WEBVTT 00:13.697 --> 00:13.777 so 00:45.077 --> 00:50.601 Today we have a very interesting guest. 00:51.821 --> 00:54.723 I'm really excited. 01:13.464 --> 01:15.486 I'm still getting everything set up in the background. 01:15.526 --> 01:16.286 I apologize. 01:16.346 --> 01:21.811 It is really 1010 is a really hard mark for me a me to hit not to be a wimp. 01:23.112 --> 01:26.255 But I need to get everything going kind of while the 01:27.267 --> 01:30.749 The whole school thing is going on in the morning. 01:31.009 --> 01:33.090 And no excuses here. 01:33.290 --> 01:34.950 Well, yes, I'm giving you an excuse. 01:35.010 --> 01:35.891 It's not a very good one. 01:36.931 --> 01:37.972 So 10-10 is tough. 01:38.512 --> 01:41.933 But I think Dan is probably already there and ready to go. 01:41.993 --> 01:43.194 So we're going to make this happen. 01:43.454 --> 01:45.815 And I think it's going to be a very sharp one. 01:51.257 --> 01:52.738 Very, very sharp one. 01:59.411 --> 01:59.475 you 02:46.318 --> 02:52.483 The directed energy weapon attack is indeed something that has risen again on the internet. 02:52.543 --> 02:56.165 Something that I followed a long time ago and then kind of just forgot about. 02:57.106 --> 02:59.327 Crazy how this stuff is all coming full circle. 03:00.248 --> 03:01.209 Yes, Judy Wood. 03:01.229 --> 03:14.058 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case scenario. 03:16.218 --> 03:17.759 I think truth is good for kids. 03:18.199 --> 03:22.000 We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society. 03:22.500 --> 03:24.141 We want everybody to feel good. 03:24.261 --> 03:26.501 That's not, that's not the way life is. 03:29.002 --> 03:32.923 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 03:34.724 --> 03:35.444 And I have lied. 03:35.604 --> 03:36.484 I'm sure I'll lie again. 03:36.504 --> 03:37.425 I don't want to lie. 03:37.925 --> 03:39.265 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 03:39.365 --> 03:40.406 I try not to be a liar. 03:40.426 --> 03:41.286 I don't want to be a liar. 03:41.846 --> 03:44.567 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 04:00.394 --> 04:02.275 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 04:02.375 --> 04:03.755 His name is J.J. 04:03.915 --> 04:07.677 Cooey and I believe he's a consultant for C.H.D. 04:08.537 --> 04:10.678 and I believe he has a P.H.D. 04:10.698 --> 04:15.280 in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand. 04:18.682 --> 04:19.262 The End 04:45.162 --> 04:47.764 Please don't forget the intro may glitch a little bit. 04:50.045 --> 04:55.149 Because depending on when Dan joins the Zoom, sometimes Zoom gets a little goofy like that. 04:55.169 --> 04:57.070 But don't worry, I think the sync will be fine. 04:58.331 --> 04:59.872 I think the sync will be fine. 04:59.932 --> 05:05.335 Just a question of whether I can pull this music out of my... What in the world? 05:05.695 --> 05:06.516 I can hear you. 05:06.916 --> 05:07.657 Yep, you're good. 05:17.805 --> 05:19.366 My daughter put this song in. 05:20.767 --> 05:21.547 It's perfect. 05:23.289 --> 05:29.773 Well, I didn't mean to play this song, so we're going to get a little bit of a strike here on Twitch. 05:29.813 --> 05:31.494 They'll blank this video or this 05:32.950 --> 05:33.650 this audio. 05:33.670 --> 05:35.971 But for now, for the live people, this is great. 05:36.912 --> 05:37.732 Welcome to the show. 05:37.772 --> 05:39.173 This is GigaOM Biological. 05:39.513 --> 05:41.734 We are living through some very interesting times. 05:42.814 --> 05:49.797 And today I think I have a guest that can help us see a side of these interesting times that I myself have never dared to try and penetrate. 05:51.578 --> 05:55.580 Your consciousness is definitely the prime real estate that everybody's working to control. 05:56.613 --> 06:10.354 because it is a matter of what is perceived to be true and these people have dominated the control over that for a very long time, so much so that all of us really don't understand what's going on because we inherited these charlatans from our parents. 06:12.133 --> 06:15.476 And so we know the biology here very well right now. 06:15.516 --> 06:33.433 We know the illusions that we are trying to dispel in terms of the biology, but we don't necessarily, we've never really tried to look into the other illusions where there's a tremendous amount of arguing, being won and lost based on attributing bad motives to the wrong people. 06:33.993 --> 06:37.216 And I think this stream is really going to be important for that. 06:39.747 --> 06:50.111 It is about money and it is about the control of wealth and power and the illusions that are used to make sure that we never really see how this control is being wielded. 06:51.291 --> 06:55.053 But there are more and more people who have been able to see a side of this and also 06:56.073 --> 07:00.834 I think Dan Cohen is one of these people who can also show other people who can't see it. 07:01.574 --> 07:16.958 And these people are critically important to us moving forward together against these people who believe that AI and a bunch of data collection is all they really need to solve all the problems of the irreducible complexity that is our sacred biology. 07:16.998 --> 07:17.958 And that's ridiculous. 07:18.678 --> 07:20.679 And we can't let this history be erased. 07:21.679 --> 07:28.442 And that's what we're trying to do here, trying to take back this power from these charlatans that we've inherited from our parents. 07:29.362 --> 07:31.323 And there's no shame in admitting it. 07:32.403 --> 07:35.164 I want to make gentle the life of this world as we go forward. 07:35.184 --> 07:38.906 I don't want any more of this, what they have done to us. 07:42.150 --> 07:48.513 And so I'm trying to break this wave, this illusion, and I need a lot of help. 07:48.593 --> 07:51.134 This wave is very, very complicated. 07:51.174 --> 07:57.217 You know, at the start of the pandemic, we just thought the wave was composed of some story about a lab leak virus. 07:57.277 --> 07:58.057 It couldn't be that. 07:58.537 --> 08:03.740 And then as we peeled back the layers of the onion, we started to understand this wave was composed of a 08:04.600 --> 08:22.297 a a lollapalooza of liars and it didn't matter what stage you went to you were always going to find the same wave of of of questions that were the wrong questions and answers that were the wrong answers and arguing very very vigorously about these wrong questions and wrong answers 08:22.938 --> 08:26.402 And I think they've been playing this game with us on a number of other fronts. 08:27.623 --> 08:31.687 If you've been here for the first time, you may not be focused on the biology, but you should be. 08:31.707 --> 08:34.810 You may be taking their bait on social media, but you shouldn't be. 08:35.291 --> 08:38.013 And you might not be loving your neighbor as much as you should be. 08:38.073 --> 08:39.655 And so welcome to the show. 08:39.695 --> 08:41.137 This is Giga Home Biological. 08:41.237 --> 08:41.637 We work. 08:42.238 --> 08:43.959 It works because people share the work. 08:44.660 --> 08:49.042 So get out there and share it right now and right after as well. 08:49.843 --> 08:52.624 You can find us at stream.gigaohm.bio. 08:52.664 --> 08:59.308 You can find us on Twitch and also on a soapbox, on Rumble. 09:00.389 --> 09:05.751 The archives are building everywhere now, but I'm most proud of our peer tube, which is the stream.gigaohm.bio. 09:07.072 --> 09:09.134 That's all us. 09:09.574 --> 09:20.083 That's just my family doing that, and a friend of mine on the other side of the planet, a supporter like you, somebody who has done a lot for sharing this. 09:21.644 --> 09:27.028 The paradigm shift is happening right now, and the interesting thing is the paradigm shift is happening on a number of fronts. 09:27.969 --> 09:35.775 Another place where a paradigm shift is happening, I believe, is in this illusion of what Israel is and is not. 09:36.636 --> 09:44.983 And so I'm hoping that my guests can help us pull our hands down and start to engage in a little more informed non-compliance than we're already engaged in. 09:46.505 --> 09:51.309 And make sure you remember, ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga Home Biologically. 09:58.066 --> 09:58.266 do do 10:22.692 --> 10:25.154 Good morning from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 10:25.234 --> 10:30.339 This is GigaOM Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 10:31.339 --> 10:38.766 I normally don't talk about politics or anything related to religion or geography or anything like that. 10:38.866 --> 10:49.415 I'm usually very focused on America and on biology and trying to pull our heads out of this illusion that there's this international war we need to fight against the who and whoever these other people are. 10:50.416 --> 10:53.140 I don't think that's the case, but that's not the subject here today. 10:54.022 --> 11:00.151 Just to remind you though, intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 11:00.672 --> 11:04.638 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic. 11:06.080 --> 11:19.995 Our guest today will not be speaking to us about those things in general, but will instead be giving us some insight into another, what I think, and I don't want to put words in Dan's mouth, 11:21.075 --> 11:35.384 What I think Dan has come to see as another illusion of consensus where there are these two bad arguments that are being made to fight against one another and then maybe there's a third argument that's even dumber, but all of these things are are ridiculous hamster wheels. 11:36.024 --> 11:43.852 that pit people against each other and divide them on a mythology that they're never going to solve because they believe in a mythology. 11:43.912 --> 11:45.694 It's designed to trap them in it. 11:46.995 --> 11:49.898 This is a video from the Jimmy... What does Zionism actually mean? 11:50.078 --> 11:51.600 I thought Zionism meant there should 11:51.920 --> 11:52.941 I didn't do that very well. 11:52.981 --> 11:59.046 This is a video of my guest Dan Cohen on the Jimmy Dore show. 11:59.226 --> 12:03.449 And here he pretty succinctly explains what he sees Zionism as. 12:03.529 --> 12:15.498 And I wanted to start with this clip simply because I didn't necessarily want to have him reiterate everything, but maybe give him a little head start and save his energy for the stuff that we're going to talk about together. 12:16.219 --> 12:18.080 So just listen to this clip really quick. 12:18.120 --> 12:20.082 I'll put myself in the corner and then we'll bring Dan up. 12:22.478 --> 12:28.663 Like what is Zionism actually mean I thought Zionism meant there should the State of Israel exists, but what does it actually mean? 12:31.046 --> 12:43.938 Zionism is a pseudo messianic movement Of course colonial in nature, so it's a European national nationalist movement that emerged in the middle of the 19th century and 12:44.764 --> 12:46.025 mid to late 19th century. 12:46.345 --> 12:59.371 And basically, it was nationalists who thought, well, we are Jews in Europe, and we don't actually really, we don't like Orthodox Judaism, we reject all of that. 13:00.131 --> 13:03.873 We, we need to reinvent Jews as 13:04.983 --> 13:13.646 without God, without religion, all of that stuff and build a new nation, just like there's the French nation or the English nation or whatever, we're going to have the Jewish nation. 13:13.986 --> 13:17.627 So they transformed the religion into a nation. 13:18.567 --> 13:20.088 And so what did they, but they needed 13:21.008 --> 13:23.049 a national mythology. 13:23.589 --> 13:26.249 So they took the logic of Jewish messianism. 13:26.589 --> 13:32.291 Jewish messianism existed for 2,000 years since the temples were destroyed in Jerusalem. 13:32.691 --> 13:44.294 And the whole idea, the reason the temples were destroyed is because these zealots, when the temples existed, rose up against the empire, thinking they're going to have Jewish sovereignty and a kingdom and all this stuff and get rid of everything. 13:45.253 --> 13:50.215 They got smashed, and Judaism basically was largely destroyed and forever changed. 13:50.535 --> 13:52.195 No more animal sacrifice in the temple. 13:52.415 --> 13:53.936 You have rabbis now. 13:54.136 --> 13:54.996 Rabbis are teachers. 13:55.356 --> 14:00.958 Rabbis said, no more messianic activism, no more trying to have a temple. 14:01.058 --> 14:02.759 That will happen when God chooses. 14:03.159 --> 14:08.561 So for 2,000 years, Orthodox Judaism put the genie back in the bottle, more or less. 14:08.621 --> 14:11.442 There were times when it got out, but they got it back in. 14:13.314 --> 14:30.929 Zionism comes around and says, we are going to take this mythology of Jewish messianism, meaning a Jewish state, Jewish sovereignty, a Jewish army, the ingathering of the Jews, that again, should only happen, according to the rabbis, when God chooses. 14:31.009 --> 14:33.471 We can't have any hand in that. 14:34.171 --> 14:37.134 and building a temple on the Al-Aqsa compound. 14:37.574 --> 14:40.376 And the vast majority of Orthodox Jews rejected this. 14:40.436 --> 14:42.158 They said, this is false messianism. 14:42.418 --> 14:43.359 This is dangerous. 14:43.539 --> 14:50.424 And not only that, it draws from the same poisonous well that anti-Semites draw from that attack us. 14:50.845 --> 14:58.691 So they understood, most Jews correctly understood that this was colonial, racist, and it was also completely against Jewish theology. 14:59.389 --> 15:15.744 But Theodor Herzl, the early Zionists, used essentially the early form of an Israel lobby, where they went to Arthur Balfour in Britain, they went to Tsar Nicholas in Russia, both of which were hardened anti-Semites, 15:16.504 --> 15:18.145 The Tsar had committed pogroms. 15:18.185 --> 15:21.106 He had overseen pogroms against Jews in the Pale of Settlement. 15:21.447 --> 15:22.407 And then he meets with Herzl. 15:22.427 --> 15:30.551 So Herzl is basically able to use diplomacy to get support, to get rid of the Jews of Europe, to send them to Palestine. 15:32.182 --> 15:40.126 This whole logic of Jewish messianism continued through David Ben-Gurion, blah, blah, blah, blah, et cetera, et cetera, all the way to the current day. 15:40.506 --> 15:47.269 Netanyahu, the other day, when he spoke for the first time about October 7, he talked about Joshua bin Nun. 15:47.873 --> 15:51.974 Joshua Ben-Nun is the biblical story of the conquest of Canaan. 15:52.034 --> 15:55.835 The Israelites came and carried out a conquest. 15:56.196 --> 15:57.816 So they believe they conquered that land. 15:57.856 --> 15:59.857 They don't actually believe they're indigenous to it. 16:00.117 --> 16:01.557 They conquered it, therefore it's theirs. 16:01.937 --> 16:06.299 So this messianic language is borrowed, is 16:07.779 --> 16:12.662 taken from Jewish theology and used for nationalist means. 16:13.002 --> 16:16.825 The thing is, it's not like, you know, you just have your Jewish and democratic state. 16:16.885 --> 16:18.906 Well, we showed up there and now we're happy. 16:19.286 --> 16:20.627 No, there's a logic to it. 16:21.248 --> 16:23.469 And it carries on to the point where 16:24.880 --> 16:27.823 Well, we can't have any minorities in Jewish theology. 16:27.864 --> 16:29.706 You have a Jewish state, a Jewish kingdom. 16:29.726 --> 16:30.507 There's no minorities. 16:30.607 --> 16:32.909 That's where Bezalel Smotrych gets this stuff. 16:33.931 --> 16:41.179 It's a dangerous ideology, but it's irrelevant as long as Orthodox Jews don't believe in it. 16:42.612 --> 16:44.133 Well, they don't believe in doing it. 16:44.254 --> 16:46.375 They just believe, well, God will do it at some point. 16:46.495 --> 16:50.919 And we're just going to sit here and twiddle our, you know, study scripture until then. 16:51.640 --> 16:54.382 So, so real quick. 16:54.422 --> 17:05.551 So then the last stage of this is basically what we're entering, where this messianic process goes to, we have to force the Messiah to come through an apocalyptic war called Gog and Magog. 17:06.107 --> 17:09.413 that's what it's known as in, you know, Jewish kind of prophecy. 17:10.355 --> 17:19.070 And that means destruction of the Al-Aqsa compound and construction of a temple so then they can properly worship 17:19.884 --> 17:28.473 God through animal sacrifice, and of course it'll be, you know, a nice way to start a regional or world war. 17:28.713 --> 17:40.786 That is purely the idea of Betsalel Smotrich, of Itamar Ben-Gavir, of all of these religious Zionists, as well as the secular Zionists who are hardcore nationalists who don't believe in any of the 17:41.466 --> 17:42.927 religious kind of gobbledygook. 17:43.487 --> 17:45.348 They just see it as like, yeah, that's our land. 17:45.428 --> 17:48.830 Let's like, you know, yeah, let's get the Palestinians. 17:48.850 --> 17:49.891 Like, let's that's our land. 17:49.911 --> 17:56.154 You said 10% now because we use that 10% pretty much estimating, you know, estimating. 17:56.494 --> 17:57.094 So, okay. 17:57.114 --> 17:58.975 I'm guesstimating that, but they're armed. 17:59.015 --> 18:01.537 But my point is that everyone is lined up behind them. 18:01.637 --> 18:03.357 They are completely running the show. 18:03.598 --> 18:06.919 Just like, you know, Ukraine as, you know, the ads all bites are running the show. 18:06.939 --> 18:07.400 Yeah. 18:07.620 --> 18:08.100 I didn't know that. 18:09.699 --> 18:11.020 OK, so that's enough, right? 18:11.060 --> 18:12.060 I mean, sorry, Dan. 18:12.160 --> 18:13.681 I didn't mean to make you wait so long. 18:15.301 --> 18:15.841 No, that's all right. 18:16.021 --> 18:20.623 I really wanted to make it so that it wasn't so much of an intro here. 18:22.824 --> 18:29.307 So I guess it's a real big picture here, but my hello and welcome. 18:29.347 --> 18:30.447 Now you're finally on the screen. 18:30.467 --> 18:31.267 Wow, nice background. 18:31.307 --> 18:34.369 It looks much better than the brighter yellow that was there before. 18:36.560 --> 18:37.421 You can hear me okay? 18:37.441 --> 18:37.801 It's all right? 18:37.941 --> 18:38.702 Oh no, not very good. 18:38.722 --> 18:39.603 That's better probably. 18:39.783 --> 18:40.784 Yeah, now I hear you better. 18:40.884 --> 18:42.625 Yeah, my face is not bright red. 18:42.665 --> 18:45.448 I got my white balance figured out too. 18:45.688 --> 18:50.812 Well, it's hard to balance a great big yellow background that's very brightly lit though too, so that's good. 18:52.429 --> 18:53.990 I'm really happy that you're here. 18:54.050 --> 19:04.816 We've been in communication on and off for a little while now, because you were also doing some journalism on some COVID related things, including death certificate fraud and this kind of thing. 19:05.756 --> 19:17.883 And so I really like kind of the momentum that brought you to again, touch base, because we've never really actually made anything happen with an article or anything like that yet. 19:18.539 --> 19:38.876 But I really feel as though the big parallels between my finally stepping back far enough from COVID and from the pandemic to see it well enough have finally started to draw parallels from your, or be helpful in understanding your perspective. 19:38.916 --> 19:40.758 I don't know if I'm saying it correctly or not, but 19:41.235 --> 19:45.377 If you have anything to correct in that Jimmy Dore video, please start with it. 19:45.437 --> 19:54.922 Otherwise, I think most of the people in my audience have engaged in some way or another, kind of disconnecting from that story. 19:54.982 --> 19:57.364 So I think an update is appropriate. 19:57.404 --> 19:59.885 I think, you know, just giving you the floor is the best thing I can do. 20:01.078 --> 20:01.298 Sure. 20:02.359 --> 20:03.760 Thanks a lot for having me, Jay. 20:03.840 --> 20:07.382 I'm tremendously honored. 20:07.442 --> 20:13.126 Your work has really opened my eyes in a big way. 20:13.867 --> 20:19.370 I've been on this kind of path, at least during the COVID operation. 20:19.390 --> 20:22.933 It took me a year to even break away from the most 20:24.315 --> 20:33.759 The, the, the most basic of lies, you know, you can go back through my Twitter and find all kinds of embarrassing tweets about we need to lock down and all kinds of things like that. 20:34.679 --> 20:38.760 And it took me about a year to to start to break away. 20:39.081 --> 20:41.822 And the 1st thing that sort of opened my eyes was. 20:43.544 --> 20:48.727 Well, first, I read a Washington Post article about they want private security. 20:48.767 --> 20:55.731 They were calling for private security to forcibly inject people on the street, anyone who wouldn't take the jab. 20:56.952 --> 20:58.333 I just thought that was shocking. 20:58.373 --> 21:07.778 And then really it was the death certificate issue, which that's actually when I first got in touch with Jessica Hockett, who I know you're in touch with. 21:09.859 --> 21:13.483 And she helped me kind of understand that to a degree. 21:14.323 --> 21:30.419 And, you know, then it just kind of snowballed to the point where I started investigating the lab leak story and seeing how that was very much not only the lab leak, but the origin story altogether. 21:32.228 --> 21:40.715 natural origin versus lab leak, false dichotomy, how that had been seeded early on in a very sophisticated way by the national security state. 21:40.895 --> 21:46.259 And myself, you know, my experience is like foreign policy, anti-imperialism. 21:46.559 --> 21:51.163 And so once I started to sort of see that propaganda model and these same old 21:51.943 --> 22:05.616 you know, the same old characters that were seeding that narrative that have been involved in so many other regime change operations and disinformation, it became very clear to me that's what was going on. 22:05.636 --> 22:12.984 I was in touch with Denis Rancourt, and I was telling him, I'm very skeptical of this lab leak narrative. 22:13.024 --> 22:15.006 It seems very science fiction to me. 22:16.727 --> 22:19.529 Do you know anyone who can really open that up? 22:19.569 --> 22:21.011 And he told me to contact you. 22:21.091 --> 22:25.454 So and so, you know, you and I, as you said, have been talking for months at the same time. 22:26.835 --> 22:37.204 One of my subjects of I don't I hate I hate the term expertise, I guess intrigue is Israel, Palestine have been that was where I started in journalism back in 2014. 22:37.504 --> 22:40.066 And it's kind of a big focus of mine. 22:40.126 --> 22:42.949 So, you know, even that Jimmy door clip, my my 22:44.930 --> 22:56.218 my analysis of what Zionism is has been, I've refined it significantly since, I mean, I guess that was about six or seven months ago that we recorded that, that I appeared on his show. 22:57.319 --> 23:03.804 And a lot of it is correct, but there's a few things that are a little bit mixed up, that are not totally clear. 23:03.824 --> 23:03.884 But 23:06.625 --> 23:19.508 Before I get into that, I think the relevance of why should we even talk about Zionism on a show where you discuss biology on a daily basis. 23:19.548 --> 23:22.229 These are the same animal. 23:22.349 --> 23:26.090 We are dealing with one big system that is 23:27.580 --> 23:28.260 inseparable. 23:28.861 --> 23:41.446 And if we stay kind of siloed in our respective subjects of intrigue, then we're not going to be able to really see the bigger picture. 23:41.586 --> 23:44.568 So all of this stuff is very closely related. 23:44.588 --> 23:47.749 You know, I'm wearing my Fives Rail shirt. 23:48.009 --> 23:48.269 Nice. 23:49.850 --> 23:51.370 You know, so that is yucky, man. 23:51.591 --> 23:52.391 It's a nice shirt. 23:52.471 --> 23:54.371 It's funny, but it's also terrifying. 23:54.431 --> 23:55.372 I mean, exactly. 23:55.452 --> 23:58.253 It's hard to laugh at it without realizing how macabre it is. 23:58.973 --> 23:59.493 Exactly. 23:59.593 --> 24:05.375 So so, you know, I mean, this this really encapsulates how how much it's really one system. 24:05.435 --> 24:11.917 So I guess, you know, I see what I learned through my investigation of the 24:12.972 --> 24:26.678 of the origins narrative and listening, you know, talking with you and examining your work, is how there is a false dichotomy, a false binary that is 24:28.439 --> 24:40.827 basically given as propaganda to the masses so we can stay inside a certain paradigm that is, you know, precisely where our elites, our ruling class want us to stay. 24:40.947 --> 24:46.091 And that's certainly the case with the COVID origins narrative. 24:46.811 --> 25:08.336 and is very much the case, I've realized, in recent months, with Zionism, to the point where, you know, I had a viral tweet on, like, October 7th or October 8th at some point, saying, I'm Jewish, I'm a Jewish guy, I had my bar mitzvah in Israel, and I 100% support Palestinian resistance. 25:08.816 --> 25:13.337 Now, obviously, it's controversial, you know, but it went massively viral. 25:14.935 --> 25:21.637 And, you know, some people may take offense to that, but I spent seven months in the Gaza Strip in 2014, 15, 16. 25:21.878 --> 25:24.318 I made a documentary called Killing Gaza. 25:24.679 --> 25:26.439 For me, it was like being in the Warsaw Ghetto. 25:27.440 --> 25:33.722 And so, you know, when I saw October 7th happen, I see it as an act of liberation. 25:34.082 --> 25:35.422 The inmates escaped. 25:37.245 --> 25:41.086 the prisoners escaped, the concentration camp inmates escaped. 25:41.667 --> 25:44.568 And, you know, it showed me that liberation is possible. 25:44.668 --> 25:47.009 And that's still how I see it to this day. 25:47.529 --> 25:50.070 And we may not like exactly how it happened. 25:50.190 --> 25:51.110 And even though there's still 25:54.229 --> 26:00.052 not enough clarity of what exactly happened in certain parts of that, which is beyond the scope of this conversation. 26:01.092 --> 26:07.615 The point of that is my tweet was about, it made this whole thing about being Jewish. 26:08.536 --> 26:14.819 And my name is Dan Cohen, obviously I'm from a Jewish background, if anyone can't figure that out. 26:16.600 --> 26:22.863 And so I grew up in a secular Jewish household in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. 26:24.085 --> 26:38.488 and um the thing is in the same way basically the concept is in the same way that we are given this false binary of lab leak versus 26:39.577 --> 26:48.083 natural origin, we are given this idea about Israel and Zionism that it's like a Jewish debate. 26:48.803 --> 27:08.837 So, when I tweet on October 7th that I'm Jewish, and this is my position on the whole thing, or someone who is pro-Israel says, well, I'm Jewish, and here's my position on the whole thing, then it becomes just an intra-Jewish debate, when that's not fundamentally what it's about, because 27:09.677 --> 27:12.779 Zionism, for one thing, is not Judaism. 27:12.879 --> 27:15.660 I sort of explained it in that concept. 27:15.740 --> 27:18.862 Zionism is nationalism. 27:19.222 --> 27:30.328 It's a European nationalist concept that just took Judaism, emptied it of all of its meaning, anything religious, anything of the real 27:31.862 --> 27:39.446 of the actual definition of Judaism and made it into a nationality, and really a race. 27:40.466 --> 27:46.769 A lot of people will say, who are critical of Zionism, myself included, I've said this in the past, that Zionism is Jewish supremacy. 27:47.557 --> 27:59.870 Well, Zionism is only Jewish supremacy if you accept the Zionist definition of a Jew, which is not a religious person, but is a race. 28:00.470 --> 28:06.096 And so, therefore, we are accepting, by saying that, we are accepting the premise of both Zionism 28:07.277 --> 28:15.141 which sees Jews as a superior race and of anti-Semitism, of Nazism, which sees Jews as an inferior race. 28:15.582 --> 28:21.925 They have that in common where they, neither of them see it, what it actually, the real definition of a Jew, which is a religion. 28:23.365 --> 28:28.588 And, you know, if you're, if you don't believe in, you know, people say there are atheist Jews. 28:28.648 --> 28:30.129 How can you be an atheist? 28:30.369 --> 28:32.210 How can you be a Jew if you don't believe in God? 28:32.730 --> 28:34.431 It's just, it's, it's totally absurd. 28:34.551 --> 28:35.852 So, um, 28:37.672 --> 28:50.522 So basically, as long as you, as we believe in this, how many people, how many people in Israel would disagree with the idea that Judaism isn't a religion and not a race? 28:52.264 --> 28:53.425 would disagree with that? 28:53.845 --> 28:56.787 So how many people think it's really a religion and not a race? 28:56.807 --> 28:58.288 No, I'm sorry that I asked it wrong. 28:58.328 --> 29:02.751 I mean, how many people would actually argue that, no, it is a race? 29:03.992 --> 29:06.053 That's the point, or something like that. 29:06.093 --> 29:08.275 That's really a Zionist exclusive thing? 29:09.335 --> 29:15.820 Because people trace their Jewishness in America through their mom. 29:16.441 --> 29:18.823 They say, because my mom was Jewish, I'm Jewish. 29:19.503 --> 29:20.544 I mean, they all do it. 29:20.564 --> 29:22.146 But that's only a religious concept. 29:22.166 --> 29:25.808 That's only according to the Jewish religion. 29:26.429 --> 29:35.737 So if you're not a religious person, then if you don't practice the religion, if you don't believe in the religion and the theology, 29:36.437 --> 29:47.663 then why would you, you know, if you don't believe in God or you don't do any of that stuff, then you don't believe that you're, you know, that because my mother was Jewish, then I'm Jewish. 29:48.703 --> 29:53.226 So that's part of how the religious concepts have been taken and sort of and racialized. 29:53.546 --> 30:03.171 I mean, I was taught in my reform secular synagogue growing up as a teenager, like a young teenager, that Judaism is a religion and a race. 30:04.553 --> 30:06.855 which is a very dangerous concept. 30:07.015 --> 30:19.842 It's crazy to me that people think that, but I don't think there's really not another religion that people think of as a secular Jew or an atheist Jew. 30:19.882 --> 30:25.906 If you're not a practicing Catholic or a Muslim, then you're not a Muslim anymore, and that's okay. 30:26.146 --> 30:26.646 It's fine. 30:26.907 --> 30:30.829 You mean there's no such thing as an atheist Muslim? 30:32.281 --> 30:33.162 Have you ever heard that? 30:33.282 --> 30:34.323 I mean, people talk about. 30:34.703 --> 30:35.424 Yeah, exactly. 30:35.704 --> 30:40.229 It's like it's a total it just doesn't make sense at all. 30:40.329 --> 30:50.078 So but we're supposed to think that is true about Jews and that lens and that is based on a racial concept, which is, of course, phony. 30:51.560 --> 30:51.780 So. 30:53.502 --> 30:54.302 All this to say. 30:55.646 --> 31:11.355 Basically, American, because Western Jews, a lot of us are secular, myself included, who were raised with this idea that I'm Jewish, but not in a religious way. 31:11.475 --> 31:12.175 I'm secular. 31:12.576 --> 31:14.177 I live a secular lifestyle. 31:15.077 --> 31:23.681 I don't observe the Sabbath, I don't wear a kippah, any of these things, then Judaism is just an identity. 31:24.361 --> 31:34.145 And therefore, if we can debate all day about, you know, should Israel do this? 31:34.185 --> 31:35.545 Should Israel do that? 31:35.605 --> 31:41.348 But if you abandon the whole concept of Judaism as a race, 31:42.168 --> 31:49.458 or a nationality or an ethnicity or or any of the things it is not it's none of those things it is only a religion then 31:52.284 --> 32:00.708 You basically, it's almost like you're playing tug of war, and the other guy wants you. 32:01.149 --> 32:01.849 They want you. 32:01.929 --> 32:04.470 Zionists want us to play tug of war with them. 32:05.031 --> 32:09.973 But the real way to win is to just let go, and then the whole thing falls down. 32:10.554 --> 32:14.636 So you have, for example, you have pro-Israel Jews. 32:15.556 --> 32:29.684 uh... who are who say you know what israel's doing and gaza is justified because of security threats and threats to the jewish people and cetera cetera even though and their and they're accepting the false definition of jews as a nation or a race 32:32.366 --> 32:41.311 Benjamin Netanyahu is the prime minister of Israel, so by Zionist definition, he's basically the leader of the Jews, but he's not religious at all. 32:42.251 --> 32:48.615 He's one of the most Machiavellian figures in all of politics, and he cheats. 32:49.455 --> 32:50.716 He doesn't keep the Sabbath. 32:50.816 --> 32:52.957 He's a total sinner. 32:54.838 --> 32:56.219 So they accept this definition. 32:56.560 --> 33:00.363 And then on the other side, you have like what I tweeted on October 7th. 33:00.423 --> 33:12.013 Well, I'm, as a Jew, you know, basically saying, as a Jew, I reject this, but I'm playing into this idea that Israel is, and Zionism, are a Jewish question. 33:13.494 --> 33:25.841 Or, you know, the other side of another side of the debate is you have groups like Jewish Voice for Peace, which is one of the kind of prominent sort of anti-occupation groups here in Washington. 33:26.562 --> 33:35.967 And, you know, and they have, like, tons of young college-educated, you know, kind of young left-wing Jews who all say, you know, not in our name. 33:36.107 --> 33:40.409 We oppose what Israel is doing as Jews. 33:41.109 --> 33:41.610 And really, 33:42.290 --> 33:44.772 you know, Israel has nothing to do with Judaism. 33:44.872 --> 33:46.493 It's a nationalist concept. 33:46.573 --> 33:56.100 It's a nationalist ideology, Zionism is, that took Judaism and emptied it of all of its meanings and then filled it with something completely different. 33:57.541 --> 34:07.649 And so as long as, you know, we're playing into one of those three, you know, you can have any number of different opinions. 34:08.772 --> 34:37.366 as long as you believe that zionism is judaism whether you're a raging anti-semite who thinks you know look what israel's killing all these uh... poor people that's why we have to get rid of jews or you can set you know any of these opinions uh... fall within the confines of what they want us to believe about zionism and israel if you actually take a real uh... honest approach and say no this is not the religion you know you have 34:39.403 --> 34:42.646 traditional religious Jews completely reject Zionism. 34:42.706 --> 34:44.067 It is the worst sin for them. 34:45.828 --> 34:48.851 They see it as I said in the door hit false messianism. 34:48.911 --> 34:58.298 They see it as an actual impediment to the coming of the Messiah to this, you know, supernatural, you know, belief happening. 34:58.959 --> 35:01.861 So, so the parallel 35:02.856 --> 35:12.708 is again that as long as we're playing tug of war and the rope is this is a Jewish issue, we're never going to actually win. 35:13.029 --> 35:15.272 We're playing their game. 35:15.812 --> 35:17.795 The same way that as long as we're debating 35:19.585 --> 35:28.027 Did it come from a lab, or did it come from a bat in a cave in southern China, or something else? 35:28.047 --> 35:29.227 Did it accidentally slip out? 35:29.267 --> 35:34.129 Was it released by the CCP intentionally in some military? 35:34.709 --> 35:39.710 Any of that stuff, it all is within the confines of what they want us to think. 35:39.810 --> 35:43.511 So it's really just about kind of liberating ourselves from 35:44.608 --> 35:51.292 PSYOPs, and then seeing that this is the same big system. 35:51.332 --> 35:53.594 There's a reason that Israel 35:54.634 --> 36:05.459 was what a Pfizer exec called a laboratory for their products. 36:05.479 --> 36:10.501 There's a reason that Israel was selected for the Green Pass. 36:11.002 --> 36:18.845 And with that Pfizer agreement, they were given all of the private data of all these people, of all of its citizens who participated in this. 36:21.229 --> 36:23.351 I mean, I can, you know, expand on that a little bit. 36:23.371 --> 36:23.711 I don't know. 36:23.791 --> 36:27.234 But, you know, so so to me, it's all about like. 36:28.936 --> 36:41.707 Disassembling the psyops, getting it right from the it's almost like, you know, if you don't if you don't know what one plus one is, everything else, if your foundation is off, everything else in your analysis. 36:42.765 --> 36:43.445 is going to be off. 36:43.725 --> 36:51.887 If you believe that a PCR test, a positive PCR test, means you have COVID, everything else is going to be off. 36:52.267 --> 37:05.150 If you believe that Israel or Zionism is Judaism, as even myself, an anti-Zionist, expressed on October 7th, everything else in your analysis is going to be off. 37:05.230 --> 37:07.371 So that's basically the idea. 37:09.583 --> 37:17.267 It sounds a bit like you are sort of also feeling a little regret for not having seen it earlier. 37:17.347 --> 37:27.593 I mean, that's also, you know, part of the thing that I find disingenuous about a lot of the people that are on television talking about either COVID or Israel is that they know everything. 37:27.753 --> 37:29.494 They're absolutely sure they're right. 37:29.574 --> 37:33.856 They've been right from the beginning and obviously, obviously, obviously. 37:35.097 --> 37:40.644 So we can throw out the idea that October 7th was just a spontaneous security breach. 37:41.205 --> 37:50.957 You don't have to comment too much, but I think a lot of people already were like, how do you have that drone footage if, you know, like, I mean, all this stuff just seems so bizarre. 37:51.838 --> 37:53.761 You know, paragliders, this kind of thing. 37:56.108 --> 38:07.236 versus reaction because that was one of these other false kind of mini false debates like maybe early treatment was in COVID that, you know, we have to debate about how bad was October 7th. 38:07.336 --> 38:10.639 Are we really sure that this didn't happen or that didn't happen? 38:10.659 --> 38:13.060 Because if those things happen, then this is okay. 38:13.681 --> 38:18.624 And so we were running in hamster wheels there on the media as well. 38:18.764 --> 38:23.288 At what, I mean, do you see Gaza as kind of a thing where 38:26.418 --> 38:31.640 I'm trying to think about how the United States is participating or not participating in this. 38:31.740 --> 38:38.263 Are we just letting it go or are we also getting something out of this? 38:38.483 --> 38:41.484 I mean, we must be able to watch everything they're doing or not. 38:41.524 --> 38:43.045 Can we watch everything they're doing? 38:43.085 --> 38:45.166 Does the American government in your mind know 38:46.528 --> 38:50.050 everything that's going on in Gaza, even the stuff that's not being reported? 38:50.110 --> 38:51.630 Are they keeping track of everything? 38:51.690 --> 38:55.992 Or is it an impenetrable laboratory controlled by the IDF? 38:56.032 --> 38:56.733 How do you see that? 38:59.854 --> 39:08.358 I mean, I think, you know, I don't know exactly to what degree of granular detail the U.S. 39:08.938 --> 39:11.219 knows everything that's happening in Gaza. 39:11.859 --> 39:15.881 But I mean, they know what's going on overall. 39:16.483 --> 39:16.705 I mean, 39:20.592 --> 39:20.972 The U.S. 39:21.032 --> 39:23.873 is completely responsible for what's going on. 39:23.913 --> 39:27.114 I mean, without U.S. 39:27.134 --> 39:30.254 support, Israel would not be able to do what it's doing at all. 39:30.274 --> 39:37.716 I mean, the vast majority of the bombs Israel is dropping on Gaza are manufactured here in the United States. 39:38.136 --> 39:44.238 All of the political support, all the diplomatic support, all of the vetoes at the U.N. 39:44.278 --> 39:48.299 Security Council for ceasefire resolutions when, you know, the rest of the 39:50.419 --> 39:56.485 permanent members, the UN Security Council was in support of it, or at worst, abstained. 39:56.545 --> 39:59.308 The US was the only one that blocked the resolution. 39:59.808 --> 40:05.334 So if Biden today wanted to call Netanyahu and say it's done, it would be done. 40:05.354 --> 40:05.974 That would be it. 40:06.335 --> 40:07.876 So it really comes back to 40:09.257 --> 40:10.439 to the U.S. 40:11.320 --> 40:13.181 and the U.S. 40:13.662 --> 40:22.271 basically has ceded its leverage, all of its leverage to Israel for a number of reasons. 40:22.631 --> 40:23.732 I think, you know, I think that 40:25.114 --> 40:27.457 I mean, of course, there's, you know, the Israel lobby. 40:27.718 --> 40:36.631 You can read the great book by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt that talks about, that basically shows how the Israel lobby operates. 40:37.132 --> 40:38.815 There's an excellent film that was 40:40.711 --> 40:47.336 produced by Al Jazeera investigations, and then they tried to squash it. 40:47.516 --> 40:55.261 They tried to censor it and not release it, and then it made its way to daylight with an outlet called the Electronic Intifada. 40:55.301 --> 41:01.465 That shows total Israeli interference in U.S. 41:01.646 --> 41:04.387 politics from basically all levels. 41:06.022 --> 41:10.524 But I think, you know, so the Israel lobby is not a big secret. 41:10.804 --> 41:17.887 I think there's sort of an ideological aspect that hasn't really been discussed a lot, and I don't even think I've talked about. 41:19.747 --> 41:26.210 You know, Gaza, for me, I mean, you basically have two and a half million people 41:27.284 --> 41:45.310 who are not of what Zionists consider the Jewish race and so were ethnically cleansed from their villages back in 1947-1948 into this area which at the time was behind the Egyptian army lines and 41:46.810 --> 41:53.454 Once again, they've been attacked, and over the decades, they've been basically penned in. 41:55.235 --> 42:04.601 Originally, barbed wire was slated to be put up around them, and now it's turned into this total dystopian 42:07.731 --> 42:30.638 system where you have people living behind various layers of walls and security and cameras and all kinds of sensors, the most high-tech sensors, and if they try to get out, they will be shot by either a sniper on site or they will be shot by remote control machine guns manned by an all 42:31.158 --> 42:33.846 female team in an underground base miles away. 42:33.886 --> 42:35.430 And I've seen these things shoot at people. 42:35.491 --> 42:38.138 You know, I've spent a lot of time in this place, so I know it intimately. 42:41.075 --> 42:43.757 You have two to three hours of electricity per day. 42:44.537 --> 42:47.800 When you turn on your sink, you get salt water. 42:48.580 --> 42:51.062 The aquifer has been ruined. 42:52.343 --> 42:54.104 So life is atrocious there. 42:54.364 --> 42:55.705 At any point, you can just be killed. 42:55.765 --> 43:06.232 There's a constant hum, a chorus of drones over your head at any time, which are carrying warheads, and they can just kill anybody. 43:06.272 --> 43:07.733 At any point, there are F-16s. 43:07.753 --> 43:08.954 There's zero sovereignty. 43:08.994 --> 43:10.335 I mean, you are just a complete, 43:11.515 --> 43:20.820 non-person, non-human to this entity that controls every aspect of your life and can extinguish it with the flick of a button at any moment. 43:20.880 --> 43:28.704 And so I think, you know, it's not really about fundamentally, it's not just about Palestine. 43:28.804 --> 43:32.826 This is the vision that they have for all of us. 43:33.426 --> 43:39.670 So any surplus population or any unruly population can basically be ghettoized 43:40.650 --> 43:43.412 and if they resist, can be exterminated. 43:44.533 --> 43:46.655 They can use them for testing weapons. 43:47.055 --> 43:50.898 They can use them for testing pharmaceutical products. 43:51.218 --> 43:55.261 They can use them for anything they want. 43:56.582 --> 44:00.325 And so I think one of the reasons our politicians here in the U.S. 44:01.005 --> 44:09.592 are so incredibly committed to Israel and say, oh, we love Jewish people so much, is because it gives them an excuse 44:11.095 --> 44:25.177 it gives them a cover to implement this kind of system at home, where we saw lockdowns, we saw people punished in all kinds of arbitrary and crazy ways. 44:26.578 --> 44:31.919 It's like a lust for power. 44:33.119 --> 44:37.960 For example, Julian Assange, I think in the early 2000s, 44:42.394 --> 44:45.875 Hillary Clinton said about Julian Assange, can't we just kill him with a drone? 44:46.335 --> 44:47.876 Can't we just take him out with a drone strike? 44:48.336 --> 44:52.277 And this is like exactly what happens in Gaza. 44:52.317 --> 44:58.138 Joe Biden called Julian Assange a high-tech terrorist, meaning he wants to kill him. 44:58.178 --> 45:00.339 I mean, a terrorist, you know, we kill terrorists. 45:00.479 --> 45:01.499 We don't put them on trial. 45:02.839 --> 45:04.700 So this is 45:06.317 --> 45:15.714 this dystopian future you know the palestinians are kind of the canary in the coal mine and the way they are able to implement this kind of 45:17.385 --> 45:20.228 System is it's not going to look exactly the same. 45:20.268 --> 45:20.648 Of course. 45:20.748 --> 45:22.730 You know, we have we have a country of what? 45:23.211 --> 45:23.811 350 million people. 45:23.851 --> 45:34.480 We're not all going to be, um, you know, rounded up and stuffed into into, you know, one tiny little area, but they're gonna they want to Segregate and ghetto wise different populations. 45:35.141 --> 45:36.622 Um, populations that resist. 45:37.403 --> 45:38.704 Um And 45:39.725 --> 45:43.367 strip away our rights, our individual freedoms. 45:45.228 --> 45:52.531 And then, you know, the way they're able to do this is by this. 45:52.671 --> 46:03.356 I think the reason that Zionism and Israel are so perfect for this is because it gives them a moral cover. 46:03.456 --> 46:07.278 You know, they can say, well, because of the Holocaust, we have to have 46:08.257 --> 46:10.138 You know, we have to support Zionism. 46:10.738 --> 46:13.479 That's what the Germans, you know, the Germans are huge support. 46:13.519 --> 46:26.163 Germany is a huge supporter of Israel, provides it nuclear weapon armed submarines, for example, has given it all kinds of military and diplomatic support throughout this whole Gaza slaughter. 46:26.883 --> 46:35.728 So they can always say, oh, well, the Jews have been through so much, and after the Holocaust, we have to support the Jews, and all of these things. 46:35.768 --> 46:41.552 And you'll see this incredible virtue signaling. 46:41.672 --> 46:51.178 When Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, he was given the Genesis Award, which is basically a big Zionist award, and this big ceremony in Israel. 46:51.758 --> 47:06.742 They had this video of Jews in the concentration camps in Nazi Europe, and then this kind of montage of them being liberated and founding the State of Israel, which is total mythology. 47:07.543 --> 47:16.785 But this is like the ultimate sort of moral cover because of what actually did really happen to Jews. 47:21.650 --> 47:34.297 Joe Biden can say, well, I'm a Zionist, and use that moral cover, or Hillary Clinton, or whoever, when in fact, what they are doing is the opposite of anything that's good for Jews or anyone else. 47:38.319 --> 47:48.365 It gives them Zionism, how it exploits Judaism, and Jewish persecution gives this system 47:49.660 --> 47:54.682 of kind of global governance, a perfect sheen of moral authority. 47:55.942 --> 48:15.990 Can I just throw this out there because I didn't want to play the clip because I don't like to go there, but the only other person that says it this well in my estimation and said it a long time ago, I mentioned this in an email, is actually somebody that a lot of people just think is nuts, which 48:17.225 --> 48:27.836 It begs the question to me, maybe they let him say it all those many years ago to make sure that people would associate the idea of Zionism not being Judaism as nuts. 48:28.717 --> 48:29.678 And this is David Icke. 48:29.798 --> 48:34.603 David Icke has been saying basically that the victim of Zionism is 48:37.250 --> 48:46.376 the real Jewish people, and yet somehow or another, the only one who's been able to articulate it before the pandemic and many years before the pandemic is somebody like him. 48:46.916 --> 48:54.041 Do you think that they're showing us Gaza so that we are unaware of our own predicament in some ways? 48:54.161 --> 48:59.125 Is this, because they show it every night on the PBS NewsHour, and it is relentless. 49:01.671 --> 49:03.892 I find it just, it is extraordinary. 49:04.012 --> 49:09.495 For me, I thought that after October 7th, there would be some two week thing. 49:10.155 --> 49:15.198 I don't know how, it seems like we're going an awful long time after that. 49:16.118 --> 49:17.639 So clearly this is not, 49:19.239 --> 49:24.562 Somebody in my chat asked about Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mathe. 49:25.222 --> 49:26.843 Are you familiar with these two guys? 49:26.903 --> 49:28.304 I know you worked with Max before. 49:28.344 --> 49:31.065 Can you just speak to those two guys a little bit? 49:31.105 --> 49:32.006 How are they doing? 49:34.479 --> 49:38.842 Yeah, I mean, I used to be extremely close with Max. 49:38.922 --> 49:41.304 I made the documentary Killing Gaza with him. 49:43.425 --> 49:48.009 And we had a personal falling out, which I've sought to resolve. 49:49.009 --> 49:52.732 But politically, I mean, I think he's he's sharp. 49:53.213 --> 50:00.278 I, you know, since I've kind of clarified my understanding of Zionism and Judaism and an even 50:02.747 --> 50:22.324 more sort of distinct way than I did before, I do see prominent anti-Zionists like Max and others using this term Jewish supremacy, which I'm critical of because it, as I said before, accepts the Zionist and anti-Semitic definition of Judaism as a race. 50:22.685 --> 50:26.588 Because, you know, if it were Jewish supremacy, then real 50:28.215 --> 50:39.063 supremacy based on actual Judaism, then you'd be afforded privileges based on how religious you are, when in fact, it's purely for belonging to this supposed race. 50:40.204 --> 50:46.209 But nonetheless, you know, I mean, I very much respect Max and Aaron, both of their journalism. 50:46.229 --> 50:47.670 Wow, it's just never, it dawned on me. 50:47.710 --> 50:48.891 Now, thank you for that answer. 50:48.931 --> 50:51.693 I just wanted to make sure that I didn't skip that question in the chat. 50:51.713 --> 50:52.674 Sure, sure. 50:54.255 --> 51:02.641 It never dawned on me, you know, there's this book, The Bell Curve, and that book actually also, by reading it, you just assume that, okay, so I guess I've accepted it. 51:03.737 --> 51:07.859 Jew is a race, and so we can measure the intelligence of the Jewish race. 51:08.159 --> 51:14.022 I see that very clearly now, at least in your model and your paradigm. 51:14.062 --> 51:16.443 It makes sense to see it that way. 51:16.963 --> 51:22.406 That's why that book was written in the first place then, or at least one of the overarching goals of that book. 51:22.566 --> 51:24.587 Do you see that too, or no? 51:25.347 --> 51:25.928 That's cool. 51:25.948 --> 51:27.350 Yeah, I mean, I never read it. 51:27.410 --> 51:39.484 But to me, it's it's just shows how like everything even even, you know, anti Zionists like myself and I, you know, I mean, I was on the Jimmy Dore show talking about, you know, to tens of thousands of people talking about 51:40.325 --> 51:47.091 what is Zionism after several years of journalism and studying the whole concept. 51:47.712 --> 51:56.259 And even I was promoting Zionist propaganda, you know, so it just goes to show that Zionist propaganda is so incredibly pervasive. 51:56.860 --> 52:06.808 And unless we have very specific, clearly articulated definitions of what is Jew and what is Zionism, you know, just like, 52:07.569 --> 52:12.661 what is a COVID case, you know, which is an incredibly vague concept. 52:12.781 --> 52:13.302 And unless you 52:15.403 --> 52:24.407 and frankly, meaningless concept, then everything else that follows from those flawed definitions is going to be off. 52:25.707 --> 52:38.352 So yeah, I mean, it's everyone accepts, and you know, people who aren't anti-Semitic, the vast majority of people, you know, don't hate Jews, but they accept that they think of Jews as a race. 52:38.552 --> 52:40.033 And it's basically because 52:42.338 --> 53:09.042 that's how you know even jews i mean myself and everyone i grew up with all we all except the concept that yes were a religion but then there is a uh... sort of that you know there's something else to it there's a culture there is an ethnicity there is a you know it and it's really none of that stuff there's no sit there's no jewish you know matzo ball soup and uh... you know and and locks and and bagels 53:09.642 --> 53:21.050 that's maybe Ashkenazi, that's Eastern European, but there are other people that eat that, you know, or Syrian Jews eat Syrian food or Yemen, Yemen, Yemeni Jews eat, you know, the same food as other people. 53:21.090 --> 53:21.611 So there's no 53:22.668 --> 53:24.448 Oh my gosh, I'm seeing all kinds of things. 53:24.508 --> 53:29.910 If you argue about the size of somebody's nose, indicating that you're already arguing the same thing too. 53:29.990 --> 53:31.490 It's incredible actually. 53:31.590 --> 53:32.050 Wow. 53:32.550 --> 53:42.153 A lot of these tropes reinforce this tremendously without you even knowing it that, Oh, I'm ashamed that people say that, but if they say that and you accept it, then you accept it. 53:42.253 --> 53:43.213 I mean, it's incredible. 53:43.273 --> 53:43.713 Wow. 53:44.373 --> 53:44.613 Right. 53:45.873 --> 53:47.454 Um, what was I going to say? 53:47.814 --> 53:47.914 Um, 53:49.833 --> 53:51.073 I don't know, it skipped my mind. 53:51.334 --> 53:52.474 I didn't sleep enough last night. 53:52.514 --> 53:56.255 I had this much better sketched out in my head last night, and my daughter woke me up. 53:56.775 --> 53:57.656 Oh, that's all right. 53:58.656 --> 54:00.016 I definitely understand that. 54:00.517 --> 54:16.402 So I think that these big ideas that you started with, which is Zionism being a Jewish debate or not, and Zionism being nationalism, not some kind of race or any kind of descendancy, I think is really, really important. 54:17.847 --> 54:24.994 The disappointment for me was also a revelation because I was, for a brief period of time, 54:26.024 --> 54:28.485 believing that that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 54:28.525 --> 54:30.546 was going to be somebody that I could rally behind. 54:30.586 --> 54:33.046 And I was so excited to be helping him with his on his book. 54:33.126 --> 54:43.370 But once this came out, it's interesting because number one, there was this viral video of him at a dinner party where he talks about the ethnic targeting of COVID. 54:43.450 --> 54:53.093 And he refers to the Jewish race as being the least vulnerable, which was also feeding right into this trope of where you accept the idea that Jewish 54:53.673 --> 54:55.975 is Jewish, is both a religion and a race. 54:56.676 --> 55:00.259 And then he, of course, takes this really hardline opinion. 55:00.279 --> 55:04.723 I guess Rabbi Shmuley or some guy is some dude that he talks to all the time. 55:04.783 --> 55:10.509 So at that stage, I just had that illusion broken very, very quickly, because even if 55:11.499 --> 55:17.461 he would have taken a more nuanced position within this false dichotomy, I probably wouldn't have seen it. 55:17.601 --> 55:19.001 That's the scary part, right? 55:19.061 --> 55:26.883 He could have taken an opinion and made it so that I would have never been able to escape the paradigm that they have us trapped in. 55:26.923 --> 55:32.445 So I find it really, really insightful how you've been able to lay it out so far. 55:33.125 --> 55:37.126 How has that been hitting with you with this guy, Bobby Kennedy? 55:38.703 --> 55:42.607 Well, you know, I first saw him speak. 55:42.647 --> 55:54.879 I never really paid attention to him before until I went to the Defeat the Mandates rally here in D.C., which, you know, upon reflection, I see it as very much like a controlled opposition sort of event. 55:56.861 --> 56:14.236 But at the time, you know, I found it pretty inspiring, and particularly his speech on, you know, our ruling class, our elites now have these systems of control that were unimaginable to the greatest of tyrants in history. 56:14.256 --> 56:19.020 And he said, you know, even Anne Frank wouldn't have been able to escape, even though she didn't escape. 56:21.082 --> 56:38.233 His point was that it's true that the systems of control are much more advanced for any totalitarian system, and so he was attacked. 56:38.313 --> 56:43.837 I thought his point was great and true, and he was attacked in the media, 56:44.815 --> 56:50.297 And he ended up apologizing for it, which I publicly said he shouldn't apologize for at the time. 56:51.077 --> 56:57.279 And that showed me that he's subject, he's going to fall under political pressure. 56:57.479 --> 57:01.420 Nonetheless, I thought I was like, this guy, there's something to him. 57:03.201 --> 57:03.921 When I saw 57:05.142 --> 57:05.242 it's 57:21.505 --> 57:29.335 casino mogul who once said that he wanted to bomb Iran, drop a nuclear bomb on Iran. 57:30.155 --> 57:31.477 I mean, the guy's a total fanatic. 57:32.098 --> 57:36.223 He's the perfect example of Zionists, claims to be Jewish. 57:37.461 --> 57:42.104 does, is not religious at all, and embodies all of the worst stereotypes about Jews. 57:42.224 --> 57:43.985 That is the essence of Zionism. 57:44.445 --> 57:53.050 And so this is the guy who's funding Rabbi Shmuley, who also is, again, one of these, he's like a, he's like an anti-Semitic stereotype. 57:53.070 --> 57:54.691 That's what Zionists really are. 57:55.752 --> 58:06.820 He claims to be a rabbi, but is involved in all kinds of unholy, unpious ventures, including selling adult toys with his daughter. 58:07.281 --> 58:11.644 They have a business together, and he stands with her in these videos and promotes this stuff. 58:12.144 --> 58:15.967 So then people say, look, this is what Jews are promoting. 58:16.788 --> 58:18.269 This is what Jews are doing. 58:18.469 --> 58:23.273 Jews are selling us pornography and all these kinds of terrible influences. 58:26.507 --> 58:30.189 Rabbi Shmuley and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 58:30.489 --> 58:40.633 do this appearance together, and I see Kennedy basically just adopting the most fanatical talking points. 58:40.713 --> 58:45.555 As you said, if he had taken a more moderate, middle-of-the-road approach, 58:46.315 --> 58:48.916 might have gotten—it would have been less clear. 58:48.996 --> 58:59.982 But he just adopted the most extreme talking points, and he said them in a way—it was obvious he had no idea what he was talking about. 59:00.242 --> 59:02.343 So what it showed me is that he was totally dishonest. 59:02.463 --> 59:07.926 He had no actual character, and he was for sale to the highest bidder. 59:09.766 --> 59:13.847 So at that point, I mean, this was about a year ago when I first saw that. 59:13.887 --> 59:20.789 And I did a live stream on my channel, Uncaptured Media, where I just kind of like went through it and discussed it and laid all this out. 59:20.829 --> 59:32.793 And it was clear to me that, you know, I think there are people in kind of the so-called medical freedom movement who kind of wanted to, you know, overlook that or don't really care about that or, you know, that's not my issue. 59:33.473 --> 59:51.923 But to me, seeing how he embraced the most fanatical strains of Zionism, because for whatever reason, for political reasons, showed me it was like the light kind of peeking through, that this guy is not what he says he is. 59:53.404 --> 59:57.767 And for someone to talk about systems of totalitarianism, 59:58.447 --> 01:00:09.555 but support the most extreme version of that in what the state of Israel is doing to the Gaza Strip is the most hypocritical stance possible. 01:00:10.496 --> 01:00:24.006 So between that and then seeing how he promotes lab leak, it's like he is staying carefully within these false paradigms. 01:00:24.207 --> 01:00:26.809 He is promoting PSYOPs to the people 01:00:27.529 --> 01:00:28.990 who are sort of dissident. 01:00:29.090 --> 01:00:40.397 And that's what I, you know, about a year ago, that's what I was, and this is before I had kind of got onto the false dichotomy of lab leak and natural origin, the phony COVID origins debate. 01:00:40.898 --> 01:00:56.408 That's what I saw is that, you know, this guy is gonna be used to basically bring in dissident thinkers, whether on the left or whether on the right, and corral them back into the establishment, whether it's through Zionism or whether it's through the, 01:00:57.088 --> 01:00:58.129 you know, lab leak thing. 01:00:58.969 --> 01:01:13.937 Yeah, and what really depresses me about it as my brain kind of ran through the simulation to its logical conclusion, then you have to go pre-pandemic and wonder at what stage was that, what were they all playing against us? 01:01:14.557 --> 01:01:20.981 That's the part that really becomes disturbing because I've kind of come to the conclusion that a lot of what 01:01:21.770 --> 01:01:29.197 I thought was happening and when I first got involved with him and CHD is not what was really happening even before the pandemic. 01:01:29.498 --> 01:01:41.730 In fact, they were kind of a group of people that was keeping a lid on a problem that all of these, you know, they needed somebody to be able to shout at and to listen to them and whatever. 01:01:41.790 --> 01:01:42.570 And so a lot of this 01:01:44.032 --> 01:01:50.317 the public health disaster that is the American vaccine schedule was actually covered up by some of these organizations, I'm afraid. 01:01:50.517 --> 01:01:54.541 And so again, it is going to be hard. 01:01:56.042 --> 01:02:07.452 But can you, I know you don't have too much more time, but can you briefly maybe give us a couple examples in your long experience with this where you ran up against 01:02:09.972 --> 01:02:16.336 sort of a denial of your work or a denial of your message because of whatever reason. 01:02:16.356 --> 01:02:23.199 I don't know how many good examples you have, but you must have some good examples that are completely independent of COVID. 01:02:23.299 --> 01:02:25.040 But obviously, like, wait, what? 01:02:25.080 --> 01:02:26.101 You won't let me say that? 01:02:26.141 --> 01:02:29.263 That doesn't make sense. 01:02:29.403 --> 01:02:30.884 Can you give us any of those examples? 01:02:31.690 --> 01:02:37.416 You mean in terms of like institution, like inside institutions or just with people in general? 01:02:37.436 --> 01:02:37.756 I don't know. 01:02:37.796 --> 01:02:48.107 I mean, at some point you must have been naive and thought you could just call the Wall Street Journal and say that you have a really good story, or you tried to make an effort in some way that revealed 01:02:49.108 --> 01:02:52.850 How long have you known that you needed to have uncaptured media, for example? 01:02:52.990 --> 01:02:54.931 That's your thing. 01:02:55.391 --> 01:02:59.113 But how long have you realized that that was a giant problem as a journalist? 01:02:59.433 --> 01:03:00.373 Maybe that's a better question. 01:03:01.033 --> 01:03:02.834 Well, I mean, I got into journalism. 01:03:03.354 --> 01:03:06.076 I never tried to work in the mainstream media. 01:03:06.116 --> 01:03:07.997 I mean, I'm 39 now. 01:03:08.337 --> 01:03:09.337 I spent my 20s. 01:03:10.518 --> 01:03:14.780 I took a few years off college, and I finished in 2009, right when the economy crashed. 01:03:14.860 --> 01:03:17.381 So basically, everything I'd done was for nothing. 01:03:18.542 --> 01:03:22.146 And so I took years trying to figure out what to do professionally. 01:03:22.166 --> 01:03:26.471 I couldn't be motivated to just get a job for a good salary. 01:03:26.912 --> 01:03:32.138 I was basically doing labor, and I had a trade for a while. 01:03:35.489 --> 01:03:43.594 kind of thought about journalism for a while, but didn't think I was, you know, thought you had to be some kind of incredible genius to do it. 01:03:44.095 --> 01:03:47.917 And then I just decided to go for it one day doing independent journalism. 01:03:48.638 --> 01:03:52.260 So I never tried to kind of flirt with the mainstream. 01:03:52.640 --> 01:03:56.543 And I've just always been kind of on outside of it and very critical of it. 01:03:57.784 --> 01:04:02.046 So, you know, and it's and I, I struggled for years. 01:04:02.567 --> 01:04:04.328 And now I'm, you know, in a better position. 01:04:04.848 --> 01:04:11.655 But yeah, no, I mean, I never tried with the mainstream or, you know, legacy media. 01:04:12.636 --> 01:04:26.109 I mean, where I run into walls, honestly, is more, you know, and this is why I think this conversation is very useful, is where, you know, I have people on, particularly on the left, 01:04:26.837 --> 01:04:33.440 who tend to see through, you know, who are very astute on their analysis of Zionism. 01:04:34.400 --> 01:04:41.743 And even though a lot of these, you know, a lot of these people still accept the Zionist definition of, you know, they believe that Zionism is Jewish supremacy. 01:04:42.183 --> 01:04:43.204 And now I'm working on that. 01:04:43.244 --> 01:04:48.986 In the last two months, I've started really trying to focus on that to sort of break that down. 01:04:50.523 --> 01:04:58.065 But nonetheless, people who see the propaganda models very clearly on the left with Zionism and Israel and how that is sold to us. 01:04:58.665 --> 01:05:06.726 And then, you know, on, I guess, more on the right, though, you know, those terms are all very amorphous. 01:05:07.127 --> 01:05:12.528 People who see through a lot of COVID propaganda and understand we were lied to, 01:05:15.279 --> 01:05:21.423 for years about that, but cannot reconcile the two and don't see them as related. 01:05:22.083 --> 01:05:33.711 And what I see is not only are they the same animal, we are fed, they use the same propaganda models against us. 01:05:33.831 --> 01:05:41.036 So for example, when COVID kicked off with two weeks to slow or stop the spread, 01:05:42.356 --> 01:05:52.903 And then, of course, you know, that was the, you know, that was the hook, that was the entry point for an entire paradigm shift. 01:05:53.784 --> 01:06:08.974 It's the same with, you know, when October, after October 7th, around October 13th or so, Israel said that all of northern Gaza has to evacuate the area so it could, so Israel could fight terrorists. 01:06:09.874 --> 01:06:10.755 And then now, 01:06:13.554 --> 01:06:25.719 People in northern Gaza, seven, eight months later, are living in tent camps at the very southern edge of Gaza, up against the border with Egypt, and they've just been bombed. 01:06:26.439 --> 01:06:33.322 So, you know, it was like, just go along with this little bit, and then you basically give it all up. 01:06:34.284 --> 01:06:39.112 I think that was an AI mistake though, the targeting of the AI that Palantir or whatever was running. 01:06:39.152 --> 01:06:40.394 I think that was just a mistake. 01:06:40.454 --> 01:06:41.196 That's what they're saying. 01:06:41.216 --> 01:06:43.920 It was like a tragic mistake that they bombed the tents. 01:06:44.707 --> 01:06:47.169 Totally, no, no, no, totally, totally intentional. 01:06:47.209 --> 01:06:49.030 I mean, they know exactly what they're doing. 01:06:50.310 --> 01:06:54.253 There's no way that's, and then, in fact, they've done it twice since the first time. 01:06:54.653 --> 01:06:57.455 Netanyahu said it was a mistake, and then he did it two more times. 01:06:58.315 --> 01:07:09.662 They said it was a mistake, and then they said that actually there were two Hamas militants there, and then they said that they intercepted a phone conversation. 01:07:09.943 --> 01:07:13.305 I mean, it's just been a series of contradictory lies, but 01:07:14.039 --> 01:07:23.405 You know, I mean, without trying to provoke any any terrible emotions, I presume over your time there, you've met people that you've lost. 01:07:23.505 --> 01:07:25.726 I mean, where is their count at? 01:07:27.915 --> 01:07:38.302 You know, a lot of the people that I became close with when I was in Gaza were sort of of a, I guess a more middle middle class. 01:07:39.043 --> 01:07:45.928 And so they've managed over the years to leave Gaza, which is it's, it's extremely hard and expensive to leave Gaza. 01:07:46.908 --> 01:07:48.329 But it can be done. 01:07:49.450 --> 01:07:54.934 Or you can't just walk to the gate and go to Israel and pick up a flight that that's not how that works. 01:07:55.652 --> 01:07:56.473 No, can't do that. 01:07:58.837 --> 01:08:02.282 There are two crossings out of Gaza. 01:08:02.302 --> 01:08:06.087 There's one into Israel, which is extremely difficult to get. 01:08:07.669 --> 01:08:08.471 I met elderly people 01:08:11.254 --> 01:08:15.178 who had American visas that were expired. 01:08:15.899 --> 01:08:29.612 Basically, they had to get permission from the Americans and the Israeli security services to leave Gaza, to go to the American embassy or consulate in Jerusalem, and then in order to do an interview to obtain a visa. 01:08:30.093 --> 01:08:32.735 Then, and they go back in the same day, go back to Gaza. 01:08:33.596 --> 01:08:38.362 They had purchased flights, they had American visas to come to the U.S. 01:08:38.562 --> 01:08:40.625 to be with their daughter who was living in St. 01:08:40.645 --> 01:08:40.865 Louis. 01:08:43.305 --> 01:08:44.765 were not allowed out of Gaza again. 01:08:44.886 --> 01:08:46.986 They waited years, their visas expired. 01:08:47.446 --> 01:08:51.148 Then they managed to repeat that process and get new U.S. 01:08:51.188 --> 01:08:51.608 visas. 01:08:52.568 --> 01:08:55.389 And I met them and they were waiting to get those and they couldn't get out. 01:08:55.569 --> 01:09:02.431 So the whole, it's incredibly difficult to get permission to go out of the crossing with Israel. 01:09:02.471 --> 01:09:07.113 You're subjected to all kinds of- What if you want to go to like spring break or something though? 01:09:07.153 --> 01:09:09.974 Like if you wanted to go to Florida for a couple of weeks, you can't? 01:09:10.694 --> 01:09:11.154 Not a chance. 01:09:12.625 --> 01:09:13.085 Not a chance. 01:09:13.186 --> 01:09:15.027 I mean, you are a subhuman. 01:09:15.047 --> 01:09:15.868 You have no rights. 01:09:15.928 --> 01:09:19.912 I mean, that concept of going on a vacation just does not exist. 01:09:19.952 --> 01:09:24.376 The other way to go is to go into Egypt. 01:09:24.877 --> 01:09:27.879 Egypt collaborates very closely with Israel. 01:09:29.201 --> 01:09:32.003 You know, we give all kinds of huge amounts of money. 01:09:32.063 --> 01:09:33.184 I think the second most 01:09:35.376 --> 01:09:40.144 a huge amount of money to Egypt to basically collaborate with Israel. 01:09:40.224 --> 01:09:46.935 Is the Egyptian government under any pressure to reject that aid and go and save the Palestinians or not really? 01:09:47.015 --> 01:09:48.358 Or we just don't see that pressure? 01:09:49.332 --> 01:10:07.741 Yeah, no, there is public pressure, but the Egyptian, it's basically like a sort of dictatorship where the president, Sisi, who is very close to the U.S., he was installed in a coup. 01:10:09.162 --> 01:10:15.025 So and when people demonstrated against it, I mean, they massacred like hundreds of them in the street. 01:10:15.105 --> 01:10:18.346 So people are very, very afraid to go out and demonstrate. 01:10:18.366 --> 01:10:21.508 So definitely there's a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians in Egypt. 01:10:21.628 --> 01:10:24.909 But, you know, they're living under this under the boot, too. 01:10:25.330 --> 01:10:25.890 I see. 01:10:26.490 --> 01:10:30.492 So to go out of Rafah, you know, you can like you 01:10:30.692 --> 01:10:33.434 You have to have somewhere to go. 01:10:33.894 --> 01:10:42.861 You have to basically bribe the Egyptians with several thousand dollars per person. 01:10:43.321 --> 01:10:45.222 It's very, very difficult. 01:10:45.863 --> 01:10:50.006 Unemployment is something like 80 percent. 01:10:50.286 --> 01:10:54.429 People in Gaza live in extreme poverty, the vast majority of the people. 01:10:55.329 --> 01:10:57.652 They don't have anywhere near that kind of money. 01:10:58.592 --> 01:11:02.776 And so if you try to take a boat out to sea, the Israeli Navy will shoot you. 01:11:03.217 --> 01:11:05.939 If you try to walk to Israel, they will shoot you. 01:11:06.060 --> 01:11:07.721 I mean, I've watched this happen. 01:11:09.243 --> 01:11:11.505 So, I mean, you're just in a big concentration camp. 01:11:11.705 --> 01:11:12.105 That's it. 01:11:12.606 --> 01:11:16.650 And if you're of a certain class, then you have a possibility of travel, but for 90, 01:11:18.952 --> 01:11:22.995 8% of the population, that's just a total impossibility. 01:11:23.296 --> 01:11:26.859 Are there really Palestinians in the Israeli parliament then or not? 01:11:27.139 --> 01:11:31.343 Or they're just pretend Palestinians or they can't do anything or what? 01:11:33.785 --> 01:11:39.750 Yes, there are a handful of Palestinians in the Israeli parliament. 01:11:39.790 --> 01:11:47.515 Basically, the vast majority of Palestinians were expelled by Zionist militias and the Israeli military in 1947 and 1948. 01:11:52.339 --> 01:12:03.690 So, in Israel proper, what Palestinians consider 1948 Palestine, the 1948 borders, there is a Palestinian minority that remained. 01:12:05.211 --> 01:12:09.215 They lived under an Israeli military dictatorship until 1967. 01:12:11.858 --> 01:12:14.100 And then they were given the right to vote. 01:12:14.501 --> 01:12:22.171 So they are Israeli citizens, but they do not have national self-determination. 01:12:22.231 --> 01:12:23.492 They don't have national rights. 01:12:24.614 --> 01:12:26.216 So you have 01:12:28.398 --> 01:12:33.023 Like on Israeli IDs, according to Israel, there's no such thing as an Israeli. 01:12:33.423 --> 01:12:38.267 On your Israeli ID, it lists your religion or, you know, what they consider your race. 01:12:38.387 --> 01:12:43.232 It does not list, you know, say citizen of Israel, but it says you're Jewish. 01:12:43.332 --> 01:12:44.693 Oh, wow. 01:12:44.953 --> 01:12:46.475 Interesting. 01:12:46.815 --> 01:12:50.859 So it's not a country of its citizens. 01:12:51.319 --> 01:12:53.881 It's a country for one 01:12:54.702 --> 01:12:56.823 nationality at the expense of others. 01:12:56.903 --> 01:13:06.045 And so does Israel have a certain, as you said, if you're a certain class, so then are there a certain class of Palestinians that they can film crossing the border without friction? 01:13:06.065 --> 01:13:12.286 And so then they can point to those Palestinians and say, hey, we let safe Palestinians travel freely. 01:13:12.326 --> 01:13:15.727 It's just all the people we don't trust that we keep penned in this cage. 01:13:16.932 --> 01:13:17.392 Right, right. 01:13:17.552 --> 01:13:19.494 And of course, there's a collaborator class. 01:13:20.094 --> 01:13:21.655 In the West Bank, that's who rules. 01:13:22.716 --> 01:13:30.961 They have this kind of fiction that's called the Palestinian Authority, which is hardly Palestinian and has zero authority. 01:13:31.821 --> 01:13:33.182 And it's funded by the U.S. 01:13:33.262 --> 01:13:37.445 and Europe and Israel in order to crack down on Palestinian resistance. 01:13:37.465 --> 01:13:39.786 And that's who operates in the West Bank. 01:13:42.548 --> 01:13:53.053 To answer your question about Palestinian representation in Israel's parliament in the Knesset, yes, there are Palestinians in there, but they're a minority, of course. 01:13:53.093 --> 01:13:55.915 They have no significant political power. 01:13:58.636 --> 01:14:11.406 In 2017 or 2018, Israel passed what's called the Nation State Law, which explicitly defined Israel's character as a so-called Jewish state. 01:14:13.127 --> 01:14:18.731 So it cemented this concept of 01:14:20.475 --> 01:14:24.758 you know, of Zionism as the national ideology. 01:14:25.198 --> 01:14:37.125 And, you know, anyone who does not fit within that racial category as lesser, you know, they don't have national rights, even if they are a citizen. 01:14:37.946 --> 01:14:42.608 One of the things that I think I heard from you, we're going to have to stop soon if you have an interview at noon. 01:14:43.929 --> 01:14:58.602 The that I would like to bring up just to to make sure that we cover it is this idea that if there was an Israeli settlement and there were terrorists in the settlement that they might just bomb the whole settlement. 01:14:58.842 --> 01:15:05.647 And if there were some settlers there, they would just be casualties considered part of the the sort of 01:15:06.587 --> 01:15:10.488 the doctrine, whatever it is that they do, which is just we wipe them all out. 01:15:10.649 --> 01:15:14.430 And if there's some people next to them or whatever, it's just the way it is. 01:15:16.211 --> 01:15:24.834 How does this, how can we, how can we bring Americans to understand that kind of mentality? 01:15:24.894 --> 01:15:25.354 I mean, I don't, 01:15:26.401 --> 01:15:27.823 It's hard for me to explain it. 01:15:28.423 --> 01:15:34.270 In the United States military, I think there might be something called a look-away doctrine where you just don't want to know what's behind the curtain. 01:15:35.311 --> 01:15:39.955 This seems a little more overt if their military operates under this principle. 01:15:39.996 --> 01:15:42.018 That's a lot of people that know what's going on. 01:15:42.058 --> 01:15:43.039 Am I wrong about that? 01:15:44.733 --> 01:15:47.775 Yeah, it's called the Hannibal Directive, what you're referring to. 01:15:49.777 --> 01:15:58.023 And the Hannibal Directive is basically a military protocol, an Israeli military protocol, 01:15:58.516 --> 01:16:14.928 that when a, originally it was a soldier, was taken captive, then they, the military does everything possible to kill that soldier, in fact, to prevent him from being taken captive. 01:16:15.749 --> 01:16:27.258 So then the, you know, Palestinians or Lebanese or, you know, whoever the captors are, could use them to extract concessions, usually meaning release of political prisoners. 01:16:28.539 --> 01:16:38.468 So, this started in the 80s and, you know, was used, I mean, a few times, really several times. 01:16:38.868 --> 01:16:53.401 In 2000, I believe 2008, the Israeli soldier, I don't know, 2006, Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier, was taken captive in Gaza. 01:16:54.202 --> 01:17:02.665 And he was released for about 1,100 Palestinian prisoners in 2011. 01:17:03.105 --> 01:17:10.068 And so after that—and that was extremely politically— Costly. 01:17:11.178 --> 01:17:33.171 copy exactly costly the best way to describe it uh... there was a huge debate in israeli society eleven eleven hundred people you know that a prison for this one soldier well you know maybe we have to sacrifice that one but in fact the vast majority the overwhelming majority of those eleven hundred were uh... political prisoners who had not committed any act of violence number one let alone 01:17:34.151 --> 01:17:42.660 The others are political prisoners, too, because the acts of violence they had carried out were against the occupation, were in response to the occupation. 01:17:42.760 --> 01:17:53.211 So, it's this Zionist refusal to examine the actual reasons for the violence that they experience at the hands of Palestinians. 01:17:54.272 --> 01:17:54.412 So, 01:17:55.493 --> 01:17:57.073 This happened in 2014. 01:17:57.734 --> 01:18:14.797 They implemented the Hannibal Directive in Rafah, in the south of Gaza, where a couple of soldiers were nabbed by some Palestinian fighters, and they bombed the whole area and killed something like 125 Palestinians and those soldiers. 01:18:16.297 --> 01:18:21.639 And I went about a week or two weeks later, I actually went to the site and saw what it looked like. 01:18:23.582 --> 01:18:24.613 And on October 7th, 01:18:26.147 --> 01:18:32.071 this Hannibal Directive was enacted on like a mass scale and since then. 01:18:32.212 --> 01:18:52.767 So basically, Hamas' goal on October 7th was to wipe out the Gaza Division of the Israeli military, the Gaza Battalion, which it successfully did, and also take a bunch of captives into Gaza so then it could negotiate to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners. 01:18:54.870 --> 01:19:06.220 Israel basically decided, when it understood it was happening, to implement this Hannibal Directive, and so they just basically bombed everything in sight. 01:19:06.240 --> 01:19:17.090 All these vehicles that were going back into Gaza, or people on bicycles or motorcycles or donkey-pulled carts, were all hit by helicopters. 01:19:19.472 --> 01:19:25.455 with rockets and missiles or massive guns, and they killed a ton of people. 01:19:25.475 --> 01:19:27.756 There are several documented proven examples of this on October 7th. 01:19:35.763 --> 01:19:53.128 But they're including, I mean, the most famous one is in what's called Kibbutz Beri, like a settlement just outside of Gaza, where about 40 Hamas fighters came, took over the kibbutz, took about 14 or 15 people into one house, 01:19:55.689 --> 01:20:03.157 and wanted to negotiate with the Israeli authorities to have safe passage to take them back into Gaza. 01:20:03.177 --> 01:20:06.800 It turned out the Israeli authorities weren't even there for several hours. 01:20:07.241 --> 01:20:16.029 So these Palestinian militants were just hiding in this house with these people, with these captives, including two children. 01:20:16.049 --> 01:20:17.091 I mean, these were not soldiers. 01:20:17.151 --> 01:20:18.031 These are civilians. 01:20:18.792 --> 01:20:25.336 And they're in this house, and they could have just casually strolled across into Gaza. 01:20:25.657 --> 01:20:26.497 But they stayed there. 01:20:26.597 --> 01:20:30.360 And when the Israeli military showed up, they immediately opened fire. 01:20:30.780 --> 01:20:36.124 It had a long firefight with the Palestinians, who basically had these captives. 01:20:37.385 --> 01:20:47.631 And then when an Israeli tank arrived on the scene around sundown, around 7 p.m., the commander on the scene 01:20:48.972 --> 01:20:51.555 ordered the tank to open fire on the house. 01:20:52.015 --> 01:20:52.696 And so they did. 01:20:52.716 --> 01:20:58.902 And this Israeli tank killed everyone inside, except one woman who survived. 01:20:59.963 --> 01:21:02.065 And she, there were actually two survivors. 01:21:02.105 --> 01:21:10.633 There was one woman who was, she managed to convince the leader of the Hamas fighters to negotiate his release with the Israelis. 01:21:11.073 --> 01:21:11.954 So she got out. 01:21:12.394 --> 01:21:13.596 And then when the tank arrived, 01:21:14.116 --> 01:21:20.541 the tank fired on the house and everyone was killed except one woman who also gave her account of what happened. 01:21:20.601 --> 01:21:30.488 So it became a big scandal in Israel with the families and the survivors demanding an investigation, and the Israeli military just basically blew it off. 01:21:30.848 --> 01:21:34.110 And then there's, you know, there's, there's, this is just one example of it. 01:21:34.190 --> 01:21:36.572 So basically, 01:21:38.188 --> 01:21:51.638 The Hannibal Directive, this concept of killing all the captives, as many captives as possible in order to prevent their exchange, has been applied according to one Israeli official across the entire Gaza Strip. 01:21:51.679 --> 01:21:57.703 The idea is to just kill captives rather than try to secure their release. 01:21:58.984 --> 01:22:02.667 The captives who have been released, who were exchanged back in November, 01:22:05.183 --> 01:22:12.634 They all have said that the scariest part were the bombs dropping around me, these 2,000-pound bombs that take out a whole building. 01:22:13.935 --> 01:22:15.838 Some of them were in the next building over. 01:22:17.240 --> 01:22:19.023 They're in tunnels underneath the ground. 01:22:21.305 --> 01:22:26.890 50 meters underground and when one of these bombs hits, you know, the whole tunnel sways they talk about that. 01:22:27.571 --> 01:22:47.168 So The Israeli military is not interested in trying to secure inch in securing their release it's just Basically just kill as many people as possible and you know, no negotiations whatsoever Has your obviously 01:22:48.542 --> 01:22:52.185 updated with important nuance understanding of the situation. 01:22:52.225 --> 01:22:57.409 Has that influenced at all your being able to finalize your film and get it out? 01:22:57.569 --> 01:22:58.530 And how's that working? 01:22:58.590 --> 01:23:05.755 Can you kind of give us a wrap up of what you're doing and where to find you so you can, you know, take a break and get on to your next interview? 01:23:06.716 --> 01:23:07.417 Yeah. 01:23:07.697 --> 01:23:18.085 You know, I'm actually, I've been working on this film about Israel's Third Temple movement for, basically I started, when I started in journalism, I just started following their activities and 01:23:19.560 --> 01:23:20.761 Third Temple Movement? 01:23:20.801 --> 01:23:24.424 Are you talking about the Red Heifer stuff that I see? 01:23:24.464 --> 01:23:24.904 Exactly. 01:23:25.224 --> 01:23:25.965 Oh my gosh. 01:23:26.105 --> 01:23:26.385 Wow. 01:23:26.525 --> 01:23:27.766 Yeah, exactly. 01:23:27.846 --> 01:23:37.394 So I've been filming them for years and years and I've managed to raise enough money to have a professional crew to do all of this filming. 01:23:38.594 --> 01:23:40.896 We're still filming these weeks. 01:23:42.397 --> 01:23:44.879 And so that's what I'm working on full time. 01:23:48.954 --> 01:24:02.279 I, you know, I'm actually, I was planning to release the documentary a couple of years ago, and I'm very thankful I didn't because I was still using this kind of Zionist propaganda concept. 01:24:02.339 --> 01:24:13.404 I was still, you know, I hadn't broken free of that Zionist propaganda about even what I explained on Jimmy Dore when I said, you know, the genie has been lit out of the bottle because, you know, Zionism took this 01:24:14.644 --> 01:24:20.127 religious concept and then just made it real, even that's really not true. 01:24:20.227 --> 01:24:25.750 Because Zionism, you know, Orthodox Judaism, Judaism never sought political sovereignty. 01:24:26.331 --> 01:24:30.213 It was never like, oh, when God says, then we'll have political sovereignty. 01:24:31.193 --> 01:24:35.996 Jewish theology is talking about a complete, you know, it's talking about a utopia. 01:24:36.336 --> 01:24:37.277 It doesn't exist. 01:24:37.737 --> 01:24:39.939 It's talking, you know, the lion will lay down with the lamb. 01:24:39.979 --> 01:24:42.000 There will be peace between all the nations. 01:24:42.821 --> 01:24:43.561 All of these things. 01:24:43.581 --> 01:24:46.663 This is not something you can achieve by political means. 01:24:47.484 --> 01:24:53.507 This is something completely supernatural that they believe will happen when 01:24:54.608 --> 01:25:04.110 Jews are righteous enough when people like me return to Judaism and keep the Sabbath and all of these things. 01:25:04.850 --> 01:25:10.331 And so it's not that Zionists took that and then just said, oh, we're just going to make it happen. 01:25:10.651 --> 01:25:23.033 It's no, they took the whole concept, emptied it of all of its meaning, every bit of meaning, and then just refilled it with nationalism and used that theological supernatural concept 01:25:24.154 --> 01:25:32.788 of a temple and the ingathering of the exiles and made that into something basically profane. 01:25:32.828 --> 01:25:36.835 They took something sacred and made it profane and completely changed the meaning of it. 01:25:40.028 --> 01:25:45.469 I've incorporated that into my documentary, that kind of the explanation in a much sharper way. 01:25:45.509 --> 01:25:48.350 And I'll have it with people who can explain it better than I can. 01:25:48.410 --> 01:26:00.913 In fact, the person who's really opened my mind on this, in the same way that you, Jay, have really opened my mind with a lot of understanding the COVID operation, 01:26:03.486 --> 01:26:23.296 The guy who's really clarified things for me on Zionism, his name is Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, and he's on YouTube more and more these days, but he's an incredible guy, very approachable, makes things very easy to understand, and I'm in the middle of his book called The Empty Wagon. 01:26:25.137 --> 01:26:29.479 And so it's like a thousand page book that is really for yeshiva students. 01:26:29.919 --> 01:26:39.584 So, you know, anybody could read it, but you'll probably want to, you know, have your have your phone nearby to look up like certain Hebrew concepts, which I have to. 01:26:40.184 --> 01:26:51.490 But yeah, so I'm working on this documentary, trying to get it out at some point this year and just doing, you know, haven't been doing much journalism lately. 01:26:51.550 --> 01:26:53.771 And and I'm constantly being 01:26:55.017 --> 01:27:06.705 I have one third of my brain devoted to Israel-Palestine-Zionism, another third, maybe at this point 20 percent, trying to follow 01:27:08.001 --> 01:27:10.342 you know, COVID kind of propaganda. 01:27:11.083 --> 01:27:18.707 And I'm constantly being pulled to kind of finish this investigation, this big investigation that I'd contacted you about in the first place. 01:27:19.047 --> 01:27:21.109 And then the other thing I work on a lot is Haiti. 01:27:21.289 --> 01:27:23.150 I just released a documentary on Haiti. 01:27:23.170 --> 01:27:23.730 That's right. 01:27:23.750 --> 01:27:25.351 You were just there, actually. 01:27:25.391 --> 01:27:25.991 That's right. 01:27:26.232 --> 01:27:27.592 I was there in February. 01:27:27.792 --> 01:27:35.257 So it's been three months now, but, you know, which is undergoing a major, major, you know, what I describe as a revolutionary process. 01:27:35.337 --> 01:27:36.558 So it's, 01:27:37.952 --> 01:27:41.616 It's a lot but you know it's all it's really all the same system. 01:27:41.836 --> 01:27:45.159 I mean really you know I mean what you know what is what is Haiti. 01:27:45.419 --> 01:27:51.285 I think Jessica do a piece on this or somebody did a piece about what does Haiti tell us about Covid. 01:27:53.513 --> 01:27:56.134 You know, so it's really all the same system. 01:27:56.214 --> 01:27:59.116 It's just sort of how do you compartmentalize it? 01:27:59.176 --> 01:28:03.739 How do you break it down in order to chop it up? 01:28:04.399 --> 01:28:07.401 And can they find you at uncapturedmedia.com? 01:28:07.441 --> 01:28:08.201 Is that a thing? 01:28:08.881 --> 01:28:11.603 It's uncaptured.media is my website. 01:28:11.683 --> 01:28:13.124 It's just my substack. 01:28:13.904 --> 01:28:15.325 I got a unique URL for it. 01:28:17.406 --> 01:28:20.609 YouTube and I need to be more active on alternative platforms. 01:28:20.689 --> 01:28:22.250 But yeah, uncaptured media. 01:28:22.650 --> 01:28:27.934 And I'm on I'm very, I'm more active on personally, I'm most active on x at Dan Cohen 3000. 01:28:28.975 --> 01:28:30.396 Dan Cohen 3000. 01:28:30.436 --> 01:28:33.759 Why'd you choose that you sound like a cyborg then? 01:28:34.520 --> 01:28:35.020 Yeah, it's great. 01:28:35.141 --> 01:28:37.082 I don't even know why I picked it when I was like 18. 01:28:38.123 --> 01:28:45.469 And then I just, you know, used it when I joined Twitter before I got into journalism, because there's so many Dan Cohen's, it's like a, it's a very common, I see. 01:28:45.569 --> 01:28:46.790 Okay, you know, name. 01:28:46.850 --> 01:28:48.591 And so then I just stuck with it. 01:28:50.513 --> 01:28:52.755 Well, I'm really happy you're you came on the show. 01:28:52.975 --> 01:28:55.417 And I don't want to make promises I can't keep. 01:28:55.457 --> 01:28:59.040 But I hope at some point, we can put something out together, which would 01:28:59.890 --> 01:29:01.070 draw this together as well. 01:29:01.130 --> 01:29:03.091 I wish you the best of luck getting that film out. 01:29:03.111 --> 01:29:05.292 I wish you the best of luck getting your message out. 01:29:05.652 --> 01:29:12.335 I think it's really, it helps me to have some better idea of how to think about it. 01:29:12.375 --> 01:29:20.938 I don't think I'm going to start teaching anybody this stuff or try to learn any more, except for I am going to look into Yakov, as you say with a B or a V. 01:29:22.006 --> 01:29:29.168 Shapiro, with a V, Y-A-A-K-O-V, and then Shapiro, S-H-A-P-I-R-O. 01:29:29.208 --> 01:29:32.869 Oh wow, I did not spell that correctly, that's pretty funny. 01:29:33.490 --> 01:29:34.570 It's Hebrew for Jacob. 01:29:34.750 --> 01:29:36.911 Okay, yeah, gotcha, very good. 01:29:37.871 --> 01:29:41.092 But yeah, very, very brilliant educator. 01:29:42.119 --> 01:29:42.399 Okay. 01:29:42.499 --> 01:29:43.639 Well, thank you very much, Dan. 01:29:43.679 --> 01:29:46.120 It's really been a pleasure and a long time coming. 01:29:46.200 --> 01:29:50.862 And I hope, I don't know, I hope you have a great week and maybe we'll have you on again. 01:29:50.882 --> 01:29:54.623 I mean, I know everybody would, the chat was going crazy. 01:29:54.643 --> 01:29:56.243 That's sometimes why I looked over here. 01:29:57.724 --> 01:29:59.304 So you stimulated a lot of thought. 01:29:59.324 --> 01:30:01.305 I expect I'm going to get a lot of emails. 01:30:02.458 --> 01:30:03.779 Awesome. 01:30:03.959 --> 01:30:08.381 I really want to hear what people have to say. 01:30:09.562 --> 01:30:17.407 If there's anything I didn't articulate correctly, I want to bring this out as much as possible. 01:30:17.447 --> 01:30:19.948 So I really appreciate you having me on, Jay. 01:30:21.909 --> 01:30:45.367 want to discuss feel free to tweet at me or or you know reach me however you like and and uh we'll go from there all right thank you very much dan thanks a lot i'm gonna click it off be care bye oh wow that was really great yes that was pretty good i really like i really like i really like uh ladies and gentlemen um that was uh mr 01:30:48.095 --> 01:30:53.877 Dan Cohen, trying to illustrate another, oh, we gotta escape out of there. 01:30:53.897 --> 01:30:55.697 I don't know why that word didn't work like that. 01:30:55.797 --> 01:30:57.237 That's a little unfortunate. 01:30:59.658 --> 01:31:01.859 Trying to build an understanding of the illusion. 01:31:02.659 --> 01:31:05.399 I think Dan has some really interesting insights. 01:31:05.459 --> 01:31:10.201 I think also, as you heard at the end of the interview there, he's not afraid to be challenged on his ideas. 01:31:10.241 --> 01:31:11.461 He wants to be corrected. 01:31:11.761 --> 01:31:14.602 This is a really good sign, irrespective of, 01:31:15.522 --> 01:31:20.988 of, you know, who you are, if you at least say those words and show some pattern of that behavior. 01:31:21.008 --> 01:31:23.911 I'm interested in talking to you. 01:31:25.013 --> 01:31:31.900 As usual, ladies and gentlemen, I want to just say that the spread of bad ideas is more dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule. 01:31:32.441 --> 01:31:35.865 I want to be sure that everything is grinding. 01:31:39.221 --> 01:31:42.304 I guess it's because of Zoom in the background or something like that. 01:31:42.364 --> 01:31:42.784 I don't know. 01:31:43.725 --> 01:31:47.048 I'll see what I can do here to get this speeded up a little bit. 01:31:48.249 --> 01:31:49.951 My computer is just crashing, maybe. 01:31:50.371 --> 01:31:51.212 It's getting tired. 01:31:51.592 --> 01:31:57.578 Ladies and gentlemen, please stop all transfections in humans because we are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 01:31:58.098 --> 01:32:00.681 Not we, but they, excuse me. 01:32:01.061 --> 01:32:03.103 And if you liked what you saw, 01:32:04.304 --> 01:32:09.829 You can find Dan Cohen again at dancohen3000 on Twitter. 01:32:10.790 --> 01:32:27.063 Also uncapturedmedia and it's uncaptured.media and you can also find that on Substack and you can find me at gigaohmbiological.com, gigaohm.bio and stream.gigaohm.bio is the best place to watch the rerun because they're 01:32:28.144 --> 01:32:56.267 there will be no music cuts or anything like that um thank you very much for everybody that supports this stream by subscribing to substack or to uh giga home biological again it's just kind of cranking um my family and i um are forever in your debt um and uh yeah it's it's gonna work out so um i hope uh to see some of you at the the um 01:32:58.755 --> 01:33:05.898 Maybe you'll come to Pittsburgh in November for the, why isn't it coming out of my head, the Brownstone meeting. 01:33:06.738 --> 01:33:18.123 And also, of course, there is the Red Pill Conference, which is in Rapid City, South Dakota on the 15th and 16th of the coming month, where you will see me as one of the presenters. 01:33:18.143 --> 01:33:19.704 They're giving me a whole hour. 01:33:20.604 --> 01:33:22.546 So you know what I could do with an hour. 01:33:22.606 --> 01:33:25.449 Imagine what I could do with an hour on stage. 01:33:25.529 --> 01:33:27.351 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much again. 01:33:27.411 --> 01:33:34.317 This has been Giga Home Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 01:33:35.318 --> 01:33:41.784 I guess we'll just slide over here and say see you later. 01:33:42.084 --> 01:33:42.545 Thanks, guys.