WEBVTT 00:29.912 --> 00:43.422 The next thing that I want to say is our lack of biological knowledge and the general poor health of the of America of the American people Is being used to create the crisis they need to divide and conquer us to ruin Maybe America. 00:43.582 --> 00:50.648 I don't know crash the dollar I don't know steal the rest of our our what limited Treasury value we have left. 00:50.848 --> 00:53.910 I don't know But I know for sure 00:54.298 --> 01:11.740 that they are combining our lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise never be necessary, and more importantly, never be possible. 01:13.840 --> 01:20.606 If you think about it, you know, if we're defining vaccine really liberally, and these COVID vaccines are vaccines, the flu vaccine is vaccine, okay. 01:21.026 --> 01:24.069 But actually, they're kind of cheating when they're calling these things vaccines. 01:24.149 --> 01:33.597 And, you know, anything with really rapidly fading efficacy, such that you need shots within a year, you know, Canada's saying nine months, is as actually J.J. 01:33.617 --> 01:40.223 Cooey's insistence, and I think he's right, on calling them transfections rather than vaccines. 01:47.284 --> 01:47.576 Thank you. 02:26.104 --> 02:30.425 Always live your life, never thinking of the future. 02:30.725 --> 02:34.786 Prove yourself, you are the move you make. 02:35.026 --> 02:36.946 Take your chances, win or lose them. 02:37.086 --> 02:39.527 See yourself, you are the steps you take. 02:39.547 --> 02:42.147 You and you, and that's the only way. 02:42.247 --> 02:44.328 Shake, shake yourself, you're everything. 03:12.268 --> 03:14.589 You don't want to chance it. 03:15.349 --> 03:18.169 You've been hurt so before. 03:19.169 --> 03:20.350 Watch it now. 03:20.710 --> 03:22.410 Needle in the sky. 03:23.070 --> 03:27.191 I'll be dancing one and only. 03:27.591 --> 03:28.791 You lose yourself. 03:29.012 --> 03:30.392 No, not for pity's sake. 03:30.712 --> 03:35.013 There's no real reason to be lonely. 03:35.053 --> 03:35.713 Be yourself. 03:35.993 --> 03:38.854 Give your free will a chance. 03:39.114 --> 03:40.774 You've got to want to succeed. 06:46.122 --> 06:48.123 He's scheduled for 60 minutes next. 06:49.183 --> 06:53.904 He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television. 06:55.305 --> 06:57.025 People everywhere are starting to listen to him. 06:58.660 --> 06:59.461 It's embarrassing. 07:13.916 --> 07:14.977 Hello, everybody. 07:15.017 --> 07:16.198 Welcome to the show. 07:16.278 --> 07:19.241 I got to get my levels all right in my ears here. 07:21.052 --> 07:22.352 Glad to have everybody here. 07:23.573 --> 07:28.814 Your consciousness is still the prime real estate that all these people are competing to occupy. 07:29.754 --> 07:36.136 And that's why we've got to continue to push back against them and the illusion that they create by agreeing to fight with each other. 07:36.156 --> 07:43.978 And these charlatans that we've exposed as a national security operation are now starting to scramble around and 07:44.898 --> 07:50.302 and use their anonymous accounts to create more noise in the attempt to try and hide behind it. 07:51.463 --> 07:54.505 But there is no reason to allow them to get away with that. 07:54.565 --> 07:56.327 They don't allow them to hide. 07:58.379 --> 08:03.602 Ladies and gentlemen, Gigaohm Biologicals, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 08:03.662 --> 08:13.729 Its name is derived from patch clamp physiology, where a gigaohm seal is used to create or record high-resistance, low-noise signals from neurons in the brain. 08:13.749 --> 08:22.975 I used to do that for a while as an academician, and now I'm coming to you live from my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, because I've become convinced 08:23.855 --> 08:30.897 as a real lifelong biologist that I miss something as a father and I miss something as a biologist for a long time. 08:30.977 --> 08:39.840 Focusing on the brain and genetic causes of autism and all these other mysteries and mythologies that we've been prodded into chasing. 08:40.880 --> 08:48.663 I've become aware in the recent years that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 08:49.163 --> 08:50.763 I was aware in 2020 that transfection is not 08:52.904 --> 09:04.031 vaccination and in fact using it in healthy humans would be criminally negligent and I tried to say it and I lost a job as a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh essentially for speaking out about this. 09:05.232 --> 09:09.014 RNA cannot pandemic and we don't have any real biology to explain how it might. 09:10.275 --> 09:14.357 The fact that there may be measles is not evidence that RNA can pandemic. 09:14.397 --> 09:16.619 The fact that there may be other 09:17.839 --> 09:24.381 diseases that are caused by or correlate with the presence of RNA sequences doesn't mean that RNA can pandemic. 09:24.841 --> 09:35.484 And it doesn't mean that viruses as Vincent Rackin-Yellow and David Baltimore so, so consistently want us to believe they are not pattern integrities. 09:36.825 --> 09:44.047 And the reason why this is important is because the reason why the pandemic was even allowed to occur, could occur is because 09:45.206 --> 09:56.194 We were convinced by a illusion of consensus that there was a mystery virus and that it was responsible for all of these deaths over here. 09:56.494 --> 10:02.938 And that whatever happened before the pandemic has now exploded as a result of this novel virus. 10:03.399 --> 10:05.220 And this is of course not the truth. 10:05.300 --> 10:11.644 If they had told us at the beginning of the pandemic that between 60,000 and 50,000 people, sometimes as high as 70,000 people a week, 10:14.326 --> 10:31.609 can die every year in America then these numbers would have seemed far different in terms of how they were framed and how they were calculated and who they were assigned to and this idea of a mystery virus being misconstrued with all the excess deaths would have been a very easy 10:32.350 --> 10:58.442 illusion to dispel but because of the cooperative effort of Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak and Andrew Huff and Jessica Rosen and Mary Holland and Meryl Nass and Robert Malone, we have come to understand this mystery virus as real and really responsible for a lot of the excess deaths instead of understanding that 10:59.022 --> 11:28.742 the fear and uncertainty and doubt the supplementary oxygen in combination with ventilators the lack of antibiotic use the overuse of steroids to put people back into care homes where they would die the use of remdesivir and midazolam opioid deaths being misconstrued as part of this excess deaths due to a mystery virus all of these things accumulate to create an illusion of something that wasn't there which is of course this what in the hell 11:30.524 --> 11:35.228 Is this idea that there's some spreading thing that there's no evidence for? 11:35.288 --> 11:37.510 The only thing that spread were these bad ideas. 11:38.490 --> 11:45.613 And in the meantime, we have no lawyers that are effectively arguing for strict liability for all pharmaceutical products. 11:45.633 --> 12:00.139 We have no lawyers that are effectively arguing that the PrEP Act and a lot of these other questionable public health legislations, these laws are actually Seventh Amendment violations. 12:00.179 --> 12:05.441 There's nobody even remotely approaching the idea of jurisdiction stripping. 12:06.281 --> 12:23.850 And we need a new consensus to understand that the national security state, especially that in America, has a vested interest in using murder and lies to create an illusion which covers up the idea that transfection was always criminally negligent. 12:23.870 --> 12:28.272 They can't let that become common knowledge or the public health 12:29.486 --> 12:33.249 governance state that we live in right now would be completely over. 12:33.869 --> 12:47.859 They can't allow the vaccine schedule in America to be exposed for the criminal enterprise that it was before the pandemic and they cannot possibly allow high school kids to understand that RNA can't pandemic and we've known that all along. 12:48.259 --> 12:50.761 That David Baltimore could explain it if he wanted to. 12:52.116 --> 12:58.497 And so here we are, where an illusion of consensus has been created, not just by these people down here. 12:59.418 --> 13:10.740 Not just by these people down here, but all these people that we rallied behind and we were told by Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are these good guys that are coming to our rescue. 13:10.760 --> 13:13.321 This is not what happened. 13:13.561 --> 13:14.461 This is not true. 13:16.840 --> 13:19.581 And in fact, social media is a lot like this chair. 13:19.641 --> 13:21.482 You get in it, and it feels really good. 13:22.323 --> 13:25.945 And the thing moves from underneath you, and the pedals seem like they're responding. 13:25.985 --> 13:28.986 And wherever you turn your head, you get a good view of things. 13:29.086 --> 13:37.471 But in reality, working with these people to fight these people is just like sitting in this chair trying to fight the empire. 13:38.251 --> 13:42.892 If you sit in the chair and agree to play Star Wars, then that's all you're doing is playing Star Wars. 13:42.932 --> 13:47.173 And that's what Aldous Huxley was talking about all those many years ago. 13:47.893 --> 13:51.954 That is what Aldous Huxley was talking about all those many years ago. 13:52.514 --> 14:03.156 By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature, the quaint old forms, elections, parliaments, supreme courts, and all the rest will remain. 14:06.809 --> 14:10.611 but the underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism. 14:11.392 --> 14:16.835 All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. 14:16.895 --> 14:21.757 Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. 14:22.878 --> 14:28.881 Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit. 14:30.042 --> 14:31.603 Ladies and gentlemen, that's where we are. 14:32.952 --> 14:36.735 I know it's a dark message, but that's really where we are. 14:38.496 --> 14:57.271 We are at the stage where the acolytes of the ruling elite are reinforcing the limited spectrum of debate within which they would like to trap our children and our grandchildren as experimental animals without them even knowing it. 14:58.642 --> 15:18.816 And so again, if you get on social media like I did at the beginning of the pandemic, like Kevin McKernan told so many people to do, and you try to fight the empire, the people that say that they're working with you over the last four years, all of them have turned out to be meddlers. 15:18.936 --> 15:22.719 All of them have turned out to be international meddlers playing for some other 15:23.599 --> 15:28.021 weaponized pile of money or globalist interests that I can't identify. 15:28.041 --> 15:31.643 I don't know who they are, but they're definitely not playing for American children. 15:32.403 --> 15:35.144 They're not playing for our collective future. 15:35.164 --> 15:39.326 They're not trying to plant trees under whose shade they will never shelter. 15:40.747 --> 15:42.827 They're trying to get theirs while they can. 15:43.568 --> 15:50.091 And it becomes obvious when you try to get them to push very basic ideas 15:51.061 --> 15:57.385 within this sort of universal biological argument that we're supposed to be in, and none of them will do it. 15:57.465 --> 16:11.394 Instead, they write real detailed dumb reviews about virology and claim that they cited you in one paragraph, or they encourage you to work with people outside of the United States instead of building networks within the United States amongst 16:12.374 --> 16:17.916 patriotic Americans that can organize within the political structure of America and do something about it. 16:18.416 --> 16:27.159 Instead, we're supposed to join forces with people around the world who agree that it's America's fault and that we should blame America's government and American people. 16:27.859 --> 16:56.344 It's funny that the American people are being fractured on so many different ideas, and that's why it's funny for Australian news and the UK news and so many of these other English-speaking countries to have news programs that make fun of the incredible danger that the American Republic is in right now, based on the traitorous actions of people within our system, and the traitorous actions of the private-moneyed interests that are trying to help govern us. 16:57.725 --> 17:04.970 That's what's going on here when you look at Twitter being raised up as the town square of the world. 17:05.010 --> 17:05.971 That's ridiculous. 17:07.132 --> 17:24.184 It is a weaponized, militarized program that is being used against us through a private-public partnership where the government gets blamed for censoring us, even though it's the technology and the people running the social media platforms that are allowed to do it and do it willingly. 17:26.377 --> 17:30.887 And then you get people pretending to fight against this by suing the government. 17:31.983 --> 17:57.195 instead of just saying that it's social media and that we need to have a decentralized public form of social media that isn't controlled by closed box algorithms or even worse, closed box programming that just artificially elevates the clowns that are supposed to be on stage while everybody else tries to work really hard in their hamster wheel, thinking that if they get the wheel to spin fast enough, they too can participate in the resistance. 17:58.769 --> 18:12.957 And by doing so, you buy into the narrative and you are here now, four and a half years later, when all of us thought that this pandemic, there's no way, even if they're really agreeing to lie about it, there's no way this could last more than a couple of years. 18:14.478 --> 18:18.120 It's 2024, ladies and gentlemen, wake up and apologize to your kids. 18:19.153 --> 18:35.310 Wake up and apologize to your kids because we are still stuck on this imaginary sort of spaceship platform where people come on stage and they stay in character and they're wearing a uniform and they say that, yeah, the coronavirus is here and it's been here for a while. 18:35.430 --> 18:36.431 I had long COVID. 18:36.471 --> 18:37.172 I got COVID. 18:38.232 --> 18:40.693 2019, I was one of the first people to ever get it. 18:41.133 --> 18:45.395 And they all get on stage and they all come through the door and they all talk and then they all leave. 18:45.835 --> 18:51.117 And so it creates this illusion of consensus that the children believe and that our neighbors believe. 18:51.517 --> 18:56.539 And we need to break this consensus by identifying it as one great big show. 18:57.080 --> 18:59.801 That's really the goal of Giga Ohm Biological. 18:59.941 --> 19:05.743 So let's see what we can do. 19:15.849 --> 19:21.692 so here we go immunomythology check 2020 to 2024 19:26.977 --> 19:29.839 I must say, Jay is pretty amorphous at 160. 19:30.259 --> 19:35.042 I don't know what that means. 19:35.902 --> 19:37.963 2020, 2024, trying to understand the trap that we are in. 19:38.524 --> 19:52.192 An immunomythology check is just my funny way of saying today that I want to check out a few videos, take a look at a few videos, and go through the timeline a little bit and remind ourselves of what was happening when. 19:53.200 --> 20:04.934 and what was going on when, and put things into context so that we keep remembering, that's why I keep saying it, that this is five years ago. 20:06.036 --> 20:11.601 2024, and then, you know, all the good guys started speaking up in 2021. 20:12.081 --> 20:16.785 And so again, the point I keep making is that they don't want us to talk about 2020. 20:17.206 --> 20:28.115 They want us to start thinking about things around 2021 or 2022, when people started to complain about being injured by transfection, that they weren't calling transfection, they were just calling vaccines. 20:28.655 --> 20:29.356 And they still do. 20:30.307 --> 20:55.736 If we go back to 2020, I'd just like you to remember that Kevin McKernan of the Human Genome Project was on one podcast alone, the Vance Crowe podcast, in April, in May, and in December of 2020, basically talking about the use of PCR to track the virus, the use of sequencing to characterize the virus, the use of PCR to 20:56.556 --> 20:59.917 to make sure that weed was free of coronavirus. 21:00.497 --> 21:11.001 And the debate about what novel really means in the sense of if the virus came in 2019, then it's not quite as novel as they say if it came in 2020. 21:11.521 --> 21:19.784 And he argues that it could be many months or even a couple of years that the virus was already present circulating in the backwoods of China where they aren't sequencing things. 21:20.184 --> 21:22.705 And so it might not be as novel as they say it is. 21:22.745 --> 21:25.066 And that was the extent to which he challenged 21:25.746 --> 21:33.433 the sort of national security state narrative, again, just being part of the limited spectrum of debate like he is likely paid to be. 21:33.933 --> 21:47.506 Now, simultaneously, in February of 2020, you may or may not recall that there was a 60 Minutes episode where George Webb was labeled as a sort of conspiracy theorist that was accusing someone from the Air Force 21:48.526 --> 22:03.973 a Dutch lady who rides bike for the Air Force, or a lady with a Dutch name who rides bike for the Air Force, going to the Wuhan games and maybe being the carrier of the virus, and then her life being ruined because George Webb said these things about her on the internet. 22:04.013 --> 22:11.215 And so already sort of seeding the narrative that we might need to control the misinformation about the virus because this could be devastating. 22:11.696 --> 22:13.356 And then later on, of course, in 2021, 22:15.137 --> 22:21.887 early 2022, George Webb will be identified as one of the bad guys that's really making Robert Malone's life so terrible. 22:22.588 --> 22:27.034 And so it's interesting to think of the fact that before the pandemic, 22:29.568 --> 22:36.471 Peter Daszak was on on 60 Minutes twice, and I think Nathan Wolff was on 60 Minutes once. 22:37.571 --> 22:44.374 And so you have this kind of red thread that 60 Minutes is actually the stage or one of the many stages. 22:45.194 --> 22:55.640 on which the national security state sends its actors to try and slowly seed and regularly seed this idea that there is pandemic potential in nature. 22:56.140 --> 23:08.327 And that pandemic potential can be tapped in wild markets or in bird populations or the huge amounts of pork that is being produced in China or whatever the story was at the time. 23:08.347 --> 23:10.828 A lot of those stories are on 60 Minutes. 23:10.888 --> 23:11.309 And so in 23:12.029 --> 23:32.617 In the context of the many podcasts that this PCR expert and pot genomics wizard, Human Genomes Project guy, whose father also worked for the biosecurity state before he did, and brother's work in the biosecurity state or adjacent industries, 23:33.137 --> 23:36.360 We're talking about a very serious potential player here. 23:36.380 --> 23:51.353 We're not talking about some guy who is sitting on his porch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in his 7,000 square foot mansion and just decided that he was going to risk life and limb in order to bring truth to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. 23:51.413 --> 23:53.575 This is an intimate player. 23:54.255 --> 24:03.518 That's why he was also on this early objection, not objection, to the PCR test with people like Claire Craig. 24:04.562 --> 24:07.905 And this is all part of the illusion that was seeded in 2020. 24:08.325 --> 24:16.932 And so let's look at the end of 2020 when Kevin McKernan was making his third appearance on the Vance Crowe podcast. 24:16.992 --> 24:18.954 Again, just reinforcing the same stuff. 24:19.374 --> 24:22.657 PCR works and sequencing works and variants are real. 24:23.157 --> 24:27.241 And maybe it's not as novel as they said, because it could have been around longer, but yada, yada, yada. 24:27.881 --> 24:32.885 That guy was on those podcasts in the background while 60 Minutes was saying this. 24:37.222 --> 24:43.710 More than 15,000 of our family members, friends, and neighbors fell to the coronavirus this past week. 24:44.410 --> 24:53.060 So we could almost hear a national sigh of relief when the pharmaceutical company Pfizer started delivering the first doses of its vaccine across the country. 24:53.962 --> 25:04.447 Pfizer, a frequent advertiser on this broadcast, and its German partner BioNTech were the only major vaccine developers to refuse federal money for research and development. 25:04.967 --> 25:09.609 Yet they were the first to get emergency use authorization from the FDA. 25:10.269 --> 25:14.191 Friday, the biotech company Moderna was granted authorization too. 25:15.232 --> 25:22.075 Under Operation Warp Speed, the federal government set a target of 20 million inoculations by the end of the year. 25:22.844 --> 25:24.965 But that goal might be ambitious. 25:25.385 --> 25:27.606 The vaccine's rollout has been rocky. 25:28.367 --> 25:38.471 Still, for the first time since the pandemic hit, there appears to be an end in sight, thanks to a revolutionary advance in biotechnology. 25:40.332 --> 25:42.253 The story will continue in a moment. 25:42.553 --> 25:42.874 Sorry. 25:45.815 --> 25:49.917 This is a worldwide pandemic, the worst in a century. 25:50.484 --> 25:57.930 a vaccine with this technology had never gone to market before, that's a big bet you made that this would work. 25:58.851 --> 26:16.064 Now remember, what I'm trying to suggest to you is that 60 Minutes is, from our perspective now, one of the more obvious ways that this narrative of pandemic potential, the pandemic starting, and the pandemic going on is sustained. 26:18.602 --> 26:25.709 It's a news program that lots of people came to trust in its early times in the 60s and the 70s. 26:25.749 --> 26:27.130 I think it started in the 70s. 26:28.191 --> 26:31.975 And so you're talking about a program that was slowly co-opted. 26:32.696 --> 26:37.140 And by the time that the pandemic started, it had already been co-opted for many years. 26:37.961 --> 26:52.601 And sure, there might be some sort of free will in terms of what stories might get covered, but the vast majority of their stories that are done are pre-fed to them as part of this national security state 26:53.482 --> 26:55.783 narrative control apparatus. 26:56.263 --> 27:10.069 There's no other way to see 60 Minutes other than in that context in the exact same way that for a lot of people the PBS NewsHour for many years has been nothing but a propaganda mouth of the Democratic Party more or less. 27:10.609 --> 27:26.562 And so it's an extraordinary place for us to be in the sense of having the coronavirus pandemic and the illusion of consensus about its biology has essentially allowed many of us to shake ourselves awake and to see the many-sided 27:27.705 --> 27:41.113 illusion that it is, instead of the one-sided illusion that so many of us were trapped in for the majority of our adult lives, where, you know, there's a conspiracy regarding certain things, but other things are just the truth. 27:41.253 --> 27:50.759 And so there's no way they could possibly be getting us to believe the wrong things about everything, certainly not about science or biology. 27:51.179 --> 27:54.621 And that was, of course, a terrible place for us to be trapped. 27:55.643 --> 28:04.476 Because seeing the limited spectrum of the way we're allowed to see the government be bad is exactly how we were trapped. 28:05.498 --> 28:08.439 Ooh, Bill Clinton and his girls. 28:09.119 --> 28:10.880 Ooh, George Bush is dumb. 28:11.740 --> 28:15.642 Ooh, Al Gore was ripped off from, you know, he should have won. 28:16.642 --> 28:27.125 All of these hamster wheels that we were well aware of, somehow there was malfeasance or lying involved, while that is the front-facing theater. 28:27.986 --> 28:34.308 And behind it is this other, much more gigantic theater that we all took for granted as being mostly people telling the truth. 28:38.567 --> 28:43.350 And COVID has exposed it as one giant theater of governance by light. 28:44.231 --> 28:56.298 One giant theater of governance by mythology that has now started to seep into our understanding or our acknowledgement of our lack of understanding in regards to Ukraine. 28:57.079 --> 29:06.765 And with regard to Israel and what's going on in the Middle East, we have been told stories, we have been looking at an imaginary stage on our phones, 29:08.536 --> 29:28.240 And that has allowed, we have consented to accepting that whatever theatrical reality they show us on our phone or on our computer screen or on our Netflix is essentially a valid reflection of the real world and history as it unfolds. 29:28.300 --> 29:31.501 And this is now no longer even remotely true. 29:33.422 --> 29:34.662 Maybe when we were children, 29:35.751 --> 29:52.580 and we had to stand up from the couch to change the channel by either turning a knob or pushing numbers, maybe then there was some requirement for the truth to be on television and some degree of control over that messaging. 29:52.640 --> 29:54.561 Now, it could still be a lot of omission. 29:55.882 --> 30:00.966 But telling lies on the network news was not legal when I was a child. 30:01.486 --> 30:07.470 And when many of GigaOM's most loyal followers were children, that was not legal. 30:08.391 --> 30:12.834 But lying on this device, lying on social media is totally allowed. 30:14.008 --> 30:17.932 And social media can delete whatever truth or lies they decide to delete. 30:17.972 --> 30:20.475 They can elevate whoever they decide to elevate. 30:20.955 --> 30:25.580 And that means that all of the heroes that have risen through social media are likely false. 30:26.701 --> 30:29.504 All of the people that have gone viral are likely false. 30:31.178 --> 30:51.304 And even if there are some people who start to go viral by real grassroots means, if you will, the ones that actually reach the level of significant influence are already co-opted, already agreed to stay on a limited spectrum of debate and not answer the big questions. 30:51.384 --> 30:59.547 The big question is quite frankly, and I'll say it on the big screen here to make sure that you realize that it's that big a deal. 31:03.243 --> 31:05.645 We don't have a way out. 31:06.685 --> 31:08.507 We have to throw these people out. 31:09.707 --> 31:11.809 We have to stop playing their game. 31:11.909 --> 31:13.990 That's really what needs to happen here. 31:14.050 --> 31:24.497 And I don't know a better way to say it other than we need to regularly look back at 2020 to see that this theater was all encompassing. 31:24.517 --> 31:32.663 And it wasn't as spontaneous as it seemed then because we were scared and we were confused and we were all alone and isolated at home. 31:33.564 --> 31:35.064 And so this was the theater. 31:35.104 --> 31:41.526 We didn't see it how we're starting to see it now and how everybody needs to show to their kids that it's a theater. 31:43.186 --> 31:45.127 Every one of those videos is a theater. 31:45.167 --> 31:47.407 Every one of these threads is a theater. 31:47.507 --> 31:51.148 All those anonymous accounts collectively become part of the theater. 31:52.749 --> 31:55.689 And all of these pseudo heroes are part of the theater. 31:55.789 --> 32:02.991 And that's not just 60 Minutes, but it's also the heroes on Twitter and the heroes that got censored on LinkedIn. 32:04.653 --> 32:05.954 That's what we're talking about here. 32:06.334 --> 32:07.694 I almost lost my train of thought. 32:07.734 --> 32:08.255 I kind of did. 32:08.295 --> 32:09.615 I had something bigger to say there. 32:09.655 --> 32:10.336 Maybe it'll come back. 32:10.476 --> 32:14.998 I didn't see it as much, maybe as a bet, because we are scientists. 32:15.458 --> 32:17.839 That's what we do for a living every day. 32:18.639 --> 32:20.520 We discover new things. 32:20.860 --> 32:21.901 Everything is new. 32:22.621 --> 32:26.743 Catherine Janssen is head of vaccine research and development for Pfizer. 32:27.183 --> 32:31.345 Based in New York, it's one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. 32:33.092 --> 32:41.222 Janssen, who developed an interest in science as a child in Germany, grew up to develop vaccines for pneumonia and the HPV virus. 32:41.821 --> 32:57.006 So when she first heard of the novel coronavirus, pneumonia and HPV vaccines, I mean, you can see already that it's not impossible that that woman believes everything that she does and believes all the correlates of immunity and all that they are. 32:57.506 --> 33:03.148 They are exaggerated to mean and all of the the fidelity they are exaggerated to represent. 33:03.208 --> 33:05.969 It could be possible there have to be many of those people. 33:10.444 --> 33:11.685 But it's an interesting choice. 33:11.825 --> 33:13.387 I'm interested. 33:13.407 --> 33:15.629 I've never really heard this woman before. 33:16.130 --> 33:19.093 Her thoughts turned immediately to a vaccine. 33:19.833 --> 33:28.002 When you were starting off on this mission, New York was on fire with this virus. 33:28.683 --> 33:36.889 Yeah, we were living in the hot zone in New York and we saw firsthand what was happening every day. 33:37.970 --> 33:52.601 And Bill, the most chilling thing for me was when we walked our dog and you see one refrigerator truck after the other appearing in the parking lots in front of the hospitals. 33:52.982 --> 33:54.423 Refrigerator truck morgues. 33:54.683 --> 33:55.764 Morgues, right. 33:56.224 --> 33:57.949 That was absolutely... 34:00.254 --> 34:04.897 fueling the desire to come up with the vaccine. 34:04.977 --> 34:18.647 And remember, of course, there is somebody by the name of Jessica Hockett who spent a couple, three years trying to call attention to the almost preposterous nature of the claim that 25,000 people died in five weeks in New York City. 34:19.148 --> 34:25.352 And here she is claiming to have lived through it essentially because she was in New York as the head of Pfizer. 34:25.412 --> 34:26.973 And it's extraordinary. 34:28.214 --> 34:38.441 to see the kind of spectacular commitment to this story that it extends from someone at Pfizer, who obviously is not excited. 34:38.802 --> 34:46.207 You know, it sounds very pessimistic, but anybody that works at a pharmaceutical company is not excited about saving the world. 34:46.247 --> 34:50.029 They're excited about the opportunity to make an absolute boatload of money. 34:51.210 --> 34:57.435 And it's not to say that this is all motivated by greed, but it is to say that when, you know, 34:58.035 --> 35:05.721 the desire to have money and the availability of biosecurity state money is there, that those gears work together very well. 35:05.821 --> 35:15.908 And so, of course, this national security exercise takes advantage of the fact that money and power in this sense motivate a lot of people. 35:16.729 --> 35:22.293 Motivate a lot of people to accept the illusion of consensus that there are 35:23.254 --> 35:44.853 Pandemic potential in nature there is pandemic potential in nature that you are fighting against it that this biology is real and quite frankly It is easy for me to see how many people are fooled by it because of the way that science has been broken The way that p-values have been attributed real-life sort of factual 35:46.300 --> 35:50.221 indicative value when that's not at all what these rituals do. 35:52.222 --> 36:13.990 And so she's likely just kind of an unwitting participant in this mass hysteria about a pandemic and a mass hysteria about the potential to get in on the ground floor on this revolutionary new use for what was and still remains a highly inappropriate 36:16.559 --> 36:23.002 methodology to use on healthy children or healthy elderly, healthy humans, elderly, elderly, or anybody. 36:24.442 --> 36:26.083 Seeing no matter what it takes. 36:26.583 --> 36:28.044 This was kind of personal. 36:28.464 --> 36:29.844 I took this very personally. 36:30.064 --> 36:32.645 I wanted to fight it, beat it, fight it down. 36:33.306 --> 36:36.367 It was, uh, nothing else mattered. 36:39.170 --> 36:42.111 Across the Atlantic, in Mainz, Germany, Drs. 36:42.331 --> 36:47.872 Ugar Shaheen and Oslem Tureci were also focused on fighting the coronavirus. 36:48.592 --> 37:03.675 Founders of a cutting-edge biotechnology company called BioNTech, they had been collaborating with Pfizer on a flu vaccine when Shaheen read an article on January 24 about a mysterious disease in Wuhan, China. 37:04.605 --> 37:09.106 we knew that we are most likely running into a global pandemic. 37:09.907 --> 37:13.308 And we knew that we don't have time to waste. 37:14.028 --> 37:23.111 We started to think about how to implement a vaccine development program from scratch, basically. 37:23.491 --> 37:27.152 And so we had to pivot the entire company. 37:27.172 --> 37:29.232 Did you have any doubts about doing that? 37:30.293 --> 37:31.293 See, oh, sorry. 37:34.258 --> 37:34.598 So. 37:36.740 --> 37:43.505 Scientists read an article on January 24th about a mysterious disease. 37:43.805 --> 37:52.912 We started to think about how to implement a vaccine development program from scratch, basically. 37:53.252 --> 37:56.334 Now, one thing that I would argue is is incorrect about this. 37:56.474 --> 38:02.279 And the thing that frustrates me, one of the most frustrating things I find about listening to these people with 38:02.839 --> 38:14.905 vast experience with vaccine development, this kind of thing, like, for example, Gerrit van den Bosch or Robert Malone will often be cited as foremost experts on this stuff. 38:15.986 --> 38:31.494 But none of these people have pointed out that the infrastructure that was in place already to take advantage of the $150 billion a year business that was monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antibodies alone, 38:32.381 --> 38:42.887 never mind all the other protein biologics that represent a significant portion of pharmaceutical wealth and profit every year. 38:43.548 --> 38:56.956 The infrastructure that produces the protein biologic inevitably starts with a step where a large portion of DNA encoding the protein biologic 38:58.276 --> 39:07.419 is created using standard recombinant methods that involve a synthetic DNA construct being replicated by a bacterial culture. 39:08.099 --> 39:13.821 And then that DNA is converted to RNA in a number of different ways, one of which includes just using a 39:15.660 --> 39:30.356 a commercially produced synthetic RNA polymerase that will convert the DNA to RNA and then taking that RNA and converting it to protein in any number of ways using cell culture or what have you. 39:30.776 --> 39:31.737 You can just look this up. 39:32.478 --> 39:33.899 That's how you get from 39:34.720 --> 39:48.765 a antibody that you want to have to an antibody that you can make regularly, one of the best ways to do it is with this synthetic DNA construct that you make and then replicate and then convert to RNA and then convert to the protein. 39:49.265 --> 39:54.687 And so this is not done for every monoclonal antibody, but it is 39:55.988 --> 40:20.765 One of the reasons why the IP of antibodies was drastically the value of and the strength of intellectual property represented by monoclonal antibodies was greatly reduced at the beginning of the pandemic by the Supreme Court was because many of the methodologies that are used to produce monoclonal antibodies essentially don't produce what they claim to produce. 40:21.685 --> 40:25.748 And that's because it's much more complex than these patents have claimed. 40:26.228 --> 40:41.860 And since the biology has progressed, but the reuse of the same language in these patents to describe the methodologies which lead to a new and novel monoclonal antibody have been exposed for the scam that they were. 40:42.440 --> 40:48.465 And a lot of this intellectual property has dropped in value, even if they haven't talked about it and hasn't shown up in their stock prices. 40:49.125 --> 41:06.637 So RNA technology represented this ability to pivot away from the protein biologics, which are very expensive to make, because one of the steps in making a protein biologic, not only a monoclonal antibody, but others, is to remove all of the DNA and RNA that was used to produce the protein. 41:06.677 --> 41:11.941 And you do that with a process called anion exchange chromatography. 41:12.001 --> 41:12.882 It's very expensive. 41:12.922 --> 41:13.922 It's a one-shot deal. 41:14.363 --> 41:15.784 And if the whole batch 41:16.324 --> 41:19.946 has run in this way and then tested to still have contaminant. 41:19.967 --> 41:31.854 Basically, the whole batch has to be burnt because, you know, thrown away because the use of anion exchange chromatography is expensive enough not to justify having to run the batch again. 41:31.874 --> 41:33.435 You might as well make it from scratch again. 41:34.156 --> 41:35.497 And that's my understanding. 41:35.657 --> 41:36.457 I could be wrong. 41:36.617 --> 41:37.998 It could be explained to be wrong. 41:38.018 --> 41:44.542 But the point is, is that removing that DNA and RNA from a protein biologic is a very expensive process. 41:44.582 --> 41:45.223 It's doable. 41:46.417 --> 41:49.979 in order to get that pure protein, it's doable, and it's done regularly. 41:50.039 --> 42:00.823 But it's also an expensive process, a well understood process, and one that's been attempted to improve over many, many decades, because this is a standard process by which all these protein biologics are made. 42:01.303 --> 42:04.905 My point being that what she just said here, and I'll play it again, 42:05.525 --> 42:25.375 is that they had to completely rethink how they were going to make the vaccine, and they had to completely, you know, this development process that occurred when they announced the spike protein, converted the sequence to a sequence, and then created that sequence in their laboratory, and then made lots of copies of it in that laboratory. 42:25.415 --> 42:28.177 They used all of the methodologies that have 42:28.985 --> 42:36.987 become time tested proven methodologies for producing protein biologics and they just cut it short at RNA. 42:39.208 --> 42:41.388 And so there was no retooling to do. 42:42.288 --> 42:45.969 They didn't have to reorganize anything, but of course that makes a great story. 42:46.710 --> 42:51.551 It makes a great story to tell everybody where all this money is going and what all these meetings are for. 42:53.271 --> 42:54.011 Stop lying. 42:54.972 --> 42:55.832 So let's listen again. 42:58.931 --> 43:01.874 Across the Atlantic, in Mainz, Germany, Drs. 43:02.094 --> 43:12.603 Ugar Shaheen and Oslem Tureci were also focused on fighting the coronavirus, founders of a cutting-edge biotechnology company called BioNTech. 43:12.963 --> 43:23.453 They had been collaborating with Pfizer on a flu vaccine when Shaheen read an article on January 24 about a mysterious disease in Wuhan, China. 43:24.366 --> 43:28.870 We knew that we are most likely running into a global pandemic. 43:29.651 --> 43:33.074 And we knew that we don't have time to waste. 43:33.775 --> 43:42.884 We started to think about how to implement a vaccine development program from scratch, basically. 43:43.264 --> 43:46.868 And so we had to pivot the entire company. 43:47.551 --> 43:48.975 Did you have any doubts about doing that? 43:49.656 --> 43:50.960 I did not have doubts. 43:51.942 --> 43:55.873 The only thing that concerned me is that we might be too late. 43:56.670 --> 44:13.024 The married couple's company, BioNTech, is doing pioneering work on vaccines made with mRNA, molecules in our cells that pass genetic instructions from our DNA to particles that make proteins, the building blocks of life. 44:13.725 --> 44:21.432 We felt responsibility to start to develop a vaccine, because we knew the potency of our technology. 44:21.992 --> 44:33.062 Manipulating mRNA molecules in the lab to fight disease has been considered promising technology for more than 30 years, but it has never produced a proven vaccine. 44:33.642 --> 44:38.827 With the coronavirus spreading through Europe, Shaheen and Tureci redoubled their efforts. 44:39.327 --> 44:47.194 By February, BioNTech had produced 20 different versions of mRNA that triggered immune responses in mice and monkeys. 44:48.860 --> 44:54.001 Shaheen knew his small company would need help taking its research beyond the lab. 44:54.521 --> 44:59.383 So, he picked up the phone and called his friend at Pfizer, Catherine Janssen. 44:59.743 --> 45:02.083 And she said, Ugo, why are you calling me? 45:02.343 --> 45:07.065 And I said, Catherine, we started to make a vaccine against COVID-19. 45:07.765 --> 45:11.946 I wanted to ask you if you think that Pfizer would join us. 45:12.566 --> 45:14.848 And she said, of course, Ugo. 45:15.208 --> 45:23.175 Actually, I wanted to call you, because we are also interested to develop a vaccine, and it will become our most important project. 45:24.175 --> 45:28.759 It became more like an obsession for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. 45:29.299 --> 45:32.922 What I was thinking was, if not us, then who? 45:33.583 --> 45:37.066 We are having a lot of experience with vaccines. 45:37.106 --> 45:39.568 We have a lot of manufacturing capabilities with vaccines. 45:40.602 --> 45:46.027 I went, and I said, we need to do something to see if we can help in developing a medical solution. 45:47.669 --> 45:53.094 SINCE MARCH, HE HAD BEEN PRESSING PFIZER SCIENTISTS TO DEVELOP A VACCINE QUICKLY. 45:53.615 --> 45:55.456 HE SET AN OCTOBER DEADLINE. 45:56.337 --> 46:00.301 Then, of course, I gave them also some tools in their hands. 46:00.441 --> 46:02.143 I told them that they should think 46:02.887 --> 46:04.228 This is not business as usual. 46:04.828 --> 46:07.409 There is no consideration of return on investments. 46:07.929 --> 46:10.190 They should consider whether they have an open checkbook. 46:10.710 --> 46:11.671 An open checkbook? 46:11.991 --> 46:12.171 Yes. 46:13.011 --> 46:14.012 Did you have any idea? 46:14.072 --> 46:18.994 See, they're trying to exaggerate the idea that this was for the benefit of mankind. 46:19.034 --> 46:20.474 We were just coming to the rescue. 46:20.514 --> 46:24.336 I mean, when you see a house burning, you don't stand there and think about what to do. 46:24.396 --> 46:25.776 You rush in to help people. 46:26.177 --> 46:30.178 And so I told my team, you know, spend, spare no expense. 46:30.278 --> 46:31.639 Think like Jurassic Park. 46:32.566 --> 46:33.286 Stop lying! 46:33.646 --> 46:35.467 There was nothing to retool. 46:37.248 --> 46:44.510 This was going to use standard recombinant synthetic DNA and RNA to produce RNA. 46:46.211 --> 46:49.212 Synthetic RNA polymerases to produce RNA. 46:49.252 --> 46:49.692 That's it. 46:50.713 --> 46:56.975 They weren't going to even go to the point of producing a protein which is harder and more work and more steps. 46:59.266 --> 47:08.712 So this claim that somehow they had to reorganize around this new platform is in and of itself absolutely positively part of the lie. 47:10.214 --> 47:13.256 That there was a global effort to reorganize. 47:13.336 --> 47:26.585 No, there was a global effort to convince people that something drastic needed to be done, that new things needed to be built, that all these, you know, no way, there is no way that's true. 47:27.557 --> 47:46.953 And the $150 billion a year monoclonal antibody market pre-pandemic is only a small tip of the iceberg of examples of how protein biologics and that market, it's all the same technology minus the last most expensive steps. 47:49.075 --> 47:49.515 Oh, sorry. 47:49.716 --> 47:51.137 That was not where I'm going yet. 47:51.277 --> 47:51.637 Darn it. 47:53.219 --> 47:53.799 Yes. 47:55.020 --> 47:55.821 An open sec book? 47:56.368 --> 47:57.329 An open checkbook. 47:57.649 --> 47:57.850 Yes. 47:58.670 --> 48:03.015 Did you have any idea how much you'd be willing to spend? 48:03.716 --> 48:05.337 It will cost us around $2 billion. 48:05.998 --> 48:13.366 And I knew that if we fail and we have to write it off, it's going to be very painful, but we'll not take Pfizer down. 48:14.281 --> 48:22.066 Catherine Janssen convinced her boss, Albert Bourla, that mRNA technology had the best chance of meeting his tight deadline. 48:22.806 --> 48:29.750 From her work with BioNTech on a flu vaccine, she was convinced mRNA was on the cusp of a breakthrough. 48:30.399 --> 48:36.443 So Pfizer CEO Borla signed off on the partnership and rolled the dice on the experimental technology. 48:36.463 --> 48:38.985 There was a big chance that you might not succeed. 48:52.307 --> 48:54.349 I believe in the power of science. 48:54.649 --> 48:58.032 I believe in the power of the private sector. 48:58.532 --> 49:03.436 And I believe in the miracles that science in the private sector can do for mankind. 49:04.497 --> 49:17.648 Unlike old-school vaccines made with real virus often grown slowly in eggs, these mRNA molecules are produced rapidly in a lab, programmed with a bit of the virus' genetic code. 49:18.615 --> 49:22.716 We've all seen pictures of the coronavirus with its crown of spike proteins. 49:22.736 --> 49:23.996 We've all seen pictures. 49:24.096 --> 49:29.018 The mRNA vaccine instructs your healthy cells to make replicas of the spikes. 49:29.658 --> 49:33.259 They can't make you sick, but they do teach the immune system. 49:33.439 --> 49:38.580 Think about how malevolent it is that he says that we've all seen pictures of the coronavirus. 49:39.981 --> 49:41.741 And of course, that's not a picture. 49:41.801 --> 49:44.242 It's a computer generated image based on 49:45.934 --> 49:48.517 what they claim is a coronavirus. 49:48.717 --> 49:55.305 It might as well be a really, really detailed image of a cartoon character saying this is Homer Simpson. 49:57.868 --> 50:05.036 It's not based directly off of electron micrographs or all of these other things that they would claim it is. 50:06.536 --> 50:12.280 It is a computer representation of the idea of what they want you to think of. 50:12.340 --> 50:22.527 And they show you the exact same picture that was first put on all Western news media from the very beginning, that red background, red, gray coronavirus. 50:22.727 --> 50:23.628 It's extraordinary. 50:26.030 --> 50:26.770 And so then listen. 50:30.063 --> 50:34.527 We've all seen pictures of the coronavirus with its crown of spike proteins. 50:35.067 --> 50:38.690 The mRNA vaccine- It's a very revealing cartoon here. 50:38.810 --> 50:40.491 To make replicas of the spikes. 50:41.132 --> 50:46.196 They can't make you sick, but they do teach the immune system what the virus looks like. 50:46.917 --> 50:48.358 So what's supposed to happen? 50:49.178 --> 50:57.525 What would happen if antibodies to the spike bound to spike proteins that were on the surface of these cells? 50:57.565 --> 50:58.166 What would happen? 50:59.031 --> 51:08.957 Very likely, what would happen is either the deposition of the complement system, which may result in acute, you know, puncturing of the cell and apoptosis. 51:10.517 --> 51:27.027 Or it could more likely, I think, call in natural killer T cells, which will cause this cell to go into apoptosis as a result of docking with that antibody and there being no counter signal here to disconnect the 51:28.669 --> 51:31.530 natural killer cell, and the natural killer cell will get rid of this cell. 51:32.670 --> 51:34.690 And that is the whole point. 51:35.510 --> 51:57.414 For example, if the spike protein that they purport to, to transfect people to, or its variants that are caused by the not pure RNA are expressed on the outside of cells, and they already have some epitopic overlap with existing antibodies, you could already get an acute reaction that would be 51:58.104 --> 52:04.267 indirectly related to the fact that the immune system recognized these foreign proteins with antibodies already present. 52:05.528 --> 52:17.773 Antibodies that generalize across glycoproteins or pathogen-associated or damage-associated molecular patterns, like found in the spike protein that they encoded. 52:19.154 --> 52:22.856 And so there's lots of possibilities here, but they show you the truth. 52:23.840 --> 52:39.723 that if on subsequent transfections, your cells faithfully produce the same protein and your immune system has produced a memory to that protein that involves antibodies, then there will be tissue damage wherever that transfection occurs. 52:40.523 --> 52:49.885 And that tissue damage could, in the worst case scenario, lead to an autoimmune condition, which is focused on some molecular aspect of that tissue. 52:51.226 --> 53:08.411 And that's what makes the possibilities of vaccine injury so much more variable than what likely is possible with regard to injection of combination of substances like previous vaccines where recombinant proteins and toxins or adjuvants are put together in the same spot. 53:09.352 --> 53:20.155 Yes, they have the potential to do a lot of damage, but it's a very different kind of potential than when you make your immune system have to sort out your own tissue 53:20.976 --> 53:37.380 from foreign proteins that your own tissue is expressing because that doesn't occur in inside of your body in random tissues irrespective of what you believe about the infective nature or the existence of pathogenic viruses. 53:37.460 --> 53:47.822 There's no precedence for the expression of foreign proteins by your ovaries or by your testes or by your liver or by your 53:48.522 --> 53:58.706 by your muscle cells or any of these things that could potentially happen if you are transfected under the pretense that all these are just vaccines, just a different kind. 53:58.726 --> 54:02.408 Oops, so we're going back again. 54:02.448 --> 54:03.068 Sorry, my bad. 54:03.268 --> 54:04.429 I'm going to finish this video. 54:07.630 --> 54:08.170 Oh, come on. 54:09.051 --> 54:09.611 Sorry about that. 54:09.671 --> 54:10.031 Going back. 54:16.229 --> 54:17.791 And I raised my hand and said yes. 54:18.272 --> 54:22.378 Vaccines made with real virus often grown slowly in eggs. 54:22.899 --> 54:30.330 These mRNA molecules are produced rapidly in a lab, programmed with a bit of the virus' genetic code. 54:31.260 --> 54:35.703 We've all seen pictures of the coronavirus with its crown of spike proteins. 54:36.263 --> 54:41.666 The mRNA vaccine instructs your healthy cells to make replicas of the spikes. 54:42.307 --> 54:47.370 They can't make you sick, but they do teach the immune system what the virus looks like. 54:48.030 --> 54:52.533 If the real virus shows up, your immune system antibodies will attack. 54:54.056 --> 54:59.237 By May, Pfizer was ready to start testing the vaccine at different sites in the US. 54:59.557 --> 55:17.281 And so it's important to point out that just like 60 Minutes just delivered the very succinct message that antibodies are immunity, around this time, actually, Saturday Night Live also does a skit where I-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y, that's what I got, bodies anti. 55:18.921 --> 55:22.682 It is a national security operation that extends across 55:23.880 --> 55:41.392 mainstream media and social media and amplifies false heroes to make sure that we stay stuck in this mystery solving exercise long enough so that transfection could be confounded with a countermeasure that all of these people believed in then 55:42.092 --> 55:46.237 to the point where they really said on 60 Minutes they thought they were saving the world. 55:46.297 --> 55:49.942 Not making billions of dollars in profit, but saving the world. 55:49.982 --> 55:51.083 That's what they were excited about. 55:51.123 --> 55:52.685 And I raised my hand and said, yes. 55:53.145 --> 55:55.228 They tapped Dr. Mark Mulligan. 55:55.588 --> 55:57.591 Why did you want to be in this study? 55:57.971 --> 56:01.976 He's director of NYU Langone Vaccine Center in Manhattan. 56:02.600 --> 56:09.850 I've worked on HIV-AIDS vaccines, Zika, Ebola, flu pandemic vaccines. 56:10.551 --> 56:16.820 So this is really the moment for us to jump in and say, OK, let's do it. 56:16.860 --> 56:18.383 Let's try to be part of the solution. 56:19.634 --> 56:28.498 Almost 44,000 people around the world volunteered for the phased double-blind trials, testing the vaccines against a placebo. 56:29.098 --> 56:31.500 Most were between the ages of 16 and 85. 56:31.660 --> 56:38.483 Researchers faced skepticism when they reached out for African-American and Hispanic volunteers. 56:39.264 --> 56:41.928 Were these communities well represented in the trials? 56:42.308 --> 56:43.270 I feel that they were. 56:43.851 --> 56:53.785 If you add the Hispanic population and the African-American... Not a relevant question, of course, if you're asking, hey, did you include all the right races in the trial? 56:54.886 --> 56:57.688 You're not really effectively getting out of the trap at all. 56:57.708 --> 56:59.669 You're just running in their hamster wheel, right? 56:59.709 --> 57:01.090 But that's what 60 Minutes does. 57:01.530 --> 57:06.654 Black population and the indigenous American population, it came in at just under 40 percent. 57:06.954 --> 57:09.676 We would like to have done a little better, particularly with African-Americans. 57:09.696 --> 57:10.996 We were just under 10 percent. 57:12.057 --> 57:14.218 But I think, overall, it's good. 57:14.678 --> 57:17.479 We have had several town halls with community partners in Harlem. 57:18.260 --> 57:22.581 It's important for us to be able to say, yes, we tested it in your community. 57:23.082 --> 57:29.204 Yes, it was equally tolerated, safe, and equally protective. 57:29.584 --> 57:32.025 Normally, phased trials run sequentially. 57:32.466 --> 57:37.728 To speed up the process, the FDA allowed these trials to run simultaneously. 57:38.427 --> 57:42.090 Dr. Mulligan told us he had never seen it done so quickly. 57:42.210 --> 57:42.750 Mulligan! 57:42.770 --> 57:48.555 What do you say to people who worry that that was too fast, that this is being rushed to market? 57:49.236 --> 57:57.722 Given the huge public health emergency that we're in internationally, huge, it was appropriate that all speed be used. 57:58.323 --> 58:00.564 I've done vaccine trials for 30 years and 58:01.425 --> 58:06.207 It's not really sounding like it's Donald Trump's fault that they rushed it, that's for sure. 58:06.227 --> 58:09.028 It doesn't sound like it's Donald Trump's fault at all, actually. 58:09.508 --> 58:14.030 I promise no corners have been cut on the usual safety evaluations. 58:15.451 --> 58:16.211 He promises. 58:16.471 --> 58:21.413 Volunteers' blood samples were brought to this Pfizer facility in Pearl River, New York, 58:23.049 --> 58:28.672 where these robots ran day and night, helping to analyze the effectiveness of the vaccine. 58:29.152 --> 58:32.954 They will continue collecting and analyzing samples for two years. 58:33.715 --> 58:42.179 These robots have taken care of probably about over 180,000 tests. 58:42.579 --> 58:50.043 When the critical third-phase results were revealed last month, Katherine Janssen was taking a break in the country with her husband. 58:50.635 --> 58:54.061 She got a call from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. 58:54.662 --> 58:56.085 And I said, what's up, Albert? 58:57.648 --> 58:59.651 He said, well, Catherine, we spoke to the FDA. 58:59.691 --> 59:01.534 We can say the vaccine is over 90% efficacious. 59:03.860 --> 59:05.321 I said, what? 59:06.182 --> 59:07.302 That is fantastic. 59:07.843 --> 59:11.145 So my husband and I, he was standing right next to me. 59:11.185 --> 59:12.386 We are jumping up and down. 59:12.966 --> 59:22.032 To have a vaccine that was needed so much and to have it be 95% protective and to have it happen so quickly is unparalleled in my experience. 59:22.532 --> 59:24.833 Can we all just say goodbye to our masks? 59:25.333 --> 59:26.053 I'm afraid not. 59:26.533 --> 59:30.695 We aren't sure yet that the vaccines will prevent asymptomatic infection. 59:31.255 --> 59:36.017 The vaccine isn't probably going to make a difference for this current surge that we're in. 59:36.457 --> 59:38.538 We're still going to be going through this for a while. 59:38.698 --> 59:38.978 Oh, yeah. 59:39.118 --> 59:39.698 Absolutely. 59:40.018 --> 59:42.079 This won't be like a light switch that's 59:42.959 --> 59:48.262 on off, but rather like those dimmer switches that we slowly turn up to bring up the lights. 59:48.362 --> 59:50.163 Like a dimmer switch. 59:50.183 --> 59:54.485 5%, 10, 20, 50% of people getting vaccinated over months. 59:55.225 --> 01:00:04.249 But to end the pandemic in 2021, we need to get probably 75% of people vaccinated, and then we can stop the pandemic. 01:00:06.170 --> 01:00:09.332 There are still a number of unknowns about this vaccine. 01:00:09.352 --> 01:00:09.572 Oh, so deep. 01:00:10.134 --> 01:00:11.275 How long does it last? 01:00:11.455 --> 01:00:13.777 Are there long term safety issues? 01:00:14.378 --> 01:00:17.180 Why have few people had severe allergic reactions? 01:00:17.580 --> 01:00:20.743 It still needs to be tested on young children and pregnant women. 01:00:21.203 --> 01:00:21.583 What? 01:00:21.603 --> 01:00:22.864 But the most pressing issue? 01:00:24.045 --> 01:00:27.288 It still needs to be tested on young children and pregnant women. 01:00:28.869 --> 01:00:35.875 Now what I'm trying to emphasize here is that 60 minutes is one of the most obvious stages. 01:00:37.857 --> 01:00:38.017 And 01:00:39.375 --> 01:00:50.446 Robert Malone has promoted George Webb's appearance on 60 Minutes as evidence of him being one of the worst meddlers on the show. 01:00:52.468 --> 01:01:01.017 Just like other people point to Peter Daszak being on 60 Minutes and therefore obviously there is gain-of-function research happening, 01:01:03.089 --> 01:01:05.910 And so it's all one show. 01:01:06.230 --> 01:01:10.492 And Robert Malone is an integral part of this entire show. 01:01:11.873 --> 01:01:16.134 There is no other way to see him other than being part of this show. 01:01:16.614 --> 01:01:23.677 And that's why he promoted 60 Minutes as being a real evidence of a real bad guy in George Webb. 01:01:23.857 --> 01:01:25.038 The bumpy rollout. 01:01:25.612 --> 01:01:36.106 The development of the vaccine was rapid, but so far, the distribution has been... And that's why you hear 60 Minutes say things like it still needs to be tested on children and pregnant women. 01:01:36.246 --> 01:01:38.469 Who tests vaccines on pregnant women? 01:01:38.950 --> 01:01:41.032 What kind of statement is that to make? 01:01:43.035 --> 01:01:43.776 Anything but. 01:01:45.965 --> 01:01:53.131 Pfizer cut the projected number of doses for 2020 by more than 50 percent, citing a shortage of raw materials. 01:01:53.832 --> 01:02:01.358 States are complaining they're not getting clear guidance from the federal government's Operation Warp Speed about what they're getting and when. 01:02:02.419 --> 01:02:06.362 At the moment, the light at the end of the tunnel is still faint. 01:02:09.750 --> 01:02:11.672 This past week, when the U.S. 01:02:11.732 --> 01:02:18.520 death toll from the pandemic hit 300,000, the bells at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. 01:02:18.940 --> 01:02:25.147 rang 300 times, once for every thousand Americans killed by the virus. 01:02:25.347 --> 01:02:26.268 That's impressive. 01:02:26.689 --> 01:02:29.852 This vaccine has been called a miracle. 01:02:31.482 --> 01:02:38.324 We haven't rang the bell 100 times for the 100,000 people that were killed every year by opioids over the last four years. 01:02:38.344 --> 01:02:39.544 We don't ring the bell for them. 01:02:39.964 --> 01:02:41.105 That's kind of cool though. 01:02:41.125 --> 01:02:47.547 I'm so glad they rang the bell 300 times for the 300,000 people that were already dead by the end of 2020. 01:02:51.908 --> 01:02:55.009 Murder and lies, ladies and gentlemen, murder and lies. 01:02:56.089 --> 01:03:01.531 We can call it a miracle, but a miracle always has a sense of, it just happened. 01:03:02.892 --> 01:03:05.253 It didn't just happen, right? 01:03:06.494 --> 01:03:08.755 It was something that was deliberate. 01:03:09.915 --> 01:03:13.137 It was with passion, done with passion, with urgency. 01:03:14.017 --> 01:03:20.220 It was always having in your sight that devastating disease. 01:03:24.076 --> 01:03:35.099 Now, remember, again, I'm trying to make the point that Robert Malone, when he came out in 2021, came out on a lot of podcasts with a lot of things to say, kind of massaging his message. 01:03:35.179 --> 01:03:44.082 And one podcast became really important, and that was the Brett Weinstein podcast in June of 2021, where he was also on with Steve Kirsch. 01:03:44.582 --> 01:04:05.792 And they talked about hybrid immunity, hybrid herd immunity, where if you had the Freemason secret formula for using ivermectin prophylactically, or if you took two shots of Moderna and also got infected, or if you just took two shots, you could have people that were immune to the virus and you could hang out together in the same room without masks. 01:04:07.079 --> 01:04:16.566 That was the state-of-the-art intellectual dark web conversation that happened in 2021 with Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, and Brett Weinstein. 01:04:16.586 --> 01:04:22.530 And all three of them are traitors to American children for doing that, for participating in that theater. 01:04:23.130 --> 01:04:35.333 And Robert Malone is particularly interesting to me because of his long connections to the national security state that is now telling us that pandemic potential is not only real, but it's become manifest. 01:04:35.873 --> 01:04:38.894 And we have been responding to it and tracking it for five years. 01:04:39.334 --> 01:04:42.895 Just like Kevin McKernan, this guy is a central insider. 01:04:43.355 --> 01:04:52.137 So let's look what he was saying on July 27th, 2021, just to remind everybody of where Robert Malone was and how he was or wasn't blowing the whistle 01:04:52.757 --> 01:04:53.819 on this crazy thing. 01:04:53.879 --> 01:05:01.953 Remember this is a podcast unlike unlike the podcast of Brett Weinstein that happened just 01:05:03.041 --> 01:05:06.504 a month earlier, supposedly got removed from YouTube. 01:05:06.524 --> 01:05:13.570 And then Brett Weinstein lost so much of his income that it was really serious for him to be censored. 01:05:13.990 --> 01:05:20.115 And a few months earlier, Robert Malone was censored from LinkedIn, but this video is still on YouTube. 01:05:20.155 --> 01:05:20.916 It's just fine. 01:05:20.956 --> 01:05:22.277 And it's only from a month later. 01:05:22.317 --> 01:05:24.399 I wonder what he says on this YouTube video. 01:05:28.479 --> 01:05:29.839 We all have a story to tell. 01:05:30.259 --> 01:05:31.220 Let's tell yours. 01:05:31.800 --> 01:05:35.480 Welcome to the Intellectual People Podcast with your host, Jason. 01:05:35.900 --> 01:05:39.541 Come together and listen to journey stories and more from interesting people. 01:05:39.841 --> 01:05:46.042 This is a scripted podcast and you can hear it because the host is so awkward about reading the script. 01:05:46.802 --> 01:05:50.003 Today on the Intellectual People Podcast, I have Dr. Robert Malone. 01:05:50.103 --> 01:05:51.003 How are you doing today? 01:05:51.023 --> 01:05:53.144 I'm doing great. 01:05:53.184 --> 01:05:53.804 How about yourself? 01:05:54.264 --> 01:05:55.204 Very well, thank you. 01:05:57.113 --> 01:06:00.134 Robert, please tell us what you invented. 01:06:02.615 --> 01:06:05.016 Oh, that's an open and many things. 01:06:05.997 --> 01:06:18.822 The topic that has everybody's focus right now has to do with the core technology platform that has given rise 30 years later to these mRNA vaccines that has the world enthralled. 01:06:19.537 --> 01:06:32.842 But I have many, many patents and I have a long history in published peer-reviewed literature of innovating in the area of 01:06:34.039 --> 01:06:44.268 vaccine development and vaccine-related technology and gene delivery-related technology, particularly non-viral gene delivery. 01:06:44.368 --> 01:06:49.833 So I've really been at the forefront of that for the first third of my career. 01:06:50.734 --> 01:06:52.555 And that's where the inventions have occurred. 01:06:53.736 --> 01:06:59.541 And so we should say that non-viral gene delivery is transformation and transfection. 01:07:00.441 --> 01:07:02.742 Those are the terms that describe that. 01:07:02.782 --> 01:07:08.124 And those terms, especially transfection, were on his resume for like more than a decade. 01:07:08.284 --> 01:07:14.726 So the idea that he's not using those terms to describe these technologies is part of his job. 01:07:14.806 --> 01:07:16.027 It's why he's there. 01:07:16.087 --> 01:07:18.828 It's why this podcast and many others still exist. 01:07:19.648 --> 01:07:42.607 on YouTube because, not because he's a highly censored guy who's saying very sensitive things that the national security state doesn't want him to say, it's because he is part of the Lollapalooza of liars and his censorship and his co-censorship with people like Steve Kirsch and Brett Weinstein was designed to elevate them amongst a certain group of people in this, that was participating in this theater. 01:07:43.808 --> 01:07:44.448 Oh, darn it. 01:07:44.829 --> 01:07:45.529 Sorry about that. 01:07:45.809 --> 01:07:46.590 Spoiled that one. 01:07:50.051 --> 01:07:52.332 it is about money and power. 01:07:53.132 --> 01:07:57.053 And so I found this go into medicine. 01:07:57.773 --> 01:08:02.014 I rebelled against that as my youth. 01:08:03.274 --> 01:08:12.776 And for a while I was a farmhand and a carpenter and those kinds of things, growing up in the central coast of California, in the Santa Barbara area. 01:08:16.150 --> 01:08:23.114 I went back to school and became very embedded in computer science. 01:08:23.354 --> 01:08:24.875 This is 1980 to 1982. 01:08:25.635 --> 01:08:37.461 Graduated from a community college in Santa Barbara with an associate degree in computer science and multiple certificates, you know, best computer science student and that kind of stuff. 01:08:38.393 --> 01:09:00.457 I mean, that explains how he was able to put together a volunteer team of dudes to, you know, interface, right, with the domain, whole domain program using like a computer generated 3D crystallography model of a couple enzymes and then searching the whole FDA catalog for potential repurposed drugs that might interact with those molecules. 01:09:00.977 --> 01:09:05.198 A very, very highly specialized thing that he did in a few weeks in January. 01:09:05.658 --> 01:09:07.138 But again, I didn't want to interrupt, sorry. 01:09:07.178 --> 01:09:07.758 Go ahead, Robert. 01:09:08.140 --> 01:09:14.581 But I had just gotten tired of working in a basement looking at a monitor. 01:09:15.612 --> 01:09:23.094 and having my interactions just digital with the system and the software and the programming code and everything else. 01:09:23.714 --> 01:09:33.337 And so I decided, well, I did want- What an interesting thing to say when people have been locked down and interacting over computer screens for a year. 01:09:33.377 --> 01:09:40.399 It's almost like he's trying to do some kind of neuro-linguistic programming sub-reference to your suffering in the lockdown. 01:09:40.499 --> 01:09:42.039 But nah, it's me being paranoid. 01:09:42.059 --> 01:09:44.940 When I go into this hot new area of biotechnology, 01:09:45.691 --> 01:09:56.179 called molecular biology, and didn't want to spend the rest of my life sitting in front of a computer screen in a room with no windows. 01:09:56.640 --> 01:10:06.707 So I like to say that now I still sit in front of a computer screen all day long in a room, often with no windows, but I make about a third of what I made if I had stayed on the computer track. 01:10:07.368 --> 01:10:13.192 See, that's why I think it's part of it, because you don't need to say that you're in a room without windows three times. 01:10:14.113 --> 01:10:18.256 Unless you're trying to remind people that they're also kind of trapped at home in a room. 01:10:18.576 --> 01:10:20.117 Started in the early 1980s. 01:10:20.918 --> 01:10:25.401 I mean, we still had some punch card stuff that we did as part of the training back then. 01:10:25.441 --> 01:10:26.862 So just to give you some time frame. 01:10:27.342 --> 01:10:27.543 Sure. 01:10:28.363 --> 01:10:31.886 You know, my dad actually built a 01:10:34.073 --> 01:10:40.303 a kit computer back in those days. 01:10:42.706 --> 01:10:44.689 So I do have this kind of span. 01:10:45.190 --> 01:10:48.395 And the computer science taught me logic. 01:10:49.284 --> 01:10:56.955 in a really rigorous way, I think it's one of the things that makes me different from a lot of my fellow physicians is having had that logic experience. 01:10:57.876 --> 01:11:03.844 So I went to UC Davis, I transferred to UC Davis, couldn't get into Berkeley, you know, so there it is. 01:11:05.325 --> 01:11:09.946 But I had this farming background and that fit with the logic of UC Davis. 01:11:10.566 --> 01:11:11.327 And I was married. 01:11:12.187 --> 01:11:14.587 My wife and I were high school sweethearts. 01:11:15.708 --> 01:11:22.329 We kind of eloped to the mountains below Lake Tahoe for a while before I went back to school. 01:11:23.289 --> 01:11:25.310 So we were very much a couple. 01:11:26.250 --> 01:11:33.572 And so returned to UC Davis and just became passionately embedded 01:11:37.640 --> 01:11:39.184 in the development of 01:11:40.838 --> 01:11:43.899 technology relating to medicine. 01:11:44.079 --> 01:11:46.960 And in particular, my mother was afraid of breast cancer. 01:11:47.520 --> 01:11:50.180 She was just frightfully afraid of breast cancer. 01:11:50.340 --> 01:12:01.903 And I had an opportunity, as a new third year student at Davis, I had the opportunity to do rotations as an undergraduate. 01:12:02.543 --> 01:12:08.385 And so I found this advertisement for a pathology lab that was working on breast cancer. 01:12:08.945 --> 01:12:13.047 that was doing molecular virology, and that kind of was the pivot point. 01:12:14.268 --> 01:12:19.931 I went to work for a senior pathologist named Robert Cardiff. 01:12:21.993 --> 01:12:27.776 He actually wrote a letter of recommendation to me recently for the big prize committee. 01:12:28.877 --> 01:12:30.698 I was told I needed to put a letter in. 01:12:32.245 --> 01:12:33.766 The big prize committee? 01:12:34.466 --> 01:12:36.027 The Nobel Prize committee? 01:12:36.848 --> 01:12:43.852 Interesting how the ego of Robert Malone may have been motivated to participate in this national security operation. 01:12:44.433 --> 01:12:45.013 Interesting. 01:12:45.093 --> 01:12:47.635 So he's been a long-standing mentor. 01:12:47.955 --> 01:12:52.097 He's a very severe gentleman, notorious for that. 01:12:52.498 --> 01:12:53.979 I remember my interview with him. 01:12:54.279 --> 01:12:55.439 Severe gentleman. 01:12:55.640 --> 01:12:57.561 I was trying to be deferential. 01:12:59.781 --> 01:13:05.505 and circumspect, and he turned to me, looked straight in the eye, and he said, I have no time for false modesty. 01:13:07.126 --> 01:13:10.728 And I was like, whoa, okay, you're no longer in Kansas anymore, Robert. 01:13:14.251 --> 01:13:26.199 But he took me on, and he had just come off of sabbatical with the Bishop in the Bar Mitzvah Lab, who had received the Nobel Prize for Oncogenes. 01:13:27.779 --> 01:13:43.604 And the chairman of the department at the time was a character, really a true character, named Murray Gardner, who had been the founder of the USC Cancer Center and had been recruited to run the Department of Pathology at Davis by enticing him. 01:13:44.584 --> 01:13:46.505 Bob Cardiff told me this story the other day. 01:13:46.525 --> 01:13:47.445 I'd never known it before. 01:13:48.120 --> 01:13:51.921 They were trying to recruit Murray to head up the department and they didn't have enough money to do it. 01:13:52.662 --> 01:13:53.742 And so they asked him, what is it? 01:13:53.762 --> 01:14:05.206 So Murray Gardner is the guy who supposedly took the AIDS virus from Luke Montagnier's lab in his pocket at an Eppendorf tube, brought it home to Gallo and then Gallo claimed to have isolated the virus. 01:14:05.286 --> 01:14:06.126 That's that guy. 01:14:07.127 --> 01:14:08.467 That's who he's talking about right now. 01:14:08.567 --> 01:14:10.048 I just want to go back really quick. 01:14:10.108 --> 01:14:10.768 OK, we're at. 01:14:11.630 --> 01:14:12.612 We're at like 747. 01:14:12.912 --> 01:14:16.038 I think we missed something in the beginning and I want to make sure that I get it. 01:14:16.259 --> 01:14:20.888 So I'm gonna go right to the place where they start talking with Robert, okay? 01:14:21.369 --> 01:14:22.070 You invented. 01:14:24.577 --> 01:14:26.359 Oh, that's an open and embedded. 01:14:27.279 --> 01:14:28.120 Ah, ships. 01:14:28.941 --> 01:14:29.381 Darn it. 01:14:29.501 --> 01:14:31.503 I hate this when I have it in the embedded. 01:14:31.583 --> 01:14:33.284 It's a little bit more difficult to control. 01:14:33.304 --> 01:14:34.005 Both were mentors. 01:14:34.806 --> 01:14:35.987 Both that you invented. 01:14:36.127 --> 01:14:36.907 That's what I missed. 01:14:36.967 --> 01:14:42.132 This right now has to do with the core technology platform that has given rise. 01:14:42.152 --> 01:14:42.992 Listen carefully. 01:14:43.012 --> 01:14:45.775 Three years later to these mRNA vaccines that 01:14:46.397 --> 01:14:47.559 has the world enthralled. 01:14:47.859 --> 01:14:48.760 Listen carefully. 01:14:48.780 --> 01:15:01.657 I have many, many patents in I have a long history in published peer reviewed literature of innovating in the area of 01:15:02.844 --> 01:15:13.072 vaccine development and vaccine-related technology and gene delivery-related technology, particularly non-viral gene delivery. 01:15:13.172 --> 01:15:18.636 So I've really been at the forefront of that for the first third of my career. 01:15:19.536 --> 01:15:21.338 And that's where the inventions have occurred. 01:15:22.284 --> 01:15:23.666 How did you get involved in medicine? 01:15:24.026 --> 01:15:24.486 Here we go. 01:15:24.667 --> 01:15:25.307 Listen carefully. 01:15:25.327 --> 01:15:26.208 That's a good question. 01:15:26.629 --> 01:15:30.373 These things go back to childhood experiences, of course. 01:15:30.413 --> 01:15:34.077 That's the usual storyline that folks give for that question. 01:15:34.898 --> 01:15:39.683 In my case, both my father and my father-in-law were 01:15:41.573 --> 01:15:44.635 deep in defense industry. 01:15:45.156 --> 01:15:45.976 They're both engineers. 01:15:46.236 --> 01:15:49.038 Wait, his father and his father-in-law. 01:15:49.138 --> 01:15:55.243 So he's talking about Jill Glasspool Malone's dad and his own dad were both deep in defense industry. 01:15:55.703 --> 01:15:56.944 Well, that's really strange. 01:15:57.004 --> 01:16:02.708 Kevin McKernan's dad was also deep into biosecurity, biotech industry at the time. 01:16:03.068 --> 01:16:07.692 A lot of these people seem to descend through families rather than just being 01:16:08.172 --> 01:16:17.037 an emu farmer and a horse breeder that happens to also be a broker of vaccine technologies for the who and other industries around the world. 01:16:17.077 --> 01:16:19.539 Like, oh my goodness, you gotta be kidding me. 01:16:20.419 --> 01:16:21.440 Listen carefully. 01:16:22.020 --> 01:16:23.341 Who was his dad? 01:16:24.842 --> 01:16:25.702 Both were mentors. 01:16:26.502 --> 01:16:30.345 Both made major contributions to the defense industry. 01:16:31.185 --> 01:16:35.848 My father-in-law ran Raytheon Special Projects Division, which is basically their spook shot. 01:16:36.932 --> 01:16:40.761 And his father-in-law ran Raytheon's spook shop. 01:16:41.122 --> 01:16:43.627 Okay, that's interesting now, isn't it? 01:16:45.080 --> 01:16:48.782 he went back to the avionics for the SR-71. 01:16:49.542 --> 01:16:55.926 And beyond that, in World War II, he was right at the forefront of the development of radar technology. 01:16:56.526 --> 01:17:00.868 My dad developed high energy systems was what he was focused on. 01:17:01.489 --> 01:17:12.695 And that has to do with low inductance capacitors that are very hardened that they use for the bunker bombs, and exploding bridge wire and exploding foil, which is the technology that's currently used for 01:17:13.681 --> 01:17:17.666 I'm triggering thermonuclear devices because it's very precise. 01:17:18.687 --> 01:17:23.373 So I came I came from that background of being that background. 01:17:23.914 --> 01:17:25.756 Yeah, where my dad was a spook. 01:17:26.256 --> 01:17:28.059 And my wife's dad was a spook. 01:17:29.744 --> 01:17:47.293 Working on technologies, you know, not that dissimilar from secret technologies for sequencing genomes or secret technologies for igniting nuclear weapons or whatever the details are of those things are all part of the same little secret compartment. 01:17:48.034 --> 01:17:48.874 Raytheon? 01:17:49.595 --> 01:17:50.095 Really? 01:17:50.115 --> 01:17:50.235 Really? 01:17:53.180 --> 01:18:09.059 And Jill Glasspool Malone and Robert Malone are just guys, you know, they're just farmers that are coming to our rescue and started the international COVID summits and coordinated the people that spoke in front of the Senate every time that that Ron Johnson asked for people to speak. 01:18:09.820 --> 01:18:10.701 Come on. 01:18:12.571 --> 01:18:17.175 This is the most obvious, obvious spook of all. 01:18:17.275 --> 01:18:26.902 This is the most obvious traitor of all, as he coordinates with all of these people overseas and goes to all of these speaking engagements overseas. 01:18:27.343 --> 01:18:32.287 He has even been promoted, if I may show you, that's not in my slide deck. 01:18:32.867 --> 01:18:36.789 But he has even been promoted by none other than... Welcome to today's talk. 01:18:36.849 --> 01:18:38.369 It's Thursday the 18th of May. 01:18:38.429 --> 01:18:47.032 Now, I want to bring some more coverage today from the International Third Covid Center in order to just engage in their daily act. 01:18:47.052 --> 01:18:47.693 There he is. 01:18:49.593 --> 01:18:51.014 In front of the EU. 01:18:52.981 --> 01:18:58.704 saying basically nothing that will save our children, and actually standing in front of who? 01:18:59.444 --> 01:19:00.805 Byron Bridle, right there. 01:19:00.865 --> 01:19:01.845 That's Byron Bridle. 01:19:01.865 --> 01:19:03.946 Does Byron Bridle get to go on the microphone? 01:19:04.886 --> 01:19:07.047 Does Byron Bridle's video go viral? 01:19:07.968 --> 01:19:17.392 Are we ever gonna hear about Byron Bridle sacrificing his career to reveal the data about the distribution of luciferase after mRNA injection? 01:19:18.372 --> 01:19:19.473 We're just gonna hear that guy. 01:19:21.087 --> 01:19:32.758 And we're gonna hear Kevin McKernan on a podcast with Steve Kirsch, where Byron Bridle thinks he's being heard, but he's not because Chris Martinson was there too. 01:19:32.818 --> 01:19:39.724 Chris Martinson, the guy who decided to spend the last three weeks talking about how many different shooters were on the water tower. 01:19:42.046 --> 01:19:46.511 The crazy thing is, ladies and gentlemen, that all of these people, all of them, 01:19:47.304 --> 01:19:50.068 that claim that science is broken. 01:19:50.409 --> 01:19:58.702 All of them that claim that science is broken have not bothered to find out where broken science is hurting our children the most. 01:20:01.616 --> 01:20:03.457 Wouldn't that be the logical conclusion? 01:20:03.517 --> 01:20:07.540 Wait, if all of these people are lying, then where are they hurting us the most? 01:20:08.000 --> 01:20:11.422 How are they lying about science and hurting us the most? 01:20:11.502 --> 01:20:14.183 Where is it most consequential? 01:20:14.324 --> 01:20:22.588 Does the guy that we looked at yesterday, James Tuer, ever ask the question of, oh my gosh, all these people are exaggerating their understanding of biology. 01:20:22.628 --> 01:20:24.930 It's much more complicated than any of these people will admit. 01:20:25.510 --> 01:20:29.112 So where is that exaggeration of fidelity of understanding? 01:20:29.152 --> 01:20:32.714 Where is that most malevolently being used against us? 01:20:34.275 --> 01:20:36.176 Meryl Nass is not going to ask that question. 01:20:36.576 --> 01:20:37.477 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:20:37.517 --> 01:20:38.857 is not going to ask that question. 01:20:40.018 --> 01:20:46.782 Where is it most malevolently being used against us is one of the questions they all should have been asking from the very beginning. 01:20:48.563 --> 01:20:54.566 If this is all a mythology, where is the mythology most malevolently being used against us? 01:20:56.636 --> 01:21:00.399 Robert Malone's not gonna tell you because his dad is part of the system. 01:21:00.859 --> 01:21:03.842 His dad-in-law was part of the system. 01:21:03.882 --> 01:21:06.804 His best friend is an Australian that runs DITRA. 01:21:07.705 --> 01:21:09.686 He was vetted to run U.S. 01:21:09.927 --> 01:21:16.412 Amerit according to his interview with Tommy and Stephen Hatfield. 01:21:18.573 --> 01:21:23.898 Stephen Hatfield went with him to Romania and Merrill Nass to Romania. 01:21:25.267 --> 01:21:37.974 for a COVID summit in 2023 with Brett Weinstein and Jessica Rose and Nick Hudson and Denny Rancor. 01:21:37.994 --> 01:21:41.276 And they all came back and said, wow, Denny's presentation was so great. 01:21:41.796 --> 01:21:45.839 17 million people have been killed by the rushed rollout of the shot. 01:21:47.510 --> 01:21:50.412 And in 2024, none of these people can say transfection. 01:21:50.853 --> 01:21:55.737 Now this is the dissident side of the movement and the dissident side of the show. 01:21:56.137 --> 01:22:02.323 There was a show that many more people watched and that show was on YouTube as well. 01:22:02.423 --> 01:22:04.265 That show was the regular show. 01:22:05.748 --> 01:22:06.048 This is 2024. 01:22:06.109 --> 01:22:15.140 This is the guy who dresses up as Darth Vader sometimes that I, lucky enough, got him to say that JC on a bike, JC on a bike. 01:22:15.500 --> 01:22:19.505 He's hilarious, but he's also an absolute shill. 01:22:20.558 --> 01:22:32.930 for Paul Offit, and for the ACIP, and for the FDA, and the CDC, and for the NIH, and for pandemic potential, and for the effectiveness of vaccine. 01:22:32.990 --> 01:22:38.716 He is 100% auditioning for ever increasing value in this governance structure. 01:22:39.136 --> 01:22:40.838 His wife is a Chinese woman. 01:22:44.130 --> 01:22:58.913 Not trying to imply anything, but it is very curious how many of these pseudo dissidences are very, very close to Chinese nationals, or can speak Chinese, or just happened to be in China for 10 years before the start of the pandemic. 01:23:04.194 --> 01:23:07.035 Listen to this because it's important to hear 01:23:09.167 --> 01:23:30.010 how much of the national security narrative and more importantly the national security weaponized media is acknowledged by him but then twisted around to anecdotally represent the reason why maybe he overreacts. 01:23:31.738 --> 01:23:41.362 rather than for the truth that it is, which is this orchestrated illusion of consensus about a novel spreading pathogen that's likely from gain of function. 01:23:41.422 --> 01:23:43.382 And if it's not this time, it will be next time. 01:23:43.903 --> 01:23:55.487 That illusion of consensus is what he is a part of, what Jessica Rose is a part of, what Robert Malone is a part of, what CHD is a part of, what ICANN is a part of. 01:23:55.907 --> 01:24:00.809 And even if there are good people working inside of those organizations, I know there are good people at CHD. 01:24:03.778 --> 01:24:07.945 their overarching management is somehow controlled by traitors. 01:24:09.067 --> 01:24:15.539 The most likely one, in my humble opinion, at CHD are Mary Holland and Meryl Nass, but there could be others. 01:24:18.021 --> 01:24:25.528 Robert Malone having his book published by them almost certainly suggests that he's part of that overarching problem as well. 01:24:25.548 --> 01:24:27.310 But this is the other side of the coin. 01:24:27.870 --> 01:24:36.899 These people are also paid comfort and security and popularity and fame by these same weaponized piles of money. 01:24:38.502 --> 01:24:53.961 and he could be unwittingly participating, he could have no concept of how off his model of our sacred biology is, how bamboozled he's become, or he could be actually a malevolent participant in the controlled demolition of America. 01:24:54.061 --> 01:24:55.343 I think it's more likely that. 01:24:56.789 --> 01:25:02.211 I think it's more likely that because he doesn't really have the, he doesn't give me the feeling of a patriot. 01:25:02.231 --> 01:25:08.514 He gives me the feeling of a globalist, a feeling of somebody who thinks of America as something that he's not a part of. 01:25:09.315 --> 01:25:10.495 His wife's not a part of it. 01:25:11.235 --> 01:25:21.220 His kids probably want to be a part of it, but he doesn't let them because he tells them how different they are from everybody around them because of their multiracial nature. 01:25:24.164 --> 01:25:36.754 And so effectively, he's advocating probably for a new America that his kids will be a part of that has to do with this national security state, with digital ID on the internet, this kind of thing. 01:25:37.315 --> 01:25:52.968 Listen to how much of the sacred biology is attempted to be absorbed by his pseudo spirituality, his pseudo big picture ideas on what's happening, his pseudo, it is gross how much of a guru he tries to be. 01:25:56.291 --> 01:25:59.953 Hey everyone, Dr. Z. I thought I'd do an update video about the COVID thing. 01:26:00.073 --> 01:26:15.581 So before I did a video talking about how I'd gotten COVID for the first time during the whole pandemic in the last month, and that video got a lot of comments, people telling stories about, oh, this was my experience with COVID, or I hadn't gotten COVID either and here's my symptoms now. 01:26:15.641 --> 01:26:18.802 And there was a lot of similarities actually. 01:26:19.523 --> 01:26:23.345 And one of the interesting things that people really focused in on was this weird sense of like, 01:26:24.225 --> 01:26:28.690 disequilibrium, like, it's kind of hard to describe, but something's not quite right. 01:26:29.530 --> 01:26:34.455 And the way I described it, it's not so much a brain fog, it's something so strange. 01:26:34.535 --> 01:26:36.257 Everybody says it's so strange. 01:26:36.317 --> 01:26:40.121 Hey everyone, Dr. Z. I thought I'd do an update video about the COVID thing. 01:26:40.241 --> 01:26:45.246 So before I did a video talking about how I'd gotten COVID for the first time during the whole pandemic, 01:26:46.226 --> 01:26:55.729 in the last month and that video got a lot of comments, people telling stories about, oh, this was my experience with COVID or I hadn't gotten COVID either and here's my symptoms now. 01:26:55.789 --> 01:26:58.950 And there was a lot of similarities actually. 01:26:59.671 --> 01:27:03.472 And one of the interesting things that people really focused in on was this weird sense of like, 01:27:04.372 --> 01:27:08.835 disequilibrium, like it's kind of hard to describe, but something's not quite right. 01:27:09.676 --> 01:27:14.359 And the way I described it, it's not so much a brain fog, it's like a body fog. 01:27:14.719 --> 01:27:17.421 Like the whole body feels just a little bit off. 01:27:17.821 --> 01:27:22.824 So I was getting better, better, better by about day five, I think I made that video. 01:27:23.245 --> 01:27:24.125 I forget exactly. 01:27:24.906 --> 01:27:29.409 By day seven, the symptoms started getting worse. 01:27:29.789 --> 01:27:30.670 It was really interesting. 01:27:30.850 --> 01:27:31.931 So this is the kind of the follow-up. 01:27:34.793 --> 01:27:46.823 Around day seven, I was suddenly like, oh, I'm coughing more, I'm more tired, and I have that sense of body fog, like a little, you can't even really call it dizziness. 01:27:46.983 --> 01:27:50.106 It's a strange disequilibrium. 01:27:50.787 --> 01:27:56.432 This is somebody auditioning, he's acting, and he's part of the national security state. 01:27:56.452 --> 01:27:57.833 There's no doubt in my mind. 01:27:58.593 --> 01:28:00.775 He is being paid by private, 01:28:01.636 --> 01:28:13.422 public partnerships that are specifically and were specifically put in place and algorithmically elevated so that people had no choice but to hear these points of view. 01:28:14.023 --> 01:28:15.643 Robert Malone is one of those people. 01:28:15.703 --> 01:28:17.384 Jessica Rose is one of those people. 01:28:17.985 --> 01:28:20.306 The people from CHD are those people. 01:28:20.686 --> 01:28:25.229 That's why there is a information dirty dozen and those probably 01:28:26.289 --> 01:28:40.101 nine out of 10 of those are probably part of the national security state, insofar as they have agreed not to question the existence of a novel virus, of long COVID, and of the appropriateness of countermeasures and an emergency. 01:28:41.322 --> 01:28:43.964 None of those people are effectively questioning that. 01:28:44.004 --> 01:28:51.751 They are accepting the same things that ZDogg and the rest of them, like his friend Ahmad Rashad, or whatever his name is, also did. 01:28:53.257 --> 01:28:55.742 Things are almost like vertigo a little bit. 01:28:56.663 --> 01:28:57.885 And I was like, what the hell? 01:28:58.747 --> 01:29:03.456 And so I reached in my closet and pulled out my $10 Amazon wallet. 01:29:05.675 --> 01:29:09.360 Oxygen sat, this was in the morning of day seven of the COVID infection. 01:29:10.161 --> 01:29:12.163 And I was like, oh, let me just see. 01:29:12.724 --> 01:29:15.367 I just thought it'd be funny to see what my O2 sat was. 01:29:15.467 --> 01:29:18.251 I figured it'd be 98%, like it always is. 01:29:19.232 --> 01:29:23.937 And I look at it, and it starts out, it's having trouble getting a signal, because it's a $10 piece of crap. 01:29:25.563 --> 01:29:27.244 Then when it does get a signal, it says 95. 01:29:29.205 --> 01:29:33.388 And by the way, while this is happening, I'm a little, I'm just not feeling great. 01:29:33.808 --> 01:29:37.370 So I watch this thing, this is just a classic example of what not to do. 01:29:37.851 --> 01:29:43.274 I watch this cheap piece of crap measure my O2 set, and the O2 set starts dropping from 95. 01:29:43.354 --> 01:29:48.958 Now make no mistake about it, there is a reason why he's talking about this. 01:29:49.878 --> 01:29:56.344 And that is to confirm the fact that pulse ox was an indicative measure of COVID. 01:29:57.785 --> 01:30:01.888 And to kind of confirm the idea that nobody was crazy for using those cheap things. 01:30:01.948 --> 01:30:05.011 It's what we had, but you know, there could be a lot of errors in it. 01:30:06.124 --> 01:30:12.490 But we're never going to go down the actual progression of what happened to a lot of people where it happened and ask that question. 01:30:13.030 --> 01:30:26.403 Wait, when people like the FLCCC told people to go to the hospital, seek medical attention, if your pulse ox is below 94, we have a very big problem. 01:30:26.423 --> 01:30:27.724 And in fact, that's what they did. 01:30:30.410 --> 01:30:40.115 If we have dissidents that have published protocols that included remdesivir, like Richard Fleming did, we have a problem. 01:30:41.756 --> 01:30:50.261 If we have people that are exclusively focused on something like venom in the transfection and not transfection in general, we have a problem. 01:30:51.843 --> 01:31:04.416 And if we have 60 or 70% of the people on the internet thinking that people like ZDogg are just genuinely trying to figure it out and experiencing what they also experienced during the COVID pandemic, we have a very big problem. 01:31:04.456 --> 01:31:05.537 And I guess that's what we have. 01:31:05.577 --> 01:31:09.340 We have a very big problem because that's where we are. 01:31:11.382 --> 01:31:09.340 92, 90. 01:31:11.983 --> 01:31:13.725 Now it's blinking as a warning. 80. 01:31:16.947 --> 01:31:17.888 80, you'd be dead. 01:31:17.908 --> 01:31:17.888 83. 01:31:18.649 --> 01:31:24.633 And my pulse is going from like my normal of 50, 60 up to like 110, 120. 01:31:25.094 --> 01:31:36.262 And I'm watching this, and the whole time now, in addition to the weird sensations, day seven of COVID, I start having this panic sensation. 01:31:36.623 --> 01:31:36.823 Like, oh. 01:31:38.769 --> 01:31:41.211 Like it really felt like, oh, so this is how you die. 01:31:41.271 --> 01:31:47.055 Like you've thrown a big blood clot and this is what you're seeing on the O2 stat. 01:31:47.595 --> 01:31:54.500 Now, is he suggesting that the O2 stat is causing them to have a psychosomatic reaction, which is a panic attack? 01:31:55.120 --> 01:32:01.564 Or is he thinking that this is COVID and he just happened to put on the finger thing in time to catch it numerically? 01:32:03.486 --> 01:32:05.327 He's not being very clear about that, is he? 01:32:05.919 --> 01:32:08.940 And in fact, I think you're going to find that it is the latter, not the former. 01:32:11.781 --> 01:32:16.463 And it felt like, oh, my God, like I had to lay down, I was so lightheaded and this. 01:32:19.714 --> 01:32:25.979 Okay, all this points to the biopsychosocial aspects of COVID, of every illness. 01:32:26.419 --> 01:32:29.001 Biological, like yeah, you're infected with this thing, right? 01:32:29.341 --> 01:32:32.023 But I mean, how many man flus have I had? 01:32:32.083 --> 01:32:34.325 How many, I had mono. 01:32:34.385 --> 01:32:42.671 How many man flus or mono have you had when the national security state told you that there was a deadly novel virus that could be flying AIDS? 01:32:43.191 --> 01:32:49.781 that some people on the internet were saying could generate prion proteins or cause amyloidosis to accelerator clotting. 01:32:54.467 --> 01:32:59.735 That the virus had these extra properties that were encoded in the spike protein. 01:33:05.788 --> 01:33:07.490 It was a trap, ladies and gentlemen. 01:33:07.510 --> 01:33:09.052 We were not, we didn't stand a chance. 01:33:09.592 --> 01:33:15.019 Oh, when I was in college and it felt terrible for a month, like feels like you're dying, but you don't have the whole. 01:33:16.671 --> 01:33:19.473 years of conditioning, like, oh, COVID can kill you in all these ways. 01:33:19.814 --> 01:33:29.661 You don't have the fact that you did 23andMe like an idiot and found out that you have these two clotting gene, heterozygous clotting tendencies. 01:33:29.961 --> 01:33:37.146 Did he just make a sales pitch for 23andMe revealing his frailty in clotting disorders? 01:33:40.088 --> 01:33:43.791 I mean, that's like a joke to me now. 01:33:45.273 --> 01:33:47.497 That's just in your face stupid. 01:33:49.861 --> 01:33:51.865 But it's a spectacular admission. 01:33:55.551 --> 01:33:56.353 I hope you can see it. 01:33:58.922 --> 01:34:00.403 factor V Leiden and prothrombin. 01:34:00.723 --> 01:34:11.872 So already you're going in with all the reports and talking about COVID for so many years about how it does cause an increased risk of blood clotting and vascular inflammation and all this other stuff. 01:34:12.552 --> 01:34:23.661 And so- And so he's telling the exact same story that Richard Fleming and Kevin McCairn and lots of people were telling on the side of social media, especially on Twitter. 01:34:24.301 --> 01:34:31.291 that the spike protein had these extra qualities that, you know, when you got COVID, it was, it was, I mean, COVID was bad. 01:34:31.311 --> 01:34:32.994 You had to avoid getting COVID. 01:34:33.812 --> 01:34:42.278 You really don't want to get COVID, was Harvard to the big house's message for like three years, because it's flying AIDS. 01:34:42.778 --> 01:34:46.761 You can't risk getting it because it's a bioweapon. 01:34:47.221 --> 01:34:49.002 It's not just a coronavirus. 01:34:49.402 --> 01:34:51.784 So don't take any chances at all. 01:34:52.304 --> 01:34:55.326 That was the worst case scenario in the Scooby-Doo. 01:34:55.366 --> 01:35:03.292 That's what a lot of people were running around believing, including people like Kevin McCairn, CharlesRixey, Kim.com, and all these other people. 01:35:03.972 --> 01:35:04.813 That's real. 01:35:06.314 --> 01:35:18.224 And in retrospect, it is imperative that our children are able to see that all of these people were part of the state theater that was designed to bamboozle us into teaching this mythology to our children. 01:35:19.105 --> 01:35:25.951 And this guy is another one, just a low level participant in the same bullshit, the same Lollapalooza of liars. 01:35:28.073 --> 01:35:30.475 No, I had it right on the 01:35:34.642 --> 01:35:47.686 you know, little made-in-China $10 thing from Amazon, like a throwaway Temu product, telling me that my SAT is 80 and my pulse is 120 and feeling in the body like I'm going to die. 01:35:48.126 --> 01:35:49.447 So it actually went through my mind. 01:35:49.467 --> 01:35:50.047 I'm like, okay. 01:35:51.462 --> 01:36:00.005 And I should tell my wife, because I'm at home, she's working from home today, I should tell her, I wonder if I should call 911, because I feel absolutely like I'm going to die. 01:36:00.325 --> 01:36:18.170 You know the classic thing they talk about, this impending sense of doom, when you have a pulmonary embolism or some big catastrophe, like a leaking aneurysm or a big myocardial infarction, a heart attack, there's this classic sort of thing that they talk about where people will say, I have an impending sense of doom, like I'm going to die. 01:36:18.190 --> 01:36:19.791 And it's the body kind of, 01:36:20.931 --> 01:36:22.953 responding to this catastrophe. 01:36:23.433 --> 01:36:25.494 It felt like that, day seven. 01:36:25.714 --> 01:36:28.115 I was like, I'm going to die. 01:36:28.536 --> 01:36:32.778 So I get my wife over there, I call her, I'm laying on the couch, and I'm like, look at this thing. 01:36:33.138 --> 01:36:36.480 And she's looking at it, reading this thing, and she's like, yeah, it's probably just not reading it right. 01:36:36.500 --> 01:36:38.121 And I'm like, but I feel terrible. 01:36:38.701 --> 01:36:43.344 And she's looking at me, and in retrospect, it was clear, it was like she could see the signs of, 01:36:44.485 --> 01:36:45.065 You know, panic. 01:36:46.266 --> 01:36:48.648 And listen, like I'm an adept meditator. 01:36:48.668 --> 01:36:50.730 I've been doing all this shit for so many years. 01:36:51.470 --> 01:36:55.373 All that goes out the window when you actually feel like you're gonna die. 01:36:55.413 --> 01:37:04.420 When existential terror hits, there's like a primal drive to survive that kicks in and it triggers this huge physiologic response. 01:37:04.600 --> 01:37:17.745 Almost very similar to what Jordan Peterson said, even though he's a psychologist and supposedly does therapy for people, he was in psychological disarray at the start of the pandemic, just like everybody else. 01:37:17.785 --> 01:37:21.626 He had no particular insight into the pandemic. 01:37:22.526 --> 01:37:26.788 And he was just as physiologically crippled as the rest of us, which seems odd. 01:37:26.808 --> 01:37:33.130 I mean, what's the point of doing all that training if in the end it goes out the window because you have no principles when it counts? 01:37:35.418 --> 01:37:37.360 because that's what we're really talking about here, right? 01:37:37.380 --> 01:37:47.608 We're talking about having principles when it counts, instead of just blindly believing the TV narrative and Tony Fauci and the national security state and going along with it. 01:37:48.229 --> 01:37:55.615 This is 2024 and he's got no more nuance in his understanding than he would have had if we'd have talked to him in 2020. 01:37:56.055 --> 01:38:01.400 And once you see it for what it is, the same consistency and understanding is present 01:38:02.040 --> 01:38:30.755 in the illustrious Dr. Kevin McKernan, who from the very beginning of the pandemic until now has been an advocate for PCR testing being real and the sequences being evidence of evolution and all the other stuff, including the fact that the Human Genome Project is the best thing since buttered bread, when in reality it was just a bunch of restriction maps on a couple genomes misconstrued as a goal being reached. 01:38:31.872 --> 01:38:38.237 But again, it's part of the same extended national security narrative that's been going on since the special cancer virus program. 01:38:42.060 --> 01:38:42.921 Somebody just laid an egg. 01:38:44.778 --> 01:38:53.861 So all that stuff kind of goes into the background, all that awareness of awareness and watching these things unfold and knowing that it's all just this. 01:38:54.562 --> 01:38:55.142 It doesn't matter. 01:38:55.682 --> 01:38:56.822 You're just like, I'm going to fucking die. 01:38:57.783 --> 01:38:59.023 My kids are going to have no dad. 01:38:59.063 --> 01:38:59.923 That's what it feels like. 01:39:00.724 --> 01:39:03.825 And again, because of all this conditioning, right? 01:39:03.865 --> 01:39:05.125 So I'm looking at this thing. 01:39:05.145 --> 01:39:05.826 She's looking at the thing. 01:39:05.846 --> 01:39:07.366 She's like, well, listen, I'll tell you what. 01:39:08.026 --> 01:39:09.347 Maybe don't look at this thing. 01:39:10.672 --> 01:39:15.476 let's recheck it on a different finger, you relax, I'll look at it, you don't look at it. 01:39:16.017 --> 01:39:19.980 And I'm not even gonna tell you what it is, but I'll tell you that if I think you need to call 911. 01:39:20.241 --> 01:39:25.926 So she watches this thing and she's like, I think you're okay, why don't you just stay here, relax, et cetera. 01:39:26.707 --> 01:39:29.849 And so I'm starting to calm down a little bit. 01:39:30.230 --> 01:39:34.413 But then I say, well, okay, I'm just gonna talk to some of my, 01:39:35.322 --> 01:39:37.343 But it's definitely extremely traumatic. 01:39:37.403 --> 01:39:39.424 Like he's really reliving the experience. 01:39:39.464 --> 01:39:40.765 That's why it's so smiley. 01:39:41.926 --> 01:39:43.227 He's, you know, on the phone. 01:39:43.307 --> 01:39:45.068 Cause maybe they can talk me down. 01:39:45.188 --> 01:39:49.890 Cause this feels like panic and I, and I don't get panic like that. 01:39:50.331 --> 01:39:54.293 Like I don't get panic attacks, but this felt like what people describe as like an actual panic attack. 01:39:54.753 --> 01:39:58.575 So I call one of my friends and we have this wonderful conversation and, and, uh, 01:39:59.956 --> 01:40:13.524 I'd been going through actually a fair bit of some stressful stuff, so I was like, ah, maybe it's some of that, maybe it's some of this, and plus the COVID, and triggering some real physiologic stuff that is showing up as this thing, and this O2 sat is garbage. 01:40:13.824 --> 01:40:15.505 It's really not useful. 01:40:16.065 --> 01:40:16.245 So. 01:40:16.886 --> 01:40:22.629 It's not useful, but the FLCCC said that if your pulse ox is below 94, you better go to the hospital. 01:40:22.669 --> 01:40:24.590 That's not insignificant, ladies and gentlemen. 01:40:26.866 --> 01:40:30.809 For the rest of the day, I kind of stay home, but I've got stuff to do. 01:40:30.889 --> 01:40:35.473 I've got to take my kid to camp, because my wife is working, and I was like, do I do this? 01:40:35.493 --> 01:40:37.795 And I was like, no, I feel better, so I did that. 01:40:38.315 --> 01:40:41.838 But then I came to the studio, and then I started having these symptoms again. 01:40:41.858 --> 01:40:43.619 I was like, God, I feel terrible. 01:40:44.520 --> 01:40:44.940 Like, what? 01:40:45.120 --> 01:40:53.287 He came to the studio, so he doesn't have something set up in the back of his garage with a bunch of equipment that he scrounged together off of Craigslist. 01:40:54.790 --> 01:40:59.174 He's got a staff and a location that he rents and an LLC that pays for it. 01:40:59.234 --> 01:41:00.896 I have an LLC, but it's not like that. 01:41:01.056 --> 01:41:02.297 Not like what he's describing. 01:41:02.317 --> 01:41:03.358 I don't have employees. 01:41:04.999 --> 01:41:07.982 So it's really extraordinary what we have here. 01:41:08.002 --> 01:41:16.710 This is somebody who was set up to be a podcaster, just like Ahmed Malik was set up to be a podcaster and probably set up by Robert Malone. 01:41:16.730 --> 01:41:20.954 That's why Robert Malone was so happy to appear on his podcast and pretended to get all mad. 01:41:22.335 --> 01:41:28.439 because it's the same show as Robert Malone going on Steve Kirsch's podcast to say that he's all mad at Sasha Latapova. 01:41:29.640 --> 01:41:31.161 It's all one big show. 01:41:31.201 --> 01:41:38.687 That's why he also said that he's so mad at George Webb, because, you know, look at that 60 Minutes episode and you'll find out why. 01:41:38.767 --> 01:41:43.990 This guy is the same kind of clown, just on a different stage of the Lollapalooza. 01:41:44.050 --> 01:41:44.531 That's it. 01:41:45.894 --> 01:41:46.354 is this? 01:41:47.154 --> 01:41:57.416 And there's this deep uncertainty, like, okay, could I have some complication, COVID pneumonia, but I'm not having fevers, but the vital signs are crazy. 01:41:57.436 --> 01:41:59.877 I'm feeling my pulse, it's high, but what's that? 01:41:59.917 --> 01:42:00.597 Is that panic? 01:42:01.757 --> 01:42:04.618 I don't have that cheap O2 sat with me, and I'm like, what the fuck? 01:42:04.698 --> 01:42:07.919 So I sit, I talk to another friend just to kind of ground myself. 01:42:08.239 --> 01:42:08.859 I'm like, okay. 01:42:09.979 --> 01:42:11.419 I mean, does the swearing help? 01:42:11.479 --> 01:42:14.200 If I said the F word regularly, would you believe me more? 01:42:16.144 --> 01:42:17.945 It's part of the spell, ladies and gentlemen. 01:42:18.325 --> 01:42:19.446 It's all part of the spell. 01:42:22.127 --> 01:42:24.549 So, hey, look, I should know better than all this, right? 01:42:25.950 --> 01:42:28.412 but all this conditioning, right? 01:42:28.932 --> 01:42:43.264 And the actual physiologic effects of having COVID infection, which I do think now, especially looking back, it has a real, almost unique kind of mental effect, this virus. 01:42:43.604 --> 01:42:49.009 And people can weigh in in the comments and tell me what you think, because people who've had COVID, they can weigh in on what this is like. 01:42:49.049 --> 01:42:53.473 And again, it's biopsychosocial, so some of it is the social conditioning, all the news and all that. 01:42:54.293 --> 01:43:22.580 And so you have to see how he's trying to let these people acknowledge that there is some psychosocial aspect of it, but staying very far away from the possibility that a national security state based on mythologies that originated all the way back in AIDS and the special cancer virus program and people like Bob Gallo and Murray Gardner, under whom's tutelage Robert Malone and people like Judy Mikovits have descended, 01:43:23.629 --> 01:43:27.851 that these people are all part of one theater that is governing us about these lies. 01:43:27.891 --> 01:43:29.812 And if he believes it or not, it doesn't matter. 01:43:30.353 --> 01:43:33.314 The reality is, is that that is how it's done. 01:43:34.054 --> 01:43:42.379 There is not a dissident movement that we should promote and a state faction that opposes them. 01:43:42.899 --> 01:44:11.056 The state, the military-industrial complex, has set up opposition groups in many places around the world, like HART and PANDA and CHD and ICAN, and probably many others, like the former Feds group, that are supposedly coming to the rescue of different Americans under the different pretenses of fighting this, when in reality they are effectively neutralizing the resistance that all of these real people represent. 01:44:12.082 --> 01:44:14.362 And that is why I exist. 01:44:15.443 --> 01:44:16.703 Why this book exists. 01:44:16.823 --> 01:44:20.544 Why my name is in this book, in its index, and in its content. 01:44:21.204 --> 01:44:28.445 Why there are quotes of me in this book, and now all of the people that are on the back of this book, and the author himself, will ignore me. 01:44:29.465 --> 01:44:39.407 Because they are part of a national security state that GigaOM Biological's truths don't jive with, and in fact, threaten to dispel. 01:44:41.721 --> 01:44:43.361 And so we don't need to watch any more of this. 01:44:43.401 --> 01:44:44.522 You know what he's gonna say. 01:44:44.562 --> 01:44:45.522 You know what he's gonna do. 01:44:45.562 --> 01:44:46.782 You know what he's doing here. 01:44:46.862 --> 01:44:50.323 He's gonna say long COVID is real, that these people are real. 01:44:50.363 --> 01:45:01.225 And if you've experienced it, he wants to hear from you because his goal is to influence more people because the more people he influences, the more valuable he is to them, to the slavers. 01:45:02.325 --> 01:45:07.166 The more subscribers to Substack Robert Malone has, the more valuable he is to the slavers. 01:45:09.076 --> 01:45:13.959 The more substack subscribers Jessica Rose has, the more valuable she is to the slavers. 01:45:14.540 --> 01:45:17.282 The more people that are following Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:45:17.402 --> 01:45:21.805 and his fight for free speech, the more people are vulnerable to the slavers. 01:45:23.482 --> 01:45:37.685 And until we realize that there are very few people that are genuinely fighting for our grandchildren's future, genuinely fighting to plant trees under whose shade they will not shelter, we are gonna be trapped and we are gonna remain trapped. 01:45:39.486 --> 01:45:42.127 Let me see if I can get this where I wanna be. 01:45:42.147 --> 01:45:43.507 I think I am where I wanna be. 01:45:44.347 --> 01:45:49.050 Um, so yeah, if you give power to these charlatans, you're probably not going to give it back. 01:45:49.130 --> 01:45:57.835 And we have been fooled into believing that we were taking the power back from these people in black and white, and we were giving it to good guys in blue. 01:45:57.895 --> 01:45:59.456 But actually, that's not what happened. 01:45:59.516 --> 01:46:05.499 These people are part of the same governing apparatus that governs us by an illusion of consensus. 01:46:05.979 --> 01:46:11.943 And that's why in 2024, Kevin McKernan is the same as Claire Craig, you know, because they wrote the 01:46:12.423 --> 01:46:16.946 PCR paper together in 2020, for goodness sakes, and it didn't even object to testing. 01:46:17.387 --> 01:46:20.449 And of course, George Webb is the same as Jessica Rose. 01:46:20.529 --> 01:46:27.594 And of course, today I showed you that Robert Malone isn't much different than Dr. ZDoggMD. 01:46:28.215 --> 01:46:30.176 They all agree that there was a novel virus. 01:46:30.196 --> 01:46:35.300 They all agree that millions of people were saved and millions of people were killed. 01:46:35.920 --> 01:46:39.643 And they all agree that we should not worry about the murder and lies. 01:46:40.731 --> 01:46:55.260 Gigaohm Biological's main core message is that these people who say that science is broken, that medicine is broken, that pharmaceutical companies are evil, or that the U.S. 01:46:55.300 --> 01:47:03.165 government is co-opted, don't then ask the question of, well, okay, so where is this malevolence? 01:47:03.225 --> 01:47:08.609 Where are these lies having the most egregious impact on the future of our children? 01:47:11.127 --> 01:47:18.213 And I believe that the most egregious impact on the future of our children currently one of the most egregious is the vaccine schedule in America. 01:47:18.893 --> 01:47:26.079 And any of these people that are advocating for there being no virus should regularly say that the vaccine schedule around the world. 01:47:27.000 --> 01:47:35.343 and in particular in America, is gross and it is a violation of basic human rights because of the fact that there are no viruses. 01:47:35.403 --> 01:47:55.171 But they don't say that because, again, they are part of the limited spectrum of debate that is designed to run the clock out so that no college kids and young people and young parents will ever come to the conclusion that the vaccine schedule in America was a criminal enterprise, that the national security state would use murder and lies to cover up. 01:47:56.021 --> 01:48:19.663 They never want young college kids and young parents to come to the conclusion that transfection in healthy humans, including their grandparents that are now gone, was always criminally negligent because they don't want people to come up with the idea that they would have murdered their grandparents and lied about it in order to create the illusion of pandemic potential, in order to create the illusion of spread of something that wasn't spreading. 01:48:20.720 --> 01:48:31.951 And so they don't want young people to realize that their grandparents were likely murdered, either in the hospital or by transfection, being rolled out under the pretense of a countermeasure. 01:48:33.112 --> 01:48:38.357 All because the national security state has been aware for decades that RNA cannot pandemic. 01:48:38.417 --> 01:48:39.458 There is no such thing. 01:48:40.410 --> 01:48:46.014 Ladies and gentlemen, please, if you liked what you saw, share the stream by sharing stream.gigaohm.bio. 01:48:46.975 --> 01:48:54.841 If you liked what you saw and you have the means to support my work, please go to gigaohmbiological.com and find a way to do that. 01:48:55.962 --> 01:48:58.844 And if you're interested in stickers for water bottles, 01:49:00.049 --> 01:49:02.109 A small one, the big one should be arriving today. 01:49:02.770 --> 01:49:12.052 Or a Velcro sticker with the gigaohm that says biology is the way and gigaohmbiological.com like the one that I'm wearing on my arm here. 01:49:12.852 --> 01:49:18.353 Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address that you can find at gigaohmbiological.com. 01:49:18.853 --> 01:49:23.854 And if you're not a supporter or a subscriber, it would be great if you'd throw a little cash in there because these weren't cheap. 01:49:24.514 --> 01:49:27.455 But if you're a subscriber or a supporter or have been in the past, 01:49:28.355 --> 01:49:29.596 I'll be able to see it on a list. 01:49:29.636 --> 01:49:32.478 Just send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll stuff it with some stuff. 01:49:33.239 --> 01:49:35.480 It's not meant to be a big fundraiser. 01:49:35.520 --> 01:49:39.923 It's meant to give back a little bit without spending too much of your hard-earned money that way. 01:49:40.864 --> 01:49:43.565 And so again, I'm not looking to make a lot of money. 01:49:43.605 --> 01:49:46.487 I would just like to pay for what I produced here. 01:49:47.108 --> 01:49:50.170 And so these were about $4.20 to make each. 01:49:50.310 --> 01:49:53.352 And so, you know, if you put a five in there, you're already covering me. 01:49:53.913 --> 01:49:58.526 Thanks very much and I hope that the stream was useful and I hope to see you again tomorrow. 01:51:51.104 --> 01:51:57.587 Thanks again everybody for coming and I will definitely see you guys tomorrow, probably 10.10. 01:51:57.747 --> 01:52:01.488 Again, I'm trying to aim for 10.10 or at the latest starting at 11.11. 01:52:02.229 --> 01:52:04.570 So that hour is the hour we're shooting for. 01:52:04.650 --> 01:52:05.230 See you again tomorrow.