00:09.778 --> 00:19.146
And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker.

00:22.409 --> 00:23.389
So God made a farmer.

00:26.232 --> 00:35.059
God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.

00:35.159 --> 00:36.060
So God made a farmer.

00:39.824 --> 00:44.386
I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild.

00:44.666 --> 00:54.769
Somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to wait lunch until his wife's done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it."

00:55.089 --> 00:56.030
So God made a farmer.

01:00.911 --> 01:09.194
God said, I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt and watch it die and dry his eyes and say, maybe next year.

01:11.084 --> 01:26.911
I need somebody who can shape an axe handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of hay wire, feed sacks, and shoe scraps, who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon and then pain in from tractor back put in another 72 hours."

01:26.991 --> 01:27.951
So God made a farmer.

01:30.553 --> 01:40.557
God had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds and yet stop in midfield and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor's place.

01:42.099 --> 01:43.079
So God made a farmer.

01:45.060 --> 01:56.786
God said, I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bales, yet gentle enough to yeen lambs and wean pigs and tend to pink-combed pullets who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the broken leg of a meadowlark.

01:57.799 --> 02:01.021
It had to be somebody who'd plow deep and straight and not cut corners.

02:01.261 --> 02:12.446
Somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed, and rake, and disc, and plow, and plant, and tie the fleece, and strain the milk, and replenish the self-feeder, and finish a hard week's work with a five-mile drive to church.

02:13.867 --> 02:27.013
Somebody who'd bail a family together with a soft, strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply with smiling eyes when his son says,

02:28.251 --> 02:32.614
that he wants to spend his life doing what Dad does.

02:34.615 --> 02:35.716
So God made a farmer.

02:43.840 --> 02:45.201
Test one, two, testing.

02:45.541 --> 02:46.082
Test one.

02:53.826 --> 02:54.707
Test one, two.

02:55.527 --> 02:56.068
That's better.

03:16.802 --> 03:16.982

04:28.914 --> 04:30.155
Well, look at you.

04:30.215 --> 04:31.196
A general, huh?

04:31.956 --> 04:34.759
Someone must have told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Denev.

04:35.279 --> 04:36.420
Well, don't look at me, pal.

04:36.460 --> 04:37.941
I just said you were a fair pilot.

04:37.961 --> 04:40.583
I didn't know they were looking for somebody to lead this crazy attack.

04:41.284 --> 04:42.845
I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it.

04:42.865 --> 04:44.746
Well, who says they didn't?

04:44.766 --> 04:45.707
But I ain't crazy.

04:46.188 --> 04:47.689
You're the respectful one, remember?

04:56.260 --> 04:59.002
The Emperor's made a critical error and the time for our attack has come.

04:59.963 --> 05:05.707
The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor's new battle station.

05:06.527 --> 05:10.130
We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational.

05:10.970 --> 05:16.554
With the Imperial fleet spread throughout the galaxy in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected.

05:17.615 --> 05:25.941
But most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star.

05:27.898 --> 05:31.600
Many bothans died to bring us this information.

05:57.506 --> 06:18.890
The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of America, of the American people, is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us, to ruin maybe America, I don't know, crash the dollar, I don't know, steal the rest of what limited treasury value we have left, I don't know.

06:20.489 --> 06:39.300
But I know for sure that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary and more importantly never be possible.

06:57.974 --> 06:59.915
Hey, thanks for the compliment on the slideshow.

07:00.075 --> 07:04.017
Sometimes I think nobody even watches it anymore, but yeah, I have to do it live.

07:04.077 --> 07:06.198
It's not like I just set it up and push play.

07:08.719 --> 07:11.860
Chickens are going nuts outside, but I'm going to keep that microphone off.

07:11.900 --> 07:13.401
This is a Red Pill recap.

07:13.421 --> 07:24.425
I'm going to talk a little bit about some of the points that I missed in the Red Pill talk, make some excuses for myself, and then do a recap of the last week or so to get this week started off right.

07:24.606 --> 07:25.806
Thank you very much for joining.

07:26.386 --> 07:27.687
Good to see everybody in the chat.

07:40.014 --> 07:47.500
And I'm going to apologize ahead of time if I've used this tune already, but it's been in my list and I play, I, you know, I just love this band so much.

07:47.560 --> 07:52.624
So it's not like I can really tell how many times I've played this song, but anyway, thanks for joining me.

08:09.818 --> 08:28.079
Hank and Sue and Johnny Mac and Ray Every time I hear them, they'll be out to play Sound got me wound, time to settle down If they play in tune, blues is poppin' soon Hope they're still my friends when this song comes to an end

08:39.209 --> 08:46.172
Just a country boy living on the land, dancing with my cousin to a nice New York band.

08:46.753 --> 08:50.314
People jumping around, smiles look like frowns.

08:50.534 --> 08:53.776
Couldn't tell exactly what they're getting down.

08:54.276 --> 08:55.877
Couldn't take the roar.

08:55.897 --> 08:57.497
Nothing but a bore.

08:57.758 --> 08:58.698
Right, right.

11:02.387 --> 11:05.070
country music moves my soul.

11:05.170 --> 11:08.655
Listen to my radio, I never know where to go.

11:08.895 --> 11:10.637
Three guitar and a bass and drum.

11:10.957 --> 11:12.600
Whole pile of them strums.

11:12.740 --> 11:14.462
Couldn't tell where it's coming from.

11:14.582 --> 11:16.284
Sounds so loud it made me dumb.

11:16.324 --> 11:16.745

13:21.813 --> 13:23.795
He's scheduled for 60 minutes next.

13:24.896 --> 13:29.579
He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.

13:31.021 --> 13:32.812
People everywhere are starting to listen to him.

13:34.360 --> 13:35.085
It's embarrassing.

13:51.357 --> 13:59.320
And boy am I happy to be here where we're staying focused on the biology, not taking the bait on social media and loving our neighbors.

14:00.041 --> 14:01.882
Thank you very much for joining me.

14:01.942 --> 14:04.683
I am just, I am, I don't know what to say.

14:04.703 --> 14:05.783
I feel really good.

14:05.803 --> 14:07.524
I feel really hopeful.

14:08.444 --> 14:11.166
My consciousness is relatively free right now.

14:12.126 --> 14:16.849
Um, because I think progress has been made against these charlatans.

14:16.909 --> 14:22.453
They're starting to become a coherent, obvious group, standing apart from the rest of us.

14:22.813 --> 14:24.154
And, uh, it's brilliant.

14:25.175 --> 14:28.177
And social media is essentially how they've done it.

14:29.097 --> 14:34.378
We know that now, and as we start to think about it that way, their illusion becomes more obvious.

14:34.438 --> 14:44.720
It also becomes more obvious because they don't seem to be able to say anything near intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.

14:45.140 --> 14:53.062
They don't seem to be anywhere near realizing that transfection in healthy humans was always criminal, and they certainly can't touch RNA cannot pandemic.

14:53.942 --> 15:06.008
I think this is a moment, ladies and gentlemen, a moment in a long history where the organized habits and opinions of us and our parents have been controlled as an important mechanism of our governance.

15:06.308 --> 15:08.630
And that's about to change.

15:09.750 --> 15:17.054
If the internet could become free, we could break out of this limited spectrum.

15:17.774 --> 15:22.498
Unfortunately, at the start of the pandemic, all of us were kicked out of this moving truck on our own.

15:22.939 --> 15:27.803
We were all picked up by our own private social media rescue team.

15:28.504 --> 15:36.171
And no matter which car we got into or who we who we decided to run from and and seek out as as help.

15:37.652 --> 15:43.656
Inevitably, social media provided you with a bunch of fake people who agreed on one thing, that there was a mystery virus.

15:43.696 --> 15:50.000
I mean, of course there was a mystery molecule that's responsible for this, but actually, no, it's just people.

15:50.521 --> 15:54.784
It's just murder and lies, and that's why there's no epidemiological evidence of spread.

15:55.704 --> 16:00.708
That's why we don't have a lawyer that seems to be able to succinctly describe

16:01.388 --> 16:06.629
why it is that the government should be held to strict scrutiny if they take away fundamental rights.

16:06.689 --> 16:09.930
You know, like the Seventh Amendment or something like that.

16:10.010 --> 16:13.251
Ladies and gentlemen, we need a new consensus in America.

16:13.751 --> 16:16.252
We need a new consensus about our vaccine schedule.

16:16.272 --> 16:20.273
We need a new consensus about what transfection is and was before the pandemic.

16:20.873 --> 16:25.854
And we need a new consensus about what biology is really out there and what biology isn't.

16:25.874 --> 16:28.075
And RNA definitely can't pandemic.

16:28.955 --> 16:52.966
This illusion of consensus is something that is going to be hard to break because it's such a coordinated chorus of witting and unwitting participants that form the wall of this new kind of totalitarianism that was actually described a long time ago.

16:55.376 --> 17:03.760
The acolytes that are running the show quietly are intermingled with people who are just trying to make ends meet like myself.

17:05.201 --> 17:12.664
And it's very easy for someone like myself to get caught up in the mystery solving and in the rescue effort.

17:13.224 --> 17:16.266
And if the train is really not in need of stopping,

17:17.006 --> 17:22.850
but these people convince you to help them stop it, then it's going to feel very much like you're part of a big team.

17:23.430 --> 17:26.592
Come over here and pull on the rope with us is basically what they say.

17:27.413 --> 17:29.875
And that's what this Rescue the Republic was all about.

17:29.915 --> 17:32.737
That's what the Trump administration unity party is all about.

17:32.777 --> 17:37.520
It's still the same weaponized piles of money convincing us with whom to argue.

17:38.180 --> 17:43.264
And if we argue with those people, we're going to get sucked into their narrative and answering their questions.

17:43.344 --> 17:45.925
And those questions will never free our grandchildren.

17:45.985 --> 17:46.346
That's it.

17:47.026 --> 17:48.486
It's about the best that I can say it.

17:48.526 --> 17:52.387
If we ask the wrong questions, our grandchildren will never be free.

17:52.447 --> 17:55.368
Unfortunately, most of our parents didn't ask the right questions.

17:57.348 --> 18:01.329
The guy that you're listening to is a recovering academic neurobiologist.

18:01.389 --> 18:03.069
I used to be a microscope jockey.

18:03.509 --> 18:05.710
There's a long history of my work on the internet.

18:06.090 --> 18:10.451
And you can look up what a gigaohm seal is or what a gigaohm means.

18:10.511 --> 18:12.911
It's a billion ohms of resistance.

18:13.431 --> 18:15.492
It's like an infinite resistance, really.

18:17.308 --> 18:26.059
And yeah, it's when borosilicate glass comes in contact with a lipid biolayer, you get a really cool electrical phenomenon that occurs.

18:27.222 --> 18:35.588
And it allows for really high resolution recording of what we think are the neuronal, the basis for neuronal signaling.

18:35.648 --> 18:38.450
And I think this biology is still pretty cool.

18:39.150 --> 18:47.135
It's just a question of if we understand all of that biology, are we going to really know anything meaningful about the brain other than it's way too complex to understand?

18:47.456 --> 18:48.576
That's really what it is.

18:49.457 --> 18:54.404
You're appreciating the complexity of creation and the creator's work.

18:55.345 --> 18:57.247
And that's what GigaOM Biological is all about.

18:57.288 --> 19:00.292
Stream.gigaom.bio.com is a good place to go.

19:00.812 --> 19:05.118
That's actually not an up-to-date picture anymore because there's a new channel.

19:06.019 --> 19:07.480
called JC on the Hardwood.

19:08.080 --> 19:11.922
And I'm gonna do a lot of this stuff also on the basketball court.

19:12.462 --> 19:14.163
The first video is already up.

19:14.263 --> 19:15.723
The audio is garbage.

19:15.823 --> 19:18.064
My son said, why do you sound like a stormtrooper?

19:19.825 --> 19:21.426
Why do you sound like a stormtrooper?

19:21.446 --> 19:24.447
He's a very, he's a very astute critic of my work.

19:27.049 --> 19:29.209
And, uh, oh, no memory card.

19:30.230 --> 19:32.091
Yeah, yeah, there it is.

19:32.708 --> 19:33.709
Hello, welcome to the show.

19:33.729 --> 19:35.050
This is Gigo and Biological.

19:35.170 --> 19:36.711
I don't know why that's on.

19:36.731 --> 19:37.811
Did I push the wrong button?

19:38.652 --> 19:40.673
This should be front inset, right?

19:41.234 --> 19:42.034
What in the hell?

19:43.315 --> 19:43.915
That's weird.

19:43.995 --> 19:44.816
What is going on?

19:47.318 --> 19:49.219
It's like it opened up the wrong, uh...

19:50.563 --> 19:55.007
Or I hit a, okay, I don't really know what's happening here, but I'm gonna get rid of you.

19:55.808 --> 19:56.669
That should be okay.

19:56.709 --> 19:57.590
Everything else looks all right.

19:58.110 --> 19:59.431
Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen.

19:59.451 --> 20:03.995
This is Gecko and Biological, a high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.

20:04.075 --> 20:06.177
It's the 19th of November, 2024.

20:06.258 --> 20:08.500
I am coming to you live from my garage.

20:08.540 --> 20:09.521
It's early in the morning.

20:10.962 --> 20:12.583
Early in the morning for me to be online.

20:12.603 --> 20:14.845
I'm really happy that I'm kind of online on time.

20:15.886 --> 20:21.091
I have an interesting show I think today, something that will be worth listening to.

20:21.111 --> 20:26.195
I think I can do it pretty succinctly, although it'll probably take me a couple hours in total.

20:27.556 --> 20:28.697
Welcome to the Starship.

20:29.778 --> 20:35.803
We are in a place that I never thought we would be, in a different dimension, in a different time, something like that.

20:36.523 --> 20:52.200
And I'm not sure we can get it back to where we were, but I do want to do my best to hand over the world to my children, something that I'm proud to have contributed to, rather than something I'm afraid is still falling apart.

20:52.800 --> 21:10.654
And so in that vein, I want to recap my red pill presentation and also do another presentation about or another sort of swing at the fence with regard to really trying to see what was done to us and how this coordinated effort of narrative control on the internet

21:11.815 --> 21:17.662
Is likely to have been responsible for getting us here for running out the clock to 2024 almost 2025 and more importantly for for

21:25.677 --> 21:51.937
preserving the foundational biological myths upon which a RNA pandemic is most certainly built, but also upon which the Human Genome Project rests and billions of dollars in shuffling of money in the NIH rests upon these basic biological assumptions about what is true and what is known and how high and high fidelity and what degree that is known.

21:52.337 --> 21:55.100
And this is all an illusion that needs to be sustained

21:55.940 --> 22:05.947
And a friend of mine this morning made the observation, actually, that there are running out of people that are read in well enough to sustain the illusion.

22:06.721 --> 22:34.736
You can't just keep bringing new people on stage and sustain the illusion because then you have more and more and more people that need to know where all the holes are, need to know where all the traps are, need to know where all the, well, let's not talk about that kind of things are that basically serve as the foundation for a lot of what Mark Kulak does on Housatonic ITS and Housatonic Live and definitely form the foundation of what I do

22:35.356 --> 22:40.098
And that's why I start the program with a list of things that nobody talks about.

22:41.519 --> 23:02.108
And then you see that, you know, instead of saying something useful about those points, which I offer every time I can, and certainly at the beginning of every presentation that I do, these people will inevitably go to some previous incident or a previous example of me being less than gentlemanly or less than optimal.

23:03.309 --> 23:06.452
in my near psychotic state sometimes, because why?

23:06.652 --> 23:14.159
Because these people have worked together to put us all on extremely shaky psychological ground.

23:14.780 --> 23:22.988
Even Jordan Peterson said at the beginning of the pandemic already, he was as lost as the rest of us because in psychological disarray.

23:24.301 --> 23:33.948
And I think by fighting for the truth, by denying the certainty of people and questioning the certainty of people, I've actually preserved my sanity.

23:33.988 --> 23:50.100
Yes, at times I've been very angry and very frustrated, but I think one of the things that you should see as a red thread through this is that anybody that was genuinely fighting for the truth, anyone that had really seen an alien isn't going to be happy about the fact that they have to explain that for the rest of their lives.

23:52.344 --> 23:58.466
knowing that the alien may never come back, knowing that it may never manifest itself this way again.

23:59.847 --> 24:04.889
And so the I told you so moment, the I saw what I saw moment, it starts to fade.

24:05.089 --> 24:06.870
And so that's on purpose.

24:08.069 --> 24:22.298
And that's specifically what these people do, as they smear this mythology over the course of five years, instead of being essentially where I was in 2020, they are there now.

24:24.419 --> 24:35.766
And the culmination of this clownery is that Brett Weinstein had Jessica Rose on his podcast a couple days ago, they did a recording, and they essentially describe exactly where I was in 2020.

24:38.578 --> 24:47.329
with a lab leak and a Moderna patent and actually a Pitt professor meeting me for coffee to talk to me about the significance of that paper.

24:47.749 --> 24:48.991
This is not a joke.

24:49.491 --> 24:52.375
This is a very serious moment in history.

24:54.297 --> 24:56.119
Because they are talking about a paper.

24:57.048 --> 25:10.256
that I actually spoke to the author of, because he works at the University of Pittsburgh, and he explained to me the significance of it and what it meant, and kind of walked me through how it is that, what does this paper really mean to you?

25:10.296 --> 25:14.539
What does it mean in terms of it being a laboratory-created virus?

25:15.840 --> 25:20.803
And so, of course, I answered his questions over coffee, but I already was skeptical by that point.

25:21.543 --> 25:25.986
And so instead, what it was for me was really shocking how many names this guy dropped.

25:27.591 --> 25:30.513
and how little he was suffering in the lockdown.

25:31.894 --> 25:36.598
And what else he works on, which is breast cancer.

25:38.059 --> 25:51.770
And so he didn't wanna speak out publicly about it, but he was encouraging me to do it, but he didn't wanna really imply what the paper implied directly because he's got a lot of money and a lot of funding from clinical trials.

25:51.810 --> 25:53.932
He explained that over coffee to me.

25:55.613 --> 25:56.554
My wife was there.

25:58.820 --> 26:03.482
And so it is kinda like I've seen an alien and I'm not happy about it.

26:03.542 --> 26:09.804
I'm not happy that I have to keep telling people, no really dude, these people have all seeded this narrative.

26:09.864 --> 26:11.645
I do feel like I'm on a starship.

26:11.745 --> 26:16.167
I feel like I'm on another planet sometimes.

26:21.741 --> 26:25.804
And so this skillful social media use is exactly how I got to that other planet.

26:25.844 --> 26:26.845
That's how I got there.

26:26.925 --> 26:33.910
I fought these people, and I thought I was fighting with these people, and I was not fighting with these people.

26:34.310 --> 26:35.151
Oh, what happened here?

26:35.371 --> 26:36.291
I didn't load that yet.

26:36.972 --> 26:38.953
So this is going to stop for a second.

26:39.093 --> 26:39.874
Sorry about that.

26:40.034 --> 26:42.676
And I need to load these settings here.

26:43.357 --> 26:44.657
Ding, ding.

26:44.718 --> 26:47.800
And then that camera won't be focused, of course, because I'm a monkey.

26:48.874 --> 26:51.034
And I got started, I just had to push the button.

26:51.114 --> 26:54.015
Some of my friend, my friend is telling me I just have to push the button.

26:54.055 --> 26:55.295
So now I'm just pushing the button.

26:55.315 --> 27:01.276
And so sometimes some of these cameras are going to be out of focus or things are going to be the wrong way, but that's okay.

27:01.316 --> 27:02.517
I know how to fix these things.

27:02.577 --> 27:03.437
So that's good, right?

27:04.857 --> 27:13.839
And so yeah, social media use, you know, it's a, it's a thing that trapped me and I think it could trap our children permanently if we don't attack it full force.

27:14.959 --> 27:24.707
attack it as a weapon of governance, attack it as a weapon of the military, attack it as something that also needs active participants.

27:25.107 --> 27:39.398
You can't do it without these people, these acolytes, these people who are trained in the narrative well enough to know how to make it feel like there is a real knowledge being shared.

27:40.330 --> 27:47.235
and a real revelations being given, real insight that shouldn't be questioned, but just accepted.

27:47.835 --> 27:49.396
And that's what all these people did.

27:49.456 --> 27:51.157
And that's what these people continue to do.

27:51.737 --> 28:04.946
And it's as really as clowny as that sounds, because Steve Kirsch is somewhere on the internet today being paraded by Tess Laurie, that he's somehow finally said that vaccines cause autism because no one else could say it.

28:04.986 --> 28:05.726
It's weird.

28:06.647 --> 28:14.383
It's a weird time because again, as this social media performance goes on, I might have to stop it and start it again.

28:15.586 --> 28:17.810
As this social media performance goes on,

28:19.571 --> 28:27.756
What you really have is the slow roll titration to a truth and some truths at a time.

28:28.217 --> 28:36.943
And so while people are being distracted by the apparent pogrom that's happening in the Netherlands when certain soccer teams come to town,

28:37.964 --> 28:44.814
This narrative is slowly being rolled out where the old vaccine schedules aren't bad, but they may have some bad things in them.

28:46.056 --> 28:49.461
And the RNA shots might've been contaminated.

28:49.521 --> 28:52.765
So there is a what if or a and but.

28:54.249 --> 29:09.322
And that performance is still happening now, but it's inside of this carefully constructed debate with a careful timeline that gets us exactly where we want to be with the exact right sort of scope of understanding.

29:10.283 --> 29:18.268
And that relies on a few biological principles being accepted as canon, as indisputable facts.

29:18.328 --> 29:30.356
And that's why Brett Weinstein and Sam Harris and Kevin McKernan and Meryl Nass and all of these people that parade as experts are really important.

29:30.416 --> 29:32.438
Jessica Rose, these are all people that

29:33.038 --> 29:35.139
parade around with an expert opinion.

29:35.179 --> 29:37.119
They are the stunt riders.

29:37.600 --> 29:43.342
And because they can ride so awesomely inside of this sphere, you don't want to get on a motorcycle.

29:43.382 --> 29:47.263
You're not sure if you can do it, but riding in the sphere is not required.

29:48.263 --> 29:53.725
You don't need to ride in the sphere if you don't argue and answer their questions.

29:54.426 --> 29:55.246
And that's the trick.

29:56.218 --> 30:03.824
We have been fooled into answering their questions, to debating and arguing with them about what they want to argue about.

30:03.924 --> 30:15.392
And until Mark and I and Joe and Scott and a few other people have decided to redefine the argument, it has been very difficult to escape their narrative.

30:15.752 --> 30:18.795
And that's how these mythologies are created and sustained.

30:18.835 --> 30:20.256
And that's why it's so dangerous

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for X to exist, and locals, and telegram, and every one of these military programs is capable of generating whole mythologies, and people who understand them very well, and then can spread to other social media platforms to do the same thing.

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So at the Red Pill Conference, I was challenged by Edward Griffin to give a talk that fit the title, Germs and Viruses Don't Cause Diseases, Then What Does?

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I don't know if you know anybody else who would say, sure, I'll give a talk like that.

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But I felt like there was no way for me to say no to the opportunity to present.

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And then it just was a question of, what would be given to me to present?

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What ideas would come to my head and how would I answer this question?

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And I came up with the answer that healthy people don't get sick.

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and I came up with a 30,000 foot list of the things that I think healthy people have, and then if you're really honest about it, very few of us have any of these things in the quantity that we need.

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I will be very, very honest to say that it still hurts me every day that my brother doesn't talk to me, that my parents still, I don't know, I'm not happy about that.

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but I am very blessed with a loving marriage, and I'm very blessed with healthy children, although there's sore throat in the house right now, and I'm very blessed to have a couple dogs.

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But, you know, we have clean water because we have a seven stage reverse osmosis filter.

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But that's also something that you got to kind of have nowadays.

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And so clean food.

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I mean, I'm lucky that I have enough support so that we eat pretty well.

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We don't eat stuff out of boxes and bags in general.

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And a clean environment.

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Well, Pittsburgh is one of the worst air quality places in America because we live close to Ohio and Eastern Ohio ain't cool.

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The water here is not great because again, the industry that was here for all these years in the early history of America has made the soil kind of bad.

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So, you know, it's kind of like what Belgium did to the south of the Netherlands and parts of Germany.

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Exercising outdoors, you know, I play basketball, so I exercise indoors, but it's a big place and it's open.

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But exercise is important.

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But most of us, what can we say about that?

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For me, I took 20 years off.

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I couldn't hang on the rim until three weeks ago.

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And before that, it was 20 years I couldn't hang on the rim.

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And so, you know, we haven't been drinking clean water.

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If you drink out of a bottle, you're not drinking clean water.

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If you don't eat intentionally good food, you're not taking care of yourself.

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And some of us didn't take care of ourselves for 10 or 20 years, thinking that, you know, the laws and the FDA and the health agencies were protecting us from toxins in our food, toxins in our water, that would be crazy.

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I was drinking tap water in the Netherlands, that's ridiculous.

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And so, yeah, we have to understand first and foremost that the basis for our understanding of whatever healthy is, is already sick.

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Most of us have been in some stage of sickness or imperfect health, less than optimal our entire life.

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And those of us who are in optimal condition don't get sick.

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And I don't mean to say those of us as if I'm in optimal condition.

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I mean, those of us as in people around us.

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I am making a conscious choice not to use the word human anymore.

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I wanna talk about people.

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I wanna talk about little people and big people.

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I wanna talk about people because people are persons and individuals.

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And the moment you say human, it starts to sound like a species.

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And so I don't like team human anymore.

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I think I'm actually going to take, I'm human just like you out of there.

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I'm a person just like you is what I'm going to put.

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Because I do think that, gee, Edward Griffin is right.

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And we need to get back to this idea because we also have a personal responsibility to our creator.

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And that personal responsibility is something everybody's got to explore how that's gonna manifest for you.

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I'm not gonna evangelize any particular faith, but we have to find some way of finding humility in the face of what we have been given, in the face of what we have been provided, and start to become stewards of that world instead of whatever we're doing now.

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And that's how I'm starting to look at in terms of my family, and in terms of my faith, and in terms of my biology, and in terms of what I want to move forward.

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It is really important to understand that the love of family and friends can also be created on the internet.

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Not very many people came to the live GigaOM, but I tell you what, some of the people that came are in my heart in a way they would have never been in my heart had they not been in my house.

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had they not smelled the mess and seen it for whatever it isn't.

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I'm not ashamed of my broken trampoline and my unraked backyard and my hillbilly chicken coop.

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I'm very proud of my children and I'm proud of my wife and all the work that she put into a conference for almost nobody but

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Everybody that came had a really good time.

36:21.355 --> 36:25.738
And I think that when we organize another one, it's gonna be a lot, lot better.

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And it's gonna start with things like this.

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It's gonna start with this and people who already understand how to explain this.

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I don't need to be the expert on any of this stuff.

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I just need to be the coach to send you in the right direction.

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And so that's the idea behind what is a biology coach?

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What am I trying to become?

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Or what am I calling myself?

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I do consult for lawyers if I can,

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But as a person on the internet, I don't want to be a biology teacher.

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What I want to be is a guy who points you in the right direction, gives you the right exercises to do.

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And as a trainer, you can't do the exercise for anybody.

37:01.243 --> 37:05.747
And so it is my, I am obliged to set a good example, I think.

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And that's why I'm trying to start JC on the hardwood, because I do think that that's a great way for me to use what I'm already doing with my sons anyway.

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in the same way that I was trying to use my bike commute for JC on a bike.

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And so I really do see what has been given to me by this whole narrative serendipitously is this idea of an old biology versus a new biology.

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And the new biology 101 isn't even mine.

37:32.343 --> 37:32.743
It's great.

37:32.803 --> 37:35.366
I can lean on people like Buckminster Fuller

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to try and make the argument that if you wanna understand what biology really is and what life really is, then you're gonna have to start thinking in terms of aperiodic crystals and pattern integrities in a multi-layered code, both the architect's plan and the builder's materials and the builder's craft.

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And those kinds of descriptions and those kinds of foundational ideas will prevent

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the old biology from having the seductive nature that it does right now, which is that evolution can explain everything.

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And you won't have people like Brett Weinstein running around thinking that he's dunking on Dawkins because Dawkins seems to think that there are some limitations to what evolution can explain.

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And so life is a pattern integrity across time with a trajectory across time is basically the dunk that I kind of missed in the Red Pill Expo and Kathy on the soapbox nailed it.

38:40.105 --> 38:41.005
I didn't say it.

38:41.105 --> 38:43.586
I didn't enunciate what it really meant.

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And so in the Red Pill episode, I gave a couple of Red Pill presentations.

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I gave a couple examples of what I might have not started this one either.

38:52.868 --> 38:55.048
So let me just make sure that this one's also queued up.

39:01.764 --> 39:07.307
Um, that should put a little guy behind me and switch over there.

39:07.387 --> 39:08.067
That's perfect.

39:09.528 --> 39:11.689
And then, um, and then, um, yeah.

39:12.890 --> 39:18.512
So I tried to give a couple examples of the kinds of things that I can do as a biology coach.

39:18.553 --> 39:29.618
You know, I can, I can help us to find examples and think about examples where statistics can be manipulated and how statistics can be manipulated in the public eye.

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I can um Help us think about how models are limited and what limitations are on the models and why?

39:38.446 --> 39:45.091
it would be interesting to think about these models and those limitations and what would Why would those limitations be there?

39:45.212 --> 39:58.082
And so I gave an example of of water being part of every protein model I think everybody in the audience is already aware of of how um how interesting water is um and how

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potentially enabling water is at the molecular level because of its Lego-like structure.

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It's crystal in nature, even in liquid.

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Its tendency to be crystalline, even in liquid, gives it its surface tension properties and especially its properties on the smallest scale.

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And of course, with the presence of ions and the presence of proteins, which are of course polarized molecules as well,

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The potential for proteins to organize the water around them as part of their tertiary structure and the form and the function that they have is almost certain.

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And curiously enough, you can't find very many modeling people that are thinking on that level.

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And so again, if we can work on things like this that will help the average Joe biologist to be thinking at the scale, the time horizons, to see the pattern available to us, to know that the complication that we are trying to simplify is too complicated to simplify.

41:13.462 --> 41:25.997
And instead of trying to reach some kind of seductive, simplified model that allows you to make a product, we will simply be doing science on the basis of trying to appreciate the complexities and the beauty of creation.

41:27.125 --> 41:46.666
And so optogenetics is not a bio weapon is another thing that we can, you know, do episodes on where I can coach people so that when they listen to other presentations and they find other bit shoot people talking about how optogenetics is going to be used against us with a 5g weapon, you know, they can take that with a grain of salt that they themselves understand.

41:49.443 --> 41:54.924
And so at the Red Pill, that was my goal was starting with the Human Genome Project is ongoing.

41:55.004 --> 42:09.508
I wanted people to understand, number one, that what they achieved with the Human Genome Project in 2005 was a sort of first pass estimate as to how complicated the human genome was relative to other genomes they'd looked at.

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Also, a sort of first pass landmark mapping of a few genomes where once they had some level of correlation, they said, hey, look, it looks like there's some pattern.

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And in fact, the ideas that they then lauded as being obviously real were predictions that were made before we'd even found DNA.

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Even something like a telomere, for example, was a phenomenon that was predicted before.

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we really had a handle on the chemical structure of DNA.

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And that's pretty remarkable.

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And I don't think that that is an anecdotal observation, but rather it is something that I think establishes a pattern in how people have sought evidence of evolutionary theory explaining everything.

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Because that would mean then that it would be a revealed truth about our species and would be an excuse for a Well, it would be described as as the human species reaching a new level of understanding of itself

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And this argument was so seductive that when DNA was found, most of the people that were in that position were very ready and willing to write books and articles and go on the pulpit for the rest of their lives to say that, look, now we know for sure that evolution happened and God has revealed this to us.

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And so now it's sort of our responsibility to take this knowledge and use it wisely.

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And these illusions were created long ago by experiments that we now know are horribly limited and we know for a number of reasons, including the inbred mice experiments that we do in laboratories.

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All of these, these, these

44:13.962 --> 44:41.512
bibliographies, all of these huge, you know, I'm trying to think of the right word, bodies of work that are based in inbred mice have shown us the limitations of these and at the same time have bamboozled us into believing that genes play an outweighed role in understanding how these animals work, even though the experiments themselves don't suggest that.

44:42.153 --> 44:42.613
It is the

44:43.655 --> 44:53.007
It is the entire pile of experiments that makes the people that participate in the individual experiments imagine that that is implied.

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If a lot of people around the world are birdwatching under the pretense that birds are actually gods, then it would be very easy for any one person to go outside and watch birds and take notes and pray to the birds and then look over to their neighbor and see them doing the same thing.

45:15.088 --> 45:21.350
Then it's very, very difficult for a birdwatcher to realize that, oh wait, those are just birds and squirrels are the same.

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We could pray to squirrels too.

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And it's an illusion of consensus, but it's an illusion of consensus.

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It's created across different time horizons.

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And in science, the illusion of consensus about the primacy of DNA and the sort of watershed event that DNA and its discovery represents, that illusion of consensus is the essential cage that our

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that our understanding of ourselves is trapped in.

45:56.234 --> 46:06.086
And instead of thinking of us as individuals with our individual responsibility to do the best with the time we've been given, as Gandalf would say,

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we see ourselves as part of a bigger phenomenon with much less control over our destiny and not responsible for as much as we actually are as individual souls.

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And so I have also tried to point out then that human experiments actually require humans as experimental animals and that's what this really is all about.

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It's about making it so that the remnant streams that were already very profitable from Planned Parenthood to corporate hospitals selling all the leftovers from all the things that they do, anybody that wanted to buy them could buy them.

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I assure you, especially anything that is produced regularly or can be produced regularly, like foreskin or placenta,

47:02.520 --> 47:07.003
And they don't clip the placenta because they don't want the baby to get the cells.

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They want to throw the cells in the garbage.

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They clip the placenta so that the stem cells stay in the placenta and it can be sold.

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And cesarean section placentas may be even more valuable than post birth, post vaginal birth placentas because they can be significantly more preserved.

47:31.266 --> 47:36.271
I don't know that's true, but maybe somebody should validate that or verify that because that would be pretty creepy.

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And now we have remnants from COVID testing.

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And we specifically had millions of remnants from all the college kids that they tested in 2021.

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2020 and 2021.

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when any of these people that I was talking to, any of these people at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine could have realized that I was right and said, wow, we shouldn't start transfecting these kids.

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And we definitely should find out where the remnants of these tests are going.

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Because if somebody's making money,

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you know, wouldn't want to have a bunch of testing facilities come in business and go out of business in about a year and a half using EUA testing materials made in China and never really investigate whether any of those testing materials were produced in earnest because, you know, an EUA is just 10 pages of paperwork.

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It's a real pain in the butt, according to Kevin McKernan.

48:37.441 --> 48:45.318
And so explaining this at the Red Pill, you know, I knew what I wanted to say, but it's a long, it's a long shot explanation that people are gonna understand.

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And so that's why I started with this one.

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because I really do think that's the principle.

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If you want to understand why the vaccine schedule in America is particularly criminal, then you need to understand that life is a pattern integrity across time.

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And that's why I started drawing this, you know, this developmental cartoon with a sperm and an egg, and then, I don't know, a blastocyst or whatever it's called, and then a fetus, and then a baby.

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Because then, of course, after the baby, there's years of development where the brain is still vulnerable and the trajectory is still vulnerable.

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And the idea is, is that that trajectory, if you perturb it earlier and earlier, then you are forever off course in a much more drastic way.

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And smaller perturbances earlier in a trajectory can have much more profound happenings than if you say, use drugs when you're 25.

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One of the absolute hard truths that I used to say to my high school kids in Chicago, believe it or not, I used to have this thing where I used to tell the high school kids that we could have an off the air moment where, you know, what we say in the classroom is in the classroom.

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Nobody can swear, can't talk about, you know, people, but we can talk about ideas.

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And one of the things we talked about was drug use.

50:06.493 --> 50:09.115
And I just said, well, I'm a biologist, so I'll just be frank with you.

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I think your brain is on serious developmental trajectory until you're about 24, maybe 22.

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And so my recommendation to you as a teenager would be that you don't use any drugs at all.

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And you try very hard to keep your body as pure as possible until you're around 25.

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And at that stage, you'll be significantly less vulnerable to long-term changes that you can't reverse.

50:34.397 --> 50:35.278
That's the truth.

50:36.579 --> 50:38.160
Do we ever tell that to children?

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Do we ever tell kids that?

50:41.223 --> 50:44.466
That, you know, it wouldn't be that big a deal if you just waited till you were 25.

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Imagine how many problems we would solve if we just told kids the truth.

50:52.990 --> 51:04.774
And the truth is, is that if you are a pattern integrity with a trajectory across time, as we understand the development of an animal, we understand the development of the brain and we'd study it really hard on the academic bench.

51:05.394 --> 51:19.598
But are you telling me that not one academic scientist in America could have come up with the idea that, well, even if these shots are okay for grandma, I don't know if we know enough about them to know they're okay for kids or for pregnant women.

51:22.503 --> 51:24.785
But somehow or another, we weren't able to get there.

51:25.966 --> 51:27.207
Nobody was but me.

51:28.168 --> 51:29.809
Nobody's still there but me.

51:31.110 --> 51:42.079
And that's remarkable because we have a whole host of people who are representing themselves as experts in various fields of biology, various fields of molecular biology.

51:42.459 --> 51:51.467
We have even somebody who says computational, mathematic biology, computational biology, immunology, molecular biology, and she can't get there either.

51:55.782 --> 52:18.952
And that's the dunk that I missed in the talk, because intramuscular injection, the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin, at the very least, a biological argument could be made immediately, could have been made 10 years ago, that let's not push shots earlier and earlier in the development of our infants.

52:20.350 --> 52:26.675
Let's not push shots into the development fetus time in a pregnant woman.

52:29.158 --> 52:46.953
And it's remarkable to me that the argument that, you know, remember, you're not allowed to have sushi or unpasteurized cheese, but you're allowed to have a transfection or a flu shot or Tylenol

52:52.503 --> 53:09.468
Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection being the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin means that putting 12 shots before six months old of combinations of toxins into the muscle of our kids is criminal.

53:11.029 --> 53:13.490
And you don't need to write a big thick book about that.

53:14.130 --> 53:15.070
That's a pamphlet.

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That's a business card.

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And for an academic biologist, there should be thousands of them here by now.

53:25.451 --> 53:43.748
If it wasn't for the exquisite illusion of consensus on television and social media that is sustained by a chorus of acolytes well-trained in where the weaknesses of this illusion are, and with very bright lights to shine elsewhere.

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That's why I keep saying that we gotta be very, very wary of obviously the people who say that vaccines are good because they're not, they don't make sense.

53:58.736 --> 54:02.878
Once we started doing it intramuscularly, it did not make sense anymore.

54:05.559 --> 54:08.760
Even if the other ones didn't work or whatever, that's a different argument.

54:08.820 --> 54:14.863
What I'm honing in on is intramuscular injection of a combination of substances cannot be medicine.

54:17.776 --> 54:23.402
Vaccines contain toxins called adjuvants suggests that the rest of the stuff in a vaccine's okay.

54:27.667 --> 54:35.195
This is a terrible, terrible argument that Brett Weinstein has been making and others like Aaron Seery and all of them.

54:36.800 --> 54:38.182
They are exempt from liability.

54:38.202 --> 54:39.283
They absolutely are.

54:39.343 --> 54:43.949
There's no question that they are, but it is not an argument on the way out.

54:44.009 --> 54:50.216
The way out is, is that on its face, these ideas are dumb and that makes them criminal.

54:52.339 --> 54:56.384
And if that means that they've been criminal for 20 years, that's the way it is, ladies and gentlemen.

54:58.280 --> 55:01.082
New vaccines are also untested and exempt.

55:01.523 --> 55:02.984
These are other hamster wheels.

55:03.064 --> 55:07.547
These are other motorcycle cages that we're being tricked into riding in.

55:09.849 --> 55:12.271
Because the reality is, is RNA cannot pandemic.

55:12.291 --> 55:16.594
An intramuscular injection of a combination of stuff is pretty silly.

55:18.556 --> 55:21.738
So the components of that, some of them are bad.

55:21.779 --> 55:24.581
The DNA is bad, but the lipid nanoparticle isn't.

55:25.742 --> 55:27.203
The endotoxin isn't.

55:29.773 --> 55:32.855
The FDA is corrupt, but it could be fixed by the right people.

55:32.955 --> 55:41.101
Robert Malone just proposed a draft proposal of a draft that's not for any particular organization, although he listed a few of the organizations that he's not working for.

55:42.803 --> 55:46.345
It's like the Benny Hill Show and the music is playing right now.

55:46.445 --> 55:47.526
The food in the USA is bad.

55:47.546 --> 55:47.926
No kidding.

55:58.626 --> 55:59.546
The water's dirty.

55:59.647 --> 56:01.047
No kidding, really?

56:01.327 --> 56:01.788

56:02.868 --> 56:03.128

56:04.029 --> 56:08.231
Doesn't change the fact that intramuscular injection of kids is a terrible idea.

56:09.012 --> 56:10.532
Probably the worst idea.

56:10.632 --> 56:16.476
Again, because we are pattern integrities with a trajectory through time that used to matter.

56:18.016 --> 56:27.962
The pregnant woman used to be something that we cherished as the most amazing manifestation of humanity, of personhood in the universe.

56:29.372 --> 56:36.334
No makeup, no creams, no unpasteurized cheese, no sushi.

56:43.156 --> 56:44.736
I'm friends with this guy.

56:44.836 --> 56:46.476
He's never lied to me.

56:47.657 --> 56:51.958
It's very possible, just like the bear story in the park.

56:53.114 --> 57:06.022
that he's just extremely influenceable, a smart, articulate man who can be easily influenced by a room of people working him, just like I can be influenced by a group of people working me.

57:06.762 --> 57:09.864
And all of us can be influenced by a group of people working me.

57:10.285 --> 57:13.246
Donald Trump could be influenced by a group of people working him.

57:17.369 --> 57:22.292
But at some point, we have to stop absolving these people of responsibility for being worked.

57:29.383 --> 57:30.924
And so we have to give them a sword.

57:30.944 --> 57:32.865
I thought I redid this slide.

57:32.945 --> 57:36.086
I'm going to hit advance once.

57:36.106 --> 57:37.087
I thought I redid that slide.

57:37.107 --> 57:37.847
Hold on a second.

57:37.967 --> 57:38.688
Let me check that.

57:38.748 --> 57:39.328
Is that also coming up?

57:56.766 --> 57:57.167
It's not.

57:57.248 --> 57:57.749
Oh yeah, it is.

57:57.810 --> 57:58.331
It's way up here.

57:58.351 --> 57:58.652

57:58.672 --> 57:59.234
So that's good.

57:59.555 --> 58:00.780
I didn't, it's okay.

58:02.124 --> 58:02.947
So, um,

58:04.946 --> 58:14.390
Just to be sure, you know, in the Netherlands, it was last week, somebody had to go up on stage, some minister of health or whatever.

58:14.990 --> 58:23.693
And she basically explained that a lot of her actions during the pandemic and even some of her dishonesty was because she was under NATO restrictions.

58:23.753 --> 58:25.994
She had to follow the NATO protocol.

58:26.054 --> 58:28.375
And once you're on the NATO protocol, that's what you do.

58:28.915 --> 58:31.296
And some of the NATO protocol was the messaging.

58:35.228 --> 58:41.193
She just said that in front of the parliament in the Netherlands.

58:42.614 --> 58:49.500
And so we need to give the weapon of intramuscular vaccination being wrong.

58:49.520 --> 58:56.486
We need to give the weapon that the government should be held to strict scrutiny when depriving citizens of fundamental rights so that they can take down the PrEP Act

58:58.897 --> 59:09.741
on a facial challenge and so that we can take down the vaccine mandate and liability protections on the concept that the biology is wrong.

59:11.821 --> 59:12.382
It's dumb.

59:14.002 --> 59:18.504
You can't inject toxins into people and then call it medicine and get away with it.

59:19.344 --> 59:20.944
And we can't let it happen anymore.

59:22.545 --> 59:26.766
This has to be the last generation of our children that are

59:29.016 --> 59:31.918
damaged by this machine.

59:32.879 --> 59:50.830
And the way we do it is we teach them biology 101, the new biology 101 that will make them love their child and see their child and see their pregnant spouse in a way that they should be seen as perfect and fearful on birth.

59:53.376 --> 01:00:04.046
And another crucial thing for people to understand is that they can't touch RNA, cannot pandemic, because once they, once you figure out how to win, you don't need me anymore.

01:00:05.127 --> 01:00:10.352
All you got to do is dive into any biology book and find out all the magic of DNA.

01:00:11.497 --> 01:00:35.925
Read about all and find all the videos of people talking about how cool DNA is, how cool DNA is, how cool the enzymes around DNA are, how amazing telomeres are, and all the proteins that are around DNA to stabilize it, and how those proteins are opened and closed, and what epigenetic modification is.

01:00:36.505 --> 01:00:37.966
Think about all those things.

01:00:39.222 --> 01:00:48.629
until you listed them all and then double-checked them all and then realized that RNA has absolutely none of them.

01:00:49.110 --> 01:00:49.430

01:00:50.010 --> 01:00:50.991
Is that only on one side?

01:00:52.552 --> 01:00:52.812
It is.

01:00:52.832 --> 01:00:55.334

01:00:56.495 --> 01:00:57.676
Did I hit the balance funny?

01:00:59.938 --> 01:01:01.018
Let me see what's going on there.

01:01:03.500 --> 01:01:04.801
Okay, it doesn't matter.

01:01:05.281 --> 01:01:05.762
That's all right.

01:01:06.102 --> 01:01:07.303
It's probably this thing here.

01:01:08.376 --> 01:01:09.076
being a little out.

01:01:11.177 --> 01:01:11.637
There it is.

01:01:12.958 --> 01:01:14.058
So that's the thing, right?

01:01:14.638 --> 01:01:18.440
You can also just think of a few things like I talked about in the red pill episode.

01:01:19.060 --> 01:01:26.242
telomeres, for example, are these things at the end of DNA, and they have to be there because you can't copy all the way to the end of DNA.

01:01:26.283 --> 01:01:28.543
But somehow you can copy all the way to the end of RNA.

01:01:29.944 --> 01:01:30.084

01:01:31.909 --> 01:01:35.290
Because if you can't copy all the way to the end of RNA, you have a big problem.

01:01:35.310 --> 01:01:35.951
Why is that?

01:01:35.991 --> 01:01:43.394
Well, because when they put these RNAs into their cell cultures, you don't get a lot of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

01:01:43.434 --> 01:01:45.455
That's at the end of the genome, apparently.

01:01:45.475 --> 01:01:47.335
And so you get a lot of the first genes.

01:01:48.056 --> 01:01:52.698
And then as you get farther and farther in the genome, you actually get less and less of those copies.

01:01:53.658 --> 01:01:56.679
So that's the other weird thing about all this literature.

01:01:56.719 --> 01:01:58.660
We could talk about it until the cows come home.

01:01:58.700 --> 01:02:01.280
The RNA replication problem, it just doesn't make any sense.

01:02:01.920 --> 01:02:08.522
Kevin McKernan says that the reason why you have so many more spike protein messenger RNAs is because you need so many more spike proteins.

01:02:08.542 --> 01:02:10.343
And that's why you also have more N protein.

01:02:10.865 --> 01:02:25.281
and you have far less RNA dependent RNA polymerase genes or RNAs present, but that just, it just keeps asking the question, okay, but then how do you get full genomes to get packaged and coughed out into the, it doesn't, it doesn't work.

01:02:26.262 --> 01:02:32.029
And of course, any debate about that will instantly have to come back to the first point, which is that, but RNA is not even DNA.

01:02:33.789 --> 01:02:38.413
You're already working under the assumption that you're not making errors, that there's no proofreading.

01:02:38.433 --> 01:02:42.056
You're making the assumption that proofreading exists because of Remdesivir.

01:02:44.798 --> 01:02:49.282
If you don't understand that reference, you know, it's probably because you haven't been watching me for very long.

01:02:49.322 --> 01:02:59.690
But Remdesivir and the papers that describe the mechanism of Remdesivir are primarily the literature base of this concept that coronaviruses have proofreading ability.

01:03:00.677 --> 01:03:05.803
And the proofreading ability makes them be able to sustain such big, such big genomes.

01:03:05.864 --> 01:03:14.454
I'm sorry, but I actually am moving more and more toward the idea that they are covering up a whole space of

01:03:16.132 --> 01:03:16.672
of release.

01:03:16.933 --> 01:03:37.046
In other words, if they tell us a story about self-replicating RNA molecules that are in fat bubbles that look a lot like a lipid nanoparticle with some protein on the outside, if they tell us elaborate stories about these being in the wild, at the same time that they're releasing them and tweaking them and measuring them and watching them go,

01:03:37.870 --> 01:03:40.292
then we think that, well, there's stuff coming out of bat caves.

01:03:40.332 --> 01:03:42.994
Oh, there's stuff leaking out of viruses or out of laboratories.

01:03:43.054 --> 01:03:54.223
In reality, these people are in the midst of a long Earth-wide experiment on how is it that these RNA signals and packet information on the genetic level are transmitted between people?

01:03:54.603 --> 01:03:55.644
Can we hijack it?

01:03:55.704 --> 01:03:56.544
Can we track it?

01:03:56.604 --> 01:03:58.526
Can we see the evolution of these signals?

01:04:00.728 --> 01:04:14.273
And if these are the questions they're actually asking, then you would need a very select number of acolytes that could go out there and talk about gain of function viruses and how they're real, but you know, we weren't sequencing for them and PCR works, I'm a master, I do it in weed.

01:04:17.494 --> 01:04:23.016
And give all of the cover for RNA being able to do something it definitely can't do.

01:04:24.877 --> 01:04:27.458
So that they can cover the release of RNA.

01:04:29.465 --> 01:04:32.826
the testing of RNA already is occurring.

01:04:33.426 --> 01:04:36.447
That's now how I feel, that that's what they're covering up.

01:04:36.687 --> 01:04:43.949
It is an active covering up of a deployment of a technology and also the active covering up the recycling of old technology.

01:04:45.069 --> 01:04:56.432
That's what the infectious clones problem is all about because actually I've just realized right now as I'm talking that infectious clones in the literature provides

01:04:57.952 --> 01:05:15.080
beyond a doubt proof that all of these technologies that were rolled out as countermeasures and that are probably gonna be granted and are applying for new patents are applying for new patents on very old, well-known, widely understood ideas and concepts.

01:05:17.020 --> 01:05:24.804
And that may be one of the primary roles of these people in seeding the narrative of a gain of function RNA

01:05:25.945 --> 01:05:47.629
free-ranging the world was to make sure that these new technologies that were being rolled out were accepted as new, accepted as patentable instead of things that were definitely not patentable because they were DARPA technologies already being tested in Moderna trials for a long time, published in Moderna trials.

01:05:47.669 --> 01:05:48.709
So we all know about it.

01:05:48.729 --> 01:05:49.510
We all knew about it.

01:05:49.570 --> 01:05:50.990
It's used on the academic bench.

01:05:52.031 --> 01:05:54.893
Adenovirus transformation is used on the academic bench.

01:05:54.953 --> 01:05:56.254
It was used by me for years.

01:05:58.196 --> 01:06:02.099
So rolling it out as AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson was absurd.

01:06:02.159 --> 01:06:02.880
It's not new.

01:06:03.260 --> 01:06:05.702
There were no patentable ideas there.

01:06:06.883 --> 01:06:08.124
Think about that for a minute.

01:06:10.085 --> 01:06:18.132
No patentable ideas for sure in the adenoviruses because that is a very tried and true, still being used technology on the bench today.

01:06:19.513 --> 01:06:20.654
So that's the one they burned.

01:06:22.039 --> 01:06:22.863
They burnt that one.

01:06:22.903 --> 01:06:24.330
They said, oh yeah, that one's not working.

01:06:24.370 --> 01:06:25.837
It's got a lot of bad side effects.

01:06:27.318 --> 01:06:37.124
The same exact side effects that transfection was expected to have, but it was gonna be harder to detect because they probably rolled out a lot of placebos so that they could meet any manufacturing quota.

01:06:37.284 --> 01:06:40.966
And more importantly, they would only have to pay attention to a limited spectrum of people.

01:06:41.326 --> 01:06:42.767
They already knew how to do this.

01:06:42.847 --> 01:06:54.854
The American vaccine lots are all scrambled across the United States with the specific idea of not potentially alarming everybody if an event were to take place in one locale.

01:06:56.696 --> 01:07:01.164
Also, just the truth that none of these people want to talk about.

01:07:01.184 --> 01:07:07.475
They want to talk about the gain of function virus with the 19 nucleotides that I had coffee with the author about in 2021.

01:07:14.622 --> 01:07:30.015
And so if I'm right about these things, that RNA cannot pandemic, that intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin, that we are pattern integrities with a trajectory through time, that the Human Genome Project has just begun, then we have a chance.

01:07:31.075 --> 01:07:31.976
This is the door.

01:07:33.477 --> 01:07:35.899
You don't need, nobody needs to give me credit.

01:07:35.919 --> 01:07:37.221
You need to write your own books.

01:07:37.241 --> 01:07:38.802
You need to write your own sub stacks.

01:07:38.882 --> 01:07:42.445
Explore how these, try to debunk these ideas.

01:07:43.991 --> 01:07:44.632
and we will win.

01:07:45.912 --> 01:07:48.174
Make these ideas sharper and we will win.

01:07:48.254 --> 01:07:57.101
And now I know, I know, I know, I know, I know that a lot of people say they get tired of this, but I never get tired of this because this is my therapy.

01:07:58.242 --> 01:08:02.085
This is how I convince myself every day that Papa is not crazy.

01:08:03.446 --> 01:08:07.048
But Robert Malone was around from the very beginning, but didn't come out until 2020.

01:08:07.569 --> 01:08:10.511
And now he's here telling us how we should reform our FDA.

01:08:10.691 --> 01:08:11.452
Ha, ha, ha.

01:08:12.591 --> 01:08:14.733
And he's said basically all of these things.

01:08:17.636 --> 01:08:20.538
That's why I call team intellectual property team, Robert Malone.

01:08:20.578 --> 01:08:31.188
What they're really doing, what they're really doing is what GigaOM exposed that the investigational vaccines are actually old technologies known previously as transformation and transfection.

01:08:31.228 --> 01:08:32.890
They were on Robert Malone's resume.

01:08:33.470 --> 01:08:38.535
And you can find that courtesy of Mark Kulak, Housatonic ITS, Housatonic Live.

01:08:41.030 --> 01:08:58.594
After Byron Bridle released the Japan FOIA documents in June of 2021, subject matter expert on transformation and transfection, Robert Malone was surgically inserted into the social media networks of the skeptical dissidents via Joe Rogan and Brett Weinstein, where he called them gene therapies.

01:09:01.027 --> 01:09:15.116
a twofold enchantment because gene therapies makes them not old transfection and transformation technologies, and it also makes them therapies right away instead of what they are, which is transfections and transformations.

01:09:17.958 --> 01:09:30.606
And their role was to coordinate an effort to obfuscate the relationship to previous likely military intellectual property by propelling and protecting a narrative of a novel laboratory pathogen going endemic.

01:09:34.080 --> 01:09:36.242
That's, I think, the best summary of what was done to us.

01:09:37.483 --> 01:09:42.046
It doesn't matter if you like Joe Rogan or Brett Weinstein, they might not even know what they did.

01:09:44.287 --> 01:09:50.872
I don't think everybody who's involved knows what was done, but they know for sure they're on the winning team.

01:09:52.012 --> 01:09:54.614
And I can give you lots of examples of that in this talk.

01:09:56.656 --> 01:10:02.660
We have seen, for example, that Mary Holland was inserted very early in the narrative in the same year that the

01:10:03.484 --> 01:10:12.528
The paper with Ralph Baric and Shengli Shi, where they did the gain of function of SARS, was published.

01:10:12.608 --> 01:10:17.390
She was very specific that it is a component of the vaccines and that the vaccines are not tested.

01:10:17.410 --> 01:10:23.833
There was no biological challenge of the principle in general, which is again what I am arguing we need to do.

01:10:25.146 --> 01:10:35.614
I wanna bring this truth to these people and I just don't believe that these are the people that will accept it because they were already a part of this limited spectrum of debate.

01:10:35.654 --> 01:10:38.937
That's why Rand Paul was there in 2015 on the same program.

01:10:40.198 --> 01:10:45.061
That's why they had some random Jewish lawyer talking about anti-vaccine people as being nuts.

01:10:46.483 --> 01:10:51.867
That's why they also had taught Paul Offit on that same program selling his second book.

01:10:52.932 --> 01:10:59.986
and why Paul Offit is exactly the same guy we're still arguing with on TWIV and still heading the ACIP.

01:11:02.591 --> 01:11:04.093
Because that's how this is done.

01:11:06.946 --> 01:11:12.451
And these people should not be leading us out of the pandemic unless it's by design.

01:11:12.931 --> 01:11:24.322
A guy who stood in front of a contagious infectious disease today talking about Arbo viruses at a world vaccine summit should not be talking to us as a dissident emu farmer today.

01:11:26.952 --> 01:11:35.394
unless it's by design, unless we are actually still trapped inside of the limited spectrum of debate that this guy also defines.

01:11:36.154 --> 01:11:48.537
James Lyons Weiler is a guy who has advocated for the genetic screening of all children to find the genetic vulnerabilities to the specific components of vaccines to make the vaccine schedule safe.

01:11:49.777 --> 01:11:55.218
So he does not understand that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances doesn't make sense.

01:11:56.752 --> 01:11:57.512
And there's a reason.

01:11:57.873 --> 01:11:59.533
It's because that's by design.

01:12:00.254 --> 01:12:07.797
This illusion of consensus can be broken in a heartbeat because we can finally enunciate what the problem is.

01:12:08.657 --> 01:12:14.380
That intramuscular injection of a combination of substances is almost impossible to rationalize medically.

01:12:17.662 --> 01:12:25.045
Unless your goal is to gain complete control and eliminate sovereignty of the population.

01:12:26.198 --> 01:12:36.304
so that the most egregious violation of your body is normalized 12 times before six months old.

01:12:38.165 --> 01:12:53.794
This guy was in place at the beginning of the pandemic to say the same thing that Jessica Rose said a couple of days ago on Brett Weinstein's podcast, that there's an interesting 19 nucleotide insert that has a fear and cleavage site that might mean it was

01:12:54.813 --> 01:12:56.215
it might mean it was a lab leak.

01:12:57.076 --> 01:12:58.457
But PCR works great.

01:13:01.181 --> 01:13:02.222
And that's by design.

01:13:03.240 --> 01:13:27.908
The same reason it's by design that somebody that worked at the Human Genome Project named Kevin McKernan was on all kinds of podcasts in 2020 talking specifically about the FDA getting in the way and how PCR works, that's why he's testing pot, and why he wrote a paper with somebody like Claire Craig who was on the 100,000 Genomes Project before the pandemic collecting genomes as a diagnostic.

01:13:29.437 --> 01:13:31.138
It's all the same narrative.

01:13:31.638 --> 01:13:44.922
You can go to my Batcave channel and see those three videos of Kevin McKernan that I've archived there and see the story being told in real time and then find out and understand why it's so extraordinary what he said.

01:13:44.982 --> 01:13:47.643
PCR works, just not the way the WHO did it.

01:13:48.923 --> 01:13:57.146
It's probably not as novel as Tony claims, but it's definitely there because apparently RNA can do the same things that DNA can do according to the Human Genome Project guy.

01:13:58.482 --> 01:13:59.923
And he's testing weed for SARS-2.

01:13:59.963 --> 01:14:01.364
That's what he says.

01:14:03.265 --> 01:14:10.529
Claire Craig was in place in the beginning of the pandemic to tell us that PCR testing is a trade-off a lot like restaurant food is.

01:14:11.750 --> 01:14:14.252
That if you want it fast, it's not gonna be as tasty.

01:14:14.632 --> 01:14:16.713
If you want it fast, it's not gonna be as cheap.

01:14:18.014 --> 01:14:20.275
But you can get cheap and fast and it won't be very good.

01:14:20.615 --> 01:14:24.998
You can get cheap and tasty, but then it's not gonna be fast.

01:14:25.038 --> 01:14:27.760
And she actually explained that relative to PCR.

01:14:29.525 --> 01:14:39.928
accepting the novel virus that endangered millions and completely ignoring the murder that was going on in Scotland and the UK around the very place she's from.

01:14:41.349 --> 01:14:44.270
She calls herself an AI optimistic skeptic.

01:14:49.391 --> 01:14:53.793
That was extremely appropriate how slow that tempo was.

01:14:57.031 --> 01:15:05.656
And so yes, I think it's really important to focus on the fact that I think this was a coordinated operation that the Dutch government admitted it might have been a NATO coordinated operation.

01:15:06.077 --> 01:15:12.521
And now if we get into DITRA and the fact that DITRA is with the State Department, and the fact that this is a DITRA agent,

01:15:14.338 --> 01:15:16.401
Now things are starting to make a little more sense.

01:15:16.461 --> 01:15:26.056
The fact that Charles Rixey, a former Marine working on some kind of State Department level stuff, was actually saying he got invited to his ranch.

01:15:26.276 --> 01:15:28.380
This is all not anecdotal anymore.

01:15:29.738 --> 01:15:34.624
It's not anecdotal that at the same time he says, George Webb is a bad guy.

01:15:34.684 --> 01:15:45.057
George Webb was on 60 Minutes, obviously a bad guy, and does a podcast after the Brett Weinstein show with Paul Cuttrell, the hero of George Webb.

01:15:45.398 --> 01:15:47.120
They are all one network.

01:15:47.180 --> 01:15:48.682
It's an admission over time.

01:15:49.773 --> 01:16:00.180
Because it's a very small group of people that can keep this ship on narrative, that can avoid the pitfalls, can avoid the obvious illusion that RNA can't pandemic.

01:16:00.240 --> 01:16:03.662
It's only a few people that are capable of doing it.

01:16:03.702 --> 01:16:07.245
And that's why the same people have gone around the world with him for six years.

01:16:09.175 --> 01:16:18.878
That's why people associated with him on the Tommy podcast are also associated with breaking up the original Doctors for COVID Ethic group formed by Stephen Frost.

01:16:19.638 --> 01:16:28.421
The only group that has consistently supported my work by asking me to come back by posting my videos, Panda has not done that.

01:16:28.481 --> 01:16:31.882
Panda I presented three times and Panda has none of those videos up.

01:16:32.803 --> 01:16:36.944
Michael Palmer's Doctors group I presented this year and they lost that video.

01:16:38.243 --> 01:16:43.609
CHD has hidden my podcast behind Robert Malone's name on Spotify.

01:16:45.051 --> 01:16:49.796
And these are all statements you can verify that mean one thing and one thing only.

01:16:50.477 --> 01:16:53.380
That I have something that these people do not want you to hear.

01:16:55.836 --> 01:17:12.973
That's why Robert Malone and Steven Hatfield and Brett Weinstein and Jessica Rose and Denny Rancourt and Nick Hudson were all on the same stage in Romania at the end in November of 2023.

01:17:13.013 --> 01:17:13.454
It is a NATO

01:17:17.631 --> 01:17:21.833
Five eyes, internationally coordinated, big pharma coordinated.

01:17:21.893 --> 01:17:26.856
We are threatening the IP of the next 20 years here, ladies and gentlemen.

01:17:28.557 --> 01:17:44.947
We are threatening the model of pharmaceuticals for the next 20 years, ladies and gentlemen, if we bring transfection and transformation back to 2019, where they are known and tested and widely distributed.

01:17:46.184 --> 01:17:50.587
methodologies that are way past the possibility of being patented.

01:17:54.210 --> 01:17:56.172
That's the illusion these people are protecting.

01:17:56.212 --> 01:17:57.813
That's why they get paid so much money.

01:17:57.853 --> 01:18:05.539
It's probably private money from the people that have a vested interest in these patentable, non-patentable debates not occurring.

01:18:06.700 --> 01:18:12.985
Callahan called, but he already had a review written with Rickey, who now has a paper with Jessica Rose.

01:18:14.884 --> 01:18:20.327
The whole thing that happened at the CHD inaugural conference was very terrifying in retrospect.

01:18:22.047 --> 01:18:22.868
But we are here now.

01:18:24.128 --> 01:18:35.353
We are here where music videos with this guy and all these other guys like JP with the long red hair, they're all in these videos together because they are all part of the same.

01:18:40.856 --> 01:18:42.697
They are all part of the same military PSYOP.

01:18:43.666 --> 01:18:47.970
And I don't like to use that phrase because people dismiss it, but that's essentially what it is.

01:18:48.030 --> 01:18:51.094
It's a military style PSYOP, but it's probably not militaries.

01:18:51.914 --> 01:18:55.238
It's probably ex-funded or Palantir funded.

01:18:57.093 --> 01:18:59.296
Because that's what these kinds of people do.

01:18:59.356 --> 01:19:01.778
They put together a little group, they spin their team up.

01:19:02.359 --> 01:19:05.743
Maybe that's what Robert Malone was actually meaning when he said he spun his team up.

01:19:05.783 --> 01:19:17.357
It had nothing to do with spinning a team up that was going to use AI and X-ray crystallography models of two viral proteins to scan the entire FDA catalog of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals for re-

01:19:17.857 --> 01:19:21.239
repurposed drugs, he spun up his team to control the narrative.

01:19:21.279 --> 01:19:30.865
And that's why that guy that we just saw storming through the door with Robert Malone is also on only Australian TV acting normal and American TV acts ridiculous.

01:19:30.905 --> 01:19:33.787
And that's why because they're all working for the same show.

01:19:35.408 --> 01:19:38.450
It's convincing the world that America equals Israel.

01:19:38.510 --> 01:19:40.471
And so we might as well just destroy that place.

01:19:41.544 --> 01:19:44.806
that America is responsible for the virus, so we might as well just destroy that.

01:19:44.846 --> 01:19:45.787
Screw those people.

01:19:46.487 --> 01:19:48.308
If they elect Donald, screw those people.

01:19:49.069 --> 01:19:50.830
That's what they want the world to believe.

01:19:50.850 --> 01:19:53.732
That's what I think Robert Malone would love the world to believe.

01:19:54.973 --> 01:20:08.642
But then he made a crucial error, which was an admission that I've been waiting for for almost two years now, that actually him and this military operation include the mice and the other animals on social media.

01:20:10.250 --> 01:20:23.656
The mice on social media are accounts that are used by people, maybe same people, maybe other people that are employed to create illusions of consensus and create conversations and arguments that would otherwise never occur.

01:20:25.578 --> 01:20:33.403
to make it look like people are paying attention to people's posts, to give people fake people to subscribe to and fake people to argue with.

01:20:33.443 --> 01:20:37.585
And that's what Kevin McCarran represents to me, fake people to argue with.

01:20:38.005 --> 01:20:47.971
There's no other way to explain why he and Paul Cuttrell invited me on five consecutive podcasts in March of 2020 to talk about all of this stuff.

01:20:49.070 --> 01:20:55.797
There's no other way to explain it except for one way and one way only, and that is because it was part of the operation from the very beginning.

01:20:56.337 --> 01:21:01.922
And that's why Addy Adds was in there, another guy associated with George Webb before the pandemic.

01:21:01.942 --> 01:21:04.385
I don't know if it's the FBI and DITRA working together.

01:21:04.745 --> 01:21:08.208
I don't know who these people are, but I know for sure that it's all one team.

01:21:08.809 --> 01:21:24.480
And this is an admission by Robert Malone on the 8th of November, because by posting that video by an anonymous mouse, and it was a video composed of clips taken from Kevin McCairn and Charles Rixey, where they are doing one of their hundreds of hours of streams against me.

01:21:25.041 --> 01:21:31.926
Now, we did watch this video already with Meredith, so I don't think we need to watch it here, but it's important to know that that video may already be gone.

01:21:32.677 --> 01:21:38.621
That Substack article may already be deleted because of the show that I did with Meredith, because of the way that it makes them look.

01:21:39.582 --> 01:21:45.807
This is an admission that this pruda, this stuff is produced by the same people.

01:21:46.932 --> 01:21:49.574
It is one network of people.

01:21:49.714 --> 01:21:54.237
Jiki Leaks is part of the same network that Panda and Heart are a part of.

01:21:54.698 --> 01:22:06.026
And yes, there are good people in those organizations, but at the top, they are sabotaged by people like Claire Craig, by people like Jonathan Engler, by people like Jessica Hockett, by people like Nick Hudson.

01:22:07.688 --> 01:22:17.557
Nick tries his best to try and be my friend, but he's not my friend because he won't say these very simple biological truths like RNA cannot pandemic.

01:22:17.637 --> 01:22:18.118
It can't.

01:22:22.702 --> 01:22:23.303
And so, you know,

01:22:24.867 --> 01:22:40.593
Some people were mad because she didn't say, um, or she was so rehearsed, but you know, she's been working hard across the pandemic, trying to break people free of this idea of mass psychosis or the idea that they're responsible for what occurred when we know that this was done to us.

01:22:42.096 --> 01:22:45.177
And I really feel like Meredith is who she says she is.

01:22:45.217 --> 01:22:53.038
And I'm very happy that Robert Malone's team was so silly to have used her and so silly to be kind of making a joke.

01:22:53.118 --> 01:23:07.661
So naively using a clip that I actually created specifically for them, the hat clip, using this very awesome clip of Mark Kulak saying that if you don't say murder, then what are we really talking?

01:23:07.801 --> 01:23:09.982
He says exactly what needs to be said.

01:23:11.837 --> 01:23:19.339
And so it's the perfect PSYOP, because you invert, you imply the inverted of everything that you posted here.

01:23:19.979 --> 01:23:35.323
And the fact that there are no links to Meredith, no links to me, no links to Mark Kulak, while at the same time, Robert Malone is happy to provide links for George Webb in his 60 Minutes episode, tells you everything you need to know.

01:23:38.325 --> 01:23:41.767
And so he provided a link to the anonymous account on Twitter.

01:23:41.867 --> 01:23:45.288
He provided a live link for the video of Kevin McCairn.

01:23:46.369 --> 01:23:51.751
And he used video clips of us, but no links.

01:23:52.591 --> 01:23:53.332
That's how you see it.

01:23:57.053 --> 01:24:01.255
Even when he said he was fighting with Sasha Latipova, he gave links to her substack.

01:24:02.696 --> 01:24:03.736
That's how you see it.

01:24:04.777 --> 01:24:07.578
They help each other by arguing with each other with links.

01:24:11.803 --> 01:24:13.946
That's why this video exists, ladies and gentlemen.

01:24:13.986 --> 01:24:15.627
It is an admission, unfortunately.

01:24:15.688 --> 01:24:26.020
It's an admission that this illusion of consensus was created by these people, that Kevin McCarren is not an insignificant player because of the fact that they needed him on the worth just for me.

01:24:29.136 --> 01:24:38.642
I really think that's where we're at, where you can realize that some guy in Japan who was retired from neuroscience was recruited because he worked for a guy at Pitt.

01:24:38.742 --> 01:24:43.885
And he could call me up and say, hey, I used to work for so-and-so.

01:24:45.506 --> 01:24:49.268
I did my PhD or my postdoc with him when he was at California.

01:24:51.329 --> 01:24:52.630
I heard your part of drastic.

01:24:52.650 --> 01:24:54.131
You want to do a live stream together?

01:24:54.271 --> 01:24:54.752
Oh, cool.

01:24:54.792 --> 01:24:55.832
You used to work with him?

01:24:56.232 --> 01:24:56.953
That's awesome.

01:24:57.613 --> 01:24:58.594
Wow, small world.

01:25:03.578 --> 01:25:07.701
And that's why he's done hundreds of hours dedicated to me and dedicated to Mark.

01:25:07.741 --> 01:25:11.363
That's why I was a link on his dojo for years.

01:25:12.383 --> 01:25:17.026
Because his primary job was to associate with me, to discredit me.

01:25:20.302 --> 01:25:33.916
all those years of saying anti-semitic things and racist things and homophobic things and all those years of slides with rainbow dildos on them while he had a link to me on his website was exactly that.

01:25:36.860 --> 01:25:39.803
And it took me a year or two years almost to see through it.

01:25:40.063 --> 01:25:41.144
I just thought he was crazy.

01:25:41.204 --> 01:25:42.926
Not that he was actually involved.

01:25:44.352 --> 01:25:53.156
One of my biggest clues was is that he's never really inspected Robert Malone at all and never really come down that hard on Kevin McKernan.

01:25:53.756 --> 01:26:10.964
And actually in his very last stream that I caught in the first 15 minutes, he actually gives a hat tip to Kevin McKernan, gives a hat tip to sequencing technologies like nanopore and claims that he's gonna start using those technologies in his hamster experiments, which is hysterical.

01:26:12.344 --> 01:26:13.405
For five years,

01:26:14.824 --> 01:26:26.370
Can you really explain a guy in Japan working with a guy named Charles Rixey for nearly five years starting his stream with more slides about me than anybody else?

01:26:26.410 --> 01:26:30.932
Can you really explain that any other way other than him being paid to do it?

01:26:30.972 --> 01:26:32.633
We would waste their time with this.

01:26:33.673 --> 01:26:35.534
I have 3,000 subscribers.

01:26:35.995 --> 01:26:37.375
Nobody sees me on Twitter.

01:26:37.716 --> 01:26:39.276
I've been fired by everybody.

01:26:39.336 --> 01:26:41.718
So presumably I've discredited myself.

01:26:42.138 --> 01:26:43.919
And yet this guy still exists.

01:26:44.299 --> 01:26:46.461
And the other slides are about Ukraine.

01:26:49.722 --> 01:26:58.788
And so he goes between talking about Ukraine and the New World Order and the Jewish New World Order and me, I guess.

01:26:59.648 --> 01:27:00.749
For five years?

01:27:03.752 --> 01:27:12.118
Keep in mind that Steve Kirsch wanted me to help him write a grant proposal that Steve Kirsch could then fund.

01:27:12.238 --> 01:27:18.002
And actually, Steve Kirsch, in an actual text message on my phone, offered to fly me to Tokyo to work with him.

01:27:19.363 --> 01:27:21.384
It's a pretty inconvenient text message, isn't it?

01:27:24.907 --> 01:27:26.128
My phone is full of that shit.

01:27:26.968 --> 01:27:27.829
Excuse my language.

01:27:29.332 --> 01:27:31.474
And so this is the latest thing.

01:27:31.534 --> 01:27:34.396
It's like 20 minutes long, and I think it's really appropriate to watch it.

01:27:40.862 --> 01:27:41.162

01:27:41.682 --> 01:27:45.746
You've just been fucked by PSYOPs because physical wounds heal.

01:27:47.747 --> 01:27:51.270
Interesting thing to flash up there right at the beginning of the show.

01:27:52.431 --> 01:27:54.253
Just for a second, he flashes it up there.

01:27:55.334 --> 01:27:55.734
It's funny.

01:27:59.431 --> 01:28:00.632
Come on, camera, do it!

01:28:01.073 --> 01:28:02.514
Guys, stop fucking working!

01:28:02.554 --> 01:28:03.295
Here, there it goes.

01:28:03.315 --> 01:28:04.176
All right?

01:28:04.736 --> 01:28:15.347
Welcome everyone, and, uh... A fucking week's gone by since we did the last stream, and, uh... You know, it was, um... It was a pain in the pussy, wasn't it?

01:28:15.927 --> 01:28:20.592
And, uh... Who am I to get in the, uh, way of the will of the peo- pe- Won't it work?

01:28:20.692 --> 01:28:21.132
Will of the people?

01:28:21.473 --> 01:28:22.133
Will of the people?

01:28:22.994 --> 01:28:23.475
The, uh...

01:28:24.016 --> 01:28:25.297
The plebiscite has spoken.

01:28:25.917 --> 01:28:28.939
America, your savior is here.

01:28:29.019 --> 01:28:35.163
See, what the problem is here and the thing that I'm trying to accentuate is that Robert Malone posted a video of this guy.

01:28:36.124 --> 01:28:48.832
And I've already been thinking for about four and a half years that this guy and Charles Rixey and Matt Crawford and Brett Weinstein and and Chris Martinson are all coordinating their actions.

01:28:48.912 --> 01:28:51.254
And that's why they all had intimate contact with me.

01:28:52.915 --> 01:29:02.822
And they're probably linked through Elon Musk and Peter Thiel because again, Eric Weinstein's an advisor to Peter Thiel and Elon Musk is a dork.

01:29:05.244 --> 01:29:10.547
And so I'm not saying he's important except in my own little story about seeing the alien.

01:29:10.567 --> 01:29:11.928
I don't think you should go watch him.

01:29:11.948 --> 01:29:15.331
I don't think he has had any big effect except on me.

01:29:16.912 --> 01:29:31.922
And it was needed, it was necessary, because I was one of the only people who was threatening to destroy this illusion of new intellectual property, this illusion of new biology, where an RNA can pandemic and go endemic from a mud puddle.

01:29:33.884 --> 01:29:36.846
This is a mythology that they want us to teach our kids.

01:29:37.734 --> 01:29:41.615
And so every little bit of the truth needs to be controlled.

01:29:42.135 --> 01:29:43.255
That's why he exists.

01:29:43.495 --> 01:29:44.355
It's just for me.

01:29:44.575 --> 01:29:50.337
I know that sounds crazy, but that's the only thing that makes sense because he's not, he can't be making money.

01:29:50.397 --> 01:29:54.137
Who's funding these experiments except for maybe Steve Kirsch.

01:29:55.518 --> 01:29:59.118
And, you know, he wants to hear about fucking boring lab work.

01:29:59.818 --> 01:30:07.400
When, when our savior has come down from the skies and everything, everything should all be way okay now.

01:30:07.947 --> 01:30:32.735
and uh you know now he's talking about trump and it's very important because we're going to listen to this until the end and what you're going to hear at the end is actually kevin mckernan is a hero and is a savior i shit you not this is a stream from a couple days ago wrap up work here go on sleep the sleep of the just but a god

01:30:33.484 --> 01:30:36.687
A card to card to card, it is in fact 10 to 3 in the morning.

01:30:39.130 --> 01:30:43.174
That bleak when I'm about 3 hours ago, it's literally taken me 3 hours self to stream.

01:30:44.675 --> 01:30:45.236
Why is that?

01:30:45.336 --> 01:30:50.861
It's just the world that I live in and the world which I am about to share with you.

01:30:51.702 --> 01:30:52.883
Because why do you follow me?

01:30:52.984 --> 01:30:54.685
Well, it's Jihad Science right?

01:30:58.874 --> 01:31:01.236
I don't know.

01:31:01.616 --> 01:31:14.386
But looking better, yeah, you know, it's sort of, I've noticed, I have this pattern now of, it hasn't gone away, my brain.

01:31:14.726 --> 01:31:18.249
I'm a brain transformer.

01:31:18.789 --> 01:31:21.651
But what have I noticed with that?

01:31:24.893 --> 01:31:44.498
very obvious sort of anatomical underpinnings to it and so there are moments in the day where I have quite, how would you say, explosive tics and that will be, embarrassingly enough, when I have to take a piss and

01:31:47.196 --> 01:31:50.117
and yes, it's a corollary to that.

01:31:51.317 --> 01:31:53.457
Temperature, if I shiver, right?

01:31:53.857 --> 01:31:58.918
So if I go from like warm to hot and I shiver, it causes me to tick.

01:31:59.279 --> 01:32:05.360
And then in the morning or after I've woken up from sleeping, it can be very bad.

01:32:06.340 --> 01:32:10.941
And I think the reason for that is is because I'm probably prone

01:32:12.409 --> 01:32:23.262
I don't know if that means meeting at the worst right that I snore, but I'm probably not getting enough air in my sleep.

01:32:23.943 --> 01:32:27.687
And if I have a hypoxic injury, it's aggravating it.

01:32:27.987 --> 01:32:45.825
and I'll be quite verbal in the morning when I wake up and quite jumpy I guess but yeah generally I feel better and working and jiggering and jaggering yes jiggering and jaggering and

01:32:46.665 --> 01:32:50.046
What did I want to do?

01:32:50.366 --> 01:32:58.247
I want to just update on progress in the lab, because that is primarily what I am doing.

01:32:58.507 --> 01:33:00.848
It is literally 24-7.

01:33:00.968 --> 01:33:04.448
I am literally living in the lab.

01:33:06.189 --> 01:33:07.689
He is living in the lab.

01:33:07.849 --> 01:33:12.870
One interesting observation I have made in downloading and cataloging all this stuff

01:33:14.160 --> 01:33:19.024
because it's going to be important someday to make sure that these videos don't disappear, especially the ones that refer to me.

01:33:19.084 --> 01:33:19.684
This one won't.

01:33:21.345 --> 01:33:29.971
Is that when Charles Rixey and Kevin McCarran are on the same stream together, it's often the same level of sunlight in both places.

01:33:29.991 --> 01:33:32.233
And I'm not really sure where they live anymore.

01:33:33.333 --> 01:33:38.117
It could be that they're in the same place or similar places, but I understood that

01:33:38.777 --> 01:33:44.139
that Charles had moved back to somewhere in Virginia, and I understood that this guy was from Japan.

01:33:44.219 --> 01:33:45.399
But I could be wrong.

01:33:45.499 --> 01:33:51.781
I don't know anymore, but I know that the sun is often bright in both of their images.

01:33:51.842 --> 01:34:00.685
And actually, they have the same blinds, which is also funny, because I wouldn't have expected necessarily the blinds to be the same in two different countries.

01:34:00.705 --> 01:34:02.665
That would be especially interesting.

01:34:03.746 --> 01:34:04.846
Anyway, I'm going to keep going.

01:34:06.210 --> 01:34:18.696
And the, you know, there's just people invested a lot in, you know, wanting to see what we see.

01:34:18.796 --> 01:34:22.538
And I've promised to try to do it as real time as possible.

01:34:22.618 --> 01:34:29.822
Now, I must begin with an apology because what I hoped would be sort of

01:34:33.104 --> 01:34:41.912
long and in-depth live stream similar to how we did with the vaccine exposures.

01:34:43.953 --> 01:34:50.319
I wanted to do the same as we move towards testing RT-Quick.

01:34:50.779 --> 01:34:53.702
It's a real-time quaking-induced conversion.

01:34:54.953 --> 01:35:02.459
of prion protein should it be turning from its normal form into the scrapey form.

01:35:02.659 --> 01:35:09.704
So he's actually doing experiments where he's supposedly inducing changes to scrapey and this is research?

01:35:11.005 --> 01:35:14.727
Research paid for by Steve Kirsch and some other dude and some other people?

01:35:14.787 --> 01:35:15.448
Are you kidding?

01:35:21.677 --> 01:35:34.350
All I can do is basically just fill you in on the details of the week as we sort of move towards that experimental goal and aim.

01:35:35.231 --> 01:35:39.856
And so we were unfortunately

01:35:40.837 --> 01:36:07.700
unable to live stream that and i was impatient to get the data now um i don't want to be um making excuses but they were very very extenuated so he couldn't get the live stream to work he was going to live stream the experiments now i was able to pull off a live stream at a community center with shitty wi-fi but apparently him in the laboratory

01:36:08.260 --> 01:36:12.485
With all this expertise and stuff, he couldn't live stream what he wanted to live stream.

01:36:12.525 --> 01:36:14.166
So he's telling you an excuse.

01:36:14.226 --> 01:36:24.457
Now he's going to tell you that despite that, he also didn't do the experiment the way he intended, which doesn't sound like very good science to me, especially if you have some responsibility to the funders.

01:36:28.161 --> 01:36:45.539
were unable to execute the experimental plan as I would have liked and I will explain that more as we do the stream and then I've picked an old paper because I think people have questions about

01:36:46.739 --> 01:37:09.765
methods and what we look at where I can show you know where I managed to record we can just look at little clips and then I can hopefully explain some of the so he's making recordings from hamsters or is he is he making video recordings or what because again he purports to be doing jihad science

01:37:11.249 --> 01:37:24.974
And this is a man who has spent more than five years, a significant portion of five years exclusively dedicated to trying to discredit me without ever once talking about the biology, except for to say, yeah, clones are real.

01:37:25.494 --> 01:37:27.275
Clones can go around the world too.

01:37:30.976 --> 01:37:34.137
I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.

01:37:39.420 --> 01:37:58.555
the reasoning and we can look at a paper as to why we've gone down this particular pathway when there are many ways you could have gone about doing it and just we or I have to decide.

01:37:58.695 --> 01:37:59.936
I have no responsibility.

01:37:59.956 --> 01:38:01.297
What are you doing?

01:38:01.357 --> 01:38:03.119
Maples, good to see you bro.

01:38:04.019 --> 01:38:04.820
Let's get CPAP.

01:38:05.529 --> 01:38:19.017
Yeah, I keep I should look that big bottle behind me is medical oxygen just suck on that now and the Is that a joke?

01:38:19.438 --> 01:38:21.759
Well, are we supposed to just get better right?

01:38:21.959 --> 01:38:22.680
It's just uh

01:38:23.380 --> 01:38:37.393
Is it lost on anybody that Mark and I lost our friendship with Jessica Hockett the moment we started pushing the idea that, holy crap, they were giving people pure oxygen at way too high of flow rates with way little control.

01:38:37.413 --> 01:38:38.675
And look what happens when you do it.

01:38:38.715 --> 01:38:39.836
There's literature about it.

01:38:40.276 --> 01:38:41.777
That's actually the weak.

01:38:42.665 --> 01:38:54.910
when Jessica Hockett decided that she had to say to Mark that he's gonna call the police on him and that maybe I wanted to talk to her about mending fences with Jonathan Engler.

01:38:57.031 --> 01:39:06.074
It's real time visible right now, this network, and it's probably not gonna be as visible in three months or in six months or a year.

01:39:06.875 --> 01:39:10.036
But right now, the network is so visible, it's absurd.

01:39:11.431 --> 01:39:23.848
And it's because Robert Malone did a sub stack using a video from an anonymous account, an anonymous mouse account with videos from my four year clown show.

01:39:26.448 --> 01:39:26.868
What do you say?

01:39:26.928 --> 01:39:28.810
It's just brain injuries, man.

01:39:28.850 --> 01:39:31.713
It's just fucking slow going sometimes.

01:39:31.793 --> 01:39:36.937
And like the world doesn't stop because you've stopped.

01:39:36.997 --> 01:39:42.182
And yeah, you know, it was the election of elections going down, right?

01:39:42.282 --> 01:39:47.086
And I don't know.

01:39:47.146 --> 01:39:49.509
I don't want to be too much of a whoops.

01:39:51.056 --> 01:39:59.301
I want Americans to enjoy maybe, you know, a sort of feeling of, you know, perhaps there is hope and change coming.

01:39:59.541 --> 01:40:01.462
I'm more cynical in my old age.

01:40:03.042 --> 01:40:03.783
Listen carefully.

01:40:03.803 --> 01:40:13.588
I don't think shit, well, I think actually a lot will happen, but I don't think it will be what you were expecting.

01:40:14.308 --> 01:40:16.750
Doesn't that sound like a real ally?

01:40:18.407 --> 01:40:24.410
Doesn't that sound like who somebody is really hopeful for the world and really wants America to come out of this?

01:40:25.991 --> 01:40:26.612
Ha ha!

01:40:30.994 --> 01:40:31.514
Full bonding.

01:40:32.135 --> 01:40:36.037
But yes, so it is no more vaping.

01:40:37.478 --> 01:40:38.719
Get you on about.

01:40:38.819 --> 01:40:39.879
Stop vaping, sir.

01:40:42.301 --> 01:40:42.861
It's good for you.

01:40:44.352 --> 01:40:45.712
So he has trouble sleeping.

01:40:45.732 --> 01:40:46.832
He has sleep apnea.

01:40:46.852 --> 01:40:51.913
He's on oxygen, but he also keep on vaping.

01:40:52.253 --> 01:40:53.634
I've got a limited bandwidth.

01:40:54.314 --> 01:40:56.754
When I think vaping, that's it.

01:40:57.054 --> 01:40:57.794
Everything changes.

01:40:59.035 --> 01:41:00.835
But yes, I'm not stopping vaping.

01:41:01.255 --> 01:41:04.776

01:41:04.816 --> 01:41:09.817
You can have all that fucking healthy lifestyle and what have you, but you've got to live a little bit.

01:41:10.277 --> 01:41:11.577
And vaping, yes.

01:41:14.206 --> 01:41:15.667
You're not allowed cigarettes these days!

01:41:16.608 --> 01:41:34.084
And mints are fucking too difficult to get, whereas ambiguous looking fluids that supposedly contain nicotine is somewhat easy to get, so... That's the game in town for the doc.

01:41:35.005 --> 01:41:36.527
So, kick off over there.

01:41:36.787 --> 01:41:39.149
And whilst I just hit the vape a little bit more.

01:41:45.925 --> 01:42:02.998
right uh so i think um as it's three o'clock in the morning and um there's lots to do today as well um i'll i'll dive straight in and uh where to where to begin um we'll begin with the uh the memes and

01:42:06.325 --> 01:42:07.346
This one's been cracking me up.

01:42:07.486 --> 01:42:11.388
But, let's do this one.

01:42:11.968 --> 01:42:15.110
And let's do, it's this button, isn't it?

01:42:15.851 --> 01:42:17.251
Oh, it is.

01:42:19.313 --> 01:42:20.473
Hemp for a trash bag.

01:42:21.094 --> 01:42:23.715
With hamster epaulettes.

01:42:24.115 --> 01:42:24.996
Shout out, good doggy.

01:42:25.236 --> 01:42:26.737
And a vape, I just noticed the vape.

01:42:30.159 --> 01:42:31.620
Glad to catch you, I've been watching since 2020.

01:42:31.660 --> 01:42:35.522
Yeah, man, it feels like I've been doing this for a long fucking time.

01:42:38.021 --> 01:42:38.681
That is for sure.

01:42:39.642 --> 01:42:42.324
Did I imagine this trajectory?

01:42:42.484 --> 01:42:43.345
No, not at all.

01:42:44.586 --> 01:43:05.260
Do I think, look, it would be nice to think that the new governance of the United States and all the big names going in and it's gonna spin on a dime and everything will be A-OK.

01:43:05.869 --> 01:43:08.500
I'm... I'm too much of a...

01:43:09.192 --> 01:43:13.393
but spent too long in trash bags to fall for that one again.

01:43:13.633 --> 01:43:15.893
So I'll keep plugging away here.

01:43:17.594 --> 01:43:21.775
I ain't getting a job in fucking American administrations or anything.

01:43:22.215 --> 01:43:31.757
I'm better off, how do you say, staying independent as much as possible and taking shots at them from the side.

01:43:31.857 --> 01:43:37.018
And that's where my originality, I suppose.

01:43:37.398 --> 01:43:58.785
Original broach she had signs and I'll try to sort of maintain that and You see the Jews are busy infiltrating your nicotine juice supply You know what the DD I was looking you can buy What was it now?

01:44:00.245 --> 01:44:02.306
It's like concentrated nicotine

01:44:04.703 --> 01:44:08.487
I want to say it was like a thousand milligrams of nicotine.

01:44:10.489 --> 01:44:14.934
And I was like, well, I need to go.

01:44:14.974 --> 01:44:17.176
I've had to put back going to the United States.

01:44:19.759 --> 01:44:20.920
He should be very careful.

01:44:21.020 --> 01:44:22.462
Pure nicotine could kill you.

01:44:24.028 --> 01:44:28.294
Yeah, it's pretty dumb, but he's talking about pure nicotine, but you can get pure nicotine powder.

01:44:28.334 --> 01:44:30.096
That's not odd.

01:44:30.457 --> 01:44:37.766
As we progress through the stream, but when I eventually get there, because I will go, I do want a break, but...

01:44:39.028 --> 01:44:41.149
Let me get this part done.

01:44:41.169 --> 01:44:54.758
Let's get the first bits of data before we step into the self-amplifying world of RNA and try to figure out what's the ground truth.

01:44:55.679 --> 01:45:03.124
According to him, it's the same debate that Jessica Rose wants to have that self-amplifying RNA is so scary.

01:45:04.540 --> 01:45:19.191
But self-amplifying RNA is exactly what coronavirus is supposed to be right, but it's a it's nature's version of it and they're everywhere It's extraordinary what's happening ladies and gentlemen, it's breaking as fast as they can bring it out.

01:45:19.251 --> 01:45:22.834
Thank you gd for the uh, trash bag and for me that um

01:45:25.051 --> 01:45:30.917
Just hold on, because the admission at the end of this segment is extraordinary.

01:45:30.937 --> 01:45:46.114
We were in a surreal universe where as the election trick, I don't know how they do it and tune this thing, but like squirrels and coons being executed by government forces.

01:45:48.314 --> 01:45:49.234
What is it?

01:45:50.155 --> 01:45:55.337
I'm still not sure how to sort of take that and how much they're just fucking with my head.

01:45:55.357 --> 01:45:56.697
I don't know.

01:45:56.917 --> 01:46:00.839
Maybe I should get one of those tinfoil hats and stop her.

01:46:01.679 --> 01:46:08.722
And I'm peeved that the coon didn't get as much coverage as a fucking squirrel.

01:46:08.982 --> 01:46:12.284
But that's just me being Boris' and it is what it is.

01:46:12.364 --> 01:46:13.544
All right.

01:46:14.264 --> 01:46:17.846
Have you watched Epstein and McKernan stream?

01:46:19.258 --> 01:46:20.579
Epstein and Kernan.

01:46:22.662 --> 01:46:23.422
Which Epstein?

01:46:27.947 --> 01:46:30.209
I don't know, you'd have to clarify that.

01:46:32.492 --> 01:46:34.454
Are you talking about the Dark Horse podcast?

01:46:37.377 --> 01:46:37.697

01:46:39.118 --> 01:46:40.360
Yes, I've seen that one.

01:46:40.380 --> 01:46:42.442
You know, I'm.

01:46:45.370 --> 01:47:08.907
I'm aware of the data that is being produced and you know I hope as we sort of plot around the plot around the space that I will be able to sort of leverage our that is a

01:47:12.233 --> 01:47:31.822
one part of nanopore and I'm hoping that we can sort of add to the body of knowledge that's growing around spike exposure, lipid nanoparticle exposure and genomic impact.

01:47:33.062 --> 01:47:34.103
But you know these are

01:47:34.483 --> 01:47:54.370
So no contesting at all Kevin McKernan's role in the pandemic, his role in controlling the narrative about the virus and about PCR testing fidelity, no mention of the fact that he was on my podcast twice, no mention of the fact that I had a John Bodwin, Jessica Rose, Stephanie Seneff

01:47:54.890 --> 01:47:57.434
Kevin McKernan stream on St.

01:47:57.474 --> 01:47:59.136
Patrick's Day in 2023.

01:47:59.576 --> 01:48:05.625
No mention of the five-person podcast with RFK that all connects back to this nonsense.

01:48:05.685 --> 01:48:06.786
It's all the same thing.

01:48:06.826 --> 01:48:11.032
Kevin McKernan was in place very early, just like Robert Malone was.

01:48:11.092 --> 01:48:12.334
It's all one big team

01:48:12.854 --> 01:48:31.208
preserving the illusion of the Human Genome Project, preserving the illusion of a high-fidelity understanding of the genetic signals in the background that for a long time, the only person that was going around doing TED Talks about that signal was none other than MetaBiota's Nathan Wolf, one of the most obvious charlatans on Earth.

01:48:34.570 --> 01:48:41.015
It's all one big show, and unfortunately for me, I've had my own private clown show by the name of Kevin McCairn.

01:48:43.120 --> 01:48:51.243
And that private clown show has led me astray a lot, made me confused a lot, made me frustrated a lot, made me focus on my own ego a lot.

01:48:51.703 --> 01:48:57.544
But now that I'm finally free of him, it is an obvious example of how this was done.

01:48:58.325 --> 01:49:05.967
Even if nobody's watching him anymore, he can't stop because if he stops, we will start winning because it will be an admission.

01:49:06.567 --> 01:49:12.129
Just like Robert Malone sharing an anonymous account instead of one of his friends.

01:49:13.988 --> 01:49:24.470
just like Kevin McCarran promoting X, just like everybody talking about how the bad misinformation is on X and that Elon's gonna save us by buying it.

01:49:24.610 --> 01:49:25.831
It's all the same.

01:49:31.572 --> 01:49:39.674
And so this hat tip to Brett Weinstein, this hat tip to Kevin McKernan, the fact that Kevin McCarran is actually on Locals,

01:49:40.913 --> 01:49:43.054
The place where Brett Weinstein gets his money.

01:49:43.094 --> 01:49:49.175
The place where Matt Crawford wanted me so bad to make a channel with his rounding the earth on locals.

01:49:50.895 --> 01:49:53.656
It's got cryptocurrency to pay the people.

01:49:54.616 --> 01:49:57.957
It's a money laundering operation, just like Substack is.

01:49:58.877 --> 01:50:00.798
And it's owned by the same interests.

01:50:03.779 --> 01:50:05.119
This is not an accident.

01:50:13.939 --> 01:50:26.004
This is a careful demonstration of what can be done with coordinated lying on social media that we take as being some spontaneous representation of the best ideas rising to the top.

01:50:27.665 --> 01:50:30.886
I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.

01:50:31.526 --> 01:50:32.927
I don't know why it keeps doing that.

01:50:32.987 --> 01:50:37.889
For some reason or another, it keeps looping out, and I don't know why that is, so I gotta see if I can fix that.

01:50:37.989 --> 01:50:39.070
But I won't worry about that now.

01:50:39.090 --> 01:50:39.970
I don't need sound effects.

01:50:40.902 --> 01:51:01.882
That's also why substacks are promoting other substacks, why Mike Eden, despite us having long conversations and being in contact for a long time now, Mike Eden has been unable to absorb the message that I've been trying to send him.

01:51:03.041 --> 01:51:07.724
about infectious clones, about the lie of the manufacturer, about all these things.

01:51:07.824 --> 01:51:28.117
And in reality, a pharma executive promoting another pharma executive about the certainty of what's occurred here without either of the pharma executives saying that the way that they manufacture these things is a known process with known shortcomings that all of us knew about before the pandemic and we're helping cover it up.

01:51:30.029 --> 01:51:40.298
That's why former pharmaceutical executives are promoting other pharmaceutical executives instead of doctors that have spoken out or instead of people that lost their businesses or people that lost their children.

01:51:42.860 --> 01:51:51.827
We're supposed to feel like the co-chair of Heart, Jonathan Engler, is some kind of hero for being a retired pharma exec who became a lawyer.

01:51:53.609 --> 01:51:54.309
Stop lying!

01:51:56.471 --> 01:51:56.812

01:52:00.697 --> 01:52:13.295
And that's why you have Mike Yeadon also promoting Sasha Latupova, the mother of Soph, and covering up the fact that some other doctor has already come out and said that anaphylaxis is the thing.

01:52:14.474 --> 01:52:16.575
Sasha Latapova stepped in front of him, too.

01:52:17.035 --> 01:52:19.636
Actually, Sasha Latapova stepped in front of a lot of people.

01:52:19.996 --> 01:52:22.897
She stepped in front of people about batches and kill boxes.

01:52:23.437 --> 01:52:26.898
Then she stepped in front of people and said it was the military releasing a toxin.

01:52:26.938 --> 01:52:28.958
Now she's suddenly saying there was no virus.

01:52:29.339 --> 01:52:31.479
And I always knew vaccines were bad.

01:52:34.860 --> 01:52:40.542
I'm sorry, if I knew that vaccines were bad before the pandemic, I would have dedicated my life to it then instead of now.

01:52:42.375 --> 01:52:53.765
If I would have known that vaccines were bad before the pandemic, before I had my daughter, Freddie, I would have been yelling about that at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and losing my job before the pandemic.

01:52:54.145 --> 01:52:56.127
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

01:52:56.147 --> 01:53:01.072
I'm ashamed of myself for not having figured it out earlier.

01:53:01.092 --> 01:53:09.399
And the reason why I didn't figure it out earlier is because there has been a decades long coordinated plan to make sure we couldn't figure it out.

01:53:10.492 --> 01:53:13.700
with as many meddlers, liars, imposers as is needed.

01:53:14.642 --> 01:53:18.552
And social media has made it ever cheaper and more simple to do that.

01:53:22.301 --> 01:53:28.482
And so the keeping it real example that I gave the last week is now just exploded into nonsense.

01:53:28.522 --> 01:53:40.405
This lady who suddenly got to speak in front of the Senate, in front of Senator Ron Johnson, even though Senator Ron Johnson has been in contact with me since 2022 on the same day that Robert Kennedy Jr.

01:53:40.925 --> 01:53:41.685
contacted me.

01:53:44.726 --> 01:53:51.387
This lady has already gotten to speak in front of a Senate committee and she's got a YouTube channel that has all these guys on it in the last two months.

01:53:53.459 --> 01:53:57.441
But before this, she was doing exercise videos and that's it.

01:53:59.581 --> 01:54:02.843
Then suddenly she had Vincent Ranson Yellow on, that didn't go so well.

01:54:02.883 --> 01:54:07.104
So then a year later, they suddenly fired her up and now look where she is.

01:54:08.545 --> 01:54:18.088
Julian Michaels is on X and on Piers Morgan uncensored, getting interviewed with another intellectual dark web guy.

01:54:20.469 --> 01:54:21.770
This is how it's done.

01:54:23.604 --> 01:54:41.808
And if we can show our children, if we can show our fellow family members that this whole illusion of consensus is how we are governed, and that the pandemic was created this way, that murder was hidden this way, that murder by opioids is being hidden this way, we can actually pull our heads out.

01:54:45.560 --> 01:54:47.561
Third Opinion by Dana Parish.

01:54:47.621 --> 01:54:48.121
Who's that?

01:54:48.141 --> 01:54:49.001
Have you ever heard of her?

01:54:49.421 --> 01:54:52.662
Because she doesn't, she has one video on YouTube.

01:54:52.722 --> 01:55:07.826
She has 117 subscribers, but somehow or another, she got an interview with Dr. Redfield and it's being circulated all across X. She's a songwriter that wrote two songs for Celine Dion.

01:55:09.505 --> 01:55:16.049
Now she's decided to have a podcast called The Third Opinion and they kicked it off with an interview with Dr. Redfield.

01:55:16.069 --> 01:55:26.716
She's only got, and before that she had some kind of Lyme disease thing that's got more videos than's possible to have produced in the six months of his existence.

01:55:29.878 --> 01:55:36.443
People are being created, put in front of us with books to sell, promoted by Sanjay Gupta.

01:55:38.456 --> 01:55:40.378
And now she's sure it's a lab leak.

01:55:42.641 --> 01:55:46.265
There's no content on that channel yet if you go on the wrong tab.

01:55:47.306 --> 01:55:49.869
But she got to interview Redfield last week.

01:55:53.213 --> 01:55:53.933
She's on X.

01:55:55.219 --> 01:55:56.099
What is happening here?

01:55:56.139 --> 01:55:57.179
Welcome to Third Opinion.

01:55:57.380 --> 01:55:58.740
I'm your host, Dana Parish.

01:55:58.860 --> 01:56:03.481
And today I am thrilled to be bringing you this- With all that social media already going.

01:56:03.501 --> 01:56:07.182
Former CDC director, virologist, Dr. Robert Redfield.

01:56:07.642 --> 01:56:14.864
He was on the front lines of the- They don't have very many people left that can control the narrative.

01:56:15.184 --> 01:56:20.085
There are very few people who can be put in place and inserted.

01:56:21.565 --> 01:56:23.606
They're running out of people that don't get it.

01:56:25.828 --> 01:56:28.130
They're running out of people who can do the song and dance.

01:56:28.170 --> 01:56:30.152
That's why they're all gonna be recirculated.

01:56:30.192 --> 01:56:35.876
That's why they need new podcasters that have no basis in reality to interpret what's going on.

01:56:37.278 --> 01:56:40.821
That's why you have jokes like minority report with Sam Cedar.

01:56:40.881 --> 01:56:41.721
What are they debating?

01:56:41.761 --> 01:56:43.643
What's important to Sam Cedar?

01:56:44.344 --> 01:56:46.185
People are scared, people are worried.

01:56:46.706 --> 01:56:49.508
I think in many respects, very justifiably so.

01:56:50.769 --> 01:56:52.791
If you are someone who wants

01:56:54.844 --> 01:57:22.721
government to function and service uh the most amount of people possible and um protect citizens from corporate interests and curb the um and curb capitalism frankly uh so that profits are not all privatized and costs are not all socialized if you want um

01:57:25.414 --> 01:57:27.347
Seriously, bring back Andrew Huff.

01:57:29.093 --> 01:57:30.993
if you want people to be able to.

01:57:31.114 --> 01:57:32.414
So this guy's from the left.

01:57:32.474 --> 01:57:34.274
This guy believes in trans rights.

01:57:34.334 --> 01:57:40.376
This guy believes in, you know, Donald Trump being a racist and whatever and whatever and whatever.

01:57:40.916 --> 01:57:42.596
And so he's on the opposite side.

01:57:42.636 --> 01:57:54.519
You probably don't see these people very often, but they're all over the place and they're all centering on the same people on this side, which is the Weinsteins and these clowns.

01:57:55.260 --> 01:57:56.100
But I want you to,

01:57:58.374 --> 01:58:02.077
keep in mind that this has been most hard for Eric Weinstein.

01:58:04.178 --> 01:58:15.085
He is Peter Thiel's CFO and he is bewildered as to why.

01:58:19.688 --> 01:58:20.489
When was this from?

01:58:23.691 --> 01:58:24.232
Oh my god.

01:58:25.896 --> 01:58:27.140
It's a long ass.

01:58:27.400 --> 01:58:28.865
This is from November 12th.

01:58:30.200 --> 01:58:34.342
Eric Weinstein responding to, let's just see the tweet that he's responding to first, please.

01:58:34.942 --> 01:58:36.743
He's responding to Jeffrey Tucker.

01:58:37.423 --> 01:58:41.785
People are now whispering that the Trump transition team does not have enough economists on its bench.

01:58:42.446 --> 01:58:44.226
One might suppose that would worry me.

01:58:46.367 --> 01:58:47.528
Actually, I'm not so sure.

01:58:48.068 --> 01:58:58.233
Economists have massively underperformed in public life for years now and have been nearly as worthless as epidemiologists and many others in the expert class.

01:58:59.642 --> 01:59:00.462
So are you kidding?

01:59:01.523 --> 01:59:11.646
It's actually promoting the Brownstone Institute, promoting Weinstein on the Sam Seder majority report as being clowns and silly and anti-vaxxers.

01:59:12.286 --> 01:59:14.426
And now you see it exactly how it is.

01:59:16.007 --> 01:59:20.448
Within the limited spectrum of debate, there's a very lively debate within it.

01:59:21.909 --> 01:59:29.411
And they amplify the most extreme ends of the spectrum so that the debate can be as lively as possible, so that they can take the biggest cuts on each other.

01:59:30.916 --> 01:59:32.496
And it's all an elaborate illusion.

01:59:32.957 --> 01:59:35.237
It's all an elaborate illusion.

01:59:36.277 --> 01:59:37.618
I'm not even gonna play that anymore.

01:59:37.658 --> 01:59:40.558
It's an elaborate illusion just like the rescue of the Republic was.

01:59:40.699 --> 01:59:53.822
And it's an elaborate illusion that is created by an illusion of consensus that even germ warfare might be a part of because he's had these people on years ago and he's interviewed me and you need to make sure that that interview comes out because I nailed it.

01:59:57.423 --> 01:59:57.823

01:59:59.059 --> 02:00:05.325
I gave three hard-worked presentations to them, and none of them are archived on their website.

02:00:05.365 --> 02:00:07.187
This reveals them as traitors.

02:00:08.588 --> 02:00:24.262
And you could put pressure on somebody like David Wiseman, who's a doctor in that group, who knows what he said about my first presentation, and could maybe be brought to see that Panda is being sabotaged, or at least the message of Panda that could be there is being neutered.

02:00:25.106 --> 02:00:26.267
by the people at the top.

02:00:26.667 --> 02:00:35.051
That's why Jessica Rose has lots of videos, and a clown like Matt Crawford has a bunch of videos, and even Robert Malone has videos there.

02:00:35.731 --> 02:00:38.713
But my three videos are curiously absent.

02:00:40.914 --> 02:00:44.016
But you can search for them and find them on all the other ones on Rumble.

02:00:44.216 --> 02:00:44.596

02:00:44.756 --> 02:00:46.717
All the searches work for them, but not for me.

02:00:51.511 --> 02:00:53.973
It's not because I have nothing to say, ladies and gentlemen.

02:00:53.993 --> 02:00:56.355
It's because what I have to say can't be argued with.

02:00:56.455 --> 02:00:58.096
It cannot be diluted.

02:00:58.576 --> 02:01:01.479
That's why it's really important to understand this admission.

02:01:02.960 --> 02:01:06.662
Does that mean that the State Department for us was involved?

02:01:06.682 --> 02:01:07.843
That would be DITRA.

02:01:07.863 --> 02:01:09.885
Of course, we know who was involved in DITRA.

02:01:09.905 --> 02:01:11.346
Could it be the FBI as well?

02:01:12.227 --> 02:01:14.548
Could somebody like George Webb be an FBI agent?

02:01:14.588 --> 02:01:15.189
It's possible.

02:01:17.785 --> 02:01:21.607
Is the State Department working with the FBI to run this operation?

02:01:21.727 --> 02:01:25.089
I don't know who's working with who, but I know that NATO's involved.

02:01:25.490 --> 02:01:29.492
I know that actually Jessica Rose has NATO funding on her scientific resume.

02:01:29.852 --> 02:01:31.473
She's not a freelance scientist.

02:01:31.493 --> 02:01:33.955
She used to use NATO funding to do postdocs.

02:01:37.017 --> 02:01:38.958
So that's why it's extraordinary, this.

02:01:40.026 --> 02:01:57.841
Three years before there was any hint of circulating SARS-CoV-2, Moderna patented a sequence that fully contains the information in... Shake that ponytail!

02:01:59.582 --> 02:02:01.284
Shake it, Jessica!

02:02:01.344 --> 02:02:02.465
Shake that ponytail!

02:02:04.818 --> 02:02:22.167
about the 19 nucleotide insert that I had a personal conversation with the author of the paper in 19 or in 2021, where he tried to convince me over coffee in person in Pittsburgh, in Bethel Park, that it was evidence of a lab leak, that it was engineered.

02:02:22.227 --> 02:02:25.608
That's why the insert was reversed in the cell culture patent.

02:02:27.749 --> 02:02:30.611
Everybody should read that paper and understand what it means.

02:02:34.431 --> 02:02:39.614
What I'm trying to explain to you is, is that they tried to get me to be one of these EpiGirl characters.

02:02:40.295 --> 02:02:45.678
Tried to get me on this train so that I would essentially just promote them and be happy that they were getting heard.

02:02:47.579 --> 02:02:48.520
That's how this works.

02:02:48.680 --> 02:02:53.523
You get inside the cage and the motorcycles are riding around you and they say, stay right where you are and you'll be safe.

02:02:55.865 --> 02:02:57.146
You're right where you need to be.

02:02:57.246 --> 02:02:58.166
Well done, Jay.

02:02:58.987 --> 02:03:00.648
Bom, bom.

02:03:02.219 --> 02:03:16.925
And now we are at the end of 2024, and these super clowns are pretending that they are at the cutting edge of a narrative, but they are exactly where I was when I got fired from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 2020.

02:03:19.306 --> 02:03:20.146
Exactly where.

02:03:20.946 --> 02:03:22.547
Not kinda, but exactly.

02:03:25.956 --> 02:03:48.744
the fern cleavage site and the flanking regions yes the flanking restriction yes it's 19 nucleotides long and these guys i really i it's kind of like a high level paper for people who don't uh know the terminology but i i still i think everyone that's why i read the title should go try and read this and understand what they did

02:03:50.649 --> 02:03:53.331
Hey folks, welcome to the Dark Horse podcast.

02:03:53.751 --> 02:04:01.055
I have the distinct honor and pleasure of sitting this morning, well, it's morning for me, with Dr. Jessica Rose.

02:04:01.776 --> 02:04:08.540
Dr. Jessica Rose is a freelance scientist with a complex background.

02:04:08.680 --> 02:04:17.865
She started in applied mathematics, moved to immunology, then to computational biology, then molecular biology, and then to biochemistry.

02:04:18.065 --> 02:04:19.026
Did I get it right, Jessica?

02:04:19.867 --> 02:04:20.047

02:04:20.628 --> 02:04:21.408
That's the secret.

02:04:22.309 --> 02:04:22.749

02:04:22.789 --> 02:04:24.150
Well, welcome to Dark Horse.

02:04:24.891 --> 02:04:26.592

02:04:26.772 --> 02:04:33.077
Jessica and I have known each other online for quite some time, and we have now met twice.

02:04:33.137 --> 02:04:34.758
We've met in Romania.

02:04:35.058 --> 02:04:45.166
They met in Romania, where Meryl Nass, longtime associate of Robert Malone, as documented by people like Vilma in the chat, in her substack,

02:04:45.984 --> 02:05:07.338
where they spoke with Veera Sharma already in 2011 in front of the government on a phone about the anthrax vaccine, long time bioweapons expert, along with Steven Hatfield, who was actually on stage with her, and Brett Weinstein, and Denny Rancor, the guy who won't really call these people out, but kind of does, sorta.

02:05:07.398 --> 02:05:14.743
And in this video, Jessica will say that Denny Rancor says that there was no virus, but you know, it's kind of a disagreement that we can all disagree about.

02:05:17.651 --> 02:05:18.852
Mark Kulak said it best.

02:05:18.892 --> 02:05:21.615
The disagreement isn't about whether there's a virus or not.

02:05:21.675 --> 02:05:24.658
The disagreement is about whether or not they use murder to do it.

02:05:28.882 --> 02:05:36.509
The disagreement is about whether they're lying about opioids as a source of the decrease in life expectancy in America to do it.

02:05:37.711 --> 02:05:48.163
that they use supplementary oxygen to do it, and a lie about ventilators to do it, that people like Bret Weinstein with bandanas and woodshop goggles to do it.

02:05:49.084 --> 02:05:50.286
People like Epigirl.

02:05:53.069 --> 02:06:01.773
From the Spars document on page 48 through 53, those kinds of persona are who these people are.

02:06:02.273 --> 02:06:04.554
And you can see the documents describing them.

02:06:04.594 --> 02:06:17.039
But this is, of course, the 2024 manifestation of it, where we've assimilated ourselves to all these different social media platforms as being the best substitute for free speech and communication.

02:06:18.920 --> 02:06:21.481
And so we are subject to enslavement because of that.

02:06:25.680 --> 02:06:37.508
at the International COVID Summit, and then in Geneva, battling the World Health Organization, where Jessica Rose had the audacity to rap about this stuff.

02:06:42.118 --> 02:06:47.119
I have become quite fond of Jessica and her work in the COVID dissident space.

02:06:47.279 --> 02:06:49.040
She's a very unique person.

02:06:49.480 --> 02:06:58.202
You can find out more about her at her... Make sure you understand that we are no longer, GigaOM Biological is no longer in the COVID dissident space.

02:06:58.262 --> 02:07:03.383
We are in the Human Genome Project Biology 101 dissident space.

02:07:07.765 --> 02:07:11.446
her website, just a point of interest.

02:07:11.867 --> 02:07:16.668
I know that Jessica is actually a competitive surfer.

02:07:16.688 --> 02:07:22.010
And so that was an interesting fact about her, which may or may not come up to you.

02:07:22.030 --> 02:07:32.894
I was a competitive longboarder, so I don't do that anymore because I think everybody in their competitive trajectory, no matter what it is, gets to a point where it's just not fun anymore.

02:07:33.495 --> 02:07:35.735
So I wanted to get back to the fun and

02:07:37.699 --> 02:07:39.502
Yeah, totally get it.

02:07:39.983 --> 02:07:44.090
But um charlie don't surf but jessica does

02:07:47.422 --> 02:07:49.663
All right, so we are going to talk today.

02:07:49.863 --> 02:07:51.784
I don't know where this conversation is going to go.

02:07:51.804 --> 02:07:56.286
There's a tremendous amount of territory that would be worth discussing with you, Jessica.

02:07:56.767 --> 02:08:05.891
But one thing I know that you and I are both focused on is a- Jessica does have a twin, not that that necessarily matters, but so does Judy Mikovits.

02:08:06.192 --> 02:08:14.516
Rift that has shown up in the space of the COVID dissidence or the medical freedom movement, as it might be.

02:08:14.716 --> 02:08:21.842
Mary Holland and David Martin both have siblings that work in the CDC or the NIH.

02:08:21.882 --> 02:08:23.523
That doesn't matter, though, to be described.

02:08:24.764 --> 02:08:38.335
And this is something that I think requires a deep dive and it requires a careful hand because I see a couple of different kinds of people

02:08:39.150 --> 02:08:49.658
who are doing damage, as I see it, to the medical freedom movement over what should just simply be an analytical disagreement.

02:08:50.078 --> 02:09:07.291
There's a disagreement between a group of folks who believe that there was no novel pathogen involved in what we call the COVID pandemic, and then there are those of us who believe that there was a novel pathogen.

02:09:09.608 --> 02:09:10.979
just to be perfectly clear.

02:09:12.443 --> 02:09:18.684
The fact that some of us believe that there was a novel pathogen does not mean that we believe that there was an actual pandemic.

02:09:19.004 --> 02:09:25.366
Pandemic is a term that has a definition, which was changed, changed in a direction.

02:09:26.046 --> 02:09:27.166
So we're already here.

02:09:27.226 --> 02:09:32.087
Now in 2020, that was the big debate about whether or not the WHO had changed the definition of a pandemic.

02:09:32.867 --> 02:09:39.529
We are actually in 2020 right now with the bandana wearing, woodshop goggle having guy,

02:09:40.349 --> 02:09:43.592
about the fact that the definition of pandemic was changed.

02:09:44.093 --> 02:09:54.883
This is a biologist talking to a computational biologist, immunologist, molecular biologist, biochemist about a RNA phenomenon.

02:09:56.985 --> 02:09:58.946
And they're not talking about the biology.

02:09:59.187 --> 02:10:01.569
They're talking about the WHO definition in 2024.

02:10:05.970 --> 02:10:21.415
that made it vastly broader and therefore included the phenomenon of COVID by removing the requirement that it have a... Now wouldn't it be crazy if he instead debated about whether or not RNA could pandemic?

02:10:23.596 --> 02:10:30.678
Wouldn't it be crazy if evolutionary biologist and one of the most thoughtful biologists on earth, according to his brother,

02:10:32.219 --> 02:10:40.322
were to actually think about the biology instead of debating about the semantic definition of a term that needs biological mechanism?

02:10:42.375 --> 02:10:45.036
severity above a certain threshold.

02:10:45.516 --> 02:11:02.121
So if we have I saw a comment on YouTube that will make everybody in the chat laugh, because it was a comment written where it took me the pandemic to realize that the Brett Weinstein brothers are the equivalent are Steven Seagal's of science.

02:11:04.162 --> 02:11:09.243
That the Weinstein brothers are Steven Seagal's of science.

02:11:10.444 --> 02:11:11.484
Oh, is that beautiful?

02:11:14.586 --> 02:11:15.087

02:11:15.127 --> 02:11:19.931
It was only by a new definition that appears to have been engineered for the purpose.

02:11:20.932 --> 02:11:22.374
It appears to have been engineered.

02:11:22.394 --> 02:11:35.487
And I will also just say for my part, I'm not claiming that you could not have had a an emergency of the style that we had in which there was no pathogen.

02:11:36.493 --> 02:11:47.441
But all of that said, the evidence that I see suggests that there was a novel pathogen in circulation, that there is at least one, and that it is still circulating.

02:11:48.882 --> 02:11:57.608
And so, so what part of the novel virus that killed millions and millions more were saved from that might've been from gain of function, but will definitely come again?

02:11:58.128 --> 02:11:59.909
What part of that is he denying now?

02:12:00.470 --> 02:12:03.452
None, absolutely none of it.

02:12:05.751 --> 02:12:06.931
Havel virus is real.

02:12:06.971 --> 02:12:08.392
The millions of deaths are real.

02:12:08.432 --> 02:12:10.052
The millions that were saved were real.

02:12:10.573 --> 02:12:12.833
The botched response was real.

02:12:12.933 --> 02:12:13.994
It could be gain of function.

02:12:14.014 --> 02:12:16.114
I don't think it was, but it could be in the future.

02:12:18.135 --> 02:12:20.636
This is malevolence in its finest form.

02:12:20.676 --> 02:12:24.677
Ladies and gentlemen, you need to be able to see it in order to teach your children how to see it.

02:12:26.101 --> 02:12:27.562
You don't have to participate in it.

02:12:27.582 --> 02:12:28.822
You don't have to talk about it.

02:12:28.842 --> 02:12:30.183
You don't have to debate it a lot.

02:12:30.203 --> 02:12:32.464
You just have to be able to see it clearly.

02:12:32.704 --> 02:12:39.186
There's nothing wrong with people disagreeing with that and taking the position that there was no novel pathogen.

02:12:39.226 --> 02:12:44.528
That is a viable hypothesis and one that is testable.

02:12:47.509 --> 02:12:51.351
What he's not debating is whether RNA can pandemic or not, which is also very testable.

02:12:53.191 --> 02:12:56.033
or not, depending on how well you understand the world.

02:12:57.794 --> 02:12:58.075

02:13:00.296 --> 02:13:14.547
What I think you and I both find sad is the folks who behave as if anyone who thinks that there was a novel pathogen is stupid and or just doesn't get it.

02:13:15.834 --> 02:13:17.934
It's not stupid or just doesn't get it.

02:13:18.134 --> 02:13:24.276
I'm saying that you are purposely obfuscating the fact that murder and lies are responsible for everything.

02:13:27.156 --> 02:13:42.439
I think that you are gaining comfort and fame and that you are getting multi-generational wealth for your family by sticking to the narrative that the Palantir X social media network bullshit Big Pharma is letting you stick to.

02:13:45.535 --> 02:13:46.835
I don't think you're dumb at all.

02:13:47.876 --> 02:13:49.276
I don't think you're naive at all.

02:13:49.316 --> 02:13:51.837
And in fact, that's exactly not the argument I'm making.

02:13:51.877 --> 02:13:55.118
And I'm also not making that argument about any of the no virus people.

02:13:56.178 --> 02:14:12.863
The ones that have risen to fame, the ones that have been allowed to sell books, those people are just as in on it as Brett Weinstein, witting or unwittingly, they are propelling us into this future hell where our children believe in this mythology.

02:14:17.267 --> 02:14:20.029
The fact is that is not a viable position.

02:14:20.290 --> 02:14:21.931
It's not a position that anybody takes.

02:14:21.951 --> 02:14:22.351
There's evidence.

02:14:22.772 --> 02:14:23.833
Nobody is stupid.

02:14:24.133 --> 02:14:26.095
They are traitors and liars.

02:14:26.155 --> 02:14:27.876
You are exactly right, Brent.

02:14:28.437 --> 02:14:29.838
Nobody is stupid anymore.

02:14:30.178 --> 02:14:34.262
There's no excuse for being stupid for five years.

02:14:37.023 --> 02:14:46.186
and that evidence is embedded in a background of noise and smart people might fall out in different places on this.

02:14:47.127 --> 02:14:51.028
So Jessica, how should we think about this puzzle from your perspective?

02:14:52.089 --> 02:15:00.872
Well, from my point of view, so first of all, there was an engagement between Denis Rancourt, who many people may or may not know.

02:15:00.952 --> 02:15:02.853
He's a brilliant Canadian researcher.

02:15:04.545 --> 02:15:16.289
And I don't like speaking for people, but I think it's pretty clear that he believes that there was no novel pathogen and that all of the damages, not some, but all.

02:15:16.369 --> 02:15:23.651
So what this is, is a capitulation to what I tried to get Denny Rancourt to do in November of 2023, but he didn't do.

02:15:25.132 --> 02:15:32.294
This is a capitulation to try and say, yeah, I've heard Denny doesn't think there's a virus, but, and then give some mealy mouth response to it.

02:15:33.277 --> 02:15:49.285
without saying murder, without saying supplemental oxygen, without saying the opioid crisis reduced life expectancy in America, without saying that there was a coordinated media campaign to lie about the murder, without saying that the population pyramids of all the Western countries needed management.

02:15:51.533 --> 02:15:55.476
without saying that there's clearly murder in Scotland, at least, that they lied about.

02:15:56.036 --> 02:16:03.481
None of that is going to be said here, but she's gonna pivot immediately back to the 19 nucleotides, and I'm sure there was a molecule.

02:16:03.501 --> 02:16:12.427
All of the damages incurred in terms of injury and death were the result of what the humans did.

02:16:13.488 --> 02:16:16.910
And I think that there's a lot of truth in that.

02:16:17.469 --> 02:16:19.690
What the humans did is murder.

02:16:19.730 --> 02:16:20.710
And what did they do?

02:16:20.790 --> 02:16:21.650
Are you going to say it?

02:16:22.590 --> 02:16:23.811
Of course she's not going to say it.

02:16:25.351 --> 02:16:34.994
However, I am of the opinion that it doesn't exclude the possibility that there was a new pathogen.

02:16:35.874 --> 02:16:43.736
So we shouldn't investigate the murder and we shouldn't investigate the lies because it doesn't exclude the possibility that there's a pathogen.

02:16:47.858 --> 02:16:49.259
It's hard not to be frustrated.

02:16:49.319 --> 02:16:50.639
It's hard not to get worked up.

02:16:51.179 --> 02:16:52.220
But let me get worked up.

02:16:52.620 --> 02:16:54.121
Don't get worked up about these people.

02:16:55.021 --> 02:16:57.822
Let me get worked up and enjoy a laugh as I get worked up.

02:16:58.583 --> 02:17:00.383
Because in reality, I'm not worked up.

02:17:01.044 --> 02:17:12.409
This is making me feel better about every basketball practice I do, making me feel better about editing episode two of JC on the hardwood, because I know that we will win because the truth is on our side.

02:17:12.789 --> 02:17:14.390
And all we have to do is keep repeating it.

02:17:14.430 --> 02:17:17.511
If I have to repeat it on the basketball court for other people to hear it, it's perfect.

02:17:19.192 --> 02:17:20.755
just makes it easier for me and more fun.

02:17:33.615 --> 02:17:45.868
Number two, a lot of people reported, like millions and millions of people reported experiencing quote unquote symptoms that they've never experienced before, which has yet to be explained.

02:17:46.208 --> 02:17:51.213
Okay, I'm not gonna get too much into this, but what you actually see right here in my mind is a broken cross.

02:17:51.934 --> 02:17:59.382
It's a broken inverted cross because it has an extra long hanger, and the hanger actually happens to be the same width as the cross.

02:17:59.542 --> 02:18:04.567
And so if you accounted it as all the same cross, then it's definitely an inverted cross.

02:18:04.587 --> 02:18:11.213
And even more importantly, it's a broken inverted cross, which I don't know if that has any significance, but it's definitely not obviously a Christian cross.

02:18:11.894 --> 02:18:19.775
And I don't know why she would be wearing a Christian cross when she goes back and forth from Israel and has not spoken out about anything to do with Israel.

02:18:20.275 --> 02:18:22.656
And oh my gosh, what's going on here?

02:18:26.377 --> 02:18:34.518
And we have evidences of both a novelity and something that's pathogenic.

02:18:35.338 --> 02:18:36.298
A novelity?

02:18:39.099 --> 02:18:39.939
A novelity?

02:18:42.219 --> 02:18:59.100
fantastic um and we can talk about that uh till till we're blue in the face um so i uh i i i agree with you i i don't i don't like fighting with people and i believe that people can can have their own

02:18:59.420 --> 02:19:14.492
This foreign meddler has been in front of our Senate because of Senator Ron Johnson multiple times, and I have not, even though he called me in my front lawn in August of 2022 to say how awesome it was when he saw my stream with Charles Rixey about the diffuse proposal.

02:19:15.112 --> 02:19:37.186
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm trying to put the truth out there so that you can see that this narrative about the diffuse proposal and its discovery and its leak, and the narrative about the 19 nucleotides in the Fearon cleavage site, it was all seeded by these people, from James Lyons Weiler to Jessica Rose, and they've all been kept on point, on narrative, circling the globe.

02:19:37.667 --> 02:19:39.288
International COVID Summit No.

02:19:39.668 --> 02:19:40.569
7 coming up soon.

02:19:41.656 --> 02:19:44.998
because there are only a few people who can keep us on narrative now.

02:19:46.780 --> 02:19:55.146
Only a very few people can talk this much garbage for this long and stay and tap dance around the illusion.

02:19:57.107 --> 02:20:07.435
And they have to do it now by talking exclusively about 2021 and the mystery that we solved and didn't save a single college kid from getting transfected.

02:20:08.459 --> 02:20:12.324
They didn't save a single college kid from getting transfected.

02:20:12.344 --> 02:20:19.913
And that's why I was making the argument in 2021 that they had to start using the word to save the college kids from it.

02:20:21.775 --> 02:20:24.338
That's on this subject matter.

02:20:25.470 --> 02:20:26.752
as much as they want.

02:20:27.192 --> 02:20:37.203
And I liked that Denis was kind of, he made a comment about don't say anything about anosmia, which is the loss of sense of smell.

02:20:37.744 --> 02:20:39.786
So we spoke since then and he was

02:20:41.108 --> 02:20:59.500
invoking, you know, a discussion, which I think is great, because whenever there's a disagreement among intelligent people, like you and I were talking... I am trying to provoke a discussion every day that I am on air by succinctly stating the things that I think are an illusion.

02:21:00.201 --> 02:21:01.522
RNA cannot pandemic.

02:21:01.562 --> 02:21:09.407
Transfection was a product before the start of the pandemic, and so they are protecting this IP as new when it's actually old.

02:21:11.052 --> 02:21:13.853
And the vaccine schedule in America was particularly criminal.

02:21:13.893 --> 02:21:17.915
And we could have known that before the pandemic, but the people who did don't seem to know how to say it.

02:21:18.355 --> 02:21:21.256
This is Epi-Girl from the SARS document.

02:21:21.296 --> 02:21:28.439
If you don't know what I'm talking about, find the SPARS document, S-P-A-R-S, and look up Epi-Girl in it.

02:21:28.639 --> 02:21:32.041
This is an example of that personality.

02:21:32.521 --> 02:21:34.002
And there's hundreds of them out there.

02:21:36.403 --> 02:21:39.404
I don't know if there's anything significant at the end of this, so I'm just gonna play it out.

02:21:40.146 --> 02:21:48.093
about before, all we need to do is talk and maybe some minds can change and maybe, you know, we can improve our situation.

02:21:48.453 --> 02:21:58.863
And by the way, I think that's really important because nobody doesn't want to improve our situation because there's been so much devastation for whatever reason.

02:21:59.363 --> 02:22:06.970
And no one's going to refute the fact that most of the damages that were done were at the hand of men.

02:22:07.634 --> 02:22:29.464
like everybody who knows that's called murder jessica that's called murder and neglect when people die of of secondary pneumonia or urinary tract infection or thirst or hunger or cold collaborators ladies and gentlemen these are all collaborators

02:22:30.967 --> 02:22:36.915
Those who I am know that I'm not an advocate for modified mRNA, Ellen.

02:22:37.395 --> 02:22:44.104
And now we're already back on to the intellectual property they are trying to protect as being new.

02:22:46.889 --> 02:23:05.843
That's their job to distract us with a Scooby-Doo mystery to solve so that the countermeasures and all the diagnostics and all these tools that are just based on tried and true technology that's been used on the academic bench for years can be all patented as new devices, new medical devices.

02:23:07.664 --> 02:23:08.445
It's all lies.

02:23:09.245 --> 02:23:10.846
And that's why these people are in place.

02:23:10.866 --> 02:23:15.690
That's why ex-pharma execs are promoting ex-pharma execs as ex-pharma execs as dissidents.

02:23:17.341 --> 02:23:21.484
and people that have spoken in front of the who as dissidents because that's what's happening here.

02:23:21.725 --> 02:23:31.873
Old IP is being recycled as new IP because the biological patent IP surrounding biologics was destroyed before the pandemic or at the beginning of it.

02:23:33.868 --> 02:23:38.432
Put pressure on these people to acknowledge this statement and tell us why we're wrong.

02:23:38.893 --> 02:23:48.502
Intramuscular injection is the single worst way to be exposed to a toxin, and in a pattern integrity with a trajectory through time, the earlier you do it, the stupider it is.

02:23:53.046 --> 02:23:56.830
The concept of intramuscular vaccination in childhood is wrong.

02:23:58.851 --> 02:24:22.347
push them on this or if they ignore it you can see right through them because this is an easy dunk for all of them just like saying infectious clones would be an easy dunk just like saying that we got to hold the government and the secretary of health and human services to more than the rational basis review if we're going to declare emergencies where multiple fundamental rights are being suspended

02:24:23.007 --> 02:24:45.480
we're gonna have to require the government to be held to strict scrutiny to meet a set of you know list a set of circumstances that need to be met but none of that's going on and that would be an easy dunk for these lawyers also an easy dunk would be to point out that these countries all had the same problem to manage but they won't point it out

02:24:47.242 --> 02:24:49.665
point out that the easy way to manage this would have been murder.

02:24:49.725 --> 02:24:52.908
The easy way to roll out these things would have been to roll them out with placebos.

02:24:53.288 --> 02:24:54.189
They won't say that.

02:24:54.229 --> 02:25:11.006
The same people that won't say placebo are the same people who say endemicity, and the same people who had this whole list of nonsense to talk about at the beginning of the pandemic will say nothing about the fact that a background signal could be misconstrued as spread, especially if there's excess old people in need of murdering.

02:25:13.700 --> 02:25:21.984
That's why these people were all put in place with all these crazy narratives about all the different things that would be expected to go wrong when they started transfecting a large population.

02:25:22.364 --> 02:25:24.765
And those same people are still in charge now.

02:25:27.066 --> 02:25:34.990
The same guy is now on Danny Jones's podcast where that guy with the orange glasses who knew all the conspiracy theories was on a couple months ago.

02:25:37.329 --> 02:25:39.010
It's not accidental, ladies and gentlemen.

02:25:39.030 --> 02:25:41.091
He's one of the few people who can make it sound right.

02:25:41.711 --> 02:25:48.035
One of the few people who can do the detail bombing that's necessary to keep people's brains shut off so that they don't hear it's full of shit.

02:25:49.696 --> 02:25:56.199
They are exaggerating the fidelity of this science and they are doing it to the detriment of our future generations.

02:25:57.059 --> 02:26:01.822
They are governing us by not talking about the murder in 2020 and claiming that, oh, the shots are bad.

02:26:03.416 --> 02:26:07.817
and not talking about the murder that happened in places like Scotland that's so easy to see it hurts.

02:26:10.238 --> 02:26:13.958
Instead, we have Whitney Webb arguing with Brett and Eric Weinstein.

02:26:14.399 --> 02:26:22.020
Maybe Whitney Webb is good, but I'm not sure because Robert Malone said she was a firecracker at the CHD inaugural conference.

02:26:22.040 --> 02:26:28.542
So far as I'm concerned, her Epstein-Epstein thing is not really working for me, even in two volumes.

02:26:30.216 --> 02:26:52.046
And that's why Whitney Webb, just like all these other people, will not cover me and not talk about how a background signal in old people and a background signal in opioid deaths, a background signal with pure oxygen being used, could be used to create the murder and lies necessary, that PCR can be used great in universities and shitty as a countermeasure, and still, it'll work fine, elaborate lies.

02:26:53.345 --> 02:27:04.081
And of course you gotta cover up infectious clones and you gotta cover up transformation and transfection because then you'd be admitting that it was old, tried and tested widespread technologies that aren't worthy of patenting.

02:27:05.541 --> 02:27:07.662
that even in the purest form, it was never going to work.

02:27:07.702 --> 02:27:29.912
They knew that already from Jesse Gelsinger, but they did it anyway, ladies and gentlemen, because it was part of the elaborate illusion that the no-virus people are also part of because they're hiding the fact that infectious clones and that positive, that incredible pile of literature just reveals what I'm right about, the transformation and transfection in cell culture is being used to create the illusion of virology, which is

02:27:30.532 --> 02:27:34.094
You'd think what the no virus people would have gotten to by now, but they haven't.

02:27:34.414 --> 02:27:42.319
You would think the no virus people would be able to say this is right at least, but they can't because they are part of the same show that Robert Malone was part of.

02:27:42.699 --> 02:27:43.839
You want to get your way out?

02:27:43.899 --> 02:27:44.740
This is the way out.

02:27:44.900 --> 02:27:46.081
Thinking your way out.

02:27:46.241 --> 02:27:47.882
Healthy people do not get sick.

02:27:48.869 --> 02:27:50.129
RNA cannot pandemic.

02:27:50.769 --> 02:27:53.850
Intramuscular injection is just a bad idea for medicine.

02:27:54.210 --> 02:27:56.811
And the Human Genome Project has just begun.

02:27:57.491 --> 02:28:01.712
And if I'm right about these things, then you know darn well how close we are to breaking the illusion.

02:28:02.112 --> 02:28:04.873
Thank you very much for helping me try and get this out.

02:28:05.293 --> 02:28:07.013
Don't forget what social media it is.

02:28:07.633 --> 02:28:10.814
Don't forget if you get on there thinking that you're making progress, you're not.

02:28:11.514 --> 02:28:18.060
That's why I changed my profile picture to Brett Weinstein in a bandana because it's not real.

02:28:18.720 --> 02:28:19.581
X is not real.

02:28:20.142 --> 02:28:21.863
X is what they want you to believe is real.

02:28:22.263 --> 02:28:24.125
Ladies and gentlemen, this is real.

02:28:30.652 --> 02:28:34.134
My presentation to Senator Ron Johnson, pretty on point.

02:28:34.234 --> 02:28:37.697
If you want to share anything, thank you very much for joining me.

02:28:38.017 --> 02:28:43.100
If you want to support the stream, please go to GigaOMBiological.com and find a way to support.

02:28:43.841 --> 02:28:47.003
And if you want to share or watch or download and post elsewhere,

02:28:47.483 --> 02:28:49.664
You can download everything at stream.gigaom.by.

02:28:49.764 --> 02:28:52.625
I'll just give it a chance to transcode after I get offline.

02:28:53.305 --> 02:28:56.286
I've got an interview in a few minutes, it looks like, according to my schedule.

02:28:57.187 --> 02:28:57.987
So I'll see what I do.

02:28:58.027 --> 02:28:59.648
I don't know if I'm going to live stream that or what.

02:28:59.668 --> 02:29:01.168
I might be on in 20 more minutes.

02:29:01.208 --> 02:29:01.668
So we'll see.

02:29:01.708 --> 02:29:02.689
Thanks very much for being here.

02:29:02.709 --> 02:29:03.649
I'll see you guys again soon.

02:29:05.750 --> 02:29:06.710
Why is that going so slow?

02:29:08.291 --> 02:29:14.453
Oh, I think I have to escape for a second and restart that because sometimes it gets too full of memory.

02:29:16.343 --> 02:29:16.923
Thank you guys.

02:29:18.284 --> 02:29:19.385
I will see you again soon.

02:29:19.585 --> 02:29:20.325
Tomorrow for sure.

02:29:21.446 --> 02:29:29.510
Daily as often as I can, but I'm also going to be editing and producing a lot of JC on a hardwood videos now because I like it and because it's fun for me.

02:29:30.611 --> 02:29:33.032
And I got to find a way to make this slog a little more fun.

02:29:33.092 --> 02:29:33.913
So that's what we're going to do.

02:29:34.293 --> 02:29:37.475
We might do some fewer live streams and more of those, but.

02:29:37.995 --> 02:29:39.657
Feedback on that will make those better.

02:29:39.677 --> 02:29:54.434
We're gonna be throwing in figures and all that other stuff So it's gonna get better and better just like JC on a bike did all those years ago Thanks again for all your support ladies and gentlemen shout out to everybody who is keeping this ship afloat And I can't thank you enough.

02:29:54.915 --> 02:29:56.457
I hope I'm making you proud

02:31:10.151 --> 02:31:11.611
Thank you very much, guys.

02:31:11.792 --> 02:31:15.173
I really appreciate all the comments and all the encouragement.

02:31:15.233 --> 02:31:15.773
It's real nice.

02:31:15.893 --> 02:31:22.575
I really, yeah, it's a small world, small little group of us, but we're growing slowly.

02:31:23.995 --> 02:31:24.856
We're growing slowly.

02:31:25.116 --> 02:31:25.616
Thanks guys.