WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:35.300 And if I could just get it right every once in a while, right, it would just be a little 00:35.300 --> 00:36.300 better. 00:36.300 --> 00:37.300 Man. 00:37.300 --> 00:38.300 Oh man. 00:38.300 --> 00:41.300 Thanks, Greg. 00:41.300 --> 00:46.860 Greg is there like a rock. 00:46.860 --> 00:51.020 Thanks, Rodney. 00:51.020 --> 00:56.620 And thank you to all my subscribers, those in the past and the present, thank you very 00:56.620 --> 00:57.620 much. 00:58.620 --> 01:04.620 I think we're just going to do the first few slides of this start and give our guest 01:04.620 --> 01:11.180 a chance to catch up some communication problems, but I do think it's going to work out. 01:11.180 --> 01:16.820 And Paul Elias Alexander might join us this morning for a chat. 01:16.820 --> 01:18.580 Let's hope that this works out. 01:27.620 --> 01:52.860 We're going to try and get a really succinct discussion together today about the first 01:52.860 --> 01:59.140 aspect of the mythology of the pandemic, and that is the infectious clone. 01:59.140 --> 02:05.740 And whether or not this is a significant idea or just some, you know, who cares infectious 02:05.740 --> 02:08.740 clones are just the way they do it. 02:08.740 --> 02:13.700 I have a feeling that after this morning, a lot of people are going to finally, even 02:13.700 --> 02:17.540 if you've been following me for a while, are going to have a new level of insight into 02:17.540 --> 02:21.180 the power of this idea. 02:21.180 --> 02:41.700 And I hope we can convert Mr. Alexander to our view as well. 02:41.700 --> 02:56.660 So come on now, don't mess with me. 02:56.660 --> 02:58.140 I forgot I had it set up like that. 02:58.140 --> 03:06.380 I wasn't even going to play any music today, which is also very good, but let me cut over 03:06.380 --> 03:07.380 here quick. 03:07.380 --> 03:09.100 I'm not really sure. 03:09.100 --> 03:10.100 Good morning. 03:10.100 --> 03:11.100 This is Guillaume Biological. 03:11.100 --> 03:16.140 It's a very odd start this morning, some music and then not, and whatever. 03:16.140 --> 03:21.460 Usually, I give everybody a little bit more time to join us on these open study sessions. 03:21.460 --> 03:28.820 But this morning, I have a clubhouse discussion that I'm going to stream this afternoon at 03:28.820 --> 03:29.980 four. 03:29.980 --> 03:34.460 And then I'm presenting an eight to another group of doctors. 03:34.460 --> 03:42.740 And I was hoping to have a chat with one Paul Elias Alexander, PhD, a former Trump 03:42.740 --> 03:53.740 administration consultant or advisor or official, as well as how do I get to talk to is this 03:53.740 --> 03:56.300 the mean that he's here? 03:56.300 --> 03:59.940 I only see one person in the meeting. 03:59.940 --> 04:00.940 Hold on. 04:00.940 --> 04:03.020 Just let me straighten this out. 04:03.020 --> 04:07.540 I still only see one person in the meeting. 04:07.540 --> 04:24.100 I guess he doesn't understand that I'm going to zoom and he's going to zoom with me and 04:24.100 --> 04:25.540 I'm going to stream separately. 04:25.540 --> 04:29.500 I think he thought that we would tell a bunch of people about the zoom. 04:29.500 --> 04:34.620 I'm not sure if that's it. 04:34.620 --> 04:35.620 Let me see if we get here. 04:35.620 --> 04:37.140 Now he's calling me. 04:37.140 --> 04:38.140 Hold on. 04:38.140 --> 04:39.140 Yes, sir. 04:39.140 --> 04:40.140 Yes, sir. 04:40.140 --> 04:41.140 Yes, sir. 04:41.140 --> 04:42.140 Yes, sir. 04:42.140 --> 04:43.140 Yes, sir. 04:43.140 --> 04:44.140 Yes, sir. 04:44.140 --> 04:45.140 Yes, sir. 04:45.140 --> 04:51.820 Yes, I'm looking at you on your streaming, but I'm looking at you and everything, but what 04:51.820 --> 04:52.820 do I have to do? 04:52.820 --> 04:55.580 Oh, you have to join the zoom meeting that I sent you. 04:55.580 --> 05:01.380 I don't think you sent me that. 05:01.380 --> 05:03.300 Okay, well, I just sent another email with it. 05:03.300 --> 05:05.500 You can check it again when you asked me to. 05:05.500 --> 05:06.500 Yeah? 05:06.500 --> 05:10.060 He should be here in a second. 05:10.060 --> 05:13.100 I'm really excited because we have been talking about this for a while. 05:13.100 --> 05:19.020 We've been trying to get something on film about the way that this all goes. 05:19.020 --> 05:23.820 So I'm just going to put this music on and we'll wait for him to join us. 05:23.820 --> 05:31.580 The idea is to try and convince people that the natural biology of coronaviruses and 05:31.580 --> 05:38.580 indeed the natural biology of RNA viruses in general is quite prohibitive to what these 05:38.580 --> 05:46.220 people have termed a pandemic where millions of lives are at stake and billions of dollars 05:46.220 --> 05:53.300 are at stake and perhaps the livelihood of all of the seven or eight or nine billion 05:53.300 --> 05:58.620 people on the planet are at stake because of this never ending and, in fact, increasing 05:58.620 --> 06:01.580 danger because of climate change. 06:01.580 --> 06:05.020 That's what we're here to dispel the mythology of. 06:05.020 --> 06:12.300 They have used fine computer models, beautiful computer animation to convince you of these 06:12.300 --> 06:17.420 biological concepts which are inherently and internally contradictory. 06:17.420 --> 06:18.420 There he is. 06:18.420 --> 06:19.420 I see him. 06:19.420 --> 06:22.340 I'm going to put him on the screen in a second. 06:22.340 --> 06:28.620 It is really exciting to have him here because it is only very recently that we became aware 06:28.620 --> 06:31.660 of one another and that we were thinking in such parallel ways. 06:31.660 --> 06:36.940 I took the risk of sending him an email and the next thing you know, we've had a few 06:36.940 --> 06:42.140 phone conversations and we've hashed out some of these broad biological ideas. 06:42.140 --> 06:46.300 I'm going to pause this wasn't my idea there. 06:46.300 --> 06:53.380 And so let me escape out of here and see if I can bring you over to the screen, sir. 06:53.380 --> 06:54.380 This should work. 06:54.380 --> 06:55.380 There he is. 06:55.380 --> 06:57.740 Look at that. 06:57.740 --> 06:58.980 So now you should be able to see everyone. 06:58.980 --> 07:02.460 I'm not sure how far behind the zoom will be. 07:02.460 --> 07:07.460 So you might want to, around the stream will be behind the zoom so you'll probably want 07:07.460 --> 07:11.700 to turn up the zoom and then monitor the stream or something like that. 07:11.700 --> 07:14.340 You should be able to see me on zoom too, right? 07:14.340 --> 07:15.340 I am. 07:15.340 --> 07:16.740 Okay, good. 07:16.740 --> 07:21.300 Would you like to give a very brief introduction as to how you got all messed up in this and 07:21.300 --> 07:25.580 where you are now, what you're doing, plug your sub stack, et cetera, so that people 07:25.580 --> 07:26.580 know who you are. 07:26.580 --> 07:30.660 They all know who I am because there's only a few people here for me right now. 07:30.660 --> 07:32.460 So give them a few minutes. 07:32.460 --> 07:34.140 They'll all start tweeting. 07:34.140 --> 07:38.620 We'll have a few hundred people in the audience in about 15 minutes. 07:38.620 --> 07:42.500 Okay, well, I can speak now. 07:42.500 --> 07:44.020 Yes, please go ahead, sir. 07:44.020 --> 07:45.020 Sorry. 07:45.020 --> 07:46.020 Thank you. 07:46.020 --> 07:52.860 First of all, Jay, thank you very much for allowing me to introduce this session and 07:52.860 --> 07:53.860 your group. 07:53.860 --> 07:55.500 And you're right. 07:55.500 --> 07:59.980 We've had some actually very engaging discussions recently. 07:59.980 --> 08:07.900 And I think I find your depth and breadth fascinating in terms of your understanding 08:07.900 --> 08:14.660 of a lot of the issues around the pandemic and total, but the gene injection itself and 08:14.660 --> 08:18.780 what we are dealing with. 08:18.780 --> 08:25.860 My belief, day one, has always been that this was not a bona fide pandemic. 08:25.860 --> 08:29.420 So I want to put that on the table. 08:29.420 --> 08:34.980 My background training is in epidemiology from the University of Toronto in Canada 08:34.980 --> 08:37.140 Graduate School. 08:37.140 --> 08:43.340 I did a short program, so I'll be brief at Johns Hopkins in a little certificate program 08:43.340 --> 08:45.580 in bioterrorism, biowaphere. 08:45.580 --> 08:51.460 I actually had the pleasure of being taught and met Dr. Donald Henderson, D.A. Henderson 08:51.460 --> 08:59.140 who is credited with eradicating smallpox and he wrote that seminal paper in 2006, basically 08:59.140 --> 09:05.180 saying that lockdowns, school closures, quarantines at the border, all of those things 09:05.180 --> 09:08.300 were devastating and will always fail. 09:08.300 --> 09:14.820 But you incur as least societal disruption as possible in an emergency like a pandemic. 09:14.820 --> 09:21.700 And you basically allow society to live normal with least disruption and basic issues like 09:21.700 --> 09:26.180 hand hygiene and that you only isolate. 09:26.180 --> 09:32.980 You only isolate voluntarily sick and well people with a strong clinical suspicion of 09:32.980 --> 09:33.980 illness. 09:33.980 --> 09:34.980 No one else. 09:34.980 --> 09:40.820 You only must test sick and well people with a strong clinical suspicion. 09:40.820 --> 09:45.020 You only detain people at a border who are sick and unwell. 09:45.020 --> 09:46.020 No one else. 09:46.020 --> 09:52.220 The vast majority of society must live normal and I'm on record three years ago, even 09:52.220 --> 09:58.220 in as part of the Trump administration seeing clearly the all we needed to do with Dr. Scott 09:58.220 --> 10:08.460 Atlas was isolate the ill strongly protective vulnerable always, but you let the vast majority 10:08.460 --> 10:11.860 of society live free unfettered lives. 10:11.860 --> 10:20.060 I went on to an Oxford, I did a graduate program in clinical epidemiology and then I was going 10:20.060 --> 10:24.740 to read for a doctorate of Johns Hopkins in bioterrorism under Henderson, Donald Henderson, 10:24.740 --> 10:31.100 but I couldn't get a proper funding because I was not a US resident at that point. 10:31.100 --> 10:33.260 I am a US resident today. 10:33.260 --> 10:40.300 So I did my doctorate at McMaster in evidence based medicine, Dr. Gordon guy at who founded 10:40.300 --> 10:44.700 the degrees of evidence based medicine supervise me, they might post off with him. 10:44.700 --> 10:45.700 Okay. 10:45.700 --> 10:50.620 So I went into this discussion quickly is I worked at it will have the organization 10:50.620 --> 10:56.140 2008, 2009 as a regional epidemiologist for Europe. 10:56.140 --> 11:07.460 I worked in 2019 back again with the whole Washington in COVID as a pandemic consultant 11:07.460 --> 11:12.780 advisor in April, May of 2020. 11:12.780 --> 11:18.620 I got word from the Trump administration people to come to Washington to join the Trump administration 11:18.620 --> 11:21.660 and I worked as a senior pandemic advisor. 11:21.660 --> 11:27.780 So from a technical point of view, I'm one of those people like Dr. Mike, et cetera, 11:27.780 --> 11:31.820 heavily worked in the area of COVID from day one. 11:31.820 --> 11:36.780 I don't pretend to be a bigger expert than new people in this meeting nor J. 11:36.780 --> 11:41.420 We all have done a lot of work and a lot of us understand things. 11:41.420 --> 11:47.340 I think the lay public has surprised me in the sense that, well, I'm not really surprised 11:47.340 --> 11:53.500 but I'm happy that they are actually more technically sound and engage in more critical 11:53.500 --> 11:59.020 thinking than traditional doctors and academic scientists who this has though their brains 11:59.020 --> 12:08.460 fell out of their buttocks, fell out of the behind because we are in a disaster situation. 12:08.460 --> 12:18.180 We've lost a lot and society and I think basically the pandemic was a fraud and a hoax period. 12:18.180 --> 12:23.500 Just everything that was done about it and while I work in the administration, you know, 12:23.500 --> 12:29.020 I've been part of the group with early treatment, et cetera, and I'm out there fighting and 12:29.020 --> 12:38.060 speaking every day to different crowds as to I'm against, fully against these gene injections 12:38.060 --> 12:42.220 mRNA or DNA platform. 12:42.220 --> 12:49.660 So Jay provides a fascinating place for me because I shared with him some of my thoughts 12:49.660 --> 12:54.620 and we realized that we have a lot of things in common. 12:54.620 --> 13:02.060 The question is, how do we forward, how do we craft a language, you know, we used a correct 13:02.060 --> 13:07.100 term. How do we get people to look below the rock or to peer behind the curtain? 13:07.100 --> 13:15.100 So how do we ask the right question? Because what was done here was wrong, nothing worked. 13:16.060 --> 13:25.580 We have zero, zero evidence, zero none across three years that any lockdown, any school closure, 13:25.580 --> 13:33.820 any mass mandate, any business closure, anything worked, everything failed, nothing worked, zero. 13:35.180 --> 13:40.460 We have this gene injection that we're still pushing on people and coming up with new ways to 13:40.460 --> 13:48.460 push it on people on new gene injection. So the question is, why, if this is not working, 13:49.420 --> 13:55.260 how do we stop it and how do we get the right people now to think like Jay and to at least 13:55.260 --> 14:01.260 consider what he's saying, because remember, we are scientists and as scientists, we don't 14:01.260 --> 14:08.700 run around suing each other if we disagree, we listen, engage, we even evolve our thinking, 14:08.700 --> 14:14.780 my thinking is evolving, good to see of people like Jay, and I imagine you guys here because you 14:14.780 --> 14:20.940 are and Jay are collaborators in some ways. So I appreciate Jay and I'll turn it back over to you, 14:20.940 --> 14:29.180 thank you. Wow, that's crazy. So what do you think and your mind would be sort of the best 14:29.180 --> 14:36.060 overarching start? Do you think we really should start with the gain of function versus infectious 14:36.060 --> 14:43.740 clones and explain to people why the pandemic doesn't have a good foundation in biology, 14:44.700 --> 14:49.580 at least as they've shown it on television? Or do you think that we should start more from the 14:50.620 --> 14:57.740 the numbers and the basic biology that they've simplified to the point of lying to us? 14:58.700 --> 15:03.180 Which do you think is the better one to start with today? Because I'm ready to do either one. 15:04.060 --> 15:11.900 And yeah, I know that we do both. Yeah, we sure sure we can do both. Yes. Okay, good. So I'm just 15:11.900 --> 15:17.660 going to start quick then with sharing my screen and then I'm going to put myself small. What that 15:17.660 --> 15:23.580 might mean is that I have to fool around with how to get you to be large on the screen. So let me 15:24.220 --> 15:35.020 just see what happens when I do this. And then I do this. I do this. I do this. And now I want 15:35.020 --> 15:42.940 you on the screen. How do I do that? I need to get writing here. And then this will get me there, 15:42.940 --> 15:47.420 right? So I want that one to be a different one. Sorry, it's going to take me one second because 15:47.420 --> 15:52.780 I knew this was going to be a problem, but I needed to fix this now and not later. 15:54.220 --> 16:01.500 I might just have to switch back and forth between you and it. I just don't like not having you on 16:01.500 --> 16:07.900 screen. Give me two more seconds because I think we can edit this better if I fix this. I'm going to 16:07.900 --> 16:16.300 add one. So that's what I'll do. I'll escape here. Sorry about that. And I'm going to change this to 16:17.180 --> 16:20.940 this one. Right now I'm logged on the screen. Yeah, I know that's perfect. Now I'm going to 16:21.020 --> 16:29.180 try and change this to something else. I'm going to make this the primary. Right? No, this one. 16:29.740 --> 16:36.460 No, the primary. Yes, that one. Yeah, there we go. Okay. And we're going to close this. No, save it. 16:37.260 --> 16:42.620 And I turn this one on. Yeah, there we go. So we can flip this around like that. 16:42.940 --> 16:50.940 And then I can start this as a slideshow. And now I'm going to switch every once in a while 16:50.940 --> 16:55.500 between these two things. But I think if I have hell screen here and I copy this, 17:00.060 --> 17:03.580 I should have put you up there. Anyway, I'm going to do this like this for now and I'll switch it 17:03.580 --> 17:10.620 back to the thing here. So this should work. Oh, no, it's the wrong one again. Dang it. 17:13.500 --> 17:19.740 Dang it. Sorry, I'm such a clown here. Primary monitor. Let's see if that works. Current slide. 17:19.740 --> 17:25.100 Yes. Okay. So this is a small picture, but the people that are watching have seen it before, 17:25.100 --> 17:33.740 this is the all cause mortality in the United States. In this picture, it is from 2014 all the 17:33.740 --> 17:41.660 way to 2022. And so if I cut, oh yeah, but then I can't cut over here to the big screen shoot. 17:41.660 --> 17:43.420 I don't really like this. Darn it. 17:45.580 --> 17:51.100 Okay. But Jake wants you something. Yes, go ahead. Are you trying to get that 17:51.100 --> 17:58.860 the information screens as big screens? Right now it's large. You are large, right? Or not? 18:00.060 --> 18:04.940 Yeah, behind it, which is fine. I don't know if people need to see me as such as here, 18:04.940 --> 18:08.940 if I ask a question, because I would like to ask questions, but can you just open that 18:08.940 --> 18:13.740 screen or the mode you were enlarging it? Yeah, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna get out of here 18:13.740 --> 18:19.180 and switch between them. Sorry, I think that's the better way to do it. So we go like this, 18:19.180 --> 18:24.140 we go current slide. And I'm you can, they can hear you in the background and this is fine. 18:24.140 --> 18:31.900 Yeah, excellent. Okay, so this is the all cause mortality in America. It is between 50,000 and 18:31.900 --> 18:38.620 70,000 a week, more or less, maybe 68,000 a week over the course of, oh, sorry, Mayor's my mouse. 18:38.620 --> 18:46.860 Over the course of 2014, all the way to the beginning of 2022. And down here in the brighter 18:46.860 --> 18:53.420 blue, what you see are people who've died of pneumonia. And the thing that we've been told is 18:53.420 --> 18:59.420 that somewhere here at the beginning of 2020, a brand new cause of death appeared. And that 18:59.420 --> 19:04.060 we're calling COVID. But what you see in these numbers is actually a very large increase in the 19:04.140 --> 19:09.740 number of people that have died of pneumonia. And it correlates very well with this increase in 19:09.740 --> 19:15.500 COVID, which is in the red there. What you'll also notice is the year on year, I'll move my head 19:16.140 --> 19:23.820 from 2014 all the way to 2020. The number of people that dies of pneumonia is very consistent. 19:23.820 --> 19:30.620 It's somewhere between 5000 and 4000 every year. And a subset of that is depicted in yellow 19:30.620 --> 19:36.860 as the identified or calculated influenza cases every year. That's usually just hand waving done 19:36.860 --> 19:43.100 by the CDC with some testing and a lot of modeling. But then over here, that all changes. There's 19:43.100 --> 19:49.580 a new cause of death now. And that new cause of death is causing an increase in pneumonia deaths 19:49.580 --> 19:56.300 like a doubling or even a tripling in the second wave. And this, these numbers were the numbers 19:56.300 --> 20:02.780 that they showed on PBS NewsHour. They didn't show this number. And had they shown this in the 20:02.780 --> 20:08.700 context of all course mortality, it would have been very hard, hard, much harder for them to sell it 20:08.700 --> 20:15.260 as the disaster it was. What I'd like you to think about is the possibility that there's a better 20:15.260 --> 20:22.140 explanation for why so many people died of pneumonia after two or three decades of there being a very 20:22.140 --> 20:28.380 constant number of people dying of it. Why all of these numbers don't have to be a new cause of 20:28.380 --> 20:35.180 death. And that is because we've seen this all before the who has done this before. The who has 20:35.180 --> 20:43.740 declared a pandemic in 2009 of a dangerous avian flu virus. And in 2020, they declared a pandemic 20:43.740 --> 20:50.380 of a dangerous novel coronavirus. This novel coronaviruses was detectable by what we now know 20:50.460 --> 20:57.740 as a very nonspecific PCR test for this RNA virus. And it was applied, as you said, to very low 20:57.740 --> 21:02.380 prevalence populations, not just people who were sick with symptoms, but everybody that would 21:02.380 --> 21:09.580 drive up through and drive through. And in addition, anybody that tested positive with this nonspecific 21:09.580 --> 21:16.300 diagnostic was in us and was in the system was in a system that had financial incentives for them 21:16.300 --> 21:23.580 to be mistreated for pneumonia, mistreated for respiratory disease, and mistreated for a novel 21:24.300 --> 21:32.220 respiratory disease based on this nonspecific test alone. The financial incentive enabled a 21:32.220 --> 21:38.780 larger portion of all cause mortality than the normal pneumonia and influenza to be prioritized 21:38.780 --> 21:46.700 as a new national security threat that could be addressed with a vaccine. This story was then 21:46.700 --> 21:53.500 perpetuated for three years. I suggest that if the molecular biology of this story is real, 21:54.220 --> 21:59.820 that there was likely something involved in the beginning, a release of something that 21:59.820 --> 22:07.100 allowed the molecular biology to be true, because a natural coronavirus cannot produce the molecular 22:07.100 --> 22:13.180 fidelity that was present from the beginning of the pandemic. In other words, if a virus is spreading 22:13.180 --> 22:18.380 around the world, there should be some sequential change that can be measured. And there's virtually 22:18.380 --> 22:26.300 no difference between Wuhan, Washington, New York, Italy, Spain, Iran. These are all the same virus 22:26.300 --> 22:32.300 for a very long time. And that's statistically and biologically impossible if you believe 22:32.300 --> 22:37.340 the cartoon that they've told you on TV. So the real goal was to make you surrender your 22:37.340 --> 22:43.900 individual sovereignty and to change human rights to basic granted permissions. And the way that 22:43.900 --> 22:51.500 they did this was that they confused you. They specifically confused you over the last 20 years 22:51.500 --> 22:59.420 about the dangers of natural viruses by publishing paper after paper about the pandemic potential 22:59.980 --> 23:08.220 of coronaviruses, paper after paper, where viruses are purported to be enriched. This is a cartoon 23:08.220 --> 23:14.300 that says you take a virus that's green and you pass it through several featuring dishes. And at 23:14.300 --> 23:19.340 the end of these several passages, the virus has become more dangerous. They've also told us they 23:19.340 --> 23:26.460 can do the same thing with animals in gold and hamsters or in ferrets. They can make a relatively 23:26.540 --> 23:34.220 benign flu virus into a very dangerous pathogenic potential virus. And more recently, 23:34.220 --> 23:39.660 they've even led Congress and the rest of us to believe that you can take pieces of different 23:39.660 --> 23:46.300 viruses, assemble them in a laboratory, and then that new virus has the potential to go around the 23:46.300 --> 23:52.380 world like the fuse of a firecracker. And I would suggest that there's really no biological evidence 23:52.380 --> 23:59.020 that any of these are actually possible. It's not likely that there are viruses in mother nature 23:59.020 --> 24:03.740 that can do what they've told us has happened. It's not likely that there are viruses in a 24:03.740 --> 24:09.180 laboratory that can do it. And there are not likely combinations of genes yet to be found 24:09.740 --> 24:15.660 that could do it. And we have to come to this understanding on the basis of basic biological 24:15.660 --> 24:24.140 principles, not cartoons like this, because this is the idea they they want us to be a have a 24:24.140 --> 24:33.340 super national group of organizations and rules that governs us in the event of a pandemic. And so 24:33.340 --> 24:39.260 essentially, they are setting up a mythology upon which a super national organization can 24:39.260 --> 24:44.700 govern us into eternity. And we don't want to let that happen. The way that they've done this 24:45.180 --> 24:49.980 is that they've changed our mind about basically four things over the last three years. They've 24:49.980 --> 24:56.300 changed our mind about the basic coronavirus swarm. They've changed our mind about all cause 24:56.300 --> 25:02.460 mortality by basically not letting us think about it. They've changed our mind about how our immune 25:02.460 --> 25:09.500 system responds to a respiratory virus. And they've changed the literal meaning and the expectations 25:09.500 --> 25:15.980 that we have around vaccination. So let's take a little quick look at this in a little more 25:15.980 --> 25:20.540 detail. A lot of my viewers have seen some version of this before. So I'll go quite quickly, 25:20.540 --> 25:25.340 because I want to get to the clone that kind of ties this all together. They first of all, 25:25.340 --> 25:30.460 they've changed the way that you think about the coronavirus swarm before this. There used to be 25:30.460 --> 25:35.980 about 200 different ways to get a respiratory disease that could lead to a secondary pneumonia. 25:35.980 --> 25:42.620 And these were all just balled up into one thing, P and I. But in 2020, we reformulated all these 25:42.620 --> 25:49.020 different and disparate causes of respiratory disease. And basically, with a very high 25:50.140 --> 25:55.900 financial incentive, convince people to call something and anything that they could find 25:55.900 --> 26:01.900 this new thing, even if it wasn't, because it was a national security thing. It's okay to do it, 26:01.900 --> 26:09.740 because better to take too many than not enough, better to over count than to undercount. And these 26:09.740 --> 26:15.180 strategies have allowed them to scare us into believing that something more significant than 26:15.180 --> 26:21.900 has happened has occurred. The test in the purported sequences are actually the only real evidence 26:22.540 --> 26:29.020 that we have that there is a new cause of death. And since none of these tests and none of this 26:29.020 --> 26:38.220 sequencing was done before 2020, there's no data to provide a baseline. We have absolutely no idea 26:38.220 --> 26:46.060 what would happen if we took the 250 emergency used authorized PCR tests back in time and tested 26:46.060 --> 26:54.540 people in 2019. Would we find similar results? We have no idea, because there was no effort 26:54.540 --> 27:03.100 to categorize the background coronaviruses up until 2020. Shockingly, we spent billions of 27:03.100 --> 27:09.740 dollars trying to characterize those same background viruses and animals and spent virtually none 27:09.740 --> 27:15.420 trying to find them in our background. Ajay? Yes, sir. You could. 27:16.460 --> 27:19.420 Is it possible I can answer a question here? Yes, you bet. 27:20.300 --> 27:27.500 So, in other words, if I understand so far what you're saying is that you are not just 27:27.500 --> 27:34.460 just arguing that the fact that something was released, we're not even discussing intentional 27:34.460 --> 27:41.020 or accidental. That's not this discussion. Something came. The question is, 27:42.380 --> 27:48.300 was it as lethal as they said? In other words, was this a non consequential coronavirus 27:49.020 --> 27:55.500 that was circulating? And then I think you are because you've touched on PCR the way I understand 27:55.500 --> 28:03.260 it is. Technically, we detected something in February or March of 2020, so I'm letting your 28:03.260 --> 28:10.060 group understand how I think, how I argue about this. We detected something in February, March 2020, 28:10.060 --> 28:17.900 that was always there. You're asking me that question? It was always circulating. 28:17.900 --> 28:26.540 Yes, that's what I believe. I believe there's a good possibility that we have been told that 28:26.540 --> 28:35.580 the fidelity of this PCR test is such that it's detecting something new rather than something new 28:35.580 --> 28:44.860 and something old. And that's how the molecular biology can be correct. Because remember, 28:45.020 --> 28:50.940 I'm trying to work under the assumption that these molecular biologists that did sequencing 28:50.940 --> 28:57.420 in Italy and did sequencing in Spain and did sequencing in Wuhan and did sequencing in Iran 28:58.060 --> 29:04.380 were not all working together to come up with the same sequence and then wink at the camera and 29:04.380 --> 29:11.340 say, yeah, it's all here. But more importantly, it had to be. It had to be a very distinct, 29:11.420 --> 29:19.100 uniform molecular signal that would fool multiple governments, multiple health organizations, 29:19.100 --> 29:26.220 multiple groups of very smart molecular biologists. That means the signals can't be fake. They can't 29:26.220 --> 29:34.860 be false positives. They're real. And the only way to get such a uniform, reproducible signal 29:34.860 --> 29:43.500 around the world of the same almost identical genetic sequence of an RNA virus would be 29:44.220 --> 29:49.980 to release it. You had to release a perfect copy in multiple places. Otherwise, it's impossible. 29:51.100 --> 29:59.180 So Jay, again, and I know we're going to do multiple shows to get the public to understand 29:59.180 --> 30:04.620 what your argument, which again, I am on site. So in other words, what we're seeing already 30:04.620 --> 30:10.700 at the beginning here, if I understand you correctly, which is what I'm thinking also is 30:11.580 --> 30:18.220 that something was released. It was actually circulating globally. So that actually opens the 30:18.220 --> 30:25.820 point that our immune systems had seen this in some capacity before. So we had some level of immunity, 30:26.460 --> 30:35.180 some level. But key is this that the PCR test and when we say that it was flawed and fraud and 30:35.740 --> 30:41.980 garbage, it's not that it was really flawed and fraud. It was that it was detecting 30:44.140 --> 30:54.780 real coronavirus, but old recovered coronavirus. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it can be the 30:54.780 --> 31:01.740 best part about this is is that it can be both. It can be that in certain places in the United 31:01.740 --> 31:08.140 States, like New York City and Washington State, there were pockets of extremely uniform symptomology 31:08.780 --> 31:16.780 and high levels of molecular positivity. And so these doctors didn't see ghosts. They saw what 31:16.780 --> 31:24.700 they saw, but there's not seeing it throughout 2020, throughout through 2021, throughout through 31:24.700 --> 31:31.740 to 2023, like they expected they would when we were back in March and April of 2020. 31:32.380 --> 31:38.380 Every one of those people expected that the hospital would eventually be full of the six or eight 31:38.380 --> 31:43.980 people that they had. Everybody in Wuhan expected the same thing. We have 22 people with a weird 31:43.980 --> 31:50.300 pneumonia. They thought it was going to come 2,200, but it never did. And that's the extraordinary 31:50.300 --> 31:56.780 part of the story. The positivity remained. The the detection of the virus was everywhere, 31:57.340 --> 32:05.820 but the standard symptomology of this, you know, altitude sickness with like ground glass capacities 32:05.820 --> 32:12.700 and yada, yada, yada. This was a very small number of cases in 2020 and virtually none now. 32:13.740 --> 32:22.460 And that if we took a very good accounting of it would be suggestive of not a a multiplicative 32:23.340 --> 32:30.060 point release spreading around the world, but an exponentially decaying multiple point release. 32:30.940 --> 32:38.860 And this is this is much safer. This is much more grounded in biology. And it explains why they took 32:38.860 --> 32:46.940 so much time to to lie to us about these basic principles of of of what was causing respiratory 32:46.940 --> 32:52.460 disease before the pandemic and how you treated it. Because again, you you're well aware of this. 32:52.940 --> 33:00.300 The the pivot of how to treat this was 180 degrees, whereas if if you had an unknown respiratory 33:00.300 --> 33:06.460 disease that led to pneumonia, antibiotics and and steroids would probably be somewhere on that 33:06.460 --> 33:14.380 chart and they took both of those away because this novel virus didn't need those and it needed 33:14.380 --> 33:21.420 remdesivir and it needed early ventilation and whatever other cockamamie things that they recommended. 33:21.500 --> 33:26.860 And because of the financial incentive and the top down control on doctors, 33:26.860 --> 33:35.340 this protocol was was instituted nations wide. And so you got a triple tripling in the number of 33:35.340 --> 33:41.500 people dying from what normally was just secondary pneumonia. We're really in trouble. 33:41.900 --> 33:50.700 So really, really what we're saying then is that that spike that we saw in 2020 of the pneumonia 33:52.300 --> 33:58.860 in that that pneumonia curve that is embedded nicely into the what the government releases a 33:58.860 --> 34:06.060 COVID curve is really based on the denial of antibiotics that that that persons deliver that 34:06.060 --> 34:12.380 inference are like illness or respiratory illness across time prior, especially elderly vulnerable 34:12.380 --> 34:20.860 people would have access to. But for the first time, governments, colleges, state boards, doctors, 34:20.860 --> 34:27.580 denied access. In other words, it is it is a fact like they do not resuscitate orders on the 34:27.580 --> 34:35.900 sedation. There was a move to the nine doctors treating patients with antibiotics that you could 34:35.900 --> 34:43.100 not treat and which is what you are saying is this is what people actually needed. Yet they 34:43.100 --> 34:51.420 will deny what they were needed and given the cockamamie, cockamamie, maybe devastating alternative 34:51.420 --> 34:58.620 treatment. That's what you see. Yes, I am saying that and especially early on when I know at least 34:58.620 --> 35:03.820 in the United States, there were many hospitals that were giving the advice that ventilating 35:03.820 --> 35:08.940 people could possibly prevent spread. So they were putting people on ventilators that could talk, 35:09.500 --> 35:17.580 which is crazy. So if we just keep if we just keep up with this here, so first we they change the 35:17.580 --> 35:24.060 way that we think about the the coronavirus swarm so that instead of thinking about us 35:24.060 --> 35:31.260 us having a long history of combating an unknown respiratory disease that leads to secondary 35:31.260 --> 35:35.260 conditions that we knew how to treat for a long time, they convinced us that there was a whole new 35:35.260 --> 35:41.180 paradigm required because this was a novel form of death. And the way they convinced us was really 35:41.260 --> 35:48.620 is primarily with the with the shot. I mean, sorry, not with the shot with the test. So what 35:48.620 --> 35:55.420 what I have here depicted is before the pandemic, you might have had these numbers looking like 35:55.420 --> 36:00.940 this where the different colors represent different causes of death, but then post the start of the 36:00.940 --> 36:07.420 pandemic. Anybody that tested positive for the test was listed as a COVID mortality. And so it 36:07.420 --> 36:14.540 it could have easily, and in fact, I argue that it did, take this same diagram, same number of 36:14.540 --> 36:20.300 people that would have died, and change it into this, which is still the same number of people dying. 36:20.300 --> 36:25.180 But now we're saying that they're dying of different things. So that's a new cause of death. 36:25.180 --> 36:30.220 There's no proof of it in the numbers. The problem is there's no proof of it in the numbers. And in 36:30.220 --> 36:35.820 fact, the PCR tests are the only evidence for this that these numbers were shifted into a different 36:35.820 --> 36:42.140 column. And if they really wanted to show you, they would have been showing you all cause mortality 36:42.140 --> 36:48.780 from previous years to show you the exact magnitude of this new cause of death, and to really teach 36:48.780 --> 36:55.740 you and your kids why this was a national security priority that required everything to be shut down. 36:56.380 --> 37:01.420 The other thing that they did is they've had three years to teach us about our immune system, 37:01.420 --> 37:06.460 and we still haven't gotten past antibodies and neutralizing a virus. And that already 37:07.100 --> 37:14.300 should have told anybody with a basic bachelor's degree in biology that this was nonsense. 37:14.860 --> 37:19.740 They've misled us about seroprevalence, which is antibodies because of national security priority. 37:19.740 --> 37:25.900 And I need my viewers kind of understand it because I stress it all the time, but I like to repeat it. 37:26.620 --> 37:30.700 If you have a secret meeting that tells people that you need to stay on message because our 37:30.700 --> 37:36.700 country is in danger, then people will usually stay on message. And I will argue that because of 37:36.700 --> 37:41.180 the nature of the countermeasures and because of the nature of the prep act and the emergency that 37:41.180 --> 37:46.380 they're working under, that they would have had many secret meetings or at least closed meetings 37:46.380 --> 37:51.660 where they would have told people to accentuate seroprevalence and to emphasize the presence of 37:51.660 --> 37:57.420 antibodies and neutralizing the virus, because this is what our countermeasure does. And we need 37:57.420 --> 38:02.780 as many people to take the countermeasure as possible. This is a national security priority 38:02.780 --> 38:10.220 very different than having the well-being of all of your citizens in mind. This was accomplished 38:10.220 --> 38:16.620 over the course of many years, because again, remember, all of the vaccine technology in America 38:16.620 --> 38:22.940 is based on this idea that a correlate of immunity is antibodies in your blood. 38:23.020 --> 38:27.980 And so most of the vaccines that have been quote unquote tested that are on the American schedule 38:27.980 --> 38:33.740 only meet this bar, which is that you inject a child with the product and the product produces 38:33.740 --> 38:40.700 a predictable antibody in the serum. There's no other real evidence of their efficacy, 38:40.700 --> 38:46.940 and I think we're starting to peel back this narrative in the United States, and we're starting 38:46.940 --> 38:52.700 to see that a lot of us have been taken advantage of by oversimplifying our immune response to the 38:52.700 --> 38:58.780 point of making it really not an explanation anymore. They have taken away your understanding 38:58.780 --> 39:03.500 of the immune system so that you can't exercise informed consent on any of these products. 39:03.500 --> 39:09.340 Just to give you an example, they make a beautiful video of the coronavirus with its big spike 39:09.340 --> 39:14.940 proteins, and then it animatedly goes into the cell. They make a beautiful video about antibodies 39:14.940 --> 39:20.700 lock into place and block the cell from entering. They even make beautiful videos about the the 39:20.700 --> 39:26.780 vaccine that's the same way. And these beautiful videos while very convincing are not necessarily 39:26.780 --> 39:33.180 based in any biology at all. They're a sales pitch. They're a product video. It's a brochure 39:33.180 --> 39:38.620 in 3D. And that's the unfortunate truth of what has happened here. The countermeasures 39:38.620 --> 39:44.220 are exactly that. They are countermeasures which are representative of a shift. 39:44.460 --> 39:52.460 The United States government has a priority of having a warm base of manufacturing that could 39:52.460 --> 39:58.860 respond to a hypothetical biological threat in the form of the flu vaccine, and all of the machinery 39:58.860 --> 40:03.980 and all of the the manufacturing capability that was devoted to the flu vaccine was there, 40:03.980 --> 40:10.220 not because it was doing any real good for the flu, but because this is a national security priority, 40:10.300 --> 40:14.540 we have to have this stuff ready to go in case we really do need to make a vaccine against something 40:14.540 --> 40:20.540 that was coming in the future. They have now shifted. And in fact, this was a plan for about 40:20.540 --> 40:27.180 10 years that they would shift from this egg based recombinant protein vaccine based stuff 40:27.180 --> 40:33.180 to an RNA based platform. This has been coming for a while. They just don't want you to realize 40:33.180 --> 40:38.780 that. And again, it's coming. And it's part of this bamboozlement of your immune system. If they 40:38.780 --> 40:42.620 simplify your immune system to the point where you don't understand it, they can sell you these 40:42.620 --> 40:49.500 products as effective. So the current focus is to say that this transmission saved millions of people 40:50.140 --> 40:55.580 and that lots more people would have died from this virus. And this is effective. It shows the 40:55.580 --> 41:01.980 effectiveness of this original rollout. Sure, it needs, it needs, it needs improvement. We can 41:01.980 --> 41:07.820 make it cleaner. We can get the DNA out of it, but it already worked very well. That's the whole 41:07.820 --> 41:13.020 concept they're trying to sell you. Here's the example from the same video. The lipid nanoparticles 41:13.020 --> 41:20.220 are released. The lipid nanoparticles have mRNA in them. The mRNA gets into a dendritic cell. 41:20.860 --> 41:24.620 I don't know how they're able to target it to the dendritic cell. They don't show it going 41:24.620 --> 41:30.140 anywhere else. It just goes to the dendritic cell. And then here's the terrible part. It goes into 41:30.220 --> 41:40.620 the dendritic cell. The DNA, the RNA is released. The RNA gets transcribed, I guess, into the 41:40.620 --> 41:46.380 protein. The spike pro there goes through the ribosome. There's the spike protein. It gets 41:46.380 --> 41:54.780 folded, I guess. And it goes onto the surface of the dendritic cell. I don't see MHC 2 there. 41:55.740 --> 42:01.740 I don't see a major histocatibility complex presenting it. Maybe that's shown there. I don't know. 42:02.540 --> 42:07.980 But the whole point is, is that they can hand wave all they want. It's a it's in a hand waving 42:07.980 --> 42:13.260 thing where they say the virus replicates like this. The virus makes you sick because of this. 42:13.820 --> 42:20.060 These sequences are evidence of live virus. This PCR test is evidence of spread. And we need to 42:20.140 --> 42:25.820 lock down. These are all hand waving. These are all Jedi mind tricks because none of this is based 42:25.820 --> 42:31.180 in real what I would call biological observations taking the product will protect your grandmother. 42:31.180 --> 42:35.820 We have a duty to society to mask and socially distance. All of these things were brought out as 42:35.820 --> 42:45.020 coercion. They are coercive words and coercive ideas which take away your understanding of the 42:45.020 --> 42:50.780 fact that ventilating people to stop spread killed many. It stops you from thinking about the 42:52.540 --> 42:58.380 application from very early on of remdesivir has killed many more people than it's saved. 42:58.380 --> 43:04.460 The untreated of secondary bacterial pneumonia with antibiotics as we usually would have done 43:04.460 --> 43:09.980 has killed a lot of people shutting down schools has hurt children and led to more suicides. 43:10.060 --> 43:16.940 Masking kids has set kids back years in development and social distancing has fractured families 43:16.940 --> 43:24.300 ruined businesses and and crushed communities. And all of this stuff is completely ignored 43:24.300 --> 43:29.980 under the pretense that there is a cave a bad cave virus or again a function virus that's still 43:29.980 --> 43:37.500 circling the globe and we should keep our head down. And this is very much not true. They have 43:37.500 --> 43:44.140 led us to believe with stories of Fauci's emails and the denial of gain of function research. 43:44.140 --> 43:49.420 You saw Rand Paul he was yelling at Fauci and Fauci was crumbling under the pressure so he was 43:49.420 --> 43:56.300 definitely covering it up. And this is why I put Scooby-Doo on the screen because they have fooled 43:56.300 --> 44:03.020 the left and fooled the right into believing that for three years they've been covering up the real 44:03.020 --> 44:09.340 origin of this virus and that it's definitely a lab leak and the evidence for it is their cover-up. 44:10.300 --> 44:16.860 This leads you to be trapped just like I was a few months ago before I figured out what 44:16.860 --> 44:19.900 infectious clones were. So that's what I was going to do next. Do you want to 44:20.620 --> 44:27.500 you have any questions or anything like that before I break? I could touch base quickly. Sure. 44:28.380 --> 44:34.060 Okay so first of all to one of your previous slides where you were listening out what killed 44:35.180 --> 44:42.460 you know if you would consider I mean it's your project and your but we know for a fact that 44:42.460 --> 44:52.780 the sedatives like my dazzle arm and oh yes killed many of our people in the nursing homes 44:52.780 --> 44:57.500 and any hospital settings because their breathing was already depressed 44:57.500 --> 45:04.140 and that that is in their death. Another thing to Jay is that we have strong evidence that 45:05.260 --> 45:10.780 many of our elderly and vulnerable persons who they put in hospitals in the COVID protocol 45:12.140 --> 45:17.660 they became very malnourishment dehydrated and dehydration and malnourishment killed 45:18.460 --> 45:24.300 many of our elderly along with isolation but what people didn't understand is these elderly 45:24.300 --> 45:29.420 were not fed they were not getting no liquids nothing especially when they put them in the 45:29.420 --> 45:35.420 interbethrin ventilation it's a very critical issue also it's a it's like a complete package 45:35.420 --> 45:40.220 that put our elderly and vulnerable they were already vulnerable because a lot of these who 45:40.300 --> 45:48.700 oveied by had some medical conditions already heart heart illness diabetic problems renal 45:48.700 --> 45:54.940 failure or sorts of issues and then you are putting them in this COVID protocol I want to 45:54.940 --> 46:01.500 remind your viewers something because it's very interesting to you. You touch base on it with the 46:01.500 --> 46:07.420 PCR test you know just so that and I know Jay you are an expert I'm not seeing anything you don't 46:07.900 --> 46:14.060 but I just want to make sure that we set the table properly because you are throwing a lot of 46:14.060 --> 46:20.860 very very heavy bombs here and we need people to understand it when we looked at the data 46:20.860 --> 46:27.820 I did an analysis myself with with Dr. Atlas from it when he was at the Eisenhower building and 46:28.940 --> 46:35.900 we we summarize all of the evidence that any PCR test over 24 cycles 46:36.620 --> 46:37.420 one 46:40.060 --> 46:47.180 Now that you're not detecting prior recovered coronavirus that's not what we argue but anything 46:47.180 --> 46:55.580 over 24 cycles was non infectious non pathological coronavirus and that's the argument so once we 46:55.580 --> 47:02.700 cycle that 40 and 45 which is what CDC said when you come to an above that was not coronavirus 47:02.700 --> 47:11.900 there was Lisa not Lisa anything over 24 was uh was non infectious non-culturable non-leitha 47:11.900 --> 47:16.220 and I want to also because it's very important because we were cycling at 45 47:17.500 --> 47:22.140 so everything in other words when they made the argument that 95 percent of these 47:22.140 --> 47:28.380 positive cases were false positive there's a lot of legitimacy to that we we closed society 47:28.380 --> 47:34.860 down took children out of school closed businesses with largely false positive people 47:34.860 --> 47:40.060 and that's what history I believe will show and I will end this interruption by by telling 47:40.060 --> 47:47.420 people this my office said okay so when I went to Washington my office was in health and human 47:47.420 --> 47:54.460 services health and human services is the umbrella agency that CDC NIH FDA etc reporter 47:55.180 --> 48:02.060 so health and human services is situated right opposite the capital building and for a reason 48:02.060 --> 48:07.420 because many of the people in health and human services spend a lot of time in the capital building 48:07.420 --> 48:16.140 in hearings on a meeting and so they wanted close proximity so like the FDA CDC NIH etc had 48:16.140 --> 48:22.380 sub offices so I worked with all a lot of these people like like uh han redfield 48:22.380 --> 48:28.780 juror all of them fauci etc what I'm trying to tell you is operation warp speed 48:30.140 --> 48:35.340 for the drug and vaccine member operation was it was not just for vaccines it was for all of the 48:35.340 --> 48:44.380 therapeutic and the government needed decision to take the seventh floor of health and human 48:44.380 --> 48:50.940 services and make it the headquarters for operation warp speed operation warp speed was run 48:51.740 --> 48:57.020 out of the seventh floor of health and human services building 200 independence avenue 48:57.020 --> 49:04.860 opposite the capital my office was on the sixth floor I worked directly below operation warp speed 49:04.860 --> 49:10.460 and what I'm telling you that is because you use some terms early and I want the public to 49:10.460 --> 49:18.540 set the table properly when I went on to the seventh floor for various reasons example in 49:18.540 --> 49:26.140 meeting I can tell you that the entire seventh floor of health and human services building 49:26.140 --> 49:33.580 was comprised mainly of united states army personnel and united states navy personnel 49:33.660 --> 49:41.820 operation warp speed was principally a military operation and I am not somebody from any outside 49:41.820 --> 49:47.900 on television or behind a computer writing emails in different email groups speculating 49:48.860 --> 49:54.780 what do these rules was I'm speaking from the inside remember I didn't see anything negative 49:54.780 --> 50:01.820 here I am not railing against the department defense in my statement here I'm just first 50:01.820 --> 50:14.780 speaking of back operation warp speed was a pure military operation HHS CDC FDA NIH had a 50:14.780 --> 50:23.740 seat at the table when they were invited to speak the military ran the pandemic response the 50:23.740 --> 50:31.500 military ran the vaccine development and response the people I spoke to was in heavy military 50:31.500 --> 50:39.340 uniform these were scientists etc from the United States military army navy many of them are 50:39.340 --> 50:44.940 tremendous people I met and worked with I'm trying to make you understand what you said is a fact 50:45.660 --> 50:53.500 people could speculate what you said when you put that to them on your slide DOD yes that's not 50:53.500 --> 51:01.580 guessing that is a fact I was there that's what I wanted to see so with regard to the PCR just 51:01.580 --> 51:09.900 to circle back with that I just wanted to be clear that that so the the issue is for the people at 51:09.900 --> 51:17.580 home that to detect the whole genome of the virus you can't do that with PCR PCR has limits in terms 51:17.580 --> 51:24.060 of the size of fragment that can be amplified so if you were going to try to detect a book 51:25.020 --> 51:30.940 you might only be able to amplify three pages of the book and so you would want to choose 51:30.940 --> 51:35.740 pages from that book that were unique to that book if you chose pages that were very similar 51:35.740 --> 51:43.580 to other books your test wouldn't be very very specific and unfortunately the nature of pandemic 51:44.140 --> 51:52.300 sorry of coronavirus biology is that the the RNA dependent RNA polymerase and the end protein 51:52.300 --> 51:59.260 are two proteins especially the RNA dependent RNA polymerase that are highly conserved across 51:59.260 --> 52:06.700 coronaviruses across different species even and so the fact that they two of the markers of the three 52:07.180 --> 52:16.300 in any PCR test from 2020 or 2021 we're targeting proteins that have their own homologous version 52:16.300 --> 52:23.900 in every other coronavirus is something that set the groundwork for an incredible number of false 52:23.900 --> 52:33.420 positives beyond that of just amplifying beyond 30 cycles we're talking about a background where 52:34.380 --> 52:40.860 the that where a amplicon could start amplifying and it won't be false because a lot of these 52:40.860 --> 52:47.100 PCR tests are nested primers so when they amplify something it's real it's a real signal but the 52:47.100 --> 52:53.980 question is have they chosen a signal that's specific for this virus or generalizes across 52:53.980 --> 53:00.140 all coronaviruses and in reality the spike protein is the only protein that is unique to this virus 53:00.780 --> 53:06.300 so the rest of the PCR test is not specific and at some point after the discovery of 53:06.300 --> 53:12.540 amachron we stopped looking for the spike and indeed we were told that amachron is a 53:12.540 --> 53:21.340 PCR test where the spike doesn't amplify and so it is an extraordinary jump to go from PCR 53:21.340 --> 53:27.820 positive to say somebody has SARS-CoV-2 it's impossible actually but it was done en masse 53:28.380 --> 53:31.180 for 2002 and most of 2021 53:36.060 --> 53:43.020 just to get you to perfect so but when what are your thoughts then on the fact that when we 53:43.020 --> 53:48.140 look at the science what was published out there in the literature from other countries who were 53:48.140 --> 53:54.700 using the PCR and they put out data they were saying they were showing that when they correlated it 53:55.260 --> 54:03.100 this deep the amplification the cycles with with infectiousness or for pathological nature 54:03.100 --> 54:12.540 they found the 24 to 25 cycles and above could not predict pathological virus what are your 54:12.540 --> 54:18.300 thoughts oh I have I have I have no problem with that I mean there is okay I'm just trying to make 54:18.300 --> 54:24.540 sure that you understand that within the the range where molecular biologists would agree that 54:24.540 --> 54:34.140 it's a good signal there are also false positives because of this background so it is even worse 54:34.140 --> 54:39.260 than what we we thought in the sense of yeah there are false positives because they overcycled 54:39.260 --> 54:45.420 the test but there are also false positives embedded in what people are calling true positives 54:46.220 --> 54:50.140 because there are coronaviruses in the background that they won't acknowledge 54:50.700 --> 54:57.500 this test is not specific for do you see caught it and so that just makes it worse it's not I don't 54:57.500 --> 55:02.220 know how to quantify that but I think the infectious clone part will really clear it up because it'll 55:02.220 --> 55:08.940 get people thinking also about the infectious cycle and why that matters and so if I start there then 55:09.100 --> 55:16.060 the infectious clone is a really important thing to understand because it's basically how all 55:16.060 --> 55:21.980 of virology is done I want to start everybody on the same cartoon Paul has seen this cartoon before 55:21.980 --> 55:27.420 and so have some of my viewers but anybody that's joining me for the first time this one will be 55:27.420 --> 55:33.740 a good one what they have told you is that the yellow virus this will be SARS-CoV-2 for this 55:33.740 --> 55:38.300 illustration gets into your lungs and when it does so it makes copies of itself 55:39.260 --> 55:43.900 and as it makes more and more copies of itself you start coughing some of those out 55:43.900 --> 55:48.300 and people around you can get sick with the virus that will also replicate in their lungs 55:48.300 --> 55:55.260 make copies of itself and spread spread spread alongside of this story is a little caveat 55:56.060 --> 56:03.900 and that is that in history like historically it is very difficult to take from a patient 56:03.900 --> 56:10.380 enough virus to get it to grow in a cell culture the stories that we have been told are that we 56:10.380 --> 56:15.340 don't have cell cultures that are specific for these viruses it's hard to make a cell culture 56:15.340 --> 56:20.620 and a virus grow together we don't have the right medium we haven't found the right cell type 56:21.580 --> 56:30.140 but in reality it has more to do with the content of this swarm in biology we talk about populations 56:30.620 --> 56:36.780 in terms of with using different terms and when we talk about the population 56:36.780 --> 56:44.460 the genetics of a population we often talk about a swarm because although all of the the people 56:44.460 --> 56:51.020 that have lived in Pittsburgh their whole life are are relatively related to one another as humans 56:51.020 --> 56:57.020 you know that there's all this this genetic variant in between with viruses it's even more so because 56:57.100 --> 57:03.340 of the simplicity of their genome their RNA and every time they make copies of themselves they make 57:03.340 --> 57:09.900 a mistake and so when a virus infects your lungs and makes lots of copies of itself it's not this 57:09.900 --> 57:16.700 picture it's not many many copies of a book or many many copies of a baseball cap it is in fact 57:16.700 --> 57:24.700 many imperfect copies a lot of which depicted here as empty don't even get the requisite number 57:24.700 --> 57:31.180 of genes to be able to replicate themselves they're erroneous they're broken they're missing 57:31.180 --> 57:39.180 something and this is because the nature of viral replication is far from perfect and they've known 57:39.180 --> 57:44.700 this for a long time in fact as long as they've been studying viruses they've seen this signal 57:44.700 --> 57:50.300 and tried to explain it away as part of the infectious cycle and when I say infectious 57:50.300 --> 57:56.540 cycle I mean you have a virus it goes into your lungs it makes copies of itself and then those 57:56.540 --> 58:01.820 copies leave your lungs and go into someone else the details of that story are important 58:01.820 --> 58:08.540 because they underlie the idea of asymptomatic infection they underlie the idea of super contagious 58:08.540 --> 58:16.460 versus not contagious and they also underlie the idea of the fidelity of the genome the idea that 58:16.460 --> 58:22.220 the virus that was in Italy and Spain and New York and Washington and Wuhan and Iran all 58:22.220 --> 58:28.860 had the same sequence at the start and maintained it for quite some time as they spread from all 58:28.860 --> 58:35.180 these places and then at some point it was all delta and then at some point it became all omicron 58:35.980 --> 58:41.820 and that belies a certain level of not belies a certain level of but it implies a certain 58:42.460 --> 58:50.620 uniformity in the biology a certain uniformity in the genetic in the genetic pattern that we see 58:50.620 --> 58:59.180 here stop so that's the issue that we're trying to confront because what they tell us is a virus 58:59.180 --> 59:05.100 from the wild that's really hard to culture is an actuality in their own description of it 59:05.180 --> 59:13.740 a difficult swarm to culture because if you are sampling from a sample that very few of the viruses 59:13.740 --> 59:19.820 are actually fully capable of causing a new infection then that would explain very easily why 59:19.820 --> 59:27.260 they have such a difficulty culturing it one example from the Wuhan lab is they took over 7,000 samples 59:27.740 --> 59:37.180 from wild bats they were able to find six partial sequences using PCR nothing grew so that's the 59:37.180 --> 59:43.820 kind of biology that we've been doing we've been looking for things in the wild that are very 59:43.820 --> 59:48.700 difficult to study because of the nature of the way that they replicate and how imperfect it is 59:49.980 --> 59:56.620 the way that we've discovered that allows us to address this issue is to take a sequence of 59:56.620 --> 01:00:02.460 an RNA virus that we find in nature using our very complicated molecular biological techniques 01:00:03.020 --> 01:00:10.620 and to make a DNA copy of it because unlike RNA DNA can be copied over and over again 01:00:10.620 --> 01:00:17.340 and it has built-in proofreading because it's double-stranded the best part is is that you can make 01:00:17.340 --> 01:00:25.100 many many copies of DNA and it lasts forever in a dish if you combine and in the right circular 01:00:25.100 --> 01:00:33.020 DNA called circular called like a bacterial chromosome or just a circular plasmid of cDNA 01:00:33.580 --> 01:00:40.220 like I have depicted here you can let bacteria make lots and lots of copies of it now you'll have 01:00:40.220 --> 01:00:49.660 lots and lots of copies of the DNA version of this imperfect RNA swarm when you add RNA polymerase 01:00:49.660 --> 01:00:58.380 you make thousands trillions of copies of the RNA all of which are identical that's impossible 01:00:58.380 --> 01:01:04.780 for the wild virus to do because RNA can't copy itself perfectly but if you start with DNA 01:01:05.580 --> 01:01:11.980 and lots of copies of it that are perfect and make your RNA from that now when you 01:01:11.980 --> 01:01:17.500 transfect yourselves you're going to get lots and lots of copies the swarm will be very different 01:01:17.500 --> 01:01:26.060 than this it will be a pure swarm that pure swarm will allow you to infect animals it will allow 01:01:26.060 --> 01:01:32.460 you to freeze stocks and send it to other people and it will allow you to repeatedly create experiments 01:01:32.460 --> 01:01:37.580 write grants etc you don't ever have to go out in the wild again you don't have to sample from 01:01:37.580 --> 01:01:44.540 another patient again you can just use the cDNA clone that you created in the year 2002 after 01:01:44.620 --> 01:01:53.980 the original SARS pandemic to make as much infectious RNA as you want and this has been told to you 01:01:53.980 --> 01:02:02.380 as being standard procedure when it's the only pure form of a synthetic virus or any virus that 01:02:02.380 --> 01:02:08.540 exists anywhere there is no pure form in nature because RNA can't copy itself that way there is no 01:02:08.540 --> 01:02:18.380 pure form in nature because the assembly process is super unreliable so if you go back into the 01:02:18.380 --> 01:02:26.860 history of this stuff and just look for infectious clones or infectious clone and on virus you can 01:02:26.860 --> 01:02:33.340 find on PubMed for example of this year this is 2010 you can find like eight papers infectious 01:02:33.340 --> 01:02:43.100 clone of old blue dwarf virus of a of a flu virus of avian hepatitis virus of a herpes virus 01:02:44.060 --> 01:02:49.580 a feline virus this everything they're all made from DNA copies of infectious clone 01:02:50.700 --> 01:02:55.420 the reason why this is important is because the wild virus is a bit like a mixed tape 01:02:56.220 --> 01:03:00.700 if you've ever made a mixed tape for your girlfriend back in the 80s what you did was you took different 01:03:00.700 --> 01:03:05.180 songs from different albums and you put it on that tape and then you gave it to her like a 01:03:05.180 --> 01:03:11.740 Valentine's Day gift and the trick was is that you started out with a with a album that you bought 01:03:11.740 --> 01:03:15.820 in the store that when you made a copy the song would still sound pretty good you could play it in 01:03:15.820 --> 01:03:20.620 the car or play it on your walk minute would sound great but your girlfriend couldn't make a copy of 01:03:20.620 --> 01:03:25.180 it because then by then the songs would have too much noise in them you wouldn't want to listen to 01:03:25.260 --> 01:03:31.020 it in your earphones that's the nature of imperfect copies you can think of RNA like this 01:03:31.660 --> 01:03:39.740 and you can also think of making a cDNA version of of of a virus as being a CD version of a 01:03:39.740 --> 01:03:45.980 mixed tape such that you can make as many mixed tapes as mixed CDs as you want and you can copy 01:03:45.980 --> 01:03:51.740 that mixed CD into more mixed CDs and you won't lose the fidelity like you do when you're copying 01:03:51.740 --> 01:03:57.820 cassette tapes this is the best analogy i can come up with for why understanding 01:03:58.460 --> 01:04:04.140 the natural virus remember the natural virus is the cassette tape that's over here in the corner 01:04:04.140 --> 01:04:13.260 and we want to understand it by making a cDNA CD cDNA version of it we want to understand it 01:04:13.980 --> 01:04:20.460 by putting it into a bacteria and let the bacteria make lots of copies of the cDNA version of 01:04:21.020 --> 01:04:27.340 the cassette tape we want to understand it by making lots of copies of the same RNA 01:04:27.980 --> 01:04:34.380 perfectly copied from these DNA so that we can understand what the RNA cassette tape does 01:04:35.100 --> 01:04:41.580 the way we do it in every paper is that we use electricity to force that RNA into a cell culture 01:04:42.300 --> 01:04:48.780 cell culture makes copies of the RNA and we can infect animals we can make cultures of it we can 01:04:48.780 --> 01:04:57.180 do plaque assays and this is cassette tapes but back here where the DNA was that's where the 01:04:57.180 --> 01:05:05.500 danger is that's the one that tests PCR positive because PCR is not RNA it's DNA and so this is 01:05:05.500 --> 01:05:10.220 where it gets tricky this is where it's really important that everybody follows and i don't think 01:05:10.220 --> 01:05:14.620 i've shown this to Paul yet so if you want to pause here for a second we can pause here 01:05:15.180 --> 01:05:23.660 and then and then we'll go on to this next part so basically g what you're saying is 01:05:24.940 --> 01:05:32.460 in the wild natural natural virus then in the wild when you are infected and you get virus into 01:05:32.460 --> 01:05:38.380 the into the nostrils nasal pharyngeal passage down inside the lung deep into the 01:05:38.460 --> 01:05:46.460 then you get you infected so you're making multiple copies many many many million billion 01:05:46.940 --> 01:05:54.620 that's what they say that's what they say yes yes let's say thousand what we are seeing then 01:05:54.620 --> 01:06:03.420 is because of the very unstable error prone genetic copying mechanism in in in the virus 01:06:04.380 --> 01:06:12.220 in this case single stranded RNA single stranded RNA the resulting copies of the virus 01:06:13.660 --> 01:06:20.780 are not all the same in other words because they are you you're also what you're saying is 01:06:21.500 --> 01:06:28.380 many of them would be broken to be suboptimal in their ability to infect absolutely they are 01:06:28.380 --> 01:06:33.500 and i have video of many different virologists explaining this for many different viruses 01:06:34.620 --> 01:06:40.620 it's just a known fact they're called non-infectious interfering particles they're called 01:06:41.980 --> 01:06:46.940 they have a couple different names for them and they've tried to characterize the relative 01:06:46.940 --> 01:06:51.500 proportion of infectious particles and non-infectious particles for various viruses 01:06:52.380 --> 01:06:58.300 but it's only become possible very recently and that's what i wanted to kind of explain now because 01:06:58.860 --> 01:07:04.220 before this they don't they just do plaque assays and they tell you that this gives us some idea of 01:07:04.220 --> 01:07:10.060 the concentration of the virus in the culture but none of these are direct measurements of 01:07:10.620 --> 01:07:15.900 the number of particles none of them are direct measurements of the contents of the particles 01:07:15.900 --> 01:07:22.700 and none of them are are measurements of the ability to really replicate high fidelity because 01:07:22.700 --> 01:07:28.700 a plaque assay is just cells cells making a re having a reaction to what you put on them 01:07:29.740 --> 01:07:37.980 if something is growing in a plaque assay to call that definitively replication of virus 01:07:38.620 --> 01:07:43.020 up until now maybe was a bit of hand waving that they got away with but recently we have these 01:07:43.020 --> 01:07:48.780 techniques called nanopores this technique called direct nanopore sequencing that gives us the 01:07:48.860 --> 01:07:54.540 opportunity to look at what's really happening in that in that preparation so that's what i want 01:07:54.540 --> 01:08:05.740 to do here next so the question is um in the natural infectious cycle what's the ratio 01:08:06.300 --> 01:08:10.940 between good particles up here in the colored and bad particles the ones that don't have any 01:08:10.940 --> 01:08:17.900 color and depending on this ratio of course we would understand the infectiousness and we would 01:08:17.900 --> 01:08:23.580 understand the infectious cycle very differently and so i want to remind everybody of a positive 01:08:23.580 --> 01:08:29.580 that i've been making for some time which is whatever viruses are they can't make cells do 01:08:29.580 --> 01:08:35.820 something that they don't already do and i'm going to argue that cells are making and using 01:08:37.260 --> 01:08:42.460 vesicles to communicate with one another all the time and that a coronavirus is likely just 01:08:42.540 --> 01:08:48.300 an obligate pathogen that briefly hijacks that same machinery to make a few imperfect copies of 01:08:48.300 --> 01:08:56.060 itself it's a bit more like a noise or dirt on a record than it is a pathogen per se and i think 01:08:57.100 --> 01:09:01.820 the best way to see it is to see it through nanopore sequencing why is nanopore sequencing so 01:09:01.820 --> 01:09:08.940 exciting well at the start of the pandemic even we were told and explained that sanger sequencing 01:09:08.940 --> 01:09:16.380 is the gold standard for sequencing any biological entity and certainly for sequencing this coronavirus 01:09:16.380 --> 01:09:23.180 sanger sequencing is not something where you can take a long strand of DNA let's say 30,000 01:09:23.180 --> 01:09:28.380 base pairs like a coronavirus is purported to be made up and sequence it from beginning to end 01:09:29.340 --> 01:09:37.580 like a lot of these other diagnostics they are limited by the need to to amplify the molecules 01:09:37.580 --> 01:09:42.780 and make many copies of them before you're able to sequence them and in sanger sequencing you're 01:09:42.780 --> 01:09:49.100 limited to the length of the PCR amplicon that you can raise up and i'm going to just throw 01:09:49.100 --> 01:09:53.820 something out there i don't know if this is the correct answer i think the longest amplicons are 01:09:53.820 --> 01:10:01.900 somewhere between 300 and 500 bases it could be a thousand the point is is that the PCR reactions 01:10:01.900 --> 01:10:09.340 that are required to do a whole sequencing of the coronavirus is in between 99 and 106 depending 01:10:09.340 --> 01:10:19.420 on which product you use 99 amplicons are looked for and amplified and then a computer lines up 01:10:19.420 --> 01:10:24.380 all those amplicons and comes up with a consensus sequence that it spits out and says this is the 01:10:24.380 --> 01:10:30.620 variant that was inside you and if a certain number of those amplicons don't amplify 01:10:30.620 --> 01:10:37.100 then the sequencing reaction will be said to fail direct nanopore sequencing is a new technique 01:10:37.100 --> 01:10:44.460 where they use a modified ion channel protein which is a protein that can sit in a lipid bilayer 01:10:45.020 --> 01:10:53.340 and allow salts to move through like sodium or potassium if it's open and if it's closed nothing 01:10:53.340 --> 01:11:00.380 can move through and what they've done is taken a couple of different ion channels and modified 01:11:00.380 --> 01:11:07.020 them so that when DNA or RNA passes through the channel and there's a voltage on either side of 01:11:07.020 --> 01:11:14.220 the membrane the voltage will change in predictable ways as the the the bases pass through the channel 01:11:14.780 --> 01:11:19.980 and if they do this enough times they get many reads and there's no limit to the size of the 01:11:19.980 --> 01:11:25.900 molecule which is capable of going through the nanopore up to two million bases can be read 01:11:25.900 --> 01:11:32.380 continuously in these preparations so this is an exciting new addition to the toolbox of 01:11:32.380 --> 01:11:40.220 virology because for the first time now instead of using a gel to look at the total contents of a 01:11:40.220 --> 01:11:47.180 infectious an infection in a cell culture we can look at the particles and count them and see what 01:11:47.180 --> 01:11:54.620 we see when we look for the RNAs that are produced during infection so the idea is of course depicted 01:11:54.620 --> 01:12:01.020 in this cartoon here that the RNA which is this little pearls here are wrapped around the end 01:12:01.020 --> 01:12:07.740 protein and then those get all organized into a nice neat genome ball that is invaginated into 01:12:07.740 --> 01:12:12.780 an endosome the endosome already has the spike protein expressed on the inside so that when 01:12:13.340 --> 01:12:19.900 the the genome is assembled it's perfect and ready to go so the question is how often does this happen 01:12:19.900 --> 01:12:26.940 and what evidence do we have that it happens all the time in this paper that I showed you earlier 01:12:26.940 --> 01:12:33.740 that I brought up direct RNA nanopore sequencing of full-length coronavirus genomes they take 01:12:34.300 --> 01:12:40.860 and they use let's see if I can see it recombinant viruses and total RNA isolation were performed 01:12:40.860 --> 01:12:50.300 as previously briefly full-length cDNA copies of the genomes of human coronavirus 229e and a 01:12:50.300 --> 01:12:57.580 couple other ones were engineered into recombinant vaccinia viruses using previously described methods 01:12:57.580 --> 01:13:05.100 in those methods they make many copies of the RNA using a virus and a that that infects a certain 01:13:05.100 --> 01:13:10.540 cell type it's a little bit more complicated than how it's done now but it works to make many many 01:13:10.540 --> 01:13:19.660 perfect copies of the RNA of the HCO that's human coronavirus 229e one of the four that's 01:13:19.660 --> 01:13:25.740 known to be endemic so what they're going to do is they're going to put it into a cell culture 01:13:25.740 --> 01:13:30.540 you don't need to see this this is just showing you how they they create the recombinant coronavirus 01:13:30.540 --> 01:13:36.140 and lots of it you can check that out later and what they're going to do is put it into the 01:13:36.140 --> 01:13:41.340 cell culture and then they're going to look in the cell culture to see what RNA they can find 01:13:42.140 --> 01:13:50.220 because a full genome RNA would be a a virus subgenomic RNA will be RNA that's being used by 01:13:50.220 --> 01:13:55.500 the cell to make spike protein and protein and protein and all the other proteins that are necessary 01:13:55.500 --> 01:14:02.300 for the assembly and copy of the virus and a lot of the infectious cycle is hand waving for these 01:14:02.300 --> 01:14:07.580 virologists because they don't want you to quantify well really how many viral particles are 01:14:07.580 --> 01:14:11.980 there how much of this RNA is actually packaged where does it all go they don't want to answer 01:14:11.980 --> 01:14:18.300 those questions but they do have some answers this paper by the way is from 2019 so what they 01:14:18.300 --> 01:14:23.900 find when they look are different RNAs and they have them listed here the longest one is RNA one 01:14:23.900 --> 01:14:30.460 that's the entire genome that's what you would expect it to be the predominant form in the dish 01:14:30.460 --> 01:14:35.660 if all that's happening is it's making lots of copies of the virus then most of the RNA we 01:14:35.660 --> 01:14:41.900 should find in there should be full-length genomes packaged in balls ready to infect the next cell 01:14:43.180 --> 01:14:48.620 underneath here we have other RNAs of different lengths including the S protein and protein etc 01:14:49.900 --> 01:14:56.220 so let's look at what they find in the sample they find the longest leads are 26,000 base pairs 01:14:56.300 --> 01:15:00.060 that's pretty good that's almost the full genome that's a pretty good coverage you can never get 01:15:00.060 --> 01:15:05.420 that with Sanger sequencing but they find lots of other small ones and there's lots of errors 01:15:05.420 --> 01:15:09.820 because this isn't perfect but whatever we've got long pieces so that's great let's see how 01:15:09.820 --> 01:15:17.180 they come out quantity-wise so if you see the coverage here this is the the number of of amplicons 01:15:17.180 --> 01:15:22.220 that they find a number of RNA species that they find so this is 10 to the fourth that's that's 01:15:23.180 --> 01:15:31.180 isn't that 10,000 so if you go here they're finding more closer to 60 or 80 or 90 01:15:31.180 --> 01:15:41.980 thousand is that what it is of the N protein RNA and I don't know what is that 40,000 of the M 01:15:42.620 --> 01:15:51.820 20,000 of the E around a few hundred of the S and actually if we go to the circle diagram 01:15:51.820 --> 01:15:58.700 to show the coverage they only found two RNAs that seem to cover most of the genome 01:16:00.220 --> 01:16:08.940 two so hundreds of thousands of N protein RNAs are present which would do fine on a PCR test 01:16:09.820 --> 01:16:16.620 hundreds of spike protein RNAs are presents which would do fine on a PCR test but full-length 01:16:16.620 --> 01:16:22.060 genomes they only found two using this state-of-the-art sequencing technology 01:16:22.060 --> 01:16:28.940 that doesn't need amplification is it biased by PCR just throw it all through it can read the RNA 01:16:28.940 --> 01:16:36.220 and the DNA and they only found two full-length genomes in a cell culture that was transfected 01:16:36.220 --> 01:16:44.620 with a clone that was supposed to have millions of particles of full genomes had two and hundreds 01:16:44.620 --> 01:16:53.180 of thousands of the N protein RNA alone what this means is their cartoon of how this looks 01:16:53.180 --> 01:16:58.700 has been defined already a long time ago let's look at this old paper when we look at this old 01:16:58.700 --> 01:17:05.420 paper and we look at the gel which separates the sub genomic RNAs from the full genomes 01:17:06.060 --> 01:17:13.020 and they're looking for all of this to try and quantify the difference they find N protein huge 01:17:13.100 --> 01:17:21.500 band S protein huge band E protein huge band M protein huge band full-length genome is a shadow 01:17:21.500 --> 01:17:31.740 very much almost undetectable so they've known this for 20 years the viruses don't replicate 01:17:31.740 --> 01:17:37.500 like the cartoons that they show in their talks the viruses don't replicate like the cartoons that 01:17:37.500 --> 01:17:44.220 they show in their grants that that viruses don't replicate like the cartoons that they show that 01:17:44.220 --> 01:17:51.740 underlie pandemic potential of them and so what if we have been misled about the infectious cycle 01:17:51.740 --> 01:17:57.820 we clearly we have been PBS NewsHour still talks like it's just a virus with variants and the 01:17:57.820 --> 01:18:04.060 variants are consistent across your household and that you can see them and that they're there 01:18:04.940 --> 01:18:09.020 they've never explained to you what the swarm is they've never explained to you the contents of 01:18:09.020 --> 01:18:14.380 the swarm they've never told you that the vast majority of particles in a in an infection are 01:18:14.380 --> 01:18:21.180 not infectious and the reason why they haven't told you that is because then the whole story of 01:18:21.180 --> 01:18:26.620 zero prevalence being paramount will unravel then the whole story of while we got to block all 01:18:26.620 --> 01:18:33.580 these particles will unravel the the story of super spreading events will unravel because you 01:18:33.580 --> 01:18:39.180 can see if these non-infectious particles can still cause irritation in the people in your house 01:18:39.740 --> 01:18:45.500 a sore throat a cough for a couple days you might imagine that that's infectiousness 01:18:46.140 --> 01:18:52.220 when it's actually just shedding of non-infectious particles by somebody infected with the coronavirus 01:18:52.220 --> 01:18:57.820 and I think that a lot of older doctors have had this feeling in their gut for many many years 01:18:58.300 --> 01:19:06.460 that the way that that infectious disease spreads is not as cartoon simple as they've been told 01:19:06.460 --> 01:19:12.540 since they started their thing so why are we isolating it the way we are why can't we culture 01:19:12.540 --> 01:19:18.380 it this is all explained by under a better understanding of the infectious cycle I think 01:19:18.380 --> 01:19:25.020 that's where we are the tv has told us that these are the dangers and in reality the only 01:19:25.100 --> 01:19:30.620 dangerous purity if they make enough of one of these and they put it in enough places they can 01:19:30.620 --> 01:19:35.900 tell us the story of spread that isn't backed up by any of the biology that they've done previously 01:19:35.900 --> 01:19:43.100 but will have all the molecular signatures and the brief the brief fidelity and sort of 01:19:44.860 --> 01:19:48.940 obviousness to the doctors that while there was clearly an illness of course there was an illness 01:19:49.900 --> 01:19:55.660 but it was likely an illness caused by a release of a clone so that they could claim a uniform 01:19:55.660 --> 01:20:01.500 molecular signal around the world claim that there was a pandemic for which these non-specific 01:20:01.500 --> 01:20:09.900 tests were specific for and then as it went on the explanation would shift from there is a virus 01:20:09.900 --> 01:20:15.660 to its different variants to whatever and that all allows them to absorb what's in the background 01:20:15.660 --> 01:20:20.860 so if you want to pause here then i've got those those those best cartoons of the total 01:20:20.860 --> 01:20:27.100 explanation i think everybody old up so i could ask a question yeah you bet you 01:20:28.220 --> 01:20:35.100 so what we really begin to say because remember i said from my own and from my own 01:20:35.100 --> 01:20:41.420 point of view that this was a hoax and a fraud from day one in terms of what we were dealing with 01:20:41.420 --> 01:20:46.620 that this was never really a pandemic that this was never really a lethal 01:20:47.740 --> 01:20:55.260 pathogen as was presented to us and we shut the world down before and many of us were damaged 01:20:55.260 --> 01:21:00.300 because of what we were seeing and it didn't come forward with a narrative but what you are 01:21:01.340 --> 01:21:06.140 you are given a very cogent high-level presentation here basically is saying that 01:21:06.700 --> 01:21:13.580 we are potentially looking at a release multiple places across the world 01:21:16.220 --> 01:21:20.860 how am i going so far jig it's perfect i mean this is the only way and i think this is the 01:21:20.860 --> 01:21:25.660 cartoon that i'm about to present really explains why it has to be that way and why 01:21:26.380 --> 01:21:31.340 the best part about it i think in and we talked about this that's what got you excited i think is that 01:21:31.900 --> 01:21:41.420 it means that very few people are totally wrong it means very few people just totally got it wrong 01:21:41.420 --> 01:21:47.660 tony fauci definitely got it all wrong i mean these people for sure but people like you and me 01:21:48.300 --> 01:21:54.300 and people that are fighting on one side or the other they have not seen ghosts they are seeing 01:21:54.300 --> 01:22:00.700 real things they are seeing real contradictions there are real incongruencies here and i think 01:22:01.260 --> 01:22:08.140 the story or that's let's say this the hypothesis that lines the most of these incongruencies up for 01:22:08.140 --> 01:22:15.260 the most people that think that they're arguing against one another is the idea that this virus 01:22:15.260 --> 01:22:21.100 was in the background previously or related viruses are in the background from previous and that makes 01:22:21.100 --> 01:22:28.060 the test a specific and it's really that simple and once you once you grasp how much that could 01:22:28.140 --> 01:22:33.660 explain in combination obviously with the dumb protocols that were instituted on the back of the 01:22:33.660 --> 01:22:39.500 test it there's there's almost no need for a virus anymore and the only reason why you need 01:22:39.500 --> 01:22:45.660 the virus is to see the molecular pattern to make sure that the molecular biologists in Italy were 01:22:45.660 --> 01:22:52.380 like whoa it matches and the people in Iran were like wow it matches and the people in 01:22:52.380 --> 01:22:57.900 Washington were like holy man it matches because then they're all fooled they're done 01:22:58.700 --> 01:23:05.100 the biology is there and they're not going to question it because this idea was never offered 01:23:05.100 --> 01:23:11.420 to them on tv ever once it was forced on them as a novel thing and the biology that they saw in the 01:23:11.420 --> 01:23:20.860 very beginning matched up even the doctors that's the trick so let's see this one is this one here 01:23:21.820 --> 01:23:26.780 so if we first of all i'm gonna the graphics are going to get just a little bit mixed up but 01:23:26.780 --> 01:23:32.460 you won't you won't be confused by the first scenario that Tony Fauci presented us to us in 01:23:32.460 --> 01:23:38.300 the very beginning and pretended like that this was the only possibility is the natural bat 01:23:38.300 --> 01:23:45.820 cave virus i have the planet earth in green because the protocols the lockdown they didn't hurt anybody 01:23:45.820 --> 01:23:51.100 the vaccines have saved lives in this story there is a natural bat cave virus that escapes 01:23:51.100 --> 01:23:55.580 in china it travels around the world and as it travels around the world it's changing 01:23:56.140 --> 01:24:01.500 those changes are pretty uniform at some point there was a new variant in africa depicted in blue 01:24:02.060 --> 01:24:07.820 that blue omicron variant went around the earth and now that we're here in 2023 a shoot i forgot 01:24:07.820 --> 01:24:12.860 to put the years on here these are every these are meant to be different years so here's the 01:24:12.860 --> 01:24:20.780 start of the pandemic then 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 and so this is the tv story right we couldn't 01:24:20.780 --> 01:24:24.700 have done anything about it we were trying but we couldn't did jump it's going to jump again 01:24:25.260 --> 01:24:29.020 for sure it's because of climate change and there's too many people in yada yada yada 01:24:30.940 --> 01:24:35.820 in this scenario novel coronaviruses can jump from other species and they can do pandemics 01:24:35.820 --> 01:24:41.740 the pcr false positives were rare asymptomatic spread was real and there was only some over 01:24:41.740 --> 01:24:46.620 counting actually most of the time we are under counting the variants are evidence of both spread 01:24:46.620 --> 01:24:51.820 and the continuing evolution of a single novel virus and we spend money studying viruses on 01:24:51.820 --> 01:24:59.260 gain of function research these are all what people on that watch like cnn believe so then maybe 01:24:59.260 --> 01:25:03.740 there's some people on fox now or republicans that have been convinced that it's a laboratory 01:25:03.740 --> 01:25:09.980 bat cave virus so in this case it was in a lab it doesn't even have to be fixed or changed or 01:25:10.060 --> 01:25:16.140 altered it just has to be a virus that was brought from the wild into a laboratory and then escaping 01:25:16.140 --> 01:25:23.980 through a lab worker leaking out of a out of the wastewater and again we have the same pattern 01:25:23.980 --> 01:25:29.420 but in this scenario let's just throw in the fact that the lockdowns were damaging let's throw in 01:25:29.420 --> 01:25:35.580 the fact that the protocols that we rolled out didn't help everybody we can even speculate that 01:25:35.580 --> 01:25:40.300 maybe omicron was a second release which is a lot of people's speculation that 01:25:40.300 --> 01:25:44.540 omicron is so different than the previous virus that it has to be a second release 01:25:45.100 --> 01:25:51.340 so in this story there are multiple bat cave viruses there is possibilities of multiple 01:25:51.340 --> 01:25:59.900 releases but it's a virus itself that can go around the world like a firecracker and so again 01:26:00.460 --> 01:26:06.620 and novel viruses can jump from species they can also leak from labs pcr positives are rare 01:26:06.620 --> 01:26:12.060 asymptomatic spread is real and there's some over counting variants or evidence of spread 01:26:12.060 --> 01:26:17.660 and continuing evolution of the virus and some fringe people even say that omicron was one of 01:26:17.660 --> 01:26:23.580 those two but the vast majority of them just say that a lab leak virus could do this for four years 01:26:24.140 --> 01:26:27.900 because we spend money on getting a function research so this is where 01:26:28.700 --> 01:26:35.500 we can pause this is basically the trap that most people in america and around the world are in 01:26:35.500 --> 01:26:41.260 and this is what i mean by the scooby-doo for the people who aren't living in america scooby-doo is 01:26:41.260 --> 01:26:48.460 a show about teenagers that follow a list and series of clues to figure out a mystery and my 01:26:48.460 --> 01:26:55.500 suggestion is is that they laid clues for the left and for the right clues in the form of drama 01:26:55.500 --> 01:27:01.500 in front of congress clues in the form of foyer requests clues in the form of partially redacted 01:27:01.500 --> 01:27:07.260 emails so their irrespective of whether you were on the red or the blue team you were eventually 01:27:07.260 --> 01:27:14.540 going to be led down a mystery path where you pulled the mask off the bad guy and it's a lab leak 01:27:15.340 --> 01:27:21.340 and it could happen again and as long as you come to those two conclusions that it was a 01:27:21.340 --> 01:27:27.580 virus and it's a scary one and that it could happen again your children and your grandchildren will 01:27:27.580 --> 01:27:35.500 be trapped forever in a biology that is not supported in the literature at all and doesn't 01:27:35.500 --> 01:27:40.940 really acknowledge almost half of the things that we know when we look back in in retrospect from 01:27:40.940 --> 01:27:45.180 three years and that's what's most important here i'm just going to very quickly 01:27:45.820 --> 01:27:51.420 add a few things it doesn't matter if you fight and say that the vaccine is bad 01:27:51.980 --> 01:27:58.540 if you accept gain-of-function viruses it doesn't matter if you say that the lockdown hurt people 01:27:59.580 --> 01:28:03.820 and you accept gain-of-function virus you're still stuck and so are your grandchildren 01:28:03.820 --> 01:28:10.940 the only way out is to not accept the premise that a virus can be released from a point 01:28:11.580 --> 01:28:18.060 and circle the globe for multiple years infecting millions killing millions it's just not possible 01:28:20.060 --> 01:28:27.740 and so the scenario three that has emerged that emerged actually very early in 2020 already in the 01:28:27.740 --> 01:28:34.220 background was this idea that there are no viruses at all and so this third scenario has 01:28:34.220 --> 01:28:39.820 been trapping more and more people that i know based on what i've been saying because people have 01:28:39.820 --> 01:28:45.500 started to say that looks like dr cooey doesn't believe in viruses anymore but that's so disingenuous 01:28:45.500 --> 01:28:51.260 and so far from the truth it's frustrating but there are lots of people from the very beginning 01:28:51.340 --> 01:28:57.420 that have been promoting a narrative of no virus at all and this is also a trap 01:28:59.100 --> 01:29:04.380 so the fourth and final scenario is that it's previously in the endemic background so i hope 01:29:04.380 --> 01:29:09.180 this comes out right in animation wise so that i can explain it as correct as possible 01:29:09.820 --> 01:29:17.340 in the background at the start of the pandemic there were a number of known human coronaviruses 01:29:17.980 --> 01:29:24.700 in addition there were a number of unknown human coronaviruses all of which were in circulation 01:29:25.260 --> 01:29:29.580 all of which had a geographic organization to one another there might be different ones in 01:29:29.580 --> 01:29:34.460 asia than there are in africa and there might be different variants in north america and south 01:29:34.460 --> 01:29:40.780 america but there are human coronaviruses in circulation and many of them are related to sars 01:29:41.500 --> 01:29:48.700 and the reason why is because the original sars pandemic in 2002 it didn't disappear 01:29:50.220 --> 01:29:56.300 the lab releases that occurred in 2003 four six and nine didn't just disappear 01:29:56.300 --> 01:30:02.700 because we locked down or we controlled them and the countless number of lab leaks that have 01:30:02.700 --> 01:30:08.940 occurred that have never made the newspapers have also not disappeared but rather have contributed 01:30:08.940 --> 01:30:15.660 to the background coronavirus that causes unknown respiratory disease every year for millennia 01:30:16.940 --> 01:30:26.540 on this background if you were to release a a infectious clone that was molecularly identical 01:30:27.100 --> 01:30:33.340 in several places in the world and simultaneously told people how to test for it 01:30:33.740 --> 01:30:43.580 you could claim that there was a pandemic occurring that release would create a very 01:30:43.580 --> 01:30:51.580 brief period of time where the pink virus would be available and would produce positives on three 01:30:51.580 --> 01:30:59.100 amplicons the end protein the RNA dependent polymerase and the spike but you would get many 01:30:59.180 --> 01:31:05.260 false positives that would get you the end protein and the RNA dependent polymerase on 01:31:05.260 --> 01:31:10.220 the bcr without triggering the spike because those were the background viruses that didn't 01:31:10.220 --> 01:31:19.020 have this spike on it as a result false positives occurred depending on which test you used because 01:31:19.820 --> 01:31:27.740 not all tests in 2020 required the spike many required two of three amplicons 01:31:28.380 --> 01:31:32.380 so if you got the spike in the end you were positive if you got the spike and the 01:31:32.380 --> 01:31:38.940 RNA dependent RNA polymerase you were positive and if you got the RNA dependent polymerase and the 01:31:38.940 --> 01:31:45.020 end you were positive it depended on what product and it depended on what lab was running it 01:31:45.660 --> 01:31:51.900 the point is that at a certain moment in the pandemic it turned out that the pink virus was 01:31:51.980 --> 01:31:58.540 gone but it doesn't matter you know why because they called omicron s protein drop out 01:32:00.060 --> 01:32:04.860 so tests that no longer showed the spike protein but still tested positive for the 01:32:04.860 --> 01:32:11.740 end and the RNA dependent polymerase were called covid-19 but they were actually 01:32:12.300 --> 01:32:19.260 infections of the background coronaviruses that have those same homologous genes but not 01:32:19.820 --> 01:32:27.260 the Wuhan spike and they very craftily knew that they could do this they very craftily knew 01:32:27.260 --> 01:32:32.860 that this would work because they probably already knew the contents of this background 01:32:32.860 --> 01:32:38.940 better than they let us on it's that simple because that's what leads us here to where there are 01:32:38.940 --> 01:32:44.300 variants there's an infant story to tell and they can even say that the the countermeasure that 01:32:44.380 --> 01:32:51.260 they rolled out forced these variants into existence it's a magic thing where what they did had 01:32:51.260 --> 01:32:57.100 had consequences that could be viewed and measured around the world that's how spectacular their 01:32:57.100 --> 01:33:04.620 transfection is but what's unique about this hypothesis is that in this scenario PCR false 01:33:04.620 --> 01:33:09.980 positives are not all false but a lot of the positives are just bringing up one of these other 01:33:09.980 --> 01:33:15.580 viruses sequences reported that variants are real but not real variants of the Wuhan sequence 01:33:15.580 --> 01:33:22.620 this is a very carefully controlled and tie rate titrated narrative about a very a virus that is 01:33:22.620 --> 01:33:31.340 changing when we don't know we have no reason to doubt that they already knew this whole catalog 01:33:31.340 --> 01:33:35.900 at the start that they already knew what would be in the background and what they what sequences 01:33:35.900 --> 01:33:41.260 they could bring out they could have already arranged them in the correct order so that as 01:33:41.260 --> 01:33:46.380 the variants came out that the computers would all necessarily put them in the right file of 01:33:46.380 --> 01:33:53.580 genetic order this would be trivial to orchestrate if this background existed and we know it does 01:33:54.380 --> 01:34:00.700 we absolutely positively know it does because before this that's what coronavirus people studied 01:34:01.580 --> 01:34:06.780 now this signature was likely created by the deployment of an aerosolized RNA or DNA that 01:34:06.780 --> 01:34:11.420 would cause consistent respiratory disease locally and then had a detectable molecular 01:34:11.420 --> 01:34:17.180 signature that could be identified as a coronavirus more importantly to understand if you are infected 01:34:17.180 --> 01:34:22.860 with a clone you will have a different viral load than if you are infected with a natural virus if 01:34:22.860 --> 01:34:28.220 I can just draw a cartoon on a piece of paper quick because I don't have a slide for this 01:34:28.860 --> 01:34:35.180 um can you whoops that's not what I wanted can you see this Paul here yeah okay so 01:34:35.900 --> 01:34:41.820 the thing that I want to explain is the idea of of what happens with a clone versus when you get 01:34:41.820 --> 01:34:48.300 infected with a natural virus so the the point is is that in both of these infections we're 01:34:48.300 --> 01:34:55.020 going to get infected by 10 virins okay 10 virions that means 10 viral particles are going to infect 01:34:55.100 --> 01:35:01.340 this guy and 10 viral particles are going to infect this guy the star guy is going to be infected 01:35:01.340 --> 01:35:08.540 with a natural virus 10 virins and this one's going to be infected with a clone so a natural 01:35:08.540 --> 01:35:14.860 virus in this stupid scenario is a one to ten replication competent that means it's going to 01:35:14.860 --> 01:35:22.300 make one two three four five six seven eight nine and one replication competent virion for every 01:35:22.300 --> 01:35:28.540 ten that it makes and then a clone of course is going to be pure so one two three four five six 01:35:29.100 --> 01:35:36.620 seven eight nine ten and they're all going to be replication competent but the point is is that 01:35:36.620 --> 01:35:43.980 once the clone starts replicating in the infection or the natural virus starts replicating in the 01:35:43.980 --> 01:35:49.740 infection then what we get afterward depends on the starting state if you start with a clone 01:35:50.620 --> 01:35:57.020 and it replicates exactly the same as the natural virus once you release it then these 10 particles 01:36:02.380 --> 01:36:08.860 10 will each make 10 copies of themselves but only one of those copies will be infectious 01:36:08.860 --> 01:36:15.500 because they're replicating RNA so at the end of one round of replication in a clone infection 01:36:15.580 --> 01:36:24.620 you will have I think this works out 90 non-infectious particles and you will have 10 plus 10 01:36:24.620 --> 01:36:30.460 so you'll have 20 infectious particles because these 10 are here and you'll make 10 more 01:36:30.460 --> 01:36:36.460 does that make sense if you start with a natural virus you're going to start with one two three 01:36:36.460 --> 01:36:43.100 four five six seven eight nine plus one replicating virus and that replicating virus is going to make 01:36:43.100 --> 01:36:50.220 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten nine imperfect copies of itself and one 01:36:50.220 --> 01:36:56.540 perfect copy of itself so can you see why this infection isn't going to be very infectious why 01:36:56.540 --> 01:37:02.060 this infection isn't very dangerous why this infection would be really hard to culture from 01:37:02.780 --> 01:37:07.740 but this infection would be a joke this infection would be easy to culture from and this infection 01:37:07.740 --> 01:37:17.100 would be a very severe viral load upon the start it's totally different if you were exposed to 01:37:17.100 --> 01:37:23.180 a bat cave you would be exposed to this ratio of particles if you were exposed to a clone 01:37:23.180 --> 01:37:29.500 you're exposed to a hundred percent infectious particles and that difference extends into the 01:37:29.500 --> 01:37:37.020 replication cycles and even in this simple experiment or example where I say that the replication 01:37:37.020 --> 01:37:43.260 competence is one to ten the reality is according to the paper we looked at that the replication 01:37:43.260 --> 01:37:51.420 competence could be one in four hundred thousand and that difference means is that the vast majority 01:37:51.420 --> 01:37:57.180 of the particles when you're sick that you cough out are immunogenic to the people in your family 01:37:57.180 --> 01:38:03.340 it will teach their immune system about the end protein and about the S protein and about the M 01:38:03.340 --> 01:38:08.940 protein but it won't be replication competent so they'll get symptoms for a little while but 01:38:08.940 --> 01:38:14.460 they won't get sick it's the reason why lots of people who had people in their house with the 01:38:14.460 --> 01:38:22.540 original infection are also serum positive and this is the beauty of this is that you get to the 01:38:22.540 --> 01:38:32.620 stage where you can see that this is mostly almost exclusively lying there's no there's no magic 01:38:32.620 --> 01:38:39.180 virus there's no scary laboratories there's no bioterrorism there's no uncontrollable entity 01:38:39.180 --> 01:38:47.500 there's no variables it's just very consistent lying and very consistent lying will create a 01:38:47.500 --> 01:38:58.780 permanent bioterror bioweapon natural virus risk of a pandemic or that a super national organizations 01:38:58.780 --> 01:39:06.220 or set of organizations could govern the world on into infinity if we accept their cartoon biology 01:39:06.220 --> 01:39:19.420 of how this works i think that's about the best summary i can do well another words j what you're 01:39:19.420 --> 01:39:29.820 doing is um in your look we spoke before and i told you things that in a minute say what we said 01:39:29.820 --> 01:39:37.980 on this call yeah maybe you're subsequent but first of all if if johnnie on his street johnnie 01:39:37.980 --> 01:39:44.860 needs to see this a couple of times stuff because it's very shocking in other words because you're 01:39:44.860 --> 01:39:50.380 gonna you are asking people to think in a completely not that johnnie on his street would 01:39:50.380 --> 01:39:54.940 johnnie and she might understand this better than even medical doctors who actually have two hours of 01:39:55.500 --> 01:40:02.780 immunology and virology and vaccinology and even common sense so but the point i'm making is you 01:40:02.780 --> 01:40:11.100 are actually saying what people like myself were arguing which is that from the get-go this was 01:40:11.100 --> 01:40:18.860 benign and mild mild enough this is my argument gee and tell me if it fits with your presentation 01:40:18.860 --> 01:40:27.420 that had we done nothing had we done nothing no lock thumbs no school clothes of nothing 01:40:27.420 --> 01:40:36.700 just just isolate anybody who's really sick with symptoms no vaccine nothing no therapeutics 01:40:36.780 --> 01:40:42.620 just make sure that people who develop pneumonia which which is most likely elderly people 01:40:43.340 --> 01:40:51.260 etc got their antibiotics we have lost a vast vast number of fewer people in other words 01:40:51.260 --> 01:40:58.140 every single thing that we did from lock thumbs to to to the therapeutics that we use to the 01:40:58.140 --> 01:41:03.580 vaccines and to how we treated people in the hospital setting which is the situation with 01:41:03.580 --> 01:41:09.740 my dazzle arm the lack of antibiotics they do not resuscitate the pump emitter gram decivir 01:41:09.740 --> 01:41:16.940 the ventilation etc the toxic drugs the isolation that is what killed our people not 01:41:16.940 --> 01:41:24.620 this benign virus as you just explained it am i correct i i i you're nine nine nine nine nine 01:41:25.180 --> 01:41:29.420 percent there in the sense of i do think that that we have to keep 01:41:29.980 --> 01:41:40.860 open the possibility that they that the clone uh molecular entity that they use to create the 01:41:40.860 --> 01:41:49.020 signal that molecular biologists and hospitals experienced around the world which is symptomology 01:41:49.020 --> 01:41:58.060 and you know culturable virus um was done with a clone and so that means that as i drew in that 01:41:58.060 --> 01:42:03.420 picture the people that were infected with the clone or near the release point were likely 01:42:03.420 --> 01:42:09.740 experiencing a very severe respiratory disease but that respiratory disease did not have the 01:42:09.740 --> 01:42:16.460 capability of propagating around the world from any of those points and that's what we need to see 01:42:16.460 --> 01:42:21.980 why wasn't the southern why wasn't it two weeks later that hospitals in the south of Italy had 01:42:21.980 --> 01:42:26.460 exactly the same as what they had in northern nearly why didn't that happen it's not because 01:42:26.460 --> 01:42:31.820 of lockdown because that's not how viruses work those people were on the train those people were 01:42:31.820 --> 01:42:39.260 going back and forth but somehow where these extremely sharp peaks of death like in new york 01:42:39.260 --> 01:42:45.660 city in the beginning happened probably happened where the clone was released and so if my hypothesis 01:42:45.660 --> 01:42:55.020 correct then the reason why these early treatments like hydroxychloroquine or ibramectin early in 2020 01:42:55.020 --> 01:43:02.460 were so effective is because where they were being given to people that hadn't a unnatural 01:43:03.260 --> 01:43:09.500 viral load that could only be generated by exposure to a clone and that's what makes this very tricky 01:43:10.700 --> 01:43:17.020 yeah in other words that's where we back it up to what we're seeing you were right and you were 01:43:17.020 --> 01:43:23.660 wrong and that's what you were trying to see yes we are not coming out we're trying to get people 01:43:23.660 --> 01:43:28.700 to think in a different way to appear as you say behind the curtain we're not saying that you 01:43:28.700 --> 01:43:35.740 were wrong so in other words what you are just said is early treatment hydroxy ibramectin the 01:43:35.740 --> 01:43:43.420 the that mccollinies people fashioned you know multi-sequence combined antivirals corticosteroids 01:43:43.420 --> 01:43:53.100 etc had has its place in these types of respiratory illnesses but for most severe illness in other 01:43:53.100 --> 01:44:00.060 words if i am if i'm trying to understand what these slides are showing and what the argument 01:44:00.060 --> 01:44:10.940 here is and what what we are asking people to think about is that benign more low level non-consequential 01:44:11.580 --> 01:44:24.540 infection cannot really respond to early treatment it may be a wash in other words you know it may 01:44:24.540 --> 01:44:30.140 be a wash yes that's what i'm trying to see and and that is why when we say that the vaccine 01:44:30.780 --> 01:44:42.940 cannot work did not work it's in other words if i even back it up one more step what i'm saying 01:44:42.940 --> 01:44:50.780 the one thing that we did here for sure was take lives with the treatment of people and bringing 01:44:50.780 --> 01:44:57.900 this gene injection that is seemingly killing people in other words again had we done nothing 01:44:57.980 --> 01:45:04.700 the early treatment have its place and role yet for initial release of clones direct 01:45:04.700 --> 01:45:15.580 clue serious serious virus am i i'm trying to just put my yeah so remember that one of the 01:45:15.580 --> 01:45:20.300 arguments i am trying to make or i'll bring it up again not remember i don't want to sound 01:45:20.300 --> 01:45:26.860 condescending it's a lot of disparate ideas that the purity of the virus is more important 01:45:26.860 --> 01:45:33.740 than the content of it so they want you to believe that a particular combination of genes 01:45:33.740 --> 01:45:42.060 or a particular inserted sequence on a particular spike protein can result in a in a in a 01:45:43.740 --> 01:45:49.180 in a virus that's now capable of producing a pandemic where without that little gene or 01:45:49.260 --> 01:45:57.980 without that little insert it wasn't it was just a normal one and this is a is a shiny object 01:45:57.980 --> 01:46:02.780 that they can talk very complicated about and give you all kinds of papers that show that this 01:46:02.780 --> 01:46:07.660 particular sequence is really important in this experiment and blah blah blah blah but what they're 01:46:07.660 --> 01:46:15.740 talking around is the the what i would argue is the real problem that if you make a pure version 01:46:16.380 --> 01:46:23.340 of any of these corona viruses and make it in sufficient quantities then someone who gets 01:46:23.340 --> 01:46:32.940 infected with that pure viral swarm will have a noticeably more severe respiratory infection 01:46:32.940 --> 01:46:39.740 with a noticeably higher viral load than can be created if you stumble into a bat cave and get 01:46:39.740 --> 01:46:48.300 sick and that's because the clone is so pure and so replication competent that it can create 01:46:48.300 --> 01:46:56.460 a level of virus replication that's not it doesn't exist in nature if a regular natural virus produces 01:46:56.460 --> 01:47:03.340 one in ten and a clone starts out ten for ten then you are really in trouble if you get in 01:47:03.660 --> 01:47:10.220 think of it this way paul if you go out into the sandbox behind your house there is a small 01:47:10.220 --> 01:47:16.700 quantity of uranium and no matter how much you pound on that sand with a hammer it's never 01:47:16.700 --> 01:47:23.820 going to result in a nuclear explosion but if you take enough dirt from your backyard and you take 01:47:23.820 --> 01:47:29.260 all the uranium out of it and you put it in one tiny little place you can create a little nuclear 01:47:29.260 --> 01:47:37.900 bomb it is the purity of the virus that they create with infectious clones that cannot even 01:47:37.900 --> 01:47:45.260 doesn't it cannot exist in nature and when they release it it exponentially reverts back to this 01:47:46.060 --> 01:47:52.700 non-infectious particles swarm and so it's only at these points of release where the biology 01:47:52.700 --> 01:48:01.900 and the math and the epidemiology can add up to this supremely uniform molecular signature this 01:48:01.900 --> 01:48:11.740 is the part where most of the mystery gets solved because there's just no way for a virus to to 01:48:11.740 --> 01:48:17.180 to make as many perfect copies of itself as would be required for the story on television 01:48:17.740 --> 01:48:26.860 in other words what you're saying is based on how virus operates in the natural environment in the 01:48:26.860 --> 01:48:35.980 wild and let's say let's even use that to a mule's ratchet that over time viruses would in their 01:48:35.980 --> 01:48:42.700 replication in the mutations that are coming would mutate downwards into less less lethal 01:48:42.700 --> 01:48:51.100 mowing factors but less pathological versions that's what you're arguing that that left 01:48:51.100 --> 01:49:02.300 in its own that's where we're going to go and if we accept that this was a release of using let's 01:49:02.300 --> 01:49:11.980 use it to impure if I clone yes initially that with time the virus would settle down and become 01:49:11.980 --> 01:49:18.460 behave like how it should but that initial release likely across the world simultaneously 01:49:18.460 --> 01:49:26.300 or near simultaneously those people who were exposed in the initial waves were the people 01:49:27.660 --> 01:49:34.140 who suffered pathology and were our loved ones who died yes but subsequent subsequent to that 01:49:35.020 --> 01:49:43.180 people died principally because of the lockdowns how we treated them within the medical system 01:49:43.180 --> 01:49:51.340 and now this devastating vaccine that we brought that was to me never needed no I think actually if 01:49:51.340 --> 01:50:01.180 you look at the the immunology of it and realize that that the other implication of the hypothesis 01:50:01.180 --> 01:50:09.100 that we're currently discussing is that vaccination to a structural protein of a coronavirus could 01:50:09.100 --> 01:50:18.540 interfere with our previously existing immunity to the endemic background and what they may have done 01:50:19.180 --> 01:50:26.540 with the people that took the shot is taken their very strong innate and acquired immunity 01:50:26.540 --> 01:50:32.700 developed over their whole life to the background coronaviruses and reset it or 01:50:33.260 --> 01:50:39.500 or augmented it in a way that doesn't help them in the future and this has been seen with other 01:50:39.500 --> 01:50:47.340 viruses when you vaccinate people against dengue fever or a yellow dengue fever and you vaccinate 01:50:47.340 --> 01:50:54.780 them with the with the attenuated or weakened virus they make antibodies to the structural protein 01:50:55.340 --> 01:51:01.340 and those antibodies end up making the next infection much worse and the inflammation 01:51:01.340 --> 01:51:07.180 response to the next infection much worse and so there's a possibility that when a lot of people 01:51:07.180 --> 01:51:13.260 are experiencing is that the whatever happened in terms of augmenting their immune system by 01:51:13.260 --> 01:51:21.100 exposing them to lots and lots of this imperfect spike protein product has caused their natural 01:51:21.180 --> 01:51:28.140 immune memory to the background coronaviruses to fail and that's why a lot of these people 01:51:28.140 --> 01:51:32.620 are getting sick that's why they're getting repeatedly infected you don't have to say they're 01:51:32.620 --> 01:51:37.180 getting repeatedly infected with covid they're just getting infected again and it's because 01:51:37.180 --> 01:51:42.140 their immune system is no longer functioning normally other than that i don't know what to say 01:51:42.140 --> 01:51:48.380 other than their immune system is not functioning normally my kids haven't been sick really this 01:51:48.380 --> 01:51:55.820 school year but um they have friends who are who are twice injected that their mom laughs 01:51:55.820 --> 01:52:00.940 about how often they have to stay at home and they went from strep to something else to something 01:52:00.940 --> 01:52:06.780 else and you can just shake your head and say i told you not to do this but people are going to 01:52:06.780 --> 01:52:15.980 have to learn that that we have very good understanding of what um what limitations there are to how 01:52:15.980 --> 01:52:22.620 we can augment the adult immune system and the kid immune system and we have just thrown all 01:52:22.620 --> 01:52:28.700 of this basic understanding out the window when it comes to vaccines in america and as a result 01:52:28.700 --> 01:52:35.420 unfortunately a lot of the other western nations are more or less following behind they're not nearly 01:52:35.420 --> 01:52:43.180 as bad um but the vaccine industry in america is is is just a farce i mean we already know that 01:52:43.180 --> 01:52:47.340 it's a farce well j two things quick i want to mention 01:52:48.780 --> 01:52:58.140 findin bosh one yes i'll ask i'll ask you a question too i'll mention um the uk in the report 42 01:52:58.140 --> 01:53:03.180 i'm trying to remember it exactly because there's so many like yourself papers always in our head 01:53:03.180 --> 01:53:09.900 there was one i think report 42 in um 2022 earlier on march and they stopped reporting 01:53:10.700 --> 01:53:16.620 and in the report 42 they said that something unique and it was one line hidden deep inside 01:53:16.620 --> 01:53:23.980 of that report that was showing that you vaccinated are actually second and second shot third shot 01:53:23.980 --> 01:53:30.940 will become more infected than you unvaccinated but it was a line that was inserted in the in 01:53:30.940 --> 01:53:37.740 the discussion section that unless you found it it was in fine print they said that persons who got 01:53:37.740 --> 01:53:44.300 two shots and then were infected they found that they were not producing end protein 01:53:45.020 --> 01:53:54.060 an antibody that's correct and that that gets yes that's a huge huge evidence it's a huge 01:53:54.700 --> 01:54:00.220 it's a huge red flag again because what they argue is that they've augmented your natural 01:54:00.220 --> 01:54:05.740 immune response and it turns out that at least from a seroprevalence perspective the strongest 01:54:05.740 --> 01:54:11.660 signal in a natural infection is the end protein which if i can remind you what we just 01:54:11.660 --> 01:54:17.900 looked at please remember that this all matches up perfectly if we look at this old paper 01:54:19.820 --> 01:54:24.540 ah no that's not the right slide all on one second let me just move it uh if we look at this 01:54:24.540 --> 01:54:32.300 old paper here and we look at the the data from their their gel get up here and get it in here 01:54:32.300 --> 01:54:39.260 you can see that already back way back when they've looked at this and the largest portion of RNA 01:54:39.260 --> 01:54:48.700 that's produced during a clone infection in a dish is the end protein RNA that means there is no 01:54:48.700 --> 01:54:55.900 doubt that the most abundant protein in an affected cell is the end protein so it makes perfect sense 01:54:55.900 --> 01:55:02.860 given their own data that the first and most prevalent immune response to this would be the 01:55:02.860 --> 01:55:09.260 end protein here's the problem though Paul the end protein is a highly conserved protein across 01:55:09.260 --> 01:55:15.420 lots of corona viruses because it is the protein around which the genomic RNA is purported to be 01:55:15.420 --> 01:55:22.620 wrapped so if you change that protein too much it won't be able to not up the the RNA in a correct 01:55:22.620 --> 01:55:29.660 way to make the packaging go so the end protein almost can't change so if they made you uh if 01:55:29.660 --> 01:55:35.500 they forced you or or suggested to vaccinate you against that that would have actually maybe been 01:55:35.500 --> 01:55:42.700 a very good target for a one shot shot but they knew that they knew that that's been already 01:55:42.700 --> 01:55:48.220 discussed a long time ago they've tried the end the the homologous protein of the end protein 01:55:48.220 --> 01:55:53.020 with AIDS it's not a suitable target for immunization either that's just already been tested 01:55:54.860 --> 01:56:00.860 it's terrible yeah but i mean it's i mean to a non-birologist like myself 01:56:01.580 --> 01:56:06.620 when i look at it i would ask myself for immunologist i would say why then 01:56:07.340 --> 01:56:12.940 looking even though you say it's not a good target they actually chose the most unstable 01:56:12.940 --> 01:56:19.500 mutable portion of the virus to pose as a target so it's almost as though jay it was designed to 01:56:19.500 --> 01:56:26.060 fail yes yes i totally agree with that it that it was it was designed to because they could get 01:56:26.060 --> 01:56:32.540 more shots in arms they could get they could justify it they could explain the the evolution 01:56:32.540 --> 01:56:39.580 of the virus it's all part of the planned story but i think you if you could go back and do the drawing 01:56:39.660 --> 01:56:46.700 again because i think in presenting this as the first salvo is the first salvo people need to 01:56:46.700 --> 01:56:52.380 understand that concentration of purity that you argued about can you go back with a clean 01:56:52.380 --> 01:56:58.780 pH again sure sure no problem i'll draw it a little better that is what the late person needs 01:56:58.780 --> 01:57:04.940 to wrap there because your whole theory this whole theory spins on this issue here 01:57:05.420 --> 01:57:10.300 so i'm going to just draw the same thing with squares these are two people 01:57:11.100 --> 01:57:17.180 um this is a dude here and this is a dude here so the star guy is his lungs are going to be 01:57:17.180 --> 01:57:23.180 infected with a clone and the circle guy is going to be infected with a natural virus 01:57:23.900 --> 01:57:31.820 so the first posit here is that a natural virus when it makes copies of itself it makes 01:57:31.900 --> 01:57:36.860 imperfect copies of itself and all virology understands this all virology calls these 01:57:36.860 --> 01:57:43.980 non-infectious particles or defective viral particles something like that and so for the 01:57:43.980 --> 01:57:50.700 purpose of this illustration we are going to use a ratio of one to ten meaning that when it 01:57:50.700 --> 01:57:57.660 makes a copy of itself nine copies will be non-replication competent they will be erroneous 01:57:57.660 --> 01:58:02.540 they'll missing something they didn't copy perfectly and so they're not good enough 01:58:02.540 --> 01:58:08.540 to make another person sick but one will be a perfect copy we'll color that one in 01:58:08.540 --> 01:58:13.820 that one has all the genes necessary to go on and infect another person it might even be better 01:58:13.820 --> 01:58:19.260 than the original virus like a new variant but the rest of these can't do anything other than 01:58:19.260 --> 01:58:27.340 irritate the lungs of anybody that they get into now if we make a clone of this wild virus 01:58:28.380 --> 01:58:31.340 what we're going to do is we're going to make a DNA copy of it 01:58:32.540 --> 01:58:40.460 right we're going to make a DNA copy of it and that DNA copy we can grow up lots of copies of it 01:58:41.100 --> 01:58:50.460 in a bottle with bacteria in it and that results in many many many copies of the same RNA 01:58:51.340 --> 01:58:57.260 after we're done with it and so that means rather than getting infected with a natural virus 01:58:57.340 --> 01:59:03.580 we can put as many perfect copies of the virus as we want into our our experimental animal or in 01:59:03.580 --> 01:59:10.300 this case our experimental person so and to make these similar and to understand the difference 01:59:10.300 --> 01:59:16.460 between a natural infection and a clone infection we're going to use 10 particles so we're going to go 01:59:17.100 --> 01:59:28.380 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten for these particles here being in our friend 01:59:28.380 --> 01:59:36.620 the circle and then we're going to take 10 cloned particles that we grew in a dish after we 01:59:36.620 --> 01:59:44.700 exposed the dish to the RNA that we made from copies of DNA so perfect copies of this virus 01:59:44.700 --> 01:59:51.020 we took this virus alone this sequence and we made lots of copies of it so this guy gets 10 01:59:51.020 --> 02:00:01.020 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and this is the difference because now we're 02:00:01.020 --> 02:00:07.260 going to go through one cycle of replication meaning that all the all the viruses that can copy 02:00:07.900 --> 02:00:15.100 will copy themselves and they will copy themselves in the normal way that the RNA will copy it's 02:00:15.100 --> 02:00:20.940 RNA it can't be perfect it's perfect when it's DNA you can make as many copies as you want here 02:00:20.940 --> 02:00:26.300 when it's in the in the bacteria and they'll all be perfect or really close to perfect but once 02:00:26.300 --> 02:00:34.860 you translate them into RNA and let the RNA go into your dish or your RNA be passaghed or your RNA 02:00:34.940 --> 02:00:42.220 go into a person or in an animal then it's RNA copying RNA and so then it's going to go revert 02:00:42.220 --> 02:00:49.500 back to the normal ratio of 10 to 1 so then what happens in the first round of replication well 02:00:49.500 --> 02:00:59.500 you get 90 non-replicating particles because each one of these will make 10 nine that can't 02:00:59.500 --> 02:01:05.740 copy and one that can so out of all these 10 there will be 90 that cannot copy that's the open 02:01:05.740 --> 02:01:15.180 circle and there will be 10 that can copy themselves so in total after one round of replication in 02:01:15.180 --> 02:01:24.780 this person's imaginary lungs there are 110 particles 20 of which are replication competent 02:01:24.780 --> 02:01:34.940 particles and 90 are non-replication competent and all of those can irritate your kids all of 02:01:34.940 --> 02:01:40.700 those can irritate your grandparents all of these can cause new infection in anyone that they get 02:01:40.700 --> 02:01:50.780 into now let's look at the natural infection well it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02:01:51.420 --> 02:01:57.260 after one round of infection in the natural infection most of the particles here are not 02:01:57.260 --> 02:02:04.380 infectious only two of them is infectious most important thing to understand is that this guy is 02:02:04.380 --> 02:02:13.100 only fighting against two infected actively infected cells whereas after one round of replication in 02:02:13.100 --> 02:02:21.980 the lungs of a clone infection up to 20 different cells are now making viruses it is a step up 02:02:22.540 --> 02:02:32.620 from the natural infection by at least 10 fold and now this is on the very simple math of one for 02:02:32.620 --> 02:02:42.940 every 10 is infectious and what I'm trying to argue is that the the slides and the papers that 02:02:42.940 --> 02:02:49.260 we have looked at suggest and maybe this is maybe the slide that I should use suggest 02:02:50.620 --> 02:02:57.500 that hundreds of thousands of RNAs of the m protein are made hundreds of thousands of the 02:02:57.500 --> 02:03:04.860 m protein hundreds of thousands of the e protein are made all of which could potentially be packaged 02:03:05.740 --> 02:03:14.780 as as as non-replication competent variants because they're RNA they're doing something they're 02:03:14.780 --> 02:03:20.620 in the sample they're measuring them they're counting them as present how else can we explain 02:03:20.620 --> 02:03:27.500 the non-infectious particles if we look further for the long form RNAs they found two 02:03:27.820 --> 02:03:35.740 so for me the best explanation would be go back one slide and say well the ratio of 02:03:35.740 --> 02:03:45.180 n protein containing particles to full genome containing particles is somewhere between 100,000 02:03:45.180 --> 02:03:54.860 to 1 and 500,000 to 1 that changes our little our little calculation on the paper an awful lot 02:03:54.860 --> 02:04:06.060 if a natural infection is one out of 100,000 and a clone is one for one now we have a very very 02:04:06.060 --> 02:04:14.940 big problem because a natural coronavirus infection is a viral load with a ratio of one to 100,000 02:04:14.940 --> 02:04:22.540 and we know how to fight that we have normal immune responses to it we have normal inflammatory 02:04:22.540 --> 02:04:31.420 responses to it what happens yes but what happens if we are infected with a pure infectious clone 02:04:31.420 --> 02:04:38.940 where the ratio at the start of the infection is one to one now we have a very big problem 02:04:39.580 --> 02:04:46.860 because that means that instead of instead of inhaling a cloud that will only actually irritate 02:04:46.860 --> 02:04:53.820 a lot of cells and infect a couple you inhale a cloud that will infect every cell that it interacts 02:04:53.820 --> 02:05:00.060 with and irritate every cell that it interacts with and that is the exponential difference 02:05:00.780 --> 02:05:07.980 between sorry a clone infection and oh yeah I got to escape out of there and and what we were talking 02:05:07.980 --> 02:05:14.860 about is a natural swarm infection and and keep in mind that that everywhere in every laboratory 02:05:14.860 --> 02:05:19.820 they are using infectious clones so everywhere that you would get infected in a laboratory you're 02:05:19.820 --> 02:05:26.780 going to get infected with a clone not with a natural swarm this this increases the danger of 02:05:26.780 --> 02:05:33.020 laboratory work but it actually also shifts it completely away from what they told you it was 02:05:33.020 --> 02:05:39.260 which is these people making unique combinations it has very little to do with the unique combinations 02:05:39.260 --> 02:05:46.940 and much more to do with the pure nature of of these clones that's where the danger is and maybe 02:05:46.940 --> 02:05:55.980 even worse that's where their utility is the only way that they could usefully convert a harmless 02:05:55.980 --> 02:06:03.580 background of coronaviruses into something that they could monetize and govern us about forever 02:06:04.220 --> 02:06:13.020 is to make us believe that that very safe and and and and and and uh friendly background of 02:06:13.020 --> 02:06:19.900 coronavirus is actually a very dangerous set of pathogens that is even more dangerous because 02:06:19.900 --> 02:06:25.500 there are people like peter desak tweaking around with genes and making combinations that wouldn't 02:06:25.500 --> 02:06:32.220 exist in nature and it completely distracts you from the fact that the real danger is that they make 02:06:32.300 --> 02:06:41.420 these high purity DNA derived versions of these RNA viruses and if once you understand that then 02:06:41.420 --> 02:06:47.820 you can see that the biology of those RNA viruses is not high enough fidelity it is not 02:06:48.700 --> 02:06:53.740 robust enough to produce the pandemic that they've told us it is produced 02:06:53.740 --> 02:07:08.300 so nothing worked because nothing could work yeah something like that indeed are very 02:07:12.300 --> 02:07:17.180 you know like um this this conversation has gone on for longer and i know you allowed me to 02:07:17.180 --> 02:07:27.260 sit in and just ask question but for the second um segment would you be allowing the other 02:07:27.260 --> 02:07:35.500 participants to ask questions and also um when would we have the second uh what would be where 02:07:35.500 --> 02:07:43.740 would we go yet how could we move forward with this um the second one could be a little bit more 02:07:43.820 --> 02:07:49.020 in depth and cover some questions that people can send to you or me in the next 24 hours 02:07:50.620 --> 02:07:56.380 for example another thing that we can focus on is right now we didn't really talk about the 02:07:56.380 --> 02:08:03.580 immunology at all we could do a very brief overview about the real response to a respiratory virus and 02:08:03.580 --> 02:08:09.420 why seroprevalence and antibodies are a distraction which is something that i think everybody should 02:08:09.420 --> 02:08:14.380 understand you shouldn't take my word for it and so i that could be a really good subject 02:08:14.380 --> 02:08:20.540 actually is just do the basic response to a respiratory disease and and uh what we knew before 02:08:20.540 --> 02:08:25.980 2020 and then how they've told us you know that this these products are supposed to work so that's 02:08:25.980 --> 02:08:34.940 another thing we could discuss is transfection and why uh why the why i call it a transfection why 02:08:35.020 --> 02:08:40.780 everybody should call it a transfection and why you should be very suspicious of transfection being 02:08:40.780 --> 02:08:47.500 used in animals that are supposed to live for 20 more years um i think that might be a couple 02:08:47.500 --> 02:08:54.940 good things to hit in other words jay i agree with you so maybe even if not Friday to be as 02:08:54.940 --> 02:08:59.820 Wednesday tomorrow might be difficult you know we could even find time over the weekend i don't 02:08:59.820 --> 02:09:04.780 know if you're cool i'm always not i i meet whenever i meet where you tell me the time and i 02:09:04.780 --> 02:09:14.300 will fire this up i could make myself available Saturday or Sunday and um i like that i like that 02:09:14.300 --> 02:09:20.780 topic and and the way what i'm suggesting is because because i myself want to share this across all 02:09:20.780 --> 02:09:26.460 the groups i'm working with to begin this come because you have i think the main message here is 02:09:27.420 --> 02:09:33.900 nobody is right and nobody is wrong and we have to be able to be adults in this discussion or 02:09:33.900 --> 02:09:41.260 we are we are scientists we are we are doctors we are we are the public the public actually is 02:09:41.260 --> 02:09:46.700 more advanced than scientists to me but we are people who are thinking all of us the public all 02:09:46.700 --> 02:09:52.940 of us together we are part of humanity we are part of this society so let's not put distinctions 02:09:52.940 --> 02:09:59.420 behind us here but we are so grateful i'm so grateful but somebody like you amongst other 02:09:59.420 --> 02:10:05.500 people that i have known but you have you have you have explained something that is 02:10:06.300 --> 02:10:12.380 that is so very complicated yet so elegant is simple because because you did not overwhelm 02:10:12.380 --> 02:10:17.580 our still listener and i guess a lot of your people who follow you are sophisticated 02:10:17.580 --> 02:10:23.900 biochemists and all sorts of different things um skill sets i mean but you did not try to do 02:10:23.900 --> 02:10:30.220 that here you're trying to make people understand your thinking you may not be you're not trying 02:10:30.220 --> 02:10:38.460 to force it than anyone you're asking people to think right absolutely i i just i can't stress 02:10:38.460 --> 02:10:44.460 enough you give me the time i'll schedule it i'll blast it out and on the meantime i'm gonna take 02:10:44.540 --> 02:10:49.260 this video and cut all the nonsense out of the beginning and shorten some of the things that i 02:10:49.820 --> 02:10:53.900 just to make sure it's it's crystal and then we'll put that up on youtube and bit shooting 02:10:53.900 --> 02:10:58.540 everywhere else in a couple hours can you well let me ask you a question can you also give me 02:10:59.420 --> 02:11:04.140 all of the when you take all the edges that you say like they are chatting you know whatever 02:11:04.140 --> 02:11:09.340 doesn't matter to me but it could stay but can you give me a copy because i like of course yes 02:11:09.900 --> 02:11:17.580 absolutely so yeah that's gab twitter everywhere absolutely so but what i'm saying is what you're 02:11:17.580 --> 02:11:25.260 trying to say is that um we need to figure out what really went wrong here because lots went wrong 02:11:25.260 --> 02:11:31.900 and at the end of the day we have a reported one million people in america died alone and the 02:11:31.900 --> 02:11:38.540 question is really we need to know how much of that was from real virus and we are beginning to 02:11:38.540 --> 02:11:47.740 argue not that appreciable portion many people we can't discount it this virus this whatever it was 02:11:50.140 --> 02:11:58.060 was devastating to some very vulnerable people no doubt but what we begin to argue is that 02:11:58.780 --> 02:12:04.380 is that the things that went wrong here need a real serious sophisticated thinking now 02:12:05.340 --> 02:12:11.100 with a very elegant explanation but it's sophisticated that you that you willing to step back and say 02:12:11.100 --> 02:12:18.540 you know what my preconceived notions of what happened was wrong oh it's it it it now it has 02:12:18.540 --> 02:12:25.100 been updated and i have to be willing to consider at least consider what j is saying what we are 02:12:25.100 --> 02:12:31.180 trying to argue because i'm in this discussion with you because i actually accept in total 02:12:31.260 --> 02:12:38.940 what we are seeing i mean they have questions here and there but with all that i've been through 02:12:38.940 --> 02:12:45.100 and see and know and read and i'm heavily read in the area i think this is one of the most logical 02:12:45.980 --> 02:12:52.940 explanations because we are trying to make sense of what the hell happened and nothing makes sense 02:12:53.740 --> 02:13:00.540 but this explanation does far and if we can evolve it more and but not any edges and stuff 02:13:01.500 --> 02:13:08.940 i think i think that you have a very very cogent argument to be needed and um we have to get it 02:13:08.940 --> 02:13:14.380 out there i love it i love it do you mind if i quickly before you go play that video that i 02:13:14.380 --> 02:13:21.260 played for you of dr g or donald explaining how he would do it in 2017 okay just going to end on 02:13:21.260 --> 02:13:26.940 that and then we'll we'll be ready for the next one early but i want is high morbidity i want 02:13:26.940 --> 02:13:32.300 people to complain so what do i do i go to demoy ladies and gentlemen of people on the screen i 02:13:32.300 --> 02:13:36.700 have nothing against demoy and i live there for four years i go to demoy i infect a couple of 02:13:36.700 --> 02:13:44.380 sentinel cases in demoy i go to seattle i infect a couple of cases there i go to north carolina i 02:13:44.380 --> 02:13:50.700 go to wisconsin what i'm doing is i'm using a dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases 02:13:50.700 --> 02:13:56.060 with a highly morbid condition these individuals complain again this is a central nervous system 02:13:56.060 --> 02:14:01.180 condition so they're complaining of whatever the bug may do it'll produce some cascade of 02:14:01.180 --> 02:14:07.260 neurological and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms and then what i do the real bug that i use 02:14:07.980 --> 02:14:11.900 is the internet i take attribution for that yes i'm a terrorist group 02:14:12.540 --> 02:14:16.860 and i have done this by infecting with a highly little agent and the first signs and symptoms of 02:14:16.860 --> 02:14:23.500 lethality are x y and z these people are really sick with this but then i say others who are also 02:14:23.500 --> 02:14:29.820 infected will show subdramal pre-dram signs of lethality and what that will be is anxiety 02:14:30.540 --> 02:14:36.860 sleeplessness agitation what i've now done is i've got every individual who is diagnostically 02:14:36.860 --> 02:14:41.900 hypochondriacal and i've got every individual who's the worried well flooding the public health system 02:14:41.900 --> 02:14:48.860 banging on the door the cdc comes back and says nonsense that's not real i come back and say 02:14:48.940 --> 02:14:57.340 that's fake news and as i just want to say that the chat is thanking you profusely for coming 02:14:57.340 --> 02:15:04.940 they hope that you will come back and i know you will i can't thank you enough you like a new 02:15:04.940 --> 02:15:11.340 brother i have from another mother i love it i love it i'm so grateful for you joining me 02:15:11.340 --> 02:15:16.060 i think it's good to cut it off sharp here and just try to find a time when we can do it again 02:15:16.060 --> 02:15:21.420 very soon and promise me that you will yes part two and i'll be here we just need to 02:15:21.980 --> 02:15:27.100 spend a long time on the weekend please we can't we can't let too much time go and when we start 02:15:27.100 --> 02:15:33.660 the next show if you could jay because this is really your and i want to put you out there i want 02:15:33.660 --> 02:15:41.660 to make you center stage this is can you do a quick five-minute recap first of the first show 02:15:41.660 --> 02:15:46.860 so that so that so the people we could then hit the floor running again at bill absolutely right 02:15:46.860 --> 02:15:53.580 i we will do it yes thank you sir thank you very much thank you to all your listeners for 02:15:53.580 --> 02:15:59.820 bearing with me thank you bearing with me he says can you believe what just happened 02:16:00.460 --> 02:16:03.100 can you believe what just happened 02:16:03.740 --> 02:16:11.100 Paul Elias Alexander was on the stream and we discussed the basic big ideas of an endemic 02:16:11.660 --> 02:16:20.140 background and of a SARS infectious clone being used to see the idea of a pandemic he really likes 02:16:20.140 --> 02:16:26.700 it he follows it well this is something that we need to push forward so if you want to help 02:16:26.700 --> 02:16:33.260 and you never did before please sign up for twitter and share it put it on facebook 02:16:33.260 --> 02:16:40.140 send it everywhere in a few minutes i'll have it up on vimeo where i can put a link on my it will 02:16:40.140 --> 02:16:45.580 be on the first video on gig home biological and then you can also use that to link it to places 02:16:45.580 --> 02:16:49.900 and then i'll try to get something up on bit shoot and rumble and stuff after 02:16:50.620 --> 02:16:54.780 the afternoon i have a meeting with the writing team so i'm not sure if it'll be until three 02:16:55.260 --> 02:16:57.900 but all of this is planned we're going forward and you heard 02:16:58.460 --> 02:17:05.260 Dr. Alexander he's coming back for sure so get ready get fired up i told you that we weren't messing 02:17:05.260 --> 02:17:11.420 around i told you that we were going to do something serious this is it so again thank you very 02:17:11.420 --> 02:17:15.900 much for joining me this is getting a gig home biological high resistance low noise information 02:17:15.900 --> 02:17:20.700 stream brought to you by a biologist i can't thank all my subscribers and supporters and 02:17:20.780 --> 02:17:27.020 people to share my work enough we are finally starting to make progress i feel a real kind 02:17:27.020 --> 02:17:32.540 of momentum here and i hope you do too i hope you're as excited as me i don't know if i'm going to 02:17:32.540 --> 02:17:40.540 see you until tonight um in fact tonight i the the talk that i'm giving at at eight will not be 02:17:40.540 --> 02:17:46.460 streamed but the the clubhouse meeting at four will be streamed so i guess i'll see you at four 02:17:46.460 --> 02:18:02.380 thanks for coming and i'll see you guys again soon 02:18:16.460 --> 02:18:30.860 so 02:18:46.460 --> 02:18:49.460 So that was the name of the mysterious bear. 02:18:49.460 --> 02:18:51.460 It turned out she was holding. 02:18:51.460 --> 02:18:54.460 I had to tell so many stories about them, 02:18:54.460 --> 02:18:56.460 so many rumors. 02:18:58.460 --> 02:19:02.460 I thought someone told me that they had a talking bear. 02:19:02.460 --> 02:19:05.460 I thought the bear would never speak it. 02:19:16.460 --> 02:19:21.460 MUSIC