WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:31.000 Okay. 00:31.000 --> 00:32.000 Okay. 00:32.000 --> 00:33.000 Okay. 00:33.000 --> 00:34.000 Okay. 00:34.000 --> 00:35.000 Okay. 00:35.000 --> 00:36.000 Okay. 00:36.000 --> 00:37.000 Okay. 00:37.000 --> 00:38.000 Okay. 00:38.000 --> 00:39.000 Okay. 00:39.000 --> 00:40.000 Okay. 00:40.000 --> 00:41.000 Okay. 00:41.000 --> 00:42.000 Okay. 00:42.000 --> 00:43.000 Okay. 00:43.000 --> 00:44.000 Okay. 00:44.000 --> 00:45.000 Okay. 00:45.000 --> 00:46.000 Okay. 00:46.000 --> 00:47.000 Okay. 00:47.000 --> 00:48.000 Okay. 00:48.000 --> 00:49.000 Okay. 00:49.000 --> 00:50.000 Okay. 00:50.000 --> 00:51.000 Okay. 00:51.000 --> 00:52.000 Okay. 00:52.000 --> 00:53.000 Okay. 00:53.000 --> 00:54.000 Okay. 00:54.000 --> 00:55.000 Okay. 00:55.000 --> 00:56.000 Okay. 00:56.000 --> 00:57.000 Okay. 00:57.000 --> 00:58.000 Okay. 00:58.000 --> 00:59.000 Okay. 00:59.000 --> 01:00.000 Okay. 01:00.000 --> 01:01.000 Okay. 01:01.000 --> 01:02.000 Okay. 01:03.000 --> 01:04.000 Okay. 01:04.000 --> 01:05.000 Okay. 01:05.000 --> 01:06.000 Okay. 01:06.000 --> 01:07.000 Okay. 01:07.000 --> 01:08.000 Okay. 01:08.000 --> 01:10.000 Hello, ladies and gentlemen. 01:10.000 --> 01:13.000 I am going to check a few things here. 01:13.000 --> 01:21.000 I want to see if peer tube is streaming. 01:21.000 --> 01:24.000 It appears to be live. 01:24.000 --> 01:28.000 Now I want to just see if it spins out or anything like that. 01:29.000 --> 01:30.000 Okay. 01:30.000 --> 01:31.000 Okay. 01:31.000 --> 01:32.000 So we'll just see. 01:32.000 --> 01:34.000 In advance. 01:34.000 --> 01:35.000 Here. 01:35.000 --> 01:45.000 Is it going yet or what? 01:45.000 --> 01:50.000 Let's see if this does anything over here. 01:50.000 --> 01:52.000 Do you hear anything? 01:52.000 --> 01:53.000 I don't hear anything. 01:53.000 --> 01:55.000 Oh, that's not good. 01:55.000 --> 02:02.000 We don't want that open. 02:02.000 --> 02:05.000 No live on rumble yet. 02:05.000 --> 02:07.000 Let me check. 02:07.000 --> 02:12.000 It says it's running. 02:12.000 --> 02:17.000 Might just not have the right link. 02:17.000 --> 02:24.000 I'll see what I can find quick for the rumble business. 02:25.000 --> 02:27.000 That should be here. 02:27.000 --> 02:30.000 And then if I go to live. 02:30.000 --> 02:32.000 No. 02:32.000 --> 02:33.000 Shoot. 02:33.000 --> 02:34.000 Okay. 02:34.000 --> 02:42.000 Let me see. 02:42.000 --> 02:45.000 What do we got here? 02:45.000 --> 02:47.000 Recording in progress. 02:47.000 --> 02:48.000 Live. 02:48.000 --> 02:50.000 It says. 02:50.000 --> 02:53.000 Visibility is private. 02:53.000 --> 02:58.000 What? 02:58.000 --> 03:01.000 Where is it? 03:01.000 --> 03:04.000 Demon settings are. 03:04.000 --> 03:08.000 Public are. 03:08.000 --> 03:11.000 Now do you see it on rumble? 03:11.000 --> 03:12.000 Darn it. 03:12.000 --> 03:13.000 Darn it. 03:13.000 --> 03:16.000 Do you see it on rumble? 03:16.000 --> 03:19.000 Let's see here rumble. 03:19.000 --> 03:22.000 There it is. 03:23.000 --> 03:24.000 Yes. 03:24.000 --> 03:25.000 I hear myself. 03:25.000 --> 03:26.000 Okay. 03:26.000 --> 03:27.000 That's working. 03:27.000 --> 03:28.000 And what about peer tube? 03:28.000 --> 03:30.000 Oh, it's stalled out on peer tube. 03:30.000 --> 03:32.000 Two seconds behind Twitch working well. 03:32.000 --> 03:34.000 And now it's stalled out. 03:34.000 --> 03:39.000 I'm going to refresh my peer tube. 03:39.000 --> 03:40.000 I don't know. 03:40.000 --> 03:41.000 Maybe Twitch. 03:41.000 --> 03:44.000 I mean peer tube shouldn't be able to feed back to me so easy. 03:44.000 --> 03:45.000 I don't know. 03:45.000 --> 03:46.000 It's still on. 03:46.000 --> 03:48.000 No, it's stolen. 03:48.000 --> 03:50.000 Did it start buffering for you too? 03:50.000 --> 03:51.000 Buffering though. 03:51.000 --> 03:52.000 Yeah. 03:52.000 --> 03:53.000 Darn it. 03:53.000 --> 03:54.000 Darn it. 03:54.000 --> 03:55.000 Yeah. 03:55.000 --> 03:57.000 Well, you know, we might just have to up that some more. 03:57.000 --> 04:02.000 We might have to up that some more rumble is live. 04:02.000 --> 04:03.000 YouTube is live. 04:03.000 --> 04:04.000 Great. 04:04.000 --> 04:05.000 Great. 04:05.000 --> 04:06.000 Great. 04:06.000 --> 04:09.000 Let's just get moving here. 04:09.000 --> 04:12.000 Test some more sounds here. 04:12.000 --> 04:13.000 Please. 04:14.000 --> 04:15.000 Yeah. 04:15.000 --> 04:16.000 Yep. 04:16.000 --> 04:17.000 Yeah. 04:17.000 --> 04:18.000 Yeah. 04:18.000 --> 04:19.000 Yeah. 04:19.000 --> 04:20.000 Yeah. 04:20.000 --> 04:21.000 Yeah. 04:21.000 --> 04:22.000 Yeah. 04:22.000 --> 04:23.000 Yeah. 04:23.000 --> 04:24.000 Yeah. 04:24.000 --> 04:25.000 Yeah. 04:25.000 --> 04:26.000 Yeah. 04:26.000 --> 04:27.000 Yeah. 04:27.000 --> 04:28.000 Yeah. 04:28.000 --> 04:29.000 Yeah. 04:29.000 --> 04:31.000 Failed to play video due to technical issues. 04:31.000 --> 04:32.000 Uh oh. 04:32.000 --> 04:36.000 Manifest parsing error. 04:36.000 --> 04:37.000 Argh. 04:38.000 --> 04:45.000 The. 04:45.000 --> 04:49.000 It does look as though. 04:49.000 --> 04:54.000 Oh, the admin is here. 04:54.000 --> 04:58.000 I think we're going to have to go up a little notch again. 04:58.000 --> 05:01.000 Before we're going to have the kind of functionality that we want. 05:01.000 --> 05:04.000 I wonder how many of you guys decided to go over there at this time. 05:04.000 --> 05:06.000 That would have been interesting to know. 05:07.000 --> 05:10.000 There's me right there. 05:10.000 --> 05:12.000 That's me right there. 05:12.000 --> 05:13.000 And that that there. 05:13.000 --> 05:14.000 That's me. 05:14.000 --> 05:16.000 And that's a great glass man over here. 05:16.000 --> 05:20.000 And that's Emily Kaplan, the two runners of broken science. 05:20.000 --> 05:22.000 And then all the people that were there. 05:22.000 --> 05:24.000 Very nice cozy little thing. 05:24.000 --> 05:25.000 It was. 05:25.000 --> 05:26.000 Well, okay. 05:26.000 --> 05:33.000 So. 05:34.000 --> 05:37.000 I'm not sure what to say about peer tube. 05:37.000 --> 05:39.000 Other than we're going to have to take a look at it. 05:39.000 --> 05:42.000 I hope that we can we can fix that. 05:42.000 --> 05:45.000 Only three of you on you here to mine. 05:45.000 --> 05:46.000 Mine is. 05:46.000 --> 05:47.000 I'm one of those people. 05:47.000 --> 05:49.000 I only see one here. 05:49.000 --> 05:52.000 It says six years. 05:52.000 --> 05:54.000 But I don't see anything. 05:54.000 --> 05:55.000 Videos going. 05:55.000 --> 05:57.000 I'm going to try this again. 05:57.000 --> 05:58.000 It's just. 05:58.000 --> 05:59.000 Sorry. 05:59.000 --> 06:02.000 That happens when I try to futz around with this. 06:03.000 --> 06:05.000 And I'm afraid. 06:05.000 --> 06:06.000 I'm afraid. 06:06.000 --> 06:08.000 That was Peter Corey on Tuckert today. 06:08.000 --> 06:09.000 Yes. 06:09.000 --> 06:10.000 Oh boy. 06:10.000 --> 06:11.000 I'm afraid. 06:11.000 --> 06:14.000 That the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario. 06:14.000 --> 06:19.000 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario. 06:19.000 --> 06:24.000 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially. 06:24.000 --> 06:26.000 I might try to stop. 06:26.000 --> 06:29.000 And then start the peer tube again. 06:29.000 --> 06:31.000 Let me see what that does. 06:31.000 --> 06:36.480 Sorry about this. I just got to fool around with it for a little while. I do have something 06:36.480 --> 06:41.600 in the payroll. So don't worry. I'm going to try and start something here. And I'm going 06:41.600 --> 06:48.560 to refresh this page. This live has not started yet. So maybe it's now buffering again. Let's 06:48.560 --> 06:57.800 see what we get. And it's kicking on. Hey, look at that. See, maybe something got messed 06:57.800 --> 07:05.240 up. I don't know. I gave it another shot on your tube just to see if we can run it again. 07:05.240 --> 07:11.960 I see Kristi went over there. I see our admin was working over there too though. So we'll 07:11.960 --> 07:20.680 just see. It's a brand new little thing, right? We're just, I'm trying to stream before four 07:20.680 --> 07:27.080 different platforms now. So there it froze again almost a little bit. 07:27.080 --> 07:31.720 I think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth 07:31.720 --> 07:36.760 no more than society. We want everybody to feel good. That's not, that's not the way 07:36.760 --> 07:45.480 life is. Yeah, it's tough. There is a very real difference between the people, the people 07:45.480 --> 07:51.720 who are raised in a world where they trust people, they trust others. And because they 07:51.720 --> 07:58.520 trust others, they have a built in vulnerability, a built in deficiency of I stopped it and 07:58.520 --> 08:03.320 restarted it. They don't trust others because when you're raised in a world where you don't trust, 08:03.320 --> 08:08.200 you can always learn. I stopped and restarted it. It's kind of running again. It's very difficult 08:08.200 --> 08:13.000 to keep watching. I know when to not trust someone else. That's just baloney, what he said there. 08:13.000 --> 08:16.920 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 08:17.800 --> 08:22.920 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie. You know, I don't think I'm 08:22.920 --> 08:27.880 a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar. I think it's like really important 08:27.880 --> 08:45.080 not to be a liar. 08:45.880 --> 09:00.440 We will get that peer tube working. I'm pretty confident in my friend. He's put a lot of time 09:00.440 --> 09:04.760 into it already. We both have a vested interest in getting it to work. And so I think we're closer. 09:06.040 --> 09:10.760 I'm not worried about it at all. Because I still know we're kind of working with a little 09:11.640 --> 09:18.600 a little machine. So I do still think we should expect to pay just a little bit more to have 09:18.600 --> 09:24.920 a peer tube that works as well as rumble our YouTube for our viewers. So this is really 09:24.920 --> 09:31.720 whoa, something that I'm very excited about getting done. If we have to pay a little bit more for 09:31.720 --> 09:36.760 months to have our own peer tube instance and have everybody be able to watch it there, 09:36.760 --> 09:42.600 have everybody be able to share from there. Then we keep tweaking its early days. It's very, 09:42.600 --> 09:48.760 very early days. I'm not worried about it at all. Quite frankly, because I do have it going 09:48.760 --> 09:55.480 simultaneously on three locations at this stage, which is a lot better than we were doing the week 09:55.480 --> 10:00.360 before last. If you have been following me for a while, you're here at the top of the way where 10:00.360 --> 10:06.360 we are staying focused on the biology. We are not taking the bait on television or social media 10:06.360 --> 10:12.840 and we are loving our neighbors. It's okay to be attached to Twitch. You know, quite frankly, 10:12.840 --> 10:18.600 Twitch gave us a platform. Rodney actually said, you know, I'm kind of thankful that Twitch didn't 10:18.600 --> 10:23.880 throw you off because we did have somewhere to go now. I'm not going to give too much credit, 10:23.880 --> 10:30.920 but I mean, we were able to hang out for the last two years on Twitch. So I'm not going to stop 10:30.920 --> 10:37.800 streaming to Twitch. And I don't have any plans to, but we are trying to get streamed on 10:37.800 --> 10:47.480 GigaOM.Bio working. And if you check some of these new links that I put up on the website, 10:47.480 --> 10:52.360 you're going to see it's just a little bit better than it was. It's a little bit easier to help me 10:52.360 --> 10:57.320 out. It's a little bit easier to subscribe. It's a little bit easier to see where all of our 10:57.400 --> 11:04.200 channels are. And I do think that, you know, as a one-man band, we're doing okay now. It's a 11:04.200 --> 11:10.360 two-man band because Fearla has now started to help me with emails and communication. Some of you 11:10.360 --> 11:15.720 are already well aware that she's been emailing people to say thank you and trying to keep this 11:15.720 --> 11:22.840 list a little bit more up to date. She started a or opened a heal box so that people could send 11:22.840 --> 11:30.680 cards and knitted sweaters and the kind of stuff that only Mark Huzatani actually seems to get 11:30.680 --> 11:37.880 from his fans. So I'm hoping that, you know, maybe there's somebody out there who's creative 11:37.880 --> 11:45.240 and wants to, I don't know what I'm even talking about. I guess I'm more jealous of Deon Sanders 11:45.240 --> 11:53.880 and his sons. They get all kinds of people sending in quotes and, you know, I love to have 11:53.880 --> 12:01.160 a great big G and all of us embedded with like diamonds and rubies because that's what you need, 12:01.160 --> 12:10.200 right? I guess you got to have something to demonstrate that you have clout. So some people need diamonds 12:11.160 --> 12:23.640 and Chanel bath towels. Other people need a PhD or a faculty position and maybe maybe still others 12:23.640 --> 12:33.080 need a plaque or a badge. I don't know really what we're dealing with here but I do know that we 12:33.080 --> 12:42.120 are all humans. We are fighting for team free human and so we've got to forgive the faults. We've 12:42.120 --> 12:48.440 got to remember that everybody was terrified and one thing that unites us is biology. I think 12:48.440 --> 12:59.240 biology is the way out. Good evening ladies and gentlemen and this is Giga Home Biological 12:59.240 --> 13:04.600 a high resistance low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. My name is Jonathan 13:04.600 --> 13:11.640 Cooey. I'm coming to you live from my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is the 13th of 13:11.640 --> 13:21.480 March 2024 and we are still trying to find our way out of this cave, this mythology that we found 13:21.480 --> 13:28.440 ourselves in taught us taught to us by our televisions, by our parents, by our teachers in high school 13:28.440 --> 13:35.080 and the same things happening now except we're much farther along in the macabre story of this 13:35.080 --> 13:42.840 of this mythology and we are almost completely digitally enslaved by the illusion in which we 13:42.840 --> 13:51.160 are trapped and this is because for the last many decades it has been the conscious and intelligent 13:51.160 --> 13:57.800 manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses that has been an unseen mechanism 13:57.800 --> 14:04.680 governing your parents, governing like our grandparents even and this mechanism and the way 14:04.680 --> 14:14.840 that it is embedded in our daily lives has become ever more cancerous as its reach has extended into 14:14.840 --> 14:21.400 our brain through our social media through our mainstream media and now through these devices that 14:21.400 --> 14:30.360 we give to give them complete control over us through and so it is a very apt cartoon that is 14:30.360 --> 14:36.200 on this picture here of three people sitting in front of a television the little girl reading her 14:36.200 --> 14:42.520 phone and that giant hand above them that's just about to come down and pick them up like popcorn 14:42.520 --> 14:51.880 and shove them into a giant unseen mouth I believe that people have gotten on board with this 14:53.080 --> 14:59.320 manner of governance this you know imperative that they feel is necessary to do what is necessary to 14:59.320 --> 15:05.960 do in order to govern human society and to take advantage of the diversity of genetics that's 15:05.960 --> 15:13.640 available right now but they don't plan to have available forever a roughly eight billion genomes 15:13.640 --> 15:20.920 are currently replicating on earth and those genomes represent unique instances of the human 15:21.480 --> 15:29.240 genome an opportunity to feed yet another game into an AI that needs many many games just like 15:29.240 --> 15:38.040 chess or go and these games include the lifetime medical data all the data that could possibly be 15:38.040 --> 15:46.280 collected and as often as could be collected is the goal if you could have your way if they could 15:46.280 --> 15:56.520 have their way of people like Venner and Leaderberg and and and and and Chan and Zuckerberg 15:57.480 --> 16:04.600 Huberman all these people that believe in this idea of collecting enough data will produce 16:05.400 --> 16:14.280 a data set from which patterns from which mechanisms from which understanding can be extracted by an 16:14.280 --> 16:21.080 AI computer they believe this with all of their heart and all of their soul it is like a religion 16:21.800 --> 16:28.760 that they think that our sacred biology can be cracked if enough things are measured in enough 16:28.760 --> 16:37.320 people and that data can be accurately fed into an AI and that AI can be given enough of that data 16:37.320 --> 16:43.960 and enough computational power of course it can be cracked that's what they really believe 16:51.160 --> 16:54.680 and so the principle of informed consent has been ignored for the duration of the pandemic 16:54.680 --> 16:58.840 because we've been a completely unaware of where they've been taking us wholly unaware of where this 16:58.840 --> 17:07.080 car is taking us scientific questions I think are very hard to get a handle on 17:07.400 --> 17:14.440 and the reason for this is that in late modernity which we're living in there's simply too much 17:14.440 --> 17:21.960 knowledge for any individual human to understand all of it and so you know and so the and so in 17:21.960 --> 17:28.120 this world of extreme hyperspecialization where it's narrower and narrower subsets of experts 17:28.120 --> 17:32.360 policing themselves and talking about how great they are the string theorists talking about how 17:32.440 --> 17:36.600 great string theories the cancer researchers talking about how they're just about to cure cancer the 17:36.600 --> 17:41.000 quantum computer researchers are just about to build you know quantum computer there'll be a massive 17:41.000 --> 17:45.880 breakthrough and then if you were to say that all these fields not much is happening people just 17:45.880 --> 17:52.280 don't have the authority for this and this is somehow a very different feel for science or knowledge 17:52.280 --> 17:58.440 than you would have had in 1800 or even in 1900 in 1800 Goethe could still understand just about 17:58.440 --> 18:04.360 everything right 1900 Hilbert could still understand just about all of mathematics and 18:04.360 --> 18:10.200 and so the sort of the sort of specialization I think has made it a much harder question to 18:10.200 --> 18:17.240 get a handle on now this is part one of two little clips that I want to play of of Peter 18:18.280 --> 18:26.200 and his very eloquent description of where we are and it's it's really a shocking thing to me that 18:26.200 --> 18:33.400 it took four of Greg Glassman's lectures which he has been honing over time of course trying to 18:33.400 --> 18:37.400 get them sharper trying to get the cadence right trying to get the message right trying to get 18:37.400 --> 18:44.520 the order right trying to get the examples right for that seed to sink in to fall into the soil and 18:44.520 --> 18:50.200 for me to hear what I heard here what I've heard in all these other videos with all these other 18:50.200 --> 18:57.240 people talking about these same basic philosophical issues and lying about them 18:59.160 --> 19:04.280 and so what Peter Thiel wants you to believe is that things have become so complicated and so 19:04.280 --> 19:11.240 specialized that some smart person who reads enough books or talks to enough people or takes 19:11.240 --> 19:17.960 enough classes can't possibly hope to understand the broad picture of knowledge in today's world 19:17.960 --> 19:28.120 what that suggests is that we just we just know so much stuff so many details that it's not possible 19:28.120 --> 19:37.000 for anybody to have a grasp on them and that is absolutely absurd and it's also not because we 19:37.000 --> 19:44.360 have drowned ourselves in the last 20 or 30 years in probably what were resulted almost exclusively 19:44.360 --> 19:52.040 meaningless measurements measurements that we went through like ritual over and over and over 19:52.040 --> 19:59.160 again repeating over and over you think we're not repeating the same ridiculous experiments 20:00.600 --> 20:06.520 testing the same ridiculously weak bottles that makes the same ridiculously weak predictions 20:06.600 --> 20:15.880 if they make any at all and by endlessly dividing these meaningless questions into sub questions 20:17.400 --> 20:25.400 we have created a giant pile of nonsense that Peter Thiel is here calling knowledge 20:27.080 --> 20:31.080 that Peter Thiel is here calling knowledge 20:37.400 --> 20:41.480 but you can tell if someone's lying you know you can sort of feel it in people 20:43.080 --> 20:47.960 and I have lied I'm sure I'll lie again I don't want to lie you know I don't think I'm a liar I 20:47.960 --> 20:53.160 try not to be a liar I don't want to be a liar I think it's like really important not to be a liar 20:56.280 --> 21:00.600 so he thinks it's really important not to be a liar let's hear the second part of Peter's 21:00.680 --> 21:08.600 explanation about how he feels about science and the specialization in science does it create 21:10.120 --> 21:17.400 knowledge so much knowledge that people can't understand it or does it create so much noise 21:18.200 --> 21:23.080 that people can't see the edge of knowledge and understand it and characterize it because 21:23.080 --> 21:29.880 there is a difference he was describing earlier in human history as though there were experts who 21:29.880 --> 21:38.520 could be broadly read across the entire edge of human knowledge and understand it and integrate 21:38.520 --> 21:44.040 across that edge and today we've become too specialized there's just too much to know 21:45.720 --> 21:53.800 and so no one can be a master of the edge of human knowledge and this is it's completely a lie 21:53.960 --> 22:04.280 this is a podcast message for mouth breathers to relax in their in their couch and to fire up 22:04.280 --> 22:13.560 their toaster ovens and turn their PlayStation 5 back on because of course that's absurd 22:15.240 --> 22:19.720 and of course the reason why is because the vast majority of what we do is in 22:20.360 --> 22:28.840 is postmodern science it's not science this falsification of a hypothesis and a testing of 22:28.840 --> 22:35.960 a no hypothesis this is a ritual that is not an effective way of moving our knowledge forward 22:35.960 --> 22:43.400 when it is applied in the ways that is applied in medical sciences especially in nutrition science 22:43.480 --> 22:50.520 and exercise science so many of these sciences that have to do with our very being of who we are 22:50.520 --> 22:57.400 what we are capable of as a species and as individuals and so when you see it you have to see it for 22:57.400 --> 23:03.880 exactly as malevolent and macabre as it is that they have inverted the way that our kids think of 23:03.880 --> 23:09.080 their own potential though they have inverted the way that we think of our own kids potential 23:09.720 --> 23:15.560 as a potential for how broken are they rather than what could they possibly become 23:19.080 --> 23:24.520 and that's where you can see exactly how malevolent this is this this is pure evil that we're up against 23:27.480 --> 23:35.800 and we are being handed poor models of our world which do not allow us to accurately and 23:36.280 --> 23:45.800 usefully react to our to our rulers and we are being actively lied to by people who pretend to be 23:45.800 --> 23:55.240 and the social media and algorithms make it very hard for for skilled users to differentiate 23:55.240 --> 24:00.440 between people who are on their team genuinely and those who are actually lying to their face like 24:00.440 --> 24:08.520 tugger cars let's listen to Peter's second part the political cut i have on the specialization is 24:08.520 --> 24:14.520 always that um that uh if you analyze the politics of science the specialization should make you 24:14.520 --> 24:19.560 suspicious it should because it's gotten harder to evaluate what's going on and it's presumably 24:19.560 --> 24:24.360 gotten easier for people to lie and to exaggerate and then one should be you know a little bit suspicious 24:24.440 --> 24:31.720 and that's that's uh that's sort of my starting my starting bias this is in 2019 at the in the in 24:31.720 --> 24:37.640 the fall of 2019 him on the portal podcast of eric Weinstein 24:40.600 --> 24:45.640 telling people that you know because of there's so much politics in science and there's so much 24:45.640 --> 24:52.680 exaggeration and because everybody's so specialized nobody's checking on each other then it would be 24:52.680 --> 25:00.680 very very easy for people to lie and he actually starts with that default so when we come into 25:00.680 --> 25:05.160 the pandemic suddenly we decided to accept everything that everybody said on tv including 25:05.160 --> 25:12.200 whatever Deborah Burke said on tv including whatever Tony Fauci said on tv including whatever 25:12.200 --> 25:19.160 Donald Trump said on tv are we really unaware that we this is not what happened this is exactly 25:19.160 --> 25:28.040 what happened so these people have already told us the truth but at the same time misled 25:28.040 --> 25:32.840 the young into believing that something else happened i saw in the chat that somebody said 25:32.840 --> 25:39.640 they're all into eugenics of course they are Jonas Salk was indigent eugenics this is one of the 25:39.640 --> 25:46.360 best books i haven't finished yet he explains it right in here that you know once we learn biology 25:46.360 --> 25:52.520 and the biology of evolution and we start to understand how evolution works in population 25:52.520 --> 25:58.760 dynamics work and then we owe it to ourselves as a species to act according 26:01.800 --> 26:06.600 although he doesn't say it out loud in this book there's no question that the argument here is 26:07.240 --> 26:16.280 selective breeding you know no breeding for some a careful organization of resources around these 26:17.240 --> 26:25.400 chosen breeders i mean if you want to apply the lessons of nature to the human species there's 26:25.400 --> 26:30.600 lots of different ways it goes but all of those ways if he's talking about being the wisest 26:32.280 --> 26:38.600 and taking advantage of our our wisdom of our own understanding of of what we think biology 26:38.600 --> 26:44.600 and evolution he's arguing for that right here isn't this also the father of vaccines or something 26:44.680 --> 26:49.640 like that holy cow it's in their own words 26:52.600 --> 26:57.960 it's in it's in their own words they're telling us not to believe them 26:59.800 --> 27:03.560 they're telling us why we shouldn't believe them they're telling us how we got here 27:04.360 --> 27:11.400 but they're also lying about where we are because we're not in some place where we have so much 27:11.400 --> 27:17.080 knowledge that nobody could know everything now if you want to zero in on one particular 27:17.080 --> 27:23.640 thing and say it's like physics electronics magnetism and all the inventions and technology 27:23.640 --> 27:31.160 therein that's a pretty big toolbox that a lot of us will never be read into on that he's really 27:31.160 --> 27:39.880 right but the principles of radio and magnetism and electricity can be understood to a very high 27:39.880 --> 27:44.920 level without being able to I don't know engineer a harp facility 27:47.400 --> 27:51.480 so I I don't know where I want to go with this other than to say that these people have been 27:51.480 --> 27:56.680 admitting it they've been admitting it for decades they've been using this strategy for decades and 27:56.680 --> 28:00.920 this is kind of a culmination we are now at an exponential increase in the amount of pressure 28:00.920 --> 28:05.320 that they are putting on us to accept this reality and to teach it to our children in a 28:06.200 --> 28:14.200 crisis kind of situation and I believe that we have a very narrow window within which we can 28:14.200 --> 28:20.440 still turn into our college age kids and apologize for not standing up for them 28:21.400 --> 28:27.720 explain what we think happened and still win them over as opposed to have them permanently turn 28:27.720 --> 28:33.880 their backs on us because they feel as though we did that to them in 2020 and 2021 28:36.280 --> 28:42.840 and so I do think we have a pretty rough idea of how the pandemic was created we're pretty sure 28:42.840 --> 28:52.040 that these scientific programs that were going on in 2008 and 2009 2012 2016 that they were all 28:52.040 --> 28:59.160 programs that were designed very carefully to seed a narrative in the literature a proof of 28:59.240 --> 29:05.800 trail their proof you know with p values and and tested hypotheses and yada yada yada 29:06.440 --> 29:13.720 written and peer reviewed the idea of pandemic potential in bad caves pandemic potential in the 29:13.720 --> 29:20.760 wild that can be tracked that needs to be sampled in order to prevent that pandemic potential from 29:20.760 --> 29:27.480 escaping they conducted regular upper level exercises to put that same idea out there and 29:27.480 --> 29:36.280 then when they decided to execute this this exercise they had already dress rehearsed the idea 29:36.280 --> 29:43.640 of having people in different parts of the internet ready to say to recite the worst case scenario 29:43.640 --> 29:49.320 what it might be so that everybody accepted that as a possibility and therefore conform to the 29:49.320 --> 29:55.960 lockdowns without question and that team worst case scenario is more or less the people that I 29:55.960 --> 30:01.480 would suggest to you are the medlers that we need to be most afraid of because they are the ones 30:01.480 --> 30:08.040 that have this vested interest in us not figuring out that there really wasn't a pandemic that they 30:08.040 --> 30:13.320 murdered people in order to try and take over the sovereignty of individual nations and usurp 30:14.040 --> 30:20.600 the national sovereignty of western nations around the world and so this is a national security 30:20.600 --> 30:25.800 response and that's why some people are starting to act more and more strange because if you're 30:25.880 --> 30:36.840 involved in NATO or you're involved in the CDC or the DOD or the DHS or FEMA and the response 30:36.840 --> 30:41.560 associated with the coronavirus then any number of people could be under some kind of oath not 30:41.560 --> 30:46.120 to say what they know not to say what they're doing to keep certain things classified 30:48.280 --> 30:51.880 and so that's why again you're going to see more and more people behaving in a very 30:51.880 --> 30:58.760 incongruent way a very hyper leak hyper consistent way focused on certain things and ignoring others 30:59.880 --> 31:07.640 but the entire goal has always been to sort of confound the toxicity and the 31:07.640 --> 31:13.080 transfection in the virus and if they have to use the spike protein to do it they will if they have 31:13.080 --> 31:21.640 to use the particular epitope in the spike protein they will if they have to use auto antibodies then 31:21.640 --> 31:27.320 they will whatever story they need to tell to explain to you that the virus was bad and their 31:27.320 --> 31:33.000 choice to transfect you to a piece of the virus was unfortunately bad and many of these consequences 31:33.000 --> 31:37.880 overlap and so we're never going to really be able to say that definitively anybody was hurt 31:37.880 --> 31:42.440 by the transfection it probably helped them and in fact we're going to listen to a couple people 31:42.440 --> 31:48.360 say that tonight because again we were fooled into thinking that there was a mystery to solve 31:49.240 --> 31:54.280 and that mystery by accepting that challenge we accepted the virus and we weren't asking the 31:54.280 --> 32:00.600 questions that Jessica Hockett has been asking we're not we weren't asking the question that Mark 32:00.600 --> 32:05.640 has been asking we weren't asking the questions that a lot of people should have been asking back 32:05.640 --> 32:11.720 then not foying a lot of different police departments around the world to see if they had a virus 32:12.360 --> 32:20.680 but maybe they should have been foying protocols and foying how many people were being put on 32:20.680 --> 32:29.320 supplementary oxygen at what pressures for how long because I think we've under Jessica and Mark 32:29.320 --> 32:35.240 and others have uncovered little pieces of the puzzle here and there which add up to something 32:35.320 --> 32:43.880 that I've described as a a systematic identification of knobs or adjustments in standards of care 32:44.760 --> 32:50.440 that could result in potentially catastrophic consequences for the people on the other side 32:50.440 --> 32:58.520 of those knob turns things that would make sense like from the perspective of a very naive young 32:58.600 --> 33:03.480 nurse or a very panicked young nurse or a very panicked young 33:07.160 --> 33:13.800 resident the idea of we don't have enough ventilators so maybe we should put all these people on oxygen 33:14.840 --> 33:18.440 and their naivety as to what that might do to somebody who doesn't need it 33:19.880 --> 33:24.920 and then of course the spectacularly ridiculous idea that everybody started buying pulse oximeters 33:24.920 --> 33:30.440 and measuring their pulse oximeters and then going into hospitals when they were too low and 33:30.440 --> 33:37.160 then getting put on oxygen which is generally speaking not the way to go and it's so interesting 33:37.160 --> 33:42.760 how much literature there is about this that we haven't talked about in four years that these 33:42.760 --> 33:50.200 doctors that crossed the United States quit one job to take another job at the the very deepest 33:50.200 --> 33:53.800 darkest part of the pandemic they they are not aware of this idea 33:56.360 --> 34:05.960 that the combination of high flow nasal oxygen for hours as little as 24 or 48 hours where I'd be 34:05.960 --> 34:18.120 enough to permanently damage someone's lungs to cause very bad edema but real permanent fibrosis 34:20.440 --> 34:25.400 so it's extraordinary really that we don't really take notice of the fact that lots and lots of 34:25.400 --> 34:31.160 people are part of their standard of care was to get an absolute absurd amount of oxygen 34:33.640 --> 34:37.400 and I think we need to revisit again all these people that were in the hospital and 34:37.400 --> 34:41.160 died because maybe they didn't get killed by an overdose of remdesivir 34:42.520 --> 34:46.600 maybe they were killed because they were on supplemental oxygen and didn't need to be 34:46.600 --> 34:51.720 and then when their system started to deteriorate they were treated for COVID 34:53.400 --> 34:55.480 and without that crucial first step 34:58.840 --> 35:07.240 of high flow nasal cannula oxygen for 12 hours waiting on event or waiting on treatment 35:09.240 --> 35:13.640 ladies and gentlemen the mystery needs solving but the mystery is not the mystery of the 35:13.640 --> 35:19.080 lab leak the mystery is the mystery of the murder how many people were murdered like this in the 35:19.080 --> 35:23.640 Netherlands will we know how many people were murdered like this in Germany will we know 35:25.560 --> 35:30.280 first I think we need to talk to some real MDs and find out if there's a general consensus 35:30.280 --> 35:35.720 that high flow nasal oxygen to somebody who doesn't need it generally speaking is poisonous 35:37.800 --> 35:42.360 and I think we have a lot of anecdotal evidence for that otherwise there would be oxygen bars 35:42.360 --> 35:45.160 everywhere in the United States by now right wouldn't there be 35:49.160 --> 35:52.840 ladies and gentlemen intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the 35:52.840 --> 35:58.200 intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb transfection in healthy animals in humans is 35:58.200 --> 36:05.400 criminally negligent and viruses are not patterned integrity and we are at a time point where 36:05.400 --> 36:11.400 human diversity is at its peak for a long time maybe for all time if they reduce the population 36:11.400 --> 36:18.040 to two billion people there will never be eight billion again so it would be an entirely giant 36:18.040 --> 36:27.400 waste of data waste of potential not to collect those genomes in detail collect that medical data 36:27.400 --> 36:34.680 in detail and now if you can do the hardest brain exercise there is but try to think on a longer 36:34.680 --> 36:42.200 time scale than the six months in front of you think on the time scale of your kids kids 36:43.000 --> 36:48.600 and when they're in high school when while at B and what you want the world to look like when 36:48.600 --> 36:55.480 your grandkids are in high school because that's where my mind goes as I try to understand what 36:55.480 --> 37:02.040 they're doing because if I think of my grandkids in high school and I have three children and I 37:02.040 --> 37:08.920 might be lucky enough that two of them have babies those grandkids when they are in high school 37:09.800 --> 37:13.240 there will still be billions of people on the planet most likely 37:17.080 --> 37:23.400 and by the time those kids are coming up they want to have completely inverted the idea we have 37:24.520 --> 37:31.560 about who we are about what about us is sacred where that sacredness comes from 37:32.760 --> 37:41.640 and how we protect it how we revere it or don't revere it and ideally they would have us have 37:41.640 --> 37:47.640 nothing be sacred they would have us think of ourselves as largely broken creatures to be 37:47.640 --> 37:54.840 improved and since God couldn't do it we will do it for ourselves the only way they can do it is 37:54.840 --> 38:04.040 if they collect all this genetic data and all this all the medical data that goes along 38:04.040 --> 38:12.360 with it and feed it into their AI and hope that's that's their plan that's all that's across the 38:12.360 --> 38:21.560 board all they got besides you know ritual voodoo private jets that's it that's it threats that's 38:21.560 --> 38:32.200 all they got and it's the spread of bad ideas that's gotten us here we are in 2024 in march 38:32.200 --> 38:40.920 ladies and gentlemen this is fifth year now this is real spooky stuff it's time to get off x 38:43.640 --> 38:48.840 so can we can we do it just a quick pause here I just want to open chrome and I just want to go 38:49.000 --> 38:55.480 over and see what peer tube is doing I see something says live it's just spinning 39:03.320 --> 39:08.040 hmm so if I stop it again and then I probably could start it again 39:08.520 --> 39:20.200 and then I can go back to the videos and I'll refresh it over here and see if I see something 39:27.400 --> 39:34.600 nah this live is not started yet maybe it'll start again now I don't know let's see 39:35.320 --> 39:36.200 there it's starting 39:38.760 --> 39:39.560 or it's spinning 39:43.160 --> 39:47.560 okay well I try I just wanted to look at that to see if it was going to go anywhere for me 39:49.480 --> 39:54.040 you know this story right guys you know this story they fooled us into believing this is true 39:54.040 --> 39:58.680 this is what this is all about the whole time that's what that that slide in the beginning was 39:58.680 --> 40:04.360 about can you believe that he's saying that look at this slide can you believe that we're 40:04.360 --> 40:13.080 here like come on come on grow up already like really 40:15.160 --> 40:23.880 do they actually think we're this stupid that just by calling me scooby and saying that I'm 40:23.880 --> 40:31.880 barracks boy paving the way for further gain of function research to be funded by your taxes 40:31.960 --> 40:35.080 and deployed on you come on Kevin 40:37.400 --> 40:43.240 are you serious is this really the best you've got is to just push this dumb narrative 40:44.840 --> 40:54.120 about high fidelity RNA copying that goes on for millions of of infections and potentially billions 40:55.080 --> 41:02.600 across species across time almost across a half a decade now 41:05.240 --> 41:12.600 I mean seriously man go back to your big cats give it up we know that the gig is up here we know that 41:13.400 --> 41:17.320 the results of the human genome project have been grossly overstated 41:18.280 --> 41:24.040 we know that these goals are still not met we know that these goals probably can't be met 41:24.920 --> 41:34.200 we're totally fine with that because it is a it is a complexity that shouldn't be broken in a 41:34.200 --> 41:41.640 few in a few years it shouldn't have been broken in a few decades it's just nonsense to talk about 41:41.720 --> 41:49.000 it like that I think it's super cool to think that that's a goal I think it's a worthy goal 41:50.600 --> 41:54.840 but not in the way that that you guys pursue it not in the way that you talk about it 41:56.200 --> 42:01.400 where rather than gaining reverence for the systems that you're studying you start to 42:02.040 --> 42:12.600 you start to desecrate them with both irreverence and also just I don't know lack of class 42:15.000 --> 42:20.440 how can a guy that lives on the ocean behave like this when all we're trying to do is figure 42:20.440 --> 42:25.480 out what they've done to us what they plan to do to us what they plan to take away from us what 42:25.560 --> 42:33.880 they plan to take away from our grandchildren and yet somehow he's so nonchalant that in one 42:33.880 --> 42:42.840 one tweet he can take a swipe at a guy like me and and not at all want anyone to learn 42:42.840 --> 42:50.120 anything just to accept what he says except just exactly like Peter Thiel says it 42:50.840 --> 42:58.520 that it it okay I'll stop it 43:01.640 --> 43:09.640 that they it's just I don't I don't get it we have a really strange thing happening here 43:10.840 --> 43:18.440 because to deny that RNA infectious clones are not the only way that these kinds of RNA viruses 43:18.440 --> 43:27.080 can be effectively studied is ridiculous to argue that that purity is not special is ridiculous 43:28.280 --> 43:35.400 to argue that some small quantity of a special RNA molecule coated in a lipoprotein 43:36.040 --> 43:42.760 in one place on earth could now be on most places on earth that's ridiculous and I'm sure 43:43.480 --> 43:46.200 with my heart of hearts that Kevin McCurnan knows that 43:48.120 --> 43:53.880 and yet with careful obfuscation he stays focused on the DNA adulteration of the shots 43:55.480 --> 44:00.440 and is more or less trying to save the technology in theory while punished the 44:01.720 --> 44:08.040 version of it and I think some of my viewers are right when they say that Pfizer will be 44:08.040 --> 44:11.560 eventually thrown under the bus a couple other people will be thrown under the bus 44:12.120 --> 44:17.240 and future generations of this technology will definitely be kept in the bath 44:23.160 --> 44:28.360 and Kevin knows that Kevin's been working on these technologies and the justification 44:28.360 --> 44:33.960 for them for 20 plus years he knows exactly the limits of the technology and the reasons 44:33.960 --> 44:39.800 why they don't want you to know it he knows the limits of the sequencing technologies 44:40.520 --> 44:44.200 and why they don't want you to understand the implications of it 44:46.360 --> 44:55.640 and I think he's very well aware of how these exaggerations and lack of fidelity have been 44:56.600 --> 45:02.520 inverted in order to fool us into believing that some kind of high fidelity pandemic happened 45:02.520 --> 45:07.880 with high fidelity data available to prove to yourself that the high fidelity virus went high 45:07.880 --> 45:11.480 fidelity around the high fidelity earth with high fidelity 45:17.880 --> 45:22.040 it's not very hard to read up on the things that he says you know like apobec 45:23.160 --> 45:28.760 and this kind of thing don't be intimidated by the tiny words that he drops in there and makes it 45:28.760 --> 45:33.480 seem like there are all kinds of concepts that you're going to have to learn in order to understand 45:33.480 --> 45:41.080 why he's so much smarter than us it's all a bluff nothing he has said in any of our discussions has 45:41.080 --> 45:47.480 ever amounted to anything other than a counterpoint to something that I already said it really does 45:47.480 --> 45:51.640 appear as though people go into the literature and try to find something and then bring it back and 45:51.640 --> 45:57.960 say as though they always understood that it was that way and if anybody has done that during this 45:57.960 --> 46:04.200 debate it has been Kevin somebody who didn't know anything about coronavirus at the start of the 46:04.200 --> 46:11.160 pandemic has now incrementally read himself into every corner of coronavirus biology that I've 46:11.160 --> 46:17.880 challenged him to read into do you think he cares about coronavirus in the way of understanding the 46:17.880 --> 46:23.880 exon gene until I talked about clones and he had to read into him 46:24.600 --> 46:26.600 so 46:26.600 --> 46:32.840 and so then do you think it was an accident that when we talked about the papers on on John Bodewin's 46:32.840 --> 46:40.200 actual stream for St. Patrick's Day with Jessica Rose and Stephanie Sineff that we talked about 46:40.200 --> 46:43.560 this stuff and that we kind of agreed that wow that's interesting 46:46.040 --> 46:51.560 it's not like Stephanie Sineff raised her hand and said something useful it's not like Jessica 46:51.640 --> 46:57.800 Rose said anything except for wow can you use that analogy that you hid with with tapes versus CDs 46:57.800 --> 47:00.520 because it was so handy I totally understand it now 47:03.560 --> 47:11.240 the disingenuousness here is extraordinary coming from a guy who had months and months and multiple 47:11.240 --> 47:18.600 podcasts to discuss this with me and at some point the whole narrative flipped he blocked me on twitter 47:19.560 --> 47:25.080 basically cried and whined to the management of CHD about what I said to him or not said to him 47:25.080 --> 47:34.200 on the internet and has now done the experiment that wow guess who suggested it actually when he 47:34.200 --> 47:42.200 was still working at CHD for Brian Hooker I did they actually did the experiment that I suggested 47:42.840 --> 47:48.840 which is take these control cells that are being transfected in Germany and sequence them and 47:48.840 --> 47:56.920 see what you find and so Kevin did that and they claimed to have found some of the DNA signal of 47:56.920 --> 48:04.680 the the spike protein or the or the mRNA shot and the DNA transcript of it in these cells 48:05.480 --> 48:14.120 can I verify his data can I see it I don't know wouldn't it be expected these are cancer cell 48:14.120 --> 48:21.160 lines they're genome every once in a while just shatters anyway so would it be so crazy if they 48:21.160 --> 48:27.160 incorporated some DNA that was lying around I don't think so but again here we are 48:27.960 --> 48:34.600 we are not friends and it can't be that we are friends because why because what I've said is 48:34.600 --> 48:41.960 intolerable and what I've said is what Jessica Hakata said what Mark Koolak has said that if you do the 48:41.960 --> 48:55.320 math there's not much left for a virus to have 15 million sequences on the JEDSAD database 48:57.160 --> 49:03.880 never mind that if they were putting people on supplemental oxygen that didn't need it in 49:03.880 --> 49:11.720 causing lung damage which was misconstrued as COVID advance I understand that that's not Kevin 49:11.720 --> 49:19.160 McCurnan's primary specialty so he's never going to talk wax intellectual about how you might treat 49:19.160 --> 49:25.320 a patient in the hospital what shitty protocols might do to those patients but he's gonna he's 49:25.480 --> 49:31.560 gonna make fun of me and call me barracks bitch boy when it comes to the molecular biology until 49:31.560 --> 49:39.640 someone tells him to stop I assure you and that's how you know we're right that's how you know we're 49:39.640 --> 49:46.360 right about confirming more or less that it's either a background signal or it's a background 49:46.360 --> 49:49.240 signal or it's a background or it could be a background signal 49:49.240 --> 49:56.920 and if it's not a background signal then everywhere they found it they're responsible for it because 49:56.920 --> 50:05.560 the fidelity of that signal is not natural the progression of the phylogenetic tree of whatever 50:05.560 --> 50:10.600 they purport to be finding is not natural if the abundance of where it goes and how it goes there 50:10.600 --> 50:21.720 is not right variants that occur in Kent in UK with 17 amino acid changes across the spike 50:21.720 --> 50:27.400 protein should not spontaneously show up on the other side of the planet three days later 50:30.200 --> 50:31.800 unless it's a background signal 50:34.360 --> 50:39.560 the data is out there ladies and gentlemen to dispel this whole mythology and to make it very clear 50:39.640 --> 50:45.160 why these people behave the way that they behave around me and around Mark and around Jessica 50:45.160 --> 50:52.360 Hockett because we actually are very very close to the truth they murdered people to take over the 50:52.360 --> 50:57.720 world when you say it it doesn't even sound that dumb it actually sounds like a duh 51:02.040 --> 51:07.400 so I find it pretty important to understand that because if we are going to get out of this 51:08.040 --> 51:12.760 we have to understand that these people who are spreading these bad ideas need correcting 51:19.560 --> 51:23.720 so we're doing that it's a great question because it's a very hard drug to make and it takes a 51:23.720 --> 51:29.720 period of time and is made by Gilead and I know that Danny gave that drug a lot of credit for 51:29.720 --> 51:35.240 saving his life I think that's correct Danny but Danny I believe gave a lot of credit to that drug 51:35.240 --> 51:41.320 for saving his life we are pushing it really hard we're also pushing something else to vaccines 51:41.320 --> 51:45.160 we are very confident that we're going to have a vaccine at the end of the year by the end of the 51:45.160 --> 51:50.200 year have a vaccine by the end of this year we think we're going to have a vaccine by the end of this 51:50.200 --> 51:55.000 year and we're pushing very hard you know we're building supply lines now we don't even have the 51:55.000 --> 52:00.440 final vaccine Johnson and Johnson if you look at Johnson and Johnson is doing it we have 52:01.400 --> 52:06.680 many companies are I think close because I meet with the heads of them and I find it 52:06.680 --> 52:12.200 a very interesting subject because it's so important but I think we'll have a vaccine by the end of 52:12.200 --> 52:16.760 the year we're also pushing it look we're doing things at the FDA that's never happened before 52:16.760 --> 52:22.760 we're getting approval so fast like as an example with Gilead on the new rendezivar that's going to 52:22.840 --> 52:30.600 be that's that's a game changer because it's a 31 step it's a step it's a 31 step and then 52:30.600 --> 52:36.360 there'll be a 50 percent like AIDS what's happened with AIDS we had AIDS was a scourge all over 52:36.360 --> 52:40.680 the world it was you were dead it was a death certificate and then all of a sudden they came 52:40.680 --> 52:48.520 up with some and now we have we will be AIDS free within eight years we started 10 years should 52:48.600 --> 52:52.680 have started in the previous administration they did nothing so mr president started at my 52:52.680 --> 52:58.040 administration 10 years and has approved this from dessivir yes he's asking how do you get it 52:58.040 --> 53:02.360 are you going to use the defense production act to get well he got it i'll tell you danny got it 53:02.360 --> 53:08.520 fortunately and danny is uh they've danny gave it credit for saving his life uh we are putting 53:08.520 --> 53:12.120 the full power and might behind this drug 53:12.840 --> 53:14.840 so 53:16.280 --> 53:19.880 so i've got doubts about what remdesivir did and did not do 53:20.840 --> 53:28.520 um i find it very interesting if i look back still on the brian artists uh self emulation 53:28.520 --> 53:36.840 over the the venom statement and it felt it feels in retrospect as though something was really 53:37.560 --> 53:45.400 off and not in the way that i thought at the time um i can't really express how excited i am 53:45.400 --> 53:51.240 about jessica and mark's discussion about the oxygen toxicity i think everybody needs to do 53:51.240 --> 53:58.200 their due diligence use google use pub med and find out what oxygen toxicity is how easily it can 53:58.200 --> 54:04.600 happen who might be vulnerable to it and what would happen if an entire nation or entire globe 54:04.680 --> 54:09.560 was told that we were short on ventilators and that supplemental oxygen might help with these 54:09.560 --> 54:17.240 people who are showing a primary symptom which pyr cori himself identified as pulse ox being low 54:23.000 --> 54:25.880 it's a very limited spectrum of debate within which we shout 54:27.560 --> 54:31.240 that limited spectrum of debate has been defined by many of these people 54:32.040 --> 54:40.360 that we can definitely live without so if we're going to escape this trap we don't want to start 54:40.360 --> 54:52.760 gnawing on our leg i need to force these people to open the trap i'm not that worried about 54:52.760 --> 54:57.800 ai i just i just doesn't get my blood going to get worried about ai i think of some positive 54:57.880 --> 55:04.760 aspects of it i mean i've seen how humans have handled history and not great and and so i'm ready 55:04.760 --> 55:09.000 for the you know big machines that make big decisions programmed by fellas with compassion 55:09.000 --> 55:16.920 and vision you know i i'm ready for the machines to tell us what to do are you uh not really it's 55:17.640 --> 55:22.920 it's extremely dangerous why is it dangerous power to something we don't understand but they're 55:23.000 --> 55:27.560 just extensions of us i mean no they're not we just they are we made them they're us 55:30.520 --> 55:34.760 so of course i think that this is baloney but i thought you'd like to see that this sort of 55:34.760 --> 55:39.720 narrative is still being pushed in the mainstream people are still being a fear a frightened by it 55:39.720 --> 55:44.120 and they want you to think about ai to come and not think about the ai that's already on your phone 55:44.120 --> 55:50.360 that's already controlling what your teenagers see on tiktok already taking all of your data and 55:50.360 --> 55:57.880 trying to model it so i i get what they're saying but i don't i'm not worried about that at all 55:57.880 --> 56:02.040 because what we should be doing is pulling ourselves out of these things and away from these things 56:02.040 --> 56:06.520 and not thinking of them i'm very much on the doon end of things i don't think we should be 56:07.160 --> 56:12.280 we should be going in this direction at all really um and certainly not an 56:12.280 --> 56:18.040 absolutely no doubt that vaccination against covid is effective that's not in question that's true 56:18.520 --> 56:23.880 what may not be necessarily true is that to refrain from getting vaccinated is itself an 56:23.880 --> 56:29.480 antisocial act there's absolutely no doubt that vaccination against covid is effective 56:29.480 --> 56:36.280 that's not in question that's true so these people are either broken ignorant 56:37.880 --> 56:45.960 or malevolent because you think this guy's pretty smart he's definitely a broad biologist he's 56:46.040 --> 56:51.560 definitely got some idea on how genetics probably works how genes are 56:52.520 --> 56:59.080 copied and so if you wanted to investigate and take a month or two to learn some basic 56:59.080 --> 57:05.240 virology and find out where the gray areas are he could do it if you wanted to find out how vaccines 57:05.240 --> 57:10.600 work and don't work what adjuvants are and whether we should take them seriously or not he could 57:10.600 --> 57:16.040 have done that but instead he didn't he called them vaccines he said they obviously work and 57:16.040 --> 57:21.240 that nobody's questioning that they're not vaccines they're transfections they work but they work in 57:21.240 --> 57:27.240 a very specifically shitty way which is not very advantageous to an animal that would like to live 57:27.240 --> 57:36.120 a long healthy life afterward i can't believe that this old man is such a moron i thought that he 57:36.200 --> 57:42.680 was more clever than this but clearly he is like part of this ruling class that needs to say 57:42.680 --> 57:50.280 the dumb things over and over again it's very much like the parable of the emperor having no 57:50.280 --> 57:56.600 clothes and if adults say it it doesn't matter but when the child says while the emperor is naked 57:56.600 --> 58:05.320 now suddenly the adults illusion is broken this is a man that is beyond the illusion breaking we 58:05.320 --> 58:13.640 cannot break the illusion for him either by choice or by loss yes what may not be necessarily 58:19.560 --> 58:23.720 very few public health officials in this country seem very interested in public health in case you 58:23.720 --> 58:31.080 haven't noticed the surgeon general of florida dr joseph lotopo is an exception to that he is 58:31.160 --> 58:35.640 interested in the health of the people of his state and because he is he's taken a close look 58:35.640 --> 58:40.040 at what's in the covid vax the one that everyone in the country was required to take not so long 58:40.040 --> 58:46.200 ago and he's come up short he can't answer some basic questions about it and that's a concern 58:46.200 --> 58:51.960 if we're doing science which he is and so he has now called on doctors to immediately stop 58:51.960 --> 58:58.440 giving the mr and a covid vax to their patients and for a very interesting reason that you should 58:58.440 --> 59:03.880 know about here's his statement we're quoting i'm calling for a halt to the use of mr and a covid 59:03.880 --> 59:09.000 19 vaccines the u.s. food and drug administration and the centers for disease control and prevention 59:09.000 --> 59:14.520 have always played it fast and loose with covid 19 vaccine safety but their failure to test for 59:14.520 --> 59:20.440 dna integration with the human genome as their own guidelines dictate when the vaccines are 59:20.440 --> 59:28.120 known to be contaminated with foreign dna is intolerable think about now i want you to remember the 59:29.400 --> 59:35.400 the clip that i've played twice today twice the last stream of tucker carlson saying that 59:35.400 --> 59:42.120 he is not he's not he has lied he'll lie again but he thinks it's really important not to be a liar 59:42.120 --> 59:47.560 he doesn't want to be a liar he thinks he's not a liar he thinks it's important not to be a liar 59:49.720 --> 59:56.120 and he just lied right to your face there he said everyone in the country was required to take 59:59.080 --> 01:00:05.480 everyone in the country was the the vaccines that everyone in the country was required to take 01:00:07.480 --> 01:00:14.200 technically speaking even the mandates in the military could not have held and if you talk to 01:00:14.200 --> 01:00:20.840 any lawyer while those mandates were being enforced those lawyers would have told those soldiers not 01:00:20.920 --> 01:00:30.440 to take the shot and waited out and those that followed that advice were were for the most part 01:00:30.440 --> 01:00:38.360 exonerated as far as i understand and so it's a very interesting thing that he says here where 01:00:38.360 --> 01:00:43.560 people coerced sure where people told they should sure where they pressured on tv shirt 01:00:43.560 --> 01:00:46.760 or they told they'd kill their grandparent if they didn't take it yes they were 01:00:50.280 --> 01:00:57.640 but required is a very very precise word to use when required it was not in most places 01:00:58.680 --> 01:01:03.720 and you could always not do it and move somewhere else that it wasn't required for that job that you 01:01:03.720 --> 01:01:09.080 did listen to him say it because it's important because this is how he opens the discussion 01:01:09.240 --> 01:01:15.640 in the health of the people of his state and because he is he's taken a close look at what's 01:01:15.640 --> 01:01:19.800 in the covid vax the one that everyone in the country was required to take not so long ago 01:01:20.360 --> 01:01:25.160 and he's come up short he can't answer some basic questions about it and that's a concern 01:01:25.720 --> 01:01:31.400 if we're doing science whoops early what i want is high work oh no i see 01:01:32.840 --> 01:01:38.280 i can go right here again sorry i'm gonna put a joe latipole on we just heard that stuff so now 01:01:38.360 --> 01:01:44.200 we have a real problem considering a billion people got it so in a recent interview about the 01:01:44.200 --> 01:01:50.200 mra vaccines the surgeon general of florida described in this way these vaccines have dna in 01:01:50.200 --> 01:01:56.280 them everyone knows what dna is they're contaminated with dna and that's not necessarily a big deal 01:01:56.280 --> 01:02:03.400 but it's a problem with these vaccines because the dna hangs on with the mrna and goes into people's 01:02:04.200 --> 01:02:09.960 so this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had dna these 01:02:09.960 --> 01:02:17.560 vaccines are honestly they're they're the antichrist of all products the antichrist of all products 01:02:17.560 --> 01:02:21.640 the surgeon general of florida joins us now to explain what he means doctor thank you so much 01:02:21.640 --> 01:02:30.200 for coming on um i remember at the beginning of the vax mandates there were people on the fringes 01:02:30.280 --> 01:02:36.440 as we say who raised questions about the the potential of this drug this brand new this novel 01:02:37.000 --> 01:02:42.680 vaccine uh which wasn't really a vaccine to affect people's dna and they were immediately 01:02:42.680 --> 01:02:47.880 described as crazy tell us your concerns if you wouldn't mind flushing out a little bit 01:02:47.880 --> 01:02:54.840 what we saw in that clip you know it's it's so interesting to hear you say that tucker because 01:02:54.840 --> 01:03:01.080 i had the same impression when people very early on were citing concerns about dna 01:03:01.880 --> 01:03:07.480 i think that really what was happening is that their intuition was informing them about the 01:03:07.480 --> 01:03:16.120 potential problem with these vaccines and you know you showed that clip there this one is is 01:03:16.120 --> 01:03:23.480 sometimes i honestly feel quite guilty dragging people through the scientific details but i try 01:03:23.480 --> 01:03:29.960 do it at a level that hopefully won't bore people to death or be too painful because it is a very 01:03:29.960 --> 01:03:36.760 important issue and it's not a complicated issue and it's important for people to recognize the 01:03:36.760 --> 01:03:44.120 difference between the honest facts which is what i'm sharing and the spin and dodge and look over 01:03:44.120 --> 01:03:51.960 here that you hear dr caliph at the fda and other you know dr off it other people sharing so it's 01:03:52.040 --> 01:03:58.280 actually very simple we all know what dna is you know if this is this is our genetic blueprint 01:03:58.280 --> 01:04:07.320 our gift from god and this dna can be affected and that can be obviously a very bad thing sometimes 01:04:07.320 --> 01:04:11.960 it's affected in a way that makes people sick sometimes it can even be affected in a way that 01:04:11.960 --> 01:04:18.200 leaves people to pass on characteristics to their to their offspring in this particular case with 01:04:18.200 --> 01:04:24.840 the mRNA vaccines they have dna in them like you know like many other vaccines or other 01:04:24.840 --> 01:04:30.440 biologic type of medications and that as i've said previously is not such a big deal because 01:04:30.440 --> 01:04:38.280 fortunately dna is not some big hairy monster that can you know live forever when it's foreign in 01:04:38.280 --> 01:04:45.480 people's bodies now so the interesting thing is is that uh i was told by someone who used to work 01:04:45.560 --> 01:04:51.960 in the pharmaceutical industry that for other biologics like proteins there's no dna allowed 01:04:52.680 --> 01:04:58.680 and they actually use a very expensive test called anion exchange chromatography to remove 01:04:58.680 --> 01:05:06.920 all genetic material from biologics hand-intired lots of biologics can be thrown in the garbage 01:05:06.920 --> 01:05:14.440 if they are shown to contain dna so his discussion about well dna is not that bad except that we 01:05:14.440 --> 01:05:18.680 get him in the lipid nanoparticle and now it's going in that's not technically true it could be 01:05:18.680 --> 01:05:25.240 biologically that dna inside of lipid nanoparticle is much more dangerous than just dna in a biologic 01:05:25.240 --> 01:05:31.640 that's that's i'm i'm willing to not i want to argue that but i just want to point out the idea that 01:05:33.800 --> 01:05:38.840 he's making a mistake here when he explains that other biologics have dna in them and we're not 01:05:38.840 --> 01:05:44.280 really worried about dna and that's okay because that's not the way it is there is a problem here 01:05:44.280 --> 01:05:50.520 because if you're making RNA it's very hard to separate little pieces of dna from RNA 01:05:51.160 --> 01:05:57.880 because anion exchange chromatography the standard by which you remove genetic material from biologic 01:05:58.840 --> 01:06:03.720 will inevitably pull the RNA and the dna out and you want to separate the dna from the RNA so you 01:06:03.720 --> 01:06:11.800 got to use other techniques which aren't standardized many of them are proprietary so the whole concept 01:06:11.800 --> 01:06:18.840 here is being explained in my mind in a overly simplified if not genuinely 01:06:18.840 --> 01:06:24.040 inaccurate way but we're going to go on bodies have lots of mechanisms to break them down 01:06:25.160 --> 01:06:31.160 but the problem here is that you know for the same reason that scientists want to know well 01:06:31.160 --> 01:06:38.840 priced this dna isn't like other dna in terms of having a very hard time penetrating into cells 01:06:39.480 --> 01:06:46.840 this dna hangs on with mRNA in that lipid nanoparticle that people hear and frankly 01:06:46.840 --> 01:06:53.800 probably roll their eyes out their eyes over it hangs on with it and it comes into the cells 01:06:53.800 --> 01:07:01.720 almost certainly hitchhiking along with the mRNA so whereas in the past dna would have a very hard 01:07:01.720 --> 01:07:10.360 time even entering cells here the dna is getting delivered into cells with the lipid nanoparticles 01:07:10.360 --> 01:07:16.360 and that's a problem and that's a problem because each dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 01:07:16.360 --> 01:07:22.440 probably contains it's estimated between billions and hundreds of billions of fragments of dna 01:07:22.440 --> 01:07:29.480 so this is a completely different risk analysis that is obvious you don't need a phd to be able 01:07:29.480 --> 01:07:37.800 to figure that out and the fda's own guidance about contaminating dna published guidance their 01:07:37.800 --> 01:07:43.640 words you never refer to by them by the way in their counter arguments but their words are that 01:07:44.360 --> 01:07:51.640 there are situations when you need to confirm that dna that is a contaminant or foreign dna 01:07:52.280 --> 01:08:02.520 is not integrating into human dna into the human genome and their specific tests sequencing test 01:08:02.520 --> 01:08:09.960 to do this to make sure it's done and what we did is we asked the fda well have you done this you've 01:08:09.960 --> 01:08:16.680 acknowledged this risk have you done this and they came back with about 10 000 words talking about 01:08:16.680 --> 01:08:24.360 everything from what time the sun sets in china to you know their third cousins you know bar mitzvah 01:08:25.080 --> 01:08:30.040 and nothing about the specific question we asked along with other questions by the way 01:08:30.040 --> 01:08:33.880 but nothing about that which leads me to conclude they haven't done it which is 01:08:34.920 --> 01:08:39.720 you know it starts at crazy but it ends at somewhere else that someone could be just so 01:08:40.360 --> 01:08:47.880 just so nonchalant and frankly willy nilly with something as precious and as you know a secret 01:08:47.880 --> 01:08:55.400 as our human dna so that's a that's a summary perfect do you think it's conceivably possible 01:08:55.400 --> 01:09:02.760 that the mRNA vaccines change people's dna or could it's absolutely possible i mean we wouldn't i 01:09:02.760 --> 01:09:09.400 wouldn't have issued this this call to halt their use if that words wasn't possible on a factual 01:09:09.400 --> 01:09:17.080 basis it is happening we're suggesting this was possible in 2021 i know that daniel nagasi was 01:09:17.080 --> 01:09:23.480 suggesting it was possible i know that i think roger ogkinson was suggesting it was possible i 01:09:23.480 --> 01:09:29.960 think maybe even michael palmer suggested it might be possible and i'm sure that the french geneticist 01:09:29.960 --> 01:09:35.720 whose face i can see and voice i can hear but name i cannot come up with i'm sure she also said it 01:09:39.080 --> 01:09:46.600 at the time and in early 2021 i didn't think i had the expertise to say whether it could or it couldn't 01:09:47.560 --> 01:09:52.760 but i do remember saying that it would be much smarter to say that it's possible than to say 01:09:52.760 --> 01:10:00.600 it definitely can't because definitely can't is a pretty difficult it's a pretty difficult 01:10:00.600 --> 01:10:08.440 target to hit and yet a lot of times we're saying definitely not a lot here with regard to what can 01:10:08.440 --> 01:10:17.240 happen or can't happen sorry that was a great stop there look at that funny face holy cow 01:10:18.040 --> 01:10:24.520 so lutely possible there's there's zero question about that now the real question is whether it is 01:10:24.520 --> 01:10:29.240 happening if it is happening to the degree to it which it's happening the location of effective 01:10:29.240 --> 01:10:36.200 cells and the potential for that to cause whether it's cancer or heredible characteristics or that is 01:10:36.200 --> 01:10:43.480 to say that is it affecting things like people's a woman's eggs or a man's sperm such that it could 01:10:43.560 --> 01:10:49.400 be passed on but whatever else it potentially could be causing but it absolutely is a possibility 01:10:49.400 --> 01:10:54.840 there's zero question about that the real question is whether it's a possibility worth 01:10:54.840 --> 01:11:01.400 investigating the obvious answer is yes even though the fda and dr paul marx peter marx pardon me 01:11:01.400 --> 01:11:07.000 wants you to believe that the answer is no well that would change humanity if that were happening forever 01:11:07.400 --> 01:11:15.720 and frankly just considering the the frankly the evil frequency from the beginning of this pandemic 01:11:15.720 --> 01:11:22.360 the you know the lockdowns the forcing people to stay at home the not having people allowing 01:11:22.360 --> 01:11:28.520 people to say bye bye to people they love just all the horrific things the firing of people who 01:11:28.520 --> 01:11:34.360 you know stuck it out during the pandemic but then passed on the on the vaccine after after the 01:11:34.840 --> 01:11:40.680 vaccines were available all the evil that has defined the frequency of policies during this 01:11:40.680 --> 01:11:47.320 pandemic sadly i mean i hate that that is is a possibility but sadly i would not be at all 01:11:47.320 --> 01:11:53.800 surprise in fact i think it's probably likely that that is in fact happening you think it's 01:11:53.800 --> 01:12:01.000 likely happening that humanity itself is being changed forever by this round of mr and a vaccine 01:12:01.000 --> 01:12:05.640 i think it's most important to understand from a biological perspective that injecting 01:12:06.920 --> 01:12:13.800 mr and a coated in a lipid nanoparticle or dna coated in a lipid nanoparticle into a pregnant woman 01:12:14.920 --> 01:12:23.720 when the number of cells in a fetus is potentially very low so that any damage that's done could be 01:12:24.360 --> 01:12:30.120 passed on to you know generations of development beyond that 01:12:34.200 --> 01:12:39.560 in theory you could change a whole developmental course of a baby most likely of course 01:12:40.120 --> 01:12:47.720 resulting in stillbirth because again call her mother nature she doesn't tolerate these kinds 01:12:47.720 --> 01:12:54.280 of errors and and that's that's what you have spontaneous abortions for is when the genetic 01:12:54.280 --> 01:13:04.120 program doesn't go as planned there are lots of of off-ramps and so any evidence of an increase in 01:13:04.120 --> 01:13:09.640 stillbirths or an increase in miscarriages is going to be directly related to vaccination it 01:13:09.640 --> 01:13:15.480 can't be related to anything else because again of this potential and without a doubt that's there 01:13:15.560 --> 01:13:20.360 but without a doubt they knew this is not something that they needed me to tell them 01:13:21.560 --> 01:13:26.920 they didn't need somebody to tell them the transfection in a pregnant woman might go to the fetus 01:13:28.440 --> 01:13:34.120 of course they didn't need us to tell them that before the pandemic my wife couldn't have 01:13:34.120 --> 01:13:42.040 unpasteurized cheese when she was pregnant she wasn't supposed to have anything 01:13:43.000 --> 01:13:48.840 that might even be misconstrued as being dangerous for the developing fetus 01:13:51.000 --> 01:13:56.120 it would be absurd to inject a lipid nanoparticle with a genetic material inside of it 01:13:56.760 --> 01:14:02.520 into a pregnant woman and the earlier that pregnancy is the more absurd it would be 01:14:02.520 --> 01:14:13.320 why don't we just say that i'll tell you why we don't say it because then you would start to 01:14:13.320 --> 01:14:19.960 understand why vaccines in the first two years of their life are pretty sketchy and better have a 01:14:19.960 --> 01:14:28.200 good reason and a good mechanistic understanding of how they work otherwise a random cocktail of 01:14:28.200 --> 01:14:32.120 poisons to be injected intramuscularly in the hopes that it might 01:14:32.120 --> 01:14:37.160 usefully augment your immune system could better be saved until after more important developmental 01:14:37.160 --> 01:14:44.920 processes and windows have closed and yet for some reason or another in america in particular 01:14:44.920 --> 01:14:50.440 it's just striking how early we need to stab them and how often we need to stab them and with what 01:14:50.440 --> 01:15:03.000 we stab them and so they can't talk about that they can't talk about when the genome is most 01:15:03.000 --> 01:15:07.080 vulnerable they can't talk about when it's most vulnerable because that's what they want 01:15:08.360 --> 01:15:13.800 they want to inject pregnant women they want pregnant women being injected to be normal because 01:15:13.800 --> 01:15:20.840 that's the time that they have the most chance of making a useful augmentation of the immune system 01:15:22.120 --> 01:15:28.040 early in development so that changes that occur have knock-on consequences until the end 01:15:30.040 --> 01:15:35.480 it's pretty hard to fix a teenage boy when he's missing an enzyme in his fully developed liver 01:15:35.480 --> 01:15:46.440 and so they've got to test it out on pregnant women they they tested out the 01:15:46.440 --> 01:15:52.360 the Zika virus vaccine on pregnant women with this same idea mark nose 01:15:52.360 --> 01:16:08.760 randal nose we are on top of this like a heavy weight yes i do i do and that's based on you know 01:16:08.760 --> 01:16:13.400 just the things that i just said and the fact that it is possible so again the question is is it 01:16:13.400 --> 01:16:19.560 actually happening and frankly my instinctive feeling is that totally it's happening the extent 01:16:19.640 --> 01:16:23.640 to which it's happening the degree to which it's happening you know any particular 01:16:23.640 --> 01:16:29.320 lots for which it's worse or or sort of less prominent and those are questions that should 01:16:29.320 --> 01:16:35.400 be characterized but if i had to place a bet on what the likely answer to that question is 01:16:35.400 --> 01:16:41.400 yeah i do think that it's probably happening i think it would be right in step and in sync with 01:16:42.040 --> 01:16:48.280 every terrible horrible thing that we've seen happen during the pandemic as a result of people 01:16:48.760 --> 01:16:56.280 abandoning common sense abandoning reasoning abandoning humanity in pursuit of whatever their 01:16:56.280 --> 01:17:03.800 ideological or profit-fueled or greed-based or greed-fueled desire is yeah i think it would 01:17:03.800 --> 01:17:10.040 be quite consistent with that well i'm i'm shocked but i guess i'm not that shocked so he's saying 01:17:10.040 --> 01:17:16.120 they did it he's saying that it resulted from greed so even the leak or whatever the virus 01:17:16.120 --> 01:17:22.840 resulted from greed i think that's what he's saying so this is pretty big trouble right this 01:17:22.840 --> 01:17:28.760 is not good because he's not clearing anything up he's not making anything better this is just 01:17:28.760 --> 01:17:35.480 the narrative now and we're we're about to go full tilt here hang on but let me say something i've 01:17:35.480 --> 01:17:39.480 never said to anybody but i've just noticed and it always has felt a little crackpot to me so i've 01:17:39.480 --> 01:17:47.000 never expressed it do you think it's possible that after getting the mr and a shot that people's 01:17:47.000 --> 01:17:55.320 personalities might change in ways that you would notice we're going to enter a spiritual domain 01:17:55.320 --> 01:18:01.160 domain here tucker so i am you know as you know i went to medical school at harvard i got a PhD 01:18:01.160 --> 01:18:08.600 while i was in medical school i have multiple NIH grants did research full-time along with taking 01:18:08.600 --> 01:18:15.240 care of patients before entering this position as a surgeon general of florida thanks to governor 01:18:15.240 --> 01:18:20.600 desantis and i've got to tell you that you know during the pandemic you'd sometimes hear people 01:18:20.600 --> 01:18:27.720 say that this is a spiritual war and it's it's a funny thing for people to say but instinctively 01:18:27.720 --> 01:18:33.560 and intuitively i remember the first time i heard it i heard it sort of yelled out in the middle of 01:18:34.280 --> 01:18:40.600 of a press conference with governor desantis out here in um i think uh bradenton florida 01:18:41.400 --> 01:18:47.720 i responded immediately that yes to the to the person in the audience who said yes it is a 01:18:47.720 --> 01:18:55.560 spiritual war and it absolutely is and this has to do with intuition again i've left the mdphd hat 01:18:55.560 --> 01:19:01.160 and i'm talking so what did he say what question did he ask and i've got to tell you after getting 01:19:01.160 --> 01:19:09.000 the mRNA shot that people's personalities might change in ways that so personalities changing is 01:19:09.000 --> 01:19:15.480 a spiritual war these people have been damaged in their brain according to tucker carlson according 01:19:15.480 --> 01:19:21.720 to lots of team worst case scenario in 2020 they said that the virus was changing the way that 01:19:21.720 --> 01:19:28.760 people behaved because it went up the the nasal the the olfactory bulb track right up into the brain 01:19:29.720 --> 01:19:35.320 don't you remember people talking about that that was the reason why that lady in ireland 01:19:35.320 --> 01:19:42.600 was lick in the window don't you remember here we are four years later tucker carlson is suggesting 01:19:42.600 --> 01:19:48.920 that maybe the the transfectional make people's make people's personality change and then joe 01:19:48.920 --> 01:19:57.240 latipo's gonna say it's a spiritual war we're in you would notice we're gonna enter a spiritual 01:19:57.880 --> 01:20:03.720 domain here tucker so i am you know as you know i went to medical school at harvard i got a phc 01:20:03.720 --> 01:20:11.160 while i was in medical school i have multiple NIH grants did research full-time along with taking 01:20:11.160 --> 01:20:17.880 care of patients before entering this position as a surgeon general of florida thanks to governor 01:20:17.880 --> 01:20:23.160 desantis and i've got to tell you that you know during the pandemic you'd sometimes hear people 01:20:23.160 --> 01:20:28.680 say that this is a spiritual war and it's it's a funny thing for people to say but 01:20:29.320 --> 01:20:34.840 instinctively and intuitively i remember the first time i heard it i heard it uh sort of 01:20:34.840 --> 01:20:41.800 yelled out in the middle of uh of a press conference with governor desantis out here and um think uh 01:20:41.800 --> 01:20:48.840 braidington florida i responded immediately that yes to the to the person in the audience who said 01:20:48.840 --> 01:20:56.360 yes it is a spiritual war and it absolutely is and this has to do with intuition again i've left 01:20:56.360 --> 01:21:03.880 the mdphd hat and i'm talking just as a human being and someone who you know like many of us 01:21:03.880 --> 01:21:09.480 guide their lives based on how they feel what they feel about what truth is and what resonates 01:21:09.480 --> 01:21:16.120 and i got to tell you that truly you know i i think in terms of the toll we've heard different 01:21:16.200 --> 01:21:21.320 estimates for their potential contribution to excess mortality i think that that probably is 01:21:21.320 --> 01:21:28.360 the case that they contribute and i think that that is just a part of what is frankly bad and 01:21:28.360 --> 01:21:36.600 um an evil behind the intention of these m or a covid-19 vaccines and the whole entire pandemic 01:21:36.600 --> 01:21:44.840 policy approach and i got to tell you that i do believe that that it it totally it can 01:21:44.840 --> 01:21:52.600 change things that you would not expect to change from people just taking a typical vaccine 01:21:52.600 --> 01:21:59.000 like the flu vaccine so not just their physical health but also their mental state i mean why 01:21:59.000 --> 01:22:06.120 guess why wouldn't it it right yeah and i actually wouldn't say so much mental um and again again 01:22:06.120 --> 01:22:12.280 we're you know this is joe the you know the dad and the you know the husband and the man 01:22:12.280 --> 01:22:17.880 speaking with you here but yeah yeah there's a you know there's a there's unfortunately a there's 01:22:17.880 --> 01:22:25.160 absolutely an evil underlying frequency to these products and you know it's it's something that 01:22:25.160 --> 01:22:32.120 i felt early but just over time and frankly with my own spiritual development and spiritual growth 01:22:32.760 --> 01:22:40.840 and power in terms of my connection to you know my connection to god and and other people and just 01:22:41.480 --> 01:22:45.640 to you know the the gifts that god gives each of us and with each of us having a different 01:22:45.640 --> 01:22:53.240 degrees of access to those gifts because of our journeys of life um yeah these these mr and a 01:22:53.800 --> 01:22:59.480 covid-19 vaccines i'm talking about the technology in general i'm not talking about other technologies 01:22:59.480 --> 01:23:06.120 i'm talking about these particular products you know that unfortunately yes early on no doubt 01:23:06.120 --> 01:23:13.480 were they effective at reducing illness from covid-19 yeah the data were very strong now it's 01:23:13.480 --> 01:23:19.080 completely unclear the data that actually points the opposite direction in terms gives each of us 01:23:19.080 --> 01:23:23.960 and with each of us having a different degrees of access to those gifts because of our journeys 01:23:23.960 --> 01:23:32.280 in life um yeah these these mRNA covid-19 vaccines i'm talking talking about the technology in general 01:23:32.280 --> 01:23:37.400 i'm not talking about other technologies i'm talking about these particular products you know 01:23:37.400 --> 01:23:44.760 that i unfortunately yes early on no doubt were they effective at reducing illness from covid-19 01:23:45.320 --> 01:23:51.320 yeah the data were very strong now it's completely unclear the data that actually points the 01:23:51.320 --> 01:23:57.800 opposite direction in terms of negative effectiveness and lots of other problems but despite what they 01:23:57.800 --> 01:24:03.480 may have provided in terms of benefits specifically targeted toward covid-19 01:24:04.040 --> 01:24:12.200 illness or or death they have caused uh much worse in terms of not only adverse events 01:24:12.200 --> 01:24:18.920 but also again at a spiritual level there's just there's there's something that is that is that is 01:24:18.920 --> 01:24:26.840 that i it's crucial to ask yourself if there was no circulating pathogen then how were they 01:24:26.840 --> 01:24:34.600 effective against covid if he would acknowledge that there is no evidence of a spreading pathogen 01:24:34.600 --> 01:24:41.080 in new york city or in chicago and so then there was nothing to save these people and these studies 01:24:41.080 --> 01:24:49.720 from then he wouldn't be talking about despite the benefits for covid these shots have done damage 01:24:49.880 --> 01:25:01.480 he is specifically reciting a narrative which is refuted by people like jessica hockett mark kulak 01:25:02.600 --> 01:25:10.920 uh deni rancor Jonathan angler martin mule nick hudson myself and everyone else who's worked to 01:25:10.920 --> 01:25:16.680 try and find the signal of a novel pathogen we haven't been able to find it in no modality in 01:25:16.680 --> 01:25:25.000 no place at any time and the only people that insist that there is a signal there are people 01:25:25.000 --> 01:25:34.120 like kevin mccernan and pia ori and a bunch of other people with weird connections that go 01:25:34.120 --> 01:25:42.520 all the way back to the blast algorithm to sequencing technologies to the earliest virology laboratories 01:25:42.600 --> 01:25:46.600 to the earliest forms of transfection 01:25:50.280 --> 01:25:54.840 and on the surface it might seem that many of these people are just people that gave up their emu 01:25:54.840 --> 01:26:02.680 farms and their their horse breeding to save the world they came out of retirement after day 01:26:02.680 --> 01:26:07.240 trading themselves to paradise to save the world 01:26:10.600 --> 01:26:15.080 or they came out of retirement to make sure that the illusion 01:26:16.280 --> 01:26:21.880 wasn't broken that the spell wasn't broken that we could continue to be governed by this illusion 01:26:22.520 --> 01:26:26.120 forever that we would pass this illusion on to our children 01:26:27.480 --> 01:26:30.680 that's what i see happening here ladies and gentlemen i see that people have been 01:26:31.000 --> 01:26:35.320 what i want is high morbidity i want people to complain and then fooling us just like he 01:26:35.320 --> 01:26:44.200 described and it doesn't have to be exactly like he's described they created cases they created the 01:26:44.200 --> 01:26:48.440 signal that they wanted to find they knew what they were going to find they told the story they 01:26:48.440 --> 01:26:55.240 knew they were going to tell and they all went forward with the exercise everybody had a part to 01:26:55.240 --> 01:27:01.080 play everybody had a narrative there was a military response to drive local mass casualty 01:27:01.080 --> 01:27:05.960 events it might have been included things like we don't have enough ventilators so we better 01:27:05.960 --> 01:27:11.720 oxygenate everyone and at that same time they found some people installed some people to make 01:27:11.720 --> 01:27:20.760 sure that this narrative was stuck to and that this combination of bad protocols deteriorating 01:27:21.160 --> 01:27:28.840 anybody that going into the hospital was gonna go down we used ally nations to make the argument 01:27:28.840 --> 01:27:33.320 that well lockdowns when they can be implemented like by island nations they work really well 01:27:34.520 --> 01:27:39.480 and so we can be dicks about it and we can rub it in their faces and we can show you videos of 01:27:39.480 --> 01:27:46.040 it so that you see it you can put a legal and a financial incentive to call things covid and 01:27:46.040 --> 01:27:51.240 we can do that specifically in places like new york city for a whole month and in that month we 01:27:51.240 --> 01:28:00.200 can purport to have 20 000 people die if we have a coordinated worst case scenario that includes 01:28:00.200 --> 01:28:07.400 everybody as lowly as george web and paul cottrell to kevin mccairn and charles rixie to 01:28:08.200 --> 01:28:16.200 jessica rose and and and kevin mccernan all of these people were were 01:28:16.440 --> 01:28:23.320 toggled in very very very early in 2020 by march all of these people were dedicating almost their 01:28:23.320 --> 01:28:31.720 entire social media life and full-time attention to the pushing of the worst case scenario kevin 01:28:31.720 --> 01:28:37.240 mccairn paul cottrell george web goodman 01:28:39.080 --> 01:28:47.320 i mean all of these people were full on worst case scenario in 2020 none of them were telling 01:28:47.320 --> 01:28:52.120 us to ramp it back none of them were telling us that the lockdowns are dangerous none of them were 01:28:52.120 --> 01:28:57.240 were quoting canut with koski or wolf gang wodak they were all chasing each other 01:28:57.880 --> 01:29:03.880 arguing about each other and establishing the limited spectrum of debate that included a worst 01:29:03.880 --> 01:29:12.120 case scenario of a billion people dead the coordinated campaign to orchestrate the exception 01:29:12.120 --> 01:29:16.680 of the con a coming transfection how would they do that by telling stories about a deadly spike 01:29:16.680 --> 01:29:23.080 protein with all kinds of crazy consequences when people had the devirus bad they had it really 01:29:23.160 --> 01:29:27.400 bad and every one of those things on that list ends up being something that they could have 01:29:27.400 --> 01:29:34.440 expected transfection to cause surprise surprise including amyloidosis and prion disease ladies 01:29:34.440 --> 01:29:43.400 and gentlemen you have been played now we use covet hospital protocols capable of increasing 01:29:43.400 --> 01:29:49.000 all-cause mortality one of the most fun that has been recently identified as a very likely bogey 01:29:49.080 --> 01:29:55.080 in this list is the use of supplemental oxygen at ridiculously high partial pressures 01:29:56.280 --> 01:30:01.400 social policies capable of doing the same thing can result in it all cause mortality that can be 01:30:01.400 --> 01:30:06.840 pointed to the novel virus at the same time as everybody's arguing about a lab leak cover up 01:30:06.840 --> 01:30:12.680 no one would ever figure out that this was all orchestrated just like James Giordano explained 01:30:13.560 --> 01:30:18.520 and by accepting the mystery you accept the paradigm you and even accept the virus is there 01:30:22.440 --> 01:30:27.960 and so here we are trapped in this mythology our children are trapped in this mythology and 01:30:27.960 --> 01:30:31.880 we can't break out because all of these people have a vested interest in keeping us there they're 01:30:31.880 --> 01:30:44.040 selling books they're jockeying for position in the next administration 01:30:48.440 --> 01:30:53.880 so a standard methodology in the human genome project was used as a standard methodology for 01:30:53.880 --> 01:30:58.440 the basis of the production of the RNA used in the transfection countermeasures that everyone 01:30:58.440 --> 01:31:03.160 still calls vaccines the technology isn't any different you make plasmids 01:31:04.760 --> 01:31:09.960 it's a very well understood proven technology developed over decades starting with the human 01:31:09.960 --> 01:31:16.760 genome project same methodologies are essential to pharmaceutical biologics production including 01:31:16.760 --> 01:31:21.560 monoclonal antibodies which are kind of useless now because at the start of the pandemic the 01:31:21.640 --> 01:31:29.240 antibody patent paradox article in the Yale law school review was used by the supreme court 01:31:29.240 --> 01:31:33.000 to basically tell all pharmaceutical companies that your monoclonal antibody 01:31:33.000 --> 01:31:37.480 patents are likely worthless and won't stand up to strict scrutiny in court 01:31:40.120 --> 01:31:44.360 transfection remains a term that almost never used we just listened to a couple videos where 01:31:44.360 --> 01:31:50.280 they didn't use it the obfuscation of the previously widespread understanding of this concept of 01:31:50.280 --> 01:31:54.440 transfection demonstrates the potential threat it represents to the narrative going forward 01:31:54.440 --> 01:31:59.240 that's why they still don't use it can't call it a transfection or people will see that you've 01:31:59.240 --> 01:32:07.560 been lied to and they use that word back scene instead it's like calling a rain hat an umbrella 01:32:08.120 --> 01:32:16.760 a raincoat an umbrella gilash's an umbrella and a roll of aluminum foil an umbrella 01:32:17.720 --> 01:32:22.520 the continued use of the word vaccine is by design all players are sophisticated enough to 01:32:22.520 --> 01:32:27.640 know how the term transfection could have ruined compliance and still served to greatly advance 01:32:27.640 --> 01:32:34.920 understanding yet they all choose not to use it the clock has been ticking for a while now 01:32:36.440 --> 01:32:42.440 but they just don't they don't care they're running out that clock they'll call it transfection next 01:32:42.520 --> 01:32:48.280 year they'll tell the truth to our college age adults next year 01:32:51.880 --> 01:32:56.680 the gain of function spike narrative was used to cover for any number of ulterior motives and 01:32:56.680 --> 01:33:02.200 outcomes protein folding disorders were expected from transfection that's why they had to talk 01:33:02.200 --> 01:33:06.280 about it in 2020 and associate it with the spike and are still doing it now 01:33:07.160 --> 01:33:13.720 it's likely that the spike sequence is one that was expected to meet the 01:33:13.720 --> 01:33:18.680 expectation of provoking seroprevalence well in other words they didn't leave it up to 01:33:18.680 --> 01:33:23.080 mother nature to choose the protein that they transfected us with they probably put in some 01:33:23.080 --> 01:33:29.560 epitopes that would guarantee its presentation and guarantee a reasonable antibody response 01:33:29.640 --> 01:33:37.720 even after four applications of the transfection agent again if you use a correlate of immunity 01:33:37.720 --> 01:33:44.440 to define working then this is the perfect countermeasure and they wouldn't have taken any 01:33:44.440 --> 01:33:51.160 chances and they were enriching for these kinds of epitopes at a place like epivax for a decade 01:33:52.040 --> 01:33:59.400 epivax specialized in finding these generalized hla epitopes that could be used as adjuvants 01:33:59.560 --> 01:34:06.680 I think Robert Malone used to work with that company 01:34:09.880 --> 01:34:14.440 one primary objective of the exercise was the methodological shift to recombinant genetic 01:34:14.440 --> 01:34:19.800 technologies and their general acceptance and the general acceptance of their use and effectiveness 01:34:19.800 --> 01:34:26.040 maybe even their personalizability so that we can transition very rapidly to get out of the FDA 01:34:26.040 --> 01:34:32.440 entirely maybe they're planning to do that to destroy the FDA in a ritual sort of way or in a 01:34:32.440 --> 01:34:37.240 ceremonial sort of way because they know they're going to go to personalized medicine anyway so 01:34:37.240 --> 01:34:46.360 who needs them there's just a bunch of supplements now and so there were lots of theories that have 01:34:46.360 --> 01:34:51.560 been clouded by more theories like Israel as its right to defend itself the DoD's responsible 01:34:51.560 --> 01:34:57.400 vaccines are now contaminated or adulterated and these are all just things that people argue 01:34:57.400 --> 01:35:02.360 about instead of talking about the fact that millions of Americans were probably murdered 01:35:03.720 --> 01:35:10.280 millions of citizens around the world were probably murdered directly or indirectly because 01:35:10.280 --> 01:35:16.200 of the misdirection and misinformation spread by the United States and these other governments 01:35:16.200 --> 01:35:24.360 that were all participating the Five Eyes all working together to destroy us for generations 01:35:24.360 --> 01:35:28.600 to come they told the truth you just had to listen 01:35:31.240 --> 01:35:38.280 main things that we can drive now human progress not only wealth and progress for Israel but human 01:35:38.280 --> 01:35:44.120 progress I'll give you one example so you'll see because I don't want to bore you with detailed 01:35:44.840 --> 01:35:48.520 detailed plans I but they are detailed in my mind 01:35:50.200 --> 01:35:55.400 we came out of COVID first I described that in my book my conversations with Albert Borla Pfizer 01:35:55.400 --> 01:36:02.680 and I persuaded him to give tiny Israel the necessary vaccines to get us out first from the COVID 01:36:02.680 --> 01:36:10.040 and the reason I could do that is because we have a database 98 percent a medical database 98 percent 01:36:10.200 --> 01:36:16.200 population has digitized medical records and little card and anywhere you go in any hospital 01:36:16.200 --> 01:36:20.920 in Israel north south doesn't make any difference boom you bunch it in and you know everything 01:36:20.920 --> 01:36:27.320 about this patient for the last 20 years I said we'll use that to tell you whether these vaccines 01:36:27.320 --> 01:36:32.760 what do they do to people not individual people not with their individual identities but statistically 01:36:32.760 --> 01:36:39.640 what does it do to people with you know with meningitis what does it do to people with high blood pressure 01:36:39.640 --> 01:36:46.200 what is it you know you want to know that so Israel became if you will the the lab for Pfizer 01:36:46.200 --> 01:36:49.960 and that's how we did it we got it out that we gave the information to the world not only 01:36:49.960 --> 01:36:55.560 it's been published in medical magazines and so on that's our database we have 01:36:56.680 --> 01:37:03.000 that's the database we have that isn't that great isn't that just wonderful that he's so generous 01:37:03.960 --> 01:37:10.280 I think it's just wonderful I think it's wonderful I intend to bring on that base 01:37:11.080 --> 01:37:17.560 database of medical personal medical records for entire population a genetic database genomes 01:37:17.560 --> 01:37:23.960 okay give me a saliva sample volunteer but I'm sure most people will do it maybe we'll pay them 01:37:24.520 --> 01:37:31.320 now we have maybe we'll pay them on a medical record of a robust population it's got you have 01:37:31.480 --> 01:37:37.560 to have diversified populations we have people from 100 lands this is a very powerful engine now 01:37:37.560 --> 01:37:46.360 now let pharma companies let medical companies let them run algorithms on this database okay 01:37:46.360 --> 01:37:51.560 I'm telling right away that I'll give preference for a few years to Israeli firms but you can create 01:37:51.560 --> 01:37:59.800 and then to the world but you can create you know a biotechnological industry that is unheard of 01:37:59.800 --> 01:38:05.960 right now unheard of unimaginably and these are just the examples we can become a lot 01:38:05.960 --> 01:38:15.560 stave off Iran become allied onto the nations in groundbreaking technologies that will benefit 01:38:15.560 --> 01:38:19.720 not only Israel but our neighbors in the Middle East and the entire world which is what is happening 01:38:19.720 --> 01:38:27.320 anyway but bring it to a higher scale and last complete the circle of peace with the rest of 01:38:27.320 --> 01:38:32.600 the Arab world or most of it and ultimately achieve a workable peace with the Palestinians 01:38:32.600 --> 01:38:38.600 that's on my plate I mean it's a pretty heavy plate well they sound like things that are very 01:38:38.600 --> 01:38:44.040 much worth getting out of bed to do in the morning however yeah with that gosh and then think that 01:38:44.040 --> 01:38:50.040 that whole interview was with Jordan Peterson I mean that is just the the icing on the cake 01:38:50.120 --> 01:38:55.080 there isn't it that's just that's incredible so yeah that's where we are 01:38:56.600 --> 01:39:02.680 I don't know how to say it other than they are misleading the young on purpose on 01:39:02.680 --> 01:39:06.600 X and elsewhere they are misleading young parents they're misleading 01:39:07.400 --> 01:39:13.720 older parents they're misleading people that aren't biologists and they're doing it very very 01:39:13.720 --> 01:39:19.240 aggressively they are being helped by the algorithm they are being helped by bot armies 01:39:19.240 --> 01:39:25.480 they are using every tactic that they can in order to create the illusion that no one is listening to 01:39:25.480 --> 01:39:32.040 us everybody's listening to them and that we are now moving on and that this technology and its 01:39:32.040 --> 01:39:39.240 next form will be useful and we really need to fight against these people because they are all 01:39:39.240 --> 01:39:46.440 lying and they are lying because they want to be on the ruling side of things when the collapse 01:39:46.440 --> 01:39:50.680 happens I don't know when the collapse is going to happen but I do know that these people are playing 01:39:51.320 --> 01:39:56.440 in order that they don't get kicked off of the cruise boat and that's why they won't address 01:39:56.440 --> 01:40:01.400 the mystery of the excess deaths they will not talk about the fear uncertainty and doubt the 01:40:01.400 --> 01:40:07.240 overuse of pulse oximeters and supplemental oxygen they won't talk about do not resuscitate 01:40:07.240 --> 01:40:12.200 orders they won't talk about how they got people on ventilators they won't talk about how they 01:40:12.200 --> 01:40:17.560 stopped using antibiotics or the poor use of steroids they won't talk about how they got people 01:40:17.560 --> 01:40:23.720 on remdesivir and medazolam because of the use of pulse oximeters and a supplemental oxygen they 01:40:23.720 --> 01:40:28.840 won't talk about how opioid deaths have contributed to this and they won't talk about death certificate 01:40:28.840 --> 01:40:34.200 fraud or financial incentives that led to tracking trace mass closures and mandates and they won't 01:40:34.200 --> 01:40:39.960 talk about PCR fraud or lateral test flow flow test fraud and they won't talk about the likely 01:40:39.960 --> 01:40:46.360 sequencing fraud because again they need the mystery virus to equal as many excess deaths as 01:40:46.360 --> 01:40:53.800 possible so that the illusion is sustained they definitely can't talk about there being not any 01:40:53.800 --> 01:41:00.280 real epidemiological evidence for spread they certainly can't address the strict liability 01:41:00.280 --> 01:41:05.080 that should be applied to any transfection when it's used they shouldn't talk about a seventh 01:41:05.080 --> 01:41:09.640 amendment violation being codified in the prep actor people will actually start to freak 01:41:12.040 --> 01:41:17.000 and that's what this limited spectrum of debate is all about you want people to be able to get 01:41:17.000 --> 01:41:21.400 their thing out you want people to be able to scream and shout and feel like they're fighting 01:41:21.400 --> 01:41:26.280 for something you want people to be able to run through a a run through sign or hear their name 01:41:26.280 --> 01:41:29.800 called in a starting lineup every once in a while and feel like they're winning 01:41:31.320 --> 01:41:33.080 and so that's what you allow them to do 01:41:36.040 --> 01:41:41.960 about questions that don't matter about answers that are irrelevant for reality 01:41:43.880 --> 01:41:50.600 that's what this is all about that's why they had to shut everything down and send us all home 01:41:50.680 --> 01:41:57.640 and close the schools to put us on our heels so that the narrative police would pick us up 01:41:58.360 --> 01:42:02.680 give us a ride back to the station and that station is exactly where they wanted us to be so that 01:42:02.680 --> 01:42:09.000 the next person could pick us up and give us a ride and that we would never question the novel 01:42:09.000 --> 01:42:12.600 virus the millions of people that had killed the millions of more that were saved from it the 01:42:12.600 --> 01:42:16.440 likely source was gained a function and therefore it will come again we won't question that at all 01:42:17.400 --> 01:42:22.520 more importantly our children won't question it because these people are still performing 01:42:23.560 --> 01:42:29.080 wittingly or unwittingly they are still performing and that means that they are still engaged in 01:42:29.080 --> 01:42:38.120 future slavery they are still working for the slavers to enslave our grandchildren we can't 01:42:38.200 --> 01:42:50.040 allow it to happen and it's being done by them fainting this whole thing it was a giant dramatic 01:42:50.040 --> 01:42:54.520 theater where people were egged on to argue about certain things that wouldn't help us 01:42:55.160 --> 01:43:00.440 they were are we were told to argue about things that would keep us distracted from the idea that 01:43:00.440 --> 01:43:05.400 the train doesn't need any help stopping and the train doesn't need any help starting again 01:43:06.040 --> 01:43:13.000 but all these people were pretending that they were doing exactly what this guy is doing for 2020 01:43:13.000 --> 01:43:20.440 2021 oh I got censored oh I spoke out oh boy I'm risking everything to help your grandkids no you're 01:43:20.440 --> 01:43:31.800 not we were taken by a team worst case scenario that had us arguing about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine 01:43:32.120 --> 01:43:41.080 and also accepting the novel virus had us arguing about whether or not this study or that study was 01:43:41.080 --> 01:43:48.520 done right all the while accepting the novel virus once the novel virus is accepted we're lost 01:43:49.480 --> 01:43:54.520 once the novel virus is accepted then the gate of function source of it is accepted once that's 01:43:54.600 --> 01:44:02.920 there once we accept hydroxychloroquine then we're lost that's what I see and now Stephen Hatfield 01:44:02.920 --> 01:44:08.280 is going to write a book about it for goodness sakes double stranded DNA contamination is another 01:44:08.280 --> 01:44:14.680 opportunity to try and distract us from the whole truth which is that a purified perfect 01:44:14.680 --> 01:44:19.240 transfection would still be wholly inappropriate for our healthy grandmother never nined our healthy 01:44:19.240 --> 01:44:26.760 children never mind healthy pregnant women the diffuse proposal again is something very fancy for 01:44:26.760 --> 01:44:32.280 us to discuss and talk about even though the way that it came to us who it came through it and how 01:44:32.280 --> 01:44:37.640 they have talked about their contributions to that have revealed that as an obvious hoax 01:44:39.000 --> 01:44:43.720 and yes I was taken by it for a couple months yes I thought it might be real for a couple months yes 01:44:43.720 --> 01:44:48.200 I comment about it in Bobby's book but it's a comment that he got from me almost immediately 01:44:49.080 --> 01:44:55.160 after rixie came to my house and made me at least on my stream admit that well the diffuse 01:44:55.160 --> 01:45:05.320 proposal could be real it's not it's part of how the pandemic was created an illusion 01:45:05.960 --> 01:45:12.440 of pandemic potential that was even created with a grand proposal on a DARPA web server released 01:45:12.440 --> 01:45:19.800 by some dude and so they controlled the illusion with a teamwork case scenario which 01:45:19.800 --> 01:45:25.160 seeded the ideas exceeded the possibilities of the transfections so that when the 01:45:25.160 --> 01:45:30.600 transfection was rolled out it could be misconstrued as overlapping and that's where we are 01:45:32.680 --> 01:45:38.920 it all started here on frances columns as blog with this wonderful picture of the original spike 01:45:38.920 --> 01:45:44.440 and variance into the future depicted in different colors and the vaccine antibodies sticking to 01:45:44.440 --> 01:45:51.800 all of them but the vaccine or the antibodies from infection falling short and it is this 01:45:51.800 --> 01:45:58.680 terrible model of immunity this terrible model of antibody function this terrible model 01:46:01.160 --> 01:46:06.520 that they pushed on us and pushed on our children and pushed on the nurse at school and pushed on 01:46:06.600 --> 01:46:12.440 your health care provider because they weren't sophisticated enough to know how bad this model is 01:46:14.840 --> 01:46:19.400 and it is that model of our immune system that will get our kids to accept the new world order 01:46:19.400 --> 01:46:28.200 of bad cave viruses and gain a function research it will be that silly model of the immune system 01:46:28.200 --> 01:46:33.160 that will allow the past to fade into miss the past be erased the erasure forgotten and the lie 01:46:33.800 --> 01:46:39.480 to become truth that's how it's going to happen we need to teach our children out of this 01:46:40.600 --> 01:46:44.840 we need to show our children what they have done and what they want to accomplish with this 01:46:47.720 --> 01:46:53.320 and then we need to get our children off of this train where they believe in novel viruses 01:46:53.320 --> 01:46:59.160 they believe in novel vaccines that are getting better and better that have saved us in the past 01:46:59.160 --> 01:47:01.720 that are highly effective that are totally safe 01:47:04.840 --> 01:47:08.920 we got to get them off this train ladies and gentlemen because if they get on this train and 01:47:08.920 --> 01:47:15.240 this train leaves the station let's leave in the station in a few minutes 01:47:22.280 --> 01:47:28.680 if they grow up believing this we are done if they grow up believing this then digital 01:47:28.680 --> 01:47:34.120 ID and digital currency is a foregone conclusion it will happen it's got to happen they will accept 01:47:34.120 --> 01:47:40.040 it because they will be forced by a mythology by this narrative the train is leaving the station 01:47:40.040 --> 01:47:49.800 right now we all we have about a year left and why because we've already used up five 01:47:51.080 --> 01:47:58.360 we are in our fifth year now we must make that very clear to our children this is the 01:47:58.360 --> 01:48:04.440 fifth year at the start of the pandemic my 14-year-old was 10 01:48:07.240 --> 01:48:08.760 my 12-year-old was 8 01:48:10.120 --> 01:48:11.560 my 6-year-old was 2 01:48:14.200 --> 01:48:16.440 my daughter doesn't know anything but this 01:48:20.040 --> 01:48:21.240 and it makes me violent 01:48:22.120 --> 01:48:30.760 because it's a faith it's a faith that the skilled TV watchers the skilled social media users 01:48:31.320 --> 01:48:38.200 have imbibed and cleaned to because it requires responsibility and action not to 01:48:41.320 --> 01:48:47.080 it requires principles not to and most of these people gave up their principles in 2020 because when 01:48:47.720 --> 01:48:52.520 an emergency comes along either have principles in you or you don't and a lot of people didn't 01:48:55.960 --> 01:49:01.080 this faith is a lie it is a faith that there was no conflated background signal that we wouldn't 01:49:01.080 --> 01:49:07.320 have found this if we tested earlier all this stuff is bull faith in these tests is what it is faith 01:49:07.320 --> 01:49:12.280 in these primers is what it is faith in these labs is what it is and it's faith unfounded 01:49:12.440 --> 01:49:19.800 because there is a background there of unknown quantities of DNA and RNA that Nathan Wolf used 01:49:19.800 --> 01:49:23.960 to tour the world lecturing about and giving Ted talks about how he was going to discover new 01:49:23.960 --> 01:49:28.920 life forms in it now we're supposed to believe that they're pulling one book out of it all the 01:49:28.920 --> 01:49:35.720 time come on guys biology is the way out we've got a call for a pause on all childhood 01:49:35.720 --> 01:49:39.640 vaccination we need strict liability on all pharmaceutical products we need to investigate 01:49:39.640 --> 01:49:43.400 the use of deadly protocols to cause mass casualty events we need to investigate the use 01:49:43.400 --> 01:49:47.960 of mass casualty events and transfection to create the illusion of a pandemic we need to take back 01:49:47.960 --> 01:49:52.280 the sovereignty over our bodies and get out of the who and you and entirely you can see the people 01:49:52.280 --> 01:49:56.440 who are meddling with us because they won't talk about some of these things won't talk about 01:49:56.440 --> 01:50:00.760 the childhood vaccine schedule is being criminal they're not going to talk about strict liability 01:50:00.760 --> 01:50:05.400 from all pharmaceutical products they'll never talk about the deadly protocols that were used 01:50:05.400 --> 01:50:10.200 to jump up the numbers of the pandemic from zero to something never going to talk about 01:50:10.200 --> 01:50:14.360 transfection they're never going to talk about clones and how they're used to establish RNA in 01:50:14.360 --> 01:50:20.280 the first RNA virology in the first place and they can't summarize across the whole frickin show 01:50:21.640 --> 01:50:24.280 they're really really focused on it ibermectin 01:50:28.200 --> 01:50:35.240 because they know where we are in history they know that something deadly is coming they know 01:50:35.240 --> 01:50:40.120 that something malevolent is coming and they want to be on the side of the ruling elite 01:50:41.240 --> 01:50:48.360 and so they've chosen to sell us out we need to tell this to the college kids so that they act 01:50:50.840 --> 01:50:55.320 we need to tell this to the college kids so that they act so that they realize what they 01:50:55.320 --> 01:50:59.640 these rich people and venture capitalists have been promising these other people 01:51:00.120 --> 01:51:11.400 it's a mythology it's a mythology it's one great big lie 01:51:14.840 --> 01:51:22.200 it's a mythology i mean i i it's a mythology and dune said it best once men turn their thinking 01:51:22.200 --> 01:51:26.440 over to machines in hopes that that would set them free but that only permitted other men with 01:51:26.440 --> 01:51:33.720 machines to enslave them that's the danger of ai it's never going to wake up come out of its 01:51:33.720 --> 01:51:42.040 its shell and kill us all but ai definitely will allow some men to control other men 01:51:42.600 --> 01:51:46.760 and it will definitely allow some men to control your family your kids 01:51:48.040 --> 01:51:52.200 and to greatly influence their emotional physical and spiritual development 01:51:52.600 --> 01:51:56.200 so ai is dangerous now 01:51:58.360 --> 01:52:02.120 please stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group 01:52:02.120 --> 01:52:07.720 i'm going to put out a new sub stack tomorrow which was the eric lander video i did about a 01:52:07.720 --> 01:52:13.800 week and a half ago it'll have subtitles um and it'll have the transcript there and then tomorrow 01:52:13.800 --> 01:52:21.320 i'll be on for another stream um it might be that Ted and i work a little bit on adjusting the server 01:52:21.400 --> 01:52:29.240 again and we'll try another take another swing at peertube tomorrow um and also sounds like Ted 01:52:29.240 --> 01:52:35.960 found um actually Ted found some discrepancies on the back end which might have been leading to 01:52:35.960 --> 01:52:41.880 this and so he's sent an email to the developers of peertube because that's the kind of uh 01:52:42.920 --> 01:52:48.360 that's kind of how he swings so i'm very excited about that because i still think 01:52:48.360 --> 01:52:53.720 that peertube is a worthwhile investment and so we are going to definitely try and do that um 01:52:53.720 --> 01:52:57.320 ladies and gentlemen don't forget that intramuscular injection or any combination of substances 01:52:57.320 --> 01:53:00.120 with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 01:53:00.120 --> 01:53:05.080 transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent viruses are not patterned integrity 01:53:05.080 --> 01:53:12.040 thank you very much for joining me it's gigglebiological.com it is gigglehome.bio and stream.gigglehome.bio it's also 01:53:12.040 --> 01:53:20.280 a substack gigglehome.biological this is the old website not the new one um and these are the 01:53:20.280 --> 01:53:25.480 i believe an old list of supporters so i'm just going to go right past it there was a list at the 01:53:25.480 --> 01:53:31.640 beginning um this is a independent right web presentation it's also in cooperation with the 01:53:31.640 --> 01:53:37.480 broken science initiatives started by Greg Glassman and Emily Kaplan big shout out to them 01:53:37.960 --> 01:53:42.920 um the illusion of consensus no one knows the truth no one has any idea 01:53:45.320 --> 01:53:58.680 no one has any idea no one has any idea i just have no you have no idea we really we just have 01:53:58.680 --> 01:54:05.880 no idea um yeah we have we have absolutely we have absolutely no idea 01:54:09.080 --> 01:54:14.680 oops that was the wrong way to cut that thanks guys i will see you again tomorrow 01:54:14.680 --> 01:54:19.480 we'll see what we can do with peer to but we got three oh that's really great see you guys again 01:54:19.480 --> 01:54:25.640 soon thanks for sharing bye bye