00:15.000 --> 02:00:17.000 of the total population in which you looked 02:00:17.000 --> 02:00:19.000 and yet somehow or another 02:00:19.000 --> 02:00:21.000 these guys have made 02:00:21.000 --> 02:00:23.000 made a theater 02:00:23.000 --> 02:00:25.000 a presentation 02:00:25.000 --> 02:00:27.000 about an illusion of consensus 02:00:27.000 --> 02:00:29.000 that this is a real 02:00:29.000 --> 02:00:31.000 dataset with real 02:00:31.000 --> 02:00:33.000 results that are 02:00:33.000 --> 02:00:35.000 interpretable as 02:00:35.000 --> 02:00:37.000 indicating 02:00:37.000 --> 02:00:39.000 that HPV vaccination 02:00:39.000 --> 02:00:41.000 in teenagers 02:00:41.000 --> 02:00:43.000 depending on whether you do it in girls 02:00:43.000 --> 02:00:45.000 or in boys has differential effect 02:00:45.000 --> 02:00:47.000 on the ecology 02:00:47.000 --> 02:00:49.000 of human papilloma virus 02:00:49.000 --> 02:00:51.000 distribution among teenagers 02:00:55.000 --> 02:00:57.000 and it's really just a synthetic 02:00:57.000 --> 02:00:59.000 generated dataset 02:00:59.000 --> 02:01:01.000 based on an incomplete 02:01:05.000 --> 02:01:07.000 observation set 02:01:09.000 --> 02:01:11.000 and now what you need to understand is 02:01:11.000 --> 02:01:13.000 that almost all 02:01:13.000 --> 02:01:15.000 biology about 02:01:15.000 --> 02:01:17.000 vaccine-targetable disease 02:01:17.000 --> 02:01:19.000 about all biology 02:01:19.000 --> 02:01:21.000 based on 02:01:21.000 --> 02:01:23.000 augmenting the immune system 02:01:23.000 --> 02:01:25.000 is done with a similar 02:01:25.000 --> 02:01:27.000 level of obfuscation 02:01:27.000 --> 02:01:29.000 exaggeration 02:01:29.000 --> 02:01:31.000 oversimplification 02:01:31.000 --> 02:01:33.000 and over complication 02:01:33.000 --> 02:01:35.000 it's these combinations of 02:01:35.000 --> 02:01:37.000 enchantments that allow them to make 02:01:37.000 --> 02:01:39.000 statements which move 02:01:39.000 --> 02:01:41.000 biosecurity states which can 02:01:41.000 --> 02:01:43.000 move secret meetings which can 02:01:43.000 --> 02:01:45.000 move trillions of dollars 02:01:45.000 --> 02:01:47.000 behind the scenes 02:01:47.000 --> 02:01:49.000 based on oversimplification 02:01:49.000 --> 02:01:51.000 over exaggeration 02:01:51.000 --> 02:01:53.000 over complication 02:01:53.000 --> 02:01:57.000 and a semantic war 02:01:57.000 --> 02:01:59.000 where we take known 02:01:59.000 --> 02:02:01.000 and understood biological 02:02:01.000 --> 02:02:03.000 phenomenon that exists on the species level 02:02:03.000 --> 02:02:05.000 and try to apply it to an 02:02:05.000 --> 02:02:07.000 RNA phenomenon 02:02:07.000 --> 02:02:09.000 or even a DNA 02:02:09.000 --> 02:02:11.000 phenomenon 02:02:11.000 --> 02:02:13.000 which is wholly 02:02:13.000 --> 02:02:15.000 and equivalent to species 02:02:15.000 --> 02:02:17.000 level and ecosystem 02:02:17.000 --> 02:02:19.000 level phenomenon as we understand them 02:02:19.000 --> 02:02:21.000 in macrobiology 02:02:21.000 --> 02:02:23.000 and while 02:02:23.000 --> 02:02:25.000 the old man in the upper right is really 02:02:25.000 --> 02:02:27.000 feeling the grinding 02:02:27.000 --> 02:02:29.000 of the gears here as they have 02:02:29.000 --> 02:02:31.000 this very inaccurate, very 02:02:31.000 --> 02:02:33.000 imprecise discussion 02:02:33.000 --> 02:02:35.000 about a very 02:02:35.000 --> 02:02:37.000 pretty crappy paper 02:02:37.000 --> 02:02:39.000 trying to laud it 02:02:39.000 --> 02:02:41.000 as bonafide 02:02:41.000 --> 02:02:43.000 example of 02:02:43.000 --> 02:02:45.000 vaccine effectiveness 02:02:47.000 --> 02:02:49.000 it's brutal 02:02:49.000 --> 02:02:51.000 but this is how the war is waged 02:02:51.000 --> 02:02:53.000 this is how it's done 02:02:53.000 --> 02:02:55.000 this is the actual battlefield 02:02:55.000 --> 02:02:57.000 right here 02:02:57.000 --> 02:02:59.000 and this is why Gigoen biological 02:02:59.000 --> 02:03:01.000 is going to have years of work to do 02:03:01.000 --> 02:03:03.000 this breaking down 02:03:03.000 --> 02:03:05.000 needs to happen every day 02:03:05.000 --> 02:03:07.000 all the time 02:03:07.000 --> 02:03:09.000 constantly 02:03:09.000 --> 02:03:11.000 until people start to catch on 02:03:11.000 --> 02:03:13.000 and do it with me 02:03:13.000 --> 02:03:15.000 until people start to catch on 02:03:15.000 --> 02:03:17.000 and do it as well as me 02:03:17.000 --> 02:03:19.000 until this starts to catch on 02:03:19.000 --> 02:03:21.000 as a thing that people do 02:03:21.000 --> 02:03:23.000 until these people stop 02:03:23.000 --> 02:03:25.000 doing what they're doing 02:03:25.000 --> 02:03:27.000 because this is part of 02:03:27.000 --> 02:03:29.000 the apparatus that 02:03:29.000 --> 02:03:31.000 misleads doctors 02:03:31.000 --> 02:03:33.000 that underpins the assumptions 02:03:33.000 --> 02:03:35.000 that the conclusions 02:03:35.000 --> 02:03:37.000 that doctors assume are certain 02:03:37.000 --> 02:03:39.000 are caused 02:03:39.000 --> 02:03:41.000 by these kinds of discussions 02:03:41.000 --> 02:03:43.000 these people whose 02:03:43.000 --> 02:03:45.000 academic responsibility has been 02:03:45.000 --> 02:03:47.000 abdicated 02:03:47.000 --> 02:03:49.000 by their own incompetence 02:03:49.000 --> 02:03:51.000 by their own lack of curiosity 02:03:53.000 --> 02:03:55.000 every one of these gentlemen 02:03:55.000 --> 02:03:57.000 should and ladies should be upset 02:03:57.000 --> 02:03:59.000 and ashamed of themselves 02:03:59.000 --> 02:04:01.000 for having been 02:04:01.000 --> 02:04:03.000 in their chair for that long 02:04:03.000 --> 02:04:05.000 and having learned so little 02:04:05.000 --> 02:04:07.000 on their own. 02:04:07.000 --> 02:04:09.000 Let me say that again 02:04:09.000 --> 02:04:11.000 every one of these people 02:04:11.000 --> 02:04:13.000 in these chairs and almost 02:04:13.000 --> 02:04:15.000 all the academic biologists 02:04:15.000 --> 02:04:17.000 currently sitting 02:04:17.000 --> 02:04:19.000 in a tenure-track position 02:04:19.000 --> 02:04:21.000 should be ashamed of themselves 02:04:21.000 --> 02:04:23.000 because they have abdicated 02:04:23.000 --> 02:04:25.000 their responsibilities 02:04:25.000 --> 02:04:27.000 as professional biologists 02:04:27.000 --> 02:04:29.000 to understand the biology 02:04:29.000 --> 02:04:31.000 of vaccination and to understand 02:04:31.000 --> 02:04:33.000 that it has been 02:04:33.000 --> 02:04:35.000 oversimplified 02:04:35.000 --> 02:04:37.000 it has been grossly exaggerated 02:04:37.000 --> 02:04:39.000 ineffectiveness and value 02:04:39.000 --> 02:04:41.000 and we have contorted it 02:04:41.000 --> 02:04:43.000 into a 02:04:43.000 --> 02:04:45.000 a gigantic criminal 02:04:45.000 --> 02:04:47.000 enterprise 02:04:47.000 --> 02:04:49.000 and it is absolutely 02:04:49.000 --> 02:04:51.000 criminally negligent to 02:04:51.000 --> 02:04:53.000 intramuscular inject 02:04:53.000 --> 02:04:55.000 intramuscularly inject 02:04:55.000 --> 02:04:57.000 any combination of substances 02:04:57.000 --> 02:04:59.000 in the vaccine system 02:04:59.000 --> 02:05:01.000 it is definitely criminally negligent 02:05:01.000 --> 02:05:03.000 and it is only because 02:05:03.000 --> 02:05:05.000 doctors don't understand the biology 02:05:05.000 --> 02:05:07.000 it is only because 02:05:07.000 --> 02:05:09.000 the NIAID and the vaccine center 02:05:09.000 --> 02:05:11.000 and all these people 02:05:11.000 --> 02:05:13.000 have obfuscated the truth 02:05:13.000 --> 02:05:15.000 of the biology of the immune system 02:05:15.000 --> 02:05:17.000 that they don't understand 02:05:17.000 --> 02:05:19.000 you can't 02:05:19.000 --> 02:05:21.000 you have to follow these 02:05:21.000 --> 02:05:23.000 and suddenly in vaccinated people 02:05:23.000 --> 02:05:25.000 we start to see cancer as HPV 02:05:25.000 --> 02:05:27.000 that is causing them 02:05:27.000 --> 02:05:29.000 Absolutely 02:05:29.000 --> 02:05:31.000 I've been trying to figure out 02:05:31.000 --> 02:05:33.000 the answer to Dixon's question 02:05:33.000 --> 02:05:35.000 which I think is interesting 02:05:35.000 --> 02:05:37.000 which is what is the geographic 02:05:37.000 --> 02:05:39.000 distribution of the different types 02:05:39.000 --> 02:05:41.000 around the world 02:05:41.000 --> 02:05:43.000 and while I found various titles 02:05:43.000 --> 02:05:45.000 and hits that seemed like they were 02:05:45.000 --> 02:05:47.000 going to be informative 02:05:47.000 --> 02:05:49.000 I didn't find anything that really addresses 02:05:49.000 --> 02:05:51.000 that question 02:05:51.000 --> 02:05:53.000 how many types are all together 02:05:53.000 --> 02:05:55.000 and I was going to say a hundred 02:05:55.000 --> 02:05:57.000 and yet only these two 02:05:57.000 --> 02:05:59.000 it's more than 200 so again 02:05:59.000 --> 02:06:01.000 the virology professor of the world 02:06:01.000 --> 02:06:03.000 has no idea how many serotypes 02:06:03.000 --> 02:06:05.000 there are and more importantly 02:06:05.000 --> 02:06:07.000 he's going to try to avoid saying 02:06:07.000 --> 02:06:09.000 that all the other biological 02:06:09.000 --> 02:06:11.000 principles apply to human 02:06:11.000 --> 02:06:13.000 papilloma virus but the guy in the upper 02:06:13.000 --> 02:06:15.000 right is not going to let him get away 02:06:15.000 --> 02:06:17.000 around the world are responsible 02:06:17.000 --> 02:06:19.000 for the surgical cancer 02:06:19.000 --> 02:06:21.000 and why is this guy down here 02:06:21.000 --> 02:06:23.000 Alan Dove at the bottom saying nine 02:06:23.000 --> 02:06:25.000 when we started out the discussion 02:06:25.000 --> 02:06:27.000 he was sure it was just two 02:06:27.000 --> 02:06:29.000 and then surely behind me here 02:06:29.000 --> 02:06:31.000 says no it's also 36 and 38 02:06:31.000 --> 02:06:33.000 oh yeah that's right 02:06:33.000 --> 02:06:35.000 and then later on five to ten 02:06:35.000 --> 02:06:37.000 minutes later it's oh yeah there's nine 02:06:37.000 --> 02:06:39.000 of them now 02:06:39.000 --> 02:06:41.000 and so now he says like yeah 02:06:41.000 --> 02:06:43.000 it's nine as if he knew 02:06:43.000 --> 02:06:45.000 or he didn't learn it like 20 minutes 02:06:45.000 --> 02:06:47.000 ago 02:06:47.000 --> 02:06:49.000 this is the kind of arrogance 02:06:49.000 --> 02:06:53.000 that we need to fight against 02:06:53.000 --> 02:06:57.000 that's not a humble man 02:06:57.000 --> 02:06:59.000 that's a guy as I said before 02:06:59.000 --> 02:07:01.000 who's just waiting to repeat what he just 02:07:01.000 --> 02:07:03.000 heard so that he can sound smart again 02:07:03.000 --> 02:07:05.000 and he loves doing it 02:07:05.000 --> 02:07:07.000 he loves the one yard rushing 02:07:07.000 --> 02:07:09.000 touchdown 02:07:09.000 --> 02:07:11.000 with an offensive line 02:07:11.000 --> 02:07:13.000 of high schoolers against 02:07:13.000 --> 02:07:15.000 Pee Wee football 02:07:15.000 --> 02:07:17.000 he loves to be the running back 02:07:17.000 --> 02:07:18.000 in that scenario 02:07:18.000 --> 02:07:20.000 give me the ball coach 02:07:20.000 --> 02:07:22.000 I can happy to repeat the line 02:07:26.000 --> 02:07:28.000 but he's not willing to put his 02:07:28.000 --> 02:07:30.000 his academic you know 02:07:30.000 --> 02:07:32.000 and intellectual mind out on a cliff 02:07:32.000 --> 02:07:34.000 and think for himself 02:07:35.000 --> 02:07:37.000 but every time he hears a safe spot 02:07:37.000 --> 02:07:39.000 or a safe thing to say is correct 02:07:39.000 --> 02:07:41.000 or a safe thing that he thinks is certain 02:07:41.000 --> 02:07:43.000 he'll repeat it immediately 02:07:43.000 --> 02:07:45.000 and here he is saying 02:07:45.000 --> 02:07:47.000 yeah it's nine it's nine of them 02:07:47.000 --> 02:07:49.000 even though I didn't even know there was 02:07:49.000 --> 02:07:51.000 Gardasil nine until ten minutes ago 02:07:51.000 --> 02:07:53.000 yeah there's nine of them 02:07:53.000 --> 02:07:54.000 don't you know man? 02:07:54.000 --> 02:07:56.000 how many types are there altogether? 02:07:56.000 --> 02:07:57.000 that's another question 02:07:57.000 --> 02:07:59.000 oh there's at least I was going to say a hundred 02:07:59.000 --> 02:08:01.000 oh maybe yeah 02:08:01.000 --> 02:08:03.000 and yet only these two around the world 02:08:03.000 --> 02:08:05.000 are responsible for these 02:08:05.000 --> 02:08:07.000 well the nine 02:08:07.000 --> 02:08:09.000 I'm at the right 02:08:09.000 --> 02:08:11.000 and potentially more than that 02:08:11.000 --> 02:08:13.000 I mean there's the high on cryogenic and the low on cryogenic 02:08:13.000 --> 02:08:15.000 and even high risk and low risk 02:08:15.000 --> 02:08:17.000 and ontogenicity 02:08:17.000 --> 02:08:19.000 are based on almost no data 02:08:19.000 --> 02:08:21.000 if not zero 02:08:23.000 --> 02:08:25.000 it's really the truth 02:08:25.000 --> 02:08:27.000 I challenge anybody go find it 02:08:27.000 --> 02:08:29.000 if you're a doctor, if you're a skeptic 02:08:29.000 --> 02:08:31.000 go find papers that show 02:08:31.000 --> 02:08:33.000 real data about HPV 02:08:33.000 --> 02:08:35.000 and cancer 02:08:35.000 --> 02:08:37.000 and which 02:08:37.000 --> 02:08:39.000 serotypes cause it 02:08:39.000 --> 02:08:41.000 which of the hundreds of 02:08:41.000 --> 02:08:43.000 serotypes known cause cancer 02:08:43.000 --> 02:08:45.000 and which don't 02:08:45.000 --> 02:08:47.000 which just cause warts 02:08:47.000 --> 02:08:49.000 which ones 02:08:51.000 --> 02:08:53.000 they're basically justifying 02:08:53.000 --> 02:08:55.000 a Merck product 02:08:55.000 --> 02:08:57.000 what else are they doing here 02:08:57.000 --> 02:08:59.000 but defending a Merck product 02:08:59.000 --> 02:09:01.000 with with with Glasgow Smith 02:09:01.000 --> 02:09:03.000 Klein intellectual property 02:09:03.000 --> 02:09:05.000 what else are they doing? 02:09:05.000 --> 02:09:07.000 they're not arguing for the biology of it 02:09:07.000 --> 02:09:09.000 they're not even arguing about the biology of it 02:09:09.000 --> 02:09:11.000 the whole premise is that it 02:09:11.000 --> 02:09:13.000 prevents cancer 02:09:13.000 --> 02:09:15.000 this is a story about 02:09:15.000 --> 02:09:17.000 seroprevalence to zero types 02:09:17.000 --> 02:09:19.000 extended through math 02:09:21.000 --> 02:09:23.000 that's what this is about 02:09:23.000 --> 02:09:25.000 it's not about anything to do with the actual biology 02:09:25.000 --> 02:09:27.000 that this vaccine purports to 02:09:27.000 --> 02:09:29.000 encroach on 02:09:29.000 --> 02:09:31.000 so it's unclear 02:09:31.000 --> 02:09:33.000 how far exactly we've gotten down the risk tree 02:09:33.000 --> 02:09:35.000 but with the nine valent 02:09:35.000 --> 02:09:37.000 it's pretty clear like 02:09:37.000 --> 02:09:39.000 maybe everything maybe there's going to have to be a 10 valent 02:09:39.000 --> 02:09:41.000 later when we discover that there are some 02:09:41.000 --> 02:09:43.000 rare situations where one of these others can be cancerous 02:09:43.000 --> 02:09:45.000 you know so that's possible 02:09:45.000 --> 02:09:47.000 but this guy literally learned 02:09:47.000 --> 02:09:49.000 this biology and the course of 02:09:49.000 --> 02:09:51.000 this discussion he's talking like he 02:09:51.000 --> 02:09:53.000 he's the the jeopardy champion 02:09:53.000 --> 02:09:55.000 of HPV biology 02:09:55.000 --> 02:09:57.000 it's really sad 02:09:59.000 --> 02:10:01.000 I mean if I was on this 02:10:01.000 --> 02:10:03.000 Twiv thing I would be like hey Alan why don't you 02:10:03.000 --> 02:10:05.000 chill out a little bit you didn't even know about 02:10:05.000 --> 02:10:07.000 these are the 02:10:07.000 --> 02:10:09.000 these are the 02:10:09.000 --> 02:10:11.000 these are the big concerns 02:10:11.000 --> 02:10:13.000 okay so there are over 100 different types of 02:10:13.000 --> 02:10:15.000 HPV not all of them cause health problems 02:10:15.000 --> 02:10:17.000 some kinds may cause problems like genital warts 02:10:17.000 --> 02:10:19.000 some kinds can also cause cancer of the cervix 02:10:19.000 --> 02:10:21.000 vagina vulva or anus 02:10:21.000 --> 02:10:23.000 most of these problems are caused by type 611 16 or 18 02:10:23.000 --> 02:10:25.000 November 1st FDA 02:10:25.000 --> 02:10:27.000 oh so 02:10:27.000 --> 02:10:29.000 she found a document from the FDA 02:10:29.000 --> 02:10:31.000 which clears up 02:10:31.000 --> 02:10:33.000 this whole thing about the 200 plus 02:10:33.000 --> 02:10:36.000 zero types and whether they cause cancer or not 02:10:36.000 --> 02:10:37.000 gee thanks 02:10:39.000 --> 02:10:41.000 over 100 okay 02:10:41.000 --> 02:10:43.000 and they're classified at the high risk low risk 02:10:43.000 --> 02:10:45.000 and no risk no no observe risk 02:10:45.000 --> 02:10:47.000 no observe risk right 02:10:47.000 --> 02:10:49.000 one two three four five six 02:10:49.000 --> 02:10:51.000 seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen high risk 02:10:51.000 --> 02:10:53.000 so not all the high risk are in the vaccine because 02:10:53.000 --> 02:10:55.000 I think that just there's not enough infections 02:10:55.000 --> 02:10:57.000 right but maybe that could change right 02:10:57.000 --> 02:10:59.000 yeah and it's like well like or a 02:10:59.000 --> 02:11:01.000 for angel cancer people now talk about HPV 02:11:01.000 --> 02:11:03.000 causing it but 02:11:03.000 --> 02:11:05.000 if you go back 30 or 40 years 02:11:05.000 --> 02:11:07.000 HPV was not really a big topic of conversation for 02:11:07.000 --> 02:11:09.000 oral for angel cancer because the overwhelming majority of it 02:11:09.000 --> 02:11:11.000 was caused by smoking right and when smoking rates 02:11:11.000 --> 02:11:13.000 came down thanks to you know finally 02:11:13.000 --> 02:11:15.000 calling out the tobacco companies to account 02:11:15.000 --> 02:11:17.000 the you know that 02:11:17.000 --> 02:11:19.000 then revealed oh yeah by the way there are 02:11:19.000 --> 02:11:21.000 a lot of cases out there that aren't caused 02:11:21.000 --> 02:11:23.000 right so you didn't see those because there 02:11:23.000 --> 02:11:25.000 was so much else going on and it's possible with 02:11:25.000 --> 02:11:27.000 with these cancer causing HPV's 02:11:27.000 --> 02:11:29.000 now that you get the vaccine when that's gotten 02:11:29.000 --> 02:11:31.000 wide enough uptake we'll get to a point where we'll say 02:11:31.000 --> 02:11:33.000 okay we got most of it and now 02:11:33.000 --> 02:11:35.000 there are these remaining ones and as I say that might 02:11:35.000 --> 02:11:37.000 be time to add more to the 02:11:37.000 --> 02:11:39.000 vaccine but this is certainly proven 02:11:39.000 --> 02:11:41.000 a very very successful strategy 02:11:41.000 --> 02:11:43.000 a very very successful strategy 02:11:43.000 --> 02:11:45.000 it's proven a very very successful strategy 02:11:45.000 --> 02:11:47.000 I'm going to give you another example 02:11:47.000 --> 02:11:49.000 of how numbers can 02:11:49.000 --> 02:11:51.000 be distorted in a very 02:11:51.000 --> 02:11:53.000 disingenuous way that is 02:11:53.000 --> 02:11:55.000 not unlike what is being done here 02:11:55.000 --> 02:11:59.000 if you were a politician in Chicago you might make 02:11:59.000 --> 02:12:03.000 the statement that gun deaths in Chicago are on a decline 02:12:03.000 --> 02:12:07.000 and over the last 10 years they've been on a great decline 02:12:07.000 --> 02:12:11.000 and so a lot of the policing process and the policing 02:12:11.000 --> 02:12:13.000 in Chicago has been successful 02:12:13.000 --> 02:12:15.000 and that would be ridiculous statement 02:12:15.000 --> 02:12:17.000 for one reason and one reason only 02:12:17.000 --> 02:12:19.000 the reason why gun deaths have gone down in Chicago 02:12:19.000 --> 02:12:23.000 is because the ERs have become better at saving people 02:12:23.000 --> 02:12:27.000 from dying from gunshot wounds 02:12:27.000 --> 02:12:29.000 they've become better at treating gunshot wounds 02:12:29.000 --> 02:12:31.000 than they were 10 years ago 02:12:31.000 --> 02:12:35.000 and so the number of gunshot deaths has gone down in Chicago 02:12:35.000 --> 02:12:37.000 over the last 20 years 02:12:37.000 --> 02:12:41.000 but the number of gunshot wounds has gone skyrocketing 02:12:43.000 --> 02:12:45.000 and so in a very 02:12:45.000 --> 02:12:47.000 weird limited way 02:12:47.000 --> 02:12:49.000 depending on who you measure 02:12:49.000 --> 02:12:51.000 and how you simulate it 02:12:51.000 --> 02:12:53.000 what math tools you use 02:12:53.000 --> 02:12:55.000 you can create a dataset 02:12:55.000 --> 02:12:57.000 or a synthetic dataset 02:12:57.000 --> 02:12:59.000 which gives the illusion of change 02:12:59.000 --> 02:13:01.000 an illusion of change 02:13:01.000 --> 02:13:03.000 which logically 02:13:03.000 --> 02:13:05.000 when told as a story or a mythology 02:13:05.000 --> 02:13:09.000 seems to correlate well with the expectations 02:13:09.000 --> 02:13:11.000 of your manipulation of the system 02:13:11.000 --> 02:13:13.000 in this case the idea is 02:13:13.000 --> 02:13:15.000 is that the serial prevalence 02:13:15.000 --> 02:13:19.000 of oncogenic strains of HPV 02:13:19.000 --> 02:13:21.000 in our simulation 02:13:21.000 --> 02:13:23.000 based on a small subset of real data 02:13:23.000 --> 02:13:25.000 seems to indicate 02:13:25.000 --> 02:13:27.000 that the serial prevalence 02:13:27.000 --> 02:13:29.000 the serial prevalence 02:13:29.000 --> 02:13:31.000 not the actual presence 02:13:31.000 --> 02:13:33.000 of but the serial prevalence 02:13:33.000 --> 02:13:35.000 to some of these strains 02:13:35.000 --> 02:13:37.000 changes over time in these communities 02:13:37.000 --> 02:13:39.000 when we simulate them 02:13:39.000 --> 02:13:43.000 at the four and eight-year mark 02:13:43.000 --> 02:13:45.000 that's what they should be saying 02:13:45.000 --> 02:13:47.000 that's what it should say in the abstract 02:13:47.000 --> 02:13:49.000 and say in the conclusions 02:13:49.000 --> 02:13:51.000 and in fact 02:13:51.000 --> 02:13:53.000 what is it saying the conclusions 02:13:53.000 --> 02:13:55.000 it says previously 02:13:55.000 --> 02:13:57.000 we modeled from observed HPV 02:13:57.000 --> 02:13:59.000 vaccine trial data 02:13:59.000 --> 02:14:01.000 and showed the need 02:14:01.000 --> 02:14:03.000 to opt for general neutral 02:14:03.000 --> 02:14:05.000 HPV vaccination strategies 02:14:05.000 --> 02:14:07.000 to realistically meet 02:14:07.000 --> 02:14:11.000 the who targeted eradication 02:14:11.000 --> 02:14:13.000 of oncogenic HPV's 02:14:13.000 --> 02:14:15.000 hold on a minute 02:14:15.000 --> 02:14:17.000 are you kidding me? 02:14:21.000 --> 02:14:23.000 this is what I'm reading 02:14:23.000 --> 02:14:25.000 previously we modeled 02:14:25.000 --> 02:14:27.000 from observed HPV 02:14:27.000 --> 02:14:29.000 vaccine trial data and showed 02:14:29.000 --> 02:14:31.000 the need to adopt for general 02:14:31.000 --> 02:14:33.000 neutral HPV vaccination strategies 02:14:33.000 --> 02:14:35.000 to realistically meet 02:14:35.000 --> 02:14:37.000 the who targeted eradication 02:14:37.000 --> 02:14:39.000 of oncogenic HPV's 02:14:39.000 --> 02:14:41.000 that giant sentence says 02:14:41.000 --> 02:14:43.000 that we need to vaccinate 02:14:43.000 --> 02:14:45.000 both teenage girls 02:14:45.000 --> 02:14:47.000 and teenage boys 02:14:47.000 --> 02:14:49.000 in order to realistically 02:14:49.000 --> 02:14:51.000 meet the world health 02:14:51.000 --> 02:14:53.000 organization goal 02:14:53.000 --> 02:14:55.000 of eradicating oncogenic 02:14:55.000 --> 02:14:57.000 HPV's 02:14:57.000 --> 02:14:59.000 now we've just heard the 02:14:59.000 --> 02:15:01.000 Twivcast say that we don't know 02:15:01.000 --> 02:15:03.000 if these other 02:15:03.000 --> 02:15:05.000 possibly 200 or more 02:15:05.000 --> 02:15:07.000 serial prevalence 02:15:07.000 --> 02:15:09.000 types of HPV are not responsible 02:15:09.000 --> 02:15:11.000 for generating cancer 02:15:11.000 --> 02:15:13.000 we just know that a few of them 02:15:13.000 --> 02:15:15.000 have been associated with 02:15:15.000 --> 02:15:17.000 cancer in the studies that we've done 02:15:17.000 --> 02:15:19.000 and yet here we are 02:15:19.000 --> 02:15:21.000 not talking about the biology 02:15:21.000 --> 02:15:23.000 but talking about a world health 02:15:23.000 --> 02:15:25.000 organization goal of eradicating 02:15:25.000 --> 02:15:27.000 oncogenic HPV's 02:15:27.000 --> 02:15:29.000 so to control oncogenic 02:15:29.000 --> 02:15:31.000 HPV's and related cancers 02:15:31.000 --> 02:15:33.000 we need to understand 02:15:33.000 --> 02:15:35.000 the evolutionary dynamic 02:15:35.000 --> 02:15:37.000 of these oncoviruses 02:15:37.000 --> 02:15:39.000 are they oncoviruses? 02:15:39.000 --> 02:15:41.000 we're just calling them 02:15:41.000 --> 02:15:43.000 oncoviruses because 02:15:43.000 --> 02:15:45.000 that makes 02:15:45.000 --> 02:15:47.000 well it makes things simpler 02:15:47.000 --> 02:15:49.000 it makes the assumption 02:15:49.000 --> 02:15:51.000 an enchantment 02:15:51.000 --> 02:15:53.000 we already know this 02:15:53.000 --> 02:15:55.000 don't we? 02:15:55.000 --> 02:15:57.000 no we don't 02:15:57.000 --> 02:15:59.000 but we're going to call them 02:15:59.000 --> 02:16:01.000 oncoviruses so that it seems like 02:16:01.000 --> 02:16:03.000 we do we made a whole term 02:16:03.000 --> 02:16:05.000 for HPV viruses that cause 02:16:05.000 --> 02:16:07.000 cancer it's an oncovirus 02:16:07.000 --> 02:16:09.000 under long-term vaccine 02:16:09.000 --> 02:16:11.000 induced selective pressure 02:16:11.000 --> 02:16:13.000 long-term vaccine induced 02:16:13.000 --> 02:16:15.000 selective pressure 02:16:15.000 --> 02:16:17.000 is a mythology for which 02:16:17.000 --> 02:16:19.000 there is no 02:16:19.000 --> 02:16:21.000 biological evidence 02:16:21.000 --> 02:16:23.000 including in this paper 02:16:23.000 --> 02:16:25.000 because 02:16:25.000 --> 02:16:27.000 here we 02:16:27.000 --> 02:16:29.000 estimate that low to moderate 02:16:29.000 --> 02:16:31.000 coverage 02:16:31.000 --> 02:16:33.000 HPV vaccination causes 02:16:33.000 --> 02:16:35.000 between 02:16:35.000 --> 02:16:37.000 5.5 and 02:16:37.000 --> 02:16:39.000 36.7 percent change 02:16:39.000 --> 02:16:41.000 in the genital HPV-type 02:16:41.000 --> 02:16:43.000 distribution 02:16:43.000 --> 02:16:45.000 we estimate 02:16:45.000 --> 02:16:47.000 that a 02:16:47.000 --> 02:16:49.000 low to moderate change 02:16:49.000 --> 02:16:51.000 from moderate coverage of HPV 02:16:51.000 --> 02:16:53.000 vaccination causes 02:16:53.000 --> 02:16:55.000 a 25 to 36 percent 02:16:55.000 --> 02:16:57.000 change in the genital HPV-type 02:16:57.000 --> 02:16:59.000 distributions 02:16:59.000 --> 02:17:01.000 in HPV vaccination communities 02:17:01.000 --> 02:17:03.000 the change mostly stems 02:17:03.000 --> 02:17:05.000 from a decrease in the occurrence 02:17:05.000 --> 02:17:07.000 of high-achogenicity 02:17:07.000 --> 02:17:09.000 vaccine-targeted HPV-types 02:17:09.000 --> 02:17:11.000 but particularly when 02:17:11.000 --> 02:17:13.000 implemented general 02:17:13.000 --> 02:17:15.000 neutral also a 02:17:15.000 --> 02:17:17.000 12 to 20 percent shift 02:17:17.000 --> 02:17:19.000 in low-achogenic 02:17:19.000 --> 02:17:21.000 non-vaccine-targeted 02:17:21.000 --> 02:17:23.000 HPV-types is observed 02:17:23.000 --> 02:17:25.000 while the eradication 02:17:25.000 --> 02:17:27.000 of HPV 16-18-31-45 will 02:17:27.000 --> 02:17:29.000 eliminate most cervical cancers 02:17:29.000 --> 02:17:31.000 these are not the 02:17:31.000 --> 02:17:33.000 seroprevalence numbers that were listed by them 02:17:33.000 --> 02:17:35.000 in the previous discussion 02:17:35.000 --> 02:17:37.000 they actually said 02:17:37.000 --> 02:17:39.000 what did they say 02:17:39.000 --> 02:17:41.000 618 something something 02:17:41.000 --> 02:17:43.000 and that's 02:17:43.000 --> 02:17:45.000 right so you didn't see those because there was so much 02:17:45.000 --> 02:17:47.000 by smoking 02:17:47.000 --> 02:17:49.000 surf risk 02:17:49.000 --> 02:17:51.000 surf risk 02:17:51.000 --> 02:17:53.000 rare situation 02:17:53.000 --> 02:17:55.000 listen to the numbers she says here 02:17:55.000 --> 02:17:57.000 that's possible but these are 02:17:57.000 --> 02:17:59.000 okay so there are over 100 different types of 02:17:59.000 --> 02:18:01.000 HPV not all of them cause health problems 02:18:01.000 --> 02:18:03.000 some kinds may cause problems like 02:18:03.000 --> 02:18:05.000 genital wards some kinds can also cause cancer 02:18:05.000 --> 02:18:07.000 of the cervix vagina vulva or anus 02:18:07.000 --> 02:18:09.000 most of these problems are caused by types 02:18:09.000 --> 02:18:11.000 6, 11, 16, or 18 02:18:11.000 --> 02:18:13.000 November 1st FDA 02:18:13.000 --> 02:18:15.000 6, 11, 16, or 18 02:18:15.000 --> 02:18:17.000 in a class of high-risk low risk 02:18:17.000 --> 02:18:19.000 no risk 02:18:19.000 --> 02:18:21.000 no surf risk so what are they talking about then right 02:18:21.000 --> 02:18:23.000 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 02:18:23.000 --> 02:18:25.000 what this paper 02:18:25.000 --> 02:18:27.000 that they're reading 02:18:27.000 --> 02:18:29.000 in the conclusion says that 02:18:29.000 --> 02:18:33.000 while eradication of 16, 18, 02:18:33.000 --> 02:18:35.000 31, and 45 will eliminate 02:18:35.000 --> 02:18:37.000 most cervical cancers 02:18:37.000 --> 02:18:39.000 it is tempting to suggest that an increase 02:18:39.000 --> 02:18:43.000 of 33, 35, 51, 52, 56, and 66 02:18:43.000 --> 02:18:45.000 or the like 02:18:45.000 --> 02:18:47.000 with increased virulence might cause 02:18:47.000 --> 02:18:49.000 a risk of HPV related cancers in the future 02:18:49.000 --> 02:18:51.000 in other words 02:18:51.000 --> 02:18:53.000 eradicating some 02:18:53.000 --> 02:18:55.000 doesn't guarantee that the others 02:18:55.000 --> 02:18:57.000 won't cause cancer 02:18:57.000 --> 02:18:59.000 the correlation 02:18:59.000 --> 02:19:01.000 of these 02:19:01.000 --> 02:19:03.000 does not preclude 02:19:03.000 --> 02:19:05.000 the role of these 02:19:05.000 --> 02:19:07.000 in those same cancers 02:19:07.000 --> 02:19:09.000 it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of times 02:19:09.000 --> 02:19:11.000 when 16, 18, 31, 45, 02:19:11.000 --> 02:19:13.000 1, 6, whichever one you want to do 02:19:13.000 --> 02:19:15.000 is associated with cancer 02:19:15.000 --> 02:19:17.000 they don't do a complete screen 02:19:17.000 --> 02:19:19.000 to show definitively 02:19:19.000 --> 02:19:21.000 that none of these other sero types 02:19:21.000 --> 02:19:23.000 are present 02:19:23.000 --> 02:19:25.000 in this paper they fall woefully short 02:19:25.000 --> 02:19:27.000 of measuring 100, right? 02:19:27.000 --> 02:19:29.000 they only do like 10 02:19:33.000 --> 02:19:35.000 so the really crazy thing to see here 02:19:35.000 --> 02:19:37.000 ladies and gentlemen in this paper 02:19:37.000 --> 02:19:39.000 is this number 02:19:39.000 --> 02:19:41.000 that they use 02:19:43.000 --> 02:19:45.000 because the actual results 02:19:45.000 --> 02:19:47.000 of the paper 02:19:47.000 --> 02:19:49.000 are extraordinary 02:19:49.000 --> 02:19:51.000 where is it? 02:19:53.000 --> 02:19:55.000 I'm going to find this one 02:19:55.000 --> 02:19:57.000 number 02:19:57.000 --> 02:19:59.000 in the results 02:19:59.000 --> 02:20:01.000 that will just blow your mind 02:20:01.000 --> 02:20:03.000 because I do actually think 02:20:03.000 --> 02:20:05.000 that this is what they say 02:20:05.000 --> 02:20:07.000 in the paper 02:20:07.000 --> 02:20:09.000 in this discussion 02:20:13.000 --> 02:20:15.000 where is it? 02:20:15.000 --> 02:20:17.000 come on Jay, find it 02:20:17.000 --> 02:20:19.000 at least in your time like this 02:20:23.000 --> 02:20:25.000 maybe it's right away in the beginning 02:20:25.000 --> 02:20:27.000 it's so close to the start 02:20:27.000 --> 02:20:29.000 maybe that's why I found it right away 02:20:33.000 --> 02:20:35.000 so where is this data here 02:20:35.000 --> 02:20:37.000 we need that 02:20:37.000 --> 02:20:39.000 we need this 02:20:39.000 --> 02:20:41.000 yes here 02:20:41.000 --> 02:20:43.000 HPV prevalence 02:20:43.000 --> 02:20:45.000 oh no this was a different paper 02:20:45.000 --> 02:20:47.000 okay sorry I'm looking for something 02:20:47.000 --> 02:20:49.000 that's not in this paper 02:20:49.000 --> 02:20:51.000 I'm going to show you that paper tomorrow 02:20:51.000 --> 02:20:53.000 I apologize 02:20:53.000 --> 02:20:55.000 I don't think it's this paper 02:20:55.000 --> 02:20:57.000 no it's not it can't be this paper 02:20:57.000 --> 02:20:59.000 it is a paper that they cited 02:20:59.000 --> 02:21:01.000 which paper did they cite 02:21:01.000 --> 02:21:03.000 that I looked that up in 02:21:07.000 --> 02:21:09.000 what paper was it? 02:21:09.000 --> 02:21:11.000 it's one of these first here 02:21:11.000 --> 02:21:13.000 documenting its health 02:21:13.000 --> 02:21:15.000 infectious agent 02:21:15.000 --> 02:21:17.000 eight years what is this one? 02:21:17.000 --> 02:21:19.000 nineteen 02:21:19.000 --> 02:21:21.000 is that the one? no 02:21:21.000 --> 02:21:23.000 which one 02:21:23.000 --> 02:21:25.000 is it? 02:21:25.000 --> 02:21:27.000 okay well anyway 02:21:27.000 --> 02:21:29.000 there's a paper that I wanted to look at 02:21:29.000 --> 02:21:31.000 that I won't look at now 02:21:31.000 --> 02:21:33.000 because it's taken me too long to find it 02:21:33.000 --> 02:21:35.000 which basically is one of the papers 02:21:35.000 --> 02:21:37.000 that that cell micro paper 02:21:37.000 --> 02:21:39.000 has providing proof 02:21:39.000 --> 02:21:41.000 that vaccination reduces 02:21:41.000 --> 02:21:43.000 cancer 02:21:43.000 --> 02:21:45.000 and in that paper 02:21:45.000 --> 02:21:47.000 the results of the 02:21:47.000 --> 02:21:49.000 let's say significant 02:21:49.000 --> 02:21:51.000 result of the vaccine 02:21:51.000 --> 02:21:53.000 is a 19% 02:21:53.000 --> 02:21:55.000 increase in 02:21:55.000 --> 02:21:57.000 cervical cancer 02:21:57.000 --> 02:21:59.000 in the unvaccinated group 02:21:59.000 --> 02:22:01.000 with a 95% 02:22:01.000 --> 02:22:03.000 confidence interval which extends above 02:22:03.000 --> 02:22:05.000 and below one 02:22:05.000 --> 02:22:07.000 basically means that by their 02:22:07.000 --> 02:22:09.000 confidence interval 02:22:09.000 --> 02:22:11.000 they're pretty sure with a 95% 02:22:11.000 --> 02:22:13.000 possibility they're pretty sure 02:22:13.000 --> 02:22:15.000 that either the vaccine 02:22:15.000 --> 02:22:17.000 reduces 02:22:17.000 --> 02:22:19.000 or increases the prevalence of 02:22:19.000 --> 02:22:21.000 cancer in those that receive it 02:22:21.000 --> 02:22:23.000 because again one 02:22:23.000 --> 02:22:25.000 is equivalence 02:22:25.000 --> 02:22:27.000 below one is that 02:22:27.000 --> 02:22:29.000 the vaccine causes 02:22:29.000 --> 02:22:31.000 more people to get cancer 02:22:31.000 --> 02:22:33.000 and above one 02:22:33.000 --> 02:22:35.000 means that it reduces their 02:22:35.000 --> 02:22:37.000 possibility of having cancer 02:22:37.000 --> 02:22:39.000 and their confidence 02:22:39.000 --> 02:22:41.000 intervals in their result 02:22:41.000 --> 02:22:43.000 of 1.19 02:22:43.000 --> 02:22:45.000 is a confidence interval 02:22:45.000 --> 02:22:47.000 that extends from one point 02:22:47.000 --> 02:22:49.000 something 02:22:49.000 --> 02:22:51.000 down to 0.8 02:22:51.000 --> 02:22:53.000 which means that 02:22:53.000 --> 02:22:55.000 they're about 95% sure 02:22:55.000 --> 02:22:57.000 that it either works or it doesn't 02:22:57.000 --> 02:22:59.000 and that is the one 02:22:59.000 --> 02:23:01.000 paper that is cited 02:23:01.000 --> 02:23:03.000 by this cell micro paper 02:23:03.000 --> 02:23:05.000 as you know these things 02:23:05.000 --> 02:23:07.000 are great at preventing cancer 02:23:07.000 --> 02:23:09.000 the same thing that 02:23:09.000 --> 02:23:11.000 Vincent started this whole discussion with 02:23:11.000 --> 02:23:13.000 that these are great strategy 02:23:13.000 --> 02:23:15.000 for 02:23:15.000 --> 02:23:17.000 preventing cancer. 02:23:17.000 --> 02:23:19.000 We don't even have 02:23:19.000 --> 02:23:21.000 people that are old enough 02:23:21.000 --> 02:23:23.000 to produce the data 02:23:23.000 --> 02:23:25.000 that's supposed to be there. 02:23:25.000 --> 02:23:27.000 We're just now getting to the point where 02:23:27.000 --> 02:23:29.000 any teenager that was vaccinated 02:23:29.000 --> 02:23:31.000 with this horrible idea of a product 02:23:31.000 --> 02:23:33.000 is getting into the range 02:23:33.000 --> 02:23:35.000 where they might develop it 02:23:39.000 --> 02:23:41.000 I'm going to kind of wrap it up here 02:23:41.000 --> 02:23:43.000 because I don't think there's any reason 02:23:43.000 --> 02:23:45.000 to let these people talk anymore 02:23:45.000 --> 02:23:47.000 but they might say a few more interesting things 02:23:47.000 --> 02:23:49.000 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 high risk 02:23:49.000 --> 02:23:51.000 so not all the high risk are in the vaccine 02:23:51.000 --> 02:23:53.000 because I think there's not enough infections 02:23:53.000 --> 02:23:55.000 but maybe that could change, right? 02:23:55.000 --> 02:23:57.000 Yeah and it's like 02:23:57.000 --> 02:23:59.000 we'll talk about HPV causing it 02:23:59.000 --> 02:24:01.000 but if you go back 30 or 40 years 02:24:01.000 --> 02:24:03.000 HPV was not really a big topic of conversation 02:24:03.000 --> 02:24:05.000 for oral for angel cancer because the overwhelming majority 02:24:05.000 --> 02:24:07.000 of the vaccine when that's gotten wide enough uptake 02:24:07.000 --> 02:24:09.000 will get to a point where we'll say 02:24:09.000 --> 02:24:11.000 okay we got most of it and now they're these 02:24:11.000 --> 02:24:13.000 remaining ones and as I say that might be time 02:24:13.000 --> 02:24:15.000 to add more to the vaccine 02:24:15.000 --> 02:24:17.000 but this is certainly proven a very very 02:24:17.000 --> 02:24:19.000 successful strategy 02:24:19.000 --> 02:24:21.000 and that's one of the issues for looking at 02:24:21.000 --> 02:24:23.000 this change in the if you'll allow it 02:24:23.000 --> 02:24:25.000 Dixen ecology of the 02:24:25.000 --> 02:24:27.000 other the other serotypes 02:24:27.000 --> 02:24:29.000 All right so I'm going to 02:24:29.000 --> 02:24:31.000 head to the discussion now because I find it easier 02:24:31.000 --> 02:24:33.000 to summarize the results from there 02:24:33.000 --> 02:24:35.000 so basically just to repeat 02:24:35.000 --> 02:24:37.000 so we find depletion of the high oncogene 02:24:37.000 --> 02:24:39.000 vaccine targeted type 16, 18, 31, 45 02:24:39.000 --> 02:24:41.000 and both gender neutral and girls only 02:24:41.000 --> 02:24:43.000 vaccination four years and six years after 02:24:43.000 --> 02:24:45.000 vaccination but eight years but at eight years 02:24:45.000 --> 02:24:47.000 they only see it in gender neutral but what they say is 02:24:47.000 --> 02:24:49.000 our most important finding that increased 02:24:49.000 --> 02:24:51.000 oncogenic HPV's diversity from 48 years 02:24:51.000 --> 02:24:53.000 post vaccination exclusively in gender neutral 02:24:53.000 --> 02:24:55.000 communities even though the high risk 02:24:55.000 --> 02:24:57.000 vaccine targeted 02:24:57.000 --> 02:24:59.000 viruses have been decreased in those 02:24:59.000 --> 02:25:01.000 communities and they write this is the first 02:25:01.000 --> 02:25:03.000 recorded sign of ecological niche occupation 02:25:03.000 --> 02:25:05.000 by the non-vaccinated HPV post population 02:25:05.000 --> 02:25:07.000 level vaccination some of these 02:25:07.000 --> 02:25:09.000 sentences are tough yeah I feel like this paper 02:25:09.000 --> 02:25:11.000 could have used a good copy edit in some parts 02:25:11.000 --> 02:25:13.000 I mean that when the first recorded 02:25:13.000 --> 02:25:15.000 sign of ecological niche occupation by the non-vaccinated 02:25:15.000 --> 02:25:17.000 HPV post population level vaccination 02:25:17.000 --> 02:25:19.000 there's a lot of parts there yeah 02:25:19.000 --> 02:25:21.000 if that was the title I would have rejected the paper 02:25:21.000 --> 02:25:23.000 the second quote sentence of the introduction 02:25:23.000 --> 02:25:25.000 isn't a sentence until you take out the word 02:25:25.000 --> 02:25:27.000 albeit yes yes there were sentences 02:25:27.000 --> 02:25:29.000 that I read four or five times there were several like that 02:25:29.000 --> 02:25:31.000 that I came to oh I see what they mean now 02:25:31.000 --> 02:25:33.000 okay but so they can't write a paper 02:25:33.000 --> 02:25:35.000 the paper is written in a very very 02:25:35.000 --> 02:25:37.000 inaccurate and imprecise way 02:25:37.000 --> 02:25:39.000 but they're still sure 02:25:39.000 --> 02:25:41.000 that they understand the implications 02:25:41.000 --> 02:25:43.000 of the paper even though they haven't 02:25:43.000 --> 02:25:45.000 even stated that the data 02:25:45.000 --> 02:25:47.000 that's that they're using to make 02:25:47.000 --> 02:25:51.000 their conclusions is synthetic 02:25:51.000 --> 02:25:53.000 did you 02:25:53.000 --> 02:25:55.000 did you I mean 02:25:55.000 --> 02:25:59.000 where did I put that paper now here 02:25:59.000 --> 02:26:03.000 I suppose I got rid of it right I closed it 02:26:03.000 --> 02:26:05.000 did I close that 02:26:05.000 --> 02:26:07.000 I guess I closed that window 02:26:07.000 --> 02:26:09.000 hold on let me pull this up again 02:26:09.000 --> 02:26:11.000 PDF 02:26:11.000 --> 02:26:15.000 we're here 02:26:15.000 --> 02:26:17.000 so let's see 02:26:17.000 --> 02:26:19.000 where was this 02:26:19.000 --> 02:26:21.000 paper the 02:26:21.000 --> 02:26:25.000 the methodology here right so 02:26:25.000 --> 02:26:27.000 that was this one this is where I read it 02:26:27.000 --> 02:26:29.000 I mean I'm not 02:26:29.000 --> 02:26:31.000 for figure three they had to do a 02:26:31.000 --> 02:26:33.000 simulation of community prevalence 02:26:33.000 --> 02:26:35.000 distribution by vaccination strategy 02:26:35.000 --> 02:26:37.000 so finally to comprehensive 02:26:37.000 --> 02:26:39.000 evaluate the community level 02:26:39.000 --> 02:26:41.000 HPV type diversity 02:26:41.000 --> 02:26:43.000 distribution between the trial arms 02:26:43.000 --> 02:26:45.000 they use this 02:26:45.000 --> 02:26:47.000 general independent 02:26:47.000 --> 02:26:49.000 or graphic independence network 02:26:49.000 --> 02:26:51.000 modeling 02:26:51.000 --> 02:26:53.000 and they simulated a 02:26:53.000 --> 02:26:55.000 data set 02:26:55.000 --> 02:26:57.000 simulated a distribution 02:26:57.000 --> 02:26:59.000 for a hundred thousand individuals 02:26:59.000 --> 02:27:03.000 and then they made their figure three 02:27:03.000 --> 02:27:07.000 based on that this figure three is based on that 02:27:07.000 --> 02:27:11.000 synthetic community level distribution 02:27:11.000 --> 02:27:15.000 it's beta diversity using synthetic data 02:27:15.000 --> 02:27:19.000 it's not really an 02:27:19.000 --> 02:27:21.000 observation that has much significance 02:27:21.000 --> 02:27:23.000 except for when they extended it using 02:27:23.000 --> 02:27:27.000 synthetic data 02:27:27.000 --> 02:27:31.000 that's the part that's most frustrating 02:27:31.000 --> 02:27:35.000 this data from the actual communities was not sufficient 02:27:35.000 --> 02:27:39.000 for them to demonstrate the effect that they claim to have observed 02:27:39.000 --> 02:27:41.000 that's really important 02:27:41.000 --> 02:27:43.000 it's really important because 02:27:43.000 --> 02:27:45.000 these these twib people 02:27:45.000 --> 02:27:47.000 aren't adequately 02:27:47.000 --> 02:27:49.000 describing the limitations of the paper 02:27:49.000 --> 02:27:51.000 even as they 02:27:51.000 --> 02:27:53.000 they pretend to have this discussion 02:27:53.000 --> 02:27:55.000 about what's wrong with it or 02:27:55.000 --> 02:27:57.000 they're not very good writers or they should have written it better 02:27:57.000 --> 02:27:59.000 it needs a copy editor 02:28:01.000 --> 02:28:03.000 it doesn't need a copy editor 02:28:03.000 --> 02:28:05.000 it needs somebody to adequately 02:28:05.000 --> 02:28:07.000 explain how much 02:28:07.000 --> 02:28:09.000 charlatanism and enchant 02:28:09.000 --> 02:28:11.000 and is being cast by such a paper 02:28:13.000 --> 02:28:15.000 how very little 02:28:15.000 --> 02:28:17.000 forward progress is made 02:28:17.000 --> 02:28:19.000 by such a paper 02:28:19.000 --> 02:28:21.000 how it's vital 02:28:21.000 --> 02:28:23.000 that no forward progress 02:28:23.000 --> 02:28:25.000 is made in this field in order 02:28:25.000 --> 02:28:27.000 for this mythology to be sustained 02:28:29.000 --> 02:28:31.000 and that's the role that this clown 02:28:31.000 --> 02:28:33.000 show plays 02:28:33.000 --> 02:28:35.000 that this handler 02:28:35.000 --> 02:28:37.000 is using these people for 02:28:37.000 --> 02:28:39.000 is using 02:28:39.000 --> 02:28:41.000 fame, perceived 02:28:41.000 --> 02:28:43.000 fame, perceived 02:28:43.000 --> 02:28:45.000 importance, perceived 02:28:45.000 --> 02:28:47.000 significance on the internet 02:28:47.000 --> 02:28:49.000 you know you're part of 02:28:49.000 --> 02:28:51.000 twiv, so you've got an obligation 02:28:51.000 --> 02:28:53.000 to get this right 02:28:53.000 --> 02:28:55.000 and this is the moderator right here 02:28:55.000 --> 02:28:57.000 the guy who is responsible for the first 02:28:57.000 --> 02:28:59.000 infectious clone of an RNA virus 02:28:59.000 --> 02:29:01.000 ever 02:29:01.000 --> 02:29:03.000 with his supervisor 02:29:03.000 --> 02:29:05.000 David Baltimore 02:29:05.000 --> 02:29:07.000 who I'm convinced is one of the 02:29:07.000 --> 02:29:09.000 granddaddy of all the liars 02:29:09.000 --> 02:29:11.000 in this group of people 02:29:11.000 --> 02:29:13.000 granddaddy of them all 02:29:13.000 --> 02:29:15.000 is David Baltimore 02:29:15.000 --> 02:29:17.000 if there's anyone who knows 02:29:17.000 --> 02:29:19.000 the truth about the lies 02:29:19.000 --> 02:29:21.000 of intramuscular injection 02:29:21.000 --> 02:29:23.000 and the augmenting of the immune system 02:29:23.000 --> 02:29:25.000 using adjuvants and recombinant proteins 02:29:25.000 --> 02:29:27.000 hits David Baltimore 02:29:27.000 --> 02:29:29.000 and his protégé 02:29:29.000 --> 02:29:31.000 Vincent Rancin yellow 02:29:31.000 --> 02:29:33.000 racking yellow 02:29:33.000 --> 02:29:37.000 excuse me 02:29:37.000 --> 02:29:39.000 that's enough of these characters I think 02:29:39.000 --> 02:29:41.000 let's just see if they end 02:29:41.000 --> 02:29:43.000 why are we looking at this because 02:29:43.000 --> 02:29:45.000 if other viruses arise 02:29:45.000 --> 02:29:47.000 to feel this niche then this could be a problem 02:29:47.000 --> 02:29:49.000 for vaccination and they say this has been 02:29:49.000 --> 02:29:51.000 observed with other viruses including hepatitis B virus right? 02:29:51.000 --> 02:29:53.000 SARS-CoV-2 we see antigenic variants 02:29:53.000 --> 02:29:55.000 arising and replacing others 02:29:55.000 --> 02:29:57.000 and so HPV's could have a similar pattern as well 02:29:57.000 --> 02:29:59.000 and in a more immediate sense 02:29:59.000 --> 02:30:01.000 we need to be aware of this for screening programs 02:30:01.000 --> 02:30:03.000 you have to make sure that your screening is specific enough 02:30:03.000 --> 02:30:05.000 that you're you know if you're going to say 02:30:05.000 --> 02:30:07.000 oh you know you've got evidence of a cancer causing virus 02:30:07.000 --> 02:30:09.000 this is the most awful part about it 02:30:09.000 --> 02:30:11.000 because essentially 02:30:11.000 --> 02:30:15.000 the only real public health data about 02:30:15.000 --> 02:30:17.000 who in papilloma virus and cancer 02:30:17.000 --> 02:30:19.000 is that like 02:30:19.000 --> 02:30:21.000 an incredible number of these cancers 02:30:21.000 --> 02:30:25.000 are essentially treated and avoided 02:30:25.000 --> 02:30:27.000 in regular screening 02:30:27.000 --> 02:30:29.000 and these vaccine pushing 02:30:29.000 --> 02:30:33.000 charlatans are saying that this is evidence 02:30:33.000 --> 02:30:35.000 for the paper 02:30:35.000 --> 02:30:37.000 argues that we might not 02:30:37.000 --> 02:30:39.000 need to screen as many people 02:30:39.000 --> 02:30:41.000 other people have argued that this means 02:30:41.000 --> 02:30:43.000 that we might need to screen people for different viruses 02:30:43.000 --> 02:30:45.000 or that we could screen them for viruses 02:30:45.000 --> 02:30:47.000 instead of for cancer because it's cheaper 02:30:49.000 --> 02:30:51.000 and here's Alan Dove 02:30:51.000 --> 02:30:53.000 right away running in for the 02:30:53.000 --> 02:30:55.000 one yard touchdown 02:30:55.000 --> 02:30:57.000 oh give me the ball 02:30:57.000 --> 02:30:59.000 I can push this one through 02:30:59.000 --> 02:31:01.000 and by the way 02:31:01.000 --> 02:31:05.000 it is absolutely disgusting 02:31:05.000 --> 02:31:07.000 make sure you've got the exact stereotype correct 02:31:07.000 --> 02:31:09.000 so that you don't have false alarms 02:31:09.000 --> 02:31:11.000 because you're going to have 02:31:11.000 --> 02:31:13.000 possibly these other these other stereotypes moving in 02:31:13.000 --> 02:31:15.000 another question that I would have as an economist 02:31:15.000 --> 02:31:17.000 here goes can a single person acquire 02:31:17.000 --> 02:31:19.000 several or ten different strains 02:31:19.000 --> 02:31:21.000 or whatever you're calling these 02:31:21.000 --> 02:31:23.000 variants of the couple of hours at the same time 02:31:23.000 --> 02:31:25.000 sure sure they can have 02:31:25.000 --> 02:31:27.000 ten different strains at the same time 02:31:27.000 --> 02:31:29.000 but we don't know how many they have 02:31:29.000 --> 02:31:31.000 and we assume that they only have one 02:31:31.000 --> 02:31:33.000 most of the time right Vincent 02:31:33.000 --> 02:31:35.000 we're not because the ecological 02:31:35.000 --> 02:31:37.000 concept of species 02:31:37.000 --> 02:31:39.000 is that no two species 02:31:39.000 --> 02:31:41.000 different can occupy the same dish 02:31:41.000 --> 02:31:43.000 only one species can occupy that niche 02:31:43.000 --> 02:31:45.000 typical co-infection with more than one type 02:31:45.000 --> 02:31:47.000 is common especially among young women 02:31:47.000 --> 02:31:49.000 common so that means common 02:31:49.000 --> 02:31:51.000 well then how in the world do they know 02:31:51.000 --> 02:31:53.000 that these oncogenic varieties 02:31:53.000 --> 02:31:55.000 are responsible if it's very common 02:31:55.000 --> 02:31:57.000 to have many serotypes 02:31:57.000 --> 02:31:59.000 on board 02:31:59.000 --> 02:32:01.000 these are not species 02:32:01.000 --> 02:32:03.000 they're varieties of the same type types 02:32:03.000 --> 02:32:05.000 so the use of that word ecological 02:32:05.000 --> 02:32:07.000 applies to species I'm sorry but that's a strict definition 02:32:07.000 --> 02:32:09.000 really? and that's exactly 02:32:09.000 --> 02:32:11.000 what I'm talking about 02:32:11.000 --> 02:32:13.000 you can't take these strict definitions 02:32:13.000 --> 02:32:15.000 with strict meanings and strict 02:32:15.000 --> 02:32:17.000 strict conceptual meaning 02:32:17.000 --> 02:32:19.000 and then apply them to something as limited 02:32:19.000 --> 02:32:21.000 and lame 02:32:21.000 --> 02:32:23.000 as an RNA or DNA virus 02:32:23.000 --> 02:32:25.000 for which we know their biology 02:32:25.000 --> 02:32:27.000 is greatly limited by their replication 02:32:27.000 --> 02:32:29.000 capacity and their lack of 02:32:29.000 --> 02:32:31.000 all these other attributes that we 02:32:31.000 --> 02:32:33.000 generally associate with 02:32:33.000 --> 02:32:35.000 pattern integrity is called life 02:32:37.000 --> 02:32:39.000 and here you see 02:32:39.000 --> 02:32:41.000 the malfunction of the machine with this 02:32:41.000 --> 02:32:43.000 grinning little clown down here 02:32:43.000 --> 02:32:45.000 who thinks it's funny that there's 02:32:45.000 --> 02:32:47.000 contradictions in the biology that they 02:32:47.000 --> 02:32:49.000 discuss and it's funny that it bothers 02:32:49.000 --> 02:32:51.000 that old man as much as it 02:32:51.000 --> 02:32:53.000 doesn't bother him 02:32:53.000 --> 02:32:55.000 because his little mushy brain 02:32:55.000 --> 02:32:57.000 is capable of juggling these words like 02:32:57.000 --> 02:32:59.000 this these contradictions are normal for 02:32:59.000 --> 02:33:01.000 him 02:33:01.000 --> 02:33:03.000 not normal for this old guy 02:33:03.000 --> 02:33:05.000 maybe this old guy is redeemable 02:33:05.000 --> 02:33:07.000 maybe this guy is going to leave 02:33:07.000 --> 02:33:09.000 to him in a few weeks because he starts 02:33:09.000 --> 02:33:11.000 to become convinced that something's not right 02:33:11.000 --> 02:33:15.000 absolutely 02:33:15.000 --> 02:33:17.000 why can't we be flexible Dickson? 02:33:17.000 --> 02:33:19.000 he was the one who came up with that 02:33:19.000 --> 02:33:21.000 Dickson, I like Dickson 02:33:21.000 --> 02:33:23.000 I think Dickson is my new favorite guy 02:33:23.000 --> 02:33:25.000 on Twiv and then they said 02:33:25.000 --> 02:33:27.000 I looked up the reference 02:33:27.000 --> 02:33:29.000 31 that they use for their guide 02:33:29.000 --> 02:33:31.000 and it's called ecological niche by 02:33:31.000 --> 02:33:33.000 a series of authors the Princeton guide to ecology 02:33:33.000 --> 02:33:35.000 that's their guide 02:33:35.000 --> 02:33:37.000 to say what on issues. I'm sorry 02:33:37.000 --> 02:33:39.000 the original concept of Disha was 02:33:39.000 --> 02:33:41.000 published by G. Evelyn Hutchinson 02:33:41.000 --> 02:33:43.000 and everybody else followed suit 02:33:43.000 --> 02:33:45.000 as they agreed with him but viruses don't 02:33:45.000 --> 02:33:47.000 occur as species right? No they don't 02:33:47.000 --> 02:33:49.000 so the word ecology probably is the wrong word 02:33:49.000 --> 02:33:51.000 no why don't we just change the definition of ecology 02:33:51.000 --> 02:33:53.000 there it is ladies and gentlemen 02:33:53.000 --> 02:33:55.000 there it is 02:33:55.000 --> 02:33:57.000 that's the clip for you for all time 02:33:57.000 --> 02:33:59.000 why don't we just change the definition 02:33:59.000 --> 02:34:01.000 of ecology then 02:34:01.000 --> 02:34:03.000 why don't we just change the 02:34:03.000 --> 02:34:05.000 correlative immunity then 02:34:05.000 --> 02:34:07.000 why don't we just change the definition 02:34:07.000 --> 02:34:09.000 why don't we just stop calling it 02:34:09.000 --> 02:34:11.000 transfection 02:34:13.000 --> 02:34:15.000 if you don't see it for the evil 02:34:15.000 --> 02:34:17.000 that it is that what they are saying right now 02:34:17.000 --> 02:34:19.000 right here is the home run of 02:34:19.000 --> 02:34:21.000 home runs that you need to hear nothing 02:34:21.000 --> 02:34:25.000 else you are being lied to 02:34:25.000 --> 02:34:27.000 by a series of charlatans 02:34:27.000 --> 02:34:29.000 that are misusing the language 02:34:29.000 --> 02:34:33.000 of biology to obfuscate their mythology 02:34:33.000 --> 02:34:37.000 that's what's happening here and Vincent 02:34:37.000 --> 02:34:41.000 Renson Yellow is a striking example of it 02:34:41.000 --> 02:34:43.000 in real time right here right now 02:34:43.000 --> 02:34:45.000 listen carefully 02:34:45.000 --> 02:34:49.000 after Dixon so eloquently explains why 02:34:49.000 --> 02:34:51.000 concepts like ecology and species 02:34:51.000 --> 02:34:53.000 and niche 02:34:53.000 --> 02:34:55.000 do not apply to a phenomenon 02:34:55.000 --> 02:34:57.000 like an RNA or DNA virus 02:34:57.000 --> 02:34:59.000 for which there are 20 plus 02:34:59.000 --> 02:35:01.000 or 100 plus 02:35:01.000 --> 02:35:03.000 or 200 plus 02:35:03.000 --> 02:35:05.000 serotypes that can all occupy 02:35:05.000 --> 02:35:07.000 the same niche at once 02:35:07.000 --> 02:35:09.000 hit in a niche 02:35:09.000 --> 02:35:11.000 what is Vincent Rask Rask Rask 02:35:11.000 --> 02:35:13.000 and Yellow say 02:35:13.000 --> 02:35:15.000 let's just change 02:35:15.000 --> 02:35:17.000 the definition of the word 02:35:17.000 --> 02:35:19.000 guide to say what on issues 02:35:19.000 --> 02:35:21.000 I'm sorry 02:35:21.000 --> 02:35:23.000 the original concept of dish was established 02:35:23.000 --> 02:35:25.000 by Gevlin Hutchinson and everybody else followed suit 02:35:25.000 --> 02:35:27.000 yes but they agreed with him but viruses don't occur 02:35:27.000 --> 02:35:29.000 no they don't know they don't so the word of 02:35:29.000 --> 02:35:33.000 probably is the wrong word no why don't we just change the definition of ecology 02:35:33.000 --> 02:35:37.000 I think you can do that but some people would be very upset if you did that 02:35:37.000 --> 02:35:41.000 there's another interesting point here though if you can have multiple infection 02:35:41.000 --> 02:35:45.000 why would eliminating HPV 1618 L that's a good question to a shift like this 02:35:45.000 --> 02:35:49.000 that's right right if they could all get along fine before exactly we wouldn't 02:35:49.000 --> 02:35:53.000 necessarily I wouldn't expect to see a shift so Alan Dove now has a 02:35:53.000 --> 02:35:57.000 completely different stance on things because his 02:35:57.000 --> 02:35:59.000 understanding of biology 02:35:59.000 --> 02:36:01.000 is so flexible 02:36:01.000 --> 02:36:03.000 I mean 02:36:03.000 --> 02:36:07.000 now he suddenly realizes that wait I mean if 02:36:07.000 --> 02:36:11.000 they're they can all be there at the same time then why don't they cause pressure 02:36:11.000 --> 02:36:15.000 obviously the phenomenon that we saw in this paper is due to 02:36:15.000 --> 02:36:19.000 selective in competition pressure because that's the only way we would see a phenomenon like this 02:36:19.000 --> 02:36:23.000 is exactly what Alan Dove said about 10 minutes ago 02:36:23.000 --> 02:36:25.000 in the video 02:36:25.000 --> 02:36:29.000 not 10 minutes ago on my stream but 10 minutes in the video he said 02:36:29.000 --> 02:36:33.000 that obviously they must be competing and that's why niche is a perfectly 02:36:33.000 --> 02:36:37.000 good use and that's why ecology is the right term and he laughed at Dixon 02:36:37.000 --> 02:36:43.000 now 10 minutes after discussing it and after re-ashing it and after discussing 02:36:43.000 --> 02:36:48.000 the paper a little more and reminding him about recombination and all this other stuff 02:36:48.000 --> 02:36:52.000 he now realizes oh wait maybe there shouldn't be and then why did we see this 02:36:52.000 --> 02:36:54.000 phenomenon wow that's very interesting 02:36:58.000 --> 02:37:02.000 we're not talking about diatoms and photosynthesis here Alan Dove 02:37:02.000 --> 02:37:06.000 we're talking about a multi-billion dollar product being hoisted 02:37:06.000 --> 02:37:10.000 on teenagers for no reason for no biology 02:37:10.000 --> 02:37:14.000 that's based in reality and you're just realizing it now 02:37:14.000 --> 02:37:20.000 live in front of people who are coming to you for informed consent on these things 02:37:22.000 --> 02:37:32.000 that's a failure that's a giant failure that's a gigantic failure 02:37:32.000 --> 02:37:40.000 ladies and gentlemen that's what that is that is a crash and burn failure of this system 02:37:40.000 --> 02:37:46.000 that is controlling us and we are seeing through it in real time 02:37:47.000 --> 02:37:52.000 and we are going to break this wheel in real time 02:37:52.000 --> 02:37:56.000 the way that we're going to break this wheel is by breaking down this plan that they had 02:37:56.000 --> 02:38:02.000 this theater that they had and breaking it down by doing the math that they don't want to do 02:38:02.000 --> 02:38:07.000 they want you to believe that there was a gain of function possibility 02:38:07.000 --> 02:38:11.000 that this whole thing came from the worst case scenario 02:38:11.000 --> 02:38:15.000 that it was a gain of function laboratory bio weapon that was released 02:38:15.000 --> 02:38:19.000 and there's this illusion of consensus that that's the reason why you were 02:38:19.000 --> 02:38:23.000 here not to blame for having been scared into taking the vaccine 02:38:23.000 --> 02:38:27.000 because this was the worst case scenario that they sent it to you 02:38:27.000 --> 02:38:32.000 and this illusion of consensus about a novel virus that killed millions of people 02:38:32.000 --> 02:38:35.000 that we saved millions of people from that was likely gain of function 02:38:35.000 --> 02:38:39.000 and that will come again this illusion of consensus is how they got us 02:38:39.000 --> 02:38:43.000 and the way that they sustain this illusion of consensus is by telling you 02:38:43.000 --> 02:38:48.000 the lie that everybody that died in excess in the last three years 02:38:48.000 --> 02:38:52.000 is a result of the mystery virus and the only way this lie works 02:38:52.000 --> 02:38:55.000 is if you don't talk about the do not resuscitate orders 02:38:55.000 --> 02:38:57.000 you don't talk about ventilators 02:38:57.000 --> 02:39:00.000 you don't talk about the lack of use of antibiotics 02:39:00.000 --> 02:39:02.000 you don't talk about the poor use of steroids 02:39:02.000 --> 02:39:04.000 you don't talk about remdesivir or medazlin 02:39:04.000 --> 02:39:07.000 you don't talk about the extra opioid deaths 02:39:07.000 --> 02:39:09.000 you don't talk about death certificate fraud 02:39:09.000 --> 02:39:11.000 you don't talk about all of this math 02:39:11.000 --> 02:39:15.000 about PCR fraud and lateral flow test fraud in the UK 02:39:15.000 --> 02:39:19.000 you don't talk about all of the illusion of virology 02:39:19.000 --> 02:39:26.000 you don't talk about all of the illusion of correlates of immunity 02:39:26.000 --> 02:39:29.000 and you just talk about a novel virus 02:39:29.000 --> 02:39:33.000 you just talk about the millions of people that were killed by the novel virus 02:39:33.000 --> 02:39:37.000 you just talk about gain of function and bioterrorism 02:39:37.000 --> 02:39:39.000 you just talk about how they're going to do it again 02:39:43.000 --> 02:39:45.000 that's how this was done 02:39:45.000 --> 02:39:49.000 you don't need a bioweapon to do this 02:39:49.000 --> 02:39:53.000 you need a spectacular commitment to this lie 02:39:53.000 --> 02:39:59.000 a spectacular commitment by these people to this lie 02:39:59.000 --> 02:40:02.000 is the illusion of consensus that has changed the way we think 02:40:02.000 --> 02:40:04.000 and trapped us in this illusion 02:40:04.000 --> 02:40:10.000 this scooby-doo mystery about trying to figure out whether it was a laboratory leak or a bat cave zoonosis 02:40:10.000 --> 02:40:14.000 that's what this faith is 02:40:14.000 --> 02:40:18.000 and figuring it out and finding the liars and blaming ego health alliances 02:40:18.000 --> 02:40:21.000 is all part of this mystery-solving game 02:40:21.000 --> 02:40:25.000 to brainwash yourself into believing this illusion of consensus 02:40:25.000 --> 02:40:29.000 and the way to break this illusion of consensus is to realize 02:40:29.000 --> 02:40:33.000 that the laboratory leak, the solving of it, was a mystery 02:40:33.000 --> 02:40:35.000 the use had to solve 02:40:35.000 --> 02:40:37.000 that allowed them to do all these things 02:40:37.000 --> 02:40:41.000 under the guise of trying to do their best to solve this novel problem 02:40:41.000 --> 02:40:43.000 that was never novel 02:40:43.000 --> 02:40:47.000 and the illusion of consensus created by these people 02:40:47.000 --> 02:40:50.000 is what brainwashed your family and friends 02:40:50.000 --> 02:40:52.000 it brainwashed the people on TV 02:40:52.000 --> 02:40:54.000 into believing this illusion of consensus 02:40:54.000 --> 02:40:56.000 and it is a faith 02:40:56.000 --> 02:40:58.000 a novel virus 02:40:58.000 --> 02:40:59.000 that's what it is 02:40:59.000 --> 02:41:01.000 call it for what it is 02:41:01.000 --> 02:41:03.000 and the way that the faith isn't a lie 02:41:03.000 --> 02:41:05.000 and it is very different 02:41:05.000 --> 02:41:07.000 than saying that there are no viruses 02:41:07.000 --> 02:41:10.520 if you say that there was an endemic background that they conflated 02:41:10.520 --> 02:41:13.000 it is very different if you say the protocols are murder. 02:41:13.000 --> 02:41:15.000 and a transfection is not medicine 02:41:15.000 --> 02:41:17.000 and they conflated a background signal 02:41:17.000 --> 02:41:19.000 it is very different if you murder 02:41:19.000 --> 02:41:28.000 and a 02:41:28.000 --> 02:41:35.000 is in medicine, it's a bioweapon and protocols are murder. But you're not going to survive 02:41:35.000 --> 02:41:39.120 and you're not going to escape if you just say that there are no viruses and that they're 02:41:39.120 --> 02:41:45.080 lying about everything because they're not. There has to be some truth to the biology 02:41:45.080 --> 02:41:51.560 or biologists wouldn't have been fooled. But the truth has to be really, really clever 02:41:51.560 --> 02:41:58.240 lies. And that's what it is. It's infectious clones. The faith is a lie. There was a 02:41:58.240 --> 02:42:04.120 background signal and there remains a background signal that can be conflated as a pandemic. 02:42:04.120 --> 02:42:10.480 And if they had to release something or spray something or induce a signal, then the way 02:42:10.480 --> 02:42:14.760 they would have done it will most likely and most easily is with infectious clones or even 02:42:14.760 --> 02:42:22.040 transfection of the spike alone. But the faith in the novel virus is being sustained 02:42:22.040 --> 02:42:30.720 by all the people that we that we currently call heroes right now. And you can see them 02:42:30.720 --> 02:42:38.520 sustaining the faith because they don't address PCR fraud anymore. They don't address the 02:42:38.520 --> 02:42:43.960 variant and sequencing fraud anymore. They have never known about the death certificate 02:42:43.960 --> 02:42:51.160 fraud. They've never known about the RNA purity and the fact that it can't copy itself 02:42:51.160 --> 02:42:55.720 the way that this story goes. They haven't talked about the problems with protein folding 02:42:55.720 --> 02:43:00.680 and our inability to understand it in the implications for transfection. They haven't talked about 02:43:00.680 --> 02:43:05.320 transfection in general and it's inappropriate, mis and healthy humans. And they're not talking 02:43:05.320 --> 02:43:09.000 about natural immunity. They've never talked about immuno 101. They've never tried to 02:43:09.000 --> 02:43:16.360 give you a lecture about immuno 101. Giga ohm biological is the only one. Jonathan Cooey 02:43:16.360 --> 02:43:23.240 is the only biologist in three years that has attempted to teach immunology relative to this 02:43:23.240 --> 02:43:29.560 pandemic and to dispel the myths and the mythology of it using biology. I'm the only one. 02:43:31.160 --> 02:43:35.880 You want me to go down the list of people that hasn't done it that could have? It's long. 02:43:36.600 --> 02:43:44.360 Brett Weinstein didn't do it. Chris Martinson didn't do it. Heather Hayne didn't do it. 02:43:47.080 --> 02:43:52.680 Peter McCullough didn't do it. Brian Cole didn't do it. Peter McCory didn't do it. 02:43:53.240 --> 02:43:59.000 Robert Malone didn't do it. Judy Mikovitz hasn't done it. 02:43:59.000 --> 02:44:08.200 I mean, how far do we have to go? How many people do you want me to list? Because it's all of them. 02:44:09.320 --> 02:44:14.600 None of them have taught the biology of natural immunity. None of them have taught 02:44:15.640 --> 02:44:21.000 the extent to which transfection is wholly inappropriate for healthy humans. None of them 02:44:21.640 --> 02:44:28.200 have gone so far as to say that the vaccination schedule in America is a crime except for a very 02:44:28.200 --> 02:44:34.360 few Tess Laurie, Corey Pierre Corey and Peter McCullough. 02:44:38.680 --> 02:44:44.040 It is a very small group of people that is really fighting the fight right now and everybody else 02:44:44.040 --> 02:44:52.200 is faking it. Wittingly or unwittingly. And so you need to share my stream. You need to get this 02:44:52.280 --> 02:44:59.080 in front of all of them so that they can either wake up and apologize and course correct immediately 02:44:59.880 --> 02:45:04.040 or they are put on alert that we actually know who they are. 02:45:07.880 --> 02:45:12.840 Because I'm done playing games with my children's future. This is just starting, 02:45:12.840 --> 02:45:16.360 ladies and gentlemen. My voice is just coming back. 02:45:19.560 --> 02:45:23.720 And I plan to exercise it a lot over the next couple of weeks, three weeks, 02:45:23.720 --> 02:45:30.520 four weeks, five weeks, five months, a year. I ain't stopping until this is stopped. I'm not 02:45:30.520 --> 02:45:36.760 stopping until the elimination of the control group is stopped. I'm not stopping until everyone 02:45:36.760 --> 02:45:41.480 that is capable of understanding these two phrases understands them. 02:45:43.560 --> 02:45:45.160 Until these are common knowledge. 02:45:47.560 --> 02:45:53.720 Until it's common knowledge for a for a for an elementary school teacher to know this biology 02:45:53.720 --> 02:46:00.360 and to teach it. I'm going to be working here again to go biological. As long as CHD will have 02:46:00.360 --> 02:46:09.080 me, I'm going to be working for CHD because I think for the most part, although CHD would like 02:46:09.080 --> 02:46:19.320 to be a big top tent for health freedom. Health freedom is defined by this biology right here. 02:46:20.120 --> 02:46:25.640 That there is no useful way to augment the human immune system through intramuscular injection. 02:46:25.720 --> 02:46:35.480 And this, this criminally negligent bad idea and all of those responsible directly or indirectly 02:46:35.480 --> 02:46:41.960 for petri perpetuating it for the last 20 plus years are criminally negligent liable 02:46:43.640 --> 02:46:50.840 demons. And I'm going to spend the rest of my adult life teaching this biology until it's 02:46:50.840 --> 02:46:59.400 I'm blue in the face or dead. So welcome to the show. Welcome to the big show. That's where we are 02:46:59.400 --> 02:47:08.760 ladies and gentlemen. I believe it's much more likely if it's a lab lead. Stop lying. Stop lying. 02:47:09.720 --> 02:47:14.920 Stop lying. That's where we are ladies and gentlemen. Thanks very much for joining me and I will 02:47:14.920 --> 02:47:31.240 see you again tomorrow night. I hope you're aware and realize that I have no no equalizer here. 02:47:33.480 --> 02:47:39.080 There's no equalizer on my voice right now. This is just a it's a microphone that's actually 02:47:40.040 --> 02:47:44.040 a condenser microphone that's distant right it's supposed to have a direction. 02:47:45.480 --> 02:47:51.720 And so it's just a mic and my voice is really back. It feels stronger than ever. I can finally 02:47:51.720 --> 02:47:56.840 fill the gym during basketball practice and tell the boys what they're doing even when they're 02:47:56.840 --> 02:48:02.040 bouncing the ball. I basically have my old voice back and so I'm really really happy. I'm not 02:48:02.040 --> 02:48:07.480 going to be talking about it a lot anymore. But it was definitely worth taking the two weeks off 02:48:07.560 --> 02:48:14.040 that I did for the recovery of my voice and also just getting everything reoriented for the basketball 02:48:14.040 --> 02:48:18.760 season. And so there's going to be a little flexibility in terms of time but I'm either 02:48:18.760 --> 02:48:23.800 going to be basically going at about four forty five or five o'clock or I'm going to be going at 02:48:23.800 --> 02:48:29.240 about eight or eight thirty or nine o'clock. Just depending on the schedule at home I'm sorry 02:48:29.240 --> 02:48:33.880 but my priority is my family and so I am going to make it a priority to be here on daily but 02:48:34.440 --> 02:48:37.800 the give and take of that is that there's got to be a little flexibility in the 02:48:37.800 --> 02:48:42.520 schedule so you won't be able to always watch it live. But if you look for me every day you'll 02:48:42.520 --> 02:48:49.800 definitely find me. Thanks very much for joining me and I'll see you guys again tomorrow.