WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 You 00:30.000 --> 00:32.000 I 00:44.200 --> 00:47.640 Can't believe it Cara you're not even second place 00:48.160 --> 00:51.560 You're not even third place Cara. Where are you? 00:51.560 --> 00:59.580 I mean, I was trying to get Cara to win the cash money this morning and then Cara's not even fifth. Oh my gosh 00:59.620 --> 01:03.620 She's not even gonna make six place. Oh my goodness 01:05.580 --> 01:07.580 What is happening 01:08.540 --> 01:15.660 Good morning, Christy good morning solar fire Daniel Annie where in the heck is Cara? She didn't make it 01:16.660 --> 01:18.660 It's like she didn't I 01:18.700 --> 01:23.500 Really she like texted me and said she was gonna be first in the chat and it was gonna be all cool 01:23.500 --> 01:29.220 And she was gonna win the money the big cash prize and and Cara's not there like wow 01:29.580 --> 01:32.020 She didn't make it very funny 01:33.540 --> 01:35.540 Very very odd 01:38.660 --> 01:44.540 But that's where we are ladies and gentlemen, this is where we are ladies and gentlemen good morning Jeff from Earth 01:45.120 --> 01:49.460 You guys really relate like what's up with that? I totally had it set up 01:52.780 --> 01:56.660 Wow good to see you guys. Thank you very much for joining me 01:59.580 --> 02:01.580 You 02:29.580 --> 02:31.580 Ladies 02:57.180 --> 02:59.180 Mark put it all on the line yesterday 03:00.100 --> 03:05.340 Missed his trying it for a third time check that check that stream out 03:08.540 --> 03:11.700 Say it like it is you're not talking about murder and 03:12.740 --> 03:17.460 Lying about it, then you're not I know the dates wrong in the title. I can't fix it now live 03:17.460 --> 03:19.860 But I will fix it again. I guess I left out the zero 03:20.700 --> 03:23.700 I might have run out of room. Maybe I didn't have enough 03:24.700 --> 03:30.780 I might not have had enough text and it might not have let me fill that in so I'll fix it in the in the post 03:31.300 --> 03:33.300 Sorry about that 03:33.340 --> 03:35.340 One-man show 03:44.460 --> 03:50.620 I think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying. We don't even recognize the truth no more than society 03:50.620 --> 03:55.140 We want everybody to feel good. That's not that's not the way life is 03:57.220 --> 04:01.660 Think but you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people 04:02.940 --> 04:06.060 And I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie 04:06.220 --> 04:09.940 You know, I don't think I'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar 04:09.940 --> 04:13.300 I think it's like really important not to be a liar 04:20.620 --> 04:22.620 No 04:28.940 --> 04:36.300 I'm not sure exactly who he is his name is J. J. Cooley, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD 04:37.020 --> 04:44.300 And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand 04:50.940 --> 04:52.940 I like that and I don't like that 04:55.420 --> 05:02.700 I like the idea that storytelling is a form of lying. It certainly can be good storytelling can be 05:04.340 --> 05:08.940 Incredibly effective way of excuse me of lying. I'm gonna drink a lot of coffee just now 05:10.060 --> 05:12.060 But it worries me a little bit 05:13.300 --> 05:15.540 That that statement also kind of 05:16.540 --> 05:23.420 Discounts the power of storytelling and why storytelling can be used to pass on very important knowledge 05:24.700 --> 05:34.100 Without necessarily on the face being that important now. I just I do think we have to be very careful because what we do here 05:34.740 --> 05:37.340 I'm gonna go on biologicals try to tell the story 05:37.820 --> 05:43.860 succinctly of the of the sacred biology and hope that that story makes more sense than the 05:44.580 --> 05:48.380 Stories the lies that they have been told and so it is 05:49.420 --> 06:00.420 Storytelling is how humans communicate actually and storytelling is an art form that that that you know goes back many many many generations 06:01.940 --> 06:06.060 Communicating with with other humans through stories is is 06:07.180 --> 06:10.620 Essentially the enchantment. It's how enchantments are cast 06:10.620 --> 06:15.780 And being able to tell that that story 06:18.100 --> 06:24.100 You know it has to do with being able to distort the truth into simple simple 06:27.020 --> 06:32.900 Simple models and simple explanations and that people accept because they are able to make rudimentary 06:33.700 --> 06:40.340 Predictions with those or have been meant led to believe that those models can make predictions that they can't 06:40.900 --> 06:43.380 Which I think is closer to the truth 06:45.020 --> 06:49.180 And so if you have bros with shows that are telling stories 06:51.420 --> 06:55.020 Then it doesn't really matter what's true it matters what's perceived to be true 06:55.020 --> 06:59.260 especially if people are gonna listen intently to those bros with shows and 07:00.220 --> 07:01.940 Essentially, that's what's going on right now 07:01.940 --> 07:09.300 You got bros with shows that have taught our children our young people to attribute bad motives to those that disagree with them 07:09.300 --> 07:12.020 rather than arguing with logic or facts and 07:13.020 --> 07:19.100 Of course, this maneuver has taken many years. It's happened in our schools and universities as well as 07:20.020 --> 07:22.020 the interwebs 07:22.020 --> 07:26.340 With these people that they put in front of us that don't seem to be able to talk about 07:26.820 --> 07:32.460 The real value of money or fiat currencies or what fractional reserve means and whether or not 07:32.940 --> 07:37.500 Tractional Reserve banking is good or bad and who who controls it does that matter? 07:37.500 --> 07:40.860 None of this stuff is discussed by any of these bros with shows 07:41.580 --> 07:47.900 Because they are involved in making sure that we don't ask the right questions that we don't ask the right questions 07:47.900 --> 07:54.260 That will it will allow our children to see because they know there are three classes of people and they want our children to be 07:54.940 --> 08:00.420 Firmly in the third group of people that do not see 08:02.460 --> 08:06.380 And they can do that. They can do that by teaching our kids not to see 08:09.220 --> 08:10.220 And 08:10.220 --> 08:18.220 They want our kids to believe that AI is the real God that they need to be afraid of the real power that they need to worship the real 08:18.620 --> 08:20.620 the real ruling class 08:22.340 --> 08:28.260 They're all submitting to it and it's because they've all been told over several decades 08:29.100 --> 08:33.300 They've all been told over several decades that if we just collect the data 08:34.700 --> 08:40.060 That we can solve giant problems that we could become demigods that we could control 08:40.860 --> 08:45.380 the evolution of humans and these are these are people who are 08:45.620 --> 08:51.780 Descendent from a history of bad ideas back when the special cancer virus program was thinking that they could 08:52.340 --> 08:54.820 accelerate human evolution by exposing 08:55.300 --> 08:57.300 animals and humans and cells to 08:57.940 --> 09:05.100 Radiation and so so much of the work on nuclear energy and nuclear bombs and cancer and 09:05.860 --> 09:13.300 Evolution and DNA was all tied together back when these people were really really bonafide dark-age dipshits 09:14.020 --> 09:18.420 And those people taught their students and taught their students and believe it or not 09:18.420 --> 09:26.940 A lot of those students are now in front of us right now pretending that their model of the world with retroviruses and coronaviruses is the model 09:27.780 --> 09:33.460 And if we don't learn the history of where these dumb ideas came from and who put them there and who 09:33.780 --> 09:42.620 Perpetuated them and identify them for the charlatans that they are before the history is erased our children will be enslaved by these charlatans 09:48.420 --> 10:02.860 Not just these charlatans, but also the charlatans that are currently wearing the 10:03.500 --> 10:07.300 COVID shots is bad, but don't talk about 20-20 t-shirts 10:09.020 --> 10:14.660 Because they are not interested in making gentle the life of this world. They're not interested in the freedom of your 10:15.140 --> 10:21.260 Grandchildren, they're actually working for the slavers. They're actually trying to work for the slavers the 10:21.540 --> 10:29.540 the owners of the weaponized piles of money that actually run the show the control social media that control the television 10:29.940 --> 10:36.340 those those weaponized piles of money that are creating the wave that we need to make our children aware of 10:37.300 --> 10:41.940 make our teachers aware of make our neighbors aware of and this wave of 10:42.500 --> 10:49.500 Chaos and destruction is is produced by these weaponized piles of money this wave that's currently crashing our 10:49.900 --> 10:52.940 Civilization this wave was created by these weaponized piles of money 10:52.940 --> 10:55.420 And if we're gonna teach our kids to surf on it 10:55.420 --> 10:56.540 They've got to be aware of it 10:56.540 --> 11:01.100 They've got to know who the people are and they've got to know the lies they told and that's our job 11:01.300 --> 11:04.020 It's gonna take us doing it us adults 11:04.780 --> 11:08.820 that have already been trying to surf this wave for four plus years and 11:09.300 --> 11:16.100 Adults that have been trying to surf this wave for longer you realize that there are people that have been fighting against the biology of 11:16.380 --> 11:21.300 The vaccine schedule since before the pandemic and none of those people are in front of us right now 11:22.740 --> 11:25.980 None of those people are helping us stay focused on the biology 11:25.980 --> 11:31.980 None of those people are helping us not take the bait on TV and none of those people are helping us love our neighbor because the 11:32.220 --> 11:35.780 Algorithms won't let us see them. They won't even let us know they're there 11:36.500 --> 11:43.500 Because the primary anti-vaxxer that we're supposed to pay attention to is Robert Wallace Malone one of the biggest fakes on 11:44.460 --> 11:46.460 the internet 11:46.660 --> 11:51.900 Ladies and gentlemen the way this works is if you can share it, so please continue to share it everywhere that 11:52.340 --> 11:54.340 Social media works we need to pollute 11:54.660 --> 12:00.860 That that cesspool of information with our own cleanliness and hope that some of the soap smell 12:01.620 --> 12:03.620 spreads around and that people wake up 12:04.220 --> 12:06.220 That's what we need to do 12:06.220 --> 12:08.220 That's how we need to win 12:09.700 --> 12:17.580 Ladies and gentlemen, this I guess is a gig ome biological a high-resistance low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist 12:18.060 --> 12:23.700 and we are coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the back of a garage of a rented house and 12:24.900 --> 12:30.580 We are funded unlike PBS NewsHour only by fellow peasants like you 12:31.100 --> 12:33.420 fellow people who are not in the big club 12:34.340 --> 12:37.940 fellow people who a lot of you probably didn't know that the 12:38.180 --> 12:43.900 Vaccine schedule was criminal before the pandemic you were just like me you thought that if they were lying 12:43.900 --> 12:45.900 But I mean they weren't really lying were they? 12:46.780 --> 12:51.660 And it really is gonna require all of us to take our hands down all of us to drop our 12:52.620 --> 12:55.220 See 15 year anti-vaxxers man 12:55.260 --> 13:01.940 That's what I'm talking about you guys make me look like a chump because I've had my hands above my in front of my eyes 13:01.940 --> 13:06.260 Since since really 2022 is the last year that I didn't know it 13:06.780 --> 13:12.820 Ladies and gentlemen United non-compliance. This is gig ome biological. I'm a human just like you welcome to the show 13:26.060 --> 13:28.060 Well 13:39.380 --> 13:42.100 Well in case it wasn't obvious that this is a one-man show 13:42.100 --> 13:47.900 I still can't produce the show live as well as I would like to I'm still making a lot of mistakes with what buttons to push and 13:47.900 --> 13:49.900 Where to go and what timings? 13:49.900 --> 13:52.420 But this is gig ome biological welcome to the show 13:52.420 --> 13:54.420 It's the 10th of May 2024 13:54.460 --> 13:57.020 I've got a little different thing that I want to do today 13:57.020 --> 13:58.980 So just a quick introduction ladies and gentlemen 13:58.980 --> 14:03.700 Tra muscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 14:04.420 --> 14:08.140 Transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic 14:08.220 --> 14:15.540 We will spend a day or two every week talking about some aspect of these main statements these main messages of gig ome biological 14:15.700 --> 14:21.740 but today we're going to take a little step back and look a little bit at where broken science and Greg Glassman and 14:22.220 --> 14:29.940 Emily Kaplan have opened my mind to another aspect of the illusion from a from a different perspective a different angle 14:29.940 --> 14:33.740 It's a different part of the elephant and I do think it's something that over time 14:33.740 --> 14:37.780 Gig ome biological is going to incorporate more and more of this pursuit of 14:38.420 --> 14:41.820 Understanding of this level of the of the illusion to to 14:42.820 --> 14:45.740 To the show and so today I want to do one of the first 14:45.980 --> 14:49.700 But I want is high morbidity one of the first broken science initiative one 14:49.700 --> 14:52.100 So I'm just going to give you a brief introduction of where we are 14:52.260 --> 14:57.460 Remember the idea is is that people on the internet were seeding this narrative from the very beginning 14:57.460 --> 15:01.460 We assumed that that the the narrative was really just on television 15:01.660 --> 15:04.460 But actually the narrative much more 15:05.100 --> 15:11.780 malevolently than any of us including myself ever estimated would also be seeded on the internet by people large and 15:11.820 --> 15:18.140 small by people promoted and not promoted and in fact, it's even possible that a 15:19.180 --> 15:24.940 Exorbitant amount of people were seeded and the ones that spontaneously were able to attract attention 15:25.380 --> 15:27.380 were the ones that then the 15:27.740 --> 15:35.900 Operation you know sort of promoted and some of these people may have missed the audition space or missed the the audition cutoff and didn't get promoted 15:35.900 --> 15:39.060 Or didn't get their sub stack up or or whatever. And so in 15:40.020 --> 15:43.100 2024 we're really left with a selection of the best 15:43.860 --> 15:49.140 Narrative controllers were bet we're left with the best most committed most trustworthy 15:50.100 --> 15:52.740 participants in the national security narrative and 15:53.100 --> 15:58.780 I think it's very possible that that national security narrative is very adequately 15:59.740 --> 16:06.100 Summarized by this slide. I do think it's possible that if you think about it, there really are only two groups 16:06.100 --> 16:12.980 there's a group of people that says that the COVID shots are bad and they've been saying it for kind of a while and 16:14.500 --> 16:21.620 Those same people have been focused from the very beginning on making sure that you don't think about how long it took before you saw them 16:23.020 --> 16:26.220 Specifically, I'm talking right now about Brett Weinstein 16:26.860 --> 16:31.300 Robert Malone and Steve Kurish who came out on in June of 16:32.020 --> 16:39.380 2021 exactly one year and and six months too late to make any difference for the 16:39.940 --> 16:45.260 Resistance for the dissident ideas that might have been in place before 16:46.020 --> 16:50.380 The university students were forced to go back to university under full 16:51.020 --> 16:52.420 COVID 16:52.460 --> 16:54.420 Delusions in 16:54.420 --> 16:59.220 2020 back when Richard Ebrite said it would be criminal to open up the universities because it might kill 17:00.140 --> 17:02.620 250,000 university students before Christmas 17:04.060 --> 17:09.660 Richard Ebrite should really be on this screen here as part of one of these worst case scenario people 17:09.780 --> 17:16.300 But Richard Ebrite never made a phone call to me was never in a signal chat with me. He's never sent me an email or anything like that 17:17.300 --> 17:19.300 Whereas with all of these other people 17:19.620 --> 17:26.620 I've smelled their breath shaking their hand taking a selfie with them and have them blow sunshine up my ass about how cool 17:26.620 --> 17:28.620 It is the work that you do 17:29.580 --> 17:36.940 But absolutely none of these people on social media have ever promoted the cool work that I do none of these people have really 17:37.060 --> 17:39.060 Made an effort to try and 17:39.900 --> 17:41.900 Try and raise my boat 17:41.900 --> 17:47.540 But instead have made a very concerted effort to find out what I think and take whatever useful 17:48.180 --> 17:51.300 tidbits that they are still able to use and not 17:52.180 --> 17:54.660 not qualified to wear that t-shirt and 17:55.700 --> 17:57.900 So for a little while some of these 17:58.500 --> 18:05.420 posers were starting to talk about clones because they thought that they could convince me that clones could spread around just like a 18:05.420 --> 18:11.580 regular RNA virus they say can spread around and the moment that I push back against that and the moment 18:11.580 --> 18:12.660 I said no 18:12.700 --> 18:20.420 what I'm arguing is is that the regular RNAs don't spread around because there's no evidence for that in the literature and 18:21.620 --> 18:29.300 Therefore the way that they have overcome that problem is that they resort to making synthetic clones and the synthetic clones are only useful because 18:29.580 --> 18:35.380 Then many laboratories can start from the same pure place and then they can use the same cell culture and basically 18:35.380 --> 18:36.660 It's the same 18:36.660 --> 18:39.820 experimental starting point which can make sense from a biological perspective 18:40.580 --> 18:46.020 Unless the starting point of synthetic infectious clones is already a dumb 18:46.620 --> 18:51.460 place to start because it doesn't recapitulate whatever signal is in nature, but instead 18:52.260 --> 18:56.900 Creates a purity of an RNA or a DNA molecule that would never exist 18:56.900 --> 19:03.780 And so whatever you get when you put that on a cell culture is also something that would never exist and doesn't recapitulate whatever it was 19:04.340 --> 19:10.460 From which you you say you're deriving the original DNA or RNA signal from and this illusion 19:10.900 --> 19:12.900 stays very consistent from AIDS 19:13.980 --> 19:17.980 to the chronic fatigue syndrome dramas that that 19:18.460 --> 19:24.980 Judy Mickovitz was involved in all the way up until now when we talked about flu for 15 years 19:24.980 --> 19:27.980 And then all the way up until now when we've talked about 19:29.540 --> 19:33.180 Coronaviruses and flu is one of these things that fits right in 19:33.780 --> 19:35.780 But it's kind of doesn't 19:36.660 --> 19:41.460 Because flu viruses are really interesting. They need their own they need their own enzymes 19:41.620 --> 19:45.940 They're they're not readable RNAs the RNAs are fragmented 19:46.500 --> 19:50.340 They can grow them and eggs, but they can't really grow them in eggs because 19:51.380 --> 19:55.700 Sometimes they don't grow what they're supposed to grow or the strains are different 19:55.700 --> 20:00.660 And so it's actually interesting the flu isn't actually an interesting phenomenon 20:00.660 --> 20:04.900 which may have more basis in reality than any of these other 20:05.860 --> 20:11.540 Any of these other things that we're supposed to be more focused on and I think that's also part of the illusion that these people 20:12.180 --> 20:19.140 Are wittingly or unwittingly protecting. I do think it's very likely although, you know, at this stage 20:19.140 --> 20:24.980 I like to take Mike Eden's position and I'm just not sophisticated enough to know because they've been lying for so long 20:25.380 --> 20:27.620 But I suspect that some of these signals 20:28.500 --> 20:30.500 maybe herpes virus 20:31.220 --> 20:34.420 Maybe some of these cytomegaloviruses that are really big 20:34.420 --> 20:40.260 Maybe some of these viruses are real phenomenon that we don't understand that have been mischaracterized 20:40.820 --> 20:42.820 as representing 20:42.820 --> 20:49.620 edifying parallel phenomenon which support the idea of AIDS and support the idea of coronavirus 20:50.900 --> 20:57.140 And so we can identify and study some of these viruses and then some of these biologists are actually doing real work 20:57.380 --> 21:03.460 And then assume that the coronavirus biologists in the AIDS viruses people are doing good work too 21:05.460 --> 21:11.460 So the illusion seated over many many years in the scientific literature and in the universities 21:12.100 --> 21:13.460 is now 21:13.460 --> 21:18.420 Was now and and I believe before the pandemic actually becoming questioned 21:19.620 --> 21:23.060 because of people like brian hooker and laura bono 21:23.860 --> 21:29.620 And all of these autism moms that were starting to organize behind I can and chd 21:30.820 --> 21:33.700 And children's health defense and I can therefore 21:34.180 --> 21:36.180 needed to be controlled either 21:36.580 --> 21:41.700 Upon their formation they were already controlled because they knew this was a problem that the vaccine schedule 21:42.100 --> 21:45.220 People were starting to become skeptical that it was starting to spread around 21:45.620 --> 21:47.620 They made a movie that that 21:48.020 --> 21:54.180 Robert de niro went on the the morning news and said everybody should see and that was the movie vaxxed 21:55.700 --> 21:59.380 And so the crazy part is ladies and gentlemen and let's think about this for a second 21:59.380 --> 22:03.220 The movie vax came out a few years before the pandemic 22:03.620 --> 22:06.740 And then Robert de niro was on the news saying that you know 22:06.740 --> 22:12.340 Maybe autism is caused by the vaccine schedule and then crazy enough and those same years 22:12.740 --> 22:17.220 That's when that's when the intellectual dark web was established that 22:17.700 --> 22:25.700 Jordan peterson and bret wine steins suddenly were very popular and public on the on the social media about how they were standing up against 22:26.180 --> 22:29.780 Against their university or some kind of free speech or 22:32.020 --> 22:34.020 That kind of thing 22:34.020 --> 22:38.020 That sam heres decided to do a podcast that joe rogan got the big deal 22:38.500 --> 22:40.500 That 22:41.940 --> 22:50.100 That tom kawan had a book that that that june mikovitz has a book that that andy slavitt has a book that that um 22:50.820 --> 22:57.780 That the real anthony fauci book came out that elina chan had a book that all these books coming out in 22:59.440 --> 23:06.580 2016-17-18-19 when everybody is really starting to wake up about the idea that the vaccine schedule in america might be screwed 23:07.540 --> 23:10.020 The movie vax to is being produced 23:12.260 --> 23:18.980 And so I think what you need to see it's a combination of the obviously the financial system in america eventually going to collapse 23:19.380 --> 23:25.700 And the simultaneous illusion of the public health system in america was about to collapse 23:26.420 --> 23:30.420 Because you have all this profit you have all these advertisements on tv 23:30.740 --> 23:34.900 You have these autism moms that are getting attention on the night on the today show 23:35.300 --> 23:37.300 Because of robert deniro 23:39.220 --> 23:41.060 And then what do you do? 23:41.060 --> 23:44.100 Well, you make sure that i can is never going to make progress 23:45.700 --> 23:48.980 You make sure that chd is never going to make progress because 23:50.180 --> 23:55.540 brian hooker could change the world if they put him in front of the of the chd all the time and they said 23:56.180 --> 23:57.060 That 23:57.060 --> 24:02.820 Absolutely specifically we want to stop the vaccine schedule because we have evidence to believe that it's criminal in america 24:03.220 --> 24:07.940 That would have been a message that would have caused chd to either succeed or need to be destroyed 24:10.420 --> 24:13.780 And so i'm going to say something very hardcore here, but i'm going to say it 24:13.780 --> 24:18.500 I think chd and maybe also i can are organizations that because of 24:19.220 --> 24:24.420 saboteurs inside of both of those organizations that some people may or may not be aware of 24:25.780 --> 24:27.940 They have effectively not gotten a touchdown 24:28.740 --> 24:32.260 Even though they probably were close to scoring a touchdown with vaxx 24:33.140 --> 24:35.140 And with vaxx to 24:36.020 --> 24:38.020 They didn't score a touchdown 24:39.460 --> 24:41.460 And i think that's by design 24:45.540 --> 24:51.620 And i think for a while they were trying to incorporate me into it with comfort and money 24:54.260 --> 24:56.100 And i didn't go along with it 24:56.100 --> 25:01.300 I was offered an nda and eight thousand dollars if i would keep my mouth shut after they laid me off 25:01.380 --> 25:04.740 And I did not take that money even though my family desperately needed it and 25:05.380 --> 25:08.900 Now we're basically paying part of our bills every month with a credit card 25:09.700 --> 25:12.340 And you might say wow you're pretty stupid, but you know what? 25:13.540 --> 25:15.540 We don't have this is it 25:18.100 --> 25:20.260 I know it. I know it in my bones 25:22.500 --> 25:26.980 My kids will either be free because I fought and stood up and did not 25:27.620 --> 25:32.180 Back down or my kids will be enslaved because I stopped 25:32.820 --> 25:34.020 because I I 25:34.020 --> 25:37.940 Wimped out because I felt overwhelmed or because I I 25:38.980 --> 25:40.980 I just thought we couldn't win 25:41.540 --> 25:47.220 And i'm not i'm I don't believe that I believe that actually we are are right now at a crucial stage 25:48.660 --> 25:55.060 Where all of those people wearing that covid shots are bad don't talk about 2020 they're all doubling down 25:56.020 --> 25:58.500 And they have no alternative but to ignore me 26:00.980 --> 26:02.340 Because 26:02.340 --> 26:09.380 It's going to get much much worse one of the things that I would suggest you do as homework before I show you how bad it is 26:10.020 --> 26:16.340 Is to look at some of the videos that mark kulak is loading up on usatonic live three 26:17.940 --> 26:22.180 And they are specifically there is one that's absolutely extraordinary and maybe more 26:22.980 --> 26:24.980 Where none other than paul cottrell 26:25.700 --> 26:27.860 the absolutely fake doctor 26:28.900 --> 26:31.300 Who was absolutely streaming with? 26:32.180 --> 26:35.540 Addy ads myself and kevin mccairn 26:36.340 --> 26:39.140 For nearly two months at the beginning of the pandemic 26:39.620 --> 26:45.380 pretending to be an md all the while having a phd in chaos theory and finance 26:46.740 --> 26:51.860 Claiming to have going through some pre-med program at harvard or 26:52.340 --> 26:54.340 And he's a liar 26:54.900 --> 26:58.100 He was promoted by george web who's also a liar 26:59.940 --> 27:05.700 And he did several streams with robert wallace malone 27:07.860 --> 27:09.860 Who on his stream characterized 27:10.580 --> 27:12.580 DoD as us 27:12.580 --> 27:16.660 Who on his stream talked about insider connections in 27:17.220 --> 27:19.940 DARPA and or sorry in ditra and in 27:20.740 --> 27:28.420 Other places bragged about his connections with cad lick bragged about his connections with three-letter agencies 27:30.100 --> 27:33.620 With paul cottrell taking paul cottrell's questions seriously 27:34.100 --> 27:38.180 Actually lending credibility to a fake doctor 27:39.860 --> 27:41.380 Who in my mind 27:41.940 --> 27:48.820 It's extraordinary to think that somebody like robert wallace malone would be on in august of 2021 27:48.900 --> 27:51.300 After being on brett wine steins podcast 27:52.020 --> 27:54.020 slumming 27:54.580 --> 27:56.580 with paul cottrell 27:57.220 --> 27:59.220 An obvious fraud 27:59.620 --> 28:02.340 I mean, it's pathetic even kevin mccairn 28:02.740 --> 28:10.820 His schtick was built around the idea that that that that paul cottrell was a fraud part of his his schtick for the whole 28:11.140 --> 28:14.100 2020 was that paul cottrell is selling selling 28:14.980 --> 28:16.980 selling silver supplements or some shit 28:17.780 --> 28:18.580 And 28:18.580 --> 28:21.940 As i've said yesterday and we'll say again part of the schtick 28:22.660 --> 28:26.420 That these people have played on each other and other people that have tried to 28:26.900 --> 28:34.420 Get their message out through them is that they they make these little arguments between each other and pretend that you know like uh 28:34.900 --> 28:39.860 I don't know steve doesn't agree with brett and so there's some there's some 28:40.260 --> 28:41.140 You know 28:41.140 --> 28:46.660 Debate that you should take a side on and then if you take a side of steve curse and steve curse will make you feel like 28:47.060 --> 28:50.900 He agrees with you and you are together in opposing the idea of brett 28:51.140 --> 28:56.180 And then so it really feels like they're paying attention to you when in reality. They're just they're just screwed around 28:57.540 --> 29:04.180 And they did this on telegram gab signal anywhere that they existed. That's the that's the joke that these people are 29:05.940 --> 29:11.380 And I think some of the biggest players are people like kevin mccurnan who have been involved in 29:11.940 --> 29:16.660 Wrangling these cats since the very beginning and the best example I have 29:17.860 --> 29:20.500 How early is the korman jorston report? 29:21.220 --> 29:29.460 Kevin mccurnan is on a paper not objecting to pcr testing for coronavirus but objecting to the the primers set that they chose 29:31.540 --> 29:35.540 And i'm just going to throw this speculation out there i'm willing to bet that that that 29:36.340 --> 29:42.020 Michael eden doesn't know enough about pcr primers to have written a paper about objecting about the pcr primers 29:42.500 --> 29:48.660 I'm willing to bet that that the other people on that paper a lot of them are not sophisticated enough clear kleg 29:50.660 --> 29:52.660 Claire kreg you think so 29:53.060 --> 29:56.260 What about thomas bender do you think he knows a lot about pcr primers 29:57.220 --> 30:02.500 i'm not saying thomas benders a bad guy i'm saying that he got roped in to that paper 30:02.980 --> 30:06.420 Kevin mccurnan and by the other guy that organized it that 30:07.220 --> 30:12.340 That other name i can't remember it anymore, but it's it's the first author of that paper i believe 30:13.540 --> 30:15.860 Peter borger is another person that i'm not sure 30:16.580 --> 30:20.580 Is a bad guy or a good guy but was definitely involved in that paper and setting this 30:21.060 --> 30:26.340 This group of people up to be dissidents and beyond the same team and agree about stuff 30:26.420 --> 30:31.700 And then what that also did of course was it put kevin mccurnan very early in contact with 30:32.180 --> 30:35.460 The people that probably needed the most con the most control 30:36.340 --> 30:38.660 The ones that have turned out to be the most problem 30:39.860 --> 30:44.180 How is it that kevin mccurnan mister human genome project mister? 30:44.900 --> 30:48.340 Applied biosystems mister marble head mansion guy 30:48.980 --> 30:56.260 With $10,000 cats is having a paper about pcr primers not objecting to using pcr 30:56.820 --> 31:01.620 But objecting to the who getting a paper published so quick with the wrong primers 31:04.340 --> 31:10.340 Why would he be on that paper? Why would he be on that paper unless the idea was to introduce a an expert 31:10.980 --> 31:16.900 To them so that they themselves would never think that they needed to dig themselves out of a 31:17.300 --> 31:24.340 A coronavirus mystery that involved lying about a pcr test because we have this great expert kevin mccurnan on the paper with us 31:24.420 --> 31:28.740 And he explained what's going on. He's written a great paper that really 31:29.060 --> 31:35.300 It's just mind-blowing how smart he is because he talks about primer dimers and and melting points and oh my gosh 31:35.380 --> 31:39.940 He's this is just great. I got to put my name on this paper for sure because we got to end this ship 31:42.660 --> 31:49.140 And that was in 2020 and it's been going on for four years that player has been on my stream twice 31:49.620 --> 31:52.900 Trying to tell me that i'm doing the right thing and explaining to me how they 31:53.300 --> 31:59.620 RNA was not right or that there are stop codons that can happen with the chemical alterations or that there could be frame shifts 32:01.380 --> 32:07.940 And the moment he couldn't convince me that RNA virology was definitely real and that infectious clones were just a distraction 32:08.260 --> 32:14.900 As soon as he couldn't convince me of that he had to block me on twitter had to start attacking me and calling me a fool 32:15.300 --> 32:17.300 even though we were on a stream 32:17.860 --> 32:24.820 In in in march of 2023 where I explained the clone theory and he fumbled the ball like four times 32:24.900 --> 32:26.500 So, what do you mean j? 32:26.500 --> 32:35.780 So, what do you mean j? I don't understand j. I don't get it j. What about exo exo nj and every time he tried to lob something at me 32:35.780 --> 32:38.500 I just kind of threw it back to him like I already read that paper 32:39.220 --> 32:41.060 No, not like that 32:41.060 --> 32:46.020 Because he was distorting the idea trying to make it seem like I hadn't found what I had found 32:46.020 --> 32:53.060 But that's really what we found there is no doubt in my mind that that's what those people up in the top corner are hiding as well 32:54.820 --> 33:01.460 Because if you're not sophisticated enough to say that they've been lying about viruses, but the observations aren't fake 33:03.780 --> 33:05.780 Then you are essentially dismissing 33:06.260 --> 33:12.500 thousands and thousands of human hours of work as fake instead of misinterpreted 33:13.380 --> 33:14.420 Just 33:14.420 --> 33:23.860 Instead of being a very complicated picture of biology of ourselves where our immune system and all the tissues in our body during health and disease 33:24.500 --> 33:28.660 Communicate with small vesicles that contain genetic information on them 33:29.140 --> 33:35.860 We have been led to believe that all of this is outside of us and the only other alternative that we've been given since the beginning of the pandemic 33:36.180 --> 33:39.540 Is up there which is that there are none of viruses at all 33:40.420 --> 33:42.420 There are no signals at all none of this 33:42.420 --> 33:49.860 I don't we and the funny part is is that I'm starting to get these emails where people say so those people up there have explained 33:50.260 --> 33:54.020 Where disease comes from already in 2020? 33:54.420 --> 34:00.260 What's your explanation for disease and now you see the other side of the trick? 34:03.060 --> 34:08.740 It's just like the clones thing it is just like the PCR thing 34:08.740 --> 34:09.940 It's just like 34:09.940 --> 34:12.100 Transfection they want you 34:12.820 --> 34:14.820 After having called 911 34:15.300 --> 34:21.700 Before they're gonna believe you that there's some crime happening they want you to explain the details of the motivation of the murderer 34:22.420 --> 34:26.580 They want you to explain the the motivations of the person that just broke into your house 34:26.580 --> 34:31.460 They want you to explain why it is that the attacker that you're calling the the 34:32.100 --> 34:36.900 Criminal is doing what he or she is doing. They don't want they want an explanation 34:37.780 --> 34:46.260 And so if you say that virology has been lying now all of a sudden that it's my obligation to explain disease 34:48.980 --> 34:50.980 Imagine that 34:51.620 --> 34:58.580 Imagine if you said for example that I don't think that what they said happened on 9-11 happened and that they were no one would listen to you until you 34:58.580 --> 35:00.580 Had a had an explanation for it 35:03.940 --> 35:05.940 And that's the that's the joke 35:06.820 --> 35:08.820 Right, that's the joke 35:09.140 --> 35:11.140 Because there are no viruses 35:11.620 --> 35:14.340 And and and water and 5g 35:15.220 --> 35:22.180 And tie in all those things together with with some mealy mouth 10 minute presentation doesn't make knowledge 35:22.740 --> 35:26.900 It doesn't make understanding and my argument would be just like Mike Edens 35:27.220 --> 35:31.620 We're not sophisticated enough right now to be able to just pull our heads out and then know 35:32.340 --> 35:36.660 How disease works if these people and their their mentors 35:37.540 --> 35:43.060 And their mentors before them have been lying about this biology for a couple decades. We're not going to just be able to go 35:43.060 --> 35:47.300 Oh, yeah, it's this instead and that's what's the problem with those people 35:52.020 --> 35:54.020 That's the trap that they represent 35:54.020 --> 36:01.060 You're not going to usefully help your children by telling them that these are the biologists 36:01.060 --> 36:09.300 You should pay attention to you're going to help your children by telling them that they themselves need to work hard to understand what's going on 36:09.300 --> 36:15.140 They themselves need to seek out the sacred in the irreducible complexity of our biology 36:15.620 --> 36:22.100 Because having someone like them or someone like these people over there help you out with it 36:22.260 --> 36:24.260 You will never find it 36:28.180 --> 36:34.660 I would argue you'd be better off doing yoga trying to find the sacred biology in yourself or meditation or 36:35.060 --> 36:40.420 Playing basketball or trying to get into CrossFit and see if you can work out hard enough to vomit a couple times 36:40.900 --> 36:43.620 Before you realize how connected your mind and body are 36:45.780 --> 36:48.740 Before you realize how much of a symphony of biology 36:49.620 --> 36:56.900 The creator gave you and you have not been using it because social media divorces your body from your mind 36:57.620 --> 37:05.700 That sitting on a chair eight hours a day doesn't just ruin your back why i'm standing today, but it also divorces your mind from your body 37:10.660 --> 37:14.420 Body was a temple was something my grandma used to always say to me. You never hear that now 37:14.420 --> 37:18.660 I don't hear my my kids by ed teachers telling them that it's it's actually 37:19.140 --> 37:26.900 Terrifying how long I can stay on this slide because this is the reality in which we live right now. This is it. This is the answer 37:27.940 --> 37:33.140 And there are some people over here on the screen that could be pulled out 37:33.860 --> 37:37.940 Of this group could be pulled out of this some of them. I think could be pulled out 37:38.340 --> 37:42.420 Kevin McCurnan will never wake up because he has been a part of this 37:42.420 --> 37:46.980 He used to work for the department of energy ladies and gentlemen as part of the human genome project 37:47.460 --> 37:51.460 Which was basically as secret as nuclear weapons for a while 37:53.460 --> 37:58.180 And he was able to take some patents out of that work and sell them and make companies and so 37:58.660 --> 38:04.100 His family his brothers were rich when his dad was already in biotech 38:04.180 --> 38:06.180 And then the brothers all went on 38:06.180 --> 38:09.700 On the front of newspapers and stuff. These are not suffering individuals 38:09.780 --> 38:14.820 These are individuals who are an intimate part of a real gear in this machine 38:16.580 --> 38:22.420 And make no mistake about it his interest in genetics of cannabis is his interest in 38:22.980 --> 38:23.940 in 38:23.940 --> 38:27.140 Using genetics in plants is no different than 38:28.020 --> 38:34.020 It's transplantism, right? It's it's it's messing around with stuff that i'm i'm pretty sure we should 38:34.100 --> 38:36.340 be messing around with 38:36.340 --> 38:42.740 And he wants to go into virions which are naked RNAs that can infect these plants and it's probably true 38:44.020 --> 38:47.380 But he will distort it as a pathogenic process 38:47.380 --> 38:53.700 He will distort it as something that he has a solution for he will distort it into something that he has tests for 38:55.060 --> 38:56.740 And he knows he's going to get away with it 38:56.740 --> 38:59.700 He knows because they've already told him this is the next thing 38:59.780 --> 39:06.900 So you know take care of this stuff make sure that everybody focuses on buck halter and and the double stranded dna 39:07.780 --> 39:09.780 And we'll take care of the rest 39:13.460 --> 39:20.900 I'm sure he is absolutely one of the worst players in this because he had too much contact with me for him not to be 39:21.620 --> 39:24.900 It would be so easy for him to have called me and tried to be my friend 39:25.540 --> 39:29.540 Called me and tried to convince me of stuff work together to try and understand 39:30.340 --> 39:32.340 the subtleties of what 39:32.340 --> 39:36.340 These so-called infectious clones these pure dna and rna 39:36.580 --> 39:41.460 Transfections and transformations that they put on cell cultures. What could they really result in or not? 39:42.500 --> 39:48.820 But instead he has fought tooth and nail to make sure that nobody ever looks at that again 39:50.100 --> 39:54.740 And just make sure that he says apple back a few times and and tries to equivolate 39:55.380 --> 39:56.260 the 39:56.260 --> 39:59.700 the use of dna and rna molecular clones 40:00.340 --> 40:07.300 Transforming and transfecting cell cultures as being basically a good proxy for virology, which is the 40:08.100 --> 40:10.100 central lie 40:10.420 --> 40:14.580 More or less, I guess that AIDS is based on that that that human 40:15.540 --> 40:23.620 T cell lymph leukemia viruses and and and even uh xmorv they're all based on these kinds of experiments 40:24.420 --> 40:29.780 That are essentially transformation and transfection experiments that these people have agreed to agree 40:30.580 --> 40:33.220 represent high fidelity virology 40:34.180 --> 40:39.140 It's high fidelity because we make you know a pure molecule so we can study it even better 40:41.380 --> 40:45.700 They're not studying anything. They're not studying a phenomenon. They are creating a field 40:46.340 --> 40:53.540 Which bamboozles us into believing that biology that is most likely our own and the and and and part of every other 40:54.100 --> 40:56.100 highly complex life form on the planet 40:58.100 --> 41:02.100 And pretend that it's totally a signal outside of us and they all agree to be 41:02.580 --> 41:06.740 Part of this governing structure that's based on this mythology every one of them 41:09.780 --> 41:16.020 And i'm telling you ladies and gentlemen the idea for example that robert malone is mad about sashalatapova is fake 41:16.580 --> 41:20.900 Just like the idea that robert malone is mad about george web is fake 41:21.380 --> 41:27.940 How could it possibly be that he's mad about george web when he puts links in to george web's 41:28.420 --> 41:30.740 60 minutes episode in his sub stack 41:33.060 --> 41:39.860 And how could george web be a bad guy if george web says that and paul cotrell is one of the biggest md heroes 41:39.860 --> 41:45.940 doctor heroes of the pandemic and robert malone was on a podcast being interviewed by 41:46.580 --> 41:51.620 paul cotrell multiple times in 2021 are we to believe that paul cotrell fooled 41:52.180 --> 41:55.780 robert malone into believing that he was a legitimate legitimate 41:56.420 --> 41:58.420 medical care professional 41:58.980 --> 42:05.060 Are we are we to believe that robert malone was fooled by that other dude that was hosting the show the 42:05.460 --> 42:08.180 Whatever it was called black and white podcast what 42:10.260 --> 42:15.700 Is that what we're supposed to believe just like we were supposed to believe that robert malone got lied to by peter colis 42:15.780 --> 42:18.820 About the the localization of the lipid nanoparticle 42:18.820 --> 42:22.900 And that's the only reason why he took it because he was well aware that that was a problem 42:24.100 --> 42:30.100 And he wouldn't have taken it because he knew that was a problem except peter colis told him that they'd solved that problem 42:30.100 --> 42:36.100 So he took the shock so he didn't say that peter lied, but he kind of said peter lied because we have a video of peter 42:36.100 --> 42:41.540 In 2022 saying that we never solved that problem. He admitted it in an open lecture 42:42.180 --> 42:49.140 2022 so it's strange that peter would have said that to robert malone unless maybe somebody lied to peter 42:49.140 --> 42:51.140 Maybe peter's not that smart 42:52.420 --> 42:55.940 Maybe peter's kind of naive and if somebody said oh it works, then he would say wow 42:55.940 --> 43:00.180 That's great and open a scotch before he ever thought very deeply about it. It's possible 43:03.940 --> 43:07.860 But then we're supposed to believe what that he forgot his card when he went to roem with 43:08.340 --> 43:11.700 Stephen Hatfield or that Stephen Hatfield tells that story, but it's a lie 43:15.940 --> 43:22.820 Ladies and gentlemen, robert malone's story doesn't add up robert malone's behavior doesn't add up robert malone's story changes over the 43:22.820 --> 43:30.500 Three years that he became public and a lot of these people down there. They all seem to ignore it. They don't want to admit it 43:34.180 --> 43:36.180 Think about the fact that kevin mccain 43:36.740 --> 43:44.980 Some some clown in in in japan who has been saying that there might be a billion people dead 43:44.980 --> 43:48.580 And has been saying that it's a gain of function lab leak since it was 43:49.220 --> 43:51.940 Ridiculously cool to say it in 2020 43:54.180 --> 43:59.460 Has been saying worst case scenario since the very beginning and now his worst case scenario involves a virus 43:59.940 --> 44:05.300 And the combination of a bio weapon injection that was you know designed to work together or something 44:07.060 --> 44:10.580 Think about that guy right there has no critiques for robert malone 44:11.700 --> 44:18.100 That guy there who opposed paul katrel in 2020 because I was on streams with him. I have got recordings. We could watch 44:18.900 --> 44:24.740 That guy who was communicating me with behind the scenes with phone calls and or or or 44:26.340 --> 44:30.820 Emails talking about how we should make sure we oppose some of these ideas of paul katrel together 44:31.620 --> 44:35.380 This guy has made no no criticisms of robert malone at all 44:35.380 --> 44:40.980 It's like he doesn't even exist even though he is is is used hours and hours to 44:41.460 --> 44:49.380 Make fun of me and his meme people have used hours and hours to make fun of me kevin mccain won't touch robert malone 44:52.660 --> 44:54.660 Won't touch him 44:54.820 --> 44:56.820 I 44:59.220 --> 45:04.500 Ladies and gentlemen, I think that this is it. I think this is the brick wall what you see right here 45:06.260 --> 45:13.140 In the interview with paul katrel in 2021 robert malone refers to the intellectual dark web 45:15.460 --> 45:19.860 And refers to it as a good thing refers to himself as being a part of it 45:20.340 --> 45:22.340 I 45:23.780 --> 45:26.340 Ladies and gentlemen, they didn't think we were going to get this far 45:26.340 --> 45:28.500 They didn't think that we were actually going to figure it out 45:28.500 --> 45:34.980 They didn't think that mark and I would ever take each other seriously and they were working very hard behind the scenes to make sure we wouldn't 45:36.980 --> 45:39.940 Somebody told mark very early on that I was a fake christian 45:43.700 --> 45:49.620 Somebody told me very early on that I should be careful of mark because he's so connected to george web and george web is definitely an idiot 45:49.700 --> 45:52.660 And that was pretty obvious to me so I was pretty worried about mark 45:54.900 --> 46:01.380 And then at some point george web had an absolute meltdown and did a twitter space where he called both mark and I 46:02.020 --> 46:05.140 Really bad names and said that we were terrible for having attacked 46:05.780 --> 46:10.100 Paul katrel and calling out paul katrel is a fake he totally doubled down on paul katrel 46:10.500 --> 46:12.500 So now you there you have it 46:12.500 --> 46:14.740 There's no it's no more mistaking it anymore 46:15.220 --> 46:18.260 The list that robert malone put out was a fake list 46:18.900 --> 46:24.500 And the list included people that i've always identified as bad and people didn't believe me 46:26.020 --> 46:28.820 Including mary holland on the list 46:32.580 --> 46:36.260 Including george web on the list 46:39.460 --> 46:44.500 Including sashalata pova on the list all fake it's all part of the same network of bullshit 46:45.460 --> 46:54.420 Designed to create a lollapalooza of dissidents that you could choose a particular stage from and watch 46:56.340 --> 46:58.340 And never get your kids out 47:02.100 --> 47:04.100 That's what this is 47:04.660 --> 47:08.100 That's why poly the amazing poly hasn't gotten this far 47:08.740 --> 47:14.180 It's just the wellness company and a bunch of people on a on a on a new narrative network 47:14.500 --> 47:16.500 It's 47:19.460 --> 47:21.460 It's too big of a picture 47:23.140 --> 47:27.620 Jimmy dor and and russell brand maybe maybe 47:28.740 --> 47:32.820 Already playing for the same group of weaponized piles of money 47:34.580 --> 47:40.420 But what I need you to see is that there is a very specific group of people that has controlled the covid narrative 47:41.300 --> 47:45.940 A very specific group of people that has been there to control the covid narrative 47:46.340 --> 47:52.420 That is separate and different from these monkeys that were put in place at the beginning of the pandemic and before to be just kind of 47:53.060 --> 47:55.060 generally present 47:56.100 --> 47:58.100 These podcasts like 47:58.100 --> 48:01.700 like joe rogan and bret wine stein and eric wine stein and 48:02.260 --> 48:04.500 Shapiro and rubin and 48:04.500 --> 48:07.300 pool and cedar and all this 48:07.940 --> 48:13.460 This bros with shows on the internet were put there to be like nightly news stations 48:16.420 --> 48:23.220 They weren't put there to be experts on particular things. That's why bret wine stein is casting such a large net of 48:23.860 --> 48:28.740 evolutionary biology and the kinds of things that he can apply the evolutionary paradigm to 48:29.780 --> 48:35.940 You know complex systems is my specialty so I can talk about whatever I want to that's because he's a nightly news 48:36.900 --> 48:38.900 intellectual dark web 48:40.260 --> 48:41.700 Professional 48:41.700 --> 48:42.980 Slaver 48:42.980 --> 48:47.060 Working for the weaponized piles of money that are enslaving us that are 48:47.780 --> 48:53.700 Slowly executing a controlled demolition of the republics of the west and they are playing for those those teams 48:55.300 --> 48:57.780 That's why robert melon and and andy 48:58.340 --> 49:04.660 Andrew huff did some podcast together until we shredded andrew huff and now you know, they pretty much can't do that anymore 49:04.660 --> 49:11.060 That's why he stopped working with paul cattrell because that didn't work out. It wasn't they were off script a long time ago, ladies and gentlemen 49:12.500 --> 49:16.260 They were off script a long time ago because they didn't get 80 or 90 49:16.820 --> 49:19.460 Noncompliance in the first year like they hoped they would 49:20.900 --> 49:29.300 The zero covid arguments that were being made didn't take like they hoped they would people like mike eden and wolf gang wodock and in america 49:29.380 --> 49:34.100 You can really easy forget that kenut with koski also spoke out very 49:34.420 --> 49:38.900 Volhymantly about reopening schools in 2020 and they wrecked him 49:40.980 --> 49:42.980 They wrecked him 49:47.140 --> 49:51.220 And they don't want you to know it they don't none of these people want you to know that 49:52.580 --> 49:56.500 J about a charia and the rest of the great barrington declaration 49:56.500 --> 50:02.100 Don't want you to realize that kenut with koski said it months before they did and pointed out why 50:06.260 --> 50:09.220 And they were still arguing for a lockdown of old people 50:09.940 --> 50:16.740 And probably for the application of the back scene to old people they were not the resistors that we were told they were 50:18.180 --> 50:26.340 Because they also supported this and and edified this limited spectrum of debate and never questioned the idea of a pandemic in the first place 50:27.460 --> 50:34.020 Even though they were epidemiologists and could have had the data or could have called out the fact that we don't have enough data 50:34.020 --> 50:37.140 Or that the the data in new york is is weird 50:38.100 --> 50:42.100 And they didn't don't you see they didn't they still haven't done it 50:42.660 --> 50:50.900 These amazing epidemiologists that supposedly were smart enough to put the great barrington declaration yet still ignore jessica 50:51.380 --> 50:58.820 And the now public data in new york that doesn't fit their basic models of respiratory viral spread 51:00.580 --> 51:08.420 You don't think gupta or or bada chara or the or cold or could could look at that and go wow, maybe jessica's right 51:09.940 --> 51:16.100 That's what i see and i don't want to be this guy but nobody's helping us 51:16.580 --> 51:22.980 Because nobody's talking about the bodies that were floating in the pool from the very beginning 51:26.900 --> 51:33.700 Everybody's pretending that the drownings didn't happen in order to scare people into into taking a life jacket 51:35.460 --> 51:39.140 Even though the pool is only four feet deep and it's full of bodies 51:39.140 --> 51:45.220 We've been told that all those people died in the pool because you know, they didn't have their life jacket on 51:47.060 --> 51:50.580 But their heads were all held under the water before you got there 51:51.060 --> 51:54.820 And we were told that if you don't put on a life jacket, we could all drown in this pool 51:55.140 --> 52:00.900 But the pool had we same time we have people arguing no way the pool could drown us the pool is only 52:01.540 --> 52:05.140 Six inches deep. They're totally lying about the danger of the pool 52:07.620 --> 52:10.980 No, they're lying about the fact that the people who are dead in the pool were murdered 52:11.860 --> 52:15.140 Trying to pretend that they don't really know why those people are dead 52:15.140 --> 52:19.940 But whoever they're dead they didn't die from the from the water so we don't need life preservers 52:22.580 --> 52:28.260 So then how did they die they were murdered and those people can't say murder those people over there can't say murder 52:28.340 --> 52:35.700 Nobody says murder but but you know this guy and this guy and that guy and they don't even really say murder only I do in mark 52:35.700 --> 52:43.780 And we do need to say it we do need to say that they killed people to create this illusion 52:43.780 --> 52:47.460 I think Mike Eden should say that they killed people to create the illusion 52:47.460 --> 52:55.140 I think I think also Thomas binder and and denny ran core the only conclusion you can come to if there wasn't a risk additive 52:56.500 --> 52:59.780 Novel spreading pathogen in any of the data that we see 53:01.060 --> 53:05.140 Is that they lied about it and in order to lie about it they needed excess deaths 53:05.780 --> 53:09.620 And so they needed to find as many ways as possible to create those excess deaths 53:09.620 --> 53:14.340 And then put people in place to make sure that we didn't ask the right questions that would find those excess deaths 53:22.020 --> 53:26.980 I have seen the alien ladies and gentlemen and so every day I got to spend a little time 53:27.780 --> 53:29.380 working through 53:29.380 --> 53:32.020 Telling people that I've seen the alien that they can't see 53:32.900 --> 53:36.580 And so I apologize if this gets gets tiring 53:37.220 --> 53:42.980 But it's just the way it's going to be and so we're always going to have show at like 11 o'clock because 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock 53:42.980 --> 53:48.980 It's always going to be trying to recapitulate this trying to catch another person to understand 53:49.620 --> 53:52.260 How effective it is when two people 53:52.980 --> 53:58.820 lie to you never mind four five or six or seven or eight or a hundred 53:59.460 --> 54:08.100 Which is closer to where we were in the pandemic with people like nurse erin and and and paul cotrell and george web and 54:08.660 --> 54:15.700 and robert malone and maryll nass and and steve kershen and hert bunden bosshen and 54:16.180 --> 54:20.340 And and andrew huffin mccernan and cori 54:21.140 --> 54:27.860 All of these people who have chosen to tell one little part of the story never question r&a virology 54:28.420 --> 54:31.780 Never use the word transfection and completely ignore me 54:32.420 --> 54:39.540 Since about 2023 when I finally could succinctly explain why r&a virology might be a problem 54:39.860 --> 54:44.340 And why these people might be working very hard to make sure that we don't actually figure it out 54:44.900 --> 54:46.900 That was like annoying 54:47.860 --> 54:50.100 They didn't they didn't like it and neither did they 54:51.060 --> 54:55.060 That I could say well actually you both might be right and maybe if we could get together 54:55.540 --> 55:02.020 Under the understanding of what r&a virology is that maybe we would get there none of them none of them want that none of them wanted it 55:03.220 --> 55:05.220 Thank you 55:05.780 --> 55:07.620 And that's a problem 55:07.620 --> 55:12.020 And that's a continuing problem. We're always going to have this problem. This is always going to be the story now 55:12.340 --> 55:18.180 I don't think they have any more permutations of the story. There's no more moves they can make 55:18.980 --> 55:22.660 What are they going to do bring some more actors out to to oppose 55:23.460 --> 55:28.100 Some more actors to say oh, it's the shocks. Oh my goodness. It's the lipid nanoparticle 55:28.420 --> 55:30.820 I'm sure the lipid nanoparticle is also nasty 55:32.180 --> 55:34.180 I'm sure of it 55:34.740 --> 55:37.700 But you don't think robert melon could have known that because peter 55:38.260 --> 55:42.900 Peter colas lied to me otherwise I would have known that the lipid nanoparticle was also dangerous 55:43.780 --> 55:49.700 Isn't that the conclusion that we should come to given what he just said on steve curse's podcast three days ago 55:50.660 --> 55:55.940 That podcast with steve curse is going to be needed to be erased. That's how bad it is 55:56.580 --> 56:01.460 Because robert melon thinks I think somehow that he that nobody sees 56:02.900 --> 56:04.660 But we see it 56:04.660 --> 56:06.660 And a lot of people are starting to see it 56:07.460 --> 56:12.900 And that's why I think in that podcast they had to triple down on the idea that nobody sees it 56:12.900 --> 56:14.900 And then i'm just a legendary 56:15.380 --> 56:16.660 whistleblower 56:16.660 --> 56:18.660 Which is how steve curse treats him 56:19.700 --> 56:24.500 Or at least titles that there is an absolute lapping stock to me right now 56:25.700 --> 56:27.700 It's a laughing stock to me 56:28.340 --> 56:31.140 Sash a lot to pova is a laughing stock. I mean 56:32.180 --> 56:38.740 George web is a laughing stock and I really do believe that that that robert melon is an absolute laughing stock 56:38.820 --> 56:45.300 We are being manipulated on the dissident side by people that the rest of the world doesn't even know exist 56:46.100 --> 56:51.380 And we've been arguing with them when the rest of the world doesn't even know they exist most normal 56:51.940 --> 56:56.340 skilled tv watchers have no clue that any of these performers even exist 56:57.700 --> 57:04.100 And yet we've been wasting all of our time trying to convince them that our ideas mean something or that people were murdered 57:04.660 --> 57:07.300 And we keep thinking that they're listening to us for three years 57:07.300 --> 57:09.300 But they were never ever ever ever 57:09.940 --> 57:17.380 Going to say what needed to be said and I am one of the few people who knows exactly how malevolent they've been because I know how long they've known 57:19.380 --> 57:21.860 Some of them have known for more than three and a half years 57:23.220 --> 57:26.980 And that should make you so pissed off you can barely breathe 57:32.340 --> 57:35.380 Ladies and gentlemen, they lied about a dangerous novel virus 57:36.260 --> 57:41.940 And if you want to understand why you have to use infectious clone as a search term on PubMed 57:42.020 --> 57:47.620 It's not that it's a great term. It's a term that they made up. So it's just as dumb as the infectious cycle cartoon 57:48.500 --> 57:54.260 But infectious clone is the way to use PubMed to understand how this illusion was created over many decades 58:06.180 --> 58:08.180 If uh 58:08.180 --> 58:10.180 If del is asking the wrong questions 58:11.140 --> 58:16.420 Under coercion or asking the wrong questions under duress then you know del could be a good guy 58:17.220 --> 58:19.220 There's lots of other people and I can though 58:20.740 --> 58:23.940 And uh erin siri is one of them erin siri is 58:24.820 --> 58:30.180 Interesting because he never talks about the the bicp or the cicp 58:31.060 --> 58:32.900 in these two kangaroo courts that they 58:33.460 --> 58:42.100 Deal with vaccine injuries and he's never talked about them as being a seventh amendment violation of our constitutional right to sue for damages never 58:42.980 --> 58:46.900 And he doesn't talk very often about how we could just strike the prep act by 58:47.380 --> 58:50.500 Trying to get a case to pursue that and why is that? 58:50.580 --> 58:58.260 I believe because you kind of have a conflict of interest if you bring cases to the cicp or the vicp as a lawyer 58:59.060 --> 59:04.740 You can't really then also simultaneously say that that's unconstitutional because by taking people 59:05.300 --> 59:10.660 To that court you essentially are telling them that it's legitimate and then you can't at the same time as you 59:11.060 --> 59:16.260 Consul them to use that court also in another way say that that court's unconstitutional 59:16.260 --> 59:18.500 It's very conflicting and then 59:18.500 --> 59:20.980 On top of that of course you may or may not be aware 59:20.980 --> 59:24.820 But the cicp and the vicp are the only place in the legal system 59:25.300 --> 59:29.140 Where the losing lawyers are also fully compensated for their time 59:30.820 --> 59:36.420 I want you to think just carefully about what that ethically creates for lawyers and if you can't get there in a couple seconds i'll tell you 59:43.460 --> 59:46.580 But part of the reason why it's difficult to bring suit 59:47.940 --> 59:51.220 If you're not a lawyer is because you need to hire a lawyer to do it and 59:51.780 --> 59:56.420 If the lawyer thinks that they're going to lose then they obviously know that they will not get their fees paid 59:56.420 --> 01:00:00.100 So the lawyers in the real world of criminal law are 01:00:00.900 --> 01:00:05.300 under some professional constraint to take cases that they think they can win 01:00:06.580 --> 01:00:09.380 Whereas in the cicp and the vicp there is no 01:00:09.700 --> 01:00:12.900 There is no reason to do that because even if you know the case is going to lose 01:00:12.900 --> 01:00:19.940 You could spend hundreds of hours on it and bill it all and the crazy part is is that before a decision is made they'll already pay you 01:00:22.180 --> 01:00:24.180 I 01:00:27.620 --> 01:00:30.660 Mean the problem with this is is that I want to do other things 01:00:30.660 --> 01:00:35.140 I want to bring other ideas and and be positive every morning for you 01:00:35.780 --> 01:00:42.180 But we are in a dire situation right now and so it's it's of utmost importance to me to get this off of my chest every day 01:00:42.580 --> 01:00:45.860 And to take another swing at expressing these ideas because 01:00:46.660 --> 01:00:50.820 I really do I have come to believe it with all of my heart and soul 01:00:51.460 --> 01:00:54.660 And that's why I'm putting my my family in front of this train 01:00:55.540 --> 01:01:00.340 Because I think that they have been under the realization that this whole charade was about to break 01:01:01.460 --> 01:01:03.700 And that trump selection may have been 01:01:10.980 --> 01:01:12.500 I don't know 01:01:12.500 --> 01:01:18.100 I do know that that whatever is happening right now is not something that started in 2020 with confusion 01:01:18.500 --> 01:01:24.260 But started in 2020 in 2020 as a continuum of a plan that it started earlier 01:01:24.660 --> 01:01:31.380 That included people in place on the internet so that when that pandemic was declared the illusion of consensus would be 01:01:32.100 --> 01:01:34.100 absolute 01:01:34.100 --> 01:01:38.900 And the illusion of consensus would not be absolute on tv but also on social media 01:01:40.500 --> 01:01:46.660 So get ready for a an extreme gear shift as we move from saying stop 01:01:48.900 --> 01:01:51.380 To moving to saying stop lying 01:01:52.340 --> 01:01:58.100 And in this case we are going to move to saying stop lying with the idea of mindless statistics 01:01:58.100 --> 01:02:03.300 So this a talk that we're going to watch today is by gert giga renzer who is a german 01:02:03.780 --> 01:02:10.260 Who I had the privilege to meet in uh april of this year at the broken science initiative meeting in 01:02:10.900 --> 01:02:14.180 2024 thanks to the generous greg glassman 01:02:15.140 --> 01:02:16.900 who has been 01:02:16.900 --> 01:02:23.620 allowing me to participate in this in this initiative and and interact with some of the people that are that are 01:02:24.900 --> 01:02:32.100 Providing the the content and ideas like malcom kendrick and and uh richard kimbal and and 01:02:32.740 --> 01:02:40.340 matt briggs and also gert giga renzer who I actually had the hilarious privilege of riding around in a waymo in 01:02:41.300 --> 01:02:43.780 In arizona while I was there with him because he really 01:02:44.420 --> 01:02:46.260 Wanted to try the no 01:02:46.260 --> 01:02:49.460 Driving car but you need to have a cell phone in america to do it 01:02:49.540 --> 01:02:57.060 And so I volunteered to take him and it was it was kind of a fun ride and then it dropped us off ridiculously far from our hotel because it didn't have any 01:02:58.020 --> 01:03:01.300 Potential place to park by that we didn't know how to use it and it's weird 01:03:01.940 --> 01:03:06.820 And so it's suggested to drop us off somewhere nearby our hotel and then we had like a 20 more minute walk 01:03:06.900 --> 01:03:08.900 Anyway, and so I actually 01:03:08.900 --> 01:03:10.900 In the brief period of time that I was in in 01:03:11.300 --> 01:03:16.020 Arizona for that meeting got to know gert quite well because then the next day we saw each other again and of course we were 01:03:16.580 --> 01:03:17.860 We were 01:03:17.860 --> 01:03:23.220 You know good buddies and he heard that my wife was dutch and that we lived in holland and so on that walk and that that ride we 01:03:23.620 --> 01:03:28.100 We became sort of I don't know if we became friends, but i'm pretty confident that 01:03:29.380 --> 01:03:31.380 That gert will be on the show at some point 01:03:32.180 --> 01:03:36.740 We've already agreed that that will happen, but I wanted to make sure that I give adequate 01:03:37.540 --> 01:03:38.660 um 01:03:38.660 --> 01:03:42.500 Introduction to him. I don't want to have him come on the show and give a talk that he's already given 01:03:42.820 --> 01:03:47.540 When we could learn and and see that talk and then look at some of his papers before we have him on 01:03:47.940 --> 01:03:51.220 So that we could have some kind of advanced discussion about what he does 01:03:51.780 --> 01:03:55.060 Um, so this is gert gigareanser and I think it's going to be a nice talk 01:03:55.140 --> 01:03:56.740 I think you'll enjoy it a lot 01:03:56.740 --> 01:04:03.220 There's a little time there where some longhair is in the way of the camera and uh, don't don't think that's me because that's me 01:04:03.620 --> 01:04:06.500 um, so this was recorded with me in the room and 01:04:06.900 --> 01:04:10.740 In the question and answer I ask a question, but I don't think it's as good a question 01:04:11.380 --> 01:04:12.340 as 01:04:12.340 --> 01:04:14.980 It's not formulated as well as it could be so I might not 01:04:15.620 --> 01:04:18.740 Allow this to go all the way to the end because I don't think it's necessary 01:04:18.740 --> 01:04:22.900 The main thing I want to do is introduce you to gert and introduce you to his idea 01:04:22.900 --> 01:04:25.060 Which he's been publishing about for quite some time 01:04:26.660 --> 01:04:30.340 Um, and that oh, sorry. I didn't need to do that darn it darn it darn it darn it 01:04:31.620 --> 01:04:35.220 I have this new setup here not new setup, but I had a 01:04:36.020 --> 01:04:38.420 The opportunity to bring a screen from the 01:04:39.060 --> 01:04:41.700 From the Mac over here, and so I have the video on this side 01:04:41.700 --> 01:04:47.220 So that means I can go back and forth between my slides whenever I want to without having to drop them back and forth 01:04:47.220 --> 01:04:52.100 It's a slightly better than it used to be. It's just you know me having fun 01:04:52.580 --> 01:04:56.020 Gotta make this fun somehow besides besides the funny noises 01:04:57.380 --> 01:04:59.380 Is that plain? 01:05:00.260 --> 01:05:02.260 I 01:05:04.660 --> 01:05:09.700 Today I will talk about our striking leap of assistance and ornament 01:05:10.740 --> 01:05:13.780 in the social and biomedical sciences 01:05:14.900 --> 01:05:16.900 mindless statistics 01:05:19.300 --> 01:05:21.300 Let me begin with a story 01:05:22.020 --> 01:05:24.500 Herbert Simon is the only person 01:05:25.460 --> 01:05:34.660 Who have received both the Nobel Prize in economics and the Turing Award in computer science the two highest distinctions in both disciplines 01:05:36.340 --> 01:05:43.460 Shortly before he died, that's my head herb sent me a letter in which he mentioned 01:05:44.580 --> 01:05:46.900 What has frustrated him? 01:05:48.020 --> 01:05:53.940 Almost more than anything else. Yeah, I can speak during his scientific career. I'll speak it 01:05:54.500 --> 01:05:56.900 Just a little bit significant testing 01:05:59.140 --> 01:06:00.820 now he 01:06:00.820 --> 01:06:02.820 wrote the frustration does not lie 01:06:03.540 --> 01:06:06.580 in the statistical test themselves, but 01:06:07.460 --> 01:06:13.300 in the stubbornness with which social scientists hold a misapplication 01:06:13.940 --> 01:06:18.420 That is consistently announced by professional statisticians 01:06:20.260 --> 01:06:22.260 Herbert Simon was not alone 01:06:22.740 --> 01:06:25.220 the mass mass mathematicians aren't done can lose 01:06:26.340 --> 01:06:27.620 spoke of 01:06:27.620 --> 01:06:32.100 mindless hypothesis testing in lieu of doing good science 01:06:33.220 --> 01:06:34.740 the 01:06:34.740 --> 01:06:37.060 experimental psychologist have been boring 01:06:37.940 --> 01:06:43.300 spoke of a meaningless ordeal of pedantic calculations and 01:06:44.260 --> 01:06:50.420 a Paul Meale the academic psychologist and a former president of the American Psychological Society 01:06:51.060 --> 01:06:53.060 called significance testing 01:06:54.020 --> 01:06:58.020 one of the worst things that have ever happened to psychology 01:06:59.300 --> 01:07:01.940 What is going on? Why these emotions? 01:07:04.340 --> 01:07:12.180 What could be wrong with what most psychologists social scientists and biomedical scientists are doing 01:07:14.100 --> 01:07:17.300 In this talk, I will explain what is going wrong 01:07:18.180 --> 01:07:25.220 the institutionalization of a statistical ritual instead of good statistics 01:07:26.820 --> 01:07:33.620 I will explain what the ritual is. I will explain how it fuels the replication crisis 01:07:34.420 --> 01:07:38.420 how it brings blind spots in the mind of 01:07:38.980 --> 01:07:40.980 the researchers and also 01:07:41.780 --> 01:07:43.780 how it creates a conflict for 01:07:44.580 --> 01:07:47.060 researchers young and old between 01:07:47.780 --> 01:07:51.700 doing good science and doing everything to get a significant result 01:07:52.100 --> 01:07:54.180 Okay, so I want to stop it here an example 01:07:54.820 --> 01:08:01.620 I gave a lecture. Come on. Oh, no, sorry. I had to do it that way. I forgot what computer I was using 01:08:01.620 --> 01:08:06.820 So there you go. Um, I'm going to turn my voice down a little bit because I have I have your gert turned up 01:08:07.540 --> 01:08:11.860 Um, I just want to throw out a question there for you just to make sure that we're all on the same page here 01:08:12.420 --> 01:08:13.620 um 01:08:14.580 --> 01:08:21.140 Just to ask you a question really simply if I say that I did an experiment and the p-value is below 01:08:22.020 --> 01:08:24.020 0.05 01:08:25.620 --> 01:08:28.740 Does that mean that if I do the experiment again 01:08:29.620 --> 01:08:33.060 95% of the time I will get the right the same result 01:08:34.740 --> 01:08:36.740 Yes or no 01:08:37.620 --> 01:08:44.740 So p-value of 0.05 means that if I did this experiment again 95% of the time 01:08:45.220 --> 01:08:50.900 I would get this result or does it mean that only 5% of the time I would get this result 01:08:55.060 --> 01:08:57.380 It's actually neither, right? It's neither 01:08:58.260 --> 01:09:00.260 And that's one of the things that I 01:09:00.900 --> 01:09:05.700 As an at a catamagician a well-trained catamagician didn't understand when I was doing it 01:09:05.700 --> 01:09:10.900 I thought that the whole idea was to take enough measurements until there was a p-value that was significant 01:09:10.900 --> 01:09:14.180 And then that when the p-value became significant now you had 01:09:15.140 --> 01:09:19.060 Knowledge now you had an observation that was worth talking about 01:09:21.300 --> 01:09:28.340 And I didn't understand what I was doing that this was a ritual that had something to do with a hidden no hypothesis that was absolute bullshit 01:09:30.260 --> 01:09:33.540 And so I'm hoping that that's what gert's going to bring through here 01:09:33.540 --> 01:09:39.060 Is the idea that we have been consciously and intelligently manipulated as a species as a population 01:09:39.620 --> 01:09:43.060 For decades and unfortunately that includes at the academy level 01:09:44.500 --> 01:09:49.780 Where we have been bamboozled into believing that statistics can be used as a way of 01:09:50.580 --> 01:09:52.580 discerning knowledge from 01:09:53.140 --> 01:09:59.300 From of noise and and distilling knowledge into understanding and it's completely wrong 01:10:00.020 --> 01:10:02.340 Um, so I'm really excited to do this show 01:10:04.340 --> 01:10:06.340 Go ahead 01:10:08.900 --> 01:10:13.460 Also on the important of trust and honesty in science 01:10:14.580 --> 01:10:16.340 After I finished 01:10:16.340 --> 01:10:23.220 In the discussion section a student from an ivy league university stood up and said told me 01:10:24.420 --> 01:10:26.420 You can afford 01:10:26.740 --> 01:10:29.220 To follow the rules of science. I can't 01:10:30.660 --> 01:10:32.660 I have to publish and get a job 01:10:34.020 --> 01:10:40.820 My own advisor tells me to do anything to get a significant result 01:10:42.980 --> 01:10:49.300 That's known as slicing and dicing data or also pea hacking 01:10:50.820 --> 01:10:52.820 so um 01:10:55.300 --> 01:11:00.420 It'd be interesting to go back to virology and find how often they actually didn't even care about statistics 01:11:01.060 --> 01:11:06.580 It'd be very interesting to go back to virology and see how many of those papers were not doing this but 01:11:07.700 --> 01:11:09.700 We don't we don't have time to do that today 01:11:11.140 --> 01:11:14.340 The student is not to blame. He was honest 01:11:15.620 --> 01:11:21.780 But he has to go through a ritual that is not in the service of science 01:11:22.660 --> 01:11:24.660 So let me start 01:11:24.660 --> 01:11:26.660 with the replication crisis 01:11:27.620 --> 01:11:33.380 So every couple of weeks the media proclaims the discovery of a new tumor marker 01:11:34.420 --> 01:11:39.220 That promises personalized diagnostic or even treatment of king. Here we go 01:11:39.780 --> 01:11:43.380 And medically researched tumor research is even more productive 01:11:44.100 --> 01:11:45.940 everyday four to 01:11:45.940 --> 01:11:47.460 five studies 01:11:47.460 --> 01:11:49.460 report at least one 01:11:49.700 --> 01:11:51.620 significant new 01:11:51.620 --> 01:11:53.620 marker that 01:11:54.260 --> 01:11:55.220 And 01:11:55.220 --> 01:12:03.780 Nevertheless despite this mass of results few have been replicated and even fewer have been put into clinical practice 01:12:05.140 --> 01:12:07.460 When a team of hundred scientists at the bio 01:12:08.260 --> 01:12:14.340 Take company angiom try to replicate the findings of 53 landmark studies 01:12:15.060 --> 01:12:17.060 They succeeded only with six 01:12:18.580 --> 01:12:20.580 when the 01:12:20.820 --> 01:12:22.660 Pharmaceutical company 01:12:22.660 --> 01:12:23.700 bio 01:12:23.700 --> 01:12:25.140 examined 01:12:25.140 --> 01:12:29.780 67 projects on oncology women's health and cardiovascular medicine 01:12:30.260 --> 01:12:32.740 They were able to replicate only 40 01:12:33.860 --> 01:12:35.060 So 01:12:35.060 --> 01:12:41.860 What do you do when your doctor prescribes your drug based on a brain about trials that showed that's efficient 01:12:42.420 --> 01:12:45.140 But then it seems to fade away 01:12:47.300 --> 01:12:49.300 Now 01:12:49.380 --> 01:12:54.820 Medical research seems to be preoccupied by producing non reproducible results 01:12:55.620 --> 01:12:57.220 Ian traumas 01:12:57.220 --> 01:12:59.860 one of the founders of the Cochrane society and 01:13:00.340 --> 01:13:03.620 Paul clasium chair of the international society 01:13:04.260 --> 01:13:06.260 for evidence-based health care 01:13:06.980 --> 01:13:08.980 estimated that 01:13:08.980 --> 01:13:11.780 85 percent of medical research 01:13:12.820 --> 01:13:14.820 is avoidably wasted 01:13:15.540 --> 01:13:16.500 And 01:13:16.500 --> 01:13:22.660 They estimated a loss of 170 billion dollars every year worldwide 01:13:22.900 --> 01:13:31.620 So that's a great way to enslave people isn't it would be a great way to create a mythology would be to spend 170 billion dollars every year on bullshit research 01:13:33.700 --> 01:13:35.700 And that's what they do 01:13:36.020 --> 01:13:43.300 They spend billions of dollars every year getting people to study like genetic correlations with autism in models in mice 01:13:44.260 --> 01:13:51.300 genetic models of autism in mice which presuppose the idea that one particular gene might play a role 01:13:51.460 --> 01:13:56.340 And so if we knock out that gene or alter that gene in this mouse and it has 01:13:56.900 --> 01:14:02.260 Some p-value measurable difference in its behavior that we can call it a model of autism 01:14:03.620 --> 01:14:06.420 And then people after us can call it a model of autism 01:14:06.420 --> 01:14:10.180 And then people after us will believe that this gene has something to do with autism 01:14:10.580 --> 01:14:13.060 And then eventually we can have some dude 01:14:25.780 --> 01:14:30.260 And eventually we can have some dude, oh it's even cramping in my hamstrings 01:14:30.260 --> 01:14:32.260 It's all just a bad right side in 01:14:33.460 --> 01:14:37.780 2016 right a bullshit book that says the environmental and genetic causes of autism 01:14:40.260 --> 01:14:42.260 Instead of a book that says, you know 01:14:42.740 --> 01:14:44.740 Vaccination is a criminal 01:14:45.300 --> 01:14:49.940 The vaccination schedule is criminal in america and we should do something about it. It's like uh 01:14:51.220 --> 01:14:56.740 You know make it open. Maybe it's even viruses for all I know james lion's wiler might think that too 01:14:56.820 --> 01:14:59.140 That's how much of a fraud I think he is 01:14:59.860 --> 01:15:03.540 And it's unfortunate because ipac has a lot of people that like them 01:15:03.540 --> 01:15:06.900 And i'm sure there are probably lots of people that are really nice at ipac 01:15:07.140 --> 01:15:09.140 But what's this guy's problem for me? 01:15:09.380 --> 01:15:15.460 This bullshitter knew about the fear and cleavage site and wrote a blog post about it in february of 2020 01:15:15.780 --> 01:15:21.140 And there's no way in god's green earth you can convince me that this charlatan knew that the fear and cleavage site 01:15:21.460 --> 01:15:26.100 Which is only a few bases was a significant indicator of a lab leak 01:15:27.940 --> 01:15:31.540 It was given that tip just like he was told right this book and it'll be great 01:15:32.340 --> 01:15:36.980 Because it'll make the autism moms feel like somebody's listening to him 01:15:37.140 --> 01:15:40.500 But it also won't threaten the vaccine schedule at all 01:15:44.420 --> 01:15:46.820 And I think you'll find that pattern holds true 01:15:49.860 --> 01:15:51.300 Even with 01:15:51.300 --> 01:15:56.660 With with other book companies you'll see they might publish an anti-vax book and then they'll publish a couple 01:15:57.140 --> 01:15:59.140 Bullshit books alongside of it 01:16:02.340 --> 01:16:06.820 And I think this guy is fake because of the fear and cleavage site before that 01:16:06.820 --> 01:16:10.740 I didn't really know but he used to live in pittsburgh for all of 2020 01:16:11.060 --> 01:16:16.340 He lived in pittsburgh and guess who he wouldn't talk to for 2020. That's right jc on a bike 01:16:18.580 --> 01:16:26.820 Guess who this guy never shook hands with all the times we saw each other at chd conferences guess who just smiled and walked past 01:16:28.260 --> 01:16:30.260 James lion's wiler 01:16:32.500 --> 01:16:36.660 When I sent emails about him, I call him james lion winer 01:16:39.540 --> 01:16:43.300 Because I think he's one of the fakest of all these dissidents and he was put in place 01:16:43.780 --> 01:16:50.660 To do in all his bullshit during the time when backs came out during the time when unfortunately on the today show 01:16:52.580 --> 01:16:55.220 A hollywood movie star called out some bullshit 01:16:56.180 --> 01:16:59.380 That momentum needed control ladies and gentlemen 01:16:59.940 --> 01:17:01.940 They needed to vent some of that 01:17:03.140 --> 01:17:06.020 And so they vented through people like james lion 01:17:07.780 --> 01:17:09.780 Weiner 01:17:10.660 --> 01:17:14.660 They vented through stupid books that don't actually tell you the truth 01:17:18.740 --> 01:17:22.340 Who little did you know they have encouraged those people to write those books 01:17:23.140 --> 01:17:25.140 Oh 01:17:25.140 --> 01:17:30.580 My back of hamstrings are killing me right now on my right side. It's it's brutal. I don't know if i'm gonna make it through this 01:17:30.580 --> 01:17:33.700 I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a weak ass. I'm trying to say that 01:17:34.980 --> 01:17:36.980 Might need to rest 01:17:36.980 --> 01:17:38.980 Put my leg up here on this table 01:17:40.180 --> 01:17:45.220 Ships, okay. I'm just gonna keep going but I can go on and on about this because they're they're obvious now 01:17:46.180 --> 01:17:51.140 You know the first person to write about james lion's wilders blog about the fear and cleavage site 01:17:51.380 --> 01:17:56.580 It was one of the first citations in harvard to the big house's original article 01:17:57.140 --> 01:18:05.220 About the lab leak that got published on on on on zero hedge and that he actually linked to my bike rides in 01:18:08.900 --> 01:18:10.900 That's right 01:18:10.900 --> 01:18:17.060 Now you see it and who did dan seratkin who did his dad work for los alamos laboratories 01:18:17.780 --> 01:18:19.780 That's not just nobody lady 01:18:21.620 --> 01:18:25.220 He worked on genetic sequencing algorithms 01:18:26.260 --> 01:18:32.260 So that's somebody who could definitely know the transfection and transformation would have been pretty stupid and healthy individuals 01:18:34.900 --> 01:18:39.380 And yet his son is the guy that was supposedly blowing the whistle the earliest his son 01:18:40.900 --> 01:18:42.900 I mean 01:18:45.060 --> 01:18:48.020 And then that's how I got involved in drastic in 2020 01:18:48.100 --> 01:18:52.420 That's how I got involved in the day trading with with these people on slack 01:18:52.580 --> 01:18:57.460 And that I realized that yuri dagan had to be fake because he was in that day trading group 01:18:57.460 --> 01:19:02.580 But he blocked me and and and threw me out of his group of drastic because I didn't want to talk about 01:19:03.540 --> 01:19:07.300 The origins of the virus. I wanted to talk about transfection and transformation 01:19:11.300 --> 01:19:14.100 See ladies and gentlemen, we are being lied to 01:19:14.420 --> 01:19:19.860 Consistently to cover up something that has needed covering up for a lot longer than the start of the pandemic 01:19:22.100 --> 01:19:24.100 It's billions of wasted dollars 01:19:24.820 --> 01:19:31.540 Being used actively to create the illusion of pandemic potential to create the illusion of the need for public health 01:19:31.940 --> 01:19:37.620 To create the illusion of genetic causes of all these diseases and therefore we need to look at your genes 01:19:38.100 --> 01:19:41.780 We need your genes. We need your data because it's all genetics 01:19:42.580 --> 01:19:46.820 It can't be the pollution it can't be the processed food 01:19:46.820 --> 01:19:52.100 It can't be the shitty pharmaceuticals that we prescribe instead of helping you to get healthier 01:19:52.100 --> 01:19:58.900 It's got to be viruses. It's got to be disease. It's got to be public health. It's got to be you're broken 01:20:03.300 --> 01:20:08.100 And that's what Garrett is referring to at the helicopter level about how this is done 01:20:08.100 --> 01:20:11.060 It's just done because if you want to be malevolent 01:20:11.940 --> 01:20:15.380 And and this is the way science is done. It's pretty easy to be malevolent 01:20:15.380 --> 01:20:18.980 It doesn't mean all scientists are malevolent. It doesn't mean all science is bad 01:20:19.380 --> 01:20:24.660 It means exactly what i've said with regard to these people on the screen 01:20:24.660 --> 01:20:29.380 See this is where I think it'll be good because I can just go back and get up here 01:20:35.620 --> 01:20:38.340 That's exactly what all these people did they tricked us 01:20:39.140 --> 01:20:45.620 And so when I say that these people are protecting something i'm talking about all of these people right here 01:20:47.060 --> 01:20:50.500 They are protecting something that the people on that t-shirt screen 01:20:51.620 --> 01:20:56.740 And part of what they are protecting is this illusion that knowledge has been created over these many years 01:20:57.140 --> 01:20:59.060 Why do I say that because 01:20:59.060 --> 01:21:02.900 Kevin McCurnan is one of the people who has to protect the most 01:21:03.700 --> 01:21:09.540 Because as I've been calling out off and out on this stream, I believe that the human genome project was a lie 01:21:09.780 --> 01:21:11.620 I'm not saying they didn't do anything 01:21:11.860 --> 01:21:19.060 I'm saying what they said they did and what they actually did is not the same and mark lander and some of these people have been telling us for years 01:21:20.020 --> 01:21:25.620 They made some landmarks. They found some landmarks that they can use to look at one genome to the other genome 01:21:26.180 --> 01:21:32.260 They didn't sequence the whole human genome and now they know where all the genes are 01:21:33.860 --> 01:21:36.100 They made restriction enzyme maps 01:21:37.460 --> 01:21:43.620 Of the human genome that would allow them to compare those landmarks across other human genomes 01:21:45.620 --> 01:21:48.180 That's what they did make no mistake about it 01:21:49.780 --> 01:21:52.900 Any other details to that may have come later 01:21:54.260 --> 01:21:56.260 But the way that 01:21:56.260 --> 01:21:57.540 Genomic 01:21:57.620 --> 01:22:03.220 Association studies are done where you can blame a genetic cause on autism is done with these 01:22:03.620 --> 01:22:06.580 Magic tricks and these rituals of statistics 01:22:08.740 --> 01:22:14.740 That identify the genes in the first place and then if you make a knockout mouse of a gene and it has some some 01:22:15.540 --> 01:22:18.100 Some behavioral phenotype would you really be surprised? 01:22:18.500 --> 01:22:25.860 And yet then you go on and you test the p-value difference between the wild type mouse and the knockout mouse and since there's a significant difference 01:22:25.940 --> 01:22:29.620 Now you've created knowledge and maybe even a model of autism 01:22:32.500 --> 01:22:37.220 Please see how malevolent it is that that people like me 01:22:37.860 --> 01:22:41.060 Get trained in such a way that we could actually 01:22:41.540 --> 01:22:46.660 Get sucked into this and become part of this system where everybody just agrees. This is the way it is 01:22:46.980 --> 01:22:50.340 You just got to get good at it so that nobody thinks you're doing it badly 01:22:51.540 --> 01:22:53.540 if you cut the sausage well 01:22:54.260 --> 01:22:59.460 And can make the story good then you're considered a great scientist if you don't cut the story so well 01:22:59.460 --> 01:23:01.300 Then you just don't get tenure 01:23:01.300 --> 01:23:05.860 But if you can find a way to make it work for you this system is great and that's what a lot of these people have done 01:23:07.060 --> 01:23:09.460 I'm gonna have to quit sooner. I'm gonna have to figure out another way 01:23:10.500 --> 01:23:12.820 To get going here. Maybe I need to drink more water 01:23:13.380 --> 01:23:17.300 Um, okay, so I'm going back to this one and we'll get this going 01:23:19.460 --> 01:23:21.460 The discovery that too many 01:23:22.420 --> 01:23:29.540 The scientific results appear to be false alarms has been baptized the 01:23:30.740 --> 01:23:32.740 replication crisis 01:23:35.220 --> 01:23:40.580 In recent years, I do and I do I think that's very right. I think it's very good that thoranos failed 01:23:41.300 --> 01:23:43.300 It's very good. That would have been a disaster 01:23:44.180 --> 01:23:46.180 Often young researchers 01:23:46.260 --> 01:23:51.860 Have tried to systematically it could have also failed on purpose to make sure that we think that when people are frauds 01:23:51.940 --> 01:23:57.060 They get caught and when people aren't frauds, they don't get caught or they they they they succeed 01:23:57.140 --> 01:23:59.140 They could have also been that kind of thing 01:23:59.700 --> 01:24:03.540 to what degree the problem is and typically the 01:24:04.260 --> 01:24:07.940 results show that between a third and two-thirds of 01:24:08.660 --> 01:24:14.980 published findings cannot be replicated and among those who can be replicated the effect size 01:24:15.620 --> 01:24:17.620 is on average half 01:24:18.980 --> 01:24:20.180 So 01:24:20.180 --> 01:24:24.500 In medical research for instance the efficacy of anti-depressants 01:24:25.220 --> 01:24:27.700 plummeted drastically from study to study 01:24:28.820 --> 01:24:35.540 And the second generation anti-psychotics that earned Eli Lilly a fortune 01:24:37.060 --> 01:24:40.420 Seem to lose their efficacy when retested 01:24:40.820 --> 01:24:46.020 Which would explain why a lot of these anti-depressants would be wanting to be recycled as 01:24:46.660 --> 01:24:49.300 Repurposed drugs by people like Steve Kirsch or 01:24:49.860 --> 01:24:54.580 Robert Malone who have been working for these same weaponized piles of money their whole lives 01:24:55.780 --> 01:24:57.780 Right make perfect sense 01:24:58.260 --> 01:25:03.300 Let's take something that we know didn't work for one thing and see if we can repurpose it for another why didn't it work? 01:25:03.380 --> 01:25:05.380 Well, because depression was 01:25:05.380 --> 01:25:09.300 Defined by p-values because depression was defined by p-values 01:25:09.380 --> 01:25:16.340 Therefore, you could measure the depression in a subjective way and then and then orchestrate p-values and then sell products 01:25:16.900 --> 01:25:19.940 Billions of dollars were at stake. Of course, they'll fake shit 01:25:21.540 --> 01:25:25.460 And we can do it with with the statistical ritual of p-hacking 01:25:28.100 --> 01:25:32.340 It's interesting how the scientific community reacted 01:25:32.740 --> 01:25:36.020 So what would it do if your result that made you famous 01:25:37.620 --> 01:25:39.620 disappears 01:25:39.700 --> 01:25:43.860 Some researchers like the psychologist jonathan schooler 01:25:44.660 --> 01:25:46.900 faced the problem and tried to think about 01:25:47.860 --> 01:25:49.860 what's the reason and 01:25:50.020 --> 01:25:52.020 jonathan came up 01:25:52.020 --> 01:25:54.900 with the idea of cosmic habituation 01:25:56.660 --> 01:25:58.660 In his words 01:25:58.820 --> 01:26:05.220 It was as if nature gave me this great result and then tried to take it back 01:26:05.700 --> 01:26:07.540 unbelievable 01:26:07.540 --> 01:26:12.660 The New Yorker called this the true spheres of phenolmen truth wears off 01:26:14.100 --> 01:26:17.460 Reacted so as a real researchers reacted differently 01:26:19.060 --> 01:26:21.060 And we're not happy 01:26:21.060 --> 01:26:25.300 with those who tried to replicate their studies and failed 01:26:26.180 --> 01:26:28.180 And waged personal attacks on those 01:26:28.980 --> 01:26:32.180 speaking of I quote replication police 01:26:33.220 --> 01:26:35.220 shameless little bullies 01:26:35.540 --> 01:26:37.300 which hunts 01:26:37.300 --> 01:26:39.300 all compared them to this dasi 01:26:39.620 --> 01:26:41.300 nice 01:26:41.300 --> 01:26:42.100 So 01:26:42.100 --> 01:26:44.500 Here we are at the beginning of the 21st century 01:26:45.060 --> 01:26:51.380 one of the most cited claims in the social and biomedical sciences was i can't do any 01:26:51.380 --> 01:26:52.740 I'll need is 01:26:52.740 --> 01:26:54.740 most scientific 01:26:57.220 --> 01:26:59.380 In 2017 01:26:59.380 --> 01:27:03.460 Just to give a hint about the possible political consequences. Okay, I'll be fine 01:27:03.460 --> 01:27:06.180 The news website right part dot com 01:27:07.220 --> 01:27:11.700 Headliner claim by worton school professor scott armstrong 01:27:12.660 --> 01:27:15.380 That I quote fewer than one percent 01:27:16.340 --> 01:27:23.460 In of papers in scientific journals follow scientific method end of quote 01:27:24.580 --> 01:27:25.780 Now 01:27:25.780 --> 01:27:31.780 We have seen in this country and we're also other countries politicians trying to cut down funding of research 01:27:32.660 --> 01:27:36.580 And if they would read more about this, they would be more going in this 01:27:38.100 --> 01:27:39.620 In this direction 01:27:39.620 --> 01:27:46.580 And those who point out that so many results are not I did a replicable they face a double problem 01:27:47.140 --> 01:27:50.820 They want to save science at the same time to run the danger 01:27:51.700 --> 01:27:57.540 That maybe Donald Trump someone else will use this to cut funding totally down 01:27:57.940 --> 01:28:00.980 Oh, that's an interesting thing. So how did we get there? 01:28:01.860 --> 01:28:04.020 The replication crisis has been blamed 01:28:04.900 --> 01:28:05.780 on 01:28:05.780 --> 01:28:09.140 Economic on false economic incentives like publish and perish 01:28:10.100 --> 01:28:11.220 and 01:28:11.220 --> 01:28:13.460 I want to make a point today 01:28:14.500 --> 01:28:18.340 That we need to go beyond the important role of external incentives 01:28:19.140 --> 01:28:21.140 and focus on an internal 01:28:22.180 --> 01:28:25.780 a problem that fuels the replication crisis 01:28:27.220 --> 01:28:28.180 And 01:28:28.180 --> 01:28:33.940 This is the factor that good scientific practice has been replaced by a statistical ritual 01:28:34.580 --> 01:28:36.340 My point is 01:28:36.340 --> 01:28:38.180 Researchers follow this ritual not 01:28:39.700 --> 01:28:43.780 Because or they're not only because of external pressure. No 01:28:44.740 --> 01:28:46.740 They have internalized the ritual 01:28:47.620 --> 01:28:50.740 And many generally believe in it 01:28:51.780 --> 01:28:59.700 And that can be seen most clearly by the delusions they have about the p-value the product of the ritual 01:29:00.660 --> 01:29:06.900 So statistical methods are not just applied to a science. They can change the entire science 01:29:08.420 --> 01:29:11.140 So think about parapsychology 01:29:12.100 --> 01:29:14.100 Which once was the study 01:29:14.900 --> 01:29:21.300 Um, I'm going to just answer a question in the chat giga ohm does not have anything to do with g proteins g proteins are 01:29:22.180 --> 01:29:27.060 Are a protein signaling mechanism part of g protein coupled receptors 01:29:27.860 --> 01:29:30.660 And so no giga ohm means giga 01:29:31.620 --> 01:29:33.620 as in 01:29:34.100 --> 01:29:36.340 I think it's a million, you know like giga watt 01:29:37.460 --> 01:29:39.460 in in the movie 01:29:40.340 --> 01:29:44.340 In the movie back to the future gigawatts 1.21 gigawatts 01:29:44.340 --> 01:29:48.900 Well giga ohms is is not watts, but it's ohm so it's a amount an amount of resistance 01:29:50.420 --> 01:29:53.460 It's gigawatts. He said gigawatts, but it's really gigawatts 01:29:54.660 --> 01:29:56.660 Oh, sorry 01:29:57.460 --> 01:29:59.460 Messages by the deal departed 01:30:00.820 --> 01:30:06.900 And it turned into the study of repetitive court guessing 01:30:07.860 --> 01:30:10.660 Because that's what the statistic method demanded 01:30:11.860 --> 01:30:13.860 In a similar way 01:30:14.100 --> 01:30:20.180 The social sciences have been changed by the introduction of statistical inference 01:30:21.460 --> 01:30:25.140 And typically social science scientists first encountered 01:30:26.100 --> 01:30:28.100 Sir Ronald Fisher's theories 01:30:28.980 --> 01:30:32.660 And particular his 1935 book he wrote three books 01:30:33.300 --> 01:30:35.300 The first was too much about 01:30:35.780 --> 01:30:37.620 Agriculture and manure 01:30:37.620 --> 01:30:41.620 And technically too difficult for most social scientists, but the second one was just right 01:30:43.140 --> 01:30:45.140 And it didn't smell anymore 01:30:48.260 --> 01:30:51.620 I thought I started writing textbooks and then I became aware of 01:30:52.260 --> 01:30:58.980 A competing theory by the Polish statistician jersey naman and the British statistician ego and piercing 01:31:01.380 --> 01:31:03.940 Uh the fissure had a theory 01:31:04.420 --> 01:31:10.500 So at least it's not a process testing where he had just one hypothesis naman insisted that you need two 01:31:11.620 --> 01:31:14.900 Fisher had the PV a little computed after the experiment 01:31:15.460 --> 01:31:19.060 Naman appears insisting to do everything in advance. I've just 01:31:19.860 --> 01:31:26.420 Gave you an idea about the fundamental differences and I give you an idea about the flavor of the cone controversy 01:31:26.900 --> 01:31:32.900 Fisher rendered naman's theory as childish and horrifying for the freedom of the west 01:31:34.740 --> 01:31:38.100 And linked naman peers in theory to starlings five-year program 01:31:39.220 --> 01:31:46.660 Also to americans who cannot distinguish or don't want to distinguish within making money and doing science 01:31:47.460 --> 01:31:52.740 Incidentally naman was born in russia and moved to gurgling the u.s 01:31:54.420 --> 01:31:58.500 And uh naman for his part responded to the sum of fissures 01:31:59.060 --> 01:32:05.060 Tests and said these are in a mathematically specified sense worse than useless 01:32:06.100 --> 01:32:09.780 What he meant was that that the power was smaller than alpha 01:32:11.140 --> 01:32:13.140 Such in uh the famous 01:32:13.700 --> 01:32:15.700 uh lady key test 01:32:16.100 --> 01:32:22.100 So what do textbook writers do when there are two 01:32:23.220 --> 01:32:27.300 different ideas about statistically inference one solution would have been 01:32:28.420 --> 01:32:30.180 You present both 01:32:30.180 --> 01:32:32.180 And maybe also base 01:32:32.180 --> 01:32:33.860 Or two key 01:32:33.860 --> 01:32:35.860 Anasos and teach 01:32:36.580 --> 01:32:44.660 Researchers to use their judgment to develop a sense in what situation is start working and where it's better to do this 01:32:45.540 --> 01:32:48.580 No, that was not what textbook writers were going for 01:32:49.620 --> 01:32:57.220 They created a hybrid theory of statistical inference that didn't exist and doesn't exist in statistics proper 01:32:57.700 --> 01:33:00.340 taking some parts for fissure some parts from naman 01:33:01.300 --> 01:33:02.100 and 01:33:02.100 --> 01:33:09.300 Adding their own parts mostly about the idea that scientific inference must be without any judgment 01:33:10.340 --> 01:33:12.740 That's what I mean mindless automatic 01:33:13.700 --> 01:33:17.060 There it is and the essence of this hybrid theory 01:33:18.100 --> 01:33:20.420 Is the null ritual all right 01:33:20.420 --> 01:33:27.460 No ritual has three steps first. This is the perfect part set up a null hypothesis of no mean differences or 01:33:28.180 --> 01:33:30.420 zero correlation and most important 01:33:31.140 --> 01:33:35.300 Do not specify your own hypothesis or theory? 01:33:35.940 --> 01:33:37.940 No, it's prediction 01:33:37.940 --> 01:33:39.540 second step 01:33:39.540 --> 01:33:41.540 Use 5% as a convention 01:33:42.340 --> 01:33:49.940 For it checking the null hypothesis if the test is significant claim victory for your hypothesis that you have never specified 01:33:51.940 --> 01:33:53.940 If the test result 01:33:54.740 --> 01:34:00.020 And report the test results as p smaller than 5% or 1% or 0.1% 01:34:00.820 --> 01:34:03.380 whichever level is is met by 01:34:05.300 --> 01:34:09.220 Your results and the third step is a unique step 01:34:10.100 --> 01:34:14.820 It says always perform this procedure period 01:34:16.660 --> 01:34:18.660 now 01:34:18.740 --> 01:34:22.580 Niesa Fisher not to be sure naman peers would have approved of this procedure 01:34:23.460 --> 01:34:30.500 And Fisher for instance said no scientific researcher will ever have the same level of his significant from experimental experiments 01:34:30.820 --> 01:34:36.500 He will give us thoughts name and also and Pearson emphasized the role of judgment 01:34:36.740 --> 01:34:43.540 Okay, so before we go any farther, I just want to give you one example of this so that you know exactly what i'm freaking talking about because i'm getting pissed 01:34:45.140 --> 01:34:47.140 I'm getting angry 01:34:48.420 --> 01:34:50.420 Um, and I don't like to be angry 01:34:51.780 --> 01:34:57.460 But that's what I feel right now. I feel anger because people are not seeming to pay attention anymore 01:34:59.620 --> 01:35:05.940 And uh, when you don't pay attention anymore, then you uh, you abdicate those responsibilities to others 01:35:06.100 --> 01:35:08.740 And that drives me absolutely bananas 01:35:09.860 --> 01:35:14.740 Um, and uh, so let's see if I can find this 01:35:18.340 --> 01:35:21.780 Um video that I was watching already 01:35:23.220 --> 01:35:25.220 I guess it would have been this one 01:35:28.340 --> 01:35:32.260 Here and index is a great way to stabilize and get out the door and that is 01:35:32.820 --> 01:35:40.420 One way that it's used in some hospital and server and it but in with the tight relationships there and there 01:35:40.980 --> 01:35:47.540 So let's just look, you know, because that's what we really are trying to do. I don't want to take anything away from gert. Okay. That's not my plan 01:35:48.420 --> 01:35:49.460 Um 01:35:49.460 --> 01:35:55.540 I want you to pay close attention to gert. Um, but gert is giving us a 30,000 foot view 01:35:56.420 --> 01:35:58.100 Of a system 01:35:58.100 --> 01:36:04.740 From which these people have emerged and in fact they are trying to protect so what I want to do is just listen to a random 01:36:05.700 --> 01:36:08.500 Portion of this to see if we can find any 01:36:09.300 --> 01:36:14.580 Times when robert malone will refer to p values as knowledge. Okay 01:36:15.300 --> 01:36:19.780 And and it's very interesting because we just heard gert kind of explain in a 01:36:20.420 --> 01:36:27.220 In a german sort of way why randomize control trials don't give you any information and in fact the worse 01:36:27.940 --> 01:36:32.820 They are designed the worst information that they will give you and they often don't even test a hypothesis 01:36:32.900 --> 01:36:34.900 So in the case of covid 01:36:34.900 --> 01:36:42.100 If you assume there's covid and then you look for statistical differences between two groups when there is no covid 01:36:44.100 --> 01:36:45.940 What are you finding? 01:36:46.020 --> 01:36:51.380 And of course that would have been what these people were involved in from the very beginning by assuming there's covid 01:36:51.780 --> 01:36:55.140 And then doing clinical trials and reporting significant results 01:36:55.620 --> 01:36:57.140 You are using 01:36:57.140 --> 01:36:58.500 Paparian 01:36:58.500 --> 01:37:01.300 falsification of a null hypothesis, which is what 01:37:02.020 --> 01:37:07.140 Well, if there was no difference between these two groups then the then the statistics would show it 01:37:07.620 --> 01:37:13.300 And since the statistics show difference between these groups then I guess my repurposed drug works 01:37:16.740 --> 01:37:20.580 So it would be crazy right if in august of 2021 01:37:21.220 --> 01:37:24.900 Talking to the obviously fake paul cotrell live 01:37:25.460 --> 01:37:34.020 Still on youtube does anybody else not find it strange that this video wouldn't get a strike just because robert malone is supposedly this 01:37:34.420 --> 01:37:36.420 ultra censored guy 01:37:37.940 --> 01:37:44.180 That a month before this bret Weinstein lost the monetization of his channel and his 01:37:44.580 --> 01:37:49.380 Income to his his family was threatened because he put his life on the line 01:37:49.620 --> 01:37:54.500 And his livelihood on the line to give robert malone a place to talk on his on his stream 01:37:55.780 --> 01:38:00.100 Isn't it kind of striking that this bullshit is still up on youtube 01:38:02.500 --> 01:38:05.620 Because it is it's just that marks up re-uploading them again 01:38:07.780 --> 01:38:09.780 You see the problem here 01:38:10.740 --> 01:38:12.740 I 01:38:12.740 --> 01:38:18.980 Mark does a stream about stanley plotkin and and hillary kaprowski and it gets a strike but but then what 01:38:20.420 --> 01:38:25.460 Talks about murder he gets a strike but but paul cotrell and and darryl neely 01:38:26.100 --> 01:38:28.100 discussing the finer points of 01:38:28.740 --> 01:38:35.700 Of the pandemic with robert malone is totally okay, even though what? I guess robert malone wasn't very off narrative then was he? 01:38:36.500 --> 01:38:42.580 Let's listen to this because this this first 10 minutes of this video is frickin unbelievable 01:38:46.020 --> 01:38:54.260 Remember who he's talking to he's talking to paul frickin cotrell and somebody who was definitely at january 6th just like 01:38:55.300 --> 01:38:57.300 um george web was for example 01:38:58.500 --> 01:39:04.180 Let's just go from the beginning. I know it's not more than 15 minutes of this before we're going to be absolutely shocked 01:39:04.500 --> 01:39:07.940 to murk vaccines under marice hillman for about nine million bucks 01:39:08.340 --> 01:39:11.700 Then murk failed to deliver and develop a product given back to vikal 01:39:12.180 --> 01:39:15.780 They continue to try to develop products for about 20 for the rest of the life of paten 01:39:16.340 --> 01:39:22.100 um and uh well keeping out of people from doing it and then finally the patans expired and the fields took off 01:39:23.060 --> 01:39:30.500 So meanwhile, I did a lot of additional work. I my wife and I uh were issued a fundamental patent that covered all vectors 01:39:30.740 --> 01:39:31.780 uh 01:39:31.780 --> 01:39:33.620 um technology for 01:39:33.620 --> 01:39:39.060 Vaccine purposes via intranasal and mucosal administration. So this is covered adenoviral vectors 01:39:39.780 --> 01:39:45.140 Aav or other methods as well as mRNA and DNA. So we have the broad patent for 01:39:46.100 --> 01:39:49.140 um, holly nucleotide mucosal. So he wants you to believe 01:39:49.700 --> 01:39:57.540 He wants you to believe that he has the patent for everything. He has the actual intellectual property patent. Although it's expired. I think 01:39:58.500 --> 01:40:05.060 He wants you to believe he has the patent for av for mRNA. He came up with the whole idea of what 01:40:07.460 --> 01:40:09.700 For me, it's very intellectually obvious 01:40:09.700 --> 01:40:15.860 He came up with the idea of using transformation and transfection as a vaccine methodology 01:40:16.980 --> 01:40:18.820 That's all 01:40:18.820 --> 01:40:23.060 He came up with the idea and a lot of people tried it and it didn't work because of course it wouldn't work 01:40:23.060 --> 01:40:28.180 But he came up with the idea and he's talking shit about coming up with the idea 01:40:28.180 --> 01:40:32.340 But not talking shit about standing up for the fact that we shouldn't have rolled out an av 01:40:33.860 --> 01:40:38.180 Remember he supposedly lost his career speaking out for jessie gelsinger 01:40:38.180 --> 01:40:45.220 I wonder if he's going to say that to paul control in august of 21 or if he's going to wait until um, you know later 01:40:46.980 --> 01:40:48.980 To whine about it later 01:40:49.940 --> 01:40:55.540 Wine about it when everybody's forgotten what he has done in 2020 or what he did before june of 21 01:40:58.260 --> 01:41:00.260 These people are malevolent 01:41:01.140 --> 01:41:04.020 Participants working for the slavers ladies and gentlemen 01:41:04.900 --> 01:41:07.780 And many other patents and and products 01:41:08.420 --> 01:41:12.340 Marketed products having to do with the kennonic with the delivery technology as well as 01:41:12.900 --> 01:41:15.940 uh delivery for vaccine purposes using post-electral fields 01:41:16.420 --> 01:41:20.820 And we were involved in in the initial incorporation of a company called anovia, which is one of the other standard 01:41:21.300 --> 01:41:23.620 uh technology platforms it's currently introduced 01:41:24.580 --> 01:41:28.740 Now my understanding of that platform is that it's just presenting a protein 01:41:30.660 --> 01:41:36.260 Yeah, isn't it? No, no, no. No, we sure that's that's using post-electral fields to deliver pulling nucleotides into skin and muscle 01:41:36.500 --> 01:41:42.580 Oh, okay. Okay. So so so most most of your so he's being interviewed by paul control 01:41:42.580 --> 01:41:45.220 This guy is one of the biggest shitheads out there 01:41:46.500 --> 01:41:48.500 Maximum shithead 01:41:49.620 --> 01:41:52.420 Because he had the the actual stick 01:41:53.060 --> 01:41:57.140 That he was doing at the beginning of 2020 including on streams with me 01:41:57.540 --> 01:42:03.220 Is that he was a doctor or a medical student or some expert that knew a hell of a lot more than I did 01:42:07.460 --> 01:42:13.860 And now this piece of shit is talking to robert malone and robert malone is essentially rendering his four screen 01:42:14.420 --> 01:42:15.940 bullshit 01:42:15.940 --> 01:42:17.940 credibility 01:42:17.940 --> 01:42:20.260 But he says that george web's a bad guy 01:42:21.460 --> 01:42:23.460 Can't you see how? 01:42:23.860 --> 01:42:29.700 Ridiculously damning this video is there's no other way to see it because it wasn't the only time that he was on with them 01:42:32.180 --> 01:42:39.620 There's no other way to see it robert malone and jill were duped by paul cattrell and by george web really 01:42:39.620 --> 01:42:43.700 They are part of the same show 01:42:46.260 --> 01:42:48.260 The exact same show 01:42:49.380 --> 01:42:55.540 Let's say patents or research has been on the the rna molecule or 01:42:56.180 --> 01:42:58.180 Also the lip and nano 01:42:58.660 --> 01:43:02.820 The the lip and nano particle technology the structure of the rna the synthesis large scale 01:43:03.060 --> 01:43:08.180 No one was ever doing large scale synthesis proctor 911. I've worked with virtually all of the nature 01:43:08.420 --> 01:43:11.860 Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me 01:43:12.740 --> 01:43:14.900 Mark kulak. Did you hear that? 01:43:17.060 --> 01:43:19.060 Did you hear it? 01:43:20.420 --> 01:43:22.420 Did you hear it mark? 01:43:22.420 --> 01:43:29.220 Before 911 nobody was doing large scale manufacturing of nucleotides and he helped all of them do it 01:43:30.820 --> 01:43:34.260 Technically the structure of the rna the synthesis large scale 01:43:34.580 --> 01:43:37.300 No one was ever doing large scale synthesis proctor 911 01:43:37.700 --> 01:43:39.700 I've worked with virtually all of the nature 01:43:40.260 --> 01:43:42.740 Vaccine candidates for biofence purposes 01:43:43.140 --> 01:43:48.340 I was at the tip of the spear and in bringing the public health agency canada vaccine forward 01:43:48.660 --> 01:43:50.580 That we now call the murk of ole vaccine 01:43:50.580 --> 01:43:56.740 I got murk involved and I got the money from the no even government that funded the ring vaccination trials and then um 01:43:58.180 --> 01:44:01.060 The ring vaccination trials were stupid 01:44:01.780 --> 01:44:03.780 What they were was vaccinating 01:44:04.340 --> 01:44:10.820 Vaccinating villages around an outbreak to see if they could make a ring of vaccinated people that would stop the spread of Ebola 01:44:11.300 --> 01:44:13.300 Do you hear how stupid that is? 01:44:14.580 --> 01:44:17.220 Do you hear how stupid that is now that we know what we know 01:44:17.860 --> 01:44:21.780 Ebola vaccines in a ring applied to healthy people 01:44:22.500 --> 01:44:26.500 Around the outbreak that he got funding from the Norwegian government for that 01:44:27.540 --> 01:44:29.540 As a what is he a farmer? 01:44:31.940 --> 01:44:33.940 I 01:44:33.940 --> 01:44:38.660 Have also been right at the forefront of drug repurposing for first persica 01:44:38.660 --> 01:44:44.340 There's a number of papers relating to zika and zika pathogenesis and drug repurposing 01:44:44.900 --> 01:44:48.420 Started a company that went bankrupt. I've done I think four different startups in my life 01:44:48.980 --> 01:44:55.620 Uh and because there was no funding for drug repurposing and then uh since the beginning of this outbreak I got a call from a 01:44:56.580 --> 01:45:01.300 And remember the intelligence community that was in luhan that i've published with in the past 01:45:01.540 --> 01:45:05.220 Uh was in luhan during the fourth quarter of 2019 and he called me on 01:45:05.700 --> 01:45:09.940 uh, january 4th of 2020 and told me that I need to get my team spun up 01:45:10.100 --> 01:45:16.660 Uh because of this new pathogen. So we started working on the funny thing is there might not be anything like Ebola 01:45:16.660 --> 01:45:21.460 but there is a patent out there by cena bovari um for 01:45:22.260 --> 01:45:30.260 Uh elongated vaccine or sorry elongated viral-like particles that assemble a lot like what the Ebola virus looks like 01:45:30.260 --> 01:45:33.060 Which is this long rod shaped like structure 01:45:34.980 --> 01:45:42.260 So ebola virus might not exist but viral-like particles in the shape of ebola might exist and they might have been released and tested in remote places 01:45:42.260 --> 01:45:44.260 In africa to see what they would do 01:45:44.980 --> 01:45:47.620 And then call ebola and then people like 01:45:48.420 --> 01:45:55.300 Steven hatville and maryll nass and uh when oh air maryll nass was not ebola she was she was anthrax 01:45:56.260 --> 01:45:57.700 um 01:45:57.700 --> 01:45:59.700 All of these stories have been 01:45:59.940 --> 01:46:01.620 Have been controlled 01:46:01.620 --> 01:46:06.740 Narratives in order to put people in place as experts and then you know keep them there in case they need them 01:46:08.180 --> 01:46:10.340 I suspect that's what most of these people are 01:46:12.500 --> 01:46:14.500 That's why there's a transcript of 01:46:15.460 --> 01:46:23.060 Of maryll nass and bira shirab and and rober malone all talking about the anthrax vaccine in 2011 01:46:25.380 --> 01:46:32.980 Because this this narrative and the skepticism in public health has needed control for many more years than just the last four 01:46:34.100 --> 01:46:38.660 And some of these people have been involved in controlling that narrative even in closed circles of just 01:46:39.780 --> 01:46:43.140 Just autism moms for the last 10 years because 01:46:43.620 --> 01:46:47.460 For a long time autism moms and autism dads were just relegated to 01:46:48.180 --> 01:46:53.700 The biggest deepest corners of the internet where no one would listen to them and that ended up being iCan and 01:46:54.500 --> 01:46:58.580 thd and they thought that chb and iCan meant progress but 01:46:59.700 --> 01:47:05.620 In the end, I think because of saboteurs within both of those organizations essentially they don't accomplish everything they could 01:47:07.300 --> 01:47:11.860 And they make these these people that are are donating and people that are acting 01:47:12.580 --> 01:47:16.500 In good faith they make them feel like that this is the best way that they can move forward 01:47:17.540 --> 01:47:22.820 Um, but they are all collectively frustrated by what happens at the top. I think that's very clear 01:47:23.860 --> 01:47:30.580 Um, and the ones that aren't frustrated just don't understand that the questions that these people are asking aren't going to solve the problem that 01:47:30.980 --> 01:47:32.980 Is represented by the vaccine schedule 01:47:35.220 --> 01:47:39.540 And I don't want to be critical, but I do want to be honest if if you keep arguing that 01:47:40.100 --> 01:47:42.740 You want randomized controlled trials for vaccines 01:47:43.540 --> 01:47:45.540 You're not arguing for the truth 01:47:45.940 --> 01:47:50.820 If you keep arguing that you want health freedom and the freedom to tell the truth because 01:47:51.780 --> 01:47:55.540 You know free speech is important, but then you're not really fighting for the truth 01:47:55.700 --> 01:47:58.580 I mean, yes, you are but no, you're not because 01:47:59.380 --> 01:48:06.820 The truth is is that the vaccine schedules is a criminal enterprise in the united states and and to not say that out loud 01:48:07.620 --> 01:48:10.980 Knowing it is is essentially lying and I think that 01:48:12.420 --> 01:48:14.420 That's that's where we are 01:48:16.020 --> 01:48:18.020 And this video with robert malone 01:48:18.820 --> 01:48:20.820 interacting in a 01:48:21.460 --> 01:48:26.020 Seemingly respectful and reciprocally professional way with paul cottrell 01:48:26.740 --> 01:48:29.860 Who has himself up there? You can see very clearly as 01:48:30.580 --> 01:48:32.660 doctor paul cottrell 01:48:32.740 --> 01:48:35.860 Robert malone doesn't even call himself a doctor in his own 01:48:37.140 --> 01:48:41.780 In his own caption here. So you see that's a problem, right? I don't call myself doctor coo 01:48:42.820 --> 01:48:47.380 But paul cottrell has been calling himself doctor paul cottrell as long as he's been 01:48:47.860 --> 01:48:53.060 in front of his camera with his four blank screens and that should be a huge red flag because 01:48:54.420 --> 01:48:59.780 He's not a doctor and his phd is in finance and he worked for a catholic charity 01:49:00.500 --> 01:49:02.500 before this 01:49:02.660 --> 01:49:05.780 which is kind of bizarre because the catholics are one of the 01:49:06.900 --> 01:49:08.740 oldest and largest 01:49:08.740 --> 01:49:11.380 weaponized piles of money that nobody talks about 01:49:12.180 --> 01:49:18.740 And i'm a catholic. I was raised catholic went to ccd the whole thing. So you know, I I I know what the catholic church faith is 01:49:18.740 --> 01:49:21.300 I know what it's all about. I've read about its history. I've been 01:49:22.660 --> 01:49:26.900 Of two minds for a long time about the idea that my priest for example that 01:49:27.620 --> 01:49:30.500 That I grew up with I know is one of the best people I've ever met 01:49:30.740 --> 01:49:33.620 And the reason why i'm a ham radio operator is because of him 01:49:33.620 --> 01:49:37.940 I used to go over to his house and listen to him talk to a guy in japan or it was just freaking awesome 01:49:38.820 --> 01:49:45.540 Because the radio was like the coolest piece of equipment i've ever seen in the way that he used it and and and 01:49:46.500 --> 01:49:48.500 It just was cool 01:49:48.820 --> 01:49:50.820 And and so I had a 01:49:51.140 --> 01:49:53.140 relationship with a priest 01:49:53.780 --> 01:49:55.620 father garum 01:49:55.620 --> 01:49:59.540 a long time as a kid who who made me believe that 01:50:00.180 --> 01:50:01.220 that 01:50:01.220 --> 01:50:04.260 people of faith are some of the most beautiful and 01:50:04.820 --> 01:50:05.940 and 01:50:05.940 --> 01:50:08.580 And heartwarming and gentle people in the world 01:50:09.060 --> 01:50:14.020 That was my model was one of the i'm sure one of the best priests in the catholic church in early age 01:50:15.380 --> 01:50:20.340 I tried to take his uh call sign actually, but that that turned out to be not possible 01:50:21.300 --> 01:50:23.700 When I registered and I never really went back to it 01:50:23.700 --> 01:50:27.460 But I still kind of wanted to catch his call sign because it's not available again, but 01:50:30.180 --> 01:50:32.340 Anyway, I don't remember why I got to that 01:50:33.220 --> 01:50:34.180 um 01:50:34.180 --> 01:50:41.620 Oh, because paul control work for a catholic charity. It's just interesting computational screening and docking of uh entire library of licensed drugs 01:50:42.260 --> 01:50:46.500 Uh, but lower. Sorry about that. That definitely led to my self-administering 01:50:46.580 --> 01:50:50.980 Some of those when I became infected with a biogen outbreak at the end of february 01:50:51.460 --> 01:50:54.900 Uh 2020 and that led to the discovery of pomodidine or pepcid 01:50:55.060 --> 01:50:58.660 So a biogen outbreak and then he discovered 01:50:59.060 --> 01:51:04.420 Pomodidine and pepcid so I got to go back a little bit because I don't know if he said domain server or what he said 01:51:04.500 --> 01:51:08.020 Fourth of 2020 and uh told me that I need to get my team spun up 01:51:08.580 --> 01:51:16.100 Because this new pathogen so we started working on uh computational screening and docking of uh entire library of licensed drugs 01:51:16.740 --> 01:51:18.260 uh and um 01:51:18.260 --> 01:51:22.740 That eventually led to my self-administering some of those when I became infected 01:51:22.820 --> 01:51:26.820 So here he wasn't very specific about what it was that he was looking at their docking to 01:51:27.140 --> 01:51:30.900 Um, which is already revealing to me because in other interviews 01:51:30.900 --> 01:51:33.780 He said a little bit more about what they were docking to at one point 01:51:33.780 --> 01:51:36.900 He said that he made a computer model of an x-ray crystallography 01:51:37.620 --> 01:51:43.940 Reconstruction dam of the uh of the three l's three cl protease, but he didn't say that here 01:51:44.820 --> 01:51:49.860 Um, so it changes over time with the biogen outbreak at the end of february 01:51:50.340 --> 01:51:54.580 Uh 2020 and that led to the discovery of pomodidine the biogen outbreak 01:51:54.580 --> 01:52:02.100 It's like the uh super spreader event in korea that that kevin mccaren was infected by it's the exact same bull shit story 01:52:02.260 --> 01:52:03.220 pepcid 01:52:03.220 --> 01:52:06.980 I wrote the uh north will it could not be a bullshit story 01:52:06.980 --> 01:52:08.980 It could also be the release of a a 01:52:09.200 --> 01:52:14.180 Transfection at those places so that those people would test positive or a release of a toxin so that those people 01:52:14.740 --> 01:52:18.340 Would experience some respiratory systems or a combination of both? I don't know 01:52:19.060 --> 01:52:25.620 But my guess is is that it's it's uh part of the show. That's why uh kevin mccaren 01:52:25.620 --> 01:52:29.780 Also has a story like that. Oh contract for that together with jim tartan 01:52:30.420 --> 01:52:31.220 uh 01:52:31.220 --> 01:52:35.940 Northwell screwed up those trials, but we've carried on i've got multiple papers published or impressed 01:52:36.500 --> 01:52:39.620 Involving pomodidine and then the combination of pomodidine and celicoxid 01:52:40.020 --> 01:52:44.820 And it's taken the first of those papers was uploaded in july of 2020 01:52:45.300 --> 01:52:51.060 It's been through peer review three times and still not been published. It's been proved in peer review three times proved in peer review 01:52:51.060 --> 01:52:53.060 by the editors of frontiers 01:52:53.060 --> 01:52:55.540 Uh at the last minute just like pure cori's paper was 01:52:56.180 --> 01:53:00.020 But those those are the trials that we finally have fba clearance to proceed on 01:53:00.500 --> 01:53:01.940 So I i'm 01:53:01.940 --> 01:53:05.460 One of not very many people that understand this whole spectrum of vaccines 01:53:05.940 --> 01:53:08.340 pandemics drug repurposing pharmacology 01:53:08.900 --> 01:53:10.900 Um and uh molecular virology 01:53:11.780 --> 01:53:15.940 It sounds kind of like uh jessica rose whose computational mathematics 01:53:16.820 --> 01:53:22.180 Computational biology immunology virology and and something else right 01:53:23.860 --> 01:53:30.260 So there's a new drug that is in clinical trials three, I believe uh, it's called i mean you pronouncing wrong but um 01:53:30.820 --> 01:53:36.420 Mel new pyro pyro talking about the murk product. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's originally called the idd 01:53:36.420 --> 01:53:41.700 2801. It was initially funded by the uh crew that I work with at defense their reduction agency 01:53:42.500 --> 01:53:49.300 Uh, we tried to get the crew that he works with at the defense reduction threat reduction agency the the did ditra 01:53:49.300 --> 01:53:55.700 You know ditra the one that was originally supposed to clean up nuclear weapons using in cooperation with the state department 01:53:56.580 --> 01:54:00.580 That in uh as part of the formulations we freezing a multi drug approach 01:54:01.140 --> 01:54:06.180 And we wanted to include it as the antiviral in our in our combination the other agents are anti-inflammatories 01:54:06.740 --> 01:54:09.060 Uh, but murk required it from ridgeback 01:54:09.620 --> 01:54:18.500 Uh, the same character that I was just referring to uh that works for the three-letter agencies used to report to uh, the assistant secretary for preparedness and in defense 01:54:19.060 --> 01:54:21.060 Uh, bob kadlick. Um 01:54:21.060 --> 01:54:23.060 He he helped broker the murk deal 01:54:23.300 --> 01:54:27.780 So he's pretty close to bob kadlick then right because the the guy who used to work for bob 01:54:28.340 --> 01:54:34.420 Broker to deal for him. So if he says that bob kadlick's a real bad guy would be very interesting right because he's you know 01:54:34.500 --> 01:54:36.500 he works with ditra and uh 01:54:37.460 --> 01:54:43.380 And he's he's he's not a whistleblower ladies and gentlemen because he didn't lose his job with ditra for speaking out 01:54:45.460 --> 01:54:48.580 He didn't lose his consulting with murk for speaking out 01:54:51.060 --> 01:54:58.420 This august 2021 he's still talking shit can still remember the original names of these compounds before they came up with something like mole pulvineer 01:54:58.740 --> 01:55:06.020 Uh, so yeah, eid 2801 there are so the the name, uh, it has to do with the emery drug discovery group 01:55:06.500 --> 01:55:10.820 Uh, ration aussies a famous member of that. Uh, so that's the origin of the original acronym 01:55:11.300 --> 01:55:15.860 And uh, there are others at emery that feel that this is a highly inappropriate compound to be advancing 01:55:16.180 --> 01:55:20.900 Because of potential reproductive toxicology issues that they're concerned about we'll see how that fares 01:55:21.220 --> 01:55:27.060 There's also so this is this is one of the new hopes for direct acting antiviral. The other one is the Pfizer 01:55:27.620 --> 01:55:32.340 Uh, three cl protease inhibitor. So when tony fauci kind of did his great pivot two weeks ago 01:55:32.660 --> 01:55:38.980 And suddenly started talking about what we need drugs that we can administer early and turn call it into something like the common cold 01:55:39.540 --> 01:55:45.220 He was only really thinking about these two agents and uh, he he has no enthusiasm for repurpose drug 01:55:45.700 --> 01:55:51.540 Um, if the dod fortunately, we're entirely separate from uh, dr. Fauci's control. What's that? 01:55:52.260 --> 01:55:54.260 Um 01:55:54.260 --> 01:55:57.140 At the dod. We're completely separate. Did he just say that? 01:55:59.380 --> 01:56:04.580 These two agents and uh, he he has no enthusiasm for repurpose drug. Um, 01:56:05.460 --> 01:56:12.420 At the dod fortunately, we're entirely separate from uh, dr. Fauci's control and uh oversight and so uh, 01:56:12.420 --> 01:56:16.100 We're able to pursue the science that we see as most appropriate 01:56:16.500 --> 01:56:20.900 And we've been focusing on drug repurposing as I said from the beginning of the of 2020 01:56:21.460 --> 01:56:23.460 And uh, we actually 01:56:23.460 --> 01:56:27.860 Uh, in the trials we had designed a three-arm outpatient trial that would be placebo versus 01:56:28.260 --> 01:56:31.460 Cellicoxid and formatidine versus cellicoxid formatidine and ivermectin 01:56:32.020 --> 01:56:37.540 But the fda created such a storm with their objections to uh, including ivermectin 01:56:37.620 --> 01:56:42.340 They put clauses in there that were so intenable who would have taken us six months to a year to satisfy them 01:56:42.500 --> 01:56:49.940 So we just dropped the ivermectin arm, but the data suggested the triple combination is really potent and and surprisingly the addition of 01:56:50.100 --> 01:56:55.460 So we've been very laboratory focused in terms of so that from our dean and cellicoxid combination 01:56:55.780 --> 01:56:59.060 Even in certainly an infant outpatients, but in inpatients we can see 01:56:59.540 --> 01:57:05.620 Uh, a point of inflection in a lot of the key labs, uh, that are predicted that outcomes of cobbid when we started ministering drug 01:57:06.100 --> 01:57:09.220 It's quite striking. We we now can manage cobbid 01:57:09.700 --> 01:57:13.860 Um using classical laboratory assays and make decisions about clinical management 01:57:14.500 --> 01:57:17.380 One of the things that was intriguing about the addition those with ivermectin 01:57:18.100 --> 01:57:20.980 Is that we saw much more rapid improvement leukocyte fraction 01:57:21.380 --> 01:57:30.420 um in the cbc counts, uh, and uh, it it appears that there is some benefit in terms of, uh, lipocyte recovery and uh, but 01:57:30.980 --> 01:57:36.580 Then there's the recent data out of israel that that i had thought was was not going to be forthcoming 01:57:36.580 --> 01:57:40.500 There's longed speculation that ivermectin might have some direct acting antiviral activity 01:57:40.980 --> 01:57:46.820 And and the new israeli double bling randomized clinical trial with only 55 i think is where i went 50 or 60 patients 01:57:47.220 --> 01:57:53.540 It's statistical significance, um and demonstrated that there is an antiviral component to the ivermectin activity 01:57:53.620 --> 01:57:57.860 So ivermectin is an iver antiviral because of statistical significance 01:57:58.500 --> 01:58:06.340 A p-value that is measured against a null hypothesis, which is we would see no difference between the groups unless ivermectin did something 01:58:08.500 --> 01:58:15.940 So, uh, you know, uh, we'll we'll be testing uh, commodity and cellicoxid because that's what we could get through the fda and that took us three months of negotiation 01:58:16.580 --> 01:58:21.620 Uh, but, uh, i suspected in the end people will find that the triple might be the more useful 01:58:21.700 --> 01:58:27.540 There by by dress that spectrum of of pharmaceuticals and so you saw that blue box i mean data came in positive today 01:58:27.940 --> 01:58:30.660 That's more news. Um, something like 38 01:58:30.660 --> 01:58:32.660 Percent 35 01:58:33.300 --> 01:58:38.260 35 to 38 protection is absolutely 01:58:42.260 --> 01:58:44.260 That right there tells you that he's a liar 01:58:45.060 --> 01:58:49.860 You don't need to hear anything else because there is no questioning the novelty of the virus 01:58:50.500 --> 01:58:54.180 There is only reinforcing the novelty reinforcing the new 01:58:55.300 --> 01:59:00.180 Cause of death the the the risk additive pathogen that has been added to the mix 01:59:01.780 --> 01:59:06.100 He is absolutely positively reinforcing the worst case scenario 01:59:07.300 --> 01:59:12.340 He's lying about it because he's telling my friend nathan that there's reason for a guy at 01:59:13.060 --> 01:59:20.900 At ditra to be working on repurposed drugs that there's a reason that's malevolence that that they're not telling people that these drugs work 01:59:21.140 --> 01:59:26.580 He says that he can treat covid with standard laboratory procedures and repurposed drugs now and they're lying about it 01:59:29.220 --> 01:59:31.220 Who's he saying it to? 01:59:32.820 --> 01:59:35.620 The absolute biggest fraud of them all 01:59:37.140 --> 01:59:39.140 And we're supposed to believe he's unaware 01:59:40.100 --> 01:59:47.060 We're supposed to believe that Robert Malone who works for ditra didn't didn't check either of these two clowns before he went on the podcast 01:59:51.060 --> 01:59:55.940 It was easier to be naive in 2021 when we were all afraid and scared ladies and gentlemen 01:59:55.940 --> 01:59:59.300 There's no excuse for being naive now not when it's so obvious 02:00:00.500 --> 02:00:05.860 Listen to the next part rct's ibermectin on that same trial did not show efficacy 02:00:06.340 --> 02:00:10.180 But they administered the ibermectin late and it relatively low doses 02:00:10.740 --> 02:00:14.420 So okay, it's going to be made that that one was kind of set up to fail for the ibermectin arm 02:00:14.660 --> 02:00:17.300 But the fluvoxamine definitely gets statistical significance 02:00:17.300 --> 02:00:24.340 So we now need to have it hit statistical significance what did he say 35 to 37 protection? 02:00:25.060 --> 02:00:27.060 Wow 02:00:27.300 --> 02:00:28.660 Lion 02:00:28.660 --> 02:00:35.300 The voxamine is another agent that we already knew that uh, you know, I I don't know how it tuned you've been up to the fluvoxamine story 02:00:35.780 --> 02:00:42.100 But uh, i'm i'm in touch with steve kirsch, you know almost hourly. He's the one that funded the george washington studies 02:00:43.300 --> 02:00:46.900 I'm in touch with steve kirsch almost hourly 02:00:47.780 --> 02:00:49.140 Stop lying 02:00:49.140 --> 02:00:54.420 Stop lying together, please. That's how we got here people lying together in concert 02:00:55.380 --> 02:00:59.620 Uh, um, this is a difference. So this is now the fourth study about two voxamine 02:01:00.180 --> 02:01:02.980 Uh, that's great. You know, let's see the main 02:01:03.700 --> 02:01:09.300 The watchers need to realize that there is they there is more tools in the toolbox as research researchers like yourself 02:01:09.940 --> 02:01:11.460 Um are 02:01:11.460 --> 02:01:17.700 Investigating compounds to try to fight the disease coven 19 or you know, the virus SARS-CoV-2. There isn't 02:01:18.660 --> 02:01:24.180 Necessarily the vaccine and the way fauci has been spinning it. It was madderna madderna madderna 02:01:24.180 --> 02:01:27.380 From very from the kick. Oh, you know, that's right 02:01:29.140 --> 02:01:31.140 And madderna was created by dartha 02:01:31.860 --> 02:01:36.820 Um, so uh, there's yeah, there's all kinds of angles here that I prefer not to go into 02:01:37.380 --> 02:01:45.060 Having to do with bill and will in the gates foundation and the tight relationships there and they're lobbying and uh, you know zuckerberg can and 02:01:45.860 --> 02:01:52.900 Uh, robert with johnson and who and facebook and there's just a huge array of folks that are 02:01:53.460 --> 02:01:57.780 With with money and power so he hasn't said anything about adenovirus being shit 02:01:57.860 --> 02:02:00.660 And he hasn't said anything about transfection being shit 02:02:01.060 --> 02:02:04.260 He hasn't told anybody anything about the dangers that are to come 02:02:05.060 --> 02:02:08.980 Neither as the bus rider md paul katrel we are 02:02:09.460 --> 02:02:14.420 We are quite a few minutes into this little podcast 10 minutes already in and I don't feel any danger 02:02:14.500 --> 02:02:19.700 I just feel the narrative of a novel virus that people don't understand and are lying about 02:02:21.460 --> 02:02:24.500 That have gone all in on vaccines as the only solution 02:02:25.220 --> 02:02:29.140 And I think I'm a vaccinologist, but my assessment from the upset was that 02:02:30.260 --> 02:02:34.820 That the risk of antibody dependent enhancement based on prior work with toronto virus vaccine development 02:02:34.900 --> 02:02:39.380 Was so great that in the timelines to demonstrate a safe and effective vaccine were so long 02:02:39.860 --> 02:02:42.900 And the uh risk that this was going to hit the states 02:02:43.300 --> 02:02:45.940 Remember I started in in the beginning of january. I was 02:02:50.100 --> 02:02:53.540 We have to go back because this is another extremely incriminating statement 02:02:55.300 --> 02:02:57.300 Why is it incriminating? 02:02:57.540 --> 02:02:59.540 Because he's telling you a story 02:03:00.180 --> 02:03:06.100 A story about antibody dependent enhancement, which is a story where vaccination works 02:03:06.100 --> 02:03:08.100 And 02:03:09.540 --> 02:03:16.100 Antibody dependent enhancement is a story where vaccination works just not as we expected or it doesn't work out perfect 02:03:17.460 --> 02:03:22.260 It occasionally goes wrong. That's what the story of antibody dependent enhancement is 02:03:22.660 --> 02:03:25.380 Antibody dependent enhancement is probably bullshit 02:03:26.100 --> 02:03:31.780 It's if it's real. It is a very small subset of what occurs when vaccination goes wrong 02:03:31.940 --> 02:03:33.940 And 02:03:33.940 --> 02:03:38.980 The subsequent exposure to the same pathogen causes a devastating disease state that's 02:03:39.700 --> 02:03:44.420 It's not just antibody dependent enhancement if it is then, you know, I'm wrong 02:03:45.220 --> 02:03:52.740 But I have a feeling that antibody dependent enhancement is a pretty convenient story that still keeps antibodies at the center at the primary 02:03:53.220 --> 02:03:54.260 You know 02:03:54.260 --> 02:03:56.820 A model of immunity, which is again his job 02:03:57.060 --> 02:03:59.060 And 02:04:00.580 --> 02:04:05.620 That means that unlike the story that he told j about a charia on the on the 02:04:07.060 --> 02:04:09.620 Illusion of consensus podcast this year 02:04:10.420 --> 02:04:14.980 That he lost his career because he spoke out against jesse gelsinger in the use of a av 02:04:15.620 --> 02:04:20.660 On a on a healthy kid that that needed a nude that needed a gene replaced in his liver 02:04:21.380 --> 02:04:23.380 And 02:04:23.380 --> 02:04:30.660 Blowing the whistle on them going off off of the protocol and increasing his dose was what cost him his career 02:04:32.580 --> 02:04:34.580 That he had to get out of gene 02:04:34.820 --> 02:04:42.260 Transfection technology and instead had to resort to I don't know starting a breast cancer firm 02:04:43.140 --> 02:04:45.780 Yeah, breast cancer laboratory in Maryland 02:04:46.580 --> 02:04:54.580 That was what resulted from him losing his his his career speaking out on behalf of jesse gelsinger kind of 02:04:58.260 --> 02:05:03.940 And so here he is now saying that I thought the av or the rna might cause antibody dependent enhancement 02:05:04.020 --> 02:05:05.380 That's why I spoke out 02:05:05.380 --> 02:05:12.260 Which is exactly not saying that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb 02:05:12.500 --> 02:05:16.820 It's not saying that transfection and transformation in healthy humans is criminally negligent 02:05:17.540 --> 02:05:19.700 And it's not saying that rna can't pandemic 02:05:19.700 --> 02:05:25.540 It's in reinforcing all the opposites of those things that we have defeated things in the fore asked with vaccines 02:05:25.780 --> 02:05:27.780 And these vaccines may or may not work 02:05:28.340 --> 02:05:30.580 But there are other ways we could deal with it right paul 02:05:32.180 --> 02:05:39.060 Stocking compounds on january 11th after the uh seafood market wuhan seafood market virus sequence was first uploaded 02:05:39.540 --> 02:05:44.980 I didn't focus on three cl pro which is what the uh, um, visor drug is is inhibiting 02:05:45.060 --> 02:05:50.660 It's pretty severe rather. I focused on the papain-like protease because I knew that there was all the papain-like protease 02:05:50.660 --> 02:05:53.780 Okay, so I'm gonna find if I don't think he's I don't think he's right 02:05:57.860 --> 02:05:59.860 I think 02:06:01.060 --> 02:06:03.380 Just let me write that down the papain-like protease 02:06:03.460 --> 02:06:06.820 I think it's possible that he said in other interviews that he worked on 02:06:07.300 --> 02:06:10.740 x-ray crystallography of the three of the three cl protease 02:06:11.220 --> 02:06:18.020 And then interfaced all of known drugs and pharmaceuticals in the fda catalog against that computer model 02:06:18.900 --> 02:06:21.060 And if I find that 02:06:21.060 --> 02:06:27.620 And I can play him saying those words out loud and that would be really strange right because he says in this interview 02:06:28.180 --> 02:06:30.340 Wouldn't that be crazy robert? 02:06:30.340 --> 02:06:36.500 Hey robert Malone if you're watching wouldn't it be crazy if you did an interview a year after this where you said that you 02:06:36.980 --> 02:06:40.420 Used x-ray crystallography models in a computer to model 02:06:40.980 --> 02:06:42.980 the three-dimensional form of 02:06:42.980 --> 02:06:47.940 The three cl protease and then interfaced that with all the fda drugs and pharmaceuticals 02:06:48.260 --> 02:06:54.100 Because here when talking to the fake dr. Paul cattrell you say you didn't bother to do the three cl protease 02:06:54.180 --> 02:06:56.180 You did the papain-like protease 02:06:57.540 --> 02:07:03.380 Boy, it would be terrible if I found a video where you said the opposite wouldn't that be weird to the 02:07:04.260 --> 02:07:10.740 Seafood market wuhan seafood market virus sequence was first uploaded. I didn't focus on three cl pro, which is what the 02:07:11.780 --> 02:07:15.140 Pfizer drug is is inhibiting it's pretty similar rather 02:07:15.140 --> 02:07:21.300 I focused on the papain-like protease because I knew that there was already a lot of candidates out there and a lot of attention on three 02:07:21.700 --> 02:07:22.820 cl pro 02:07:22.820 --> 02:07:27.860 And ama Pfizer is one of many that are that are candidates for inhibitors of three cl pro 02:07:27.940 --> 02:07:34.260 These are both serine proteases and serine proteases inhibitors are notoriously nonspecific in the pharmaceutical industry 02:07:34.900 --> 02:07:36.900 and prone to 02:07:37.220 --> 02:07:39.940 those limiting toxicity and complications so 02:07:40.420 --> 02:07:46.340 Time will tell how that plays out and I you know, I wish them the best but in with my group of pharmaceutical experts 02:07:47.620 --> 02:07:54.100 We've always been very wary of the potential risks associated with focusing on serine protease 02:07:54.660 --> 02:07:55.700 So 02:07:55.700 --> 02:08:00.180 The cocktail that you've been investigating is that with or without the corticosteroids 02:08:00.660 --> 02:08:02.100 for individual that 02:08:02.100 --> 02:08:04.980 Matter of fact, we've got strong data that if you add dexamethasone, you kill people 02:08:05.540 --> 02:08:11.780 Uh, they no, I'm not kidding you. You can laugh the paper is out there. We just had it provision wait. So paul control just laughed 02:08:14.660 --> 02:08:16.660 dexamethadone kills people 02:08:16.660 --> 02:08:20.740 What if dexamethasone is on protocols like the flcc protocol 02:08:20.740 --> 02:08:25.380 What if dexamethasone was on cdc protocols? 02:08:26.180 --> 02:08:29.140 What if if the misuse of steroids 02:08:30.180 --> 02:08:32.340 Was on my slide for the last three years 02:08:33.140 --> 02:08:36.340 And the misuse of steroids can do what it can kill people 02:08:36.740 --> 02:08:42.980 Explain that robert actually accepted. I just got to make a couple modifications about how many people in the uh, study group were smokers 02:08:43.300 --> 02:08:47.140 Uh, which no effects on the risk. Um, and not a waste in a negative way 02:08:47.620 --> 02:08:55.220 Uh, so, um, they were not active smokers. They were recovered smokers. Uh, and that actually because of the groups 02:08:55.220 --> 02:09:02.580 They were in it actually makes our conclusions even stronger, but uh, you know, if if your readers or if you want to post a link 02:09:02.820 --> 02:09:08.260 Um, I can send you the uh, we put everything up on pre-print service right away because of the nature of the emergency 02:09:08.980 --> 02:09:10.500 and uh 02:09:10.500 --> 02:09:15.220 So the formatidine plus selocotsive with and without dexamethasone because of the nature of the emergency 02:09:15.300 --> 02:09:20.100 He didn't bother to tell you the transfection and transformation and healthy humans is criminally negligent 02:09:20.660 --> 02:09:25.540 He didn't tell you that they started, uh, manufacturing these things because they've always been 02:09:26.180 --> 02:09:30.980 Planning to change the warm base of manufacturing from stuff done in eggs to stuff done 02:09:31.540 --> 02:09:39.620 With nucleotides even though he admitted that on the podcast. I was on with him with robert f Kennedy jr and maryll nass 02:09:40.580 --> 02:09:46.100 But he could have said it right now in 2021 right here to paul cotrell and just told him just like he did 02:09:46.500 --> 02:09:49.780 Earlier in this interview where he said before 9-11 nobody was making 02:09:50.340 --> 02:09:57.940 Uh, nucleotides at large scale nobody was doing that kind of manufacturing and he helped all those people develop that manufacturing after 9-11 02:09:58.420 --> 02:10:03.780 Which is a curious thing to say because marcus said that 9-11 was supposed to be a bioterror attack 02:10:03.860 --> 02:10:07.380 But for some reason it wasn't and he still can't really figure out why 02:10:08.260 --> 02:10:16.340 So it's curious that he just drops that data point because around 9-11 was when he was in maryll and working on this breast cancer institute 02:10:16.340 --> 02:10:21.300 So it's weird while he was working on this breast cancer institute with a couple of nigerians 02:10:21.940 --> 02:10:26.260 That he he and his wife are also apparently working on setting up this 02:10:27.060 --> 02:10:30.580 Manufacturing of nucleotides all around the united states with all these different players 02:10:30.580 --> 02:10:36.580 It's all one continuous operation one continuous story 02:10:36.900 --> 02:10:45.780 And they told you that something significant happened at the beginning of 2020 with people like him who were involved before the event occurred 02:10:47.940 --> 02:10:55.940 And therefore are very well aware that they need to see the narrative in 2020 and 2021 of a novel virus and when he came out in 2021 02:10:55.940 --> 02:11:04.500 He was still fully on board with the perpetuation of the idea that a novel RNA molecule starting from a mud puddle in a market 02:11:04.820 --> 02:11:08.180 Has gone around the world and continues to go around the world and can be 02:11:08.740 --> 02:11:10.420 mitigated by 02:11:10.420 --> 02:11:16.020 The things that he and his team that he spun up found as well as potentially transformation and 02:11:16.400 --> 02:11:23.380 Transfection of which he is the foremost expert because him and his wife are the holder of all the relevant patents from years ago 02:11:24.180 --> 02:11:28.340 And he would still be doing it had he not spoke out against jesse bell gelsinger's 02:11:28.820 --> 02:11:34.900 Going off protocol when then he had to resort to opening a breast breast cancer institute and get out of this 02:11:35.540 --> 02:11:39.060 Forever at least for a little while because he was of course head of an oveo 02:11:39.060 --> 02:11:42.340 Which is one of the horses in the race in this time 02:11:42.820 --> 02:11:47.380 And he even says an oveo is one of the people making or one of the the firms making 02:11:47.780 --> 02:11:52.260 Vaccines so it's an extraordinary level of contradiction that's available 02:11:52.820 --> 02:11:56.980 To anyone who wants to see it now it might have been available even when it first came out 02:11:56.980 --> 02:12:02.180 But we were too confused and too afraid and we were still playing along with the scooby-doo 02:12:02.580 --> 02:12:05.620 So we definitely couldn't see him for the charlatan that he is 02:12:07.140 --> 02:12:10.580 But in 2024 if you can't see him for the charlatan that he is 02:12:11.140 --> 02:12:16.020 Just because he spent hours with dr. paul-catrell 02:12:16.900 --> 02:12:22.260 Then I challenge you to listen to his words that he says to paul-catrell and not see him 02:12:22.740 --> 02:12:25.700 As a fraud because it's almost impossible from paper 02:12:26.180 --> 02:12:30.180 It's readily available on a preprint server and it clearly shows 02:12:30.660 --> 02:12:32.900 We jump from zero percent case fatality rate 02:12:33.140 --> 02:12:38.740 He definitely emphasizes different things at different times because they've been off script for a long time 02:12:38.820 --> 02:12:43.780 It may be that robert melon wasn't even supposed to go public. They didn't even expect to need to 02:12:44.740 --> 02:12:48.980 Because they expected 85 or 95 percent of the people to take the shot and they didn't 02:12:52.020 --> 02:12:58.100 And so this is 2021 where they're still thinking that maybe they can get the rest of the people to comply by the end of the year 02:12:58.740 --> 02:13:00.740 That's what this guy's all about 02:13:00.740 --> 02:13:05.220 Maybe they can get the rest of the people in the world to think that a novel virus is still circulating 02:13:05.540 --> 02:13:07.540 And that if they go on a white house 02:13:08.100 --> 02:13:13.700 Briefing right before christmas and tell everybody that there's going to be a winter of severe disease and death that people will take 02:13:13.780 --> 02:13:15.780 Seriously because that's going to happen after this 02:13:18.980 --> 02:13:24.020 And that's why it seems like he flip-flops or tells the story in different ways because it's improvising 02:13:24.420 --> 02:13:26.420 They're off script 02:13:26.820 --> 02:13:33.460 They thought they would get a lot more compliance with the illusion of consensus on tv that they projected in 2020 and we didn't 02:13:34.020 --> 02:13:37.220 In hospitalized cobbid wcho, you know, four to six 02:13:37.540 --> 02:13:41.860 Um to something like 23 or 25 mortality because it's a dexamethasone 02:13:42.420 --> 02:13:46.740 We then verified that's not generally understood by most docs 02:13:47.380 --> 02:13:48.500 but the 02:13:48.500 --> 02:13:50.500 The data supporting dex 02:13:50.500 --> 02:13:55.940 Is really quite tenuous. It took a lot of statistical manipulation to show statistical significance 02:13:56.020 --> 02:13:58.020 It's in a very small cohort 02:13:58.020 --> 02:14:00.420 Yeah, so so they he says 02:14:01.300 --> 02:14:05.540 um, it should not be here's the perfect example of the charlatanism 02:14:06.100 --> 02:14:07.300 because 02:14:07.300 --> 02:14:10.340 Here he's saying that they did some kind of significance 02:14:10.900 --> 02:14:14.500 Testing and that's that's not enough or they did it it disingenuously 02:14:14.900 --> 02:14:19.380 But his result of 35 to 38 percent effectiveness isn't that same ship 02:14:21.860 --> 02:14:25.620 And that's how you get these academy dishes. That's how they work 02:14:26.500 --> 02:14:33.460 They do it right. It's the other people who do it wrong. I use p values the right way. They use p values disingenuously 02:14:34.340 --> 02:14:39.300 And so we're supposed to believe that although he's a 20 year insider 02:14:39.620 --> 02:14:42.420 He wouldn't use p values that way to make money. No 02:14:43.060 --> 02:14:45.060 Even though he's from the industry 02:14:45.060 --> 02:14:52.020 Even though he's brokered deals for these things that people use p values to create value out of he would never do that 02:14:53.060 --> 02:14:55.220 It is just laughable 02:14:55.220 --> 02:15:00.820 How ridiculous this guy is to be taken seriously enough to be on tucker carlson 02:15:03.700 --> 02:15:05.700 And 02:15:05.700 --> 02:15:09.620 That should have undermined his credibility, but it somehow doesn't and him being on 02:15:09.940 --> 02:15:16.180 Alex jones a week ago doesn't undermine this credibility or Alex jones is apparently how stupid are we? 02:15:19.220 --> 02:15:22.820 We got to wake up and apologize for having followed these people for so long 02:15:22.980 --> 02:15:29.300 I know i'm apologizing to everybody that needs my apology regularly and I have a permanent link on my website 02:15:30.020 --> 02:15:35.780 That that is self-deprecating enough to say that I was wrong in 2020 and 21 02:15:36.020 --> 02:15:41.380 And even if I was very close to right people like robert malone and kevin mccairn and charles rixi 02:15:41.780 --> 02:15:46.500 And and richard flemming and richard ebright and all of these people that 02:15:46.980 --> 02:15:54.340 Talk talk talk talk talk talk in my ear and in everybody else's ear made us think that there was a scooby-doo mystery to solve 02:15:54.580 --> 02:16:00.580 And so we didn't get across the finish line quick enough to save any college kid 02:16:00.900 --> 02:16:03.700 We didn't get across the finish line quick enough to save any 02:16:04.580 --> 02:16:06.580 Adult that we love 02:16:06.580 --> 02:16:08.580 from making the mistake 02:16:09.220 --> 02:16:12.980 And you can hear robert malone's language his language is not 02:16:13.380 --> 02:16:17.620 Effectively going to stop anybody from transfection or transformation at all 02:16:19.620 --> 02:16:24.020 And if he's the expert he says he was and he's standing up the way he says he was then that should be his only 02:16:24.340 --> 02:16:25.620 message 02:16:25.620 --> 02:16:30.020 He shouldn't be trying to bamboozle everybody with stupid complicated explanations about a murk 02:16:30.500 --> 02:16:36.340 Product or that murk product or that murk product or that thing I did or that incorporated product that I did or that company that I worked for 02:16:36.340 --> 02:16:37.940 I brokered that thing 02:16:37.940 --> 02:16:39.140 He would be just really simple 02:16:39.140 --> 02:16:44.500 I I know a lot about transformation and transfection because I hold all the relevant patents although they're 02:16:44.980 --> 02:16:51.140 They're expand expired and I moved my career onto other things because that shit ain't good for humans yet 02:16:51.940 --> 02:16:58.260 But he doesn't say that he never said it on brat. He doesn't say it here. He still really isn't saying it now 02:17:00.020 --> 02:17:02.020 And neither is kevin mccurnan 02:17:03.860 --> 02:17:05.860 He didn't need it 02:17:07.140 --> 02:17:09.140 He shouldn't have taken it 02:17:10.980 --> 02:17:15.620 And once you see that kevin mccurnan and and robert malone are very likely 02:17:16.500 --> 02:17:18.900 Running in exactly the same circles 02:17:19.860 --> 02:17:24.100 With exactly the same weaponized piles of money influencing them 02:17:25.300 --> 02:17:27.540 And that paul katrel just wants to be a part of it 02:17:30.660 --> 02:17:32.500 It's pretty easy 02:17:32.500 --> 02:17:36.180 And who's the only guy that he promoted so far in this in this interview 02:17:36.820 --> 02:17:38.500 Pierre 02:17:38.500 --> 02:17:41.700 Cory the hero of the ivermectin book 02:17:42.660 --> 02:17:44.660 Guy who says that 02:17:44.660 --> 02:17:49.300 Pulsock simmeters were the primary way of identifying covid in new york city 02:17:49.380 --> 02:17:52.900 Even though he didn't show up until after the big death wave was already over 02:17:53.860 --> 02:17:58.260 And yet somehow or another he's the head was the head of flcc for a 02:17:59.380 --> 02:18:03.940 $230,000 salary for a year or two. He's the one who got the ivermectin book deal 02:18:05.700 --> 02:18:07.700 And he's the one despite all 02:18:07.940 --> 02:18:10.420 Being all there in the first part of the pandemic 02:18:10.900 --> 02:18:15.220 Doesn't seem to realize that we might have killed people with protocols like dexamethasone 02:18:17.620 --> 02:18:22.420 Isn't that what robert malone is saying right here that he knows that they were killing people with dexamethasone 02:18:22.420 --> 02:18:30.500 Which would have created the illusion of a of an advancing deadly virus, but they didn't what he used just widely as it's being used 02:18:30.500 --> 02:18:32.580 based if you were going to go fully evidence based 02:18:33.140 --> 02:18:34.740 uh and um 02:18:34.740 --> 02:18:38.500 We're there's overlap in terms of the mechanism of action with cellotoxin 02:18:39.220 --> 02:18:42.580 When you add the two they are definitely more toxic and lethal 02:18:43.140 --> 02:18:47.940 And uh, this was verified in a platform trial called iSpy that hasn't been published yet 02:18:48.260 --> 02:18:50.260 Uh that we also funded through dod 02:18:50.420 --> 02:18:53.780 Uh, we had we had counsel that they should not put so we is ditra 02:18:53.860 --> 02:18:58.900 I'm assuming we is ditra because he says his team was ditra and it's dod. So 02:19:00.020 --> 02:19:01.220 one of the 02:19:01.300 --> 02:19:07.300 The things that the secret things that I think he's doing here now in in four years in in retrospect 02:19:07.700 --> 02:19:10.660 Is that he's connecting in the minds of the people that are listening 02:19:11.780 --> 02:19:13.700 ditra to the dod 02:19:14.660 --> 02:19:18.100 But the real connection ditra should have is to a bunch of shit 02:19:19.460 --> 02:19:23.380 Including the state department and the executive branch. They are not really 02:19:24.340 --> 02:19:26.340 Do d like darpa's do 02:19:27.380 --> 02:19:30.580 They're not really dod like dod is dod 02:19:31.860 --> 02:19:37.060 They may partner with dod maybe even his team partners with some people in the department of defense 02:19:37.140 --> 02:19:42.900 But ditra is an organization connected to a lot of other intelligence agencies and originally formed 02:19:43.300 --> 02:19:48.020 Has a partnership between the state department and the dod correct me if i'm wrong in the chat 02:19:49.060 --> 02:19:53.620 So it's very curious to me that he is interchanging ditra and dod 02:19:54.180 --> 02:19:56.420 In this talk. I think it's on purpose to 02:19:56.900 --> 02:20:01.700 Obfuscate the fact that ditra has also deep long ties to the state department 02:20:01.700 --> 02:20:05.620 Which I think is central in terms of conducting this operation 02:20:05.700 --> 02:20:06.900 It's the one 02:20:06.900 --> 02:20:13.540 Intelligence agency that all these monkeys don't talk about they love to say nsa and see us cia and fbi and 02:20:14.020 --> 02:20:17.300 And uh hhs and and and dod 02:20:17.700 --> 02:20:21.380 But they never say state department even though they're the only people that are in every country 02:20:21.380 --> 02:20:25.220 They're the only people that can move in and out of countries 02:20:25.940 --> 02:20:27.940 Easily and seamlessly 02:20:28.580 --> 02:20:32.580 And they're the only way that the dod or any other authorities could move seamlessly 02:20:33.300 --> 02:20:35.140 from country to country 02:20:35.140 --> 02:20:37.140 Is through the state department 02:20:38.340 --> 02:20:45.460 Charles rixi's uh uncle or something like that used to work at the state department the state department sells weapons for the united states 02:20:45.460 --> 02:20:52.900 Robert Malone's been to romania three times in two years or two times in one year or something like that 02:20:53.780 --> 02:20:57.380 Because you know, that's where the resistance is proceed with the trial arm 02:20:58.020 --> 02:21:03.380 In the presence of decks, but they insisted that they do so because they considered it standard of care in their uh, 02:21:03.380 --> 02:21:10.260 They're basically a who 5 6 cohort. So this is under uh hypo oxygen or or intubation 02:21:10.820 --> 02:21:13.220 And uh, so that is where decks is indicated 02:21:13.700 --> 02:21:15.700 Uh, they insisted that we had to have decks on board 02:21:16.260 --> 02:21:19.220 And they wanted to go ahead with the trial and in fact they verified that uh, 02:21:19.860 --> 02:21:21.860 The trends were such that we would be 02:21:22.660 --> 02:21:24.660 Um, I don't know how to say this delicately 02:21:25.060 --> 02:21:26.100 Uh 02:21:26.100 --> 02:21:28.900 More more patients would be lost on the triple combination 02:21:29.780 --> 02:21:36.660 Their study also has a standard of care and disappear and I suspect that your viewership may be aware that then disappears efficacy is 02:21:37.140 --> 02:21:39.140 Um, not quite what we really led to believe 02:21:39.700 --> 02:21:44.740 Uh, and and uh must would say that it doesn't support the license that it has right now the authorization 02:21:45.460 --> 02:21:48.660 Uh, in any case, that's that's a tangent that's going down the rabbit hole 02:21:49.060 --> 02:21:52.260 Uh, but yeah stay away from the steroids that you're going to use commodity and sell toxic 02:21:52.340 --> 02:21:55.300 And it's a good thing and you'll see in a paper. You've got a lengthy discussion 02:21:55.940 --> 02:21:57.060 Uh 02:21:57.060 --> 02:22:03.140 In that one, uh, in which I extensively quote tonichachi for an interesting review paper to get on decks a few years ago 02:22:03.620 --> 02:22:04.420 Um 02:22:04.420 --> 02:22:07.380 Decks decks is like a great big hammer to the immune system 02:22:07.860 --> 02:22:12.020 And okay, I'm going to read this absolutely not you know a case can be made that that decks is a great drug 02:22:12.420 --> 02:22:17.060 If you've got hospitalized cob it and you want to pump your numbers up by getting them out the door and transferring them 02:22:17.460 --> 02:22:19.460 To a extended care facility 02:22:19.460 --> 02:22:23.700 Uh, instead of having them dying in your hospital to be a little bit jaded, but in fact, that's what goes on 02:22:24.180 --> 02:22:27.860 Okay, so there he just admitted it right there that they're murdering people and lying about it 02:22:27.860 --> 02:22:31.700 Listen again very clearly because I want you to see how he's smiling 02:22:32.580 --> 02:22:39.060 He's laughing about the idea that adding decks amethasone could create the illusion that they cured people and they could send people 02:22:39.540 --> 02:22:43.620 With bacterial pneumonia back to care homes and out of a hospital 02:22:44.580 --> 02:22:49.220 And so they were encouraging people to give them decks amethasone to reduce their immune 02:22:49.700 --> 02:22:52.740 They reduce their their symptoms so that they could clear beds 02:22:53.780 --> 02:23:00.180 And that these people probably had bacterial pneumonia they get sent to a care home where they don't get antibiotics and then they die of 02:23:02.500 --> 02:23:05.540 And he's laughing about it because he because he doesn't want anybody 02:23:05.940 --> 02:23:11.220 There's no reason to think that they would kill people and then lie about it in order to create the illusion of a pandemic 02:23:12.100 --> 02:23:14.660 But he pretty much already knows that they're killing people 02:23:15.460 --> 02:23:18.900 For an interesting review paper to get on decks a few years ago 02:23:19.380 --> 02:23:20.180 um 02:23:20.180 --> 02:23:23.140 Decks decks is like a great big hammer to the immune system 02:23:23.620 --> 02:23:24.740 and uh 02:23:24.740 --> 02:23:27.780 Absolutely not you know a case can be made that that decks is a great drug 02:23:28.180 --> 02:23:34.900 If you've got hospitalized carbon and you want to pump your numbers up by getting them out the door and transferring them to a extended care facility 02:23:35.220 --> 02:23:39.460 Uh instead of having them dying in your hospital to be a little bit jaded, but in fact, that's what goes on 02:23:40.100 --> 02:23:42.100 Oh 02:23:42.580 --> 02:23:44.580 Is that what goes on? 02:23:46.180 --> 02:23:50.420 This is just the tip of the iceberg of how malevolent this lying machine is 02:23:51.860 --> 02:23:55.620 This is just the tip of the iceberg of how malevolent this show was 02:23:58.340 --> 02:24:00.340 I 02:24:01.860 --> 02:24:07.460 If the math isn't working out for you now, I don't know how to help but i'm going to keep trying every day 02:24:08.980 --> 02:24:14.100 Robert Malone is one of the largest frauds that has ever been perpetrated on the united states 02:24:17.700 --> 02:24:22.980 And anybody that's connected to him is obviously also part of this illusion 02:24:23.940 --> 02:24:26.660 And working for them the slavers as I call them 02:24:28.340 --> 02:24:30.340 This is a shameless 02:24:30.420 --> 02:24:32.420 traitor to the united states 02:24:32.820 --> 02:24:39.460 Posing as a conservative american, but actually a long lifelong democratic operative as his wife 02:24:39.940 --> 02:24:43.940 Has his steve kirsch one of the largest single donors to the dnc 02:24:46.340 --> 02:24:48.260 These people are pathetic 02:24:48.260 --> 02:24:52.020 And they are lying to us so that we are a lie to our kids about this stuff 02:24:52.340 --> 02:24:59.300 And if we don't wake up in the next few months by a significant number of people to fully reject people like this 02:25:00.740 --> 02:25:02.740 We may not ever escape 02:25:05.380 --> 02:25:11.780 Clearly this election is screwed clearly no matter who gets elected in this election. We are still going to be fighting this fraud 02:25:15.380 --> 02:25:20.500 And so this is this is just the start of the fight ladies and gentlemen the uni party 02:25:21.060 --> 02:25:23.060 needs to be destroyed 02:25:24.580 --> 02:25:30.900 That dichotomy that that Robert Malone and steve kirsch and all these people are trying to enforce needs to be destroyed 02:25:34.820 --> 02:25:38.020 And we need to elect some plumbers and some teachers and some 02:25:38.660 --> 02:25:39.700 some 02:25:39.700 --> 02:25:45.540 some carpenters and some entrepreneurs and some social workers and some 02:25:46.500 --> 02:25:54.820 People that have actually lived in reality and sacrificed their their adulthood for the sake of others to office in the united states 02:25:55.300 --> 02:26:00.740 We need to open the books. We need to put cameras in the rooms where these people talk in private 02:26:01.460 --> 02:26:06.500 We need to publish their discussions and take the cameras off the streets and put them into our 02:26:06.980 --> 02:26:09.220 Congress and into our house of representatives 02:26:09.700 --> 02:26:11.700 The 02:26:11.700 --> 02:26:17.300 People like Robert Malone who have been brokering these multi-million and multi-billion dollar deals for 02:26:18.020 --> 02:26:22.580 Pharmaceutical products that are proven to work only by the ritual of 02:26:23.860 --> 02:26:25.860 statistical mindlessness 02:26:26.740 --> 02:26:28.740 Need to be ended as relevant 02:26:31.380 --> 02:26:36.980 He is an a perfect example of academy justians and how they work just like what 02:26:37.540 --> 02:26:39.540 Garrett is talking about 02:26:40.420 --> 02:26:47.140 Two fighting came agreed on one thing it was scientific inference cannot be mechanical 02:26:47.940 --> 02:26:49.940 You need to use your brain 02:26:50.340 --> 02:26:55.300 And that was exactly the message the non-ritual did not convey 02:26:55.620 --> 02:26:58.580 Maybe it wanted a mechanical procedure 02:26:58.980 --> 02:27:03.860 So that's what that's what he's telling you is the reason why some of his drug recombination 02:27:04.660 --> 02:27:14.180 These recombinant drug these these repurposed combinations of drugs reach significance, but it's not his fault 02:27:15.460 --> 02:27:22.660 It's just the way it is either it's not or it is and it looks like statistically it is so therefore we have knowledge 02:27:23.700 --> 02:27:28.180 Robert Malone is an academy justian but not an academy justian that's just naive 02:27:28.580 --> 02:27:34.100 He works for people who he knows regularly game this bullshit system 02:27:34.980 --> 02:27:36.980 He helps them do it 02:27:37.460 --> 02:27:40.260 He helps them do it with the illusion of integrity 02:27:42.900 --> 02:27:47.220 And at the same time at the other side of his mouth he says that nobody in this field has integrity 02:27:48.180 --> 02:27:50.180 Thought she doesn't have integrity just me 02:27:51.700 --> 02:27:57.140 Is there's a lot of manipulation of hospital case fatality rates by off-living 02:27:59.140 --> 02:28:01.140 patients to 02:28:01.940 --> 02:28:06.660 Various triage options. Oh, and so that doesn't mean that they're lying about murder 02:28:08.740 --> 02:28:16.100 Interesting right he says they're lying about murder, but he doesn't say they're murdering anybody. It's like what accident? It's bad information 02:28:18.260 --> 02:28:20.660 It's not creating a fake pandemic from nothing 02:28:21.540 --> 02:28:23.540 And 02:28:23.540 --> 02:28:27.780 Who's he talking to the brilliant Paul Catrell? He's so insightful isn't he? 02:28:27.780 --> 02:28:34.660 It's crazy the kinds of questions that he asks ladies and gentlemen Paul Catrell and Robert Malone being on the same podcast 02:28:34.740 --> 02:28:37.300 More than once talking for hours about the bullshit 02:28:37.380 --> 02:28:40.980 You just heard them talking about and more than 70 minutes more 02:28:41.540 --> 02:28:47.860 Is the most damning evidence that Robert Malone is on the team of the slavers than anything i've ever seen 02:28:48.660 --> 02:28:55.060 Never mind that the contents of that interview contradict the contents of interviews that come after 02:28:56.820 --> 02:29:02.500 That his story changes that his emphasis changes Robert Malone is awful 02:29:03.940 --> 02:29:08.420 And anybody that says that there's sub stack defending Robert Malone 02:29:08.900 --> 02:29:14.660 In 2023 is the most important sub stack they've ever written is just as awful as him 02:29:15.620 --> 02:29:21.540 And yes, i'm talking about Meryl nass because she wrote a sub stack saying that this was the most important sub stack 02:29:21.540 --> 02:29:23.620 She ever wrote and was defending Robert Malone 02:29:24.580 --> 02:29:30.260 And then a month later Robert Malone came out and said that chd was a shitty organization and evidence of how 02:29:31.060 --> 02:29:33.940 Shitty a manager Robert or Robert F Kennedy jr. Is 02:29:35.140 --> 02:29:38.180 Despite the fact that that shitty organization 02:29:39.940 --> 02:29:41.940 Published his shitty book 02:29:42.900 --> 02:29:44.900 Right 02:29:49.620 --> 02:29:55.300 I can't wait until I see Robert Malone in person again so I can watch him get on all fours 02:29:55.780 --> 02:29:57.220 the tail 02:29:57.220 --> 02:30:01.220 Fall out of his pants and him scramble away like the giant rat that he is 02:30:04.740 --> 02:30:06.740 Measure the quality of an article 02:30:07.620 --> 02:30:14.100 Now what did the poor readers of this text box do with a mishmash of two theories 02:30:15.940 --> 02:30:18.980 Which would not mention that it is a mishmash 02:30:19.540 --> 02:30:23.060 Not in the names of naming and piercing attached to the theories 02:30:23.860 --> 02:30:29.940 So the result was that the external conflict between the two groups of statistician 02:30:29.940 --> 02:30:33.940 The decision went into an internal conflict in the average researcher 02:30:34.500 --> 02:30:35.620 So the average 02:30:35.620 --> 02:30:38.100 I use a Freudian analogy to make that clear 02:30:38.740 --> 02:30:40.980 So the super ego was name and piercing theory 02:30:40.980 --> 02:30:44.820 So the average researcher somehow believed that he or she had to 02:30:45.540 --> 02:30:53.460 Have two hypothesis and and actually give thought about alpha and the power before the experiment and calculate the number of substitutes you need 02:30:54.260 --> 02:30:56.740 But the ego the fisher in part 02:30:57.860 --> 02:30:59.860 Got the things done and published 02:31:00.420 --> 02:31:03.300 But left is a feeling of guilt of having violated the rules 02:31:04.260 --> 02:31:08.180 And at the at the bottom was the Bayesian aid 02:31:08.820 --> 02:31:15.140 longing for probabilities of hypothesis which neither of these two theories could deliver 02:31:17.220 --> 02:31:19.380 How did all these come apart? 02:31:20.180 --> 02:31:22.180 So how could this happen? 02:31:22.820 --> 02:31:24.820 I'll give you another story 02:31:25.140 --> 02:31:29.060 I once visited a distinguished statistical textbook writer 02:31:29.780 --> 02:31:31.620 whose book went through 02:31:31.620 --> 02:31:33.620 many edition and whose name doesn't matter 02:31:34.820 --> 02:31:36.820 He was one of the only ones 02:31:37.300 --> 02:31:40.260 Actually, his book was one of the best one in the social sciences 02:31:40.820 --> 02:31:46.020 And he was the only one who had in an early edition a chapter on base and also 02:31:46.740 --> 02:31:48.740 albeit only one sentence 02:31:49.620 --> 02:31:55.700 Mentioning that there is a theory of fisher and a different one of person name and person 02:31:56.500 --> 02:31:58.500 So 02:31:58.980 --> 02:32:02.820 To mention the existence of alternative theories was unheard of 02:32:04.180 --> 02:32:06.180 And even names attached to that 02:32:07.300 --> 02:32:09.300 So I asked him 02:32:10.020 --> 02:32:14.020 Why he took out the chapter on base and this one sentence 02:32:15.300 --> 02:32:17.300 From all further editions 02:32:18.020 --> 02:32:22.900 When I met him was just busy having I think was the fifth edition of his best selling book 02:32:23.780 --> 02:32:28.020 And why he I asked him created a 02:32:30.580 --> 02:32:32.580 inconsistent hybrid 02:32:33.220 --> 02:32:35.220 That every decent statistician would have rejected 02:32:36.660 --> 02:32:40.260 To his credit, I should say that he also did not 02:32:40.980 --> 02:32:44.740 attempt to deny that he had produced an illusion, but 02:32:45.860 --> 02:32:50.260 He let me know whom to blame for and where three culprits first 02:32:51.060 --> 02:32:57.460 His fellow researchers, then the university administration and third his publisher 02:32:58.500 --> 02:33:04.100 His fellow researchers he said are not interested in doing good statistics. I want that papers published 02:33:04.980 --> 02:33:07.380 The university administration promoted people 02:33:08.100 --> 02:33:12.980 By the number of publications which were enforced the researchers added to it 02:33:13.860 --> 02:33:15.860 And his publisher 02:33:16.660 --> 02:33:21.540 Did not want to hear about different theories 02:33:22.660 --> 02:33:25.300 He wanted a single recipe cookbook 02:33:25.940 --> 02:33:30.500 And forced him so the author told me to take out the Bayesian chapter 02:33:30.820 --> 02:33:37.540 And even this single only one sentence about fisher and name and person series 02:33:39.780 --> 02:33:41.780 At the end of our conversation 02:33:42.660 --> 02:33:44.660 I asked him 02:33:44.740 --> 02:33:47.940 In what statistical theory he himself believes 02:33:50.420 --> 02:33:52.420 And he said 02:33:53.700 --> 02:33:55.220 In my heart 02:33:55.220 --> 02:33:57.220 I'm a Bayesian 02:33:58.020 --> 02:33:59.380 Now 02:33:59.380 --> 02:34:02.660 If they also was telling me the truth he had sold his heart 02:34:03.860 --> 02:34:06.580 For multiple editions of a famous book 02:34:07.380 --> 02:34:09.620 Whose message he did not believe in 02:34:10.580 --> 02:34:16.500 10,000 students have read this text believing that it reveals the method of science 02:34:17.780 --> 02:34:21.620 Dozens of less informed textbook writers copied his text 02:34:22.740 --> 02:34:29.220 Joining out a flood of offspring textbooks inconsistent and not noticing the mess 02:34:29.620 --> 02:34:35.540 Now you understand right you understand right that what this means and what caret and girt is trying to tell you 02:34:36.020 --> 02:34:39.620 Is that these ideas of how to use probability without 02:34:40.980 --> 02:34:42.820 Your mind 02:34:42.820 --> 02:34:46.340 In other words, you have a null hypothesis and then one you think you're testing 02:34:46.340 --> 02:34:48.340 But then the experiment doesn't test that 02:34:48.900 --> 02:34:52.740 Because the null hypothesis is kind of like there's no difference. So that's not really 02:34:53.940 --> 02:34:55.940 It's not explaining anything 02:34:56.740 --> 02:35:03.220 And your test of whether the null hypothesis is different from your hypothesis actually doesn't test your hypothesis at all 02:35:06.260 --> 02:35:08.260 And so the argument that was 02:35:08.980 --> 02:35:14.420 Bled together from these two separate kind of ideas on how to use statistics to test observations 02:35:14.820 --> 02:35:17.780 Were put together to create this illusion that you could 02:35:18.260 --> 02:35:23.540 Mindlessly use statistics to find observations that were significant 02:35:26.580 --> 02:35:29.460 This was actually sustained in textbooks 02:35:33.140 --> 02:35:35.140 Imagine the malevolence 02:35:36.420 --> 02:35:43.300 That needs to be present in order for our entire academia to have been turned upside down by people who understand it 02:35:44.100 --> 02:35:46.100 And choose not to teach it 02:35:47.300 --> 02:35:49.300 And so you have this huge 02:35:50.180 --> 02:35:52.180 behemoth of money 02:35:52.660 --> 02:35:54.660 That's being 02:35:54.820 --> 02:35:59.220 Fed to universities and then they are employing it to create this noise 02:35:59.860 --> 02:36:05.140 Create this knowledge and they are using a fundamentally for a flawed procedure 02:36:05.700 --> 02:36:07.700 Because they've all agreed that it's 02:36:08.260 --> 02:36:10.260 it's it's 02:36:11.700 --> 02:36:13.700 And they know how to use 02:36:15.780 --> 02:36:19.620 And Robert Malone as he showed very definitively in that 02:36:20.340 --> 02:36:25.540 In that interview knows that this can be gained. It can be used can be lied to you can p-hack 02:36:26.580 --> 02:36:28.580 But he doesn't do it 02:36:28.580 --> 02:36:33.460 Yet in that same little discussion he tells you that a 35 to 38 02:36:34.420 --> 02:36:40.100 Difference between placebo and the experimental group is a significant result 02:36:42.260 --> 02:36:44.980 Because he doesn't p-hack they p-hack 02:36:49.380 --> 02:36:57.540 And the reality is is that everybody that uses these p-values and a null hypothesis the null hypothesis for Robert Malone 02:36:58.340 --> 02:37:03.460 Well, there's no difference between us giving them these three drugs and not giving them these three drugs 02:37:05.380 --> 02:37:09.300 And if there is a difference then the difference we see is because of these three drugs 02:37:10.420 --> 02:37:12.420 And since we assume 02:37:12.420 --> 02:37:18.580 Our hypothesis is that these drugs work on covid and we're not going to test whether they actually have covid or whether 02:37:18.580 --> 02:37:20.580 It's real covid or what covid is 02:37:20.660 --> 02:37:24.420 We're just going to look at a difference between these two groups and because over here 02:37:25.140 --> 02:37:27.940 Way outside of the wording of the paper 02:37:28.020 --> 02:37:31.860 There's this hypothesis that we're not testing that these drugs work on covid 02:37:32.260 --> 02:37:36.580 Then when we get a significant result that there is a difference between these two groups 02:37:36.980 --> 02:37:43.380 We assume we've tested this hypothesis over here when really all we've asked is whether or not there's a difference between 02:37:44.660 --> 02:37:47.380 People that get these drugs and people that don't get these drugs 02:37:47.380 --> 02:37:51.700 Is it surprising that if you give people a combination of three drugs that they have different 02:37:52.340 --> 02:37:59.220 Behavioral and and symptom different symptomologies than people who don't get those drugs. Is that not surprising? Is that surprising to you? 02:38:03.700 --> 02:38:05.700 And that's how they do it 02:38:07.300 --> 02:38:14.660 That's why I didn't make it in academic biology because I couldn't figure out how to make this work for me and feel good about it 02:38:15.380 --> 02:38:20.180 And I didn't understand that it was a cognitive dissonance that was preventing me from doing it 02:38:20.260 --> 02:38:21.940 I just thought that I wasn't very good at it 02:38:22.580 --> 02:38:26.900 And that's more importantly what a lot of those people made me feel like that I wasn't very good at it 02:38:27.460 --> 02:38:31.700 But I was more frustrated with the questions we're asking don't really feel like they're moving the ball forward 02:38:31.700 --> 02:38:33.700 I want to ask different questions. No, no, no 02:38:34.740 --> 02:38:37.460 We got to ask little questions that have little answers 02:38:38.180 --> 02:38:40.180 So we can make a little progress 02:38:40.740 --> 02:38:43.780 toward addressing that hypothesis in the other room 02:38:45.540 --> 02:38:47.540 That's how this works 02:38:47.780 --> 02:38:53.380 Firm ritual for this procedure for the essence of the hybrid logic 02:38:54.020 --> 02:38:56.820 Because it resembles two social rights 02:38:57.620 --> 02:39:03.460 Social rights have typically the following elements. They are sacred numbers or colors 02:39:04.180 --> 02:39:08.420 Then there's a repetition of the same action again and again 02:39:09.140 --> 02:39:12.500 And then there's fear fear about being punished if you don't 02:39:13.140 --> 02:39:15.700 Repeat this action and finally delusions 02:39:16.500 --> 02:39:21.140 You have to have delusions in order to conduct the ritual 02:39:21.700 --> 02:39:26.660 The non ritual contains all of these features. There's a fixation on 5% 02:39:27.380 --> 02:39:30.980 I mean functional MRI. It's colors 02:39:32.500 --> 02:39:37.380 Second functional MRI my gosh if that hasn't ruined 02:39:38.020 --> 02:39:41.860 Cognitive neuroscience. I don't know what has this idea that if they just 02:39:42.500 --> 02:39:48.100 Take a magnetic picture of the of the oxygenated and unoxygenated hemoglobin in your brain 02:39:48.100 --> 02:39:50.340 They can pinpoint where 02:39:50.340 --> 02:39:55.540 Certain activity in the brain is and therefore they can learn whether certain parts of the brain are involved in anything 02:39:55.780 --> 02:39:58.900 And the crazy thing is depending on how they set the color scheme 02:39:59.220 --> 02:40:04.340 And depending on what they say is significance then they can find pretty much whatever they want to and indeed 02:40:04.660 --> 02:40:05.620 mRNA 02:40:06.100 --> 02:40:07.700 MRI 02:40:07.700 --> 02:40:12.420 The field itself is just it's just become a giant toilet bowl of noise 02:40:12.900 --> 02:40:17.620 Great way to stabilize them get out the door and that is one way that is used in some hospital guidance 02:40:18.260 --> 02:40:24.100 That's very interesting. So let's let's pin it to the antibody dependent enhancement and vaccine 02:40:26.020 --> 02:40:29.700 Sorry, I pushed the wrong video again this one. There's repetitive 02:40:30.340 --> 02:40:31.300 behavior 02:40:31.300 --> 02:40:33.300 resembling compulsive handwashing 02:40:34.020 --> 02:40:36.020 And third there's fear of sanctions 02:40:36.900 --> 02:40:38.500 by editors 02:40:38.500 --> 02:40:44.020 Or advisors and finally there's a delusion about what a p-value means 02:40:45.140 --> 02:40:52.900 And about describe that in moment. Let me just give you a few examples about the mindless performance of the ritual 02:40:54.260 --> 02:40:56.260 There may be funny 02:40:56.260 --> 02:40:58.740 But deep it's really disconcerning 02:40:59.620 --> 02:41:04.900 So in an internet study on implicit theories of moral courage 02:41:05.860 --> 02:41:11.940 Philip Simbardo who's famous for his stain for prison experiments and two colleagues 02:41:12.660 --> 02:41:14.660 ask their participants 02:41:15.060 --> 02:41:20.420 Do you feel that there's a difference between altruism and heroism? 02:41:21.300 --> 02:41:22.820 hmm 02:41:22.820 --> 02:41:24.820 Most felt so 02:41:24.820 --> 02:41:29.620 2347 respondents said yes and only 58 said no 02:41:31.140 --> 02:41:33.940 Now they also computed a chi-square test 02:41:35.300 --> 02:41:38.340 To answer whether these two numbers are the same or different 02:41:40.020 --> 02:41:42.900 And I found that I indeed different 02:41:45.540 --> 02:41:47.540 A greater student of mine a smart one 02:41:48.500 --> 02:41:50.500 Had the opposite situation 02:41:52.340 --> 02:41:54.340 His name is pogo pogo ran 02:41:55.060 --> 02:41:59.140 an experiment with two groups and found that the two means are exactly the same 02:41:59.700 --> 02:42:02.580 but pogo could not just write that or 02:42:03.780 --> 02:42:05.060 Say that 02:42:05.060 --> 02:42:13.460 He felt he had to do a statistical test a t-test to find out whether the two exactly same numbers differ significantly and he found that they don't 02:42:14.580 --> 02:42:16.740 And the p-value was impressively high 02:42:18.100 --> 02:42:20.900 He is a third illustration 02:42:23.220 --> 02:42:29.780 I recently reviewed an article in which the number of subjects was 57 02:42:31.140 --> 02:42:37.140 They also calculated a 95% confidence interval 02:42:38.420 --> 02:42:44.820 These are great too for the number of subjects and concluded the confidence interval is between 47 and 67 02:42:47.620 --> 02:42:49.620 Don't ask why I did it. It's mindless 02:42:50.820 --> 02:42:55.060 Almost every number in this paper was scrutinized in the same way 02:42:55.700 --> 02:43:00.100 There are only numbers in the paper that had no confidence where the page numbers 02:43:03.620 --> 02:43:05.620 This is an extreme case 02:43:06.260 --> 02:43:08.260 But unfortunately, it's not exception 02:43:09.300 --> 02:43:15.540 Consider all behavioral neuropsychological and medical studies in nature in the year 2011 02:43:16.420 --> 02:43:18.420 89% of his studies 02:43:19.460 --> 02:43:21.300 report only p-values 02:43:22.260 --> 02:43:28.660 And nothing else that's of importance such as no effect sizes, no power, no model estimation 02:43:29.380 --> 02:43:32.900 or an analysis of the academy of management term 02:43:34.580 --> 02:43:41.220 In a year later reported that the average number of p-values in an article is guess 02:43:42.340 --> 02:43:44.340 How many p-values 02:43:44.420 --> 02:43:46.420 If you have two hypotheses, you wouldn't need two 02:43:48.660 --> 02:43:50.660 99 02:43:50.660 --> 02:43:53.140 It's a mechanical testing of any number 02:43:54.740 --> 02:43:58.740 So the idol of automatic universal inference 02:43:59.380 --> 02:44:01.700 However, it's not unique to p-values 02:44:02.500 --> 02:44:04.260 Or confidence intervals 02:44:04.260 --> 02:44:05.860 Then it's Lindley 02:44:05.860 --> 02:44:09.700 A leading advocate of Bayesian statistics once declared that 02:44:10.420 --> 02:44:12.900 The only good statistic is Bayesian statistics 02:44:13.700 --> 02:44:14.820 And 02:44:14.820 --> 02:44:18.260 That Bayesian methods are even more automatic 02:44:19.060 --> 02:44:21.060 in his opinion than 02:44:21.060 --> 02:44:23.060 Fisher's friend methods 02:44:23.060 --> 02:44:24.980 So the danger is here 02:44:24.980 --> 02:44:29.140 You don't have much progress if you use Bayes factors just as mindless 02:44:30.180 --> 02:44:31.060 That's not 02:44:31.060 --> 02:44:38.900 So let me go on an extremely important point that can be illustrated in neuroscience because neuroscience is one of the places where 02:44:39.460 --> 02:44:43.220 Bayesian statistics kind of took off first and people started to use 02:44:44.260 --> 02:44:49.700 And again, if you make a dumb model and then you make dumb predictions with that model 02:44:49.700 --> 02:44:52.740 And then test it with Bayesian statistics or any other statistics 02:44:52.740 --> 02:44:54.900 You're still working on a dumb model 02:44:54.900 --> 02:44:58.820 So that happens a lot in neuroscience and I actually got a lot of 02:44:59.380 --> 02:45:02.820 Flack for one of the last bike rides I rode because I did a 02:45:03.700 --> 02:45:08.020 Pretty detailed talk about how they had this experimental data 02:45:08.020 --> 02:45:09.620 And then they made an experimental model 02:45:09.620 --> 02:45:15.140 It was so simple and so dumb that using that model to make some statistical 02:45:16.980 --> 02:45:22.180 Estimate of whether or not it had anything to do with their experimental data was just kind of dumb 02:45:22.260 --> 02:45:24.340 Because we know the brain isn't that simple 02:45:24.340 --> 02:45:30.100 So why would you even test if your model recapitulates that we don't believe the brain works like your model 02:45:30.500 --> 02:45:35.380 So why would you test it? And that's why he calls it mindless statistics because 02:45:36.020 --> 02:45:40.100 editors of journals and reviewers of journals like it when you 02:45:40.500 --> 02:45:43.860 When you do a statistical test and tell them that a number is significant 02:45:43.860 --> 02:45:47.620 Even if it has nothing to do with testing the hypothesis that they think you're testing 02:45:50.340 --> 02:45:55.700 Examples about mindless use sound funny, but there are deep costs of the ritual. I'll give you a few examples 02:45:56.260 --> 02:46:00.340 Maybe the first and quite interesting one is that you actually fear better 02:46:01.380 --> 02:46:05.060 If you don't specify your own hypothesis bingo, why? 02:46:06.340 --> 02:46:08.340 Paul Mille 02:46:08.980 --> 02:46:10.660 Once pointed out 02:46:10.660 --> 02:46:13.940 And messodal logic paradox. Here's a disease. I'm sorry 02:46:14.020 --> 02:46:17.220 Here's where I really want to make a point that's coming to my mind now 02:46:17.220 --> 02:46:18.660 And I want to make it again 02:46:18.660 --> 02:46:22.260 I had made the point earlier that if it's a if you're calling a 02:46:22.820 --> 02:46:24.820 Calling the police on a crime 02:46:25.060 --> 02:46:30.420 Then you don't have to tell people what what the motivation of the criminal is you just have to call and say you need help 02:46:30.740 --> 02:46:35.860 I'm going to give you another example of that kind of scenario where we are being baited 02:46:36.340 --> 02:46:41.620 Into providing an answer that we're not obligated to provide and because we don't want to provide that answer 02:46:41.620 --> 02:46:46.180 We are being told that that means that our objections are irrelevant 02:46:47.620 --> 02:46:50.260 And so if I say that I don't think virology 02:46:51.220 --> 02:46:55.780 Is a field like virology would like you to believe it is then i'm being 02:46:56.420 --> 02:46:59.460 Asked so then what is your explanation for this stuff? 02:47:00.740 --> 02:47:03.940 And I think that that is part of their own trap 02:47:03.940 --> 02:47:09.140 That's the reason why kevin mccurnan was so interested in trying to bait me into explaining 02:47:09.700 --> 02:47:11.860 In more detail what I thought was going on 02:47:13.300 --> 02:47:16.740 Because then I would get into a hamster wheel of explanation and a 02:47:17.140 --> 02:47:22.580 Hypothesis that would never actually be tested and then I would be playing the same bullshit game as them 02:47:23.460 --> 02:47:26.260 When in reality if I tell you that string theory 02:47:26.820 --> 02:47:32.740 In physics as far as i'm concerned doesn't really make any sense and I think these people are just playing mathematical games with you 02:47:33.140 --> 02:47:39.620 I don't really need to be sophisticated enough to give you an alternative explanation for quantum theory 02:47:40.100 --> 02:47:42.100 I 02:47:42.100 --> 02:47:46.580 Just have to point out that lots and lots of other people that are much more much more 02:47:47.540 --> 02:47:52.660 Savvy than I am have also said that string theory is just a gigantic mathematical bullshit story 02:47:54.340 --> 02:47:59.140 And that can't be tested that hasn't been tested and the p values around it are not testing it 02:48:01.140 --> 02:48:04.260 So I don't have to come up with an alternative for a bullshit theory 02:48:04.580 --> 02:48:08.980 Anymore than I have to come up with an alternative for a bullshit theory for irna virology 02:48:10.180 --> 02:48:11.700 and 02:48:11.700 --> 02:48:18.100 I certainly don't think that now I am undermining my credibility by not explaining disease 02:48:18.180 --> 02:48:20.740 Whereas the no virus people have explained disease 02:48:21.060 --> 02:48:26.660 So obviously the no virus people are much more and have much more integrity than jonathan cooey 02:48:28.740 --> 02:48:34.100 Please understand that that is the most obvious ploy of bullshit ever 02:48:34.500 --> 02:48:42.420 We are not under any obligation to replace virology with high fidelity understanding before anybody should take us seriously 02:48:44.020 --> 02:48:48.660 And we are not under any obligation to explain respiratory disease or any other diseases 02:48:49.620 --> 02:48:53.780 If we say that that coronavirus and the pandemic was a lie 02:48:55.620 --> 02:48:58.580 And that is what a lot of these medlers would like us to do 02:48:58.580 --> 02:49:02.340 They want us to spend our time waxing intellectual about what virology is 02:49:02.900 --> 02:49:07.620 Or what exosomes are or whatever these other things are all we got to know is that this 02:49:08.260 --> 02:49:13.060 This ritual of mindless statistics has been used to create whole fields 02:49:13.700 --> 02:49:15.700 Has been used to create whole 02:49:16.740 --> 02:49:23.060 Subfields of what the people inside and out of them think our knowledge, but are actually just nonsense 02:49:24.340 --> 02:49:32.020 Based on a mindless ritual of applying p values to numbers and then if the p values are right those numbers are significant observations 02:49:33.300 --> 02:49:35.300 And without the mind 02:49:35.700 --> 02:49:42.340 Without a clever scientist with a real idea and a real model of reality that he or she is testing 02:49:42.900 --> 02:49:46.980 Mindless statistical rituals can be used to create phd's 02:49:47.460 --> 02:49:53.380 Or could use to create research lines used to get nature articles used to get tenure 02:49:53.700 --> 02:49:57.620 And these people don't ever need to create knowledge their entire career 02:49:58.500 --> 02:50:00.500 And this guy can teach you how 02:50:01.460 --> 02:50:08.980 Measurement and amount of data make it harder for a theory to pass because you can more easier distinguish between the 02:50:09.380 --> 02:50:11.380 Prediction of the theory and the actual data 02:50:12.420 --> 02:50:14.260 In fields that rely on the 02:50:15.220 --> 02:50:17.220 Knowledge ritual, it's the opposite 02:50:18.260 --> 02:50:20.260 so the 02:50:21.140 --> 02:50:24.340 Because it tests a null in which you don't believe 02:50:25.620 --> 02:50:27.540 So improvements of what does he mean by that? 02:50:27.540 --> 02:50:29.540 What does he mean by that? 02:50:29.860 --> 02:50:31.860 Robert Malone 02:50:32.180 --> 02:50:34.740 Was working under the hypothesis 02:50:36.420 --> 02:50:42.340 That silicoxib in combination with femotidine would have some effect on covid the disease 02:50:45.380 --> 02:50:49.060 So his null hypothesis is that they don't have any effect on the disease 02:50:49.700 --> 02:50:50.900 And that 02:50:50.900 --> 02:50:56.500 Is actually what he tests when he does a p value he's not testing whether it has any effect on the disease 02:50:56.820 --> 02:50:59.940 He's testing whether it doesn't have any effect on the disease 02:51:00.580 --> 02:51:04.500 And if he gets a significant result, then he has disproven 02:51:05.140 --> 02:51:07.140 That it doesn't have any effect 02:51:07.140 --> 02:51:11.620 And the default then is to assume that the effect is due to the drugs 02:51:15.780 --> 02:51:21.780 And if you can see how that's absolutely not testing whether or not it helps people on covid 02:51:21.780 --> 02:51:23.780 But it's testing whether it doesn't 02:51:24.740 --> 02:51:31.940 And if you're testing whether it doesn't and you're basing that on a statistical difference between two groups 02:51:31.940 --> 02:51:39.220 You're not actually testing anything that you believe in because Robert Malone believes that these drugs because of the domain work 02:51:39.220 --> 02:51:40.660 He's done 02:51:40.660 --> 02:51:42.660 Will help with covid 02:51:44.900 --> 02:51:52.260 And so if you're inside of a construct of a pandemic that you know is a biosecurity state operation and a lie 02:51:52.980 --> 02:51:58.260 Then think about how his extraordinary it is how confident he is that he can sustain that lie 02:51:58.820 --> 02:52:03.940 By telling you that he went through this mindless ritual statistics and produced knowledge 02:52:07.540 --> 02:52:09.540 Now do you see why there is no doubt 02:52:10.020 --> 02:52:14.020 It can be no doubt in anyone's mind that Robert Malone is 100 playing for them 02:52:14.820 --> 02:52:20.820 Because he is using the mindless statistical ritual of testing a null hypothesis to demonstrate to you 02:52:21.220 --> 02:52:28.980 That there is a 35 to 37 percent effectiveness of the bullshit combinations that he's testing on behalf of ditra and dod 02:52:29.860 --> 02:52:32.340 And he told that to someone as fraudulent as 02:52:32.900 --> 02:52:34.500 Paul cattrell in 02:52:34.500 --> 02:52:41.220 August of 2021 after he had been on the Brett Wayne steins podcast with steve kirsch a month earlier 02:52:44.340 --> 02:52:46.340 Two months earlier 02:52:47.220 --> 02:52:52.020 At the heart of all of this is the p-value no hypothesis ritual 02:52:52.580 --> 02:52:58.420 At the heart of this is the illusion that academics create knowledge by using this no 02:52:59.220 --> 02:53:01.220 hypothesis p-value ritual 02:53:04.420 --> 02:53:08.020 I can't wait to have girt on our program. It's going to be mind-blowing 02:53:10.660 --> 02:53:12.740 To detect the difference between the data and the no 02:53:13.300 --> 02:53:14.260 Hmm 02:53:14.260 --> 02:53:20.180 And that means more easily reject the null and you can claim victory for your hypothesis 02:53:20.660 --> 02:53:26.740 Let's hear that again. That's another factor that leads to the irrepidability of result 02:53:28.660 --> 02:53:31.140 The only good statistic is Bayesian statistics 02:53:31.940 --> 02:53:33.060 And 02:53:33.060 --> 02:53:36.500 That Bayesian methods are even more automatic 02:53:37.300 --> 02:53:39.300 in his opinion than 02:53:39.300 --> 02:53:41.300 Fisher's brand methods 02:53:41.380 --> 02:53:43.220 So the danger is here 02:53:43.220 --> 02:53:47.380 You don't have much progress if you use base factors just as mindlessly 02:53:48.420 --> 02:53:49.300 That's done 02:53:49.300 --> 02:53:50.980 So let me go on 02:53:50.980 --> 02:53:55.300 The examples about mindless use sound funny, but there are deep costs of the ritual 02:53:55.380 --> 02:53:57.140 I'll give you a few examples 02:53:57.140 --> 02:54:01.220 Maybe the first and quite interesting one is that you actually fear better 02:54:02.180 --> 02:54:04.260 If you don't specify your own hypothesis 02:54:05.700 --> 02:54:07.140 Why? 02:54:07.140 --> 02:54:09.140 Paul meal 02:54:09.780 --> 02:54:11.460 Once pointed out 02:54:11.460 --> 02:54:12.900 a method a lot to do paradox 02:54:12.900 --> 02:54:19.380 I mean think about this improvement of experimental measurement and amount of data is is harder for the theory 02:54:20.100 --> 02:54:25.940 What is Robert Malone testing in his in his thing if there is no SARS-CoV-2 02:54:30.260 --> 02:54:32.420 What is he testing in that? 02:54:36.660 --> 02:54:38.660 Think about how malevolent it is 02:54:39.940 --> 02:54:43.380 Think about how malevolent it is, please 02:54:47.300 --> 02:54:48.980 Once pointed out 02:54:48.980 --> 02:54:50.900 a method a lot to do paradox 02:54:50.900 --> 02:54:51.860 In physics 02:54:51.860 --> 02:54:54.820 improvement of experimental measurement and amount of data 02:54:55.300 --> 02:54:57.300 Make it harder for the theory to pass 02:54:57.300 --> 02:55:03.220 Because it can more easier distinguish between the prediction of the theory and the actual data 02:55:04.180 --> 02:55:04.820 In fields 02:55:04.820 --> 02:55:07.620 This is the problem with virology of course 02:55:07.620 --> 02:55:12.260 That as the resolution of our genetic sequencing capabilities our 02:55:12.660 --> 02:55:18.340 Our genetic manufacturing capabilities our ability to see and isolate single sequences 02:55:18.740 --> 02:55:21.460 Who have like nanopore sequencing and this kind of thing 02:55:21.860 --> 02:55:26.180 Should make it easier for us to raise the level of understanding we have 02:55:26.660 --> 02:55:32.020 In virology, but these people are stuck with methods that are still from the 40s and they're fine with it 02:55:32.580 --> 02:55:40.100 Plaque assays and cytopathic effect assays which the no the no virus people are very right to lambast them about 02:55:40.900 --> 02:55:45.700 Nevermind that they generate p-values from those really dumb methodologies 02:55:46.260 --> 02:55:53.140 That have never been challenged because their hypothesis that they're testing is not the hypothesis of how viruses work 02:55:55.060 --> 02:56:01.060 Their hypothesis is the no hypothesis that they're testing that whatever they're doing in their experiments isn't causing anything 02:56:02.340 --> 02:56:04.340 Which is something they don't believe in 02:56:06.180 --> 02:56:10.100 So they're not testing their hypothesis their testing eye hypothesis 02:56:10.100 --> 02:56:16.660 They don't believe in and then when they get results they say that that result proves the thing they never tested 02:56:21.140 --> 02:56:24.100 On the uh no ritual it's the opposite 02:56:25.460 --> 02:56:27.460 So the 02:56:28.340 --> 02:56:33.940 Because it tests a null in which you don't believe if there's no covid then uh actually 02:56:34.580 --> 02:56:40.180 Silicoxib and femotidine and ivermectin there's no way to test their effectiveness on it 02:56:42.740 --> 02:56:44.740 You see that right 02:56:45.540 --> 02:56:49.780 And so that's why the illusion of a novel virus that needs novel treatments 02:56:49.780 --> 02:56:53.300 That's killing millions of people that millions more could be saved from that likely came from a 02:56:54.260 --> 02:56:56.500 Laboratory leak and then likely could come again 02:56:56.500 --> 02:57:03.140 That's why that faith is so dangerous and why it's so obviously malevolent that melon is not questioning any of that faith 02:57:03.540 --> 02:57:09.620 Instead fully reinforcing it with an absolute malevolent fraud like paul cottrell 02:57:14.660 --> 02:57:17.620 So improvements of measurement make it more easier 02:57:18.500 --> 02:57:20.660 To detect the difference between the data and the no 02:57:21.620 --> 02:57:28.020 And that means more easily reject the null and you can claim victory for your hypothesis 02:57:28.580 --> 02:57:34.660 And you can just imagine that's another factor that leads to the irrepidability of results 02:57:36.260 --> 02:57:39.380 Second point and then i'll get to the delusions 02:57:40.900 --> 02:57:47.780 And about this sacred object the p-value now a p-value is the probability 02:57:48.500 --> 02:57:51.860 of a result or a more extreme one if 02:57:52.340 --> 02:57:58.420 The null hypothesis is correct and more technically correct. It is the probability of a test statistic 02:57:59.460 --> 02:58:01.460 given an entire model 02:58:02.660 --> 02:58:05.860 And but the point is it's a probability of data 02:58:06.660 --> 02:58:09.620 given our hypothesis not the Bayesian probability 02:58:11.140 --> 02:58:15.220 And that should be easy to understand for any academic research 02:58:15.540 --> 02:58:19.060 Except they don't teach it and also it's not the probability 02:58:19.940 --> 02:58:21.460 that you 02:58:21.460 --> 02:58:23.460 Will be able to replicate it 02:58:24.580 --> 02:58:25.620 And the 02:58:25.620 --> 02:58:31.220 replication you would actually be surprised how many academicicians actually can't annunciate that though 02:58:32.020 --> 02:58:37.620 That p-value is not the odds by which you can replicate it. It's not the odds that you will see it again 02:58:38.100 --> 02:58:39.700 It's nothing like that 02:58:39.700 --> 02:58:45.140 And a lot of people including graduate students in the biomedical sciences would explain it that way in a harpy 02:58:45.220 --> 02:58:50.340 Because they've learned from these shitty statistics books that kind of tell it that way you see the problem 02:58:51.220 --> 02:58:53.220 Illusion that's the first one 02:58:53.780 --> 02:58:55.140 is 02:58:55.140 --> 02:58:57.300 That when you have a p-value of 1% 02:58:58.020 --> 02:59:03.060 Then logically it follows the probability that you can replicate your result is 99 02:59:04.020 --> 02:59:05.060 Okay 02:59:05.060 --> 02:59:06.180 So 02:59:06.180 --> 02:59:13.300 This illusion has been already told in the book that it break pointed out by none of the it's a great reading 02:59:13.780 --> 02:59:17.220 If you have fun, you want to really have fun read the old textbooks about 02:59:17.860 --> 02:59:22.420 Statistics, they're all not written by statisticians otherwise they wouldn't have been used 02:59:24.180 --> 02:59:25.380 So 02:59:25.380 --> 02:59:28.260 And for instance, none of the writes that's fantastic 02:59:28.980 --> 02:59:36.180 What does a p-value of 5% mean is answered the investigator can be confident with odds of 95 out of 100 02:59:36.820 --> 02:59:40.500 That the observed difference will hold up in further investigation 02:59:41.140 --> 02:59:43.140 Wrong 02:59:43.140 --> 02:59:47.060 Wow, that is so wrong and it's wonderful. They've written this into books 02:59:48.180 --> 02:59:50.180 What is the state today? 02:59:52.660 --> 02:59:55.220 Do academic researchers understand 02:59:56.180 --> 03:00:00.900 What a p-value means so the the the object they are looking for 03:00:02.420 --> 03:00:06.420 So I serve it all studies available here you go in six different countries 03:00:06.820 --> 03:00:12.100 With a total of over 800 academic psychologists and about 1000 students 03:00:12.900 --> 03:00:20.180 And they will all ask what does a p-value of 1% mean? Oh boy. Here we go. How many of these? Oh my gosh 03:00:20.180 --> 03:00:22.180 It's going to break your heart 03:00:22.180 --> 03:00:24.180 Cherries the replica 03:00:26.340 --> 03:00:32.260 So in the sample there were 115 persons who taught statistics 03:00:33.220 --> 03:00:38.820 But you should know that in the social sciences mostly and certainly not in psychology 03:00:39.380 --> 03:00:41.540 Those who teach statistic are not statisticians 03:00:42.180 --> 03:00:44.580 For the same reason because they would notice what's going on 03:00:46.180 --> 03:00:48.180 So what do you think? 03:00:48.580 --> 03:00:53.060 What proportion of 115 statistic teachers that's across six countries 03:00:54.100 --> 03:00:56.100 fall prey to the illusion 03:00:56.740 --> 03:01:00.260 Of breathability should be zero. It is 20 percent. Damn 03:01:01.140 --> 03:01:05.300 Then we have looked at the professors and that's over 700 in this study 03:01:06.180 --> 03:01:09.220 In the professor, it's 39 percent. Hey 03:01:10.820 --> 03:01:14.340 There you go. So the students actually know it better than the professors 03:01:14.340 --> 03:01:22.260 Do you see the professors must understand it in the incorrect way in order to use it correctly 03:01:23.220 --> 03:01:25.220 That 03:01:25.220 --> 03:01:27.220 That's why I failed 03:01:28.100 --> 03:01:32.340 And i'm not saying it in a bad way. I'm just saying that I couldn't get it. I didn't get it 03:01:32.340 --> 03:01:37.220 I didn't understand it and if gert would have been my friend when I was in academic biology 03:01:37.940 --> 03:01:43.860 I might have left earlier or I might have tried harder to do it correctly and then 03:01:44.660 --> 03:01:50.500 Found a knee shirt or found a right mentor or made the right choices, but for whatever reason 03:01:51.460 --> 03:01:56.260 Right up until the very end. I was still just playing this game of trying to make measurements 03:01:56.260 --> 03:02:02.020 And seeing if they're significant and then trying to explain that significance in some biologically significant way 03:02:02.740 --> 03:02:04.740 Playing this game 03:02:06.260 --> 03:02:08.340 And once you see it, it's like wow really 03:02:09.540 --> 03:02:16.420 Because I learned a lot. I had a lot of fun. I read a lot of of papers and I thought about a lot of interesting things 03:02:17.220 --> 03:02:19.380 Um, but I've also watched a lot of people 03:02:20.100 --> 03:02:24.980 Create a lot of noise and somewhat participated in it on the sideline 03:02:24.980 --> 03:02:27.700 Maybe I didn't create as much noise as other people were creating 03:02:28.100 --> 03:02:32.340 But I was caught up in the idea of trying to understand how all this noise 03:02:32.660 --> 03:02:38.100 Which at the time I thought was knowledge needed to be incorporated into my understanding of the brain 03:02:40.180 --> 03:02:43.540 And of course when you're incorporating garbage you get garbage out 03:02:43.940 --> 03:02:45.940 And 03:02:45.940 --> 03:02:48.100 So that's where the damage is done, right? 03:02:48.100 --> 03:02:54.660 If you got all these neuroscientists juggling around the idea of how to find p-values for genes that are associated with autism 03:02:54.980 --> 03:03:02.020 And trying to create significant animal models of autism that are only measured in their significance by this mindless ritual 03:03:02.340 --> 03:03:07.860 Then you can understand how billions of dollars could be wasted on animal models that don't recapitulate the disease 03:03:08.180 --> 03:03:13.300 And in experimental models that don't recapitulate the situation or actually test the hypothesis 03:03:13.540 --> 03:03:19.540 Just conveniently produce p-values of significance that can be distorted as testing a 03:03:20.500 --> 03:03:28.500 A real hypothesis instead of disproving a no that the review are the that the designer of the experiment never believed in in the first place 03:03:28.980 --> 03:03:33.380 You know like silicoxib and and femotidine have no effect on 03:03:34.660 --> 03:03:38.660 On covid which would be the no hypothesis that robermalone tested 03:03:39.620 --> 03:03:46.020 Capillary illusion the almost double and among the poor students is is 66 percent 03:03:46.580 --> 03:03:48.740 They have inherited the delusion 03:03:50.580 --> 03:03:55.860 And note that this is another reason by the replicability 03:03:56.500 --> 03:04:02.020 Crisis is not being noticed until recently because of this illusion. I have a problem 03:04:02.260 --> 03:04:05.860 It is a p-value of 1 percent. I can be almost sure it can be replicated 03:04:06.260 --> 03:04:09.620 Now it's not the only delusion 03:04:10.580 --> 03:04:14.260 That is shared by the academic researchers 03:04:15.060 --> 03:04:20.100 So the next illusion is that you think that p-value is probably the data given 03:04:21.460 --> 03:04:25.220 A hypothesis tells you about the probability of the hypothesis 03:04:27.620 --> 03:04:30.820 And the maturity of academic 03:04:31.300 --> 03:04:33.300 Psychologists in six countries 03:04:34.100 --> 03:04:36.100 And in every study 03:04:36.100 --> 03:04:37.220 shares 03:04:37.220 --> 03:04:45.060 At least one and typically several of these illusions including the the p-value of 1 percent tells you that the 03:04:46.020 --> 03:04:48.580 Probability that it not happens is true. It's also 1 percent 03:04:49.540 --> 03:04:54.100 Or that the alternative hypothesis is true is 99 percent and so it goes on 03:04:55.620 --> 03:04:57.620 This is a remarkable 03:04:57.940 --> 03:04:59.220 state 03:04:59.220 --> 03:05:00.180 of 03:05:00.180 --> 03:05:02.180 the art of doing science 03:05:02.420 --> 03:05:04.980 Remarkable because everyone of this academic 03:05:05.620 --> 03:05:09.860 Researchers understand the probability of A even B is not the probability of B even A 03:05:10.420 --> 03:05:13.620 But within the ritual thinking is blocked. Yes 03:05:14.580 --> 03:05:20.580 Say it gird. So another blind spot and cost is obviously effect size. There is no effect size in 03:05:21.060 --> 03:05:24.900 The ritual there's an effect of enlightenment prison. Yeah, but that's not being told 03:05:24.900 --> 03:05:30.020 So does everybody understand that if you're a statistic student at all 03:05:30.020 --> 03:05:33.220 You would have heard of effect size and that has to do with okay 03:05:33.220 --> 03:05:40.500 How many numbers are you testing if it's only a difference between five people and five people the power and the the 03:05:40.900 --> 03:05:44.980 The effect size might be smaller than if it's a thousand people and a thousand people 03:05:45.300 --> 03:05:50.980 And the difference between them is x or y and so there is there are these all kinds of other 03:05:51.620 --> 03:05:58.580 Statistical numbers that could be included in the ritual that would in theory give the ritual more resolution 03:05:59.620 --> 03:06:03.780 To distinguish between the result and and randomness 03:06:03.780 --> 03:06:10.580 But instead the ritual contains none of these things that that should have been incorporated from the original theories 03:06:10.580 --> 03:06:13.940 But instead leaves them out almost seemingly on purpose 03:06:16.340 --> 03:06:18.660 Ski and celiac asked a question 03:06:19.620 --> 03:06:24.340 Do economists distinguish between significance? 03:06:25.860 --> 03:06:32.580 And now think about the fact that economy and economics models and finance and financial models 03:06:32.980 --> 03:06:38.420 Have been made to create the illusion of knowledge using the same frickin ritual 03:06:39.460 --> 03:06:43.300 That actually paul cottrell got a phd in finance using the same 03:06:44.260 --> 03:06:49.940 p-value ritual and probably didn't even test the hypothesis about chaos or anything like that 03:06:50.580 --> 03:06:54.180 Those statistical significance in economic significance 03:06:55.300 --> 03:07:00.660 And they looked at the papers in the top in one of the top journals the american economic review 03:07:01.300 --> 03:07:05.940 and of 182 papers 70% did not 03:07:07.460 --> 03:07:09.460 Make a distinction 03:07:09.780 --> 03:07:11.780 And what celiac and make loskey did 03:07:12.580 --> 03:07:14.580 They published the names of those 03:07:15.700 --> 03:07:19.620 Who got most confused including a number of no blores hopes 03:07:20.500 --> 03:07:26.020 10 years later they repeated that assuming that everyone must have read that and people are now more 03:07:27.060 --> 03:07:28.260 reasonable 03:07:28.260 --> 03:07:33.620 But the 70% who confused it the number didn't go down. It went up to 82 03:07:34.900 --> 03:07:39.940 Similar there's a blind spot for statistical power. There is no power in the knowledge ritual 03:07:40.500 --> 03:07:44.820 And paul means the probability that you find an effect if there is one 03:07:45.540 --> 03:07:48.420 And that should be 80 percent 90 percent higher 03:07:49.700 --> 03:07:53.140 The psychologist do you understand that there is a there is a 03:07:53.860 --> 03:07:56.740 sort of minimum threshold of samples that you 03:07:57.300 --> 03:08:01.700 Can take in order to have a pretty good chance of seeing a difference 03:08:01.700 --> 03:08:05.940 And if there is very little difference between the groups and you're going to need a lot more numbers 03:08:06.420 --> 03:08:08.420 In order to see it reliably 03:08:08.980 --> 03:08:15.380 Then if for example, there's a giant difference like the difference between my height and the height of all other little kids 03:08:15.780 --> 03:08:21.460 Under the age of four you wouldn't need very many kids under the age of four to get a statistical result 03:08:21.940 --> 03:08:29.300 And the likelihood that you would find a result is very high because the the difference is very big between me and all kids 03:08:29.700 --> 03:08:33.460 But if it was between me and other high school basketball players 03:08:33.940 --> 03:08:37.700 Then although our ages are different our height might be tend to be very much similar 03:08:38.100 --> 03:08:42.420 So in order to see whether there's any difference between me and them you might need a lot more of them 03:08:42.420 --> 03:08:45.620 And that's a very bad example because I I'm a group of one 03:08:46.260 --> 03:08:50.100 But he is trying to teach or trying to cite a very 03:08:50.900 --> 03:08:57.940 broad idea in statistics and show to you that the resolution of a statistical result 03:08:58.900 --> 03:09:03.540 In the null ritual is absolutely positively not the goal 03:09:04.660 --> 03:09:10.740 If the goal was to accurately describe the statistical result, then you would use power 03:09:11.540 --> 03:09:16.180 And you would use effect size to describe the p-value with some 03:09:17.460 --> 03:09:18.980 parameters 03:09:18.980 --> 03:09:25.860 But they're not part of the null hypothesis despite the fact that they were part of the statistical theories from which the null hypothesis 03:09:25.940 --> 03:09:30.740 is purported to be drawn or the testing of the null hypothesis is purported to be drawn 03:09:31.300 --> 03:09:33.300 And it is this illusion 03:09:33.700 --> 03:09:39.940 This this fake mechanism of knowledge creation that has been used malevolently against us 03:09:40.500 --> 03:09:48.820 To create the illusion of RNA viruses the need for for public health and the effectiveness of the vaccine schedule 03:09:48.820 --> 03:09:51.700 These are all very very central 03:09:52.180 --> 03:09:57.620 And they are very very much created protected by and edified by this null ritual 03:09:58.100 --> 03:10:02.740 That gert has now so eloquently shown us is running rampant across all 03:10:03.300 --> 03:10:06.340 Academic fields including economy economics 03:10:06.740 --> 03:10:15.460 Psychology and biomedical sciences including frickin drugs like robert malone just added it just wonderfully explained to paulcatrell 03:10:16.420 --> 03:10:21.460 When was the first one who systematically studied the power of a major clique in travel 03:10:22.260 --> 03:10:27.220 And he found that the average power for a medium effect was 03:10:28.260 --> 03:10:30.260 46 percent 03:10:30.660 --> 03:10:32.660 That wasn't much 03:10:32.660 --> 03:10:34.660 Now petacidlimire and I 03:10:35.220 --> 03:10:37.220 25 years later 03:10:37.220 --> 03:10:43.380 Which should be a time that things change that airplane is in Arizona. Sorry. I can't get rid of that sound 03:10:44.260 --> 03:10:46.900 Looked analyze the power in the same term 03:10:49.060 --> 03:10:53.940 Before it was 46 it went down to 37. Why? Because 03:10:54.900 --> 03:10:58.260 Many researchers noted alpha adjustment which decreases the power 03:11:01.140 --> 03:11:03.140 And 03:11:03.540 --> 03:11:05.540 Notice what that means 03:11:07.220 --> 03:11:08.900 If you 03:11:08.900 --> 03:11:10.900 If you set up an experiment 03:11:11.620 --> 03:11:18.740 That has only a power of say 30 percent to detect the effect if there's one 03:11:20.420 --> 03:11:25.220 You could do better and much more cheaper by throwing a coin 03:11:26.260 --> 03:11:28.260 And you would have a power of 50 percent 03:11:29.380 --> 03:11:31.380 clear 03:11:31.700 --> 03:11:37.540 How extraordinary is that how extraordinary is that the null hypothesis does not involve 03:11:38.260 --> 03:11:39.300 even 03:11:39.300 --> 03:11:46.580 Finding out whether the number of measurements you've made has any real statistical power to find a result if there is one 03:11:46.980 --> 03:11:49.300 They don't even they don't even have to tell you that 03:11:56.180 --> 03:11:58.180 You could spare 03:11:58.900 --> 03:12:00.900 All of this effort 03:12:00.980 --> 03:12:03.620 And what I've told you now are even the better results 03:12:04.340 --> 03:12:06.340 Uh studies in neuroscience 03:12:06.740 --> 03:12:16.900 So for instance studies about Alzheimer's disease genetics gains of biomarkers the median power of more than 700 studies is 21 percent 03:12:21.300 --> 03:12:26.420 Cancer biomarkers genetics you mean like the genetic causes of autism 03:12:28.340 --> 03:12:30.420 You see where i'm going with this ladies and gentlemen 03:12:30.420 --> 03:12:35.540 You see where the broken science initiative is going with this why the broken science initiative is so important 03:12:36.100 --> 03:12:39.380 That malcom kendrick the placebo master 03:12:39.940 --> 03:12:47.620 And the statin sky is in the same room as gert giga renzer is in the same room as the guy who runs giga home biological 03:12:47.940 --> 03:12:54.580 Is in the same room as the guy who invented crossfit is in the same room as matt brigs is in the same room 03:12:55.220 --> 03:12:57.220 Um 03:12:58.660 --> 03:13:07.220 Bringing these people together and trying to find an organized way to start to spread these knowledge this knowledge spread these ideas 03:13:07.620 --> 03:13:08.660 and to 03:13:08.660 --> 03:13:16.580 Slowly dismantle the mythology that has been created using these ideas is of utmost importance to our children 03:13:17.140 --> 03:13:19.140 I 03:13:19.140 --> 03:13:24.820 Want to watch the rest of this but I don't have time and my back is absolutely murdering me right now 03:13:24.820 --> 03:13:29.140 And i'm going to pull the trigger and say or pull the ripcord right now and I apologize for that 03:13:29.140 --> 03:13:31.140 I will watch the rest of this 03:13:31.140 --> 03:13:38.020 Maybe maybe we'll watch the rest of it tomorrow. I do think that I I put extra stuff in here with the paul control video 03:13:38.420 --> 03:13:40.420 And so it makes it a little harder 03:13:40.740 --> 03:13:42.740 um to to 03:13:44.580 --> 03:13:46.100 To 03:13:46.100 --> 03:13:48.100 But just don't forget 03:13:48.100 --> 03:13:51.060 This is our hypothesis ladies and gentlemen. It's not going to change 03:13:51.860 --> 03:13:53.300 um 03:13:53.300 --> 03:13:55.300 And uh, this was gert giga renzer 03:13:55.780 --> 03:14:01.460 Um mindless statistics the broken science initiative you can find this full video on youtube 03:14:01.460 --> 03:14:04.100 You can also find it on the broken science initiative website 03:14:04.500 --> 03:14:08.260 It would be great if you guys would go to the broken science initiative website and make a 03:14:08.820 --> 03:14:12.580 Make a member, you know, just join and and and make a username 03:14:13.060 --> 03:14:14.980 um, so that 03:14:14.980 --> 03:14:20.100 You know that that emily can see that i'm pushing people there and drawing attention to their work 03:14:20.100 --> 03:14:21.940 There's lots of other videos there 03:14:22.580 --> 03:14:27.380 Including videos by malcom kendrick who's one of the more entertaining people to talk about this kind of stuff 03:14:27.780 --> 03:14:31.060 And malcom is also going to be on our show in the next couple of weeks. I think 03:14:31.460 --> 03:14:33.700 Um, so just looking forward 03:14:34.340 --> 03:14:36.340 Seeing the progress. I hope you can see it too 03:14:36.900 --> 03:14:41.700 Broken science initiative is really the way that gigo and biological is going to get off of this 03:14:42.340 --> 03:14:44.340 this uh covid 03:14:45.060 --> 03:14:46.500 Dissident narrative 03:14:46.500 --> 03:14:48.260 breaking and uh 03:14:48.260 --> 03:14:50.900 And and move on to bigger and better things during the week 03:14:51.300 --> 03:14:54.900 And then maybe only once a week we have to revisit some of these posers 03:14:55.380 --> 03:15:01.620 And the um, mythologies that they are still perpetuating on social media remember don't take their bait on tv 03:15:02.100 --> 03:15:07.300 Remember, um, stay focused on the biology and remember that uh, you got to love your neighbors 03:15:07.460 --> 03:15:10.580 Um, I love you all very much ladies and gentlemen. See you again soon 03:15:14.340 --> 03:15:16.340 So 03:15:23.300 --> 03:15:26.900 Thomas koon and feribend are also guys that are featured 03:15:28.020 --> 03:15:34.660 Actually in one of my favorite books that i'm reading for the second time already and that's this one pauper and after written by 03:15:35.380 --> 03:15:36.420 David stove 03:15:36.420 --> 03:15:41.380 So this is a book actually that the broken science initiative now owns the rights too 03:15:41.380 --> 03:15:45.540 And so I think on the broken science initiative website. You can actually get a pdf of this book 03:15:45.940 --> 03:15:47.380 It's really thin 03:15:47.380 --> 03:15:53.860 And it's really easy and it's the only basis for which I understand any of this stuff that gert and other people are talking about 03:15:54.260 --> 03:15:59.220 I'm now breaking into trying to read matt, uh, Briggs's book. I'm about randomness 03:15:59.300 --> 03:16:00.260 Um 03:16:00.260 --> 03:16:05.700 But uh, this is the one that's helped me get to the stage where I can at least have a conversation with these some of these people 03:16:05.700 --> 03:16:09.460 And know what they're talking about and so don't ever think that i'm an expert 03:16:09.540 --> 03:16:14.580 We're just doing it together at best. I'm a tutor. Um, and a biologist. It's read a few more 03:16:15.380 --> 03:16:21.380 Hours than you have on some of these topics and that's it. Otherwise, I'm just uh, a 03:16:22.340 --> 03:16:27.620 imperfect husband and an imperfect papa and I love you all very much and thanks very much for your support 03:16:27.620 --> 03:16:29.620 I'll see you again soon