WEBVTT 00:35.888 --> 00:44.980 i keep forgetting things will never be the same again i keep forgetting how you made that choice 01:03.723 --> 01:10.689 Saying you can only stay a while And I know that it's fine for you to say the things 01:32.666 --> 01:39.116 I can't forget how you made that so clear I keep forgetting babe 02:03.487 --> 02:23.581 The game is through If this is what's real If this is what's true Tell me how come I Keep forgetting we're not in love anymore Baby Your friends will never be the same again I keep forgetting 02:48.551 --> 02:50.694 How come I? 02:50.974 --> 02:55.740 We're not in love anymore How come I? 02:56.180 --> 03:04.931 Things will never be the same again I keep forgetting how you made that so clear I keep forgetting, baby 03:15.542 --> 03:18.545 Things will never be the same. 03:18.565 --> 03:19.606 Hey, baby. 03:19.686 --> 03:23.530 Forget how you made it so clear. 03:23.670 --> 03:25.032 Every time you leave. 04:19.906 --> 04:20.206 Stop! 04:32.185 --> 04:34.087 Hey, good to see you there, Janet. 04:34.167 --> 04:36.069 Long time no see in the chat. 04:36.109 --> 04:38.352 Janet Reno One on board. 04:39.212 --> 04:40.193 Sorry you can't stay. 04:40.254 --> 04:42.676 It's going to be a really barn burner today. 04:42.756 --> 04:44.178 Barn burner, ladies and gentlemen. 04:45.219 --> 04:47.181 Lots of moves were made on the chess board. 04:47.201 --> 04:50.684 It looks like they're playing a little speed chess now and they're not very good at it. 04:51.806 --> 04:54.328 So we're just going to keep the steady pressure up. 04:55.168 --> 04:56.150 Good to see you there, Mark. 04:56.190 --> 05:00.396 I hope it's not too hot where you are as you're working and listening. 05:01.237 --> 05:02.659 Good to see everybody in the chat. 05:03.981 --> 05:07.026 In fact, free mayonnaise for the cash today. 05:07.086 --> 05:08.227 Free mayonnaise for the cash. 05:08.267 --> 05:08.908 Thank you very much. 05:31.929 --> 05:36.092 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario. 05:36.593 --> 05:40.776 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario. 05:42.758 --> 05:44.299 I think truth is good for kids. 05:44.759 --> 05:45.800 We're so busy lying. 05:45.840 --> 05:48.582 We don't even recognize the truth no more in this society. 05:49.043 --> 05:50.664 We want everybody to feel good. 05:50.824 --> 05:53.046 That's not, that's not the way life is. 05:55.528 --> 05:59.431 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 06:01.238 --> 06:01.959 And I have lied. 06:01.979 --> 06:02.999 I'm sure I'll lie again. 06:03.020 --> 06:03.960 I don't want to lie. 06:04.441 --> 06:05.802 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. 06:05.902 --> 06:06.923 I try not to be a liar. 06:06.963 --> 06:07.803 I don't want to be a liar. 06:08.364 --> 06:11.106 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 06:25.805 --> 06:38.116 mark mark mark you're so funny as a surgeon you should be speaking out on this you could save lives if you did what the fuck i didn't know anything about this how am i meant to know about this 06:39.039 --> 06:39.439 You know what? 06:39.980 --> 06:41.000 I don't know about everything. 06:41.020 --> 06:50.585 Like, um, you shouldn't, you shouldn't think that just because you're on to something that someone else should be doing it too, buddy. 06:51.166 --> 06:52.747 We've all got our own jobs to do. 06:52.767 --> 06:54.568 I don't tell you what to do. 06:55.948 --> 06:56.509 What the fuck? 06:57.229 --> 07:07.695 Anyway, I mean, the reason why I try to get through to you, get your number, call you and you're busy last time and I'm not busy is, um, look, I went back through the podcast and I'm afraid 07:09.497 --> 07:12.580 think it wasn't good enough mate. 07:13.922 --> 07:29.037 I don't know how to explain this to you but you know it was about it was just over an hour but the thing is what was relevant was like literally just 15 minutes and it was just dragged out and there was not enough substance, not enough facts, not enough details. 07:31.078 --> 07:34.900 I would also say try and work on your presentation. 07:34.920 --> 07:45.904 You drag things out and speak very slowly and it's just you need to be a bit more punchy, a bit more punchy, a bit more animated, a bit more lively. 07:46.744 --> 08:02.022 i mean i don't know if you're just a bit flat that day or what i don't know but you just i think you're i don't know your style you can have you just could inject yourself with a little bit more energy a little bit more animation so what i was going to do actually was 08:03.644 --> 08:27.923 create some clips of the podcast and do a sub stack and obviously credit you and reference you and talk about the opioid deaths and all that kind of stuff so that was the plan i'm sorry mate i've just got a lot of fucking podcasts got a lot of recordings and i'm trying to keep the quality of the content quite high i'm afraid on this occasion it just 08:29.244 --> 08:30.205 It just wasn't good enough. 08:31.165 --> 08:37.130 I'm just being honest with you. 08:37.250 --> 08:39.132 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 08:39.212 --> 08:44.537 His name is JJ Cooey, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD. 08:45.397 --> 08:52.143 And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline, from what I understand. 08:55.890 --> 08:58.191 May I humbly suggest 09:19.634 --> 09:32.285 that everybody in the chat do not do not make the mistake of not taking people's word for it when they tell you who they are if people tell you who they are make sure you take their word for it 09:56.689 --> 10:03.033 I don't know what to say about exothermic core-mantle decoupling. 10:03.073 --> 10:07.795 Because if something like that happens, then all the prepping in the world isn't going to do any good. 10:07.835 --> 10:14.419 If the tidal wave or the earthquake is coming to your house, it's a lot more likely that 10:16.136 --> 10:26.888 I think it's much more likely that they want us to be thinking about stuff we have no control over, even if it's real, rather than thinking about stuff that we have control over. 10:26.928 --> 10:34.917 You know, like getting our government out of the hoo, or trying to dispel the PrEP Act to get the PrEP Act struck. 10:36.219 --> 10:38.000 Your consciousness is prime real estate. 10:38.020 --> 10:41.262 You've only got about 30,000 thoughts every day that you can think. 10:41.903 --> 10:50.629 And if you spend a lot of those thoughts on exothermic decoupling of the core and mantle, what you perceive to be true is likely not going to be true. 10:50.949 --> 10:53.150 That's really the bottom line here. 10:53.170 --> 10:53.971 That's where we are. 10:55.072 --> 10:57.373 They have told us a lot of goldfish are sharks. 10:57.433 --> 11:00.956 They've even told us that some sharks are out there that probably aren't. 11:01.776 --> 11:03.578 New sharks, scarier sharks. 11:04.558 --> 11:08.201 It's not to say that some of these bigger ideas aren't real. 11:08.601 --> 11:12.263 It's to say that when you think about those bigger ideas, you're not wasting any time. 11:12.783 --> 11:17.226 You're not wasting any time spreading the news of there being no spread in New York City. 11:17.246 --> 11:21.449 You're not spending any time sharing Jessica Hockett's latest sub stack. 11:21.829 --> 11:37.104 You're not going to spend any time talking about or exploring or reading papers on your own about infectious clones to read their own words about how these DNA and RNA molecules are used to transfect and transform cell culture, and this is called virology. 11:37.785 --> 11:51.572 You're not going to waste any time thinking about how placebo batches, rather than varied lots or some lots that were treated right or weren't treated right, you don't think about placebo batches as being so spectacular. 11:52.272 --> 11:55.193 No one's mentioned this in any of these genius conversations. 11:55.614 --> 12:00.476 You're not going to talk about transfection being a criminally negligent thing. 12:00.996 --> 12:07.799 You're not going to talk about protocols being murder because you're worried about the shift of the mantle relative to the core. 12:08.779 --> 12:11.421 You're not going to talk about gain of function being a mythology. 12:11.461 --> 12:20.305 They want us to teach our children and they're teaching our children through the mainstream media and through social media and through popular media like movies. 12:21.205 --> 12:24.606 You don't want to think about the fact that one of the best ways that this 12:26.681 --> 12:53.241 multinational military exercise could have been executed on us if there were people in front and behind convincing everyone on the left and the right to solve a mystery of a gain-of-function virus leak from a laboratory so that by the time the mystery was solved everybody would be believing in that gain-of-function virus and that perpetual danger coming from bioterrorism and the garage of an especially 12:54.602 --> 12:56.843 endeavorous undergraduate. 12:57.923 --> 13:07.547 And all this takes is a spectacular commitment of lies to lies from a few people that have been put in front of us by the artificial programming of social media. 13:08.877 --> 13:14.258 It's not because they've risen because there's a consensus about how smart these people are. 13:14.658 --> 13:18.979 They've risen to the top of social media because of the programming of social media. 13:19.339 --> 13:24.641 And now those people, these artificial voices, are attributing bad motives to me. 13:24.741 --> 13:25.461 I'm dividing. 13:26.001 --> 13:28.321 I think everybody's fake, ladies and gentlemen. 13:28.361 --> 13:30.222 When the truth is the truth, you just tell it. 13:30.962 --> 13:39.917 And if the truth is that a lot of these people in front of us are fake, then the only way that anyone is going to be able to see it if they can't see it already is to be shown. 13:40.518 --> 13:43.123 And a lot of people who are shown still don't want to see it. 13:43.203 --> 13:44.244 Some of them can't see it. 13:47.281 --> 14:01.488 How many times have any of these people tried to explain to you that the illusion of transhumanism has to do with the illusion that if we collect enough data from enough people and we feed it into a big enough AI with enough processors that the... that the... 14:02.685 --> 14:10.609 Irreducible complexity that should be considered sacred could be reduced to a set of tools that we could use to make humanity demigods. 14:11.249 --> 14:18.573 How come no one like Jessica Rose has been able to so succinctly say that I'm just one of the podcasts that she's ever been on? 14:19.333 --> 14:31.159 Hours and hours spent talking about the spike protein and about bears, but never talking about how they might've just lied to us for a couple decades, then murdered people to hide that fact, and now they're lying about it. 14:34.864 --> 14:45.772 Ladies and gentlemen, we have inherited charlatans that have power over us because they inherited it from their mentors and from their fathers and mothers before them. 14:46.372 --> 14:52.496 And if we are going to shed the shackles of their slavery, we need to be able to see them as the charlatans that they are. 14:52.516 --> 14:55.799 And it's not just these obvious Scooby-Doo villains. 14:58.547 --> 15:03.670 I assure you that my intention is to make gentle the life of this world. 15:03.690 --> 15:11.915 I do not want my kids to grow up in strife and in division and in a world full of anger and frustration. 15:13.055 --> 15:14.336 and a lack of understanding. 15:15.277 --> 15:18.340 I need my kids to be able to see this wave of lies. 15:18.460 --> 15:28.209 I want them to be able to surf it so that my family and my grandkids can reach the other side, reach the shore safely and not get pounded into the coral reef. 15:28.809 --> 15:36.015 that is poverty and misery and confusion that's created by these people who are working for the slavers. 15:36.075 --> 15:38.777 They're working for these weaponized piles of money. 15:38.837 --> 15:43.221 I can't really tell you much more than that because they're so coordinated in their lying. 15:49.612 --> 15:52.535 Oh, it is interesting that a lot of these epigirls don't have kids. 15:52.615 --> 15:54.037 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. 15:54.057 --> 15:59.443 If you're here for the first time, you might be a skilled TV watcher or a social media watcher, a user needing of help. 16:00.003 --> 16:03.607 The very short through the corner version is you got to stay focused on the biology. 16:03.647 --> 16:07.030 You can't take the bait on social media and you got to love your neighbors. 16:14.574 --> 16:21.298 More viewers consistently spread this word each week, and that's why we're already at 63 viewers at the start of the show. 16:22.338 --> 16:25.860 Thank you very much for working so hard to share this work. 16:25.900 --> 16:32.924 Yesterday's stream was an absolute nuclear bomb, and people are starting to hear it, I think. 16:33.664 --> 16:37.066 People have started to feel the waves, and they're reacting. 16:38.143 --> 16:48.909 And I think they're reacting in very predictable ways, ways that we could have predicted a week ago, or even a couple days ago, before we did the streams that we did over the last couple days. 16:49.549 --> 16:51.590 We could have told you that they were going to react like this. 16:51.650 --> 16:57.634 And the paradigm is about to shift, because unless they throw me off Twitter, or unless they really use 16:58.454 --> 17:07.760 new magical means to reprogram the way that people can share my work, eventually this is going to reach a critical mass and it's going to explode. 17:08.640 --> 17:12.943 And people are going to actually find out that something very important is happening here. 17:13.443 --> 17:18.607 And as people drop their hands from their eyes and drop their cell phones and their social media from their eyes, 17:19.187 --> 17:28.054 They're going to see that we need to start engaging in informed non-compliance immediately because freedom is measured in ohms, ladies and gentlemen. 17:28.555 --> 17:30.156 Freedom is measured in ohms. 18:02.910 --> 18:04.351 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 18:04.391 --> 18:05.091 Welcome to the show. 18:05.111 --> 18:09.494 This is GigaOM Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by Biologist. 18:10.074 --> 18:12.515 It is the 23rd of May, 2024. 18:12.575 --> 18:17.618 My kids have less than seven days left in school, and I don't even know where the year went. 18:18.219 --> 18:19.760 Somebody said that this morning in my 18:20.797 --> 18:24.539 all the gears in my head just went for a while. 18:24.619 --> 18:28.620 I couldn't really compute what, how much time had passed. 18:28.681 --> 18:32.302 My oldest son is about to be a freshman in high school. 18:32.342 --> 18:38.365 And every time I say it out loud, I have to shake myself again because it's just, it is unbelievable. 18:39.485 --> 18:44.347 Um, and I am blessed to have three very healthy kids, very smart and lively kids. 18:44.728 --> 18:46.708 Um, no, no problems. 18:46.748 --> 18:50.130 They're just the usual, you know, teenagers are about to be teenagers or, 18:50.899 --> 18:50.940 Oh. 18:52.752 --> 19:02.259 It's all just, you know, I'm very lucky to have the family that I do behind me, and I'm very lucky to have the people subscribing and supporting my work that I do. 19:03.139 --> 19:04.900 Thank you all very, very much. 19:05.921 --> 19:21.011 Yesterday's stream was a very important one because I got a lot of things off of my chest with the help of a video from Kevin McKernan from the 24th of April, 2020, where, shocking even to myself, the amount of narrative control that was already present 19:23.312 --> 19:25.553 His shtick was pretty impressive. 19:26.393 --> 19:28.354 And today I want to really follow up on that. 19:28.434 --> 19:29.594 I'm a human just like you. 19:29.614 --> 19:38.417 I get upset about this stuff because I think that really generations of people to come are in danger of being enslaved by these people. 19:39.677 --> 19:51.945 Some of these people may be wittingly or unwittingly coerced or not, but they're all helping now, and very few people are left that are actually just American patriots. 19:53.306 --> 20:02.891 And it frightens me to say something like this out loud, but I have told you who I follow and who I think is worth following. 20:02.932 --> 20:04.312 I think Jessica Hockett is 20:06.033 --> 20:08.515 is absolutely 100% good to go. 20:08.635 --> 20:11.817 I think Kevin McKernan is not. 20:13.438 --> 20:35.012 And I think there are very, very good arguments to be made from my personal experience with him and my public appearances with him and his public appearances with others and what he particularly has spent his time on, which can be, from my perspective, not misconstrued. 20:36.038 --> 20:45.266 that it is evidence that an eighth grader, if they were presented with, would say, wow, that guy's got an interesting alternative agenda. 20:47.167 --> 20:49.009 It certainly isn't cooperating with me. 20:50.590 --> 20:52.892 And you might say, well, of course, he's not going to cooperate with you. 20:52.932 --> 21:01.820 But it would be very easy to use me to bring everybody to understand the subtleties of virology and how I'm wrong about 21:02.338 --> 21:10.522 how I characterize DNA and RNA, cloned molecules, and how they're used to transfect and transform cell cultures, and that's called virology. 21:11.182 --> 21:20.326 And how it's weird that I got there so late in 2024, and the no-virus people have never been able to get there just to say that. 21:20.386 --> 21:23.388 Like, you could do the whole no-virus schtick in about 10 minutes, right? 21:23.928 --> 21:28.270 We were against the vaccine schedule before the pandemic. 21:28.350 --> 21:41.656 And then during the pandemic, we've been exclusively focused on isolation and purification of the virus and making you agree that there is no virus or maybe no viruses at all, depending on which conversation you listen to. 21:41.736 --> 21:46.358 Sometimes they're very precise and it's only about SARS-CoV-2, which I would totally agree with. 21:46.698 --> 21:50.360 And sometimes it's about all viruses, which is a much more subtle 21:50.840 --> 21:55.961 and difficult conversation to have because it's possible that some viruses are a lie and other viruses aren't. 21:56.402 --> 22:05.784 Or some signals in that size range are real and some size signals in that size range have been exaggerated in their fidelity or even in their existence as a whole. 22:07.505 --> 22:15.727 So the lack of nuance in their arguments, depending on what argument or what podcast you heard on, again, revealed them as meddlers to me. 22:17.315 --> 22:34.566 And not very many people have been actually shaking a can on the internet for four years trying to, at the same time, make progress with understanding what's really happening in the context of this national security operation. 22:36.087 --> 22:39.509 And other people have been pretending to do this, but they really haven't. 22:40.169 --> 22:43.772 And I think the best way to notice that is that a lot of the talking points 22:44.605 --> 22:46.587 And this is what I think is annoying most of them. 22:46.627 --> 23:07.345 Now, a lot of the talking points that Robert Malone was fielding in 2021 are the same talking points that Kevin McCarran was fielding in 2020, that Drastic was fielding in 2020, and the same things that Meryl Nass and Mary Holland have recently fielded on alternative social media as soon as last week. 23:12.216 --> 23:26.487 And so none of them, still none of them, while they attack me and attribute bad motives to the fact that I'm attacking everyone or I call everybody fake, none of them have bothered to start here and say, you know, like Jiki, for example, Jiki could say, you know, he makes some good points. 23:26.647 --> 23:34.434 And that green slide that he starts with that says intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 23:35.354 --> 23:46.519 and that transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent, and that RNA cannot pandemic, is a slide with three very interesting ideas, the best points that Jay has brought up during the pandemic. 23:46.559 --> 23:50.161 But instead, Jiki does exactly the opposite. 23:53.743 --> 24:00.306 And as much as I want to believe that Jiki is a doctor in Australia who's on our team and gets a lot of it right, 24:01.479 --> 24:13.921 his consistent inability or unwillingness to identify Robert Malone as an American part of the American national security state and therefore not to be trusted is quite remarkable. 24:16.302 --> 24:17.382 I mean, he's from Australia. 24:17.422 --> 24:20.662 What does he know from Robert Malone from a hole in the ground? 24:20.702 --> 24:30.164 He could just as easily say that Robert Malone's part of the machine that attacked my country and convinced everybody in Australia to take a shot, but he's not willing to do that. 24:30.184 --> 24:30.744 I wonder why. 24:32.793 --> 24:39.659 He's not worried that Peter McCullough came to Australia to tell everybody in Australia how bad the shot was. 24:41.280 --> 24:46.224 That doesn't strike him as odd that an American has to come to Australia to tell you what happened in Australia. 24:46.705 --> 24:51.529 It doesn't strike you as odd that Americans and Canadians need to tour the world consistently as a group. 24:53.055 --> 25:08.483 and stay in hot tubs and go on cruises off of Turkey and take pictures of their shoes and go to places as far as Romania or Belgium over the last four years together to make sure that the story is told correctly. 25:10.029 --> 25:35.085 And yet somehow or another, none of these international people that say they're speaking out and trying to identify who's responsible, don't see it as odd that the same Americans with deep ties to the vaccine schedule and maybe even fake opposition to the vaccine schedule, these people are all now the people that we're supposed to pay attention to, Judy Mikovits, Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, 25:35.825 --> 25:40.226 Or Canadians with dual citizenship, like Jessica Rose? 25:41.286 --> 25:43.247 Or Americans with dual citizenship? 25:43.547 --> 25:45.467 I mean, what are we talking about here? 25:47.468 --> 25:53.929 And yet somehow or another, there's a guy over in Japan that says everybody's, it's the Jews or something like that. 25:55.150 --> 25:56.790 And that I take money from Pharisees. 26:00.063 --> 26:09.225 And they're all together, they're all together on this slide that I show you every day with the t-shirt that says, COVID shots are bad, don't talk about 2020. 26:12.185 --> 26:14.846 And now they're tweeting together. 26:18.746 --> 26:26.428 And it's the spread of bad ideas that they are responsible for curating over the last four and a half years, almost five years. 26:27.349 --> 26:42.857 that got us here, really five years if you think that a lot of these people were getting put in place and practicing their curation of the narrative right away from the beginning and end of 2019, including Brett Weinstein and the rest of the quote unquote intellectual dark web. 26:46.259 --> 26:52.342 Many of whose members are now prominent voices in this pseudo resistance. 27:03.461 --> 27:08.242 How the hell can you be, as an Australian, how the hell can you be neutral on Robert Malone? 27:08.282 --> 27:09.603 What the hell does that even mean? 27:10.203 --> 27:19.247 Robert Malone has 20 years and $20 billion worth of reasons and experience acclaimed by him. 27:20.487 --> 27:27.969 not to trust him as a whistleblower on the deep state or not to trust him on the whistle as a whistleblower of the globalists like that's ridiculous 27:28.857 --> 27:38.044 And that's why I just don't, I don't get it with Jiki and I, and nevermind the, all these anonymous mouse accounts, which 90% of them are actors. 27:38.544 --> 27:52.274 And then the other ones are just unwitting participants that aren't sophisticated enough to see that by creating a bunch of bots with, with these little icons of mice and stuff, they can cloud and muddy the water. 27:53.635 --> 28:07.301 with crazy objections and crazy statements, while people with genuine interest in helping get the truth out using those little mice, you know, get overwhelmed by them. 28:10.754 --> 28:12.034 So today is Thursday. 28:12.115 --> 28:13.575 We're going to do a throwback Thursday. 28:13.615 --> 28:23.639 I thought I would go to the international conference in Stockholm, Sweden that took place on January in January of 2023 called pandemic strategies, lessons, and consequences. 28:24.059 --> 28:29.541 Um, I wonder how everyone will find this. 28:29.601 --> 28:32.041 I wonder if everybody remembers that this occurred. 28:32.081 --> 28:35.843 I think it's really important to remind everybody that such an event occurred. 28:35.883 --> 28:38.984 And so let me switch down here and then, um, 28:43.427 --> 28:44.308 Maybe I have to be this way. 28:44.348 --> 28:45.469 Maybe I'm a little better in focus. 28:45.509 --> 28:47.070 Let me just see about this focus quick. 28:48.091 --> 28:49.012 I just have to stand up. 28:50.653 --> 28:52.375 Do a little maneuver here. 28:55.698 --> 28:56.518 That should be OK. 28:58.340 --> 29:00.702 Hey, that looks a little better, I think. 29:01.843 --> 29:04.885 So yeah, this conference is interesting. 29:05.906 --> 29:08.669 And so I definitely want to check it out. 29:11.092 --> 29:17.560 And I thought it would be interesting to look at it first just from the perspective of the website. 29:17.640 --> 29:22.505 So the website is a, what is running here? 29:23.066 --> 29:23.787 That should be you. 29:26.155 --> 29:28.999 The website is, let me just test this quick, sorry. 29:30.901 --> 29:38.231 The website is called Doctors Appeal, and I think I also have it open in another website over here on this computer. 29:38.271 --> 29:39.593 I can give it to you, the link. 29:40.374 --> 29:40.534 Yes. 29:43.713 --> 29:45.814 And there it is. 29:45.995 --> 29:50.597 Please go to this website if you can, and if you have the means. 29:50.697 --> 29:51.778 I haven't really tried. 29:52.438 --> 29:55.100 But it wouldn't be bad for everybody to archive these videos. 29:55.140 --> 30:04.225 I think in the end, these are going to be extremely important historical documents because of the interesting amalgamation of people that showed up here. 30:04.285 --> 30:08.968 So I have a selfie with Mahaltra. 30:10.423 --> 30:13.686 It's an interesting selfie because he didn't want to take it. 30:14.407 --> 30:15.368 He knew who I was. 30:15.388 --> 30:18.390 I'm almost positive because of the way he reacted to me. 30:18.951 --> 30:26.397 He tried to walk, he walked past me about let's say four or five times during the last CHD conference. 30:27.038 --> 30:28.960 And so I saw him a bunch of times. 30:28.980 --> 30:33.544 I didn't even think we made eye contact once or twice where he didn't really 30:34.517 --> 30:35.739 you know, he didn't acknowledge it. 30:35.819 --> 30:41.087 And so eventually I had to just kind of say, um, Hey, can we take a picture quick and just pull him over? 30:41.848 --> 30:45.473 Um, because he wouldn't, because he wouldn't do it. 30:45.533 --> 30:48.698 And so you can kind of see here him, him pulling away a little bit. 30:49.359 --> 30:49.459 Um, 30:50.436 --> 30:54.937 I apologize for the tongue concentrating on trying to take a picture there. 30:55.538 --> 30:59.819 But that's him trying very hard to keep walking and not take a picture with me. 31:00.799 --> 31:04.540 And I know he knows who I am because of the way he acted. 31:05.020 --> 31:06.441 At least that's my feeling. 31:06.461 --> 31:10.342 He can say that he doesn't know me and he doesn't know me from a hole in the ground, but I think he did. 31:11.162 --> 31:30.201 So he's he's a member of this this first presentation and and we'll just take a listen to to the first Oops, we'll just take a listen to the first video here first They have the full presentation of everybody and they also have a short video and so we're gonna watch one of the long presentations but a couple of these short videos 31:32.625 --> 31:35.171 how to kill all mosquitoes in the area in just minutes. 31:35.411 --> 31:37.797 This simple, but- I'm very sorry, again, this is my Mac. 31:38.779 --> 31:41.686 I'm almost at the stage where- Drinking coffee- Ah, shit. 31:42.369 --> 31:49.992 that I'm building a computer for my son so that he doesn't need to use my laptop anymore when he's doing things in his room. 31:51.372 --> 31:54.053 And so at that point- If we go further back, what's going on? 31:54.093 --> 31:55.154 What's driving this? 31:55.814 --> 32:03.357 At that point, I'll have my other laptop back and not this Mac, and then I'll be able to do all the blocking of ads and stuff that I can't really do with Safari, I apologize. 32:03.917 --> 32:04.898 So let's just listen to this. 32:04.918 --> 32:06.478 This is the first dude. 32:06.518 --> 32:11.221 We have to understand, if we go further back, what's going on, what's driving this at the root. 32:11.241 --> 32:17.804 So there's a great concept called the commercial determinants of health, and it's defined as strategies and approaches adopted by the private sector. 32:17.844 --> 32:23.567 This can also apply to big food, by the way, the food industry, to promote products and choices that are detrimental to health. 32:24.127 --> 32:31.331 Now, this is a really nice framework of showing how the dimension vehicles and practices 32:33.212 --> 32:37.217 of multinational big corporations and how they exert their power. 32:38.418 --> 32:41.682 They have power over decision making and control over the political agenda. 32:41.742 --> 32:44.144 Think about capture of politicians, lobbying for example. 32:45.706 --> 32:51.612 They have power to define issues and potential issues, preference shaping, capture of the media, philanthropic organizations. 32:52.313 --> 32:54.014 OK, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 32:54.975 --> 32:59.118 So if we think about this already, I want you to think very carefully about the idea. 32:59.138 --> 33:21.916 And I'm going to keep emphasizing this because I think it's an important point for people to make on Twitter or wherever they they try to get these ideas out, that although they show you all kinds of graphics that are very convincing of the total control, the total information control that exists around the world, even though they're capable of showing you that they think 33:22.536 --> 33:27.718 that what they do is use that to make sure you don't know things that are true. 33:30.379 --> 33:38.842 It never occurs to them that that all-powerful control over information could be used to make people believe things that aren't true. 33:42.205 --> 33:56.769 And that is a very big difference because the story that all of them tell you with regard to fifth generation warfare never explicitly says that if people lie to you using these systems and they do it together, that's pretty devastating. 33:57.619 --> 33:59.160 They're not able to explain that. 33:59.280 --> 34:00.981 And why wouldn't you explain that? 34:01.041 --> 34:04.163 Because that resonates with eighth graders. 34:04.243 --> 34:13.830 It resonates with high schoolers, that if adults, the whole teacher staff decides to lie to you about the same thing, a high school doesn't stand much of a chance. 34:16.372 --> 34:26.859 If the entire staff decides to get on board with the idea that some kids might be broken and they might not be girls, they might be boys, then the high school kids don't stand a chance. 34:28.655 --> 34:43.864 And if people in this diagram have decided to lie to us about a national security priority, then would it really need to be a real national security crisis or would it just need to be a spectacular commitment to lies about it? 34:45.244 --> 34:49.287 Done with brutal, malevolent precision. 34:50.347 --> 35:00.933 Isn't it so interesting that nobody seems to be able to explain that exact point, but instead just want you to believe that they lied about gain-of-function viruses being real? 35:02.754 --> 35:05.616 And they lied about the possibility that one might have leaked? 35:17.030 --> 35:22.234 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, heavily invested in McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and pharmaceutical industry stocks. 35:22.815 --> 35:25.417 The second biggest contributor to the WHO now. 35:25.957 --> 35:33.423 Margaret Chan, the former director of the WHO, recently said 70% of the funding from the WHO comes with strings attached. 35:34.304 --> 35:36.766 The WHO are not being independent, unfortunately. 35:37.086 --> 35:38.988 They're being influenced by these commercial entities. 35:40.209 --> 35:41.570 They capture the knowledge environment. 35:42.370 --> 35:43.611 So funding... So that's weird, right? 35:44.565 --> 35:48.508 Again, the who is the bad guy, but the who gets money from the Gates Foundation. 35:48.548 --> 35:55.833 So if we just get rid of the who, and we don't take money from the Gates Foundation anymore, then aren't we kind of shedding these shackles in one go? 35:56.593 --> 35:57.574 Why not just say that? 35:58.995 --> 36:04.239 Why not say, not that the who's bad guy and that the who's taking over, but why not say we just have to end the who? 36:06.380 --> 36:14.128 Because the who is the way they're doing this, or the who is the overarching international mechanism by which we should do this. 36:14.168 --> 36:15.309 So let's get out of the who. 36:15.349 --> 36:16.290 Let's stop the who. 36:16.310 --> 36:17.311 Let's end the who. 36:18.272 --> 36:19.934 Nobody actually says those words. 36:20.014 --> 36:21.375 We have to influence the who. 36:21.855 --> 36:23.157 We have to change the who. 36:23.517 --> 36:24.959 We should take control of the who. 36:25.279 --> 36:30.124 Maybe we should give more money to the who, and then we can maybe tell them what more the who should do. 36:35.416 --> 36:40.399 Education, funding medical research, the legal environment, limiting liability, okay? 36:41.139 --> 36:47.803 Pfizer were able to get waivers from many governments across the world that if there was damage done to people, if there were vaccine injuries, we are not liable. 36:47.903 --> 36:50.165 And then extra legal environment, which we'll come on to in a minute. 36:50.185 --> 36:51.946 Opposition fragmentation, okay? 36:52.466 --> 36:56.889 People who are calling out, pardon my language, people who are calling out their bullshit 36:58.439 --> 36:59.320 They get smeared. 36:59.881 --> 37:02.845 Their credibility gets attacked. 37:02.885 --> 37:03.846 This is not by accident. 37:03.886 --> 37:06.169 This is all part of this framework, this corporate playbook. 37:07.231 --> 37:10.315 And because they do not want to get this into the public's attention. 37:11.156 --> 37:15.162 But there would be nobody doing it covertly, right? 37:16.383 --> 37:20.404 It's just the mainstream media and governments that do that stuff. 37:20.444 --> 37:25.406 They don't also have a group of organized meddlers that do it the opposite way. 37:25.466 --> 37:26.707 No, no, that would be crazy. 37:27.107 --> 37:39.631 We wouldn't want to set up a fake opposition to Fauci and a fake opposition to Ralph Baric and a fake opposition to gain of function research and a fake opposition to bioterrorism to come so that we control both sides of a limited spectrum of debate. 37:39.972 --> 37:40.872 That would be crazy. 37:42.082 --> 37:49.205 If we did that, we'd have to send the same people around to international conferences for like four years to make sure that we got the narrative just right. 38:12.492 --> 38:15.152 don't even know what they don't know, you see? 38:15.613 --> 38:19.233 So, they don't even know what they don't know. 38:19.493 --> 38:21.314 How to kill all mosquitoes in the area. 38:21.534 --> 38:23.874 They don't even know what they don't know, and that's the truth. 38:24.594 --> 38:27.395 The truth is, is that you don't even know who's lying to you, right? 38:28.135 --> 38:29.835 What in the hell is going on here? 38:29.875 --> 38:30.835 I need to hit escape. 38:32.135 --> 38:32.996 Jiminy Christmas. 38:35.676 --> 38:36.876 So this doesn't need to play. 38:39.997 --> 38:41.097 Okay, so let's scroll down. 38:43.766 --> 38:47.194 Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty by Robert Malone. 38:47.274 --> 38:48.015 Okay, that's cool. 38:48.236 --> 38:49.118 Let's check this one out. 38:50.987 --> 38:59.969 So Asim Malhotra and Robert Malone on the same stage, January, 2023, Asim Malhotra says that most people don't even know what's being done to them. 39:00.429 --> 39:01.589 I agree, I agree. 39:01.649 --> 39:05.930 They have no idea that people are lying to them on both sides of the ball. 39:06.390 --> 39:18.253 They have no idea that on both sides of this tug of war, there are traitors to each and every one of our countries, selling out the Five Eyes countries to these globalist weaponized piles of money. 39:19.153 --> 39:22.116 UK and Canada are almost completely enslaved. 39:22.676 --> 39:26.840 Legally, socio-economically, they're in a big bind right now. 39:26.940 --> 39:35.307 America is close behind because of the monetary system and whatever smoke and mirrors that is being done behind the scenes is not good. 39:37.568 --> 39:38.930 And these people work for them. 39:39.890 --> 39:41.512 They are part of the organized 39:42.745 --> 39:50.530 Controlled up the limited spectrum of debate which Robert Malone would describe as people you can never know It's fifth generation warfare. 39:50.570 --> 40:04.740 You can never know who it is Boy this is brutal I didn't I didn't I used I watched this on my on my laptop, so I never really Are on my other computer. 40:04.780 --> 40:05.500 I apologize. 40:05.660 --> 40:09.623 I'm like I said, I'll get my other laptop back in a couple weeks case of Arab Spring 40:11.388 --> 40:14.290 It was almost fifth generation warfare. 40:14.511 --> 40:15.551 Arab Spring, he said. 40:15.671 --> 40:17.613 Except it lacked a couple of the key elements. 40:17.753 --> 40:20.055 We actually knew who the antagonists were. 40:22.277 --> 40:26.300 In true fifth generation warfare, you do not know who your opponent is. 40:26.320 --> 40:27.020 Ooh, wow. 40:27.060 --> 40:28.842 He's got horses and a cross. 40:29.482 --> 40:30.843 Who is responsible? 40:30.883 --> 40:31.604 What is that? 40:31.824 --> 40:33.685 For who's the puppet master? 40:34.554 --> 40:37.236 behind the COVID crisis as we've experienced it. 40:37.976 --> 40:45.720 Is that a, it looks like a chariot or a sled that has a cross in it and it's being pulled by horses. 40:46.021 --> 40:47.562 That is a spooky ass tie. 40:47.602 --> 40:48.722 Maybe it's not crosses. 40:48.802 --> 40:50.984 Maybe it's a person holding it. 40:51.364 --> 40:53.265 It looks an awful lot like a cross though. 40:54.045 --> 41:01.470 So he's telling us about how the Arab Spring was almost fifth generation warfare, but right now we are in fifth generation warfare. 41:01.490 --> 41:03.671 I'm just going to drop my head out and restart it so you can hear it. 41:06.960 --> 41:16.789 In the case of Arab Spring, it was almost fifth generation warfare, except it lacked a couple of the key elements. 41:16.909 --> 41:19.211 We actually knew who the antagonists were. 41:21.453 --> 41:25.477 In true fifth generation warfare, you do not know who your opponent is. 41:26.898 --> 41:32.843 Example, who is responsible for who's the puppet master 41:33.717 --> 41:36.419 behind the COVID crisis as we've experienced it. 41:36.459 --> 41:36.840 Who is it? 41:37.440 --> 41:38.061 Anybody here know? 41:38.921 --> 41:39.622 Was it Klaus? 41:39.942 --> 41:40.243 No. 41:41.043 --> 41:42.304 There's something above Klaus. 41:43.305 --> 41:44.066 Was it Biden? 41:45.307 --> 41:46.608 Was it Tony Fauci? 41:47.128 --> 41:49.170 These are all surrogates, okay? 41:49.610 --> 41:55.475 You don't really know who is managing the message that has been propagated on you. 41:55.936 --> 41:57.357 That's fifth generation warfare. 41:59.881 --> 42:24.430 Over the last three years, Western governments, non-governmental organizations, transnational organizations, pharmaceutical industry corporations, media and financial corporations have cooperated via public-private partnerships, which I assert is a euphemism for fascism, to deploy the most massive globally harmonized psychological and propaganda operation in the history of the world. 42:25.748 --> 42:37.216 Okay, over the last three years, you have been subjected to the most massive, harmonized, globally-coordinated propaganda campaign in the history of the Western world, full stop. 42:42.580 --> 42:48.224 Globally-coordinated propaganda campaign in the history of the Western world, full stop. 42:49.974 --> 43:12.119 So would he be talking about the international COVID summit that was first in somewhere in Costa Rica or Florida or something like that, and then it moved somewhere else, then it went to Belgium, then it went to Romania, and it came to DC, it's gone all over the place, you know, like the same people getting promoted by the same people all the time. 43:15.380 --> 43:16.420 Is that what he means by 43:17.631 --> 43:22.674 An international, coordinated, never-before-seen level of malevolence? 43:22.814 --> 43:25.116 Or does he really just mean on social media and TV? 43:26.037 --> 43:30.940 What the clapping people believe is that he means on social media and TV and by the governments. 43:33.462 --> 43:53.139 And that's what's so beautiful about fifth generation warfare, because it also requires people like Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, Asim Malhotra, and random people like Sasha Latupova to coordinatedly lie on stage, internationally. 43:54.716 --> 44:08.281 over several years in order to spread these ideas uniformly enough so that they won't be diluted incorrectly, that they can be controlled, that they can be amplified, that they can be reinforced by other people. 44:10.117 --> 44:21.227 And those people who wittingly or unwittingly reinforced these ideas, some of them were co-opted, some of them were promoted a little bit, some of them were co-promoted, and now you see how this slowly built up. 44:21.267 --> 44:25.651 But most of the time what you're watching are the cardinal players and their bots. 44:26.152 --> 44:28.214 Cardinal players and their employees. 44:28.354 --> 44:30.015 Cardinal players and the... 44:31.016 --> 44:46.240 whatever military operations are running behind the scenes with regard to social media apps, those are coordinatedly deployed to make it seem like these people on social media are having a lot of reach and that everybody's engaging with them. 44:46.280 --> 44:47.600 And that's just all nonsense. 44:48.661 --> 44:49.501 It's an illusion. 44:51.105 --> 45:03.672 and a very elaborate illusion that has been created over these four years to elevate someone like Robert Malone to a status of freedom fighter, given the extraordinary resume that he has to the contrary. 45:04.873 --> 45:07.735 And that could only be done by fifth generation warfare. 45:07.775 --> 45:16.720 That could only be done by careful curating of the narrative and pre-programming of social media to make sure that contradictory narratives couldn't reach threshold. 45:18.114 --> 45:25.059 That's the only way to explain how someone with a resume so bad it belongs on black paper. 45:29.622 --> 45:45.753 I mean, it's just, it's a sad, sad state of affairs when we have this level of obviousness available to us in the historical record and still the collective resistance to accepting it is extraordinary. 45:47.930 --> 45:49.931 Let's let this genius continue. 45:57.234 --> 46:13.622 With this campaign, the governments of many Western nation states have turned, okay, this is key, military-grade psychological operations strategies, tactics, technologies, and capabilities developed for modern military combat against their own citizens. 46:15.618 --> 46:28.242 Now, interestingly, if there was a real virus that was really trackable, if there was a real virus that was really trackable, that was really novel, that was trackable, and that's it. 46:29.402 --> 46:31.143 Listen carefully, ladies and gentlemen. 46:32.663 --> 46:37.525 If there was a virus and it was novel and it was trackable, that's all you would need. 46:40.495 --> 46:56.087 And so there would be no reason to have these multi-layered fifth generation level psychological operations, electronic psychological operations to be waged in order to protect the existence of something that existed. 46:58.029 --> 46:58.949 That's ridiculous. 46:59.730 --> 47:01.551 But that's exactly what he's saying here. 47:01.892 --> 47:04.834 What he's saying to you is, is that RNA can pandemic. 47:07.481 --> 47:16.065 but we needed to have fifth generation warfare unleashed on us in a way that it's never been unleashed before to make sure that we didn't doubt that RNA can pandemic. 47:18.346 --> 47:20.847 It's actually a spectacular admission. 47:22.048 --> 47:25.969 Why would we need to invest years of misleading the public? 47:26.029 --> 47:36.054 And why would we need to invest billions of dollars in a coordinated multinational campaign to convince people that RNA can pandemic if it can pandemic? 47:38.354 --> 47:38.694 Why? 47:39.655 --> 47:41.716 Because anti-vaxxers are so smart? 47:42.076 --> 47:43.997 Because there's a lot of grifters out there? 47:55.663 --> 47:56.543 It's extraordinary. 47:56.583 --> 47:57.784 Let's just listen to that again. 47:59.545 --> 48:06.989 ...for fascism to deploy the most massive globally harmonized psychological and propaganda operation in the history of the world. 48:08.268 --> 48:19.977 Okay, over the last three years, you have been subjected to the most massive, harmonized, globally coordinated propaganda campaign in the history of the Western world, full stop. 48:23.439 --> 48:25.361 Why would that be needed? 48:27.042 --> 48:35.849 If there was a risk additive spreading pathogen that came from a laboratory and they were covering it up, why in the world would they need that? 48:37.401 --> 48:39.943 They use that to cover up their mistake? 48:42.165 --> 48:44.967 Think about how anti-1984 that is. 48:46.308 --> 48:50.451 He shows the book, 1984, in the chain of his own book. 48:50.992 --> 48:56.316 Yet, 1984, the theme of the book is that everybody in the world believes what's false. 49:05.751 --> 49:06.772 Is this helping at all? 49:07.192 --> 49:14.076 Can anybody see how absolutely absurd it is that we are allowing these people to get away with it at this point? 49:15.097 --> 49:24.463 It is obvious that they work together with these weaponized piles of money to slowly but surely initiate the controlled demolition of the West. 49:26.104 --> 49:28.045 It's not just America who's in danger. 49:28.085 --> 49:30.427 It's all these traders in their own countries. 49:30.807 --> 49:32.388 They are endangering all of us. 49:37.332 --> 49:42.254 And they are getting us to turn on each other by design. 49:45.035 --> 49:46.996 But they're not getting Nick to turn against me. 49:47.016 --> 49:48.777 They're not getting Jessica to turn against me. 49:48.797 --> 49:50.497 They're not getting Mark to turn against me. 49:50.997 --> 49:52.918 Martin Neal's never going to turn against me. 49:52.978 --> 49:54.919 Thomas Binder's never going to turn against me. 49:55.319 --> 49:58.040 I would be willing to bet Michael Yeadon's never going to turn against me. 49:58.080 --> 50:02.442 So we still have people that we know, maybe even Denny Rancor. 50:03.888 --> 50:08.772 These are people all that I would put some chips on the table to say that they would back me. 50:09.593 --> 50:13.335 At least say that I'm worth more worth listening to than some of these people. 50:16.258 --> 50:27.126 And so there is a group of people that's building that understands that this illusion was created on purpose and it needs to be maintained and curated by people that would pretend to be on our team. 50:27.607 --> 50:30.269 Otherwise the tug of war will be lost. 50:32.771 --> 50:37.514 Otherwise we would have won the tug of war two years ago if it wasn't for these meddlers. 50:37.574 --> 50:38.654 You have to see that. 50:39.775 --> 50:40.816 They held us back. 50:41.716 --> 50:49.240 They titrated our understanding so that the likelihood that the most people would go into the hog trap was created. 50:50.481 --> 50:53.743 The most people would buy the conclusion that there was a lab leak. 50:54.083 --> 50:55.044 That was their job. 50:59.352 --> 51:02.033 And that we lied about it, and used fifth-generation warfare to lie about it. 51:02.053 --> 51:17.498 With this campaign, the governments of many Western nation states have turned, OK, this is key, military-grade psychological operations strategies, tactics, technologies, and capabilities developed for modern military combat against their own citizens. 51:19.759 --> 51:21.360 These are inconvenient facts. 51:22.600 --> 51:24.141 The world that many of us believed 51:25.196 --> 51:45.075 existed no longer exists if it ever did that's an announcement that's an announcement did you not hear that that's an announcement that is an announcement longer exists if it ever did that is an announcement ladies and gentlemen you can't hear anything else that is announcement 51:46.550 --> 51:48.431 He's actually saying we have no hope. 51:48.971 --> 51:55.333 Our children have no hope of going back to whatever sovereignty and freedom existed before, if it ever did. 51:56.114 --> 51:57.294 Inconvenient facts. 51:58.515 --> 52:04.057 The world that many of us believed existed no longer exists if it ever did. 52:11.959 --> 52:13.500 I had no idea that it was this good. 52:14.639 --> 52:16.060 So there's the full presentation. 52:16.100 --> 52:17.301 We could watch that one today. 52:18.221 --> 52:23.545 If I keep going down, I see Meryl Nass was also flown over for this interesting conference. 52:23.665 --> 52:23.945 Cool. 52:24.365 --> 52:39.314 So now we have Haseem Malhotra, Meryl Nass, and Robert Malone at the same conference in Sweden, talking about how there is this giant coordinated machine that's lying to you about, I guess, the dangers of gain-of-function coronaviruses? 52:41.135 --> 52:42.256 Covering up a lab leak? 52:42.276 --> 52:43.537 Because I don't know what else they're doing. 52:44.991 --> 52:53.393 It couldn't possibly be that this giant machine of propaganda and military psyops would be convincing people of something that wasn't true. 52:53.493 --> 52:54.733 That would be crazy, right? 52:55.333 --> 53:00.094 Unless it's, you mean, wasn't true, like nature is not true, but LabLeak is. 53:00.394 --> 53:08.196 It is mind boggling to think that in order to follow these people, you have to hold this very, very delicate, 53:09.756 --> 53:14.877 model of the world in place where RNA can pandemic, but only sometimes. 53:15.638 --> 53:17.618 And when it does, it's unfortunate. 53:17.678 --> 53:24.560 Most of the time it's not natural, but boy, if people mess around in a lab, you can get this RNA molecule that just flies around for like years. 53:28.501 --> 53:34.703 And that subtle biology, that's what they've used fifth generation warfare to hide from you. 53:37.210 --> 53:44.151 They don't want you to know about gain of function, so they used fifth generation warfare to make you think that it was just a bad cave virus. 53:47.992 --> 53:58.914 But then he puts 1984 up on there next to his book, not acknowledging that 1984 isn't about biowarfare and lying about it. 53:59.054 --> 54:03.855 It's not about anything other than lying about everything so that people know nothing. 54:05.676 --> 54:06.956 They know nothing that's true. 54:08.015 --> 54:09.856 You know, like the opposite of what's true. 54:09.876 --> 54:16.998 Like transfection saved a lot of people and RNA can pandemic versus transfection is criminally negligent and RNA can't pandemic. 54:17.858 --> 54:22.619 What an interesting dichotomy for them to be holding up in 23, right? 54:30.742 --> 54:32.602 So let's listen to Merrill Merrill here. 54:32.642 --> 54:34.103 Let's listen to what Merrill's got to say. 54:35.521 --> 54:36.702 Here's how I went from there. 54:36.722 --> 54:38.462 I wonder if she'll say anything about the who. 54:38.722 --> 54:39.143 I wonder. 54:39.483 --> 54:39.843 I don't know. 54:39.963 --> 54:42.924 She might also speak about biowarfare. 54:42.964 --> 54:43.304 I don't know. 54:44.525 --> 54:45.885 She's got a lot of expertise. 54:45.926 --> 54:49.207 She's been speaking out a long time about the childhood vaccine schedule. 54:49.667 --> 54:49.907 Let's see. 54:49.947 --> 54:51.788 It didn't have to be the WHO. 54:51.848 --> 54:53.509 This could have been done through the UN. 54:53.549 --> 54:55.830 This could have been done in a lot of other ways. 54:55.990 --> 55:00.192 But the WHO was selected as an easy way 55:01.132 --> 55:19.806 to win this soft coup bloodlessly, no shots being fired, simply by writing a set of new amendments that completely changes the tenor of the existing international health regulations, which have been in existence since 1969. 55:22.248 --> 55:41.263 And by creating a new pandemic treaty, which they keep changing the name of, so it's a pandemic accord or a pandemic instrument, the current health regulations has language which says, the implementation of these regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons. 55:42.401 --> 55:46.564 That language has been removed from the new version. 55:47.405 --> 55:52.208 So human rights and fundamental freedoms were taken out, as well as dignity. 55:52.388 --> 55:54.069 These are words that have real legal meanings. 55:54.610 --> 55:55.871 This is very critical. 55:57.091 --> 56:02.135 Before the IHRs were recommendations, now they are binding. 56:02.175 --> 56:07.079 They are to be enforced, and countries need to create enforcement mechanisms. 56:07.819 --> 56:13.366 There is also to be enforced surveillance of people and of microorganisms. 56:13.646 --> 56:21.935 So these are all very detailed descriptions of things that the WHO is doing that she purports to want to speak out against. 56:22.316 --> 56:23.878 But there's a very simple message. 56:25.506 --> 56:29.209 Here are the places you can find all the nasty things that the WHO is doing. 56:29.269 --> 56:31.731 We need to pull all of our countries out of the WHO. 56:31.771 --> 56:32.691 It's very simple. 56:33.512 --> 56:40.357 If we allow the WHO to go on, then these bureaucracies that we're all a part of will have the excuse to follow the WHO's orders. 56:40.817 --> 56:42.679 If we elect people who pull us out of the WHO, 56:43.959 --> 56:44.900 This will all end. 56:44.960 --> 56:46.562 It's a very simple explanation. 56:46.982 --> 57:04.242 Alternatively, what I've said many times is that with all this mic time, Meryl Nass has ever been able to say that I come from America where this vaccine schedule that we give to the children is so scary that you can just compare it to another Western country and go, holy shit, what are they doing in America? 57:05.353 --> 57:23.455 But somehow, no matter how many times she's in front of the camera, no matter how many times she's in front of a committee, no matter how many times she gets invited to be on a podcast, Mary Holland, Meryl Nass, they can never either summarize in the beginning or summarize in the end of their appearance what the real goal is. 57:23.976 --> 57:38.242 which is to expose the vaccine schedule in America, in particular, has a criminal enterprise that is protected by a liability shield and has been grossly over-exaggerated in its effectiveness and in its necessity. 57:43.075 --> 57:55.397 Why is it that Mary Holland, I get that they have an organization, I get that CHD tries to do things, and I get that a lot of people in CHD are doing things, but it's not Mary Holland and it's not Meryl Nass. 57:56.383 --> 57:59.145 Because they are the ones who have the most time on the mic. 57:59.225 --> 58:02.167 They are the ones who have the most time in front of a camera. 58:02.487 --> 58:06.749 And so they have the most time to start out with the same message all the time like I do. 58:07.310 --> 58:10.412 You would think at some point there would be, hey, welcome to the show. 58:10.452 --> 58:11.332 This is Merrill Nass. 58:11.392 --> 58:12.453 I've got my podcast. 58:12.833 --> 58:16.295 And you're here again fighting the criminal vaccine schedule in America. 58:16.355 --> 58:17.176 Welcome to the show. 58:20.698 --> 58:24.080 Why do they pull semantic punches for years? 58:25.595 --> 58:30.778 and not say strict liability is what we need to enforce on all pharmaceutical products. 58:31.219 --> 58:54.434 Why don't they pull into their lexicon the idea that the CICP and the VICP are both violations of our Seventh Amendment right, and that it would only take one federal judge to flip that over and make the PREP Act essentially illegal or unconstitutional, and therefore, even if we stayed in the who, the who would have no legislative 58:55.580 --> 59:01.108 backbone on which to build their declarations because we wouldn't have an emergency to declare. 59:05.521 --> 59:11.923 Why isn't there one lawyer at CHD or one lawyer at ICANN at least taking that position? 59:12.543 --> 59:25.728 Maybe there are other lawyers who think it's not the right time for a Seventh Amendment challenge, but there ought to be one lawyer saying that, that has some microphone, some of the time, one blog somewhere that says that, but there isn't. 59:29.729 --> 59:34.931 Yet I challenge you, I challenge you to talk to a lawyer you know and present it very simply. 59:36.846 --> 59:47.429 What happens when somebody in a state of the United States tries to sue Pfizer for damages from the transfection? 59:48.569 --> 59:56.611 What happens is that state court or whatever court you take it to is gonna say that we cannot hear this trial because of the PREP Act. 59:57.252 --> 59:59.552 And then you appeal it to the circuit. 01:00:00.413 --> 01:00:01.913 And it only takes one appeal. 01:00:03.035 --> 01:00:07.478 to be heard, and one circuit court to say, oh, well, you know, that's actually right. 01:00:08.559 --> 01:00:15.464 You should be able to sue for the damages, and that is actually unconstitutional, and we're gonna strike the PREP Act. 01:00:15.524 --> 01:00:29.494 Now, it might take 100 cases in 100 courts, in all the circuit courts that can be, and it might take a lot of time and energy and money to do it, but there are plenty of injured people, 01:00:30.376 --> 01:00:34.724 And yet there isn't one non-profit that's taking that strategy. 01:00:35.205 --> 01:00:42.779 The non-profit called the ICANN with Aaron Seery uses the CIP, CICP and the VICP. 01:00:44.554 --> 01:00:59.379 So how could he ever speak out against them as a constitutional violation of our rights if he's also using those courts and advising people to use those courts and taking the pay from those courts that even when he loses, he gets paid. 01:00:59.799 --> 01:01:10.043 The only place in the American legal system where that occurs, where a lawyer can bring a shitty case and still get paid for it because it's the VICP or it's the CICP. 01:01:13.399 --> 01:01:29.571 These truths are never told by ICANN or by CHD or by Meryl Nass or Mary Holland as they kind of sort of tell you that the vaccines are bad, but can't succinctly say that if you compare the United States vaccine schedule and its lack of liability, 01:01:30.359 --> 01:01:34.900 to the vaccine schedules in other Western countries, it's obviously criminal. 01:01:35.340 --> 01:01:36.561 I'm gonna leave that right there. 01:01:36.661 --> 01:01:39.201 And if you want me back on your show, let me know. 01:01:39.421 --> 01:01:40.922 And then just kind of go off camera. 01:01:41.382 --> 01:01:42.442 But they never do that. 01:01:42.922 --> 01:01:47.824 There's never a mic drop about this stuff because it's health freedom and it's the who. 01:01:48.424 --> 01:01:57.266 And they've got a million other ways to make it stupid complicated, which makes it very hard for the average person to decide if what they're saying is worth listening to. 01:02:00.742 --> 01:02:05.785 That's why none of these people will ever say precisely, well, Jay at least gets it right. 01:02:05.846 --> 01:02:10.989 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is indeed dumb. 01:02:11.870 --> 01:02:18.074 That's why Jessica Rose will never say, well, I wish Jay wasn't so combative, but I love this statement right here. 01:02:18.094 --> 01:02:24.919 As an immunologist and computational biologist, virologist, whatever else she is, 01:02:26.479 --> 01:02:34.084 She's never going to give me her immunologist seal of approval for teaching T-cells and whatever I did in 2020. 01:02:34.524 --> 01:02:38.827 And now that's how you see it. 01:02:42.209 --> 01:02:50.295 So I just got to keep playing this music and harmonizing with it until people realize that this barbershop quartet is only happening because it's the truth. 01:02:51.565 --> 01:02:53.525 Only the truth can harmonize this well. 01:02:54.046 --> 01:03:03.988 Only the truth can allow someone to just pull memories from his head and they all line up like one giant line of liars. 01:03:04.108 --> 01:03:05.928 That is the only way that can happen. 01:03:07.989 --> 01:03:19.191 The only way that something like this wouldn't have already ruined my family if it was based on truth and love and passion for what I believe America is and can be again. 01:03:23.607 --> 01:03:24.889 That's where I'm coming from. 01:03:25.510 --> 01:03:29.915 I'm fighting for my children, my son, who's going to be a high schooler next year. 01:03:32.078 --> 01:03:39.428 I want to be able to knock down the doors of his school board and say, look, I mean, the reason why what's happening on TV is happening is because of me. 01:03:41.175 --> 01:03:47.498 and now I want to help your biology program, or I want to help, you know, that's what I see happening in the next couple of years. 01:03:47.578 --> 01:03:58.303 There's this critical mass that will occur among doctors and lawyers once they've all started to, a little bit of them have started to hear the truth for what it is. 01:04:01.018 --> 01:04:20.033 which is that if we finally accept that the vaccine schedule of the 90s and the 2000s and the 2010s and the 2020s is a criminal enterprise in America, if we start to accept that in 2030, it will be because they designed it that way. 01:04:20.633 --> 01:04:27.979 Because by 2030, we will also have accepted transfection as a much better and more improved, improved, 01:04:29.201 --> 01:04:35.689 substitute for that unfortunately not perfect system that we had in place during the 90s and the 2000s. 01:04:36.890 --> 01:04:39.213 That's the work of these people right now. 01:04:39.934 --> 01:04:42.397 They want you to run out, they're running out the clock 01:04:43.633 --> 01:04:44.413 on this narrative. 01:04:44.774 --> 01:04:53.078 They're running out the clock on the previous public health system, the previous FDA and the CDC, because they're going to implode it. 01:04:53.558 --> 01:04:55.779 They're going to make personalized medicine soon. 01:04:56.419 --> 01:04:59.761 They're going to make digital IDs on the internet soon. 01:04:59.801 --> 01:05:04.263 They're going to make everything permissions instead of, you know, sovereign rights. 01:05:07.084 --> 01:05:12.627 In less than a year, I'm sure there's going to be people telling us we've got to open the Constitution so we can fix that broken document. 01:05:14.295 --> 01:05:15.516 and probably be Meryl Nass. 01:05:20.539 --> 01:05:24.001 Enforced censorship, enforced single narrative. 01:05:26.010 --> 01:05:30.072 harmonization of regulation of vaccines and drugs. 01:05:30.112 --> 01:05:31.513 Forced single narrative. 01:05:31.533 --> 01:05:50.903 What do you think Asim Malhotra, Robert Malone, and Meryl Nass have been up to for the last four years, other than enforcing a single narrative about a mystery that we have to solve, which is likely due to a gain of function lab leak that Tony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Peter Daszak are primarily responsible for? 01:05:54.892 --> 01:06:03.817 So if you thought the way our vaccines and drugs are being regulated now and checking for safety and efficacy, they're trying to make that process pretty much go away. 01:06:04.177 --> 01:06:07.159 Liability will go away for all of these products. 01:06:07.419 --> 01:06:10.261 So when will these documents come into force? 01:06:11.181 --> 01:06:37.749 when the secret was sorry the director general of who issues a uh this is what's going to happen this is what's going to happen this has already happened maybe the old world is never was never there in the first place combine these messages together and then ask what solutions has robert malone proposed what solutions has meryl nass proposed what solutions has chd proposed opposing censorship speaking out for free speech 01:06:41.980 --> 01:06:50.424 Spending CHD money to defend Meryl Nass so that she doesn't lose her license in Northern Maine? 01:06:50.904 --> 01:06:55.947 Defending retired doctors who have had their license taken away? 01:06:57.147 --> 01:06:57.527 Really? 01:07:01.789 --> 01:07:04.691 She still hasn't said strict liability would fix this problem. 01:07:06.111 --> 01:07:10.614 She still hasn't said that the PREP Act struck by a Seventh Amendment 01:07:11.584 --> 01:07:13.004 constitutional violation. 01:07:13.884 --> 01:07:16.425 She hasn't said that we could just get out of the who. 01:07:16.965 --> 01:07:25.046 She's taking 20 minutes to explain exactly how the who's going to get us and how little we can really do about it because they're so smart. 01:07:25.666 --> 01:07:30.247 And if you believe a seam, then they've got this propaganda machine that they can unleash on you. 01:07:30.267 --> 01:07:31.507 Boy, you got no chance. 01:07:31.567 --> 01:07:32.828 You don't even know who it is. 01:07:34.308 --> 01:07:38.649 Hell, according to Robert Malone, the world that you thought existed before probably didn't anyway. 01:07:40.149 --> 01:07:40.809 I'll let her finish. 01:07:42.185 --> 01:07:46.469 that there is a public health emergency of international concern. 01:07:47.029 --> 01:07:48.711 He doesn't even need an emergency. 01:07:48.791 --> 01:07:51.593 He needs a risk of a potential emergency. 01:07:53.014 --> 01:07:57.758 And his powers can be continued after the emergency has been contained. 01:08:01.401 --> 01:08:01.842 Interesting. 01:08:03.326 --> 01:08:05.267 Interesting stuff there, Merrill. 01:08:05.367 --> 01:08:06.808 Interesting stuff there, Merrill. 01:08:07.829 --> 01:08:08.429 Let's keep scrolling. 01:08:08.449 --> 01:08:12.272 Most folks don't realize our country is only four missed meals away from Cape. 01:08:14.793 --> 01:08:15.133 Darn it. 01:08:17.935 --> 01:08:18.495 What is this? 01:08:18.715 --> 01:08:19.996 Oh my gosh, Boingo. 01:08:20.897 --> 01:08:23.618 See what happens when you click on these things? 01:08:23.658 --> 01:08:26.680 You're going to this same media machine right away. 01:08:26.720 --> 01:08:28.081 It just kind of sucks you in. 01:08:28.101 --> 01:08:29.342 And you're like, wait, what, him again? 01:08:30.481 --> 01:08:33.624 So there's the full presentation of Merrill that you could also find there. 01:08:33.664 --> 01:08:34.444 Let's scroll down. 01:08:35.065 --> 01:08:39.108 Jonathan Gilthorpe, research scientist, experimental neuroscience. 01:08:40.650 --> 01:08:41.090 Wow. 01:08:41.250 --> 01:08:41.751 Interesting. 01:08:41.831 --> 01:08:44.333 Rolling review of the vaccine failure. 01:08:44.373 --> 01:08:45.774 So shall we listen to this guy? 01:08:47.976 --> 01:08:48.716 Tomorrow morning. 01:08:50.118 --> 01:08:50.498 Hmm. 01:08:51.078 --> 01:08:51.559 Interesting. 01:08:56.523 --> 01:08:57.524 Oh, look at that guy. 01:08:57.564 --> 01:08:57.784 Funny. 01:09:04.586 --> 01:09:09.027 a large number of deaths and a large number of serious side effects in the Swedish population. 01:09:09.548 --> 01:09:10.208 Swedish ones? 01:09:10.228 --> 01:09:22.931 These three that I've highlighted in red are actually even more interesting because we have some very certain data that shows that both the importers of the drug and the manufacturer of the drug actually fraudulently certified what these batches were. 01:09:23.572 --> 01:09:24.652 I'm not going to show that today. 01:09:26.252 --> 01:09:33.459 And this is some data from Max Schmeling in Denmark looking at the data from the Eurovigilance European database. 01:09:33.660 --> 01:09:43.570 And you see that these same three particularly bad batches had effects in many countries in deaths in the left and serious adverse events in the right. 01:09:43.990 --> 01:09:46.092 So it's not just Sweden that was affected by these. 01:09:47.213 --> 01:09:59.482 And if you total up all batches that were imported into Sweden before this authorization or good medical practice certification was in place, which you should have before you make a drug, not after, then it's about 878,000 doses in Sweden. 01:09:59.502 --> 01:10:01.784 So 400,000 people have probably received these illicit medications. 01:10:11.670 --> 01:10:12.070 That was it. 01:10:12.330 --> 01:10:13.191 Oh, sorry. 01:10:13.231 --> 01:10:14.611 I was thinking it was going to be longer. 01:10:15.932 --> 01:10:17.353 Hey, guys, Donald Trump Jr. 01:10:17.373 --> 01:10:17.513 here. 01:10:17.913 --> 01:10:20.794 Let me ask you, does inflation feel worse than what we're being told? 01:10:21.015 --> 01:10:21.275 Sorry. 01:10:24.976 --> 01:10:26.537 So that was Jonathan Gilthorpe. 01:10:26.557 --> 01:10:27.678 That's not very surprising. 01:10:27.718 --> 01:10:33.221 They gave a mic to a person in Sweden so that it felt like a local guy was also getting his thing out there. 01:10:37.526 --> 01:10:38.888 So that's interesting. 01:10:38.928 --> 01:10:43.834 And then if we scroll down even farther, what is that? 01:10:44.676 --> 01:10:46.157 Oh, that's his, his full thing. 01:10:46.177 --> 01:10:47.097 Okay. 01:10:47.117 --> 01:10:49.999 Then we go down and we see Alexandra Latipova. 01:10:50.799 --> 01:10:56.343 Um, Sasha Latipova, who holds an MB degree, former pharmaceutical R and D executive. 01:10:56.383 --> 01:11:09.490 She actually sold a company to Pfizer, um, that was built on, on, um, data that she got from, from, you know, like databases from Americans and, and created some algorithms that could help. 01:11:11.141 --> 01:11:15.362 help screen people for medical trials or something like this. 01:11:15.422 --> 01:11:19.503 And then she sold that company to Pfizer or whatever, it doesn't matter. 01:11:21.003 --> 01:11:35.346 The interesting part about this woman that I have to be very careful about is that she's started to use this sort of weird language to refer to my referencing her daughter being featured 01:11:36.085 --> 01:11:38.326 on Alex Jones in 2019. 01:11:39.446 --> 01:11:43.428 And she seems very bent on making this seem as though this is an attack. 01:11:43.528 --> 01:11:44.908 But actually, it's not an attack. 01:11:44.968 --> 01:11:46.589 It's just stating the truth. 01:11:47.269 --> 01:11:49.590 And actually, I have a great deal of 01:11:50.595 --> 01:12:08.923 I don't know what other word to use, but pity for her daughter because at that time, of course, and all of this, you know, her daughter's history of being on YouTube and threatening the YouTube CEO and the hundreds and hundreds of hours of highly produced video that exist on the internet. 01:12:09.003 --> 01:12:19.547 And that, you know, I've spent almost three terabytes of archiving to make sure that these things don't disappear because they're really important because I don't know 01:12:20.163 --> 01:12:24.846 if how to refer to it other than kind of like it could be child abuse. 01:12:24.906 --> 01:12:45.581 I feel very bad for her daughter because you should be protected from either making the mistake of producing this kind of material and so much of it when you're young, or even worse, it seems very, I feel very sad that maybe, you know, it was actively done, you know, like, 01:12:46.306 --> 01:12:47.346 she used her daughter. 01:12:47.727 --> 01:12:58.290 And if her daughter was still a minor when she went on Alex Jones, then she allowed Alex Jones to use her daughter, which really bothers me a lot as a parent. 01:12:58.350 --> 01:13:00.851 And so I have nothing against her daughter. 01:13:00.871 --> 01:13:10.715 Her daughter is probably brilliant, but I don't think that whatever all of those hundreds of hours of video are of her daughter when she was a minor could be considered evidence of 01:13:14.994 --> 01:13:16.235 It just makes me really sad. 01:13:16.376 --> 01:13:25.686 And so I don't, I don't want to, I don't want to really, I don't want to really engage in this person's, you know, I don't want to interact with this person anymore. 01:13:25.726 --> 01:13:30.652 But it's very important to see that at some point in January of 2023, she was on stage with these people. 01:13:35.578 --> 01:13:35.818 Right. 01:13:36.219 --> 01:13:45.146 There she is in couple pictures where they're all on together as a panel and so I'm making the argument that if you combine the observation. 01:13:46.099 --> 01:13:51.761 that Sasha was on their team in 2023 in January. 01:13:51.901 --> 01:14:06.648 And you combine that observation with the fact that her minor daughter was already playing some weird role in this military operation before the pandemic, so much so that she willingly allowed Alex Jones to use her. 01:14:06.668 --> 01:14:09.569 I'm just terrified here. 01:14:10.595 --> 01:14:23.407 that now what seems to be very obvious to me is the only way that those two things add up to Sasha Latupova now supposedly being the most outspoken critic of Robert Malone. 01:14:23.567 --> 01:14:27.311 Sometimes it's just, it's so dubious. 01:14:27.511 --> 01:14:29.493 It's terrifying to me. 01:14:30.874 --> 01:14:35.118 And it bothers me a lot that people don't really seem to see how weird that is. 01:14:36.144 --> 01:14:55.235 If I had a, a minor, my son, you know, like was making crazy high produced videos about crazy controversial topics and, and, and they were hyper edited with all kinds of, of drop in images and some random voices in the background, having a conversation with him. 01:14:56.075 --> 01:14:58.456 And, and then he was featured on Alex Jones. 01:14:58.937 --> 01:15:01.918 And you thought that that meant that I was probably a bad guy. 01:15:01.958 --> 01:15:03.219 Now I wouldn't blame you. 01:15:08.720 --> 01:15:12.082 And so the idea is very simple. 01:15:13.023 --> 01:15:22.088 There is a collective, small group of individuals that is performing an act for us on behalf of this national security operation. 01:15:22.768 --> 01:15:27.531 And the act is composed of people who pretend to oppose each other. 01:15:28.052 --> 01:15:29.753 Some of them have sued each other. 01:15:30.569 --> 01:15:45.281 Some of them have outed each other by linking one in one substack to the other person's 60 minutes video, or linking to the other person's substack saying, look, this person's bad, bad, bad. 01:15:46.202 --> 01:15:57.712 And it's this little coordinated group of harmonizing opposition that any time that you start to identify one of them, they say, oh, you shouldn't divide everybody. 01:15:59.321 --> 01:16:01.864 But otherwise they're happy to fight with each other. 01:16:01.904 --> 01:16:12.374 It's okay if Sasha opposes Robert Malone and Robert Malone says she's a bad guy, but nobody ever tells Sasha not to divide because Sasha doesn't really attack Robert Malone. 01:16:13.295 --> 01:16:14.837 Robert Malone just says she's bad. 01:16:15.738 --> 01:16:21.544 Robert Malone being a big deal about it on the Steve Kirsch podcast that boy, you better not mention that lady. 01:16:22.185 --> 01:16:25.266 I should play that video here because that one is hilarious. 01:16:25.346 --> 01:16:27.267 That is as fake as it gets. 01:16:27.667 --> 01:16:41.433 I think that's what we need to do here rather than listen to this, because I'm just afraid at this point, given the fact of how apparently she treated her minor daughter, I don't know what kind of things a person like this would resort to. 01:16:44.246 --> 01:16:45.386 in her role here. 01:16:45.866 --> 01:16:50.329 I don't know how they'll use her, but I am legitimately scared of her. 01:16:50.429 --> 01:16:54.391 So I don't answer substack comments. 01:16:54.471 --> 01:16:58.694 I don't pay attention to her anymore because I think she's dangerous to my family. 01:16:59.734 --> 01:17:09.460 And I think the evidence of it is the hundreds of hours of videos of her minor daughter and trying to explain how that could be just a smart kid. 01:17:10.399 --> 01:17:29.404 that's what she wants you to believe as she tries to remind you she's 19 now don't forget she's 19 now oh boy let's look at that i'm gonna see if i can get that video because i think that's actually gonna make me feel better than than watching anything of of her and i feel safer if i do that actually um 01:17:31.431 --> 01:17:32.611 Let's see how I find this. 01:17:32.651 --> 01:17:33.832 I go on Rumble, I guess. 01:17:34.512 --> 01:17:37.372 And I'm going to look for the VRSF. 01:17:37.572 --> 01:17:38.893 V-S-R-F? 01:17:39.133 --> 01:17:39.793 Is that what it's called? 01:17:39.853 --> 01:17:40.073 No. 01:17:40.833 --> 01:17:42.794 Vaccine Safety Research Foundation? 01:17:43.734 --> 01:17:44.434 Isn't that what it's called? 01:17:44.454 --> 01:17:50.916 Yeah, right? 01:17:51.176 --> 01:17:51.396 Yes. 01:17:51.736 --> 01:17:54.316 And so then we just have to go down until we find Robert Malone. 01:17:55.057 --> 01:17:55.737 V-S-R-F. 01:17:56.397 --> 01:17:56.797 Malone. 01:17:59.682 --> 01:18:01.463 And that one was 21 days ago. 01:18:01.523 --> 01:18:02.163 I think that's it. 01:18:02.924 --> 01:18:03.624 That's the right one. 01:18:05.685 --> 01:18:06.546 This is going to be awesome. 01:18:06.606 --> 01:18:08.207 And so the underlying logic. 01:18:08.227 --> 01:18:12.249 OK, so let's check this one out. 01:18:12.689 --> 01:18:18.052 OK, so just to make sure, if you want to check this out yourself, I already put it in the chat, I believe. 01:18:18.172 --> 01:18:19.333 Let me just look back again. 01:18:22.386 --> 01:18:26.570 If you scroll back in the chat, I believe I put this in the chat already. 01:18:26.630 --> 01:18:27.310 Is that right? 01:18:27.411 --> 01:18:28.031 Yes, I did. 01:18:28.131 --> 01:18:28.692 No, I didn't. 01:18:28.752 --> 01:18:29.252 Yes, I did. 01:18:29.412 --> 01:18:29.813 Where is it? 01:18:29.933 --> 01:18:30.794 Shit, I can't find it. 01:18:31.374 --> 01:18:32.655 I scrolled all the way to the top. 01:18:32.715 --> 01:18:33.236 I don't see it. 01:18:34.269 --> 01:18:35.790 Oh, maybe the top's not available anymore. 01:18:35.830 --> 01:18:45.895 So let me put it in the chat one more time first, to make sure that everybody can, if they want to archive these videos, download them and watch them for yourself and understand. 01:18:46.395 --> 01:18:48.316 For example, let me just give you an example. 01:18:48.797 --> 01:18:53.779 There is a Sasha Latupova video from two days ago with Shannon Joy. 01:18:54.259 --> 01:18:59.262 And you can compare what she says in that video to what she says in this video. 01:19:00.595 --> 01:19:07.799 And so in this video, she has a very specific message because she stepped in front of Craig Pardecoper, and she stepped in front of Catherine Watt. 01:19:08.220 --> 01:19:20.887 And so she gives you this, this sort of version, the convenient version, the narrative version of their message that fits in with Robert Malone and Meryl Nassen and Asim Malhotra's message. 01:19:20.947 --> 01:19:25.070 Don't think for a second that these people haven't coordinated their presentations. 01:19:25.130 --> 01:19:29.032 I mean, travel to Sweden and not talk about what you're going to talk about and agree. 01:19:31.656 --> 01:19:40.319 So if Sasha Latapova knew what she knew apparently on Shannon Joy two days ago, why didn't she say it here in January of 2023? 01:19:40.719 --> 01:19:56.304 And if you compare how so many of the talking points that she just used on Shannon Joy two days ago are actually lifted right from our own work, including Gain of Function as a Mythology, word for word, 01:19:57.242 --> 01:20:11.909 It becomes really weird that somebody like her is also actively engaged in trying to make it seem like mentioning that her minor daughter has produced hundreds of hours of very disruptive, disturbing videos on YouTube. 01:20:13.041 --> 01:20:20.224 and that was featured on Alex Jones, who cannot be denied as part of this military operation. 01:20:22.265 --> 01:20:24.386 Who takes Alex Jones seriously? 01:20:24.426 --> 01:20:32.649 Then you should stop subscribing and you should stop watching immediately because that is the most obvious controlled op of all of them. 01:20:32.709 --> 01:20:35.170 I don't even understand why anybody would take them seriously. 01:20:35.210 --> 01:20:41.633 So the comedy that is contained in the fact that within the last month and a half, Bret Weinstein 01:20:42.553 --> 01:21:04.780 and Robert Malone have appeared on Alex Jones, who also hosted the daughter of Sasha Latapova no more than, no less than two times, maybe three times in 2019 to hype the hundreds of hours of content that she had created as a minor, presumably with the blessed of her mom and dad. 01:21:06.121 --> 01:21:07.382 And I don't know who was helping her. 01:21:08.083 --> 01:21:09.545 I don't know who did all that work. 01:21:09.605 --> 01:21:10.946 It couldn't have only been her. 01:21:11.026 --> 01:21:12.448 I think she's a high schooler, right? 01:21:12.488 --> 01:21:13.669 She's got school to go to. 01:21:13.709 --> 01:21:15.411 She probably has social life. 01:21:15.451 --> 01:21:20.336 So I don't know how what looks like hours and hours of work could be produced like that. 01:21:20.416 --> 01:21:23.300 I mean, we're talking about thousands of editing hours. 01:21:24.537 --> 01:21:35.645 Just try, just how could I have a hard drive full of these videos if there wasn't also somebody who put in thousands of hours of editing? 01:21:35.865 --> 01:21:37.947 Nevermind the filming and recording part. 01:21:38.707 --> 01:21:48.094 Nevermind the research that went into making these machine gun speed videos when she was a minor, before the pandemic. 01:21:50.128 --> 01:21:55.973 But we're supposed to believe that her mom is now a whistle-blowing retired pharma exec. 01:22:00.477 --> 01:22:01.878 Stop lying! 01:22:05.682 --> 01:22:07.123 Okay, did I find it? 01:22:07.183 --> 01:22:08.084 Yeah, I found it, right? 01:22:08.204 --> 01:22:11.527 I found the video and then I was gonna bring it over here, right? 01:22:11.647 --> 01:22:11.967 Or what? 01:22:12.588 --> 01:22:12.928 Where is it? 01:22:13.028 --> 01:22:13.529 Oh yeah, here it is. 01:22:15.578 --> 01:22:17.639 So let's bring this up over here. 01:22:17.739 --> 01:22:18.959 Oh, yeah, that's the wrong screen. 01:22:18.999 --> 01:22:21.921 I'm going to go like, uh, what do I have to do with this one? 01:22:22.201 --> 01:22:22.381 Yeah. 01:22:23.181 --> 01:22:24.722 And no, I have to do this one. 01:22:25.002 --> 01:22:26.062 What is going on here? 01:22:26.202 --> 01:22:26.502 Oh, there. 01:22:26.983 --> 01:22:27.303 Sorry. 01:22:27.343 --> 01:22:27.643 My bad. 01:22:28.263 --> 01:22:29.224 So I got to bring it up here. 01:22:31.745 --> 01:22:32.005 Yes. 01:22:32.185 --> 01:22:32.565 Right here. 01:22:34.608 --> 01:22:35.828 Right here. 01:22:36.349 --> 01:22:36.589 Yes. 01:22:36.829 --> 01:22:37.109 Okay. 01:22:37.629 --> 01:22:41.110 So this, we're going to watch this video because I think this is more instructive. 01:22:41.150 --> 01:22:58.736 So what I'm going to watch, what I want you to see in this video, why I bring up this video is because this is from, this is from, yeah, you can donate to the multimillionaire serial entrepreneur, Steve Kirsch's foundation, if you want to think about how sad that is. 01:23:01.044 --> 01:23:02.646 Like he's supposed to be saving us. 01:23:02.686 --> 01:23:03.968 This was on May 2nd. 01:23:04.668 --> 01:23:05.750 Okay, so May 2nd. 01:23:05.830 --> 01:23:06.371 Where are we now? 01:23:06.391 --> 01:23:07.292 We're May 23rd. 01:23:07.332 --> 01:23:10.636 This is 20, 21 days ago. 01:23:10.656 --> 01:23:13.820 Oh, and I didn't hit enter here. 01:23:14.080 --> 01:23:14.420 Sorry. 01:23:15.101 --> 01:23:17.965 There's the thing that you can do it. 01:23:18.615 --> 01:23:19.996 Hey Leo, good to see you. 01:23:20.036 --> 01:23:21.897 Leo, I want to have you on my show, man. 01:23:21.957 --> 01:23:23.538 I think it would be a great conversation. 01:23:23.558 --> 01:23:26.901 I'm going to have a campfire and a beer and we'll just hang out. 01:23:26.941 --> 01:23:31.324 I think I would really like to have a long conversation with you, so let's set that up. 01:23:32.504 --> 01:23:34.226 Let's see if we can get something out of this. 01:23:36.327 --> 01:23:39.049 Get my head out of the way for just a second so I can select the start. 01:23:41.434 --> 01:23:45.997 So now we'll play this video because it's just hilarious that this is the way they start. 01:23:46.777 --> 01:23:54.041 These two guys, this is his host who probably gets paid a nice salary from the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. 01:23:54.462 --> 01:24:02.967 Steve Kirsch probably doesn't take a salary because he's such a, he's sacrificing everything, you know, but he pays a lot of other people to help him edit these things and post them and whatever. 01:24:03.507 --> 01:24:23.748 do the social media of it and so we're gonna start this video right here and um the the lead-in is that apparently Livio Sanchez and Steve Kirsch were talking about Sasha Latapova while Robert Malone had his had his headphones on already and they didn't know that he was listening. 01:24:25.759 --> 01:24:26.540 Let me say that again. 01:24:27.340 --> 01:24:39.349 At the start of this thing, when they were playing all these videos and stuff behind the scenes or backstage, if you will, online, Livio and Steve were talking about Sasha Latupova. 01:24:41.310 --> 01:24:45.013 And Robert Malone supposedly heard them talking about it. 01:24:45.093 --> 01:24:54.020 And so when they start the podcast, Robert Malone is going to immediately address this problem and make sure that Livio understands what's up. 01:24:55.154 --> 01:25:01.300 And my argument is, ladies and gentlemen, that in fifth generation warfare, what you are seeing here is the brick wall. 01:25:02.101 --> 01:25:10.269 Because Robert Malone, because he was on stage no later than January of 2000, right? 01:25:10.549 --> 01:25:12.692 I can bring this over here and show you this too, right? 01:25:12.812 --> 01:25:13.733 I can put this up here. 01:25:16.308 --> 01:25:24.712 And I can bring this up here and I can show you, I can scroll down and I can show you that these four people were on stage together in January of 2023. 01:25:25.212 --> 01:25:35.637 And in order to control the narrative that is spinning out of control because I'm telling the truth and Jessica Hockett is asking the right questions and Mark Kulak is asking the right questions. 01:25:36.158 --> 01:25:42.321 These people have decided that Robert Malone needs to have some more bad guys and some more people to oppose. 01:25:42.761 --> 01:25:44.842 And so they have staged the idea 01:25:46.240 --> 01:25:54.323 that Sasha Latapova, who internationally travels with them with the fancy microphones and stands on stage in Sweden, not a cheap place to go. 01:25:57.404 --> 01:26:01.346 Not something that you would organize with just four people that you kinda trust. 01:26:07.808 --> 01:26:12.470 And now we're supposed to believe, according to Robert Malone, that they are in a fight. 01:26:13.700 --> 01:26:14.261 So let's listen. 01:26:14.501 --> 01:26:15.181 Blew my mind. 01:26:15.401 --> 01:26:22.948 It was put up by the US Army and I'm gonna bring him on after I show this three and a half minute video that he shared. 01:26:23.008 --> 01:26:26.731 So, and then I wanna get his take on where we're at with fifth generation warfare with you guys. 01:26:26.771 --> 01:26:30.374 So I'm gonna play this first and then we'll bring them on immediately after this video. 01:26:31.335 --> 01:26:31.835 Here we go. 01:26:31.855 --> 01:26:39.482 I love, this video has been played so many times. 01:26:39.542 --> 01:26:41.904 I just want you to see that they still play it. 01:26:47.796 --> 01:26:55.038 And they play it, they play it very unironically as if the, this would never be used to lie to us. 01:26:55.118 --> 01:26:56.759 It's just used to hide things. 01:26:57.359 --> 01:26:58.339 And that's very different. 01:26:58.879 --> 01:27:00.760 They lie to us about biological weapons. 01:27:00.780 --> 01:27:03.561 They would never convince us of them when they didn't exist. 01:27:04.161 --> 01:27:13.944 This woman. 01:27:14.084 --> 01:27:16.445 Wolves hiding nearby 01:27:19.051 --> 01:27:45.554 whispering do or die around me you say 01:28:01.949 --> 01:28:09.815 It couldn't possibly be Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone waging war on America with the help of Brett Weinstein. 01:28:09.835 --> 01:28:10.616 It couldn't be that. 01:28:11.257 --> 01:28:16.060 It's soldiers you can't see dropping letters in places where you don't live. 01:28:19.386 --> 01:28:23.748 The target of psychological warfare is against the enemy's mind. 01:28:24.428 --> 01:28:25.688 It is words and ideas. 01:28:26.128 --> 01:28:28.349 Ammunition used by Psi-War. 01:28:31.150 --> 01:28:32.151 Anything we touch. 01:28:33.091 --> 01:28:34.351 They show a podcaster. 01:28:34.932 --> 01:28:35.812 They show somebody painting. 01:28:35.832 --> 01:28:38.053 Its mission is to influence the thoughts of the enemy soldiers. 01:28:38.533 --> 01:28:46.876 And at the same time, is expected and encouraged to study foreign languages and the social sciences such as history, economics, and sociology. 01:28:47.813 --> 01:28:52.116 He must have a broad and sympathetic understanding of all phases of human experience. 01:28:52.776 --> 01:29:02.122 But the use of this force as an integral part of combat has now taken on new form. 01:29:12.179 --> 01:29:13.501 Just not on podcasts. 01:29:13.922 --> 01:29:15.083 They're not on podcasts. 01:29:15.103 --> 01:29:17.707 They're everywhere, but they're not on Bros with Shows. 01:29:17.767 --> 01:29:18.729 Wouldn't be there, no. 01:29:19.330 --> 01:29:20.511 Not on Bros with Shows. 01:29:20.551 --> 01:29:21.272 They're everywhere else. 01:29:59.841 --> 01:30:01.383 These are the Psi-War Soldiers. 01:30:04.225 --> 01:30:04.446 Who? 01:30:04.686 --> 01:30:07.789 You mean the next people to show up on the screen are the Psi-War Soldiers? 01:30:09.210 --> 01:30:10.191 Overwhelmingly powerful. 01:30:10.672 --> 01:30:12.494 Here we go. 01:30:12.674 --> 01:30:13.735 Here comes the act. 01:30:13.795 --> 01:30:16.818 So you'll have to unmute yourself in order to speak. 01:30:16.878 --> 01:30:17.579 I muted you before. 01:30:17.599 --> 01:30:18.420 Are you ready? 01:30:18.500 --> 01:30:19.921 Thank you for coming on, sir. 01:30:20.161 --> 01:30:20.602 Are you ready? 01:30:23.217 --> 01:30:24.278 Hello, Mr. Sanchez. 01:30:24.478 --> 01:30:30.881 I did catch your comments regarding such a lot of POVA right before the segment went live. 01:30:31.021 --> 01:30:32.181 I really don't appreciate that. 01:30:32.261 --> 01:30:32.582 Thanks. 01:30:34.362 --> 01:30:35.563 OK, yeah, sorry about that. 01:30:35.863 --> 01:30:47.429 I, you know, if you're going to cite things that you've asserted that I've said, please cite where you got that information and provide context. 01:30:48.268 --> 01:30:48.468 Sure. 01:30:48.528 --> 01:30:52.110 I was I was citing the comment from her letter, her open letter. 01:30:52.130 --> 01:30:53.330 Yeah. 01:30:53.670 --> 01:30:59.313 And the video that has been extremely rude to me, attacked me multiple times. 01:30:59.753 --> 01:31:00.814 What did she call you? 01:31:01.134 --> 01:31:05.996 It many people know the language she's used is way, way over the top. 01:31:07.256 --> 01:31:12.639 OK, so let's just have a little bit of context and take a deep breath. 01:31:13.504 --> 01:31:14.765 Sure, yeah. 01:31:14.905 --> 01:31:20.230 I'm subjected to harassment by her and her colleagues on a daily basis. 01:31:20.491 --> 01:31:21.612 Oh, it's so painful. 01:31:21.632 --> 01:31:23.413 They have been for at least three years. 01:31:23.513 --> 01:31:25.375 They're outside of my farm. 01:31:25.395 --> 01:31:27.497 They're messing with my horses. 01:31:27.517 --> 01:31:29.499 This is another aspect of psychological warfare. 01:31:30.796 --> 01:31:31.036 Great. 01:31:31.056 --> 01:31:33.658 Well, I would, I would love to get into that with you and Steve. 01:31:34.059 --> 01:31:37.721 So Sasha is engaged in psychological warfare. 01:31:37.842 --> 01:31:39.083 Sasha's a bad guy. 01:31:39.623 --> 01:31:43.066 She infiltrated his, his conference in 2023. 01:31:43.126 --> 01:31:46.629 Then that's the only conclusion to come to that. 01:31:46.669 --> 01:31:49.030 He promoted somebody who's a saboteur. 01:31:49.911 --> 01:31:57.797 And I made the mistake of putting her on stage with me in, in 2023, but he hasn't come to that conclusion. 01:31:58.078 --> 01:31:58.478 How does he know? 01:32:00.515 --> 01:32:00.956 Not at all. 01:32:01.776 --> 01:32:05.120 In fact, he doesn't want you to think about the fact that they were on stage. 01:32:06.321 --> 01:32:08.884 Because if you do, you might not believe this. 01:32:12.508 --> 01:32:16.432 Like they traveled all the way to Sweden together, but they couldn't make a phone call and fix this? 01:32:19.436 --> 01:32:20.337 Don't you see? 01:32:20.737 --> 01:32:22.199 They're losing bad now. 01:32:23.666 --> 01:32:30.031 They don't realize that I spend my whole day listening to their lies, waiting to catch them. 01:32:30.652 --> 01:32:34.415 Because as Mark Twain said, if you just tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 01:32:39.419 --> 01:32:41.641 Oh my goodness, this is hilarious. 01:32:41.721 --> 01:32:45.804 This episode came out on the 2nd of May this month, my friend. 01:32:46.244 --> 01:32:47.766 The 2nd of May this month. 01:32:48.226 --> 01:32:50.528 I want to enjoy it again, it's so tasty. 01:32:51.263 --> 01:32:52.984 It is just so tasty. 01:32:53.464 --> 01:32:59.749 Let's listen to the end of this video because it actually says the truth too. 01:32:59.769 --> 01:32:59.809 Ow! 01:32:59.889 --> 01:33:01.130 I'm so sorry that happened. 01:33:02.350 --> 01:33:03.971 That probably got you in trouble at work. 01:33:11.616 --> 01:33:13.418 I forgot that I was controlling that. 01:33:13.618 --> 01:33:16.520 It's like an overloading video there. 01:33:16.540 --> 01:33:17.100 I don't know why. 01:33:18.141 --> 01:33:18.341 Listen. 01:33:19.840 --> 01:33:30.206 These are the psi war soldiers These are the psi war soldiers and then who comes on screen Still Overwhelmingly powerful. 01:33:30.706 --> 01:33:32.187 Welcome to VSRF live. 01:33:32.227 --> 01:33:32.847 Dr. Malone. 01:33:33.047 --> 01:33:36.849 You are muted So you'll have to unmute yourself in order to speak. 01:33:36.889 --> 01:33:48.195 I muted you before Thank you for coming on, sir Hello, mr. Sanchez, I did catch your comments regarding such a lot of POVA right before the 01:33:49.244 --> 01:33:50.924 Um, segment went live. 01:33:51.044 --> 01:33:52.205 I really don't appreciate that. 01:33:52.285 --> 01:33:52.585 Thanks. 01:33:54.445 --> 01:33:56.706 Did Steve already know he was going to say it? 01:33:57.826 --> 01:33:59.086 Why Steve smiling? 01:33:59.126 --> 01:34:01.387 Shouldn't he be surprised that Robert's pissed? 01:34:04.688 --> 01:34:06.068 Are they really this bad at it? 01:34:07.548 --> 01:34:09.149 Have we really caught them now? 01:34:09.229 --> 01:34:10.769 This is really the brick wall here. 01:34:12.466 --> 01:34:13.627 Look at this. 01:34:14.668 --> 01:34:16.009 Oh my gosh. 01:34:16.029 --> 01:34:17.070 Shouldn't he be like, wait, what? 01:34:17.130 --> 01:34:17.831 Why is he pissed? 01:34:17.951 --> 01:34:19.753 I didn't, I didn't mean, I'm sorry, Robert. 01:34:19.793 --> 01:34:21.114 Why, why are you angry? 01:34:21.194 --> 01:34:25.798 Look, look, if you cannot see it, you must look harder. 01:34:26.639 --> 01:34:27.540 Open your eyes. 01:34:28.180 --> 01:34:29.141 It's right there. 01:34:29.161 --> 01:34:35.607 These are the Psywar soldiers. 01:34:41.667 --> 01:34:44.389 Still overwhelmingly powerful. 01:34:44.889 --> 01:34:47.051 Welcome to VSRF Live, Dr. Malone. 01:34:47.251 --> 01:34:51.054 You are muted, so you have to unmute yourself in order to speak. 01:34:51.094 --> 01:34:51.934 I muted you before. 01:34:52.715 --> 01:34:54.116 Thank you for coming on, sir. 01:34:54.136 --> 01:34:58.519 Hello, Mr. Sanchez. 01:34:58.699 --> 01:35:05.104 I did catch your comments regarding such a lot of POVA right before the segment went live. 01:35:05.264 --> 01:35:06.425 I really don't appreciate that. 01:35:06.505 --> 01:35:06.765 Thanks. 01:35:08.570 --> 01:35:08.810 Okay. 01:35:08.830 --> 01:35:09.151 Yeah. 01:35:09.171 --> 01:35:09.791 Sorry about that. 01:35:10.091 --> 01:35:21.702 Um, I, uh, you know, if you're going to cite things that you've asserted that I've said, please cite where you got that information and provide context. 01:35:22.503 --> 01:35:22.703 Sure. 01:35:22.763 --> 01:35:26.326 I was, I was citing the comment from her letter, her open letter. 01:35:26.346 --> 01:35:33.472 Um, and the video that has been extremely rude to me, attacked me multiple times. 01:35:35.662 --> 01:35:40.205 Many people note the language she's used is way, way over the top. 01:35:40.225 --> 01:35:46.909 Okay, so let's just have a little bit of context and take a deep breath. 01:35:49.130 --> 01:35:57.915 I'm subjected to harassment by her and her colleagues on a daily basis and have been for at least three years now. 01:36:00.477 --> 01:36:03.759 This is another aspect of psychological warfare. 01:36:05.083 --> 01:36:05.303 Great. 01:36:05.323 --> 01:36:07.944 Well, I would, I'd love to get into that with you and Steve. 01:36:08.624 --> 01:36:12.145 And I was just referencing, I didn't know actually, to be quite honest. 01:36:12.385 --> 01:36:14.426 You shouldn't be repeating stuff if you don't know. 01:36:14.986 --> 01:36:16.186 I'm going to be really blunt. 01:36:16.807 --> 01:36:19.808 I'm sick and tired of being harassed by these people. 01:36:20.348 --> 01:36:20.448 Right. 01:36:20.748 --> 01:36:25.269 Well, what I was... The claims that are unfounded on a daily basis. 01:36:26.530 --> 01:36:30.931 And they, they seem to be obsessed with trying to delegitimize me. 01:36:31.949 --> 01:36:35.350 It's extremely tiresome, highly counterproductive. 01:36:36.050 --> 01:36:39.011 And I'm surprised you mentioned this particular video. 01:36:39.411 --> 01:36:40.111 Did he say three years? 01:36:40.151 --> 01:36:42.512 You ought to watch the one from Mickey Willis that I usually show. 01:36:42.572 --> 01:36:45.352 It's streamed on a daily basis. 01:36:46.613 --> 01:36:51.054 And they seem to be obsessed with trying to delegitimize me. 01:36:52.054 --> 01:36:55.415 It's extremely tiresome, highly counterproductive. 01:36:56.155 --> 01:36:59.116 And I'm surprised you mentioned this particular video. 01:36:59.837 --> 01:37:02.638 Uh, you ought to watch the one from Mickey Willis that I usually show. 01:37:02.658 --> 01:37:03.118 Great. 01:37:03.138 --> 01:37:08.360 Well, I would, I would love to get into that with you and Steve. 01:37:09.060 --> 01:37:14.182 And I was just referencing, I didn't know, actually, to be quite honest, you shouldn't be repeating stuff. 01:37:14.222 --> 01:37:16.623 If you don't know, I I'm going to be really blunt. 01:37:17.244 --> 01:37:20.225 I'm sick and tired of being harassed by these people. 01:37:20.765 --> 01:37:20.885 Right. 01:37:21.165 --> 01:37:25.647 Well, what I was the claims that are unfounded on a daily basis. 01:37:26.952 --> 01:37:31.374 And they seem to be obsessed with trying to delegitimize me. 01:37:32.374 --> 01:37:35.776 It's extremely tiresome, highly counterproductive. 01:37:36.496 --> 01:37:39.418 And I'm surprised you mentioned this particular video. 01:37:39.438 --> 01:37:44.840 You ought to watch the one from Mickey Willis that I usually show along the same lines that talks about 01:37:45.543 --> 01:38:00.253 the damage that's caused by this assertion that's widespread now, it's really spread out against a bunch of people, that they are, quote, controlled opposition, a misrepresentation which Ms. 01:38:00.313 --> 01:38:03.856 Zlatopova likes to recite repeatedly. 01:38:05.171 --> 01:38:05.311 Right. 01:38:05.571 --> 01:38:08.134 And I and I understand where you're completely understand where you're coming. 01:38:08.394 --> 01:38:14.720 And so Sasha Latipova is accusing Robert Malone of being a controlled opposition. 01:38:14.900 --> 01:38:18.243 But actually, it's just Sasha Latipova who's a controlled opposition. 01:38:18.664 --> 01:38:22.648 And this controlled opposition has been after Robert Malone for three years. 01:38:23.669 --> 01:38:24.329 Stop lying. 01:38:28.072 --> 01:38:31.553 This is what the fifth generation warfare actually looks like. 01:38:31.653 --> 01:38:36.374 And now, because we've pushed ourselves so close to the brick wall, this is all they've got. 01:38:37.755 --> 01:38:41.376 There are no more actors to bring on stage that they can trust. 01:38:41.436 --> 01:38:46.537 And so they had to manufacture something with Robert Malone and Sasha Latupova. 01:38:49.019 --> 01:38:58.943 They had to put somebody there so that you wouldn't listen to me, or you wouldn't listen to Mark, or you wouldn't listen to Jessica Hockett, but there would still be somebody saying, Robert Malone bad, apparently. 01:39:02.564 --> 01:39:06.286 This is as pathetic as it is at this stage. 01:39:07.626 --> 01:39:14.029 If you still believe in the Cywar people that are on these screens, 01:39:17.608 --> 01:39:19.849 Maybe you're just one of those people who's never going to see it. 01:39:23.230 --> 01:39:24.931 Maybe it is indeed too complicated. 01:39:24.971 --> 01:39:26.892 Maybe their lies are too convoluted. 01:39:26.952 --> 01:39:29.393 Maybe it's possible that some people just won't see it. 01:39:32.694 --> 01:39:41.198 But I believe right now we are at a crucial point in their narrative control arc, where they have made some key fumbles. 01:39:41.518 --> 01:39:46.600 And if you just look at those fumbles and say, wait a minute, what happened here? 01:39:48.223 --> 01:39:56.969 How do we explain 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 with these people and their ideas? 01:39:59.330 --> 01:40:04.874 Knowing, knowing that I've met all of them in person. 01:40:04.954 --> 01:40:11.879 Many of them have been on my stream in 2021 or 2022 before eventually deciding that I needed to be ignored. 01:40:12.920 --> 01:40:16.182 Jessica Rose, Mary Talley Bowden, these people have been on my show. 01:40:20.034 --> 01:40:24.281 Steve Kirsch, I was in his steering committee for a long time teaching these ideas. 01:40:24.461 --> 01:40:25.663 I've met him in person. 01:40:25.723 --> 01:40:28.567 I've met Robert Malone on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 01:40:28.547 --> 01:40:35.378 's podcast and then nine days later at the inaugural CHD conference where he told me that he didn't remember me and pulled his hand away in horror. 01:40:41.127 --> 01:40:46.870 I met Jay Bhattacharya in 2022 and 2023 and this year in 2024. 01:40:47.450 --> 01:40:54.514 And he consistently tells me that he's an economist and he's not a biologist, so he can't evaluate the biology that I teach, but he really loves my passion. 01:40:54.994 --> 01:40:58.776 He just wishes I wouldn't attack people so much and I should stop attacking Robert Malone. 01:41:01.218 --> 01:41:03.939 I just tweeted about it today, because I'm just not going to lie anymore. 01:41:04.059 --> 01:41:09.122 And if they're going to get rid of me or ruin my family or kill me, 01:41:10.367 --> 01:41:17.362 I don't think they can do that, but if they somehow manage to quiet me, then I gotta tell the truth while I can. 01:41:18.755 --> 01:41:23.598 And so whether Jay is wittingly or unwittingly participating, think of it this way. 01:41:24.038 --> 01:41:30.341 Jay Bhattacharya met me at least a year before he started his Illusion of Consensus blog. 01:41:30.382 --> 01:41:34.904 He started his Illusion of Consensus blog, not with an American, but with a Canadian. 01:41:34.944 --> 01:41:41.448 And that Canadian was introduced to us in America by none other than Brett Weinstein on his Dark Horse podcast. 01:41:42.088 --> 01:41:54.432 to announce the start of a podcast called The Illusion of Consensus to be done with Jay Bhattacharya, who met me a year earlier and told me he loves my show, but he's an economist and he can't evaluate the biology that I teach. 01:41:54.472 --> 01:41:55.852 But wow, I've learned a lot from you. 01:41:56.312 --> 01:42:06.315 And that's why I have multiple photographs with me and Jay Bhattacharya in multiple places on the West Coast over multiple years. 01:42:06.895 --> 01:42:09.216 And still, what? 01:42:10.410 --> 01:42:14.572 Jay Bhattacharya was on my show, but he couldn't consider the possibility they might've lied about it. 01:42:14.612 --> 01:42:17.354 It just wasn't even a, we wouldn't even go there. 01:42:18.155 --> 01:42:20.836 Just like Peter McCullough wouldn't even go there. 01:42:20.876 --> 01:42:21.877 He was also on my show. 01:42:24.818 --> 01:42:30.382 So yeah, I'm attacking everybody, but I'm only attacking the people that I've interacted with and that have lied to my face. 01:42:30.942 --> 01:42:39.407 And I'm only trying to point out that these people are being paid to lie to all of our faces in concert, like a devilish barbershop quartet. 01:42:40.785 --> 01:42:44.567 It is a lollapalooza of liars, and it doesn't matter what stage you go to. 01:42:44.627 --> 01:43:09.481 If you go to Sweden and the conference about pandemic lessons and consequences, or whether you go to the conference in Romania, or whether you go to the International COVID Summit, or whether you go to a VSRF meeting, or you go to a CHD conference and you'll see James Lyons Weiler, the guy who first identified the fear and cleavage site in February, 2020, 01:43:11.553 --> 01:43:12.434 even though he's nobody. 01:43:16.559 --> 01:43:24.087 You'll see Sabine Hazan, who will tell you that ivermectin will make the bifidobacteria in your gut grow. 01:43:25.368 --> 01:43:28.371 And her claim to fame is that she sequenced the virus in the gut. 01:43:28.632 --> 01:43:30.514 So the virus definitely exists. 01:43:35.725 --> 01:43:41.529 They'll give the stage to some other people, but they won't promote them because their message is that the vaccine schedule sucks. 01:43:43.371 --> 01:43:47.554 Their message is that the vaccine schedule damages a lot more people than they admit. 01:43:48.515 --> 01:43:50.676 Those messages never seem to rise to the top. 01:43:50.736 --> 01:43:56.541 It's just rise and resist, people over profits, truth over lies, courage over fear, but nothing specific. 01:43:57.141 --> 01:43:59.143 Health, freedom, big top, you know, that thing. 01:44:05.345 --> 01:44:11.831 Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's time to make a little short summary here of what we have learned. 01:44:14.033 --> 01:44:26.385 And I think what we've learned is that there was a military operation that was executed upon us, and we cannot understand it in the limited way that James Giordano has been spreading around the internet since 2015. 01:44:28.649 --> 01:44:40.154 We have to understand his presentation and those like it as brochure-like presentations, which only scratch the surface of the actual operation that was executed upon us. 01:44:40.942 --> 01:45:03.125 And in reality, a better document to look at, a better narrative to look at is the SPARS pandemic document, where in the 40s and 50s, meaning the pages of the 40s and the 50s of that document, you can find the description of how the post-pandemic narrative of the vaccine not being perfect can be orchestrated by social media influencers like someone called EpiGirl. 01:45:05.100 --> 01:45:08.362 And there wasn't just one EpiGirl in this operation. 01:45:08.402 --> 01:45:10.583 That was what was featured in the brochure document. 01:45:11.244 --> 01:45:12.204 There were hundreds of them. 01:45:12.765 --> 01:45:22.010 And the ones that rose, the ones that got a following, the ones that people liked, it was essentially a great big audition process. 01:45:22.070 --> 01:45:26.713 And the ones that passed the muster rose up in the social media. 01:45:26.733 --> 01:45:29.135 And there weren't very many people that needed to be co-opted. 01:45:29.895 --> 01:45:33.037 Besides Pierre Cory, who did they really need to co-opt? 01:45:33.097 --> 01:45:37.701 Besides Peter McCullough, who is really saying that the vaccine schedule is crap. 01:45:38.281 --> 01:45:41.803 They just have to keep that gun to his head to make sure that he repeats that there is COVID. 01:45:43.324 --> 01:45:49.709 And then they allow him to say the stuff they eventually know they're going to say, which is that the old vaccine schedule needs replacing by a new one. 01:45:51.727 --> 01:45:54.629 And we're going to admit that that one wasn't great, but this one's better. 01:45:55.410 --> 01:46:13.184 And so in a lot of ways, you can still see what I think is Peter McCullough helping that narrative be titrated slowly enough so that by the time we realize it, we will also have accepted transfection and transformation as an obvious replacement for this kind of barbaric thing we were doing before. 01:46:14.417 --> 01:46:24.527 And of course, that's also the role that somebody like Marc Giraudeau plays when he goes on Campbell's podcast, which we watched a couple weeks ago or a week ago. 01:46:25.408 --> 01:46:31.694 And he talks about the bolus effect and how intramuscular injection just goes wrong a certain amount of times. 01:46:33.356 --> 01:46:44.703 It's all part of muddying the water so that over the next three or four years, as they slowly allow people to realize that the American vaccine schedule is wholly a criminal enterprise and it's obvious just on its face. 01:46:46.817 --> 01:46:52.702 They need to slow roll us to accepting the things that they want to accept along with that capitulation. 01:46:52.742 --> 01:46:54.023 That's gonna be the magic, right? 01:46:54.464 --> 01:46:59.348 Wow, I can't believe the NIH and the CDC finally admitted that there was vaccine injury. 01:46:59.388 --> 01:47:03.251 I can't believe they're finally doing randomized control trials. 01:47:03.331 --> 01:47:06.674 Gee, it's so lucky that we got Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:47:06.694 --> 01:47:07.675 in the White House, isn't it? 01:47:09.850 --> 01:47:15.311 Otherwise this new vaccine schedule would never even be happening and we'd never really be doing it, testing it right. 01:47:15.371 --> 01:47:17.311 But thank goodness we got him in there. 01:47:18.872 --> 01:47:20.712 That's the best case scenario right now. 01:47:20.752 --> 01:47:22.972 The worst case scenario is something with Trump, right? 01:47:23.052 --> 01:47:25.753 Or something else even we don't even know yet. 01:47:28.353 --> 01:47:39.355 And so my argument is, is that you can see these people because they promote each other on social media and they're becoming increasingly more desperate because now the people that were on stage 01:47:40.649 --> 01:47:47.559 in 2023 and traveling the world together are now pretending to be opposition. 01:47:49.001 --> 01:47:53.106 And now Sasha Latapova, after four years, finally just says there was no pandemic. 01:47:53.146 --> 01:47:55.790 It was the DOD and they poisoned people in the water. 01:47:58.183 --> 01:48:00.145 But she didn't say that for four years, right? 01:48:00.185 --> 01:48:21.086 Before that, she was stepping in front of Craig Particopa saying there were doses, then stepping in front of Catherine Watt, who has a very detailed legal and hierarchical description of the various agencies that were all probably involved with traders to instigate the pandemic and to 01:48:21.406 --> 01:48:26.529 fool the DOD or co-opt the DOD into going along with an executive branch plan. 01:48:26.890 --> 01:48:40.318 It's a pretty complicated thing to explain that Catherine Watt has been doing for a long time very well in her sub-stack and then instead now we have Sasha Latapova, the representative of Catherine Watt, saying it's pretty simple, it was the DOD and DARPA. 01:48:41.874 --> 01:48:51.862 But the reality of DARPA, which is pretty funny, is that anybody who says they know what happens in DARPA is lying because either you don't know or you know that it's classified and you have knowledge that you could never say. 01:48:54.344 --> 01:49:00.529 And the same person, Sasha Latupovits, doesn't seem like the CIA or the FBI or even in her lexicon. 01:49:01.638 --> 01:49:09.301 the Mossad or any of these other intelligence agencies from around the world like MI6, they're not in her lexicon at all. 01:49:09.361 --> 01:49:11.162 The explanation is very simple. 01:49:11.202 --> 01:49:12.483 The DOD killed Americans. 01:49:16.024 --> 01:49:24.848 And so once you see it for what it is, you know, remember, don't forget Robert Malone started this whole charade with I work for DITRA and the DOD referred to as we. 01:49:29.221 --> 01:49:37.584 So this is an orchestrated group of clowns that's pretending to throw water balloons at each other and get mad that you stole my seat. 01:49:39.485 --> 01:49:41.326 You stole the chair out from underneath me. 01:49:41.346 --> 01:49:42.406 Ooh, I fell down. 01:49:42.466 --> 01:49:43.207 You're so mean. 01:49:43.267 --> 01:49:44.427 You use bad words. 01:49:46.708 --> 01:49:52.911 And the crazy thing is, is that it's all breaking down because these people are now revealing their connections. 01:49:54.471 --> 01:49:55.792 Why would Jessica Rose, 01:49:58.095 --> 01:50:11.445 reply to Charles Rixey on Twitter about Jay, who's defaming Meryl Nass for saying that she doesn't talk about the PrEP Act. 01:50:11.485 --> 01:50:12.966 Here's an example. 01:50:13.266 --> 01:50:17.509 She talks about the PrEP Act in her social media substack. 01:50:19.550 --> 01:50:24.214 She talked about it on stage in Sweden, kinda, or maybe not. 01:50:24.754 --> 01:50:25.915 I haven't watched the video yet. 01:50:28.871 --> 01:50:32.454 That's not the statement that I'm making in the video that she's replying to here though. 01:50:32.954 --> 01:50:43.243 Rixie tweeted a video where I called him and Jessica Rose and Walter Chestnut and Kevin McCarran and Kevin McKernan and all these people out on the fact that they called the spike protein in 2020. 01:50:44.243 --> 01:50:47.486 They were focused on a gain of function protein in 2020 and that's weird. 01:50:49.888 --> 01:50:51.189 That's what that video is about. 01:50:51.870 --> 01:50:58.195 I don't mention the PREP Act until the very, very end when I'm talking about all these other things that are also relevant. 01:50:59.329 --> 01:51:07.411 But she ignores the fact that what she gets called out on in that video, Jessica Rose herself, is that she was on the spike protein from the very beginning. 01:51:08.371 --> 01:51:14.393 And she instead ignores that part of the video and goes to defend Meryl Nass instead. 01:51:15.313 --> 01:51:17.414 And Charles Rixey says, yeah, that's correct. 01:51:17.454 --> 01:51:20.575 However, he didn't do any due diligence on any of us, despite knowing us. 01:51:20.615 --> 01:51:22.135 How do I know you, Charles Rixey? 01:51:22.515 --> 01:51:28.197 That's because you came to my house and stayed overnight to get me to put you on my stream and talk about the diffuse proposal. 01:51:29.028 --> 01:51:31.249 That's how I know that you're a liar. 01:51:32.710 --> 01:51:37.053 Because I've been in multiple Zoom meetings working on Bobby's book before you got fired. 01:51:37.093 --> 01:51:38.394 That's how I know you're a liar. 01:51:38.434 --> 01:51:39.094 You're a traitor. 01:51:39.815 --> 01:51:41.336 I have real experience with you. 01:51:43.177 --> 01:51:44.498 I'm not making stuff up. 01:51:45.899 --> 01:51:55.825 I wouldn't attack Charles Rixey if I hadn't had all the interactions that I had, that if he hadn't come to my house and lied to me, if he hadn't been in multiple Zoom meetings with regard to 01:51:57.751 --> 01:52:03.052 Robert F. Kennedy's book, The Wuhan Cover-Up, and had nothing but to repeat over and over again. 01:52:03.092 --> 01:52:05.352 Well, I got this Excel sheet if you guys want to use it. 01:52:06.192 --> 01:52:11.933 We were hired to insert citations in places of the book that needed citations. 01:52:12.394 --> 01:52:20.335 And his work that he did was to distribute a Excel sheet to these people that we were working for. 01:52:21.355 --> 01:52:24.076 I don't even know if he ever added a single citation. 01:52:24.116 --> 01:52:26.196 I don't know if he ever changed a single word. 01:52:28.226 --> 01:52:39.484 before at some point, during one of these confidential meetings about the book, he turned his laptop to show that in the same hotel room was sitting Kevin McCairn. 01:52:41.348 --> 01:52:47.271 And now lucky for me, there were some good people in CHD who saw immediately what in the hell is that? 01:52:47.431 --> 01:52:50.192 And they advocated for him to get fired and he got fired. 01:52:50.932 --> 01:53:00.336 And now he will tell the story for the last three years, interfering with my family by telling lies about me, that I somehow sabotaged him. 01:53:02.057 --> 01:53:10.901 He got fired because he put some meddler on screen in a meeting that was supposed to be governed by non-disclosure agreement. 01:53:13.171 --> 01:53:17.074 And it turned out to be somebody who says, you know, that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:53:17.554 --> 01:53:19.115 is part of the Epstein network. 01:53:20.436 --> 01:53:22.558 And so I guess that's kind of inconvenient, right? 01:53:22.578 --> 01:53:24.559 When you're working for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 01:53:24.639 --> 01:53:31.324 to have somebody that says it's the Jews and stuff like that all the time in a Zoom meeting. 01:53:32.284 --> 01:53:35.466 And it couldn't, it couldn't, it was Cooey that got me fired. 01:53:35.506 --> 01:53:36.407 It was definitely Cooey. 01:53:36.467 --> 01:53:37.368 It wasn't McCairn. 01:53:39.389 --> 01:53:52.958 And this is going on in 2024 where Jessica Rose, who apparently thinks I'm really smart because we can go to Rumble and we can listen to a video from St. 01:53:52.999 --> 01:53:53.979 Patrick's Day in 2023, March. 01:53:57.253 --> 01:54:04.055 where I present the idea that infectious clones could be used to create the illusion of a pandemic with a very high fidelity PCR signal. 01:54:04.436 --> 01:54:10.178 And she said that after she heard my explanation about the mixed tape, it kept her up all night because it explains everything. 01:54:10.538 --> 01:54:13.999 And then suddenly after that podcast, I guess it wasn't that big a deal anymore. 01:54:14.939 --> 01:54:16.500 It's not a really impressive idea. 01:54:17.840 --> 01:54:21.982 And you know, too bad JJ is not giving Merrill Nass credit for talking about the PrEP act. 01:54:22.022 --> 01:54:22.502 What a dick. 01:54:26.812 --> 01:54:34.494 I find it very funny also that Jiki says he does make some actually valid points, but it's not necessary to disparage all those people in the process. 01:54:35.014 --> 01:54:39.616 So what actually valid points do you think that Jiki thinks I make? 01:54:39.676 --> 01:54:45.117 Like you mean that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb? 01:54:45.718 --> 01:54:53.120 Or were you referring to transfection in healthy humans was always criminally negligent and that hundreds of thousands of academic biologists should know better? 01:54:53.940 --> 01:55:01.050 Or maybe you're referring to the fact that RNA can't really pandemic unless we know, we don't know some biology out there that I'm unaware of. 01:55:02.492 --> 01:55:03.654 What are my good points? 01:55:05.056 --> 01:55:10.283 Tracking the disappearance of the, is not the solution to the government propaganda? 01:55:12.774 --> 01:55:14.635 Epitopes were responsible. 01:55:15.235 --> 01:55:16.796 Epitopes were responsible. 01:55:16.836 --> 01:55:25.681 You mean the epitopes that Kevin McKernan described to us yesterday on the 24th of April, 2020, that we never bothered to delineate and keep track of? 01:55:27.042 --> 01:55:35.667 And then when those epitopes mutated, the state narrative was that COVID doesn't have scary epitopes. 01:55:35.707 --> 01:55:36.688 I don't remember this. 01:55:37.188 --> 01:55:38.849 Is that what they told you in Australia? 01:55:39.912 --> 01:55:45.116 because it's likely that your Lollapalooza of lies was different than our Lollapalooza of lies. 01:55:45.637 --> 01:55:51.601 And so it's possible that you've been led to believe that that was the narrative that we were told in America, but that's not it. 01:55:52.722 --> 01:56:00.929 We were told that lots of people were dying in New York City and that it was pulse ox and supplementary oxygen that we were running out of. 01:56:03.274 --> 01:56:10.419 by people that I allege are part of the actual national security narrative control that is responsible for all of this. 01:56:11.020 --> 01:56:18.025 And the fact that some of her postdoc work that she claims are actually postdoctoral degrees were funded by NATO funds. 01:56:18.085 --> 01:56:21.007 The fact that she's not an American, but has spoken in front of the Senate. 01:56:21.387 --> 01:56:31.115 The fact that she's not an American, but has toured with Robert Malone for four years, along with Pierre Kory and Meryl Nass, and some of these other people, 01:56:32.233 --> 01:56:45.164 And that specifically, specifically, she was in this place in Romania when everybody heard from Nick Hudson and everybody heard from, from Denny Rancor and all of them didn't spread the word. 01:56:46.485 --> 01:56:50.468 And in fact, they didn't even invite him to the Senate when they could have spoke. 01:56:50.508 --> 01:56:57.874 Instead, they invited him to Romania and then they invited other people to the Senate, not Denny Rancor, nor Nick Hudson. 01:56:59.636 --> 01:57:01.237 They didn't even promote them afterward. 01:57:02.554 --> 01:57:05.895 because a limited spectrum of debate is being curated by these people. 01:57:07.075 --> 01:57:09.795 And the presuppositions of the system are reinforced by them. 01:57:10.796 --> 01:57:13.516 That's why Robert Malone will never question the lab leak. 01:57:14.296 --> 01:57:19.217 That's why Robert Malone has been, his resume shows he's been part of this system for decades. 01:57:20.298 --> 01:57:31.640 And that's why, honestly, I think CHD, despite all the good people in it, has been unable to score any real touchdowns because they have been sabotaged from the inside in the highest levels. 01:57:33.224 --> 01:57:43.748 made to ask questions that aren't quite right and to advocate for a health freedom big top tent instead of just, you know, let's get rid of the vaccine schedule in America first. 01:57:45.269 --> 01:57:50.090 Then we'll talk about health and nutrition freedom and all this other stuff because they all, it'll all be one big landslide. 01:57:50.530 --> 01:57:51.691 They don't see that that way. 01:57:52.471 --> 01:57:54.932 In fact, they're very careful not to create a landslide. 01:57:57.313 --> 01:57:59.714 And that's why this podcast existed. 01:58:01.001 --> 01:58:02.282 that we watched yesterday. 01:58:02.482 --> 01:58:10.067 The organized habits and opinions of the masses are being curated by these people in a very orchestrated fashion from the very beginning. 01:58:10.448 --> 01:58:29.481 That's why the only thing they have left is to attribute bad motives to people who disagree with them, who can explain the biology with enough subtlety to both undermine the simpleton position of no virus and also undermine the high fidelity nonsense that Kevin McKernan talks about. 01:58:31.172 --> 01:58:33.193 His only solution is to say nobody likes him. 01:58:37.095 --> 01:58:42.858 Ladies and gentlemen, they have removed our ability to exercise informed consent through a chorus of liars. 01:58:43.698 --> 01:58:51.502 And it has always been their job to prevent us from exercising informed consent, which includes the word no. 01:58:53.423 --> 01:58:58.846 And they don't want your children to grow up in a world where they think they have the sovereignty over their bodies to say no. 01:59:00.657 --> 01:59:09.664 to say no to testing at university, to say no to a vaccine mandate at university, we need to empower them to know that they have the sovereignty to say no. 01:59:10.785 --> 01:59:22.614 You don't need to take an HPV vaccine just because your university recommends it, or your high school, or your middle school, but none of these people are there to empower you. 01:59:24.336 --> 01:59:28.159 None of these appearances on Paul Cuttrell 01:59:29.682 --> 01:59:31.404 were meant to empower you. 01:59:33.046 --> 01:59:40.314 Just like three years later, Meryl Nass is not meant to empower American citizens to take back America. 01:59:40.994 --> 01:59:42.496 It's not meant to do that. 01:59:42.616 --> 01:59:49.744 It is meant to be a slow roll announcement of what is inevitably going to be the enslavement of our children and our grandchildren. 01:59:53.069 --> 02:00:00.411 And that's why Mary Holland tells the same story that Meryl Nass tells that Robert Malone told to Paul Cottrell in 2021. 02:00:04.852 --> 02:00:12.333 Because this is a story about gain-of-function viruses that come from bat caves, that come from cell culture, that come from animal passage, that come from genetics. 02:00:13.513 --> 02:00:20.915 This is a story about selling books that will make people believe that the worst-case scenario is a gain-of-function bioweapon. 02:00:22.952 --> 02:00:44.208 And they have put stooges already in place a decade ago, like Ralph Baric, to tell you that the progress of molecular biology is such that we really need to be afraid of rogue actors who are going to make these viruses and release them from their garage, like Robert Malone told so eloquently to a sub-parliament meeting in the UK about a half a year ago. 02:00:45.728 --> 02:01:04.614 And so I'm making the argument that the biosecurity state that everybody agrees is responsible for this, is would be more than willing to spend a few decades and a few billion dollars, if not trillions of dollars, to seed a narrative of pandemic potential that exists in RNA viruses that does not exist. 02:01:05.575 --> 02:01:10.957 And through a very careful curation of our history with these things, including SARS-1 and MERS, 02:01:12.469 --> 02:01:25.073 They have created an illusion and a supporting academic field that suggests that pandemic potential is possible in flu and in coronaviruses, and they have a few guys around the world working on this stuff. 02:01:26.594 --> 02:01:40.298 They then seeded the beginning of the pandemic with mass casualty events and misconstrued the bonus parts of those mass casualty events as a spreading risk additive pathogen. 02:01:42.045 --> 02:01:57.873 And the way that they did that was both on social media and on TV overtly and covertly with people behind the scenes that would engage in a limited spectrum of debate that would slow roll everybody into thinking that there was a mystery to solve. 02:01:58.393 --> 02:02:00.114 I think these people are covering something up. 02:02:00.194 --> 02:02:03.636 I think that they're covering up something for a mistake that they made. 02:02:05.937 --> 02:02:09.379 And at the same time, there were people on the internet like Epigirl, 02:02:10.814 --> 02:02:13.875 that were telling us that, wow, this spike protein is really interesting. 02:02:13.915 --> 02:02:15.215 It's got a lot of stuff in it. 02:02:16.616 --> 02:02:18.997 And Raccoon Commander saying it's amyloidogenic. 02:02:19.037 --> 02:02:21.677 I mean, neuro COVID, I've been saying that from the very beginning. 02:02:23.518 --> 02:02:39.223 That's because you were part of the team worst case scenario that was designed to conflate the effects of a gain of function spike protein with the expected downsides of transfection and transformation in a mass number of people. 02:02:40.469 --> 02:02:53.757 You gotta cover all your bases, because the worst case scenario might be mass prion disease, so we might as well seed that as part of the gain-of-function narrative, so if it does happen to happen in small places for whatever reason, we'll already have a pre-existing explanation for it. 02:02:55.518 --> 02:03:10.047 And by the end, college kids will have accepted that the CDC is being honest, because at least they pulled the J&J, and at least they're being honest that the shot was contaminated, and so now I trust them for all future recommendations, and everybody loses. 02:03:17.905 --> 02:03:19.146 And this is how they did it, right? 02:03:19.186 --> 02:03:19.987 They pretended. 02:03:20.927 --> 02:03:21.708 It's pretending. 02:03:21.968 --> 02:03:25.371 Oh, that's not playing anymore, so I got to escape. 02:03:25.391 --> 02:03:30.876 Sometimes it gets too far into the slide deck, and then it needs to refresh its memory. 02:03:32.737 --> 02:03:34.599 And so they did it through faking. 02:03:34.639 --> 02:03:37.721 They asked the wrong questions, and they agreed to argue about them. 02:03:38.584 --> 02:03:42.906 That's why Pierre Cory has agreed to argue about ivermectin for this long. 02:03:42.946 --> 02:03:47.429 That's why so many of these people have agreed to argue about ivermectin so long. 02:03:47.469 --> 02:03:53.952 That's why Stephen Hatfield is writing a book about hydroxychloroquine, because it's part of this, you know, we're doing something. 02:03:54.352 --> 02:03:55.353 We're standing up for you. 02:03:55.393 --> 02:03:56.153 We're patriots. 02:03:56.213 --> 02:03:58.935 But reality, they're just faking stopping a train. 02:03:58.975 --> 02:04:04.359 They're faking their patriotism just the way this guy is faking stopping and starting that train. 02:04:04.399 --> 02:04:05.059 It looks good. 02:04:05.479 --> 02:04:06.320 It sounds great. 02:04:06.400 --> 02:04:07.301 Their suits are right. 02:04:07.801 --> 02:04:10.703 Obviously people on social media are paying attention to them. 02:04:11.283 --> 02:04:12.264 I don't get on Beck. 02:04:12.944 --> 02:04:14.345 I don't get on Tucker Carlson. 02:04:14.886 --> 02:04:16.667 Alex Jones doesn't want to talk to me. 02:04:17.727 --> 02:04:20.469 So obviously these people are really, really fighting for us. 02:04:20.549 --> 02:04:21.390 Wow, that's awesome. 02:04:23.086 --> 02:04:37.416 And that's how a Scooby-Doo mystery, which was essentially a cartoon representation of a biological impossibility, has been misconstrued to the extent to which it has now become mainstream media's story. 02:04:38.436 --> 02:04:40.978 How did COVID start? 02:04:43.680 --> 02:04:46.942 And that's the who's responsible is what we have to worry about. 02:04:50.164 --> 02:04:52.126 And that's what his job was all along. 02:04:53.168 --> 02:04:55.271 That's why he didn't save anyone in America. 02:04:58.355 --> 02:04:58.736 Nobody. 02:05:00.098 --> 02:05:04.404 No old people, no 50-year-olds, probably no college kids. 02:05:04.484 --> 02:05:07.388 Remember, I got that nice video on YouTube of him on the beach. 02:05:12.495 --> 02:05:15.076 It is the spread of dangerous ideas, ladies and gentlemen. 02:05:15.116 --> 02:05:17.017 That's what fifth-generation warfare is. 02:05:17.097 --> 02:05:24.840 It is the coordinated spreading of bad ideas on social media that is fifth-generation warfare at this time. 02:05:25.340 --> 02:05:35.904 And these people who have spread these bad ideas are coordinating their blocking, they're coordinating their message, they're titrating their message, and they're hyper-focusing their message. 02:05:35.944 --> 02:05:41.887 Whatever they do, they avoid asking the very simple question of, what happened then? 02:05:43.382 --> 02:05:46.364 And the very simple answer that is, well, they murdered people. 02:05:49.626 --> 02:06:05.275 Think about how effective the no virus people would have been from New Zealand and all their, you know, think about how fancy Sam Bailey could have done it if she would have just said, gain of function is a mythology and America is killing people in order to lie about it. 02:06:06.408 --> 02:06:07.808 because she knew there was no virus. 02:06:07.828 --> 02:06:16.271 She knew that the PCR was fake in 2000, at the beginning of 2021, because at the end of 2020, I was trying to get an interview with her and she was pregnant. 02:06:16.871 --> 02:06:20.892 So she knew already at that time, the PCR was bullshit and they were lying and whatever. 02:06:21.352 --> 02:06:31.915 So the next step of that would have been, I assume in 2021, at some point she would have realized, wow, then they must've killed all these Americans and they're lying to the world about it so that we all buy gain of function. 02:06:33.513 --> 02:06:37.956 I don't know, it just always was about isolation and purification and viral culture being a lie. 02:06:39.897 --> 02:06:50.464 And that's how the Sam Bailey and Mark Bailey and Tom Cowan and Christine Massey and Alex Arnott. 02:06:54.798 --> 02:07:10.785 Andy Kaufman have avoided saying that fear, uncertainty, and doubt led to murder, that do not resuscitate orders were murder, that overuse of pulse oximeters and pure oxygen as supplementary treatment for COVID might have been murder. 02:07:11.145 --> 02:07:16.268 They haven't talked about how the ventilators were murder, especially when they ventilated people who could talk. 02:07:17.068 --> 02:07:30.243 They're not talking about the lack of antibiotic use being murder when people have bacterial pneumonia and are sent back to their care homes on dexamethasone as Robert Malone explained so eloquently to Paul Cattrall in 2021. 02:07:31.645 --> 02:07:33.307 The poor use of steroids, huh? 02:07:34.108 --> 02:07:35.690 Exactly, Robert Malone. 02:07:37.540 --> 02:07:45.524 Remdesivir and midazolam, they sometimes touch them, but not really to say that it was murder, and that that murder is used to cover up the lie of gain of function. 02:07:45.944 --> 02:07:52.468 They definitely aren't aware that like 500,000 Americans were killed in four years by the opioid crisis, and that's probably an underestimate. 02:07:54.585 --> 02:08:08.528 and that the opioid crisis is actually an attack on America that is being wholly ignored by everybody that's in this performance because it is being misconstrued as the drop in lifespan that came from the gain-of-function virus. 02:08:10.229 --> 02:08:13.110 The drop in lifespan that comes from the bad shot. 02:08:13.650 --> 02:08:18.551 No, they murdered people and lied about it, first and foremost. 02:08:20.776 --> 02:08:23.597 And they probably also exaggerated the number of people that died. 02:08:23.617 --> 02:08:27.479 And that's probably a lot of what Jessica Hockett's going to find out if anybody ever allows her to. 02:08:29.860 --> 02:08:33.601 And death certificate fraud, you know, financial incentives to do all that stuff. 02:08:33.641 --> 02:08:35.442 It's just that didn't have any real effect. 02:08:37.742 --> 02:08:43.144 They didn't kill anybody by following financial incentives and protocols that were dictated by those financial incentives. 02:08:43.164 --> 02:08:45.925 That's a pretty complicated thing to explain. 02:08:46.405 --> 02:08:55.489 Track and trace, all this stuff that was just millions of dollars spent for nothing to create the illusion, that has nothing to do with it. 02:08:55.849 --> 02:09:04.512 And certainly PCR fraud and lateral test flow fraud, we're gonna focus on that only after you admit that they don't have any virus, that these FOIAs are real. 02:09:05.714 --> 02:09:07.216 That Sasha Lantipov is bad. 02:09:07.256 --> 02:09:08.918 As long as you accept that, then I'll talk. 02:09:15.885 --> 02:09:17.187 It's an ongoing lie. 02:09:17.227 --> 02:09:20.490 They've been lying about this for four and a half years now. 02:09:24.595 --> 02:09:25.636 They've been lying about this. 02:09:33.979 --> 02:09:36.381 These people on this screen have been lying. 02:09:38.142 --> 02:09:39.844 I don't think Nick Hudson is a liar. 02:09:39.904 --> 02:09:42.846 I don't think that, I don't think Denny Rancor is probably a liar. 02:09:42.866 --> 02:09:47.010 I actually don't think that really Ryan Cole is a liar either. 02:09:47.050 --> 02:09:51.773 I think Ryan Cole finds himself in the same position that I think Peter McCullough finds himself in. 02:09:51.793 --> 02:09:54.656 They have been co-opted by the national security operation. 02:09:54.716 --> 02:09:57.398 They know what's up and they know they can't say anything. 02:09:58.339 --> 02:10:00.140 So they say whatever they possibly can. 02:10:00.160 --> 02:10:10.064 And that's why you hear Peter McCullough saying over and over again, what CHD and Meryl Nass don't even be able to say like once every year, much less once every tweet. 02:10:11.664 --> 02:10:20.208 Peter McCullough is saying that the vaccine schedule is bad more often than Meryl Nass and CHD and Mary Holland combined. 02:10:22.389 --> 02:10:23.629 How can that possibly be? 02:10:23.729 --> 02:10:27.971 How can it possibly be that somebody like him is saying it more often than any of their accounts? 02:10:29.605 --> 02:10:38.413 unless it's by design, unless those organizations have been sabotaged since the beginning of the pandemic or even before, which is much more likely. 02:10:40.996 --> 02:10:54.248 And so that's the only way to explain how it is that these two guys in the rectangles were invited to Romania and that all these people heard their talks, but none of them reported it when they got back from Romania. 02:10:56.414 --> 02:11:01.419 And instead, they only reported that Denny Rancourt says that 17 million people have been killed by the shot. 02:11:01.539 --> 02:11:05.082 Not that Denny Rancourt says that there was no additive, there was nothing spreading. 02:11:05.943 --> 02:11:06.664 That they omitted. 02:11:07.244 --> 02:11:10.247 Not that Nick says that there's nothing spreading because that they omitted. 02:11:10.968 --> 02:11:18.055 And instead of inviting those two people to the United States Senate, they invited two people from Romania and they invited Kevin McKernan. 02:11:18.919 --> 02:11:29.969 who we just watched yesterday basically lay out the whole state narrative on April 24th, 2020, to a guy who used to work for Monsanto and the World Bank and decided to be a podcaster. 02:11:36.575 --> 02:11:39.658 Ladies and gentlemen, they've lied to you about what happened. 02:11:40.728 --> 02:11:51.477 and they will never tell you the truth that transfection in humans is criminally negligent and that RNA cannot pandemic because it's their job to make sure that this mythology reaches our children intact. 02:11:53.479 --> 02:12:05.770 The only way to save our children is to teach them the biology that these people are lying about in books and on podcasts every day. 02:12:31.030 --> 02:12:33.851 Sorry, that was a repeat slide not on purpose. 02:12:34.911 --> 02:12:36.372 So this is our hypothesis. 02:12:37.712 --> 02:12:38.712 I don't think it's that bad. 02:12:39.353 --> 02:12:57.338 I think it's important to understand that an infectious clone or let's say a DNA molecule made in quantity or an RNA molecule made in quantity could be used to seed a PCR positive signal and a sequencing positive signal anywhere and everywhere they wanted to do it. 02:12:57.378 --> 02:12:59.039 All they just have to do is make enough of it. 02:12:59.979 --> 02:13:07.602 And these manufacturing techniques have existed for at least the previous 10 years before the pandemic started. 02:13:07.642 --> 02:13:19.267 So the idea that they would have a very simple and high fidelity, it's like making chocolate milk, according to Kevin McKernan, that they could have seeded the illusion of a 02:13:21.909 --> 02:13:35.204 a PCR signal that had nothing to do with anything in reality, and then slowly transition to just distorting a background signal into the ongoing evolution of something they say was released. 02:13:36.502 --> 02:13:51.348 And Kevin McKernan yesterday, the video that we watched was one of these really limited spectrums of debate that got you really close to that idea, but still so eloquently supported the suppositions of the state that there was a gain of function virus. 02:13:51.388 --> 02:13:57.211 Maybe it's a, I don't think it's a laboratory leak yet because we don't really have any experience, any evidence. 02:13:57.691 --> 02:13:59.972 And the evidence is going to have to be really good. 02:14:00.532 --> 02:14:01.933 Oh, hold my beer. 02:14:03.513 --> 02:14:15.000 because drastic is coming because the argument in front of the Senate is coming because Fauci is going to say more stuff and Trump's going to say more stuff and emails are going to be released and, and, and, and dissertations. 02:14:15.060 --> 02:14:17.421 And, and then there's going to be this diffuse proposal. 02:14:17.461 --> 02:14:18.782 Just wait, Kevin McKernan. 02:14:19.543 --> 02:14:20.863 A lot of that evidence is coming. 02:14:21.684 --> 02:14:22.504 It's just 2020. 02:14:22.945 --> 02:14:23.725 It's not there yet. 02:14:23.905 --> 02:14:25.366 So it's perfect. 02:14:25.526 --> 02:14:31.830 He, he said that the lab leak is possible, but only if they show, you know, it's really the bonuses on them. 02:14:33.345 --> 02:14:34.386 in 2020. 02:14:38.050 --> 02:14:43.816 Ladies and gentlemen, stop all transfections in humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. 02:14:43.836 --> 02:14:49.082 The number one danger is that our children don't understand 02:14:50.029 --> 02:14:56.535 that the vaccine schedule in America is wholly criminal and that there is one easy way out and that's biology. 02:14:56.915 --> 02:14:58.217 Thank you very much for joining me. 02:14:58.257 --> 02:15:02.601 If you like what you see, please share this work as widely as you possibly can. 02:15:02.621 --> 02:15:10.408 Um, and if you liked it so much, you think you want to do something to help me and my family, um, make this a, 02:15:13.092 --> 02:15:22.416 make this permanent, please go to gigoandbiological.com and find a way to support smaller, small, small donations. 02:15:22.436 --> 02:15:28.098 I mean, some people send me little dollar bills that are folded in the shape of J's. 02:15:28.178 --> 02:15:32.079 So, I mean, we need to put bologna sandwiches on the table. 02:15:32.099 --> 02:15:32.479 That's it. 02:15:32.519 --> 02:15:34.680 Otherwise, and then, and then I'm going to be here. 02:15:34.740 --> 02:15:37.681 So thank you very much, everybody, for supporting this work. 02:15:39.582 --> 02:15:41.903 And I will be here every day that I can. 02:15:43.038 --> 02:15:44.061 Tomorrow is Saturday. 02:15:44.121 --> 02:15:45.145 No, tomorrow's Friday. 02:15:45.165 --> 02:15:46.609 So I'll see you tomorrow at 1010. 02:15:47.472 --> 02:15:47.773 Be well. 02:16:13.604 --> 02:16:16.088 I promise, I promise I'm gonna update this list. 02:16:16.329 --> 02:16:18.772 I feel bad about not updating the list yet. 02:16:18.792 --> 02:16:21.757 There are probably eight more names or so. 02:16:23.180 --> 02:16:26.525 So give me, I'll try to do it in the next couple days. 02:16:27.046 --> 02:16:27.567 Thank you guys.