WEBVTT 01:00.000 --> 01:02.000 You 01:30.000 --> 01:32.000 I 01:38.160 --> 01:43.940 Used to on extreme was excellent today definitely was was excellent 01:43.940 --> 01:45.940 You 01:58.540 --> 02:04.440 You're very sweet to call these lectures we haven't been lecturing in a while we are just we're studying 02:06.980 --> 02:12.300 We are studying together ladies and gentlemen trying to figure out what happened what's happening 02:14.900 --> 02:16.900 We have 02:16.900 --> 02:18.900 Stop lecturing a while ago 02:21.500 --> 02:23.500 Not that we won't again, but 02:24.180 --> 02:30.900 We did stop a while ago because you know we we there's a lot of a lot of introspection and 02:31.700 --> 02:33.700 retrospective and 02:33.700 --> 02:35.700 archiving and 02:36.420 --> 02:38.420 You know 02:39.020 --> 02:41.980 Hindsight is 20 26 Jones next 02:42.700 --> 02:45.780 It's going on French British Italian 02:46.700 --> 02:48.700 Sometimes the way forward is 02:48.820 --> 02:51.660 People everywhere are making sure you remember where you've been 02:52.300 --> 02:54.300 It's embarrassing 03:00.980 --> 03:07.660 What better way for a swimmer to disappear uncle Stewart, why did you do it well? 03:07.660 --> 03:12.740 I guess he can explain it to the sheriff when he gets here. I bet you kids are starving 03:13.580 --> 03:15.580 So it's that's for me 03:18.940 --> 03:25.060 What's this Scooby boos was here the whole turkey 03:37.660 --> 03:39.660 You 03:39.660 --> 03:41.660 You 03:41.660 --> 03:43.660 You 03:43.660 --> 04:11.540 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga home biological high-resistance low noise information brief brought to you by biologists 04:13.660 --> 04:15.660 September 29th 04:23.580 --> 04:30.420 And we're going to take another look at how this limited spectrum of debate has been carefully crafted 04:30.420 --> 04:32.420 By the people 05:00.420 --> 05:12.740 Yes, so very excited very very excited to get my voice a little bit of a break tonight 05:30.420 --> 05:38.700 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Giga home biological high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by biologists 05:38.700 --> 05:41.820 My name is Jonathan Cooley. I'm broadcasting from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 05:41.820 --> 05:44.660 It is the 29th of September 05:45.780 --> 05:52.300 2023 and it is date night with Robert and Jill Mark and Cheryl 05:54.300 --> 05:58.940 I don't want you to take the debate on TV and social media, please don't 06:00.980 --> 06:05.540 And make sure that you're constantly aware of the ease with which 06:06.540 --> 06:10.220 fooling around on social media can inadvertently 06:12.780 --> 06:15.060 Result in you taking the bait. I apologize 06:15.660 --> 06:21.260 It is already late here in Pittsburgh and it was it's still Friday. This was a work day 06:22.220 --> 06:26.500 We're still trying to take down this Scooby-Doo this idea that we've been fooled into food to 06:26.940 --> 06:28.300 Bob 06:28.300 --> 06:33.700 Figuring out what this mystery is who did it who done it who's responsible 06:34.780 --> 06:37.620 And I think that pivoting around on this 06:38.220 --> 06:42.700 This idea. I think it's really fun sometimes to consider 06:43.620 --> 06:49.140 The concept that you know, let me see if I can adjust this. I don't know if this is on already or not 06:49.860 --> 06:51.860 I think it is 06:51.940 --> 06:58.620 It's it's interesting to adjust this concept in your head and to understand that a sort of chaotic 07:00.540 --> 07:06.180 2020 was brought together into a sort of divided but relatively organized 07:07.020 --> 07:08.620 debate a 07:08.620 --> 07:13.500 Divided debate where people were like oh my goodness. What a crazy idea that this virus came from a laboratory 07:13.500 --> 07:16.060 And then on the other side 07:16.940 --> 07:20.140 Almost a mirror image of people who were like crazy idea 07:21.140 --> 07:23.140 It's the only thing that makes sense 07:24.140 --> 07:30.020 And it's it was such a weird parallel between the way that the people who watch Fox News 07:30.340 --> 07:36.660 Think about the people who watch CNN and the people who watch CNN think about the people who watch Fox News and 07:38.100 --> 07:40.660 The to think that the people within this 07:42.740 --> 07:44.740 Obvious cognitive trap 07:45.380 --> 07:53.820 We're completely wholly aware of the ridiculous nature of their their circumstances and still we were stuck in it all of us 07:54.460 --> 08:01.300 And it's especially evident when somebody points out people who can't think straight when trial Trump is in the conversation 08:01.740 --> 08:07.620 But it actually also happens with lab leak and with vaccines and with climate change 08:08.300 --> 08:10.980 with abortion with gay marriage with 08:11.980 --> 08:14.780 Transsexual and transgenderism whatever you call that stuff 08:15.820 --> 08:17.340 There's this 08:17.340 --> 08:19.340 You guys don't get it 08:19.340 --> 08:25.620 You guys don't get it kind of attitude that is really spectacular in the way that it is completely severed 08:26.060 --> 08:27.460 the way 08:27.460 --> 08:28.740 that we 08:28.740 --> 08:34.940 Think of ourselves as a nation and the way that we interact with one another as fellow citizens. It is extraordinary 08:35.500 --> 08:39.500 I don't think ever before in the history of America hasn't been so clear 08:40.220 --> 08:45.300 clearly divided in a way that you almost can't shake hands with certain people and 08:45.660 --> 08:51.500 That's really it is quite frightening if we think about it, but I actually think that the lies 08:52.500 --> 08:54.500 And it is the lies 08:54.500 --> 08:59.540 And I think we might even find out that the lies go way beyond the lies about immunology 09:00.420 --> 09:04.620 If it was only that they lied about the causes of respiratory disease 09:04.620 --> 09:07.060 It was only that they lied about all cause mortality 09:07.860 --> 09:14.820 It's only that they were just lying about our immune response to a disease or they were just lying about vaccination 09:16.180 --> 09:20.700 But think about all the other things that you know that they're lying about 09:25.140 --> 09:31.780 And think about all the things that they're able to do for all the lives that they tell when just for these four lies 09:32.300 --> 09:34.460 Behind me. They were able to do all of this 09:35.260 --> 09:37.260 For three years straight 09:38.340 --> 09:40.340 Completely fooling a planet 09:42.140 --> 09:46.580 And what this should wake you up to is the possibility the potential 09:47.340 --> 09:51.300 For governance around the world by what is essentially lies 09:53.060 --> 09:58.780 Why let things happen and then have to put out fires when you can start fires and put them out 09:58.780 --> 10:08.820 Or when you can claim that there's fires and you have the solution for never having fires again 10:10.780 --> 10:19.420 You see this is the kind of governance idea the structure the the concept of fifth generation warfare 10:20.180 --> 10:22.180 It's a bad it's a bad name 10:23.180 --> 10:30.460 Fifth generation governance is what it ought to be called and that's what's happening here. It's fifth generation governance 10:30.460 --> 10:32.860 They are fracturing their citizenry 10:33.900 --> 10:37.700 cognitively into groups which by definition 10:38.420 --> 10:43.740 Can't reconcile their differences because they're asking the wrong questions as Mark 10:44.820 --> 10:47.100 Coolack said so nicely earlier today 10:47.940 --> 10:53.980 We have been tricked into asking the wrong questions. We've been tricked into solving the wrong mystery and 10:55.820 --> 11:02.020 In so doing we accept all the premises of said mystery all the premises of said question 11:04.940 --> 11:12.700 And that was what keeping this debate about gain of function or whether it could be accessed in cell culture and animal passage or whether you could stitch 11:13.100 --> 11:16.140 viruses together or not that whole debate 11:17.740 --> 11:23.980 If you accept the premise of that debate, then you accept that there might be a reason why you need to give up your sovereignty 11:25.140 --> 11:27.140 for permissions 11:27.460 --> 11:29.460 There might be a really good reason 11:30.300 --> 11:33.900 if you accept the premise of this mythology and 11:35.700 --> 11:43.300 That's again what the sculpting of this debate was to make you know Sam Harris make you feel dumb for thinking that there might be a gray area there 11:43.460 --> 11:51.020 For Jordan Peterson for making you think it might be dumb that there would be a gray area in terms of taking an RNA shot for this 11:52.620 --> 11:57.680 That all of these people on this screen more or less made it a gray area as to whether you should do 11:58.380 --> 12:00.380 anything but listen to the government 12:00.740 --> 12:02.740 It would be ridiculous not to 12:04.540 --> 12:07.420 What did Jordan Peterson say fear as I might 12:09.220 --> 12:12.260 For our loss of rights and liberties and what this means 12:13.300 --> 12:15.300 you 12:15.660 --> 12:17.180 Don't have 12:17.180 --> 12:20.100 Principles in an emergency, then you don't have principles 12:20.580 --> 12:25.540 Said Alexandra's marinose friend of Brett Weinstein on the Brett Weinstein podcast 12:27.060 --> 12:31.140 If you don't have principles during an emergency, you don't have principles 12:32.340 --> 12:33.100 and 12:33.100 --> 12:36.360 What our governments around the world have shown in unison 12:37.320 --> 12:44.800 In perfect synchrony is that we don't have principles during in a declared emergency like one like this 12:46.880 --> 12:52.760 And now you can see who has principles by who's willing to tell this story from beginning to end 12:52.760 --> 12:56.960 Who's willing to start from the beginning and start at the beginning all the time? 12:58.680 --> 13:04.600 Anybody who doesn't start at the beginning all the time in my humble opinion is not playing your straight 13:07.360 --> 13:08.640 a 13:08.640 --> 13:14.680 Very good example might be the fact that the United States government sent your son over to Iraq 13:14.680 --> 13:20.840 And your son was over and served in Iraq for ten years and over those ten years. He was injured 13:21.280 --> 13:23.280 He got cancer 13:23.280 --> 13:25.280 He's mentally ill 13:26.240 --> 13:28.240 He hits his wife 13:28.680 --> 13:30.600 and 13:30.600 --> 13:32.600 He shop-lifted 13:33.000 --> 13:35.560 And so the government comes to your house 13:36.360 --> 13:40.160 And says, you know, your son is a pretty big problem because you know 13:40.640 --> 13:45.080 You don't seem to you don't seem to understand that he's shoplifting and all this other stuff 13:47.040 --> 13:50.200 As if that's you know the whole story 13:51.280 --> 13:53.280 If that's really what's going on here 13:54.280 --> 13:56.640 Not the denial of his VA benefits 13:58.440 --> 14:03.520 And so if somebody comes to you and says man, I can't believe how we're here and you know this 14:04.000 --> 14:07.280 This whole thing is just nuts. The shot is just terrible 14:07.920 --> 14:10.640 The shot is killing all these people. I get it 14:11.320 --> 14:13.800 Don't you get me wrong? I get it 14:14.560 --> 14:20.760 But don't let people focus you on all these people that are being hurt by the mRNA shot 14:23.080 --> 14:27.240 And let you forget that for two years 14:29.160 --> 14:32.320 Ladies and gentlemen and certainly for a year and a half 14:33.520 --> 14:36.000 This was wholly a fraud 14:37.360 --> 14:44.800 About shifting money shifting power and worse than all misleading the young 14:47.120 --> 14:52.640 Misleading young people about the existence of and the appropriate response to 14:54.160 --> 14:57.800 RNA viruses RNA molecules in nature 14:58.800 --> 15:05.320 Think about how ridiculous it sounds if you just substitute the word from virus to molecules 15:05.320 --> 15:07.320 Which is really not that big of a substitution 15:09.080 --> 15:11.080 Virus has a few more proteins 15:11.960 --> 15:14.840 So just call it that then protein coated RNA 15:17.680 --> 15:23.640 You are misleading the young about the appropriate response for detected 15:24.640 --> 15:29.200 Protein coated RNA at best. That's the best you've got 15:30.040 --> 15:33.680 Here when you describe what these despicable people have done and 15:34.400 --> 15:40.680 In order to describe the depth and the breadth of the despicable nature of their actions. You must not forget any of this and 15:41.880 --> 15:45.320 Everybody who's leading us back down into the cave 15:47.440 --> 15:51.440 Tricking us into following them back down into the cold dark cave 15:52.400 --> 15:54.480 Those people aren't talking about this stuff 15:56.320 --> 15:58.320 And it's mostly these people 15:59.080 --> 16:01.080 Definitely all the people at the bottom 16:01.280 --> 16:04.880 But a lot of the people up here all along this red triangle 16:06.160 --> 16:09.840 Because none of them are questioning the protocols the spread or the variants 16:11.040 --> 16:13.040 And that's really the trick 16:14.400 --> 16:16.400 If you accept this model of 16:17.280 --> 16:20.960 Of worldwide virology, you know, like Monday night football 16:21.680 --> 16:23.680 Then then no 16:23.920 --> 16:25.920 You can't escape 16:26.080 --> 16:31.680 The whole justification for this unified governance in the world in the next years 16:32.240 --> 16:37.760 Is going to be largely climate change and the worldwide virology web 16:37.760 --> 16:39.760 And 16:44.960 --> 16:48.880 So i've been trying to find ways to say this succinctly to people. I think 16:49.120 --> 16:52.560 Transfection is not immunization works great if you know what those words mean 16:54.640 --> 16:56.160 But if you don't 16:56.160 --> 17:03.120 It might be easier to say intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 17:03.120 --> 17:05.120 Um 17:06.720 --> 17:08.720 Silly misguided 17:09.760 --> 17:11.760 You know choose your word there 17:12.320 --> 17:17.200 Misguided doesn't really fit at that font size and I want to change it all so, you know, whatever 17:17.840 --> 17:21.600 If you're offended with my word choice, I apologize sometimes it needs to be blunt 17:22.240 --> 17:26.480 We've been trying to figure out how these pieces fit together how these people fit together 17:27.360 --> 17:29.360 Why it is that certain people 17:29.840 --> 17:33.360 seem to amplify certain other people but ignore other people 17:34.880 --> 17:36.880 And uh, yeah 17:37.440 --> 17:40.800 A lot of the the the the people that have risen 17:42.240 --> 17:43.680 Um 17:43.680 --> 17:45.680 You know as the pot has boiled 17:46.160 --> 17:48.320 The stuff that has risen to the top. Um 17:49.200 --> 17:51.200 It seems to be that the 17:51.760 --> 17:53.760 the first 17:54.080 --> 17:56.080 What is it? 17:56.080 --> 18:02.240 The first gnocchi that rises up from the from the boiling pot are these four guys every time we 18:02.880 --> 18:05.120 Start to make dinner and think about okay, let's 18:06.080 --> 18:12.320 Who was crafting and and guiding this narrative in 2020 and 2021? 18:13.440 --> 18:15.920 It's just a really weird mix of people 18:16.720 --> 18:19.520 That all end up talking to and about each other 18:20.320 --> 18:22.480 Throughout the pandemic as they each 18:23.440 --> 18:25.440 Have entered the scene 18:25.920 --> 18:29.520 And so I find it very extraordinary to follow these tracks and 18:30.400 --> 18:32.480 one of my favorites, of course is 18:45.040 --> 18:51.600 So I found a video called wine country conversations and it's an archived video from them. I believe 18:52.000 --> 18:53.760 In 18:53.760 --> 18:55.760 2023 18:56.560 --> 19:01.360 I've had a hard time verifying it could be 22, but it's may 19:02.480 --> 19:05.360 2023 on bitchoo as far as I can tell 19:06.640 --> 19:09.200 And we'll just listen in because again, I haven't heard it 19:10.320 --> 19:14.720 But the reason why I chose it and the reason why I saved it on my list was because it's Jill and 19:15.600 --> 19:17.600 Robert 19:17.600 --> 19:21.280 Unstage and I really like to watch them and listen to them together because 19:22.800 --> 19:24.800 It's impossible to miss 19:25.600 --> 19:32.000 The intellectual link between them and I'm not talking about, you know, the twinkle in their eye or that they've been in love since they were in high school or 19:32.720 --> 19:34.240 They're in they 19:34.240 --> 19:38.160 They're shared thought of their horses at home. I'm talking about 19:39.120 --> 19:41.120 This idea of how 19:41.760 --> 19:43.520 Focused 19:43.520 --> 19:45.440 They are 19:45.440 --> 19:47.440 When they go into public 19:48.800 --> 19:50.800 As 19:51.040 --> 19:53.040 Public speakers 19:53.600 --> 19:55.520 Call them performers call them 19:56.480 --> 19:57.840 Call them 19:57.840 --> 20:03.840 Orators, I I don't know what they are if you as a married couple if you just think about it 20:03.840 --> 20:05.840 If I think about myself and fearless 20:07.040 --> 20:12.560 Going on stage to talk together or or be present together 20:12.560 --> 20:16.640 Even if I was going to go teach immunology and she was going to sit up there on stage 20:20.000 --> 20:22.000 What kind of 20:23.600 --> 20:26.000 Thing does that say about what's going on there? 20:26.000 --> 20:31.120 What kind of message are you sending? And I think it's a very interesting one because again 20:31.920 --> 20:33.920 most of the time 20:34.800 --> 20:40.240 We think of Robert Malone. We see Robert Malone as sort of self touring ball by himself guy 20:40.320 --> 20:42.480 but in reality, it's him and Jill 20:43.760 --> 20:44.880 and 20:44.880 --> 20:50.400 Jill and Robert write a lot of the sub-stacks together along with their staff of 40 or 50 20:52.160 --> 20:56.560 English major soldiers or whatever it is that produces all of those articles 20:57.360 --> 21:01.920 I guess they're writing while the soldiers are working in the barn and feeding the emus 21:02.480 --> 21:03.760 but 21:03.760 --> 21:05.120 it's a 21:05.120 --> 21:07.520 it's a real jogger knot of 21:08.080 --> 21:09.600 information 21:09.600 --> 21:11.600 and messaging coming from 21:11.920 --> 21:18.720 Robert Malone's sub-stack and all of the appearances that he makes and you might not be aware that Jill Malone has made a few 21:19.280 --> 21:21.920 Solo appearances that I've also logged in our guide 21:24.320 --> 21:29.760 So we have a lot of work to do but I thought this one was a really interesting one and because I knew that there was a date night tonight 21:29.760 --> 21:32.400 I thought I would choose this one because this is date night. So 21:33.760 --> 21:35.920 Anyway, I'm going to give my breath a rest 21:36.000 --> 21:37.520 I 21:37.520 --> 21:42.160 I'm not sure how to figure that out, but we'll figure it out. Don't worry about me. I'm not going to 21:42.800 --> 21:44.800 Kroke or something like that. Here we go 21:45.280 --> 21:49.120 So this is the setting right look how cool this is and they're both going to have microphones 21:49.680 --> 21:52.240 So you might think at any moment there would be a 21:52.960 --> 21:58.080 A stage handle come out with like a pair of guitars and they're going to sit down and start singing 21:59.200 --> 22:01.920 It would be it would be the classic of all classics, wouldn't it? 22:02.880 --> 22:03.920 All right, y'all well 22:03.920 --> 22:08.160 I am just as excited as you are to welcome our first speakers of the day 22:08.560 --> 22:13.600 Yeah, you may know him as the doctor who broke the internet on the joe rogan podcast and 22:16.080 --> 22:18.080 Yes, that deserves a round of applause 22:18.400 --> 22:26.640 Or the scientist who invented the m rma vaccine technology and you've probably seen some of his famous beaches from rallies and conferences around the world 22:27.040 --> 22:31.600 Um, and you know what I was testing test test testing in some rap videos lately. So 22:32.720 --> 22:37.040 I think that's pretty exciting. We have the mule. Oh, yeah, she said rap videos and stuff. Did you hear that? 22:37.040 --> 22:37.920 That's pretty funny 22:37.920 --> 22:40.160 Which is from rallies and conferences around the world 22:40.720 --> 22:44.720 And you know what I was just told that he's even been starring in some rap videos lately 22:44.880 --> 22:48.800 So because that makes sense, right? If you're trying to save the world 22:49.840 --> 22:54.160 From from going overboard using a technology that they shouldn't trust 22:55.120 --> 22:57.600 Using a technology that's been rushed 23:00.160 --> 23:05.120 What better way to do it than to be in some rap videos, right? I mean it makes perfect sense 23:06.080 --> 23:11.360 if you have to choose between splitting your time with news appearances or 23:12.240 --> 23:14.240 rallies like this one or 23:14.560 --> 23:16.560 or podcasts 23:16.880 --> 23:23.040 I mean, why wouldn't you choose to spend hours on a set for a for a rap video or even 20 minutes 23:23.920 --> 23:25.920 Why not? 23:26.720 --> 23:29.440 I think that's pretty exciting. We have the music thing in common 23:30.480 --> 23:39.120 um, dr. Robert Malone is a scientist physician writer podcaster commentator advocate and strong believer in our fundamental freedom of speech 23:41.680 --> 23:43.680 I have my notes here 23:45.440 --> 23:47.440 There's so much I don't want to forget anything 23:53.040 --> 23:58.080 Okay, and then dr. Jill Malone is a specialist in public policy and biotechnology 23:58.640 --> 24:06.400 She is the co-founder of several biotech companies and has held positions in academia and has an extensive publication record 24:06.880 --> 24:08.960 That's a weird list of things to say 24:10.640 --> 24:12.640 I thought she had like a 24:12.640 --> 24:19.760 Her degree is not exactly in biotech or biology or whatever is it? It's what the hell was that 24:19.760 --> 24:24.400 Wrong believer in our fundamental freedom of speech 24:27.040 --> 24:29.040 I have my notes here 24:30.720 --> 24:32.720 There's so much I don't want to forget anything 24:32.960 --> 24:34.960 um 24:38.240 --> 24:43.360 Okay, and then dr. Jill Malone is a specialist in public policy and biotechnology 24:43.920 --> 24:51.680 She is the co-founder of several biotech companies and has held positions in academia and has an extensive publication record 24:52.240 --> 24:57.280 Um, she currently shares writing responsibilities for dr. Malone's sub stack, which i'm sure you've all read 24:57.440 --> 25:00.240 Which reaches almost a million people per day 25:00.960 --> 25:08.880 From their high school days in here in california and sanabarbra to breeding lucetanas on the east coast and simultaneously trying to save the world 25:09.520 --> 25:16.080 Uh, then melones have worked together as a dynamic team for decades. I think so they're trying to save the world 25:17.040 --> 25:22.480 I'm just going to briefly reduce this the crickets annoying if they're annoying. I can change them 25:23.200 --> 25:25.200 um 25:35.600 --> 25:39.280 Just to give you a taste of what we're talking about here 25:39.280 --> 25:41.280 So 25:49.200 --> 25:53.120 So it's different as you know that with equity comes 25:56.640 --> 25:58.720 Class please welcome the new student robert 25:59.600 --> 26:01.600 Welcome robert 26:02.400 --> 26:07.280 Well, thanks for the warm welcome teach it's lit no cap take a seat 26:10.240 --> 26:12.240 It's something in each and every one of you 26:17.440 --> 26:22.880 Are you surprised to see him in this video too? You didn't think he was a good guy, did you? 26:22.880 --> 26:24.880 Oh 26:35.760 --> 26:38.080 Okay, we're not gonna do that. I'm sorry. I didn't wanna 26:38.880 --> 26:40.720 Didn't even want you to have the hint 26:41.360 --> 26:44.000 That you thought that maybe we were gonna do that. We're not gonna do that 26:44.000 --> 26:47.360 I just thought it was you to see the beginning of that to realize the extent 26:48.400 --> 26:50.400 to which we've been had 26:50.640 --> 26:54.560 Okay, that's not something to be laughed at or sneezed at 26:55.680 --> 26:58.240 Somebody who's trying to save the world doesn't do that 26:58.800 --> 26:59.760 Okay 26:59.760 --> 27:05.760 I think it's just so cool. Please help get me a warm wine country. Welcome to doctors robert and jill melon 27:05.840 --> 27:09.920 Give him a warm country wine country. Welcome for supporting 27:11.600 --> 27:13.600 the unity project has really 27:14.560 --> 27:21.200 A risen from california because of what you've all been subjected to i'm just trying to adjust the volume here 27:21.440 --> 27:26.480 Even before it existed the founder founding investor jeb hanson 27:28.320 --> 27:30.320 Actually called me out of the blue one 27:31.280 --> 27:36.240 Jesus jill and i maybe they malayle just in a trip to monry bay 27:37.520 --> 27:43.520 To visit our younger son who lives in davis. She'll get louder in a minute go whale watching to jill's great regret 27:44.080 --> 27:46.080 um and 27:46.080 --> 27:49.600 And i had been just to tell the story i had been really suffering 27:50.320 --> 27:54.320 Both with long covid and with post-vaccination syndrome 27:55.120 --> 27:57.120 And just a few days before 27:57.520 --> 27:59.520 long covid 28:00.240 --> 28:04.400 Long covid and post-vaccination syndrome. I mean did you hear that 28:06.000 --> 28:07.200 He is 28:07.200 --> 28:13.360 He had he had the first case of covid on the east coast and he was at the super spreader event 28:13.360 --> 28:15.360 at some boston conference 28:16.080 --> 28:20.080 And he had long covid then he had post-vax syndrome 28:23.120 --> 28:25.120 Or we traveled out here 28:25.440 --> 28:28.000 uh to um hang out with our son 28:29.360 --> 28:35.840 Meryl nast had visited the farm to carry together with mary hall and these are two of the leaders of children's health defense 28:35.840 --> 28:37.840 See i think it's 10 22 28:37.840 --> 28:42.640 Good chat and mary had said robert what you need to do is take some 28:43.280 --> 28:45.280 ivermectin 28:46.320 --> 28:48.320 and 28:48.480 --> 28:54.320 And so she prescribed it and you need to do is take some ivermectin 28:56.480 --> 28:58.480 and 28:58.640 --> 29:01.200 And so she prescribed it and 29:02.400 --> 29:04.720 I started taking it immediately before we went out 29:05.520 --> 29:10.080 And up until that point joe can attest it was hard for me to do farm chores 29:10.160 --> 29:15.440 I usually cannot work a 20-year-old because i've been we've i think this is our fifth or sixth small farm 29:15.920 --> 29:19.920 And as as i think you said you were suffering first from long covid and then 29:20.480 --> 29:26.320 vaccine injury the post-vaccination syndrome and uh so I started taking ivermectin and it stunned me 29:26.800 --> 29:29.760 I out height our 20-something sun 29:30.320 --> 29:33.760 uh along big surf did he report this on the 29:34.720 --> 29:36.720 Brett Weinstein podcast 29:37.680 --> 29:40.160 I honestly don't remember him saying this 29:42.160 --> 29:44.560 I remember him saying maybe that he took 29:45.760 --> 29:51.280 He took the shot because he thought it might help with long covid that there was rumors on the internet that it might help with long covid 29:51.280 --> 29:53.280 So he took the shot, but it didn't help 29:55.680 --> 29:59.600 But I never heard that he took I never heard that he took 30:00.400 --> 30:02.400 Ivermectin 30:02.480 --> 30:05.520 And then uh he could out hike his son 30:06.480 --> 30:08.400 Wow, that's interesting. Isn't it? 30:09.680 --> 30:14.720 That's interesting. I thought he took pepsen or something and I was like oh this stuff clearly works 30:16.800 --> 30:22.800 Um, and it was only like two days in right with the treatment. He was it was amazing the response that I had 30:23.360 --> 30:25.360 Wow now I know 30:25.920 --> 30:27.920 I know he didn't say that 30:28.880 --> 30:31.680 Because they started the Brett Weinstein podcast with 30:33.280 --> 30:37.680 Robert Malone was safe because he had been twice vaccinated and infected 30:38.480 --> 30:41.280 Steve curse was safe because he was twice vaccinated 30:41.760 --> 30:47.600 And Brett Weinstein was safe because he was taking ivermectin prophylactically if ivermectin 30:48.640 --> 30:55.200 Had cleared Robert Malone's long covid and post vax syndrome 30:56.320 --> 30:58.320 in two days 30:58.800 --> 31:05.360 Then he would have been able to say that on the Brett Weinstein podcast because on the Brett Weinstein podcast 31:05.440 --> 31:10.320 He was speaking of both his shots and his long covid 31:11.360 --> 31:13.600 as being kind of more or less in the past 31:14.560 --> 31:17.040 Do you hear this? 31:19.120 --> 31:24.560 Please tell me hear it because this is really happening right now. We just opened a treasure chest. It's crazy 31:25.120 --> 31:31.600 I'm going to move this g up. I think I pushed it down the other day because and then I relapsed and I took my words and 31:32.080 --> 31:38.080 Face was then recently. I've completed the uh, flccc recovery protocol 31:39.040 --> 31:46.160 That uh palmeric and pure cori have come up with and it's it's really helped me out. I'm not making any medical advice 31:46.720 --> 31:54.080 Um, but i'm not licensed in the state of california. I think so now he's saying that the flccc protocol also works 31:54.560 --> 31:56.560 So 31:56.560 --> 31:58.560 So this has to be 22 32:00.000 --> 32:02.960 Unless he was really talking in the past 10s a few minutes ago 32:06.320 --> 32:13.200 Again, this with this interview is the video is posted in may of 23, but that would be june july 32:14.480 --> 32:16.480 august 32:17.360 --> 32:19.360 It would be before my my 32:20.640 --> 32:24.000 My family went to the netherlands this summer. So I guess it's possible 32:25.360 --> 32:27.760 It's possible that it's from this year 32:29.840 --> 32:32.240 But then I really don't think he's telling the truth here 32:32.240 --> 32:37.600 He can't be telling the truth here if he's going to say that he took ivermecan within two days he could hike 32:39.920 --> 32:43.200 And that that was a wonder drug in that then also by the way 32:43.840 --> 32:46.320 I also completed the treatment 32:46.960 --> 32:53.600 Of the flccc protocol and that also works great, but i'm not giving medical advice. Wow. Did that sound slimy 32:54.400 --> 32:56.400 Oh, man 32:56.400 --> 33:00.080 That sounded so slimy. I think this is our fifth or sixth small farm 33:00.480 --> 33:04.560 And as as I think you said you were suffering first from long covid and then 33:05.120 --> 33:07.120 Vaccine injury. Yeah, the post vaccination syndrome 33:07.600 --> 33:12.320 And uh, so I started taking ivermectin and it stunned me. I out height 33:12.960 --> 33:14.960 our 20-something son 33:14.960 --> 33:18.640 Uh along big serve and I was like oh this stuff clearly works 33:18.640 --> 33:20.640 um 33:21.680 --> 33:26.880 And it was only like two days in right with the treatment. It was it was amazing the response that I had 33:27.600 --> 33:33.360 and then I relapsed and I took more and uh, then recently I've completed 33:34.080 --> 33:36.800 the uh flccc recovery protocol 33:37.760 --> 33:40.480 That uh palmeric and pyracori have come up with 33:41.120 --> 33:44.880 And it's it's really helped me out. I'm not giving you medical advice 33:45.440 --> 33:48.800 Um, but i'm not licensed in the state of california. Thank god 33:49.360 --> 33:51.360 um 33:52.320 --> 33:56.000 But um that's but so so we're we're hanging out 33:56.960 --> 33:59.120 um in this a little kind of 34:00.720 --> 34:04.240 Old, you know california has all these old motels 34:05.200 --> 34:09.600 So we're hanging out in this uh monoray bay hotel 34:10.800 --> 34:12.400 Motel 34:12.480 --> 34:13.920 And I get a phone call 34:13.920 --> 34:16.000 from this guy, jeff hansen 34:16.160 --> 34:17.200 Out of the blue 34:17.200 --> 34:18.560 And he says 34:18.560 --> 34:21.920 Robert, I really like what you're doing and I want to support you and i'm going to wire 34:22.000 --> 34:24.000 I'm not even going to say the size of the check 34:24.560 --> 34:26.160 Into your bank account 34:26.160 --> 34:31.280 And I was like at that point we were just you know scrapping to make ends meet 34:31.360 --> 34:33.920 We'd been doing everything based on our own cash flow 34:34.640 --> 34:36.640 Uh hadn't had any support or anything 34:37.200 --> 34:41.520 And suddenly out of the blue this guy calls up and says he wants to donate to us 34:42.320 --> 34:47.600 And that was key to basically me being able to continue to 34:48.560 --> 34:55.280 Be a free agent and just speak truth and travel. Yeah, yeah and in the travel and then then um 34:55.840 --> 35:01.200 There was a rally here in california and a bunch of mothers came together 35:02.560 --> 35:05.200 And who would that have been do you think that was curse 35:07.120 --> 35:09.120 Who gave him all that money? 35:12.400 --> 35:14.400 Hmm 35:14.400 --> 35:16.400 It's strange to me 35:19.040 --> 35:22.880 And he certainly didn't need the money. I mean he's pretending as though he doesn't have any money 35:22.880 --> 35:26.160 I'm not really sure that it can be true. It's possible. I guess but 35:30.080 --> 35:34.160 I don't know. There's something fishing here. We i'm sorry. Um, yeah, the mama mama bears 35:34.160 --> 35:38.880 I've been saying this all the way through mama bears are what's going to save america 35:39.120 --> 35:40.640 um 35:40.640 --> 35:42.640 and 35:42.640 --> 35:48.560 And that is what gave rise to the unity project was a a protest I think here in orange county 35:49.200 --> 35:53.440 Uh in which a lot of these mama bears came together and they said we're not going to stand for this 35:54.240 --> 35:59.120 And um, that's that's what gave rise to the unity project and it still continues 35:59.120 --> 36:02.640 I think the unity project right now is in the middle of a fundraise 36:03.520 --> 36:06.080 Trying to get enough to get a matching grant 36:06.560 --> 36:09.120 laura sextra who's the leader now 36:09.680 --> 36:12.320 Hasn't shared with me who's providing them 36:12.880 --> 36:14.880 matching funds or what the terms are but 36:15.440 --> 36:18.480 Um, that's that's I think why we're here 36:19.200 --> 36:24.400 And I I thank you very much for your being willing to support the unity project 36:24.960 --> 36:28.080 And its mission which has been very much about your children 36:28.640 --> 36:30.640 And and they've kind of morphed 36:30.720 --> 36:37.280 From the vaccines and the vans vaccine mandates to really, you know medical freedom and then that's just a subset 36:37.280 --> 36:43.440 It's really about freedom. Um, that's the truth of it and freedom and children and protecting children. Um, yeah 36:43.600 --> 36:49.040 Absolutely and protecting children and now we're seeing all of these additional threats that we never expected 36:49.680 --> 36:55.120 Um that are coming out of these various afeperts at social engineering through influencing our children 36:55.360 --> 36:58.160 Which you know when you when you talk about the um 36:58.720 --> 37:04.320 Peds transgender stuff. It's not just in america. It's you know, nick hudson our friend 37:04.480 --> 37:06.080 Who's a south african data? 37:06.080 --> 37:08.080 Now he said a panda 37:08.160 --> 37:12.320 Panda the same stuff is happening in south africa the same stuff is happening in europe 37:12.400 --> 37:14.060 This is a globalized 37:14.060 --> 37:17.840 Synchronized effort and it's really scary. I think that's one of the most important messages 37:17.840 --> 37:22.720 We can share with you is what last year we hit over 400 000 miles on commercial air 37:23.200 --> 37:29.120 Plus the privates. I'm traveling all over the world trying to help with the freedom movement and 37:29.680 --> 37:33.120 I'm bringing truth about the jabs and early treatment 37:33.840 --> 37:37.760 And one of the things that has been the most stunning I think to both of us 37:38.480 --> 37:44.720 Is that what we've experienced here in the states and you certainly have been at the tip of the spear in 37:45.280 --> 37:48.000 In california and experiencing these policies 37:48.800 --> 37:51.600 And I jill warned me not to trash california too much 37:52.320 --> 37:57.680 As as was said we're california natives. Okay. I was born in paul walto in the old stanford hospital. She was born in 37:58.080 --> 38:03.040 Uh van eyes in the old ucla hospital. Um, we grew up in galita 38:03.600 --> 38:09.760 Uh, we're high school sweethearts from dos pueblos went to uc san diego and uc davis 38:10.000 --> 38:16.720 Yeah, so so that's our we're we're deeply rooted in california and we're now california expats living in virginia 38:17.200 --> 38:20.880 And and we'll just leave it at that. I don't have any problems with water 38:22.000 --> 38:23.680 And I like to say 38:23.680 --> 38:26.080 Um, if I don't mow it a tree grows 38:27.120 --> 38:30.400 Um, so that's that's a little different from around here 38:30.400 --> 38:34.320 But but the truth is that california is you all know has an uphill battle 38:34.640 --> 38:36.160 You know, it's not about california 38:36.160 --> 38:41.920 It's about california and politicians and and what's happened to the state. Yeah, and in the point 38:42.000 --> 38:44.000 I was trying to get towards is 38:44.800 --> 38:50.720 What was stunning for us is these policies that were deployed in the united states were deployed globally 38:51.360 --> 38:56.320 In a harmonized synchronized way. I've never seen any i'm a veteran of multiple outbreaks 38:56.400 --> 38:58.000 This is kind of my business 38:58.000 --> 39:01.600 People there's a cadre small cadre of people that are kind of outbreak junkies 39:02.160 --> 39:07.280 And they get the calls early on like I did on january 4th of 2020 saying okay 39:07.280 --> 39:09.840 We got another problem. We got to get going on this blah blah blah 39:10.240 --> 39:12.240 And you know, now we know the whole military 39:13.440 --> 39:18.160 Biodefense complex behind that and there's a dark side to all of that. I didn't really know about 39:18.720 --> 39:23.680 But I have never experienced anything like this with a censorship propaganda 39:24.320 --> 39:31.600 Um, the control of information and really the fifth generation warfare or what matt tabie called today hybrid warfare 39:32.160 --> 39:35.200 In a fascinating essay from was it rebel news? 39:36.240 --> 39:39.520 No, it was not it was racket racket racket news 39:40.320 --> 39:43.920 So that's on sub stack. I really recommend that and we did 39:44.800 --> 39:51.120 We post it through our own sub stack. So if any of you are subscribers to ours, you know, and by the way 39:51.120 --> 39:54.800 You could be it's it's free. You don't have to pay. This is not drifting 39:55.840 --> 40:01.760 Um, but uh, they put out a fantastic article with an intro from matt tabie 40:02.320 --> 40:05.040 that of of the twitter files fame 40:05.520 --> 40:11.200 Um that lays out all of these organizations that have been set up that form this new 40:11.760 --> 40:15.120 Uh censorship industrial complex that people have been talking about 40:15.600 --> 40:18.160 So that is absolutely something for you guys to check out 40:18.160 --> 40:22.480 But the the stunning thing is like you remember all of the artists 40:23.120 --> 40:26.960 All the comedians that were all basically paid 40:27.440 --> 40:32.880 Um to put out the propaganda of the pro vaccine, you know, we've got vaccine all that 40:33.200 --> 40:38.400 Oh, by the way, micky wilson's next, uh video is going to be coming out in just a couple weeks check that out 40:39.040 --> 40:40.000 um 40:40.000 --> 40:44.720 Uh, which includes a lot of russians getting those, you know film clips from a lot of that 40:44.800 --> 40:46.800 Do you hear what he's doing right here? 40:48.240 --> 40:50.240 Boy, it was really painful 40:51.440 --> 40:57.600 He's trying to tell these people that do you remember the people on social media and all the all the hollywood stars saying hey 40:57.600 --> 40:59.520 We got vaccine or 40:59.520 --> 41:01.520 Hey, get the vaccine 41:01.760 --> 41:03.760 And we do remember that we do 41:05.360 --> 41:06.400 But 41:06.400 --> 41:10.640 Leading people by the nose to that part of the of the narrative 41:11.600 --> 41:14.960 Doesn't lead them back far enough to see that there were the same people 41:16.400 --> 41:18.400 And more 41:19.120 --> 41:23.760 Seating the narrative about the novel virus and the fact that it could be a worst case scenario 41:24.320 --> 41:26.400 And what that worst case scenario might be 41:28.080 --> 41:30.800 And that the seating of that narrative allowed 41:32.480 --> 41:38.720 There to be a rollout of the vaccine that needed hollywood stars and people on tv and 41:39.280 --> 41:42.240 And late night talk show host to dance about the vaccine 41:44.000 --> 41:46.960 And that wouldn't have happened had there not been a year earlier 41:48.000 --> 41:49.040 a 41:49.040 --> 41:51.200 covert and overt campaign 41:51.840 --> 41:57.120 To make people believe that there was a novel virus spreading around the world that either came from a bat cave 41:57.760 --> 42:01.120 Or came from a bat cave and then into a laboratory and then out 42:02.080 --> 42:04.080 That 42:04.080 --> 42:06.560 That's spectacular because he's not going there 42:07.760 --> 42:11.920 He's not going to tell you that they hyped it up from the very beginning and that they used 42:12.640 --> 42:16.320 Things like remdesivir to make it seem like the virus was really deadly 42:18.800 --> 42:22.720 Because naive young doctors applying the protocol that they were told 42:25.440 --> 42:27.440 Was the protocol that they had to follow 42:32.320 --> 42:33.840 That 42:33.840 --> 42:36.160 That person has covid and kidney failure 42:37.520 --> 42:39.520 They don't think about what they've been giving them 42:41.520 --> 42:47.680 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the magic spell right here. This is the enchantment in spades 42:49.120 --> 42:52.400 And I really think it's from may 2023. It's from this year 42:53.680 --> 42:55.680 This is how they've done it 42:56.560 --> 43:01.280 Again, the car is speeding so fast that you can't see all the details 43:02.960 --> 43:07.920 Especially because it's such a nice car and your seat is such luxurious love of leather 43:10.880 --> 43:13.680 And the smell of the driver's cigar is just right 43:15.200 --> 43:17.200 Or the driver's pipe as I would prefer 43:18.720 --> 43:22.160 I mean ladies and gentlemen listen to these masterfuls 43:23.120 --> 43:29.840 Masterful storytellers knowing exactly what the faith is and how to proselytize it 43:32.160 --> 43:34.720 That happened across the world in a heart 43:34.720 --> 43:37.840 And so pointing at propaganda that's not propaganda 43:38.080 --> 43:42.640 Pointing at propaganda that is propaganda rather but not the propaganda that got you there 43:43.360 --> 43:45.360 Is asking the wrong question 43:46.880 --> 43:48.880 Who hyped up the vaccine? 43:48.880 --> 43:50.880 Who's responsible for this vaccine? 43:51.040 --> 43:53.040 Who did the vaccine? 43:54.240 --> 44:00.480 Completely ignores a whole year where people said that who you could have asked who said this was a novel virus 44:00.720 --> 44:02.720 Who said this virus was deadly? 44:02.880 --> 44:04.880 Who said that remdesivir would work? 44:05.040 --> 44:07.040 Who said that ventilators was necessary? 44:07.760 --> 44:09.760 Who said that we needed more ventilators? 44:10.400 --> 44:12.400 Who said we needed that damn ship? 44:14.320 --> 44:17.120 Who said we needed mandazalam given to people in 44:17.840 --> 44:19.840 in care homes 44:19.840 --> 44:23.680 Who said we should give all the old people the vaccine first? 44:23.680 --> 44:27.120 Who said we should treat all the most vulnerable with the vaccine first? 44:32.880 --> 44:36.800 Who are responsible for the first year and a half of this pandemic? 44:36.800 --> 44:39.760 Not who's responsible for the year and a half after that 44:40.720 --> 44:41.760 First things first 44:44.720 --> 44:46.400 Harmonize simultaneous fashion 44:47.280 --> 44:49.520 All of that so for instance we were traveling 44:50.480 --> 44:55.360 in vienna one of the capitals of the arts and particularly music in europe 44:56.080 --> 44:57.120 and 44:57.120 --> 45:02.480 We were brought there by people that were really part of the resistance within vienna 45:03.280 --> 45:06.160 So they had an underground resistance because they were all locked down 45:06.400 --> 45:12.400 They couldn't they were not allowed to congregate they couldn't there's no way they would have been arrested if they had a meaning like this 45:13.040 --> 45:17.760 Okay, and what what had happened was that one of the kind of bohemian 45:18.560 --> 45:21.200 Hangouts for artists, etc 45:21.920 --> 45:23.920 in downtown 45:23.920 --> 45:26.480 paper over all its windows with craft paper 45:27.440 --> 45:28.560 and 45:28.560 --> 45:30.560 started holding 45:30.560 --> 45:32.560 surreptitious evening meetings 45:33.040 --> 45:35.920 And and just get together say we're just meetings they were you know 45:35.920 --> 45:42.320 They continued on with with their business surreptitiously, which was highly illegal to just have people come and hang 45:43.360 --> 45:47.600 So we connected with these people when we went there to speak for a couple of events 45:48.160 --> 45:55.600 And what we learned was that at the same time that all the artists and comedians here in the United States had been purchased basically 45:56.320 --> 45:58.320 To put out the propaganda 45:58.320 --> 46:00.880 The same had happened throughout austria 46:01.840 --> 46:05.920 It throughout vienna basically all the artists and musicians 46:06.720 --> 46:11.200 Were all paid right off the bat to promote the jab 46:12.160 --> 46:16.400 I mean, I've never seen anything like this in my life and it still boggles my mind 46:16.960 --> 46:20.560 Who you know this this the big question is who's the puppet master right? 46:21.120 --> 46:28.880 What what is the organization that has that much capital and that much organizational capability to deploy what we have been subjected to 46:29.360 --> 46:32.080 For the last three years and I don't know the answer 46:32.640 --> 46:35.600 Oh my gosh, what talk about it what? 46:36.240 --> 46:37.360 but 46:37.360 --> 46:38.400 that 46:38.400 --> 46:42.080 Complex I want you to think about that. He says I don't know the answer 46:42.080 --> 46:47.360 Let's listen that one more time and I'm going to explain to you why that is ridiculous and it's going to be very easy 46:47.360 --> 46:50.720 It's going to take me like two sentences before you're going to be like oh wait 46:51.360 --> 46:54.400 Yeah, he does that to promote the jab 46:55.360 --> 46:59.600 I mean, I've never seen anything like this in my life and it still boggles my mind 47:00.160 --> 47:03.760 Who you know this this the big question is who's the puppet master right? 47:04.400 --> 47:12.160 What what is the organization that has that much capital and that much organizational capability to deploy what we have been subjected to 47:12.640 --> 47:14.800 for the last three years 47:14.800 --> 47:16.800 And I don't know the answer 47:18.240 --> 47:20.240 And I don't know the answer he says 47:26.720 --> 47:28.720 What if I were to say Robert Malone 47:29.680 --> 47:36.640 If anovial would have been chosen as the primary vaccine candidate or one of the primary vaccine candidates 47:37.280 --> 47:41.680 Who would have chosen anovial and how would it have been brought to market? 47:42.480 --> 47:44.480 Who would have brought it to market? 47:44.880 --> 47:49.520 Do you think he could have answered that question? Do you think Jill Malone could have answered that question? 47:50.640 --> 47:53.600 Because I think the answer to that question is the same answer 47:54.800 --> 47:56.800 as who did this 47:57.760 --> 47:59.760 And he pretends like I don't know 48:01.120 --> 48:05.440 They did call me and tell me you know to spin up my team and so I went 48:06.160 --> 48:07.680 and drove my 48:07.680 --> 48:09.680 Honda Civic with 48:09.680 --> 48:12.640 Four non-matching wheels and one missing corner panel 48:13.360 --> 48:18.240 To ditra headquarters and spun my team up who were all volunteer guys 48:18.880 --> 48:20.880 We lived on submarine sandwiches 48:21.520 --> 48:23.520 And stale soda 48:23.920 --> 48:25.840 While I was creating a you know 48:26.960 --> 48:30.080 Nothing big. I mean like an x-ray crystallography model of the 48:30.960 --> 48:36.160 3acl protease, but you know, it's no big deal and then we were running it past, you know 48:37.680 --> 48:39.680 All the known drugs 48:39.680 --> 48:46.080 The FDA approved drugs. What's that Robert Malone? What did you say? Uh, we were running it past all the drugs in the world 48:46.960 --> 48:48.080 What? 48:48.080 --> 48:51.040 We were running it past all the drugs in the world 48:51.680 --> 48:54.720 Like all the FDA approved drugs and pharmaceuticals 48:55.920 --> 48:57.920 What were you running past that? 48:57.920 --> 49:01.600 My model of we were matching using i.i. You know 49:02.560 --> 49:06.480 a computer generated model of x-ray crystallography of the 49:07.600 --> 49:09.600 3acl protease 49:10.000 --> 49:12.000 And then we were matching 49:13.040 --> 49:18.640 Computer generated models of all the substances the FDA had approved 49:19.520 --> 49:22.800 That's a pretty big database, isn't it? Robert Malone 49:24.000 --> 49:26.000 How many substances is that? 49:26.000 --> 49:31.200 How long did it take you to do that to make a model of the of the novel virus 49:31.840 --> 49:33.120 and its 49:33.120 --> 49:35.120 special protease 49:35.120 --> 49:36.000 um 49:36.000 --> 49:40.880 How long did it take you to make that x-ray crystallography model and then make out a 49:41.520 --> 49:44.640 a suitable interface for this database of 49:45.360 --> 49:47.360 of substances 49:47.760 --> 49:50.560 Um about three weeks about three weeks you're on it 49:55.520 --> 49:58.000 I have hypotheses if we talk about it in the book 49:58.800 --> 49:59.920 but 49:59.920 --> 50:00.960 That 50:00.960 --> 50:02.160 Complex 50:02.160 --> 50:06.880 Whatever that is whatever those those puppet masters are whatever they're doing 50:07.440 --> 50:12.080 They're still out there and they're still doing it and that we can the good news is that we can now see it 50:13.040 --> 50:15.920 The good news is that I mean always looking for silver lightings 50:15.920 --> 50:17.600 I hate doing these 50:17.600 --> 50:24.640 Meetings and talks and stuff and it's just down down down. Oh this horrible thing. Look what they've done too. Nice. Lisa doing just now 50:25.120 --> 50:27.120 It's just so is that Simon says 50:28.000 --> 50:32.320 But just to say it, you know, we all know it goes beyond covid. Lisa Simon says 50:33.520 --> 50:40.560 The origins of covid whether it's you know, um anything that you want to say against the Ukrainian war 50:41.200 --> 50:46.480 You know, um the slightest criticism nor stream nor stream. It's it's all getting censored now 50:46.880 --> 50:48.880 You know and propaganda 50:48.880 --> 50:53.680 Everything everything in is you know here in california. It's all being done algorithmically 50:54.080 --> 50:56.080 They want to do it now with ai 50:56.240 --> 51:02.560 We're we're in an information battlescape. This is what it is. I talk about fifth generation warfare. It'll be lecturing 51:03.840 --> 51:06.400 Um as I say matt how you be calls it hybrid warfare 51:07.360 --> 51:12.000 I call it fifth generation governance because it's not warfare. It's just governance 51:13.920 --> 51:17.760 And the trick is is that he's telling you you'll never figure out who it is 51:22.000 --> 51:27.920 And i've been told by the way by the anti-defamation league i've been called a anti-government conspiracy theorist 51:28.480 --> 51:31.520 Because I talk about fifth generation warfare 51:32.080 --> 51:34.720 Uh the administrative state and what's my third sin? 51:35.440 --> 51:37.440 Um 51:37.840 --> 51:43.200 It's administrative state fifth generation were fair and I forget what my third crime is 51:43.760 --> 51:49.440 My third thought crime, but but basically this is established technology. It's been in the literature for years 51:49.520 --> 51:51.520 It's taught within dod 51:51.680 --> 51:57.440 There was a dod operations army our operations manual that was put out in the 90s about deploying this 51:58.080 --> 51:59.600 And we've had 51:59.600 --> 52:01.760 folks within syops units that were 52:02.320 --> 52:08.080 um retired come up to us in these rallies and say yes, what you're saying is absolutely true 52:08.080 --> 52:15.040 This is absolutely what's going on and i'm mad as hell about it because basically we built this suite of technologies 52:15.520 --> 52:19.040 During the cold war to counter what was truly the most 52:19.680 --> 52:25.040 incredible syops capability in history a man which was deployed by the soviet union 52:25.840 --> 52:28.160 And we had to have something to counteract that 52:29.040 --> 52:34.880 And then instead of having as bobby kennedy said the other day in boston instead of having a 52:35.920 --> 52:40.240 A dividend from the end of the cold war. We pivoted to the middle east 52:40.880 --> 52:42.880 And we started foreign adventures there, right? 52:43.520 --> 52:44.320 um 52:44.320 --> 52:47.920 And what one of the things we did is we deployed these syops units 52:48.960 --> 52:54.400 In the uk deployed the 77th brigade and there's syops units in canada in mousieland, australia 52:54.960 --> 52:58.080 We deployed them against our foreign adversaries in the middle east 52:59.200 --> 53:06.960 And every day this these capabilities get stronger and stronger more and more personnel more and more government contractors 53:07.200 --> 53:10.480 Because that's the nature of the beast. That's the way things work in dc 53:10.960 --> 53:16.560 Okay, is you can never kill a program. It just they get they have it like this organic thing 53:16.560 --> 53:22.800 They just grow and grow and grow and um get more and more funding and more and more lobbyists 53:23.520 --> 53:29.520 And so then we had the failures in syria iraq, afghanistan 53:30.400 --> 53:36.320 I mean, I argue that we have never won a fifth generation warfare fourth generation. Yeah, um 53:37.040 --> 53:39.040 Going back to the vehicle 53:39.040 --> 53:40.000 Okay 53:40.000 --> 53:42.240 And we lost those battles functionally 53:43.280 --> 53:49.520 And covid came along and they deployed those capabilities as part of the whole of military response 53:50.400 --> 53:54.480 And i'm sorry to say it for those that are america maga folks 53:55.200 --> 53:59.200 But it was mr. Trump that declared the whole of military response 53:59.920 --> 54:06.560 And that included deploying those syops units against the civilians which really started though. It started in 54:07.360 --> 54:15.600 2016 when um obama softened the anti-propagation propaganda act which said that they could not deploy propaganda on the american people and 54:15.760 --> 54:21.520 Congress passed a law that um very much softened that act that was passed in 1948 54:22.000 --> 54:27.600 And that was what really opened the door to syops on the american people and and the logic is you've heard it 54:27.600 --> 54:31.680 You've heard mr. obama speaking about this again and again. I'm not coming here to trash the man 54:32.240 --> 54:36.400 But you heard it at stanford at the hoover institute when he gave his lecture 54:37.200 --> 54:43.760 In order to preserve democracy quote unquote right we and those of you that are constitutionalists will all point out 54:43.840 --> 54:48.640 We don't actually have a democracy right so i don't want to i'm sorry. Did he just say trumped in it? 54:49.600 --> 54:52.960 I think he says trump did it with that argument. We have a republic 54:53.680 --> 54:54.720 Okay 54:54.720 --> 54:55.920 But 54:55.920 --> 54:59.920 The logic that's been promoted is in order to preserve democracy 55:00.560 --> 55:04.240 We have to have censorship we have to control information 55:04.800 --> 55:11.600 And and basically it is it is a total upside down, you know, we're all living in upside down in clung world anyhow 55:12.000 --> 55:18.400 Um, it's an upside down argument that the first amendment has got to be jennisoned in order to preserve democracy 55:18.480 --> 55:20.480 That's where we live right now 55:20.640 --> 55:28.800 And they absolutely want to continue to reinforce this and is this article that just came out documents. We have was it 10 50? 55:29.040 --> 55:31.040 he lives he listed 50 55:31.680 --> 55:32.800 NGOs 55:32.800 --> 55:39.040 government organizations that are actively pursuing censorship and propaganda and he goes through with 55:39.760 --> 55:42.640 Details on who's funding them what they've done 55:43.120 --> 55:50.720 Um where they operate it's it's quite an amazing piece in the racket. It's very long. It's almost book length 55:51.120 --> 55:57.200 So that's that's you know, I've come to the point and I think we've come to the point. Yes medical freedom is important 55:58.320 --> 55:59.840 and um 55:59.840 --> 56:04.320 The the rights of parents to educate their own children are important 56:05.280 --> 56:10.640 Um matias desma just put out a great article about the efforts in the netherlands 56:11.040 --> 56:16.960 Uh, the state is advocating that they should take over child re mandatory schooling starting at four years old 56:17.280 --> 56:24.400 So children have to go to mandatory preschool and kindergarten because parents are not adequately trained to raise children 56:25.120 --> 56:31.840 Okay, and I guarantee this stuff that's going down there in europe is going to be coming on shore here on the side of the Atlantic 56:32.160 --> 56:39.600 Very cuz it's all driven it literally. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is absolutely all driven by the world economic forum 56:40.400 --> 56:41.680 Okay 56:41.680 --> 56:49.440 And and the world economic forum and everyone says oh look at dalos look at the wealthy and supposedly he never heard of that before 56:50.320 --> 56:52.320 before merrill and 56:52.880 --> 56:56.160 And mary holland and other people explained it to him 56:57.360 --> 56:59.360 That's the story that I heard 56:59.520 --> 57:02.560 I mean before this all started he had no idea 57:03.280 --> 57:08.240 Who the wef was or that there was some global governments or where you know, whatever 57:09.520 --> 57:12.880 Apparently he'd never heard a seppie or anything right. I mean, how could he 57:13.840 --> 57:16.480 Obviously heard of those those organizations 57:17.360 --> 57:19.360 He's given a talk at the who 57:21.200 --> 57:27.200 But i've been told by multiple people that the story goes that the horse farmer robert malone 57:28.160 --> 57:30.160 part-time contractor 57:32.480 --> 57:34.480 Study section leader 57:35.360 --> 57:38.880 Curator of billions of dollars in nih grant money 57:40.320 --> 57:46.160 And broker of vaccine technologies between countries had no idea what the wf was 57:47.120 --> 57:53.280 Until a few people told him at when when he got started in this all speaking out 57:54.240 --> 57:57.840 That's how naive he was that's what we're supposed to believe 57:59.440 --> 58:04.640 The people partying it's not about that. Okay, this is this is the puppet over here 58:05.120 --> 58:12.000 The world economic forum is the largest it's a trade union of the largest transnational corporations in the world 58:12.400 --> 58:20.960 And in 2019 they signed a extensive strategic agreement with the united nations where they're now helping to fund the united nations which 58:21.440 --> 58:22.720 you know 58:22.800 --> 58:27.680 That makes them kind of a partner when you give somebody money then you can take away money 58:27.920 --> 58:33.200 They absolutely seek to become the world government and that this is you know, we have an experiment that's happening 58:33.920 --> 58:39.760 You know right before our eyes in world governance. That's never happened before where we've had corporations 58:40.320 --> 58:47.040 You know, which is basically fascism. It's corporatism taking over the world governance. It's just scary scary thing 58:47.120 --> 58:49.120 Yeah, so let's talk about that just for a minute 58:49.120 --> 58:53.920 And so if this is going to happen realize people that somebody's got to break it to them 58:55.280 --> 58:58.640 Somebody's got to break it to everybody on earth that this is happening 58:59.760 --> 59:03.760 And break it to them in such a way so that they react but they don't react 59:04.480 --> 59:07.040 They get upset, but they don't really do anything about it 59:08.320 --> 59:11.680 So that they react by asking the wrong questions 59:12.400 --> 59:13.920 And 59:13.920 --> 59:18.160 So you're going to find more and more and more voices on the internet 59:18.160 --> 59:22.160 They're going to start to tell you that it's really happening. They're really doing this 59:23.920 --> 59:26.080 But they're not going to tell you how to get out 59:27.200 --> 59:33.680 Because they're not going to show you the door over there, which is that well, you know have this whole public health thing is a is a hoax 59:34.960 --> 59:40.240 And if this climate change thing is happening, it's happening because of variables far beyond 59:41.200 --> 59:46.480 our contribution to the co2 continent our content of the atmosphere 59:48.480 --> 59:55.520 And that extraordinary realization that you are being governed by mythology is what makes the whole spell go poof 59:57.600 --> 01:00:00.640 But now the spell is never going to go poof if you tell people that 01:00:01.280 --> 01:00:05.280 That the fascism fascists are trying to replace fascism 01:00:06.240 --> 01:00:12.560 Or replace democracy with fascism. They're never that's not going to break the spell. That's the plan 01:00:14.960 --> 01:00:17.520 That's like going to a woman and saying, you know, I think you're 01:00:18.880 --> 01:00:20.800 Your husband's cheating on you, but I don't know 01:00:20.800 --> 01:00:25.760 You're never going to really be able to do anything about it because we're never going to catch him and he's a really good liar 01:00:26.880 --> 01:00:30.320 And you know, it might not be his fault. It might be the lady's fault 01:00:30.320 --> 01:00:33.520 Maybe she'll go away, but we're never going to be able to catch him and 01:00:34.320 --> 01:00:36.320 You know 01:00:36.640 --> 01:00:42.080 I mean, it's like saying there's a problem, but there's nothing you can do about it is the perfect kind of 01:00:44.480 --> 01:00:51.520 It's the perfect kind of message because it kind of brain washes you into into keeping sat in your chair and go, yeah 01:00:52.400 --> 01:00:54.400 Get him, robert 01:00:57.120 --> 01:00:59.760 Man, i'm glad robert melon speaking up for us 01:00:59.760 --> 01:01:05.360 And if they've got it under control, what do I need to do? 01:01:05.360 --> 01:01:09.360 I'm just happy that dappy to know that those people are out there boy. That's great 01:01:10.080 --> 01:01:13.040 I could never do as much as Jill and robert melon are doing 01:01:14.080 --> 01:01:20.640 I mean, I can only keep a horse farm. I can't also tour around the world first-class airplane flights 01:01:21.440 --> 01:01:22.160 uh 01:01:22.160 --> 01:01:25.360 week-long cruises off the coast of turkey and not tubbing in 01:01:25.760 --> 01:01:32.320 Scandinavian countries with my fellow dissidents speaking in the european parliament every year for three years running 01:01:34.160 --> 01:01:36.160 I mean, I gotta take care of horses 01:01:37.280 --> 01:01:42.960 But i'm sure glad that this guy can do it these guys are all you know, they all the people in the audience here they got vineyards to run 01:01:42.960 --> 01:01:44.960 But these guys, you know 01:01:45.360 --> 01:01:50.080 Nine foals this year. That's a pretty modest horse farm 01:01:51.040 --> 01:01:58.000 Um, I talk about this in many of our writings in the book. Um, we lay out the logic 01:01:59.680 --> 01:02:04.160 With detail and citations to establish political science work 01:02:04.800 --> 01:02:10.640 There's been a lot of of pollution and obfuscation around this word fascism 01:02:11.280 --> 01:02:17.920 Fascism has been weaponized in so many ways that it's difficult now to know what that word actually means 01:02:18.480 --> 01:02:24.320 The word weaponized words at words being weaponized has been used so often 01:02:25.360 --> 01:02:27.360 It's hard to know what it means 01:02:28.560 --> 01:02:31.040 It's all this neuro linguistic programming crap 01:02:31.760 --> 01:02:37.280 all this renaming of of an age old mastery of the language of 01:02:38.320 --> 01:02:41.200 of the use of language to convince people of things 01:02:41.200 --> 01:02:42.720 I 01:02:42.720 --> 01:02:49.840 Don't think there's probably more than seven or eight basic methods of how it's done, but most of them revolve around storytelling 01:02:51.040 --> 01:02:53.440 Someone just told me a story today. I have a u-turn 01:02:54.400 --> 01:02:57.200 in terms of getting somebody to to think about 01:02:57.920 --> 01:02:59.920 an alternative 01:02:59.920 --> 01:03:03.520 Explanation or an alternative interpretation of reality first 01:03:04.080 --> 01:03:10.000 Acknowledging what they say and then offering an alternative and then asking questions to get them there 01:03:10.720 --> 01:03:12.640 Something like that 01:03:12.640 --> 01:03:14.640 And I have no doubt 01:03:14.640 --> 01:03:15.920 that there are 01:03:15.920 --> 01:03:18.880 Ways in which we can we can convince one another 01:03:19.600 --> 01:03:22.800 And there are people who are just really good at it for intuitive reasons 01:03:24.880 --> 01:03:26.880 And that mastery has gone back 01:03:27.440 --> 01:03:29.440 Generations, this is not a new trick 01:03:30.080 --> 01:03:32.320 the chat gtp finally figured out 01:03:33.520 --> 01:03:38.880 And that is again one of these things where when people drop these hints about who they're weaponizing AI 01:03:38.880 --> 01:03:41.440 who their weaponizing language who they're weaponizing 01:03:41.920 --> 01:03:44.880 social media who weaponized weaponized weaponized 01:03:46.080 --> 01:03:48.080 as if it's getting any 01:03:48.400 --> 01:03:52.960 Any more special except for the fact that we have completely and totally said 01:03:53.520 --> 01:03:54.960 Yeah, sure 01:03:54.960 --> 01:03:56.960 I'll read whatever you put on here 01:04:00.080 --> 01:04:04.480 As if that's not the biggest dumb choice that we make every day 01:04:05.360 --> 01:04:07.600 rather than 01:04:07.600 --> 01:04:10.400 What they do with our attention 01:04:12.240 --> 01:04:17.120 We say that oh, yeah, it's them it's their fault. You know, I'm supposed to be it's just supposed to be safe 01:04:17.120 --> 01:04:21.440 I'm supposed to be for me. You know, it's just for me to communicate my friend's stuff 01:04:24.400 --> 01:04:30.720 And in reality you are giving them your full attention and then thinking that they're going to do something ethical with it 01:04:32.080 --> 01:04:34.080 with no regulation 01:04:34.960 --> 01:04:37.440 Think about how dumb that is how dumb we are 01:04:38.400 --> 01:04:42.320 How dumb am I that I've given my kid a set of kids a cell phone 01:04:44.720 --> 01:04:50.240 When their attention can be hijacked by social media companies in a heartbeat with one tap 01:04:52.560 --> 01:04:54.560 Is it their fault? 01:04:55.760 --> 01:04:58.240 Is it the social media companies fault 01:04:59.360 --> 01:05:03.760 If you were given the attention of literally millions of humans, what would you do with it? 01:05:04.640 --> 01:05:08.320 Find a way to monetize it or use it to make it a better world 01:05:13.120 --> 01:05:18.480 There is a group of controllers ladies and gentlemen that has a plan of inverting national sovereignty 01:05:19.280 --> 01:05:22.000 into a global system of governance. It's based on 01:05:22.720 --> 01:05:24.480 climate change 01:05:24.480 --> 01:05:27.040 based on vaccination and public health 01:05:28.000 --> 01:05:30.000 and based on the mythology 01:05:30.480 --> 01:05:32.480 of this ever 01:05:32.640 --> 01:05:34.400 increasing 01:05:34.480 --> 01:05:36.480 biotechnology space 01:05:37.760 --> 01:05:42.560 That Robert Malone and his wife would like to be the disambiguation wizard in which of 01:05:43.120 --> 01:05:44.960 for all eternity 01:05:44.960 --> 01:05:47.600 Or at least in the foreseeable future 01:05:50.000 --> 01:05:55.520 And I believe that they're taking that role very disingenuously very disingenuously 01:05:56.800 --> 01:05:58.800 They're not just humble horse farmers 01:05:59.840 --> 01:06:02.720 Like putting on funny uniforms and galloping around 01:06:05.360 --> 01:06:08.640 There's something else going on here, and I don't know what it is 01:06:09.440 --> 01:06:11.920 But I think we are would be very very wise 01:06:12.720 --> 01:06:18.480 Not to trust this man and rude to realize that he is part of a network of people 01:06:19.760 --> 01:06:22.880 who has been reassuring and and 01:06:23.680 --> 01:06:25.440 assuring 01:06:25.440 --> 01:06:31.440 That this narrative of a novel virus that we had to do something that the mRNA saved a lot of people for 01:06:32.240 --> 01:06:37.680 And that the virus could come again because this might again been gain a function this whole narrative 01:06:39.280 --> 01:06:43.600 Has been succinctly carefully constructed from the very beginning 01:06:45.520 --> 01:06:50.880 And the already pre divided pre fractionated United States 01:06:51.600 --> 01:06:54.640 and UK whole western society 01:06:55.680 --> 01:06:57.440 was used 01:06:57.440 --> 01:06:59.280 very cleverly 01:06:59.280 --> 01:07:03.600 And the people on the left all around on all throughout the west 01:07:04.720 --> 01:07:08.160 We're also on the side of lab leak or natural virus 01:07:09.040 --> 01:07:11.440 and all the people in the conservative wings 01:07:12.320 --> 01:07:13.520 of both 01:07:13.520 --> 01:07:16.800 Europe and the united states and in japan 01:07:18.160 --> 01:07:20.160 We're all on the lab leak side 01:07:21.280 --> 01:07:23.280 as if that even made any sense 01:07:24.000 --> 01:07:27.920 As if your stance on abortion or gay marriage would have any 01:07:28.480 --> 01:07:31.840 Bearing on whether you thought this could be a natural virus or a lab leak 01:07:32.640 --> 01:07:34.640 It should have had much more to do whether you saw 01:07:35.440 --> 01:07:37.600 the peter day sack 60 minutes 01:07:38.320 --> 01:07:40.320 When it came out or not 01:07:40.800 --> 01:07:46.960 It should have had a lot more to do is whether you read nathan wolf's book or saw his ted talk or not 01:07:48.320 --> 01:07:52.400 It shouldn't have been whether or not you like trump. It shouldn't have been whether you're a whole 01:07:53.920 --> 01:07:55.440 and 01:07:55.440 --> 01:07:57.440 Now you see how they did it 01:07:58.160 --> 01:08:01.120 And what robert melon is is slapping them with again 01:08:02.240 --> 01:08:06.880 Making sure that that firm divide that everybody's got in their gut 01:08:08.400 --> 01:08:10.080 Never heals 01:08:10.080 --> 01:08:11.760 Don't let that close up 01:08:11.760 --> 01:08:17.200 Make sure that that's contiguous with the rest of this narrative that twist in your gut that rip 01:08:18.000 --> 01:08:22.480 Where you either believe that trump's a good guy and got the short end of the stick 01:08:22.960 --> 01:08:29.600 Or you think he's the worst example of an american and you have no idea how he cheated his way in but it must have been the russians 01:08:31.200 --> 01:08:33.600 That divide in america was so 01:08:34.880 --> 01:08:36.880 so beautifully used 01:08:38.400 --> 01:08:39.920 And seated 01:08:39.920 --> 01:08:46.960 So that everybody on one side of that divide thought natural virus and one side of that divide thought lab leak one side of that virus 01:08:47.120 --> 01:08:51.440 Take the shots and give me more. I don't care if it's hot dog juice 01:08:53.120 --> 01:09:00.480 And then this side said oh, I don't know. I mean, I'm gonna wait for a second. I mean come on. It's you know, they haven't tested it 01:09:03.680 --> 01:09:08.000 We've got to see this for what it is now ladies and gentlemen, we can we have a chance 01:09:10.480 --> 01:09:13.200 We have a chance because there's about a year before this 01:09:13.840 --> 01:09:16.880 Train comes into the station that it's supposed to stop at 01:09:18.640 --> 01:09:23.760 And I have a feeling that some of the people on the train don't have an intention to have the train stop in a year 01:09:25.440 --> 01:09:33.360 And so I really need everybody to get excited about what we're going to do over the next six to nine months as we spread this information around 01:09:34.080 --> 01:09:36.080 in simple graphic form 01:09:37.520 --> 01:09:39.520 There's a new war out there 01:09:39.840 --> 01:09:45.120 People are putting little tiny graphic sheets out there trying to teach everybody the basics 01:09:47.040 --> 01:09:50.800 But of course they're putting little graphic sheets out there of uh, basic bs 01:09:52.320 --> 01:09:54.320 So giggle and biological has work to do 01:09:55.680 --> 01:10:01.440 And so what we did in the book is we went back to the original political science definitions of fascism 01:10:01.920 --> 01:10:04.640 And the work of bonito mouselini early on 01:10:05.280 --> 01:10:10.080 In which he said fascism should really more appropriately be called corporatism 01:10:10.720 --> 01:10:18.560 It's the logic that the large corporations are much more capable of governing us than we are of governing ourselves 01:10:19.440 --> 01:10:26.080 Okay, that's that is what's being advanced. So corporatism is a is a partnership of government and corporations 01:10:26.480 --> 01:10:28.960 When you hear public private partnership 01:10:29.600 --> 01:10:33.600 That's a euphemism for corporatism and corporatism is 01:10:34.240 --> 01:10:40.640 Fascism as defined by bonito mouselini although fascism often has an element of violence to it. I think that um 01:10:41.280 --> 01:10:48.240 And we've heard all this discussion that fascism, you know, you go fascism nazi anti-semitism 01:10:48.800 --> 01:10:57.920 Etc the neo-Nazis all of that is garbage. It's it's an overlay that's been created by the media to try to weaponize that 01:10:58.400 --> 01:11:00.400 We're just like they've weaponized the term 01:11:00.960 --> 01:11:05.280 Anti-vaxxer and so many other of our language elements 01:11:05.360 --> 01:11:07.360 They have basically subverted them 01:11:07.920 --> 01:11:13.600 Change the meaning and weaponize them against us another one you hear in europe all the time is far right 01:11:14.000 --> 01:11:18.720 In europe right now if you do not want open borders you're far right 01:11:19.360 --> 01:11:20.880 um 01:11:20.880 --> 01:11:25.760 You know the un in their agenda 2030 has in there that migration is 01:11:26.240 --> 01:11:32.240 A universal right and that every country has to allow migrants in this hat 01:11:32.240 --> 01:11:37.120 This must be something that you guys are sensitive to given where you live right now and close to the border, right? 01:11:37.600 --> 01:11:40.160 And and the new the change that's happened today 01:11:40.720 --> 01:11:43.680 Um with the title expiring 42. Yeah 01:11:45.520 --> 01:11:46.480 Uh 01:11:46.480 --> 01:11:48.480 Jill's Jill's emphasizing 01:11:49.280 --> 01:11:55.280 That in agenda 2030 it's defined that it is a human right and we've signed off on this by the way 01:11:55.360 --> 01:12:02.480 In 2016 with as long as they already passed tense guys the the boat left the dog and and agenda 2030 by the way was signed 01:12:03.040 --> 01:12:06.880 By the united states by the president of the united states as an agreement 01:12:07.440 --> 01:12:13.280 But in fact if you go over to the un and you read it, it's actually a treaty and it is binding 01:12:13.920 --> 01:12:15.280 but 01:12:15.280 --> 01:12:21.440 US executive office has been doing this thing for the last 20 years slight of hand where we've not 01:12:21.440 --> 01:12:27.200 Bypass the senate senate has to ratify any treaty by treaty by two-thirds of a majority 01:12:27.600 --> 01:12:30.800 And they have not done that now. They just say it's an agreement and they sign 01:12:31.360 --> 01:12:38.480 So this is those presidential agreements are legally binding right right so they are functionally treaties without calling them treaties 01:12:38.560 --> 01:12:40.560 So they don't have to get the senate to ratify them 01:12:40.880 --> 01:12:46.960 And they they have signed off on agenda 2030 and as the sheriff probably knows agenda 2030 01:12:47.840 --> 01:12:49.840 includes the 01:12:49.840 --> 01:12:54.160 Component that it is a basic human right to migrate to live wherever you want to live 01:12:55.120 --> 01:12:58.000 And so in having the open border policy 01:12:58.560 --> 01:13:04.000 What they're doing is implementing agenda 2030 here in the united states and by the way all through europe 01:13:04.560 --> 01:13:12.240 And the budget reconciliation act that was passed last year that big one if you take that and agenda 2030 you will find that they dovetail 01:13:12.640 --> 01:13:14.000 legislatively 01:13:14.000 --> 01:13:19.040 So it's happening here. We're just not getting told about it. It's not conspiracy crazy talk 01:13:19.040 --> 01:13:24.960 We don't go there. Okay, if we can't like for instance, there's a whole group of people that are mad as hell at us 01:13:25.520 --> 01:13:29.440 Because we won't endorse the idea that these were kill shots 01:13:30.000 --> 01:13:33.360 And the jabs i'm talking about and they were engineered 01:13:34.240 --> 01:13:39.360 For depopulation and eugenics. Okay, that's that's a whole theory and a lot of people subscribe to it 01:13:39.520 --> 01:13:44.480 We don't go there because we say show us the data. Yeah, show me the artifacts show me 01:13:45.040 --> 01:13:47.040 You can absolutely see that 01:13:47.040 --> 01:13:52.240 Is not conspiracy crazy talk. We don't go there. Okay, if we can't like for instance 01:13:52.320 --> 01:13:55.200 There's a whole group of people that are mad as hell at us 01:13:55.760 --> 01:13:59.680 Because we won't endorse the idea that these were kill shots 01:14:00.240 --> 01:14:03.680 And the jabs i'm talking about and they were engineered 01:14:04.480 --> 01:14:09.600 For depopulation and eugenics. Okay, that's that's a whole theory and a lot of people subscribe to it 01:14:09.840 --> 01:14:14.320 We don't go there because we say show us the data. Yeah, show me the artifacts 01:14:14.400 --> 01:14:18.560 Show me like you can absolutely see where cloud schwaft how about where 01:14:19.280 --> 01:14:23.200 You would know that transfection in healthy humans would be dumb 01:14:24.880 --> 01:14:26.880 How about that part? 01:14:27.120 --> 01:14:32.800 How about the part where you knew that multiple transfections to any protein never mind 01:14:33.680 --> 01:14:35.680 possibly a viral protein 01:14:36.160 --> 01:14:39.440 Kodan optimized and pseudo-uridine modified 01:14:41.040 --> 01:14:45.280 I don't know. It's pretty easy for me to come up with a reason why you would say that show me the data 01:14:46.240 --> 01:14:48.240 You need data? 01:14:50.080 --> 01:14:54.720 I don't think I need any data to know that transfecting kids would be dumb 01:14:56.640 --> 01:15:01.520 I don't need data and I don't think he needed data either. I think this is him again. Just 01:15:02.080 --> 01:15:04.080 basically lying 01:15:04.320 --> 01:15:08.400 Because if he can say this as the maker or the inventor 01:15:10.080 --> 01:15:15.360 I mean think about how crazy this is. Okay, why if he invented this 01:15:16.720 --> 01:15:22.000 23 years before the start of the pandemic if he invented it 23 years ago 01:15:22.880 --> 01:15:30.080 And it was 100% safe and great that you could use it on billions of people 01:15:30.880 --> 01:15:36.080 Why in the hell hadn't been used on anybody except for people who were dying of cancer 01:15:37.520 --> 01:15:39.520 before the pandemic 01:15:40.160 --> 01:15:44.400 Why hadn't had been used for anything except for people who were dying 01:15:46.480 --> 01:15:48.480 Why wasn't it useful for something 01:15:50.000 --> 01:15:57.280 And how could it suddenly become so universally useful that billions of people perhaps millions of children 01:15:58.160 --> 01:16:00.160 Could be given this therapeutic 01:16:01.200 --> 01:16:03.200 What had changed about it? 01:16:03.600 --> 01:16:11.440 Did he really believe that the codon optimization or the chemical modification to pseudo uridine would actually make it safe 01:16:13.120 --> 01:16:19.280 Beyond what he as a as a lowly postdoc said was certainly the immune response way back when 01:16:21.520 --> 01:16:23.520 This is so frustrating because 01:16:23.920 --> 01:16:26.880 Really somebody should be in the in the audience to heckle him 01:16:27.680 --> 01:16:31.680 That's bullshit. You knew it's just transfection 01:16:33.040 --> 01:16:35.040 What makes it better? 01:16:37.440 --> 01:16:44.400 I mean in some respects you could say that putting the original viral sequence would have been the best thing because then you'd most 01:16:45.040 --> 01:16:47.040 that the highest chance 01:16:47.520 --> 01:16:49.120 of getting a 01:16:49.120 --> 01:16:54.320 Reasonably well folded tertiary structure on this protein 01:16:54.800 --> 01:16:56.800 I 01:16:56.800 --> 01:16:59.840 Mean ladies and gentlemen, do you understand how? 01:17:01.360 --> 01:17:05.120 How disturbing this is? I mean keep in mind look look look look 01:17:06.560 --> 01:17:10.400 Let's just I don't know. I guess I'm not gonna make it. So I'm gonna keep going 01:17:11.440 --> 01:17:13.440 And just screw this 01:17:13.680 --> 01:17:19.120 Let's go spike protein 3d crystal 01:17:24.320 --> 01:17:26.320 I 01:17:28.800 --> 01:17:32.640 Can we find this crystal structure of the spike protein 01:17:39.680 --> 01:17:44.720 You've seen a lot of crystal structures of the spike protein. I'm sure you've seen them 01:17:51.360 --> 01:17:53.360 I've sure you've seen them 01:17:54.480 --> 01:17:56.640 And these pictures that they show 01:17:58.320 --> 01:18:00.320 Right 01:18:04.400 --> 01:18:08.400 Let's just move this over here for a second pictures that they show 01:18:10.240 --> 01:18:12.240 Like this one here 01:18:14.880 --> 01:18:17.040 This picture is based on a computer model 01:18:18.560 --> 01:18:20.960 This picture is based on a computer model 01:18:21.920 --> 01:18:27.840 The epitopes that that one might choose are based on how this protein is folded 01:18:28.720 --> 01:18:31.760 And we don't know how this protein is folded. We have computer models 01:18:34.640 --> 01:18:39.680 And we know that if you choose change the amino acid sequence here to code out optimize it 01:18:40.480 --> 01:18:44.000 You still will change the way that this is folded, but we don't know how 01:18:45.440 --> 01:18:50.880 And we know for sure that if you chemically alter the urad the uracils to make them pseudo urad 01:18:51.360 --> 01:18:55.760 You'll also change this three-dimensional structure, but we don't know how 01:18:58.240 --> 01:19:02.800 And so all this certain talk it drives me crazy 01:19:07.680 --> 01:19:12.800 Because what they're covering up for is that this was known if you transfected people you would give them 01:19:13.280 --> 01:19:14.800 endo red 01:19:14.800 --> 01:19:16.800 endoplasmic reticulum stress 01:19:17.200 --> 01:19:23.440 Endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle in the cell where all the ribosomes sit 01:19:24.080 --> 01:19:26.080 if that organelle is stressed 01:19:26.640 --> 01:19:29.040 And stressed means molecular stress. It means 01:19:30.880 --> 01:19:32.880 It means free radicals around 01:19:34.720 --> 01:19:39.120 Then the protein folding doesn't go as well then the protein translation doesn't go as well 01:19:39.120 --> 01:19:43.040 It's not as high fidelity and also that it if the folding is not so great 01:19:43.040 --> 01:19:45.040 And 01:19:46.400 --> 01:19:50.480 So these things are all real they're all real and they all come from 01:19:53.120 --> 01:19:56.160 Over expression of a protein driven by foreign RNA 01:19:57.440 --> 01:20:01.520 It's just not a system that you can overdrive proteins on without 01:20:02.720 --> 01:20:04.720 permanently disregulating it 01:20:05.920 --> 01:20:07.920 It's not like you're just adding a few 01:20:08.560 --> 01:20:10.560 songs to a jute box 01:20:11.440 --> 01:20:13.440 And then they go into the rotation 01:20:15.520 --> 01:20:18.160 You are looking at a carefully orchestrated cell 01:20:19.520 --> 01:20:21.520 You know with a exact amount of 01:20:21.760 --> 01:20:29.520 RNA where it needs to be being digested at exactly the right speed and then replaced at exactly the right speed and now here's 01:20:30.320 --> 01:20:32.720 Millions of copies of a foreign RNA 01:20:34.160 --> 01:20:37.840 A very foreign RNA millions of copies of it 01:20:38.640 --> 01:20:39.960 with a 01:20:39.960 --> 01:20:41.440 preponderance of 01:20:41.440 --> 01:20:43.440 pseudo-uridine so your 01:20:44.240 --> 01:20:50.080 Your your enzymes that would normally you know regulate its presence are kind of turned off by it or something 01:20:50.080 --> 01:20:52.080 I don't know what's going to happen to it 01:20:52.880 --> 01:20:55.520 But the point is is that in all of that 01:20:56.560 --> 01:20:58.560 Regular RNA in that cell is now all 01:20:59.520 --> 01:21:04.240 dysregulated because the ribosomes are completely occupied by this flood of incoming RNA 01:21:05.040 --> 01:21:07.040 And 01:21:07.040 --> 01:21:15.280 So no matter what tissue it's done to the tissue will inevitably have a combination of toxicity from the overexpression of the foreign protein or proteins 01:21:17.200 --> 01:21:21.680 toxicity from the presence of the RNA possibly toxicity from the lip and nanoparticle 01:21:23.680 --> 01:21:31.440 And eventually an immune response in that responds to the presentation of these proteins on mhc1 01:21:32.240 --> 01:21:38.560 On the outside and not being recognized by natural killer cells not being recognized by cytotoxic T cells 01:21:40.800 --> 01:21:43.680 But mostly natural killer cells excuse me because that would be 01:21:44.560 --> 01:21:46.000 the protein 01:21:46.000 --> 01:21:48.000 not being recognized 01:21:48.000 --> 01:21:53.040 And then you have cell death then you need neutrophils to mop it up then you need a immune response 01:21:54.880 --> 01:21:58.800 So he could have known because it's transfection he could have known because he knows how it works 01:21:58.880 --> 01:22:03.840 Could have known because he has all the patents he could have known because he's the one who decided that this 01:22:04.800 --> 01:22:07.360 This technology wasn't really worth pursuing 01:22:08.880 --> 01:22:10.880 He said it in interviews before 01:22:13.840 --> 01:22:19.680 And yet here he is in 2023 painting it as if he had you know, I don't know, I didn't know any more than you did 01:22:19.680 --> 01:22:22.640 I didn't know who did this. How can I possibly know who did it? 01:22:23.200 --> 01:22:27.680 Well, Robert if an ovio would have gotten the contract who would have who would have done it 01:22:29.520 --> 01:22:31.520 So 01:22:31.520 --> 01:22:37.520 Talks about the need for prediction and population where bill gates talks about the need for production and population 01:22:37.840 --> 01:22:44.080 But I haven't seen the artifacts in which bill gates says we're going to engineer a bioweapon 01:22:44.560 --> 01:22:51.840 mRNA based jab in order to compromise fertility by the way they do compromise fertility and men and women 01:22:52.640 --> 01:22:55.200 To kill old people and to kill and to kill old people 01:22:55.520 --> 01:22:59.280 Because we want to reduce the stress on the social security system 01:22:59.280 --> 01:23:06.320 I mean you can weave all kinds of stories, but you were in you were in Hawaii in 2021 telling them to 01:23:06.960 --> 01:23:08.960 inoculate the old people 01:23:09.760 --> 01:23:12.080 So if it was a plan to kill the old people 01:23:12.800 --> 01:23:16.720 I mean, what are you talking about Robert? But agenda 2030 is real 01:23:17.360 --> 01:23:20.640 Okay, it is a real document. You can go find it 01:23:21.120 --> 01:23:27.760 You can read it and you can see how far away is this from saying that the UN is going to take over the United States 01:23:27.840 --> 01:23:29.840 And there's nothing you can do about it 01:23:30.640 --> 01:23:37.840 I'm here to tell you that the UN is going to take over the United States and there's nothing you can do about it because fifth generation warfare has no heads 01:23:38.960 --> 01:23:40.960 You can't see who's doing it 01:23:43.920 --> 01:23:46.080 I mean, that's exactly what they're saying here 01:23:47.040 --> 01:23:49.040 That's what they've sold us in May 01:23:50.080 --> 01:23:53.280 2023 it's fifth generation warfare. I'm going to speak about it tomorrow 01:23:53.280 --> 01:23:56.880 But I spoke about it in in Stockholm, Sweden a year ago 01:23:58.080 --> 01:24:00.080 You can't figure out who this is 01:24:00.720 --> 01:24:04.320 That's the definition of fifth generation warfare. You can't stop it 01:24:07.920 --> 01:24:11.520 And so the UN is going to take over agenda 30 2030 is real 01:24:12.320 --> 01:24:15.760 And the melons are here to help you accept it 01:24:17.600 --> 01:24:19.600 And to fight on your behalf 01:24:20.000 --> 01:24:22.000 to fight on your behalf 01:24:22.320 --> 01:24:26.480 Either a lot of the stuff that you're objecting to I suspect if you're since you're here 01:24:27.040 --> 01:24:29.520 Um is real. Okay, and just to say 01:24:30.400 --> 01:24:36.000 And that this is a created virus is absolutely real that document is clear 01:24:36.000 --> 01:24:38.000 Um 01:24:38.560 --> 01:24:40.560 So one of the lovely things about being 01:24:40.880 --> 01:24:46.560 Read it and you can see that a lot of the stuff that you're objecting to I suspect if you're since you're here 01:24:47.120 --> 01:24:49.040 Um is real. Okay 01:24:49.040 --> 01:24:56.160 And just to say gain a function and that this is a created virus is absolutely real that document is clear 01:24:58.160 --> 01:25:04.240 Yeah, so one of the lovely things about being I mean there's some serious downsides to be so close to dc 01:25:05.120 --> 01:25:07.920 Which is the trapping but you guys aren't immune to that either 01:25:08.400 --> 01:25:14.400 Um, but uh the culture of dc is deeply corrupted. I mean people people ask me 01:25:14.720 --> 01:25:20.080 Oh, don't you want to be involved in this administration or that administration take this business and I'm like hell no 01:25:20.560 --> 01:25:27.360 I don't want to live in dc. I have been there done that. I know what that culture is all about. It will rot your soul 01:25:28.400 --> 01:25:31.040 Um, I absolutely want nothing to do with it 01:25:31.600 --> 01:25:37.280 But one of the good things about being there is we do hear an awful lot 01:25:37.280 --> 01:25:40.720 We're surrounded by some of the top conservative leaders in the united states 01:25:41.200 --> 01:25:45.520 Live in rapahannic county. Basically. They're all expats from dc in northern, virginia 01:25:46.560 --> 01:25:48.560 on their farms and 01:25:48.800 --> 01:25:52.240 So we get brought into those circles when we get to hear stuff, which is kind of nice 01:25:52.640 --> 01:25:59.600 Yeah, and just to say talking about the foyer documents how we know it is gain a function research is because of tomfenton 01:26:00.000 --> 01:26:05.920 And judicial watch and he is amazing and we all need to support that organization. Yeah 01:26:06.640 --> 01:26:10.960 Um, so we're members of the council for national policy. We'll be there in a couple of weeks 01:26:11.440 --> 01:26:17.360 Um, which tom is basically running current. No, well, he's not running but he's a big part of yeah, um 01:26:18.720 --> 01:26:25.840 So, uh, so that's all real the great reset is not a fabricated conspiracy theory 01:26:25.840 --> 01:26:31.120 You can buy claus Schwab's book. You can buy his book of a great narrative 01:26:32.080 --> 01:26:34.080 that kind of carries that on further 01:26:34.800 --> 01:26:38.480 And just to hope i'm not saying things you all already know 01:26:39.200 --> 01:26:43.760 Um claus Schwab was not the guy that actually first announced the great reset 01:26:45.200 --> 01:26:47.760 Um, it was the current mark of great brit 01:26:48.640 --> 01:26:49.760 Okay 01:26:49.760 --> 01:26:54.160 He was the one that really first came out with the whole logic of the great reset 01:26:54.160 --> 01:26:56.720 He is totally in with the world economic forum 01:26:57.280 --> 01:27:01.840 I don't know what's going to happen to gree brit now one of the things that he wanted when I was I was on um 01:27:02.400 --> 01:27:07.040 Uh a great gb news the other day with niel all of her for the coronation day 01:27:07.760 --> 01:27:10.960 Um, he's asking for the fealty of of the british public 01:27:11.920 --> 01:27:14.080 Um that was taken out finally in the end 01:27:14.880 --> 01:27:16.320 Yeah, but 01:27:16.320 --> 01:27:22.880 So we're I don't I don't really know who's behind all this we've we've got various theories 01:27:22.960 --> 01:27:26.560 Is it the cia is at the dot is at the wef is it? 01:27:26.960 --> 01:27:31.840 pharma and weaponizing all of the above is at the bank of international settlements and all the world banks 01:27:31.920 --> 01:27:37.360 I mean, it's the is it the creature from jekyll island? We would but but to go back but to go back 01:27:37.680 --> 01:27:39.680 You got to read the book 01:27:40.960 --> 01:27:44.240 So so one of our little red-pilled stories was in 01:27:45.040 --> 01:27:48.160 2014 there was a significant outbreak of abola 01:27:48.880 --> 01:27:54.000 And we were involved in so I want you to see how how impressive it is that really 01:27:55.600 --> 01:28:00.080 I really think that you can see where we are. I don't know how much more we're going to have to study them 01:28:01.200 --> 01:28:03.760 Because I think the controllers have realized 01:28:04.960 --> 01:28:06.960 That you can announce everything 01:28:07.680 --> 01:28:09.680 You can tell people to read 01:28:13.840 --> 01:28:15.680 At this stage 01:28:15.680 --> 01:28:20.880 I think it would be totally okay for me or robber melon to recommend tragedy and hope 01:28:21.680 --> 01:28:23.680 as we required reading for everyone 01:28:24.960 --> 01:28:26.960 So that you just know what's going on 01:28:27.440 --> 01:28:29.840 So that you can finally accept how you're being governed 01:28:31.680 --> 01:28:36.080 And the bottom line is is that there's nothing in this book about viruses 01:28:37.040 --> 01:28:39.760 And so there's no reason why you can't tell people to read it 01:28:40.960 --> 01:28:43.200 There's nothing in this book about pandemics 01:28:43.920 --> 01:28:48.800 Nothing in this book about mRNA or about transfection or transformation 01:28:49.920 --> 01:28:54.080 Only thing that's in this book is that you should accept the idea that there are smart people 01:28:55.120 --> 01:29:01.120 Who if given the reins of civilization could take us places which we would never take ourselves on our own 01:29:02.880 --> 01:29:08.320 And that's really the story that robber melon wants to be a part of because he sees himself as worthy 01:29:09.520 --> 01:29:12.880 Of being on that cloud of people that's governing 01:29:13.680 --> 01:29:15.680 the ants below 01:29:16.000 --> 01:29:18.880 That's what this is all about. These are people auditioning 01:29:20.400 --> 01:29:21.840 That's right 01:29:21.840 --> 01:29:23.840 These people are auditioning 01:29:24.160 --> 01:29:26.320 That's why the current 01:29:26.320 --> 01:29:28.960 Stock of presidential candidates is such a joke 01:29:29.680 --> 01:29:31.680 Because these people are auditioning 01:29:32.800 --> 01:29:34.800 They want to be a part of the show 01:29:35.840 --> 01:29:38.000 And they're kind of in the audience, but maybe they're 01:29:38.560 --> 01:29:41.920 You know just right in the front row or right on the edges or you know 01:29:42.800 --> 01:29:45.040 They got on the steps that leads up to the 01:29:45.840 --> 01:29:48.880 the places where the curtain rods and the and the ropes are 01:29:50.000 --> 01:29:55.040 And so they're begging to be led on as an extra just give me a chance. I won't screw it up. I promise 01:29:57.760 --> 01:30:01.040 And so they're basically allowed to say whatever you want. He's talking about the 01:30:01.760 --> 01:30:04.960 The monster at jekyll island or whatever. That's a great story 01:30:05.680 --> 01:30:07.680 It's a real story 01:30:08.320 --> 01:30:10.320 By a real american hero 01:30:11.120 --> 01:30:13.120 Edward griffin 01:30:13.440 --> 01:30:17.600 Just like this is a real american story by a real american hero carol quickly 01:30:19.200 --> 01:30:21.440 And everybody should read it. It's not light reading 01:30:22.560 --> 01:30:26.240 And if I have to be honest with you, I've only read about one third of it because I read 01:30:26.720 --> 01:30:30.400 A good chunk and then I stop for a while and I usually start somewhere else 01:30:32.320 --> 01:30:35.040 At some point I'll start at the beginning. I did once 01:30:36.640 --> 01:30:38.960 But it's an extraordinary tomb 01:30:39.920 --> 01:30:41.920 Of information 01:30:42.320 --> 01:30:47.440 That all you need to do is look into what you want to find in it and usually there's a reference for it 01:30:48.720 --> 01:30:52.240 Usually it's part of the story because this is really a big story 01:30:53.840 --> 01:31:00.000 It's for all the marbles ladies and gentlemen believe it or not. We live in the most interesting time in human history 01:31:02.240 --> 01:31:06.640 And I don't think that rober melon is the most interesting man in human history 01:31:07.520 --> 01:31:11.440 But I do believe that everyone that's currently alive and in the play 01:31:12.480 --> 01:31:14.160 is part of 01:31:14.160 --> 01:31:16.240 the most interesting time in human history 01:31:17.760 --> 01:31:20.000 And so pad yourself on the back for being awake 01:31:20.960 --> 01:31:22.960 Pad yourself on the back for being present 01:31:24.320 --> 01:31:28.960 In the automobile and not distracted by the really nice leather seats 01:31:30.560 --> 01:31:32.560 Or the 01:31:32.560 --> 01:31:34.560 unbelievably nice stereo system 01:31:34.880 --> 01:31:36.880 Or the walnut lined 01:31:36.880 --> 01:31:38.880 You know dashboard 01:31:39.280 --> 01:31:43.520 You've been looking out the window and you've seen the poverty you've seen the homeless people 01:31:44.320 --> 01:31:48.640 You've seen how bad the road is despite how nice the the shocks are 01:31:50.640 --> 01:31:53.520 You've seen the pollution you've seen the lies 01:31:55.840 --> 01:31:59.040 That's the biggest part is to see the lies 01:32:01.120 --> 01:32:03.120 And that's what we see here 01:32:03.760 --> 01:32:05.760 We see people who purport 01:32:06.560 --> 01:32:08.640 To be seeing through it purport 01:32:09.200 --> 01:32:12.720 To be leading these people through it by dropping these little hints. Yeah, like oh, you know 01:32:13.280 --> 01:32:15.280 retreadgity and hope 01:32:15.680 --> 01:32:19.360 Part of the reason why you can say retreadgity and hope is because nobody can get it 01:32:21.360 --> 01:32:24.080 You want to copy like this one and it'll cost you 500 bucks 01:32:26.720 --> 01:32:31.920 And my guess is is the ones that are normal priced are probably edited or something's taken out of them 01:32:32.240 --> 01:32:35.200 I've always meant to buy one just to see but then what am I going to do that? 01:32:39.760 --> 01:32:44.000 It's for all the marbles ladies and gentlemen it is for all the marbles 01:32:44.000 --> 01:32:46.800 So these people are spectacularly committed to the lies 01:32:47.440 --> 01:32:52.080 Finding and bringing helping to bring a vaccine now, you know abola in that outbreak 01:32:52.560 --> 01:32:57.360 Was not a respiratory virus, which is what everybody was scared of that it had gone respiratory 01:32:57.440 --> 01:33:00.720 I once got a call from a buddy who just come out of a pentagon briefing 01:33:01.200 --> 01:33:06.160 As I was going to art my client new link who had the vaccine candidate from Canada 01:33:06.400 --> 01:33:08.800 That eventually became the murk vaccine he calls me up 01:33:08.800 --> 01:33:11.840 I pull off the side of the road pick the cell and he says robert 01:33:11.920 --> 01:33:16.000 You have got to get this thing spun up because I've just come out of a secret meeting in the pentagon 01:33:16.480 --> 01:33:19.760 And we have a scenario if this thing goes aerosol 01:33:19.840 --> 01:33:22.640 We are going to have a billion dead in the united states every in the world 01:33:22.720 --> 01:33:25.840 A billion dead in the world so so so for us when there's 01:33:26.560 --> 01:33:32.400 A highly lethal respiratory virus, which hasn't come along probably in our lifetimes really 01:33:33.280 --> 01:33:35.280 A vaccine is this was not 01:33:35.280 --> 01:33:38.000 We have always thought that a vaccine would be an option 01:33:38.080 --> 01:33:41.120 But the problem is is you cannot make a vaccine in time 01:33:41.840 --> 01:33:46.480 Okay, you just can't you cannot make a safe and effective vaccine. So let me let me go through so in abola 01:33:47.040 --> 01:33:53.360 Um, there was already health can had already made a vaccine and they actually had clinical stockpiles 01:33:53.840 --> 01:33:59.680 And so it was just a question of getting the clinical trials run reducing the dose finding funding 01:33:59.760 --> 01:34:01.840 Which we helped with but we came away going 01:34:02.400 --> 01:34:06.000 You know, this is still going to take five years and this product has already developed 01:34:06.000 --> 01:34:09.360 How could this ever help in a highly lethal situation? 01:34:09.360 --> 01:34:11.200 So when zika came along 01:34:11.200 --> 01:34:15.440 We completely changed our thinking and we thought what we need to do is find repurposed drugs that can be 01:34:15.920 --> 01:34:20.800 Against the respiratory virus. So in 2016 we started working on repurposed drugs 01:34:20.960 --> 01:34:23.920 Mosquito board virus. It was a mosquito board virus. That's right. But um 01:34:25.200 --> 01:34:27.040 But again, we had 01:34:27.040 --> 01:34:29.760 Absolutely, you know almost no interest from nih 01:34:30.320 --> 01:34:36.960 Um hhs, we had some interest for the dod in trying to find something we again voluntarily 01:34:36.960 --> 01:34:41.600 I don't understand. Is that what they do? They force farm and whenever they get a phone call 01:34:41.600 --> 01:34:44.000 They start looking for stuff to cure diseases 01:34:45.680 --> 01:34:47.680 I don't really get it 01:34:48.160 --> 01:34:50.160 They didn't have any money 01:34:50.240 --> 01:34:53.520 Somebody needed to donate money and before that they couldn't really fight 01:34:54.800 --> 01:34:58.880 Or they were using their own money, but they make it like they don't have any money 01:35:00.240 --> 01:35:02.240 But what do they do? 01:35:02.720 --> 01:35:10.400 What are they doing if they're ready to respond to world diseases all the time? What do they actually do? What is their job? 01:35:11.760 --> 01:35:13.760 He's a consultant 01:35:13.760 --> 01:35:15.760 I 01:35:18.400 --> 01:35:21.520 Consultant for everybody for anybody 01:35:24.640 --> 01:35:27.840 Probably on intellectual property a lot 01:35:28.320 --> 01:35:33.280 Really, you know wrote papers and and we were all in. I mean we we you know 01:35:33.520 --> 01:35:37.680 Ivermectin and hydroxychloricone were two of the drugs, but just to say it 01:35:38.640 --> 01:35:40.640 Over over covid 01:35:40.640 --> 01:35:45.280 What's been weaponized is those two drugs, but there's about 20 drugs that you can use in covid 01:35:45.280 --> 01:35:49.760 It's not just it's a multi drug therapy and um and it works 01:35:50.240 --> 01:35:54.400 So so we were all in and then we were further red-pilled against 01:35:54.960 --> 01:36:01.360 Childhood vaccines when robert was asked to be an expert witness for did you ever think you'd say why I'd rather let us listen to whitney web 01:36:02.160 --> 01:36:04.160 Holy cow for a large 01:36:04.240 --> 01:36:05.120 um 01:36:05.200 --> 01:36:09.200 Was a blue core case that we can't talk about but when he saw the date he was like 01:36:10.000 --> 01:36:14.720 Oh my gosh, and so that's was that ended in 2019 and then covid hit 01:36:15.120 --> 01:36:20.640 And we went all in on repurposed drugs and we could not believe we could not understand the government 01:36:20.880 --> 01:36:24.640 We we still we still can't understand who the puppet master is who? 01:36:25.120 --> 01:36:31.680 So we said because I like working with the dod more than hhs because dod personnel historically 01:36:31.680 --> 01:36:35.600 I mean everybody's got their biases about how wicked the dod is 01:36:36.160 --> 01:36:38.080 um, but the truth is 01:36:38.080 --> 01:36:40.080 the dod bio threat 01:36:40.640 --> 01:36:42.640 Was run by fauci 01:36:42.640 --> 01:36:44.640 Yeah, um, so 01:36:45.040 --> 01:36:51.680 My experience with working with the dod is they tend to be not very interested in high profile academic 01:36:52.000 --> 01:36:54.000 publications and getting the nobel prize 01:36:54.240 --> 01:36:56.160 Um and building their careers there 01:36:56.160 --> 01:37:03.040 But he said in that control interview that he was working for the dod and he liked working for the dod because they could just do stuff 01:37:03.120 --> 01:37:04.320 what 01:37:04.320 --> 01:37:06.320 What is going on here? 01:37:08.160 --> 01:37:10.160 Don't you see this is a medler 01:37:11.680 --> 01:37:13.680 And that should concern us 01:37:14.080 --> 01:37:16.480 Because his his fingers are in every 01:37:17.360 --> 01:37:19.520 Every freedom group 01:37:19.520 --> 01:37:24.240 Every freedom movement every freedom conference that'll have him he's there 01:37:25.120 --> 01:37:27.120 But he's clearly a liar 01:37:29.760 --> 01:37:32.320 He's not a man of integrity. He's a liar 01:37:34.080 --> 01:37:36.080 And so what are we doing? 01:37:36.640 --> 01:37:40.960 Why aren't we calling this man out? Why aren't we saying that, you know, he's a liar though? 01:37:42.560 --> 01:37:47.120 Because now he says he didn't work for the dod, but when he was on paul cotrell's stream 01:37:48.720 --> 01:37:51.520 With a soon to be january sixth fugitive 01:37:52.480 --> 01:37:54.800 I mean you gotta be kidding me 01:37:56.080 --> 01:38:02.240 Or was it after he was a january sixth fugitive? I don't know holy man. This is ridiculous 01:38:04.400 --> 01:38:07.840 You're interested in deploying stuff that works for the warfighter 01:38:08.400 --> 01:38:14.960 Okay, and so I really I've always preferred to work with dod because they're very results oriented frankly 01:38:15.440 --> 01:38:18.960 Now i'm getting attacked all the time because I have this history of working with the dod 01:38:19.120 --> 01:38:22.240 Oh, there you go. Do it and why I did it in the past now 01:38:22.240 --> 01:38:28.160 They don't want to talk to me because I'm kind of out of them and we talked about all these problems, but um the 01:38:30.320 --> 01:38:33.040 Logic of repurposing drugs 01:38:33.840 --> 01:38:39.920 I'm sure that's how it works. I'm sure you can just out the dod and they don't do anything. I'm sure they can bet that's how that works 01:38:40.000 --> 01:38:44.880 I'm sure that's how that works. He has absolutely no commercial interest 01:38:45.680 --> 01:38:51.600 They that that there is that was our takeaway from zika. We created a company 01:38:52.640 --> 01:38:58.400 Tried to get it capitalized. We had multiple patents filed for repurposed drugs for use for zika 01:38:58.720 --> 01:39:06.160 We had fantastic data and we could get no so what is the what does it mean when you file a patent for the use of repurposed drugs 01:39:06.240 --> 01:39:10.640 Are you telling me and I think I smell something very stinky here 01:39:11.760 --> 01:39:13.760 Are you telling me 01:39:13.840 --> 01:39:18.640 That you can take a combination of repurposed drugs and patent it 01:39:20.240 --> 01:39:22.400 Like for example, you take a if you take 01:39:23.040 --> 01:39:28.800 Hydroxychloroquine and you combine it with ivermectin could you make that into a patented drug? 01:39:29.280 --> 01:39:32.000 Because if you can that is some serious 01:39:35.520 --> 01:39:40.720 I think you can do that and I think that's what he's talking about and I think that's a 01:39:41.040 --> 01:39:43.840 That's a that's a new stone unturned 01:39:44.480 --> 01:39:51.360 Of the absolute bullshit storm that this is I'm going to rewind it absolutely no commercial interest 01:39:52.560 --> 01:39:58.000 They that that there is that was our takeaway from zika. We created a company 01:39:59.040 --> 01:40:04.800 Tried to get it capitalized. We had multiple patents filed for repurposed drugs for use for zika 01:40:05.200 --> 01:40:10.320 We had fantastic data and we could get no funding there is no interest 01:40:10.960 --> 01:40:14.960 in commercial development of existing off patent drugs 01:40:15.840 --> 01:40:21.840 All this gibber jabber about oh, we're doing this all for humanity and venture philanthropy and all that 01:40:22.400 --> 01:40:30.560 They they don't care. They it's absolutely true that they want stuff that they could patent and they can make a mountain of money on 01:40:31.200 --> 01:40:38.400 And that includes that includes the nyad researchers who if they have a patent under the bidol act 01:40:38.480 --> 01:40:44.160 Which was passed in 1980 the inventors get about 40 of the profit 01:40:44.640 --> 01:40:46.640 So all of the government employees 01:40:47.120 --> 01:40:50.560 And so now keep in mind and this has been pointed out to me recently 01:40:51.360 --> 01:40:57.440 But the patents that robert melon held on the frna technology or his names appear on 01:40:58.400 --> 01:41:01.360 Expired like this year or last year 01:41:02.240 --> 01:41:04.320 And so when he originally came on the scene 01:41:05.360 --> 01:41:07.360 in his desperate 01:41:07.360 --> 01:41:10.640 Claim for you know, it's a little credit over here 01:41:13.200 --> 01:41:16.480 That came at a time when the patent still kind of existed 01:41:17.680 --> 01:41:19.840 and still were kind of in play 01:41:21.120 --> 01:41:25.120 And now that they're not in play it seems like his story has changed a little bit 01:41:25.200 --> 01:41:30.000 Now it's kind of slimy with people who want patents people aren't even really interested in patents 01:41:30.560 --> 01:41:33.840 And they're not really interested in repurposed drugs unless they can patent them 01:41:34.800 --> 01:41:38.000 But when I came out two years ago was all about my eight patents 01:41:39.280 --> 01:41:42.480 And how my patents mean that I was on the way I did it 01:41:43.040 --> 01:41:47.120 It's my technology that's saving millions of people around the world. That's what Jill said 01:41:49.280 --> 01:41:54.320 But now people are not interested unless they can have a patent, but I have the patents patents patents 01:41:54.400 --> 01:41:59.200 Who are on a patent for MacDurna or Pfizer, you know, they're probably almost billionaires 01:41:59.440 --> 01:42:03.120 He used to be that the government employees were prohibited from this 01:42:03.200 --> 01:42:09.120 So the the logic was to incentivize academics and academic institutions like the University of California 01:42:09.680 --> 01:42:12.080 Which has a huge alameda based patent office 01:42:12.640 --> 01:42:18.000 To go ahead and pursue intellectual property because all this IP was being generated within the universities 01:42:18.320 --> 01:42:22.160 And it wasn't going anywhere because nobody cared because they couldn't make money off of it 01:42:22.560 --> 01:42:25.840 And they put the bidol act in place and they put these incentives 01:42:26.240 --> 01:42:32.400 So that the dean of uc san diego or or you know this investigator or that department chair 01:42:32.880 --> 01:42:35.360 Gets to make a ton of money on patent 01:42:36.080 --> 01:42:39.520 I don't see he's a tonic live in the chat anymore. Maybe he's having a 01:42:40.240 --> 01:42:44.560 Having a good date night royalty revenue if something gets invented within 01:42:45.120 --> 01:42:49.440 That um organization or in within one of their laboratories. What's this is done? 01:42:49.920 --> 01:42:54.880 Is it's transformed academia into basically an arm of the pharmaceutical industry 01:42:55.360 --> 01:43:02.240 And it's and it's motivated all of these investigators to be basically chasing patents and chasing revenue 01:43:02.640 --> 01:43:06.800 Associated with working with pharma. That's part of why you a lot of us have been perplexed 01:43:07.360 --> 01:43:12.720 What happened to academe through this last three years through the covid crisis? 01:43:12.720 --> 01:43:14.720 How do they all become so corrupted? 01:43:14.880 --> 01:43:21.680 It's I mean, it's very easy to consider the possibility that rubber melon just didn't want to be left behind the train of of of history 01:43:22.880 --> 01:43:28.560 And that as he saw the mr&a gets sucked up into the machine and realize what they were going to do and how 01:43:29.440 --> 01:43:31.280 Willing they were to 01:43:31.280 --> 01:43:33.520 To push it to billions of of arms 01:43:34.480 --> 01:43:40.560 He realized well if they're going to do it, then I better raise my hand now and say it's I was part of this or i'll never be able to say it 01:43:41.280 --> 01:43:43.200 And 01:43:43.200 --> 01:43:48.560 At the time that it was coming out and the hype that it was getting on tv you could imagine a scenario where you would be like 01:43:48.560 --> 01:43:50.560 Well, I guess I better say something 01:43:53.680 --> 01:43:58.800 And so it's starting to look to me a lot more like these are two pretty ordinary people 01:44:00.800 --> 01:44:03.200 Pretty ordinary people with ordinary means 01:44:04.080 --> 01:44:06.080 being sucked into doing something that 01:44:06.880 --> 01:44:11.280 Is serving a lot of other people more than it serves them which doesn't make them great 01:44:13.040 --> 01:44:15.040 But it doesn't make them masterminds either 01:44:17.360 --> 01:44:19.360 It's something here to be pitied 01:44:20.480 --> 01:44:22.480 There's something to hear to be ashamed of 01:44:24.160 --> 01:44:30.480 There's something here to shake your head at but not necessarily to shiver and fear from 01:44:32.000 --> 01:44:33.360 Definitely 01:44:33.440 --> 01:44:35.440 Something to be annoyed by because 01:44:36.080 --> 01:44:38.080 They're not really 01:44:38.080 --> 01:44:40.080 The people that they report to be 01:44:40.640 --> 01:44:42.640 That much is very certain to me 01:44:44.560 --> 01:44:47.920 Going on for a long time. It's just that it's now been revealed 01:44:48.640 --> 01:44:52.400 Okay, and and it didn't used to extend to the guvies 01:44:53.360 --> 01:44:56.160 But now the government workers have that same deal 01:44:56.800 --> 01:45:00.960 Which is why tony fauci is sitting on a mountain of cash right now 01:45:00.960 --> 01:45:03.520 Not just making more in salary 01:45:03.520 --> 01:45:09.200 He makes more in retirement if he didn't know this he makes more in retirement in his annual salary 01:45:09.520 --> 01:45:13.120 Then the president makes for the active sitting president 01:45:13.840 --> 01:45:17.440 Okay, it's stunning and that doesn't include his royalty revenue 01:45:18.080 --> 01:45:24.800 Okay, he is sitting on a mountain of cash and by the way, they've hired him back as a consultant and given him six 01:45:25.200 --> 01:45:29.440 FTE six full-time employees as security and drivers 01:45:30.080 --> 01:45:36.480 Okay, so he's driven around dc in in his nice bulletproof SUV at the expense of you guys 01:45:37.120 --> 01:45:42.880 Um currently, you know, it's it's not a private party really. He's just another 01:45:43.360 --> 01:45:46.320 Gubby that's just retired and then come back to double dip 01:45:47.520 --> 01:45:55.040 So that's that's the world of dc and but there's another there's another point to that though and that is it's a little off topic and that is 01:45:56.480 --> 01:45:57.360 um 01:45:57.360 --> 01:46:00.000 Agenda f I do any of you know about this right? 01:46:00.400 --> 01:46:02.400 Trump schedule up schedule up 01:46:02.800 --> 01:46:04.800 So another thing we talked about in the book 01:46:04.880 --> 01:46:11.440 Yeah, that's third where we talk about what can we do about this? So, um, we have an executive 01:46:12.000 --> 01:46:15.600 I'm sorry. What is it senior executive service senior executive service that cannot 01:46:16.560 --> 01:46:22.880 In the federal government so you can fire them when you hear steve ban and talk about the administrative state 01:46:23.600 --> 01:46:26.240 This is this group of employees and they're large 01:46:26.240 --> 01:46:29.360 It's a couple of thousands of people. They actually have their own flag 01:46:29.760 --> 01:46:33.280 Yeah, okay. The senior executive service has its own flag at its own badge 01:46:33.840 --> 01:46:38.160 Do you hear this? Are you hearing it senior executive service that thing that like 01:46:39.200 --> 01:46:44.480 Did like john karaoke told me was nothing was a joke was a nothing burger 01:46:45.200 --> 01:46:48.160 That actually I think we also talked about it with regular guy 01:46:48.800 --> 01:46:54.560 And that it was a nothing burger like these people can definitely be fired. It's absurd 01:46:55.520 --> 01:47:00.720 Like they can definitely be fired because they even have a limited car. It's a ridiculous statement 01:47:01.520 --> 01:47:03.520 And they said millions of them 01:47:03.920 --> 01:47:05.760 Did you hear it? 01:47:05.760 --> 01:47:13.440 Yeah, and they cannot be fired and so what can we do about this? So, um, we have an executive 01:47:13.920 --> 01:47:19.600 I'm sorry. What is it senior executive service senior executive service that cannot be fired in the federal government 01:47:19.600 --> 01:47:26.720 So you may not when you hear steve ban and talk about the administrative president can't fire a janitor either 01:47:26.720 --> 01:47:31.120 What is he taught? What is this? This is this group of employees and they're large 01:47:31.920 --> 01:47:35.360 Couple of thousands of people they actually have their own flag a couple million 01:47:37.520 --> 01:47:40.960 Then robert malonkorexer and says it's thousands flag 01:47:41.360 --> 01:47:47.840 Yeah, okay. The senior executive service has its own flag at its own badge. Yeah. Yeah, and employees and they're large 01:47:48.640 --> 01:47:51.040 Couple of thousands of people they actually have their own flag 01:47:51.440 --> 01:47:54.960 Yeah, okay. The senior executive service has its own flag at its own badge 01:47:55.280 --> 01:47:55.840 Yeah 01:47:55.840 --> 01:48:01.760 And they cannot be fired and this this started historically with president mckinley who was 01:48:02.400 --> 01:48:04.000 assassinated and um 01:48:04.000 --> 01:48:10.960 It was assassinated because somebody that worked on his campaign thought he president mckinley it all started with president mckinley 01:48:12.560 --> 01:48:16.000 It all started with president mckinley. Did you hear that mark? 01:48:16.880 --> 01:48:18.880 Oh my god 01:48:18.960 --> 01:48:22.480 Arch it's a couple of thousands of people. They actually have their own flag 01:48:22.880 --> 01:48:29.280 Yeah, okay. The senior executive service has its own flag at its own badge. Yeah, and they cannot be fired 01:48:29.360 --> 01:48:34.240 And this this started historically with president mckinley who was assassinated 01:48:34.880 --> 01:48:36.880 and um 01:48:36.880 --> 01:48:38.880 Somebody 01:48:38.880 --> 01:48:41.680 Was going to get an appointment because he worked on the campaign 01:48:42.160 --> 01:48:43.520 Stop lying 01:48:43.520 --> 01:48:49.440 Assassin senior executive service has its stop lying. Yeah, yeah, and they cannot be fired 01:48:49.520 --> 01:48:54.480 And this this started historically with president mckinley who was assassinated 01:48:54.960 --> 01:48:55.600 And um 01:48:55.600 --> 01:49:01.920 It was assassinated because somebody that worked on his campaign thought he was going to get an appointment because he worked on the campaign 01:49:02.320 --> 01:49:05.440 Mckinley didn't give an appointment and so the guy shot him 01:49:05.680 --> 01:49:09.360 And so after that after set the federal government said we need 01:49:09.920 --> 01:49:14.880 Protection so if the president and the vice president all get killed at the same time that there's continuity 01:49:14.880 --> 01:49:15.280 government 01:49:15.280 --> 01:49:22.080 So we'll make a class of employees that can't the reason why that's strange is because Charles rixie's great great grandfather 01:49:22.160 --> 01:49:24.320 Was the doctor of president mckinley? 01:49:28.880 --> 01:49:30.880 That's weird 01:49:32.080 --> 01:49:34.080 That's super weird 01:49:34.160 --> 01:49:36.640 Be fired so that they'll give continuity 01:49:36.960 --> 01:49:42.880 Well, what's happened over time is basically they can do whatever they want they can interpret laws however they want 01:49:43.040 --> 01:49:46.080 They run the government. They run the government. Congress does not run the government 01:49:46.160 --> 01:49:49.600 The president does not run the government the senior executive service runs again 01:49:49.600 --> 01:49:52.480 Yeah, so so trump tried to fire a lot of people and he couldn't 01:49:53.200 --> 01:49:57.840 Pissed him off. I know I look like beaker from the from the muppets when i'm staring at them like that 01:49:58.240 --> 01:50:00.240 It takes two years 01:50:00.320 --> 01:50:04.800 To fire a federal employee of constant dogged fighting in the courts, right? 01:50:05.280 --> 01:50:11.440 So so he he came up with schedule f which would reclass all these federal employees as at will put employees 01:50:11.520 --> 01:50:14.960 which anybody who works is probably an at will employee and um 01:50:15.680 --> 01:50:17.680 It was one of his last acts 01:50:17.680 --> 01:50:20.320 And the press in dc went wild about it 01:50:20.320 --> 01:50:25.200 How it was gonna and it took him months and months and months to fight off and get it through the court 01:50:25.360 --> 01:50:28.320 Get it through the courts and then it was finally gonna prove 01:50:28.320 --> 01:50:34.240 It was the first just before the election right and then he lost and then it was the first thing that Biden got rid of soon as he was 01:50:35.520 --> 01:50:42.560 Lidgis robermalone off-screws ended schedule left. Yeah. Yeah, so one of the things we absolutely worst camera man 01:50:43.280 --> 01:50:44.800 just 01:50:44.800 --> 01:50:51.620 As far as i'm concerned the top priority right now is we have to make it illegal for the government to deploy 01:50:52.880 --> 01:50:55.280 psychological operations on civilians 01:50:56.240 --> 01:51:02.560 Um, here's but another one we've got to do is we have to find some way whether mr 01:51:02.560 --> 01:51:03.680 Trump is in the office 01:51:03.680 --> 01:51:08.240 Isn't he going to put himself out of business if he advocates for the government to not be able to do 01:51:08.880 --> 01:51:10.880 psyops 01:51:10.880 --> 01:51:14.160 Or mr. Santas or whomever or maybe body units 01:51:14.640 --> 01:51:16.640 um, but 01:51:17.040 --> 01:51:23.040 We have got to find a way to break the back of the administrative state and we have got to break the back of this 01:51:23.280 --> 01:51:24.240 um 01:51:24.240 --> 01:51:30.080 New censorship industrial complex and I don't know quite how we're going to do it 01:51:30.080 --> 01:51:37.280 But I know we absolutely have to do it that this this censorship industrial complex is a monster 01:51:38.160 --> 01:51:41.920 And here's the thing in the technology that's been developed 01:51:42.800 --> 01:51:46.240 Where you ever notice in you know in marketing? 01:51:46.800 --> 01:51:49.760 This is really an extension of marketing into warfare 01:51:50.640 --> 01:51:55.760 Okay, when they sell you hamburgers, they have and soap suds and all those things 01:51:56.160 --> 01:51:58.720 They're really sophisticated about how they do it 01:51:59.360 --> 01:52:04.960 They know all kinds of subliminal messaging and other technologies color use of color use of sex 01:52:05.440 --> 01:52:14.240 All kinds of things repetitive repetitive is really important repetitive insertion of key words into advertising and into the press and all kinds of things 01:52:14.960 --> 01:52:17.840 It's amazing how suggestible you are here's a fun fact 01:52:18.480 --> 01:52:26.720 25% of people this has been known for decades 25% of people in anyone population is highly resistant to hypnosis 01:52:27.600 --> 01:52:34.880 Into syops about 25% yay, probably a large fraction of use that you're here are in that 25% 01:52:35.520 --> 01:52:41.520 Okay, the other 75% are very susceptible. They can be hypnotized 01:52:41.680 --> 01:52:46.000 They can be influenced to act in whatever way somebody wants to 01:52:46.880 --> 01:52:52.320 The other day I was on with Neil Oliver as I mentioned we were it's the coronation day when we were talking about this 01:52:52.880 --> 01:52:56.800 And um in Great Britain they actually have a censorship board just to let you know 01:52:57.120 --> 01:52:59.120 We'll come here soon enough 01:52:59.200 --> 01:53:03.600 They have a censorship board and I can tell you Great Britain news is scared silly 01:53:04.080 --> 01:53:08.640 Of that censorship board. I was told that I could not talk about anything about the vaccines 01:53:09.040 --> 01:53:13.360 What I went on GB news the other day with Neil Oliver that wasn't the case a year ago 01:53:14.240 --> 01:53:18.880 Okay, and so we had to kind of talk around it and use euphemisms like JP Sears does 01:53:19.600 --> 01:53:21.600 um, but uh 01:53:21.600 --> 01:53:25.120 Nobody said he plugged JP Sears. Why would he plug him? 01:53:25.680 --> 01:53:29.520 Why not Joe Rogan or somebody else? Why did that guy immediately come to mind? 01:53:31.440 --> 01:53:36.240 JP Sears is brilliant JP Sears is a brilliant fifth generation warrior 01:53:36.880 --> 01:53:38.560 Okay comedy 01:53:38.560 --> 01:53:43.520 And and music and art are incredible fifth generation war tools 01:53:43.600 --> 01:53:48.320 They're incredible propaganda tools that can be used against you or we can use them against them 01:53:49.120 --> 01:53:53.200 Okay, and this has long been known what JP does is brilliant 01:53:53.920 --> 01:53:56.880 In terms of psyops, but I made the point with Neil 01:53:57.920 --> 01:54:00.800 Because of course in Britain they have the nudge units 01:54:01.520 --> 01:54:05.440 And they have the 77th brigade which has been deployed on their citizens 01:54:06.320 --> 01:54:11.120 And in the in in GB news and any of these news stations 01:54:11.760 --> 01:54:16.400 Um, they are forced to have someone who represents the other side 01:54:17.200 --> 01:54:19.920 They cannot broadcast unless they have 01:54:20.480 --> 01:54:22.240 Some semblance 01:54:22.240 --> 01:54:26.880 Balance where there's somebody that's standing on the other side of an issue advocating for that 01:54:26.880 --> 01:54:32.320 So the person on the other side was making the case that well in a democracy in the UK 01:54:32.800 --> 01:54:37.600 Basically they have an election every four years and the people seed their authority 01:54:39.040 --> 01:54:43.120 To the winning party who is able to act really? 01:54:43.760 --> 01:54:46.080 In an autocratic fashion for the next four years 01:54:46.640 --> 01:54:53.200 The people seed their authority to this winning political party that can basically do whatever it wants to do for the next four years 01:54:53.280 --> 01:54:56.960 And then there's another election. That's the logic that's promoted in the UK 01:54:57.680 --> 01:55:01.680 Okay, so four-year period no accountability. They can do what they ever they want to do 01:55:02.160 --> 01:55:07.040 My point is if during that four years, they're deploying modern psyops 01:55:08.240 --> 01:55:16.560 Psychological warfare technology against the population so that the population is constantly bombarded with corrected information 01:55:16.960 --> 01:55:23.520 Now it's going to be AI filtered information that controls everything that you see feel think believe 01:55:24.240 --> 01:55:29.200 Your emotions, okay, that's what's in play right now if you're in so social media 01:55:29.840 --> 01:55:32.480 You are highly you're in a highly controlled environment 01:55:33.200 --> 01:55:39.600 And everything that you think and believe and feel is being manipulated actively in real time 01:55:40.400 --> 01:55:47.040 And if that's pretty truthful, that was pretty good actually saying that that's what social media does to you and if you interact with social media 01:55:47.040 --> 01:55:49.040 That's where you are. That's pretty good 01:55:50.000 --> 01:55:52.800 But he's not telling you that he's part of it 01:55:53.120 --> 01:55:56.720 The government is allowed to do that the concept of sovereignty 01:55:57.360 --> 01:55:59.360 Of personal agency 01:55:59.360 --> 01:56:07.520 That you have as an independent being the ability to make an objective decision about right and wrong or what you want in your government 01:56:07.520 --> 01:56:11.440 The policies that you want you no longer have that sovereignty 01:56:12.880 --> 01:56:17.200 Everything that you are thinking is being manipulated using the most 01:56:19.040 --> 01:56:20.640 cutting edge 01:56:20.640 --> 01:56:26.240 Psychological manipulation that's 75% that's susceptible and that's you know when we talk about 01:56:27.200 --> 01:56:32.880 The younger generation they are just being bombarded with this messaging all the time and and they have a hard time filtering 01:56:33.120 --> 01:56:36.080 Every social media channel is basically 01:56:36.800 --> 01:56:45.040 An intelligence operation and and combine that with um the garm agreement, which I think has to be mentioned with this which um is the 01:56:45.040 --> 01:56:47.040 um 01:56:47.040 --> 01:56:49.040 An agreement. Let's get an example 01:56:50.080 --> 01:56:52.080 Conservative media 01:56:52.080 --> 01:56:58.480 Now you would think that Mercedes Benz and Porsche would want to sell cars to conservatives 01:56:59.280 --> 01:57:00.240 Okay 01:57:00.240 --> 01:57:04.080 You would think that Steve Bannon would be inundated 01:57:04.640 --> 01:57:12.400 With advertisements and the blaze and why do you think Steve Bannon has to advertise t-shirts hats and water and pillows and pillows 01:57:12.720 --> 01:57:15.360 Okay, it's not because he doesn't want to sell Mercedes Benz 01:57:15.920 --> 01:57:18.880 Okay, he is Mercedes Benz is literally 01:57:19.520 --> 01:57:22.800 prohibited from advertising on conservative sites 01:57:23.360 --> 01:57:25.360 Okay, it started with more 01:57:25.920 --> 01:57:33.280 You got it. You got to understand it started with an agreement that um advertisers through google and this huge consortium of 01:57:34.160 --> 01:57:37.760 Advertising she has a microphone why is she straining her voice like that? 01:57:38.240 --> 01:57:42.480 Companies all agreed. They wouldn't allow advertising on porn sites 01:57:42.960 --> 01:57:48.400 And then it was violence and then it moved into election misinformation and now it's 01:57:49.040 --> 01:57:58.080 Information and now it's basically anything conservative anything conservative and and um they cannot literally if you advertise on a bad site 01:57:58.480 --> 01:58:01.680 You can no longer allow to use ad sense and these um 01:58:02.240 --> 01:58:09.680 Algorithmic advertisers and if you are an executive at a major us corporation and you donate to conservative causes 01:58:10.080 --> 01:58:17.120 That's tracked that's holding think about how all over the place this is think about how wacky of a presentation this is is there 01:58:17.840 --> 01:58:21.680 Was there a specific goal in mind? Did they have a specific goal in mind? 01:58:22.560 --> 01:58:27.360 Did they get up on this screen or this stage with the idea of getting through 01:58:28.160 --> 01:58:30.160 A few points and then when they were done 01:58:30.800 --> 01:58:36.720 They would be confident that the people in this room are in this this crowd rather understood stuff 01:58:40.720 --> 01:58:42.720 Or is this like an appearance for money 01:58:43.760 --> 01:58:48.320 an appearance for donations an appearance for sub stack followers an appearance for 01:58:48.960 --> 01:58:51.280 People to believe that these guys are real 01:58:54.800 --> 01:58:57.280 If you were trying to save the world it wouldn't sound like this 01:58:58.080 --> 01:59:01.520 I'm telling you if you were trying to save the world it wouldn't sound like this 01:59:04.320 --> 01:59:06.800 No plans of action just telling you the way it is 01:59:08.080 --> 01:59:10.080 No ways out just telling you the way it is 01:59:11.200 --> 01:59:13.200 No solutions 01:59:13.200 --> 01:59:14.880 No alternatives 01:59:14.880 --> 01:59:16.720 No answers 01:59:16.720 --> 01:59:22.960 Just telling you how it is. We'll disclose. Okay, and then your esg scores go down when we talk about 01:59:22.960 --> 01:59:27.920 When your esg score goes down you cannot get capital 01:59:28.640 --> 01:59:31.760 You pay higher rates you're less able to get capital 01:59:31.840 --> 01:59:35.600 So this this is integrated at a level if you're not aware of this 01:59:35.920 --> 01:59:42.320 This has been being built for decades and clearly this is what makes us anti government is talking about this stuff 01:59:42.960 --> 01:59:47.120 Yeah, this is why i'm i'm defined as anti government by the anti-deformation league 01:59:47.600 --> 01:59:49.600 Which seems to be mostly about defaming 01:59:49.840 --> 01:59:57.760 Um, but that's that is what we're up against is an ecosystem in which all advertising dollars 01:59:58.000 --> 02:00:03.120 Are strategically controlled through a blanket agreement that's run through google 02:00:03.200 --> 02:00:06.400 Which controls the vast bulk of advertising right now 02:00:06.800 --> 02:00:14.480 And when you see that all the media including fox news, which is now the second largest owner of fox news is 02:00:15.280 --> 02:00:19.200 Blackrock. Okay, it's no surprise that tuckers out 02:00:20.240 --> 02:00:27.200 Okay, and um, so that's that's the ecosystem we're dealing with right now is the government feels that it is 02:00:27.680 --> 02:00:33.600 Morally obligated in order to protect democracy to bypass the first amendment 02:00:34.640 --> 02:00:37.760 And there is nothing that anyone will do about it 02:00:38.320 --> 02:00:40.960 I mean, I keep saying what is the remedy? 02:00:41.600 --> 02:00:47.360 When from the lowest level government official, you know from your school boards all the way up to the potus 02:00:48.320 --> 02:00:50.960 There is tacit agreement that we absolutely must 02:00:52.320 --> 02:00:55.440 Bypass the first amendment. We must control speech 02:00:56.000 --> 02:01:01.840 And a free pass it's not just free speech. It's a free press. Okay. Um, that's that's where we're at 02:01:02.880 --> 02:01:06.640 And the only remedy that I know of is impeachment 02:01:07.200 --> 02:01:11.680 And there's no way that we're going to get an impeachment case brought through 02:01:11.680 --> 02:01:16.400 I mean, we've got all this evidence about hunter biden and all of the corruption and all that that's coming out 02:01:16.640 --> 02:01:18.640 Do you think there's going to be an impeachment? 02:01:18.640 --> 02:01:19.840 Hell no 02:01:19.840 --> 02:01:24.320 Okay, there's there's no way that can happen in dc. There's another point 02:01:24.800 --> 02:01:28.800 People ask me oh, is there going to be accountability for what's happened over the last three years? 02:01:29.600 --> 02:01:30.960 um 02:01:30.960 --> 02:01:36.320 Can you imagine a world in which the united states suddenly says oh you caught me? 02:01:36.720 --> 02:01:43.760 We actually funded the development of that virus that has exterminated a you know a significant fraction of the world's population 02:01:44.160 --> 02:01:46.160 And decimated economies 02:01:46.160 --> 02:01:50.720 Can can you imagine what would happen if they owned up to what they've done? 02:01:50.960 --> 02:01:54.560 Which the documents from judicial watch and everybody else so many sources now 02:01:55.120 --> 02:01:57.280 Demonstrate, you know 02:01:57.280 --> 02:02:02.640 For me one of the shocking things was coming to grips with we not might not be the good guys 02:02:03.520 --> 02:02:05.520 Okay 02:02:05.760 --> 02:02:10.000 And can you imagine what would happen it would destroy the united states? 02:02:10.000 --> 02:02:14.000 It would destroy it politically it would destroy it economic. We're not the only bad guys 02:02:14.080 --> 02:02:18.320 I mean, that's the truth of it is we have the ccp we have russia. We have the uk 02:02:18.400 --> 02:02:19.360 I mean 02:02:19.360 --> 02:02:24.080 governments throughout the world now believe that they need to control the citizenship and 02:02:24.560 --> 02:02:25.760 basically 02:02:25.760 --> 02:02:27.760 treat them like an economic unit and 02:02:29.760 --> 02:02:33.280 So we need to get back to personal sovereignty and and this 02:02:34.240 --> 02:02:35.840 It's really important 02:02:35.840 --> 02:02:40.880 And when when we so podcast different podcasts when people are talking about the book 02:02:40.880 --> 02:02:44.080 They're like, well, what's this part about the better future coming? 02:02:44.560 --> 02:02:50.240 Right, um, and I insisted that we put that line in because the lies my government told me was such a downer 02:02:50.720 --> 02:02:55.440 Uh, it was came it came. It was it was developed by sky verse publishing 02:02:55.840 --> 02:03:00.080 Uh, they thought that was the fantastic name that would make it a huge best seller by the way 02:03:00.080 --> 02:03:04.880 It's not that much of a best seller, but it's doing okay, but it's not like bobby's book 02:03:05.280 --> 02:03:10.160 Um, but i'm not bobby kennedy and neither she um, but uh, um 02:03:11.440 --> 02:03:14.240 I really wanted to end on a positive note, but yes 02:03:14.240 --> 02:03:17.280 And the positive note was about what can we do about right? 02:03:17.280 --> 02:03:20.720 And I think the first thing is the first thing we can do about it in our own lives is community 02:03:21.520 --> 02:03:25.360 It's our families our families. Yeah. Yeah 02:03:25.760 --> 02:03:28.560 Intentional communities and one of the things you may recall 02:03:29.120 --> 02:03:31.680 When I when I did this little podcast with this guy 02:03:32.160 --> 02:03:37.360 Rogan um that kind of did break the internet and caused google to lose its bladder control 02:03:37.920 --> 02:03:39.920 um, the the 02:03:40.240 --> 02:03:41.760 I 02:03:41.760 --> 02:03:46.320 Talked about the theories of this friend of mine from belgium named mattias decimate 02:03:47.280 --> 02:03:50.720 And I use the term mass formation psychosis now the 02:03:51.280 --> 02:03:57.280 Psychology committee hit us on that even though that's an old term and so we've dropped the psychosis mass formation 02:03:57.840 --> 02:04:04.560 But it's basically around the preconditions that enabled this hypnosis or control or thought control of people 02:04:05.600 --> 02:04:09.840 um, and one of the things that we've observed in this 02:04:10.640 --> 02:04:16.480 Bizarre world that we've been traveling for the last three years is communities have faith 02:04:17.440 --> 02:04:23.120 What ever religion have been the most resistant to these psyops? 02:04:23.920 --> 02:04:30.480 Like for instance, what's the the town up north that has that church that got hammered so bad that we've spoken at Santa Clara 02:04:30.720 --> 02:04:35.360 Santa Clara. Yeah. I mean, do you know the story of calvary chapel? Yeah, calvary chapel 02:04:36.320 --> 02:04:38.320 um, they they 02:04:38.320 --> 02:04:44.000 The stuff that was done. I mean the city council called their 02:04:44.560 --> 02:04:46.320 leanholder 02:04:46.320 --> 02:04:47.520 and said 02:04:47.520 --> 02:04:49.520 They're going to have to default 02:04:50.160 --> 02:04:54.240 on their loan because they were going to get a six million dollar fine 02:04:55.040 --> 02:05:01.600 And so and so the the bank defaulted based on that phone call they they pulled back the loan 02:05:02.320 --> 02:05:06.640 I mean, this is how dirty it is and but what they did was is they hung together as a community 02:05:07.200 --> 02:05:11.440 And and they reached out to other members of the calvary chapel world 02:05:12.000 --> 02:05:14.800 Which basically all pulled their money and bought the damn thing 02:05:15.520 --> 02:05:16.400 um 02:05:16.400 --> 02:05:23.760 And yeah, yeah, yeah, but amazing story. We when we went and spoke there with Steve Kirsch 02:05:24.320 --> 02:05:29.920 Uh, we heard people coming up to us talking about how you know older people disabled people 02:05:30.400 --> 02:05:34.400 That weren't wearing masks that were being dragged out of public spaces 02:05:35.040 --> 02:05:36.320 In that county 02:05:36.320 --> 02:05:41.120 Um, because they weren't wearing masks if we now know just I know this is going to shock you 02:05:41.760 --> 02:05:43.760 Masks don't work 02:05:43.840 --> 02:05:45.040 Okay 02:05:45.040 --> 02:05:47.440 The data are in that was a lie 02:05:48.400 --> 02:05:52.560 Um, and it's hard to figure out why they propagated that lie 02:05:52.960 --> 02:05:59.600 The only explanation that i've heard and it's actually in the literature by one of the people that was influencing those decisions 02:06:00.480 --> 02:06:04.160 Is that it really was about demonstration of fealty 02:06:05.360 --> 02:06:07.600 It was a way to it was not 02:06:08.400 --> 02:06:12.960 I argue that a lot of this it was not a demonstration of fealty so much of it 02:06:12.960 --> 02:06:16.560 Whereas it was a demonstration of the belief in the mythology 02:06:19.600 --> 02:06:21.440 That's what it was 02:06:21.440 --> 02:06:24.160 It's a question of do you dare not to wear a mask 02:06:24.960 --> 02:06:28.000 Just like on close encounters of the third kind 02:06:28.880 --> 02:06:32.800 How did they convince all those people to clear the western half of Wyoming 02:06:33.760 --> 02:06:38.320 They killed all the animals with a poison and they left them laying in the fields 02:06:39.440 --> 02:06:41.440 And then they said that there was a chemical leak 02:06:42.240 --> 02:06:46.160 That a train had wrecked and that everybody had to be evacuated 02:06:47.840 --> 02:06:49.840 But of course there was no gas 02:06:50.160 --> 02:06:55.600 Of course those people weren't nobody was in danger. Otherwise, why and how come they weren't dying on the way out? 02:06:55.600 --> 02:06:57.600 And 02:06:58.720 --> 02:07:03.200 That's why they ended up taking their masks off and believing that they could go and then you know 02:07:03.200 --> 02:07:07.840 The whole story goes on in that movie because it's the same thing the masks weren't about 02:07:08.720 --> 02:07:10.720 showing fealty 02:07:11.920 --> 02:07:18.160 They forced people to accept the existence of a novel virus that these people still accept the existence of 02:07:18.400 --> 02:07:20.400 And 02:07:20.400 --> 02:07:26.960 They're going all the way back to the very beginning of the bamboozlement and they're tasking the wrong questions 02:07:29.280 --> 02:07:31.280 With the wrong answers 02:07:32.240 --> 02:07:38.160 Masks don't work. Why don't they work because there wasn't any spread 02:07:38.160 --> 02:07:40.160 I 02:07:44.720 --> 02:07:50.240 Policy of the jabs in the military and the absolute unwillingness to allow 02:07:51.520 --> 02:07:53.120 religious exemptions 02:07:53.120 --> 02:07:58.400 Was about weeding out the people that weren't going to comply with the things that they are telling them to do 02:07:58.880 --> 02:08:02.480 It's been a compliance test. Yeah, and another compliance test is 02:08:03.440 --> 02:08:12.000 We get a lot of science conferences a lot of biodefense conferences invites, you know come to this, you know event in DC blah blah blah 02:08:12.000 --> 02:08:16.880 You know all this junk mail we get and and you read these invitations and they all and to this day 02:08:16.880 --> 02:08:22.240 They say you need to prove that you're vaccinated before you can go to this scientific event 02:08:22.640 --> 02:08:25.280 You know, this is a way it's tribalism 02:08:25.280 --> 02:08:31.520 It's a way of weeding out people from being able to get the latest data being able to network 02:08:31.920 --> 02:08:35.200 You know, they are trying to harm and 02:08:36.800 --> 02:08:39.200 Ostracize. Yes. Yeah. Yeah 02:08:40.400 --> 02:08:45.040 So, um getting back to stick together the better times ahead 02:08:46.080 --> 02:08:47.440 um 02:08:47.440 --> 02:08:49.840 People ask what is an intentional community? 02:08:51.200 --> 02:08:55.440 Because this is a plan that this is not conspiracy thinking 02:08:56.160 --> 02:08:57.040 I mean 02:08:57.120 --> 02:09:03.760 Huxley talked about in my mind what they're laying here is the idea that we should make secret networks of people and ignore everybody else 02:09:04.800 --> 02:09:11.920 We shouldn't go for unity. We shouldn't try to unite the country under truth. We shouldn't try to expose the lies 02:09:13.280 --> 02:09:17.840 We should just try to network locally and and huddle down 02:09:20.400 --> 02:09:24.640 And i'm not sure that this is the right solution again because it accepts the lies 02:09:25.440 --> 02:09:30.800 Accept all the lies and now organize and do something else separate from them 02:09:32.880 --> 02:09:34.960 So america is never going to be won again 02:09:37.360 --> 02:09:41.840 And if we accepted that we were all lied to and we've been lied to for a generation 02:09:42.640 --> 02:09:44.640 We might be able to become one again 02:09:46.240 --> 02:09:50.720 If we accepted that actually racism isn't that big of a problem relative to effort 02:09:51.040 --> 02:09:53.040 I 02:09:53.040 --> 02:09:59.920 If we accepted that racism isn't that big of a problem with regard to most people's daily lives 02:10:00.560 --> 02:10:02.560 relative to effort 02:10:02.560 --> 02:10:04.560 I think we might get somewhere 02:10:06.800 --> 02:10:10.880 But I don't think we're ever going to go there because that's not where the tv people want us to go 02:10:13.680 --> 02:10:19.760 They want us to blame everything on the system and everything on climate change and everything on mother nature 02:10:21.120 --> 02:10:25.520 And nothing on our own effort and our own responsibilities 02:10:26.640 --> 02:10:28.640 and our own 02:10:29.120 --> 02:10:30.320 energies 02:10:30.320 --> 02:10:37.040 What we get out of bed to do doesn't matter because the all the other variables that are out of our control are overwhelming 02:10:37.840 --> 02:10:39.840 That's what they want you to feel 02:10:40.880 --> 02:10:43.920 Fifth generation warfare is exactly that in a nutshell 02:10:44.400 --> 02:10:46.400 And 02:10:46.400 --> 02:10:51.600 If jpc's is a is a good guy and the other guys are bad guys, and what are you gonna do? 02:10:52.720 --> 02:10:54.720 You got to eat 02:10:55.200 --> 02:10:57.200 I said to instagram video 02:10:57.680 --> 02:10:59.680 You don't stand a chance 02:10:59.680 --> 02:11:01.680 don't you see 02:11:01.760 --> 02:11:03.760 That's what they want you to believe 02:11:05.360 --> 02:11:11.120 So just make a little community and make a little effort to have a little community and don't do anything else 02:11:11.920 --> 02:11:16.400 Don't organize any efforts to fight against the lies that include 02:11:16.960 --> 02:11:20.240 What these people are telling you about why masks didn't work 02:11:21.840 --> 02:11:23.840 And what masks were really all about 02:11:24.800 --> 02:11:28.960 Wasn't about compliance ladies and gentlemen. It was about accepting the mystery 02:11:31.680 --> 02:11:34.960 Is was about accepting the scooby-doo of this 02:11:35.920 --> 02:11:41.280 There's a great video great new world. Yeah of Huxley in the early 70s 02:11:41.520 --> 02:11:44.640 No, it was 1958 with mike wallace early 02:11:45.920 --> 02:11:52.400 That's the mike wallace interview. Okay in which he's talking about these things like 25% of the population can't be hypnotized 02:11:52.480 --> 02:11:57.680 And that's and that the fact that 25% of the population can be readily hypnotized look at this one right here 02:11:59.120 --> 02:12:01.120 and 02:12:01.200 --> 02:12:04.240 That that's a good thing because governments need to be able to control people 02:12:04.720 --> 02:12:12.080 The plans that have been put in place that we have now seen sprung on us have been baked over decades now 02:12:13.040 --> 02:12:16.400 And there is no way that we're getting get out of this in the next two years 02:12:17.040 --> 02:12:20.160 As far as i'm concerned what we're fighting for is our children's future 02:12:20.800 --> 02:12:26.000 Yeah, um and it's and it's whether or not we want our children to live as indentured servants 02:12:26.400 --> 02:12:30.320 Or do we want them to live in a free world in which they have personal agency? 02:12:30.400 --> 02:12:33.760 They can make their own decisions make their own mistakes and have to live with them 02:12:34.400 --> 02:12:42.640 Okay, is that the world or do we want to live in a command economy that is controlled centrally by a group of corporate oligarchs 02:12:43.360 --> 02:12:47.280 Um out of europe that that is by the way european union 02:12:48.080 --> 02:12:52.560 Leadership is not elected. Okay. That's the world. They want us to live under 02:12:53.440 --> 02:12:58.080 When we went to the european parliament just off on that tangent one of the things that was last week last week 02:12:58.320 --> 02:13:04.880 Last week we testified in the european parliament on the invitation about half a dozen members of the epu were the dissenters many of which 02:13:05.360 --> 02:13:11.120 Were representing former uh, soviet union states like romania. Okay, those those folks 02:13:11.680 --> 02:13:18.320 Um have lived under communism. They have lived under marxism. They know what it's about and they believe it's coming back 02:13:18.480 --> 02:13:23.600 They're personally they're they're pretty far into hell. No, okay, and um 02:13:24.080 --> 02:13:30.400 They're they see it what's happening. But one of the things we learned is those members of the ep they don't do anything 02:13:30.880 --> 02:13:33.280 It's even worse than it is here. They don't work 02:13:34.000 --> 02:13:37.120 It's their their aides do all the voting for them 02:13:37.760 --> 02:13:42.560 One of the things is happening government all over the world in these various administrative states is during covid 02:13:42.960 --> 02:13:44.960 They've all been working from home 02:13:45.440 --> 02:13:54.640 They have to be the fda is a ghostland. They only just brought half the employees back to the fda. You go to the parking lot is empty 02:13:55.520 --> 02:14:01.680 Okay, the reason why is so rachel will insky was actually not down in atlanta working at the cdc 02:14:01.680 --> 02:14:03.840 She was up at her home and wherever it was kineticate 02:14:04.320 --> 02:14:09.200 Where she had that studio that she was giving all those lovely little presentations to all of us 02:14:09.840 --> 02:14:11.840 Um that we all enjoyed so much 02:14:12.800 --> 02:14:14.800 But she wasn't actually 02:14:14.800 --> 02:14:19.520 Administering she wasn't actually working there a lot of the government has had a three-year vacation 02:14:20.080 --> 02:14:27.040 And the same is true in the european parliament. Yeah, so this this this we're we're sitting in a situation 02:14:27.600 --> 02:14:30.720 In which some small cluster of individuals 02:14:31.440 --> 02:14:33.440 That are it's is not 02:14:33.440 --> 02:14:40.480 Conspiracy that are running largely very large corporations or the representatives of very large corporations are 02:14:41.200 --> 02:14:42.480 functionally 02:14:42.480 --> 02:14:47.040 I'm controlling most of the but but but just but I want to change this topic just a bit 02:14:47.520 --> 02:14:50.080 Okay, getting back to the better future. So right now 02:14:50.880 --> 02:14:54.160 We have I believe it's 11 million children are being homeschooled 02:14:54.800 --> 02:14:58.000 It's about it's a really interesting dynamic when she's there 02:14:58.000 --> 02:15:02.240 Isn't it that's just a very different Malone speaking when she just cuts him off 02:15:02.320 --> 02:15:07.280 And I want to change this subject a little bit about homeschooling and percent of the population in the united states 02:15:08.080 --> 02:15:12.640 Okay, this is a big deal our kids were homeschooled. Yeah, but so so homeschooling 02:15:13.040 --> 02:15:20.000 It's teaching children how to use the internet not allowing them to use it all the time not allowing them to have cell phones at an early age 02:15:20.480 --> 02:15:24.000 It's getting outdoors. I mean, there's a lot of things we can do 02:15:24.000 --> 02:15:29.440 We have to form our own communities and we have to kind of live outside of the government because we don't have any choice 02:15:29.680 --> 02:15:36.880 We have to build communities that can perceive you should behave like what the government would call white nationalists 02:15:36.880 --> 02:15:41.600 So that way later on you can be classified as a white nationalist in the terrorist 02:15:43.040 --> 02:15:45.040 And so go to gab 02:15:45.040 --> 02:15:52.400 And register with your personal information at gab so that we can put you on that list and follow me over on my group on telegram 02:15:53.120 --> 02:15:55.840 Follow me on that list and then sign up for my sub stack 02:15:56.960 --> 02:16:00.800 So that when the government decides to go and make a list of white nationalists 02:16:01.680 --> 02:16:03.680 We know you're on it 02:16:04.640 --> 02:16:08.000 Disced through the storm that is about to hit us. Yes. Yes 02:16:08.960 --> 02:16:15.760 And uh, I'm not sure people ask what is an intentional community a monastery is an intentional community and nunnery is an intentional 02:16:16.240 --> 02:16:22.400 Amish or intentional communities traditional religions of faith their intentional communities. We have we have internet 02:16:23.200 --> 02:16:27.120 Lots of examples of intentional communities you can form them around 02:16:27.680 --> 02:16:34.560 Love of wineries whatever the thing is. I mean, there's there's a there's a lot of ways to build intentional communities 02:16:35.120 --> 02:16:37.920 And to exist within those and protect each other 02:16:38.320 --> 02:16:42.240 David martin has done a ton of thinking david lives just a few miles from us 02:16:42.960 --> 02:16:46.480 In virginia david lives just a few miles from us mark 02:16:47.280 --> 02:16:50.640 David martin lives just a few miles from us mark. Did you know that? 02:16:51.200 --> 02:16:56.960 About this and about the economics of this we have some if you're going to build intentional communities and think about 02:16:57.120 --> 02:16:59.120 This it is a hard problem 02:16:59.840 --> 02:17:08.320 Because we're basically how do you imagine a world how far is rixie ville from where robert melon's ranch is this is all a very small 02:17:08.880 --> 02:17:11.200 Geographic region of virginia. It's every existed 02:17:12.640 --> 02:17:16.480 Like for instance, I was down in in mexico city, which is an amazing place 02:17:16.560 --> 02:17:21.280 It's like l.a. In mexico city of flip flop. I when I grew up mexico city was 02:17:22.880 --> 02:17:23.520 an 02:17:23.520 --> 02:17:29.680 Exhole um and l.a. Was where where all the hip and cool people are now all the hip and cool people are done 02:17:30.640 --> 02:17:37.840 And l.a. Is an armpit camera man. It's an amazing turnaround. So we're down there talking to some folks from latin america 02:17:38.560 --> 02:17:47.440 And um talking about intentional communities and all the problems that you have to solve in order to build an intentional community because you have to you cannot 02:17:48.160 --> 02:17:50.160 exist on barter 02:17:50.560 --> 02:17:52.560 Beyond a certain limit 02:17:53.040 --> 02:18:00.000 Which the amish recognized, which is why those communities fissure it. What is it 40 40 families? Okay. Um, so 02:18:01.120 --> 02:18:08.080 You can't exist straight on barter especially in a space of modern technology and now we're going to be going to a digital currency 02:18:08.480 --> 02:18:10.480 Within a few years. Yeah 02:18:10.480 --> 02:18:17.440 Which is totally going to tie into the social credit system and their ability to control you just like we saw the pre warning with 02:18:18.000 --> 02:18:20.400 um, what happened to Canadian truckers 02:18:21.200 --> 02:18:23.200 When Trudeau locked bank accounts 02:18:23.840 --> 02:18:30.720 Okay, and basically froze people's access to funds. I have a bunch of people that are up in friends up in toronto. That is 02:18:32.000 --> 02:18:34.000 They are living in a totalitarian environment 02:18:34.640 --> 02:18:38.000 That it comes out in all kinds of different ways. They're gone 02:18:38.720 --> 02:18:40.640 New Zealand is gone 02:18:40.640 --> 02:18:43.200 Canada was one without firing a shot 02:18:44.080 --> 02:18:49.440 Through infiltration from world economic forum trained young leaders. That is the honest truth 02:18:50.240 --> 02:18:52.640 Okay, and that country, you know, I grew up 02:18:53.040 --> 02:19:02.000 Canadians a you know and and sensible people very sensible people they are gone and they're busy looking for an escape route 02:19:02.320 --> 02:19:06.560 I mean, this is this is a flip-flop remember where we're all the word the liberal 02:19:07.120 --> 02:19:11.760 Protesters wanting to move to Canada remember during the war and all that it's all flip-flopped 02:19:11.840 --> 02:19:14.800 Okay, they now all want to come down here to the land of the free 02:19:15.760 --> 02:19:18.720 She's like his backup rapper, you know, just it says like 02:19:22.080 --> 02:19:24.080 Game out 02:19:28.640 --> 02:19:31.840 Um, because it's gone. New Zealand is gone 02:19:32.480 --> 02:19:35.120 Apparently, Australia had a major election 02:19:35.760 --> 02:19:42.800 Turnover because people were so pissed off about the egregious policies that were deployed there about COVID over the last three years 02:19:43.760 --> 02:19:47.680 But what we're in a situation in which we're going to have to somehow 02:19:48.480 --> 02:19:53.200 Find some way to tunnel through the next three years of sex. I'm sorry next few years 02:19:53.760 --> 02:19:58.160 Protect our children protect our own liberties our own ability to exist 02:19:58.880 --> 02:20:02.800 And there are some fundamental problems and one of them is tokens 02:20:03.920 --> 02:20:06.160 I'm not here to pitch bitcoin 02:20:06.160 --> 02:20:08.720 But bitcoin is in in cyber currency 02:20:09.360 --> 02:20:16.000 You know for those of you that are probably a lot of you folks are familiar with the cyber currency world 02:20:16.960 --> 02:20:21.280 But for me, it's been a learning experience over the last three years to get immersed in that 02:20:22.080 --> 02:20:28.640 Um, which we don't own any by the way. Yeah, there's there's two where we're precious smells people. Um, but there's two 02:20:29.680 --> 02:20:32.880 There's there's kind of like two main branches here 02:20:33.600 --> 02:20:35.760 One is decentralized cyber currency 02:20:36.560 --> 02:20:38.560 and one is centralized 02:20:38.720 --> 02:20:45.200 Centralized is what they're going to enforce on us. It's absolutely in the works. They're testing it right now through the Fed 02:20:45.840 --> 02:20:48.400 Um, the bank of international settlements wants it 02:20:49.200 --> 02:20:54.960 And centralized digital currency means that they can trend they can track every single transaction you do 02:20:55.760 --> 02:20:57.760 So no more of this 02:20:57.840 --> 02:21:02.480 Casual farm labor or get the guy down the street to put up your drywall or whatever 02:21:03.120 --> 02:21:07.600 No more, you know every single thing that you buy that pizza box 02:21:08.160 --> 02:21:11.280 Is going to be able to be identified with a qr code. Hey ron 02:21:11.600 --> 02:21:16.400 We've got just a minute left. We actually out. So do you have any conclusions before we have rob? 02:21:16.800 --> 02:21:21.120 She called him rob. Well, I'm just saying I've seen Lynn over here. Yeah, she's waving at us 02:21:22.560 --> 02:21:25.200 So so conclusions number one. Thanks 02:21:26.240 --> 02:21:28.240 number two sport the unity project 02:21:29.120 --> 02:21:30.880 um 02:21:30.880 --> 02:21:33.120 The key three key words 02:21:33.760 --> 02:21:35.760 Okay, keep these words in your heart 02:21:36.480 --> 02:21:38.000 Please 02:21:38.000 --> 02:21:40.000 integrity 02:21:40.000 --> 02:21:41.360 Dignity 02:21:41.360 --> 02:21:43.040 and community 02:21:43.040 --> 02:21:45.040 That's what we've lost 02:21:45.040 --> 02:21:49.600 And that's what we've got to strive for we have to commit ourselves to integrity 02:21:50.240 --> 02:21:52.640 Um, anybody here know who ed doubt is 02:21:53.600 --> 02:21:55.040 Okay 02:21:55.040 --> 02:21:58.640 I kind of brought ed doubt onto the stage. I met him in Maui 02:21:59.360 --> 02:22:03.840 A couple of years ago and he presented to me this document that he had come up with 02:22:04.320 --> 02:22:06.320 Together with a guy named tom that is 02:22:06.960 --> 02:22:09.280 Basically the building inspector for all of Maui 02:22:10.080 --> 02:22:13.280 And they came up with this document. They presented it to Jill and I on my birthday 02:22:13.840 --> 02:22:17.760 And they said this is the Malone doctrine and we're like, why did you call it the Malone doctrine? 02:22:18.880 --> 02:22:24.720 And they they said well, we've listened to everything you've ever said and wrote and i'm just like oh, i'm so sorry 02:22:25.120 --> 02:22:29.440 And this is what's in between the lines of everything that you've written 02:22:30.400 --> 02:22:35.760 And what it's all about is integrity. You can find it on our website for meloninstitute.org 02:22:36.480 --> 02:22:42.000 And it's about rebuilding integrity and a set of rules for organizations with integrity 02:22:42.640 --> 02:22:48.400 And basically what ed posits is a world in which we build these intentional communities 02:22:49.120 --> 02:22:53.600 And we only transact with others other corporations, etc 02:22:54.000 --> 02:22:56.560 That make a fundamental commitment to integrity 02:22:57.360 --> 02:23:00.000 And that includes things like data transparency 02:23:00.560 --> 02:23:03.200 all kinds of things having to do with openness 02:23:04.240 --> 02:23:06.800 and transparency in everything that you're doing 02:23:07.840 --> 02:23:09.120 um, and 02:23:09.120 --> 02:23:12.640 I'm with ed. I think that is one of the key things 02:23:13.600 --> 02:23:15.600 the dignity part comes um 02:23:16.560 --> 02:23:17.680 from a 02:23:17.680 --> 02:23:24.000 Time that we spent with what was his name man? Yeah, uh, the uh, the guy who is the 02:23:24.320 --> 02:23:25.280 um 02:23:25.280 --> 02:23:27.120 wrote the, uh 02:23:27.120 --> 02:23:29.680 biblic the, um history of 02:23:30.480 --> 02:23:32.480 the cardinal, um 02:23:32.480 --> 02:23:37.120 The cardinal turksen, you don't mean for him. No, not cardinal. No, that's arch the archbishop 02:23:37.680 --> 02:23:38.560 Jugano 02:23:38.560 --> 02:23:39.680 He wrote 02:23:39.680 --> 02:23:41.440 Jugano's biography 02:23:41.440 --> 02:23:41.920 Right 02:23:41.920 --> 02:23:47.600 And he makes the point that that one of the funnel of precepts of the church is respect for human dignity 02:23:48.320 --> 02:23:51.840 Traditionally the catholic church, you know, catholic church today is a different thing 02:23:52.400 --> 02:23:54.400 but, um, so I argue 02:23:55.760 --> 02:23:57.200 integrity 02:23:57.200 --> 02:23:59.200 Respect for human dignity 02:23:59.520 --> 02:24:01.840 Meaning, I don't care if you collect garbage 02:24:02.480 --> 02:24:06.640 Or you're the president of the united states you need to be treated with dignity and respect 02:24:07.600 --> 02:24:11.600 Um, and community is that comes from the tis decimals teaching 02:24:12.480 --> 02:24:18.640 But community is the thing that broke down that enabled all of this to happen that enabled the mass 02:24:18.800 --> 02:24:24.800 Psychosis to happen that enabled this hypnosis that it enabled the syops deployed 02:24:25.520 --> 02:24:29.520 And that gets to the point of communities of faith are highly resistant to this 02:24:30.160 --> 02:24:36.240 Community is the way we get through this we have to form community. We have to embed our children in community 02:24:36.800 --> 02:24:43.200 And have strong relationships and we're done and we're they're covering and and so with that thanks for letting me ramble 02:24:43.200 --> 02:24:45.200 I hope that was helpful 02:24:49.360 --> 02:24:51.360 I 02:24:52.800 --> 02:24:55.040 Ladies and gentlemen, they have changed how we think 02:24:56.400 --> 02:25:01.600 They did it over several years about in several decades about pandemic potential 02:25:02.880 --> 02:25:10.240 In order with this plan in mind to swap us permanently from having sovereignty over ourselves and our children 02:25:11.440 --> 02:25:13.440 To needing permission for everything 02:25:14.480 --> 02:25:16.480 This was their plan already for a decade 02:25:17.120 --> 02:25:19.920 I'm 99.9 percent sure 02:25:21.280 --> 02:25:26.480 These people knew that they had to change our mind about how a respiratory disease could be novel 02:25:27.120 --> 02:25:31.760 They knew they had to lie about all cause mortality and exaggerate numbers from zero 02:25:32.800 --> 02:25:35.920 They knew they had to lie about our response to an immune 02:25:36.800 --> 02:25:40.240 art to a respiratory disease by emphasizing antibodies 02:25:41.280 --> 02:25:45.120 And they knew they were doing that because they were going to mislead us about vaccination 02:25:46.000 --> 02:25:48.000 That's what this list means 02:25:49.120 --> 02:25:53.760 This four-step plan to make sure that you understood as antibodies as primal 02:25:54.720 --> 02:25:56.720 and vaccines as the source 02:25:57.840 --> 02:26:02.320 And once you understood that and that we didn't know anything about this novel virus 02:26:03.040 --> 02:26:05.040 They could institute protocols 02:26:05.440 --> 02:26:08.960 And change the way we behaved with one another throughout society 02:26:09.680 --> 02:26:11.680 for more than three years running 02:26:12.480 --> 02:26:17.040 And no one is still questioning the basis for which all of these changes were made 02:26:17.680 --> 02:26:21.440 No one is questioning the biology upon base based upon which 02:26:22.240 --> 02:26:25.200 These fundamental ideals were changed 02:26:26.880 --> 02:26:30.960 And that's what gigo and biological is all about we're about telling the truth about this graph 02:26:31.920 --> 02:26:33.760 telling the truth about why 02:26:33.760 --> 02:26:38.800 pneumonia became a killer that it never was in previous years why flu disappeared 02:26:39.600 --> 02:26:41.600 And why a PCR test 02:26:42.000 --> 02:26:44.480 Without specificity could be used to convert 02:26:45.360 --> 02:26:48.720 all cause mortality into a new novel 02:26:49.440 --> 02:26:51.440 cause of death 02:26:51.920 --> 02:26:54.880 And then by instructing people to respond to that 02:26:55.680 --> 02:27:01.760 Identifiable new cause of death with stupid protocols you could actually increase 02:27:02.720 --> 02:27:04.720 the all cause mortality 02:27:04.880 --> 02:27:09.200 In certain periods where you you you applied these protocols 02:27:11.600 --> 02:27:15.440 Now if you want to go so far as to say that something had to be used to do it 02:27:16.160 --> 02:27:20.320 Then there are a number of known technologies that are central to our 02:27:21.280 --> 02:27:28.880 Understanding and central to our methodologies used to manipulate and study RNA viruses and that is infectious clones 02:27:30.160 --> 02:27:33.520 And so without a doubt if there was a way for RNA 02:27:34.800 --> 02:27:36.080 to reach 02:27:36.080 --> 02:27:38.080 the far corners of the earth 02:27:38.800 --> 02:27:40.800 high fidelity copies 02:27:40.880 --> 02:27:43.200 The way it happened is with an infectious clone 02:27:43.760 --> 02:27:45.600 And why would they have done it? 02:27:45.600 --> 02:27:48.800 Because of the plan I said on the last slide because they have a plan 02:27:49.760 --> 02:27:57.760 To make sure that we surrender totally our individual sovereignty and enforce a global fundamental inversion from basic human rights to basic granted permissions 02:27:58.800 --> 02:28:01.920 Because this is the last time there are going to be this many people on the planet 02:28:02.880 --> 02:28:09.680 Please visit me at GigaOMbiological.com or GigaOMbiological or sorry GigaOM.bio 02:28:10.800 --> 02:28:12.960 GigaOM.bio is just really a 02:28:14.720 --> 02:28:21.040 It's a little it's a little soapbox, which is basically a twitter substitute, but you can speak to me. I can speak to you 02:28:22.560 --> 02:28:28.000 Um, I hope this was useful. I hope it was fun my longer than I wanted to. I hope it was a good date night 02:28:29.200 --> 02:28:31.200 for mark and Cheryl 02:28:31.760 --> 02:28:35.920 And I hope everybody sleeps well tonight. Transfection is immunization and any 02:28:37.040 --> 02:28:42.880 intramuscular ingestion of combination of substances to augment the immune system is a dumb idea as well 02:28:44.160 --> 02:28:48.720 They are trying to eliminate the control groups of stopped all transfections and humans 02:28:49.360 --> 02:28:52.240 Thank you very much for joining me. This has been GigaOMbiological 02:29:01.200 --> 02:29:03.200 So 02:29:31.200 --> 02:29:33.200 So 02:30:01.200 --> 02:30:03.200 You