WEBVTT 01:30.000 --> 01:52.400 I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case 01:52.400 --> 01:59.400 that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst-case. 02:22.400 --> 02:52.400 The latest data tells us that we're dealing with the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data tells us that the latest data 02:52.400 --> 03:02.960 One priority. 03:02.960 --> 03:13.860 I think truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more than society. We want everybody to feel good. 03:13.860 --> 03:18.600 That's not the way life is. 03:18.600 --> 03:24.280 But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people. 03:24.280 --> 03:25.280 And I have lied. 03:25.280 --> 03:26.280 I'm sure I'll lie again. 03:26.280 --> 03:28.840 I don't want to lie, you know, and I don't think I'm a liar. 03:28.840 --> 03:29.840 I try not to be a liar. 03:29.840 --> 03:31.320 I don't want to be a liar. 03:31.320 --> 03:34.160 I think it's like really important not to be a liar. 03:48.600 --> 03:59.720 I'm not sure exactly who he is. 03:59.720 --> 04:06.680 His name is J. J. Cooley, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD, and I believe he has 04:06.680 --> 04:16.680 a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand. 04:16.680 --> 04:42.680 I don't want to be a liar, but I don't want to be a liar, and I don't want to be a liar. 04:42.680 --> 05:11.680 I don't want to be a liar, but I don't want to be a liar, and I don't want to be a liar. 05:12.680 --> 05:15.080 Good morning, everyone. 05:15.080 --> 05:16.080 This is Gigo. 05:16.080 --> 05:17.080 I'm biological. 05:17.080 --> 05:18.960 We're still working on the same enchantment. 05:18.960 --> 05:23.280 We're still trying to build the knowledge necessary to dispel it. 05:23.280 --> 05:29.280 Thank you very much for joining me this morning, wherever you are, whenever time it is, wherever 05:29.280 --> 05:30.280 you are. 05:30.280 --> 05:31.280 Thank you very much for being here. 05:31.280 --> 05:32.280 It is greatly appreciated. 05:32.280 --> 05:39.280 Thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very much for joining me this 05:39.280 --> 05:46.280 morning, and thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very much for 05:46.280 --> 05:52.280 joining me this morning, and thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank 05:52.280 --> 05:57.280 you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very much for joining me this 05:57.280 --> 06:01.280 morning, and thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very much 06:01.280 --> 06:12.480 for joining me this morning, And thank you very much for joining me this morning, And 06:12.480 --> 06:15.680 thank you very much for joining me. 06:15.680 --> 06:20.480 And thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very much for joining 06:20.480 --> 06:26.680 me this morning, and thank you very much for joining me this morning, and thank you very 06:26.680 --> 06:30.960 but you don't say that the play that they enacted is a lie, 06:30.960 --> 06:33.440 then essentially you're not questioning anything. 06:34.800 --> 06:38.360 If you say that everybody in the government is a traitor, 06:38.360 --> 06:41.120 but you don't question the laws that they pass, 06:41.120 --> 06:43.200 then what are you really questioning? 06:43.200 --> 06:44.640 And that's what they've gotten us to do 06:44.640 --> 06:46.560 with all of these people. 06:46.560 --> 06:48.480 That's what they've gotten to do with all of you. 06:48.480 --> 06:51.560 That's what we seem not to be able to show each other. 06:51.560 --> 06:55.560 That's not, it seems to be very hard to teach. 06:55.560 --> 06:58.560 You don't understand Mr. Brown, the bottom. 06:58.560 --> 07:00.680 When people decide to lie together, 07:00.680 --> 07:03.640 the results are absolutely awful. 07:04.880 --> 07:09.880 And these people who are agreeing not to question the faith, 07:09.880 --> 07:13.080 no matter how they, whatever else they question, 07:13.080 --> 07:15.440 I would argue are part of this. 07:15.440 --> 07:17.360 And I know a lot of people don't wanna hear that, 07:17.360 --> 07:20.920 but if you're just saying that there are bad guys out there, 07:22.800 --> 07:25.320 well, yeah, great, thanks for the update. 07:26.200 --> 07:27.320 I can see that. 07:33.560 --> 07:35.480 But if you're not calling the vaccine schedule 07:35.480 --> 07:38.560 what it is like every day and twice on Sunday, 07:38.560 --> 07:40.160 then I don't think you're really fighting. 07:40.160 --> 07:42.960 I think you're just dancing around the main problem. 07:42.960 --> 07:47.080 The very easy thing, the lowest hanging fruit, 07:47.080 --> 07:49.920 the thing that is backed by our history 07:49.920 --> 07:54.920 is backed by history that we can still accurately trace. 07:56.240 --> 07:59.120 And I think that's what's most important right now. 07:59.120 --> 08:02.000 If we continue to allow these charlatans 08:02.000 --> 08:05.200 to tell us the story that they wanna tell, 08:05.200 --> 08:08.240 then the truth will never be available to our children. 08:10.200 --> 08:12.680 And they will never get the power 08:12.680 --> 08:15.640 that probably are only our grandparents had, 08:15.640 --> 08:19.160 which is really sovereignty over our bodies 08:19.160 --> 08:21.520 and what we do with our future. 08:21.520 --> 08:24.640 I think we have been fooled into believing 08:24.640 --> 08:28.720 we've been in control of very much for our entire lives. 08:31.360 --> 08:34.720 Not everybody's parents were bad guys in this. 08:34.720 --> 08:37.280 Not all the bad guys have bad parents. 08:39.560 --> 08:43.400 Not everybody in this is part of the illusion. 08:44.440 --> 08:45.280 Wittingly. 08:46.600 --> 08:51.040 Sometimes it is, hello in the Philippines. 08:51.040 --> 08:52.400 Goodness sakes, wow. 08:55.520 --> 08:59.480 I hope that you have started to become someone 08:59.480 --> 09:03.200 like this guy in the red there, 09:03.200 --> 09:07.600 able to save people with a more rudimentary 09:07.600 --> 09:10.960 and simple understanding of things, 09:12.280 --> 09:14.320 able to understand the subtleties 09:14.320 --> 09:19.320 of how what looks to be very easy is actually very difficult. 09:21.720 --> 09:23.960 I hope you've been able to help someone else 09:23.960 --> 09:25.720 learn to surf this wave. 09:27.240 --> 09:29.640 I hope that we have helped some of you 09:29.640 --> 09:32.320 that GigaOM Biological, which is really not just me, 09:32.320 --> 09:36.600 but it's also my family that enables this to happen 09:36.600 --> 09:38.680 and all the people that were on that first screen 09:38.680 --> 09:40.440 that support this work. 09:40.440 --> 09:43.440 I hope that maybe some of you have been helped 09:43.440 --> 09:46.320 by GigaOM Biological to stay focused on the biology, 09:46.320 --> 09:48.840 to not take their bait on television 09:48.840 --> 09:52.720 and to love your neighbors irrespective of what's up. 09:54.720 --> 09:58.480 The reason why we are here every day often is possible 09:58.480 --> 10:02.040 and the reason why May is going to be another shift 10:02.040 --> 10:07.040 in terms of output is because people financially 10:07.320 --> 10:09.720 contribute to the work they subscribe 10:09.720 --> 10:11.880 and also viewers spread the word. 10:11.880 --> 10:13.760 That's the most important part. 10:13.760 --> 10:16.040 How many people work very hard, 10:16.040 --> 10:18.440 not doing anything else, 10:18.440 --> 10:20.560 but trying to share the screen. 10:20.560 --> 10:22.240 There's this guy named Soothe Spider 10:22.240 --> 10:25.160 who's working on ways to try and make it easier 10:25.160 --> 10:27.840 for me to put transcripts up on substack, 10:27.840 --> 10:29.880 which you might actually think would be pretty easy. 10:29.880 --> 10:33.040 I mean, if you look at some of these substack authors 10:33.040 --> 10:35.520 can put three or four articles out in a day 10:35.520 --> 10:39.160 and I find it very difficult having a video, 10:39.160 --> 10:42.880 having a transcript and still find it difficult 10:42.880 --> 10:46.120 to clean it up enough to get it on substack 10:46.120 --> 10:49.440 in a satisfactory manner that I think is worth somebody 10:49.480 --> 10:52.480 clicking on and that's what I find most extraordinary 10:52.480 --> 10:57.040 whereas someone else with a farm or maybe two farms 10:57.040 --> 11:00.720 and horses and emus can put out something 11:00.720 --> 11:04.440 like 17 substacks every two weeks 11:04.440 --> 11:07.840 and between 20 and 30 pages a day 11:07.840 --> 11:10.360 on average during the week. 11:10.360 --> 11:12.400 This is just extraordinary stuff 11:13.920 --> 11:18.320 and this extraordinary illusion is only sustained 11:18.400 --> 11:19.760 through your active participation. 11:19.760 --> 11:22.480 If you actually believe that people can emu farm 11:22.480 --> 11:27.480 and hand breed horses and tour the world in hot tubs 11:28.480 --> 11:33.480 while fighting a, leading a resistance, global resistance 11:35.880 --> 11:40.480 from the foot of the Shenandoah National Forest, I'm sorry 11:40.480 --> 11:43.720 but maybe you should buy an igloo in Arizona too. 11:44.720 --> 11:48.600 And this illusion, like I'm saying, is only sustained 11:48.600 --> 11:51.200 through your active, if you believe that these people 11:51.200 --> 11:53.960 are real and that their output is all just them 11:53.960 --> 11:57.520 and that these, these substacked authors 11:57.520 --> 12:00.080 are just covering what they want to cover 12:00.080 --> 12:03.280 and nobody's telling them what to do again. 12:04.640 --> 12:06.240 You're sustaining the illusion. 12:07.600 --> 12:09.600 If you believe that a lot of these groups 12:09.600 --> 12:13.440 that stood in front of fake microphones in 2020 12:13.440 --> 12:15.880 and we're trying to point out something, 12:15.880 --> 12:18.840 we're working for our best interest. 12:18.840 --> 12:20.560 I think you're just mistaken. 12:20.560 --> 12:23.080 I think you've been fooled by the same machinery 12:23.080 --> 12:26.320 that fooled a lot of us in the very, very beginning. 12:27.960 --> 12:29.880 And that's the danger really. 12:29.880 --> 12:32.920 Hope I didn't just do a bunch of copyrighted music there. 12:32.920 --> 12:35.160 I'm not really sure what that's all about there. 12:36.640 --> 12:37.960 Mike puts some stuff in there. 12:37.960 --> 12:39.560 A lot of this stuff is copyrighted 12:39.560 --> 12:42.000 but the way that he mixed it in, this guy. 12:42.000 --> 12:44.400 Mike Vandenberg, mixed date. 12:44.400 --> 12:47.760 That's the, Mike Vandenberg is no longer with us. 12:47.760 --> 12:50.760 He's a friend of mine from Amsterdam, 12:50.760 --> 12:51.840 my time in the Netherlands. 12:51.840 --> 12:54.360 He was a really great guy, real nice dude. 12:54.360 --> 12:56.960 He was a DJ and so that actually made him 12:56.960 --> 12:59.440 a very cool connection because every once in a while 12:59.440 --> 13:01.120 you would find out that, 13:01.120 --> 13:03.280 Michael, Mike Vandenberg, 13:03.280 --> 13:05.640 I mean, Michael is his Dutch name. 13:07.600 --> 13:09.920 He, you know, you might find out 13:09.920 --> 13:11.200 that he was at a party or something 13:11.200 --> 13:13.640 and I know one particular friend of mine 13:13.640 --> 13:15.880 took a lot of advantage of that much more than I did 13:15.880 --> 13:19.480 but that's actually who I met Mike through. 13:19.480 --> 13:22.400 And then, yeah, I just realized that 13:22.400 --> 13:27.400 what a funky opening music I could create 13:27.400 --> 13:28.640 from Mike's mixed tape. 13:28.640 --> 13:33.640 So anyway, I'm pouring a little coffee 13:34.160 --> 13:35.880 on the curb for my friend, Mike. 13:37.040 --> 13:38.880 Anyway, this is Gigo and Biological, 13:38.920 --> 13:41.320 High Resistance, Illinois's information brief, 13:41.320 --> 13:43.520 brought to you by a biologist. 13:43.520 --> 13:46.320 We are coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 13:47.640 --> 13:51.080 and here it is approximately 10.30 in the morning 13:51.080 --> 13:52.900 on the 30th of April. 13:53.920 --> 13:56.000 And it's a cloudy skies 13:57.200 --> 14:00.080 and the temperature is incredibly warm. 14:00.080 --> 14:03.480 We always seem to skip spring in Pennsylvania. 14:03.480 --> 14:07.960 We go right from freezing every morning to, 14:07.960 --> 14:09.480 I can't stand the heat. 14:10.920 --> 14:12.680 And that's me making a little bit of a joke. 14:12.680 --> 14:15.280 I gotta be very honest with you. 14:15.280 --> 14:19.600 Pennsylvania is really one of the better places 14:19.600 --> 14:21.480 to live in America, I've gotta say. 14:21.480 --> 14:24.880 It's gotta be because the winters are easy. 14:24.880 --> 14:27.240 The summers have about two weeks of pain 14:27.240 --> 14:29.360 and the rest is, you know, okay, it's humid, 14:29.360 --> 14:30.800 but I mean, I've been other places. 14:30.800 --> 14:33.640 I know that this is not humid. 14:33.640 --> 14:36.880 It's more humid because we've got a lot of grass around 14:36.880 --> 14:40.320 and a lot of blacktop around, but it's not like Texas. 14:41.320 --> 14:44.120 It's, you know, it's not that hot and it's not that humid. 14:44.120 --> 14:45.240 It's not like Tennessee. 14:45.240 --> 14:46.600 I've been to Tennessee in times 14:46.600 --> 14:49.080 where I really wanted to off myself. 14:50.640 --> 14:54.280 And so Pennsylvania has been a really wonderful surprise 14:54.280 --> 14:57.160 coming here just because this was the one place 14:57.160 --> 14:58.960 that would give me a faculty position. 15:00.160 --> 15:03.400 My family has been very blessed to be in Pennsylvania 15:03.400 --> 15:06.520 and to be in Pittsburgh where at least half the people here 15:06.520 --> 15:08.720 have their head on straight. 15:08.720 --> 15:12.200 And so it is my pleasure to be here this morning. 15:13.200 --> 15:14.920 I'm really liking this 10-10, 15:14.920 --> 15:17.040 although I'm late this morning. 15:17.040 --> 15:19.240 It is a really nice time to be streaming. 15:19.240 --> 15:21.680 It's still cool air coming in the back door 15:21.680 --> 15:23.880 and blowing out the front of the garage. 15:23.880 --> 15:26.160 And so welcome to the show. 15:26.160 --> 15:28.640 Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances 15:28.640 --> 15:31.720 with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. 15:31.720 --> 15:34.800 Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent 15:34.800 --> 15:37.280 and that's actually a well-known fact 15:37.280 --> 15:38.800 or should have been a well-known fact 15:38.800 --> 15:43.080 to most faculty members in the United States of medical schools 15:43.080 --> 15:46.920 and biology faculty all around the world really. 15:46.920 --> 15:49.000 And RNA cannot pandemic is something 15:49.000 --> 15:51.520 that even the most sophisticated 15:51.520 --> 15:56.520 and dogmatic bench biologist and chemist 15:57.080 --> 16:01.120 or anybody that rudimentary rudimentarily understands 16:01.120 --> 16:06.120 the basics of the DNA to RNA to protein dogma. 16:08.360 --> 16:10.520 Should be able to understand what I'm trying to get at 16:10.520 --> 16:12.800 when I say RNA cannot pandemic. 16:12.800 --> 16:15.840 I think it's a better way of saying that an RNA molecule 16:15.840 --> 16:17.200 is not a pattern integrity. 16:19.040 --> 16:21.920 And even if you wrap up an RNA molecule 16:21.920 --> 16:25.160 with a few enzymes, I don't think it constitutes 16:25.160 --> 16:26.320 a pattern integrity. 16:26.320 --> 16:30.200 And so that's really at the heart of this. 16:30.200 --> 16:33.160 And once you start to see it for what it is, 16:33.160 --> 16:36.640 you will start to realize that they have lied to us 16:36.640 --> 16:41.160 about a lot of the fundamental biology 16:41.160 --> 16:45.120 that they purport underlies the principle of a pandemic, 16:45.120 --> 16:46.840 the idea of a pandemic. 16:46.840 --> 16:50.520 And our current hypothesis remains pretty similar 16:50.520 --> 16:52.360 to what it has been over the last, 16:52.360 --> 16:54.440 it's evolved a little bit over the last six months. 16:54.440 --> 16:57.000 If you're joining us for the first time here 16:57.080 --> 17:00.280 at Gigome Biological, we pretty much have come 17:00.280 --> 17:03.200 to the conclusion that the who declared a pandemic 17:03.200 --> 17:04.760 of a dangerous novel virus. 17:04.760 --> 17:08.360 And then through the use of nonspecific PCR testing, 17:09.480 --> 17:11.680 in combination with a background, 17:11.680 --> 17:15.960 which was not a clean background, 17:15.960 --> 17:17.480 but whether it was a hot background, 17:17.480 --> 17:21.040 full of noise that these nonspecific tests 17:21.040 --> 17:23.320 could result in positivity. 17:23.960 --> 17:27.640 And then financial incentives that were added 17:27.640 --> 17:30.920 on top of this in certain places around the world, 17:30.920 --> 17:32.680 United States being one of them. 17:33.760 --> 17:36.520 Certain incentives where if you treated someone 17:36.520 --> 17:38.040 for this new disease, 17:38.040 --> 17:41.760 then there would be no possibility of malpractice. 17:41.760 --> 17:43.280 And so there were not only financial, 17:43.280 --> 17:46.280 but legal incentives in certain places like New York, 17:47.200 --> 17:50.400 where these mass casualty events really, 17:50.400 --> 17:51.800 New York is a shining, 17:51.800 --> 17:54.520 these shining example because there is no other example 17:54.520 --> 17:57.520 with the extent to which like a bomb went off 17:57.520 --> 17:59.120 in three and a half or four weeks 17:59.120 --> 18:02.760 where 20,000 people are purported to have died 18:02.760 --> 18:03.760 in that timeframe. 18:04.720 --> 18:07.560 In a system that's used to dealing with, let's say, 18:07.560 --> 18:09.480 1,000 bodies a week, 18:09.480 --> 18:12.760 now had to deal with four, five or 6,000 bodies a week. 18:12.760 --> 18:17.760 It's very unusual for there not to be a busload 18:18.200 --> 18:23.160 of traumatized healthcare workers in New York City. 18:23.160 --> 18:27.080 It's unusual that there isn't a concrete memorial 18:27.080 --> 18:28.400 with all their names on it. 18:30.400 --> 18:35.400 And that glaring omission is just kind of the tip 18:37.520 --> 18:38.360 of the iceberg. 18:38.360 --> 18:40.000 It should just be the light underneath the door 18:40.000 --> 18:42.880 that makes you curious as to what's on the other side 18:42.880 --> 18:44.360 and the little shadows moving like, 18:44.360 --> 18:46.040 oh, wow, what's going on in there? 18:47.040 --> 18:49.960 That's how quickly you should be interested in. 18:49.960 --> 18:53.560 Wow, let me, let's revisit what happened in New York City 18:53.560 --> 18:56.840 to understand how it is that we were convinced 18:56.840 --> 18:59.920 that this little thing here happened at the beginning. 18:59.920 --> 19:01.360 You can barely see my arrow 19:01.360 --> 19:03.720 when it's up here on the small screen. 19:03.720 --> 19:05.680 But that little blip right there at the beginning, 19:05.680 --> 19:08.480 which is up here also is actually 19:10.080 --> 19:14.640 what the sage group in the UK also used to model 19:14.680 --> 19:17.080 their projections in the UK based on. 19:19.840 --> 19:23.760 And so the trick here to understand is that RNA virology 19:23.760 --> 19:26.760 is not some high fidelity. 19:26.760 --> 19:28.160 We've been monitoring these things 19:28.160 --> 19:32.320 like watching the different populations of birds, 19:32.320 --> 19:34.600 wax and wane over the last 20 years 19:34.600 --> 19:37.080 and we understand the ecology of these things. 19:37.080 --> 19:39.600 That's not how it worked at all. 19:39.600 --> 19:40.880 They were very elusive. 19:40.880 --> 19:42.840 They're very difficult to culture. 19:42.840 --> 19:44.280 They're very difficult to follow. 19:44.280 --> 19:47.000 They always have to look at proxy signals 19:47.000 --> 19:49.560 rather than direct measurements. 19:50.800 --> 19:53.000 Essentially correlates of virology 19:53.000 --> 19:56.280 rather than like they use correlates of immunology. 19:57.960 --> 20:00.200 That's how extraordinary these things are. 20:00.200 --> 20:03.640 And that's how extraordinary this illusion has become. 20:03.640 --> 20:05.600 And because no one questions it, 20:05.600 --> 20:08.760 because no one wants to question Nobel Prize winners 20:08.760 --> 20:11.920 because no one really is interested in working on something 20:11.920 --> 20:14.520 that you can only understand by proxy. 20:14.520 --> 20:16.240 The only people who have gone into this 20:16.240 --> 20:18.560 and had any success at it seem to have been 20:18.560 --> 20:22.100 artificially elevated, hard officially propped up. 20:23.080 --> 20:24.420 People like Ralph Barrick. 20:26.280 --> 20:29.280 Ralph Barrick is probably a pretty legitimate molecular 20:29.280 --> 20:33.200 biologist who got co-opted into participating 20:33.200 --> 20:34.080 in this illusion. 20:34.080 --> 20:36.160 That's why a lot of times he seems uncomfortable 20:36.160 --> 20:37.320 in doing what he's doing. 20:38.680 --> 20:41.280 He hasn't gotten a Nobel Prize for any of the things 20:41.360 --> 20:45.240 that he's done like David Baltimore got a Nobel Prize 20:45.240 --> 20:46.840 for finding reverse transcriptase. 20:46.840 --> 20:48.920 But I'll come to none of these people got a Nobel Prize 20:48.920 --> 20:51.600 for finding RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. 20:51.600 --> 20:55.840 Could it be because we also have RNA-dependent RNA polymerases? 20:55.840 --> 20:58.360 It would be very strange if we did 20:58.360 --> 21:01.380 because for the last 15 years or so, 21:01.380 --> 21:04.320 we've been using the presence of an RNA-dependent RNA 21:04.320 --> 21:07.040 polymerase to indicate the presence of a coronavirus 21:07.040 --> 21:08.320 or another RNA virus. 21:08.320 --> 21:09.640 Isn't that strange? 21:11.920 --> 21:14.080 I don't know if you've done your due diligence or not 21:14.080 --> 21:15.640 in the last two days of the homework 21:15.640 --> 21:17.880 that I subconsciously assigned. 21:19.400 --> 21:21.480 But if you've gone to PubMed and you've looked, 21:21.480 --> 21:24.680 you've probably found some evidence for us having our own 21:24.680 --> 21:26.560 RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, 21:26.560 --> 21:30.160 but they're only associated with a very small, 21:30.160 --> 21:34.760 you know, niche mechanism of interfering RNA 21:34.760 --> 21:36.320 or some other thing like that. 21:37.160 --> 21:42.000 We are still being told, and I think this is something 21:42.000 --> 21:44.560 that the last few days have really done very well 21:44.560 --> 21:46.120 that our biology is very simple 21:46.120 --> 21:50.760 and all the extravagant, crazy biology is found in viruses. 21:50.760 --> 21:52.600 And so we've got to fight against them. 21:52.600 --> 21:54.640 We need drugs to fight against them. 21:56.800 --> 21:59.720 The goal is for us never to understand 21:59.720 --> 22:02.120 to what extent this biology has to do 22:02.120 --> 22:04.000 with understanding ourselves, 22:04.080 --> 22:07.120 has to do with their quest to understand ourselves, 22:07.120 --> 22:11.440 to somehow transcend our sacredness. 22:13.200 --> 22:15.320 They want you to believe it's all just public health 22:15.320 --> 22:16.320 and pathogens. 22:17.520 --> 22:20.320 But it's never been about public health and pathogens. 22:20.320 --> 22:22.960 It's always been about what the Human Genome Project 22:22.960 --> 22:23.800 has been about. 22:23.800 --> 22:28.800 It's always been about what even some of the nuclear 22:30.360 --> 22:33.240 weapons programs and nuclear energy actually 22:33.240 --> 22:37.600 were also very, those interests were all closely intertwined 22:37.600 --> 22:40.680 with the idea of using nuclear energy to influence 22:40.680 --> 22:44.960 or even accelerate evolution because they thought 22:44.960 --> 22:46.200 that, well, Darwin was right. 22:46.200 --> 22:48.360 It's just random mutations. 22:48.360 --> 22:52.600 And so if we used nuclear energy to accelerate 22:52.600 --> 22:54.960 the mutation rate, maybe we could accelerate 22:54.960 --> 22:56.160 human evolution. 22:57.400 --> 22:58.720 That's what they thought. 22:59.720 --> 23:04.720 These same people who told us what AIDS is 23:04.720 --> 23:06.600 and told us what tumor viruses are 23:06.600 --> 23:08.720 and told us what retroviruses are. 23:10.600 --> 23:15.040 All the same, it's all the same chain of teacher and student. 23:15.040 --> 23:19.160 It's all the same chain of ideas passed down 23:19.160 --> 23:22.920 from inspiring mentor to inspired student. 23:24.120 --> 23:26.320 And you can hear it in all of them. 23:27.320 --> 23:32.320 Paul Offit talks about his mentors and who are they? 23:32.320 --> 23:33.320 Who does he look up to? 23:33.320 --> 23:34.320 Think about that. 23:40.320 --> 23:41.600 You want help thinking about that? 23:41.600 --> 23:45.320 Check out Mark Hewson-Tonic Mark Koolack on Mark. 23:45.320 --> 23:48.520 Mark does Hewson-Tonic ITS. 23:48.520 --> 23:49.680 It's Hewson-Tonic Live. 23:49.680 --> 23:52.640 He got another strike yesterday for one of his shows. 23:52.640 --> 23:55.960 I find it really strange, quite frankly, 23:55.960 --> 24:00.800 that Mark Hewson-Tonic gets a strike on his podcast. 24:03.880 --> 24:07.200 But this video about the spike protein 24:07.200 --> 24:09.680 being an engineered pre-on protein 24:09.680 --> 24:12.680 by Veijon Medicine Shorts 24:12.680 --> 24:16.400 by Dr. Philip McMillan has been up for two months 24:16.400 --> 24:17.900 and that gets no strike. 24:18.960 --> 24:20.440 Does that mean it's true? 24:21.440 --> 24:25.440 And Mark talking about people 24:25.440 --> 24:30.440 and who they talked about in their obituaries 24:30.440 --> 24:32.440 or whatever, that's... 24:36.440 --> 24:40.440 I think you got to see this for what it is, ladies and gentlemen. 24:40.440 --> 24:42.440 What we've been trying to describe 24:42.440 --> 24:46.440 is a very slow role of a narrative. 24:46.440 --> 24:49.440 A narrative that had a lot of moving parts. 24:50.440 --> 24:53.440 And the goal was to make sure that the entire globe, 24:53.440 --> 24:55.440 and that's a big number, 24:55.440 --> 24:58.440 the entire globe basically bought the premise 24:58.440 --> 25:03.440 that a novel virus was discovered in 2020 25:03.440 --> 25:07.440 and circled the globe for five years, 25:07.440 --> 25:11.440 causing death, destruction, and economic chaos. 25:12.440 --> 25:15.440 What the details are about what you accept 25:15.440 --> 25:18.440 with regard to that story are actually irrelevant. 25:19.440 --> 25:21.440 Because if you accept that story, 25:21.440 --> 25:24.440 then this hypothesis or anything related 25:24.440 --> 25:27.440 to the idea that a national security operation 25:27.440 --> 25:30.440 was executed in order to convince you 25:31.440 --> 25:34.440 that an RNA pandemic has occurred. 25:34.440 --> 25:36.440 You will never get there. 25:36.440 --> 25:39.440 And that was their job that remains their job. 25:39.440 --> 25:42.440 And I think it's really important for people to understand 25:42.440 --> 25:45.440 that this is not some kind of secret thing. 25:46.440 --> 25:50.440 We are very, very close to being exactly on script 25:50.440 --> 25:52.440 with this thing right here, 25:54.440 --> 25:56.440 which is the sparse pandemic. 25:58.440 --> 26:01.440 The plan of the sparse pandemic, right? 26:01.440 --> 26:03.440 Let me just see if I can get over there. 26:03.440 --> 26:06.440 And let me do this and bookmarks 26:06.440 --> 26:09.440 and I can hide the bookmark toolbar 26:09.440 --> 26:11.440 and then I can go over here. 26:12.440 --> 26:14.440 So this is the sparse pandemic. 26:15.440 --> 26:18.440 This is that thing that you can find on the internet 26:18.440 --> 26:20.440 and it is something that was done, 26:20.440 --> 26:23.440 I believe, by Johns Hopkins 26:23.440 --> 26:26.440 and maybe also the Rockefeller, 26:26.440 --> 26:28.440 Johns Hopkins, Johns, 26:28.440 --> 26:30.440 a Johns Texas state, 26:30.440 --> 26:32.440 recommended citations, Johns Hopkins, 26:33.440 --> 26:35.440 Bloomberg School of Public Health. 26:35.440 --> 26:37.440 Maybe it's not Rockefeller. 26:37.440 --> 26:38.440 I don't know. 26:39.440 --> 26:43.440 So the whole idea is that something happens in the Philippines 26:43.440 --> 26:46.440 where there's hypothetical scenario 26:47.440 --> 26:50.440 and it's the Philippines and I think it's pigs that get sick. 26:50.440 --> 26:52.440 Let's just go through this really quick 26:52.440 --> 26:54.440 and then I'll show you what I wanted to say 26:55.440 --> 26:57.440 or what I wanted to point out. 26:57.440 --> 26:59.440 So you can go through this document. 26:59.440 --> 27:00.440 If you haven't gone through this document, 27:00.440 --> 27:01.440 I don't even know where you've been. 27:01.440 --> 27:03.440 We did this document like four years ago. 27:03.440 --> 27:05.440 We started this document. 27:05.440 --> 27:07.440 There might even be a bike ride about this document, 27:07.440 --> 27:08.440 but I don't think there is. 27:08.440 --> 27:10.440 It would have been a walk in the woods. 27:11.440 --> 27:12.440 And so, you know, 27:12.440 --> 27:15.440 I didn't even think I really needed to cover this document very much 27:15.440 --> 27:17.440 because I think everyone has done it. 27:17.440 --> 27:20.440 But if you haven't, I mean, please read it. 27:20.440 --> 27:23.440 I mean, it's not meant to be a funny thing. 27:23.440 --> 27:25.440 They use this as a gaming. 27:25.440 --> 27:27.440 It's a game scenario. 27:27.440 --> 27:30.440 It's trying to understand what might happen 27:31.440 --> 27:35.440 so we can understand what might be appropriate solutions for it. 27:36.440 --> 27:37.440 And so let's see. 27:40.440 --> 27:42.440 So then it's a hoofed animal. 27:42.440 --> 27:45.440 It's a coronavirus outbreak in hoofed animals. 27:46.440 --> 27:49.440 And then I think what they do is they hired a company 27:49.440 --> 27:50.440 to produce the vaccine. 27:50.440 --> 27:51.440 This is a great story. 27:52.440 --> 27:53.440 And then they produce the vaccine. 27:53.440 --> 27:55.440 And I think after they produce the vaccine, 27:55.440 --> 27:58.440 although it hurt some animals, 27:58.440 --> 28:03.440 the virus jumps out of the animals into people. 28:03.440 --> 28:06.440 So I don't think they make much of a story about the fact 28:06.440 --> 28:08.440 that the vaccine did it or something like that, 28:08.440 --> 28:09.440 but it's not not implied. 28:09.440 --> 28:13.440 It's definitely something that when you read the document, 28:13.440 --> 28:16.440 you can think, oh, wow, did the vaccine cause that? 28:16.440 --> 28:19.440 And it's an interesting parallel to what Heritbund and Bosch 28:19.440 --> 28:21.440 is now pushing with regard to the, 28:21.440 --> 28:22.440 to the, 28:22.440 --> 28:25.440 the transfection that these people keep calling a vaccine. 28:25.440 --> 28:29.440 The transfection has caused SARS-CoV-2 to do. 28:34.440 --> 28:35.440 That was my second cup of coffee. 28:35.440 --> 28:36.440 We're doing great this morning. 28:37.440 --> 28:44.440 And so then they have to use emergency use authorized drugs. 28:44.440 --> 28:47.440 And there's some drugs that work and some don't. 28:47.440 --> 28:49.440 And there's, there's misinformation. 28:49.440 --> 28:51.440 And so it's very, very familiar. 28:53.440 --> 28:55.440 Some people reject the untested drugs. 28:55.440 --> 28:59.440 You know, it's all this, what, what kind of hypothetical debates, 29:00.440 --> 29:05.440 hypothetical, you know, they're looking at pre-crisis partnerships 29:05.440 --> 29:06.440 that could have avoided these things. 29:06.440 --> 29:09.440 So they're, they're sort of implying that there are ways 29:09.440 --> 29:13.440 that we can prepare for it, but I find most extraordinary 29:13.440 --> 29:16.440 about where we are now, especially with regard to the, 29:16.440 --> 29:18.440 to the video that I just referenced, 29:18.440 --> 29:19.440 which hasn't gotten a strike. 29:19.440 --> 29:22.440 It's just up there saying that the spike protein is a, 29:22.440 --> 29:25.440 is a laboratory designed pre-on like, 29:25.440 --> 29:27.440 in-capacitation agent. 29:30.440 --> 29:34.440 That video's up, but Mark Gulak gets a strike. 29:35.440 --> 29:38.440 If we go to just find something here, 29:38.440 --> 29:40.440 I don't know if I, if I got to get my head out of the way. 29:40.440 --> 29:41.440 Yeah, here we go. 29:42.440 --> 29:45.440 And I got to get the mouse up there and then we go here. 29:46.440 --> 29:49.440 I'm just going to put in neuro because I know what their talk, 29:49.440 --> 29:50.440 I know where this is. 29:50.440 --> 29:52.440 I've done this video or done this. 29:52.440 --> 29:57.440 Done this document many times, I know how to get and navigate it. 29:57.440 --> 30:01.440 So in chapter 17, which is, you know, you got to get there. 30:01.440 --> 30:03.440 It's a long, it's a page 59. 30:03.440 --> 30:06.440 They start talking about vaccine injury. 30:06.440 --> 30:11.440 So this, this scenario goes from the outbreak all through the 30:11.440 --> 30:16.440 response and all through the ramifications of a rushed, 30:16.440 --> 30:21.440 uncoordinated, um, blind response, right? 30:21.440 --> 30:27.440 And so all the scenarios that are now being pushed by teamwork case scenario 30:27.440 --> 30:34.440 and by the fake dissident movement are precisely codified here in some mirror image. 30:35.440 --> 30:37.440 I mean, it's just plain and simple. 30:37.440 --> 30:38.440 You don't like it. 30:38.440 --> 30:42.440 The existence of this document then is what it is. 30:42.440 --> 30:43.440 Is it pre programming? 30:43.440 --> 30:45.440 Then what do you want to call this document? 30:46.440 --> 30:50.440 This is the bureaucracy preparing to execute what we just experienced. 30:50.440 --> 30:56.440 What we are experiencing now is the next stage of it has not stopped. 30:56.440 --> 31:02.440 And in this part of the document, they are detailing how a certain small fraction 31:02.440 --> 31:06.440 of people are finding out that, wow, there is some legitimate. 31:06.440 --> 31:11.440 There are some vaccine injuries and lo and behold, what's happening right now in 31:12.440 --> 31:16.440 America, what's happening right now is a group of people are being elevated 31:16.440 --> 31:22.440 specifically to say that there are vaccine injuries. 31:22.440 --> 31:27.440 And even co-opting people like Denny Rancor have been speaking out since 31:27.440 --> 31:33.440 2020 and taking only his part of the story that says 17 or 18 million people 31:33.440 --> 31:34.440 were killed by the shot. 31:34.440 --> 31:39.440 Not the part of his story that says said since 2020 that there's no evidence 31:39.440 --> 31:40.440 that it was spread. 31:40.440 --> 31:44.440 He's been publishing that longer that he's been publishing the damage of the 31:44.440 --> 31:48.440 vaccine and that makes sense because before the vaccine came out, it was 31:48.440 --> 31:52.440 already obvious to him and others that something wasn't right about the 31:52.440 --> 31:53.440 narrative they were telling. 31:53.440 --> 31:58.440 And it turns out it was about it was about lying about murder. 31:58.440 --> 32:00.440 It was about falsifying records. 32:00.440 --> 32:02.440 It was about fraudulent death dates. 32:02.440 --> 32:04.440 It was probably about all of that. 32:05.440 --> 32:14.440 And so this is the forward facing document of such a exercise. 32:14.440 --> 32:19.440 This is the unclassified public part of an exercise like this. 32:19.440 --> 32:22.440 What is the classified part? 32:22.440 --> 32:25.440 What's the classified part that would be like the G. 32:25.440 --> 32:29.440 or Dono presentation, but for people with a lanyard? 32:29.440 --> 32:33.440 Because that's what you've got to read when you read a document like this. 32:33.440 --> 32:37.440 Not read a document like this and say, oh, wow, now we know. 32:37.440 --> 32:42.440 No, you read this document like it's the brochure. 32:42.440 --> 32:45.440 The paid content is not in here. 32:45.440 --> 32:50.440 And so if the brochure says seven times that vaccine injuries are going to be 32:50.440 --> 32:54.440 neurological symptoms similar to those seen in the livestock exposed to the 32:54.440 --> 32:58.440 GMI vaccine when you go all the way back to the beginning, you get 32:58.440 --> 33:02.440 encephalitis and brain swelling and all kinds of other neurological 33:02.440 --> 33:06.440 things that are damaging and they killed all those animals to avoid the 33:06.440 --> 33:09.440 detection in the animal vaccine. 33:09.440 --> 33:13.440 What an interesting story that is, isn't it? 33:13.440 --> 33:15.440 Because our human trials were all screwed up. 33:15.440 --> 33:20.440 Our human trials used a different vaccine according to these people. 33:20.440 --> 33:22.440 It was process one versus process two. 33:22.440 --> 33:27.440 So there are mirrors in every part of the story right up until we get to 33:27.440 --> 33:33.440 preons and amyloidosis and the amyloidogenesis and the sudden synonymous 33:33.440 --> 33:38.440 words that all mean the same thing that proteins fold from alpha helices to 33:38.440 --> 33:42.440 beta pleated sheets and that sucks. 33:42.440 --> 33:45.440 Even though before the pandemic, 33:45.440 --> 33:51.440 alpha helices and beta pleated sheets and beta helices were all just kind of 33:51.440 --> 33:59.440 standard run of the mill generalized terms for shapes that proteins can take. 34:01.440 --> 34:06.440 Ladies and gentlemen, we are being bamboozled from the highest level in the 34:06.440 --> 34:12.440 highest level of manner, you know, like the fifth generation warfare that 34:12.440 --> 34:15.440 Robert Malone told us will never be able to figure out. 34:15.440 --> 34:18.440 He actually said that on stage a few times. 34:19.440 --> 34:24.440 Go find the videos where instead of talking about biology or his patents or 34:24.440 --> 34:27.440 what he understands or doesn't understand about the shot that he took 34:27.440 --> 34:29.440 or didn't take. 34:29.440 --> 34:32.440 And he's given these fifth generation warfare talks. 34:32.440 --> 34:35.440 One of the main talking points is you're never going to figure it out. 34:35.440 --> 34:36.440 And why not? 34:36.440 --> 34:42.440 Because it's people agreeing to lie together. 34:42.440 --> 34:45.440 Even lie about each other together in coordination, you know, 34:45.440 --> 34:52.440 like be opposers opposing each other in opposition. 34:52.440 --> 34:53.440 Oh, he's not. 34:53.440 --> 34:54.440 He's a fake guy. 34:54.440 --> 34:55.440 Yeah, yeah. 34:55.440 --> 34:56.440 Right. 34:56.440 --> 34:57.440 He's my nemesis. 34:57.440 --> 34:59.440 See, he was on 60 minutes. 34:59.440 --> 35:00.440 Yeah. 35:00.440 --> 35:01.440 Right. 35:01.440 --> 35:05.440 That's how deep this theater goes. 35:05.440 --> 35:10.440 And all I would need to do is sit down with a bunch of pictures and start typing 35:10.440 --> 35:15.440 what I know about each of them in every one of the four years that we've been in. 35:15.440 --> 35:20.440 20, 21, 22, 23. 35:20.440 --> 35:24.440 And you would see a picture so clear. 35:24.440 --> 35:28.440 You'd need sunglasses to look at it. 35:28.440 --> 35:35.440 It is so blatantly obvious who was acting and who was trying to figure out what 35:35.440 --> 35:41.440 and the hell's going on, who was being lied to and manipulated and who was doing the 35:41.440 --> 35:48.440 lying and the manipulating because the only rational reaction to lying and manipulating 35:48.440 --> 35:52.440 is frustration and fear and panic. 35:52.440 --> 35:56.440 Exactly what you've seen me do a lot of times unwittingly. 35:56.440 --> 35:57.440 It just lose it. 35:57.440 --> 36:04.440 You, you, you panic because you tried to explain to people that you didn't want to see this 36:04.440 --> 36:05.440 in the NFL. 36:05.440 --> 36:09.440 You don't want to be telling people that they're, they're part of something. 36:09.440 --> 36:16.440 But look at this document, understand that this is a brochure that the real plan isn't 36:16.440 --> 36:17.440 published. 36:17.440 --> 36:24.440 And that the real plan involves coordinated lying where the limited spectrum of debate 36:24.440 --> 36:33.440 is actually two shepherds that argue about what's important and both arguments are wrong. 36:33.440 --> 36:38.440 They're the wall of the cage. 36:38.440 --> 36:43.440 And as we move forward and more and more people argue about the adulteration of the double 36:43.440 --> 36:50.440 stranded DNA or argue that the spike protein is somehow a designer thing that can cause, 36:50.440 --> 36:56.440 you know, amyloidosis to occur or cause preonogenesis. 36:56.440 --> 37:06.440 Big words for, for protein folding in a maladaptive way with very little basis in mechanistic 37:06.440 --> 37:08.440 understanding. 37:08.440 --> 37:16.440 In other words, preonogenesis, amyloidosis, these are processes that sound as though there's 37:16.440 --> 37:19.440 a high fidelity understanding underlying them, but they're not. 37:19.440 --> 37:23.440 They're actually words that indicate very little understanding. 37:23.440 --> 37:33.440 And so they use those words to hand wave because as they've moved through this space, they've 37:33.440 --> 37:41.440 had to slowly navigate around this one problem that heretofore structure equals function. 37:41.440 --> 37:48.440 Structure equals the amino acid sequence in combination with the ribosomal processing. 37:48.440 --> 37:50.440 That's it. 37:50.440 --> 37:53.440 We don't have any explanation beyond that. 37:53.440 --> 37:59.440 Somehow or another, this RNA goes through and you get a protein on the other side. 37:59.440 --> 38:02.440 Most of the time that protein comes out in this shape. 38:02.440 --> 38:10.440 If you change some of these bases in these codons to silent mutations, you can actually 38:10.440 --> 38:13.440 get misfolding that leads to rare genetic disorders. 38:13.440 --> 38:18.440 We don't understand how that occurs. 38:18.440 --> 38:25.440 And that was on the front of science magazine in 2011 with a cartoon mouth that had a zipper 38:25.440 --> 38:26.440 through it. 38:26.440 --> 38:31.440 It was the secret that nobody wanted to talk about that we didn't understand how silent 38:31.440 --> 38:40.440 mutations that don't change the amino acid can be so highly coordinated, highly correlated 38:40.440 --> 38:42.440 with genetic disorders. 38:42.440 --> 38:46.440 It didn't make sense to us. 38:46.440 --> 38:53.440 And it still really doesn't. 38:53.440 --> 39:00.440 And so the level of understanding that is implied is a lie. 39:00.440 --> 39:07.440 And it is a lie that falls right in line with a narrative about a novel virus that we had 39:07.440 --> 39:14.440 to respond to, but we responded to rather clumsily and now have to respond to the response of 39:14.440 --> 39:15.440 it. 39:15.440 --> 39:17.440 We have to mitigate the damage from the response. 39:17.440 --> 39:20.440 We have to recover from that. 39:20.440 --> 39:27.440 And nowhere in this document that they talk about the loss of liberty or sovereignty and 39:27.440 --> 39:34.440 the ramifications of that, that's not in this document at all because this is a sales brochure 39:34.440 --> 39:37.440 for a plan. 39:37.440 --> 39:42.440 And the real plan isn't published, but the real plan was executed on us. 39:42.440 --> 39:49.440 The real plan involved people in front of the television, on social media with podcasts 39:49.440 --> 39:57.440 and it involved insiders that pretended to be whistleblowers and pretend insiders pretending 39:57.440 --> 40:04.440 to be whistleblowers, all of whom are participating in our governance through lies. 40:04.440 --> 40:05.440 That's where we are. 40:06.440 --> 40:12.440 And this spars thing where we go from, we could, how many times we can see the neurological 40:12.440 --> 40:19.440 symptoms similar among the livestock and then we'll go down to the next one. 40:19.440 --> 40:25.440 And while the FDA, CDC and other agencies were busy researching possible connections 40:25.440 --> 40:31.440 between Corovacs and reported neurological side effects, their efforts were continually 40:32.440 --> 40:36.440 undermined by epidemiological analysis produced by various non-governmental and individual 40:36.440 --> 40:43.440 groups, a popular science blogger, EpiGirl, began posting interactive maps of the incidents 40:43.440 --> 40:45.440 of COVID side effects. 40:45.440 --> 40:48.440 Oh, EpiGirl. 40:48.440 --> 40:50.440 Is that who Jessica Rose is? 40:50.440 --> 40:58.440 Is Jessica Rose just EpiGirl in this SARS-CoV-2 pandemic narrative? 40:58.440 --> 41:09.440 She's one of those people who could have called this thing transfection from the very 41:09.440 --> 41:10.440 beginning but hasn't. 41:10.440 --> 41:13.440 I mean, she's got like four degrees, right? 41:13.440 --> 41:24.440 Is it computational biology, biochemistry, immunology, virology, applied mathematics? 41:24.440 --> 41:26.440 I don't know what, when it's listed. 41:26.440 --> 41:31.440 I forget them all because it's just so many. 41:31.440 --> 41:37.440 But our first four or five publications are all making the mathematical simulations of 41:37.440 --> 41:42.440 the virology paper that she's in. 41:42.440 --> 41:47.440 And a lot of our papers and research has been funded by some NATO thing, which is I also 41:47.440 --> 41:54.440 really strange because I was working in NATO member countries and nobody ever said that 41:54.440 --> 41:59.440 I could apply for neuroscience grants that were funded by NATO. 41:59.440 --> 42:02.440 I never heard of that. 42:02.440 --> 42:09.440 And Jessica Rose also has not actually ever applied for or looked for a 10-year position. 42:09.440 --> 42:11.440 She's not actually an academic. 42:11.440 --> 42:16.440 She's done some postdocs but it doesn't seem like she's ever sought out a position and tried 42:16.440 --> 42:21.440 to establish a lab because that's what people do in science. 42:21.440 --> 42:27.440 And what I do in the Netherlands and failed and what I tried to do in partnership with 42:27.440 --> 42:32.440 somebody else in Pittsburgh and succeeded at until the start of the pandemic. 42:32.440 --> 42:33.440 Really? 42:33.440 --> 42:36.440 I mean, we were killing it. 42:36.440 --> 42:40.440 And we were helping other labs and collaborating with other labs. 42:40.440 --> 42:44.440 I mean, we had become kind of the go-to patch clamp physiology. 42:44.440 --> 42:47.440 You know, if you're having problems, go to them. 42:47.440 --> 42:50.440 If you need an experiment done, ask them. 42:50.440 --> 42:56.440 And we had partnerships with monkey labs and other labs with special transgenic mice. 42:56.440 --> 42:58.440 They were telling stories about it. 42:58.440 --> 43:04.440 And so I was doing really well and our lab was doing really well, even though. 43:04.440 --> 43:08.440 And so I was playing the game legitimately. 43:08.440 --> 43:12.440 I don't see the same thing in EpiGirl. 43:12.440 --> 43:19.440 In EpiGirl, I see someone who now is doing very well as what is essentially a sub-stack writer. 43:20.440 --> 43:27.440 And that's fine. I don't begrudge her that, but let's be realistic about what happened here. 43:31.440 --> 43:33.440 She was in these hot tub pictures. 43:33.440 --> 43:37.440 You know, she's been on stage with Robert Malone in multiple places. 43:37.440 --> 43:47.440 She's been in these places where I feel like the narrative has only been reinforced and very carefully curated. 43:47.440 --> 43:51.440 And with someone with so many degrees can only focus on a few things. 43:51.440 --> 43:55.440 And when she's actually called to speak, it's always about bears. 43:55.440 --> 43:57.440 It's never about the basic immunology. 43:57.440 --> 44:01.440 Can you tell us a little bit about the basic immunology of this stuff? 44:01.440 --> 44:09.440 It would be a very, very succinct presentation of ACE2 and all the other garbage that we were told from the very, very beginning. 44:09.440 --> 44:15.440 That hasn't changed at all in the mainstream narrative. 44:15.440 --> 44:19.440 I'm going to wake up right now, ladies and gentlemen. There isn't much time left. 44:19.440 --> 44:25.440 And I can only share this truth so many times. 44:25.440 --> 44:30.440 But they have planned this out. 44:30.440 --> 44:33.440 And don't get me wrong. 44:33.440 --> 44:35.440 There are lots of EpiGirls. 44:35.440 --> 44:38.440 Brett Weinstein is an EpiGirl. 44:38.440 --> 44:41.440 Brett Weinstein is just evolutionary girl. 44:41.440 --> 44:45.440 And they started them earlier. They planted them earlier. 44:45.440 --> 44:49.440 They did a stunt at a university, which was really a stunt, ladies and gentlemen. 44:49.440 --> 44:58.440 How was it a stunt? Because when I was, my contract was no longer extended because of, of COVID, I had no recourse. 44:58.440 --> 45:05.440 There's nothing that I could do. I was just a postdoc with a one year contract, tough shit. 45:05.440 --> 45:12.440 He, on the other hand, and his wife got a half a million dollar settlement, got to speak and complain about it in front of the Senate. 45:12.440 --> 45:26.440 Got a, got a pretty good start for their podcast that they now say that they lost their YouTube monetization because they let Robert Malone come on their stream and speak about how he had taken the vaccine to travel and try to avoid his long COVID. 45:26.440 --> 45:36.440 And that they told everybody if we could just get everybody to take Ivermectin and vuvoxamine for 30 days, we could get to zero COVID. 45:36.440 --> 45:41.440 And that focused hard lockdowns could get us to zero COVID. 45:41.440 --> 45:47.440 Sounds like EpiGirl to me. 45:47.440 --> 46:01.440 And once you realize that there's just been a bunch of EpiGirls around telling us all these things and now the EpiGirl people are telling us that there are going to be preons and they're, the preons are not just from transfection, which I could have told you. 46:01.440 --> 46:08.440 The protein misfolding and protein disorders and, and, and mitochondrial damage. 46:08.440 --> 46:11.440 This stuff we could have all told you is just the transfection. 46:11.440 --> 46:14.440 It's not specific to the spike protein yet for some reason or another. 46:14.440 --> 46:20.440 In 2020, there were already more than a few people who were sure that the spike protein was a neurotoxin. 46:20.440 --> 46:22.440 The spike protein was a neurotoxin. 46:22.440 --> 46:28.440 The spike protein was a neurotoxin. 46:28.440 --> 46:49.440 And I want to make this point every night, every day, any time and three times on Sunday, they seeded the narrative about the spike protein so that you would think that the average mouth breather that works at a gas station or at a 7-Eleven would think it makes pretty much sense then that picking that protein was a really bad idea for the shot. 46:50.440 --> 46:56.440 And that maybe if they don't pick that protein next time, transfection will be fine and whatever they do with mRNA was fine. 46:56.440 --> 46:58.440 It's just this spike protein. 46:58.440 --> 46:59.440 Why was it a nasty thing? 46:59.440 --> 47:03.440 And the funny thing is the same people are still saying that. 47:03.440 --> 47:06.440 They have not moved even a minute. 47:06.440 --> 47:11.440 I mean, they, they still say the spike protein is the only protein you have to worry about. 47:11.440 --> 47:17.440 They still say that the spike protein has these special things in it like a fear and cleavage site and that makes it magic. 47:19.440 --> 47:23.440 And they're all epigirls. 47:23.440 --> 47:25.440 They're team worst case scenario. 47:25.440 --> 47:36.440 They're there to control the narrative to make people ask a certain question that won't get them out of the loop to focus on a certain list of questions that won't get them out of the loop. 47:36.440 --> 47:43.440 How about right away at the beginning to make sure that you paid attention to the right people? 47:43.440 --> 48:00.440 Like what if I came out in March of 2020 and was convinced, absolutely convinced that the main thing that I was called to do was to oppose the people that thought 5G was important and oppose the people that thought they were no virus. 48:00.440 --> 48:10.440 What if that was my primary mission that I just had a, had a sign up behind me that says, we've got to fight the no virus people because they're idiots. 48:10.440 --> 48:17.440 And that, that we've got to fight the people that, that are opposed to 5G because they're idiots. 48:17.440 --> 48:21.440 Wouldn't that strike you as odd? 48:21.440 --> 48:30.440 That's not what I came out in. I came out against the, I came out the idea that previous immunity to whatever these things are is definitely better than whatever they're suggesting. 48:30.440 --> 48:36.440 And that we should open schools because kids were never vulnerable to whatever they were suggesting they were vulnerable to. 48:36.440 --> 48:40.440 And that somehow, some way that we were being lied to about this. 48:40.440 --> 48:50.440 And yes, it took me a long time to figure out how we were being lied to in layers by layers of coordinated liars. 48:51.440 --> 49:03.440 But once you start to tumble out of this, you tumble pretty fast and you realize when you hit the floor that holy cow, there aren't very many people down here. 49:05.440 --> 49:13.440 Ladies and gentlemen, this document, the centerforhealthsecurity.org has the spares pandemic scenario PDF. 49:13.440 --> 49:26.440 Read it, understand it, and realize that it is a mirror. It is a map of brochure of how this happened, a brochure of what they want you to believe happened. 49:29.440 --> 49:38.440 And we are still being led by our noses through this narrative, which takes us right into slavery for our grandchildren. 49:39.440 --> 49:44.440 And the people who are leading us, the people that are being put in front of us, they are willing participants at this point. 49:45.440 --> 49:52.440 There are no people who have not woken up to the idea that something drastically wrong happened in 2020. 49:53.440 --> 49:58.440 The people that have woken up like that are not being promoted anymore. 49:59.440 --> 50:18.440 And it is very important to realize that Kevin McCairn, the guy who has known that the spike protein is very, very bad that a billion people might die in worst case scenario that masks are great, that had the had the virus from a super spreader event in Korea 50:19.440 --> 50:42.440 and has been convinced that Andy Kaufman is the most terrible no virus person ever since March of 2020 has now been featured in life site news as a pre on expert and essentially quoted right alongside Kevin McCurnan, who's a genome sequencing expert. 50:43.440 --> 50:47.440 Who's now also talking about mitochondrial damage. 50:48.440 --> 51:00.440 And mitochondrial damage was known. It was expected to come not from the transfection, ladies and gentlemen, but from the lipid nanoparticle, the cationic lipids. 51:01.440 --> 51:19.440 And so it's very, very amazing to me how all of this is right in front of our faces, right there for us to take all these relationships between these people that Mark has been outlining over the last two years, or three years. 51:19.440 --> 51:26.440 These have been right there for the taking for any of these other people to find any of these other people to expound on and yet somehow or another they've all missed it. 51:27.440 --> 51:39.440 The supplementary pure oxygen has been there for any of these doctors or may never mind doctors that are also JD's and also PhD's to have found, but they didn't find it. 51:41.440 --> 51:43.440 They didn't see it. 51:44.440 --> 51:47.440 How can that be by accident? 51:48.440 --> 51:51.440 At this stage, it can't be by accident. 51:52.440 --> 51:56.440 This confusion was created on purpose. 51:57.440 --> 52:04.440 This pain was created on purpose and the distortion was created on purpose because it was a national security exercise. 52:05.440 --> 52:14.440 And a very fun brochure of that near related exercise is called the sparse pandemic scenario PDF. 52:15.440 --> 52:35.440 So, I think it's really important to understand that this is a national security event and that's what gives these people the confidence and the, again, can also coerce some of these people into telling the stories that they're telling and sticking to those stories. 52:36.440 --> 52:42.440 Now, I don't know what they were told. I don't know what they were threatened. They all may have been threatened or told or given different things. 52:44.440 --> 53:04.440 But I know that there are people who are really trying to fight for truth, trying to fight for America and trying to fight for their own country to be free of these globalists, to be free of these transhumanists, to be free of these people who think that nothing is sacred about human life. 53:05.440 --> 53:07.440 Except for their own, perhaps. 53:08.440 --> 53:16.440 So, let's see, where am I going here with this before I do the next slide. Oh, yeah. 53:17.440 --> 53:18.440 Already there. 53:23.440 --> 53:30.440 Now, I don't have any water down here because I couldn't find my friggin water bottle because I couldn't find my GoPro. 53:31.440 --> 53:38.440 I am going to start helping my wife livestream her yoga on YouTube. 53:39.440 --> 53:46.440 And so anyway, in helping set that up yesterday, I took my GoPro up there to make a secondary camera. 53:47.440 --> 53:57.440 And then as it goes with a guy like me, I carried it somewhere after I took it out of its mount up there to bring back downstairs to my room in the garage. 53:58.440 --> 54:05.440 And I don't know how, but I dropped it, put it down somewhere and for the life of me, I had to search the entire house this morning before I, of course, I found it. 54:06.440 --> 54:18.440 And where was it? It was underneath. Yeah, anyway, it doesn't matter. It's a little black cube and a little black cubes when you're angry and searching quite quickly are very hard to see, especially when they're right in front of your face. 54:18.440 --> 54:31.440 So anyway, I couldn't find my water bottle because I spent like 30 minutes trying to find my GoPro and then I probably won't even write anything down today because this lecture will be so bad, but I wanted to round off. 54:34.440 --> 54:47.440 I'm spelling his name wrong on purpose here because I don't care because I don't have any respect for these people who I think now are just masquerading as biologists. 54:49.440 --> 54:58.440 But I want you to see 10 years ago what the Baltimore classification would have looked like from his star student, Vincent Rassini, Rec and Yellow. 54:59.440 --> 55:04.440 And I want you to hear how he talks about viral genetics and how virology is done. 55:05.440 --> 55:14.440 These two short clips illustrate the mythology that I think we're fighting and the mythology that I think we need to. 55:15.440 --> 55:24.440 We need to dispel before the end of the year, so at least among our family and friends so that we start to make real progress with dispelling it around the earth. 55:24.440 --> 55:32.440 I know that sounds like an impossible, a ridiculous task for somebody in the back of their garage, but we each influence one person at a time. 55:32.440 --> 55:35.440 That's the best we can hope to be as far as greatness. 55:36.440 --> 55:42.440 I'm trying my best with my kids, and I'm also trying my best with giga home biological. 55:42.440 --> 55:45.440 I don't know that everybody can stream. Not everybody wants to stream. 55:45.440 --> 55:49.440 I don't know if I want to stream, but I feel like I'm a pretty decent teacher. 55:49.440 --> 55:52.440 And so that's why I feel like I'm going to keep teaching this stuff. 55:53.440 --> 55:58.440 If you like what I'm doing here, please remember that I'm only supported by people like you. 55:58.440 --> 56:01.440 If you can find a way to give 10 bucks a month, that would be really great. 56:02.440 --> 56:10.440 There's a place to do it on my website. You could also click on the PayPal link and set up to give $1 a month. 56:10.440 --> 56:14.440 I finally figured out how to make that an option there. 56:14.440 --> 56:21.440 And so no matter how little or how much you think you can give every month, please consider supporting the work because. 56:21.440 --> 56:28.440 I really feel as though the next couple months are really going to be key for us breaking this this summer. 56:29.440 --> 56:30.440 And fall. 56:30.440 --> 56:37.440 I hope to really start to put out something that I think people will find worth supporting. 56:37.440 --> 56:44.440 And I know there are more than 140 people that are already supporting me now and it's fantastic. 56:44.440 --> 56:49.440 I think we have 130 actually 132 subscribers or something like that. 56:49.440 --> 56:54.440 And there are also a few people that just give on their own every once in a while. 56:55.440 --> 56:58.440 And so we squeak by, but this month has been the worst. 56:59.440 --> 57:06.440 And this month has now been the hairiest for my family. I think we're pretty much really on fumes now so. 57:08.440 --> 57:13.440 We want to do more. We want to we want to give more. We want to put more work into this. 57:14.440 --> 57:19.440 But we're really doing as much as we can right now trying to keep track of. 57:20.440 --> 57:25.440 This narrative and put it together in a succinct way. And so you'll see it in May. 57:25.440 --> 57:32.440 What we've been working on behind the scenes and it'll become kind of obvious that there's something really. 57:32.440 --> 57:34.440 Unique here. 57:34.440 --> 57:43.440 Especially over the last few weeks, if you haven't been watching the stream regularly, we've made some really big breakthroughs and with the help of a few friends. 57:44.440 --> 57:58.440 Some of the haziness of this biology has been clarified for me just simply because I can now see clearly what they really understand and what they've been hand waving for a very long time and what they don't want you to talk about. 57:59.440 --> 58:09.440 And those few things that they don't really want to admit are the key things that I'm going to try and hone in on with regard to Vincent's two lectures here. 58:10.440 --> 58:16.440 So I'm going to escape out of this and I think I have them already popping up here. Yes, I do. 58:16.440 --> 58:18.440 First one. 58:19.440 --> 58:23.440 And these lectures are from 10 years ago and they are clipped. 58:24.440 --> 58:30.440 Which basically means that they are taken from an hour long lecture and they're both about 15 minutes long. 58:30.440 --> 58:34.440 I'm going to play them at regular speed, but I discovered something that you might not know. 58:35.440 --> 58:48.440 But when you're playing a YouTube video, you can hit the hit the pause button is the space bar, but I don't know if you knew this or not, but if you hold the space bar down, it will play at one and a half speed until you let go of it, which is kind of a thing. 58:48.440 --> 58:55.440 If you're trying to fast forward through a video, it's quite handy and I didn't know that because I'm not really big into keyboard shortcuts. 58:55.440 --> 59:08.440 And I know that somebody like my friend Ted on the other side of the planet would laugh because all those people that work on computers are know all the keyboard shortcuts and think that us people that don't use keyboard shortcuts are, you know, mouth breathers. 59:08.440 --> 59:12.440 So I figured out a new keyboard shortcut today. 59:12.440 --> 59:13.440 So I'm very proud of myself. 59:13.440 --> 59:14.440 Anyway, here we go. 59:14.440 --> 59:15.440 This is the first lecture. 59:15.440 --> 59:18.440 I believe this one is called. 59:18.440 --> 59:22.440 I should probably tell you what that one is called the Baltimore scheme. 59:23.440 --> 59:41.440 So we're going to look at the Baltimore scheme and remember that Vincent Rancin yellow is the guy that invented infectious clones with David Baltimore where they took an RNA virus and they made an RNA copy of it and that RNA was infectious and that was the first infectious 59:41.440 --> 59:51.440 clone that's a really significant thing because I'm arguing that infectious clones are the illusion of virology that what they want you to believe is that there are signals. 59:51.440 --> 59:54.440 There are signals like this in the wild. 59:54.440 --> 01:00:09.440 And they can grab them and grow them and study them but in reality they haven't been able to do that at all until they figured out how to convert them to DNA make a lot of DNA and then convert those by putting them on a cell culture to the RNA virus. 01:00:10.440 --> 01:00:23.440 And you're going to hear a description of this which is going to be very imprecise is going to use transformation and transfection a little differently than I do because it's 10 years ago, but I believe it's because he's obfuscating the truth. 01:00:23.440 --> 01:00:32.440 And so first the Baltimore scheme, then his description in the same course, I believe, of viral genomes and how we study them. 01:00:32.440 --> 01:00:44.440 And so you're going to find this I think very enlightening especially if you followed along with the David Baltimore lectures from a couple days ago because remember, the Baltimore lectures from a couple days ago are from 2018. 01:00:44.440 --> 01:00:51.440 And this lecture is from his student, but several years before that. 01:00:52.440 --> 01:01:10.440 So it's not like what you're going to see from your you're going to find very quickly that what David Baltimore talked about over the last two days is not an update of what Vincent says it's exactly the same in those those 11 years nothing changed. 01:01:11.440 --> 01:01:28.440 It's exactly the same story and that's what should make you very, very suspicious because genetic technologies have quadrupled or even by a couple orders of magnitude become more efficient and become more specific and become more powerful according to all these 01:01:28.440 --> 01:01:33.440 people that worked in the human genome project since they were in high school. 01:01:33.440 --> 01:01:53.440 And so if that's the case, then why hasn't our our resolution in virology increased why hasn't our our ability to measure these genetic signals in higher fidelity why don't we see that happening in virology why do we keep using the same things like plaque essays and this kind of thing 01:01:53.440 --> 01:01:55.440 why is that? 01:01:55.440 --> 01:02:00.440 And that huge question is never answered. 01:02:00.440 --> 01:02:06.440 It's never answered because there is no answer other than virology is a great big exaggeration. 01:02:06.440 --> 01:02:18.440 And it is covering up the fact that we understand that we have endogenous signaling that contributes at this regime and that this endogenous signaling is is part of our very biology. 01:02:19.440 --> 01:02:23.440 And so if they told us that then they wouldn't be able to study it at all. 01:02:23.440 --> 01:02:26.440 There would be no reason to mess around with it. 01:02:26.440 --> 01:02:31.440 Try to interfere with it to understand it. 01:02:31.440 --> 01:02:40.440 And there would be no excuse for them to, you know, sell you all kinds of cures for the the symptomologies of it. It's it's extraordinary. 01:02:40.440 --> 01:02:44.440 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get off on a tangent there. 01:02:44.440 --> 01:02:48.440 Always good music. 01:02:48.440 --> 01:02:53.440 Professor Vincent rents in yellow. Oh, record yellow. It's actually not that bad. 01:02:53.440 --> 01:03:05.440 In the 1950s, the breakthrough in in virology was the demonstration that the nucleic acid of the virus is the genetic code. 01:03:06.440 --> 01:03:13.440 And how did they solve that problem? They solved that problem with a bacteriophage called T four. 01:03:13.440 --> 01:03:28.440 And it was the Hershey Chase experiment where I think they put some kind of radioactive radioactive marker and they could show that like the the phages took up the radioactive marker and that showed that the phages were being packaged with new DNA. 01:03:28.440 --> 01:03:30.440 I think that was something like that. 01:03:30.440 --> 01:03:36.440 And even though this sounds obvious today, it wasn't back then. 01:03:36.440 --> 01:03:43.440 People thought that the proteins, in fact, might be the important part because they were so much more complicated nucleic acids were simple. 01:03:43.440 --> 01:03:47.440 They only had four different chemicals in them. 01:03:47.440 --> 01:03:52.440 And this conclusion came from initially two kinds of studies. 01:03:53.440 --> 01:04:04.440 The Hershey Chase experiment, a very famous experiment which I'm sure you were taught in biology with bacteriophage T four shown here in an electron micrograph. 01:04:04.440 --> 01:04:11.440 And then the work of Frankel Conrad with tobacco mosaic virus. 01:04:11.440 --> 01:04:21.440 I'm not sure we're going to talk about this today, but what they did here was simply to take the virus and break it into RNA and protein components and showed that the RNA had the infectivity of the virus. 01:04:22.440 --> 01:04:25.440 Hershey Chase will talk about right here. 01:04:25.440 --> 01:04:28.440 So here is Al Hershey and Martha. 01:04:28.440 --> 01:04:34.440 So you could say it another way that if you expose cells to RNA, you can transfect them. 01:04:34.440 --> 01:04:41.440 And so infection or transfection is being distorted here. 01:04:41.440 --> 01:04:50.440 And so what if it's possible for my immune system to send out a signal that will transfect my children's immune system. 01:04:50.440 --> 01:04:58.440 In order to help them anticipate a signal that I've been exposed to. 01:04:58.440 --> 01:05:08.440 What if my immune system is sending out signals that are designed to help conspecific females decide whether I'm an attractive healthy male or not. 01:05:08.440 --> 01:05:15.440 Or whether I'm ill or have a genetic polymorphism that isn't compatible with one of theirs. 01:05:16.440 --> 01:05:28.440 We don't know any of these questions, but we do know that this signaling regime is not exclusively dominated by pathogens that are obligate parasites that are essentially molecules and fat bubbles. 01:05:28.440 --> 01:05:32.440 It can't be possible. 01:05:33.440 --> 01:05:49.440 Even bacteriophages are more accurately characterized as part of the natural biology of bacteria that you should think of them more as bacteria signaling to other bacteria rather than individually acting little organisms on their own. 01:05:49.440 --> 01:05:57.440 And I think that's the parallel mythological cartoon that they use with respect to bacteriophages. 01:05:57.440 --> 01:06:04.440 And it still wants you to think that that moonlander is separate from the bacteria and it's obviously it's very different and weird. 01:06:04.440 --> 01:06:09.440 So it must be different and separate. 01:06:09.440 --> 01:06:25.440 But that could be more akin to the two types of parts of a complicated plant life cycle, for example, rather than thinking of them as phages as as obligate parasites. 01:06:25.440 --> 01:06:31.440 Which in the context of a bacteria I think more clearly is kind of silly. 01:06:31.440 --> 01:06:40.440 Right if you think about these as obligate pathogens of bacteria it seems like well that's a pretty big statement mate doesn't it. 01:06:40.440 --> 01:06:46.440 It probably helps the bacteria as often as it hurts them like what's really going on here. 01:06:47.440 --> 01:06:52.440 It's how bacteria evolve more likely. 01:06:52.440 --> 01:07:02.440 And this is part of their biology but it's distorted in the exact same parallel way that exosomal signaling is distorted in mammals. 01:07:03.440 --> 01:07:11.440 And can exosomal signaling become aberrant and then be something like measles or polio it's possible and I definitely would not rule that out. 01:07:11.440 --> 01:07:13.440 I think it's very possible. 01:07:13.440 --> 01:07:31.440 But that's very different than suggesting that the exclusive content of this fraction in a sucrose gradient is viruses when we know that a very large portion of that fraction is almost guaranteed to be endogenous signaling in the same sort of chemical 01:07:31.440 --> 01:07:38.440 and and and physical size regime. 01:07:38.440 --> 01:07:57.440 And I think that virology can be thought of as that kind of mythology where they have just taken sacred biology that they understand is being much more complicated and intertwined with our own and told us a story about how is exclusively separate from us so that they can have a monopoly on understanding it. 01:07:57.440 --> 01:08:03.440 And weaponizing that monopoly against us and our grandchildren. 01:08:03.440 --> 01:08:15.440 Case they worked at Cold Spring Harbor for many years out on Long Island and they did this very famous experiment using a food blender common kitchen blender. 01:08:15.440 --> 01:08:26.440 And what they did they wanted to know if you take a bacteria page which is the genetic information which specifies the production of more viruses is that the protein shallower is at the nucleic acid. 01:08:26.440 --> 01:08:35.440 So they would grow phages with radioactive precursors to protein or radioactive precursors to the DNA. 01:08:35.440 --> 01:08:46.440 And when they labeled the DNA and then they would infect E. coli very briefly and then use a blender to shear off the infecting phase that was what the blender was for. 01:08:46.440 --> 01:08:53.440 So they only let the phage attach very briefly enough to put the genetic information in the cell. 01:08:53.440 --> 01:09:00.440 Because I mean it's you know obviously you can use a blender to remove phages right I mean that makes sense. 01:09:00.440 --> 01:09:08.440 And when they did this the radioactivity was predominantly found in the cell after a brief infection when you labeled the DNA. 01:09:08.440 --> 01:09:20.440 And then the DNA was detected in the next generation of phage and when you labeled the protein the coat of the virus that did not remain cell associated and it was never passed on to the next generation. 01:09:20.440 --> 01:09:26.440 So this is called the Hershey Chase Experiment. If you ever go out to Cold Spring Harbor for a meeting there's a library out there. 01:09:26.440 --> 01:09:34.440 I think it's called the Carnegie Library and they have one of Hershey's blenders in a glass case there for you to look at. 01:09:34.440 --> 01:09:37.440 It was out there this summer. 01:09:37.440 --> 01:09:44.440 So this was very important because it showed that the nucleic acid was the genetic information of the virus. 01:09:44.440 --> 01:09:53.440 Now even the bigger surprise I'm going to push the space bar perhaps above that the nucleic acid is the genetic information because in fact for cells we already knew that the DNA of cells was the genetic information. 01:09:53.440 --> 01:09:56.440 So this was a good move forward but not a big surprise but what really is surprising. 01:09:56.440 --> 01:10:01.440 I told you a lot about all the viruses that are out there billions and billions and all different kinds, shapes, forms. 01:10:01.440 --> 01:10:11.440 Yet in the end you can make them all fall into very nice categories because they only have a finite number of nucleic acid genomes and that is number seven. 01:10:11.440 --> 01:10:14.440 And that's a number you should remember. 01:10:14.440 --> 01:10:20.440 Yesterday I said six so I guess I skipped one. Sorry about that. I'm not a virologist. I just play one on Twitch. 01:10:20.440 --> 01:10:29.440 It's a subway number but it's going to help you remember all the different viral genomes because when you count up to seven you'll be done. 01:10:29.440 --> 01:10:35.440 Seven different kinds of genome and that will really help us organize all these viruses in terms of how they work. 01:10:35.440 --> 01:10:44.440 It will really help you. Maybe there are DNA retroviruses and RNA retroviruses and maybe I skipped the DNA retrovirus. That might be the problem. 01:10:44.440 --> 01:11:01.440 So the key fact that will really in addition to the number seven to help organize all of this is that every viral genome has to make mRNA that the host can translate because remember no virus encodes a complete translation apparatus, 01:11:01.440 --> 01:11:15.440 which is a parasites of the host translation system. So every virus. So they are parasites of the host translation system. That's a pretty interesting way to to phrase it. 01:11:15.440 --> 01:11:24.440 Whole viral genome viral genomes need to make it to mRNA and so they have lots of different ways of getting there, which we don't use. 01:11:24.440 --> 01:11:43.440 We don't copy our RNA apparently. We just copy our DNA and then we make RNA from our DNA and then we make proteins from our RNA using ribosomes but viruses are able to use double stranded DNA single stranded DNA plus and minus single stranded RNA and double stranded RNA. 01:11:43.440 --> 01:12:01.440 They're able to copy all of those molecules. They're able to, I mean, it's incredible. The kind of genetic diversity that viruses have developed in the context of being obligate parasites to our own cells. 01:12:01.440 --> 01:12:09.440 What a tremendous thing that is it's almost like a, yeah, it's almost like a story that doesn't make sense. 01:12:09.440 --> 01:12:18.440 Post this rule. And I would guess that if we ever found a virus that didn't, it probably wouldn't be a virus. It'd be a cell of some kind of very small cell. 01:12:18.440 --> 01:12:34.440 So all viruses have to make mRNA that can be read. So if you think of that, then every virus replication cycle is simple in the sense that it all has to lead to mRNA that can be translated by the host cell. And that's a ribosome. Not a turkey. This is a ribosome. 01:12:34.440 --> 01:12:43.440 It looks a lot like the other thing that DNA polymerase that it's not a turkey. It's a turducket. 01:12:43.440 --> 01:12:51.440 All right. Now, David Baltimore. There he is. David Baltimore with a big fish. That's awesome. 01:12:51.440 --> 01:12:55.440 Is that a red herring? 01:12:55.440 --> 01:13:14.440 Who was a Nobel laureate for discovering an enzyme that we'll talk about later on in another lecture. He used this insight, the idea that every virus has to make mRNA to organize all the known viral genomes into this scheme, which is nicely called the Baltimore scheme. 01:13:14.440 --> 01:13:26.440 And he put mRNA in the... The gapped DNA of the Hapatine virei day, Hapatine virei day viruses, the gapped DNA. Wow. 01:13:26.440 --> 01:13:39.440 So seven is not what I said it was. That's not RNA and retroviruses are RNA. And this gapped DNA, I don't know what that is. 01:13:39.440 --> 01:13:43.440 I'll have to go. I got so much to learn. It's just a great time to be alive. 01:13:43.440 --> 01:13:51.440 Middle. He said every genome has to lead to this. And then he arrayed around it all the known genomes. This was in the 70s that he did that. 01:13:51.440 --> 01:13:59.440 He put single-stranded DNA plus-sense RNA that goes through a DNA intermediate, other-plus-stranded RNA viruses. 01:13:59.440 --> 01:14:09.440 Dude, I have an oasterizer upstairs. It's a real oasterizer. And it actually says on it that it's a commercial one that we got at a house auction here when we first moved. 01:14:09.440 --> 01:14:15.440 It's like one of those old-school milkshake things. It has a square. But then the thing on the bottom of your mug has a star. 01:14:15.440 --> 01:14:23.440 And so it just goes on in every orientation. It's like back when they used to make stuff for real. And it has a sticker on it that says this is OSHA compliant. 01:14:23.440 --> 01:14:27.440 That shows you how old it is. Pretty cool. Oasterizer, baby. 01:14:27.440 --> 01:14:34.440 Negative-stranded RNA viruses. Double-stranded RNA viruses. We're going to talk about each of these in detail. 01:14:34.440 --> 01:14:41.440 He missed one. I didn't tell you double-stranded DNA, of course. He got that as well. All the ones that are numbered he got. 01:14:41.440 --> 01:14:49.440 But at the time, when he made this scheme, the Hepatitis B virus had not yet been discovered. Its genome wasn't known. 01:14:49.440 --> 01:14:53.440 And so that was added later. This funny double-stranded DNA with gaps. 01:14:53.440 --> 01:15:01.440 So he said, all of these have to go to mRNA. So we arrange them in this very nice rubric, which, if you learn, it will help you. 01:15:01.440 --> 01:15:07.440 So Hepatitis B has a double-stranded DNA with gaps as a genome. Interesting. 01:15:07.440 --> 01:15:14.440 Enormously, because given a viral genome, you'll be able to figure out how it's expressed. And we'll go through that today. 01:15:14.440 --> 01:15:20.440 David Baltimore, of course, likes the fish. That's him up there. 01:15:20.440 --> 01:15:27.440 So before we go on with the Baltimore scheme, let's do some definitions. So we're all talking the same language. 01:15:27.440 --> 01:15:33.440 And these have to do with polarity. As you know, probably, mRNA is, by convention, the plus strand. 01:15:33.440 --> 01:15:40.440 Someone asked me, last year, does it have to do with charge or something electricity? No, it has nothing to do with any of that. 01:15:40.440 --> 01:15:44.440 It's just convention that what is translated mRNA is called the plus strand. 01:15:44.440 --> 01:15:49.440 So a DNA strand that is the equivalent polarity as mRNA is the plus strand. 01:15:49.440 --> 01:15:55.440 And, of course, the complements of plus strands are negative strands or minus strands. So we use the word interchangeably, 01:15:55.440 --> 01:16:01.440 plus positive, minus negative. And it's just a way to identify what strand we're talking about. 01:16:01.440 --> 01:16:08.440 And, of course, mRNA, the plus strand is ribosome ready. It can be translated into protein. That's the definition of mRNA. 01:16:08.440 --> 01:16:14.440 But one thing I want to tell you is that not all plus RNA, especially in the virus world, is mRNA. 01:16:14.440 --> 01:16:20.440 There are some viruses that have plus-stranded RNA genomes, but it's not mRNA. It's not translated. 01:16:20.440 --> 01:16:26.440 So just being plus-stranded is not enough to get you translated. There are other requirements as well. 01:16:26.440 --> 01:16:37.440 So then when we look at the Baltimore scheme, these pluses and minus, that's what they refer to, the polarity of the nucleic acid with respect to mRNA. 01:16:37.440 --> 01:16:46.440 Now, just keep in mind that, I wonder if I have it in this deck. I don't have it in this deck. I would have to open up a different deck. 01:16:46.440 --> 01:17:00.440 And the standard cartoon for a coronavirus is that it's genome is translated, right? At least open reading frame 1A has to be translated. 01:17:00.440 --> 01:17:10.440 And then that poly protein needs to be cut up and formed into something that does a lot of other stuff. But 01:17:10.440 --> 01:17:28.440 plus-stranded RNA is not mRNA is an interesting statement. So we would need to look into it a little more into details about how well they have characterized the, let's say, translation of the coronavirus genome into the respective poly protein 01:17:28.440 --> 01:17:42.440 that then assembles into the RNA dependent RNA polymerase in the transcriptile, transcriptase complex thing that does all the heavy lifting of making new genomes. 01:17:42.440 --> 01:17:52.440 And in a coronavirus, that's a very special task. So because it's such a large genome and because it doesn't bring any proteins with it. 01:17:52.440 --> 01:18:08.440 The poly virus is supposed to have a sort of fragmented genome, which allows it to evolve and reassort a little faster, but it's also supposed to be packaged with its RNA dependent RNA polymerase because it's a negative stranded RNA. 01:18:08.440 --> 01:18:21.440 It has to have that in order for it to be able to turn its genomic negative strand into a positive strand, which can then be, can hijack ourselves. 01:18:21.440 --> 01:18:31.440 Those kinds of little subtleties are important to understand and important to have in your back pocket because a lot of these virologists don't even know these subtle differences off the top of their head. 01:18:31.440 --> 01:18:35.440 And it shows you how much they take for granted what they've memorized. 01:18:35.440 --> 01:18:46.440 For example, the single stranded plus strand DNA viruses. They have a single strand of DNA. It's plus polarity. That is the same polarity as mRNA. 01:18:46.440 --> 01:19:00.440 But of course, DNA cannot be translated. And that's one of the things you realize already by looking at the kind of nucleic acids that's present, you can already deduce what viruses have to do to get to mRNA. 01:19:00.440 --> 01:19:14.440 So this is really an elegant system. All you have to know is what kind of genome is in the virus, and then you can tell me all of the steps that have to be taken to get mRNA. 01:19:15.440 --> 01:19:18.440 Because in fact, when a virus, why is the genome into the cell? 01:19:18.440 --> 01:19:37.440 Why would it be that if you look at this scheme that we can see my arrow, why would it be that a virus with a single strand of DNA couldn't use this DNA to generate either a positive, no, it can't do positive, it would be negative. 01:19:37.440 --> 01:19:52.440 Why couldn't this positive stranded DNA use an enzyme to go first to negative RNA, and then that negative RNA could be translated to positive RNA? Why wouldn't it do it that way? 01:19:52.440 --> 01:20:01.440 Why is it obvious that it would go from a single stranded positive DNA molecule to double stranded DNA to mRNA? 01:20:02.440 --> 01:20:10.440 I don't think it's obvious that that happens here, and I think that's interesting. Let's just say part of this model. 01:20:10.440 --> 01:20:23.440 That's what it has to do. It has to make mRNA to initiate the infectious cycle. So if you can remember this scheme, you'll be able to trace it, and that's really a lot of what we want you to know in this course. 01:20:24.440 --> 01:20:33.440 So you don't have to memorize that there are billions and billions of viruses, but just that there are seven different genome types in the way that they get to mRNA. 01:20:33.440 --> 01:20:40.440 So here are the seven classes of genome. We have double stranded DNA, so there's a bunch of viruses with DNA genomes. 01:20:40.440 --> 01:20:48.440 They can be double stranded or single stranded, and they can be gapped. So that really covers everything. 01:20:48.440 --> 01:20:54.440 I can't think of anything else, single double stranded in a gap. The gap was thrown in later, but it makes sense. 01:20:54.440 --> 01:21:06.440 And then we have RNA viruses with RNA genomes, and this is, of course, what is in the particle itself? The virus particle, that's what I mean by the genome shown up here on this slide. 01:21:06.440 --> 01:21:16.440 So we have double stranded RNA genomes, and then we have single stranded RNA genomes, but we have single stranded RNA genomes of three types. 01:21:16.440 --> 01:21:26.440 So we have plus stranded. We have minus stranded, and then we have a plus stranded genome, which goes through a DNA intermediate. 01:21:26.440 --> 01:21:30.440 These are very special viruses that we'll deal with separately. So those are the seven classes. 01:21:30.440 --> 01:21:32.440 Those are the retroviruses down here. 01:21:32.440 --> 01:21:41.440 You may ask, why aren't there plus single stranded DNA viruses and minus single stranded DNA viruses? I don't know. 01:21:41.440 --> 01:21:54.440 There aren't any plus and minus DNA. There are some of the single stranded DNA viruses that package either a plus or a minus strand, but we don't know any that is exclusively either plus or minus like these RNA viruses. 01:21:54.440 --> 01:21:57.440 You just have to accept that they exist, and we don't know why. 01:21:57.440 --> 01:22:09.440 Now, in addition to these seven genome types, that's really the main thing you need to know, but I just want to show you the different kinds of structures that these seven types occur in. 01:22:09.440 --> 01:22:16.440 So they can be linear. They can be circular. They can occur in segments. 01:22:16.440 --> 01:22:23.440 So some viral genomes are in one molecule, unimolecular, if you will, and some are segmented. They come in pieces. 01:22:23.440 --> 01:22:28.440 You could say that our genome is segmented, right? It's in chromosomes. It's in pieces. 01:22:28.440 --> 01:22:34.440 And some viruses are segmented. They're not really chromosomes because they don't have the same structure, but they're some segmented. 01:22:34.440 --> 01:22:40.440 They're gapped, as we said already, with the hepatitis B. Single strands of plus and minus polarity. 01:22:40.440 --> 01:22:48.440 There's also a single stranded genome that's ambisense. It's got components of both plus and minus strands in it. Pretty unusual. 01:22:48.440 --> 01:22:54.440 We have double stranded, of course. And then some genomes have proteins, covalently attached to them. 01:22:54.440 --> 01:22:58.440 Some have the ends cross-linked. So you have a double-stranded DNA. 01:22:58.440 --> 01:23:00.440 I'm pushing this base bar. 01:23:00.440 --> 01:23:02.440 Five and three prime ends. They're just cross-linked. So you have a little circle at the end. 01:23:02.440 --> 01:23:04.440 So if in nature it would become a single stranded circle. 01:23:04.440 --> 01:23:07.440 And some have DNA with covalently attached RNA. So all kinds of things happen. 01:23:07.440 --> 01:23:10.440 Now, this is less important. These are the details, which we'll explain to you. 01:23:10.440 --> 01:23:12.440 But the seven is really important part. The seven are different genome types. 01:23:12.440 --> 01:23:14.440 Now, you may be wondering, what is the purpose of all this? 01:23:14.440 --> 01:23:20.440 Does having seven different genome types and all these weird configurations make a difference? 01:23:20.440 --> 01:23:27.440 Does it have to do with the biology of the virus? Does it have to do with evolution? 01:23:27.440 --> 01:23:32.440 Is it advantageous? And maybe most of all, you want to know if you have to memorize it. 01:23:32.440 --> 01:23:35.440 So let me try and answer. There's a lot of ignorance here, unfortunately. I can't answer most of these questions. 01:23:35.440 --> 01:23:40.440 But I sense that people think of this right away. Humans have the energy norms. All humans. All mammals do. 01:23:40.440 --> 01:23:45.440 So why do viruses have to have all these configurations? Well, we don't know the answer. All we can do is guess. 01:23:45.440 --> 01:23:47.440 And we get better at guessing. 01:23:47.440 --> 01:23:55.440 The reason why they have all these configurations is because they are reflections of our own complexity. 01:23:55.440 --> 01:24:03.440 It is very, very likely that many or all of these mechanisms are present in our own biology in some form or another. 01:24:03.440 --> 01:24:11.440 And are being wholly ignored as such. So that this entire field can exist in its current state. 01:24:12.440 --> 01:24:26.440 Which essentially a dual use scia that makes us think that all of the biology that is us is very, very simple and that all of the scary stuff out in the world we need protecting from. 01:24:26.440 --> 01:24:32.440 And this narrative has to be broken. We have to break it in our children. They have to be able to see this for what it is. 01:24:32.440 --> 01:24:49.440 It is a professor at Columbia University, one of the worst twisted weirdo places in America perpetuating a biology that he says hasn't essentially hasn't changed since he's been a student of David Baltimore. 01:24:49.440 --> 01:24:53.440 It's just absurd. It's absurd. 01:24:54.440 --> 01:25:04.440 So for example, the structure and composition of the genome, whether it's DNA, RNA, single or double stranded, is a reflection of how it replicates. 01:25:04.440 --> 01:25:11.440 But that's really because the replication has to accommodate the strandedness and the polarity and the composition of the genome. 01:25:11.440 --> 01:25:17.440 So it doesn't really tell us anything. There are viruses with all of these seven types of genomes out there. 01:25:17.440 --> 01:25:21.440 And I don't know if anyone has a selective advantage over another. 01:25:21.440 --> 01:25:29.440 For example, I would say, so if I'm looking at viruses from a human point of view, which is wrong, right, so you shouldn't do this as I told you before, 01:25:29.440 --> 01:25:34.440 I would say the single stranded RNA viruses would be the most advantageous. 01:25:34.440 --> 01:25:39.440 Because it's a plus strand. It's an mRNA. As soon as it gets in the cell, boom, it can be translated. 01:25:39.440 --> 01:25:42.440 I would say that this would be the fastest in the most advantageous. 01:25:42.440 --> 01:25:47.440 Now, there are a lot of plus strand viruses on the globe, but they're not the only ones. 01:25:47.440 --> 01:25:49.440 There are lots of other. 01:25:49.440 --> 01:25:56.440 I would think that self replicating RNA would actually be the most likely endogenous signal. 01:25:56.440 --> 01:26:14.440 If you wanted to transiently change the target of a biological signal, you would use a self replicating RNA in an exosome and put on the outside a receptor that was specific for the target like a T cell receptor or a B cell receptor. 01:26:14.440 --> 01:26:20.440 And then when that T cell or B cell took in that exosome, the RNA would be released. 01:26:20.440 --> 01:26:27.440 It would replicate itself for a little while, fill the ribosomes of that cell with that RNA signal. 01:26:27.440 --> 01:26:40.440 And for a very brief period of time, maybe that cell would change its physiology, change its signaling regime, go dormant, maybe even apoptose. 01:26:40.440 --> 01:26:53.440 But the point would be that this is gotta be, this cannot be ignored as something that obviously must come from us, otherwise they couldn't have it. 01:26:53.440 --> 01:27:06.440 We heard David Baltimore say yesterday that viruses couldn't evolve and tell cells evolve because they're obligate parasites that hijack our machinery and use it to make themselves. 01:27:06.440 --> 01:27:21.440 So if you hijack a cuckoo clock, can you make toast? No, you cannot. You could make gears. You could make a different arrangement of gears. You could make a fake cuckoo bird with a gear around its neck. 01:27:21.440 --> 01:27:28.440 You could make it ring at different times or ring different bells at different times of the day. 01:27:28.440 --> 01:27:33.440 You could probably make the hands go backwards. 01:27:33.440 --> 01:27:42.440 But because of the nature of a clock, you are limited what you can do with its parts and how you could use it in a different way, how you could hijack it. 01:27:42.440 --> 01:27:58.440 And even though a cell is much more complicated than a cuckoo clock, I would argue, and I think a legitimate, any legitimate biologist really thinking about this and realizing that exosomes are real, that people have been investigating 01:27:58.440 --> 01:28:13.440 exosomes in the context of cancer for a long time and that people like Bob Gallo and David Baltimore have sort of oversimplified it to say that these viruses are causing cancer rather than being a signaling regime that has sort of become 01:28:13.440 --> 01:28:29.440 dysregulated in the context of cancer, and therefore a very useful indicator of cancer and also likely an indicator that this signaling regime is actually used in health and well-being. 01:28:29.440 --> 01:28:36.440 That likely plays a very big role in health and homeostasis. 01:28:36.440 --> 01:28:53.440 And is probably likely to play a very central role in the regulation of the immune system that heretofore is understood to only use chemokines and cytokines to communicate between these very separate acting autonomous amoeba-like cells. 01:28:53.440 --> 01:29:10.440 Ignoring the possibility that retroviral signaling between these cellular regimes could cause a coordinated response, a coordinated dormancy, a coordinated crescendo and decrescendo of a highly specific inflammatory response. 01:29:10.440 --> 01:29:22.440 That all of the mechanisms by which this would be done are somehow or another exclusively the operating procedures of viruses. 01:29:22.440 --> 01:29:27.440 I just, I don't believe it anymore. I don't believe it at all anymore. 01:29:27.440 --> 01:29:28.440 Strand viruses. 01:29:28.440 --> 01:29:30.440 You should have told me to turn it up. 01:29:30.440 --> 01:29:35.440 As you'll see with a negative strain, you have to carry an enzyme in the particle in order to initiate infection. 01:29:35.440 --> 01:29:39.440 So, you see, none of this makes sense when you look at it from our point of view. 01:29:39.440 --> 01:29:48.440 But from an evolutionary point of view, at some time, a plus strand, a minus strand, a gapped genome, it worked, it survives. 01:29:48.440 --> 01:29:50.440 And that's all we can say at this point. 01:29:50.440 --> 01:29:53.440 Not a great answer, but that's what we're stuck with. 01:29:54.440 --> 01:29:55.440 Now, another... 01:29:55.440 --> 01:30:00.440 Despite all the progress we've made with the high-resolution genetic technologies, we're just stuck with it. 01:30:00.440 --> 01:30:05.440 The interesting question is, why do we have both DNA and RNA genomes in viruses? 01:30:05.440 --> 01:30:11.440 And that, I think, we can address a little better, although it's still speculative. 01:30:11.440 --> 01:30:21.440 I think you know the reason why is because we use exosomes with DNA and RNA in them to signal internally and externally. 01:30:22.440 --> 01:30:23.440 That's why. 01:30:23.440 --> 01:30:31.440 It doesn't need to have any other fancy explanation because David Baltimore told us that viruses couldn't evolve until cells had evolved. 01:30:31.440 --> 01:30:43.440 Viruses can't exist without the machinery of cells, without cells already doing something extremely similar to what they call viral infection, 01:30:43.440 --> 01:30:47.440 which is make exosomal signals and release them. 01:30:48.440 --> 01:30:51.440 Come on, ladies and gentlemen, we're there now. 01:30:51.440 --> 01:30:58.440 That's also why exosomes virtually disappeared from all the no-virus people's discussion. 01:30:58.440 --> 01:31:07.440 What I'd like you to do is go back and watch Mark Hewson-Tonic, Mark Koolack interview the man by the name of Mark Bailey. 01:31:07.440 --> 01:31:10.440 And you'll find in that interview at some point he asks him about exosomes. 01:31:10.440 --> 01:31:14.440 And does Mark Bailey say anything about exosomes that matters at all? 01:31:15.440 --> 01:31:18.440 No, he didn't know much about exosomes. 01:31:25.440 --> 01:31:39.440 And the other guy that I reminded you before who went back to this story about RNA genomes being dominant on the planet at some point in primordial earth was not other than Joe Lee, 01:31:40.440 --> 01:31:53.440 who now thinks that I guess I'm a controlled opera and idiot because I don't think it's all antibodies that are causing the vaccine injuries and chains of antibodies aren't the most important thing that they are for him. 01:31:53.440 --> 01:31:57.440 And so now he lost his mind. 01:31:57.440 --> 01:32:04.440 I see it's so clear now. It's just hilarious. I mean, there just aren't very, very, very many good guys. That's all. 01:32:04.440 --> 01:32:08.440 There are lots and lots of meddlers, lots and lots of players. 01:32:09.440 --> 01:32:13.440 Witting and unwitting players, but they're all players now. 01:32:13.440 --> 01:32:25.440 Because if you're not fighting for the people that they've murdered and lied about, if you're not fighting for the deaths that they lied about and how those lies were used to bully people into accepting 01:32:26.440 --> 01:32:33.440 transfection. Instead, you're complaining about the transfection or its adulteration or its rush or who paid for it or who got profit from it. 01:32:33.440 --> 01:32:44.440 Then you're not fighting against this mythology, which is the foundation of the vaccine schedule in America, which compared to any other vaccine schedule is obviously criminal, even to an eight year old. 01:32:47.440 --> 01:32:48.440 And they won't talk about it. 01:32:49.440 --> 01:32:58.440 They won't talk about the murder and they won't talk about the vaccine schedule. They just want to talk about the transfection as a vaccine and then it wasn't perfect. 01:33:00.440 --> 01:33:03.440 And they want to talk about lab leak and how they lied about it. 01:33:04.440 --> 01:33:14.440 You know that many people believe that the first world of life was an RNA world where all the organisms had RNA genomes. 01:33:14.440 --> 01:33:19.440 There's some evidence, some pretty good evidence for this from a variety of areas. 01:33:19.440 --> 01:33:24.440 So we think that these RNA viruses evolved during the RNA world. 01:33:24.440 --> 01:33:29.440 So there are RNA cells first and then RNA viruses evolved probably from those cells. 01:33:30.440 --> 01:33:37.440 I mean, do we even know that there was an RNA world before there was a DNA world? I mean, that's amazing. I mean, that is really impressive. 01:33:37.440 --> 01:33:43.440 Oh, no, to infect them. And those RNA viruses that existed then are probably... 01:33:43.440 --> 01:33:51.440 It's a lot more complicated explanation than saying that, well, we signal using similar things that we would call exosomes. 01:33:51.440 --> 01:33:59.440 And occasionally, I guess it's possible that exosomal signaling can go wrong and you can have something like measles or polio. 01:33:59.440 --> 01:34:08.440 That would be a very interesting sort of explanation for pathogenesis and pathogenic diseases in the context of our own biology. 01:34:08.440 --> 01:34:18.440 But instead, they make up this crazy story that has to do with accepting a theory of primordial Earth life generation. 01:34:18.440 --> 01:34:22.440 We actually have to accept how life was spontaneously generated. 01:34:22.440 --> 01:34:29.440 If you want to believe that viruses exist in the context of Vincent Rancin yellow's biology, do you understand that? 01:34:29.440 --> 01:34:42.440 His class has to accept in this explanation that life was spontaneously generated on Earth by lightning hitting a mud puddle with nucleic acids in it. 01:34:43.440 --> 01:34:56.440 And that's how he explains the existence of viruses, even though his teacher David Baltimore told us in 2018 from the video two days ago that viruses couldn't evolve until cells existed. 01:34:56.440 --> 01:35:05.440 Which is a lot closer to the truth than I think he ever intended to be, which is that viruses, if they are anything, are just us. 01:35:06.440 --> 01:35:15.440 They are just our signaling or our signaling gone wrong or our signaling functioning in a way that is being mischaracterized as a pathogen. 01:35:15.440 --> 01:35:24.440 It could also be our interaction with these signals that have their own homolog and other animals and insects and plants and other night. 01:35:24.440 --> 01:35:33.440 And it could also be, of course, the huge background of the same signal homolog in bacteria, and that is bacteriophages. 01:35:36.440 --> 01:35:51.440 And multicellular organisms like mammals like ourselves have grown and evolved and existed in the context of this amazingly complex background for what we say are thousands of years. 01:35:51.440 --> 01:36:03.440 So if that's the case, then this story of having to accept how this all came to be by lightning in a mud puddle is also a very interesting posit to put into this basic virology lecture. 01:36:03.440 --> 01:36:06.440 Extraordinary, in fact. 01:36:06.440 --> 01:36:13.440 The ancestors of all the RNA viruses that we have today, so maybe our RNA viruses are relics from that RNA world. 01:36:14.440 --> 01:36:20.440 Now, at some point, the idea goes that there's a switch from RNA to DNA-based organisms. 01:36:20.440 --> 01:36:26.440 Or maybe not a switch, but DNA-based organisms evolved, and the whole idea behind this is very interesting. 01:36:26.440 --> 01:36:35.440 But there was another kind of organism that had DNA, and these RNA-based organisms slowly were competed out, but the RNA viruses lived. 01:36:35.440 --> 01:36:39.440 Why would there be a switch? We have no idea. We don't know what the selection would be for that. 01:36:39.440 --> 01:36:49.440 It could be that a DNA-based organism arose, so enzymes arose that could change RNA chemically into DNA, and they survived, and they had some kind of advantage. 01:36:49.440 --> 01:37:02.440 That's really all we can say. So the way I look at it is there are motorcycles, and then at some point in time, some screwdrivers showed up, and then people started to take the motorcycles apart and put them back together, and then cars came. 01:37:03.440 --> 01:37:08.440 And then we got some more wrenches. They flew. They just appeared. I don't know how they really came about. 01:37:08.440 --> 01:37:11.440 And now we have mechanics and cars. That's how it works. 01:37:11.440 --> 01:37:14.440 RNA viruses are pretty old. They've been very successful. 01:37:14.440 --> 01:37:19.440 I smell fire. What does this smell? The DNA viruses are the newcomers on the block. 01:37:19.440 --> 01:37:23.440 Now, in terms of memorization, this is the one thing I think we should memorize. 01:37:23.440 --> 01:37:30.440 The number seven is easy. You have lots of number seven references here in New York City. 01:37:30.440 --> 01:37:39.440 And this scheme, which is very easy to do, you put mRNA in the middle, and then draw the seven different kinds of viral genome around it. 01:37:39.440 --> 01:37:42.440 I don't care if you know the numbers here. That doesn't mean anything. 01:37:42.440 --> 01:37:48.440 All you need to do is draw all these viral genome types, and then be able to draw the pathway to mRNA. 01:37:49.440 --> 01:37:53.440 Because just knowing that, you're going to conquer the first half of this course. 01:37:53.440 --> 01:37:58.440 Because you're going to understand what we're talking about when we talk about RNA and DNA synthesis and so forth. 01:37:58.440 --> 01:38:03.440 Now, as we illustrate these processes, we'll use specific viruses as examples, and you see I put a few of them here. 01:38:03.440 --> 01:38:05.440 So you know what virus has a single-stranded negative strand genome. 01:38:05.440 --> 01:38:07.440 Otherwise, it would be really not interesting to you at all. 01:38:07.440 --> 01:38:09.440 So negative strand RNA viruses include influenza and Ebola, polio and plus-strand. 01:38:09.440 --> 01:38:11.440 Retroviruses are the ones that go from a plus-strand to a DNA intermediate. 01:38:11.440 --> 01:38:14.440 Carval viruses have to tie to B, adenovirus, herpes-reo, and rotavirus. 01:38:14.440 --> 01:38:17.440 These are just a few of all the viruses that exist. 01:38:17.440 --> 01:38:21.440 But we're going to come back to these over and over and use them as examples. 01:38:21.440 --> 01:38:25.440 So you should know that rheovirus has a double-stranded RNA genome. 01:38:25.440 --> 01:38:34.440 So you guys wonder, why would it be that coronaviruses, for some reason or another, don't need to go this way? 01:38:37.440 --> 01:38:39.440 Coronaviruses don't do that, right? 01:38:39.440 --> 01:38:45.440 So they're just a positive-stranded RNA molecule that gets translated right away to mRNA as far... 01:38:45.440 --> 01:38:47.440 I mean, gets translated right away to protein. 01:38:49.440 --> 01:38:50.440 Did you know that? 01:38:51.440 --> 01:38:53.440 They are essentially a transfection. 01:38:53.440 --> 01:38:58.440 They are just a lipid nanoparticle with RNA inside of them. 01:38:59.440 --> 01:39:02.440 They're not even really on here, which is really weird. 01:39:03.440 --> 01:39:12.440 And if this is where coronaviruses belong, then we never really talk about this negative-stranded RNA very much. 01:39:15.440 --> 01:39:18.440 Is that the template from which the genome is made? 01:39:18.440 --> 01:39:20.440 Is that the first thing that gets made? 01:39:20.440 --> 01:39:23.440 It can't be because they don't come with proteins, you see? 01:39:24.440 --> 01:39:26.440 Very curious how that fits. 01:39:26.440 --> 01:39:27.440 I'm very curious. 01:39:28.440 --> 01:39:35.440 Can we say on a test, a real virus is what, when the genome enters the cell, you're going to have to know that it's double-stranded RNA. 01:39:35.440 --> 01:39:39.440 So this one slide is very important, but this is very easy to do. 01:39:40.440 --> 01:39:44.440 Okay, so memorize these seven genome types, you should start doing it. 01:39:44.440 --> 01:39:48.440 Maybe you could wait until the first exam, if you're good at that sort of thing. 01:39:48.440 --> 01:39:50.440 And this is what I want you to know. 01:39:50.440 --> 01:39:53.440 So memorize this stuff, so then let's go to the next one. 01:39:53.440 --> 01:39:57.440 Let's go to the next one because I want to get this done before 1230. 01:39:57.440 --> 01:39:59.440 Let's do this quick here. 01:39:59.440 --> 01:40:00.440 This is the next one. 01:40:01.440 --> 01:40:11.440 This is genetics of virology, and this one's really good because he's going to gloss over the infectious clone and how important it is, but gloss over it in a way that reveals it anyway. 01:40:12.440 --> 01:40:21.440 I want to finish up today by talking about how we, the modern way of manipulating virus genomes, how we do genetics and how we study them and how we use them. 01:40:21.440 --> 01:40:25.440 We can actually use viruses to treat diseases, but we're trying to anyway. 01:40:26.440 --> 01:40:35.440 And just to make sure we are on the same page in terms of definition, we use wild type a lot in virology, and you've heard this in other areas of biology as well. 01:40:35.440 --> 01:40:39.440 For viruses, this simply means that you're standard. 01:40:39.440 --> 01:40:46.440 Whatever is in your lab and is your standard virus, you call it wild type, and then you make your mutants from the wild type strain. 01:40:46.440 --> 01:40:51.440 It may not be the same as a virus that is infecting people or animals out there in nature. 01:40:51.440 --> 01:40:58.440 It may have been isolated years ago, and you've passed it in your laboratory, but it's your wild type, so that's all that means. 01:40:59.440 --> 01:41:12.440 When we get viruses from the host, a clinical specimen or an animal, we call these field isolates or clinical isolates, and those can be brought in the lab and they could become your wild type if you wish, but not unless it's a brand new virus. 01:41:12.440 --> 01:41:18.440 Not unless it's a brand new virus, so that's a little slip up right there already, I think, if we analyze it a little bit. 01:41:19.440 --> 01:41:29.440 So, a wild type virus is often laboratory adapted, so it grows in a dish, whereas all the ones that you get from the wild don't necessarily grow in a dish. 01:41:29.440 --> 01:41:32.440 That's kind of a caveat already. 01:41:32.440 --> 01:41:42.440 What he basically means is that almost none of them grow, and when they do grow, we grow them, but you're not going to be able to get another one from the wild and get it to grow. 01:41:43.440 --> 01:41:53.440 And if it does grow, it doesn't matter, because he has, he said, unless it's a whole new virus, you can't use that as a laboratory stock. Anyway, that's a little weird. 01:41:53.440 --> 01:42:00.440 That's already kind of admitting that stock is important, and that where you get your stock is important. 01:42:01.440 --> 01:42:24.440 And I think Mark Kulak has also identified an interesting historical stock story about some lady by the name of Alice Moore, who is curiously connected with a lot of different early culturing cell culture, cancer people, and has a house next to it within a mile or two of all of Henry Kissinger's houses. 01:42:24.440 --> 01:42:35.440 Anyway, that's Mark Kulak's stuff. I don't do people here, at least not very often, except for the people that have directly had contact with me and my family. Those people I'm happy to do shows about. 01:42:35.440 --> 01:42:46.440 So here we are again, we're trying to define some of these terms, and what we should really be saying is redefining these terms under the auspicious of virology, because that's what they've done. 01:42:47.440 --> 01:42:56.440 They've taken a lot of biological terms and redefined them under their own rubric with the idea of saying, well, in the context of virology, this is what we're talking about. 01:42:56.440 --> 01:43:10.440 Wild type means the laboratory strain that grows. Wild type doesn't mean that one out in the wild, like it does with every other field in virology. 01:43:10.440 --> 01:43:21.440 So let's start out with a giant contradiction or a giant inversion. I think a lot of the lies are essentially inversions because inversions are the ones that are easiest to confuse, right? 01:43:21.440 --> 01:43:31.440 Is this my left hand or my right hand? When one of them's true and one of them's false, this is the best lie, right? 01:43:31.440 --> 01:43:34.440 That's what you see here. 01:43:34.440 --> 01:43:40.440 And so in viral isolates from the natural host, our clinical isolates, I'll let him do it. 01:43:40.440 --> 01:43:48.440 Now an important method that we use in virology is DNA mediated transformation. This is when we put DNA into cells, we take cells in culture. 01:43:48.440 --> 01:44:02.440 Now this is an interesting history lesson that I think we can take pretty much seriously, the origin of transformation and transfections, the words, but the modern use has segregated because of the commercial products that have come behind them. 01:44:02.440 --> 01:44:15.440 And commercial products, I assure you, are segregated into transformation products, which are based on DNA and transfection products, which are usually exclusively based in RNA. 01:44:15.440 --> 01:44:33.440 Now it can be that throughout this early history of the development of these technologies, these two words were interchanged, mainly because, and keep this very clearly in mind, anybody who cut their teeth in the Human Genome Project during their high school science project 01:44:33.440 --> 01:44:40.440 could tell you that we weren't always able to make RNA as easily as we could make DNA. 01:44:40.440 --> 01:44:56.440 And so there was a time when transformation and transfection might have been kind of the same word used to describe basically the same thing, which is used DNA to express a protein in a place where it's normally not found. 01:44:56.440 --> 01:45:11.440 But as we started to commercially be able to produce RNA at a similar purity, it now became sort of commercially standard to call transformation any product to do with DNA and transfection to do with specifically RNA. 01:45:12.440 --> 01:45:27.440 As long as you understand that this is historically just probably preceding this explosion of commercial products that were taking advantage of the cheapness of making RNA and DNA, that you'll see this history as it is. 01:45:27.440 --> 01:45:42.440 And I think it's pretty good history, but it also accentuates the fact that any of these people could have called the investigational vaccines, either the adenovirus vaccines or the RNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines. 01:45:42.440 --> 01:45:54.440 They could have called them transformations and transfections as I've insisted they should have from the very beginning and come closer to giving people informed consent over what was coerced into their bodies. 01:45:54.440 --> 01:45:58.440 But they didn't. Brett Weinstein didn't. 01:45:58.440 --> 01:46:21.440 I mean, CHD hasn't like all of these organizations, all of these people that I've been talking to since 2020 and beyond a very, very, very, very tiny fraction, very close to zero, have consistently been able to say these are not vaccines, they are transfections. 01:46:21.440 --> 01:46:31.440 And we are the only people, giggle on biologicals, the only source of information you're going to find that's accurate enough to tell you that from day one. 01:46:31.440 --> 01:46:40.440 So let's listen to Vincent define these two words and expand our understanding about the sort of semantic war that has been waged on us. 01:46:40.440 --> 01:46:44.440 We take purified DNA, we add it to the cells and the cells take it up. 01:46:44.440 --> 01:46:48.440 There are tricks that we use to get the cells to take it up. It's not very hard. 01:46:48.440 --> 01:46:51.440 It's called DNA mediated transformation. 01:46:51.440 --> 01:46:55.440 So why do we say this long word to describe it? 01:46:55.440 --> 01:47:01.440 Well, transformation has to do with oncogenic transformation of cells, making tumors, for example. 01:47:01.440 --> 01:47:02.440 We'll talk about that later. 01:47:02.440 --> 01:47:07.440 So when people first described this process, they called it DNA mediated. 01:47:07.440 --> 01:47:11.440 Now you may say, why did they call it transformation at all? 01:47:11.440 --> 01:47:22.440 And that's a historical thing that goes back to 1944, this paper by Avery McCloud and McCarthy from right here in New York City at the Rockefeller Institute. 01:47:22.440 --> 01:47:31.440 They found you could transform pneumococci bacteria into either a rough or a smooth colony by putting DNA 01:47:31.440 --> 01:47:34.440 from one morphology into the other. 01:47:34.440 --> 01:47:38.440 So we're transforming the cells with DNA. 01:47:38.440 --> 01:47:41.440 This was actually the proof that DNA was genetic material. 01:47:41.440 --> 01:47:46.440 So Rockefeller Institute, that's kind of interesting, of course. 01:47:46.440 --> 01:47:47.440 It is after that. 01:47:47.440 --> 01:47:48.440 I didn't believe it as well. 01:47:48.440 --> 01:47:51.440 So transformation came from this paper. 01:47:51.440 --> 01:47:54.440 Transformation of pneumococcal types. 01:47:54.440 --> 01:47:56.440 So we're stuck with it. 01:47:56.440 --> 01:47:59.440 So we call it DNA mediated transformation. 01:47:59.440 --> 01:48:02.440 So he says we're stuck with it, but we're really not stuck with it. 01:48:02.440 --> 01:48:14.440 What we are, it's as evolved since commercial products to use DNA and RNA to express proteins have been developed and used as these technologies and methodologies have expanded. 01:48:14.440 --> 01:48:16.440 Confused with oncogenesis. 01:48:16.440 --> 01:48:28.440 Now when we take a virus genome and we put it into a cell and we get virus out, this is called transfection, the production of infectious virus after DNA mediated transformation with viral DNA. 01:48:28.440 --> 01:48:31.440 First shown with the lambda DNA. 01:48:31.440 --> 01:48:32.440 And transfection. 01:48:32.440 --> 01:48:34.440 First shown with a bacteriophage, right? 01:48:34.440 --> 01:48:36.440 Sorry, first shown with a bacteriophage. 01:48:36.440 --> 01:48:40.440 It comes from this word, transformation, infection. 01:48:40.440 --> 01:48:44.440 It was coined by the people who did the lambda studies. 01:48:44.440 --> 01:48:50.440 Now, unfortunately everybody uses transfection to just mean DNA mediated transformation. 01:48:50.440 --> 01:48:51.440 It's not quite right. 01:48:51.440 --> 01:48:53.440 So we try and use the right terminology. 01:48:54.440 --> 01:49:00.440 But if you pick up a catalog from a biological supplier, they'll list transfection reagents. 01:49:00.440 --> 01:49:01.440 There you go. 01:49:01.440 --> 01:49:17.440 And specifically, I would argue that over the years, maybe the years that that proceeded from this, that that segregation became more clear, especially in the commercial space transformation was DNA, transfection is RNA and that's where I came out in 2020 was like, dude. 01:49:18.440 --> 01:49:19.440 That's transformation. 01:49:19.440 --> 01:49:20.440 This is transfection. 01:49:20.440 --> 01:49:23.440 And neither of them are investigational vaccines. 01:49:23.440 --> 01:49:24.440 These people are lying. 01:49:24.440 --> 01:49:25.440 All right. 01:49:25.440 --> 01:49:29.440 Because it's easier to say transfection than DNA mediated transformation. 01:49:29.440 --> 01:49:36.440 But I just want you to know that transfection, in our view, means making viruses from DNA. 01:49:36.440 --> 01:49:44.440 Now, when you genetic methods involve altering the virus genome so that you can study the function of genes. 01:49:44.440 --> 01:49:45.440 Okay. 01:49:45.440 --> 01:49:46.440 We make changes in DNA. 01:49:46.440 --> 01:49:47.440 That's what mutation is. 01:49:47.440 --> 01:49:51.440 Changes in DNA or RNA can make nonsense or missense mutation. 01:49:51.440 --> 01:49:53.440 You know all this stuff. 01:49:53.440 --> 01:49:57.440 But the point I want to make here is that a mutation is not what you do to a protein. 01:49:57.440 --> 01:50:01.440 A mutation was originally coined to describe changes in DNA. 01:50:01.440 --> 01:50:05.440 So we make mutations in viral genomes, and then we study the phenotypes. 01:50:05.440 --> 01:50:07.440 The resulting proteins are altered. 01:50:07.440 --> 01:50:12.440 They have amino acid changes or insertions or deletions, but they're not mutated proteins. 01:50:12.440 --> 01:50:16.440 This mutation is a activity on nucleic acid. 01:50:16.440 --> 01:50:23.440 Now, this assay, which we talked about last time, the plaque assay, is what made possible genetic analysis of viruses. 01:50:23.440 --> 01:50:30.440 Because you can then start to isolate clonal populations of viruses by picking virus from individual plaques. 01:50:30.440 --> 01:50:34.440 Do those look like individual plaques to you? 01:50:34.440 --> 01:50:38.440 Here are some of these plaques are very close together. 01:50:38.440 --> 01:50:43.440 So you definitely want to do multiple plaque pickings as we said last time. 01:50:43.440 --> 01:50:46.440 So plaque assay allows genetic methods to go forward. 01:50:46.440 --> 01:50:55.440 So from 1952, when Dobekko made the plaque assay for animal viruses, from that point on, genetics of viruses could be done. 01:50:55.440 --> 01:51:00.440 So from that point on, we really haven't improved the way that we isolate viruses. 01:51:00.440 --> 01:51:02.440 We use plaque assays. 01:51:02.440 --> 01:51:07.440 And we believe that these things are working. 01:51:08.440 --> 01:51:12.440 And they probably do for certain signals like bacteriophages. 01:51:12.440 --> 01:51:15.440 I wonder if plaque assays work for coronavirus. 01:51:15.440 --> 01:51:21.440 I wonder if they work for exosomes. 01:51:21.440 --> 01:51:29.440 And I think that's where this whole mythology becomes a gross over exaggeration of understanding. 01:51:29.440 --> 01:51:31.440 And this is what you get. 01:51:31.440 --> 01:51:36.440 You get somebody who can tell you a very simple story. 01:51:36.440 --> 01:51:41.440 He'll tell you a very simple picture and not need to explain anything because he can't. 01:51:41.440 --> 01:51:47.440 Number four with bacteriophage because the plaque assay was developed for them earlier. 01:51:47.440 --> 01:51:56.440 Now in the old days, people would have their virus and look for mutants in a tube of virus that they had in the laboratory. 01:51:56.440 --> 01:52:02.440 They had no way of really directing mutations to specific parts of the genome. 01:52:02.440 --> 01:52:09.440 As I said earlier, and we will come back to this many times, RNA virus polymerases are highly error-prone. 01:52:09.440 --> 01:52:14.440 They make one missing corporation and every 10,000 to 100,000 nucleotides that they polymerize. 01:52:14.440 --> 01:52:16.440 And they don't correct these errors. 01:52:16.440 --> 01:52:21.440 So when you just grow up a stock of influenza virus, it's not one virus. 01:52:21.440 --> 01:52:22.440 It's a collection of mutants. 01:52:22.440 --> 01:52:27.440 And all you have to do is apply the right selection to get the mutant out you want. 01:52:27.440 --> 01:52:36.440 If you want a viral mutant resistant to an antibody or a drug, you just apply selection and you can easily get it from a stock of RNA viruses. 01:52:36.440 --> 01:52:40.440 DNA viruses have lower missing corporation rates. 01:52:40.440 --> 01:52:43.440 Mutations are harder to come by in their genomes. 01:52:43.440 --> 01:52:49.440 So typically you treat them with chemicals that mutagenize the DNA and then screen for your phenotypes. 01:52:49.440 --> 01:52:51.440 So these are some of the phenotypes you can screen for. 01:52:51.440 --> 01:52:53.440 As I said, drug resistance plaque size. 01:52:53.440 --> 01:52:57.440 If your virus makes a big plaque, you see a small plaque on the plate. 01:52:57.440 --> 01:53:00.440 It's a mutant. You pick it and study it and see what gene has been altered. 01:53:00.440 --> 01:53:03.440 All right, so this is the old style of genetics in viruses. 01:53:03.440 --> 01:53:06.440 We don't do this anymore because it's too haphazard. 01:53:06.440 --> 01:53:12.440 Now what we do is we have, for most viruses that are studied, what are called infectious DNA clones. 01:53:12.440 --> 01:53:17.440 You take the viral genome, whether it's DNA or RNA, you make a DNA copy of it. 01:53:17.440 --> 01:53:21.440 You amplify it in a bacterial plasmid so you can get lots of it. 01:53:21.440 --> 01:53:24.440 And then you take that DNA and you put it into a cell. 01:53:24.440 --> 01:53:28.440 You transfect the cell and the cell will make infectious virus. 01:53:28.440 --> 01:53:38.440 Wow, and did you hear how he stated that so very clearly you don't even need to use a T5 polymerase to make RNA from the DNA? 01:53:38.440 --> 01:53:41.440 You can just put the DNA on cells and they'll make the virus. 01:53:41.440 --> 01:53:42.440 Did you hear it? 01:53:42.440 --> 01:53:44.440 Because that's what he means. 01:53:45.440 --> 01:53:49.440 That's what I have kind of been suggesting for a while. 01:53:49.440 --> 01:53:58.440 And one of the things that I think they talked to me out of as part of the obfuscation interference when they were still like, 01:53:58.440 --> 01:54:01.440 Oh, infectious clones is kind of a good idea. 01:54:05.440 --> 01:54:13.440 I really think it's important to realize that once they told you that they make the DNA copy of whatever nonsense they say they found 01:54:13.440 --> 01:54:17.440 in the wild, everything after that is synthetic. 01:54:17.440 --> 01:54:25.440 Nothing about whatever happens when they take that DNA and put it somewhere else has anything to do with the original signal 01:54:25.440 --> 01:54:31.440 that they say they found in the wild, whether it's in a bat or a raccoon dog or in that sick child. 01:54:34.440 --> 01:54:41.440 Because that doesn't recapitulate whatever they say the signal they're finding because now they have a quantity 01:54:41.440 --> 01:54:44.440 and a purity that they didn't find in the first place. 01:54:44.440 --> 01:54:52.440 So how can they say that this purity level even matters that it even represents anything related to that shadow of a signal 01:54:52.440 --> 01:55:00.440 that they purport to have found in whatever clinical or patient sample or whatever they found? 01:55:03.440 --> 01:55:09.440 They make infectious DNA clones of these things and then they play with them. 01:55:09.440 --> 01:55:11.440 And that's how they can make a lot of it. 01:55:11.440 --> 01:55:17.440 That's how they could put all these signals in different places and make it look like that guy had a PCR positive test. 01:55:17.440 --> 01:55:19.440 That guy had a sequence in him. 01:55:19.440 --> 01:55:21.440 That guy's virus was cultural. 01:55:21.440 --> 01:55:29.440 All of those things can be created through the generation of a DNA infectious clone with the spike protein sequence 01:55:29.440 --> 01:55:37.440 all by itself would be enough to put the spike protein DNA and RNA in all these places to put this toxin in all these places 01:55:37.440 --> 01:55:40.440 to put this signal in all these places. 01:55:40.440 --> 01:55:42.440 But if you wanted the whole genome you could do that too. 01:55:42.440 --> 01:55:46.440 If you wanted the spike protein and the end protein you could put those to them. 01:55:48.440 --> 01:55:55.440 Any number of combinations are possible and you could generate commercial quantities of them 01:55:55.440 --> 01:55:59.440 because we have been making these things for years. 01:55:59.440 --> 01:56:03.440 We've been making large quantities of RNA DNA and protein for years. 01:56:07.440 --> 01:56:11.440 And so it doesn't need to be the magic viruses. 01:56:11.440 --> 01:56:13.440 It doesn't need to be. 01:56:15.440 --> 01:56:17.440 It can just be biotechnology. 01:56:17.440 --> 01:56:32.440 It can just be the silly, you know, very clumsy things that we can do with DNA and RNA and that's enough to explain all the crap that they call virology. 01:56:32.440 --> 01:56:34.440 That's what I think we're dealing with here. 01:56:34.440 --> 01:56:45.440 And if it actually is just them obfuscating the irreducible complexity of our own biology and that of the biology around us 01:56:45.440 --> 01:56:47.440 then we have a very, very big problem. 01:56:47.440 --> 01:56:52.440 If we're going to pass this mythology to our kids they are going to become enslaved by it. 01:56:52.440 --> 01:56:55.440 Bacterial plasmid so you can get lots of it. 01:56:55.440 --> 01:56:58.440 And then you take that DNA and you put it into a cell. 01:56:58.440 --> 01:57:02.440 You transfect the cell and the cell will make infectious virus. 01:57:02.440 --> 01:57:07.440 This is actually a modern validation of Al Hershey and Martha Chase's experiment, right? 01:57:07.440 --> 01:57:11.440 It shows that the DNA is the genetic material of the genome. 01:57:11.440 --> 01:57:14.440 And you can make all kinds of changes to DNA. 01:57:14.440 --> 01:57:22.440 So if you had an RNA virus like influenza virus the only thing you could ever do was to treat it with chemicals or just try and select out mutants from the population. 01:57:22.440 --> 01:57:25.440 But now you can introduce specific mutations. 01:57:25.440 --> 01:57:27.440 You can make recombinant viruses. 01:57:27.440 --> 01:57:29.440 You can make anything you want. 01:57:29.440 --> 01:57:31.440 And in fact people are very afraid of this. 01:57:31.440 --> 01:57:40.440 You only have to look online to see people who think that the genetic engineers are going wild with viruses and making viruses that are going to kill everyone. 01:57:40.440 --> 01:57:44.440 Well this is not entirely true of course but we can modify them. 01:57:44.440 --> 01:57:47.440 It's not entirely true of course. 01:57:47.440 --> 01:57:49.440 He actually said that. 01:57:49.440 --> 01:57:52.440 It's not entirely true of course. 01:57:52.440 --> 01:57:56.440 Ladies and gentlemen they've been planning this for a very long time. 01:57:56.440 --> 01:57:59.440 They've been seeding this narrative into the beginning of movies. 01:57:59.440 --> 01:58:01.440 The plots of movies. 01:58:01.440 --> 01:58:03.440 The plots of TV shows. 01:58:03.440 --> 01:58:04.440 Come on guys. 01:58:04.440 --> 01:58:10.440 It hasn't been in the Simpsons and the X-Files and the new Planet of the Apes and a million other places for nothing. 01:58:10.440 --> 01:58:24.440 It hasn't been in the sparse pandemic document and in the dark winter documents and the event 201 documents and in the lectures of James Giordano for the last 15 years for nothing ladies and gentlemen. 01:58:24.440 --> 01:58:25.440 Come on. 01:58:25.440 --> 01:58:26.440 That will. 01:58:26.440 --> 01:58:33.440 So for example with poliovirus the virus contains an RNA genome plus stranded. 01:58:33.440 --> 01:58:39.440 If you extract that RNA from the particle which you can do and you can purify the RNA. 01:58:39.440 --> 01:58:45.440 If you inserted that into cells by transfection that would initiate an infectious cycle. 01:58:45.440 --> 01:58:46.440 Just the mRNA. 01:58:46.440 --> 01:58:53.440 See RNA into this thing is called transfection and he says the viral DNA is called transfection. 01:58:54.440 --> 01:59:03.440 And my argument is that we became more precise in recent years and we have segregated transfection to RNA and transformation to DNA. 01:59:03.440 --> 01:59:14.440 And that was the argument that I was making in 2020 when I got asked to not come into the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine anymore because they thought I was a danger. 01:59:15.440 --> 01:59:18.440 Because it just has to be translated, make proteins and you initiate replication. 01:59:18.440 --> 01:59:22.440 So the RNA is infectious but we can't really modify RNA. 01:59:22.440 --> 01:59:31.440 So what we did was to make a DNA copy of the viral RNA in a plasmid and then when you put that into cells it gives rise to the virus as well. 01:59:31.440 --> 01:59:37.440 You can either put the DNA into cells or you can make RNA in vitro and put that into cells and it's infectious. 01:59:37.440 --> 01:59:40.440 So again this is the modern way we do genetics in virology. 01:59:40.440 --> 01:59:45.440 The modern way we do genetics. This is the modern way we do virology. 01:59:45.440 --> 01:59:48.440 Because before that there was barely any virology. 01:59:48.440 --> 01:59:53.440 Before this there were barely any viruses you could work on. 01:59:55.440 --> 02:00:00.440 And once you see this truth you will realize that they realize that a pandemic wasn't possible. 02:00:00.440 --> 02:00:08.440 Pandemics don't happen and so they needed to create the mythological biology, the immunomythology that would underlie a pandemic. 02:00:08.440 --> 02:00:12.440 And they needed to create that illusion over many years. 02:00:12.440 --> 02:00:20.440 With many established voices that could establish an illusion of consensus about how much of this biology was not our own. 02:00:20.440 --> 02:00:32.440 Did not reflect anything about our own irreducible complexity but rather about the dangerous irreducible complexities that are outside of us that we have to survive with the help of public health. 02:00:33.440 --> 02:00:36.440 We hear about this all the time. 02:00:36.440 --> 02:00:41.440 We're going to talk about experiments where we make X modification to viral genomes. 02:00:41.440 --> 02:00:45.440 It's all going to be done with infectious DNA clones. 02:00:45.440 --> 02:00:48.440 This is the way you do it for influenza virus. 02:00:48.440 --> 02:00:52.440 I show you this because I want to tell you what was done with this technique. 02:00:52.440 --> 02:00:56.440 Influenza virus has eight RNA segments. 02:00:56.440 --> 02:01:01.440 So you have to make a plasmid for each of the eight RNA segments. 02:01:01.440 --> 02:01:06.440 And these plasmids are very trickily made. They actually have two promoters in them. 02:01:06.440 --> 02:01:12.440 All two promoter going in one direction and a Paul one promoter going in the other. 02:01:12.440 --> 02:01:16.440 He is Earth's virologist. Of course he's the gatekeeper for this. 02:01:16.440 --> 02:01:23.440 That's why he started making videos before it was cool to make videos. 02:01:23.440 --> 02:01:25.440 Because he's an op. 02:01:25.440 --> 02:01:29.440 It's not because he loves viruses so much he decided to make a podcast. 02:01:29.440 --> 02:01:33.440 And then he decided to put all his lectures online. 02:01:35.440 --> 02:01:39.440 It's because he's intended to be Earth's virology professor. 02:01:39.440 --> 02:01:43.440 That's why he goes everywhere. That's why he has a nonprofit. 02:01:43.440 --> 02:01:47.440 That's why he, I mean this is extraordinary but it's true. 02:01:47.440 --> 02:01:51.440 There are players and you can see them now and this is a bigger one. 02:01:51.440 --> 02:01:56.440 Because he's connected to one of the deepest of the deep dark people in this. 02:01:56.440 --> 02:01:59.440 David Baltimore. 02:01:59.440 --> 02:02:06.440 And when you are connected to one of these people like Bob Gallo or Murray Gardner or David Baltimore 02:02:06.440 --> 02:02:14.440 or Hilary Kropowski or Stanley Plotkin, you are connected to some of the darkest narratives in American history 02:02:15.440 --> 02:02:22.440 that are at the root cause of the public health disaster that we experienced at the root cause 02:02:22.440 --> 02:02:25.440 of the criminal vaccine schedule. 02:02:25.440 --> 02:02:35.440 Those people, if you are connected to them in your intellectual inheritance, 02:02:35.440 --> 02:02:39.440 you are part of the problem. You are part of the machine. 02:02:39.440 --> 02:02:45.440 You are part of this dark thing that we need to take away, pull our children away from. 02:02:48.440 --> 02:02:50.440 I got about 10 more minutes. I hope I can get through this. 02:02:50.440 --> 02:02:53.440 This plasmid into a cell. 02:02:53.440 --> 02:02:55.440 It goes in the nucleus. 02:02:55.440 --> 02:03:00.440 Paul one initiates here and makes the viral RNAs which are negative strand. 02:03:00.440 --> 02:03:04.440 Paul two initiates here and makes mRNA's which make proteins. 02:03:05.440 --> 02:03:10.440 So you take eight plasmids, you put them in a cell and you get influenza virus out. 02:03:10.440 --> 02:03:13.440 So you can recreate any influenza virus that you want. 02:03:13.440 --> 02:03:19.440 So it's not as simple as Fropolio because you need eight plasmids but it still can be done. 02:03:19.440 --> 02:03:24.440 Now back in 1918, as many of you know, there was a big pandemic. 02:03:24.440 --> 02:03:30.440 No explanation about how those eight segregate into eight, the eight right ones get in the thing. 02:03:30.440 --> 02:03:34.440 You know, none of that. We don't need to explain how they also get an enzyme or two in there. 02:03:34.440 --> 02:03:39.440 None of that needs to be explained. It's just obvious because they showed you the experiments. 02:03:39.440 --> 02:03:45.440 The results are there and as long as it's his results and you know, it's oh my gosh, it's awful. 02:03:45.440 --> 02:03:49.440 Well, Spanish influenza. Many millions of people died. 02:03:49.440 --> 02:03:52.440 But we didn't have influenza virus at the time. 02:03:52.440 --> 02:03:58.440 We didn't actually know it was a virus. Human influenza wasn't isolated until 1933. 02:03:58.440 --> 02:04:02.440 So we didn't have this virus which was so devastating, we couldn't study it. 02:04:02.440 --> 02:04:07.440 When people developed this eight plasmid transfection technique. 02:04:07.440 --> 02:04:11.440 How would we know that it was not a bacteria? 02:04:11.440 --> 02:04:21.440 How would we know that this is not the spread of a particularly pathogenic bacterial infection? 02:04:21.440 --> 02:04:26.440 How would we know the difference if we never even isolated it until 20 years later? 02:04:26.440 --> 02:04:35.440 What they then did was say, let's get the sequence of the 1918 virus and put it into plasmids and make that virus back again. 02:04:35.440 --> 02:04:37.440 So how did they do this? 02:04:37.440 --> 02:04:42.440 So it turned out that a lot of the people who died of influenza in 1918 got frozen. 02:04:42.440 --> 02:04:47.440 People in the Army, right? So the Army kept a lot of their pathology specimens from their lungs. 02:04:47.440 --> 02:04:52.440 They would take their lungs out and make blocks and fix them and embed them in paraffin. 02:04:52.440 --> 02:04:53.440 Great. 02:04:53.440 --> 02:04:57.440 So they had all those stored somewhere. So the investigators went down to them. 02:04:57.440 --> 02:04:58.440 Stored somewhere. 02:04:58.440 --> 02:05:05.440 You know like the room where they put Indiana Jones is where they put the law of lost art. 02:05:05.440 --> 02:05:08.440 They also had all these pathology specimens stored somewhere. 02:05:08.440 --> 02:05:12.440 They were able to sequence the viral RNA from it. 02:05:12.440 --> 02:05:15.440 They got most of the RNA genome sequence from this 1918 virus. 02:05:15.440 --> 02:05:18.440 So these are soldiers who had died from 1918 flu. 02:05:18.440 --> 02:05:25.440 But they didn't get the whole thing. So what they also did, they went up to the permafrost up in Alaska where people had died. 02:05:25.440 --> 02:05:27.440 It was an outbreak of 1918. 02:05:27.440 --> 02:05:36.440 I'm just curious. Are they suggesting that the RNA from a flu virus was able to last for that long? The RNA? That's impressive. 02:05:36.440 --> 02:05:39.440 I didn't think RNA could last that long. 02:05:39.440 --> 02:05:44.440 People had died and they were buried and had been frozen in the ground since 1918. 02:05:44.440 --> 02:05:47.440 And they opened up the graves. They did a biopsy of the lung. 02:05:47.440 --> 02:05:50.440 And they pulled out tissue. This is all done with approval, of course. 02:05:50.440 --> 02:05:53.440 They didn't do it surreptitiously at night. 02:05:53.440 --> 02:05:56.440 And then they got RNA out of these biopsies and sequenced it. 02:05:56.440 --> 02:06:01.440 And they completed the whole sequence. So then they put the sequences into each of the eight plasmids. 02:06:01.440 --> 02:06:06.440 They put the plasmids in cells. And now we have the 1918 influenza virus. 02:06:06.440 --> 02:06:11.440 This has to be worked at under BSL4 conditions because it's highly lethal. 02:06:11.440 --> 02:06:16.440 Every animal that you put this in, mice, ferrets, guinea pigs, they're wiped out. 02:06:16.440 --> 02:06:20.440 So we can understand what made this virus lethal. 02:06:20.440 --> 02:06:23.440 It wipes them all out. 02:06:23.440 --> 02:06:28.440 Somehow I didn't think influenza had such a universal, you know, you can put it in everything. 02:06:28.440 --> 02:06:33.440 Or do they make a shit ton of it using infectious clones and then you can put it in everything. 02:06:33.440 --> 02:06:36.440 Do you see the difference there? It's so funny. 02:06:36.440 --> 02:06:40.440 I mean, once you see it for what it is, it's just a patent set of lies. 02:06:40.440 --> 02:06:45.440 I mean, you can't bring it in this way. Many people think we should not have done this experiment 02:06:45.440 --> 02:06:50.440 because these sequences are published. So anyone could go into GenBank and get these sequences 02:06:50.440 --> 02:06:54.440 and make this virus if you wanted to do that and make a weapon, for example. 02:06:54.440 --> 02:06:59.440 Kim.com is terrified of that. The next virus is going to kill a billion people. 02:06:59.440 --> 02:07:03.440 It's much better than nuclear weapons because you can do it in your garage. 02:07:03.440 --> 02:07:09.440 Robert Malone was actually in front of the UK parliament, or at least in a room in the UK parliament, 02:07:09.440 --> 02:07:14.440 and told all the people in the room that it is possible for someone with a bachelor's degree in biology 02:07:14.440 --> 02:07:18.440 to go on eBay and get the equipment necessary to assemble, 02:07:18.440 --> 02:07:21.440 hey, gain a function coronavirus in their freaking garage. 02:07:21.440 --> 02:07:24.440 So lucky I decided to start streaming, right? 02:07:24.440 --> 02:07:27.440 And started to use my handwriting to teach biology. 02:07:27.440 --> 02:07:32.440 Otherwise, I could get up to a lot of nastier things in here. Holy cow. 02:07:32.440 --> 02:07:38.440 But I think that risk is pretty low. I think the benefits outweigh this, the kind of research that we can do. 02:07:38.440 --> 02:07:44.440 All right. The last thing I want to tell you about is good uses of viruses for curing human diseases. 02:07:44.440 --> 02:07:48.440 We have been able to make viral vectors and put foreign genes into them. 02:07:48.440 --> 02:07:55.440 And so these are used for gene therapy. There are lots of diseases where patients lack a specific gene. 02:07:55.440 --> 02:08:00.440 And so one of the most common approaches is to take cells from these patients. 02:08:00.440 --> 02:08:03.440 Now we're beginning to take bone marrow stem cells out. 02:08:03.440 --> 02:08:07.440 You infect them with a virus that will supply the gene that's missing, 02:08:07.440 --> 02:08:11.440 and then you infuse these cells back into the patient. 02:08:11.440 --> 02:08:17.440 And that doesn't work very well for very many things, including sickle cell anemia, 02:08:17.440 --> 02:08:20.440 which they are not, we're doing it, but people are not. 02:08:20.440 --> 02:08:25.440 It's not working out. Didn't work out for Jesse Gelsinger. 02:08:25.440 --> 02:08:29.440 And Robert Malone got three New York Times articles out of that, 02:08:29.440 --> 02:08:33.440 and then a breast cancer institute or something like that, 02:08:33.440 --> 02:08:35.440 even though he calls that burning his career. 02:08:35.440 --> 02:08:38.440 Of course, you need to use a virus that will not kill these cells, 02:08:38.440 --> 02:08:42.440 and there are plenty of non-lidic viruses that we can work with. 02:08:42.440 --> 02:08:47.440 Non-lidic, non-lidic viruses are viruses that don't explode the cell 02:08:47.440 --> 02:08:51.440 after they make so many copies of themselves. Just in case you missed that term, 02:08:51.440 --> 02:08:55.440 that's a term that comes back from David Baltimore's lecture a couple of days ago 02:08:55.440 --> 02:08:59.440 where he said that one of the ways that viruses can leave a cell 02:08:59.440 --> 02:09:03.440 is to bud off the outside, and in that case I guess all of the receptors 02:09:03.440 --> 02:09:08.440 that the virus has have to first be on the outside of the host cell, 02:09:08.440 --> 02:09:13.440 and then virus genomes have to go up to the cell surface 02:09:13.440 --> 02:09:17.440 and bud off and be covered with receptors and then packaged correctly. 02:09:17.440 --> 02:09:20.440 And then there are other models that are more complicated than that 02:09:20.440 --> 02:09:24.440 and that include just making so much viruses that the cell explodes. 02:09:24.440 --> 02:09:29.440 And those are lidic viruses, and so non-lidic viruses are viruses 02:09:29.440 --> 02:09:34.440 that are more subtle or have more class and don't ruin the host cell, 02:09:34.440 --> 02:09:37.440 but just bud off of them. 02:09:37.440 --> 02:09:41.440 But a lot of these have been developed and are being used in very small trials 02:09:41.440 --> 02:09:45.440 to treat a variety of diseases. We also use them in research as well. 02:09:45.440 --> 02:09:49.440 There are some genetic diseases that are amenable to gene therapy. 02:09:49.440 --> 02:09:55.440 For example, skids, severe combined immunodeficiency is a defect in a very specific gene. 02:09:55.440 --> 02:09:58.440 So when you have a one gene defect, you can think about repairing it. 02:09:58.440 --> 02:10:01.440 Factor eight, factor seven, and factor nine deficiency. 02:10:01.440 --> 02:10:05.440 When you have a one gene deficiency, yes, you can think about repairing it. 02:10:05.440 --> 02:10:08.440 You definitely can imagine lots of ways to think about it. 02:10:08.440 --> 02:10:12.440 LDL resetocystic fibrosis is a defect in a channel. 02:10:12.440 --> 02:10:14.440 Smokes matter. 02:10:14.440 --> 02:10:21.440 So a lot of these and other gene defects are being corrected or trying to correct with gene therapy. 02:10:21.440 --> 02:10:26.440 One of the most common vectors that's used is retroviral vectors. 02:10:26.440 --> 02:10:30.440 The other one are the single-stranded DNA viruses like parvoviruses. 02:10:30.440 --> 02:10:32.440 Those are being used as well. 02:10:32.440 --> 02:10:36.440 Now a lot of this won't make sense to you yet because we haven't covered retroviruses, 02:10:36.440 --> 02:10:41.440 but what you do if you want to make a retrovirus to do gene therapy 02:10:41.440 --> 02:10:44.440 is you put the genome into two plasmids. 02:10:44.440 --> 02:10:51.440 You have a plasmid that has the coding region to make the capsid proteins 02:10:51.440 --> 02:10:55.440 and you have another plasmid with what's called the envelope proteins. 02:10:55.440 --> 02:10:58.440 These are the glycoproteins that will be in the membrane of the virus. 02:10:58.440 --> 02:11:02.440 Now if you take just these two plasmids and you transfect them into cells, 02:11:02.440 --> 02:11:05.440 you get empty retrovirus particles. 02:11:05.440 --> 02:11:08.440 There's no genome in there because you haven't inserted one. 02:11:08.440 --> 02:11:10.440 You've just made a particle. 02:11:10.440 --> 02:11:12.440 Now let's say you want to insert a gene in here. 02:11:12.440 --> 02:11:16.440 You just take the same two plasmids and then you add a third plasmid 02:11:16.440 --> 02:11:18.440 containing your gene of interest. 02:11:18.440 --> 02:11:21.440 You want to correct the gene defect, you put the gene in here, 02:11:21.440 --> 02:11:25.440 and you put signals in it so it will be incorporated into the retrovirus. 02:11:25.440 --> 02:11:27.440 So three plasmids you transfect. 02:11:27.440 --> 02:11:28.440 And they know those signals. 02:11:28.440 --> 02:11:30.440 See, they know those signals. 02:11:30.440 --> 02:11:31.440 They figured out those signals. 02:11:31.440 --> 02:11:34.440 So they know that if they combine these signals, 02:11:34.440 --> 02:11:39.440 so they figured out how exosomes are made. 02:11:40.440 --> 02:11:44.440 You see, they figured this out and they call it pathology. 02:11:44.440 --> 02:11:49.440 They call it viruses so that it's exclusively their intellectual property, 02:11:49.440 --> 02:11:51.440 their intellectual space. 02:11:51.440 --> 02:11:56.440 And then this mythology will be used to enslave our children by telling them a story 02:11:56.440 --> 02:12:00.440 that's actually about their own sacred, irreducible complexity, 02:12:00.440 --> 02:12:06.440 the biology that defines them and defines all of us as what we are 02:12:06.440 --> 02:12:11.440 and calling it pathology and calling it obligate pathogens from alien places 02:12:11.440 --> 02:12:15.440 or a pre-primordial world. 02:12:15.440 --> 02:12:16.440 Inspect them in cells. 02:12:16.440 --> 02:12:19.440 You now have a retrovirus containing a foreign gene. 02:12:19.440 --> 02:12:23.440 And you can use that to try and treat genetic diseases. 02:12:23.440 --> 02:12:27.440 Now these vectors, of course, are gutted so they don't cause any disease. 02:12:27.440 --> 02:12:30.440 They do integrate into your DNA. 02:12:30.440 --> 02:12:34.440 And there have been some cases where individuals have had tumors arise 02:12:34.440 --> 02:12:38.440 because these vectors, they integrate rather randomly, 02:12:38.440 --> 02:12:41.440 they integrate next to an oncogene and activate it. 02:12:41.440 --> 02:12:42.440 And so tumors arise. 02:12:42.440 --> 02:12:43.440 So there's a lot of work around. 02:12:43.440 --> 02:12:48.440 I mean, there's even oncogene is already probably a biological term 02:12:48.440 --> 02:12:50.440 that's going to go to the wayside at some point. 02:12:50.440 --> 02:12:54.440 Although I haven't bothered to play with that one. 02:12:54.440 --> 02:12:58.440 That we need to do still to make these work better. 02:12:58.440 --> 02:13:02.440 But retroviruses, parval viruses, and a couple of other viruses 02:13:02.440 --> 02:13:06.440 being increasingly used and maybe in 10 to 15 years, 02:13:06.440 --> 02:13:07.440 this will be commonplace. 02:13:07.440 --> 02:13:08.440 Identiviruses. 02:13:08.440 --> 02:13:11.440 Maybe, maybe, you know, like Robert Malone said, 02:13:11.440 --> 02:13:15.440 when he was in grad school and doing his stuff with Marie Gardner 02:13:15.440 --> 02:13:19.440 and with ender verma, he was pretty convinced that within a decade 02:13:19.440 --> 02:13:23.440 there would be a geneticist at every hospital carrying childhood diseases 02:13:23.440 --> 02:13:24.440 with retroviruses. 02:13:24.440 --> 02:13:27.440 Unfortunately, he was wrong about that. 02:13:27.440 --> 02:13:31.440 Unfortunately, that seems to be an intricate part of this mythology. 02:13:31.440 --> 02:13:35.440 A promise that can never be reached, but seems so right there. 02:13:35.440 --> 02:13:38.440 Just over the horizon, just in 10 years, we're going to get there. 02:13:38.440 --> 02:13:41.440 And people like Kurt Zweiler think that if he can just leave, 02:13:41.440 --> 02:13:45.440 make it until 2040, he can have his consciousness uploaded 02:13:45.440 --> 02:13:49.440 or replicated or cloned or whatever, and he's going to live forever. 02:13:53.440 --> 02:13:54.440 Here's an example. 02:13:54.440 --> 02:13:57.440 Exlinked adrenal leukodystrophy. 02:13:57.440 --> 02:14:01.440 So this is a CNS disease, typically fatal. 02:14:01.440 --> 02:14:03.440 It's a defect in a transporter called ABCD1. 02:14:03.440 --> 02:14:06.440 And in this trial, a couple of two patients, two children with this disease. 02:14:06.440 --> 02:14:07.440 Their bone marrow is taken out. 02:14:07.440 --> 02:14:09.440 It was infected in culture with a antiviral or retroviral vector 02:14:09.440 --> 02:14:12.440 with a normal gene, and then they infused these cells back into the patients, 02:14:12.440 --> 02:14:13.440 and their state is stabilized. 02:14:13.440 --> 02:14:15.440 They stopped degenerating, and one of them, I think, improved. 02:14:15.440 --> 02:14:17.440 So a small clinical trial, but just an example of what you can do with the virus. 02:14:17.440 --> 02:14:19.440 I bet they're dead now. 02:14:21.440 --> 02:14:23.440 Hey, nice, nice way to end it. 02:14:23.440 --> 02:14:25.440 I guess they're dead now. 02:14:26.440 --> 02:14:30.440 Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, this has been giga-owned biological, 02:14:30.440 --> 02:14:34.440 a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist. 02:14:36.440 --> 02:14:41.440 We were doing Vincent Rancin yellow and virology 103, 02:14:41.440 --> 02:14:45.440 and this is probably the last day that I'm going to do a study hall like this on virology. 02:14:45.440 --> 02:14:49.440 I think now it's time for us to make a little bit of a summary of this stuff 02:14:49.440 --> 02:14:52.440 and make a little bit of a summary on prions and that kind of thing. 02:14:52.440 --> 02:14:56.440 I might come back later today and cover one of these prion videos 02:14:56.440 --> 02:15:00.440 from either Stephanie Sineff or Kevin McCarron, 02:15:00.440 --> 02:15:06.440 only just to see what we can add to our understanding of their implication 02:15:06.440 --> 02:15:07.440 of what's going on here. 02:15:07.440 --> 02:15:11.440 I suspect that it's really a spike protein-centered mythology, 02:15:11.440 --> 02:15:14.440 and it's not really a genuine presentation, 02:15:14.440 --> 02:15:17.440 but I'm willing to listen, and I'm willing to see what they're talking about now, 02:15:17.440 --> 02:15:21.440 because I haven't been paying attention to them for a very long time, 02:15:21.440 --> 02:15:27.440 and I did notice that Stephanie Sineff a couple days ago was actually on Kevin McCarron's broadcast, 02:15:27.440 --> 02:15:33.440 which I think is an extraordinary milestone for us to reach in this narrative. 02:15:33.440 --> 02:15:38.440 Ladies and gentlemen, I think that this hypothesis is still extraordinarily valid. 02:15:38.440 --> 02:15:42.440 I think that they told us that there was a dangerous novel virus, but there wasn't. 02:15:42.440 --> 02:15:43.440 It may have been a background. 02:15:43.440 --> 02:15:46.440 It may have been a combination of a background and bad testing. 02:15:46.440 --> 02:15:48.440 It is not about profit, though. 02:15:48.440 --> 02:15:52.440 It is about control, and specifically, it is about controlling our grandchildren 02:15:52.440 --> 02:15:58.440 with a mythology about public health, a mythology about obligate pathogens in the wild 02:15:58.440 --> 02:16:02.440 that have nothing to do with our own irreducible complexity 02:16:02.440 --> 02:16:06.440 that includes exosomal signaling in health and disease. 02:16:06.440 --> 02:16:11.440 Financial incentives and other perks were put in place 02:16:11.440 --> 02:16:14.440 so that people would be coerced into accepting this, 02:16:14.440 --> 02:16:19.440 and very specifically, a national security event occurred. 02:16:19.440 --> 02:16:23.440 And in the context of that national security event, people were co-opted. 02:16:23.440 --> 02:16:25.440 People were told they had to participate. 02:16:25.440 --> 02:16:28.440 People were told that certain parts of the narrative could not be touched, 02:16:28.440 --> 02:16:33.440 because the security of the world, the economic system was in danger 02:16:33.440 --> 02:16:36.440 and that we needed maximum compliance. 02:16:36.440 --> 02:16:41.440 And in participating in this narrative, they helped coerce hundreds of millions of people 02:16:41.440 --> 02:16:45.440 around the world into accepting multiple transfection events 02:16:45.440 --> 02:16:47.440 that probably have permanently damaged their bodies. 02:16:47.440 --> 02:16:54.440 And now, they would like to tell you a story about a virology, a viral protein, 02:16:54.440 --> 02:17:01.440 a mythology that will essentially absolve this plan and its executors 02:17:01.440 --> 02:17:05.440 from the guilty verdict that should befall them, 02:17:05.440 --> 02:17:10.440 that they were guilty of spreading a mythology that they knew was going to kill people, 02:17:10.440 --> 02:17:17.440 that they covered up this in order to execute this national security exercise, 02:17:17.440 --> 02:17:24.440 where maximum compliance meant that the maximum number of people accepted a novel virus 02:17:24.440 --> 02:17:28.440 that killed millions of people that transfection was necessary for 02:17:28.440 --> 02:17:32.440 and quite effective in treating if it wasn't for rushing it 02:17:32.440 --> 02:17:36.440 and that because it was gained a function, it could come again. 02:17:36.440 --> 02:17:39.440 Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Gigome Biological, a high-resistance, 02:17:39.440 --> 02:17:42.440 low-noise information brief brought to you by biologists. 02:17:42.440 --> 02:17:46.440 If you like what you hear, you can become a subscriber at GigomeBiological.com 02:17:46.440 --> 02:17:53.440 for as little as $10 a month, or you can set up a recurring payment on PayPal for $1 a month. 02:17:53.440 --> 02:17:59.440 We're going to be here every day, and my family's going to find a way, one way or another, 02:17:59.440 --> 02:18:05.440 and that's what we do here, so I'll see you again tomorrow at 10.10. 02:18:05.440 --> 02:18:11.440 And if you want to, you can try to find Fearla on YouTube today at 1 o'clock 02:18:11.440 --> 02:18:15.440 because she will be doing a live yoga class, but I'm not going to promote that here. 02:18:15.440 --> 02:18:20.440 That's something completely separate, but if you're interested in that, it's not too hard to find. 02:18:20.440 --> 02:18:26.440 Thank you very much for joining me, and I'll see you again tomorrow at 10.10. Try to be on time. I will be too. 02:18:31.440 --> 02:18:33.440 I did that wrong. Darn it. 02:18:35.440 --> 02:18:37.440 I did that wrong. 02:19:05.440 --> 02:19:07.440 I did that wrong. 02:19:35.440 --> 02:19:37.440 You