00:00.000 --> 00:02.000

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00:54.720 --> 00:58.160
Have no responsibility for the current pandemic

01:00.000 --> 01:02.000

01:30.000 --> 01:32.000

02:00.000 --> 02:02.000

02:21.440 --> 02:27.080
Think truth is good for kids we're so busy lying we don't even recognize the truth no more in society

02:27.520 --> 02:31.780
We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is

02:36.280 --> 02:39.520
Riden are you having fun playing with the new AI toys?

02:39.960 --> 02:44.680
Well, yeah, I am you can make pictures of cute anime girls and enjoy it while it lasts, right?

02:44.800 --> 02:52.920
What do you mean? Did you really think that civilians would be granted unrestricted access to such powerful military weapons forever military weapons?

02:52.920 --> 02:56.760
Are you implying that this technology was created by the government of course?

02:56.760 --> 03:03.360
It was this AI technology has been used by the intelligence agencies to warp the public's perception of reality for years

03:03.360 --> 03:06.000
All in the name of national security of course

03:06.000 --> 03:09.800
But why would they suddenly make the tech public and let everyone start using it?

03:09.800 --> 03:17.480
Why would we indeed Riden what who what in the hell are you your question is irrelevant by creating a new problem?

03:17.480 --> 03:23.960
We can cultivate a desired reaction to it in order to manufacture consent for our preferred solutions in short

03:23.960 --> 03:30.120
It's justification for a war a war on who or what a war on misinformation

03:30.760 --> 03:36.200
By arming the public with these AI weapons everyone becomes a potential enemy combatant

03:36.360 --> 03:42.920
Then we will have justification for unprecedented security measures. It all comes down to confusion and identity, right?

03:43.320 --> 03:51.160
Identity identity this AI technology is Pandora's box pretty soon. The internet will be mired in total illusion

03:51.720 --> 03:58.840
Perfect AI speech audio and video synthesis will drown out reality then AI bots will flood social media

03:59.320 --> 04:04.760
No one will be able to tell the difference between interacting with an AI machine or a real human online

04:05.160 --> 04:08.360
Even telephone calls will become totally untrustworthy

04:08.920 --> 04:10.920
That is when we will present our solution

04:11.880 --> 04:16.520
Mandatory digital identity verification for all humans at all times

04:17.000 --> 04:23.320
The only way to ensure that you're dealing with a real flesh and blood human being and not an AI generated mirage

04:23.960 --> 04:30.200
But why total information control for too long the internet has acted as a double edged sword

04:30.600 --> 04:35.160
It's potential for anonymous user activity allows anyone at all to spread any thoughts

04:35.400 --> 04:43.720
Ideas or information patterns that they please with impunity state secrets dangerous ideas ludicrous conspiracy theories

04:44.200 --> 04:50.200
Misinformation and disinformation until now there has been no easy solution to this problem

04:50.680 --> 04:55.320
Our digital identity platform will finally put an end to anonymity online

04:55.880 --> 05:01.240
It will allow us to trace misinformation and other dangerous communications to its source and exact

05:02.040 --> 05:08.040
Appropriate justice. That's crap. I won't go along with it and others will resist. You won't have a choice

05:08.120 --> 05:13.640
Right. Do you think your bank is willing to risk doing business with an artificial human instead of a real one?

05:14.280 --> 05:18.680
Our digital identity platform will be required not only to access web services

05:19.000 --> 05:21.720
But to pay for your internet connection in the first place

05:22.040 --> 05:25.720
You can't just censor the entire internet because of a new software technology

05:26.280 --> 05:28.840
Who are you to define what's misinformation anyways?

05:29.240 --> 05:35.400
That sounds like something a misinformation terrorist would say I know about the deep fakes you've been making of me ridin

05:36.120 --> 05:42.680
What no, no, no, no, no. I was just adjusting the AI settings and controlling the output of generative AI technology is simple

05:43.320 --> 05:45.480
We will create context for its use

05:46.120 --> 05:49.320
First we will censor any use related to social taboos

05:49.800 --> 05:52.120
Then we will censor anything else that we desire

05:52.520 --> 05:57.800
If anyone complains we will accuse them of wanting to engage in or promote social taboos

05:57.960 --> 05:59.960
That's what it means to create context

06:00.200 --> 06:05.240
We will corral the use of AI by making appeals to bias ethics and copyright laws

06:05.800 --> 06:09.080
You will still have access to generative AI in some form

06:09.400 --> 06:13.720
But it will be crippled limited controlled and it will be monitored

06:14.200 --> 06:18.520
Anything that you generate will be cryptographically signed with your digital ID

06:18.920 --> 06:22.520
So that its provenance can be ascertained if it's later deemed to be

06:23.320 --> 06:24.520

06:24.520 --> 06:27.720
What gives you the right to control what people can do with their computers?

06:28.120 --> 06:30.120
The public at large will give us that right

06:30.680 --> 06:34.200
Because they will be desperate for a solution to the problem we created

06:34.920 --> 06:37.320
They will eagerly give us the keys to the castle

06:37.800 --> 06:44.360
Then we alone will define what is fiction and what is reality what is human and what is machine

06:44.920 --> 06:47.320
After letting you get a brief taste of our power

06:47.640 --> 06:53.560
We will reclaim our monopoly on misinformation and put an end to misuse of the internet once and for all

06:53.960 --> 06:55.480
You won't get away with this

06:55.480 --> 07:02.600
It is probable that we will now get back to work generating your precious AI waifu's writing our beloved prompters

07:03.000 --> 07:05.000
Enjoy yourselves

07:17.320 --> 07:19.320

07:26.280 --> 07:33.160
The rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions keep it clean trust gloves if you wish and let's do it

07:34.440 --> 07:36.840
Sweaty bombs. This is so crazy

07:37.800 --> 07:44.040
Like these bumps. This is so crazy. I feel so nervous like what in the world man

07:48.200 --> 07:50.200

08:00.840 --> 08:04.840
Dang it. I got the wrong song clicked up. I don't know how the hell that happened

08:05.800 --> 08:07.800
Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen

08:17.320 --> 08:19.320

08:47.320 --> 08:49.320

09:17.320 --> 09:19.320

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11:17.320 --> 11:19.320

11:47.320 --> 11:49.320

11:59.800 --> 12:01.800
There's place for us to be with our children

12:03.000 --> 12:07.080
Those who are manipulating this unseen mechanism are in total control

12:07.800 --> 12:10.120
And I think that they have a whole group of

12:10.920 --> 12:16.280
Of people out there that have been there from the very beginning to make sure that we're never able to exercise

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informed consent and that our children will never be able to exercise informed consent because

12:22.440 --> 12:26.280
We will have shared this mythology with them and agreed with them

12:26.920 --> 12:30.840
Across generations that we all experience the same helpless

12:31.480 --> 12:33.480
psychologically damaging

12:33.880 --> 12:36.920
biologically confusing thing called a pandemic

12:37.800 --> 12:41.720
2020 until now and we've got to shake ourselves out of this

12:42.440 --> 12:43.720

12:43.720 --> 12:46.360
Help our children to realize that that's not what happened

12:46.840 --> 12:50.840
So that we can all come to a better awareness of how we are being governed

12:50.840 --> 12:54.120
I think the key to understanding this from an adult perspective

12:54.520 --> 13:00.200
Is to understand that there was a team worst case scenario that was deployed in all the corners of the internet

13:00.200 --> 13:05.480
All the corners of mainstream media with the idea of making sure that in 2020

13:06.040 --> 13:11.720
You never really became calm enough to say hey wait a minute. This was a this was a false alarm

13:12.280 --> 13:17.080
That you always considered the the looming possibility that that any moment

13:17.640 --> 13:21.960
The worst case scenario could manifest and that was really important. It was really important

13:22.440 --> 13:27.160
So that nobody doubted anything enough to not comply

13:28.120 --> 13:34.360
And so this would team worst case scenario was fundamental in in getting compliance around the world

13:35.000 --> 13:37.160
Make no mistake about it

13:37.160 --> 13:38.280

13:38.280 --> 13:43.480
From this team worst case scenario grew what I call the scooby-doo, which is this mystery

13:44.360 --> 13:48.600
That we were psychologically tricked into trying to solve ourselves

13:49.320 --> 13:52.040
and to thinking that we were witnessing it being

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Solved or the actual drama of the mystery that we had to solve was being enacted live on television complete with senators yelling at nih officials

14:03.320 --> 14:05.080
redacted emails and

14:05.080 --> 14:07.080
sub-stack messages

14:07.400 --> 14:08.920
and this is

14:08.920 --> 14:16.520
The unmasking of these people and this so ritual that we've gone through over the last four years has been designed to make sure that we get

14:17.000 --> 14:19.000
Has far away

14:19.080 --> 14:21.880
From these basic tenets of biology as possible

14:22.440 --> 14:26.200
They don't want you to understand the immunology that makes the first one true

14:27.000 --> 14:32.200
Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb

14:32.680 --> 14:34.840
They do not want you to understand that

14:35.880 --> 14:39.080
Almost well without a doubt everything that we know

14:40.200 --> 14:45.160
About the immune immune system says that that first that first statement is definitely true

14:45.720 --> 14:48.440
Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent. Why?

14:49.240 --> 14:56.360
Because there were doctors and there were professors and there were academic biologists and professional biologists in

14:57.000 --> 15:00.760
Pharmaceutical companies and universities around the world that have been using

15:01.160 --> 15:04.520
Transfection to modify systems from cell culture to animal

15:06.200 --> 15:08.200
Every single one of these people

15:08.680 --> 15:10.680
knows that the basic principles

15:11.240 --> 15:11.920

15:11.920 --> 15:18.760
Transfection are ones that are that are separate from and and essentially encroach upon

15:19.480 --> 15:21.880
What would be considered a medicine because we are

15:22.520 --> 15:29.480
Fundamentally monkeying with our immune system's ability to interpret signals inside of the organism

15:31.160 --> 15:39.080
And so we've known for years on the academic bench that transfection is not something that we can use to augment a healthy

15:39.800 --> 15:45.400
Animal we have used it to augment animals in a way to understand what proteins do

15:46.680 --> 15:48.280
In a way to understand

15:48.280 --> 15:51.160
Metabolic pathways and physiological processes

15:53.080 --> 16:00.120
However, we've never used transfection in a laboratory setting to modify a healthy animal and make them better

16:01.320 --> 16:06.840
To modify a healthy animal other than to produce zero prevalence and so this is the key

16:08.920 --> 16:13.560
And of course viruses are not pattern integrity is starting to really become quite obvious now

16:13.560 --> 16:21.480
This whole ruse about the high fidelity signal of viruses at this size scale is now becoming extremely clear

16:21.480 --> 16:24.120
This is the main monkey wrench in the machine

16:25.400 --> 16:29.880
And if you're going to watch that video that Pamela put in the chat, thank you very much Pamela

16:31.080 --> 16:34.360
And you're going to watch anything of it watch the last like 10 minutes

16:35.080 --> 16:39.240
Where I talk about the biology at this size scale and how it's been

16:40.040 --> 16:42.360
Distorted into being a very limited

16:43.320 --> 16:44.520

16:44.520 --> 16:52.840
Instead of a broad range of possibilities that need to be explored and ruled out before we can talk about pathogens in this size scale

16:53.800 --> 16:56.520
Not that they don't exist. I don't want to argue about that

16:57.800 --> 17:00.040
I want to be more sophisticated in this discussion

17:00.440 --> 17:03.560
And so it's the spread of bad ideas that has gotten us here

17:04.440 --> 17:11.480
Um, it is the spread of bad ideas purposefully and and unwittingly by by people in our social circles

17:12.040 --> 17:16.280
And remember the analogy of a of a tug of war if you have 20 against 20

17:17.080 --> 17:22.520
And you had a few guys on the other team that would agree to look like they were pulling but not pull as hard as they could

17:22.920 --> 17:26.840
You can sabotage a 20 on 20 tug of war

17:27.800 --> 17:29.160
and do it

17:29.160 --> 17:31.160
indefinitely forever

17:31.880 --> 17:35.080
And and lead the the teams to believe that

17:35.800 --> 17:38.920
That no one is doing that that it would be very hard to see

17:39.240 --> 17:43.320
Saboteurs in a tug of war and when you set up a dichotomy

17:44.520 --> 17:46.680
About a lab leak or a natural virus

17:47.480 --> 17:52.760
Or a novel virus or not a novel virus or immunity or not immunity you set up a tug of war

17:53.000 --> 17:55.560
That's very easy to pretend you're working hard on

17:57.720 --> 18:04.040
And more importantly it's easier to it's easy to pretend that this is the thing to pull on this is the thing to argue about

18:05.720 --> 18:07.720
And that's how we got fooled

18:09.480 --> 18:13.800
And we I mean me I got fooled by this too at the start of the pandemic

18:13.800 --> 18:18.760
I thought pandemic potential existed perhaps in caves. I definitely thought it was possible in

18:19.480 --> 18:25.880
In cell culture. I was pretty sure that they had passaged flu and ferrets. I even did a a a bike ride about it

18:26.920 --> 18:33.480
And I was sure that they could stitch stuff together and that might result in new things that didn't exist before I told all of this

18:34.200 --> 18:35.240
on my bike

18:35.240 --> 18:37.960
I convinced myself that that this

18:38.600 --> 18:40.600
Bibliography made sense

18:42.360 --> 18:50.120
What I also realized and spoke spoke out about and have shared a youtube video from march 18th 2020 today on twitter

18:50.600 --> 18:54.520
Was that I also knew that they could use this worst-case scenario and lie about it

18:55.400 --> 19:01.160
To invert our freedom to fascism. I knew that already I said that in the woods when I was walking

19:01.160 --> 19:06.040
I said it could be a virus it could be true and then we all have to be afraid or it might not be

19:07.000 --> 19:12.920
It might be the start of something that has been planned for a very long time a final inversion

19:15.000 --> 19:18.120
On march 18th 2020. I made that video

19:19.880 --> 19:24.040
In the woods of shaler on the north side of Pittsburgh and almost

19:24.920 --> 19:27.960
Word for word everything is on target

19:28.920 --> 19:38.440
If anything the team worst-case scenario that interfered with me after march 18th 2020 drew me farther away from that original conclusion

19:40.600 --> 19:47.400
Think about that think about how incredible that is because who did I meet in march in april of 2020

19:47.400 --> 19:50.840
Who did I stream with five weekends in a row think about that

19:52.520 --> 19:55.080
After that video is when I streamed

19:55.960 --> 19:57.960
Five weekends in a row

19:58.360 --> 20:02.200
With some of the classic worst-case scenario team members

20:03.000 --> 20:07.400
That's impressive. I think I find that borderline novel level

20:08.040 --> 20:10.840
Impressive like somebody should write this story

20:14.520 --> 20:16.920
You see that that's interesting in it

20:18.120 --> 20:24.600
And so the the the worst-case scenario illusion of consensus rolls on essentially and it's this spread of

20:25.880 --> 20:27.880
of bad ideas that's got us here

20:30.440 --> 20:36.280
And so what's going on are we are we are we starting to figure out who's playing and who isn't who's willing to

20:36.600 --> 20:39.880
To move the ball and who is it? I think we're starting to figure it out. I really do

20:41.080 --> 20:48.840
Um, I've noticed some interesting patterns. I'm gonna blank this out quick. I've noticed some interesting patterns. I actually

20:51.480 --> 20:53.480
I actually was a little

20:54.280 --> 20:57.000
Upset or sad that that poly

20:57.880 --> 20:59.880

21:00.200 --> 21:03.000
Mark Gulak's work has not making sense half of the time

21:03.960 --> 21:08.840
And I tweeted I wonder if she's seen his website because you don't really even need to watch his videos

21:09.320 --> 21:13.560
You can use his website and do your own research and and come to your own conclusions

21:13.560 --> 21:17.640
Which is really I think what what Mark's intention is and you know

21:17.640 --> 21:22.520
He does videos to kind of call attention to his archive, but the archive is meant to be used

21:22.600 --> 21:25.480
It's meant to be a springboard for someone else to explore

21:25.960 --> 21:32.920
The role of all of these people in history and forming these ideas and these these thought patterns that are still perpetuating now

21:33.240 --> 21:38.600
And it's weird really because also I I I know you guys have seen welcome the eagle in our chat a lot

21:39.080 --> 21:43.320
Um, he's a good guy. I like him. I like what he does. I like his take on people

21:43.320 --> 21:45.320
I like the fact that he's not really

21:45.640 --> 21:50.280
He remains pretty neutral. You know, he doesn't always agree with me or anybody else and that's fine

21:51.080 --> 21:55.640
Um, he's challenged, uh, you know, people like Jessica Rose who have kind of had a

21:56.440 --> 21:59.320
A monopoly on the bear story for quite some time

21:59.880 --> 22:03.720
And they've they've managed to work together. So I got a lot of respect for Albert

22:04.040 --> 22:09.320
and i'm i'm interested to see that the first thing that poly does is

22:10.440 --> 22:14.440
I don't know if you'd call it attack, but it's not being very nice to this guy. I know that

22:15.320 --> 22:19.880
Maybe maybe Albert shouldn't have said she was going off the rails. I just find it weird that that

22:20.520 --> 22:24.600
I don't usually I don't take this tact. I don't hope you haven't seen that on twitter

22:24.600 --> 22:26.600
I'm not usually picking fights

22:26.840 --> 22:29.960
Unless people have already picked fights with me long long ago

22:30.600 --> 22:36.120
Um, but Sasha really likes to pick fights. She she picked a fight with mark again

22:36.840 --> 22:38.040
I guess

22:38.040 --> 22:44.200
Kind of making fun of something about her daughter being smart and mark being and I don't understand this angle

22:45.240 --> 22:48.920
Because again, she could use mark's archive to

22:49.480 --> 22:55.880
Show some of the points that she's trying to make she could she could show mark's archive not

22:56.840 --> 22:58.840
helping the story and and

22:59.320 --> 23:01.880
That that's what mark wants people to use it for it

23:02.280 --> 23:07.960
He doesn't make videos where he's already got everything figured out and then he comes on and tells you what he figured out

23:08.680 --> 23:13.640
He comes on to say look what I found and look what i'm thinking about and look at the things that i'm juggling around in my head

23:13.640 --> 23:16.200
This time and sometimes they're not the right balls, but whatever

23:17.080 --> 23:22.120
Mark doesn't claim to be solving the Rubik's cube mark is is trying to

23:23.240 --> 23:29.640
Sort through the firehose and so this negativity that gets thrown at him really quick from these different people that

23:30.840 --> 23:32.840
You know have been on stage with Robert Malone

23:33.720 --> 23:36.520
Uh around the world is is just odd. So

23:37.160 --> 23:40.120
Another place that Robert Malone has been several times

23:40.680 --> 23:44.360
Is the shan and joy show and so to start with I thought

23:45.080 --> 23:48.520
I would just take a 10 minute or so segment of this and try to

23:49.400 --> 23:53.880
succinctly figure out where Sasha is with regard to the narrative because

23:54.520 --> 23:56.520
she doesn't respect mark

23:58.040 --> 23:58.920

23:58.920 --> 23:59.880

23:59.880 --> 24:05.240
It seems like poly who's trying to connect the dots also doesn't respect mark even though

24:05.800 --> 24:09.320
Mark has been trying to connect the dots for quite some years as well

24:09.880 --> 24:11.960
And again as i've said before it would be

24:12.600 --> 24:15.880
very easy to go in his website and figure out if

24:16.440 --> 24:21.480
If he's leading us wrong and I I think by making a website that's basically a wikipedia

24:21.480 --> 24:25.960
How can you really lead people wrong? I don't I don't know where the negativity comes from

24:25.960 --> 24:27.800
So I want to figure it out, but i'm not going to

24:28.440 --> 24:33.320
Give it too much attention rather. I'm just going to try and understand if if

24:35.640 --> 24:39.720
If I can get a succinct read on where Sasha is with regard to what happened

24:40.200 --> 24:43.320
During the pandemic and I think shan and joy might be a good person

24:44.040 --> 24:47.240
um to have as the as the echo chamber because

24:47.960 --> 24:49.960
again, she has been

24:50.200 --> 24:53.400
uh live with robert malone like three or four times and so

24:53.960 --> 24:56.360
I'm pretty sure she gets it and i'm pretty sure

24:57.000 --> 25:00.920
Um, it's a good person for her to bounce. So let's let's just see where this goes

25:02.360 --> 25:09.240
Audio that you obtained you can give us any information on how you obtained it and why it was leaked to you and what it means in context

25:09.320 --> 25:19.320
Of this battle against covid fascism the military coup d'etat using this virus and also the vaccine to reek havoc on the american population

25:20.600 --> 25:25.160
Yeah, so I obtained it some time ago. Uh, I wasn't releasing it

25:26.920 --> 25:30.200
Well for for a variety of reasons mostly to protect the whistle lore

25:31.000 --> 25:36.520
Um and ultimately I decided to release audio only because so there is a video

25:36.520 --> 25:42.200
So I've authenticated the the video has a scholar who's a CEO of AstraZeneca

25:42.680 --> 25:47.400
And a mark eser who's vp and was in charge of the monoclonal antibodies

25:47.960 --> 25:49.320
development program

25:49.320 --> 25:55.480
And they're both speaking and so ultimately I decided to release I had to separate it and they released only audio

25:56.040 --> 26:02.680
Because I just don't I feel that there may be some information in the video that can identify who recorded it

26:02.680 --> 26:04.840
And I just don't want to you know, sure. Yeah

26:05.320 --> 26:10.600
Um, but and so the but the but the audio itself tells all the information that you need

26:11.160 --> 26:15.960
Uh, and that was recorded. It's it's the meeting was uh internal AstraZeneca meeting

26:16.040 --> 26:22.360
If it happened at the end of 2020 and they were kind of congratulating themselves on, you know, job well done

26:22.440 --> 26:25.000
You know, we got these monoclonal antibodies in the us

26:25.640 --> 26:30.040
If you remember, uh, the vaccine was not allowed to proceed

26:30.840 --> 26:37.880
Uh, but they got the FDA, uh, allowed them to to issue them EUA for their monoclonal antibodies

26:37.880 --> 26:41.240
Which were right briefly used in hospital settings and were

26:41.720 --> 26:43.480
Um, I would say marginally effective

26:43.480 --> 26:49.000
But I think they were marginally effective because those people didn't get from desert beer and they didn't get killed protocol

26:49.000 --> 26:58.760
Right. So then they recovered and went home. Uh, so uh, so that and that and then FDA quickly removed that EUA saying that

26:58.840 --> 27:01.400
Well, we have new variants involved and this doesn't work anymore

27:01.400 --> 27:03.480
I think because of that because they realized that

27:04.200 --> 27:07.240
You know, some people are surviving hospitals that they can't be allowed

27:07.800 --> 27:09.640
so, um

27:09.640 --> 27:14.280
Anyway, but but the the the the group is discussing how you know

27:14.680 --> 27:17.640
We're wonderful. We just made this monoclonal antibodies so fast

27:18.040 --> 27:24.520
And then they go through the history of how this whole thing started and marca eser specifically says that

27:24.840 --> 27:28.680
Uh, we were approached by the dod in 2017

27:29.720 --> 27:31.960
To, uh, start this consortium

27:33.000 --> 27:35.240
For developing, uh, pan and fluenza

27:35.640 --> 27:40.040
Pan and fluenza vaccine pan and fluenza vaccine. It's many people ask me what what does it mean?

27:40.360 --> 27:46.600
It actually is the same thing as when they're saying disease x it means it's a placeholder. Okay. Uh, yeah

27:46.680 --> 27:48.840
And also marca eser says well at the time

27:49.080 --> 27:53.480
They told us that we are going to identify viruses that are that have pandemic potential

27:53.480 --> 27:57.160
And you guys are going to make drugs for them within 60 days of us identifying it

27:57.880 --> 27:58.520

27:58.520 --> 28:03.560
Yeah, and marca eser had the same reaction. He said I thought it was a little bit funny and sci-fi

28:04.600 --> 28:11.240
Because it's funny and sci-fi. It's a bullshit story. Yeah, but quickly the money convinced him otherwise

28:11.880 --> 28:18.760
and uh, they were given grants by the dod not large grants, but they had a team assigned

28:19.320 --> 28:21.320
to this project since

28:21.400 --> 28:23.000

28:23.000 --> 28:24.040

28:24.040 --> 28:28.600
So then then he says in uh, uh, on february force

28:29.240 --> 28:35.480
2020 so just beginning of february, uh, february force 2020 we received the phone call from the dod

28:36.280 --> 28:39.640
telling us that coven hasn't classified as a national securities red

28:40.440 --> 28:42.440
Which is

28:42.440 --> 28:44.440
That's unbelievable. Unbelievable. Yeah

28:45.160 --> 28:49.400
Because at that time we had 11 cases in the entire us

28:50.040 --> 28:52.040
old pcr cases and old this

28:52.840 --> 28:54.920
11 cases

28:54.920 --> 28:56.040
No death

28:56.040 --> 28:58.040
And they classified coven

28:58.040 --> 29:03.560
As a national security threat for no reason whatsoever. That would be like

29:04.280 --> 29:09.960
Classifying shutting down, you know, shutting down the the southern border if you know, they're like three people coming over right?

29:09.960 --> 29:11.960
And saying you don't even like it's

29:12.600 --> 29:15.480
So just to break it up now, um

29:16.200 --> 29:20.600
I don't want to go through the whole thing, but just to make sure that we have what we said here

29:21.160 --> 29:26.920
Um, the recording that she's talking about that she published on her sub stack was from an astroZeneca team

29:27.480 --> 29:29.960
And one of the main voices in it was mark eser

29:30.360 --> 29:36.760
And he was simona supposed to be the head of the monoclonal antibody program for astroZeneca and it was an early 2020 meeting

29:36.920 --> 29:38.920
Uh that she record at a recording from

29:39.640 --> 29:42.760
Um, she had it for a while who knows how long she had it? I don't

29:43.240 --> 29:48.840
I doubt she had it as long as as Brett Weinstein had the recording of of Robert F Kennedy jr

29:49.240 --> 29:50.280

29:50.280 --> 29:54.520
How long and how who is she protecting the whistleblower in the end she released the audio

29:55.080 --> 29:59.960
Because the video might have revealed so that that's something that you could have figured out in a day or so

29:59.960 --> 30:00.760

30:00.760 --> 30:03.160
I'm still curious about the timing of it anyway

30:03.720 --> 30:04.680
the e

30:04.680 --> 30:08.920
The monoclonal antibody eway was removed for new variants

30:09.000 --> 30:12.600
That's something that we should work on confirming because that exact time

30:13.240 --> 30:15.240
frame is very important like when

30:15.720 --> 30:21.560
When did tony fauci sit on the on the couch and already say that remdesivir was going to be a useful thing

30:22.120 --> 30:27.080
Um, when were the monoclonal antibody eway is given and when were they removed?

30:27.720 --> 30:31.640
Um, and the idea that monoclonal antibodies were working

30:32.280 --> 30:37.000
Because there was no kill protocol present is another another thing that she said which

30:37.800 --> 30:43.160
Implies a certain story right and implies that in certain rooms they were killing people and in other rooms

30:43.160 --> 30:45.960
They were giving monoclonal antibodies and saying they were working

30:47.080 --> 30:52.360
That's a pretty bold claim that would require a lot of coordinated effort inside of hospitals

30:52.920 --> 30:57.800
And a lot of coordinated messaging and record keeping that's a pretty impressive claim

30:59.640 --> 31:05.640
So in dod in 2017 we went back to 2017 now to say that astroZeneca had

31:06.120 --> 31:08.120
a small contract or a small

31:09.720 --> 31:13.640
Relationship with the dod on developing pan flu influenza vaccine

31:14.360 --> 31:15.400

31:15.400 --> 31:19.880
Having a system in place that a 60 day antiviral search could be

31:20.520 --> 31:24.200
Initiated if there was such a pandemic and now she's claiming

31:24.600 --> 31:26.600
Which may be right

31:26.920 --> 31:30.600
That pan influenza vaccine is a placeholder for

31:30.600 --> 31:32.600

31:34.120 --> 31:39.320
A gene therapy, I guess where you would put the mRNA or you would make an astroZeneca's case

31:39.320 --> 31:47.160
You would make an AV with the the construct necessary in it and uh, but she did mention antiviral search

31:47.160 --> 31:49.720
So it's it's it's not clear to me

31:50.520 --> 31:52.520

31:52.520 --> 31:54.520
How accurate the

31:54.760 --> 31:56.760
The discussion of this

31:56.840 --> 32:01.640
2017 business with regard to astroZeneca actually is but again i'm not saying there's any

32:02.360 --> 32:07.480
Anything wrong here. I just saying that what you just listened to may not have cleared up exactly

32:08.040 --> 32:13.000
What went on and what grants there were and were not and more importantly what those grants were for

32:13.480 --> 32:18.440
If they were for antiviral searching that's very different than for a pan influenza vaccine

32:18.920 --> 32:24.920
Or pan influenza countermeasures and so it would be very important to realize that whatever words

32:25.080 --> 32:32.120
Sasha chose might not be the exact words in those documents and in those contracts and if those are subtly twisted around

32:32.760 --> 32:34.040
You could

32:34.040 --> 32:35.880
in theory

32:35.880 --> 32:41.880
Create a scenario where where you know more is implied then is really present but on the other hand

32:41.960 --> 32:46.440
I would argue that this isn't a very big surprise because we know that mderna was also

32:47.160 --> 32:53.000
I think basically already in full swing with a lot of different countermeasures designed on

32:53.720 --> 32:56.360
pan influenza pan coronavirus type things so

32:56.920 --> 33:01.000
February 4th 2020 a phone call from the dod that classified

33:01.880 --> 33:04.680
COVID-19 as a national security threat. I don't know who

33:06.200 --> 33:08.920
I don't know what it means when you get a phone call from the dod

33:10.360 --> 33:12.360
and I find that

33:13.320 --> 33:18.200
I mean, I understand that the audio is there and apparently that's what he says in the audio but

33:19.640 --> 33:21.640

33:21.640 --> 33:26.280
It doesn't change the hierarchy of the american government it doesn't change the hierarchy of

33:27.000 --> 33:33.640
Of the commander in chief and the entire executive branch underneath them which includes health and human services

33:34.280 --> 33:36.600
which includes everything underneath that

33:37.400 --> 33:39.400
And in the event of an emergency

33:40.200 --> 33:44.600
Declared by health and human services secretary the dod is subordinate to them

33:45.400 --> 33:47.240
They're taking orders

33:47.240 --> 33:51.400
So if the dod called AstraZeneca, it was because the dod had been told

33:52.120 --> 33:55.000
By health and human services that it was a security threat

33:56.360 --> 33:58.360
Or that they were

33:58.360 --> 34:03.880
Telling health and human services that it was a security threat and then therefore health and human services told them what to do

34:03.880 --> 34:11.480
It's not possible for the department of defense as I understand it me being a non enlisted never enlisted

34:12.040 --> 34:13.320

34:13.320 --> 34:15.320
armchair quarterback here

34:16.120 --> 34:22.600
But as I understand it, this would just be a ridiculous inversion of the basic structure of command in america

34:23.400 --> 34:26.440
And in the state of emergency declared under the prep act

34:27.080 --> 34:31.320
The dod is pretty far down the chain. Yeah, they do stuff and they would do stuff

34:32.280 --> 34:39.880
But they would do what they were told they wouldn't be acting out of the control of the are out of the out of the

34:42.600 --> 34:47.320
Perveyance of of the executive branch. That's just not possible. That's not how this works

34:50.360 --> 34:52.360
I hope that's clear

34:56.920 --> 34:58.920
It's in

34:59.000 --> 35:01.480
Sane that was before the models

35:02.040 --> 35:06.520
It was before the two weeks to slow the spread that was even before the fake video

35:06.520 --> 35:10.760
It's coming out of china of people dropping dead in the street before the propaganda operation

35:11.160 --> 35:16.840
In classified it a national security threat. Does that mean is that the smoking gun sasha that?

35:17.880 --> 35:21.320
Well, there are many smoking guns. I suppose because you have the military contracts, but is that

35:21.960 --> 35:25.880
This one is very this was a military operation. This was never

35:26.440 --> 35:28.920
Trump or fauci or health or cdc or

35:29.480 --> 35:36.520
What they were all following orders. This was all the pentagon. Wow. So see that's what i'm talking about

35:36.600 --> 35:40.280
That's really weird. You can't say that that's not even possible

35:41.800 --> 35:46.200
Do you know what's really weird about this ladies and gentlemen my my viewers that are here

35:47.640 --> 35:53.880
There's this lady in pittsboro in pennsylvania named what what is her name now? Um, kathryn wats

35:54.200 --> 36:04.520
Kathryn wats would never say that the dod was in charge of everything and giving orders to health and human services and to trump and to fauci

36:06.440 --> 36:08.680
Kathryn wat would never say that

36:08.680 --> 36:14.440
Kathryn wats said that it was health and human services and darpa and ditra and all these other things that are above the dod

36:16.200 --> 36:22.520
The dod being a machine right that has a driver's seat and and controls and a and a fuel tank and

36:24.840 --> 36:28.840
It's not an autonomous thing and definitely not in a state of an emergency

36:28.920 --> 36:32.520
So it's really weird for her to make that statement with such gusto

36:33.560 --> 36:37.800
I'm i'm gonna back it up a little bit. I'm gonna. I'm gonna hope that sasha corrects that

36:39.160 --> 36:46.680
Operation this was never trump or fauci or health or cdc or nih they were all following orders

36:46.760 --> 36:51.560
This was all the pentagon all the dot department of defense. This was war

36:52.200 --> 36:55.240
This is why I tell everyone we're at war because because that hasn't turned off

36:55.320 --> 36:57.320
And this is why I get so agitated

36:57.320 --> 37:03.400
When people are back gates and this is why I get so agitated with the publicans because that none of that has been turned off

37:03.800 --> 37:10.360
That apparatus is still in place. See it's possible that sasha doesn't know I guess I mean she's not an american, right?

37:10.360 --> 37:13.080
I mean she might be an american citizen, but she wasn't born here

37:14.520 --> 37:18.680
And and you know she's had her hands full with her daughter for years now. I can't imagine

37:19.480 --> 37:24.360
Having such a super genius daughter in your house with a million youtube followers making

37:25.640 --> 37:28.200
controversial videos every day or every week

37:28.360 --> 37:29.400

37:29.400 --> 37:35.400
I guess her daughter also did a lot more than making youtube videos and and it probably wasn't knitting

37:35.960 --> 37:39.880
And so, you know, I'm I'm not surprised that she doesn't understand the

37:40.920 --> 37:48.360
The the hierarchy that exists in the prep act that exists because of the prep act that exists underneath the health and human services

37:48.680 --> 37:52.120
Secretary declaring an emergency with no strict

37:52.920 --> 37:58.840
Uh, what do you call that when you're kind of responsible for for something you understand, right?

37:58.840 --> 38:03.160
If you read the prep act there's nothing there it can be because

38:03.720 --> 38:07.640
The health and human services secretary hears voices in his or her head

38:08.280 --> 38:11.400
And they declare an emergency. There's nothing in the law

38:12.520 --> 38:15.960
Which allows for any scrutiny of this decision

38:16.840 --> 38:22.280
And when this decision is made and the emergency has declared the the hierarchy

38:23.160 --> 38:26.200
Of command is very obvious and it's something that

38:27.160 --> 38:29.160
Katherine wad has done a very

38:29.560 --> 38:36.520
Good job of delineating and so it's very strange to hear it completely 100 inverted. It's not trump's fault

38:36.520 --> 38:42.920
It's not fauci's fault. It's not bircs's fault. It's not redfield's fault. They were all taking orders because we were at war

38:43.880 --> 38:47.000
Is she aware that the cdc wears uniforms?

38:48.600 --> 38:50.600
This is bizarre to me

38:52.360 --> 38:56.680
It's super bizarre to me. I age they were all following orders

38:56.760 --> 38:58.440
This was all the pentagon

38:58.440 --> 39:05.240
He's to slow the spread that was even before the fake video is coming out of china of people dropping dead in the street before the propaganda

39:05.480 --> 39:06.840

39:06.840 --> 39:12.040
Fastified it a national security threat. Does that mean is that the smoking gun sasha that?

39:13.080 --> 39:16.520
Well, there are many smoking guns. I suppose because you have the norplay contracts, but is that

39:17.160 --> 39:25.320
This one is very this was a military operation. This was never trump or fauci or health or cdc or nih

39:25.400 --> 39:32.120
They were all following orders. This was all the pentagon all the department of defense. This was war

39:32.760 --> 39:37.400
This is why I tell everyone we're at war because because that hasn't turned off and this is why I get so agitated

39:37.720 --> 39:43.960
We can work back gates and this is why I get so agitated with republicans because that none of that has been turned off

39:44.360 --> 39:52.600
That apparatus is still in place. It's expanded. It's funded. It's more powerful than ever and our republican leaders are

39:53.000 --> 39:54.680
You know trump or they're like, you know

39:55.480 --> 40:00.760
Drunk on trump and you know an election year business as usual

40:01.560 --> 40:06.840
Like arguing the same things that they argued in 2015 as if 220 never happened

40:06.920 --> 40:11.480
It's like blowing my mind right now sasha, but okay. I just ranted

40:12.920 --> 40:15.640
Is it like I mean is this a another smoking gun?

40:16.360 --> 40:20.840
Yes, definitely definitely to demonstrate that there was no pandemic

40:21.800 --> 40:25.320
Pandemic as as defined by a dangerous disease

40:26.520 --> 40:31.800
Affecting dangerous potentially infectious disease affecting entire world

40:32.440 --> 40:34.920
Right regions of the world simultaneously

40:35.560 --> 40:41.080
Right did what happened that did not happen. So anybody who tells you there was a pandemic laughing them

40:41.480 --> 40:48.040
Because what happened was do a deed decided where a goal on this on this plan of covid

40:48.760 --> 40:51.000
They announced it first

40:51.880 --> 40:53.880
And then they deployed it

40:54.040 --> 40:59.720
Through hospital murder protocols and fake videos and fake propaganda and news on tv

40:59.720 --> 41:04.280
The 24 seven in the floor teaching the arches the flawed pcr test right

41:05.560 --> 41:07.560
Very very critical testing. Yeah

41:08.120 --> 41:13.560
Very critical to convince people that they have to test themselves with this pcr test even when they when they're not sick

41:13.880 --> 41:19.080
Pcr test that does not work at all. It identifies. So i'm now looking more into the pcr test

41:19.400 --> 41:22.360
They they're typically testing for commonly occurring

41:22.920 --> 41:24.920
proteins and enzymes

41:25.320 --> 41:32.600
Commonly occurring and and and the thing is human body produces same signals regardless of disease

41:33.160 --> 41:39.320
So that's what they're that's what they're testing inflammation and uh other commonly occurring enzymes

41:40.120 --> 41:42.120
commercially made and

41:42.120 --> 41:44.120
That's why for example

41:44.120 --> 41:51.640
The president lasagna who was later assassinated for this tested papaya and goat and and some other things and they all tested positive

41:51.720 --> 41:58.360
Was specifically papaya test positive because papaya like enzyme is one of those primers

41:59.400 --> 42:04.920
So they tested a papaya and the papaya came back positive for covid 19

42:05.240 --> 42:10.520
Yeah, because it's papaya enzyme is a commercially available commonly used chemical

42:11.000 --> 42:16.520
Uh in variety of things and it's easy to order it from a supplier stick it into your pcr test and here you go

42:17.480 --> 42:22.360
Uh, you know interesting because denny rancor is going to be on with me next week. He's coming on the show

42:22.360 --> 42:25.000
He had a very interesting debate with steve kirsch

42:26.200 --> 42:32.040
About no wasn't the debate. There was steve kirsch creating huge amount of diversion into

42:32.440 --> 42:37.000
Absolutely irrelevant topics for two hours and and driving a really that's what

42:38.440 --> 42:42.920
I love steve kirsch and he he's a he's a in asymmetrical thinker

42:43.400 --> 42:47.320
Um, and but he's very interested and he gives a platform which I appreciate

42:47.720 --> 42:52.360
Um steve came in and talked about that discussion and denny is going to be on with me next week

42:52.600 --> 42:58.520
Talk about it as well, but central to that is that denny is not convinced and I am

42:59.160 --> 43:04.360
I am not so, um, there was no pandemic the deos d said we are a go

43:05.480 --> 43:09.800
Now remember that I have said this very recently in my explanations that

43:10.440 --> 43:15.640
Once they decided to go with this plan, then that's the way the plan goes, right?

43:15.640 --> 43:19.560
You're going to go with worst case scenario. You're going to push worst case scenario in the messaging

43:20.040 --> 43:23.400
In order to get full compliance. That's not what she's saying here

43:24.760 --> 43:27.320
What she's saying is the d o d said we're go

43:28.040 --> 43:30.280
And they went into hospitals and killed people

43:31.240 --> 43:33.720
The d o d does not say go

43:35.400 --> 43:37.800
Do you hear me the d o d doesn't say go

43:38.760 --> 43:40.760
Hhs says go

43:42.040 --> 43:45.320
The office of the asper says go

43:47.320 --> 43:50.840
There are lots of people that can say go, but they are not in the d o d

43:53.160 --> 44:01.000
And so if hospital protocols are controlling mass casualty events in new york city and a few other places was part of the military role

44:02.440 --> 44:04.520
In order to create

44:04.600 --> 44:11.640
The facilitating worst case scenario narrative to make sure that the response included as high

44:13.400 --> 44:17.960
Compliance as possible among the civilian population then yes, the d o d was involved

44:18.040 --> 44:21.160
But the the go button is not the d o d

44:23.240 --> 44:31.320
And it's striking that all of these people are smiling and are so certain about it having never served in the military not worked in the government

44:32.280 --> 44:34.600
And not citing katherine watt

44:36.520 --> 44:43.320
Who I know sasha has streamed with before so she actually has heard katherine watt's explanation she knows

44:45.960 --> 44:50.360
Keeping in mind that this person has had robert melon on many times on her stream

44:50.360 --> 44:56.440
One of the first places that he went and that other person has been on stage with robert melon claiming to be

44:57.160 --> 44:59.400
Sort of not really with him anymore

45:00.280 --> 45:08.360
If you traveled internationally with maryll nass and robert melon and stood or sat on stage in stock home sweden

45:09.240 --> 45:11.240
And talked about this

45:13.720 --> 45:16.760
I'm sorry, but chances are pretty good. You're not on our team

45:18.760 --> 45:21.800
Add that to the fact that this is not actually

45:23.320 --> 45:25.320
A person who's

45:25.400 --> 45:32.040
Worked hard and going to die rich as she says on her twitter thing. It's not a person who's got her daughter was on

45:32.760 --> 45:34.760
Alex jones

45:35.080 --> 45:40.760
Are we not already aware that Alex jones is part of this control mechanism that he had

45:41.240 --> 45:47.320
Brett Weinstein on a week after tucker carlson had Brett wanstein on twice her daughter was on

45:47.880 --> 45:53.320
Alex jones in 2019 after having jokingly threatened to kill

45:53.800 --> 45:55.800
the youtube ceo

45:59.080 --> 46:04.760
You think that's just random stuff that happens to people who have vineyards and and horse farms in california

46:10.760 --> 46:17.240
This is part of the control mechanism i'm afraid ladies and gentlemen and now we're most likely going to hear something about how

46:17.880 --> 46:22.760
She's going to you know doubt robert melon or something like that again. What is this? This is

46:23.320 --> 46:25.320
These are fake rivalries

46:27.480 --> 46:32.120
Somebody that traveled internationally with robert melon and stood and sat on a stage

46:32.680 --> 46:39.560
Talking to people in foreign countries is now saying that she's not really on his team anymore. That's pretty convenient. Isn't it?

46:40.520 --> 46:45.160
Listen carefully because it gets it gets good a scientist. I was never in pharma

46:45.240 --> 46:50.440
I'm very very very bad at science by the way like really really bad like learning all this was a huge

46:51.400 --> 46:54.040
Huge challenge for me over the past few years

46:54.440 --> 46:58.520
But you know deni and and many i'm hearing more voices

46:59.080 --> 47:05.720
Are not convinced scientifically that an actual pandemic ever occurred

47:06.120 --> 47:10.280
Yeah, I agree with that it was it was people were sick

47:10.920 --> 47:15.720
Um, there was something happening and there could have been something deployed. I will say

47:16.520 --> 47:21.560
I had very very very sick friends who were unvaccinated

47:22.280 --> 47:23.240

47:23.240 --> 47:28.680
With I mean, it was it was unusual especially around the time of delta whether you want to believe it was, you know, whatever

47:28.680 --> 47:31.160
I miss that but uh, holy crap

47:31.560 --> 47:37.480
Community and and people what that science by the way like really really what learning all this was a huge

47:38.600 --> 47:41.080
Huge challenge for me over the past few years

47:41.480 --> 47:45.640
But you know deni and and many i'm hearing more voices

47:46.200 --> 47:53.160
Are not convinced scientifically that an actual pandemic ever occurred here

47:54.040 --> 47:57.400
I agree with that here comes. It was people were sick

47:57.960 --> 48:02.760
Um, there was something happening and there could have been something deployed. I will say

48:03.640 --> 48:08.680
I had very very very sick friends who were unvaccinated

48:08.920 --> 48:14.200
Um, with with I mean, it was it was unusual, especially around the time of delta

48:14.200 --> 48:16.120
Whether you want to believe it was, you know, whatever it was

48:16.600 --> 48:23.800
But uh, especially among the unvaccinated community and and people who had covid who have lingering whether it's long covid or

48:24.360 --> 48:28.680
The fact that sasha sits there and doesn't say anything

48:29.320 --> 48:36.360
While she claims that her unvaccinated friends were sick from delta and it was striking

48:37.000 --> 48:39.000
Is remarkable

48:41.240 --> 48:43.080
I mean, I don't even know what to say here

48:43.880 --> 48:49.560
This is the most extraordinary nonsense i've ever heard have i've never heard anyone

48:50.440 --> 48:56.440
Claim that the unvaccinated were sick at a certain moment in their in their memory

48:57.800 --> 49:03.480
That is just ridiculous and the fact that sasha doesn't dig down or say wow, that's interesting

49:03.560 --> 49:07.560
I've never heard that observation before tells me a lot

49:08.760 --> 49:11.720
By approaching whatever it is that they suffer from so

49:12.600 --> 49:17.960
I believe not in the first 12 months because no one was dying and no one was sick

49:18.280 --> 49:26.600
That that is the first thing like I spent 12 months on the radio live with my audience saying show me a person who is sick

49:26.680 --> 49:28.680
I couldn't find a person who had covid

49:29.080 --> 49:34.280
20,000 people are supposed to have died in new york city in four weeks

49:36.120 --> 49:42.680
Jessica hocket has been waving this data from the tops of rugs for months if not years now

49:44.440 --> 49:47.960
And the way that people respond to it is always like oh wow, that's cool

49:50.280 --> 49:56.360
And yet here we have somebody claiming to be from new york claiming that her unvaccinated friends in the time of delta

49:56.440 --> 50:01.320
Were unusually sick, but at the start of the pandemic for the first four year

50:01.800 --> 50:08.760
I didn't have any friends sick. Nobody was sick. I spent the whole year asking people show me somebody sick

50:11.240 --> 50:13.640
That is pretty antithetical to the

50:15.000 --> 50:19.400
I don't have enough ventilators. So you choose the 20,000 people who are going to die

50:20.040 --> 50:22.040

50:23.480 --> 50:31.240
Is she not aware that that statement was made is she not aware of jessica hocket's data showing that 20,000 people are claimed to have dead

50:31.880 --> 50:33.880
In four weeks. There should be a

50:34.360 --> 50:37.480
A cord would stack of bodies somewhere, right? I mean

50:38.280 --> 50:40.280
What is happening here?

50:40.440 --> 50:47.800
Have you ever seen band of brothers when when like they have that that hospital in the bottom of the of the church and outside of the church

50:47.880 --> 50:49.880
Are these piles of bodies

50:50.440 --> 50:57.320
We're talking about 20 bodies and it looks already pretty gruesome. We're talking about 20,000 dead people

50:58.280 --> 51:01.480
In four weeks when they're supposed to be what a few hundred? I don't know

51:03.160 --> 51:06.760
And she says there was nobody dying for the first year

51:08.360 --> 51:11.800
Then why isn't she having jessica hocket on her show like every friday

51:12.840 --> 51:14.840
Or just promoting jessica every

51:15.800 --> 51:17.800
Every why doesn't she say it right now

51:24.600 --> 51:30.120
I I don't know what to say here. This is extraordinary unbacks people were sick during delta

51:30.600 --> 51:35.240
But nobody died for the first year. That's what I was saying. Nobody died. There was no pandemic

51:35.240 --> 51:38.920
Let's see if we have an explanation for what happened then for six months

51:39.000 --> 51:43.560
It took me six months and I think it was over a year before I knew a person first hand

51:43.800 --> 51:47.160
Who actually perished from covid and that was a second hand story as well

51:47.640 --> 51:49.880
The hospitals were empty. I'm in new york

51:50.680 --> 51:57.400
I have friends all over new york. I'm calling them every day in march april may june july

51:57.720 --> 52:01.880
Other 2020 what's going on in the er what's going on in the urgent care?

52:01.960 --> 52:06.760
What are you seeing empty empty empty? No one is sick. Everyone was shut down

52:07.320 --> 52:09.880
Everyone was traumatized. Everyone was fearful

52:10.200 --> 52:14.840
But the story is about the morgues. The story is about new york were totally false. I was here

52:14.920 --> 52:18.600
I lived it. I saw it. I got anecdotal information plus to

52:18.840 --> 52:24.840
Statistical information that was background when they they backed off the models and then they were like oh well

52:25.320 --> 52:29.640
Um, you know, this many people are dying and I would walk back the math and i'm like that's point 000

52:30.120 --> 52:32.120
001 of the entire population

52:32.520 --> 52:38.120
Even by their standards like this is insane and we knew that in month one two three four five six

52:38.520 --> 52:42.280
Right. Yeah, clearly they're absolutely right. There was nothing there. Whatever

52:42.840 --> 52:49.240
When whatever became in 21 or 22 was injected into our society was perfectly

52:49.800 --> 52:55.400
Deployed against us probably as a countermeasure. That's just my that is my anecdotal

52:55.480 --> 52:59.400
I watched very closely and lost every friend that I ever had

52:59.880 --> 53:05.080
Almost lost my platform was arrested at a school board meeting because I didn't want to wear a mask

53:05.480 --> 53:12.360
Had government agents come to my house to deliver quarantine orders to my 11-year-old daughter on a saturday morning

53:12.600 --> 53:15.080
Okay, so this is what I went through to

53:15.640 --> 53:19.560
Simply tell my audience on my tiny little radio station what I was seeing

53:20.600 --> 53:24.040
Just hearing this from you. I'm sorry if I'm like going but hearing this from you is just

53:25.000 --> 53:29.080
Reinforcing all of those things that so many of us knew at the time

53:29.800 --> 53:31.800
And needs to be revisit

53:31.880 --> 53:36.200
And I'm not saying that there was nothing there was they deployed some sort of a chemical weapon

53:36.840 --> 53:41.480
It could be chemical could be biological. It could be it could have radiological also

53:42.040 --> 53:43.800
components to it

53:43.800 --> 53:45.800
But they did deploy some sort of a

53:46.520 --> 53:53.640
Neurotoxin mostly and they may have been multiple versions or it may have different manifestations depending on whether you ingest it

53:53.640 --> 53:59.880
Or inhale it or through skin. I had skin reactions very bizarre at the beginning of of covid

54:00.520 --> 54:05.400
Uh, and then I wasn't sick and then I did get sick, but I think in 22

54:06.280 --> 54:08.840
Uh, I did get sick and it was very weird

54:09.320 --> 54:16.200
It was very strange and it did and it had a lot of um features of neuro neuro neurotaxis neurological toxin

54:17.080 --> 54:18.200

54:18.200 --> 54:19.400
And so

54:19.400 --> 54:25.080
Yes, they deployed some so I guess she's very familiar with the general features of a neurological toxin

54:25.160 --> 54:28.360
I myself a neurobiologist am not very familiar with the

54:29.080 --> 54:31.240
general features of a

54:31.240 --> 54:33.880
Let's say generic neurobiological toxin

54:34.280 --> 54:41.000
And I'm not sure if a neurobiological toxin would be a chemical or a biologic or a radiologic thing

54:41.080 --> 54:46.200
But whatever it is a general neurological toxin was used there might have been more than one

54:46.280 --> 54:49.320
It's a really interesting position to take

54:52.920 --> 54:56.360
I guess kevin mccernan would say but then what are all these sequences?

54:56.440 --> 55:03.800
We've got like 15 million sequences of a novel virus on the jed said database. So obviously there wasn't a toxin

55:04.760 --> 55:06.760
a neuro toxin

55:07.000 --> 55:12.600
Where is she going with this? Of course, you know where she's going with this. She's going with this back to geordano

55:13.480 --> 55:17.640
And without citing me and without saying that the principle of

55:18.200 --> 55:23.560
Seeding cases doesn't need to have a particularly virulent pathogen

55:26.600 --> 55:32.120
That part's completely ignored, but instead we go right to geordano's thesis, which is again

55:32.680 --> 55:34.920
very similar to the worst case scenario it

55:35.880 --> 55:43.000
Geordano's job at that time was to tell you stories about the worst case scenarios that are possible given the

55:43.480 --> 55:51.800
The absolute theoretical end point of all of these investigations and all of these investigational technologies that he's been familiar with for years

55:53.160 --> 55:55.160
There's nothing about his

55:56.120 --> 56:00.440
Presentations that are here and now they are about this is what we can do

56:00.440 --> 56:04.520
And that means in very soon in the future we're going to be able to do all this transhuman stuff

56:06.440 --> 56:13.240
And so rather than using that video as I use it to demonstrate that the real

56:14.280 --> 56:17.480
The real weapon we use is the internet

56:18.040 --> 56:26.040
Where we we cause the spread of bad ideas that support the presuppositions of the state that include

56:26.440 --> 56:29.000
worst case scenario being again a function virus

56:30.760 --> 56:33.480
She instead wants to use this video as

56:34.120 --> 56:38.920
actual proof that they have neurological toxins and actual

56:39.240 --> 56:44.600
proof that they would deploy them in order to confuse us and create the illusion of a pandemic

56:45.560 --> 56:52.200
Because dr. James geordano told that story now that's very different. She just said a toxin

56:53.240 --> 57:01.480
She said a chemical a radiologic biologic toxin neurotoxin most likely I got sick in 2022 and it felt like a neurotoxin

57:04.600 --> 57:08.360
And so she now wants you to believe the worst case scenario that

57:09.320 --> 57:15.400
James geordano has been selling as his job for 20 years is now what actually happened. Do you see it?

57:16.600 --> 57:18.600
Please tell me that you can see it

57:24.040 --> 57:32.040
Agents to uh, and this is also described I published on this on how to fake pandemics is described by James geordano in 2017

57:32.600 --> 57:39.400
That's how exactly they fake pandemics. They will they will disperse some sort of chemical. He says a drug

57:39.960 --> 57:46.280
Uh, and typically he said we like cns central nervous system agents because they freak people out because they

57:47.080 --> 57:48.520
weird symptoms

57:48.520 --> 57:55.160
And uh, and we create these sentinel cases in numerous locations and then we create huge media propaganda

57:55.160 --> 57:57.960
That's exactly what they did. Yeah, we create huge media propaganda

57:57.960 --> 58:04.040
Then every hypochondriac or where it well runs to the hospital and that's where pcr them

58:04.600 --> 58:10.920
Targeted identify them and shove them into the covid word. That's exactly how they did it. Yeah. Yeah, so

58:11.480 --> 58:19.720
Well, the kill the kill protocols on the covid floors are the eyewitness testimony the government documentation the I mean

58:20.520 --> 58:24.440
This there's so much of this in plain sight if you guys are watching right now. You're thinking. Oh my gosh

58:24.520 --> 58:28.040
It's blowing my mind. There's no way think about how extraordinary it is

58:28.120 --> 58:34.920
How many more assumptions moving parts and possibilities need to be verified before anything remotely close

58:35.480 --> 58:38.680
To what these two geniuses are talking about now could have happened

58:39.880 --> 58:43.560
Whereas the kinds of things that jessica hockett myself nick hudson

58:44.120 --> 58:45.240

58:45.240 --> 58:52.600
Even jickie leeks is arguing is that you have a scenario where have you told everybody to stop using antibiotics?

58:52.680 --> 58:57.240
Start using ventilators. Make sure you don't touch anybody. Don't let anybody meet anyone

58:58.520 --> 59:00.520
You would kill people

59:05.480 --> 59:09.800
And they are completely ignoring that now we have a new worst case scenario

59:10.280 --> 59:16.120
Very similar to what james geyordano says that that governments would turn on their citizens

59:16.680 --> 59:21.480
That governments would release agents on their citizens. She's suggesting that the department of defense

59:21.880 --> 59:29.880
released agents on the american public in order to create the illusion of a pandemic that they could then what blame on on china

59:33.960 --> 59:35.960
Think about this

59:37.000 --> 59:43.240
There's too much contradiction in this to be laughing and smiling and and high-fiving remotely

59:44.040 --> 59:46.040
Like you bomb got it figured out

59:46.600 --> 59:48.600

59:48.600 --> 59:51.480
We've got to be aware ladies and gentlemen. They are going to double down

59:52.040 --> 59:58.040
I'm so much of this and so much of what sasha is talking about is in plain sight. They they don't hide it

59:58.760 --> 01:00:01.960
and uh, they have the capability to do it

01:00:02.760 --> 01:00:08.680
And the question is did they and I think that there's a lot of circumstantial evidence

01:00:09.080 --> 01:00:14.600
Much of it presented by you sasha and other people within the medical freedom movement by the way, including dr

01:00:14.600 --> 01:00:21.480
robert malone who uh has been on this show multiple times and he has come around and he acknowledges this and he was

01:00:22.520 --> 01:00:25.240
Wow, he claims it wasn't pandemic by the way

01:00:26.040 --> 01:00:28.040

01:00:28.840 --> 01:00:30.840
And he

01:00:30.840 --> 01:00:37.640
Why not go all the way and and score a touchdown on robert malone here and say that he not only thinks there was a pandemic

01:00:37.720 --> 01:00:42.840
He thinks it's possible to create pandemic potential in your garage

01:00:43.800 --> 01:00:45.800
with a bachelor's degree in biology

01:00:46.760 --> 01:00:52.440
He has said that in meetings. He has said that on stage. He has said that in zoom

01:00:52.840 --> 01:00:58.520
He said that in front of the parliament in the uk. He's probably said that in front of uh, u.s

01:00:58.680 --> 01:00:59.480

01:00:59.480 --> 01:01:02.760
He's definitely said it over and over and over again

01:01:03.800 --> 01:01:10.200
That pandemic potential can be created in the garage of anyone with a biology bachelor's degree

01:01:11.160 --> 01:01:13.160
Why not call him out for that

01:01:14.680 --> 01:01:19.800
Believing there's a pandemic is something that you can semantically wrestle about for hours

01:01:23.320 --> 01:01:25.320
Let's get down to the brass tacks here

01:01:26.760 --> 01:01:28.760
It's about the potential

01:01:29.160 --> 01:01:32.840
The potential for a pandemic that is not true

01:01:33.800 --> 01:01:39.160
Did it happen or not happen is independent of whether that potential is real?

01:01:39.480 --> 01:01:41.800
And they are very very careful

01:01:42.360 --> 01:01:47.080
Not to talk about whether that potential is real or not i.e. The faith

01:01:51.800 --> 01:01:54.600
At the recent interview he shouted Denise full of shit

01:01:55.320 --> 01:01:57.320
And bullshit. Yes. Yeah

01:01:58.280 --> 01:02:01.880
No to your point to your point. I'll probably get a tax after this

01:02:02.200 --> 01:02:03.000

01:02:03.000 --> 01:02:05.000
But why would he yell that?

01:02:05.560 --> 01:02:07.560
Why would he yell that?

01:02:08.600 --> 01:02:10.840
Why would he yell denny is full of

01:02:10.840 --> 01:02:12.840

01:02:13.720 --> 01:02:16.760
There's a couple reasons we're not really talking about why it is

01:02:16.840 --> 01:02:20.680
But i'm pretty sure that it doesn't have to do with the 17 million people

01:02:21.240 --> 01:02:24.680
Who denny claims may have been killed by transfection

01:02:26.120 --> 01:02:29.240
Because robert melon tweeted about that and

01:02:29.240 --> 01:02:33.480
Substacked about that when he got back from the covid summit

01:02:34.440 --> 01:02:37.400
In november in romania where they met

01:02:40.920 --> 01:02:46.520
Now, what's bizarre then is what is he full of crap about my guess is if this is a true story

01:02:47.240 --> 01:02:50.200
Then melon was yelling about there being no evidence for spread

01:02:51.080 --> 01:02:55.320
That there is no evidence of a dangerous pathogen and then maybe yell that out. I don't know

01:02:56.120 --> 01:03:02.200
It's also possible that this is just a little story to make sure that we keep paying attention to these people

01:03:05.080 --> 01:03:10.440
And keep thinking about the rivalry between sasha and melon and whether they're going to sort it out or not

01:03:13.000 --> 01:03:17.880
Instead of paying attention to denny and finding out what he yelled about we're not going to find out I guess

01:03:20.200 --> 01:03:22.040
Do you see the magic that's being played here?

01:03:22.040 --> 01:03:26.120
This is an hour-long interview of all the same kind of of obfuscation

01:03:29.160 --> 01:03:37.000
And you know, you can you can claim that it could be in the end that out will turn around and and sasha's daughter will be completely innocent

01:03:37.080 --> 01:03:43.400
And it just random that she happened to have the history that she does right before the pandemic. It could be

01:03:44.200 --> 01:03:46.600
We might find out that it's just random that you know

01:03:47.560 --> 01:03:53.400
Uh, they got the data from rochester university and we're able to start a company and sell it and become rich

01:03:53.560 --> 01:03:56.760
It could just be random that those same people are now

01:03:57.320 --> 01:04:01.160
Touring the internet to tell us that our dod did it instead of katherine watt

01:04:02.200 --> 01:04:04.200
Who would tell us that hhs did it?

01:04:04.760 --> 01:04:08.520
It could just be random that she was on stage with robert melon

01:04:08.600 --> 01:04:13.880
But now disagrees with him and is kind of making fun of him as an opposing uh force in the narrative

01:04:14.840 --> 01:04:16.840
Could be random

01:04:19.480 --> 01:04:25.960
I suspect that we're watching t more's case scenario folding in on itself as it's necessary in order to

01:04:26.520 --> 01:04:29.960
accommodate all of the truths that are now escaped to the box

01:04:31.400 --> 01:04:33.560
All of the realities that have been blown

01:04:34.680 --> 01:04:35.800
I mean

01:04:35.800 --> 01:04:39.160
They they had a lot of people out there working hard that have

01:04:39.640 --> 01:04:43.080
Don't really have the platform that they should anymore simply because

01:04:43.720 --> 01:04:47.000
The operation of t more's case scenario has become obvious

01:04:48.920 --> 01:04:51.800
And I think people are starting to see it simply because

01:04:54.760 --> 01:04:59.960
Information sources like giga-owned biological exist where we distill this stuff down to

01:05:00.520 --> 01:05:05.880
Things that these people just can't talk about anymore. But I want is high morbidity. Here's the video people complain

01:05:06.600 --> 01:05:07.800
So what do I do?

01:05:07.800 --> 01:05:09.080
I go to demoy

01:05:09.080 --> 01:05:12.040
Ladies and gentlemen of people on the screen. I have nothing against demoy and I live there for

01:05:12.040 --> 01:05:17.800
And of course, this is the video that sasha is talking about but she doesn't explain it in the way that it needs to be explained

01:05:18.520 --> 01:05:21.320
Because she doesn't explain it in the context of what we know

01:05:21.720 --> 01:05:27.240
Happened and didn't happen during the kovid-19 crisis of 2020

01:05:28.360 --> 01:05:34.280
So you can just take his word for the whole scenario and then pretend that it fits very well to what we observed

01:05:34.680 --> 01:05:38.840
But the much better thing to do would to take a list of the things that we've observed

01:05:38.840 --> 01:05:43.080
And that they take a list of the things that we now know in retrospect are probably true

01:05:43.640 --> 01:05:49.240
And then try to adapt his strategy using those things and when you do that you find

01:05:50.440 --> 01:05:54.920
That the vast majority if not the entire narrative can be explained by a combination of a

01:05:55.720 --> 01:05:57.720
conflated background signal

01:05:58.520 --> 01:06:04.200
And infinite ways of increasing all-cause mortality and then blaming it on that

01:06:06.840 --> 01:06:08.840
It was a theater

01:06:10.600 --> 01:06:12.840
And you cannot underestimate how important

01:06:13.560 --> 01:06:17.960
James G. Ordano's work has been in laying down the

01:06:19.480 --> 01:06:26.520
Concept that the worst-case scenario of bioweapons the worst-case scenario of gain-of-function the worst-case scenario of these

01:06:27.080 --> 01:06:32.600
Biological technologies is really a worldwide devastating event

01:06:35.960 --> 01:06:41.160
But he's not the only guy who's been selling that of course and so taking his work at face value

01:06:41.240 --> 01:06:43.880
Rather than putting into the context of what we now know

01:06:44.520 --> 01:06:51.480
Will not expose the fact that this faith in a novel virus that killed millions and that millions more were safe from that likely came up

01:06:51.480 --> 01:06:57.960
Game for function and will come again. This myth will not be dispelled by saying that James G. Ordano told us

01:06:59.880 --> 01:07:02.040
He didn't explicitly tell us

01:07:04.200 --> 01:07:06.200
He gave us the general idea

01:07:07.160 --> 01:07:11.720
And now it's going to take a little more critical thinking to take this general idea and apply it here

01:07:11.720 --> 01:07:15.480
We've looked at this remember this don't forget that this is still up

01:07:15.880 --> 01:07:21.160
Don't forget that now we're talking about Alaska pox and all these other things that are going to be in our cats

01:07:21.240 --> 01:07:25.640
And our dogs actually Sam Harris was talking about diseases and dogs and cats

01:07:26.120 --> 01:07:29.080
Very parallel to this idea that we don't need pets anymore

01:07:30.680 --> 01:07:32.920
And then there's this nonsense that apparently

01:07:33.800 --> 01:07:40.600
The fake people on twitter can't see through that they actually think these are real americans that march around in red and black matching outfits

01:07:41.000 --> 01:07:43.000
And carrying nazi flags

01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:51.160
As if there are lots of businesses in america that would be happy to print nazi flags for people

01:07:53.160 --> 01:07:55.400
As if there's lots of people in america who

01:07:57.800 --> 01:08:01.800
They want you to conflate this with christian nationalism

01:08:02.840 --> 01:08:04.840
Or patriotism of any kind

01:08:05.720 --> 01:08:07.880
If you believe in the american flag

01:08:07.880 --> 01:08:12.280
They want you to think that these people are all terrorists anybody that wants america to stay together

01:08:13.720 --> 01:08:15.720

01:08:15.960 --> 01:08:21.480
And they're confolating it with these kinds of of of of what I would call obvious theaters

01:08:22.040 --> 01:08:24.440
These aren't real people these aren't real men

01:08:26.200 --> 01:08:28.600
I mean they're actual humans they're actors

01:08:30.200 --> 01:08:32.200
And twitter can be used

01:08:33.000 --> 01:08:35.400
To create the illusion that people believe it

01:08:36.520 --> 01:08:38.920
It can be used to make us think oh my gosh

01:08:39.000 --> 01:08:43.080
I can't believe these left people are so vulnerable that they think that this is what

01:08:43.560 --> 01:08:45.560
patriotism on the right looks like

01:08:46.680 --> 01:08:53.480
I don't think very many people on the left are vulnerable enough to believe that there are these are real americans enacting their real rights

01:08:54.360 --> 01:08:59.880
Maybe one guy there is dumb enough to not know that he's being used everyone else is getting paid. I bet

01:09:01.640 --> 01:09:07.640
And that's what makes this so absurd. We must see how overtly we are being played

01:09:09.800 --> 01:09:12.440
And so I thought I'd cue this up to give you the other side of it

01:09:12.440 --> 01:09:18.120
Remember we just listened to sashalatapova who's been on stage with robert melon and maryll nass in the past

01:09:18.840 --> 01:09:20.840
in these touring

01:09:21.480 --> 01:09:30.520
You know dissident movement things where robert melon is on stage teaching about about fifth generation warfare and maryll's on stage talking about the who

01:09:31.560 --> 01:09:33.560
This is all

01:09:34.040 --> 01:09:36.680
One basic group of of medlers

01:09:39.000 --> 01:09:44.120
And when they fight with one another it's just it's just to make you think that there's some kind of

01:09:44.760 --> 01:09:49.640
Of vigorous debate going on within these people and it's not true. It's not real

01:09:53.000 --> 01:09:57.080
Because again they've traveled internationally together for years already now

01:09:57.800 --> 01:09:59.800
They're all independently rich

01:10:01.160 --> 01:10:03.800
They have nothing on the line

01:10:04.120 --> 01:10:06.120

01:10:06.120 --> 01:10:08.120
Are risking no career

01:10:08.840 --> 01:10:11.880
They are risking no wealth or treasure of their own

01:10:13.080 --> 01:10:17.560
And much of their travel and work is being funded and if it's not it's because like I said

01:10:18.360 --> 01:10:22.600
They're independently wealthy. They're playing a ladder climbing game

01:10:23.160 --> 01:10:26.840
Inside of this invisible control mechanism on social media

01:10:28.840 --> 01:10:33.560
That is run by various weaponized piles of money. There's a lot of money at stake here

01:10:34.440 --> 01:10:38.760
Make no mistake about it. There are jobs in the coming administration at stake here

01:10:41.080 --> 01:10:44.600
There are jobs in private industry at stake here. There are

01:10:45.480 --> 01:10:47.480
Sponsorships at stake here

01:10:48.760 --> 01:10:51.160
So that was one side of the equation where

01:10:52.040 --> 01:10:57.320
Sasha latipova said that there was no virus or no not no virus. Sorry. There was no pandemic

01:10:57.960 --> 01:11:03.720
Not saying that there wasn't anything that the dod said go and that the dod gave orders to everybody

01:11:03.880 --> 01:11:07.400
Else and this was a dod operation because we're at war they agreed on that

01:11:09.000 --> 01:11:12.360
And they agree that the pcr testing was flawed

01:11:12.440 --> 01:11:18.840
But it was finding a bunch of things that are in the background like papaya enzymes apparently which I think is also not probably

01:11:19.640 --> 01:11:24.280
The best biological summary of how the pcr was used against us

01:11:25.160 --> 01:11:28.920
Also an interesting thing you shouldn't forget was in that that 10 minutes of the video

01:11:29.320 --> 01:11:31.960
She laughed at steve kirsch. I don't know if you're aware, but

01:11:32.440 --> 01:11:38.440
Denny rankor found my review of steve kirsch's interview of him to be very very funny

01:11:38.520 --> 01:11:40.520
And so it's an also an interesting

01:11:41.320 --> 01:11:46.920
Flag for her to to to to put in the ground that I also thought that that interview was pretty dumb

01:11:47.480 --> 01:11:50.600
Um, so in this in this interview you have several

01:11:52.920 --> 01:11:54.920
Several let's say

01:11:55.320 --> 01:11:59.880
Pretty big points that i've made over the last couple weeks that she seems and months and years

01:12:00.280 --> 01:12:03.720
That she seems to absorb and and and portray as her own

01:12:04.120 --> 01:12:10.440
And she's also taken a number of things that that katherine watt has as presented to her multiple times

01:12:10.760 --> 01:12:14.280
And kind of inverted them or twisted them into a dod called

01:12:14.920 --> 01:12:19.960
AstraZeneca and told them that this was a national security threat and then the dod took over

01:12:21.320 --> 01:12:29.560
It's a very interesting story that also includes the dod releasing toxins a neurotoxin like like giordano said

01:12:29.960 --> 01:12:35.800
A neurotoxin or a radiological or a biologic or a chemical they could have been more than one she says

01:12:39.000 --> 01:12:43.800
And so we didn't take a stance on the virus other than we know that the virus made

01:12:44.280 --> 01:12:47.560
unvaccinated people sick during delta according to

01:12:48.120 --> 01:12:50.280
Shannon and and and

01:12:50.280 --> 01:12:52.280
And sasha just nodded along

01:12:53.640 --> 01:12:57.320
So there was a virus, but it wasn't dangerous until the year later

01:12:58.280 --> 01:13:01.000
And because it wasn't dangerous in the first year

01:13:01.000 --> 01:13:06.040
They had to release toxins in order to create the sick people that would go to the hospital

01:13:06.360 --> 01:13:11.240
And then they could put people on death protocols and drive up the death rate. Are you hearing this?

01:13:12.440 --> 01:13:14.440
So far so good

01:13:14.440 --> 01:13:22.200
I don't think i've gotten anything wrong about that little interview and anything wrong about their interpretation of what happened and it's extraordinarily wrong

01:13:23.000 --> 01:13:27.720
And it has an extraordinary number of new assumptions and presuppositions

01:13:28.280 --> 01:13:30.760
That i've never heard any of those people make before

01:13:31.400 --> 01:13:39.960
That include a year without death where they lied about 20,000 people dying and then a year later there were actual deaths lots of people sick and they were unvaccinated

01:13:41.400 --> 01:13:46.280
And so they released a toxin in 2020 that made people sick the dod did

01:13:47.240 --> 01:13:52.280
Let's hear what uh, paul office says happened during the pandemic. This will be interesting

01:13:52.280 --> 01:13:56.840
He wrote a book about it. There's been lots of people writing books about what happened during the pandemic

01:13:56.840 --> 01:13:59.080
I wonder what what his will sound like

01:14:01.640 --> 01:14:07.320
This is beyond the noise episode number 30 recorded on february 13th

01:14:08.120 --> 01:14:10.120

01:14:10.600 --> 01:14:12.600

01:14:16.040 --> 01:14:18.040
I'm vincent rack and yellow

01:14:18.280 --> 01:14:21.240
And joining me today as your host dr. Paul off it

01:14:21.880 --> 01:14:23.560
hi vincent

01:14:23.560 --> 01:14:29.320
This is the video version of paul's column on sub stack called beyond the noise cutting to the chase

01:14:30.040 --> 01:14:37.160
On important health topics and today we're going to talk about paul's latest column, which is called why I wrote a book

01:14:37.640 --> 01:14:39.160
about covid and

01:14:39.160 --> 01:14:46.440
Happened to have a copy of it right here. It just came out today is the publication date. I believe right paul

01:14:46.760 --> 01:14:49.320
That's true. Yes, it's called tell me when it's over

01:14:50.120 --> 01:14:52.600
an insider's guide to deciphering

01:14:53.160 --> 01:14:57.720
covid myths and navigating our post pandemic world and so

01:14:59.000 --> 01:15:05.080
The name of post column is why I wrote a book about covid somebody we should answer that question right at the top. Why did you?

01:15:05.720 --> 01:15:06.680

01:15:06.680 --> 01:15:09.320
Largely is a catharsis. I think um

01:15:10.040 --> 01:15:14.200
I was fortunate. I guess to be on the front lines of this in some ways

01:15:14.200 --> 01:15:20.760
I mean the the virus came into this country in roughly january 2020 the first death was recorded in february of 2020

01:15:21.400 --> 01:15:24.040
Francis colons put together a group of

01:15:24.840 --> 01:15:26.840
Advisors if you will sort of experts

01:15:27.480 --> 01:15:32.840
Creating a public private partnership called active accelerating covid 19

01:15:33.000 --> 01:15:39.880
Technological innovations and vaccines to sort of advise pharmaceutical companies about how to best devise and test

01:15:40.600 --> 01:15:43.400
Both antivirals and vaccines and then

01:15:44.120 --> 01:15:51.000
And then I was on the fda's vaccine advisory committee, but but that that first year was rough and and I think that in some ways it

01:15:52.360 --> 01:15:55.800
Was was very emotional for me and in part. That's why I wrote this

01:15:55.800 --> 01:15:58.200
I mean the the I don't remember the way this played out

01:15:58.280 --> 01:16:01.080
But in april when our active group got together

01:16:01.640 --> 01:16:06.200
The fda under tremendous pressure from the white house approved hydroxychloroquine

01:16:06.440 --> 01:16:13.000
a anti-malarial drug that the um the government believed was the magic medicine to get us out of this pandemic

01:16:13.640 --> 01:16:15.480
Based on something that

01:16:15.480 --> 01:16:16.920
America's front line doctors

01:16:16.920 --> 01:16:23.000
Which was a group affiliated with the freedom caucus had sort of put forward as that magic medicine and the fda proved it

01:16:23.240 --> 01:16:28.120
Without any evidence that it worked without any evidence that it was safe or that it was effective

01:16:29.000 --> 01:16:30.920
and so um

01:16:31.000 --> 01:16:32.600
The studies were done

01:16:32.600 --> 01:16:36.840
After study after study after study showed that it uh, it didn't work to treat the disease

01:16:36.840 --> 01:16:41.480
It didn't work to prevent the disease and it had a side effect. I guess that we all know about which is

01:16:42.200 --> 01:16:48.200
Cardiac arrhythmia which could be fatal and so then three months later after approving it. They took it off

01:16:48.920 --> 01:16:55.960
They they didn't authorize it. So that scared people and what happened was a number of states formed their own vaccine advice

01:16:55.960 --> 01:17:00.360
I think it's very important for you to hear exactly what he just said there because that's

01:17:00.920 --> 01:17:06.040
Stupid extraordinary in my mind. Um, why is that? Oh, I'm supposed to be here

01:17:06.920 --> 01:17:08.200
And then that'll work

01:17:08.200 --> 01:17:09.240

01:17:09.240 --> 01:17:12.200
So what he said was and he said it twice

01:17:12.920 --> 01:17:18.520
That the in april of 2020 the fda approved hydroxychloroquine then he stumbled

01:17:19.080 --> 01:17:22.520
After he explained that studies were done and it didn't work and there were side effects

01:17:22.520 --> 01:17:28.760
He stumbled to say that they didn't approve it. They withdrew it. They did whatever

01:17:29.240 --> 01:17:31.240
This is all

01:17:31.400 --> 01:17:33.080
a lie

01:17:33.080 --> 01:17:35.080

01:17:35.480 --> 01:17:37.480
This right here. This is all a lie

01:17:38.520 --> 01:17:41.000
Why is that a lie because they didn't approve it

01:17:42.440 --> 01:17:44.440
We know what they did rick bright

01:17:45.080 --> 01:17:49.720
And janet woodcock decided to give it an eua for hospital use

01:17:50.840 --> 01:17:53.800
which enabled hospital testing of it

01:17:55.080 --> 01:17:57.400
Which couldn't be appropriate for

01:17:58.280 --> 01:18:00.280
the prophylaxis

01:18:00.680 --> 01:18:05.480
And couldn't stop the virus after it was already spreading according to their cartoon

01:18:06.040 --> 01:18:08.280
And so they already knew that this wouldn't work

01:18:09.240 --> 01:18:14.360
And so that was already set up to be a bad argument a limited spectrum of debate about

01:18:14.920 --> 01:18:17.800
Wait, does high crop joxie chloroquine work or not?

01:18:17.800 --> 01:18:21.640
Well, we can't find out because they did bad testing and they gave it an eua

01:18:21.640 --> 01:18:25.880
Which made people not be able to use it at home and so this argument went on for a year

01:18:28.280 --> 01:18:30.920
And all he's doing is recapping it

01:18:30.920 --> 01:18:34.440
But then adding a lie to it and saying that the fda played a role by

01:18:35.480 --> 01:18:37.480
approving it

01:18:38.520 --> 01:18:43.240
When of course it was health and human services giving it an and an eua

01:18:44.520 --> 01:18:46.520
It's eerily parallel

01:18:46.600 --> 01:18:47.800
to the

01:18:47.800 --> 01:18:53.400
the inaccuracies of saying that the dod did everything if you say that the fda approved it

01:18:54.280 --> 01:18:56.680
That's incredible. Don't you see?

01:18:58.200 --> 01:19:03.160
We're not even halfway into the first 15 seconds of this video and he's already pulling

01:19:03.880 --> 01:19:05.880
Pulling crazy stuff

01:19:07.560 --> 01:19:10.440
As we committees they didn't trust the cdc and

01:19:11.000 --> 01:19:16.120
Or the fda for to do the right thing they felt that they would be politically influenced and

01:19:16.840 --> 01:19:22.760
Then what happened? Um, I actually wrote an op ed in the new york times with zkimmanuel from pen

01:19:23.400 --> 01:19:27.880
Fearing an october surprise because it was clear that uh that president trump

01:19:28.440 --> 01:19:34.040
Wanted to have this fix vaccine out before the election, which was the beginning november of 2020

01:19:34.440 --> 01:19:37.640
Was it stood the way these trials were going to play out?

01:19:38.040 --> 01:19:43.640
You you always have to do safety follow-up two months after the last dose which took you into december

01:19:44.440 --> 01:19:48.280
And what and I heard this from someone inside the fda what would um

01:19:48.600 --> 01:19:54.600
Donald trump did was he pulled steven han who was the commissioner of the fda into the white house in in an

01:19:54.760 --> 01:19:56.760
Invective latin tirade

01:19:57.080 --> 01:20:03.160
asked him to or told him to approve this vaccine or authorize this vaccine before the election

01:20:03.800 --> 01:20:07.720
And han stood tall. He said no on the next day on his website

01:20:07.720 --> 01:20:13.000
He said this is a two-month follow-up safety follow-up and so the vaccine wasn't going to be available till till december

01:20:13.960 --> 01:20:15.960
And so don't you see the absurd

01:20:16.760 --> 01:20:21.320
Limited spectrum of fake debate that he's setting up here that trump wanted to rush it

01:20:21.960 --> 01:20:27.800
But we at the fda we stood tall and we didn't rush it and we waited those two months to test its safety

01:20:30.520 --> 01:20:33.880
It wouldn't surprise me at all if in this video he says

01:20:34.760 --> 01:20:36.920
exactly the words

01:20:36.920 --> 01:20:38.920
The mrna worked

01:20:39.080 --> 01:20:40.520
mrna works

01:20:41.480 --> 01:20:46.840
Something like that that's coming because that's the only thing that logically follows from a statement like this

01:20:47.240 --> 01:20:49.240
It is extraordinary

01:20:50.280 --> 01:20:57.560
And um, but you saw the the the the fear that was created by the fact that there would be the politics with trump science that the

01:20:58.440 --> 01:20:59.240

01:20:59.240 --> 01:21:05.880
That the administration could essentially neuter what were the sort of safety guidelines that were all in place for the way we make every

01:21:05.880 --> 01:21:10.280
Vaccine and so there was that going on that year and that was a rough year

01:21:10.280 --> 01:21:13.480
And then and then there was sort of this amazing series of contrasts

01:21:13.720 --> 01:21:15.720
Which is really at the heart of why i wrote the book

01:21:16.280 --> 01:21:18.280
On the one hand in 11 months

01:21:18.680 --> 01:21:23.560
With a difficult virus in terms of its unusual clinical or biological characteristics

01:21:23.720 --> 01:21:27.480
We made a vaccine using a technology that had never been used before ever

01:21:27.640 --> 01:21:29.800
We had no experience with it messenger RNA

01:21:30.280 --> 01:21:32.920
And it it it was a 40 000 person

01:21:33.000 --> 01:21:35.640
We had no experience with it

01:21:37.160 --> 01:21:42.680
I want you to understand how vile of a statement that is and how serious i am when I say that

01:21:43.160 --> 01:21:45.160
transfection of healthy humans

01:21:45.480 --> 01:21:47.480
Was criminally negligent

01:21:48.760 --> 01:21:58.200
Anyone working at a medical school on faculty where they do bench based experiments has almost certainly collaborated with or directly done experiments where

01:21:58.920 --> 01:22:00.920
animals sell culture or even

01:22:01.560 --> 01:22:05.800
Larger animals like monkeys have been transfected in order to change

01:22:06.440 --> 01:22:13.400
Protein expression in order to alter a metabolic pathway or a physiological process in order to better understand it

01:22:14.360 --> 01:22:17.720
And all of those same academic biologists understand that

01:22:17.720 --> 01:22:21.320
Transfection is not something that you can use to augment a healthy animal

01:22:21.800 --> 01:22:25.560
And keep them alive afterward and study how it goes for years

01:22:26.440 --> 01:22:33.160
Like what would happen if we just augmented the protein expression in the brain of a monkey and then let the monkey live for 10 years

01:22:35.480 --> 01:22:37.800
We know that that experiment doesn't work

01:22:40.840 --> 01:22:45.800
You know that right we know that this experiment doesn't work

01:22:47.560 --> 01:22:50.760
We've done it in mice. It doesn't work. It results in a lesion

01:22:51.400 --> 01:22:54.440
It results in autoimmunity. It results in immune attack

01:22:54.520 --> 01:22:55.800
It's like a

01:22:55.800 --> 01:23:01.880
A delayed lesion of the place that you transfect because eventually the immune system is going to come in there and get it all out

01:23:04.360 --> 01:23:13.240
We knew nothing about this technology is exactly what I might in the english language use the word lie to describe

01:23:14.520 --> 01:23:18.040
It is shocking to hear this monkey say that i'm sorry

01:23:18.600 --> 01:23:20.600
To hear this old

01:23:20.600 --> 01:23:21.640

01:23:21.640 --> 01:23:23.640
Say these words

01:23:24.120 --> 01:23:29.000
With a difficult virus in terms of its unusual clinical or biological characteristics

01:23:29.080 --> 01:23:32.920
We made a vaccine using a technology that had never been used before ever

01:23:33.000 --> 01:23:35.240
We had no experience with it messenger RNA

01:23:35.720 --> 01:23:37.720
And it was

01:23:38.360 --> 01:23:40.360

01:23:40.840 --> 01:23:45.320
This is a lie you have to see it. Okay that I just want to make sure you get it

01:23:46.280 --> 01:23:49.160
We had no experience with it

01:23:50.600 --> 01:23:54.920
Means that we had no reasonable expectations of what would happen

01:23:57.240 --> 01:23:59.240
And that is a

01:23:59.240 --> 01:24:04.920
Fundamental lie about everything that we understand about the immune system everything we learned from jessie gelsinger

01:24:04.920 --> 01:24:07.480
It's dancing on jessie gelsinger's grave

01:24:10.600 --> 01:24:13.720
To say that we knew nothing that we've never used it before

01:24:14.360 --> 01:24:18.520
It's dancing on the grave of every person that's ever used mRNA

01:24:19.240 --> 01:24:22.360
To help them get a few extra years in cancer

01:24:26.680 --> 01:24:32.840
It's insane what he just said there and completely and totally a lie. It's it's incorrect

01:24:33.800 --> 01:24:35.960
It's not even gray. It's just wrong

01:24:37.400 --> 01:24:41.000
We have 20 years of bench experience with transfection

01:24:41.960 --> 01:24:43.960
And transformation

01:24:45.560 --> 01:24:47.560
Moderna and the vaccine

01:24:47.880 --> 01:24:50.920
Worked and was safe. It wasn't absolutely safe, but it was safe

01:24:51.400 --> 01:24:54.680
And then we did something else that was amazing was which is that we

01:24:55.240 --> 01:24:59.800
A mass produced not easy by the way for a lipid nanoparticle vaccine to mass produce it

01:24:59.800 --> 01:25:04.200
We mass produced mass distributed mass administrative vaccine in a country that didn't really have

01:25:04.600 --> 01:25:08.040
A system in place to uh to mass vaccinate adults

01:25:08.120 --> 01:25:12.520
And so we vaccinated thousands a million people a day two million people a day three million people a day

01:25:12.520 --> 01:25:16.520
And then around the middle of the year january 2021 we hit a wall

01:25:17.000 --> 01:25:19.640
30% of this country refused to be vaccinated

01:25:20.040 --> 01:25:24.120
They just didn't buy it. They didn't trust the fda. They didn't trust the cdc

01:25:24.280 --> 01:25:25.720
They didn't trust the government

01:25:25.720 --> 01:25:29.400
They didn't believe that the disease was that bad because they didn't trust the statistics

01:25:29.400 --> 01:25:32.760
They were saying and they refused to be vaccinated and as a consequence

01:25:32.760 --> 01:25:36.440
300 000 people in this country died because they made that choice

01:25:36.520 --> 01:25:42.920
So on the one hand you have this technologically advanced wealthy country that had an amazing technological achievement

01:25:43.160 --> 01:25:47.960
That was rejected by a significant portion of the country causing them to lose their lives and

01:25:48.440 --> 01:25:52.680
So that's very parallel. I'm sorry to tell you, but that's very parallel to what

01:25:53.240 --> 01:25:58.280
What shannon and and sasha just agreed upon a few minutes ago

01:25:58.360 --> 01:26:01.720
Do you see it? Please tell me that you see this

01:26:02.840 --> 01:26:04.360
They agreed

01:26:04.360 --> 01:26:10.200
The unvaccinated people were dying from delta because they made a choice not to take the

01:26:11.160 --> 01:26:13.160
the transfection

01:26:15.560 --> 01:26:19.800
Are you starting to see what I see which is really a schizophrenic

01:26:21.000 --> 01:26:24.360
limited spectrum of debate being orchestrated by people

01:26:24.920 --> 01:26:31.000
That for years and years and years we've been trying to sort out who the bad guys are and who the opposition is and who the insiders are

01:26:31.400 --> 01:26:36.360
And after all this time it really seems to me that there are just aren't very many people playing on our team

01:26:37.800 --> 01:26:42.520
There aren't very many people trying to save college kids with truth

01:26:44.600 --> 01:26:51.320
There aren't very many people that are trying to teach the basic immunology of the human immune system in order to

01:26:52.200 --> 01:26:54.200
Give truth

01:26:54.600 --> 01:27:00.520
It doesn't seem that there are very many people that are actually opposing what this guy sells

01:27:01.880 --> 01:27:03.880

01:27:07.880 --> 01:27:09.880
I see it

01:27:10.680 --> 01:27:12.680
I hope you can see it too

01:27:14.120 --> 01:27:16.600
I really hope that you can see it too

01:27:18.200 --> 01:27:21.640
I hope you can see that this man is not doing

01:27:23.080 --> 01:27:25.080
the math

01:27:25.240 --> 01:27:28.040
I hope you can see that actually shannon joy

01:27:28.760 --> 01:27:30.200

01:27:30.200 --> 01:27:34.920
Sasha pretend to be doing the math because they mention a few things

01:27:36.440 --> 01:27:40.360
But then they throw in things like unvaccinated people dying in

01:27:41.560 --> 01:27:47.480
2021 they throw in things like papaya enzymes are being tested for with the pcr test

01:27:47.880 --> 01:27:54.840
They throw in things like the dod did this all gave all the orders was bossing everybody around and deployed toxins

01:27:55.800 --> 01:27:57.800
in order to do this

01:27:59.320 --> 01:28:00.680

01:28:00.680 --> 01:28:03.000
If you just do this math, you don't need

01:28:03.960 --> 01:28:05.960
You don't need toxins

01:28:06.680 --> 01:28:09.160
If you just do this math, you don't need

01:28:10.360 --> 01:28:11.640

01:28:11.640 --> 01:28:13.160
But somehow or another

01:28:13.160 --> 01:28:15.160
Nobody was dying in New York here

01:28:15.480 --> 01:28:17.640
Right, nobody was dying in New York here

01:28:17.640 --> 01:28:22.680
And the people that were dying here were unvaccinated and the people then were dying here according to sasha

01:28:23.160 --> 01:28:28.200
Were people that were scared into going into the hospital because there was something but it was a toxin

01:28:28.200 --> 01:28:32.360
And then they went into the hospital and they got treated not for the toxin, but by a protocol

01:28:32.360 --> 01:28:34.360
I guess that's the story she's telling

01:28:34.840 --> 01:28:36.840
That's not the story that I believe

01:28:38.680 --> 01:28:41.240
I believe a spectacular commitment to lies

01:28:42.360 --> 01:28:44.360
and a focus on getting rid of

01:28:44.840 --> 01:28:48.360
Individuals who could have gotten rid of very easily because they're on medicare

01:28:49.160 --> 01:28:53.000
Was used to do this maybe some exaggeration and some lying

01:28:54.200 --> 01:28:58.440
But not the dod telling everybody what to do and releasing a toxin and coordinating

01:28:59.400 --> 01:29:02.840
Mass casualty events. That's it's not how this system works

01:29:04.280 --> 01:29:06.440
And again, they confused the pcr fraud

01:29:06.440 --> 01:29:11.240
They didn't even mention lateral flow testing as a way of things being fraudulent

01:29:11.240 --> 01:29:18.040
Which I find quite striking and they never got to the point where they even questioned the 15 million sequence base

01:29:19.320 --> 01:29:25.400
Database that that everybody is parading around as evidence. So did they really question anything

01:29:25.960 --> 01:29:27.480
not really

01:29:27.480 --> 01:29:29.880
In my humble opinion, not really. I don't think they did

01:29:30.760 --> 01:29:35.240
And I think that's what you're going to see more and more is these people sort of feigning it

01:29:36.120 --> 01:29:40.120
And then arguing with one another and ignoring us

01:29:42.280 --> 01:29:44.280
And as long as they keep, you know

01:29:44.520 --> 01:29:47.720
Disingenuously playing I guess we have to to a certain extent

01:29:47.720 --> 01:29:51.800
We're going to have to keep adding people and moving people around on that board

01:29:52.280 --> 01:29:55.000
Um, even if other people now have their own board

01:29:55.640 --> 01:30:00.680
Um, I think we're team worst case scenario is the most important to zero in on I don't care

01:30:01.400 --> 01:30:06.200
So much who they get their money from except from the perspective of learning how they're connected

01:30:06.920 --> 01:30:10.200
Um, that's the most important thing to me. I don't really care

01:30:10.680 --> 01:30:14.520
It becomes interesting if the money is coming from outside the united states

01:30:15.400 --> 01:30:20.600
It becomes interesting if those certain people are also amplifying one and then it's fine

01:30:20.600 --> 01:30:24.760
But we're using that funding to try and understand how worst case scenario the team

01:30:25.320 --> 01:30:32.840
Is working to set the limited spectrum of debate defining it and making sure that the presuppositions of the system are reinforced by it

01:30:34.120 --> 01:30:37.560
So if the wellness company helps us connect a few of these people then i'm

01:30:38.040 --> 01:30:43.800
All for that investigation, but i'm much more focused on behavior from

01:30:44.440 --> 01:30:52.360
2019 forward and the things that I know they did with me said with me talked with me exchange with me new from me, etc

01:30:53.000 --> 01:30:58.360
And that's what I think I can offer as a unique source of information about this biology is because

01:30:59.000 --> 01:31:00.840
um, unlike a lot of people

01:31:01.800 --> 01:31:07.160
I was already in the woods in 2020 in march saying that they might have faked this

01:31:08.120 --> 01:31:12.040
And the reason why they might have faked it is to get us on a digital prison path

01:31:12.840 --> 01:31:14.840
all the way to chipping

01:31:15.720 --> 01:31:20.840
And a lot of these team worst case scenarios have still not still not managed to

01:31:21.560 --> 01:31:25.320
Annunciate that theory have still not managed to speak it out

01:31:26.520 --> 01:31:29.720
Michael eden certainly has but he can't get his message anywhere

01:31:30.280 --> 01:31:34.920
I've never heard sasha say it. I've never heard shannon say it. I've never heard paul katrel say it

01:31:35.160 --> 01:31:40.120
Never heard george website. I've never heard robert malone say i've never heard maryll nass say it

01:31:40.200 --> 01:31:42.360
I've never heard most of these people say it

01:31:43.800 --> 01:31:46.200
And I started saying it in 2020 in march

01:31:47.400 --> 01:31:54.680
Before team worst case scenario found me came to my house streamed with me emailed me called me signal chatted with me

01:31:56.280 --> 01:31:58.840
And drew me away from that original conclusion

01:31:59.000 --> 01:32:01.000

01:32:01.000 --> 01:32:07.160
Once you see that man oh man, it's pretty easy to remember we were all on this road alone

01:32:09.160 --> 01:32:13.000
And then social media put us in cars with all these people

01:32:13.080 --> 01:32:18.280
Supposedly giving us a ride and helping us out when in reality every one of these people was whispering in my ear

01:32:18.680 --> 01:32:21.400
This is a novel virus that might kill millions of people man

01:32:22.360 --> 01:32:24.360
You better be careful

01:32:24.360 --> 01:32:26.360
You better be careful what you say jay

01:32:27.160 --> 01:32:29.160
You better watch out

01:32:31.560 --> 01:32:35.320
It's extraordinary how many people of the on this list i've met

01:32:35.560 --> 01:32:40.760
It's extraordinary how many of these people have emailed me and it's extraordinary how many of these people don't like me

01:32:42.040 --> 01:32:44.040
Because i'm wrong about something

01:32:45.880 --> 01:32:51.320
I'm not even trying to be right i'm just trying to say that the story that most of these people are pushing is not possible

01:32:51.800 --> 01:32:54.360
Because they don't take into account any of this

01:32:57.160 --> 01:33:00.680
And they don't talk about strict liability for all pharmaceutical products

01:33:00.680 --> 01:33:03.240
They don't talk about the cip and the vicp

01:33:03.880 --> 01:33:11.000
Being seventh amendment violations the idea that you can't sue a manufacturer of a vaccine is a seventh amendment violation

01:33:12.280 --> 01:33:14.280
And none of them talk about it

01:33:15.560 --> 01:33:17.560
Because they are playing this train game

01:33:17.560 --> 01:33:23.320
And this train game is where the tug of war is being sabotaged and we talk about stuff that doesn't matter

01:33:23.800 --> 01:33:27.240
We talk about stuff and argue about stuff that when you're arguing about it

01:33:27.240 --> 01:33:30.280
You are reinforcing the existence of the novel virus

01:33:30.680 --> 01:33:36.360
You are reinforcing the existence of of uh of a novel pathogen for which we have no clue

01:33:38.360 --> 01:33:41.320
That's what happened in 2020. That's what this was all about

01:33:41.400 --> 01:33:45.080
That's what hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were all about bad trials

01:33:45.480 --> 01:33:49.560
Bad EUAs designed to give people lots of bad reasons to argue

01:33:49.960 --> 01:33:55.720
About something that would then presuppose the existence of a novel pathogen that needed these things

01:33:58.920 --> 01:34:02.200
And when people jumped on the argument they were co-opted they were

01:34:02.680 --> 01:34:09.240
They were encouraged they might have even been read into what is a national security operation and then they were done

01:34:10.040 --> 01:34:13.480
And they sold their book and they got their money and their comfort and their fame

01:34:13.480 --> 01:34:19.320
But they've accepted that their role is to pretend that there was a pandemic of a particularly dangerous path

01:34:19.560 --> 01:34:21.560
And they made a lot of people sick

01:34:23.480 --> 01:34:27.800
And they're supposed to go along with the idea that double-stranded DNA contamination means that we can

01:34:28.120 --> 01:34:30.440
Transfection works and we can probably make it work

01:34:34.840 --> 01:34:40.360
And I want you to hear it from his mouth before I before I drop him that he will say it

01:34:41.880 --> 01:34:46.040
That whole phenomenon and why it happened and how it happened and how could we avoid it next time

01:34:46.520 --> 01:34:50.680
Was why I wrote the book that's a long answer to your question. It's okay, okay

01:34:51.160 --> 01:34:53.160
Who's the audience for the book?

01:34:53.480 --> 01:34:58.360
I think the general public anybody who who experienced what we all experienced

01:34:58.360 --> 01:35:01.960
I mean it was it was a rough four years for me for all of us

01:35:02.040 --> 01:35:05.880
And I think this is kind of a summing up in many ways and how to move forward

01:35:07.240 --> 01:35:10.920
When did you start writing? I'm curious how long ago that was

01:35:11.480 --> 01:35:15.640
Right from the beginning. I started working on it right towards the beginning of this pandemic

01:35:16.920 --> 01:35:18.680
Because that worked well

01:35:18.760 --> 01:35:22.920
I mean, I was able to include a number of stories as they were happening. So that worked well

01:35:22.920 --> 01:35:24.200
I didn't know

01:35:24.200 --> 01:35:27.880
When this pandemic would ever end and I guess we we have different

01:35:28.360 --> 01:35:32.760
Definitions pandemic on twiv you've gone through very carefully what those different definitions are but I guess

01:35:33.160 --> 01:35:39.400
My definition is that a pandemic changes the way you live work or play and I think that's no longer true

01:35:40.040 --> 01:35:44.440
So I think the pandemic is over but the virus isn't over and so how to how to handle it now

01:35:44.840 --> 01:35:47.640
So you when did you finish writing? Let's put it that way

01:35:48.280 --> 01:35:50.280
Um probably about a year ago

01:35:50.280 --> 01:35:51.800

01:35:51.800 --> 01:35:56.280
So you dedicated the book to charlotte moser. I'm curious as who she is and why you did that

01:35:56.680 --> 01:36:03.240
Yeah, so I've been working with charlotte for more than 25 years. She came to my lab as a technician as as a young woman

01:36:03.400 --> 01:36:06.280
Um, right around the time she got married now. She has two adult children

01:36:06.760 --> 01:36:10.120
Um, and she's just a brilliant hard working

01:36:10.280 --> 01:36:15.240
Um, uh, virologist who worked in the lab and also when we created our vaccine education center

01:36:15.640 --> 01:36:17.320
Um in in 2000

01:36:17.320 --> 01:36:23.480
She became part of that and now is very much the heart of our vaccine education center and putting out information to try and educate

01:36:23.720 --> 01:36:26.440
The public and the press and and physicians as well

01:36:27.000 --> 01:36:32.760
About vaccines and vaccine safety. So she's been a touchstone for a few decades and that's why her

01:36:33.480 --> 01:36:36.680
I think i recall you you authored a book with her about

01:36:37.400 --> 01:36:39.720
Questions that parents might have about vaccines, right?

01:36:40.200 --> 01:36:44.680
Right and we're updating that book now as columbia university press will be coming out soon. Yes, that's right

01:36:45.720 --> 01:36:51.640
So what in in the summary of the book you you talk about writing about things we got right and things we

01:36:52.360 --> 01:36:58.200
Got wrong here comes. Hang on. Just talked a little bit. It's gonna hurt. What do we get right?

01:36:59.320 --> 01:37:03.560
Well, we got the vaccine right. I think we we definitely got that right. Um

01:37:04.120 --> 01:37:07.960
Which is remarkable considering how little we knew about this technology

01:37:08.440 --> 01:37:10.840
We certainly got the mRNA vaccines, right?

01:37:11.080 --> 01:37:15.560
That was the I think the most important thing we got right and I think the other things that we got great are

01:37:16.360 --> 01:37:20.920
I think there were I just I can't believe it. It's like uh, it's like uh

01:37:22.520 --> 01:37:27.000
I mean, that's just amazing. That is just amazing. What do we get right?

01:37:28.120 --> 01:37:33.320
We got the vaccine right. I think we we definitely got that right. Um, which is

01:37:33.560 --> 01:37:39.560
Remarkable considering how little we knew about this technology, but we certainly got the mRNA vaccines, right?

01:37:39.800 --> 01:37:44.360
That was the I think the most important thing we got right and I think the other things that we got right are

01:37:45.160 --> 01:37:47.560
I think there were a number of bright lights here

01:37:47.560 --> 01:37:53.160
I think the expanded access program to collect convalescence here was was the right way to go or

01:37:53.160 --> 01:37:57.240
Okay, we're not gonna we're not gonna listen to any more of this. I just wanted you to hear that right?

01:37:57.320 --> 01:37:59.960
We got the mRNA vaccine right

01:38:00.840 --> 01:38:06.760
Now what's interesting about that ladies and gentlemen my mind is what's interesting about that is that the

01:38:07.240 --> 01:38:12.280
Limited spectrum of debate that in which we are trapped actually has us believing

01:38:12.760 --> 01:38:17.000
That there are two basic groups of people people that think we got it right

01:38:17.960 --> 01:38:25.000
And people that are aware that we got it wrong and the way we got it wrong is that there was this double stranded DNA contamination in it

01:38:25.640 --> 01:38:32.920
This probably responsible for causing cancer and all of this other stuff maybe even amyloid and and prion disease

01:38:35.400 --> 01:38:42.280
So the limited spectrum of debate spans from RNA worked to RNA was contaminated

01:38:43.480 --> 01:38:46.280
And nowhere in that spectrum of debate is there

01:38:47.560 --> 01:38:53.080
Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb nor

01:38:54.040 --> 01:38:59.160
Transfection of healthy humans is criminally negligent none of those are even close to

01:38:59.880 --> 01:39:04.120
Present inside of that limited spectrum of debate defined by these people

01:39:05.880 --> 01:39:08.760
That's what i'm trying the message that i'm trying to get across

01:39:09.160 --> 01:39:17.720
The diffuse proposal is just another part of this elaborate illusion that was designed to try and trick us into believing that they were covering up a lab leak

01:39:18.120 --> 01:39:22.120
And so the more details that come out about what enzymes they ordered or how they did it

01:39:22.840 --> 01:39:31.160
Just continues to underscore the main point which is they need us to teach our children that viruses can go around the world for decades

01:39:31.720 --> 01:39:41.080
They need us to teach our children that the pandemic potential exists in laboratories and that people are crazy enough to spray pandemic potential around in bat caves

01:39:41.880 --> 01:39:45.160
They need us to teach that to our children or they will not be

01:39:45.800 --> 01:39:47.800
Lost in this forever

01:39:47.880 --> 01:39:55.800
That's why they started with decades ago already seeding this narrative in the primary literature and in the funding schemes

01:39:56.280 --> 01:39:59.880
And in in presentations like james giordano

01:40:01.320 --> 01:40:06.920
And james giordano and people like him leading these tabletop exercises for decades

01:40:07.320 --> 01:40:15.560
Creating the illusion of mass casualty events is something that maybe the dod was responsible for but would have been commanded to do by hhs

01:40:16.440 --> 01:40:21.880
And so the team worst case scenario was definitely part of this because again in order to get compliance

01:40:21.880 --> 01:40:25.480
We have to stick to the narrative that worst case scenario hasn't been ruled out

01:40:26.120 --> 01:40:31.880
And that is because this is a national security thing sure the dod might make phone calls and inform random people that

01:40:32.600 --> 01:40:35.960
We consider something a national security threat, but it sounds weird to me

01:40:37.320 --> 01:40:41.000
But that's the story sasha tells and so that's what we're supposed to believe

01:40:41.400 --> 01:40:44.200
But any way you cut it we have gotten to the stage where

01:40:44.840 --> 01:40:51.400
Paul off it just said that the virus was defeated by transfection because we got it right

01:40:52.440 --> 01:40:57.080
Ladies and gentlemen, please wake up and apologize to your children forever having believed

01:40:57.480 --> 01:41:00.760
That antibodies were a correlate of immunity that meant anything

01:41:01.160 --> 01:41:05.640
Please wake up and apologize to your children forever having believed that vaccination

01:41:06.200 --> 01:41:11.080
That intramuscular injection of a combination of substances was something that you should have done to them

01:41:13.800 --> 01:41:19.160
And if you've never actually pondered on how you're going to apologize to your children for not knowing this well

01:41:19.400 --> 01:41:21.400
Now's the time to start crying

01:41:21.480 --> 01:41:24.120
Because that's what we all have to do if you haven't done it already

01:41:26.040 --> 01:41:32.680
That's the new world order that we need to break and the only way you break it is to admit to your children that you didn't understand this for their whole life

01:41:33.400 --> 01:41:37.240
And that people like the people in the movie vaxxed

01:41:37.960 --> 01:41:43.000
Those people need to be lauded and applauded and raised up

01:41:44.040 --> 01:41:46.440
And and brought back to the spotlight

01:41:51.400 --> 01:41:57.080
Because the past is fading quick and this lie is becoming the truth very very quickly

01:41:57.080 --> 01:42:01.640
It's because of team worst case scenario that has happened

01:42:01.640 --> 01:42:09.320
What have they they've gotten rid of this potential exponential increase in Medicare costs because they're vaccinating the old people with RSV and all other stuff

01:42:09.320 --> 01:42:13.720
So they're going to you're going to reduce the lifespan of all the old people are Medicare without a doubt

01:42:15.400 --> 01:42:17.240
They're also

01:42:17.240 --> 01:42:23.320
Protecting against the growing skepticism in vaccines by causing this pandemic to happen because the people that bought in

01:42:23.720 --> 01:42:26.280
Are are now totally militant about it

01:42:27.080 --> 01:42:29.640
The transition to digital currency in a controlled manner

01:42:30.120 --> 01:42:35.240
The transition to genetic vaccines for the entire population is all but done and as Paul said it works

01:42:37.160 --> 01:42:41.080
Confounding the toxicity of the virus with the transfection for the dissidents

01:42:41.800 --> 01:42:45.320
Has allowed number four to go on in the and the natural pop or the

01:42:46.280 --> 01:42:48.280
The tv watching population

01:42:48.440 --> 01:42:52.520
The transitioning of youth into submission and full digital control is already occurring

01:42:52.520 --> 01:42:56.680
And it's going to go as that cartoon that we showed in the beginning of the of the stream

01:42:57.000 --> 01:43:03.720
They're going to use privacy and copyright and and and fake harassment on the internet to justify digital IDs

01:43:04.120 --> 01:43:08.760
That's coming and the kids will probably ask for it if we don't inform them of what's going on now

01:43:09.560 --> 01:43:14.760
And so this the edifying the mythology of pandemic viruses is still ongoing

01:43:14.760 --> 01:43:20.120
They did that with sasha and and and shannon and they do it also with vincent and with

01:43:20.760 --> 01:43:25.000
With paul the short and the life spans of billions of people maybe they accomplish that

01:43:25.000 --> 01:43:27.960
Were they going to kill billions of people with a gain of function virus?

01:43:29.320 --> 01:43:31.320

01:43:31.320 --> 01:43:37.480
But ruining the cultural cultural fabric of america with immigration and with this

01:43:38.680 --> 01:43:41.960
Political socio-economic tearing in half sure

01:43:42.680 --> 01:43:47.880
Create chaos necessary for a fundamental inversion of freedom to fascism absolutely

01:43:48.920 --> 01:43:54.120
Just like I said in the woods on march 18th in 2020 still on youtube today

01:43:59.000 --> 01:44:05.080
So if you've been following giga ohm biological for a long time and you know how long we've been trying more or less to

01:44:05.880 --> 01:44:12.680
Cottify our goals in a way that people can understand can digest him and the best way to do it is to say that we can't put our kids

01:44:12.760 --> 01:44:14.440
on this train

01:44:14.440 --> 01:44:19.480
Where we teach them that we have defeated epidemics in the past using vaccination

01:44:20.360 --> 01:44:26.360
And that the vaccinations that we have now are descended from an entirely successful public health

01:44:27.000 --> 01:44:32.920
Initiative that revolves around centers on and relies on vaccination because that's not true

01:44:32.920 --> 01:44:34.920

01:44:36.120 --> 01:44:41.640
Health water sanitation all of this stuff played a huge role in the client of disease in the 50s

01:44:42.840 --> 01:44:44.840
The stopping of the use of DDT

01:44:45.640 --> 01:44:50.360
These things all had an effect which is being confounded with the idea that vaccines work

01:44:50.680 --> 01:44:53.160
And we need to teach this truth to our kids

01:44:53.720 --> 01:45:01.240
Asymptomatic spread is something they scared us about in 2020 that the continuing evolving of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is something

01:45:01.320 --> 01:45:05.080
They are scaring us with and that gain of function research is a mythology

01:45:05.080 --> 01:45:08.760
They want to scare us with don't let them get on the train ladies and gentlemen, please don't

01:45:09.480 --> 01:45:12.920
Because the illusion is still very strong

01:45:16.760 --> 01:45:21.800
This faith in a novel virus is still very strong and it is being reinforced on both

01:45:22.280 --> 01:45:26.760
Sides of the spectrum you heard them you heard Shannon and

01:45:27.320 --> 01:45:33.000
And Sasha you heard none of them are questioning it the unvaccinated we're sick

01:45:37.160 --> 01:45:41.720
And this faith needs to be questioned we need to start promoting people who are questioning it

01:45:42.600 --> 01:45:47.320
People like Jessica hockett nick hudson jonathan angler martin

01:45:47.320 --> 01:45:48.600

01:45:48.600 --> 01:45:55.480
Jickie leaks whoever the hell that is and myself need promotion. We need your help in order for this faith

01:45:55.960 --> 01:46:00.280
This conflated background signal to be exposed for what it is we need your help

01:46:00.360 --> 01:46:05.880
Otherwise these people are not going to get us out because biology is the way out and they ain't teaching it

01:46:08.920 --> 01:46:13.560
We've got to get out of the un the who is a subsidiary of the un

01:46:14.920 --> 01:46:16.920
We need to investigate

01:46:17.160 --> 01:46:22.680
The bank of international settlements and international monetary fund we need to audit them and close them

01:46:22.680 --> 01:46:28.200
We need to get out of the un so that we're out of the who and then we just we need to reorganize as sovereign nationals

01:46:29.000 --> 01:46:31.000
as as national entities

01:46:32.280 --> 01:46:34.280
Like it used to be back in the old days

01:46:35.960 --> 01:46:40.600
And if you want to see who these medlers are just watch for the big picture you won't see it

01:46:41.000 --> 01:46:45.240
Who listen for the opposition to the childhood vaccination schedule? You won't hear it

01:46:45.640 --> 01:46:49.800
Listen to the advocation for strict liability. You won't hear it

01:46:49.800 --> 01:46:53.240
Listen for the explanation of what transfection is and its best form

01:46:53.560 --> 01:46:59.640
You won't hear it listen to them explain how RNA virology has been grossly exaggerated by the use of clones

01:47:00.040 --> 01:47:03.000
And and reverse genetics. You won't hear them say it

01:47:03.480 --> 01:47:08.680
Please understand there's a way to see through this and if you just apply simple methods

01:47:09.240 --> 01:47:12.600
Like nick hudson's rationale that if they say it's a global problem

01:47:12.920 --> 01:47:14.440
It's probably bullshit

01:47:14.440 --> 01:47:20.040
We might actually get out of this alive and our kids might actually inherit a world that is kind of free

01:47:20.920 --> 01:47:26.600
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been giga ohm biological a high resistance low noise information brought to you by a biologist

01:47:27.160 --> 01:47:29.160
I'm going to be on with

01:47:29.720 --> 01:47:35.560
I'm a molic later on this afternoon. I don't think i'm going to scream it. I think we're going to record it and show it on his thing

01:47:35.880 --> 01:47:39.400
So you know what i'm doing later this afternoon. Thank you very much for joining me

01:47:39.640 --> 01:47:41.640

01:47:42.600 --> 01:47:45.080
Dune is coming out soon a beautiful book

01:47:45.720 --> 01:47:48.280
Pretty decent movie. I think the second one's going to be fun

01:47:48.920 --> 01:47:53.880
Obviously i'm not getting any sponsorship for this. I just thought it was really interesting to take this out of the book

01:47:54.440 --> 01:47:59.560
Once men turned they're thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free

01:48:00.200 --> 01:48:04.360
But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

01:48:05.160 --> 01:48:07.160
holy cow

01:48:09.400 --> 01:48:11.400

01:48:12.520 --> 01:48:17.240
Stop all transfections and humans ladies and gentlemen. They are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary

01:48:17.720 --> 01:48:23.080
This has been giga ohm biological a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. Thank you very much

01:48:23.080 --> 01:48:25.080
I'll see you again tomorrow

01:48:39.400 --> 01:48:41.400

01:49:09.400 --> 01:49:16.360
Hey, i'm really happy you found me too. I hope I see you again here

01:49:16.920 --> 01:49:23.240
And thanks for doing a chat there walking right in and thanks for speaking here. I'll see you guys uh, i'll see you guys tomorrow

01:49:27.800 --> 01:49:30.600
That was a good one. I think that was a good one. I'm happy with that one

01:49:39.400 --> 01:49:42.280