WEBVTT 00:24.122 --> 00:25.242 Testing 1-2. 00:25.402 --> 00:26.983 Test 1-2. 00:29.144 --> 00:29.905 Test 1-2. 00:30.025 --> 00:30.425 Testing. 00:30.445 --> 00:37.269 Kegelholm Biological is brought to you by Jonathan Cooley out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 00:37.289 --> 00:44.453 If you want to look at my academic record as a patch clamp physiologist, Happy New Year, Pamela. 00:46.132 --> 00:51.357 You can look me up on the National Library of Medicine using my last name and the initials JJ. 01:19.336 --> 01:25.898 Woof! 01:29.359 --> 01:29.919 Woof! 01:30.839 --> 01:32.779 Woof! 01:33.499 --> 01:34.500 Woof! 01:37.740 --> 01:38.761 Woof! 01:38.801 --> 01:40.501 Woof! 01:40.561 --> 01:41.541 Woof! 01:41.581 --> 01:42.502 Woof! 01:42.642 --> 01:43.702 Woof! 01:48.063 --> 01:48.083 I 07:21.225 --> 07:27.890 Testing, one, two, testing, one, two, test, test, one, two, test. 07:29.131 --> 07:31.873 I think I got that under control there. 07:32.594 --> 07:36.456 And yes, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. 07:36.517 --> 07:37.918 This is GigaOM Biological. 07:38.738 --> 07:42.840 A high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 07:42.880 --> 07:43.741 These are our links. 07:44.941 --> 07:46.942 If you want to help out, those are the ways to do it. 07:48.163 --> 07:49.624 I'm not going to belabor that point. 07:49.724 --> 07:51.925 It is January 2nd, 2025. 07:54.006 --> 08:01.830 And we are in an extraordinary time and an extraordinary moment in history for all of humanity. 08:02.591 --> 08:06.893 And all of these different forces and factions, they all know it. 08:07.802 --> 08:15.970 And in fact, I think they all universally agree that they need this kind of chaos in order to reorganize the world. 08:16.010 --> 08:28.602 You can't take something that is very well organized and interdependent and reorganize it into a new kind of highly interconnected, interdependent system. 08:30.183 --> 08:37.265 without first passing through a basically completely disorganized and unorganized system. 08:38.346 --> 08:39.386 And they understand that. 08:39.546 --> 08:55.511 They understand that you can't go from a national, nationalism-based, national-nations-based order to a new kind of global order run by banks and fake money and electronics. 08:56.931 --> 09:06.876 if we don't first destroy the existing order, or make it discredited, or make it seem corrupt and irredeemable. 09:07.616 --> 09:09.297 And that's what I think is happening here. 09:09.537 --> 09:18.342 And although I'm not a politician, I'm not into politics, I'm not a historian, although I'm trying to be, thanks to other people's really 09:19.528 --> 09:26.052 outstanding, let's say, leadership in that regard and making it obvious to me that that's so important. 09:27.272 --> 09:48.344 And then also, you know, I am a biologist, and so my idea is to stick to the biology for myself as the handholds that I can be most sure of, the ones that I have the most, let's say, expertise in testing, and hope that I can find colleagues and allies that will help me 09:49.224 --> 09:56.372 to be able to find out enough of the recent history so that we can kind of understand where we are and how to stop it. 09:57.533 --> 10:11.467 I don't claim to know everything, I don't claim to have all the answers, but I do know that in my last five years, going on six now, sticking to the biology has been the easiest way to 10:14.016 --> 10:24.284 surrender to the stream, if you will, and rest inside of this river, not trying to swim too much against the current, but always, you know, realizing who's helping you and who isn't. 10:25.485 --> 10:26.586 And it's been a lot of work. 10:26.826 --> 10:29.268 I've got to really admit that it has been a lot of work. 10:29.428 --> 10:31.290 I grossly underestimated 10:32.806 --> 10:39.610 How much work it would take to get where I am right now, and I do think that I am somewhere right now Hello, my name is Jonathan Cooley. 10:39.630 --> 10:53.657 I'm coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania It is like I said the 2nd of January and it is it's been a long strange trip I've met a lot of people a lot of people have been to my house My kids have met a lot of weirdos. 10:54.417 --> 10:55.218 It's it's I 10:57.239 --> 10:58.782 It's remarkable that we are here. 10:59.062 --> 11:05.993 It's remarkable that we are here under the control of this narrative curation team or teams. 11:06.074 --> 11:09.059 I guess we should call it teams because most certainly there are teams. 11:10.240 --> 11:11.082 It's just... 11:13.315 --> 11:14.476 It's really extraordinary. 11:15.217 --> 11:30.210 I don't claim to know what's going on with regard to the Trump administration and these people that are being put in front of us, but I don't think that these people are any more worthy of taking seriously than the people that were in front of us for the last four years. 11:31.051 --> 11:32.832 And that, I think, attitude is 11:34.429 --> 11:36.651 is probably closer to the mark. 11:37.032 --> 11:40.255 Now, you might disagree with me about some of the recent events in history. 11:40.295 --> 11:43.098 Some of that happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, for example. 11:43.138 --> 11:57.732 But the big picture, the big strategy for how to interpret what's going on, if you're willing to believe that the Biden administration was nothing more than an elaborate theater being controlled by people behind the scenes who were doing whatever the hell they want to, 11:58.368 --> 12:01.950 And how on earth can you think that this wouldn't be anything different? 12:03.091 --> 12:06.193 Now, it could be that different people are aware of what's going on. 12:06.693 --> 12:11.536 It may be easier for you to believe that someone like Biden, with the help of his wife, would be controllable. 12:12.577 --> 12:24.744 But I would strongly urge everyone to try and understand that there is a club that you need to audition to get into, sometimes for many, many years. 12:25.164 --> 12:27.726 It's a question of how good of a cat wrangler are you? 12:28.567 --> 12:33.130 How many people's attention can you grasp and hold and occupy like real estate? 12:33.190 --> 12:35.331 That's the real question here. 12:35.371 --> 12:41.815 And that's why all the people that are able to do that are so valuable to the system. 12:41.855 --> 12:50.500 And it doesn't really matter whether you also sing or you also dance or you're also funny on stage or you can make good movies or whatever. 12:51.061 --> 12:58.145 These people are useful because they are able to hold the attention of thousands, if not millions of people. 12:59.680 --> 13:03.121 And in the political sphere, that's also very important. 13:04.242 --> 13:08.243 It's very important from the perspective of narrative control. 13:08.303 --> 13:19.387 And right now, I'm under the, what's operating, my operating principle is that we are being manipulated by the narratives that we are given as true. 13:20.247 --> 13:25.249 Just like Noam Chomsky explained, and just like before him, Edward Bernays explained, 13:26.826 --> 13:28.928 They will manipulate us in any way possible. 13:28.988 --> 13:33.472 And the less we know about what's actually going on, the better it is for all the people that are in power. 13:33.532 --> 13:37.815 The better it is for all the people that control the levers of power. 13:38.356 --> 13:39.517 That's the reality of it. 13:39.577 --> 13:45.262 And they've all said it in different books and in different, you know, autobiographies and such. 13:45.302 --> 13:51.307 And if you haven't, you know, read a book like Tragedy and Hope, then I can only suggest that you've got a lot of things to do. 13:51.547 --> 13:54.149 A lot of work is yet to be done. 13:55.450 --> 13:57.532 You know, we go back to that picture just really quick. 13:57.552 --> 14:03.975 You know, it's nice to think about Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 14:04.015 --> 14:08.638 and Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson, Vance, J.D. 14:08.678 --> 14:10.479 Vance, Steve Bannon. 14:10.519 --> 14:12.300 These are all tools. 14:13.181 --> 14:14.241 They are all pawns. 14:14.322 --> 14:16.543 We have to assume this because we see them. 14:17.912 --> 14:28.178 because they are actively on stage performing this act, then these can't be the people that are actually running the show because the people that running the show are not doing that. 14:30.039 --> 14:41.205 The people that are actually encouraging these people to step forward and allowing these people to step forward and be seen are the people that we should be worried about. 14:41.245 --> 14:44.527 And I'm not very sure how to get at those people. 14:49.500 --> 14:52.502 But I know that these people, I guess, would know who they are, right? 14:52.542 --> 14:58.767 These people would know something about what's above them, what ladder they are actually climbing. 14:58.787 --> 15:00.869 And that's what's not visible on television. 15:00.889 --> 15:02.990 That's what's not visible on social media. 15:03.571 --> 15:04.932 What ladder are they climbing? 15:04.972 --> 15:10.977 I don't think very many of us regularly consider how easy it would be for them to use the account 15:13.010 --> 15:27.622 of Tulsi Gabbard, the account of Tucker Carlson, the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the account of Steve Bannon on X to do the same thing and exactly what they wanted to do without any of them having to lift a finger. 15:29.083 --> 15:33.106 They could even pay them to allow them to use their account on Twitter. 15:33.246 --> 15:33.907 Oh, my goodness. 15:33.927 --> 15:34.968 Have you ever thought of that? 15:36.923 --> 15:38.144 What about their substack? 15:38.184 --> 15:59.834 What about, so these are the kinds of things that you need to start thinking about how it is that these people who supposedly have, you know, had normal lives before the pandemic now are able to put out, you know, 10 substacks a week, are able to travel the world, are able to do podcast after podcast after podcast. 16:01.192 --> 16:09.774 And what's actually driving that whole ecosystem of media creation, of media production, I should call it, because there's not creativity in it. 16:10.534 --> 16:12.394 Even the thumbnails all look the same now. 16:15.115 --> 16:26.317 But that system is what brought us to this incredible, you know, this list of crazy things that both sides are absolutely convinced they're right about. 16:27.237 --> 16:30.778 And in many cases, they're not quite right about, but almost kinda. 16:32.045 --> 16:38.708 And so it's a very, very diabolical trap that we are in right now and a very precarious position in American history. 16:38.748 --> 16:55.315 And I think as an American, as a man whose wife and kids lives on American soil, plays American basketball in an American high school, I am deeply worried about my country. 16:56.716 --> 17:01.258 And I don't have hardly a spark of energy for much else. 17:02.375 --> 17:10.277 Certainly, I have hardly any energy for anything outside of the borders of this country right now in terms of what I can do. 17:11.857 --> 17:13.517 I can barely keep up with my kids. 17:15.118 --> 17:17.578 And so this is the way I'm trying to get back with it. 17:17.638 --> 17:21.799 This is the kind of thing I'm trying to, the message I'm trying to spread. 17:21.939 --> 17:23.139 It might be an old message. 17:23.179 --> 17:24.340 People might be tired of it. 17:24.840 --> 17:31.321 Maybe I wasn't very good with the two presentations that I did this past weekend with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International. 17:33.497 --> 17:46.067 the Charles Kovas group, the Stephen Frost group, but this is a for the all the marbles moment in history. 17:47.548 --> 17:49.209 There's no time for goofing around. 17:50.030 --> 17:51.991 There's no time for half measures. 17:53.813 --> 18:01.799 And so being rude to people who in six years haven't really taken a stand on anything other than health freedom 18:02.965 --> 18:24.692 Where we should be at this stage if you can't Explain more succinctly what you are fighting for what you are fighting against what you oppose Then other than saying health freedom and the ability for everybody to choose and say whatever they want to Then ladies and gentlemen, you are in their trap It's like quicksand 18:28.956 --> 18:40.738 And so both sides have come to agree, just to point this out in case anybody isn't aware of it, if you haven't thought about this before, both sides have come to agree that a feeble, sick, unfit president must step down. 18:42.058 --> 18:46.139 We've all come to agree about that as a result of the Biden administration. 18:46.199 --> 18:51.240 And that's a long working narrative that a lot of people have debated for a long time. 18:51.320 --> 18:58.221 And just like the lab leak that everybody's kind of come to assume is not crazy, so it may be possible now or in the future, 19:00.014 --> 19:04.338 Both sides have come to agree that a feeble, sick, unfit president must step down. 19:05.519 --> 19:07.601 Interesting chess move. 19:09.963 --> 19:13.966 Both sides have come to agree there are all sorts of ways folks die. 19:16.528 --> 19:23.474 And so, again, the narratives are going to become easier and easier to write and craft because, you know, people just drop dead now. 19:23.535 --> 19:25.036 Even teenagers can drop dead. 19:31.394 --> 19:34.515 So there's only one chance in history for them to collect this data. 19:34.535 --> 19:39.798 I'm going to make this point as often as I, I don't know, I think it maybe has to be the start at least once a week. 19:40.698 --> 19:43.760 And since I haven't done a show this week, I feel like I've got to start with it. 19:45.340 --> 19:52.864 There's only one chance, you know, you can hear it, you see lots of videos in the past of Bill Gates talking about population, and he'll usually say something like, 19:53.464 --> 20:00.409 the population is X, like 6 billion, but it's going to go up to 9 billion before it levels off. 20:00.950 --> 20:05.853 And they usually have some number where it's at, some number where it's going to go up to and level off and go down. 20:05.893 --> 20:07.775 And they're all pretty sure that's going to happen. 20:09.386 --> 20:13.970 And I think they're very sure that's going to happen because they have the population pyramid data. 20:14.010 --> 20:27.984 They know that this population of seven billion, at least, you know, they know that a lot of it in the Western world is a very top heavy population pyramid with not enough kids to replace the old people that are there. 20:28.024 --> 20:31.407 And so when those old people are gone, the population pyramid will reshape. 20:32.085 --> 20:37.607 And that will be a pretty dramatic change in the number of people and how many houses are needed. 20:37.727 --> 20:40.489 And you can see what's happening, right? 20:40.529 --> 20:49.793 You can see the idea that if we are not thinking on that multi-generational timescale, we haven't seen this coming, then there are no calculations in our books. 20:49.853 --> 20:50.933 Our notebooks are empty. 20:51.373 --> 20:59.717 Their notebooks are composed of years and years of calculations and recalculating about the potential consequences of what happens if we keep them alive. 21:00.277 --> 21:01.777 What happens if we kill them like this? 21:02.217 --> 21:03.798 What happens if we get rid of them like that? 21:04.118 --> 21:05.398 How else could we get rid of them? 21:05.438 --> 21:13.460 They've been auditioning ways to manage the population pyramid problem of the West for about 25 or 30 years. 21:13.520 --> 21:15.720 That's what the Club of Rome is all about. 21:15.840 --> 21:17.861 That's what Ted Turner has been talking about. 21:20.101 --> 21:24.882 And so the geneticists in the room, the Hilary Kaprowski's in the room, 21:26.035 --> 21:44.785 The Julian Huxleys in the room, the Human Genome Project people in the room like Ventner and Lander and McKernan in the room are all thinking, well, I mean, if 10 billion people are going to be on the planet over the next 20 years and then it's never going to be that way again, 21:45.325 --> 22:05.030 and we're just now getting the ability to sequence a full kind of sequence sort of a full genome and get some read on individuals and be able to store that data on a computer relatively robustly, maybe we should start thinking about collecting this data for the future AI when we get enough computers linked together and enough 22:05.730 --> 22:10.533 and video cards linked together and stuff like that, that we'll have the data to feed in. 22:10.573 --> 22:20.420 Because we're never going to have, if the plan, guys, you know, if the plan is to get rid of all those people, we don't want to just get rid of them. 22:20.480 --> 22:23.061 We want to, we wouldn't, that's data. 22:27.870 --> 22:38.775 And if you kid yourself into believing that these conversations have never happened, then you haven't watched videos of the Human Genome Project people over the course of the last two decades. 22:38.795 --> 22:41.216 You haven't listened to these people talk. 22:41.656 --> 22:45.398 You haven't read a book like The Survival of the Wisest. 22:45.578 --> 22:57.383 You haven't read a book like this then, because you're wholly unaware that they've been discussing this as a problem and an opportunity for a few decades now. 22:59.465 --> 23:04.868 And so there really is only one chance in history for us to save our kids from this. 23:04.908 --> 23:07.069 We need to inform them of what's going on. 23:07.130 --> 23:14.294 They need to understand that the system of remnant collection in the hospitals is already facilitating this. 23:14.834 --> 23:20.237 The collection of remnants at universities during COVID already facilitated this. 23:20.717 --> 23:22.599 The first databases of genetic 23:23.590 --> 23:35.378 data using computer algorithms to interface with the EPIC database, that's an open database of medical records, that's already being done. 23:35.418 --> 23:47.706 I'm absolutely sure of it by the Department of Energy and the Human Genome Project has taken that data, those remnants with private contractors that they collected from lots of universities that got lots of swabs over many, many months 23:48.697 --> 24:01.451 from the same people, they sold those remnants to all those companies that are now trying to use those remnants to interface with that medical data to see if they can put them together. 24:01.511 --> 24:07.778 And I'm sure that there's somebody out there with the data, either hacked or stolen, that allows them to put them together. 24:09.161 --> 24:10.922 I mean, they could have planned for it, right? 24:10.982 --> 24:24.566 And that's one of the things, the testing, the repeated testing and the sale of remnants is curiously completely missing from every single dissident person that has ever risen in social media ever. 24:24.646 --> 24:26.747 And now we are at, do not talk about 2020. 24:27.167 --> 24:29.108 The COVID shots are bad. 24:29.128 --> 24:30.708 And of course, we're not going to go back to 2020 and 2021. 24:32.729 --> 24:51.776 when college students were left in the lurch, when none of these people spoke up, and they went back to colleges at the mercy of their ridiculous administrations that were willing to test them and quarantine them, and all this other crap that was going to prepare them for the inevitable, which was the vaccine mandate. 24:53.897 --> 24:57.759 And colleges were allowed to do it, because they're private, they're allowed to do that stuff. 24:57.799 --> 24:59.399 Do you see what's happening here? 25:00.020 --> 25:00.980 What happened here? 25:03.331 --> 25:10.716 The young people were not protected by any of this list of people that were supposedly defending children's health. 25:12.952 --> 25:21.598 I'm one of the only people that I can think of in 2020 that was saying it was ridiculous for us to be considering shutting down schools. 25:21.658 --> 25:24.860 It was absolutely ridiculous for us to shut down colleges. 25:25.321 --> 25:27.762 It was ridiculous to go back to a mask mandate. 25:27.822 --> 25:31.625 And it was ridiculous to be testing students with thermometers. 25:31.705 --> 25:33.426 It was ridiculous for all of that. 25:34.587 --> 25:35.688 None of them were saying that. 25:36.488 --> 25:44.235 Richard Ebright was saying that if we open colleges without strict controls, that 250,000 college kids would be dead by winter. 25:45.336 --> 25:46.838 He said that in the fall of 2020. 25:48.139 --> 26:02.292 And that's the same year that Stephen Hatfield was on podcast after podcast talking about how bad it was, talking about rubber aprons, talking about Barney needing to wear a mask in order to get kids to understand that they need to wear a mask and it's normal. 26:04.653 --> 26:11.796 The guy who was the original suspect for the 2001 Anthrax release, attack, whatever it was. 26:13.817 --> 26:15.678 We have to teach our kids this history. 26:15.838 --> 26:17.919 We have to teach young adults this history. 26:18.339 --> 26:29.304 They need to understand why this history is very, very damning, albeit circumstantial evidence for the fact that this was just one big staged hoax. 26:31.445 --> 26:38.310 to separate us from our kids' generation, to rush our children into a dystopia. 26:41.312 --> 26:44.994 There's no way to explain it other than that, in my humble opinion. 26:45.034 --> 26:48.697 That's why this graph is so damning. 26:49.577 --> 26:56.902 That's why they had to have people in position very early so that the mice wouldn't understand that this was expected. 26:56.963 --> 26:58.564 That's why Tony Fauci could say, 26:59.426 --> 27:14.334 that there's most certainly going to be a challenge in the Trump administration, not because they released it or they made a virus that got out at the Wuhan Games. 27:16.655 --> 27:20.317 It's because they knew this rise in all-cause mortality was coming. 27:23.058 --> 27:27.561 It was a gigantic opportunity that they knew was coming for almost three decades. 27:30.452 --> 27:35.735 And all the ruling factions around the world have been debating about how to use it in their own country. 27:35.755 --> 27:44.540 And they all knew this was coming, and that's why they all stuck to the narrative, because they all had that problem to manage. 27:44.580 --> 27:50.403 And not the African presidents, not the president of Haiti, but the Western nations did. 27:53.993 --> 27:55.854 And so the protocols were murder. 27:56.294 --> 28:02.757 They managed that Medicare problem with everybody that they could in the first couple of years. 28:02.817 --> 28:04.158 And they may still be doing it now. 28:04.478 --> 28:07.780 I just don't have the bandwidth, but there are people who should be. 28:09.240 --> 28:23.087 Gain of function as a mythology is something that is sustained on all fronts by all of these people because they haven't usefully questioned the entire narrative yet in all these years. 28:24.426 --> 28:41.191 And once you see it for what it is, and once you realize that this work can still be done by you, that you can still archive videos that we haven't watched yet, that you can find nuggets of pure glory in the internet, you'll realize why this graphic is so real. 28:42.251 --> 28:47.713 Because they want you to think you're just barely escaping, you're rushing, and they want you to keep running in that direction. 28:47.753 --> 28:48.893 They don't want you to look back. 28:49.943 --> 28:53.865 They want you to think the cave is about to collapse, but actually it's not. 28:54.745 --> 29:06.270 You can turn around right now and walk back to 2020 and see exactly what all these people were doing and think about the consequences of it, given what you know now and where we are now, which is the 2nd of January, 2020. 29:08.976 --> 29:19.322 And so I am trying to formulate a new kind of biology that we can teach our children, and I'm not the first person to do this. 29:19.442 --> 29:31.470 And so I don't want to take and make it seem like I'm trying to take credit for it, but rather I'm trying to work my way into being able to express it and explain it enough 29:32.845 --> 29:35.407 so that I can rally the financial support to get it done. 29:35.427 --> 29:40.552 I think there are two books that need to be written and have already started being written. 29:41.573 --> 29:53.104 One is a biology 101 textbook for a new generation, maybe the new biology 101, and it will be based on something like this, that life is a pattern integrity with a trajectory across time. 29:54.885 --> 30:01.749 And how to take that and where to go with it was my plan with regard to Biology 101 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 30:01.829 --> 30:19.880 But after consulting with a number of friends, family, advisors, other people, including lawyers over the Christmas break, I think the list of ideas that we are putting into that course is too valuable to put out first on a live stream. 30:20.700 --> 30:34.445 And so I'm going to work diligently to try and get together a PDF version of a draft of both of these books as soon as possible, especially the Biology 101 book, because the pandemic 30:35.526 --> 30:47.808 the pandemic narrative curation story is something that can be built on a live stream basis because it's just going back into the archive and recording those videos and watching some of them and taking notes. 30:47.868 --> 30:50.529 And so that work is work that still needs to be done. 30:50.549 --> 30:58.870 And that's at the same time editing because you're adding exact dates and comments and it starts to really frame out. 30:59.330 --> 31:03.451 And you'll see it today with just a very brief example of using the calendar 31:04.238 --> 31:11.343 to show you how dubious it is that we, in 2025, in January of 2025, are only where we are right now. 31:12.284 --> 31:16.907 And I really do think that we can think our way out, and so that's why I'm calling myself a biology coach. 31:17.807 --> 31:26.994 We have all individually a lot of exercise to do, because like you, at the start of the pandemic, I was chasing tenure. 31:27.254 --> 31:27.514 I was 31:28.915 --> 31:39.946 completely down with the central dogma of academic biology, the DNA, RNA, protein, and therefore, you know, knockout mice are interesting. 31:41.087 --> 31:49.134 And this was something that I was aware of having many limits, but I was not aware of the 31:50.999 --> 32:13.704 Not only danger of the production of vast quantities of false knowledge um, but actually the danger that that represented from the perspective of enslavement from the perspective of distorting reality and and having whole You know generations be unaware that that was happening and that that's now um 32:14.804 --> 32:32.107 That's now something that I feel like is my life, my lifelong work now is to figure out a way to share this insight with with others and find all the people identify and credit all the people who were here before I was, because I think that's a really important part of contributing to this work. 32:33.068 --> 32:38.353 There were lots of people who were saying this before me, and so I need to understand who those people are. 32:38.393 --> 32:39.994 I need to identify all of them. 32:41.235 --> 32:44.818 You know, just for example, shout out right now to a couple randoms. 32:45.718 --> 32:48.961 This book rarely gets mentioned in my humble opinion, but J.B. 32:49.001 --> 32:59.329 Handley's book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, is a great, well-cited book, a pleasure to read, and I think it's chapter four that really kicked my ass. 33:00.650 --> 33:05.835 And Slow Death of the AIDS Cancer Paradigm is a really nice book by Nancy Turner Banks. 33:07.016 --> 33:23.230 If you want some history on AIDS and that kind of thing, and credit where credit is due to people like Stephan Lanka and the Perth Group, then this book is a great example of that history that needs to be read that a lot of people don't ever hold this book up either. 33:23.270 --> 33:27.033 So just saying, I do a lot of 33:29.229 --> 33:30.870 I spend a lot of time on my couch. 33:32.391 --> 33:38.055 Sometimes I can only read a chapter at a time in some of these books, but I've been through a good deal of them. 33:39.496 --> 33:42.258 And I feel like I have a very good feeling for how we got here. 33:42.298 --> 33:48.663 I have a very good feeling for how we didn't get further than this by now. 33:49.283 --> 33:57.249 And that's what I think I've been trying to express over the last couple of presentations, albeit awkwardly or maybe a bit ham-fistedly. 33:58.038 --> 34:00.179 So again, the calendar has expanded one more year. 34:00.219 --> 34:02.501 We can add 2025 to the end of this one. 34:02.981 --> 34:15.569 It's one, two, three, four, five full years now since Mike Callahan supposedly called Robert Malone at the beginning of January to tell him that something big was happening in Wuhan. 34:16.809 --> 34:18.811 Whitney Webb wrote a detailed 34:20.282 --> 34:44.603 A detailed article about the man in wuhan darpa's man in wuhan all in the same couple weeks and actually in january of 2020 was also when steve bannon and and and and steven hadfield were working together On steve bannon's war room to tell everybody that uh, you know lab leak was a possibility and steve bannon was pretty sure It was the real deal that this was the china chernobyl uh 34:45.310 --> 34:54.155 So it's interesting, you know, to think about all the things we know about Stephen Hatfield from way back all the way to 2001. 34:54.455 --> 35:01.519 It's interesting to know that Andy Kaufman had a contract with New York State, New York 35:02.239 --> 35:05.960 even a photograph of him shaking Cuomo's hand in 2019. 35:06.780 --> 35:17.223 It's interesting that Brett Weinstein was kind of similarly put in place, ready to go with a podcast, talking to his brother, talking to Sam Harris about pandemics. 35:17.303 --> 35:22.165 And then in podcast number three already, he had his mask and his woodshop goggles on. 35:23.145 --> 35:25.186 I've met Jay Bhattacharya a few times. 35:27.481 --> 35:28.602 He's a very nice guy. 35:28.622 --> 35:31.766 I've met Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 35:31.906 --> 35:34.669 I've met Kevin McCairn, who actually came to 35:35.650 --> 35:36.611 Pittsburgh to visit me. 35:36.651 --> 35:37.832 I think it was in the end of 2022. 35:38.852 --> 35:40.113 I got to look at the calendar again. 35:40.634 --> 35:42.235 I actually met Bobby a few times. 35:42.255 --> 35:45.457 I mean, because I worked for him for almost two years straight. 35:46.918 --> 35:50.740 I met Jay Bhattacharya, like I said, lots of times over the last three years now. 35:52.381 --> 35:57.445 And my friend Nathan, God rest his soul, died in December of 2023. 36:00.004 --> 36:02.685 So that was a year ago this past month. 36:03.105 --> 36:05.726 I met Jimmy Dore in 2024, which was really nice. 36:05.746 --> 36:13.208 I was able to give him a copy of Bobby's book, annotated with a little note inside and then all the pages marked and some other notes made. 36:14.148 --> 36:20.190 And of course I explained it to him and I talked to him about it and why we should talk, but I never heard from him again. 36:21.810 --> 36:34.715 So that's why I showed that picture in the beginning, you know, I think all of these things are important to revisit because As I use that graphic they want you to keep running toward the next narrative running toward the next story. 36:34.775 --> 36:38.856 That's why that truck in uh That's the headlines. 36:38.916 --> 36:41.757 Anyway, the truck in new orleans ran over all those people. 36:41.797 --> 36:48.800 That's that's what's going on here We're we're gonna be bombarded with this kind of stuff and real or imaginary 36:49.898 --> 36:57.768 It won't change the fact that we got here via the pandemic, and the pandemic cannot be forgotten for what it was. 36:59.190 --> 37:07.261 There were months and months and months where I was riding my bicycle to the University of Pittsburgh in 2020, and there was no one on the road. 37:12.185 --> 37:19.331 where you had to walk through the grocery store on weird dots and stuff like that and weird patterns. 37:22.273 --> 37:30.960 We cannot forget this because it is part of the experience and the memory that will save our children. 37:33.362 --> 37:35.644 We can help our children to remember these things. 37:35.704 --> 37:50.117 We can help our children to remember that at some point in time, their teachers gave them masks to wear while they played in the band and that these masks were made by, by, by Kahn Selmer, the music company. 37:53.760 --> 37:57.123 And there is no way to explain these two years away. 38:00.572 --> 38:04.433 other than they were made to happen, allowed to happen, needed to happen. 38:04.493 --> 38:17.998 And that's why these people didn't usefully speak up about anything ever, and didn't save one college kid from the trauma that was 2020 through 2021, even into the fall of 2021, when they went back again. 38:19.119 --> 38:21.079 And this time under vaccine mandates. 38:24.821 --> 38:28.242 This was already after a year of selling their remnant tests, right? 38:30.069 --> 38:33.631 tell them they had to quarantine if they turned up positive, all that nonsense. 38:40.534 --> 38:50.718 In 2023, there was the fifth international COVID summit coordinated by Robert Malone, and I don't know who, but he's at every one of them with his wife. 38:52.699 --> 38:54.100 In Bucharest, Romania, 38:56.027 --> 39:00.368 I think this is a important event because of the people that were there. 39:01.908 --> 39:08.810 The people that were there, where it is, all reveal something very, very odd. 39:10.610 --> 39:12.151 Why Bucharest, Romania? 39:12.231 --> 39:13.271 Why November of 2023? 39:13.311 --> 39:13.931 Why Stephen Hatfield? 39:20.512 --> 39:22.354 I mean, what do we have here? 39:22.394 --> 39:27.038 Let me just see if we can make sure that everybody understands what's going on. 39:27.078 --> 39:28.420 That's Merrill Nass. 39:29.761 --> 39:31.162 That's Jill Glasspool Malone. 39:31.202 --> 39:32.223 That's Robert Malone. 39:32.263 --> 39:33.865 That's Ryan Cole. 39:34.546 --> 39:35.747 That's Steven Hatfill. 39:39.420 --> 39:40.421 That's Nick Hudson. 39:40.461 --> 39:41.683 That's Brett Weinstein. 39:41.763 --> 39:43.545 I think that's Jason Kristoff. 39:44.326 --> 39:48.030 That's Jessica Rose. 39:48.111 --> 39:49.993 That's Harvey Reich. 39:50.153 --> 39:51.955 That is Byron Bridle. 39:52.055 --> 39:54.178 That is Denny Rancourt. 39:57.256 --> 40:15.987 Now other than, I want you to just think about this question for a second, other than Nick Hudson who is from South Africa, why in the world would these Canadians and Americans assemble in Bucharest, Romania in November of 2023 to have an international COVID summit? 40:16.807 --> 40:18.048 Who are they saving there? 40:19.537 --> 40:27.502 And wouldn't it be a lot more patriotic to do it somewhere where Americans and Canadians could attend, where Americans and Canadians are speaking up? 40:30.124 --> 40:33.346 Where one of Brett Weinstein's followers could show up? 40:34.306 --> 40:38.549 Where somebody that has subscribed to the substack of Malone could show up? 40:38.589 --> 40:43.552 Where somebody that has subscribed to the substack of Meryl Nass could show up? 40:45.461 --> 40:51.506 They're all American and Canadian outspoken heroes, but they're in Romania? 40:53.527 --> 41:05.016 Seems like a lot of money on hotels and flights and arrangements and... They could have been better spent maybe on three events in America. 41:05.716 --> 41:07.958 Or one in Canada and two in America. 41:08.638 --> 41:10.500 Who are they saving if they go there? 41:19.073 --> 41:29.901 And so what I'm suggesting to you is, is that Denny Rancourt is for some reason or another been in place from the beginning with one specific objective, whether he's aware of it or not. 41:30.381 --> 41:34.304 And that is to say that there is no rise in all cause mortality. 41:34.364 --> 41:36.045 It's not correlated with age. 41:36.145 --> 41:39.408 It's just, it's just something it's different. 41:41.609 --> 41:42.410 And he's very. 41:44.665 --> 41:52.448 obtuse about how he calculates where, you know, excess mortality is, you know, what's extra is a very important question. 41:54.088 --> 42:05.852 If you don't think that opioid deaths are a big deal, and that they're just what happens when people play with drugs on the street, you might not consider opioid deaths excess. 42:07.574 --> 42:16.597 And so then you would calculate these numbers very differently over the last four years because there was almost 600,000 opioid deaths in the last five years. 42:18.658 --> 42:24.000 And if those are excess deaths, then that's different than if they're not excess deaths, right? 42:25.181 --> 42:26.921 So you can see the game that can be played. 42:26.941 --> 42:28.262 That's just one example. 42:30.509 --> 42:36.955 And now the important point to understand here, and this is where I think I went wrong in the last couple explanations. 42:37.495 --> 42:45.362 The important thing to understand here is that the population pyramid is a source of expected all-cause mortality rise. 42:45.942 --> 42:53.689 If these people reach the age of 80 and then die, that is not excess all-cause mortality, that's expected. 42:54.610 --> 42:55.691 Even if it's double, 42:56.661 --> 43:12.172 what it was over the previous average of the last 10 years, even if it's double, because you can see here by using Denny's graph to obscure the above of the population pyramid, you can see how the population pyramid has expanded in a way that is unprecedented. 43:12.212 --> 43:19.578 If I go back, you can see this bump is going to expand the top of the population pyramid in a way that has never occurred before. 43:19.618 --> 43:20.258 Why is that? 43:20.698 --> 43:24.041 It's because we've gotten better at keeping people old. 43:26.414 --> 43:35.282 Despite sickness, despite processed food, despite overweight, diabetic, whatever, we've also gotten a lot better at saving people from gunshot wounds. 43:35.802 --> 43:38.525 That's why gunshot deaths have gone down in Chicago. 43:38.925 --> 43:40.767 Does that mean that guns are less dangerous? 43:43.612 --> 43:49.377 These narratives are all over our world, ladies and gentlemen, and these certainties are taken advantage of. 43:49.557 --> 44:09.933 And the shocking thing is, is that you've got to acknowledge, you've never heard anyone say this, Denny Rancor should have been subtracting this expected rise in all-cause mortality from the signal that was produced by the novel virus. 44:11.667 --> 44:16.050 But I've talked to him multiple times where he's told me that this signal isn't important. 44:19.873 --> 44:23.155 But for 20 years, we've been talking about how it might bankrupt the West. 44:28.018 --> 44:31.481 What I'm suggesting to you is, ladies and gentlemen, that's why Dodd was in there. 44:32.101 --> 44:40.187 That's why all these same people were invited to be in front of the Senate like five months later, and they were in front of the Senate a couple years before, and a couple years before that. 44:42.495 --> 44:45.737 And in all of that time, we haven't really progressed. 44:45.857 --> 44:47.678 Things haven't gotten sharper. 44:50.720 --> 44:55.744 Our understanding of the predicament we're in has not become more sophisticated at all. 44:58.565 --> 45:00.947 And I think we need to be alarmed by that. 45:04.403 --> 45:13.294 I think we need to be alarmed at the fact that in January of 2024, they still need us to teach our kids that gain of function is real. 45:13.775 --> 45:19.902 And that's why we have Peter McCullough telling us that the avian flu was made by the U.S. 45:19.922 --> 45:21.965 Department of Agriculture in a lab. 45:28.430 --> 45:37.997 It's been, we're going on the sixth year now where they told us that somewhere in 2019 a novel virus was released and it circulated the globe several times. 45:40.318 --> 45:45.982 There is a paper out now talking about the interaction between all the variants of concern and how they're now working together. 45:47.443 --> 45:48.244 I shit you not. 45:52.076 --> 45:55.378 That's why we're talking about self-amplifying RNA at the end of 2024. 45:56.178 --> 46:03.021 Our health freedom movement is just telling us what the biosecurity state wants us to hear. 46:04.202 --> 46:05.142 And nothing more. 46:05.602 --> 46:10.145 Asking the questions that the biosecurity state wants us to ask and nothing more. 46:12.946 --> 46:15.887 Why we have a health freedom movement instead of something else. 46:18.789 --> 46:21.370 Because we are being sabotaged, ladies and gentlemen. 46:24.292 --> 46:25.619 It's been going on a long time. 46:25.679 --> 46:26.886 If we go back to 2014, think about this. 46:30.086 --> 46:36.129 If you have a fever and cough or a sore throat, stay home. 46:36.149 --> 46:38.790 I'd say 95% chance this was manufactured, came out of a laboratory. 46:38.810 --> 46:44.032 The source of the virus was traced back to drug testing done at GenSys laboratories in San Francisco. 46:44.132 --> 46:53.216 A lab technician, now known as Patient Zero, was accidentally exposed to retrovirus ALZ113, an Alzheimer's trial drug that was being tested on chimpanzees. 46:53.236 --> 46:58.538 The infected chimps showed signs of erratic and aggressive behavior that led to their escape from the facility. 46:59.198 --> 47:00.618 incident on the Golden Gate Bridge. 47:00.939 --> 47:05.460 A six-hour standoff with police ended with the apes disappearing into mere woods. 47:05.720 --> 47:11.282 Emergency rooms are being overwhelmed with patients showing signs of what's being dubbed the simian flu. 47:11.302 --> 47:18.664 The CDC is projecting a fatality toll ranging from 5 million to as many as 150 million in the next six to eight months. 47:18.684 --> 47:22.925 Anyone showing signs of a contagious illness will receive special treatment here. 47:23.225 --> 47:25.346 The airport's purpose-built quarantine 47:25.746 --> 47:30.051 Many of the new arrivals are children who have lost contact with their parents. 47:30.071 --> 47:32.293 The mandatory quarantines have sparked civil unrest. 47:32.633 --> 47:34.515 Families are being ripped apart. 47:34.716 --> 47:36.537 Containment is not very likely. 47:36.557 --> 47:38.840 Prepare your families, know your evacuation route. 47:38.880 --> 47:41.703 The survival rate is now approximately one in five. 47:42.503 --> 47:46.226 Violence erupted in the city center tonight, the third incident in as many days. 47:46.247 --> 47:50.050 National law has been declared in 28 nations, including the U.S. 47:50.230 --> 47:50.650 and Canada. 47:50.670 --> 47:51.631 Our reactor is overheating. 47:51.791 --> 47:52.592 We can't stop a meltdown. 47:52.672 --> 47:54.473 At this point, our generator lost its power. 47:54.553 --> 47:58.216 It's a total collapse of anything resembling civilian order. 47:58.256 --> 48:04.381 Due to the extremity of the Simian flu crisis, all regular government functions have been suspended indefinitely. 48:06.903 --> 48:11.287 Those who aren't killed by the virus will probably die in the fighting. 48:13.104 --> 48:38.073 so maybe this is it this is how it ends pretty soon there won't be anyone left this is dawn of the planet of the apes from 2014 this is the first two minutes of the movie in 2015 on democracy now 48:42.432 --> 48:55.218 Selling a book, Mary Holland complained that a component of the MMR vaccine injured her son and that she is a pro-vaccine but just wants them to be better tested. 49:03.923 --> 49:10.266 On that same show in 2015, we were told that none other than Rand Paul 49:11.513 --> 49:27.606 was the guy in Congress who was opposing the mandates on vaccines at hospitals, or not at hospitals, sorry, at schools and at Disney World, where there was recently a measles outbreak of some kind apparently in 2015. 49:28.367 --> 49:40.397 We are talking about it with Rand Paul, the guy who argued with Tony Fauci in front of the Senate about the lab leak and the covering up of the funding, the emails. 49:44.019 --> 49:53.424 On the same program, the guy in the government who's got all the answers also has a book, and his name is Paul Offit. 49:54.925 --> 50:04.071 All on the same program in 2015. 50:04.831 --> 50:06.652 In 2016, the movie Vaxxed comes out. 50:07.953 --> 50:13.356 I believe this was made by ICANN, not by Children's Health Defense, although I could be wrong. 50:14.221 --> 50:15.061 might be both of them. 50:17.962 --> 50:21.383 2016 is when VAX came out, April 1st, interestingly enough. 50:23.643 --> 50:40.027 In 2016, there was also a book called The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism written by James Lyons Weiler, somebody that the Children's Health Defense still gives sometimes multiple spots on stage at their conferences that their donors pay for. 50:44.835 --> 51:06.730 Every time I've ever been to a conference of CHD, he's been on stage multiple times, multiple days, not raising money for CHD or praising the causes, whatever they are of CHD, but actually raising money for his own online university called IPAC. 51:06.990 --> 51:14.495 In 2018, Thomas Cowan had a book deal about vaccines, autoimmunity, and the changing nature of childhood illness. 51:19.045 --> 51:29.148 And also in 2018, there was this thing in Hong Kong that Mark Kulak has archived as realevent201.com. 51:30.129 --> 51:34.070 And you can see that actually Kissimmee St. 51:34.130 --> 51:47.495 James, or whatever her name is, and Lee Min Yan were in the same conference presenting to the same people about pandemics and coronaviruses and mRNA vaccines for them in 2018. 51:51.377 --> 51:53.039 But only Mark's got that website. 51:53.079 --> 51:55.462 Only Mark has archived those videos. 51:55.502 --> 51:59.246 Only Mark and I have ever talked about that as the real Event 201. 52:00.147 --> 52:02.090 No one else has. 52:09.334 --> 52:18.660 In 2019, the same guy who had this environmental and genetic causes of autism, he's on Twitter as James Lyons Weiler, Cures vs Profits. 52:19.221 --> 52:24.665 He was in a video that you can still find on YouTube and he had a very specific message. 52:24.705 --> 52:29.188 That message was that vaccines hurt a subset of genetically vulnerable people. 52:30.168 --> 52:36.273 And that K can only be identified by canvassing the population for these genetic vulnerabilities. 52:37.441 --> 52:43.510 and vaccine preventable diseases spread asymptomatically among vaccinated people. 52:44.392 --> 52:45.894 A spectacular claim. 52:47.897 --> 52:53.045 A spectacular claim that absolutely edifies the need for vaccines. 52:54.557 --> 53:01.461 It's just also the reason why it's unfortunate that some people will still get sick and that they're still there and that they don't really ever go away. 53:01.541 --> 53:08.364 Isn't it interesting how ridiculous that is when you think about it, that that was 2019. 53:11.046 --> 53:19.450 Right before a coronavirus would asymptomatically go pandemic all around us and rock our world for two years straight. 53:22.113 --> 53:37.278 Now, the interesting thing is, is that Tom Cowan, who in 2018 had a book about vaccines, autoimmunity, and the changing nature of childhood illnesses, in 2020, his starting and best thing that he could say was, there is no virus. 53:39.398 --> 53:41.759 That's it, and laugh at people who thought there was. 53:43.618 --> 53:59.511 The guy who had the environmental and genetic causes of autism wrote a blog that I found as one of my earliest sources of the idea of a lab leak in February of 2020, citing the Fear and Cleavage site as evidence of engineering. 54:04.835 --> 54:10.159 And these people like Mary Holland started with the Health Freedom Movement. 54:11.494 --> 54:12.595 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 54:12.635 --> 54:17.677 went over to Germany and did a speech about freedom and how bad lockdowns are. 54:21.979 --> 54:25.020 And how the censorship was not allowing free speech. 54:31.303 --> 54:33.644 And so these people with the movie Vaxxed, 54:34.346 --> 54:41.877 that had been trying to get the word out about some contaminants or some component of the MMR vaccine that's causing autism. 54:42.895 --> 54:43.975 That's the same thing, right? 54:44.015 --> 54:54.280 That's the same thing that Andrew Wakefield said over in England and then had that paper retracted so that everybody doesn't believe it anymore. 54:54.880 --> 55:06.725 These people with these books, the best that they could do at the start of the pandemic was we need a health freedom movement, there is no virus, fear and cleavage site, lab leak, and the spike protein is toxic. 55:09.246 --> 55:10.366 That's the best they could do. 55:17.350 --> 55:27.753 And in 2017, another member of the Health Freedom Movement was actually filmed in front of a banner that says, Contagion Infectious Disease Today, talking about vaccines for arboviruses. 55:30.074 --> 55:41.037 You can find other videos of him from 2011, where he's talking in front of the WHO about fill and finish technologies for vaccines and injectables. 55:43.024 --> 55:46.886 And this guy is now a central figure in the health freedom movement. 55:46.926 --> 55:49.568 Remember that in 2021, he was on Brett Weinstein. 55:49.608 --> 55:50.668 He was on Joe Rogan. 55:51.049 --> 55:52.509 He was on Jimmy Dore. 55:52.830 --> 56:00.554 He was going from church to church with Lee Min Yan and, and Urso and, and Ryan Cole getting blessings. 56:02.795 --> 56:07.658 And that 2021 is the same year that, that Lee Merritt was on, was on 56:08.507 --> 56:13.669 NPR as a doctor who renewed her license online with a click. 56:14.709 --> 56:16.629 And she was also spreading misinformation, by the way. 56:20.010 --> 56:21.911 This is the health freedom movement now. 56:23.351 --> 56:35.835 In October of 2024, Robert Malone released a book with, you know, with Children's Health Defense publishing it called The Psywar Enforcing the New World Order. 56:36.355 --> 56:38.196 And this is our health freedom movement. 56:39.588 --> 56:41.949 This guy is behind Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 56:44.410 --> 56:47.532 Like Meryl Nass, like Mary Holland, they're all part of the same thing. 56:47.612 --> 56:53.715 I was fired because I talked about Robert Malone on my December 22nd, 2023 podcast. 56:58.698 --> 57:01.439 And so I wanna watch this video because it's from 2022. 57:01.479 --> 57:02.159 It's from January, 2022. 57:02.220 --> 57:03.300 It's from a six hour, 57:07.458 --> 57:18.261 coronavirus investigative committee recording, and I'm gonna upload that six hour video up to my Batcave archive, and you can watch this whole presentation. 57:18.301 --> 57:23.643 This is Mike Eden, I think, before they got him. 57:25.533 --> 57:49.622 And the reason why I say before they got him is because lately he's, you know, the last six months he has been really failing quite miserably at maintaining the sharpness of his message and allowed himself to be diluted by people like Sasha Latupova and has really pretty much walked the line of saying certain things. 57:49.782 --> 57:51.683 And so it's hard for me to know 57:52.901 --> 58:01.047 to what extent he was told what to say or not to say, and to what extent he's just been fooled. 58:01.868 --> 58:07.452 Because remember, if anybody's been messed with for longer than anyone, I don't know who it would be. 58:07.512 --> 58:08.633 It must be Mike Eden. 58:08.813 --> 58:16.239 And so the real question for me becomes, can we wake some of these people up to their own experience? 58:16.259 --> 58:20.102 Because I don't know what Mike Eden went through. 58:21.115 --> 58:23.697 You don't know what Mike Eden went through. 58:23.777 --> 58:30.523 You don't know the messages that he got, the people that came to his house, the people that flew to his vacation home. 58:30.563 --> 58:39.151 You don't know who talked to his daughter, or how many people he's talked to in London, or who's had dinner with him, or came to his house and asked if they could go for a walk. 58:41.656 --> 58:50.763 And so all of these people, Peter McCullough is another guy that I think has probably had some pretty, pretty hair-raising experiences in the last five years. 58:51.204 --> 58:57.849 And he could use those and do the calculus and figure out that something isn't right. 58:57.929 --> 59:00.071 And I think a lot of these people have already. 59:01.512 --> 59:03.173 That's how far off script we are. 59:03.213 --> 59:09.819 And I think Mike Eden is one of those people who is possibly one of these guys who yet could be saved from them. 59:10.695 --> 59:19.381 saved from the illusion that the work is done and that people have taken the mantle or taken on the flag and they're carrying it forward for him because they're not. 59:21.503 --> 59:32.691 And so this is kind of a message to Mike Eden but you know it's a pessimistic one because I don't you know I tend to believe at this stage that most of the people that have gotten any coverage at all 59:33.641 --> 59:45.629 any following at all have either been thoroughly meddled with and diluted and controlled and are being used or are just I not and are fine with taking the money and saying whatever they're told to say. 59:47.450 --> 59:51.132 Fine to say that they need they need substack supporters or you know whatever. 59:51.452 --> 59:53.714 Democracy now is supported by viewers like you. 59:57.916 --> 01:00:00.118 And so um I am going to uh 01:00:04.099 --> 01:00:30.641 I'm gonna I'm gonna start playing this video and let's just see where it goes and I I just want to um Preface it by saying a few things um Let me preface it first by saying uh Everybody had a message Knut Witkowski had a message 01:00:31.820 --> 01:00:33.321 Wolfgang Wodach had a message. 01:00:33.561 --> 01:00:42.928 I had a message that changed a lot because I was trying to figure out what was going on because other people were trying to get me to focus on things I didn't want to focus on because I was lost and didn't understand. 01:00:45.409 --> 01:00:46.950 But a lot of people had a message. 01:00:49.012 --> 01:00:52.874 The question becomes, did Mike Yeadon have a message that was dangerous? 01:00:52.894 --> 01:00:56.497 Did Mike Yeadon have a message that needed diluting, controlling? 01:00:57.898 --> 01:01:00.760 And my answer out of my gut is yes. 01:01:01.752 --> 01:01:06.055 Because if you listen to his earliest videos, you can already hear the skepticism in there. 01:01:06.895 --> 01:01:13.360 And the very first skepticism that I ever heard about the novelty or lack of novelty of the virus was from Mikey. 01:01:14.810 --> 01:01:29.816 And so I am still, in my heart, conflicted about whether Mike has just been bamboozled, bowled over, bullied, or even coerced into kind of not usefully resisting or leading the resistance any longer. 01:01:30.517 --> 01:01:40.701 But this, I think, this video may show you how sharp his message used to be, how important his message was, and more specifically, 01:01:41.991 --> 01:01:43.532 And this is very important to hear. 01:01:43.552 --> 01:01:50.758 I think Mike Eden, in this discussion, edifies the idea of a placebo. 01:01:51.939 --> 01:02:06.512 And in fact, I would go so far as to say that you can actually hear him say that a placebo could do exactly what he's showing you. 01:02:08.959 --> 01:02:11.660 And he maybe just doesn't even realize that he's saying it. 01:02:11.680 --> 01:02:19.163 He doesn't even realize that he's just said it and hasn't thought about the fact that placebos could be used to do what I've said they've done. 01:02:20.223 --> 01:02:23.564 Maybe even before the pandemic they were doing that with the vaccine schedule. 01:02:24.705 --> 01:02:30.387 These are all things we need to consider if the foundation of this is that there are no meaningful 01:02:31.246 --> 01:02:31.827 Viruses. 01:02:31.887 --> 01:02:39.233 There are no meaningful diseases that can't be prevented with sanitation and clean water and health and exercise and good nutrition. 01:02:41.835 --> 01:02:44.877 Maybe zinc and some zinc ionophores. 01:02:44.937 --> 01:02:45.258 I don't know. 01:02:46.923 --> 01:02:48.303 But that's what I'm trying to get at. 01:02:48.363 --> 01:02:50.004 Healthy people don't get sick. 01:02:50.084 --> 01:02:59.886 If that's the assumption that we're working on from a new perspective, then we need to think about carefully where we were in 2022 and who needed controlling. 01:02:59.926 --> 01:03:01.346 Mike Eden might've been one of them. 01:03:01.406 --> 01:03:01.866 Here he is. 01:03:02.666 --> 01:03:08.787 I think he's gonna talk about placebos without even realizing that he's talking about it. 01:03:10.588 --> 01:03:11.908 Hopefully- It means it's not the same stuff. 01:03:12.048 --> 01:03:13.728 By definition, it's adulterated. 01:03:13.808 --> 01:03:16.749 And I think by definition that they have broken 01:03:17.185 --> 01:03:17.887 various laws. 01:03:18.650 --> 01:03:19.332 Next slide, please. 01:03:21.579 --> 01:03:23.143 Yeah, so this is really important. 01:03:24.628 --> 01:03:24.828 Again, 01:03:25.359 --> 01:03:34.941 the initial analyst just looked at the COVID-19 lot numbers and just found that the side effects were not uniformly, even pseudo-uniformly spread across the lots. 01:03:35.542 --> 01:03:42.863 But what this other colleague has done is to say, well, let's compare, let's look at the thing that's most comparable. 01:03:43.023 --> 01:03:48.365 So she looked at all the injected products against influenza. 01:03:49.305 --> 01:03:57.331 And it turns out, as you can see, it's decades of data, and it's about 22-23,000 lots, manufacturing lots. 01:03:57.832 --> 01:04:03.596 And if you look to the right, the COVID mRNA vaccines, five lines down, similar number, 25,000. 01:04:03.636 --> 01:04:07.459 So they're similar numbers of lots. 01:04:08.154 --> 01:04:15.097 But if you look at the serious adverse events, you can see like a fivefold difference there from 9,000 to 47,000. 01:04:15.657 --> 01:04:19.418 And in terms of deaths, I think that's like eight times worse. 01:04:20.099 --> 01:04:21.859 So something very peculiar is happening. 01:04:23.060 --> 01:04:24.260 Go to the next slide, please. 01:04:25.581 --> 01:04:28.502 Now, this is these next couple of slides are the crucial ones. 01:04:29.522 --> 01:04:32.224 So along the bottom there are the 01:04:34.102 --> 01:04:40.612 meaningless to me numbers associated with all these injectable flu vaccine products over many, many years. 01:04:42.375 --> 01:04:46.942 And on the vertical axis are the number of serious adverse events 01:04:47.665 --> 01:04:57.173 So again, just to reiterate on the bottom, you have flu vaccine lot categories, like just various names and lot numbers and whatever big categories. 01:04:57.873 --> 01:05:01.937 And then on the vertical axis here, you have the number of adverse events. 01:05:01.997 --> 01:05:06.841 And these are serious adverse events, which Mike will explain in a second, are serious. 01:05:06.881 --> 01:05:08.982 Like you go to the doctor, you have to stay home from work. 01:05:09.022 --> 01:05:10.804 Maybe you went to the ER or you died. 01:05:11.725 --> 01:05:13.626 And the top of this graph is 40. 01:05:14.727 --> 01:05:15.948 Can you see that 40 here? 01:05:15.988 --> 01:05:16.269 This is 40. 01:05:17.249 --> 01:05:21.894 And so this number, I believe is 37 in this one lot right here. 01:05:21.954 --> 01:05:27.179 And so I'm just preempting Mike in case that sound isn't as good as I think it is. 01:05:27.299 --> 01:05:29.621 And then he's going to say the same thing. 01:05:30.871 --> 01:05:35.836 And you can see there were just a couple of exceptions, one with about 22 serious adverse events. 01:05:35.896 --> 01:05:45.625 A serious adverse event is something that would bring you to hospital, extend your hospital stay, could threaten your life, require urgent intervention to save your life, something like that. 01:05:46.286 --> 01:05:48.368 These are not a sore arm or a bad headache. 01:05:48.388 --> 01:05:49.989 This is something really bad. 01:05:50.790 --> 01:05:53.793 But with the exception of the one on the left there with 23, 01:05:55.294 --> 01:06:00.178 serious adverse events, a lot might contain several tens of thousands of doses. 01:06:00.438 --> 01:06:18.752 We don't know what it is every time, but what we can say is that since the, as I'll show in a moment, since the number of adverse events can vary thousands of fold, it's not possible for the difference in batch size or lot size to be the whole explanation for the differences. 01:06:18.772 --> 01:06:20.113 It might contribute to it 01:06:20.633 --> 01:06:27.577 But we've done some preliminary examination where we have managed to find out exactly how many doses there were in a group of lots. 01:06:28.177 --> 01:06:36.441 And when we looked at the relationship between the number of doses in the batch and the number of adverse events in the batch, there's no relationship, so that that's not the driver. 01:06:36.781 --> 01:06:40.643 So with the flu vaccines, there were just two lots. 01:06:40.903 --> 01:06:42.404 We don't know what that why that was. 01:06:42.984 --> 01:06:46.726 Something went wrong and there were relatively large number. 01:06:47.861 --> 01:06:48.502 22 and 37. 01:06:49.382 --> 01:07:01.707 But look at the rest, hundreds and hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of lots, where on average, my eye is telling me that the smooth average is around four, four serious adverse events per lot. 01:07:02.447 --> 01:07:09.250 But most, more importantly than that, I think you'll agree, it kind of looks like static, just, you know, it's a background noise. 01:07:10.231 --> 01:07:11.091 Remember, if you dose 01:07:12.566 --> 01:07:18.510 a large population, you could dose them with saline and get this effect, because people do get ill. 01:07:18.850 --> 01:07:21.131 You might put on red socks today and have a heart attack. 01:07:21.551 --> 01:07:22.892 Obviously, the red socks didn't. 01:07:23.352 --> 01:07:27.295 You could dose them with saline and get this effect, because people do get ill. 01:07:27.615 --> 01:07:30.556 You might put on a tick, just, you know, it's a background noise. 01:07:31.497 --> 01:07:35.099 Remember, if you dose a large population 01:07:35.854 --> 01:07:39.795 You could dose them with saline and get this effect, because people do get ill. 01:07:40.115 --> 01:07:42.376 You might put on Red Sox today and have a heart attack. 01:07:42.836 --> 01:07:44.537 Obviously, the Red Sox didn't cause your heart attack. 01:07:44.917 --> 01:07:50.039 You could dose a population with saline and get those numbers right there. 01:07:50.199 --> 01:07:52.680 Save that lot with 37 adverse events. 01:07:54.488 --> 01:08:01.354 the bottom noise between zero and four for each lot, you could get by dosing people's saline. 01:08:01.414 --> 01:08:03.977 That's what he's saying, especially in larger lots, right? 01:08:04.017 --> 01:08:07.440 I mean, as he said, you could put on red socks and have a heart attack. 01:08:07.480 --> 01:08:08.861 They have nothing to do with each other. 01:08:09.542 --> 01:08:11.904 You get what I'm, you get where he's going here, right? 01:08:11.944 --> 01:08:19.431 There's going to be a certain background noise of, of adverse events that are, are, 01:08:20.703 --> 01:08:26.237 are present irrespective of whether they are driven by some aspect of the treatment. 01:08:30.879 --> 01:08:31.379 heart attack. 01:08:31.680 --> 01:08:38.885 But if you were tracking the relationship between your new product with SOX and side effects, you would end up with a product with a profile that looks like this. 01:08:39.285 --> 01:08:44.889 So side effects associated with an intervention does not necessarily mean that it's bad. 01:08:44.929 --> 01:08:48.071 As I mentioned earlier, this sort of correlation is not causation. 01:08:48.371 --> 01:09:00.440 But I wanted, and this is really good work by my colleague, I want to show you what we think is a normal, well-manufactured, consistent, high-quality product looks like in the real world when you give it to 01:09:00.987 --> 01:09:22.809 know millions of people every time so now that's what that is now that's an interesting position right because what he's saying is is that the flu vaccine didn't hurt anybody except for those two lots that it was the same as saline and this is an example of a well-manufactured safe product which i think i think we should be arguing about um 01:09:24.969 --> 01:09:30.013 I think we should be worried about that, that conclusion, that that's what he says in this talk. 01:09:30.053 --> 01:09:30.633 So there you go. 01:09:30.673 --> 01:09:51.330 That's already, for me, some degree of checkmark that, you know, maybe, maybe there's a script here because there's definitely an attempt to differentiate from a safe flu vaccine schedule to these new shots, which I'm not making that argument at all. 01:09:51.390 --> 01:09:53.171 I think that's, that's not the right argument. 01:09:55.134 --> 01:09:59.316 established and baseline is around four and the highest value was 37 Corvin. 01:09:59.637 --> 01:10:02.919 If you could show us the next slide, I think it is the next slide, yes. 01:10:04.279 --> 01:10:07.361 So this by now should start to take your breath away. 01:10:08.782 --> 01:10:11.984 So these are the COVID vaccines. 01:10:12.024 --> 01:10:12.624 There's three. 01:10:12.784 --> 01:10:18.268 There are three manufacturers, because it's the US commercial utilities. 01:10:18.368 --> 01:10:19.128 It's just these three. 01:10:19.168 --> 01:10:20.529 We don't know about AstraZeneca. 01:10:21.656 --> 01:10:28.198 But remember I said that the rolling average was about four adverse events. 01:10:28.678 --> 01:10:37.100 Well, the scale on the y-axis here, four is thicker than the axis, the thin blue line at the bottom is more than four. 01:10:38.061 --> 01:10:44.963 So just to make sure you understand what he's saying, the red line here is the top 37 of the previous graph. 01:10:45.863 --> 01:10:47.183 So that's 40 right there. 01:10:47.243 --> 01:10:47.883 This is 100, 200, 300, 400, oh, sorry. 01:10:50.663 --> 01:10:51.826 This is 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 serious adverse events. 01:10:59.184 --> 01:11:01.786 These are various lots down here, and these are all lines. 01:11:01.846 --> 01:11:08.371 And so you can see in between these lines, there are places where there are almost no adverse events, less than, certainly way less than 40. 01:11:08.691 --> 01:11:10.513 Look at all these have none, right? 01:11:10.973 --> 01:11:16.478 And in between here, there are all bars that could potentially be up here, but they're not, they're all the way down at the bottom. 01:11:16.518 --> 01:11:20.401 And so this observation is what he's saying is extraordinary. 01:11:20.461 --> 01:11:28.047 And listen carefully to what he says this graph proves, because it's not anything 01:11:30.031 --> 01:11:36.714 that I hear said regularly by anybody else talking about batches, by anybody else that's taken this story forward. 01:11:37.115 --> 01:11:44.999 And in fact, that paper that came out in Denmark became the bee's knees and those two lines and the different R fits. 01:11:45.099 --> 01:11:45.939 And that was it. 01:11:46.139 --> 01:11:47.580 Everybody was done with doses. 01:11:47.620 --> 01:11:48.541 No more talk about it. 01:11:48.641 --> 01:11:56.805 This to me is the dose message that matters because this is the one that contains the placebo message. 01:11:58.083 --> 01:12:16.676 The placebo message is the one that allows these people to get away with the manufacture of it, the ability to get away with a safe, known safe batches and known hot batches that they could monitor, they could have different dosages, they could have different contents in different batches. 01:12:18.437 --> 01:12:22.880 And that would show up very specifically if they were using placebos to do it. 01:12:24.601 --> 01:12:27.203 And that would make sense because you can't keep track of it all. 01:12:30.796 --> 01:12:33.179 And you can't meet that manufacturing quota. 01:12:35.522 --> 01:12:39.087 But if you just bottle saline, now that's a different story. 01:12:39.868 --> 01:12:45.216 And all of these manufacturing experienced people like Mike Eden. 01:12:48.510 --> 01:12:53.554 should know that, should have considered that as a possibility, especially in light of this data. 01:12:53.594 --> 01:13:03.342 Listen carefully to how he listens to it, or how he interprets it, and then let me just explain what I think he could have said. 01:13:04.403 --> 01:13:08.126 And the red line, this is the worst ever. 01:13:08.326 --> 01:13:10.868 You can see there was like a single case out of 22,300 flu vaccine batches that was 37. 01:13:16.167 --> 01:13:20.049 But really, that's probably way over what the representative. 01:13:20.129 --> 01:13:23.510 The representative was somewhere around four, but there you go, that's the top. 01:13:24.071 --> 01:13:28.613 Look how many batches of COVID products are worse than that. 01:13:29.113 --> 01:13:40.418 And yet, let me just point out, for example, right in the center there, 651, 483, 5461, looks like it's either one or two. 01:13:41.218 --> 01:13:44.800 And then it's neighbor one or two, it's neighbor one or two, it's neighbor one or two. 01:13:45.524 --> 01:13:55.108 And then suddenly you come on this one here, EN6201, and it looks like it's 600 serious adverse events. 01:13:55.188 --> 01:14:01.190 Again, these are the ones that are, if you had a serious adverse event yourself, you would think, thank God I didn't die. 01:14:01.210 --> 01:14:02.250 It was quite close to death. 01:14:02.810 --> 01:14:03.971 And look at the number of them. 01:14:05.511 --> 01:14:08.973 And so a number of things I want to point out here. 01:14:09.833 --> 01:14:12.474 One is the extreme level of side effects that we're seeing. 01:14:13.567 --> 01:14:19.774 orders of magnitude, I would say just the rolling average here is looking like, I don't know, between 100 and 200 instead of 4. 01:14:20.935 --> 01:14:22.857 These are really toxic products. 01:14:23.838 --> 01:14:26.761 They really are toxic products, and that's bad enough. 01:14:27.001 --> 01:14:35.870 But as I argued, if you're a cancer sufferer, you might accept a dangerous intervention if on balance it could extend your life and its quality by a year or so. 01:14:36.874 --> 01:14:38.655 But these products have been given. 01:14:39.095 --> 01:14:48.179 So he's saying that if you had cancer and they told you that this mRNA might help you, you might take it because it might give you a year and it might be worth it to you. 01:14:48.960 --> 01:14:52.001 But these products are given to people who don't need them. 01:14:52.702 --> 01:14:59.625 And he's made the argument in previous to this that they don't need them because there's got to be overlapping immunity from previous coronaviruses. 01:14:59.665 --> 01:15:04.607 There has to be because they have shared proteins and only the spike protein is different. 01:15:04.647 --> 01:15:06.068 He made a lot of those points. 01:15:07.096 --> 01:15:16.220 Now, if we're going to get to the stage in five years where we don't think the immune system is all it's cracked up to be and what it was cracked up to be in 2020, that's fine with me. 01:15:16.260 --> 01:15:22.642 He was still working within that paradigm and thinking of the immune system as a thing that we could talk about. 01:15:22.682 --> 01:15:26.684 And if we get to the stage where we're not talking about it that way, then that would be great. 01:15:26.724 --> 01:15:28.664 That would be progress if that's where we go. 01:15:30.305 --> 01:15:32.326 I don't think that that's actually bad. 01:15:32.726 --> 01:15:43.669 What he was doing there made sense to me and brought me to the conclusion that we didn't need to call transfection an investigational vaccine because we didn't need a vaccine to save us from this. 01:15:44.749 --> 01:15:46.810 And Mike Eden helped me get there. 01:15:47.816 --> 01:16:12.207 despite all of the interference from people like Kevin McCairn and Kurt van den Bosch and all these other people that were trying to get me to think that the that the the transfection to the spike protein that they wouldn't call a transfection was gonna Cause the virus to mutate and become even more dangerous and turn into flying AIDS Mike Eden was listening to those people, too 01:16:13.123 --> 01:16:20.453 and hearing those stories too, and seeing Rand Paul and Tony Fauci acting it all out on the camera. 01:16:21.374 --> 01:16:30.466 And so he was as bamboozled as the rest of us, in psychological disarray, as Jordan Peterson so eloquently put it. 01:16:32.742 --> 01:16:36.064 to the general public, most of whom are perfectly well. 01:16:36.484 --> 01:16:38.005 That's the normal deal with the vaccine. 01:16:38.025 --> 01:16:38.926 You're perfectly well. 01:16:39.406 --> 01:16:43.749 You turn up at the doctor's office, get an injection, and you leave, and you're still perfectly well. 01:16:44.149 --> 01:16:47.971 And all that's happened is you've acquired a defense against a specific pattern. 01:16:48.051 --> 01:16:57.897 I mean, in a health care facility would be the perfect place to roll out placebo doses of a vaccine, especially a vaccine that you wanted everybody to take up. 01:16:59.991 --> 01:17:01.111 That's the best way to do it. 01:17:01.151 --> 01:17:02.312 That would be the best way to do it. 01:17:02.352 --> 01:17:07.454 There you're simultaneously convincing everybody that anyone else might look up to or ask an opinion of. 01:17:07.854 --> 01:17:08.975 You're making it normal. 01:17:09.075 --> 01:17:10.175 You're making it routine. 01:17:10.615 --> 01:17:14.137 And you're not risking anything if they're placebo saline injections. 01:17:15.802 --> 01:17:18.426 See, I think you're starting to see it guys. 01:17:18.607 --> 01:17:19.188 I think you are. 01:17:19.929 --> 01:17:20.850 That's the deal. 01:17:21.371 --> 01:17:24.837 What we shouldn't have is that you occasionally get seriously ill and some of you die. 01:17:24.877 --> 01:17:25.898 That's not a good deal. 01:17:26.239 --> 01:17:30.386 That is what is happening from these products and they're being pushed on everyone. 01:17:30.990 --> 01:17:35.132 When, as I've argued, if you're recovered, infected, you're immune. 01:17:35.272 --> 01:17:37.552 If you're a child, you're not vulnerable to the virus. 01:17:38.013 --> 01:17:39.333 Just healthy young people are not. 01:17:39.713 --> 01:17:45.195 And pregnant women, we do not know that it's safe and should not, on the precautionary principle, be. 01:17:45.295 --> 01:17:49.877 Hey, Jeff, the reason why they talked about refrigeration is because they wanted to explain this. 01:17:50.937 --> 01:17:55.239 They wanted to have a narrative that made sense to, like, academics that were 01:17:56.354 --> 01:18:05.298 not very sophisticated molecular biologists, and heard the narrative that RNA is very, very hard to take care of. 01:18:06.358 --> 01:18:08.959 Here's the deal that you might not really understand. 01:18:09.079 --> 01:18:21.925 When you're doing molecular biology, the reason why you have to wear gloves is because on your skin and all over the place are RNases, enzymes that are just degrading RNA all the time, chopping it up. 01:18:23.891 --> 01:18:34.614 And so if you go on these benches in these universities with your hands and with the sweat and the secretions that are on your hands, then you're going to be spreading RNases everywhere. 01:18:34.834 --> 01:18:41.496 And then if you're working with RNA and you get a little RNase in your tube, that can very much degrade the signal that you're working with. 01:18:41.536 --> 01:18:43.157 That's where that discipline comes from. 01:18:44.417 --> 01:18:49.859 It's not because the RNA itself is fragile or needs to be especially refrigerated all the time. 01:18:51.658 --> 01:18:57.041 It's because the RNase activity, the enzyme activity, is very, very low when it's cold. 01:18:58.022 --> 01:18:59.542 And there's RNase everywhere. 01:19:00.923 --> 01:19:03.585 And so, number one, you use ethanol and you clean everything. 01:19:03.625 --> 01:19:05.125 And then, number two, you wear gloves. 01:19:08.467 --> 01:19:12.289 And that's not to protect the RNA from itself or its fragility. 01:19:12.369 --> 01:19:18.633 It's to protect the RNA from the plethora of enzymes that are out there that degrade it and are all over the place. 01:19:21.700 --> 01:19:22.801 I don't know why I just said that. 01:19:23.062 --> 01:19:24.703 I got to look at the chat here again quick. 01:19:24.743 --> 01:19:26.645 Oh, that's the deal with the refrigeration narrative. 01:19:26.685 --> 01:19:34.212 So I guess what I should suggest is that they knew that they didn't need to really refrigerate the mRNA that much, not in the bottle. 01:19:35.333 --> 01:19:37.896 You know, not if it needed to be reconstituted for sure. 01:19:39.586 --> 01:19:56.319 the idea of minus 80 was actually, I think, put in place on purpose for this narrative, so that the batch thing, the treatment thing, the, oh, you had a adverse event, maybe it was the freezers, maybe they didn't treat it right, and that narrative went around for a long time. 01:19:56.379 --> 01:20:01.303 People were talking about that for a long time, and the batch people talked about that for a long time. 01:20:04.466 --> 01:20:06.748 Administering it, and yet, and yet, 01:20:08.650 --> 01:20:10.112 are pushing these on you. 01:20:10.532 --> 01:20:12.073 It's not a public health measure. 01:20:12.153 --> 01:20:15.757 If it was a public health measure, the three or four things that I said would be true. 01:20:16.577 --> 01:20:18.039 It's not a public health measure. 01:20:19.640 --> 01:20:33.933 And all of the stuff I said earlier about discarding normal pandemic handling plans and replacing them by absurd lies that have had the effect of frightening people, and we think that that was the objective, now you've seen this information 01:20:35.410 --> 01:20:38.631 and your economies are on the verge of absolute extinction. 01:20:40.131 --> 01:21:00.596 And so I think that's the evil triumvirate, frighten people, damage the economy, force them, persuade them or force them as necessary to accept these injections, some of which- So frightening people, I wish you would say they killed people and frightened people with that murder, because that's what I think they did. 01:21:00.656 --> 01:21:03.597 But in 2022, I didn't understand it either. 01:21:05.191 --> 01:21:07.452 Um, but I, I think we do now. 01:21:08.612 --> 01:21:12.474 And so again, Mike, if you're watching this, man, I'm not, I'm not accusing you of anything. 01:21:12.514 --> 01:21:14.955 I think that they probably tried their best on you. 01:21:15.555 --> 01:21:20.737 They used more resources and more people and more coordinated liars on you than anyone else. 01:21:24.098 --> 01:21:26.279 That Robin Matinati guy, my goodness. 01:21:26.539 --> 01:21:27.399 You're killing people. 01:21:28.539 --> 01:21:29.600 Why would they want you to do that? 01:21:29.940 --> 01:21:31.461 This is why I got to the conclusion. 01:21:31.541 --> 01:21:32.641 I could, I racked my brain. 01:21:33.966 --> 01:21:35.427 There may be other explanations. 01:21:35.527 --> 01:21:36.488 It's not money, by the way. 01:21:37.408 --> 01:21:44.632 The pharmaceutical companies, of course, are having an absolute field, you know, whatever, a high watermark in terms of profitability. 01:21:45.313 --> 01:21:46.613 That cannot be the motive. 01:21:46.753 --> 01:21:51.056 It's the effect of using big pharma to drive these products into the population. 01:21:51.556 --> 01:21:52.457 That can't be the motive. 01:21:52.537 --> 01:21:53.738 Why can't it be the motive? 01:21:54.158 --> 01:21:59.701 Because there are huge numbers of industry sectors that are absolutely almost into the ground. 01:22:00.111 --> 01:22:10.958 you know, the airline industry, I don't know how they're surviving, you know, almost two years of non-normal operation, hotel and catering, holiday trade, you know, and all of these things. 01:22:11.018 --> 01:22:26.048 So remember that the only people who could possibly make this happen, or at least have to agree in order that this happens in their world, would be the owners of, you know, the people who own what Catherine Austin Fitz calls, you know, Mr. Global, Global Big Cap, 01:22:27.344 --> 01:22:41.339 So I'm absolutely sure that money alone, profit alone is not the motivation because eight or other, you know, there might be a couple of sectors doing really well but eight sectors are doing so badly as to more than 01:22:41.818 --> 01:23:05.659 outweigh um the benefits that accrue to the drug companies but let's just go back to there's robin martinotti right there in the in the same video right there he is so just so you know um i think he's a terrible meddler he tried at one point on on twitter to discredit me but made a fool of himself and then blocked me instead that side please call me if we could 01:23:07.245 --> 01:23:07.945 Yeah. 01:23:08.866 --> 01:23:13.827 Because there's something not just is that this extreme toxicity, but it's the variability. 01:23:15.148 --> 01:23:19.069 Now, I pointed out, let's just look at the Pfizer bunch, because there's a nice range. 01:23:19.209 --> 01:23:22.890 Now he's about to say something that I don't ever hear him say again. 01:23:22.990 --> 01:23:24.210 And I don't ever hear him. 01:23:24.391 --> 01:23:26.631 I didn't ever hear him or catch him sharpening it. 01:23:27.291 --> 01:23:31.793 But I actually find that it's very close to what I've been saying for a couple years now. 01:23:33.484 --> 01:23:39.349 which is there's no way to explain the extreme difference here by manufacturing alone. 01:23:40.150 --> 01:23:42.412 Just what Jeff from Earth brought up a few minutes ago. 01:23:42.432 --> 01:23:45.514 There's no way to explain this difference as well. 01:23:45.554 --> 01:23:47.696 They either kept them in the freezer or they didn't. 01:23:48.177 --> 01:23:51.760 And if they kept them in the freezer, then 600 people were having serious events. 01:23:51.800 --> 01:23:54.262 And if they didn't keep them in the freezer, they were completely safe. 01:23:56.445 --> 01:23:57.786 That's not possible. 01:23:58.507 --> 01:24:03.872 The only way to explain it is, is that there are two different manufacturing things happening here. 01:24:04.072 --> 01:24:07.135 One is saline or some other shit. 01:24:07.675 --> 01:24:10.938 And one is the active testing things that they're working on. 01:24:12.640 --> 01:24:15.382 Listen carefully to what Mike says, cause this is important. 01:24:15.463 --> 01:24:16.644 Cause this is January, 2022. 01:24:16.684 --> 01:24:17.064 It's a full year. 01:24:23.683 --> 01:24:40.152 before Robert Malone, Merrill Nass, Sasha Latipova, Michael Palmer, and Asim Malhotra would be on stage in Stockholm, Sweden, telling us about the psychological warfare that was being waged on us that we would never figure out. 01:24:43.694 --> 01:24:48.417 A year before that happened, Mike Eden was saying, 01:24:49.824 --> 01:24:58.750 that as a person with manufacturing expertise, there's no way that this is all the same product made in all the same ways, plus some variation. 01:25:01.011 --> 01:25:02.272 Listen carefully, please. 01:25:03.553 --> 01:25:04.053 Change there. 01:25:04.153 --> 01:25:05.334 Nice is the wrong word, sorry. 01:25:05.755 --> 01:25:06.955 I'm sounding like a scientist. 01:25:06.975 --> 01:25:07.596 These are people. 01:25:08.937 --> 01:25:11.538 These are people who've suffered, and some of whom have died. 01:25:12.119 --> 01:25:16.702 But as you cast your eye across the axis at the bottom, 01:25:17.503 --> 01:25:22.868 you can see that some of the numbers there are associated with very small numbers. 01:25:22.888 --> 01:25:28.534 They're so small that you can't see it registering on the thickness of the x-axis marked – y-axis marked zero. 01:25:29.034 --> 01:25:38.984 And yet, close to it, there are a whole bunch of batches that have got, you know, 400, 600 series adverse events per lot, and they're roughly the same size 01:25:40.316 --> 01:26:05.559 that means there's not the same product that's got this Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine it says on the box or on the vial it's not the same stuff it's not it's not the same stuff and five or ten minutes ago he said that you can get that baseline signal from injecting people with saline understand it may be that Mike Eden was very close to saying it and that's one of the reasons why he got you know 01:26:06.360 --> 01:26:25.835 immediately meddled with by the no virus people and immediately meddled with by chd and all these other people and maybe he even immediately gets meddled with after he finishes this conversation let's listen same stuff i'm i'm certain it's not an assessment it's not maybe 01:26:26.773 --> 01:26:27.174 Absolutely. 01:26:27.214 --> 01:26:33.538 So there is something called the law of mass action, which applies to all biological properties I've ever seen. 01:26:34.039 --> 01:26:42.225 And if it does come to court, I will, I will talk you through the history of that and why it is that shape and why this means it cannot be the case. 01:26:42.805 --> 01:27:06.839 that these metal finds a lot now another thing uh brought up by albert in the chat is that uh he has data that it could be hot vials within lots and that of course if we were thinking most diabolically and you you were a pharmaceutical company that's the way you'd do it um a combination of those things but i mean if you really wanted to stick to the rules you know the only thing you'd really need to do 01:27:07.808 --> 01:27:27.015 is uh have that manufacturing controlled and decide what you were putting in in those shots and only a few people can verify exactly what's going in there because the rest of the people are just growing bacteria and i think that's what you maybe don't understand is that when people are growing 01:27:27.737 --> 01:27:49.012 these these and and producing these kinds of biologics the production line and the computers and the the vats and the stuff that they put in the vats it's all the same the technician that's working on the bacterial culture that's growing up the plasmid doesn't know what the plasmid is and never even has to verify it most likely 01:27:50.543 --> 01:28:01.286 And so the number of people that would needed to be involved to change these lots from hot lots to placebo lots, it might only be one or two people. 01:28:04.827 --> 01:28:07.588 So the same material as the ones immediately to the left and to the right. 01:28:08.728 --> 01:28:10.969 These drug companies are highly professional outfits. 01:28:11.589 --> 01:28:14.850 They know how to manufacture reproducibly. 01:28:15.010 --> 01:28:17.610 And we saw that with the flu vaccines over decades. 01:28:17.910 --> 01:28:18.591 They know how to do it. 01:28:18.951 --> 01:28:19.651 They haven't done it. 01:28:20.675 --> 01:28:25.398 I'm afraid I've come to the conclusion that they're doing it on purpose, because they're so professional. 01:28:25.978 --> 01:28:27.779 And after a year, they know this data. 01:28:27.939 --> 01:28:32.062 This data is their window onto the world. 01:28:32.822 --> 01:28:36.184 Now, it sounds like to me, Mike Eden is interested in ending the shot. 01:28:36.284 --> 01:28:44.649 And it sounds like to me, Mike Eden is saying a lot more consequential things than what Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein 01:28:46.903 --> 01:28:48.484 maybe even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:28:48.524 --> 01:28:49.965 were saying in January of 2022. 01:28:55.308 --> 01:28:55.468 Hmm. 01:28:57.649 --> 01:28:58.089 Interesting. 01:28:58.369 --> 01:29:05.073 They can go into VAERS, they can filter for their own products and their own lot and batch numbers and they can see what's happening. 01:29:05.213 --> 01:29:05.673 They know. 01:29:07.054 --> 01:29:11.936 So the fact they haven't stopped this tells me that they're at least okay with it. 01:29:11.996 --> 01:29:14.618 And I fear that this is deliberate. 01:29:15.606 --> 01:29:16.307 Why might it be? 01:29:16.387 --> 01:29:17.487 Why might it be deliberate? 01:29:18.508 --> 01:29:22.611 Well, as we have seen over the last two years. 01:29:24.592 --> 01:29:43.566 Big tech like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so on have persistently said we're not having anyone making a comment or recording that disagrees with what the public health officials say, and we're going to call that misinformation and we're going to basically will send it to you and maybe deplatform you. 01:29:44.395 --> 01:29:55.441 What that means is that a qualified person like me, and I promise I have no axe to grind whatsoever other than telling you what I think is true, which is that we're facing a global crime. 01:29:55.942 --> 01:29:58.003 People like me cannot speak to the public. 01:29:58.911 --> 01:30:01.472 because the tech companies have decided not to let me. 01:30:01.832 --> 01:30:05.614 That's true of mainstream TV, mainstream radio. 01:30:05.734 --> 01:30:10.195 I've only ever appeared on radio where they maligned me, just told me lots of lies. 01:30:11.016 --> 01:30:16.218 So I then threatened them and then they deleted the recording, which tells you something, doesn't it, that I was correct. 01:30:16.778 --> 01:30:21.720 So what about, yeah, so it's the combination of big tech, 01:30:22.772 --> 01:30:29.598 big media, and by that I mean mainly TV around the world, they control what's coming into your house. 01:30:29.998 --> 01:30:34.362 So if you just turn your TV on over the last two years in the same way that you ever have, 01:30:35.077 --> 01:30:41.760 only going to hear a one-sided and in my view it's mendacious, it's a completely misleading description of what's going on. 01:30:41.780 --> 01:30:45.682 You'll never hear things like this and you should, you should see both sides of it. 01:30:46.082 --> 01:30:57.448 The fact you're not allowed to I think tells you that they know there's something bad going on and they're going to make damn sure that people like Dr Mike Eden and Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCulloch and so on 01:30:58.448 --> 01:31:00.710 will never darken the studios of BBC or CBC. 01:31:00.970 --> 01:31:10.695 Worth noting that he mentions Robert Malone first, Peter McCulloch second, as people who are not allowed on TV in January of 2022. 01:31:11.396 --> 01:31:20.460 Although Robert Malone has already been on Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone has been on Joe Rogan and Joe Rogan's talked about him and other people have talked about him. 01:31:20.941 --> 01:31:23.402 And he was on Fox News and all these other places. 01:31:23.462 --> 01:31:24.783 We've looked at all this before. 01:31:26.203 --> 01:31:27.883 It's not quite the same thing. 01:31:27.923 --> 01:31:32.244 He was on Tucker Carlson and on on on on Laura Ingram. 01:31:34.425 --> 01:31:38.646 This is kind of it's kind of now I'm starting not to feel it. 01:31:40.646 --> 01:31:42.426 He could have mentioned Wolfgang Wodach. 01:31:42.466 --> 01:31:45.407 Wolfgang is in the chat of this very talk. 01:31:45.447 --> 01:31:54.809 He could have mentioned, you know, DDA Realt, but he mentioned two Americans that I'm pretty sure play on the same team right now. 01:31:57.701 --> 01:31:58.882 Ah, darn it. 01:32:00.363 --> 01:32:01.965 I gotta go play basketball. 01:32:02.025 --> 01:32:02.525 Look at this. 01:32:02.565 --> 01:32:04.487 Would you please just check this out, okay? 01:32:07.810 --> 01:32:19.001 We are here now at the end of 2024, the beginning of 2025, where at the top, we have this guy talking about how RFK is gonna control the food that poor people eat. 01:32:20.250 --> 01:32:31.398 Down here, we have Jimmy Dore talking about how Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump are on the billionaires team. 01:32:32.219 --> 01:32:35.781 And Steve Bannon is on our team. 01:32:36.842 --> 01:32:45.748 And then down here, we actually have them talking about how Elon Musk is also sponsoring the hard right or the far right in Germany. 01:32:48.482 --> 01:32:51.824 So Elon Musk is a conservative bad guy in Germany. 01:32:53.525 --> 01:32:56.647 Steve Bannon is a populist good guy in America. 01:32:57.228 --> 01:33:00.990 And up there on the far left in America, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:33:01.030 --> 01:33:04.793 is going to try and control the food available to poor people. 01:33:07.274 --> 01:33:11.137 And my suggestion is the reason why we got here is because of these people. 01:33:13.888 --> 01:33:22.017 In January of 2025, we're divided like this about these narratives, about these ideas, because it's by design. 01:33:22.077 --> 01:33:23.078 It's how we are governed. 01:33:23.138 --> 01:33:24.619 It's what Edward Bernays said. 01:33:24.699 --> 01:33:26.461 It's what Noam Chomsky has told us. 01:33:26.982 --> 01:33:34.570 And now with the use of social media and YouTube and these kinds of places, we are vulnerable in a way we've never been before. 01:33:35.919 --> 01:34:03.382 And I think November of 2023 is a crucial date, a crucial meeting, a crucial crossing of paths of people like Mask the Dinosaur Barney in 2020 with Nick Hudson, who for more than two years pretended to be my friend, who asked me to present three times to his group, Pan Data, but never posted any of those videos on the Rumble channel. 01:34:05.680 --> 01:34:11.403 Denny Rancor, who I've talked to a number of times and doesn't seem to think that population pyramids are anything worthwhile. 01:34:13.484 --> 01:34:28.733 I think Byron Bridle might be a good guy because one time when I was talking to him about replication incompetent viruses and the inability to make good pure viral stocks, he said, well, that's interesting because I once tried to make a vaccine and we had a huge problem with that. 01:34:28.793 --> 01:34:29.573 I ended up giving up. 01:34:31.690 --> 01:34:41.578 Ryan Cole, I've got a little note in my wallet because he told me already at the Knoxville CHD conference that he thought we needed more people like me and wanted to be on my stream. 01:34:41.678 --> 01:34:44.961 But he still hasn't, still hasn't been on my stream. 01:34:46.342 --> 01:34:48.924 This is Robert Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone, of course. 01:34:48.984 --> 01:34:53.028 I think some of the people that are kind of central to organizing this little group of meddlers. 01:34:53.688 --> 01:34:58.472 And Meryl Nass, who I think has been working with Robert Malone since at least 2011, but maybe also 2001. 01:35:01.820 --> 01:35:06.024 already with the controlling of the narrative of the Amerithrax vaccine. 01:35:06.544 --> 01:35:15.411 And I, again, I encourage you to follow Mark Kulak and Heucytonic ITS for some of that, you know, archived material that no one else seems to care about. 01:35:16.812 --> 01:35:31.003 The reason why I say this is all one team and that it's very curious that Mike Yeadon in January of 2022, out of all the people that he could have mentioned, mentions Robert Malone and Peter McCullough is because Robert Malone is right now calling Peter McCullough bullshit. 01:35:32.699 --> 01:35:40.564 and saying that talking about the gain of function research at the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory is nonsense. 01:35:41.244 --> 01:35:43.505 It's clickbait, Robert Malone says. 01:35:47.528 --> 01:35:52.531 The wellness company is just a little smaller than Pfizer, he says. 01:35:54.212 --> 01:35:58.014 And of course, the wellness company was brought to my attention as being potentially bad. 01:35:58.752 --> 01:36:23.793 and Peter McCullough being potentially bad as a result of being associated with the wellness company when the first time I came aware of it was when I met Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Whitney Webb, Robert Malone, Jill Glass-Poole Malone, Meryl Nass, sorry, not Meryl Nass, Ryan Cole, and Matt Crawford, and Charles Rixey, 01:36:25.413 --> 01:36:30.217 Mark Kulak at the inaugural CHD conference in Knoxville. 01:36:31.177 --> 01:36:32.418 All of those people were there. 01:36:33.239 --> 01:36:40.785 And several of them had a meeting in private about the wellness company and its potential to corrupt people like Peter McCullough. 01:36:40.845 --> 01:36:55.216 And now, three years later, on the platform of free speech, Robert Malone is publicly calling out Peter McCullough and his clickbait. 01:36:57.045 --> 01:37:00.708 This is a theater, ladies and gentlemen, where both sides know it. 01:37:01.949 --> 01:37:08.755 They could be working for different groups of people, different piles of money with several different conflicts of interest. 01:37:08.895 --> 01:37:09.556 I don't know. 01:37:10.997 --> 01:37:18.704 But they have universally represented themselves as people who are fighting for us, and more importantly, for our children. 01:37:19.925 --> 01:37:21.166 And they were never fighting for that. 01:37:25.629 --> 01:37:33.403 Ladies and gentlemen, intramuscular injection is dumb, especially if it's a combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system. 01:37:34.044 --> 01:37:35.246 Transfection was always... 01:37:36.394 --> 01:38:01.420 always criminal they already knew what it was it was a tried and tested and limited technology already before the pandemic and that's why they had to call it an investigational vaccine and roll it out under emergency use authorization otherwise they wouldn't have gotten away with rolling it out the way that they did in the speed that they did with the the assorted level of lots that they did that mike so eloquently cited but then seems not to have 01:38:02.060 --> 01:38:11.644 have developed or sharpened in any way to just say that you know they just could have used placebo so that they could have less to keep track of and more importantly separate and keep track of the things they needed to keep track of. 01:38:11.844 --> 01:38:16.146 RNA cannot pandemic ladies and gentlemen and I think these people all know that. 01:38:18.047 --> 01:38:31.373 I think it's even possible that even all the way back at SARS 2002 they released what they thought would be a self-replicating RNA and they tracked it around the world for a while and maybe it did or maybe it didn't. 01:38:32.563 --> 01:38:42.610 And ever since then, they've been trying to create a narrative in order to, you know, weaponize public health to bring in this global governments. 01:38:43.231 --> 01:38:45.092 I don't know all the things. 01:38:45.152 --> 01:38:48.034 I just know for sure that this biology is pretty sharp. 01:38:49.115 --> 01:38:50.016 I'm pretty happy with it. 01:38:50.316 --> 01:38:54.118 And I know a lot of other people are very, very happy with it as well. 01:38:58.257 --> 01:38:59.899 That is the way out. 01:39:00.880 --> 01:39:06.666 GigaOMBiological.com is where you can go and find a way to support the stream with PayPal or my P.O. 01:39:06.706 --> 01:39:07.867 Box is P.O. 01:39:07.907 --> 01:39:10.210 Box 802 in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, 15102. 01:39:13.252 --> 01:39:18.234 Um, and, uh, my family is, uh, running on fumes like we have never been before. 01:39:18.714 --> 01:39:23.076 Um, we just bounced some credit cards today, which I need to go upstairs and discuss. 01:39:23.536 --> 01:39:24.937 Um, and so it's, it's nice. 01:39:25.457 --> 01:39:29.579 Um, it definitely has always felt real these last five years. 01:39:29.639 --> 01:39:34.701 And I don't think that that 2025 is going to feel any less real than the last five. 01:39:35.481 --> 01:39:39.223 Um, thank you all very much for being here and being a part of this journey with me. 01:39:40.496 --> 01:39:42.978 And I'm not sure if I will be online tomorrow. 01:39:44.080 --> 01:39:48.845 Tomorrow is Friday and we're still kind of in a vacation week here, although the kids are at school today and tomorrow. 01:39:50.467 --> 01:39:56.714 I have practice tonight, and I haven't had practice in a while, and there's other things going on that we're trying to get sorted. 01:39:58.706 --> 01:40:00.568 to try and find some kind of resilience here. 01:40:01.949 --> 01:40:07.693 I just, I can't thank everybody enough for the last five years and for being here when no one else was. 01:40:09.395 --> 01:40:24.587 And I'm going to look for this song and see if I can put it on because I don't actually have it here. 01:40:24.647 --> 01:40:25.928 Yeah, it's that one. 01:40:36.201 --> 01:40:37.682 It's going to be a good one, I'm sure of it. 01:40:38.442 --> 01:40:43.265 Just got to stay positive and stay focused on the things that need to get done. 01:40:43.285 --> 01:40:51.030 I really want to stay focused on getting Biology 101 working. 01:40:51.230 --> 01:40:56.973 And what that means is we need to identify a lot of the people that were there before us and where they didn't quite get it right. 01:40:56.993 --> 01:40:59.274 Or if they did, just make sure that we build on that. 01:41:00.655 --> 01:41:03.877 And so I've got a little list of things already going on. 01:41:11.258 --> 01:41:13.304 I've got a list of books that I'm working on here. 01:41:13.324 --> 01:41:16.975 Dennis Noble is a guy that you guys should have on your radar. 01:41:18.028 --> 01:41:25.310 Um, another guy that may be on some people's radar is a guy by the name of Stephen Meyer, who I've been reading a lot of his work. 01:41:25.750 --> 01:41:37.314 Um, and, uh, a guy from the, uh, PCR Corman Dresden report with Claire Craig and Kevin McKernan has a new biology book called Darwin revisited. 01:41:37.414 --> 01:41:44.196 And I suspect this book, um, I have, I have a sneaky suspicion about this book. 01:41:44.456 --> 01:41:47.537 Um, this author is on that Corman Dresden paper with. 01:41:48.037 --> 01:41:53.258 Mike Eden, Thomas Binder, McKernan, Claire Craig. 01:41:53.998 --> 01:42:03.080 It's an interesting eclectic collection of people who didn't say no to PCR, but just said no to the who's PCR in 2020. 01:42:03.460 --> 01:42:08.200 And I've pretty much worked out the details on most of those people, but not on Peter. 01:42:08.701 --> 01:42:12.581 And Peter Borger is actually a Dutch guy, and a lot of his tweets are in Dutch. 01:42:12.641 --> 01:42:16.762 So I've been following him since the drastic days, which is really crazy. 01:42:17.342 --> 01:42:19.324 It's a really long, strange trip this has been. 01:42:19.365 --> 01:42:20.506 Thank you very much for joining me. 01:42:20.526 --> 01:42:21.407 I'll see you again tomorrow.