WEBVTT 00:34.178 --> 00:47.708 The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America. 00:47.848 --> 00:54.914 I don't know crash the dollar I don't know steal the rest of our our what limited Treasury value we have left. 00:55.114 --> 00:58.176 I don't know But I know for sure 00:58.561 --> 01:16.009 that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. 01:18.127 --> 01:24.872 If you think about it, you know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 01:25.292 --> 01:28.335 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 01:28.415 --> 01:37.862 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 01:37.882 --> 01:44.487 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 02:20.033 --> 02:48.030 I've been selling my soul Working all day Overtime hours For bullshit pay So I can sit out here And waste my life away Drag back home And drown my troubles away It's a damn shame What the world's gotten to For people like me For people like you Wish I could just wake up And it not be true But it is 02:49.466 --> 02:54.752 Oh, it is living in the new world with an old soul. 02:59.227 --> 03:21.623 Rich man north of Richmond Lord knows they all just want to have total control Want to know what you think Want to know what you do And they don't think you know But I know that you do Cause your dollar ain't shit And it's taxed to no end North of Richmond North of Richmond 03:30.387 --> 03:45.141 Wish politicians would look out for miners And not just miners on an island somewhere Lord, we got folks in the street Ain't got nothing to eat And the obese milking welfare 03:46.002 --> 03:53.852 Well, God, if you're five foot three and you're 300 pounds, taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds. 03:54.053 --> 04:02.043 Young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground, because all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down. 04:03.294 --> 04:11.562 Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to for people like me, for people like you. 04:11.602 --> 04:15.205 Wish I could just wake up and it not be true. 04:15.646 --> 04:16.346 But it is. 04:16.847 --> 04:18.328 Oh, it is. 04:19.089 --> 04:25.155 Living in a new world with an old soul. 05:08.078 --> 05:16.366 I've been selling my soul, working all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay. 05:46.968 --> 05:48.969 He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. 05:50.029 --> 05:54.771 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 05:56.191 --> 05:57.892 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 05:59.548 --> 06:00.250 It's embarrassing. 06:24.861 --> 06:26.162 Good morning, everybody. 06:26.322 --> 06:35.789 It is 1018 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where your consciousness is still the prime real estate that these charlatans are competing to occupy. 06:36.830 --> 06:46.638 Don't forget the kind of enchantment that was cast on us with cartoons and crazy drawings and oversimplified models of how the world works. 06:47.218 --> 06:51.542 These are how these charlatans have managed to maintain power over us. 06:52.242 --> 06:54.783 since our parents, but it's not just these guys. 06:55.684 --> 06:57.065 It's also these guys. 06:57.545 --> 07:03.168 You've got to realize that we've been had by social media in a way that was exactly the opposite. 07:03.208 --> 07:05.669 Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jonathan Cooey. 07:05.689 --> 07:08.351 I used to be an academy magician trying to chase tenure. 07:09.091 --> 07:11.633 I spent 20 years as a patch clamp physiologist. 07:11.653 --> 07:22.501 GigaOM Biological's name is derived from the high resistance, low noise seal that I use to record from individual and groups of neurons in the brain slices of mice and monkeys. 07:23.162 --> 07:31.708 And I bring the ability to read and think deeply about how biology has been contorted. 07:32.645 --> 07:38.330 to represent something rather than an incredible complexity that we just barely can scratch the surface of. 07:39.150 --> 07:48.858 Science has been used to create the illusion that we have a high-fidelity understanding of ourselves and the biology that defines us, and that's definitely not true. 07:49.879 --> 08:09.892 And through the course of the journey of waking up during COVID, I went from being an Academy magician thinking that tenure was the ultimate touchdown that I could score for my family and for my life's work to believing that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 08:10.552 --> 08:17.657 Transpection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic because viruses are not pattern integrities. 08:17.717 --> 08:18.558 It's that simple. 08:19.198 --> 08:35.610 And if we start to force people to argue about this, we can also, I think, get people to usefully reflect on the idea that the mystery virus doesn't explain what has happened over the last five and 10 years where public health has started to be distorted in such a way so that 08:36.431 --> 09:05.186 A mystery virus or the illusion of it could be created by a whole long list of bad ideas that included things as diabolical as high flow supplementary oxygen given to people who read as having a low pulse ox on some $5 device sold on Amazon, all the way down to motivated financial incentives that led to PCR fraud, lateral flow test fraud, track and trace fraud, masks, closures, mandates, and even death certificate fraud. 09:06.046 --> 09:19.275 all to try and use and take advantage of the opening that was created by this national security operation that even needed to use opioid deaths and an extraordinary rise in them to create this illusion. 09:19.876 --> 09:35.066 And this illusion, of course, is not backed by any epidemiological evidence of spread, and it's not backed or challenged usefully by any lawyers that can speak of strict liability or what the Seventh Amendment might or might not mean with regard to some of the laws. 09:35.746 --> 09:37.707 that underpin these emergencies. 09:39.468 --> 09:55.718 Ladies and gentlemen, we need to do a new consensus about the fact that a national security state or a global group of weaponized piles of money would definitely, most definitely, most definitely would use murder and lies in order to cover up the following statements. 09:56.278 --> 10:01.959 They would use murder and lies to cover up the fact that transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent. 10:02.439 --> 10:10.021 They would use murder and lies to cover up the fact that the vaccine schedule in the USA was always criminal enterprise even before the pandemic. 10:10.581 --> 10:22.543 And yes, they would use murder and lies to get us to teach our children that RNA and viruses are dangerous, but RNA cannot pandemic, so they needed to murder and lie about it in order to 10:23.343 --> 10:26.967 in order to try and seed that illusion for another generation or two. 10:27.988 --> 10:43.343 And I am making the very bold statement that a lot more people than we imagined in 2020, and in 2021, and in 2022, many more people than we imagined are involved in sustaining this illusion. 10:43.383 --> 10:44.524 It's not just 10:45.305 --> 10:49.788 It's not just the people down here that were on the PBS NewsHour and on BBC. 10:50.328 --> 11:04.736 It's also the people over here that have a career of serving the interests of the national security state by sustaining the illusion of the danger of bioweapons and the danger of gain-of-function viruses. 11:05.436 --> 11:09.637 and even natural pandemics potential that is found in bat caves. 11:09.697 --> 11:16.098 And so what we did was we spent a lot of time trying to support these people in a war against these people. 11:16.638 --> 11:19.018 And that was exactly the trap that we fell into. 11:19.038 --> 11:32.861 We got in the chair, we put on the goggles, we grabbed the, oh, sorry, we got in the chair, we grabbed the goggles, we grabbed the joystick, and we thought we were aligning with these people in order to fight against these people, and that was actually the trap. 11:33.783 --> 11:35.424 Getting in the chair was the trap. 11:35.464 --> 11:37.266 That's what social media represents. 11:37.306 --> 11:57.623 And incidentally, that's really what Aldous Huxley was warning us about way back in 1962, that there would be a new kind of totalitarianism where this limited spectrum of debate that people like Noam Chomsky more recently have very, very succinctly described would be used to reinforce the suppositions of the state. 11:58.103 --> 12:01.406 And we would just get run by these actors. 12:01.506 --> 12:02.166 And I think, 12:02.967 --> 12:05.090 a good way to think of them as acolytes. 12:05.290 --> 12:09.556 They are the ruling oligarchy and they're highly trained acolytes. 12:09.736 --> 12:11.559 They will quietly perform the show. 12:12.360 --> 12:17.447 The show that we've been watching and thinking we're participating in, even though really we're just the audience. 12:18.499 --> 12:20.441 I've called it a Lollapalooza of liars. 12:20.501 --> 12:21.982 Boy, was I invested in it. 12:22.022 --> 12:25.825 I thought Twitter was the place to go where we could fight back against the empire. 12:26.425 --> 12:35.193 And if I just tweeted the right tweet or posted the right video that the viral avalanche of the resistance would finally start, but that's not true. 12:36.133 --> 12:43.539 And for over a year, we've been able to say it very succinctly, like you see here on the right, but still these people in their coordinated 12:44.881 --> 12:48.625 theater have decided that this biology is worth ignoring. 12:50.823 --> 12:58.330 And I think this is just evidence that weaponized piles of money have used their acolytes on social media to convince us what to argue about and with whom to argue. 12:59.011 --> 13:03.935 And by participating in the argument, we are accepting the premise of their narratives all the time. 13:04.596 --> 13:15.926 And although this was kind of used on us for many, many decades, social media and our acquiescence to it has allowed this to become weaponized in a way never before even 13:16.867 --> 13:19.728 It's probably exceeding all of their expectations. 13:19.788 --> 13:21.988 That's what I really think that where we are. 13:22.048 --> 13:27.029 We may be exceeding, the possibilities may have exceeded their expectations. 13:27.989 --> 13:30.850 And that's a pretty scary place if you think about it. 13:31.450 --> 13:37.371 That social media may have actually exceeded what? 13:37.511 --> 13:37.951 What? 13:38.232 --> 13:39.092 Come on, really? 13:39.392 --> 13:39.972 Sorry about that. 13:40.872 --> 13:45.994 Social media may have actually exceeded their expectations in terms of what they've managed to accomplish with it. 13:46.655 --> 14:08.365 And so I think it has become more and more apparent to me that although I am very much committed to teaching biology come this fall when the school starts in a week or two, it has also got to be a regular steady pressure needs to come from all angles against social media as the default. 14:09.025 --> 14:12.268 communication medium, the default news medium. 14:12.308 --> 14:14.170 We cannot allow this to continue. 14:14.710 --> 14:22.077 We cannot allow this sort of illusion that somebody like Elon Musk has come to our rescue by buying Twitter and making it free. 14:22.117 --> 14:24.279 This is absolutely not what happened. 14:25.139 --> 14:28.242 And over the last few days, I've been trying to collect evidence of that. 14:28.302 --> 14:28.863 And I think 14:29.563 --> 14:50.321 It has just become extraordinary to me how many examples in 2020 and 2021 you can find of these people advocating for the idea that at least Twitter is free, or at least on Twitter things are getting done, or I was getting things done on Twitter until Twitter blocked me, or something to this effect. 14:50.842 --> 14:55.066 And I can't emphasize how important it is to see 14:55.666 --> 14:58.871 that Twitter played an exaggerated role. 14:58.911 --> 15:06.581 It was much more important than Facebook, much more important than some of these other low-rent kind of platforms. 15:07.478 --> 15:17.264 social media platforms that showed up as a part of the schism of the censorship that was enacted in 2021, supposedly. 15:17.764 --> 15:25.129 This theater that drove certain people to other alternative social media platforms is still not the main operating weapon. 15:25.169 --> 15:27.971 The main operating weapon really feels like Twitter. 15:28.411 --> 15:32.815 Because on YouTube, it's always been okay, certain things and certain people. 15:33.216 --> 15:36.459 That's why there's so many videos of Robert Malone still up on YouTube. 15:36.799 --> 15:39.382 We have a lot of work to do, ladies and gentlemen. 15:39.542 --> 15:44.927 Yesterday or the day before, the day before that, I can't remember how many days I have been off the air. 15:45.508 --> 15:47.169 I tried to point out how 15:48.642 --> 16:05.925 It is possible, if you do an accurate and thorough search for what these people were doing in 2020 and 2021, you can find a track record that suggests that these people were put in place and played an active role in the seeding of what I've called the Scooby-Doo narrative. 16:06.525 --> 16:12.651 about whether or not this is really a novel virus or whether or not it's really a natural virus or a lab-leak virus. 16:13.211 --> 16:20.638 And these debates, as well as the debates about what is a PCR positive or false positive, these were all hamster wheels. 16:21.259 --> 16:27.004 And they were very well-designed hamster wheels that were hard for both academagicians or 16:27.725 --> 16:39.794 academic biologists and doctors to see through, but also very difficult for, of course, the average Joe who's not an expert or perhaps a professional biologist in some regard. 16:40.214 --> 16:50.762 And so it really became a very intricate trap that was seeded and controlled by people that, in retrospect, have very dubious connections with regard to their parents, 16:51.562 --> 16:56.605 to the actual biosecurity state that everybody says is responsible for this. 16:56.665 --> 17:09.353 So Kevin McKernan, for example, his father was involved in microarray technologies, which were really, really important in the early progress made in the Human Genome Project and in sequencing technology in general. 17:09.813 --> 17:13.375 And in fact, understanding the shortcomings of 17:15.134 --> 17:34.694 potential methodologies for sequencing before and after the introduction of microarray technologies can really give you a good basic introduction into how different levels of fidelity have been gained incrementally as we've tried to go from saying we're going to do it to actually doing it and how far we actually got. 17:34.754 --> 17:38.778 Because, of course, nature and Kevin McKernan and 17:39.398 --> 17:55.904 and Mark Lander and all these other people like Francis Collins would love you to believe that we have sequenced the human genome and that that means that we basically get it and that we have all the tools necessary, we have all the landmarks necessary, and it's just a matter of, you know, doing the work. 17:56.345 --> 18:02.367 And this is absolutely positively incorrect, but again, that is what explains why Kevin McKernan 18:03.067 --> 18:22.408 dropped everything to start sequencing his marijuana to see if COVID was there or not, and also seemingly dropped everything to become a online performer, especially with regard to podcasts, and especially with regard to Twitter, which he says in almost all of his podcasts is the place where the truth is coming out. 18:24.416 --> 18:38.442 So not unlike that, of course, we watched a 60 Minutes episode that also kind of seeded some of those narratives, like that the misinformation was on Twitter and that the misinformation about the upcoming vaccine was on Twitter. 18:38.782 --> 18:45.185 And so all over the world, we were somehow or another being urged, don't go to Twitter, go to Twitter. 18:45.225 --> 18:46.045 This is where it is. 18:46.445 --> 18:50.267 Oh my gosh, the whole debate about whether or not Twitter is good, I guess I better log in. 18:51.161 --> 19:04.107 And of course, who did he go, who did Robert Malone get censored by besides, you know, supposedly getting censored by YouTube by, uh, indirectly by Brett Weinstein losing his, his, his monetization. 19:04.187 --> 19:08.709 But of course he got censored by LinkedIn and LinkedIn is owned by who? 19:08.889 --> 19:12.891 Well, I think it's owned by at least partially by Peter Thiel. 19:14.639 --> 19:30.456 And so now you start to see if you get censored on LinkedIn and then you go to Gab and Locals, which Locals is also owned by Peter Thiel, and then you complain about it on Twitter, which is owned by Peter Thiel's friend, Elon Musk, who's supposedly saving us or did or whatever. 19:31.016 --> 19:36.781 you can start to see very easily how these people, private-public partnership with the U.S. 19:36.821 --> 19:40.485 government saying they're censoring us, and at the same time, who are they censoring? 19:40.885 --> 19:49.293 Well, they're censoring the people that Peter Thiel and Elon Musk would like you to have to pay attention to with regard to the alternative narrative in the Scooby-Doo. 19:51.420 --> 20:06.428 So it becomes very clear if you start to repetitively go over and over and realize that the only podcasts that are virtually uncensored on YouTube from July, 2021 with Robert Malone, they're all there except for one. 20:07.267 --> 20:18.894 The Bret Weinstein podcast, particularly the recording with Steve Kirsch had to go to rumble, but this one from a month later is up and hundreds of others are up. 20:19.614 --> 20:22.636 Even some with Paul Cutrell are up on YouTube. 20:24.297 --> 20:27.319 And so the censorship in retrospect becomes fake. 20:27.839 --> 20:30.781 The censorship in retrospect becomes public promotion. 20:31.932 --> 20:38.974 And it becomes a public excuse for him to whine about being censored and then for everyone to wonder why is he being censored? 20:40.454 --> 20:53.217 And that's not any different than the opposite side of the coin where you have this guy who was pandering to a different audience with a different set of assumptions like natural viruses and pandemics are everywhere and duh, we're doctors. 20:54.157 --> 20:59.298 And now he's still in 2024 talking about his unique experience with a strange disease. 21:00.239 --> 21:06.802 It's really similar to the disease that everybody else described four years ago, even though I guess it's evolved quite a bit. 21:06.862 --> 21:13.985 And spike protein, that's supposed to be the toxin, has changed quite a bit, although we really haven't bothered to characterize exactly how and why it would matter. 21:15.946 --> 21:21.608 And so they have all these hamster wheels spinning, but the problem is, is that they don't all spin together. 21:21.628 --> 21:23.169 They can't, by definition. 21:23.609 --> 21:27.931 If you're spinning in this hamster wheel, you can't know that these others exist. 21:29.963 --> 21:41.026 And so no one who is following ZDogg can be brought to understand what Robert Malone is saying because that would be the ultimate in cognitive dissonance. 21:41.086 --> 21:47.348 And so they just avoid Robert Malone and it's very easy to do it because social media makes it very easy to do it. 21:48.817 --> 22:04.522 And so the weaponized choose your own adventure of social media that we were led to believe is a very organic process that just involves, you know, spontaneous viral events and spontaneous rising of the influencers with the best ideas. 22:04.902 --> 22:05.262 And that's... 22:05.902 --> 22:07.543 That's absolutely wrong. 22:08.043 --> 22:10.785 All of these people were put in front of us from the very beginning. 22:11.206 --> 22:35.202 And if we don't take the power back from these charlatans, but we continue to allow them to set the debate and to decide what to discuss and what to argue about, then we are just sitting in that chair, hanging onto the joystick, wearing goggles, thinking, fooling ourselves into thinking that the right combination of pedal pushes and joystick movements is going to save the republic. 22:35.242 --> 22:35.762 And it won't. 22:36.482 --> 22:46.227 It won't because of this illusion of consensus that's created by Kevin McKernan and Claire Craig from the very beginning when they first wrote the paper about the PCR test together. 22:46.727 --> 22:54.630 And George Webb and Jessica Rose from the very beginning when George Webb was on 60 Minutes and Jessica Rose came out about VAERS. 22:56.171 --> 23:05.135 Robert Malone and ZDogg are no different than one another because they both believe in the idea that there's pandemic potential in nature and in laboratories. 23:07.748 --> 23:17.441 So this new consensus about why they would murder and lie about it and what they're covering up with the murder and lies, we really need to think very carefully about it. 23:17.861 --> 23:23.609 I think we need to think very carefully about it in the same way that if we're going to ask the right question, what would we ask? 23:23.689 --> 23:24.811 The question we would ask 23:26.601 --> 23:29.001 And I think I actually blew it the last time I did a stream. 23:29.021 --> 23:36.583 The question we would ask, and this is most important, I haven't formulated this yet, and I think I said it in the last stream, but I probably said it an hour and a half in. 23:37.463 --> 23:51.526 The right question is, if science and biology have been malevolently simplified, if they have been malevolently distorted, 23:52.921 --> 24:22.019 and used against us with the P value thing, and with the funding thing, and with the overemphasis of genetics thing, and with the lies about how far we're gonna get in the next 10 years thing, and the lies about pandemic, and the next logical conclusion, the next logical sort of train of thought would be where in our society are these things most malevolently damaging our children? 24:23.507 --> 24:37.690 Where are these false assumptions, these mythologies, these socially engineered impetuses, where are these lies most malevolently impacting our children? 24:38.210 --> 24:39.751 Yes, fast food is terrible. 24:40.491 --> 24:42.491 Yes, plastic bottles are terrible. 24:43.031 --> 24:45.872 Yes, pollution in the ocean is terrible. 24:47.092 --> 24:49.053 But as a biologist and as a father, 24:50.031 --> 24:59.214 I think it's very, very important to understand that the vaccine schedule in America in particular has got to be seen as a criminal enterprise. 24:59.294 --> 25:04.135 It is a current ongoing crime. 25:04.255 --> 25:07.076 It should not be allowed to go on anymore. 25:07.136 --> 25:13.018 And one of the priorities I think should be to bring awareness to this. 25:13.178 --> 25:16.959 And the same time that we bring awareness to the fact that our, 25:18.278 --> 25:26.862 basic acceptance of the food industry in America has gone so far that the FDA essentially permits them to poison us. 25:27.302 --> 25:45.549 And this wicked combination is something that at least has to be on the list of the most malevolent ways that broken science, that the broken healthcare system or public health mythology has been most malevolently used against our children. 25:45.789 --> 25:46.890 Us, what are we going to do? 25:48.226 --> 25:51.329 You have every opportunity as an adult to turn it around. 25:51.369 --> 25:52.911 You can start eating well today. 25:52.971 --> 25:55.574 You can start drinking more water and less cola today. 25:55.974 --> 25:57.716 You can start exercising today. 25:57.776 --> 25:59.738 If you didn't do 10 sit-ups today, do them. 26:00.098 --> 26:02.821 If you've never done pushups in the last 20 years, do some. 26:04.343 --> 26:06.045 And then try tomorrow to do more. 26:07.267 --> 26:19.594 And at some point, if you actually keep that pattern going, you'll be doing 50 sit-ups a day, and you'll be doing 30 push-ups a day, and you'll be doing jump rope for 10 minutes a day, and you'll feel better than you did 30 days before. 26:21.555 --> 26:30.540 But ladies and gentlemen, children and babies cannot, and young parents are honestly not yet equipped to protect themselves from the 26:32.492 --> 26:40.664 the national security state that needs them to accept the vaccine schedule before and after the pandemic as just being default the best idea ever. 26:41.943 --> 27:01.673 and Robert Malone and Merrill Nass and Mary Holland and Brett Weinstein and the Brownstone Institute, none of these people are actually making any useful progress in terms of educating our children and young parents to swiftly turn this cruise ship around. 27:02.333 --> 27:04.914 Now, is it possible that there are people who are trying? 27:04.954 --> 27:05.915 Yes, I think there are. 27:05.955 --> 27:08.016 I think there are people who are trying. 27:08.036 --> 27:10.377 And I think Mike Eden might be one of them. 27:20.174 --> 27:21.135 It's manslaughter. 27:21.216 --> 27:23.699 OK, well, then for the doctors, it's manslaughter. 27:23.739 --> 27:27.724 But for some of these national security operatives, it's murder. 27:29.427 --> 27:31.750 Anyway, I don't want to debate that too much. 27:31.810 --> 27:32.431 I get the point. 27:32.511 --> 27:36.236 And if we're debating that, then we're talking about the right thing, which I think is very important. 27:37.557 --> 27:41.799 Because our way of life and our families and our kids future is under attack. 27:42.739 --> 27:45.100 And that means we need to understand it very well. 27:45.861 --> 27:51.063 I'm going to go full screen with this and there is some beginning part with like music and stuff. 27:51.123 --> 27:54.584 And because I don't have all day to do this, I will fast forward. 27:54.604 --> 27:58.626 I think I've gotten to the right part where the music is over and now they're going to introduce the dude. 27:59.546 --> 28:00.907 I've never watched this guy before. 28:00.947 --> 28:01.987 I'm unaware of him. 28:04.683 --> 28:07.752 I've heard the name before, but honestly, I'd never watched him. 28:07.812 --> 28:08.916 It's just one of those things. 28:11.761 --> 28:29.533 I find myself wondering, and I think Mark Kulak of Housatonic Live finds himself wondering too, really, how many other people really are there that just by the nature of social media and the control mechanisms built within it that we have been permanently separated from one another pretty effectively up until now? 28:31.234 --> 28:34.736 Or really, is there very little in terms of people to connect to? 28:35.617 --> 28:37.138 Shout out also to Joe Marshall. 28:37.158 --> 28:39.119 He's done a couple of really good videos lately. 28:39.460 --> 28:41.401 So if you haven't checked out the Liberty Perspective, 28:42.296 --> 28:43.778 on Rumble, please do that. 28:43.998 --> 28:49.162 And Mark Kulak of Mark Housatonic Live is now also on Twitch. 28:49.202 --> 28:54.347 So if you're watching on Twitch, you can of course immediately look for him and follow him as well if you haven't already. 28:54.367 --> 28:56.969 Okay, I didn't want that, sorry. 28:56.989 --> 28:58.410 I am so happy to be here with all of you. 29:09.813 --> 29:10.974 And I totally mean it as well. 29:11.334 --> 29:16.557 In the expensive bit at the beginning that most of you were too cheap to pay for, but it was really worth it, I can tell you. 29:17.338 --> 29:19.899 Seriously, they got the best of me. 29:19.919 --> 29:22.000 This is just the kind of, the leavings. 29:22.461 --> 29:23.641 But I'll try. 29:23.661 --> 29:37.450 No, these moments are really special because I suspect that almost everyone here finds themselves living in a situation where they can't say the shit that we're gonna say to each other tonight 29:38.635 --> 29:40.599 and the pub and the bits in between. 29:40.659 --> 29:44.908 We can finally, we're finally free to be ourselves. 29:46.594 --> 29:47.475 And most of us can't. 29:47.595 --> 29:52.098 I mean, I can't talk about the stuff that I talk about here at home. 29:52.598 --> 29:53.659 I can't live this double life. 29:55.000 --> 29:56.381 I think most of us have the same experience. 29:56.661 --> 30:07.448 We've got one foot in normie world where we have to sort of feign an interest in whoever's going to be elected in some kind of irrelevant thing that's going on on TV. 30:08.189 --> 30:15.994 And the real, true world where we know that Taylor Swift is a bloke. 30:21.538 --> 30:23.800 See, now this is already for me disappointing. 30:23.900 --> 30:26.602 I swear, I'm being serious when I say I haven't watched this. 30:27.803 --> 30:39.752 This is disappointing to me because essentially he is suggesting, it's kind of weird that he's doing this in a church, he's kind of suggesting that you don't have to tell the truth all the time. 30:40.112 --> 30:44.435 We all live lives of lies where we put on a disguise or a face. 30:47.398 --> 30:49.339 Maybe I'm just a weirdo, but I don't. 30:50.280 --> 30:52.041 I tell the truth all the time. 30:52.221 --> 30:54.723 All my neighbors know exactly what I'm up to. 30:56.084 --> 31:04.990 Some of them react kind of weird, but they all knew that I was working for Bobby when I was working for Bobby, and they all know that I think Bobby's a creep now. 31:06.010 --> 31:12.316 Or at least they know that I think that Bobby is somehow part of a system that we are all in need of checking out of. 31:12.356 --> 31:14.278 And that's what I say to them. 31:14.318 --> 31:17.301 And they don't necessarily go, oh, yeah, OK. 31:17.321 --> 31:20.344 They all look a little concerned and whatever. 31:20.404 --> 31:26.170 But I don't put on a front, especially if somebody asks me. 31:26.611 --> 31:29.373 And so this already kind of disappoints me because, 31:30.174 --> 31:38.324 I think that's part of the reason why assholes are getting away with being assholes, because quite a few people aren't willing to say it. 31:40.606 --> 31:41.908 And I think it's a real shame. 31:43.029 --> 31:44.811 And we know about the dinosaurs as well. 31:46.093 --> 31:48.055 We've got their number, haven't we? 31:48.135 --> 31:49.436 We know about the dinosaurs. 31:50.171 --> 31:52.593 Oh, yeah, yeah, darling, we love your little triceratops. 31:52.913 --> 31:54.734 Yeah, it didn't exist, didn't exist. 31:55.695 --> 32:01.599 I'd like to get to know, I mean, I kind of feel I know you already, and I've met quite a few of you before. 32:02.220 --> 32:06.123 Hands up who's been to a previous live Deling pod. 32:07.803 --> 32:09.604 Oh, so there are quite a few newbies, that's good. 32:09.684 --> 32:12.666 But welcome back to the ones who've been there before. 32:13.446 --> 32:19.669 Hands up if I have burned you on social media, if I've flamed you. 32:20.349 --> 32:27.673 As I always say, I'm really sorry, because you know this, I am so much nicer in real life. 32:28.493 --> 32:31.876 And so here again, you can kind of see something suspicious here. 32:31.916 --> 32:36.079 He's not at all suggesting that social media is a bad place. 32:37.020 --> 32:47.069 He's asking if you've interacted with him on social media and sort of kind of indirectly encouraging anyone who hasn't or would like to, to seek him out on social media. 32:48.850 --> 32:50.992 Then I am online. 32:51.993 --> 32:54.375 Online, I take no prisoners. 32:55.737 --> 33:00.681 And the reason I take no prisoners is because you bloody deserved it. 33:01.482 --> 33:02.523 You shouldn't be wrong. 33:02.583 --> 33:05.865 If you say wrong things and annoying things to me, you get burned. 33:05.885 --> 33:12.391 In real life, I'm like a kitten, like a lovely, sweet little... I'm not just a kitten. 33:13.131 --> 33:16.434 I'm actually a British shorthair kitten. 33:16.494 --> 33:17.455 You know how cute they are. 33:17.475 --> 33:20.918 They've got little grey faces, little round faces. 33:20.938 --> 33:22.079 They're lovely, lovely. 33:22.459 --> 33:23.240 I'm like one of those. 33:24.255 --> 33:25.155 How many people? 33:25.615 --> 33:30.076 I can't help but to point out that there are a lot of cat people on the bad side. 33:32.477 --> 33:33.297 I am a dog person. 33:34.037 --> 33:34.977 We have no cats. 33:35.117 --> 33:39.958 No problem with them, but I find it an interesting signal. 33:41.038 --> 33:44.419 Even if it's irrelevant. 33:44.459 --> 33:51.060 The reason why I find it an interesting signal is for me it's especially interesting because drastic started doing that actually. 33:51.900 --> 34:02.487 It was a couple people in drastic and Kevin McKernan that started posting cat pictures as a way of throwing off the Twitter algorithm. 34:02.547 --> 34:05.489 I think that was in 2021, but it might've been as late as 2022. 34:07.478 --> 34:12.684 Luigi Warren was a guy, original OG member of Drastic who started doing that. 34:13.145 --> 34:18.070 And at the same time, that was when I started to follow Kevin McKernan and he also did it. 34:18.591 --> 34:23.236 So it's just interesting that here we are in 2024 and now he's talking about himself as a cat. 34:23.336 --> 34:23.817 It's weird. 34:24.317 --> 34:24.497 Yeah. 34:29.935 --> 34:36.799 You jest, you hand-putter-uppers, but I'll bet there are some people who are from the intelligence service. 34:36.879 --> 34:43.584 And I would like to say, I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, whoever you are. 34:44.864 --> 34:46.345 Well, I mean, only a bit. 34:47.106 --> 34:48.707 But I would like to say to you one thing. 34:49.682 --> 34:53.223 When you get home after this uncomfortable evening. 34:53.583 --> 35:01.044 He's addressing intelligence officers in the audience and they're uncomfortable in the audience. 35:01.124 --> 35:08.685 This is pretty arrogant and also pretty theatrical. 35:09.445 --> 35:14.126 The whole introduction here has been pretty theatrical, if I can be so bold. 35:15.026 --> 35:18.127 Go and find a Bible, if you've got one. 35:19.525 --> 35:27.108 and read about a character called Saul, who was doing what you're doing now. 35:27.228 --> 35:35.691 He was on his way to Damascus to persecute some decent people, and something happened. 35:36.231 --> 35:39.312 And I hope that one day the same thing happens to you. 35:45.014 --> 35:45.134 Now, 35:48.294 --> 35:57.803 I had planned one of the more completely out there podcasts I did, not quite Jesse Saboto level, but almost. 35:57.863 --> 36:01.006 I don't know, was it, what was her name, Catherine somebody? 36:03.405 --> 36:09.769 She deals with the really dark stuff, you know, adrenochrome and sort of, you know, Satanism and blah, blah, blah. 36:10.469 --> 36:24.176 And she had on this website, on her website, this really good prayer that totally covered everything, that warded off all the kind of evil that was going to, you know, potentially oppress her, you know, when you talk about this stuff. 36:24.617 --> 36:31.781 And Dick, Dick the other day met this, well, about a year ago now, met this man, I hope he's here, but I bet he isn't. 36:32.481 --> 36:43.736 who goes around sprinkling salt around the whole area where people like us are going to meet, and it keeps the evil out. 36:45.851 --> 36:50.176 And I, I mean, I don't know about you, I do genuinely believe in this. 36:50.236 --> 36:54.561 I mean, I don't just sort of say it as a kind of comical affectation. 36:55.122 --> 37:02.211 I genuinely believe, in fact, who believes as well, that we are fighting above all a spiritual battle right now. 37:05.123 --> 37:06.784 Yeah, I'm surprised by it. 37:06.844 --> 37:07.945 It's about 50-50, I'd say. 37:08.005 --> 37:10.688 I think it is a battle between good and evil. 37:11.109 --> 37:16.694 And I used to feel slightly embarrassed about mentioning subjects like Christianity. 37:18.456 --> 37:27.925 I'm not embarrassed at all anymore because I think that this stuff is real and that one should talk about it. 37:28.863 --> 37:29.985 So what is the stuff? 37:30.005 --> 37:38.896 You see, this is the part where I really think that GigaOM Biological and a few other podcasts maybe are the only ones that get it right. 37:38.956 --> 37:44.824 Because it is the ASH experiment, it's the Milgram experiment, it's 37:46.644 --> 37:50.586 It's some kind of captor syndrome or kidnapped. 37:50.906 --> 37:59.129 You feel like you've been under somebody else's control or captive or you've submitted or whatever explanation you have for it. 37:59.249 --> 38:07.632 It is ultimately comes down to the fact that groups of people have coordinatedly lied to us over many years. 38:09.898 --> 38:18.207 And they've lied to us with the intention of confusing us, with the intention of creating fear and uncertainty and doubt. 38:20.789 --> 38:24.033 And so when somebody like this says, do you think it's a spiritual battle? 38:24.053 --> 38:27.156 But then he doesn't define the battlefield. 38:29.668 --> 38:46.397 when faiths as generations old can all agree that the father of lies is a synonym for Satan, is a synonym for the devil, kind of makes lies pretty bad, right? 38:48.518 --> 38:56.543 And in reality, this is the part about it that frustrates me the most, is that I really think from the perspective of teaching our children, 38:57.950 --> 39:10.147 You can start on YouTube and look at Mr. Beast with them and show that Mr. Beast is only giving away prizes to people that live in his hometown or people that are working for him or people that are related to people who are working for him. 39:10.827 --> 39:15.514 And nobody who's just randomly subscribed to him is getting any attention or money or anything at all. 39:17.065 --> 39:20.067 It's an illusion and they're allowed to do it because it's social media. 39:20.107 --> 39:32.414 You're allowed to get 20 people together to lie about being contestants on Mr. Beast's YouTube competition where they're gonna stay on an island for three days and see who can survive without food or some shit. 39:34.595 --> 39:44.601 And just because you can see it with Mr. Beast doesn't mean that it's easy to see it when somebody like Meryl Nass and Mary Holland and their guests decide to do it. 39:46.630 --> 39:50.857 When the guest on ICANN being interviewed by Dell is doing it. 39:53.441 --> 39:55.825 When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 39:55.885 --> 40:00.853 is being advised by people who are doing it to him, and so he ends up doing it wittingly, unwittingly. 40:01.974 --> 40:12.101 However you want to describe the world or explain what you see at the foundation of it has to be that people have agreed to participate in this theater. 40:12.181 --> 40:24.169 And if this guy has agreed to participate in the theater, which right now, I mean, at least 50 50, because of all the crap he said so far, he doesn't seem to be lowering any ladders. 40:24.209 --> 40:30.073 He just wants everybody to make sure we agree on what, where we are and what the trap looks like. 40:32.853 --> 40:40.358 And oftentimes when somebody wants you to agree on what the trap looks like, they are actually not trying to free you from it. 40:42.920 --> 40:47.983 I'm always trying to find more parts of the trap, more angles on it, more doors that are closing. 40:48.483 --> 40:55.548 And these people are already pretty certain for four years that they know exactly what the trap is composed of and they know exactly how to get out. 40:55.608 --> 40:58.530 But you know, we can wait for a little while before we actually do anything. 40:59.230 --> 41:00.030 I was going to 41:01.144 --> 41:06.126 print out this long prayer and read it. 41:06.146 --> 41:09.228 I mean, it really covered everything. 41:09.248 --> 41:13.050 I mean, you'd have gone home, and you'd have been absolutely safe, and you wouldn't have been attacked by demons at all. 41:15.231 --> 41:20.793 But then it meant getting the printer working, and actually, I think it's probably take up all the evening anyway. 41:20.813 --> 41:23.575 So let's just do a quick one before we start. 41:23.715 --> 41:28.037 I'm just going to say, our Father, which art in heaven, 41:28.737 --> 41:33.779 Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 41:34.519 --> 41:39.901 Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. 41:40.481 --> 41:43.242 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 41:43.702 --> 41:47.504 For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. 41:48.204 --> 41:48.504 Amen. 41:48.524 --> 41:54.186 And I'm sorry for any non-Christians that I've embarrassed with that, but I think the Christians will know what I mean. 41:54.226 --> 41:56.107 We kind of need these things. 41:56.167 --> 41:56.887 I think that they, 41:59.113 --> 42:13.510 They, whenever you say a prayer, whenever you say a psalm, as I do every day, you are sort of slightly tipping the balance towards the side of the good and against the side of evil. 42:14.684 --> 42:23.066 And I think that my guest, who you're about to meet in a moment, might even agree with me on some of this stuff. 42:23.386 --> 42:26.907 One more question before I get him on stage and before we get the show rolling. 42:27.708 --> 42:41.491 How many people here have been brought along by their wife or whoever, and are sitting there going, who are all these crazy people? 42:41.932 --> 42:42.312 What am I? 42:43.172 --> 42:43.252 One. 42:45.037 --> 42:45.877 Two, three. 42:48.478 --> 42:53.480 Well, I hope that we succeed tonight in red-pilling you, or at least taking you some of the way with us. 42:53.500 --> 42:55.820 I mean, I think, come on in, the water's lovely, isn't it? 42:57.581 --> 42:57.901 Right. 42:59.201 --> 43:01.342 I think we should get the show on the road. 43:03.823 --> 43:10.405 By beginning with the magic words, welcome to the Deling Pod. 43:11.894 --> 43:17.336 And I know I always say this, but I'm really excited about my special guest. 43:18.336 --> 43:21.198 Welcome to the Deling Pod, Mike Uden. 43:21.218 --> 43:35.763 There's a couple of weird times where they really use the camera specifically cut to his hands. 43:36.423 --> 43:38.264 They even cut to that handshake, which 43:39.679 --> 43:41.400 It could just be them messing with us. 43:41.660 --> 43:43.041 It's also just strange. 43:43.221 --> 43:43.581 I don't know. 43:43.741 --> 43:53.027 I find it very strange, those kinds of cuts, knowing what I know and we all know about how hand signals don't mean anything until they mean something, right? 43:53.967 --> 43:54.888 Which side do you want? 44:07.365 --> 44:28.871 Now, Mike, I would suggest that one reason that we love you, Mike, is, and they do, we do, is that I would guess there are quite a few people here tonight, the reason they did not take the death jab was because of you. 44:29.512 --> 44:30.692 Hands up if that's the case. 44:32.253 --> 44:33.314 I still think that's true. 44:33.374 --> 44:35.917 I think he probably saved more people than anybody else. 44:35.937 --> 44:38.039 I wish I could have helped more people not take it. 44:39.861 --> 44:41.363 Well, yeah. 44:41.383 --> 44:42.164 Do you see? 44:42.284 --> 44:45.007 He's already, he almost cried right there. 44:46.181 --> 44:58.250 So even if he drops some balls in this interview and we have to correct them or we can expand on them, understand that I still think that Mike Eden is Mr. Sparkle. 44:58.310 --> 45:06.056 And I still think that if anything, he is emotionally and mentally exhausted from being assaulted on all sides from all these people. 45:06.096 --> 45:09.479 I mean, Sasha Latapova was one of the last people to get in touch with him. 45:09.879 --> 45:11.000 And that's just gross. 45:11.060 --> 45:12.241 I don't wish that on anybody. 45:12.501 --> 45:14.862 It was right at the beginning, wasn't it? 45:15.162 --> 45:31.187 I think the first time I more or less said don't do it was an open letter that I wrote with Wolfgang Bodarg to the European Medical Medicines Agency and it was 1st of December 2020 and that was the day my life changed. 45:32.088 --> 45:35.389 I've been annoying on Twitter and lots of people have 45:36.049 --> 46:01.221 I think they do a pylon, and then make things, and I'm not, I wasn't used to what was happening, couldn't deal with it, but it was the day after I published that, the BBC put on someone who'd formerly fronted Newsnight to interview a woman from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and then they, on Woman's Hour, lied to the public to say, I'm a conspiracy theorist. 46:01.281 --> 46:03.242 She said, I'm going to name him, Dr. Mike Eden. 46:03.722 --> 46:04.463 Complete rubbish. 46:04.983 --> 46:11.106 Here's the lady from the Royal College to tell you, not only is it safe to be jabbed, but you must go and get jabbed if you're pregnant. 46:12.827 --> 46:15.909 Anyway, I managed to get them to take that all down. 46:16.469 --> 46:18.630 Because I said, if you don't, I'm actually going to sue you. 46:19.391 --> 46:29.796 But I think that's when I realized that basically the establishment is not going to tolerate me doing this. 46:29.896 --> 46:33.939 And I think it took about another three months before I realized 46:35.297 --> 46:44.726 rather spooky thought that a few months previously, someone had held a meeting where they decided whether to murder me or censor me. 46:45.707 --> 46:53.093 Because several people, people like President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, PhD chemist, I'm pretty sure he was murdered. 46:53.574 --> 46:58.178 There's been an exceptionally large number of African MPs that all died in the first six months of 2020. 46:59.939 --> 47:14.130 And basically, the people who are running this, we won't see them, but the people who are near to us, the idiots, people who work for the secret services, if you think you're serving your country. 47:15.151 --> 47:20.335 Do you really think the people running this are going to let you keep the money that you earn? 47:20.835 --> 47:26.498 for ratting on your colleagues and helping destroy the society that you live in, you really are stupid. 47:26.838 --> 47:32.141 If you think this is just an ordinary job of work, you haven't woken up yet, so you're not very intelligent after all. 47:33.095 --> 47:40.438 So when people have said, oh, you're very brave speaking out, I react badly. 47:40.498 --> 47:49.121 Because I've said, if you think it's scary what might happen if we speak out, you've got to look at what's going to happen if you don't. 47:50.182 --> 47:50.782 Much worse. 47:51.302 --> 47:58.205 And once I realized how bad this is, and it didn't take, it took me about another six months to cross back to God. 47:59.706 --> 48:00.707 one vivid night. 48:01.727 --> 48:14.599 But once I realized how bad it was, I thought, if they do me in for speaking truth, it's probably better than if I undo that rather than just creep around and hope to survive another six months longer in Hunger City. 48:16.721 --> 48:18.822 My wife has advised me not to swear, so I'm not going to. 48:18.862 --> 48:23.644 But I was pretty gritty about that, and I have no fear whatsoever. 48:23.764 --> 48:35.029 And I urge all of you to get over any embarrassment you may have and any fear you may have, because the controllers have made sure that people like James and I have a limited reach. 48:35.289 --> 48:39.211 I think the tech censorship is unbelievably effective. 48:39.711 --> 48:40.651 I mean, you wouldn't believe it. 48:40.671 --> 48:42.072 And that's why they don't need to do anything. 48:43.810 --> 48:56.919 And Mike is right, but he's also not fully understanding and I still think it's hard for a lot of people to see it if you haven't actually run into these people over and over and over again and had it done to you over and over and over again. 48:57.500 --> 48:58.480 And I feel. 48:59.441 --> 49:13.672 some humbleness in the fact that since 2020, there have basically been group after group after group of people that has agreed to lie to me in some weird concerted way to try and fool me into a hamster wheel. 49:14.472 --> 49:22.418 And for many, many years, I was essentially running in hamster wheels that were constructed by other people that I trusted. 49:23.519 --> 49:28.523 And every time I weeded out another set of these liars, another group showed up. 49:29.650 --> 49:40.356 And it turns out that there were an extraordinary number of people that were, wittingly or unwittingly, co-opted or not, participating in this narrative curation. 49:40.816 --> 49:42.637 And Mike Eden was not one of them. 49:42.697 --> 49:49.181 He never felt like one of them because he was talking about everything that he thought was important, including immunity. 49:49.781 --> 50:00.871 He was one of the first people to start talking about the idea that, OK, there are RNA viruses, but they're not so dissimilar from one another that our immune system hasn't already cracked this puzzle. 50:01.251 --> 50:09.698 And it would be crazy to think that we need to reorient the immune system of millions of people for something that 50:10.439 --> 50:21.952 He was very good at asking the right questions and one of the only ones besides Wolfgang Wodach and another guy by the name of Knut Witkowski, who was asking the right questions in 2020. 50:22.333 --> 50:26.157 The rest of them, like, I mean, you can go all along the gamut. 50:26.197 --> 50:27.639 Most of them weren't speaking out. 50:27.699 --> 50:28.420 Most of them were 50:28.820 --> 50:31.042 wearing bandanas and woodshop goggles. 50:31.142 --> 50:35.265 Most of them were trying to see if they could get in on the repurposed drug train. 50:35.746 --> 50:43.972 Most of these people were not usefully questioning the fundamental principles and premises of the narrative at all and never have. 50:45.193 --> 50:47.255 Mike Eden has done it consistently. 50:47.534 --> 50:53.736 Because they know that what we say, that's like throwing a skimming stone across the lake. 50:53.816 --> 50:56.357 We might think we'll get nine jumps if we do it well. 50:56.877 --> 50:59.578 They've worked it out to be like two and a half and then it will stop. 51:00.038 --> 51:03.599 But the people in this room, you are the secret weapon. 51:03.940 --> 51:10.822 Now remember, that's partially correct that when they censor Mike Eden, his message never gets out. 51:12.122 --> 51:14.623 Even when other people try to get it out, it doesn't get out. 51:14.683 --> 51:15.363 That's true. 51:15.824 --> 51:16.764 But even worse, 51:17.910 --> 51:32.772 is the artificial elevation of people like Robert Malone, of people like Meryl Nass, of people like Bobby Kennedy, of the elevation of particular people that are actually in the reality 51:33.593 --> 51:59.054 part of this limited spectrum of debate, part of this controlled opposition, playing a role, agreeing not to question the really important places where the broken science of our culture is most malevolently affecting our children's future and their potential to have liberty and to exceed the potential of their biology. 51:59.918 --> 52:02.299 It's just not being actively done. 52:02.419 --> 52:11.704 We are not actively seeking to change the system in the places where it is most malevolently misaligned for our children. 52:11.844 --> 52:15.345 They're not even asking those questions, not even remotely. 52:16.006 --> 52:20.768 And instead they are using the broken system to justify destroying it. 52:21.687 --> 52:27.211 And that's, again, something that I think Mike Yeadon sees and speaks out very clearly about. 52:27.591 --> 52:32.235 The way that we stop this, the way that we stop the enslavement is to stop engaging in this system. 52:32.694 --> 52:42.038 your family that isn't here, your friends that aren't here, work colleagues that aren't here, or listening to us, you are the only contacts who know the truth. 52:42.758 --> 52:44.098 Media will never tell them the truth. 52:44.118 --> 52:46.439 They'll never hear from me. 52:47.520 --> 52:50.121 So bluntly, if you don't do it, we're going down. 52:50.181 --> 52:57.284 If you do do it, they will lose, because they require consent, or at least just not protesting. 52:57.624 --> 52:59.344 So that's all it will take. 52:59.384 --> 52:59.665 Well said. 53:01.125 --> 53:10.808 Once you've learned one really significant thing that's just like so obviously awful, it's a crime against humanity, then people protesting, oh, what about this? 53:10.868 --> 53:11.529 What about that? 53:11.869 --> 53:15.490 So for me, it came from my professional experience and training. 53:16.110 --> 53:26.714 I looked at these things called vaccines and I thought, I can find multiple, independent, unnecessary, obvious mechanisms of toxicity. 53:27.674 --> 53:34.017 Multiple, independent, unnecessary, and obvious. 53:34.817 --> 53:37.438 And so I wrestled with this for ages. 53:38.338 --> 53:48.000 Now remember, that is in contrast to somebody like Kevin McKernan, who would argue that it's really just the double-stranded DNA and the contamination that we got to solve. 53:48.920 --> 53:51.081 And then transfection works great. 53:51.561 --> 53:53.441 Like Buck, what is his name? 53:54.462 --> 53:57.602 Buckhalter would argue the exact same thing. 53:57.642 --> 54:00.583 He even argues worse that the double-stranded DNA 54:01.403 --> 54:06.069 doesn't make transfection bad for his parents, it just makes it a little questionable for his daughter. 54:06.570 --> 54:13.680 And so one of the things at the heart of this is what Mike Eden is explaining right now, this idea that this 54:15.836 --> 54:18.899 the problems that are solved and not solved. 54:19.119 --> 54:20.821 And there are no problems solved. 54:20.881 --> 54:29.430 I mean, even Robert Malone is a disgruntled guy who claims that Peter Akullis lied to him and told him that they had solved the localization problem. 54:29.770 --> 54:32.793 And that was the reason why he took two doses of Moderna. 54:33.294 --> 54:35.456 So these people are caught now. 54:36.499 --> 54:58.951 They are caught in their inconsistency and their lack of integrity over four years where Mike Eden, although his opinions have wavered and he's gone in and out of the idea of viruses and whatever, his fundamental principles and his fundamental basis for objecting to this still ultimately spins back to the idea that they suddenly wanted to inject it in pregnant women. 54:58.991 --> 55:01.132 It spins back to the idea that this 55:01.952 --> 55:06.994 that the design of this methodology applied to healthy people doesn't make any sense. 55:08.435 --> 55:09.975 That's why I love Mr. Sparkle. 55:10.255 --> 55:17.858 It was like someone like me sat in a room and worked out how to manufacture these things. 55:18.398 --> 55:26.001 And then other people would persuade large chunks of the population of the planet to have this thrust into their arms. 55:26.061 --> 55:29.423 And so, you know, I was well on my way back to gold at that point. 55:30.143 --> 55:36.026 Because if that isn't evil, I'm really not sure that we should just expunge the word from the dictionary if that doesn't fit. 55:36.546 --> 55:44.690 So Mike, can I pause you there, because you went straight from the kind of foreplay to the money shot in all that. 55:45.091 --> 55:45.831 And I respect that. 55:45.971 --> 55:50.173 I mean, you are basically batshit crazy, like me. 55:50.233 --> 55:54.195 I mean, you don't pull your punches. 55:56.456 --> 55:57.197 You talk about the 55:59.147 --> 56:00.628 bad things. 56:00.808 --> 56:07.714 Why is that useful in his mind to call each other batshit crazy? 56:08.955 --> 56:10.276 Why is that useful? 56:11.097 --> 56:15.600 How is that not more likely neurolinguistic programming about lab leaks? 56:16.381 --> 56:18.763 Like, what is going on here? 56:18.903 --> 56:21.345 Vaccines, which aren't vaccines, we know. 56:21.365 --> 56:26.309 Can you just briefly tell us the bad constituents? 56:27.170 --> 56:28.091 So what are they then? 56:28.711 --> 56:35.355 Some people say, we're not even sure that the things they've told us are in it are in it, and that's fair enough. 56:35.855 --> 56:38.277 We can only deal with what they've told us they're doing. 56:38.717 --> 56:45.962 So put simply, these are genetic gene-based products like messenger RNA. 56:46.402 --> 56:50.725 It contains a piece of code for your body to manufacture something. 56:51.964 --> 56:54.705 And we're told it's a spike protein, but it doesn't really matter what it is. 56:54.805 --> 57:01.746 The point is, your body is exquisitely sensitive to what belongs in it and what is foreign. 57:02.706 --> 57:05.047 We all know about tissue rejection if you have a transplant. 57:05.587 --> 57:06.367 Same principle. 57:07.468 --> 57:14.889 So when you inject it with this bit of code, your body will then go, OK, boss, you told me to make the thing that is encoded. 57:16.029 --> 57:18.050 It's a non-human protein. 57:19.011 --> 57:24.557 So your body will manufacture a non-human protein, your immune system will go, hold on, that doesn't belong in here. 57:24.577 --> 57:37.492 And every single cell in your body that has taken up a blob of that material and made the foreign protein will be detected and destroyed by your immune system. 57:39.130 --> 57:40.611 There's no way out. 57:40.671 --> 57:42.412 That's like immunology 101. 57:42.652 --> 57:45.314 It's the first lesson, self and non-self. 57:45.574 --> 57:50.937 So that's one thing, that there are various toxic lipids that I think are intrinsically dangerous. 57:51.738 --> 57:55.160 Oh yeah, and then the... I shouldn't laugh. 57:55.380 --> 58:01.744 But the formulation, you may have heard that they're wrapped in lipid nanoparticles, just blobs of grease, a very special grease. 58:02.484 --> 58:05.746 I happen to know this, so when I saw it, it was like, oh my god. 58:06.246 --> 58:16.272 The particular lipids that they use are known to accumulate in the abdominal organs of animals, in particular, the ovaries. 58:17.032 --> 58:25.898 So I went searching and found a paper like nine years old, lipid nanoparticles accumulate in ovaries, an unrecognized reproductive harms risk. 58:27.358 --> 58:32.840 So if you combine the first two things, I've got five more, but you know, and others have got another three or four. 58:33.240 --> 58:42.564 So these things, sorry to shock you so early, but that's what made me absolutely certain that what's happening is, you know, whatever. 58:42.604 --> 58:44.405 There's no way it's just to make a bit of money. 58:44.425 --> 58:45.665 It wasn't a mistake. 58:46.005 --> 58:48.446 You know, it's like someone's coming after us. 58:48.466 --> 58:52.028 I don't think we should let them. 58:53.008 --> 58:54.689 So you think it's, 58:57.515 --> 59:04.398 And so I think it's important to say that Mark Kulak and I have a little bit more nuanced way of saying this. 59:04.959 --> 59:06.339 They're not coming after us. 59:06.920 --> 59:15.644 They are inverting our sovereignty so that they can use us and our children and our children's children as experimental animals without having to pay a dime for it. 59:17.405 --> 59:24.548 And without us even asking questions, because it will essentially be under the guise of the vaccine schedule and personalized medicine. 59:24.609 --> 59:25.429 That's what's coming. 59:27.150 --> 59:32.231 And it goes right along with digital IDs and digital currency and all this other stuff. 59:32.271 --> 59:34.252 It's all part of the same show. 59:34.652 --> 59:38.612 And most of that, of course, is what Mr. Sparkle is going to get right. 59:38.652 --> 59:44.274 But I'm just trying to keep up with this and make sure that we don't drop the ball on any of this stuff. 59:44.734 --> 59:46.514 He says that a code makes a protein. 59:46.554 --> 59:48.595 Don't forget that it's a non-human protein. 59:48.635 --> 59:49.995 It's not even a viral protein. 59:50.851 --> 01:00:01.311 because they've codon optimized it and they've changed a significant number of bases to this base that can wobble codons so that even if you have the 01:00:02.486 --> 01:00:20.055 theoretically correct sequence, and only that sequence in your lipid nanoparticle, it won't be read with high fidelity by the ribosomes, because the ribosomes will make errors because of the chemical alterations that you've made, and because of the codon optimization that you've done. 01:00:20.535 --> 01:00:23.997 And so the protein that comes out is actually rather unpredictably 01:00:24.858 --> 01:00:25.859 I'm going to be folded. 01:00:25.919 --> 01:00:35.213 It's going to be different because again, all the RNAs are not the same and they're not pure, even though that's the assumption that was kind of made in that rudimentary explanation. 01:00:35.693 --> 01:00:40.901 The RNAs are definitely not pure because Kevin McKernan came on my stream in 2022 and talked about that. 01:00:41.301 --> 01:01:04.663 it's just a smear and so the protein that would be produced would always be a smear of fragments that again would have a much higher propensity for a bouquet of outcomes wherever they were expressed rather than some kind of limited set of outcomes that again the Scooby-Doo mystery has wanted us to believe you know it's just clotting or it's just 01:01:06.585 --> 01:01:08.626 I don't know, amyloid or something like that. 01:01:08.706 --> 01:01:12.108 No, we're talking about an almost unlimited bouquet of potential. 01:01:12.669 --> 01:01:25.516 Because wherever these, these particles go, they have the potential to damage chemically, things like your mitochondria, but they also have potential to damage you as a result of improperly activating your immune system. 01:01:27.257 --> 01:01:30.419 And so accumulating in the ovaries is even a very, very 01:01:32.498 --> 01:01:45.146 simplified version of what somebody like Byron Bridle was trying to explain in 2021, where it's not only the ovaries, it goes lots of places, including the bone marrow, which can't be, can't be good. 01:01:45.186 --> 01:01:46.988 And again, I'm not critiquing Mike. 01:01:47.468 --> 01:01:52.191 I'm just trying to augment him, especially because he's on this goofy podcast with this goofy dude. 01:01:56.241 --> 01:01:57.122 You think it's obvious. 01:01:57.522 --> 01:02:10.354 So you come from a farmer background, but presumably from the kind of more of the sort of production side rather than the kind of in a lab. 01:02:11.246 --> 01:02:14.488 tinkering with formulae side of it. 01:02:14.508 --> 01:02:25.795 I was a research scientist, really, so I would say I managed to do for a living what I... I mean, make sure Solar Fire 9... Of course, Pamela is correct. 01:02:27.276 --> 01:02:37.702 One of the assertions that I'm making is that placebo batches could have been used to fool thousands of people into thinking that, wow, I got a transfection, I didn't feel a thing. 01:02:38.362 --> 01:02:39.763 I got two and I didn't feel a thing. 01:02:42.270 --> 01:02:53.480 And because of the way that subsequent activations are where the danger would be, it makes really good sense that somebody would get a placebo and then get a live one. 01:02:53.520 --> 01:03:04.951 And then because they only got one live one, they never really had the kind of adverse reaction they would have or more likely to have if every one of those doses were an active transfection. 01:03:06.485 --> 01:03:23.554 And I think that because of the cheap and easy possibility that would also allow them to manufacture many more doses if half of them could be placebo, it would allow them to very easily disguise the data collection 01:03:25.043 --> 01:03:40.574 and very easily encode essentially into the distribution a very detailed observation of dosage and exposure and all this other stuff, knowing where the placebos were that no one else knew where they were. 01:03:41.275 --> 01:03:47.919 And so everybody that's even administering these shots would have experienced weeks where there were placebos at their location. 01:03:47.959 --> 01:03:52.683 And then as a result, then I'm like, wow, it's really rare that people have an accident. 01:03:53.789 --> 01:04:01.176 And so I don't think you can underestimate how it could even be that 75% of the shots produced were placebo. 01:04:01.797 --> 01:04:03.238 What motivation do they have? 01:04:03.298 --> 01:04:10.926 How many people are actually gonna go out and get the requisite test that will describe whether or not something happened after that injection? 01:04:11.366 --> 01:04:11.767 Nobody. 01:04:12.663 --> 01:04:14.125 Nobody was gonna check it. 01:04:14.666 --> 01:04:24.601 So there was no reason for them not to roll out even 75% placebos in order to make sure they could pay close attention to where they rolled out the hot ones. 01:04:27.731 --> 01:04:51.183 And no one, not one person has even considered how easy it would be to do this, how few people would be required to do it, and how the capability of the entire national security apparatus that is supposed to be responding to this crisis would be necessarily increased by orders of magnitude simply by a few people agreeing, oh yeah, I never thought about that. 01:04:51.663 --> 01:04:56.926 Jay's right, we should just use placebo in half these doses and it'll be very easy to meet the quotas. 01:04:57.774 --> 01:04:58.597 Stop lying! 01:05:00.345 --> 01:05:04.046 do for a hobby, which I like to tinker with mechanical things. 01:05:04.086 --> 01:05:10.509 But that's also where what we just see Zardog saying, that that's also where all these other ingredients come in. 01:05:10.549 --> 01:05:27.675 Because if you start to speculate about the other things that are in the shot, you are definitely not speculating about the possibility of them using mass placebo to get everybody to believe that the shot is harmless, that transfection is harmless, that transfection worked. 01:05:30.356 --> 01:05:40.390 And if there's nothing really to save us from except for bad protocols and bad ideas, then the transfection, even if it was a placebo, could be perceived to work. 01:05:41.581 --> 01:05:49.507 You see them apart, work out how they work and when they're broken, why that is and how to fix them. 01:05:49.867 --> 01:05:56.252 Those are exactly the same questions as I was trying to deal with in research pharmacology. 01:05:56.432 --> 01:05:57.352 How does the body work? 01:05:57.813 --> 01:05:58.974 What's different in disease? 01:05:59.054 --> 01:06:01.175 What could you do to try and fix it? 01:06:01.235 --> 01:06:06.099 And so all I'm doing is applying those skills to looking at the vaccines. 01:06:07.259 --> 01:06:10.182 And because of my training in mechanistic toxicology, 01:06:10.862 --> 01:06:12.163 how things harm you when they do. 01:06:12.703 --> 01:06:17.947 I feel like I'm looking over the shoulder of the person who made them, thinking, what were you trying to do? 01:06:18.447 --> 01:06:21.009 So I am 100% certain. 01:06:21.310 --> 01:06:26.493 I've also, a couple of years ago, I called out three of the four. 01:06:27.134 --> 01:06:33.899 Remember, one of the people that we know that did some experiments of some kind on supposedly batches of 01:06:34.879 --> 01:06:45.389 of the shot was some guy in Japan named Kevin McCarran, and he supposedly didn't find any signal of phosphate in some of these, which is a placebo. 01:06:49.193 --> 01:06:55.940 Or maybe it's just a lipid nanoparticle with no transfection, and so then you have a sort of control, right? 01:06:57.014 --> 01:07:07.766 a control group that would be very useful to a pharma company that was trying to develop a long-term plan on how to use transfection effectively, or was trying to transition into personalized medicine based on this theater. 01:07:09.195 --> 01:07:18.562 this theater that all the hot lots are hot, and all the lots are hot, and they're trying to kill us, and maybe it's in multiple things, but nobody, no one thinks about placebo. 01:07:19.142 --> 01:07:19.743 Nobody. 01:07:19.823 --> 01:07:25.066 It's weird, because it would be the easiest way to do it, and the most foolproof way to do it. 01:07:25.447 --> 01:07:31.611 People who I believe are responsible, at least on paper, for these materials inside the drug companies. 01:07:31.931 --> 01:07:38.196 In practice, it probably isn't them, but I know the senior vice presidents or executive vice presidents of three of the four companies. 01:07:38.576 --> 01:07:39.757 personally. 01:07:39.857 --> 01:07:40.498 It pains me. 01:07:40.518 --> 01:07:41.959 These are former colleagues. 01:07:43.380 --> 01:07:44.981 This part is especially compelling. 01:07:45.281 --> 01:07:47.303 I really think it is especially compelling. 01:07:47.643 --> 01:07:50.785 I saw a clip of this already where he seems to name names I think here. 01:07:51.586 --> 01:07:59.692 And so I wrote to them to tell them what you're doing wrong and you need to resign or debate me or injunct me. 01:08:00.012 --> 01:08:03.835 Speaking of syringes, Jason, I have a 01:08:05.609 --> 01:08:06.269 I don't know what to say. 01:08:06.289 --> 01:08:33.406 I have an uncle who is in the perfume business and in early 2019, because the metal seals on top of perfume bottles and the pumps of perfume bottles, a lot of those small disc parts, which form the interface between the glass bottle and the metal parts of the pump, those parts are all interchangeable with injectable bottles. 01:08:34.449 --> 01:08:43.132 And in 2019, all of that sort of factory infrastructure just disappeared from availability for wholesale production. 01:08:44.892 --> 01:08:55.676 He couldn't make stuff because they couldn't order the parts for the bottles because all of that capacity had for some reason been reserved. 01:08:56.416 --> 01:09:02.838 And only in retrospect, did he tell me that story in a swimming pool last year when we were there in the summer. 01:09:04.514 --> 01:09:15.078 And because I was there, I actually gave my ACIP meeting statement I gave from his basement, because we happened to be there for vacation that day. 01:09:15.118 --> 01:09:18.879 And I wrote it on my way to his house in the car with the family. 01:09:18.939 --> 01:09:22.781 So it was weird because that was a really interesting weekend. 01:09:22.801 --> 01:09:26.622 We had a lot of frank discussions about what I was doing for a living and why I was doing it. 01:09:27.362 --> 01:09:31.344 And he just told me this story of how he wasn't able to make a new product because 01:09:31.864 --> 01:09:33.806 he couldn't get the pieces. 01:09:34.787 --> 01:09:42.834 All of those factories had essentially been co-opted for something else that he later found out he assumed was the production of the transfection. 01:09:43.514 --> 01:09:44.836 And so they needed the bottles. 01:09:45.356 --> 01:09:48.579 They have to make the bottles, but they don't need to put anything in them. 01:09:48.699 --> 01:09:49.700 Saline is safer. 01:09:51.772 --> 01:09:52.232 didn't do any. 01:09:52.853 --> 01:09:57.576 One of them, one of them resigns, leaving their golden handcuffs on the table. 01:09:58.497 --> 01:10:04.480 One of them, a guy called Mitai Manon, left Johnson & Johnson without, without reason, just left. 01:10:04.581 --> 01:10:05.561 What do you think he was? 01:10:05.981 --> 01:10:07.002 I'm pretty sure I did it. 01:10:07.543 --> 01:10:08.263 Full of shame? 01:10:09.004 --> 01:10:10.144 I think he didn't realize. 01:10:10.444 --> 01:10:11.965 I think he was so high. 01:10:12.726 --> 01:10:14.467 I think he'd not even thought about it. 01:10:14.487 --> 01:10:15.628 Well, that's a result. 01:10:16.248 --> 01:10:16.989 Yeah, exactly. 01:10:17.029 --> 01:10:21.532 But the other two, I'm afraid, James and Mene, you know what you're doing. 01:10:22.132 --> 01:10:46.809 So even if in practice, I mean he just said James and Minnie that's pretty hardcore and Even if he gets things wrong, I have never had any other feeling other than Mike Eden is actually Stepping out actually as far as he possibly can do without feeling like he's really risking his life and now Maybe he's come to some 01:10:48.291 --> 01:10:53.715 piece that they're probably not going to offer him, but I think that's a very risky thing to do. 01:10:54.015 --> 01:10:57.598 It could just be the military is doing it and the drug companies are white labeling them. 01:10:58.259 --> 01:10:59.119 That's certainly possible. 01:10:59.800 --> 01:11:05.885 But in your days when you were in Big Pharma, you 01:11:07.796 --> 01:11:13.299 believe, which I don't think you do now, you believed in vaccines as a basically good thing. 01:11:13.740 --> 01:11:15.681 You don't now, do you, at all? 01:11:15.761 --> 01:11:16.522 No, exactly. 01:11:16.582 --> 01:11:19.043 So I was programmed like we all are. 01:11:19.283 --> 01:11:22.765 I had had nothing to do with vaccines professionally, knew nothing about them. 01:11:23.166 --> 01:11:24.406 Interestingly, the vaccine 01:11:25.367 --> 01:11:26.968 research and development work. 01:11:27.188 --> 01:11:33.350 As far as I can tell in pharma, it's always on a different site from the so-called small molecule works. 01:11:33.370 --> 01:11:35.871 It's like, oh, I think I've got an idea why that might be. 01:11:36.231 --> 01:11:38.312 So I've been bumping into them in the coffee queue. 01:11:38.812 --> 01:11:40.893 And I would have worked it out. 01:11:41.173 --> 01:11:53.497 But because it was in a place hundreds or thousands of miles away, and I had no reason to be involved professionally, I just rolled up and got my jabs, had my children injected. 01:11:55.168 --> 01:11:56.209 That's pretty hardcore. 01:11:56.289 --> 01:12:03.272 In retrospect, he realizes that the vaccine parts of these companies are never in the same buildings as the rest of the buildings. 01:12:04.493 --> 01:12:07.014 They're never even in the same town sometimes, he says. 01:12:08.995 --> 01:12:21.942 And before the pandemic, like Jonathan Cooley of GigaOM Biological, I had no idea that there were people that were fighting the vaccine schedule in America as criminal. 01:12:23.004 --> 01:12:30.667 I had no idea that this fight went back to the 80s and early 90s, and that there were two movies called Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2. 01:12:30.727 --> 01:12:34.709 I had no idea when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:12:34.769 --> 01:12:35.790 called me in April of 2022. 01:12:36.650 --> 01:12:37.550 I had no idea. 01:12:37.570 --> 01:12:40.672 I had not seen Vaxxed. 01:12:45.434 --> 01:12:51.777 And so I still gave my kids their shots when we moved from our dream little house that we lost 01:12:52.836 --> 01:13:04.083 as a result of me losing my job, to moving to this new school district that we're now in, I gave my kids their required shots to go to the new school. 01:13:06.004 --> 01:13:13.008 And then two weeks later, I watched Vaxxed, because one of the good people inside of CHD was like, wait, what, you haven't seen that? 01:13:13.048 --> 01:13:14.389 You don't even know what I'm talking about? 01:13:14.609 --> 01:13:17.190 Oh my gosh, you don't, what are you working here for? 01:13:20.452 --> 01:13:21.253 And so Mike Eden, 01:13:23.226 --> 01:13:32.089 Peter McCullough, Jonathan Cooey, I think are the only three people right now who are saying, don't take a vaccine again. 01:13:32.269 --> 01:13:33.329 All of them, just stop. 01:13:33.389 --> 01:13:34.990 If you have kids, don't do it. 01:13:35.630 --> 01:13:36.730 Peter McCullough said that. 01:13:37.090 --> 01:13:38.831 I think Mike Eden is saying that right now. 01:13:38.871 --> 01:13:41.091 And Gigo and Biological is definitely saying that. 01:13:45.813 --> 01:13:50.114 So yeah, I think just a little observation. 01:13:50.834 --> 01:13:52.255 Let's just see if this rings true. 01:13:54.269 --> 01:14:02.095 There's only one category of products from the biopharmaceutical industry that you cannot question or challenge. 01:14:02.395 --> 01:14:03.276 It's vaccines. 01:14:03.957 --> 01:14:12.663 You can challenge individual drug categories like statins or an individual compound like atorvastatin or Lipitor. 01:14:13.524 --> 01:14:15.626 People may not like you, but you can do it. 01:14:15.846 --> 01:14:17.347 You don't automatically get fired. 01:14:17.487 --> 01:14:26.614 But if you raise a question about a jab, you will find your professional body will fall on you, even if your professional body is architecture. 01:14:27.235 --> 01:14:35.101 Now, if you see what he's pointing out here, he's pointing out that these limited spectrums of debate about, oh, statins, cholesterol is good for you. 01:14:35.441 --> 01:14:36.662 You need cholesterol. 01:14:37.082 --> 01:14:40.525 These things were set in motion and put in place 01:14:43.098 --> 01:14:52.386 so that the general populace could be engaged in a limited spectrum of debate where we argued about broken science. 01:14:53.267 --> 01:15:02.115 And we argued about how p-values don't mean anything and that randomized control trials without enough people in them can be used to create the illusion of something that isn't real. 01:15:03.656 --> 01:15:09.602 But then we never bother to ask the real important question, which is where would that system 01:15:10.447 --> 01:15:12.829 be most malevolently used against us. 01:15:13.769 --> 01:15:16.711 And that's the vaccine schedule, and especially in America. 01:15:17.652 --> 01:15:18.953 And that's what Mike is saying. 01:15:19.013 --> 01:15:22.595 That's what Peter McCullough has had the courage to say, and not very many other people. 01:15:23.296 --> 01:15:26.078 And I would include in that not very many other people. 01:15:27.159 --> 01:15:28.279 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:15:28.319 --> 01:15:29.100 has never said it. 01:15:30.021 --> 01:15:31.622 Merrill Nass has never said it. 01:15:32.509 --> 01:15:33.809 Mary Holland has never said it. 01:15:33.849 --> 01:15:44.072 And it may be because they're afraid of the legal consequences of saying that the vaccine schedule in America is criminal, even if you just compare it to other Western countries, they can't say it. 01:15:45.473 --> 01:15:49.294 And it's probably because their money comes from people who don't want them to say it. 01:15:50.868 --> 01:15:57.191 It's not because their money comes from autism moms and autism dads that are trying to save other children around them. 01:15:57.871 --> 01:15:59.732 It's not coming from those people. 01:15:59.772 --> 01:16:01.493 Their money comes from somewhere else. 01:16:02.354 --> 01:16:17.821 Otherwise they would just be fighting for what they were supposed to fight for and were fighting for to some extent before the pandemic, before Mary Holland took over CHD, before Merrill Nass had anything to do with the organization. 01:16:19.261 --> 01:16:21.642 when it was Brian Hooker and Laura Bonham. 01:16:24.343 --> 01:16:35.446 And so I don't know what's going on right now, but I do know that the places that we thought the fight was being fought were actually controlled from within, sabotaged from within. 01:16:37.147 --> 01:16:42.988 Mike Eden is one of the few truth tellers out there, and Bobby, he did well in October of 2020, he did. 01:16:43.749 --> 01:16:44.609 He did really well. 01:16:46.667 --> 01:17:04.564 But instead of using his platform to say that the national security state will murder people and lie about it in order to protect the scam that is public health and vaccine schedule and the fear of disease, he made it about free speech and freedom. 01:17:08.018 --> 01:17:08.398 Darn it. 01:17:38.278 --> 01:17:40.842 They have this era in mind for them. 01:17:41.583 --> 01:17:42.764 I don't think they've ever... See? 01:17:43.645 --> 01:17:48.512 When they were first invented, they had this era in mind for them. 01:17:49.393 --> 01:17:52.196 That's a giant statement because what is he talking about? 01:17:52.637 --> 01:17:54.560 He's talking about man and his future. 01:17:55.595 --> 01:18:21.600 The book from 1953, where Julian Huxley and Hilary Koprowski and Joshua Lederberg and others write essays about how nations are holding us back and that we need global governance and a forward-thinking, long-term thinking vision for what to do as a human species and how to better take control of our heretofore random evolution. 01:18:24.864 --> 01:18:34.256 And so it is with no doubt in my mind that I agree with Mike Eden that the whole idea of vaccines and public health has always been a scam. 01:18:34.316 --> 01:18:41.506 And that's why you can write a book about how most of these diseases went away with sanitation and nutrition and better water and whatever. 01:18:42.668 --> 01:18:51.370 And they rolled out those vaccines at the same time that that happened, at the same time that they took away DDT, at the same time that all of this stuff is happening. 01:18:51.790 --> 01:18:56.371 They lied to us about the magic of one particular thing that we're not allowed to question. 01:18:56.811 --> 01:19:00.832 And it has been going on since our parents were children. 01:19:00.892 --> 01:19:10.114 That's why it's so dangerous because we inherited this charlatanism, this mythology from the people that gave it to our parents. 01:19:11.087 --> 01:19:12.729 That's why it's so hard to see through. 01:19:13.430 --> 01:19:15.753 It's like our parents still believe in Santa Claus. 01:19:15.793 --> 01:19:21.299 It would be really hard for us not to, especially if they work together to keep creating the illusion. 01:19:21.640 --> 01:19:29.930 And in this case, it only takes the national security state doing it and the TV and media getting ever better at convincing us. 01:19:31.115 --> 01:19:32.015 ever been useful. 01:19:32.536 --> 01:19:43.081 I think the very first idea, some clever people, maybe it was the 17th century, thought in the future, it'd be quite useful to be able to access the bodies of the people. 01:19:43.981 --> 01:19:46.283 And I think they've always been for that. 01:19:46.363 --> 01:19:47.763 I don't think it goes back that far. 01:19:47.823 --> 01:19:49.884 I think it actually goes back to a few people. 01:19:49.964 --> 01:19:54.607 I think the idea maybe started in some places in 01:19:55.387 --> 01:19:58.010 In the uk, but there's a lot of people in america. 01:19:58.050 --> 01:20:10.183 There were a lot of thinkers in america A lot of these ideas were developed in america Um, and so we we need to make sure that we own that part of this history See now i'm a completely crazy conspiracy theorist. 01:20:10.503 --> 01:20:12.245 Yeah, but thing is 01:20:14.674 --> 01:20:21.219 I sincerely believe what I just said is true because nothing else fits quite as well as that. 01:20:21.920 --> 01:20:22.881 That's what scientists do. 01:20:23.181 --> 01:20:31.488 It's certainly a better explanation for what Stephen Hadfield was doing in Rhodesia and why Meryl Nass was involved in Ebola all those years ago. 01:20:31.548 --> 01:20:33.129 It's because it's all one theater. 01:20:33.169 --> 01:20:38.013 It's an ongoing theater and that's why people who were read in through their dad 01:20:38.854 --> 01:20:42.417 You know, people who have grown up in these families, that's why they're in it. 01:20:42.497 --> 01:20:49.262 That's why Jeff Bezos exists, or Robert Malone exists, or a lot of these people's dads, like Kevin McKernan. 01:20:49.283 --> 01:20:58.410 They all explain why these people are in, because they are part of an ongoing plan to invert our sovereignty under the pretense of pandemic potential. 01:20:59.930 --> 01:21:01.571 looking for fit, and now that wasn't fit. 01:21:01.611 --> 01:21:03.271 But everything fits with that story. 01:21:04.511 --> 01:21:05.851 What was the particular thing? 01:21:06.191 --> 01:21:15.453 So quite early on you were, these things are bad because they're being rushed out and vaccines normally take much longer to bring out. 01:21:16.153 --> 01:21:19.974 Any medical product would take longer than they were taking. 01:21:20.074 --> 01:21:20.994 Yeah. 01:21:21.374 --> 01:21:23.875 So you smelled a rat there. 01:21:25.049 --> 01:21:35.223 But what was it that made you go full Delingpole, as it were, and made you realize that all vaccines, what was the prompt? 01:21:35.323 --> 01:21:37.426 I don't think I got there in one go. 01:21:40.109 --> 01:21:44.452 Yeah, I mean, I initially just focused on we were being lied to. 01:21:44.652 --> 01:21:45.993 I knew people on the TV. 01:21:46.173 --> 01:21:52.258 I've been around long enough that people who were in public health positions would appear on your television. 01:21:52.358 --> 01:21:55.100 I probably worked with them at some point 30 or 40 years ago. 01:21:55.700 --> 01:21:59.063 And you get to recognize whether people are telling you lies on the telly. 01:21:59.723 --> 01:22:03.626 And so from the earliest time, like in February or January of 2020, it was like, 01:22:04.887 --> 01:22:06.369 Why are you lying to me, Pat? 01:22:06.629 --> 01:22:16.021 I say to people, once you spot the authorities lying to you, making one serious lie, why would you believe anything else they ever said? 01:22:16.942 --> 01:22:22.769 So from that earliest point, I was highly attuned to what are they up to? 01:22:24.090 --> 01:22:31.155 But the thing that pushed me into being very concerned about the vaccine was, because I just thought they're never going to do this. 01:22:31.195 --> 01:22:33.056 They're telling us it'll be around the end of the year. 01:22:33.116 --> 01:22:35.478 I remember saying to my wife, it'll take five or six years. 01:22:36.279 --> 01:22:38.100 Because that's how long it takes. 01:22:39.161 --> 01:22:43.904 I have friends in manufacturing who've spent longer in manufacturing than I have in research. 01:22:44.324 --> 01:22:51.469 And they've said that development of the methods alone to work out whether you've got what you say after all the steps of manufacture, 01:22:52.149 --> 01:23:03.584 Takes about two years just the methods right if you've decided to make something It will take you two years before you've got all of the tests and methods Validated and agreed the whole thing was done in 11 months. 01:23:03.664 --> 01:23:06.948 It's clearly nonsense so they either made them beforehand or 01:23:07.637 --> 01:23:17.605 which means it was nothing to do with a so-called infectious disease event, or to help with the torpedoes and just threw whatever they wanted into the vials. 01:23:18.245 --> 01:23:19.386 Neither of those are acceptable. 01:23:19.827 --> 01:23:31.556 So I knew that once I realized they weren't actually going to authorize them, which they didn't really, the idea that we have that our regulators have authorized them, that's not true. 01:23:32.697 --> 01:23:35.058 They're not even classified as medical products. 01:23:35.839 --> 01:23:39.601 They are classified as covered countermeasures in the states. 01:23:40.701 --> 01:23:42.782 And they are not authorized by the FDA. 01:23:42.822 --> 01:23:48.625 They are dispensed according to the Health and Human Services Secretary, which is part of the Department of Defense. 01:23:49.085 --> 01:23:50.226 So they're not medical products. 01:23:50.526 --> 01:23:52.407 But in 2020, I thought they were. 01:23:52.907 --> 01:23:58.910 And so when I could see they were going to run out, they were coming at us, I thought, this can only be malign. 01:24:00.151 --> 01:24:01.251 But you know what that means? 01:24:01.391 --> 01:24:02.172 The fact that you 01:24:03.473 --> 01:24:08.205 Difficult, tricky Mike Yeadon who just won't take any shit. 01:24:09.642 --> 01:24:25.026 If it took you until now to work out that vaccines don't work, never have worked, ever, does that not mean that there could be lots of people working in the pharmaceutical industry who remain that ignorant? 01:24:25.126 --> 01:24:26.226 Oh, I'm sure that's true. 01:24:26.547 --> 01:24:31.268 I think without the stimulus of this event, and it's felt like a PhD. 01:24:31.888 --> 01:24:33.288 My PhD was done in three years. 01:24:33.328 --> 01:24:34.949 We went four and a half years in. 01:24:35.731 --> 01:24:37.873 and I'm still learning, so yeah. 01:24:38.153 --> 01:24:39.954 I feel exactly the same way as Mike. 01:24:42.116 --> 01:24:57.947 I feel like I've done probably more work exploring wider than I did in my PhD because my PhD was of course focused on acetylcholine receptors in a particular mouse, in a particular brain region, in a particular set of neurons. 01:24:59.008 --> 01:25:03.411 And I was challenged to focus on that razor sharp question 01:25:04.537 --> 01:25:14.120 And so I read a lot about those details, but nothing about nearby, well, comparatively little about questions that weren't directly related to my own. 01:25:15.360 --> 01:25:32.646 And over the course of reevaluating my fundamental understanding of biology and trying to factor in what public health really can be and can't be and what the vaccine schedule can be and can't be has been a long and arduous journey. 01:25:33.433 --> 01:25:45.780 that people like Kevin McCairn or people like Kevin McKernan or people like Charles Rixey will never engage in because again, they are being paid by this apparatus, by this national security. 01:25:47.331 --> 01:25:59.635 They are being paid comfort and fame to not question these places where I would say, if science is broken, where is it most malevolently being used against our future? 01:26:00.155 --> 01:26:13.978 And Mike Yeadon has very succinctly identified the vaccine schedule as an ongoing narrative that was probably from the very beginning understood and pushed with the current era in mind. 01:26:14.038 --> 01:26:15.799 It is a spectacular statement. 01:26:16.019 --> 01:26:21.263 And I'm sure most of my colleagues still think what I thought was true, they still think it's true. 01:26:21.383 --> 01:26:24.565 They still believe in vaccines, and they still believe in the COVID? 01:26:25.726 --> 01:26:26.186 Probably. 01:26:26.206 --> 01:26:28.388 I mean, it's just utterly bizarre, isn't it? 01:26:28.488 --> 01:26:30.849 It's just, yeah, I don't know. 01:26:31.490 --> 01:26:33.872 Mostly, I sense people just want to move on, move on. 01:26:33.892 --> 01:26:42.298 So if you can't move on, this is act one of a multi-act play that, if we let them, finishes with total loss of freedom. 01:26:43.298 --> 01:26:46.981 Digital totalitarian tyranny, and it's so easy. 01:26:47.001 --> 01:26:47.361 Enslavement. 01:26:47.421 --> 01:26:55.468 Just dispense with money and give you only digital money, which most of you are using only digital money unless you've heeded the call to only use cash. 01:26:55.908 --> 01:26:57.890 So digital money is so convenient. 01:26:58.090 --> 01:27:02.974 All they need to do is blow up cash, which they could do in one of half a dozen ways, plausibly. 01:27:03.654 --> 01:27:11.761 And the other one is make it a requirement you carry and present digital ID, a single global new format of digital ID. 01:27:13.282 --> 01:27:14.323 That's all they need. 01:27:14.383 --> 01:27:18.485 If they've got those two things, they can say, Mike, we just heard there's a pandemic. 01:27:18.725 --> 01:27:26.549 And don't worry, in 90 days, the pharmaceutical industry will have a jab and you will be taking it or your digital ID will become invalid. 01:27:26.929 --> 01:27:29.930 And without that, you won't be able to spend any of your digital money or move. 01:27:30.571 --> 01:27:32.331 Now, remember, he's explaining it. 01:27:32.411 --> 01:27:35.693 But the reality is, is that none of us are ever going to accept that. 01:27:36.453 --> 01:27:37.354 It's for our kids. 01:27:38.328 --> 01:27:56.916 And the way that they will do it is with a lie about anonymity on social media and artificial intelligence fakes on social media being something that requires the government to step in and start to making sure that only real people are on the internet and that 01:27:57.516 --> 01:28:06.500 and that these AI videos and these AI imposter things can be accurately identified and tracked from the people that make them. 01:28:06.540 --> 01:28:15.184 And make no mistake about it, if you're playing with AI right now, you are being monitored and your activity is being monitored, and that data is being collected. 01:28:15.244 --> 01:28:16.004 That's for sure. 01:28:16.564 --> 01:28:23.047 Because AI is definitely a military program that is being released in a limited functionality set for you. 01:28:24.537 --> 01:28:36.567 to convince you of its relevance, to convince you that it is out there and actively engaged in something that can be more easily explained by simple programming and artificial elevation. 01:28:37.688 --> 01:28:39.409 So that's what I've said to people. 01:28:39.710 --> 01:28:42.432 Elon and Twitter will be unified with an ID push. 01:28:42.652 --> 01:28:43.373 Absolutely. 01:28:43.613 --> 01:28:46.235 Substack will require the same ID to log in. 01:28:46.856 --> 01:28:47.496 Absolutely. 01:28:47.536 --> 01:28:48.517 All of this. 01:28:48.777 --> 01:28:49.498 Absolutely. 01:28:50.663 --> 01:29:01.414 PeerTube will never require an ID, but if your internet provider requires a digital ID, then we're really in trouble. 01:29:01.815 --> 01:29:04.558 I think signing up for and using 01:29:05.273 --> 01:29:10.078 Digital ID is the entry door to the global murder machine. 01:29:10.238 --> 01:29:12.541 And if you stay outside of it, there's a chance. 01:29:12.821 --> 01:29:16.165 If you enter it, you can't leave, because now everything is tied. 01:29:16.926 --> 01:29:21.411 Literally, you won't be able to move, access cash, fill your car, do anything. 01:29:21.451 --> 01:29:23.072 They'll say, beep your digital ID. 01:29:23.232 --> 01:29:23.913 Oh, it's not valid. 01:29:23.933 --> 01:29:24.974 What do you mean it's not valid? 01:29:25.034 --> 01:29:26.156 Oh, you haven't had the latest jab. 01:29:26.776 --> 01:29:30.960 So, and all the jabs coming at us are mRNA-based. 01:29:31.141 --> 01:29:37.467 I know for certain they are designed to injure, kill, and reduce fertility in survivors. 01:29:38.267 --> 01:29:41.190 So, I'm sorry, if you weren't there already, I noticed there weren't… 01:29:43.052 --> 01:29:45.595 a full wave of hands, I thought. 01:29:45.615 --> 01:29:52.503 I thought more people would be maybe as far down the rabbit hole as I am, but it's so simple to see it, isn't it? 01:29:52.603 --> 01:29:54.485 It's given to few, Mike, I have to say. 01:29:55.446 --> 01:29:56.527 Very few people who are 01:29:57.665 --> 01:30:02.826 quite this batshit level. 01:30:03.066 --> 01:30:03.586 We're probably a 10. 01:30:04.046 --> 01:30:06.967 Where were you in normy land? 01:30:07.647 --> 01:30:08.367 Complete normy? 01:30:08.687 --> 01:30:15.349 I was, apart from my climate change thing, I've just been rereading Watermelons. 01:30:16.169 --> 01:30:21.030 I'm trying to do a revised edition, which everyone's waiting for because I'm being really slow and it's annoying. 01:30:21.630 --> 01:30:31.631 And I read the last chapter that I wrote in one of the revised editions from 10 years ago, and it said... 01:30:32.697 --> 01:30:44.819 There is a cabal of very rich people who want to kill you and enslave you and stuff. 01:30:45.139 --> 01:30:48.760 But when I wrote it, I was kind of writing it jokely. 01:30:48.900 --> 01:30:51.381 I kind of didn't really believe what I was writing. 01:30:52.081 --> 01:30:56.462 So I would say that I was pretty much a normie in those days. 01:30:57.822 --> 01:31:00.502 One of the reasons I wanted to talk to you... I was even more normie than you. 01:31:00.522 --> 01:31:04.483 41 years of listening to BBC Radio 4 in the morning. 01:31:05.403 --> 01:31:06.163 41 years! 01:31:07.644 --> 01:31:12.345 I was a teenager for God's sake, buying the times in my 20s until my early 60s. 01:31:13.745 --> 01:31:16.145 And I watched the news like five nights a week before I sleep. 01:31:17.525 --> 01:31:20.706 I don't think you could have found a much more normie person than me. 01:31:22.426 --> 01:31:23.447 I salute you. 01:31:23.567 --> 01:31:24.727 I really salute you. 01:31:25.147 --> 01:31:25.747 The thing is... 01:31:31.242 --> 01:31:41.606 Half my family, my dear wife, who from the earliest days when I was saying, you know, this and that, she would say, she said, I believe you, but how come no one else is saying it? 01:31:42.166 --> 01:31:45.947 And it's only later we realized that people were frightened or censored. 01:31:46.587 --> 01:31:47.888 Sounds like my wife, Bela. 01:31:50.131 --> 01:31:53.135 It's good to have a good friend in your corner, never mind a best friend. 01:31:53.256 --> 01:31:57.422 But people who aren't close to me, I've got family all around the world. 01:31:57.662 --> 01:32:05.814 The ones that are not in this country, to a man and a woman, all think and have said to each other, Mike has literally lost his mind. 01:32:06.354 --> 01:32:06.615 Yeah. 01:32:07.646 --> 01:32:12.650 And I mean, I've spoken to some of them, and I've explained very clearly in writing and verbally. 01:32:12.670 --> 01:32:16.433 And it's just, no, no, you're completely crazy, Mike. 01:32:16.794 --> 01:32:20.016 I never thought my brother would lose it completely like you have. 01:32:20.076 --> 01:32:21.938 But, you know, well, good luck. 01:32:23.159 --> 01:32:24.120 That's my sister Jane. 01:32:24.160 --> 01:32:24.941 She emigrated in 79. 01:32:25.001 --> 01:32:27.743 And she's been multiply jabbed. 01:32:27.763 --> 01:32:29.124 There you go. 01:32:29.965 --> 01:32:31.106 I have a brother like that. 01:32:31.186 --> 01:32:33.648 My parents think I'm nuts. 01:32:34.497 --> 01:32:35.717 I've lost my mind or something. 01:32:35.757 --> 01:32:37.558 I'm an egomaniac or something like that. 01:32:37.618 --> 01:32:37.938 I don't know. 01:32:40.638 --> 01:32:41.778 And it's frustrating, right? 01:32:41.818 --> 01:32:58.441 Because it isn't their fault if groups of people on the internet and groups of people on TV are put in front of them by artificial military programs. 01:32:59.261 --> 01:33:03.242 And that limited spectrum of debate is reinforced by four people agreeing. 01:33:04.705 --> 01:33:15.132 than like the Ash Experiment or the Milgram Experiment or whatever all these other examples of this kind of effect are. 01:33:15.433 --> 01:33:16.473 They don't stand a chance. 01:33:19.776 --> 01:33:30.163 And so the only way to free them is going to be love and kindness and understanding and objective, calm, 01:33:32.648 --> 01:33:37.330 What I've been doing over the last year is not the way we're going to get to new people. 01:33:38.731 --> 01:33:42.993 By calling out bad guys and saying how bad they are, we're not going to get to new people. 01:33:44.274 --> 01:34:01.622 We need to point out objectively what has been wrong for the last four years, what people have been getting wrong for the last four years, and how if you just reorient your understanding and reverence for your own biology, it becomes very obvious where broken science 01:34:02.952 --> 01:34:10.888 where the broken academic system that we have in America and around the world, where the broken funding system 01:34:12.478 --> 01:34:16.121 is most malevolently being used against our children's future? 01:34:16.181 --> 01:34:18.003 That's the question we need to ask. 01:34:18.563 --> 01:34:21.526 Yeah, I wanted to move on to the really depressing stuff a bit later on. 01:34:22.707 --> 01:34:25.749 I thought what we'd do is just cover off the vaccine things. 01:34:25.769 --> 01:34:31.814 Because there'll be some people here who this is the first time they've encountered you. 01:34:32.215 --> 01:34:33.636 So they want the benefit of your wisdom. 01:34:34.336 --> 01:34:39.000 I was given a list of questions, some of which I'm not going to ask, some of which are quite rude. 01:34:39.921 --> 01:34:41.462 I'm not going to answer those. 01:34:41.642 --> 01:34:42.523 You won't be able to shock me. 01:34:42.583 --> 01:34:43.844 I'm no longer shocked. 01:34:43.884 --> 01:34:44.544 They were rude about me. 01:34:44.604 --> 01:34:45.645 One was picking a fight with me. 01:34:45.785 --> 01:34:46.966 And I don't give a fine. 01:34:47.206 --> 01:34:50.187 If people don't like what I'm saying or don't believe me, that's fine. 01:34:50.728 --> 01:34:52.249 Go off and do whatever you want. 01:34:52.689 --> 01:34:54.710 I don't get anything from you believing me. 01:34:55.991 --> 01:34:59.393 So I broadcast and then you do with it what you will. 01:35:00.114 --> 01:35:03.496 One of the questions was from somebody saying, 01:35:05.439 --> 01:35:12.883 My office is full of pregnant women and only one has had a stillbirth or whatever. 01:35:13.003 --> 01:35:16.625 How do you explain that given that it's supposed to be making everyone infertile? 01:35:16.905 --> 01:35:18.706 I never said it was making everyone infertile. 01:35:19.266 --> 01:35:23.288 In fact, I said early on that I thought it was very... 01:35:24.614 --> 01:35:39.632 Although there are these multiple, independent, unnecessary, and obvious mechanisms of toxicity, no one could say, apart from the people actually doing it, and maybe not even them, how many people, what percentage of people it would harm. 01:35:40.373 --> 01:35:44.336 So, for example, we know alcohol is poisonous. 01:35:44.456 --> 01:35:48.278 If you take an amount equivalent to one glass of wine, most of you will be okay. 01:35:48.458 --> 01:35:50.039 Some will be a little tipsy and others not. 01:35:50.420 --> 01:35:56.784 If you take a bottle of scotch worth of alcohol, most of you will be severely ill and some might actually die. 01:35:57.404 --> 01:36:00.226 So we've established, have we not, that there's a dose-response curve. 01:36:00.846 --> 01:36:01.826 Same with this material. 01:36:02.006 --> 01:36:08.390 I have no way of knowing whether they thought one in a thousand would die or one in three. 01:36:09.070 --> 01:36:11.491 So I've never said that everyone will be infertile. 01:36:11.611 --> 01:36:17.234 And so we're not asking the right question, which is, again, we can go back, and this is for Mike specifically. 01:36:17.294 --> 01:36:18.115 Mike, think about it. 01:36:18.915 --> 01:36:31.791 if you just got through saying 10 minutes ago that they could never have gotten through all of the processes necessary to successfully manufacture these products, or they either started it early. 01:36:33.066 --> 01:36:36.327 then in either case, you're dealing with a scenario where what? 01:36:36.967 --> 01:36:45.211 The production, you said it yourself, could never have met the billions of doses that these Moderna people are talking about. 01:36:45.951 --> 01:36:50.372 Remember when there was a leaked conversation that the guy from Moderna said, we're gonna need a billion doses. 01:36:50.412 --> 01:37:02.297 And then everybody's like, but no one, not even this experienced pharma exec seems to understand that, well, one way they could meet that quota really easy without risking a damn thing. 01:37:03.999 --> 01:37:06.061 is to release placebo batches. 01:37:06.121 --> 01:37:16.028 Now man, oh man, it's kind of unfortunate because placebo batches would explain exactly why in many, many doctor's offices around the world, there nobody noticed anything. 01:37:16.709 --> 01:37:17.470 Come on. 01:37:18.370 --> 01:37:27.638 What I did say is they are establishing this technology and it will be used in the future repeatedly in order to erode the population. 01:37:27.938 --> 01:37:29.279 That's what I said in early 21. 01:37:29.499 --> 01:37:32.742 And I still think that's true three and a half years later. 01:37:33.516 --> 01:37:36.297 Yeah, that's why they're opening factories to make mRNA. 01:37:36.358 --> 01:37:45.862 The manufacturing potential, or sorry, the manufacturing capability exists if they're not actually making it. 01:37:46.503 --> 01:37:59.850 If the vast majority of what they're making is just placebo, just bottles with stuff in them that they're going to get people to perform the ritual, just the same as making masks and getting people to wear them was just getting them to perform the ritual. 01:38:00.939 --> 01:38:08.882 And this ritual is designed to convince people that this technology that Robert Malone invented is indeed finally coming to fruition. 01:38:11.623 --> 01:38:24.888 We gotta be very careful because we can escape if we can accurately articulate the truth or accurately articulate the most parsimonious explanation, which is murder and lies, 01:38:25.788 --> 01:38:27.489 placebo, etc. 01:38:48.215 --> 01:38:49.356 and I wish I wasn't right. 01:38:49.676 --> 01:38:50.916 And this could be different, right? 01:38:51.116 --> 01:38:57.059 We're in the fifth year, so the placebos could have only been now or in the beginning. 01:38:57.099 --> 01:39:01.161 Now that they have only willing takers, there's far less risk. 01:39:01.861 --> 01:39:14.907 The people that are using their transfections now are people that believe the transfections can't hurt them and are very likely not to connect an injury to the transfection already because they are participating. 01:39:15.871 --> 01:39:37.986 And so by rolling out the placebo in 2021 and 2022, when the most skeptical people were still actively being coerced successfully into taking the jab, those jabs were the ones that needed to bleed placebo because those people were much more likely to connect the jab to the injury. 01:39:39.502 --> 01:39:58.220 But now that we're four years in and the only people who are taking it are taking it from doctors who believe, and they believe because they believe they already took it, then these people are the least likely to connect a disconnected by time injury or allergy to the transfection once they make them hot. 01:39:58.360 --> 01:39:59.020 Do you see it? 01:39:59.841 --> 01:40:01.323 Holy shit, we've got him. 01:40:01.763 --> 01:40:03.646 But no one has rebutted it. 01:40:03.726 --> 01:40:10.253 So what I'm saying is so simple that if I was wrong, I would have some scientists writing to me or just publishing. 01:40:10.814 --> 01:40:12.416 This guy's come up with these mad ideas. 01:40:12.456 --> 01:40:13.156 This is why he's wrong. 01:40:13.457 --> 01:40:14.158 No one's done that. 01:40:14.938 --> 01:40:15.859 So there you go. 01:40:16.480 --> 01:40:20.064 Well, thank you for dealing with that one, because it's something a lot of us get. 01:40:20.565 --> 01:40:25.771 Those of us who were saying early on, don't take the vaccine. 01:40:27.393 --> 01:40:28.614 We get it thrown in our face. 01:40:29.175 --> 01:40:34.161 Well, you said that half the world would be dead by now, and they're not. 01:40:34.261 --> 01:40:35.042 No, I never said that. 01:40:35.362 --> 01:40:37.844 And they're disappointed, aren't they, that more people haven't died? 01:40:37.924 --> 01:40:40.786 Because they're happy because it means that we're wrong. 01:40:40.826 --> 01:40:42.227 That's the most important thing. 01:40:42.247 --> 01:40:42.647 Exactly. 01:40:42.847 --> 01:40:47.491 But there's no getting away from the fact that people were lied to because there was not... 01:40:48.257 --> 01:40:50.058 pandemic, in my view, not a virus. 01:40:50.258 --> 01:40:52.278 There was no public health emergency. 01:40:52.878 --> 01:41:01.601 All the laws were changed to facilitate these dangerous materials to get approval, emergency use authorization. 01:41:01.981 --> 01:41:08.163 If that's the case, and the manufacturing capability was not there, or was preconceived, 01:41:08.763 --> 01:41:31.205 then either way you look at it, the only way, and the easiest way, and the most foolproof way, and the cheapest way to assure that over the course of this operation, transfection and transformation would essentially be accepted as working, but having been rushed, would be to use placebo batches and then complain about double-stranded DNA contamination. 01:41:32.321 --> 01:41:36.625 be very clear about this, I think we are on the bullseye here. 01:41:37.086 --> 01:41:47.176 And then they were just lying to you about that because it was going around the back of our military countermeasures allowed in a public emergency, in a national emergency. 01:41:47.756 --> 01:41:50.399 And this goes back like 25 years, 50 years. 01:41:50.419 --> 01:41:52.721 It's like there's no getting away from it. 01:41:53.462 --> 01:42:03.269 It goes back to the Human Genome Project, when they realized that there was no way in hell they could sequence one genome effectively mapping the human genome. 01:42:03.770 --> 01:42:07.032 They probably found more variation than they've ever revealed. 01:42:07.112 --> 01:42:08.974 It's probably still remaining secret. 01:42:09.554 --> 01:42:13.897 They've found landmarks that they have misconstrued as being understanding. 01:42:13.937 --> 01:42:18.861 They've found maps and made maps that they've misconstrued as sequencing the whole genome. 01:42:19.798 --> 01:42:33.565 And even though they've made much progress since they declared they finished, they haven't still succeeded in generating the kind of fidelity of understanding that all academic biologists assume is already there. 01:42:35.322 --> 01:42:50.889 And that is the disturbing part of this, is that that level of mythology and what has been achieved or hasn't been achieved by the Human Genome Project is the giant lie that underpins all of academic biology and all of public health. 01:42:52.190 --> 01:43:17.511 If you understand what they haven't accomplished or have accomplished with the human genome and how far we have come and haven't come, you will understand that so many of the funding schemes, so many of the intellectual hamster wheels that entire universities, entire departments are stuck in are based on the idea that I guess we sequenced the whole genome and we know what all these genes do and so we might as well study them now. 01:43:19.493 --> 01:43:20.053 Fortunately, 01:43:20.851 --> 01:43:23.993 The mounting horror is, and then now I'm completely relaxed about it. 01:43:24.053 --> 01:43:37.101 It's like, okay, I've got used to the fact there's 0.01% of humanity have spent their entire life, like mom and grandma and granddad and great-grandfather before them, working out how to lasso us useless eaters. 01:43:37.681 --> 01:43:44.865 And this is one of the things they're doing, and I am blessed to be able to spot this particular part of the in-dimensional chess game. 01:43:45.005 --> 01:43:46.406 It's like, okay, that's what they're doing. 01:43:47.927 --> 01:43:53.110 This is a question you're bound to get asked a lot, but understandably. 01:43:55.111 --> 01:43:59.774 Somebody said, my children and grandchildren were all vaccinated. 01:44:01.215 --> 01:44:07.138 Have you come upon any ways of undoing the damage of these? 01:44:07.558 --> 01:44:08.459 No, I haven't. 01:44:08.559 --> 01:44:11.140 This isn't an area that I've looked at in particular. 01:44:11.681 --> 01:44:16.664 I'm not a medical doctor, I'm a PhD scientist, so I haven't. 01:44:17.485 --> 01:44:17.885 I don't know. 01:44:21.047 --> 01:44:25.630 But these recent jabs are not like previous material. 01:44:25.670 --> 01:44:27.591 Previous materials were plausible. 01:44:28.312 --> 01:44:31.294 If you believed in the virus causes the disease story, 01:44:32.296 --> 01:44:35.340 the design of the old style vaccines, I think made sense. 01:44:35.620 --> 01:44:41.206 Now, I think in this sense, I would agree with Mike Eden, but you have to be a little bit more biologically precise. 01:44:42.047 --> 01:44:48.574 If a bacterial infection or pathogenic infection produces a toxic protein or the 01:44:49.975 --> 01:45:09.987 the glycoprotein produced by the bacteria during an infection like tuberculosis or something like that is a toxic protein for which antibodies can be formed, then it's not a terrible idea because again, those antibodies are formed during the natural exposure to that pathogen as well. 01:45:10.487 --> 01:45:30.582 But I think that that idea, which is not terrible in immunology and probably maybe even applied to something like the smallpox virus when it was done by a variolation in the skin, that I think there is a possibility that there's some real biology at the basis of this, but it has to do with our bodies dealing with 01:45:33.038 --> 01:45:55.648 damage-associated molecular patterns, not molecular patterns associated with particular bad guys, particular toxins are remembered, particular bad combinations of amino acids that are nasty enzymes or that are nasty binding proteins are mapped and remembered by the immune system as foreign signals that can be tissue damaging. 01:45:56.775 --> 01:46:17.512 And I think we have to start to reorient our understanding about the challenge that the immune system faces, and where that challenge comes from, and not start with their default, which is that there are all these unique pathogens, and until you meet them, your immune system is completely naive to them, and therefore you're completely vulnerable to them. 01:46:17.892 --> 01:46:19.554 And that foundational myth 01:46:20.074 --> 01:46:24.199 is where this public health mythology rests. 01:46:24.279 --> 01:46:35.632 That's where we break it because, again, the ability to sequence stuff and look in the background for all kinds of bad guys is part of the toolbox that was essentially provided 01:46:36.232 --> 01:46:43.036 by the Human Genome Project, provided to people like Nathan Wolf and Peter Daszak by the Human Genome Project. 01:46:43.076 --> 01:46:50.079 And so they went on to take these deceptive tools and to use them as high fidelity measuring sticks. 01:46:50.139 --> 01:46:51.300 And that's ridiculous. 01:46:51.400 --> 01:47:00.545 And that, that is the heart of the new biology we all need to learn as we reorient and try to extricate ourselves from this mythology. 01:47:01.478 --> 01:47:07.641 That's because they told us that they grew up some of that organism and they weakened it or killed it with heat or chemicals. 01:47:07.661 --> 01:47:09.642 But that was all a lie as well, wasn't it? 01:47:09.682 --> 01:47:10.402 Yes, it was. 01:47:10.442 --> 01:47:13.303 But it's because the infectious agents aren't there at all. 01:47:13.344 --> 01:47:15.605 You've read that book, haven't you? 01:47:15.645 --> 01:47:18.866 The one that tells you about how they made smallpox. 01:47:19.066 --> 01:47:25.229 So now we're starting to talk about how the infectious agents aren't there and I think we're getting into very dangerous territory. 01:47:26.529 --> 01:47:30.011 And the reason why I think we're getting into very dangerous territory is very, very simple. 01:47:32.461 --> 01:47:38.579 because our gut barrier and our lung barrier and our skin barrier are real barriers. 01:47:38.679 --> 01:47:40.183 And if they are breached, 01:47:41.727 --> 01:47:54.618 then the bacteria in symbiotic relationship with us in our gut, in symbiotic relationship with us on the surface of our skin, in symbiotic relationship with us in our nasal passages, in our mucosa, etc. 01:47:55.198 --> 01:48:04.866 Those symbiotic bacteria are producing toxins which our body can tolerate, but not in large quantities and not if they go systemic. 01:48:07.409 --> 01:48:22.461 So it is impossible to underestimate how we can generalize across sickness and illness that has to do with fever and chills and nausea and headache as a breach of a barrier. 01:48:23.842 --> 01:48:29.526 And that's why so many of these things share very common symptomologies. 01:48:29.606 --> 01:48:34.470 A severe flu with chills and then fever 01:48:36.809 --> 01:48:38.432 and sweating and cold sweats. 01:48:38.492 --> 01:48:43.079 Those things happen when bacterial toxins breach your lung barrier. 01:48:43.720 --> 01:48:50.832 But curiously enough, the exact same symptomology set was evoked by the repeated 01:48:53.015 --> 01:48:55.097 breaking of the skin barrier on my leg. 01:48:55.838 --> 01:49:07.228 Twice I have had my eczema allow things through, which have essentially given me all of the symptoms of what you could call COVID or the flu or whatever. 01:49:07.309 --> 01:49:08.069 I got chills. 01:49:08.149 --> 01:49:08.830 I had fever. 01:49:09.250 --> 01:49:10.331 I had cold sweats. 01:49:11.893 --> 01:49:12.794 I wasn't hungry. 01:49:15.103 --> 01:49:17.366 I wanted to sleep and wrap up. 01:49:17.446 --> 01:49:29.439 I woke up and the muscles felt great to stretch out, exactly like what I used to call flu, exactly how I got sick when I was riding my bike in 2019, but I never attributed it to a novel virus. 01:49:29.499 --> 01:49:34.084 I attributed it to breathing the smoke of automobiles every morning and every afternoon. 01:49:37.093 --> 01:50:01.081 But now suddenly all things are attributable to viruses that can be described by sequencing reactions based on technology from the fraudulent human genome project and based on experimental methodologies that are simply DNA and RNA synthetically created and then transformed and transfected into cell cultures and animals. 01:50:01.481 --> 01:50:02.882 And that is called virology. 01:50:03.806 --> 01:50:16.370 And that illusion was created by people like David Baltimore, who is a direct descendant of, of course, Joshua Lederberg, one of the granddaddies of this thinking. 01:50:16.410 --> 01:50:18.491 And that's what this is about, these ideas. 01:50:19.761 --> 01:50:45.630 It's as Mike pointed out earlier, these ideas and where they were seeded and by whom they were seeded is what is most important for us to figure out right now because it is the continual mentoring of these ideas onto young people, the passing along of the mythology that they now want us to do for our children so that everybody in the world accepts transfection as having worked and having saved us from a gain-of-function virus. 01:50:48.638 --> 01:50:49.699 And vaccines are great. 01:50:50.800 --> 01:50:54.543 And they'll be even better in the future because of this wonderful new technology. 01:50:55.063 --> 01:50:55.604 Vaccines. 01:50:56.284 --> 01:50:57.705 No, I don't think I've read that one. 01:50:58.146 --> 01:50:58.946 From corpses. 01:51:01.448 --> 01:51:01.749 Really? 01:51:01.929 --> 01:51:04.030 Yeah, sort of from plague ships. 01:51:04.110 --> 01:51:07.994 And they sort of got the pustules from the dead bodies. 01:51:08.054 --> 01:51:11.697 Sounds like they really thought that it would work, even though it's a gross thing to do. 01:51:11.997 --> 01:51:14.058 But as I say, I don't need to. 01:51:14.159 --> 01:51:16.120 I'm not trying to be right about everything. 01:51:17.321 --> 01:51:25.083 But I'm confident enough about a small number of things that is absolutely no doubt that, you know, whatever. 01:51:26.443 --> 01:51:27.844 If we let them, the worst will come. 01:51:28.284 --> 01:51:32.805 Do you think that any vaccine has worked for anyone ever? 01:51:33.625 --> 01:51:36.166 I think it's unlikely. 01:51:36.366 --> 01:51:39.606 Why would I even want to be absolutist about such a statement? 01:51:40.066 --> 01:51:45.768 Scientists, politicians, politicians make absolute statements even though everything is vague. 01:51:47.175 --> 01:51:53.717 scientists are expected to make digital answers, whereas they recognize most things are vague. 01:51:54.117 --> 01:51:55.658 So I think it is unlikely. 01:51:55.778 --> 01:51:58.039 And so it is really a system of lying. 01:51:58.959 --> 01:52:04.280 And you can see it as grant writing or you can see it as abstract writing. 01:52:05.341 --> 01:52:11.803 But what it is, is essentially agreeing to play this game where we all know that I'm oversimplifying everything I'm trying to explain. 01:52:12.714 --> 01:52:22.308 We know that my experiment isn't really asking a meaningful question because the null hypothesis is pretty dumb and has a lot of assumptions that haven't been tested. 01:52:23.790 --> 01:52:28.818 And yet, because the goal is to participate in the system, it's to learn how to do that. 01:52:29.755 --> 01:52:46.689 then there are lots of tenured professors who are very good at cutting this imaginary sausage into ever thinner slices as they extend their career into the future without actually making any meaningful progress on the big ideas that they claim to be addressing. 01:52:48.072 --> 01:52:56.142 and instead they're focused on a few moving parts and then they give presentations about how those moving parts are the most important moving parts of all. 01:52:56.903 --> 01:53:01.068 I can give you a great example from any one of the things that I've ever done in my career. 01:53:01.108 --> 01:53:03.651 Let's just go with small conductance potassium channels. 01:53:04.212 --> 01:53:06.073 It's one of the first papers I ever published. 01:53:06.513 --> 01:53:12.437 I worked for a guy, bless his heart, by the name of Khaled Huwamad, who took me off the street, taught me to patch clamp. 01:53:13.157 --> 01:53:14.598 We went through 9-11 together. 01:53:14.638 --> 01:53:23.784 He shaved his beard and didn't want to come into the university because he was afraid that the 9-11 would result in all the Muslims being rounded up and put in camps. 01:53:24.684 --> 01:53:25.645 And he was terrified. 01:53:26.670 --> 01:53:28.493 And he's not in science anymore. 01:53:28.533 --> 01:53:34.280 He's got a successful Tunisian restaurant in Michigan, I believe. 01:53:35.221 --> 01:53:40.868 But what a great mentor he was from the perspective of telling me what it was that science does. 01:53:40.968 --> 01:53:42.010 He knew it was a game. 01:53:43.171 --> 01:53:51.940 It was a game where you had to stake out your own little intellectual space that was significantly different enough from other people that you didn't encroach on anyone. 01:53:52.281 --> 01:53:59.748 And what we were doing was SK channels, small conductance potassium channels, that are slow in their activation. 01:53:59.788 --> 01:54:05.915 And so they actually can be seen as determining whether a neuron can fire, or whether a neuron goes, 01:54:07.970 --> 01:54:15.697 And so from college perspective, from the grant writing perspective, S K channels are the potassium channel. 01:54:15.717 --> 01:54:22.803 That's responsible for deciding the ability of a neuron to send a high frequency signal or a low frequency signal. 01:54:23.123 --> 01:54:32.692 And if you think about it from the perspective of symphony, that essentially essentially S K channels are the controllers of the symphony, the tempo. 01:54:34.676 --> 01:54:50.548 And so we wrote all of our grants, wrote all of our abstracts, wrote all of our discussions under the idea that SK channels, among hundreds of channels in neurons, are the most interesting target for stroke research. 01:54:50.588 --> 01:54:58.714 They're the most interesting target for particular kinds of pharmaceutical targets or whatever the argument would be. 01:55:02.679 --> 01:55:23.986 And this kind of, of, of intense focus has resulted in hundreds of thousands of incredibly smart people having been essentially unable to see that transfection was being misconstrued here as something that healthy people should definitely get on board with. 01:55:24.666 --> 01:55:31.848 And that it would be as simple as using a placebo in order to trick people into thinking that this had successfully worked. 01:55:33.080 --> 01:55:36.121 It's not a very, very difficult story to understand at all. 01:55:36.141 --> 01:56:01.846 And if you think about the billions of dollars at stake, the generations of children that could be used as experimental animals until the population is reduced to a more sustainable level according to their plans, then the easiest, most foolproof way to do it would be with placebo batches and then to agree to argue about the people that are injured, to put people like Epi-Girl, Jessica Rose out there to complain about it. 01:56:02.796 --> 01:56:05.038 and then get her on as many podcasts as possible. 01:56:05.058 --> 01:56:17.887 And then to have some guy who used to speak in front of the WHO about fit and finish technologies and vaccine to come out and say that he invented this stuff and he was skeptical and maybe we should be skeptical too. 01:56:20.289 --> 01:56:24.312 But I could be surprised and find that there were tetanus, for example. 01:56:24.372 --> 01:56:26.033 Does the tetanus vaccine work? 01:56:26.293 --> 01:56:26.774 I don't know. 01:56:27.314 --> 01:56:27.914 Could it work? 01:56:27.995 --> 01:56:28.835 Yeah, probably could. 01:56:29.556 --> 01:56:31.157 Because tetanus has a toxin. 01:56:32.970 --> 01:56:54.700 And this is where it becomes dangerous because the places where this kind of augmentation has a chance to work, again, are where the biological story involves a toxic protein that gets produced when a barrier is broken and a bacteria is able to replicate inside of the barrier. 01:56:54.820 --> 01:56:57.661 But I've not researched that one because it's not 01:56:57.981 --> 01:57:11.210 Or bacterial proteins break the barrier, because that happens a lot in the gut with a particular kind of class of bacterial protein that can cause systemic inflammation, even if the bacteria themselves aren't in. 01:57:11.670 --> 01:57:18.355 It can be a leaky gut and the bacterial proteins that aren't supposed to be in circulation that can cause this long-term inflammation. 01:57:18.395 --> 01:57:23.178 Again, nothing to do with pandemic RNAs, just to do with 01:57:23.959 --> 01:57:26.583 the consequences of the biology of our own system. 01:57:26.703 --> 01:57:30.068 Against an organism, but against a toxin, apparently. 01:57:33.694 --> 01:57:34.555 Yeah, exactly. 01:57:34.635 --> 01:57:36.475 I'm not promoting anything. 01:57:36.515 --> 01:57:44.778 Maybe if the tetanus gel was delivered by the prong, by the horn of a magical unicorn, then it might work. 01:57:45.319 --> 01:57:46.779 Anyway, I think it's unlikely. 01:57:46.799 --> 01:57:47.940 I think it's unlikely. 01:57:48.260 --> 01:57:49.920 I heard you hint. 01:57:49.940 --> 01:57:56.523 Again, people often, they want me to say absolute things, and I say, why do you want me to say it? 01:57:56.923 --> 01:57:58.444 Because you're Dr. Mike Eden, former 01:57:59.224 --> 01:58:00.646 Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer. 01:58:01.086 --> 01:58:06.032 So you want me to say something I'm not 100% sure of because other people will believe it. 01:58:06.072 --> 01:58:07.774 It's like, get out of here. 01:58:07.915 --> 01:58:09.116 That's not what I'm going to do. 01:58:09.537 --> 01:58:14.643 So I'm absolutely certain acute respiratory illnesses are not infectious or contagious. 01:58:15.063 --> 01:58:34.131 In fact, I think acute respiratory illnesses in this context could have been caused by the overuse of supplementary oxygen to the tune of even 60 liters a minute, as Kyle Seidel said on his YouTube channel, as Pierre Cory described in his testimony in the Senate and on his Substack. 01:58:34.191 --> 01:58:35.092 This is a problem. 01:58:35.973 --> 01:58:37.874 There's 100 years of evidence to say that. 01:58:38.595 --> 01:58:40.856 And I've not persuaded my wife completely of this. 01:58:41.236 --> 01:58:42.557 But I am sure of it. 01:58:42.977 --> 01:58:46.860 So when they tell you there's bird flu going around, it's like, no, no, no, there isn't. 01:58:47.680 --> 01:58:48.961 They may well be ill, but they're not. 01:58:49.421 --> 01:58:53.604 Poor little sweetie pie is not going to cough up some pathogen and make you sick. 01:58:54.424 --> 01:58:55.085 It's a psyop. 01:58:55.745 --> 01:58:56.706 It's an absolute psyop. 01:58:57.006 --> 01:58:59.187 You're more likely to catch dolphin influenza. 01:58:59.807 --> 01:58:59.967 Wow. 01:59:01.869 --> 01:59:04.931 So I'm certain about that, because I've read the bloody literature. 01:59:04.951 --> 01:59:16.260 I've read the hundred years of literature that says that attempts to transmit people who've got colds, they put them in rooms with people who didn't have colds, and then follow them for several weeks. 01:59:16.780 --> 01:59:19.542 And they did the same experiment by putting two healthy people in a room. 01:59:20.203 --> 01:59:23.886 And the question was, how many of the recipients in each case would get sick? 01:59:24.226 --> 01:59:26.407 And you'd be pretty sure, wouldn't you, that if colds were 01:59:27.488 --> 01:59:33.875 transmissible that more people would get cold symptoms in the next few weeks if they sat for an hour or two with someone with a cold. 01:59:34.315 --> 01:59:34.736 They don't. 01:59:35.557 --> 01:59:36.258 It's been published. 01:59:36.378 --> 01:59:39.921 But Steve Kersh said that his positivity went around his house. 01:59:41.523 --> 01:59:47.229 Steve Kersh testifies to the strangeness of it and says that after his wife got sick, he tested positive. 01:59:49.002 --> 01:59:57.750 And so we again, we have a limited spectrum of debate being reinforced by people that we were told for three years by an organization like Twitter. 01:59:58.210 --> 02:00:04.096 Essentially, Steve Kirsch is a good guy because Malone and Brett Weinstein say so. 02:00:04.116 --> 02:00:05.317 40 times. 02:00:06.097 --> 02:00:09.000 So, sorry, that's your mental model. 02:00:09.961 --> 02:00:10.341 It's wrong. 02:00:11.402 --> 02:00:12.843 So you can't catch a cold? 02:00:13.164 --> 02:00:13.264 No. 02:00:14.437 --> 02:00:33.340 And I think that's a very dangerous thing to say because I believe that within the biology that they have misconstrued as HIV and retroviruses is a scenario where your immune system uses retroviruses to communicate between cell types, not just cytokines and interleukins. 02:00:34.261 --> 02:00:37.023 but also more likely genetic signals. 02:00:37.763 --> 02:01:04.061 And so if you took a sample from a related primate and put it into a human, there is a non-zero chance that retroviral signals from their own immune system would be present and that those retroviral signals would be overlapping enough so that a catastrophic dysregulation of your own immune system could occur as a result of the intramuscular injection of retroviruses sourced from a related to, but not the same primate. 02:01:06.022 --> 02:01:17.446 Once they discovered that there was this layer of the immune system that they inadvertently discovered by making a hepatitis vaccine and giving it to gay people, they called it HIV. 02:01:17.986 --> 02:01:20.547 They said that retroviruses were outside of you. 02:01:21.502 --> 02:01:28.429 And they built this biological scheme called the Baltimore scheme that describes all of these things that are outside of you. 02:01:28.849 --> 02:01:40.841 Even though years later, it comes to find out that there are correlates of all these special viral enzymes in our own cells, actively doing things that we don't really want to pay any attention to by giving grant money to them. 02:01:41.222 --> 02:01:44.285 And instead, we're going to invest in all that stuff that's outside of you. 02:01:47.273 --> 02:01:54.399 This is really the fundamental inversion of our irreducible complexity upon which public health is based. 02:01:54.519 --> 02:01:55.941 And this is how we will break them. 02:01:55.981 --> 02:02:04.088 We will teach our children that every detail that we know of the body is now an extra gear. 02:02:05.088 --> 02:02:10.053 We still don't understand how works in concert with the other gears to produce us. 02:02:12.266 --> 02:02:20.574 And when people think, when people think, oh no, well you say that, Dr. Ian, but I know that I had a cold and I definitely caught it from the guy in the office. 02:02:21.395 --> 02:02:23.076 I have thought about this. 02:02:23.136 --> 02:02:32.305 See, the other thing that's possible then, right, is that highly immunologically incompatible people, when your immune system is signaling, 02:02:33.388 --> 02:02:52.988 My immune system would make perfect sense to me if my immune system, when exposed to something, would have a signal that it could send to the people that I'm closest to, the people that I spend the most time with, my family, so that their immune system would be activated in a way to avoid illness, to avoid exposure, to avoid fever, whatever. 02:02:54.693 --> 02:03:09.445 And in the scenario where that signal is being sent out, but your immune system isn't as related to mine as it is, or as aligned with that signal, then you could develop symptoms as a result of being exposed to my actively signaling immune system. 02:03:10.831 --> 02:03:17.112 And of course, we are told, no one has ever asked the question of, is there a signaling in that regime? 02:03:17.812 --> 02:03:28.395 Even though we know that menstrual cycles of entire frat houses, or not frat houses, but sorority houses can be in sync between roommates or even hallways. 02:03:29.475 --> 02:03:35.516 We know that when you kiss someone, a lot of times it's just like, yee, and other times it's like, oh my gosh, I can't believe it. 02:03:35.576 --> 02:03:39.497 She's a smoker, but somehow or another, kissing her still, 02:03:40.714 --> 02:03:41.374 tastes good. 02:03:42.495 --> 02:03:43.315 That can happen. 02:03:43.896 --> 02:03:56.322 And it's because of biology that nobody wants to discuss that's there, where our immune systems are communicating to one another, where our biology is being evaluated subconsciously by the chemical interactions of our bodies. 02:03:57.682 --> 02:04:00.143 It's not just DNA to RNA to protein. 02:04:01.524 --> 02:04:03.625 It's a lot more complicated than that. 02:04:03.665 --> 02:04:05.386 But of course, if they told you that, 02:04:06.553 --> 02:04:09.736 then you would never buy the illusion of understanding. 02:04:09.756 --> 02:04:19.905 You would never buy into the idea that they have almost all the problems solved or the idea that Kurtzweiler puts forward that in 40 years or 20 years, there will be no disease. 02:04:19.945 --> 02:04:24.449 And if you can just make it that far, you're essentially going to make it to immortality. 02:04:25.210 --> 02:04:25.871 Stop lying. 02:04:27.683 --> 02:04:34.786 It's not incumbent on me to come up with an explanation, right, for how they do work, given I've shown you that you're being lied to. 02:04:35.087 --> 02:04:38.088 But I just think it's easier if I give you some suggestions. 02:04:38.968 --> 02:04:51.134 Common colds are sufficiently common that if you have one, it's not that unlikely that someone known to you, family member or friend, will also get a cold in the next short period of time. 02:04:51.294 --> 02:04:52.675 And that doesn't mean spread. 02:04:53.375 --> 02:04:54.976 And that's a very valid point. 02:04:55.965 --> 02:05:01.327 And when that happens, the person who got it second thinks they got it from you. 02:05:01.607 --> 02:05:04.849 It's consistent with contagion, but it isn't. 02:05:06.089 --> 02:05:14.313 The other one is, whatever it is that causes these acute symptoms, I think there will be an environmental contribution. 02:05:14.653 --> 02:05:18.415 Maybe it's too hot, too cold, too dry, too much pollen, or whatever it is. 02:05:19.495 --> 02:05:32.733 Or any number of toxins that are in the soaps that you use, the products that you use, the food that you eat, the air that you breathe, the car that you drove behind, or the stuff that you put on your face. 02:05:33.054 --> 02:05:36.478 You and that person you think you got it from shared some of that environment. 02:05:37.199 --> 02:05:38.019 or some of the food. 02:05:39.160 --> 02:05:42.062 So I think it's coincidence and shared environments. 02:05:42.122 --> 02:05:45.183 That's what explains contagion. 02:05:45.584 --> 02:05:46.484 And then here's the other one. 02:05:46.504 --> 02:05:51.647 Oh, well, you say that it was all put on, but I had the worst flu I'd ever had in my life in 2020. 02:05:51.687 --> 02:05:53.688 So how do you explain that? 02:05:54.329 --> 02:05:55.349 And for a while, I couldn't. 02:05:55.409 --> 02:05:57.070 But I go, I can explain that. 02:05:57.670 --> 02:05:58.331 I can explain it. 02:05:59.811 --> 02:06:03.712 Most of us have something called influenza, it's like a description. 02:06:04.373 --> 02:06:10.474 Quite rarely in our life, I've had it twice, I'm 64, and I've asked around and most people it's like one to three. 02:06:11.695 --> 02:06:14.715 I just don't understand how that's even a statement you can make. 02:06:15.816 --> 02:06:16.616 I'm an American. 02:06:17.836 --> 02:06:20.017 As an American, I went to work when I was sick. 02:06:20.837 --> 02:06:22.980 I ignored my symptoms when I was sick. 02:06:23.100 --> 02:06:24.902 I rode my bike to work when I was sick. 02:06:24.942 --> 02:06:26.744 And by the time I got to work, I felt okay. 02:06:27.164 --> 02:06:28.426 And I worked feeling sick. 02:06:28.466 --> 02:06:38.417 And then I went home because when I'm, when I want to take a day off and I only have two weeks vacation as a postdoc, then I use those sick days for vacation as well. 02:06:40.320 --> 02:06:40.660 Get 25 of those. 02:06:43.140 --> 02:06:47.321 So for me, it's odd because I can't remember. 02:06:47.461 --> 02:06:48.962 I can remember being sick in 2019. 02:06:49.582 --> 02:06:52.363 I remember it because my wife made fun of me. 02:06:53.423 --> 02:06:54.944 Like, you're sick like that again? 02:06:54.964 --> 02:07:06.828 Like, it's just because you're smoking and because you're riding your bike in the cold winter, and it happened last winter, it's happening this winter, it happens every winter, because you're riding your bike in the cold. 02:07:07.873 --> 02:07:09.635 And we both agreed it must be the case. 02:07:09.675 --> 02:07:10.075 That's it. 02:07:10.135 --> 02:07:10.656 That's done. 02:07:11.456 --> 02:07:13.798 But I've been sick like that before. 02:07:13.818 --> 02:07:16.661 At least, I just didn't think it was quite as bad. 02:07:16.741 --> 02:07:20.704 But I couldn't name the times that I had been sick like that before. 02:07:20.724 --> 02:07:25.569 I'm sure I had the flu when I was playing basketball in my junior year because I remember 02:07:26.329 --> 02:07:32.732 Really thinking about whether or not I could play one of those games and we were having such a good basketball year that it just like what? 02:07:33.213 --> 02:07:34.974 I'm not gonna play that would be ridiculous. 02:07:35.014 --> 02:07:39.016 I might miss the best game of our of our high school season. 02:07:39.996 --> 02:07:49.241 I Got at least be on the bench and available So Americans and I suspect a lot of other Western countries in general aren't making a detailed 02:07:50.089 --> 02:07:53.091 you know, diary about, oh boy, I really felt bad today. 02:07:53.691 --> 02:07:56.733 My fever was this and my pulse ox went from this and that. 02:07:57.134 --> 02:08:01.416 And I decided to take some aconitia and blah, blah, blah, and keep some diary. 02:08:01.456 --> 02:08:07.720 And then years later, just be able to flip back to the two pages where the red mark is because I had flu. 02:08:08.561 --> 02:08:11.322 It seems bizarre to make that comment. 02:08:11.883 --> 02:08:14.985 You don't remember how many times you were sick in that way? 02:08:15.365 --> 02:08:15.825 No way. 02:08:17.086 --> 02:08:23.111 Just imagine now, let's say you've had three and you're 60 and you get flu in 2020. 02:08:23.752 --> 02:08:26.594 What's the chances it will be the worst flu you've ever had? 02:08:26.754 --> 02:08:31.097 It could be milder to what you've had before, about the same, worse. 02:08:31.878 --> 02:08:33.800 And I think it's just throwing the dice. 02:08:34.460 --> 02:08:43.044 And I think a significant minority of people who had flu in 2020 legitimately could say, because it was true, this was the worst flu I'd ever had. 02:08:44.285 --> 02:08:45.125 So you see? 02:08:45.345 --> 02:08:48.187 I think there are lots of people in 2018 that would say it. 02:08:48.207 --> 02:08:50.588 I think there were people in 2009 that would say it. 02:08:51.028 --> 02:08:54.170 I just don't think this expands beyond anecdotal. 02:08:54.190 --> 02:08:56.251 50,000 to 70,000 people die every week in America. 02:09:01.139 --> 02:09:04.603 100,000 people every year for the last four years have been killed by opioids. 02:09:05.884 --> 02:09:16.174 And so a few anecdotal cases of the worst flu ever doesn't mean that every year, if you wanted to, you couldn't interview people and find people that said, yeah, that's the worst flu I've ever had. 02:09:17.075 --> 02:09:20.178 It just would be less some years than other years. 02:09:20.538 --> 02:09:21.219 That's the expert. 02:09:21.319 --> 02:09:24.302 And that means no matter how many times you hear that anecdote, 02:09:25.365 --> 02:09:31.008 And however true it is, it provides you with no evidence whatsoever there was something new in the environment. 02:09:31.908 --> 02:09:32.829 It's funny that, you know. 02:09:33.049 --> 02:09:41.193 Especially not with the flu jabs being pushed, especially not with the horrible lack of regulation of our food supply. 02:09:41.213 --> 02:09:48.176 Anyway, so I have now satisfied myself about viruses and colds and flu and contagion. 02:09:49.137 --> 02:09:51.018 When people say, what's about black death? 02:09:51.098 --> 02:09:51.838 It's like, I don't know. 02:09:52.018 --> 02:09:53.759 I don't give a monkeys about black death. 02:09:54.479 --> 02:09:55.760 I'm not going to think about that. 02:09:56.581 --> 02:09:57.361 What's measles then? 02:09:57.441 --> 02:09:57.782 I don't know. 02:09:58.342 --> 02:09:58.662 Next. 02:09:59.643 --> 02:10:02.144 It's not my job to provide education for the world. 02:10:02.185 --> 02:10:03.666 I've told you, you're being lied to. 02:10:04.166 --> 02:10:04.686 Exactly. 02:10:04.746 --> 02:10:15.233 It's not our goal, and the onus is not on us if we say that these people are actively lying to us to have a 02:10:18.519 --> 02:10:21.720 a sealed, what is the right word? 02:10:21.900 --> 02:10:25.101 A open and shut case on what actually happened. 02:10:26.462 --> 02:10:33.644 We're not supposed to, this is exactly the analogy I've used many times where you call the police and say, hey, somebody was breaking into my home. 02:10:34.144 --> 02:10:37.945 The 911 operator doesn't ask you, well, what is their motivation? 02:10:38.005 --> 02:10:39.306 Why did they break into your house? 02:10:39.326 --> 02:10:40.266 What are they looking for? 02:10:41.947 --> 02:10:43.547 What do they intend to do after? 02:10:44.328 --> 02:10:45.548 Where are they going to go next? 02:10:47.674 --> 02:10:59.606 And in this scenario where a couple generations of the biosecurity state has essentially been working to build a narrative about vaccines and public health. 02:11:00.498 --> 02:11:15.567 so that our sovereignty could be inverted and that our children could be turned into experimental animals and that they would use murder and lies and placebos and people like Robert Malone and Mary Holland and Merrill Nass and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 02:11:16.207 --> 02:11:22.111 and all the people they could, Pierre Kory, Jessica Hockett, the 02:11:22.831 --> 02:11:25.973 any group that they could co-opt like Heart or Panda. 02:11:26.653 --> 02:11:38.479 All of these things, if they rose on social media to see many people's eyes or to get into many people's ears, it was by design because that's how we are controlled. 02:11:38.959 --> 02:11:46.423 Social media is not a random, spontaneous group of good ideas rising to the top. 02:11:47.549 --> 02:11:48.410 It is not. 02:11:48.550 --> 02:12:05.024 It is a very carefully controlled environment where you are sitting in a chair with your feet on the pedals and your goggles on and your hand on a joystick and you think you're flying a TIE fighter against the Empire by joining up forces with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 02:12:05.084 --> 02:12:08.187 and Robert Malone to fight against Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak. 02:12:09.611 --> 02:12:10.952 You must disconnect. 02:12:23.701 --> 02:12:26.223 Let's hear that again. 02:12:27.204 --> 02:12:29.725 It's not my job to provide education for the world. 02:12:29.765 --> 02:12:39.572 I've told you you're being lied to about COVID and you're being lied to about bird flu and they're trying to persuade you to give up your freedom and let them stab toxins in you. 02:12:39.932 --> 02:12:40.713 Isn't that enough? 02:12:41.673 --> 02:12:42.674 Well said. 02:12:43.715 --> 02:12:46.397 Well said, Mr. Sparkle. 02:12:48.925 --> 02:12:55.733 So you've actually gone halfway to answering my next question, which is basically, have you now moved into the no virus camp? 02:12:56.374 --> 02:12:57.355 Yeah, I think it's... 02:12:59.542 --> 02:13:08.387 And that's unfortunate because that's not the biological, the biological evidence is there, that there is a signal at this size scale. 02:13:08.948 --> 02:13:25.618 So there is no way to get around the fact that there is a signal at this size scale, that the signal is very ubiquitous across healthy tissues and cancerous tissues, across fungal rhizomes and the roots of deciduous trees. 02:13:26.966 --> 02:13:29.509 and the bacteria that form nodules on their roots. 02:13:29.549 --> 02:13:33.353 This is all, these are all signaling regimes that are in the background. 02:13:33.393 --> 02:13:39.779 And that's not even talking about the earliest identified version of this kind of signaling regime. 02:13:39.819 --> 02:13:41.401 And that is the bacteriophage. 02:13:42.975 --> 02:13:59.042 found by none other than people like Joshua Lederberg who are at the heart and soul of the mentality of the the idea set that we are being coerced into passing on to our children just in the same way that our parents were coerced into passing it on to us. 02:13:59.862 --> 02:14:00.763 Just tell us why. 02:14:02.083 --> 02:14:05.085 I was helped by somebody who had recently made the transition. 02:14:06.225 --> 02:14:10.287 And he said, you don't have to go into a position of saying, I don't believe in viruses. 02:14:10.307 --> 02:14:17.091 You can say, because it's true, that there is no convincing evidence for the presence of them. 02:14:18.392 --> 02:14:22.275 I've not seen any convincing evidence for the presence of them. 02:14:22.875 --> 02:14:26.358 Now again, don't force me to do the religious bit. 02:14:26.838 --> 02:14:31.302 I really am afraid of that because again, you can choose the old papers and you can 02:14:33.303 --> 02:14:36.666 use the methodologies to show that the methodologies are wrong. 02:14:37.327 --> 02:14:47.376 You can culture cells and make them produce viral-like particles, or break down if you get rid of them, or plate them too thickly, or allow them to grow past the capacity of the plate. 02:14:47.917 --> 02:14:55.124 And that can be misconstrued as, see, there are no viruses, there are no exosomes, there's no communication at this size scale. 02:14:55.524 --> 02:15:05.508 There are no signals like arc in the brain that pass from neuron to neuron so that genes that are expressed in one neuron can be expressed in neighboring neurons without that neuron needing to be activated. 02:15:07.269 --> 02:15:14.671 And those are all real biological phenomenon that have been misconstrued as virology in the Baltimore scheme. 02:15:17.012 --> 02:15:23.715 And I'm afraid that the no virus trap is exactly that, that if you get there, then you're not going to ever usefully pivot 02:15:24.571 --> 02:15:28.314 to questioning the human genome project and the illusion created using it. 02:15:28.394 --> 02:15:43.885 You're never going to pivot to the illusion that was created by virology, which actually covers up the effectiveness, the effective experimentation using synthetic DNA and RNA to transform and transfect cell cultures and animals and calling that virology. 02:15:44.656 --> 02:15:49.559 And so if you say there are no viruses, you're not saying the same thing as there's no virology. 02:15:49.679 --> 02:16:08.972 And I'm saying there is definitely virology and the vast majority, if not all of it is based on the misconstruing of testing DNA and RNA transfection and transformation on cell culture and animals with bona fide discussion and, and experimentation on viruses, which it is definitely not. 02:16:10.697 --> 02:16:35.457 And if you don't usefully question this and you just settle on, I guess it's nothing, then you will never question the foundation of the biosecurity state, the foundation of the human genome project, the foundation of all biologic production in pharmaceutical companies, which is synthetic DNA, recombinant DNA, bacterial cultures reproducing it. 02:16:35.617 --> 02:16:37.999 And then the commercial conversion of that to RNA, 02:16:39.059 --> 02:16:40.920 And that technology is well-developed. 02:16:41.900 --> 02:16:45.142 And so they could seed any PCR positive they want. 02:16:45.162 --> 02:16:48.343 They could seed any sequence they want and claim they found it. 02:16:49.764 --> 02:16:53.966 And you don't need to have a pandemic virus. 02:16:54.006 --> 02:16:55.667 You don't need to have a pandemic RNA. 02:16:55.687 --> 02:16:57.328 You don't need to have a gain-of-function RNA. 02:16:57.368 --> 02:17:02.970 All you need to do is have the capacity to make enough DNA in a pure enough quantity to detect it. 02:17:03.330 --> 02:17:06.612 Enough DNA to make a pure enough quantity of RNA to inject it. 02:17:08.291 --> 02:17:15.714 to apply it to a cell culture, to apply it to an animal, and then detect the proteins that are produced and call that a model of infectious disease. 02:17:16.654 --> 02:17:28.678 Or be too naive to know that that's all you're doing in your experiments as you produce your PhD, as you write grants and you learn to perform this ritual over and over and over again. 02:17:29.938 --> 02:17:31.399 And people tell you you're great for it. 02:17:32.301 --> 02:17:34.925 do swear that viruses don't exist. 02:17:34.945 --> 02:17:36.527 It's like, I'll just tell you what I just told you. 02:17:36.547 --> 02:17:37.869 I've seen no evidence for them. 02:17:38.490 --> 02:17:42.576 And they belong in the same category as goblins under your table, leprechauns, and unicorns. 02:17:43.729 --> 02:17:45.530 Although some people think unicorns existed. 02:17:45.570 --> 02:17:46.771 Well, be careful about that. 02:17:46.791 --> 02:17:47.912 Yeah, I have to be a bit careful. 02:17:48.072 --> 02:17:48.813 A lot of these things. 02:17:49.253 --> 02:17:55.919 In fact, I'm now going to block my copybook by saying, of all the conspiracy theories you hear, I rule out none of them. 02:17:57.340 --> 02:17:57.540 Right? 02:17:57.560 --> 02:18:03.685 Because the trouble is, whenever I've gone in close to look at them, the bloody things have come true. 02:18:04.846 --> 02:18:06.087 I'm glad you said that, Mike. 02:18:06.107 --> 02:18:08.529 I'm going to ask you about... I'm really upset about the dinosaurs. 02:18:10.097 --> 02:18:12.279 There's a few coming up. 02:18:12.299 --> 02:18:13.279 Don't you worry about that. 02:18:13.659 --> 02:18:17.562 So yeah, because lots of people get really worked up about the no virus. 02:18:17.702 --> 02:18:21.745 They're either team terrain or they're team virus. 02:18:21.805 --> 02:18:22.806 I don't join anything. 02:18:23.406 --> 02:18:23.946 Hamster wheel. 02:18:23.966 --> 02:18:26.768 It's staggering to me in retrospect that I had a career in corporate. 02:18:27.089 --> 02:18:28.349 How the hell did I manage that? 02:18:28.490 --> 02:18:29.090 Hamster wheel. 02:18:29.230 --> 02:18:31.812 I think it's because I'm inherently quite a nice person. 02:18:32.132 --> 02:18:32.652 I don't like to 02:18:34.653 --> 02:18:47.698 or if I knew I was going to have to do something like ending a project that I knew would upset people, I would work really, really hard to try and smooth over it, smooth over the water, try and find some other focus for their attention and so on. 02:18:47.718 --> 02:18:49.999 So that's how I managed to do it, I think. 02:18:50.159 --> 02:18:53.460 Because if I'd been more disagreeable, my own internal processes of 02:18:54.020 --> 02:19:00.024 I don't tend to join things, I would not have managed to become, I'm not that good a team player, so I put it on. 02:19:01.325 --> 02:19:05.148 And the reason I don't join things is, it's so constraining. 02:19:05.768 --> 02:19:11.452 So if you join Team No Virus fully, there's like six edicts or whatever, things you have to. 02:19:11.652 --> 02:19:18.917 There you go, now he's saying it, and remember, they were that way from the very beginning, so it's clear that that was part of the show. 02:19:21.158 --> 02:19:30.222 And so he can say he's kind of on their team, like I can say I'm kind of on their team, but their team was a trap and that was part of it, especially Andy Kaufman. 02:19:30.682 --> 02:19:34.143 And he admitted it by going on Steve Kirsch's podcast this year. 02:19:34.603 --> 02:19:34.923 Yes. 02:19:35.083 --> 02:19:40.225 And I don't like that because what happens if I wake the next day and think, I've thought of something else that doesn't fit. 02:19:40.826 --> 02:19:41.106 It's like. 02:19:41.886 --> 02:19:42.846 then this is what happens. 02:19:43.107 --> 02:19:47.909 I think people end up, they've jumped from one lily pad to another to another. 02:19:48.289 --> 02:19:49.650 And what you should do is think. 02:19:51.050 --> 02:19:53.551 Don't join anything, just be nice, but think. 02:19:53.751 --> 02:19:54.392 That's all you should do. 02:19:54.652 --> 02:19:56.633 Actually, it's something I need to mention. 02:19:56.653 --> 02:20:00.915 I've only learned in the last three weeks, and so you probably won't have heard it. 02:20:02.095 --> 02:20:03.356 But it all fits when I say it. 02:20:04.403 --> 02:20:11.806 You know that there was a team hero, the alternative media people, not me, people who are 100 times more famous around the world. 02:20:12.847 --> 02:20:16.048 I won't mention them at this particular point, but you all know who I'm thinking. 02:20:16.108 --> 02:20:21.250 So many doctors who are- Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Meryl Ness. 02:20:23.411 --> 02:20:27.193 All these American doctors that had to go to Australia and testify. 02:20:28.100 --> 02:20:28.620 Americans. 02:20:29.882 --> 02:20:38.769 And as soon as they were a hundred times more famous around the world, I won't mention them at this particular point, but you all know who I'm thinking, so many doctors who are Americans. 02:20:40.130 --> 02:20:41.391 Yes, he says. 02:20:42.552 --> 02:20:44.294 Yes, Dowingpole says. 02:20:44.314 --> 02:20:44.374 Yes. 02:20:47.406 --> 02:20:50.992 And now we have two UK people telling us that it was America. 02:20:51.613 --> 02:20:52.394 America did it. 02:20:52.494 --> 02:20:55.799 It wasn't anybody in the UK collaborating with people in America. 02:20:56.220 --> 02:20:58.163 It wasn't traders in America. 02:20:58.183 --> 02:20:58.884 It was America. 02:20:59.847 --> 02:21:16.355 And so rather than being a ally of America and saying, wow, America is really being undermined from the inside by people who are collaborating with people who are undermining the UK from the inside and people who are undermining Canada from the inside, they don't say anything like that. 02:21:17.016 --> 02:21:19.557 They say that there's lots of people, doctors in America. 02:21:20.638 --> 02:21:27.721 And as soon as the pandemic arrived, they came up with early treatment for COVID-19, didn't they? 02:21:28.102 --> 02:21:29.562 And they pushed and pushed and pushed. 02:21:32.684 --> 02:21:34.204 First, I thought... He's right about that. 02:21:34.384 --> 02:21:41.048 Most of those early treatment people were Americans, but there was a French guy who pushed hydroxychloroquine and a few others. 02:21:42.708 --> 02:21:43.729 But he's right about that. 02:21:45.490 --> 02:21:51.313 And we've actually said that Pierre Cory, it's an admission that he was so hardcore on ivermectin. 02:21:51.753 --> 02:22:02.919 It is an admission that Brett Weinstein was like parading around the idea that he had the secret formula that when combined with bandanas and woodshop goggles he was just as good as vaccinated for shit's sake. 02:22:04.724 --> 02:22:06.205 then later when I realized there wasn't. 02:22:06.225 --> 02:22:09.006 So I thought, why are they pushing this stuff? 02:22:09.046 --> 02:22:14.709 I thought, they're pushing harmless placebos on the worried well, and they're providing a boon. 02:22:14.729 --> 02:22:16.990 Worried well is a phrase that 02:22:20.040 --> 02:22:22.101 James Giordano used back in 2017. 02:22:22.961 --> 02:22:26.442 I'm worried about people that use the words worried well. 02:22:26.462 --> 02:22:28.563 The structure that really is a pandemic. 02:22:28.603 --> 02:22:33.744 I thought, why would these clever people be going out of their way to sell you this stuff? 02:22:33.844 --> 02:22:42.247 What about these clever people that went out of their way to say that the PCR test that the WHO was rolling out wasn't right because it was rushed or because it makes primer dimers? 02:22:43.382 --> 02:22:52.885 And those people included Kevin McKernan and Claire Craig, who I both am sure are bad guys, but also included Thomas Binder and this guy, Michael Yeadon. 02:22:52.905 --> 02:23:03.508 They were both on that paper that didn't say that PCR testing was bad, but said that the way the WHO was advocating to do it was methodologically unsound, which is very, very different. 02:23:06.148 --> 02:23:08.309 Unfortunately, it's much worse than that. 02:23:09.395 --> 02:23:20.238 One of the center stage drugs that they want you to take, ivermectin, is one of the most violent fertility toxins I've ever come across. 02:23:20.658 --> 02:23:21.638 Bingo! 02:23:23.459 --> 02:23:30.321 And of course, that has already been said by people like Tim Truth and many other people have posited this. 02:23:30.401 --> 02:23:35.682 It was one of the reasons why people think it makes sense that they would distribute it in Africa. 02:23:39.833 --> 02:23:49.080 Very, very, very, very interesting assertion because of course it also cures cancer and Parkinson's disease and all these other things that these doctors say it does. 02:23:49.500 --> 02:23:56.686 But none of those doctors are ever willing to come out and say that anything that cures cancer might not be appropriate to use in a healthy person. 02:24:00.046 --> 02:24:10.613 Bret Weinstein was arguing for the continuous prophylactic use of ivermectin, not a once in a season exposure for parasites, prophylactic use. 02:24:13.180 --> 02:24:19.326 And I didn't know this, because like you, you probably didn't think to do the deep research, and I didn't. 02:24:19.946 --> 02:24:38.084 So someone contacted me a few weeks ago with a bloody great dossier of papers that go back from its discovery, and there's unquestionably around the doses you're being required, you're being suggested to take in rats and rabbits, and in some limited studies in humans, 02:24:38.804 --> 02:24:45.426 It reduces the ability to conceive and to grow babies to term. 02:24:46.147 --> 02:24:47.167 And doesn't it fit? 02:24:48.127 --> 02:24:48.827 Doesn't it fit? 02:24:49.468 --> 02:24:50.028 Why did this? 02:24:50.408 --> 02:24:53.029 There's nothing that's major. 02:24:53.889 --> 02:24:56.872 on the world stage that's accidental, I'm afraid. 02:24:57.112 --> 02:24:57.433 Yes. 02:24:57.613 --> 02:24:58.434 That's the problem. 02:24:58.754 --> 02:25:01.316 Nothing that's major on the world stage is accidental. 02:25:01.356 --> 02:25:02.918 So what is the PCR test then? 02:25:03.358 --> 02:25:11.767 In my humble opinion, as exposed by what happened on on college campuses around the United States, there was a pre-planned 02:25:12.447 --> 02:25:19.572 Already they knew what they were going to do because a PCR testing regime gets you one thing and one thing more than anything else. 02:25:20.192 --> 02:25:27.477 It gets you an unlimited supply of genetic samples that are classified as medical remnants. 02:25:29.358 --> 02:25:31.280 You know the shit they throw away at hospitals? 02:25:31.360 --> 02:25:39.345 If it's to an individual patient and they anonymize it, they can sell that to any biotech company that wants to buy it for a sample. 02:25:42.708 --> 02:25:54.414 That's why they encourage children, parents in America to circumcise their kids so that people like Vincent Racaniello have fibroblasts to work on in their cell cultures. 02:25:55.454 --> 02:25:56.915 It's medical remnants. 02:25:58.956 --> 02:26:06.740 You don't get any medical remnants of foreskin from young babies if you don't actively encourage parents to circumcise their children. 02:26:06.780 --> 02:26:09.201 But once they do it, it becomes a medical remnant. 02:26:10.114 --> 02:26:12.774 that the hospital can sell for profit. 02:26:13.935 --> 02:26:32.918 And PCR testing every single college kid every week was a repeated excuse to create a medical remnant that contained information about their genome, about their microbiome, about their immune system, and anything else that could be extracted from such a sample. 02:26:34.958 --> 02:26:38.699 And they knew this because medical remnants were already a source of a lot of data. 02:26:40.052 --> 02:26:44.293 I used to make recordings from the medical remnants of people who were getting a glioma removed. 02:26:47.274 --> 02:26:51.155 And technically speaking, they didn't even need to give permission because it was a medical remnant. 02:26:52.035 --> 02:26:54.315 It was de-identified and I got human brain. 02:26:56.036 --> 02:27:04.318 And if you think for one second that the opportunity to collect data en masse was missed, you're sorely mistaken. 02:27:05.103 --> 02:27:32.950 And in fact, I have come to believe from my work on a couple cases about PCR testing, that actually it is very, very likely given the fact that so many of these PCR tests were only looking at a single amplicon, that in reality, the whole point of doing a PCR test was to create the medical remnant that could be used for full genome screening, to make a lot of restriction enzyme maps of a lot of people over and over and over again, 02:27:33.976 --> 02:27:44.561 and then to take that data and see if AI or some kind of machine learning algorithm could use the data they collected and interface with any number of medical databases that are available, including Epic. 02:27:47.943 --> 02:27:53.305 Someone like Joshua Lederberg already knew back in the day that we were gonna use computers to sort through this data. 02:27:53.365 --> 02:27:58.748 He was famous for having advocated for the application of machine learning to biological data. 02:27:59.912 --> 02:28:06.777 And so we are talking about a multi-generational set of ideas that is being executed exactly as Mike Eden has said. 02:28:07.337 --> 02:28:20.006 That the vaccine schedule was seen as a way that over generations we could invert our sovereignty and convert these children to experimental animals without them even knowing it, without us having to pay a dime, with them coming to us. 02:28:21.527 --> 02:28:28.912 And at the same time, we'll have opened the door to whenever we want to meaningfully reduce the reproductive population of the world, we could do it. 02:28:30.089 --> 02:28:39.816 And ivermectin is just one way, one example of how this could be done if people agree to lie to you about these fundamental biological phenomena. 02:28:40.357 --> 02:28:44.540 And so now you know there's nothing major on the world stage that's accidental. 02:28:45.020 --> 02:28:47.722 Who put ivermectin there? 02:28:47.742 --> 02:28:49.164 Well, the perpetrators did. 02:28:50.353 --> 02:28:51.514 And why did they put it there? 02:28:51.574 --> 02:28:56.776 Robert Malone was seminal in identifying it using the domain program of DITRA. 02:28:57.376 --> 02:29:02.358 He identified ivermectin, silicoxib, famotidine, and remdesivir. 02:29:03.278 --> 02:29:04.559 Why not name names? 02:29:04.619 --> 02:29:06.139 We know what Americans did it. 02:29:06.919 --> 02:29:12.922 It's like, if you don't get jabbed and avoid impacts on your fertility, a good chunk of you will take ivermectin instead. 02:29:13.942 --> 02:29:19.868 It gets worse, and then I'll stop talking about this because I haven't written about it yet, but it's on my mind. 02:29:20.268 --> 02:29:24.092 There are lots of other supplements that the worried will take. 02:29:25.073 --> 02:29:29.157 And again, I had thought it was mainly a money-making business. 02:29:29.892 --> 02:29:33.574 All right, a money-making business, they'll sell you K2 or whatever it is. 02:29:33.834 --> 02:29:35.675 And there's loads of things I've never heard of. 02:29:35.695 --> 02:29:37.596 You look in the so-called health foods. 02:29:37.896 --> 02:29:43.138 Niacin, acetylcysteine. 02:29:45.079 --> 02:29:46.380 I mean, the list is endless, right? 02:29:47.139 --> 02:29:49.721 My wife will often ask me, what will this do? 02:29:49.741 --> 02:29:51.062 I've said, I've never heard of it. 02:29:51.602 --> 02:29:53.643 I was originally a biochemist and toxicologist. 02:29:53.663 --> 02:29:54.404 I've never heard of it. 02:29:54.424 --> 02:29:55.685 I have to look it up. 02:29:55.725 --> 02:29:56.145 It's real. 02:29:56.185 --> 02:29:56.765 It does exist. 02:29:57.546 --> 02:30:04.110 So I thought they were just flogging benign placebos to the worried whale just to steal money off them. 02:30:05.231 --> 02:30:06.712 Unfortunately, it's not so. 02:30:07.192 --> 02:30:16.939 Many of the supplements, including most of the really famous ones, hamper the elimination from your body of ivermectin. 02:30:18.880 --> 02:30:22.340 So if you're a person that thinks, well, I'm going to take care of my health and not have to take care of my health. 02:30:22.360 --> 02:30:25.041 Wow, what a weird, that's an interesting statement to make. 02:30:25.101 --> 02:30:29.823 So a lot of the other supplements make it harder for you to deal with ivermectin? 02:30:29.943 --> 02:30:30.903 Whoa. 02:30:31.003 --> 02:30:32.323 It's ivermectin that'll protect me. 02:30:32.343 --> 02:30:37.525 And I've got all these other supplements, and those supplements stop your body eliminating ivermectin. 02:30:37.605 --> 02:30:39.665 It's a negative drug-drug interaction. 02:30:40.025 --> 02:30:40.505 Yikes. 02:30:40.966 --> 02:30:42.846 OK, that's something I've never heard before. 02:30:42.886 --> 02:30:43.346 That's new. 02:30:43.406 --> 02:30:45.247 This can't be coincidence, folks. 02:30:46.187 --> 02:30:47.568 And it's not a coincidence. 02:30:48.148 --> 02:30:49.828 So don't take anything. 02:30:51.389 --> 02:30:56.550 Honestly, just don't take pharmaceutical products, said the guy that works in the pharmaceutical industry. 02:30:56.570 --> 02:30:56.670 Wow. 02:30:56.830 --> 02:30:58.291 Don't take pharmaceutical products. 02:30:58.371 --> 02:31:00.692 Again, now we're saying something meaningful. 02:31:01.932 --> 02:31:03.573 That's fantastic, Mike. 02:31:03.853 --> 02:31:04.353 I mean, again. 02:31:09.898 --> 02:31:14.381 Obviously, find a trusted doctor, because you can't trust most doctors. 02:31:14.701 --> 02:31:17.243 I'm not saying throw your prescriptions away, but seriously. 02:31:17.443 --> 02:31:19.704 You can't trust doctors because they are fooled. 02:31:19.784 --> 02:31:21.065 Make sure you understand that. 02:31:21.105 --> 02:31:27.710 We want to make sure that we go with compassion, that we approach people with the idea that they can also wake up just like we did. 02:31:28.890 --> 02:31:38.497 It's often very easy, especially for a guy like me who's super fired up, to forget that two and a half years ago, I didn't know any of this stuff. 02:31:39.077 --> 02:31:46.222 Two and a half years ago, I was still arguing with people on the internet about whether this was a gain-of-function virus or not, or whether the spike protein was important. 02:31:47.984 --> 02:31:50.086 And so we've got to remain humble. 02:31:50.166 --> 02:31:51.267 We've got to remain humble. 02:31:51.307 --> 02:31:53.408 There were people who were years ahead of us on this. 02:31:53.768 --> 02:31:57.251 If any of you are on chronic medications, find an enlightened doctrine. 02:31:57.771 --> 02:32:00.373 Evaluate whether that on balance is the right thing for you. 02:32:00.654 --> 02:32:02.015 Because my hunch is it's not. 02:32:03.866 --> 02:32:06.588 I'm going to chuck out my stash of ivermectin. 02:32:06.728 --> 02:32:09.030 I think loads of people have got ivermectin. 02:32:09.050 --> 02:32:12.892 We threw it out just in recent days, and we threw out all of the supplements. 02:32:13.473 --> 02:32:16.355 In our particular case, we're not trying to have children. 02:32:16.715 --> 02:32:24.660 But there were several of these health supplements that the papers specifically showed were what's called PGP. 02:32:25.461 --> 02:32:27.183 PGP, P-glycoprotein. 02:32:27.504 --> 02:32:33.051 P-glycoprotein inhibitors and ivermectin is secreted using P-glycoprotein pathways. 02:32:33.491 --> 02:32:34.453 And it was like, oh my God. 02:32:34.493 --> 02:32:41.081 And we have ivermectin in the bathroom cabinet and all the PGP inhibitor supplements in the kitchen cupboard. 02:32:41.702 --> 02:32:42.863 And we threw them all in the bin. 02:32:43.624 --> 02:32:43.904 Wow. 02:32:44.124 --> 02:32:44.384 I know. 02:32:44.404 --> 02:32:48.986 Do you think there are any pharmaceutical products that are okay? 02:32:49.006 --> 02:32:52.888 I mean, for example, where are you on aspirin and paracetamol? 02:32:53.588 --> 02:32:54.568 I wouldn't take those either. 02:32:54.909 --> 02:32:56.049 But then I knew they were dangerous. 02:32:56.469 --> 02:32:57.790 We were all told, were we not? 02:32:57.870 --> 02:32:58.970 Have you not heard this phrase? 02:32:59.570 --> 02:33:03.452 If they were launching aspirin today or paracetamol today, never get approved. 02:33:04.032 --> 02:33:05.433 We've all heard that, I think. 02:33:06.073 --> 02:33:12.458 And at one point, maybe still now, you can't buy more than a certain number, two boxes or something. 02:33:13.359 --> 02:33:15.821 So there's a recognition that they are quite dangerous. 02:33:16.921 --> 02:33:18.363 And I don't think they're useful either. 02:33:18.383 --> 02:33:20.564 Do you not get headaches? 02:33:21.285 --> 02:33:22.386 Ah, that's the one thing. 02:33:24.847 --> 02:33:30.569 I don't, luckily, but my wife does, and she said the only thing that removes it is aspirin. 02:33:30.909 --> 02:33:32.129 You see, this is the bug factor. 02:33:32.149 --> 02:33:32.529 That's fine. 02:33:33.089 --> 02:33:33.669 Aspirin! 02:33:34.009 --> 02:33:34.609 Ha ha! 02:33:36.510 --> 02:33:43.792 You don't have to go all religious about it, but I would think the default position should be not to reach for medicines when you feel unwell. 02:33:45.712 --> 02:33:51.601 I take a regular painkiller because I manage to get myself into a stupid situation where I have chronic, quite severe pain. 02:33:52.582 --> 02:33:59.452 And I would say that the medicines that are closest to nature are probably the safest. 02:33:59.913 --> 02:34:01.335 So the pharmaceutical industry 02:34:02.296 --> 02:34:12.601 was taken over at the turn of the 19th, 20th century by the Rockefeller School of how can we use the oil industry's products to make things. 02:34:13.101 --> 02:34:17.283 That was one of many ways to use petrochemicals. 02:34:18.643 --> 02:34:22.465 But prior to that, most things were based on herbal remedies. 02:34:22.885 --> 02:34:30.428 And there were lots of anti-inflammatories from plants and pain relievers from plants and so on, things that can dry your secretions from plants. 02:34:31.188 --> 02:34:34.749 And people have known about these things for hundreds of thousands of years probably. 02:34:35.189 --> 02:34:43.933 So used with care under the direction of someone who's been around the block, that is the medicine woman or the witch doctor or whatever, I think 02:34:44.793 --> 02:34:46.114 Yeah, those are probably OK. 02:34:46.154 --> 02:34:52.100 They're probably more likely to work and have been designed by, I call it, God or nature. 02:34:52.660 --> 02:34:56.543 I don't mind how that happened, but they're real natural things. 02:34:56.864 --> 02:34:59.566 And I know creationists would say, God put them there for our use. 02:34:59.586 --> 02:35:01.648 Well, you know my theory on this? 02:35:02.108 --> 02:35:02.249 No. 02:35:07.498 --> 02:35:18.701 It goes back to the Tower of Babel, that the fallen angels wanted to make war on God. 02:35:19.801 --> 02:35:26.743 And so they created a sort of simulacrum, a sort of bastard version of heaven on Earth. 02:35:27.583 --> 02:35:30.864 So God provided all these things, these natural things which work. 02:35:31.464 --> 02:35:33.944 And all they can do is invert it and subvert it. 02:35:36.585 --> 02:35:42.967 so that you get sort of chemical simulations made from petroleum products or whatever. 02:35:43.387 --> 02:35:45.328 And they're not like the real thing. 02:35:45.688 --> 02:35:51.490 So basically what I've just said might marry up somewhat with your... It's totally true. 02:35:52.010 --> 02:35:53.931 You're absolutely right. 02:35:54.111 --> 02:35:57.612 And I think there are a small number of products that belong to that category. 02:35:58.273 --> 02:36:01.794 And you have to go and look at each one to see whether they've been inverted. 02:36:03.435 --> 02:36:09.020 or not, but yeah, general rule of thumb, take as few prescription medicines as you possibly can. 02:36:09.620 --> 02:36:19.569 You can't get a health, you can't get a solution to it, to a disorder or an illness, something that's ailing you, from taking chronically a medicine. 02:36:19.629 --> 02:36:22.512 I just, it's not, we're too complicated for that. 02:36:22.812 --> 02:36:25.654 Hey, we're too complicated for that. 02:36:25.674 --> 02:36:27.856 I like it. 02:36:30.100 --> 02:36:32.562 I'm gobsmacked by the ivermectin thing. 02:36:32.582 --> 02:36:34.943 I mean, that is a real, that's a real shock. 02:36:34.983 --> 02:36:43.968 But I think what it shows is Albert Pike's famously said, you know, when they want a hero, we will supply them. 02:36:44.648 --> 02:36:54.314 So during the whole pandemic, the fake pandemic, there were various, 02:36:56.212 --> 02:37:00.134 freedom fighters that you've hinted at, particularly American. 02:37:00.695 --> 02:37:09.300 There's no reason to believe that he is not one of these people, just like Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein, I'm almost sure, are one of these people. 02:37:10.120 --> 02:37:15.264 There's no reason to believe that this guy isn't as well because he's risen quite well in social media. 02:37:16.504 --> 02:37:16.885 He says, 02:37:17.990 --> 02:37:19.770 batshit crazy and stuff like that. 02:37:20.110 --> 02:37:27.512 He's undermining his own credibility and undermining his own ability to reach out to new people by acting like that. 02:37:27.552 --> 02:37:32.133 I don't care if it's irony or some weird British humor. 02:37:32.213 --> 02:37:36.274 It's not helping his ability to save new people. 02:37:36.934 --> 02:37:40.395 And it's not helping Mike's ability to save new people. 02:37:40.515 --> 02:37:48.020 doctors who emerged apparently as heroes for our side, that they too were questioning the system and they were fighting back. 02:37:51.642 --> 02:37:56.525 The ones that get prominence are always working for the enemy, aren't they? 02:37:56.545 --> 02:37:57.746 See, that's the point. 02:37:58.347 --> 02:38:03.490 Without naming individuals, there are certain people who I would have regarded professionally as my peers, pretty much. 02:38:06.218 --> 02:38:09.299 Well, yeah, and some in England as well. 02:38:12.601 --> 02:38:13.341 What was he saying? 02:38:16.743 --> 02:38:17.803 Is he saying McCullough? 02:38:18.463 --> 02:38:20.264 Because I would point to Pierre Corrie. 02:38:20.324 --> 02:38:23.005 Pierre Corrie is the one who testified in front of the Senate. 02:38:23.446 --> 02:38:30.369 Pierre Corrie was the witness for the George Floyd trial that helped edify the idea that he was killed by the cops. 02:38:31.289 --> 02:38:37.135 Pierre Cory is the one who told the story about pulse ox numbers being low and them running out of oxygen. 02:38:37.215 --> 02:38:42.880 Pierre Cory is the one who had to fly down to Australia a couple times to testify about what happened in America. 02:38:43.341 --> 02:38:51.989 The same story that was used to justify the lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand that were told, you know, because we locked down, we don't have the kind of disaster that America does. 02:38:53.391 --> 02:38:55.573 I think this Bellingcat guy is not helping us. 02:38:56.372 --> 02:38:59.454 Well, yeah, and some in England as well. 02:39:00.174 --> 02:39:07.719 And they've grown large organizations, the purpose of which is now absolutely clear to me. 02:39:09.400 --> 02:39:14.483 They've grown large organizations like Heart, probably like Panda. 02:39:14.883 --> 02:39:17.445 At least Panda is being actively undermined. 02:39:17.485 --> 02:39:20.106 It feels a lot like the Jiki Leaks, 02:39:21.655 --> 02:39:44.433 Account is somehow aligned with has a controlled op to to heart and panda Especially because Jiki leaks doesn't think that Robert Malone is possibly a part of this doesn't think that Steve Kirsch or or Jessica Rose could possibly be a part of this even though their roles as epi girls and epi guys was 02:39:45.875 --> 02:39:49.157 amazingly well described in the Spars pandemic document. 02:39:49.197 --> 02:40:05.768 And so I've come to the conclusion that most of these anonymous accounts are actually being run or coordinated with these artificially elevated people like Robert Malone, Meryl Ness, Pierre Kory and Sasha Latupova and all these people. 02:40:05.788 --> 02:40:07.649 They're all part of the same bullshit illusion. 02:40:08.741 --> 02:40:13.784 I think that the guy that is interviewing him because of his connections to Bellingcat are also probably part of the illusion. 02:40:13.804 --> 02:40:28.891 They're all traitors and they're loyal to the crown or to globalist interests or weaponized piles of money that are giving them comfort and fame in order to perpetuate narratives on social media. 02:40:29.211 --> 02:40:32.794 That person asked me to join as chief scientist, and my instincts were, no. 02:40:33.394 --> 02:40:34.795 See, I just said I didn't join things. 02:40:35.116 --> 02:40:41.881 Also, I didn't like the idea of being involved in money making out of this crisis, because lots of people are doing that. 02:40:42.141 --> 02:40:47.345 And it just immediately, it's going to alter your motivations. 02:40:47.565 --> 02:40:50.647 If you could do something and make a million or do something else and not 02:40:51.604 --> 02:40:53.285 I'm afraid human beings will lie. 02:40:53.305 --> 02:40:55.007 They just do. 02:40:55.027 --> 02:40:59.370 So don't put yourself in a position where... People will lie. 02:41:00.211 --> 02:41:08.878 And we as a culture most fundamentally have moved from when I was a child where lying wasn't considered cool. 02:41:09.679 --> 02:41:13.062 Where lying to get ahead was not considered cool. 02:41:13.482 --> 02:41:16.685 Where fake it until you make it did not exist. 02:41:19.704 --> 02:41:25.507 The Western culture's sort of fundamental principles of success are now based on fake it till you make it. 02:41:26.807 --> 02:41:28.508 Theranos was fake it till you make it. 02:41:28.868 --> 02:41:30.629 And guess what else was fake it till you make it? 02:41:30.949 --> 02:41:32.250 The Human Genome Project. 02:41:35.251 --> 02:41:37.912 There's a benefit from you doing one thing and not another. 02:41:37.972 --> 02:41:44.155 Then that allows me to move with my own thoughts and have things land on me. 02:41:44.575 --> 02:41:45.036 So yeah. 02:41:47.202 --> 02:41:52.525 I was booted off almost every internet platform quite quickly, certainly during 2020. 02:41:53.145 --> 02:41:57.768 LinkedIn just didn't even bother to ban me or temporarily ban me. 02:41:57.788 --> 02:42:02.251 Literally, I would try to log in one day and it was gone. 02:42:02.891 --> 02:42:03.831 So, yeah. 02:42:04.192 --> 02:42:06.173 So, are you telling me you're not control opposition? 02:42:06.966 --> 02:42:08.567 No, apparently not. 02:42:08.907 --> 02:42:09.967 But you would say that, of course. 02:42:10.167 --> 02:42:10.668 Yes, of course. 02:42:10.828 --> 02:42:17.710 I mean, I can't appear as myself on the internet anywhere except on Telegram. 02:42:17.851 --> 02:42:20.552 How many people have used Telegram as a messaging app? 02:42:21.872 --> 02:42:23.813 I never use it, ever. 02:42:24.593 --> 02:42:25.013 Maybe 20%? 02:42:25.734 --> 02:42:31.036 Is he going to tell the story about the fact that actually a guy by the name of, what's his name? 02:42:31.096 --> 02:42:32.657 I got to look at the slide again. 02:42:32.677 --> 02:42:34.217 His name is? 02:42:36.835 --> 02:42:37.856 Robin Martinati. 02:42:37.956 --> 02:42:51.352 Robin Martinati was actually his gatekeeper and controlled his original telegram group for like two years before he finally made his own telegram group after realizing that that guy was basically gatekeeping for him. 02:42:52.954 --> 02:42:55.457 That is a definite nasty man. 02:42:57.256 --> 02:43:00.677 I also busted him big on Twitter before he blocked me. 02:43:00.797 --> 02:43:01.377 Here's the point. 02:43:01.697 --> 02:43:26.685 I mean, you are a concentrated sample of the population who's already wide awake, and only a fifth of you have even... And they're all on a separate social media platform so that all the people that are running those military programs have you already voluntarily segregated into the dissidents and the sheep, the people they know they can lie to and the people they know they have to work extra hard to lie to. 02:43:27.793 --> 02:43:49.772 And so by Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein and all these other fake dissidents actively telling us to go to Locals, go to Rumble, go to Telegram, we were being encouraged to show all of our controllers how we stood on things and vote by changing and choosing a different social media platform. 02:43:53.404 --> 02:43:57.111 And it seems like he's still kind of buying into that illusion now. 02:44:05.342 --> 02:44:08.924 So I've got like 23,000 followers. 02:44:09.544 --> 02:44:12.226 I had like 100,000 on Twitter quite early on. 02:44:12.786 --> 02:44:24.313 And yet my peers who are saying similar things like, don't take the vaccines, there is a plot, but they're pushing and flogging ivermectin, for example, have 10 times the number of subscribers. 02:44:24.693 --> 02:44:25.574 How did that happen? 02:44:26.394 --> 02:44:31.836 since my numbers, I think, are being, I know they're being restricted by either AI or humans. 02:44:32.176 --> 02:44:33.116 In fact, maybe both. 02:44:33.156 --> 02:44:44.179 Has any of you, do any of you remember a news story early in 2020 to the effect the British government had hired 20,000 people to work with the 77th Brigade? 02:44:44.199 --> 02:44:44.979 Does anyone? 02:44:44.999 --> 02:44:45.320 20,000 people. 02:44:48.277 --> 02:44:51.300 So it doesn't sound like to me here, this is the problem. 02:44:51.340 --> 02:44:59.949 You see, if those 20,000 people on social media are weaponized against America, they're not doing anything to UK people. 02:44:59.989 --> 02:45:01.611 They're weaponized against America. 02:45:03.373 --> 02:45:08.759 Then is it really Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak? 02:45:09.926 --> 02:45:16.011 You know the guys that Jikki Leaks and Charles Rixey and all these people want us to focus on? 02:45:16.491 --> 02:45:32.244 Is it really them then if 20,000 people in the UK needed to be hired in order to create an illusion of consensus on social media to support a biological phenomenon that could be described as a out of control, unrestricted bioweapon? 02:45:34.045 --> 02:45:34.726 Stop lying! 02:45:35.486 --> 02:45:38.329 These people were all put in place to create this Scooby-Doo 02:45:39.554 --> 02:45:40.775 and we're still not free of it. 02:45:41.896 --> 02:45:42.696 That's just the UK. 02:45:42.716 --> 02:45:44.097 There were people in America. 02:45:44.157 --> 02:45:45.558 There were people in Canada. 02:45:57.228 --> 02:46:01.953 And most of them we are paying attention to right now as dissident heroes. 02:46:02.634 --> 02:46:10.522 The obvious ones are people like Jessica Rose, but there are more recent ones like Ahmed Malik or William Mackus who have been added. 02:46:11.650 --> 02:46:20.672 People that play a role in reinforcing the strict, limited spectrum of debate that doesn't usefully question the foundational mythology. 02:46:20.852 --> 02:46:25.994 Motorcycles, and so I have an identity that's relevant to that, are for YouTube. 02:46:26.554 --> 02:46:37.337 So I'll sometimes comment below YouTube videos, and if they get anywhere close to my area of expertise, I can write it, press enter, and it appears, refresh the screen, gone. 02:46:38.574 --> 02:46:40.196 repeatedly in front of me. 02:46:40.856 --> 02:46:44.819 So that's either an automated system or it's a human. 02:46:45.179 --> 02:47:07.297 And so you can see the censorship and you can have him complain about the censorship, but I assure you the censorship is a small drop in the bucket compared to how important it is that my brother will never get his brother by social media put in front of his face, even though we're related. 02:47:08.439 --> 02:47:14.723 My parents can go on social media all they want and social media will never say, Hey, your son is in Pittsburgh. 02:47:14.743 --> 02:47:16.084 Do you want to see what he's up to? 02:47:19.286 --> 02:47:31.574 But it's more than likely that they've seen some of these liars that I've been identifying over the last four years, wittingly or unwittingly seeing them as either good guys or bad guys because social media put them in front of them rather than me. 02:47:33.792 --> 02:47:40.216 Even though it makes algorithmic sense, if you believe in algorithms, that my brother should have a hard time avoiding my posts. 02:47:41.617 --> 02:47:44.918 People went to high school with me, should have a hard time avoiding my posts. 02:47:45.419 --> 02:47:48.280 But that's not what social media is based on. 02:47:48.340 --> 02:47:50.462 Social media is a governance organ. 02:47:50.542 --> 02:47:51.883 It is a governance tool. 02:47:52.263 --> 02:47:59.367 It is a military program designed to put the heroes that they want you to rally behind in front of your eyes and into your ears. 02:48:01.875 --> 02:48:12.184 Sometimes I get annoyed and I write saying, if you are a 77th Brigade person who just deleted that comment, can you look your children in the eyes when you go home? 02:48:12.764 --> 02:48:15.426 Can you hold your own gaze in the mirror? 02:48:16.627 --> 02:48:26.236 Are you really stupid enough that you think whoever's paying you is going to let you keep your ill-gotten gains while you destroy the society that you're living in? 02:48:26.496 --> 02:48:28.417 They don't have children because they can't get girlfriends. 02:48:29.358 --> 02:48:37.961 But you know what, on two or three occasions, censorship had diminished on that platform for a day or so afterwards. 02:48:37.981 --> 02:48:45.643 So it's like either a prayer worked and the AI, chat GTP, felt chastised, or a human thought, blimey, he's right. 02:48:46.023 --> 02:48:46.343 Either way. 02:48:47.224 --> 02:48:51.605 So I can't even write anonymous comments online. 02:48:52.645 --> 02:48:54.246 I'm not on the, you know, 02:48:55.166 --> 02:48:58.893 Everything is, if I write something on Twitter under H Cimiez, 02:49:00.343 --> 02:49:01.343 There's no point in knowing that. 02:49:01.623 --> 02:49:04.445 Who the hell cares what H. Simeon thinks? 02:49:06.086 --> 02:49:13.691 I can put controversial but provable statements in a very popular thread where other people are reading and replying to other people's comments. 02:49:13.711 --> 02:49:16.773 So we're still really talking a lot about the censorship. 02:49:17.674 --> 02:49:19.215 We're about three hours in. 02:49:19.275 --> 02:49:24.679 I'm going to cut it here and then I'm going to watch the rest of this myself and see if we need to do another episode tomorrow. 02:49:26.299 --> 02:49:29.721 We got a lot of work to do over the next few days, like eight or nine days. 02:49:29.861 --> 02:49:40.727 My kids' school starts next week, in the middle of the week, but I will actually kick off my biology class and my statistics class on Monday following. 02:49:40.767 --> 02:49:44.889 So it'll be the last, I gotta look at this calendar here to see where that is. 02:49:46.445 --> 02:49:51.708 But that's when we're going to start, because that's when I can guarantee you that I can be here every day at 10 o'clock. 02:49:51.748 --> 02:50:01.272 And I think if we're going to do a school or a course or a mini course, that I need to be able to show up every day at the same time and have some consistent, you know, 02:50:02.192 --> 02:50:19.567 Work being done and right now because my kids are home and because I missed them for five weeks while they were in the Netherlands and because I only have a few more days with them I'm trying to juggle my schedule and optimize it in such a way so that I can help with them all being at home but more importantly that I can spend some time with them while they're still home all day and 02:50:19.947 --> 02:50:34.570 before school starts and then dedicate the time once school starts exclusively you know eight hours a day or six hours a day or seven hours a day during the week during the day to producing multiple shows one will always be a biology class of my own 02:50:35.511 --> 02:50:36.031 curriculum. 02:50:36.051 --> 02:50:45.013 And then the other one that I'm going to do right away in the afternoon is I'm going to start with class one of Matt Briggs' Substack series. 02:50:45.874 --> 02:50:51.015 It's basically a basic statistics course, a broken science kind of statistics course. 02:50:51.055 --> 02:50:57.276 And I will just follow those lectures and take notes and discuss them with the chat and with you as a second course. 02:50:57.757 --> 02:50:58.837 And so we're going to try and do 02:50:59.897 --> 02:51:03.499 daily stuff, but I don't know how many days are going to be class and how many days aren't. 02:51:03.540 --> 02:51:06.641 But whenever we do class days, there will be two classes. 02:51:06.681 --> 02:51:19.609 There will be a biology class that is my curriculum and a statistics class that is essentially us study hauling Matt Briggs's online sub stack that you may or may not be aware of. 02:51:19.649 --> 02:51:20.690 And if you're not, you can find it. 02:51:21.150 --> 02:51:21.891 So I'll do that. 02:51:22.572 --> 02:51:23.333 I'll do that now. 02:51:23.393 --> 02:51:31.782 And I think it's a good idea also from the perspective of PeerTube to give the capacity of the server enough time to catch up with where we are. 02:51:31.863 --> 02:51:37.669 Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that we need a new consensus about what a national security state would and wouldn't do. 02:51:38.710 --> 02:51:52.699 And I think a national security state would definitely use murder and lies in order to protect the vaccine schedule as the criminal enterprise that it is, and to convert us to believing that RNA can pandemic, but also transfection can save you from it. 02:51:53.179 --> 02:52:04.807 And I think we need to teach our childrens that transfection was always criminally negligent in healthy humans, that RNA cannot pandemic, and the vaccine schedule in America and around the world needs to be paused as part 02:52:05.931 --> 02:52:13.878 of a real reawakening to the irreducible complexity that we are and a more healthy reverence for it. 02:52:14.438 --> 02:52:19.262 Ladies and gentlemen, if you liked what you saw, please go to GigaOMBiological.com and find a way to support this work. 02:52:19.703 --> 02:52:23.446 If you want to share it, please share from https://gigaombiological.com 02:52:24.887 --> 02:52:34.354 stream.gigaohm.bio because that's our own website and you don't need to log in and you can just share the links and you can even download from there, including the audio. 02:52:34.694 --> 02:52:36.015 We're still working on Funk Whale. 02:52:36.035 --> 02:52:39.538 I haven't heard from Ted whether that's working or not, but I think you can already download the audio. 02:52:39.998 --> 02:52:41.019 Anyway, thanks for joining me. 02:52:41.059 --> 02:52:41.759 Thanks for being here. 02:52:41.779 --> 02:52:42.980 I hope it wasn't too long. 02:52:43.621 --> 02:52:48.884 And, uh, worst case scenario, I see you tomorrow, um, for the rest, second half of that. 02:52:48.904 --> 02:52:49.805 It needs to be addressed. 02:52:50.245 --> 02:52:52.347 Otherwise, please share this stream with Mike Eden. 02:52:52.387 --> 02:52:53.067 Give a shout out. 02:52:53.768 --> 02:52:57.511 Um, I think there's more to be addressed because he didn't talk about the PCR yet. 02:52:58.171 --> 02:53:02.834 Um, and he does make some mistakes with regard to, uh, false positives. 02:53:02.874 --> 02:53:04.275 And so maybe I'll just have to clip it. 02:53:04.315 --> 02:53:04.676 We'll see. 02:53:05.036 --> 02:53:06.057 Thanks very much for joining me. 02:53:06.097 --> 02:53:06.877 I'll see you again tomorrow. 02:53:07.578 --> 02:53:07.818 Whoops. 02:53:09.906 --> 02:53:11.603 My volume needs to go down. 02:54:35.486 --> 02:54:37.049 Thanks for everybody being in the chat. 02:54:37.109 --> 02:54:39.414 Thanks for being on Soapbox when I'm not. 02:54:39.514 --> 02:54:40.856 Thanks for sharing the stream. 02:54:40.916 --> 02:54:42.700 Thanks for putting the links in the chat. 02:54:44.103 --> 02:54:45.545 Thanks for everything you guys do. 02:54:46.627 --> 02:54:47.369 See you again tomorrow.